Seven new trial boards added—/fa/, /fit/, /hc/, /n/, /sp/, /toy/, & /trv/! EDIT: Two final boards added—/jp/ & /r9k/.
Don't care for them? Then don't use them. Trolling/shitposting will result in a ban. Fuck off and let others enjoy the new additions. Again, these are only trial boards at this stage.
Global filesize limit increase to 3MB. Bump and image reply limits also raised.'s pruning method has been changed from time based to popularity based (like /b/).
We are still testing these changes—expect more info in a coming news post.
02/23/08 - Apparently there was an interstitial displayed earlier on the worksafe boards that contained sound and popups. This is utterly unacceptable, and we've removed the ad(s). Apologies for the inconvenience.