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03/02/08(Sun)01:53 No.1261932 File :1204440802.jpg-(276 KB, 1082x758, Cirno Laser Fixed.jpg)
Good lord, I second this idea. Hell, he might have even been the one who wrote HYBRID!
http://philippe.tromeur.free.fr/hybrid.htm >Rule # 545: L is difficulty level on a 1d6 scale, which can be derived by changing C# @ C2 in the length equation in ft. for animals to C# @ C3 to compute college credit load @ some difficulty level @ a particular % grade: both being @ [{(C#)^2}/10]: result can be either {L^L} or/& a 2 dimensional array representing credits & X, latter X used to compute % or/and grade, by %, grade, = {100*(1 – 1/X)} @ Y credits, which this Y variable is NOT the same Y variable in next equation; but, credit 1 represents 1 course, which represents 1d6 courses, depending on how lucky or/& unlucky you are, may represent any # of your (other) attributes. Next, the L on top of the ratio, in algorithm below, is you, while L on the bottom of the ratio is your competition: this is similar to but isn’t a dy/dx, but is similar to it, where think of dx as a woman for the X chromosome, independent variable, and dy as a man, the dependent variable, as an analogy. So, then, when I say the following, I’m jumping a bit ahead of myself: X = {(# of credits)*(gpa)} = C3, which has accurate range of {(L/L)*X}, which is worst case scenario to {X^(L/L)}, which is best case scenario: this can also be viewed or/and restated (IN TERMS OF @ C2, in terms of # of credits, without taking gpa into account, per unit of time, which is usually per semester or/and per year) as X = 10^[{(Nd6)/(1d6)} – Y], where Y = 1d6 = level of interest in the subject matter, where higher the # for Y, the less interest in the subject matter, NOT referring to the female X chromosome, but getting back to what I was saying... |