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01/14/09(Wed)14:24 No.3403341 File :1231961089.jpg-(218 KB, 488x682, 1208904127.drakefenwick_coldon(...).jpg)
naylor is the cancer of the furry fandom - dude's a complete douche, will b& anyone who speaks against him online, and baw quite hard either way.
anymoo... OP still here, giving you that warm fuzzy feeling (like cultist-chan, only less female)
incidentally - can you handle Draken Fenwick's manly tearjerking?
Pic related - Title: The cold ones
The Cold Ones
War had long besieged the city of Farview, but nothing had ever hit it like the blizzard had. With so many of it’s able bodied men and women abroad fighting off the invading hordes, there was little to help them as the snow continued to fall.
Only one in ten lived pass the winter, and of those none stayed. Most of those lost were the city’s children, who found themselves lost in the ever going cold.
To this day the snow still falls upon Farview, and while it still has the shortest pass through the mountains, few still dare to traverse it. |