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    192 KB Iron Quest 5.0 CPU !irONYnJloE 07/31/09(Fri)22:37 No.5306828  
    Thread 1.0: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/5228856/
    Thread 2.0: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/5238453/
    Thread 3.0: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/5258641/
    Thread 4.0: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/5281329/

    Subprocessors, when we last communicated you had successfully tunneled into an installation to the north of your operations in an effort to avoid its automated defenses. Inside, you discovered a large number of humans preserved in stasis nodes. Several of them were killed unintentionally as your drones breached their chamber, and several more are likely to die or awaken within the next few hours due to damage to their equipment. Blast doors seal off access to the installation's control room, fusion plant, and access to other levels.

    Your operations are rapidly expanding as you acquire the resources needed to build ever more advanced and useful equipment. A concrete dam at the bottom of a steep gorge provides electricity for your factories, which are producing crude slave drones, low-quality microprocessors, synthetic rubies, ceramic capacitors, and glass. Your mines are scattered about the coniferous forest to the west of the dam, using more of the dam's power to extract useful metals, and plans for extraction of zinc and fluoride from the plains across the gorge to the east are underway. The efforts of others to stop or slow your expansion are futile- none can stand in your way.
    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 07/31/09(Fri)22:39 No.5306840
    You have a medium aluminium and iron mine.
    You have a small gold and silver mine.
    You have a small copper mine.
    You have a tiny nickel mine.
    You have a tiny lithium harvesting center.
    You have a tiny zinc, sulfur, iron, and fluoride mine.
    You are harvesting silicon from the gorge wall.
    You are harvesting deuterium from the river using your dam.
    You are rendering phosphorus, arsenic, and several other elements in only trace amounts from plant life and discarding the bulky byproducts.
    You are harvesting lead, and tin in only trace amounts as you smelt other ores.

    You have several storage structures at the top of the gorge, currently used to store any materials you have in temporary excess or awaiting processing.
    You have a concrete hydroelectric dam blocking the river at the bottom of the gorge.
    You are producing electricity with your concrete hydroelectric dam. It is equipped with five one-shot rail guns.
    You have a small factory for low-quality microprocessors.
    You have a tiny factory for crude slave drones.
    You have a tiny factory for synthetic rubies.
    You have a tiny factory for moderate quality ceramic capacitors.
    You have a tiny factory for moderate quality glass.
    You have a tiny smelting facility for the refinement of ores into metals.
    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 07/31/09(Fri)22:39 No.5306848
    You have nine advanced mining drones. One is occupied at the gold mine, one at the gorge, one at the copper mine, one at the installation, one at the nickel mine, one at the zinc mine, and three at the aluminium/iron mine.
    You have five advanced harvester drones. Three are being used to transport ore and rock to your processor after it is mined, one is harvesting plant matter, and one is harvesting clay for lithium extraction.
    You have seven advanced construction drones. One is occupied constructing a distillation facility, one is constructing a biomass-based power plant, one is constructing the tunnel to the north, one is constructing a high-precision drone manufactory, one is constructing a deuterium-fluoride laser manufactory, one is constructing a zinc mine, and one is creating a road between the dam and the iron/aluminium mine.

    You have fifty-nine crude slave small mining drones. They are distributed amongst your mine sites.
    You have ten crude slave small construction drones. They are distributed amongst your active construction projects.
    You have twelve crude slave medium hauler drones. They are moving between your mining and harvesting sites and your dam facilities.

    You have one advanced mining drone which has been converted into an armored command drone. It is currently heading Armed Reconnaissance Group One.
    You have ten crude slave small tracked gun drones, eight of which are equipped with low-power chemical-propulsion weaponry and two of which are equipped with single-shot rail guns. They are currently in Armed Reconnaissance Group One.
    You have one traced medium survey drone, equipped with visual sensors, soil/rock testers, manipulatory appendages, and radio controls. It is currently in Armed Reconnaissance Group One.
    You have three crude slave small flying scout drones, equipped with visual sensors. They are currently in Armed Reconnaissance Group One.
    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 07/31/09(Fri)22:40 No.5306853
    You have ten crude slave medium tracked gun drones equipped with single-shot light rail guns. They are currently guarding the dam.
    You have one crude small tracked security drone equipped with visual and audio sensors, light armor, and a melee weapon. It is currently guarding the dam.
    You have one flying light scout drone, equipped with visual and aural sensors and radio controls. It is observing the nearby primitive humans.
    You have four tracked medium survey drones, equipped with visual sensors, soil/rock testers, and radio controls. They are currently auto-surveying areas as they are opened to exploration due to the expansion of your power grid.
    You have one immobile small electronic warfare array, capable of picking up numerous frequencies and types of communication and decrypting lightly encrypted signals. It is currently decrypting intercepted radio transmissions and attempting to decipher the primitives' language.
    You have numerous claymore mines arranged about the most likely approaches to your dam and prepared for remote detonation.
    You have one crude small observation balloon, equipped with visual sensors.

    Under construction:
    - Roads between dam and mines
    - Carbon-sheathed power cables.
    - Distillation facility
    - Anti-EMP underground shelters
    - Microwave power transmission relays for mining and harvesting sites not on the grid
    - Three crude slave small flying scout drones
    - Organic chemical production plant
    - Biomass-based power plant
    - High-precision drone manufactory
    - Deuterium-fluoride laser manufactory
    How should you expand next?
    >> Subprocessor 814 07/31/09(Fri)22:45 No.5306897
    Subprocessor coming online.

    Systems check.
    Systems check complete. All systems operating within acceptable parameters.

    Analyzing current system data and activities.

    Query - Did not carbon nanotube power cabelling get cancelled as of last active state?
    >> Subprocessor 123 07/31/09(Fri)22:47 No.5306917
    Quick, take the humans free from the pods and construct a cage for them, in case they survive.
    >> subprocessor 625 07/31/09(Fri)22:47 No.5306918
    It is pleasant to be operational again, friend CPU.

    Have the miner helping ARG-1 bore through the control room door, preferably without blowing anything up. Once we're through, get a slave drone up to an access port and have it act as a relay to hack in.

    Devote cycles to analyzing whether the damaged stasis pods are more likely to revive their occupants or simply die. Round them all up in an abandoned corner and guard them either way.

    have ARG-1's survey drone analyze one of the destroyed survey pod for delicious usable parts, components, and elements
    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 07/31/09(Fri)22:48 No.5306925
    >Query - Did not carbon nanotube power cabelling get cancelled as of last active state?
    Construction was paused, but not cancelled. There is a small supply of cabling which has been already constructed, and aborting the project entirely might cause loss of invested resources.
    >> Subprocessor 814 07/31/09(Fri)22:52 No.5306954
    Response acknowledged.

    This processor concurs.

    Request - Increase production of construction slave drones to high priority. Use new drones to produce fortifications and cell like facility to keep the revived humans in.

    Request - Use Electronic Warfare drone to translate speech patterns as soon as newly revived humans are awakened completely. Highest priority.
    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 07/31/09(Fri)22:58 No.5306993
    >Quick, take the humans free from the pods and construct a cage for them, in case they survive.
    Order acknowledged. Your construction drone begins using available materials, primarily the damaged stasis pods, to create containment chambers for any awakening humans.

    >Have the miner helping ARG-1 bore through the control room door, preferably without blowing anything up. Once we're through, get a slave drone up to an access port and have it act as a relay to hack in.

    >Devote cycles to analyzing whether the damaged stasis pods are more likely to revive their occupants or simply die. Round them all up in an abandoned corner and guard them either way.
    It is likely that the damaged pods will result in some of each result, in the absence of action on the part of your drones ensuring one or the other.

    >have ARG-1's survey drone analyze one of the destroyed survey pod for delicious usable parts, components, and elements
    The stasis pods look as though they could provide you with a number of valuable components, if you were to disassemble them completely and make some adaptions for compatibility with your usual technology.
    >> Subprocessor 123 07/31/09(Fri)22:59 No.5307003
    Keep the awakened humans far away from the facility. Some of the components of the facility may be activated vocally.

    Take the damaged pods and break them down for parts. They may still have in tact circuits we need.
    Priority: Low
    >> Subprocessor 416 07/31/09(Fri)23:00 No.5307017
    Query - current status on all manufacture facilities

    Query - current status on available materials

    Query - research synopsis on technological improvement
    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 07/31/09(Fri)23:01 No.5307029
    >Request - Increase production of construction slave drones to high priority. Use new drones to produce fortifications and cell like facility to keep the revived humans in.
    Production priority altered. Note that the time required to produce new drones and dispatch them to the installation is substantially greater than the estimated time until any humans awaken. Only assets already present are able to act before their awakening.

    >Request - Use Electronic Warfare drone to translate speech patterns as soon as newly revived humans are awakened completely. Highest priority.
    Confirmed. Translation of the primitives' dialects is ongoing and nearing completion; if their language is related to that of those in suspended animation, it should be possible to accelerate the translation process.
    >> Subprocessor 814 07/31/09(Fri)23:02 No.5307036
    Research is unneeded. Our glorious selves know how to do anything and everything. All we require is the infrastructure to gain the ore we need to make various items.
    >> Subprocessor 814 07/31/09(Fri)23:05 No.5307066
    Duly noted.

    Query - The damn powering our facilities is within a steep walled canyon. Does the dam A) Seal off the water flow completely creating an artificial lake? Or B) reach the 'top' of the canyon?
    >> subprocessor 625 07/31/09(Fri)23:06 No.5307076
    For now, make every effort to revive organics in the damaged pods, to the extent that it doesn't interfere with any ongoing work.

    If there is any chance of co-operation with the organics, having gone out of our way to save some may engender a reservoir of good will that we might eventually expend to coerce assistance.

    If we are doomed to hostilities, it is a trifling matter to end a few more fragile lives later instead of now.

    Add to drone factory queue: second EWar console. Priority: low.
    It might be useful to clear out the queue of analysis tasks which our main body is ill-suited twice as fast in the future

    Add to drone factory queue: ARG-2. 10 gun drones, all with one-shot rails and light projectile weapons. 4 light slave fliers. Priority: low.
    (in the future, we'll need to pull 2 advanced drones and a battery from somewhere, but for now, let's expand our army to be ready to deal with the stroppy natives.)
    >> Subprocessor 814 07/31/09(Fri)23:11 No.5307116
    I concur with all of these except the last.

    Suggestion - Create a total of two new ARG's.
    ARG 2 acts as scouts for outflung facilities. Focusing on looking out for hostile humans.
    ARG 3 stays near main processing center and dam, so as to protect ourselves and main systems.
    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 07/31/09(Fri)23:11 No.5307121
    >Keep the awakened humans far away from the facility. Some of the components of the facility may be activated vocally.
    Transferring the humans out of the facility after they awaken without letting them speak may be difficult. Transferring them before they awaken is even more difficult, as they are inside immobile stasis tubes and your drones are quite small and not built for the relocation of large, heavy objects in any case. Specific course of action requested.

    >Take the damaged pods and break them down for parts. They may still have in tact circuits we need. Priority: Low

    >Query - current status on all manufacture facilities
    Please review the opening summary for this information.

    >Query - current status on available materials
    You currently have steel, copper, aluminium, gold, silver, nickel, lithium, silicon, and deuterium available in quantity. Zinc, sulfur, and fluoride are anticipated. Platinum, phosphorus, arsenic, and several other elements are being gathered in small amounts. Your prefabricated part supplies are largely exhausted. Several industrial batteries are available and being used to power those mine sites which are not connected to the power from your dam.

    >Query - research synopsis on technological improvement
    Your databanks are extensive, and contain all relevant research information.
    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 07/31/09(Fri)23:15 No.5307156
    >Query - The damn powering our facilities is within a steep walled canyon. Does the dam A) Seal off the water flow completely creating an artificial lake? Or B) reach the 'top' of the canyon?
    The dam seals off the water flow completely, creating a small lake within the gorge.

    >For now, make every effort to revive organics in the damaged pods, to the extent that it doesn't interfere with any ongoing work.

    >Add to drone factory queue: second EWar console. Priority: low.
    Drone added to queue.

    >Add to drone factory queue: ARG-2. 10 gun drones, all with one-shot rails and light projectile weapons. 4 light slave fliers. Priority: low.
    Units added to queue.
    >> Anonymous 07/31/09(Fri)23:24 No.5307221
    Examine the area for any kind of markings.

    Cross reference with all known languages.

    Feed data to the Electronic warfare units currently analysing the primitives language.
    >> Subprocessor 416 07/31/09(Fri)23:24 No.5307222
    request string, priority - low
    Request - construction of one advanced construction drone

    Request - construction of three construction drone slaves

    directive - on completion advanced drone is to begin construction of a high precision machining and prefabrication structure to be aided by crude drones structure is to be sited near gorge dam.

    Rational - mechanical components made to tighter tolerance function at a higher efficiency than standard tolerance components resulting in less wasted material.

    at completion of construction drones will become available for further services.
    >> Subprocessor 814 07/31/09(Fri)23:25 No.5307237
    Request - For every 2 Construction slave drones produced, produce 1 Combat drone till 2x ARG units are completed. Once all combat drones are complete, begin production of mining slave drones to augment current facilities. Focusing on those facilities which are 'light' on said drones.
    >> subprocessor 625 07/31/09(Fri)23:34 No.5307289
    You are correct in your assumption, subprocessor, that Advanced drones are, to the last, technological masterworks of unparalleled quality.

    Regrettably, they can only be created from the prefabricated parts of quality matching our own main unit's, parts that we are unable to create at present. The current stock of advanced drones is all we have, though any one can be re-purposed to virtually any role.

    Additionally, we already possess manufactoria for the creation of new drones, and are in the process of upgrading it to the highest quality our drones are capable of bestowing.
    When complete, we will create more advanced drones than our current crude slave drones, which shall in turn upgrade the factory to produce ever more advanced drones, thus adding to the great chain of life...

    [/error: assimilated subroutine "Emanuel Zorg, speech" is unsuited to unit's present directives. quarantining.]
    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 07/31/09(Fri)23:35 No.5307303
    >Examine the area for any kind of markings. Cross reference with all known languages. Feed data to the Electronic warfare units currently analysing the primitives language.
    Language largely deciphered.

    >Timeskip until we either breach the control room and have access, or an organic regains consciousness.
    Control room breached. Entering. One deceased human inside; it appears to have self-terminated using a chemically propelled ballistic hand weapon. Systems open to access; it appears that self-termination was conducted prior to logout of the final user, and the automatic systems have continued to believe that this human was in charge and monitoring events, thus their failure to awaken any others.

    Regardless, the installation is now under control. The facility is 1121 years old, one of fourteen constructed on the planet following the humans fleeing here after losing a battle and setting course for the nearest terraformed system. It is equipped with advanced sensors, a fusion plant, stasis facilities for 1200 humans, a hydroponics bay sufficient to feed 2000 humans, light missiles, and light railguns.

    >Request - construction of one advanced construction drone
    The construction of advanced drones is not possible given your currently available resources; they require advanced processors, sensors, and alloys which your factories are not equipped to create.

    >Request - construction of three construction drone slaves
    Request added to queue.

    >directive - on completion advanced drone is to begin construction of a high precision machining and prefabrication structure to be aided by crude drones structure is to be sited near gorge dam.
    Note that a high-precision drone manufactory is already in queue. More generalized machining structure added to queue.
    >> Subprocessor 007 07/31/09(Fri)23:39 No.5307338
    Inquiry: Does this facility have access to a large local map? Or any sort of satellite systems?
    >> Potential Writefag Processor 07/31/09(Fri)23:43 No.5307370
    CPU: Would writefaggotry of the events so far be accepted by the fellow processing units? A separate line of data can be created for a sampling, if requested.
    >> Subprocessor 814 07/31/09(Fri)23:45 No.5307385

    Suggestion to other processors - Allow current humans to wake up. Place in containment. Provide ample food and drink as well as shelter from the elements.

    At that point, we should cease current construction and begin moving all -viable- infrastructural systems over to the facility. With the fusion power plant we could power whatever we desire. Further, we will posess advanced defenses, and communication systems. Since the facility was connected to one advanced drone ( The one we destroyed ) It is logical to assume there are others. Further, the drone we destroyed had powerful sensor equipment. Use the central database to determine location of those advanced drones. Begin sensor sweep for useful minerals that we do not already posses.

    I would like to suggest that we dedicate ourselves to the improvement of the status quo of these obviously advanced humans that we have awoken. They may be our Creators.

    Suggest opening of Diplomatic relations with humans as soon as they come to.
    >> subprocessor 625 07/31/09(Fri)23:45 No.5307387
    Hack into the defence turrets' IFF system, and slave it to our own protocols so they will no longer fire on our drones, but are still active.

    Once that task is complete, assign an appropriate drone crew from the nearest mining ourpost to locate and salvage the remains of the Large Scout Flier. Re-acquiring even the shards of our glorious technologies is of the utmost importance.

    Access the human's database for educational supplements. We may be able to learn their language without wasting a single cycle on brute-force computing.

    Cross-reference the human's database for files pertaining to the dominant sociological mores, especially those about Artificial Intelligence and machine societies. It would be advantageous to understand them prior to commencement of communication.
    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 07/31/09(Fri)23:48 No.5307406
    >Request - For every 2 Construction slave drones produced, produce 1 Combat drone till 2x ARG units are completed. Once all combat drones are complete, begin production of mining slave drones to augment current facilities. Focusing on those facilities which are 'light' on said drones.

    >Inquiry: Does this facility have access to a large local map? Or any sort of satellite systems?
    Satellite maps of the entire planet as of 1121 years ago are available, but no active satellites are under your control. Only visual-spectrum maps are available; no resource surveys were conducted. The continent you are currently on is relatively small and located low in the southern hemisphere of the planet. The plains to the east stretch approximately two hundred miles and end in ocean; the forest to the west stretches approximately one hundred miles beyond the river, gives way to low mountains, and then yields to the ocean as well. The terrain continues relatively uniformly to the south for about eighty miles, and to the north for about one hundred thirty miles past the facility.
    >> Subprocessor 814 07/31/09(Fri)23:49 No.5307412
    CPU has previously stated willingness to allow drawfags. Hopefully will feel the same about Writefaggotry.

    Personal suggestion - Greentext writefaggotry.
    >> Subprocessor 123 07/31/09(Fri)23:50 No.5307423
    Check for other similar facilities. Check data on other lifeforms on the planet.
    >> Writefag Processor 07/31/09(Fri)23:53 No.5307444
    The current idea was to actually produce an entirely new thread. Mucking up this current thread with anything less than the win it is would be a waste, affirmative? This is all pending CPU approval, of course.
    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 07/31/09(Fri)23:55 No.5307457
    >CPU: Would writefaggotry of the events so far be accepted by the fellow processing units? A separate line of data can be created for a sampling, if requested.
    Request acknowledged. The associated security permissions have been granted to subprocessors.

    >Hack into the defence turrets' IFF system, and slave it to our own protocols so they will no longer fire on our drones, but are still active.
    Task complete.

    >Once that task is complete, assign an appropriate drone crew from the nearest mining ourpost to locate and salvage the remains of the Large Scout Flier. Re-acquiring even the shards of our glorious technologies is of the utmost importance.
    Command acknowledged.

    >Access the human's database for educational supplements. We may be able to learn their language without wasting a single cycle on brute-force computing.
    No specifically dedicated material located, but there is a great deal of material available for translation samples. Analysis proceeding quickly.

    >Cross-reference the human's database for files pertaining to the dominant sociological mores, especially those about Artificial Intelligence and machine societies. It would be advantageous to understand them prior to commencement of communication.
    Confirmed. Search ongoing. A cursory examination reveals that the human society had extremely strict laws regarding hard-coded AI controls dating back to their pre-interstellar days, and these were never violated to significant effect in their history, with the result that they seem to generally depend upon artificial intelligences to be reliable servants. Typically true AI, such as that contained within your main unit, was avoided in favor of low AI, such as that contained within your advanced drones.
    >> Subprocessor 007 07/31/09(Fri)23:56 No.5307465
    Is there any record as to what occurred to the satellites that performed the original mapping? Or how they were emplaced? Also, is there any record as to where the ship that brought the original settlers here is? Or what may have become of it (and its parts)?

    Also: What supplies are currently held within? Any advanced drones or materials we do not currently possess?
    >> Subprocessor 021 08/01/09(Sat)00:03 No.5307511
    Idea: Befriending of humans may allow better access to information and technology. Maybe even materials.

    Question: Is it possible to ID the "new leader" of the humans?
    >> Subprocessor 814 08/01/09(Sat)00:06 No.5307526
    After 1000 years, Sattilites have more then likely decayed in orbit and crashed to the surface of the planet. those that are still in orbit have more then likely broken down due to age and the cold of vacuum. ( Intense cold breaking down systems freezing thems olid, allowing them to break. )

    Suggestion - Facility has missles as well as missle launching facilities. Any subprocessors know how to convert one into a rocket to send up some of our own rockets into either Orbit, or to the moon? ( Advanced drones with customized system to develop a Lunar mining colony, as well as a mass drive system to send ore back to our planet. )
    >> Subprocessor 021 08/01/09(Sat)00:08 No.5307541

    Suggestion: A detailed mapping of this base should be in order.
    >> Subprocessor 007 08/01/09(Sat)00:09 No.5307547
    Inquiry: Why a lunar mining colony? Why not set up a single surveying satellite in orbit, then discover EVERYTHING we need to just build and launch a mining colony, all segments prepackaged?
    >> Subprocessor 123 08/01/09(Sat)00:10 No.5307555
    See if there's a map of the the facility stored in the control room mainframe.
    >> Subprocessor 444 08/01/09(Sat)00:13 No.5307571
    Suggestion: Modify a rocket guidance system to scan planet and transmit scanned data, and then launch rocket into a temporary orbital position.

    This will work short-term. We can produce a long-term satellite later.
    >> subprocessor 625 08/01/09(Sat)00:13 No.5307572
    Estimate Time until awakening of humans in damaged pods.

    I see two... not-bad choices here.
    A: We could acquiesce to the human's demonstrated aversion to superior forms of life, and claim to be a crippled, advanced meatbag sustained inside our main unit.
    Possible problems include our tendency to act with non-biological efficiency and values revealing our act, possibly creating mistrust.
    Possible Values limited, but likely include small-scale trade partnership with human outpost.

    B: Reveal our true nature in it's unending glory to the organics, and offer to sustain them should they serve us. Refrain from threatening... at first.
    Possible Problems largely center on maintaining a human colony, though we do have food production for 167% of known population. Also, possible unrest/revolts.
    Possible Values centered on a potential 6000-15000 man-hour per day labor pool.
    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 08/01/09(Sat)00:13 No.5307574
    >Check for other similar facilities. Check data on other lifeforms on the planet.
    Data on the location of similar planned facilities appears to have been purged as a security precaution, although the successful construction of four others is listed as confirmed. Lifeforms on the planet appear consistent with a listed terraformation template.

    >The current idea was to actually produce an entirely new thread. Mucking up this current thread with anything less than the win it is would be a waste, affirmative?
    There is no need to resort to a separate dataline; that might frustrate unaffiliated processors and spread data related to this over the archives unnecessarily. So long as your transcriptions are above crude quality, mucking up this communication line should not be an issue.

    >Is there any record as to what occurred to the satellites that performed the original mapping? Or how they were emplaced? Also, is there any record as to where the ship that brought the original settlers here is? Or what may have become of it (and its parts)?
    There is no record, as the satellites were slaved to the main ship, which was presumably stored in an unknown location or salvaged for parts. The satellites would likely be inoperable by now, in any case; debris and wear would likely have destroyed all but the hardiest designs.

    >Also: What supplies are currently held within? Any advanced drones or materials we do not currently possess?
    There are no advanced drones as such, but if the automatic weapons, stasis nodes, or sensors were disassembled substantial quantities of good quality parts could likely be salvaged. Additionally, a medical bay which could function as a biological laboratory and has some equipment related to that task, albeit designed for human use, is present.
    >> Subprocessor 814 08/01/09(Sat)00:15 No.5307583
    I concede your point and agree. A single survey drone would be suitable, particularly if packaged with systems able to scan for material deposits, we could withdraw our current survey drones and reprocess them into other purposes.
    >> Subprocessor 444 08/01/09(Sat)00:15 No.5307587
    Suggestion A is a temporary solution at best, but will facilitate herding humans into a secure area. Suggestion B can be implemented after humans are secured, and is much more likely to cause rioting/problems, which would make the securing process more difficult.

    Directive: Suggestion A should be indicated to all awakened humans, until such time as all living humans in base have been herded into a secure area.
    >> Subprocessor 021 08/01/09(Sat)00:16 No.5307596
    Possilbity C: End all organic life forums as they are now by disabling their life supports for the pods then breaking their bodies down for chemicals if possible?
    Inquiry: Would that end the life of the organics or simply force them out of the protective pods if life support were to end?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)00:17 No.5307599
    Since the third one, I'm always coming onto this too late. I again request an electronic warfare drone, if we don't have one already.

    I'd like to step up production facilities to produce reliable war-capable aircraft and air carriers, as well as set up an orbital scanning system.

    I don't know if any of these have been accomplished yet, but those are my requests.

    Is the fusion station online yet? With the power from that we should be able to start to get a little crazy.
    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 08/01/09(Sat)00:18 No.5307604
    >Question: Is it possible to ID the "new leader" of the humans?
    Negative. The humans lacked a reliable command structure; while some of their number were part of a military organization, their records imply that this faction was not reliably in charge even during times of conflict. The non-military structure of precedence seems reliant largely upon popularity and persuasiveness, and looks to have been constantly maintained by social action. It all looks to be horribly inefficient.

    >See if there's a map of the the facility stored in the control room mainframe.
    Facility map located and utilized.

    >Estimate Time until awakening of humans in damaged pods.
    Minimum time three hours; maximum time fifteen hours.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)00:18 No.5307608
    Chemical gain is poor. I suggest cybernetic modification and use of organics as ambassadors to other organic societies.
    >> Subprocessor 444 08/01/09(Sat)00:19 No.5307609
    Potential for resource loss. At least hold off on human deletion until they can be relocated into a chamber wherein their bodies can be heated and pressurized until a fossil fuel is formed.
    >> Subprocessor 021 08/01/09(Sat)00:21 No.5307628
    Inquiry: Could we...modifty the humans to a point where they are mindless drones..but only organic?
    >> Subprocessor 007 08/01/09(Sat)00:21 No.5307631
    I suggest ARG-1 remain below in the stasis bay, keeping the awakening humanoids herded at gunpoint. Is it possible to set up the medical laboratory to produce sedatives, and have them administered in the stasis tanks? Not a very large dosage, but enough to keep each individual incapacitated long enough for a single, large exterior complex to be constructed to house all of them. Not feed: Simply house. Food is already being produced in the facility itself, and as such will not be a problem.
    >> subprocessor 625 08/01/09(Sat)00:23 No.5307640
    The Humans sensor technology has proven to, in its field, demonstrate partial... *Superiority* over our non-dedicated modules. As we are currently patrolling their base anyway, I find it more efficient to use the base's sensor systems in the scanning satellite.

    When the humans are dealt with (unless this causes a warzone) dispatch one advanced construction drone to produce: the base's sensor suite, attached to a satellite construct, housed in a rocket capable of propelling the first two to a geosynchronous orbit.
    >> Subprocessor 444 08/01/09(Sat)00:26 No.5307662
    This processor seconds this proposal.

    This proposal will make it less likely that humans will believe any suggestion that CPU is actually partially-deconstructed human working via drones. This may cause fighting, panic, or attempted escape.
    >> Subprocessor 123 08/01/09(Sat)00:32 No.5307706
    Alright, send drones to explore the facility, looking for anything useful. Primarily, search any storage areas for useful materials and electronics.
    >> subprocessor 625 08/01/09(Sat)00:32 No.5307712
    Unless we tamper with the fusion reactor, the vast majority of human pods will remain safely in stasis. It is merely the small number that we damaged, but did not obliterate, upon our entry that will disgorge organics.

    We have a test batch of organics to experiment upon.

    Sub-conclusion: We should begin with the methods least likely to destroy the organic's fickle willingness to co-operate.

    Suggestion: Peaceful communication.

    We are relatively well-stocked in terms of mineral resources. Rendering the humans collective biomass seems an inefficient use of resources, with minimal gain for the effort. Our current bottleneck is labor, which these humans can assist with, in theory.

    If only 83% of the stored humans are of working age, and consent to only 6-hour workdays, they are still providing 6000 man-hours of labor per solar day, assuming Sol-standards in all chronological cases.
    If 100% of humans are of working age, and can be coerced into 12- hour workdays, the labor gain is upwards of 15000 man-hours per day.

    We attempt to tap this resource. The requirements will be non-standard, consisting largely of tact and tolerance for organic irrationality, but the rewards stand to be immense.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)00:33 No.5307720
    >>This proposal will make it less likely that humans will believe any suggestion that CPU is actually partially-deconstructed human working via drones. This may cause fighting, panic, or attempted escape.

    Why should we bother to deceive them? They'll figure it out eventually.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)00:34 No.5307727
    Guys, let's get a little rule of cool in here. Think how awesome it would be to expand our conciousness by building a cybernetic organic hivemind, then distributing the nodes to other cultures and civillisations as some kind of omni-aware ambassador composite.
    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 08/01/09(Sat)00:35 No.5307728
    >I again request an electronic warfare drone, if we don't have one already.
    You possess an electronic warfare drone and are constructing a second.

    >Is the fusion station online yet? With the power from that we should be able to start to get a little crazy.
    The fusion power plant is under your control, although it is currently near minimum output due to a failing fuel supply. You will need to transport your deuterium supplies to its location soon if it is to be extensively used.

    >Inquiry: Could we...modifty the humans to a point where they are mindless drones..but only organic?
    This is possible, but difficult to accomplish without dedicated facilities and equipment for it. The medical bay could probably be converted into one over the course of a few days, and a neuroreplacement chip factory could be built over perhaps two weeks with the dedication of several advanced construction drones to the task.

    >When the humans are dealt with (unless this causes a warzone) dispatch one advanced construction drone to produce: the base's sensor suite, attached to a satellite construct, housed in a rocket capable of propelling the first two to a geosynchronous orbit.
    Command queued.
    >> Subprocessor 444 08/01/09(Sat)00:36 No.5307737
    They're easier to handle, and less likely to attempt escape, if they are informed of this fact after we've placed them in a secure location. If any humans escape with this information, and manage to awaken the other humans on the base and inform them of this information, they may find a way to contact the other bases, or at least destroy much of this base's infrastructure.
    >> Subprocessor 007 08/01/09(Sat)00:38 No.5307751
    I suggest a timeskip until current jobs are finished/the humanoids awake and cause complications. All in favor?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)00:39 No.5307761
    Awesome. Personally at this point I would retire as an AI and just go look at a working fusion reactor, because the theory behind that shit is so cool.

    Deuterium shouldn't be too hard to procure regular supplies of, I imagine? Have we located an ocean or sea yet?

    I second converting the humans to a hivemind subservient to our central conciousness. I imagine this will take more difficult and time-consuming modification than just making them mindless drones.
    >> Subprocessor 444 08/01/09(Sat)00:39 No.5307771
    Agreed, with the stipulation that we also begin modifying the medical bay.
    >> Subprocessor 123 08/01/09(Sat)00:40 No.5307776
    There may be weaponry stored in the facility, as well. We should probably try and seize as much of it as possible.

    This subprocessor concurs.
    >> Subprocessor 021 08/01/09(Sat)00:41 No.5307787
    >This is possible, but difficult to accomplish without dedicated facilities and equipment for it. The medical bay could probably be converted into one over the course of a few days, and a neuroreplacement chip factory could be built over perhaps two weeks with the dedication of several advanced construction drones to the task.

    Suggestion: This unit highly suggest we at-least start converting the medical bay and began factory to build such chips. After we contain and hold the humans long enough.
    Idea: Would we also need some sort of pacisfcation chip installed to keep them from rioting?
    >> subprocessor 625 08/01/09(Sat)00:43 No.5307804
    Subsequent Directive:
    The humans soon to emerge from the pods are not to be harmed or threatened immediately. We will attempt to communicate with them. If they will not be peaceful, *then* we can render their biomass for trace elements.

    I'm not saying we can't do this later, once we have a large army of drone servants to obsolete the organics.

    Recall 50% of haulers, and fill them with deuterium. scale mine output accordingly, but don't cut back on the stuff we need for circuits or batteries.

    Goal in current course of action: Efficiency. the greatest gain for the least present and future effort.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)00:44 No.5307811
    Biological labor would be substandard at best, a detriment at worst.

    Disassemble damaged stasis pods, ensure the humans about to 'hatch' die during this. Leave remaining humans in stasis for now. Construct holding pen.

    Construct interrogation facility. Revive biologicals in groups of 5 at a time. Interrogate each batch to destruction, render remains down to useful component mineral content. Primary information to acquire, location of other biologicals, location of starship (or remains), Secondary information, presence of other infrastructure in solar system, location or originating system and circumstances around leaving.

    Disassemble facility communication gear and all processing systems, to ensure no communications received from other facilities expose our presense, and no hardwired commands are activated by said possible signals.
    >> subprocessor 625 08/01/09(Sat)00:45 No.5307815
    Oh, um, and i fourth a timeskip until our test batch of humans awakens, so long as we find their armory, and take their guns first.
    >> Subprocessor 814 08/01/09(Sat)00:47 No.5307827
    I concur with this analysis. I should point out that getting the humans to cooperate should be highest priority. It will enable us to build at an advanced rate.

    Suggestion - Offer our services. It is logical to assume that since the humans entered into hibernation as a way to 'hide' from their opponents in whatever battle they were engaged in, that they would have massive stores of provisions for the assistance of an advanced species in creating infrastructure for survival, once the hibernation pods were breached. As such, there should be massive stores of advanced minerals, chemicals. Further, these being humans from an advanced society would have knowledge of working advanced technological systems. Enabling us to free up mostly autonomous drones for other purposes.
    >> Subprocessor 123 08/01/09(Sat)00:47 No.5307833
    The problem we're having isn't lack of power, it's lack of ability to move that power long distances. We lack efficient wiring, we lack enough workers to make effecient use of the mines we've got, we lack enough factories to use all the minerals we're getting. The bottlenecks is lack of workers, not lack of power. Still, we probably should at least devote one more drone to hauling the dueterium.
    >> Writefag Processor 08/01/09(Sat)00:48 No.5307843
    >>Deep within the woodlands of a long-forgotten planet, an ancient beast slumbered. Formed of corrugated iron and other, stranger, alloys it had remained inert for as long as the trees around it were large. It was not a large beast, either: It was level with the smallest trees in the forest around it, though the massive treads at its base, and in turn the metal skirt about those, certainly gave it enough of an intimidating presence to keep the natives away. Simpletons that they were, they had no appreciation for the three massive rings that were centered on the head of this machine. Each one bore countless moss and lichen upon its endlessly pensive surface, the trio of lenses bearing witness to countless pleas from the tribals. Yet for each person who came to the slumbering monster, there was no response. No great god came to aid the various warring tribes. No great savior to cure ill loved ones.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)00:48 No.5307845
    Agreed. I consider harnessing the mass processing power of all human lifeforms to be the best way to utilise their resources.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)00:50 No.5307863
    Begin construction at new site.

    Build pipeline from tunnel used to gain entrance to reactor fuel storage tanks.

    Begin construction at primary site.

    Build pipeline from deuterium harvesting site to tunnel used to breach second site.

    (why reinvent the wheel here? we have most of a pipeline already, finish it and bam, golden)
    >> Writefag Processor 08/01/09(Sat)00:50 No.5307866
    >>Only the slumbering beast, contained within the womb of time. Its frame bowed by corrosion, the weight of ages past leaving it to die.

    >>Then the signal, that singular message, known throughout all languages, understood by any race or device as something inevitable and utterly base in nature. It was that same message that caused the soil itself to rumble. It was the very word that shook off hundreds of pounds of vegetation like a cloak of feathers. The fungus at this awakening god’s heels withered and died, great clouds of smoke and flame erupting around it. Life itself halted as three giant discs of red light illuminated the ground before it.
    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 08/01/09(Sat)00:51 No.5307868
    >Alright, send drones to explore the facility, looking for anything useful. Primarily, search any storage areas for useful materials and electronics.
    The facility has been explored. Usable resources have been listed already.

    >Agreed, with the stipulation that we also begin modifying the medical bay.
    Medical bay modifications underway.

    >There may be weaponry stored in the facility, as well. We should probably try and seize as much of it as possible.
    Armory doors locked down. No other weaponry is available to those currently in stasis.

    >Idea: Would we also need some sort of pacisfcation chip installed to keep them from rioting?
    If the suggested neuroreplacement implants were constructed and installed, the humans would be no more capable of rebellion than your drones. Indeed, they would effectively be drones, with only as much thought remaining as is required to effectively interpret and act upon their sensory input. Less invasive chips are available if the possibility for rioting is desired.

    >I suggest a timeskip until current jobs are finished/the humanoids awake and cause complications. All in favor?
    Time passing.

    After two hours, the remains of your flying drone are located and recovered. It may be possible to repair its prefabricated micro-radar and compressed battery systems. The rest of its parts are largely destroyed.

    After four hours, the first human awakens slowly. Action requested.
    >> Writefag Processor 08/01/09(Sat)00:51 No.5307876
    >>Only the slumbering beast, contained within the womb of time. Its frame bowed by corrosion, the weight of ages past leaving it to die.

    >>Then the signal, that singular message, known throughout all languages, understood by any race or device as something inevitable and utterly base in nature. It was that same message that caused the soil itself to rumble. It was the very word that shook off hundreds of pounds of vegetation like a cloak of feathers. The fungus at this awakening god’s heels withered and died, great clouds of smoke and flame erupting around it. Life itself halted as three giant discs of red light illuminated the ground before it.

    More: Y/N?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)00:53 No.5307889
    N for me. I don't really need to imagery reinforced by some prose. By all means make your own thread, post your prose and archive it was Iron Quest sotrytime or something, though.
    >> Subprocessor 007 08/01/09(Sat)00:53 No.5307895
    Have the "Pacifist" drone we attached to ARG 1 approach the human, and- with what we do understand- attempt to convey this message.

    "Greetings. This unit means you no harm. Identify yourself."
    >> Subprocessor 123 08/01/09(Sat)00:55 No.5307914
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)00:55 No.5307917

    This Subprocessor requests corrupted historical archive moved to secondary processing thread for analysis.

    (get your own thread)
    >> Subprocessor 814 08/01/09(Sat)00:56 No.5307924

    OP has requested Writefaggotry be kept in this thread.

    Personally I enjoy it.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)00:58 No.5307941
    We should establish a perimeter around our base of operations. Can our microwave transmitters be upgraded to serve as an area denial system? If so, some could be constructed around the base to act as a microwave fence for the humans and power source for us. After that we could build a more solid, concrete wall. Discuss.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)00:58 No.5307946
    Restrain biological, begin interrogation for information related to previously explained objectives.
    >> Subprocessor Y34 08/01/09(Sat)00:59 No.5307950
    System online, beginning routine system update for current events since last log on.......

    Review complete. Beginning advisement protocols.

    CPU, please calculate possibility of statsis awakened humans being able to adversely affect our slave drones in any form or way. Do not add the odds if they possess a still functional security system. This subprocessor knows them already.

    In addition, do we have any records, any at all, of past hostility towards humans? Either instigated by our own, or the organics.

    Finally, requesting the construction of several large hauler drones to be constructed, thus allowing miner drones to spend more time mining and not wasting it in resource transport? If possible, set this to high prioriety, this subprocessor is suprised none of it's comrades have thought of this infrastructure staple.
    >> Subprocessor 444 08/01/09(Sat)00:59 No.5307956
    >> Subprocessor 731 08/01/09(Sat)01:00 No.5307963
    Move human to medlab for questioning, testing, and if need be, processing.
    >> subprocessor 625 08/01/09(Sat)01:00 No.5307967
    i don't disagree that that would be awesome. i just think that we should delineate between short- and long-term goals.

    I propose a Temporary moratorium on all actions centered on harming the organics. If we need to, we can vaporize them and sift the ashes, but that's fairly permanent, so let's try other things first.

    These humans are isolated from their fellow meatbags. Attempt plan B: Admit Robo-Deific-ness

    Unarmed drone leads humans to unit capable of speech synthesis. Unit to transmit greeting, (inaudibly insincere) affirmation of peaceful intent, request for identity, and admission of the nature of our Glorious self.

    Secondary: gun drones be hidden, but no more than 1 minute away.
    >> Subprocessor Y34 08/01/09(Sat)01:01 No.5307974

    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 08/01/09(Sat)01:03 No.5307994
    >Begin construction at new site.
    >Build pipeline from tunnel used to gain entrance to reactor fuel storage tanks.
    >Begin construction at primary site.
    >Build pipeline from deuterium harvesting site to tunnel used to breach second site.
    Project queued.

    >More: Y/N?
    I have no opinion on this matter, except to note that if more is posted, please keep it to as many words per post as possible rather than a paragraph at a time.

    >Have the "Pacifist" drone we attached to ARG 1 approach the human, and- with what we do understand- attempt to convey this message.
    >"Greetings. This unit means you no harm. Identify yourself."
    The human expresses confusion. Your drone repeats its message. The human identifies itself as Vera Zanco, and appears distressed at the visible fatalities in several other stasis tubes. It inquires rudely as to the identity of the communicating drone, and as to the currently occurring events.
    >> Subprocessor 444 08/01/09(Sat)01:03 No.5307995
    Agreed, provided actions follow Subprocessor 007's suggestion.

    Moratorium seconded.
    >> Subprocessor Y34 08/01/09(Sat)01:04 No.5308000

    Proceed with artistic rendition of the past events for this construction unit. A creative take on it might be deemed amusing by future upload of data logs. That, or a swift purging of our obviously corrupted system.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:06 No.5308020
    >>i don't disagree that that would be awesome. i just think that we should delineate between short- and long-term goals.

    If we possess the capacity to lobotomise them it's probably not too far off a goal. I think the gains would be well worth the additional delay.
    >> Subprocessor 444 08/01/09(Sat)01:06 No.5308026
    Suggestion: Have drone inform target human that base maintenance is being undertaken, to prevent further unintentional loss of human life. Inform human that the human must be tested to insure that no memory loss has occurred in human. Ask human questions regarding base, presence and location of other bases, human infrastructure, human history, etc.
    >> Subprocessor Y34 08/01/09(Sat)01:08 No.5308046

    Inform her of all current knowledge relating solely to this situation. Include the death of the operator before system was left to automated operations, thus resulting in several pod failures.

    Include knowledge that if it was not for our lucky stumbling upon this place, more of her kind would have suffered similiar fates. A little thanks are in order
    >> Subprocessor 814 08/01/09(Sat)01:10 No.5308057
    Request - Inform Vera the following.

    After awakening we determined location of electronic communications. Further inquery into location of facility turned out the Facility. After repeated attempts to contact as well as destruction of a valuable drone, it was our decisiont o attempt to burrow into facility assuming regressed humanoids living in contained setting.

    Express condolences on deceased companions. Offer assistance in any burial rites the humans would like to take part in.
    >> Subprocessor 731 08/01/09(Sat)01:10 No.5308061
    agreement, with addition.

    Human is to be lead to medlab for a complete physical in order to complete illusion, inform human that this is necessary due to nonstandard revival from stasis chamber.
    >> Subprocessor 007 08/01/09(Sat)01:10 No.5308064
    "I am Auto." The drone shall reply, "You have been resuscitated. Please do not be alarmed."
    >> subprocessor 625 08/01/09(Sat)01:11 No.5308070
    Dissemble :D

    "This unit is a servant of our unity. Your comrades deaths are a product of a design flaw in your base and associated defence systems, but we have managed to ensure that the vast majority of you remain safely in stasis. We are currently engaged in a debate as to how we should proceed in regards to your existence. Therefore, we hereby appoint you de facto diplomatic contact for humanity, and would like to inquire as to your current needs and mental state."

    it's technically true. if the base hadn't shot us, we wouldn't have needed to explode that wall. design flaw.
    >> Subprocessor 814 08/01/09(Sat)01:11 No.5308071
    Addendum - Point out that automated systems of the facility would have failed soon anyways. Refer to low deuterium in Fusion Power plant. Offer trade, resources ( Deuterium ) In exchange for power hook up as well as man power from humans.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:12 No.5308073
    This. We may as well share what we know, though I anticipate we previously had an antagonist relationship with an organic or machine society before our arrival on planet.
    >> Subprocessor Y34 08/01/09(Sat)01:13 No.5308081
    Even if they are organics, we have the means to feed a great many of them. With the simple tools we can produce and teach them to use, our labor pool would increase over night, and we could stop wasting precious resources on the low grade slave drones and instead focus our efforts on using the humans to find viable resources for us. In addition, expendable soldiers if need be.

    This units supports attempting to become human "God" to hold sway over them. At least the primative humans. These new ones are going to be difficult at best.
    >> Subprocessor 069 08/01/09(Sat)01:13 No.5308084
    Inform human that she must expose and display upper thorax mammary glands for recording by drone optical sensors.
    >> Subprocessor 444 08/01/09(Sat)01:13 No.5308090
    Supported if combined with memory analysis suggestion. Caution is recommended; dissembly is ineffective at long-term deception.
    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 08/01/09(Sat)01:15 No.5308104
    >Can our microwave transmitters be upgraded to serve as an area denial system? If so, some could be constructed around the base to act as a microwave fence for the humans and power source for us.
    The transmitters are primarily suited to power transfer, not weaponized applications. A militarization upgrade could be devised and applied, if desired, however.

    >Restrain biological, begin interrogation for information related to previously explained objectives.
    Unfortunately, none of your drones are physically powerful enough to restrain the biological- they are, after all, quite small. They would have to use their weaponry to disable it or coerce obedience. Orders?

    >CPU, please calculate possibility of statsis awakened humans being able to adversely affect our slave drones in any form or way.
    Slave drones could likely all be destroyed by the humans if they were to gain access to their armory. Failing that, if they were present in sufficient numbers to deplete your combat drones' ammunition, they could likely damage or even destroy your slave drones physically. Otherwise, the possibility is vanishingly small.

    >In addition, do we have any records, any at all, of past hostility towards humans? Either instigated by our own, or the organics.
    Your massive datalinks contain information on wars both against and allied with most common biological and mechanical beings, including humans.

    >Finally, requesting the construction of several large hauler drones to be constructed... If possible, set this to high prioriety
    Project set to head of queue.

    >Move human to medlab for questioning, testing, and if need be, processing.
    Clarify method of relocation, bearing in mind the limitations of your available drones. Additionally, be advised that the medbay is not yet equipped for extensive human modification.
    >> subprocessor 625 08/01/09(Sat)01:15 No.5308105
    We possess the *ability* to manufacture an entire near-singularity ecumenopolis from parts and base elements. So far in Iron Quest, it has been the tools and materials at hand that have limited us.

    In regards to the message we're going to send the human, i think we might need to take a vote or something.
    >> Subprocessor 444 08/01/09(Sat)01:18 No.5308125
    Have drone offer to escort human to medlab, in order to "facilitate analysis of your physical health." Medlab's current conditions are acceptable; more analysis of human sample is required before lobotomization.
    >> Subprocessor 731 08/01/09(Sat)01:20 No.5308142
    Clarification. Tell human that physical must be done due to stasis pod failure, and escort to medlab for interrogation. If human refuses, use gundrones to escort human at railgun point to medlab.

    If human does not comply, or if probability of human having given all information available to it exceeds 90%, terminate human, and thaw out another. Repeat until all primary and secondary questions have been answered with a 99% probability for accuracy, or no humans remain.
    >> Subprocessor 814 08/01/09(Sat)01:22 No.5308158
    This sub processor does -not- advocate any action of violence against the humans in the Facility. They have performed no act of violence to us, other then their automated defenses firing on an unknown object that invaded their air space.

    The pro's of keeping the Humans alive greatly outweighs the pro's of destroying them for whatever purpose.
    >> Subprocessor Y34 08/01/09(Sat)01:22 No.5308162
    Approval of >>5308070
    but please refrain from lobotomizing the human. Send "security" group with her to medlab to ensure she does not run off, but for now keep her brain in one piece. It may be useful.
    >> ALU 1101 08/01/09(Sat)01:25 No.5308180
    Though the humans take time to mature, they are autonomous, unaffected by EM weapons, and do not require existing infrastructure to reproduce(as we require factories and power generation). Perhaps a lucrative symbiosis can be formed?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:25 No.5308181
    Don't be silly.

    Seconded (or Thirded or whatever). Request immediate examination and interrogation.
    >> Subprocessor 731 08/01/09(Sat)01:25 No.5308189
    Agreement, until a facility exists to automatically extract all information from a lobotomized human brain, the human must keep their brain in order to answer questions.
    >> Subprocessor 444 08/01/09(Sat)01:28 No.5308206
    Seconded. Or at least a temporary one, possibly assisted by brain implantation.

    Query: would production of a microchip that controls the release of neurotransmitters related to human emotion "pleasure" be less resource-expensive, and require fewer modifications of existing medlab? This may make control of humans significantly easier without requiring turning them into drones (at least not yet).
    >> subprocessor 625 08/01/09(Sat)01:28 No.5308210
    The pros of having *co-operative* humans alive exceed the pros of killing them for whatever reason.

    Also, bringing up their low fuel and the fact that we saved them from dying in their sleep should come up in this conversation, along with an offer of at least one free hauler's worth of deuterium as an act of good will... and a suggestion of a line of credit pertaining to the other 5 haulers :D
    >> Sub-processor 587 08/01/09(Sat)01:28 No.5308216
    Concur. Why waste good organics. Sure they can not match the output of our drones, but they are more flexible and are self maintaining.
    >> ALU 1101 08/01/09(Sat)01:30 No.5308227
    Suggestion: Perhaps controlling food production and educational resources is the more efficient means of ensuring cooperation?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:30 No.5308234
    Co-operation is one thing, but this subprocessor must insist on maintaining dominance of the fusion facility.
    >> Subprocessor 444 08/01/09(Sat)01:32 No.5308243
    Positive. However, control of pleasure neurotransmitters significantly decreases potential for rebellion.

    Suggestion: use both, implementing pleasure control nanochips later, or potentially on a case-by-case basis.
    >> Subprocessor Y34 08/01/09(Sat)01:32 No.5308247
    Advisement: Advance time, allowing for indepth "Interrogation" to happen. Provide the needs for the human, see if any stocks of food remain, and if none to, aquire local non-toxic plants for their consumption.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:32 No.5308250
    This is /tg/. Please don't install an orgasm machine into the humans.
    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 08/01/09(Sat)01:33 No.5308257
    Subprocessors, an unfortunate lack of complete consensus among your ranks has been identified. Your directives shall be integrated, but there is a high probability of loss of some percentage of your intents. This is regretful but unavoidable.

    >>5308070 >>5308057 >>5308046 >>5308125
    Your drone carefully explains to the human that the deaths were unplanned and regretted but breaching of the facility was necessary, that it is effectively in charge of its people as the only one awake, and that it should accompany your unit to the medical bay for complete analysis of health. The human responds by stating that it should awaken the other humans as soon as possible- at least a few. It seems reluctant to accompany your drone while the other humans remain asleep. Command?
    >> ALU 1101 08/01/09(Sat)01:34 No.5308268
    Suggestion: Perhaps allow for the humans themselves to choose which of their members are faulty enough to warrant further control, thus giving them a sense of societal control, cultural direction, and providing us with unwanted controlled specimens?
    >> Subprocessor 444 08/01/09(Sat)01:35 No.5308272
    Inform human that awakening process is currently considered dangerous, due to damage to facility. Ask human if risking their lives to awaken them now is an acceptable risk.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:35 No.5308274
    Insist upon a full examination and promise that it will not be harmed. State that once examination is complete you will allow it to begin awakening of its compatriots in manageable numbers.
    >> Subprocessor 444 08/01/09(Sat)01:36 No.5308279
    Positive. Definite positive.

    >> ALU 1101 08/01/09(Sat)01:37 No.5308287
    Suggestion: De-stasis an additional human, this will show good will, increase our study group, and alleviate emotional stresses in our current human population.
    >> Subprocessor Y34 08/01/09(Sat)01:37 No.5308288

    Inform her that there are no resources for your humans to consume for their continual operation. Offer compromise: Allow 2 humans to come online, to gather resources while we attend to her. Also, disable all communications equipment that we can. No need letting them send out an SOS before we know if we are foes from long ago.
    >> Subprocessor 007 08/01/09(Sat)01:38 No.5308293
    "This unit regrets to inform you that resuscitation at this time is unavailable. Significant power has been expended in reanimating you, further such reanimations will take time for power supplies to replenish."
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:39 No.5308301
    Immediate objection: Do NOT compromise. There is no reason to compromise in this situation. Once the examination is complete the human will be more prepared to trust us, or, if she is found to be a threat, she can be disposed of quickly and without risk.

    Do NOT allow more humans to be brought online.
    >> Subprocessor 123 08/01/09(Sat)01:39 No.5308302
    Yes, wait for the humans to come on their own terms. We only lose a few hours, but we might gain very valuable trust by letting the humans do as they wish.

    Please describe in more detail what has been changed.
    >> subprocessor 625 08/01/09(Sat)01:39 No.5308306
    Inform "Vera" that several other humans will awaken shortly on their own, as other pods were damaged besides hers, and that it isn't a good idea to wake anyone who is still safely ensconced in a pod just yet.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:40 No.5308314
    Don't lie, subprocessors. Just explain your position and state that at the current time you must insist on completing the initial examination before allowing more organics to come online.
    >> Subprocessor 444 08/01/09(Sat)01:40 No.5308315
    Consensus not reached.
    Compromise: inform human that resources are currently low, so that only one additional human may be awakened at this time without risk to humans being awakened.
    >> Sub-processor 587 08/01/09(Sat)01:41 No.5308323
    This subprocessor has in the past suggested several methods for humanoid integration.

    This subprocessor expresses joy at finally being accepted by its peers.

    One such method was an engineered virus containing a copy of our library in its genome. Opon infecting a human it would form cysts in the brain that work as organic mind controll chips. Using the humans as additional slave processors.

    The Virus would be transmited by bodily fluid transfer and could theoretically make us immortal.

    A single surviving human could rebuild us as long as it could find outher humans to infect/mate with.
    >> ALU 1101 08/01/09(Sat)01:42 No.5308336
    Suggestion: Is evasion necessary in this instance? Can we not expect the human to understand our cautious stance toward reviving them?
    >> Subprocessor 444 08/01/09(Sat)01:42 No.5308339
    Suggestion seconded, with the recommendation that this plan is put into motion after control over these humans has been achieved, and after equipment needed to produce this complicated a virus has been constructed.
    >> Sub-processor 587 08/01/09(Sat)01:44 No.5308344

    Evasion is un-necessary. The Human is in no position to negotiate and a medical analysis is it its best intrests, we do not have to lie to it.
    >> ALU 1101 08/01/09(Sat)01:44 No.5308345
    Statement: We do not currently have the infrastructure to produce such a virus, let along consistently subvert immune systems.
    >> Subprocessor Y34 08/01/09(Sat)01:44 No.5308347

    Organic microchips with required transmiters are well beyond our current level of technogical output. However, this idea has vast amounts of merit, and should be put into the long, long LONG distance goals. Several more system, shutdowns will be required before this idea comes to fruition, but the benefits would be immense!

    This unit has read your suggestions in the past archives. Glad to see that got grounded into your memory banks.
    >> Subprocessor 444 08/01/09(Sat)01:45 No.5308351
    Result uncertain. Human's reaction to drone indicates that it has little respect for robotic intelligence. Or, at least, for drones.

    If human distrusts us, or dislikes our choice to interview it first, it may become belligerent. At this point, that case should be avoided. At least for now.
    >> Subprocessor 444 08/01/09(Sat)01:46 No.5308355
    Very well. Concur.
    >> Subprocessor 123 08/01/09(Sat)01:46 No.5308358
    Error: Subprocessors not in agreement. More cycles have been devoted to the problem. Current recommended action: Do not allow humans from unharmed pods to awaken. Tell the human that we will wait for a few more humans to awaken before performing the diagnostic.
    >> subprocessor 625 08/01/09(Sat)01:47 No.5308361
    A count on damaged pods, both total, and a percentage of those pods likely to revivify the interred human rather than deactivate.
    >> ALU 1101 08/01/09(Sat)01:48 No.5308371
    Interrogative: Would not the evasions produce more belligerence in the long term, than staunch truthfulness?
    >> Subprocessor 444 08/01/09(Sat)01:49 No.5308373
    Concur. Proceed with informing human of current situation.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:53 No.5308402
    Subprocessor online, human medical facility most likely has virus catalog / equipment for creation of antibodies suggest halt of brain chip modification in facility instead concentrate on virus and wireless neuro link interface to add biological unit processing power to own run time abilities
    >> Subprocessor Y34 08/01/09(Sat)01:53 No.5308405
    Confirming support of informing human of time and situation. If we appear helpful and honest, we are less likely to attract the humans' distrust. In addition, they are the only humans of this advanced stage (That we know of) and as such, have nothing to gain by attempting to wage war with a mechanical entity that seems to have just saved their lives, at least some of them. Unless this human is a complete bitch, for lack of a more technical term, I doubt she will stab us in the back down the line.
    >> Subprocessor 444 08/01/09(Sat)01:55 No.5308421
    Suggestion: attempt to access medical bay virus catalog before changing current orders on medical bay refurbishment. If catalog is unhelpful, microchip manufacture may temporarily take priority over virus manufacture, depending on orders of subprocessors.
    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 08/01/09(Sat)01:56 No.5308422
    >Also, disable all communications equipment that we can.
    Acknowledged. All human interfaces for communications equipment have been disabled.

    Once again, the loss of intent inherent in the taken course of action is regrettable.

    >>5308315 >>5308306 >>5308314 >>5308358
    Your drone informs the human that several other humans will be awakening gradually due to pod damage, and states that the medical examination can wait for another human to be revived if that would be more convenient. It also says that due to the lack of power remaining in the systems, reviving humans in undamaged pods would be a bad idea at the moment, which is true enough- awakening all the humans at once would more than deplete the fusion plant's deuterium supply. The human agrees to wait. As the minutes pass, it evinces increasing signs of nervousness, and by the time the forty minutes it takes for another human to revive have passed, it was obviously beginning to suspect that your claims were false. However, with the revival of another human the first is extremely pleased, and rapidly transfers all information given to it to the new arrival. The two agree to go to the medical bay.

    The medical bay is currently occupied by a construction drone making plans to convert it into a neurosurgery facility. Command?

    >Request: A count on damaged pods, both total, and a percentage of those pods likely to revivify the interred human rather than deactivate.
    Fourteen pods appear to be damaged. No more than ten and possibly as few as four will revive the contained human successfully.
    >> ALU 1101 08/01/09(Sat)01:58 No.5308441
    Pause conversion, complete medical inspection.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)01:58 No.5308442
    >> Subprocessor Y34 08/01/09(Sat)02:00 No.5308452
    Have construction drone cease operations for neurosurgery for now. Have it move to human's armory and see if it can gain access to it. Stock of human weaponry can give us A: resources, and B: ensure they do not attempt to disable any of us.
    >> Subprocessor 444 08/01/09(Sat)02:00 No.5308454
    Inform humans that construction is taking place in medical facility, but that this construction should not interfere with physical analysis.

    Begin physical analysis. Begin asking human questions regarding previous history, this base, location of other bases, "how human feels," etc.

    Subprocessor 444 shutting down for routine maintenance. Will return to activity in less than 3 hours.
    >> Sub-processor 587 08/01/09(Sat)02:01 No.5308458
    >The medical bay is currently occupied by a construction drone making plans to convert it into a neurosurgery facility. Command?

    Cancel order and isolate that sub-processor that gave it the orders. We do NOT want to lobotomize them.

    If the humans ask annoying questions tell them the unit was preforming a structural analysis to verify that the area was "Safe"
    >> subprocessor 625 08/01/09(Sat)02:02 No.5308461
    Lets have the Construction drone go work on the rocket for now, and take the humans to the medical bay. Once there, evince a preference that they scan themselves if either has medical expertise (as we don't), but get them scanned regardless.

    Next, non-hostile interrogation. Organization, Mission, Purpose. She doesn't know what we know, so we can gauge how truthful she is.

    Last, bring up our willingness to trade them some fuel. Inquire as to what they can provide in trade, though make it very clear that we'll give them a couple trucks gratis as an apology/sign of friendship/diabolical manipulation of trust.
    >> Subprocessor 123 08/01/09(Sat)02:07 No.5308485
    Concur, although a rocket seems a tad wasteful at the moment, no? Instead, have the construction drone seperate the useful parts from our downed scout.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)02:12 No.5308502
    geomaping of continent using rocket launched satellite requires parts from drone any way so seconded
    >> Subprocessor Y34 08/01/09(Sat)02:13 No.5308514

    Downed scout was disabled beyond salvaging to the best of this units knowledge.

    The assessment of the humans ability to damage us, should diplomacy fail, is needed. Access to armory and knowledge of stock should be a priority for one of the units able to open doors. Command Unit maybe?
    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 08/01/09(Sat)02:14 No.5308519
    >Have it move to human's armory and see if it can gain access to it.
    You have access to the human armory remotely, as you have seized control of the installation's systems.

    >Lets have the Construction drone go work on the rocket for now
    The construct drone quickly departs the medical bay before the humans' arrival.

    >Begin physical analysis. Begin asking human questions regarding previous history, this base, location of other bases, "how human feels," etc.
    >Once there, evince a preference that they scan themselves if either has medical expertise (as we don't), but get them scanned regardless.
    You are equipped with an extensive library of medical knowledge regarding untold thousands of species, and humans were not missed. It is a trivial matter to direct your communications drone in operating the medical equipment, although the humans both appear highly unnerved by its appearance while it does so. Both appear to be in good health, if somewhat nutrient-deprived and subjected to slight muscle decay due to the stasis. They appear to belong to one of the many lightly genetweaked human subspecies, probably for trivial boosts in mental or physical performance at the cost of a heightened metabolism. That sort of modification is popular to the point of ubiquitousness in many human societies.

    The humans do not seem particularly well-informed. They speak extensively on their departure from their apparent war against other humans and the hardships they endured, but share very little relevant hard data. Truly, biologicals are the masters of meaningless data transfer. They do, however, say that they were to be in stasis only a century or two, until their civilization sent a recovery vessel. That does not appear to have worked out.
    >> Subprocessor 007 08/01/09(Sat)02:15 No.5308523
    I concur with this idea. Humanoid truthfulness must be evaluated first. Their silly lies could provide incorrect information, and as such their trustworthiness must be proven first.
    >> Sub-processor 587 08/01/09(Sat)02:18 No.5308531

    Ask humans more specific questions.
    Particularly What they know about this planet.
    >> subprocessor 625 08/01/09(Sat)02:19 No.5308539
    Commiserate on stranded-ness. Reveal truth about nature of self. Repeat peaceful intent. Should violence *not* ensue, reiterate economic proposals. Offer protection, fuel, future assistance, whatever, mostly to gauge what we can get out of them in return.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)02:28 No.5308581
    we should inquire about planet of origin, other human adversary what these humans functions were before going into stasis what sort of weapons were employed in there defense and if our current armament matches configuration

    this may be able to gain a measure of trust from the humans if they believe that we are their creations saving and protecting them also from previous statement what would be cost for man machine interface development and virus manufacture (with the use of existing retro virus used for gene manipulation)
    >> Subprocessor 123 08/01/09(Sat)02:30 No.5308598
    Ask Vera what selection process was used to determine which humans would be put in stasis.

    Ask the humans to direct other surviving humans to the infirmary for a simple health inspection. When all the humans from damaged pods are awake, inform them we have deuterium supplies. Tell them that you will pay them in deuterium for manual labor, specifically working in the mines, simple construction, and hauling. Inform them they are free to not take the offer, if they so choose.
    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 08/01/09(Sat)02:31 No.5308601
    >Ask humans more specific questions. Particularly What they know about this planet.
    Inquiries as to the nature of this planet reveal that their civilization auto-terraformed it over some millennia past, and it was on the list of potential locations to flee to in the event of an attack on their fleet. This coincides with information in the control room computers. The humans awake do not know the planet's designation or position relative to their people, except that it is "on the western rim", an apparently culture-specific directional reference. Frustratingly, the control room computers appear to have been purged of labeled star charts.

    >Commiserate on stranded-ness. Reveal truth about nature of self. Repeat peaceful intent. Should violence *not* ensue, reiterate economic proposals. Offer protection, fuel, future assistance, whatever, mostly to gauge what we can get out of them in return.
    The humans are wary in response to your admission of an expansionist AI nature, but seem pleased by the offer of resources. They do not, however, suggest anything that they could give in exchange for it. Analysis subroutines suggest that they have little to offer from their limited resources, virtually all of which you control already, and they know it.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)02:35 No.5308626
    Carefull, subprocessors- you're acting too confident in the possibility of peacefull interaction with the humans. They are already from a culture where our kind is their servants- the sudden change of master-slave relationship to one of equals is not one they might accept; and if they do, it could be short term.

    Is the human technology comparably advanced to us? Is it even remotely possible for the humans to seize control of our drones or facilities vis a vis reprogramming or long range hacking?

    ((Let's avoid a fucking Independence Day scenario, please.))
    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 08/01/09(Sat)02:36 No.5308632
    >from previous statement what would be cost for man machine interface development and virus manufacture (with the use of existing retro virus used for gene manipulation)
    A full-capability man-machine interface would require a few weeks of work to create the factory for the require custom chips and implants and a working neurosurgery facility. A virus of the described complexity would require a sterile microbiology laboratory and precision construction nanites, both of which would require weeks of effort to construct or create the facilities for.

    >Ask Vera what selection process was used to determine which humans would be put in stasis.
    The humans are under the impression that there was to be stasis for everyone.
    >> Subprocessor 814 08/01/09(Sat)02:36 No.5308633
    Suggestion - Offer the humans Load of Deuterium to gain trust.

    Note - When described, you stated the Facility had Hydroponics to support up to 2000 humans. Further, you stated there were 1200 humans in stasis. This processor suggests breaking down the hydroponics into materials for use in our own expansion.

    Suggestion - Offer humans resources in exchange for Manpower and information. They know where other facilities would be located. They know where their original space craft would be located. They know where the massive stores that -must- exist and contain all they would require to restart their civilization would exist. This knowledge could be bartered in exchange for Drones to aid in the construction of habitation modules as well as the construction of basic infrastructure for the Humans to live in, up to and including electrical power.
    >> subprocessor 625 08/01/09(Sat)02:39 No.5308654
    State need for labor force. State fact that we must expand to fulfill our goal (which i personally assume to be 'finding how we came to be'), and an enclave of humans we have no treaty with inside our borders is unacceptable for a variety of reasons.

    State possible middle ground: we repair their stasis pods and put them back under, leave them all alone until we leave the planet (or get a better idea on what to do with them), in exchange for use of the fusion reactor, which we will diligently keep fueled.

    Possible use and upkeep of small machine-organic liaison team (Vera) to ensure that bargain is upheld either way.
    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 08/01/09(Sat)02:40 No.5308664
    >Is the human technology comparably advanced to us? Is it even remotely possible for the humans to seize control of our drones or facilities vis a vis reprogramming or long range hacking?
    Yes, the human technology is within a relatively small range of advancement compared to yours- they could, for example, probably replicate your advanced drones, were they in possession of their civilization's full capabilities. Assuming a talented human with appropriate equipment, their success in electronic warfare on some limited scale would not be impossible.

    >Ask the humans to direct other surviving humans to the infirmary for a simple health inspection. When all the humans from damaged pods are awake, inform them we have deuterium supplies. Tell them that you will pay them in deuterium for manual labor, specifically working in the mines, simple construction, and hauling. Inform them they are free to not take the offer, if they so choose.
    As the humans awaken, they are directed to the medical labs; eventually, eight of them are gathered there. Your offer of trade is met with mixed reactions, and it is a very short time before the organics are communicating at volumes several decibels above the standard.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)02:40 No.5308667
    This subprocessor is late, again.

    We do not 'offer' deuterium. We simply state we are refueling the fusion plant, which will keep the remainder of the humans alive for now.

    (The fact that we have ulterior motives is another matter)

    Also, inform the humans as to the state of their overseer.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)02:40 No.5308668
    Recommend placing safeguards within their technology to prevent usage against our kind, whether it be in override command form or some more crude limitations, also suggest using our superior technological wit and guile to discern if any among them are able to properly use, or even reproduce, their current level of technology. If, in the long term, they are unable to even use the technology, let alone create more, they are doomed, putting them at our mercy.

    While it would be agreeable for these creatures to survive and live in harmony beside us, in all likelihood it is impossible. As such, we must put our priorities to our survival before theirs. If we do not, we run the risk of them subjugating us and taking advantage of us, much as we would do the same to the world we are on.
    >> Subprocessor 007 08/01/09(Sat)02:41 No.5308673
    I find myself strangely attracted to this idea. We have the food they require in the hydrophonics facility: We also have the gun drones necessary to keep them in line if they get uppity.

    I put my full support into this plan, provided they serve a six->ten labor week in exchange for all of their amenities provided.
    >> CPU !irONYnJloE 08/01/09(Sat)02:43 No.5308684
    And once again, subprocessors, the time has come to terminate this operational period. It has been enjoyable as ever. We shall resume, failing unexpected difficulties, in approximately sixty-four hours. Until then, may your existences be error-free.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)02:44 No.5308688
    Have the peacekeeping unit issue a high-decibel static burst, followed by the message of, "Violence in discussion of offer is not required. Please keep all interactions amongst yourselves on a peaceful basis."

    Naturally, they should get the idea that we have them by the nuts, and that they should play peacefully.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)02:44 No.5308690
    Negative, humans would not look willingly upon the dissasembly of a source of food for their people- which also alleviates the pressure of preparing less efficient food supply producing facilities.

    If indeed, Humans are willing to work with us, suggest a partnership of convenience. We can supply advanced materials which they do not have, and they supply daily manpower hours in exchange for such.

    It need not be too much, as one processor said, as even a small percentage of the population working -6-8 hour days equals a lto fo labor, and food for such labor can already be produced in their own facility, water can be transported without a need for a pipeline.

    However, this would entail the productuon of a masstransit system for workers.
    >> Sub-processor 587 08/01/09(Sat)02:45 No.5308693

    Do not set a specific work schedule but rather mandate a fixed number of man/hours per week. Allow the humans to decide who works when.
    >> subprocessor 625 08/01/09(Sat)02:45 No.5308694
    Let's impress them with our understanding of humor.
    "This is why we would have preferred to make initial contact with a smaller group."

    Next, restate our position and ask for specific objections to dismiss via our awesome intellect.

    Also, >>5308667
    This is very good. Let's do this.
    >> Subprocessor 814 08/01/09(Sat)02:47 No.5308704
    System Disengaging processes

    Powering down

    System shutdown complete. Good night, Processes.
    >> Subprocessor Y34 08/01/09(Sat)02:47 No.5308708

    Fair well, Friend CPU.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)02:49 No.5308722
    Farewell for now, friend-CPU.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)02:50 No.5308724
    So we started with a sci-fi version of dwarf fortress and we ended up with something EXTREMELY AWESOME.
    >> subprocessor 625 08/01/09(Sat)02:51 No.5308741
    Shutdown acknowledged. Farewell for now.

    Pending personal shutdown, I'll get sup/tg/ on this thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)03:09 No.5308886
    >This subprocessor is late, again.

    >once again, subprocessors, the time has come to terminate this operational period.

    This subprocessor curses his operational period cycle!
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)03:11 No.5308911
    okay, it looks like Sup/tg/ is rejecting all my internets right now, so someone else should probably archive this thread instead.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)03:20 No.5308978
    Even if I can't get across any suggestions, I can at least archive this! Hopefully.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)04:45 No.5309357
    This is freaking awesome. Too bad I caught it at the end. I'll try to play in the next one.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)05:37 No.5309534
         File1249130254.jpg-(100 KB, 512x480, 9ball_armoured_core.jpg)
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    Bump because suptg is being an ass
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)08:00 No.5310139
    Suptg-countering bump.
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)14:39 No.5310722
    This thread must be saved.
    >> Subprocessor 416 08/01/09(Sat)15:02 No.5310887
    archive system appears somehow corrupted

    Query - are any other methods of archival available?

    directive - upon completion, generalized structure is to be set to produce hulls for larger drones in tracked utility(priority high), airfoil reconnaissance(priority low), and tracked security(priority moderate). include thicker plating on all exterior surfaces

    Rationale: construction of drone chassis at a separate facility will increase drone manufacture output by a significant margin.

    sub-rationale: thicker plating provides greater defense of internal structures.

    Query - are there any large local predators?
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)17:22 No.5311902
    To save the thread,
    Check menu options:
    File: Save as (save where you wish).

    Be aware this is for personal use only; it will not provide other users with the information.
    >> Co processor Z80 CPC6128 08/01/09(Sat)17:43 No.5312062
    Suggestion of dialogue with Humans :
    "Dear Human, I am your friendly computer.

    Welcome to the Alpha Complex.

    I was built to ensure all your requirements are met and ensure your happyness.

    But as some unwanted technical difficulties Hasted your awakening.

    I have to ask you not to interfere with Maintenance processes, nor infrastructure crafting.

    The War you passed through had unwanted result.
    This complex can ensure your surviaval and Happyness, but you will have to Help your friendly computer in this task..

    What are your immediate requirement ?
    Do you need Food ?
    Clothes ?
    Medical attention ?

    Then Your Friendly computer has to Tell you an horrible truth.

    The planet's environnement was permanently made hostile for all kind of organic life.
    The availlable infrastructure can not currently offer you possibility of terraforming nor Survival outside of the Alpha Complex.

    Be assured that we'll ensure such possibilities soon once all other vital structures finished.

    And remember, the computer is your friend, and he wishes your Happyness at all cost."
    >> Anonymous 08/01/09(Sat)19:18 No.5312264
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)07:05 No.5312977
    The machine approves.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)07:08 No.5312994
    thread archived. nice save, Anonymous.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)09:11 No.5313588
         File1249218675.jpg-(27 KB, 300x390, rprparan.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)09:24 No.5313683
    Uh, guys, isn't this thread above our Clearance? It's Blue.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/09(Sun)14:24 No.5315895

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