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09/29/09(Tue)15:05 No.6062817 File1254251106.jpg-(130 KB, 500x642, Marisa Meido Bucket.jpg)
Let us go over any and all contract suites that should be affinity contracts for you, not counting court contracts:
• Contracts of Dream, Changeling: the Lost, pages 124-127 • Contracts of Hearth, Changeling: the Lost, pages 127-129 • Contracts of Mirror, Changeling: the Lost, pages 129-132 • Contracts of Smoke, Changeling: the Lost, pages 132-133 • Contracts of Artifice, Changeling: the Lost, pages 134-136 • Contracts of Animation, Winter Masques, pages 52-55 • Contracts the Forge, Rites of Spring, pages 99-102 • Contracts of Hours, Rites of Spring, pages 102-105 • Contracts of the Moon, Rites of Spring, pages 105-108 • Contracts of Omen, Rites of Spring, pages 108-111 • Contracts of the Wyrd, Dancers in the Dusk, pages 64-69 • Contracts of Lucidity, Dancers in the Dusk, pages 69-71 • Contracts of the Board, Swords at Dawn, pages 46-49 • Contracts of Thorns and Brambles, Swords at Dawn, pages 49-53
Should any of these interest you, please do tell, such that I may provide further details.
>That's still no reason for Dexterity, Fighting Style, and Weaponry of 4. Make a realistic character, this isn't some video game. If the OP wishes to play the archetypical combat maid, then by all means, let her play the archetypical combat maid.
>The only damned reason that you took Weapon Finesse is because you want to minmax your Goddamned Kith ability. Stop being a faggot and knock Dexterity down. With 9 again you are powerful enough that you don't need to be Sakuya. Is the character concept suddenly destroyed by having that extra dot be placed in Dexterity rather than Strength or Stamina? Wizened are known for their agility and deftness, after all.
>Always having a mop with it. Attempting to deprive a person of a moderately-sized length of wood would prove as ludicrous as banning the carrying of a cane, would it not?
>have a permanent A permanent what, exactly? |