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!qw2cdBTZAc 05/02/11(Mon)04:29 No.14784807 File1304324942.jpg-(472 KB, 1110x1240, 1300949695764.jpg)
You awaken a while later, and hear the sound of light metal tools clanging into a small metal tray. You groggily stand, yawning as you look over to where Dalak is working on the serpent-like creature.
"So, any progress?" You ask him.
Dalak pauses, gesturing into the creature's body, where you see a bluish glow. The wing he was operating behind has been stretched back, and he is standing carefully on its scaled surface.
You walk up, and look at the object, gasping in surprise.
Dalak has cut open the creature's back, over where the scar was located. Within the creature's body is pinkish flesh, with a layer of a grayish-blue chitin behind the skin, and a skeletal mass of the same translucent material forms a skeleton on the inside. Twin whitish, veined organs pump as the creature slowly as it breathes, and a thick, wet black ball audibly pumps, slowly. This is all behind a thin metal frame clamped to a strange object
The glowing object appears to be a frame with a small, transparent scale, a bluish-purple color with a bright glow coming from it. The light intensifies as you come closer, and the creature groans in pain. The implant seems to be secured to its body, and a crystalline growth that you recognize seems to be growing off of it, around one of the arteries leading out of the heart.
"Is that..." You start, almost too astounded to say it.
"I believe so." Dalak says, his voice cold. "Ioun ore." |