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05/19/11(Thu)17:33 No.14983132>first time playing >on a manhunt for a Rev >accidentally chase him into the Captain's office, he breaks shit and leaves, locking me in >Wait a bit, can't do anything, talk to others over headset about what happened >CAPTAIN, HOS AND LIKE SIX GUYS BURST IN >LAZORS AND TAZORS ERRYWHERE >I SURRENDER >in prison >stripped, headset taken away, prison outfit >cell left unlocked, don't know why >wait two minutes (about 12 mins in now), check outside >HOS is dead, a Sec is dead, prisoner on the floor, another prisoner doing CPR on her, bloodstains everywhere >NOPE >fumble with interface to attempt to revive HOS, fail >doctor arrives, pronounces HOS and Sec dead >Prisoner wakes up, walks up to me and flashes me >YOU ARE NOW A REV >"Go, minions! Kill them all!" >I obey >Pick up light tube, beat the first dude I see to death with it >Get disarmed, run, pick up fire extinguisher, beat second guy to death with it >Go around in a roving gang of prisoners beating people to death >AI is laughing at everyone (rogue AI, too) >We kill them all >REVS WIN
I think I like this game. |