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  • File: 1332365442.jpg-(113 KB, 620x453, 483_frosttitan.jpg)
    113 KB Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)17:30 No.18407919  
    Hey /tg/, feel up to some IMAGINATION time?

    In my campaign world, there is an order of warriors known as the Hell Guard, so named because they are the main anti-demon taskforce of the Church. As part of their duties, they are entrusted with keeping a set of 100 major demonic weapons sated with blood & souls(preferably of other demons), as without these appeasements the Demon Lords bound within the weapons will break free and bring about a second invasion from hell.

    Since /tg/ is well known for your awesome creativity with magic items, I thought I'd let you guys come up with some of the weapons/demon Lords.

    Each weapon should have a named Demon Lord and his Domain, the actual form and powers of the weapon, and a totally overpowered ability the weapon unleashes when it is either
    1: Gorged on blood/souls/giblets
    2: Starved and close to escaping it's bound form

    I'll post some examples to keep the thread alive for a while.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)17:31 No.18407928
         File: 1332365513.jpg-(13 KB, 250x349, Scythe.jpg)
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    Sixdrit, Severer of Hope- This massive, fanged scythe is the bound form of Sixdrit, a demon lord of Despair and Hopelessness. Those hit by Sixdrit are cut off from their God, making access to divine powers almost impossible. Sixdrit also shields it's wielder from divine influence of all sorts, whether harmful or beneficial, and in fact makes the user invisible to divine servitors such as angels or celestial beings. For this reason, Sixdrit is issued only to Hell Guards who do not rely on divine assistance in their work... and are trusted absolutely by the Church.

    When Sixdrit goes without tasting blood for over a week, it's malign influence grows as Sixdrit begins to awaken and struggle against it's prison. A progressively larger area becomes hidden from the view of the gods, and all within it's influence become despondent and hopeless... including the wielder, who will eventually commit suicide on Sixdrit's blade, unleashing the Lord of Despair.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)17:33 No.18407937
         File: 1332365588.gif-(477 KB, 320x352, I smack my tush at you! Be ins(...).gif)
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    I remember Wakfu. Grovy was my favorite character.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)17:33 No.18407941
         File: 1332365598.jpg-(439 KB, 906x2153, Swordserpent.jpg)
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    I'll give you a good one.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)17:35 No.18407959
    Dude, a hundred high-powered weapons is way too much; pay attention to the rule of conservation of detail (inverse Chekov's Gun); you'll want 12 demonic weapons, or six, or 24, or some other portenteous, not-hundred number.

    It'll save you the headache of "but what happened to the other 96 weapons?"

    In the spirit of the topic, though... a glazed red sword with cracks running through it. The weapon pulsates when hungry, but as it is bathed in blood, it pulses slower and slower. At peak power, it can emit pulses that cause momentary prescience (one or two seconds) for the user, which is pretty handy in fights. These glimpses always turn hellish, though, and that's less awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)17:40 No.18408018
         File: 1332366035.jpg-(172 KB, 600x350, Crossbow.jpg)
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    Baaklemon, the Key of Flesh

    A horrifically organic crossbow, Baaklemon contains the Bloody Gatekeeper, the Demon Lord who ushered in the first wave of demonic invaders hundreds of years ago. Baaklemon produces it's own ammunition, which are writhing, half-alive pieces of demonic spines. Those hit by Baaklemon's bolts undergo immediate and hideous mutation into warped abominations under Baaklemon's control unless they are protected by either magic or prodigious constitution and willpower. Once enough souls have been captured by Baaklemon, it will fuse the tortured spirits into a humming bolt of energy that will punch a hole in reality and open a short-lived gateway to hell.

    Baaklemon is not used by the church except for a monthly sacrifice of a comdemned prisoner(the resulting abominaion is destroyed immediately) and for those rare instances where a task force must be sent into Hell itself to retrieve a lost relic or captured saint.

    Also thre are no good images of demonic crossbows, yeesh
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)17:43 No.18408054
    styx- ferrymans oar- the demon styx who was skilled in taking souls into the next world and now bound into his own weapon this ornate staff resembling an oar, can drain the souls of those it touches the longer the contact the more of the soul is banished however if left starved it will rip the souls from mortals over a large area and consume them in it's hunger and send any excess to hell.

    (like this OP?)
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)17:46 No.18408070
    I cheefully admit this was one of my influences

    That IS a good one.

    Ehhh, I'm going with 100 because this is a high-powered setting and while these weapons are indubitable powerful, they aren't all in play at once, as 90% of them are secluded in temples, shrines, and what have you at any one time.

    They're artifacts, but they're not the Hand of Vecna.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)17:49 No.18408108
    I do indeed, as since demons in my campaign are primarily concerned with dragging souls to hell, the hunger ability of styx makes a lot of sense.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)17:56 No.18408188
    Golobragh, the Corpse Hammer. Golobragh was a demon of caverns, gluttony, and power, and the gleaming black greathammer that holds him reflects this with it's punishing blows. Things that survive an overhead swing from Golobragh find themselves driven into the earth and buried alive, and only the very strong will unearth themselves before suffocation takes their lives, and Golobragh takes their souls.

    As Golobragh absorbs more souls, it grows larger and larger, enhancing the wielder's strength to match. It's increased size leads to increased damage and the ability to move massive amounts of earth and stone with it's blows, supposedly even able to beat a mountain flat with enough time. Too much power will eventually lead to the adamantium shaft of the weapon shattering, however, and Golobragh will burst forth from the head, glutted with souls and hungry for more.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)17:58 No.18408205
    Apophate Strings

    This ornate sitar-like instrument is the manifested prison of Apophate, the Demon Minstrel. Those who hear the melody played by this instrument lose their free-will, and are bound in a lethargic and motionless state of false bliss. Apophate amassed an entire court of beguiled individuals which he would perform to, feeding his narcissism.

    Only a master musician can hope to use the Strings, but in their hands it becomes a potent weapon of control, even causing powerful demons to lull into a near static state. The price for using such a tool is high, however. A yearly sacrifice of 16 choir boys is required to keep the instrument in tune. Indeed, those who hear it's sound often liken it to a twisted, mournful recital.

    If pushed past it's limits, either from lack of souls, or too much, a frantic melody will erupt from the instrument. Entirely uncontrollable by the wielder, everyone in the vicinity will be frozen in stasis in poses of hedonistic dance and revelry.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)18:06 No.18408266
    Yeier, the Raptor Bow:

    Easily mistaken for a shamanic weapon, this feathered bow has an unblinking yellow eye that the wielder may use in place of his own vision, giving him telescopic vision and accuracy that even a hawk would envy. Yeier is a tricksome weapon, however, and will occasionally distort this vision to show loved ones in the place of enemies, or foes in the place of friends. While it's accuracy and power are notable, Yeier's arrows have the unique ability to target souls directly, causing direct spiritual damage and feeding Yeier's final ability. Yeier, when able to draw on the energy of some defeated enemies, can fire straight into the sky, and then shriek down from the heavens to obliterate a target within a few miles. However, Yeier's capacity for deception is great, and this ability has caused friendly fire of catastrophic scales in battles past, such as assassinating the Grand Inquisitor instead of the intended target, making Yeier a particularly untrustworthy weapon.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)18:09 No.18408296
    Nice, I'll definitely use this.

    Non-weapon artifacts are fine and good, by the way- it's just that weapons are the most common form. But if you have a cool idea for a non-weapon artifact, please go for it!
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)18:22 No.18408397
    Lasavi the Wolf's Head

    On of the more corrupting relics of the Hellguard, Lasavi is a heavily stylized helmet with a fanged maw instead of a visor. Even more disturbing than the vicious exterior is the soft interior of the helmet, which in place of padding has the 7 whispering mouths of the temptress Lasavi swirling about the head of the wielder. While the helmet can deliver ferocious bites, it's true power is from the whispers of Lasavi, who is said to know the weaknesses of every living creature. While this information is invaluable for defeating unusual foes and discovering secrets, Lasavi's whispers of knowledge reveal dark secrets intended to enrage, horrify, or seduce the wearer and turn them to their own ends. It is for this reason that Lasavi is given out only when it is absolutely necessary to feed the helmet or glean information about a dire foe.

    Lasavi's final ability is that, when the helmet is allowed to gorge itself sufficiently, it will turn inside out and each of Lasavi's seven mouths will scream a Word of Power, utterly changing the nature of reality within hearing range.

    Most suspicious of all is the fact that, alone of the Hell Guard's relics, Lasavi has never attempted to break its bondage.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)18:32 No.18408496
    Karavak, the Flame of Hatred- Karavak, a powerful Demon Lord of Hate and Anger, takes the form of a molten sword that glows with the heat of a volcano. While this alone is usually sufficient to slay all who oppose the wielder, Karavak is known for it's rapid absorption and consumption of souls, glowing brighter and brighter red until, in a hideous blast of energy, the blade explodes, sending a flow of lava to consume all nearby. Fortuneately, Karavak was bound into the hilt of the sword, and though the hilt may burn with agonizing heat, as long as the wielder doesn't drop the hilt into the lava Karavak produces, Karavak will remain bound, and the blade will reform in a few hours after it explodes.

    Karavak is given to those who have shown remarkable tolerance to pain (and heatstroke), and is one of the more commonly wielded Hell weapons, since it is (relatively) safe in the hands of a veteran Hell Guard.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)18:45 No.18408620
    These are really good. Are these being copied from somewhere or are you making them up as you go?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)18:46 No.18408627
    I'm making them up.

    It's a bit lonely.

    Hint hint.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)18:51 No.18408685
    Ok here we go:

    Ahamat, the Crushing Force

    Steel gaunlets of golden color, a glowing blue rune adorns the palm of each. Ahamat typically slew his enemies by choking them with bare hands, which also gave him the name Choker. These gauntlets bestow upon their wearer the ability to choke anyone across great distances. However the victims will bear distinct, black marking of demonic hands around their necks. A wanton and wild demon, Ahamat does not care what kind of blood and souls it is fed - human, demon or otherwise, but requires constant use. If it cannot feel necks being wrung and snapped between the gauntlets for a while, it will attempt to break free. Ahamat's power is considerable, so recapture or banishment would be a major operation for the Hell Guard.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)18:59 No.18408750

    This warhammer appears unornamented and plain. Users will find it deceptively easy to use, as it begins strangely light while still hitting with power. As the warhammer is used it grows increasingly heavy, but also increasingly powerful, and the user finds it harder and harder to put down. An insufficiently strong user will find themselves exhausted to death by the hammer, too weak to continue wielding it but unable to put it down.

    For those strong enough to continuing using the hammer, it will eventually become fully satiated, and so powerful that slamming the ground will cause the earth to rend and tremor with strength enough to bring down a curtain wall.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:01 No.18408766
    It Which Sings

    A long, plain spear tipped with jagged, crude head. Shadows near to It Which Sings grow brighter, slight ones vanish entirely, but the deeper into darkness it is placed, the more beautiful and ornate it appears. It grows ever more appealing the closer to darkness it comes, until, in the depths of a pitch blackness it cannot dull, it is rapturous to behold. And, in that abyssal night, when it is the only, wondrous, sight; It Sings.

    It Which Sings contains the essence of a Demon Lord whose name has been lost. In his true form, he strode the world as an ever-silent butcher, who spoke and sang through the screams and sounds of those who he would rend asunder. His music is the sound of despair, of dying stars and stillborn mercy. When he was slain and bound, the pain he endured caused him to utter a single syllable of pain, and his shock and shame burned the memory of his name from all minds, mortal and demonkin.

    If not gorged on blood, pain and, most importantly, the sounds of suffering, It Which Sings begins to snuff out the light around itself.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:02 No.18408776
    Osr, the Unstoppable Charge

    A hefty, broad-headed lance, Osr is the General of the mounted legions of Hell. The lance penetrates even the thickest armor, and nothing can slow the wielder's charge until the lance has driven it's entire length through it's enemies (about 8 human sized targets.) Once it's length is festooned with impaled foes, it swallows their souls and corpses into itself and emits a field of deadly energy that spreads out when the wielder charges again, leveling anything that comes with 20 feet of the charger. This secondary charge, rather than losing energy, builds it up as the charge continues, and if this power becomes too great for the wielder to keep in check, Osr will accelerate into an unstoppable, soul-drinking meteor of destruction that could conceivably level a castle wall. At this stage, there is no distinguishing between friend or foe, and if Osr devours enough souls in this unstoppable rampage, he will break loose from the prison.

    While dangerous, Osr is thankfully predictable, and the destructive power of Osr is often used to impress neophyte Hell Guards by leaving craters in the sides of mountains or destroying an entire orchard of oak trees. Osr is a bloodthirsty weapon, but not a clever one, and is perversely proud of being used to spread destruction, no matter who wields it.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:05 No.18408813
    Kyran the Loose

    Now imprisoned within a chain whip, the demon has earned it's name by being contained only loosely within its cell. Those wielding or constricted by the chain whip can often communicate with the demon, which was known for being amiable towards humans, due to its former position as a religious leader.
    The whispers from the demon are often helpful and the demon appears to be happy with its treatment. It is primarily a creature of deceit, rather than raw power, and so souls would be difficult for it to attain otherwise, especially when hunted.

    When starved, the whip will, when used, snake round the opponent and attack them mentally. When their will is broken, the whip absorbs the broken fragments of their mind and soul.
    When fully sated, the whip will take on the form of the demon itself. A long, serpentine creature, with exposed muscle and a terrible maw, will replace the chain whip. The demon is much more vocal in this form, able to move of its own free will, and will tear any opposition apart, seemingly in cooperation the user.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:05 No.18408815
    Amusing, I already had a pair of strangling gauntlets. I didn't think of making the ability RANGED, though... Nice one!

    I just have one question about this one- What's a "Curtain wall?"

    >It Which Sings begins to snuff out the light around itself.

    This is clever and ominous. Me gusta!
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:07 No.18408829

    Writer of that here; The implication, in case you haven't guessed it, was that the demon lord gets out if it ends up in total darkness. I suppose you could make it mesmerizing too, if it's 'power level' is too low compared to some of the others. I'll be honest, I find a lot of the weapons in this thread to be a bit... cartoonish?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:07 No.18408832
    I'll try my hand at this, methinks:

    Schenzach and Endrych, the Siblings of Mayhem

    Schenzach and Endrych are twin demons of deceit, sealed inside a pair of daggers connected at the hilts with a long chain. The blades are made of a liquid metal and each time either blade tastes blood, the shape of the blades change. This is tied to the power of the twins: they possess perfect clairvoyance, so long as their minds are one. Thus, the shapes of the blades are always adapted to perfectly fit whoever they will strike next. When the correct one of the pair is used to attack an enemy, it will automatically aim for the most vulnerable point of an enemy, scoring wounds which are crippling if not instantly fatal.

    However, only one of the two will strike true at any time. If the wrong blade of the pair is used to attack, it will aim instead for an ally and inflict similarly mortal wounds. Should the wielder have no allies around him and use the wrong blade, it will strike him/her down instead.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:07 No.18408834

    Outer wall of a castle, basically.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:07 No.18408836
    >Kyran the Loose
    what a slut

    but seriously, this is nifty too
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:07 No.18408843
    When hungry, the twins tend to be highly uncooperative and untrustworthy. As they devour souls, however, they gradually become more agreeable, occasionally even volunteering information as to which one of them is currently truthful. However, this should be treated with caution: the twins have become unsealed once before, early in the Hell Guard's history. Though details are unclear it is suspected the twins lied at a crucial moment, causing their wielder to use the wrong blade and thus feeding them the last soul needed to break free. Currently they are rarely used, and only individuals with limited prescience and specialized training are permitted to use the twins, and even then only against foes impervious to other weapons.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:10 No.18408875
    >I find a lot of the weapons in this thread to be a bit... cartoonish?

    >tasteful powers
    Pick one

    But if you'd care to point out which ones you, as a player, wouldn't take seriously, Please tell me. I'm a rather gonzo GM, and usually run Superhero campaigns, so this is a bit of a switch for me.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:13 No.18408907
    I can't believe I haven't done a dynamic demonic dual yet!

    This is pretty badass, though, as it has a bit more subtlety in terms of tactics than most of mine.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:13 No.18408912
    Quis, the Hunter of Man. This is a deceptively primitive looking spear appears to be constructed from a plain length of wood with a tip of obsidian bound with strips of rawhide. It is decorated with the plumage of tropical birds and dangling finger bones of unknown origin. Quis was a Panther-like Demon Lord from a jungle realm doused in eternal night. It derived pleasure from hunting sapient creatures, especially those whom live in urban areas and are cut off from nature. It reveled in the despair of its prey and played with them with cat-like cruelty.

    Quis is a flesh-seeker. When thrown at a foe, it will always pierce them where they are uncovered. It will go so far as to slide through the visors of heavily armored knights to pierce their eyes. When deprived of prey, Quis grows desperate and tries to break the sigils that bind it. While in this state, you may whisper it a name and cast it into the sky and it shall sail until it has hunted down and impaled its target. Its Warden must be specific however, as a demon it delights in twisting the words of mortals. If not told a place or physical description, it will attempt to kill an unintended target. It is cunning and will take advantage of any hint of vagueness. Using this ability is also discouraged as it could sail halfway around the word to strike its target and retrieving it is a massive undertaking in and of itself.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:14 No.18408917
    How strict do you want the interpretation of "weapons" to be? Do you want them to only be things like axes, bows, and swords or can other items that would not normally be considered weapons be allowed?
    For example: Books, paintbrushes, armor.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:17 No.18408948
    Moli the Bleeder.

    This spear is whilly made of steel, its length adorned with red, veinlike inlays that flare at the leaf-shaped blade into tree-root like pattern. It houses Moli, the Diplomat of Hell. According to legends, Moli had such a sharp tongue that she could make her enemies bleed with words alone. Even small wounds caused by Moli bleed profusely, and it is capable of guiding its wielder to anyone whose blood it has ever tasted. If elft to a wound, it can suck blood out of its victims at frightening rate. Curiously, it also grants the wielder immunity to bleeding - as long as the spear is held, the wielder will not lose blood through any wound.

    Moli requires great will to control. There have been several cases where the wielder has not been up to a task and has gone into berserker frenzy, their only aim being seeing more and more blood spilling out of people.

    Moli demands her hunger be sated with blood of lawyers, or she will grow... very restless.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:18 No.18408958
    Ah, good ol' demonic task interpretation vagueness...


    As long as it is predominantly a dangerous tool of desctruction, it's all good
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:18 No.18408965
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:21 No.18408990

    Any of the ones that 'charge up', with really specific 'powers' rather than demonic malevolence. Personality should rule power, with demons, not some arcane stat sheet. That's my view anyway. I don't think they need to be reasonable, but like all the really good horrors and magics, some wiggle room in power level and method goes a long way. Example;

    >Osr, the Unstoppable Charge

    We know exactly what he does. You charge him up like a goddamn pokemon by impaling him in humans and then he goes very fast, again like an anime special move, destroying 'anything that comes with 20 feet of the charger'. That's not a demon, that's a tabletop wargame miniature with a stat sheet. I could points cost him in Warhammer. Sating him is a wacky cartoon adventure;

    Monk-Captain Steve: "Line up recruits, watch brother Klem here skewer the prisoners"
    Prisoner: "Ey, dis' aint the parole board!"
    Lancer: "Ors, charge powers activate!"
    Prisoner: "Well scrape me shins!" *Urg!*
    *Explodes a large rock*
    Recruits: *clap* "Cor, that was sweet, I can't wait to help sate Bimboss, Sucker Of Cocks tomorrow!"

    He's hardly an ancient and eldritch evil, he's a decepticon you owe money to.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:21 No.18408994
    This is a cool idea, but I think I'll alter this part slightly.
    >as long as the spear is held, the wielder will not lose blood through any wound.

    The wielder can bleed plenty... but he'll bleed all the blood that Moli has recently stolen, before losing any of his own.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:23 No.18409012
    Barombaar, the Storm of Hate

    Once a demonic lord who commanded thunder, lightning, and rain, Barombaar is now confined within a crude black iron shield. The circular shield measures a foot and a half across and bears no particularly special features aside from having no signs of rust. However, as Barombaar deflects blows and bashes victims, an ever wider, ever darker, ever more solid swirl of cloud-like wisps appear around it. When it catches weapons or crashes into living things, the sound becomes louder and deeper, becoming a thunderous roar, deafening anyone nearby other than the wielder. Lightning crackles through the cloud-shield, and anyone who strikes Barombaar with a metal weapon will be shocked with a stroke of electrical fury. When Barombaar tastes of enough pain and death, the cloud surrounding it becomes a solid barrier, growing to block a larger area without adding any weight. At its greatest size, it protects as a tower shield while maintaining the weight of a light shield. The wielder may attack through the cloud without interference. Moreover, if outside, storm clouds will grow overhead and begin to pour rain. Those who fail to strike the wielder of Barombaar when its power reaches its zenith will be smote with bolts of lightning.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:23 No.18409014

    Give me a second to write up Bimboss, Sucker Of Cocks
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:28 No.18409080
    The Insatiable Weapon
    This weapon is so bloodthirsty, that no amount of blood will satisfy it. It is kept in a locked vat of blood that must be refreshed nearly every day, as the sword, it seems, soaks most of it up. No one has any idea what it does when fully sated, as no one has yet to see it full. Nor does anyone know for certain which Demon Lord it holds, or what it would do if removed from the vat, and there is not a soul among the Hell Guard that isn't too terrified to want to find out.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:29 No.18409084

    A shard of bone, 3" long and of demonic origin, houses this demon. The point is impossibly sharp: It is capable of piercing all known materials with minimal effort. The only thing preventing it from being an effective weapon is its small size and side effects.

    When starving and piercing flesh, the bone will send out roots and begins to draw itself into the creature. The process is extremely painful for the victim, normally ending with them being knocked out by the pain within minutes. Over the course of a few hours the body will be drained of blood. The skin will draw tight over the bones as muscle is consumed. Death invariably follows. The bone is ready to be collected after a day, by slicing through the chest of the victim. The bone will be in the place of the heart, with all roots retracted.

    When sated and piercing flesh, the bone will draw itself into the victim in much the same manner. This process is painful, but not to the extent as the feeding process.
    Within two hours the bone will have reached the heart, which begins the process of weaponising the host. Throughout this entire process the host retains their free will, but are more likely to have less qualms about unethical actions. Within a day the host's hands will have sprouted claws at the end of the hands. Muscles are more pronounced and hearing is enhanced. At the end of the second day the host can see in the dark and their breath begins to smell of brimstone. Small growths are visible on either side of the spine. By the end of the fourth day the host has large, batlike wings and horns will have forced their way out of the skull. These growths are brutal and pierce the flesh. These transformation, while powerful, are not permanent. At the end of the seventh day, the host will begin to experience the symptoms of the feeding process. No host as survived for longer than eight days.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:31 No.18409106
    Bimboss, Sucker Of Cocks

    In life, Bimboss the Dawnshredder heralded each day with an orgy of death and pain. Claiming he was the herald of the Sun, which he saw as the ultimate destroyer, he painted each morning sky red with the blood of creature, mundane or infernal, he could get his hands on. When he joined the invasion of the mortal realm, he was insulted by the fowl of the land, who presumed to usurp him as herald of the new day. He delighted in draining the blood of these treacherous birds in the hours of night, leaving him with an offering of blood for his beloved daystar come it's rise.

    Now, as a feral and twisted Poniard, Bimboss sucks cocks like never before. If not fed the blood of the rooster each night, Bimboss will put forth a wave of heat and flame, in anger and disappointment, come the dawning of the sun.

    If the weapon is ever allowed to hear the cry of a rooster, Bimboss will be free to suck the cocks of the mortal world once more.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:31 No.18409110
    This is a fun idea and I am tempted to steal ideas from it. Like, an entire game centered around the idea of "oh no, bound to alien/divine/ineffable entity, wat do."
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:31 No.18409116
    Fair 'nough. But instead of scrapping Osr entirely, how would you "Fix" it to be more demonic and less "Falcon Punch-y"

    Also, guessing that the other ones that I made which you dislike are Karavak and Golobragh?

    >Bimboss Sucker of Cocks
    Oh lawdy
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:32 No.18409131
    Yunanga, the Bloody Pyre

    Yunanga is a phoenix-like demon lord who attempted to burn the world to ash during the last war between men and demons. It takes the form of a cape made out of interlinked metal feathers, each one tinted red as if stained with blood. This cape is capable of guarding against almost any attack, and every time it blocks an attack, a stream of crimson flames erupts from it that actively seeks out enemies within reach. The more souls Yunanga has burned to death recently, the more intense the flames.

    The flames exuded by Yunanga fade over time, but do so very slowly. If hit with many attacks in a short time, the trailing flames will increase in size, growing into a massive inferno. Any who wear Yunanga must take care not to rely too much on it, or they too will be consumed by the raging flames that once protected them.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:33 No.18409137
         File: 1332372808.jpg-(45 KB, 467x600, YotsubaCock.jpg)
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    Oh you
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:33 No.18409139
    Instead of a damned charge, the wielder gets more and more bloodlusted as he or she kills more, and eventually, they can no longer tell friend from foe and just start killing whoever they see. Hence: "Unstoppable"
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:34 No.18409149
    Olir, The Grey

    Olir takes the form of a generic grey cloak. As long as the wearer takes no actions to bring undue attention to themselves they are ignored by those around them, and even then it is hard to keep your eye on them as they seem to fade into the background.

    Olir also is able to store an innumerable number of items within itself, this is also how it is fed, those consumed by the cloak are not found again.

    The more it feeds the greater it's powers become until it is near impossible to acknowledge the wearer's presence.

    Olir has never been freed, most doubt they could ever find him again if it happened.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:36 No.18409171
    While I'm not any good at making up names for this kind of shit, I think a demonic lawyer bound to a pen that writes with the users blood would be a neat concept. Not entirely sure what the abilities would actually be though.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:37 No.18409172
    The Sword of Legion

    Inside this seemingly dull blade lies over ten thousand souls of lesser demons. Combined they make Legion, a single powerful demon entity. But in the sword they are used as ammunition. When a creature or person is stabbed with the Sword of Legion, one of the many malicious demons goes into that person or beast and tries to take over their body. This could manifest in many ways, such as random seizures, believing one self can fly at tall heights, or even for the weak willed being totally enslaved to the wielder of the Sword of Legion.

    Be it a mortally fatal wound or a grazing cut as long as an enemy's flesh is sliced with the sword, a demon will go into the body of that enemy. When the enemy dies, the demon always returns to the blade. No matter what barriers or seals are attempting to keep it in place.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:38 No.18409187
    It makes any argument it writes incredibly compelling. However there is always some nasty loophole that will bite you in the ass if someone finds it.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:38 No.18409192

    Any contract you write will always be subtly worded to favor you over any other party, in a way that will not be noticed by mundane people.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:43 No.18409232
    I dunno, that seems kinda lame. I was kinda thinking something more like it writes on its own and can reveal the truths on any matter so it's extremely useful for gathering information. However it has a tendency to either alter the truth to reveal what the user wants to see or flat out lie but very rarely as it's a demon that wants to be trusted. Even if the demon inside grew powerful enough to escape, it would chose not to as it feels it's able to cause much more damage in the hands of the enemy with a single well placed lie.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:42 No.18409233
    Temurida, the Fanged.

    This weapon appears to be flail consisting of a molded iron head with an oversized mouth and teeth attached to a handle by a length of chain. It contains the spirit of Temurida, a captain among the demons of gluttony noted as the chief intermediary between the forces of gluttony and rage.

    Temurida was known for his propensity for devouring his foes alive prior to being bound. A Guard will find that striking a foe with the weapon causes the head to open impossibly wide as it snaps ghastly bites from its enemy, its massive fangs shearing through even the toughest armors.

    When Temurida has not fed for some time, he will instead clamp his fangs to his victim with the tenacity of an eel, sucking out their very life. Temurida will hold on till the death of his victim, or until the flesh he grasps is cut from the body.

    Temurida is viewed with a particularly jaundiced eye by many of the Hell Guard, as its tendency to swing 'round to bite its wielder on a missed attack is well known.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:44 No.18409255
         File: 1332373486.jpg-(15 KB, 640x355, 24qjns3.jpg)
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    Alright, I'll try.

    Ephaeia, demon of mourning.

    Imprisoned inside Grief, a flambard covered in roses and thorns, she is still aching for the husband that never came back from the war. Wheter it's death or abandonment, she patiently waited till her grief turned into demonic vengeance, consuming her own soul.

    When starved, the roses around the blade grow bigger, thicker and longer, with the thorns reaching for the flesh of the wielder and those around him, in order to turn them into a bloody statue of the long lost husband. The distant, haunting sound of a weeping maiden fills the air as the thorns rip and tear the flesh apart of the living beings unlucky enough to be in range.

    When fully sated, blood drips from the roses uncontrollably as the life essence of those around is drained, their senses completely dulled as the illusion of the maiden consumes her victims in the hope of finding a trace of his husband.
    A red, bloody aura surrounds the wielder, as those around him yield, begging to end their pain.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:45 No.18409265
    Kanti the Mountain.

    Kanti is a round shield of mostly unremarkable design, except for prominently displaying the demon's personal seal painted in blood. Kanti was called the Siege Breaker, and is counted amongst the multitude of demons of War. When the shield is wielded, its bearer gains the demon's fortitude. They will be capable of sustaining crippling, even mortal wounds without a flinch or bit of pain, and act as if they were unharmed. This protection will last only as long as they hold the shield. There have been several casualties when people have dropped the shield, not realizing the severity of their wounds.

    Kanti is fed souls by repainting the demon's symbol with the victim's blood - he prefers souls of those freshly fallen in battle. If sated with souls of twenty in the span of a single day, the shield becomes for a short while capable of refelcting wounds back; in essence, those who strike the wielder will only wound themselves.

    Kanti has never attempted to escape. It is unclear why, as nobody has been able to figure why he is apparently content with being bound to the shield. Some think they may have been mistaken about the demon bound to the shield, claiming it is odd that as a shield, it does not protect from injury but merely makes wounds irrelevant. The demon in turn refuses to answer any questions pertaining to its identity.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:46 No.18409269
    OP here, I'm not responding to every idea because there's starting to be a lot of them, but rest assured that I am reading, interested and impressed

    (Except with YOURS. Yes, you, and your creations alone. They all totally suck. God you're such a failure.)
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:48 No.18409286

    Here's one way you could do it:

    Osr, the Unstoppable Charge

    A hefty, broad-headed lance, Osr is the General of the mounted legions of Hell. This murderous, broad-headed lance penetrates even the thickest armor and constantly pulls and tugs it's wielder's arms towards any target, friend or foe. Even held at ease, Osr twitches and jerks in the need to run down the fragile weaklings that surround it. Osr must be fed, lest he escape, but this act bestows a crueler fate than even those devoured by most other demonic weapons. When Osr is given a chance to spear into armor and flesh, he guides the charge and spurs thoughts of rage and speed into the mind of lancer and steed alike.

    Those struck and impaled soon expire, but their screaming can be still be heard even after their body has long rotted in the ground. A soul, once lanced by Osr, remains pinned to his shaft to writhe and suffer until the sheer weight of further spectral victims drives them down the ever-widening shaft to be devoured by Osr's ravenous hilt. For this reason, Osr is constantly emitting the faint screams of souls in agony, begging and pleading for mortals to slay their friends and enemies so they might be granted oblivion. The longer he goes without consuming, the stonger Osr's ability to move in the grip of another, and plant thoughts of murder and bloody charges into their mind.

    >pinned to his shaft to writhe and suffer until the sheer weight of further spectral victims drives them down the ever-widening shaft to be devoured by Osr's ravenous hilt
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:51 No.18409325
         File: 1332373881.jpg-(92 KB, 600x753, Fat_demon_by_FirstKeeper.jpg)
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    Just use this demon generator, nerds

    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:52 No.18409334

    I'm thinking it wouldn't reveal the truth on anything except for other demons; if you write the name of any demon it will write out their abilities, weaknesses and strengths. If you ask it about other things, it may lie and obfuscate, but it never lies about other demons. The tricky part is getting hold of the name; the quill can tell you, if you pledge your soul to it.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:53 No.18409345
         File: 1332373999.jpg-(30 KB, 415x623, Bali-Oak-Bar-Stool-1.jpg)
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    Zyzx, Buttsmacker

    This bar stool is the bound form of Zyzx the Inept, Demon Lord of Failure and Incompetence.
    Zyzx had the misfortune of exiting his hell-rift under a tavern of drunk barbarians.
    When used in combat the stool exudes an aura of incompetence that effects everyone but the wielder. As the stool is used to bash more and more skulls in, the range and severity of the aura increase, until at one point things near it fail to walk, talk or even breathe.
    If left to starve, Zyzx will continuously attempt to break free. Of course he will, expectantly, fail, each and every time.

    It's also useful as a device upon which you can sit.

    The Church mostly lets this "artifact" rot in the wine cellar, as they take themselves much too seriously to ever go into battle wielding a bar stool.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:54 No.18409358
    Yeah, your Osr is better than my Osr


    Pointing out how you think the Hellguard would view an item is pretty cool as well, so If you wanna include that, that would be a nifty little bonus.

    Alternately, if you wanna write something but don't have a good idea, you could add the Hell Guard's viewpoint to previous weapons that don't have it.

    Hmmm, Hellguard, or Hell Guard?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:56 No.18409373
    Zyryz, the Living Army

    Zyryz is less a singular demon lord and more a legion of demonic powers. Its manifest form was that of a swarm, a cloud, an absolute plague of hellish insects. Zyryz is now confined within a shirt of scale armor. Each scale has a chitinous, lustrous appearance, and depending upon the angle of light appears anywhere from golden yellow to emerald green to garnet purple. The inside of the shirt has an unsettling organic appearance, segmented like the underbelly of a worm. When Zyryz absorbs blows, its scales come loose and become flying, gnashing, beetle-like insects that seek out open wounds and burrow their way in to devour fresh, warm flesh. Its effectiveness as armor soon wanes, but the wearer of Zyryz has little to fear once surrounded by these little monsters. When Zyryz runs out of victims, its scale-spawn soon die, but they regrow within a few days, returning the armor to full effectiveness.

    Should Zyryz be starved for too long, insects in an ever-growing area begin to swarm and devour anything and everything they can, taking on more infernal appearances and growing threatening new jaws and appendages with which to terrorize the land. Eventually, silk-producing insects will seek out Zyryz to cocoon the armor in order to transform into a "queen" insect which will begin the true demonic plague of Zyryz all over again.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:56 No.18409377
    I love it.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:57 No.18409387
         File: 1332374275.jpg-(190 KB, 337x1110, 1324367936582.jpg)
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    Damn that's a shitty power

    Behold! The Demon Lord of Wheelchairs and Muscular Dystrophy!

    (Yes yes, I know why the "1" is actually marked Invalid)
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)19:57 No.18409388
    So are the 7 deadly sins represented by major demons with this? Or are they just concepts scattered among all 100?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:01 No.18409424

    I'll try another one.

    Demyat, demon of folly.

    Once a squire to a more powerful demon (insert a more powerful demon here from the other weapons), he was stripped of his title and casted out for going on a total frenzy-driven rampage without his lord's approval, who trapped Demyat inside the shield he used to protect his Sire with.

    Reflection, a broken mirror shield, projects the image of the individual that looks into it, except in numerous forms (one for each shard). Be they monstruous, funny, beautiful or terrible, the attacker is lost and doesn't know where to hit as those clones actually materialize around him.

    When starving, Reflection casts darkness upon those facing it, with the wielder unable to tell what's in front of him as civilians turn into demons and demons into friends, animals into objects and so on, in an unpredictable way and pattern.

    When fully sated, Reflection casts light on those facing it, revealing their true nature. Not just mimics, they actually show what the sould of a subject looks like by changing his features, so an inevitably corrupted civilian will be shown as such even if they looked common before.
    >> Fiend 03/21/12(Wed)20:03 No.18409441
    Gor' Lorion, The Creeping Scourge

    Gor' Lorion The Creeping Scourge, an entity never fully understood. It is best described as a plant like plague that ever so slowly grows towards the oceans. Coming in many forms and variances, Gor' Lorion always has a few discernable features about it. It is a thick lumpy moss with thousands of small tentacles about 2 cm in height writhing about from atop the putrid moss. Many random like plants grow through the moss, most common being bloated pulsing trees that bleed a sap that connects to more of itself making a viscous net of filth. Also would be the large sunflower like plants that scream and moan from the vocal cords in the stems. This cacophony of noises ranges from painful shrieking to pleasureful moans and even tribal like songs of many traditions. Everything else about this moss is random. The moss can be purple, even multicolored. Sometimes the moss grows fat in areas or even in rare instances grows plants that look and act in a resemblant manner to many animals,
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:05 No.18409452
    So what kind of item is it bound to and what does it do?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:05 No.18409455
    In my campaign, Demons are essentially malevolent manifestations of emotions and concepts that are "negative," but cool ideas trump "strict adherence to fluff" so go wild

    So yes, you can base a demon off of the 7 sins, or base it off of the personality of a unique demon lord, or just be like "This is a demon of spiders because fuck spiders"
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:05 No.18409460
         File: 1332374748.jpg-(21 KB, 360x270, the black arrow.jpg)
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    The black shaft of Ani
    A Black-feathered arrow containing the essence of Ani the sky-demon. This arrow when fired may strike any man unerringly, no matter how distant, as long as he stands under an open sky. Furthermore, if placated it's spirit may be consulted for divinatory purposes, as it sees all things under sun or moon, and only that which is veiled from the heavens is unknown to it. Once it's target is struck (or missed) the shaft of Ani immediately returns to the quiver of he who fired it, unless held by powerful magics.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:05 No.18409462

    I like this, but I feel it needs a weapon or item to go with the theme of the thread. I just don't know what that would be.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:08 No.18409480
    Ani + Yeier = ultimate archer combo?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:08 No.18409484
    How about a caltrop that duplicates with every bloody footprint it leaves behind?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:11 No.18409519
    Anyone got a name for a choker associated with death?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:11 No.18409520

    Because of the horrific nature of Osr's executions, and the great remorse the Hellguard feel for doing what they must to sate him, the old, the infirm or the dying among the order will sometimes volunteer to feed the Unstoppable. Such a terrible fate, ending with the utter destruction of the soul, is not undertaken lightly, and as such those who choose to do so are remembered forever in a book of the lost, kept inside Osr's chamber.

    Though Osr constantly screams with the voices of the imapled, those chosen to wield the lance swear that among the myriad suffering ghosts, not one of the volunteer Hellguard can be heard. Some say that the Hellguard feel no pain on the lance, others claim that the 'pure' cannot be left to suffer such a fate. The older, wiser Hellguard know the crue truth; None among their number will ever, until the end of time or their own oblivion, give Osr the satisfaction of a single scream or plea.

    Legends speak of a time when only the silent, proud dead line the length of the demon, and Osr The Unstoppable becomes Osr The Silent. None can say, however, if this will merely quiet the weapon, destroy the demon within utterly or even transform him into a force for good. What can be said is that until then, Osr will bay for the taste of blood and the trill of the charge.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:12 No.18409527

    sounds fun, I'll add the Hellguard bit to the weapons I put forth.


    Grief was once Commander's Greagoir favourite weapon, for the persuasion aura it sorrounded the weapon. With that, he was able to bring down the morale of any force standing in front of his cavarly regiment charge. The other guards were always impressed and revered such tool of psychological warfare.

    Unfortunately, the Commander was found one morning turned into a gory statue of living flesh in the middle of the training grounds. The sword has been since discouraged for the horrible transfiguration it was capable of, a fate no one of the Hell Guard feels to deserve.


    Reflection is one of their favourite tools actually. With that, numerous paladins have been able to evade the most skillful skirmishers, but most importantly, they were always able to tell a friend from a foe. Being able to spot and eradicate evil whenever it nested, always proved important from them.

    But only the most witful and morally integer guards are allowed to wield it. Weak and brash guards have been reported to commit slaughter on innocent civilians several times.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:13 No.18409533

    *cruel truth
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:16 No.18409560

    I have a feeling those two demons would be related somehow as well. Brothers, maybe, only Ani would be a more "noble" demon and Yeier would be a trickster demon. They jointly ruled the sky domain, and ancient shamans prayed to them for rain or good winds.
    >> Fiend 03/21/12(Wed)20:17 No.18409585

    The weapon in which it has manifested is a pair of knee high rusted metal greaves. Covered in thick pulsing thorn vines, it may appear almost harmless, but this is not the case. When worn the greaves allow the wearer to pass any solid terrain by extending three large talons from the bottom of each foot for traction. These talons can also be used for fighting purposes. The longer anyone wears these greaves the thirstier they will become to the point of insanity. Many wearers have tried to run to the ocean but only one had succeeded in making it to the shore line before being apprehended. She was found over bloated with see water and still drinking more. Her body was large and bulbous, mostly round except for her arms and legs which were cone shaped outwards of her body. She was rolled away from the shoreline but she exploded into a violent mess of pulsing gibbering moss. The greaves were returned for another bearer of the scourge. It's said that if the greaves ever grows too thirsty...
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:19 No.18409597
    Yun-Brak the Vocal

    Yun-Brak is a large war-horn made of brass with silver decorations. Yun-Brak was the Herald of Hell, the demon of Voice and Intimidation, delivering messages from archdemons to each other or to their generals and armies.

    When sounded, Yun-Brak strikes at everyone in proximity, friend or foe, except the sounder of the horn. It causes piercing pain for the duration of the sound and leaves the victims disoriented and reeling. To keep the demon content, the horn must be submerged in blood after each blow. If not, there is an increasing risk after every further blow that the horn will also affect the sounder and then break, freeing the demon. The demon tempts repeated use by goading its carrier (the voice comes out of the horn's mouth), promising each further blow will carry even more powerful effect (they do).

    Recently, some Hell Guard warriors have discovered that the horn can also be used to amplify voice and make it carry across great distances. It seems though that Yun-Brak subtly corrupts the message, so it should not be trusted to deliver critical information.
    >> Fiend 03/21/12(Wed)20:21 No.18409617

    Without anyone to drink from, the greaves will up and run away by themselves and drink the ocean for itself and the true Gor' Lorion. Then what ever lay in the depths shall be set free from its watery prison. DUN DUN DUN
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:23 No.18409633
    Ani poster here, that sounds like a pretty cool idea, especially since I took the name 'Ani' from an obscure Eutruscan god who is often depicted similarly to Janus, with two faces. Perhaps two halves of a shattered greater entity now extant as 'siblings' of sorts?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:24 No.18409643
    Melical, the Elegant Death

    Melical takes the form of a silver inlaid basket-hilted rapier. The wielder moves with inhuman grace and on lunges it often seems like the rapier is thrusting and the wielder being pulled along.

    Melical refuses to be wielded by one of ignoble birth or of insufficient decorum.

    The blood that Melical requires depends on it's source, where you would need a entire village of peasants a small bit from a noble lord or a single drop of a princesses blood would do. If it has gorged on noble blood it's thrusts first pierce the target and afterward find its way to the wound.

    If thrust into the heart of a true king it will be released and take the kings place. He will slowly take control of the kingdom turning into a living hell.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:26 No.18409657

    I suppose if you want to go further with that, Ani could represent the clear sky during the day, and Yeier the veiled sky at night.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:27 No.18409664
    Forgot to expand on repeat use effect: the force increases until the tenth consecutive sounding is powerful enough to crumble walls and render people permanently deaf. It is also nearly guaranteed that the demon will break free at this point.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:34 No.18409731
    Loumakorden, the Echoing Doom

    Loumakorden, the mighty demon lord of inevitability, was sealed within a great bell in the depths of the Eastern Temple. When rung, the bell sends out a massive wave of sound that destroys all man-made tools within a large radius, including weapons, armor, and clothing; it also deals structural damage to any nearby buildings and other man-made objects. This sound also has a secondary effect: if heard by the weak-willed, the sound will not fade but echo endlessly in their minds, getting continuously louder until it drives them insane. Needless to say, it is only used in the most dire of circumstances.

    Every month, the bell must be sated with no less than thirteen innocent sacrificial victims. If this is not fulfilled, Loumakorden will begin to swing itself, attempting to incapacitate those nearby. If not stopped from ringing, the resounding knells will get louder and louder, spreading wider and wider, until the entire world is driven insane and the very earth shattered by the unending sound of Loumakorden's bell.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:36 No.18409744
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    If anyone wants to play EDH, get on Cockatrice.
    Room: Tender Loving EDH
    Password: faggot
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:37 No.18409755
         File: 1332376632.jpg-(10 KB, 300x300, Apply-torch-wrought-iron-80-cm.jpg)
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    Immob The ever burning

    This iron torch burns with a blood red flame that flickers in the vague shape of a sleeping man's face. The Face is of the Demon Immob who is content to slumber peacefully in his prison as long as the fire is regularly fed fresh blood. If starved the torch flames will grow greater and greater until the entirety of Immob's body dances at the tip of the torch then the Demon will awaken and his in unquenchable fires will spread across the world consuming everything. While satisfied and slumbering the torch cannot be extinguished and anything caught aflame by the torch will burn until it is consumed.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:38 No.18409765
    Xurt the Ender

    Xurt is a massive two-handed sword of shining steel, its pommel inlaid with the largest diamond one has ever seen. Because of many legends and prophecies surrounding Xurt, the sword is under heavy quarantine. Xurt is called the Ender as legends say he will bring about the end of the world when released into mortal plane. Xurt, for his part, seems content to just wait, demanding no sacrifices to maintain the prison.

    The sword in fact has been used only once: to slay an arch-demon that attacked the Hellguard leadership meeting. The sword slew the demon with a single blow, but was broken into two. Apparently, this was not damage enough for Xurt to escape.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:39 No.18409774
    So uh

    If, y'know, someone- not ME, you understand

    But if someone, like, hypothetically, put their dick in Lasvani, well, uh...

    I, erm... a friend wanted me to ask for him. No, you wouldn't know him.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:39 No.18409776

    I feel this torch would be even cooler if the fire could only be fed by the burning of innocent victims. Like a falsely accused witch.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:41 No.18409795
         File: 1332376860.jpg-(246 KB, 900x900, oversized_weapon_by_genzoman-d(...).jpg)
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    A lot of great ideas here.


    Submitted for archival.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:41 No.18409803
    Enedan, the Badwithnames

    Enedan is a demon associated with agony, entropy and death. He is bound within a choker made of bone and contains a single fist sized blood red gem.

    Whenever a living being dies with a certain range of Enedan, its soul is consumed by the artifact. While the wearer will experience twice as much pain, the artifact will prevent one death he would experience for each soul consumed. What is considered a death is left to the whims of the demon contained within.

    If starved, the choker will instantly consume the soul of whoever puts it on. If starved for too long, it will consume the soul of any living thing within a certain radius, creating an ever growing field of death that can only be stopped by feeding it a large amount of souls.

    If sated, it will bind to the wearer and make them incapable of dying but not immune to the effects of aging or natural decay. Enedan will slowly take control of the wearers body but the wearer will retain all senses and be perfectly aware of everything he or she is forced to do. The demon cannot be exorcised by any means and any attempts to do so will only cause great pain to the wearer. The only way to control the demon at this point is to either slay the wearer once for each soul contained, or to wait until the wearers body is reduced to dust by time.

    While the artifact is immensely powerful, the risk of overuse is far too great to even consider using.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:44 No.18409830
    Salanephta, the Nightmare Blade

    A demonic princess who once entered the physical realm through nightmares, Salanephta is now bound within a leather-wrapped wooden rod. To all those other than the wielder, she appears as the most intimidating weapon imaginable. When one strikes with Salanephta, it does no physical harm, but the target is wracked with absolute terror as they envision with overwhelming clarity the fruition of their greatest fear. In lesser specimens, this can sometimes result in fatal or at least temporarily crippling shock and panic. For others, however, it is only momentarily distracting... until Salanephta's more sinister power becomes obvious. Those who are not outright killed by the fear that Salanephta inflicts will live to see their greatest fear realized; unless interrupted by divine intervention, it will become destined to pass, though it may not happen for ages to come. It is impossible to trick Salanephta into orchestrating anything other than the victim's absolute worst fear. The demon knows always what that true fear is.

    When not sated for some time, Salanephta causes anyone nearby to become wracked with nightmares and take to running amok in their sleep, screaming, raving, and thrashing, each one seeking the item from which their nightmares spring. Should one discover it, they will begin chanting the invocation which will free the demon princess of nightmares.

    As for Salaneptha's usefulness to the Hellguard... entire armies have slaughtered themselves in a single night seeking the Nightmare Blade. Of course, it is not always easy to keep that many unconscious, berserk people away from the source of the night terrors...
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:47 No.18409874
    Bordri, the pervasive.

    Bordri was a master of deception and given that this was the title given by fellow demons, that really means something. She was known for her audacity and her ability to move freely to any given point, be it in the General's tent filled with soldiers during a siege and then back to the darkest corners of the abyss in the same afternoon.

    After she was defeated the Hellknights couldn't keep her in rigid steel weapon for her slipperyness allowed her to leisurely escape. Eventually the knights found that the looseness and flexiblity of a loose robe could counter her and keep her bound.

    The bound robe is bright red with gold trim. The wearer can control the robe like a separate limb and if the he shrowds himself in it completely the robe can collapse and slink around as if nothing was inside. If someone dies around the robe, it will suck up the blood if it makes contact. Wearer's often have bouts of paranoia and insomnia after wearing it and people who have worn it say they can see the demon's laughing face in the stitch pattern.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:48 No.18409883
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    Hm, mentioning Janus, the god of gateways just gave me another Idea, though instead of Janus (which kinda sounds like anus) I'd opt for his alternate name 'Bifrons' which means 'two faced', so: The Bifrons Labrys, a relatively minor demon lord, bound in the form of a titanic double-bitted axe, imbued with the soul of Bifrons, whose domain is gateways. This axe as well as being a formidable weapon grants the wielder the power to open any door before him, even those which are only metaphorically doors, such as barred magical gateways. Furthermore, any entrance; be it a wooden doorframe, magical portal or empty stone arch that Bifrons is held against, becomes impassable to man or steel, though when held in this manner Bifrons cannot be used as a weapon. In addition to these powers, Bifrons may also aid sorcerers in the creation of magical gateways, and doors to places far and near, though is incapable of performing this feat by it's own power.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:56 No.18409997
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    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)20:57 No.18410021
    Meheru the Many-Faced

    Meheru is bound to a featureless steel mask with two round holes for eyes. Meheru is the demon of Deception, and as such, the mask grants its wearer to ability to flawlessly pass as anyone else, a perfect tool for infiltrators.

    The wearer however will start on taking the mannerisms, even memories of the person they act as, becoming to believe they are in fact the said person. When fully convinced of their new identity, they will be compelled to seek out the "impostor" and slay them. This kill will be the sacrifice that Meheru demands. Depending on the wearer's force of will, this can happen as quickly as in single day.

    Further, Meheru will start corrupting the wearer's new identity, turning them into evil. Once the corruption is complete, he will be released from the mask to inhabit the body. The whole process can be reversed simply by remocing the mask, difficult as the wearer can perfectly pass as someone else. Powerful magics are required to discern their true nature.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)21:11 No.18410183
    Yaht-Parghoul, Retainer of Bones. Yaht-Parghoul's only wish was to destroy the living world in a tide of marow, in an ocean of skulls, but was thwarted eon's ago by heroes of old. His soul was trapped within a rather plain looking quarter-staff, but he who wields it sees the weapon as it truly is, and views the world from Yaht-Parghoul's twisted sight. 5 bodies a month must be broken into dust by this weapon, each bone smashed and broken, each still breathing sacrifice bruised and beaten in order to slake her thirst for dominance until the time is right. If not, the bones of every living being will begin to re-animate at an alarming rate
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)21:13 No.18410213
    I love this thread. It's like fantasy SCP.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)21:22 No.18410297
    Daktylos, the Heart-Ripper: Daktylos is the gauntlet of Bel Sham'Haroth, Lord of the Eight Kingdoms. It is a black, clawed right-hand gauntlet, covered in rusty spines and hooks. It is mainly a sacrificial weapon, as it is impossible to wield any weapon in the same hand as Daktylos; for the corrupting influence of the demon lord quickly corrodes anything held in that hand. Armor touched by the gauntlet also quickly rusts and falls away, making this weapon quite useful in certain situations. However, the inability of any but a leftie to use it effectively in battle makes it impractical much of the time.

    When Daktylos tastes the still-beating heart of a willing victim, the corruption spreads outward quickly, until everything within several miles corrodes or decays. This could be used to quickly destroy most of a city, but at the expense of leaving that area unlivable for decades or even centuries; and the difficulty of finding a willing victim is often more of a problem than the side effects.
    >> Jeru Roku 03/21/12(Wed)21:40 No.18410509
    Korm, the Bloodletter And Wihengran, the Soulbreaker

    Korm was know as an archdemon of sadism and blood. He would slaughter entire cities just so he could absorb the blood of the victims, While the souls of the slaughtered would be absorbed by His "Brother", Wihengran, an archdemon known for using souls as barriers, protecting him from the many divine powers that tried to stop him.
    Korm was bound to an axe of an unnatural black color, which had a knife on the bottom. the Head of the axe is shaped similarly to a bat wing. The more blood the wielder has lost due to the knife on the handle, the more powerful the force of the axe is. The wielder also has increased reflexes and senses. The problem is, that the wound takes twice as long to stop bleeding, and three times as long to close up. The Axe demands a blood tribute weekly, where ten innocents must be slaughtered by the axe itself, which consumes all of the blood of the victims

    Wihengran was bound to a translucent Chainmail shirt. When the wearer kills someone, the deceased's soul is imprisoned in the chainmail with Wihengran. He observes for situations where the wearer is in danger, and warps the soul into a barrier surrounding the wearer for a few seconds. He Demands tributes frequently, which consist of forcing the chainmail onto someone with weak will, where the entire body, as well as soul, of the victim is absorbed into the chainmail, leaving behind only the skeleton wearing it.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)21:45 No.18410557
    Loumakorden, Demon Lord of Inevitability. One of the mightiest of all the demons, and one of those responsible for instigating the first invasion of the human world. Our greatest adversary. And yet, he himself did not fight. The other demons showed only contempt and hatred, wanted nothing better than to crush us like insects. But he did not leap at that opportunity.

    He did not seek to conquer us, did not want servants or slaves. The other demons violated our women, our children, our sons and daughters, our minds and bodies and souls. He took of neither our flesh nor our freedom.

    He wanted nothing more than our lives. But why?

    Was is really all just impersonal? Did he actually do this because it was inevitable? If so, I shudder at the possibility that it might be true. Are we really nothing more than puppets, in some grand, twisted scheme of fate?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)21:46 No.18410561
    When Loumakorden stood on the field of battle, none could stand against him. The strongest of blades cracked and crumbled to dust after repeated striking his black hide. The sturdiest of shields and the finest armor were sundered in his presence. We sent armies against him, and yet he did not utter a single word. We sent all we had and he simply ignored them. Without raising a single hand, he left in his wake the destruction of all our race had wrought.

    When our mages and our priests finally unlocked the secrets left to us by those above we rejoiced. We rejoiced, and the demons cried out in fear and anger. At last we began to turn the tide on those who sought to subjugate and destroy us. The demons who once fought us now served us, trapped within weapons that were now turned upon their own kind. And when our exorcists bound them to our will and forced them into forms of cold metal, that was a sight to see. And a wonderful sound to hear, as even the greatest among them cried out in hatred and pain.

    But not Loumakorden. When he saw his defeat, he did not cry out. He did not resist. He did not give us satisfaction.

    He simply tilted his head back and laughed at us. A slow, cold laugh, deeper than the darkest oceans. A laugh that chilled our very bones, and froze our souls in apprehension. A laugh that echoed in our minds and in our hearts.

    He did not surrender or give in to us. And why would he? He had won.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)21:46 No.18410566
    We thought we had taken him prisoner. We thought we had enslaved him to our will. But even in his interminable imprisonment in that cold metal shell, we had already lost.

    Loumakorden saw the inevitable. Loumakorden could afford to wait.

    We sealed him in a temple high up in the distant mountains. We isolated him, as far away from us as possible. The most elite among us were sent to guard him, stout and sturdy men and women who could resist his power, could resist giving in to despair. We gladly sacrificed our own as a sign of our resolve. We used him as a weapon of last resort, desperate to assert that we were capable of controlling him. But none of it mattered.

    He had already won. He had become our god.

    We built him a temple, elevated him into the high places. We sent him our elite as a sign of fearful respect, respect he rightly deserved. He demanded sacrifice, and we complied.

    We told ourselves it was a sign of our superiority. But he demanded respect, and we gave it to him. He demanded tribute and sacrifice, and we gave it freely, fearful of his wrath. A wrath that would be great and terrible, and it was something we could not face. And yet he has not finished with us. Loumakorden has only begun.

    He is content to wait. We have not imprisoned him. He stays in prison of his own free will. Loumakorden sees the inevitable. Loumakorden can afford to wait. He is happy to wait. We hold him in awe. We treat him like a god.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)21:47 No.18410570
    Loumakorden knows that the end is inevitable. It approaches with each passing day. He knows the Hell Guard cannot rule forever. Our time is limited, our days numbered. Loumakorden's days are not. Every day new developments arise. Every day the masses grow more restless. Every day, our reign slips closer to its end.

    Loumakorden had already seen this coming. He was content to wait, as the Hell Guard slipped down the path to destruction. He was content to wait, as people started to become intolerant of the continuing human sacrifices.

    We had to fight for our victory. He did not. He hadn't lost the war. We hadn't won it in the first place. Now all he needs to do is wait for us to lose. We get more tired with each passing day.

    And he? He grows ever fatter on his spoils. He is willing to wait, but for the present he is very much content with the thirteen innocent souls he claims each passing month. The other demons snarl and gnash their teeth, fighting against the chains restraining them. But Loumakorden was different. Loumakorden saw the inevitable. Loumakorden saw the truth.

    In the end, we had achieved no victory. In the end, Loumakorden had won.

    In the end, we were nothing more than puppets.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)21:52 No.18410623
    Yeesh, what a dick.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)22:03 No.18410756
    So, whaddya guys think of my attempt at writefaggotry?
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)22:04 No.18410764
    Ramna, the Blinding Light

    Not much is known about this Demon. He is one of the oldest and most powerful although his domain is unknown. It is said he was an Angel that fell after realizing his power was so immense he need not worship any god as he already was one.

    He was sealed away by forces familiar only to deities and devils. His essence is now contained in an enchanted spear. Any contact with this weapon renders the victim completely blinded to the physical world. Sight, smell, touch, taste, speech, all is gone. While the Hell Guardian that owns this weapon does not need to spill blood with it, he pays a bigger price. He is pledged to Ramna til death and beyond to do his bidding once he has served the Hell Guard.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)22:10 No.18410841

    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)22:17 No.18410933
    The Lawflame

    The lawflame is actually a lamp, used to capture Diko'Djin, a particularly cruel daemon with a very particular domain. Diko'Djin is Lord of burning those who transgress laws. However his laws are capracious and cruel - albiet consistant. However, since his imprisonment, he has taken to punishing everyone he can get his hands upon. Of all the deamons bound, he has the most independance in his bound form to use his powers, but can't use them without being asked to. He tells the wielder of the Lawflame lamp that they may make any one wish, with the caveat that any useage of the words "and" or any attempt to wish for multiple things will end with the user being burned alive in the flame of the sun. He also states that he will attempt to wilfully misinterpret the wish as best he can. In reality, any wish that doesn't involve someone being burned alive in the flame of the sun is willfully misinterpreted, usually with the wisher gaining whatever he wants AND being burned to death, making it a moot point.

    Diko'Djin's powers are all but unbound, so he doesn't gain power from anything he does, but his last bindings are powerful and can't be broken except by Diko'Djin. However he is unable to break them without being commanded to, such is the nature of the final bindings. If he was to escape however, his vengeful demenour would have him persecute all of humanity for the crime of holding him prisoner, with pyroclasmic results.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)22:25 No.18411021
    Gesh is known in the Underworld as the Pain Lord. His machinations would see the suffering of mortals in just about any method, way, or idea possible, and more. When the Church finally defeated this Demon, his containment came in the form of a suit of armor. Any Warrior who wears it has greater protection than the heaviest suit of armor forged from mortal hands. However, once donned, spikes and flesh hooks attaches themselves to the wearer's body, and any blow dealt translates into excruciating pain of varying magnitudes, depending on where the blow was struck and the strength. Gesh feeds not on the suffering of the bearer's enemies, but the bearer itself. The more hits he/she sustains, the more pain they bear, and the more the demon-armor is pleased. But, no matter how many "wounds" taken, the wearer will never die or pass out, and continues to feel the pain.
    Please take care of my creation if you accept.
    >> Alpharius 03/21/12(Wed)22:37 No.18411141
    I like it.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)23:16 No.18411568
    Feathertell, The Pinprick

    Taking the form of a short dagger, Feathertell is one of the most inconspicuous of the Hell Guard's armory. Only 4 inches in length, the thin blued steel of the blade is nearly transparent. The demon within the weapon is a subtle and conniving one, and many years passed before the demonic nature of the blade was made apparent to the Hell Guard scouts who sought the demon weapons.

    The demon bound within is a fiend of Disorder, and values quality over quantity. It hungers for the lives of those in power, that order may be dissolved and the world plunged into chaos. To this end it is an assassin's weapon, and once concealed cannot be found by anyone but the wielder. This allows it to be brought into the highest circles of power without being discovered. It also ensures that anyone in whom the blade is fully inserted may not be healed by any efforts, so that once the task is complete there is no chance of the victim being saved.

    It is in its own way both a simple and a difficult weapon for the Hell Guard to sate. It requires only one life, and only once every hundered years. But the victim must be a ruler or one in a high position of power. Once Feathertell has been used, the scholars of the Guard have noted that the assassinated ruler's lands tend to fall into anarchy much more quickly than might be expected. Even when wielded against non-noble enemies, those who are struck with the blade quickly lose cohesion and often turn on their own allies, and leaders lose command of their troops. If the blade were to be used in a period of political turmoil, it is possible that its power could plunge the entire world into Disorder.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)23:23 No.18411627
    I like this. The corruption aspect is nice, but taking advantage of it is difficult and carries high risk and downside.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)23:32 No.18411701

    a sword that is barely a sword and more of a piece of metal with a handle. its named Carrot not because of its colour but more of the shape of the blade. no wizard or sorcerer has ever felt any form of magic radiating off of it. it seems like a piece of worthless crap.

    Except it is one of the sharpest most deadliest weapons on the planet, being part of a 1000 year old hierarchy of a forgotten kingdom.

    if you've read Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett, you'll know what i mean
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)23:34 No.18411732
    Come on, cheap rip-offs are so passe.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)23:42 No.18411814
    Marive, the Paingorger

    Within this spiked chain is the soul of a particularly sadistic Succubi Queen. The weapon's links and spikes twist and curl so horridly that it pains the eyes to look at. It's carress is far more deadly. Each strike from this weapon deals its damage in both nonleathal and leathal damage. Even if a victim is healed, they will soon pass out from the raw agony that this weapon brings.

    When filled to the brim with souls and suffering, or desperately seeking them out, the weapon animates as though alive, seeking out a victim to assault. Marive will coil around the unfortunate soul as though a snake, spikes tearing into them as it writhes and saws back and forth, tearing apart the target's (or targets', if someone gets too close to it during this attack, for instance, trying to remove the weapon from a suffering companion) flesh asunder. As the creature passes out, likely while near death, the chain will be sated for a time, and fall down to the ground.

    Woe to the wielder of this weapon if ever the Succubus Merive breaks free. Thier suffering would be greatest of all.
    >> Anonymous 03/21/12(Wed)23:50 No.18411887
    Hanerhan the groveling

    Hanerhan is a conniving beast bound inside a pair of golden shackles. As a free demon he consolidated his power by prostrating himself before greater demons before slaying them and assuming their powers when they were at their weakest. Anyone wearing the shackles is granted the ability to travel silently at great speeds across floor, wall or ceiling but this ability comes at a cost. While bound by the shackles the wearer must travel on their hands and knees and are incapable of standing upright on the soles of their feet. Hanerhan's shackles must be fed the souls of greater demons and high born mortals. As the shackles starve the wearer becomes more and more spiteful and angry at authority figures eventually leading to murder, rebellion and/or usurpation as the demon takes control of the wearer.
    >> Alpharius 03/21/12(Wed)23:50 No.18411893
    It's less a rip off and more inspired by/homage to. The original is a person, not a weapon.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)00:09 No.18412096
    Mantilien, the Sin Eater

    Mantilien is the Demon of Remorse, sealed within a weapon resembling a cross between a sword and spear. The blade and hilt are those of a sword, but the grip is much longer than is normal. The blade is long and thin, with hooked teeth on both sides. Mantilien can only be wielded by those who have committed grave sins and as a result become overwhelmed with despair. Otherwise, it will burn the hands of any who touch it. The effect it has when wielded varies depending on the target of an attack.

    If the target is someone less sinful than the wielder, they will immediately become consumed with despair so virulent that it is physically painful. The unbearable mental and physical pain will cause them to eventually die in agony. If the target is someone who bears more sins than the wielder, it will drain them of remorse and regret. The target will feel a sense of perfect peace and euphoria, before suffering immediate and total brain death. Mantilien is sated in the latter case but is depleted by the former. However, every time Mantilien strikes someone more sinful than the wielder, it transfers the remorse they would/should have felt to the wielder, gradually transforming them into a demon. There is no way to reverse the transformation, except to strike someone with less sin than the wielder, which depletes Mantilien and risks it breaking free.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)00:30 No.18412296
    Choraskovas, the Ravenous Maw

    Choraskovas is a demon of Hunger, originally taking the form of a gigantic raven. His weapon form is a curved sword with a two-pronged blade that resembles a raven's beak. Like a mouth, the two blades of the sword can open up, and then clamp around an object. Any object caught in the hollow center between the two blades will be instantly broken regardless of what material it is. This includes weapons but can also include body parts, locks etc. Nothing except certain divinely shielded objects are impervious. After breaking an item the beak will lock shut for a short period of time, which varies depending on what it just broke. Generally, harder objects have longer downtimes. The downtime drops to near nothing when Choraskovas is sated and increases when it is hungry. To feed Choraskovas, it must be permitted to feast upon the heart of a living victim, whether human or demon. Excessive and reckless use of the weapon, however, will cause the wielder to gradually devolve into a cannibal who feeds on human flesh.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)01:10 No.18412738
    Envy's Faltering Grasp -
    Melchianza was a Glabrezu Prince of great power, who made a legend in offering paragons of Morality the weapon they needed in their darkest hour. Many paladins, priests, and other holy warriors have succeeded in their quests because of Melchianza's machinations, and so many have been damned in the process.

    Faltering Grasp is a gauntlet, shaped into a great claw. The hand that wields the gauntlet can hold no other weapon, or be used for any purpose other than slashing or crushing enemies. Like its master, it hungers constantly for purity and goodness. If fed holy items, or the souls of good beings, Grasp will grant the wielder increasing power, culminating in a brief moment of satiation: If sufficiently gorged on holy power, the gauntlet can be used to grasp what the wielder desires. A great weapon, a captured friend or lover, riches, all of these can be seized, by driving the claw through the barrier between of what is, and what SHOULD be. Note that the claw can reach to all places that are not holy in and of themselves: an item stored in a temple, or a soul in Heaven are beyond Envy's Faltering Grasp.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)06:32 No.18415020
    Borlu Far-Stride

    Borlu is a demon of Passages, Ways and Tolls. It is said that nothing moved on Hell's roads without him knowing. He is bound to a pair of leather boots lined with metal and a multitude of sharp spikes on the soles. They fit any size, but will always feel uncomfortable to wear.

    A person wearing these boots will be unable to move except by commanding Borlu. He can take the wearer nearly anywhere swiftly, save for consecrated areas or places protected by forces more powerful than him. The travel is not instant, but very fast. According to Hellguard records, a round trip around the globe takes approximately one minute, but the journey does not necessarily take the shortest path. Despite the non-teleporting nature of the journey, normal doors, wall or other impediments can not block the traveller, and he will arrive at the destination without fail.

    The boots have a secondary power; the wearer may lift their foot, and when placing it down upon anything, no mortal force may remove it from under the wearer's heel.

    Borlu demands the blood of travellers for each journey, proportional to distance travelled; approximately one living being's blood for every hundred miles. The sacrifice must be performed by stepping on the victim, piercing their skin with the sharp spikes on the soles. If not sufficiently satiated, the demon may throw the wearer off partway through their journey, usually at inconvenient places: over the sea, inside enemy kingdom, deep underground, in the middle of the desert. If Borlu isleft to starve, the boots become capable of crushing anything beneath them, but the very act will release him.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)07:02 No.18415144
    Xu-ath the Hurler

    This is a short wooden rod bound with black iron. It binds Xu-ath, demon of Crushing Death. He is a simple and brutal demon who enjoyed throwing massive boulders upon his victims.

    The wielder of Xu-Ath can touch anything smaller than a house with the rod and cause it to launch with great force into direction and angle of their choosing. Depending on the object's size, the power will need some time to regenerate. The demon will feed on the souls of anyone the thrown objects slay, and his hunger is constant. It is difficult to gorge Xu-ath with souls, for that would require over thousand in a day, but should this be accomplished, the next thrown object will gain penetration powers utterly disproportial with its shape and material. A small pebble, for example, could penetrate a thick castle wall.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)10:21 No.18416322

    I read the OP and was going to make this exact thing, but thankfully the further discussion was far enough off from what I was thinking of that it's worth typing.

    A bone pen with a pronged metal head, Laayhors resembles a long spear, unwieldy and obviously meant for a much larger creature. Though it is poorly balanced and strangely proportioned, the tip is wicked sharp, and as it hungers for twisted justice it drips a black ichor, deadly to human and demon alike. This ink makes any contract written in it binding, and it is only staunched by penning malicious, deceitful and cruel agreements that can only be signed with blood. When it is sated, however, it delights in drinking the blood from those it has wounded, and will gladly shrink itself to your hand so you may bind hue enemies to all manner of fate with the blood on it's tip.

    Beware, as when it is hungry, it will fight you for control, making your contracts illegible or even implicating you in their text. Only a skilled practitioner of law can steady their hand well enough to write with it, by even they must be watched carefully, lest it take over their hand and write a contract to set itself free.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)12:03 No.18416970
    Locksdauttur, the Fang of Winter.

    A small rusted sickle with jagged interior blades, Locksdauttur feels chill and slick in the hand, no matter how long it is held or how firmly it is gripped. Wounds caused by this sickle are jagged and frost-bitten. The wounds caused by the rusted blade oddly do not bleed, and it takes great violence to bring a man down with this weapon. However, survivors are at great risk of both frostbite and tetanus.

    Locksdauttur will happily bathe in the blood of wounds it did not cause, and whenever it does so, the blade grows a little colder, and its aura a bit more oppressive. Should this blade feed too deeply, it will cause a hellish winter to grip the region, and all those slain by the cold rise as its servitor undead. Those undead hunger for warmth, blood, and respite from the killing cold, as they are not immune to it even in death. The wielder, likewise, is unprotected against the effects of Locksdauttur's revelry. The length of the winter depends upon the amount of blood Locksdauttur had, and afterwards, the weapon is exhausted and needs the heart's blood of at least a hundred men to do so again.

    While there is quite a lot of speculation on the nature of the demon within this sickle, there is little agreement beyond its bloodthirst and its hedonistic nature. It seems to get quite a lot of pleasure from drinking blood, and being unable to draw blood itself seems a fitting punishment for so indiscriminate a demon.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)12:05 No.18416981
    nice flavor, OP. I'll steal one of these for our campaign.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)12:08 No.18417002
    This thread is awesome, and you all should feel awesome for contributing to it.

    Just sayin'
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)12:30 No.18417144
    Can this thread be archived, please ?
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)12:32 No.18417156
    Already done.


    Everyone who likes this, vote it up on suptg!
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)12:33 No.18417164
    Skliterai, the Crown of Thorns

    Skliterai takes the form of a metal crown crafted from dark metal thorns, twisted around each other in a manner that seems to defy conventional geometry. Once placed upon someone's head, the thorns grow, piercing the skull and rooting themselves in the brain. From this point on it cannot be removed until the bearer dies, and even then it must be forcibly hacked away from the corpse's skull in order to retrieve it.

    Skliterai is capable of projecting any emotion the wearer desires in a certain radius, whether it is calm, fear, anger, sorrow, or despair. Those affected by this will feel a compulsion to follow the projected emotion in service of the one wearing the crown. The strength and distance of the compulsion depends on how well Skliterai has been fed: when hungry the radius is barely ten feet and the compulsion is no more than a mild annoyance. When fully sated the range extends to over a mile and only the most strong-willed can resist. Skliterai is not fed with blood or souls; instead, it feeds upon the emotions and memories of its victims. It feeds by extendint thorny metal vines towards a victim, fully encompassing their heads before invading their minds, savouring the pain they feel as their identities are stripped away leaving them a mindless husk.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)12:33 No.18417177
    If fully sated Skliterai has one final ability: at the wearer's command, it can seize a victim as if draining their minds. In this case however what it will attempt to do is overwrite the victim's mind with that of its wearer, creating a nearly perfect, though subservient copy in another body. This carries great risk, as if the target is sufficiently strong-willed the process may be reversed, and the wearer's mind will be overwritten with that of the target.

    If utterly starved, Skliterai's thorns will extend beyond the interior of the wearer's skull, throughout the rest of their body. It will then manipulate them like a puppet, slowly awakening its own will as it tries to gorge itself on souls to a point where it might break free.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)12:46 No.18417286
    Savidia of the Pool

    Savidia is bound to a trident adorned with pearls. She is a low-ranking demon, thought to have been originally bound by mistake, but which nevertheless has been retained in the collection because of its low threat and frequent usefulness.

    Savidia is a minor water demon, and was able to easily access the mortal world. Sometimes, when people looked at their reflection faces in freshwater lakes, rivers or streams, she would sometimes appear, taking place of the reflection. She then would grab them and pull them down with her considerable strength to drown in her deep, dark pool.

    Savidia grants the wielder of the trident an ability to breathe underwater and swim with the ease and freedom of the fish. Prolonged use is known to make the wielder actually prefer living in water instead of dry land, but that so far has been observed as the extent of its influence.

    Unsurprisingly, Savidia needs to feed on the souls of the drowned. Just a single soul in several months is enough to keep her sated, and she is not picky about the manner in which the person came to drown. She is also very easy to unbind: the trident needs to slay a major saltwater creature - a shark or an octopus for example - which will immediately set the demon free.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)13:13 No.18417491
    Ruundier the slayer.

    Little is know about the motivations that drove Ruundier to submit to being used by the church.

    Bound to the form of a bronze short sword. Ruundeir is notoriously picky with who wields it, any unfit hosts who touch any part of the sword hemorrhage blood from their skin, dying in seconds. Any suitable wielders of the sword are immediately possessed by a basic need to move towards demons or creatures with demonic influence, gaining the ability to track them over great distance and with unerring accuracy. They need not sleep or food or rest. Relentlessly perusing their foe over any terrain or through any hardship.

    Whenever the wielder of Ruundier is within a few meters of a targeted demon their soul will be sucked into the blade and desecrated by the demon within. Now their lifeless husks will fight and defeat the opposing demon no matter their strength or abilities.

    Despite its apparent usefulness the Hellguard refrains from deploying Ruundier unless forced to. perhaps because demons defeated by the blade are not truely killed and will recover eventually or because those who take up Ruundier are consumed when reaching a demons proximity.

    Though the greatest limitation of the blade by far is finding suitable hosts.

    Even with accurate calendars and records. It can be quite troublesome to find a child who is 7 years 7 months and 7 days old when one is sorely needed.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)14:58 No.18418377
    Tetra of the Bindings.

    Tetra is bound to a silver sewing needle, completely unremarkable to the mortal eye. It exudes one of the most powerful demonic auras ever seen for those capable of seeing such things. Little is known of this demon beyond its powers, Hellguard's records suggest it was one of the very first demons they bound, if not even the very first, by their legendary founder who is sometimes attributed with near-angelic powers.

    Tetra is the demon of binding and unbinding. Possibly one of the highest archdemons, his power extends towads the abstract world of ideas besides working on the physical. Only one person at a time may wield Tetra, and no other may step up before the current wielder is dead. Tetra chips away pieces of the wielder's soul for every use of its power, proportional to the task. This is all the sustenance it needs, requiring no furter sacrifices.

    He may effortlessly bind and unbind any knot. He may also cause rivets to become unbound, nails and screws to come loose, or to secure something. He may also destroy stone walls by causing the stones to become unbound from each other. He may also unbind people's relationships, or bind new ones. He may cause your thoughts to become unbound. It is claimed he could loosen the moon from its orbit. Some think he even has the power to unbind and rebind fate, though those few foolhardy enough to try have turned to fine dust, their souls completely consumed by Tetra to fuel the attempt.

    None alive today know how such a demon can even remain bound. There is only a legend, saying it involves a paradox invoked by the order's founder: the demon is bound by nothing, and thus cannot unbind himself from the needle.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)15:10 No.18418464
    Maur the Transgressor

    Maur is a large battleaxe decoreated with golden letters in an unknown alphabet. Maur is a major archdemon like Tetra, and her power too extands into ideas. She is the demon of breaking boundaries. The wielder of Maur is capable of crossing any boundary they meet: a physical boundary, one in their mind, or one in the abstract. Maur wil break them all.

    She demands a heavy tribute for her powers, demaning only blood of those close to the wielder. Small tasks require only a pittance, large ones may demand a whole life.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:03 No.18418907
    Umenosk the Transcendental

    Umenosk is the demon of Ingenuity, and a masterful craftsman and scientist among his kind. The finest weapons of the demonic hordes were made by his own hands, and his analysis of human tools and technology made the war against the demons considerably more difficult. Even now that he has been sealed, he continues to analyze the creations of man with a single-minded obsession.

    Umenosk was sealed within a pair of ornately decorated spectacles. Those who wear Umenosk will be able to see through walls and perceive things normally invisible. They will also, when observing any artificial objects, be able to analyze them and gain a comprehensive understanding of them. This extends to equipment as well, enabling instant mastery with any tool or weapon. All knowledge is lost when the spectacles are removed, and must be relearned again every time they are taken off and put back on. Any souls killed while wearing the spectacles is automatically claimed by Umenosk, and as Umenosk is fed more souls the speed and depth of comprehension increases. When full, it offers instant and complete mastery with any tool the wearer desires, can see through all but the strongest wards and magics, and is capable of perceiving certain fundamental patterns in the universe. However, Umenosk has great difficulty in analyzing living things, including other demons and demon weapons, preferring to analyze technology.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)16:04 No.18418916
    The danger in using Umenosk lies in his obsession. The longer one wears the spectacles, the more Umenosk's fanatical and obsessive personality begins to bleed over into the user's mind. If left on for extended periods of time, the user gradually becomes more and more like the demon himself, growing addicted to the ease with which they can master different things. The rate of corruption is also hastened with each new mastery acquired using the spectacles, and speeds up even more if Umenosk is well fed with souls. In addition, those who have grown accustomed to using Umenosk will find their capacity without his aid is drastically decreased, making them nearly useless unless wearing the spectacles. If the user is completely corrupted they will transform into a new vessel for Umenosk, freeing the demon and allowing him to once again turn human technology upon its creators.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)17:00 No.18419588
    Nihil the Unmaker

    Deep in the Hell Guard's headquarters lies a chamber guarded more carefully than any other. No less than ten of the order's finest warriors are kept on duty at all times to make sure no one enters it without the grandmaster's authorization. Inside the chamber, behind the strongest magical wards ever created by human beings, lies the bound form of Nihil.

    Nihil is called the Unmaker since legends tell he can wipe anything from existence, be it a physical object or a abstract concept. Some even go as far as to say he will be the one to bring forth the end of the world by erasing all that is.

    The Guard fear the possibility that the prophecy might be true so each and every day a person is sacrificed to Nihil to keep him bound into a wooden staff with sharp bristles tied to one end.

    Legends say that when used in combat, just one strike with Nihil is enough to flay off all flesh of the opponent, two strikes vaporize the skeleton and other physical remains, and three to erase their soul from existence. Such terrifying power is not without it's risks however, for the seal keeping the demon bound is so strained that even a single scratch on the staff would cause it to become unbound. The Guard obviously is not willing to risk that happening, so Nihil is never removed from it's vault.

    Actually the whole thing is just a misunderstanding and no demon was ever bound to the broom kept in the chamber but the Guard fear it too much to ever find out.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)18:41 No.18420484
    Has someone shared the goetia monster generator that /tg/ was into a few weeks ago?

    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)18:49 No.18420568
    Yes, in this thread, idiot
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)18:51 No.18420603
    That blog in general is pretty sweet.
    >> Anonymous 03/22/12(Thu)23:49 No.18424890
    The Pale Lion's Roar

    The Pale Lion was a mighty champion among the demons, a demon of Battle with the supernatural ability to strike fear into the hearts of his opponents. Whenever he approached, even the most brave of heart would find themselves starting to tremble with apprehension, and lesser men would simply flee before the aura of terror that preceded him, driven before his overwhelming psychic presence.

    The Pale Lion's sealed form is a set of armor consisting of breastplate and pauldrons, each of which is shaped like the face of a roaring lion. The armor is silver in color and burnished to a perfect shine, and can be seen to emanate a pale green glow when it is dark. When seen by an enemy, those wearing the armor will seem far more intimidating in physical appearance than they actually are. In addition, the armor will grant the wearer unwavering drive to continue battling which cannot be shaken by outside influences, though it does nothing to augment their actual physical abilities. This has the side effect of making the wearer all but immune to psychic and emotional attacks.

    The Pale Lion's Roar can only be fed by cutting down fleeing enemies who have not already surrendered. It grows hungry very quickly, and thus must be sated through constant battle. If the wearer, for even an instant, feels fear, the armor will overwhelm them, growing to cover their entire body. Their physical body will then turn to ash as the Pale Lion's power grows ever stronger, using its new vessel to go on a rampage of wanton slaughter and bloodshed.

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