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Cartography Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, fight each other for victory.
A campaign mode is planned, and currently in the works. (you) are encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc
>Main Lore Doc, including links to anon-written short stories and additional lore in "Recommended..." section
> Unit Spreadsheet - Currently outdated, requires an update
>Unit Design Doc

>What can I do?
Shitpost, meme, get comfy. Read over the docs to settle in.
Familiarize yourself with rules and plan some playtests.
Contribute if you have ideas. Give feedback on contributions if you don't.

> TQ 1 : Anyone interested in coming forward to compile a tentative African Expansion?
> TQ 2 : Anyone wanting to spearhead a Satsuma roster? It's been long enough.

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ah, my bad man. then i agree. i dont think it really hurts it that much though.
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Alright, here's the proposal. No apologies for the gigapost...

In Vodou, we have the Chwal.
The word translates to "Horse", meaning a woman who serves as medium a spirit via possession. Literally, a body that the Lwa rides.
We also have the Sosyete Pwive, Private Societies. The Bizango are the secret Vodou societies of Haiti and Maimi. The Bizango are many small, tight-knight gangs, not one giant cabal.
You do not join them, there is no initiation. You're in one, or you aren't, with very few exceptions. Bizango, in turn, is less of a term these shadow gangs use to describe themselves, and more of a term used by outsiders to describe their behavior and practises.
Within the Bizango, we have the Bokor (Male) and Caplata (Female). Most mysticism worldwide parts dark and light magic. The Bokor/Caplata are merely priests and priestesses who evoke both light and dark magic as needed. A Bokor is raised from birth, their life path decided by previous Bokor who determine an infant is spiritually worthy of that path.
But, the Bizango are splintered. As far as I can tell, each Bizango is a rather small, tight-knit gang. So, how do we unite them?

My proposal for the leader of this faction would be called Vivandye. This literally translates to "Living God".
This figure would be a Caplata, born in Miami, who is said to be Chwal to the Bondye itself. Though the Bondye is considered distant from human affairs, I feel this isn't too much of a stretch to say the Bondye arrived "in person" to bring light to such harsh times.
By this concept, we can have some spark that unites many micro-gangs into one unified force. I'll explain in more detail how...
Two phrases came up often in my research.
>"Ou manyen yun, ou manyen tout."
Which is, "You touch one, you touch all."
That is to say, if you hurt my brother, my family becomes your enemy. If you touch one gang member, you're at war with the gang.
The Vodou gang philosophy is extremely fatalist, and very familial. Another core concept this touches on is the Vodou idea of unified purpose. A Bizango is said to form when many minds align to the same goal. Its said to simply be natural, the will of the spirits. A unified purpose is the force behind the gangs.

The Vivandye would bring the message, that all practitioners of Vodou are unified. You touch ONE member, you become enemy to ALL members. This brings a unifying mesage to disparate gangs, ending up with a faction of many small gangs, all tense with each other, but ultimately united by religion and VERY strict codes of conduct.
Those of one Bizango do not harm people from another. Each Bizango deals with its own affairs, with harsh consequences for meddling in the affairs of others.
But, all Bizangos work together. One goal, unified, for the glory of Bondye, through the Vivandye, under the guidance and protection of the Lwa.

Which means, one big rule establishes itself within the Vodou faction. You only get to Zonbify our enemies. Never shall you harm a fellow practitioner. They make Zonbis of the Americans, and Domincans, and foreigners, but nevermore their own.
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>Manchèt ki pase anba dlo pa janm fe mak
Which is, "Shackles underwater leave no marks."

The Lwa are said to live "Underwater", and this phrase touches on the mystic force of Vodou. Justice delivered by the Lwa and Bondye is an invisible power. You are bound to the will of the Lwa, even if you try to deny it.
A Boko, or a Caplata, can ruin your life and you'd never see it. This is a faction of hidden attacks, misfortune with unknown origin, subtle and unresistable power.
A core guiding tenant is never to call for harm, but rather to petition the Lwa for fair justice. Malice in the heart is best avoided, but any number of dark things can happen when justly righting a wrong. If the Lwa decide a life needs to be ruined, then that is right to happen.

We bring the justice. The Lwa guide us to it, and give us the power. ALL justice brought to people who have harmed us, the slavers and colonials, is right and good. Brutal justice is not malicious, it is simply rectification. You made us slaves, we make you Zonbis. You tried to kill our culture, and now we kill your civilisation. And that is right, and that is good.
Considering these two phrases, we get a VERY extreme Us vs Them mentality.
And the Vivandye facilitates this: A figure that can stoke those flames of righteous justice, unify large parts of the heavily splintered religion, and clarify the message so as many people as possible can get behind it. It also gives us a striking icon that fits the mechanical game: A Leader + Units.
Noting that the Poles likely slipped in prior to the fervor flourishing, and didn't really partake in slavery, its easy to see how they could get a pass by integrating themselves "early"
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My current proposed history changes would be that the Haitian revolution keeps kicking, inspiring African diaspora populations in and around the Gulf of Mexico.
Tides of war can be turned quick when your dead fighters turn to Zonbi enemies. America is no slouch, but I feel a faction like this cleaving off a small portion of it isn't impossible. The Gulf of Mexico provides great logistics through New Orleans, Haiti and Maimi, and mystic forces could easily explain the remaining Vodou victories. America is still an under-developed place so I don't think I'm stepping over any lore toes proposing this, either.

More work to come in terms of actual hard history refining. Feedback welcome, as adjustments are good to make prior to more specific development.
A few notes.
The Bizango, seen previously as dark forces in a culture, slowly integrate into Vodou society openly. As they start using their "dark" magic only against the enemies of Vodou and criminals of history, rather than against locals, dark magic becomes more accepted as a force of justice. This is a faction of family, of gang, and of common purpose. High levels of societal trust, extreme in-group preference.
Highly motivated to conquer and bring ruinous justice to others, but very functional and friendly to its own.

The Bondye's first creation was the Sun, thus the Vivandye would be associated with the sun in her iconography. We do not know what is possessing the Vivandye, whether it be the Star Ancestor or something darker, or even some benevolent divine being, but she wields serious actual mystic power. Miracle and demonstration of her power is most of how she earned the faith of her followers.

I also propose this "Faction" be called Ayiti.
Though on western maps that half of Hispaniola is spelled Haiti, the more traditional Ayiti spelling flourished over the Western-aligned variant here. If Vodou expands as far as I suspect it would, Ayiti refers to a theocracy that spans New Orleans, Maimi and through to current-day Haiti, with Maimi as its capital. Possibly also Jamaica via Obeah connections, but probably not without hard conquest
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The doodle will continue until Agartha improve.
I'd be up for a chunk of Louisana/Florida being taken from US. Those places were traditionally pirate dens even in the 19th century and I don't think Grant cares enough about the Cajuns to go and deal with it while he has Halifax and New Mu and Paraguy to deal with.
How does all the Vodou stuff meld with the Abolitionists? It seems like they might have similar goals, or alternatively hate each other for confusing yet historically relevant reasons.
I feel like the Abolitionists would generally not be friendly with the Vodou stuff since they seem like they would prefer to be seen as more civilized and less tribal, but on the flipside the Vodou might view the Abolitionists as Uncle Toms willing to give up their culture to fit into the White Man's world.
Also, Zonbies are slavery adjacent and that probably doesn't fly with the Abolitionists.
>I'd be up for a chunk of Louisana/Florida being taken from US. Those places were traditionally pirate dens even in the 19th century and I don't think Grant cares enough about the Cajuns to go and deal with it while he has Halifax and New Mu and Paraguy to deal with.
Absolutely, and I don't think having the Ayiti / Vodou faction building up a strong navy, in the den of piracy that is the Gulf of Mexico is unreasonable either.
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My shitty attempt at a samurai saur rider.
>How does all the Vodou stuff meld with the Abolitionists?
Mutual antagonism at best.
Enemy of my enemy is also my enemy.
Perfect, ty friend.
>Strong Navy
Depends on your definition of strong.
They're not pulling out any ironclad battleships but there exists a great tradition of smaller boats wrecking shop in the Carribean. Flotillas of Canoes have even taken cities over there.
>They're not pulling out any ironclad battleships but there exists a great tradition of smaller boats wrecking shop in the Carribean. Flotillas of Canoes have even taken cities over there.
Aye, not strong in the massive warship sense but more in the total force projection and region control sense.
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hope other anon doesn't mind me lightening up his doodle to match the other one so its more visible
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Oh shite I forgot about that. I’ll add something when I get back to my computer
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At the very least, they have much more important enemies than their rivalry with each other.
>"The enemy of my enemy is still my enemy..."
>"But at least my REAL enemy has two enemies! now\!"
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A starter proposal for Ayiti territories.
Haiti, Miami, New Orleans and up to Baton Rouge.

Conquest through Tampa and Panama City and Lafeyette, but kicked back at Orlando and Houston after the initial surprise conquest meets serious American response.
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A few more thoughts.
Its likely they rather soundly kick British control out of the local island chains. This almost entirely severs Brit power in Jamaica, so that may be liberated by circumstance.

I'll leave the final decisions to mapfriend who's done the real work, but these would be my suggestions to be settled through discussion.

This brings in the question: What the fuck is going on in Latin America? Unless Ayiti is conquering Cuba, that's a big brick quite near their territory.
I feel the idea of anyone stealing US mainland territory, especially a large strip including important ports, for anything more than a very recent event that is sure to get heavily corrected, is way too silly for the setting. There's no amount of Agarthan Science that would get Americans to relinquish that much territory.
>There's no amount of Agarthan Science that would get Americans to relinquish that much territory.
Unfettered slaughter accomplishes it pretty well.
>Its likely they rather soundly kick British control out of the local island chains.
Yeah this is way too much. Brits are the supreme naval power of the setting, no one is kicking them out of small islands they wish to conquer.
I think that they'd be more localized instead of having sweeping swathes. So instead of having a big strip of land they have a lot of small bases.
I can see them nabbing a couple of the islands though.
Here's an example of what I mean.
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i enjoy these edits.
wow. really love this one.
I think that the Ayiti mainland territories should be contested by the Abolitionists as an arm of the American government. Why risk the lives of soldiers they care about when they can throw Abolitionist bodies at them? Gives lots of room for intrigue with secret Vodun cults duking it out with an Abolitionist inquisition.
I thought abolitionists were a private group? All the stuff I've worked out for them has been working off the idea that they're like the Lincoln Brigade in the Spanish Civil War where it's a bunch of idealists going out and getting involved in foreign conflicts.
>Unfettered slaughter accomplishes it pretty well.
When? When has unfettered slaughter of american citizen on main american ground by a smaller foreign force has ever led to the US capitulating, instead of doubling down?
The supernatural element is not sufficient, the USA have dealt with much worse and come out ahead, they have an entire institution with federal backing dedicating to finding counters to it, and if supernatural terror tactics are required, well, its pretty darn hard to beat weaponized deerheads.
I enjoy making them, they take 2~3 minutes to make most of the time, and even tho the cut outs are pretty rough in some cases, I find them infinitely more kino than straight up Slop, so I'm in the process of replacing those in the books.
I always thought of them as being semi-paramilitary semi-political party. They have some degree of influence in American politics but are also mostly kept around since they attract people willing to put their lives on the line to end slavery wherever it exists, and that feeds into the American-Agarthan war machine as groups like Atlan and Mu make extensive use of slaves.
Personally I can see three ways they'd have mainland US territory without getting wiped off the face of the earth by good old Burnin' Sherman:
>Small Bases
They have a bunch of hidden outposts in the Everglades and Louisiana/Texas Swamps. Some of these might be pretty big, there's a lot of room out there.
>US Approved Holdings
Like Liberia or a native Reservation. Technically self-governing but firmly in the US sphere of influence.
>Scattered Private Holdings
After all the confeds get smashed there's a land grab from rich Poles or some such buying up old plantations. They might privately own entire counties like company towns, except instead of a company it's zombies.
Yeah that's what I was thinking to. Ending slavery was one of the big reasons Euros said they were going into Africa historically too so it makes sense.
the colors on the second one hide the cut out really well. this one might be good for something.
In the lore.
The lore we're literally writing right now.

>by a smaller foreign force
Larger local force. Blacks outnumbered whites almost 3:1 in New Orleans during the early 1800s, the ratio only gets worse when you factor in Haitian support through Miami.
>>US Approved Holdings
I like that. Peaceful diplomatic options are too often overlooked, perhaps given the lack of French response over Haiti and the continuation of the conflict the US got swamped with refugees and had to set them in small temporary semi-autonomous camps, which then became great points of influence of the cults.
>which then became great points of influence of the cults.
A fine proposal. Its easy to see how once-peaceful holdings turn wild.
Feeds in pretty well to this idea: >>92647300
No open war between the two groups as they hunt down the remaining Confederate and Klan groups in the region, but the Abolitionists are partially there to keep an eye on things for the government and there's tension between the two for the soul of the Black South.
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>In the lore.
>The lore we're literally writing right now.
Yeah, that's not how this has worked since the beginning. Things have to fit the overall setting.
Seriously I'm glad we've picked up interest since the birthday but this is not a "worldbuilding" thread in the usual sense of the term where every idea thrown against the wall by someone willing to write multiple posts about it will be automatically included.
I've noticed an increase of snark and attitude because of this in the last few threads and it will not serve anyone.
In 1789, Haiti is estimated to have held about 500,000 black slaves.
Post-revolution, inspired by the Vivandye in turn, and filled up by the ranks of free black men and former slaves from the coastal US, I think its perfectly reasonable to imagine a rather intimidating army can be formed from those numbers.
A mix of partisan fighters in American cities and countrysides at first, but soon coalescing into a relatively unified force.
Haiti's slave population is reported as roughly half the total black Caribbean slave population of the time. Excluding the obviously non-Vodou populaces (Jamaica, mostly) that's still another massive pool of manpower to draw on.

Purely drawing on the forces at play, its reasonable to suggest a standing army of men well into the six digits.
>Yeah, that's not how this has worked since the beginning.
>Discussing things to develop lore is not how discussions about lore development work.
what the FUCK are you talking about?
Man if you just love America and can't stand the idea of it losing some territory whatever. Don't contribute to the discussion then, let people who want to discuss things handle it.
>Like Liberia or a native Reservation. Technically self-governing but firmly in the US sphere of influence.
I don't mind this during the early 1800s, a place where cults can form and plans assemble.
Perhaps spiralling out of US influence later, backed by the tides of Caribbean revolutions.
So, we have minor Vodou revolts in the early/mid 19th century, contained by the US ultimately without much fighting, via the peaceful forming of US-controlled black enclaves and holdings.

Enclaves which, upon spiralling out of control, perhaps were contained but ultimately left to the Abolitionists to contend with, while the US forces deal with Halifax and Agarthan concerns?
>No open war between the two groups as they hunt down the remaining Confederate and Klan groups in the region, but the Abolitionists are partially there to keep an eye on things for the government and there's tension between the two for the soul of the Black South.
I dig it.
>Perhaps spiralling out of US influence later
All sorts of crazy things might happen during...
All sorts indeed...
>Man if you just love America
Its 2e anon. Famously French.
>Don't contribute to the discussion then
Jesus Christ. If someone says something is too silly it doesn't mean its shit it means you need to think about knocking it down a notch a bit. The idea that the US lost Miami and New Orleans in 1885 due to a rebellion in Haiti when it was capable of defeating literal psychotic aliens and psychic dinosaurs, are at the top of their game and were able to strongarm a large part of South America into an alliance is... well it seems pretty fucking silly to me. It doesn't mean your stuff cannot be included. It means it needs to be reworked to be believable within the setting and not as a standalone piece of work. >>92647349 suggested good ways of doing so already.
And if your reflex is to react like this, let me warn you, there's a reason why I made it so I hold control over integrated content into 2e. Feel free to write up your own edition or whatever.
Relax mate.
Right, thank you.
What are the current earliest evident alterations to history?
I'm seeing 1848 as the earliest current changes, right?
The start of the continual alterations would have been when napoleon escaped St Helena. (There were hints earlier like Conquistadors vanishing but they didn't affect the wider world)
Alright, Paraguayan war happens 1864 and unless dates changed (No dates are listed in the US section of lore.), US dominance over South America won't be happening until ~1870.

And noting the alterations with Napoleon, history has been shifting at least subtly from as early as ~1790 no doubt. I think there's room to figure out how Haiti established itself during that time, post Haitian revolution.
>The start of the continual alterations would have been when napoleon escaped St Helena. (There were hints earlier like Conquistadors vanishing but they didn't affect the wider world)
So, ~1815ish?
I'll try not to touch events prior to that while working with Haitian and Caribbean history then.

A current, loose and dirty initial propsal would be something like,
Vodou starts becoming a major problem in the mainland US, with notable (Possibly secessionist?) enclaves in New Orleans and Miami. Ends with US controlled holdings of "free black" territories.
Vivandye in Miami would thus be born some time around ~1815, perhaps right around when Napoleon first cracked those alt history barricades. 1816 maybe?
>after all the confeds get smashed there's a land grab from rich Poles or some such buying up old plantations
that isnt how Reconstruction went. the Confederacy died but the guys running it got off stupid easy, here they would get off even easyer given all the distractions.
>Like Liberia or a native Reservation. Technically self-governing but firmly in the US sphere of influence.
if it was Abolitionists i could see it if as a stretch, but not voodoo rebels from Haiti.
>Small Bases
this i can see, but i would hardly call it territory, more like "presence".
>if it was Abolitionists i could see it if as a stretch, but not voodoo rebels from Haiti.
Why not?
Its like 500,000 rebels, that's NOT a small force.
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Somebody asked this a few threads ago and I meant to answer but never did.
>Why do the Ottomans have janissaries even though they're out of time frame?
I just think that janissaries (followed closely by sipahi) are the coolest and most recognizable thing that the Ottomans had historically and also the lore wasn't nailed down back when I first posted the wojak.
It's entirely possible there was no actual revival of the janissary system and everyone outside the Ottosphere just calls them that for some reason.
>It's entirely possible there was no actual revival of the janissary system and everyone outside the Ottosphere just calls them that for some reason.
Language is weird, yo. Totally reasonable.
>Its like 500,000 rebels, that's NOT a small force.
If its that many it makes no sense for the USA to allow them to remain there. Numbers are not sufficient to deter this, Colonial forces have irl and in setting defeated 20 to 1 "native" forces contemporary to this event (or at least in the last 20 years).
Its either less or there's some fuckery involved and everyone and their zombified relatives count as a soldier, and even then.
Kek, might as well include a blurb in their fluff giving the real name of the regiment and saying they are eternally puzzled as to why everyone else calls them janissaries.
>Colonial forces have irl and in setting defeated 20 to 1 "native" forces contemporary to this event
I don't think Haitian rebels are comparable to a bunch of Zulus with spears. They were very quick to adopt colonial tactics and weaponry where possible and stole a lot of equipment from the French they ousted.
>Guys running it got off stupid easy
True, but we don't have to adhere 1-1 with that in Agartha. With the Confederatos having a large presence in Brazil with the Golden Syndicate it's possible that there was a larger exodus of them leaving a power vacuum in some areas.
Sure, Colonial forces can beat big numbers, but that doesn't mean they just de facto win every possible conflict in every situation no matter what.
Logistics can shift. Circumstances can change. One lost battle at the wrong time can open the floodgates.
Moreover, we're not exactly talking natives armed with medieval weapons. The Haitian rebels ended up rather well armed, in fact.
I don't see it as unreasonable that Haitian assistance in Miami establishes a foothold.
>With the Confederatos having a large presence in Brazil with the Golden Syndicate it's possible that there was a larger exodus of them leaving a power vacuum in some areas.
I don't mind this either.
Reminder also that the Spaniards supported the slave revolts in Haiti as a roundabout attack on the French.
Not sure where that factors in, but the Haitian rebels had relatively significant logistics AND military training support from Spanish colonies.
i miss IP counter.
yeah and thats not even considering the logistics and politics both of which are heavily against them, and the fact they really have no reason to poke the bear of bears.
it isnt happening in Agartha. Golden Syndicate isnt a sure thing by any means, and if it is it is probably more like a gang than anything.
logistics are against them, heavily. politics are against them, heavily.
>logistics are against them, heavily
Solved by Zonbi pigeon post shipping lines.

>politics are against them, heavily.
Solved by having a literal messiah figure to rally behind.
>Confederates are more resistant to peace with the Union, try to keep fighting a little longer
>Haiti assists slaves in the South by providing them with arms and magic
>Confederates exodus to Brazil en masse or get slaughtered by the Union/Haitians
>Tentative peace in the region as the US ponders the Haitian question and Haiti considers the merits of prodding the ex-slaves into rebelling against the US as a whole
>Abolitionists get involved in the region due to large African American presence, occasional Confederate holdouts that need smashing, and intrigue involving the Haitians
>US props up the Abolitionists as the reformers of the region to discourage African Americans from taking the Haiti-pill, but results are mixed
>Deep South expansion focuses on this conflict as well as groups like Mu getting involved
Spanish-American war. Military Blockade. British Aid.
>Solved by Zonbi pigeon post shipping lines.
no it isnt. no Anomalies on the surface.
>Solved by having a literal messiah figure to rally behind.
that makes it worse.
issue of motivation not addressed.
i think im sick of being right.
>to discourage African Americans from taking the Haiti-pill, but results are mixed
I think my proposal of the Vivandye messiah figure would make that pill mighty easy to swallow, and I think could easily be the thing that pushes the whole situation over the edge.

Perhaps she's born later than initially proposed then, closer to the "Current" Agarthan some time deep into the Haitian question being pondered.
Even way after you get to zulus with spears colonials still win. Having a musket or even a good rifle is useless without the proper training, and that is something that got developed in time. By the 1860s a lot of the west african tribes had started to arm themselves with rifles, it didn't help them one bit vs the Brits and the French. You see this across the world, and not only with "colonial" forces, but with any force that start investing into modern military development along the lines Europe went.
Take the Shinmiyangyo. An assault of a fortress island by US troops in 1871 defended by artillery and with superior numbers on the Korea side.
Result :
> US : 3 Dead
> Korea : 250~350 Dead, fortress in ruins, 40 artillery pieces captured by the enemy.
It seems to me a local advantage of 3 to1 in favour of Haiti is not a reason for the US to flinch, its a reason to act.
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>no it isnt. no Anomalies on the surface.
Now there are, through the power of Vodou.
>no Anomalies on the surface.
husked ottomans. german mech pilots. indian magic prophets. etc.
>Having a musket or even a good rifle is useless without the proper training,
Toussaint Louverture was considered by nearly every general at the time who knew of him to be among the best generals in the world.
The Haitian rebels had PROPER military training both from Spanish colonials supporting them against France, and Louverture personally oversaw the training of those that didn't.
I understand that the US army is impressive, but the Haitian rebels were actually a real, for fucking real military force. Fully armed, well trained, and with a very competent set of generals spearheaded by Louverture.
I mean, fuck, when Napoleon tried to reinstate slavery in Haiti, the Haitian rebels soundly defeated the French military.
Y'all all forgetting that Disease can play a major part in war, and could certainly both be summoned by Haitian voodoo priests AND account for major victories over the Americans too.
Invading Haiti would basically be impossible, but I'm not sure Haiti would have the manpower to take land from the US.
Either way, I think this would be an extremely bloody conflict and both sides would know it ahead of time. I doubt either side would be stupid enough to provoke the other until such a time as they can secure control over the southern coast through more subtle means.
Those are not anomalies however. There were weird stuff on the surface before Agartha (Deerheads, for example), but anomalies were included under the idea that they were the result of reality warping under pressure as you go down. The weird surface stuff is supposed to come to light progressively and more aggressively as the timeline reaches current point, but most of the world still needs to be somewhat untouched and coming to a realization. Husked Ottomans and Volcanists are the most explicit manifestation of the schizo on the surface.
Also, this goes against the preestablished lore that the USA have grown to be the most defensive and proactive Nation vs the new reality. Less stiff upper lip than the Brits are, more careful in colonizing and taming the unknown, and heavily investing into military defenses vs the Deep.
>Either way, I think this would be an extremely bloody conflict and both sides would know it ahead of time. I doubt either side would be stupid enough to provoke the other until such a time as they can secure control over the southern coast through more subtle means.

So, perhaps we're leaning more into a war in and around ~1850-1860s. Inspired by the arrival of the Messiah figure, founded on holdings previously under US control, but perhaps which were thought benign for long enough for cults and concepts of liberation to bubble up.
can we stop entertaining this joke now? hes shown his cards plenty, hasnt he?
>and heavily investing into military defenses vs the Deep.
Notably, not their neighbours.
Which, perhaps they thought well under control in their peaceful little Free Person of Color holdings.
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>Notably, not their neighbours.
Silly, Hyperborea is neighbour to all.
With more thoughts and feedback noted, I propose the first wave of Ayiti assaults on America is a Plague.

Right around maybe, say ~1854. The Vivandye is said to have conjured a plague that practitioners of Vodou are immune to. In a similar time period, calls are sent to Haiti for military assistance on the mainland.
An easy way to explain the success of initial forays.
The Louisiana Purchase also sounds a might bit more contentious if these proposals are considered.
>The Haitian rebels had PROPER military training both from Spanish colonials supporting them against France, and Louverture personally oversaw the training of those that didn't.
How many warships did they have however?
>hes shown his cards plenty, hasnt he?
The cards of hours of research, refining proposals according to feedback and working to fill significant holes to the setting?
Fuck off lmao.
However many we decide. Its fiction.
Its the wealthiest colony in the Americas, if they needed warships I'm pretty sure they could just buy them from the Spanish.
Would now be a bad time to drop the transman Serb husk-hunter who exists only in my brain?
Way too big of a change to the current lore in my opinion. The entire thing could be integrated much more elegantly imho without there being actual conflicts between Haiti and the USA.
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I asked this last thread but it got buried, how armoured are New Mu Phalanxmen?
The unit doc says they're fairly armoured and the jak looks like it has some stuff on but the unit and unit are only have the shield.
Well, I have one anon constantly hollering about how its just infinitely possible for anybody ever under any circumstances to take territory from America, so I guess I'm just trying to appease that.

I personally would rather lore change where it needs to to accommodate new ideas, rather than new ideas be shot down because current lore exists. Its all ex nihilo anyway, changes are more than possible.

That said, I'm open to both options.
I vote for doing the reservation option not the war option.
Other anons can chime in with what they want and hopefully not fake votes.
Perhaps the shield is the armor!
A good shield is all the armor a proud Phalanxman ever needs. If it gets past the shield, you've fucked up anyway.
>they could just buy them from the Spanish.
The Spanish still reeling from the Ominous Decade, plus everything Agartha poured onto Europe, and who themselves agree they have to hurry their asses to match the French, of all people?
Oh, wait, I was wrong.
He's Albanian.
Yep. The Brits, too.
That's the stance it seems 2eanon has taken. I'm cool with that it makes sense.
This seems the most sensible way to do it for me too.
>I personally would rather lore change where it needs to to accommodate new ideas, rather than new ideas be shot down because current lore exists.
New lore proposal have to match current lore, theme and be generally approved memetically. If something is altered it needs overwhelming approval and enthusiasm by the entire thread.
I had no idea what I was doing, IIRC their base armour is low but their special rules ended up meaning they could get to insane levels of armour, could pretty easily get up to 9 armour just by grouping (which is probably way to powerful).
>New lore proposal have to match current lore,
We concocted the lore, we've made lore alterations before.
What's the difference between the lore alterations made earlier, and making more now?
i vote for Small Bases option. i see no reason why Haiti would want or risk more, or why the USA would give them land.
We've denied lore alterations before for being too out there as well. Precedent swings both ways.
>i see no reason why Haiti would want or risk more,
Proposal's all here.
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Picrel. I guess I capped it. They are meant to be well armoured, don't let the art I've used in the tokens influence you too much when making suggestions for rules.
still to good i think, for a cheapish unit and an easy activation. maybe change it to adjacent?
I think it's fairly balanced. They're weak to artillery fire like that and their discipline is low enough that you can break the formation.
Yeah I'm realizing now I don't think I would even change their price point. Must have deviated already from the average curve in the Mu book. On this one it'll be mostly removing the Murlocs into their own book, and using the space to insert the few compass units I had forgotten. Also, maybe push the Saur Knight angle a bit.
ah yeah. okay youre right its cool. i think moving morlocks and pushing saur knights a bit is a good idea.
Ah! I guess we'll need Mu Heroes.
I suggest buffing Revenant into a hero unit.
Or making another Revenant unit because I like the idea of masked Roman Legionnaire Looking ghoul-things who collect taxes.
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>I suggest buffing Revenant into a hero unit.
Down with that.
ok storytime
a while ago that anon who hated atlan was ranting about e:ad and mentioned wokeness so i promised to write an entire document about lgbt+ identities in the e:ad universe/timeframe
that didn't really materialize (as with most of my projects) but i did go down a pretty long research hole about gay stuff in the period and i came across the concept of the "burrnesha" or the "sworn virgin" in albanian culture
from wikipedia (extremely good source i know):
>In times when women had a prescribed role, burrnesha gave up their sexual, reproductive and social identities to acquire the same freedoms as men. They could dress as men, be head of the household, move freely in social situations, and take work traditionally open only to men.
so the idea i was toying with was an albanina burrnesha whose family lost their menfolk to the ottoman husking machine (laborers were needed, 'taxes' were levied, etc) and so she abandoned her identity as a woman and became a sworn virgin specifically to acquire a gun and kill ottomans all day, becoming a mercenary hero unit you can take if you're any of the continental european powers
i will not be elaborating at this time
Atlan units left:
Titanium Golem
Polished Princess
Spring Gunner
Pearlestent Princess

i suggest keeping Polished Princess as she is on the chart and replacing Pearlescent Princess with Pearlescent Prince. lorewise, both are Baron Phosphorous' but Polished is officially Titkings. gamewise, i think they should be mutually exclusive specialists that can take Born to Lead for extra silver cost, like a worse Load Baring. the only rule i have in mind is for Prince and its basically just a joke: "Give Me Your Money": [1AP, 1LP] once per game, you may gain 2 silver for every Slave Model adjacent to this Model. maybe that would fit better on Revenant as a Mu Hero

Titanium Golem and Spring Gunner just need a little clean up i think.
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i like that. its a rather romantic western story, and i adore westerns. i think, however, we should save her for Asia book as if her whole deal is hunting husks, that would be a much better place to do it than than Fallen Paris. also, i just like having Charters that arnt 'important' because it gives us stories and ways to tell stories down the line on a smaller, more personal scale, down the line. a form of future proofing i think. look forward to future developments.
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forgot Retiarioi. thoughts on making it Merc Charter and Olm compatible?
pic rel Polished Princess?
No, I think anon was saying that we need consensus before we include something. Trust me, if just anyone could turn up and start writing a bunch of lore out of the blue Atlan wouldn't exist (man oh man those Atlanfag days). We propose, discuss, edit, etc. If someone doesn't like what you're writing we discuss it, maybe edit it down until all parties are happy and so on. No need to get angry over it.
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Potential unit for Volcano Italians after some converting?
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Yeah, remove the modern stuff and I think it could work. Give them monk heads and it'd be even better.
Remember to archive the threads.
Lemurian Philosophy still needs a touch up, here's what we have currently:
>The central belief of Chi Cultivation is that each man should being infinitely ambitious, and that any ambition realized is justified in itself. Beyond that, it is much more a mindset and set of techniques to hone your Vrill-Chakras to the Chi of the Inner-Sun.
>For example, Lemurians frown upon slavery as a social institution, because it is the mark of a weak and degenerative society, but are *perfectly* fine with the idea that weaker folks should naturally serve stronger folks, *as long as the stronger folks are really stronger*.
>As such, Lemurian warriors and nobles are raised not to hate the weak, but weakness itself. The proper mindset according to Cultivation in such a situation is to be slightly (but not too much) saddened by the fact the weakling could not see he should become a chad.
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Ok, so I'm continuing with the maps. Before I start with the 6th layer (is it even known well enough to have a map), I'd like your feedback with the adding of the passes into the underworld. Where are the passes? I've seen that some of the ones in the older maps are no longer canon, so I'd like confirmation before continuing.
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Thank you!
These could work for the more mystical models of that range, although the witches are supposed to be well... women.
I feel like there should be a range of historicals that fit better but I'm looking on Perry Miniature and I don't see one specifically fitting the time period. I thought they had ~1870s Italians, but maybe they retired those kits.
> Picrel
I added Tough unto the Immortals because it works with the theme and making them the toughest (eh) melee unit possible. I was a bit weirded out that you reduced their Acc to 5 but I guess with that slab of an armour on you it may be hard to move around gracefully. Still, I gave them the option to get Quick Strike if they don't take a Shield as part of Perfect Form.
I think you (the anon who made the alterations) may be undercosting Atlan units as well. I understand the reflex, but compare the Reclaimer to other units. Its only weakness is movement and slightly lower Evasion. I think they could even be justified to be a bit higher (11-12) with the Titanium Armour rule and Engineer keyword, but I'd like to try them at 10 if you are alright with it at the moment.
I feel once you start stacking the advantages like Greek Fire Grease, combining Melee and Range (Acanthus Pikes), Titanium Armour, Atlan is going to wreck for sure.
Let me know what you think.
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Ah! Something I've been meaning to say, on the profiles you suggest you always specify the amount of health per body location, regardless of the type of health profiles. That isn't necessary, here's how it works.
> Simple Health Profiles : The Hit location serves only to determine which Armour value you use, and if Special Rules triggers. The Health Boxes are in a vertical "bar" and do not associate with a specific location. Regardless of location hit, you apply damage to the first available box and stack the damage (I start from the top by default but it really doesn't matter). In general, human followers have 2 Health boxes, 3 needs a justification in terms of them being really fucking badass, but its doable. 4+ should be kept to Deep, Beasts, Mechanicals, etc.
> Complex Health Profile : For Leaders, Characters, Heroes and the appropriate Special Unit (not Specialists). Each Location have their own vertical health track associated with it. Limbs pour into Body, if Body is filled or Head is filled, model dies. This means that in some cases these models are more susceptible to getting one shot than Followers (but in other ways they are much more survivable, for example Fire Damage). Standard health for a human would be 2 Limbs, 1~2 Body, 1 Head.
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I think this is my favorite one so far.
it is nice. what do you like about it?
Reclaimer name is wrong, you typed Immortal.
your right about under costing. simplification of Stand My Ground is good.
im worried that will make them really, really annoying to fight. maybe not though, we shall see.
got it, thank you.

Spring Gunner Cost: 10
AP: 2
Movement 3, Accuracy 6, Strength 5, Discipline 5, Evasion 7, Labor 3, Awareness 4
Health: 2
Armor: 3T4T2T

Hair Trigger: [1AP] –1 Discipline for this Model until game end. Until the end of turn, if an Enemy Model makes an attack within this Models LOS, immediately resolve an attack against the attacking Model from this model, even if it is out of range.

Comes with Spring Gun, may not take any other weapon. May take Titanium Balls.
>Reclaimer name is wrong, you typed Immortal.
Oh thank you will fix.
>im worried that will make them really, really annoying to fight.
Ah well yeah possibly. Wasn't thinking about that. The experience of pouring so much fire down into a single unit, see over half of it ping on its armour, and then when you do get 3 grievous on it it probably gets healed or at least still get to swing at you back before dying is probably not enjoyable from the enemy point of view. Would reducing them to 2 Health, Tough and your original costing of 17 be less egregious?
Also, proposal for Frenzy, I've tried mixing yours with the original "attack the closest model even friendly". Let me know what you think.

> Frenzy

> In some cases Morale rules will be altered so that instead of resolving them normally, a model will enter Frenzy. During a turn, Frenzied models must be Activated before any other models, respecting Alternated Activations, and must spend all their AP Charging or Attacking any eligible model, friendly or enemy. If no model is eligible for attack, it moves toward the closest model.

> During Morale Resolution, test every Frenzied model’s Discipline. If succeeded, they stop being Frenzied but lose all AP for the turn. If any model is in Frenzy after Morale resolution at the beginning of a Turn, they immediately Activates in the same fashion as described above, but before any other models do so (respect Alternate Activate only if both side have Frenzied models).

> Frenzied models gain +1 to all Stats except Discipline and AP while Frenzied.

> Spring Gunner
Looks good. What about the Spring Cannon you (I think) mentioned in the Titanium Ball proposal, we could make it so the Spring Gunners can assemble as a crew for it (if its even something that requires multiple models to operate).
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when you get around to it, Wall Mystic is stupid undercosted, he should be 55 at least. word on play test tomorrow?
looks good.
i made them with the idea that Frenzied units take double damage in mind, which is why i gave them 3 hp, with the new Frenzy rule, i think they should have 2hp, be 17, and have no tough. not only because armor is such a bitch, but also because Hospitalizers can use Walk It Off on them. also, i like the theme of Atlan being "hard but brittle", meaning they dont break easy but when they break they shatter.
>Spring Cannon
i was thinking the Spring Cannon could be a more normal Artillery for Atlan that you need Spring Gunners or other particular units to use. i figure it could be used to launch Atlan equipment, save Greek Fire Grease and Terror tonic, but other than that i really have no idea. im pretty much out of juice. i have a mostly done Titking i will post later, and after that i think i will be tapped for a bit.
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Continuing with the maps, added the biomes for the 3rd layer. I imagine most of the land marked as "volcanic" is mostly volcanic badlands and not actual volcanoes, if there were so many active volcanoes, the entire layer would be unbreatheable.
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Same with the 4th layer. There's a bit of marked blue south of the Taklamakunder Wastes, I imagine it's not biome-related, it's just colonies of the atlanteans.
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The feedback was pretty fucking clear: don't make Haiti/West Africa into a major faction. And it wasn't just because the people didn't "vibe" with it, solid reasoning was provided as to why this wouldn't work, including this very thread right here. Now you're suggesting taking chunks out of U.S. of fucking A., one of the og core factions (of this GAME we've got here) to the benefit of your pet faction? How about no?
I had my doubts about you from the start, but I do try to be civil in these threads. And so are most others here. Not because we're all so damn nice, but because being a cunt is rarely productive. By all accounts the thread as a whole has been pretty open-minded about your ideas. However, you're really trying my patience with your bullshit.
You don't "accept feedback", you just smugly dismiss it and then keep doing what you've been doing. Neither does your research mean shit if you're just going to use the thread as the dumping grounds for your voodoo/Haiti obsession without bothering to integrate it with the wider lore (and you've LITERALLY said that, by the way) and disregarding any complaint that it doesn't fit.
Pardon me for such "negativity", but fuck off.
I do not like that you have written this message in the manner that you did.
I don't want any big changes to USA lore but let him cook. It doesn't have to play big role in the world but I'd love to have a minor faction with some voodoo shit. Several other anons already expressed some interest in this too.
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I'm proud of that Atlan multi-barrel gun lance, let's make it canon.
Well, I was also fucking fine with a minor voodoo faction, and yet here we are. You give the fucker a finger, he chomps off your arm, insists that he gets the other too, and that you are, in fact, better off for having been brutalized so.
Awesome work anon! Don't know if Atlan is really one for guns, but maybe a flamethrower/single use scattergun will do?

I'm not opposed to voodoo lore on principle, but I think going from kooky polish heretics to the free state of Haiti beating the US on their own territory is a little much. Hell I don't think there's even been any discussion of the voodoo poles lately. I personally wouldn't be opposed to the faction being a pirate haven in the caribbean/west africa or even a rival to US abolitionists on the mainland, but winning an open conflict with the US who are so paranoid about spooky shit on the surface they've formed the PACT is a little too far. Underground, sure, but not on the surface.
>He painted them
As for the multi-gun, sure just make it a weird springun offshoot.
>single use scattergun will do
That's already what the Acanthus pike is, more or less.
There was a discussion about Poles in the previous thread. I really like the idea of them being a colony in West Africa but yeah, Haiti invading USA is a bit too much.
I appreciate the effort in researching and writing all of this, I like reading about new stuff, just tone down the zonbi numbers and stay on the island.

Then multi-barrel spring gun lance it shall be. Can't stop thinking about Atlans as super elites like Adeptus Custodes, that's why I made this gun lance. Those bits were collecting dust anyway.
>like confirmation
Hey man, if you're handling the maps we'll just shift things for what you end up settling on.
Based, I will cook up something for the multi-barrel gun lance, otherwise you could use it as an Acanthus Pike, it would work I think. The only thing I'd say is that Titanium Armour is supposed to have a bluish teal tint, I used Nighthaunt Gloom myself.
>I was also fucking fine with a minor voodoo faction,
>I'm not opposed to voodoo lore on principle, but I think going from kooky polish heretics to the free state of Haiti beating the US on their own territory is a little much.
This reflect my opinion as well. Voodo stuff works fine within the setting, but making it any more than minor faction stuff steals away the spotlight from other minor factions, relative to their accomplishment. Why would we take La Ombre or the Lost Men seriously when all they do is plot in the shadows, when compared to a faction that manages to steal large swath of prime territory from one of the biggest Nation?
If anything they should be comparable to the Warfare Apologists in terms of scale.
I will also mention this. As far as I am concerned "flanderized" pop culture references are perfectly fine to integrate as long as they are given a proper space within the setting. Sinister Dr Moreau essentially boils down to a memetic mention of "old dude who does eugenics experiments on degenerate semi-humans", and its fine as it is. Its a stepping stone if anyone wants to write a story, its easy to image it in the context of the game. I don't see what is inherently wrong with having a Baron Samedi character if we do Voodoo stuff, or the benefit of focusing on an hyper detailed version of voodoo beliefs within the context of the setting. Better imho to keep whatever exposition of those beliefs presented simple and concise, relate them in a few places to Agarthan Science or Deep stuff, and let the rest be filled up by people's imagination.
>when you get around to it, Wall Mystic is stupid undercosted, he should be 55 at least.
Will look into that. Would you be opposed to taming him down a bit to lower the cost? 55 is getting into "warp the game around yourself" territory.
> word on play test tomorrow?
Christ apologies for getting back to you so late on this, I'm still on standby for work so I'll have to say no unfortunately. Looking at my schedule for next week it won't be easy to fit a game, would you be able to Wednesday the 8th?
>bluish teal tint
i always think of it as a sort of wet dove grey, so when i make my Atlan list i will use that.
yes. im very glad to know we are on the same page. i felt like a lunatic autist last thread.
>Baron Samedi
i dont like it because i think that Pols would latch onto a different god than cajuns. also a major charter in Count Zero and an important one in Mona Lisa Overdrive, which makes him core cyberpunk. if cyberpunk didnt have such a big presence in the /tg/ space, or if this game was more 20th century, then it wouldnt bother me. its not just that its done, its that its done in the same space. really, this is my foundational problem with voodoo by any name. the Pol thing makes it kinda fresh, but not enough i think to put it over anything else we already have planed. it shouldn't be in core, and the books it is in it should be small. its not just that its done, because Atlantis is also done, but its also that, unlike Atlantis, it has no connection to Agartha or Vern and very little to Colonialism. i hope i explained myself well enough.
>55 is getting into "warp the game around yourself" territory.
willing yes, but i would prefer not too. his real bullshit only triggers if he dies, and Hospitalizer removes from game so your opponent would have to trigger it. just take a look and let me know yeah.
>play test
no problem. Wednesdays 8 works for me. hopefully by then Atlan will be done and we can try her out.
>hopefully by then Atlan will be done and we can try her out.
It will be, 100%.
>wet dove grey
Would love to see it, I don't know that I could do that well.
>willing yes, but i would prefer not too
Understood, we can try him out at that price point.
Titanium King: Cost 40
Leader, Icon
AP: 3 LP:7
Movement 2, Accuracy 8, Strength 8, Discipline 9, Evasion 4, Labor 4, Awareness 9
Health: Limbs 1, Body 1, Head 1
Armor: 9T9T9T

Titanium Heart: All friendly Models Within 5 do not becomes Shaken and become Broken when they would become Panicked.

Grim Resolve: All Parley Actions must target this Model. When this model would have otherwise been Broken, it becomes Frenzied for the rest of the game.

Beast Of Burden: [5LP] Select up to 4 Adjacent Solider Models, for every Model selected permanently -1 Labor this Model. If Labor can no longer be reduced this action may not be taken. At the end of this Models Activation, move the selected Models so they are Adjacent to this Model.

Star Strike: [3AP] [2LP] Resolve a Charge Attack. After the Charge Attack has been Resolved, inflict 3 Graze Wounds on Adjacent Models however you see fit. For every Enemy Model that dies as a result of this action you lose 1 Dread and the Enemy gains 1 Dread.

Recruitment : This model comes equipped with a Titanium Labrys and may not take other weapons. It may be mounted on a Bullsaur.
check this out
Oh, thank you for that!
I had a lot of fun with the Headsmans Axe rule when a buddy and I playtested it, would you be up for replacing star strike with it?
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Dropping another piece.
I wasn't around during the threads where US lore was developed, but really have to chime in here.
If the argument "its just too silly" is being used for Free Persons of Color claiming small portions of Florida and Louisiana under a Vodou unificationist banner, my only thought on that front is that the current US lore is more silly by dozens of orders of magnitude than that proposal.

I would much prefer to not have the US almost arbitrarily gain stewardship over almost the entirety of South and Central America.
I would prefer Latin American intrigue to be entirely or largely free from US influence, and be allowed to develop on its own.

I feel like the current American lore almost completely ruins any attempt to develop interesting things within Central and South America, and its a ridiculous stretch to suggest logistics and communication chains could stretch that far both in the time period and within the setting at large.

No hate but also no apologies to the anons that worked on that. Its just my piece. I wish I was there, and I think the current US lore as listed in the primary lore doc is extremely detrimental basically half of Epigea.

>The U.S. had no choice but to intervene (In Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay)
Why? That's halfway across the world, and this is still during the period of a very firm US isolationist mindset.

>Brazil was informally pressured into abolishing slavery

Why wouldn't Latin America be able to deal with these threats themselves?
What would extremely tired and poorly supplied American forces stretched across extremely thin supply chains and logistics lines be able to contribute?
Why would America want to contribute that much power to a situation when many other issues are playing out closer to home?

Not opposing the stuff with Paraguay at all, just the random and seemingly inexplicable American involvement.
>Grim Resolve: All Parley Actions must target this Model. When this model would have otherwise been Broken, it becomes Frenzied for the rest of the game.
I really like that.
> Feedback from a playtester
Based. I feel we should honor that, what do >>92656443 think?
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My proposal for a change would really be quite simple.
Exclude America from PACT, PACT is simply a South American union with zero American influence. America would have to cleave through nearly a dozen nations, all of which would very reasonably deny American forces within their borders, to get to Paraguay and central South America.

America develops its own lore, according to the isolationist principles that it strongly held to up until well into the second World War.
Like hell, the US lore starts with seven paragraphs about things that aren't the US. Just make that the Paraguay / Bolivia / Brazil / Argentina lore, and do something American for America.
People weren't against them claiming small chunks like Layfette and Galveston Island, people were against that one map that got posted where they had most of the gulf coast.
>People weren't against them claiming small chunks like Layfette and Galveston Island, people were against that one map that got posted where they had most of the gulf coast.
For it, you mean. They were FOR that proposal.

>"I'd be up for a chunk of Louisana/Florida being taken from US."
Was, in fact, the first reply to the proposal. Stop trying to gaslight my man.
The regions I highlighted in my initial proposals for Ayiti borders weren't arbitrary either.
These are areas where Blacks outnumbered Whites a near consistent minimum of 2:1, with most areas within those borders being a 3:1 or more skew. "America" in terms of its WASP core would have a severe disadvantage in holding these areas, demographically.
The proposed borders were not unreasonable, they were territories already effectively non-WASP American.
If you wrote that response why did you say that's not what people said.
I don't know why you're being so frothing about this, my man. I don't at all think my proposals are anything unreasoanble.
3:1 majority in regards to demographics. Religious unification movement backed up by well-trained, regulated and experienced Haitian armed forces. (Forces which defeated the French military on several occasions prior.)
Further supported by mystic powers which America is notably sorely lacking in.

I don't think its unreasonable, and I think its unreasonable that you are pretending it is.
I simply do not consider it feasible for them to have taken any large amounts of inhabited land. Hidden swamp bases? Sure. Areas gained through subterfuge and infiltration? Sure. Places the U.S/Abolitionists gave to them as part of a deal? Sure.
But I do not believe that even with semi-modern weaponry stolen from the french or smuggled in, a well trained and strategically adept millitary force, and supernatural assistance they could take and hold extensive US mainland territory. Even with the previously mentioned factors they are still outclassed in manpower, technology, and critically naval supremacy. This was in the era where naval landings against peer states were borderline impossible, especially with improvements in crew served weaponry and fortification techniques.
We've offered a lot of alternative options, I really hope we can come to an arrangement here.
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kek. the joke has become so absurd its actually kinda funny.
i dont mind. though i would like if you gave the rule a shot.
>Free Persons of Color
You are the only one making it about that. Everyone else is focused exclusively on how ridiculous it otherwise sounds for Haiti to grab American mainland and keep it for multiple decades.
>I feel like the current American lore almost completely ruins any attempt to develop interesting things within Central and South America
Perhaps that lore does not need to be built further too? This is what I meant when I said this is not a straight up worldbuilding thread. We don't need to fill in all the blanks.
>Why? That's halfway across the world, and this is still during the period of a very firm US isolationist mindset.
Did not stop the American Expedition to Korea. The incentive of not allowing another Volcanist uprising or something similar should also not be overlooked. By now the big players will have learned that allowing cults and weird practices to proliferate may end up seriously affecting the balance.
>America would have to cleave through nearly a dozen nations
Again, having boats make a huge difference.
I wrote two of the responses to you the other guy(s?) is the one who's been saying smug shit man.
I don't think either of us is going to come to terms though so I'll let the people who care more about the issue take over.
>Even with the previously mentioned factors they are still outclassed in manpower, technology, and critically naval supremacy.
The US would very reasonably lose the ports in both New Orleans and Miami prior to any major territorial conflicts.
These regions of America are already effectively conquered, again, by the VAST demographics majority of the locals, a demographics majority with religious ties to the military that would be supporting them.
This wouldn't be a naval landing against a peer state. Miami and New Orleans would already be lost before any naval concerns even entered the conflict. There's a reason I opted for Miami as the home birthplace of the proposed faction's Leader.
And, also, the additional proposal of Vodou-concocted plague as yet more attempts to appease opposition to the idea.

The idea that one army simply can not beat another is absurd. Haiti defeated the French military BOTH under the French king AND Napoleon.
These aren't random backwater chumps.

>We've offered a lot of alternative options, I really hope we can come to an arrangement here.
For sure. I really just do think your assertion that America is some impregnable, unbeatable, infinitely powerful supergod of a nation is totally ridiculous.
(you)ing just feeds him. he is immune to diplomacy. insert martin luther quote.
>Perhaps that lore does not need to be built further too? This is what I meant when I said this is not a straight up worldbuilding thread. We don't need to fill in all the blanks.
I'd be happy either way. The current "Became the overlords of most of South America after the Paraguay Incident" doesn't quite satisfy lmao.

>to Korea
A bit of a different beast, but noted.
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Voodoo is not being opposed because it's too silly, it's being opposed because as proposed it doesn't fit the world and vibe as we have constructed it. A minor faction that's arisen and starts doing its own thing because of Agarthan knowledge being revealed is fine, a minor faction picking a fight with one of the behemoths and winning is not. Furthermore, it is boring, bordering on power fantasy. "They win because voodoo magic the end." Note that we are not opposing their existence entirely, only them grabbing chunks of the continental US.

As for America and the PACT, if you believe that the US was not consciously involving itself in colonialist ventures from the very beginning I don't know what to tell you. Pic very much related. America was isolationist in regards to European meddling in its sphere of influence, but it had no problems throwing its weight around the Americas when it wanted. It's isolationism, until WWI, was not so much keeping out of other peoples affairs as keeping them out of America's. And, if a strange power were suddenly to arrive and threaten the stability of America's sphere of influence, it's all but guaranteed they wouldn't sit around and let it happen, even ignoring the apocalyptic doom bringing aspect.

"Under the umbrella of the Monroe Doctrine, America could pursue policies which were not all that different from the dreams of any European king - expanding its commerce and influence, annexing territory, in short, turning itself into a Great Power. Since it did not regard its expansion as foreign policy, the United States could use its power to prevail - over the Indians, over Mexico, In Texas - and to do so in good conscience." - Henry Kissinger.
>The current "Became the overlords of most of South America after the Paraguay Incident"
That's an oversimplification. Everyone got rightly concerned that goddamn pain-fueled war-obsessed aliens descended from the sky on rainbows and the dead started rising. The USA intervention is seen as what managed to push them back, they got the big share of the intel on the Hyperborean, so when the US offered a defensive alliance at the cost of some reforms it didn't need to get to blows to push even the least enthusiastic aboard. PACT is not meant to be going vassal to the US.
>a minor faction picking a fight with one of the behemoths and winning is not.
Taking territory you already have a 3:1 majority in is not "winning" its establishing a new status quo.
You're talking about it like I'm suggesting the Ayitians conquer Washington in a fortnight or something.

>Pic very much related.
Describing a US with 17-34 states during the course of the proposed events, still very much far from forming. An 1899 retrospective of US successes from 1861-1898 has not a great deal of impact on affairs from 1815-1860.

>And, if a strange power were suddenly to arrive and threaten the stability of America's sphere of influence, it's all but guaranteed they wouldn't sit around and let it happen.
I'm not saying the do. I'm saying they simply fail in trying to fully contain it, in this specific instance, due to a variety of very real, relatively history accurate, non-trivial and challenging circumstances coalescing all at the same time.

>That's an oversimplification.
Its directly copy pasted from the doc.
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Hell with it, I'll even say that America and the PACT actually makes a lot of sense and is very congruent with history (with some minor bending). The Monroe doctrine is explicitly about preventing foreign influence in the American hemisphere, and while it was not universally enforced, it's still one of the most important aspects of early American foreign policy. This, coupled with America's expansionism and self-obsessed Manifest Destiny effectively gave it the motivation and moral framework to justify taking over the American mainland while also keeping out anyone else who wanted a piece of the pie, a nice justification that allowed them to condemn European colonialism while engaging in their own.

If we then extrapolate this, we can very easily justify America intervening in the Paraguayan crisis to prevent a strange power from beyond suddenly taking over the country, because that's a direct threat to American interests, i.e not letting anyone but the US throw their weight around in America. Granted, their army and navy was small in proportion to their resources, but there's no reason that couldn't be expanded, especially on the heels of insurrection from the spread of voodoo in the south.

The US always was an interventionist power, e.g forcibly opening up Japan, kicking Napoleon III out of Mexico (which I suppose doesn't happen in this timeline), and it's not much of a stretch to say that they'd intervene and form a defensive alliance in light (heh) of the Paraguay incident. Their attitudes in the 1890s and the rest of the 20th century didn't come out of nowhere.
>and while it was not universally enforced,
Don't just ignore the fact that it wasn't universally enforced, entirely because the US largely lacked a threatening navy and an army up until the 20th century, and European nations that wanted to breach the doctrine throughout the 19th century simply did, at will, because they the US was not a threat or even tepid military competitor at the time.

The US genuinely didn't even have a navy until the 1880s.
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>The US genuinely didn't even have a navy until the 1880s.
u wot m8?
Prior to the naval expansion up through the early 20th century, the US navy was not considered a real force by European powers.
It wouldn't be a world-class navy until well into the 1920s, and only became the world's top navy deep into WW2.

In the 19th century, the USA was a naval pipsqueak and that's largely the reason most European nations simply ignored the Monroe Doctrine whenever they wanted during that time period.
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Yes the US navy of the time looked mighty impressive against the sheet of paper wafting in the wind that was the period's Mexican navy in comparison.

And, of note, this would be in and around the time period or Ayitian efforts. Losing the ports at New Orleans to an uprising, or even just an ultimately quelled but heavily damaging riot, would not help that situation.
This is getting ridiculous.
In 1864 the USA had 700 ships and over 50k servicemen in its Navy. It went through a severe shrinking because it had no more use for it up until 1881, maintaining at its lowest 48 ships. Brasil, in comparison, had 17 during the same period.
Even if we keep the shrinkage, which we might not since at this point Europe is getting more and more concerned with local issues which would leave a lot of space for colonial ambitions in the South American, Pacific and Far Eastern theaters, it is still enough for them to mount an intervention.
>Even if we keep the shrinkage, which we might not since at this point Europe is getting more and more concerned with local issues which would leave a lot of space for colonial ambitions in the South American, Pacific and Far Eastern theaters, it is still enough for them to mount an intervention.
I'm not saying it isn't enough.
I'm saying "an intervention" isn't just you sign a paper and poof the problem disappers.
Hell, look at the Mexican War. Mexico, with a VASTLY inferior navy, held basically all of its territory. The US Navy in the Gulf of Mexico effectively vanishes if New Orleans falls out of their control, and ACTUALLY vanishes if Miami does too.

Its not unreasonable to suggest Ayitian efforts were in part allied with Mexico during this period.
dude he is a troll.
Say that again.
NTA, but try to understand his perception.
You come into a thread you clearly have not contributed to, or did not since the earliest of days and left until the bday.
You see that anons are open to suggestions to build up the lore. You proceed to post a very well researched post on a theme you obviously care a lot about. Its a bit too dense and too detailed for the setting but whatever, that can be worked around.
However you insist on inserting your lore in a fashion which changes the dynamic of the setting heavily in some areas. Anons point that to you, and that the lore grows organically through time and common appreciation.
You state that its the lore being built right now and that is enough justification to alter the rest of the lore.
When people disagree you say they are pestering you or that they are gaslighting you.
When multiple people point out its just too silly, showing consensus, you immediately shift to suggesting altering some of the longest help part of the lore instead, which I'm pretty sure everyone but you love, clearly with the intent to create space for your own proposal.
Any anon would be well within his right and reason to seriously doubt you have the setting's best interest in mind.
>You come into a thread you clearly have not contributed to
I have little interest in playing the gognard card, but since you brought it up,
I've literally been here since the first thread, contributed nearly a dozen pages to the lore doc including many hours of editing other peoples' contributions.
I took over assembling the original chart after the OG anon got busy, assembled almost the entire Denizens of the Deep and Surface Faction charts (ty to the anons who took over those when I got busy).

> or did not since the earliest of days and left until the bday.
My contributions since than have largely been when I had time, just like many anons here. Don't pretend taking a break from a casual hobby where you're doing professional work for free is some kind of slight against ones' character.
Hell, actually, since you brought it up, fuck it,
I'm this guy.
Go back to the archive and see how many threads I missed.
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Remember, you brought it up.
Had some extra time and made some more with the /eadsttcoversary/ coming up, opted to work on some lore contributions rather than finishing up the long lost art projects.

Maybe I'll finish the art, after all, given the lore contributions aren't settling in.
Perhaps I won't though, with such negativity arriving to meet me, mind you. We'll see, I'll try not to hold it against you, my friend.
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Thought I didn't have the old chart projects backed up, but the last project file survived at least!
Many files got shuffled around over time. I'm afraid my oldest projects didn't make it.
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Here’s a book excerpt I think works for Lemuria:
The red and gold litter was covered by curtains. I looked enquiringly at the impassive faces of the standard-bearers, but they said nothing. And then at last the curtain at the front was parted from within and I was suddenly confronting the High Priest himself. He wore elaborate robes of brocade stitched with dozens of tiny mirrors. On his head was a tall hat of painted leather inlaid with gold and ivory. And beneath the peak of the hat was his wizened old face. The face of a particularly malicious devil.
“Greetings, Sharan Kang,” I said. “We are here at the command of the great King-Emperor of Britain. We come to ask why you attack his houses and kill his servants when he has offered no hostility to you.”
One of the guides began to interpret, but Sharan Kang waved his hand impatiently.
“Sharan Kang speaks English,” he said in a strange, high-pitched voice.
“As he speaks all tongues. For all tongues come from the tongue of the Kumbalari, the First, the Most Ancient.” I must admit I felt a shiver run through me as he spoke. I could almost believe that he was the powerful sorcerer they claimed him to be.
“Such an ancient people must therefore also be wise.”
I tried to stare back into those cruel intelligent eyes.
“And a wise people would not anger the King-Emperor.”
“A wise people knows that it must protect itself against the wolf,” Sharan Kang said, a faint smile curving his lips.
“And the British wolf is a singularly rapacious beast Captain Bastable. It has eaten well in the lands of the south and the west, has it not? Soon it will turn its eyes towards Kumbalari.”
‘”What you mistake for a wolf is really a lion,” I said, trying not to show I was impressed by the fact that he had known my name. “A lion which brings peace, security, justice to those it chooses to protect.”
The conversation continued in these convoluted terms for some time
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And so, with Risaldar Jenab Shah and five, of his sowars, I rode next morning for Teku Benga and saw at last the walled mountain city into which no stranger had been admitted for a thousand years.
I was at a loss to imagine how such a city, rearing as it did out of the crags of the Himalayas, had been built. Its crazy spires and domes defied the very laws of gravity. Its crooked walls followed the line of the mountain slopes and many of the buildings looked as if they had been plucked up and perched delicately on slivers of rock which could scarcely support the weight of a man. Many of the roofs and walls were decorated with complicated carvings of infinitely delicate workmanship set with jewels and precious metals, rare woods, jade and ivory. Finials curled in on themselves and curled again. Monstrous stone beasts glared down from a score of places on the walls. The whole city glittered in the cold light and it did, indeed, seem older than any architecture I had ever seen or read about. Yet, for all its richness and its age, Teku Benga struck me as being a rather seedy sort of place, as if it had known better days. Perhaps the Kumbalaris had not built it. Perhaps the race which had built it had mysteriously disappeared, as had happened elsewhere, and the Kumbalaris had merely occupied it.
“Ooof! The stench!” With his handkerchief. Risaldar Jenab Shah fastidiously wiped his nose. “They must keep their goats and sheep in their temples and palaces.”
Teku Benga had the smell of a farmyard which had not been too cleanly kept and the smell grew stronger as we entered the main gate under the eyes of the glowering guards. Our horses trod irregularly paved streets caked with dung and other refuse. No women were present in those streets. All we saw were a few male children and a number of warriors lounging, with apparent unconcern, by their ponies.
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We kept going, up the steep central street, lined with nothing but temples, towards a large square in what I judged to be the middle of the city. The temples themselves were impressively ugly, a style which might have called decadent Oriental baroque. Every inch of the buildings was decorated with representations of gods and demons from virtually every mythology in the East. There were mixtures of Hindu and Buddhist decoration, of Moslem and some Christian, of what I took to be Egyptian, Phoenician, Persian, even Greek, and some which were older still; but none of these combinations was at all pleasing to the eye. At least I now understood how it came to be called the Place Where All Gods Preside—though they presided, it seemed to me, in rather uneasy juxtaposition to each other.
“This is distinctly an unhealthy place,” said Jenab Shah. “I will be glad to leave it. I should not like to die here, Captain. I would fear what would happen to my soul.”
“I know what you mean. Let us hope Sharan Kang keeps his word.”
“I am not sure I heard him give his word, sir,” said the Risaldar significantly as we reached the square and reined in our horses. We had arrived outside a huge, ornate building, much larger than the others, but in the same sickening mixture of styles. Domes, minarets, spiralling steeples-walls, pagoda-like terraced roofs, carved pillars, serpent finials, fabulous monsters grinning or growling from every corner, tigers and elephants standing guard at every doorway. The building was predominantly coloured green and saffron, but there was red and blue and orange and gold and some of the roofs were overlaid with gold- or silver-leaf. It seemed the oldest temple of them all. Behind all this was the blue Himalayan sky in which grey and white clouds boiled. It was a sight unlike anything I had ever previously experienced. It filled me with a sense of deep foreboding as if I were in the presence of something not built by human hands at all.
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We reached reluctantly, towards the food. Sharan Kang helped himself to the same dishes, which was something of a relief to us. When we tasted the food we were glad that it did not seem poisoned, for it was delicious. I complimented the High Priest on his hospitality and he accepted. He was beginning to seem a much less sinister figure. In fact I was almost beginning to like him.
“It is unusual,” I said,
“to have a Temple which is also a Palace—and with such a strange name, too.”
“The High Priests of Kumbalari,” said Sharan Kang smiling,
“are also gods, so they must live in a temple. And since the Future Buddha is not yet here to take up residence, what better place than this temple?”
“They must have been waiting a long time for him to come. How old is this building?”
“Some parts of it are little more than fifteen hundred or two thousand years old. Other parts are perhaps three to five thousand years old. The earliest parts are much, much older than that.”
I did not believe him, of course, but accepted what he said as a typical oriental exaggeration. “And have the Kumbalaris lived here all that time?” I asked politely.
“They have lived here a long, long time. Before that there were—other beings...”
A look almost of fear came into his eyes and he smiled quickly.
“Is the food to your taste?”
“It is very rich,”
I said. I felt an emotion of fondness for him. as I might have felt as a child to a kindly uncle. I looked at the others. And that was when I became suspicious for all had stupid, vacant grins on their faces. And I was feeling drowsy! I shook my head, trying to clear it. I got unsteadily to my feet. I shook Risaldar Jenab Shah’s shoulder.
“Are you all right. Risaldar?”
He looked up at me and laughed, then nodded sagely as if I had made some particularly wise pronouncement. Now I understood why I had felt so well-disposed towards the cunning old High Priest.
“You have drugged us, Sharan Kang!”
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Change the Himalayas references to the sixth layer and you’ve got prime Lemurian material. That sort of “Living in the ruins of a greater civilization yet also inordinately smug about it” energy they pull off so damnably well.
Source is Nomad of the Timestreams A.K.A Warlord of the air by Micheal Moorcock. It’s a good book with some rough spots, but some very excellent location descriptions. Might post more if I feel like digging it up later and people want it.
Unironically I'm copying your machine gun-spear for my army.
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The Pale Dweller does not approve of these recent lore arguments. Voodoo anon should be given some respect, if only for his past contributions, but he should also realise that there seems to be a consensus against Haiti controlling independent territory on US soil, or changing prior lore to fit the voodoo faction.
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>Olm-Herder: (10 Silver)
Specialist, Worker, Commoner/Slave*
AP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 6
Strength: 4
Discipline: 3
Evasion: 6
Labour: 5
Awareness: 5

2 Box.

>General Rules:
>Special Rules:
Upon recruiting this model, you may additionally recruit up to 3 Olm steeds at a cost of 10 silver per steed. These steeds will only attack in self defense and will otherwise spend their AP to follow the Olm-Herder.
-Olm-Charm: (1 AP)
After spending the AP, select 1 Olm-Steed within 10 hexes. You may activate this steed as a regular unit to spend any remaining AP it has this turn. (Within reason don’t try to have it build a barricade or something stupid)
-Slime Harvest: (2 AP)
This model may spend 2 AP to harvest 5 silver worth of slime from an adjacent Olm-Steed. The Olm-Steed must have either not been harvested this game or have successfully killed a non-mechanical enemy unit since its last harvesting (Possibly rewrite this to work with corpse rules?)

This model comes equipped with a sling, it may additionally carry equipment or faction melee weapons.
Sling: (Ranged)
Range: 7
Skill: -1
Pen: 0
Lethal: [X]
Reload: 1
Cost: Free* (Add to weapon list for normal units?)
Special: Stun

This model may be recruited by Atlan or Atlantis expeditions. It gains one of the two appropriate keywords (Slave or commoner) listed in its profile on recruitment.
Do people in the lower layers drink alcohol or smoke opium? I can see the big powers trying to sell both of these to the empires below in a similar way the british did in China. They'd probably use that tactic after it worked so well in the Opium Wars.
Sling weapon might look underpowered but it’s meant to be used with special ammo like that titanium ball someone posted or flash pellets or the like. I’m aware that they’re actually super strong death weapons but I don’t want to be the guy who adds strength thresholds to ranged weapons so you get this for now. Maybe replace stun with concussive, I’m not a slinger so I don’t know. As for the olm herd, they have the potential to be pretty strong as either a backline unit that passively generates silver (You have to keep them alive since the investment is more than the expected return for most matches if they die.) or you can have them as a fast moving slime swarm, with the caveat that if the herder dies you can’t make them do anything. In the lore Olm-Men taught Atlanteans how to tame Olms which is why this guy exists. The slime he harvests is what convinces Olm-Steeds to be ridden since it makes them think you’re a friend. I let Atlan have these guys because why not but that’s subject to change I wouldn’t mind.

-Ancient Olm-Charm:
This item may be used by an Olm-Herder or a Hero/Leader unit. It is one use only, and spawns a Wyrm in your deployment zone which will remain under your control for as long as your leader succeeds an awareness check at the start of each turn (or maybe just 3 turns.)
If Atlantis doesn't drink wine by the vaseful then they wouldn't be Atlantis that's for sure.
I assume that there would be a market, although maybe less than it was for China since the undergrounders have all sorts of fun mushroom and stink juice and whatever the hell Lemuria is boofing on also.
His ancient wisdom is unquestionable! All hail the Pale Dweller!
That's the end of the Olm stuff for now unless people want me to flail out a hero/leader for the Olms.
The Olm-anon back in October didn't give much in the way of specific characters though which is why I haven't made one yet.
He did talk about how they like theatre so maybe a Thespian character? I don't know I'm open to suggestions but I might just leave them as primarily a small merc/beast faction.
What New Mu units need work done? They're my favorite underground faction so I'm down to pitch in.
Pretty nice. If it weren't for the Himalayas references I really could believe it's something written for Lemuria. The excerpts have me intrigued, I think I'll download a copy to read.
I will warn you most of the book is not like that. You could read the first and second chapters and get all the best bits.
All three in the trilogy have really really good starts and then they get into weird and sometimes depressingly retarded shit. Especially Land Leviathan what the fuck was he thinking with the D.C Siege it was like a fucking cartoon.
>The US genuinely didn't even have a navy until the 1880s.
How did they even beat the berberian pirates back in 1815 then?
>What New Mu units need work done? They're my favorite underground faction so I'm down to pitch in.
> New Mu Diving Initiative
> Old Ones (?)
> The Oneirophobia (?)
> Mu Doppelganger
Is all I can see we are missing from the Compass. Maybe add the "Monster" to that, I guess.
My only real response to the unwavering negativity is,
Enjoy the ride you've locked yourselves into, and adieu.
I miss the Atlanschizo.
That said, the Voodooschizo, while he was mostly arguing in bad faith to justify GROßAYITIUMS, did raise some fair points about the U.S. lore. A lot of the lore in general was written first and foremost to accomodate the pre-existing concepts and ideas thrown around the thread, and in the U.S. case it was them going hyper-Monrovian. Paraguay was then used to tie it together, justify adding. Cobras Fumantes to their list etc. It's by no means a well-researched and realistic scenario, but it served a purpose. So if someone thinks of any improvements that would keep the overall gist of it - they'd be welcome.
In other news I kitbashed 2 Reclaimers out of Menites and Kairic Acolites, and I started 2 Reconquerer. I'm a bit sad that the weapons are a much more elaborate style than what I envisioned, which was more honest brutality than fiddly curvy stuff, but whatever, I don't have those bits, and I'm too enthusiastic to have a full Atlan roster to build from to wait.
I'll base tomorrow morning (noon) and post a picture.
It's a Custiodes spear, Rotor Cannon from Horus Heresy and blade is from Grave Guard but I bet you can find even better one
I honestly think it's fine as is. Things have been bent a little to fit it, but they're basically hitting the post-1880 interventionist stride a little early, which isn't that different from the German mechas or Taiping taking over. Maybe we could ease up on US influence over the PACT, make it not so NATO-like and more of a collaborative thing. Less Puerto Rico/Phillipines and more of a formal alliance type thing.

I'll have to read through the lore doc again but I suppose it would depend on how we want to tackle the paraguay incident, whether it was a sudden thing or more gradual escalation that got the US involved.
Speaking of Lemuria, here are some potential visuals for them http://prasannaweerakkody.com/gallery%201.htm
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New Mu Diving Initiate: (12 Silver)
Soldier, Academic
AP: 2
Movement: 2
Accuracy: 6
Strength: 5
Discipline: 4
Evasion: 4
Labour: 5
Awareness: 6

2 Box.
5 Head, 2 on body and limbs

>General Rules:
Amphibious, Training[Crossbow], Climber (That one rule that makes you climb better that I can’t remember the name for)
>Special Rules:
-Muan Diver: (1 AP)
This model may use the Climb action to enter a pit hex, or a deep water hex (Type TBD). Once it enters a hex like that, remove it from play but keep track of where it was. Each turn you may activate it and test awareness to have it move, changing its relative position. It may re-enter the board by moving underneath any pit or deep water hex and succeeding another climb check. If it fails the first climb check, remove it from play as if it had died. If it remains under the board for more than three turns remove it from play as if it had died and take double the dread.

This model comes equipped with a Muan Crossbow and climbing gear, it may additionally carry equipment or faction melee weapons.
Sling: (Ranged)
Range: 10
Skill: -2
Pen: 4
Lethal: [Black]
Reload: 3
Cost: Free* (Add to weapon list for normal units?)

This model may be recruited by New Mu expeditions

Since water maps aren’t much of a thing he can dive in pits too. Crossbows are cool and good for water fighting so he gets one. Keeping him under for more than three turns makes him get eaten by a grue so don’t do that. This model plays into the New Mu theme of getting around terrain that the Imaterii and Architect do. I thought about him coming up also causing dread because of what he saw down there but that felt a little too harsh.
this video made me think, and i know this isnt something to worry about now but just for fun, about an ExpyAgScra video game.
we really are in the golden age of games.
i agree. Atlan has their crystals and titanium, Lemuria seems like the type that doesnt drink, but Atlantis, New Mu, Sky People, and your average deepfolk could probably be influenced by surface drugs to some degree, although as you say not as much as China was.
this gives me an idea, what about Titanium forced march pills? maybe as an Atlan export, or reward for mercs? i worry, is it too 20th century?
i think you mad the right call with the sling: gameplay and easttcote-thetics over all. as the guy who has been championing Atlan, i think them having him is fine. i think Ancient Olm-Charm should be limited to Atlantis and her allies. what are Atlantis' allies anyway? America and Italy?
Maybe also make him immune to gas as long as his head Armour is intact?
The Merovingian Honey is actually supposed to be that kind of drug, though it's not Atlan-specific.
Prolonged ingestion of Titanium also has it grow in your body, as evidenced by the Mystics. And I imagine many die or go insane from it, otherwise the Mystics wouldn't be special and we'd just have the Atlans going full crystall en masse. So I'd say they would rely on different drugs for such purposes. And they absolutely would use performance enhancing drugs, that's probably a big part of the Hospitaliers' job.
And there would be no shortage of Agarthan drugs too. Besides the honey, think of all the shrooms, weird plants, secretions from Agarthan critters and alchemical stuff cooked up in the Atlantean/Atlan labs.
The closest Atlantis has to allies is Britain and France, since Perseus, as per his lore, devoted a lot of effort to establishing good relations with them.
Italy doesn't really strike me as particularly Atlantis-adjacent and vice versa. Italians, from the earliest pitch of them monopolizing the Central European 4th Layer traffic by feeding people to the Stromboli, have always struck me as extremely opportunistic. And the way the lore has developed only reinforced those themes. Yes, their elites are insane cultists, but they are in it for tangible goals like power and they are playing the long game. So they'd work with everyone as long as they get something out of it, but they are nobody's friends really, and will not hesitate to fuck everyone else over the moment it suits them.
Does the night sky have stars in Agartha?
I would think not, for obvious reasons. Then again, what the fuck the actual stars in the Surface sky even are at this point?
There was mention of "star crystal" on the walls and ceiling which could create a similar enough skyscape in some areas.
>did raise some fair points about the U.S. lore.
At least it made it clear people read PACT as more than what I imagine it to be, so we should seek consensus on that and maybe fix it. I always saw it much more as a collaborative defensive alliance under a strong directorship.
>make it not so NATO-like and more of a collaborative thing. Less Puerto Rico/Phillipines and more of a formal alliance type thing.
I would say no, although in some places (Atlantis probably) the bioluminescence and crystals on the walls and ceiling might give you the impression you are seeing them. In others Flashes (small clouds of anomalies that rhythmically go flashbang mode) could fill the nightsky.
>>92652825 >>92649161
is how I always envisioned the Inner Sun weirdly showing in the sky of each Layers as a sort of after image, but some anons prefer the idea that it is not seen, so those might be more "romantic" depiction of the undeground.
>Immune to gas
Sure, we already have the (g) keyword for gas masks just slap that on.
Sky-people need to light fires for cooking, the dread stalagtite angler-beast needs to lure passers-by somehow, and there's bound to be weird glowing plants up there.
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Well, PACT was, in fact, initially written as a very unequal treaty, but I'm fine with changing it.
>Hair Trigger:
I realize I need some clarification on this. Do you mean they can make Attacks against every single source of Attack, ignoring Reload? On top of ignoring range it seems insane, Atlan should not be a premier range option. Even lowering Discipline wont be enough, you can just pay for 3 Spring Gunners and the Adamant Mystic and with Stonesense they can sit where they deploy and shoot at everything for 3 turns, that's probably worth 30 Silver of investment even if they are guaranteed to be Shaken or Worse after.
Do we have anything written about the agarthan exchange of plants and animals between layers? Something akin to the columbian exchange?

>Well, PACT was, in fact, initially written as a very unequal treaty, but I'm fine with changing it.
We can keep it as unequal but if that's the way we go we might want to justify why everyone signed up peacefully. If the US did not shrink its fleet after 1864 for whatever reason that might be enough on its own, the entirety of South America could not even conceptualize holding its own in a maritime battle against the US navy in 1864.
The "forced Brazil to stop slavery" might be justified by the Abolitionists being a more influential faction within US politics, suddenly started making some noise over allying with the largest slaving nation left in the world (I think that would still be the case at the time right?). Afraid of internal dissension after finally starting to heal those wounds, the US government make a half-hearted show to pressure Brazil into stopping it. On the Brazilian side this is perceived very differently however, and it doesn't help that with hundreds of US warships and the Brit/French alliance on defeating the West African slave trade (not sure if that's included in this timeline either, but it could) the cost (diplomatic and economic ) of slavery is starting to out-weight its benefit. Brazil opined.
Morlocks have been migrating upwards apparently.
Other than that I don't think much has been delved into.
I'd say that instead of abolishing it outright they exported it to Agartha/The parts of the Amazon where US won't notice. That way there's some tension in PACT and an explanation as to where the Golden Syndicate is sending all the poor schmucks they capture in game.
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>I'd say that instead of abolishing it outright they exported it to Agartha/The parts of the Amazon where US won't notice.
Makes sense.
But it was never really specified just how unequal it was supposed to be beyond U.S. ensuring they get a great degree of control over any Agarthan/Hyperborean/otherwise supernatural shit within the signatories' territories. And right after Paraguay the countries affected could very well see it as a weight off their shoulders. Sure, they'll even send a token force as promised, but the yanks can deal with this shit if they want it so bad. Not like they wouldn't muscle their way the moment one of them found something good down or up there. And the signatories might still benefit from the exploration efforts by cooperating, even if the U.S. gets the lion's share.
I'd rather just retcon the abolition, if we're not keeping it. It was just a random idea anyway.
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My take on this, let me know what you think.
Health wise he needs a bit more than 1 on each location, 2-3-1+Tough means he can't get straight up one shot out of the game, but having a way to heal him is important. Its a regular profile for character beatsticks.
I really like Titanium Heart instead of the previous Morale cancellation rule, much simpler and to the point.
I altered Grim Resolve a bit, so has to give an alternative advantage to justify risking it for the enemy. Also makes going Frenzy more likely.
Beast of Burden I feel is overcosted in LP, he can only move 2 each AP, and spending the majority of your LP to just truck around 4 guys 6 is too much. Its a fun mechanic however, I used to play Karchev in early Warmachine, never really made the 3 Berserker list work but having him choo-choo the whole group around was always a fun feeling.
I kept Headsman Axe in.I feel playtester feedback should be the highest form of jurisprudential priority in rules making.
Star Strike I kept as is except I lowered the LP cost and specified the allocated Grazes still get an Armour Save (might add its gets affected by the Labrys Pen tho).
In the common special rule section beside Tough (Melee Leaders should have Tough, Dogged if they are meant to be less swole, and if they don't its specifically because we want them to be removable in one attack, like perhaps the Pearlescent Princess) I added Quick Strike (basic melee combat buff) and Terror, which seems appropriate.
He also gets a basic buff through the Titanium Weapon rule being enshrined, so that targets of attack must now succeed 2 Armour rolls to cancel wounds.
All in all, he should be just about the most brutal melee model in the game, as is intended and stated in the compass. Bumped up the price a bit to compensate for the alterations.
So basically
>PACT is mostly about the U.S. taking over the supernatural management
>The signatories are not puppets, though the American influence is more pronounced and they are also looking out for their other, more mundane interests
>The signatories get some form of compensation/benefits, but it's nowhere near fair or what they could potentially get if they exploited their supernatural assets themselves
>The public in the PACT countries is divided:
>Some think the PACT deal is the best they could get in the grand scheme of things if you account for the inevitability of U.S. interference and the costs of maintaining the needed operations on their own
>Others believe they've cowardly signed off their futures to the Americans. Especially so in Mexico, that could potentially have set up shop under Chicxulub
>No abolition yet in Brazil, but more internal and external voices against it add some fuel to the debate on slavery
>Golden Syndicate still has their main reason to exist and oppose the Americans, as well as potential allies within Brazil and the region
Does that sound alright?
That sounds really good. This gets my vote.
I'm glad we are capable of turning the mess of the last few days into something productive. You guys are the best.
>Golden Syndicate
Maybe the Golden Syndicate is set up across the Paraná river seeking whatever weirdness is brought up downstream by the river? And they are camouflaging it as just gold prospectors?
They do lots of things, but having that as the front operation does make sense. What with the name, and the gold.
They mostly exist in game to be big bombastic pulp villains, the sort of Moustache twirlers you'd get in a good adventure novel or Indiana Jones film.
I like the idea that Grim Resolve is him getting progressively more pissed off as people try to negotiate, but wouldn't it rarely come into play with his really high awareness score?
Very excited to see him wreck shop nonetheless.
>They do lots of things, but having that as the front operation does make sense. What with the name, and the gold.
Holy shit, that's fucking genius. Here I was thinking of making the name into a bad pun based on their boss having the last name Dourado and the name "Dourado Syndicate" getting mistranslated.
>gives his soldiers a piggy back ride
>soothes their fears with his fatherly authority
>inspires them with sick moves
Why is Tit King supposed to be bad again?
>I thought about him coming up also causing dread because of what he saw down there but that felt a little too harsh.
What about making him immune to dread when he comes up? Or, even an ability removing all or some of your dread when he goes down and comes up alive?
Continuing with the maps, I'm adding the entrances to the underground in the 2nd layer. I've added the ones in the main lore doc, so if there have been changes or are new ones not yet in the document, I haven't added them. Also, some info is still missing and in need of confirmation.
We kinda forgot about it, honestly. Could be a secondary 3rd Layer entrance, as the French have the 4th Layer entrance in the 3rd.
3rd. It's under the Ethiopian authority, but the French and the Papists get special treatment for helping out with the Italian invasion.
What about Clearwater Cave? Is it under british authority? Did the british take over Brunei earlier than in real world timeline?
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I think it really depends how we write the US naval shrinkage and how the Paraguay incident plays out. Historically the US started shrinking the navy after the civil war because it didn't need it, but the Paraguayan war only ended 4 years after the civil war so we could write that they started disarmament then stopped when they realised serious shit was happening to the south.

Sounds good. American G-Men are crawling all over the place, the embassies are a little more fortified than usual, and there's been cases of outright raids on artifact smugglers, but America is otherwise pretty hands off the PACT countries.

I think there's supposed to be an entrance under Hokkaido under Mu control. There also might be one where Kyushu used to be though we've been pretty vague about that. Stromboli definitely goes down to the fourth layer, Iceland at least goes to the third, maybe the fourth too. And I think Sunken Istanbul is stuck between layers, so it'd only go to the third if it goes there at all.
Clearwater Cave is in Sarawak, famously under the rule of White Raja James Brooke at the time. OTL Brooke considered selling his kingdom to Britain multiple times, but the British weren't interested. I imagine in this scenario they would be VERY interested.
Though I'm actually not sure if that bit of land in particular was part of Sarawak or Brunei in the 1870s. They certainly could take over Brunei or the respective Bruneian territory if the need arose.
Or we could simply use different caves not too far, like the Niah complex. The area was actually explored by A.R. Wallace in 1864 too.
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the cut makes it look like a waterfall
>I imagine many die or go insane from it, otherwise the Mystics wouldn't be special and we'd just have the Atlans going full crystall en masse
i agree. i was thinking they could march before they die and go insane, but in hindsight that doesnt really work either because Titanium is said to "sharpen the mind" which doesnt necessarily translate to energy and endurance, the effects would be to unpredictable for proper military integration. however, i imagine some nobles and intellectuals using it recreationally or to stay up all night copying a manuscript or whatever (at least pre Titking).
makes sense. i was thinking France and America would be friendly with Atlantis. i imagine them to be a at least comparatively amicable faction and France and America seem to be the most aliened against Atlan of the colonials. i like that take on Italy.
i didnt mean it ignores range, i meant you need to take the action (spend the ammo) regardless of if the shot will hit because of range. i didnt mean for him to ignore reload.
>Grim Resolve
i love this change.
>Beast of Burden
it was high because i used to have most units with stupid, and i mean down right downie stupid, slow. i fixed them but it never fixed him. change is good. glad you like the idea.
>Headman's Axe
i agree about playtester feedback.
>Star Strike
glad you kept it. change is good. think you should let it keep pen. open to changing name, maybe to something like "Firm Axe" "Star Axe" "Arche Axe" "Strike Thrice" i couldnt really think of anything i liked all that much and just defaulted to alliteration, as always...
yes i like this.
i would prefer maybe if he lost one Body Box and gained one Limb Box. also, i just realized i need clarification on Grim Resolve: is it for every failed Parley, or just the ones targeting him? is it when he fails his check, or the guy who took the parley action fails his check?
maybe lower his Awareness and make it so when a Parley targeting him succeeds he loses the Discipline and gains the Dread? if not, i think you should change to wording to "for each successful stopping of a Parley Action by this Model" or something like that as on a first reading it can strike you wrong.
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Connecting the entrances/exits between 2nd/3rd layers is giving me some troubles. A couple of points:

It needs a pillar nearby to justify it going straight to the 4th.

Are they too far from each other, or is it fine as it is?

Do I leave it, or do I add an entrance into the 3rd for it? How canon is this bit?

What is that one? It's not connected with something upwards. Also, cannot find it in the document.

I assume these two are connected?

Are these two connected to each other?

>The one in Alph going upwards
Where does that connect?

>Hokkaido and Mu
That reminds me, we have to establish how much control do the agarthan powers in the 2nd layer. Also, if Kyushu sank, shouldn't it be in the 3rd layer?
If you use the same color for different maps and select the layer merge option to be Difference, you might get a much clearer picture of overlaps between them.
what about Halifax?
I'm using transparencies, not merging layers. Makes it easier to have all in one single doc and quickly go back and forth between layers.
Mate, if the map doesn't align all that means is that I fucked it up. There's also the fact that the distances would realistically contract as you go deeper.
So Verkhoyansk entrance goes to Kitezh, Axum entrance goes to Ezana, Istanbul IS the Necropolis. You got that right.
Kagoshima-no-Yomi is literally just Kagoshima from Kyushuu, but, you know, underground. Like Paris and Ile-de-France. Kyushuu sunk in a similar and landed on, well, land. Actually, I would maybe leave a fragment of the island on the 2nd Layer, where the entrance is supposed to be.
Alph is supposed to connect to somewhere in the southern Nile basin, that just got way off.
Prokletje is supposed to be an entrance on the Serbo-Montenegrin-Albanian border that the Serbian rebel from the chart got stranded into. I don't think it would be a major entrance anyway. It's old lore and I have since come to believe that we should distinguish between the main entrances that let you set up large-scale logistics necessary to maintain colonies and the smaller passages that only allow travel for smaller groups. That is to say, we must specify the former and pull the later out of our asses as needed. So I'd remove it from the main map.
I assume it's inoperable after the incident. Never added it, but it probably makes sense to mark it.
And yeah, I forgot to add the pillar under Yucatan.
Like this?
>Once the model surfaces, remove dread equal to half the hexes travelled under the map.
or maybe just equal to all the hexes he's not that fast. In fact sure yeah ignore that last post remove dread equal to all the hexes he travelled.
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I mean, it doesn't have to align perfectly, it could be a much more inclined way down like pic related. That would explain to some degree the lack of alignment.

>There's also the fact that the distances would realistically contract as you go deeper.
Do they? Physics are wonky enough when going down, not sure if that principle would be true either.

>Actually, I would maybe leave a fragment of the island on the 2nd Layer, where the entrance is supposed to be.
I can leave a third of the island there and add the rest to the 3rd layer.

>Alph is supposed to connect to somewhere in the southern Nile basin, that just got way off.
So it's an opening between the 2nd-3rd layer, but only the lower part has been discovered? That's a fun idea.

>Prokletje is a minor opening
For convenience's sake, I'll only add the big entrances, to avoid causing confusion.

>I forgot to add the pillar under Yucatan.
That's allright, I'll add it now.
Collapsed and/or filled with Fenian husks and Lemurs. Quebecois Lemurs.
The British are not happy to say the least.
>Do they?
Well, not really, it's just the reasoning I used.
>So it's an opening between the 2nd-3rd layer, but only the lower part has been discovered? That's a fun idea.
I'm pretty sure that wasn't the intention, we've just never settled on the specific connection point.
>mapped vs unmapped entrances
i say the rule of thumb should be "if you can get a horse through it".
>inoperable after the incident. Never added it, but it probably makes sense to mark it
that is what i was thinking.
Also, thoughts on removing the alternate Cuban independence war outcome from the Spanish lore?
Mostly because the Paraguay Incident happens right in the middle of it's course and the U.S. would be preoccupied with it and the aftermath.
>Prokletje is supposed to be an entrance on the Serbo-Montenegrin-Albanian border that the Serbian rebel from the chart got stranded into. I don't think it would be a major entrance anyway.
I think it should be a relatively small but still major entrance, thus justifying a Battle Under The Balkans scenario.
Mark it, but put a big ol red X across it.
>i would prefer maybe if he lost one Body Box and gained one Limb Box.
Sure no issue. >>92665531
>i need clarification on Grim Resolve: is it for every failed Parley, or just the ones targeting him?
I'll specify, I meant failed.
>maybe lower his Awareness and make it so when a Parley targeting him succeeds he loses the Discipline and gains the Dread?
I think I'll have him lower Discipline and Awareness for failed Parleys. And its meant to be failed parleys as in he got beaten on the face-to-face roll, not just rolls over his Awareness. So its a lot more likely to happen, but he still will have an edge 90% of the time.
im sorry, im still confused on what you meant for Grim Resolve. is it, roughly, "when this Model fails/loses a Parley roll/check/whatever, it loses 1 Discipline and the owner Gains 1 Dread"?
I could see Istanbul fulfilling that slot on it's own as a Mordheim-Equivalent setting. Not against a Balkan Entrance but it's certainty an entrance-dense region already.
>"when this Model fails/loses a Parley roll/check/whatever, it loses 1 Discipline and the owner Gains 1 Dread"?
This model being the TitKing, yes. (Thinking of adding "and 1 Awareness") Basically it means that Parleying him to Frenzy is an alternate wincon against him, but he still start with such high Discipline and Awareness he has good odds of winning a lot of those Parley attempts.
The "gain 1 Dread" might be too much but I figure his entourage getting increasingly worried as he's losing his grip by all the foolish attempts at avoiding the inevitable.
Parley is only within 5 hexes which feels like a bit of a bad idea when dealing with Titking. Would you be up for making parley LoS? There are some diplomat units with good enough dodge to hold their own though so maybe it's only meant for them (Lost Seer for example)
Are old ones supposed to be a unit? I thought they were just chilling out
>Would you be up for making parley LoS?
Sure, I think only Duel might be problematic, but I can specify a range to that one.
>Are old ones supposed to be a unit?
No clue it could as well be a joke unit like Legfish and JumpMan.
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>i didnt mean it ignores range, i meant you need to take the action (spend the ammo) regardless of if the shot will hit because of range. i didnt mean for him to ignore reload.
Thank you, I'll get to fixing it. I'll try to give a rush tomorrow with the profiles and get the olms done as well as as much of Atlan as possible.
Ok, added some details like a bit of Kyushu and the pillar below the Yucatan tunnel. I've also added the info of the channels between the 2nd and 3rd, but I'm not sure about some of the ones on the 3rd layer going upwards. Any feedback on those?
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The uppermost was supposed to go to Hokkaido, it's the one used by Mu to invade.
The one below is the Mu entrance to the 4th Layer.
The Kyushuu entrance would be somewhere near Kagoshima. I think it's stated it's only navigable by the air balloon at the moment.
The lowermost one is the potential Satsuma/Japanese entrance to the 4th Layer. Potential because Satsuma is a very late addition timeline-wise. It might not be operational at the moment, but I marked it and the Japanese territory on the 4th in advance (like with the Germans).
>hell pit all the way down to the very innermost layer opens in central asia
>russian empire completely ignores it to fight turkish zombies
c нaми бoг!
>Constantinople must be liberated from the demons so The Tsardom can claim its rightful place as Third Rome
>The uppermost was supposed to go to Hokkaido,
So we have to add one entry in Hokkaido?

>The Kyushuu entrance would be somewhere near Kagoshima.
Oh, so it would be in the other side of the island? As in, the lower entry would be in the city of Kagoshima, or would that be the upper entry? If the latter's true, I have to redraw the island.
>So we have to add one entry in Hokkaido?
And I meant that you should mark Kagoshima(-no-Yomi) on the 3rd Layer as the upwards entrance to signify that there's that aerial connection somewhere nearby.
Something like this?
Also, added the entrances to the 4th layer.
There are very few entrances into the 5th layer, unless I've missed some here's all that there are mentioned. Also, we do need to organize the nation borders and whatever else is needed in this layer before we start with the 6th.
Last thread is still not archived.
Should be now!
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Here we go for the first part of the Olm faction.
Olm-Steed will be next. I'll move the section about Slime Harvesting to the Olm Steed proper, beside the Silver generation.
The Sling will be moved to the weapon list.
Is the San Ignacio colony in the 4th layer still canon?
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Making the nation borders.
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>Atlantean Ruins
Those aren't ruins, those are remaining Atlanteans colonies on the 4th Layer. That chasm there is supposed to be the one in the 5th Layer's ceiling.
Not anymore, we've discussed placing a British colony there now and changing the way British entrances in that region work.
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And the 4th.
Also, we probably should move the tsardom's lands in the 4th layer closer to the ottoman lands, as it would fit better with the entrance in the 2nd layer.
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Did the Olm-Steed, added the Slimey part for the Herder to interact with, as well as allowing it to be spent to ignore getting Engaged/Disengaging, so as to allow the Coils thing to work better. I was thinking about also adding something about turning Slime into Poison, or the Needle Teeth gain Poison if you have 3 Slime token, but that could be for another profile.
Also did the German walker.
Oh also for Mercs there's the Cave Merchant and Shroom Farmer that have no profiles. Shroom Farmer could be a sort of plucky hero of the Deep?
Also, for Mu, if we want to push the Saur Knight angle...
Saur Squire?
>Slime lets Olm-Steeds escape melee
That's genius man. It's like the missing piece to the whole unit I love it.
I can give Merchant or Farmer or another unit a go in a bit, I'll see what's still left.
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I mentioned in an earlier thread that the Eloi profile suggested departed quite a bit from my take on it, so I'll work on an alternative proposal tonight and post it in the morning, since we are entering cleanup on Mu, and I always felt they were Old Mu aligned in some way. But in the meantime, the new Eloi "Evolved" rule proposed led me to write this up for the Devolved Deepfolk, so let me know what you think.
I will need to rework Sinister Dr Moreau in consequence, but that was expected anyways.
So, in regards to Gorgs, I was thinking we could use the Merc clean up as a chance to cement their lore and inclusion (even if its supposed to be fading). I was thinking we could represent the "#-horns" this way :
> "Stinker" Gorg is an insult in Gorg society proper, it refers to "wild" Gorgs who are to Gorgs what Neanderthal and the worse of Deepfolks are to us. The distinction is mostly lost to Epigeans, "wild" Gorgs are no more or less likely to attack an Expedition than civilized ones, and certainly don't smell any better. Stinker Gorgs however are easy to spot however, once you know the trick, they never wear any helmet (horned or otherwise). The #-horn social hierarchy is not applied to them.
> This way we can include a few more Gorg profiles in the merc book by refering to them as "#-Horn Gorgs".
Are horns a linear or exponential ranking system for power?
I have no clue, what do you think would be the best?
Exponential would be funny
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The Hornless Gorg still rides.
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Thought on this progression? We don't need to include every #-horns but these 3 at least as a start? I didn't have much imagination with them beside 3 Health boxes, Dogged-to-Tough progression and Critical Knockback (Which I'll enshrine in the Main Rule book since its useful for Mount Charges and other stuff).
Hornless Gorg as a Merc Character/Gorg Leader?
Seems cool to me, what do you have in mind for Stink Juice?
I was thinking
> Can be used as either Alcohol, Rations or Medkits, if so skip the relevant test, it automatically succeeds. This may also be used during a Charge to gain +3 Strength instead of rolling for Brutal Charge. 3 Silver
May be undercosted, but I think it'll be fine if we control who can recruit it and keep it to Gorgs. I thought about having it count also as Dynamite but that might be too much.
Maybe instead of dynamite it could have a smoke grenade use? It's plenty good as is though.
It's about that time again.
Working on Cave Merchant unit, will post in next thread.
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Actually, perhaps I jumped the gun a bit. For some reason I thought threads autosaged at 300.
Anyway, so as to not waste TWO posts:
I haven't been keeping up with the actual rules as much as with the unit profiles. Do sponsors currently exist in 1e/2e?
I remember 2eanon posting some basic rules for some but that might have been a false memory. Campaign rules are on the backburner right now while all the main factions get a go over to be brought into rough equilibrium price and abilities wise.
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Cave Merchant: (27 Silver)
Diplomat, Mercenary, Elite
AP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 2
Strength: 3
Discipline: 2
Evasion: 6
Labour: 3
Awareness: 5

2 Box.

>General Rules:
>Special Rules:
-Survival Instinct:
When this model would become shaken, it may still be activated without restriction, but must spend all AP to move towards your deployment zone. On reaching it, remove this model from play and count it as dead. If at any point this model is closer to an enemy model than a friendly one test discipline. If failed, the enemy gains control of this model for the rest of the campaign/match, count this model’s silver cost as lost.
-Buy Low:
Any items with silver value given to this unit are instantly converted into their silver value minus two. If this model perishes all sold items are lost.
-Sell High:
At the start of the match, select 10 pieces of equipment from the basic equipment list. This model can be paid silver equal to the equipment value to sell it to your expedition, giving it to any adjacent friendly model. This equipment must be used by the end of the next turn or it will expire. There are no refunds in the event of this models death.
This model comes equipped with a dagger and lantern, it may additionally use colonial weapons. It may take a colonial mount, but instead of increasing stats this mount increases starting capacity of the sell high ability by 10.

This model may be recruited as a mercenary or encountered in the world.
I had to fight really hard against the urge to give this unit “Nose for profit” or “Fear[Tsardom]” or some similar such stupidity. Otherwise I think it’s an alright concept. Maybe a little overcosted but that’s what the chart said. He exists as a way to quickly cash out items in game in case you’re worried about losing them or need silver for some other reason, and also as a way to stock up on additional items in a pinch. The items expire in one turn because of how awful they are, as the chart decreed. Survival Instinct is funny but might be a bit overpowered given the model cost so maybe it should just be one half silver value lost. You can’t get any silver back when he dies presumably because he’s swallowing the silver for safety. I did consider letting sold items drop on his corpse to make him a sort of pinata but then people would just kill him after farming silver which I don’t like the implications of. Also he is elite because I am already smiling imagining what the fuck kind of list you could make with more than one of these.
>I did consider letting sold items drop on his corpse to make him a sort of pinata but then people would just kill him after farming silver which I don’t like the implications of.
lol, I understand, but that sounds too fun to resist. You wouldn't mind writing up an unofficial version of his rules would you?
What do you mean by that?
Like an unofficial part that lets us loot his corpse. Actually, that would even be a nice rule in general, though it might favour the winners a little. I think it would be a cool mechanic, you give certain units a loot ability allowing them to steal equipment from dead or incapacitated units.
alright here you go:
>When this model dies all items in its possession are placed in the hex where it died and may be picked up individually for 1 AP by any unit
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Reposting the American chart we never got round to finishing. I believe there were a few units that were newly written for it, did they make it into the book?
Hard to tell without all the names.
Jesus Christ we picked up steam these last few threads. Didn't realize until yesterday we were nearly there. A lot of it was due to drama, but given how well we've bounced back from it, I'd consider this a very succesfull thread regardless. In any case,
>> 92679993

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