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Atlan Victory! Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, fight each other for victory.
A campaign mode is planned, and currently in the works. (you) are encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc
>Main Lore Doc, including links to anon-written short stories and additional lore in "Recommended..." section
> Unit Spreadsheet - Currently outdated, requires an update
>Unit Design Doc

>What can I do?
Shitpost, meme, get comfy. Read over the docs to settle in.
Familiarize yourself with rules and plan some playtests.
Contribute if you have ideas. Give feedback on contributions if you don't.

> TQ 1 : Thoughts about trying to workin an economy system into the campaign?
> TQ 2 (cont.): Not really a TQ, but would anyone want to write small fluff blurbs for the existing profiles? Something that can fit in the Faction books, so 1 or 2 paragraph most. Something to give more than just the name of the unit to folks looking first at the profiles.

Sure I can do some, sounds fun.
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Things that came up in the last game
> Morale should probably kick in right away, and not at the beginning of the turn. It makes it more meaningful and with Rally a whole turn to deal with it is a lot.
> Using under/over with the Strength of both melee fighters instead of Threshold worked fine.
> I think we once again forgot Evasion modifiers in combat. Might be a sign it is unnecessary.
> For campaign we discussed having faction items be available to sell from your Factions, for example Atlan holds control over Titanium Balls market, you have to buy those from them, thoughts?
> Atlan needs a way to clear away Difficult Terrain.
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I archived both last threads btw.
New Mu Terror Bird Herder as a worker who can mount Terror Birds to become light skirmishers, but otherwise have a herding mechanic like Olm Herder?
> TQ 1
That would be truly amazing, but it sounds like a lot of effort. Putting stores in certain locations wouldn't be too hard, but if we implement a proper economy I'd love to see supply and demand, different prices with different factions, a place to store your money, etc. Would be to tough, but I'd be willing to give it a try.

>TQ 2
I'll get to work on Britain, I'll post what I have in a couple hours.

Should I report the battle report? it was pretty late last thread I'm thinking a few anons might have missed it...?
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Some fluff blurbs for Lead Edward and The Modern Major General.

>Duke Edward Cunningham
1st Lord of the Admiralty, hero of the Seizure of Iceland, and a man of endless ambition, Edward Cunningham’s name is carved in infamy, such that it inspires dread in all who hear it. Granted the Duchy of Iceland for his service to the crown, and the Admiralty through backroom dealing, he is the most powerful man in all England. On his authority, the British have delved deeper than all the colonial powers, and none know when he plans to stop.
Though his greatest skills lie in the realm of politics and military planning, he still leads expeditions from time to time, and much like England, he expects that every man will do his duty. His long experience in war grants his troops extra mobility, while his very voice can shake even the most terrified troops out of their stupor and bring them back to the battle.

>The Modern Major General
The very image of a British officer! I say, sir, you will find none better! His knowledge of all things vegetable, animal, and mineral, is, I say, nigh magical! Education and upbringing are unmatched! And he looks quite dashing in that uniform! And those perfectly groomed white whiskers! The ladies all adore him! He doffs his hat, shakes you hand, and is off whistling a tune before you know it! You should ask him to recite some rhymes, he will happily provide! My God, sir, what a man he is! None like him! England will weep when he passes! But we shouldn’t think of such gloomy things, no, sir! Let us instead back in the glory of this man’s great achievements! Or, future achievements, because I’m sure he’ll have many, it’s a certainty! Any day now! That’s the spirit!
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Thank you! These are perfect, both in content and size.
For New Mu, I was thinking we could work in the Corpse token mechanic into Ghoulish abilities. There would be a Faction Special Rule saying

> Ghoulish […] : If you have any number of models with a Special Rule containing the word “Ghoulish” in its name in your Expedition, for the duration of the game, whenever a Model dies, leave a Corpse token in the Hex it died in.

and reword the following abilities :

> Ghoulish Triumph (Legatus & Revenant): Whenever this model kills an enemy model or Move through or adjacent to an Hex containing a Corpse token, it may heal 1 / Wound and immediately make a free Attack against a target in range. Remove the Corpse token if applicable.

> Ghoulish Revivification (1 AP) (New Mu Priestess ): Select both a Corpse Token and a Friendly model within 5, and test Awareness. If successful, remove the Corpse Token and the selected model may immediately erase a single Wound of any Severity on its profile.

> Ghoulish Taxation (1 AP) : Select a Corpse token within 3 of this model and Test Awareness. If successful, remove the Corpse Token and regain 2 LP. (not too sure about this one I just didn't want another Silver Drainage ability otherwise it could become very unfun).

Was also thinking about
> Saur Jousting : This Model must be Mounted on a Saur. Whenever this model resolves a Mounted Charge against a Mounted enemy, gain +1 Accuracy and +1 Evasion.
For all the various Saur Order models. Its mostly to have the "this model MUST recruit a Saur" line somewhere, I don't think the bonus is relevant enough to warrant a price increase on any profiles, but its a nice little touch, no?
Glad to hear that! I'll try working on the other brit units for the rest of the thread, maybe write up one or two for other factions if I get bored.
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This is mostly a ease-of-use update, replaced the font and spaced paragraphs. I did replace the Lemuria fluff blurb by the one provided last thread, and split up the Tsardom entry between its core and colonies sections.
We could use some descriptions for a few of the other colonies if any anons felt inspired. I believe (and please correct me if you remember something being posted about them)
> Beatrice Shores
> Nouvelle Alger
> New Alamo
> Maximiliana
> Lower Cappadocia
> Ys
> Reconnexion
> New Kirkwall
> Basse-Guyenne
> New Capaddocia
Also, do we include the Polish Voodoo guys in earnest?
This also made me think, should we have a section about important Characters in the World Book?
it isnt hard to find, but it wouldnt hurt.
i think that is a good idea.
all looks good.
let me go over the map, see what sparks.
>do we include the Polish Voodoo guys in earnest?
if we do, not in core.
>do we include the Polish Voodoo
They don't need to be playable but they deserve a spot in the lore book. I adore the idea for them, they are one of the most eye-catching factions for now. And since Leopold II and others are busy with Agartha, Poles can have a colony somewhere in Africa.
for the Burdened Whaler
“deeper down the Alph he sailed in search of the 5th Layer! But he never quite made it.”
Of the Lost Whalur is a intentionally incomplete rhyme told by Whalers to discourage each other from growing too ambitious or nostalgic. Taken from a fable by the same name, the saying is often shortened to “But he never quite made it”, and is the origin of the seamen phrases of “going deeper down” and “going down the Alph”.
Few would guess it is more than a proverb.
Might write something for New Kirkwall and the other British Colonies later today, anyone have things they want to say about them?
I can try to write something about them. Also, will we include Sebastianist Portugal as a minor faction as well?
Also, is current year still 1883?
-New Kirkwall:
Named by Scottish refugees displaced by the chaos of the Malcolmite Rebellions, this region of the third layer presents a dramatic contrast to the surface entrance at Mt. Snaefellsjokull, a steaming jungle of ancient plants lying beneath the frozen peaks of Iceland. The most developed British colony by far, railways and canals stretch across the landscape, the puffing and clatter of machinery an ever present background. The three largest settlements are the town of New Pondicherry, on the coastal border with French holdings, Fort Grey, a vast military dockyard at Beatrice Road, and the “New Jewel” itself, the city of Jackstown. The city itself is perhaps the fifth or sixth largest in the layer, after Paris, Errum, the neanderthal settlements, and potentially Istanbul depending on how one views husks. The canal entrance from the surface terminates there, with new construction slowly pushing out to link Neo-Tethys and the North Atlantic. Regular checkpoints and barriers ring the inner city, the British government firmly intent on keeping Agarthan nonsense away from the surface. In the inner city one could almost imagine themselves on the surface, the smoke of a thousand factories obscuring the ceiling, each face undeniably human and certifiably Epigean. In the greater city, the strangeness leaks in quickly. Cave Beastles and Saurs pull carts, Sky-People displaced by the smog peddle their services as navigators to expeditions, and strange new vices are traded to unsuspecting visitors. Many a stout soul has been lost to the drug-dens of Jackstown, never to be seen again. From the New Jewel outwards are dozens of factory-villages, mining, refining, and shipping back to the surface. There are the natives of New Kirkwall as well, mainly neanderthal tribes sworn to the Crown and Sky-People inadvertently smoked out of their settlements and forced to ground.
Dammit, you beat me to it. Do you have something written for the Beatrice Shores as well?
The most isolated colony, Clearwater is already half the world away from Britain before you even attempt the twisting and dangerous passage to the fourth layer. The name is no exaggeration either, a frigid stream following your descent and threatening to loosen your grip or freeze your bones the whole way down. But when travellers finally do emerge the water seems a blessing, perhaps the only fresh source for days in the baking fourth layer. Unlike the other two major British colonies, Clearwater is not under their direct jurisdiction. There exists a complicated series of treaties on the use of the entrance between the friendly Raj of Sarawak, The Nether Earth Trading & Exploration Company, The Honourable East India Company, and the British government. After the loss of British India, blame was deflected from the E.I.C onto outside influence, with the Malcolmite rebellion further distracting from their existence. During that time the company split, part joining with several other organisations to form the N.E.C while another part remained loyal to the British state. These two organisations both lobbied for access to the Sarawak entrance on its discovery, only to later realize that they had won a white elephant. The land it opened out onto is barren, hot, and much too close to Atlan for comfort. What money could be made by trading with New Mu was hard-won, and eventually the E.I.C withdrew to focus on their remaining surface concerns, handling imports from the surface while the N.E.C agreed to handle exports from New Mu. The only major settlement, referred to as “Empty Coffers,” or occasionally “Folly,” exists as a trading hub at the entrance, sending caravans out with surface goods and bringing them in with Agarthan ones. The fortune of Clearwater may soon be to change however, as reports of Titanium strikes nearby have brought the attention both of the British government and the Atlan republic. The N.E.C may face a war on two sides.
I have ideas but I can hold off if you want. Or we can collaborate. Sorry if you put a notice in the last thread I missed about that.
Feel free to post your stuff too though we can fuse it for all 3 colonies.
Nah, it's fine. I only had a couple of points for the Beatrice Shores anyway. I was thinking of how to develop them into something more cohesive.

-Beatrice Shores are named after Queen Victoria's youngest daughter.
-The road between the 3rd and 5th layer was started almost immediately after New Kirkwall was set up, but the tunnels were particularly jagged and irregular, and at multiple point many politicians were thinking of outright abandoning it due to the costs of mapping and crossing it.
-Once they arrived to the lower parts of the road, the entry was blocked by a massive trunk, the biggest trunk that had ever been discovered. The british had to send hundreds of workers to chop the massive trunk.
-Many cartographers and geographers believed the road was going to led into an area near the poles, so they brought a ton of mountain and arctic equipment. And when they finally exited the road, they found the humid swamps and the hyperdense vertical jungles of the 5th layer. They had to go back and actually bring experts in jungle exploration.
-Many prisoners and convicts were used to establish the colony of the Beatrice Shores, and many of the ones who escaped ended up in Libertalia.
-The british are dedicating a great deal of effort in building a modern dockyard and shipyards in the 5th layer, which is difficult as the humid jungle makes building anything hellish. The british are also bringing entire ships into the 5th layer piece by piece and assembling them there.
Also, as the Beatrice Shores are the only 2nd layer power established in the 5th layer, the british are pushing to expand as much possible before the other powers start arriving, as well as establishing ties to Atlantis (not sure how diplomacy between 2nd layer and agarthan powers works anyway).
Here's what I was going to go for:
-Cunningham used to rule New Kirkwall like a private kingdom, but now parliamentary inquiries and his own interest has made him move his operation down to Beatrice shores. He's borderline royalty down there, everyone is either in his pocket or too weak to stop him. Lots of Iceland Guard wandering around looking frightening.
-They're trying to colonize the wall-jungle but it's hard because vertical
-British relations with Atlantis are complicated since both want to rule the waves. They sell Atlantis modern ships but also make sure to always have them outnumbered in that department
-Both Atlantis and Britain are covertly supporting/fighting Libertalia, paying the pirates to attack the ships of the other while also sinking pirate ships as well
-Most of it's still pure jungle but the one big port they have is bleeding edge, pure concrete and steel. It also has the largest Analytical Engine station below the third layer which is pissing off Lemuria to no end.
-British are befriending Morlocks so they'll have someone who can work underwater against Olm riders or worse threats. Cunningham does not trust them but lets it happen because his submarine experiments aren't going well.
-A mysterious man who may or may not be Captain Rakkad sometimes shows up for secret meetings.
>Cunningham used to rule New Kirkwall like a private kingdom, but now parliamentary inquiries and his own interest has made him move his operation down to Beatrice shores.

On one hand, I can see the power and the madness of Agarthan discoveries making Cunningham going full Kurtz from Heart of Darkness. On the other hand, wouldn't the british put considerable more measures to control the lower layers as much as possible so as to avoid that exact scenario?

>the one big port they have is bleeding edge, pure concrete and steel.
Wouldn't the jungle make it incredibly difficult, though? I can imagine maintenance would be a bitch under those conditions, especially with 19th century tech.

>Cunningham does not trust them but lets it happen because his submarine experiments aren't going well.
The first two battle-capable submarines were launched in 1888 (by the spanish and the french, both on september 1888, funny how history works out). I can see Cunningham ordering some industrial spying, or would it be too early in the setting?
>wouldn't the british put considerable more measures to control the lower layers as much as possible so as to avoid that exact scenario?
I assume he's got enough clout from Iceland and all the other conquests that no one is railing against him just yet. Behind closed doors people are definitely trying to crack down though.
>Jungle Travel
The way the map looks makes me think the entrance lets out very close to the sea, close enough that the base can touch the wall and the sea. That might be a scale confusion thing though on my end.
We know that Rakkad has one that works real nice, other than that I can see both actually functional ones (rare, secret, hard to get) and terrible confederacy-tier ones existing simultaneously.
There are probably about a couple of kilometers from the polar door to the shores. It's short enough to allow easy travel, but not enough to just connect the sea with the door.
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Cunningham shouldnt have too much power, because it makes one wonder why he should want more. restricting him, giving him less than what you think he has earned (which is certainly even less than he thinks he has earned) creates interesting tension.
personally, i see the Leaden Duke following in the foot steps of the Titanium King in many ways.
Fair enough. I view him as a weird cross of Rhodes and the Duke of Wellington but I'm hardly an expert on either
Thank you, added! This put some nice meat on those bones, if you have any inspiration keep it coming.
I've got the timeline in the worldbook up to 1874 only, if you have pointers about events I can add to it up to 1883-84, whatever the end point we figure.
Will add!
I'm not so much speaking of giving them a faction book or anything like that yet, just should we include them in the timeline in some ways?
We're going by edition, aren't we? I remember stuff about the Satsuma being introduced in 4e or 5e, but Satsuma only happened in 1877.
for reconquerers:
Reconquerers are tasked with securing a path too the shattered and scattered birthright of Atlan that is Titanium. Reconquerers are largely sons of bourgeoisie and of minor aristocracy seeking further fortune: Officers of the Corps are promised Governorship over whatever mines they manage to start, in addition there is a fair and equal finders fee for all members of an expedition.
In the past, when it was still needed, The Reconquest Corps was much larger, much more integrated, and dedicated to the taking back lands lost during The Plagued Age. Still, these men not as great can call on the fervor of their older brothers past in times of need.

for reclaimers:
Reclaimers are tasked with securing mines and new settlements as well as the highways that connect them. Reclaimers are largely men retired from work more consistently demanding, a skewed mix of Atlan enlisted and freed Slaves, their work is most often looking menacing and watching others lay bricks.
In the past, when it was still needed, the Reclamation Corps was much larger, much less easy on the body, and dedicated to restoring the lands devastated during The Plagued Age. Still, these men not as great can call on the conviction of their older brothers past in times of need.
>should we include them in the timeline in some ways?
not unless you are inspired to. we can always add them later, after all.
>We're going by edition, aren't we? I remember stuff about the Satsuma being introduced in 4e or 5e, but Satsuma only happened in 1877.
I (2e anon) would rather we figure out a complete timeline at the moment for the world book, we can always cut back down afterwards and divide from it across core and expansions, and editions.
how encompassing should this be, detail wise? as in, what is the point of the world book timeline?
>how encompassing should this be, detail wise?
If an event doesn't deviate at all in itself from our own timeline, we can simply point it out if its major, if it isn't we can simply skip it.
For anything else we should limit to 2~3 sentences. For example, to point out the origin of the Voodoo Poles in the timeline we could say
> 1802 : Napoleon sends a Polish Legion along with the expedition to reclaim Haiti. Poles switch sides and are introduced to the mysteries of Voodoo occultism, which they eventually bring back to Europe.
Reading timelines allow newbs to introduce themselves very quickly to a lot of different parts of the setting, it makes it easier to piece it all together (imho at least), and since this is in part an alt-history setting, filling the blanks is a lot easier and more appropriate than with a fully fantastical timeline.
might as well repost it.


~5000 BC : Sinking of Atlantis
~4600 BC : Atlantis and Atlan reestablish contact. Start of the Eternal War.
~1600 BC : Various Mediterranean people are forced into Agartha following the many volcano eruptions of the Late Minoan period. Many eventually join Atlantis.
1542 : Arne Saknussemm leads an expedition and discovers Agartha, but all members are either loss or return insane and their account are discounted.
1799 : The French acquires the Rosetta Stone. Napoleon subsequently deciphers it and learns of the existence of Agartha.
1802 : Napoleon sends a Polish Legion along with the expedition to reclaim Haiti. Poles switch sides and are introduced to the mysteries of Voodoo occultism, which they eventually bring back to Europe.
1815 : Battle of Waterloo. Napoleon escapes and seeks refuge in Agartha.
1848 : Sicilian Revolution. The Carbonari, a secret society with mysterious ties to the Janarae Cults enters an alliance with the southern Italian radicals and Freemasons and eventually takes its leadership. Cavaignac is elected President of France, and his government’s diplomacy insures the survival of the Duosicilian Republic.
1849 : King Ferdinand II is sacrificed to the Etna volcano. Establishment of the Duosicilian Republic (1st Abomination War).
1850 : Franz Joseph is murdered, Maximilian takes the Austro-Hungarian throne.
1851 : Conflict between Cavaignac and the conservative Assembly results in a royalist coup by General Changarnier.
1852 : Third Restoration under Henri V, with Philippe d’Orleans as heir.
1853-56 : Eastern War (Crimea). Henri V is too focused on countering Italian influence to lend support.
1854: Austrians align with the Ottomans. British begin Crimean campaign.
1855 : The Allies are stopped at the Chernaya River, and barely stop the Russians themselves over the Danube.
1856 : Crimean war ends in Allied humiliation. Russian secures the independence of the Danubian Principalities and Serbia, as well as assurances on Bulgarian autonomy.
1856 : Pius IX is assassinated, 2nd Roman revolt breaks out, Alexander IX is elected and calls for a Crusade.

1856-57 : Italian Crusade/2nd Abomination War. France & Allies lose, The sacrifice of most Swiss Guards and Cardinal Clement to evacuate the relics and other Cardinals ignites the faith of Catholics around the world. Pope moves to Avignon
1857 : The Sepoy Rebellion. Lemuria moves to support India which leads to a British defeat. Emperor Bahadur Shah II establishes the Neo-Mughal Empire.
1857-58 : Malcolmite resurgence
1858-60 : Global depression. France’s defeat in the Crusade spirals into a prolonged economic and political crisis. The king’s response is particularly heavy-handed.
July 1860 : The 2nd July Revolution is aborted by the Fall of Paris.
1860 : The Duosicilians sacrifice thousands of dissidents, aristocrats and political prisoners to the Volcano Spirits. The Stromboli Entrance is revealed.
1860-1864 : Parisians are left fending for themselves and incorporate the Deepfolk survivors of the villages crushed by the Sinking.
1863 : Lidenbrock-Bjelke expedition.
1863 : Paris repels an invasion led by the Atlan exile Philobastres
1864 : Julius Verne’s Expedition reaches Fallen Paris and comes back.
1864 : Foundation of Sicilia Terza in the 4th Layer by the Italians.
1864 : Massacre of the Manchus of Beijing. Hong Xiuquian ascends to “Heaven” and return.
1865 : First French elections involving Paris, a new Constitution makes France a Parliamentary Republic.
February 1865 : The British seize Iceland for its Entrance.
April 1865 : Prussia and Italy declare war against Austria. (4th Abomination War). However a number of social and political issues begin plaguing the Italians, which prevents the war from escalating too quickly.
June 1865 : Unsure of its military after the Crimean disaster, Maximilian I seeks a political compromise which the Italian leadership is only too eager to accept. Austria will pay the Italians a hefty price for access to the Stromboli entrance in exchange for Venetia and Trentino. On the other hand, Italy will renounce any further claims to the Austria territoty, and reform itself into a Monarchy. After a short but bloody civil war, Francesco Crispi becomes first Tyrant Francesco I. The Pope excommunicate Maximilian I. Creation of the Imperial Church. Increase in anti-Habsburg nationalism in the general austrian population.
October 1865 : Foundation of New Kirkwall in the 3rd Layer by the British.
1866 : France begins the construction of a series of elevators linking the Surface to Fallen Paris.
March 1867 : New Mu invades and captures Hokkaido.
1868 : Parisian Riots over economic issues presented by the reintegration result in an attempted terrorist attack on the Tower and the assassination of several preminent engineers. Eiffel takes over the construction project.
1868 : Foundation of the Pillar-City of Errum as capital of the Yazata Assembly of Sky-Clans.
1968 : Foundation of the Agarthan Society
1968 : Foundation of Maximiliana in the 4th Layer by the Austro-Hungarians
1968 : Foundation of Franklin in the 3rd Layer by the Americans.
1969-70 : Corruption scandals and several ministerial crisis allow the French Monarchist to regain popularity.
1870 : Completion of the Eiffel Tower
1870 : Foundation of Kitezh in the 3rd Layer by the Tsardom
1870 : Foundation of Wallace Point in the 4th Layer by the British.
1871 : Foundation of San Ignacio in the 4th Layer by the Holy League
1871 : Conflict erupt in Bulgaria over violation of its autonomy by the Ottomans. The Tsardom declares war on the Ottomans and Turkey and swiftly breaks both. Belligerents meet in Fallen Paris
A few months later, Murad V makes a coup and becomes Sultan.
1871 : Foundation of Ys, Guyenne-Basse and {XYZ} in the 3rd Layer by the French
1872 : Italian Invasion of Ethiopia over a newly discovered entrance.
1872-73 : The Necropolis Event. Desperate to return his new Empire to its former glory, Murad V descends into Agartha and return with an army of undead.
1873 : French Campaign in Tonkin vs Lemuria
1874 : Tunisian and Greek expeditions in the aftermath of the Necropolis Event.
1874 : Foundation of Valdiagartsk in the 4th Layer by the Tsardom
1874 : Foundation of Fort Wellington in the 5th Layer by the British
1875 : A La Ombre plot is uncovered in France’s military. Charles L.N.B. is initially implicated but later acquitted.
1875 : Foundation of Libertalia
1875 : Foundation of New Alamo in the 4th Layer by the Americans
1875 : Foundation of Ezana in the 3rd Layer by the Holy League
1876 : Ethiopian Crusade
1877 : Foundation of Kagoshima-No-Yomi in the 3rd Layer by the Satsuma Domain.

We could use this occasion to also incorporate a few more events from the PoV of Deepfolks, like the Conquistadore reaching Atlan, subsequent Plague, TitKing Coup, etc...
>We could use this occasion to also incorporate a few more events from the PoV of Deepfolks, like the Conquistadore reaching Atlan, subsequent Plague, TitKing Coup, etc...
doesnt that seem like alot? i think we should have a few timelines, the "main" timeline should focus on things that are important to Cunningham and Napoleon, as well as establishing all the core factions at least a bit and the discovery of all entrances and colonies. i also think it should mainly be from the POV of Epigeans. so, yes, i suppose Voodoo Pols should be on the main timeline as they are related to Napoleon.
so for example, The Conquistadore reaching Atlan would just be something like "Conquistadores go missing in Yucatan; disturbing reports are given but never delivered across the Atlantic." Titking Coup i think is already mentioned enough with "Paris repels an invasion led by the Atlan exile Philobastres". we can have a different timeline from the perspective of Agartha. what about that?
Its a central one for the moment, as we said we can split it across relevant books after, but at least we'll have something solid to work with as a central reference.
I, apologies, for some reason I multiplied myself there.
fair enough.
no worries. royal we.
>1968 : Foundation of the Agarthan Society
>1968 : Foundation of Maximiliana in the 4th Layer by the Austro-Hungarians
>1968 : Foundation of Franklin in the 3rd Layer by the Americans.
Is that where the time displaced guy came from?
>1875 : Foundation of Ezana in the 3rd Layer by the Holy League
Is this still canon?
I don't believe so, although it could be repurposed for Portugal.
Good catch.
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We mentioned a game, US vs Atlan last playtest, would this work for Tuesday evening? I've got a work thing on Monday, turns out.
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I tried pushing ahead on the Merc clean up tonight, I want to post it as soon as possible.
Here's a proposal for the new Condotieri.
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New Kentuckian, thought I would change his ability a bit since more models get access to alcohol now.
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reworked Trapper (might make the beartrap dependant on spending material)
And Low-Canuck Asbestos Miner.
tuesday evening. do you want to play US or Atlan? did you see >>92747777 ?
would be cool if the extra reach could be preserved somehow. still, i like this.
what did we say Alcohol does? -1 all stats ignore Moral?
>-1 all stats ignore Moral?
Test Discipline, if successful Ignore Shaken at the cost of -1 to all Stats for the turn.
Basically, they get to skip the Discipline test.
>hex skirmish game
just skimmed the rules, this looks fun. I'll try to screw with it a little this weekend.
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>this looks fun.
It is! Welcome aboard!
>do you want to play US or Atlan?
I can play Atlan, I'd like to try what I'm kitbashing right now.
>did you see
Yes! Just letting it stew.
>would be cool if the extra reach could be preserved somehow
The pikes already give the option for "Reach+", with their rule it was just stupid long.
sweet. let us know how it goes.
why isnt Officer Bubbles in the USA book?
>The pikes already give the option for "Reach+", with their rule it was just stupid long.
fair enough
Condottieri, two Ts.
Actually, shouldn't it be Condottiero since Condottieri is plural?
Is the territory of Franklin in the 3rd layer a state of the union? Or is it not a state yet?
Saur General will always be more expensive than Grant, and his main benefit is letting be used which is expensive, which means it is always better to take The Ranger at 150 Silver.
Does Big Iron work on Titanium?
USA Heros have no Loadout listed.
Skysaurs are 3 times as expensive as a horse despite having only 1 Movement more and lowering Acc and costing more AP to attack with.
Horses are listing as having 6 Movement in USA book and 5 in Atlan.
Skill is still being used instead of Accuracy in many places.
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Ok, so I'm adding the names of the territories of each power in the maps. But I'm having troubles with the french domains on the 3rd layer, as they have multiple territories and I don't see which one is which. Any help with this?
The southern one is Sainte Baume
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Added the names of the territories. All but the french ones until it's clearer which one is which.
>Saur General
Noted, I'll look into lowering his cost.
>Does Big Iron work on Titanium?
I don't think it should, the advantage once T is stripped seems already good enough.
>USA Heros have no Loadout listed.
Will fix tonight!
>Horses are listing as having 6 Movement in USA book and 5 in Atlan.
Will check, isn't it the difference between Horse and Warhorse? If its not its a typo.
>Skill is still being used instead of Accuracy in many places.
Damn copy+paste strikes again! Will try to look for those.
Goddamn gorgeous!
Does anyone have anything on New Alamo?
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Ok, had a look.
> Saur General
I think you are selling it short, although it could certainly use some touching up. His main benefit is not only allowing to take Saur Mounts, its also having them be able to get Deadly and Quickstrike on their attacks, which for most Saurs means "you are more likely than not to autokill 90% of Colonials". Its tied currently to its LP and he only has 3, so if he needs buffing, I think it would either be by bumping that to 4 or have him some built-in way to regen LP.
He can also bring more Saurs than the Ranger. Him + 5 Prospectors on Cavesaurs should give you some Silver left to play around with, and those Prospectors aren't a joke to deal with.
> Big Iron
Looking at it I really think it shouldn't affect Titanium Armour.
>USA Heros
Fixed, will upload later tonight. Also added the Officer Bubbles blurb.
Definitely overcosted, but ignoring intervening models and terrain is defintely a big thing. Do you suggest I should either buff the profile or lower the cost?
I don't believe anything was made regarding it.
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Map for the upcoming game?
Green as Plains, Mountains are Mountains, obviously, including the darker green parts, light blue as Swamp.
Much smaller map, 18 by 18.
During the gold fever that gripped the United States between the 1840s and the 1850s, thousands of men moved to the west in search of fortune. Many crossed the prairies, mountains and deserts that cover a great deal of what was becoming the United States, a land still to be tamed. It would be during this frenzy when the owners of the Mammoth Cave in the state of Kentucky, redoubled their mining efforts. Up to that point, the cave had been mined for industrial salts and other products, but the gold fever made many seek further riches within its depth. It would be the black slave Stephen Bishop, a cave explorer who had been previously working on the Mammoth Cave for years up to that point, who, under orders of his masters, began mapping the cave further than he had even done before. However, instead of finding gold, Bishop found a series of wide tunnels that “seemingly had no end”. While the owners of Mammoth Cave began publicizing this founding, believing that it could be a tourist spot, once this news arrived to the government’s ears, they quickly realized it could be much more. The federal government offered to buy Mammoth Cave from its current owners, keeping as much secrecy as possible by using many front companies. The government then gave Bishop the task of reaching as deep as it was possible, organizing a team of cave explorers, geologists, cartographers and adventurers to dwell deep into the earth. The arrival to the 3rd layer was sooner than expected, reaching agarthan soil in 1857, just in time for Stephen Bishop to see the landscapes of the 3rd layer right before his death. News of this discovery made the government order an expansion of the tunnels, creating railroads and elevators to reach the 3rd layer, with progress being quite slow due to the secrecy of the project and the civil war stopping the project altogether.
After the Union had prevailed, however, the funds needed to continue the project could no longer be hidden away, as reconstruction needed to happen. Thus, in 1966, the government publicly announced the existence of the Mammoth Tunnel to the 3rd Layer. To avoid unconfortable questions, the government presented the finding as the result of “an accidental discovery by kentuckian forces during the War of Secession”. In 1968, the government declared the Franklin Territory as another part of the United States. This led to many veterans of the war, particularly disgruntled confederate soldiers, to settle in this new and wild land, where their expertise as soldiers was greatly needed to take over the many dangers of the 3rd layer.
i dont think major entrances should be discovered before the Fall of Paris. otherwise all good.
works for me.
>Saur Gen is for close combat
ahhhh, of course. now it makes sense.
lower cost. i would say nerf it too, but i think the -1 Acc is enough that it doesnt need it.
Also, about the New Alamo. I was thinking of the Chicxulub entry falling into US hands would be something related to the second french intervention in Mexico. Maybe something akin to:
-Mexico discovered the entry at nearly the same time as the Veracruz takeover by french, spanish and british troops.
-The mexican government promises the US control over the Chicxulub entry in exchange of help against the european powers.
-Motivated by both agarthan interests and Monroe Doctrine, the US basically pays Mexico's debt to these powers, and subtly threatens to war with them if they decide to push it further.
-Once this is done, the US and Mexico begins exploring the tunnel.
>i dont think major entrances should be discovered before the Fall of Paris.
So how should it be discovered? Between 1860 and 1866, there is very little time.
>i dont think major entrances should be discovered before the Fall of Paris.
As Entrances perhaps not, but the Cave network can be discovered much earlier, and only later people figure out how to reach the lower Layers from it.
Oh I see what you mean sorry, I am tired.
no problem. also, small note, Mammoth Cave became a National Park in 1841.
1941. sorry, im not tired just retarded. totally irrelevant.
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For the Psysaur I was thinking of moving it to Character, and instead of having it have Psy-Call (which allowed you to roll on the Prehistoric Predator table and spawn the result), having it allow you to recruit Saurs directly as Mercenaries.
I'm not sure if Psy-Shackled Apes is broken or not. 1 Discipline Neanderthal Condotieri would be pretty hilarious to run I feel.
I'd obviously need to get update the Hostile's list with Cost for it to work but that won't take long.
I imagine it's treated much the same as the unincorporated territories were, like Panama or the Phillipines. US Government owned, but no representation.
Whoever archived the last couple of threads you goofed on the tags and description
Anyone got the descriptions for the Black Watch Bulldog and the Big Game Hunter? Trying to write up descriptions for them but I'm not finding anything on the unit doc. Same with the medic.
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Grimsvotn Guard and Neptunium Baron descriptions.

The Grimsvotn Guard
>A mysterious army unit formed after The Seizure, the Grimsvotn Guard are a black uniformed elite garrisoned on Iceland, thought to be regiment sized, though information on their activities is restricted to all but the highest levels of government. Often assigned to the most sensitive British expeditions, their members are known to act as bodyguards for expedition leadership, giving their lives before they let their dependent suffer harm.

>Even more unprecedented, they have a tendency to operate outside the usual channels of army command, rumoured to embark on secret expeditions without the approval of the British Parliament, leading to accusations from the less reputable tabloids that the Leaden Duke is operating his own pocket regiment, claims which the Duke has not deigned to answer.

The Neptunium Baron
>The Neptunium Baron is the man who keeps the lights running in London! Or so the slogans go, plastered across the front page of whichever newspaper he owns. The discovery of Agartha has made many fortunes, and few have made a bigger profit off Agartha’s wealth than he. He has dedicated his resources and wealth to obtaining a resource of immeasurable value: Neptunium.

>Neptunium is a strange liquid not present on the surface, but the underground is dotted with fields of the stuff, light blue, and fluorescent when exposed to the air. Worthless to the Agarthan nations, it’s use as a fuel for the latest colonial technology has sparked a race to discover more sources, and the Neptunium Baron is in the lead for the fight to discover and acquire more Neptunium, by whatever means necessary. Don’t expect him to put up much of a fight though, that’s what the rest of the expedition is for.

Note: Is the Neptunium Baron a nickname for an unnamed individual, or a title for many like the robber barons or steel magnates?
>Black Watch Bulldog
Was made specifically for this version of the cleanup, so it won't be in older docs.
> Big Game Hunter
There might be nothing more than the compass for this one. Feel free to come up with lore yourself.
Will add!
> Nemptunium Baron
I'd say a nickname for one specific dude, it feels more natural, but that's only my opinion.
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For the Polished Princess profile suggested last thread I have a few issues.
First of all the design is getting very heavy rule wise. A part of the point of the clean up is to simplify things where they can be simplified, but profiles are getting more and more complex. take Refined Guard
> Refined Guard: Whenever this Model is Wounded, gain 2 Dread. When this Model gets a Crit on a defensive Evasion roll or Succeeds an Armor Check on a Location with Titanium, and if it is not Dodging, reduce the Model the caused the roll’s Discipline by 3. Must Recruit a Refined Olm.
This rules does 3 things by itself, and 1 of those things have 3 conditions to check.
The second issue is that its too much of a complete re-theme, without much to spurr it. The Pearlescent Princess was fluffed to be a combat monster, although a frail one (by Atlan standard). I don't see what is justifying turning her into a support Morale piece. Her being closer to Hospitalizers doesn't make her less likely to be a effective assassin, it makes her more likely, imho.
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>First of all the design is getting very heavy rule wise. A part of the point of the clean up is to simplify things where they can be simplified,
fair point.
>does three things
that is a problem i agree.
>3 conditions to check.
they are not complex conditions and dont all need to be checked everytime, and the rule only comes into play when you are attacked. also, this is a leader, so i feel okay with her having heaver rules.
>too much of a complete re-theme, without much to spurr it
Pearlesent isnt on the chart, and i felt it would be more interesting if Pearlesent Princess was split into Polished Princess and Pearlesent Earl. >>92537155 and >>92540428 are also what spurred it. Polished is meant to be Baron's secret daughter raised by Titking. Pearlesent Earl would be Baron's son and heir.
my reason for changing to Earl is because i think it is weird for Baron's heir to already have a much higher rank than him, but im sure we could work something out so it makes sense. i know Earl is still higher than Baron, but much less so and it rhymes with Pearl.
>combat monster, although a frail one (by Atlan standard). I don't see what is justifying turning her into a support Morale piece
Titking and Baron are both monsters already. Atlan doesnt have a support leader and i dont see who would be a better fit for it. although she isnt so good at directly killing, she has a really strong thorns effects, and allows Refined Olms to go all out- which is a reflection of her own ability i think.

what about this:
Polished Princess: Cost: 25
AP: 3 LP: 4
Movement 2, Accuracy: 5, Strength 5, Discipline 8, Evasion 7, Labor 3, Awareness 8
Health: Limbs 1, Body 2, Head 1
Armor: 2T2T2T

Pearl of Atlan: Rally Actions taken by this lower Dread by 2.

Wet Blanket: Nimble applies also to Armor. Whenever this Model is Wounded, gain 3 Dread.

Hard to be Soft: At the start of the Turn, you may remove one Friendly Model within 5 that has a Deep or Greater Wound, or move any friendly Shaken and Unwounded Model to Reserve. If you do not do either of these, you may not Rally

Refined Guard: When this model gets a Crit on a defensive Evasion roll or Succeeds an Armor Check on a Location with Titanium, and if it is not Dodging, reduce the model that caused the roll’s Discipline by 3.

Combat Baby: Track the number of Melee Attacks this model successfully Dodges over the course of the battle. Every third Dodge, this model immediately hits the attacking model with a Critical Hit and take a Free Heal Action. if the model is Removed as a result of this rule inflict +1 Dread.

Good Influence: [1LP] Parley Special Action. make a Face-to-Face Discipline check with an Enemy model otherwise able to be targeted by Hard to be Soft. if Successful, immediately either Remove or send to your Reserve the targeted model as if it were the result of Hard to be Soft.
Refined Olm: Cost 17
Soldier, Slave, Character
AP: 3
Movement 2, Accuracy: 6, Strength 5, Discipline 7, Evasion 6, Labor 4, Awareness 7
Health: Limbs 2, Body 2, Head 1
Armor: 2T3T2T
Tough, Hatred[Morlocks], Tight Squeeze, Ignores Obscurity

Bled White: Only in effect while this Model is Shaken.
When a Location with no Titanium suffers a Wound from a Critical, after resolving the Attack gain Titanium and 2 Armor on that Location. Additionally, this Model may willingly take a Grievous Wound during Attacks and Charges it resolves in order to gain Titanium and Terror Tonic on the weapon for the duration of the Attack.

Sick Muse: So long as this Model is in LOS of Polished Princess a Hospitalizer it has -3 Discipline and may not become Panicked or Frenzied.
If this model is not within LOS of Polished Princess or a Hospitalizer, and has no AP, it is removed as if killed by an enemy.

Good Etiquette: Olm-Men may be recruited. All Olm-Men recruited this way gain +1 AP and Sick Muse rule.

This model comes equipped with Needle-Teeth and may take Special Atlan Weapons.
maybe -1 Acc and +1 Str
maybe add back the +1/2 cost for Olm-Men. not sure about weapons.
Bulldog is only defined in the archived threads. He's a Blackwatch NCO who served under Malcolm at the final raid where The Lost King vanished. He thinks Malcolm was seduced by the Lemurians to abandon the cause so now works with the British to hunt him down. Once he got underground the English officers in charge of his group of Blackwatch mysteriously died so now he's leading them himself. The Brits keep supplying him since it's good to have a deniable asset where they can claim he's gone rogue while also still getting him to do their dirty work.
He likes to scream Malcolm's name while beating the shit out of people in melee.

Big Game Hunter had a different name on the chart but it's the same unit. Not exactly a complicated fellow though.
What New Mu units are left to make new or touch up?
Do we have any info of the geography of the 3rd, 4th and 5th layers?
The last thread has some maps and the lore doc has location details.
Mu Shapeshifter is missing completely.
No, I mean I'm looking if I could do something akin to a physical map for all the layers, including altitude, water depth and names for the places. Would it be appropiate, or would it be better to leave it to the player's interpretation?
On it.
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Mu Doppleganger: (25 Silver)
Deep, Specialist

AP: 2
Movement: 4
Accuracy: 9
Strength: 5
Discipline: 6
Evasion: 8
Labour: 4
Awareness: 6

2 Box
0 in all

>General Rules:
Special Action Hide, Backstab, Deadly [Dagger]

>Special Rules:
-”We’re all wearing masks”:
Do not deploy this model. Instead, each turn you may activate the 0 AP action “Masks off.” Select one non-leader, non-character, 1-hex large unit from your list or your opponents. Test discipline. If successful, replace that unit with this one, otherwise this unit's activation ends. You may only succeed at this check once. Count the replaced unit as dead. This unit counts as hidden for the remainder of the turn after replacing a unit.

This model can take a dagger, Rations, Materials, and Torches.

This model may be recruited by New Mu expeditions

The chart said this is the best assassin in the game so I did this. It may be somewhat undercosted. In theory it should be hard to find a unit valuable enough that just replacing it and not proceeding to wreck shop would be a net profit. Health is low enough and cost is high enough that hopefully people won’t just throw this guy into melee. Ideally it’s to be used like TF2 Spy where you stab someone who’s about to use a cool ability. Any armour or weapons it had in one form are just growths and chameleon camouflage, don’t think about how it works there. Being able to replace your own units is good in case a low-cost guy gets caught in melee with someone and you want to give a nasty surprise to the opponent.
Jesus Christ I somehow didn't register the non-leader non-character part and the whole time was just ... "...wtf...?"
With that however its great. Is "Mask off" supposed to work only from Reserve (and not while Hidden for example)? I think that would be better, since it would stress out the choice between holding him off and having it influence the battle more directly.
If we go by lore that level of detail should only be available (from the POV of Colonials) to some areas of the 3rd. We aren't necessarily tied by that. We can definitely name places outside of Colonies, particularly nasty stretch of underground, areas difficult to travel, low ceiling areas.
Mask off only works before you do it the first time like skinwalker, so yeah from reserve. The only difference is that this guy has a chance for it not to succeed. Also I just realize I never decided if you test the enemy models discipline or the Dopplegangers
>only works before you do it the first time like skinwalker, so yeah from reserve.
Got it! That's what I thought.
Alright, sounds good. I'll do a writeup of him next, probably going to be most of what you've just said anyway.
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Here we go!
The only thing I removed is going Hidden upon arrival, removing the model is already strong enough in itself, and he can still go Hidden since he is Activating with 2 AP, the only thing is that he needs to be out of LoS so it might be trickier to pull off.
Polished Princess and Refined Olms are next.
Making this, the one thing that doesn't work is the Parley action. Parleys are meant to be gambles, with whoever winning getting to resolve the effect. An alternative could be to have it be
> whoever wins can choose a model that could be targeted by Hard to be Soft and move it to Reserve.
Would that work for you?
Also, I'm thinking if we making forcefully moving opponent models to Reserve a thing, we should make sure that all Factions have at least access to some way (even limited and janky) to Deploy from Reserve. Probably not enough to neuter it as a win strat, but at least not auto-lose if you bring an Expedition with few members and get over half of it removed with no way of putting it back in play.
Now to write the obligatory Hero trait that lets you take dopplegangers as Elite for the ultimate chaos list.
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Kek, that sounds brutal, but it would also account for more than half of your Expedition at 150 Silver so it might end up being balanced.
I apologize to atlan-anon (thus I dub thee) but something came up last minute and I won't be able to play tonight. Can we reschedule for either next Monday or Tuesday?
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I just realized I cannot find the names of most of the layers. Probably should add this to help the descriptions of each layer.
Also, how does the inner sun's light even work?
So far they've only been named according to their number. People have bene against going full Dante so might I suggest having each layer be an ancient continent? So 3 could be Gondwana and 4 could be Pangea or some such.
Alternatively we could just have 5 be Atlantis, 6 be Lemuria, 4 be Atlan/New Mu, etc.
Have you ever seen Spider Riders? It's like that.
>Have you ever seen Spider Riders?
No, I haven't.
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Just don't question it.
Kinda like smoke or humidity, except its light. It expands on its own, slowly and lazily.
no problem. either day works. sorry i was slow to reply. weird day.
nor have i, but now i want to.
i like this very much.
Probably one of the most heated physics questions in-universe.
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The British Army Private.
>The rank and file of the British Army. Loyal, dependable, and utterly unremarkable. In his distinctive red coat and pith helmet he is the quintessential army private, present wherever the Union Jack flies and eternally suffering beneath his overbearing sergeant major.

>The army private is composed from all walks of British society; young, old, poor, men without enough money or connections to get a commission. He is promised a generous pension at the end of his service, and to the Agarthan Service’s credit, he usually lives to see it. At least his family will if he doesn’t. Weak on his own, when formed in a proper line under the leadership of a sergeant major he’ll shoot as well as any veteran. Now that’s soldiering.

Sidenote: Making a little introduction of Her Majesty’s Agarthan Service. The gist of it is essentially a full government service that oversees the Agarthan colonies, much like the Colonial Service. Should we write in a head of this service, a kind of rival to Cunningham? We were discussing the power dynamics, and I think the Leaden Duke needs some inter-factional roadblocks. In fact, I really think some factions like Britain and France could benefit from more inter-factional lore rivalries, especially since we already have stuff like Malcolm and the Black Dogs going in.

The way I see it you have Cunningham, who's in charge of the admiralty and has so much pull with the army he might as well be in charge of that anyway, the Agarthan Service which officially is in charge of everything that goes on down there, and then a diplomatic/scientific service that's running around with their heads on fire trying to keep the peace while grabbing whatever artifacts they can find before someone else gets it.
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Also, do we not have a book for France in the rules folder?
Not sure what happened, it is there now.
The scientific service are definitely the Royal Society or some offshoot who control the Analytical engines.
>Also, how does the inner sun's light even work?
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>"[...] Indeed, to say that I regret my time in Agartha would not be entirely accurate."
>"Though I have oft lamented my experiences beneath the Earth, so far from the light of God and the reason of Science and all the other things that man can cling to; all the things by which he might shield himself from madness; there is something enrapturing about the depths."
>"It feels [...] More. Like everything else isn't real, as though I can only be who I really am as I descend into the blackened pits of that modern Gehenna."
>"I struggle to understand who I am in the light. I only really know myself down there. In the dark."
We sure he's not part of L'Ombre?
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Would this be a blurb for the profile?
> re picrel
Bit random but I thought since we are moving Murlocks out of Mu and I don't really intend to change them too much, I'd get that book assembled first.
I'll quickly look over the rest but I think the MMS and perhaps the Apprentice are the only thing I intend to touch up, otherwise its just the weapons and equipments.
If you want to make more profiles for it its fine but I think its functional as a mini-faction.
oops went too fast the Pelagic Call is meant to read
> Spawn the X result on the Pelagic Problems NPC list under your control.
>Would this be a blurb for the profile?
His profile blurb definitely needs to include the bit about all color leaving his life. I was just bumping and felt like writing something.
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Labour, huh. That's interesting
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And new Tall Fin!
Added some traits here, if you feel inspiration for others let me know.
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Babe, wake up, new Atlan models just dropped

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I gotta say, with some conversion work those AoS minis would be pretty good for Atlan. My personal heacanon of Atlan is that they're all simplicity like picrelated, no ostentation at all unless it helps then win more battles.
Can someone else bake this time around?
I just woke up and gotta run to work.
there will come a day we do not have to convert.
looks really fun. when i play Mu, i will play Psysaur
>Mad Morlock Shaman
nice. Elder Council and Call the Tide in particular.
i meant it to be move Enemy model to Friendly Reserve.
maybe up the AP cost to 3, and make it a Special Action instead of a Parley? so it is something of a desperate move. reason 3 instead of 4 is because then it can only ever be used once, but you can still use at least one LP without blocking yourself from it.
>if we making forcefully moving opponent models to Reserve a thing
i meant it to be move Enemy model to Friendly Reserve.

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