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Onion Earth Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, fight each other for victory.
A campaign mode is planned, and currently in the works. (you) are encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc
>Main Lore Doc, including links to anon-written short stories and additional lore in "Recommended..." section
> Unit Spreadsheet - Currently outdated, requires an update
>Unit Design Doc

>What can I do?
Shitpost, meme, get comfy. Read over the docs to settle in.
Familiarize yourself with rules and plan some playtests.
Contribute if you have ideas. Give feedback on contributions if you don't.

> TQ 1 : What do you want out of the Campaign mode?
> TQ 2 (cont.): Not really a TQ, but would anyone want to write small fluff blurbs for the existing profiles? Something that can fit in the Faction books, so 1 or 2 paragraph most. Something to give more than just the name of the unit to folks looking first at the profiles.

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Reject Gorg, embrace modernity!
You skin-slaves aren't prepared for modernity...
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Thank you very much for this!
Based OP btw, I had exactly the same image in mind. I wouldn't mind if we came up with names for all the other Layers, it would fit I think since we are already calling the 2nd Epigea instead of simply calling it the Surface...?
Regarding picrel, I've been stuck on the Merc book for a while, trying to get it to gel, I think I made some good headway last night, part of it was this profile here. So this would be Hero profile that could either work on its own, or as an additional piece for the "merc" mini-factions (KoB & Warfare Existentialist) or Merc focused lists.
The token's art doesn't really mean anything, it could be an Underground Noble that came back "changed" from his travels as well.
Please suggest Traits if you have any inspiration.
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sorry about flaking on the rev hero profile traits, I'll get on those soon.
Remember to archive the previous threads as soon as possible.
Some nitpicks about the TL
>1848 : Sicilian Revolution. The Carbonari, a secret society with mysterious ties to the Janarae Cults enters an alliance with the southern Italian radicals and Freemasons and eventually takes its leadership.
No, Giovanni. You ARE the Italian radicals and Freemasons. Carbonari is not something we've made up, it was an actual revolutionary organization that sorta fizzled out by the time of the 1848 revolutions. And that's where Trani & Janarae are supposed to show up and revive them by bringing together all the Italian revolutionaries and taking over.
>1850 : Franz Joseph is murdered, Maximilian takes the Austro-Hungarian throne.
That would be 1853, there was an actual attempt at his life by Janos Libenyi, but here it's succesful.
>February 1865 : The British seize Iceland for its Entrance.
I think 1863-64 works better since it flows seamlessly into the slightly alternate Schleswig war.
>April 1865 : Prussia and Italy declare war against Austria. (4th Abomination War). However a number of social and political issues begin plaguing the Italians, which prevents the war from escalating too quickly.
I don't remember us changing the date of the Austro-Prussian war from 1866. Anyway, the war itself goes fine? Italy took Lombardy. The internal problems really come to a point afterwards.
>1875 : Foundation of Ezana in the 3rd Layer by the Holy League
There was a question about it and, yeah, the Ethiopians are still supposed to have a settlement, it's just not a Holy League thing, the Holy League not being a thing. France and the Papal forces are supposed to be getting privileged access, but that's it.
Also, if people REALLY want to include Portugal, I'd rather we revived the Holy League itself (Spain+Portugal+Pope+Ethiopia).
Also obviously fix the 19-something dates.
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As for the maps
Well, that's way too much fucking Atlan on the 5th Layer. Like goddamn, is it over for Atlanticels or what? There was never any indication they even had a foothold there, though I guess it would make sense for them to have something. So that Atlantis and Atlan could have, you know, a war going on. But I'd rather we have Atlantis be the one trying to reclaim their lost colonies (and failing) while trying to hold back the Atlans (and succeding, barely). That just makes more sense to me.
Also there were supposed to be Atlantean and Lemurian coastal settlements around one of the poles, the latter raiding the former. That's also where the Fateless trickle into Libertalia from.
Libertaria itself was supposed to be former Atlantean prison colonies "to the south" though I suppose it doesn't matter as long as everything else aligns.
In general Atlantis should be bigger on their home Layer. That doesn't have to translate into actual de facto control, as they had a kind of decadent empire vibe, only recently undergoing some attempts to get their shit together. Especially if you figure in the recent lore additions with civilization growing more sparse the deeper you go. So Atlantis could be really vast, but fractured inside, with diffrent regions, factions, warlords etc. de facto controlling parts of it while paying lip service to the imperial core, kind like China or the Mughal empire during some periods.
Add the Vortex and some Muic/Morlock bits, and we're golden.
>>1875 : Foundation of Ezana in the 3rd Layer by the Holy League
Wasn't this non-canon?
If people agree on what the borders should be, I have no problem changing the maps. I just made a cleaner version of the first maps, I thought there was a consensus on those borders.

Also, I'd still like to know which french colony is which.
No, no, I meant the 5th Layer. There was little settled for the 5th besides some scraps of lore, let alone clear borders.

As for the French colonies on the 3rd Layer. We didn't really have precise locations for the other French settlements. I mean, Ys makes sense as a port on their western coast, given how it's a Breton legend. Basse Guyenne would obviously somehwere roughly under Aquitaine/Guyenne (like near the Bruniquel entrance?). That leaves Reconnexion (I wanted to name it Réunion, but didn't want to confuse people) to be somewhere far to the south.
Ezana/Axum isn't itself under direct French administration. It's Ethiopian.
>No, no, I meant the 5th Layer.
Oh, I see. I don't think it has that much, to be honest. Atlantis has control over most of the big settled islands anyway, with Atlan only having the one with the upper entrance and the one looking like a boot. I imagine Atlan and Atlantis are constantly having sea battles for the smaller archipelagos in between and land battles for control of the southwestern island. If everyone agrees we could take away the boot-like island from Atlan and give most of the smaller archipelagos to Atlantis. But I think Atlan having one of the big continent islands and a land border on at least one of them would be good.

Also, I imagine the smaller islands would change hands constantly, as it would be easy for sea powers to just blockade them into submission. So the local rulers would be managing internal affairs that would stay in power as long as they serve the current power on the island.
>Also there were supposed to be Atlantean and Lemurian coastal settlements around one of the poles, the latter raiding the former.
I can put lemurian colonies in the northern pole, but maybe they being too close to the british could cause issues. The south pole is closer to Atlan, so if they raided someone it would be them.

>Libertaria itself was supposed to be former Atlantean prison colonies "to the south"
Shit, completely missed that bit, my bad.

>Add the Vortex and some Muic/Morlock bits, and we're golden.

>Ezana/Axum isn't itself under direct French administration. It's Ethiopian.
But isn't the entrance managed by the french and the ethiopians? How much does France control that entrance?
Atlan can keep the boot but the one that looks like a gulper eel is too big in my book.
what about:
split the gulper eel island into two islands and connect the peninsula to Atlantis' island with an isthmus and move the pillar with the entrance to that new island. leave an island between them that Atlan can keep, add back a pillar or two to the head and give it to Atlantis.
let Atlan have the island framed by the two pillars to the south. give Atlan the island to the south of the boot and the islands directly to the east of the framed island and to the south of the boot.
give Atlantis all of the island they share now.
dd a California like peninsula between main Atlantis island and the sock looking one between it and Libertalia that connects to the north west Atlantis island.
if Libertaria is moved to the south, maybe, have it be the islands directly to the east of the framed island.
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Here's just a rough proposal.
I would personally only let the Atlans control the eastern half of the big island and maybe the boot.
You could do something like this with the northern coast or make a similar arrangement in the south if you relocate Libertalia.
You could also add some more unclaimed islands/coasts too.
>But isn't the entrance managed by the french and the ethiopians? How much does France control that entrance?
I don't think it's managed by the French, they can just use it. Given it's location near the Alph there's likely some international pressure to prevent it's complete takeover by the French, so the Ethiopians could act as a neutral placeholder, welcoming everyone except the Italians and raking in the revenue.
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Wrong image.
like this.
it makes more sense they have the eel than the boot. Atlantis beats Atlan on the water, and the boot has no entrance.
what happens to the Alph on the 5th? we should add it to the 3rd and 4th maps.
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We'll need to add some landmass in the southern pole for the Alph to flow, as I think that's what that lowermost entrance is supposed to be.
I'd like to keep the three big islands intact if it was possible, as they are references to multiple interpretations of Atlantis I could remember at the time. I think >>92820556 could be more viable, though with Atlan having a bit more land (maybe bottlenecking the atlanteans by using mountain ranges joined with the central pillar?).
>No, Giovanni. You ARE the Italian radicals and Freemasons. Carbonari is not something we've made up, it was an actual revolutionary organization that sorta fizzled out by the time of the 1848 revolutions. And that's where Trani & Janarae are supposed to show up and revive them by bringing together all the Italian revolutionaries and taking over.
I'm not sure I understand what you would want me to change to the entry?
Alph can be a current, maybe with a funky color.
i like this. maybe it leads to the Vortex.
what are the Taklamakunder Wastes like, badlands? what is between Atlan and the Alph?
Yeah, sorry for being a spaz about it. Something like
>The revolutionary and Freemason cells of southern Italy are inflitrated by the Count of Trani, a mysterious character with ties to the Janarae witches. Together they reform the Carbonari, but the organization then falls under the sway of the coven and their Volcanist cult.
Would work better, I think.
It's just a desert, we didn't plan anything for it.
There's probably wilderness and some independent Deepfolk tribes/states between them. I generally tried to avoid putting Alph strictly into anyone's domain.
Does New Mu have colonies on the 5th?
Hey don't apologize, it's fine!
Thank you for that, I will replace it.
I think at least some small outposts near the Vortex make sense, likely mostly Morlocks.
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So something like this? I've added more land to Atlantis and I've given a bit of the third continental island to them, mostly the peninsula. I've also added the lemurians and the mu, as well as the vortex.
Revenant Legatus Traits:

-Dread Collector (3 Silver):
This unit gains the “Eldritch Taxation” ability from the New Mu Tallyman.
-Indomitable Willpower (2 Silver):
This unit gains the 3 AP ability “Strained Command.” When used, Revenant units ignore eachother and this unit for the purposes of frenzy.
-Juggernaut (15 silver):
This unit gains 2 armour and 1 strength when in frenzy.
-Castigated Formation (2 Silver):
This unit gains 1 discipline, and adjacent Revenant units may use this units discipline instead of their own.
-Unknown Origin (2 Silver):
This unit gains the “Entropic Grace” ability from Mother Unknown

Dread Collector and Unknown Origin I’m not especially sure about. Juggernaut exists to create a combat monstrosity that you first have to power up with dread building. Willpower exists for builds that want to encourage the frenzy (Good for lists with a lot of revs) and Formation exists if you want to buff discipline with basic hero traits to try and delay the frenzy (This is a good option for lists with only a few revs)
My headcanon for dread collector is that Revenants are who Old Mu send if you default on your taxes so they can perform some of the duties of a tallyman. Unknown Origin might be a hint as to what the hell they even are, or at least who controls them.
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Thank you, will add!
what about this?
>Unknown Origin might be a hint as to what the hell they even are, or at least who controls them
Wouldn't that make the atlan position in the island unteneable? Surrounded both by sea and by land...
It probably would, but that's a good thing, Atlan's reconquest of its former colonies should be its peak, and we should have a palpable feel that it will crumble once the Titanium King kicks the bucket (imho)
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I don't have much to show up for last night's work, I worked on Encampment Buildings, here's a rough proposal for the effects of the new buildings.
Healing might get buffed a bit, so the Infirmary might get reworked, and I'm thinking it could be cool to have the fortification grow into 3-hex and 7-hex tokens if you reach a certain Level...?
I am also thinking I should probably make the bonus armour of the Barricade be given after Pen is calculated? That way it would be even more relevant to Colonials to build them since it would be the easiest (and pretty much only) way for them to gain a slight Armour score...?
I also started editing the Hostile list in the main rule book so they are usable as Mercs for the units that allow to recruit them, should be able to finish that today/tonight. Also updating the list of "common" special rules.
Lastly, I started writing a bit on the Inner Sun with the intention of making it an entry in the "Ontology & Metaphysics" section of the Worldbook, its on ink & paper atm but there's that. I'm thinking OP's pic would be perfect there.
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Maybe a middle ground like this? Atlantis controling 1/3 of the gulper eel island would be pretty harrowing for Atlan while not being immediately catastrophic, as they can try to bottleneck them on land.
Yup, this works for me.
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Added the french colonies' names.
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ive had this idea for a sort of mini version of the Titanium Golem that is like a classic haunted armor, but it wasnt really working for me. just had a break though, what about a Titanium Gargoyle? gargoyles are used to ward off evil spirits, and to keep rain from eroding masonry walls.
maybe the Immortals and War Masters have grotesque helmets and/or their shields are like gargoyle wings. maybe Wall Shamans dress like gargoyles or wear gargoyle masks.
as i was getting these gargoyle related pics i was thinking about rain, and as i did i started raining. that is a synchronicity.
Gargoyles as a beast unit would be cool.
Not to discourage creativity but I think Atlan is good for units right now.
Atlan is indeed in a pretty good place, we can add to it but it's not really necessary at the moment. However maybe Titanium statues that had enough pure Titanium in them to gain a spark of the Titan's consciousness and started wandering off? As either a Beast or Merc unit that Atlan has a way to recruit more of?
let me see what i can come up with. if it is good we add it, if it isnt we kill it. right now i am working on sponsors.
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>Titanium statues that had enough pure Titanium in them to gain a spark of the Titan's consciousness and started wandering off
Titanium Grotesque Cost:10(?)
Beast, Mechanical
AP: 3
Movement X, Accuracy: X, Strength X, Discipline X, Evasion X, Labor X, Awareness X
Health: X
Armor: 3T3T3T

Titan Spark: When this model no longer has Titanium on majority of its Armor Locations it loses all its heath boxes and is considered killed by the enemy.

Echo: this model may only take the Actions taken by the model that was activated just before it and in the same quantity.

Stain: This model has the same stats, save AP, as the first model that it Echos. When this model’s Armor is reduced, reduce the stats that match with that location on the chart below the same amount.

Limbs: Movement, Evasion, Labor
Body: Discipline, Strength
Head: AP, Accuracy, Awareness

>gargoyles are used to ward off evil spirits, and to keep rain from eroding masonry walls.
Titanium Gargoyle
Beast, Mechanical, Character
AP: 3
Movement 4, Accuracy 5, Strength 9, Discipline 7, Evasion 2, Labor 5, Awareness -
Health: Limbs 2, Body 2, Head 1
Armor: 5T5T5T
Flying, Immune to Diplomacy, Immune to Parley

Titan Spark: When this model no longer has Titanium on majority of its Armor Locations it loses all its heath boxes and is considered killed by the enemy.

Lazy Dancer: While this model is not Shaken it may not take Move or Charge Actions and When a model within 3 moves this model must move the same number of hexes. this does not count as an action.

Flying Buttress: if this model has moved this turn, hexes adjacent to this model block LOS and negate Vantage Point.
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Grotesque would be for the Merc book. Gargoyle would be Atlan's third and final Character.
i am unsure about Silver Cost and load out. for Titanium Grotesque maybe medieval or generic melee weapons. for Titanium Gargoyle maybe just all Atlan melee; Acanthus would be really cool but maybe OP. Cost for Gargoyle should be high but not too high because Lazy Dancer makes it something of an obstacle and Titan Spark makes it fairly fragile. maybe 25 Silver? that would be 5 less than a Skinwalker. maybe just call it 30.

for Gargoyle, im thinking now that either Discipline should be lowered to 4 or 5 or it should go into Frenzy when Shaken. something like
>Last Ditch: When this model would become Shaken it instead becomes Frenzied and gains +1 Acc on Charges. While Frenzied it ignores all Models that share a Keyword.
i would prefer the latter but that maybe too many rules on an already weird unit.
I like the idea of a copycat unit, but what does it do if someone tries a repair action or a parley or such?
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Its a brute. He'll definitely attract a lot of attention whenever fielded.
I realize now I should add something about what happens when it has to resolve Fire and Electrical Damage.
>That would be 1853
>I think 1863-64 works better
64 right after Vernes comes back could work, if they had a prior reason to suspect it was an Entrance and pieced it together then, but 63 would conflict with the current timeline in that its the return and confirmation of Paris surviving that kicks things off.
>I don't remember us changing the date of the Austro-Prussian war from 1866.
Might have been a typo or straight up mistake, I couldn't remember if it was an intentional change. Might have been so Austrian gain an Entrance a bit earlier?
For the war going "cold" quickly, I think I lifted that from some part of the lore doc. It can be changed.
>I'd rather we revived the Holy League itself
I am fine either way I would just want we get a solid stance soon and embed the Church or Holy League in some way.
>Also obviously fix the 19-something dates.
Jesus Christ done.
Will upload a bit later on today.
I think I simply forgot to remove it.
either nothing or copies that too. i like the second option, what about you?
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Ok, I think that the info of the 3rd layer is pretty solid. Unless we want to add geographical info, this is not going to change much.
Shit, just realized there's a mistake in the hokkaido entrances. The Hokkaido entrance on the 2nd layer goes into the 4th, not the 3rd.
Ok, so the long doc says that "Mount Usu in Hokkaido, currently a fortress and staging ground for New Mu. Its opposite end leads to the Fourth Layer." so, the connection is between the 2nd and the 4th.

But then the map on the pdf doc shows two different tunnels, one from 2nd to 3rd and one from 3rd to 4th. For now I'm following the second version, as it needs less changes to fix.
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So if the Satsuma controls an opening between the 3rd and the 4th, I assume they have a small colony on that layer, so I'm adding it as another part of the Kagoshima-No-Yomi.
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5th layer.
Fantastic Maps, it's really nice to see them lined up with the different presentations.
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Detail fixed.

Should I do the 6th now, or should I make a geography map out of all of the layers?
maybe just do the geography maps for Colonial territory. personally, i would like if there were no maps past the 5th.
Before I do the geography map, I need to know two things:

>How high is each layer?
Assuming that the in-betweens are not so deep that they are insurmountable by 19th century tech, and assuming that at least an Everest-size mountain can fit on them (plus the depth of the ocean being similar to the one in Epigea).
>How wide is each layer?
Since the world is concentric, I assume each layer is smaller than the previous, with them being below 12,756 kilometers (the length of the equator) of diameter.
Also, we should really give them names other than their position on the concentric Earth.
>>How high is each layer?
The 3rd has clouds screening the Ceiling, and is high enough in many places that if you aren't looking at a Pillar some days you can mistake being on the Surface. So, what would be the minimum for that to happen... 5 miles high? To give a good horizon?
>How wide is each layer?
I believe we had settled on distances not making sense and layers being concentric not being indicative of a reduction in space. But we could probably do away with that.
Also, spitballing names for the layers
> 3rd : Sub Pangea/ Ur Pangea / Lower Pangea
> 5th : Sub Thalassa/Ur Thalassa/Lower Thalassa
> 6th : Agneya
> 9th : Centralia
> INNER SVN : Helios Erebus
Yes, I am a fan of God is an Astronaut, why do you ask?
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>I believe we had settled on distances not making sense and layers being concentric not being indicative of a reduction in space. But we could probably do away with that.
i like it the way it is myself.
>3rd : Sub Pangea/ Ur Pangea / Lower Pangea
that name makes way more sense for the 4th. maybe Mnemosynia? seeing as the 3rd is like a lost world rediscovered, and broke the normal logic of the world? also, isnt Pangea a 19th century concept? so it wouldnt be called Sub Pangea or anything like that, if the name was used it would just be Pangea. same with Thalassa, unless that is already a place with that name it should just be called Thalassa.
>6th : Agneya
i like this. the 7th and 8th should have similar names because Colonials would be hearing of them from Lemuria.
>9th : Centralia
maybe Sub Helena?
Thalassea is a real place, I think there was also an ancient city called Thalassonia that got sunk in the ocean (for real, I think, I might be misremembering with Apollonia).
Its more to denote how the entire Layer is an ocean, but thinking about it, if that's the thing we want to evoke, Panthalassa would work better.
>also, isnt Pangea a 19th century concept?
Formulated as such and academically supported yes, 1912, although the idea was not uncommon, there's discussions on it going back to the 16th.
This could be an example of how the discovery of Agartha kickstarted the acceptation of modern scientific concept (like evolution and genetics) earlier. Would make sense too since Layer Shifts would be a huge kick in the teeth to geologists everywhere.
>Sub Helena?
St. Helena is just a spot in the 9th tho.
Personally I like thinking the 9th has no fixed geography and changes according to those who travel it. St. Helena is there because Napoleon had to end there. This evokes Dante without making it explicit, but I like to think the 9th is a "prison" or trap Layer for the most prideful of beings, to stop them from reaching the INNER SVN proper.
>Pangea 4th Panthalassa 5th
i like this a lot.
>Layer Shifts would be a huge kick in the teeth to geologists everywhere.
kick in the teeth to everything. i think it would stall, or at least not much effect the pace of, normal science while all the great minds become occupied with all the flashy new stuff: trying to make it fit with what they already believe while also trying to use it to knock out rivals, and of course nail those juicy government contracts.
i doubt it would be called Sub Pangea in an era where Pangea Pangea is niche even among the educated. the reason for a prefix like that would be to prevent confusion, and there would be no confusion.
>St. Helena is just a spot in the 9th tho.
yes, but Colonials would only really know about the 9th through rumors surrounding Napoleon, so it makes sense they would call it Sub Helena.
>>Pangea 4th Panthalassa 5th
It works for me. The same way Panthalassa denotes the Layer being one large Ocean, Pangea denotes the Layer being one large landmass, and that works indeed a lot better with the 4th than the 3rd.
I like Mnemosynia for the 3rd.
For this week's game, is tomorrow or tuesday evening better? I can do both.
so 1st is Hyperborea, 2nd is The Surface/Epigea, everything under 2nd is Agartha, 3rd is Mnemosynia, 4th is Pangea, 5th is Panthalassa, 6th is Agenya, right?
what times work? also, what do you think about mine playing the same list you played last time?
>so 1st is...
Yeah I like that.
>what times work?
9pm? Is Tuesday good?
>also, what do you think about mine playing the same list you played last time?
You mean you playing French with the Troupe de la Marine? Sure.
that is all good.
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Finally got around to do the Polished Princess and the Refined Olm, let me know if this works for you.
Is the model moved to your reserve under your control for the remainder of the game? I.e, can you respawn it if you have a way to do so and play it?
If not, does it count as killed for Chest purpose?
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Added the mentioned names.
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Based, but its Agneya, derived from Agneyi, Queen and mother of the Kings Anga, Sumanas, Khyati, Kratu, and Sibi, and daughter of Agni, God of Fire.
Agneya means "ruled by Agni", "fiery" or "flammable".
i wonder how many names come from songs and we just dont know it. one of my favorite paintings is named from a song and i had no idea for the longest time.
works wonderfully.
>Is the model moved to your reserve under your control for the remainder of the game? I.e, can you respawn it if you have a way to do so and play it?
id say so.
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Refined Olm!
I think I got the spirit of the Sick Muse rule right, let me know if that's not the case.
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Added the colonial map of each of
to the World Book. This also adds the blurbs for the colonies suggested in the last few threads. I put Franklin in red to indicate it needs rework to fit the timeline. Did the same with Portugal since it seems to still be up in the air.
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If needed, we can also write that the size of each layer is inconsistent, in line with the scientific inability to understand the INNER SVN. Or, while each layer is suspected to be a certain size proper circumnavigation expeditions have yet to be undertaken for each layer, with only the 3rd being mapped out the best by the colonials.

But who has been to the 9th before Napoleon?
>Foundation of San Ignacio in the 4th Layer by the Holy League
That bit is still there, anon.

>The red bits
Do we need to add dates to the mentioned events, or do we need to change some bits of the lore?
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>But who has been to the 9th before Napoleon?
No one on record, although it would make sense that Old Mu Royalty has visited it, and both Lemurians and probably Atlanteans (through the Alph) would be in a position to at least try.
>That bit is still there, anon.
Ah, good catch, I removed the Erzana one but missed this one, thank you.
Portugal is in red because we need to achieve consensus on it before it gels. Franlkin is in red because it conflicts a bit with the timeline, but the story itself is very kino so if we only fix the "retroactively had an Entrance for a while" bit I think it would work well.
Had an idea for the Saur Keshiq lore.
> The Saur Keshiq, or simple the Keshiq, refers to the most honored and renowned group of New Mu nomads. A loose confederation of nomadic pastoral tribes culturally reminiscent of a strange mix of Bedouins and Khamag Mongols, the Keshiq owes its special status within Mu society to the fact that the Nameless Khan has chosen to ride with it to war so often that it has taken the role of unofficial honour guard for it. As such, every member of a Keshiq clan is considered to be on equal footing with members of a Saur Order, and accorded similar rights within New Mu.
> While fearsome and incredibly skilled with the bow on a Saur's back, the Keshiq remains one of the more peaceful and civilized group of New Mu, most of the time rotating their herds of tamed Saurs and Chocobos around the Pillars of the Cappadocian Exit and the Jungle High Gap.
Added the lore blurbs, and fixed it so the Lieutenant allows you to recruit Prediction Engines to make the anon's list work.
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Same with Atlan, also I realize the Mount list was out of date so that's fixed too.
Reduced Carry that Weight to -1 Movement as discussed. For Walk it off I made it be a 2 AP : give a model Tough until the end of the turn, which I think does more or less the same thing you first suggested, it allows you a chance to Heal him through other means, as well as gives the opponent a chance to still get the Silver & Dread (another attack after Tough/Dogged kicks in kills the model). Otherwise we can go with the "do not remove the model until he is out of AP", the only issue I see with that mechanically is that it kills Dodging completely, which means the only thing protecting the model is the armour roll, but that might also not be an issue.
maybe Old Mu royalty, probably Old Lemurians. Napoleon is the only name, or big name anyway. i think there was one guy on the chart who is shipwrecked there, but we can easily move that to the 8th.
>Carry That Weight
maybe add that the effect ends if the model being carried moves away from the model carrying it. maybe change non-Slave to Soldier.
>Walk It Off
what about
"When a Friendly Adjacent Model would be removed from the game, delay the Removal until the end of turn. This Action may be used outside this models Activation. "
no chance to save the unit for the next turn, but you can keep him around long enough to maybe make him useful and the opponent has a chance to get the Silver & Dread. so its basically the same just cleaner and slightly worse.
>"When a Friendly Adjacent Model would be removed from the game, delay the Removal until the end of turn. This Action may be used outside this models Activation. "
That works!
>Portugal is in red because we need to achieve consensus on it before it gels.
What is lacking in Portugal? The only thing I can think of is a fitting timeline of events so that they fit with the rest of the setting. That and updating the 2nd layer map with british domains over the lands between portugese colonies, that I didn't add to the map when I made it.
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Titanium Grotesque: Cost 10
Beast, Mechanical
AP: 3
Movement X, Accuracy: X, Strength X, Discipline X, Evasion X, Labor X, Awareness X
Health: 1
Armor: 3T3T3T

Echo: this model may only take the Actions taken by the model that was activated just before it and in the same quantity. Actions do not need to be taken in the same order.

Stain: This model has the same stats, save AP, as the first model that it Echos -1.

changed mind on Gargoyle, is good as is. anything more would be overdoing it.
Echo changes the actions the model has access to, thats all. it may only take actions that the model before it took, not must. so if it could do the action it could, and if it couldnt than it couldnt.
for example, if a model built something on its activation, and the Grotesque had materials then it could build something, but if it didnt have materials then it couldnt build something. if a model moved and built something, then the Grotesque could only build and move once if it activated after it, and if it had no materials then it could only move once.
I hate to sound like a broken record, but I personally don't think Atlan should have anything west of the Gulper Eel island.
Also, since you're putting the Lemurian bits in the north, Libertalia actually works better in the north as well. They also need an entrance to the 6th Layer that the Lemurian raiders used to get there.
>The only thing I can think of is a fitting timeline of events so that they fit with the rest of the setting
You really can't though, because speedrunning the Pink Map crisis doesn't work with Africa being put on the backburner. Even if you're going to throw in some random ruins in there. But do you even need to jump through all the hoops? If you really want a Sebastianist Portugal, you can have it. That's more or less what it was back when we had the Holy League. You don't need to copy-paste events from the 90-00s to justify a reactionary fundamentalist movement taking over Portugal in the universe where Rome fell to an army of Pagan radicals, Paris sunk into the earth, the Catholic Church split and the Carlists won in Spain. Just have the Fatima vision happen, let's say, after the Betrayal of Venice, it sparks into a huge religious and populist movement that becomes a way for the rural masses to channel their dissatisfaction with the corrupt and incompetent Rotativist government, also attracting other marginilized elements like the Miguelists, until the crown either caves to them or they place a Miguelist pretender on the throne (I prefer the former, since both Iberian nations having a rival dynasty take over is a bit repetitive). I'm no expert on Portuguese history, but I'm sure that's not that outrageous of an idea.
And, while we're at it, if you wanted to have some kind of national humiliation destabilize the regime AND provoke a wave of religious and nationalistic fervor... why not have Portugal lose Goa, Damao and Diu to the Neo-Mughals?
list for tonight! (we still on right?)

Atlan Warmaster 9 29
Spare your Heart 1
Born to Lead 3
Barrel Chested 2
Bombastic 4 (Spare your Heart)
Grand Maneuver 3
Sagaris 3
Horse 4

2x Immortals 17 46
Sagaris 3
Parluma 2
1x GFG 1

3x Reconquerers 10 42
Sagaris 3
Verutum 1

6x Slave Soldier 2 30
Kopis 1
Verutum 1
3x Material 1

yes! you know my list already.
Perfect, the room is ready, gimme 5 minutes to run grab a red bull at the corner store and we're up.
And I'm back!
I imagine that the borders between Atlan and Atlantis on the 5th change constantly, but at the very least Atlan should have enough to be able to recuperate from an atlantean campaign and push back.

If Libertalia was on the south, and Lemuria was supposed to raid them, then I have to move Lemuria, not Libertalia.

>why not have Portugal lose Goa, Damao and Diu to the Neo-Mughals?
It would not have the same punch. What would cause a bigger crisis, having a strange and hostile power take over your possessions, or your oldest and most trustworthy ally backstabbing you out of greed? Even if there's religious revolution all around, the portugese one also has a distinct anti-british nature born out of the betrayal in Africa.
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Had an awesome game (despite losing again!), thanks a lot Atlan anon once again. Will post the batrep in the morning, I'm burnt right now.
Things discussed (among other things)
> Campaign : reworking Reserve for campaign specifically, allowing all forces to call from a predetermined reserve
> Multiple campaign scenarios
> No campaign map, too heavy
> NPC focused campaigns
> Start by setting a skeleton for campaign mechanics that can be used for all future campaign scenarios
> Halberds needs rework, too much damage
> Flysaur to 8 Silver
> Horses to 6
> New Common Special Rule "name pending" : If you have any AP left you count as Dodging
> Ammo Feed should be more prevalent, Reload is too costly atm.
> Headshot! could go on many/most rifles.
> Switch Rations/Cooking to be a way to gain +1 AP for a turn. AP is too tight, +1 wouldn't break the game.
> Replace Schofield.
>but at the very least Atlan should have enough to be able to recuperate from an atlantean campaign and push back
They did take over the Atlantean colonies on the 4th Layer and are pushing into the 5th as it is. I think it's fine to just give them the east of Gulper Eel and the boot. Hell, when they had the entire island, at least it made sense how they coud project power towards those islands further west, now it just looks random. Maybe mark the central part of the Gulper Eel island as disputed.
>If Libertalia was on the south, and Lemuria was supposed to raid them, then I have to move Lemuria, not Libertalia.
Well, either works. I'm the one who wrote that part and it being in the south was just a random idea. All I care is that there's a coast with Atlantean and Lemurian settlements somewhere and Libertalia is nearby.
>It would not have the same punch.
But it would fit the timeline
Here's what we could do by sprinkling in some older lore:
>1864-65 - Neo-Mughals invade the Portuguese possesions in India. Portugal tries to fight back, but they fail to achieve anything and simply lose men, money and face.
>The war worsens the financial crisis caused by the debt and huge government spending on public works, plunging the government into instability
>Portugal asks the British for help, but they are preoccupied with the Anglo-Danish war and don't want to commit to another war with the Neo-Mughals yet, so they only offer token support, if any. This causes an outrage among the public and a falling out between the "oldest allies"
>The Portuguese republican movement gets an earlier start due to the worsening conditions, humiliation of the regime and the events in Italy and France and becomes a serious threat
>Meanwhile Portugal is also overtaken by religious frenzy caused the fall of Rome, with other apocalyptic events and troubles befalling the country adding fuel to the fire. The Sebastianist movement consolidates the alienated rural poor, clergy slighted by the dissolution of the monasteries and the more reactionary members of the nobility, seeking to restore order in the country by empowering the king (and themselves) and doing away with the corrupt and "godless" Rotativist constitutionalism
>In the 1870s, after a rapid succesion of collapsing Rotativist governments, an outbreak of a republican insurrection and noticing the greater success of Carlists in Spain, Luis I reluctantly decides to ally with the Sebastianists to keep his throne
>Portugal transforms into an authoritarian, fundamentalist and nationalist regime ruled by a clique of Sebastianist leaders. Even the king, supposedly restored to his rightful absolute power, is arguably just a puppet keeping the throne warm until Sebastian returns, as his decisions are guided by the need to keep their support
Boom, done
> No campaign map, too heavy
In that case, might I suggest an elaborate flowchart as a substitute? Or even a list of very basic locations/zones with links between them and the odd settlement/outpost in between?
The british not helping when they have their own affairs to deal with is not nearly as impactful as the british bullying their oldest ally into giving them their lands. Hell, you could make the british push for the conquest of the portugese territories after they lost their colonies in India, with the politicians who pushed it arguing for "the future discoveries will make India pale in comparison".
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>In that case, might I suggest an elaborate flowchart as a substitute? Or even a list of very basic locations/zones with links between them and the odd settlement/outpost in between?
Sure, there has to be something to give a sense of exploration and agency as an Expedition, but talking about it I think the overmap idea I had at the beginning was just too much, it was going to be a second game on top of 2e, rather than a way of linking games of 2e. But there has to be a way to find locations, build encampments, take a wrong turn, etc. As I said to Atlan anon I have some vacations coming up and I intend to put some time off of it to push this angle ahead.
Batrep time!
> Having healed his wounds from his encounter with Baron Phosphorous, Francis Garnier now looks to heal the Nation's pride. He sets once again with his trusty Troupe de la Marine and a Mitrailleuse artillery piece, and comes upon a nameless Warmaster leading a force of Immortals, Reconquerers and Slave Soldiers.
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> "Fortune favors the bold" they say, and the Troupes are indeed bold, crossing more than half of the map and planting themselves across from the lumbering forces of Atlan, which they hope will get stuck in the swamp separating them.
> Slave Soldiers start chucking javelins at the incoming Frenchmen, kicking off an unbroken streak of absolute fucking uselessness, by the Titans these guys are gonna get relegated to the mines faster than you can imagine once they get back to the Capital, little shits.
> The Mitrailleuse opens up on the Immortal advancing to the north and manages to get one shot to get through the brute's armour, scoring first blood for the Frenchmen.
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> The Troupes at the south of the map miscalculated and got a bit too close, opening the possibility for some brutal shenanigans. I sure as hell didn't play that one perfectly, but its still hilarious.
> The Reconquerer charges in too early and whiffs his charge on the Nimble Troupe.
> The Immortal pops off the vial or Greek Fire Grease and slater his halberd with it, burning himself badly in the process and losing Titanium on two locations. No matter, for he hits the Troupe de la Marine and reduces him to a kebab, showering his teammate in napalm and scoring a grievous. The poor reconquerer who got too bold also ends up taking a X and losing Titanium on 2 locations.
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> One of the duo who just took a hit shoots at the Slave Soldier, not sure which one and if it was before the greek fire or not. After the dude becomes an ashpile, his teammate books it back toward his lines.
> The Slave Soldier and Immortal up north whiffs on every attack.
> The main French line start focusing on the Reconquerer advancing toward them in the middle. between the Mitrailleuse fire and the 2 Troupes, 1 bullet gets through. That one dude will end up taking more fire than both Immortals did.
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> Given that they SUCK at javelins, I decide to pile in my Slave Soldiers, who now proceed to demonstrate that they only marginally suck less at swinging swords.
> The Reconquerer that had been advancing down the middle get stuck in melee, unfortunately missing on his Charge but not on his second hit. The Troupe survives the hit, barely.
> The Mitrailleuse once again surprises me by actually scoring a hit on the Immortal engaging the Troupes up north, and kills him. I Rally once to compensate.
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> The Slave Soldier flank the Troupe de la Marine, and through multiple attempts, manages to put one down.
> The other one books it for the back of his line.
> Everyone on the French side shoots at the Reconquerer, including the Mitrailleuse. After succesfully saving 4 times, he finally goes down, and France takes the lead on Silver.
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> Atlan piles in. Only the lack of Greek Fire Grease saves me from doing something incredibly stupid (but also, probably very funny).
> Garnier pops off his special which grants up to 3 Soldiers the same bonus he gets for having enemies within 5 (so +3 Accuracy and Evasion, getting them all to 9 on both)
> Unfortunately my streak of rolling high this game continues and aside from the calcinated Reconquerer managing to score a weak hit on Garnier, I can't close the deal.
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> Garnier pops his special again, his Troupes all become Acc & Evasion 9.
> Despite this I manage to off one Troupe from the start.
> Unfortunately this is where everything turns for me. The Slave Soldier stuck in melee bites it to one of the Troupe's Saber. Fire from the rest of the group sends the remaining Immortal to Atlas, with a Critical in there. This makes all of my Slaves Shaken, and gives a comfortable lead to France.
> At this point I concede the game to my opponent.
> Result
> France 79 Silver, 5 Dread
> Atlan 60 Silver, 7 Dread
Victoire Française!
I'm getting the impression Garnier might be too strong, though it could just be that his ability fucks with Atlan specifically, melee focused as they are.
So, recap on my side.
> France feels a bit underpowered, even tho they won I think its in good part because I didn't exploit any of the strength of Atlan, just played a dumb list and threw my guys ahead, and my opponent played much better than me.
> France also feels 'simplistic' (at least this list very much does so). They are fast, reliable troops with above average stats except for Strength and Armour. That's it. This somewhat works because I intended them and Brits to be "starter" armies, more simple to play, but players should never feel funneled into a single strategy because of lack of alternatives.
> Halberds are stupid. They are stated like you would expect a long axe would be. We need to lower damage on them and bump the acc and eva modifiers.
> While Javelins were completely useless, I also choose the very worst platform for them. A very "fun" shenanigan list would have been Reclaimers with Javelins (much better thrower) + Adamant Mystic + Wall Shaman and the trait that adds +1 Wall, so I can cover the map in Walls that I can draw LoS from and chuck Javelins from behind safely. Probably not possible unless you play 200 Silver at least however.
>I'm getting the impression Garnier might be too strong, though it could just be that his ability fucks with Atlan specifically, melee focused as they are.
He's made to fight relatively close to the enemy and pull out when necessary, being relatively fragile (if you can hit him). His Special means he can more or less guarantee you'll hit with Troupes, but the way Evasion works it doesn't mean they'll survive the return fire unless they are Dodging as well, and as we can see lately the AP economy is too tight to Dodge reliably and often. At 34 Silver (with the Horse) I think he is close to balanced. We could put a bit of attention into making him more interesting to play tho, as I said before his playstyle (especially with Troupes) is pretty simplistic.
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Also, we discussed how I was stuck on the Merc book, and how to address that, as suggested I'll simply open what I have up to the floor again to see if you have suggestions, its usually the best way to go about it.
Here is what I had in mind for the new version of the Merc mini-faction leaders. These straight up state who you can recruit as Faction followers.
Also, completely unrelated, but I was thinking of setting up an email and putting it in the OP for people who contributed and who would like to have credit given for it to contact me (2e anon) so we can start building a small list. I know this is an anon group project and its likely that many who contributed in major ways to the lore have dropped off or might miss it but that a bit unavoidable, and it might be useful later down the road too.
Obviously its not foolproof and I wouldn't want to start asking for proofs of anyone's contribution at this point, at least not at this point.
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>at this point, at least not at this point.
Jesus Christ I'm tired. Apologies for this, night shift is really starting to take a toll on my attention span.
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Mercenary Hero traits would be appreciated if you have any input. I was thinking of having a Shroom Farmer hero, perhaps more geared toward campaign eventually.
I guess a Whaler Hero would probably be in theme too, and could spread the Whalur rule around a bit.
I wouldn't mind being given credit, but I'm not that desperate for it. Would be nice getting a greater picture of who contributed what exactly, though there'll be a lot of holes with people dropping off, like gorg/voodoo anon.
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On the subject of a campaign map, I've also knocked up an example of what I was talking about with a flow chart thing. Essentially, we come up with a bunch of different locations, link them, and let people jump around, maybe even introducing a system of control for the less civilised areas like the wastes. Each location would have certain specialisations or unique gear/equipment/artifacts to grab, e.g South Paris is where all the french armaments are made, East is the equipment industry, etc. Keep in mind this is just a mockup, we could make it even more detailed if necessary.

Once you get out into the wastes or even into the less reputable areas of the territories we could even introduce random encounters when travelling between locations, maybe make a rolling table for urban, civilised, and uncivilised areas, something like that.

Also, the thought occurred to me that this would also give airships a unique niche, where they can transport you to any location on the map for a hefty price. This would allow people to spread out wherever they wanted, while also making sure people are never so distant from each other they'll never meet.
Oh I like this very much. Not only does it work well to give off the feeling of localization and allow to represent people starting in different spot without having to track a map, it could work as a more general "skeleton" for how a campaign works, even if everyone start at the same spot.
Exactly! And it's a really flexible system too; on that example there's only two stops between Fallen Paris and The Necropolis, but if we wanted to make an entire campaign out of that we could throw in a bunch of different pathways that would take longer, populating the route with locations that don't need a map to convey their location or distance, give alternate routes, friendly pitstops, opportunities for loot that take up time, etc.
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What are Epigea and Hyperborea?
The 2nd and 1st layer respectively.
The surface world. Mostly normal, if you ignore things like Italy and the Ottomans and China and suchlike. A term mostly used by the denizens of Agartha, occasionally adopted for academic purposes by surface dwellers.
Possibly the outermost layer. Possibly the innermost layer. It's a little esoteric. Upon breaching the firmament above Antarctica, Epigeans caused the Bleaching of Hyperborea resulting in categorically unknowable death and suffering. Now they're probing the defenses of the surface world and plotting to invade in what will be known as the Hyperborean Deluge. Or just The Deluge. Please imagine a dramatic thunderclap in the distance every time you read the word Deluge. Hyperborea is a land of abject insanity, where people flay themselves alive for funsies and worship pain.
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>Please imagine a dramatic thunderclap in the distance every time you read the word Deluge.
will do
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>What are Epigea
The Surface world as we know it, Epigea is the academic name given to it, since Earth is no longer really conceptualized as a planet.
> and Hyperborea?
Simply put, space, except everything we thought we knew about it is entirely wrong. Space isn't void, it's a psychic substance akin to liquid which is held up by a transparent dome high above the sky. It is populated by various "aliens" which live off the psychic pain and torment emanating from us. According to the most prominent theory about how the world and history now works, the course of time is set in a Loop in which whatever civilization emerges in Epigea gets pushed down deeper into Agartha by the Hyperborean raids, denaturing itself in the process and eventually reaching the 9th Layer and further, which loops back into Hyperborea, and at that point become part of the group of alien civilizations that will eventually again raid whoever emerges in Epigea and on and on...
Thank you.

I didn't expect hyperborea to be anything like that. Any more info or is it deliberately vague? Either way thanks.
I missed this:

That's genuinely really creative and original. I had a feeling these threads were good, happy to be right.
hm. meaning that the center of the world somehow wraps back to space? any thought as to how that works, or intentionally left mysterious?
very cool though. would like to know what if anything inspired it
i think he is fine.
maybe the merc book should be saved for last and/or worked on opportunistically. also, the Hero traits all say "Pick up to x of y" when there is often more than y. it would be a good thing to change all that to just "pick x".
>Campaign : reworking Reserve for campaign specifically, allowing all forces to call from a predetermined reserve
Expedition = [ Reserved + { Deployed } ]
Reserve is limited to 20 models. it is comprised of the models readily accessible to the player but not Deployed. any model (unless stated otherwise) can be Reserved (stay in Reserve) instead of Deployed during set up.
Expedition may have any number of models. it is comprised of all models relevant to the Campaign. outside of a game you may select models from the Expedition to be moved to Reserve until the model cap is met.
dont think it would really change the game much, just polish. could simply say "we are only playing with Reserve" or some such thing to keep games from getting out of hand timewise.
not super related to our game, but here a list of changes i think should be done.
>Field Promotion change so that the Slave Soldier only needs to get a Crit instead of a Crit Kill.
>Field Promotion 2 change so that you only need one Crit Kill
>Change Hospitalizer Armor to 3T 5T 2T
>Lower Mystic and Shaman Labor to 6
>Increase Wall Mystic Armor on Body to 7
>Increase Toltaikos Labor to 8
>Change Toltaikos Armor to 4T 5T 5T
>Leaping Flower rework.
>Replace Algean Stinger with some kinda movement thing
>Rename Thanatos Bonesaw, and Star Strike
>Change Halberd stats.
>Spring Gun rework.
>Increase Spring Gunner Acc to 7
>Change Spring Gun Armor to 3T 3T 2T
>Lower Reconquerer Armor on limbs and head to 4
>Lower Reconquerer Acc to 6
>Allow Reconquerer to take Spring Gun and Leaping Flower
>Pearlesent Earl?

think Leaping Flower should be a movement option instead of a third trap, let guys get on top of walls or jump over a single hex. Spring gun should be more unique and reliable, right now it just feels like a slightly better musket. Aegean and Thanatos dont sound like Atlan names at all, and im thinking Aegean should be replaced and Bonesaw reworked to be more inline with Hospitalizer being support. maybe something like slows when it hits limbs. we talked about the Slave Soldier changes.
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>hm. meaning that the center of the world somehow wraps back to space? any thought as to how that works, or intentionally left mysterious?
Yes, and intentionally left mysterious. There is a river, the Alph, which runs through all the Layers, so one theory is that if you follow it beyond the 9th you arrive in Hyperborea, but the only two groups who have taken it at this point in this iteration of the Loop are Olms (aquatic salamander men who are believed to be from another Loop instead of being degenerated subhumans) and the Franklinite Expedition, (frozen into torturous immortality and stuck in the 9th) with who only Napoleon and his forces will have interacted at this moment.
>very cool though. would like to know what if anything inspired it
Organically emerged from memetic shitposting. The threads are archived, so you can go through the whole thing more or less if you are interested. Some anons wanted to evoke the finno-mongolian hyperwar meme or whatever it is, and it quickly got integrated into the Loop theory.
what about pic related? i got kinda carried away.
ive also been thinking that there should be a rule for Special Ammo like Titanium Balls.
yes this works really well.
would Moral and Health carry over? also, what about giving more units, merc units in particular, more campaign focused abilities?
I can't speak to the lore implications but a map like that charting historical progress makes me giddy.
I always figured Olms were the true inhabitants of the 8th layer (or was it the 7th? The one with Old Mu) and they got kicked out when Old Mu moved in.
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>would Moral and Health carry over? also, what about giving more units, merc units in particular, more campaign focused abilities?
I was going to say Dread carrying over might be too much but given we have Rally all it would really mean is that an Expedition which would start too high on Dread to be effective would simply have to field an extra Hero or Character so as to Rally a lot early on, it'll cost some AP early on but probably won't lose you the game, so I think it'd be doable.
>maybe the merc book should be saved for last and/or worked on opportunistically.
Not a bad idea, since more units like the olms and Grotesques might come along. I'll focus on Mu and Morlock then.
>any thought as to how that works, or intentionally left mysterious?
Stop thinking in euclidean terms and it starts making more sense. Going up and going down are not necessarily opposite directions through the layers. When you stand at the exact north pole, which direction is east?
maybe have pit stops where you can heal and rally. i think health should heal one severity but not remove wounds and dread should lower by 1 automatically between battles.
do you think Sky People should be a sub faction? what about Libertalia? Whalurs? Olms? could Whalurs and Libertalia could work as part of the Sky People?
>some anons wanted to evoke the finno-mongolian hyperwar meme
ah lol. thanks anon, that's what I was looking for. I love it, I'm not *especially* a verne-esque pulp fan but this is a really cool blend of historical motifs and surreal fantasy. cool to see the shitposting produce something rather than devolve
i can get the gist of the fucky physics. I was more thinking, a. is that horizon past the 9th layer experienced as fairly euclidean and natural from your perspective, or are the lower reaches of the earth/hyperborea phantasmagorical in nature (and not just full of weird and dangerous stuff), and b. what kind of physical/psychological transformation is necessary to actually cross over into hyperborea.
i think that depends a lot on your method of approaching it and where you actually hit it. some areas will just open up into a distant void above the stars of hyperborea, others will have you pass through strange angles of iridescent light as your body inverts and reverts itself several times in a row.
given that the main two epigeans we know of (malcolm and napoleon) who have been permanently changed by the deep seem to be ageless or at least have greatly increased lifespans, i imagine that might have something to do with it. biological immortality might be a necessity to weather whatever strange tides of time wash over you as you pass into the lowest layers and out through the highest ones.
This reminds me we are missing an entry for Olms for the Worldbook, they are big enough in the setting that they should have one.
>do you think Sky People
Before I started the clean up I had began a proper Sky-People faction book, same with Hyperborea, so personally I'd definitely want them to be represented in some way.
Whalurs and Libertalia could 100% work as sub-groups or mercenary subfactions which integrate better into Sky-People.
>Olms for the Worldbook
could probably just copy paste the Olm lore that got posted for now. what about an Olm book to compliment the Morlock book? maybe an Olm Thespian unit could be neat, but maybe it would be better suited to a random encounter.
>Sky People
could you post what you already have?
i was thinking Sky People, Libertalia, Whalurs, and Olms could be NPCs and represent mechanics in the Campaign. for example, maybe you can pay Whalurs to heal dread at those pit stops i suggested, Olms will heal you or can be payed to dive for treasurer or something, Sky People will help you get between locations, and Libertalians will raid the other player for a price. not that they shouldnt have units, but Sky People will be a pain and Whalurs and Olms arnt meant to be war like. because they are all highly mobile, it gives a reason for them to be outside of possible "safe zones".
>what about an Olm book to compliment the Morlock book?
Yeah that's what I'm thinking more and more as their roster grow.
>could you post what you already have?
Sure. Will bake and post next thread.

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