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"Old" One Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, fight each other for victory.
A campaign mode is planned, and currently in the works. (you) are encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc
>Main Lore Doc, including links to anon-written short stories and additional lore in "Recommended..." section
> Unit Spreadsheet - Currently outdated, requires an update
>Unit Design Doc

>What can I do?
Shitpost, meme, get comfy. Read over the docs to settle in.
Familiarize yourself with rules and plan some playtests.
Contribute if you have ideas. Give feedback on contributions if you don't.

> TQ 1 (cont.): Please continue to offer lore blurbs for units in books, they really help giving structure to the factions.
> TQ 2 : Where would you like the first campaign take place?
> TQ 3 : Thoughts on ranged weapon rework from last thread?

I always thought a good first campaign could be Brits, Lemurians, and Lost Men all racing towards a lost Old Lemurian city. Each has a reason to hate the other but the possibility of a desperate alliance between Lost Men and one of the other two factions is not entirely out of the question.

Good two player campaign might be France and Atlan like the test games since they seem to have a lore rivalry going on with the fall of Paris raids.
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>The Deluge!
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Thank you, also to whoever made this edit, absolutely brilliant.
Reposting the weapon rework from last thread.
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Proposal for two new Muic Maledictions

> Brutal Abandon : (2 AP, 5 Silver) Name one model within 3 of this one. Until the end of the game, all named models may voluntarily lose 1 Discipline and 1 Awareness to gain Brutal Charge and Critical Knockback for the duration of the Charge.

> Invocation of the INNER SVN : (2 AP, 5 Silver, Favour) Roll a D3. Set the Obscurity level to the result, or add this result to the current Obscurity level. This may be used multiple times and stacks.

The second one in particular has the Old One in mind, unless I'm missing it there are no other native ways to impose Obscurity in Mu. It being a Favour means you can't just stack it freely and neuter ranged lists by recruiting 2~3 muic caster and keeping a bunch of Silver in your Chest at the start. An alternative would be to continue the "name one unit within 3, all named units impose Obscurity on their hex and the adjacent hex." theme I've got going on, but a few outliers wouldn't ruin the whole thing I think.
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Proposal for the "Ration as AP mechanic".
Reword the Cook Action as
> Cook : (1 AP) Any model not currently engaged with an enemy model and equipped with Rations or adjacent to a model equipped with Rations may take this action. Spend 1 Ration and Test Labour, if successful, gain 1 Warm Meal.

> Snack : (1 AP) Any model not currently engaged with an enemy model and equipped with Rations or a Warm Meal or adjacent to a model equipped with Rations or Warm Meal may take this action. Spend 1 Ration or Warm Meal. On the next turn, this model gains +1 AP if he spent a Ration, or +2 AP if he spent a Warm Meal.

Possibly with some rules for a French Chef that can give additional bonuses for Warm Meals if they are served with alcohol?
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>> TQ 1 (cont.) Please continue to offer lore blurbs for units in books, they really help giving structure to the factions.
Whoops, got a bit busy the past week, I'll get back on that. Also reposting candleman, we've already finished out the brit roster pretty much but I like the idea of a brit who's gone totally insane and wears candles on his head. Maybe a unit for another faction?
If you pair a chef and a hunter, you army gets the "well fed" status until either of them dies.
good cooking. how do you think food should work in campaigns? maybe something like AP decays by 1 between battles unless X, so if you dont feed or get your guys drunk they have a disadvantage on the first turn of a battle. also, maybe allow certain actions such as Cook to be done outside of a battle? maybe Cooks make Large Rations which also give +2 AP but only on a successful Discipline test, otherwise it is just like a normal ration.
>Possibly with some rules for a French Chef that can give additional bonuses for Warm Meals if they are served with alcohol?
that would be neat.
Meh, we don't have to limit ourselves entirely to the compass as long as the faction doesn't feel particularly bloated. If you have inspiration go ahead.
>how do you think food should work in campaigns?
Pretty much exactly what you are saying, I was thinking -1 AP on the first turn unless you ate last game or in between the two games. I would reckon that there could be some way to game Rations in between games as well.
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Added this as a random "scenario" table.
Obviously nothing stops players from agreeing to roll each 2d10 and apply all results, for example.
He seems like he would either be friends or arch-enemies with dirt man. Want me to do a unit?
If you could, that'd be appreciated. I don't have much of an idea of what to do with him beyond a crazy brit. He's more of a meme unit than anything, maybe something to do with giving the enemy debuffs by screaming out his nightmares? I don't really know.
what about a passive light source and prophesies that can only target obscured models? maybe he heals dread when he fails a prophesy and causes dread when he succeeds?
Yeah, that could work. I think we could do something with him lighting his head candle too, maybe cause a debuff or buff for local units if he fails or succeeds. Actually, now that I think about it do we have any blindness or stun mechanics in the game?
"Critical results from this weapon causes the target to lose 1 AP if it had any remaining this turn."
for blindness could just have an Acc penalty like what Phosphorous has. i was thinking he dies or something similar if his candle goes out, like a chameleon.
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So, how do we feel about him being an Epigean with Muic ties?
>muic ties
I feel it's funnier if they press-ganged him and now he's stuck in the larp.
i like him best as a sort of Kurtz figure.
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A bit random, but I've had this stuck in my head for a while, let me know what you think.
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I continued doing touch ups to the main rulebook last night, starting with the Hostiles.
The default Hostile rule got simplified (again) to be
> end of the turn, roll face to face for each non-engaged Hostile, designating the Hostile first. Whoever rolls the highest gets to Activate and decide its actions. If both rolls are equal, do not activate this Hostile this turn. Engaged Hostiles are then activated and Attacks Engaged models, distributing the attacks as evenly as possible between models AND players.
The more complex Hostile rules can be left for the scenarios using them.
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Pelagic Problems
Oh also this just reminded me..
Now that we are including rules for "pet trainer" model types, we absolutely need to include something similar for the Thunder Mole. If anyone wants to try his hand at it, I think it would fit well as a Atlantis-adjacent Merc trainer.
From the compass
> 2e's attempt at cashing in on the Pokemon (I guess now Palworld too...) market for some reason (quite Prophetic I might say)
> Raises troop Morale
> Electric Wall between each Thunder Moles with damage increasing for additional Moles
> Fucking Bullshit
ive been thinking of a Terror Bird Dragoon for the U.S, do you think that's fine or do they have enough?
>chocobo breed
maybe smoother to make a unit for that then refer to it.
>Terror Horn
i like it. might be worth change the name to something with out terror, but if nothing comes to mind its hardly the end of the world.
>ive been thinking of a Terror Bird Dragoon for the U.S, do you think that's fine or do they have enough?
If you have inspiration for a unit and mechanics, go ahead, but it is the fullest of roster besides Mercs atm. I was gonna make a Chocobo Mount for Mu so we could always just include it in the US mount list and perhaps give some special rules for Cowboys depending on which mounts they take?
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We had discussed finding some ways to make Dodging more common, something that we have yet to test was the Go Prone special action, so I thought we could reword it to be
> Go Prone : (1 AP) Any model out of Melee Range of an enemy model may take this action. This model counts as Dodging against Ranged Attacks that originates from further than 5 hexes away, but cannot roll Defense rolls against Melee attacks while Prone (instead of doing a Face-to-Face Accuracy vs Evasion roll, the Attacker simply resolves an Accuracy test, adding all relevant modifiers to Accuracy). You may Move 1 hex at a time while Prone, anymore cancels this rule’s effect.
Pic deeply unrelated.
>the fullest of roster besides Mercs atm
probably because it doesnt really have a unifying theme.
>include it in the US mount list and perhaps give some special rules for Cowboys depending on which mounts they take?
yeah that works. maybe give Rough Rider something like
"When this model is Shaken, it loses its Mount and increases its Accuracy by 2. If the Mount was a Saur or Terror Bird, place a friendly model of it adjacent to this model"
it should be a hostile npc instead.
>Go Prone
that looks great.
will give it a shot. will also try Candle Man.
Wall Shaman:
Atlans approach everything they do with a sort of spiritual importance, Wall Shamans are the ones responsible for keeping it that way. “Keeping it that way” might be the most accurate and brief explanation of what they do. Not only the spiritual leaders of Atlan, they are also the chief healers, historians, and preservationists of architecture and technology.

Titanium Gargoyle:
First created by the Wall Shamans to guard the isolated monasteries of the Wall Mystics. Later used to guard important mines, where they finally got the attention of The Capital. Something they have never lost, to say the least.

Titanium Grotesque:
First created by the Wall Shamans of The Capital of Atlan as an economical alternative to Gargoyles. Sanguine and ludic past the point of annoyance and bordering on uselessness, their production was abandoned. Recently they have become fashionable among Eapigeans, leading to pr
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Will add!
Began working on Idols, tokens are interchangeable, you can just name them appropriately when using them.
Idol of the Deep should pair well with caster-heavy lists, like those running a pair of Old Ones or the Khan & Mother. Idol of New Mu is there to give a use Corpse Tokens for builds that don't plan on using casters or Revenants. Shrine to the Shadowsaur is there for fun and allow use of the Shadowsaur beyond the Khan. If you have ideas that exploits the existing mechanics well, don't hesitate to suggest ideas.
You know, "Shaman" doesn't strike me as a very Atlan-like name for a religious figure.
Tlahtoāni maybe?
I'm all for using Mesoamerican names, but it would be better to Hellenize them, like with Toltaikos.
How does Telatoanes sound?
>Candleman (8 Silver)
Worker, Character(?)
AP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 3
Strength: 5
Discipline: 2
Labour: 4
Awareness: 5

5 in head, 0 in other (Helmet)

2 Box

>General Abilities:

>Special Abilities:
This model may only attempt the Drum of Doom and Vision of Doom prophecies when rolling for prophecies. This model must attempt at least one every other turn. It must target one of the three closest units, including friendlies, for Vision of Doom. When prophecies are failed, instead of the normal rules reduce dread by the number of failed prophecies made by this model. When prophecies are succeeded, increase dread by the number of successful prophecies made during this match.
-Light in the Darkness:
This model counts as a 5 hex range, 5 power light source. If this unit's head is hit and armour save failed, remove this light source and increase dread by 5. For each turn the light source remains lit, increase this models discipline by 1.

This model may not carry a weapon, it may carry equipment.

ALL FACTIONS may recruit this model.

This one is a counterpart to Dirtman. Dirtman digs good, this guy lights good. His cost is cheap for a unit with prophecy but him randomly targeting units including friendlies offsets that. I thought about doing something where missing him with an attack generates dread but I figured he was good enough with what he has already.
yeah that works.
your right, but i dont think there is a better option unless someone wants to make a conlang.
i think its better for player communication to use simpler, descriptive names. "Squire" isnt a very Muic name, but its okay because it communicates to the player what it is better than a proper Muic name would. "Gargoyle" and "Grotesque" make no sense as Atlan names, but using anything else would miss the point. also, i dont like the inconsistency this invites. it doesnt make sense that Atlan would be using words with a connection to Mesoamerican words, as they would have been in Yucatan before anyone else. it also makes one wonder why some unit names have Atlan names and others have English names. i wont fight it, but i dont like it.
if the Wall Shaman is renamed to a hybrid name, the weapons and the Mystic units should be too.
i like it alot.
I love it. I like how the candle thing makes him feel safer, subtle mechanics like that really add to the character as a whole.
>I always thought a good first campaign could be Brits, Lemurians, and Lost Men all racing towards a lost Old Lemurian city
really good idea.
>Good two player campaign might be France and Atlan like the test games since they seem to have a lore rivalry going on with the fall of Paris raids.
those were Atlan Exiles, but it wouldnt be hard to change it to Atlan Proper. i guess it would be something like the French trying to get revenge buy taking over an Atlan mine on the 3rd?

speaking of test games, does 2e anon want to do one this weak?
>speaking of test games, does 2e anon want to do one this weak?
sure, although it can't be tomorrow, Tuesday 9pm good?
that is a synchronicity. yes, 9pm tuesday is good.
Frankly I'm fine with the simpler names, Greek names or Hellenized Mesoamerican names (with the implication that the Mesoamerican name derives from the Atlan one, however much bullshit it might be linguistics-wise). The only thing I'm opposed to is straight up Mesoamerican names for the reason you've described. Atlans are not supposed to be *literally* Mayans or Aztecs. That said, "Shaman" still doesn't fit. Literally anything else would work: priest, sage, etc.
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>Frankly I'm fine with the simpler names
I like that most names are fairly simple or evocative. It may be me being an absolute smoothbrain, but I really dislike hearing discussions of games or list builds where every single name referred to is something arcane and which requires lore knowledge to put in mind. Infinity is the worst offender on that imho. Obviously a certain amount of lore knowledge is not too much to ask of the newb, but still, I think people will get what I mean.
I do agree that Shaman sticks out a bit. "Pontiff" might work since at its root it meant "bridge builder", and one possible origin for that was that there was a religious aspect to bridge maintenance (although its also possibly allegorical and meant "bridging the gap to the Gods" ). Since Wall "Shamans" might have similarly originally been simply tasked with maintenance of the Sacred Wall.
>That said, "Shaman" still doesn't fit. Literally anything else would work: priest, sage, etc.
thats fair.
Pontiff works for me. also, the lore reason for the simple or slightly inconstant names could be that they are the names Colonials use.
>I like that most names are fairly simple or evocative. It may be me being an absolute smoothbrain, but I really dislike hearing discussions of games or list builds where every single name referred to is something arcane and which requires lore knowledge to put in mind
yes i agree. thats what i was trying to say.
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Old One done! I went with the "pick up Souvenirs when it picks up Tokens", but included the blurb about it being able to use Reach 2 to pick up Tokens as well. Let me know if that works. Also, did I do the damage right, the one indicated was [0]/[/], did you mean by that that a weak does no damage?
Also, reading how New Mu is shaping up last night I had an idea of a strategy. Thought I'd share since it gives a feel of what you can do with the upcoming roster.
> Mother
> Possibly a Priestess, a Tallyman might be better, at 200 Silver 2x Old Ones
> Bunch of Nomads (like, 8x)
> Imaterii
> Use Great Wise Woman right from the start to build the Idol of the Deep, and then as many times as possible to increase own Dread.
> Use the Imaterii with the AP boost from the Idol to keep dangerous foes at bay.
> If you brought enough Material or can steal some with the Priestess through her Parley build an Idol of New Mu also because your Nomads will be Panicked before long.
> Nomads are there for cheap bodies & Malediction targets. Do not attempt to keep them alive.
> Cast Soul Syphon and possibly Brutal Abandon early on Nomads. Use Brutal Abandon to Lower Awareness. Whenever someone dies, they either gain +1 AP or take 1 Dread, and the lower their Awareness, the higher the chance it'll be Dread.
> Once you have high enough Dread to cause enemy models to Panick, use Bedlam two turns in a row, or 3 if you can get a Parley (Show Leadership) in with the Priestess. If that doesn't win you the game, you had probably lost a long time ago.
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Rework of a rework, the previous version seemed to be lacking something to me. I also kinda regretted for a while not exploiting the "weeb" angle suggested in the Compass, so him being able to Naruto run while Prone seemed to fit.
Having 3 AP means Ghastly Breath will work well, and while they can already become incredibly survivable with Go Prone+Nimble, if you really want to go all in you could cast Boneless Body + Shadow Spirit on them, and you could get Nimble Always Count as Dodging Evasion 8 AP 3 Move 4 slashers that can ignore models engaged on the third strike.
Giant Thunder Mole:
AP: 1
Movement: 9 Accuracy: - Strength: 5 Discipline: 2 Labor: 6 Awareness: 2
Health: 2
Armor: 000
[Immune to Electricity] [Immune to Obscurity]

Eletro-Web: When a model moves into a hex that is directly between two Thunder Moles, it suffers -1 Accuracy for the rest of the game for every Thunder Mole on the board. This model may not Attack or Charge.

Dig: When this model succeeds an Excavation, it may move into the Excavated hex for free. When this model Crits an Excavation, lower all you Dread by 1.

i assume it would be part of the Prehistoric Predators list, but maybe not. the idea behind Eletro-Web is that Thunder Moles are communicating using electrical signals, and getting in the middle of those signals fries your senses. originally i was had it so it made electric terrain, but it was too much. mechanically, i hope that its bullshit is balanced out by its low Health and Discipline and being an NPC. Dig so it can move around well and have some effect on dread and because its a mole, also something of a hold over from my original idea. added "Giant" because i imagine normal Thunder Moles to be small enough that their signals arnt harmful to humans unless a whole colony targets you, which is not in their nature. i also imagine normal Thunder Moles to be responsible for the electric like lighting described in journey to the center of the earth, they might make a humming noise when gathered together (which they like to do) and for that noise they are considered pests. very rarely does their digging interfere with human construction, Atlan still isnt a fan of them. the Giant Thunder Moles do sometimes cause damage to buildings and that humming noise can cause horrible headaches and even blindness. Giant Thunder Moles are only giant compared to Thunder Moles. normal Thunder Moles weigh about 2 ounces, where Giant Thunder Moles weigh about 90 pounds.
Thunder Mole Nest:
Health 3

Static: any model that Attacks this model becomes Stunned after resolving the attack. This model counts as Light Source 3.

Discharge: if this model has no Walls connecting it to another model of the same name, any model that is adjacent to it or a Wall connected to it at must check Strength at the start of turn, becoming Stunned if it fails.

Electric Terrain: Walls adjacent to or that directly connect Thunder Mole Nests count as Light Source 2 and any model that attempts an Excavation against them suffers Electrical Damage for every Thunder Mole Nest on the board.

the other half of my first Thunder Mole idea. maybe it could be built by Giant Thunder Moles, or spawn a couple turns after one is killed.
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Ooh, this one I like. The background colours especially fit the art.
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BTW did you post a few paintings on
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Nope, I don't have much in the way of relevant art. Just a few bits and pieces.
idea for Iconoclast and some relevant Atlantean weapons/items:

Specialist, Soldier, Academic
AP: 2
Movement: 3, Accuracy: 6, Strength: 5, Discipline: 5, Labor: 4, Awareness 8
Health 2
Armor 0
[Immune to Diplomacy] [Hatred; Atlan]

Some Kinda Martyr: When this unit is damaged by its own attacks it gains +1 Discipline and +1 AP for the turn.

Seek and Destroy: This model may take a Graze wound instead of spending AP to Attack, Move, Charge, or Excavate. This model may not Build or Heal.

Fire of Unknown Origin: [2AP X Silver] Immediately Throw a Greek Fire Bomb, without using one previously equipped during Recruitment, but paying its Silver Cost.

May be Recruited by Lost Men, Atlantis, France, or USA. May only take Greek Flamers, Slings, Explosives, or Pick Axes for weapons. May not carry materials or healing items.

Greek Flamer: Cost 6
Flame Stream;
[/] [//]
Range: 3
Pen: 0
Special: Fire Damage. All hexes between the Attacker and Target are hit and set on fire.
Fire Blast;
[/] [X]
Range: 1
Pen 0
Special: Fire Damage. Target must test Strength, if it fails it must move back 1 hex, if it is unable to it becomes Stunned.

Greek Fire Bomb: Cost 4 for 1
Thrown, Special Ammo
[/] [X] Strength 4
Special: Deal Fire Damage to target and all models Adjacent to the target.
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No issue, might be another poster, I thought I recognized a few pieces.
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the Thomas Cole paintings right? it wasnt me that posted them in that thread, but i did post a lot of them here.
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Those the ones, yeah.
Anyone started on The Monster yet?
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I'm gonna try, but fuck me that rigging is gonna be a bitch to cut.
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Also, the bot is getting pretty darn good at generating underground caverns. I've got a full folder of background images, thought I'd post a few of the best ones.
maybe leave it mostly the same, and just add a pillar in the background.
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I wouldn't even try, I'd just chuck in a Lemur or something on one of the roofs.
I've not been statting him, but I've been letting some lore ideas stew in my brain.
Maybe a little too long, frankly, anyone is welcome to beat me to the punch if they'd like.

Specialist, Soldier, Academic
AP: 2
Movement: 3, Accuracy: 6, Strength: 5, Discipline: 5, Labor: 4, Awareness 8
Health 2
Armor 0
[Immune to Diplomacy] [Hatred; Atlan]

Seek and Destroy: This model may take a Graze wound instead of spending AP to Attack, Move, Charge, or Excavate. This model may not Build or Heal.
Fire of Unknown Origin: [2AP] Immediately Throw a Greek Fire Bomb, without using one previously equipped during Recruitment.

May be Recruited by Lost Men, Atlantis, France, or USA. May only take Greek Flamers, Slings, Explosives, or Pick Axe for weapons. May not carry materials or healing items.

Greek Flamer: Cost 6
Reload 4. Ammo Feed 3
Flame Stream;
[/] [//]
Range: 3, Pen: 0
Special: Fire Damage. All hexes between the Attacker and Target are hit and set on fire.
Fire Blast;
[/] [X]
Range: 1, Pen 0
Special: Fire Damage. Target must test Strength, if it fails it must move back 1 hex, if it is unable to it becomes Stunned. Ammo Cost 2.

Greek Fire Bomb: Cost 3
Thrown, Special Ammo
[/] [X] Strength 4, Range 5, Acc -3
Special: Deal Fire Damage to target and all models Adjacent to the target.
Greek Flamer feels like it should be a Spray attack (which are admittedly underused atm).
Otherwise that looks pretty good.
Very quickly looking at the Atlantis roster, at least the Akritai and Combat Alchemist will need reworks, if you want to take a stab a them.
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For tonight's game, are you good with testing the new weapons and Rations rules?
I also updated the French upgrades to the new system, so a fail is Level 1, a success is Level 2 and a Crit is level 3.
so, USA v France round three? or do you just mean using the new rules? either way im good.
on second thought, i think its wise to focus more on the colonials. Atlan needed what it got, but now its got it the polish can come later. so i will play USA.
Just the new rules, I was under the impression you wanted to test a build with the Princess. If you want to try USA however go ahead. I'm tweaking my list right now, but its gonna be Tiger Brigade at its core.
Fallen Paris Survivant (mechanic edition) 18
Eiffel's Student 2
Born to Lead 3
Strong Limbed 1
Lefaucheux 1
Sabre 2
Materialx3 1
Materialx3 1
Rationsx2 1

Fallen Paris Survivant (chef edition) 10
Strong Limbed 1
Lefaucheux 1
Rations x2 1
Rations x2 1

Tiger Brigade Renault 37
Lefaucheux 1
Dynamite 5
Materialx3 1

4x Gendarme 40
Lefaucheux 1
Materialx3 1
Rationsx2 1

Daimler Dragoon x3 15
Lefaucheux 1
Sabre 2
Daimler Bike 5
Rations x2 1

150 Silver on the nose.
The Ranger, Triassic Ranch (7) Triassic Ranch, Born to Lead (4) 2x Schofield (4)
Officer Bubbles (5) Flintlock, Dagger
Ordinance Sargent, Master (15) Colt 1860, Dagger (3)
4x [ Cobras Fumantes (7) Henry 1860, Dagger (3) ]
2x [ AmExCo (14) Remington-Lee (7) ]
Skinwalker (30)

4 remainder

sorry im late, and going to be a tad bit latter. also, just so you know, Bubbles isnt in the book i had to use the archive.
Jesus fuck my bad.
i was so shocked and confused when i saw i had room for a second AmExCo. i forgot to give The Ranger a Saur. works out though, i think this is better anyway.
its alright. ready when you are.
>its alright. ready when you are.
Gimme 10 I'll be there!
Okay I'm there!
AmExCo 1 is the Skinwalker
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>The Ghost Dance has been associated with Wovoka's prophecy of an end to colonial expansion
lmao. Still, nice find. Seems like a fun thing to incorporate into US lore. Not sure how to though. Maybe volcano italianism is spreading, and this is the response? Or maybe the Mu is trying to fuck with the US. Or it could just be a true native thing that's sprung up now that Agartha's open. Lot of possibilities here.
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Batrep time!
> The Tiger Brigade has recently taken upon itself to do surprise customs inspections. Sadly, this particular group of Americans forgot to declare their Skinwalker upon docking.
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> The French Survivant (mecanic) builds a Campfire and then bolts a bunch of extra plates on the Renault (install Blast Shielding lvl2 on it).
> The second French Survivant (Cook) starts Cooking some Warm Meals and distributes them around. The Gendarmes do the same. 2 of the Bike Dragoons advance up, one of them eating a Warm Meal.
> On the US side, the Ranger and Amexco part of the group, along with Bubbles, decide to go down the Docks.
> The Renault moves haflway up the field and takes some fire from the line of Cobras facing it. Everything bounces off the Blast Shielding however.
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> The Amexco and the Bike Dragoons on the Docks exchange fire, wounding one Dragoon, but the amount of AP I have to throw down means one of the Amexco dies in the return fire. The second Bike Dragoon even has some time left to eat a sandwich.
> Shots continue to ping off the Renault's improved shielding until one finally goes through, snapping off the hastily installed plates and removing the upgrade.
> The Renault's driver decide that, logically, the only answer to having someone scratch the paint off his car is to crash it into a crowd while swinging a saber out of the window. Not only is it logical, it is extremely effective, and two Cobras are immediately crushed under the wheels, while a third one soon gets shot by the Gendarmes aboard.
> The mechanic Survivant installs Guillotine Talons on the one Bike Dragoon, the other Survivants continue Cooking.
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> Since I get first activation, continuing to pile through the Cobras and Ordnance Sgt seems to be too appealing to refuse. Between the Charge, subsequent attacks and the car's impact, both dies.
> At this point, with the few Crits that I got in, US is at Dread 7, meaning the Amexco turns into a brute. He puts down the Dragoons with Talons that was gunning for Bubbles, and then Dragoon 3 which had already received a wound. He dies to the return fire, however, revealing that he was in fact a Skinwalker.
> Seeing the towering Deerhead turning the corner of the house, both Gendarmes courageously munch down their meal and move up to block the monster from charging the Survivants.
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> Some more shuffling around. The car still had some juice in it, and the Gendarmes had AP, so I open up on Bubbles, who will undoubtedly be tonight's meal for the French.
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> Forgot to mention here that the Ranger Panics off the board, which is I think the first time it happens in a game.
> The Skinwalker Charges the Bike Dragoon and kills him, then turns around and deals some wounds around, but fails to kill another model. I start swinging with everything. For about the first time since the beginning of the game Atlan anon rolls well and saves some very unlikely wounds, however in the end I manage to shoot the deerhead square between the eyes with one Gendarme, ending the game.
We didn't bother calculating end Chest resutls because I think the gap was obvious enough.
> Cooking is good. Very good. Perhaps OP. But then its accessible to everyone. Not sure if it being so good doesn't mean everyone will just have to cook. Having more AP than the USA made me a lot more confident to be aggressive.
> No Accuracy mod at half range felt like a huge quality of life improvement. Same with Ammo Feed on guns. We'll need to test it but I think it has the potential to cement US as the "Shooty Faction" in an interesting way, since Ambushing lets you spawn in at half range if you want.
> Renault is undercosted (I almost brought 2), and its Battering Ram mechanic is not very fun. Its super brutal, sure, but it strikes me that something that would have Knockback effect would be a lot funnier, for both its user and the opponent.
> I rolled very well and Atlan anon rolled very poorly pretty much consistently. Still, it didn't feel like he had any possible good answer to the Renault rush.
restricting Warm Meals to once per unit per battle, and increasing the cost from 1 Ration to 2 might be enough to balance it.
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Pictured: The Franklin Expedition moments before they disappeared.
I like the idea of a cook off deciding a game but that is way too broken at the moment, lol. Probably best to cap it or some other cost, yeah.
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>The Monster was once a Man.
>This is obvious, even to His most devout followers. He stands as a man does, He eats as a man does, He fights as a man does.
>But He does not live as a man does.
>He has spoken of his past on only rare occasions. He was a diver, He says, He was a warrior in service to an "expedition" into the realm He calls Agartha.
>He was lost. The expedition left without him. He would have drowned, and died as a man does, if not for what He found. If not for what found Him.
>He emerged from those deep waters, alone and besotted, clad in moss and weeds.
>He fights with a ferocity unknown to mere men. He does not fear death, but courts it as one would a lover.
>He says He is in too deep. Perhaps He thinks He never left those cool waters.
>He dreams of loamy silt, of shallow ponds in which to bury Himself.
>He dreams of fangs and claws and becoming more than He is.
>He has found His calling, here amongst our kin. He has found His destiny.
>We anoint Him in our oils, we paint His metal armor with our wards and our sigils and our names.
>He shall lead us into a new age, as was prophesied so long ago.
>He shall guide us, as He was guided. He shall change us, as He was changed.
>Down here. In the dark.
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So, the basic premise I'm running with here is that the Monster was abandoned while underwater during a disastrous expedition. He was some kind of diver, and his frog outfit was modified from his diving suit. Now it's all daubed with ochre and blood, painted with tribal magyyks to ward their new god from harm. Half Lawrence of Agartha, half Kurtz type figure. He encountered some kind of mysterious Agarthan magic underwater, and now he has a connection to the deep that he cannot shake. Possible connection to the Olms of old, vis a vis his dreams.
Mechanically, he should be a leader-type unit for minor tribal factions. You could slot him in leading a cadre of Gorgs or a sorority of Amazons, or any other group that doesn't exist as a standalone faction. He brings a bit of Epigean firepower, in particular his armored diving suit and probably at least a pistol of some kind, but his role is probably mostly as a tanky support dealing out buffs to his tribal allies.
We could also add in "Acolytes of the Monster" as mercenary tribals who have adopted his style of fighting and use makeshift diving suits to get around submerged areas as a more direct group of people who follow him into battle.
I tried to avoid giving him direct connections to Mu or other underworld factions, I'd rather him exist as a semi-independent character who basically just fights for whoever is the best side for his tribe at any given moment. In the narrative of E:AD as a fictional wargame, he's probably the protagonist of at least one novel with a cult following within the fandom.
And yes, I'm still trying to make "Down there. In the dark." happen.
Will use this when I get to the unit.
Kek. "In too deep" I love it. But I still like to think that he's just a scooby doo tier guy in a costume that just can't take it off so the illusion isn't broken.
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New addition to the Murlock roster, as a Hero that can be exported into other faction. Please suggest Traits if you have any idea.
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>The Monster (25 Silver)
Leader, Character, Mechanical(Yes/No?), Deep(Yes/No?)
AP: 2
Movement: 4
Accuracy: 7
Strength: 6
Discipline: 9
Labour: 4
Awareness: 5
Evasion (Fuck me I keep forgetting this one): 6
LP: 3

5 in body, limbs, 6 in head

1 Box head, 2 box body, 2 box limbs

>General Abilities:

>Special Abilities:
This model may recruit [TBD] as faction units.
-Beastly Endurance: (1 LP)
This model may reroll any test where failure would cause it to take damage, keeping the second roll.
-Living Deity: (1 AP)
If this model has not taken damage, reduce dread by 3. Otherwise reduce dread by 1. Once per turn.

This model comes equipped with an explosive harpoon launcher. It may equip ranged colonial sidearms, general melee weapons, and carry equipment.
Explosive Harpoon Launcher: (Ranged)
Range: 9
Skill: -2
Pen: 2
Lethal: [Black][Black][X]
Reload: 2
Cost: Free
Special: If missed, scatter attack d5

This model leads the “The Monster” faction.

I took the quotations off of the chart unit name, interpret that how you will. He functions like an artillery unit for groups (like Gorgs) who wouldn’t normally have that. You have to choose between either sticking him into melee where he’ll do alright and definitely better than his peers, keeping him back where he can bombard, or using him as a dread pump while the tribals sacrifice themselves. Ideally you can switch between each strategy but he’ll shine best when you stick to one each match. Living Deity is a reference to The Man Who Would be King which is 100% an Agarthan adventure. I thought about giving him one more option to represent cool french mech armour or an ability to scare opponents or some olm-connected ability but I figured he was good enough with this triple threat thing he has going on.
His gun is a real thing by the by, though maybe more of a whalur weapon:
also please use one of the funny frog suit images instead of captain cutler.
a thought about the guns is to have pistols have 5 Ammo Feed but worse Range and/or Damage and/or Reload and rifles have 3 Ammo Feed but better those things. the other idea is to, instead of raising pistol Ammo to 5, either spread Dual Wielder around more or make it a thing inherit to pistols. if the second option is done i still see rifles being nerfed to 3, or if being generous 4 Ammo.
my thought behind my thought is that Pistols as is only really make sense to be taken over Rifles if you have Duel Wielder (which isnt all that common) or if youre broke. making the pistols "worse but you dont have to worry about ammo" and rifles "better but you have to think about ammo" would make it a more of a real choice. we really did not have to think about ammo at all that game, and i imagine if it was France V Atlan it would have been even more of a blow out.
cool. will make a Whalur unit that uses this.
>Olm connection
i will go ahead (back to the start) and apologize for the schizo english and excessive use of parentheses [brackets] (a thing i much prefer to avoid). sorry for the mess.
i like this, but i like it as something mundane. Olms are meant to love theater, and The Monster is basically a really good actor, so maybe they worship him for that. maybe they started worshiping him as part of an impromptu play he didnt know he was in, and he thought they were really worshiping him, so he acted really well because he wasnt acting. then the Olms really did start worshiping him but because of his good acting and costume. over time their two perspectives on the matter started to get smushed together over time and as he helped them out and saved them from being enslaved or eaten. maybe now he goes around helping other Deepfolk and growing his church/tribe/kingdom/cult/empire, like a Malcolm for Deepfolk. maybe he is more of a wandering hero who has his Olm tribe at heart but goes around earning the respect, fear, thanks, and admiration (some money, weapons, and food wouldnt hurt...) of other Deepfolk and the occasional Epigean but doesnt tend to incorporate them into his tribe. well... maybe an Amazon [or two {or a dozen}] just so happens to end up hanging around a bit longer then the Gorgs and Neanderthals.
personally, i would have him as a Merc Leader who can be take a Lost Men commission.
i like the idea of him having his own version of Bad Olms that he can take as Acolytes (Monstrous Olms? Lost Olms?), kinda like Refined Olms, but i dont want Olms to turn into Eeevee. maybe Napoleon would have his own special Olms (Olm Guard to match his Oldest Guard? Shadow Olms? Ombre Olms? Olmbreon...) and Lost Men would have the basic Bad Olms; that makes sense to me but that doesnt mean much.
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I think that rather than connecting The Monster directly to Olms, he should instead focus on the various human/human-esque cave peoples. Deep Folk Tribals, Amazons, Gorgs, etc. Lorewise, he probably leads a mixed tribe that contains all of them, as well as a handful of Olms and even a few Smarter-Than-Your-Average-Morlocks.
And regarding Napoleon's Olms; or the Napoleolms, if you will; they were primarily an honor guard slash pantomime troupe. They probably don't need too much in the way of unique mechanics, except perhaps a blurb in the L'Ombre mechanics that lets their Olms take a bit better equipment than usual to represent them.
maybe not every hero needs 5 traits, particularly the sub and mini faction heroes. could steal one trait from the Tall Fin, the one to do with raising water levels could work, so they both have four. Marinader is interesting, and i like Buoy Diver. Whaler would probably be better if it gained Whalur [1] and access to Whalur Special Rations (more on that in a sec) and/or Weapons.
maybe to make Marinader less complex, or dense rather, it could simply be that Rations gained from Pelagic Problems can be Cooked into Special Rations or Meals that spread Whalur around or let you roll twice for Morlock Constitution. maybe you could chose to either take the "Deeply Marinated Fish" Special Ration right away that grants Whalur [+2] on the turn after it is used in addition to the +1 AP, or save it as "Fermented Fish" Special Ration that grants no AP and only Whalur [+1] but is needed to Cook "Hardy/Preserving Chowder" which grants a rerolls for Morlock Constitution on the turn after it is eaten.

>Specialty Meals and Special Rations
Specialty Meals could be Warm Meals with particular bonuses and restrictions that can only be made by certain units. Special Rations would be Rations that give small buffs and are much more expensive than regualr Rations and can only be taken by particular factions and/or units. during Campaigns, Special Rations could be bought for different prices depending on your factions and where you are buying it. an example of that would be Atlan having a rather hard time getting its hands on wine. Special Rations would generally be +1s in addition to the regular AP compression and in the case of Alcohol Dread healing. also, i assume they would not be able to be used in Cooking Warm Meals unless otherwise stated.
an example of a Special Ration could be
>Smoked Salmon: +1 Accuracy next turn. Cost 2.
>Olms are meant to love theater, and The Monster is basically a really good actor, so maybe they worship him for that.
Your brain is very big and I am upset I didn't make that connection myself.
I have no strong feelings one way or the other regarding who The Monster works with I just watched a lot of Scooby Doo as a kid.
i didnt mean to imply they should have anything unique, i was more thinking about names than anything. i like how they are now, i think they are good and do what they are meant to do well (on paper anyway i havent personally tried them out). the only reason i was thinking about a change was because of the thought to give Malcolm Bad Olms (being escaped slaves and all), but on second thought the Lost Men should be mostly Men. La Ombre is a better fit, yes.
>I think that rather than connecting The Monster directly to Olms, he should instead focus on the various human/human-esque cave peoples. Deep Folk Tribals, Amazons, Gorgs, etc.
that does make sense, and i think that works best mechanically over all. i was thinking that Lorewise he should be more connected to Olms, specifically that got his start as a living deity from them. Mechanicswise i was thinking the Acolytes could be Olms of somekind to represent that. Olms as faction units have seem to have taken up the position of honor guards, and given his diver origins, amphibian custom, supportive nature, and the original idea of him being part of a psy-op (meaning he is an actor and olms like theater) it would make sense that some of his closest and earliest followers would be Olms. i agree that his primary focus in game and in potential stories should be on human and humanlikes. i didnt explain myself well, just vomited, sorry about that.
>i didnt explain myself well, just vomited, sorry about that.
No need to worry, man. Half the point in these threads is for us to all collectively vomit in a pile, then root through it for the good bits.
I do like the idea that Olms would be attracted to his following due to him essentially being an actor playing a role.
Maybe he could have some kind of commission-type mechanic to let him choose which kinds of Agarthans he's buffing in any given army list? Or would that be too much going on, you think?
i didnt want to use an analogy like this, but, i guess its kind of like how the Count of Monte Cristo is with Monte Cristo. what i mean by that is very little of the book takes place on Monte Cristo, it looms over the story and Edmond's fortune is build from the treasure he finds there guess the same goes for Morrel. a good reason for having the Olm connection like that is as of now the "Olms like theater" bit of lore has very little attached to it, this would be a good way to tie two things that sorta dangle into eachother, thus removing two dangles with one tie. What i mean by "dangle" is lack of connection, the plays arnt an easy thing to put in a war game and The Monster is as of now missing a 'base'.
thank you. i watched an embarrassing amount of Scooby Doo last year. Mystery Inc was a good show, if by some cruel joke of god i have kids i will be sure to have that on dvd.
>Maybe he could have some kind of commission-type mechanic to let him choose which kinds of Agarthans he's buffing in any given army list?
i like that. i think it could be done more simply by instead of directly stating who is getting buff, buffing things in a particular way with particular restrictions that it encourages you to use particular units. an example of that could be
>Living Deity of the Neanderthals : (1 AP) If this model has not taken damage, all Deep Models gain ignore Accuracy penalties for this turn. Otherwise, all Deep models gain +1 Accuracy this turn.
going off the Merc book i have downloaded. that only has 1 keyword check and one condition check with an effect that either has you ignoring other checks or slightly tweaking a number. i dont think a couple more like that would be too much at all. i assume you would have to pick one the Living Deity rules before recruitment. thoughts?
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Wall Priest:
Atlans approach everything they do with a sort of spiritual importance, Wall Priests are the ones responsible for keeping it that way. “Keeping it that way” might be the most accurate and brief explanation of what they do. Not only the spiritual leaders of Atlan, they are also the chief healers, historians, and preservationists.

Titanium Gargoyle:
First created in the early years of the Plagued Age by Panthalassean Wall Priests to protect the isolated monasteries of the Wall Mystics. Later used to guard important mines, where they finally gained the attention of The Capital; Something they have never lost, to say the least.

Titanium Grotesque:
First created by the Wall Shamans of The Capital of Atlan as an economical alternative to Gargoyles. At first pretty popular, they promptly proved playful past the point of annoyance (to Atlan), so production was abandoned. Recently they have become fashionable among Epigeans.

small note: i would like if the image used by Gargoyle was give to Grotesque, and the attached image was used for Gargoyle instead. not a huge deal, but seeing as i doubt this kinda thing will come up for a long while in regards to Gargoyles and Grotesques.

i felt that it was weird having two terms regarding buildings in one name and that Pontiff is too high a rank. i dont mind it being Pontiff if it is preferred, just not my first pick. another idea for a name is Iconophile, which would complete the trio. another candidate for the name is the Toltaikos, which is admittedly what i would prefer, but i wont push it. just bringing it up again seeing as the topic of renaming Atlan units came up.

far from The Capital and on a lower layer, so i felt that it made good since to specify that they were first made there as it would naturally be the most progressive part of Atlan when it comes to weapons and warfare. i felt that with the name change to something more stable, stating that the least stable of them made the new thing during unstable times as a somewhat extreme precaution.

if i couldnt finish it then i doubt it is worth finishing. i was and am having trouble communicating what i am thinking when it comes to the production of Tit Grotesques, so i just wont. its implied well enough i think, and trying to make good better will just make it worse. also, i accelerated the alteration. figure a playful unit, that is said to be playful, should have a playful blurb.
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i am more attached to the Gargoyle image i posted than the Grotesque image i would prefer. i very much want that Gargoyle picture to be used; i dont mind at all if the current Grotesque image is kept.
sorry. i meant to have this in what i just posted.
>Maybe he could have some kind of commission-type mechanic to let him choose which kinds of Agarthans he's buffing in any given army list?
That works quite nicely. As is I think I wrote him a little too simple so three or so commission options would be perfect to round him out.
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Gotta say, him bumping Dread to 5 upon death for a headshot is insanely brutal, although it's not super likely to happen.
He neuters Obscurity whenever applicable however so it might not be such a bad thing to have a very heavy downside to him dying. He's gonna attract a lot of fire for sure.
>restricting Warm Meals to once per unit per battle, and increasing the cost from 1 Ration to 2 might be enough to balance it.
I'm thinking I'll put a note a unit can only Snack once (either Rations or Warm Meals) per battle and set the price to 1 Silver per Ration. Alternatively say "you can only gain AP once per game per Snack" so as to leave open the option to eat specialty meals and get their additional bonus, at least.
Pistols having Ammo Feed 5 and lower Range seems fine, however how about the rifles that canonically would have been 1 shot? A lot of the rifles were upgraded in the following decade or two.
Tentative start on the Campaign skeleton
> Defining the most abstract framework possible so campaign design is as permission as possible.
> Unit of time, can be defined as you wish in the Campaign parameters (days, week, months). Each player participating in the Campaign must play a game per turn.
Instance (if you have a better name, please suggest)
> The boxes in the diagram presented a few threads ago. These can be used to represent locations, specific events along a timeline, areas to be explored, objectives, etc. This is where the meat will be mostly fleshed up. We could have prebuilt maps for these, or map design rules.
> Lines linking boxes in the aforementioned diagram map. These may simply be used to indicate choices or bifurcation in the campaign, or as paths between locations. If used as paths, travel rules need to be included. It can be as simple as dots along the line indicating the number of turns, or can be as complex as having a distance and terrain type which needs to be traveled through actions. We could also have premade maps for these, or map design rules, or alternatively perhaps a large premade map from which we cut out the smaller game maps.
For a simple example, Atlan anon and I had discussed during our last game how a scenario could be a hunt or a search for a temple, where the Sky Captain had gotten greedy and doublebooked both Expeditions on the same flight. So both Players start on the Docks, in a similar map to the one we were playing on, and the Campaign rules were designed to allow for coop/semi-coop play as well as competitive, so the first game would be an occasion to set the tone. Then players bifurcate, perhaps crossing paths a few times on the way until they finally get to the Alpha/Temple/whatever we land on.
A Campaign like this would simply have the Instances specify what scenario conditions are in play, and perhaps what map to use, if we want to specify that beyond the first and last game.
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Interval? Step? my only problem with using turn is that turns are already a thing.
i think we should do both and the temple first. we would need a good amount of maps, but not much else. maps for the direct route and for the indirect routes. maybe depending on what route you took you get a different side of the temple map, and have it so you have to get back to the docks with whatever you get from the temple. the other way to do it would to have two circles right after the dock, then three circles in the middle, then the temple. players write down the path they take and reveal at the same time, if they chose different paths then they get random encounters with the other player controlling the hostiles. something like that?
>"you can only gain AP once per game per Snack"
i think it would be more interesting if you had to chose how and when to buff your guys. also, having it more restricted lets it be more powerful.
>Pistols having Ammo Feed 5 and lower Range seems fine
i think the better way to do the lower range in to increase the accuracy penalties, that way you could still hit something at 8 or 6 if you are desperate, but it probably wont happen. i dont the the 5 for pistols 3 for rifles should be universal, i just think it makes a good default.
>commission-type mechanic
What if instead of that, the monster got an ability that let his agarthan followers count as every other type of agarthan following him where it's beneficial? That way, you could have units that specifically buff morlocks in his expedition also buff everything else, etc. Could have some wacky synergies somewhere down the line, but I think that's a feature, not a bug.
Would require you to have at least one living model of each type (IE: No gorgs in your party means none of your units count as gorgs) in order to make it work.
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reminds me of New Mu Priestess
>i think we should do both and the temple first.
If the Temple one is a race, then it should be kept simple in order to not make players feel like they've lost halfway through and can't win.
I was thinking you have one Dock game, maybe 1 or 2 Solo vs NPCs games, then another one against each other, then the Temple game, which would be a boss scenario. If you went competitive, whoever won the most games play the Temple first, getting first crack at it, if you went coop you play it as a coop game. Then perhaps the return if you want?
>i dont the the 5 for pistols 3 for rifles should be universal, i just think it makes a good default.
I'll come up with something this evening.
Also I wanted to do the same I did with weapons with all Mounts, if its a quiet night I'll get on that. Once that's done I should finally be able to update all the books I've been meaning to update for a while.
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