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>Thread Question: How can we summarize the existing lore into a more manageable format?

>Thread task: Give feedback for the card game.


Map of the World Wiki



>be nice
>don't fuck up other people's lore
>don't add new landmasses
>no fetishes/coomershit
>don't sperg out if people don't accept or like your lore/additions

Project Ideas:
>Hand drawn map
>Diplomacy Map
>TL;DR for all the nations
>Extended Compass

How can I help expand the wiki?
>Upload missing images to the wiki
>Create Hyperlinks
>Add pictures
>Create missing articles
>Search the archives and expand existing articles
>Correct grammar and writing mistakes
>Create lists and sub-categories for similiar articles
>Make lists of articles that need fixing
>Make the wiki look more appealing by fixing ugly layouting
>Freshen up the front page and make it look nice
>Write up lore for articles that feel lacking (everything goes trough the thread first)

Other Things that can be done right away
>Write up lore (politics, culture, economy, characters, creatures, … )
>Figure out essential trade goods for each nation
>Figure out the popular weapons used by each nation
>Make maps
>Expand and update the Bestiary and Herbarium
>Figure out trade routes
>Create a Star map and Zodiacs
>Expand the underground lore
>Help expand the worlds history
>Write about world villains, wars or other threats
>Work on giantstep’s mythology and religions
>Think about the world’s cosmology, day/night cycle, seasons, sea currents and so on
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Google Doc Link for the timeline. As updated as it can be.

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Ok, on the last thread we started thinking of ideas to apply all the lore we have into a game, and a card game was proposed. We can think of many things like mechanics or balances. And of course, we can still continue with the compilation of the lore.
Reposting all of the written stuff about the card game we have so far:

>Goals of the game
There are three ways to win the game:
-Take out the opponent’s lives.
-Make the enemy bankrupt/reach an amount of gold [to be discussed]
-Make your opponent run out of cards to draw.

>Parts of the table
The table has three areas:
-No Man’s Land.
-The player’s area.
-The graveyard. Where a player leaves their defeated/destroyed cards.

>Starting the game
At the beginning of the game, the players will flick their deck and leave the two first population cards at the center of the map. This area is the “no man’s land”, and both players can have access to them, no matter who initially left the card.
Once this is done, a player throws a coin into the air to decide who starts by the application of heads/tails. Alternatively, they can throw a dice and the player who got a bigger roll starts.
>Types of card.
In the game, there are six types of cards:
-Population Cards/Town Cards.

>Population Cards.
Population Cards represent towns or cities. Each deck must have ten populations at minimum. All populations generate a certain amount of gold every turn. Some generate more, some generate less, some have certain bonuses while some others have drawbacks. The players need to control the population cards to gain the resources needed to field units. As such, the players need to keep units garrisoned in the population, and the moment there are no units, the player loses control over it, and thus they gain no gold from it. Players can attack the populations to control them, taking them from their opponent.
At the beginning of the game, the players will flick their deck and leave the two first population cards at the center of the map. This area is the “no man’s land”, and both players can have access to them, no matter who initially left the card. The populations in “no man’s land” cannot be garrisoned until a player fully garrisons their own side. Once the player has put two population cards in “no man’s land”, they will then put two population cards on their side of the table.
Populations can be raided by an attacking player. If an attacking player manages to defeat all defending units from a population, but does not want to leave their units garrisoning it, they can choose to raid it, gaining a set amount of money and destroying it, removing the population from the map. Population cards on the player’s side generate twice the gold. A raided population can be replaced with another population card. A player left without population cards cannot defend themselves from attacks, though losing them is not an automatic loss condition, since a player can still lose before being overrun if the conditions apply.

If all lands on the map are destroyed [what?]
>Fortification Cards
Fortification Cards represent strongholds, castles or other fixed battlements protecting a population. One fortification can be played per controlled population. This fortification will give a special effect to the units garrisoned there. This effect only serves on the defensive, as once they leave the fortification, they lose the effect. Fortifications cannot defend a population if there are no units garrisoning it. If an enemy takes over the population, the fortification is automatically destroyed. Fortifications need an upkeep payment every turn, and if it is not paid, the fortification is automatically destroyed.

>Unit Cards
Unit cards represent any soldier, creature, monster, construct or warmachine in the world. To summon an unit card, the player needs to pay a certain amount of gold, otherwise they cannot put it on the field. Some need a single payment, some need upkeep every turn, and otherwise they will leave the battlefield. A player can choose to stop paying for an unit if they seem it to not do so. A unit that abandons the battlefield goes to the bottom of the deck instead of the graveyard.
A summoned unit needs to be summoned needs to be put into a controlled population. From there, units can attack other populations or the opponent if the player has control of at least one of the populations in the opponent’s area. Units cannot attack the same turn they are summoned.
>Parts of a turn
Each turn consists of the following phases:

-Earning phase: The player earns gold from their controlled population cards.

-Upkeep phase: The player pays the upkeep of whatever card under their control needs it. This includes healing those units wounded the previous turn.

-Population phase: The player puts a population card on the field if an empty spot is available.

-1st Summoning phase: The player puts unit, fortification or artifact cards. The player can also cast spells unless they specify that they go on a specific phase.

-Battle phase: The player chooses their units and their target. A player can choose multiple of their units to attack their opponent’s populations or life points. A player cannot attack the opponent’s lives unless they control at least one of the populations in their area. If there are multiple contested populations, they are resolved in the order chosen by the attacker. The player’s units attack the opponent population, the combat is resolved and the units go back to their respective populations. If a population is captured by the attacking player, they need to leave at least one unit there to control it. They cannot abandon the population they came from, so if only an unit survives the bout, it has to go back to the original population and leave the conquered population abandoned.

-2nd Summoning phase: The player puts unit, fortification or artifact cards that are specified to be capable of being summoned in the 2nd summoning phase. The player can also cast spells unless they specify that they go on a specific phase. After this, the player’s turn ends and the opponent’s turn begins.
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>How to read a unit or character card
The information in a unit or character card goes as follows:
-Name of the card.
-Summoning cost. The amount of gold needed to summon and or upkeep the card. There are two icons, the silver one and the golden one. Cards with a silver icon have an upkeep cost every turn, while those with golden icons have only to pay when summoned.
-Type of card. The kind of card it is. It also includes a series of tags that might relate to buffs/debuffs or other effects on the table.
-Abilities and other info. All abilities, skills, conditions and other relevant info about the card.
-Power points. Indicates attack, initiative and defense.
---Attack is the amount of damage output a unit can cause, either to other unit or to the opponent’s life.
---Initiative is the priority of attack of a unit. When choosing an attacking and a defensive card, the one with highest initiative strikes first. The attacking unit that starts the combat always gains +1 on the initiative unless stated otherwise.
---Defense is the ability of a unit of survive damage. Once the damage a unit takes equals or surpasses its defense, it is considered dead and goes to the graveyard.
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>Battle Phase
The steps of the battle phase would be like this:
1. The attacker chooses which units are going to attack, and it what order, before starting the attack. After that, the defender can choose the defending units. While the attacker is tied to the order mentioned at the start, the defender does not have to, and can change the defending units after a defending unit dies.
2. The attacker gains +1 initiative. If the attacker’s unit has more initiative than the defender, it strikes first. If the defender’s unit has more initiative than the attacker, it strikes first. If both have the same initiative, they flip a coin and decide it through heads or tails, unless specified otherwise.
3. The unit that strikes first uses its attack against the defending unit’s defense. If the damage is equal or higher, the defender dies. If the damage is lower, the defender does its damage. If an unit dies, it is replaced by the next, until one side has no more units.
4. Once an unit replaces the destroyed one, it attacks first, and the same process begins again until a side has no more units, or they end on a draw.
5. If a duel ends on a draw (as in, both sides still have units that have not been able to destroy each other), the battle ends and the attacking unit goes back to its population.

I have no idea if this is too convoluted or confusing. It is also dependent on the cards' effects to make things more interesting.

Also, if an unit has twice or more initiative than the oponent unit, it will attack first regardless of the moment of the battle phase.
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Also, this is the first draft of the possible units of the game after skimming over the lore. We ought to reduce them to a more manageable number, though.
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Here it is the character list.
We probably ought to add some more "generic" characters that can be used regardless of alignment.
Mercenaries or Sellswords could fit this type of settings.
There are plenty of those in the unit list, though we can probably move a few of them to the character list.
Three units I forgot to add.
>Centaur Forest Warrior
Unaligned, Centaur, Warrior, Cavalry, Centaur-like, Archer

>Deertaur Forestwalker
Unaligned, Deertaur, Warrior, Cavalry, Scout, Centaur-like, Archer

>War Engineer
Unaligned, Human, Soldier, Support
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Ok, we have a decent list of cities for the setting, thus we can choose from plenty of those for the populations.
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I imagine balancing the amount of gold given per turn and gold given when raided is going to be very important, though I'm not sure whether to add the cost to the units first and then calculate the gold generated by the populations, or the other way around.
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By the way, posting the city list. We still have to add those in Azan and other big empires.
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Updated skill list.
I have no idea what to do with the spells. Any of you have some ideas for this?
Updated the physical map.
Nice to see this back, I'm preparing to contribute in one way or another
Nice to hear that, every bit helps.
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Materials/Items list.
About the costs of the units and the populations' gains, I imagine we could take a small sample of units (about 50 or so) and try to balance them out first, and then gradually add the rest. I'm hesitant to add much to this, since I have little experience in homebrewing games, so any feedback would be appreciated.
Red pill me on grundiddy-i gromplos
Design this game to have simultaneous turns, there's really no excuse not to and it'll speed up gameplay especially in 3p+ games.

Also, give players more wincons taht don't knock out other players (religion, diplomacy, science work.) This will make multiplayer more fun, and give 1v1 strat variables.
When this thread started I created the Blind Bastard's Domain, what's happened in the past year?
Sorry, only my ideas were good enough to make it in.
You can check in here >>92955287 for all the things done, as well as in the wiki. We have plenty of lore as it is, to the point it is becoming difficult coming up to things that need expanding. Right now there are two big goals, making an abridged version of the lore, and the card game.
>Design this game to have simultaneous turns
How would that even work in a Mtg-style card game?

>Also, give players more wincons taht don't knock out other players
We already have two, taking the opponent's lives, and reach a certain amount of gold (or leave your opponent broke). What other possible options could there be, other than an Exodia-style summon or an insta-win spell like those in Mtg?
>especially in 3p+ games.
Also, we should probably focus on 1vs1 games first, better have a firm grasp of rules and mechanics first then expand on bigger games.
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Is there a silk road? Love me some silk road. Did you know it wasn't one contiguous road?
Here's an idea for a goddess of silk associated with spiders, caterpillars especially silkworms, trapping and binding, economy and civilization, comfort and luxury, sensual lust, surgery, clerics who're dressed up as spiders and butterflies/moths, and her artifact is a silk armor.
>Is there a silk road? Love me some silk road.
There are two trade lines connecting east and west of Giantstep, the northern one going across the seas of northern Giantstep and the southern one, crossing the Zulutaur Peninsula and areas of the soth to arrive to the Sea of Fog and Gilgemash and from there the rest of the southern waters.
Maybe not a god, since we would have to explain which populations do worship it, and that might clash with previous lore. But a demon of sorts can always be added, considering we don't have that many named demons.
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By the way, this thread is the 2 year anniversary of the original thread. Happy aniversary, everyone!
Any idea of what could we use as fortifications?
In real life adding a deity was a very easy thing to do. She would be worshipped in places on the road or connected, and the enemies of the places would consider her a demon of debauchery and excess.
Take any word for silk or silken one and give her more than one name. Si is Chinese and Serica is Latin so we have to names already.
Yes, but there are gods of trade already. Westerlings and zemylander cults have Zolovara, goddess of wealth (which is not precisely of trade, but of prosperity, wealth, hard work, cunning and so forth, which would probably include trade as well). The drow have Vivec as a somewhat god of trade and gogotha as a spider-themed deity/demoness. Zulutaur are somewhat shammanistic/animistic, and the merchant cities in the Zulutaur peninsula do worship the pantheon of whoever made then. The sultanate's religion is not that explained, so I guess it could go there, but their faith is barely explained, so we'd need to expand how it works first.

Meanwhile, adding some sort of demon of trade would be an interesting twist, and it could be more easily linked to the debauchery stuff you mentioned (maybe even make it a succubus agent?). Plus, spiders are already a symbol of Gogotha, the Spider Queen, leader of all succubae.
Maybe music instruments of war?
Drunig Goat's Blowing Horn, or Gnoll Wardrum?
What I was getting at was something more theologically correct. Deities of single spheres are a gaming convention. Rather than a goddess of trade she's the personification of trade routes.
You mean some sort of benevolent spirit instead of a proper god?
>If all lands on the map are destroyed [what?]
Maybe there's a tax of X amount of gold per turn, and the first to run out of money loses?
Where can I read more about the game system?
What about having "leader" cards (usually very important people in the lore) that provide passive bonuses while on the field (instead of a unit that can attack or be attacked)?

Could be Avangar, the Azanese Emperor, the Dragongod of the Hog-Men etc
Right now, this is all there is.

This thing is gaining momentum again? Neat!
Those are here. >>92958340
Slowly, but hopefully we do get some more activity. Since the lore has little room for growth left, the card game is the area which needs feedback the most.
>ould be Avangar, the Azanese Emperor, the Dragongod of the Hog-Men etc
Should we focus on characters alive in 3161 ABE, or should we add historical characters as well?
Until the spread of monotheism, there was no real difference other than "generation" in the sense of how they came about.
Well, like I said, we could see it as a goddess mainly worshiped by either the dirihadariran or the gilgemashi, since those two have no equivalent god. And there could be plenty of sanctuaries dedicated to it across the road paid and funded by its worshipers, with many other gods of trade/commerce/fortune/whatever also paving the roads.

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