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Old Mu Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, fight each other for victory.
A campaign mode is planned, and currently in the works. (you) are encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc
>Main Lore Doc, including links to anon-written short stories and additional lore in "Recommended..." section
> Unit Spreadsheet - Currently outdated, requires an update
>Unit Design Doc

>What can I do?
Shitpost, meme, get comfy. Read over the docs to settle in.
Familiarize yourself with rules and plan some playtests.
Contribute if you have ideas. Give feedback on contributions if you don't.

> TQ 1 (cont.): Please continue to offer lore blurbs for units in books, they really help giving structure to the factions.
> TQ 2 : So, the first campaign will be a race to a Temple it seems, anyone wanna shitpost some lore behind it?

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Update on the weapons. I bumped all handguns to ammo 5 (except the flintlock of course) and applied a -1 to accuracy globally, since anons seemed to prefer not to lower range instead. I would prefer to keep dual wielder a profile rule rather than something bought, I think it'd be too good as a rule wrapped into the equipment.
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And a tentative rework on the Mounts. I was thinking of added Deadly to the Cavesaur as well since he seemed lacking otherwise.
The Megasaur I will change. In light of the last game I think its more fun to spread around Knockback effects on those kinds of unit rather than just having it murder (plus the Saur Knight isn't a mook either).
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Atlan Warmaster:
The backbone of Atlan’s armed forces. War Masters are typically retired Immortals and promoted Reconquerers, who have proven their leadership and tactical mind. Before the Titanium King’s reforms, it was often a bought position. Although most of the old War Masters were either executed or made fugitive, a fair few well supported the Titanium King’s coup, thus keeping their head position (and head’s position).
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Thank you will add!
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Working on an intro blurb to the INNER SVN to put in the Ontology & Metaphysics section of the Worldbook, along with the Onion cutout map once all the names are done. Here's what I'm starting with

> Every Agarthan culture encountered so far include references to an astral body buried deep at the center of the Earth, which would be the source of most illumination in the Underground. The fact that it is very often depicted as a bad omen, and sometimes a monstrous godlike entity, has stumped Colonial anthropologists for a while now, as logic would dictate that Deepfolks would worship the source of their survival as a saviour, rather than a tyrant.

> Many who have visited the lower Layers will claim to have seen this INNER SVN travelling impssibly through its higher openings. These are mistaken, the bolide being no more than a strange mirage, which some posit to be an afterimage of the real thing, carried on its ray. Reports of encounters with Sky-People confirms this, has they have often (but always unsuccessfully) raced after the blazing ball of fire.

> The light of the INNER SVN is a source of wonder and frustration to all Epigean physicists. Despite being light, it seems to behave much more akin to humidity, often being compared to a fog or a lazy rain in the way it moves. It seeps through the smallest of cracks, but seem to concentrate itself in larger area, so that small caverns will still appear darker than larger. The many taboos of the Deepfolks concerning the INNER SVN has so far impeded any scientific inquiry into the matter. The simple rumor of Epigean scientists attempting set up laboratories to study it has been enough to get Deepfolks on the warpath.
that image the best one of those yet.
Anyone have a chart unit they want me to take a swing at?
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looks like most of the OG chart is done. how about this guy?
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Sorry about the lack of posting, took a small 24h ban on the nose.
In the meantime I went and dug up the Olm-men & Olm lore and added it as a blurb to the Worldbook.
> Olm-Men and Olm-Steeds are related species of amphibious humanoids native to Agartha. Olm-Men are best characterized as reclusive, unassuming, and mild-mannered. They have little interest in warfare or the comforts of civilization and are mostly content to keep to themselves under almost all circumstances. They have no spoken language, but have a system of hand signs that are designed to be either seen from a distance (though Olm eyesight is quite poor) or signed directly into the hand of another Olm-Man. They generally accept the name "Olm-Men" as the most accurate translation of their name for themselves (simply placing the palm of one's hand against the palm of the person you are speaking to) would be "men".

> Olms have extremely sensitive hearing, and while they are able to learn and understand human languages, it is extremely uncomfortable for them to vocalize themselves. They are not very dextrous, their hands better suited to swimming than working with complicated tools. They struggle to operate firearms, and generally lack knowledge of metalworking and other complex tasks. Olm-Men and Olm-Steeds are both primarily carnivorous, and they frequently cooperate when hunting the aquatic life of Agartha. Olm-Men in particular have a fondness for the shrimp-like crustaceans that dwell within the muddy bottoms of lakebeds where Olm-Steeds prefer much larger prey. Both are quite fond of eating fruit that has been allowed to ferment and become alcoholic.
> Olms who experience too much pain, anger, and sadness are often plagued by dreams of gnashing teeth and burying themselves in mud. Something calls to them, down there. In the dark. It disquiets Olm-Men greatly, and they do not wish to understand what this strange feeling in their hearts is.

> Olms have a strange fascination for theater, however, and have developed their own form of pantomime. Olm-Men will wear costumes that represent specific character archetypes and act out silent tales of ancient legends.They have been known to visit Atlantean, Yazata, Lemurian, French, and Satsuma theaters when given the opportunity.

> Olm-Steeds, however, are quite different from their Olm-Man masters.
> Excitable, aggressive, and toothsome. Olm-Steeds dwell in the same waters as Olm-Men, living nearby their encampments and wandering between lakes just as they do. Olm-Men do not believe it is possible to "own" an Olm-Steed. Rather, Olm-Steeds simply allow Olm-Men to ride them and will carry their goods without complaint. Young Olm-Steeds are quite prone to wandering, however, so Olm-Men prefer to carry goods in a backpack while riding these young steeds to prevent them from abandoning the troupe while carrying valuable supplies. Olm-Steeds are especially violent toward Morlocks, and it isn't uncommon for them to worm their way through tunnels the bony Morlocks cannot navigate in order to devour young Morlocks in their spawning grounds.
> In order for humans to ride Olm-Steeds, steps must be taken to convince the Steed that it is an Olm attempting to ride them. Olm-Man slime is collected and applied to armor or clothing to provide human riders with the scent of the Steeds' preferred riders, so that they do not buck and maul them.

> Olm-Steeds grow more sedentary with age and will frequently adopt a troupe of Olm-Men as their permanent home, following the little Olms as they migrate. These venerable Olm-Steeds are decorated with fine leathers and paints and are seen as a great blessing by the Olm-Men. Though old, these Olm-Steeds do not grow weak with age until their very last breaths, and can be ferocious defenders of their chosen troupe.
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And new version of the book.
We are missing entries for
> Gorgs
> Eloi
> Shadows
> Star Ancestor
> Basse-Guyenne
> Ys
> Reconnexion
> Lower Cappadocia
> Maximiliana
> New Alamo
> New Wellington
> Nouvelle Alger
If anyone got inspiration.
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In regards to the first Campaign scenario, we had landed on a race to the Temple, and had mentioned restricting it to "Core" Colonials (further Campaigns could have fewer restrictions, but I think its good to start with what's most polished), so Britain, France, Italy and USA (which means I need to get my ass in gear and clean up Italy before long).
I started making this map as a first scenario map, with the thought that all players might start on it (I would add designated Deployment zones for each, and how to Deploy if you have 2 or 3 players). I was thinking you could have NPCs Tribals & Morlocks on the left side of the Map, with the option to befriend them or piss them off, with this having an impact on the following games.
Also, thinking about putting multiple exit points on the left side, which would branch off in different paths.
Since this would be a Campaign where Expeditions do not stay in their Instances to build or explore, but race toward one objective, I was thinking we could keep it as simple as possible and have Expeditions moves one Instance per game along the path taken, with a "In the Lead" status effect that could be won or lost depending on what was achieved. The Player with the Expedition In the Lead gets first crack at any Instances he is in, even if another Player is in the same instance. If two Players are in the same Instance and none have In the Lead, they must play that game together and thus compete directly. Thus, the objective would be to get the Lead before getting the to Temple while still having enough Expedition members to face the Boss scenario (whatever it is).
Possibly, then, if someone win, he might have to face a Player's (or multiple player's) Expedition as he return?
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>(which means I need to get my ass in gear and clean up Italy before long).
Lets get this done.
Since Italians can shit out Volcanic Terrain like its nothing, and we've learned that Fire Damage is really good at dealing with Colonials, I thought about reworking Volcanic Terrain to this. (when you move through, test Fire Damage but only on the Limbs). That way its likely that the opponent would want to risk it, even with a guaranteed fail, if the move was meaningful enough. But it'll start adding up quickly and its Difficult terrain too so you don't move through it as fast as you otherwise would.
I'm thinking Favours could be simplified a lot. Not sure how.
Janara Magic I feel should have a test to it.
G. Pepe seems really strong, so I bumped his cost to 40.
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I lowered Discipline a bit all around, it was too high at ~7.
How does a guy who does pretty good in combat and buffs silver generation but also requires increasing amounts of silver bribes and/or parley rolls to stay on the board?
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that sounds really cool. gives me an idea for a unit. how do you think the silver generation buffs would work?
i think in the context of a Campaign it makes sense to call games something like Battles or Encounters.
>Unit of time, can be defined as you wish in the Campaign parameters (days, week, months). Each player participating in the Campaign must play a game per turn.
think Span would be a better term. i dont think Spans should have inherit qualities, other than draining Rations.
>The boxes in the diagram presented a few threads ago. These can be used to represent locations, specific events along a timeline, areas to be explored, objectives, etc. This is where the meat will be mostly fleshed up. We could have prebuilt maps for these, or map design rules.
i think Point would be a better term.
i dont think we should have branching paths or 3 players for this one.
>In The Lead
i like this. could assign a number to being "In The Lead" (Lead of X) and have certain things shrink your Lead; when you run out of Lead then a PvP battle happens at the next point, or if you are on a point then it happens immediately. whoever wins that Battle gains "In The Lead". if it was done that way, whoever has the Lead sets the pace, and unless there has been no PvP battles yet, someone will always have the Lead.
>Possibly, then, if someone win, he might have to face a Player's (or multiple player's) Expedition as he return?
i think this is necessary. maybe the way to do it would to have a PvP right before the temple, then after the Boss, if the opponent can still fight, he has a desperate chance to come back. it needs to be desperate or the strategy will become to throw game until then.
thoughts on all that?
>The Arabian Merc (10 Silver)
Mercenary, Character, Soldier
AP: 3
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 8
Strength: 6
Discipline: 3 (or 4)
Labour: 2
Awareness: 6
Avosion: 6

0 in all

2 Box

>General Abilities:
-Dune Warrior
-Dual Wielder (Sabres)
-Deadly (Bradsburg1861, Flintlock Pistol)

>Special Abilities:
Each time this model completes an action that would generate silver, test Discipline. If successful, double the amount. Otherwise, no silver is generated. This test may be voluntarily failed.

-Contract Negotiations:
If this model has not failed a “Money!” test by the end of the turn, it will become a Neutral NPC. Either side may pay the base recruitment cost again to re-acquire this model if they have an adjacent unit. The player who previously controlled The Arabian Merc may instead spend 1 LP to have a leader or diplomat unit attempt the “Promises of Wealth” parley action.
-Promises of Wealth (1 LP):
Roll an awareness check against The Arabian Merc. If successful, you immediately regain control. If failed, the price to regain control rises by 5 silver for each failed attempt.

This model may equip colonial ranged and melee weapons, and carry equipment.

This model may be recruited by EVERY faction. Yes, even that one.
His combat stats are VERY high for his price but the combination of no armour, low health, and the risk of him swapping sides maybe balance that out. I figured there should be at least one character that encourages blackpowder use because Jezails are cool as hell so here he is. Make sure to include the part of “Money!” that says he has to do the money-getting action himself because otherwise he is busted beyond belief. As it stands you send him up to open treasure chests (to look for secret compartments with more cash) or kill people (rifling through their pockets afterwards) and hope he doesn't keep it for himself. It encourages keeping a discipline boosting unit nearby to watch him which I think is soulful. Labour is low to prevent you from having him as a backline digging for veins. (“Me? Dig in the mud? Hah!”) He is here to slice people with funny curvy swords and shoot people with funny curvy rifles, and then to look for gold fillings in their mouths. His AP is high so that you can have him scramble for silver and also do something useful. Recruitment is a chart holdover but I do find the idea of a man so motivated by money that he would work for Old Mu or the Ottomans or Hyperborea very funny. ("Coin is Coin!")

This is one of those characters where I can practically hear him as a book character or RTS unit. ("Money! Money!")
Has Aeronaut Prof. Been done yet? I do quite like lighter than air flight so he might be next if not.
i had my eye on him, but i havent done anything yet really, so he is all yours.
it would be great to actually have his recruitment be "Can be taken by any Civilized faction".
nice. what do you think about changing it so he becomes Neutral if he does not succeed a Money! test? i think Discipline 4 is better, because otherwise i dont think he will consistently be around long enough for his peculiarities to matter that much.
>it would be great to actually have his recruitment be "Can be taken by any Civilized faction".
that was the plan I assure you
>what do you think about changing it so he becomes Neutral if he does not succeed a Money! test?
I'd prefer it so that you don't get any silver but he stays loyal so that way there's a risk but you still have time to make more silver before he swaps. If he changed sides as soon as he failed I think it would be too much of a risk to use him in combat.
>that was the plan I assure you
>I think it would be too much of a risk to use him in combat.
i meant "if he did not succeed any Money! tests last turn", but you are probably still right.
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>i dont think Spans should have inherit qualities, other than draining Rations.
My thought about it is to avoid situations where a player doesn't have to or can set himself to not play games by intent. Not sure if that really needs to be a concern.
>could assign a number to being "In The Lead" (Lead of X) and have certain things shrink your Lead
I like this, however for this Campaign I was thinking of keeping it short, maybe 5-6 Instances, so the Lead would have to be tight so as to be relevant. We could develop the mechanic right away for further Campaigns where it is relevant however.
Picrel is what I came up with last night.
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> The Marsh
> After half a day of struggling through jungles, the vegetation opens up into a nightmarish bocage. Expedition members must wade through the brackish waters, and survive its fauna.
A quintessential "Semi-Coop vs NPCs" game (if neither Player has the Lead, otherwise the other player plays the NPCs). Randomly roll something like 100 Silver of monsters from the Pelagic Problem list. Players may exit through the opposing side of the map if they want to rush.
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Since we are not doing branching out this games, I thought one way to introduce some complexity (and replayability, as well as testing out alternative endings) to the Campaign would be to have it unclear what type of Temple the Expeditions will find. Britain thinks it contains a map of all the currents of the Underground's oceans. France thinks it contains some Amazonian relics and returning them will buy the eternal goodwill of the warrior women. Italy thinks its a Temple to the Volcano Spirits. The USA thinks it contains Hyperborean relics. Even if the Expedition that reaches it doesn't find what they are after, it'll still hold value (if only as a trading piece or to deny it).
While sky-ship surveillance was spotty at best, it did locate an undiscovered tribal village a few days away from the Temple. They will undoubtedly be able to tell the Expeditions what type of Temple lays ahead, either by diplomacy or by force.
> The third scenario map contains a Tribal Village with Tribal NPCs. There are a few ways to learn what type of Temple lays ahead. Getting a Crit during a Melee might allow you to torture the information out of a poor tribal. You may be able to Parley for it, if you haven't previously pissed off the locals too much. All else failing, studying the totems laying around the village (much easier done with an Academic) might reveal it.
The first time a Player successfully complete the conditions, roll on a table for the type of Temple. The following two scenarios are affected by the result.
Pic highly unrelated.
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the penultimate Point could be The Corridor, which would be a cave map. the idea being that you have to go through a gorge to get to the temple, kinda like in pic related.
>My thought about it is to avoid situations where a player doesn't have to or can set himself to not play games by intent.
i agree, but we can just design everything so that is the case, regardless of if there is a written rule. still, it is probably better to leave as little unsaid as possible.
>the Lead would have to be tight so as to be relevant.
maybe we could have "Short Lead" and "Long Lead" mechanics, the first being the simpler version for short and simple campaigns, and the latter being for long and more complex Campaigns. so here we would be using Short Lead.
also, i think it makes sense for this game to be 2 Spans. the first would be The Docks to The Marsh, and the second would be from The Tribal Village to The Temple.
Further ideas for simple Campaign.
> Simple Settlement : In this mode, Expeditions do not get the luxury to build larger encampments in and in between Instances. Instead, simply record the Encampment Buildings controlled at the end of a game (only the Encampment Building built last game are kept recorded). These may provide bonuses for Link event resolution.
which would go along stuff like
> Event! [Deep Drunkness] : Roll 2d3. That many members of your Expedition of your choice must test either Strength, Discipline or Awareness, if failed they gain "Husking[+1]". If the Husking value matches either of this model's Strength, Discipline or Awareness, etc etc etc...
Depending on the Campaign this and others like it could be narrative events ("You unleashed the Curse of the Temple!") or it could simply be associated with a type of Link (so say its a branching Campaign where Expeditions decide their paths, some paths might require you to resolve Labour (Excavate) to dig through, others might make you test Deep Drunkness, others might have you test Evasion or you get tracked by Hostiles, etc etc. )
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>maybe we could have "Short Lead" and "Long Lead" mechanics, the first being the simpler version for short and simple campaigns, and the latter being for long and more complex Campaigns. so here we would be using Short Lead.
Exactly what I was thinking. Design both so we can apply it wherever it fits better. Allow players to design their own Campaign if they want too.
>also, i think it makes sense for this game to be 2 Spans. the first would be The Docks to The Marsh, and the second would be from The Tribal Village to The Temple.
So, picrel? Also, if a Lead is established its 6-7 games. I like that the length is not set in stone but won't stretch infinitely either.
i was thinking the Spans would have an uneven amount of Points. i like having something between the village and temple.
>Aeronaut Professor (17 Silver)
Mercenary, Specialist, Academic
AP: 2
Movement: 1
Accuracy: 4
Strength: 5
Discipline: 6
Labour: 5
Awareness: 8
Avosion: 6

0 in all

2 Box (Pilot) (Treat as Head)
5 Box (Balloon) (Treat as Limbs/Body)

>General Abilities:

>Special Abilities:
This model may begin play in reserve, and on subsequent turns deploy over any point on the battlefield. On activation it may elect to land, creating a 3-hex basket structure and 1 Hex pilot unit. It loses the floater rule and gains 2 movement on doing this. On subsequent turns it may spend 1 AP inside the basket structure to regain the floater rule, 3-hex size, and lose the 2 additional movement. Items and units inside the basket when relaunched are taken with it. (I do not have the time to dig up the embarkation rules but it would follow those as per tiger brigade or traction engine)

-Academic Specialty:
On recruitment, select one of the following templates for this unit:
This model gains the ability “There’s the weak spot!”
~”There’s the Weak Spot!” (2 LP, 2 AP):
Select one Deep, Beast unit within LOS of this model. All friendly units gain [Deadly] on any attack against that unit until the end of the turn.

This model gains the “Clear Skies” ability.
~Clear Skies: (1 AP)
Test Awareness, if successful Wind direction may be rerolled for this turn.

This model gains the “Remarkable!” special rule:
~”Remarkable!”: (2 AP)
When within LOS of an anomaly (TBD, lots of Mu and Lemurian things count presumably.) this model may test awareness. If successful, add 10 silver to the war chest.

This model may carry equipment and colonial weapons.

Can be taken by any civillized faction.
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I wrote this one in a bit of a time crunch so it might be a little incoherent. The chart said Cyptozoologist was OP so sorry about that one. Meteorologist is for if you want to use it as a troop transport but it might be too weak since you’re rerolling and not controlling. Anomalist requires me to write a list of what counts which I’ll do at some point later hopefully. This guy is pretty helpless despite his big health since he’s at the whims of the wind, but that feels appropriate. While you could in theory deploy it over enemies and drop down you’d 100% be losing the model which would hopefully not be a profitable investment. Also it won’t crush people it lands on.
"Amazing what 30 silvers can get you these days!" - anonymous Hungarian merchant in Maximiliana
Founded by the Austro-Hungarian empire in the aftermath of the Treaty of Venice, Maximiliana is the firstborn child of the controversial Austro-Italian partnership. Situated on the coast of the Dalai sea, the port of Maximiliana itself is a busy centre of commerce and a picturesque town that looks like it was transported to the 4th Layer directly from the Austrian riviera.
Beyond the port lie a network of outposts, most notable being the mining town of Neu Lemberg. Initially populated by the Ruthenian settlers from rural Galicia, fleeing abject poverty and famine, it would also become home to thousands of Balkan refugees dislaced by the Second Oriental Crisis. Here they toil tirelessly in hazardous conditions, mining the precious Orichalcum always in demand in the neighbouring Italian colony of Third Sicily. Still, most would prefer it to the life on the Ottoman military frontier or repelling the constant Atlan raids at Fort Radetsky to the south.
Some sneer in contempt at Maximiliana, calling it an Italian "sub-colony" where their German overseers hold the whip over the Slavs. Yet many Austrians take great pride in what is pretty much their only colonial posession, and it's role in the empire's newfound prosperity can't be denied.
Thank you, will add!
>i was thinking the Spans would have an uneven amount of Points.
Just to be clear, do you mean spots where battles could take place?
>do you mean spots where battles could take place?
Saw March or Die this weekend, might watch Savage Islands soon.
Would recommend the former for anyone in an Agarthan sort of mood.
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Will look it up.
> picrel
Too comical? Wasn't too sure what to do with his specialty meal, causing Fire Damage on attacks is plentiful in Italy, and this way even an Expedition that didn't bring Janara magicians (why tho?) can get one or two Hexes off during a battle.
The Lemurian Merchant: 20
Charter Academic
AP: 1
Movement 4, Accuracy: 5, Strength 5, Discipline 4, Evasion 6, Labor 4, Awareness 6
Health: 5
Armor: 000

As Speculated:
At the start of every turn, chose 1 model and Test Awareness. If Successful, if the chosen dies on this turn gain that models unit cost. If Failed, gain 1 Dread.

Diversified Asset: If this model is Shaken, and Expeditions do not have equal Dread, Test Awareness at the end of turn: if Successful, this model joins which ever Expedition has the least Dread.

Recruitment: Comes Mounted on Deep Camel. May take Rations and Material. Can be Recruited by any faction other than Mu.

The Other Merc. the idea is he already has the right buyer lined up for everyone's flesh, but he isnt that good at Prophesy so he didnt always get it right. when he speculated wrong he screams "IM RUINED!" or something to that effect, scaring the shit out of your guys. Diversified Asset is meant to show him always trying to be on the winning side, and trying to optimize his betrayals for maximum profit. once again, he isnt that good at prophesy, so the most he can tell is who reeks the least of ammonia without having to sniff and when he doesnt know which side to join he just stays where he is.
mechanically, he is a way to voluntarily increase your Dread and acts as an additional reward for predicting how the game will go. i dont think Deep Camels have been defined yet, but i know the Camel Back Artillery is meant to have them and they are meant to be low dread high movement. i figure they shouldnt be faster than a horse, and that his should be a bit slower because of all the Silver and Livers it is carrying.
not sure. will have a think. here are some ideas i had for american cook special meals.

Coffee: pending bonuses from Warm Meals or Rations are applied this turn. Does not require an Action to consume if adjacent to a Campfire.

Peanut Boil: every model adjacent to a campfire this model is also adjacent to may test this models labor to exchange 1 Ration for 1 Boiled Peanuts.

True Grits: ???

Special Ration: Boiled Peanuts: +1 Discipline. Cost 2
>when he speculated wrong he screams "IM RUINED!" or something to that effect
could also be the silent dread him knowing he lost or missed out on money, everyone seeing the their prophetic money man poorly hiding his dismay and getting worried.
change spicy pizza to spicy meatball please. Otherwise I'm fine with him existing since Italy as a whole is a bit of a meme.
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>change spicy pizza to spicy meatball please.
Will do.
Is picrel good?
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Does this work? I switched Contract Negotiations to "once after you succeed a Money test", its not exactly the same but its very close, and it seems clearer to me. Otherwise I added a blurb to say that the price is increased only for the one who failed the Promises of Wealth, was that how you intended it? I could see it both ways.
Pic and rules changes are cool, What's your rational behind the health buff?
Ah! Meant to say that, it happened a few times.
Characters have complex health profiles, Specialists have simple ones. I just switched it around for consistency. Same with Candleman.
With the health buff I'd advise bumping the silver cost a bit, maybe to 15?
Also, what was your reasoning for removing the ability to intentionally fail a "Money!" test? It's fine I'm just curious.
>Also, what was your reasoning for removing the ability to intentionally fail a "Money!" test? It's fine I'm just curious.
I thought putting it as a "you may take the test" and Contract Negotiations triggering on a Success (meaning if you decide not to take it it just won't trigger) did the same, however I realize now its not exactly the same, since not failing means you get the regular amount of Silver, the other way you had to waive getting it. I can switch it back if you prefer.
> bumping silver cost
Sure. He is a strong Character, I'm sure 15 is not overcosted.
Yeah switching it back would make it more clear the option is there. Thanks for going along with all the changes after the guys already been posted in image form.
Anyone you want me to tackle next? I might give the Eccentric Investor a try (I don't think I've done one of my own chart units yet so that might be fun.)
Book on the Hollow Earth created in 1904. Some very fun schizo theories in here. An example:

>That heat can come directly from the Sun seems an impossibility without some medium of contact, which through the coldness and a barrenness of space does not seem to exist.

>As we arrive at certain altitudes in the mountains, we find perpetual snow and ice, and the same class of atmosphere is encountered anywhere else rising in a balloon to similar heights. It would be natural to expect an increasing warmth as we get away from the Earth toward the Sun, but the reverse being the case, it is hard to imagine what the temperature of space 1,000 miles away must be.

>The question is likely to be asked, if the Sun does not send out heat, how is it obtained?

>The answer will be in accordance with the first proposition in this brief work. All heat is obtained by Friction, in absence of which there can be no heat. The Earth gets its heat mostly by friction through its atmosphere.

how did you find this? will be sure to read.
Came across it randomly while browsing instagram. It doesn't deal much with the actual hollow part of the earth, moreso just argues it exists and causes phonomena on the surface, but I think it's a good example of the kooky science of the time and could be a good source of inspiration for underground Science. Another funny example from it is he argues the gulfstream is actually a giant underwater spring like the sulphur ones you find in places like iceland and some parts of the US, and that's why the waters are warmer.
Anyone still have the Sling profile that had been suggested a few threads ago. If not I'll dig it up, its not issue. I'm putting up a temporary unfinished version of the Mercenary book and that's a piece missing.
sorry not sure why I replied to you for this.
Seems like the Sling was posted in one of those thread that didn't get saved.
what do you guys think about adding this rule to The Underground Railroader?

>Passenger Train: This model may not take Hidden Attack actions. Friendly adjacent models that are either Deep or Obscured may Hide, but may not take Hidden Attacks.
Seems excessive for a worker unit but having a sort of hide-guide unit is a cool and thematic idea. Specialist or hero trait maybe?
maybe it could be limited to 1 turn. at least the first part should be included because right now there isnt much reason to take them. hero trait could work, maybe for the officer as i think he is a bit bland as is. i think a specialist is a bad idea because the US already has too many specialists: might be worth making some of those into mercs.
also, i just realized Buffalo Soldier is missing from the US book.
Hide (as if is now anyways) should not be given to non-specialist or non-characters unless there is a blurb included that only 1 such model should be hidden at a time. Its just too powerful as both a denial and a AP compression point. Its like Rations you only need to test once for and can string along on multiple turns.
>also, i just realized Buffalo Soldier is missing from the US book.
wtf I don't get why there's so many missing units let me check it.
There's a /tg/ archive in 4plebs that should have everything.
Here it is. Also uploaded it to the Mediafire. This does not include yet the rework on Mounts & Ranged weapons.
Got it, thank you!
This model comes equipped with a sling, it may additionally carry equipment or faction melee weapons.
Sling: (Ranged)
Range: 7
Skill: -1
Pen: 0
Lethal: [X]
Reload: 1
Cost: Free* (Add to weapon list for normal units?)
Special: Stun
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2 books about traditional Kazakhs, could be good Mu inspiration. Note that neither is in English.



The second link has less in the way of pictures but there's still some interesting ones in there.
>Its just too powerful as both a denial and a AP compression point
true. what if it was like a skinwalker, as in you could link a certain unit to it and it is revealed when within a certain distance from the enemy?
also, what do you think of moving Miskatonic Advisor to the morlock book?
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Thank you!
He can be in both books, we have some shared units already (Heiress for example)
>the mu cherub
>rides a sick ram shirtless while shooting arrows
>increases dread every time they're shot at by colonials
>completely ripped
>not actually children
This feels too much like a compass unit not to be a thing.
>also, what do you think of moving Miskatonic Advisor to the morlock book?
Sure, or at least like >>93058558 says, no issue with copying it.
>what do you guys think about adding this rule to The Underground Railroader?
While that rule itself is too strong and a limited "hide" may be out of flavour, the Abolitionists could use a bit of polishing/complexifying. Maybe something about Ambushing from Pits, or entering Reserve from Pits?
Mu Cherub: Cost 12
AP: 2
Movement: 8 Accuracy: 5 Strength: 9 Discipline: 3 Evasion: 7 Labor: 0 Awareness: 6
Health: 1

>A Cute Angel: When this model takes a wound, this model must test Strength and the model that caused the wound must test Discipline. If both models fail their tests, the owner of the model that caused the wound gains 3 Dread.

>Acute Angles: This model may only Move in a straight diagonal line.
forgot the profile for the mount

Sick Ram:
[ / / ] / [ X X ] *Poison
Strength: 4
>Miskatonic Advisor
im not opposed to copying it, but part of my reasoning was to trim the USA's numbers a bit. either way i think it makes sense for him to be in the morlock book. it isnt that i like him in the US book, i do, its just that i think there are more fitting units that could be in his place.
>Maybe something about Ambushing from Pits, or entering Reserve from Pits
i think that would make them too situational, and there are already lots of ways to deploy in weird places more consistently, especially for the US. letting them enter Reserve from the board is cool, but i think it shouldnt require a map with pits. what about at a certain obscurity level? or if out of LOS of non abolitionists, or maybe just out of LOS of friendly leader and any enemy?
Or, and just spitballing here, let them do an excavate action to trigger it?
i like that!
Kek, I meant "sick" as in "cool" but it works.
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Love the atmosphere on this one.
Thanks again, I think I found the aesthetic for Mu Knights, if you guys agree.
In regards to the Aeronaut Professor, do you mind if I split it in two different profiles (albeit linked)? I was looking at ways to improve the Renault anyways, this could be the prototype for that.
>to trim the USA's numbers a bit.
It feels weird to me to export the Miskatonic Advisor entirely in Morlock. It feels to me like the US should be the ones to field someone from the premier US Agarthan Society equivalent.
If we want to trim down the US main roster, one way this could be done would be to split the book in 3 between Abolitionists, Federalists and Ex-Con, or make the Feddies the main US book and Abo & Ex-Con mini-factions.
>i think that would make them too situational
>Or, and just spitballing here, let them do an excavate action to trigger it?
Yeah, I was thinking they could have something about being able to excavate Pits from Reserve? Perhaps that's the tie with the Hidden mechanic? Like, you may Hide one reseerved abolitionist model, it digs, then spawns a Pit from which you can Ambush with the rest?
Feel free to do whatever you please to Aero Prof I wrote it way too quickly and I think I did a bit of a shoddy job.
what is the relationship between the INNER SVN, electricity, and the moon?
I really should go back and rewrite my olm stuff at some point. I think the ideas are there, but the prose needs work.
john atkinson grimshaw. i need to remember him. he really understands the appeal of city nights.
>It feels weird to me to export the Miskatonic Advisor entirely in Morlock.
maybe he could be a Merc, that US, UK, and Morlock can take. it would also make sense to move the Treasure Hunter to the Merc book.

>It feels to me like the US should be the ones to field someone from the premier US Agarthan Society equivalent.
i think the Miskatonic Institute shouldnt be the Agarthan Society equivalent. i dont like that 2 out of the 3 US sponsors are references to 20th century media.
i think it should be a not!Vanderbilt. still founded by him, but founded using Mammoth Cave and Agartha as "advertising", given it is close to Mammoth Cave and Vanderbilt likely owns the line to Franklin mentioned in the lore. something like "Mammoth University". doesnt have to be in Nashville, or be the Vanderbilt University we know, it might work better if it isnt; the point is that it is founded by Vanderbilt, is relatively near Mammoth Cave, and is the premier US Agarthan Society equivalent.
also, i think the forth Sponsor USA should be US Department of the Interior.

>make the Feddies the main US book and Abo & Ex-Con mini-factions.
spinning off ex-cons presents many more problems than it fixes, it think. spinning off abolitionists, could work but they would have to be fleshed out, and that fleshing out would likely conflict with the current timeline. i think the smart thing to do in regards to both of them, is to not make their conflict anything near central to the faction. "downward expansion" should be the focus, taking things from westward expansion and seeing how they would be changed by Agartha.

i know thats kinda alot. what do you guys think?
>Feel free to do whatever you please to Aero Prof I wrote it way too quickly and I think I did a bit of a shoddy job.
Nah it conveyed well what you intended, and its perfectly in line with how transport units were made before, but I realize its weird having the transport being its own full model with stats as if the driver was always glued in like the Renault, so I'm using this as a testbed to come up with something else. I'll post in the morning if I'm not too busy tonight.
It was written in post format, its normal it feels awkward, a lot of it I just copy pasted and removed the "olm-men" mention at the start of every sentence.
If you wanna redo it go for it 100%, but don't feel too bad a lot of the lore I shitposted in the Worldbook is awfully written.
>Treasure Hunter to the Merc book.
Its copied at the moment. I could just remove it altogether.
>spinning off ex-cons presents many more problems than it fixes, it think. spinning off abolitionists, could work but they would have to be fleshed out,
Reflexively I don't like the idea of splitting one without splitting the other. They should have essentially the same status within the US ecosystem, making neither more important than the other. At least that's my immediate reaction to it.
>Its copied at the moment. I could just remove it altogether.
i think its fine either way. im mostly just typing as i think.
>They should have essentially the same status within the US ecosystem, making neither more important than the other.
i tend toward agreement on that. what do you think about the Vanderbilt idea?
>what do you think about the Vanderbilt idea?
I don't have an issue with using derivative terms when they don't force the insertion of fluff out of place, so to me it appears as a change for a change's sake. It's probably more "tied in properly" with the Vanderbilt option so if other anons prefer this I have absolutely no issue with it personally, I have no attachment toward the MI being the MI except that I grew up reading Lovecraft before the Mythos got more popularized and more mediatized and as such I'm fond of it. I see it as a mention of honour more than anything, a callback to the comfyness of the 80s-90s that I see distilled in this setting (same with the Triassic Ranch).
I'm thinking on this as I write, so my thoughts aren't well arranged, sorry about that. I do like that this focuses things more on the Mammoth Cave. Geographically the USA are a sprawling mess, with the reader's attention pulled between South America, the West remaining Wild longer, New England going fishfolk fuckers, the Mammoth Cave, etc... Its a bit unavoidable without cutting down between parts of it but it does mean each area gets a lot less focus...
its alright your thoughts arnt ordered; same here, so i really cant ask anything different. thanks for replying regardless.
>I see it as a mention of honour more than anything, a callback to the comfyness of the 80s-90s that I see distilled in this setting (same with the Triassic Ranch).
i dont mean for MI to be replaced, just its position be made less central, you know? i do like the reference, and it isnt that i think it is too commercial or anything, i just think that MI isnt well suited to its current position.
maybe Vanderbilt opens his school in part because he sees MI becoming successful by having the only real Agarthan Science program state side, then the new competition has MI focus more on morlocks. maybe Officer Bubbles was inverted by MI. just spit balling. those are some ways MI could still be important, but take more of a back seat to allow for more focus. sorry if im being too pushy. i highly value focus, so i would be remiss if i didnt bring up ideas to increase it, but i do understand that it isnt the most important thing.
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If anything I think we should expand the academic side of things completely instead of adding or removing one or two. We have the Agarthan Institute in France, can't remember if we've discussed the equivalent for the Brits, and now the Miskatonic/Vanderbilt thing. I think there's a big opportunity to add both lore and potentially units or mechanics here. Hell, we could even write them as rivals or collaborators or whatever on projects and expeditions. We've really ignored the more civilian side of the colonials for a while now, and what better way to include them than through the ever growing institutes of science?
Tsardom Lore has a big Academic Org, Brits have Royal Society (Difference Engines,) Warfare Existentialists are technically academics and so are Knights of Brittania (Albeit mostly undergrads with too much money who read Arthurian stories until they cracked)

I always figured that Tsardom would have one of its subfactions be academics, since you can have mycologists and geologists and that one sociologist unit.
It's about that time again.
Soon, but not yet it seems!
>If anything I think we should expand the academic side of things completely
I'd be very happy with that, we've drifted away a bit from the "theory" side of the setting and its one of the aspect of it which I find the most endearing. Also, I still have to make picrel into reality somehow.
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I am officially on vacation, so I will start pushing ahead quickly on the Campaign side of things, among other things.
In other news here is what I went with for the Aeronaut Professor. Its split in two profiles, you get the Balloon for free by purchasing the Prof, but in the case of a campaign it would be possible to lose the balloon and not the prof, at which point you have to deploy it as usual.
I guess figuring out Anomalies could be a good way to give more focus/prupose to Academics at the same time.
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and the Balloon. The added rules are pulled off from the Sky-Clan book I had cooking up before starting the clean up.
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I think we have more than enough Mercenaries to playtest that the book being unfinished is not too much an issue. So here it is. There's going to be a lot of polish done to it, the opt. equipment in particular are probably all wrong on most profiles, but at least if people wanna playtest or see where its going it'll be available.
If a unit posted that should be there isn't there, it doesn't mean anything whatsoever on my opinion of the profile, i just got lazy these last few weeks, I'm gonna try and pick up the pace accordingly to make sure the lost thread fiasco doesn't happen again.
We should probably keep the links to the archive on 4plebs somewhere. Hell, we should keep an updated archive document with links in general.
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Yeah, I'll pull the one posted a few threads ago and start building up from there, put it on the Mediafire or something.
Tsardom's official (not the one in Kitezh) Agarthan science org is likely a branch of the Russian Geographical Society. We could call it something like "Permanent Comission for the Study of Agartha" like they did with the Arctic.
>expand the academic side of things completely instead of adding or removing one or two
yes. that makes sense.
would you be up for a test game mon/tues? maybe campaign testing?
nice. that chart will be very useful. what are your ideas with settlements?
>would you be up for a test game mon/tues?
Yes! We could do AM also, you had mentioned it would be easier for you. I`m gonna try and switch around to a day schedule and not waste my vacation days sleeping so it should really be no issue.
>maybe campaign testing?
I wasn`t planning on having it ready that quickly but we could try a game with Hostiles since those will be present? Maybe I'll rush the Marsh one and we can also try the Reserve mechanics at the same time.
>what are your ideas with settlements?
That roster is a bit older, when I had made it I was working on Campaigns from the angle of a old-Necromunda campaign, you roll territories at first, they each grant a small game bonus or might allow you to make cash in between games, and you just play games to capture each other's territories. Since we are moving from that its a bit up in the air but I definitely want to have at least one Campaign scenario which represent a slightly larger settlement trying to grow in the Deep.
I have to resist the temptation to try making up a diagram chart of all the locations linked throughout all layers, I've tried twice already and ended up scrapping the thing in frustration. Would have made a sweet iceberg meme if nothing else.
Also, I just had a thought.
Since I'm planning to have both "timeline" and "branching" campaigns, the endgame could be to have a campaign mode which can bracket in the others, so like a general scenario which is essentially "go and settle the most remote/useful spot in the Deep you can find, get rich", where the Instances are locations where you can travel to and from and represent larger areas, and then some events could happen where you trigger a smaller "episodic" campaign in it.
In regards to this Campaign and to Campaign more in general, should named Leaders be allowed to participate? Should I have a list of models prohibited from each roster? Since this is more of a lowkey campaign scenario, we could go as far as saying that all Leaders must be unnamed or built from Heroes...?
awesome. thank you.
>things that would be in campaign
that is what i meant.
i think that is a good idea. i would say must be built from heroes for this one.
These are supposed to be Xiongnu children based on Sima Qian's account. They would start praticing mounted archery by hunting small birds and rodents and riding sheep.
I cannot believe we don't have a portuguese merc unit yet.
Has there been a change to the posting policy lately? I'm using the same format but it keeps telling me a field is too long...?
Ok done new

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