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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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/TG/ has made both space marine chapters and guard regiments
However, I couldn't find a time when we made a forge world. So we are going to do just that, using the Forge World Generator on 1d6chan


We'll come up with a name, color scheme, logo, lore etc.
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I remember I saw a meme talking about how there must be forge worlds entirely devoted to paint production given how much of it the Imperium goes through for all their vehicles and marines

And I’ve always thought Gryphonne IV had the coolest symbol of any forge world. I think we should combine this and make our so far unnamed forge world’s main export paint and have the logo be Gryphonne IV but holding a paint brush.
would a forge world dedicated just to paint also require a shitload of biologists as well since a good amount of paint would come from organic sources
We used to grind up sea snails to make purple pigments. Maybe these guys do something similar?
Call it Citadel :^)
What happened to 1 through 5?
>underneath the forge world is a grimdark farm
we don't talk about them
Rolled 10 (1d10)

Rolling for Forge World Style
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Rolled 29 (1d100)


rolling for founding
can I make an archmagos for this forgeworld? Specifically one that isn't a paint obsessed maniac?
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>Unorthodox: Casting aside many ancient Mechanicus traditions in favour of their own, this Forge World diverges significantly from the norm.
Our Forge World believes in the worst thing possible, that there are colours beyond Red to paint our war machines with.
In its halls of colour pickers, it is whispered there you can find heretical choices, such as "Death Guard Green", and even some studied from xenos, a word you heard under hushed breath, "Wraithbone", but the co-conspirator who mentioned it was too not right in the head to tell you where to find it... you see the halls are dizzyingly endless and the difference in colour, so minute, it sends a human mad to find that exact shade of purple to match the drapes.
Hereteks are rumoured to roam the halls, after "The Colour of Warp", as if such a thing exists... one supposes it would be catalogued here by indefatigable servitors.

Could this mean we have the widest range of camo colours available to the Imperium?
>the widest range of camo colours available to the Imperium
Yer Omnissiah-damn right we do, anything from grox-shit-brown (also called Cawl Brown but you didn't hear that from me) to Yvraine's-shirt-she-stole-from-Guilliman-blue
This could have been done in the general.
I don’t see why not. Mars has Cawl after all, who is all about technology innovation and inventing new machines rather than preserving what the Mechanicus already has.
Since we're doing the paint forge world thing, I think it would be interesting if at some point in our lore the EC attacked the forge world searching of "the perfect shade for their armour."

Also is there a chart to roll on for our color scheme? I don't want it to be red like Mars and the majority of admech art.
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I can already fucking visualize their designs too. Drab brown & white clothes stained with numerous paints, the thicker the paint layer the more senior the priest. Smaller sects within the forge world focus on certain colors and stain their clothes to match. Machines turned into canvasses for artmagi and the armaments of the skitarii are loaded with colorful yet dangerous pigments. Paint, too, can be a weapon of war, whether it's corrosive yellows made from acidic subtances or radioactive blues crafted from metal dusts that turn the battlefield into a beautifully uninhabitable wasteland.
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So we're going with white or drab brown with splashes of random color for the skitarii then?
Delta-Theta 10
>"The Omnissiah's brush."

An unorthodox forge world originally founded during the Great Crusade for the express purpose of producing paint for the IIIrd legion. Possessing a unique STC fragment for a special paint that never: chips, flakes, fades, or needs to be reapplied. Today it now produces paint for numerous chapters. Its specialization in paint has also turned into an obsession, possessing vast farms of plants and animals under their forges and always searching for new pigment sources across the galaxy, they can produce any color imaginable in the form of this much sought after paint.

Given its age and specialization Delta-Theta 10 has endured many great hardships over the millennia. Most recently when the Great Rift opened, the Emperor's Children took the opportunity to invade in search of a specific shade that adorns their oldest armour and vehicles they are unable to replicate. Fighting is still ongoing as the loyalists await reinforcements from the wider Imperium, but so far the skitarii forces of Delta-Theta 10 have healed strong in the defense of their factories and homes.

Do we want to have knight houses and/ or titan legions or just keep it skitarii?
>Do we want to have knight houses
Maybe a loose affiliation of freeblades who come to receive a bitchin paint job, which they receive in exchange for pledging themselves to a Delta-Theta's defense for a time. This is where you go to get the knight equivalent of an airbrush job of a badass wizard on your van, they'll do whole murals on the carapace.
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either bitchin' wizards or smokin' babes.
While officially Delta-Theta 10 possesses no knight houses, there is ALWAYS a queue of freeblades or on some rare occasions entire knight houses somewhere in system waiting to get their chassis painted by the legendary artists of the world. Many of the most unique custom pieces of art adorning knights come from this one forge world and its creative tech priests minds.

They are ready to defend the planet at a moment's notice, either out of some sense of duty/ honor or a shot at a potential discount on their paint jobs.
They burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp.
I don’t really like this idea since I think it’ll be a bitch to paint if someone actually wants to make an army or artwork of this. Can we go with blue or green for the forge world or something? We could even do half colors like Voss Prime.
>paint model
>get random colors
>use sponge & wet brush to get some paint splatters
>maybe flick some paint from a distance
Y'know what fuck you I'm gonna buy a single admech model and prove your ass wrong.
t. Paintnoob
I was thinking about this, I feel like it wouldn't be too bad if you just flick it on by pulling back the bristles.
I was about to say the same thing. I think I have a spare enginseer lying around, I might try this. Just get the paint wet on the brush, pull the bristles back, and flick them. People already do this technique for blood splatter and mud
House Arizona are frequent clients.
I like the idea of ALL the paint in the Imperium being lead, further increasing aggressive and ignorant behaviors in an already untolerant closed society
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>Its specialization in paint has also turned into an obsession, possessing vast farms of plants and animals under their forges and always searching for new pigment sources across the galaxy, they can produce any color imaginable in the form of this much sought after paint.
>vast warehouses filled with vats of sea snails bred in captivity just for their shells
>massive aquaponic systems designed to grow all the flowers needed for pigments
>huge commercial forests for other pigments from barks, saps and leaves
It would be a logistical nightmare as you’d need massive agricultural base so it’s likely there’d be 2-3 nearby agri worlds just growing all the crops needed for it

There’s a few as well dedicated to consumer goods as well as the rich all need something to do so theoretically there’s a forge world that just produces vidya cartridges and it’s peripherals
Mr. Dice roller who's deleting his posts in frustration, there's a pin in the catalogue to help explain how you do it.
You put the command in the Options section of the post above where you put your message.
the real method is to paint them like a normal army using the default colors suggested, then you gather a bunch of paints, do a blind dip, then flick, and boom you got yourself a proper army for this forge world
>entire planetary system has essentially been flattened to allow for more types of pigments
>gas giants farmed into oblivion just for more types of paint, then reused just to become an factory for more types of pigments
>even the sun is used to create more types of pigments
>forge world does it so well they are giga wealthy simply due to how many deals they have
now the real question is do they have power paint brushes
>In a far flung reach of the galaxy on the outskirts of the Halo Stars, the ancient Mechanicus settled a forge world
>Orbiting a flickering brown dwarf, the "eccentricities" of this world have forced the priesthood of Mars to take a hands-off approach to compliance
>while never officially condemned for heresy, this world walks the fine line of having their biosphere reduced to flammable sludge
>The unsettling products of this world are disturbing to every envoy sent by the Imperium at large
>the degradated priesthood overseeing works esoteric, arcane, and pointless to outsiders

In the Grim Darkness of the far flung Halo Stars
There is only Autism
absolutely. paint sticks better to daemons and heretics if the brush is extra big and charged with unstable amounts of energy
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I like the idea they're only considered borderline heretical just because they really like paint. Like, the other cults mechanicus wanna fuck toasters or fuse their bodies into a giant steel abomination, but these guys like to PAINT like FREAKS. Keep an eye on them they're probably fellating slaanesh or tzeentch.
Seems like a simple kitbash for most melee weapons, just swap the tips with brushes of various sizes. Axes can be wide brushes. Oh and torrent weapons could have cans of paint jury rigged on.
Splatoon weapons can be a fun source of inspiration here too. Splatling gun, for reference
Another example that could perhaps inform an axe-replacement: staffs ending in rollers whose heads can fold into a vertical position to imitate the axehead
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You were late on the payments, check your contract.
lol This actually had nothing to do with that, and the fact you defaulted on your 7th repaint job this Standard Terran year is hilarious.
I just hate being your taxi to this cursed ass star, I am a Trader goddamn it and these far flung stars are HELL on my tithes.
Rolled 7 (1d10)


Rolling for skitarii legion strength.
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This is kinda making me want to make a DT-10 themed Hunter Clade kill team.
dew it, along with the mandatory kitbashes
Remember to post the results in this thread when you’re done. I want to see them.
Look lady, don't be complaining to me you can't get the fucking Uber Blacks or whatever, you decided to take this gig.

But you violated an irreplaceable relic of the Omnissiah, so now you get to learn why I call this Mechadendrite "Big Bob"
Could be rather interesting if they use Fordite as holy icons (Fordite is a byproduct of automotive painting, layers and layers of paint form into a multicoloured stone like material), if this world is painting 24/7 I bet it'd form everywhere
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Could help to attach an image
Tactical rock? No. Tactical Fordite.
Drab brown, it makes more sense.
White would look like they have clean outfits that they purposefully throw a bunch of their products at. The brown looks like the dirty consequences of their regular work and makes more sense to me
Rolled 4 (1d10)


Now rolling on the systems page star properties to find out what kind of star we get.
I think there’s some flavour text about pre heresy emperor’s children getting the purple dye for their armour by doing exactly that.
Then they couldn’t keep up the production line as the logistics for it collapsed during the heresy.
do you think they would have artisans attempt to make statues out of these
I feel that would be like a forge world making a statue to the Omnissiah out of slag.
You also tend to get brown when mixing many colors of paint together, which might be symbolic or something
To be fair it's very pretty slag
Right here: >>93036372
That’s now how this works anon, your newfag is showing.
You are supposed to tell other anons what to roll, not just roll for the things yourself, that defeats the purpose as you are just using the thread as your dice roller for things other anons aren’t able to get involved in.
Lurk more before you post
No offence but that's how every other roll has been done in this thread and every other creation thread I've seen.
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>Be me.
>Skitarii Marshal Dex-0101
>Watch from the shadows with the rest of my squad as five Emperor's Children terminators make their way through the dark halls of the Cyan Sector
>Omnispex says they are alone
>Power has been out across the manufactorums of the middle layer since our arrival here.
>We've had no noosphere contact in months.
>We outnumber them, but we know we can't take them head on without reinforcements
>And all of us know that's unlikely.
>I look up to the high ceilings of the facility an idea strikes me as divine revolution from the machine god themself.
>I raise my radium serpenta and fire at one of the rusted bolts holding a pipe to the ceiling.
>The pipe collapses, dumping void shield blue paint all over the marines, the ones without helmets are blinded.
>I send out a burst of binary and all my vanguard and ranger troops emerge from the sides of the vats and advance on the chaos marines, not waiting for the paint to drain through the grated floor.
>We advance through the knee deep paint not caring about the stains to our already paint splattered robes, overwhelming them with shear volume of fire, I manage to headshot a bull headed marine before the forge's automatic systems seal off the damaged pipe.
>The rest soon go down, without ever seeing us and firing blindly.
>Once they are dead, the Omnissiah blesses us with a glimmer of hope
>Lights illuminate the factory and the machinery resumes
>We have noosphere contact and I connect, only to be met with even more dread
>Fighting remains thickest in the violet and lavender districts, I wade through my backlog of notifications and desperate distress calls. Trying to get to the most recent war updates, but am unable to get through to any notifications older than a week before the power goes out and the noosphere is cut again
>I turn back to my troops I could tell some would wheep under their masks and helms if they could.
>"We're leaving"
>We turn and walk, blue marking the bottoms of our robes and legs to mark our victory here this day.

I can continue this story if people want more.
Yeah fuck them heretics they are NOT getting their super rare snail paint
Not all the roles were done by the same person. I rolled the star, but not the forge world founding or style. Also what >>93045835 said.

Continue the story Anon. The Omnissiah demands it!
I prefer tactical corium.
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I am behind 7 parsecs just try me you dildo nosed fool.
If you were really smart you would have figured out the countercomposite already, shame your schola failed you!
If you really do get off that paint-fanatical hellhole of a planet and find me you will get the Prize of Ages~
>there is a chance some of the paint the forge world produces is radioactive just to achieve certain colors
Fuck it, I wanna get some cranky ass robo-hobbiests that kill in the name of the paintjob.
Radium was a popularly used paint material back in the day. Very dangerous.
Also used in paint: arsenic, lead, mercury, uranium, mummified corpses, and antimony
Radium was used to make the phorphor in the paint glow.
If we're running with the idea that this forge world uses animals/plant/insects for it's paints instead of just chemicals. It would become a pretty juicy target for tyranids, granted the priesthood would probably be happy due to the influx of new exotic paints that can come from the nids
Admech vs Nids vs EC
then Knights come in with the steel chair
>it's back
thank you for remembering that thread

that forge world being in the same system as Hua Yuan would be hilarious

also going back over Hua Yuan now that genestealer cults are a full army would be fun

good times, thanks for reminding me
>magos the heretics are nearing our position what is your command
>flood the room they are in with rad paint
>Radioactive paintballs for DoT Cancer damage
>White smocks with paint splatter over the robes
>Vehicles are host to custom murals by the Arch Magos of the planet who has locked themselves deep in the studio to paint 20 vehicles at a time. They have a hobby that local Rogue Traders know that Impressive Imperial Guard grafitti inspires them that art in the Imperium flourishes.
>Considered freaks but are well protected due to the value they have to the High Lords vanity and being rather optimal in their production.
The archmagos is the equivalent of that one guy who only paints warhammer minis to show off and doesn't even play because he doesn't want his precious plastic to be marred by philistine hands
how dangerous would even breathing on this planet be
>huge assortment of various chemicals to help with color making
>even when you factor in the various natural ingredients it will inevitably create fumes
>then you have the ones using radioactive shit for glowie effects
>just long term of it seeping into the air for ten thousand years
simple, the inhabitants have evolved to better live there, meaning their bodies can survive there despite the toxic chemicals, similar to the people of barbarus
>He hasn't replaced his lungs yet
Portraitist-Servitors would be a really cool export as well, especially if their paints are renowned for their vividity
Also, I bet all the Workers are huffing paint 24/7, or maybe just the Techno-Mystics are in order to commune with their chosen aspect of the Omnissiah
>Huffing so much paint has somehow let magi tap into the orkosphere, albeit only for seconds at a time
>This has been mistaken for divine wisdom
>Green is da omnissiah-est
Brown for regular menials; White is assigned to higher ups and the "Honor Guard" forces
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A proper color theory autist could probably create subfactions based on the use of sacred paints
>Standard practice is to accept the mixing of colors as it comes, but never to seek it out: the pursuit of such is sensationalism near heresy.
>One faction believes in only sterile lines and well-defined borders. Their dogmatic pursuit of firm colors produces the most consistent tones of any Delta-Thetan forge, but their defiant resistance to gradients and mixes (and the burden it places on their peers) has earned them a reputation almost as negative as the Xenarites of the Mechanicum as a whole.
>The categorization of colors and their presentation have religious significance, and the maintenance of such practices is a ritual taken as seriously as any other Tech-Priest dogma.
>Prized artwork is produced and shipped Galaxy wide to nobility through Rogue Traders buying it cheap by the thousands due to the Skitari forces being artists themselves off duty. It is only the Servitors with spraycans and following orders who know not the joys of creation.
Stop this slander! Cawl is not an inventing heretek, he is merely rediscovering knowledge in the ways of golden age humanity as well as their actual inventions.
Not brown or white per se, but rather undyed cloth of increasing quality based on rank. Given their beliefs, the notion of intentionally coloring your outfit is seen as unacceptably vain. Likewise their armor, weapons, and vehicles are all bare metal initially and slowly take on paint over the course of use.
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>create subfactions
Maybe not subfactions but subdivisions of a hive city
The hive city is a physical color wheel.
your colors are drab cawl, DRAB
>We slosh our way through ankle deep paint water, the Delta-Thetian paint not washing off our metallic bodies and robes thanks to its unique properties.
>Our once pristine white robes remain paint marred with spatters from the various districts we've fought across, most recently the band of blue along the bottom.
>After hours of marching without rest, we reach the outflow pipe into a large canal canyon.
>I stare up at the natural sky for the first time in what feels like years and am met with a vision of horror.
>Far above the chemical soaked sky is still present, but its vibrant colors are tainted by smoke of burning forges darkening it.
> In front of the backdrop of once beautiful shades are helldrakes, and thunderhawks dogfighting with our own paint splattered archaeopters and avengers.
>Given the thin slice of sky I am seeing it is impossible to tell who is winning, so we do not let it concern ourselves and trust our comrades in the air.
>We find a fire escape and begin climbing up the ladders to exit the canyon of steel
>Shots ring out once we reach the 5th level, and we spot several chaos cultists on the other canyon wall.
>We open fire and manage to make a few fall to the sickly waters below, but not without the cost of some of our own
>Suddenly several cultists fall one after another from shots fired from down below
>I risk breaking by concentration with my servo skull and see 5 or 7 sydonian skatros snipers have joined the fight, firing with their radium jezzails and transuranic arquebi from below
>The cultits are pulped by the high caliber shots, some shooting the scaffolding and causing them to plummet several stories down
>Once the enemies of the Omnissiah are dead I lean over the railing and give a salute to our comrades, they salute back then the stilt walking snipers continue their journey down the river of paint water and corpses
>I quickly do a count and see we've lost 5 of our own. but nothing can be done, so we continue our climb
>Be me
>Repenting sinner for my failing my duties to the Omnisiah and producing less then optimal painting batch
>Put to the detail crew where my wonderful mess of a robe was taken away, all my earned drops and splashes from the dripping buckets hanging above us to my daily work gone as I am given ceremonial punishment robes I cannot get dirty during my tenure detailing the mechwork and finer patterns given to us by our most prominent of clients.
>stain-proof punishment robes
Torture. don't let the archmagos know this but if you singe the robes certain pigments become harder to wash off
>the magos found the singe paint drawer
>We reach the top of the canyon and find a door to a pillbox by an anti orbital gun.
>I extend my data spike tail and give my authentication codes causing the door to slide open and a met with several galvanic rifle barrels.
>Looking inside I see they are Delta-Thetian skitarii, and relief fills me.
>Only for my artificial heart to skip a beat as I notice their robes are pristine and white, meaning they are either under punishment for crimes, or have been hiding in this bunker throughout the invasion.
>I feel anger filling the organic areas of my brain only to pause once I see the skitarii alpha primus that must be commanding them, her robes are almost as vibrant as my own, and I wonder what stream of events brought her to command these blank canvases.
>We lower our guns I didn’t even realize I had subconsciously raised and exchange introductions and I catch up on what’s been going on, on the surface.
>Situation is very grim across the hive city, they’ve had more contact with the wider noosphere and give us updates on the movements of the wider traitor forces.
>So far there’s no sign of Imperial reinforcements but a ray of hope shines as they place down a marker on the hololith table.

“We believe we have triangulated the location of the chaos lord responsible for masterminding this invasion.”
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Is this going on 1d4chan/ 1d6chan?

Should we consolidate what’s “cannon” about Delta-Theta 10?
Definitely. I feel like stained robes as a symbol of seniority/experience is cool as hell. Most of the thread can go into the wikipage, don't see any ignorable outliers.
I saw someone arguing about whether Delta-Theta has underground farms, just uses straight up chemicals, or imports from agri worlds for its paints. Might want to sort that out a bit.
God I hate color theory
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that's not even color theory, color theory is about what colors compliment/contrast not what they represent
I feel like it would be half in house half imported, like perhaps there's an agriworld in the same system that does the farming of pigment plants while DT 10 does the snails and other plants & animals that don't require sunlight. Similarly, certain paints that require mining have their pigments imported from off world. A mining world that ships off the "useless" minerals that don't immediately help with killing things could work. Delta-Theta 10 isn't UNINHABITABLE, it's simply not fit for every method of material production. Maybe to go with the snails and other plant life, there's underwater labs that use and preserve the sea's natural resources, such as sulfur vents and algae. It could also be why they might seem borderline heretical, they didn't immediately strip the world bare of resources and actively tries to keep what few farmable resources there are intact. That's like, 3 billion bolter rounds they could've extracted
It's a two-camp idea for me.

Where one is the symbol of seniority where there is more mixes and splashes of paint on experts and HQ's.

The other is that it's Ad Mech and thus Mechanicus religion of sorts where perhaps the inverse is better. Those who boast clean robes are seen as those good enough to afford such luxuries or their skill in keeping them clean in a massive factory where paint spillage is common place and seen as part of the training like it's a Kung Fu training ground. The stains on your robe, from your art or fighting or inability to repair machines show your experience and the state of your robes and mechanics can be shown. Human organics are frowned up because they are either weak to some pigments or the obvious 'it flakes off due to skin shedding' and thus seen as something rookies have to hide more of their mistakes. Pristine robes and clean mechanics show one who is clearly able to avoid any kind of spillage or mistakes or the like amongst their fellow acolytes as an example to strive towards. It's however a dying practice as even some teachers who like to bear the some of their mistakes to seem more humble and grounded compared to those who seek status and praise and come to the Forgeworld for internships to bring back to their own Forge Worlds to hone their talents further to obtain greater skill and knowledge that can be found there.

Basically, Imagine a Kung Fu school but it's Golden Demon Painter Master Class. Paint splashes come in all sizes and colors that it isn't just the front of your robes getting dirty; but the entire place drips with paints, splashes with paint, your higher ups carry out paintball guns to pelt you with if you have failed in your duties or training. Menials/worker class drones are encouraged to have the same mindset, but it's not as pushed as those who are actively training to be Tech Priests of Delta-Theta
Is there anything inherent to the planet that makes it special as a forge world? Something like Lucius' artificial core.
Colossal archaeotech vats? Natural waterways across the surface repurposed into paint aqueducts?
It's dedication is towards producing and maintaining the paint standards of the Imperium and supplies most of the known galaxy with overoptimal output. It's essentially one of the oldest Forge Worlds that served the Emporers Children alongside it's normal if strange paints to the greater war effort for the flashiest of Space Marine armor.

The issue is despite how great that output is, only 10% is dedicated to warfare and is mostly dedicated to arming the Skitarri forces to send out "Hunting operations" for rare pigments to complete a century old request for a painted portrait by the Archmagos himself for a Planetary Governer. It's workers experience constant chemical haze as the Ad Mech here are known to never actively search for lost technology outside of local recovery operations with no active importance placed towards such a task and instead rake in cash with demands for custom paintjobs with blessed paint that doesn't ruin as often when soaked in Ork blood. All manner of the arts can be built and crafted here according to fitting specifications such as statues to the Emporer to be blessed and installed by the Ecclisiarchy, or specialized barrel designs for weapons or whatever. They are essentially a powerful but useless forgeworld whose value is only seen by the highest nobility of any race. Dark Eldar raiders, Ork Speed Kultz, and the Emporers Children are known constant foes while they maintain good relations with most of the Imperium if lacking true purpose as one of the oldest remaining Forge Worlds that (heroically fought against their former allies, The Emporers Children/is working hard to pay for the sins of joining the traitors and supporting their allies, The Emporer Children) during the Horus Heresy.
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“We believe we have triangulated the location of the chaos lord responsible for masterminding this invasion.”

>Those simple words fill me with more hope than I’ve known in months that we’ll finally see the end of this conflict.
>Alpha Primus Xor-Dal XXXII hasn’t sat idle in her duties to defend the orbital gun.
>In her spare time she’s been triangulating vox traffic and troop movements, and deduced the most likely place the chaos lord is hiding to be Hive Vibrent, just across the fordite wastelands of the hued desert.
>Unfortunately she is sworn to protect the gun and cannot make the journey.
>I of course understand and my troops restock on the ammo and supplies she can spare along with 3 of her most determined blank canvases to recoup our losses somewhat.
>We say goodbye and make a promise to meet up once this is all over, then at the break of dawn we set out to Seaweed station to cross the desert and make our way to Hive Vibrent and cut the head off the snake.
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Hopefully this is an improvement
Awesome, great job
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This forgeworld better be a necron tombworld.
I'd say nah, but having one of the nearby planets be subject to such dangers would be fine. Like, Perhaps a nearby pleasure world dedicated to the arts and a retreat for the Imperiums Nobles in the local segmentum where the craze of the "Mystery Iron Statues of the local jungles" lead to an attempt to contain and stop a tombworld from awakening and it is drawing a local dynasty to claim the lost relics.
>planet has a crashed Necron ships on it
>over millions of years it's buried into the ground
>forge world gets built on the planet
>admech finds the ship, thinking it's just the top of a tomb complex
>both terrified they're on a tomb world and it'll wake up while also wanting to explore it as much as they can
>also worried the inquisition will come and nuke them from orbit
Eh, I like the idea that the forgeworld is near-perfect if strange because most production is just paint, art supplies and all sorts of nods to the hobby and art in general.

They are strange because they wouldn't really focus on grabbing Necron tech to study, they are focused on painting and production. They go hunting not for ancient tech but new pigment sources and blends to maintain their color library. While still following the rules of Mars, they are not bound to them and will add decorative flourishes and finishes to their designs to sell to nobles wanting their personal guard to have blinged out Imperial weaponry
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Maybe a necron lord who was an artist in life came across Delta Theta and is camped on a nearby moon or tomb world just watching them paint. Like the equivalent of a world class painter watching kids draw and being fascinated with what weird ass finger paintings they come up with. Occasionally he intervenes in battles, maybe roughs up the admech to push them out of art blocks, all the while making sure other dynasties don't attack.
Rolling for what Delta-Theta 10 made before becoming infatuated with paint. They're still produce it, but in extremely limited quantities as homage to their history
Rolled 57 (1d100)

>necron ship leaks a seemingly infinite amount of red, gold, and black liquid
>admech uses it for paint
>necrons are increasingly pissed the imperium is using some insanely advanced exotic material as paint
well no shit they still make them how else can you get a nice big canvas that can also kill heretics and xenos?
A single manufactorum in the southern hemispehere still produces the vehicles that this forgeworld was founded for under the careful watch of Fabricator Locii Tibizx. In the pursuit of metal treatments to improve resistance against corrosion and battle damage on these vehicles, this forgeworld's true calling was discovered. Fabricator Locii Tibizx's methods while effective, are unusual. Pict-screens within the headrests of pilot's chair, multiple vox-casters mounted on the external hull, servitor-assisted suspension, and a myriad of other unusual options. But nothing can be said to detract from the skills of his painters. Leman Russ tanks awash in a spectacular array of colors, Rhinos with racing stripes, and the White Scars seek bikes from this Forgeworld specifically once every millenium.
very nice
>10% of the planets production is local defense production of weapons, vehicles and armor for the local PDF's of nearby planets.
>Another 15% is supplying basic demands from the local systems on various manufactured civilian goods
>Atleast half the planet is dedicated to pumping out and producing tons of paint to ship across the entire Imperium for use along with storing knowledge and records on their production, the various materials or former materials needed to produce this wonder paint and those kept secret, locked away from the Imperium in deep vaults.

>The main issue with the Forge World is that they had to make another nearby Forgeworld to pick up the slack this one has because despite it being perhaps one of the best functioning Forge Worlds that actively supplies most paint across the entire Imperium to almost ever Forge World that it's easier to get paint from Delta-Theta 10; kinda only produces paint for anything it can send outside the system.
>They are kept afloat by having friends in the highest of places in the Imperium
>Have a glowing friendship with Mars from their side, with massive issues and skepticism from Mars and other Forge Worlds due to their connection with a Traitor Legion in the past, their unorthodox urge to create (while they will follow and make sure weapons are produced to STC compliance, they will however make customized bolter muzzles or handgrips for wealthy clients to offer their bodyguards)
>Those assigned to local Imperial Guard squadrons are shown to get along well. One Commissar wrote down his initial grievances of the act of 'painting the tanks in their freetime' until the miracle of how a single Chimera bearing the snarling design of a beast the techpriest and some guardsmen worked on together managed to chase away an entire front of Orks from the trenches and into the advancing tankline that had circled round to pin the works.
that does bring up a good question, would their painting ideals make various machine spirits happy
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if putting LEDs, stickers, and figures of you're waifu make your computer go faster, theoretically, so should painting a mural of a smokin' hot technonun on your tank. Besides, it's not the WORST thing you can do to a machine spirit. At least you aren't installing the Dreaded Lavender Jokaero into it.
Argued theory that makes them considered somewhat radicals in the field. They argue that a Machine Spirit is personalized and given forth new pride in such displays her crews decor her with. Those of Mars argue that is discrimination and defiling the noble spirits of their blessings.
Among the most fervent and isolated of the shade cults, there are those that believe there is a proper hue for every machine. And that nearly every machine currently under construction is being made every so slightly wrong.

Some consider this dangerously close to labeling all under mars false doctrine
>"wh- HERESY!"
Delta-Theta 10 was originally founded JUST for the soul purpose of providing paint for the Emperor’s Children during the Great Crusade. After the heresy, they branched out into painting other chapters and knights. They weren’t doing anything before this. See:
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>schism on the forge world is created by those who thin their paints and those who dont
>You see, Guardsman #123412351234, it is imperative for the functioning of the machine that it has the flaming skull decals on the side. Testing has proven that it increases the efficiency of your machines by up to 72%
>As you continue to insist that blessed machines produced by Delta-Theta 10 must lack these sacred markings, we have logged your complaints under "spam"
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False. Any claims of a heretical "thickened paint cult" living under the hive cities will be met with extreme prejudice.
>"Yes, chapter master, I understand your chapter's primary color is gray, but the archmagos deemed it imperative to color your vehicles as he says, and I quote, "I'm not gonna deal with some gray tide [expletive redacted]. Paint your [expletive redacted] dudes or get the [expletive redacted] out of my [expletive redacted] forge world." May I recommend a fine blue wash with red accents?"
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Latecomer to the thread, but I love the use of "Blank Canvases". That's a fantastic touch, and I really just adore that.
It could be that at first clean robes was a sign of seniority but as the old guard died off the newer ones took stains as a symbol of experience. It's not just from messes, it's from wiping your hands, from cleaning your brush, from toiling for hours on a piece. You are as much of a canvas as the machines you work on, each stain a moment in the tapestry of your lifetime devoted to art and steel.
I'll use your body as a paint can if you continue with this heresy
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>The chaos legions had made planetfall and quickly beset the manufactorum from all sides
>Sabotage and ongoing combat had damaged several pigment pipes, spilling layers of paint that created a vibrant mire
>Due to the dogmatic beliefs of the Fabricator General Xenethal, many techpriests and skitarii were hesitant to wade through and chose to instead venture around
>Not the lowly vanguard squad led by R-255
>They crossed the river, their once pristine white clothes absorbing the colors into an oily rainbow
>As the legions struck down the mechanicum who had unwittingly been funneled into killzones, they became so absorbed in the violence it took them a moment to register the crackle of volleyfire
>One lord falling dead, the rest of the chaos marines fell into disarray
>The Stained Rangers continued to rout them, allowing reinforcements into the factory floors
>A few stragglers mimicked their comrades, going through the paint they had once avoided like a disease
>R-255 did not dispose of his robes after the incident, rather wearing the stains as a badge of honor
>The tradition spread, and as a new Fabricator General took power in Delta-Theta 10, it became standardized
>We reach Seaweed Station and manage to sneakily commandeer two passenger cars on a train headed right for Hive Vibrent, letting the heretics unknowingly take us right to their leader.
>We begin passing over the hued desert, once an ocean, millennia of dumping fordite rocks here has completely filled in the sea transforming it into a wasteland of colorful rocks visible from space.
>The water is totally gone, nothing is out here but miles and miles of fordite as far as the eye can see, and the rail line that connects the Cyan Sector to its fellow hives.
>The train will take us three days to get there, with the skies being what they are this is the fastest route provided theirs no interruptions.
Thanks, got the idea from Cadian white shields.
Auto sage, my dude.
evens and there's at least some amount of orkz raiding the planet for colorz to make their stuff faster/shootier/luckier/stealthier/tougher/orkier

oh yeah one other thing
someone please post that image of a guy in front of a crowd of people wearing very colorful camouflage and he's thanking them for bringing their camo because it'll help them go undetected
it's important

we're nowhere near bump limit/autosage, newfag
Oh, you don't know the new rules old one.
Janny hates OC and made a rule that bump limit is hit after a thread is up for a week.
They 7 days us, and losing great threads like this one too soon is the consequence.
nuh uh
the thread was just bumped
This is a seriously good thread
Checked. A great idea. Also it's great marketing.
>you can't really call yourself a proper Freeblade/ Trader/ Mercenary if you don't have a DT paint job.
Would these priests even have the time or inclination?
Maybe DT-10s Fordite is renowned across the Imperium for statuary and jewelry, So much so that a profit/favors could be turned for what otherwise was waste.
>op posted monday
Great, we have a thin 2 days left huzzah let's make the most of it!
It's probably made into stuff by hive dwellers as a way to get some chump change from visiting rogue traders and knights. There's at least 1 cult that worships some fordite statues of the god emperor that accidentally manage to quell any genestealer infestation because when someone goes "I LOVE THE FOUR ARMED EMPRAH" they just look at their shitty yet two armed fordite statue and go "hmmmm but my statue only has 2 arms"
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>I'm not gonna deal with some gray tide

So what’s our forge world’s take on the Grey Knights?
>Different levels of grays & blacks
>Colored greebling
Barely get a pass, the baby carrier does not
I think positive/neutral to all imperium forces, much more so then normal mechanicus, is where we are at... But I think at our position we aren't privy to such information as the Gray Knights since they aren't grey, they don't need paintjobs given their 'shining steel and gold aethstetic'.

We are essentially a large scale, well run but highly unfocused ancient Forge World that is addicted to huffing paint with relics such as "The Paint commissioned by the Emperor of Terra before the Horus Heresy" (Remains unfufilled because Malcador had yet to sign the paperwork and so it's been sitting in the warehouse for 10,000 years. Has been the target of theft by 5 different Alien races and 4 traitor warbands for some reason.)
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I feel like the paint is so sought after because it doubles as extremely durable armor. Like Custodes' armor strong. Slap that shit onto a Leman Russ and it's got 2+++ saves
It’s just really good paint from an STC.
>”Possessing a unique STC fragment for a special paint that never: chips, flakes, fades, or needs to be reapplied.”

The EC are also after it because they couldn’t replicate the color on their old armor exactly in 10k years.
Who knows whatelse lies below.

But if in general about our paint? I'm more for "We produce and ship out fucktons of paints that thousands of Forge worlds and planets don't have to produce it. DT-10 paint is seen as the quality good brand across however much of the Imperium we wanna brag we ship to.

Also, we need to up our pun/reference game for notable characters and locations if anyone wants to track those.
Archmagos Picassus, not sure of the lore to put to him, but the meme of a name makes me huff through my nose in amusement.
They use paint, their ships use paint, they most likely make specific request of the most esoteric psycho-active pigments for preparations in Titan laboratories… so probably a cordial relationship with some friction over the pigment thing. They grey knights must pay handsomely to cover the slight of demanding materials to do their own painting, a privilege no other faction gets.
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Do you think they had to rename the colours of the Traitor Legions post-heresy?

For example: Phoenician Purple -> Sovereign Violet
Checked. The previous Fordite post was also a dub. I'm taking this as an omen, Also it's great flavor.

Even in the grim darkness of the future there are locals hawking baubles and trinkets to feed their families or take the sting out of life.

I was reading 'Titanicus' during Jury Duty, Even though a forge world was being invaded by Chaos Titans there was a shop owner who made walking, wind up, scale models of Titans.
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Checked, you're onto something.
I see >>93036498
And raise you JDFs Moè attack heli
Getting straffed by CAS hurts, But the juggy Sister of Battle DT10 art was the salt in the wound.
Love this thread.
Maybe tech-adepts and skitarii get brown rags and tech-priests get white robes that get a ceremonial splatter of whatever paint their station produces? That way the Magos looks like a proper painter.
This is great. Paintball cancer is hilarious.
>arming the Skitarri forces to send out "Hunting operations" for rare pigments
Fucking gold.

Part of me finds artist tech-priests oxymoron. Like they're careful with the colors for the sake of the machine spirit, but it doesn't ring mechanicus if they're painting landscapes and portraits.
Maybe if it's for the sake of preserving knowledge of how something looks? I think there's no color screens in the grim dark future.
But archiving is more Administratum
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Behold a Delta-Thetan love story
>Acid rain patters off the train during the second night of transit.
>So far no heretics have come to check on our carriage, but I leave two vanguards guarding the doors round the cog just in case.
>Tomorrow morning we reach Vibrent hive.
>Suddenly something begins rattling the train.
>I find a window and look ahead.
>With the light of lightning, explosions, and the burning hives flickering in the distance like candles, I make out the silhouettes of a few loyalist knights and several serberys raiders and sulphurhounds charging the engine pelting it with shots.
>A Gallant charges forward and rams a carriage in front of ours, causing all subsequent cars to derail, including ours.
>I have just enough time to send out a binaric order for everyone to “brace” before our car is sent spinning off the railroad and we tumble around like rocks in a dryer.
>During the spinning I lose consciousness…

I know we are very close to the limit, so I will call this story here for now unfortunately. I know people hate cliffhangers, but if we ever do another thread fleshing out Delta-Theta 10 more I MAY continue this story. Or just make my own thread once I can think of a proper ending. Think of this as a “to be continued if we get a season 2.”
>lol in bionic cant
Unfortunately our most recent supply of purple has already been used to paint the Hawk Lords and Soul Drinkers and the next supply will be used for the, let's see here... uh, the "Lean Lords" and the "Apothecaries of Piccolo"... huh, never heard of them before. If you would like to place an order, please get a ticket. The wait time is currently 55 terran cycles. Alternatively, we do have a back order of magenta that was never claimed.
Okay, DT-10 is awesome!

Some suggestions:
War campaigns. Because DT-10 has many good reasons to fight!
>Delythian Tyrranid Swarm in the Miganglo Sektor was erradicated and harvested for BPV-1009c and BPV-1007.d-f, photoluminescent pigments of an unknown composite that prove to keep their luminosity even in harsh condition.
>The hunt for an Necron Tomb Ship of the Cairn Class in the VT93 Alpha Secor. A major space fleet campaign that was supposed to end in a major blackstone harvest together with a support from forge world Agrippa. The operation was an attempt to circumvent tensions with Mars in the rather delicate topic of Blackstone aquisition for the creation of MPV-009v pigment. Major failure due to the desintegration of the Cairn Class ship after it took heavy damage.
>Overtake of a minor aggricultural Tau colony. The Tau provided usefull base for a servitor workforce to start a mass production of a BPV-0098c based on a local plant. BPV-0098c proved to be the best red undertone to paint seals of purity in artworks.
>Capture of the "Emporors Fervor", an Adepta Sororitas Destroyer, in order to conserve several artworks embedded inside its altars and basilicas. These proved to be original artworks created by remembrancers during the time of the great crusade.

Also, what do you guys think about DT-10 having a major collection of art to copy/learn from and also having an ass load of servitors made from remembrancers and artists? Like, DT-10 having a dark past of making remambracers disappear during the heresy because of their worth for the art.
Typically servitors don't keep much from before being servitorized, so I don't think servitorizing a remembrance would accomplish much personally
most likely
you did a pretty good job
imagine carving chunks of those into dice to use when playing a DT10 army
now that is a true inpiriation
Real fordite's expensive as diamond studded shit, here are some cheaper alternatives
what kind of weapons would this forgeworld use? I vote for an alchem flamer type weapon that sprays the unrefined compounds that the forge would turn into paint
the consensus in the thread was weapons that shot toxic/radioactive paint in addition to whatever their typical effects were
also their melee weapons are styled to have the business ends resemble painting equipment
Since the rolling has been a bit disorganized and largely untracked, here's a post containing all of the charts rolled on thus far.

Forge World Rolls
Chart link in >>93031789

>Unorthodox: Casting aside many ancient Mechanicus traditions in favour of their own, this Forge World diverges significantly from the norm.

>War World - The 41st Millennium is a time of war, and not even Forge Worlds are free from it. Despite formidable defenses and nigh-unlimited resources, this forge is embroiled in a war for its very survival. Yet even so, the Imperium's demands must be met, lest other worlds fall.

>Great Crusade - As the Imperium began to spread across the galaxy, this Forge was founded at the behest of the Omnissiah, that the ever-ravenous appetite of the growing Imperium and its Great Crusade may be met. This Forge World bore witness to the horrors of the Horus Heresy and emerged scathed, but loyal.


Yet to be Rolled:
>Special Product Bonus
>Mechanicus Demeanor
>Skitarii Type
>Legion Strength
>Who is the Forge World friendly with?
>Who are the Forge World's enemies?

Star System Rolls

>Star Properties
>Vigorous: Steady white light. All zones normal.

Yet to be Rolled:
>Everything Else, including System Features
Rolled 8 (1d10)

rollan for special product bonus
Let's see that would be...

>Sophisticated - Far more complex and intricate than the normally simple designs of the Imperium, these arms and armour hold a degree of complexity on par with the more esoteric weapons of the Mechanicus.

So, the vehicles are not bulk produced but the base forms of them also aren't hand-crafted. Does this mean that the various patterns of vehicles produced by this world are treated more akin to a canvas? Like if they want to paint their equivalent to the Classical style, they go for X pattern which has specific types of guns laid out in one manner, while if they want to do their equivalent to a Cubist style, they want Y pattern which has different guns laid out in a different manner?
Rolled 9 (1d10)

rollin for demeanor
Enemies and friends were decided in the thread, unrolled for.
>Freeblade knights wanting that bitchin paintjob
>Emperor's Children CSM
>Independent - Paying cursory fealty to Mars, this Forge prefers to stay independent of the wider Mechancius, to the point of arousing suspicion and the occasional attempt at investigation by Martian loyalists. Exactly how successful these investigations were are up to you. Alternatively, the Forge may just be too isolated without any suspicions involved. May automatically be taken with Silent Forge.

Seems to pretty strongly vibe with how people have been thinking about the place. Maybe pushing it a tad further along? Maybe we align a bit more with Cawl as a side effect of him being a really consistent customer because he bought a lot of different colors of paint from us for his projects, unlike the rest of the Mechanicus which taints us by association for the more puritans? Perhaps not aligning all fully with Cawl either because he's only been sticking to standard red robes.

Yeah, that slipped my mind when I put it up when I was busy jumping tabs to get all that compiled. Though since the Forge World has been around for 10k years because of our Great Crusade roll, we could have the Freeblades be Long Standing/Ancient Friends and Emperor's Children be Long Standing/Ancient Enemies, and we could use Rolls to determine some more recent friends and enemies that have come up during the current leadership's tenure.
>lavender jokaero
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can this be our forgeworld's representative from the ecclesiarchy?
Cawl himself does not care, but our forge leans to his side because Primaris Space Marine Power Armor is larger, leading to increased demand in all paints used as chapter colors.
Don't they also have larger vehicles as well in order to fit the bigger power armor?
There's forge worlds that put STCs in altars or vaults for worship rather than actively making use of them in manufacturing processes (some perhaps due to not having access to produce them but wanting to keep them, others just to worship)...
Would this Forge World hoard STC blueprints and fragments for smaller vehicles that they never make use of because that means less room for paint?
YES! But it is a heavily guarded secret and over the last 2 millenia at least 3 inquisitors had fatal accidents in our vaults.
there could be forbidden pigments//resins accessible only from nurgles garden of some other heretical source. unscrupulous smugglers would have to go to great lengths to acquire such specimens.
A fleet was once sent into Nurgle's Garden to try to "rescue" Isha, because a faction wanted to have the Goddess of Life for the sole purpose of forcing her to create new plants and animals that could be made into new paint varieties. It failed, but they are very interested in these reports of the Emperor setting Nurgle's Garden on fire.
it is made from the same kind of exhausted source as the rejuvenation treatments in The Great Work.
Nobles literally die because we really like certain shades.
rolling skittle flavor
Rolled 2 (1d10)

epic, critfailed when rolling to input the proper dice rolling option
1d6chan page when
>Skitarii Mars Pattern - A force of enhanced and well-equipped warriors, organised and augmented along the lines of their Martian forebears.

So we just get the generic standard skitarii.
no, they are standard skitarii with AMAZING paint jobs. if you look onto it at the right angle on a world with a clear sky, you can see the reflection of the empyrean in it
Seconding this.
thirding this
I always liked the look of blued steel and think it would contrast with the red robes.
The Emperor's Children target them solely for their unique shade of purple paint
looking forward to more, anon. it's been an enjoyable read
Rolled 9 (1d10)

rolling skittle legion strength
Maybe for the next forge world we do. We’ve already decided on the paint scheme for this one.
fourthing this
oh wow there really is a timed autosage
this fucking sucks
Just make a new thread when this one expires, archiving this one on sup/tg/. It was what was done with the Hua Yuan Exterminators. Have the starter posts summarize what has been done so far.
does suptg auto-archive or do you still have to manually input threads to archive them?
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