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Reflections started off as an idea seven years ago, at the time a certain Old School Magic club was trying to make an edh format using only cards legal in 93/94. Too make up for the lack of mono-colored legends, unique characters who weren't legendary were errata'd to count as legends for deck building (Abu Ja'Far, Uncle Istvan, ect). I thought this was dumb and said 'hell why not design some fucking fake cards that feel old school to be legends).

This was the primordial genesis of the idea. A discussion of faults in the design of OS Magic as a format (as well as the format I played at the time, 95) had me thinking of what if during the 95 drought, an emergency set was made.

This would allow me to experiment with mechanics that were once in color (blue burn/land destruction, banding, red combat tricks, ante and poison counters), while also expanding the Old School pool, in theory.

I made the rule that single color legends and enemy colored cards were allowed, but no mechanic introduced in Ice Age or later would be allowed.

Early on, the card text was deliberately archaic, but when it was discussed printing these out on card stock, a close friend of mine made the suggestion of modernizing the card text, which made for some more interesting dynamics with creature types, but also including phasing, indestructible, and fear, all mechanics that exist in some form in the earliest days of Magic, but didn't come to be keyworded until much later.
Combine this with several cards stolen from design sheets in the earliest sets of the game that never got printed.
That same friend also made a suggestion that I should exclusively use public domain art work, which led to me restudying, and researching art schools and history, which I absolutely am grateful for.
This is for feedback, and all feedback, from wording, to mechanics, to hell, flavor text, is encouraged.
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Part of a cycle of 0 drop cards, Creation was designed as a way to help people who wouldn't have access to Moxes.

Its draw back is fitting for a strong effect as a free ramp.
This was the first colorless card I included in the set, and its because I couldn't fit such a beautiful art piece on a standard card.
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Setting part 1: The Plane (which I haven't bothered to name) was created shortly after the brothers war, by a planeswalker who's name and visage has been lost, but is known as The Creator.

The Creator, according to the holy books of The Church of the Creator, tried to create a world without evil, but evil came to the world anyway, and without his physical form, must be engaged in and destroyed by any means necessary.
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I love paint and color change effects, which is why this is colorless. Plus who doesn't love this piece by Monet?
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Put them in a collage and post them in /ccg/.
Don't you mean the /mtg/ thread?
Holy fuck who cares?
Shit your meaningless thoughts onto X like everyone else
I like it, show more
I care and want you to shit your meaningful thoughts onto this thread like nobody else
I'll post more in the morning
Holy shit, my dude. The art selection on what you've posted so far is so-so. But this one is chef's kiss.

Also don't listen to faggots like >>93569129
Generals have their purpose. But not every thread has to be a reply chain in a general.
You should compile these in one place so we can see them all and give feedback on the set as a whole. Posting them one at a time is inefficient for you and us, the thread has a post limit smaller than your set.

These designs are nice, but you should do some proofreading of the card text. For example:
Missing punctuation in the flavor text, use "It's" instead of "Its"
Comma instead of period. Uses old templating, but I asssume that's intentional.
"one" instead of "1"
Should be "target player's". You really shouldn't quote it as "The Bible", you can just say 1 Corinthians 2:7
This one has a really nice mechanical design, I like it.
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Thank you for the feedback! Already fixed. I was going to say Magic cards quote it as The Bible, but it turns out they only do that in Portal/5th/6th edition.

Yeah I designed this card around the art in its entirety. Some art pieces I saw and it just all clicked together.

Lore: Angels think of all evil as worthy of death, but greater evils are the most heinous. The mere presence of a demon in the plane can send the remaining angels into a frenzy.

I like lord effects, and I felt a conditional one on an already strong creature type was flavorful giving the context.
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Redirection effects are typically in the realm of red and blue in the color pie. Though white has a long history (which it sadly doesn't get much of anymore) of damage redirection.

I figured it would be in flavor of white to redirect a spell from one of your permanents into another, whether it be self-sacrifice or acceptable tactics is up to the player to decide.
>effortful thread shows up
>pop into it and seethe for no coherent reason
Please fuck off, glowie, we know you're trying to kill this website by making discourse insufferable, but you're too dogshit at your job to even be good at this very simple task. Hope your employer sees this
Hey, check em

The card "Exile" from Alliances started life as a card called Marriage of Convenience, which hard the art for Unlikely Alliance. The idea was similar to Swords to Plowshares, but instead of becoming a farmer, you were getting married. Several try hard's in R&D complained that a tournament caliber card shouldn't have such goofy art, so Exile and Unlikely Alliance was created instead.

I always wanted to revisit that idea of a creature getting married, and this was an early design I made for the set. Partially inspired by Loyal Sentry. It actually went through several different art pieces before settling on this one.

Ruling: The creature it exiles doesn't have to be white, it just has to block a white creature. If, for example you block a non-white creature in a bands with a white creature, or you give her the ability to block multiple creatures, you can exile a non-white creature.
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oops, forgot image.
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A rather boring, but necessary for limited archer effect. However, I feel a rather good one.

Lore: Britonia, based on the name I ripped off from IRL, is an Island Kingdom, one of two in the twelve kingdoms. There is a king, but he has little control over the island itself, and in fact, is almost never home, instead choosing for whatever excuse he can not to be present.

Instead the island is ruled by various squabbling clans, lords, ect. However there are two things that unite the squabbling Britonians. One is their hated for outsiders, which surpasses their hatred for themselves several folds, and their superstition that on their northern shore, one day the giants will return, and enact revenge upon them.

The Britonians are famous for their longbow, their construction a fiercely guarded secret. Real ones and fakes do occasionally appear in the main continent, and owning one in some parts of The Realm can bring prestige to the rich merchant or lord who can show it off.
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Some cards just need simple effects to grant you advantage over the course of the game.

Church is one such card, which doesn't exist despite how clean it is.

It should be noted while designing these cards, I kept Mana Burn in mind, and they should probably be played as such, but one life a turn really that game breaking?
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Despite what I just said about mana burn, Bands with Others is intended to be played with the modern rules (M10), which ironically is how most people 'played' the mechanic before that anyway.
You'd never get art like this today sadly. Christian euphemism with a heckin white male as a representation of God? Not in my Wizards of the Coast!
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Nope, but I'm sure you'll get a black Jesus card eventually. I'm sure he will wear a rainbow robe as well.

I always disliked the fact Divine Transformation didn't give flying despite the art clearly showing wings. I decided to revisit the concept, but to not make a strictly better version of the card, made it cost 5.

Ironically the art I settled on (though I really like the art) shows the wings in a considerably more abstract way.
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This card broke my rule for knights with first strike. I guess he isn't the only one without first strike however.

A simple classical design.
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I really like this design. Again showing a classical archetype in card form, this time, the child squire.

Theres some really interesting implications with this design from a story perspective. A knight can sacrifice his squire to save himself, or is it the other way around? These sort of 'story moments' if you will, is what I feel is lacking in modern MTG design and function. Its just number crunching and EDH memes now.
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As posted in the OP, the original goal was to experiment with mechanics from the first few years of Magic.

Banding has tons of room for development, as it never really had a day in the sun. Here we see a simple effect, enhanced if used on a creature in a bands.

This is far from the only one in the set, but the first one.
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I wanted this to be a white version of Hell's Caretaker.
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I always liked effects like Pacifism and Serra's Bestiary.

This ones inspired by Bestiary more so then Pacifism, and as such, holds a different type of draw back. It should be noted, unlike Bestiary, if someone how the creature becomes untapped, since the tap effect is a triggered ability, you can in theory activate its effect in response, if able.
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This is part of a cycle of 1/1 for 1 with protection from their own colors.

Some changes were made to them to fit art I could find.
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"...and so God made a farmer"

Honestly the speech inspired this card, the other free life gain card in the set. Probably annoying to face down in a draft, but I'm sure not a deal breaker.

Fun Fact: This art piece is a propaganda piece from WW2.
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One of several graveyard removal spells in the set. White early on shared a 'legends matter' theme with green, but most of those cards had been phased out as I reduced set size from 500+ to 350 (plus 20 basics).
People there don't play magic

Nigga, we are talknjg about a collage to preserve it in the archives, you schizo, stop thinking everything is your boogeyman.
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You can preserve this thread in the Archive

Early on I had planned to take a page from Fallen Empires, and have colors be their own enemy. Honestly Fallen Empires had a lot off good ideas, had it just been bigger.
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Though I tried hard to not make any 'strictly better' version of the cards in the original coreset, I did make an exception to this, which combos two of my favorite cards, Blaze of Glory and Righteousness
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Its strange now, but once white had access to Trample creatures. Most famous include Moorish Calvary and War Elephant.

I wanted a "champion" knight that was the embodiment of knightly glory of the errant. A pseudo-Don Quixote idealist.
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DEI coming through. In reality these were designed as means to show how plainswalk could fit onto cards when Rosewater said 'being sneaky on the open plains doesn't make sense' in regards to the lack of plainswalkers in the game.
>"nooo ackshually we were talking about something never mentioned in this thread"
But I'm the schizo. Holy fucking kek.
>implying you can only ever archive generals
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The Kwanzaa are a universally collected name for people on a wild continent far to the south beyond the desertlands. The Sultanite manage several outposts on the border where various seemingly nomadic tribes will meet and do trades, often trading ivory, exotic spices, and even occasionally gems for food and alcohol.

Attempts to colonize this region always end in disaster, as besides hostile locals, great beasts and inhospitable weather welcomes all strangers. Beneath this seemingly never ending savannah is a primordial jungle, at least according to legend.
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The "Vertical Cycle" of cards were a replacement to a serious of banding with other creatures that had firearms. This came after the decision to modernize the card text and three unique creature types (Rifleman, Musketeer, Cannoneer) didn't really make sense. Instead I had discovered the art of Fernand L'Olivier who in the 1800's drew art of locals in his French colony, and I'll be honest, I really like how it looks.
Why don’t you care?
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He might have already been fired.

I like local enchantments, I especially like enchant lands, and this allows you to tutor and enchant land and put it on a land you control.

If this set is plaid in a vacuum, every Enchant Land costs less than 3, with one being offensive (intended to be played on an opponents land). In this vacuum the card is good, but far from broken. I'm honestly not sure how it does compared to the larger pool, even when isolated only into 93/94.
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Idk if I can post this
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hey it worked

Did you know Leeches from Homelands is Mark Rosewaters least favorite card? He almost autistically hates it. Did you know what I did?

Yes made a reference to it, in this case a leech healer, who can heal poison at the cost of just a little bit of blood. Honestly, I think its flavorfully justified as a card.
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The first of 5 World Enchantments in the set. This one represents Limbo, or a place to basically lounge around in as you wait to go wherever.

The original text had you put the cards under Limbo like with Purgatory and Safe Haven. However with modernization of the text, I changed it to this. Remember, you can cast any creature under Limbo, not just yours.
Already gone woke
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No if it was woke, they would be kangz.

If anything, this historically accurate depiction is outright racist to the woke crowd.

First Lord. 5 card cycle of lords who boost two related creature types.
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Does anyone else miss damage redirecting?

I do.
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Honest question, do you think this effect is too strong /tg/?
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While the 'biblically accurate angels' meme might be kinda cringy, there is a long study on the various thrones, or choruses of angels in Catholicism.

Ophamins are one of the highest levels of Angels, being the wheels within a wheels described in the Book of Ezekiel.

I wanted to go the route of a white Cosmic Horror, and a massive Angel higher than other angels in power.

As to why it exiles itself, instead of going to the yard, its returning to a heavenly realm. A continued theme with angels.

I just wish I could getter better art for this.
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Remember when WotC got rid of Cleanse? Do you think they would ban this too?

After all, the entire destruction of evil seems problematic, doesn't it?

Ironically this is more inspired by the card Hellfire from Legends. It also has a black counterpart you'll see later.
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I love combat tricks. I love versatile combat tricks in particular.

Parley represent that versatility to its fullest. Perhaps you want to save what would otherwise be a destructive block and buy yourself a turn. Perhaps your attack didn't go as well, and you want to pull out after a well played combat trick. Perhaps you want to abuse banding.

A Parley, French for, to talk, is a meeting on the battlefield to talk, a temporary truce, or a conversation before or after a battle to avoid hostilities.
Actually, Catholics do not use the name Ophanim traditionally. We call the wheel angels from Ezekiel "The Thrones". They also aren't the highest level. The highest level is the Seraphim, seen in the book of Isiah. After them is the Cherubim, who are the ones covered in eyes, and then the Thrones. Ophanim is a Jewish concept, I think, and probably closer to the Cherubim.

Check out the Chaplet of St. Michael the Archangel to get a quick feel of what the choirs are in Catholic tradition and what each choir is entrusted to do. Also note that there is no settled teaching from the church about angelic hierarchical structure, so different Catholic philosophical traditions may reject the Choirs concept.
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You are completely right, I remembered Seraphim right after I wrote that. Despite my posting it's been a long Friday, and I'm kind of burnt.

Peasant Knight is inspired by the song of the same name.
When I first started this, I asked the OS community what was some flaws with OS. One of them was the lack of efficient cheap creatures.
There was a time where there was a serious discussion if Savannah Lions was too strong. I figured to make an in flavor fixed Savannah Lion.

The peasant knight's heart is in the right place, but he's directionless, and without someone telling him where to go, he will sit there.

I also like the thematic idea of him and a squire going on adventures together, which combo together fairly well for a white weenie deck.
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I forgot Peasant, which is part of the 0 drop cycle. This being a creature, I removed the land restriction that is present on the other cards of this cycle.
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I did do this angel too.

Ironically I have an Angel of Thrones that didn't make the cut in this set, though it has little to do with the chariots of God.
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Several cards in this set share names with real world cards. I don't care, as long as they aren't old school cards.
I can respect other cultures, and I especially respect Japan. They fought a blood hell of a war with us. Then they almost destroyed us in business. Respect.

I wanted to include a samurai from the get go, and at one point there were four in the set. I whittled them down until this one was left.

"Bodyguard" creatures were a odd white staple in the first few years of Magic. Oracle's Attendant, Martyr's of Korlis, Kjeldoran Royal Guard, Veteran Bodyguard. All creatures with strong toughness that redirect damage to themselves.

This doesn't do that, but instead replaces it with the ability to block any number of creatures. It also has a flavorful draw back, due to certain stereotypes associated with samurai.
Really loving it so far, OP. Can't wait to see Red
You should put these on mpcfill so players can print them!
Oh you're in for a treat with Red. Lots of barbarians and giants, a card left on the Alpha design sheet, as well as a card deemed to broken to be printed in The Dark. I really like how red turned out.

LEGENDARY WALL!!!! Whats behind The Eternal Wall? No one knows
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What is MPC fill?

I designed this as part of the 'experimenting with banding' thoughts. A common joke is that the creature can't ride Mesa Pegasus, so I designed one that could.

Honestly, if this was actually printed, it would have probably been a 1/1, but I want the cards to be somewhere playable in a limited setting.
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This card is obsolete in a way. Early on, there was a 'suicidal Kolbold' who was a red creature that was a 1/0 for 0. This card would have served as a way to keep him alive.

He didn't make the cut into the set, instead replaced with another free red card, but I figured white needs a crusade effect. I decided to keep the modern text on castle instead of the old 'while not attacking' clause.
I went through the thread. I really don't like any of these. I think there is thought being put in but the end result is fairly low quality. I would retool quite a few of these cards/art choice/effects in one manner or another. I hope the next batch is less bland and uninteresting.
I would definitely play a cube of these cards
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Well what would you suggest. It's easy to criticize, not nearly as easy to suggest.

Please, no NWO or FIRE designs though, that isn't real Magic.

Thanks. We're only in white!

I've had this design in fan sets since I was a young teen making terrible mark ups on Anycraze.com. Man I miss forums sometimes.

Anyway this is another knight errant design, being able to have a landwalk ability of your choice (as far as basics are concerned).
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The last monowhite card in the set. The Watchers are inspired by the same ones from The Book of Enoch. They don't get involved, they watch, until they don't.

As for what the Grigori do, you'll have to wait until I get to black to see that.

Thank you everyone for the kind words and encouragement. I'll come back tomorrow and start on blue.
>Well what would you suggest. It's easy to criticize, not nearly as easy to suggest.
NTA but the design you posted is functionally identical to an unblockable monowhite creature with first strike. And if you can't be blocked then you really don't need first strike. It's just bad.
It looks like /ccg/ died permanently while I wasn't looking, so I can't fault you for making your own thread, but I can still tell you that there are internet communities where people do this all day and have been for years, they'll give you much better feedback (but also less praise and less attention) than what you'll get from the front page of /tg/.
Except you can't always guarantee your knight will be unblockable, and there are times where you're better off not attacking. The first strike works better for that, and more importantly, it's on point for flavor, since its well, a knight.

I'm well aware of that argument, because MaRo coined it years ago. I use to hear that on the mothership all the time.
>Except you can't always guarantee your knight will be unblockable
If your opponent is running any (not necessarily basic) islands, or any planes, or any forests, or any mountains, or any swamps, then you can guarantee that the knight will always be unblockable. The only justification for a mechanic like this would be if there were nonbasic-typeless-only manabases happening with some regularity as a result of other set mechanics, and then this mechanic could highlight the difference between a normal manabase and a blank manabase (because the player is going to say "What's the difference between this card and an unblockable card?" and in that case the rest of your set should answer the question).
Also white shouldn't be unblockable, it's out of color. Landwalk abilities go to every color because they're color-hate, they're a kind of conditional unblockability, but if you give landwalk for any land type then it's no longer color-hate, it's a blue or black ability.
Putting first-strike on an unblockable creature isn't as bad, sometimes you block with an unblockable creature and sometimes the first-strike matters. It's not exactly good but it's also not as bad as the other things.
Whatever man, I'm glad you're having fun, hopefully more people will start doing the same thing and eventually the custom cards threads will come back.
The VAST majority of landwalk abilities match the color of the card its printed on.

Of the 27 cards with mountainwalk written on it, only four are non-red. Only three of them are enemy colors to Red.

52 cards have Islandwalk, four of them aren't real Magic cards though, so that reduces it to 48.
Then out of them you have two artifacts that grant Islandwalk, Island Sanctuary, a card that removes Islandwalk, and a two cards that allow creatures with Islandwalk to be blocked.

After that, an admittedly impressive 8 non-blue creatures have islandwalk,. Most of which are green.

5 non-green creatures with forestwalk. You get the idea.

Further more, in my arguments defense, white use to get the pleasure of hating all colors, and being able to choose colors as needed. This is just part of that aspect of its color identity.
Period should be within the quotes.
Heaven should be capitalized.
Hurrah should be capitalized.
Chieftain is misspelled.
Healer should be capitalized
I want to assume this was spelled like this deliberately, but just in case, Ophanim rather than Ophamin, just as Seraphim ends with "-im".
I really like the art and aesthetic, OP. I'd definitely play it, if I could ever rustle up an opponent.
That's how the old Magic font worked. Heaven, Hurrah and Healer are capitalized.

I'm not entirely sure why the OG magic font had a lower case h as a capital H, but it did.

Thanks for the rest typo-anon!
We got Bretonians. Where are the Francians?
Does this card follow the old rule of not dealing combat damage if tapped and blocking?
It's strange to me that a creature called "machine elf" isn't an artifact creature. Those existed in Magic's extreme early days (Antiquities, Legends, The Dark, and Arabian Nights all have them), so what's the thought process here?
Lore suggestion: don't use something as obvious a pastiche as "Britonia". Either just straight-up call them British and the island Britain (much as how Arabian Nights just used straight-up actual places, the idea that it was all another plane was a later invention), or else come up with a fantasy name obviously intended to parallel Britain without being so obvious about it.

Alvion (Albion, plus looks a little like "Avalon")
Kessex (Kent + Wessex)
Pitia (evoking "Mercia")
Easglia (east + Anglia)
Should be "Bands with other knights", not "banding with other knights".
Should be "and each creature banded with it" or, if you're trying to deliberately evoke the sometimes-clunky wording of early Magic, "and each created in a band with it".
Mmn. This card is fine, but if your goal is to invoke early Magic I really feel you should go all-in and include the clunky wording, for style points if nothing else. "Tap to return target creature card from your graveyard to play. Then remove Elder of Heaven from the game."
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Just to level set, I like what you've going on here, and I like a lot of your designs. I think some might be a little too strong for the time period (arbitrary land walk on a 2 mana 2/2 first striker sounds like a 2020 card, don't forget that first strike is good as an attacking ability, and better as a defensive ability), but that's not a huge deal.

That being said, creatures form a BAND. Singular. It "bands with knights" because the 3rd person conjugation for band is bands. I band with knights, you band with knights, he/she/it bandS with knights. In any of those cases, the result would be a BAND, no S, that contains a knight. Like a band of brigands, a band of merry men, a band of musician. All this shit that refers to a creature "in a bands" is giving me an autistic fucking melt down. They are in a band. I know it's a weird word to use a verb, and they never had reminder text, but peep the comp rules. They form a BAND.
Follow up to that last post, Banding rocks offensively and I'm glad you're making good use of it. I hope you have at least one red bander. But it's always been really shitty design defensively. It creates clogged board states.

If you have a bunch of banding creatures, it's really fucking hard to attack you. The math is weird, and often it just ends up with your opponent swinging, then losing everything while you lose nothing. So they just never attack. In early magic especially this led to a lot of clogged board states. I don't think you have any banding walls, as far as I can see, so maybe if you play test with friends, try banding as an attacking only ability? It's really nice on the attack because it says "You can chump my ball of dudes, but you lose everything and I lose nothing. Or you take a bunch of damage." It's cool psuedo evasion.
Noted. and not a bad idea. Though WHFB did exactly what I did.

That thought had occurred to me. Lets go with a "up to the group"

Mostly flavortext

While I understand your concern, white always had some really strong weenie creatures, I mean look at White Knight, the pump knights, Thunder Spirit, ect.

Thanks, I'll fix that.

Thats what makes banding great! Also yes, I have at least two red cards that proactively have banding in a sense.

Now we are onto blue. The first card, outright can be fucking broken, which seems appropriate.

Akashic Records in new age mythology is a place in the astral plane where all worldly knowledge is stored. I decided to try that with a super tutor enchant world.
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oops. Its to early
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Yes, banding plus regeneration (for this card) seems overpowered. It means the blocking player would just redirect all damage to a another creature in the band and regenerate it (for a measly 1 mana), making the band invincible unless you have direct damage or a spell to kill Monk Companion.
Please consider not including banding (if you want people to enjoy playtesting your set). While I like the set so far, banding is NOT worth including, as it slows down the game, is not fun to keep track of, and (although this is purely anecdotal) no one I have ever met that played with banding liked dealing with it.
Presumably, OP is referencing the "machine elves" some people report seeing when tripping out on DMT, not artifacts or elves. For flavor/thematic reasons, this sort of machine elf as a creature might be better off with a creature type of spirit (or demon) since they represent the non-physical evil that seeped into the plane.
If I'm wrong, and all the elves in the plane are based off weird illustrations like in Jaroslav Panuska's art, it's going to be the most original take on elves MTG has ever had. (pic not related)
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He's right, these Machine Elves are beings of the Æther, and are entirely inspired by DMT entities.

Well no point in hiding it, as far as the old world (the primary setting of the set) knows, Elves are almost extinct. Mankind under a great kind hunted them to near extinction, so much so its just generally assumed elves are extinct.
>Though WHFB did exactly what I did.
To its detriment, I personally believe.

>That card
In a similar vein to Britonia, I suggest changing Atlantis' name (especially since there's a double-problem of Dominaria actually having an Atlantis in it too).

If you want a bit of a historical in-joke, you could use Meropis, which was a parody of Plato's Atlantis invented by Theopompus of Chios in the 300s BC.
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I got into an argument with someone over landwalk last night, and it being a 'color hate' mechanic. I feel while it can be a color hate mechanic, its mostly a flavorful mechanics.

I made this here around the art, though in this set it would mostly be a 0/1, when combined with other cards of the ear, it could easily be a 1/2 on turn 2 or bigger, and in blue, being able to look at an opponent's hand for the rest of the game is mighty strong.

I decided to increase Wandering knight's cost by 1
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I mean you're not wrong in terms of the regeneration, though its not like removal is lacking in the game, or the set (though a lot of it is small removal)

I got another card I could replace this with, if needed.

That is pretty strong, isn't it? Imagine popping it out with Show and Tell, then following it with Ancestral Recall


A soft removal spell inspired by Apathy.
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Ah yes! More controversial than banding, more forbidden than the Salty 7, everyones least favorite mechanic, ante.

As someone who has played with ante in the past (though not in a very long time), its a fun mechanic when small fortunes aren't on the line.

I do understand this is just a strictly worse Jeweled Bird (the card that killed an entire format). However, I also understand no one would ever likely play with this card.

One of three cards in the set that deal with ante. (There would be four but I couldn't find art for 'card shark')
God you're a retard
Three?? You know that would make it the set with the most ante cards ever, right? There was like one per until they stopped. Maybe two in Alpha?

I think it's a cute callback in the context, but since they're essentially non-cards, you should make an additional one in each color that has ante, imo.
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Alpha, Beta, Unlimited, Revised, and 4th all have exactly three cards that deal with Ante.

Though you can make the argument that each of those are coresets, and not expansions.

How am I retarded?
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The "off color" card in blue. Closing the Sea is the least blue card in the entire set, and I probably should remove it, but at least for now, it's here.
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I like walls, walls are cool cards.

Early on there was a number of cards in the set that interacted with walls, including a card called Masons that could regenerate walls.

As I reduced cards in the set, they slowly dwindled down to only a handful of cards.
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A legend designed around its art.

Dara represents one of blue's least used mechanics, the ability to change colors. Sure it might be somewhat a limited mechanic, but its not useless.

Her color change mechanic is also niche, but wildmongrel being able to change colors was considered an asset, why not her?

I didn't write much back story on her, but she has a sister, Lana, who is a green card.
Note that it's symmetrical, as many mtg effects should be.
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I know Annul is strictly better. However since this set was designed as a theoretical mid 90s set, it would be from before Urza block, so making it strictly worse makes sense in that regard.
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Energy Flux is a card I very much enjoy and is an old school staple of sorts.

This card is a variant of that, in the form of a local enchantment. This way you can still annoy a problematic artifact without having to hurt your artifacts as well.
This was originally a vertical cycle, with each creature having you mill as a cost.

This was the only one to make the final cut. I wanted a unique way to potentially fill your graveyard for reanimator, and I figure an x/x flyer is strong in its own right.
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The first card stolen from a playtest sheet, sort of.

Fairie Trickster is based on an alpha playtest card called Pixies, which does what this does but was intended to be permanent (for obvious reasons). Pixies however was green, and I decided to swap if for blue.

Fairies also have some tribal synergy in the set and a theme around local enchantments, though this one doesn't.
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Forgive me, I had forgotten a card.

Color hate use to be a corner stone of MTG design. Cards like Gloom, Karma, Conversion, Drought and Justice were just a few of cards that could send a mono-colored deck into a tail spin. It remained a strong point of design through the 90s, with famous cards including Chill, Warmth, Light of Day, Dread of Night, and Perish.

I didn't want some hate card like Conversion or Glaciers which could outright shut down a deck. Instead I opted for design more along the lines of those features in Homelands, Alliances, and the Tempest block.

Cards that would slow you down and inconvenient you, but not outright end the game.

This one with a manageable but hefty upkeep of UU slows down a green player, making him choose how he spends his mana wisely.
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There are two blue creatures with banding in the set, each one is a ship

This one gives Islandwalk, which is a flavorfully simple ability on a card.
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So oopsiedoodle, this flavor text appears on another Magic card, and I didn't realize it, but I'm not sure what to replace it with.

This card is another remnant of 'enemy of the same color' theme from early on.
Can I ask you something? How did you do to find these snippets from literature? Did you read all of that? And how did you research art schools to find different paintings? Do you studied art in college? Is all of this a fan game or an official supplement of a game?
This is a fan expansion to Magic the Gathering. I made it myself over the course of several years.

As for the literary snippets, I've read a lot of them. Others came from suggestions from friends like 'you should look into this.'

Art has always been a certain passion of mine, but I can't draw or paint for shit. When it was suggested I use public domain art, I had to dust off my knowledge. I was familiar with the golden age of illustrations which put me into the realm of Arthur Rackham and N.C. Wyeth, and the Hudson River school, which growing up on the Hudson was inevitable to know.

I was also vaguely aware of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. The rest just sort of evolved from there.

I used Google and wikiart, and followed some art pages on Facebook. When something was posted I liked, I looked into it.

I did have a few rules for selecting art. The artist had to be dead since the 50's, the art had to be in color, and it had to be able to look good on the card.

Lots of amazing looking art pieces didn't make it into the set because it just wouldn't of looked good on the card from across the table.

Not all these rules made it (several artists died after the 50's, but there art at least is still in the public domain).

This is the sets obligatory BIG Blue creature. Alfred Kubin is an amazing surrealist horror artist, but most of his art is in black and white. I used the few color pieces I could find by him to amazing effect.
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You might notice a decent number of enchant lands in the set.

Lands have a reputation for being almost useless in the late game, when two decks are in top deck mode.

Combine this with a number of lands in Ice Age and back that don't tap for mana, and in the case of the 'bands with other legends' lands, only have static effects, I wanted ways to make them more useful.

I know I'm not the first person to do this. There was a whole series of these in Prophecy, a bunch of enchant lands in IA, and so on.

However, I still wanted the design to be there. Though a fairly large number of enchant lands, whether it be to balancing or to room was cut, including two four drop enchant lands.
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Effects that stay active as long as creatures remain tapped was common for a while in Magic. In fact, there are modern legal cards, as oxymoronic as that term might be now, that have this ability.

An Undine is a water nymph who will turn human when fulling in love with a man, but will die if he is even unfaithful.

I wanted to, at least sort of replicate this, by it distracting one of your creatures.
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I always liked text change effects, and to my knowledge Magic is the only game that utilizes them.

I use to run a 'painter' deck in EDH (note: Servant was still banned) that would run various color change and text change effects along w/ respectable color hate.

More then one opponents Omnath would come into play and die, and I saw plenty of Emeria's check for mountains.

I wanted an aura that was the ultimate text change card, feeling it would be to powerful as an artifact or global enchantment. The upkeep cost keeps the card fair.
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Stolen from the design sheet that would become Mirage.

Broken, simple, and elegant. Anything more blue?

Another answer in my set for 1st turn power 9 and other problematic strategies in OS.
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Hang on, let me help...

>As an additional cost to cast Endless Dragon, put the top X cards of your library into your graveyard.
>Endless Dragon's power and toughness are each equal to X.

To be clear, your intention with this dragon is that you pay, say, 3UU and put 3 cards in your graveyard in order to get a 3/3, right? That seemed to be what you were going for.
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Yes that is correct.
>Note that it's symmetrical, as many mtg effects should be.
Yes, but if you're running the card at all you're probably loaded with with draw acceleration in your deck, giving you a distinct advantage. I would HIGHLY recommend some kind of further drawback, like, "as an additional cost to play ~, remove the top 10 cards of your library from the game."

Let's see, 60 card deck, drew 7 cards, say you went second, you've dropped 6 islands so it's turn 6 so you've drawn at least 6 cards, probably played at least a few card draw spells to net you, say, 4 additional cards...by the time you drop this you'd have 40 cards still in your deck. Ditching the top 10 to outside the game cuts it down to 30.
Ah, I did miss one. But ABU is one thing together, really, and Revised and 4th are all reprints. I don't think anything past Alpha introduced more than one ante card.

I love it, keep it. Boil isn't exactly on color. If you were to change anything, I'd make it only red cards and make it 3 mana.

I'm not gonna call out all your templating problems, but how close are you trying to get to modern layouts? This should be worded "As an additional cost to cast this spell, mill X cards." This guy fucks either way, I like him

I wish they had done this more. It works perfectly for lots of keywords (trample with a battering ram, vigilance with any sort of commander), and for a vehicle it has a lot of inherent flavor to the mechanic. When assigning damage, you can use the boat as a shield, but then be stranded without islandwalk in the future. Elegant and succinct. But it should be "Banding, islandwalk"
Why not make this an X spell? You can say "Only blue mana may be spent to cast this spell. Counter target spell unless its controller pays X+1."

The top is also clunky, should be "You cannot cast this spell unless you control one or more islands, or control no lands."
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Honest answer? Aesthetics. It goes with the other 0 drop cards in the set.

I did mostly copy it word to word from a playset card.

Actually I fixed up that text last night on the dragon, but I guess I didn't update the .jpg file. Guess I'll have to remember to do that.

Its a 6 drop enchantment with a big dedication to blue. Breaking it in a world without Omniscience and Show and Tell does require work.

I wanted creative ways to give your opponents islands that wasn't the typical 'enchant land is X' effects blue had.
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So there is a history of this one. Back in the late 90's, when I was just a wee elementary school student and the Internet was new, I came across a website hosting admittedly some very professional looking cards.

At the time I just assumed they were real cards I'd never seen before. There were no online databases in those days, and that is usually how you would see cards.

One card that stood out was a card called 'Port Merchant' which made all ships cost 2 less. I remember thinking "Imagine if my pirate ship cost 3!"

Ah the naivety of youth. I couldn't possibly tell you any other cards from that site, but for some reason that card always stood out to me.

Since I was reviving discontinued creature types here, I decided to revisit that card, but add an additional tax for your opponents ships. You know, fair business and all.
So this is how I learn most ships were made into humans.
I get the creature type update being necessary, but removing ship and replacing it with human and zombie and merfolk and shit with the art is obviously a fucking boat is so stupid. And there aren't even any new ships with the vehicles.
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Blue burn is a weird beast. Psionic Blast is admittedly a pretty well known card, but it was far from the only blue burn spell in the game.

I wanted a psionic blast, but smaller, and with that, here's psychic shock.
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I didn't agree with everything in the Grand Creature Type Update, but I am the reason Bartel Runeaxe is a giant. So I made a small, little piece of Magic mine.

Ironically one of the creature types retired was Dinosaur (which at the time there was only one printed Dinosaur) and everyone on the mothership said 'Oh you're going to bring that back, watch'

Similar thing happened with Nymphs.

The worst offense was the removal of Lord as a creature type. I remember that (now deleted) article very well.
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Inspired by the YGO card magical mallet.
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Another one of those "Is this too powerful?" cards. It actually use to be much stronger.
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With this I wanted to 'Fix' Vodaline War Machine, because I do think it's an interesting card with some neat tribal mechanics.

Its also why the 1/1 with pro-blue is a merfolk and not a pirate.
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A color shifted Ritual of the Machine.
'Twould be Frankians.
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Coincidently heres what happened with the Franks

In the Spring of 685, on an early morning just after sunrise, from the ocean dew came explosions. With the town caught completely by surprise, the town was quickly captured, the majority of its populace seized or killed, and a foothold was made.

However not everyone was captured or killed, and those that escaped made it no neighboring cities and towns.

The lords quickly assembled their armies, assuming the Barbarians had returned with some great beasts. The lined up, and made a Battle of Cercy style charge.

What they didn't know was this new enemy had the early stages of industrialization, and 80% of the combined forces of the Franks charged into a slaughter, each cocky knight assuming he would be there to claim the glory.

Those smart enough or old enough in the back fled, many taking refuge in other lands, leaving the peasants to fend for themselves. Meanwhile the Reuger Empire got themselves a permanent foothold.

This sets up the early parts of the modern setting for the block.
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Hey OP, still reading through the threads but Im absolutely loving this.
I was going to say, denim isn't exactly a very medieval set of clothing.
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Not at all, but hey, it isn't like Magic art isn't anachronistic at time, even back in the day.

Bro feel free to leave feedback! Glad you're enjoying it.

Remember how I said that I wanted ways to give players islands? Here is another one, a massive embodiment of the sea, who can flood locations.

Also you have no idea how hard it was for me to find a high resolution version of this art I was satisfied with.
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Tempo players rejoice! Control players, you can rejoice too.

Honestly sleep is strictly better, but this works better in a multiplayer game.
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Did you know that in Alpah blue got a mass land destruction spell? It's true, and it did global damage as well.

Here is a one time designed in the same vein.
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This card is inspired by the Mary Celeste, one of the most fascinating maritime mysteries. A ghost ship who's provisions were largely intact, and all personal items were undisturbed on board.

With this I furthered the idea of a ghost ship by making it a literal ghost ship. Its the only card in the set with unconditional unblockability, at the cost you never see them again.
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Great stuff can't wait to see the black cards
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I designed this on as a means to blink creatures, both offensively and defensively.

Stern Merchant seen here is the only worth wild ETB in the set, but being able to draw 2 extra cards is pretty nice.
When I was doing to math for the single colored cards, I was low on several blue rares, and a single blue common.

This card became that blue common. A simple design.

The name of the piece is titled 'Wonderful Birds' (I believe) which inspired the name
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Wasnt sure about this thread at first but reading these cards gave me a rush of nostalgia for how the cards of old felt. I'll keep on eye on this one.
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The last blue card was also a last minute design. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Sure it can't be pumped, but a pseudo way to avoid removal?

I guess there is enough activated abilities in the set to keep it in check.
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Thanks anon! Does anyone know the thread count limit these days?

We start off black with 'an ill omen'. Black always had draw with a drawback, usually in the form of paying life.

I decided to ask 'how would black use anticipate and keep it on flavor?' This card sort of came together when I first saw the art, and then went into the mechanic well.

Might be a bit too risky for some, but so is Bob, and he was a tournament staple for a long time.
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The second black card is a Dance of the Dead/Animate Dead variant.

Besides flavor reasons, the fact it can't touch artifact creatures is from a long standing complaint that Triskellion/Tetravus is too easy to cheat out w/ Animate Dead.
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I have alot to write about this.

There are only two 6/6 for 6 in Old School, both are black and they are Phyrexian Demon and Cosmic Horror.

I wanted to try that same thing but with a twist. Instead of sacrificing permanents or paying a cost, I decided to instead use to yard as a resource. The idea here is he's taking the souls of the dead and consuming/torturing/whatever them, and they can't come back.

This art piece by Kay Neilson was a concept art for Disney's Fantasia. Though Walt Disney fired him long before the development stages and went with other concept art, these were drawn for that purpose. This figure is Charnabog from the movie.
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Originally this card cost a single B. Then someone pointed out you can dark rit, cast this, and get a Hymn to Tourach and cast that.

So I made it cost 2 instead. Problem solved?
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The black 1 drop aura. I hope the effect is self explanatory
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Finally a black ramp spell.

Cemetary helps the 'suicide black' side of the color by giving you an advantage at a cost, in this case repeatable additional mana at an off color pace, but for repeated damage.
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Poison does have a small theme in the set, going along its traditional lines of Green and black. A few cards like this even give its controller poison counters.

With that, I say good night. I hope >>93587729
is satisfied with the black cards I've posted so far.
Thanks for replying. I seems like a great deal of effort went into researching all of this. I enjoy the aesthetic.
As this card is worded right now, while the creature will return from exile, the cards attached to it won't, which I'm not sure was your intention (as I can't imagine why you'd specify the enchantments go into exile as well rather than just letting them fall out). Going into exile alongside something automatically detaches all cards and counters, or at least it did last time I played Magic.

Fortunately there's an easy solution to this, though I don't know how much of a fan of it you'd be given that this set is supposed to be pre-Mirage:

>Phase out target creature
That's it. By phasing it out it takes all cards and counters attached to it with it automatically, but those cards and counters remain attached and will still be attached when it comes back. It'll phase back in at the start of its controller's next untap step, too, with no need to specify that.

If you want to keep it as exile...well personally I think you shouldn't because if this is supposedly a set that came out in '95 then it should be worded like such. So that being said...

>Whisk Away costs 2 less to cast if it targets a creature you control.
>Remove target creature and all enchantments attached to it from the game. At end of turn, return that creature to play under its owner's control, then return all enchantments removed from the game by Whisk Away to play and attach them to that creature under their owners's control.

Replace with modern terminology as needed.
Threads can have a maximum of 150 images. There's no post limit but they start to autosage automatically after 310 posts. I think threads also start to autosage after 150 images as of last year but I could be wrong.
Can I make a suggestion here?

>Awaken the Dead
>Enchantment - Aura
>As an additional cost to play ~, return target nonartifact creature from a graveyard to play under your control tapped and attach ~ to it.
>Enchant nonartifact creature
>Enchanted Creature gets +1/+1.
>At the beginning of your upkeep, pay BB or sacrifice enchanted creature.

I just checked using Magic Set Editor and the classic card frame, and the result is a card with 8 lines of text instead of 11, and does essentially the same thing while being eminently more readable.
*Seven lines of text if you use classic formatting and wording, which means the card's type would be "Enchant Creature" (not Enchantment - Aura), and wouldn't need the "Enchant creature" line in the text box.
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It was totally my intention to do it like that. I know thats how it would normally work, but I wanted this to work differently.

There are lots of soft removal in the set in the form of enchant creatures, and this gives a way to remove them, while feeling like a blue spell.

Further for the full cost it can be used aggressively as well.

Originally I had it phase out the target, but I wanted it to trigger ETB's, primarily that of the merchant, so I changed it to this unique effect here.

I use to have all these cards worded like they were printed in 1995, including 'summon X' on the type line.

Someone made a suggestion that if I was going to print this out, and encourage someone else too as well, it might be a better idea to modernize the text.

I actually have the old set on file on my old computer, though that set it over 500 cards.
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Ironically as I said with that poster. that is how I had it worded originally.

This is literally a copy/paste of the current text of animate dead with necessary changes. I'll consider that, thanks anon.

A common for if you would want to go into a suicide black build or a B/X aggro build in limited.
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Magic's most important quality is its Aesthetics. I wish WotC would remember that.

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Do you think I should make this an instant? Maybe make it cost 3 in return.

I feel its not strong enough as it is, but worried it would push black to far as an instant.
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Originally this was going to simply give a poison counter, but I decided that I didn't want it to be strictly better than Pit Scorpion.

The artist is unknown, other than its a Flemish artist.
I think it works fine as a sorcery. 2 mana and 2 life in exhcange for 2 cards, in Black, is pretty good, especially seeing as if you're playing Black right a creature in your graveyard is just as good as a creature in your hand.

>it might be a better idea to modernize the text
Given that the whole appeal of the set is nostalgia for very early magic, I personally think that's a mistake - but then, this isn't my set, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

I mean I'm not suggesting you go full-on absurd wording or needlessly overlong text boxes like the original printing of Oubliette, but it just seems weird to me to have a set with classic borders and deliberately invoking classic power levels and classic design, but then have modern wording.
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You're honestly right. I actually intended this to be played with 95 era cards, as written.

Like I said, I do still have those.
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Sometimes modern influences can't be avoided
If this was designed in the mid 90s it would not specify 'other' creatures. There's a decent chance it would give all creatures protection from black as well and not just your own.
This would work better as an 0/2 or an 0/3 I feel.
A 3/2 for 1WW with additional upside is too pushed compared to the relative powerlevel you are trying to set up here.
Make the monk CMC3 or give it a 'bands with' modifier.
This has never ever been part of white's color pie and should not be. I appreciate the homage to Lord of the Pit but this does not belong in planar chaos let alone a 'real' set.
Why does this say 'cannot attack' instead of 'defender'?
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Sorry about that.

Sometimes modern influences can't be avoided. I always medieval depictions of demons, just do to how unusual and otherworldly they are.

Here is a famous one, with a man being eaten, while another man is literally shit out on the other side, through another mouth.

As for mechanics, its... interesting in the least.
I believe the syntax would be:
>return that card to the battlefield under its owner’s control. If you do, return the other cards exiled this way to the battlefield under their owners’ control attached to that creature.
Using Flickerform from Ravnica as the templating here.
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assymetrical effects did exist in 95, though not as common. Examples include Castle, Jacques le Vert, all of the kolbold lords, Thelonite "check em" Druid, ect.

Regular Squire is a 1/2 tho

You might be right on him. I might make him a 2/2, or make him cost three W

I think I may just take the monk out of the set

This is a homage to cosmic horror, not Lord of the Pit. Is it the upkeep cost or the fact it damages you when it leaves play?

Good Point. However I can make the argument that since it doesn't have defender, there is no way for it to lose defender.

Its probably just some oversight on my part.
Here's my white color hate. An admittedly hard hate for a white weenie deck. I really love the art on this, depicting numerous people outside a church during The Plague
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Is a one cost Hymn that only hits one card to powerful?

You decide!

Here we see our first card depicting the 'Remus Empire' a Hellinistic has been that survives by controlling a large portion of the in-universe silk road.
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A wight in traditional English folklore is a spirit that haunts a grave. The only way to get rid of a white in these traditions is to give the grave a proper burial or to destroy the corpse is haunts over.

I wanted to make a grave wight, in that tradition, and since two cards in Old School give indestructibility, I figured it being indestructible wouldn't be too broken if I added the common 'can't be enchanted' clause that exists on both of them as well.
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Ruling: You can't target an initial black creature, but if any black creatures are in the band, they will be destroyed.
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Iblis is a satan like figure in Islam. I borrowed the name.
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Color hate for green. This one is strongly inspired by Tourach's Chant from Homelands, but made a bit more aggressive, and not caring about forests.
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Another iffy decision card. What do you think?
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The black reflection to the white card Wandering Knight.

Where as that knight would get a landwalk ability, this one has fear.

Other than that, its all the same, 2/2 for 2 with First Strike.
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The decision to change the names of irl cards to avoid blowback from wotc made several cards functional to real cards. This is just fatal blow without the regeneration clause.
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The black lord of the set.
fuck off retard
damn, that's a great piece. Fantastic art choice
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You should honestly look up the full piece. Its fucking breath taking.

Ah the Nephilim. There has been a long religious belief on what exactly the Nephilim were. Giants is usually the strongest theory, and I went with this.

I also completely forgot the Nephilim of Ravnica existed when I made this card.
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The timing of this card when I made it was ironic, given what was going on at the time.

However, I ultimately settled on its inclusion due to that awesome art.
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A black mirror to this.

Also inspired by the card Hellfire.
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The black 0 drop in the set. I wanted a way to reanimate a big thing without it being from the deck, which has been the norm for 20+ years now.
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Another poison counter card. Another cost to keep it from happening.
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Far too strong. At the very least give it a condition like "creature with cost <3 mana". It is creature removal for 2 mana that can't be prevented except by counterspell.
Mite b cool if you had the caster draw and reveal their card before the opponent draws and reveals their card
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You think this would make it more balanced?

You're probably right. Maybe I should just have it bounce to top of deck?

Another Poison counter creature. If you can find ways to keep it from damaging you, you'll have a pretty strong beater.
>You think this would make it more balanced?
Maybe, if someone turn 1 dark rituals and tutors for something you know you're going to be seeing some bullshit so you should at least have the chance to see his card and draw an appropriate counter before you get solitaired to death. In all likelihood though most non-blue decks won't be able to respond to a turn 2 iwin combo even if they knew what was coming, but it's better to give them a fighting chance.

>>>93604528 (You) #
>You're probably right. Maybe I should just have it bounce to top of deck?
I think there is a card that already does this (bounce to top of deck) and off the top of my head it is 3 mana (1uu) but I can't remember the name. I had it as part of my noobie starter deck like 20 years ago and actually liked bouncing to the top of enemy deck because it denied them a draw, gave me hand information, and preserved my hand advantage (unlike unsummon or boomerang) and I knew that they were going to inevitably going to try to recast the fatty I bounced and I could have a counterspell ready to make them waste even more mana. So I don't see putting it on the top as being all that bad.

So, maybe to nerf it a little, let the opponent choose if he wants to shove the card on the top or bottom of his deck after it gets bounced. I don't think anything like that exists.
Fuck off, Pinkerton.
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I mean that is a good point, but thats no different then doing it w/ Demonic tutor already. I'll think about it.

It was Time Ebb, 2U, from portal 1. I remember the card well, it had a bear in the art. That and Memory Lapse really taught me Tempo. I suppose I'll just make it cost 3 and be put on the top/bottom.

Graveyard ordering mattering was one of the most tragic things magic lost. I use to tell people how to troll players that liked to separate their graveyard by putting a single Phyrexian Furnace in their board, thus forcing the player to keep their yard in a single stack and in order.

We haven't had a card that checks order since Weatherlight (though we had a card in Prophecy that shuffled the Graveyard, and a card in Shadowmoor that let you rearrange your graveyard as part of its effect).

Two of these, when played correctly, can give you an unlimited sac outlet fodder, as long as you can maintain the B each time.
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Off color counterspells have existed, but they are rare.

The most famous one in black is none other than Dash Hopes, which saw some play in standard suicide black decks at the time (not a extremely high tier deck, but alas).

I wanted to try a black one, being the drawback of losing life. I feel it fits black, and would be interesting in a suicide build as well.
how did you get Bartel as a giant?
also please make an imigr album for these or something, archives are shit.
Back in the day, when the GCU happened, WotC still had forums directly tied to their articles. At the end of the they said "if you have any comments please leave them".

Bartel was a human warrior, and I said that seems incorrect. It's been over a decade but my argument boiled down to Hammerheim Deadeye being a giant (from Planar Chaos I believe, a fairly recent set at the time), and that it could make for good world building in the future.

When I checked the list again a few days later, I noticed it had changed.
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The mono black "protection from its own color' 1/1.
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The Grigori, the other side of the watchers.

as seen here. This is not a card you'd want to put in your deck, instead you want to keep it outside and get it into play with the effect of the Watchers.

Naturally if you somehow cheat it into play, it's fine. It just can't be cast. Also, it's removal ability is a triggered ability, which means you can respond to it.
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I'm hitting the hay, I'll finish black tomorrow.
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While I originally designed this was two-fold, I felt I needed a skeleton in the set to go with the lord, and I wanted to use that art.

However, the flavor text is what's worth writing about. Ambrose Bierce was a fascinating, and prolific writer, journalist, and a veteran of the Civil War.

His horror stories, such as the one where this quote is from, are great and I recommend checking them out if you ever get the chance. His realist fiction is pretty good too.
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Is it wrong to include a JRRT quote on a Magic card? After all, his work technically isn't in the public domain.

I decided to take my risk with it. Though I designed this long before the whoring out of the IP and the blackening of Middle Earth.
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Maybe I hate enchantments? There are two ways in this set for black to get rid of enchantments.

One is the indirect "Paradise Lost" >>93599911
which in itself is inspired by Hellfire, but also Anarchy, which was a way red could get rid of particularly problematic enchantments (assuming they were white).

This however, gives all enchantments (including itself) an upkeep cost. It's not like black has never interracted with Enchantments, just not outright blew them up. Irini Sengir and Gloom made them cost more, and Dystopia could destroy white enchantments.

Still I think this might be stretching even the Garfield color pie a little far. What do you think?
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This one is a combination of Coumbajj (I think that's how it was spelt) Witches from AN, and Pestilence.

I'm worried that black might have too much suicide in its color in this set, but at that same time, all the ones that do are admittedly strong.
All of these cards are better looking than anything wizards has printed in 10 years.
Thak you, as I said in an earlier post, the Aesthetic is the most important part of a card, at least in my opinion, because it's the first thing you see. You can never get another first impression.
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This is the last black card in the set. Xilbalba means 'a place of fear', the literal underworld in Aztec mythology.

I wanted a global yard hate card. Originally this worked more like Necrovalley, with cards being unable to leave the graveyard as well, however I thought that made this card seem clunky.

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone, for the feedback, the kind words, and the advice. Note, you're advice has not fallen on deaf ears. I already took the monk out of the set for a similar card, The Atlanteans have been changed, I'm trying to work around Return Home obvious power level.

I'll probably make a new thread either tonight or tomorrow starting with Red. Until then, feel free to bump this and ask questions, and I'll respond when I can.
To me, the real horror of existence isn't the inevitability of death, but the fact that we exist, potentially eternally, with no understanding of why or how, or even if we can trust our own senses. There is no way to prove that, for example, we are not the only being that exists, and we merely imagine the world and people around us to cope with the loneliness and pointlessness of eternity. Death is not nearly as terrifying as the possibility of an eternity alone. We know so little of the nature of our own existence.

Here's an idea for a black card with a philosophical theme:

Choose a creature an opponent controls. Exile all permanents except the chosen creature.
"Don't worry, we'll always be here for you"
I might actually steal this idea for something.
>Holy fuck who cares?
>Shit your meaningless thoughts onto X like everyone else
This. Stop wasting space on this Twitter screencap compilation website with retarded nerd shit.
You're worse than the last glownigger.
Find out how to post these on MPCFILL for mpcproxy creation. It’s a website where you can print out proxies of any magic card. Honestly man, I’d like to put these in my old school cube.

New thread is up

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