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Spear chucking at a Saur Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked cook-off adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, cook off and fight each other for victory (and the best meal).
A campaign mode is currently in the works, hoping to post a first Campaign Scenario within the next week or two. (you) are more than encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc
>Main Lore Doc, including links to anon-written short stories and additional lore in "Recommended..." section
> Unit Spreadsheet - Currently outdated, requires an update
>Unit Design Doc

>What can I do?
Shitpost, meme, get comfy. Read over the docs to settle in.
Familiarize yourself with rules and plan some playtests.
Contribute if you have ideas. Give feedback on contributions if you don't.

> TQ (cont.): What is the political/cultural outlook of every faction toward every faction, especially as of [current time]?

> TQ2: With Core being nearly done, how do we shape up the next "expansion"?

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Well, there's a couple things we might want to do.
Naval battles, RPG gameplay, campaign mode, etc.
Someone smarter than me ought to propose one for us to focus on.
I'd be up for anything. A naval mode would be fun, but RPG or campaign would probably get more traction.

Actually, the campaign mode is something I thought about a little while ago, what I thought about was making a hex-grid campaign map, and instead of controlling one expedition you control several, each one kitted out like the skirmishes we've been having but with workers attached. That way it wouldn't be so devastating if you lose a battle, and would encourage players towards skirmishing more. You, the player, would be the "sponsor" and have to make decisions about how you distribute your silver among the expeditions, with the potential of snowballing into more if you get enough resources. There'd be locations with mcguffins that you can loot, and if there's a sufficiently powerful mcguffin that would encourage you to recall all your expeditions to grab/protect it before the other player recovers it.

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>Naval battles, RPG gameplay, campaign mode,
I was thinking more along the lines of which regions of the world to explore, and how to package them into regional expansions. But if we enter the alternate games that could fit and that keep popping back into my head
> Boardgame
I imagine something similar to Scythe Expedition, with map reversed. Perhaps even something like Scythe itself might work for colonial struggles, since there's a sense it would not be straight up about war, and Scythe sorta sucks as a war boardgame. Replace mechs by Leaders...
> Cardgame
I keep thinking of a Netrunner-style game where one player leads a Colonial Expedition and the other player is just the Deep throwing shit at it and trying to keep them from digging.
> Another wargame
An old-school hex& chit wargame for large scale battles, but super simplified, each map is its own scenario and has its own forces.
Adapting 2e fully to be compatible with a RPG, so that the DM sets up a battle for you to play and you have your own characters on the field. Beside the whole "rpg system" it should be really easy to set up a conversion system so players could simply use the 2e profiles as player classes, NPC or beastiaries.
So, beside feeding the Homo Atlanteus, what should we have Ambrosia do, if consumed by another model? Count as a Warm Meal and Healing attempt?
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Apologies for the lack of content these last few days, I'm switching around my schedule and neither my mind or my body are following along as easily as I thought they would.
Here's what I'm coming up for the Fire Cart. Its essentially an Armoured Traction Engine redux. I'm probably gonna rework its Locations and the Vehicule rule.
The Flamer having range 8 and doing base Grievous+Fire damage might be broken as fuck so I at least bumped its Reload to 2 to compensate, but it might still be too much.
Let me know if you have any better ideas for it.
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Here's my take on the lore that I was working with when I wrote the Homos:
>Lemuria seeks perfection through the cultivation of inner power, Mu through grafts and fusions. Atlan communes with the rock itself through titanium and even the Sky People reach for immortality through the strange skies of Agartha.
>While these methods may bring success in time, they take much strength, resources and willpower. They are founded in emotion rather than reason and oft as not lead to death rather than ascension.
>Atlantis seeks a rational perfection, one borne of studied Alchemy and a long academic tradition. Since their fall and even before they have labored to perfect myriad chemical recipes, the greatest of them being Ambrosia.
>Guarded with the utmost care, and curiously sourced from multifarious ingredients, the treacle-like substance grants unnatural physical and mental prowess to those who indulge.
>It is neither addictive nor expensive to produce if the secret is known. Indeed, some exhibit such an affinity for the substance as to find their enhancements bordering on the supernatural
>The only true downside of the substance is that the positive changes exhibited while under its influence are mirrored once it begins to wear off. Beauty and Strength wither to a hideous frailty. In time an equilibrium may reassert itself, but should too high a dose be taken the withdrawl may prove severe and permanent.
>Many are the philosophers who decry the substance, and many are those who call out that a perfected formula is within reach. For now the secret remains closely guarded enough that Ambrosia has yet to reach universal adoption, though if the Senator was to have his way this may soon change.
Tl;DR: Juice makes you good but once you lose juice you end up worse than when you started for a while.
Rules wise buff a stat (random or specific?) for a few turns then debuff it for one or two. I don't think Ambrosia would heal but it might give you extra health slots
The real narrative meat is that while it's not chemically addictive Atlanteans who want to be heros take it more and more because they can't stand the thought of losing the power it gives them. It's like a contrast with those who are naturally talented like the Commoner Hero or those who have been trained like the Noble Hero.
I like the idea that Atlantean culture has a Hero complex, it explains why they have all the different units who are trying to be the center of attention in different ways.
>I like the idea that Atlantean culture has a Hero complex, it explains why they have all the different units who are trying to be the center of attention in different ways.
I like this also.
I've been thinking along the same lines.
>instead of controlling one expedition you control several
This is a great idea.
Maybe instead of pure power, it is more of an area denial tool? Maybe have it do only a Graze, and lower the range some, but have it do Fire twice? Let it set hexes on fire?
I really like this idea.
>special artefacts from myth like the Gorgon's head or Perseus' mirror shield
This could work as things that can be found in Agartha, rather than a unit or factions equipment.
>a generic spirit/veteran of the Trojan War or another conflict summoned from Elysium to fight briefly for Atlantis
Maybe Ambrosia can be used to channel their spirit? Or Ambrosia is a artificial version of some substance that occurs naturally in the deep that can be used to talk to the dead?
>think Atlan should have something to absorb INNER SVN light while Atlantis reflects it. Maybe crystals that can then be thrown like flashbangs for capturing slaves?
Agree. Reminds me of the Slave Catcher unit, i should take a look at that.
At least Phosphorus should be able to take Heat Rays or Flame Carts, just to give so variety to Atlan lists. Guess that would work better as a sponsor thing.
That's a really neat direction, good job. Differentiates ambrosia from regular meals while being thematic to the faction. And, would also justify why other factions might want to get their hands on it. I'd love to see a battle where half the army drops dead at the end of it because they were running on Ambrosia fumes.
>Channeling spirits
What if the Clockwork Thinker is related to that somehow? I am 93% convinced it's a pre-fall Atlantean artifact, maybe the thinking part came from an ancient king/hero?
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Truth is, war often does not look like war.

This morning, war looks like a dozen young, barely-clothed women washing the soldier’s uniforms and linens in one of the few nearby rivers yet untouched by Morlock machinations. Some slave soldiers leers and whistle at them. Here, a Warmaster on his horse overlooks the scene and smiles. The slaves have a short enough life ahead of them, and they will serve a vital purpose for the Kingdom, they should enjoy a few of their final moments.
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Perhaps it is these thoughts, or the idyllic quality of the scene in contrast to the horrors of the last weeks that makes the Warmaster forget caution and ride so close to the picket line. There, a Saur Knight on his cold-blooded steed peaks through the woods. The barded warrior calls out the Warmaster by pointing his pike at him and spurs his mounts into a charge. The Warmaster, unarmed and unarmoured, retreats frantically toward his lines, but with the Knight’s headstart, he will be caught upon quickly.

The women, the slaves, even the springgunner pickets look on, frozen by the inevitability of the scene. Only one man, one unknown slave reacts without any hesitation or delay. He runs down the side of the muddy hill, grabs a verutum out of the hands of one of the pickets, and without slowing his pace, throws it with all his might.
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The javelin is barely out of his hand that a smile appears on the slave’s face. Anyone who has ever shot a weapon, or at least shot it well, knows the feeling. The projectile curves toward the Knight and in through his eye and out the back of his skull and Saur-faced helmet, only moments before he finally runs up on the Warmaster. The rider’s reptilian mount stops right in its track, smells the air a few times, then decides to run back to the woods it came from.

The Warmaster waves appreciatively at his saviour, and then starts toward him. Even the springguners cannot suppress their admiration.

“Now that’s slave soldiering!”
>At least Phosphorus should be able to take Heat Rays or Flame Carts
Eventually I'll get around to making Tartarodons themed for just about every faction, since that's supposed to be a thing. Figured Atlan's heavy unit could be one with some form of flamer on it.
Not sure where I'm gonna get all the art for those however.
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>At least Phosphorus should be able to take Heat Rays or Flame Carts, just to give so variety to Atlan lists. Guess that would work better as a sponsor thing.
Atlan could have something like picrel, but made out of Titanium and pushed by bullsaurs?
Lighting the cart on fire rather than having it spew does seem more their style. Maybe they crew it with slaves who get locked inside kamikaze style?
Kek. I'd watch a series about an Atlan rags to immortal story where he and his buddies beat up the Atlanteans, the British, the atlanteans again, and the Mu on the regular.
I didn't know if it was too much on the nose, but I have a whole storyline already built around Ikis (the slave in question), the Mu invasion and his exploits and promotions through it.
If I go through with it, it'll ape the inspiration decreasingly as it goes, but the obvious memes would be there, obviously.
"I have a cousin at Golem Guards, sir, and I have friends at court."
Also, britanon, we still good for the game?
Outlander units tomorrow if I can work up the flying madness for a fine ride.
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Awesome! I'll keep a lookout for it.
Yep! 2 days, right? I'll post my Cunningham list later today.
oh, I thought it was later on (in like 16h), but actually its better this way, I'll be there!
Damn those pesky time zones!
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Great! I wasn't going to be free tomorrow anyway, so that works out.

Anyway, the list:

Cunningham + Horse = 29 Silver
Sgt-Maj (Remington-Lee+Bayonet+3x First-Aid kit) = 27 Silver
Private (Remington-Lee+Bayonet) = 8x(10+8) = 144 Silver

Total: 200 Silver

By the way, the latest faction books in the mediafire have the British at 1 shot with Lee-Metfields and the American Rifle at 3 shots, which I don't believe is the rule we've been using in our recent playtests? Or is that something we're still figuring out the balance of?
That's correct yeah I've held up with the update to the rifles rules since we were testing them meaningfully for the first time.
There's also the price point formula to revisit eventually, I just wanted to get a good grip of if 3~5 Ammo was too much or not.
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I'm going to try and push ahead on both Atlantis and the Beastiary today.
For NPCs the random tables currently stands
> Prehistoric Predators (saurs) : complete
> Pelagic Problems (fishies) : 2 spots left
> Insectoid Invaders (bugs) : 1 spot left
> Murderous Mammals (does not include sentients): 4 spots left
> Dangers of the Deep (horrible, monstrous stuff, Lemurs, Shapes etc) : 5 spots left (if we keep the Stray Eloi there)
> Roof Raiders (stuff from the Ceiling, easier to set up appropriate special rules and scenarios if we seperate them) : I had put the Ceiling Spider, Hanging Garden, Milkbat and Floating Medusa there tentatively.
> Denizens of the Deep (sentients, Gorg, Amazons, Deepfolks) : to do
> ?
> ??? (more undecided lists if there's a theme I haven't figured out).
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If the Stone Shell Snail has no Attack, I suggest to bump it up to a 7hex model, since it seems its main purpose will be to be a (slow) moving obstruction that has a small added benefit of removing Difficult terrain.
I reworded it to make the terrain goes empty instead of just losing Difficult Terrain because that might be a bit harder to track.
Also, removed limbs, seemed obvious.
We could get it to produce Slime like the Olm-Steeds.
>If the Stone Shell Snail has no Attack, I suggest to bump it up to a 7hex model, since it seems its main purpose will be to be a (slow) moving obstruction that has a small added benefit of removing Difficult terrain.
Good call.
>produce Slime like the Olm-Steeds.
Maybe they leave a Snail Trail instead of leaving an empty hex, and the Snail Trail can be harvested? I think Olm-Slime should be a unique slime.
Do we still not have names for the remaining layers?
I think the 9th being Kokytus (Deepest frozen river of Hell) had been offered, otherwise no.
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>Outlander Sky-Captain (25 Silver)
Soldier, Character, Leader
AP: 3
LP: 4
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 8
Strength: 5
Discipline: 8
Labour: 3
Evasion: 6
Awareness: 6

6 in head, 0 in other

2 Box in Head
3 in Body
2 in Limbs

>General Abilities:

>Special Abilities:
-Mercenary Maestro:
This model may be recruited by any expedition, irregardless of if they have a leader or not already. That expedition gains the Outlander keyword in addition to any they already held.
-”YoU PAY WE KILL”: (1 LP)
Select any number of Outlander Irregulars within 5 hexes. For each unit selected, subtract 2 silver from your warchest. For the remainder of the turn these units have Quick Shot.

May take Colonial Ranged and Melee, as well as equipment.

Leads the Outlander Faction

High discipline since I expect you’ll be taking a lot of casualties with this faction, even with semi-expendable it builds up dread. He’s good in combat but the idea is that he’s too expensive to take just for that if you’re taking him as a secondary faction, whereas if he’s your primary faction it’s nice to have at least one capable melee unit in a horde of irregulars. With the irregular range debuff the strategy for outlanders is to get close to the enemy and then frantically shoot like hell with a ludicrous amount of guns before they can charge the distance in a turn. He could do with maybe one more ability to work with but I’ll leave as is for now unless anyone has an idea since I can’t think of one. Ship next.
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>Outlander Flagship (100 Silver)
Mechanical, Floater
AP: 3
LP: 6
Movement: 2
Accuracy: 4
Strength: 8
Discipline: 6
Labour: 4
Evasion: 2
Awareness: 5

6 in Hull, Guns
4 in Props
0 in Crew

1-5 HULL: 6 Box (Dead if full)
6-7 GUNS: 2 Box (Lose 1 weapon option for each full)
8-9 PROPELLERS: 2 Box (Lose 1 move for each full)
10 DECK CREW: 4 Box (Lose “Rapid Rappel” if full)

>General Abilities:
-Dual Wielder (Any pair of identical options)

>Special Abilities:
-Floating Platform:
Models may embark on top of the platform, either at deployment or when landed. These models are placed on top of the platform at the end of its movement. When not landed, these models may only be targeted by other flying models and may only target other flying models. Any model which moves off of the Outlander Flagship while not landed must conduct a high altitude fall test. Models embarked gain the “Rapid Rappel” action.
Rapid Rappel: (1 AP)
Test evasion, Outlander models automatically succeed. If successful, place this model adjacent to the Floating Platform on the ground. If failed conduct a high altitude fall test.

If the Hull is ever reduced to 0, then remove this model and immediately scatter 10 (or more?) burning wreckage hexes d3 from it. A burning wreckage hex generates six smoke tokens adjacent to it each turn and otherwise functions like magma. Models onboard or directly below at this time are instantly killed. Models within 10 hexes must succeed evasion or take [BLACK] Fire damage

-Airborne Manor:
Any number of 1 hex models may be placed in reserve within the Flagship at the start of the game. On their activation they may take the 0 AP action “On Deck!” to deploy on the deck of the Flagship, space permitting.

-Flying Battery:
Select two of the following weapons options. You may select one option multiple times
-MORE (7 more to be precise)

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Posting this one unfinished to ask for help. I need 13 weapon profiles and I’ll take whatever people will give me. Ideas, art, even actual rules if you feel so inclined. I ran out of time to work on this today since the photo edit I made while mulling over the concept took a while.
I decided that “Midget Battleship hull mysteriously floating in the sky with a colonial manor stuck on top” was ideal aesthetics so that’s what we are going with.
The gameplay idea is to punish the enemy as you slowly approach with weapons fire then at close range drop down wave after wave of irregulars to shoot from close range and take whatever objectives need be taken.
It’s a very specific sort of feeling taken from some pulp and pulp-inspired media so I’ll dump some images to show what I’m going for here. I have lore in mind that I’ll try to write up when I have the time too, so please give it a chance even if it is a little outlandish to have a weird battleship flying around like that.
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Awesome stuff, will get on doing the profiles.
> britanon
Just to be sure, 24h from now, we good?
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Yep, sounds good!
Actually, would we be able to do it an hour later? That would work better for me, but it's not urgent.
Absolutely, see you then!
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I have this from a bit back, if it helps.
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Setting up the room.
Gotta redo my list, somehow lost it, shouldn't be long.
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Room is up!
Be there in 5.
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Sorry for anons waiting for a batrep, it will have to wait a bit further down the week. I realize I've been really fucking slow on updating everything and I don't want people to think I'm losing interest or anything, I'm just having a hard time adapting to a new, more sane schedule after a long time on graveyard shift. I'll kick myself in the ass to finish Atlantis, the Outlanders, the Toroughbred update (havent forgotten it) and everything else, hopefully I'll have some stuff to post tomorrow. Thank you for understanding.
I am off 20-21-22, one of those dates are reserved Britanon to kick my ass with his Cunningham firelist, if anyone wants a game/intro/whatever let me know.
I'll try to finish out some more chart units in the meanwhile, I have free time for the first time in a year so I can set aside a day or two to maybe even finish ALL REMAINING CHART UNITS.
Once that's done I can die peacefully. Or maybe actually play another test game before they shut down google jamboard.
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Thanks, that's really appreciated.
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bump before work
(yeah we're back to those)
Want to write a new British armoured cavalry unit and maybe some lore for the Outlander Captain, but until then here's a lore blurb for the Big Game Hunter (been too long since I said I'd do those)

>The Big Game Hunter is a Professional. Armed with the latest and greatest rifles, there are few monsters that can resist the sharp, sudden crack of his gun, and he is always well-rewarded when he brings back their pelts.
>Even so, there are many reasons to hunt below the Earth when one grows bored of the beasts that roam the African Savannah or Frozen Forests of Siberia, but really, the only reason a man is in it for as long as he is the thrill of the hunt. The smell of blood, the rush of adrenaline, and the calm, serene moment when predator or prey will meet their death at the others hands. Man is the apex predator, and no creature of this Earth will overthrow him!
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Added. Sorry if I've been away for a while, i've been quite busy. Have I missed much? I'm ready to update the maps if necessary.
Thoughts on this for a reworked Half Husked Gunslinger? For the Merc book, i think.

Low Plains Drifter: Cost 10
Soldier, Husked
AP: 2
Movement 3, Accuracy: 5, Strength: 5, Discipline: 3, Evasion: 5, Labor: 5, Awareness: 3
Health: 2
Armor: 000
Duel Wielder: [Any Pistols]

Half Husked:
Cannot be Healed. Each time this model would be killed as a result of taking a Graze or Deep Wound, ignore that Wound and then immediately resolve Soul Rebellion.

Another Shot:
Once per Turn. If this model rolls 4 or lower on its Attack Roll for a Ranged Attack, after resolving the Attack, This model may resolve Soul Rebellion, and if successful, resolve another Ranged Attack for free.

Soul Rebellion:
Anytime you roll a natural 10 while resolving any action or test with a model with this rule, test its Discipline. If a model with the Necromancer rule is within 5 of it, you may use the Necromancer’s Discipline instead. If you fail, the Husked model becomes a Hostile NPC until the end of the game.
>New Armoured Cav
What's the concept? They have KoB already sort of and the Bodyguards are cuirassiers in lore
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>Added. Sorry if I've been away for a while, i've been quite busy.
We all are, your contributions are always super appreciated, mapanon.
> Have I missed much? I'm ready to update the maps if necessary.
Not in terms of things that would need an update to maps. I'm moving along Atlantis but the lore remained mostly the same.
The British policy of claiming every waterway in the Underground has made some waves last thread, seems like it wasn't spelled out well enough in the lore, so one way of redeeming it was to say that it was more of an declaration of intent and warning not to fuck with Cunningham's claims. An idea was brought up to suggest the Crown didn't want to touch Agarthan matters directly and left it to the military for the first decade or so, which is why Cunningham was able to more or less set the pace of all British affairs.
The story shitposted >>93624001
follows a "current timeline" war between Mu and Atlan, so perhaps if you are interested about making more small scale maps of military campaigns that could inspire you?
On this right now. Mind if I use a different art? That just swears a lot against the rest.
>Different Art
Yeah go for it. I just used that one since it's from the same film as the Irregular and it captures the smugness I imagine the captain to have. Something with goggles and smugness and swashbuckling flare would fit if you can find it.
Before I get into any in-universe stuff I’ll talk briefly about what I’m going for here.
One of the big differences I’ve noticed between modern Steampunk and Sci-Fi written in the Victorian era is proliferation. In something like The Difference Engine every character has a steam Gurney (Car), but in a work actually written during the 19th century the fantastical technology is often one of a kind. One Steam-House, one Nautilus, one Aeronef.
Each of these technologies, being unique, and then tied to the men who created them in themes and personality. One type I’ve seen more than a few times is the man in a flying fortress. He’s unassailable and undeniably powerful. There’s an arrogance which comes from that, as well as a sort of casual brutality. Mostly them seem to desire destruction, maybe world domination but only after a period of scorching hellfire.
So when I was thinking about what sort of character the Sky-Captain was I drew from those wells.
Plus he looks like a WW2 Air Marshal on the chart and those guys were scary.
Is it? Which movie btw?
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Somewhere high above Europe, La Nave looms. For as long as men had lived in that forgotten slice of the Alps the outcropping had shadowed their homes. Indeed, it became a source of prominence for the otherwise sleepy village. Artists and hikers alike would pay visit to observe the ominous formation. For incontrovertibly did it resemble its namesake, looking all the world like the hull of some sharp vessel plunging out from the mountainside as if from a dark wave in rough seas.

When the wars of religion came so too did mercenary forces, who camped and pillaged across the valley for a time. One captain, known for his callous brutality and greed, decided the place suited him, and on his retirement returned to construct his hall, atop La Nave. Whether he had simply been taken with the foreboding cliffside or had been drawn there by local legend would never be known, for he died soon after. His lineage continued for many years, finally being snuffed out by the forces of Napoleon himself, in one of many seemingly random acts The Emperor undertook following his Egyptian campaign.

The hall sat abandoned and decaying until the turbulence of Italian unification. In the weeks before the forces of France or the Tyrant reached the village it had become a hub of refugees, though even these newcomers steered away from the rotting hall atop the cliff. Only, one man chose differently. When the rumblings of the earth began the reach the village, when the skies darkened and the ground rent asunder, La Nave set sail with a new Captain.
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Records of what happened then are held secret in both Paris and Naples. From these papers emerge a picture of glowing beams, chattering guns, and a flying ship made of steel raining death upon all those below. Where once La Nave stood now exists only a crater in the cliff, the stone and hall both vanished.

Years later, The Outlanders became known to the world. They offer their services cheaply, all wearing masks and goggles about their eyes. They are neither delicate nor merciful in their operations, operating as a flying brick of explosive force and overwhelming manpower. When not employed they pillage Agartha wantonly, overrunning settlements with ill-tempered and greedy irregulars for days before flying off again. There seems to be no code amongst them save the wearing of their masks and secrecy regarding their origins.

Their Sky-Captain, when seen, is a man of detached joy. He appears most frequently amidst a horde of followers, wearing a smirk beneath his goggles and ornate helmet. When he speaks it is clipped Italian, relaying single word orders before resuming his smile. His motivations seem rooted entirely in treasure, though what he plans to do with it is anyone's guess.

The Italians will hire outlanders as freely as any other, though the Tyrant himself has refused to officially comment on the mercenaries. Overenthusiastic soldiers may proclaim that the Outlanders as a whole must be Redshirts waiting to overthrow Italy, but the Janera disciples tell a different tale entirely. They speak of how the Volcano Spirits have faced many foes, and fought many wars. And that some battles have been fought many times, in many ages. The hags say, quietly, that The Outlanders are fools being tricked deeper and deeper into damnation by their own vessel. That their Captain is feeding something awful with each bomb dropped and that one day La Nave may fly higher than the sky itself, and return with a fire more terrible than their own.
Tl;DR: Outlanders are a horde of guys who like money and may or may not be feeding their stolen hyperborean ship with the power of saturation bombing. The Captain also may or may not know this.

Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind. It's quite good. I can see the Toxic Jungle being great third layer inspiration.
>Something with goggles and smugness and swashbuckling flare would fit if you can find it.
Yeah I like the Swashbuckler of the Sky angle, quick look doesn't really bring up anything else that really evokes that idea as well as the aviator captain one. I might just go with the one you suggested originally.
>Test evasion, Outlander models automatically succeed.
Would "Outlander roll 2 dices, chose the one you wish" work? High Altitude Falls are pretty lethal. And for Volatile can I reduce the wreckage to 3, maybe make them 3hex wide? with generating smoke adjacent to them it'll already cover a lot of the map, 10 seems really excessive scatter rolling.
and finally, can we replace the auto-kill on being under it by something perhaps very lethal but not autokill? Autokilling 7 hexes of models can pretty much be gg.
>Outlander roll 2 dices
I thought about that but the irregulars have low enough Avosion that I don't know how much of a help it would be.
>Reduce wreckage to 3
My idea there is to make a debris field that you can weave in between instead of just a big blob. As long as there's some amount of that any change is good
That one was because the chart said it wipes a quarter of both armies when it dies. As has been well established though whenever I do something just because the chart said so you're free to change it. The idea is that since it has Dogged enemy units have the rest of the turn to get the hell away before it blows but the wording might not be keyed correctly there.
>I thought about that but the irregulars have low enough Avosion that I don't know how much of a help it would be.
Shouldn't be too much of an issue.
>My idea there is to make a debris field that you can weave in between instead of just a big blob.
Ok, I'll keep 10 and just bump it to d6 scatter perhaps? That way it really does change a lot of the map.
I guess it's the sort of thing where you'd have to see it in action. You wrote the scatter rules so I leave it up to you as to if it would take too long or not.
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>Monsieur Eiffel! The Outlanders are heading for the Tower!
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Not sure. I basically just want an excuse to throw the pic here >>93636129 in as a unit, but I haven't quite figured out what their niche should be. Lore-wise I envision that someone in the British government has finally realised that Cunningham has absolutely no oversight down there and he's actively disappearing a lot of their records, so they've sent down a full cav regiment to find out what's going on and report back.

A kind of self-sufficient cavalry fighting force, maybe? One that can skirmish very efficiently while easily disengaging, but expensive as a result, enough that even a single loss is going to hurt. Or maybe I should leave it as a single hero/leader unit.
This is awesome, good work anon. I love the image of a gigantic armoured manor-battleship-thing floating through the sky. Only question would be how does the ship get between layers? The Alph maybe?

Definitely bigger, this thing could easily be the biggest unit in the game. 5 or 6 hexes long, 3 wide maybe? Or even bigger?

>-MORE (7 more to be precise)
Gas bombs
Smoke bombs (to cover the irregulars)
The DEATH RAY (think deathstar superlaser but it needs a turn or two or three to charge up)
DREAD HORN - Horn that induces dread
Spotlights - Increase accuracy against certain models or area of the map
Fireworks - Stuns the enemy
Flechettes - Shotgun style gun? Leave behind spikes on the ground?
>How does it get between layers?
Doggerland is air-navigable IIRC (Did we decanonize that one?)
I think Stromboli also works.
And there is always the northern lights but I don't think they'd take the long way around or even know it exists.

As for making a model longer than it is wide that has some weird hexmap-implications I think.

>Weapon ideas:
Yes, this is good. Very good. Might replace Flechettes with Crewman Shooter like mentioned on the Foreign Legionnaire chart unit.
>Atlan Mu War of 1875
Something like this? Altitude might be somewhat wacky due to not having the scales set up.
Also nations map.
That is awesome.
I kinda want to see if we can wrap games into the developing storyline, but once I have an idea of how the war will go on we could zoom in even further and do maneuvers.
Some headlines from the Times:











Not much of a story, but I might turn the Doppelganger Scandal into a proper short piece at some point. Gist will be Cunningham starts planning a Grand Expedition to the Sixth layer, only to be derailed by jingoism over retaking India. They even go so far as to bring the East India Company back (which I think rebranded and went underground anyway, this new one is an imitation), only for "someone" to leak that some MPs are Mu doppelgangers which gets everyone in such a panic that the plans are quietly dropped when they reach the Admiralty.
Get out, newfag.
Ok, so I've been checking >>93571228 and the bits of lore regarding this map, and I think this would be the area that's approximately fought for. We could call it the "Titan's Pass" if the pillar near it is call the Titan's Pillar. Not sure if the 12x60 miles bit would be accurate, though (mostly because we still don't have the size of the map, and we are using a square area of a map with Robinson Projection, so we'd have to modify it to actually get accurate results.
It also says the corridor is about 12x60 miles
>We could call it the "Titan's Pass" if the pillar near it is call the Titan's Pillar.
Wait, the place is already called Titan's Pass. My bad, disregard that bid.
Yeah I basically went with a very rough by finger comparison of my own world map to its size on the screen to come up with those numbers, I have no clue if they make sense.
Also, >>93663048
I think it would be better to start Atlan a bit closer to halfway the corridor, and >>93660666
being about as back as they get pushed before starting to stabilize (if we go that way with the storyline). It doesn't really require changing the main maps as of right now. Otherwise from the point they start on it doesn't take that much to get pushed out completely.
Also, we need to come up with some Mu vs Atlan Naval fuckery given how much coastline there is there.
>I think it would be better to start Atlan a bit closer to halfway the corridor
Do we have an evolution of the front? Also, do we have info of populations/fortresses/forests & natural barriers that could affect the conflict? Better to represent multiple stages of the war with different maps.
>Do we have an evolution of the front?
No, not yet, that's kinda what I'm referring to with seeing how games between Atlan a& Mu evolve, they could be the basis of how the front evolves. What you've linked to are pretty much everything that I shitposted about the conflict.
Again this is entirely me, but I assume the area would be the Agarthan equivalent of the DMZ, with very sparse population if any, and those there wishes they weren't anywhere close at all.
There ought to be fortifications and trenchworks throughout a large par of it. I guess its going to depend on the size of it in the end.
>forests & natural barriers
Not sure. Atlan in the art suggested is either very bleak moors or temperate climate, Mu is either desertic or jungle, this is right in the middle... Mud wastes?
>Better to represent multiple stages of the war with different maps.
I think so to.
>Mud wastes
>Both sides are disadvantaged by the terrain
>Muic cavalry and Atlan heavy infantry alike struggle in the mires
>Neither side can effectively get a foothold because it's just such awful terrain for both of them to fight in
>Both sides are having the time of their lives
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Here is a start, the options are still left to be done but I should be able to pull from other places, won't be too long.
> bigger
There's already a fair bit of abstraction for size in the game, if you really want I can always try to make a bigger token, or perhaps just size up the 7 hex one to cover more during games, but I don't really think its that necessary, especially considering its a floater unit.
I'm being lazy I guess it took me a solid hour to figure out how to make the goddamn 3hex and 7hex custom masks for tokenstamp.
That's cool. A bit expensive perhaps but then it has Dual Wielder, and there are surely a few way to get its Discipline high enough to get Another Shot to be reliable enough to use.
If that can be done it would be a good follower to throw at the factions that have no or little access to firearms or Fire like Mu or Morlocks.
However renaming units bugs me a bit. In some cases it makes sense, but in this one it doesn't feel necessary. A lot of anons have contributed to this a long time ago and may never come back to it, or they may once every few months, and some may have contributed a single profile or name or event, and having that single thing removed a year and a half later down the road seems to me like it would suck. Apologies if all this sound sanctimonious, I just want to explain my thought process on this.
This is pretty awesome. I'd love to see this thing unleashed in a proper game someday.
>sizing issue
Fair, it's probably not worth it for just the one unit anyway. Now if those damn sky-whales had models maybe it wouldn't be an issue.

Was this ever described as something else? All I can find is the "floating weapons platform" on the Sky-Captain's chart square.
>Was this ever described as something else?
Oh no I was refering to the rework of the Half Husked Gunslinger, the profile suggested renaming him.
Oh sorry, thought you were referring to the flagship. Yes, I think we should try to follow the original concepts and names where possible, even though it's unlikely the people are still around.
Anyone would be up for a game in the next few days? Today is last minute a lot, but I can do tomorrow and Thursday easily.
I've done a quick drawup for all important things in the Titan's Pass. Since the area would be very swampy by default, I've only marked as "swamps" the areas where it trully is a mashy hell, all mud and forest, where there's no way an army would be able to cross. Most populations would have been abandoned due to continued clashes, with the exception of a handful of agrarian populations allowed to exist (maybe both sides try to expand the local population on their side, "carta puebla" style). Also bridges, where they could cross their forces, as there are a lot of rivers, and most of the riversides are very marshy, with some fortresses guarding the populations and bridges. Finally, any dockyard able to keep and maintain warships would be essential for both sides, but there are not that many after so many years of war, so the ones left are precious indeed.

Any suggestions? Things to be added, removed or moved around?
Also, dammit, I should have made the base map bigger, this needs more accuracy.
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Here we go! Art is temporary the other still bugged me too much I'll keep looking for something.
Now I really want to play 250 Silver so I can fit this, the Flagship into a French list, have Eiffel turn the Flagship into an absolute fortress and keep repairing it, and have it dump FFL around on the ground.
Maestro is meant to give you the option of recruiting outlanders, not turning pre-existing models into outlanders unless he's the only leader.
Sorry for any confusion that might have caused.
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>Sapper (12 Silver)
Specialist, Worker
AP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 3
Strength: 6
Discipline: 4
Labour: 7
Evasion: 5
Awareness: 4

0 in all

2 Box

>General Abilities:
-Terrain Affinity (Trench)

>Special Abilities:
-Excavator: This model rolls 2 dices for Excavation actions, choose one result. This model cannot resolve Build actions
-Trencher: This model may construct two trench tiles for each successful excavate (trench) action taken. This model does not need to pay the material cost to construct trenches.

Excavation equipment and lights, not weapons

Everyone (?)

The chart makes it seem like trenches are a structure anyone can build and this guy is just especially good at them. That having been said, check the trench structure below.

Costs 2 Materials, construction is an excavation action instead of building. Any model in a hex containing a Trench gains Cover and may reroll evasion tests relating to explosions. Trenches may not be charged over unless mounted and count as difficult terrain when crossing over. Any model dodging inside of a trench counts as being out of LoS for the purposes or targeting or being targeted by attacks.

>COMMENTARY (Trench edition):
Chart says that trenches block movement and LoS. I thought blocking all movement was a bit harsh so they just block charging across on foot which is still pretty good. The LoS thing likewise only triggers if you spend AP to duck and cover, and it also stops you from shooting while covering. Therefore you can either use trenches to block charge-heavy foot armies like Atlan and Morlocks OR you can use it to shelter against explosion heavy armies like Colonials.
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>Deep-Drunk Demolitionist (13 Silver)
Specialist, Worker, Deep
AP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 3
Strength: 6
Discipline: 3 (Maybe 2)
Labour: 6
Evasion: 5
Awareness: 2

0 in all

2 Box

>General Abilities:
-Training(Thrown Dynamite)

>Special Abilities:
-Deep-Drunkard : This model gains 3 discipline when within 3 hexes of a friendly or neutral Deep unit. When panicked this model must attack itself with any equipped dynamite before resolving other actions.
-Demolitionist: This model may resolve attacks or ranged excavation attempts with equipped dynamite at double range. Ranged excavation attempts rely on its accuracy and not labour. It may target structures when excavating with dynamite, removing them on a success and dealing out a dynamite attack to any units on that hex.

Colonial Equipment.

Colonials, Lost Men, others?

Chart says he stays underground for the touch of the deep so that’s what buffs his discipline. The idea is that you have to balance between getting him close enough to deal damage but keeping him far back enough that he won’t just detonate himself and passersby when the dread gets too high. 10 range might seem pretty good but he’s weak enough that it is still a risk bringing him that far up to detonate walls or structures.
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>Neanderthal Mercenary Tartaradon (30 Silver)
Elite, Deep, Mercenary
AP: 3
Movement: 2
Accuracy: 5
Strength: 8
Discipline: 4
Labour: 6
Evasion: 5
Awareness: 4

4 in Limbs, Body, Head
3 in Crew

1-6: 6 in Body
7-8: 5 in Limbs:
9: 3 in Head
10: 2 in Crew

>General Abilities:
-Heavy Traction (Must spend movement to change facing)
-Vantage Point

>Special Abilities:
-Uncoordinated : This model suffers -2 Accuracy to all Ranged (and Thrown) attacks.

-Wild : When this model would become Shaken, it becomes Panicked instead.

-Tartaradon: This model reverts to a neutral NPC when all crew boxes are filled. Each time it takes more than [Black] damage in one turn it must save discipline or lose 1 discipline. This model automatically attacks any unit it passes over with Crushing Feet.

May take two weapons available to Neanderthal Condottieri. Equipped with Crushing Feet
-Crushing Feet: (Melee)
Acc: -1
Eva: 0
Pen: 0
Threshold: 9
Weak/Strong: [Black]/[Black][Black]
Cost: Free
Special: Concussive

May be recruited by anyone who can recruit Neanderthals as a faction unit. Otherwise counts as merc.

This one is designed to go crazy and smash through your own lines by panicking because that is cinematic. In the brief period before that inevitably happens you’re supposed to drive it up and have the crew (included in the profile) go to town with pikes and laugh because they have armour sort of. No tank traps in the game yet like was mentioned on the chart so I left that out and just gave it slow movement.

The age of the Tartaradon has begun. Chart references 3, but a wild variant seems prudent.
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I'm adding the rivers to each of the layers. I imagine many volcanic areas where water runs full of soot and volcanic minerals, which would probably allow many areas to flourish due to the fertility those bring. Also, I've differentiated between inner lakes and inner seas.
This is awesome.
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>Turkish Cannon Tartaradon (34 Silver)
Elite, Deep, Husked
AP: 3
Movement: 1
Accuracy: 6
Strength: 8
Discipline: 3
Labour: 6
Evasion: 5
Awareness: 4

2 in Limbs, Body, Head
6 in Howdah

1-6: 5 in Body
7-8: 4 in Limbs:
9: 2 in Head
10: 2 in Howdah

>General Abilities:
-Heavy Traction (Must spend movement to change facing)
-Vantage Point
-Soul Rebellion

>Special Abilities:
-Husked Tartaradon: This model loses its cannon and reverts to a hostile NPC when all Howdah boxes are filled. This model automatically attacks any unit it passes over with Crushing Feet.

May take two weapons available to Turks. Equipped with Crushing Feet and Cannon
-Crushing Feet: (Melee)
Acc: -1
Eva: 0
Pen: 0
Threshold: 9
Weak/Strong: [Black]/[Black][Black]
Cost: Free
Special: Concussive
-Cannon: (Ranged)
Range: 12
Skill: 0
Pen: 1
Lethal: [Black]
Reload: 2
Cost: Free*
Special: Explosion, Scatter d3
Blast Range: 1
Strength: 4
AP: -1

May be recruited by Husked Ottoman Armies (No Egyptian option since it’s a cave elephant not a regular one)

It’s not an especially large cannon. Lower health and armour because the hide has rotted off the body of the Tartaradon. It’s not happy about being husked so it auto-rebels once the Mahouts are gone. The cannon is good but the discipline is so low you pretty much have to invest in a necromancer to keep it from going apeshit. Could stand to be a little more expensive still maybe.
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Fixed a couple of things in the 3rd layer map.
It's really cool looking with all the detail
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Also, 4th layer rivers mid-way done. I have issues with the rivers in the prairie areas. Most of the water in the layer is focused on the central seas, so I imagine that the rest of the layer is very dry (with the exception of some of the higher areas and the Alph river, since its water comes mostly from above). How can we work around the dryness of the layer? Do we just handwave it with "Agartha weirdness" explanation?
>Lemurian Rocket Tartaradon (30 Silver)
Elite, Deep, Artillery, Soldier
AP: 3
Movement: 2
Accuracy: 5
Strength: 8
Discipline: 4
Labour: 7
Evasion: 5
Awareness: 6

4 in Limbs, Body, Head
0 in Crew

1-6: 6 in Body
7-8: 5 in Limbs:
9: 3 in Head
10: 2 in Crew

>General Abilities:
-Heavy Traction (Must spend movement to change facing)
-Vantage Point

>Special Abilities:
-Wild : When this model would become Shaken, it becomes Panicked instead.

-Tartaradon: This model reverts to a neutral NPC when all crew boxes are filled. Each time it takes more than [Black] damage in one turn it must save discipline or lose 1 discipline. This model automatically attacks any unit it passes over with Crushing Feet.

-Rockets of Lemuria: [1 AP 1 LP]
While you have a Camelback Artillery in play, your Leader may use this Action during his Activation. Until the end of the turn, all Lemurian Rocket Tartaradon models may select two targets when resolving a rocket attack.

May take two weapons available to Vedic Warriors. Equipped with Crushing Feet and Rocket Battery
-Crushing Feet: (Melee)
Acc: -1
Eva: 0
Pen: 0
Threshold: 9
Weak/Strong: [Black]/[Black][Black]
Cost: Free
Special: Concussive
-Rocket: (Ranged)
Range: 16
Skill: -3
Pen: 0
Lethal: [X]
Reload: 0
Cost: Free*
Special: Explosion, Scatter d3
Blast Range: 1
Strength: 1
AP: 0
May be recruited by Lemuria
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The idea here is that you see a Tartaradon crest over a hill and then dozens of rockets begin to wildly spin out of control and blanket your entire army with weak explosions. Absolute chaos in seconds. How the camel cannons and these guys fit into wider Lemurian culture is something I have wondered about for a while. They clearly have gunpowder but don’t care to arm their guys. My working theory is that drawing a bow requires you to have cultivated strength, whereas shooting a gun does not. Therefore what they must like about artillery is the prophetic nature of ballistic trajectories. Or maybe they just stole these from the Indians when they overthrew the EIC.
Fifth layer working like an Aquifer, Atlan having slave-dug canals, Mu worshiping their wells because that's where the tentacles and water come from, that sort of thing.
I always figured the fourth was the driest layer anyways though so it works for me.
>WILD Tartaradon (25 Silver)
AP: 3
Movement: 2
Accuracy: 5
Strength: 8
Discipline: 4
Labour: 6
Evasion: 5
Awareness: 6

4 in Limbs, Body, Head

1-6: 6 in Body
7-8: 5 in Limbs:
9-10: 3 in Head

>General Abilities:
-Heavy Traction (Must spend movement to change facing)
-Vantage Point

>Special Abilities:

-Wild : When this model would become Shaken, it becomes Panicked instead.

-Tartaradon: Each time it takes more than [Black] damage in one turn it must save discipline or lose 1 discipline. This model automatically attacks any unit it passes over with Crushing Feet.

-Never Forget, Never Forgive: (Campaign only) This model begins play as a neutral NPC. Adjacent models may spend 5 rations and 1 AP to feed it, contesting awareness. If successful the Tartaradon becomes friendly for the remainder of the match. If this model is rendered hostile and survives the match it is redeployed as a hostile NPC in the next match.

Equipped with Crushing Feet
-Crushing Feet: (Melee)
Acc: -1
Eva: 0
Pen: 0
Threshold: 9
Weak/Strong: [Black]/[Black][Black]
Cost: Free
Special: Concussive

NPC unit

I thought about doing a “long memory” bit with the Lemurian variant but that one had enough going on. This one is beefy enough that as an NPC it’s worth being wary around. It’s also worth enough that bagging it as a kill makes for a good side objective if you have someone who can redeem that value.

Thus ends the Age of The Tartaradon. I'll knock out one of the OG chart characters we haven't hit yet next.
Waterfalls from the 3rd? I imagine there is more water than is shown on the map, for every layer.
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>Akamnandag the Sumerian: (????? Silver)
Deep, Character (More?)
AP: 2
Movement: 4
Accuracy: 9
Strength: 5
Discipline: 9
Labour: 5
Evasion: 7
Awareness: 9

0 in All


>General Abilities:
-Terrain Affinity [All]
-Ignores Obscurity

>Special Abilities:
-Entrapped Witness:
This model may only undertake move, climb, disengage, and dodge actions. If this model would be killed or dealt any damage scatter it d5 hexes away.

-The Chronicler: (2 AP)
For the remainder of the turn, If this model is within 5 hexes of a leader unit when they spend LP mark it down. For every 10(?) LP spent, equip this model with a Fragment of Forgotten Lore.

-Trapped no more:
When the time has come, remove the Entrapped Witness rule and grant this model Prophecy, Muic Maledictions, Necromancer, Diplomat and +2 AP. It is immune to husking or degeneracy.
Replace “Unkillable” with 4 head health, 6 body health, and 5 limb health.
(This rule is triggered on campaign conditions. Examples include Charles L.N.B perishing while adjacent to this unit, Hyperboreans showing up, and a challenge to single combat from Napoleon himself.)

May carry equipment and any be equipped with any mediaeval weapon or a Lefaucheux Pistol

Campaign unit.
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The Lore Doc says he is friends with Charles L.N.B so he gets a Lefaucheux Pistol in reference to the great scene in their novel where Charles teaches him how to shoot and re-ignites his faith in humanity.
In universe the Entrapped Witness teleport rule works more like an illusion, where you strike at him but he was never there to begin with. He cannot control it, some people think he may exist only in your mind and not even be real.
He didn’t write all of the Fragments but he did write a lot of them. His hut is full of them (or possibly built out of fragments of forgotten lore) so now he just hucks them wherever.
My headcanon is that he was the previous cycle’s Napoleon equivalent but he couldn’t stop the fall of Atlantis when the Hyperboreans came so now he’s stuck here contemplating mankind and the cycle. After he started believing in mankind again he’s still trapped but now he encourages people to better themselves and fight for good in the world.
I should also apologise about the clipart but it made me burst into laughter when I saw it.
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>Unpainted Mystery Unit (0 Silver)
AP: ?
Movement: ?
Accuracy: ?
Strength: ?
Discipline: ?
Labour: ?
Evasion: ?
Awareness: ?



>General Abilities:

>Special Abilities:



The core book currently has a KoB as the example unit but I think it would be funny to have this guy be there instead. I can’t think of any other way to have it be a unit even though it was on the chart.
Yeah, that's too hard to read at the moment, if it was bigger I could give some proper feedback.

I can't wait to start WWI with those trenches. If we start a proper campaign growing we might even get two opposing trench lines on one map!

Very nice work anon. I love the rivers especially.

We should probably treat most of the layers as being unmapped anyway. Nobody (except Napoleon, maybe?) should have a complete picture of where everything is.
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>General Hoken (19 Silver)
Leader, Soldier, Character
AP: 3
LP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 8
Strength: 5
Discipline: 8
Labour: 3
Evasion: 6
Awareness: 1

0 in all

2 in head
3 in body
2 in limbs

>General Abilities:
-Immune to Diplomacy
-Immune to Morale

>Special Abilities:
-Lust for revenge: (1 LP, 1 AP)
Immediately resolve a successful attack on the closest unit. If that unit dies all friendly models within 6 hexes may use this models discipline for the remainder of the turn.

If this model misses an attack or fails to deal damage you must immediately resolve an additional attack on the closest friendly unit. If a weapon needs to be reloaded first you must resolve a reload action and then an attack.
This model is immune to any action which would deal damage or cause it to act it after a failed awareness save.

Must be equipped with a pistol, may be any colonial pistol. May be equipped with weapons from Ottoman or Japanese list.

-May Lead Japanese (Satsuma or Imperial) and Turkish (Husked or Unhusked) armies.

He is no longer welcome at the Warfare Existentialists after flipping a table and screaming in the smoking lounge when he heard the word “defeat.”

I should say that I don’t get the reference but I did look up the quote and laugh at the funny video. Nonetheless I figure this is the sort of man you get when an entire empire implodes into skeletons and violence. I can’t imagine moving to Japan for a holiday helped matters with what’s going on over there.
Mansure Armyman chart unit says they work well with him which makes sense because they’re easier to kill with one pistol shot.
The idea here is that you want him close to friendly units so they can deal with high dread, but also if he’s close to people he will blow their heads off when someone succeeds their armour save or dodges. It’s a tradeoff.
I’d like to find a picture with a fez and glasses but it's hard.
I swear I had made a general Hoken for the Ottoman book but its not there so thank you very much for this.
Also, baking, won't be long.
I was also confused not to have seen him. I think the Sultan's portrait looks close enough to Hoken that I was confusing the two while scrolling.
Also what's the difference between the primitive local and Deep Folk Tribal? And does the New Mu nomad count as one of those?
File: investor2.png (265 KB, 465x513)
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265 KB PNG
>The Eccentric Investor (-25 Silver)
AP: 3
Movement: 2
Accuracy: 3
Strength: 2
Discipline: 6
Labour: 4
Evasion: 5
Awareness: 7

0 in all


>General Abilities:

>Special Abilities:
-Private Escort:
On recruitment of this model, gain 25 silver. You may only spend this silver on purchasing and equipping mercenary units available to the US or UK. Mark units purchased in this manner. You do not gain silver for any objectives completed or units killed by these models.

-Private Concerns:
If at any point an enemy or neutral unit with the Deep keyword worth more than 25 silver dies, place a prized corpse token in its place. For all non-marked units it functions as a regular corpse unit. While the prized corpse unit is on the table subtract the value of marked mercenaries from your victory chest. Once picked up by a marked unit you may remove that debt and add the value of the prized corpse to your victory pool.
If at any point the Eccentric investor dies, subtract the marked value permanently.
Units carrying Lemurian Alchemical Artefacts, Hyperborean artefacts, Fragments of Forgotten Lore also produce a prized corpse on death.

None, but may carry and use artefacts recovered during the game.

Colonials, Atlantis, KoB, Warfare Existentialists.
This was one of my chart units, and now over a year later I’m doing rules for it, kind of bizarre to see how far we’ve come. Frankly I’m amazed that 2eAnon stepped up to indulge all my other ideas and I can definitely understand why he held back on this one. I thought for a while about how to give the player free units without screwing balance sideways and this seemed like a good one. They’re not very useful unless you’re specifically targeting units who are worth it and once you do you’re actually losing silver until you recover the body. I should probably expand the list of what makes a prized corpse but I’ll leave it for now. (French steam stuff, US electricity stuff, that sort of thing just so you have a reason to take this guy while facing colonials)
Investor himself is a weak unit but that’s the idea. His only benefit aside from money is the ability to use artefacts which is admittedly pretty good.
As the guy who made his chart unit I am taking this one of a kind opportunity to declare that his secret plan is 100% making a robot-husk army out of all the wacky things he’s salvaging.

5 silver to the man who can guess some of my other chart units, they're all over the place.

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