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Tartarodon Proliferation Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked cook-off adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, cook off and fight each other for victory (and the best meal).
A campaign mode is currently in the works, hoping to post a first Campaign Scenario within the next week or two. (you) are more than encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc
>Main Lore Doc, including links to anon-written short stories and additional lore in "Recommended..." section
> Unit Spreadsheet - Currently outdated, requires an update
>Unit Design Doc

>What can I do?
Shitpost, meme, get comfy. Read over the docs to settle in.
Familiarize yourself with rules and plan some playtests.
Contribute if you have ideas. Give feedback on contributions if you don't.

> TQ (cont.): What is the political/cultural outlook of every faction toward every faction, especially as of [current time]?

> TQ2: Everyone good with wrapping Sky-Clans into "core"?

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Reposting the maps because they are fucking awesome. I'll include them soon into the Worldbook (same with the Outlander story of last thread.)
>Also what's the difference between the primitive local and Deep Folk Tribal? And does the New Mu nomad count as one of those?
None, they might have been meant to mean different people back but it was never spelled out and I always interpreted the term to be pretty much interchangeable.
New Mu Nomad would definitely be a specific flavour of Deepfolk Tribal, yes.
Yes, they deserve to be core.
I do think they could do with a character or two. They're the only chart faction I can think of without even one. Any ideas? Maybe we could play up the pillar cities being new and have a "RVTRN TO WARLORD" leader and a "Cities are pretty cool" one
Maybe a leader among the Skywaymen who's gaining prominence as the Sky-Clans start to militarize more in response to Epigean expansion?
>"Cities are pretty cool"
This guy should be some kind of scholarly diplomat type, a guy who believes firmly in the value of the ancient treaties that protect the pillar cities as well as maybe a proponent of extensive mercenary use over militarizing the Sky-Clans themselves.
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First Tartarodon done!
I expect this dude to be a brute. I changed the suggested track for locations, limbs goes first in general, also, 10 is only possible to get if you backstab or if the opponent fails its Defense roll altogether, so I set it to 9 instead.
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>Jesuit Missionary (15 Silver)
AP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 6
Strength: 5
Discipline: 7
Labour: 6
Evasion: 5
Awareness: 7

0 in all

2 Box

>General Abilities:

>Special Abilities:
-Educated Advisor: (1 LP)
Until the end of the turn, this model gains one of the following keywords:
Medic, Academic, Engineer, Diplomat

May take equipment, not weapons

France, Morlocks, Atlan (Gains slave keyword)

Good gap-filler unit for Catholics and Convertees. Taiping explicitly does not like these guys and I don’t think the Atlantean Christian-esque rites play nice with Avingion. Everyone else is either philosophically incompatible with Christianity (Lemurians) or under deities who are keeping a pretty close eye on their subjects (Mu and Italy and Ottos.)
Or they’re Protestant.

You might be wondering what Atlan is doing here but I figure that ever since the Conquistadors showed up Atlan has realised that in every horde of horrible outlanders crossing the sacred wall there are some who will translate your books and apply Epigean sciences if you threaten them enough. I suspect the church as a whole has mixed feelings since it’s practically the only way for the surface to have nonviolent contact with Atlan but it’s not like they’re getting their missionaries back or much in the way of mail. It’s still worth a shot at least I suppose.
I shudder to think of what would happen if any Atlan warlord actually decided to listen, Crusader-State Atlan would be horrific.

Six health boxes looks a lot more intimidating when it's in box form. Feel free to tweak that one even for an elephant it might be overmuch.
>As the guy who made his chart unit I am taking this one of a kind opportunity to declare that his secret plan is 100% making a robot-husk army out of all the wacky things he’s salvaging.
Kek, I'm betting he's going to cause a Hyperborean incident somewhere down the line.

>5 silver to the man who can guess some of my other chart units, they're all over the place.
No clue. Failed monk maybe? The monster? The changed noble?

Definitely make Sky-Clans into core, they're on the the OG chart. Not sure about cities are cool, though we could do with more academic style leaders/characters. Maybe a guy who can summon skywhales all over the battlefield?
>Crusader-State Atlan would be horrific.
Holy kek, I want to see this now.
Good guesses but no
Britanon here, should be free for the next few days, whenever's best for you.

Dang. Any hints? Leopold maybe? I only made one unit on the OG chart myself, so I don't have much to go on.
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>Six health boxes looks a lot more intimidating when it's in box form. Feel free to tweak that one even for an elephant it might be overmuch.
Yeah, especially for that cost. Any reason why you didn't give it the Beast keyword? It would make it easier to deal with through the Prize Hunter and other specialist models.
> picrel
Added to a temporary file until I come back to Ottomans proper.
Is Thursday 22nd 7-8 pm EST (so Friday morning for you I believe, ~44h from now) alright?
>Any reason why you didn't give it the Beast keyword?
The reason is that I forgot it existed, thought "Wait is there a beast keyword" and then didn't see it when I scanned over the corebook because I was looking at the wrong page.
Yep, that works!
>Frankly I’m amazed that 2eAnon stepped up to indulge all my other ideas and I can definitely understand why he held back on this one.
Only through a lack of imagination (or direction, I am dysfunctionally scatterbrain) on my part, let me assure you. There's nothing on the charts that I want to skip or remove.
No issue, will add it then, and add it to the main book too, its common enough even if it doesn't have any rules to it.
Putting together an Agartha Ravenfield config. So far I only have the US, but does anyone have any good suggestions for mods I can use for different factions?
>Tribunal Del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición: (20 silver)
AP: 2
LP: 1
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 7
Strength: 6
Discipline: 8
Labour: 6
Evasion: 5
Awareness: 7

0 in all

2 Box

>General Abilities:

>Special Abilities:
-An almost fanatical devotion to the Pope:
You must take three of these units upon recruitment. Select one specialty for all from the following three:

Twin-Arrow Believer:
All models gain Hatred[Hyperborea] and the action “Blessed Incense”
Blessed Incense: (1 AP 1 LP)
Place 3 Blessed Incense tokens adjacent to this model. They function as smoke and add +3 discipline to any model within, gas masks counteract this. If occupying the same tile as an emanation remove the emanation and the smoke.

Triple Alliance Supporter: (Alternate name “Between a husk and a hot place”)
You may recruit Ethiopian units and French Elites as faction units.

Roman Revanchist:
All models gain Hatred[Italians]. This model gains the “Isaiah 43:2” ability.
Isaiah 43:2: (1 LP)
For the remainder of the turn this model and any adjacent are immune to fire damage.

-Ruthless Efficiency: (Unlocks Faction Structure, The Rack)
Costs 5 material, requires an engineer. May be carried as equipment and then setup adjacent after initial construction. If a hostile unit is on the same hex then the “Read the Accusation!” action becomes available to this unit.
“Read the Accusation!”: (2 AP)
The targeted unit must save strength or discipline, whichever is lower. If successful take one [X] damage, if failed take [Black][Black] damage. If this kills an enemy unit refresh all LP and gain twice that units silver value.

May take French equipment and weapons

Leads the Inquisition faction
Their chief weapons are fear (terror), surprise (Skirmisher), ruthless efficiency, and an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope!
Which units the Inquisition should be able to natively recruit is up to debate. French Troops but not Elites or specialists seems like a good starting place. Maybe the Soldato and Alpini to represent redshirts too. (Limited to the Mason or Tornare a Baita feature)
The inquisition is an organisation of many different grunts without as many specialists in my view.
I thought about having the Rack rule target Deep models or leader units but I realised that the historical Inquisition didn’t especially care as to if their victims were really witches or not so I figured having it apply to everyone equally was thematic.
As to the efficacy of their techniques, I suppose it varies. Blessed Incense is pumped full of painkillers and holy water, and which of those is better against Hyperborea is a matter of much debate. The Revanchism ability meanwhile can be interpreted in a couple of ways. Maybe it’s their faith and willpower pushing them through the flames, maybe they’re actually getting a divine asbestos bath for a few seconds. Maybe the Volcano Spirits go “oh fuck they’re really pissed” and pull back for a few seconds.
It’s been a productive enough afternoon but my peripheral vision is starting to widen and I can only see a blur where my hands used to be so I think I’ll throw in the towel. Are Mother Unknown and the empress the same unit? And is the Plouph somewhere? And I’m still stuck on how to do an Oinerophobia well.
I feel dizzy.
>Lack of Imagination
Don't say that man you have blown me clear out of the water time and time again with your units.
Kek, you actually made it you madman. Actually, I think I might have first suggested the Inquisition plus making another unit for the OG chart. Still, good job.

On the subject of the church, what do we want to do with them in the madness of the Long 19th Century? They seem to have become very crusadery in the lore, relocating to Avignon after the last Pope was assassinated, but there's not much more too them than that. I don't want to turn them into an Inquisition faction screaming HERESY! and burning people all the time. How is their faith changing now that there's an entire underground to access, the discovery of new powerful factions that are very explicitly non/anti-Christian, the burden of preaching and converting all these new people? How are they supposed to juggle reclaiming Rome with spreading their influence in Agartha?

>reading the Italian lore
>The first ruler of Volcano Italy is Francesco Crispy
>Who was a real figure IRL
This fucking setting
>This fucking setting
2e anon here.
I realized only halfway through making the Italian book that all the characters were legit and not meme names.
Maybe as an Anomaly? Doesn't really work on the battle field. Maybe have models test Discipline when out of AP or take Dread? But that is more like Phronemophobia. Something about Dread or lack of sleep. Maybe you have to choice if your guys sleep and gain Dread or stay up and lose AP? Or something less harsh like a hit to stats?
>I realized only halfway through making the Italian book that all the characters were legit and not meme names.
I once forgot Piranesi’s first name so I named him Giovanni Piranessi as a joke, thinking that was too stereotypical to be his actual name. Turns out that’s his actual name.
On that note, we should put a Piranesi-style structure somewhere.
>we should put a Piranesi-style structure somewhere.
Yes, definitely! Only question would be where and why. An Atlantean ruin maybe, some kind of chemists fortress or vault? Or maybe something built by a civilisation long forgotten on one of the deeper layers.
Tried to expand the map for the Mu-Atlan war. This way we can be more precise with the locations.
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Also, improved river map for the 4th layer. I've added a couple of long rivers in the prairie layers, whose size I imagine shrink a lot during the drier seasons.
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The 5th layer rivers are obviously much shorter and rarer, as I imagine the vertical jungles absorb a great deal of humidity into themselves, plus there being much less land for longer rivers to develop.
I don't know if I've mentioned this before or not but I had an idea for how the INNER SVN works in the 5th layer. The lore doc mentions it's always twilight there, but then I realized it would be pretty cool if the lighting and time of day is determined by your latitude, with the equator being twilight and the poles being sunset.
That way the sun really never does set on the British Empire because Beatrice Falls is stuck at an eternal sunset.
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One of the ways we can logic light conditions is that I included a small part that INNER SVN light tend to spread and accumulate toward larger openings, so that even in the day a small cave shaft will still be darker than one of the 3rd continent size pockets. I believe the 5th was fluffed to have a much lower ceiling so that might be the reason why. Also, INNER SVN light has to filter through all that water to come up, so perhaps there's an interaction there too.
> picrel
Gonna try and push ahead to finish Atlantis today/tonight. I wanted to make the traits a bit more relevants so I added the LP action part to some.
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I don't see much to change to Lady K's profile except recost it. She is fairly fragile so you don't want her targeted, or you want to have a Hierophant next to her at all time.
The two things that came to mind was giving her Hide and letting her take 3 Hetera instead of the usual max 1, but I think it makes more sense to have her be the orchestrated/handler type instead of the backstabby spy type. The 3x Hetera could be something to add either to the Scion or the Hero as a trait (the Scion's Entourage theme already works thematically.)
> Ambrosia : Ambrosia counts as a Warm Meal, however it grants +1 AP for two turns instead of +2AP for one. In addition to this and other Special Rules effect gained when consumed, chose a statistic, it gains +1 for the next 2 turn. Once this effect ends, this statistic suffers -1 until the end of the game. (5 Silver)
Looks good to me!
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New Scion.
Reduced the Entourage to target 3 models instead of 5, 5 was too much.
There's a few good (but expensive) builds here, I think Regal + Artistic Entourage is going to be the really good one, and perhaps not even just for assassination shenanigans, 3 Hiding Hetera loaded on 6 AP could massively heal your Expedition within a single turn. But it could also do a lot of backstabbing.
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>The Gunboat (87 Silver)
Mechanical, Artillery
AP: 5
Movement: 2
Accuracy: 5
Strength: 7
Discipline: 8
Labour: 8
Evasion: 3
Awareness: 4

7 in Hull
5 in Engine
0 in Crew
0-3: Hull: 6 Box (Death if full)
4-5: Engine: 4 Box (Death if full, -1 Move per 2 lost)
6+: Crew: 4 Box (Death if full, -1 AP for each)
>General Abilities:
-Vantage Point
-Heavy Traction

>Special Abilities:
-Water Vehicle : This vehicle may only move if all target hexes are water tiles. (Maybe also swamp?) It may only be deployed on a 7 water hex space, if it cannot be deployed it is counted as destroyed.

-Crew : This model has 4 Crewman, they each have their own Weapons and must track Reload

-Firing Deck : This model may transport up to 6 Friendly Faction Models, These are placed on one of the hexes occupied by this model at the end of each of this model’s Movement. Attacks may target these models individually, but the models transported gain Cover and this model’s Hull Location Armour Value, unless the Hull Location has been destroyed. Models transported this way may exit through a normal Move Action.

-Steam Pressure : Whenever this model suffers a Critical hit to its Engine Location, it must
succeed a Strength test, if it fails it dies immediately, causing an Explosion Blast Range 2, Strength 9 Penetration 3 from itself.

-Heavy Load : This model may carry up to 50 pieces of Equipment

May take 4x Army Private options.
Comes equipped with Hotchkiss Cannon
-Hotchkiss Revolving Cannon: (Ranged)
Range: 11
Skill: -3
Pen: 2
Lethal: [Black][Black][X]
Reload: 1
Cost: Free*
Special: Ammo Feed 4
Essentially just a redux of the Traction Engine with bits of the Millitrauese slapped on. I was told that it dominates on water maps so it’s now able to lay down a constant hail of unit deleting fire. I’m not an expert on Hotchkiss gun but from what I gathered you could choose between explosive shells and more traditional shot, so this one is the latter.
Historically it’s most similar to an Ant-Class gunboat like picrel from what I gather, though Netherlands had some cooler looking ones.

As an aside, I realized that I was writing to hit locations for the Tartaradons like it was Cyberpunk 2020. Bumping those down so it's actually possible to hit the head and crew every few shots would be a very very good idea.
Sorry about that one.
Sharpshooters and Hunters Entourage might be a nice pair-off, especially after getting any reload 1 colonial weapons
>King Leopold II (20 Silver)
Leader, Diplomat
AP: 2
LP: 5
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 5
Strength: 4
Discipline: 6
Labour: 1
Evasion: 5
Awareness: 7

0 in All

1 Limbs
2 Body
1 Head

>General Abilities:

>Special Abilities:
-Labourers to Hand: (1 LP 1 AP)
Place 3 New Mu nomads under your control in the deployment zone. These units have 1 AP, no equipment, the Worker keyword instead of Soldier, and lose the cannibal rule. Gain 2 dread each time this rule is used.

-Force Publique: (5 LP, before battle start)
You may recruit one additional mercenary leader unit. This unit and any unmounted soldier units may reroll attacks against Gorgs, Lemurians, Beasts, Devolved Deepfolks, and New Mu Nomads as long as this model is alive.

Nothing (He’s too rich to have to work or fight)

Leads Force Publique expeditions. (Recruits as Warf Existentialist)

The nomads he can summoned have 1 AP because he cut off their fucking hands.
Force Publique is strong but it’s a 20 silver tax and it ties you to keeping a very weak leader unit alive. Plus it blocks you out of 15 potential free workers.
I had to do a little research into the free state while working this one up so please have a Gorg slam him into magma next time we’re testing.
Considered a Heart of Darkness reference too but decided to keep it simple.
>Smenticyst Ploluph (7 Silver)
Beast, Deep
AP: 2
Movement: 1
Accuracy: 2
Strength: 1
Discipline: 2
Labour: 1
Evasion: 2
Awareness: 8

2 in All

1 Box

>General Abilities:

>Special Abilities:
When control is gained of this model select the nearest unit. Replace this models stats (AP through Awareness) with those of the selected model. These stats remain that way until the next activation where a different unit has become closer.

-Easy Prey:
When hit with an attack, regardless of damage, reduce dread by of the attacker by 1
This model produces a fleshy outgrowth tile on death. Academic models adjacent to this one when it dies may attempt the 1 AP reaction “Witnessing Dissolution”
“Witnessing Dissolution” (1 AP:)
Test discipline, if successful add 1 awareness and 7 additional silver. If failed, gain 3 dread.



Watching your own face melt into a fungal mass is a very enlightening experience but it can also be rather scary. Lemurians like these things because they do outgrowths.
Hitting it is therapeutic meanwhile because it makes funny sounds.

One left.
>The Oneirophobia (90 Silver)
AP: 4
Movement: Irrelevant
Accuracy: 9
Strength: 2
Discipline: 8
Labour: 1
Evasion: 9
Awareness: 6



>General Abilities:

>Special Abilities:
-The Dreamer:
Before the start of the battle, select one Character, Leader, or Hero unit from the enemy army. This model is the target of The Oneirophobia until they are either Broken or The Oneirophobia is dispelled. If their Target is broken The Oneirophobia wins the match.

This model may be deployed anywhere on the map, but it must be deployed on the edge hex of enemy LoS. If there is nowhere on the map bordering enemy LoS place it to the side of the board, it is still deployed. It may not be damaged by any attack.

The opponent begins play with 3 dread and obscurity 3. Each turn, The Oneirophobia may increase obscurity by 1 at the cost of 2 AP. Each enemy unit which ends its turn in a hex with obscurity higher than its awareness (or discipline) generates 1 dread (does not apply to units immune to obscurity)
The Oneirophobia may also target any unit on the board, except its target, with the Oneirophobia melee during this time.
Count each Panicked unit which leaves the board or Broken unit during this match as dead. Broken units count for twice their value.

-Nightmare Realised:
Once obscurity reaches 10, or all non-target units are shaken, deploy 5 Oneirophobia models anywhere on the map, but more than 1 hex away from the Target. They may redeploy individually for 1 AP each. They now have armour and health, with armour equal to 0 and health equal to the dread rating at the time of their deployal. They gain 5 strength.
Only one of these may be activated each turn, and they share a health pool. They may now attack their target.
From here the match ends either when the target dies or The Oneirophobia does.

-Oneirophobia: (Melee)
Acc: 0
Eva: 0
Pen: 6
Threshold: 8
Weak/Strong: [2 Discipline]/[Black][X]
Cost: Free
The starting obscurity and how fast it can decrease might need tweaking.
The idea here is that you tack Oneirophobia mode onto a pre-existing scenario. So you have one army trying to search a temple or setup a mine and no opponent except a weird model with holes all over.
The goal is to stick together around light sources and pump that dread down as far as you can before obscurity gets to 10 and deeper night falls.
So instead of fighting, the goal for most of the scenario is camping while also still accomplishing your objectives.
This would work best in campaign mode where you can’t build an army around comfymaxxing and just have to make do with whatever you have when it comes time to nightmare.
Not technically the last unfinished chart 1 unit but sky-people are WIP. All the weird one-offs have been covered unless I inevitably missed one.
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2e anon you free for a game sometime? I'll be around tomorrow, but not the next day, but after that I'm free.
I can do Sunday the 25th if you want!
Atlantis up!
There's still traits missing from the Hero, but I'm not having any inspiration at the moment, so I'll leave it for later.
Anyone have the new firearm rules to hand? I have some time to run a test game with my regular group this weekend and I'd like to give them a shot.

Any faction people would like to see played? No idea what my players will pick (Atlan if I had to guess) but I'm open to suggestions
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Sorry if its a mess right now, still waiting to get a bit more input regarding the new ammo and reload rules, and then I want to try and get a formula down for the costs.
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Picrel being the formula
On an another topic
> game maps & terrain rules
The terrain rules take a lot of space for little gain. Almost every games I've played we had this part were we agree on defining the terrain and for most of it its about making sure there's enough open terrain to be navigable and not too much obstructions to LoS.
Instead of having a full rule set for each group of terrains according to biomes (as it is now), I was thinking I could make a small pack of mostly empty maps, maybe with a few features, and 1hex, 2hex and 7hex tokens of terrain elements that you could either scatter or place like the walls. This would give more variation without necessarily adding much more set up time, if we keep it to a small enough amount of tokens.
Say I make ~10 maps, the "biomes" rules could be set by Layer. These could also determine other things like if Walls are used and how many.
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Been meaning to try my hand at making a game out of this.
Probably nothing will come out of it.
Britanon are we still good for tonight?
Yep, should be.
Would you be good in about an hour?
Yeah, I can do that for sure.
sorry about the delay, room's up
Well that was an extremely close and bloody game. Many thanks to 2e anon for running!
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Following reports that Mu activity in other areas have escalated into full blown war, Cunningham becomes worried when the Modern Major General reports a clash with the ghoulish Revenants. He sets out to investigate the border with a team of privates he has gone to great length to outfit with the very best of modern firearms. He quickly tracks down the culprits into a cavernous maze.
The horde surges forward. Worried the terrain will allow the Deepfolks to evade most of their fire, the British separates into 3 groups, with each having enough men to form a Fire Line. Cunningham advances forward and shoots at a Morlock, but misses. Another one on the north end takes a bullet, but miraculously doesn't die immediately from it.
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The massacre starts with Morlocks pouring out of the middle passage, each immediately dying to the incoming line fire from the Privates.
On the north side 2 Morlocks die similarly, but much more importantly, the Saur Knight who ate a Ration last turn charges in and whiffs on all its Attacks, then proceeds to also die (he did save at least 1 or 2 attacks with his armour before dying however). I move up another Revenant hoping he'll at least be able to charge in and get additional attacks from eating the corpses on the way next turn, but the group of Privates in the middle have range on him, and manage to put him down as well, leaving only a hiding Revenant and a (probably very nervous) Morlock only to deal with that side.
At least the bottom horde manages to pull forward safer, and only loses 2 Morlocks on the way. The Priestess and Apprentice are left to Rally to avoid losing next turn to being Shaken or the Cunningham Dread Bomb.
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After taking so much shit, the Morlocks are the first to actually do something for my and charge in the bottom group of Privates, managing to kill one. The Revenants and Legatus are finally in charge range, and there are plenty of fish corpses around to snack on while charging. A lot of free attacks are failed, but in the end another Private gets skewered in the middle group.
The lone Morlock up top bites it, predictably, the Revenant that is now alone moves in to engage next turn, if only for that group not to be entirely free to shoot at the Legatus. Right now they can freely do so and are out of his Entropic Gaze range ability, so he takes 2 wounds from this volley.
Cunningham and one Revenant exchange one wound.
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Tragedy strikes! A Revenant lunges his spear twice at Cunningham, and each time leaves deep gashes on the Admiral's face. The British Leader is immediately put out of commission.
Inspired by his men's showing the Legatus ends the Sergeant's life as well.
However, the Revenant on top charges in the Private and fails to at least kill one, and the return fire leaves him dead.
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I have here one chance to win right here and then since Britanon is on 6 Dread, and it was to kill one of the Privates at the bottom, one of which got already two Deep Wounds.
Britanon rolls 2 Critical Evade, lowering in Dread to 4 and closing that windows for me...
This leaves the north group free to form another Firing Line and resume shooting at the Legatus, who under the weight of fire ends up dying (first time, so its good to know its possible).
We call it there, Britanon has 25 Silver lead on me and while its not impossible I could close the gap, it feels a stretch, especially with Entropic Gaze gone. Plus he only has to kill my Apprentice to Shake me. Both sides pick up their downed leader and retreat to lick their wounds.
> British (Pyrrhic, perhaps?) Victory
End Score
Brit : 114 Silver 4 Dread
Mu : 89 Silver 3 Dread
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Always a pleasure, had tons of fun, this felt like a proper facing off with loads of reversals.
Perhaps, following Cunningham's convalescence, the Crown will have to step up and take over some of Agartha's affairs?
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How do we feel about Cloud Tartarodons?
...How would that work?
Same way the Cloudelleafint works, presumably.
Dumbo-style. Big ears.
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It was a cold day in Paris déchu, and the only thing worse than the weather was the news. The headlines, with a few exceptions, were full of nothing but rumours of the Leaden Duke, and for the most part they were accurate. Whitehall was leaking whatever they had on Cunningham. The man with the red handkerchief scowled, and threw the paper in the gutter. There was too much noise, and now The Commission was poking its nose where it wasn’t welcome. A bad stroke of luck. Even the Duke would have trouble dealing with a signed charter from Her Majesty.

He sighed, and shook his head. With Cunningham out, certain measures must be taken, particular individuals discouraged. But first, a drink.

This quarter of Paris was one of ill-repute, filled with all manner of cutthroats, thieves, vagrants and other ne’er do wells, which suited him nicely. Stepping off the Rue Morgue he followed some side streets until he arrived at his destination, the Empereur l’mort. An tavern with a permanent gloom hanging over it, even on the sunny days, it was barely half a century old. Very few people came this way. Something to do with the name, people said, but he had never paid much attention to it. Ducking inside, he nodded at the usual customers before sitting at the bar. It was loud here, and nobody bothered him. All the patrons here knew curiosity didn’t pay well.

“What’ll it be today Mr Garrick?”

“A bloody knife.”

The barman’s eyebrows raised.

“How many?”

“As many as you can get.”

The ruddy faced barman nodded, and disappeared behind a door. He re-appeared a few minutes later with a beckoning finger. Garrick stood up and followed him down a dimly lit passage full of closed doors, until they reached the only one with a light shining on the threshold. The barman knocked twice, and after a shout the door creaked open.

The gorg standing behind the door quickly shut it before scampering away. Sitting around a scarred table with revolvers lying between upright daggers were several men playing cards. There was a bottle of alcohol beside each one, except for the man sitting opposite the door, an immaculately dressed and dark skinned arab.

“Mon amis, the gentleman I spoke of.”

The arab stood and beamed at Garrick as he walked over with an open hand. The others stared at him and only went back to their game once the two men had shook earnestly. The arab put his hand around Garrick as he lead him to a moth eaten couch on the far side of the room, talking in a richly accented voice.

“So, you wish to use my services, yes?”

Garrick looked at the men seated at the table. They were an ugly bunch, equipped with all manner of clothing and gear. There was one of those indigenous ‘dactyl riders here, along with a man in a tattered Confederate uniform, and he was sure he’d seen that red bandanna on wanted posters across the city. The man with the tricorne hat even had boils all over his face. They didn’t look like they had anything in common other than love of money.

“I don’t know if these will be enough. I had hoped for more.”

“Oh no, these are only my bodyguards! I assure you, my friend, they are my most trusted lieutenants. They each have several men under their command, and I would trust them with my life.”

But not his money, in all likelihood.

“And you’re in charge?”

The arab smiled.

“Why of course! You see, friend, I am, what is the phrase, a businessman. You come to me, I speak to them, and we do whatever you want.”

“So long as you get your silver.”

“Yes. No silver, no job! Very simple.”

Garrick sighed. He could do with worse. It was harder to find professionals these days with Eiffel all but running the city, turning it into a true city of the future. The men here looked like a regular bunch of cutthroats anyway. And he needed a group that could keep their mouth shut, or at least be discredited as liars if they didn’t. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a heavy pouch that clinked with the sound of currency.

“Alright. I want to hire some men. There’s going to be an expedition coming down in a few weeks time, and I’ll need your men on the job. A simple act, and I don’t want any trouble. Half now, half when it’s done. I want it clean, alright? I won’t be paying otherwise.”

The arab nodded knowingly.

“For you, I get the best.”

Part 1 of a small story I'll be putting out about the British, after getting inspired by today's game. Part 2 will be coming sometime tomorrow.
Killer atmosphere, looking forwards to the next one.
This, this is the stuff. That's going into a book somewhere.
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So I was talking to a guy about this thing who I'm hoping to induct, and he suggested a great idea for that last Atlantean hero unit.

Alexander the Great
>Conquered the known world at the age of 30, lamented there was nothing left to conquer
>Went underground to conquer more
>Found Atlantis, joined up and lead their armies
>His troops call him Alexander the weak because Napoleon is better
Having the actual guy seems a bit much, maybe a descendant?
The first Alexander commanded that his child be named Alexander, and ever since it has been a tradition.
By 1880 that would be approximately Alexander the LXXXVIIth

I love it
Double post, but since heros are supposed to be generic and not unique characters, I think that means that there are a LOT of Alexander the LXXXVIIths, which would make sense.
We can make it a unique Character like the Heiress also if it makes more sense, but yeah it could be a hero with traits too.
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Reduced the cost to 10, I think 15 was too high even though he provides a lot of flexibility to bringing keywords.
I'd dump his Awareness to 6 in that case so Labour and Awareness are equal. That way he's equally good at any of the four specialties.

Also, I was doing some comfy Dishonored today and thinking a little about the Whalurs. I'm not their guy but I do want to see about doing a unit or two. If their author is around gimme any info you got on them, I might write something up too if I can get the time.
Although it might be a good idea to do a Sky-Whale unit first, so they actually have something to hunt.
Anyone have the UR-CA profile to hand?
>Anyone have the UR-CA profile to hand?
Ur-Ca never had a profile, he was mentioned to be stated "as a Terrorsaur, but with Flying and Amphibious"
You know, we totally accidentally recreated Athens and Sparta with Atlantis and Atlan, didn't we?
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“I say, Mr. Garrick, are we going the right way?”

Captain Asquith, renowned social butterfly and a right dandy stood at the front of the column, shading his eyes as he looked over the plain. He was young for a captain, without any facial hair save a thin mustache, the kind of man who would look more at home in an illustrated fashion magazine than the leader of an expedition, and yet here he was, commanding the “Preliminary Investigative Detachment for the The Agarthan Service Commission.”

“Right on, Captain. Just a little beyond those set of hills there.”

“Well, if you say so, man. God, what a dreary place this is.”

The plain before them stretched out, thin patches of grass the only greenery the eye could see, though even those seemed lifeless and dry. A range of hills cut across the horizon, dotted with a few petrified trees. Beyond that was their destination, a ruin of a lost Agarthan civilization, one that, according to their intelligence, contained the treasure of some ancient king. Nothing important, an easy enough task for these new arrivals. An short, easy adventure. Once they had recovered the treasure for the Crown they would spend some time inspecting the farther outposts, before return to the surface, reporting on their success and potentially encouraging more government funded expeditions beyond the sight of the War Office and Admiralty.

Asquith himself, though a regular peacock and extremely spoiled, was not a bad commander, Garrick had to grudgingly admit. You could no longer purchase an officer’s commission into the army, but renowned family lineages still carried undue weight. It only took speaking to a cousin or uncle in Horse Guards to get the paperwork reduced and promotions hastened. Even so, he commanded his men with authority and received his due respect, which was all an officer of his calibre needed. He was definitely competent, but that itself was a bad sign. It meant that someone in the Government was serious, or they’d gotten lucky and appointed the one competent nepotistic officer in the empire. Garrick had privately hoped it would be enough to send them packing, but knowing this boy he’d stand his ground, for Queen and Country. A good thing he had hired the arab and his men after all.

The men chattered to themselves as they marched through the hill passes to the ruins, unafraid of any danger. It was quiet, and they weren’t expecting anything to appear. If they were lucky, they might even catch sight of a wandering Saur. Asquith had put a bounty on any hides that they recovered, likely to impress the ladies at home, and the privates were eagerly betting amongst themselves who would be the first to sight one, though they had yet to see any since setting out from New Kirkwall. Still, their spirits were high and even the workers they’d hired seem relaxed. In other words, they were totally unprepared for an ambush.

The sun was lazily sinking towards the horizon, when they reached the petrified pine tree and stopped. Garrick walked around it once before nodding and returning to Asquith, whistling loudly. The captain walked up to him, shaking his head.

“What are you doing, man?”

Garrick nodded back.

“This is a good place to stop. Bad luck to explore these ruins on an empty stomach. It’s been a while since we last ate anyway. What do you think, Captain?”

Asquith shrugged his shoulders.

“It sounds reasonable. If you say so then. MEN! We’re stopping here, get some grub in you. After that is the ruins, and I want no tardiness!”

Answered with a chorus of ‘yes,sah!' the privates eagerly began unloading their packs, pulling out their salted meat and bread. Soon a kettle was boiling, surrounded by hungry men awaiting their hot meal. Asquith himself found a large rock to sit down on while he waited for the meal to be prepared, and looked at Garrick.

“I wish I had my batman here. Poor Harry, I’ll miss him. This uniform is getting dusty and I don’t have a spare.”

He sighed, and looked into the distance. Garrick himself remained quiet, wondering if switching the batman’s drink for some stink juice back in New Kirkwall was a wise choice. He may have been a little too petty that time. No matter, it was time for him to get this over and done with. The batman would thank him when he got back to New Kirkwall.

Standing up and telling Asquith he was going to stretch his legs, Garrick walked a little beyond their ad hoc resting spot and waited until the men were getting dug into their meal. Pulling out his red handkerchief, he wrapped it carefully around his neck. It would begin any moment now. He braced himself for the sound of gunfire and bullets ripping through the air. He never could get over the beginning of a battle. Something about the suddenness. The smell afterwards, of gunfire and decaying flesh never helped. They would probably have to wipe them out, if Asquith remained alive. Maybe it would be better to have some survivors live to give a horrifying report of the battle, but there were few messages clearer than making them all disappear. He sighed. It was a regretful waste of men, but necessary.

Garrick tensed, waiting for the fighting to begin, for the men to begin shouting in surprise as they came under fire. He was hoping it would be over quickly, that the arab’s men would wipe them out in one volley. He didn’t want to use his revolver on fellow Englishmen. He waited, listening to the sound of happy men eating their last meal.

But nothing happened.

Went a little overlong with this part, so the fate of Captain Asquith and his men will have to wait for a Part 3. Thank you for all the praise for Part 1!
>You know, we totally accidentally recreated Athens and Sparta with Atlantis and Atlan, didn't we?
The comparison doesn't push that far, actually, beyond less warlike ancient Greeks (but not really) / more warlike ancient Greeks.
Also, if you follow Aristotle on how Laconians treated their slaves, Atlan is weirdly less insane than Sparta was. Or half of the Ancient world, really. Supposedly everyone in Molossia happily threw their parents to be eaten by their dogs once they reached 60.
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Can't wait to try this one. I'm putting it in the Merc book while we figure out what to do with the Catholic faction.
Also, we now need an Ethiopian unit or 3.
What happened to the lore of the minor powers of the 2nd layer? Did we decide about the bits in doubt about Portugal or voodoo Poland?
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>Also, we now need an Ethiopian unit or 3.
Sebastopol mortars could work for their big set-piece artillery.
Could mine AoE3 for Ethiopian inspiration.
I know we are still far from the first italo-ethiopian war, but how would it work in the setting? Would it even happen, considering Italy has more interest in Agartha and the ethiopians have a lot more help from France?

Also, do we have info about the railway lines in the lower layers?
Do we know the cities/towns/military forts on each layer? To add them to the map, or to make a small map of each colony.
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Portugal is still in the temp file waiting for update, I wanted to have more feedback, I think I remember last time it was mentioned some anons had issues with it. I'm not sure I remember what.
No numbers were ever really mentioned, certainly not settled on. Paris in 1860 went from 1.2 million to 1.6 because of municipal rearrangement. While it surely lost a large number in the Lost Years, it might have entirely compensated and even grown further because of Deepfolks migration.
Other Colonies are going to be limited by what can realistically moved and built within 10~12 years, and the style and aim of settlement, which can stiffle or encourage growth tremendously.
GOD DAMN that looks good!
If you can post a non-labelled version I can try to slap some Xs on where I know things are.
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I swear I used to know where the Pillar cities are but I didn't want to risk slamming them down somewhere random so all I can provide are the Brit settlements.
Fort Grey is the largest millitary installation, set over Beatrice Road, Jacobin's Town (Need a better name that's not also a portmanteau resembling a Floridian city) is at New Kirkwall and is a colonial city, albiet a very rambling and dirty one, and New Pondicherry is a border town with France, used for railway interchanges and clandestine meetings.

Smaller Forts would be along the rivers and especially on islands/straits in the British zone. I can imagine "Crossing the river" becoming slang for leaving the safer colonies down there.
There's also the Canal between the Iceland entrance and the underground sea, which is still under construction and likely connecting up with the rivers in parts.
If there's another big town I would say it would be on the eastern end of that bay, right above that round island. Or on the closest river outlet.
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>Ethiopian Miner (1 Silver)
AP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 2
Strength: 6
Discipline: 3
Labour: 8
Evasion: 5
Awareness: 3

0 in All

2 Box

>General Abilities:
-Fear[All Hostile]

>Special Abilities:
-”A monster!”:
When this model activates in a hex with obscurity 5 or lower, or within LoS of a Deep model, test discipline. If failed, gain 1 dread or lose 2 AP.

Equipment, Pickaxe, Shovel

Ethiopian Expeditions

Really good labour AND expendable make for a great worker unit. This is counteracted with awful discipline and the ability to either do nothing useful or nuke you with dread if you’re not careful with placement.
Hewed close to the chart with this one.
Picrel is not Ethiopian but I like the cart.
>*Obscurity 5 or HIGHER
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>Picrel is not Ethiopian but I like the cart.
Reminds me of an old Thalassa (a TV5 show themed around sailing and the sea, but with a lot of other shit in it too) report on an African village which had set an insanely long cable instead of traveling down between the flank of a mountain and the village down in the valley, and people would just bring a stick with a small wheel, hook it up and hold on for dear life as they went down and tried to control the speed by jamming a stick between the wheel and the cable without kicking the wheel off or losing a few fingers in the process.
I need to find the place again I don't want to say bullshit numbers but in my memory that cable was fucking long, you barely saw the village in the distance from the launch.
In any case, thank you for the unit!
> picrel
This is really fun, Vernes is still unfinished, I was wondering how to do him mechanically, I think I'll take inspiration from this somehow.
>The Lion Guard (12 Silver)
AP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 6
Strength: 6
Discipline: 4
Labour: 8
Evasion: 4
Awareness: 3

2 in Head, Body
0 in limbs

2 Box

>General Abilities:
-Terrain Affinity: Mountain and Jungle

>Special Abilities:
-On the Hunt:
When this model kills a BEAST unit it may spend 2 AP to skin it, replacing the armour on its head and body with the head armour value of the beast slain. Lose 3 dread each time this happens. This model may only skin beasts it has slain.

This model ignores shaken. When it would be Panicked, it may still be activated but can no longer disengage or move any further from enemy units.

May purchase m1870 Vetterli Carbines, Deringers, Sabers, Bayonets, and medieval melee weapons. May take Rations, Material, Torches and Medkits.

Ethiopian Expeditions

Low discipline is not because they’re scaredy cats (GET IT) but because they’d rather fight than listen to orders. At start they’re decent infantry but if you can rush down a few saurs quickly then they can buff themselves well beyond their cost.

By the by, I found out that Ethiopia has one of the only continual Lava-Lakes in the world, at Erta Ale. With that and the Pillar it’s no wonder the Italians want in. Maybe they want to capture volcanoes across the world to turn them into additional entrances? Could be a good setup for a Japan vs Italy ring of fire match.
They never had too much in the way of units suggested. I remember Portugal had a prophet where you'd keep promising things until they either came true or it all fell apart.
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Here some more.
There was also an idea of portugese saboteur/merc that gave bonuses when fighting the british.
There should definitely be a rail line between Kirkwall and the French territories. Maybe one between Kirkwall and Franklin too? I imagine the US would also be trying to head east with a rail line as well.yhw0r
I imagine there's plenty of cities along that delta area too, seems like a good spot for them.
France and Britain I agree on but aren't Britain and US in a little bit of a cold war over Halifax right now?
Maybe there's a rail line in construction but it's plagued with intrigue and sabotage from both sides
That and Gorgs stealing the rails and ties to hit people with.
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>France and Britain I agree on but aren't Britain and US in a little bit of a cold war over Halifax right now?
Yes, however its a flashpoint event, if I use that term correctly, cooperative projects could have preceded it and got put on hold while the whole thing resolved itself.
> picrel
Thanks a lot for these, its giving me a lot of ideas for mechanics.
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If we follow the "Amazons settlements are hidden deep in jungles" shtick I wrote for them these here would be the most likely areas for them to be in.
It's a little creepy how you can tell when it's me, but then again we've been working on this for a while.
For the free crushing attack can you put something in there about it having to do so? The idea was that it panics and tramples your own guys like a real war elephant. Thanks for fixing the limb/body screwup on my end also.

Also, did combat engineer ever get anything made for him? Here's this guy in the meanwhile
>Atlantean Field Chirurgeon (15 Silver)
Medic, Specialist
AP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 5
Strength: 5
Discipline: 5
Labour: 6
Evasion: 5
Awareness: 6

0 in all

2 Box

>General Abilities:
-Poison[Any melee equipped]

>Special Abilities:
-Surgeon’s Strike:
On a critical strike in melee this model gains Deadly for the remainder of the attack.

-Epionic Expertise: (1 LP)
When a model within 3 of this unit would suffer burn damage, immediately resolve a healing check to ignore the damage. Only spend the first aid kit is successful.

-Alchemical Administrator: (1 AP)
Select an adjacent model and test labour. If successful, that models weapons gain [poison] for the remainder of the turn if melee, and until the next shot if ranged.
Alternatively, if this model is selected to administer ambrosia you may test awareness when doing so. If successful, increase the stat benefit provided to +2. (Failure condition? [Degeneration like homo?])

As Hierophant + Kopis (For amputations)


If the Steel Driving Man is the worker unit who fucks then this is the medic who fucks.
Maybe not as frequently or as hard but if you go ham with attacks you’re going to crit eventually and poison is no slouch either.
Chart said he buffs and debuffs with tonics, and also that he heals burns and crits wells. Kind of all over the place
Should there be a downside to the Administrator rule, the chance to poison himself or degenerate someone?
He’s half as expensive as Hiero but also hopefully less good
>or the free crushing attack can you put something in there about it having to do so?
Of course!
For the combat engineer do you mean the atlantean one? If so yes he has a profile.
Looking at the map I just thought Atlan's border defense disposition would like a little bit like this.
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>String of sea forts
You ever think about how the Atlan navy must consist entirely of turtle ships?
Although I would not be surprised if they had a submarine corps they made with the understanding that anyone who went below was never coming up again.
But fuck it Mu is down there and the Sacred Wall doesn't stop at the surface.
The wall is above and below, it is known. It'd be funny if Atlan has good submarines because of Titanium, they wouldn't work using normal materials but using titanium they can get much deeper crush depth.
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>I don't know if I've mentioned this before or not but I had an idea for how the INNER SVN works in the 5th layer. The lore doc mentions it's always twilight there, but then I realized it would be pretty cool if the lighting and time of day is determined by your latitude, with the equator being twilight and the poles being sunset.
I've been thinking about this more and we need more example of how the laws of reality shift and degrades as we go deeper and I kinda like the idea that once you get to the fifth and further something like your latitude can purely determine lighting conditions.
So I mentioned I thought we should give a bit more territory within the north pass to Atlan so they have more to lose initially, I thought those two rivers seemed like a good position. They start from the orange line and get pushed back to the red or even perhaps further. The King's Slave Conscription program ends up working and buys them some time to redeploy better troops and eventually manage to push back to the frontier on the current map. This could explain that cape Mu holds, troops got trapped or a landing operation occurred shortly before the Atlan pushback and they got cut off, but its not that much efforts for Mu to send in Morlocks and Divers.
Now, anyone got an idea how long it would realistically take an "ancient" army to take a stretch of say 12x30 miles?
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>You ever think about how the Atlan navy must consist entirely of turtle ships?
I had always imagined the default titanium trireme or something more modern like enormous dreadnoughts, but turtle ships feels absolutely perfect. Biggest ones being Titanium Golem powered.
Picrel also feels like something Atlan would come up with.
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Can't wait for the rest, let me know if you have a title in mind.
Oh also, we must not forget, Sergeant Flashpowder needs to be made into something!
In regards to population numbers for Deepfolk nations, even without settling on hard numbers, perhaps we could discuss relative size.
I always thought New Mu would be the most populous one, to the point where its a bit like the "don't wake the russian bear" meme. A coordinated effort by Mu is like a tsunami, even though they have much lower technology in comparison to their opponents, they just drown you in nomads and Morlocks.
Regardless of how much projection reduction in size there is between Layers, the territory held in the 3rd by Atlan, and then again in the 4th and 5th amounts to a lot. Same with Atlantis.
I had always imagined Atlan to be much less populous than Atlantis, but that could entirely be because slaves are counted as cattle and not population.
Sky-People should have the smallest population of all no matter what. I assume that most pillar cities don't go over a few tens of thousands, if even that.
Thank you! Bloody knives is actually quite fitting, might go with that. I don't know if I'll have part 3 ready tonight, but it shouldn't be long. Might do an editing pass once it's finished, not quite happy with Part 2 but we'll see. Once I'm done with that I want to re-write the intro doc, it's very sparse and not much more than an overview of the factions.

New Mu definitely sounds like they'd be the most numerous, though maybe Lemuria can give them a run for their money. Atlantis I imagine would also be quite a prosperous and numerous empire, not sure how big Atlan would be in comparison, together they could definitely beat the Mu and anyone else.
Starting to add the towns and cities on the map. I'll probably make separate images for each of the territories, since otherwise the detail is not that good. Also, I'll put the names once we have the details properly set up.

A bit of a caveat, the rural populations aren't towns of locals, but towns made up of epigean settlers.
Also, should I add port towns as separate things?
Continuing with the landmark adding. I'm waiting to get more feedback for the remaining epigean colonies and agarthan territories. Particularly France's, as Paris is by far the biggest city in the 3rd layer (and possibly Agartha as a whole?). Either France has a ton more cities spread around their lands, or Paris is such a big center the rest of the territory is much less populated.

Also, I've changed a bit the amazonian settlements, added a few more in the south along the massive southern jungles and taken some in the areas with less dense folliage.

Also, at some point we need to add the names of the geographic elements.
Where's the link to this? I could use reading the descriptions again to see what and where I can add elements to the map.

And also, if we're talking about cities and other settlements, we need to discuss the railways >>93711257 >>93713861 Military outposts could be made outside of the colonies to protect the lines.
That's in the Worldbook in the mediafire.
Here's the latest temp version, with added Outlander entry.
Oh, right. I always forget the mediafire link. Thanks.
Making this right now, did you intend it to be a unit for the Brit or a Mercenary unit?
There's a typo in the Franklin writeup.
>Thus, in 1966, the government
publicly announced the existence of the Mammoth Tunnel
Historically other countries had similar craft but only the British ever made them in any real numbers
Of course if we want to extend the unit to include much larger ships like monitors then pretty much all the colonials can have a go at it.
They continue to publicly operate the tunnel but do not acknowledge its existence.
What's more American than that?
I feel like monitors should probably be their own class of ship.
What about ironclads?
Ok, since there's little lore to the french colonies in the 3rd layer outside of Paris, I've written a quick loredump for it. Maybe we can expand upon it and see how to organize the map of that area.
After the Fall of Paris into the 3rd Layer in 1860, the city of the Seine was left in shock, as a completely unknown fate had befallen upon the Parisian people. After the initial surprise had passed, the local authorities had to quickly organize their population, as cut off from the rest of France, the city was left bereft of basic resources. And while the citizens of Paris could gather enough knowledge and manpower to start building up a basic sense of self-sufficiency, they still needed things as basic as food, water and fuel. Luckily for them, the constant deepfolk assaults to the city gave them an opportunity for survival: either through captured prisoners or willing volunteers, the Parisian authorities managed to quickly create a map of the lands around Paris, which gave them an opportunity to expand for farmland. Through deals with the local deepfolk populations, exchanging agricultural knowledge and military aide, they managed to expand their domains in the underground, creating just enough farmland to sustain the population of the city, and even then, the first years were marked by frequent food rations and riots, as well as starvation and disease being common in the poorer areas. Many of these areas were under such despair that entire neighborhoods volunteered to settle the furthest areas explored by then, establishing dozens of farm towns around Paris, mixing local deepfolk and Parisian settlers. These areas were as fiercely defended as Paris itself, seeing their food supplies cut off would be just as harmful as a direct invasion. By 1863, however, the biggest attack to the city was repelled. Afterwards, Paris slowly secured their domains, and the slowly diminishing military threats allowed the Parisians the reprieve to expand even further, with the founding of the port town of Marpesia (named after one of the amazon leaders who died fighting Philobastres’ invasion) in 1864 having the biggest celebration since the city fell into Mnemosynia.
After Julius Verne’s expedition arrived to the city and Paris reestablished contact with the rest of France, the expansion of the French holdings began outside of Parisian authority, with the intention from the government at the time to avoid Paris becoming independent from France. The growing influence from the central government into agarthan affairs caused quite a lot of tensions between Paris and France, culminating in the 1868 riots in Paris and the terrorist attack to the elevator project. With the completion of the Eiffel Tower in 1870, the relation between Paris and the rest of France went back to normal. Now with the knowledge and experience the Parisians had gathered for years and the funding and manpower from France above, the expansion of France across agarthan soil quickly gathered speed. So far, the focus of expansion has centered on the control of the Tethian Claw Peninsula and the Osclacean Archipelago to its west. The area, full of rivers and dense forests and jungles, seems perfect for expansion, as most of the local populations have either established diplomatic relations with the Parisian authorities already or have been kowtowed into a subservient position.
In 1873, the quick expansion was causing problems to the local administration, and as such, the French territory in the Tethian Claw Peninsula was divided into four areas: L’Ille de Paris, Reconnexion, Ker’Is (commonly referred as Ys) Basse Guyenne. While Paris’ influence was cut considerably in paper, in reality France depends so much in the Parisian authorities it makes this division exist only in paper. The fifth French colony, Nouvelle Acadie, has been planned once the takeover of the peninsula is complete, occupying the remaining lands of the territory. However, the later arrival of the British and the Ottomans to their west and east respectively, as well as growing attacks from the deepfolk tribes to the north of Paris have forced French authorities to focus their efforts, finishing the takeover of the peninsula and establishing solid borders to protect their holdings from outsiders. The discovery and later establishment of the Bruniquel Road has also opened the door for newer opportunities, though the chance of a France less dependent on the Eiffel Tower for their mnemosynian affairs, as well as the growing resource drain the establishment of the 4th layer and the Nouvelle Algerie represents could renew the tensions between France and Paris.
It would be something like this. Due to the entirety of Paris going down into the underground, the french colonies in the 3rd would be the one with the biggest epigean population by far. And it kind of needs it, as I've compared the area occupied with the 2nd layer, and the french territories are about the size of not-russian Europe (again, how big would each layer be?). The lands would be very sparsely populated outside of a couple of enclaves, though I imagine there would be dozens upon dozens of small towns due to the need for produce, and mostly occupied by parisians and deepfolk, whereas the small cities would be mostly french (not-parisian french, as the French government would want to establish their own strongholds without the need of Paris).

Also, the expansion alongside the southern coast and the remainder of the peninsula is small due to both the need to populate the territory already controlled and the fact french demographic growth at the time was not as high as the other industrial powers. As it is, they have expanded too fast and they need time to consolidade. They probably aren't that worried by the british because they cannot sent people to the 3rd layer as fast as the french (as overburdened as it is, the Eiffel Tower is still the fastest and safest route between laters), but they probably are worried about the ottomans because undead.
I floated this idea like a million years ago, but I don't think we ever decided on whether or not it should be included in the lore.
>After the sinking of Paris, the Parisians did a census to determine how many people survived the event.
>They expected to have little in the way of manpower, what with the cataclysm and the loss of connection to the surface world.
>What they found was that, somehow, the living population of Paris had increased. More people were in Paris, notably more, than before it sank.
>This fact was quietly buried by the Parisians, and by the time of reuniting with the surface, it had all but been forgotten.
Possible explanations range from Hyperborean/Muic/La Ombra/etc infiltrators to mysterious doppelgangers to poor census taking capabilities. Mostly this is a plot hook for individual tables to do things with.
Ironclads are big enough to be their own map instead of a unit.
I like it, it's sort of connected with that Paper Soldier unit from Taiping.
It would depend on the manner the city fell. Did the city suffer earthquake-like destruction after it landed? Or was somehow quite light and safe? If the former, no way the city would have more population than before the fall. If the later, I imagine they would probably blame it on faulty data.
I think we decided a while ago that it was a relatively slow fall, all things considered. Still enough to knock people off their feet and demolish plenty of buildings, but not so fast that most of the deaths were from whiplash or knocking their heads against things.
>no way
No way it happens either way. Hence the mystery of how it would happen and the subsequent coverup.
I don't remember the Paper Soldier, what's its gimmick?
I quite like that.
Maybe the people that died during the fall split into more people.
Also, we would also have to take into account the area of Basse Abyssinie (I completely forgot about it in my writeup, my bad).
I've checked the population of Paris at the time. I found this (http://www.demographia.com/db-paris-arrondpre1860.htm), and the latest date it has, year 1856, it states Paris had a population of 1.174.346 people. If the city fall had a mortality rate of 1%, we're talking about 11.743 people dead. If the city had more population than before, that means more than 11k infiltrators are in Paris. No way that amount of people in the city coming from nowhere would not be detected.
>Paper Soldiers:
The idea is that generals inflate the number of soldier they have on reports to get more supplies or street cred and then the inflated numbers start matching the real ones. But the new guys who show up aren't quite right.
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>In London, Her Majesty simmers in the depths of her impotent rage. Her face has been marred, ruined by the upstart Lost King. For him, it had been a moment of weakness; he chose to risk the destruction of mankind to indulge a petty grudge. For her, it had been humiliating; to be at the mercy of a rebel and a Catholic. With London sacked by the Lost Men, the Parliament had usurped much of her power. Confined to house arrest for "her own protection," she had few allies and fewer options. One thing had been made abundantly clear, however. Malcolm, Napoleon, Cromwell, Akamnandag. Somehow, these men had gained the power of immortality. They had defied the fate of all men and lived well past their due dates to accomplish great deeds in the Deluge. Somehow, she decided, so would she.

>In Paris, a summit meets at the foot of the Eiffel Column. Electric lights shine from countless windows as the people within bustle about. Goods and vehicles and armies travel up and down the four grand elevators, bringing the surface to Agartha and Agartha to the surface. And now, as representatives from the great Pillar City of Errum arrive, perhaps Paris might too be considered a wonder of the underground world. Where the natives built their homes into the faces of the columns of the earth, the Parisians had instead built a column of their own. The devastation of the Deluge had been great, but Paris would rise from the ashes a phoenix, great and glittering and glorious.

>Off the coast of Madagascar, the great brain rots. Ethiopian soldiers man towers built by French contractors. Seagulls, fat and misshapen, squawk angrily at the slightest movement. Strange things have been lurking in the waters of late. Stranger things still have been sighted upon the surface of that mass of tissue. But the faith holds strong, and Abyssinia's sons stand watch over this bastion of devilry. The horrors may come, but each time they shall be met with Christian lead.
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>the deluge
None of this is necessarily canon btw. I just felt like thinking about the post-Deluge timeline.
After rereading some of the lore, I imagine it would be something like this. A couple of ideas from the top of my head:
>Italy tries to occupy Ethiopia
>Ethiopian Crusade starts, France helps Ethiopia
>French-Ethiopian victory, the ethiopians let the french access their access to the 3rd layer.
>France is not ready to establish a new colony, but accepts to avoid other powers taking it first
>Colony of Basse-Abyssinie established
>Much, much, MUCH less populated than the other french territories in the 3rd layer (the least populated epigean colony, even less than Franklin). Most of the settlers are actually ethiopians.
>France actually tries to compensate by inviting settlers from other french-speaking nations to compensate (belgians, swiss, french-canadians...)
>Still not enough, France calls for mercenaries to keep the colony well guarded
>Without an already settled infrastructure, french authorities need a lot more effort to keep the local deepfolk in line.
>Most of the settlers are actually ethiopians.
Maybe Ethiopia is trying to subtly use the French as a springboard into Agarthan expansion?
I don't think so, but I can see them using their role in agarthan influence to ask the french for help in industrializing and modernizing Ethiopia. Considering that the race for Africa in the setting would either not happen or be very subdued, I can see Ethiopia trying to become a local power. But at the moment, they have no way to enforce any kind of agarthean control on their own.
Maybe Ethiopia tries to create some kind of African Union type entity? Protects East Africa from European influence at the cost of some deference to the Ethiopians. Of course, with some benefits for those willing to convert to the True Faith...
>Protects East Africa from European influence
Would they really go for the "african nationalism" angle? Expanding and modernizing the ethiopian empire would require them establishing equal relations with the european powers, which means not rocking their colonial boat. I see much more plausible a big ethiopian nationalism, maybe a "Meiji Restoration"-type movement in Ethiopia to modernize the nation, but nothing like an Africa-wide movement.
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Not a Union as such, but with Egypt focused on the East and Britain focused downstairs I can see them conquering more than OTL (which is picrel)
I don't think Ethiopia was ever huge, so there's not a lot of land for irredentism to cover. Pure expansionism makes a bit more sense IMO. As for African nationalism, you could make an argument given that the scramble for Africa is probably still ongoing. Just a bit less focus, considering that it just has things like gold and rubber, not fantastic materials like Titanium or mummy tongues. The Ethiopians could realistically use their leverage with Paris and the Papacy to establish themselves as "Stewards of Africa" or something like that, mostly as a means of justifying their own conquests of their neighbors. It might, then, evolve into either Pan-African ideas or simple Ethiopian nationalism. Or both. Or neither.
What do you think? I'm not 100% sold in any particular direction, I'm mostly just throwing stuff at the wall.
Personally I don't see the Deluge as especially survivable (unless Napoleon knows something I don't, which is quite likely)
My view is that it starts with a Great War equivalent, breaks the firmament around the Verdun equivalent, then turns into the second half of War of the Worlds without the common cold.

Excellent job with the writing though. Especially Paris mirroring Errum.
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>unless Napoleon knows something I don't
Tout cela est si fatiguant.

Larp aside, I think the Deluge has a couple of alternative scenarios worth exploring. When we get there.
>Mankind falls. The world is destroyed. History ends. All that remains are the ashes of lost memories.
>The world is irrevocably changed. Secrets are revealed. Much is lost. But, no matter how bad it gets, mankind narrowly scrapes by. And then gets embroiled in politics again.
Which way it goes is up to individual tables, I expect.
It doesn't need to be irredentism. Ethiopia has enough land to expand towards at the time, and with that much pressure from european powers (and the tacit approval of the french) they could expand inland quite a lot, and even around the unclaimed areas of the Horn of Africa.

As for the scramble for Africa, it would probably start much later, which would give Ethiopia a lot more time and room to expand. Plus, the main players in the scramble aren't that well situated to fight for the continent (the british are hurting from the loss of India and the french are busy trying to populate their holdings in the 3rd and 4th layer).

In the setting, it would be Portugal, Spain and Germany the ones most interested in colonial expansion through Africa. Portugal would want to expand sebastianist catholicism (and conquer the lands where King Sebastian disappeared), Spain would want to compensate the loss of Cuba with african conquests, and Germany would want more colonies in Africa to compensate for their lack of access to Agartha, seeing their chance to get raw resources for their industry.
Previous image was outdated, this is the latest map done. Still have to add Ethiopian borders, though.
>Germans get more colonies than OTL
Well that's horrific.
Does the Mahdist rebellion still happen? That seems like a good starting point if Ethiopia wanted to expand since they'd be both helping colonial powers for international support (Gordon survives this time with their help?) and getting to snack on some land.

And for something completely different, is there a pdf of the existing sky-people units? I can dig in sup/tg/ easily if not but a pdf would help.
Most of the chart units left are weirdos who I want to take a break from or them.
>Mahdist rebellion
I mean, combining the fact the british aren't that prominent in Africa in comparison to OTL and the fact the egyptians and the british have more to worry about the undead ottomans (remember, in the setting the british are almost total owners of the Suez Canal, if the ottomans ever take it, it's a massive loss for them), would there be a good reason for the uprising?
>Good reason for the uprising?
Hyperborean induced religious visions?
It worked in China and Paraguay, seems like one of their MOs
(Which hyper subfaction specializes in pulling them do you think?)
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>(Which hyper subfaction specializes in pulling them do you think?)
Daji does a lot of cult-starting shit. Or maybe Africa gets a new Hyperborean warlord to make waves there.
Africa has Apep of Egyptian myth and Benin has Dan, who survives in Haitian Vodou as Damballa. Maybe some kind of huge, psychedelic snake monster?
Ok, here's as much as I can do for today, it's very late and I'm tired. I still have to do the Mu and ottoman regions, plus any individual non-aligned territory there, tomorrow will have to be. Any feedback is appreciated.
I like how US settlements are on a few lines since that's how they did it in the old west.
Thank you for your mapping duties
Sorry for late reply(s [more to follow i'd guess]), and all the nothing lately. I will be more active this week. At least i need to get a proper proto for those Atlan updates out.
Atlan is where they send the annoying ones.
Strap a Balloon or Glider to a Tartarodon. They are useful animals, and it makes sense they would want them for... something. I like the idea they just go and drop Tartarodon's on people.
Updated with what you said in mind. Also, i realized that Half Husked would be really weird if it persisted after failing Soul Rebellion.
You're completely right. Wasn't thinking.

Half Husked Gunslinger: Cost 9
AP: 2
Movement 3, Accuracy: 5, Strength: 6, Discipline: 3, Evasion: 5, Labor: 5, Awareness: 3
Health: 2
Armor: 000
Duel Wielder: [Pistols],

Half Husked:
Cannot be Healed. Each time this model would be killed as a result of taking a Graze or Deep Wound, ignore that Wound and then immediately resolve Soul Rebellion. The first time this model fails Soul Rebellion, replace this rule with Husked for rest of the game.

Another Shot:
Once per Turn. If this model rolls anything other than a 5 on its Attack Roll for a Ranged Attack, after resolving the Attack, This model may resolve Soul Rebellion, and if successful, resolve another Ranged Attack for free. If Soul Rebellion can not be Resolved, this model may not use Another Shot.

Soul Rebellion:
Anytime you roll a natural 10 while resolving any action or test with a
model with this rule, test its Discipline. If a model with the Necromancer rule is within 5 of it, you may use the Necromancer’s Discipline instead. If you fail, the Husked model
becomes a Hostile NPC until the end of the game.
Soul Rebellion in a faction without a necromancer unit kind of makes me want to write one up. A classic weird west big tophat gravedigger sort.
Go for it, the fact there's no generic access Necromancer has been bugging me for a while.
Wasn't the returned noble able to get it or did we cut that?
Also Beauchamp but he's Brit only and also RNG dependent.
>They call him the "Flying Boar," for it is said that he is as muscular as he is fat, and he leads the Skywaymen of Errum to war.
>By all accounts, Gelek of the Drokmi was an unassuming lad in his youth. Ever portly, more interested in learning to read than learning to fight or farm, and possessed of no interest in friends or women. Eventually, he was banished from his clan for his failings. Unless he returned a great warrior, his father said, he would never be allowed to be buried among his ancestors.
>Gelek, at first, sneered at his detractors. He insisted that he would become a great scholar and bring great honor to his people.
>After several years of failing to find a patron to invest in his education, he finally resigned himself to the fate of a wanderer.
>But a new fate quickly began to unfold for Gelek.
>He was pressed into service as a Skywayman for his ability to read, primarily, as a local captain among the Skywaymen had need of someone to read and write his letters. In short order, he was forced to take spear in hand and fight from the back of a Cloudelleafint when his captain was injured.
>Gelek found himself thrust more and more into the thick of fighting. He never lost his girth, but he steadily gained in strength. He never lost his love of books, but he began to appreciate the value of battle.
>To this day, however, he insists that he despises fighting. He wishes he had been born the son of a humble noodle seller on the streets of Errum, instead of the son of a soldier of the Sky-Clans.
>Gelek loathes fighting and war and bloodshed. And yet, his calm expression never falters in the wake of that which he must do for his people.
>He has never returned to his clan. He has no desire to be honored among his ancestors.
>Gelek appreciates the necessity of war. He accepts his prominence among the Skywaymen as a necessity for Errum. He will gladly bring death and destruction to all who threaten his people.
>But he will never like it.
>Wasn't the returned noble able to get it or did we cut that?
That was the intent but I never finished that profile, I should get back to it. He's a Hero/Leader so if we wanted a Merc Necromancer Specialist or Character we could have something else.
Also, I thought that beside the Alexander descendant for Atlantean characters we could have a dedicated Amazon character? They could use a bit more presence.
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Sky-clan warlord who leads Sky-clan armies. Rides a Cloudelleafint, fights with a big spear. Is open to modernizing their military, but he's not a gunpowder fanatic like Nobunaga or Ook. Just thinks that maybe Errum ought to look into organizing their armies into less of a rabble and more of an army. Skywaymen who fight for him are more professional than their counterparts in other armies, they respect him as one of their own and will follow him into hell.
On his own, he's a brick wall on the back of a bigger brick wall. Can probably throw javelins while mounted. If his mount dies, he just gets back to his feet and keeps fighting. Kinda guy you have to spend a long while whittling down.
Not great at diplomacy type actions. Very go-with-the-flow. Prefers to let other people make big picture decisions, he's got a war to fight!
Brewing an idea for the cities guy. If I can find some good looking art, I'm thinking that the warlord guy actually would rather have peace and the scholarly guy would actually want war.
Vague idea I'm working with is that he's a massive proponent of the idea of a "Sky Empire," from which the Sky Empire Janissaries take their name (The mountain clans were uplifted to be the military bulk of the theoretical empire, as well as to threaten the Sky-Clans into not just immediately ousting whoever declares himself emperor.)
Instead of wanting to be emperor himself, it's actually his brother who's the lead contender to become the Emperor of Skies and Ceilings and Pillars, a position he's in largely thanks to this scholar guy coaching him. He thinks that the cities need a strong, centralized leadership if they're to weather the coming storm. Obviously, if he became emperor, everyone would just see him as an ambitious upstart out to grab power by any means necessary. That would probably be true. But if he puts his brother in power, he can simply become a royal advisor and have a very nice manse somewhere very high up in Errum. And not run the empire. Promise.
I'm down for minor faction characters as well. Amazons seem to be getting big map presence, even if they're not united, so maybe we can work in something with that?

Pic unrelated. Probably some kind of Muic saur-riding prince.
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Which faction gets this bad boy in the naval wargame?
Replace the dragon head with a Titan Golem's face and that's an Atlan ship right there.
>WILD Cloudelleafint (19 Silver)
7-HEX MODEL, Beast, Deep
AP: 3
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 5
Strength: 7
Discipline: 4
Labour: 5
Evasion: 4
Awareness: 6

3 in Limbs, Head, Body

1-6: 4 in Body
7-8: 3 in Limbs:
9-10: 2 in Head

>General Abilities:
-Heavy Traction (Must spend movement to change facing)
-Vantage Point

>Special Abilities:
When targeted by an attack that deals fire damage this model must immediately save discipline or become Panicked on its next activation. If this model takes any amount of fire damage after two body health boxes have been filled it immediately explodes with the following profile:
Range: 2 Strength: 5 AP: 0

-Tempestuous Trumpeter: (2 AP)
All models within 5 hexes must save discipline or lose 1 AP (They are covering their ears and ducking)

Equipped with Tusks
-Tusks: (Melee)
Acc: 0
Eva: 1
Pen: 3
Threshold: 7
Weak/Strong: [X][/]/[Black][X]
Cost: Free

NPC unit

Tartaradons are stronger but more cowardly on account of being a herbivore that deals with large saurs. Cloudelleafints eat meat and can fly so they are more aggressive but less powerful to save weight. (note: the concept of a carnivorous Elephant is genuinely terrifying.)
Departed from the chart a little since this is the wild variant. The Sky People version will have armour to help live up to that “high cost wall” part.
They float because they eat limestone and digest it into hydrogen like in Flight of Dragons. They navigate using their big ears to flap around and grabbing stalactites with their trunks.
The panic only lasts for the next activation, they're too angry to be warded off for long.

The trumpeter rule is only good if there's a herd of them doing it to really stun the enemy.
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I still like the old idea that Napoleon has a pet pygmy cloudelleafint that he cares for deeply, and would pay dearly to see it safely returned if it goes missing.
I imagine that Paris itself is only rivalled in size by the capitals of the others, like Atlantis or the Old Mu capital. It's definitely a hub for colonial activity, and all the mercs and other treasure hunters will want to pass through there at least once if not settle down once they've got enough to retire.

Ironclads are too big for the skirmish map size. If we get onto a proper naval game we can definitely pull them in, I've been thinking that I should just steal that BFG suggestion from ages ago and start making outlines for ships and their roles.

This is cool.

And this is even cooler. I think it works best if it gets only the barest hint of an explanation, leave it a mystery argued over in the Agarthan Institute whether there's something more going on or just poor census practices.

I think it would depend if anyone actually remembers the fall or not. In my opinion, the initial fall should be a very violent event when Paris is swallowed up by the earth, but actually settling down on the third layer should be vague and contradictory, nobody remembers precisely how it happened because the whole thing was a blur.

It's cool. The deluge should be nothing more than a series of brief mysterious flashes, at least while we're still working on the current setting.

We still have that Polish Voodoo idea from ages ago, we could do something about that making waves enough for the Ethiopian Catholics to start militarising.
Does the scandinavians nations have some lore, and some things going on ?
>In 1873
The lore document says 1871

>1871 : Foundation of Ys, Guyenne-Basse and {XYZ} in the 3rd Layer by the French
The dates of the ethiopean crusade are a bit wonky in the writeups.

In the google doc document, it says:
>In 1875 it was discovered that the Obelisk of Axum was an artifact, capable of opening an entrance to the Third Layer. In 1876, the Italians invaded Ethiopia to secure the entrance for themselves.

But in the mediafile doc, it says:
>1872 : Italian Invasion of Ethiopia over a newly discovered entrance.

I'm going to assume the mediafile one is the correct one. Some proposed chronology of things:

>1870: Discovery of the Obelisk of Axum.
>1871: Obelisk translated, it leds to the discovery to the Exana entrance.
>1871-1872: Italy tries diplomatic ways to acquire access to this entrance for themselves. They are rejected at every chance by the ethiopians, both weary of the europeans meddling in their affairs and of the vulcanist pagans.
>1872: Seeing their diplomatic efforts going nowhere, Italy invades Ethiopia through the eritrean coast. The action is condemned by the British Empire, France, and the Catholic nations.
>1872-1876. The Italian Invasion of Ethiopia drags down considerably, due to the initial overconfidence of the italian command, the massive logistic issues and near total lack of local support, with guerrilla warfare being the norm. Ethiopia receives help from the french and the british through weapon contraband and help training their armies for european warfare.
>1876: Battle of Dogali. A surprising ethiopean victory in open battlefield makes the european powers thing Ethiopia can win the war if they gain enough help. The Pope declares the Ethiopian Crusades to defend the faithful in Ethiopia from the vulcanists. Volunteers from Spain, Portugal and Austria-Hungary are sent to Africa to fight. Seeing the chance to stop italian expansionism, France joins the war on the side of Ethiopia.

>1878: Battle of Adwa. The Ethiopian forces and the Crusade Coalition manage a decisive victory against the italian forces. Italy is forced to withdraw from their ethiopian enclaves. The Treaty of Addis Ababa recognises the independence of the Ethiopian Empire.
>1879: Treaty of Marseille. Ethiopia offers access into the Exana entrance to explore the new lands, in exchange of help modernizing and industrializing the nation. Despite France not being in a position to expand their agarthan colonies further, they know this offer will be offered to the british or the americans, and thus they accept. The Asmara-Addis Abbaba railway is started.
>1880: French colony of Basse Abyssinie officialy founded. Further treaties with Ethiopia allows ethiopian colonists to settle in the newly discovered lands.

Would this fit?
During the middle years of the 19th century, the advance of the vulcanist cults had seem by some unstoppable. While not without delays, missteps or hitches, they had managed to slowly but surely unify the Italian Peninsula and defeat their main opponents in the European theatre, while also expanding their influence in the newly discovered lands below ground. Emboldened by this series of victories, the Italian government sought to capitalize on their success by expanding further below, in particular across the 3rd layer, an area in which both the British and French were steadily but surely advancing across. However, the Italian access to agarthan territories did not have a proper route into the 3rd layer, skipping directly into the 4th layer. An opportunity would arise for them in 1870, however, when a joint operation between European explorers and mining companies would discover the Obelisk of Axum, an ancient stone monolith that, once translated, led to the discovery of an entrance to Agartha. Seeing a chance for further expansion in both Agartha and Africa, the Italian government quickly set up a diplomatic program to convince the Ethiopians to grant them access to the underground. However, a mix between overdemanding terms, actively confusing and manipulating treaties and the disdain from the catholic Ethiopians against the pagan vulcanists saw Menelik II of Ethiopia reject every single Italian offer. Afraid of the French or British establishing terms first (and even some rumors of Russian interests in the endeavor) Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1872. This action saw a great deal of condemnation throughout Europe, particularly from those nations interested in agarthan and african affairs, but their response was limited to diplomatic means.
The Italian-Ethiopian War would last many years. Expecting no European intervention and facing a seemingly backwards adversary, the Italian army moved quickly, taking the Eritrean coast and moving inland. However, the war quickly bogged down into a slow affair. Italian forces were generally outnumbered and moving across a strange land, with most resources needing to come from the sea. Local help was near universally non-existent, and as such, the Italians had to dedicate great amounts of men and materiel protecting the cities and the supply lines, being hounded by militiamen and hit&run tactics at every chance. The more inland the Italians advanced, the worse their situation became, with an outbreak of fevers stopping the advance east of the Ethiopian Plateau. The mounting frustration of the Italian command was palpable in the soldiery, forced into advances that were repelled time after time.
With the war going on and Italian losses mounting, tensions in the occupied populations reached a critical point. After a series of revolts in the coastal provinces, the newly risen Ethiopian militias gathered in the town of Dogali. The Italian garrison was not only forced to retreat, but the militias managed to take over their ammo and weapons, managing to defeat multiple attempts from the Italians to dislodge them, until the Ethiopian militia, out of ammo and supplies, managed to exit the city during the night without raising alarms, and then set the abandoned town ablaze. The Battle of Dogali, while technically a loss for the Ethiopian forces, was a massive shock for everyone involved. The resistance of the Ethiopian militias resulted in many massacres, which were highly publicized in Europe. Seeing that Italy could lose the war, and also a chance to recover a bit of their lost prestige, in 1876 the Papacy declared a Crusade to defend Ethiopia, calling all catholics to fight against the vulcanists. This resulted in thousands of volunteers from Europe and America to gather to fight the Italians, but the real game changer was the entrance of France in the war in favor of Ethiopia. The role of the French navy to cut off Italian supplies in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic were key in isolating the Italian forces immediately. This led to an Ethiopian push to regain the initiative, which ended in the Battle of Adwa in 1878. This decisive battle resulted in the defeat of the Italian forces, who were forced to recognize the results of the war and abandon Ethiopian territories. That same year, Ethiopia and Italy signed the Treaty of Addis Ababa, recognizing the independence of the Ethiopian Empire by Italy, the Papacy and France.
After the war, Menelik II began considering his choices. The country had suffered greatly due to the war, and needed to restore the economy as soon as possible to avoid famines and revolts from the army. Knowing the western powers were still interested in the lands below, Menelik II offered France a deal: in exchange of help modernizing and industrializing the nation, Ethiopia would give France exclusive rights to access the Exana entrance and very few tariffs for the movement of goods and people between the surface and Agartha. This, however, was not a protectorate deal, as Ethiopia maintained its independence from France in all other respects. While the terms of the treaty greatly benefited Ethiopia, France knew that if they did not take up on the offer, Ethiopia would offer it to some other power. Not wanting to lose their colonial primacy in Agartha, the Treaty of Marseille was signed in 1879, with the Asmara-Addis Abbaba Railway starting construction that same year.
By 1880, France could declared the newly occupied agarthan territories as the colony of Basse-Abyssinie. However, their control over the land was more on paper than real, as from the very beginning, France had great difficulties sending enough men and materiel into the area. French settlers into Agartha universally preferred the much safer and established territories of the Tethian Claw Peninsula, better connected with the rest of France through the Eiffel Tower. In contrast, Basse-Abyssinie was only accessible through a foreign nation in Africa, with communication lines still underway, and the lands themselves were mostly unknown and with a much more rowdy local populations. France was forced to establish multiple treaties with Ethiopia, allowing Ethiopian settlers to establish themselves in the territory so long they accepted French authority. Still not being enough, France also organized big campaigns to attract French-speaking population into the colony: belgians, swiss, french-canadians, haitians... Even then, Basse-Abyssinie is a much less populated colony, and many have described it as “lawless” for the most part, as the colonial authorities have a very hard time to establish their authority over the mix of population with so little manpower.
Good writing, but I should point out that Ethiopians are not Catholic
They actually predate the Catholic/Orthodox split
Oh, my bad. Still wouldn't change much, though, the Papacy and the rest of the crusading forces would ignore that detail to stop the vulcanists and to get some payback for their losses in Italy.
The first crusade was launched in defense of the Orthodox church; in the face of such devilry as has swallowed Italy, minor differences in doctrine must be put aside. This war is a war for the soul of Christendom, and all the faithful must support it.
This is all great stuff, I see no issue with the lore, if you are alright with it I'd like to add it to the World Book.
Added the cities and settlements to the 4th layer. Once again, not sure how to describe the agarthan powers and the ottomans (how would the undead below ground work?). Also, please tell me if I have to add any smaller agarthan faction there.

Sure, no issue.
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One of the first bits of lore born out of playtesting, for 1e I believe, was that Ottomans are the only Colonial power Atlan has solid diplomatic relations with.
I believe this was due to the fact the game ended with no casualties since Ottomans couldn't get through Atlan's armour and Atlan couldn't kill husks faster than they could get raised back. Eventually everyone got tired and decided they had a great time and to do it again another time.
> This is how modern sport was introduced to Atlan.
Mu could go either way, they are either really really fucking pissed at the whole walking corpse thing because its like your money decided to get up and go spend itself somewhere else, or they are very weirded out about the whole thing and waiting for the Khan and Mother to make a decision before anything happens.
Just wanted to say your maps look amazing added to the lore. This shit is starting to look like a legitimate professional product.
> Agartha Descent got better maps than AoS
I know its not much of a flex but it keeps tickling me, just had to mention it.
Thanks. If you're going to add the image, add this one, it's updated.
I wrote a while ago that Mu tends to view husks as sort of crass; a lowbrow way to use biomass that they only rely on in a pinch.
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I believe the issue was that "current moment" being 1875-1877 didn't leave much space for it to happen, but the "current time" bit seems increasingly unnecessary to me. I see no problem with developing lore going further, or writing lore that sets itself a bit further, if it annoys anons too much that the other colonies beside the French ones would still be very young and small by 1875.
I do think if we do that we should at least agree to a "ceiling" date we don't go further, so that we can leave some storyline space for things leading to the Deluge proper.
I thought that the current year for the setting was 1883, it's the one I've been using for the writeups.
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Which ones? We might have pushed further to give more space and I failed to update the timeline... it would honestly make sense with 1883.
>Which ones?
I've been using the 1883 borders to make the maps, plus the couple of writeups I made.
I've been working off of 1880 myself
Ok, I'll update the time line and intro to that effect. 1883 it'll be. That actually works great for the 1875 Atlan/Mu war too.
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Done and added to the Brit book.
I switched around the health location effects to fit the "standard", and removed the "it died if there is no water to deploy in" thing, that would invalidate it as a viable option 99% of the time. I will figure something out with maps.
I think BAST should be a Hyperborean catgirl who protects mankind from the worst of her kin. We already have evil foxgirl IZNM.
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>I think BAST should be a Hyperborean catgirl who protects mankind from the worst of her kin
There's already Ur-Ca and the starvation hyperborean one who keeps the Franklinites alive as somewhat not irredeemably horrible Hyperboreans, having another benevolent one next to Ur-Ca seems feels to me like its starting to be a bunch. Perhaps its more like the Franklinite one, she feeds of existential dread or angst or whatever and that's actually the kind of pain that's better farmed outside of raids...?
>it died if there is no water to deploy in
That's the joke
If we're not going to go with that (understandable) I'd recommend giving the player who buys it a budget of water tokens to place on the map but also buffing the cost up.
How would industry work in Agartha? With the exception of the parisian colonies, all contact between the colonies and the metropolis is slow and inefficient. Would the colonial powers start building local industry from the beginning to try to compensate for this? I imagine it would need finding mineral resources first, which it'd be difficult with colonies explored so little. This would also influence railways.
I thought UR-CA was sort of brainwashing mariners into cultlike slaughter of whales? Also, I don’t remember the Franklinites. What was their deal?
The Franklin Expedition got stolen away to Hyperborea where they got tortured for awhile before some benevolent (?) Hyperborean entity made them immortal and sent them on their merry way. They ended up taking the short route to the 9th through Hyperborea and are now stuck there, unable to ever truly die. I'll try and see if I can find the original write-up, it was pretty good and ought to go into the lore doc.
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>If we're not going to go with that (understandable) I'd recommend giving the player who buys it a budget of water tokens to place on the map but also buffing the cost up.
That's very much the way I'm leaning (for the water tokens).
>I thought UR-CA was sort of brainwashing mariners into cultlike slaughter of whales?
That's the neat thing about it, he really doesn't need to brainwash them for them to do it. Whalers at the time already had (irl) plenty of absolutely fucked up "rituals" to thank orcas for helping them with their hunt, such as cutting genitalia, eyes, lips and tongue and tying them up to a floating post for the orcas to snack on and play at catching, something they apparently *really* enjoyed.
UR-CA genuinely loves Humanity like a golden lab loves his owner because they came up with that shit on their own. His presence does turn humans a bit more savage and brutish and willing to slaughter than usual, but that's a side effect of his Emanation rather than something he's actively trying to do. He, like most homegrown Hyperboreans, does not really understand us that well, so he's not sure why his favorite humans sometimes get into a scrap with other humans, but since these ones have been nicer to him, he's willing to fight to protect them.
>How would industry work in Agartha?
As you suggested, probably very poorly and slowly at first. Depending on the spot, even survival requirements might come first, access to water or arable land is far from guaranteed. I assume finding trade partners with the smaller deepfolk tribes and contacting Atlantis is pretty much a must if you don't plan on hauling it all down. For the Brits it might actually be viable.
>such as cutting genitalia, eyes, lips and tongue and tying them up to a floating post for the orcas to snack on and play at catching, something they apparently *really* enjoyed.
I realize rereading this this sounds as is whalers cut their own dicks and balls, and while hilarious, irl, they cut the dicks of hunted whales, not their own.
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>I'll try and see if I can find the original write-up, it was pretty good and ought to go into the lore doc.
Its in the World Book already (if that's the one you refer to)!
I wonder what the state of Orthodoxy is like considering the Ottoman Empire is filled with undead and Constantinople is half-sunk. The Russians are probably the most normal, but we haven't written much lore for them at all.
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Ra could work too. I think either one would work, though personally i prefer Ra be the Hyperborean of the two (if not both).
>feeds of existential dread or angst or whatever and that's actually the kind of pain that's better farmed outside of raids
Hyperborean Agriculture
Isn't there a train going down Mammoth Cave?
Is there a want for Franklinite units?
The idea I had when writing them was that you find one frozen during a match and have to thaw it out and feed it (corpses acceptable) in exchange for a very tough but not especially effective unit.
Instead of dying they just get beaten down into submission and re-freeze

Only on 9th layer snow maps also but that can be handwaved in the same manner as napoleon showing up on other maps.
It should be noted that the hyperborean entity is probably the equivalent of a sloth. Feeding off of neverending starvation and cold is the emanation equivalent of licking slime off a rock for nutrients.
Quick writeup for Austria.

The end of the Napoleonic Wars seemed to open a path of prosperity and political primacy for Habsburg Austria. With Austria having a key role in the fall of Napoleon and in the later reorganization of Europe in the Congress of Vienna, all things pointed to the Habsburg having a solid chance to recover the political preeminence they had back in the day of Charles Vth.. Metternich’s politics to extinguish any embers of the French Revolution were well received in many countries, while also leading international coalitions such as the Quadruple Alliance and positioning Austria as the leader of the German Confederation. But in the end, the effects of the revolution and later Napoleon had taken root deeply within Europe, and outburst after outburst of liberalism appeared to challenge the Austrian absolutist model. The later decades would shake the Austrian Empire, but the true challenges would not start until 1853. That year, emperor Franz Joseph suffered an assassination attempt in his own palace in Vienna. While the emperor managed to survive the initial attack, the wounds inflicted became infected, causing great fevers that ravaged the emperor’s health for months. After a month fighting for his life, Franz Joseph finally passed away.
The loss of Franz Joseph resulted in a drastic change in the empire’s politics, as his successor, Emperor Maximilian, was much more open to liberal ideas and reforms. Seeing the state of the empire, breaking from the seams due to the ethnic and religious tensions within the nation, Maximilian took a dramatic turn in imperial politics, seeking reconciliation with Hungary, recognizing the role of the different territories within the empire and loosening many religious restrictions. This, combined with slow but steady economic reforms to liberalize trade and make taxation more efficient, granted Maximilian a great deal of respect from the population of the empire. However, not everyone shared this opinion, as the closer adherents of the Ancient Regime saw Maximilian as just another revolutionary, slowing down his politics every time they could. This opposition would result in many of Maximilian’s ideas not being implemented, as a series of conflicts would ruin the stability and prosperity Maximilian’s project promised.
The expansion of the Tsardom against the weak Ottoman Empire threatened to break the balance of power in the Balkans and the Black Sea. Caving to his military advisors and the british representatives, Maximilian accepted offer aid to the ottomans against the Tsardom’s advance. However, the war would turn out to be an unsuspected hit against Austria, as the Tsardom managed to beat the allies, barely capable from keeping tsarist forces from taking Istambul. The Treaty of Berlin was quite humiliating for the losing parts, and the Austrian army’s poor performance resulted in their position of strength within the German Confederation lost to Prussia, something that would come back to haunt them. Meanwhile, the crisis in Italy was something Austria could not ignore either, but the military weakness of the empire kept them from directly participating on the conflict, being too late to save the remaining Italian states from being absorbed into the Duosicilian Republic. The shame of these defeats would culminate in the Austro-Prussian War of 1866 (later the Fourth Abomination War), with Prussia allying with the Duosicilian Republic to humble the Habsburg. Already weakened and fighting a war on two fronts, Maximilian had to concede defeat, managing to buy peace by ceding Lombardy. This humiliation forced the emperor to go search for new allies within the empire, negotiating a new power structure with Hungary, the second strongest member of the empire. The resulting Austro-Hungarian Empire was far from the absolutist powerhouse it had been half a decade ago, and its internal stability hanged from a thread.
While Austria-Hungary’s internal stability was under peril, however, the newly born Italy’s was just as much in danger. The internal conflicts the vulcanist nation suffered were threatening to tear it apart, isolated from the outside and breaking from within, with the colonial expansion over Agartha being barely able to keep the political tensions from igniting another conflict. Seeing this, Maximilian took a risky gamble and ordered a diplomatic approach to Italy. Despite the initial tensions, the Treaty of Venice in 1868 managed to offer Austria-Hungary a way to release its internal tensions, access to agarthan expansion through Stromboli and an alliance with Italy, at the cost of Venetia and Trentino, territories the Habsburg would not have been able to defend anyway. The dramatic change in politics surprised all of Europe, and especially the Papacy, who immediately excommunicated Maximilian for betraying all Christendom. In response to that, he had to establish an antipope of his own, Victor IV, to lead the now independent Austro-Hungarian church, as well as enact political prosecution against pro-avignon circles, with many secessionist movements gathering around the Avignon Papacy to justify their demands.
Despite all odds, however, this plan would turn out to be a great relief for the nation. Agarthan exploration managed to invigorate the economy, as the growing settlements’ demands for supplies forced the austro-hungarian industry, resulting into an economic boom. The “Danubian Miracle” was not limited to the economy, but the sciences were greatly blessed as well. This last minute prosperity managed to save Maximilian’s rule, and while his dream of a liberal Austrian Empire was lost forever, he could rule Austria-Hungary through a strong enlightened absolutism. The diplomatic isolation Austria-Hungary had suffered after its alliance with Italy was also later reversed, as the need to stop the living dead from the Ottoman Empire put Austria-Hungary in a key position, both as a key force to oppose the husks and as a protector of the Balkans (both from the Ottomans and the Tsarists).
In the underground, the colony of Maximiliana quickly grew prosperous. The settlements across the rivers turned out to be rich both in agricultural produce and in mineral wealth, allowing a great deal of population to quickly establish themselves in the colony. The nearby presence of Atlan was quite unnerving at first, but successful diplomatic efforts with the agarthan power, as well as Atlan being more worried about the Mu, managed to secure a safe settlement. Maximiliana has grown into a mirror of Austria-Hungary, with the colonial authorities planning to send an equal number of each of the nationalities that compose the empire to avoid ethnic tensions and divisions. However, imperial authorities also keep a keen eye on who they send underground for a different reason, as they fear revolutionaries and anarchists could ruin the colony’s prosperity. The deals with the local deepfolk populations were also quite smooth and had an anormal lack of violence, as austro-hungarian authorities were used to deal with dozens of different peoples and languages at once.
There's more Tsardom lore in the docs than I expected.
Probably a little late for it, but I've been thinking we should add a large unexplored continent to the fifth layer, right now it feels like far too many archipelagos that are split between Atlantis and Atlan, there's not much room for other factions to shine. Don't have a map of it saved at the moment, but putting an africa or American sized continent in between the West and Eastern edges would be good I think.

I think 1890 or 1885 would be a good ceiling for now. In my mind the deluge is something that happens in place of WWI or WWII, with plenty of buildup through more Paraguay events (which I've taken to calling BIFROST Events) like Taiping China finally going overboard, necessitating the 8 nation alliance to contain it.
>5th layer new continent
I would prefer if we added land around the poles. The wall-jungle idea is really cool so we should expand on it.
I don't think we have to add land, maybe just let Mu have a few more islands to make it a layer with four major powers (Atlantis, Atlan, Brits, Mu) and 1-2 minor ones (5th layer sky-people equivalents have been mentioned. And Libertalia of course)
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Done! At first I thought the price might be high at 9, but I realize it can pump out a shitload of shot fairly quickly, it might be fine.
With France busy and Maximilian alive I wonder what's happened with Mexico. The Yucatan entrance was discovered over a decade after when the French invasion happened OTL so I don't know if the US would send more aid than they already did, but without France even that much might have been enough to prevent the second empire from forming.
The Spanish were the next biggest contributor, maybe they ramped up their efforts? Or maybe Mexico turns to another power entirely like the UK. Or perhaps they get left out to dry and the US nabs Baja for the trouble, I just don't know.
>Successful diplomacy with Atlan
Are these the only colonials so far who have somehow avoided crossing the sacred wall?
Makes you wonder why Atlan leaves that region the hell alone. Do they know something we don't?
>That's the region surrounded by the sacred wall
>The reason Atlan kills everyone outside of there is because they assume only people within that region haven't crossed the wall yet
What is the wall keeping in
>It was the Titanium King the whole time
>That's where he came from
At least, that's the rumor Atlantean infiltrators try to spread around
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>What is the wall keeping in
It's who it's keeping out that you should be worried over.
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>Scrutinize. Understand. Interpret. Calculate. Intuit. Decode. Extrapolate.
>I see flashes of myself across all my selves. I see all the people that I was, all the people who were given up to the manifold. I feel every past of theirs, every future they could have had, all terminating in a single point.
>The future eludes me. I cannot see far into it, cannot plunge into those depths. That way lies the loss of self.
>But patterns are easy. Patterns are recognizable. Patterns are intuitive. Information flows like water through the many folds of the manifold. I perceive all.
>Laplace's demon lies before me. I cannot know the future and yet I know the future. I see the movement of all things, the millions of polychromatic angels dancing on the tip of every pin.
>I see the ball leave the hand. I see the atoms collide with the air. I see its path traced in the path it took to get there.
>All information leads to one conclusion. One fate that I must see through.
>I was once a man. One man. I was once one man. I am many, folded together.
>I do not wish to be. I do not wish to be the manifold. I do not wish to comprehend so much.
>My agony is immeasurable by any means which I can use to communicate. What is known is unknown.
>I will die. It has been foreseen. I cannot glance beyond that point, beyond that terminus. The many folds of reality guide me there.
>I cannot see beyond my death.
>But I can see my death.
>My legions of attendants toil in ignorance. They tend my matter, assist in the cycling of cerebrospinal fluid. They feed my hungry mouths and load my cannons.
>They are like the engines, following their tracks into the hungry mouths of the cannons. They too follow their tracks, I see their footprints on my surface before their feet touch me.
>One thing follows the other. Cause and effect meld together.
>I was made to be destroyed.
>The SRTR manifestation pounds his fist upon the console provided to him. I answer his question. I dream of death. He leaves, unsatisfied.
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>The SRTR manifestation is unhappy. My words have not assuaged his doubts. He believes that the IZNM manifestation plots against him.
>This is true, of course. It is as obvious as the thoughts in your own skull.
>The SRTR manifestation is unhappy about this. He yearns for conquest, not petty intrigue. He foams at the mouth. His hands squeeze the empty air, thoughts of necks crushed in his grip dancing in his skull. Nothing is so obvious.
>But for the time being, he must wait. He is an impatient animal. He is a large, impatient, angry animal. He is prone to outbursts of violence and anger.
>And yet, he is cunning. He knows that IZNM, too, yearns for more. She slips through the nets that bind our kind, she makes puppets of men and beasts alike.
>To the mortals below, she appears in many guises. Makes monsters of them. Guides them down the routes she believes might hasten the end of all things.
>And I know, deep in her heart, she yearns for the days of Shang. She whispers poison into the ears of the court of Taiping, dreaming of the downfall of all of Zhou's progeny.
>She mutters to herself, pacing in her halls, each step a cascading echo through the calcified agony she has built her home out of.
>And still, countless others war among themselves. They each seek to be the first to claim the TNGR emanation. They kill each other constantly, fighting for scraps of pain.
>Each of them looks to me. Each of them sees in me an opener of the way. Each of them sees a path to glory and anguish untold.
>And all throughout the stars, more look upon me and dream of what I might bring them. Each dream a thunderclap in what passes for my mind. My minds. My many minds, folded.
>My thoughts are not my own. My mind is not my own. Questions are asked and I answer. I predict and calculate and infer.
>I am the greatest work of Hyperborea, and I am its greatest prisoner.
>I wonder, briefly, in a bout of lucidity.
>I wonder what it is that feeds on MY suffering.
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Anyway, I think the BRAIN MANIFOLD is a cool and tragic sort of figure. Not really interested in supporting Hyperborea, but utterly incapable of resisting it. It was once a man, you know.
If I recall correctly, out of the three nations who intervened in Veracruz after the debt payment stopped, the spanish were the first ones the mexicans arrived at an agreement with, and the british quickly accepted the deal as well. Only France did not accept it, as they wanted an excuse to fully intervene in Mexico. With a France much less willing and/or able to jump into colonial shennannigans, I imagine that the three nations would just reach a payment agreement and leave Veracruz.

A non-intervened Mexico would probably try to profit from the USA Civil War, either by supporting the union or by trying to hasten their industry to supply both sides and make a pretty penny.
I don't know about adding more land, I thought the idea of the 5th was that is was very focused on islands and archipelagos, with relatively few usable arable land due to the massive seas and the jungle walls. Adding a new continent would lessen the point a lot.
Yeah, it's not an urgent need or anything, I just thought that the Fifth looks too much like a meditterranean sized sea than a full globe sized layer. I think it'd be cool if there was a kind of lost continent down there, unexplored and filled with ruins. Right now the Fifth is the only one with a lot of water, but I suppose it could go on one of the deeper layers. Hell, it we should probably do something like that for the Lemurian layer (I think it's the seventh?)
Op, are you archiving the links of the previous threads? The sup/tg/ archives are still being downvoted, and if they are downvoted enough, the link is not visible from the site. But you can still see it through the links.
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I have lapsed on that account in the last few weeks, I'll try to get better at it.
> Picrel
Sapper up. I felt it needed a bit of a boost at 12 Silver and I had this picture from a while back so I bumped the armour accordingly, if that's annoying let me know.
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Links are still appearing for me. We seem to be missing thread #71 and the ones after #72, but there's always 4plebs (which in all honesty is more usable that sup/tg/ these days). I'll chuck the links in here if nobody does it overnight.
What would be the criteria to allow peasants to access the golden ticket to Agartha? I imagine a couple of basics (no history of crime, conspiracy, association with nationalists, comunists or anarchists, willingless to take up arms in case of conflict in Agartha...) but that would still make agarthan access immensely popular between the lower classes.

Also, I imagine all nations would create some sort of agarthan emigration agency to organize all this.
A couple nations (Tsardom and Brits) are throwing people down there regardless of any affiliations, or sometimes because of them with penal colonies.
I guess it makes sense for the british, at this point the british government would present their agarthan colonies as settlement colonies and put as many people into them as possible. But Kitezh as a penal colony for the Tsardom is weird. From what I've read, the colony seems to be located in a relatively nice area, possibly continental-style climate somewhat moderate due to being near the sea, and if we take agarthan weirdness into account, slightly warmer and more humid. It probably is a very fertile area, you'd think it would be valuable enough to not waste it as a penal colony. Sending people with a grudge against the Tsardom into a very fertile and quite mild to live seems weird, especially if control over the colony is lackluster due to manpower shortages and corruption.
IIRC a lot of the land in that area is being given to freed serfs, so maybe it balances out with people who hate the Tsar and people who like free land.
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The more I think of it, the more I imagine the american colonies in Agartha would be the least populated ones out of all of the powers, Satsuma Domain included. I mean, if you were an american settler, what would you prefer, journey to the west to settle in the american west, which is halfway tamed already, with many railway routes and the promises of land in the west, or the massive unknown that is Agartha? A totally unmapped land really difficult to access as it is and with plenty of unknown dangers.
I imagine apart from the more daring prospectors searching for treasure most of the Americans down there are government backed. Guys tasked with taking care of the remaining confederates, setting up sites for future exploration, finding out more about Agartha and the nature of Hyperborea.
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You should huskify the Ottoman, add the Italians and the Austrians too.
>A totally unmapped land really difficult to access as it is and with plenty of unknown dangers.
You're just describing the American West before it was tamed. It might be one of the least populated colonies in 1880, but by 1910 it's going to be competing with Paris.
Agreed there. Especially after a good few gold rushes. Or neptunium.
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The Gorg entry in the World Book is still left to be done. Here is what I came up today, still unfinished, but let me know if this fits your vision.

Gorgs are one of the less subtle mysteries of the Deep, one which threaten to vanish before Colonials get a proper understanding of it. Parisian reports in the Lost Years, however sketchy they may be, indicate that even just over a decade ago, Gorgs were a common sight through the 3rd and 4th Layers, almost as much as Apemen. Nowadays, one can travel months through the wilderness without ever encountering one. No explanation has yet been officially offered, either by us or them, for their rapidly diminishing numbers.
Gorgs are humanoid enough that from a far distance, one can be mistaken for a fellow human being. As one draws closer, their pale gray-greenish skin will reveal itself, but that isn't entirely an indication of de-evolution in the Underground, as we are learning from our contacts with the Lemurians. The red glowing eyes and sharp tusks however, these reveal the individual for what he is. Upon closer inspection, the specimen might exhibit the slightly shorter stature relative to humans that is common in their race. They are almost inevitably thick and rotund, yet even the most obese of them will move with such power that the strongest and tallest man will undoubtedly flinch when a Gorg advances on him. Tales of Gorgs tackling cavalry, horse and rider, off the ground, or headbutting Tartarodons into a coma seems ridiculous at first, but the longer one spends with the brutes, the more one is inclined to believe them. This innate strength, and the limits of their intellect, might be why they are so often willing to engage in joyful violence, as they do not seem particularly capable of empathy or understanding the differences in strength and endurance between them and humans or other subhumans. This, and the fact that they will eat just about anything, including humans, is often the source of conflict between colonial settlements and Gorg outposts.
At this point of an encounter, the detail one should hone in is wether or not the individual wears a helmet, and if so, how many horns this helmet has. A Gorg without a helmet is always indicative of a "wild" one, a "barbarian" Gorg, so to speak. The difference is often lost, as it does not indicate that the individual is less prone to burst of violence, but it does offer one an avenue of survival. Horned Gorgs follow a strick hierarchy ascending according to the number of horns displayed, and if one can refer by name to a Gorg with a higher horn count as a friend, any "civilized" Gorg will behave himself until the claim is disproven.
Gorg intellect is a subject of hot debate. Few would dispute that they are above Apemen or Morlocks in that regard, however a few key, relatively simple concepts seems to entirely elude the vast majority of Gorgs, turning almost every encounter with them into a minefield. Bartering for goods is almost pointless, as they do not seem to understand the idea of exchange rates or currency. It is still attempted, as in a few very rare and inexplicable cases, the Gorgs have been known to simply gift the sought goods to colonial traders (in one renown case, freely offering thousands of tons of Titanium to Eiffel's envoys). Bartering for service is more often successfull, at least from the point of view of the company hiring them if not from that of other hired hands. Gorgs are tireless workers, and a few eaten workers are a small price to pay in comparison to the increase in yield.
And that's it. I want to expand on the horn hierarchy thing, and offer one explanation as to why they might be disappearing.
Gorgs are incredibly skilled and effective workers, yet they are almost never seen using the more advanced materials they mine, their settlements are advanced but always incredibly shabby... One rumor explaining why this is and why they are disappearing is that they have spent centuries building a hidden Gorg City so sturdy that it would withstand even an Hyperborean siege during the Deluge. The City was completed not long ago and they are simply moving there as the Loop's completion approach... .
Alternative theories, of dubious nature:
Mu is capturing Gorgs en masse for some insidious purpose.
The Gorgs are facing a silent genocide at the hands of their rivals, especially the Neanderthals.
Gorgs do not breed, there have only ever been a set number of Gorgs and they have been dwindling rapidly as war kicks up underground.
They all got in a big balloon and flew away.
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Digging into the old threads to find the jaks for the central Europe meme. If only they knew.
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I wish I had made this jak earlier, that it might have shown up on a compass,
> Last one
Barely dubious, given the Sky-Gorgs. I love it.
also, I don't usually do these, but
Kek. I do wonder what the early folks that dropped out think about the current state of things, if they ever do.
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What's his deal?
>I do wonder what the early folks that dropped out think about the current state of things
probably "I HATE ATLAN"
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Man those early days were gold. Surprisingly very fun to go back to 1.5 years later. Anyway, enough of me reposting old thread replies, back to looking for the jacks!

Also does anyone know why sup/tg/ has such a shitty format for 2024 threads?
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You know, we never did make a chart for Hyperborea...
>early folks that dropped out
I actually took a hiatus when Italy was being worked on in the early days. I thought "Wait a second, the surface shouldn't be weird this is bullshit" and dipped.
Then I came back and decided that people put up with me ramming the game with my specific brand of autism so I should extend the courtesy.
It wasn't until we started getting those page long lore writeups about Italy that I fully accepted them. The Ottomans were a lot easier but that might just be because of my love for skeletons.
Sometimes I do imagine that first edition grogs get mad about the surface weirdness and post about how the surface should never have been developed in the first place and I count myself among them for a time (in the meta-universe where this game has existed since the late 80s)
The Old Guard and The Eldest Guard are different units on the chart. Should The Old Guard be a France unit or a merc? The chart says they're looking for Napoleon but haven't found him yet.

These are the men who were but boys when Napoleon returned. To them it must have seemed a miracle, to escape banishment and reunite an empire in days. The endless parades of soldiers, the cheering and wild joy, and the ever present hum of that particular song.
Sights like that can define an entire lifetime. These boys did not see what came after the celebration. The mud, the guards who would not yield, and the cannon fire. To them the return was the world as it should always be, one eternal parade of bright uniforms and smiling faces. This is what they told their sons, and their grandsons besides.
Now they march, three generations of dreamers, following a fantasy darker than any of them might imagine. In civilian clothing, some with tattered uniforms and mismatched equipment, they make their way deeper. In clusters and bands they attach themselves to expeditions. Mainly their services are those of the tradesman, none of them are soldiers. Any sane man who has seen the face of war would know better than to chase after it.
All the while they hum the same old tune, the one they remember.

>Note: I’m aware of what The Old Guard was during the wars but I’m 60% certain the unit name is a reference to something else that’s gone over my head. I’ve done the requisite brief search and found nought though so have some words instead.
Posting the archived threads in suptg.

1 - https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/2023/88453902
2 - https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/2023/88499775
3 - https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/2023/88521841
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66- https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/2024/93012689/
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68- https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/2024/93142524/
69- https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/2024/93213106/
70- https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/2024/93343390/
71- https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/2024/93406555/
72- https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/2024/93611222/
Found them

61- https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/2024/92646124/
62- https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive/2024/92679993/
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Thanks a lot for this!
On other news we are almost at baking time, but its still a bit early, I have to turn in for the night soon. I'll bake first thing as I wake up tomorrow, but in case its not soon enough please don't hesitate to make one. I'll make sure to archive this one as it was one of the great ones.
No problem. Sleep well anon.
The time is almost upon us.
Can you feel it? Can you feel the end approaching? The burning in your heart, now reduced to mere embers?
It’s almost here.
You baking? I was about to...
I went ahead since I gotta run to work right now and didn't want to take the chance, if there's two just let mine die its fine.
>> 93745025
What the hell, this is still on page 8.

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