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Hornless Gorg Edition

>What is this?
EXPEDITION is a ~1870s era, Jules Verne-inspired retro-futurist, underground blood soaked cook-off adventurescape.
It is a Skirmish wargame. Two players with their own expeditions, on a hexgrid map, cook off and fight each other for victory (and the best meal).
A campaign mode is currently in the works, hoping to post a first Campaign Scenario within the next week or two. (you) are more than encouraged to contribute.

3 versions of the rules exist, TWO of which have been playtested. The main one is 2e, to be found :
> https://app.mediafire.com/us7vnek39dc6k
as with maps, tokens and lore ressources.

>TL;DR Doc
>Main Lore Doc, including links to anon-written short stories and additional lore in "Recommended..." section
> Unit Spreadsheet - Currently outdated, requires an update
>Unit Design Doc

>What can I do?
Shitpost, meme, get comfy. Read over the docs to settle in.
Familiarize yourself with rules and plan some playtests.
Contribute if you have ideas. Give feedback on contributions if you don't.

> TQ (cont.): What is the political/cultural outlook of every faction toward every faction, especially as of [current time]? Please offer ideas toward events, crisis, specific diplomatic overtures, etc...

> TQ2: So, since we are ending Core very soon, and based profileanon gifted us with Tsardom, Rajput and Ethiopian units in the last few threads, how do we wrap up regional expansions?

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Will do ceiling diver tonight if I can get time. One idea I had aside from the bungee-gimmick was a Laputite block net weapon that would make those hit with it get stuck floating (it would be one use like a grenade)
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Did this guy get missed? From the first thread.
Yes. Brits can definitely use a few more profiles so if you have any idea for them don't hesitate.
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Kek, that actually also works very well with the kidnapping/theft/ransom/non-lethal aggression thing I wanted to give as an option for them.
Revised Spring Guns and Pneumatic Spring Guns. Same basic idea, just (i think) executed better.

Spring Gun:
Range: 10, Pen: 1, Long: -2, Lethality: G, Reload: 2,
*Tightly Wound: You may Reload this weapon a second time to gain +2 Range and +2 Penetration

Pneumatic Spring Gun:
Range: 14, Pen: 1, Long: -2, Lethality: G, Reload: 2,
Limited Ammo: 5
*High Pressure Environment: This weapon may be fired while not fully Reloaded, losing 2 Range, 1 Penetration, and 1 Lethality.
You could see the weakness of the passive as compensation for the pure power you get with The Titanium King for a (at least comparatively) cheap cost. I agree it is boring, redundant, and overly complex. I like your idea of limiting Frenzy.
Thoughts on this version?

>This model and friendly faction models become Frenzied when they would become Shaken, Panicked, or Broken. This model and Friendly models within 5 ignore models with Titanium Armor on the Body Location while Frenzied.
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>They’re living lawn darts. I thought about making them Elite but I realised it would be funnier if they weren’t.
This is genius. Infinitely better than just an improved Sky-Soldier, which is what I was going for. Sold.
So, i'm looking at Hospitalizers now, and thinking they could be given Cook. Then i thought, maybe Cooking and Rations could be something to set Colonials apart.
They shouldn't have exclusive access of course, but generally being better at Cooking and using Rations, First Aid Kits, and the like could be something to set them apart. I think the way to do that would to be sure every Colonial faction has a Cook with a Special Meal, Access to Camp Cook, has an Engineer and access to a Merc one, and easy access to Medic (not necessarily a dedicated Medic, just some way to get the rule), and a Medic Merc. Maybe something with The Red Cross?
Slightly separate, I think it would make sense that Colonial units generally have worse Discipline then their Deep counterparts. I think it would reflect them being out of their dept better. Just some thoughts.

Giving War Shaman some interaction with Campfires would be good. Something like throwing alcohol on the fire to get multiple Failed Monks drunk at once.

My reasoning for giving Hospitalizers Cook is so they can be doing something when not killing their friends and too make them a bit more... well, hospitable. No special meal though, Burden Balm and Terror Tonic take that space. sorry this post is so messy.
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>So, i'm looking at Hospitalizers now, and thinking they could be given Cook. Then i thought, maybe Cooking and Rations could be something to set Colonials apart.
One idea that's been popping up in my head a few times but I don't think I ever mentioned was a "Veiled Daughters" model, sort of a nurse for Atlan, to balance out the Hospitalizer's cruel approach to healthcare... Once you get through the Hospitalizer's rather extreme form of triage, those who are judged worthy of medical care are handed over to the Daughters, who oversees whatever very short period of recovery you are allowed to get...?
And perhaps those would be the ones with Cook?
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I don't know, it kind of lessens the impact of the Hospitalizer. Maybe they only help non-combatants since slaves and such are supposed to be weak.

Also they sound like picrel. Because.
Plus it seems a bit close to that Atlantis unit. Also, it makes Polished seem less psycho. Still, i do think The Hospital could use a bit more development. It would be good to have a hospital for Hospitalizers to send you to.
I think Atlan would take it's populations nutrition seriously. A well fed population is a healthy one. I can see Pangaean Oysters (Bullsaur balls) being something of an indulgence in Atlan but a common food in New Mu. Maybe the other way round... guess it depends on how valuable Bullsaur semen is.
How would they work as a unit, you think? What would be their relation to Polished Princess? Maybe instead of a straight nurse, they could instead or also be some sort of mortician. Cremating the dead maybe. Atlan is lacking in more civilian type units, which while fitting, is a bit disappointing. I think it would be funny if Atlan had no Medic. Something to induce Frenzy? Maybe they can spend AP to feed Wounded Atlan units? Would probably need to be a Specialist with an ability like that.

Regardless of the "Veiled Daughters", think Hospitalizers could still use Cook. They have to compete with Elite slots with Immortals. It would also be a justification for a Hospitalizer to tag along with your expedition, in world i mean. I can imagine them being skilled butchers. Imagine of a Hospitalizer cooking and serving up a tray of 'hospital food' makes me smile.

obligatory https://youtu.be/cMhYf_mo7Ns?si=VMkZgKETb33RIaj
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They feed you as if they were putting wood in a furnace.
>They only help non-combatants since slaves and such are supposed to be weak.
Maybe instead of feeding Wounded models they only feed un-wounded Models, or only models with Graze wound or lower. Maybe Wounded models with Grazes only. Lore wise there could be different branches of the same organization; some that stay and some that go. Majority would stay. You would have to pay The Hospital if you want some to go with you, and nobody wants to do that.
I think so long as they arn't healing wounds, and just providing the best Atlan can do for comfort and proper environment for rest/recovery, then Hospitalizers and will retain their impact.

I've been thinking of a Surgeon Major character. I really like the idea, and think Atlan could use some proper characters (Refined Olms and Gargoyles should really be Sp. Units), but i worry it would weaken the impact of Hospitalizers too much to justify the up sides. Mechanically, i was thinking he could be taken as a Leader, and as a leader would let you take Hospitalizers as Followers, and with a one time use action that lets you Tough To Be Tender opponents. As a normal character i think he would limit Tough to be Tender so it can't get other Hospitalizes, and either buff or expand the range of Abhor The Weak. He would also have Dissection and be able to use it on humanoid targets. Maybe with this new hospital food angle he could grant Field Skinning temporarily as an action, or for specific models.
I really like the texture blending on that one. It's like an old postcard.
There was this ancient worldbuilding thing about a Walmart apocalypse a long time ago. They had societies based on the massive aisles and zombie greeters, it was great.
What I'm reminded of specifically though is that there was a society that lived in the pharmaceutical section who worshipped the Surgeon General, since he was mentioned on all the products there.
I remember it was decided that he was a real person, and that he was so perfect it was wrong. Like entirely symettrical.
We should steal that idea.
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Here I dug it up from the bowels sup/tg/:
>Through a combination of his high position, knowledge through the ages, access to so many chemicals and medications, and nearly 'prefect' surgical skill, I picture the Surgeon General at first appearing as truly 'perfect' from a distance.

>He is clean, unmarred, no sign of mutations or even age. He is seen as a man at the peak of his health and physical fitness in his early 30's, not athletic buff or anything, but clearly a prime specimen that the average man can see as an attainable goal to emulate upon their own bodies.

>But once you get close to him, the perfection is scary. His face is completely symmetrical with not a single trace of the natural asymmetry found in humans or any animal. He personifies the uncanny valley achieved from too much perfection. His body however is riddled with changing skin tones from the innumerous victims in his quest to remain physically perfect, but the differing patchs of skin tone are the only visible evidence of surgery he has performed on himself, completely devoid of any and all scars.

>Such is his mastery and knowledge of the medical arts, and also his complete disregard of every oath he ever took before the uprising.

>pic related, the result of messing with facial asymmetry and making perfect symmetry

Maybe have him as a potential rival to the titking who's kept around because they need the hospital for the eternal war. Where the king has not an inch of skin shown this guy makes his face very visible. It's like pottery it contrasts
Christ, i can go on, can't i? Anyway

Elite, Cook, Icon
AP: 2
Movement 3, Accuracy: 5, Strength: 5, Discipline: 7, Evasion: 6, Labor: 4, Awareness: 6
Health: 2
Armor: 2T 4T 3G
Hatred [Wounded]

Walk It Off : [1 AP] When a Friendly Adjacent model would be removed from the game,
delay the removal until the end of the turn. This Action may be used outside of this model’s Activation.

Abhor the Weak: Friendly adjacent models gain +1 Strength and Accuracy when Attacking Wounded Models.

Tough to be Tender : At the start of the Turn, remove all Friendly adjacent models with a
Grievous Wound from the game.

Not totally sure, but the following at least.
Buckler, Shield, Titanium Bonesaw, T. Stiletto, Terror Tonic, Burden Balm,
War Horse or Horse could be nice additions, but not sure. Some more weapon options might be nice, but not sure which. Probably just a 2h sword and maybe a spear or halberd option. Bonesaw i imagine to be sort of like a rapier with serrations on one side, rather than a normal bone saw. In passing, Rapiers could be changed or a second variant given that counts also as a buckler instead of giving you Lunge. Maybe having a Dueling Rapier which is the current one, and a War Rapier (or something like that) which is just a good sword that also counts as a buckler when not mounted.
Proposal for Titanium Bonesaw change

Titanium Bonesaw:
[ / ] / [ X ]
*If the target fails it’s Evasion test, increase the severity of all pre-existing Wounds on the hit Location. If the Health Profile is Simple, increase the severity of 1 pre-existing Wound.

The other idea is to have it be such a big and heavy sword it doesn't really matter that it is a saw, it will just snap the bones if swung. I like that less. as i find it less fitting for Hospitalizers.
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Surgeon General was brought up a while ago, i think. I put him in the lore blurb for Refined Olms at least.
>Maybe have him as a potential rival to the titking who's kept around because they need the hospital for the eternal war
One idea for Titking's coup was that he got the support of the public and the hospital by giving the hospital more power so they can actually go after nobles. Before him, the rich could just send the Hospitalizers away with their own men. Those who couldn't defend themselves resented those who could. Titking promised to let the Hospitalizers do their job right and to back them up with the military proper and to increase their funding. So he got the support of the Surgeon General.
It is purely transnational. The Surgeon General is weaselly and ambitious and patient. He is okay not being on top for now, but if Titking ever gives him the chance he will eat him alive. Maybe he wants to restore the republic, but with him in control behind the senses. I doubt he wants to be king or anything, but he certainly does want to be in charge. He is like a vulture circling around Atlan, just waiting for Titking to die so he can swoop in and take over. The Polished Princess has Hospitalizer connections, and she was probably tutored by the Surgeon General (under the Baron's supervision of course). Maybe he is trying to set up Polished as a puppet ruler.
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This was the original before the filters, which I've taken to do because apparently AI hides tags...?
Add 30% film grain at minimum roughness, then filter Orange1 and then Renewed.
He would be principle in creation of the Refined Olms. The idea behind the Refined Olms is that they had their blood replaced with an artificial titanium based blood substitute, and that is a large part of why they are how they are. Maybe he eventually wants to do something like that to himself? Maybe transfer his soul or mind into a Titanium Golem or something like one? Like a version of perfection more Atlan specific. We should keep the symmetry thing for sure. So he takes all these poor Olms and Tartaradons and whatnot and does horrible experiments on them to try and make them immortal, or 'perfect'.
>Where the king has not an inch of skin shown this guy makes his face very visible. It's like pottery it contrasts
So the modest king rules openly, and the vain general schemes in secret? nice. I like to this that his tower is in that weird bit of disconnected Atlan territory south of the pillar.

But for a model i think Surgeon Major works better. A 'softer' and 'smaller' bundle of the same ideas, so it is easyer for players to tell stories with them.
>Surgeon Major
Expert skill is rewarded by the Surgeon General with... Improvement. They have undergone procedures under his direct instruction (But not under his knife. He reserves that for the most important work.) to enhance their symmetry, providing them unnatural strength.
Take care to either avoid injuring these men or kill them swiftly, lest their rage at their symmetry being marred consume them... And you!
>Blood replaced with an artificial substitute
Seems kind of advanced for Atlan. Unless you're leaning into the "titanium is alive" bit or Olms have something special that lets it work.

I bet they stick thin titanium plates under their skin like in cyberpunk 2020.
>Olms have something special that lets it work
ancient olm civilization were flesh warpers to rival old mu, maybe the atlan surgeons discovered some kind of quirk baked into their anatomy (originally intended to facilitate things like the bad olm transformation) that lets them take to the titanium much easier than a human can
they're probably utterly unaware of the reason behind it, but by experimenting with it, they hope to learn how to incorporate titanium into the human form as well
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Proposal for Gelek.
A slow, floating brick. I'm unsure about the price, it might be worth a bit more since it has so much health, but at the same time it doesn't do that much beside being big, chucking javelins and supporting Skywaymen, who probably needs it anyways. I suspect the Cloudelleafint will die much faster than expected anyways.
There's little advantage in taking Flintlocks at the moment, the only reason you'd do it would be for the smoke, which is good, but probably not enough to justify it. The Bradsburg is a better choice because it has at least 2 Penetration. Might be worth boosting them a bit to give them at least a tiny edge over Shortbows & Longbows, even if its not a big one. Or lowering their Reload to 2.
Quick pitch for Sky-People Heroes
> Sky-Pirate Captain : Low Discipline Hero with limited support for Skywaymen and Sky-Pirates, grants Nimble to the Airship it is embarked on while Steady.
> The Would Be Sky Emperor : one out of a thousand other petty lords who won't let being 567th in line to a throne that doesn't exist yet stop him from pretending he's already got it. Somehow fairly good at surviving assassination attempts.
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Reminds me of Bleg giving Neanderthals access to flintlocks.
Those look good to me.
Could give Bows reload (would help with Lemuria being what it is), or allow Flintlocks to be taken in pairs (purchase twice to gain Ammo Feed 1?). Could give Bradsburg a buckshot Sp.Ammo option, which would give it the Shotgun's special of lowering Evasion. The way i see it, Flintlocks are taken because they are free. Bradsburg only cost 1, but it does cost something, so i think it needs a buff more than Flintlocks. Even then i don't know.
On the Shotgun's special, I think it is now too strong. I think it should be changed so you only get the -2 Eva if you are making a Long Range attack, that way you have to work for it and it is balanced out by having the Long Range penalty. Reducing the Shotguns range penalty some would also be good. Could also have it so you only get the -2 Eva when close, depending on how we want Shotguns to work. Either way the penalty should be reduced to -2.
As an aside, i think Headshot! is under used as an alternative to Deadly.
I think the truth of the matter is we just need more than one type of flintlock longarm
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Yeah, I'm unsure if its going to be better in Bleg or him, Neanderthals are pretty bad as ranged troops, but with Skywaymen you might want to push your luck by setting them up in Roof Ambish as well and that means they'll end up being scattered all over the place and a few of them might die from it alone.
>Could give Bows reload
Yeah I've been thinking the same after the Lemuria vs Lemuria game. We could make the shortbow free as a result?
>Flintlocks to be taken in pairs (purchase twice to gain Ammo Feed 1?)
That's not a bad idea at all. I'll try to put some focus on finishing up Sky-Clans and then perhaps we could look seriously at the ranged weapon's cost "formula" I had brought up earlier. That'd be a good occasion to work all of this in.
> Picrel
What I came up with for the Sky-Pirate. Low Discipline, good melee troop with no survivability beside its Evasion. Dual Wielding will make both the Ransom and the Skywaymen's Larceny rule easier to trigger (equip a Sword and a Mace with it). I was thinking of adding a Sky Jail/Sky Slave Pen option to the Sky-Barge to interact with the Ransom rule if you bring back models to an Airship equipped with those...
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I'm doing the final touch up to the World Book before I upload it, could I beg mapanon (or any anon who caught the) to repost the most current maps? I'm pretty sure I missed a couple.
>Yeah, I'm unsure if its going to be better in Bleg or him,
iirc bleg was described as being a gun enthusiast whereas gelek was noted to not be one, but rather just in favor of greater discipline and organization of skywaymen
maybe he can buff their discipline and accuracy so they can actually mug people
At some point, yes. For now i think it's best to treat the Bradsburg like a generic weapon.
>We could make the shortbow free as a result
Seems fine. Could have a trait that lets you bring it back to 0, and have reducing reload replace Deadly on Akashic Archery.
Map anon here. I still have to add the changes that were mentioned in one of the previous threads, since I've been very busy with work. I can repost the ones I have now. Which ones do you need?
No issue, it doesn't need to be fully updated, I can come back later on for the maps alone once they are fully finished.
I would take all those you have, might as well.
>maybe he can buff their discipline and accuracy so they can actually mug people
He already does, that's the first thing his rule gives.
Thoughts on these versions of Reconquerer and Reclaimer? Not sure on cost. Tried to differentiate them, and make Slave keyword more meaningful. Depending on how the 'clear' action works out these might need to be changed again, particularly Reclaimers worry me.

Atlan Reconquerer:
AP: 2
Movement 2, Accuracy: 6, Strength: 6, Discipline: 5, Evasion: 5, Labor: 3, Awareness: 5
Health: 2
Armor: 3T 5T 3T

Wont Back Down : While Shaken, this model may still Activate but may only resolve Move and Charge Actions. When this unit would become Panicked, it becomes Broken instead.

Atlan Reclaimer:
Soldier, Engineer
AP: 2
Movement 2, Accuracy: 5, Strength: 5, Discipline: 5, Evasion: 3, Labor: 5, Awareness: 4
Health: 2
Armor: 4T 6T 4T

Stand My Ground: While this model is Shaken, it may still Activate, but only to resolve
Melee Attack Actions (and not Charge Actions) and Labor Actions. It suffers -1 Accuracy and Strength while doing so. When this unit it would become Panicked, it becomes Broken instead.

Stand Around And Look Mean: [1 AP] Test Strength, if successful immediately Activate up to 2 Slave models in a row within 3 of this model. May not be used while Engaged.
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>Stand Around And Look Mean: [1 AP] Test Strength, if successful immediately Activate up to 2 Slave models in a row within 3 of this model. May not be used while Engaged.
I like this but on a Soldier it seems like it would be easy to condense a lot of actions very easily. You Activate the Reclaimer, spend one AP on whatever, then one on this, then 4 on Slaves. It might be something that could be put as is on a Specialist, and perhaps on Reclaimers its just spend 1 AP from up to 2 Slaves within 3?
We have mentioned a game Atlan vs Italy tomorrow or Monday 9am, its gonna be really rough tomorrow morning, can we do it either in the evening or monday am?
I'll be working on the Beastiary until mapanon posts the maps and profile anon comes up with the Ceiling Divers, I've had an idea.
>then 4 on Slaves.
I meant it to be only 2. Had it at 2 AP at first forgot to add something about once per tern after lowering it. War Master has a similar thing but better as a trait option.
Evening sounds good to me.
Alright, I'll update Atlan quickly and upload it.
Did you get the Hospitalizer from last thread, the Wall Mystic from a bit back, and the Titanium Heart change for Titking?
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Hospitalizer and Titanium Heart I got, could you repost the Wall Mystic one?
> Picrel
And this is what I meant by the "I had an idea", which is to include a table solely for Hyperboreans to the Hostile list. This way we can include Hyperboreans right away into the game before giving them a faction book, it respects the idea that they aren't supposed to be a common thing (I'll make it so you don't roll on that table often), but you never know, a Raid could happen, or someone could disturb the wrong artefact, etc etc...
And it also allows to recruit from them in a similar way to Mu with Saurs for the rare factions where that would be appropriate.
The table would include other Firmament entities, perhaps like Moon Rabbits, Sun Dogs and Flying Crushing Wheels...
Oh disregard Horde on the Scout and Warriors its only meant to be for the SkinSlave. Was too eager to post I guess.
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>Ceiling Diver: (20 Silver)
AP: 2
Movement: 5
Accuracy: 6
Strength: 5
Discipline: 5
Labour: 4
Evasion: 7
Awareness: 4

0 in all

2 Box

>General Abilities:
-Quick Strike (Flyvory Dagger)

>Special Abilities:
-Roof Runner:
This model begins deployment on the roof. It cannot be targeted for melee attacks by adjacent units unless they are flying or floating, and this model ignores intervening model and impassable terrain other than Walls when resolving a move action. It may not melee adjacent units which are not flying or floaters. Treat it as 5 hexes further away than it really is for ranged attacks. (More, less?) [Should there be a way to knock him off the roof without killing him?]
-Ceiling Dive: (1 AP)
This model loses Roof Runner until the end of its activation.

Standard Equipment, Climbing Gear, Flvory Dagger, Laputite Net

-Flyvory Dagger: (Melee)
Acc: 0
Eva: 1
Pen: 5
Threshold: 4
Weak/Strong: [/]/[X]
Cost: Free (Only for him. Others get it for 3)

-Laputite Net: (Melee)
Acc: -2
Eva: -3
Pen: 0
Threshold: N/A
Weak/Strong: *
Cost: 6
Special: One use, Net
NET: If hit with this weapon, no damage is taken. Instead, set movement to 0 and gain the floater rule for the next 3 turns. (Cannot hit non-flying units in melee.) Each turn 1 AP may be spent to try to escape, testing strength. If successful resolve a high-altitude fall test.

Sky People
Flyvory is what Cloudelleafint tusks are made of. This cannot be undone. I am not sure why they have such a high penetration but when the chart said shred that is what I chose to do.
The rare assassin unit without stealth. If roof runner is tooled correctly I think it would work really well on skyspiders and maybe some other roof units, if we can figure out a not-unwieldy way for the opponent to get units down from the roof.
The net is really good but hopefully low accuracy and high cost enough not to be game-defining. The net itself is not made of Laputite it just has cubes of the stuff tied onto it. Best case scenario you’re taking a melee unit out of the picture for 3 turns or forcing it to kill itself.
The strat with this guy is to have him run along the ceiling and hopefully not get shot until you reach behind enemy lines and then dive down. Maybe it would be better to just have hidden deployment on hindsight since that’s what we’ve generally been doing for people on the roof.
Also this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_diving
So, the conquistadors. Were they really led by Cortez or is the gold just called that because he wanted it?
More importantly, how many were there and what impact did they leave? In my mind it was not a small expedition. 500+ minimum went below, and considering that was approximately the number it took to body the Aztecs I could see them wrecking shop if they scrounged up enough allies.
My headcanon is that they were chasing after some Aztec nobles who had escaped below, stumbled onto Atlan, and then proceeded to funnel native auxiliaries and cannons at the problem for five or so years, knocking a chunk off the western part of the fourth layer Atlan border (This might be why Atlan didn’t own the Yucatan peninsula entrance when the US came knocking, they pulled back to a more defensible line and stayed there.) But unlike their other conquests the Spanish couldn’t automatically win a pitched battle, and getting back to the surface was harder than it should have been for some reason. (implied that the Inquisition was waiting for them when they got topside {possibly at the behest of Atlantis who may have pulled one of their only surface strings to keep anyone from spreading the news [but why?]}) So they start getting worn down. Then that initial period of technological supremacy wore off once Atlan started replicating their armour, and the church started really cracking down on people going into the mysterious possibly satanic hole.
In Spanish history it’s a deeply hidden archival footnote that Napoleon may or may not have learned about in his knowledge quest, in Atlan history it is a story of horror since for the first time in their memory since the fall someone had figured out how to pierce their armour/cross the sacred wall. I can see the Titking using the tale to fuel paranoia upon the next reappearance of surfacers (Napoleon+Eldest Guard) to help boost his rise to power.
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>In Spanish history it’s a deeply hidden archival footnote that Napoleon may or may not have learned about in his knowledge quest
A bit of a suggestion. Joseph Bonaparte, who ruled Spain as José I of Spain after the napoleonic takeover of the kingdom, was nicknamed "Pepe Botella" (or Pepe the Bottle, Pepe being a nickname for those named José, and the bottle as a way to call him drunk) as one of the many insults the spanish threw at it was that he was a drunk, despite this seemingly not being the case.

But what if Joseph Bonaparte actually managed to read some of the reports of the spanish expedition, found records of maddening things and things "that should not be" in there, and the ended up throwing himself into alcoholism as a way to cope? Maybe he gave it to Napoleon as one of the first crumbs for his studies of agarthan affairs.
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Ok, I've read the pointers of the previous thread. I added a category for altitude as "below sea level", which I'm not sure if we should specify how deep it actually is. The dead sea is still around a pillar, so I've mantained the altitudes around the pillar. Also, I removed the river.

As per altering the areas around the rivers, I'm not so sure about that. I kind of want to leave it as is, since the italians would both prefer the volcanic areas for religious reasons and keep access to more fertile and richer areas to themselves (even if they are allies, why would they give the better lands to the austrohungarians when they control the entrance?). I assume the lands of the italians are richer than the austrohungarians, and Maximiliana just started at the other side of the sea, then both colonies naturally grew around the sea and managed to find each other.Also, french competition around the sea is probably out of the question, the french are probably too focused on controling their massive holdings on the 3rd to seriously challenge other european powers on the 4th. Plus, Nouvelle Alger is probably busy enough by having the atlan so close to them.

And about moving the tsarist colonies, after reading the justifications mentioned, I feel it would be easier to write the lore around it than move the locations. There could be a decent amount of reasons to make the colony a considerably harsher place to inhabit to keep the "needs to be populated by force due" nature of the settlement.

That and we really need to establish which place is which, I don't know what to move if the names of the places aren't tied to what they are referencing.
Also, about the ottoman raided settlements, I've moved them outside of the dead sea, just to still keep the threat of the husks attacking the native populations.
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Newest version of the Worlbook up!
This should compile most if not all of the timeline adjustments and Ethiopian crusade dates, the settlement lore, the write up for Austria-Hungary, some bits of lore added up here and there, the Gorg entry, I shitposted something about the Shadows, it doesn`t implicate much. The Eloi felt very different from what was initially posted, so I`ve held off on it and will see if I can`t find a way to get the concept to mesh together without going against the initial `eggheaded sadist` concept.
Some of the maps are still one or two version late, I`ll keep better lookout to save the ones offered.
We still need an Ottoman and Italy introduction. I`ve removed the 2nd Layer section on France so that I can rework it, since most was in the 3rd Layer section.
Sky-People will get a rewrite to emphasize the Sky-Clan/Sky-Empire faction division.
If anyone feels like writing a more detailed timeline for Satsuma let me know.
Atlan anon, are we still good for tomorrow`s game? AM or PM?
PM might work better for me, but if its not possible we can do it around 9-10am?
>he newfound sense of kinship
Also, that paragraph is cut mid way.
>Even tho the conflict came
to a resolution without escalating too much, many observers have noted how the Leaden Duke’s used of
newly-developed Prediction Engines allowed him to
>While the emperor managed to survive the
initial attack, the wounds inflicted became infected, causing great fevers that ravaged the emperor’s health
for months.
>After a month fighting for his life
That's my fault, I fucked it up when I did the writeup. My bad.
The bit about Basse Abyssine is not there. It's in the thread 73.
Thank you for these, will fix!
>The Eloi felt very different from what was initially posted,
I think the best way to reconcile them is that the Eloi range from the treacherous twink types to the egghead types, but unilaterally have extremely symmetrical and beautiful features. Something unearthly about them, no matter where they fall on the spectrum, such that people will agree they're beautiful even if they're sort of alien.
As for the sadism thing, that could be reworked into the ones who enjoy combat being way more likely to take an interest in it; I feel like Eloi should focus on one thing in particular that catches their interest and make that their entire personality. For a lot of them, that's just lounging around being worshiped by their followers. For some of them, that's dueling, and that leads to an interest in either killing people as quickly or as slowly as possible.
Seconding this.
>The year is 1882
>The discovery of deep caverns beneath the Earth threw the world into disarray a decade earlier
Two decades. 1860 is 22 years, 65 is 17.
I can do PM. 8? What time is best?
>Eloi range from the treacherous twink types to the egghead types
maybe its an age thing
Any sky people units still left up for grabs? I am ready.
twink death or reverse twink death?
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afaik most of them have been statted but there's probably some major holes in their roster
off the top of my head, have a few ideas
pillar city scribe
pillar militia
sky-clan vaulter infantry
sky artisan
ceiling gompa priest
i'm not sure which is funnier, but one idea had elois able to turn their paramours into more elois somehow, so i reckon probably twink death
the twink to grey pipeline is real
Reverse twink death would mirror the evolution of the idea, which is pretty neat. Could see it going either way, really. Maybe it's a sex thing. Maybe they cycle like those jellyfish.
>Were they really led by Cortez or is the gold just called that because he wanted it?
Unless there is a real expedition that went missing, i think it's better the expedition that got lost be it's own original thing.
>(This might be why Atlan didn’t own the Yucatan peninsula entrance when the US came knocking, they pulled back to a more defensible line and stayed there.)
That does make sense, but i think they would have done that when they first came down. I think they would stay away from the entrance, it's probably an evil place to them. I could see some mines over there if they where desperate (or someone was especially greedy). Though it is rather far.
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>I can do PM. 8? What time is best?
8 is perfect!
> Sky-Whaler unit
> Wind-Whisperer (Like a Sky-Priest, except crazy and ostracized by other Sky-People because he makes things too windy)
> Some small Airship between Smoke Balloon and Sky-Bombers?
How did Malcolm escape death at the hands of the English, reach Agartha, and become the Lost King?
How did Jayanyati go from respected Lemurian envoy to despised leader of the Fateless?
How does Pythivati feel about her daughter's apostasy?
What if two Doric dudes managed to change the course of history, and then promptly nope the fuck out to a life of irrelevance?
What if I managed to shove another "Down there. In the dark." into my writing for E:AD?
All this and more can be answered... In the Wake of the Massacre at Greenrock.
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Some notes:
I considered having Malcolm be more of a leading figure in this story, but I liked the idea of Jayanyati deciding things more.
I should have really included one of them looking at a spider.
When Jayanyati's eye starts doing that shit and giving everybody headaches, she's essentially using her Everything Is Possible ability and Pythivati & Pals are all failing their Prophecy rolls badly.
Tigress Temple Assassins could definitely be a unit. Tiger Claws are neat.
Paris hasn't sunk yet, so Malcolm probably gets into some adventures with the locals that later get integrated into Paris on his way to the Palace of Shadow (a name I pulled out of my ass) that could be relevant later.
Is Pythivati a milf? I think so.
Jayanyati blatantly lied to Malcolm, just like she lied to Gregor and Jamie, but she tells herself it's for their own good. She does that a lot. Comes by it honest.
“What is the history of this land, I wonder, but a tapestry of brave men all killed by the English?” Probably accurate to real world history, too, at least after the vikings went the way of the dinosaur.
I don't know what a venomsaur is, but its extract has medicinal purposes. I have decided it is such.
Balloon Tartaradon
>Firmament Foes
Good idea. I was working on some Hyperborean Weapons a while ago, will post soon.
>Wall Mystic
reposting. probably needs changes.

Wall Mystic: Cost 40
AP: 3
Movement: 1, Accuracy: 5, Strength: 9, Discipline: 9, Evasion: 0. Labor: 5, Awareness: 7
Health: 5
Armor: 9T9T9T
[Immune to Diplomacy]

Wall Adoration:
While this Model is in your Expedition, whenever you place any Walls on the map, place twice that amount of Walls.

Wall Union:
When a Wall is removed, this model takes a Graze. When this model is removed from the game, replace it with a Wall token that when Removed grants 1 Titanium Ore to the model that Excavated it and the owner of that model gains 1 Dread.

Titanic Mercy:
[1 AP] This model may take a Graze and lose Titanium on one Armor Location to have any Friendly Model gain Titanium on a Armor Location for the rest of the turn. Or, it may take a Graze and lose 1 Armor to have any Friendly Model gain 2 Armor for the rest of the turn.

Titanic Grace:
[1 AP] Before a model with a Titanium Weapon Attacks, this model may take a Grievous Wound to ensure that the Attack Roll is a Critical.
This is great. I think the first three pages are especially good.
>Wall Mystic
Thank you!
>When Jayanyati's eye starts doing that shit and giving everybody headaches, she's essentially using her Everything Is Possible ability and Pythivati & Pals are all failing their Prophecy rolls badly.
It's frankly incredible to see some rule I cobbled together in a haze be interpreted in actual real-ass fiction

Also, I have a fun fact of my own (one of the first big things I wrote in my now 100+ page unit prototype and lore doc IIRC):
>The fundamental formulas which underpin the workings of an Analytical engine were developed by Henry Prevost Babbage, son of Charles Babbage and officer in the British army during the Sepoy Mutiny and Malcolmite rebellion (real historical figure)
>Before the completion of the first Analytical Engine these formulas would take weeks to calculate, by which time any predictions had already come to pass
>The only time calculating by hand proved successful was in predicting the raid on Greenrock less than a day in advance.
And, most interestingly
>Henry would later admit much of the basic proofs involved were delivered to his address in the dead of night anonymously during the rebellion.
Who exactly sent this man occult/impossible mathematics remains a mystery but my bets are on Napoleon, Jayanyati, Pythivati, or the Time-Stranded contractor. It would be really fucking tragic if it was Jayanyati though since she would have had to orchestrate the downfall of the Malcolmites herself and then live to regret it.
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>It would be really fucking tragic if it was Jayanyati though since she would have had to orchestrate the downfall of the Malcolmites herself and then live to regret it.
Hell, even if it was Pythivati's doing, it would be horrible for her. Delightfully devilish, but I don't know that I want to commit to an answer at this junction.
Jesus fuck this is good.
> Is Pythivati a milf?
It is known.
The train rumbled quickly south from Paris, through the half-night of the third layer. The clatter of the freight cars and the puffing of the engine were the only sounds in the dark jungle as the slitted eyes of prehistoric creatures witnessed modernity rolling past. One light was showing from the rear of the engine, then a long stretch of darkness and flashing sparks, and then a light from the brakeman’s cab. Both were swiftly dimmed as the train sped through a village.
Monsieur Dupliex finished brightening his lamp as the village slipped out of view again. Surely they had noticed the train, but it was late and the Gendarmes had been paid well. Last month’s train had made the trip without problems, but the one before had been stopped for search. The whole endeavour almost fell apart then, when that foolish inspector had refused to look the other way. Dupliex felt his anger give way to pity remembering what had happened next. He wished it had gone differently.
The trip ended by the shore. The cavern roof had begun to glow like candles behind stained glass, when was the last time he had been to confession? His thoughts descended back towards the present sound of crates splashing into the sea. Officially they were filled with waste from the city too dangerous to repurpose.
“In a way it’s true,” he thought as he marked off each splash with a tick in his ledger. Each crate held within three to four bodies, wedged tightly and packed with chemicals to keep the smell down. They were the urban poor, all dead from natural causes or the endless gang violence of Paris. The bodies had been purchased for medical examinations or exhibition, all legally and with consent. The entire operation was above board right up until they were loaded on the train. Then the bodies left the record, and once they reached the dock they left the third layer altogether.
The water began to foam as the workmen scrambled back from the dock. Pearls began to rise amongst the surf as the men darted forwards again with nets. Dupliex frowned as he marked his ledger.
“This is less than promised.” he pronounced, pocketing his ledger and snapping his fingers once. Instantly the workers stopped dumping the crates and collecting the pearls, all pulling back towards the train. Monsieur Dupliex strode forwards across the dock to the very edge. Soon a tentacle rose from the water to meet him at, dozens of eyes along it narrowing to regard him. He paused for a moment, before bowing slightly.
The body of Inspector Clement was never found. The Nether Earth Trading & Exploration Company insisted on paying for his funeral, though anonymously. But in the deep and impossible courts of Old Mu a badge of the Parisian police now rests, amongst the incalculable dead.

>FACTION PITCH: The Nether Earth Trading & Exploration Company
They are a conglomerate of Parisian traders and E.I.C breakaways (the actual E.I.C is busy holding the few remaining Indian holdings together and trying to avoid being remembered by anyone.)
The Parisians got a headstart on trading relations but found the laws of France restrictive once order was partially restored and also found themselves outclassed in terms of goods for sale to Agarthans.
The E.I.C breakaways found themselves without an E.I to C with, a large group of still loyal sepoys, and some recovered Lemurian artefacts which sold gangbusters.
Their gimmick is that they trade Surface goods with Agarthan powers that you’re not supposed to talk to, and Agarthan goods that you’re not supposed to sell to Surface powers. These are the guys who sell guns to Neanderthals, bodies to Mu, and industrial equipment to Atlantis.
Despite their origins they do not have qualms about selling to Atlan or Lemuria, they actually have some strange diplomatic inroads as a result of their parent factions earlier conflicts.
There may be other groups who contributed to their formation but they are definitely a northern/western European organization. Americas already have Edison/Golden Syndicate, Austria has their company already, etc
Also they already existed in the lore doc but had no units or depth beyond that so I didn't come up with the base concept, credit to whoever did.
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Excellent work anon. This is great. Perfect blend of background and drama. Would love to see more stories from you. Haven't caught up since last thread, but this is a great thing to come back to.

>Tigress Temple Assassins could definitely be a unit.
I'm surprised they're not already. I thought you'd taken them straight from the Lemuria list.
>eloi turn into greys when they get old
is the pale dweller an eloi?
i kinda like the cyclical idea, maybe it has to do with bringing more people into the fold? taking a paramour rejuvenates them and they become young again
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Waiting for more inspiration/ideas for the Sky-People, so I went back to the Beastiary, the section on Denizens of the Deep (more "normal" deepfolks hostiles you could find in the Deep), this is the start. Those 3 used to be in the Main book already, however I might still buff them a bit.
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And this is the new part of it. Rolling a Warlord, King or Warchief turns the Hostiles into a 3rd army. If it was just roll for control of the whole gang all the time it would be way too heavy a factor based on a single roll, so I made it so you also have to roll below or equal Discipline to activate them. I was thinking of adding a Parley or something to them but that might be for later.
Between these and the Firmament Foes the Hostile table is getting pretty filled up.
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Also, I've been wanting to do something with this beautiful boy for a while now, I figure Cave Aberrations are basically just anything ugly, big, mean and Devolved so far that it is completely unrecognizable and no one can tell what it was initially supposed to be. Made him pretty mean.
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Trying something new for the maps.
>Is the pale dweller an eloi?
I would say no, he is too much of a good boy.
Visitors might mistake him for one until they realize is both empathetic and mute.
>is the pale dweller an eloi?
I like the Pale Dweller just being the Pale Dweller.
>the Hostile table is getting pretty filled up.
More the merrier, i say. For mechanical purposes could always have curated tables to go with a specific scenario or map, or have rules for drafting a custom table.
Veiled Daughters:
Specialist, Cook
AP: 2
Movement 2, Accuracy: 3, Strength: 4, Discipline: 6, Evasion: 5, Labor: 4, Awareness: 5
Health: 2
Armor: 1 2 1

Sister’s Hood:
Select one of the following options. Up to 2 of this model may be taken, but they must have the same rules.

Daughter of the Wall:
This model may take T. Buckler and Gains Titanium on the Head Location and the following rules

-Nag: [1 AP] Test the Discipline of a friendly model within 3, if failed it becomes Frenzied at the start of the next turn. Icon models may not be targeted. Shaken, Panicked, and Slave models automatically fail the test.

-Veil: [2 AP] Test the Discipline of a Frenzied friendly model within 3, if failed the model ignores models with Titanium Armor on the Head Location. Icon models may not be targeted. Shaken, Panicked, and Slave models automatically fail the test.

Daughter of the Knife:
Gains Gain Mask on the Head Location and the following rules

-Tend to the Wounded: When a Friendly Adjacent model with a Graze or Deep Wound would use the Snack Action, this model may spend the AP instead.

-Tough to be Tender : At the start of the Turn, remove all Friendly adjacent models with a
Grievous Wound from the game.
Surgeon Major:
Character, Academic,
AP: 2
Movement 3, Accuracy: 7, Strength: 7, Discipline: 6, Evasion: 4, Labor: 4, Awareness: 7
Health: L1 B1 H1
Armor: 2T 4T 0

Veteranary Surgeon:
This model may use Dissect on any model. During recruitment, this rule may be swapped for Born to Lead.

Without Blemish: When this model is wounded becomes Frenzied.

Ectomy Order: [2AP, 2LP] Next turn Tough to be Tender targets enemy models instead of friendly models.

Dissection : While this model is on the field, any time a Beast or Deep model dies, put a Beast or Deep Carcass counter in the hex it died. While adjacent to a Hex in which there is a Beast or Deep Carcass counter, this model gains Special Action Dissect.
Dissect: [1AP] Test Awareness. If successful, add 10 Silver to your Victory Chest, and this model and friendly models adjacent to it gains either Deadly, Concussive or Stun on all their Attacks against models of the same name as the dissected Model until the end of the game.
What program are you using for the maps?
Good story. Could work as a sort of generic Sponsor.
That all sounds good to me. Only thing is i think we can do better for a name than Warlock. Not sure what, but something that ties into travel. Mu Corpse Herder, maybe?
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This is one I fished from the internet, the grid was added through Owlbear itself, which should ease some of the snapping issue we've been having.
Will add. I noticed the Iconodule is missing cost for both Experimental traits, and should probably have some Armour value on its Body, what do you think?
Also, Bucklers and Shields?
>Name I pulled out of my ass
Anon who initially submitted the Shapes on the OG compass and I just want to say I fully endorse this name as I drift in and out of these threads.
Speaking of I am so happy this project is still chugging along
>Armour value on its Body / Bucklers and Shields?
3T on Body. Bucklers for sure. Shields only if Scavenged Equipment cost is raised to 3 or 4.
>missing cost for both Experimental traits
Alchemy could be 2, but could also be 1 or 3. Weaponry should be pretty cheap, I think 1 would be fine. Really i think the Heroes could use a rework, but i want to do that last.
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Alternative map for this evening.
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Atlan up. Didn't get time to add the Surgeon General. Also updated the weapons and added the new version of Shields and Bucklers, as well as a way to grant them Titanium.
I assume the Reclaimers and Reconquerers are supposed to have access to Shields and Bucklers in some way, right?
>I assume the Reclaimers and Reconquerers are supposed to have access to Shields and Bucklers in some way, right?
Yes, sorry should have said. From what i posted, only the Veiled Daughters and Surgeon general are meant to have neither, and Hospitallers are meant to have Bucklers only.
This looks good. Can we push the game back 45 minutes or so?
While we're on the topic of more necromancer units, how about this?
>Atlan Huskmaster
>Atlan does not practice necromancy, they have more than enough naturally emerging from their mines
>The Huskmaster's job is to guide these creatures towards enemy lines, usually with a hooked pike
When you take him as a unit you spawn hostile derilect husks but you can force them to move towards enemies with his actions.
>This looks good. Can we push the game back 45 minutes or so?
No issue, I'm still figuring out a list given the changes.
Iconodule - 8
Born to Lead - 3
Duelist - 3
Experimental Weaponry - 1
Hedge Cavalry - 1
Titanium Flask - 2
Warhorse 10
Buckler Free
2h Axe 3
Webley 2

Reconquerer - 10 x2
Warhorse - 10
Spring Gun - 1
Sword - 1
Shield - 2
24 (each)

Spring Gunner 10 x5
Spring Gun 1
11 (each)

Veiled Daughter 10
3x Material 1
Rations x3 3

150 on the spot
Atlantis could get an opposite.
An Ekphora guides the dead toward herself and has an ability to rapidly dispatch husks that they might receive proper burials.
In ancient Greece, family members of the dead, especially female relatives, oversaw funerals and denying someone a proper burial was seen as an insult to human dignity. Atlantis could have an entire anti-husk order based on that idea; women whose relatives became husks that dedicate themselves to making sure husks are put to honorable rest.
>Atlan Huskmaster
I had an idea for an Ottoman Ambassador necromancer character for Atlan. Will elaborate later.
Okay but only if we get a Charon-esque gondolier unit too.
Maybe that could be what the Atlan Huskmaster (Husker Journeyman?) could be styled after. His hooked pike is like a poll and he goes around on a sort of boat carried by husks, that way he doesn't need to get near them.
actually I bet we could tie it into the Rites thing, having some Rite-specific units might be a neat idea
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Leader: {18}
Commandante (15)
Sabre (1) Gras (2)

Hero: {27}
Volcano Aspirant (7) Freemason Affiliate (3) Bodybuilder, Precise, Fast, Agile Swole (3)
Magma Blade (6) Duosicilian Abundance (5)
Sabre (1) Vetterli (2) Horse (6)

Specialists: {12}
Duosicilian Chef (12)

Followers: {87}
3[Alpini (6) Vetterli (2) Ration (1) Material x3 (1)] {30}

3[ Arditi (13) Sabre (1) Dynamite x3 (5)] {57}

Sorry i took so long. Hopefully we can still finish.
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Just realized we are hitting around 150 downloads on the latest version of the main doc. Averaging about 25 on each new version of the faction books. Ottomans is the highest at 69 probably because it never got updated.
This may not sound so much, and there's probably a lot of duplicates in there, but its still fucking beautiful to me.
No issue at all, room's up, I'll make you a png for your list and hop on, shouldn't be too long.
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While the Underground is filled with epic stories of struggle and ambition, many events happen out of pure happenstance and initially innocent enterprises. In this case, soldiers from two brutal and warlike Nations wandering the forested caves of the 4th decide to throw themselves a picnic, and spying the other from their side of the rivers decide to interrupt their camping trip to shoot a few rounds at each other.
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> The Iconodule sets up a campfire, upon which the Veiled Daughter proceeds to Cook 2 Warm Meals and distribute to the Iconodule and Reconquerer 1
> The Italian chefs cooks up some Spicy Meatballs for Arditi 1 & 3
> The Spring Gunners at the bottom wade through the bog slowly and take the occasion to wind their Spring Gun further, since they are two far away from anything at the moment.
> Reconquerer 1 advances far upfield.
> Everyone else shuffles foward.
> No shot are exchanged.
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> One of the Alpinis decide to scout and moves across the bridge, only to be opened up by the Spring Gunners, who manages to put him down (takes the 3 of them)
> Reconquerer 1 and Iconodule eats their Warm Meal.
> The Arditis move across the bridge after the Alpini, the Commandante uses his ability to move one Arditi further down.
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(apparently forgot to snip turn 3, sorry bout that)
> Reconquerer 1, activating on 4 AP moves once, shot the Arditi once with his wound up Spring Gun, hitting him in the head, then Charges it. The Warhorse misses, but the Reconquerer itself hit twice, killing the Arditi.
> One of the Spring Gunners similarly hits another Arditi in the Head, causing it a Grievous.
> The Italian Chef cooks up more Meals, the Aspirant and Arditi 2 have their own before it cools down too much.
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> The Iconodule activates first, on 4 AP, and consumes his Silver Flask to gain 1 more and +1 Accuracy at the cost of every other stat, thus getting him up to 5 AP. With this he moves to the front and shoots twice at an Alpini with his scavenged Webley, killing the poor sod. He takes another shot at the Alpini standing across the bank, but misses, and decides to run back behind his lines.
> Arditi 3 dynamites a Wall then Charges down, but misses (Atlan Anon rolled especially bad all night)
> The Reconquerer swings back and hits once, but is then flanked by another Arditi who swings at his back and hits him twice.
> However, this all leaves the Commandante very open across the bridge, and the Spring Gunners spent their last turn reloading, so they open up on him. One manages to shoot him strait in the eye, killing him on the spot.
> Atlan anon is not a 0 Silver and 7 Dread, so he gives me the game.
End game result
Atlan : 0 Dread 46 Silver
Italy : 7 Dread 0 Silver
Victory for Atlan! (and more importantly, for 2e anon, who was sorely needing to end his bad streak.)
So, brutal game for Atlan anon. He advanced and exposed his Arditi too much before they had their Warm Meals in them. Wall placement also made it easy for me to set up 2 lines of fire which he had to cross to engage me.
He rolled especially badly, but also, he didn't get many occasions to roll at all, because of the staggered nature of the game, if you expose yourself too early its really easy to set this sort of rythm where you are constantly just seeking openings and getting clocked for it by the more defensive party.
Warhorse are probably too good, the stat boosts are unnecessary beside the Strength one, the 2 Health and Charge already give them plenty of value.
Spring Gunners have switched around to being really good ranged options, if not super fast ones. We've already discussed ways to debuff them a bit.
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Added this to the Hostile list, intended to be the worst result possible, comparable in deadliness to a Terrorsaur, so let me know what you would add as rules, or wanna add, honestly with this one we can stack it up, its supposed to be a legendary foe...
This doesn't mean I'm not open to having him be a Merc Leader or Hero or whatever as well, same as with the Hyperboreans eventually...
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And then there's these guys, same Hostile Section, Dangers of the Deep, which is the weirder less natural foes you might encounter like the Shapes and Lemurs...
Disregard the stat line for it, I was thinking of giving it Horde (so spawn 3 of them per roll of that result) and having them not attack anyone, just cause severe debuffs in a large radius while they remain on the floor. Lower Movement and Strength, Warm Meals turn cold after a turn, etc etc. They regen lost wounds every turn (their Hyperborean sponsor gave them immortality, after all), but you can either feed them a Warm Meal or Excavate them a bunch of times to remove them from the field? I was thinking of having them be very oppressive but in a non-direct way.
Let me know what catches your imagination.
Give him some kind of ability to turn slaves, especially Gorgs, hostile toward their owners
Instead of death they should lose all AP and their regen so the option of reactivating them is open.
Also maybe give an advantage to feeding other than removal? Or something that ties into cannibalism.
Merc leader option should explicitly be a Gorg who cut off his own horns in honor of the Hornless Gorg.
Give the real dude a magic axe as a reward for killing him, but beware, he will return to reclaim his weapon some day!
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Thank you for the feedback, I'll come up with something this afternoon and post it after my shift.
>“These Lemurians, they have the sight to look to the future, but have they vision to see the past? I do not think so. It is said that what is above is below and what is below is above, but I will add this: What has been is yet to come, and what is yet to come has already been, many, many times over. It is the nature of this Hollow Earth, or what some call fate. But what kind of man dares defy the fate of aeons?”

Apocryphal, attr. to anonymous diplomat at the HEIMDALL agreement.
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And that's it for today's image dump.
I quite like how this one and >>93988794 came out.
I started working on a Milkbat profile for the Beastiary, could the anon who was posting images for them repost them?
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>Unhusked Exile: (18 Silver)
AP: 2
LP: 3
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 6
Strength: 5
Discipline: 6
Labour: 4
Evasion: 5
Awareness: 4


1 Limb
2 Body
1 Head

>General Abilities:

>Special Abilities:
Choose between one of the below:
-The Pasha’s Agent : Before Deployment, select 1 Implement of Unhusking (see the Egyptian Pasha’s profile). Once per game, this model may spend 1 AP to use the selected Implement (1 Silver).


-Porte-Seeker: (1 LP, 1 AP)/(1 AP, 0 LP)
Any friendly units adjacent to this model may reroll attacks targeting any Husked units until the end of the turn. This ability may be used for free to target a single unit.

Standard Equipment, Ornamental Sword, Otto Sidearm,

-Ornamental Sword: (Melee)
Acc: -2
Eva: 0
Pen: 0
Threshold: 5
Weak/Strong: [/]/[X]
Cost: 3
May double effect of Rally once per game

Merc leader. May recruit Serbian Rebel, Unhusked Jannies, Mansure Armymen, Ambitious Evzones (not done yet), Montenegrin Duellist as faction.

Either he’s trying to wrest Constantinople back or he’s bumming with the Egyptians. Not sure if a character or not. Should anyone else be in his faction list, and who should he get for merc options?
After this it’s the Evzone, then the mushrooms, then Rakkad, then we’re done for non hyperborean/skypeople chart units unless I feel like going back to touch up some of the semi-unfinished ones I did which I should.
Maybe let him take both abilities since otherwise he's not the best leader unit cost-wise.
This has shown up in another thread and I'm quite pleased to have found it:

I also know of some other manufactures for weird specific 19th century things so if anyone wants suggestions for Agartha sourcing I can oblige.
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Came across this photo. Don't know what to do with it. Maybe a model of the world build in Paris?
It's a drawing of what Hyperborea looked like before the bleaching.
Of course the bleaching hasn't happened yet, but Hyperborea doesn't look like picrel right now, so I don't know
Minister Eiffel's greatest creation, an Earth in miniature. On the surface, a mere public art installation. In truth, a grand example of the esoteric work; a place for France to escape to during the Deluge. A world writ small, within which they can construct a new reality.
>Minister Eiffel breaks reality by constructing a cycle within a cycle with blackjack and whorelocks
For the ambitious Evzone, do we want the chart-dictated flavors to just be a modelling thing and thus not part of the rules or do we want Greek, Armenian, and Other options?
It didn't work so great with Mystery-Meat so I'm leaning more towards having it be a flavor thing
More of a flavor thing. The Evzone just represents general anti-Ottoman rebels from around the Aegean, particularly Greeks and Armenians; but it can also probably represent various Balkans, Italians, etc.
I was thinking of giving them something similar to highland rifle where they shoot good from mountains, but with different weapon options and maybe some extra spice but not sure what
nevermind I reread the chart they've got enough to work from there. I'll do the mountain bonus thing and the looting thing and swap rifle training/terrain affinity for something against royalists
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Did some work on the Beastiary this evening. There was no Husk so I added this one, meant to be the least dangerous result on the Dangers of the Deep table. I made it so you Deploy 6 instead of 3, I felt 3 was too easy to deal with and prioritize. This way it has an actual chance of swarming properly and becoming a problem for the players.
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I had got not feedback on images for the Milkbat so I pulled this off quickly, it can be recycled as something else if you prefer another image. Let me know if you would want to add something to it.
I also added Neutral as a special rule to the NPC behavior rules, just "this model cannot resolve Attacks or Charges until one has been resolved against it (successfully or not).
I'll add this on the the profiles where it fits.
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And the long awaited Sky-Whale profile.
Stuff will be added to it as further incentive to kill it, either special items or ingredients.
I wanted it to be pretty oppressive despite not being Hostile by default, pretty sure I managed that. Its a Floater so obviously not much blocks LoS to it...
I think the cost of Hostiles/NPCs should be kept
relatively low, simply because its something a player can do 90% of the work and the other can finish off and get the Silver. Obviously that should be accounted for by the players but if we have units that hand over 75+ Silver on their own it'll obviously skew the game a lot. I started looking at the Oneirophobia in that light and will post a pitch for the profile in not too long, but its going to remain very influenced by what profile anon made initially.
Also, there are still 2 tables remaining to turn the hostile list into a full d100 list. Let me know if you have specific themes you'd like to see implemented. Anomalies could be one, but that also could be made into its own thing, rather than skinned as "npcs"...
>I think the cost of Hostiles/NPCs should be kept
>relatively low, simply because its something a player can do 90% of the work and the other can finish off and get the Silver.
Maybe NPCs could work a little differently mechanically, where you have to acquire the kill (sky ambergris, milkbat milk, gorg hide, etc) in order to get credit for the silver?
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>Ambitious Evzone: (6 Silver)
AP: 2
Movement: 4
Accuracy: 4
Strength: 5
Discipline: 4
Labour: 4
Evasion: 6
Awareness: 4

0 in all

2 Body

>General Abilities:
-Terrain Affinity[Mountains, Foothills]

>Special Abilities:
-Megali Idea:
This model may use any faction special equipment, but only after acquiring it from a fallen unit, and may only hold one piece at a time. While this model is not holding any faction special equipment it gains 1 Accuracy and 1 Discipline, and Quick Shot against Ottoman units (not Egyptian)

Standard Equipment, Bradsburg, Gras, Lefaucheux, Flintlock Pistol, Bayonet, Dagger

Merc unit for UK, France, Unhusked Ottos, Tsardom, Hungary, Italy(?)

You have to decide between the eternal struggle of Turk and Greek (or Armenian) vs getting some loot and being happy with that. Hopefully not competing with Highland Rifle too much but they are a similar niche. These guys are faster but worse at shooting so you should try to get them to run up and grab stuff unless you’re facing Ottos.

Are Wapaq/Ayahusca supposed to be recruitable or NPC only? They’re next I think unless someone already did them.

Seconded on collecting the kill for NPC silver
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Yeah, or you don't get the Silver by default, a lot of those have to come from skinning/special items, but there's also a "Famous Kill" special rule that gets it on a few models which are particularly dangerous...?
> Picrel
Lots of rules but I don't think it'll translate into something too difficult to use. One-shot, but with a potential to put any (grounded) model it hits out of commission for a while.
damn, messed it up, in Broken at the Wheel I meant "if any of those Trap! test fail, instead of taking wounds etc etc"
>Are Wapaq/Ayahusca supposed to be recruitable or NPC only? They’re next I think unless someone already did them.
NPCs mainly, you could have some similar mechanic to Mu and Terror Birds Herders with Tsardom and Wapag, you cant tamed but the Tsardom finds ways to use them... and Ayahusca could be Parleyed with to gain its support.
If you wanted the Ayahusca could technically be a outright Merc she can appear as human and is fully intelligent.
Our initial impression of the so-called Atlan Republic was shocking. Other powers of the underground were open to trade, negotiations, or at least surrender: This is not the case for Atlan.
Until the establishment of Maximiliana, it was believed that surface diplomacy was entirely impossible. Indeed, there were several convincing papers by our own correspondents which led us to believe Atlan was ruled by ancient automata or some other inhuman force. We know better now. Atlan does not have allies, it cannot truly be said to even have trading partners. But in special circumstances negotiations are possible. Herein are the examples we are privy to:

Surprisingly, Atlan does on occasion deal with Atlantis. Neither will ever acknowledge this, but if an Atlantean general is willing to swallow his pride and ‘submit’ himself to the republic then his Atlan counterpart may be willing to record their temporary alliance as a brief capture of slaves followed by a massive escape. What reports we have gathered from Deepfolk third parties indicate this is a once in a generation event, brought about only when the forces of Mu threaten to interrupt the Eternal War and never lasting beyond a single battle.
No such alliance has occurred since the ascension of the Titanium King.

Atlan has seemingly experimented with Lemurian degenerates as a source of labour, though if they were traded or stolen remains unclear. Raids on British outposts sometimes seem to occur in pairs between these two, the forces of one side staying clear of the other until it comes their time to assault. It is possible that the Atlan forces are unaware of this fortuitous timing, given the Lemurian penchant for manipulation.
Atlan makes regular use of husks as a source of labour, or as a defensive tool to be peppered liberally about their border walls. In recent years the number used has increased dramatically, and observation of the new husks on their border make it very clear where they originated from. Notably, these imports do not attack Atlan columns marching in or out of their territory, with some exceptions.

Truly an anomaly, The Austrian Empire has never received more than a light border raid from Atlan, despite their direct border. Trade is infrequent and unofficial, but certainly present. Notably, further Austrian expansion west has been met with screening forces of Atlan warriors, not attacking but rather warning the South Germans to go no further. If reports are believed, they seemed genuinely concerned for the Austrian’s well-being. More research is warranted here.

I’m just spitballing pretty much.
Are Reformed Gorg and Cave Beastle still up for statlines?
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Yes on both account.
> picrel
Is what I could make up for the Oneirophobia. There was a mention of "dispelling" it, but unless I missed it I saw no means of doing that included, was that to mean to kill all the 6 models?
Could be an Action both targets have to accomplish on the same turn? a 3-way Parley action?
I did take some liberties to turn it into an Hostile, I could very well have been its own Conditional Rule/Scenario, let me know if it works for you this way. Could be both too.
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Beastiary list as it stands.
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>Anomalies could be one, but that also could be made into its own thing, rather than skinned as "npcs"...
I like that idea. I think it could even have a place in it's own book, made up of the more esoteric and deeper units and lore. Anomalies, mysteries, and tales from nightmare...
>Wapaq: (5 Silver)
AP: 2
Movement: 2
Accuracy: 3
Strength: 7
Discipline: -
Labour: 4
Evasion: 2
Awareness: 3

0 in all

3 Body

>General Abilities:
-Dual Wield[Tentacles]

>Special Abilities:
-Hair of the Shroom:
When this unit dies, Wapaq flesh may be collected from where it fell. Wapaq flesh works like an uncooked ration, but cures twice as much dread when spent on Non-Deep models.

- 2x Tentacles: (Melee)
Acc: 0
Eva: 0
Pen: 0
Threshold: 8
Weak/Strong: [X]/[Black]
Cost: Free

Tsardom may purchase, but not control. Neutral NPC otherwise

They move slowly but attack fast. If you’re already too far gone the flesh won’t do much but before that it’s quite good.

I did a Wyrm unit a while ago if you need to fill a slot on the Pelagic Problems table. It was sort of a terrorsaur equivalent unit IIRC
Forgot, they have immune to morale on account of being a mushroom and thus being impossible to kill in any way that matters (you can still kill them in game though)
>I did a Wyrm unit a while ago if you need to fill a slot on the Pelagic Problems table.
I kept it aside because I seem to remember it being able to stretch and cover 12 hexes or something insane, but yeah I'll come back to it.
Thank you for the Wapaq, I'll get on doing that and the Shroom Farmer as well.
>12 Hexes
That sounds right. If I had to guess my reasoning there was that 12 hexes is just more hexes to hit, and that it can only attack with bites from the mouth hex.
I remember it striking me as way too much back then, however now I'm not so sure. We tried the eels in one scenario and they really didn't take that long to resolve. Its a single model its resolution shouldn't be too long to go through even if it has multiple hexes it can extend over.
>Ayahuasca: (17 Silver)
Specialist, Deep, Diplomat
AP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 5
Strength: 7
Discipline: 7
Labour: 5
Evasion: 5
Awareness: 7

0 in all

1 Limbs
4 Body
2 Head (Not fatal if lost, Just reduce awareness by 4)

>General Abilities:
-Light Source 2 (3 Hex range)
-Terrain Affinity [Fungal] (Is this a type? I don’t have time to check)

>Special Abilities:
-Mycelium Calling:
This unit allows you to recruit up to 5 Wapaq units. These must remain within 5 hexes of this unit, or they revert to Neutral NPCs. This unit may exert control over other Wapaq within 5 hexes. (If there are these on both sides I am not sure what to do)

-Fungal Oblivion:
Adjacent friendly units gain 3 discipline as long as they remain adjacent. Each turn after the first a non-Wapaq unit begins next to the Ayahuasca it must save strength. If failed, replace that unit with a Wapaq at the end of the turn and count it as deceased. A first aid check may be attempted to prevent this, dealing one [/] wound on success instead of healing.

None (Wapaq are expected to be guardians)

Merc, NPC

The ‘helpful advice’ mentioned is where the diplomat keyword comes into play. Deep Drunk I interpret rules wise as dread so you get discipline while adjacent (maybe make it within 3 hexes?)
The Fungal Oblivion ability could theoretically be used offensively but you would have to be very careful since the Ayahuasca is NOT combat oriented.
Also they glow and I do not know why.
Finishing this one at work so sorry if it’s a little unpolished, I can give a second go later if needed.
One Ayahuasca can convert another into a Wapaq, this is intentional because I think it's a cool lore tidbit to invent through rules.
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The Iron Angels play a curious role in the Hyperborean culture and ecosystem. Preying primarily on other Hyperboreans, especially those steeped in the suffering of others, they are known to hunt their targets relentlessly. Many days can pass between sightings, and the Angel can stalk its target anywhere between several days and several months before it decides to make its move.
Though they bear the wings and visage of an angel, these Iron Angels are flightless, their spiked wings being their primary method of catching and restraining prey. When they move on their target, they can stride with great speed despite never appearing to move faster than a brisk walk. They rush forward, grab their chosen prey with their wings, and immediately attempt to retreat with the man restrained in their barbed grip.
Hyperborean folklore tells that an Iron Maiden drags the man back to her lair and feasts on his agony for as long as she stalked him, whispering to him as if he was a lover the entire time, and slowly morphing her features to appear as his ideal woman. The truth of this is dubious, as Iron Angels are rarely sighted and extremely difficult to track. Despite seeming to weigh half a ton, they do not leave foot prints on the ground. The reality of what happens to men they capture is utterly unknowable.
In Hyperborean folklore, the Iron Angels are also associated with the Hyperborean idea of the end times, and are considered particularly fell omens. As they are quite unflappable as a people, they do not react to the sighting of an Iron Angel with fear, but instead with a sort of grim resignation.
Iron Angel disproportionately target Breaking Wheel farmers, for perhaps obvious reasons, due to those farmers' handling of agony.
It is not impossible to fight off or kill an Iron Angel, but they are quite durable and quick to flee if things turn south. Powerful mastery of the Emanations is reputedly useful in warding them away.
>The Star Ancestor: (*The Tithe of 6,000 years* Silver)
AP: All at once
Movement: Everywhere
Accuracy: Impossible
Strength: Layer-Splitting
Discipline: Cannot fear
Labour: 5
Evasion: Not here
Awareness: Looking in from the outside

20 in all

0 Health (You cannot kill what does not have health)

>General Abilities:
-Immune to Morale
-Immune to Obscurity
-Immune to Death

>Special Abilities:
-”You can’t fight it!”:
The player who deploys this model loses. So does the opponent. The Star Ancestor wins.

This model comes equipped with THE TITHE (Silver), and THE TITHE (Corpseflesh)

Not a unit. Mu cannot recruit this one, it can recruit Mu (The entire faction, at once)

This is for chart completion’s sake.
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>This is for chart completion’s sake.
I appreciate that, we might as well have something like picrel for meme's sake.
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So, with the Shroom Farmer, Wapaq and Ayahuasca not really fitting anywhere else I decided to dedicate a full table to fungal npcs, please feel free to suggest more shroom-inspired dangers, as beyond the Hanging Gardens (and even those don't really fit) there's little else we have already to put in it.
That was my inspiration
I'd say making it plant and fungus themed would be good. That way we can have the Red Weed, Man-Eating plant, and maybe some sort of evil hedge topiary
>Reformed Gorg: (11 Silver)
AP: 2
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 5
Strength: 5
Discipline: 3
Labour: 6
Evasion: 4
Awareness: 4

0 in all

3 (Simple)

>General Abilities:
-Ignores Obscurity
-Melee critical knockback
-Caves & Badlands affinity

>Special Abilities:
-Brutal Charge : This model gains d3 Strength during Charges, instead of 1

-Thin Veneer of Civility:
When this model would become panicked, replace it with a 2-horned Gorg until the end of the battle.

Any medieval melee
Stink Juice

Sky-People as faction

It might look like a worse Stinker Gorg, but it has the potential to upgrade into a 2-horned which is a pretty good trade off I think.
Also, it is my opinion that Sky People should be able to recruit all Gorgs as faction of the Sky-Gorg Prince is leading the expedition.
I can already imagine an exasperated Sky-Noble pleading “Remember your manners!” as the Gorgs he has spent years training in the ways of society start ripping things in half and howling.

I am happy to have made a Gorg unit, they're like our mascots.
Them or Leg Fish
>Cave Beastle: (4 Silver)
Deep, Beast
AP: 2
Movement: 4
Accuracy: 2
Strength: 6
Discipline: 3
Labour: 8
Evasion: 6
Awareness: 2

5 in all

3 (Simple)

>General Abilities:
-Fear[All Hostile]

>Special Abilities:
-Beastle of Burden:
Adjacent workers may use this model's labour in place of their own.
-Selectively Bred:
This model may use climb actions, and automatically succeeds any climb test. It becomes a neutral NPC once it panics.

May carry up to 7 pieces of equipment or loot.

Sky-People, Mu, Atlan, France as faction (Others?)

Atlantis and Lemuria use different animals. Discipline is low enough that it panics and runs easily. Labour is high and carry capacity is good but they are both limited by the fear it possess.
This is another one of my own chart units. It was supposed to be Beastie but something got lost in translation and I frankly prefer Beastle because it’s funny.

Rakkad is last. I have put him off not out of dread, but because I have too many ideas and may accidentally create another subfaction if I am not careful.
>I have too many ideas and may accidentally create another subfaction if I am not careful.
I always kinda figured he was a Malcolm-type Lost Man leader for the naval wargame. Maybe as a merc leader, he can count as a faction leader for every faction that can hire him, for whatever purposes that might be useful.
I have plans, but it is late.
Libertalian plans
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>I'd say making it plant and fungus themed would be good. That way we can have the Red Weed, Man-Eating plant, and maybe some sort of evil hedge topiary
Good idea, I'll go with that.
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Please disregard the image on these I used tokens I had made from a long time ago, will switch them.
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>That way we can have the Red Weed, Man-Eating plant, and maybe some sort of evil hedge topiary
There was already the Devouring Hanging Garden in the design doc, here's what I did with it. Possibly something you can't remove and just have to bear with, however they won't move anywhere fast and should be possible to play around. Or it'll have a huge growth boost and suddenly everyone is getting stuck into it.
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So we've got a bunch of Botanical Baddies, what could the last category be?
Surface bandits? Or maybe boss monsters, or traps?
I like the trap idea
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Thank you for the title, the aliteration is much more satisfying than Floral Fighters, which is what I was going for...
I had the idea for surface bandits also, I do like the one for the traps however.
> picrel
There's a few spaces left on the Murderous Mammals list, I pulled this one from the OG design doc as well.
Anyone would be up for a game either Sunday or Monday?
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pitch for the panther-bats.
> instead of the expected flying panther or aggressive bat, its a normal panther with the face of a bat. Evolved for hunting in dark environment using echolocation. Incredibly aggressive and prone to stalking its prey for days.
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From a very long time ago...
> Moon Rabbits : A form of Hyperborean wildlife, Moon Rabbits are so named for various reasons. Their colouration, how high/far they can jump, the fact that their pupils are white and sclera black, and their crescent shaped fangs. They're sort of like particularly furry piranhas, and have definately become an invasive species in areas attacked by Hyperborea. Wierdly enough, they're also found in certain areas of Agartha, which concerns quite a few people.
(did not have a better picture, plus it sort of fits with the Flying Breaking Wheel).
I will add Sun Eaters as well as >>94004724
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I'll try working a bit on the campaign system tonight, its been on hold for long enough.
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My proposed Knights of Britainnia lore:
>Lady G has some kind of birthmark on her back that she later becomes convinced that it shows a map to Camelot. This will later turn out to be true circa The Deluge, but for now it’s something that even her closest supporters have trouble buying.
>She always had a reputation as a tomboy, especially due to her enthusiasm for fencing and riding. She also studied various manuals of arms from throughout European history and has an encyclopedic knowledge of the subtle differences between different kinds of polearms.
>Lady G and pals were originally archaeologists brought to Iceland by the crown; Lady G is possibly from the Commonwealth somewhere, but she’s an anglophile and moved to Britain a long time ago.
>She was recommended for the Iceland expedition due to her reputation as a woman who is good under pressure.
>Lady G and a good number of the archaeologists were separated from their escort by some kind of tunnel collapse, which resulted in them finding and occupying a fort full of Romano-British gear.
>The Knights were born when she began drilling the archaelogists and laborers in medieval combat; they didn’t have guns available, but they had access to a forge and plenty of spare metal. Spears came first, to fend off the terrors of the deep, then those who showed promise began to learn the sword from Lady G.
>Knights are often plagued by dreams in which they see visions of Camelot. Perhaps a collective mania, perhaps the machinations of some entity above or below…
>Lady G has declared herself a baroness, and she’s considering options to marry into underworld nobility to help her ambitions. A few parties are even interested.
>Upon reestablishing contact with Britain, she made the hard decision not to return to the surface, but she allowed many of her followers to leave instead. Many were arrested on various charges, mostly as an excuse to interrogate them and to intimidate others who might otherwise join the Knights.
>Despite the crown unofficially considering Lady G to be a traitor, the British still frequently collude with the Knights, and relations are mostly cordial off the books.
>Most of their new recruits come from romantics who find the idea of a life questing for Camelot to be compelling; starkly contrasted by the veterans, who are largely grim and obsessed with Camelot as a means to justify everything they’ve been through.
>Deepfolk are occasionally recruited as laborers and spearmen, but they prefer to rely on European manpower whenever possible. Still, you might occasionally find a Deepfolk Tribal knighted for service, and his tribe would surely be very proud if they ever learned what a knight even is.
>The Knights get on surprisingly well with basically every major power underground. Atlan likes their armor, Atlantis respects their chivalry, Lemuria believes them to be fated, Mu seems interested in their exploits, etc.
>There’s canonically not many of them, for obvious reasons, so they rely a lot on their patrons to keep them paid and supplied. They take mercenary contracts primarily as a means of searching for Camelot, at least on paper, but every man off questing somewhere is a burden off their handful of forts.
>Lady G turns a blind eye to her men smuggling artifacts to the surface, but she draws the line at the abuse of the native peoples. Looting an enemy encampment is one thing, putting villages to the torch is another. Knights have decorum to maintain.
>There are former Knights in the Lost Men and former Lost Men in the Knights, but Malcolm is sort of unenthusiastic about working with them directly. He considers it little different from cavorting with the English.
>Napoleon chuckled, once, when he first heard the report about the Knights. The man who delivered it was startled, and no one believes him when he claims it happened. Napoleon has not deigned to comment.
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KoB was originally supposed to be (iirc) an historical reenactiment club from Oxford U that got really too much into it... maybe we could write this up in it?
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I lowered his cost a bit, gave him his sword for free and both abilities, purely because without Tough or Dogged its a very fragile Leader.
I was thinking of giving him a Parley action, purely because I want to put more Parley actions in the game, something like "Incite Husk Hatred", although that could also go on the Sworn Virgin...
Disregard token image, I'll find something better.
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Posting the complete maps, as updated as I can. I think this way we can see both physical and political geography clearer. Also, we still need names for the geographical places and the populations.
I wanted to join the three maps together, but the file becomes too big, so I'll post them separately.
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4th layer with the dead sea updated.
The 4th layer with cities is >>93960415
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5th layer
Thank you for these! That's a big help for the campaign idea I'm working on.
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We needed a Necromancer model for Mercenaries, the Returned Noble will still get the option, started working again on it, but I had this one in my head for a while, and an anon mentioned he wanted more Deepfolk mercenaries, so there's one. She's pretty fragile so I might think of adding something so that husks gets bodyguard while around her or something.
Deployment rules might need to be messed with, I would say having it be placed in relation to other units would be better since that way it cannot spawn in and immediately start deleting units.
Dispelled means all killed, but reducing dread to a certain threshold after it spawns in could also work.
Thanks, will adjust.
btw, did they remove the 7-day bump limit?
Serpent's Gap is under two different authorities, is this intentional?

Is there some sort of horrible giant Mu-Aligned Feathered Snake Atlan has to contend with when they go down to the 5th?
I think so! Ours are capricious lords
>A General History of the Libertalian Pyrates:

The Inner Sun never shifts in the Fifth Layer. Instead, brightness changes with Latitude. Roughly around the equator of the layer is midnight, with the city-capital of Atlantis draped in an eternally warm twilight and the British docks at Beatrice Shores held in a late afternoon where the sun will truly never set. Between them lies Libertalia, where above radiates the most fiery sunset, and below shimmer the most viridescent of waves.

Libertalia is known by many names.
To Atlantis and Atlan it is Cilicias, Verne described it as “Les Îles mystérieuses,” and the British know it as the Reef Channel Archipelago. Every power of the Fifth Layer has laid claim to it at some point, yet none has held true dominion since the very beginnings of settlement there. Even the young Libertalian Alliance cannot say to truly control the islands, at least not completely.

Atlantean settlement began shortly before contact with Atlan was re-established. While the mythological first stage of The Eternal War was playing out, small fishing villages and vineyards crept up the shores of the Ciliciastic Isles. The two main islands of the archipelago are long and curving, both having a series of sharp and massive stalagmites down their centres. Between them runs a deadly maze of smaller formations and shallow waters. After a series of Atlan raids on the islands the then-king granted the lands to a prominent noble of his court on the condition the islands were sufficiently defended. It was decided the best strategy was to fortify the entrances to the channel between the islands and concentrate settlement along the central bay. This proved highly successful, and the islands grew prosperous compared to less-defended neighbours.
This state of affairs could have continued forever had it not been for the revolution. The same safety granted to the island through its defensibility also meant that it had room to expand agricultural operations. Slavery flourished, and eventually the rulers of the island began to live in the capital and manage their estate from afar. When the revolution came the erstwhile owners of the islands were among the casualties, and by the time anyone had thought to check back in they found their passage barred by a mysterious force.

Atlantean Dromons are neither small nor poorly defended. Their wooden hulls are coated with metal sheathing below the water, and they have serrated keels to help deal with the Muan navy. There are heroic legends of these ships slicing to ribbons beasts even as large as the Greater Morlock, something which dwarfs any surface animal. Nonetheless, when the first ship to try and contact the islands returned it did so with a hole in the hull. Sailors described glowing lights in the water and an impossibly fast shape rushing towards them. Any other attempts were met with similar results. When a detachment of Olm Kataphraktoi were sent to slay the beast they found no trace of it, but when they landed on the islands they were assailed with strange weapons that could kill with a silent shot and no visible wounds. With a renewed Atlan offensive in the south to worry about Atlantis placed the colony at the back of their minds for a time.
The British reached the Fifth Layer with a colonisation force in 1874. What was initially planned as an arctic march turned into a tropical slog, the scant miles between Beatrice Falls and the shore taking weeks to travel by foot. Thinking the layer far from Lemurian influence The British felt comfortable using former Malcolmites for much of the work, including dragging several smaller gunboats by hand across the jungle. This labour was deadly, and by the time the fifth boat had slid into the water they had had enough. As the ship was getting up to steam two hundred or so workmen swarmed the deck and took control, steaming away from both the British and the Atlanteans. Their ship was dangerously overloaded and undersupplied, the headstart they had would be lost once the other ships got up to pressure and gave chase. Their recapture proceeded almost as they feared, until intervention struck. The gunboat closest to theirs exploded in a shower of steam as a metal prow rammed through the hull before retracting beneath the waves again. While the other ships tried desperately to move their guns to face below the waves the escapees made a getaway. When they at least beached on the Reef Channel islands they found a welcoming party of former Atlanteans.

This story would be repeated in one form or another several times over the next five years. An Atlan slaveship would be crippled and towed ashore, Atlantean expeditions trashed, Morlock incursions turned native, and even an attempted British landing turned into a disorganised retreat by this mysterious underwater foe. All the while ships from the islands began to set forth, first as simple canoes but quickly as steam-assisted Triremes and Morlock-driven schooners, or stranger craft still. These pirates were not concerned with conquest, only looting. They were able to cross the threshold of the reef without fear, but their underwater associate never appeared to assist them in their raids.
The truth is Libertalia is not one nation, and never has been. It is a ramshackle collection of pirate crews, fishermen, fish men, and Agarthan exiles. The only possible claim to statehood it has is the presence of a king, albeit an unwilling and mysterious one. Beneath the ruins of a grand villa where the Libertalian council hold sessions is a sea cave, inaccessible from the surface. There exists a series of tunnels from this cave to the villa itself, though only one man knows the route. He is Captain Rakkad, and he has no name.

He has never admitted who he is, or what his goals are. In conversations he swings between a suave and detached sophistication to a raving confusion quickly, which has earned him the title “The Mad King.” Though never stated outright it is an unspoken truth that he controls the mysterious craft which defends the island. His position is inferred likewise, one of freedom from tyranny and oppression. He does not support the pirates directly, but he has not yet driven them out of the islands. It is a compromise which suits both parties.

The Libertalian Alliance itself teeters on the edge of half a dozen sides. Many within work as privateers for The British or Atlantis, sinking the ships of the other in a war of plausible deniability. Others raid without care, some target favourite foes. One sizable portion votes to join The Lost Men, Libertalia is already the unofficial capital of the organisation on the fifth layer and the haunt of Lost Seer Jayanyati and her Fateless exiles. There are some who want to see the Atlan Republic truly restored, and those who want to see it burned to the ground. The Morlocks of Libertalia alternate between railing against Mu to cowering in the hills, while the communities of Atlantean exiles live as they have for thousands of years, raiding while the fields are fallow and farming otherwise. Even the mysterious Ayiti have a presence on the islands, and perhaps some strange connection to the Mad King himself.
There have been three great threats to the Alliance since its foundation. First was the arrival of The Blackwatch. They made their way to the island under false names and identities before donning uniforms in a secret location. It was only with the help of the Fateless that the then sizable Malcolmite population escaped relatively unscathed, having been forewarned cryptically to prepare for an ambush. Next was the visit of Julius Verne, who had been shipwrecked after one of his many other adventures. Rakkad made him his guest, a move which caused much tension amongst the crews. Fears of a possible French protectorate being established ran rampant until the author escaped in a dramatic encounter, revealing he had been held as a prisoner the entire time. His account of the adventure is still being written. but in the meantime a civil war had almost broken out. Lastly, the most recent threat is the arrival of the Whalurs. Normally seen as macabre or offputting by most Epigeans, Rakkad seems to have a personal vendetta against the Whaling Industry as a whole, but especially Whalur crews. He had been sinking their ships on sight for well over a year after their arrival in the fifth when one managed to not only hit, but actually damage his craft. In the months since then it has emerged less frequently, and a Whalur crew has even seized one of the abandoned forts of the archipelago to use as a base. Other Libertalians are split over this issue, trading with the Whalurs is a lucrative opportunity but they may be angering the main source of protection the alliance relies on by doing so.

One thing is certain now. The Alliance was built on the defence of Captain Rakkad, but his protection will not last forever. They must either pick a side or make their own, and soon.
-Olms aren't on the island because the only slave Olms as the ones that Atlan has and they’re happy about being oppressed
-Rakkad is simultaneously an Indian Prince, a Polish Revolutionary, an Atlantean Republican, a Muan Diver, and an Atlan Restorationist who has lived through all of these events despite them being decades and layers apart. Don’t think about it, he tries not to.
-Rakkad does have a crew on the island, they are 1:1 Nemo’s crew from the books
-There are only 2 or 3 pirate ships with metal hulls. Steam propulsion is not uncommon however
-The council only has a limited say on the islands themselves. They are mostly an opt-in judicial body + drinking club
-The Morlocks are both very happy to be free and utterly terrified of what happens when Mu finds them. They like helping to grow grapes though
-The water is green because there is always a green flash happening somewhere nearby, the INNR SVN is weird like that.
-Most of the forts are Martello-Esque, the ones at the bay gap are larger
-The central small city on the map is where the council and Rakkad’s base are, it looks like a beautiful Greek town if you slapped the shittier parts of a Victorian slum on the docks.
-Being very careful with mentioning the Ayiti but if anyone has a connection to them it is Rakkad. He probably is mistrustful of their more esoteric methods.
-Verne rates it as a 4 out of 5 star vacation spot, the captive thing knocked a star off. His stay was a close parallel to 20,000 leagues but with horrible Agarthan wildlife. I will get back to you on whether Ned Land is a Whalur or not.
-Nemo defends whales in the books so Rakkad does too.
-Pirate airships are a possibility
-When the Blackwatch failed to deal with the island (They aren’t covert operatives so they did well for a first try) Lord Cunningham turned his attention to it. Right now he’s using them to antagonise Atlantis but they could outlive their usefulness. He is VERY interested in the submarine.
-Lady K is doing the same but with more interest in Rakkad the man rather than his machine. Unlike the British her agents have not been found yet
-Jayanyati recommends the Soggy Saur Pub at the docks, it will burn down next year and you should really try the glownode pie before then
-The pirates have the same occasional singing disease that The Major Generals are afflicted with
-Husk pirates? Yes. Are they husk-conquistador pirates or just LARPing? Unclear.
-Napoleon has the obligatory agents here, surprisingly they’re mostly Atlantean
-Baron Phosphorus is NOT happy about the existence of freed Atlan slaves OR the fact that a submarine moving at sufficient velocity can puncture even a titanium hull. So far “More Titanium!” has not worked at getting past the sub
-Lemuria has mixed to negative feelings about Libertalia but is the least likely to do anything about it. The Pale Dweller might take a holiday there if he ever wishes to be less Pale
-Mu does not care, Rakkad might have a really good submarine but if they wanted him sunk he would be. There are enough burials at sea from the Pirates to keep them happy for now.
-France would be want a protectorate but the prospect is unlikely since half the crews hate the idea
-The Whalurs are allowed in the Fifth layer very grudgingly by the British but the deep whale oil income is good enough to smooth over differences. The Whalurs also help smuggle things for followers of the Hyperboric Rites in Atlantis which is going to get them in very big trouble soon
-Most Captains are units in the Naval wargame. While I could make dozens of Pirates I will do Rakkad and then maybe a hero unit to represent all sorts of captains.
-One of the reasons no one lives in the lower part of the Fifth layer is that it is stuck in an eternal 5:00 AM. You do not get used to it, some have called the sensation worse than travelling between layers.
No, you're right, boths sides ought to be Atlan's. Good catch, thanks.
Man I just realised I need to go into all the past threads and add all these nifty lore writeups to the doc. Cheers anon, it's good stuff.
Excellent stuff.
By the way, we still need to add the names to the settlements.
Number 4 in Reconnexion is Marpesia, as per the parisian lore.
2. On the France list should be named "sous Orléans" even if it might be a little South of the actual city. Space is probably different underground anyway.
Damn that's awesome.
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I did a good amount of work on the Mercs and Sky-Clans book last night, one thing was starting small intro blurbs to the merc mini-factions, much smaller in scope than the World book entries but enough that people won't open up the merc book and be faced with over half a dozen mini factions and 70+ profiles and no story to it all.
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I mixed a bit of both stories, this was already getting too big for what I intended in the Merc book, and the language is rough, so I'll work on a more detailed version for the worldbook.
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> The Hornless Gorg is so based, he doesn't mind people pretending to be him, as long as they can keep up the SHEER BRUTALITY.
I thought about making him even more lethal by giving him Quick Strike but my recent experience with high end killing machines kinda makes me think its not necessary. And it is kinda funny that he's basically just good because of the Axe. Also, I know "Axe of Gorg" is a stupid name, but I also feel like its exactly the kind of name Gorgs would come up for their most prized weapon.
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Also, for his recruitment options, I was thinking of having him only be able to recruit non-Specialist, non-Elite, non-Characters, just basic Soldiers and Workers, possibly even just the "deep" ones...?
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This is incomplete, but if you have ideas for the Atlan, Atlantis & Deepfolk subtraits, please suggest. The idea is that you can really build anything with it, a Colonial aristo who went in the Deep and got lost before finding his way back, an exiled noble from one of the deep Nations that is trying to get pardoned/build a force large enough to reclaim what's his, your own personal Cromwell, etc etc.
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First part of the sky-clans Airship upgrades.
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And second part.
Feel free to suggest further upgrades.
Are there any leaders y’all think are due a writeup? I’m itching to tinker on some lore.
And The Adventures of Malcolm and Jaya Part 2: The Battle for the Bridge Over the Trikitikki is still simmering on the back burner…
King of Atlantis is pretty unknown, maybe he?
I always thought there were two interesting things going on here.
A: He's from Crete, originally, or at least his bloodline is. Despite this, he managed to find his way to the Atlantean throne.
B: Atlantis, despite being a monarchy and having a king, seems much more like a republic than the comparatively dictatorial Atlan.
So when Paris fell, did the Seine river also fell as well? Did it turn into a waterfall or something?
Probably got disconnected from the Lower Seine when Paris fell and the earth sealed up over it.
There might have been a whole project to reconnect the Upper and Lower Seine, before Eiffel's Tower was built.
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"Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown."
As far as quotations went, perhaps none felt it more appropriate than King Perseus II.
Atlantis had always been willing to bring in fresh blood. Many waves of migrants had come to her fair shores, within the gentle twilight of their Fifth Layer home. On every map, great ATLANTIS was rendered in bold letters, breaking up the blue horizon of OKEANOS which surrounded it.
And on that wine-dark sea, on that ancient and storied isle which he called home, all the beauty of the world could not rouse Gentle Percy from his doldrums.
War with Atlan was as common as grains of sand on the beach. Corruption from Muic schemes, likewise inescapable. And the Lemurians, as unpredictable as ever, could be counted on to always do something which bothered him.
When the people clamored for the storied young admiral to ascend the throne, Perseus had known then a truth that haunted him even now. The King of Atlantis was not its ruler, but ruled by his nation. The demands of the position were great, and as a representative of the younger families within Atlantis' arms, they grew even heavier.
Make our family proud. Lead our nation in war. Vanquish our enemies. Lift this blockade. Invest in this frontier colony.
Perseus, despite his gentle nature, took to it admirably. He quickly became a popular king, for the efficacy with which he approached his duties was apparent in every action he took.
Famines were ended. New settlements sprang up. Contact with the Surface was established - The means by which Perseus had come to know the Bard's works, for the record.
And Gentle Percy began to be known as Perseus the Wise. Perseus the Great.
Perseus the Slave, he thought, for he was so devoted to his people that he shirked his own comforts in the name of his duties.
Day in, day out, he worked tirelessly to advance his nation's interests. To modernize the navy, to bolster the army, to build roads and docks and shipyards and houses.
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"Kingship is a precarious balance," he had once said, at some gala long ago. And he felt it still.
Atlantis was in an age many thought golden, for the sea was bountiful and the wars had not yet reached the home front. Many had hope for a long and prosperous reign under King Perseus.
But King Perseus was a coward, in his own words. He lived in fear of everything he had built collapsing under its own weight. Even at his greatest heights, he wondered how he might sink to untold depths, and so strove against such ends.
He put aside the lyre, which he so beloved, to make time for more paperwork and meetings and negotiations. He put aside his ship, which had won him his crown, to raise up an ambitious and promising cousin to one day find his own greatness at its helm. He put aside himself, for he had little care for such a thing, and ego would serve him not as a monarch.
The demands of the kingdom were steep, but he strove ever to meet them.
Gentle Percy did not enjoy kingship, but it was a duty that had to be done. Someone had to hold the reins of Atlantis, even if the elected aristocracy handled many of the affairs.
The people had chosen him. It was important that he ensured they did not choose wrong.
"I did not choose to become king," he said, "But kingship was thrust upon me regardless. I have my duties, just as every man and woman of Atlantis has theirs. Just as the cobbler must make shoes, the baker must bake bread, the vintner must bottle wine. The king must rule. I accept this with grace, and I shall ever be the servant of the nation."
And at the end of the day, as the twilight remained over Atlantis and Gentle Percy stared out from his apartments toward the bay, he would always smile as he watched the people going about their lives.
All of it was worth it, he told himself, as long as they remained content. He would shoulder any burden for his nation, despite his whinging, for his nation was all that mattered.
A king must rule.
So, the general idea is that he's simultaneously a very reluctant and very dedicated monarch. He thinks very poorly of himself and is always convinced he needs to be doing more, but the stress of it all washes away when he looks on the smiling faces of the people.
And the people love him! He was always popular, even before he was voted in as king, but now he's directly in the center spotlight. It's a little overwhelming, but he'll do the job since someone has to.
King Perseus has a lot of big philosophical opinions about things, especially kingship, and he used to be pretty into the arts and philosophy himself back before the duties of being the king got in the way. Now, he mostly sponsors such things rather than getting to enjoy them himself. Still, he often turns up for debates and performances.
As >>94028719 notes, his chart says he gives his people some pretty hefty buffs. Flavor wise, I imagine this is predominantly in the form of Atlantean citizens being desperate to impress their honored king, even if he's from one of the young houses and has an utterly incomprehensible accent.
I imagine that Atlantis does this sort of thing from time to time, when they have new blood in their ranks. Young noble houses are deliberately put forth into center stage so that they can prove themselves and make a debut for the rest of Atlantis; the house of Knossos probably has been decently established by now, so they got the chance to put one of theirs forward as king.
Atlantis doesn't rely on its king for everything, but Percy has made extensive use of the power at his fingertips to vastly improve life for the average Atlantean. Give it a few years, and Atlantis will have electric lights and motorized vessels in their flotilla.
At least, if the Deluge does not claim them...
>Flavor wise, I imagine this is predominantly in the form of Atlantean citizens being desperate to impress their honored king
Tracks really well with the unit
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I archived the previous thread, if you have the time or are on suptg please upvote the threads to avoid them being removed, we still get downvotes for some fucking reason...
So the parisians had to deal with the Seine waterfall flooding Paris for some time until the french government managed to redirect the river around the hole? That could be an interesting story.
Keeping the links to the threads archived somewhere else is important. Many Giantstep threads were downvoted into oblivion, but since we had the links saved, we could still access them. If I were OP, I would keep the links both on an excel/word file on my computer, or accessible through one of the many googledoc files.
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Thank you, I have a separate doc for them as well.
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Another one I'm pulling out of my ass to fill the game space. This will allow you to play a mercenary group of Deepfolks exclusively, and allow you to play an Apeman, Amazon, Gorg or Deepfolk Expedition without having to resort to going through Bleg or another one of the big faction characters, and without having to turn them into a faction proper (yet anyhow).
And you can run him as a local chieftain your Expedition befriended and picked up on their travel.
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This and Oneirophobia could also be conditional rules. Heavy Traction + Floater is interesting.
>you don't get the Silver by default ... "Famous Kill" special rule
Good idea. Although, if we go that route, i think it would be good to have a weaker generic version of Field Skinning. Maybe "Loot" could be it's name.
Maybe reduce the AP to 1 like the Lemurian Tiger, then let it move once for free. Otherwise the attack might be too strong. Maybe it's fine. For the name, what do you think about "Pillar Lion" or "Stalagmite Lion"?
This is the picture for it. He was also meant to be a mount for Sky People. What you have looks good. Sorry for late.
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>i think it would be good to have a weaker generic version of Field Skinning. Maybe "Loot" could be it's name.
How about
> Famed Kill (this goes on the NPC itself) : Whoever gets the kill gets the Silver. Meant for "boss" NPCs.
> Trophy : Need to be adjacent to a Corpse, spend 1 AP, get the Silver.
> Loot : If you control the Corpse at the end of the game, get the Silver.
>This is the picture for it.
Thank you, will replace!
>He was also meant to be a mount for Sky People
Didn't forget, he will be!
>Maybe reduce the AP to 1 like the Lemurian Tiger, then let it move once for free. Otherwise the attack might be too strong.
Yeah, it is going to be pretty strong between the RAWR! and the attack itself. Its a bit weaker than the Tiger but with the 2 AP and Stalker it probably won't matter. It'll come up with something.
>For the name, what do you think about "Pillar Lion" or "Stalagmite Lion"?
I pulled it out from the OG doc, so by default I'm hesitant to rename it, but we do have a lot of "[something]-bat" with the Mammoth Bat, the Milk Bat, this one and the Satyr Bat that's also mentioned in the doc. I like Pillar Lion.
I'm thinking Satyr Bats could also simply be the name for Giant Bats... ?
Atlantean Combat Engineer is missing from their doc
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>Captain Rakkad: (40(?) Silver)
Leader, Engineer
AP: 3
LP: 4
Movement: 3
Accuracy: 7
Strength: 5
Discipline: 7
Labour: 6
Evasion: 7
Awareness: 3

0 in all

2 Limbs
3 Body
2 Head

>General Abilities:
-Terrain Affinity [Wetland]

>Special Abilities:
-”I have no name”:
Each time this model is activated roll 1d10, applying the following rules until the end of the turn.

>The Pole: (1-2)
This model gains access to the hide action, and may spend an extra 3 AP on hidden specific actions until the end of activation.

>The Atlantean: (3-4)
Any friendly unit may reroll attacks which would cause them to damage themselves or other friendly units [Missed grenades, bad scatter, critical instability, etc]

>The Atlan: (5-6)
The unit automatically generates 10 silver worth of caltrops, mantraps, and leaping flowers. It may deploy them at a range of 5 hexes or transfer them to allies at the same range.

>The Indian: (7-8)
This model gains prophecy until the end of the turn. Any prophecies which come true after the end of the turn still generate all benefits as expected. It may attempt as many high prophecies as it has AP. Friendly Rajput Sepoy units may use one reload action for free during this turn.

>The Muan: (9-10)
This unit gains the Muan Diver rule until either the end of the turn or whenever it first resurfaces if it is underwater at the end of the turn. Any units with the Muan Diver rule automatically succeed their climb checks and gain +2 movement while this model is underwater.

-”What Madness?”: (1 LP)
Reroll results from “I have no name,” rerolling a duplicate result.

-”What Pleasantries?” (2 LP, 2 AP)
Select a 7 hex patch of water tiles. Any units within must save evasion or immediately perish as Rakkad’s ship The Cuttlefish breaches forth with its sharpened and electrified prow before sinking beneath the waves again. Successful saves deal one [Black] damage and one [/] electrical damage.
Diving Armour, Leyden Rifle, Harpoon [Spear] (All free for him), Axe, Standard equipment (not free)

-Leyden Rifle (Ranged)
Range: 12
Skill: -2
Pen: 1
Lethal: [Black] [Black] (The bullet does no actual damage, it is made of glass. It kills with electrical shock)
Reload: 2
Cost: 10
Electrical (?),
Ammo Feed 1
High Pressure Environment : This weapon may be fired while not fully Reloaded, suffering -6 Range, -2 Penetration

Leads his own faction: Rakkad’s Crew. May recruit Morlocks (All), New Mu Divers, Atlan Toltaikos, Titanium Miner (lose slave keyword), Atlantean Iconoclasts, Combat Alchemists, Prometheans, Combat Engineers, Rajput Units (All[Sepoy, Brahmin]), Polish Rebels, and Julius Verne as faction units.

Any of the above units can purchase diving armour as per the Atlantis book, and any of the above units which can purchase a colonial firearm may equip a Leyden Rifle.

I thought about using “What pleasantries” as also a kind of drop pod but we’ll ignore that for now.
Edison is trying very hard to either sue or kill Rakkad over the Leyden Rifles (which Rakkad invented first)
His five competing backstories are not simultaneously canonical, it’s more like a rapidly fluctuating quantum state. His factions is very tech-oriented but limited in synergy. He can only buff one group at a time (The Pole needs to be buffed)
This is the Last chart unit. Unless I missed something, which I can guarantee I did.
It does feel rather monumental though. Especially since through weird coincidence three of the five factions Rakkad commands are ones I wrote myself (Mu is debatable but I did the Diver statblock, and I also posted the first chart Morlock so I count it)
I do not intend to stop but I may take a holiday for half a week or so. Or I might make a unit tomorrow. I do enjoy this after all.
His ship can in theory appear from the murky depths of a small pond. This is canon, but everything is.
Also, the Leyden rifle does nothing against insulated or mechanical enemies on account of the whole electricity thing
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The Weather Control

The fortress of Edward Cunningham. Looming high above the Icelandic Canal, the manor house of Lord Edward Cunningham is better described as his castle, or fortress. Thick stone walls bleached black by the smog of the ships that pass below it give it an air of dread, while the large window that overlooks the canal is oft compared to a gaping mouth, or ever watchful eye. The Grimsvotn Guard patrol the grounds and ramparts, though their distinct black uniform is never seen on its highest towers, which reach like fingers towards the sky.

The castle itself occupies a position on the edge of the canal, the largest of the many watchtowers guarding it from enemies of the Crown. If an enemy were ever to control the canal, they must first take the castle, though there is no force in all the world that could ever threaten Iceland, much less the canal…
Within the castle is a mystery. Few ever enter, and the Grimsvotn Guard are known to never speak of their duties to outsiders. Lord Cunningham himself rarely visits, though there are rumours of secret tunnels leading to the docks, perhaps to avoid the more suspicious eyes that lurk in unwholesome places. There are even whispers that the fortress is really a prison, or a laboratory, though where its prisoners come from or what experiments are carried out remain a mystery. Officially however, it acts as the military headquarters for the Grimsvotn Guard, and it is widely assumed that the windows lit well into the night are from constant meetings of officers and planners.

It is not know where exactly where the name “Weather Control” came from, for Icelandic weather is no different from any other place, and reports that it is gloomier than usual since the Seizure are dismissed with well practised contempt. Regardless, through obscure means the name has stuck, even whispered of in the chambers of Whitehall by indiscreet civil servants. However, communiques sent to Crown authorities (and curiously kept secret from the Admiralty), suggest that something was acquired in the year before construction on the castle began, lining up with a priority shipment to Iceland from Canada, though the Americans remain tight lipped as to what precisely they lost and how. Regardless, Cunningham’s Castle is a stark reminder of just how long the Leaden Duke’s hand reaches, and how strongly it grips what it holds.
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>A scene from the Arctic? No, somewhere else in the world, after the Deluge.
I would go for an industrial neogothic style on this.
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Yeah, I was kinda going for something like that, I'm just bad with architectural terms. The main implication I want to get across is:
>Cunningham has his own fortified manor on Iceland
>It's built in such a way it's a fortress overlooking the canal
>Even though there's nobody that could or would attack the canal much less try to seize it
>It also may be a laboratory/prison for projects Cunningham's keeping under wraps (though really those are all done in Bedlam)
>Nobody knows why it's called "The Weather Control"
... made of pure Titanium, which I didn't know there was that much in Agartha. The globe is ringed at the equator by a Flyvory structure laced with Laputite stones, probably to offset the ridiculous weight of the thing. We got access through the "south pole", where a command post of sort seems to link the supporting scaffolding work and the globe itself. I couldn't make any sense of the monitors, and neither could the scientist. I don't know why we took him, the man was completely useless the whole time.
An access shaft got us in afterwards, straight up into the statue itself. Maybe this is nothing, but I noticed how precise and accurate the etching of the landmasses was on the exterior, and while I can't begin to offer a purpose to the whole thing, it struck me that this degree of detail was probably intended or believe to be necessary, and it made me wonder about the access shaft... It felt wrong for it to be there if there wasn't also one in reality, if you know what I mean? But that's beside the point.
If you thought the statue wasn't insane enough, listen to this. The thing is accurate on the inside too, or at least it will be, seems like the lower levels are unfinished. We almost got all the way to the 9th. The shaft was lined up with some weird plumbing, and a bit before the end of it, it opened on a room full of mechanical instruments which they connected to. At the center of it stood what looked like a Prediction Engine, but the scientist said it was missing all the necessary gears to do that.
We tried going further, but something didn't feel right. I mean, anomalous. I started seeing something else superimpose itself on my vision, great halls of marble covered in human skins, multicolored smoke, machines I had never seen before and didn't think any man had either... I stopped in my track, one of the kentuckians wasn't quick enough however, he just vanished into thin air. I'm not too sure what happened, but it seemed to have triggered an alarm, so we had to exfiltrate. The arabian took a bullet to the head from the stilt-walkers, but there's no way for the steam knights to link him back to us, so it'll be fine. We made it out with everyone else after.
We still aren't any closer to understanding the contraption's purpose, but we can safely assume now that it isn't just a vanity project for Eiffel's posterity. The scientist offered that it might be a way to fight Deep Drunkness, as travel in it might simulate actually going back and forth between the Layers, but this seems more to me like an attempt not to be seen as completely clueless on his part. I recommend that we consider the limit of his usefulness to the cause reached, and retire him. I assume the Old Man will wants us to try another go at it, so I will remain in the Capitale in the meantime.

- Extract of an intercepted report from a La Ombre parisian cell to their handler
How about the castle being built over the canal?
Nah, if it's being used as a prison then the cells would be buried deep underground, or set into the canal walls. Plus, if or when it's used as a laboratory there wouldn't be any risk of the castle collapsing into the canal and blocking it.

The main thing about it is that it's entirely built as a failsafe contingency. There's nothing being experimented on or held there (other than the mysterious object which gives it the Weather Control name), but there may be one in the future. Control of the Iceland Canal is key for British (or Cunningham's) interests, and the Castle is part of that.

I guess my main idea is that Cunningham is like a prepper if he got given the budget of the British Empire to play with.
kek, I didn't notice the Eiffel Tower in the background at first. Nice work.
A recent appearance on the battlefields of the Levant, where the Ottoman husks contend with their living counterparts, the "Mechanical Turks" as they have come to be known are an oddity.
Reports indicate as few as twenty five and perhaps as many as two hundred of the machines exist. The Ottomans in Egypt simply should not have access to the industrial capacity necessary to produce such machines. Analysis of one specimen acquired by British intelligence suggests the contraption was fabricated through a mixture of various Agarthan sciences, German engineering, French technology, and even machinery similar to a British Prediction Engine.
The current theory is that, through various proxies and collaborators, the machines are produced in Europe as various constituent parts. They are then shipped to Egypt where the Ottoman forces assemble them according to instructions provided by the suppliers.
The result is a ponderous, expensive, extremely heavy machine that requires the power of multiple men to right should it fall in the muck or while traversing an incline.
But, put several of them in a breach in a wall, or stand them in a row in a clear field, and they'll hold a line like there's no tomorrow.
I advise further investigation to determine who is providing the Turks with the means to produce these machines. The specimen we captured was badly damaged and abandoned in the field, and we cannot hope to reverse engineer its workings from so much scrap metal.
If there are traitors in England, it would be wise to seize their research and make use of it ourselves.
- A heavily redacted report from a decommissioned British Intelligence officer.
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Glow Wyrm for Roof Raiders. Ceiling Cricket. Falling Frog or Fisher Toad. Falling Frog being a frog that falls on it's prey to stun it long enough for it to grab it and swallow it whole, using it's tongue as a bungee cord. Fisher Toads being large toads with prosperously long and sticky tongues that they let droop out of their mouth and down from the ceiling when sleeping, so that when they wake up they have a meal already caught. When Fisher Toads are awake, they use their tongues more like projectiles. For a time, awake Fisher Toads where thought to be a different animal, called then Archer Toads.
>Kill rules
That all looks good to me. Loot could be also a conditional rule.
>Mammoth Bat
As the anon that originally posted that, i think the name "Woolly Trunk Bat" is much better. I had mammoth in the name at first because i wanted to do something with Vanderbilt, Mammoth Caves, and bats, but ive rather soured on the idea and think the name is too awkward.
>Satyr Bats could also simply be the name for Giant Bats
We could write something about them being "inordinately affectionate and shockingly social creatures", as a way to justify the name.
>Panther Bat
If it isn't renamed, it should at least have the word changed to be accurate. The bad grammar is too jarring.
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The Iron Men of the Orient stand at an imposing eight feet tall, their great limbs and jaws possessed of an impossible strength. In battle, they wield one pounder guns as easily as a man wields a rifle, bashing their foes apart with their fists when they get too close. And, when dealing with husks (or the occasional unruly rebel), they use their massive jaws to crush the skulls of their foes in order to prevent reanimation.
The Mechanical Turks are the pride of the Ottoman military, despite their only recent appearance. They march through the streets, spouting incessant patriotic slogans through their tinny mechanical voices, surrounded by teams of strong men in case one slips on the road and must be hoisted back to its feet.
Unlike the living, these machines do not know fear. They do not know pain. They do not know exhaustion. Even when one has been blown in half by cannon fire, they have been seen crawling toward the enemies of the living in order to pull them apart with their great mitts alone.
They are popular enough with the common folk, especially the children, for their role in safeguarding the living. Though, one incident in which a particularly strong child bumped into one a bit too hard has left parents quick to shoo their children inside lest they lose a few toes or worse.
The Turks are proud of their machines, yes, but the truth of them is obvious to many outside observers in positions to put the pieces together.
The DNA of the Parisian Stiltwalkers, German engineering, British computation. It's all there. Someone, some power in the West, is putting together these disparate sciences into the form of a man of metal.
The war with the husks is merely a testbed. Somewhere the kinks can be worked out and the prototypes can be perfected.
Someone, someone powerful, is building an army. An army utterly devoid of humanity.
So it would be a very powerful, but immobile unit? Can do High Prophecy but not Low. Very good Acc, no Evasion, good armor, weak to fire(wood parts). Immune to Moral and Obscurity. Diplomat and Academic keywords. Very expensive.
I was thinking more like your first image. With a big wooden box instead of legs, and a mechanical man from the waist up. Mostly metal innards, mostly wood exterior.
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More intended as extremely expensive, superheavy infantry that has to be completely pulverized before it stops trying to KILL HUSKS.
The Unhusked Ottomans don't have a lot of resources, so these things should be rare centerpiece units they use as a way to churn husks into paste. Terrible mobility and excessive weight limits their effectiveness on rough/wet/soft terrain, and good luck getting one across a rope bridge. Give them a choke point to hold, though, and let him stand still to fire? He's gonna take a beating and take plenty with him before he goes down.
Very much evidence of Western support for the Unhusked cause, seeing as the Sick Man is better than the Dead Man.
Canonically, there's probably only about a hundred of them in active service at any given time. Probably way less, with most being kept around cities like Cairo as display pieces while the important parts get work done on them.
If you take one of these, you're probably not taking cannons or other extremely expensive equipment, but it can probably haul a bunch of weight in a pinch.
Would it be a 1:1 riff on the actual mechanical Turk where
There's a man inside ?
Because otherwise I think it might be kind of stealing what the clockwork scout had going for it.
I considered it, but the official name for them probably isn't even Mechanical Turk in the Ottoman sphere, that's just a label that the West applied (like how they call the husks Janissaries despite them canonically not being Janissaries)
Potentially powered by the same scientific principles that guide Taiping Terracotta Soldiers, however, filled with the souls of angry Turks too injured to keep fighting the Husks.
The Husked Jannisaries are the actual ones IIRC, they got dug out from under Istambul when the shit started going down. Some of them are the original followers of the Sultan too I think.

I am a little iffy on such a syncretic use of technology being more than a single character. It feels kind of scale-creepy, you know? I do like the idea of a Mechanical Otto/Egyptian unit though since they have a weird history with robots (mechanical birds of Constantinople spring to mind for one)
would you permit me to try and write something up around the pilot option? I've had what I think might be a pretty cool idea for it that preserves pretty much all of what was just written
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You're certainly welcome; as long as the concept provides some kind of inspiration and pushes E:AD forward, I won't be upset.
I do PREFER the idea of Turkish combat robots that are secretly prototypes for a sinister army of robots that will be deployed during the Deluge or something, but I'm not married to it.
I should, however, note that this idea was originally given to me by a friend (who does not post on 4chan) that I've talked to about E:AD. We discussed concepts, I talked a bit about Ottoman lore, and the idea was conceived primarily as an anti-husk weapon.
The comparison to a giant angry nutcracker is a must, however.
>the same scientific principles that guide Taiping Terracotta Soldiers
Isn't that meant to be Hyperborea related?
If there is a guy instead, it should be for a different reason. Maybe he has to turn a crank to keep it working.
>otherwise I think it might be kind of stealing what the clockwork scout had going for it.
I am thinking of them as very different things. I imagine this to be something like an automatic turret with supernatural precision that is also able to play turkish draughts and that will tell you your fortune for a quarter.
>Isn't that meant to be Hyperborea related?
>If there is a guy instead, it should be for a different reason. Maybe he has to turn a crank to keep it working.
Consider the following: Full-body prosthetic for Ottoman soldiers who would have otherwise died in combat against the Husks. They'll still tell you your fortune, though.
The Unhusked Ottomans, as they are known to the wider world, are in an unenviable position. The Second Oriental Crisis has raged for eight years with their enemy only growing more powerful, and any allies less caring. The British and The French refuse to step beyond Suez, The Tsardom attacks Husked and Living alike to grab territory, and the only reason the Austrians aren’t selling arms to the Husks is that they won’t buy. The Unhusked are seen as an outdated band of squabbling pretenders at best, and madmen corrupted by both the Pyramids and the Husks at worst. While every Great Power will readily admit the Husks pose a dire threat to the safety of Europe none have yet to provide any meaningful assistance.
The powers of The Pasha are one boon, the faith and strength of twelve million living men and women are another. Together these have held against the Husks for eight years at the cost of eight million or more. No one who has known their true story can condemn them of cowardice or incompetence, only poor luck and impossible odds. If the crisis continues as it has then the death rattle of the empire will signal the doom of Europe too. One man has worked to ensure this will not come to pass.
The “Mechanical Turks” are a darling of the papers and penny-dreadfuls alike. Europeans shudder with delight at their reported power while simultaneously reading with admiration the tales of their victories. The governments of the Great Powers scramble to explain the reports they receive, each panicking at what they believe may be a new star rising to the stage. New embassies are being planned, new diplomats assigned, new agents sent South. Each is convinced these devices were made with their own stolen secrets, but also that they have surpassed the original designs.
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The truth is both remarkably simple and improbably complex. The Mechanical Turks are half-armour, half-stagecraft. The strongest recruits to be found march forwards on platformed boots, swing with false fists, and look out through holes hidden behind wooden beards. Cleverly designed plating and some light gearing make it an outfit in which fighting is possible if not easy. An oversized Kilij cuts through Husks like a factory machine, driven by a hidden flywheel. What outsiders mistake for an electrically powered, analytical engine driven, steam-actuated killing machine is in reality closer to a clockwork toy, but one large enough to slice through even the bones of a husked Tartaradon.
The complexity of the story is their illusion, and reason for existence. Though nominally the idea of an Istanbul puppet maker driven from his home these devices were in actuality brought forth from the mind of Napoleon himself. Ever the way of The Emperor, he relies as much on reputation as on effort. By giving the Unhusked Ottomans a way to appear as a technological competitor, and thus someone to be taken seriously, he has bought The Orient time to deal with the Husks. Now they can bargain for treaties and allies, already the Austrians have brokered trade deals beyond the Balkans to Egypt itself for arms.
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The Husks rely on fear above all else. It seems to drive them, being even perhaps the source of their existence. They were born of a Sultan afraid of losing his empire, one abandoned by his allies who had retreated in the face of a victorious Tsardom. The Mechanical Turks represent the power of the Unhusked, bravery. The men selected in secret to drive them know that they must never break the illusion they perpetrate. Each Mechanical Turk is assigned hidden handlers amongst its unit who ensure that any destroyed suit is filled with nonsensical gearings, the man inside buried secretly. Even if a suit should fall to the enemy it will be destroyed at any cost, lest the secret get out. So while The Mechanical Turks appear as unshakable to the soldiers who fight with them, and to the world at large, they are built on an existential fear. And fear feeds the Husks.

>Mechanical Turks are somewhere between a suit of armour and a parade costume
>They do have a few mechanically powered components, notably an oversized sword which can and will cut like a guillotine
>The Unhusked use them as a propaganda piece and to boost morale on the field, everyone outside of a select few operators and mechanics thinks they are robots
>Europe is panicking and trying to steal their secrets but a combination of good espionage and a little help from Napoleon (the Unhusked don’t know this) makes sure the secret stays hidden
>This prestige boost is helping The Unhusked get recognized and treated better diplomatically which they sorely need
>Unit wise they do great in melee but not as much against firearms. Very slow but if you stick it somewhere it will just keep chopping away
>The unit is semi-immune to morale. It is only affected by the Broken condition which would cause a catastrophe if triggered (imagine if you saw someone parachute out of a drone screaming until they passed out nowadays)
>They are fairly taller than the average man but smaller than a Lemurian Rockbreaker. Maybe slightly taller than an Atlan Immortal but I don’t favour them in the matchup regardless
>By the time of the Deluge they will be actual robots, especially if the Golden Syndicate or Eccentric Investor get their grubby hands on them
>There may be some robot ones already somewhere, in the 9th layer or near Giza
>Napoleon came up with the Mechanical Turk name as a joke. He might be immortal and melancholic but he likes to have a good laugh sometimes like anyone else
Robots are cool but they also trigger my autism in a setting like this so sorry about going off like that.
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>Initial MTs are basically just soldiers on stilts
>They start incorporating more advanced mechanisms over time, such as the famously powerful swords
>Foreign interest in the Unhusked is revitalized as the MTs perform better in the field
>Groups with actual Agarthan sciences get interested, Minister Eiffel even donates some early schematics for prototypes that eventually became the stiltwalkers - nothing that would threaten French power, of course, but the man famously yearns for competition in the field of mad science
>Turks begin experimenting with putting disabled soldiers inside as Turkish science progresses
>Mechanical Turks become more and more advanced over time, gradually becoming more and more like the original concept they pitched to the world
>The lie told often enough ceases to be a lie
>By the time of the Deluge, Giza is protected from the depredations of the Hyperwarriors by an army of Unhusked Machines
>But… There is something strange…
>The mechanical men of Hyperborea, once split open by cannon fire, seem oddly similar in construction to the Turkish machines…
>The Cycle…
>The lie told often enough ceases to be a lie
Ah, the Parisian Census/Paper Soldiers effect.
>Connection to Machinemen
That's brilliant, fucking brilliant.
It does also trigger me into wondering what other Hyperborean units are the descendants (forebearers?) of current day. Not all of them, that might be too simple, but there's definitely a lineage somewhere.
>Eiffel adds an extra leg to the stiltwalkers to help brace when shooting
>Oh no
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The Egyptian unhusked ottomans have access to Giza, no? Methinks they may be doing a deal with someone there, letting them access the mysteries of the Great Pyramids in exchange for lucrative tech. But who would dare leak such technology?
The Atlantis stuff is really great.
Good idea.
Colossal T. Labrys is meant to be T. King's Colossal Labrys. If you changed it intentionally then it's fine.
Instead of all the changes i suggested earlier, i think lowering the Accuracy to 4 or 5 would be better. I didn't see the Strength was only 5 before.
Now that I'm free from the chart (until I get dragged back down to the depths to finish some of the half-done ones) what unit should I do next? The floodgates are open.
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Is there one for those assassin sisters in anon's story about Malcolm and Jayanyati?
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>El Torero
>I believe that Sky-People, especially the Sky-Nobles, have unique physiological quirks that enable their roof-dwelling lifestyle.
>Based on their ability to remain upside down far longer than is comfortable for others and their ability to withstand the rigors of frequent spins and flips required by Cloudelleafint jockeying;
>I propose that their vascular system features a much more complex arrangement of one-way valves to prevent blood from settling in the head and neck, and their inner ear is much less sensitive to sudden changes in balance.
>But, without the opportunity to dissect a cadaver, perhaps we will never know for certain.
Professor Michael Jacobs, a biology teacher at the Miskatonic.
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There's the Tiger Temple Assassins, the Torero from >>94044714, the Armenian Sworn Virgin, the french battle cars, the Mu Missionary (or whatever iteration of it we're at) as well as a PT Barnum circus dude trying to catch himself a menagerie in the Deep... Those are the ones brought up in threads and not from OG docs of the top of my head.
There's also picrel if you wanted to try your hand at a whole faction, as well as the Tsardom and Satsuma which is unfinished (other anons might be working on it).
Also, Whalers.
>Armenian Sworn Virgin
Albanian, actually
Good work, though!
And the portuguese zealot/mercenary, which gets bonuses when fighting the british.
reminds me of a potential start date for the deluge
>Tying the Deluge with the rise of Sebastianism in Portugal
I'm listening...
Behold, a mighty Hyperborean warlord.
I don't know. Just something cool i saw on Unsolved Mysteries.
Did we ever settle on when exactly the game, or at least 2e, is set?
late 1870s to early 1880s
deluge happening around the 1910s somewhere makes
I've always thought the Deluge is an inter-war thing, the turn of the century is when the wider public starts realising shit is going sideways after the Boxer Rebellion/Taiping beatdown and there's a period of increasingly escalating tension and anomalous phenomena. Small incursions here and there, enough that nations are scrambling to get shit done, and then it all erupts in a massive cataclysm that may or may not destroy the world. Hell, we could probably set it in 1915 on Waterloo's 100th anniversary, but I hesitate to canonise anything set in the 20th century.
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I always thought of it as the WWI equivalent in the E:AD timeline. Everything is clearly sliding closer and closer to war. Nations are in an open arms race, but the people are optimistic that it won't be more than an Agarthan crisis. Surely, it won't affect things here at home.
But the war drags on. The great powers contend with one another on a battlefield rife with mad science and dark magic, all advanced beyond mankind's wildest dreams a mere decade prior, all wielded for the same purpose a man might use an especially sharp rock.
And then the sky opens up. Untold horrors, attracted by the suffering, descend from the heavens to scour the world clean of life. The cycle must begin anew. Ia! Praised be the makers of ghosts.
And now mankind has to grapple with Hyperborea at the same time as they're dealing with new conflicts, both underground and on the surface. Can Britain and France put aside their mutual, growing enmity long enough to send the Hyperwarriors back from whence they came? Will Atlantis and Atlan allow themselves to be drowned in the tide of Mu for the sake of ancient grudges? Perhaps the Lost Men arrive in London, fend off a Hyperborean assault, and in Malcolm's moment of weakness they decide to sack the city out of his petty disdain for the English.
Perhaps Lemuria simply buries its head in the sand, and the Tigress Temple bars its doors, and allows those daughters of Pythivati who could not make it inside in time to be devoured by the uncountable legions of Morlocks and worse things that pour forth from the deep.
Or perhaps mankind is better than that. Perhaps we could put aside our differences, join hands, and kill the fuck out of the guys who want everyone ever to suffer forever.
>Did we ever settle on when exactly the game, or at least 2e, is set?
I pushed it to 1882 to sync with the OG doc, used to be 1875. This way there's more space for Satsuma and Ottoman related shenanigans too.
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Far below where all men gather
Beneath the Titan’s heavy brow
There lies a long unbroken tether
Held in place by ancient vow.

What is this elder prophecy
From Lemuria in an age ago?
They say it is wrought like treasury
In the Alph wher’er it flows.

They say the eyes daren’t watch it
For they fear what it might show
Portentous sights and visions,
Wretched paths which fate will sow.

But I alone have seen its magic
Alone of all men I know
The hand that wrought this hollow earth
That hand which dwelleth below!

Deluvian forces gather now
Gathered like a mighty blow.
But they too forget the hand that made
Power to unmake the soul!

I have seen the strands of fate,
Seen, and seized, and pulled;
Am punished for my ambition though,
What is above is below.
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I don't like to think about the Deluge too much. It strikes me more as a storm than a war, and as something that will last a while.
I was thinking more in terms of an end date. Something we can point to and say, "after this it's not my problem". The default seems to be the year 1900, but it would be nice to have event of some sort to point to. Doesn't have to be the same scale as Paris falling, but it would serve the same purpose.
Rough ideas i forgot to post.

There were rumors about an underground city of gold (perhaps originally referring to Old Mu), or just a very rich or old sunken city of some kind. Some rich and eccentric noble sponsors an expedition to find the city. His men return to Spain having found what they claim is the entrance to the city (they didn't even look for it), and the noble gives them more money and supplies to go back, only this time he insists he come along (it's his money after all). On this second expedition they discover the entrance by accident or mistake (design or fate), and descend. A rescue mission of some sort was sent after them, but it too was lost.

Underside, the conquistadors kicked off a super plague of some kind that hurt badly both Atlan and Atlantis. Atlantis improved their alchemy and survived that way, while Atlan just killed and burned anyone who coughed and got lucky (exaggeration). Conquistadors were unable or unwilling (depending on who) to leave Agartha.
Maybe the noble was having strange dreams that connected to the rumors he heard, and Joseph Bonaparte found a record of those dreams. Maybe the noble left Spain in part to escape accusations of heresy.
>The default seems to be the year 1900, but it would be nice to have event of some sort to point to
The 8 nation alliance gets tired of the Taiping's multicoloured shit and engage in a little regime change. Apart from America, who are the main force driving the expedition, this is the first proper encounter with Hyperborean influence for many of the participating nations, and the arms race ratchets up exponentially as everyone begins trying to get an advantage over their foes.
>In E:AD the Boxer Rebellion is an England-sponsored uprising against Taiping
How do we feel about this idea
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The air in the garden was still.
Hong Xiuquan was an old man. He hated the palace. He hated the dry and cold breeze that he could feel, no matter where he hid. He hated the servants, who bowed and scraped the moment they laid eyes on him only to turn right around and report on his every movement to his more popular cousin.
Above all, he hated Beijing. Everything about the city rubbed him wrong. Even the very buildings, the very stones, the very dirt. It all spoke to him. Reminded him of the sinners and pagans that had ruled his nation before he had brought it under the rightful guidance of his Heavenly Older Brother and the Shangdi.
He rubbed his temples. He was an old man. Everything annoyed him. Everything hurt. He sat seething beneath the longan tree he had transplanted into the garden, trying to banish the ghosts of China's past from his mind.
Perhaps not everything.
"Sister Hu," Xiuquan said, instantly recognizing her voice, "Whatever brings you here?"
Sister Hu was a beautiful young woman of the cloth, dedicated to her work beyond compare. Her visits always improved his mood.
Hu strode forward, her sandals clicking on the flagstone path. She wore the black habit of a nun, an intricately decorated crucifix around her neck, adorned with a variety of stones in a rainbow pattern.
"Why," she said, her sweet voice soothing Huoxiu's troubled ears, "I am here for the same reason I always come. To see my beloved Emperor, the Heavenly Younger Brother, my dear friend Huoxiu."
The nun leaned forward conspiratorially, a wry smile on her lips, and she pretended to whisper. "I don't suppose you have seen him around here, anywhere? I know how much he loves his gardens."
A chuckle escaped the old man's lips. "I have seen him, yes, in mirrors and ponds and in steel. I'll be sure to tell him you came, he would be quite happy to know you were looking for him."
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He felt young when Hu came to see him. They would talk for hours. She was the only one he dared to speak to about his dreams, about the things he saw when he ascended to his Father's kingdom.
And she was always so understanding, so kind, she always recognized how hard he was working for the sake of China. She would touch his cheek and thank him for the blessings of Heaven that he had brought upon them all.
And she never lied to him. Never pretended that Rengan and all the others were not plotting against him. Xiuquan knew well the hatred and envy in their eyes, even if they hid it when he met their gaze.
And Huoxiu knew as well. She knew many things. Like him, she had seen things, been given visions of Heaven. Had been graced by the guidance of the Shangdi, the Heavenly Father, the Lord Almighty.
They were kindred spirits.
"Hong Rengan moves to secure the port of Shanghai." Her gentle fingers traced a line across Xiuquan's shoulders. "Just as the city proved vital in the victory of your war for the soul of China, so too does your cousin believe that controlling it will provide him the means to challenge you."
Xiuquan gritted his teeth. His nose wrinkled. He couldn't believe that Rengan would move so openly.
"Of course, with your permission, I could speak to harbormasters and dockworkers, deliver unto them the good word of the Lord and our Emperor."
"Yes," Xiuquan muttered, eyes glassy, "Yes, of course. Convince them of the necessity of loyalty, and the consequences of treason."
Sister Hu bowed. "Of course, my Heavenly Emperor."
Xiuquan never once questioned Sister Hu. Never doubted the necessity of her deeds. Even when Rengan's agents found three of their most important contacts nailed to the bottom of the dock, their bodies twisted unnaturally, their skins carved with strange letters...
Xiuquan never questioned Sister Hu.
She alone was loyal.
She alone served the Emperor.
And the Fox of Shang smiled, the blood of the Children of Zhou on her lips.
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Anyone up to bake?
On it.
I have to run into work. I might be posting a bit less than usual over the next two days, I'll work hard to have something up to make up for it then.
Kek, I love this setting so much.

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They don't know I'm lost, man.

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