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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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>We begin in the year of our lord 2024.
>Fantasy campaign played in a Discord server with a system similar to your average tabletop homebrew. It's set in a world that mixes For Honor, Chivalry and Mordhau with mystical elements similar to Dark Souls and Elden Ring.
>Everyone gets to choose between playing a nation (led in turn by a player character) or an adventurer.
>My character is a king within an isle at war; Otto Lorraine II of the Kingdom of Marany. Marany is in turn bordered by the Divine Principality of Masrien, led by Prince Estevan I; finally, there was The Grand Sages' Commune, led by a tankie sorcerer calling himself 'Father'.
>As we were getting set up, a DM would join us since one was explicitly needed for faction RP, though this one in particular seemed off. Used a lot of reddit lingo and seemed honest to God hard to interact with.
>While at first we figured there would be war since I was playing a traditionalist liberal monarchy against basically the pope and a tyrannical Stalin wannabe, we would each find that the DM would make for an easier enemy after they submitted a character of their own; a certain 'Kieren' - anarchist goddess type that had apparently subjugated our pre-established pantheon, including an allegory to Jesus Christ in Estevan's case. All gods lived in fear of her, according to our newly-appointed overlord.
>Immediately, Estevan, Father and I were in each-other's DMs. Shameful as it was, we couldn't get our hand out of the newfound lolcow jar; just looking over the template we all had the same idea - we wanted to smite this bitch and cause the DM, a self-proclaimed anarcho-communist, to sperg the fuck out.
>We do a supreme amount of trolling.
>Now would be a good time to go over our characters at their core.
>Otto specializes in martial, willpower and intelligence, with a 20 in each but very little into dexterity, any magical fuckery, etc.
>Estevan is blind, deaf and paralyzed from the waist down; all measures which serve as balancers and add more starting points in the homebrew system, which in turn can grant more abilities - but can see the souls of his opponents and use a smite-like ability which has a 50/50 chance to kill opponents instantaneously if they've taken prior damage from magical attacks. He can also rapidly heal multiple allies at once.
>Father is based upon a character by the name of Edgardo - one he read about in a thread much too similar to this one. Absurd amounts of raw mana but no actual spells; instead, he would infuse his attacks with the mana to deal greater and greater damage.

>On the other end, Kieren had, as the prior post would suggest, a 20 in every stat and access to every ability the server could offer, including one known as 'fudge' which would allow someone, every three turns, to score an automatic 20 on a roll. This did not deter us whatsoever.

>We begin at a peace convention in the center of the isle, in a city known as 'Latriem', which stands split between the three powers (sort of like a DMZ).
>Father appears in standard form outside of the three kings' palace - a landmark controlled by a combined royal guard regiment, accompanied by an orchestra of brass as he makes his way forward to meet his two rivals.
>Otto arrives on horseback with percussion blaring through the skies shortly thereafter. Dismounting, Father would hold a hand out for him to shake; he'd take it, in turn, with a nod.
>With a choir, Estevan would arrive in his wheelchair next; possibly the weakest of the entries, which would serve us well, so we'd come to find in a moment.
>Together, we begin to discuss ending the war when a loud boom fills the sky; in the words of the DM, angels descend with instruments in hand as an army of five thousand demons rises from a portal in the ground nearby - an event akin to the rapture.
>Our DM attempts to state that our characters are mortified at the arrival of these supernatural beings - something that allegedly hasn't occurred in over five thousand years.
>Otto looks on in relative disbelief, but keeps his wits about him; the public is unsettled, sure, but thanks to a persuasion and willpower roll his confidence keeps them from full-on panicking.
>Estevan begins a prayer to god, though he would be met with silence; silence which would be broken soon as God himself would come down from the heaven, announcing the arrival of the "Goddess of Gods".
>Father could give less of a shit, more enthused by the fact that the 'religious bullshit' he outlawed is attempting to manifest itself.

>Kieren, at long last descends from the heavens on a chariot escorted by a group of equally-spooked Cherubim, who guide her to the ground. She steps down from the chariot and speaks for the first time.
>"Bow, fascists."
>That command caused Estevan's wheelchair to very nearly collapse and forced Father to his knees. Otto, very narrowly passing a willpower check, however, would continue to stand and stare dead into her eyes.
>"I do not pay mind to false deities, wench."
>Bow, fascists
What a majestic utterance by a divine being, instilling respect and awe
>DM immediately tells me OOC to roll a dexterity check. Before I can, she does so - natural one.
>Otto is immediately banished to literal biblical hell with a wave of her finger, and she attempts to force me from the RP channel, claiming I'd died.
>Myself and the other players protest; as such I was instead brought to one hit-point with nothing but my sword and clothing, surrounded by demons.
>I'd be lying if I said I hadn't re-made my character to be more exploitative upon reading up on Kieren. As it was done prior to the DM looking over our sheets, it was viewed as acceptable. That in mind, I swapped out one ability for another, that being 'negation by will'.
>Essentially you take an enemy's willpower and given you roll equal to or above it, you can negate the damage of their incoming attack entirely. Busted, I know.
>Imps with a willpower of one were a guarantee, and so drawing his longblade without another word, Otto would begin slaughtering his opponents in the dozens.
>Father and Estevan weren't doing as well. Thanks to Otto's banishment, the honor-guard had scattered, leaving them to their fates.
>Father was still mouthing off up until Kieren let off a typical "be silent", then going on a lengthy rant about how all of us 'evil nazis' were to be punished for our tyranny, forgetting one was a commie grand mage and one was basically the pope. Eventually she settles on banishing them both with Otto, who's still busy mowing down ten imps at a time.
>This leads to the fight becoming even easier as a greater number of demons would begin to trickle in, growing more and more powerful by class.
>Father begins punching shit to death while Estevan heals any wounds I might have taken along with those left behind by whatever hellspawn could touch us.
>Discussions would occur as the first of the waves subsided. Given the three of us were level ten or higher per the faction-leader start, it was safe to say that our doomguy-like rampage would only grow more difficult with time.
>Estevan explains, in turn that the typical way out of this hell would be repentance per his religion, though seeing the new Sue-in-command that would be a tad difficult. As such we settle on killing as many demons as we can until inevitably Kieren comes forward to put us down herself.
>Five waves in and the enemies begin to reach level seven. We eventually find our way to a castle deep within the depths of biblical hell, even managing to get a stretcher together so we could carry Estevan since his wheelchair broke into pieces on the way down.
>Estevan decides on smiting the gate open with his own power reserves, though seeing as we'll need cover from ranged attacks shortly, we can't exactly refuse.
>The gate is completely annihilated as Estevan rolls 11, with us all being asked to make a luck saving throw.
>Three rolls within the single digits.
>Inside is a gigantic army of monsters and hellish demons; as such we set the stretcher down and prepare for combat.
>The fight lasts the remainder of the day and the session ends; the next one starts, and we've not an opponent left - for now, anyway.
>We take our time with a short rest to restore lost power and heal; in that time we're approached by an Oni named Nama; one of the DMs *other* player-characters.
>She enters with a sarcastic, smug attitude - lambasting our characters for being 'patriarchal farts'. Tired of her shit, Estevan smites her.
>This apparently warranted divine retribution, as the angel Gabriel, ripped straight from the Bible attempts to smite Estevan.
>Father reacts by imbuing himself with raw mana and standing in the way of the divine energy and saving the three of us. Like a true cuck, Gabriel then flies off, promising judgment.
>DM tries to take away Estevan's abilities, so we take it to server staff. Server staff agree that the move is bullshit nd tell us to carry on.
>Finally, waves six and seven hit - both at once, as according to the DM thy 'have a life' and 'can't afford to keep this going long'.
>Enemies reach as high as level nine. We've leveled up multiple times from previous encounters, now at 12 (Otto & Father) and 16 (Estevan).
>While we're fighting we make use of the cover to discuss our prior lives.
>No new DMPCs were introduced after Nama, likely out of fear that they'd get fucking erased.
>Father makes a wager in DMs that I can convince his character to give up on communism if I pass a persuasion roll. I do exactly that, and so slowly he begins to change his mind - first on materialistic views, then on the value of human life and freedom as we continue to chat it up.
>Otto was as good a warrior and strategist as he was a leader, though a poor tactician. He had a wife and some twenty children at home in Marany all of which he loved dearly, and he regretted deeply that he wasn't able to spend more time with them.
>Out of anger at this expression, Father slaps Otto clean across the face, demanding that the three of them promise each-other they'll make it out alive.
>All three are in agreement, with even Estevan's weak voice piking up.
>We all manage to just barely withstand the assault, infuriating the DM. The moment we'd all waited for was at hand.
>Kieren comes down from above, light and darkness both trailing behind her.
>This time we each pass our willpower checks, refusing to give into her demands which she'd clearly ripped from Adventure Time's lich king.
>The battle was just as grueling as the waves before; demons and angels alike this time would swarm us.
>Estevan's player forms a group chat between him, myself and Father, beginning to devise a plan - I would distract Kieren; Father would charge up an attack using raw mana he'd gathered since our short rest, and Estevan himself would provide all of his additional raw mana to jumpstart an attack akin to Edgardo's final attack, hopefully doing away with Kieren for good.
>Kieren brings up a gigantic, impenetrable barrier of magic, opening a series of portals behind it which would begin to rain thousands of blades upon the three of us. In turn, Otto would rush forward, distracting her by attacking the barrier.
>While willpower negation couldn't be used in this scenario as her willpower stat was a twenty, I could parry the blades - as my dexterity was high enough, I could roll with advantage on each.
>Never rolling under ten, I would parry a good 6-7 attacks over seven turns before Kieren would begin to charge up an instant-kill attack, which the DM explicitly stated 'embodied the very essence of destruction'.
>Father's raw mana attack was fully charged. Screaming 'Banzai' in honor of the his old inspiration, he would leap forward into the shield, blasting a hole through it with his fist and nearly hitting Kieren. She would use fudge, in turn perfectly parrying the attack, then rolling a 15 on riposte - though by then it was too late. Otto, having joined the charge would impale her clean through the chest, pulling his blade up and ripping her in two vertically.
>Of course, the bullshit didn't end there. The DM narrated all of the gods which hadn't been mentioned up until this point descending from the heavens to 'pay their respects'.
>This led to her being reborn, and so we took this info to the owner who replaced her as DM entirely.
>The end of our story was well-past wonderful; we returned to the mortal realm as heroes, and the three of us came together to form an empire dominating the isles - known as The Three Crowns.
>We would part ways shortly after the RP drew to an end; having occurred two years ago, I'm still trying to re-gain contact with Estevan and Father's players to this day.
Apologies for the grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. I've been up all night just recalling this adventure. Something, safe to say that I don't think I'll be forgetting anytime soon.
*Three years? Three months. Again, tired.
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Just posting to say thanks for the story, OP. Just glad someone's sharing stuff in this shitheap for once. Also to acknowledge "Father" for carrying on Edgardo's legacy to an extent.
Is the catalogue broken? How the fuck is this so high up when there are multiple threads that should have surpassed it by now?
Oh exqueeze me, I am a moron and had it wet to sort by creation date
Yeah, it's about time someone does this again, I've gladly archived it.

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