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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Not sure where the appropriate place would be for this. A long time ago when I was in a psychiatric ward, me and two other guys attempted to recreate DND from memory (with alterations) using the resources we had. We weren't allowed to have dice (choking hazard) so we devised a system of rolling based on UNO cards and thus made a sort of base 10 rolling system I think? The idea was 1-9, discarding the cards that weren't useful. Each player would have two sets of 1-9, with a single "skip turn" card that acted as a natural 20. If the player hit the skip card (they shuffled after every turn) then they would get to dictate their own play as the DM would. I have photographs of the basic ruleset, and I'll post them here.
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This kind of rules.
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What's the AC for grippy socks, again?
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Thanks I hate 4chan post delays
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Mind all of you this was concocted from true mental illness. We had a system called "quirks". Non-optional downsides that you had to select from. Seemed unique enough.
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Aaaand I guess it's just 12 pages long. Anyways, that's Dungeons and Diazepam. Any questions and I'm free to answer. Sorry for intruding on your board. I just wanted to get this out there.
Oh yeah. Cigarettes were currency. Basically cigarettes functioned as both currency and temporary healing items. One could smoke up to 3 cigarettes per day to receive 3 HP, and then they'd have the "smoker's lung" debuff. In any combat roll, they would lose initiative if they had this debuff essentially. There was also a chance for a sustained cough that could stun them for a turn. 20 cigarettes to a pack, and a pack was basically a gold piece in terms of currency. this was all really rather thrown together.
I will say the main idea behind this was because we were bored, and decided to come up with a way to create DND in the simplest terms possible for laymen to understand it. Laymen being randos off the street like people in for suicide or drug addicts or schizos in the looney bin. So if it seems very simple, it was made to be very simple and open.
OP, this is the kind of crazy I can get behind.
You should refine it and turn it in to homebrew.
This would have been way more fun than laying around or playing pingpong all the time. Major respect for doing all that creative work and trying to include randos.
I've really thought about it honestly. Writing is my job these days. Though I unfortunately work in the dying industry that is television news as a producer. I wouldn't know where to actually begin on the process of attempting to refine it. That's mostly why I'm just posting it here on the off chance anyone wants to take it.

Part of me wants to split off of this though and attempt to refine it into a deck based DND game, or something with a card theme. I am infatuated with the base 10 card system we came up with.
Cool stuff! Im a little too busy with my own projects right now to transcribe and edit something like this, but its pretty cool.

I get the whole "from memory and heavily medicated" thing, but if you needed/wanted a D20 why not use the classic D2+D10 substitute? Like,
0 + n = 1 to 10
1 + n = 11 to 20
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where's the wizard page OP? where is it???
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Good question! We really just didn't think about that. At some point we were also running out of UNO cards and had to substitute with playing cards.
schizo dnd just dropped, nice
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Oh maybe I missed a page, shit. I actually can't find that one. I DID find all the maps I drew though, and the general lore.
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There's like 10 or so maps I drew to better visualize everything.
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Starting town was called Adville. From there you could go to the Xan Caves and get the Zan Axe, or Smoky Forest for the Light Bow, Fenttown was never fully realized sadly. There's also some interior maps.
>OP, this is the kind of crazy I can get behind.
This, I came it expecting trash tier retardation, but this turned out better than it had any right to be.
Huh. I had an idea for a uno card based rolling system.
Reminds me of the old Fallouts in the "drugs are a convenient cash-equivalent that's also consumable" sense.
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i liked it
I lack the mental capabilities to refine something bright now, but I'll be sure to say "Hey remember Dungeons and Diazepam? We should make something of that." At a future date.
bump because I want to finish reading it but I found it on page 9
so you had a wizard class but no spell list? how did that work?
not the worse take on cliche elves I've seen
dude its the backside of the other page
I love you, anon.
This is kino. It reminds me of the guys playing 40k with rocks while on deployment.
Reminds me of my time as a correctional officer. Had these guys who used a bit of cardboard and paper to make a spinner wheel for rng (gambling paraphernalia was contraband). Tabletop roleplaying games themselves were contraband too but nobody gave a shit about that. I recall letting a guy through intake with a full 200+ loose pages of dark heresy he had photocopied in black and white lmao.

They did make a bunch of mtg cards from memory complete with jank ass card art which was extremely impressive.
Makes you wonder how they got into trouble. Drugs?
This is the type of schizophrenia I can get behind
Usually the inmates who were the kindest and most "normal" were pedophiles. I was in a low security prison so we got a lot of that. I tried not to look at the charges as much as I could help it though.
This is pretty cool actually
bump so i continue reading in the weekend
this shit deserves a page in 1d6chan
Me too.
I could probably go on and on and on about this. I lost the wizard page. We didn't have a spell list, just sorta made shit up by that point. I have a whole bunch of maps I didn't post, but I can definitely tell you guys the lore of the land.

it's probably not explained clearly. But 1 cigarette is the base currency. Players can smoke 3 cigarettes per day to regain a maximum of 3 HP (1 HP per cig) before they get the smoker's lung debuff. 20 cigarettes equal a pack, which is the next level of currency, and 10 packs equal to a carton of cigs, the highest level of currency.

Anyhow. The drug wars are actively ongoing in this realm. The dwarves are prolific users of muscle relaxers, the elves smoke a lot of weed (as you know), humans are humans and do whatever the fuck we didn't really account for this, and the dragonborn are basically the fire nation here. There was definitely some inspiration from avatar with the 4 nations shit going on here. Personally, I'm racist, and I just dislike orcs as an entire species. Dragon people are cooler in my subjective view.

Goblins and kobolds are basically replaced by Xanfiends. Dudes who lost their heads on Xanax and are on a benzo craze. They'll rob you and loot you and do anything for their benzo fix. I meant to develop additional lore for opiates but also never got to that point.

I can greentext a few lore drops if it's desired. I'm drunk right now. sorry.
anon it looks like the wizard is the backside of this page >>94851077 that is why this anon was able to partially reconstruct it >>94853007
get a tripcode, and start developing the system, we will love to see it and maybe even help
May be bullshit but I believe you
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Oh cool this is still alive. I need it alive for another day or two so...
thanks anon, I hate it.
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Alright I'll just use this as a tripcode then. Honestly I need to find those pages, I've been looking-- and I had photographed THOSE pages some two years ago. I thought they'd be in the folder with the maps I made, but they could also be buried with my shitload of poetry and epics that I wrote. If I can't find them then I'll just reconstruct the wizard class altogether. Obviously to develop this everything needs an update.

Something we were working on but never quite got around to finishing was that drugs replaced the functionality of potions, and always had drawbacks. There would be very few buff items that didn't explicitly have some kind of drawback. The idea was mostly to add some sort of challenge or make the player think a bit harder, since the game itself was super easy to jump into for randoms. Xanax would act like a potion of strength, but then the player could potentially get enraged in battle.

Fishing is also a mechanic, and it relies mostly on dexterity rolls. Never added a limit as to how much one could fish, and obviously that little list at the bottom middle there wouldn't be the end all be all of it, but I enjoy fishing. Sea travel was also another concept, and I wanted to develop that idea more-- And at one point had actually been working on another TTRPG that was a sort of modern iteration of GALLEONS but with more depth.
Thanks doc.
Archived it because this is remarkable.
>Sea travel was also another concept
With all the drugs and drug wars being front & center, sea travel needs to be about booze and booze related mechanics. Pirate grog, smuggling magical moonshine, sunken ships and drunken men in the age of sail and all that.

The sea is an inherently inhospitable place after all, sea monsters, weather behaving in ways no sober man can predict. You NEED good booze to handle that with your mind (if not liver) relatively intact.
>functionality of potions, and always had drawbacks
methadone for a health potion without drawbacks?
bump. Great stuff here.
fucking bumpo
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I'm at work, but I reconstructed the wizard class since I couldn't find the page. Also, optional new quirk:

Arcane Feedback:

Upon rolling a natural 1 for any spell attack or ability check, the wizard must roll a DC6 constitution check. Failure results in 1 damage to themselves as the magic backfires.

Sorry for the terrible handwriting.

Also, I am open for anybody wanting to help out. I hardly know what the fuck I'm doing anyway.
I should make a drug (potion) list (not comprehensive) and comparisons between what and what and what does what.
I very much agree with this. I love sea travel. Maybe I'll rip a little bit of my lore from that other TTRPG I was working on. Undead Blackbeard who grew bored and melancholic with life in general after unlocking the secret to immortality who throws himself into any confrontation in an attempt to die. There's also some voodoo fuckery afoot with that.
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Perhaps a few cantrips as a treat. There's a shitload in actual DnD, and I'm not getting carpal tunnel right now. I realize that we're sacrificing some mechanics from actual dungeons and dragons, but I think this does make it easier to understand for most people.

There was an alternative idea I had, but it would sadly require production value. Since there's a card based rolling system anyhow, I figured, why not try and make the actual game deck based? That would very likely require too much effort and probably wouldn't be worth it. But say literally building spell decks and playing spell cards, playing a summon and placing the token. Not like Yu-Gi-Oh or MTG, obviously this is different, but it was an idea I had.

Probably somewhat inspired by Inscryption now that I think about it. Inscryption but as an RPG seems interesting.
>why not try and make the actual game deck based?
Go for it man, you don't need to start with a whole deck-sized deck pool.
>cigarette spark cantrip
This is so fucking kino.
One thing I do wonder about though-- anyone know if a deck based sort of DnD has been done before? While this whole thing is a spinoff of DnD, I aim for originality and degrees of separation. Given the setting I don't think too many people would take it seriously, but it would be nice to stand out!
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Also some tier 1 spells I guess? Again, not a whole lot, but I'm just feeling it out.
Greentext incoming:

>You are Lyandril Benzosnörtten
>A gregarious, and yet humble Dwarven warrior
>You make your way through the Dwarven mountain homes, crossing the perilous seas to the disparate human kingdoms in search of treasure and adventure
>You come across an Elf sitting below the canopy of a tree, back leaned against the trunk-- smoking something
"Aye lad, cannae gib sumodat?"
>You bellow out, slurring your words, as usual
>The elf raises her eyelids as much as she can muster, bloodshot eyes betraying her state of mind
>"Why, uh, fair traveller. If thou must partake, then partake ye shall."
>An invitation, glorious
>You slump next to the elf, and share the spliff with her, or at least you try to
>Your fingers awkwardly touch as you attempt to pinch the hempy stick of marijuana away
>"P-Pardon, our reflexes aren't quite so... Refined at the moment."
>You manage to grumble out
>You had crushed up the skull of a Xanfiend earlier and snorted it
>The effects must be taking hold
>You puff on the spliff, as the elf begins to spin a yarn
>"Dost thou know of the Vy Vance Bow? We are searching for it--"
>"We art--"
>Goddamn Frenchies.
>"Art searching for what one may call a 'Light Bow' of sorts. A majestic bow with a drawstring of pure flame, and wood of mahogany. Said to bereft an area of its foul darkness..."
>You pass the spliff back to her, she takes a deep inhale
>Coughing, she finishes
>"And lights a mad mad joint, sir Dwarf.... Thou title? What may it be?"
>She turns to you, blonde locks framing a narrow face, the edges of her lips turned upwards in a wry smile, eyes as red as the coveted ruby squinting
"Lihandril Benzoooosnoooorten."
>You almost puke towards the end there, keep it together, Lyandril
>She nods, though it almost seems like she's nodding out altogether
>"We art Lamictal Well of Butrin. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."
In real life war situations people literally trade consumables. It's not a game thing.
>Lyandril Benzosnörtten
my sides are mined out

I'm aware of that, Fallout 1 was just the first time I saw this put into an RPG context. yes, including actual tabletop, nobody bothered with handling actual barter
In prison too.

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