/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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July 2020
4309622Azur Lane: The Blue After - Part 1The beginnings of an Azur Lane Quest with (hopefully) some fun times aheadAzur Lane, /qst/2020-07-18 5 
September 2020
4391771Azur Lane: The Blue After - Part 2An Azur Lane Quest where you play as the son of two Junkers.Azur Lane, /qst/2020-09-02 5 
October 2020
4433369Azur Lane: The Blue After - Part 3The Son of Junkers frolics under the day sky (and doesn't know what brunch is)Azur Lane, /qst/2020-10-07 5 
April 2021
4700116Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue HorizonYou're a Cadet within the organization of Azur Lane. It is the day of your trials to determine your eligibility as a Commander.2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2021-04-22 5 
June 2021
4804619Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 2You're a Cadet within the organization of Azur Lane. It is the day of your trials to determine your eligibility as a Commander.2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2021-06-11 0 
July 2021
4865172Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 3I was side-tracked by several new purchases for my game library and duly apologize for this detour. - The QM2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2021-07-16 0 
September 2021
4919710Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 4You're a Cadet within the organization of Azur Lane. It is the day of your trials to determine your eligibility as a Commander. 2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2021-09-03 1 
November 2021
4983794Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 5You continue your assignments for the day, playing chaperone and failure in the same stride.2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2021-11-05 1 
January 2022
5047906Azur Lane: Beyond That Blue Horizon 6[Same as the last one]2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2022-01-02 1 
March 2022
5146245Azur Lane: Beyond The Blue Horizon 7These are your first steps ...2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2022-03-26 1 
June 2022
5240896Azur Lane: Beyond The Blue Horizon 8Don't look at me like that. You know that I'm slow. Also, you just finished a meeting. Ain't life grand?2nd Person, Azur Lane, Shipgirls, Mechanic Special, Slow Posting2022-06-09 0 
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