/qst/ Thread Archive

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Archived Threads

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March 2017
1303161Underlord Quest #1The Underlord awakens and summons his first minions, finds a champion, gets some sick Basilisks, and murders some dudes.Underlord Quest, Dungeon Keeper, Dungeon Heart, Dungeon, Villain protagonist2017-03-31 4 
April 2017
1324946Underlord Quest #2The Underlord gathers various minions to his cause, completes a summoning circle, and deals with the amateur adventurersUnderlord Quest, Dungeon Keeper, Dungeon Heart, dungeon, Villain Protagonist2017-04-10 2 
1353574Underlord Quest #3The Underlord learns more about daemons and decides to finally take the mine from the dwarves and their human workers.Underlord Quest, Dungeon Keeper, Dungeon Heart, Dungeon, Villain Protagonist2017-04-18 1 
1376048Underlord Quest #4Not much is accomplished, QM probably shouldn't run on a mondayUnderlord Quest, Dungeon Keeper, Dungeon Heart, Dungeon, Villain Protagonist2017-04-24 1 
May 2024
5964183Olympus Incarnation Quest #4Atë takes control of the Czech mafia, then attends a mysterious auction by and for incarnations Mythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Villain Protagonist, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game2024-05-13 7 
June 2024
6004703Olympus Incarnation Quest #5Atë meets a new ally and sets out on the hunt for the mysterious Isa. Unexpectedly, however, she uncovers a horror beyond comprehension.Mythology, Olympus, Incarnation, Villain Protagonist, Greek Mythos, Female Protagonist, Collective Game, Eldritch, Horror2024-06-17 8 
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