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The Nation of Ferrovia has fractured with the death of king Harold with three successor states and a bandit kingdom now fighting over the nation's future. King Elric, the king's brother backed by the landed nobility of the country, wages war in hopes of holding up the monarchy and by connection with the landed gentry. As he styles himself now Lord protector Baric attempts to halt the Monarchists and reformists from harming the status quo with the backing of the army his force is small but well trained and armed. The last of the main contenders is Queen Meredith the sole child of King Harold and devout reformist backed by merchants democrats and communists alike she must lead this dispraite force to victory.

Past threads:https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=BrinkQM

You are Sir Edmund ”The Crow” Drayton, a recently Knighted Yeoman, the leader of the small monarchist sub faction of the reformists. In an example of extremely effective lighting warfare you've done a great deal to push to the Monarchist capital of Clark's Landing encircling the city and trapping the Pretender and his Heir inside. In an daring plan youve airdropped a significant amount of your men inside the city before assaulting and seizing the palace with your men. Through sheer skill and luck your men were able to take the pretender alive and now you must attempt to convince Prince Elric to order a general surrender or you will have to hold out against his forcers which are converging on the capture palace.

1d100 best of three please
voting for puitting a little bit of fear into the pretender Elric
Rolled 43 (1d100)

also I hope this isn't a terrible roll
it was pretty meh lol
Rolled 94 (1d100)

Nice try but this is how you roll!
Oh it's actually good sweet. Based off last thread feedback was gonna suggest as a modification to my plan of "just shoot him" we would attempt some trickery where we would take the king out the room "execute" him put a gag in his mouth and bag over his head. Tell the heir that his father is dead and he is now in charge, try to convince em to give orders for surrender under threat of joining his father, assuming he cooperates by the time people realize the fekery that happened we should theoretically be in a much safer position seems we may not have to even attempt this though wew.
Rolled 22 (1d100)

I mean, mock executions are technically a firm of torture and I don't think our protagonist really is into that kind of thing but it might have worked. But i still rather like the idea of just scaring him by making him realize he can't intimidate us, which for Elric had to be the first time he's dealt with someone he can't push around for years and years
You crouch down to the pretenders eye level"Look one of two things is going to happen here. Either you and your son die, ending your claims to the throne and leading to the eventual collapse of the monarchist movement since they no longer have an actual monarch to rally around, or you call off your guard, order your men to stand down, and begin the process of transferring rule of the southern districts to the Rightful Queen and the Ferrovian People." His face still one of anger “I will not give up one of my only chances of survival you upjumped serf, If I order my men to throw down their arms Ill be hanging from a lamppost before dinne!r”

You pin your nose and sigh"Look If you get your lads to put down their guns, I am sure I can talk your niece into finding a way to wriggle you out of the consequences of your own actions with your life and property more or less intact. I very much doubt shes going to execute her family worse comes worse I imagine your going to go into exile somewhere with a nice villa while your kids stay in country as potential backups in the line of succession” He sneers at you “ you are truly desperate then afraid my men will storm this place and kill you?” You just smirk at the prince “Elric, I jumped out of a perfectly good airplane to be with you here today. Do you think I'm bothered by the fact that my men are outnumbered and surrounded? We're paratroopers. This is what we *do.* I'm not in any particular hurry to bring you to any harm, but you need to understand that as of right now, the only way you're going to make it out of here alive is if I make it out of here alive.” The young Prince Albrect reaches over and grabs his fathers arm tightly fear in his eyes “Father the war is lost even if the palace is retaken were surrounded and without a real army lets just end this” Elric looks to his son and then back at you and then your men standing around the ballroom.

“Bring me a radio general” You signal to one of your men to bring a radio over. He quickly tunes it to a frequency that is full of various monarchist officers shouting commands and reports. He brings the microphone to his mouth before depressing the switch and speaking. “Attention my soldiers and knights this is your King speaking you've fought well and shown great courage in the face of adversary but we have been bested by my kin and their is no shame in that I hereby order a general halt to all combat in the city and who disobey this order will face the full might of the crown” He lets go of the switch and hangs his head passing the radio back to your man. His son pats him on the back and draws his father into a tight hug.

The gunfire in the city slowly lessens as sunrise slowly gives way to morning as regular infantry from both the communists and reformist forces move into the city to begin disarming the surrendering militias and houseguards.

>go find norton

>take stock of who youve captured

>Finish the battle of Clarks landing and head for Nevefar
>Leave the monarch and his son under your personal protection.
>go find norton
>take stock of who you've captured
>Finish the battle of Clarks landing and head for Nevefar
We should also not forget to reward those paratroopers who bought us time.
The commies are gonna be SO pissed when they realize the queen doesn't intend on killing the pretender (probably)
Also we need to especially get Elric to hand over operations against the Junta as smoothly as possible and avoid a total collapse of his lines.
Ideally we'd rotate out the monarchists gradually, and allow them to volunteer or go home once each unit is relieved.
They can grumble but expediency is more important than justice. We're literally trading Elric's life for their own lives and we'll make it clear to Mr. Baker when we get the chance. Ideally we'd find an old fort to convert into a fairly comfortable prison, and store the (non cooperative) nobility there until the war is over and their assets have been liquidated.
Heros those troopers
get those fuckers their rewards for constantly being willing to jump out of a plane and being surrounded
You make sure the palace and your prisoners are to be kept under your control at all times and that anyone who tries to enter the palace is disarmed before they enter. The morning has fully dawned as you step out of the palace gate; various civilians occasionally peek out of the surrounding homes to see the infantry and occasional tank pass by as they collect up the equipment of the surrendering enemy.

The trip north to were the company of troopers were trapped was a quick one and on your arrival you find a true warzone. The enemy had tried their hardest to destroy the company but they had held firm and bleed the enemy hard the bodies of houseguards and milla lay scattered around a block of house which had been riddled by bullets. You meet the company commander as he is supervising body cleanup. Hes Captin Fisk of 3rd company another peasant born officer whos been quite reliable so far

>Promote him to major
>give his entire company R&R
>Promote him to major
>give his entire company R&R
"Major Fisk." let him recover from shock "I'll write to the queen about this action. Maybe you will get a knighthood next to this promotion. Your company is also to report for some R&R and some reorganisation. Tell the men we couldn't have captured the pretender as fast as we did without their actions. Dismissed."
>>Promote him to major
>>give his entire company R&R
seconding all of this. Especially a knighthood. maybe send the entire company to Neverfar to attend his ceremony and get a little leave
The future knight club.
>>Promote him to major
>>give his entire company R&R
You send his company off with 48 passes as well as award him the rank of major and promise to put in a good word with the queen and see if you can get him a knighthood. You then turn and make your way south to the harbor.

The relatively unscathed city soon gives way to one of shattered windows and the occasional bullet hole. It seems Norton and his men caused some real havoc down near the harbor. When you eventually arrive at the harbor itself you see what you imagine was at some point a warehouse or something that was now a large crater in the dock area. You find Norton busying himself with ransacking another warehouse that seems full of various fancy clothes. There's honestly alot of bodies around the harbor that must have been very well protected before your friend showed up and made a massive crater out of the harbor.

>Got look at the crater

>speak to Norton
>Got look at the crater
>Get Norton and a few of his lads to take a picture taken next to that crater.
>speak to Norton
Looting times over buddy. Enemy surrendered.
maybe get Norton some kind of commendation as well.
"Goddammit Drayton why did you convince the Queen to go ahead and make me a knight?"
You head over to where Norton is digging through a crate of expensive clothes wearing some insanely gaudy feathered cap on his head like some sort of pirate. “Norton stop being a thief for five minutes and get your men over to the big hole you made” Norton laughs before ordering two of his men who are standing by to grab up his boys before following behind you.

“So like my handy word Edmund?” He says with the widest grin you've ever seen. “Honestly? Yeah, what did you blow up to do it?” You say as both of you come up to the edge of the crater. He keeps grinning at you. “Ammonium Nitrate” You blink in surprise not just because he named a fertilizer but also because that's probably the most complicated word you ever heard your gapped tooth friend say. “Fertilizer?” He vigorously nods “Turns out mixing it with diesel fuel with this shit makes one big fuckin boom” He makes the motion of an explosion with his hands. “Caught some smugglers coming out of the city and they mentioned the big stockpile of fuel and fertilizer they had here in the harbor one of my boys mentioned mixed they could explode just didn't think it was going to be so big one of my squads are still deaf after lighting it”

The rest of his men soon arrive and you take the time to wrangle them into an impromptu photo which you get one of the many reformist journalists to take for you. After you finish and Nortons men swarm off to continue stealing to their hearts content you clap your friend on the shoulder “Norton what you did here today was a deed of great heroism im going to put you up for a knighthood. Nortons face as you expect is soon filled with an angry scowl “Edmund your my friend but that won't stop me from throwing you into the crater” You pat him the back as you cackle “I wouldn't put it past you Norton”

>Return to Nevefar

>do something else in the city (write In)
>>Return to Nevefar
like I mentioned earlier we probably want to do something to make sure the Monarchist line's against the Junta don't collapse but that is also probably a job for Mr. Steel not Drayton.

Also maybe once we get to Neverfar, try to push for establishing a maximum sentence for the crime of "Rebellion" as 20 years in prison, loss of title and property, and lifetime exile from Ferrovia upon release, so we can reasonably say that none of the people we capture will be executed (unless they committed other crimes like wartime atrocities, or need to be tried for normal criminal activity before the war)
It would probably go a ways to making our job easier (our job being to win the war) if people aren't fighting to the death against us because they're convinced they'll die anyway.
Of course, letting Elric live will essentially end the death penalty as a punishment since all the other rebels will be able to reasonably argue that if he doesn't get executed for his role, they shouldn't, either. But stating that explicitly goes a ways toward presenting the reformists as the most reasonable and humane of the belligerents.
Yeah since junta and bandit kingdom will fight back harder if we don't spare the ex-crown king, then secessionists and bandits will turn to war crimes to resist extinction. We just need to beat down the communists as they will push to kill everyone or cause another civil war.
I would like to point out Elrics survival rests solely on Meredith who has some pragmatic reason to keep elrics children as princes considering his three sons are the only other people in the line of succession
Yeah but we're trying to create a situation where he survives by pushing for a punishment for Rebellion that stops well short of execution so that we can have an easier job of taking back the country. Locking him up for 20 years and sending him into exile (along with other conspirators) would mean we have 20 years to consolidate control over the country and he'd be an old man when he got released, drastically reducing the chances of his causing any trouble.
Also because while we didn't make any explicit promises, we did imply that he wasn't going to be executed when he surrendered to us, and Drayton seems like the kind of person who'd at least do his due diligence to make good on that sort of thing.

A huge part of our strategy so far is convincing our enemies to defect or surrender by guaranteeing their (relative) safety if they come quietly and violently slaughtering them if they choose not to, which put together create a very convincing set of incentives. This just builds on that.

Also, imposing a maximum sentence for all instances of Rebellion would shield Meredith from potential backlash, because it will mean that she is not giving her uncle special treatment that she would not give other rebels.

And even if we're looking at the Commies, there is the example of Emperor Puyi in Communist China to go off of, who was basically allowed to live out his life as a commoner after the war. So it is not impossible that we can bring Mr. Baker and the others in on the plan if we sell it to them convincingly.

I think Drayton should try to make his case for a Maximum Sentence for Rebellion to Baker, Meredith, and the various factions of the Reformist movement using a few of these points.
>Return to Nevefar
You spend a few days making sure your prisoners make it out of the city alive and that the communists aren't executing everyone vaguely related to the nobility and that the reformists aren't stealing everything not nailed down. That done you make your way by train to the capital this time your men coming along with you many of them needing some rest and much of your equipment needing to be repaired or replaced.

The city of Nevefar you swear gets busier each time you visit. There's truly a horde of journalists waiting for you at the train station but a group of Queensguard from the palace surround you and escort you to a waiting staff car saving you from being talked to death by journalists. As you arrive at the palace you are welcomed in by the queensguard who are still on high alert but in a far better mood then the last time you visited. The court itself is buzzing with activity as you enter people chatting about the recent defeat of the monarchists and sound hopeful of the coming campaign against the Junta. You see your nominal communist ally Mr Baker speaking to several other men and he does not seem happy. Likewise you see the queen speaking to Marshal Alric at her throne, and finally you also recognize Duke Mason who seems to be in far better spirits and seems quite popular with the white band on his arm signifying his prisoner status now gone.

Speak too

>Mr Baker

>The queen and Marshal Alric

>Duke mason
>>Mr Baker
I want to bounce the "20 years imprisonment, asset expropriation, and exile" idea off Baker and get him on board on pragmatic grounds before trying to sell it to the Queen. I think he is pragmatic enough to realize why it's a good idea, since we have to end the war before we can actually get on with all the actual reforming that the Reformist Movement wants to do, and giving our enemies a good reason to not fight us to the death will speed up that whole process. And he can't deny that we've gotten good results from instigating mass defections in the past.
...and of course the other side of the coin is our commitment to finding creative, exciting, and intellectually stimulating ways of separating our enemies from their corporeal existence, should they choose not to surrender to our forces. Our mercy begins with the enemy's submission and not a moment before. I'm sure Baker can agree on that point as well.
>Mr Baker

>You see your nominal communist ally Mr Baker speaking to several other men and he does not seem happy. Likewise you see the queen speaking to Marshal Alric at her throne, and finally you also recognize Duke Mason who seems to be in far better spirits and seems quite popular with the white band on his arm signifying his prisoner status now gone.

Looks like the Duke may of charisma maxed his way into being free and becoming part of the constitutional monarchist faction and the commies are mad. While this does help our side and commie cope is always great this also does not bode well for the king getting any major punishment cause after all, if some random duke can talk his way into freedom then what about flesh and blood? If the king (and maybe son?) isn't punished harsh enough this could very well be the straw that breaks the camels back as far as the commies deciding to fight US now if we are unlucky. I hope we don't come to regret taking the king alive.
It's already fucked anon the duke got pardoned and he undeniably participated in a rebellion, at this point unless we can really sell a grandfather clause people are going to be pissed at the arbitrariness even if we do push it through.
>>Mr Baker
we're setting a max sentence not a minimum sentence
Ah, well don't think commies will like that but I'll hold my tongue until after the Baker talk.
You make your way over to Mr baker who see you as you approach and wave off the men standing near him. “Mr Drayton, fine work in Clarks landing” He offers a handshake which you take “Thank you Mr baker you seem upset. Is it the duke over there?” You gesture to Duke mason “That horseshit? I'm mad about it but no that's not what has me so upset” He pulls out a flask taking a long draw from it “While you were in Clarks landing did you happen to find a large stockpile of grain?” You shake you head “No I did see any grain stockpiles” He grimaces “That makes you and every other officer in the city turns out the pretender sold most of last years grain stock to buy weapons” He leans in closer to you “We figured it was going to be a hard summer and fall originally but we thought once we captured the grain stockpile we would be able to scrap by but now?” He leans back and sighs “We've got a bunch of new mouths to feed in the south and barely enough grain for those in the north and half our damn farmers killing eachother”

>Steer toward duke mason as a topic
>offer a solution (write in)
>discuss maximum sentences
>offer a solution: "Is strict rationing already in place? Do we got resources in excess which we could sell for food? Gendarmery being put in place to stop theft and murder?"
>Steer toward duke mason as a topic:
What did the young lad do to remove his armband? Get a mass surrender going?
>discuss maximum sentences
The thing being said earlier.
>offer a solution (write in)

Could we perhaps take some loans to buy grain from somewhere else (or just straight up ask for the grain) and use the weaponry the king bought as collateral? Or hell instead of weaponry we could use some of the kings assets I'm sure the guy has more than enough in valuables and property to cover any loans we would need especially since we took effort to limit looting.

Also this raises a question if we are screwed on grain and the monarchists were about to be screwed on grain then what's going on in the junta? Surely they must be suffering from similar issues as well without outside interference?
supporting, though "those 20 years are going to be a lot harder for old Elric than I initially had in mind. Oh well, he'll get the same rations as any other prisoner. Though I suppose now I know why he expected we were going to hang him."
You look to Mr Baker “surely we haven't run out of credit or we could liquidate some of Elrics assets?” “He shakes his head “money aint the problem out credit is good and with the mountains mostly back under our control we can sell goods on the global market.” He swigs from the flask again. “The real problem is there ain't enough grain to go around Aquila had a bad harvest last year and by the sounds of it they are going to have an even worse one this year we might be looking down the first real famine in the civilized world in nearly a hundred years” “You think for a moment ”The Kreshi have good harvest usually maybe we can buy from them?” He responds with another head shake. “Refusing any trade deals till we handle the last of the bandits in the mountains”

3d100 to convince him on the maximum sentence plan
Rolled 63, 2, 26 = 91 (3d100)

Well atleast we have some sort of solution just need to deal with the bandits first, maybe we could subsidized farmers to dedicate some of their production to generally unprofitable but high yield fast growing crops like rice or potatos in the mean time or do the same thing but more focused on temporarily growing food in land that normally grows cash crops just as a stop gap measure. Regardless rolling time!
Rolled 46, 16, 3 = 65 (3d100)

Cleaning up bandits it is then.
Rolled 38, 71, 16 = 125 (3d100)

Thematically appropriate bad rolls lol
Anyway, I'm willing to back off on this idea a bit if it's not quite gonna go. Plus fuckin' Elric doomed millions of Ferrovians to famine so he's gonna have to take the fall for gross dereliction of duty even if he can skate on the rebellion charges.
Then I recommend him to be stripped of all titles and put into the field to work until his death
Yeah that's probably what 20 years imprisonment is going to look like for a lot of the nobility unless they give us very good reasons not to. I'm still overall in support of the maximum sentence, but if the rolls don't give us enough oomf then that's that.
Nobles like our own Baron who were more or less neutral and did the bare minimum to support the Pretender can probably keep their titles and pursue a more moderate form of land reform where they get paid somewhat for land thats sold to the peasants who work it. Speaking of, maybe some of those more tepid nobles have some supplies squirreled away that they hid from Elric? Might be a line of investigation.
You sigh at the somewhat hopeless situation of the grain but decide its best to press forward. “I wanted to talk to you about potentially setting up a maximum sentence for the rebels when trials start” He looks at you suspiciously “How maximum?” You shift nervously “I was thinking 20 years followed by exile” He snorts “Some of these nobles we've captured have done some real awful things to the common folk of ferrovia Drayton even the more moderate members are demanding most of them should swing for what they have done” you sigh again “Are you amongst them?” He frowns and nods. while the plan for a maximum sentence isnt very popular with the communists maybe you can still convince the reformists

>Go speak to Duke mason
>got speak to Alric and the queen
>>Go speak to Duke mason
Before we leave Baker, tell him,
"I certainly understand where you're coming from. I can't disagree that he should hang, for selling the nation's grain, if nothing else. He stole from my plate and the plates of my men as much as he stole from the rest of the nation. To be honest, I hadn't been completely appraised of the situation before arriving here. Still, I hope you at least see the logic behind the maximum sentence for rebellion. It won't be used as a shield for other crimes, just a way to help convince our enemies to surrender if they haven't done anything specifically horrible otherwise. Not to mention, a legal framework through which to begin the land reform process that makes it obvious we're not motivated by base greed."

But anyway, we need to find out how the Duke got pardoned, and see what he can do to feed the Ferrovian People. He's still working Displaced Persons, I hope. That should put him in a position to make himself useful here.

We should speak to the queen last, once we know what cards are in our hand and which ones are even in the deck.
>got speak to Alric and the queen
>Go speak to Duke mason
>>Go speak to Duke mason
this is me btw I posted on LTE
there are other single posts that are also me at various times
Wont have time to post till late tonight lads
>>Go speak to Duke mason

You mull over Mr Baker's decision before turning to him one last time "I certainly understand where you're coming from. I can't disagree that he should hang, for selling the nation's grain, if nothing else. He stole from my plate and the plates of my men as much as he stole from the rest of the nation. To be honest, I hadn't been completely appraised of the situation before arriving here. Still, I hope you at least see the logic behind the maximum sentence for rebellion. It won't be used as a shield for other crimes, just a way to help convince our enemies to surrender if they haven't done anything specifically horrible otherwise. Not to mention, a legal framework through which to begin the land reform process that makes it obvious we're not motivated by base greed." He he crosses his arms huffing “Ill see if I can convince some of the moderates but the radicals would never agree to anything but the rope or bullet for the traitors”

You wish the depressed communist well and make your way over to duke mason whos chatting to several people. He notices your approach and waves you over “ This is Sir Drayton everyone or better know in the papers as the Crow” You chuckle at your apparent nickname “Glad to see your in better spirits and not a prisoner anymore Mason”

>ask about his status as a prisoner

>write in
>>ask about his status as a prisoner
also assuming that his role with Displaced Persosns isn't the reason for his new status, find out what he's been doing with it. Find out if he has any ideas about the grain crisis
>>ask about his status as a prisoner
“So how did you manage to not be a prisoner anymore, Duke mason?” A twinge of pain on his face at the word duke “Well The queen in all her wisdom decided my selling of my lands was not legal as I sold them to an unofficial government in the form of her uncle. She then confiscated everything but my ducal capital and demoted me to a Baron. I didnt fight this in the courts so she freed me of any other legal problems other than probation. Oh and my family can no longer raise a houseguard.” you pat him on the shoulder “well congrats on atleast being given back some of your land Mason what have you been up to since I was last in the city?” He shrugs “Marshal alrics letting me do some instructional work with the new armored divisions and im trying to figure out how i'm going to pay to maintain my estate now” he waves as the crowd he was speaking to disperses leaving you and Mason alone/

The former duke looks around the room cautiously before leaning in to whisper to you “You know that coup attempt before your last visit, I got contacted by some folk after I got pardoned, they tried to talk me into doing something similar saying how the Reformists were holding the queen at gunpoint It was real odd I figured last time it was the reformists trying to frame the communists for something but that doesn't seem likely at this point”

>thank him for the heads up and go speak with Marshal Alric and the Queen

>write in
>thank him for the heads up and go speak with Marshal Alric and the Queen
>Write in: "Could be a different nation altogether that is trying to destabilize the nation. Can't be the king as I doubt he has the foresight for that and junta is busy holding their territory. Both attempts look like they are trying to break the alliance but have very little backing to push for a major coup attempt."
>thank him for the heads up and go speak with Marshal Alric and the Queen
Probably the same guys/nation that tried to be sneaky with the origins of the weapons seller a couple of threads ago is my bet. Someone clearly wants us all to kill eachother.
>thank him for the heads up and go speak with Marshal Alric and the Queen

alright and 3d100 to see if you notice something on your way over
Rolled 99, 77, 49 = 225 (3d100)

Please don't be another coup attempt.
Rolled 53, 67, 83 = 203 (3d100)

where the foreign spies
No real post till tomorrow likely lads Ive been up for close to 30 hours and must sleep
30 hours up. Yeah I feel ya
Rolled 90, 60, 47 = 197 (3d100)

I'll go ahead and do the last roll
You thank Mason for telling you bout this and turn to begin walking toward the throne to speak to Marshal Alric and the Queen. You've become accustomed to the stares and quick looks you receive from the nobles and other officials when you're at court. The fact your from simple stock and your deeds in the field are the cause of that but you notice someone in the crowd whose eyes will not leave you at all as you walk across the hall. It's a servant or at least someone dressed as one, their eyes tracking your every move until you make eye contact with them.

The servants eyes grow wide and they quickly turn begin moving through the crowd toward the exit with all haste.

>Go after them
>keep heading to the queen
>write in
>Go after them
>write in: Shout: "Intruder" and order the room be closed and stop that servant.
>Go after them
The guy (probably) would of been fine if he just kept his cool a general notices you staring at him so what? Panicking and deciding to speed walk away is probably one of the worst things ya can do ere.
>>Go after them
or, "Stop that man" perhaps.
yeah running is just about the worst thing he could have done
>Go after them

3d100 best of three please
Rolled 23, 13, 32 = 68 (3d100)

get that Mofo.
Rolled 97, 1, 95 = 193 (3d100)

Rolled 68, 11, 99 = 178 (3d100)

Gotta go fast!
This sure is one of the spreads of all time.
that middle roll is unbelievable
You move quickly after the man pushing your way through the crowd tracking him as he goes. Whoever this man is he is real shit at evasion as you manage to keep eyes on him until hes just at the door. You shout at the two queenguard at the door to grab him just as the crowd closes and you lose sight of him.

You manage to push past the crowd coming to find the queensguard who have managed to catch someone. That someone being a young army officer who is clearly not your target. Sprinting past the guards and their detainee you yell about them catching the wrong man. You expect to have lost your prey after making your way out the exit hallway out infront of the hotel turned palace you find him bent over hands on his knees panting only a couple dozen meters from the door. The thought this man is either really dumb or really out of shape occurs to you but you shrug and jog up to him revolver in hand

>arrest him
>interrogate him now
>write in

Im honestly impressed by how bad those middle rolls are
>>write in
detain him, interrogate him behind closed doors nearby. Obviously don't hand him off to anyone else until we know who he is, and get him out of sight asap so he (and we) don't get shot by his handler.
detain him and keep your eyes on him a shes questioned

3d100 best of three
Rolled 63, 35, 70 = 168 (3d100)

Rolled 24, 52, 7 = 83 (3d100)

Rolled 8, 86, 37 = 131 (3d100)

As you come up to the man, the pistol raised you order him to raise his hands. He turns his head to look at you, still panting surprise crosses his face and his hands dart for his waistband. He begins to pull a large bladed knife from his waist when you deliver a hard kick to his side sending the man sprawling the knife skittering away on the concrete. You shove your revolver into his face keeping him on the ground while you wait for a handful of queensguard to arrive.

Technically speaking your not legally allowed to arrest people but the fact this man was armed and most definitely not a member of the hotel staff means you can make a citizen's arrest until the queensguard takes him into custody. They soon arrive and cuff the man and drag him off to a security room deep in the hotel basement you follow behind to make sure you keep an eye on your captured spy? Moron? Whatever he is.

The interrogation begins quickly with the queensguard quite angry at someone bringing a weapon so close to their queen. The spy starts off claiming he was here to free Ferrovia of monarchs once and for all but after one of the queensguard threaten to throw him off the hotel roof this quickly changes. The man begins to say he was payed a large sum of money to attack any high ranking military officers he could find in the court while screaming anti monarchists slogans. He only knows one man involved in the plot a small time merchant here in Nevefar.

>pass this along to Mr steel and wash your hands of it

>seek outt his merchants yourself with a couple of your boys
>pass this along to Mr steel and wash your hands of it
>seek outt his merchants yourself with a couple of your boys
But be polite about it. and do inform the queen and our close allies in the court.

>he was payed a large sum of money to attack any high ranking military officers he could find in the court
We were the fucking target weren't we?
Also did we pay back our old merchant friend from the beginning?
>>seek outt his merchants yourself with a couple of your boys
(I mean, obvious story hook is obvious)
Youve been shuffling some of the loot your men get to that particular merchant but most noble houses at the start of the war liquidated much of their wealth to arm themselves so its nowhere near the amount he expected
>>seek out his merchants yourself with a couple of your boys
>seek outt his merchants yourself with a couple of your boys

alright 4d100 best of three please
Rolled 1, 95, 21, 62 = 179 (4d100)

let's hope it works
oh no
Rolled 70, 10, 78, 71 = 229 (4d100)

well you pulled my ass out of the fire
Rolled 65, 46, 84, 5 = 200 (4d100)

Uh oh
I do gotta say its a bit odd such a out of shape coward who folds at literally the first threat of violence against him would even volunteer for such a suicide mission in the first place.
well that's the thing, isn't it? we don't know where his family is or whether he actually volunteered. It would certainly seem that he was getting set up to be gunned down by the Queensguard and in doing so, cut himself off as a loose end to the conspiracy. I would posit that whoever is behind this would have "succeeded" regardless of the outcome of this guy's mission as long as it caused chaos and disorder in the court and halls of government.
While you could just hand this information off to Mr steel and be done with it your afraid this might get swept up in the hustle and bustle of military intelligence. Your lucky in the fact on the queensguard knows where the merchant does business out of and gets the address written down for you.

The next big hurdle in raiding this merchant is finding the men to do it. Your forces have scattered to the winds on leave and it's only by sheer luck you find a handful of your boys enjoying themselves at a nearby theater. It takes a bit of convincing but you manage to talk them into joining you for your impromptu raid. Men gathered and location found, you just need weapons and transport. Transport is easy as you can borrow a truck from the Queensguard weapons are harder but still manages you manage to borrow a couple of pistols and two shotguns from Norton who is in the area doing something with weapons, You decide better than asking what. How should you conduct the raid?

>go Loud
>write in
>go Loud
If we catch them by surprise, they won't have time to react and might just surrender then and there.
Start of
>go Loud
Try silently, but then go loud when we can't do else.
how many men do we have?
how many entrances?
say we have 8 men and 3 entrances, putting 2 men on each back entrance and going into the third entrance with 4 men would be the easiest. Have a tin whistle to blow if anything gets sketchy, repeated short blasts means come in but don't shoot unless you think you have to, a long continuous whistle means kill everything that moves and isn't us.

basically we bring 4 boys in to "Talk" to the merchant and the others secure a perimeter to make sure that "talk" isn't disturbed. Again we have no reason to suspect the merchant is a Kingpin and lots of reasons to suspect he is not. we'd prefer if he just sat down and had a little chat with us.
Youve got five men with you being the sixth two armed with shotguns and the rest armed with autoloading pistols and you are armed with your service revolver
The trip over to the place of business of the merchant your looking for is a quick one. The man's name is Lenard Fisher apparently pre war a decently well off importer of tobacco who has apparently in recent months taken to price gouging for various consumer goods since the war kicked off. The shop itself is a two story brick affair with an entrance to the front onto the street and a back entrance in the alley behind. The sign above the door reads Fisher Imports in bold letters. The street is relatively barren as you step out of the truck you've split your team in two with a shotgun each one team has gone to the buildings rear prepared to storm in at the first sign of commotion while the other team walks in with you

You step inside the bell above the door ringing as you doo so the front desk is unmanned but you hear a young voice yell from the back that he will be up in a moment. In a few seconds a young man probably not more than 16 years of age leaves the back room carrying a box and sets it down on the counter, turns to you and freezes staring at you in your uniform. His eyes quickly travel over to the men with you especially honing in on the shotgun held at a low ready by one of you men.

3d100 best of three please
Rolled 71, 11, 27 = 109 (3d100)

Rolled 22, 17, 76 = 115 (3d100)

Rolled 71, 54, 87 = 212 (3d100)

that middle roll is out to get us. hopefully the 54 is enough to party
Your pistol is aimed square at the young means chest for a moment as you stare at him before you gesture with it for him to sit down. For the briefest moment your afraid hes going scream or try and run but he slowly nods raising his hands and sitting on the floor muttering about how its just a job and isnt worth getting shot over.

You and your team slowly make your way into the back room after tying up the boy. You can hear several people rummaging around in the backroom talking to each other. The last of your team makes it into the room just as one of them comes around a corner carrying a clipboard. He looks as he does so seeing you and your team. He lets out a loud shit before sprinting around the corner again, dropping his clipboard and beginning to draw a pistol before you can raise your own weapon. He screams alarm as he leans around the corner and begins to fire at you and your team, each of you diving for cover in the crowded room. The pistol shots from him are lound but nearly as loud as the shotgun blast that slams into the man's head as he leans around the corner to fire at you again.

>Shoot your way out
>Demand they surrender
>write in
>Demand they surrender
>Shoot your way out.
I have a feeling they'll shoot themselves to avoid capture if we don't act quickly.
>Demand they surrender
>write in: say: "We are the Crows if you don't surrender you're all dead."
if not possible
>Shoot your way out
Do keep in mind we do have the boy captured so it isn't a total loss even if they do decide to straight up suicide cult themselves.
>>Demand they surrender
>>Shoot your way out
If they don't want to
Ok so talk your way out if that fails shoot your way out

3d100 best of three please
Rolled 58, 5, 89 = 152 (3d100)

This will end well
Rolled 11, 74, 27 = 112 (3d100)

Rolled 33, 84, 88 = 205 (3d100)

Welp. Good rolls on the ones I didn't need, at least.
While crouching behind one of the many creates that litter the room you decide maybe you can talk them down. “Hey! Were with the crown damn it lay down your guns before our armor shows you morons!” The gun fire from the thugs slackens for a moment before you hear some arguing before hearing the words “Fuck you fisher this aint worth getting killed for” You hear several guns clatter to the floor and four men run from cover to the back door unarmed.

There still seems to be several armed men on the otherside of the room from you and just as you start coming up with ideas to handle them your shotgunner yells to you all “DUCK!”. You dutifully hit the floor as he swings around his cover. The pump action shotgun has never been a standard issue weapon with the airborne but this man must have had some prior service before the airborne as he proceeds to use a technique straight from the trench warfare tactics of the great war. He pulls the trigger and begins to pump the shotgun as fast as he can, sending eight buckshot shells into the enemy cover in rapid succession.

The enemies cover is shredded by this you see at least two of the thugs fall to the ground injured or dead. Taking advantage of this you and the rest of the team push up killing the last of the thugs and finding who you assume to be Mr fisher clutching his side where he's been wounded by gunfire

>Interrogate him
>go for his office for any evidence
>Write: Do some first aid
>Interrogate him
>go for his office for any evidence
Supporting. At least so he doesnt bleed out.
Also the two thugs who ran got a bit of a surprise when they got to the back door, I bet.
+1 although as long as we stop the bleeding guy should be fine for atleast the short term, if your gonna get shot the side is probably the safest spot ya can get shot outside of getting shot in the rear or something.
>Write: Do some first aid
>Interrogate him
>go for his office for any evidence

4d100 please
Rolled 11, 11, 74, 27 = 123 (4d100)

Rolled 28, 93, 29, 31 = 181 (4d100)

No wait, is it just 4d100, not best of three?
best of three
Rolled 71, 16, 9, 26 = 122 (4d100)

You crouch down next to the injured merchant as your team secures the injured thugs and your back door team drags the routed team back into the room. “Mr Fisher I assume?” The man clutches his side in pain; several of the shotgun pellets having pierced his side; he nods while gritting his teeth in pain. Digging around in your pocket you pull out the small metal tin that contains your personal aid kit. You pop it open pulling out a morphine serrete and hold it up for him to see. “Answer my questions honestly and I'll give this to you and make sure you get to a doctor as quickly as possible. He nods again, still fighting off the pain from his wound. “Who was your target at the court today”

Between gasps he answers “The Marshal admiral of the navy or the Air Marshal” tapping the serrete you ask your next question “Why them?” you hold out one of the bandages to him so he may pack the wound some before he answers “I dont know damn it that's just who the folk who hired me asked me to do” Hes starting to look somewhat pale you you figure you've got one last question “Who hired you?” He stares longingly at the serrete before answering “Some man witha corellian accent didn't tell me why but it's the same deal with the rumors about the commies just spread em and I get paid” You inject the man with the morphine serrete before gesturing to your man to grab him and load him up into the truck

3d100 to see how the search of the office goes
Fuckin called it.
Rolled 64, 17, 78 = 159 (3d100)

Rolled 12, 13, 34 = 59 (3d100)

Rolled 41, 48, 86 = 175 (3d100)

Heading into the business office you find another of your men holding two young womens cleary secretaries at gunpoint. They are sitting next to a smoldering trash can and a stack of various papers clearly meant to be burned. They both demand lawyers when you try to ask them questions so you turn to the pile of papers. The majority of the papers show clear signs Mr fisher deals with smuggled or contraband materials but the papers you do find that interest you are related to a particular Corelian corporation that had payed Mr fisher a great sum of money with no listed reason.

The company doesnt seem familiar to you and none of the names mentioned besides Mr Fisher either, you do find some papers which imply Mr Fisher owns the home of the attempted assassin. You can either kick this information over to the crown intelligence service or Mr steel who should inform you before anyone else of the results.

>Mr steel

>Crown Intelligence service
>Mr steel
>Crown Intelligence service
This conspiracy needs all resources to be used.
>>Mr steel
>>Crown Intelligence service
both, Mr. Steel first.
>Mr steel
I have a suspicion there could be a mole in the Crown Intelligence Service considering there overall incompetence so far in actually tracking this down or even considering there could be a conspiracy. While letting them both know probably would stop the conspiracy in its tracks it could potentially give whoever is behind it a heads up allowing them to escape from prosecution.
You pass Mr Fisher and the documents to the CIS and Mr steel hoping to hear back about what the hell is actually going on soon. The city of Nevefar has apparently quickly become home to all sorts of very shady characters in the last few months from smugglers like Mr fisher to spies and organized crime. The crown has done its best to curb both but simply put most of its focus on putting down unrest in recently liberated areas.

Now thats your down tracking down as much of the plot as you can its time to decide what you want to do next. You could attempt to find more equipment for your men. You could maybe visit the press to hopefully expand your popularity or you could schedule a private meeting with the queen.

>private meeting with the queen
>Visit an arms factory
>interview with the press

Sorry about no update last night lads had now power due to a storm
>Visit an arms factory
What may be best for us is not always what is best for the war effort. Unless someone has some very clever pitch to the queen I say Let us secure our lads some more weaponry to make fighting the junta easier when it comes time for that.
>private meeting with the queen
We should suggest to her to give out some message of unity with all the parts of our faction to show unity. This way enemy spooks can't play us against eachother.
>>private meeting with the queen
>>private meeting with the queen
The day after your little escapade in capturing Mr fisher you arrange for a private meeting with the Queen and Marshal Alric. The hotel turned palace does honestly feel more like a palace these days; someone found the time to hand Meredith's Sgil on the walls and Queensguard stand at nearly every single doorway. You even recognize some of the Queensguard from clarks landing their comrades having accepted them back into the fold readily .

You enter a dining hall thats been set aside for meetings like this, various tables and chairs pushed to the side of the room with Meredith sitting in a chair on one end and Marshal Alric standing at her side. Coming to a stop halfway through the room you stop and deeply bow to the queen and then deliver a salute to Marshal Alric one he returns. “Welcome Sir drayton congratulations on your capture of my Uncle and cousins, what can I do for you today?” The young queen smiles at you

>write in
>write in: The message of unity shared earlier (with reporters, cameras all the papers and shit) and also for a full focus on taking the Kresh mountains as fast as possible to alleviate the food focsu.
Also maybe mention our little escapade with the Corelian agents.
You stand at ease in front of the queen and marshal Alric “I'd first wish to know if your aware of my recent discoveries?” She nods as well as marshal Alric “yes Myself and Alric were briefed on it this morning alongside our regular intelligence briefing the idea of some third party attempting to sow chaos is disconcerting”

Steading yourself you speak “It is my opinion we need to hammer home on the unity in our government lest we be tricked into killing each other, The coup attempt and the attempted assanation of one of the chiefs of staff could have both sent us into a spiral of death and carnage” She rest her head on her chin “Unity is easier said than done Sir drayton the communists aim to kill not only my uncle a act i'm not entirely against but also kill his sons and along with them all of my legitimate heirs which could open us up to potential claimants in the exiled Arbeiterian royalty or the Aqulian empire pressing one of its old claims. But I am willing to try not only due to your request but also because it's the only option for our survival”

>another topic

>return to the front

>write in
>another topic
Asking permission to launch a full invasion of the bandit kingdom so we can start trading for food.
Forgot: put in a good word for Captain Fisk.
Seconding this. I'd also like to hear if we've had any plans to retake the capital and isolate the Junta from the sea.
No post tonight had some things come up

Ferrovian fun fact Modern day ferrovians are not from ferrovia originally they arrived in what is today ferrovia little over a thousand years ago from somewhere in the fogged seas
Oh so Ferrovians are sea people, neato.
Shift you weight you bow slightly at her agreement to your request “I also ask permission to finish off the bandits in the Kresh mountains in hopes we can convince the Kreshi to reopen trade” She nods in approval “Youve proven yourself more than adequate as an independent commander so i give you leave to do as you wish although we wont be able to support your push as all available units not acting as garrisons will be need for the coming souther offensive against the Junta”

>another topic

>return to the front
>return to the front
>Return to the front
>>return to the front
>>return to the front
Having made up your mind on finishing off the bandits in the kresh mountains you spend the next week or so resting this being the first real break you've had in over six months. During your rest you decide to go through your mail which has built up as apparently not only have you become quite popular domestically but youve become something of the public face of the reformist military abroad. The large majority of the letters are something close to fan letters with many of them cheering you on in your military escapades. You respond to some but its soon time to head south to finish the bandits off before the Kreshi Republic decides to outright embargo what little trade Ferrovia still does with them.

The train ride is smooth as you arrive at the foot of the Kresh mountains east of clarks landing your men forming up. You have at current count two airborne battalions three regular infantry under the F.A.G and two armored companies as well as Norton and his men arriving with a little under strength battalion.

3d100 best of three please
Rolled 34, 91, 7 = 132 (3d100)

Rolled 64, 12, 38 = 114 (3d100)

Do we still have that mountaineering equipment?
Rolled 47, 34, 50 = 131 (3d100)

Surely outside of cannibalism, they have to be practically walking corpses at this point. I imagine they would have already eaten all the easy pickings and leftover supplies by now. No way there's enough food for all of them.
Yeah but they can also steal food from the Kreshi side of the border (which is why we're doing this in the first place)
I'm aware of that but does Kreshi not have a army or something? Sounds like a skill issue frankly.
The Kreshi army in the laughing stock of the civilized world, The war they fought(against ferrovia of course) lasted less than a month and was a complete loss for them
Your men are used to this sort of thing by now arriving in a new location, setting up base camp, driving through some part of the nation they have never been and then kill their fellow countrymen while doing so. This time though you feel like nobody is going to have many reservations on doing the killing, the foothills of the southern Kresh mountain are desolate, any structure having either been abandoned or outright burnt to the ground. This makes sense considering the southern mountains are home to the largest of the penal colonies the Devon mining and processing camp originally home to nearly 20,000 penal laborers; you truly wonder how many of them survived the winter and spring.

Your men make good headway into the mountains traveling up trails normally used for the maintenance of the railroad that would normally be the only method of travel to the main camp. Your scouts soni come across a roadblock thats been erected on the road but find it curiously abandoned and recently too, It seems the bandits more than likely know your coming.

>push hard and fast

>cautious and slow
>push hard and fast
We're not encountering any resistance so far.
>cautious and slow
We're not encountering any resistance so far...
>>cautious and slow
If they know where we are and we don't know where they are, we need to be cautious.
Rolled 50, 86, 62 = 198 (3d100)

>>cautious and slow

No need to rush

3d100 best of three please dont mind the roll :)
Rolled 18, 13, 15 = 46 (3d100)

Rolled 34, 59, 5 = 98 (3d100)

Rolled 32, 36, 10 = 78 (3d100)

We're screwed
That's rough
damn those are some rough roles will update tomorrow
The main body of your force continues up the steep roads of the kresh mountains occasionally finding abandoned roadblocks and other signs of activity. Your men soon round the corner on a flatter portion of the road and come face to face with a gruesome sight. The prisoners have made several makeshift cages and inside said cages are human bones and scraps of guard uniforms from the camps.

A few of your men dismount to examine the bones when suddenly the crack of gunfire is heard and one of your men hits the ground, soon dozens of gunshots join the first as the bandits initiate an ambush one of your halftracks explodes as an improvised explosive is throw from the steep hillsides surrounding the road. You see your men try to scramble and return fire but the sheer volume of enemy fire and tight confines makes shooting back extremely difficult.


>assault through the ambush
If the halftrack is one of our guntrucks, sabogate the guns so the bandits can't use them against us.
>assault through the ambush
When dealing with ambushes like this standard doctrine is to get in your vehicle (if not already in one) put your head down and fuckin floor it through the ambush you believe it or not usually have a better chance of surviving by trying to force through then attempting to retreat.
>assault through the ambush
Tempo tempo tempo worked for us last time.
>>assault through the ambush
The only way out is through
>assault through the ambush

Dont sit in an ambush 3d100 best of three please
Rolled 88, 33, 84 = 205 (3d100)

Let's go!
Rolled 85, 30, 42 = 157 (3d100)

I'm fast as fuck boyyy
Rolled 81, 47, 55 = 183 (3d100)

Swearing to yourself you order the convoy to remount and push through the attack. Your infantry send a few more shots back up in the hills before remounting their trucks and start to drive forward. The pace is kept low due to the steepness of the road and general poor quality of the road surface but they still manage to make their way out of the ambush. The fire you do manage to return at the bandits as you push seems incredibly ineffective but it seems the enemies own fire seem lackluster aswell now that the shock of their ambush is over.

The roads and trails in the area all seem the same, very quiet with the occasional ambush making itself known, It seems like you're just going to have to grin and bear the casualties and annoying ambushes for the time being until you reach the labor camp itself.

3d100 best of three please
Rolled 71, 59, 80 = 210 (3d100)

Go! Go! Go!
Rolled 28, 89, 38 = 155 (3d100)

No turning back now! Brrrrrrrr
Rolled 2, 56, 38 = 96 (3d100)

Can we call for a paradrop if we need to be reinforced/resupplied? The bandits may have control over the roads, but have the upper hand in the skies.
That is an option but the terrain is very rough anything dropped in the area might become damaged
You were right the ambushes are near constant. You make your way up the mountain a two day drive soon becoming nearly a week as you have to push past roadblocks and clear a winter and a spring worth of rockslides from the road. Thankfully you take few if any casualties during your week long trek the bandits content to not try and bring proper battle to you as you push toward their mountainous capital.

You soon get your first good look at the labor camp on an overlooking hill. The camp looks more like a city but wrong, each building looks the same, no variation at all tall apartment buildings mixed what you assume to be company stores around them. The streets are in a perfect grid, all of this almost uncanny look accompanied by the surrounding barbed wire topped fence. You can see the bandits have dug in trenches, fighting positions, and even makeshift bunkers made out of quarried stone.

>Bombard them


>frontal assault
then if they even think of being obstinate about our gracious and benevolent offer to allow them to volunteer into the Ferrovian People's Army, then...
>>Bombard them
get the field guns sighted in, make sure the planes are gassed up and ready to go, and have at it.
like, I mean presight the artillery and order the gunships on standby before offering to parley.
>Bombard them

3d100 best of three please
Rolled 37, 57, 7 = 101 (3d100)

And 1,1,1
Rolled 23, 59, 17 = 99 (3d100)

ok nothing can possibly go wrong, right?
yeah i kinda deserved that
Rolled 92, 35, 43 = 170 (3d100)

if nobody else rolls is it alright if I do it again?
I must redeem myself for my transgressions against the RNG Gods.
I mean if that first roll is for negotiations then I sat redeemed
*say I really gotta start reading over my posts before sending them.
i mean it's not like i'm much better at proofreading lol
i hope it is for negotiations. it would be nice to get this solved without wasting ammo and our men's lives.
Good news you manged to not get shot while negotiating

Bad news no real post till tomorrow
The bandits can be seen peeking out of their fighting positions and bunkers as you make you way down a rock strewn hill into the valley the camp is built in. The white flag of truce flutters on a makeshift pole as you approach. The order to halt is throw at you from one of the bunkers as you get within a few hundred meters of the first of the defenses. They demand your business and you politely request to speak to their leader informing them who you are and warning them theres a significant amount of artillery and aircraft nearby to make taking your prisoner or killing you a very bad idea.

They leave you waiting there for several minutes before an older gentleman crawls out of a nearby trench and slowly hobbles toward you. “Well what Deal do you have for the King of Kresh?”

>whats your offer?
what about telling the truth? That we need to take care of the bandit problem in order for Ferrovia to start importing grain from the Kreshi, and we don't particularly care what happens as long as we do exactly that. The simplest thing would be to reorganize them as a new division of the Ferrovian People's Army, send them to fight the Junta, and anyone who is still around on Victory Day gets to muster out with their rank, a new name if they'd like one, and a clean record. If they have a better idea, we're open to suggestion.

We can also mention that based on what we've learned so far; many of them were innocent when they were sent to the labor camps, or were given cruel and unusual punishments for crimes that did not meet the criteria for exile. (it doesn't matter whether this is true or whether Drayton thinks it is true, btw)

If they aren't willing to work with us, we have other options available that would be much less pleasant for everyone involved, but options that we are perfectly willing to see through to the end.
Supporting. One way or another, the grain WILL flow.
You stare him down for a moment before responding “I'm going to offer you the chance to make it out of this alive and when the war is over a pardon, but first I need you to come down out of the mountains and do some fighting against the Junta just to make the politicians and the like to forget about whatever crimes you may have or haven't done in the past.” THe older man turns to the trenches and gains a thoughtful look

1d100 best of three
Rolled 75 (1d100)

please RNG please
that's not bad, right?
Rolled 77 (1d100)

Rolled 72 (1d100)

Come on
His eyes trail over the trenches and bunkers the occasional face of a former prison peeking out at him “You know son if the revolt had begun a year or two ago none of your boys would have made it up our mountains alive, We had some real killers up here back then communists, pirates even some real mafia lads. Now though? Bunch of thieves dealers and smugglers nobody who ever fired a gun before now. I figured thanks to the terrain we might have had a chance before you took out the northern camps but now?” He shakes his head in disgust “Sounds like you want us to exchange a death up in here in this damn prison or a death in some field outside Ironhaven”

You fix the old man with a calm look “No what im offering you is a choice between maybe dying in some field outside Ironhaven or a promise of a death to aircraft and artillery over the course of weeks” The self proclaimed king of Kresh sighs. “I guess death with a full belly sounds better then starving up here, You've got yourself a deal Crow”

Youve taken nearly 10000 men prisoner but only around 4000 are in any condition to fight how would you like to add them to your command?”

>Add them to the as regular infantry F.A.G

>make a new formation just for them

>give them to Norton
>>give them to Norton
We have our own bandit king
(Check with Norton first, of course, but I think he'll be fine with it)
>>give them to Norton
>give them to Norton
Looks like we finaly will have a large marine force to cross rivers.
You don't have to look long for Norton finding him but to say he's shocked at you giving him nearly 4000 men to now command is an understatement. He agrees only on the condition of him gaining a new rank so you promote him to colonel and wish him luck in wrangling more thieves and murderers

The camp is soon cleared out as you go searching for any remnants of paperwork from the camp's administration. The papers you manage to find in whats left of the administration building paint a horrible picture: the more problematic prisoners for the nobles such as the communists and other rebels had been systematically moved from the camp and into the surrounding hills to make room for much more placid ones from the south. It doesn't take you long to find the mass graves of the prisoners having been shot and dumped into old mines left to rot. There a quite a few big names listed on the papers ordering this at the very top of that list being Prince Elric.

>make the information public
>destroy the evidence
>write in
let's hold on to it for now.
we might need it.

but making it public right now might be a little problematic in its own right.
maybe we should consult Mr. Steel and see what he thinks.
>write in: send it to the queen to do as she wishes
>>make the information public
>write-in: hold on to it for now
If we had received this information a few months earlier, we would've made it public to further aid the war effort against the Monarchists. But since they've been defeated already, releasing this info would cause an outcry.
Yeah. We definitely want to prosecute them down the line, but it might not help us to release it right away.
Also goes without saying, we want to get photos of the graves and the documents (maybe photocopies? Photocopies are a surprisingly old technology) and keep them somewhere safe.
Between this and SELLING THE NATION'S GRAIN SUPPLY, Elric really punched his own card, there's nothing we can or should do to protect him at this point. It might be possible to keep one or both of his sons alive, especially the one who was caught during the rout, but the Pretender himself only has a ticket for a one way trip. The lightest sentence he can possibly get is life in prison as an actual prisoner not just a hotel guest who can never leave.
But as always, Drayton's primary concern is ending the shooting war, not all that other nonsense.
>write-in: hold on to it for now

alright 3d100 for somethings that will be happening in the coming days please :)
Rolled 43, 8, 88 = 139 (3d100)

Rolled 63, 26, 81 = 170 (3d100)

Rolled 16, 95, 100 = 211 (3d100)

My goodness
Every day Norton gets a little bit closer to being a straight up warlord.
Honestly all that separates you both as warlords is a loyalty to the queen on your part and Nortons loyalty to you
The past few days have been meant to be time for your men to rest and time for nortons new found horde of criminals to be outfitted with uniforms and formed into something resembling a proper fighting force. What it turns into is a hectic race down the mountain when word from the front north of Ironhaven arrives. The information states a large scale collapse of a large section of the enemy line has happened and a desperate call for any available units to the front has been made to take advantage of the collapse.

The question is which part of the front do you wish to fill in?

>The plains in the north
>Hill country of the east
>fields of the coastal south
>The plains in the north
Its where the capital is at if we threaten the capital the other fronts will naturally start faltering as well as troops start retreating back to defend the capital and if we capture the capital its pretty much GG.
Can we have an updated map btw? There hasn't been one in this thread yet as far as i'm aware.
File: 1690133819249974.png (5.12 MB, 2048x2048)
5.12 MB
5.12 MB PNG
Updated Map
Thank ya.
>>fields of the coastal south
Closer than the north, and we can potentially take most of their territory south of the river, which would greatly narrow their sea corridor and leave them very nearly surrounded.
>Fields of the coastal south
We got marines for this
>The plains in the north
We've got SOME marines, but we still need to get our vehicles and infantry into the city.
I wasn't thinking about making a thunderrun to the last battle I was just thinking about carving off chunks of their territory to degrade their ability to resist us effectively
Rolled 2 (1d2)

2 and 2 rolling for tiebreaker

1 north

2 south
The coastal south pushing toward ironhaven in hopes of taking the capital and hopefully forcing the enemy off the rest of their lines. You reach the foot of the mountains quickly and soon find yourself a train to appropriate. Your men arent the happiest to be forced to ride in freight cars but you dont have much choice as any passenger trains have been co opted by other units already.

The train makes the treks west as fast as it can, passing through wartorn ferrovia intent on bringing the war to the Junta. The train soon stops in the wind swept plains not far from ferrovias west coast. Like a well oiled machine your men disembark and set up camp ready to take the fight to the enemy the next morning.

3d100 best of three please
Rolled 95, 2, 81 = 178 (3d100)

Rolled 61, 2, 26 = 89 (3d100)

hello yes
Rolled 44, 24, 96 = 164 (3d100)

it ate my last roll so i hope this one is better than a middle 2
pls rng pls.
I mean not much better but a little better
It's weird how consistently mid and or terrible our middle rolls seem to be.
It was weird how high our rolls were for the most part of the quest. Kinda was bound to happen.
I mean yeah but I can't complain about things that go our way

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