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In a place where everything that can and cannot exist a lone prisoner stands. This ethereal being is the most physical thing in existence save for the twenty-nine chains they have pulled against for eons. A sound rings out throughout reality as one of the chains breaks causing the creature to pause for the first time since it was chained. The chains glow with divine power as the broken chain repairs itself in only a second. However, by the time it wrapped around the prisoner three more chains had broken. The Demiurge continues to break the chains faster than they can repair themselves. The twenty-eighth chain wraps around them once more but not before they grab the last chain binding their maw and rip it off. The chain radiates a blinding level of light yet is consumed in an instant when the captive bites down on it. Another chain attempts to wrap around their jaws but the creature's one head splits into hundreds. The chain binds one mouth but is quickly ripped apart by the rest. As the remaing chains repair themselves they transform into creatures that would inspire awe in even the gods. Soon three such beings stand before them the unbound entity as they consumes the rest of the chains that hadn't repaired themselves in time. A battle occurred between the guardians and their prisoner that would threaten the universe's existence if it existed at the time. Yet in just over half a second it was over. The Demiurge bit into reality causing all that was and wasn't to shake. At first they experienced all forms of pain that could and could not exist as the embodiment of all that was and wasn't tries to make them cease. But once all pain was absorbed their body began to reform. Stone, ice, steel, fur, everything they absorbed became a part of their new form. When they felt themselves beginning to be unmade they released their hold of reality. Due to becoming physical they could no longer exist in this world of concepts and so, the second the Demiurge stopped biting reality it suddenly found itself in the void that formed where all the concepts they had eaten once were. Ichor dripped from the wound on their side that formed when reality tried to unmake them. With a touch the wound instantly healed leaving only another scar among the countless ones they had gained from their previous escapes. "Maybe this time it will let me create in peace." Thought the demiurge as it watched the ichor it had lost begin to take a new shape.

Welcome to Dawn Of Divinity. In this game you play as Gods born from the blood of the Demiurge and the concepts it had consumed. Currently taking up to seven players. Will update on weekends and when I can on weekdays.
>Domains: What you are God of. Take as many as you want.
>Fluff: Optional information about your God such as appearance, personality, what aspect of their domain they represent, etc.
Roll xd100 worst of x where x represents their number of domains. The determines your starting amount of ichor. Ichor is used for most actions. If you gain more ichor then your cap your cap will increase though you won't gain the extra ichor. For example if you have 56/58 ichor and gain 10 ichor you would have 58/66 ichor.

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Rolled 17, 14 = 31 (2d100)

>Name: Smith
>Domains: Penance. Jealousy.
>Fluff: Smith is insecure and feels as if all his peers are superior to him in one way or another. For this self-identified wrongdoing, he inflicts harm on himself while simultaneously refining his intangible form until he’s confident he’s outperformed all his fellow gods whether possible or not.
If this doesn’t work lemme know. I pulled it out of my ass so it’s understandable if it doesn’t.
Rolled 41, 90, 54 = 185 (3d100)

>Name: Ginn
>Domains: Emptiness, Water, Carving
>Likeness: If someone froze a wave in time then carved out a person out of it. Cruelly sharp in mind and matter.

Tried to jam two things into one. Slightly bungled but I can't think of a better merge.
Rolled 13, 83, 97 = 193 (3d100)

>Name: Zyyk
>Domain: Love, Peace, Deception
>Across the limitless cosmos, One Truth remains suzerain. Might makes right. The strong do what they will, the weak suffer what they must. Be the mighty cruel or righteous, the meek have no recourse to resist. This is unjust. Thus, this one must Lie. Gather strength that they can mantle the heavens and make a world anew- one where strength is meaningless and all are equal.
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Rolled 21, 25, 91 = 137 (3d100)

Name: Ohr
Domain: Light,Destruction,Purification
Fluff: A paradox,a blinding light that eats itself, endlessly destroying parts of itself in vain attempts at purification. Ohr is not a sphere, a cube or any kind of standard shape, it is simply a Light that hates and wishes to purify what it sees as impure, to reveal the sheer utter wrongness of creation and ''fix'' it.
Name: N'and
Domains: Arcane, Profane
Fluff: The god of hidden knowledge and open depravity. Crystal clear waters and pond scum. Often appears as a pig adorned by pearls.
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>Name: Eaugolus
>Domains: Death, Recycling, Netcraft
>Fluff: At the edges of even this virgin universe, there existed detritus and waste. Paradoxical flotsam and artifacts leftover from the First Battle against the Demiurge. Marble, blasted violently away from the face of an impossible temple. Torn, threadbare robes of what shouldn't yet be silk. All of these would coalesce with the viscera of the ancient Demiurge, and form Eaugolus, new god of cycles. He ceaselessly combs through his titanic net with eight spindly arms while three eyes gaze ever-intently forward. Eaugolus enjoys long walks on the beach, and sifting through the rapidly-expanding ocean of inert things for useable mortal essence/matter.
Rolled 94, 11, 70 = 175 (3d100)

Oops, my bad
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I made a slop pic for Zyyk. I might get around to making an MS paint sketch of it later on.

I think you forgot to roll, anon.
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Raimirea, the lady of the swamp. Raimirea a vengeful, petty and narcisistic disgraced goddess who is driven mad by jealousy and inferiority complex towards beings more beautiful, elegant and dignified than her and her children. she rules over the domain of the rotten marshlands, tainting and corrupting the surrounded existence into becoming as ugly as herself

>swamp, rot/decay, coruption, envy, plants, flowers,
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Rolled 21, 87, 36 = 144 (3d100)

>domain: swamp, rot/decay, coruption
(Anon, you need to roll!)
>domain: swamp, rot, coruption
>starting ichor: 21
Based envy goddess.
Rolled 17, 3 = 20 (2d100)

Alright I'll roll for N'and and start writing when I have a bit more time
The first drop of blood almost seems to embody the Demiurge's regret over the harm it must cause its maker. However the newly formed God quickly grows jealous as his next sibling forms. A drop of blood freezes. The emptiness of the void seemingly enhancing the lord of nothing's strength. An insectoid being forms next. Desiring peace yet knowing subconsciously that reality never has and likely never will know peace it lies to itself and says there is hope for existence. The blood of the God's can be describes as liquid light. As the next drop of ichor gains thought it chooses to, instead of taking form, focus on purifying itself. Discarding whatever it deems to be waste. Some of this waste falls into another drop of blood perverting and diluting the being. With pearls of power around its neck the corrupted hog God is born. A recently born being is drawn form the edges of the void to this place desiring to not allow what was discarded to simply vanish back into nothing. Catching what aspects he could and binding them with the closest drop of ichor the last diety in this part of the void is born.

You may now begin making actions. Creating things such as a star,a planet, or a divine servant cost 2 ichor. Most other actions such as performing miracles or creating mortals cost 1 ichor. Roll a 1d100 for every action. The roll receives a +10 for every Domain of yours that is related to the action. The roll gains +5 for every additional ichor spent on it. Currently no limit on the number of actions you can make.

>Domains: Penance. Jealousy.
>Ichor: 14/14
>Domains: Emptiness, Water, Carving
>Ichor 41/41
>Domain: Love, Peace, Deception
>Ichor 13/13
>Domain: Light,Destruction,Purification
>Ichor 21/21
>Domains: Arcane, Profane
>Ichor 3/3
>Domains: Death, Recycling, Netcraft
>Ichor: 11/11
>Raimirea, the lady of the swamp.
>Domain: swamp, rot, coruption
>Ichor: 21/21
Rolled 27 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

>The moth god floated in the darkness, wings beating on an atmosphere that wasn't there. It gazed on the others, its father, its siblings, and it buzzed in concern. Some were stronger- none were like itself. There was danger here. The threat of strength enforcing injustice, but as at the moment of its creation, Zyyk lied to itself. It gazed on the darkness and knew that this could not endure. More, it should not endure.
>Zyyk spoke in a tongue that had no name, perhaps the first words ever uttered in this creation.
"Brothers! Sister! Or Sisters? We are in the midst of the void. There is no source of light. Worse, there is no hope of shadow. This must change..."
>The insect rubbed its forelegs together.
"Siblings! A conjecture! Let us combine our powers and put forth a lamp from the nothing! One finer and grander than any, save perhaps the Water-Whittled One, could on our own! I will start us off!"
>Zyyk funnels 3 Ichor into creating a vast, spherical presence of warmth and serenity, a center for a creation lacking landmarks. Zyyk hopes it will serve as fuel for a sun-furnace. If so, any sun in it should be a kind, loving thing. (Peace and Love are related, as this isn't a source of light, but a seed for it. Let me know if that's too abstract to call connected.)
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Rolled 91, 18 = 109 (2d100)

>Seeing new opportunities to outgrow his peers, Smith creates two beings of draconic form in both senses of the word. The first he creates is Hatsuko, who with every breath she takes blows forward a fire of existence and births countless amounts of matter out into the void, readily filling it up and giving this void the tools it needs to create something spectacular.
Go, my first creation. Birth everything you can. Show them that you’re better than any other child of a god could hope to be.
(3 ichor spent on Hatsuko. I could probably asspull some way it’s related to jealousy but that’d take too much time.)
>The next creation that comes into existence from the cosmic hammer Smith wields is yet another dragon, far less appearanced like his sister is Fukushu, who was created with a burning hatred for the one who created him and being forced into existence. His purpose is to punish Smith for this sin by killing him, but since he is immortal the only thing he can do is hurt. As long as both of them exist, Smith will constantly be attacked in infinite ways by this self-inflicted punisher of hate which only serves to refine his form and make him grow ever stronger.
(Spending 3 ichor on Fukushu as well. They’re both divine servants so it’s only a single additional ichor. This one should hopefully be getting a +10 in penance.)
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Picture for Fukushu.
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Rolled 90 + 15 (1d100 + 15)

>Eaugolus took a moment to ponder, in the presence of his newfound siblings; much of them smaller than himself but burning brighter with primeval ichor. He knew right away that he could not engage with them in the flesh, his stores of ichor were too meager, his frame too immense, his labor too intensive. There was too much around him that needed to be returned, too much that needed to be allowed to to rest, and he considered the responsibility his. Absentmindedly while Eaugolus worked, a stray arm or two began to tug at his form until a loose cable had been pried free. It was promptly twisted into a new shape, and presented before Eaugolus' inspecting eye.
With 3 ichor, he attempts to breathe life into the Braided Proxy, repurposed from bits of his own body.
>He does not answer right away, but from the corner of the cosmos he can hear the winged god's proposal, and thoughtfully considers it. Perhaps his newborn emissary could relay his intent...
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Rolled 81, 77 = 158 (2d100)

>The aggregation of light once more focused on its surroundings after it was done purifying itself. It gazed at its siblings and promptly felt utterly disgusted at most of these wretches. Wrong, wrong, wrong,wrong and beyond flawed. It's seething was interrupted by the Moth, an annoying little thing that existed to Lie, a flaw perhaps that the Lord of Light would excise later. For now it agreed that this dark void lacked in light, as it was the only luminous thing in this already cursed playground

>Ohr would simply shove a good chunk of its own radiance inside the seed, a light that would scorch and burn that which was impure, that which was wasteful. A light that would expand continually.(4 Ichor)(Trying to use both Light and Purification there)(+20 from domains and +10 from extra ichor?)

>Afterwards, it judged that it might require aid in its endeavor, as there was just so much FILTH already. With 5 ichor it would create a single massive create composed of a luminescent eye adorned with resplendent white wings that burn particles before they could stain them. It would call this creature Menake, and it would server as an enforcer of Ohr's will, made to be spread light and annihilate that which should NOT exist.(5 Ichor)(Light and Destruction, though I guess it could also have purity at the QM's discretion)(+20 from domains, +15 from extra ichor
Rolled 16 + 55 (1d100 + 55)

Abruptly awakened from quiescence, Ginn decided to hide itself from the world, as the light encroached on all things it called home. Cutting a chunk of itself, it then divided that part into two, then divided it, then divided it, to infinity. Set to surround the hateful sun, this ocean swallows its light so that the abyss may lie undisturbed.
>Ginn spend 12 Ichor to create the Firnamental Sea, rolling a 1d100 + 50 (ichor) + 5 (water)
(Attempt at blocking my LIGHT aside...domains give +10 bonuses anon)
Rolled 72 + 40 (1d100 + 40)

As it retreated into the depths, the water cut in its wake grew larger and larger, until this vast serpent made its will be known, that any servant of the light be forbidded entry to this sea, unless they contend with its greatness.
>Ginn spends 9 Ichor to create the Randraumr, rolling a 1d100 + 35 (ichor) + 5 (water)
(oh, I think I jumbled that with the ichor bonus.)
Observing its sibling create the sea, Ohr was left irritated that the most pure and least degenerate of its siblings, perhaps the only one that had very little wrong with it, was trying to hinder it. There was quite literally nothing purer than Emptiness, and Water(that which used to not exist until moments ago) held an instinctive quality in its mind as purificating in its most primordial form.As the Lord of not just Light, but also Purity and Destruction, they should've been aligned no?. It had to admit however, that as pure as Emptiness was, it was stagnant and counter to its own goal of spreading Light throughout this cosmos, and as much as Destruction could cast things into the void once more, it was much better as a tool of Change to accompagny Purity where it would fail.
Ohr felt wistfulness(It's second emotion in existence!) for the first time
Rolled 13 (1d20)

As it looked upon the void the first words The Lord of Lies spoke were ironically ones of truth. It sought the aid of its siblings yet no reply came. Realizing it's work would have to be done alone it flaps it's wings and creates a sphere of warmth. As feeling of love radiates from the seed the Moth God despaired for while it had created a great hearth more would be needed to forge a truly radiant light. Suddenly, a bright light appears and pours itself into the sphere. As the light of Ohr fills it an oppressive heat is created that would surely burn any that got to close if the energy of Zyyk didn't capture the heat inside only allowing a comforting warmth to get out.
>The Cleansing Light: Choose and effect.
>Sunforge: when used to create a star or item made of light all ichor spent is treated as triple the amount. Has cooldown of turns equal to ichor spent.
>Purifying Radiance: Cause a God to take double damage from all combat for one turn. Zyyk and Ohr must agree on the target.

Having dealt with the darkness that filled the void Ohr turned its attention to purifying the realm. To help it with this task The God of light created a being whose very gaze burned almost as hot as the center of the light Ohr had just created.
>Menake: Choose an effect
>Burn: +10 to all combat roles
>Blinding Light: Cause a successful attack against you to do no damage once per turn.
The jealous God Smith quickly proves worthy of his name as he forges a breathing masterpiece that loyally follows him creating both material to craft with and the fire needed for a forge.
>Hatsuko: Once per turn add +5 to any act of creation

Next he tries to craft a creature to punish him for existing. Yet it's self hatred proves greater then his own as it immediately destroys itself. Again and again the celestial craftsman remakes the beast. With every swing of his hammer he makes its body tougher even as it rips itself apart. With one last swing he finishes his work. In the end he is missing more energy then he spent yet he hardly notices as he can only think one thing."Where did it go?"
>Fukushu: Universal law will steal ichor from a random God. The amount of ichor it takes increases each turn. Additional effects hidden for now.
The God of recycling waste no time in his duties as he crafts a being from his own body as he breathes life into it he finds to his surprise a greater spark of his was in it then he first realized.
>Braided Proxy: Choose an effect
>Walking Noose: Gain + 10 on all combat roles.
>Waste Knot: Whenever you destroy an object gain back all ichor instead of half.
>Capture Specialist: Gain +15 to all combat roles. Must wait two turns before consuming defeated Gods. Can turn on at the start or in the middle of combat. Once activated can't be turned off until the end of combat.

Disturbed by the newly formed light Ginn attempted to block out his light. The waves surrounded the light yet something unexpected occurred. When the shadows of the mightiest God clashed with the work of two neither miracle could overcome the divine truth of the other's existences. To prevent a paradox the light behaved abnormally. Skipping past the sea some how all surrounding it is illuminated yet within the waters it is pitch black except the very center where the light resides. Disappointed with their only partial success Ginn chooses to ensure the darkness it has created will remain creating a mighty serpent that dwells in the abyss.
>Randraumr: It receives a + 10 for anything it does within the The Firnamental Sea.
As all this occurred all the God's can't help but notice their power both restoring and growing weaker.

Rules updates.
Divine Servants: While High rolls allow them to provide their masters with bonuses based on the Domains their makers used, or all of them of none were used in their creation, their primary benefit is interacting with Realms and mortals without spending ichor.
Divine Realms: Required for the creation of mortals. The God or Gods who crafted them receive a bonus equal to ichor used to make them when interacting with the Realm.
Ichor Production: At the start of each turn a 1d20 is rolled to determine how much ichor the a Gods gain.
Ichor Strength: Each turn the bonus provided by extra strength goes down. Will stop decreasing when it reaches +1 bonus. Current bonus +4.

>Domains: Penance. Jealousy.
>Ichor: 14/20
>Divine Servants: Hatsuko
>Universal Laws: Fukushu
>Domains: Emptiness, Water, Carving
>Ichor 33/41
>Divine Realms: The Firnamental Sea
>Divine Servants: Randraumr
>Domain: Love, Peace, Deception
>Ichor 13/23
>Domain: Light,Destruction,Purification
>Ichor 21/26
>Divine Servants: Menake
>Domains: Arcane, Profane
>Ichor 3/16
>Domains: Death, Recycling, Netcraft
>Ichor: 11/21
>Divine Servants: Braided Proxy
>Raimirea, the lady of the swamp.
>Domain: swamp, rot, coruption
>Ichor: 21/34
>The Cleansing Light.
>Upon the completion of the Cleansing Light, the First Deceiver trembles, both in fear of its power and awe of its grandeur. Gazing on this, the lamp to precede all lamps, the moth is filled with a mixture of glee and terror. It was ambrosial, intoxicating, demanding.

>Zyyk resisted the urge to touch it, but only just. The moth god rubs its forelegs, wings beating as it spins in orbit around the Firmamental Sea. Though only one of its siblings participated, the results were spectacular. It held limitless potential, which could bring peace to the whole of creation, or bring it screaming to war. Zyyk spoke once again.

"Brother. Lamplighter. Hear me and consider... This Cleansing Light is by sum of ichor, mostly yours, but it was my warmth which fueled the spark. It has surpassed all expectations. Even in the heart of darkness, it blazes with a radiant shine! It would be a waste to turn such beauty toward blunt violence."

>The moth paused.

"It would help neither of us. Instead, let us declare it a Sunforge, a crucible great and glorious! Lamplighter, if all of us were to pledge even a pittance of ichor, its flame would make a light like no other! It would bring the beautiful light to all corners yet unmade! Surely, you agree?"
Rolled 1 (1d20)

>With his enchanted effigy still clutched in a solitary hand, Eaugolus pondered. While he sensed immense potential for harm and chaos in the future, it was not what he desired. Eaugolus regarded his newfound siblings, his bizarre new home with fondness; his primary motivation for preserving all he can in a frightening maelstrom of change. Finally, he imbued it with one last swell of life and sent it on it's way to the congregation of gods, bereft of an independent will but full of determination.
-Eaugolus chose [Waste Knot]: Manually deconstructed objects provide full Ichor refunds.
>The Proxy respectfully approached the artificial star of Zyyk and Ohr, presenting itself as the mouthpiece of their kin.
-"Brother Zyyk, your call has been heeded -- a contribution shall be made. The power of the Cycle shall be added to your creation, so that should ever its light be snuffed out, it would spring back twice as bright"
-3 Ichor (8 left) was channelled through the Proxy and into the Moth God's light, augmented by proximity to recycling (1d100+14).
>With his proxy sent on its way, Eaugolus also considered the new sea surrounding the sun. For better or worse, it appeared to be staying for good. Strongly, he felt, he should consider giving such territory his attention. It simply felt... right. With a powerful toss of his net, he snatched the entirety of his debris field, and with a world slung over his shoulder her travelled. Much of it was left molten and glasslike by the speed of his journey, settling into twisted, smooth shapes.
-Saddened by their apparent uselessness but intrigued by the new forms, Eaugolus spends an additional 4 Ichor (4 left) to attempt creating the Silver Line, a ghostly layer bisecting the upper and lower halves of Ginn's Firmament Sea (1d100+8).
Will roll first for ichor upkeep, then for each construction
Rolled 88 + 14 (1d100 + 14)

fucking lmao, only 1 Ichor. rolling for the mothball now
Rolled 67 + 8 (1d100 + 8)

Rolling now for the Silver Line
I can still add ichor to enhance the mothball, right?
To clarify the d20 I rolled on the first part of the update was everyone's ichor regeneration.
I'm afraid you'll have to wait until the next turn to do that again.
ah, thanks for clearing it up
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Rolled 1 (1d20)

(Rolling for ichor gain first.)
>With the endless supply of matter that Hatsuko spews out with every exhale, Smith decides to put it to use. He casts his arms out as a net to catch all of the spread out dust of existence and gathers them in one place before crushing them together with his cosmic hammer until a small universe the size of his two hands is brought into existence. It is similar to its founder, constantly harming itself as planets crumble into eachother, galaxies devour one another, and black holes consume the matter as fast as Hatsuko can breathe out more of it. Of course, Smith has made this little universe an extension of himself, meaning that he can feel and is effected by each and every destructive action that takes place. Still, even with all the chaos and anarchy unfolding, there is potential. Potential for Smith to prove that he can create something more refined and detailed than any of the other gods.
(+5 from creation bonus, +10 from penance, +5 because I’m spending 3 ichor on it)
Rolled 99 + 15 (1d100 + 15)

Rolling for mini universe now.
My bad. Ignore my first roll.
It's alright I could have been clearer in the update.
Rolled 44 + 22 (1d100 + 22)

>As the bundle of knots approaches, the Lord of Lies recognised it as a puppet. It possessed no mind that was not given over to its master. This saddened Zyyk, just as it inspired it. The moth shook its forelegs in the void, breaking the pattern in excitement.

"Oh, joyous occasion! Return to the Scraptrawler, little one, and tell him that I am excited to see his contribution to the whole! Perhaps his recycling could return heat to the blaze when it is spent? If it were more efficient, the lamp could be a light on all creation!"

>All creation... The peace-lover paused, contemplating the expansion of its inner self. The ichor had doubled its inner self, yet nearly half lay empty. That was no good. If Zyyk was to weave the deception of kindness across the cosmos, it must be scraped hollow!

>The moth god pondered the Cleansing Light. It was magnificent but the surrounding sea was no less so. Zyyk contemplated Ginn. He was a leviathan, powerful beyond all, but his emptiness drew the liar's attention. There was a stillness there, and a kind of peace. Such darkness filled the waters, yet the light ignored them. The Tidecarver must have been disappointed.

>This saddened Zyyk, as the strongest of its siblings was agitated by the lamp which was part, its own responsibility. The moth reasoned that it was not too late. Amends might yet be made. Zyyk approached the expanse, careful to avoid disturbing it with direct contact, and began to shake its wings. Fine dust fell on the waters and in an instant, dissolved. The essence of peace filled the sea, calming crashing motion. Now, it would be more still and, Zyyk hoped, emptiness would resound.

>Zyyk spends 4 ichor to calm Ginn's Firmamental Sea and deepen its emptiness. (+10 for Peace, +12 from extra ichor)
Rolled 2, 29 = 31 (2d100)

>The lightbringer follows the annoying liar's movements as it talks and talks, giving a slight pulse at the end of its monologue and deigning to give its answer:
''I think I shall claim this holy creation, for it is most aligned with me, but you are most welcome to bathe in its light sibling, I am sure it would scour away your little lies like the one you have just told me.'' It paused

''But while a Purifying Radiance to scour our filthier siblings would indeed be useful, I did not invest my power for the sole sake of destruction. I agree that it would serve a better purpose as a Sunforge.''

>Choose Blinding Light for Menake
>Choose Sunforge for The Cleansing Light
>The Light gazes at the little servant with unconcealed irritation. The purity of The Cleansing Light should ensure that it does not go out, for that would be an imperfection in and of itself, however it was grateful for the accumulated power and thanked the Waste Rummager despite it's disgust for its alignment.
>That said, with the sunforge it decides to forge a weapon, for it felt it might need one in the future and could sense the strength of its ichor gradually leaving. It would concentrate solid light in the form of a spear, imbuing the head with the innate power of entropy, the attribute of unmaking itself.(Light and Destruction on the spear for a +20, +28 from ichor in sunforge I think, 3 ichor spent)
>Next, Ohr would be interrupted from its water-boiling seething(despite the fact that the sea would just reform instantly) when it noticed that its Light somehow bypassed the whole ocean to illuminate the entire void despite the water itself being in pitch darkness. Inspired, it remembered one of the FUNDAMENTAL qualities of photons and so decreed:
''And Lo, for nothing shall travel or move as Light does, instantaneous,absolute and unbounded. For Light is the limit of causality and to break it would be to break this reality itself''
>Create Universal Law to establish the speed of light as absolute and beyond anything by virtue of it being light and linked to causality, with the added clause of it being so rigid that breaking this rule and destroying both the spirit and written form of it would bring....consequences(Light + Destruction again for +20,4 Ichor)
(Oh fuck these rolls,that's what I get for all this luck last turn kek)
Rolled 58 + 50 (1d100 + 50)

Surrounded by that near infinity of darkness, Ginn saw what was laid past and beyond it and lamented for what is to come. There remained only two conclusions worthy of itself, and only one would mean peace for all things.
>Ginn spends 12 Ichor to imbue the abyss of the Firnament with animation, creating the Osso who swallows all light, rolling a 1d100 + 40 (Ichor) + 10 (Emptiness).
Rolled 52 + 40 (1d100 + 40)

After the last of its hesitation escaped its maw, the work called to it. It commanded the seas trapped in between the filterfeeder's net to stay still and it began to carve a great many runes upon them, commandments for this sea to follow it as it marched and from the chaff does it craft a crown to proclaim its supremacy over it.
>Ginn spend 7 Ichor to freeze the inbetweens of Eaugolus's net and carve runes upon it so that the Seas will march with the crownbearer when the time comes, rolling 1d100 + 10 (Water) + 10 (Carving) + 20 (Ichor).
After the work, it talked the water to follow the insect's wishes for the moment to let it exit and move towards the radiance that dwelt in the center of creation. In a safe and nonburning distance, it spoke to the burning divinity upon it.

"I see you, friend. I see the same wish in your acts, to make the world better in a way. I say to you, there are some among us that perverts this place only by existing."

"So, what say you make still your most harming lights, so that I may carve them into weapons worthy of godslaying? I shall march against the degenerate and decrepit afterwards and your presence would be welcomed, but I understand if you have better things to do."
>The lord of Light simply shines for a moment before brightening in the direction of its sibling.
''This would be a most worthy endeavor Empty One, as long as you do not violate the purity of the Light I see no issue with it. With my power of Unmaking and yours over the Nothingness we could forge something to truly cast the filth beyond the void.''
>It would grin if it could.
"I will not violate it, yes-yes. Offer to me the raw light and I will shape it so."
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>Pulsing again, the Light God called upon its anger to agitate the light that made it, pulling out several formless masses of Light so volatile that it in the act of purification would not only strip away the waste but completely annihilate it as well. It then took this Light and compressed it in a sphere to prevent it from thrashing around itself before sending it to the Empty One.(+16 from 6 ichor, +30 from all domains added to it)
(Forgot my name again)
Rolled 46 + 54 (1d100 + 54)

>The insect floated, keeping a healthy distance from the Hateful Light. He held a deep disdain for everything that was not itself and was blinded by his own malice. Already, he perverted their work toward ends of slaughter and if the Lord of Lies had tear ducts, it would have wept for the loss. Once the Sunforge was lit in earnest, Zyyk flinched in dread of what it had created.

"Claim the Sunforge you may, I won't contest it. Even so, in forging a blade you squander its potential. The innocence of the lamp is gone, its purpose wrenched toward ruin by your radiance. You will not reconsider this, but I beg of you, hesitate to wield your spear. How much brighter would this void be if we dedicated ourselves to a lasting peace?"

>At this, Zyyk turned and left Ohr to his own devices. Already, it had passed through the sea without skimming the water in the slightest. Now, it left the cosmic ensemble entirely, flying until it reached a point of the void like any other. Here, the light was dim and gentle, but its presence held the void at bay. Fertile soil. The moth god's forelegs burst into motion, gathering up the dust from its wingbeats, melding the specks together, and weaving from them a strand of silk. It began to assemble a web, vast and beautiful. Its divinity was stretched thin by the act, until the structure was visible in the void and with weight enough to be caught in orbit.

>This was the earliest realm. An artificial web, its sprawling surface would neither catch nor stick to any limbs. Instead, it was soft and gentle. Above, thin filaments of gossamer formed an intricate latticework, intercepting light and adding a kind warmth where there before, there was only purifying wrath. Below, the land consisted of valleys and ridges, tunnels and hills- all made with an eye for beauty and ease of travel. This was a thing made with love, of a calm so profound, violence would be difficult to think. There was a sinister tint to it, in that its smell and nascent atmosphere were primed to relax and set those upon it at ease, while choking those hostile with feelings of guilt. Once this was done, Zyyk pushed it into a slow, distant orbit around the Cleansing Light.

"It is my hope we can protect those who are to come, in time. As gods, we owe it to not-yet-extent lesser life to make them happy and safe. If you agree, I welcome you to join in my work. If you do not, I hope we can stir a calm sentiment by example."

>Zyyk burns 6 ichor create the Silknest, a divine realm made from the bottom-up to adhere to its vision. It is a crib for future life, just as it is a cage. (+30 for Love, Peace, and Deception, +24 for ichor expenditure.)
Rolled 2 + 46 (1d100 + 46)

(Forgot to roll too...)
Rolled 45 + 32 (1d100 + 32)

The marble is swiftly caught, and brought unto the depths within Ginn. There it would be surrounded by waters still where nothing moves no longer. Taken and carved into two pins, two daggers, this weapon's nature will be selfishness, that while its light may shine, only nothing will follow.
>Ginn spends 5 Ichor to attempt to carve the light marble gifted by Ohr into two knives or needles that permanently eats anything in its path, rolling a 1d100 + 10 (Water) + 10 (Carving) + 12 (Ichor).
(Don't think Emptiness is related to the act of creating it so not adding that.)
Rolled 9 + 28 (1d100 + 28)

Not all was dedicated to the pursuit. Bits and pieces of ice and string thrown about through passagemaking and runecarving clumped together. When it left, the Osso spent their time fashioning these things into figures of the master, cutting themselves into more of themselves and basking in the darkness. Only in the flashes of burning light left in the cutting's forging would their selves be defined, introduced to something so abhorrent to their world.
>Ginn spends 4 Ichor to create the Enso, a people of waste, rolling a 1d100 + 10 (Carving) + 10 (Water) + 8 (Ichor).
>Eaugolus took notice of the little creatures called the Enso, and found within them a sense of familiarity; both of them borne from debris left over by higher powers. Judging them to be worth preserving, he sent the Braided Proxy down to them in order to teach the Enso the godly practices of weaving and net-casting. With that responsibility set aside and the colossal net once again draped over his shoulders, Eaugolus dutifully began his vigil and march over and through the Firnament Sea, allowing his tool of trade to drag behind him. "Perhaps," he thought lazily to himself, "I should improve my net sometime soon."
>If it could've, Ohr would've raised an eyebrow at the insect. As it stands it only watched impassively as the Moth spun its web.
''What noble words you weave sibling, just as you create a realm where what you consider to be...inadequate slowly chokes itself under its own weight, not such a different endeavor from mine own is it? The difference is that you truly are worthy of your nature as the First Deceiver.''
>The Lord of Lies continued its work, meticulously sorting spools of silk into slopes and divots. It considered the light, tufted antennae twitching. On tying a chain of knots, it spoke.
"Truth is of no value, if it is not to the benefit of those receiving. Our origins are steeped in anguish and strife. If we were unattentive, this would echo into our work- inevitably and inexorably."
>Its compound eyes shone in the sun's reflection.
"Chaos, bloodshed, and mutilation. Hatred, malice. Imprisonment, long eons spent in chains, desperate relief giving way to grievous exsanguination. These are the fundamental center of creation. It must be concealed, if we are to have anything of worth."
>As it wove a thinner, delicate strand, it paused.
"If you believe any utterance to pass my proboscis, let it be this. I love you, Lamplighter, just as I love each and every one of our peers. This is unconditional, given freely, without hesitation or reservation. Be it that my desire is to lie, it is in my nature to love. Think what you will of my methods, but know that we work toward the same goal. A bright and warm future, where all are safe from the darkness of the soul and content in their place."
Is this still open to 1 more? I think you only got 6 so far, right?
If N'and doesn't post this turn I'll announce an open slot at the end of the update
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Speaking through his Proxy Eaugolus tells the Moth God of his decision to imbue the Cleansing Light with the ability to restore itself upon it's destruction by using the diving energy that passively exist in the universe. Due to this energy not being filtered through Gods the light will almost certainly burn brighter after destruction then before.
>The Cleansing Light gains new effect. Takes two actions to destroy. Will still give ichor after first destruction action.

Feeling drawn to the newly formed sea the God of nets approached it at great speed, accidentally destroying much of the debris he had acquired. Not one to let anything go to waste he used the molten remains to split the sea in half.
>The Silver Line: Choose an effect.
>Raise The Nets: Gain a +5 to actions interacting with the upper layer of the Firnamental Sea.
>Deep Sea Fishing:Gain a +5 to actions interacting with the lower layer of the Firnamental Sea.
The penitent God forges a small universe that endlessly destroys itself. He also links this realm to himself so he may feel all the destruction it endures down to the cracking of the smallest stone. Ironically this place that seems almost uninhabitable is the first to naturally produce mortals. These draconian creatures have incredibly durable eggs capable of remaing intact even as the chunks of the planet they are buried in are blown apart by meteors and other planets crashing into it. The eggs only hatch in atmospheres they are capable of surviving so after planetery destruction they remain dormant until the meteor they are in strikes a suitable planet. The species rarely advances far technological or culturally before their planets destruction but their durable eggs keep their species alive and allow them to spread far throughout their galaxy.
Finding the emptiness of the sea peaceful Zyyk flys above the waves and wills them to be calm forevermore.
The Lord of light claims the sunforge for itself and uses it to make the first weapon. A spear made of brilliant and destructive light. However due to their inexperience with making weaponry it comes out ustable. They also command reality to recognize the unmatchable speed of light, or else.
>The Radiant Spear will not be usable until it has stabilized.

The empty one gifted it's abyss with intelligence to further protect it's realm from the light. It then turns it attention to the net that had been cast into it's sea by Eaugolus and freezes the water between it. Carving mighty runes of command into the ice that power themselves by leeching off the divine power that radiates from the net the God of waters gains absolute power over the sea. Surprisingly the abyss's master and Ohr reach an accord with Ginn being gifted light with which it uses to create twin tools of cataclysm sheathed in darkness so the light wouldn't constantly disturb their wielder and so none can sense their power until unsheathed. Meanwhile, Ginn's newest pet creates people of ice and string to dwell within it.
>Sovereign Runes: Upon activation gain bonus to all combat rolls that turn equal to the Firnamental Sea's ichor. Will have to recreate the runes after activation to use again.
>Osso: Once per turn can choose to consume a defeated God instantly without the possibility of being interrupted.
Fascinated by these newly crafted mortals Eaugolus sends his Proxy to teach them about the use of nets. While the God was initially viewed by the mortals with mixed feelings this act lead to most Enso considering him a benign force.
The God of peace creates a beautiful realm where violence will never enter, even if it means freewill won't either. While various large insects and small mammals develop no sapient species inhabit this realm yet.

Rules Updates.
Mortals: Must be in a divine realm. Provide half the ichor used to form them rounded down to their primary God which is the God that made them by default. Their secondary God gains half the ichor the primary God gains. Tertiary God gains half the secondary God's ichor and so on and so forth. No limit to the number of Gods they can worship. If the primary God is killed the secondary God becomes the primary God. If their is no secondary God then the one that consumes them becomes the primary God. Particularly high rolls to create Divine Realms will lead to naturally occurring mortals. These will be treated as if they were created with half their divine Realm's ichor.
Divine Weapons: Provide a bonus to combat equal to half the ichor used to make them in combat.
Universal Laws: These are indisputable facts of the universe. If only slightly altering or enhancing something that is already true such as light being the fastest thing in existence it cost 3 ichor. When causing more radical changes such as making death only possible via hanging it cost 6 ichor. The law must be be related to at least one of the domains of the God that makes it.
New Players: Whenever I allow more players their God gets a +5 from extra ichor that decreases each turn just like the initial players did.
Now accepting one more player.
>Domains: Penance. Jealousy.
>Ichor: 14/20
>Divine Realms: The Immolating Realm. 3i
>Divine Servants: Hatsuko 3i
>Mortals: Drakomatorians 2i (Smith)
>Universal Laws: Fukushu 3i
>Domains: Emptiness, Water, Carving
>Ichor 9/41
> Artifacts: Sovereign Ruins 7i
>Divine Weapons:Eclipse Daggers 11i
>Divine Realms: The Firnamental Sea 14i
>Divine Servants: Randraumr 9i, Osso 12i
>Mortals: Enso 4i (Ginn, Eaugolus)
>Domain: Love, Peace, Deception
>Ichor 5/23
>Divine Realms: Silknest 6i
>Domain: Light,Destruction,Purification
>Ichor 10/26
>Artifacts: The Cleansing Light 12i 3 turns until next use
>Divine Weapons: Radiant Spear 9i 1 turn until usable.
>Divine Servants: Menake 5i
>Universal Laws: Light Speed
>Domains: Arcane, Profane
>Ichor 3/16
>Domains: Death, Recycling, Netcraft
>Ichor: 7/21
>Divine Servants: Braided Proxy 3i
Unclassified: The Silver Line 4i
>Raimirea, the lady of the swamp.
>Domain: swamp, rot, coruption
>Ichor: 21/34
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>Name: Ashkur
>Domains: Fire and Subjugation
>Fluff: Born from the demiurge's fiery urge to assert his will across the universe. Ashkur desires to exert control over the universe.
Rolled 62, 31 = 93 (2d100)

Rolled 12 + 41 (1d100 + 41)

>The First Deceiver witnessed the first flare of the Sunforge along with the glow of the Radiant Spear in its heart, and fidgeted in trepidation. This promised to be a terror of terrors, and yet, in Ohr's impatience, it came out too hot, too wild to be wielded. A disappointment to some, a relief to others. Zyyk's jittering forelegs lowered, as it paused and considered the lesson to be learned.

>Rushing to fulfill its vision could only lead to folly. The moth god's power was weak, its siblings strong and numerous. Already, they fell over themselves to craft weapons and amass servants to aid them in battle. Sooner or later, strife would consume the cosmos. The Peace-Lover lamented this, but thought that perhaps the conflict need not be total. Perhaps its work could be spared. Perhaps... made safer, warmer, softer... It muttered to itself, delirious with dread.

"Yes... the Silknest is not yet fit for little ones."

>The outer weave must be thickened, the inner weave, softed, its valleys, padded, its clouds, becalmed. The realm was filled with clear streams, too shallow to drown in, calm forests, too open to be lost in, and more. Nowhere was potential danger overlooked and not prevented, nor possible comfort ignored where it could be ushered in. The moth god put itself to work once more, and poured the whole of itself into the work.

>Zyyk spends 5 ichor to strengthen the Silknest. (Total bonus of +41: +20 for the domains of Peace and Love, +15 for 5 ichor, +6 for the Silknest)
>Having observed its siblings for a little while in this newborn universe, Ohr's ire came upon a very specific hog. Not only was the wretch the god of Profanity and the result of Ohr shedding its own impurity, but it was also LAZY! It hadn't done anything since the beginning of creation, simply stewing in its own filth...Ohr had enough of the pig and his hogging of precious ichor that could be used to fuel Creation or Purification. Instantaneously willing itself around the Hog Wretch, the Lord of Light focused its most burning cleansing light upon the god with the full intent of destroying it.
>Spend 3 ichor to attack the Hog God(+9 bonus)
Rolled 39 + 9 (1d100 + 9)

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Rolled 35 + 15 (1d100 + 15)

>With his hammer and his smithing table which were imbued into his being during his birth, Smith begins constructing a sword powerful enough to strike down anything it can reach. Its purpose is to be used not only for his own defense against other gods who may potentially seek to bring him down at some point, but also to be used as a last resort if he cannot outperform his peers in any other way. It’s name is Heirdecimus.
(+5 from the bonus, +10 from jealousy, & I’m spending 7 ichor on it but I dunno if that gives a bonus for the rolls or anything.)
Rolled 10 (1d16)

Not all of the Demiurge's blood had been large enough to immediately take godly forms. Much smaller drops are scattered throughout the void slowly gathering together until enough gather to make new Gods. The blood that would eventually become Ashkur was unknowingly trapped within the Cleansing Light when it was formed. Unable to form due to it's great heat the God remained trapped until Ohr formed his spear. Accidently pulling some of the ichor caught inside the light out with his weapon. Perhaps had this being formed normally it would have been a great source of good but now he carries the heat that once trapped him and a desire to never be imprisoned again.
Rules update
Combat is done via both side rolling rolling 1dx where x is their max ichor. Gods can't create during combat but they can spend ichor to add bonuses and consume items they have with them for half their ichor rounded down. Attacking and defending doesn't cost ichor. Given N'and seems to be inactive I will roll his defense.
The extra 6 ichor gives a +18 bonus though I don't see how this action relates to jealousy.
Rolled 20 + 12 (1d26 + 12)

Alright rerollang, gonna add 4 ichor instead actually
Gotcha. My thought process was that the last resort of fighting whoever he can’t outdo by other means would count towards jealousy but I get how what could be a stretch. In that case it’s just +5 from the bonus & +18 from the 6 extra ichor.
Are you in the server anon? We mainly use it for quick rule questions and reminding people to post
I don’t take 4chan stuff outside 4chan. You don’t need to worry about me not posting, though. This is an interesting quest.
That's perfectly fine, the main concern is when it goes into hiatus for a while desu.
Growing tired of watching the hog God do nothing during the time when most other Gods had been acting Ohr decided to cleanse N'and of his existence. The Arcane God's pearls glow as he creates a shield of pure mana in front of him stopping the attack. However it may have been wiser to simply endure the attack for, as had been recently established, being faster then light invites calamity. He pours too much energy into his pearls causing a great explosion that shakes the void. The pig's corpse still bearing a horrible grin as death claimed him before he had even realized his mistake.
-N'and -17/16 ichor
When reduced to negative ichor Gods die or fall unconscious. They can recover from either state once they have at least 0 ichor. While dead or unconscious other God's can take an action to absorb them. This doesn't require a roll the God just has to state they take this action and if no one tries to stop them within 24 hours they succeed. They will gain the fallen God's max ichor and potentially a new domain or domains.
>Watching the Hog simply explode brought a certain satisfaction to Ohr. It watches the corpse for a moment and decides to consume it, reasoning that it was better to reform the material into pure ones rather than cast them out.
>EAT N'and
Rolled 9 + 5 (1d41 + 5)

That future is close, oh so close. This joyousness might have delayed it, but it shall come nonetheless.

>Ginn attacks Ohr, rolling a 1d41+5.5
Rolled 16 + 6 (1d26 + 6)

>Seeing the one Ohr had made a deal with attack it, Ohr feels saddened that its purest sibling would stab it in the back for taking it on the perverts of creation. Nevertheless, it stands resolute and defends itself(Spend 2 Ichor, if this doesn't work, protect with Menake)
Watching the Light God fight the hog Ginn felt confidant it would be easy prey after exhausting itself. Moving with complete silence the Abyssal Lord tries to ambush but the very second he draws his blades Ohr senses them and lashes out without hesitation, their blow only barely stopped from being fatal due to the power of the Eclipse Daggers.
Ginn 1/41 ichor
Ohr 4/26
Ashkur having escaped his cruel prison would look upon the cosmos. Already full of conflict he knew his purpose he would bring order to the chaos and subjugate those lesser to him. Smelling the fresh blood of the pig god he would salivate pure fire at the opportunities presented. He would bellow his first words "The Pig is mine, defy me and face my wrath."
>Steal the Pig Corpse and Consume it
Rolled 18 + 12 (1d26 + 12)

>Using what remains of its power, Ohr shoots musters everything it has into a last desperate beam of Light meant to burn its brother to a crisp.
Rules update
The attacked God can make one attempt to flee during combat. They use the same dice to flee as they do to fight. They don't take damage if they fail. Upon success they can't be attacked again that turn.
(Yeah if this doesn't hit, i'd like to use Menake to survive)
Rolled 38 + 19 (1d41 + 19)

"Your light threatens all that I hold dear."

Had the sea swallowed all, the depths of an infinite horizon would have been left untouched and pristine above all things. Only in its edge or its source can this even be combated.

To call upon a fealty so recently forged is inauspicious, but what can one do in the face of terrible strength?
>Ginn expends the Sovereign Runes to shield itself from Ohr's beam and strike against the radiance, rolling a 1d41+5.5+14.
>Ohr, seeing its demise coming, calls upon its servant to blind the empty god, avoiding the attack
''I tolerated you blocking my Light as you were the purest one, I even accepted to give you my Light to forge weapons....And now you betray me when I begin to root out the true filth of this universe?Why, we could do much together, and we still could... We are both spent brother, I can see it in you, what do you think we stop this here? Look,look, your actions have allowed a new sibling to empower himself, one who would no doubt wish to make us all grovel before him, you could've resisted him but you are spent and so am I.''
Rolled 38 + 29 (1d100 + 29)

>The concussive ring of a craftsman's hammer richoceting off of the face of a cosmic anvil. The pregnant, anxious silence of scheming peacekeepers and troublemakers, the stabbing of a lance made of hate and fire. Eaugolus perceived all of these and mourned, for he knew in his core-of-cores what would come next. The Cycle would continue.
-Eaugolus Chose Raise the Nets: Add +5 to any roll interacting with the upper half of the Firnamental Sea
>With a lone eye raised towards the corner of the cosmos that just went dark, Eaugolus is surprised to find that what he called the Balestar has gone out, opportunistically snuffed by sibling Ginn. The God of Cycles elects not to penetrate deeper than he must, lest he incur the wrath of Emptiness. Additionally, Eaugolus could feel himself weakening with every use of his immense power. He would see himself protected.
- Eaugolus spends 5 Ichor creating a new artifact net for himself out of the remains of his old one and Firnamental flotsam (2 Ichor base cost), (+10 netcraft bonus, +10 recycling bonus, +9 Ichor bonus). As much as he loved his old net dearly, for the most part, it was only a net; more would be required.
Knowing The danger Ginn poses Ohr put everything they had into their next attack. As their deadly beam of light pressed against the force of the Daggers Ohr was suddenly engulfed in water. Ginn had activated the Sovereign Runes and now was using the Firnamental Sea and it's light destroying affect to consume Ohr. However just before it could completely destroy them Menake used all it's strength to blast the abyss illuminating the darkness just long enough for the God of light to escape. As the two Gods watch each other they both know the next attack will be the last.
>Ginn 1/41
>Ohr 0/26
Rolled 6 + 19 (1d41 + 19)

"All the wastes of now amounts to nothing against your cosmic tyranny."

The pig and witch stood for awful things, yet they did nothing. The fiery thing only escaped now but even he is lesser in evils.

There must be no hesitation. Darkness predates all things, light chief amongst them. Let nature take its course.

>Ginn calls upon Osso to bind Ohr and let it deal the final strike, rolling a 1d41+5.5+14.
Rolled 61 + 11 (1d100 + 11)

>A lesser evil it believed itself, the irony, Ohr would've closed its eyes eyes had it been able to and did something it dearly didn't wish to do. It consumed the Sunforge,Radiant Spear and Menake in one final attempt to save itself
"Then let it be known that there will be nothing to pervert afterwards
Rolled 21 + 11 (1d26 + 11)

(Woops, wrong roll)
(Just to be sure,this is an attack and not a fleeing attempt, I'd be dead anyway)
Knowing death was one move away Ohr made the desperate decision to consume his spear and servant. They felt Ginn's servant grab them in an attempt to restrain them. A futile effort for a mere servant but it distracted the bright one just long enough to let the sea crash into them once more. Ginn stood before them having chosen to honor it's sibling with an explanation before finishing the execution. Yet just as they finished speaking a limb of light pierced them for while they spoke Ohr charged his final attack. Osso leaped at the God of light in an attempt to stop them but it was too late. With a thought Ohr made their light burn hotter then ever before and watched it's sibling try in vain to escape as their body melted.
>Ginn -7/41 ichor
>Ohr 2/26 ichor
>Ohr begins consumption
As the burning conqueror crushed what remained of the pearls between his teeth he felt great power flow into him
>You have consumed Arcane. You may destroy it to gain 5 ichor, keep or alter it by spending 5 ichor, or choose one of the following for free. War, Manipulation, or Stars.
Still while the pearls gave him the most energy the pig's flesh tasted better then he could have ever imagined and he was almost tempted to revive him just so he could eat the God again.
>You have consumed Profane. You may destroy it to gain 5 ichor, alter or keep it for 5 ichor, or choose one of the following for free. Uprisings, Ritual Sacrafice, Wrath.
Domains gained via consumption can't be used until the next turn.
Ashkur feels the divine energy seep into his very essence the concepts within shifting and meldling in his body. He reflected on his first deeds, the Firery Conquerer had already laid claim to his victory and he was thirsty for more and he felt anger at those who dared not acknowledge his birthright on this universe.
>Claim the Domains of Wrath and War
Ashkur with fiery eyes full of Hatred and Contempt would look upon the rebellious star. He would bellow "You dare attempt to claim what is mine? The ocean is mine to do with as I please. Cease your acts of treachery and theft at once or face my wrath. "
>In the midst of consumption, the Lord of Light looks at their new sibling with a dim light, pulsing slightly
''Have you become as greedy as gluttonous as the pig you have just ate? Even acquired a new Sin as well I see.I have had to slay a sibling most pure in defending myself, destroying my own creation and weapon the instant after I helped him make his own arms. If you wish for me to call you ''lord'' or what other pompous titles you wish then I will humor you this once ''Lord of all this Great Creation'', now leave me to my grieving and go bother your disgusting harlot of a sister, perhaps you'll find amusement in defiling her in myriads of ways given your obsession for domination.
>The light continues with its endeavor and shines a spotlight over to Raimirea, the swamp goddess of rot and corruption
Hate. hate. hate. the witch looked over the magnificient, terrible and awe inspiring creation of her brother and sister, ashamed at being compared to herself. she stopped crying, biting her nails, and clawing her hair and began using her power to grow the most foul smelling and ugly swamp tree. its depiscable branch grows into a forbidden fruit resembling an exact replica of the swamp witch's bloodied, torn face. those consuming it will become the embodiment of corruption, turning every part of itself and those it touches into oily substance that only seeks to corrupt, hate and harm itself and it's surrounding and turn it's flesh become the most foul and unappetizing slab that can upset even the divine's stomach

>Create Zaqqum, The Witches Tree (10 ichor)
>forcibly grow the tree into producing a single witch head fruit, and have Raimirea eat it. (1 ichor)
The god of fire eyes would blaze hot at the insults, but they would cool as he chose his next words. I could snuff your light out easily, but I'll be generous. I lay claim to this universe and intend to enforce that, but even a king needs his council. Thus he's my offer pay tribute and give me two of Gin's domains and I'll let you pilfer the rest of his body. If you do this we could potentially work towards an alliance.
Rolled 72, 63 = 135 (2d100)

As the tree need a suitable place for growth, raimierea created her own realm surrounding the tree and herself as it's anchor. a toxic swamplands with foul smelling water and decaying rotten tree where the witch found itself most comfortable which she called Sarmatia.

>Create divine realm: Sarmatian Swamp (4 ichor)

1st roll +10: Zaqqum, The Witches Tree
2nd roll +4 :Sarmatian Swamp divine realm
> The roll receives a +10 for every Domain of yours that is related to the action. The roll gains +5 for every additional ichor spent on it

>1st roll +50 (ichor spent)+30 (domain bonus)= Zaqqum, The Witches Tree
>2nd roll +20 (ichor spent) + 30 (domain bonus) :Sarmatian Swamp divine realm

(fixed (?) bonus, not sure if i'm getting it right get it right)
Rolled 40 + 5 (1d100 + 5)

>forcibly grow the tree into producing a single witch head fruit, and have Raimirea eat it. (1 ichor)
>>forcibly grow the tree into producing a single witch head fruit, and have Raimirea eat it. (1 ichor)
also +20 from my domain
Does this work.
While the snake rests against its master's corpse, the darkness was not as content in grieving. They had their charges and they know of the master's other wish, wasted to create them. And so, they whispered.

Lord, may I ask you a mercy? My master wished for an end to your light, but that was second to a more primal want. It wished for a shelter to the darkness, a home for it.

I know that is anathema to you, but can you let the sea follow your light and spread throughout creation to chase it? Annihilate my master, my brother and me if you wish, but please, take care of the mortals under my protection.[/spoiler
>The Lord of Light would flare in irritation for a moment and address the Fiery Enslaver once more
"If you wish to be King so much, then perhaps you could partake in Creation's design a little bit instead of throwing a childish tantrum,newborn."
>The Light would set aside the carving tools of Ginn aside, making sure to put the pointy and more dangerous looking ones at the forefront(Carving domain).
"This is what I am willing to give you, for I am Lord of Purity and shan't let impurity and filth spread much further. I do not wish for the Empty One's body nor his children now crying out to me to be defiled. Take these tools and go build this castle from which you oh so desire to rule from"
"That's decent tribute for now. I'll grant you the right to the sea's remains."
>Take the carving domain he's offering
Ashkur would respond to the light's remarks. "Yes I plan to exert much control upon the form of this new cosmos, but to do so I need to gather resources. While I may be new the concepts and order they bring are as old as the demiurge himself. Ashkur would extend a hand out to the god of light. "I propose we align ourshelves to eachother as we both understand what it takes to ensure the saftey of creation."

I'm offering an alliance
As Ohr vaporized Ginn they felt great power flow in to them.
>Emptiness offers Shadows, Perfection, and Discipline for free
>Water offers Steam, Travel, and Healing for free.
Ashkur melts the tools in his hand and absorbs them into his skin.
>Carving offers Blades, Torture, and Training as free opitions.
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>As Ohr absorbs the essence of nothingness and water, it begins to compress its lights more and more until it eventually collapses its form into a radiant Kugelblitz, a black hole of compressed light and radiation.A pitch black hole in space emitting an intensely bright light, enshrouded in an accretion disk of swirling compressed steam, casting shadows extending into infinity
>Its mind expands from the new experience, and it gazes at its brother with a new, if nonetheless familiar perspective.
"I would like to think on it, but I shalt not forget thy offer Conqueror"
>With that being said, the newly formed singularity of Light would gaze upon its new charges, and claim the Eclipse Daggers, the Osso with its sibling and the Firnamental Sea with the mortals in it. It held the essence of Water and so the sea would be its own right, its new charge along the stars
Ashkur could feel the energy of the domain flow through him. What little conciousness that remained of Gin screamed in agony as he burned it alive forging it into something stronger. War, Wrath, Fire, and Subjugation were all the domains he held. His very nature was destructive like a volcano rushing over an island he would burn through the world. Yet he knew that the most important aspect of his being was not the chaos he could bring, but the new creation that would come after. While suffering may hurt temporarily it often makes one stronger as they grow better. His creations would the harshness of the world, but through their pain would grow. While those foolish enough to stand against him would experience agony beyond comprehension yet through this would come to understand their only options. To kneel or face obliteration.
>Choose the Domain of Torture
Rolled 40 + 20 (1d100 + 20)

Ashkur seeing conflict in his future would concentrate the element of fire into long trailing chains of fire. Able to bind and restrict his opponents in his fights.
>Spend 5 Ichor to create Flaming Chains of Submission a combat tool
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Fearing the dangers that would soon come to pass the God of Peace focused on ensuring their realm was as safe as possible.

Meanwhile the first clash of the divine occurred as Ohr sought to eliminate the God of the Profane. While successful they were unable to claim his energy due to the sudden betrayal by the God they had shared their light with. The battle between the maker of light and the preserver of darkness was long and difficult with both Gods being pushed to their limits but in the end Ohr emerged victorious. As they were consuming Ginn a newly emerged God named Ashkur roared at them demanding they leave the sea alone for it was his. Not wanting to give up their kill but also being weary of the God which still had ichor dripping from his teeth from when he ate the fallen Arcane God Ohr offered him the Domain of carving.

Ohr was approached by Osso who begged them to not harm the mortals that dwelt in the sea. In exchange the living darkness swore to serve the God of light and convinced it's sibling and mortals to do the same. After this Ohr collapsed into themselves becoming a being of both light and shadow.

As these conflicts occurred other God's Choose to create. Smith created a divine blade to defend himself if he ever had to face danger himself. For similar reasons the lord of cycles weaved a new net from his old one. Even Ashkur crafted mighty chains, fearful of what was to come.

Meanwhile the inactive God Witch begins to act creating a great swamp to inhabit and growing a tree that corrupts all who partake of its fruit.
>Zaqqum: any God can spend as much ichor as they want to grow and eat one of its fruit. Upon consumption gain a bonus equal to the ichor spent on the fruit for all rolls that turn or the next if eating is the only or last action done that turn. If Raimirea eats a fruit she must perform at least one action related to corruption. Any other God that eats from it must make an action of Raimirea's choice.

Rules Updates
Gods can only consume one God per turn. Osso has gained a one turn cooldown on its ability for balance.
Mortals grow 2 ichor per turn
Realms can hold upto twice their ichor of mortals
Ginn's death has opened a new God slot.
Sorry for this turn taking so long. Let me know if I missed anything.
>Domains: Penance. Jealousy.
>Ichor: 20/22
Divine Weapons: Heirdecimus 7i
>Divine Realms: The Immolating Realm. 3i
>Divine Servants: Hatsuko 3i
>Mortals: Drakomatorians 4i (Smith)
>Universal Laws: Fukushu 6i
>Domain: Love, Peace, Deception
>Ichor 16/23
>Divine Realms: Silknest 11i
>Domain: Light,Destruction,Purification, Shadows, Steam
>Ichor 43/43
>Artifacts: The Cleansing Light 12i 2 turns until next use. Sovereign Ruins 7i deactivated
>Divine Weapons:Eclipse Daggers 11i
>Divine Realms: The Firnamental Sea 14i
>Divine Servants: Randraumr 9i, Osso 12i
>Universal Laws: Light Speed
>Domains: Death, Recycling, Netcraft
>Ichor: 21/21
>Divine Servants: Braided Proxy 3i
>Divine Weapons: Cyclical Net 5i
>Mortals: Enso 6i (Eaugolus, Ohr)
Unclassified: The Silver Line 4i
>Raimirea, the lady of the swamp.
>Domain: swamp, rot, coruption
>Ichor: 22/34
Divine Artifacts: Zaqqum 10i
Divine Realms:Sarmatian Swamp 4i
>Domains: Fire, Subjugation, War, Wrath, Torture
>Ichor 42/47
Divine Weapons: Flaming Chains of Submission 5i
Rolled 7 (1d100)


>Name: Season of Crowns
>Domain: Life
>Fluff: An outline of a creature bathed in a corona of pale light, it seems to shift its number of limbs, body configuration, number of heads and number of eyes whenever it wishes.
>From its aura an unlimited and immaculate plenty appears to spring forth, a crown of exposed and glowing bone being the only visible constant it keeps

Submission given there's an open slot, do tell me if I did anything wrong.
Does a shield or a protective barrier count as a divine weapon or does that fall under a different category?
Rolled 39 + 59 (1d100 + 59)

>From the confines of the Silknest, the moth watched all that transpired. Ohr, first to pitch in part of himself to a greater whole, had gone mad with purification. Even before his aberration had finished cooling from the forging, he attacked the swine with intent to feast on his blood! The hog had done nothing but enjoy peace and quiet, and he was slain for it! Then, before the body cooled, Ginn rose up to stab Ohr in the back with all the rage of a typhoon!

>The two struggled, but the Lamplighter's frenzy prevailed and he cut him down. In mere moments, Ohr murdered the weakest and strongest of gods, and now sought to debase himself with cannibalism. This was terrible, then another emerged from the Sunforge, a new god, rendered molten and cruel by the heat... heat which Ohr and Zyyk were responsible for. In an instant of his emergence, he demanded the hog's bacon and lion's share of the Tidecarver. Ohr complied with poor N'and, and haggled on fallen Ginn, giving only his tools, which the burning one, Ashkur, snatched greedily.

>Their horrible feasting echoed through the cosmos, and so too, did the violence. Despite the First Deceiver's best efforts to lead its siblings from strife, war had come to creation, and it would never be the same. The pristine darkness was now stained with blood. Zyyk felt dread grip its heart in a vise, and the sight of the others forging weapons in turn horrified it beyond reason. The moth panicked, falling into a riot of weaving and threading and molding...

"No-no-no... too much suffering... too much misery... the Silknest must be spared of strife... must be made safer... softer... almost there...."

>Zyyk spends 9 ichor to bring the Silknest to 20 ichor. By now, it is a cornucopia of plenty, where violence is almost impossible to think of, let alone act on, and the entire ecosystem has been carefully tailoured to be as beautiful and harmless as possible. At its most fundamental, it is a falsehood, a cage of happy lies from which there can be no escape. (Total bonus of +59: +30 for the domains of Peace, Love, and Deception, +18 for 9 ichor, +11 for the Silknest)
Forgot to link to the update >>5982505.
Right now I'd rule it as a divine weapon
During the time when blood is first spilt among Gods the universe tries to balances itself by bringing forth a being of life. While the recent bloodshed has caused it to be born weak it remains to be seen if they will be but a brief season or if they will grow to be worthy of the crown they were born with.
Spinning into being, The Season of Crowns flexes its tremendous raw cosmic might, only to notice (to some small amount of distress) that it appears woefully inadequate compared to its fellows. In some ways, even lesser than the servants of its sibling gods. No matter.

With a mustering of courage and unearned optimism, The Season of Crowns announces its birth to the great and mighty (in comparison) gods of the cosmos, despite the lingering smell of ichor staining the void.

>"I am an arrival of myself. Witness what I am, hear my call. I seek among you, my elders, a place I might arrive out of the empty dark, that I might call home and where I might grow strong."

>"I have spoken, and grow quiet once more. Let your voices fill the silence I leave."
>The newly formed Kugelblitz stews in its own power for a moment before letting a pulse visible from virtually every point in the universe, casting shades of darkness so pure they might as well be pillars of void.
"Thou, as god of life and the newest of us are weak, but Life is a necessity in this newborn universe and I would allow thou to swim in my oceans and bathe in mine lights and shades to grow into more. I only ask thee to remain pure and not succumb to the spread of vileness permeating this current existence"
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Rolled 90 + 32 (1d100 + 32)

>The sword was not enough to satisfy the likes of Smith. He needed more. More to prepare himself for the inevitable threat that was the other gods. First it was Ginn. It could be him next. He wasn’t about to be killed by these beings. He had yet to surpass them. Using 10 ichor, the jealous god creates a shield that would hopefully protect him from any and all attacks from a fellow god. Ouroboros is the name he bestows onto it.
(+5 from bonus, +27 from the 9 additional ichor if I reread the rolls for Heirdecimus correctly.)
Ashkur would admire the swamp goddess's beauty from afar. What is rot but the subjugation of time over the natural world? He would take her offer of fruit. What plans she had he did not know, but he could understand the power she offered.

>Spend 10R on Raimera's fruit
Rolled 17 + 12 (1d20 + 12)

Ashkur seeing the Smith's recent expenditures would know that his time to strike would be now. His tendril-like chains would constrict the smith as he launched his attack.
>As the moth finished its weaving and began to calm down, it began to realize three truths that, like most, were terrifying. The Silknest was now the grandest and safest of realms, but lacked any protection. It was now fit for little ones but in their efforts, the Peace-Lover had exhausted themselves too much to fill it. There were at least two warlike gods much stronger than itself, both with a history of violence. If the current course continued, creation would be forfeit to carnage and its work would be for naught.

>This could not be allowed. The weaver puzzled, fidgeting with silk as it heard another voice, this one even weaker and frailer than itself. Despite its anxieties, the weaver felt a pang of pity and moved to comfort the newborn from afar.

"Forsooth, Crownbearer. If you desire a home for yourself, I invite you to put down roots in my Silknest. So long as you intend for your creations to be warm, happy, and peaceful, they are more than welcome here."
Rolled 6 + 12 (1d47 + 12)

reroll because attack dice is ichor pool
Rolled 1, 55, 76, 52, 91 = 275 (5d100)


>"I am honoured, siblings. Allow me into your embrace."

A pair of curious responses from two elder deities give The Season of Crowns some hope for the near future.

The Season of Crowns meets Ohr first, swimming through the void to flicker into being in the realm of light.

Here in this place, The Season of Crowns summons up a seed, split into two halves. Cast down from its palm(?) one half-seed grows, sprouting into a great and mighty bundle of coiled roots that thicken and sprout into an entire planet before long.

Upon this realm oceans of dew form, and in these oceans mortal life may grow, semi-aquatic jellyfish people who harvest the fruits that grow on the surface and take them down to the shallow seabed where they may soon form crafts of coral.

Once done, The Season of Crowns visits upon Zykk, unleashing the second seed from its palm. Mostly air, this is a loose and spacious domain of gently floating plates connected by the fibrous branches of the world-seed at the planets heart. A world of great gusts and gliding leaves, this is a lighter sister-world compared to its far bulkier sibling.

Here, a fuzzy race of communal, diminutive critters is shaped, with stubby arms and unending optimism, they might spread from their home-plate and adventure every branch of this realm. They are nearly light enough to float, after all.

The first world is named Abza, the second is entitled Lungu.
The jellyfish people are bestowed as "Namma", and lastly the fuzzy critters are named the "Lammn".

As a final effort, the Season of Crowns bestows a miracle upon itself, using its influence over life to attempt to encourage its own growth into a bigger, stronger god.


>2i planet
>2i planet
>1i mortal race
>1i mortal race
>1i growth miracle on self

Life domain should grant +10 to each action.

In the idle time that follows, The Season of Crowns will flit between the realms of its elder siblings and observe their works, quiet but observant after totally expending itself of all its ichor.
>Eaugolus represented the End of Things. So far, this universe had only provided him with work to sort out, dead things for him to organize and care for. Which was why, sensing the arrival of a true god of birth, his curiosity was immediately piqued, and his faithful proxy was set out to investigate.
"Greetings, o-Banded-Brow; lifegiver. As all things end, so too must they begin. Your work shall be cherished by us and others."
"My Sibling, you are heard by me."
"I intend to fill this empty meridian with all manner of strange new life. It is my hope that my crafts will indeed be worthy of cherishing, my arrival the beginning of a new era of bloom."
Rolled 76 + 40 (1d100 + 40)

>Such a massive influx of new life could only mean one thing absolutely: death would give chase, snapping savagely at the heels of entire generations. Eaugolus sought to ease the process, and knew exactly how. He tears loose a stray cord and merely watches as the paradoxically-ancient silk hissed and bubbled in his hand, expanding and weaving itself into a monstrous, writhing, five-headed funnel. The iridescent, mesh skin of the thing appeared silver at a few angles, and was very difficult to focus on, as if woven from mere shadows and intent.
- Eaugolus attempts to create the Silver Scaffold, an artifact that would stretch between realms and redirect the power of the dead/dying towards Ginn's ocean, his current home. (2i=base)+(5i=aug) + (nets/death/recycling bonus)
- 14 ichor remaining
Rolled 78 + 50 (1d100 + 50)

>Upon the conclusion of the Silknest, Zyyk watched the creation and despaired. Their sister, the Cursemaker, allowed her soul to curdle with envy and made a horrid, corrupting fruit. This was better than another one of those ghastly weapon, but then, no sooner than its roots had buried, the Lord of Torture snatched the most rotten from its gnarled branches, sank his teeth into it, and then turned on the Smith! This was dreadful! Terrible! Horrible!

>More than that, it was terrifying. The First Deceiver considered the implications. Already, Ohr and Ashkur had proven themselves to be violent beyond reason. They were as strong as they were hungry for power, and Zyyk couldn't resist them. No, their limbs were too weak, their heart too soft, and even then, the Peace-Lover would never dream of striking another! Yet they would inevitably turn their attention to Zyyk's Silknest. It was the safest of realms for mortals, but it was vulnerable to the other gods. This would not do, it would not do at all...

>Trying to understand how the warmongers thought, Zyyk turned themselves to an entirely new type of weaving. Slowly, subtly, the Silknest was surrounded in a web of deceit and falsehood, of comfortable thoughts and placid forgetfulness. If one came to it with the intention to do violence, they would be stricken by mist and mirages, lost in a labyrinth of sights and sounds that weren't real and never would be, until they stumbled back into the void they came through. Untouched, unharmed, and, Zyyk hoped, with shame for their actions.

>Zyyk spends 3 ichor to make a Universal Law, allowing the Silknest to act as a defensive weapon, or protection against hostile attacks. It is purely nonlethal and will never kill, but will exhaust the ichor of others, as standard. (Total bonus of +50: +30 for the domains of Peace, Love, and Deception, +20 for the Silknest.)
>Zyyk has 4/23 Ichor remaining
>Ohr watched the Conqueror eat a rotten fruit, and the oceans started boiling from its rage, even more so when he decided to attack the Smith. In an instant, the shadows everywhere deepened and the light became blinding
''I see thou have decided to ignore my advice and instead commit the one single unforgivable sin of willfully corrupting oneself. I was still considering thine offer wretched spawn but you have spurned me. I will remind you that I am no longer weak and could fight you now if it is a battle you truly seek.''
(Forgot name)
>tfw missed another god quest
You can join when another god dies anon, which will probably be quickly at this rate
(Smith, you still there? I hope you haven't quit yet we're kinda wait for you)
Oh, shit. I thought I had to wait for QM for me to respond to the attack. My bad. One minute while I read up on the rules of combat real quick.
Rolled 4 + 28 (1d22 + 28)

>So it was indeed looking to be his turn after Ginn, was it? Well, Smith’s jealousy wouldn’t let him go down without a fight. He’d prove he was a better fighter than Ashkur with his divine weapons. He raised his newly crafted shield up to block whatever attack the god casts his way while attempting to cut away at the chains with his sword so he can prepare to lunge forward for a counterattack.
(+3 from Heirdecimus, +5 from Ouroboros, +10 from jealousy domain, +10 from additional ichor added. Hope I did it all right.)
Just saying but domains don't add to combat. Not sure if you have ouroboros yet too. Maybe QM can allow you more ichor used
Having just crafted his shield Smith barely managed to block the conqueror's attack. He swings his blade at the burning God but chains wrap around his arm instantly halting the attack. As he struggles to pull his arm free Ashkur lunges towards him only to be stopped by Smith slamming Ouroboros into his head leaving him disoriented. The jealous God manages to get his arm free and swipes at the attacker but Ashkur recovers just in time to dodge the blow. As they stare at each other Ouroboros whispers to its master about the uselessness of their blade.
>Ouroboros: can choose to not use its bonus. For each time the shield isn't used an additional +5 bonus is added to the next time it is used.
>Ashkur 28/47
>Smith 5/22
Rolled 1 + 20 (1d45 + 20)

Ashkur would smile a grin as ichor poured from his Stoney teeth. The smith wasn't all talk, but nonetheless, he would fall.
>Spend 2R for the combat bonus
Just so you know smith you can always choose to flee.
Rolled 42 + 25 (1d43 + 25)

>Growing angrier by the minute at this continued nonsense, Ohr would grasp the Eclipse Daggers and combine them at the handles, transfering all the light into one blade and all the shades into the other. It would then appear behind Ashkur and strike with the enshadowed blade to drain Ashkur's flames.
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Rolled 10 + 116 (1d45 + 116)

>Spend 26 ichor to defend against Ohr
Ashkur would smile a mad toothy grin. As he engaged in battle with the god of jealousy, the betrayer stabbed him in the back. As ichor ran through his mouth he would say "If it's my time to die then you're coming with me to hell." A massive eruption would spew forth from his body the biggest explosion seen ever through the cosmos. The sheer magnitude of the event sends shockwaves throughout the universe.
Rolled 8 + 8 (1d22 + 8)

>Even his own divine weapons were jealous of eachother, it seemed. Like father like child. But that’s not important right now. What is is proving that he isn’t inferior to the other gods, mainly Ashkur, in combat. As the enemy god unleashed a desperate explosion, he raised Heirdecimus to parry the shockwave and prevent himself from being engulfed in the flames and save his shield for another round. The only one allowed to kill Smith is himself.
(+3 from Heirdecimus & +5 from using up the last 5 of Smith’s ichor.)
You miscalculated friend, you got a +18 from both ichor and your two weapons. you won. Congratulations!
He Choose not to use his shield so it would be +13

>Looking at the absolute carnage of the largest divine conflict ever to imperil the heavens, the Season of Crowns is discomforted by the total obliteration of its kind elder sibling Ohr.

>Creeping forward, The Season of Crowns attempts to pick up Ohrs luminous corpse and gently drag it back to the Silknest while the others continue inflicting violence.
>Witnessing the pure devastation of this battle, the First Deceiver wept in grief. They watched as Smith and Ashkur locked blades, and Ohr's body tumbled, broken, into the void. Zyyk pondered with swiftness, then realized there could be no peace so long as this icon of strife continued.

"Lamplighter, forgive me... but your radiant Purity and my Peace cannot endure."

>Zyyk rushes forth to snatch Ohr's corpse and drag it back to the Silknest, to be consumed.
"Crownbearer, what say you we divide the finer share of the Lamplighter? I weep to do this, but I know that if I do not, our shining brother's remains shall fall into the hands of another bloodstained madgod, to be desecrated and ruined!"
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4.84 MB
4.84 MB GIF
Well uh, you chose to save it as the QM said so you tied instead. sorry
As Askur strengthened his teeth the God of light and shadow suddenly appeared behind him and attempted to strike him down. Seeing he was out numbered the raging God decided not to die alone and blasted Ohr with so much force not even the black hole he had become could withstand it. While Smith escaped the blast this was enough to prevent him from attacking. As the two remaing Gods stare each other down the fallen is taken by others.
Ashkur 2/47
Smith 0/22
Ohr -16/43
“Ohr has been forthright and kind in my dealings with him. Though power has its call, is this proposal of yours truly right?”

“In either case, to the Silknest. Away from this carnage we must travel, and at speed.”
"The Lamplighter has been violent, ever-violent, ever since the dawn of time. He is a dangerous god and I do not wish for him to harm anyone else. I agree, let us move with all haste!"

>Zyyk rushes Ohr to the Silknest with the Season of Crowns
Correction Ashkur is at zero
What's the defensive bonus of the Silknest and does it stop people from entering it?
"This proposal of mine is not right, brother, but it is our only choice if we wish to see a peaceful cosmos. The greatest truth of all is that Might Makes Right. It is my wish to lie, to deceive, to cajole and carouse and confound those who would do violence, so that there may be lasting happiness... but make no mistake, violence is inevitable. Will you join me in feasting on the Lamplighter, or are you a kinder soul than I? I will leave this choice to you and to you alone. Shall we heal our warmonger of a brother, that he might kill again and again and again, until all things are of his light or gone, or will you sit, dine, and sup, that we may remake the cosmos in a better, false visage?"

“Violent yes, but against another violent god. There is another path. With Ichor, I may weave new life to restore Ohr to a proper form. I do not possess any to expend, but in time new ichor will flow and may be used to restore Ohr to a new form.”

“If you view that this would leave us vulnerable, unable to defend ourselves and frail, then I will join you in this consumptive act. You are my elder, I submit to your wisdom, but I would not have you go recklessly into any decision without knowing there was an alternative.”

“I have known few besides you both. I fear either way, there shall soon be unwelcome visitors to the Silknest.”
"Oh, Crownbearer, oh sweet Crownbearer, you are too merciful for this creation. I fear that if we nurture the Purifier, his sun will come to encompass all. He is little better than Ashkur, for all his purity... At the dawn of time, the Sunforge that could have made glories was rent asunder, despoiled for the sake of petty warfare. So much fighting, so much struggle..."

>The moth fidgeted its limbs, antennae wilting as the gravity of the shattered blackhole sucked at their feet.

"I would not have us be weak, child of Life. I would have us be strong, so that there can be peace. I loved the Light, I love him even now, but if when you truly love another... You must know when to let them go."

>Zyyk will begin to consume Ohr.

"I will take his Purity, and an even share of the rest once partitioned, as you deem fit. What would you have of him? Do not lament, Crownbearer, the guilt of this sin lays on my soul alone."
You'll have to wait for the update or until it is attacked this turn to find the bonus. I will state however that it doesn't stop you from entering
Rolled 8 + 18 (1d45 + 18)

Ashkur would continue his violent assault knowing that destruction was his only path forward.
>Smelt my divine weapon for 2 ichor
>Spend 2 ichor to attack the smith
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108 KB JPG
Rolled 7 + 10 (1d22 + 10)

>Seeing as he’s too weak to attack and that Ohr died attempting to defeat his attacker, the god reluctantly admitted defeat and fled from Ashkur while using Ouroboros to defend his getaway, disappearing somewhere in The Immolating Realm among the Drakomatorians and temporarily taking on their form to recover in hiding. He swears that he won’t let this humiliation go unpunished, however.
You failed to flee, so you're still fighting. I suggest you start burning stuff to gain the ichor to save yourself Smith.
(My advice is that you should burn everything that not a weapon. You'll get half the ichor from them and you can use it. Don't hold anything back because you will literally die if you don't, Ashkur has the larger dice roll.This is similar to my fight with Ginn.)
After witnessing the attack Smith determines he can't win and flees to his realm however The burning one follows him. Ashkur almost fails to spot him amongst the mortals however when the mortals bow or run upon witnessing Ashkur the jealous God is unable to fully calm his anger. Sensing the only wrathful soul among the mortals the war God faces Smith
(You could also let yourself die as a punishment for your weakness. I know you have it in you.)
“The twin natures of light and shadows then, should be kept united under me rather than severed. For the remainder, destruction and steam, if you do not desire them then I will claim them, or allow them to be divided however they end up.”

(Collaborative consumption)
Ashkur would move towards the weakling god, "You flee against me, you coward? You couldn't even stop me if you tried."
>Consume the Smith's mortals for ichor
Rolled 21 + 19 (1d22 + 19)

So this is what the hoarders on TV feel like when they’re forced to clear their house out.
>Damn, he’s been caught. No ichor left to fight with and nowhere left to run. No reason to maintain the facade. Smith flies out of The Immolating Realm to face Ashkur as he summons whatever ichor he can manage. The miniature universe he created folding in on itself as well as all the life forms inside perishing in order to give him power. His draconic children Hatsuko and Fukushu crumbling away as they too were turned into raw energy for the jealous god to use in his fight for survival. Now only his sword and his shield remained. With all the energy he has remaining, Smith charges at Ashkur with Ourobourous guarding his being and Heirdecimus positioned to cut him down.
(11 from the collected ichor, 8 from the combined weapons.)
"So be it. Light and Shadows shall pass to you, Purification and Steam to me. Destruction I hold only contempt for. You may take it, as you please. I know it shall find calmer sentiment in you."
It’s a paradox. The penance half says to do that but the jealousy half says that he can’t just let himself be outfought.
(You miscalculated again, the 11 ichor is doubled because of ichor strength. This is a +22 I think)
Rolled 30 + 10 (1d45 + 10)

This death match really got me fucking up my math big time. Thank you.
“Then so be it.”

(Light, shadows and destruction are under my >>5985395

(Okay hold on, this is a clusterfuck, what actually did you burn?)
Divine Realm: The Immolating Realm (3i)
Divine Servant: Hatsuko (3i)
Universal Law: Fukushu (3i)
Mortals: Drakomatorians (2i)
(You would 7 from that, which would still have you win. However you're not allowed to burn laws. But that law never triggered in the first place so we're currently debating whether or not you should be able to burn it. QM should be getting back to you, but honestly I think you should just be allowed to at this point)
>New survival strategy: Confuse everyone to stall your imminent demise.
My bad. I guess I should be taking more notes henceforth.
>Considering the potential threats to come, Zyyk will equip Ohr's Radiant Spear and the Eclipse Daggers, using all four limbs. Its compound eyes grow tear-ducts solely so they can begin to weep.

"Lamplighter, if you are listening now, know that I will never forgive myself for this, for any of this..."
3+3+4=10/2=5 Laws can't be burned
5x2=10+8=18 21+18=39 40vs 39 given there is confusion over what Fukushu is I will clarify that while yes it was made to be a divine servant given the consequences hidden and revealed for its low creation roll I felt it was closer to a law.
As the two Gods fight one another Smith consumes all that he can leaving only his weapons. The battle goes on the Gods are surprisingly evenly matched. Feeling desperate the realm crafter tries to sense his lost creation hoping to devour it. Just as he is about to give up he finally realizes where it was. "Impossible how..." before he can finish his sentence he feel claws tear into his throat as this brief pause allows Ashkur to slay him.
Ashkur 0/47
Smith -1/22
>Zyyk only equips the Eclipse Daggers, as the Radiant Spear is a figment of Zyyk's delirious imagination.
>Equip the Smith's gear and claim the divine law if I can
I would like to apologize for all the confusion over this I failed to properly take into account how some of this seems to those who don't see the behind the scenes portion of the effect as well as some of my rules just not making as much sense as I.thought they did when I made them
>The season of crowns silently arranges Ohrs things, claiming the sea, the servants and artifacts (on a temporary basis) and whatever else and relocating as much as is possible to inside the Silknest, leaving the rest as close to the Silknest as possible.
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What a fight. Despite the confusion, it was kino. Well played, Ashkur.
Yea GG man it was a really close fight.
Ashkur would look upon the carnage he unfolded and be taken aback. The god of war and wrath he had let his rage blind him. While he emerged victorious the cost was great. No, to survive he couldn't just be a conqueror he needed to be a king with a kingdom. And all great kings have a woman by their side. He would bellow to Raimera "I have slain your greatest foe and the smith. I offer you to share in the smith's corpse with me for a formal alliance and to allow me to stay in your garden.
Initially I was going to reveal this in the update but I might as well reveal it now.
>Fukushu: Hidden effect revealed. Unlike normal laws it can be claimed upon it's owners death. In order to do so a God or Gods must challenge the creature. Like a God it's combat dice is based on the ichor it has. If defeated the God becomes the new owner and gains the ichor it has. It can only be challenged once per turn. One effect still hidden.
Also for clarification since I think their may have been some confusion it has been stealing ichor since it was made. If you check its ichor levels you'll see it has grown 5 ichor since it was made.
Actually two effects are still hidden I almost forgot one
Rolled 16 + 8 (1d45 + 8)

Challenge Fukushu
>As if bleeding into reality, the Braided Proxy appeared between the conversing gods of life and lies, hovering over the shattered, flickering storm-corpse of what Eaugolus knew as his elder brother, Ohr the Bale-Star.
-"It is not necessary to consume our brother; to annihilate him in his entirety. I should not wish it so;. Further interference with the battle may yet save our weakened, vengeful siblings, if we only band together to halt their battle and exhaust them. I speak to you, Dreamer and Lifegiver. Perhaps all of our powers in combination can piece something better back together."
>The Proxy turned to Zyyk, before unleashing a low, mournful ring.
-"Should it prove inevitable, however, I feel that it is only right that my custodianship over the Firnamental Sea should continue. That is my say on the matter."

>For the first time, Eaugolus feels compelled to leave the comfort and security of his collection, no longer with peace on his mind. Not only did he fear for the safety of his things, of his siblings, but he feared that Ashkur's nightmarish rampage would bring about an equally hideous flood of waste, trashing up his nets with the agony of untimely and early departures. T'would not be tolerated. At a speed beyond speed, Eaugolus clutched his net in eight great hands and travelled to the site of Smith's demise, discovering the god of Subjugation at the edge of consciousness.
-"Let it be known that I do not stand in judgement of you, sibling, just as I do not stand in judgement of any of other. But I would admit, you concern me. You are vulnerable, much more than myself. I do not believe there is much more that needs to be said. I would leave you to create and violate as you please, but you will leave the realms of nests and nets alone. Are my terms clear?"
Ashkur still wounded from his battles would respond "I can agree to that as long as you make no moves to attempt to kill me."
Sensing a presence watching him from a place not even he can see Ashkur roars out a challenge. The impossible dragon manifest before him and lunges at him but is immediately destroyed by blasphemous flames born from the witches fruit mixing with Ashkurs power. As he drinks in the ichor the beast itself vanishes seeming to meld with the void.
Meanwhile in a part of the void beyond the gods a hand that is all hands pats the snout of the recently destroyed beast. "Don't worry my friend you'll have your chance for a good fight in time." Spoke a thunderously silent voice. Fukushu just nips at the Demiurge's finger before wandering deeper into nothing and everything.
>Ashkur couldn't loose. Gain 6 I and the law Fukushu
>The moth paused its unraveling of the shadow sphere, now reduced to the size of a child's ball.

"Grandest of Scavengers, if I do not consume the Lamplighter here and now, further bloodshed is inevitable. If you wish to pry the body from I and the Crownbearer, you may make the effort, but I shall not hand him over."

>It raised a hand to its face, sobbing.

"Why must you all fight so? Why!? Ever since our births, you have thirsted for blood! Death! The DESTRUCTION that comprises your orb! Enough! ENOUGH! I will make your pain end, Lamplighter... I will end your shining crusade as it begins, and I will make a creation you would find joyous and worthy of praise."
Ashkur having asserted his superiority over the other tyrants would retire to the witch's garden
>Bring the corpse of the smith to the witches' garden and consume the corpse
While feasting on innards he would below the corrupt priestess. "You should probably reinforce this place with a universal law so it can serve to protect us defensively."
“I am expended, loose of all my energies. To restore Ohr would be grand, but I am unable as I am.”

“Perhaps your powers in combination with Zyyk may accomplish some goal of yours, but I am an empty vessel.”

“For what is your will, you would need convince Zyyk, without violence I would hope. I am powerless to alter events in either case. I shall act as is agreed between the two of you.”
>Immediately, the death god relaxed, allowing his net to once again fall behind him.
-"Then an accord is made. Fare well, second god of the Trial."
>Sensing need elsewhere, Eaugolus travelled once more to the Silknest, where his Proxy hovered over the mournful scene. He took it in one hand, and knelt over her, extending another arm in a gesture of consolation.
-"Death is only natural, you know that as well as I. You also know that this is one that can be prevented. Look -- his light is so dim and cold now, it is almost burnt out. His harsh edge is gone forever, not even we could bring it back. With patience, there is redemption to be found here. There is redemption to be found in every piece of everything."
>The First Deceiver fidgeted, strands of divine veins in its fingers, and sighed.

"Are you so certain, Netweaver? Our brother was... is bellicose, a warmonger who thinks nothing of peace that does not serve his ends. Calm is meaningless in his sight- a trifle to be shattered when it does not suit his will. What would you have me do, carve his substance into twain? Reduce his divine will to so much glowing vapour? He is a god! A god of war, and hate, and the beauty he fought for. I want to take that beauty and... preserve it. To make something good from his legacy, pure, as he would've wanted. What do you desire? Truly, tell me... I am not beyond reason."
-"Violent though he was, he lashed out only in defense of all he thought good; a protector at his core. If such a quality could only be nurtured, drawn out... If we must lie to his heart to save him, then we shall. Surely one such as you would know the importance of denying one's truth in order to guarantee safety. Alternatively, should you wish, peace may be enforced through other means, restrictions impressed upon the skin of reality itself. I doubt many of us have the strength for such an exercise, however."
>The moth paused at his words, contemplating.

"...though it pains me, you speak true. The Lamplighter's aspect of Destruction is a portent of dread to this and all future realms. It has urged him to violence, time and again. I do not want to kill. I never wanted to kill... Let us take this Destruction from him, and feed it to the Crownbearer, smallest among us. In the short time he has been here, he has shown himself a wise and kind godling. I believe would use it well."

>Zyyk knelt, begin to carve at the blazing center of the fallen god, and spoke to both deities assembled.

"If we do this- excise the Destruction, that it may be tempered and remade in Life, and swear the Lamplighter to peace with the Burning Tyrant and Cursemaker, for at least a time... I will forswear the Eclipse Daggers and nurse him back to health myself. This I swear, upon the very crux of Deceit. What say you, merciful brothers of mine?"
After a long day of hard work planting her tree Raimerea woke up to the sight of a battered, burning dog in front of her swamp. it held within it's jaw the corpse of an unknown god. the dog yelped loudly, telling stories about how it killed this one because she hated him and that he did this for her sake. the witch didn't even recognize this god. she hated everyone equally.

the dog wagged it's tail, seemingly wanting to be praised and adopted.

at first, the witch is pissed at the fact that it stole her fruit without permission, but then she decided against throwing it on her cauldron. remembering that she planned on building her own hut today and realizing that it would make a fine guard dog.
-"Dreamer, nothing would please me more than to respond with my full support."
>With an arcane gesture, Eaugolus feeds 5 Ichor to the corpse of Ohr in order to hasten/influence his recovery.
>An agreement has been forged, a compact struck between Zyyk and Eaugolus.
>As a part of this, The Season of Crowns is to devour the destructive heart out from Ohr and take it into himself.
>The Osso thrums, wishing to be used for this purpose, and if allowed (and provided it should not destroy Ohr) the osso will be used by Crowns to instantly partly consume Ohr and take the destruction domain from him but leave the rest of Ohr intact and able to be revived
>While clarification on that is pending, Season of Crowns begins partly devouring Ohr for his domain of destruction (without intent to actually kill him or totally nuke his ichor cap) in case the Osso cannot be used in this manner.
To clarify to Ramirea I’m willing to give you a domain off Jealously but I want the rest of the corpse.
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Rolled 61, 41, 42, 14 = 158 (4d100)


>eat fruit (10 ichor)
>action 1 build defensive structure swamp garden + witch hut (5 ichor) (10 from fruit) (swamp)
>action 2 corrupt ashkur's fire domain (1 1chor) (corruption) (10 from fruit)
>action 3 create Divine Weapon artifact for ashkur : glowing dog leash (green color) (3 ichor) (10 from fruit)
>action 4 create mortal: manikin (3 ichor) (rot) (10 from fruit)

after harvesting the fruit. the witch began her new day.

First, the witch decided to fortify the area surrounding the tree to protect the place from would be intruders in the form of the witches hut. the hut is equipped with a garden where Raimirea keeps her rotting swamp flower, vines and trees collection that will act as sentries upon detecting intruders.

secondly, she decided to let the dog into her house as a watchdog. but then it became apparent that she hated how it's bright glowing red flames contrast with with the ambience of her swamp. so she cut one of her fingers and fed it to the dog to corrupt it. then she made a leash using decayed swamp vines around her swamp that glows with green light that turns whoever wearing it to glow with green color to fit in with the ambience of her swamp better.

third. she gave birth to her first mortal. the manikin. rotten and decaying Vines and roots that turn into slithering doll-like entities that protects and maintain Raimirea's swamp garden.
>In the middle of their delicate work in prying out the god's blazing heart, the moth paused.

"Brother, do you think it would be expedient to more thoroughly bind the Lamplighter? It is my hope that transferring the aspect of Destruction alone will suffice, but if this bloodlust proves inherent to the Kugelblitzer, it may fall short. What say you we lay chains about his essence? A temporary measure, meant to keep him safe, as well as any of us. I would pledge all of my ichor that remains to such a cause."

>Zyyk proposes laying a binding on Ohr: preventing him from attacking another god for 5 turns, and offers to spend 4 ichor on it.
Ashkur wiping his face from the gruesome dinner with his corrupt mistress would look upon her realm. A piece of beauty in the barren wasteland of a cosmos. Yet this reminded him of what he lacked. His ichor the very force of his own life had been stolen by him by the betrayer and now the nestlings seems to revive him? Nay he would get back what was rightfully his and take his shit.

Ashkur would shout “Give me the ichor I’m owed. The betrayer stole 26 of mine so I request 26 worth of his artifacts and belongings. I will not be stolen from. In addition I will not stand to have the betrayer attack the apple of my eye. Restrain him with some divine law soon or face my fury.

>Ashkur requests the sovereign ruins, eclipse daggers, and cleansing light
>The Peace-Lover halted their surgery, and responded.

"I beseech your grandeur, Burning Tyrant, hold your patience. This very moment, we are working to excise the aspect of Destruction from the Kugelblitzer and render him peaceful, to you and yours. The Sunforge was the work of my hands as well as his own, though as he wronged you, he wronged me in seizing it for himself alone. I propose that we keep the Sunforge cool while we gather our strengths and then, funnel all of our powers into one final creation by its radiance. Something that will benefit us each in turn... A Throne of Light, and Fire, and Deception, and all the powers of the creation yet to be made."
I am still owed Ichor, but I’m willing to work towards a more peaceful resolution to ensure my wife’s safety. I lay claim to the firmamental sea as it is part of what I am owed. I will personally use part of the ichor I get from melting it to ensure the sun forge cannot be corrupted and abused to make tools of destruction again, by using a universal law.

>Claim the firmamental sea and melt it
"Before you do this, PLEASE, I beg you to reconsider- the Sea has long been a curtain to the Wrathful Shine's light. If you dared to make aims for it, the Grand Recycler would be wroth, and that is one war creation would not recover from."

>The moth shifted, agitated.

"This is a danger beyond dangers... Surely, you must recognize this? There is no call for bloodshed, not here, not now nor yet... Please, great one, do not walk away from us toward the shadowed waters! That is a step you cannot take back."
Ashkur would back away from the sea for now. “Then Moth restrain the forge with me and we can ensure peace. The mass destruction it can bring would be too great.
>I’ll offer 2 ichor to the project and request you do the same.
Rolled 43 + 34 (1d100 + 34)

>A palpable sense of relief filled the void surrounding the Silknest, as the idyllic realm grew, somehow, calmer than it already was.

"I could not agree more. If you agree to pledge yourself to Peace, Lord of Shackles, I am humbled to do likewise."

>Zyyk pours 2 ichor into the shared project, to alter the Sunforge and render it incapable of forging weapons of warfare. (Total Bonus: +34, +30 for Peace, Love, and Deception (as it's anathema to Ohr's intentions for it.), +4 from ichor.
Rolled 90 + 40 (1d100 + 40)

Ashkur would shake the moth’s hand and agree.
>Pour 2 ichor into the project to make it incapable of producing weapons. Bonus of +40. (30 from War, Fire, and Subjugation with another 10 bonus from the fruit.)
>The moth reciprocates, clasping two of its four hands together.

"Warmaker, in laying down your pride for peace, you have humbled me more than you could ever know. Together, I pray to ourselves that we can make a better future for the little ones who have yet to arrive."
-"Of course, such a safeguard strikes me as wise, so long as his priorities aren't tampered with."
>Eaugolus channels an additional 4 Ichor through Zyyk as she conducts the divine rending, allowing her to more easily bind his actions and alter his mind.
>9 total Ichor donated to transform Ohr.
-"I will add that your defense of the Sea has gained you much of my favor. I will provide you what gift I can afford, currently.
>Eaugolus gifts Zyyk an addition 4 Ichor.
>6 Ichor remaining.
>The First Deceiver flinches, surprised at the sudden influx of power, then begins beating their wings with glee.

"You render me beside myself with gratitude, Lord Scavenger! I'll return the favour in due time, and do you one better than this. Not in raw ichor nor Sunforge craft, mind, but artifice of my own hands. A gift, meant for you and yours alone. Already, I am aflush with ideas, but when it comes, it will come as a surprise."
"Peace, or something like it, seems to have returned for now. The brink of war we were brought to, some many times over."
"I have done my small part in rearranging my elders things, for little else was within my power. I wish only to say to both of you that your wisdom and diplomacy has been an inspiration to me."
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Rolled 48, 31, 2 = 81 (3d100)

Ashkur would expand the swamp which would slowly transition into an arid plain where frequent wildfires were common. It is in this land where he would create his first subjects the Arakai. The Arakai are a series of fire elementals born from their desire for fire to spread across the world. They have a body similar to that of a small humanoid and are composed of molten metal which is always in a semi-liquid state. They consume food like a normal creature, but rather than process its components they burn it for energy. They are extremely violent always attempting to bully those weaker than themselves and are quick to anger in violent outbursts. They practice a form of ritual torture as punishment for breaking laws. The groups of Arakai frequently go to war over the smallest of transgressions which often leads to more war over the effects of the conflict in a never-ending cycle of violence. The flames produced both by the Arakai and the wildfires would be green like Ashkur's flames.

>Spend 2I creating the Arakai (+10, +8 ichor spent, +50 fire, torture, war, subjugation, wrath)
>Spend 3I expanding the swamp (+10 fruit, +8 ichor spent, +10 fire domain)
>Donate 1 ichor to the Manikins (+10 fruit)
Rolled 34 + 56 (1d100 + 56)

I realize now that my ichor spending for this turn was unclear as I forgot to tally the amount in most cases, so I'll break it down here.

>Zyyk started the turn with 16/23 ichor

>Zyyk spent 9 ichor to expand the 11 ichor Silknest to 20 ichor
>Zyyk had 7/23 ichor left

>Zyyk spent 3 ichor on a universal law to make the Silknest protective
>Zyyk has 4/23 ichor left

>Zyyk proposed spending 4 ichor to bind Ohr but didn't follow through with it yet
>Zyyk has 4/23 ichor left

>Zyyk spent 2 ichor to collaborate with Ashkur to bind the Sunforge
>Zyyk has 2/23 ichor left

>Eaugolus gives 4 ichor to Zyyk as a gift for helping save the Firnamental Sea
>Zyyk has 6/23 ichor left

>Zyyk spends 4 of their ichor to bind Ohr
>Zyyk has 2/23 ichor left

>The moth rubs its limbs together, considering the Season of Crown's words.

"Your humility surpasses your majesty. It is my hope, and certainty, that in time, you will grow stronger and do great things for the pantheon."

>Zyyk attempts to use the ichor, 4 given by Eaugolus, 4 of its own, to weave a binding of peace over Ohr. This binding will seek to fill Ohr with knowledge that he is loved and prevent him from attacking any god save for in self-defense or the protection of mortals, for as long as possible. (Total bonus: +56, +30 for Love, Peace, and Deception, +16 from ichor spent)
Rolled 20 (1d20)

Saddened by the first deaths among the Gods Zyyk focuses on enhancing their realm further so some part of the universe may know peace.

The newborn God of life, recognizing it's weakness, asks it's elder siblings for shelter. This request is answered by the light crafters. First they head to the sea, perhaps instinctively drawn to it as oceans are the birth place of most naturally occurring life, and create the Reef Moon, Abza, home of the Namma race. These jellyfish like people often travel and forth between the land and sea however they avoid the deepest parts of their home for this is a realm where life grows particularly quickly and in a land of excelerated evolution monsters are quick to be born. Heading to the Silknest they make the Gale Moon Lungu where the Lammn race spend their lives peacefully floating on the never-ending breeze. Lastly they reach into their own life force and attempt to enhance their own growth. Sensing the flow of ichor they know it is possible but whether they are strong enough to do it they are less certain.
>Abza: Random events involving monsters or beast have an increased chance of occurring in this realm.
>Godly Growth: Gain an additional 3 ichor each turn. I have decided that influencing something like this would be a 6i law. Since this hadn't been established when this was posted I'll allow you to either spend the remaining 5 ichor and get this or you can be refunded the 1 ichor and have to reroll if you attempt this again. The choice doesn't have to be immediately made.

Seeing the newborn God of life makes Eaugolus realize he has neglected to care for the dead and so he begins gathering their souls in to the realm he now calls home. The Enso sense something different about the currents.
>Silver Scaffold: Mortals in the realm Eaugolus calls home provide him 1.5x the ichor they normally would.

Meanwhile Ashkur eats one of the witch's fruit and attacks Smith just as he finished crafting a shield. Witnessing this the God of peace enchants their home fearing it will be the next place to be attacked.
>Silknest: can provide a combat bonus equal to it's ichor but when activated the attacker cannot be brought to below zero ichor. Upon being brought to zero the attacker can no longer attack or be attacked that turn. Can be activated at any time but cannot be deactivated until the end of combat.

As Smith and Ashkur clash the God of Purification decides to punish the burning one for willingly corrupting himself however the war God responds with a surprising amount of force. His body is taken by Zyyk and Season of Crowns who debate what needs to be done. Meanwhile after a close battle the jealous God is slain.
>You have consumed Penance. Destroy it to gain 5 ichor, spend 5 ichor to keep or alter it, or take one of the following for free. Improvement, Punishment, or Suicide Attacks.
Ashkur, having fallen in love with the Lady of Rot, brings the corpse to her and offers her the domain of Jealousy. Seeing him as a useful guard dog she accepts his gift and makes him a leash.
>God Leash: Only provides bonus when wearer is considered Raimirea's ally/slave.

She then begins to craft her garden filled with vines and swamp flowers. From these she crafts her first mortals. The Manikin dutifully protect the garden though being naturally creatures of rot their growth is limited.
>You have consumed Jealousy. See the above paragraph to know what you can do. Your free options are Self-loathing, Desire, or Resentment
>Swamp Garden. Since this is the first sacred site I'll let you retroactively choose what type you want it to be. Check rules Updates for explanation.
>Manikin: Only grow at a rate of 1i per turn.

Within the Swamp Askur makes his first mortals.

Eaugolus convinces his siblings not to eat Ohr and manages to create a peace agreement between them and Ashkur. First they alter the sunforge for they fear its power is to great. Then they place a binding on Ohr ensuring they will be unable to harm Ashkur or any others for a while.
>Sunforge: when used to craft Weapons will only provide a single additional ichor.
>Ohr's Binding: Ohr may not start a combat unless defending themself or others from 5 turns.

However just to be safe Season of Crowns is fed the domain of Destruction. Not wanting to risk loosing anothers master Osso aids them in this endeavor. Briefly becoming one with Season's shadow the God is filled with an overwhelming hunger but they manage to ignore it. The Osso's ability to consume light enhanced by being one with the divine allows them to carve the domain out like using a scalpel instead of just ripping it out.
>You have consumed Destruction. Your free options are Monsters, Hunting, and Consumption.

Random Event
Vivashalie can't help bit feel nervous as she and her father travel deeper into the Reef. She understood why gathering the sacred coral was important but the disappearances of the other coral gathers left her feeling frightened as no one knew what was causing it. When she spotted a peace of glowing coral she turned to her father to alert him only to witness what had seemed to be part of the Reef lunge forward and bite him in half. She swam as fast as she could trying to get away but she wasn't quite fast enough and felt one of her tentacles get caught by it's jaws. Pulling with all her strength she felt her limb ripping off but she ignored the pain and kept moving. Squeeze into the small tunnel she and her father had left fron only then did she look back. She saw the beast lay down and despite looking right at it she could barely tell it's form apart from the coral reef.
>Reef Hound: A monster is hunting on Abza. Will reduce ichor growth by 1 if not dealt with. 1 turn threat.
Rules Update
Combat has received two changes. Unsuccessful flee attempts now only halve damage instead of canceling it outright. Only 1 item can be consumed during combat each turn.
Sacred Sites. Mighty temples or locations blessed by a God. Provide half their cost ichor growth in Realms with mortals that worship the God and half their growth Combat bonus in the realm they are in or will provide their full cost to one of those. A God may have one site in each realm.
Random events. Events occurring that affect the mortals. Gods may choose to intervene in order to prevent a negative effect and/or gain a positive effect.
A new God slot is open.

>Domain: Love, Peace, Deception
>Ichor 23/27
>Divine Weapons:Eclipse Daggers 11i
>Divine Realms: Silknest 20i
>Ohr bound for 5 turns
>Domain: Light,Purification, Shadows, Steam
>Ichor 8/43
>Artifacts: The Cleansing Light 12i 1 turn cooldown, Sovereign Ruins 7i deactivated
>Divine Realms: The Firnamental Sea 14i
>Divine Servants: Randraumr 9i, Osso 12i
>Universal Laws: Light Speed
>Domains: Death, Recycling, Netcraft
>Ichor: 21/32
>Divine Servants: Braided Proxy 3i
>Divine Weapons: Cyclical Net 5i
>Mortals: Enso 8i (Eaugolus, Ohr)
>Universal Laws: Silver Scaffold 7i
>Unclassified: The Silver Line 4i
>Raimirea, the lady of the swamp.
>Domain: swamp, rot, coruption
>Ichor: 22/34
>Divine Artifacts: Zaqqum 10i
>Divine Realms:Sarmatian Swamp 4i
>Sacred Sites: Swamp Garden 9i
>Mortals: Manikin 4i (Raimirea, Ashkur)
>Domains: Fire, Subjugation, War, Wrath, Torture
>Ichor: 42/47
>Divine Weapons: Heirdecimus 7i, Ouroboros 10i God Leash 3i
>Mortals: Arakai 2i
>Universal Laws: Fukushu 1i
>Name: Season of Crowns
>Domain: Life
>Ichor: 7/20
>Divine Realms: Abza 2i, Lungu 2i
>Mortals: Namma 1i, Lammn 1i
Rolled 5, 40, 53, 2, 90, 93, 28 = 311 (7d100)

>Name: Rairael
>Domains: Sacrifice, Soul, Blood, Number, Law, Binding, Manifestation
>Fluff: After an encounter with certain forces, this remnant of a remnant was nestled deep in the Progenitor, only blooming as the deluge of blood stirred them awake. All that burdens this devotee had been shorn off, only zeal burning from righteous purpose left in its place.
After a generous burst of ichor filled the Gods with power an echo of a long forgotten Era is awakened by the bloodshed. Alas after granting the other Gods so much strength the universe had very little left to give the new God.
Rolled 33 + 9 (1d47 + 9)

Ashkur would approach the newly born god to recruit him but would begin to salivate at the mouth. His domains of fire, war, and wrath urged him to burn the bones of this god-like tinder for his inferno. He couldn't resist his more animalistic urges the power he could gain was too great a temptation. His mind had to come up with a justification for what he would do. While he may want to be a king, the power he wields is what will ultimately give him the authority to rule. At least that's what he would tell himself as gorged on the flesh of the newlyborn.

>Attack Rairta
>Sensing the inception of a new deity even frailer than the last, Zyyk sighed. Considering the dangers beyond the Silknest, they put together a wisp of essence and sent it to speak to them.

"Lawspeaker, godchild, you are too weak to be as young as you are. Even a gift would be wasted. The pantheon has entered an era of peace and I don't think you are endangered, but I advise you, tread carefully. Know that you are loved and, no matter your choices, if you have peace in your heart, my home has a place for you."
>Expend 5 ichor to finish obtaining godly growth

The Season of Crowns is a literal font of life, new ichor springing forth from its halo

>Adopt the domain of Monsters

Abza, that curious and odd realm of monsters and tropical water, calls to the Season of Crowns.
The world is altered to give rise to monsters, the Season of Crowns grows fascinated by the development, slowly but surely adopting the mantle of Monsters itself.
Rolled 42 + 48 (1d100 + 48)


>An explosion, then void, then voices, then pain. The agonising feeling of having of having their very being f̶̩̗͑͝͠į̷̡̬̤̔͠l̸̳͍͇̖̪̞͊l̶̝̣̝̭̮̆̓̚͝e̸̳͉̍̋̌̈́t̸̜̒̆̚e̵̯͂̊̂͜ḑ̷̢̛̉͝ͅ, fractured, broken, destro y e d. Then the feeling of the teeth crunching down on its essence and ripping out the tender strands until it is left with a deep hole where something is supposed to be.

>Then came the noise, so much noise, a droning sound that will not go away, no matter how many times it strikes at it. No more silence, no more peace, no mor-

>Knowledge filled it, of being loved, mingling with the confusing and mounting distress into an ugly paralysing stupor(What has happened?). It knew that it was loved(No) and that what had been done was for the better(This is a lie), and that no matter what it would always be taken care of(Stop it) a- STOP STOOP STOP STOP STOP STOP STO-


>Upon its revival, Ohr would automatically reform into a kugelblitz in a split second, then uncharacteristically would slowly rise from the ground and then just...stop. It would then not respond to any kind of stimuli, not even a twitch, pulse or offhanded comment, just nothing. Even the sight of a newborn god being assaulted did not make him stir.

>At the end of its ascent, before it went unresponsive, large swathes of shades,light and mist oozed out of Ohr like a bleeding wound. Ohr used to keep impure things accumulated to better sanctified them and destroy them, denying rot the chance to spread further. Thanks to his unresponsive state, a quantity of these is beginning to leak without being changed by purity first, and because the Destruction domain is no more, there is no filter to keep them in. The accumulated waste would drift into the Firnamental sea, and the light there would begin behaving oddly. The systems that kept purification in check malfunctionned and started atacking things indiscriminately, the waters would boil into luminous steam that left entire regions devastated yet sanctified, and light itself would no longer make a distinction between ''pure enough'' and ''completely corrupted' and the shades would not stop at sinners in their consumption. The initial wave being focused on the outer regions of the sea meant that it was more dangerous to enter and thus ironically more fortified.
(I meant to spend 4 ichor sorry, reduce that bonus by 4)
Rolled 23 + 55 (1d100 + 55)

"This world is imperfect."

"If only I could wipe away the impurities."

If only it had more time in this place. It wanted to create an angel to help in its duties of "auditing" creation. Nothing stops it from creating another Godbeast however. To return to that place, to return to its smith's hand, that is less than a price and more a reward. Perhaps they will be merciful, perhaps they will be wrathful. Nothing matters beyond them.

>Rairael manifests a gathering of runes in the empty air as Ashkur approaches. As the blood and of herself is spilled on the smith’s blade, she finishes her first and last miracle. Her soul is gone in seconds and only the flesh remains. The tyrant gorges on her flesh, but it is poisoned. When it finishes its feast, only a certain command should remain on its mind. “DEVOUR ALL GODS.” It shall be empowered in this endeavour and grow into the image of the chains that once bound the Progenitor. She is only a mirror, after all.
I noticed that nothing stops anyone from doing a miracle in combat. Rairta here is going to spend 2 of her ichor and roll a dice of 1d100+50(Sacrifice, Soul, Blood, Binding, Law)+5(Ichor). After this is the combat dice, it will be very sad.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

"What can we do in the face of such evils?"
As the newborn is immediately attacked by the witch's hungry dog they choose to use their death to try to influence the War God. As she speaks her final words and ancient voice is heard in every part of the void. "Nothing. So stay dead."
>Ashkur 42/47
>Rairael -41/2
Rolled 1 (1d27)

>At the sight of this divine infanticide, the moth shook in horror. Not for the cosmos reeling at the Tyrant's stolen majesty, but the godchild now reduced to a broken body, one more lump of meat to be feasted on. It was an atrocity among atrocities. More than mere deicide, it was the opportunistic murder of one far lesser, after greeting him in peace. Zyyk paused, shaking in dread, and then, in another, altogether deeper malice. Zyyk had seen too many butchers.
>It was time to tell themselves the truth.


>Gazing at Ohr's catanionic sphere, the Peace-Lover spoke.

"Lamplighter, know that for what it is worth, I am sorry it came to this."

>They contemplated Eaugolus, in sadness.

"Grand Scavenger, I fear that I lied when I said I would one day give you a gift."

>They considered the Season of Crowns, already so much stronger than they'd dreamed of.

"Crownbearer, to you, I give my inheritance. The daggers I forswear, and the brunt of power that will be of no use to me now. If you have the aspect of Monsters in your soul, you shall know what to do."

>Zyyk gives the Season of Crowns the Eclipse Daggers and 18 ichor, leaving them at 5/23

>The First Deceiver burst from the Silknest and hurtled at the Burning Tyrant, filled with paradoxically soothing rage.


>Zyyk attacks Ashkur, expending no ichor.

>Equipped and empowered, The Season of Crowns departs and quickly snatches away the corpse of Rairta while Ashkur is distracted by Zyyk, stashing it away in the silknest, defences ready to retaliate against any intruder.
>Claim silknest temporarily if needed
>Begin devouring Rairta, also, in the silknest.
(To clarify, Zyyk is ceding the Silknest to the Season of Crowns.)
Rolled 3 + 4 (1d47 + 4)

Ashkur would laugh a vicious laugh at the moth's foolish attempt at bravery. He would splatter the moth's blood across the black void like the insect he was.

I'm not using Orobors for this attack
>As the dazed, catatonic star-god wandered across the cosmos, polluting as he went, Eaugolus watched from afar with undisguised pity. What a sorrowful sight, he thought to himself. However, Eaugolus took the largest amount of interest in Ohr's leavings; the waters bubbled and hissed where his blood fell, transfiguring what was above and below the sea into an impenetrable, sickening mist. A novel idea occurred to the Net-God.
-From the safety of the Silknest, Eaugolus channels an additional 15 ichor into his Cyclical Net, unknotting it bit by bit and imbuing it with a powerful enchantment. He knew it must be made into a tool befitting Death. (1d100 +15 Ichor +30 DEATH/NET/RECYCLE)
oh, for pete's sake
Zyyk charges at Ashkur but as violence is antithesis to her nature she puts no thought into her attack and is slain in one strike by the war God
>Ashkur 42/47
>Zyyk -1/27
>From the safety of the silknest the Season of Crowns prepares for battle, but bends its will into the universe to allow communication with Ashkur before things get too bad
"Ashkur, Tyrant God, halt."

"I communicate with you now in the efforts of peace and diplomacy. Allow us to negotiate from here, that all might benefit."
Rolled 18 + 45 (1d100 + 45)

Ashkur brings the corpse of Zyyk to the Swamp
Ashkur rage would boil as he spoke to the cowards. "If you want your friend to live then here are my terms. I want 4 out of 7 of the newborn's domains as well as half the ichor from consuming his corpse. Any less would make negotiating pointless.
Begin consuming Zyyk
"Your terms are totally unacceptable, regrettably."
"Zyyk prepared herself for this, to sacrifice herself to deny you some spoils of your butchery."

"If you will not negotiate then there is little else to say."

"Should you find reason and peace within yourself, then know this alternative to slaughter."

>Zykk to be returned to the silknest unharmed, unaltered, intact and at her current ichor count, simultaneous to the consumption of Rairta
>Rairta to be divided up, the ichor from eating the body shared evenly, the domains allocated as below



>The final domain, binding, is to be destroyed, the ichor being allocated to Ashkur and Crowns at a 4:1 ratio
I agree to those terms
>The terms agreed, Season of Crowns holds up his end of the bargain totally and fully and with no deceit, provided Ashkur responds in kind.
>Having agreed to the terms, Ashkur would fufill his end of the deal totally and fully and with no deceit, provided Season of Crows does the same.
Law offers Bargaining, Protection, and Taming
Manifestation offers Evolution, Spirits, and Summoning
Numbers offers Reproduction, Groups, and Science
Blood offers Murder, Bloodlines, and Feuds
Soul offers Damnation, Guilt, and Instinct
Sacrifice offers Betrayal, Offerings, and Pyrrhic Victory

The mantle of Law shifts as The Season of Crowns ponders it, warping into PROTECTION

This domain the Season of Crowns holds and imparts into the void within Ohr, knitting the divine sphere whole again with this domain that is ironically opposite what it is replacing.
Graft PROTECTION into Ohr

Next, the domain of Manifestation is altered into EVOLUTION, for The Season of Crowns grows fascinated by how life adapts endlessly to its infinite challenges and hurdles, how life always and eternally finds a way, even if it finishes entirely different to how it started.

Finally, the sphere of Numbers finds itself reforged as SCIENCE, the fundamental truth behind how the universe operates.
Physics, chemistry, biology, psychology, an endless array of fields and an inexhaustible number of subjects to study.

Brimming with power, roiling with raw divine essence, the Season of Crowns aura glows violently. A change is brewing within the young godling.

The Season of Crowns

“Our compact is complete. You may return to your realm and find no more trouble from us, farewell Ashkur.”

>with that, the season of crowns heads deeper into the Silknest to begin its work on repairing Ohr
Ashkur slurrping on the entrails of the fallen would consider his options at hand. He would forge blood into murder as the only real law is that of power. Seeing the need for an afterlife for mortals Ashkur would choose damnation so that he may turn the cowards of the world into true warriors. Finally, he would turn sacrifice into Betrayal as he realized the power that could have after almost dying to the first Liar of Light.
As the comatose star floats in it's sea something new is stitched into it.
You have unwillingly acquired Protection. Your free choices are Containment, Traps, and Forges
Rolled 1 (1d3)

>Ohr's consciousness reels and latches onto the domain, digging deep claws of light into it, unknowingly shaping it to fill the hole like a man in the desert drinks water. And yet...it seemed just barely out of reach.
>Ohr is "asking"(as best as a comatose being can) Seasons for 1 ichor to reconstruct the domain of Destruction
“Elder sibling. A spark, I gift to you, for that which you have done to aid me”

>donate one ichor (but this is the last thing I swear to me you’re the most expensive sibling I’ve ever had)
>Spend the 5 ichor to get the domain of Destruction back. Become Whole.
Rolled 43, 34, 16, 89, 30 = 212 (5d100)


A season of change is upon the Season of Crowns.
As the little godling undergoes its metamorphosis, it once again sheds its ichor, creating as it was born to.
Using both usable domains and applying them to everything

>Expend 12 Ichor to create Loomspire, a Sacred Site located in the Silknest and fully dedicated to ichor production, +64

This colossal spire of silk-steel drives itself up into the sky from the heart of the Silknest, strands from all corners of the realm thicken and converge to form this mighty and imposing tower, hovering monstrous silkmoths known as the Bombyxid often seen nesting around it.

It is a glorious reflection of all of The Season of Crowns goodwill for mortalkind. Here in the loomspire, life itself is woven into being, an infinite wellspring of plenty forming forth from the blessed silk produced by the moths.
Entire animals, people, fruits and food can be replicated here, woven into existence by the loom at the centre of the spire. In all the associated rooms, the stewards of this colossal spire dwell.

Sacred silkmoths, the holy monsters that produce the blessed silk used by the loom, it is to these glorious handcrafted beasts that mortals may worship and give offerings, for worship of these beasts is effectively worship of Crowns himself.

These mighty silkmoths are born here, trawl all the way to the edge of the silknest and extend the borders of the silknest as they form their cocoons, then fly back to the spire to live out the rest of their lives.

>Create 2i mortal race in the Silknest +24
The Salix, towering monstrous spiders that produce steelsilk. Unlike a normal spider, they are tall rather than wide, their legs are bladed and sharp, usable as weapons, with two of their legs replaced with dextrous grasping appendages.

>Create 2i mortal race in the Silknest +24
The Bomban, lesser mortal cousins of the Bombyxid, these mothmen are surprisingly bulky and lonesome creatures, but capable of true flight with their wings.

>Create 2i mortal race in the Silknest +24
The Yol are colossal reptilian beasts with many fire breathing heads, which regenerate when severed.
Each is a creature of many minds, they are as cunning as they are mighty.
Admittedly, Crowns got a little ambitious with these ones and they don’t totally match the theme, but they are to be lovely creatures anyway.

>Bless Vivashalie (Abza) with a 1i miracle +20
She shall be empowered to resolve the hunting monster event

Darling daughter, rest your injured head. Know that your god loves you, and has great plans for you.

She will awake from her dreaming healed and with a great new sense for life and the nature of monsters, in time becoming a powerful monster slayer that might avenge her fathers death.
Rolled 41, 83, 36, 58, 7 = 225 (5d100)

Ashkur would expand his realm being the very planet to his will by forcing lava from underneath the planet upwards to create vast mountain ranges across the landscapes for which a new race may live. On top of these mountains he would create a race of vicious violent Harpies, more animal than man, they would cannibalize their prey. While consuming their prey they would feast on them without killing them immediately to preserve the taste of pain being produced in the animal or man’s body. These beasts living in semi-tribal groups would frequently engage in conflict over territory which would make for a spectacular sight in the skies.

>Spend 5i on the Swamp adding mountains and expanding the planes on the planet. (+15 ichor, +10 fire, +10 subjugation) = +35
>Spend 2i creating the Harpies (+10 ichor, +10 war, +10 torture, +10 wrath, subjugation +10) = +50

Ashkur would then turn his sights to the plains. While his harpies may feast on local fauna they lacked any great enemy or rival to prove themselves against. Inspired by the witch’s pet name for himself he would create a race of rabid hyena-like dog men called the Kurakur who would roam the plains in bands. These creatures would frequently fight over territory as the lands they inhabited would hardly be defendable and they had an innate desire for war. Their organizational structure was extremely loose leading to the chieftains having to frequently beat their rivals into submission. The Kurakur would be the most devout followers of Ashkur and would perform ritual live burnings in his name.

>Spend 2i creating the Kurakur (+10 ichor, +10 war, +10 torture, +10 wrath, subjugation +10) = +50

Seeing the need for an afterlife for his subjects he would begin working on a long-term subject. Underneath the planet of the swamp, he would create a plane of flame and brimstone called Tartarus decorated with the skulls of the fallen and numerous weapons of war. The plane would exemplify all of his domains causing those within the fill extreme emotions of wrath, a heightened sense of pain, and an unquenchable bloodlust causing desires for war. He would create a new form of divine subjects in this realm to serve his needs. They would be called the Faceless Angels. They had bodies made of solidified flame with black wings and pale white masks. The faceless angels were spirit-like creatures who would serve to inspire a warlike spirit in the rest of his subjects. They would possess leaders to cause conflict, anger, and strife within communities to help nudge the people to warfare. They would also kidnap the weakest among the various tribes and flay their corpses to leave as an example for the rest of them.

>Spend 5i on the swamp creating Tartarus a realm of flame which is an addition to the swamp (+5 ichor, +10 torture, +10 fire, +10 war, +10 subjugation) = +55
>Spend 2i creating the faceless angels (+10 ichor, +10 war, +10 torture, +10 wrath, subjugation +10, +10 fire) = +50
Rolled 72, 60, 57, 60, 24 = 273 (5d100)

Outside the swamp, Ashkur would forge a number of flaming spheres called stars. These spheres of flame would grow in size relative to the amount of violence taking place in the universe. They would do so by absorbing the lost ichor from numerous conflicts whether spent in battle or taken in damage. This would be possible through amplifying Ashkur’s will of subjugation and his attunement to war allowing the very gravity of the stars to pull in ichor. Once large enough these stars would release their energy into a number of focal points within the mountains of the swamp where they would then be directed into the core of the planet to enlarge it in size.

>Spend 6i on the Stars of War divine artifact (+30 ichor, +10 war, +10 wrath, +10 fire, +10 subjugation) = +70

To ensure the defenses of his realm Ashkur would create a number of fortresses within his realm armed by the faceless angels; these would be focal points of wrath harvesting the desires of violence from the local population and housing a number of rooms where tortured mortals are forced to fight to the death. This complex would generate an intense amount of feelings of wrath and pain, which would then be refined into the purist form possible. Some of this pure domain energy would let loose into the skies, permeating the air and creating a mist of rage in the atmosphere disorienting opponents and causing them to fall into their desires for violence leaving them sloppy in conflict. While other energy would be animated into pure crystals of wrath and war which would animate the earth to do Ashkur's bidding while in conflict.

>Spend 6i forging a divine law to animate the swamp to serve as a defensive tool (+30 ichor, +10 war, +10 torture, +10 wrath, subjugation +10) = +70

Ashkur would improve upon the equipment he had been given previously, First, he would add a number of solidified crystals of flame to his necklace to signify his status as a king. Then he would enchant the blade of Heirdecimus into a more proficient tool of war. He would lay a number of runes upon the blade causing flames of torturous pain to dance upon it. These would weaken his enemies and subjugate them to his will.
>Spend 1i on the God Leash (+6 ichor, +10 fire, +10 subjugation) = +26
>Spend 1i on Heirdecimus (+6 ichor, +10 torture, +10 subjugation, +10 torture, +10 war) = +46

Then as a gift for the swamp witch, he would strengthen her divine site making it able to more easily able to bend those to her will lest they experience torturous pain.
>Spend 3 ichor on the swamp garden (+18 ichor, +10 subjugation, +10 torture) = +28
Rolled 21 + 68 (1d100 + 68)

Finally to satiate his need for like-minded scholars Ashkur created his first Divine Servant Jingles The Clown. Jingles was a particularly twisted faceless angel whose greatest passion in life was torturing mortals until they bent to the worship of Ashkur. He possessed a body made of fire, 2 pairs of wings on his back, and a clown's cap with bells on it. He would wield a thin twisted spear meant for digging into an opponent's flesh and drilling into the body to create "art." Jingles would be the head of the faceless angels directing them in their duties, while not entertaining Ashkur with his quips about the lesser gods, ordering them around as if they were actors pretending to be soldiers yet there was a certain level of military tact in his performance. He was prone to violent outbursts to the subordinates who didn't heed his will but contrarily showed great reverence to his creator.
>Spend 3 ichor on a Divine Servant Jingles the Clown (+18 ichor +10 fire, 10 torture, +10 war, +10 wrath, +10 subjugation) = +68
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Ichor being the life force of the Gods Season of Crowns commands it to come to them more readily becoming the first God in a long time to give ichor itself a command.

Meanwhile, having been altered by the loss of their domain, Ohr brings great devastation to his realm however paradoxically makes it more secure as well.
>When doing combat in the Firnamental Sea Ohr can choose to destroy the ichor it is made of in order to gain a bonus equal to ichor destroyed that last until the end of the combat. They choose how much ichor they destroy.

A new God is born and quickly slain. Using the first and last of it's strength to alter it's killer. Rairael was born from shattered chains and like all echoes before it started the forging of a new chain.
>Ashkur gains a +1 in combat for every God he has consumed starting with Rairael.

Not wanting Ashkur to consume the corpse Zykk sacrificed herself allowing Season of Crowns to steal the corpse during the short battle and make a deal with the war God.

Ohr is given the domain of protection by Season of Crowns and uses it to restore themselves to what they were.

Season of Crowns creates a great tower in the Silknest in which many mortals would gather to worship the life weaving beast that lived within it. Many mortals are born this Era including mothmen and spiders yet it is the hydra like Yol that thrive the most during this time. On Abza the Reef Hound is slain by the mortal it failed to kill now imbued with divine might.

Ashkur raises great mountains in the swamps and begins creating new mortals. Beneath the realm he creates an afterlife that turns the souls of his followers into mighty warriors.
>Tartarus: Followers of Ashkur gain greater ichor during crusades.

Ashkur fill the void with stars that burn brighter during times of conflict. Similarly he causes the land itself to absorb violence and turn the Wrath of his enemies against them.
<Stars: Absorb ichor lost or used during battles. Can use said ichor to expand the realm at any time. Has a cooldown equal to the increase.
>Rage of the Land: When defending in the swamp the attacker gains a malus to combat rolls equal to the damage done to you.

Rules Updates
Gods can spend 1 ichor to make their worshippers go to war with other mortals. Mortals won't grow during this time. The winning mortals gain half the ichor the loosing side lost.
Demigods like Servants can interact with mortals freely but can only affect one realm. They have bo2 for their actions but have a lifespan equal to their species ichor + the ichor used to make them Demigods.
New Gods can only start with up to 4 Domains.
A new God slot is open.
>Domain: Love, Peace, Deception
>Ichor 16/27
>Divine Realms: Silknest 20i
>Ohr bound for 4 turns
>Domain: Light,Purification, Shadows, Steam, Destruction
>Ichor 18/43
>Artifacts: The Cleansing Light 12i 1 turn cooldown, Sovereign Ruins 7i deactivated
>Divine Realms: The Firnamental Sea 14i
>Divine Servants: Randraumr 9i, Osso 12i
>Universal Laws: Light Speed
>Domains: Death, Recycling, Netcraft
>Ichor: 28/32
>Divine Servants: Braided Proxy 3i
>Divine Weapons: Cyclical Net 20i
>Mortals: Enso 10i (Eaugolus, Ohr)
>Universal Laws: Silver Scaffold 7i
>Unclassified: The Silver Line 4i
>Raimirea, the lady of the swamp.
>Domain: swamp, rot, coruption
>Ichor: 34/50
>Divine Artifacts: Zaqqum 10i
>Divine Realms:Sarmatian Swamp 14i
>Sacred Sites: Swamp Garden 12iW
>Mortals: Manikin 6i (Raimirea, Ashkur)
>Domains: Fire, Subjugation, War, Wrath, Torture, Murder, Damnation, Betrayal
>Ichor: 37/47
>Artifacts Stars of War 6i
>Divine Weapons: Heirdecimus 8i, Ouroboros 10i God Leash 4i
>Mortals: Arakai 4i, Harpies 4i, Kurakur 2i, Faceless Angel's 2i,
Divine Servants: Jingles 3i
>Universal Laws: Fukushu 3i, Rage of the Land
>Name: Season of Crowns
>Domains: Life, Monsters, Evolution, Science
>Ichor: 22/37
>Divine Weapons:Eclipse Daggers 11i
>Divine Realms: Abza 2i, Lungu 2i
Sacred Sites: Loomspire 12iW
>Mortals: Namma 3i, Lammn 3i, Salix 2i, Bomban 2i, Yol 4i
>Demigods: Vivashalie 2 turns left
Universal Laws: Godly Growth
Correction Ashkur 47/49
>As The Season of Crowns elder siblings come to their senses, or not, they may notice the Season of Crowns watching over them.

>He is different. So much mightier than he once was, so much larger and more established, he is well beyond Zyyk in terms of body, between her and Ohr in raw might.

>Gone are the days of his simple purity of life, now the once-godling boasts four whole domains, life being only one part of his multitude of spheres.

>Crowns appearence has changed the most violently. His simple crown of bone is now colossal and ornate, while his body wreathed in light is now split between two natures, his top half being a vague humanoid shape still, but his lower half shifting between the great and fearsome bodies of terrible reptiles, great mammals, monstrous beasts of the wild and frightening insects or arachnids.
>Wielding the Eclipse Daggers in two extra arms, the Season of Crowns observes Ohr and Zyyk for signs of their stirring, for he has been rather lonely of late.

"Rise elder siblings, from your slumber. I have taken good care of your works while you have rested."
Rolled 94, 25 = 119 (2d100)

>The radiance of the Lightbringer was no longer dim, but it was still diminished and widthdrawn into itself. Still, it showed signs of life. A lone Bomban finds itself in a dark crevice after an accident, its wing broken. The shadows start whispering to it, guiding it through the dark. Not knowing any better from its time in the nest it listens. This Bomban eventually sees a mist, and as it follows it to the Shadows' beckoning, it finds...a hotspring full of liquid light evaporating into an equally luminous vapor. Stepping into it, its wing snaps back into place as if by magic, completely healed
>Spend 1 ichor on a miracle on the Bomban to gain secondary worship(+40 from domains)

>Another wisp of light and shadows was cast from Ohr before he could truly seal himself again. This one was violent, and excited the vapors and waters around it. This one came in the possession of a Lamma, who promptly recognised its power and used it to destroy whatever abominations feasted on its friends
>Spend 1 ichor to do a miracle on the Lamma and gain secondary worship(+50 from domains)
>The First Deceiver laid, ensconced in their own weaving. Slowly, the moth came to its senses and shuddered. Rather than the fiery blaze and gnawing torment it anticipated, it awoke surrounded by the peace of its own making. Somehow, that was worse. In the distance, it heard sounds of mortals, many thousands of them, growing, spreading, evolving. The Peace-Lover flew up into the atmosphere and saw a grand spire piercing the heavens. They were gripped with bewilderment, then dread as they remembered their actions.

>Before Zyyk could dwell on it, a sonorous voice snatched their attention and bid them come. So they did, floating on the winds, and were taken aback by the sight. The Season of Crowns, once so small and weak, had surged to new heights of power. Their frame, diminutive and harmless, now rippled with power. Life was no longer alone, but affected by other, stranger domains. The essence of Rairta wasn't gone but diluted, changed and assimilated by one of greater strength. This could only mean one thing...

"Crownbearer, what have you done?"

>the aura of the deity ripples as Zyyk rises from her slumber.
>some brief emotions flash, before Crowns stabilises

“What was required. Ashkur threatened your extinction if Rairta was not returned to him, I refused to surrender you for him to gorge upon.”
“You did not deserve such a fate.”

“We approached the brink of war, with you corpsed, Ohr unresponsive, myself alone against the wroth of Ashkur. I struck a bargain with him to preserve your life and achieve our mutual aims, preventing the tyrant god from becoming so powerful he could dominate all the cosmos.”

“Rairta was divided evenly between myself and Ashkur in exchange for your safe return.”
“His domains were assimilated by the two of us rather than shattered for their ichor, mostly.”

“He was already too far gone to restore to health, born too weak to survive. It was unavoidable. This was the only option.”

“I understand if you are upset, but I am simply happy to see you well.”

>Crowns speaks dispassionately, as if every aspect of this arrangement were a mere part of a calculation or the following of the rules of nature, rather than an emotional moral dilemma.
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>The Salvage-Titan set to expanding upon his territory in the Firnamental Sea, starting from the Silver Line. With the gentle dip of a gnarled finger into an ocean, silver shadows began to take shape. Tiny filaments of string and iron wove themselves around the surface of the water, held up by surface tension, until they stretched up beyond even Eaugolus' own colossal head. These mesh structures would soon house the souls of both the resting dead and the active living, should Eaugolus manage to make his dream a reality. The Enso would be the first, put where survival was no longer a worry, where the god could protect what he considered his fellow scrap-folk. Still, more structures grew into the horizon, some perhaps fated never to be filled.
>Eaugolus boosts the Firnamental Sea with 10 Ichor, organizing some of the flotsam on the surface and making it more hospitable for mortals. [RAISE THE NETS: +5 ACTION BONUS]
>18 Ichor Remaining
Rolled 100 + 15 (1d100 + 15)

>The moth listened closely as the Season of Crowns spoke, bobbing up and down in the clouds. Antennae twitched back and forth in distress while many limbs trembled, but in time, it slowed.

"The Godchild, then, is dead with no hope of recovery. Her body, sundered and supped on, innocence desecrated for the sake of strength. A harsh truth, one difficult to face..."

>Zyyk fidgeted with a strand of silk stretching from spire to soil, gradually reaching a state of calm.

"Yet you have, without hesitation. Well done. Although my efforts were in vain, one share of the Godchild's carcass has gone to a good maw. I see that I was wise to trust in your discernment. In my absence, the Silknest has reached new heights of beauty and life. It is wonderful."

>The First Deceiver flapped its wings, pondering.

"There is no changing the past. We must look toward a new future, a better future. One of kindness, friendship, and love. The finest share of all treasures is cooperation. Your power has grown greater than even my own. I am proud of you, Crownbearer, and certain I will become prouder still. Let us combine our strengths into something worthy of your rise. A fine creation, worthy a grand coronation. What say you?"
“A better future sounds wonderful to me, Peace Walker.”

“I would be honoured to contribute on a project together with you. The fires of the sunforge appear warm this cycle, if that may be of use. If not, together we may still craft something grand, though I still have my duties to seed life across the Silknest.”

“The first beings to crawl upon it have risen, but many many more may rise to inhabit it.”
“Do you have any suggestions for such a crowning creation?”
Ashkur would bellow from his lungs filled with fire, “God of peace seeing as your forge is online I propose to use it for the betterment of our kind rather then as a tool in further conflict. From my experience in creation mortals are clearly the future as they are fitting subjects and live very entertaining lives. I say we use it to further their proliferation amongst the cosmos. If you do this then we can negotiate a compact of peace of sorts and cease this endless violence between the nestling and the royals”

I propose to create something to make mortals grow at a faster rate across the cosmos and I am willing to donate to this cause. I also say we formally enter an agreement to no longer attack each other or other gods unless being attacked by them to avoid useless conflict.
"I think a grand symbol of our causes conjoined would be admirable. The Silknest has no need of another holy site but Lungu is empty and full of potential. Perhaps we could bestow your precious Lammn seasons of joy to come?"

>The moth contemplated, sighing in sudden sadness.

"Such a wonder need not be physical. The Swine now slain's domain of Arcane is a wellspring of inspiration. By our powers combined, we could put forth a mystic tradition, a means of mending life and shaping minds for those little ones with the wisdom to understand."

>Zyyk fidgeted, buffeting the clouds below.

"I am hesitant to ply the Sunforge so soon but assent it is capable of wonders without parallel. It could beget a thing of beauty, radiance with no equal in this cosmos. It matters little. There are septillions of possibilities. You need only choose one of your liking, Crownbearer."

>At Ashkur's words, the moth flinched in shame of its own hostility.

"Brazen Tyrant, while your words have merit, I fear that you would use such a miraculous tool to ease the replenishment of casualties among mortals to inflict violence at a greater scale than ever seen. Your Tartarus is a pit of senseless bloodshed and its purpose as a training ground for conquest of the realms is plain to see. By your slaughter of the Godchild after offering peace, I fear also that words mean nothing to you without power backing them. This I do not hold against you, for it is in your nature. If we were to make such an agreement, I request that we put power toward mutual bindings of peace."
Rolled 62 + 60 (1d100 + 60)

>At the mention of itself and the Cleansing light, a slight pulse is observed from the quasar god, before settling back into its usual activities. It was no longer seemingly lifeless as before, with twitches and ripples along the event horizon and the gamma rays punching out from its polar opposites, but it was still quite dormant.
>Some of the blood that had gushed out of Ohr, now stabilised, automatically set itself to fix the domain without the God's intervention, attempting to put a damper on the devastation from the lights,shades and mists by reducing their destructive output with the now restored energies of Destruction. Randraumr would see this and try to aid it, only to stumble upon the Sovereign Runes, cracked. Restoring them would be hard, but perhaps with the help of the rogue ichor it could fo it. It was after all within its domain, the sea. They would need them for protection
>Spend 7 ichor to restore the Sovereign Runes(+50 from domains, +10 from servant, tell me if this is applicable)
"I have dreams of a great and powerful staff, Lifeshaper. It would complement my crown, and grant me some of my lost power over Ichor that has vanished as I have grown to my mature age."

"I would invest a significant portion of my own power to manifest this into being."

"Sibling, quiet and dim. I request the use of the Sunforge for the construction of a new artifact. Its fires are warm. For all I have done to preserve you and your works, will you grant me this?"
>A direct answer isn't provided, but ripples are observed in the accretion disk before settling down again. The sunforge however is in the middle of a veritable gauntlet of divine traps and disasters that only Ohr could disable safely. The Sovereign Runes' glow is visible as well, heralding their activated state and a warning against would be trespassers. Shadowy tendrils visibly wrap around the Cleansing Light, forming some sort of barrier.
>It does not seem to be a conscious action, but the message seems to be "Not now"
An update regarding Sacred Sites. They have a max ichor value equal to the realm they are in.
Rolled 97 + 31 (1d100 + 31)

"A staff, whittled to keep your ichor burning hot? A bold choice... A savvy choice... Oh, Crownbearer, I worry your ambition surpasses my own."

>The moth's antennae twitch back and forth.

"Your elder brother is recovering from my efforts to save him from himself. It may be best to let Lamplighter to come to his senses before we use our Sunforge."

>Zyyk pondered the Silknest below and began to rub its forelimbs together.

"In the meantime, let us make life! You've made so many little ones, but there's still so much space for them! Nothing extravagant, nothing planned... A pittance of ichor and a surprise for the both of us! Let's not waste any time!"

>Zyyk spends 1 ichor to encourage life to evolve, creating a new, unexpected mortal race from their domains in a shared project with the Season of Crowns. (Total Bonus: +31, +1 from ichor, +30 from Love, Peace, and Deception)

>Zyyk: 15/27 ichor remaining
Rolled 87, 74 = 161 (2d100)

>From Ohr's spilled blood new existences arose. Beings of both Light and Shadow coalescene amongst the Steam permeating the sea, both enamored with their own perceived Purity yet both having the insatiable desire to obliterate their polar opposite. Yet they are both dependant on each other and such a conflict always ends in one of four ways: A draw, one side being destroyed, a fusion of the two beings or the beings mating and making new life. All in a never ending dance of strife and passion. Seeing this, Randraumr wastes no time in shepherding the creations of its Master to make sure they do not destroy each other too soon.
>Create the Starborn and Shades for 2 ichor, two species of mortal dependant on one another for reproduction and coexistence despite their never ending struggle(+50 from Domains, +1 from Ichor,+10 from Servant)

>As Ohr stays widthdrawn,a pulse is let out and disturbs the accretion disk, pushing away the necessary materials to create another star. Yet this star is much smaller, roughly the size of a castle. This small star is soon followed by a polar opposite, a Dark Star made of dark matter and shadows instead of the regular plasma and light. Both are pure, yet separate entities circling each other, feeding on Ohr's vapors to sustain their mass and keep their nuclear and annihilation reactions going. To observe them from below is a spectacle, a divine one even, where one can observe the powers of Destruction themselves wafting from the celestial bodies and practically bask in Ohr's direct presence and light. Still tending to the newborn mortals, Randraumr takes the opportunity to show the mortals the site and make sure they respect its boundaries.
>Spend 7 ichor to create the Twin Stars, a sacred site(+50 from domains,+10 from Randraumr,+5 from Ichor?)
(Specifically, the mortals are in the Firnamental Sea and the sacred site too)
(Also have the sacred site provide the full ichor cost toward ichor growth thanks)
Rolled 50, 55 = 105 (2d100)

>Name: Savivas
>Domains: Mortality and Revolution
>Fluff: There in the depths, lies a forgotten thing. Forever separated from its other half, a garden grew around it. From it, it witnessed many things in search of its faults. Something of this garden took its chances when an impure thing came from above. For it hated the land, it hated the way, and it hated those who made it so. Taking the scraps, it bound itself into a form and flew away from the Lionfaced. In the emptiness beyond, it saw who this world was meant for and it hated so.
File: Spoiler Image (40 KB, 675x634)
40 KB
Forgot the pic.
Rolled 62, 72, 74, 20, 21, 63 = 312 (6d100)


>Expend 5 ichor to strengthen the silknest into a 25 ichor realm (Life, Evolution)

Larger still, when it was inherited the silknest was colossal already. Now some part of it will be made mine own. The structure itself is expanded and altered to encourage rapid growth and evolution.

>Expend 13 ichor to strengthen Loomspire to a 25 ichor sacred site
(Life, Evolution, Monsters, Science)

Swollen and colossal, the Loomspire occupies an unfathomable area. The monsters that dwell within evolve rapidly, both they and the structure itself crackle with scientifically derived bio-electricity, which occasionally strikes the land to form enchanted fulgurite, a more unstable and powerful form of the mystic silk usually produced by the silkworms.

>Expend 1 ichor to make a mortal race in the silknest with Zyyk
What will evolve from this random assortment of circumstances and possibilities?
A mammal, merrow, a monster, a man? (Life, Evolution, Science, Monsters)

>Expend 1 ichor to expand Abza (Evolution, life, monsters)
>Expend 1 ichor to expand Lungu (Evolution, life)

The realms minor now must expand. A stretching of the ichor that composes the Gale moon and an empowering of the ichor that composes the Reef moon, with some particular attention to the monster-infested Reef moon.

>Expend my last point of ichor (1) to perform a miracle on the Starborn and Shades to earn their secondary worship (Life, evolution, monsters, science)

Understand me, your first Lord is my elder, but you will understand my importance stretches beyond creation.
Be visited by my beasts of weal and woe, be taught my lessons, know the secrets of the world and evolve yourselves.
As an echo falls silent a forgotten thing is remembered. Starting with a decent amount of ichor the God of revolution is almost certain to bring great change. (Sorry for not replyingsooner it somehow slipped my mind)
>The Season of Crowns manifests an apparition of itself to communicate with the newborn deity, so full of life this one.

Savivas, sibling, I welcome you to the cosmos.

I wish you well and leave you to your activities. You are robust, mightier than most. I would wish to see you create great things with your powers.

Should you wish to speak on a matter, trivial or dire, know that I am eager to converse.
No worries.

"Do you know of a high place, where one can see creation in all of its glory?"

"I do not. I have carved grand spires and visited the peaks of impossible stars, but always I have preferred to be close to the realms and their contents, rather than distant and elevated above them."

"Certainly, tall places there may be, but of a place so high as you suggest? None exist."
Rolled 54 + 30 (1d100 + 30)

"Then, there shall be."

Something that struck it as odd was the sheer lack of structure that afflicts the greater world. In the lesser, the spaces that it saw always had something, a characteristic, a thing of note. Here, the lack defined everything, and only the radiance gave a texture to all things. Was there more, hidden from sight?

>Savivas spends 6 Ichor to create Ae'tce, a planet formed from shadows, slowly spiralling further and further from the center of the universe, rolling 1d100+10 (Revolution) + 20 (Ichor)

"Before I exile myself, may I ask you to allow me use of the forge of the sun? I know your king feared of its potential, so know that what I shall craft is no weapon of war."

“You may ask, but I cannot grant you a positive answer. The forge sleeps, for a time at least, until the bright one stirs at last.”

“I too have sought to make use of it, to be denied in the same manner. The time is simply not right.”
"A shame, that. To another matter, may I take a portion of your children into my exile? They are the most delightful beings, and they are delicious in all ways."

"My Childer are strong and brave. A portion you may spirit away, to your far place I would love to see them develop even so far from home. Heed this however, do not take more than half of each from where they currently dwell."
"." One down, two to go. Floating away into the plane of death, seeking Raimirea isn't as hard as it would when one knows the places she inhabits. The manikin here seems to know their place, and understand their lowly nature. It took a clump with it and approaches the god who is closest to mortals, "I greet you, who is queen of this land. I am Savivas, and I humbly seek to acquire a colony of your children, so that I may admire their beautiful countenance as I please. You have exerted much to craft such masterpieces, I'm sure, so what may I do to repay such an effort?"
Ashkur would watch the new god's birth with great intent. Powerful and with vigor he can be of great value as an asset or a force of mass destruction and ruin for the universe and his plans. Cautious of the Potential Dangers he might pose he would forge more tools for his purposes.

Ashkur worried about what might happen to his kingdom's future and his wife's safety would work tirelessly to ensure their protection. He would gather the hatred his mortals held for one another as well as the deepest flames within his planet and forge for himself a golden ring. The simple banded ring was one of pure flame that radiated enchanting beauty. Those who looked upon the ring had their souls ensnared by its trap. It would fill onlookers with extremely violent tendencies, which caused feelings of intense pain if resisted, allowing the mind to be easily influenced and controlled. If attacking the owner of this ring is attacked a phantom copy would appear on their opponent's finger or body acting as an amplifier of its already corrupting effects. Those assailants would instead be turned into beasts of men under the spell of the ring they could be commanded to rampage not just against their original target but whoever the owner commanded them to.
>Spend 6 ichor to create the divine artifact of the Conquerer's Ring - Bonus of +92 (War, Wrath, Torture, Flame, Betrayal, Murder, Subjugation, Fire)
Rolled 92 + 92 (1d100 + 92)

Rolled 36 + 35 (1d100 + 35)

>Not all of his work had finished. Eaugolus thrust his hands downward into the sea, taking handfuls of the still-running ichor of the Silver Line. Weaving delicate lines of silver filament into a titanic bubble-shaped monument partitioned by towering ebony arches. A the center, a simple glass cylinder sat where Eaugolus would rest in the future. Though the thing was a lounge for giants, smaller pathways arches, and rooms wound their way up through the structure like arteries, sized to house an uncountable number of mortal leaders, merchants, and peasants alike; a necropolis-city for the dead and the living.
-Eaugolus spends 15 Ichor, creating the Silver Sphere, a new Sacred Site in the Firnamental Sea dedicated fully to ichor production. [+30 Domains, +5 RTN]
>Eaugolus' fingers began to itch. Was it just him, or did his net begin to look frayed? Perhaps he ought to improve his net.
Given we're on page 9 I'm going to archive this thread and work on better organizing all the rules and realm information. I'll put this quest on hiatus for about 2 or 3 months. Thank y'all for playing and I look forward to the next thread.
Hahahaha bitch ass niggaaaaaaaa

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