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>In the name of all that is evil and unjust!

You are Carrie Cross and you've spent your whole life giving to the world without anything to show for it. Well it's about time you think... to take some back! You're done playing nice and by the rules, so why not start breaking them and playing nasty? Growing up with Saturday morning shows and your enduring obsession with them, will surely pay off now!

And perhaps paid off a little too well... to avoid some of the heat from your growing infamy, you've decided to skip town for awhile and take a little vacation down to sunny Miami!

>While you're here, you'll need a place to stay! Someplace nice but modest and out of the way should be fine.
>This is a vacation so you want to stay at the most luxurious place you possibly can!
>While here, besides relaxing you also had a mind towards some villainy, so a downtown location is preferable.
>...perhaps there's a branch of the secret society here? If you dare to stay with them, you know they'll accommodate you well.
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As a continuation from the previous thread;


Thus far you've become more and more familiar with your superhuman powers (an elastic and stretchy body), and created a supervillain identity and style! Through various crimes like disrupting a celebrity event, and robbing a bank, your reputation has grown to the point of being noticed and even targeted by superheroes in your hometown of Malton. Although it's a delightful sign of your success thus far, it's also worryingly dangerous. And if that weren't bad enough, you also discovered a murderous secret society with a cult of worship around superhumans, and have potentially gotten tangled up in their affairs.

Despite all the hard-earned triumphs of your supervillainous persona "Stretch Goals" however, you haven't found the same success in your own personal life, working at a dead-end job with no social life. Maybe that will change though, with recent efforts you've made to go out and make new friends? At the very least, after a heart wrenching confrontation, you no longer need to keep secret your supervillain side from your dad anymore.
Welcome back QM
>While you're here, you'll need a place to stay! Someplace nice but modest and out of the way should be fine.
We are using our stolen money so lets not splurge and attract attention
>While you're here, you'll need a place to stay! Someplace nice but modest and out of the way should be fine.
The maniacal mishaps of Carrie Cross continues!
>This is a vacation so you want to stay at the most luxurious place you possibly can!

We have money to burn and the whole point of a vacation is too kick back and relax.
>...perhaps there's a branch of the secret society here? If you dare to stay with them, you know they'll accommodate you well.
>>This is a vacation so you want to stay at the most luxurious place you possibly can!
Looks like a tie between staying someplace modest or going overboard for the most luxurious place you can. I'll give it a little bit for anyone else to weigh in or change their vote, otherwise I can roll to decide.
>>This is a vacation so you want to stay at the most luxurious place you possibly can!
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>This is a vacation so you want to stay at the most luxurious place you possibly can!

A new day, a new city! You've never really traveled on your own so the drive down to Florida was an experience itself, but as much as you may have liked to meander or stop along the way, you only have the week off. So you prioritized getting to Miami in the first place and now want to get settled in. And where you're going to stay? Well you suppose there may be a branch of the secret society here and you may check it out but you'd rather not stay there. Otherwise you could choose some decent place out of the way, try and keep a low profile while enjoying yourself.

But this is supposed to be a vacation isn't it? And thanks to your newfound wealth you're a multi-millionaire now! Maybe you had plans for all the money you stole, but you won't break the bank just by splurging a little on a nice vacation.

"-oh wooow! This place is something else, I wonder if I could just live here..."

"And if you should need anything at all ma'am, including reservations for anything please let us know."

Per night the cost is what you'd expect of monthly rent for a nice place in Malton, but it's not for nothing. The place itself, the Second Season resort is the most luxurious place you found looking online, but the amenities are beyond compare when you even have staff ready and waiting on you full-time for whatever you may desire. Really it would be the most amazing vacation you've ever had if you simply spent the week in the resort here, so it will take some effort to motivate yourself to get out and see the city. For now though you've been driving for many hours straight and only just got in, so it's nice to collapse on the big comfy bed and laze around the room for awhile.

Given the time to settle in, and to figure out what you want to do while you're here on vacation. After all, you only have the week so you'll want to make every day count!

>For the time being you'd like to keep things straightforward, so some conventional sightseeing of the city would be nice.
>The best way to appreciate this place would be to get yourself lost and wander about, seeing and experiencing what you can.
>For the price you're paying, a day here at the resort would be nice enough, and the chance to better figure out what you want to do... plus, the chance to take in the beach and go swimming!
>The vacation is a nice idea, but you're not here idly. You intend to continue your villainy here even if it only is for awhile! Start making plans and looking into what you can target!
>A stop over to the secret society could be in order, if only to get a sense of the superhuman and superhero situation in the city.
>A dastardly write-in?
>For the price you're paying, a day here at the resort would be nice enough, and the chance to better figure out what you want to do... plus, the chance to take in the beach and go swimming!
mmm vacation
>>For the price you're paying, a day here at the resort would be nice enough, and the chance to better figure out what you want to do... plus, the chance to take in the beach and go swimming!
>For the price you're paying, a day here at the resort would be nice enough, and the chance to better figure out what you want to do... plus, the chance to take in the beach and go swimming!
Ah well since we are deciding to splurge

Also when was the showdown with Jetstream supposed to be? I really want to see his reaction when we don't show
>>For the price you're paying, a day here at the resort would be nice enough, and the chance to better figure out what you want to do... plus, the chance to take in the beach and go swimming!
>For the price you're paying, a day here at the resort would be nice enough, and the chance to better figure out what you want to do... plus, the chance to take in the beach and go swimming!
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>For the price you're paying, a day here at the resort would be nice enough, and the chance to better figure out what you want to do... plus, the chance to take in the beach and go swimming!

Maybe the reason was to avoid any heat from your villainous activities back home, but this wouldn't be much a vacation if you didn't enjoy yourself. And after everything that has happened recently, as well as that tiresome long drive, the opportunity to relax and enjoy yourself is welcomed. Besides, what would be the point of staying at such a luxury resort if you weren't going to appreciate everything it has to offer?

"-and you stand me up?! Why, because you're scared? Must be, too chickenshit to show your face around here anymore! Got you running scared, and if you ever stick your head up Stretch Girl... you better bring a bag with you, to gather up all your teeth with after I'm done with you!"

"-pfft, oh dear... that's not a very cool look... what a loser, I should take and break his new jetpack, ahahahah!"

A private cabana by the pool, the chance to relax in the sun on a wicker chaise, a coconut to drink out of besides and an attendant never far should you simply call for anything. And while you wait for an appointment at the resort spa, you have plenty of time to enjoy simply being here... as well as the chance to check on your phone for how things are going back home since your departure. It had been that in the day or so leading up to your departure you had intentionally avoided anything like the news, but now you can't help being curious.

Sure enough you find a whole buzz online regarding Jetstream and his issued challenge that you never bothered to show up for. That bothersome superhero you encountered before and had a scuffle with, leading to your "theft" of his jetpack. As he was none too happy with this, he later called you out on live broadcast rather harshly. And while it did provoke you terribly and you very nearly responded, in the end you just figured to ignore it all and take this vacation. In truth you remained pretty angry and stressed all the way driving down here, but every moment you spend here now you're thankful for it and glad you didn't get tangled up in any superhero nonsense.
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There had been so much on your mind lately but it becomes harder and harder to care much about anything the more you relax here, and how easy that is to do. Living it up like this, it's all the convincing you need for commitment to your chosen lifestyle of supervillainy, and it's all the more motivation to continue doing and succeeding as you have been. If nothing else, to finally get a taste of the good life and doing what it takes to afford such expenses.

"...ooough, why even bother going back at this point? Every day like this- agh! N-No massage please, no thank you!"

"It's part of the skincare service. The routine works better when-"

"I-I'm fine as it is, this is good! No massage... no thank you."

A bit of an awkward exchange about anyone touching you, which tends to be a frequent concern at least at the resort spa for obvious reasons. Although your abilities have improved to be better than they were, you're still not at a point where you'd feel comfortable making such bodily contact with another person. The risk of them noticing anything strange about your elastic self, although reduced is still too much for you to tolerate. Otherwise though, you enjoy a splendid time for every other therapy service they offer, and even the seemingly silly ones that feel like a waste of money (like an aural sound bath?!) are still enjoyable to you for being able to afford such frivolous expenses.

So that when you walk out feeling better than you can remember ever having felt, you're happy and confident enough to finally head down to the beach without a care. Not as nervous out in your swimwear, which seems odd since you never mind your skimpy supervillain attire but then, that's as Stretch Goals the fearless supervillain! As Caroline Cross, well... you're more used to oversized hoodies and baggy pants. But you're feeling good about yourself right now, it's the off-season and beaches aren't thronged with tourists, and it's late in the day now so you can push self-consciousness aside for awhile.

"-oop! Almost! Lemme try... c'mere! Ahh, if only... well maybe not Travis, but someone... ha! Gotcha!"

How many years has it been since you visited the, or any coast? It's been so long that you can easily spend several hours alone between the shore and the surf. And this time around you're no longer afraid of your own abilities, so wading in the ocean for you takes on a new meaning, as you're able to stretch your body out to such heights while always keeping your head above the water. You even try to experiment a little and end up exercising yourself and your abilities, as stretching and moving underwater is a completely different experience and actually rather exhausting after enough time and effort doing it. You could easily imagine becoming quite physically fit if you made this a regular effort, imagine how well you'd be able to stretch on land if you got used to doing it underwater?
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Although there was some concern that people may notice what you're doing, but you keep far enough away from the shore to where, unless there's a random diver nearby then nobody would clearly see your body as such. Plus, you get a little carried away and careless even when you end up having a lot of fun trying to catch fish by stretching after them. It takes the near-passing of a boat to bring you back to reality, giving you the chance to settle down for awhile and feel your elongated body drift any whichways with the ocean and the tide.

A chance to breathe deep... well not too deep since the deeper you go the harder it gets to breathe, but take awhile to appreciate things, and the beautiful sight of the sun setting over Miami.

>What a lovely day, you feel like a million bucks! A fancy dinner at the resort, maybe some time at the bar, and a good night's sleep will do you well. To start tomorrow off ready for villainy!
>Actually you wouldn't mind going out for the night. Who knows for how long, but a chance to see the city nightlife... whether or not you end up engaging in it.
>Nighttime in Miami you've got to see, but why not leave that to someone else as well? The resort offered booking for night tours by boat, and it would give you the chance to see some juicy targets.
>Surely you can get up to some criminal trouble tonight? Even if it's something petty just for starters, you're certainly feeling up for it!
>A wretched write-in?
>>Actually you wouldn't mind going out for the night. Who knows for how long, but a chance to see the city nightlife... whether or not you end up engaging in it.
>Nighttime in Miami you've got to see, but why not leave that to someone else as well? The resort offered booking for night tours by boat, and it would give you the chance to see some juicy targets.
Full resort experience whoooo
>>Actually you wouldn't mind going out for the night. Who knows for how long, but a chance to see the city nightlife... whether or not you end up engaging in it.
>Actually you wouldn't mind going out for the night. Who knows for how long, but a chance to see the city nightlife... whether or not you end up engaging in it.
We should steal jetstreams jetpack a second time
>Nighttime in Miami you've got to see, but why not leave that to someone else as well? The resort offered booking for night tours by boat, and it would give you the chance to see some juicy targets.
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Looks like a majority for


>Actually you wouldn't mind going out for the night. Who knows for how long, but a chance to see the city nightlife... whether or not you end up engaging in it.

After such a nice day at the resort, you're actually pretty eager to make your way around town and see what this city has to offer at night. Largely you expect to go sightseeing for the most part with no particular goal in mind, just driving where you fancy and checking out what looks cool but in the process you can probably pick up on some things for any villainous plans. Though the resort does offer tours which would probably be more inline with your specific sort of scheming, allowing for better scoping out potential targets, but this is of course a vacation first and foremost so you want to have fun. And more fun to you is exploring this wild new place for yourself.

So you can call it a day for your time at the beach, wading back to shore as evening settles in and more and more of the city illuminates in the distance. A little while back at your room to wash and get dressed, something nice but nothing fancy for a first night out, before you can ask for your car from one of the valets and make your way onto the Miami streets. You got some suggestions while you were waiting for your car to be brought, as to where you might want to check out but your interest is more to drive about wherever you feel like and check out whatever catches your interest.


"-from Malton, you said? Is that in Texas?"

"Um... something like that! Just down here for the week... you know, vacation!"

"Oh some of us are out-of-towners as well, but if you're looking for places to be we know a few!"

Eventually after an hour or so of driving aimlessly and then about an hour to find a place to park and wander about on foot, you can manage your way along to what seems like a pretty trendy and upscale restaurant on the waterfront. Miami is properly a city and hard to compare with Malton, and even in the off-season for tourism there's still some traffic and people abound but that didn't bother you much when there's such a bright and vibrant atmosphere of this place. By comparison the nightlife of your small city is sleepy, so it's more than a little overwhelming to wander about. At the same time though, the downtown area at least is not a especially huge of an area all things considered, so even wandering around you can see much of what there is to offer...

...maybe not as much as you would have thought, but then you may as well kick yourself when you eventually find out that the downtown area isn't really the hub of nightlife for the city. You can find places here and there sure, but it's elsewhere that's really popular after dark.
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Fortunately you are on your own, so while it's all a bit much for you and certainly could take some getting used to, at the same time you don't have to worry about appearances and can keep to yourself for the most part. Mostly for the most part. Over dinner you happen to strike up conversation with a group of ladies on a girls' night out, at a neighboring table on the outer bar and patio seating area of the restaurant, overlooking the river. As it turned out, live news footage was being broadcast of an accident involving a ferry not far away, and quickly on the scene was one of the local superheroes to provide help wherever they could. The prompting for some discussion amongst people at the restaurant and particularly the bar, and something you couldn't help expressing your own opinion over which led to a degree of involvement in conversation.

"Err... thanks for the offer but um... I mean, I can't get anything from the bar so..."

"That's no problem, if you wanted to! Shelly probably knows some places you could get by, if we played it right."

Although you weren't particularly keen on meeting new people or getting to know strangers, and certainly you don't expect to get along with or have much in common with these women, it does present you with something to consider. That on your own you'd have a tough time of getting into just any bar or club you wanted to, but this group of friends seem confident they could get you into one of a few places that aren't so dogged about carding everyone. Although if you're being realistic, in a sense you're not really impeded from going anywhere you want to really, since with your abilities there are very few if any places you could infiltrate if you wanted to. But here was an opportunity to do so with a group and not have to rely on your abilities.

But that's only if you wanted to join in on their little outing for the night. You've never been one to go out and party, or enjoy a night on the town, and part of you wouldn't even want to really. Particularly because of this new advent of superheros operating near to you, and the difference in how things are here between Miami and Malton. But it's the chance for a new experience in a new place, and who knows what you might get up to?
>You appreciate the offer, but you're already in over your head here! You can enjoy yourself for the rest of the evening at any number of places you already saw.
>Maybe not engage in villainy but while you're here in downtown, you'd instead prefer to try to cause some trouble to happen and then see what the superhero response is. To come in handy if during this vacation you plan for something serious.
>Well you wouldn't call them friends but you suppose you could tag along, and see where the night takes you.
>You do want to go along, but not to party yourself. Rather to see what doors you can get behind and what closed off rooms you can explore, and find out about any potential... less than reputable things going on around here.
>...actually there's a really nice place you could take them all to! A certain little secret society, a little bloody and a little murderous, you're sure they'd love it!
>A vicious write-in?
>>Well you wouldn't call them friends but you suppose you could tag along, and see where the night takes you.
>You appreciate the offer, but you're already in over your head here! You can enjoy yourself for the rest of the evening at any number of places you already saw.
>Well you wouldn't call them friends but you suppose you could tag along, and see where the night takes you.
underage drinking whoo
wait how old are we
>You appreciate the offer, but you're already in over your head here! You can enjoy yourself for the rest of the evening at any number of places you already saw.

fake bar cards is a decent way to get arrested. We need our civilian identity to be squeaky clean.
>Well you wouldn't call them friends but you suppose you could tag along, and see where the night takes you.
Hey all just a heads up, got a busy day however will try to post, just later than usual.
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Took later than expected, but I wouldn't leave you hanging. Looks like a majority for;


>Well you wouldn't call them friends but you suppose you could tag along, and see where the night takes you.

You'd gone out for the evening just to check out wherever of the city you could end up finding yourself, but hadn't expected to actually meet anyone. Perhaps it was merely by chance, but you take it as your recent interest in gaining something of a social life and clear indication of just another of your ongoing successes. Even if you don't even particularly want to know any of these women, you suppose you could tag along with them if they're friendly enough to offer and even take a risk for you. Really it's the law's fault for being against you in this matter anyway, twenty is more than enough as far as you're concerned!

So you can hurriedly stuff your face and then awkwardly wait for them to finish their own dinner, before departing with these friendly but otherwise complete strangers. Feeling nervous for being something of a center of attention, but appreciating it nonetheless... even if it eventually dawns on you that these women are being so nice and friendly because they feel sorry for you, a young first-time tourist here alone that they can show a good time. At least they lead the way and take you to a place that is definitely more active in the nightlife scene.

"...aaand two for Carrie!"

"Th-Thanks, yeah... but I mean, I don't want anyone getting in trouble for me..."

"Don't worry about it, there's too many people here for it anyway!"

At one of the marinas on the waterfront, it's not exactly some sizzling nightclub as you might have expected, but there's plenty of people around and plenty to do with loud music and drinks abound. Very much out of your element and already feeling overwhelmed, it's just a help that you're able to try and just act along with this new would-be friend group of yours... and of course that you can be sneaked drinks.
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They're here to enjoy themselves as well so a little nervous awkwardness on your behalf isn't going to put a damper on their own night out, you're just there alongside them and the more the merrier. Especially when overtime they happen to encounter other people the know around the place, so you don't have to worry about sticking out.

"Well Carrie here is from there, so she knows better than anyone!"

"Waait, you mean Malton-Malton? That's crazy! What's it like now with the..."

"Ehehehe... uuummm, y-yeah like you said, pretty crazy! You don't uhh... any like... super villain people here?"

"Miami? Not for years, maybe some scumbags that try to make trouble but it's like that in every big city. No supervillains, same as anywhere else."

Although, you're so busy just trying to play along and fit in, that you don't have much a chance to consider your own situation here. Particularly when it comes to drinks, and drinking nervously for that matter. Hastily downing whatever you get without thinking about it. And eventually between as many drinks and socializing and loud music, unable to think about much clearly. Just going along with whatever everyone else does, going with the flow and enjoying yourself until you get carried away enough to start doing what you want to rather than just what the others want to... well, what you want to do but not in the best condition to do it.

"Hey, you want to go somewhere?"

"Haah-haaaah... sssomewhere better than thisss? Oookay but after thisss song!"

Music to dance to, sports broadcasts to scream and cheer at, strangers to laugh and converse along with. A bit of a haze between the lights of the city and the noise of your surroundings. Where are the group of friends you tagged along with? And where are you anyway? Oof... maybe you shouldn't have done this on your first night out here, in such a strange place to you.

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"...blegh... oooggghhh... I don't feel... why is it so dark?"

Who knows when, a rotten feeling between your head and your stomach wakes you up. Or maybe it's the nauseating motion you feel despite laying in bed. Having a struggle to get out of bed, you have an even greater struggle as you stagger about the cramped, dark and unfamiliar place and fall over... furniture? Uneven flooring? You can't tell, as you try at least to sit up and rub at your tired eyes and try to make sense of anything. Slowly adjusting, at least able to feel around your immediate surroundings and get a feel for the very strange layout of what you assume is a bedroom.

Moving to your knees and grasping about till you can find a door. Two doors. One locked, the other not. The other a bathroom, perfect for what you need and perfect for timing as you crawl to the toilet. Not feeling much better after using it, you can at least get the awful taste out of your mouth at the sink besides in this extremely cramped bathroom. Trying to pull yourself up to standing with the sink counter, and eventually finding the lights after unfamiliar difficulty.

"-oh... it's a boat. Fancy, but how did- wait, where are my clothes?!"

The first switch didn't work so you don't have to worry about the discomfort of sudden bright light. The second turns on some dim floor lighting which isn't enough to make much of anything out clearly, but you can at least pair a low-light glimpse of your surroundings to the impression you got from feeling your way around. And while you're not familiar with boats, you cannot imagine where else you could be from the strange shape and cramped nature of the bathroom and bedroom... as well as the very faint motion from water.

Maybe an alarming situation to wake up to unfamiliar, but much more alarming is glimpsing yourself in the mirror and then realizing and feeling that you're missing any of your clothes. Coupled with the bedroom door being locked and your inability to open it despite a rough effort, you have to try pretty hard not to panic. At the very least it seems you're in here alone and it's not like you were tied up or anything, as you come to find when you can locate a switch for the dim floor lights of the bedroom.

But why you're locked in here and who did it to you, remains worryingly unclear.

>Panic! Try to find whatever possible exit you can, whatever you have to do!
>Don't panic! Calm down and try to make sense of things, what can you remember?
>Bleh, you still don't feel good. Hungover. As long as no one is bothering you in here, it could do you well to take it easy and rest for a good while.
>A cruel write-in?
>>Don't panic! Calm down and try to make sense of things, what can you remember?
>Don't panic! Calm down and try to make sense of things, what can you remember?
On this episode of Supervillain Quest, Carrie Cross gets trafficked to Mexico to be sold to the highest bidder
>Don't panic! Calm down and try to make sense of things, what can you remember?
>Bleh, you still don't feel good. Hungover. As long as no one is bothering you in here, it could do you well to take it easy and rest for a good while.
Lol we seem to have very poor impulse control
>A cruel write-in?
>Use your powers to slide through the door.
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Looks like a majority for


>Don't panic! Calm down and try to make sense of things, what can you remember?

You don't know where you are or what's going on, so the best thing to do right now... is to rely on your abilities to escape! No clothes to worry about, so you can stretch and compress as much as you need to in order to fit through the door.

"...argh, is it sealed or something?"

To your annoyance though, if there even is a gap for this door to the cabin then it's too small for you to fit through. Bodily perhaps, but certainly not your teeth or nails which can't stretch. You figure that if it's a door on a boat then it's probably made to keep out water or moisture as much as possible, so not much chance for you to squeeze your way out... or in for that matter.

"Hey yeah... how did I get in here?"

Someone must have brought you? If you can't just exit the door so easily, well then the next best thing to do right now is not panic! Calm down, at least at this very moment you're not in danger, you think? Feeling rotten sure but not injured in any way you can tell? And if some guy had taken advantage of your condition, you'd feel that too wouldn't you?

Some guy... that guy! That's right, there was a guy. Trying to remember what you can, clutching your head as you move back to lay in the bed again. Last night, last night... well you met that group of friends and went with them to well, party. Got to drinking, got carried away, lost track of time and yourself. You don't remember being separated from those other women but you vaguely remember meeting other people along the way, particularly a guy who seemed interested in you and made some moves. Of course you thought he was just being nice and friendly, but... something happened?
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A lot of it is a haze, but you remember anger or upset, a fight maybe? He was holding you, touching you on some boat in the marina and would have done more but suddenly became distraught? Either way you remember he was worried and screaming when he left you, and that got you scared enough to leave yourself. Disoriented with yourself and where you were, you looked for a place to hide from all the commotion... sirens, police?

"And... ended up here? But where's here?"

Mustering all the strength you have just to get up again, you try searching around the cabin again and this time with the minuscule help from the floor lights, you can locate some small windows in the cabin. One of them half-open even, where you can wince to the light from pulling back the curtains and see... what looks like the marina outside? Morning time, this boat moored along with many others, but because of their size and positioning you can't see much more than that. Just the skyscrapers of downtown Miami beyond.

So at least you don't have to worry about being in immediate danger, assuming from what you can barely remember. Not kidnapped by criminals and facing some terrible fate, you just came in here to hide from whatever was happening elsewhere. Why no clothes though, you can only assume you lost them somewhere while trying to get inside the cabin here. So not exactly a prisoner, especially if this was just some random person's yacht, but you also can't just exit out the window and walk back through the marina naked.

Well, you could but you wouldn't... probably?

>As sneakily and carefully as you can, try and stretch out to search this boat or any other for any clothes, and then get back to figure out what happened?
>A bit risky, but maybe you could get out of the cabin and into the water? Then you just have to swim back to the resort, or wherever else you may want to go.
>Perhaps you could wait for help? Maybe not for the owner of this boat, but for anyone who might happen by, that you can make up some excuse for the predicament you're in?
>A horrendous write-in?
>>Perhaps you could wait for help? Maybe not for the owner of this boat, but for anyone who might happen by, that you can make up some excuse for the predicament you're in?
>As sneakily and carefully as you can, try and stretch out to search this boat or any other for any clothes, and then get back to figure out what happened?
Carrie would probably die of embarrassment getting caught indecent by a bunch of strangers. Especially in Miami
>As sneakily and carefully as you can, try and stretch out to search this boat or any other for any clothes, and then get back to figure out what happened?
So some guy was making moves on us and then freaked out when he found out about our powers, most likely.
>>A bit risky, but maybe you could get out of the cabin and into the water? Then you just have to swim back to the resort, or wherever else you may want to go.
>A bit risky, but maybe you could get out of the cabin and into the water? Then you just have to swim back to the resort, or wherever else you may want to go.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes I guess

Looks like a tie between either sneaking to try and find clothes, or getting in the water and swimming away. I'll give it awhile for anyone else to weigh in, or change their choice, otherwise I can roll to decide.
>>As sneakily and carefully as you can, try and stretch out to search this boat or any other for any clothes, and then get back to figure out what happened?

we probably left our clothes outside the door when we locked ourselves in here.
>>A bit risky, but maybe you could get out of the cabin and into the water? Then you just have to swim back to the resort, or wherever else you may want to go.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Well that didn't exactly work as a tiebreaker!

I guess I'll roll for it then, to settle.

>1, sneak around for clothes
>2, try to swim back
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>A bit risky, but maybe you could get out of the cabin and into the water?

Maybe if it were nighttime you would risk leaving the boat and sneaking about the marina, checking other boats or wherever else for any clothes you could find. Then at least you'd be able to walk back to the main area for the various restaurants, bars and other establishments, in order to try and ask around and find out what happened.

It looks to be morning however, and the chance of getting noticed or caught without your clothes... you might rather just die! No way, no how. If your options are to have to swim all the way back to the resort, however many miles north of downtown then you'd prefer that even. There is some desperate consideration even towards using the bed covers to cover yourself perhaps, but even that seems too risky and how would you get it out through the window anyway?

"Oooh I just hope... there's not too many boats out today..."

Out through the window you go then, squeezing and elongating your body through the small space in order to drop down into the water. At least it's not cold, but indeed there are plenty of boats out at this time of day as you soon find out. Not so much to worry about though, it's more commercial and cargo shipping vessels of great sizes that are going the deeper waterways to and from the city.

Nothing to concern yourself about too much then as you tread water in multiple senses. Where it's shallow enough (relative to how much you can elongate your body) you can stretch down and simply walk... although you quickly find you have to be careful as being this close to the city there's various junk and other things strewn across the bottom that you'd do well not to step on, finding out the hard way when you snag your foot on something and scrape it trying to pull free. Elsewhere you can avoid it though or especially when it gets too deep for you to stretch, you can just swim.

And swim pretty well, and fast at that given how you can distort your body under the water to benefit swimming. It's sure to take a long time but really the only thing you think you should have to worry about is getting noticed by people. Not as much for them seeing you without any clothes (given the opaqueness of the water) but rather the questionable and worrying sight of a person just swimming along through waterways trafficked by ships.
"Good morning ma'am!"


Regardless of your success it's still a terribly long way to travel by water, even if you are managing well enough on your own. But as you had feared, it seems you were noticed by more than a few people who ended up bringing notice to you. The wrong kind of notice.

"-it's okay, don't panic! I'm here to help if you need it!"

"What are you?! Where did you come from?! D-Don't look!"

"Sorry! I'm Riptide, a superhero around here! The ocean, I mean!"

You figured you were making good progress, and it's probably been about an hour or two since you left from the marina. So apart from the occasional alarm and attempts to get your attention or offer to help from onlookers at a distance, you figured you'd be able to make it all the way back without trouble. To your shock, and fear however, you get surprised by the emergence of... well, some kind of human-shark looking person? A superhero by their own admission, whether they noticed your swimming offshore or it was reported to them you can't say, but you could probably assume they naturally deal with aquatic sorts of problems like people falling into the waters around Miami.

Though a hero is a bad enough surprise for you, but it could be worse. Could have been they approached you at a point where you were elongated and striding along the seabed, rather than just swimming and more or less your normal bodied-self. Though you're still caught embarrassed, but at least it seems like a shark... woman? If the voice is anything to go by.

"I-I'm just swimming out here, I'm fine!"

"Well you shouldn't be, it's dangerous! Passing ships may not even see you! And well... ahem, skinny-dipping? Let me get you out of here!"

Not as though there's a particular risk of your superhuman nature being discovered, and even if it was, your mess of wet hair in your face sort of does the job for hiding who you are? But right now you're more embarrassed about being caught out like this or being rescued as such, rather than your evil identity being discovered. You'd rather she just went away and left you alone, this Riptide. Preferably forgot all about this! But then, not as if you really want to but she could help you along a lot better than on your own. To help you along to the resort or at the very least fetch some clothes for you, something like that.

>Get the hell out of here! You don't need any help and you're just fine swimming along on your own!
>As risky as it may be, you could accept some help given the... difficult circumstances.
>Hero! Attack! She's bound to have the edge in this aquatic environment but you're no pushover yourself!
>Actually... oh dear! You don't have the strength to continue any further! You simply must cling to her for support, and you'll surely drown if she doesn't take you to her home base!
>A vicious write-in?
>As risky as it may be, you could accept some help given the... difficult circumstances.
Ask that she secure some clothes for you before taking you anywhere other people might see
>Get the hell out of here! You don't need any help and you're just fine swimming along on your own!
No shark girl, we don't want to be friends
>Actually... oh dear! You don't have the strength to continue any further! You simply must cling to her for support, and you'll surely drown if she doesn't take you to her home base!

Her home base likely has a spare set of clothes, and this lets us not have to explain why we are naked.
>Get the hell out of here! You don't need any help and you're just fine swimming along on your own!
>As risky as it may be, you could accept some help given the... difficult circumstances.
How's life treating you these days, Elise?

Looks like a tie again, between either accepting help or refusing it. Will give it the chance for anyone else to choise or change their vote, or I can roll to decide.
>As risky as it may be, you could accept some help given the... difficult circumstances.
We can control our elasticity pretty well now and we have entirely plausible excuses so should be fine. Also we need clothes
>Get the hell out of here! You don't need any help and you're just fine swimming along on your own!
>>Get the hell out of here! You don't need any help and you're just fine swimming along on your own!
Ill change my vote>>5979540
To this
>As risky as it may be, you could accept some help given the... difficult circumstances
Stepped out for awhile to get dinner but back now to continue things, but it looks like we got a bunch more people to weigh in on the vote, while once again still ending up with a tie! At least I think so, so I'll roll to decide it then;

>1, accept help
>2, refuse help
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Whoops, forgot the actual roll

>Get the hell out of here! You don't need any help and you're just fine swimming along on your own!

Even if there weren't the issue of being a superhuman yourself, and a villain at that so opposed to any hero, you're still not sure that you'd accept any help like this. Being suddenly surprised by some shark-monster hybrid person out at sea (well, offshore), even if you were just a normal person you'd probably be too freaked out to go along with her offer.

"N-No! I don't want your help, leave me alone!"

"Hmph! Fine, but when you start drowning I'll be back to save your ass! See if you're grateful then..."

To her credit she even tries to take you in her arms to carry you with her, probably (correctly) assuming you're too distressed to be in your right mind to accept her help. But you continue to insistently refuse her, and push against to break free of her hold. Finally getting the message even if she doesn't accept it, the shark-woman leaves you in a huff then, to continue swimming on your own.

Worryingly though she made clear her intention to not abandon you, and assumedly will remain within swimming distance? In case you should actually start to falter and drown, and need help. This is terribly bothersome for you since it's going to make the rest of your return journey swimming, that much more difficult. Not wanting to give away your superhuman nature, now any time you consider or have the opportunity to stretch yourself in any way, you have to dunk your head under and try to peer with difficulty through the ocean waters and make sure Riptide isn't lingering within sight distance of you... and that's just assuming she can only see as far as you can, if she has some extended visual sense underwater then there's no avoiding it!

But you don't really have a lot of options otherwise, since if you had to rely on just your own fitness without any stretching at all, then you actually would be at risk of drowning and pretty quick probably. Especially at the distance you still have to go.

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"No! N-No thank you, I'm fine!"

"Suit yourself!"

Yet another boat, yacht, cruiser, sailed ship, and otherwise privately owned vessel passes you by. Stopping along the way when noticing a young woman out swimming by herself a ways offshore, to see if you need any help. At your continued insistence though, you can let them know that you're fine and don't need any help.

It's actually quite annoying to you now, beyond even the point of being embarrassed at being caught out skinny-dipping (albeit underwater and at a distance), because it's been several hours now at the slower pace you have to go and by now it's been probably a dozen or so boats or concerned parties that accosted you along the way back to the resort. Eventually though, after a grueling and exhaustive time and effort, you finally sight the Second Season itself and the beach in the distance. In the home stretch now, and not a moment too soon.

"Ugh, finally! I swear, if I never set foot in the ocean again, it'll be too soon! Now then... how to actually get back to my room?"

Already late afternoon by now, you find yourself elongated and standing just a ways offshore from the beach beyond the resort. So close yet so far, when you can't very well just waltz out of the surf and casually head on up to your room, for everyone to see you like this along the way. You did accomplish the impressive feat of swimming all the way back here from the marina downtown, but now there's a challenge you can't just stretch your way out of.

Or, maybe not actually! Watching and waiting as if just another swimmer out in the shallows near shore, you notice how people left umbrellas and towels and other beach things. Of course some people are actively using them but in other cases they're out somewhere in the shallows with you, or a few of them having a snooze. So while it may be a risky endeavor, you finally muster some courage to approach the shore. Less and less needing to elongate your body, till the point where you're basically just squatting as your normal self in the shallows.

"Alright, alright... no kid, don't come over here... yes, everyone keep doing what you're doing... not paying attention, aaand... yes! Quickly, pull it back..."

From being as close to the shore as you're comfortable getting, you manage to find a viable target in some towels left closer to the waterline. You wait a long time for the opportunity to not be noticed, and you have to be quick about it, but finally you manage to stretch your arm out the distance enough to snatch one of the towels and quickly pull it back to you in the water.
There, now that's better. It's by no means perfect, or even good, but you have something to wrap around yourself and cover up with. Still plenty embarrassing to have to walk by people in nothing but a towel, yet you're not outright naked anymore so it's an ultimate improvement! After that, it's just a matter of putting some distance from the one stolen towel, emerging from the surf to steal a dry one, and then hastening back to the resort where you can try to find a bathrobe from the spa to steal.

"Huuaagh! What a nightmare! At least... at least it's over now?"

Who knows how many hours it's been then, but finally you can get back to your room (with help from the front desk at having lost your room keycard) and collapse in bed exhausted. Still embarrassed and worried about everything that took place since last night even, but finding it easier to just not care so much and push it from your mind now that you're back to your room and can finally relax. Some small victory finally, to remedy all the anxiety and stress thus far.

Well, mostly. Just for some background noise you turn on the TV to find the local news reporting on some strange creature sighted in the waters around Miami. It seems at least in one case, someone scuba diving you hadn't accounted for, noticed and got a recording of you at a distance. Of course it's poor-quality footage at a distance underwater, and by the way your body was elongated no one could ever assume it was a human, let alone Carrie Cross. In fact some marine biologist asked for their opinion, writes the footage off as something like an octopus or a diseased shark.

Still though, it's embarrassing enough to throw an exasperated fit, kicking and pounding your arms against the bed with an annoyed scream.

>After such a long and exhaustive day, you just want to take it easy. Settle for a nice quiet evening at the resort, and a good night's rest for tomorrow.
>You can't just go to sleep! Not yet, when you still have to figure out what happened at the marina! At least to find your clothes and belongings if you can!
>At the very least you can go get your car back, if it hasn't been towed away already. Leave the investigating for later.
>You'll probably need some help for all of this, is there anyone you could rely on or call for? At least so you're on the right track.
>A malicious write-in?
>You can't just go to sleep! Not yet, when you still have to figure out what happened at the marina! At least to find your clothes and belongings if you can!
>You can't just go to sleep! Not yet, when you still have to figure out what happened at the marina! At least to find your clothes and belongings if you can!
Time to live out the plot of the Hangover
>You can't just go to sleep! Not yet, when you still have to figure out what happened at the marina! At least to find your clothes and belongings if you can!
>At the very least you can go get your car back, if it hasn't been towed away already. Leave the investigating for later.

We need our wallet clothes and car keys.
>You can't just go to sleep! Not yet, when you still have to figure out what happened at the marina! At least to find your clothes and belongings if you can!
Hey I have seen this before!
>You can't just go to sleep! Not yet, when you still have to figure out what happened at the marina! At least to find your clothes and belongings if you can!
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>You can't just go to sleep! Not yet, when you still have to figure out what happened at the marina!

You almost end up falling asleep, given the chance to finally relax in bed. But as exhausted as you are, you can't let the time get away from you. Your car and your belongings are still out there and as well you want to fully know what happened at the marina last night, not just vague recollections through a headache haze. Besides, there is a rather delicate matter that you can't just let slide.

"-oh right! My uh... membership card, the club. If it gets lost..."

Besides everything else, that certainly motivates you to get up! After all you remember what happened to Mr. Kovacs when you gained the use of his card, which led to his untimely demise. If anyone took your wallet and should find their way to a branch of the secret society... you'd expect yourself to be in a lot of danger, that you couldn't just hide from.

And so groaning with reluctance, you drag yourself out of bed and to the bathroom to wash yourself after most of the day spent submerged in the sea. Finally getting dressed in your actual clothes before heading downstairs to ask for help at the front desk, to get transport for where you need to go.


"A group of women? I was with them, they're my... friends."

"Sorry but I don't work the weekends here, you'd probably want Luis or Raquel if it was the bar."

A couple hours since leaving the resort and it's already sunset, that you finally found your way to the marina. Your first order of business had been your car, and indeed it was towed away earlier today. You eventually managed to find out where it was taken but the trouble is that to get it back you need your relevant driving information, which of course you don't have. So next then was the marina where by chance you figured to stop by head office for any sort of lost and found, and fortunately there waiting for you are your clothes from last night! It seems they'd been left on some boat (curiously not the same one you slept inside of) and then found earlier today by an employee doing one of the daily patrol checks of the docks and boats.
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That is some relief then, but the most pressing concern remains to be your wallet, phone and other personal belongings still missing. And none of those things are here or seem to have been found. Your only recourse is to go asking around the various establishments of the marina itself, at least those you can remember well enough. You encounter some expected problems however, when it comes down to trying to find out about just a particular few women from among the crowd of weekend customers last night.

"If you just want to know what happened, yeah it was some weird stuff!"

"...weird stuff?"

"Oh yeah, I mean it wasn't my shift but everyone was talking about it... something about some guy here, came screaming to everyone about the girl he was with, like... melting in his arms? Sounds sexy to me, but they called ambulances and the police and everything, even a hero showed up! Crazy stuff..."

Well that's not exactly the best news, as you sit at the bar with just a ginger ale to drink and some nachos for a snack, feeling a bit defeated by these obstacles and still pretty rotten from earlier. As it's a weekday though, there's only happy hour to contend with, so the bartender can spare you some time at least to answer your questions and talk about the gossip she's heard.

By the sound of things then, among whatever else happened, you probably went someplace with that guy you met... one of the boats in the marina for privacy you assume (and perhaps where your clothes were discarded), but when things started getting intimate he found out firsthand about your elastic body, and particularly the effects of alcohol upon it. Panicking and leaving you to go and get help from anyone who would listen.

When it was that the police and a superhero showed up however, you know that you probably would have been scared and tried to flee, as you ended up doing and eventually hiding in one of the other boats. Well there's that much understood and out of the way at least, though it still leaves questions if not leading to more. Primarily and still, as to where your wallet and belongings are. But also now, if there's some guy out there who knows your identity and powers...
>See if you could talk to a manager, or otherwise get in touch with an employee who's shift it was, so you could possibly find out about the friend group you were with... you remember their names at least.
>You wouldn't put it past the guy to have stolen your things, if he's the kind of guy to take advantage of drunk woman. As well as the personal reasons to do so, try and find out about him.
>Being that this is personal, you'd rather deal with the people yourself. So for now, focus on some way of getting your car back if you can, while spending time between the restaurant and the marina, in case any of the persons of interest should return.
>As this is a rather delicate matter, now you actually would want some... professional help. Maybe the secret society can aid you in dealing with these problems, albeit the risk of them learning of your abilities?
>A ghastly write-in?
>You wouldn't put it past the guy to have stolen your things, if he's the kind of guy to take advantage of drunk woman. As well as the personal reasons to do so, try and find out about him.
Not sure how else our wallet and everything would get separated from our clothes.
>>See if you could talk to a manager, or otherwise get in touch with an employee who's shift it was, so you could possibly find out about the friend group you were with... you remember their names at least.
>You wouldn't put it past the guy to have stolen your things, if he's the kind of guy to take advantage of drunk woman. As well as the personal reasons to do so, try and find out about him.
they stole our shit, but looks like our maidenhood is safe!
>You wouldn't put it past the guy to have stolen your things, if he's the kind of guy to take advantage of drunk woman. As well as the personal reasons to do so, try and find out about him.
>You wouldn't put it past the guy to have stolen your things, if he's the kind of guy to take advantage of drunk woman. As well as the personal reasons to do so, try and find out about him.
>Ring your own phone, see if you can hear yourself calling.
Apologies for the delay, yet another late evening. Unusually busy these last few days in fact,


>You wouldn't put it past the guy to have stolen your things, if he's the kind of guy to take advantage of drunk woman. As well as the personal reasons to do so, try and find out about him.

Your first impulse is to... well, you have the clever idea to try calling your own phone and see if you can hear it. With some appreciated help from one of the marina employees, you can wander along the docks to try and find your phone this way. Unfortunately you're not able to locate it by listening, but it was a good idea and if you weren't able to find any other leads then you might be able to track your phone by GPS or something? That's a thing, right?

In the meantime though, you set your sights on finding the guy who tried to take advantage of you. As much as he was willing to do, you'd pin him as the one who stole your personal belongings. If he couldn't get one thing from you then surely another! As well of course that he must know something about your superhuman nature if it caused all that trouble last night. If and when you find him... well you're not really sure what you'd do to him, but you're not comfortable with the idea of some stranger just going about knowing your identity. Especially not if he has all the relevant information with your driver's license and whatever else.

"-oh, this was the boat the police came to?"

"You heard about that? Yeah that's the one. I think it's bullshit though, guy was probably doing drugs on his boat or something and had a trip."

"Why would you call the police on yourself if you were doing drugs... wait, you said his boat?"

On the way back from trying to find your phone however, you do pass a particular moored boat where there's clear signs of police activity; the yacht itself chained for impound and some police notices taped on both sides. You weren't sure what to make of it in passing but figuring to ask, the marina employee guy helping you out answers what you wanted to know. And more. Maybe it's a bit of a stretch to imagine, but it seems possible that your would-be lover boy didn't just drag you to some random boat to get frisky but instead his own? Well if he's got a nice yacht like this then at least he's not some bum just prowling the marina bars on the weekend.

You can even return to the customs office and bring the matter up, although it seems that there's some complications on the matter. The yacht itself has something of a reputation since the owner is currently in prison, something which they wouldn't normally just give out information on but in this cause it was some high-profile financial crime case and a big deal in town, so it's assumed that most people already know of the situation when prompted.
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The guy you believe you met last night, is assumed to have something to do with the criminal owner in question because he comes to check on the boat periodically, with whispers of him staying at a nearby condo having belonged to the guy in prison as well.

Unfortunately beyond that they won't give you any more information, at least not about the guy you spent time with since he's not the infamous financial lawbreaker. But before you leave, it couldn't hurt to offer a couple hundred bucks to the marina guy who helped you out, as "thanks" for his service. In exchange, he can at least point you in the right direction. Literally so, as in this case the supposed condo is in a high-rise on the waterfront and near the marina. It's a good start at least, much easier than trying to figure out and obtain the police report which would have been your next idea to try and follow up on.


At first your idea had been to just wait on the boat for the guy to return, but who knows when that might be? Perhaps he only stops by the marina on the weekends? You have the residential building to go by though, as much a stretch as it may be. You're not really hopeful for anything, but while you're here you might as well wait awhile to see what you can. Expecting to return later after all, once you know for sure where to go and what to do. Finding a bench to sit and eat a carryout dinner then (since your attempt to actually enter the high-rise was refused), you can watch and wait at least until you're finished with your food and then probably set about the process of getting your car back.

Maybe watch the sunset too, pretty nice place on the waterfront here and-

"Nope... no, not him... that's a lady... not him eithe- wait! Is that him?!"

Dropping the styrofoam box when you jump up in alarm, spilling the food everywhere, you hastily try to sit back down and not make yourself so noticeable. You'd been passively watching people coming and going from either the front doors or the garage entrance, the convenient spot you found, and again you hadn't expected any actual success rather than just casing the location a bit. And especially not expecting much when you only have your hazy recollections from last night to go on.

But sure enough, you eventually do catch sight of the guy exiting from the front doors and talking on the phone... maybe not "sure enough" since you can't really be sure of anything. But he does strike you as the same guy, the most out of the various men you've seen go to and from the building. Enough that you were startled to see him again, and he does have features that stand out in your memory. Going out for the evening though, you assume, your mind gets carried away with all sorts of imagining when really you should concern yourself of how you want to interact with him. If you even want to in the first place...
>Follow him now! Wherever he's going until you find a good opportunity to confront him!
>Wait until he returns... a risky choice, to assume he will return. But you'd rather confront him in his place than out in public.
>You don't necessarily need to confront the guy himself... if you could somehow find out which condo is "his" then maybe you'll find your stuff inside?
>With a definite lead on the guy now, you don't have to act immediately. You can leave and better prepare, like finding out more or returning later in full villain array.
>A sadistic write-in?
>Follow him now! Wherever he's going until you find a good opportunity to confront him!
wtf bro
>Follow him now! Wherever he's going until you find a good opportunity to confront him!
>Wait until he returns... a risky choice, to assume he will return. But you'd rather confront him in his place than out in public.
>Follow him now! Wherever he's going until you find a good opportunity to confront him!
>Follow him now! Wherever he's going until you find a good opportunity to confront him!
I REALLY don't want to get Glowie'd by the secret society
>Follow him now! Wherever he's going until you find a good opportunity to confront him!
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>Follow him now! Wherever he's going until you find a good opportunity to confront him!

It's not your preferred style, but given the potential severity of the matter you don't want to let the guy out of your sight if you can help it. Although you hadn't actually expected to find him on short notice, rather that you'd have to come back another day instead, but now having found him you don't see much choice other than to act. So you hasten to gather up the spilled food using the box and then chuck it away, before looking yourself over and satisfied with your plain clothes rather than something that would make you stand out... although you would have preferred having a hoodie or something, to hide your hair but you didn't bother bringing one to Miami of all places.

"Alright scumbag.. where are you going out for the night?"

Stalking after the guy then, it's just a good thing that he's on the phone and distracted as to make your job easier. You can be sneaky if you have the chance to prepare for it, but out here on the street and in public you don't really know what you're doing besides trying keep back far enough without losing sight of the target. It's just fortunate that he didn't opt to drive anywhere, and more fortunate still that he seems to just be out on some errand nearby for the evening; he visits an electronics shop and leaves with a bag, stops by an ATM to make use of an envelope, meets with some woman in the Bayfront park nearby to hand her possibly the same envelope and converse for awhile, then parting ways with her and finally going to dinner.

He's alone now, and in a public venue, with a reason to remain there for awhile at least. It's possible he could just freak out if he sees you again, but if he's the sort of guy living this careful and criminally-associated lifestyle, then you imagine he wouldn't want to cause a scene at least. So you ponder joining him at dinner, in a way that you could corner him and talk while keeping things civil. At least once you've gotten your foot in the door like that to begin with, then you could decide how you want to deal with the matter further.

>Act nice and friendly, like nothing is wrong and you remember him from last night! Try to keep his guard down.
>Outwardly you can keep up appearances, but let him know that your reason for being here is deadly serious. You are a supervillain after all!
>If he knows your identity and abilities, then why not just be honest about things? That doesn't mean playing nice, but why bother acting out of character when you can just get to the point?
>This situation is too public, too exposed for your tastes. You'd prefer to just ambush him on the way home, someplace more secluded like in the park again.
>Pull the fire alarm and then... politely "compel" him to come with you to an alleyway where you can do whatever you need to, or take him wherever you want.
>An atrocious write-in?
>Outwardly you can keep up appearances, but let him know that your reason for being here is deadly serious. You are a supervillain after all!
Villain to Villain Communication
Villain to Villain Conversation
>Pull the fire alarm and then... politely "compel" him to come with you to an alleyway where you can do whatever you need to, or take him wherever you want.

we need to be able to interrogate him.
>Outwardly you can keep up appearances, but let him know that your reason for being here is deadly serious. You are a supervillain after all!
As well, you can go ahead and make a 1d100 roll for the effort. Mainly in this regard as to how well you can get him to cooperate (or get what you want from him), whether by civil interaction or force, depending on your choice.
Rolled 7 (1d100)

If he actually didn't try to rape or steal from us then give him a quick kiss as thanks.
Rolled 62 (1d100)

>>Pull the fire alarm and then... politely "compel" him to come with you to an alleyway where you can do whatever you need to, or take him wherever you want.
Rolled 98 (1d100)

>Outwardly you can keep up appearances, but let him know that your reason for being here is deadly serious. You are a supervillain after all!
Uh, gimme back my shit or die?
Rolled 84 (1d100)

>Act nice and friendly, like nothing is wrong and you remember him from last night! Try to keep his guard down.
Rolled 21 (1d100)

>Outwardly you can keep up appearances, but let him know that your reason for being here is deadly serious. You are a supervillain after all!
Hey all just a heads up, today is another day I know I'm going to be busy in advance. Will still try to continue, but it won't be until later than usual if so. In the meantime though, as well as if anyone else will be able to weigh in with their action choice (and roll), you also can choose how to bolster your abilities, since the effort of escaping from the boat and traveling all the way back to the resort in the water, is a new environment in which you had to try and familiarize using your abilities. So taking that into account;

>Elasticity (1/5) - How stretchy your body is and how much you can distort yourself, as well as how well you return to form.
>Endurance (1/5) - How resilient your body is, both in terms of stretching amount/limit, and harm in general.
>Composition (2/5) - The nature of your elastic body's composition, either how fluid or rigid your physical form is.
>Control (4/5) - The range of motion and control you have over your own body and elasticity.

you can go ahead then and assign a point to any of the categories.
We had our little accident because of this, didn't we? Or atleast, the lack of composition. I'd rather not risk another incident like this happening again.
>Endurance (1/5) - How resilient your body is, both in terms of stretching amount/limit, and harm in general.
endurance and elasticity seem too passive to me. Composition and control lets us pull of cool tricks.
>Composition (2/5) - The nature of your elastic body's composition, either how fluid or rigid your physical form is.
For our diseased shark form for some fucked up looking but effective shapeshifting so we get some hard "bones" works well for our touch trauma also
Seems like a tie between either Endurance or Composition. I'll give it till tomorrow for anyone else to make their choice or press their case/change their vote. In this specific case of your abilities I would prefer not to roll on it if possible.

In the meantime, though it is late as expected, but I'll be trying to make an update now.
Come on guys, composition means that it'll be less likely that we turn into Carrie Soup if we aren't consciously maintaining a humanoid form. Our lack of it is why we ending up losing our stuff
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Looks like a majority for;


>Outwardly you can keep up appearances, but let him know that your reason for being here is deadly serious.

This seems as good an opportunity as you're going to get to confronting this guy, while keeping things civil. Better than just attacking him on the street you figure, though you still have that option should you need it. Keeping up appearances to begin with but for his own sake he'd better not mistake you for playing nice. As you take a deep breath and try to feign a calm and polite demeanor, entering to the restaurant and indicating that you'll be joining your friend at his table for dinner.

"Anthony... good to see you again."

That's right, you remember his name now, seeing him clearly again. A decent-looking fellow maybe a few years older than you, but he doesn't exactly give the impression of a criminal or someone associated with them. Nervous? Something like that, unkempt. You sit opposite him coolly and with a soft smile, but your words are intoned completely differently. Though you hadn't expected his reaction, when he takes his eyes off the menu and quickly realizes who it is that just sat down with him.

"-you! Oh thank god, you're alright! I thought you might be... they told me you may have fallen in the water, they'd be searching the water around the marina for you. Oh, this is relief... you have no idea Carrie."

To your surprise he seems to react with genuine concern at seeing you again, and immediately takes a hand of yours in both of his, to his mouth as if to make sure that you're real. Your instinct is to punch him or otherwise rely on your abilities to strangle him or something, but in trying to keep up appearances you at least avoid hostility for the moment. Rather, blinking and gulping in confusion, you're not really sure what to make of this yet. But you try not to get distracted from your reason for being here.

"L-Listen to me you bastard, this isn't something like... picking up where we left off. After what you did to me last night, you're lucky I don't just go to the cops! Taking advantage of an underage girl-"


"Err... I mean, under the drinking age not like, you know..."

"Okay but, I didn't take... advantage? You were all over me like you knew me, kept calling me Anthony."


Well shit. Maybe you can kind of... sort of... remember it going that way.
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Is that true though? You can't tell but he seems concerned enough about the situation, and you did rather surprise him out of the blue like this, for him to be scheming up some grand lie about everything. The more you look at him though, the more you can understand why you may have approached and tried to get to know him, in a drunken state; he looks a lot like your ex-boyfriend Anthony from high school. Well, not really ex-boyfriend or even ex-anything really, you were supposed to go to prom together but he stood you up. Nothing more than that but it certainly did a number to your heart!

In the condition you were in last night then, you can imagine how you might have made a fool of yourself with him. But that doesn't fully explain...

"Maybe it could have gone that way-"

"-you're lucky it didn't."

Reasserting your grip, you're not strong enough to intimidate or anything but you can withdraw your hand from him holding you, and bring it to rest with your other hand on the table. Not that you need to intimidate him you don't think, as he's clearly worried and uncertain about you and the whole situation.

"That's not what I... I'm saying, I figured there was something going on with you, maybe more than just drunk? So I walked us out of there to my boat, nicer and quieter for you at least."

"Nicer and quieter so we could... I mean, you could..."

"-you fell apart in my arms! Maybe we could've gone together, but there wasn't any chance... I-I don't know what happened Carrie. I'm sorry, maybe I had too much to drink as well? Seeing things... I thought you needed help, so I went to get help... I'm sorry I left you."

Without your own hand for some comfort or support, his hands are free to take his head in them as he tries to remember what happened and process it. Clearly it's been weighing on him enough to affect him like this, but then would you expect much differently from anyone else? Anyone normal at least. If he's to be believed, maybe he wasn't entirely noble in his efforts to help you out when you were a drunken mess. Although you probably didn't make it easy for him to refuse where things would have gone by the sound of your behavior (and what you can vaguely remember), that's still no excuse when you weren't in your right mind. But either way, to get as far as that and then experience firsthand the person you're with being superhumanly different? With no other way to perceive it other than your body almost literally melting in his arms?
You're not excusing him, not forgiving anything. But you can at least understand him... you think. You at least feel like kicking yourself for looking for your would-be ex in him, and throwing yourself in his arms last night. Not that it particularly stirs any sympathies for him however, not when things are all the more complicated for him knowing your identity and aware if not accepting of your superhuman nature.

"And that's why you stole from me? My wallet, my phone and- no! Not yet, we're in the middle of something!" you hiss at an annoyed waitress looking for a chance to ask what you want to drink for dinner, "Wait, so what is your name?"

"...what? Oh, it's Carter... but I didn't steal anything, I didn't know you had anything to take." he frees his face from his hands for a time, when you bring him back with your questioning.

One step at a time. At least at the moment he claims not to have stolen your possessions, but who's to say he doesn't have them back at his place or hidden wherever? It's not much to go on, the notion of trusting him for all he's saying despite his reaction to you. But regardless of your belongings, there is the other matter. As to him seemingly aware of the truth about your superhuman nature, to some extent at least. He knows your name, he knows your face, and he has some idea of what you can do... or at least what happens when you have too much to drink, or possibly something else?

This rather annoying for you in any case though, you must admit. It seemed so easy to just pin all the blame on the apparent sleazebag from last night, but assuming he isn't lying to you, then you don't really know who took your belongings.

>Well this didn't go as expected, it seems you did quite a number on him. No hard feelings? Maybe try to reach some understanding over dinner? Who even is this guy?
>Regardless of whether he actually stole from you, if he wants to do right by you then he'll help in getting your belongings back.
>For all the trouble he's caused you, you expect something in return. He seems to have access to a lot of resources, so he'd better make it up to you.
>You suppose you'll have to try and intimidate him into keeping secret about you? If you can't come up with some convincing ruse to sell him, that is.
>As dire a problem as he could be, can you bring yourself to potentially... kill the guy? You've never done anything like it before, but then you've never needed to...
>So uh... how far did things get between you two? What did you do together before things went awry... you're only asking of course, to hold it against him! Definitely!
>A brutal write-in?
>>Well this didn't go as expected, it seems you did quite a number on him. No hard feelings? Maybe try to reach some understanding over dinner? Who even is this guy?
>>Regardless of whether he actually stole from you, if he wants to do right by you then he'll help in getting your belongings back.
>Regardless of whether he actually stole from you, if he wants to do right by you then he'll help in getting your belongings back.
Ok so I know we fucked up but we need our shit back before we get fucked over by the you-know-who.
>Well this didn't go as expected, it seems you did quite a number on him. No hard feelings? Maybe try to reach some understanding over dinner? Who even is this guy?
>Regardless of whether he actually stole from you, if he wants to do right by you then he'll help in getting your belongings back.

I doubt both of us were so wasted that we'd be stumbling around naked in public, so where did our clothes go if they weren't on his boat?
>Regardless of whether he actually stole from you, if he wants to do right by you then he'll help in getting your belongings back.
>So uh... how far did things get between you two? What did you do together before things went awry... you're only asking of course, to hold it against him! Definitely!
Had been waiting for the five-vote minimum but in this case it seems the choices are fairly unanimous, so can get something done at least


>Regardless of whether he actually stole from you, if he wants to do right by you then he'll help in getting your belongings back.

You hadn't expected things to go as well with this guy as they have, so while it's a bit of a surprise how much you've gained his cooperation, you're thankful for it. Without needing to act intimidating or get violent, you were worried what you might have to try and do to force him to do what you want. Unfortunately you may still have to in the end depending on how much you can tolerate him knowing about you, but at least for the time being you've got his... well, maybe not participation but his acceptance of you. An acceptance out of guilt perhaps but it's something you can benefit from.

"So uh... you come here often? What's good here?"

"...the ceviche is pretty good."

Well, a free meal is a free meal!


Admittedly the situation is a bit uncomfortable given the elephant in the room, of pretty much everything that's happened between you and this guy since last night. All things considered however, you're able to have something of a decent dinner together. At least, eventually the two of you are able to feel more at ease with things. Still a very difficult and strange circumstance but not as immediately worrying as it seemed before.

"So your boss took the fall and went to prison for it?"

"Not really my boss, he was in charge of everything but we've been friends since college. Honestly if it weren't for him I wouldn't have been able to graduate. I guess things just... caught up with him, but he tried to isolate us from what he was doing I think. Whatever it is, here I am until he gets out."

You spend some of the evening at least getting to know the guy a little, to understand if you should be concerned about him at all. Again though, unless he's lying about everything, you don't feel that worried. He isn't even some financial guy himself, just the best friend of one who got dragged him along into things. Some cryptocurrency venture out of an ivy-league school, by the sound of things they had a nice little setup going until the guy in charge started messing around with money. For that he went to prison for several years now, while Carter remained on the outside to "take care" of some creatively hidden or secured assets that weren't accounted for by the investigators. Namely the condo and yacht here in Miami belonging to some separate company, and an offshore account with a big chunk of money. These things to be minded by Carter until his friend gets out of prison, with a provision for taking care of the guy's wife... the lady you saw him meeting in the park earlier, some periodic payment for her to live well on.
As for Carter himself well, not much to speak of really. He came here to Miami after his friend went away and he's just been living here and passing the time harmlessly enough, as under the radar as much as he generally can. Though you notice some disappointment in him, for the decent situation his life is in as a result of the charity of others, unable to strike out or make any success on his own. That's probably why he is the way he is, stressed and nervous. You almost feel bad for him if he wasn't living better here than you ever had before turning to villainy, but then again nothing in his life here actually belongs to him either.

"Well maybe I could forgive all this, and we could work something out... but you'd better help me in getting my stuff back!"

"Sure! Sure... whatever you need Carrie. I know everyone at the marina, I spend half my time there so I should. At least security should be able to help?"

Almost feel bad for him, you're kind of on the fence when prodding him for details about what the two of you got up to last night... just for more reason to make him feel guilty, not out of any personal interest! Sounds like the two of you got pretty frisky on his boat, and some of which you can vaguely recall as you hear him nervously relate it to you. You try to hide your interest of course but it sounds like he didn't get much farther than feeling you up, albeit pretty thoroughly, since once you started getting your clothes loose and off is when he was able to make enough bodily contact to find out the hard way that your body is elastic. That's when he panicked and tried (despite your superhuman efforts to keep him) to leave and get help, which in turn caused your own panic and impulse to flee. Losing your clothes entirely along the way you can only assume, when you tried finding a boat to hide in, and the first one you weren't able to get inside of. That much you can remember, sneakily trying a few different boats and finally managing to get inside the third.

On the topic of having lost your clothes though that prompts you to demand his help in reclaiming your stolen... or perhaps simply lost belongings, a change in subject he welcomes with a relaxed breath and a nod. By the sound of things, he could get the help of most anyone working at the marina and even things like security footage he could probably get a look at. So in that regard, you're a step much closer to settling this bothersome business.
>You'd like to go now if possible, and with him, to personally see that this matter is dealt with as best as possible together.
>You feel you can trust him to take care of this at least on his own, and get back to you tomorrow. Thus, freeing you for the evening to do what else you need to.
>This can wait till tomorrow. For now, you'd like to go on a walk together... to a place you can better corner him, and figure out where things stand in regards to his awareness of your superhuman nature.
>He has access to a wealth of resources? Well besides however you might want to benefit from that later, what does he have in the way of connections?
>A grueling write-in?
>You'd like to go now if possible, and with him, to personally see that this matter is dealt with as best as possible together.
We have shitty drunk instincts. Time to swear off alcohol forever.
>You'd like to go now if possible, and with him, to personally see that this matter is dealt with as best as possible together.
I would not like to get glowied
>You'd like to go now if possible, and with him, to personally see that this matter is dealt with as best as possible together.
We NEED our shit back. No more wild nights in strange places, ok?
>You'd like to go now if possible, and with him, to personally see that this matter is dealt with as best as possible together.
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Same as before, four unanimous would make for the majority;


>You'd like to go now if possible, and with him, to personally see that this matter is dealt with as best as possible together.

As he turned out to be something of a pushover (although most probably would be when confronted with a superhuman), you weren't particularly vying for his assistance. You didn't feel like you needed it anyway, but his offering to help could perhaps make things easier at least. Otherwise who knows where you might have to go looking, and for who next?

So you can finish your dinner together, and in a casually malicious way you can "convince" Carter to accompany you to the marina, hanging onto his arm all the way. A physical reminder that you're not to be trifled with, but then he doesn't offer much resistance at all. Whether or not you believe anything he said so far, you quite definitely get the impression that he's too intimidated of you to try anything funny. Or rather, intimidated for his lack of understanding about your abilities. You wait and relish for the opportunity to stretch an arm around his neck and force his cooperation, but to his credit he acts like quite the good little helper.

"-what you've got on the camera from... last night?"

"Last night. After... uh, nine or ten probably?"

"Nine or ten? Well you just watch and let us know..."

If nothing else, having Carter along does make things easier for you. Earlier in trying to get the help of the marina staff, you could only manage some sympathy from a guy here and a guy there, who could spare some minutes for you. As he indeed must be a regular around here though, your conscripted helper is able to meet and greet his way into security with you. Where, after some explaining they're willing to go over what security footage from the available cameras they have. They don't expect much since naturally most of the cameras are oriented towards the docks and the boats themselves, rather than the boardwalk-style area for restaurants and shops.

And for this, it does take awhile to pin down what you're looking for. Eventually though...

"-there! Well there I am, at least."

"And those other ladies are your friends?"

"Yeah! We met at place on the river and had a great time, then we came here to-"

"I assume those are your belongings they're stealing?"

"...it was them?!"

Sure enough after several re-watches and speed-thru's of the footage, what there is available, the situation is narrowed down. You watch yourself having a time with the other ladies, the point where you started getting carried away, and finally when the lot of you parted ways and you started wandering around till you found and approached Carter amongst everyone there.
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Importantly, you didn't carry your possessions with you, leaving them at the table with the group of friends. And it's when they saw you bothering Carter that they acted, in what appears suspiciously rehearsed, by promptly grabbing all your belongings and using your wallet to pay before leaving the place together.

Considering you never came back, it seems that their little scheme worked. And appearing to be something they all understood and went along with, you question if this was their first time doing this to someone? Worse still, while you and the security guy were watching yourself and the table, Carter was focused on something else in particular; the drinks. And how, not only were the ladies sneaking you many more than they themselves were drinking, but also that it appears they may have tampered with and put... something in one of your drinks. Re-watching the moments in particular, he can't be sure since the footage isn't the best for such a quick and sneaking sabotage, but it certainly looks shifty and reinforces his suspicions that your behavior last night wasn't only the result of being drunk.

"...th-thank you, officer. That's all we needed."

"No problem miss, but I'm not an officer."

Heartbeat in your ears, vision strained, you're practically clenching your teeth through your own face by the time you stagger outside of the security office. Trying your hardest to keep your composure and not want to just stretch and lash out to break something, in your anger and upset. Is this what you get for trying to be nice and make new friends? You tried to go out and enjoy yourself in a new place for the evening, on vacation here, and this was the trouble you got. Just imagine if you weren't superhuman, and how you probably would have woken up instead with some complete stranger in bed.

"...are you alright Carrie? It's pretty shitty what they did to yo- ouagh! C-Carrie?!"

Carter follows out of the office shortly after you, having talked the matter over with security. When he moves close to try and see how you're doing though, resting his hand on your shoulder, you grip at him with your own hand. Stretching your arm up and under his sleeve and coiling around to constrict about his neck. Tightening in your anger and only stopping when the sounds of him choking, bring you back to reality in reminder that you're in public and someone might notice if they happened by.
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Still furious, but you loose your grip of him as he falls to your legs gasping, apparently uncertain of what just happened since you acted so quickly and in anger about it.

"...I want them, I want to know where they are Carter."

"I asked... phew, give me a second... I asked the guys in there but they don't know any of them. You know their names though, I could ask the bartenders or managers of any of the bars."

Struggling to catch his breath, you help him to his feet again. Letting him know in no uncertain terms, as to what you're after in regards to your newfound "friends" from last night. It's only been about twenty-four hours, chances are they still have your belongings wherever they are. But then, getting your possessions back isn't really your primary concern regarding these women. Not at the moment anyway, while you're anger runs hot.

>Have Carter do whatever he can, that gets you to these women the quickest. Even if that means taking him with you, to find them.
>Having help to find who you're after is nice, but when it comes to actually dealing with them you want to do so in your own way, and alone. Even if it means a greater delay in finding them.
>You have your target and probably could find them, perhaps even on your own. But you'll want to make sure you're prepared before confronting them, even if it takes a couple days to do so. Better at least than just rushing in angry.
>As far as anyone should be concerned, a crime took place. Report to the police about it and let them find and bring your belongings back to you... although with the authorities involved, who knows how those thieves will respond?
>A rueful write-in?
>Having help to find who you're after is nice, but when it comes to actually dealing with them you want to do so in your own way, and alone. Even if it means a greater delay in finding them.
>>Have Carter do whatever he can, that gets you to these women the quickest. Even if that means taking him with you, to find them.
>Have Carter do whatever he can, that gets you to these women the quickest. Even if that means taking him with you, to find them.
>Have Carter do whatever he can, that gets you to these women the quickest. Even if that means taking him with you, to find them.
It's time for some villainous vengeance.
>Have Carter do whatever he can, that gets you to these women the quickest. Even if that means taking him with you, to find them.
Time to have our Carrie moment
>>Have Carter do whatever he can, that gets you to these women the quickest. Even if that means taking him with you, to find them.

>Have Carter do whatever he can, that gets you to these women the quickest. Even if that means taking him with you, to find them.

If given the time to calm down and think clearly, it may have been that you'd decide to have done something else. Something practical and carefully thought out, to mitigate risk and best achieve what you're after. But at the moment you're seeing red and you want resolution and satisfaction at that. You don't care if Carter is there with you when you strangle these women to death, so long as it gets you to them as quickly as possible.

Tonight even, ideally.

"Carrie? Where did... there you are. Well I talked to some of the managers, brought up the names you said. Most of them were a wash but that one particular, Maria, she's a local and comes by here on occasion. Her address..."

"-wait, they know her address? And they just gave it to you?"

"He didn't just give it to me. The bartender knows a guy who knows a guy who went on a date with her? I passed him some hundreds to send along, but who knows if it's even legit."

Too upset and angry to just sit around and wait for him, you took to pacing about the dock where he left you, for the forty-odd minutes it took him to go and ask about from the managers he knows. Indeed it seems that for much of the friend group you tagged along with, they were out-of-towners and told you as much. But at least one of the women, who you recall knew which places to frequent, lives here in town.

And to your delight, as well as surprise at Carter's effectiveness (or his money, rather), you now know where she lives. Or may live, you can only hope it's a real address and still the same. In any case it does at least settle your temper considerably. Enough to request his help further and without resorting to intimidation or force, specifically the use of his car since yours is still impounded.


Sure enough it takes awhile to get back to Carter's place from the marina, in order for him to get his fancy sports car and drive the both of you by phone directions, trying to find the address. There's some confusion for a bit but eventually you can figure out that it's a condo high-rise over in Miami Beach rather than around the marina or downtown Miami itself. Around about midnight though, you find yourselves down the street from the given address. Watching and waiting, trying to figure out what to do.
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The only thing you're certain of, is that you want to get in there and find out for sure.

"Well if she even still lives here, I don't know how you'd go and find her. So I guess we can call it a night? I'm sure your phone will still be there tomorrow."

"Please... just find a place to park."

"Just find a place... this is South Beach."

It's not the most upscale place you've seen, while only your second day here in Miami, but it's clearly one of the newer high-rises and a fancy enough residence to have a doorman and other basic security measures. Fortunately you can get inside with Carter's help, pretending to be friends of friends of a resident, and together appearing like a couple rather than individuals you're given more slack. Less suspicious than either of you trying to get in alone. The problem you encounter though is that the elevators require a keycard to access, though there's the bright idea between you two to just subtly linger about together until an actual resident going up to their place happens by.

Several floors up then, of course you still can't make use of the elevators but Carter happens to know that for residential high-rises like this with some security, when it comes to the stairwells only the ground floors tend to be similarly keycard-accessible. Once you're beyond at most the second floor up, then you can use the stairwells freely as you please, and even exit from them at the ground floor without a keycard; just not enter from them, to keep out persons like you from trying to enter and travel up them in the first place.

"Can I borrow your phone please? I'm gonna keep calling mine to listen out for."

"Come on... how far are you going to go with this? Carrie, this isn't you! You're not some... evil criminal out for revenge!"

"I'm not?"

Well he got you this far, but now that you're actually here he's getting cold feet. Worried about what your planning to do, or could end up getting carried away and doing. From what little he knows of you, maybe his worries are justified? Though to be fair you've had plenty of time now since earlier, to calm down and think clearly. You're no longer prone to just kicking open a door and beating something to death (or feeling that way), but even thinking clearly you still have your reasons for being here. Getting your belongings back isn't some silly nonsense, you feel you're well within your right to do so and not just because of the personal danger the secret society membership could pose to you.

But even setting your rational reasons and concerns aside... you'd be lying to yourself if you didn't want to get some payback for what was done to you, and particularly what could have happened to you, as a result of what was done. Whether or not you actually end up going through with some vengeance seeking however, you suppose you'll have to find out.
>You'll drag Carter along with you, and assure him you only want to get your things back. But once you locate the right condo, return his phone and send him back to the car.
>Coming this far, you don't really need him for anything else... thank him at least, but he's free to leave now. You can take things from here, and want to get Maria alone if you can.
>Despite his reluctance, he has his uses. A lookout for one thing, and potential help in searching through a place for your belongings. Even if having him with you all the way could be a liability.
>Perhaps an alternate method? Watch and wait, stake the place out until your target either leaves or returns the high-rise, to be able to confront her personally. She wouldn't recognize Carter after all.
>A vile write-in?
>You'll drag Carter along with you, and assure him you only want to get your things back. But once you locate the right condo, return his phone and send him back to the car.
We are going to totally pummel Maria's shit in btw
>Coming this far, you don't really need him for anything else... thank him at least, but he's free to leave now. You can take things from here, and want to get Maria alone if you can.

We don't want him squealing to the police, it's best he has no information of what happens.
Backing >>5986152
damn he shelled out a couple hundys for us though, he’s a real one
>>Despite his reluctance, he has his uses. A lookout for one thing, and potential help in searching through a place for your belongings. Even if having him with you all the way could be a liability.
>Despite his reluctance, he has his uses. A lookout for one thing, and potential help in searching through a place for your belongings. Even if having him with you all the way could be a liability.
>Despite his reluctance, he has his uses. A lookout for one thing, and potential help in searching through a place for your belongings. Even if having him with you all the way could be a liability.
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Looks like a slight majority for;


>Despite his reluctance, he has his uses. Even if having him with you all the way could be a liability.

You're not particularly inclined to take Carter himself on as a henchman, but having his help is rather eye-opening as to the potential benefits of having one or some in the first place. Of course you do prefer working and being alone in regards to supervillainy, simply because of the nature of your abilities and of course not wanting to have to worry about anyone else. Plus there's the concern of who you can trust and any worries about being betrayed. That said however, it is quite a relief to have help in ways you wouldn't have been able to manage yourself or wouldn't have thought of. Were it not for Carter for example then you almost certainly wouldn't have found where this Maria lives anytime soon, not by tonight for sure.

It might be risky to drag him any further along, but you're not yet at a point where you couldn't use his help still. Besides, if you've come this far with him with cooperation then short of outright killing Maria there doesn't seem much you could do that would further incriminate yourself with him, when already he knows your identity anyway. Something you may have to deal with besides, so perhaps don't let him go free just yet.

"-th-there! Did you... c'mere and listen, do you hear that?"

"...is that what your ringtone is? Call it again."

It takes quite awhile to not-so-subtly pace along each floor of the building, constantly calling your phone with Carter's and listening out for any ringing. In as much as you have to go to every door on each floor, make the call, and press your ear close to try and hear for anything. With a few awkward moments besides, when some resident is either returning home or are leaving, walking along the corridors and past the pair of you who have to act nonchalantly and seem as though you're waiting for someone or just standing in the hallway having a conversation.
It's not ideal and a potential police risk, but what else can you do? When more than an hour later, finally and fortunately you manage to locate the sound you were hoping for. Nearly missing it even, when already so many dozens or even hundreds of doors? That you'd tried and gotten nothing. But sure enough, you at least find the door where repeated calls to your phone respond with the ringtone... just lucky no one is home you suppose, or else they would have silenced it after the fifth time calling or so.

"It must be... here, keep watch while I..."

"That... that you do with your body, does it... hurt, or anything?"

"Shh! I'm trying to feel for the... got it! I think..."

With Carter to stand against you both to keep a lookout and to visually block anyone from seeing, you stretch and press your arm under the door to reach up and grab about for a way to open the door from within. For your trouble though you hear a sudden bunch of yapping and get your arm bitten in the process. More startling than painful, you can clumsily open the door to find a nasty little dog trying to keep guard as you and Carter hasten inside. Together you chase after and eventually catch the annoying little bugger, looking for a place to shove him while you do what you came here for.

A further relief though, if the dog is freely wandering about the place and barking at intruders, that you take that to mean for sure no one is home. Or at least no one conscious.

"Finally! My phone! Thank the lord..."

"What else, your wallet?"

"I had a small bag as well, not even a purse. Kept my car keys and other stuff inside, find the keys and you'll know it's the one."

Initially you wander about the place, impressed by the condo Maria has. Wondering if it's actually hers or maybe like a corporate-owned place? Carter quickly draws your attention back however, and reminds you of the job to do. After all, just because Maria or anyone else isn't here right now doesn't mean she couldn't come back any minute. So after clarifying what you're looking for, the pair of you split up to search through the place without trying to ransack it.
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Although you do make your own effort to search, you find yourself increasingly distracted the more you make your way through Maria's place, by all the imaginings and planning for what you want to do to her when you she gets here. When you can get at her, and respond to her mistreatment of you however you see fit. Fortunately you do eventually manage to stumble upon your wallet in what you assume to be the office room of the condo... all your money gone and most of the other contents strewn across the table, but most importantly the secret society membership card present among them. What an immense relief then, sighing greatly as you gather everything up back into your wallet despite the increased ill will for seeing all the money stolen. Probably more taken using your credit card, but you're pretty sure there's ways of getting any of that back at least.

"Carrie! Are these your keys?"

"Uhhh... yes! I think so!"

"Then here's your bag, it was in a mess in the kitchen. Is that everything then, we can go now?"

"That's everything, but..."

Carter surprises you in the office room, having found your bag and keys. Along with finding your wallet then, you're in high enough spirits to hug him in accomplishment and gratitude. Thanks to his help then you managed to recover almost everything, certainly the important things you came here for, and in a much shorter time than you probably would have been able to on your own. If that is everything then, shouldn't you just leave? What a fortuitous effort this turned out to be, that you can have found where the thief lived and gotten your belongings back without a confrontation, and able to leave without being noticed. Easy peasy, done and dusted without any trouble...

...but you're not done here, are you? You can make the excuse to Carter that you still need to get your credit card back, and by this point he really has helped you as much as he can, so you could send him on his way. He's not stupid though, and tries to pressure and convince, even pull you with him to leave. Not wanting you to do anything irrational or criminal when you now have everything you need. But if Maria isn't at home now, you expect she will be either within the next few hours or so, or certainly by morning or noon if she stayed out for the night. After what she did to you and what could have happened, you're perfectly content to sit and wait here until she gets home. To return the favor to her, as much as she did to you, or worse even since you hadn't deserved it in the first place.
You're not so emotionally committed to revenge however, that you can't think clearly. Perhaps Carter has a point, or at the very least that you hold off on this payback until you're better prepared for it? Currently you... probably couldn't make use of your powers in confronting Maria, lacking your villain disguise. Not that you need to, you could probably get physical with her as you are if you needed to. But if you left now and returned later you could target her as your villainous self without any need to hold back. But then, that might be a little suspicious if a supervillain just attacked some woman seemingly at random...

>Get Carter to leave, one way or another. You're going to stay and deal with this no matter what it takes.
>Have him stay actually. On the one hand if you can't use your abilities then having him here would physically put things in your favor, but also it could benefit you to incriminate him in what you do, as further reason for him to keep quiet about everything.
>Maybe he's right... you got what you came for, best not to risk anything further. Maria had just better pray that you never encounter her again...
>You'll listen to him for now, but only so that you can come back later and fully prepared to do whatever you feel is justified.
>A lamentable write-in?
>You'll listen to him for now, but only so that you can come back later and fully prepared to do whatever you feel is justified.
>You'll listen to him for now, but only so that you can come back later and fully prepared to do whatever you feel is justified.
Leave with him then we can break back in whenever we want.
Just make sure we remember the room number and floor and everything.
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>You'll listen to him for now, but only so that you can come back later and fully prepared to do whatever you feel is justified.
Nobody crosses Carrie. And she touched our rightfully stolen dosh too. That is unforgivable.
>Have him stay actually. On the one hand if you can't use your abilities then having him here would physically put things in your favor, but also it could benefit you to incriminate him in what you do, as further reason for him to keep quiet about everything
>>You'll listen to him for now, but only so that you can come back later and fully prepared to do whatever you feel is justified.
Looks like a majority for;


>You'll listen to him for now, but only so that you can come back later and fully prepared to do whatever you feel is justified.

If you were here on your own things would probably go differently, you very much would have liked to stay and settle this matter personally. As much as having Carter here would benefit that desire as well so that you'd have his help to overpower Maria and anyone potentially with her, his presence also serves as a voice of reason. Of sorts, that you're willing to at least hear him out before committing to anything emotionally. And while he can't convince you to give up on this vendetta of yours, he can convince you to call it a night and leave from here, for now. Not like Maria is any great threat, but better to engage her when you're fully prepared so that you can act against her as much as you want to without any need to hold anything back.

Besides, you got what you came here for really. So eventually you can take your leave of the condo after letting the nasty little dog out again, fuming and grumbling all the way but otherwise cooperative with Carter's wishes of getting the hell out of here as quick as possible before anyone gets home or notices what you're doing. Back into the corridor, then the stairwell and all the way down to the ground floor where you can find a separate entrance and go to hop a fence. Better than risking notice or footage for anything that could place you.

Not a satisfying culmination to the night's efforts, but admittedly an overall successful one. To have reclaimed your belongings and found the culprit, within an evening and all without needing to get your hands dirty. The power of teamwork! Or something like that, perhaps the power of money and connections instead.


"Is that... everything then? Everything you wanted?"

"Well they still stole my money... but really the only thing left that matters to me is my car."

"No chance for that tonight, but I bet I could get it out for you tomorrow. Better than whatever hoops they'd make you jump through."

Back in his car again and driving away from Miami Beach back to the downtown area, you take into account everything you wanted or needed in order to salvage the misfortune you suffered from those women taking advantage of you. Of course Carter sounds like he just wants to be done with things and you wouldn't blame him, but you've not been made whole yet. There is lastly the matter of your impounded car but if that's something else you want to hold over him then that's something else he's willing to help you out with. More and more in fact you're starting to notice or at least feel, no longer so much out of guilt for your little drunken impropriety but rather that he seems intimidated by you and doesn't want to invite any trouble.

Probably the increasing weight of realization on him, that you're a superhuman, has him on edge. Perhaps even afraid? Of what you might do to keep things secret, something you'd considered earlier and is now finally starting to dawn on him. For now though, it's getting pretty late and you're feeling quite drained after such a difficult and stressful day. If you have any greater plans for the situation, you'd prefer to deal with them tomorrow.

>He can take you back to your resort and that will be fine for the night. If he can get your car back tomorrow then you'll consider things even between you.
>Closer to his place, you suppose you could spend the night there. Easier to get your car back together first thing in the morning, and decide things from there.
>You do want to go back with him, but your intentions are villainous, so to his boat instead. After all, you can't let him go with your secret known, so you have to deal with him. Easier when you've got him isolated and cornered.
>Compel him to stay at the resort with you for the night, if only because your villainy knows no bounds! Apart from his help, you also intend to squeeze him for some value if you can, threatened or otherwise.
>Well, thanks for everything Carter and it was nice knowing you! Proceed to jump out of the car and make your abrupt departure.
>An intolerable write-in?
>Closer to his place, you suppose you could spend the night there. Easier to get your car back together first thing in the morning, and decide things from there.
Resort is fine too
>You do want to go back with him, but your intentions are villainous, so to his boat instead. After all, you can't let him go with your secret known, so you have to deal with him. Easier when you've got him isolated and cornered.
>Closer to his place, you suppose you could spend the night there. Easier to get your car back together first thing in the morning, and decide things from there.
>Compel him to stay at the resort with you for the night, if only because your villainy knows no bounds! Apart from his help, you also intend to squeeze him for some value if you can, threatened or otherwise.
Also it's a really nice resort
He has his own boat though, so he might be used to such luxuries...
>>Compel him to stay at the resort with you for the night, if only because your villainy knows no bounds! Apart from his help, you also intend to squeeze him for some value if you can, threatened or otherwise.
Looks like a potential tie between either staying at his place, or having him stay at the resort. Will give it awhile for anyone else to choose or change their vote, else I can roll to decide if need be.
Roll for it then
>Closer to his place, you suppose you could spend the night there. Easier to get your car back together first thing in the morning, and decide things from there.
I'm sure his pad is decent too
Back now and will be writing

Looks like it'll be at his place then.
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>Closer to his place, you suppose you could spend the night there. Easier to get your car back together first thing in the morning, and decide things from there.

Late as it is and after everything you've been through, right now you'd just like to find a place to rest as easily and quickly as possible. And from where you are driving currently, that would be Carter's place. Of course he doesn't object to you coming over to stay with him though he certainly hadn't expected it.

"Wowow! You live better here than my whole house back in Mal- erm, back home."

"Well it's not really mine like I said, I'm just taking care of it for my friend. Same as the boat."

Thankfully it doesn't take long then to drive back to his own residential high-rise near downtown, park and head inside to take elevator up, and come to marvel at the high end condo he has. Or, the company has, that he's just minding in the meantime. But even if the deed is not in his name, he's still living the high life here which you can't help but be a little jealous of; for you this was supposed to be a nice little vacation to get out of town. You get to live it up for a week and then it's back to your normal life. For Carter though it's like 24/7 living it up!

Maybe you got into the wrong business, the wrong sort of crime. Ah, but then you wouldn't be able to make grand villainous speeches, and isn't that what it's all about really at the end of the day?

"Kitchen, whatever you want to eat or drink, living room, whatever you want to do. There's also services at all times if you need anything..."

"And what, you're sleeping on the couch? Because I want a bed."

"I mean, I don't... have to sleep on the couch... but there's more than one bedroom."

Wow, this really is a nice place. Not as luxuriously expensive as the resort you're staying at, or the secret society manor back in Malton, you have seen better places yourself in your time than this. But it's nothing to sneeze at, and as said you're quite jealous for what a nice little life Carter's got going for him here. Won't last forever by the sound of things, some more years until his friend is out of prison and then they'll have to figure out what their plan is from there.

But he's had and will have much more time enjoying things here, than your entire supervillain career yet. You choose not to dwell on it too much though, for all the stress and trouble of the last two days. You're here, with your own room and a bed, and hoping to get a hard-earned good night's sleep.

Hoping to that is. There are, well... other things you could get up to here at his place for the night... but yes, you'll settle just for sleep. For now.

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"My baby! Ohhh mommy missed you so much!"

"Check for scratches, any damage. If you don't bring it up before you leave, it isn't their fault anymore."

Fortunately you did at least manage to sleep well and are feeling more or less back to normal after such a horrible yesterday. With Carter waiting for you to wake up and get ready for the day at your own pace, he took you out to a decent brunch place he knows, and then on to go get your car back after.

And to his credit again, he can at least manage to accomplish this for you. What difficulties you would have faced otherwise, if Carter has a stand-out skill then it's with these sorts of finicky tasks and exchanges with people. Where you get declined, he can either convince or bribe his way through. As was the case yesterday, much the same now where he takes care of everything regarding your car... perhaps not totally legally but either way it's out of your hands.

Makes you think how nice it would be to have a sidekick or henchman like him back in Malton. You'd thought of the role as like a partner in crime, but even just an assistant or something like that, proves rather nice to have around actually.

"...is that everything then, Carrie? Are we all squared up?"

Leaning on your car while you sit in the drivers seat to start it up and check everything over, he looks to you for confirmation. Of course it seems the matter with your car is thankfully settled, and you've gotten your stolen belongings back thanks to him. But of course he's referring to the bigger picture, as to whether you're willing to let him off the hook now for his help.

And as much as you had promised to do so yesterday, but perhaps you're not finished with him yet?

>Eh... he's done right by you. So long as he knows the score, about your identity, then you suppose you could say your goodbyes.
>That'll do for now, but you expect to see him before you leave Miami. In the meantime you've got the remainder of your vacation to salvage!
>You lied about forgiving him! If there's more that you can get out of him, like money or further help with things (crimes or even just your vacation here in Miami), then you'll take it!
>Him knowing the truth about you doesn't sit well with you. Maybe you'll kill him or maybe you won't, but you'll need to straighten things with him. Back at the resort perhaps?
>Feeling in such high spirits for getting everything of yours back again, he's gone out of his way to help you... is there anything he could use your help with in return?
>An atrocious write-in?
>Feeling in such high spirits for getting everything of yours back again, he's gone out of his way to help you... is there anything he could use your help with in return?
If not
>Eh... he's done right by you. So long as he knows the score, about your identity, then you suppose you could say your goodbyes.
>>Feeling in such high spirits for getting everything of yours back again, he's gone out of his way to help you... is there anything he could use your help with in return?
>Feeling in such high spirits for getting everything of yours back again, he's gone out of his way to help you... is there anything he could use your help with in return?
>That'll do for now, but you expect to see him before you leave Miami. In the meantime you've got the remainder of your vacation to salvage!
Hey all just a heads up, looks like my apartment burned down.

So uhhh… maybe a bit longer than usual to post.
What the FUCK, I never saw the QM Curse manifest like this. Hope you and your stuff is alright though
Hoping that you are safe
Jesus christ. Came here from the QTG to give my condolences.
Oh jeez
hope you had insurance
>>Feeling in such high spirits for getting everything of yours back again, he's gone out of his way to help you... is there anything he could use your help with in return?

I'm very sorry to hear that
I’m fine thanks for the concern, but the place is torched.

Still, will try to post somehow if I can find a way!
Thats pretty fucked up looking. No rush for the next update, your physical safety is first over the quest.
>Feeling in such high spirits for getting everything of yours back again, he's gone out of his way to help you... is there anything he could use your help with in return?

What happened? Do you have any idea what started the blaze?
As far as it seems someone was barbecuing indoors or on their deck. Something which is explicitly against the residential rules, a list of rules that has grown rather large in the last year or so since a certain clientele started moving in en masse and flagrantly disregarding proper tenant and neighborly behavior.

In any case the problem now seems to be that the building is condemned so no one can go back in to get anything, which means I only have my phone to post anything. Not exactly able to write entire updates via phone texting and ascii limitations. Maybe I can try to get to a library nearby for a computer but until I am able to get some replacement it will probably be a tough time trying to post.
>As far as it seems someone was barbecuing indoors or on their deck.
What kind of fucking mongoloid would do this? Someone oughta swipe that grill from them for the safety of everyone involved. I hope you can bounce back soon, just focus on stability first or something.
Hey all just a heads up, so I got a place to stay temporarily but the problem remains now that I don't have a computer. I am able to reply like this, but can't really write the kinds of updates typical of the quest so far, to be able to keep it going.

Going to have to work extra to earn what it'll take to replace everything I lost, but even then it could take awhile to get some sort of computer replacement. Will try what I can and update if things change or look to, though!
Sorry to hear about this man, I'd recommend a cheapass rig just to tide you over.
Take it easy OP
That's the plan yeah, but until then I suspect the quest will have to remain on hiatus. Which is disappointing because I can still post like this at least, but not at the caliber necessary or deserving for this quest.

Hopefully it won't be so long though, will have to see.

Always easy!
Just checking in. How are you doing now QM?
Still couch surfing, but I think I have a placed lined up for next month at least. The challenge now besides a computer obviously, if trying to figure a work schedule where I can also continue the quest if possible. Hope to be able to but thus far it's been roadblock for sure.

Thanks for the concern though, trying my best to find a way if we can keep going.
Glad to hear it. You should know that your players are still very much interested.
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Indeed, as am I in continuing. Obviously for the time being things will be on hiatus then, depending on the current trend. But if I can get my living situation stable again in a timely manner, then I think we can continue without trouble.

Ironically in the meantime I could have continued with something, even just by phone-posting, but naturally something simpler in nature. Not as serious as this quest, which warrants a large time investment, lengthy posts and planning. I don't think I would, it's just a shame the way things went and how a different style of quest might have been hindered less.

But oh well, thus far and ideally going forward, this has been an enjoyable quest for me and I hope for players. I say because it's page 10 so the thread will probably drop off the board within a couple days, but I hope of course to continue again as soon as possible!

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