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The great hosts of chaos marched towards Karag Dum. Thousands, tens of thousands made their way towards the ancient ruins of a proud dwarven bastion that had held out for so long. Its cannons had roared, its mithril clad warriors had cut and hewn and cleaved and shot the warriors of chaos. Its forges churned out endless suits of armor, countless weapons, endless stockpiles of bolts. Its mighty walls, placed atop a lone mountain domineered over the landscape, the towers seeming to pierce the very sky and disturb the gods above. And for that, it had to fall. The dwarves fought, and yet, they had fallen to the hordes of chaos. Despoiled, ravaged, raped, as all lands ought to be, sooner or later.
You had never seen the Karag before. And now, only crumbled ruins remained. Maybe, the next time you visit it, it won’t be so far in the future, for the crumbled walls and broken towers more remind you of the rotten jaws of a warhound than of a proud bastion overrun by brave soldiers of Chaos.
As you crest the bleak ocher hill, you see what you long expected. Beneath a burning orange sky, a gathering of armies, warbands and hosts. Spitting on the ground and uttering a oath, then continue forwards, order your host to make camp while you head for the centre of the gathering, towards the lone tent overlooking the countless hordes.
As soon as you step in front of the tent and try peering inside, you feel a shove from behind. Tumbling forwards and already drawing your weapon out, you turn to strike at your assailant, but to no avail, as you fall through the tent flaps, which close shut behind you. A cleave at them leaves your blade harmlessly bouncing from the magical cloth. A rough chuckle emerges from behind you.
“Another one!” A Hung chief laughs. “Settle in friend. We all wait long.”
A quick scan of the massive tent reveals a impressive gathering of warlords, chiefs and champions, of Kurgan, Hung and Beastmen types, all eyeing each other with doubt, suspicion and spite. Yet, all keep their weapons by their belts. They must have been here for long in order to have relaxed so much in such company. A moment of thinking later, you choose to follow their lead, but keeping your gaze on a bestigor with a head crowned with 3 pairs of horns.
You think of speaking to the mob, yet before you can, a female voice booms in the room. “You won’t wait for any more.”
In a flash of motion, every blade is drawn and more than twice that many eyes are anxiously glancing around the tent.
“A whispering on the steppes had called you all here.” The strange cloaked figure spoke as it appeared in the center.
Within a moment, the champions and warlords and reaves and warriors all surrounded the figure, distrustful of each other, but afraid of the figure that just appeared between them.
“I called you here.” The figure continued, concealed by the dancing shadows too thick to be natural. “I called you here so that you may wage war upon the southlands.”
It is now that you notice the long beak protruding from the face and the sleeves hanging emptily by the flanks of the figure.
“Who are you?” A Kurgan asks, raising his violet blade towards the sorceress, his blade tip nearly touching the cloak.
“I am the messenger of the lord of chaos.” The figure replies. “And they require my sister rescued.”
“Why would we serve?” The Hung chief asks. “What is in it for us?”
“Other than to be in a large host and to raid the lands of Kislev?” The messenger asks, shakes her beaked head disapprovingly, and then continues “Ten manweights of pure dwarven silver to whomever delivers her to me.” (60 loot)
“Where be your sister?” The Hung asks quickly.
“In fort Ostrosk.” She replies.
“And we are to follow you into Kislev?” A Kurgan swordsman asks, now withdrawing his blade to himself.
“No, you are to go there and bring her here, back to me.” The messenger replies.
“So someone else is to lead us?” The Kurgan asks.
“No human will command me!” The bestigor roars.
“It is up to you to choose who will lead you.” The messenger replies. “And I think it would be best if you make a choice, for many in the camps will desire a strong ruler of the host and a lack of one will lead to many leaving.” (Elected leader will gain a extra chaos knight.)
Some murmuring, a few boastsful shouts and a few yells later, the messenger speaks, this time her voice possesing a booming quality. “Who will not invade may leave.”
To your surprise, some do. Whether you are surprised so few or so many left is beyond you.
“For the remainder, I will carry a sacrifice of good fortune for you. I will need a name and your host.” She continues.
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Welcome! This will be my first attempt at running a mechanically defined game. I hope it will run smoothly and that everyone will have fun with this.
The rules are limited to what you see on the image.
So, first of all, everyone in here who wants to participate will need to do a few things:
>Use some method of identification
Be it a tripcode, a name, or something, I will need a way to tell who you are, as this will hopefully last for multiple threads and as there will hopefully be multiple players.
>Create your warlord
I’ll need a name and a origin, which can for now only be a Hung, a Kurgan or a Beastman. Later on, you will be able to get Norscans and potentially even other things, but for now, you are limited in your starting options. This will determine your starting unit options.
And, of course, if you desire, for a bit of flavour, a description (if you wish, you can go pretty OC donut steal, as chaos heroes usually are).
>Pick your army
Each player will start with 60 loot that they can purchase units with to represent their starting armies.
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The list of available units and their costs are:
Kurgan units (units for characters of Kurgan origin):
Horse archer – 10 loot:
HP 2
D 1
M 5
Kurgan cataphract – 18 loot:
HP 3
D 1
M 4
Slave – 6 loot:
HP 1
D 1
M 3
Chaos warrior – 24 loot:
HP 4
D 2
M 1
Chaos knight – 32 loot:
HP 5
D 2
M 3

Hung units (units for characters of Hung origin):
Horse archer – 12 loot:
HP 2
D 1
M 5
Hung savage – 8 loot:
HP 1
D 2
M 3
Slave – 6 loot:
HP 1
D 1
M 3
Warbeast of the north – 44 loot:
HP 4
D 3
M 4
Chaos warrior – 22 loot:
HP 4
D 2
M 1
Chaos knight – 36 loot:
HP 5
D 2
M 3

Beastmen units (units for characters of Beastmen origin):
SPECIAL RULE - everyone can move full speed through the forest, can see two tiles in the forest
Ungors – 5 loot:
HP 1
D 1
M 3
Gors – 10 loot:
HP 2
D 2
M 3
Centigors – 16 loot:
HP 2
D 1
M 5
Minotaurs – 30 loot:
HP 4
D 2
M 2
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Based, I'm ready to play LanuQM.

Krantagarh is a hoary and venerable minotaur-lord - his fur grayed with age, he is a particularly battle-worn example of his misbegotten kind. Only average-sized for a minotaur, his horns are weathered and pockmarked, his shoulders layered with scars, and most importantly - his mighty right-hand was lost in battle long ago. As a result, he wields a one-handed axe - he has become surprisingly deft with this to compensate for the lack of pure killing power. He has lived so long by choosing his wars carefully, never overextending himself, and commands a loyal band of survivors, minotaurs, centigors, and gors. As for ungors - he finds them delectable. Unlike many other minotaurs, Krantagarh's wounding and advancing age has forced him to develop some small measure of cunning on the battlefield - complex tactics are beyond him, but he has the capacity to reason beyond simple charging advances.

Krantagarh's Band

One unit of Gors – 10 loot:
One unit of Centigors – 16 loot:
One unit of Minotaurs – 30 loot:


Total cost = 56 loot. 4 loot remains.
Looks interesting, but I'll hold off for now, both to see how it plays and to wait for those "other things". Good luck with it, though!
I'm interested...Might make something later, either later today or later in the quest as I'm mainly a fan of Norsca.
Magor Gorebow, one of a great many number of Ungor archers, his bow shoots the furthest, his draw the longest, and his height the greatest among his fellow bretheren of archers.

Twelve Units of Ungors - 60 loot

Hangar's Riders

Chaos Knights: 32 Loot

Kurgan Cataphracts: 18 Loot

Horse Archers: 10 Loot


A Kurgan from the steppes, Hangar is a veteran armour-clad warrior of a type common among the northern tribes, yet new to his position. The former champion of the riders who are now pledged to Hangar was cut down by a south-man mounted swordsman who bore a moustache of the most impeccable size and lustrousness. Since that day, Hangar has not shaved his upper lip; for he seeks to grow a grander and far mightier moustache of his own, so that through the size of his facial hair and the will and gifts of the gods he might seek to bring the Swordsman low and claim his hide for the gods of the north.

Total Cost: 60 Loot
Important question for the QM.
I plan on taking a Warbeast of the north, but I need to know which in particular before I finish the lore/flavor for my warlord.
Dear god. Fuck me.
It is a broad category meant to encompass everything from subdued chaos spawn to half demonic creatures caralled by the hung to the great stabilized chimera of the chaos wastes.
>two-thousand thundering hooves and a thousand echoing "ba-a-a-a's", the ungor tide comes
What a fucking madlad.
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Mulrog the Cruel

A mighty warrior from the Eastern Steppes who took his steel Armor after slaying his previous Warlord in One on One Combat. Inheriting the Warband together with it he sought to expand it. He is a brutal Slavemaster punishing unruly slaves by slowly impaling them on blut wooden stakes.

In Battle he pins his enemies in Place using his Slave Hordes while loyal Achers flank the enemy and he leads his mighty Chaos Knights into brutal charges, breaking his enemies resolve under Chaos forged hooves and steel before dragging the survivors into Slavery.

Mulrogs Reavers

Chaos Knight - 32 loot

Horse Archer - 10 loot

Slaves - 6 loot

Slaves - 6 loot

Slaves - 6 loot

Total Cost = 60 Loot

Question QM. Can i acquire a Warbeast later on to place my dude on top of? like a lesser Chaos Dragon or Chimera?
Yeah, if it's his aspiration, I can make it a lore post about it when Mulrog achieves something notable, like capturing a city or a fort, however, it would be a purely fluff thing as players characters are there to present a face for the interactions with each other and with NPC's and are presumed to have been in whatever unit survives the last (for obvious reasons).
yeah. capturing a more worthy mount would be high on the priority list. dominating a chimera would make for a damn impressive display to show off when returning to his tribe and find a mate.
This is an ambitious concept, OP. I've got too much on my plate to join now but I'll be watching closely.
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Rue'Vahn the Depraved is a Hung champion of Slannesh. Formerly undivided, he embraced the Dark Prince out of gratitude when offered a most wondrous of gifts; a bride. His beloved Sunset is a chaos manticore, and together the husband and wife carry out the will of their generous god. However, marriage is no picnic, but thankfully the happy couple have their basic wants and needs taken care of by the numerous servants and slaves they've accumulated.


Warbeast of the north – 44 loot
Two units of Slaves – 12 loot

Total Cost: 56 loot
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Sarrick Whispersoul

Sarrick is a Hung sorcerer, his authority granted by his connection to the gods and maintained by his ruthless cunning and silver tongue. He lusts for knowledge and to discover the deepest and darkest truths of this world and the beyond. No sacrifice is too great to bring the attention of the four down upon him and any number of souls can be given as tribute to ensure their favour. His followers stand in awe of his connection to the gods, and his divinations have led them from one victory to the next. Now he claims there is opportunity for glory in Kislev, and so they march.

The Whispersouls:

2 chaos warriors - 44 loot
2 hung savages - 16 loot

Hit that neat 60 with no spare. Kind of concerned about movement 1 but fuck it.
Don't worry too much about it. To get to Kislev, the hosts will first need to beat their way through the Baersonlings and the Goromadny mountains, and up there, everything is constricted to movement 1 and cavalry will struggle a lot to get through there.
Just as planned. That makes me feel considerably better.
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The horde will most likely come from the top right (between the Frozen sea and the Goromadny mountains).
Interesting stuff, so Southron Chaos Cultists, Rat-Things, Albionese, Chaos Dorfs, Norscans, & Tong may all be on the table at some later point?

Are those Chaos Penguins?
And some variants of chaos orcs, ogres, cultists and dark elves too.
>chaos orcs
Is that some super old lore or something? I don't remember ever seeing those. Granted I haven't been in the hobby since long after they started to take the setting "seriously".

Yeah, I think like 2e of oldhammer? Certainly not new material. Obviously LanuQM is a man of culture and prefers the oldest lore.
Damn. Mans is swimming in the primordial soup of lore kek
Go back far enough and you can find chaos anything.

>Are those Chaos Penguins?
Didn't spot them the first time, but now I can't unsee them.
>chaos anything.
Even chaos lizardmen? Chaos slann.

>chaos penguins
Would honestly probably be great for longship combat. You chuck them into the water and tell them to bite holes into the keel of a vessel or something. Makes me wonder what other sort of chaos animals would be useful outside of hounds and wolves. Not including the more obvious ones like bears and birds. The mighty chaos moose, now with 70% more spears for antlers.
>chaos lizardmen? Chaos slann.
Ok, you got me there. Closest I can give you is Chaos snake men in Khuresh but I don't think they have any connection to the lizardmen, they're more just a reptilian equivalent of normal chaos beastmen. Though honestly they have so little information on them who the fuck can be sure.
I think the snakemen of Khuresh are the naga expy of warhammer. In comparison to the "reptilians who have been on the planet since forever 'conspiracy'" lizardmen. Maybe if our timeline was different, Warhammer would have explored the in-lore-only factions and the snakemen could have been chaos lizardmen. Alas, we got warhammer fantasy PAULDRON edition instead.
A young Zar born under the stars of the Great Raven Torchak has gathered around him a vast horde of young Kurgan who thirst for glory. Many young kurgan warriors chafe under the oppressive leadership of older Zars who hoard wealth and glory for only their chosen warriors. Under the banner of the Ravenblessed a young warrior can range out onto the plains among brothers and seek his own destiny!

6x Kurgan Horse Archers
>Chaos Penguins?

I guess that the southern Chaos waste has to have some mutated beast-men, and if the only beasts there to begin with were Penguins...

A Kurgan warrior known to travel within dreams, granting him knowledge of enemies yet to be faced & batttlefields yet to be trampled. Accustomed to preying upon Hobgoblins & Hung, he carries with him a great many horses to maintain fresh mounts for roving across the steppes.

>Chaos Knight
>Kurgan Cataphract
>Kurgan Horse Archer
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The hosts are assembled for now. Future aspiring warchiefs may join after this raid is concluded.
"Krantagarh, Magor, Hangar, Mulrog, Rue'Vahn, Sarrick,Torchak, Ivan. Eight warlords for the eight points of chaos." She mutters, and slightly twists to grab the dagger by her hip, only to remember her hands are missing. A quick second of anticipation later, she speaks up again. “And so I send seventeen thousand souls southwards.” she says to herself as she turns around and leaves, seeming more to glide a mere hairs thickness above ground, the warlords parting to make way. “Maybe you could, while I prepare a sacrifice, agree upon who will lead the hosts?” She says to you lot. “The chaos knights I summoned here expect a leader of the host to swear their fealty to, or they will disperse and leave.” And with that she disappears to outside of the tent, undoubtedly off to perform some vile sorcery.
This is the second part of of the inter-raid, the choice of the leader of the warhost.
The warlord can in this case be elected either by popular choice (requiring at least 51% of the vote - 5 votes within the next 24 hours) or not elected at all, in which case, the warbands can operate on their own and make their own strategic decisions. (for now, whether to attack the coastal strip between the frozen sea and the Goromadny mountains (better for infantry), or through the Belyevobota pass(better for cavalry). Of course, the leader can split his warhost.
In other situations, hostility between chaos warbands would be allowed as long as the warlord in question wished his men to attack others, however, as the men and beasts feel drawn to here by the very winds of the steppe, they will refuse to fight – for now.
In this case, the elected warlord will receive an extra unit of chaos knights.
This might be an opportunity for political play. Perhaps someone will ask to be elected with a promise of splitting some of their loot for a certain amount of time. Or perhaps it will be a game of drawing straws. Everyone loves random chance. Or even still, weighing the forces already at their command they may seek to make an even stronger mass to bludgeon their way through the enemy and expose the weakling southerner's lands.

So many paths that all lead to the destruction of the frail fools floundering for fleeting farms from frozen fallow.
Mulrog steps forward one hand on the pomel of his sword. Mustering the assembled Warlords his gaze mostly sticks to the Minotaur dominating a large part of the tent and the other Kurgan Lords.

"The south are many. And while they are weak even a Manticore can get burried under a mountain of slaves. A strong vision is what we need. One Lead by the Gods to find the greatest plunder and slaves."

"Elect me your leader and we will have plenty of cannonfodder to occupy those weak southlanders while our cavalery tears open their heartlands."

>It seems obvious that Mulrog is mostly interested in taking slaves and plunder which might give an opening if someone wishes to draw him to their side. A show of force and cunning could also be helpful of convincing him someone else might be more capable of directing such a campaign.
Rolled 5 (1d8)

Rue'Vahn pulls out a set of soothsaying bones before speaking up. His voice is boisterous and mirthful, as though speaking to old friends.

"I agree that a strong vision is needed. Of this there is no doubt. Which is why I won't nominate myself. Instead, I say we place our faith in the only leader we can trust: one chosen by the Gods. I will remind everyone here about who we truly serve, and owe our souls to."

He then places the bones around the table, one for each warlord.

"We throw the runes, willingly placing our destinies in the hands of The Great Four, and see who is deemed worthy. You may call me a fool, but I recommend you play along because whomever is chosen shall receive my vote, along with the others who feel the same way that I do. Aside from pleasing our masters, the other advantage to this is that it avoids pointless bickering and prevents heated rivalries from developing. None would dare to question the will of the gods."

As he says that last part, he stares back and forth between Krantagarh and Magor, amused by the possibility of a minotaur taking orders from an ungor.

(Oog, he proposes that we all roll a 1d8. Whoever rolls the highest wins. If there's a tie, then it's who rolled first.)
Rolled 3 (1d8)


Krantagarh stands abruptly, heaving himself to his hooves, causing momentary alarm amongst the council. He exhales heavily, before reaching across the council table to delicately pluck at one of the seer's runes with his massive left paw.

"Gods. Will. Decide," he pronounces, as he looks at Rue'Vahn and then Mulrog, before casting onto the table-top.

He sits without even looking at the rune - his piece said.
Rolled 6 (1d8)

Without a word he casts a bone. It spins on its end unnaturally, with no sign of stopping.

"If eight cups were on a plate which would you pick? Is the one you take greater than the rest, or simply the first your hand touched? An inconsequential decision. None here will truly bow their head until one can prove themselves above. I wonder to be made leader now a curse, bound to jealousy and expectation without the proven merit to bear such weight."

The spinning bone abruptly stops dead, and topples over to one side. Sarrick looks down at the rune showing, then glances around the gathering with a slight smile.

"Loyalty comes through choice, not chance. Let the one who wins this game have our host's knights. But would any of us truly bow to such a petty victory? The answer to this question lies on the far side of the cities of the south, not here in these ruins."

>No one's really going to listen to a unproven leader, either in or out of character, so this is basically just who gets some extra knights (which would be great, a 50% increase in starting forces, so I hope I rolled well). Chaos after all, everyone thinks they're the chosen one...

>Holy shit was captcha an asshole there.

OOC - I definitely agree that our lil alliance is going to fracture and probably there will be infighting…

Krantargarh likes his Ungor flank to be medium-rare and pre-seasoned with a dry rub, he has a refined palate, you see…
It's okay, I have the map of the Wheatlands. The only surrounding maps I lack are of the steppes and wastes (fuck that, I have literally no good maps to base mine on) and of Norsca, however, I could easily segment it into single clan maps)
Rolled 5 (1d8)


When the Minotaur rose Mulrog had clasped his pommel slightly tighter and widened his stance as if expecting violence only to slightly relax again when the creature agreed upon the proposed method.

"What some call fate some call the meddeling of the Great Crow. but for now let us make sure these gathered champions do not disperse for petty reason. Their blades shall be useful in the south and who is truly worthy can be a constant struggle as the gods intend.." the steel clad champion replies and casts a bone onto the table.
the biggest threat to chaos.... is chaos.

so i completely agree with you. lets hope we find enough prey down there before infighting breaks out.
Rolled 1 (1d8)

"Wisdom lies in divination, but we are all blessed by the Winds.... No Hung or Beast would I call leader, lest the Beast was born of Great Kurgan blood. The Gods will choose who heads our host in reaving, but only blood decides the fate of warriors."

He grabs talismans, then casts his lot.
Rolled 7 (1d8)


Hangar nods sternly, eyeing the other candidates one after another as fingers stroke a Moustache slick with grease and sacrificial gore.

"Yes. When there is no record to prove and no contest of arms allowed, the gods shall choose who they will as Champion. Let the path forward be decided by Tchar's whims and the inevitability of Nieglin's call."

He takes up his bones, and casts.

Looks like you’re getting an early extra unit of Knights, friendo
There's still two more warlords to toss the bone tokens.

Point taken :)
Rolled 4 (1d8)

Torchak blows on the bones for luck and us certain the great Raven shall bless him.
>a damn impressive display to show off when returning to his tribe and find a mate
Yeah, but why dominate a chimera to help find a wife when it can BE the wife?

>our lil alliance is going to fracture and probably there will be infighting…
Speak for yourselves! I intend to have Rue'Vahn be genuinely loyal to whoever is in charge.

>Yeah, but why dominate a chimera to help find a wife when it can BE the wife?

because Mulrog is not a depraved whorshipper of the dark Prince in its silver palace

probably closer to a whorshipper of the blood god if anything.
I will just note (because I'll probably be asleep then) - after the last roll is done, the host leader should attempt to plan out who will go where and in what order. For now, I only have two maps prepared, the one for the Wheatlands (north-eastern Darklands) and the one for Kislev and the surrounding lands.
The Wheatlands are more suited to cavalry, while the approach to Kislev over the Goromadny is way more suited to infantry.
And there is also the point to note that the order of advance would be of import. The first to arrive would be the first to bloody themselves and the first to plunder. (In case of disagreement, a roll-off will be done)
hmmm.. the Hung and Beastmen can probably take the path through the mountains while the Kurgans would probably be best served advancing through the Wheatlands

though my slaves wont be the best there. at least my Cavalery will work better since they are the real hammerblow.
I don't care whether I am sent to the mountains or the Wheatlands, and I'm fine with going first or last, but I will ask that I'm not alone. Whatever I'm assigned I don't think I'll do well by myself, whereas if I'm accompanying another warband I can do more damage.

Supporting, my guy's warband would want to stick in forest/mountainous terrain if possible.


Lanu, you should feel free to step in and roll for the last player in order to keep things moving. It would probably make sense for you to commandeer an "abandoned" warband as an "NPC" force until the original player returns or a new player claims the NPC force.
I would, but I put the time limit of 24h and I'm just about to head to bed. So I'll leave it to you lot to get some sort of preliminary agreement until next morning, which is when the deployments will begin.
So far, Mulrog and Rue'Vahn would prefer Wheatlands (Warbeasts are cav), while Krantagarh would be better served with Kislev over the mountains.
If they don't roll, either they choose not to cast their lot, or they refuse the method but are then voted down by the other seven of us. No need to roll for them here if they don't roll themself.

"Your Cavalry, my riders and of those of Torchak and Ivan will be a formidable force. Of the four of us, Zar Torchak's light horse would be most suitable as outriders; the rest of us will form the mailed fist that breaks the mewling southern whelps."

"If I am chosen, and Nieglin's say upon my dice proves the decider here; then I would march us Kurgan through the Wheatlands. The Beasts will take their mountain path; it is for the Hung to decide if they feel more kinship with the race of men or the cloven kin."
Heavy infantry here, so up the mountains for me.
"My horsemen will harvest heads in the Wheatlands, just as surely as the cowards stave off hunger there toiling as slaves."

He agrees to the tentative plan, & intends to spy upon the sorceress in his dreams later that night, as well as scout the passes leading into Kislev's hinterlands.
Hey been busy all day, will catch up and respond
Rolled 1 (1d8)

Of few words and great hunger, Magor nods and agrees with Mulrog.

"Plunder and sla'a'aves. . .this very good. . .always need more. . .always hungry. . ."
So, where shall Magors host prefer? Whatlands or Goromadny?
An armored gauntleted reaches inside and pulls the tent flats open, revealing a massive chaos warrior clad in crimson armor. His hollow and narrow eyeslits sit below a brass plate fashioned with an inlaid golden symbol of Khorne. He stares at the company, enters and boldly walks to the center, where he glares at the runes. A moment later, he raises his head towards Hangar, and then speaks in a raspy voice. “Tchar has favoured you, at least today. I and my brothers in arms shall follow your banners.”
Before anyone can converse, the messanger of Tchar speaks up, yet again in her previous fashion. “Azamat. Give him the token.”
The chaos knight reaches for a satchel at his hip, then tosses it at Hangar, who promptly catches it.
“What’s inside?” Hangar asks.
“Grab the ruby, the clay shall mould itself around.” The crowhead speaks.
Reaching inside, Hangar first feels something wet and earthy, clay perhaps, his fingers digging through the soft material, until they reach a hard crystal edge. Grasping it with the tips of his nails and pulling it outside, the clay follows, bound by magics. A moment later, the clay forms itself into a miniature shape of a starved, naked, mutilated woman, her head completely wrapped in cloth, her arms and legs hanging outside of a small cage hanging by a single chain above.
“So you know who you’re looking for.” The crowhead speaks.
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Here is the rough map of the Wheatlands (all the maps are prone to changes as I find more official and fan maps to base them around).
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Now, I made a mistake, so I will attempt to slightly speed the process up.
The forces deploying to the Wheatlands, that being Hangar, Mulrog, Torchak and Ivan (and possibly Rue'Vahn, as his chaos warbeasts are cavalry) are to note their deployment down (with letters, CK is chaos knights, KC is kurgan cataphracts, HA is horsearchers, S is slaves, WB is warbeasts) on this map and to take their first turn (arrows pointing to where you are moving to). First come, first serve, as they say. I will, when I reply with maps, use actual symbols.
Are those sprited from battle for wesnoth?

I will have to take a backseat for this morning. Gotta work
>Are those sprited from battle for wesnoth?
Not all, but a solid chunk (about 60%, but I expect the % will drop as more shit gets added).
>I will have to take a backseat for this morning. Gotta work
Understandable, just keep in mind, about 24-30 hours per turn, otherwise, I improvise.
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Vakshena was enjoying her stride. It had been long decades since last the embarked upon raids to the south and her arm had only gotten stronger since. The journey was, while boring, pleasant, as no foes had yet dared oppose the great norther prong of the host. The dead steppe with its yellow hued grass provided a pleasant backdrop, while the Frozen sea proved a livelely companion for the long march, with cold whipping winds swooping down from the roaring waves which eternally cracked, broke and then smashed apart the almost formed ice cower. Vakshena enjoyed it. Each time the wind would swoop down, whistling more like a harpy than like anything the beastfolk or the wastelanders were used to, causing the column to huddle together tighter, seek just that bit of comfort and warmth. That she loved. She and her chaos plate clad, both those chosen by gods and awarded for their great deeds and those that bought their plates with plunder from their many campaigns to the bearded armorsmiths, neither of them shivered. Neither of them tired. They marched on, enjoying the call of the sea, the whipping of the wind, the roar of mighty sea beasts that hailed them on their journey. Her meditation was broken by a white stallion.
“Lords Krantagarh, Sarrick and Magor!” A horrific creature screeched at the three as it rode closer upon a great white stallion. “I am sent to aid you!”
The three warchiefs looked at the pityful sight. A man, perhaps, this had once been. It stood no taller than a southlanders hip, being barely more than skin and bones, naked except for a thick chain wrapped around its neck and two monkey like arms, the face a deformed, underfed grimace of pain, holding a staff twice its height, while not reaching the length of a man laid out on the floor, all riding atop a stallion most would kill for, which only accented the poor state of the thing on its back. “Halt your hosts!” It cried, most amusingly to the great minotaur.
The three chiefs, amused, did as instructed, the stallion knelt, letting the cursed creature step off its back, and then with effort beyond most men, walked to the cold coast, shivering too much for health. The monkey-like creature raised the staff, chanted for a minute, then thrust it down into the icy sea. A moment later, the great crashing of ice thundered through the air and the sheets and chunks of ice pressed up against the coast, forming a solid surface thick enough even for minotaurs to run upon, while the little creature collapsed of exhaustion.
“Make sure he lives.” Vakshena said as she grabbed a hung barbarian. “Or else you won’t.”

The forces deploying to the Wheatlands, that being:
>>5977777 Krantagarh
>>5977990 Magor
>>5977835 Sarrick
Are to mark their deployments with letters (M - minotaur, C - centigor, G - gor, U - ungor, CW -chaos warriors, HS - hung savages) east of the yellow line and draw arrows noting their movements. Same as with other, first come first serve. Ice (white) functions the same as steppe.
I’d prefer to have Rue’Vahn start in the wheatlands, but if Hangar decides that the beastmen will need some help against Kislev then I’ll trust his judgment.

If our leader doesn’t respond within… idk, 12ish hours then I’ll choose for myself and raid the left side of the wheatlands, and then head southwards along the worlds edge mountains
Multiple houses are small citirs? Big cities?

Single houses small citys? Or hamlets?
A mixture based upon "I feel like it" "it makes sense" "it's vaguely balanced that way" "there's a symbol on a official map" "it should be there" "a fan map placed this cool thing here"...
But generally single huts/houses are villages, outposts, hamlets, farmsteads, trading posts...
Double huts/houses are large villages, towns, maybe some old/small forts...
Triple are large towns, cities, fortresses...
Quadruple are citadels and fun things and such.
And for dwarves, for an example, they usually have a level or two more, to represent the defensiveness and wealth, so for dwarves, a small family fishing post is level 2 instead of level 1 (or not even being shown on the map for a example).
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Come to the Wheatlands and fight alongside the Kurgan. Bring your own blades, the gods will provide the rest.

Let us break their northern city! Nothing will be left behind us to harry as we ride on.
I agree with this sentiment. I can provide slaves to storm the walls. As long as i get compensated for their lossds
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A blowing of the horn was a signal to attack, but also one to rouse the defenders from their sleep. While the Kurgans rushed forwards, lances lowered, the brave Kislevites awoke, donned their armor and mounted their steeds for a quick and decisive clash in the half light of the sunset, the falling rays concealing the forces they were riding towards
A ferocious clash of cavalrymen ensued, with the arrows of the unarmored Kurgan horsemen releasing volleys of arrows ahead of the horde, the cavalrymen being thrown off their dead horses, sent tumbling down to break their spines. Then a vicious flank charge came from the cataphracts, the long lances impaling men and steed alike. Yet it was the grim determination of the Kislevites that led them forwards into the jaws of death and into a clash with the chaos knights themselves, for the doomed regiment wished no lesser death than the greatest one possible.
The red and white horses clashed against the armored chaos warhorses, the straight Kislevite lances clashing against the jagged and hooked ones.
The Kislevites died to a man, but they threw out a quarter of your chaos knights out of the line. One of your chaos knights is down to 2/4 HP. The Kislevite lancers are dead.
The unhurt Chaos knights entered Severnostepsk fortess and quickly sized the armory, the staff, rations, the gold, the insignia and everything of value. You have acquired 30 loot.
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Fuck me, I just realized I never posted the rules.
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A thunderous charge at dawn. Chaos Knights and Horse Archers to take out the defenders and the slaves to plunder the village.

the other slave units follow behind

hope the arrows make this clear.
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The Kislevite villagers are, to your misfortune, out logging and your slaves, meant to strike out of the forest end up running into the Kislevite axemen. Those who are not shot, chopped down or impaled flee into the forests. However, the chaos knights charge forwards with horse archers on their flanks, killing the men on their return trip and taking the rest as prisoners that you can eventually break down into more slaves. The village is looted, the women and children dragged off, the animals slaughtered for food. And the village up north sees the plume of smoke.

>Chaos Knights and Horse Archers to take out the defenders and the slaves to plunder the village.
The peasants had higher initiative and were able to get in a strike first, and were able to inflict enough damage to kill off a unit of slaves.
dang it.

well at least they were only slaves i lost. a unit of slaves and the knights should be capable of taking out that village to my north while the rest of my host starts travelling south.
2 units of slaves have a 50% chance to take a village. A slave + anything better than it has 100% chance of taking a village.
Oh and btw, the village you sacked was Koporye and got you 10 loot. Right now you are 4 loot in the positive.
Yeah sounds good so far which is why i planned to do exactly that. But now that i know the math i know that there wont be a problem next time
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Once the first village of the Wheatlands was sighted, Krantagarh bellows in excitement! He raises his axe high in the axe and thunders:


He and his heavy team of minotaurs slowly build momentum, until they lope along in a heavy jog. His Gors are faster, their hooves propelling them across the hardscrabble. Once they are over halfway, the second order comes:


The restless aberrations bray and emit horrid shrieks as they heft their weapons and leap into shuffling gallops! The two advances are timed for a simultaneous strike against the first village - first blood will go to the Beastmen today! Krantagarh himself keeps to the south, out of the fray, to better watch the battle and provide support.

>LanuQM, let me know if I calculate the movement rates wrong, but I'm pretty sure my troops only need to be NEXT to the town to attack? If I'm wrong, just have the Centigors hit the village solo.
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While the charge was planned to be simultaneous, it was the Gors that impacted the Baersoning villagers first. Axes, spears, shields, swords, all clashed against unprotected bodies, limbs went flying, blood was spilled and brains were scattered on the snow covered dirt of the fishing village.
You have plundered what is for you a nameless hunting camp as you did not understand, nor try to interrogate Baersonlings. You have gained 10 loot. Your unit of Gors is at 1/2HP.

>LanuQM, let me know if I calculate the movement rates wrong, but I'm pretty sure my troops only need to be NEXT to the town to attack? If I'm wrong, just have the Centigors hit the village solo.
Moving a unit next to a enemy will cause them to engage in combat.
However, moving a unit onto the enemy village will cause you to loot the village. So if you intend to plunder it, move your units on the villages.
Likely Wheatlands, as that's where Mulrog is going.
I made a mistake with this, it should be saying
>The forces deploying to the Goromdany mountains...

I'm waiting for the deployment and movement map:
The Goromadny mountains.
The wheatlands

Cool, do units heal naturally over time or do I spend loot to heal?

How much loot is required to upgrade my Minotaur unit to speed 3? Don’t want Krantagarh to be the slowpoke of the band
look at >>5978255
the rules. not sure exactlay how it works. so clarification might be useful
The units heal for free between raids.
As for upgrades, they are achieved following great deeds/battles or as rewards for quests/sidequests.
The minotaurs will remain somewhat slow for the forseeable time.
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Guess I'll start the slow plod forwards. Hopefully by next week the chaos warriors can be within a few post codes of someone to fight...
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>Hopefully by next week the chaos warriors can be within a few post codes of someone to fight...
Don't worry about that, while you did get a first strike in, the NPC's will counterattack. Now, the level to which they'll be effective about it is a different story.

Sarrick, I’ll let you take the next double-house town and then use my Centigors to swing up north to get that most northernmost one-house village, since they have pretty good movement speed. I’ll have the Gors and Minos hang back and then we can swing southeast together.

Derp, southwest is what I meant
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I'll have Sunset and the slaves start with these western villages before heading south. That tiny little town at the top isn't worth bothering with.

If we are allowed to have more complicated tactics with our troops, then I'd like to have the manticore take most of the damage for the slaves until it gets to half health or less. After that they will sacrifice themselves to make sure that the warbeast lives to retreat and recover.

Lastly, a question for the QM. Are we able to recruit new units "on the fly" or do we need to return north in order to spend our loot?
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>If we are allowed to have more complicated tactics with our troops, then I'd like to have the manticore take most of the damage for the slaves until it gets to half health or less. After that they will sacrifice themselves to make sure that the warbeast lives to retreat and recover.
Sorry, but the enemy randomly decides whom to strike.
>Lastly, a question for the QM. Are we able to recruit new units "on the fly" or do we need to return north in order to spend our loot?
In certain situations, yes, but usually no. I'll inform you when such circumstances become available.
The closest of such situations will probably be in the north, where the Baersonings, if they fall, may be subjugated by the players, from where, they will provide tribute in form of loot, a place for your troops to winter (so they may start closer to the enemy) and the potential for Norscan characters and units to be recruited.
Working, will post asap once home.
A few more questions for the QM.

So the sand colored tiles are plains, and I assume the light brown ones are hills. Does that mean the dark brown ones are mountains, and if so are they impassable?

Next, I assume two allied units cannot occupy the same space, and we'll need to surround a target if we want all of our troops to attack at the same time, but can our units move through each other? Or will they have to find a way around?

Lastly, my other question is about the "ALL of its movement for that turn" part.
Lets say a unit has 3 movement, and it has already moved across 1 plains tile and thus has two movement left. If it is now adjacent to a hill or river, is it able to move onto that tile? Basically, does moving onto rough terrain cost the units maximum movement, or does it merely deplete all the remaining movement you have left?

I’m also curious about these things.

Lanu - this is the exact type of map autism I was hoping for when I joined the quest, thank you for running! Your efforts are appreciated!
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>Does that mean the dark brown ones are mountains, and if so are they impassable?
Yes, mountains are, for now, completely impassible, tho some events may reveal new areas within them. And of course, at some point, you will be able to modify the terrain with slavery, but that's a ways off.
>but can our units move through each other?
Nope, some special units will be able to do so in the future, but right now, you have nothing.
>Lets say a unit has 3 movement, and it has already moved across 1 plains tile and thus has two movement left. If it is now adjacent to a hill or river, is it able to move onto that tile? Basically, does moving onto rough terrain cost the units maximum movement, or does it merely deplete all the remaining movement you have left?
It depletes all the remaining movement you have left. You could move onto a hill on the last point of movement.
Thanks man.
Alright, I have concluded chaos warriors having 1 movement is gay and retarded so I have increased their movement to 2 and moved them further left. It both makes them useless and too expensive for what they are with 1 movement, while 2 makes more sense.
I can't readily make edits as a phoneposter, but I'll send my forces to deploy from just behind where Mulrog started out & head South-West to attack the double-hut icon town with everything my forces can bring to bear.
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Ah, I almost forgot. Rue'Vahn will send out messenger birds to the other warlords in the wheatlands with a proposal.

"Dearest allies, after considering how we lack the foresight of Tchar, I realize it might be to our shared advantage if someone sends a single regiment further ahead in order to scout.
I understand that this would reduce the manpower available for raiding, so I am willing to gift some loot and spoils to the volunteer in exchange for assisting in this communal effort. Horse archers would work best since they are both the fastest and also not terribly important or expensive, but I'll leave the decision in your capable hands.
If any of you are interested in sending forth a unit of scouts, or if anyone else wishes to help pitch in for the donation fund, then respond when convenient."

It doesn't affect me, but if Chaos warriors are now 4/2/2 doesn't that make them just as good as minotaurs but waaaay cheaper? Should Krantag get some of his loot refunded or maybe have his mino's get like a dmg buff or something? Cuz otherwise he got fucked lmao

Wait south west... do you mean pic related? Shit, that's where I was planning on going next. Uhh, I guess I'll need to start rethinking my route

>It doesn't affect me, but if Chaos warriors are now 4/2/2 doesn't that make them just as good as minotaurs but waaaay cheaper? Should Krantag get some of his loot refunded or maybe have his mino's get like a dmg buff or something? Cuz otherwise he got fucked lmao

Eh, I think it's like 24 loot for Chaos Warriors and 30 loot for Minotaurs, so not a tremendous disparity. I wouldn't argue with LanuQM if he wants to modify the Minotaur stat line or provide some other minor buff to compensate.
Minotaurs do have the added benefit of not taking penalties from forests. Though whether that offsets the cost of an extra unit of slaves/ungors I don't know.
Yeah, that's the one I was after. What area are you looking to scout?
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I imagine that the destination of the scouting unit would be a communal decision, but pic related are the three ares that we'll probably want to know more about. Having a better idea of what their garrisons and defenses look like would be quite useful. My other worry is that the Southlanders might try to organize a legitimate response, and if so, then we don't want to get surprised by an enemy army appearing unexpectedly.
That said, with the change in plans, I now intend to head towards the yellow circle unless anyone has an objection.

Also, question for the QM.
If a scouting unit gets sent out, will they end up alerting the people ahead of time, or are they able to do their job stealthily and without raising the alarm?
Yeah. I'm thinking about it and I'm eyeing increasing the damage of minotaurs to 3. Or giving them 1 extra damage in the forest, to truly make them the ultimate forest ambush predators. I'll make my conclusion in like 8 or so hours when I get done.
I believe that the columns of smoke from the village and the castle you burnt will be doing the alerting alright. As for your unit of scouts, they will put themselves at risk, but kislevites will definitively be preparing to do their own counter strike at you.
Now, a additional thing to consider, are you here just to loot, or should you consider going through the mountain pass and into Kislev proper to try and capture the fort Ostrosk?
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Right, I'd been meaning to ask about that.
So two things: first, is the mountain path guarded or defended? It's only one tile wide, so fighting in there is going to be really rough. Second, is pic related fort Ostrosk? If not, did our beaked benefactor tell us where it is? Furthermore, Hangar is the one who was given the clay doll, but does that mean that he's the only one who can identify the sister?
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>the mountain path guarded or defended?
Only one way to find out.
>Second, is pic related fort Ostrosk?
>he doesn't know kislev geography by heart
>Furthermore, Hangar is the one who was given the clay doll, but does that mean that he's the only one who can identify the sister?
You saw what she looks like, so you can identify her.
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Is this good for the movement?
And regarding the minotaurs, I have made my choice. They get +1 HP, making them the tankiest unit in the beastmen roster and on par with chaos knights.

Based, thank you QM. We thicc now
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Now, as it has been ~30 hours and (unfortunately) Torchak and Magor haven't acted, their first turns are bypassed. If they wish to join in the raid, they are free to and I'm sure we can come to a agreement. In the meanwhile:
The Kislevites still show no sign of movement. The few peasant villages and their militias are hunkering down, preparing to fight to their deaths.
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Meanwhile, in the north, a sizable force is marching towards you, a host of bloodthirsty berserkers, flanked on both sides by desperate men ready to fight in the defense of their homeland against whichever host comes from the wastes.
Just a Quick clarification QM.

If i move the Horsearchers onto the village to Plunder IT and some slaves next to the village. Would the archers stop before the village and not end their move on IT this turn? Or would both fight and continue movement afterwards.

Dependance on the answer i will have to consider sending anyone up there or just swinging south anf link up to plunder the cities around the lake
If you send the horse archers onto the village and slaves next to it:
>All of them would engage in combat with whoever is in the village.
>Then, if they kill whoever is in the village, they continue their movements.
The way it goes is - everyone moves until they stumble upon the enemy or until they use up their movement or hit something impassable.
Then if they stumbled upon a enemy, they fight, then use up their remaining movement.
So, you could send your horsearchers and a unit of slaves and have a 100% chance of capturing a village, but a 50% chance of losing a unit of slaves.

Lanu, I’m phobeposting today so I won’t be able to edit the map directly, sorry.

Could I have my Centigors swing south and attack the southern-most enemy infantry from the southeast hex? Once battle is resolved and if they survive and movement is still possible, could they retreat another hex to the southeast?

My Minotaur unit will move due southwest so that they flank the Centigors new position.

My Gors unit will retreat one hex northeast, since I’m guessing that they still have only 1hp.

Let me know if you have any questions or if I should clarify further?
Absolutely, looking to push on & raize that town next turn since I ran out of movement.
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me second turn. gonna take the gamble on loosing the slaves for more loot. my archers can catch up easily enough.
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>Could I have my Centigors swing south and attack the southern-most enemy infantry from the southeast hex? Once battle is resolved and if they survive and movement is still possible, could they retreat another hex to the southeast?
Here are your options with your centigors. I think you might be forgetting the "hills drain all your remaining movement" part. And if you're asking for my advice, red and orange have 50% chance of you killing the berserker and having a -1 on your centigors and a 50% chance of your centigors killing a thrall and dying. The red guarantees you kill a thrall and from there, you should be able to ride past the battleline if you want to.

Great, thank you for clarifying - I did forget about the hills movement.

I’ll have the Centigors take the red path, attack thralls and ride past battle line. I’ll have the Minotaurs take the previous Centigor hex to shield the wounded Gors
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Ivan the Unbearable's host struck southwest, his chaos knights and kurgan lancers shaking the very ground under their hooves with the horse archers covering their southern flank.
The first contact was achieved between the horse archers and the kislevite kossars advancing up north. The horse archers first weakened the formation of footmen, then broke them apart in a charge. Noone survived.
The next clash was between the chaos knights and the strelsy guarding the fortified town. The chaos knights were beaten off with significant casualties to the garrison that killed just under half of the knights number, leaving many dead on both sides but leaving the shaken garrison just ripe for the kurgan lancers to butcher.
Chaos knights have taken 2 damage.
You have 20 loot.
Your horse archeres killed a kossar militia.
Your cataphracts have captured Preslav and looted it.
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The horse archers struck against the defenders of Svarog's dig with volleys of arrows that would have wiped them out had they not hid behind their houses, palisades and towers. Said arrowplay left half of both the attackers and defenders dead and this looked like a foregone conclusion, a successful defense of the mining camp until the slave horde arrived, driven forwards by cruel slavemasters. By the end of the day, the village had been plundered.
You gained 10 loot.
Your horse archers are down to 1/2 HP.
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The centigor charge on the thralls is a quick and brutal affair, with the dead being partially eaten, partially strapped to where the saddle would sit on a normal horse, as a half frozen ration to be cooked later. Meanwhile, the great minotaur host moved into the human settlement, hiding between buildings, ready to nastily surprise any who dare approach.
Your centigors killed a unit of norse militia.
>Your minotaurs are even more scary now as they have 5+1 HP

Based, my testosterone is spiking! Krantagarh can’t wait to split human skills with his axe!
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Alright, here's my second turn.
Sunset will move first and head to the middle, then the slaves will flank by moving into the forest. The order to attack is signaled by a mighty roar.

Also, question about >>5978411
When you say between raids, do you mean between raiding villages, or does "raid" mean this entire segment of the quest/until we free the sister?
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Chaos Warriors will continue the march at their new and improved speed. Thanks you for that change.

The hung savages will be sent down to kill off those berserkers. Madmen of the east versus madmen of the west.

Lanu, you're putting a load of effort into running a game via a mongolian basket weaving forum, so literally anything you do is more than I can expect, so you have my gratitude. However, as a weathered grog I can't help myself diving into mechanics, and if you wanted to refine this system going forwards (while still keeping it simple), I'd recommend upping the HPs a bit and introducing a small amount of variance in initiative/damage. Maybe just D3s or something. Otherwise, you can math out a turn very easily and it takes a little of the romance out of it.

Obviously if you're happy as is carry on and I'll happily take part. To prevent derailing and/or me being a bitch I'll drop the subject here.
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(I will presume you want the village looted and will ask that in future, you mark the unit that you want to loot the village.)
The slavemasters move their human herds into the villages in the cover of the darkness and will, when a mighty roar sounds, unleash their herds upon the village. The kossar defenders will be butchered to the last and Rue'Vahn will safely enter the village with his retainers and collect the plunder.
>You got lucky and both your slaves attacked before the Kossars
You gained 10 loot.
>When you say between raids, do you mean between raiding villages, or does "raid" mean this entire segment of the quest/until we free the sister?
The raid lasts until the last warhost announces its attention to retire for the season and manages to evacuate to relative safety. This means both a open way to retreat and that everyone choses to do so.
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>Chaos Warriors will continue the march at their new and improved speed. Thanks you for that change.
No problem my man. I wrote the stats while drunk. They're fully subject to change. As are the rules.
While the chaos plate clad warriors march along the coastline, the hung savages rush southwards to strike at their southernly foes. The first mob of Hung barbarians descend down, spear facing axe, Hung facing Baersonling. Yet, while the Norscans are worthy foes, Tchar favours his true sons as spearmen impale their foes.
Soon after, the other gang of savages rushes southwards, catching them unprepared and killing who they could catch and sending the rest running for the mountains.
>I'd recommend upping the HPs a bit and introducing a small amount of variance in initiative/damage.
There's already quite a bit of it, as more often than I'd like, I find same initiative values, in which case I flip a coin. For a example, Mulrog lost a slave unit while conducting basically the same attack as Rue'Vahn, who got away with it completely safe. And while I too am a fan of variance, it would basically double the turn time, which, while quick now, I very easily see expanding a lot (I expect the average player will have gained 1 to 2 units after this turn at the absolute minimum, in some cases more) and I think that Norscans becoming playable will also have the same effect as I think 2 to 3 players will join the moment the Baersonings pledge allegiance.
>Obviously if you're happy as is carry on and I'll happily take part. To prevent derailing and/or me being a bitch I'll drop the subject here.
I will definitively revise and touch up the system in-between the raids, but you're being very civil about it and I have no illusions about this being a perfect system, just a simple one.
better some dead slaves than having my knights or Archers damaged.

i will have to keep them back a bit and will probably retreat soonish to see what i can get next time. because Slaves aint really cutting it.
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With the bounteous plunder of Severnostepsk secured and the fortress' husk now but an empty carapace offered to the fly-lord, Hangar commands his riders south and west; the horse archers roaming ahead then doubling back to report to the main strength anything they might have seen on their wide ranging.

If you still intend on riding south, Torchak; you should keep to the east and ride aside the river. There may be little plunder that otherwise remains.
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Your incursion reveals nothing about the whereabouts of your foes.

Leaving the burnt remains of the stone fort, Hangar reaches for his clay sack, grabbing the ruby and letting the clay form into a familiar shape. Suddenly, the shape jerks in pain, trying to withdraw the limbs within the cage that is entirely too small for that. While you can't hear the pained screams, you can imagine them by the jerks and the twisting of the body.
A though jumps into Hangars mind. How will they get into Kislev? The clay cage starts swinging. Through the Belyevobota pass? A pair of burly Kislevites open the cage and pull the woman out. Then how will they leave it? They chain her hands in front of her. He can't expect the pass to remain open after he and his pillaging host get done with pillaging both the Wheatlands and Kislev. They clay figure is stumbling forwards. Should he leave someone to hold the pass against the counterattacks? Her hands are raised above her. She is hanging by the chain wrapped around her wrists. Or should he hope that Krantagarh and Sarrick can subdue or carve a path throught he Bearsoning lands themselves? She is contorting under the whip strikes. Hangar puts the clay and the ruby back into the sack.

>There may be little plunder that otherwise remains.
He boastfully says, having led a raid that burned 1 fort and 4 villages out of 44 settlements.
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Turn 3 begins:
In the Wheatlands, the Kislevite forces are finally seen again. A lone unit of Kossars standing on the hills which Hangars Kurgan horsearchers had just scouted appear, overlooking your men and their march.
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In the Baersoning lands, things are developing more rapidly and with more intensity.
A whaling ship landed behind your lines, the lightly armored men stepping forwards on the beach, seeking to strike from behind, yet knowing their lives are forefit.
And in the front, a unit of Huscarls can be seen crossing a river, ready to strike at you and defend their walled towns. This promises to be a bloody fight.
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slow and steady goes the fight. i am gonna need some more archers. and maybe a unit of Cataphracts for the next raid. plus the slaves i am surely gonna lose against those villages around the lake.
My deepest apologies for the lack of daily posts. I should mention I work night shifts around monday and sunday, and am very exhausted those days.
Also I'll be honest, the Ungor horde is simple. We seek prey, we shoot at it. Point us at the foe and let us loose!

We'll follow the nearest sounds of battle and join with our beastmen allies.
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I presume you'll move forwards and engage the whalers?
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Loose the arrows!
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The Ungor hordes overwhelm the isolated whaler gang, with arrows, javelins, spears, daggers, claws and fangs making short work of the red haired men, leaving little for even the crows to feast upon.

You added a lot of bulk to the northern push.

Krantagarh slavers wildly at the sight of the incoming boat, and when the inferior man longs step ashore, he bellows with rage at their deceit! He abandons his position amongst the ruins of the hunting village and his honorguard causes the earth to shake as they charge north!

>Minotaurs move two hexes due north to attack the men!

>Gors move into hunting village ruins

>Centigors charge one unit south to attack the two-house town wildly!

Oops I didn’t refresh.

I’ll have my Minotaurs march two hexes southwest instead
With thousands of baying and roar's, the horde moves on! Though, one might notice they tend to gravitate around the larger minotaurs, enjoying the sight of them savaging the foe up ahead and loosing projectiles in support.

Well, that's what we'll do once it's our turn to do so if we're doing everyone acts then new turn style.

oh and the centigors should retreat North east if they survive,
Important question for the QM
How many turns is the raid expected to last? My follow up question is whether we are expected to free the sister this same raid, or if we are only trying to grab enough loot to buy bigger armies with which we can assault Fort Ostrosk for next time. Is she the goal for this entire quest or just the chapter 1 goal?

The reason I'm asking is because your answer will determine whether or not I travel through Belyevobota pass, which is like a 12 turn commitment before I exit the other side.
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The Centigor charge breaks itself against the shieldwall at the gate of the Norscan town. Vicious charges are repelled by stalwart defenders as spears thrust upwards into the guts. A third of the huscarls are dead, while half of the horsemen lie dead.
Your centigors are at 1/2HP

>How many turns is the raid expected to last?
However long the raid can and wants to last.
>whether we are expected to free the sister this same raid, or if we are only trying to grab enough loot to buy bigger armies with which we can assault Fort Ostrosk for next time.
Nah, your forces aren't strong enough. If anything, your priority goals should be harming the Wheatlands enough that they can't fully rebuild the next time and harming the Baersonings enough that they swear fealty to you.
>Is she the goal for this entire quest or just the chapter 1 goal?
She's the first goal (quest) presented to you.
>which is like a 12 turn commitment before I exit the other side.
You don't actually need to go all the way through, you just need to get past the garrison in the village.
Sarrick, Magor - Looks like I got too cocky with my cavalry, I might need to take a backseat and let my Minotaurs do the heavy lifting for a while.

Lanu, can I have my Centigors retreat or do I need one of the other players to bail me out?
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"The Kislevites stand on hills that lie on a path between us and nothing of any value or promise. We will march past them; DARE those wretches to venture down from the feeble safety of their barren rise. It is their choice now if they wish to keep their worthless hills and lives, or to follow our hooves with by stepping upon the open plain to be rendered into sacrifices unto the four."

His hand stings, he can still feel the press of the Ruby; a throb that seems to grow as he allows his attention to linger upon matters of the present rather then the machinations of a future yet to fall.
Lanu, I know these aren't mechanics you had baked in, but did my OBE/AP efforts reveal anything to me about the terrain, defenders, reinforcements, or the sorceress? Would you like me to roll for it?

To the other warchiefs, I'll join in attacking the central cluster of towns & villages next turn.

This turn, unless those white lines are enemy forces, I'll continue on to raze the village just South of my position. If my Chaos Knights need another turn to heal, I'll hold them in reserve during the attack.
Another question for Lanu - can I spend some loot to heal my current troops and have them camp in a forest for a turn or something?

My centigors are at 1/2hp - could I spent 8 loot to restore them to full health?

Similarly, enemy wounded troops should be able to do the same
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Here's my turn 3
I'll be heading towards the villages just south of the center
Forward! Let mighty braying and a storm of projectiles herald the Ungor tide! Support the Minotaurs!
Based af beast-bros, always having each others backs
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I'll read this as "move my minotaurs up" and if I'm wrong, let me know and I'll remedy it.
>Lanu, can I have my Centigors retreat or do I need one of the other players to bail me out?
You'd need someone to bail you out. Specifically, you'd need Sarrick to move in his savages as they have a higher initiative than the huscarls.
You could risk striking with your minotaurs but that would give you a 50/50 of losing 1 HP on either your minotaurs or on your centigors.
>can I spend some loot to heal my current troops and have them camp in a forest for a turn or something?
Nope. If you wanna heal, you gotta back out and amass troops back in friendly(er) lands.
Your ungor herds rush forwards where they can.
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As his cavalry column marches into the lowland between the two raises, a strong impression of a ambush is forming within Hangars mind.
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>unless those white lines are enemy forces
They represent the extent of your own line of sight.
>If my Chaos Knights need another turn to heal
They ain't healing until the raid is over.
>Would you like me to roll for it?
You could, give me a d100.

The village of Mishkapol is undefended, the men having been butchered by your horse archers previously. Whoever hadn't left the village is enslaved, while all of value is dragged from the homes that are then set ablaze.
You gained 10 loot.
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The march of the chaos hosts continues.
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So its the next turn already?

Hope ist clear where everyone is supposed to go. I want the Horse Archers to link up again with the Knights and not Charge ahead recklessly
We're waiting for Sarrick.

Thanks for clarification! Hopefully Sarrick wants to bail me out. Seems like I can more or less safely smash the lesser-armored human troops with the Centigors and Gors.
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Send ungors to surround the enemy from the rear! Meanwhile, that unit in the middle? Focus our efforts onto them from all angles.
Those are Sarricks men. You sure about that?

Haha, a bit early for betrayals, friend. I respect the bloodlust though

Lanu, I’d probably give him a deadline to respond or else you discard the nonsensical order and just have the ungors advance as a mass
He already moved for the turn. We're waiting for Sarrick to act, as he's the only one who didn't do his turn 3.

Oh I just meant the “attack your allies” part of Magor’s order, no worries.

Hi! Friend of Magor here, he's away from home at the moment and he cannot post on mobile. He said that it was a mistake and that he'll fix it when he gets back, he meant to say that he is attacking the enemy not the allies. Other than that, keep up the great Quest QM!
Alright, got it. Thanks for the reply and tell him to not worry about it as he has done his action for this turn.
Rolled 20 (1d100)

Head for the closest village of the central cluster around the lake, the one South of the river.
Mulrog, we can meet in the middle to raid the larger towns there.
good to know i wont be alone. one problem i see is that the enemy will be able to hold the river and we will lose initiative on everything.

so we will get hit hard trying to cross. not impossible. but it will be costly.

just realized the hills will slow us down massively.

so it might be more worth it to just leave them and go around the water somewhat.
Guys, hold on, don't get hasty. As soon as Sarrick moves, the Kislevites and the Baersonlings will. Then you get to move.

Also, regarding Ivan's dreams are filled with strange scenes of battle of warriors obviously not from this world, with skins almost the color of gold and eye sockets of almost a square shape, with faces angular beyond those normal for even the Norscans, with the beaked messenger standing next to a strange, moving and unfinished porcelain figure next to it, observing and perhaps commanding the legions of strange warriors.
yeah sorry about that.

i thought it was the next turn already. got confused during work.
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>Hopefully Sarrick wants to bail me out.
I got you bro.

With the defenders now mangled and exhausted by the beastmen the hung savages move up to assault the town and finish them off. The chaos warriors continue down the coast.

The rapid march of the savages, followed by a vicious charge not only breaks the renowned norse shieldwall, but butchers the survivors. Heads are removed from bodies of men and stacked in piles while the wild northmen satisfy their lust on the norscan women that had not yet fled.

Sarrick gained 20 loot.
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Turn 4:
From the watchtower in Urslo, the sight of the difficult fight ahead is obvious. The Norscan housecarl line is standing in front of a nameless tributary river, ready to die fighting. On the northern side of the stream, a small band of fighters stands, willing to die for their tribe. Now is a time to commit or break off.
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In the wheatlands, a mob of brave Kossars struck over the hill at the cataphracts, killing a third of them before being killed off in return, while a unit of Ungols has marched up from the east, ready to strike at the flanks of Hangars host.
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since nothing showed up on my radar but i had a bit more of a thought. please consider the following my new orders to my host.
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The hills above your host are crested with Kossars, while the town itself, unremarkable in all ways describable is filled with red tufts of colour, the infamous Strelsy.
if they wanna come out and fight me they can come. ín the field i should have initiative with my cavalery. so their best shot is staying holed up.
Hmm... Visions of Dark Elves perhaps?

Same as before, advance on the village just South of the river feeding the lake.
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This good?

True, however, you're the raider here. You need to burn villages, not they.

Tricky situation for us. Sarrick and Maggie, what do you guys think about taking a turn to reorient our line of battle and bring my Minotaurs forward to break up the Huscarls? This river fording looks pretty shitty but my Minotaurs can take the punishment.

I can have my Centigors take out the enemy infantry hiding the forest, I’m pretty sure they’ll survive. My Gors unit will have to stumble around in the hills for now.
Your Centigors are down to 1HP and fighting in the forest will automatically hit them first. Sending your centigors at anything other than thralls or berserkers in open ground will lead to them dying.

Thanks for clarifying, I’d assumed that I’d have an initiative advantage in the forest given beastman movement bonus in forest tiles.
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I reckon the chaos warriors and minotaurs should lead the way here. I'll shuffle north with the warriors and murder the thralls in the woods, and be ready for both units to push across the river next turn. The savages can run off with their loot to make room for the minotaurs to push up. Given the 3 tile wide front I can't really see a better way to do it. Hopefully after this we can make a little room for Magor's ungors to actually move up and get some action too. Definitely don't intend to use them as meatshields for my own benefit.

Cool, thanks.

1) Minotaurs charge due southwest to the front line.
2) Gors stumble through the hills southwest.

3) Centigors move two hexes southeast, and then one hex south. I’m trying to get them out of the way so Magor’s goatbois can come storming in.
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This it for the movement?

The fight in the forest is a vicious one, as the thralls get the first strike, managing to ambush the chaos warriors, leaping from the tree branches, emerging from amidst the roots and releasing volleys of arrows, javelins and stones, yet, the chaos warriors are not quick to succumb to such weak blows. After the initial shock, the countercharge by the warriors who had spent more time in combat than their foes had lived left many of them dead.
After the rout, five hundred dead thralls lay amidst the trees and only a tenth of their number of the chaos warriors.
>Chaos warriors are at 3/4 HP

The movement looks right to me, thanks for your rapid response!
Looks good to me
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The Kislevites trail us with Ungol Horse Archers? Let us give our own Horse Archers and our Cataphracts a chance for glory in the eyes of the gods by riding these Ungols down.
The Kights will keep up their relentless march toward the lake and the settlements there down the gullet of the passage.
Thanks bud.

Alright, green and blue and red circles are allies. Things without circles are not allies.
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Here's my movement for turn 4
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The charge against the Ungols is a risky one, and the fight seems like it could swing in either sides favor, yet a risky charge by your Kurgans routs them, those who are not cut down or shot are too scattered to do much harm. Yet, it is not without losses, as your Cataphracts lose half their number to Kislevite shot and arrow.
In the south, likewise, vicious fighting occurs as your knights, while passing next to the hill are attacked by vicious Kossars. A slow, yet certain charge up the hill leads to a bloody fight. Fifty knights lay dead, and yet again, ten times their number in Kossars.

The march of the chaos host continues.
I await for your movement orders.
I'm thinking my warband takes the Southmost of those villages, Rue'Vahn takes the one slightly East & North of it, we converge on the larger town, then await Mulrog to take the next large town. As we take more casualties the need to consolidate forces is higher.
look. i am looking to taking the village and slightly larger village where i am now. i can threaten pressure from the north on those towns. but my units are gonna be heavily damaged when i am done there.

I WILL pull back soon to consolidate and recruit more forces in the north.

right now i have 20 loot, and after conquering these towns i will be up to 50. but i will need to recover afterwards. and i wont risk losing my knights. they are super expensive.

I’m obviously in the other field of battle, I think you have good logic here. I definitely think we should all avoid risking our high-quality troops and get out with our loot intact. Better to quit early and consolidate.

Coming back with 50% more troops next raid should let us really batter the enemy…
yeah. i have already lost one slave unit and my Horse Archers wont survive for long either i would guess. and i will sacrifice the other slave units to get that loot and make sure my Knights survive.
Fun fact, the raiding host has, so far gained 110 loot. So far, I think that only 1 unit of slaves has been lost, so the host has net gained 106 loot.

Should you just move Magor’s horde on his behalf? He’ll likely want to keep charging southwest anyways…
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Turn 5:
In the Baersonling lands south of the Frozen sea, the Norscan host holds its position, while a banner of a chaos warrior host rises over the walled town. You know the bloody fight when you see one.

Okay based.

1) Minotaurs move northwest to wade into the stream and attack the Huscarls southeast.

2) Centigors hold position.

3) Gors move north and then northwest to get back into town as the rearguard.
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And likewise, the Kislevites keep their positions, ready to fight for their homes, wives and children.
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While the huscarls get the first blows up as the minotaurs climb up the frozen riversides, shivering from the cold water of the streams descending from the everfrozen Goromadny mountains, they are quickly swept away by the great blows of the minotaur herd led by Krantagarh himself, his axe, still beyond the power of any man to fight with effectively, cleaves many a brave norscan in half.
Those that do not flee are impaled on stakes and roasted over fires that the minotaurs heat themselves up with.
Minotaurs are down to 4/5HP

Magor, if you disagree with how I moved your guys, tell me, we'll fix something up.
alright. i might make a mistake here but Khorne cares not whose blood flows. only that it does.

the Slaves are to storm the position of the militia on the hills to keep them from attacking the Knights. if they die that is a worthy sacrifice.

The Horse Archers are to sweep the enemy up afterwards if they managed to kill the slaves.

meanwhile the knights are supposed to break the forces of the strelsy and plunder the village. i hope this will work.

the other slaves are to keep the knights other flanks secure
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forgot to attack drawn attack plan.

am faggot i know.
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It goes as expected. The slaves are driven uphill, are massacred by the kossars who descend down with sabre, bow and pistol. Meanwhile, the charge of the knights is broken by a volley of gunfire, before the horse archers ride in on their fast steeds, sabres drawn. The initial charge leaves dozens dead, but the ensuing whirl of blades leaves the strelsy corpses strewn across the town.

+10 loot, knights are at 4/5 HP
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The chaos warriors will shuffle onwards. The savages will stay put so Magor's horde can get past. Might as well take advantage of this little bit of forest we have.
Yeah. Depending on what Shows up next i am gonna retreat very soon or i will Start making losses in my Plunder. Might invest in some Chaos warriors next. Slower but they can at least take a punch
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Whereas normal marauding bands would have lit campfires in the forests, the chaos plate clad warriors, warmed either by the embrace of their gods and demons or by the runes of the chaos dwarfsmiths have no such needs and advance in pitch darkness.
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As the Chaos Knights continue their advance, whilst the Cataphracts and Horse Archers catch up to where the Knights had previously stood.
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The cauldron seems to deepen as you go further in.
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Here's my turn five movement

If you guys are hitting those villages on the lake, then I might go further south and hit those four on the other side of the hills
Sorry, was working today, I'll make orders now
Ah, no I don't disagree. It looks good.

Essentially the Ungor strategy is simple: fire and Maneuver. Leverage our better speed and and numbers to move around flanks and rears of the foe, keep pressing at them. When the front line of ungors tire, retire them so the ones at the back can move up.

And arrows. Lots and lots of arrows.

If the enemy press hard ot move to strike, we fall back, arrows still raining down.

Advance and surround!
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I don't know if we're allowed to pass through allies, but ideally my Ungors would keep moving. Some would break off to try and go to the other sides of the river bank. If the norscans refuse to stand and die and try to flee through the river, they will find the banks lined with ungor archers.
I am simple Kurgan Man: keep advancing towards the village just South of the river; looks like our forces are all coalescing towards the lake town soon.
ungor swarm makes me laugh whenever it comes up on the map but i really hope you dont run into cav
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>I don't know if we're allowed to pass through allies
Nope, and neither are you allowed to pass over the dark brown tiles (mountains) while hills (medium brown tiles) slow you down to 1 tile per turn.

The vicious ungor tide, slowed and choked by the stream and the hills turned the vast hordes attack into a thin trickle. Yet, even this thin stream eventually swept away the brave norscan shieldwall after it had cost the horde 600 souls.
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Fuck, this was meant for Magor.

Rue, this is for you.
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And this is for Ivan.
Wait, just to clarify...
So I understand you can't pass through allies when they are blocking, but do all of our own troops move at the same time or is this like chess or Wesnoth where each unit goes one at a time? In that latter case, a unit can go first and move out of the way before the next one moves through the tile that was previously occupied.
Units go one by one. A player makes a post, his units go in the convenient way so his movements are doable and can't pass through eachother. After his orders are fulfilled, they stand still.
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Turn 6:
The vicious Kossar charge leaves the horsearchers of Mulrog dead. After the Kossars cornered them in a church and lit it ablaze, cutting any and all who dared exit with their sabres.
While their village is still a smoldering ruin, at least some revenge is had.
Meanwhile, a unit of chaos knights under Hangar is half decimated by a suicidal charge downhill. (2/5HP left)
Meanwhile, Rue'Vahn's host is viciously set upon by a horde of Ungols and his dear Sunset is lanced in the throat, leaving her almost dead. Luckily for him, Ivan's host is nearby, and if they can be convinced to help, Sunshine will certainly recover.
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Not much of note happens. The Chaos warriors firmly stand in their position, ready for vicious combat that will follow soon, chopping trees and erecting barricades for the upcoming fight.
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Oh right, it's a new turn and I didn't actually move anyone.
Sunset will fall back, while the slaves move in the way to block any pursuers. The problem is that since they're infantry with one health, the ungols will be able to wipe them out without taking any damage, and then able to continue their chase. If I pay Ivan and the slaves live, then at least I didn't lose anything by participating in this chaos raid.
Keep in mind, there is no disengaging from combat.
So there is no 100% guaranteed way to keep Sunset safe, you can only minimize the odds of the Ungols striking Sunset by swamping them (the Ungols) with as many enemies in combat as possible as they hit a random nearby enemy.
If I was you, I'd send both my slaves down south to attack the southern Ungol and hope that Ivan strikes at the Ungols from down south.
That would give Sunset a 2/3 chance of surviving.
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Oh shit that's right. I forgot, my bad.
Okay new plan, the slaves move around to flank and attack from the side. That should still give Ivan plenty of tiles to attack both of the remaining Ungols (assuming he agrees to help ofc). If Sunset has three attack and she already killed one, then that means the enemies have a maximum of 3 HP. Fingers crossed that the reinforcements should be enough.
Maybe wait Till Ivan had his turn. Because outside of your and the npc turn there is no shot for them to strike and sunset

Tough situation but someone’s gotta tank the hit

1) Minotaurs move two hexes southwest to attack the enemy. They should survive the first round of combat here…

2) Centigors chill.

3) Gors move one hex southwest.

Sarrick, if you end up taking the town, we should discuss possible loot-sharing arrangements…
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A thunderous roar is followed by a stampede of hooves descending down into the rapid stream from the thick northern forest. Yet, a barrage of arrows, bolts, javelins and stones thrown by the nervous chaos warriors breaks their charge as they attempt to climb up the steep riverside.
Then, a horn blows and the chaos warriors close ranks and descend down the steep slopes, oftentimes, simply throwing themselves down upon the charging brutes.
The minotaurs fail to fight their way out of the river. A vicious exchange of blows follows and many dead are left on both sides.
(The only way the minotaurs survive this is if Sarick bee-lines it for the the river tile north of the town with his chaos warriors).

Can he reach me in time anyways? I figured he can only move one hex per turn in forest/streams
This turn he will be north of the stream. Next turn, if he moves before you, he will be in the stream and will have a 50% chance of saving your minotaurs.
My Knights were surrounded by plains-tiles, though. The Kislev militia moved off the hill to get next to me, and when combat is carried out with both participants on flat terrain the Cavalry have the initiative over infantry. Which I think means my Knights should have struck first and cut them down before they could have attacked, I think?

Or is there a natural charge bonus that overrides some terrain effects?
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You are right and have caught a mistake. 2 units of kislevite militia charged your knights, and while your knights struck one of them down, the other both delivered 1 damage and should be alive, but I dismissively deleted it before time.
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The heavily wounded Chaos Knights will ride out to destroy the militia next to them (effectively remaining in place but scoring an easy auto-kill against militia on the plains), whilst the Knights with only minor scratches will charge the militia defending the village to break them and leave the settlement open to plunder. The Kurgan Horse-Archers scout north two hexes to check if any further foes approach the pass, then return south two hexes once more to return to their turn's starting point.

Haha, I’m sure he’ll save me…

Lanu, I have a theoretical question. If Magor threw 3 Ungors at the enemy knights, would he whittle them down? Can enemy units defend only once per player turn?
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The chaos knights rally the survivors and in a vicious countercharge kill the kislevites, be it by sword, mace, lance, spear or simply by horse, whether the impact or the bite of the chaos steed.
The horsearchers find no foes in the northwards trip.
The units, both yours and enemy's can only engage in combat once a turn.
So if 3 ungors fought a chaos knight on open terrain, on the end of the first turn, there would be 2 ungors and the knights would be at 3/5 HP, on the second, 1 ungor would be left and the knight would be on 2/5HP and the knight would strike first on the third turn and take no damage.
However, if the same encounter happened on rough terrain, it would go
2 ungors - 2/5 HP
1 ungor - 1/5 HP
1 ungor - 0/5HP
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Kinda funny how both Krantagarh and Rue need help on the same turn.

Such is life when you are RPing as a bullheaded chaos lord.

If my Minotaur unit is killed, does Krantagarh himself survive? I would obviously RP him losing a horn or some other significant wounding if he lives.
He'd survive. I specifically noted:
>as players characters are there to present a face for the interactions with each other and with NPC's and are presumed to have been in whatever unit survives the last (for obvious reasons).

Cool, thanks for clarifying. I’m hoping to at least get out of this first raid with break-even loot but that is seeming less likely now…
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Shouting at his slavemasters to carry of the loot he captured closer to the other lords Mulrog turns his gaze south. scouting ahead to determin if it would be worth the risk to engage there or reinforce his nominal allies for a greater slaughter yet to come.
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The town is defended by a strong contingent of dug in Strelsy. It definitely seems like a fight your knights could win, tho at moderate cost.
yeah.... doesnt seem like something i want to risk my knigts to. the enemies can just cloes in around me and whittle me down. nah. i will just menace them a bit til Hangar has pulled back so they cant really do all that much if they wanna protect their city.
though i do have a question now that i thought a bit more. >>5980580
here..... did my knight wipe out the Stresly or did i need the Archers to finish them off?

if i wiped them out with the knights then i could risk it and go plunder that village. taking the defenders out would put the knights at 3 hp... then onr of other two units would arrive and attack me putting me at two HP...

no that wont work. because i cant retaliate then because i already fought so they would crush me next turn since i will lose initiative on the village and they outnumber me making me lose my final two HP.

yeah. no way for me to take that village really.

unless anyone else sees something i am missing.
You needed he archers to finish the strelsy off. Normally, the knights would do it alone, but since the strelsy are in a village, they gain +1HP, which is enough that the knights are incapable of killing them.
alright. then i will just keep position and stop them from moving out to help their bretheren on the other side of the hills.
Crush the Kossacks attacking Rue'Vahn, in return for a great deal of the spoils of course...

We should definitely horde-up to break these lakeside villages & towns.
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Rue only has 14 loot. Just so you know.

The sound of horns stops the Ungols before they commit to their charge to wipe out the horde of chaos warbeasts. From the south, in the last possible moment, a vast horde of horsemen rides forth. The Ungols, more concerned with the newcomers, turn their attention northwards and the two chaos hosts meet in a bloody crash, with screams, yells and shrieks being drowned under the stampede of hooves, the whistling of arrows and the choking dust of the sun kissed steppe.
By the end, 1200 Ungols lie dead, 60 warbeasts, 50 chaos knights and 150 cataphracts.

>This will probably be the biggest battle of the raid of 2537 IC, so if anyone has any ideas, share them.

>any ideas, share them.

Ah, in what sense? Naming the battle?
ideas? on what to call that battle? or what type of idea.

Name of the battle.
Battle of Sunsets Rage

“Ivan’s Bloody Charge of 2157”?
Wait, 60 to 80 monsters in a unit?
Wow I completely misjudged the lore numbers. I get that there isn't a single minotaur in a unit of minotaurs, but for some reason, my brain assumed that "warbeast of the north" meant that it was literally a single monster who was capable of fighting off entire regiments. I feel really dumb now, lmao.

I like both of these names.

Yeah so I'll def give you the loot I have, but do you want me to send my slaves with you for the rest of this raid, or should I have them retreat with Sunset because that's what I was about to do.
Basically, what do you think should be the plan going forward
I'll just take 2 loot for now & borrow your slave forces, you can owe me one later but with a bit of loot you can expand your forces for the next one.
I fuck with this name, +1
The idea was that it was a very mixed bag. From warhounds mutated by chaos to chaos spawn, to manticores to even very mutated Hung.
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As much as I'd love to save the minotaurs, I don't think I can. The Chaos Warriors head for the combat, either through the forest or traveling along the stream (wading in baersonling lands sounds shit to me, but I guess chaos warriors are made of sterner stuff?). As these are difficult terrain I'm stuck at a hex a turn though unless I've missed something. Best case is that the more western chaos warriors take two more turns to make contact.

The savages are now pinned in by all the ungors. Lanu, assuming Magor posts his turn and there is space to do so, can they move at that point vaguely in the direction indicated?
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As the chaos warriors start their wade through the freezing streams, the cold water sizzling and boiling in contact with their armor, and begin their long march in the thick forests, they reveal their numbers to the chaos warriors defending the town.
Confused talk is exchanged between the warriors, yet eventually, a lone boy carrying a tar black banner is sent forwards towards the minotaurs.
The minotaurs watch as the gold haired boy, certainly of no more than fifteen winters old, walks to the edge of the stream bed, then uncomfortably slides and skids down, almost falling over twice.
Krantagarh murmurs something and a minotaur with a human face on his shoulder steps out from hiding.
"Who art thou?" The face on the minotaurs shoulder asks.
"Gesu, son of Hama, a smith of Urslo, of the Baersonlings." The boy recites, obviously nervous.
"Why cometh you here?" The face asks as the minotaur slowly paces towards the boy.
"I come to invite to negotiation." The boy says with a shaky voice.
"And what do thaut offer of the Baersonlings to the Krantagarh's band?" The face asks, the minotaur now within three long paces of his kind away from the boy and slowly circling him.
"For peace, the chief offers fifteen wagons of food and furs and a chest of silver (10 loot) and a free passage through our lands." The boy says, more leaning on the banner than holding it.

>This will require a 2/3 player agreement.
Just to be clear is that a flat 10 loot offered, or 10 loot each?
Flat 10 loot.
And a follow up, do they negotiate on behalf of this one village, or all the baersonlings?
The Baersonlings in general.

What do you think? Negotiate to 30 loot now (10 loot) per player and then we come back and sack them anyways?
Also, keep in mind, this would allow you to rally Norse troops and board your troops onto warships.

Well, that’s actually not a bad deal, assuming that we can get more loot. I’d settle for 20 loot rather than 10 if we get boats as well…
One last question before I decide. I assume if the Baersonlings submit via this deal we will finish this little map and be able to buy new troops/maybe do other things before moving onto a new area. Our troops have taken damage, which based on the narration represents taking casualties. Will we have to buy them back to full health via loot, or will they heal up for free?
>I assume if the Baersonlings submit via this deal we will finish this little map

>and be able to buy new troops/maybe do other things before moving onto a new area.
Not quite. You will be able to either:
>immediately continue towards the north and engage the dwarves or continue towards the west and engage the Kislevites towards Kzarla and Svedora.
>rest, spend your loot and recover for the rest of the season

>Will we have to buy them back to full health via loot, or will they heal up for free?
If a unit has not been fully destroyed and has at least some men left (still exists on the map) it will recover to full HP if you choose to rest and recover. If you choose to immediately continue, your troops will not heal yet.

I’ll write up a lil RP post about Krantagarh’s reaction to the offer based on your decision Sarrick!
My vote is in favour. My troops are pretty much intact, I can march on immediately, and in return I get access to new units to recruit and boats which will help a lot with mobility for my slow ass warriors.

In character, I can see Sarrick demanding Krantigarh cede his share of this tribute. Seeing as his forces are mangled while Sarrick and Magore's troops are intact. The truce benefits Krantigarh most, especially if it saves the minotaurs from being destroyed. Maybe agree to the truce on the grounds the loot from the deal gets split two way between myself and Magore as a result.

Out of character, feels a bit of a dick move for us to decide without Magore having any input at all. Maybe hold off an hour or so on the reply, which will take us to about the time he posted yesterday in case that's when he gets off work or some shit to give him a chance to weigh in.

Okay, sounds good to me. I totally agree that IC, you’d have me over a barrel, so if Maggie doesn’t respond, I can RP a post like:

1) Krantagarh demands double loot from the messenger (20 total).
2) Krantagarh thinks he’s a genius but is then figuratively held at gunpoint by Sarrick and Magor - you guys take the 20 loot for yourselves.
3) Krantagarh is mega-butthurt IC but has no other choice but to take the shitty deal.
4) Krantagarh now has a reason to betray Sarrick and Magor in the future…

Sounds fun to play!
Just for an extra bit of flavor text, Ivan's Kurgan riders drank the blood of the enemies' horses that were not judged strong enough to be added to their own herd of mounts. (horse blood is high in protein)
some RP, Lanu - feel free to approve/deny as QM

Krantagarh concentrates- his reddened eyes bulge with the effort, and fetid breathe is emitted in huge clouds into the cold afternoonair. Gesu, the boy from the village, knows that his life hangs in the balance - his face is wan with terror.Krantagarh'sthickly-muscled body is covered in wounds, stained with both old blood and new - his graying hide is filthy, and his ox's legs tremble subtly with fatigue. The fighting with the local town's Chaos Warriors was brutal - his troops were savaged. He has misjudged the attack - his troops were too slow to exit the frozen stream, and they paid the price. Despite his rage, Krantagarh's low cunning wins out - he cannot hope to take the town with his diminished force. He brought too few beastmen with him on this raid. The truth of his weakness galls him, but even at this low point,he cannot resist changing the deal in his favor: he barks and coughs his orders in theawful tongue of his people.

The human face on the other minotaur's shoulder is quick to relay Krantargarh's demands:

"Krantagarth One-Handed demands thirty wagons of food and furs, and two chests of silver, in addition to right of recruitment and warships. Accept this deal, or his allies will avenge his death by flaying your people alive in sacrifice to the Gods of the North."

Gesu can only stammer his acceptance, and stunned to be alive, flees back into his Baersonling village...


Krantagarh is quick to congratulate himself on his genius, as his troops muscle the wagons of loot away from the town. His illusions are quickly shattered when Sarrick, sorcerer of the Hung, and Magor Gorebow, descend on his location swiftly. Little in the way ofwords are exchanged between the Chaos Lords - the power differential between them is bothstark and obvious. Where Krantagarh was once strong, now he and his army is battered and weak. Krantagarh resists the urge to place his axe through Sarrick's brains, as his forces firmly and deliberately shove the minotaurs aside. Magor chitters with greed and thumbs his bow, as the loot-wagons are split between his forces and Sarrick's.

Krantagarh is left only with the plunder of the first village - a measly price for the cost inblood and lives.

His missing hand itches, his rage burns hotter than any funeral pyre - but his hard-won wisdom prevails over his fury. Revenge now is impossible, but revenge later? Who can say what the Dark Gods have in store?
Nice name.
I fully approve of this.
Based. A pyramid of skulls is raised where the Ungors made their stand and died.
The scouts are sent ahead to ascertain the state of both the enemies further on and the Baersonling lands left unraided. In the northern passage, a small herd of centigors rides ahead, their hooves breaking up the still gravel of the coast, shattering the thin ice that forms on the banks of the frozen sea. The men exit their homes cautiously, their armor donned and their hands obviously concealed on their weapons, while women and children cower behind closed windows and doors.
Two villages are are come upon in the northern travels, but both are under Baersonling banner, so they are safe. For now. What strikes the fancy of Nocnur, the commander of the small scouting herd is a fortress atop a mountain overlooking both the dwarven lands and the village. Grumbling angrily, he decides to ascend the hill with a small escort, struggling part of the way up the narrow mountain passes before giving up.
The first obstacle that will await the horde is Sjoktraken, the port of the Kraka Ravnsvake. A mighty port rising up above the coastline, standing like a squat, yet towering cylinder of light grey stone, overlooking the surrounding lands. While the fight with the dwarves promised to be a hard one, the plunder promised to be worth it.
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And of course, I forgot the pic.
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Meanwhile, a scouting force of Hung and Ungors made their way through the rough mountain passes of the Goromadny mountains, shivering as the cold winds whipped them, as the snow slid from everwhite mountain peaks and closed the passes, as the rocks eternally chipped from the steep rockfaces, almost maliciously aiming to hit any and every who passed under them. The very rocks seemed to want to kill any who moved. These norscans here must have been mighty desparate to settle here.
Whats more the wild streams of freezing water seemed to wax and wane on their own malicious and evil pulse. A hung fell into the stream, only for water to freeze as he stepped into it. He lost a leg, and very soon after, as the warhosts turned hungry, his life aswell.
And what awaited the host that moved here?
The forts of Straghov, Kaminski, Kzarla and Zvenilev. And behind them, the prize. Fort Ostrosk.
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Or for anyone who wishes - return and recover (retire yourself from the rest of this raid):
Return to:
Chaos wastes and rejoin the great beastherds (recruit beastmen units):
SPECIAL RULE - everyone can move full speed through the forest, can see two tiles in the forest
Ungors – 5 loot:
HP 1
D 1
M 3
Gors – 10 loot:
HP 2
D 2
M 3
Centigors – 16 loot:
HP 2
D 1
M 5
Minotaurs – 30 loot:
HP 5
D 2
M 2

The cold Hung coast to rally the savages and the wildmen (recruit Hung units):
Horse archer – 12 loot:
HP 2
D 1
M 5
Hung savage – 8 loot:
HP 1
D 2
M 3
Slave – 6 loot:
HP 1
D 1
M 3
Warbeast of the north – 44 loot:
HP 4
D 3
M 4
Chaos warrior – 22 loot:
HP 4
D 2
M 1
Chaos knight – 36 loot:
HP 5
D 2
M 3

Eastern steppes and rally the Kurgan hordes (recruit Kurgan units):
Horse archer – 10 loot:
HP 2
D 1
M 5
Kurgan cataphract – 18 loot:
HP 3
D 1
M 4
Slave – 6 loot:
HP 1
D 1
M 3
Chaos warrior – 24 loot:
HP 4
D 2
M 1
Chaos knight – 32 loot:
HP 5
D 2
M 3

Stay with the Baersonlings and rally their men for raids (recruit Norse units):
SPECIAL RULE - everyone can construct longboats for themselves (and one other unit) in the interturn (if your army is half Norscan, it is fully amphibious)
Thrall – 6 loot:
HP 1
D 1
M 3
Bondsmen – 8 loot:
HP 2
D 1
M 3
Huscarl - 14 loot:
HP 2
D 2
M 2
Berserkers – 9 loot
HP 1
D 2
M 3
Chaos warrior – 28 loot:
HP 4
D 2
M 2
He'll yeah borther
Are all units of the same type equivalent besides cost? Chaos Warrior (Hung) = Chaos Warrior (Norscan)? Also, are the Baersonlings available for recruits to all warbands or just those who besieged them? Either way, for the moment I'm pressing on to the village South of the river.
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>Are all units of the same type equivalent besides cost? Chaos Warrior (Hung) = Chaos Warrior (Norscan)?
Yeah, they're interchangeable.
>Also, are the Baersonlings available for recruits to all warbands or just those who besieged them?
To everyone.
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Wrong layer.
Are we allowed to retire a single unit of our army, or do we have to do them all together?

Also, when we begin the next raid, will we have any restrictions on where we redeploy? Like, if we recruit Norscans are we barred from returning to the wheatlands that season?
>Are we allowed to retire a single unit of our army, or do we have to do them all together?
You can retire individual units, but you will only really get the benefits, the lore and the dialogue when you retire the entirety of your army.
>Also, when we begin the next raid, will we have any restrictions on where we redeploy?
Not at all.
I'll send the slaves from Rue'Vahn's warband first while horse archers attack the village at range. Whenever an opportunity opens up, the cataphracts & knights will hammer down any remaining defenders. Horse archers will remain alert for any survivors or reinforcements.
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Oh shit yeah, I forgot. Here, I moved the slaves up.
Yeah for the rest of the raid, feel free to move/use the slaves as you see fit. It'll be easier than telling me where you want them and then waiting for me to move them for you.

Okay cool, if we can have individual units retire then I'll have Sunset and the monsters return home to heal and await for the slave masters + fodder to finish getting some last minute revenge.

Oh, and one more question for now. When we enter the 'buying' phase of the pre-raid prep, are we also allowed to sell units or trade them in? I'm wondering if slaves could fetch a decent price from our new Norscan allies.
>Okay cool, if we can have individual units retire then I'll have Sunset and the monsters return home to heal and await for the slave masters + fodder to finish getting some last minute revenge.
Where are you retiring sunset and Rue'Vahn to?

>Oh, and one more question for now. When we enter the 'buying' phase of the pre-raid prep, are we also allowed to sell units or trade them in? I'm wondering if slaves could fetch a decent price from our new Norscan allies.
Huh good question. I'll put it as "slaves can always be bought/sold for 6 loot". As for other units, no, I'll say they can't be sold or traded.

I’ll retire back to the Chaos Wastes, and hire another unit of Gors. I think that leaves me with 4 loot left over. Can I construct a longboat even if I don’t hire a Baersonling unit?
>I’ll retire back to the Chaos Wastes, and hire another unit of Gors. I think that leaves me with 4 loot left over.
>Can I construct a longboat even if I don’t hire a Baersonling unit?
Nope. You'd both lack the skill to make and to sail the ships.

Meanwhile, while Krantagarh is in the Chaos wastes and rallying his herd, he has the opportunity to "socialize".
>Vonok, the ancient yellow eyed Bray-shaman weakly leaning on his Braystaff (probably) carved of a mammoth bone while standing atop a large stone.
>Roxana, a woman with a triangle carved into her forehead clad in crimson plate armor and wielding a great two handed cleaver that even Krantagarh would like to avoid being hit by.
>Bindo, a Tileian man with three eyes in his right eyesocket, his robes tattered and torn by his long journey up north.

>Vonok, the ancient yellow eyed Bray-shaman weakly leaning on his Braystaff (probably) carved of a mammoth bone while standing atop a large stone.

I’m hoping to run a pure beastman force here
Which turn am I on? I've lost track and can't determine if I'm waiting for the turn to catch up with me, or if I'm lagging behind and need to move again.
You have moved this turn. Only Magor hasn't.
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Wheatlands, turn 7:
The Kislevites keep shuffling their reinforcements around. The initial weeks of easy raiding have passed and every village sacked will have to be paid for with blood. It is up to the warlords to determine if it's worth it to press onwards, or to return, lick the wounds and fight another day.
A month and a half have passed.
>Where are you retiring sunset and Rue'Vahn to?
I don't really know what my options are, but if our resting spot doesn't restrict our redeployment next raid, then I'll probably go visit our new Norscan allies since I hope to hire some of their units.

Speaking of which, could you elaborate on their special rule? I assume that the additional unit that they make amphibious needs to be adjacent to them when they build the boats, but are the Norscan troops able to "ferry" others back and forth across a body of water, or do we decide a single time on which extra unit gets the amphibious benefit and then after that you can't change who gets the benefit? If so, are we allowed to assist our teammates via this method and help them across water even if they don't have any Norscan units themselves?
>I don't really know what my options are, but if our resting spot doesn't restrict our redeployment next raid, then I'll probably go visit our new Norscan allies since I hope to hire some of their units.
So far, they're listed here: >>5981998
>Speaking of which, could you elaborate on their special rule?
The Norscans build boats over the span of the inter-raid. The longships are presented in the form of a unit that different units can step on.
A Norscan and a different unit can enter said ship, however, the ship can only leave the coastal tile with a unit of Norscans in it. The longboats have 8 movement. And yes, you are allowed to ferry units of other players.
They (the longboats) can move over the sea and river tiles, but not over the stream tiles. They can step on a coastal tile and from there, disgorge the 2 units onto dry land. They provide the defensive bonus of 1 extra HP.

Cool, thanks for clarifying. Might have to get some boats once I have some loot to spend
Krantagarh approaches the ancient shaman, exhaling through his nostrils. He had enjoyed the warmer climate of the Norscan lands and his wounds and his blood he had spilt over the frozen soil had weakened him to cold. The shaman did not react to the minotaur. Krantagarh stood, his piercing gaze directed at the shaman.
"What stand I upon?" The fossil spoke.
Krantagarh lowered his gaze and analized the boulder. He slowly raised his head and spoke "A rock."
The shaman turned his head, then angrily, with as much force as he could, slapped Krantagarh. From the snapping in his hand, it hurt him way more than it hurt Krantagarh.
"What slave gave birth to you when you speak in such Hung manner?!" He angrily asked, then before Krantagarh could reply, he slapped him again. "This rock came from the skies!"
"So?" Krantagarh spoke.
"Carry it with you! Place it in the largest, deepest forest! Make a herdstone!" The shaman shouted, then almost collapsed in a fit of coughing. "I am old. My death comes. Let my body be first at the herdstone."

>Krantagarh can now place a Herdstone inside of a forest
>Said Herdstone can produce a unit of ungors (or slaves) for every 3 settlements within 2 tiles of the forest, a unit of gors for every 4 settlements, a unit of centigors for every 5 and a unit of minotaurs for every 10 settlements (all rounded down)
>Forest is defined as a continuous stretch of forest tiles (with streams/rivers only being included if there are forest tiles on at least 2 opposite sides of the stream/river tile)
>Krantagarh can only acquire these units if he is present on said map and has a unit of his own step on the herdstone
>These units will not stockpile

I assume that we're going to break open Gorodische and Alexandropol before considering retreat; will we satisfied with our current loot after these and do we want to press any further? I've only sacked Severostepsk and Tairapol, but Severostepsk was a big one so I've 40 loot in my sacks.

Mulrog, did you want to try and burn out Korsov before you pull back? Since CK's have 5 health to start and one of mine therefore has 3 left, I could send the CK into the hills to keep the militia off you if you wanted to attack the town directly?

Cool, I love the mechanic Lanu
Rue'Vahn's approach is not taken to kindly, yet the Baersonlings don't dare fight him in any way, and when pressed, they take to tending Sunset. The capital of baersonlings, Urslo, and its great hall are used to house the small contingent of warbeasts as no other buildings can and food is delivered to Rue'Vahn. In such days, he and his small entourage of Hung warriors and captains initially spend their time drinking and eventually making contacts with the Baersonlings. Rue's favourite drinking partner was:
>Sjur, the fourth son of the clan chief, a thin, wiry man who had taken a heavy blow during the fighitng with minotaurs and had barely survived, but was making steady recovery and was drinking in joy to have lived.
>Nilsa, a hag witch doctor of the tribe tending after Sunset and heavily drinking to force some bravery into her gut before approaching the wounded wife of Rue'Vahn
>Erik Alsgaard, the son of the owner of the famous "Last Hope inn, descending down from his mountain hold to drown his sorrows over the kidnapping of his wife.
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Sarrick stands high in Goromadny Pass. Before him, the land slopes down, gradually turning from rugged mountains to the steppes and forests of Kislev. A hardy people that might be equal to his own if only they didn't worship such weak gods. The Baersonlings had submitted, and between tribute and plunder he had gained much. He chuckled under his breath at a memory of the foolish minotaur Krantagarh, raging as he was forced to give away his treasures. His mirth faded, and he looked down seriously again. It was still not enough. He needed more to fulfil his ambitions, and he saw the potential in the distant Kislevite settlements below him.

The Wheatlands were under attack by the greater part of their host. No doubt word had spread by swift riders by now. The Baersonlings were separate though, isolated. No word would have come from the north. All eyes in Kislev would be facing East, at least for a time. An opportunity. Fort Ostrosk was probably still too far with his forces alone, but tribute and slaves would be vulnerable for the taking. He had certain rituals in mind, and a quick raid should give him enough.

His smile returned and as if in sympathy and winds of Chamon rose around him for a moment causing the snow beneath his feet to hiss. He turned back to the north, to his gathered warriors, still intact despite the slaughter they had brought to Baersonling lands. He pointed south, his order simple.



I rather fancy myself some warbeasts (which will be fluffed as captives being magically mutated into chaos spawn). At the moment I'm on 30 loot, so as my men are still good, we'll press on with a quick raid into Kislev to try and top up. Hopefully they won't be expecting us.

So intact CW to the west, the damaged chaos warriors and savages advance south as a group.

And follow-up question - do towns of ANY alignment count towards the Herdstone mechanic, or do they have to be friendly towns?
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>I rather fancy myself some warbeasts (which will be fluffed as captives being magically mutated into chaos spawn).
You could put it as a return to Karag Dum or the chaos wastes, depending on if you just wanna mutate your hosts or if you wanna get more men.

My man.
>Lemme put a herdstone, a fucking herdstone, in the lands of my allies, so they are constantly being murdered by the goatmen in the forest instead of providing me with men and smoked fish.
Non friendly towns are needed. Or, well, if you put it, they won't remain friendly for long.

Hehehe, just checking. Can I move the herd stone once placed or is it permanent? Does it generate new troops with every deployment or only once?
Once it's down, it's there until destroyed. You will get a warning before the deployment if it is in danger.
As for generation of troops, it generates them once every interraid up to the maximum capacity.
Magor and his Ungors will recover.

But in a strange twist of Beastial cameraderie, he chooses to share half of his loot with Krantigarh.

"Beastherds. . .must stick. . .together. . ."

Rest, recoup, and graze. Then we will rejoin for the next war.

Whoa, cool man. Thank you. You’re off Krantagar’s murder list for now!
Where is Magor retreating to to recover?
Here's the list of locations: >>5981998

I’d also like to purchase one unit each of Baersonling Thralls and Bondsmen, plus two boats, with the extra loot from Magor - I think I have exactly enough
But you're already in chaos wastes.

Oh dang, you’re right.

How about two units of Ungors instead?

Never mind, I can only afford one unit of Ungors along with the Gors that I bought previously. So I think I would have 4 loot left over
Chaos Wastes of course. And I believe I can afford one more unit of Ungors.
If I split my 10 into 5 and 5 with Krantargh, I should be able to afford it but barely.
The march north brings Magor's host first at great misfortune as a cold snap hits him and his horde, his host shivering and despair hitting them, only for them to suddenly emerge at a location of interest. A warm fen.
Doubt besets Magor for what to do:
>March on, this is trickery of the gods. We will be miserable, but we will be hardened by the experience.
>Skirt the outsides until the storm passes. Best be able to flee when the ill comes.
>This is a reward from the gods. Enter the warmth and enjoy it.
Rolled 2 (1d4)

Magor consults a charm made of the bones of an old Bray-Shaman, the faces on each side with an eerie gleen glow

1. The Dog says to March On: There are no blood and skulls to be had here
2. The Serpent says to Stay: Give up not the pleasures that are gifts from the gods
3. The Eagle says to skirt the outsides: the clever beast takes the prey
4. The Crow says to March On: Misery and illness guide the soul towards the great Father's blessings, in life or death
>This is a reward from the gods. Enter the warmth and enjoy it.
Praise the Serpent for this wonderful gift of warmth and pleasure.
Magors entourage grows fat as it feasts upon the fruits of the fen. One unit of ungors has +1 HP.
These 3 HP Chaos knights could be useful i think. If you keep the miliatia busy i can Sack the City with little risk

Just make Sure not to loose YouTube United. I guess i coulf also help out with killing one of the militia units before plundering the City and taking on the defenders
There should also be another militia in the hills that is currently hiding
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The Chaos Knights with three health remaining ride into the hills, bearing the brunt of the pitiful weapons and strike at the Kislevite Militia, to cut the support from the town so Mulrog can make his attack. The horse-archers keep up their scout-riding, path turning north then south again, whilst the remainder of Hangar's riders keep their eyes upon the Kislevites on the river's southern bank; seeing if they dare to act.
If it shows itself I can beat it, too; as long as you're attacking the Streltsi to pin them down and mulch them up.
I will Do that. Gonna take a bit though. Having to be GM for DND right now
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The uphill charge is slow, but steady and soon the hillside runs red with the blood of brave militiamen defenders. What is more concerning is a different mob of militiamen just north of the Chaos knights position and the Strelsy garrison to the south.
Y’all still taking players?
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Stresely only Deal one Damage right. So this should be no risk
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Since I didn't move the other Chaos Knights yet this phase, could I move them now? Or have they lost their action this turn?
I think so yeah. Go ask Lanu
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Yes, the strelsy only do 1 damage.

I'll allow it this time.

Yeah, tho keep in mind, you'll wait a bit before the next raid begins, as while Rue'Vahn, Krantagarh and Magor retired for the raid and while Malrog and Hangar are begging to be retired, Ivan and Sarrick have quite a bit of life in them yet.
Gotcha! Do I send out my force sheet and stuff now, or at the next raid?
You can do it now. I'll give you 60 loot to begin, same as everyone else, tho you have the option to be a norscan.

Huffud the Big

Previously a particularly large cow from Middenland, who grew into a hulking mutant due to eating a fragment of Warpstone after mistaking it for a juicy leaf.

She leads her fellow beastmen- specifically her fellow Minotaurs

Minotaur -30
Minotaur -30
Total: 60 loot
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Forgot the image!
If you're still taking players, can I get a sheet in ahead of the next raid? I'm the same anon as >>5976581, things have cleared up over the last week, and I'm confident I'd be able to post daily.

I'm thinking of running a fodder-heavy norscan warband, mostly bondsmen and berserkers. If you think you're getting near your limit though I don't want to slow things down for everyone else, multi-player quests are always hard to run, even with a handful of players.
Sure, join up. I'll soon start slowing down the rate of my replies and limiting it to like 2-3 a day now that the system is mostly ironed out.

...And, yes, it looks about time to start riding northward again.

Hah! Looks like we might have found you a bride, Krantagarh!

<agitated snorting>
Born the bastard son of a Kurgan vagrant and Southron thrall, Korthak's fate was to live and die as Norscan chattel. Like most strong thralls, he was pressed into the support of a warband. Also like most, he was sturdy as an ox, half-decent with an axe, and filled with violent rage. During a pitched battle, his head was wreathed with an unnatural blaze and when the fighting was done, the flesh had melted away to reveal a burning skull of bronze.

Suspecting the favour of Kharneth, his master set him free. Left with nothing else to live for and the distant sound of wardrums echoing in ears that were no longer there, Korthak ventured back to Baersonling lands and rallied a volunteer warband. As a warlord, he's an untested whelp, eager to prove his worth to the Gods. As a man, he feels rootless and has little loyalty to any one tribe. He hopes to find a greater purpose in murder.

>Sons of the Bastard Skull
>4 Berserkers (-36 Loot) Pious devotees of the Blood God, seeing portents of slaughter and visions of gore in the reflection of his brazen dome. They're filled with zeal and ready to die for Kharneth, but they'd prefer to kill!
>3 Bondsmen (-24 Loot) Young and foolish marauders, easily awed by his mutation. Most pledged on to loot and pillage, but a savvier few joined to earn glory with an ease they never could in a more veteran band.

So the retired players are waiting for Malrog, Hanger, Ivan and Sarrick to wrap up, correct?
Yes and right now, we are waiting for Ivan.

Great, thanks for clarifying. Also - congrats - 10 interested players is a sign of high quality QMing, you should feel proud!

Please the Name is Mulrog.
By Loesh yes!!!
Krantagarh and Huffud, sitting in a tree

>Nilsa, a hag witch doctor of the tribe tending after Sunset and heavily drinking to force some bravery into her gut before approaching the wounded wife of Rue'Vahn
Erik has my sympathy, but Rue'Vahn has his own beloved to care about right now, and so he'll regularly be helping Nilsa by calming down Sunset whilst the healer works their magic.

Ohh, here's an idea
For the second raid, after hitting that single hut village, we could ignore everything else, head south-ish, and rush straight for Fort Ostrosk. I also realized that it's not just the 60 loot captive there, the fort itself is a tier 3 settlement which means 30 loot ON TOP OF the 60. If you or anyone else wants to work together to capture the fort, I'm willing to settle for less than 50/50.
<confused cow noises>
Welcome aboard to the both of you
Same tactics I mentioned here to be applied going forward; I'm looking to move in a diagonal line Southwest to Northeast through the two villages, across the river (stream?) into the town with the Streltsy encamped to pincer them, then continue on from there with the rest of the horde to mop up these villages before I retire for the season.

I'm curious about recruiting Chaos Dorfs
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Nilsa will both be thankful for the aid and for the drinking companion.
"Chieftain." Nilsa says. "Have you heard of Ulfwerenar?"
"What about them?" Rue'Vahn replies.
"We have lost control of them." Nilsa says. "The chieftain bid me cure them, yet I know not how to."
There is a implicit understanding of danger, both with wild Ulfwerenar roaming about and the risk of punishment for disobedience.
"Where?" Rue'Vahn asks.
"A mountain pass to the south. I can send a man to show you, but there is a entire tribe of them there." Nilsa says.

>New area on map opened up.
>Subduing the Ulfwerenar (raiding all their villages) will allow the recruitment of Ulfwerenar units
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Setup for the attack is okay?

>I'm curious about recruiting Chaos Dorfs
All in due time (and interturn dialogue choices).
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Turn 8:
The Kislevites have rallied and are both preparing for a large countercharge from the southern hills against Ivan and are conducting a massive river crossing, seeking to crush Hangars forces.
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Turn 8: Fort Ostrosk:
The Kislevite villagers flee with what they can carry. The strelsy hold their position.
Am I the only one who is able to go after the Skinwolves? If not, I'll send word to Hangar to at least let him know about the situation. I don't really have good infantry, which would be needed to win fights in the mountain passes. The other facet is that this might gain us all some favor with the Norscans, since they don't really like us very much atm.
hey Hangar. i know maybe not the best time. i got this thing with the Stresely in the city.

if i can make a suggestion to minimize your losses while breaking out of here either you get your Chaos Knights to kill the Kossacs crossing the river and running across the hills where i will open the path with the plundered village.

that would require to use your cataphracts to either kill the enemy cavalery or stresely while the horsearchers occupy the stresely or cavalery so the stresely cant follow you into the hills.

the other option i put down below in a picture. get your knights up north while killing the kossacks near the river. unless you have to stop on the already looted village you can just leave with them.

use the catphracts to kill the Kislevite cavalery so they can not pursure while the horsearchers keep the Stresely in the river and busy. The Stresely cant kill the archers due to being in water before the archers kill them.

your cataphracts will die later to the kossacks i think unless they retreat with your chaos knights on the way.
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am faggot forgot to include drawn plan
>Am I the only one who is able to go after the Skinwolves?
You and anyone you inform. Or the person you inform informs.
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crush the stresely. crush their village plunder their wealth.

Hangar. I will try to compensate some of your loss. if you wish it i will ride at your side in the next raid.
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He could also attempt to flee over the hills. Infantry and cavalry move at the same rate over them.
he could i agree. which is what i suggested in the first part of my post. kill the kossacks crossing the river so they cant follow and use the other two units to delay the enemy reinforcements over the river so he secure his retreat. the other thing is more risky but could save another unit for future fights.

i am just trying to repay him for helping me loot more.
How much HP do those Kislevite Cavalry have? If they're the equivalent of Cataphracts with 3 HP then there's nothing I can do to kill them this turn, as the Chaos Warriors aren't in range and the Cataphracts and Horse archers don't have enough power even together.

How much speed do the infantry have? If they're movement 1 I can run, but if they're movement 2 they can get into the hills and catch me next turn.
>How much HP do those Kislevite Cavalry have?
>How much speed do the infantry have?
The strelsy (redcoats) have 2, the rest have 3
ah damn.... 3 hp... yeah. better run across the hills and maybe use one of your units to moveblock the enemy cavalery to delay their pursuit.

sorry for getting you into this situation.

those cataphracts are very expensive.

but they could kill the Stresely before dying and then moveblocking the enemy.

the ARchers could run away north or run south and kill one unit of kossacs so the most heavily damaged Chaos Knights could get a headstart through the hills.

but the kossacs need to die or the will run down your 1/5 HP Knights.
The cossaks are lightly armored cavalry so its unlikely theyll chase after chaos knights. Maybe you could burn the villages to create some smoke that would help hide the retreat.
wait. i think i mean the cossars that are in the river close to the knights. they need to die or the will kill one of the Chaos Knight units.

and i think i burned whatever villages i had access to.
Okay yeah, in that case I’d tell Hangar, but ask him to not tell anyone else without first consulting me. He obviously doesn’t have to listen to my request, but that’s his choice. My recommendation would be for someone with tough infantry like Chaos Warriors or Minotaurs to head in there, although I suppose I could do it if no one wants the job of fighting Skinwolves
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Even if the Kossacs are movement 5 (And I think they're movement 4, as Kataphract equivalents?), there's 5 tiles of plains before they reach the hill, so if I just keep moving away the knights are safe from them. What they aren't safe from is the Kislevite militia, who can get into hills and kill the wounded ones on their next turn.

What I'm thinking of (correct my reasoning if in error?) is pic related; take out both militia whilst they're in the river with my 2HP Kights and Horse Archers, then move on with their remaining movement space. The strelsy aren't fast enough to shoot at anything that's in the hills next turn, the Kossacs are just a little too far away to reach the hills; and both those units would only be able to attack the Horsemen in their new spot in the village ruins from on the same square in their turn (the one with the green triangle) at their maximum movement, so one wouldn't be able to move to there, and it'll live one more round. Yes, the Horse Archers will probably die in the turn after, but with my half of the loot Mulrog took from Kursov I can just buy another.

Meanwhile, the Cataphracts will just head four hexes directly north... either they draw off the Kossacs to chase them, or I can potentially double back and nibble on the militia.

My response would be to suggest informing Rue'Vahn's Warbeasts (and the new Norscan/Minotaur people if I know of them). And will hold my tongue on telling anyone else whilst I await a response.
yeah. your plan could also work yeah. if you want to i can take the rearguard later to protect your knights. my knights are still very healthy.
(Whoops I forgot to turn my tripcode back on)
I’m assuming that the Ulfwerenar are not going to be easy to defeat, so if anyone is willing to risk fighting them, should we try to reward them a little for unlocking a new unit for everyone else?
I know it’s 40 loot, but they might also miss out on the battle for Fort Ostrosk which might occur next raid.
Oh, derp, you are Rue'Vahn, thought you were Krantagarh. But, yes, bringing the new guys along might be useful. Anyone you think would be helpful?

Sounds a plan.
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Actually very well played. It seems the chief of our warhost is good at tactics.
I don’t think he’d care or be interested since he’s cavalry focused, but I’ll tell Ivan about the secret. He saved Sunset, so I’ll try to repay him any chance I get. Same as before, I’ll ask him not to tell anyone else just yet, but I won’t stop him if he chooses to.
As for who to bring along or send in there… I think we should learn a little more about the Skinwolves first.

QM, am I able to ask Nilsa or her chieftain about the capabilities of the Ulfwerenar? I’m not looking for specific numbers because that might be too bs for me to know, but just a rough comparison to another unit?
Something like: “do you think a battalion of chaos warriors would defeat them? Huscarls?”.

Lastly, I realize that this new development in the north might have changed my plans a bit. If I try to go for it, then I’ll need tougher units than slaves (thankfully they can be sold).
In which case, I’ll ask Ivan if he can be a little bit careful with my slaves, since they only have 1 HP. I gave Ivan my word that they would help him, so I don’t want to back out on that. However, if I’ve already given up my looting rights, then it’d be nice if they don’t return dead.
"They are at home in the hills and move through them with speed unmatched by others. They strike as madmen and endure wounds as the heavy kislev footmen."
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So sounds like they ignore the hills move penalty, and likely do 2 damage and have 2 or 3 HP. Someone who's been fighting Kislevites so far, can you confirm the HP?

If they're 2 HP each then I'm up for it. Both my chaos warriors and hung savages will kill the first unit they meet each term through HP pool or initiative advantage. If they're 3HP I'll be slaughtered though.

For this turn the bulk of forces will advance on the abandoned kislevite village to plunder what they can and round up any stragglers.

Although it'll be a tough fight up the river, the northern chaos warriors will push into the strelsy, their heavy armour will see them through.
Was also going to say, I'm planning to pull out for some R and R after taking these two first villages. Looks like the Wheatlands campaign is winding down and it's not so fun invading Kislev proper on your lonesome. Also Lanu is making cool events for people off the clock and I want in on some of that shit.
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Well, the Strelsy have 2HP and they are only dressed in woolen cloaks. Heavy footmen are probably more heavy than woolen cloaks.
Fuck that then.
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C'mon, don't you want the ultimate hilltroops?
I do, but I can't see any way to get them. If there are just two units of them in those hills then my forces would be wiped out.
Krantagarh (and Huffud?) could probably be hired to go after the Ulfwerenar. Three units of Minotaurs is a pretty serious mountain invasion force…
<approving cow noises>

I figure that if we get the blessing from the warband leader (Hangar), your units could go south, taking the very narrow mountain passes and my warband would swing southwest through the foothills. If you end up needing help I could then either attack into the mountains from the western pass and if not, could assault the towns in the foothills.

Plus it’s possible that I could place my herdstone in the little forest to the northeast and scare up some additional troops this way.
>Plus it’s possible that I could place my herdstone in the little forest to the northeast and scare up some additional troops this way.
Or you could be a chad and place it in the southernmost Kislevite forest and get like 4 slaves (24 loot) per turn as long as you just manage to get that far down and back up (maybe via boats if you for a example, manage to subdue the Fjellsende norscans).
Especially if backed up by loads and loads of Ungors, eh?
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You're talking about this southernmost forest, right? I definitely spied that as being the best location possible but as you mentioned, it would require boats and even then, I don't think I have the necessary troops yet for a deep-strike into Kislevite territory. If my next raid goes well though, I might have the resources for it. Producing a free army of ungors, gors, centigors and minos once per deployment would be extremely based.
I actually don't think the Ungors would do much good here as they you'd likely lose them at a rate of 2 per each Ulfwerenar and I feel you'd get more mileage from perhaps marching them either out of the Baersonling lands and sticking to the forest, or striking at the Fjellsende.
Well, not the next raid, but maybe the one after that one. And especially if you team up with, lets say Korthak and his 7 ships, you could make a nice job of it. Oh and another thing to consider for Hangar, if you defeat the Fjellsende, you could sail a fleet down their river, up the Tobol and strike Ostrosk with a naval force.
Wise and cunning minotaur indeed! That sounds like a great plan, even though I'm not sure how long just two units of minotaurs can handle

<very approving cow noises>

Well, I’ll have a third unit of Minotaurs as well, and you can always retreat out of the passes to switch your unit order if one of your Minotaurs gets too dinged up. The narrow pass and high HP of the minos sort of ensures that you’re going to be putting the hurt on the enemy, and a pincer attack would be devastating.

Goes without saying that I’d offer to split the loot equally on this mini-raid between us.
whelp, I'm sold! Hopefully that'll help me get a little closer to the others who have raided already

depending on how rich Ivan and Hangar come out of their respective raids, I'd wonder if they'd even "loan" us some loot to buy more Minotaurs now for the werewolf assault, with the expectation that we'd pay them back once we're done.
Good advice.
Uhhh, hrmm, gotta figureout which front would put my men to the best.
If either or both of you beastmen have eyes for the southern coast, I'd be glad to pledge my boats for your hooves. We could loot more as one force than separate.

Good to know, I figure that we’ll take Lanu’s advice and complete one more round of raids to build up our forces, and then we can make a mass naval rush on the Kislevite end of the map. It’s a juicy target, with all those cities present, but by definition resistance will also likely be heavier there.
A worthy crucible! We'll break ourselves on Kislev or be reforged! My own men can keep their infantry at bay, while your horns batter down their walls.
Do we get loot from defeating enemy forces or only from raiding their settlements?
Chaos Knights crush the Militia North of the closest village, Slaves push through the village, Horse Archers maintain mobility harassing the Strelsy to keep them at bay, Cataphracts push through the village after the Slaves soften them up. Ideally my whole warband will remain on open plain tiles in order to maximize their speed of movement until they hit the next village, at which point they'll ford the river North using the two open tiles. At that point, I'm either withdrawing or making my way East over the hills to strike at the settlements on the other side of the lake, dependent entirely on whether or not my neighboring raiders are willing to join in the attack.
Rue'Vahn, I appreciate the info, but as it stands I have no footmen besides your slaves.
Any bonii to sacrificing people to the Chaos Gods?
Alright then. If oog the both of you are interested in fighting the skinwolves, then Rue’Vahn would be willing to tell you since you’re the best equipped for it anyways.
If I had loot to spare, then I’d offer to donate some wealth to the both of you as thanks for taking the job everyone else is scared of. So instead, I’ll try to commit to helping with the herdstone when you guys eventually decide to strike deep into the South
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>Do we get loot from defeating enemy forces or only from raiding their settlements?
Loot is only gotten through raiding.

The wave of slaves is rushed forwards and trades blows equally against the kislevite militia. The two mobs smash into eachother and the Kossars outside of the walls are swept away, while the slaves sent at the village are killed off. Then, the heavy chaos knights charge the exhausted militiamen and drive their great lances through them, while the cataphracts ride northeast and set flame to the other village.

>1 slave is dead
>20 loot is gained
Nice, how much loot am I up to? Are we able to take captives from our raids?
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Turn 9:
The Strelsy make a pincer attack at the horsearchers. For now they are alive, but that will merely buy Hangar time to flee.
>I very seriously recommend everyone to disengage. Your units are almost universally near dead and those that aren't are outnumbered by the few Kislevite units you do see.

You're up to 50 loot I believe.
As for captives, they're a part of the loot.
As for sacrificing, randomly, no, it can be a bit of fluff. However, you might get a interraid event in which you can do so for actual boons.
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Turn 9:
The Strelsy viciously fall upon the Hung savages crossing the river. Before they can react, a volley of shot has pierced them and a horde of scarlet clad axemen descends down, cleaving them apart in great blows.
No problem. MY knights will pull back into the open plains and wait for Hangars Knights to crest the hills and will take up the rear guard while disengaging.

the slaves will already disengage and if need be return to the steppes. unless Hangar wishes me to follow him. Mulrog has found a certain respect for this Warlord.
Ivan collects the captives taken on his raids & asks the young men who among them are the best runners. Of these he selects a Gospodar, a Roppsmen, an Ungol, a Hung, a Kurgan, a Norsii, & a Teutogen (Reichsman/Imperial). Each of them he marks with a scar upon the face mimicking his own, embedded with a small sliver of warpstone.

"You will spread word of my reaving, & my inevitable return. You will tell your people to rally behind me, to gather at the pyramid of skulls that mark Zar Ivan's Bloody Charge. Your scars will mark you as my vassals when next I raid, while all who do not swear themselves will be marked for death."

Each of them is allowed to keep enough supplies from the last village to survive the foreseeable future & is told to scatter to the winds in search of their people, whether they be slaves, nomads, villagers, or urbanites.

The newly titled Zar Ivan withdraws to the Kurgan Steppes with the slaves & loot he has gathered.
Actually, it’d be 52 Loot since I’m giving Ivan some of my spoils right now as per >>5981460 and more will be given after next raid

Can I just say 'I disengage' yet? Because, yes, I'm riding for the north as soon as I can. How far away do I have to get from Kislevite units to disengage mine?
I'm also curious, how far do I need to get to fully withdraw? If the Strelsy engage my forces, the Slaves will presumably get caught since they're the slowest on open ground; should that happen, I'll use the distraction to wipe out the pursuers. Otherwise the Horse Archers will perform a fighting retreat if they're caught up to.
In this case, you can, as you're far enough to escape safely, with the exception of Hangars HA.
since he can disengage most his units now i would like to joing him.

As the Warlord rode with his Knights across the hills the somewhat mauled horde of Mulrog joined him.

the blood covered warlord seemed in good spirit. "A glorious raid. The Gods will surely approve of the carnage we wrought. As thanks for your support of dealing with the cowards in the hills i wish to repay you." Mulrog called out flanking the other Warlord with his own Chaos Knights.

i am offering to fight with you in the next raid and if you wish support during the off season while we rebuild. if you do not wish Mulrog to come with you he will just return to the steppes to recruit new horses.
In that case, I disengage with my Chaos Knights and Cataphracts. The Horse Archers strike out south and kill the Strelsy unit crossing the river, and then go to the gods with a blooded song on their lips as the other Streltsy overwhelm them.
I'll hold off on my selection until I see what awaits me upon the Steppes of the Great Kurgan.
Hangar laughs loudly, throwing back his helm as the gore drips from his moustaches. "A Glorious raid indeed, and plenty of southlander souls sent wailing to the gods. Your support is welcomed, Mulrog. When we ride south again I will welcome your strength on my flank."
Give me some 10ish hours to sleep.
Sarrick, if you want, you can safely raid that village and that castle and disengage.
Yes please. That was my plan anyway. Irritated I lost those savages as there was no need for it, and I very nearly didn't move them, but as I'd already drawn the arrow in paint I left it on the grounds that there probably wouldn't be any problem from it. Alas, those strelsy were waiting for just such a mistake.

Still, by my count I'll be making out with 60 loot so I won't complain too much.
I'll check again in some 12 to 16 hours myself, rest up QM
Oh and please, I'll need the locations of where you retire to (norsca, beastherds, eastern steppes, hung wastes).
Fuck, yeah my bad. I'm heading back to sweet home hung land.
Eastern Steppes of the Great Kurgan
It looks like Zar Torchak died during the raids (dude never posted to enter the battlefield/ghosted the thread). This conveniently enough left an opening for Ivan to claim the title of Zar of the Kurgan raiders furthest to the West. Can his 6 Horse Archers be split amongst the 3 Kurgan Warlords (Mulrog, Hangar, & Ivan)?

Could be fun to turn this into a side-quest for the Kurgan players as well
Works for me! I'll gladly bring along my Ungors for a glorious raid!
Okay then, with Ivan done and the prep for the next raid beginning, I'll sell the unit of slaves that returned for six loot. That, plus my four original leftovers plus the ten I got from raiding that one village, minus the two I gave to Ivan as a thank you should leave me at 18 to spend.
I'll hire two units of Norscan Bondsmen for 16, which leaves me with 2 loot remaining.

Rue'Vahn will ask Hangar if he thinks the warlords should come up with a plan for Fort Otrosk? It's an important enough target that just "winging it" seems risky. The reason he's bringing this up is because Rue'Vahn doesn't feel like it's his place to personally organize such an assembly; it'd be undermining Hangar's authority.
Maybe start off with a head count of who is even interested in the first place? From there perhaps a way to decide upon how the loot will be split if victory is achieved?
eastern steppes. its time to go back home and get more horses.

"We will certainly need our strongest warriors massed to break Fort Otrosk. The Fortress Severnostepsk held powerful Kislevite Lancers inside their walls; the defences at Otrosk will be more formidable and backed up by a greater amount of forces from the surrounding lands. With your plan for Krantagarh, Huffud and Gorebow to take their next season campaigning against the Skin-wolves, we would be missing much of the meat. When we strike against Otrosk, we should all be there."
Eastern Steppes
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Alright, now that pretty much everyone has retired for the season, I'll finish up my prep for the next time. I've got a Warbeast and two units of Norse Bondsmen, which should hopefully be enough.
Here's what I plan to do for the second raid. I'll attack Tarnovo, then cross the river and head for the tier two settlement. If my units are still looking healthy, then I'll double back towards the middle and assist with whoever is attacking there.
What do you guys think?
The Hung tribe of Sarrick Whispersoul greets him with joy and a great fat beast of chaos is slaughtered, its meat and fat roasted over the flame to greet him and his returning warriors.
Amidst the celebrations, a certain someone catches Sarricks attention:
>A strange sorceress from a different tribe, clad in fine tan robes, gently leaning against Sarricks arm
>A famous hunter of the tribe that bid Sarrick good fortunes and sacrificed the last of his beast stock in Sarricks fortune
>Sarricks old mentor, a cranky old fool that had helped Sarrick get started on his way of sorcery

Zar Ivan's return to his tribe was celebrated, as he was the greatest of warchiefs of the great raid of 2537 and as he and his tribe will undoubtedly enter the books and the tomes of the the southernlings. Wine flowed freely, slaves were brought up for the warriors to pleasure themselves upon and a great many of the flock were roasted.
And then, during the height of the celebration, came forth a:
>Warrior clad in chaos plate, leading forth his armoured steed and shouted "I came from the wastes leading my band of brothers! Will you take over the grand host that pushed south so we know to follow you, for we will accept no lesser leader!"
>Sorcerer, with the head of a lizard and bid thee "Oh great Zar, abandon your anger towards the Ostrosk and the vile deceptress that dons the image of the crow! She will harm the four lords of chaos which you have always followed! Turn your anger and your host towards Ormfell, where the vile Sarls dwell and punish their chief who goes against the wills of the four! There await for you great riches and blessings from the four!"
>A drunken shaman "I see great fortunes if you continue as you do currently! None of the four are displeased with you, or else I'd be struck down from the heavens for uttering this!"

Magors northwards journey finally brought him to his dark and brooding grove, where his hordes replenished in their hunts and orgies around their herdstones, where feasts and rapes were held, until one day, Magor was brought at a:
>A female Hung savage speaking wild things beyond reason of normal men
>A wounded troll that spoke of great riches and revenge
>A tiger headed beastman from Ind on the edge of death
Mulrogs return, while showing only a greatly diminished force is still greatly celebrated, prized cattle are slaughtered and fatty meat is eaten in a great hall. Yet something dug at Mulrog and one night he arose:
>with a crow pecking at his face. Shooing it away, it spoke "Turn back from this! Plunder Praag instead!" Then, it flew away.
>from a pleasant dream. Getting up, he realized he had grown in size and that his bed had broken under him, while his wife, standing at the doorway, wrapped in sheets disapprovingly looked at him. As he got up confused, he hit his head on the celling of the room. (Your unit of chaos knights receive +1HP and +1D)
>having seen a passage through the Goromadny mountains in the Belyevobota pass towards a lost dwarven hold, long abandoned from all

Hangar, the grand Zar of the horde of 2537 returns to his homeland, tired, bloodied, yet dragging a immense heap of wealth to his homeland, with his horde growing ever larger and his tribe prospering, now dressed in fine clothes and furs of the southernlings, getting drunk on the fine alcohols of the Kislevites and dining on the fatty meat of the whales from the norscans.
On his trip home, he was passing close to Karag Dum and he:
>bypassed it, not caring to slow his journey one bit
>entered there and sought council with the crow headed messenger, wherever the mysterious benefactor of this whole ordeal may be
>found a odd and unfinished marble statue of a woman seated on a chair precariously leaning on its last two legs, while the statue had its feet raised on the table, a cup of wine graciously in the grasp of one of the marble hands
And after he had finished, he was greated by his tribe that had:
>rallied behind his banners (gain 2 horse archers)
>sent nobles to join his ranks (gain 1 cataphract)
>called on start settling the slaves so they may work form him and his tribe (found a settlement for each 5 loot invested, said settlements will give Hangar 1 loot on each interraid)
Correct me if i am wrong. I should habe 50 loot to buy morr stuff and i did keep my most expensive stuff and some slaves intact.

Question. Could the hold provide a foothold for future expansions if IT could be secured?
Correct, you have 50 loot and you did retain your 1 unit of chaos knights and 1 unit of slaves.
>Question. Could the hold provide a foothold for future expansions if IT could be secured?
Mulrog can only find that out if he dreams of the passage.
Further question. The buffed damage and is only for the one unit of knights not any further units i might recruit now. Correct?
Yes, only for the one unit you have currently.
>from a pleasant dream. Getting up, he realized he had grown in size and that his bed had broken under him, while his wife, standing at the doorway, wrapped in sheets disapprovingly looked at him. As he got up confused, he hit his head on the celling of the room. (Your unit of chaos knights receive +1HP and +1D)

While gathering his New hosts using the riches He plundered from the southlands his promise always at the forefront of his mind.

So when the change came he embraced it, seeing it as a sign from the Blood God to bring ever greater carnage upon his enemies. Assembeling three more units of Horse Archers he also managed to procur the services of a unit of Cataphracts. The dlaves he still had would serve little purpose but looting and maayje taking the edge off a particular countercharge.

A surging bloodlust made him restless as the last Horse Archers were assembeled. Sending a raven to Zar Hangar he informed the Lord that Mulrog was ready and wished to know where their next conquest would be.

>Lizard-headed Sorcerer...
Lanu, what were your thoughts on divvying up Zar Torchak's Horse Archers among the 3 Kurgan Warlords (myself, Hangar, & Mulrog?)
I've half considered making them disperse back to the steppe, but I think I have a slightly more fun idea of what to do with them.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Caught up in the spirit of the Serpent, Magor finds himself in an indulgent mood. He feels the urge to take the Hung woman first, then listen to her story second. But the prospect of having trolls at his command and of great riches also entices him. Trolls who could perhaps make some fine half-trolls the next chance they take some women of the foe.

He defaces a gold coin, on one side the symbol of the serpent's head, the other of its tail.
>A female Hung savage speaking wild things beyond reason of normal men
Magor takes the Hung woman and bends her over for a night and a day, siring more ungors, then listens to her story.

These wild things may have lost reason, but no beast ever loses instinct. He shall find them, entice them with promises of much pleasure and excitement, for the glory of the Serpent
"The deceptress is not of this world!" The lizard headed man speaks. "Meet me after the celebration at the altar." He whispers as he breaks off from the party.
Ivan's visit to the altar finds the sorcerer anxiously glancing around, a dagger clutched in his hand.
"Explain yourself." Ivan orders.
"I received visions," whispers the lizard headed man "and not only from the weaver, but from the others aswell. And they do not favour her, they despise her. Do not bring their hatered down on yourself, but do not bring her wrath on yourself down either. Merely pretend you wanted more loot."
"This still does not explain it." Ivan replies. "Speak simply or don't speak at all."
The lizard headed man shakes his head, then pauses. A moment later, he speaks up again "What is the realm of chaos?"
"Where the gods dwell and work the world from." Ivan replies simply.
"Exactly, but it is not merely where our gods, or the gods of the southernlings live." The lizard headed man replies. "There are many other gods and not only those of our world either."
Ivan eyes the sorcerer.
"And these gods not of our world, or better said, not known by our world, are encroaching upon it. The raven headed thing merely takes the costume of one of Tchars servants. Her goals must be sabotaged and the gods would surely reward you."
"So why not kill her?" Ivan asks.
"Don't throw away your life." The lizard headed man replies with dismissal.

"I tell you, things are coming! Flee with your tribe, for all shall be put to the death!" The woman screamed, telling of great destruction. "Warriors shall come from the north and you and your kin will be slain! The followers of the four and the southernlings, all shall bend the knee or all shall die! The everchosen will be but a cupbearer!"
It quickly grew tiring, yet, it had impressed something, maybe a discomfort, maybe a fear, maybe a desire for migration.
>Magor's horde may retire to any forest that has more hexes than he has units
>bypassed it, not caring to slow his journey one bit
What more do I need, but a fleet steed beneath me as my riders ride home laden with plunder? If Tchar's messenger seeks to speak with me then that is my fate, and it will happen there or here."

>rallied behind his banners (gain 2 horse archers)
"To settle on the steppes is foolishness indeed; for too linger long in one place brings Nieglin's poxes and pestilence, and gives Tchar cause to warp and shift the land beneath. Those who stop looking to the new horizons and focus on their wants become indulent as pleases Loesh; and any settlement upon the steppes asks for Khorne's descending wrath. To survive on the steppes is to hold the fleetness of your steed secure by your strength, and outpace those few who can bring the ruin to you."
"For whose throat do you wield that dagger, and from whence have you came to the Steppes of the Great Kurgan? Does the Bird-Woman serve the Undoer"?
"I wield the dagger for the throat of any who do not serve the four. I am not certain of my safety, and neither should you be." The shaman replies, "And my name is Eric Avila, from Santa Magritta." he says as he ruffles his pockets and pulls out a old necklace with a token of Myrmidia, then tosses it to Ivan. "As for whom she serves under, I do not know, merely that whatever it is, it is not of our world."
So he's a Marrano? LMFAO
"Very well Lizard, you will serve me henceforth & ensure the favor of the Four is upon my raids. What have the Sarls done to displease the Gods? Their bodies will be trampled beneath a thousand hooves."
Can I recruit Norscans as it stands or would I need to withdraw from battle again to the Baersonlings' lands first?
Rolled 59 (1d100)

Presuming that I can't recruit Norscans from the Steppes, I'll allocate the following (otherwise I'm after some Huscarls)
52 Loot:
Chaos Knights -32
Kurgan Cataphracts -18
2 Loot
Horse Archers
Kurgan Cataphracts x2
Chaos Knights x2

Rolling to dream in the Astral Warp for signs relating to the Raven-Faced Woman, Eric Avilla, the Norscan Sarls, & the Pyramid of Skulls in the Wheatlands...
Is that in the Wheatlands?
Zar Ivan sends a raven to Rue'Vahn:
"The pure blood of the Great Kurgan flows through my veins, and the wisdom of my ancestors is maintained: I do not trust an Eastern Savage, for his word is only better than a Hobgoblin of Khazaria. Yet you have been blessed with a great bond by the Gods, which you have honored, and so the noble spirit of the Steppes must surely reside within you. Ride with me as I rise to rule the Kurgan, and I shall name you Khagan of the Hung as my domain expands. I ride for the Wheatlands, a stop on my way to raid further upon the shores of the Norscans."
>Can I recruit Norscans as it stands or would I need to withdraw from battle again to the Baersonlings' lands first?
Nope, you need to retire to Baersonling lands if you want to recruit Norscans.

As for your dreams, you see a vision of a walking corpse carrying the clay depiction of the tortured woman to the raven headed sorceress, yet as the walking corpse approaches, for a single moment, the clay depiction of a woman disappears and a large, proud and powerful figure appears next to the raven headed woman.
The next moment, the clay depiction is there, but only for a moment, as it and the powerful depiction appear and disappear, the whole world seeming to violently shake and shudder.
In the end, as the walking corpse hands the clay figure to the raven headed woman, he seems to first stumble a bit backwards, then in a violent and gory explosion, be propelled backwards, as if a invisible hammer of a dragon ogre hit him.
Ivan wakes up with a scream.
Lol I just realized the woman was speaking wild things beyond reason, rather than speaking *of* wild things beyond reason as though there were monsters to recruit. Ah well, a troll would have been nice, but there are always more opportunities. Chaos provides!

>The woman is annoying, but somewhat entertaining. Magor keeps her and has her gagged. Every now and again when he's truly bored, he'll listen to her ramblings and the men can laugh at the ridiculousness of it. Or tremble quietly for a good scare.

For now, we'll rejoin with Korthak. There is more raiding to be done!
Ill omens...
I'll ride once again through the Wheatlands, though it will likely be a short raid.
By the way, still here!

Krantargh, you alive?
Rolled 2 (1d3)

>A famous hunter of the tribe that bid Sarrick good fortunes and sacrificed the last of his beast stock in Sarricks fortune

Sarrick knew well not to trust one of his own kind. All sorcerers played games with their words, and even when they spoke the truth they used it to deceive. Great import could be found if what they said was untangled, but there was always a danger in that maze, one it had already taken him decades to free himself from in the case of his mentor. On the other hand the hunter was honest, his support exactly what it appeared, and of great value among their people.

Meanwhile, I believe I also have 60 loot. 20 from a bearsonling village, 10 from mugging Krantagarh and then 30 from the two villages in Kislev. The plan is probably to buy a warbeast and either more savages or horse archers, but I'll wait to see what mr hunter has to say first, just in case.

Yep, still here. Im pretty sure I got all my decisions out of the way early since my first raid was so short-lived, hehe.

I’m chomping at the bit to fuck up some werewolves
Yeah that's the easternmost section of the Wheatlands. I'm basically calling dibs on those villages if no one has a problem with that.

Rue'Vahn will send a messenger bird in response.
"I do not break my promises like some pawn of Tchar. My words are used to manipulate others, true, but I do not break my oaths.
I travel for the Wheatlands as well. I will ride with you, and support your rise amongst the Kurgan.
That said, I feel it is worth mentioning that I do this out of gratitude to you, rather than promises of power. I won't look a gift horse in the mouth, as the title of Khagan of the Hung is an alluring prize, but you saved my wife, and that matters to me above all else. The obsessions of Loesh are what own my soul."

Does Ivan share the secret about Lanu that he's been made privy to?
"Sarrick my friend!" The hunter said as he approached. "I see you have done good! Very good!"
The pleasantries were exchanged and as the conversation veered to the hunters life, he complained. "My foot was crushed and I grow old. I cannot hunt well no more, but it is what it is. I now wonder if you could do me a favour."
"Which one?" Sarrick asks.
"I have heard that in Norsca, beyond the Baersonling lands, but east of the Aeslings, dwell great mammoth herds. If you could steal some cubs for me, I could start raising them for the tribe." The hunter says. "I will be of use to the younglings who won't kill me for my uselessness."

>"Very well Lizard, you will serve me henceforth & ensure the favor of the Four is upon my raids. What have the Sarls done to displease the Gods? Their bodies will be trampled beneath a thousand hooves."
"A chieftain of theirs was cursed to serve them and has broken the curse. Such a thing cannot be allowed."
"Old friend, you ask for a favour and offer a service instead. Very well, mammoths for you and for the tribe, and death upon their tusks for our foes."


If the mammoths are further than the Baersonlings but east of the Aeslings, does that put them on this >>5981983 map around Kraka Drak? Or is there another one along the coast but before the Aeslings?

Would anyone like to join the Whispersoul on a journey to the north west, looting a few dwarf holds on the way? Obviously with our noble leader Hangar's permission, unless he desperately needs my forces to assault Fort Ostrosk?

Either way, I've decided on units Lanu, one unit of northern warbeasts and two hung savages for my 60 loot, please.
That would be a good test for my knights. Sadly the terrain does not seem suited for horses. So unless Hangar wants me to go there or goes there himselr i as Mulrog would habe to declinethe opportunity.

Also i dont think assaulting Ostorrok is in the cards right now. We are missing too much firepower and bulletsponges without the beastment
Further north of the Kraka Drak.

One question for Lanu before we embark on our mountain raid of the werewolves:

If my units are single-file, in back-to-back hexes in a mountain pass, can they swap positions using a movement point each, or would they need to exit the mountain pass entirely to change their unit order?

I know units block each other, even friendly units of the same army, but the mountain raid might take a long time if Huffud and I need to retreat out of the mountains once or twice apiece to reorient our troops.

Is there anything more I need to do regarding decisions, or do I start spending my loot now to prepare for the next raiding season?
I'll allow it. If two units on full movement are next to eachother, they can fully expend their movement to rotate.
Other than negotiate with other players, no.
I'm keeping it close to my chest for now since I'm not sure who is trustworthy, least of all the Raven or the Lizard. I'll be raiding from the Northwest of the Wheatlands, so if you're coming from the Northeast we can meet in the middle South before we head for unravaged lands.

A raven to Zar Hangar: "I ride once again for the Wheatlands to sow more bones in the fertile soil. The Raven-Hag chose you to lead our hordes, but the Skulltaker's favor was given to me by right of bloodshed. It is only right that the one to lead our charges be of the line of the Great Kurgan, & so I write winged words from one Zar to another. I will rejoin you from the West when I am satisfied of my raiding; then we shall split the spoils of the Dwarves & lesser men. Until then, trample all the Southlings with the favor of the Gods."
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>I'll be raiding from the Northwest of the Wheatlands, so if you're coming from the Northeast we can meet in the middle South before we head for unravaged lands.

Hmm, okay cool. If you're coming from the Northwest, then I assume that you'll be heading for this area that I circled in orange?
After I'm done with the purple circle, I'll head towards the orange circle to help you, or if you'd prefer, I can go waaaaaay south and meet you at the area in red.
100%, though I'll likely withdraw to Norsca once we've raided all we can.
Hmm. And I have 40 loot from my raid, 50 if Mulrog grants me half the Treasures of Korsov.

2 Chaos Knights
1 Kurgan Cataphracts
+ 2 Horse Archers (event)
+1 Chaos Knights (-32)
+1 Kurgan Cataphracts(-18)If granted 10 by Mulrog; otherwise 8 Loot in reserve.


"The Raven-Hag made no choice, Unbearable one. It was the whims of Tchar's fate and the number of Nieglin upon my die that set that fate upon me. Your victory on our ride was a glorious one; but we all reaped our bloody tallies. If you look to whom the gods have blessed it is Mulrog who swells with the vigour of their favour. May the gods yet favour our continual march."

"I also make my return to the Wheatlands, as the gods have set no clear path before me this season. The Kislevite lands will shake again beneath Kurgan hooves."

"Last season we cut at the Wheatlands. This one, let us return to fall upon them with greater force."

"The Mountains are Ill-suited to my riders, Sarrick. Though the Mammoths are of interest, this is not a march I can join upon without first knowing a clear path. May the gods grant favour and vision."
Huzzah, and well-met! We'll be glad to have your hundreds of hooves at our sides. With Krantagarh and Huffud off in the hills, we'll have room for as many of your Ungors as can fit. I think we could reave down that Wheatlands river, despoil the southland and be back up, backs loaded with gold by the season's end. Failing that, we could strike at the heart of the Baersonlings and carve our names in the sagas. You're the more veteran of us so I'll defer to your judgement. What say you?
Dropping this link to a 'yuge amount of fanmade WHFB army books for inspiration:
i did already spend most my loot and have only two left.

i can give you the two i have left over from my purchases. which would give you the ability to recruit another unit of Horse Archers. Which is better than nothing i would guess.
I'll try and get the deployment maps ready today.
I need to finish up the northeast Norsca, touch up southern Kislev and do the changes within the Wheatlands (Kislevites wouldn't just not prepare for future raids).

No worries QM, we’ll wait patiently.
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Deployment map for the Wheatlands:
As previously, deploy where you desire to deploy to, just mark your units with a letter.
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Deployment map for Kislev, the Baersonling lands and the Dwarven hold of Kraka Ravnsvake and the Ulfwerenar.
And of course, draw your first turn in addition to your movement. You don't have any enemies in your line of sight, no matter where you deploy.
I'll try and make a single big reply after everyone put their movements.
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Here's my deployment, QM.

Should we deploy first and then make our movement orders after? I'm a bit nervous giving movement orders without knowing enemy locations, etc etc.
>Should we deploy first and then make our movement orders after?
You have no reason not to make your movement orders aswell.
But if you want to wait for other people to deploy and move first, go for it, just be aware of being cockblocked by a different player.
>I'm a bit nervous giving movement orders without knowing enemy locations, etc etc.
You don't have any enemies in your line of sight, no matter where you deploy.

Hmm, okay.

1)Minotaurs and southernmost Gors attack two hexes southwest to assault forest villages. Minotaurs enter and loot town if possible.

2) Centigors and northernmost Gors attack one house village on the coast (Centigors moving two hexes northeast), Gors enter village to loot if possible.

3) Ungors trail behind Minotaurs, move two hexes southwest
Wait, you're striking at the Baersonlings?

Oh, my mistake - I thought these were enemy villages because they were marked in red but now I see that this is the same location as my previous raid, I’m an idiot. I’ll fix my orders in a few minutes.
No problem, don't worry about it.
Maybe we should only do minimal plunderin in the Wheatlands and push through to the other side of the mountains. The wheatlands are gonna be cramped for the forseeable future

What do you think?
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Here's my second attempt. Basically, minotaurs go in the mountain pass first to attack the first werewolf village, the two units of Gors follow behind, then the Centigors, then the Ungors.
My forces gather at the site of Ivan's Bloody Charge, the Pyramid of Skulls.
Oh yeah, the WAP, I got that.
I also use WFRP, MadAlfred and Hypothetical war, aswell as random pdfs i find by searching around.
Any specific deployments in mind?
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That's one way to look at it.
The other is that we might have the forces gathered to break EVERYTHING in the Wheatlands on this raid. Let us sack these lands in the name of the gods and claim their soil for the Zars of the kurgan!

We gather near to the river on the east, and launch our attack by marching the Chaos Knights forward upon the village there! If our charge of Knights kills the defenders there then the Cataphracts can march in and seize the place.
I was hoping my prior efforts at recruiting would bear some fruit there, but if I don't see anyone gathered I'll push on South towards the hills
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here is my plan! Much-very complicated, I know
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The Meeting between Mulrogs Horde and that of Zar Hangar had been a tense one. The warriorlord that had once been so clearly human now strained in a new massive harnish that had been forged for him. Where Mulrog once swung a rune covered Longsword it now looked like a shortsword on his massive stature.

To compensate the Warlord had taken up a massive Axe and rode proudly at the head of his host of Chaos Knights.

On his command his Archers galloped behind Hangars Flank and swung around, flanking the Zars Forces on the other side.

"Greetings Hangar. I come to fulfill my promise and raise monuments to the Skullthrone. Let this season be a bloody one and many a skull be offered to the brass Lord!" the massive Warrior shouted with barely contained glee in his voice for the slaughter yet to come.

After a short tactis meeting they got into position Mulrog choosing to assault the more fortified village immediatly to sate his bloodlust.

hope this is suitable enough for the beginning of the conquest.
Your leftmost chaos knights overlap with Hangars horsearchers, I believe.
Alright. Shouldnt they already have mobed by the time i place my units? But i can change that if you need me to. Just a minute

No, wait, Huffud! You’re attacking the wrong way! Attack the towns to the south.

If I have time later I’ll RP a post about the dummy Minotaurs getting ready to attack the wrong towns…
Alright. Shouldnt they already have mobed by the time i place my units? But i can change that if you need me to. Just a minute

Very sorry about that. Put down a wrong name
Sure, makes sense, we can go down that reasoning.
i will just fix it. the slaves dont matter much anyway.

just ordered the units a bit to the right. the slaves dont matter much. they are there to take a countercharge or something.
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lmao, I fucked up. Aight, turning the gang around!
...what happened to Mulrog??
It's okay, I get what you want to do.
You're supposed to deploy on the side of the yellow line that says "DEPLOY HERE".
I'll put you on that side and I'll have the minotaurs march down the mountain pass towards the Ulfwerenar.
mulrog is a massive dude now.

got an upgrade that increased the damage and HP for my Chaos Knights that was triggered by Mulrog growing large enough to crush his bed and when getting up hitting his head at the top of his tent..

so i was thinking he is probably the size of a small Ogre now. so he can no longer really be called human which is why i said he once was so clearly human. he is now too large to be called human.

also picking up an Axe is just the Khornate thing to do.
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Like roughly this size from normal human to the left to mulrog on thr right
damn. That's cool! I'll have to look for upgrades like that too!
well it was an event reward from between raids. you might get something as well if you do something cool or interesting enough for Lanu even before the next intermission.
Also had a minotaur shaman dedicated to Tzeentch as an Idea. But wanted to go much more into the normal Chaos Lord vibe
The march from the Beast Lands had been a fast enough - lust for revenge had quickened Krantagarh's hooves, along with those of his forces. His last raid was a near-failure - saved only by the cowardice of the Bearsonling villagers, who had capitulated rather than fight to the last. The shame caused Krantagarh to stew in fury for weeks, and pushed him to plan a daring assault. He would bring yet another of the man-tribes to heel and thereby prove his value to the warmaster, Hangar, and to the gods.

The words of yellow-eyed Vonok, bray-shaman, fed to Krantagarh's bloodlust as well - he had shadowed Krantagarth's troops, overseeing their transport of the massive herdstone. His hacking coughs grated upon Krantagarh's nerves, but the old seer was above reproach - Krantagarh was too old and wary to risk the wrath of the gods by harming him. It was Vonok who had introduced him to Huffud, the strange she-beast. Krantagarh had never met a minotaur like her - more bovine than most of their kind, she apparently lacked the capacity for speech. And yet, she commanded a small army of minotaurs all the same - a strange contradiction. Together, with Vonok's guidance, they had made their way back south, with Krantagarh's rage building all the while.

By the time of their arrival, Krantagarh was enraged, voracious and had worked himself up into a killing frenzy - he would taste blood and meat! He would consume his share of the enemy on the battlefield! Upon sight of the first village, he could not contain himself:

"WE. WILL. KILL! WE. WILL. KILL!" he chanted in his broken tongue, the army of Beastmen chanting along. Alongside him, Huffud bellows in time, her forces joining in. He lifted his great-axe in the direction of the village, preparing the order to assault - to feast upon the man-lings, and then -

"Lord. Please!" one of his lieutenants said, tapping him on the shoulder, speaking in the broken tongue of beastmen. Krantagarh turned to him, beady eyes narrowed with killing lust.


"Is. Wrong. Village....They. Surrender. Before."

Krantagarh peered back at the town...hmm. So it was. Hmm. Perhaps he had been over-eager, he thought.

"Hooves. March. Southwest!" he ordered, attempting to save face. Behind him, he swore he heard suppressed chuckling, but when he looked, he only saw the serious faces of his subordinates staring back at him. Hmm.
it seems that, though Huffud's gifts lie more in might than in brains, she is more than smart enough to understand the order to turn around- and she only needs to have the order repeated once!
Honestly getting more into this qst as it goes, pretty hype to become the Everchosen at some point

Captcha: M002
Guess that means I need to recruit Beastmen.

Tbh, I’m looking forward to when the warband starts infighting and we all start clobbering each other
Chad mini craftsman.
Yeah, especially since in my headcannon (that this is operating on), some faggot called Diederick Kastner got lynched in his village upon people finding out he was half Norscan.
Right now I see 4 friction points.
General loot distribution
Pro raven-head or anti raven-head
loot distribution is gonna be a huge thing when settlements get rarer and more difficult to plunder.

but Mulrog so far is blisfully unaware of the pro and anti rave-head conflict. he just wants to kill shit.
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After several days of meditating naked in the snow, Korthak's cold induced delirium filled him with visions of slaughter. Not to the south, but the west, in the lands of Kislev. His men were unproven, untested, but that was no matter. They would reap skulls from their petty townships or they would go to Kharneth with a warcry on their lips.

A change of plans, with the Zars striking south, the pickings will be slim. The Baersonlings have let us winter in their holds so I see no call to strike them, not when the warmth of Kislev beckons. Join me, and we can see their feeble civilization laid low!

This goes for any of you in this or future raids, if we march in one host, I'm more than willing to split the plunder however many ways. As long as I get the chance to take a worthy share.
Give arrows for movement.
And keep in mind, both hills and streams slow your units down to 1 per turn, except streams give you a massive initiative debuff.
Now that is rad.
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Looks like no one wants to join me playing pokemon go with mammoths. As Krantagarh and Huffid already jam up the hills (plus I assume Krantagarh probably isn't on speaking terms with Sarrick) and in the Wheatlands my slow ass infantry will just get left behind and/or run over by kislevite cavalry, looks like it's time to head north on a solo adventure to play pokemon with mammoths.

gotta catch em all

First though, we need to break through the dwarf holds of Sjoktraken and Khazid Borgkarag. Sarrick has split his forces. In the north, he leads a force of Hung and his new Chaos spawn along the coast towards Skoktraken. He orders his hung to restrain their bloodlust for now and use the hills and forests to mask their approach.

To the south, his most trusted warriors advance towards Khazid Borgkarad. In the barren valley it will be harder to approach unseen and the stream hampers their progress, but on the narrow front their massed ranks mean no enemy force could meet them without being pincered between two of their formations.

So I'm hoping that the dwarfs are actually a good match up for me. I would guess they're slow and have high hp, and so low initiative. The hung savages with relatively high initiative and damage should work pretty well as long as they can double team enemy units.

Also, a question for our lord and savior Lanu. Is their any mechanical difference between the light blue streams and dark blue rivers beside boat access?

Agreed. Later if I post without map I might pull some of my own models out too.
>Also, a question for our lord and savior Lanu. Is their any mechanical difference between the light blue streams and dark blue rivers beside boat access?
So far none.
i might have come to help out but my cavalery is not very suited to fighting in the hills. though i might be interested in grabbing some of those mammoths for myself in the future.

might post more models later. though a good chunk of my chaos army for fantasy is not painted.... yet.
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Certainly so! This is a bit brazen without any Huscarls or Chaos Warriors but I'm confident I can take more loot than I lose with this westward invasion.
Based risktaker. Let's see if it works out. I have made wrong predictions with my own ideas so far.
Also, I just noticed a mistake I made. You both cant move nor place units on the mountains (the darkest brown tiles).
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As long as I get first dibs my hope is a future involving mammoths for all.

I'm part way through a daemons army, more for 40k at thats what my group plays, but luckily the models cross over so I can still flex my power level

Korthak, we could potentially look at something like pic attached depending how our initial battles go. It's mostly rough terrain towards fort Ostrosk from here, so our infantry are at less of a disadvantage against the kislevites then they would be in most places.
Thank you for clarifying that, I'll correct it here...

If the northernmost Bondsman isn't slain by whoever's garrisoning the town, the Berserker moving into his position will stay put for that turn. I'm confident our numbers can overwhelm the Stresly surely garrisoned there, even with the disadvantageous terrain...

I was thinking likewise and would be glad to lend my axe to your banner. The dwarves spook me somewhat, as my units are squishy and the dwarves are decidedly not.
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May the dark gods forgive my retardation. Then again, I am following the Blood God, and he's pretty lenient in that respect, as long as I can get results.

Yeah. Summoning demons will have to be something we try out later. I wonder if we could expend resources to summon demons onto the field in case we have some very heavy resistence we would like to expend troops on that wont stick around anyway
You sure you don't wanna move your southern wing? Those bondsmen and berserkers will be mighty vulnerable in that stream.
Nice model
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Oh hell, I forgot the arrows. I know I don't physically have a brain anymore, but I didn't think it would impact my short-term memory this much, ahahaha.
khornes greates champions have Brawn and brains.

not that mulrog is that much of a tactician and planer for his campaigns.
It's okay, it takes a bit of time to get used to doing this.
I think we're still waiting for Rue and Magor.
I will join Korthack!
And post movement soon as I can.
That they have. I hope to prove my brawn worthy in winning a southern king's ransom in gold, or a worthy death at the end of a Kislevite blade.

All things will come, in time. I do not fear Nieglin's creeping rot, but I respect it.

Up axes, beast-brother! With our hordes joined to one, we'll crush mother Kislev's icy bones underfoot!
Look, I honestly don't mind if other people wanted to go for those villages even after I called dibs beck in >>5984229 and >>5984315
If other warlords want to raid those places, then that's fine by me. I shouldn't have priority simply because I spoke about them first.

But what I am pissed about is that no one said anything until now. If I had several irl days to rethink my plans then it'd be fine, but this is declaring your intentions at the last minute. So now I've got to rethink my entire invasion path on the same turn that we're deploying.
My Hung brother, everyone knows Kurgan can't be trusted.

Tough talk from a common bandit…

having fun with this trashtalk fellas, hehe
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Alright then Ivan, since there's been a change of plans, I guess I'll be joining you in the west. How does this rough draft for an invasion look?

Each of the two circles has 50 loot worth of villages. You pick the one that you want and I'll take the other; that should be fair to split. Afterwards, if our troops still have enough health, we can ride south to those towns in the lower hills.
What do you think?

Lmao, chaos really is it's own worst enemy sometimes
>Common bandit
from a literal animal

100% chance of eventual wizard v minotaur showdown
<insulting cow noises>

Krantagarh has learned to enjoy the tangy flavor of wizard, manling…
I'd appreciate some more visual descriptor of your deployments other than "at the pile of skulls".
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Oh my bad. I was gonna wait till Ivan picked which circle he wanted, but I'll deploy now if you'd like.
I'll have the two units of Bondsmen start closest to the river, with Sunset and the warbeasts covering the western flank. I'll use the tokens once I find out what Bondsmen look like.

Also, sorry for the delays. I had my turns all planned out ahead of time but then the rug got pulled out from under me.
Looks good to me, my forces are more mobile so I'll take the purple circle.

Lanu, I was referring to the site of "Ivan's Bloody Charge" as marked on the map & where I told those I spared (& began mutating) to gather. Put me on a course for the westernmost village within the purp-pink circle, with a formation of Horse Archers ahead, Cataphracts side by side, & Chaos Knights side by side in the rear. A pentagram formation appropriately enough.

Rue'Vahn's Bondsmen can ferry his forces directly to the settlements along the lake via boats correct?
If Ivan could read I'm sure he would be very upset

By the way Lanu, are there any other tribes/ethnos of Chaos worshippers & raiders besides the Albion(ites?), Norscans, Kurgan, Tong, & Hung? The wiki mentions Dorstans, though I think that's a typo.
Jackieee, one more thing! (hopefully someone gets the ref)

Zar Ivan has ravens prepared for when he reaches the Pyramid of Skulls, which he stacked in honor of the Blood God, to scatter to the Eight Winds; written in the dried blood of sacrificed Strelsy is the following: "Riders of the fallen Zar Torchak heed the call of the Four's favored; Zar Ivan the Unbearable claims your bows as his and his plunder as yours. Gather at the Skulltaker's mound that marks my past victory to reap the blood of Kislevites and rich Southlings further afield, or languish in death with no fame to your names."
What's your next move, & does it involve a neverending horde of satyrs?
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Now, since I doubt Magor would deploy in the Wheatlands and since I have some free time, I'm doing this a bit ahead of time:

Zar Hangars horde rushes forwards, with Chaos Knights slamming into the defences of a petty village. Yet the most dead on your side are from the Kurgan cataphracts as they are the ones to most aggressively strike at the village, to draw the enemy fire and to enter it.
>Hangar has 10 loot. Cataphracts received 1 damage.

Mulrog the cruel's forces take more losses than Hangar's, as while his forces, crossing a stream, perform comparably to Hangars, only losing cataphracts and clearing out a impressive town, his horsearchers on Hangars flank first fall under fire from the strelsy atop a hill, which they clear out in bloody combat, only for another formation of strelsy to march upon the same hill and engage in a repeat of the fight.
>Cataphracts received 1 damage. 2 units of horsearchers received 1 damage each.

Yet what awaited them on the other side of the river was of more interest. Some of Zar Torchak's horsearchers, under employ of Kislevites and marching ahead of a Kislevite Ungol horde, watching the river crossing.

Meanwhile, Rue'Vahn and Ivan both found themselves facing a similar situation. Kislevites watching the hills, while the Kurgan of Torchak stand under the Kislevite banners with Ungols following in a line behind them.
Any good nomad knows, allegiances are fickle things and sway in the direction of loot. What may the hosts of Chaos offer to buy the loyalties of the Kurgan horsearchers already under the employ of another?
Oooooohh, things have gotten interesting

Question for the QM: if we defeat the Kislevites who have left their villages in order to fight us on the open fields, will our troops receive damage if we raid an undefended town? Or is it completely safe to attack empty villages?
Also, I’ll re-ask Ivan’s question about whether or not I can ferry my forces across the lake via boats.
>Or is it completely safe to attack empty villages?
>Also, I’ll re-ask Ivan’s question about whether or not I can ferry my forces across the lake via boats.
Yes, but you move at the speed of 1 per turn and you're still as vulnerable as ever when crossing a regular river/stream.
Now that I have some free time, look at the map where my allies are deploying and basically deploy behind/beside them.
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If I am backing up Korthak, there really isn't a lot of room to maneuver through this valley. So I'm going to need to just follow behind him until more space can be cleared.

I'm hoping its possible the single hex behind a unit can provide archer support, otherwise, well, we'll just need to move out of this valley and onto more open ground.
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The march of the chaos hosts in the north finds little opposition in most places so far, with the exception of Korthak's raid, which, in its northern branch finds a heavily defended fort. The initial clashes are bloody, leaving half of the bondsmen and a third of the strelsy dead and the river flows crimson with the blood spilled.
In the next clash of arms, the bondsmen will be dead to the last, but a unit of berserkers could clear the strelsy up, butcher them to the last and carve a opening.

Also a thing I forgot for >>5985693
The battle of Strelsy hill left 1200 dead (800 strelsy and 400 horsearchers) and is a pretty impressive feat of butchery. Mulrog's horde has raised a nice monument.

Turn two begins
Also, stacking up units does not give combat benefits, only the first unit provides anything. It does however let you flow in multiple units against the enemy if your own units die quickly enough.

Uh, is there an update for the beastmen or are we deploying in Turn 2?
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Shit I forgot. I also missed a tile for the Ungors to move to. I fixed it. Also, I'm buffing the minotaurs, they can see over hills when they're on hills.

Hehe, no problem.

My Minotaurs advance two tiles southeast to fight the skinwalkers, followed by the two Gors units, Centigors next, last is Ungors
Whelp, my minos will move southeast in a line- it’s imperative that they stick to neighboring hexes, for the sake of swapping out when too injured

I figure if we get the werewolves to surrender early, we keep marching south through the mountain passes and see if we can hit an extra town or two on the other side?
They should have already gotten my message; Cataphracts shift to the tiles ahead of my Horse Archers, Chaos Knights follow their movement to flank the Cataphracts, thus a wall of 4 hexes just before the traitor Kurgan; my Horse Archers will use the opportunity once others are engaged to flank Southwest & head for the soft, gooey village center. Either the rogue Kurgan butcher their "allies" or get crushed into dust.
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the Battle of the Eastern hills will make for a formidable monument to the skullthrone and Mulrog feels pleased.

however noticing the forces of the late Zar Torchak's he groans in disgust at how quickly these kurgan warriors changed their alliegances away from those they at least shared blood with. Swallowing Bile he sends them a Raven with a clear message. Serve him and redeem their wretched lifes in the eyes of Khorne. Or if all they needed was money the would receive 1/10 of the loot of Mulrogs Raid if they turned upon the southlanders seeking to stop their passing..

Or be destroyed and crushed in the service of southlanders that would only seek to use them as mercenaries and share no heritage with them from the great steppes.

From Afar the near Ogre sized Warlord watches as his message is received and grips his Axe harder. a wild snarling smile splits his face while a second raven is send to Hangar offering him passage at Tarnovo which Mulrog just plunderd.
as for battleplans.

The horse Archers will do a little dance with the more southern of the injured units moving up and into the mountains to see if anyone else wants to come visit. the unit of Horse archers that has not been injured so far will move up to the edge of the water waiting for the response of the the Kurgan archers.

on the other Side Mulrog and his knights will plunder the city while the Cataphracts move up and around to make way for Hangars forces if he chooses to cross.
or if the switcheroo is not possible i will just opt to switch the two units around.
we shall see!
I mean- <agreeing cow noises>
i like to think Huffud is an agent of tzeentch and highly intelligent.

just pretends to be a morron so everyone else underestimates them.
<confused cow noises>
Beasts behind us, dogs before us! Forward! The gods never cared for those who spent themselves in peace!

The northmost Berserkers will attack first! If they win, excellent. If they lose, the Bondsmen on the hill behind them will take their place and attack, then the wounded Bondsmen will do the same.

I suspect there's militia defending that southern village, but settlements provide a +1 HP bonus to those defending them so the southmost Berserker will attack first, then the Bondsmen.

I'm confident we'll be recouping our losses, and then some.

(I'm assuming that units can attack based on proximity, instead of requiring movement into the enemy's hex. If not, this'll just be movement.)

Once this township's fallen, I'm confident we can rally and make a strike for the town to its southwest. It has some forested terrain the Ungors would be most pleased by. Failing that, we could strike for the villages to the south or southeast. I'll leave it to your discretion. The city to the far west seems like too tough a nut for us to crack but if you think your hordes can manage it, I'll back you to the last.
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I keep dropping these confounded map scrolls. Tchar's trickery is to blame.
units fight when next to each other.

the rules for this game and especially combat are here >>5978255
I thought so, thank you for clarifying.

Instead of moving to the west, the northmost Bondsmen will continue to strike at the Stresly, with all else going as planned. Sorry about that.
Ivan is simple man: he hates Hobgoblins, traitors, & Hung in that order. If the Horse Archers don't turn around, there will be unspeakable acts of torture, simple as.
lots of impalement and burning off the limbs?

that is something Mulrog could get behind. i will have to write down some notes
I have a little something in mind... I'll save it for the event of, but it involves delimbing for sure.
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With the Chaos Warriors in position, they launch a double pronged assault on Khazid Borgkarag. Hopefully the dwarfs will be caught off guard.

In the north, Sarrick's hung warriors creep into the forests around Sjoktraken, while the sorcerer holds his chaos spawn in reserve behind them.

Time to find out just how full of loot dwarf settlements are... and how tough their warriors are too.
Ivan, do you want to move your troops first and then I send mine where they are needed, or do you want me to go first and you strike where you can?

Another question for the QM: once combat starts, units obviously cannot disengage, but can they continue maneuvering around into tiles that are still adjacent to the enemy they are fighting?
Clobber them from the Eastern flank, although I'm anticipating the Kurgan Horse Archers making a smart choice rather than getting ground into dust. I was hoping you would be able to sneak up on the settlements along the lake via your Norscans after they're dealt with.
Rue'Vahn, here's my movement plan, hopefully it makes sense.
I think I understand it, but I'll wait for Lanu to post a picture just to be sure. A fight like this could cost us a lot, but on the other hand, Rue'Vahn is burning for the chance to make these scum pay for hurting his wife last raid.
The sight of Kurgan in the service of Kislev displeases Hangar. He rides over to speak with his shaman, for he has a message he wishes sent.

That evening, a bulbously swollen toad lumbers up to where the Kurgan horsemen in Kislev's employ are camped by the riverside. The bloated, stinking thing opens a mouth that parts with slick rows of jagged teeth that keeps on opening further, until the creature is near-inverted. From among the pulsating, pustulant guts the shaman's voice speaks to them.

"Breakers of oaths! Your service has turned to the southlands! You know that the great gods in all things will turn their eyes to those who stand against their whims and wishes; you know your families will spit and curse at your very memories no matter should you survive or fall in service to the mangy bear. And should you fall against us, their will be no honour or song to mark your passing."

"We will cross this river. We will break the whips of the Kislevite masters you have placed upon your own back. And if you stand against us we shall break you too."

"If you wish to survive as foe to the Kurgan, then turn south and ride; as fleet as your steeds will carry you unto the ends of the world. Perhaps you might even ride fast enough to evade the coming clash of arms; though you are fool indeed if you think the memory of your flight might ever be escaped.

If you wish instead for glory, then vow yourselves in silent service and do not stray from your camps, whatever command the southlanders task you. Once we have crossed the river and broken your new masters you might rejoin the bands of the Kurgan as outriders to share in our spoils and plunder. But know that if you draw blade against us then your fates shall be sealed, and you shall die as wretches in the mud, your names forgotten by all."


"The gods have truly blessed you with superior strength, Zar Mulrog; and with that boon to you they show where their favour truly lies, no matter how others might bluster and brag. As you offer, shall I acquiesce; I shall start my crossing of the river near your positions. Should those Kurgan across the river stay their hands and hold position then I would ask you to stay your hands against them; for they cannot easily rejoin our muster whilst the lances of Kislev hover at their backs. But if they ride against us, we must break them completely."

Hangar's riders move east of the broken village, and begin the crossing of the river in two places with Chaos Knights stepping into the stream to follow Mulrog to the far bank.
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Image got away there.
If they so much as make a move my direction i will show them why I am called the Cruel.

these Kislevites will be broken by our charge. if these leaves get swept up in the brawl then it will be their own fault
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As Korthak and his men move forward, my Ungors will follow suit. If at all possible, it would be nice to try and outflank the village from across the river.

I'd try to do so again from the north of said village, but I imagine trying to move up that much river is. . .difficult.

If only the Eagle gave us the gift of gills and fins
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Albion has a very small quantity of official lore so I'll take some fancannon. As for Dorstans, never heard of them. Dolgans are the closest thing I know.

The clashes between the minotaurs and the skinwolves prove a bloody and long affair, as both sides meet their equals or at least as close to equals as they can. Skinwolves are battered aside, minotaur flesh is rended and the hills and valleys run red.
Yet despite the best efforts, it seems like the next round of clashes will see the minotaurs safely taking the hillfort by themselves.

Before Huffund stands a choice, whether to split her forces up for faster clearing of the foe, or to keep it concentrated for whatever reasons and plans the warpstone eating cow can think up of.

The northern fort is cleared of defenders. While the bondsmen die to a man assaulting the fort, the norscan berserkers ambush the already exhausted defenders and butcher them to a man. It is now merely a question of continuing to stream the forces through the secured valley and to enter the fort and plunder it.
The southern village is likewise cleared without major losses for the berserkers as they manage to strike before the defenders. Yet again, plundering the village and continuing the forward stream is the remaining priority.

Magors horde will move down, streaming around the norscans with their lust for loot as strong as ever.

Sarricks hung warriors spot a duo of men observing them from a fortified outpost above the forest. It takes a split second for cold sweat to wash over them and for shivers to pierce them to their spines as the realize the potential for a warning for the dwarves, be it a horn, a beacon or a banner to warn them. Yet the men in the fortified outpost don't react, merely sitting on the ledges and preparing to observe the clash.
The chaos plated footmen however, engage in a bloody clash that is started by the dwarves, as the veterans pre-empt the charge, releasing a volley into the chaos warriors, surely a skill honed through decades of drill. Dwarves viciously fight, holding their towers, walls, tunnels and homes, as bolts, bullets, grenades, cannonballs, rocks and whatever else comes underhand is thrown, shot and launched at the four hundred chaos warriors attacking the valley fort. By the end, the chaos warriors fail to push the dwarves out.
(One of dwarven special traits discovered - first strike when defending settlement).
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The cataphracts and the knights line up, preparing for both the vicious fight with the Kurgan and hoping for a sweeping victory in case the Kurgan join them.
A raven returns from their lines. "Pay for our service or you shall be sacrificed to your gods."

Mulrog recieves a message via the raven. "One fifth and we side with you when you engage the Ungols, or you shall dig graves for your men."
The kurgan horsemen see nothing from the hill.
The town nets you 20 loot.

>but can they continue maneuvering around into tiles that are still adjacent to the enemy they are fighting?
Nope, they're stuck where they find themselves.
Rue'Vahn will also recieve a message demanding "We will take slaves, whether they be from your warriors or the kislevites you will pay us in, they shall make do."

The frog will not return, but a arrow will be fired over the river with a scroll of frog skin written in the dark tongue. "Payment, Zar Hangar. Payment for swords. You know your warriors too only follow you for the promise of plunder and southern women and drink."

Now, Ungors and Kurgans (and Rue'Vahn) have yet to move. Where they move depends on your response to them.

Thanks for update, QM.

Basically I keep fighting the skin wolves, no troop movements to make.

Huffud, you’re probably safe to split up and attack both werewolf villages since they’ll probably surrender before we kill all three units. I think it’s pretty likely that we’ll be able to move south out of the mountain pass and continue the raid
Thus read the raven reply: "Eight Winds; eight directions horses may travel with ropes & hooks to drag apart your bodies. When we charge, you shall flank to the West out of our way, the Ungols will be crushed into dust, & you will raid the villages to the East before us. Once the bloodletting is done, you will keep what you have taken, & swear yourselves to me."

The line of Cataphracts & Knights pushes towards the Ungols; if the Kurgans do not do as told, they are attacked as well. My Horse Archers follow behind & to the West to prevent any treachery from the other Kurgan when they flank the charge, positioning themselves to follow towards the villages or flank behind the Ungols as needed.
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Another Raven is dispatched this time at night so the Ungols can not spot it, agreeing to the Kurgans demands for one fifth of Mulrogs loot from this Raid if they serve him in turn. but there is also a warning that he gives no second chances and if they betray him he would show them why he is called the Cruel

to Hangar he dispatches a messenger to bring these news but also a warning to keep an open eye for treachery till these reinforcements have proven their loyalty.

as for Orders. The knights will advance witht he Cataphracts next to them and leave open room for Hangars forces to form a united front of steel with them. the Horsearchers will secure the river against any enemy stupid or brave enough to attempt to break through.

the slaves have to brave the river for the crossing but will next turn beginn to fortify the plundered town again. i want a foothold to fall back to if necessary.
<cow noises of “fuck it we ball”>

SPLIT THE COWS, one east and one south. Hopefully they can mop this up on their own- if they don’t… we have a problem

Also, how many troops are in a unit?
You might want to move your minotaurs after the fight. The village will probably be undefended then so you can plunder it and mobe foreard in case the other minotaurs need support later

I think they’re still slugging it out actually - if I had to guess, the skinwalkers have 3 or 4 HP, so it would take two turns of combat to kill them.

If I matters I would order a general advance down the mountain pass to loot the village and continue on
getting out of those mountains will be a pain. but then you will have an easy time in the woods beneath them. best of luck to ya.

i really wanna get my hands on some skinwalkers myself to get away from my crippeling in ability to fight in forests and hills.
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The Chaos Knights who had entered the fords line up with Mulrog in formation of the unified front, whilst more of Hangar's troops now start their own passage across the river.

"Then you have struck a deal, Zar Mulrog, and I will not gainsay your agreement; let us see if there Kurgan hearts still beat in those who followed Torchak south."
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Advice to my fellow warlords. Don't fight dwarfs. They're tough as fuck.

The Chaos Warriors continue the attack. I can only pray to the four that they hit the intact unit this time instead of finishing off the hurt unit.

In the north, the hung and warbeasts shuffle around so they can all attack at once next time. Hoping the big damage from the warbeasts means they'll be able to kill the dwarfs in one turn. Not sure who these humans watching us are. Seeing as they seem to be neutral to the conflict can I send a messenger to make contact and see who they are?
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In the wake of the slaughter on the streams, the sound of silence echoed. Only the crackling of Korthak's skull flame broke the silence as the berserkers busied themselves beheading the dead- friend and foe alike. In the days to come, their skulls would be crushed under a hundredfold hammer blows in tribute to Kharneth.

For had Kharneth not blessed them? Where they'd expected glorious sacrifice of themselves in praise of power, they reaped victory! In the eyes of some, this proved that the sight of the Blood God was on their warlord. Now, their doubts had been put to the blade, but the raiding season had only just begun.

"Forward! Take what you will and march! Valhalla awaits the first man to die in battle!"

"Beastman, I spoke true. One half of this loot will go to your horde when this is done and through. Let it be known that I care not for plunder, only the siren song of slaughter! I say we strike for the west and put their towns to the torch. The southern villages are meager and will have meager winnings, but the dark gods promise glory in struggle! Then again, a skirmishing force of your ungors to the south might keep the dogs of Kislev distracted... What say you?"

"Any man whose head doesn't rise past my waist worries me. If the dwarves have survived this long, they must be cruel indeed."
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An incompetent map thrall cries in terror as he experiences the spread eagle method of sacrifice.
>"We will take slaves, whether they be from your warriors or the kislevites you will pay us in, they shall make do."
Are they saying they'll join us if we pay them the same amount of loot as it costs to purchase a unit of Kurgan horse archers? Because if so, that's actually a good deal for me since Hung Horse archers cost 12 while Kurgan ones cost 10.
I have no loot to spare right now, but I'll send them a message saying that I'm fine with hiring one of them with the loot I'm going to get after raiding the central villages, assuming that sounds agreeable to them. If they agree then their task during the battle is to ride around and attack from behind, or if they feel like cowards, then at the very least to stay out of our way.
The only question now is if Ivan wants them or not. If Ivan wants them then that's fine by me, I'm just saying that if he doesn't want both of them then I'm willing to take 1 of the two.

Also, I'll post my movement in an hour or so when I get home.
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Actually wait, I just thought of something.
Lanu, if I move my bondsmen onto that nearby raided village, will they get the HP bonus from standing on a settlement? Or does that only apply to the enemy when they are the ones defending?

If the HP bonus still applies, then here's my movement plan. One of the bondsmen will take shelter within the ruins of the pillaged town to protect themselves from the enemy cavalry. Sunset and the warbeasts will move to be in the perfect position to decimate anyone who tries to surround the village, while also being able to protect the remaining Norscans who have hunkered down in anticipation of enemy charge. This also sets up a nice little "death valley" between the Bondsmen in the fields and Ivan's Cataphracts; suicide for anyone who charges in there.

If the HP bonus doesn't apply, then instead I'll reconsider and need some more time to plan for the battle
These people out here with tactics and scores of troops, meanwhile I’m just throwing two cows at a bunch of dogs

We don’t need to be smart, we got HOOVES and HORNS
Lanu, I need imaginary digitally described BLOOD, and I need it NOW, if you would be so kind. Are you running multiple qsts at once?

Rue'Vahn, you're offering to pay them later, I'm telling them to go do their jobs & pay themselves. Whichever move they make better be getting out of my way, that's my main concern.
Holy shit, Ivan really is favored by the gods
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The minotaurs, with a vicious roar, push forwards, their great bats, cleavers and clubs smashing into the skinwolves. The clash costs them mightily, yet they survive and continue onwards, marauding through the defenseless valleyfort.
>Minotaurs down to 1/5HP
>20 loot earned

Huffund's cow minotaurs split into two mobs, with the southern one reaching the goal village and starting the vicious and bloody combat with its defenders. Great bodies pile up on both sides.

Sarricks chaos warriors luck out, as the freasher mob eats the volley of dwarven shot, the mighty bullets piercing the plate forged by their flame worshipping kin.
The valley fort is cleaned out and not only is the weaponry and armor seized, but the rations, the decorations and even silver is scraped from the walls.
>30 loot earned
>both units of CW down to 2/4HP

As for the messenger, he heads to meet them, but doesn't return. A long wait later, another messenger is sent, who returns, but drunk and dragging a even more drunk first messenger.
"Tis a inn!" He says, attempting to stand straight. "Last 'ope inn!" He mutters. "'orscans run it! Good drink. Expensive. Place's built like a fort!"

Korthak's warbands enter the fort and the village, kill and enslave who hasn't ran away and loot and burn all that can't walk. Two pillars of smoke rise into the cold Kislev sky that day.
>30 loot earned
I moved Magors troops up behind Korthak's. If that's wrong, tell me.

It should have been me. Not him
I think you forgot to move the chaos spawn and savages in the north.

They were supposed to get into position to overrun the dwarfen village i think. >>5986648
As can be seen in Sarricks diagram
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The ravens stop coming as soon as Ivan sends his proposal to the Kurgans. You have to assume his offer was more to their liking.
>if I move my bondsmen onto that nearby raided village, will they get the HP bonus from standing on a settlement
The Strelsy descend down and engage in a vicious fight for the town with your bondsmen.

"We salute the Zar!" Says a lone Kurgan rider heading towards your lines. "We are fighting the Ungols! Join the struggle!"
>I chose to interpret your commands as move up the cataphracts and the knights to support the traitor Kurgan.
And it is bloody, as the Ungols manage to cut down one of the traitor Kurgan and one of your Cataphract units, but for no small price amongst their own, as charges and countercharges exhaust both the man and beast, only for a final charge of the kislevite infantry from the hills to decidedly butcher your cataphracts that moved up on the flank.
If nothing else, Khorne is pleased.

>Lanu, I need imaginary digitally described BLOOD, and I need it NOW, if you would be so kind.
Life's being a shit. Got a lot of stuff to do. Way too much.
>Are you running multiple qsts at once?
Dear god no.

As the chaos forces ford the river, the traitor Kurgan swing out wide to flank the knights, seeking to encircle them as the Ungols charge from the front.
Yet, just as the Ungols impact your lines, the traitors turn their lances and strike the Ungols in the rear, cutting their center in half.
By the end, twelve hundred Ungols lie dead, for the price of 200 Kurgan horsearchers and 40 chaos knights.
I seek a name for the battle.
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Yes, yes I did.
Turn 3 begins.
>I seek a name for the battle.

Charge of the Zars chosen
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Here's my movement for turn 3.
I know that initiative is predetermined or else decided via dice, but are we allowed to choose who we attack/deal damage to?
>but are we allowed to choose who we attack/deal damage to?
No : )
It's random, but you can somewhat influence it. Getting a bunch of high initiative units, like horsearchers lets you kill off units, potentially leaving only the target for your heavy hitters.
For your units, on open terrain, the initiative is warbeast>bondsmen. For most players, its HA>KC>CK.
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The coming charge was eagerly anticipated by Mulrog and he rejoiced while hacking his way through the Ungols that were so foolish in attacking them. But in a strange way he respected their bravery charging to, what promised would be, certain doom. A monument of skulls would be errected where they fell while some of the strongest prisoners were dragged off to recover and fight in the pits for their right to survive till they started embracing the glory of the Blood god.

For Orders the Horse Archers start the crossing while my knights and Cataphracts move over. The two traitor units are a scouting vanguard and will stay next to each other for now.

Slaves move into the towm and start fortifying themselves there

You can have at least one more settlement on the river. We will have to see what else we can plunder.
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Forward! Do you see how the Gods bless Korthak who is first into the village? Soon it shall be our turn!

(Also I just realized, I bought 2 more units of Ungors and I don't recall 2 units dying in the start of the game. Shouldn't I have 14 right now?)
I believe you lost a unit in the 5-6th turn, during the Ungor attack on the Bondsmen in the Baersonling lands, which put you down to 11 units from 12.
And I think you only bought 1 unit of Ungors:
>Chaos Wastes of course. And I believe I can afford one more unit of Ungors.
>If I split my 10 into 5 and 5 with Krantargh, I should be able to afford it but barely.
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Hangar's Knights advance with Mulrog, whilst behind them more riders step from the crossing to wheel out toward the left flank. Even the last of the Horsemen now start to cross.

"There will be more then that for the both of us in time, I am certain. Villages through the forest, villages to the south. But let us not scheme too far without knowing the awaiting foe; for the whims of gods mock presumption and cast plans to disarray."

My beastie boys all continue down the mountain trail, Lanu
Oh and keep marching east with the other minotaur. We need the cash
My HA was supposed to swing around to the edge of my forces to flank the enemy or push on to the villages, & all the rest of my forces should have charged right into the Ungols in a line. How much damage do Ungols dish out?

Chaos Knights push into the Ungols from the two Western hexes, Horse Archers not engaged move behind them to attack the Ungols from behind.

Hopefully the werewolves don't make us fight it out and they surrender before they maul your Minotaur units as well.

I'm basically going to retreat my minotaurs north through the central mountain pass back to friendly Bearsonling territory - they're too expensive to risk in further combat.

It's probably going to be a slog to get through the mountains here, but if Lanu time-skips us to the future, we could run into trouble if Magor or the other players track east in their own raids. So I think we just have to play it out one turn of movement at a time, unfortunately. Or maybe Lanu could have the surrendered Ulfwerenar reveal a "hidden path" of plain tiles through the eastern mountains that lets us move more quickly?
Really wish I could edit files on mobile, my movement has gotten all fucked up.
Cant you just download the picture to your gallery and edit it there?

That is what i did for my movement
If you're using android, pocket paint is a solid app for adding arrows.
Lanu, do the bright yellow hexes at the top left of this map signify anything? Is that a new terrain type we haven't seen yet or something else?

And praise to Tzeentch for twisting fate onto a path where my chaos warriors live.
after pillaging those two towns you could probably just retire already. you make 30 loot per town?

that is pretty lucrative.

though knowing that the dwarfs fight first anyway in settlements i might offer some support next time since the main drawback of the cavalery in that terrain is negligeble already so long as fighting stays contained to cities.
I think current plan is loot that second town, then visit the pub and retire early for the season. Maybe blow all my loot on norse units so I can sail across to mammoth lands next time.
The Ungols killed one of the traitor horsearchers and did -1 damage to the cataphract, which was then finished off by the militia and the strelsy rushing down from a hill.
I'll reposition them, but right now, they would have been positioned just south of the southmost chaos knight.

They're cutoff points for this map. You go to them, you go to the next map.
I'm waiting for Ivan's (hopefully visual) instructions and Korthak.
Skulls for Kharneth, gold for ourselves! Onward we go.

I think we ought to seize that town and I'll start heading in that direction, but do you figure that city on the stream inlet there is worth the extreme casualties we'd take trying to seize it?
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I don't know how I keep forgetting the actual raid post
because you want to sacrifice more slaves/thralls?

if that city is a dwarfen town your units wont get any hits in i think. just get slaughtered piecemeal since they have first strike and you will be in a river. i know not the one you asked. just giving my opinion
Units can at most get a single strike in. If Sarrick's lucky, his warbeast will tank the hit. If not, well, he's losing a hung savage.
wait. i think i was confused as to the specific town. i though he was talking about the violett one. if he is talking about the blue one north of that then yeah. he stands a chance. though its probably gonna be very expensive
Oh, the violet one. Yeah. Go check that one out. See what you find.
The evil place?
Yeah when we all go to attack Fort Ostrosk I was considering sending a unit of slaves as a gift to whoever lives there. I wonder how they'd react.
you want me to get my units killed?

maybe a knight could get in there and hold out. or a chaos warrior. then just feed slaves into the grinder till you manage to break through. getting 40 loot would probably barely cover the cost of capturing the fortress.
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Thanks Anon!

Rue'Vahn, are you taking on the Streltsy with your warbeasts?
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There's only so ready you can get for chaos spawn breaking your door down, so that's the plan. Hopefully they tank the hit to keep the savages alive.

After this its time to visit the tavern and chill for a bit.
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Baersonling adjacient lands:
Huffund loots a village. She has gained 10 loot. It seems like the Ulfwerenar are willing to fight to their gruesome deaths.
Sarricks troops manage to, with Tchar's help, suffer minimal casualties as the warbeasts engage the dwarfs first. (If you wish to retire after looting this town, you can do so immediately).
Korthak and Magor continue their march.
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Ivan, FYI, since you probably weren't too concerned with the details previously, troops can't pass through eachother and as soon as they find themselves next to an enemy, stop, until they resolve their combat.
A bloody massacre happens as the Kislevite and Kurgan horsemen charge eachother in vicious attacks and counterattacks, yet the blood truly starts flowing when the Norscans and the warbeasts clash with the Kislevite footmen.
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The eastern flank is calmer, as the chaos hosts have some time to reorganize and reorient themselves.
Turn 4 begins.
They can move BEHIND each other though, right? As in one after another?
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Horse Archers are the Vanguard. One unit of the damaged ones will stay behind and be reinforcements for the slaves if need be.

Mulrog advances towards the west seeking to plunder more riches.

Question though QM. When going south would we also reach another map? because there isnt much left here on this map to plunder.

or there wont be much left in a couple of turns i would guess.
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Ok, here's my next evil plan.

A few questions: does Mulrog canonically have Chaos Penguins like in his pic?
Are the Wheatlands an original setting?
Will Eric Avilla tell me where this "Ormfell" is exactly?
>A few questions: does Mulrog canonically have Chaos Penguins like in his pic?

maybe some mutant servants that look like that.

currently thinking about getting a Mini for Mulrog and painting it up. dont have any penguin minis though.... only rabbits. and Aloe. gotta take care of his skin after all XD
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Yes, they can.
>Question though QM. When going south would we also reach another map?
Right now, no, as I have nothing prepared, mostly because there isn't much. You'd hit Drakenmoor and Chaos dwarf lands to the south and hobgobs to the east, but I've yet to properly find (or look for) maps to remake.
>Will Eric Avilla tell me where this "Ormfell" is exactly?
If you hit a <10 roll on dreaming right now.
>Are the Wheatlands an original setting?
see picrel, from "something rotten in kislev"
alright got it. so after plundering these lands we are gonna have to trek across the mountains to get more shit.

god. crossing the mountain chains is gonna be a pain. and there are gonna be orks and ogre filling those passes.
Alrighty then. If we're in turn four, I'll have the unit of Bondsmen who are on the village move northeast, then north, then northeast to end their turn in the stream. My plan for them is to loop around the lake in order to get to those two settlements on the other side.
Sunset and the unit of Bondsmen in the field can't move because they're still engaged in the fighting.
I'll draw a picture when I get home.

Ivan my man, I think that unit of Strelsy by me are fkn dead. I wonder if there'd be a lore thing for overkilling a unit lmao.
Rolled 90 (1d100)

Roll under? I ask because this sidequest NPC told me to go raid somewhere that isn't on the wiki or marked on any maps I have access to, least the lizard could do is point it out.

Is there any way I can raid the Kul or Dolgan Kurgan tribes? Also, once I have Norscans, can I deploy my forces across bodies of water?
Sarrick strides through the broken gates of Sjoktraken. As he passes warding runes upon the shattered gateway they hiss and glow, reacting to the dark shroud of Chamon around him. Dead spawn lie in piles, the twisted amalgams of flesh and metal have been feathered with quarrels and pierced by bullets. Further inside, behind the barricades, more of them lie dead amongst their victims, squat dwarf warriors rent apart by the unnatural creatures. Hung warriors picked over the bodies like crows, taking well made dwarven weapons and armour to be repurposed in the service of the four.

Further inside the port-hold there is the distant sound of fighting still, the remaining spawn set loose within the halls to hunt down any survivors. No doubt some would escape through hidden passages, or secrete themselves in safe rooms until he led his warband on. No matter. The dwarfs would be ready for the next assault and hungry for vengeance. Should any of his peers intrude on their land, Sarrick doubted the dwarfs would draw any real distinction between one chaos host or another.

He watched a group of his hung warriors carrying out chests of gold and silver and nodded to himself in satisfaction. Two holds had fallen to his warriors sudden assault. Both fights had been bloody, but his forces were intact, and with rest would recover. And the wealth... the wealth would build him a fleet, enough to keep a promise to an old friend first, and enough to threaten the southerners after.

>(If you wish to retire after looting this town, you can do so immediately).
More than happy to take up this offer. 60 loot isn't a bad haul at all, so time to loot up and head home for an early finish. My forces will retire to Baersonling lands as anywhere else would be too far to carry all that heavy dwarven gold and I want to get some ships. On the way back, Sarrick and his lieutenants will stop in at the Last Hope Inn for some norscan mead.
man, if i kill the last dog I'll have 20 loot... not enough for even a single minotaur. I guess I can try to make a sacrifice to the gods?
You went and took the job that nobody else wanted. You did a huge favor for the rest of us by unlocking skin wolves for us all to recruit.
I'm willing to throw some loot your way as a thank you, but I need to finish my raid before I can do that bc I'm broke at the moment and I also need to finish repaying my debt to Ivan.
I'd encourage other warlords to do the same, but it's up to them whether or not they want to listen.
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Whoops, I forgot my tripcode
Anyways, here's a drawing of the movement for those Bondsmen.
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Hangar's riders also continue their ride across the plains; savouring the wind in their faces and the movement of their steeds beneath them as they thunder across the steppes. These lands, he thinks, would be a fine place for his tribe to migrate across once the Kislevites have been thrown back beyond the mountains and the true gods have been redered their due.
Lanu, can units level up over time through enough victories, and can we gain access to new unit types within pre-existing rosters?
Looks like we have to complete little quests/events to unlock new units. Like the subjugate the skinwolves thing that the minotaur crew is doing, or my quest to capture mammoths for the hung. Seems the same for upgrading units too.
I'm looking forward to attacking that town to the west because we'll have big advantages to striking from the woods. We can decide on the other place later I feel.
The horde marches on, due west for the stone houses of Kislev.

Aye. Though I feel curiosity, the sinister pull of Tchar, I feel you speak words of wisdom, friend. Once we've got out of these streams, us norscans will pull back and let your beastmen take front.
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That's it, the dark gods must have laid a curse on my mind for their sick amusement.
The Ungors follow! All moving forward behind Korthak's own horde.

Well, just doing some math:

I got 20 loot just now
You’ll likely get 20 loot from the central village

Then, hopefully the werewolves surrender before you need to sack the last village, providing some additional loot 10?

And then if we keep going south, we might pick up another 10-30 loot down there. So there’s a pretty good chance that we’ll both end up with ~30 loot by the time this raid is over.
I can't believe even though Ungors are goatmen
I cannot climb mountains with a movement penalty

I wish I could climb mountains
Well, Ungors already have that Forest bonus. Perhaps Skaven will come with mountain bonuses if we manage to unlock them?

Captcha: HARAT
too much man. too little goat. same problem for Gors.

Centigors are too much horse. and minotaurs too much cow for those bonuses.

chaos Dwarfs or corrupted ogre/trolls could also work.

>finally attack the eastern wolf settlement
>keep the other mino where it is

What central settlement? Also, I don’t think my 1 hp Minotaurs can kill… anything, right now
"Ormfell." Ivan mumbles to himself. "Ormfell."
Ivan's dreams quickly turn to nightmares as a strange smooth marble figure grasps for him, grabbing his shoulder and crushing it under its massive grip, leaving Ivan's arm a limp pulp as it raises him close to its massive marble baby-like face, which mockingly grins at him. "Ostrosk awaits. Why do you delay?"
Ivan awakes with his arm numb, having slept on it, but he finds bruises on it.
Ivan rubs his eyes. "Ormfell."
Thinking a bit about it, he heads towards the lizardmans tent, only to find him a crumpled mass, looking like something flat squished him from above, his bones broken like treebranches after a storm, sticking out in bloody spikes from the stretched canopy of his skin.
"I guess I won't be finding Ormfell." Ivan says half outloud.
A Norscan nearby turns his head questioningly.
"What are you looking at, dog." Ivan asks.
"I know where Ormfell is." The Norscan replies. "Everyone does."
"Where?" Ivan asks.
"Sarl lands, north of Ormskaro. Bay of Blades. Maelstorm Gulf." The Norscan says somewhat nervously.

Sarrick nailed it. >>5987462
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Whoops, I missed that you had already looted the central village for 10 loot, forget what I said.

Anyways if I continue south with my nonMinotaur troops I’ll still split any loot obtained down there since your burly bois were necessary to fight through the mountain passes
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Kislev map:
Huffund, I'll let you autowin the ulfwerenar fight with 1/5HP remaining on both your minotaurs and a total of 20 loot.
Krantagarh and Huffund can, if they wish, re deploy behind the yellow line, or behind Korthak and Magor.

Also Korthak and Magor, your southern force is getting on the flatland, you can start spreading out.
Sorry for the slower pace and the lower quality writing, life's a shit.
Next turn begins.
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Hangar. this is my plan. kill their outliers and let the enemy crash upon our unified line hopefully minmizing casualties since we have a lot of cavalery.

maybe we can also keep one rank back so that the enemy will deal minimal damge to us.

i am not sure what kinda damage those riders will deal to us. i dont remember if they deal one or two damage.

this is not the final plan. i am trying to coordinate with Hangar since we will have to work together.
also take it slow and dont kill yourself trying to get stuff out. if you need a break just tell us and take a day to recharge if necessary.
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Here's my turn.
Sunset will go straight for the tier two village whilst the farthest Bondsmen continues to loop around. The closer Bondsmen start heading between those two tier one villages so that they can begin making boats next turn for themselves and Sunset.

Also, just to double check and make sure, the unit of Bondsmen in the north still has 2 HP thanks to standing on that one town when they took the damage, right?
>Also, just to double check and make sure, the unit of Bondsmen in the north still has 2 HP thanks to standing on that one town when they took the damage, right?
Yes, you are correct. I forgot to remove the -1
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Here you go, Lanu.

Two questions -

1) Can I leave my Minotaurs up in the Mountains or otherwise retire them early? Don't want to risk them.

2) Could you clarify how many towns are within range of this eastern forest for the Herdstone mechanic? I count potentially six towns within the forest or within 3 tiles of the forest edge, but the map is sort of cut-off and I'm not sure I'm calculating the distances correctly.
It's within 2 tiles of the forest actually. And you'd get 4 towns.

Eh, thanks for clarifying. I’ll save my herdstone for the southern forest.
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>Ivan offers the Norscan an armlet of silver to help him navigate there in the future
>The assembled Kurgan from Zar Torchak's warband are given the remaining horses from the dead Ungols
>Those Ivan marked at the end of his prior campaign upon their faces are inquired about; their whereabouts & fates
>The remains of the dead Zar are asked after, specifically how & where he died, & whether or not a kurgan of stones was raised in his honor
>The survivors of his host are made to swear themselves before Zar Ivan
>Those who fought under Ivan's banner in the last raid of the Wheatlands are gifted the warm red coats of the Strelsy to be draped over their steeds & mark their victories

As for any Kurgan to have survived on the Kislevite side, they are made an example of: first they are impaled upon poles through the belly, care being taken not to pierce the spine. Eight hooks tied onto the ends of ropes are pierced through their upper arms & legs, both sides through the ribs, their mouthes, & their groins. Eight horses are made to bolt with the ropes tied to their bodies. Ivan speaks, "The screams of traitors are music carried upon the Eight Winds to the Gods!"

Movement Plan:
First the red lines, then the purple, then the dotted lines; the new recruits can earn their keep & do as I told them.
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We'll continue our march. Two-thirds of the southern swathe of the horde will cut south, to give Magor the chance to earn glory in blood and to reave a Kislevite village or two, or three, if their watchmen turn out to be drunker than the dwarves.

Your horde is vast, friend. I suggest you send a couple of herds through the woods to strike at their near-north villages. Kislevite militia are weak, your spears and arrows ought to make short work of them.
How do herdstones work?

Per Lanu:

>Krantagarh can now place a Herdstone inside of a forest
>Said Herdstone can produce a unit of ungors (or slaves) for every 3 settlements within 2 tiles of the forest, a unit of gors for every 4 settlements, a unit of centigors for every 5 and a unit of minotaurs for every 10 settlements (all rounded down)
>Forest is defined as a continuous stretch of forest tiles (with streams/rivers only being included if there are forest tiles on at least 2 opposite sides of the stream/river tile)
>Krantagarh can only acquire these units if he is present on said map and has a unit of his own step on the herdstone
>These units will not stockpile
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I think the Kossacs are their matching equivalent of the Kurgan Cataphracts.

I'd suggest that you move the horse archers at the back five hexes west if we're going to engage the Kislevites here, they might be able to move in and tip a balance somewhere next turn.

Don't forget that the Streltsy have two HP, they can move next to your wounded horse archers and tank one damage to kill them off in return if there's nothing else adjacent (so the top one could hit the horse archers next to the mountains, then the one below could take a spot with one adjacency and kill the other. You only need to inflict one HP damage with the horse archers to kill a militia, so you might want to consider sacrificing one of your wounded Horse archers into the closest Streltsy to allow another to make a kill against it; this would then allow you to launch a bit of a hit-and-run raid with the closer horse archers against the next militia in line. It's not much of a difference, but it means that we kill a Streltsy + another militia this phase, and they therefore won't be able to inflict quite as much damage against us when they move in the next.

Anyway, image attached is of my proposed movements + suggested amendment to your own that still gets you roughly back into your same end-state of the turn you posted (-1 dead horsemen), but it's your call, and you might want to make further movement adjustments as well.
I’m going to retire and let my troops heal, they can’t take more fighting

No worries, Huffud - you’ve already been a huge help
One of the options you guys might have, is to go to the Norscans (or have someone else do it for you since they might not be fond of talking to Beastmen), and ask them for an additional reward.
You went and solved one of their biggest problems for them, so a token of appreciation is pretty reasonable. I’d only ask that if you do so, you put in the good word for Nilsa as she’s the one who trusted us with this information.
hmmm. i am thinking about letting the enemy hit us if they dare. have one of my riders murk the infantry on the plains and pull them back behind friendly lines. On open ground they can not match us in initiative with their lack of cavalery. so we either get more time to close in or the come to meet us.

if they dont then we can send our archers to pick off singular units and bleed them dry.

and since i cant really choose who fights where it would be a gamble if the cavalery sent to fight the stresely would attack them or the militia north of them. so its not even guaranteed to kill a stresely.
so lanu. my updated battleplan is >>5988985
militia only have one hp far as i know so the one HP horse Archers can kill them in a driveby and get out of dodge. the other 1 HP Horse Archers go further south to flank the enemy. My Cataphracts and Knights take the center formation.

if the enemy wants to charge us then so be it. but they wont be too effective at engaging us i think.

updated my battleplan. should keep more units alive this way that can either get in next turn or retreat a bit more after killing something.

but next turn the knights will be able to engage something at last.
And yes, I forgot yesterday, you can retire your minotaurs.

>Those Ivan marked at the end of his prior campaign upon their faces are inquired about; their whereabouts & fates
None of them have returned. Upon second thought, you really find nothing surprising here, as all you have done is mutilated and forced into mutation a number of young men, dooming them to either banditry or lynching.
>The remains of the dead Zar are asked after, specifically how & where he died, & whether or not a kurgan of stones was raised in his honor
The Kurgan that switched to your side are reluctant to speak about this, but the ones you defeated are more willing, under torture. "Sack of shit didn't let us drink. Barg shot him with a arrow, came in one end of the neck, came out the other. Left him where he fell."
>The survivors of his host are made to swear themselves before Zar Ivan
They in unison reply that they shall treat you as you treat them.
>Those who fought under Ivan's banner in the last raid of the Wheatlands are gifted the warm red coats of the Strelsy to be draped over their steeds & mark their victories
Your gifts are greeted with joy and chants.

You don't have any, they are a interturn event. Krantagarh only has one available to deploy (but you'll be able to snatch beastmen from his herdstone).

I'll wait for Hangar to post his updated reply to your plan, because I fully see you two changing it up a bit until the update deadline comes.
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yeah, you doing alright Lanu? not overworking yourself i hope.

now for more game related questions.

would painting up a mini get any ingame advantages? probably not. stupid question i know

are the events between raids random from a big table you have prepared or more something you think would be suitable due to your knowledge or warhammer lore?

would it be possible to later summon demons in between battles or in the midst of a raid. i would guess they disappear after battle but could be useful as shock troops.
Questions for the QM
Since initiative is decided by subtracting HP from Movemen, does that mean that as a unit’s initiative will improve as it takes more damage? Or is initiative determined by maximum HP rather than current HP?

Other question: when deploying for a raid, are we allowed to deploy some of our troops in the wheatlands and some in the Goromandy, or do we have to keep all of our forces together within the same region/zone?
>yeah, you doing alright Lanu? not overworking yourself i hope.
Right now, it's mostly anxiety. Should clear up in two days I hope.
>would painting up a mini get any ingame advantages?
Mulrog can get even bigger.
>are the events between raids random from a big table you have prepared or more something you think would be suitable due to your knowledge or warhammer lore?
A mix of the two. I have a list of terms I try and combine in a logical way + a number of things related to players.
>would it be possible to later summon demons in between battles or in the midst of a raid. i would guess they disappear after battle but could be useful as shock troops.
Unlockable as a consequence of the interturn events.
>Or is initiative determined by maximum HP rather than current HP?
From maximum HP.
>when deploying for a raid, are we allowed to deploy some of our troops in the wheatlands and some in the Goromandy, or do we have to keep all of our forces together within the same region/zone?
For now, I'll keep it restricted to the single region/zone.
Sarrick and his lieutenants will be disarmed as they enter the fortress like Inn and will be offered fine Norscan mead. Yes, overpriced, but still, very good mead and with the price being far from a unaffordable burden now that the dwarven forts were sacked. In it, you found interesting company:
>A tall, slender, androgynous figure, wrapped in fine cloths, with only a pair of hard, black eyes being uncovered, sitting quietly in a corner and cautiously eyeing the other guests. As you sneak a more brazen peek, you spot a flash of metal, a warning. Or a invitation.
>A Bretonnian knight wearing a chaos star on his chest, boastfully claiming how he will ride eastwards to seek the best armoursmiths of the world.
>A ropsman muttering to himself about the dead Aponnians
>A quiet drink
And after that, a happy return to the Baersonling lands, where Sarrick settled into a comfortable life until the next seasons raid, spending his time with:
>Sjur, the fourth son of the clan chief, a thin, wiry man who had taken a heavy blow during the fighitng with minotaurs and had barely survived, but was making steady recovery and was drinking in joy to have lived.
>A strange albino that refused to introduce himself, instead calling on you to lend him aid as you both serve chaos, promising a mighty black greatsword (+2D to a single unit of Sarricks choice) and a sack of gems (20 loot) should you aid him in securing his passage upon a mist cloaked island in the Frozen sea
>Oddbjorn, a Norscan whaler calling upon you to join him in fishing adventures as beasts of a size never seen before are prowling the seas and the ice is thick enough further insea for even chaos knights to gallop across them, promising great loot should you succeed.
And just so you know, Skinwolves are available in Baersonling lands.
Skinwolf - 26 loot:
HP 3
D 2
M 4

Where does Huffud retire to?
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Not sure if that's entirely wise, yes your cav will strike before infantry on the plains; but each unit can only strike once so if the infantry mass and strike at the same spot they can accept casualties and drag us down. Either keeping more distance or starting some favourable-trade exchanges would have seemed better alternatives.

That said, the die is now cast I guess; so I will move up to offer what backup I can.
i dont fancy my chances that the one unit will get killed and allow the other unit to come in since i cant force anyone to attack someone specific.

the militia below the lower right stresely might not get touched at all and get to attack back with both archers instead atttacking the stresely

so the unit could just get stuck, swarmed and murdered. with the current plan the enemy will face mostly nearly intact units and can then get flanked next turn. or need to retreat. and they dont have far to retreat.

sadly i cant see many good exchanges right now. at least none i would gamble on with several that might get stuck there.
Huffud retires to beastmen lands, to graze on grass and warpstone and, hopefully, attract more minotaurs

Don't make any unit purchases until I'm done with my mini-raid south!
Don’t worry, I don’t have money to buy anything anyway! I’m waiting for donations from you and Rue’Vahn
This helmet makes it look like Mulrog has a mustache kek
>A Bretonnian knight wearing a chaos star on his chest, boastfully claiming how he will ride eastwards to seek the best armoursmiths of the world.

Lets see what the knight has to say. As a Hung from the East himself, Sarrick may be able to provide some assistance on such a journey... assuming appropriate benefits will result.

>Sjur, the fourth son of the clan chief, a thin, wiry man who had taken a heavy blow during the fighitng with minotaurs and had barely survived, but was making steady recovery and was drinking in joy to have lived.

And lets talk to the young Baersonling lord once we get to their lands. Perhaps he could offer some help in gathering men and ship, and presumably they have the common ground of disliking minotaurs.
>disliking minotaurs
<offended cow noises>
KEK I kinda' assumed honestly that those lads wouldn't make it far
I'll have to keep an eye on these traitor Kurgan, although drinking is encouraged rather than restricted

Damn he THICC

Not my prompt, but I'm curious about dead Aponnians
The bretonnian reveals himself to be Geffray. "Aye, sir Kurgan." He says. "I am on a quest to find the mythic dark dwarves. I have set off a long time ago and wondered deep in the Goromadny mountains and I have delved deep, very deep. So deep even the stone wept for me. I suspect I know a underwater passage from the Frozen sea that would let me strike and the dark dwarves and plunder their treasury and test my armor against theirs. For noone crafts better armor than the Bretonnians."
"And how would this be of boon to me?" Sarrick asks.
"You'd get to force them to open up their gates and lower their prices to you once they figure out you can strike them when and how you wish. Not to mention you'd get a fatter slice of loot than me." Sir Geffray says.

>New deployment location discovered, mouth of the Frozen sea

The drinking very quickly bonds you with the unhappy youth. One day he takes you to the side alley.
"Listen, soon, there shall be a feast in honor of my fathers ascent." He says. "How much for your services?"
"Elaborate beforehand." Sarrick replies.
"I want you to go in and kill my father. Him and his huscarls. In their great hall. And all of my brothers too. I'll pay you tribute. Each season you show up, half of what my realm makes. (8 loot per interturn you retire in Baersonling lands, does not stockpile, you gather it or you lose it)"

>New deployment location discovered, Urslo

Huffunds grazing ends up with her encountering a unique individual:
>A bovigor of miniscule stature for his kind, but clad in chaos plate and with mechanical arms, wielding a great gun.
>Roxana, a woman with a triangle carved into her forehead clad in crimson plate armor and wielding a great two handed cleaver that even Krantagarh would like to avoid being hit by.
>Bindo, a Tileian man with three eyes in his right eyesocket, his robes tattered and torn by his long journey up north.

Well, now you know where to retire in case you want to find out more about them.
Huffud approaches the crimson-clad woman, mooing and huffing and snorting, like minotaurs are prone to doing.

Is it a challenge? A greeting? That is for Roxana to decide
Yeah, what is G8, & what happened to the rest of the Kurgan from Zar Torchak's band? Did they find out anything about the Kislevite forces & defenses while they stayed with them?
Roxana spreads her legs to provide more balance for herself, then lowers her cleaver so that the tip is resting on the floor.
She reluctantly raises one of her arms from the cleavers handle and hails Huffund with it.
"Do you understand me?" She says to the overgrown cow, then shakes her head a bit. "If you do, I will pay a lot for a sack of Hell Pit. I have a company of veteran very chaos warriors (+2D, +2HP) that managed to survive the arenas and the monster pits in that hellhole that will gladly join you when we are avenged." She thinks a bit, then choses to specify. "And I don't mean just above the ground, the ratmen are below it aswell."

Some branch of the US army that has memeworthy presentations.
>what happened to the rest of the Kurgan from Zar Torchak's band?
Disbanded and scattered.
>Did they find out anything about the Kislevite forces & defenses while they stayed with them?
If pressed, they'll mention how the Kislevites are mostly planning to meet the host in the field rather than defending their holdings.
Huffud thinks for a bit, then lowers her head in what… looks like a nod?

Unbeknownst to anyone, she was just lowering her head to munch on some particularly tall grass.

Still, it LOOKED like a yes!
Thanks for all your time & writing Lanu, quality stuff. I really like the nightmarish shit that happened when I inquired about Ormfell. Is your interpretation of the Roppsmen more akin to Balts (Latvians, Lithuanians, & old Prussians), Finns (Finnish, Estonians, & Karelians), or Magyars/Hungarians?
>Thanks for all your time & writing Lanu, quality stuff.
Thanks man. I'm trying to put a bit of a fresh spin on what Warhammer really is, a collage of the settings that were popular when it was being made.
>Is your interpretation of the Roppsmen more akin to Balts (Latvians, Lithuanians, & old Prussians), Finns (Finnish, Estonians, & Karelians), or Magyars/Hungarians?
I think I'll lean them towards the Magyars/Hungarians, as they are related to Ungols, who are obviously Cossack-Turkic.
First up, seconding this.

Second, a question on the logistics of raids. So in the first raid, people withdrew at different times, and the people who went sooner got some cool events to fill the time while they waited for the rest. Then we all deployed again at the same time, fully healed up. Is there any way for me to heal up before everyone else finishes their raid or do I just have to wait out however long it takes? Maybe at a cost and/or after a certain number of turns of downtime in order to prevent abuse?

Just thinking about Sjur's offer to kill his dad, but concerned I'm going to end up waiting out say (pulling this figure out my ass) twenty turns for everyone to finish this raid, then deploy onto a tiny map and have a quick bum fight only to have to wait another twenty turns if I take any great damage.

Also makes me wonder if raids have a turn limit before we are all forced to withdraw? Or can people go as long as they're willing to continue?
well last time when you force the bearsonlings to surrender you were nearly undamaged and could just continue.

the murder of the people should be pretty easy. you have chaos Warriors en masse. and possibly even the skinwolves if you buy any. after dealing with that should allow you to just deploy somewhere else after.

also Lanu. are we still waiting for someone?
>you were nearly undamaged and could just continue
This makes me think I didn't come off quite like I intended, I wasn't trying to complain, I just want to know where I stand before I make decisions. If getting mangled and withdrawing early means long waits then so be it, plans will just have to take that into account.
Anyone wanna help me conquer one of the most well defended skaven settlements ever?
>Is there any way for me to heal up before everyone else finishes their raid or do I just have to wait out however long it takes? Maybe at a cost and/or after a certain number of turns of downtime in order to prevent abuse?
I'd like to give you more to do in the inter-raid space, but I'm currently too scatterbrained. The anticipation for tomorrow evening is getting to me.
>Also makes me wonder if raids have a turn limit before we are all forced to withdraw? Or can people go as long as they're willing to continue?
They can go for as long as they are capable of continuing.
>also Lanu. are we still waiting for someone?
Me to sober up overnight. Expect the start of the next turn in 10ish hours.
Ah sorry. I think i misunderstood your concern.

Maybe you could try communicaring with other warlords? Try to pull them to your side for the next adventure.

Mulrog is always ready for a challenge and good loot. And for a Khornate somewhat level headed

I’m definitely in, especially if we can both afford another unit of Minotaurs apiece. Five units of tanky bullmen is a real threat in confined spaces
Hell yeah, Minogang till the end
I'll join after I'm done in the Wheatlands & then finish my own sidequest in Norsca, Skaven genocide best day of my life.

I think we're waiting on Magor too.

<bull bellowing distantly>

I’ll need your help to kill Sarrick, bulls strong men weak
The rats absolutely deserve it, but I'll warn you guys to be careful. This isn't clan Mors or Eshin we're talking about. Hellpit is going to be absolutely swarming with rat ogres or worse. The other problem is that I'm like 50% sure that the tier 4 purple settlement is the entrance, which is a really difficult place to attack since only one unit can fight at a time, and you'll be attacking from the water so you'll auto-lose initiative.

Men weak. Bull strong. Manticore stronger.
Yeah, we might want to like… attack the entrance at a time, taking turns to whittle it down if such a thing is possible

Oh if you and Magor join it’s gonna be AWESOME- the whole beast gang, the Zar, the manticore lover- we’d only be missing Mulrog and Sarrick

Cows together strong
>The Bretonnian

Many Hung warriors would have drawn blades over being called a Kurgan... or thrown fists seeing as they were disarmed upon entering the inn. Sarrick was a little less hot blooded than many of the warriors though and let it pass with nothing more than a slight frown. After all, he couldn't see much difference between a Bretonnian or an Imperial, he guessed it was much the same the other way around.

“I wouldn't say your offer is without merit,” he tells Geffray, “but it also has great risks. The Dhrath have long memories and no concept of forgiveness. Any deal imposed by force will forever be at risk of their vengeance. Perhaps with greater forces beside us...”


So yeah, gonna put this one on the backburner for now. I assume chaos dwarfs are similar to the norse dwarfs (so hellish to fight). Perhaps if Geffray is willing to wait a bit I can rally some more warlords for this in the future.

>The Baersonling

Sarrick smiled as Sjur's offer. He had challenged a charge of minotaurs, and now plotted to seize his father's throne. The gods smiled on bravery and ambition, and this youth had both. Having his puppet ruling the Baersonling was an attractive proposal, but he could not remain here to make sure his puppet survived, and the paltry wealth of the Baersonling would hardly raise a great host.

“Young Sjur, so hasty, but your plan is... flawed. Your people will never be loyal to you if they think you a mere puppet. Instead of that let us call it a partnership. Help me to raise norse warriors and ships now, accompany me to the north to prove our power. When you return with the heads of our enemies, and I beside you as an ally, your tribe will be willing to follow. Then I will help you take your father's throne.”

A puppet that could maintain it's own position would be far more useful, and fostering a sense of partnership would hopefully bring a degree of loyalty. After all, how difficult could it be to manipulate one young warrior?


So yeah, the tribute offer is of dubious value as I'll probably head to different areas most times and it's not even that much loot. Hoping he can instead get me a discount on hiring some troops now or a free unit or two or something like that, and if he considers me an ally I'm sure I can make use of that at some point.
>we’d only be missing Mulrog and Sarrick
I would join but honestly it looks like you have plenty of dudes already and adding more would probably just jam up in narrow skaven tunnels.

Also I really want to go mammoth catching. If anyone else has boats (or wants to march through dwarf lands) they're welcome to join.
I'd be happy to help come next raid. Mammoths will help us all.
Well we have the Baersonlings & Berserkers, next we'll get Sarls & Mammoths, next can come the Skaven & Dark Dorfs (whom I assume are the same as Chaos Dorfs). Hopefully Mammoths will be enough to batter down their defenses.
Wait if everyone is going after Mammoths and Skaven, then is anyone going for Fort Ostrosk?
That was going to be my target for next raid, but I'm not sure if I want to attack it alone
The Witch can wait, & there is plenty more to raid before we get close enough to the fort, whether here in the Wheatlands or in the Sarl lands.
A raven flies to Rue'Vahn, "The Southlings fell without much of a fight. I shall take the smaller village North of the river, East of the lake, & let that be repayment of your debt. Once the Kislevites here fall, I'll ride for the mountains & demand tribute from the men of the hills. Will you join me next season when I raid the Sarls? I will recruit Baersonlings to sail there. The Raven-Witch is powerful, but I do not fear her wrath. She shall have her prize when those reaping skulls on her behalf are so inclined, not before."
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>"the smaller village North of the river, East of the lake"
You mean this place? Yeah I'm fine with that.
As for attacking the Sarls... I have no idea where I'll deploy next season. I might join, but I'll need to see how much loot I get before retiring since that will determine what units I can buy.

>Gonna read up and post a plan
Nice dubs

Rue'Vahn, that's the one, yeah.

Is there any way to get units with increased mobility? 5 Movement simply isn't enough sometimes.
The norscan boats give us 8 movement and +1 HP, so that's a good option for mobility.
Actually, now that I'm remembering the extra health the boats give... that might make attacking the Sarl significantly more viable for me next raid
i am planning to retire to bearsonling Lands as well so learning of your plans i could change my own and get boats instead of Skinwolves.

or if you would be willing to take some of my units aboard i could get some more useful infantry.
…wait, can you just. Put units in boats and drag them on the land?
Nah. The movement is only on rivers and ocean. But they can get you pretty far across
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The gods smile upon you, for a great battle shall be fought!
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This whole freaking quest is blessed by chaos

On a more humorous note, it'd be reeeally funny if I had that unit of Bondsmen sneak up from behind and raid one of those two villages while the big fight is going on. It'd be a dick move, so I probably won't, but the idea still makes me chuckle.
"I would have raised a greater force with me, had my father allowed for it. It was me with my host that defended the stream from Krantagarh's minotaurs, but not even with my Huscarls, but merely bondsmen, for my father never let me raise my host. And you know what happens when he dies?" Sjur says smashing the table top with his fist.
Sarrick uncaringly glances at him from under his hood.
"The four sons fight for the throne." Sjur says. "And I'm the one without a host of huscarls to my name. "I can die and I can have my back cut open and my ribs spread." He grabs the mug and downs it, half spilling over his chest. "I'll rally who I can, but I need you to take me under your hosts protection.
>Accept his offer and take the unit of Huscarls (H2/D2/M2) he assembles from his friends after looting the Urslo armoury
>Refuse the offer, you don't need or want him
Korthak and Magor have a very solid chance at capturing Ostrosk if they go that direction. There's only a town or two before they hit it, at which point whoever takes it can get away with 90 loot. (30 for Ostrosk + 60 for quest reward).
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It is time for blood to be spilled, lances to be broken and skulls to be collected.

For plans. Purple lines are executed first. Then tuquoise movement and finally the charge of Cataphracts and Knights

Hangar. Will you protect my southern flank after i butcher the militia with my Horsearchers and engage the Stesely?

But i am open for other suggestions.
Forgot movement for the other Horsearchers. HAngar can command them where ze needs to. Mulrog is too consuned by battleleust to carr
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Mulrog has started his bloody charges, and Hangar curses that his elites are not yet fleet enough, too far from the battle to strike. Instead he keeps moving his riders onward, passing some orders to those forgotten by Mulrog in his frenzy.

Krantagarh paces in the underbrush of the forest; his excitement builds. Finally, the Four have begun to bless his actions - his massive paw grips his axe in anticipation. He had ordered his minotaurs home to the Beastlands - so bloodied were they by the conflict against the wolf-men. But his minor horde of Gors, Centigors and Ungors were undaunted by their march through the narrow passes of the mountains, and they have finally reached the fat lands of the Kislevites below.

Beyond the forest's edge, scattered towns and villages are dotted alongside a deep river - Krantagarh cares not for the name of this piddling thing, nor for the names of the human towns that lie there. His heavy hooves are ready for trampling - to pulverize human bone against cobblestone, and his axe has begun to whisper darkly to him once more. Thick strands of saliva burst from his mouth - Krantagarh hungers.

The unit of Gors he had attached himself to eye each other nervously - the bullgor has been known to feast upon lesser Ungors, but has Krantigarh developed a taste for Gors as well? They don't know...

Krantigarh, peering at the closest human town to the northwest, decides to dispense with clever tactics - he will simply have his Gors and Centigors overwhelm the town with bodies and hack them apart. As for the Ungors - they will be little use in this fight. Snorting, he orders them to proceed southwest, in the hopes of installing them as a scouting party in a lightly-forested patch of earth in that direction.

Loot is needed - debts are owed to both Magor and Huffud, and Krantigarh does not like the feeling of indebtedness. And there is one more lord to whom he owes a favor - the conniving sorcerer. It is not enough to win his battles - he must build his strength while he does so as well, if he is to get revenge. He snorts again - enough contemplation!

Krantigarh bellows in rage, raising his axe, and begins to lope with a heavy stride out of the forests and onto the plains! Let the humans fight! Let their flesh feed his troops! Let the Four bless him with victory!
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I take it I didn't get any loot from that village due to using the new band of Kurgan?

Red first, then yellow, then purp.

Rue'Vahn, fortune favors the bold.
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I agree with this strategy.
In general, my Ungors will follow him, though I will send a detachment of some to the town southeast to scout it out and take a look if they might take it. It's across a river, so if they sense significant resistance they shouldn't attack thorugh the river and I will have them cross somewhere else to attack from land.
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We press on, praises to the Dark Gods on our lips! Soon, we'll revel in the stench of blood and sacrifice!

We've got a massive horde, now that I think of it, and Fort Ostrosk isn't far... do you think pressing south and throwing ourselves against its walls would be worth the risk?
With the troops you have you'll be vulnerable to cavalry, but as long as you stick to the woods and hills and try to use the rivers to your advantage I think you could probably grind through. It might mean relatively heavy casualties, but just from Ostrosk you'd get 90 loot to split, and you can grab a couple of other settlements into the bargain as well.

And if you reach the edge of the woods and send one unit to loook out from the hills past them and the entire kislevite army is waiting for you it wouldn't be too late to do a 360 and walk away.
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Drunken update:
Kislev raid:
Magors forces find a village susceptible to raids, yet not one they could take without substantial losses and definitely not one they could certainly take.
Krantigarh's gors wipe the village clean of defenders, yet are yet to plunder it.
Korthaks forces spread out.
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A vicious charge kills many, both amongst the militia and the strelsy, yet there are losses amongst the Kurgan aswell, as two units of horsearchers under Mulrog are wiped out and as the knights under both Hangar and Mulrog face almost certain defeat against the winged lancers of Kislev, unless allied intervention is provided.

Btw Rue, sorry for doing this, but I moved your units for you.

>10 loot for Ivan and Rue'
hey Lanu short question. i think the winged riders have three hp last time we faced them right?

i am not quite sure right now.

But pretty sure that Horse Archers outspeed them in the initiative right?
>"Btw Rue, sorry for doing this, but I moved your units for you"
I mean, you moved them where I was planning on moving them anyways, so I'm chill, but is it okay if I ask why? Were we all on a new turn and I didn't notice/forgot to move or something?
Also, isn't the village that Sunset attacked a tier two? So shouldn't I have 20 loot?
Oh and one other thing, can that unit of Bondsmen see the two villages across the water (and more importantly, whether they have troops protecting them)?
>i think the winged riders have three hp last time we faced them right?
>But pretty sure that Horse Archers outspeed them in the initiative right?
That aswell. You could swamp them in horse archers to kill them, since they're pretty wounded.

>but is it okay if I ask why?
I wanted to get a turn update out for today before I hit the bed and before the drink hit me too hard.
>Also, isn't the village that Sunset attacked a tier two? So shouldn't I have 20 loot?
You are completely correct.
>whether they have troops protecting them)?
The village is ungarrisoned.

Also, just in case, next turn is on.
>That aswell. You could swamp them in horse archers to kill them, since they're pretty wounded.

oh yeah. i am gonna swamp them good. and gonna offer some advice to hangar to get his knights out there with no further damage.
>Accept his offer
A free huscarl is a free huscarl after all.

"Gather what you can little friend. Once I gathered herbs on the steppe for my master, the least of his servants. All things start small. Dwarf gold and axes will buy us the rest of the warriors we need. Come with me to earn glory and the favor of the gods. When we return we shall see if your father and brothers can still look down on you."

On top of the huscarls Sjur is bringing, I'd like to hire a second huscarl, and then four units of bondsmen, which by my arcane mathematics should leave me on 10 loot.
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alright for my plan i want the purple arrows to go first to kill of the two units of winged lancers that have lost two HP already. and those purple arrows for the Horse Archers will then get out of the way for Hangars forces.

then the teal arrow to damage the last surviving fighter. Mulrog stands his ground and the Cataphract moves up and around if Hangar helps me out fighting to maybe take some pressure off mulrogs knights. though they still have half their HP remaining.
Oh if I missed a turn then my bad. I'll try to keep a better eye out and I'll take the new one in an hour when I get home

no wait. forget that command for those cataphracts. Hangar can get up there with one of his knights assuming Mulgor murders the stresely in the middle we can get rid of all of them this turn. .
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shit. forgot those lancers dealt two damage a pop.

i will try my best at distracting them with Horse Archers.

If that stupid no pass zone would no longer apply then the more northern Horsearcher of yours could just ride through and get the hit in allowing the southernmost horsearcher to finish the Lancers off.

we can hope for your cataphract to win the speedtie that i think it is with the Lancers. and even if they wont there will be four units that would be more okay to tank the hit than the unit of knights.

Okay, I’m phoneposting, but here’s my orders, LanuQM.

1) southernmost gor unit advances one hex northeast, two hexes north to land in the stream.

2) northernmost gor unit advances due southwest, looting town in the process.

3) Ungors advance one hex southwest, one hex northwest to land in the forest tile as a scouting force.

4) Centigors cautiously advance two hexes southwest to line up with the Ungors. Do they see any humie weaklings lurking?

Huffud, looks like the minogang is in luck - we’re set to get another 15 loot apiece and that should be enough for us to buy two more units of Minotaurs together. We’re gonna steamroll those tunnels boyeee
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We march on. I'm confident the Baersonlings under my banner can seize these two villages. If not, I'm certain Magor will put them to the torch. My plan is to rally the northern forces to the town to the west of the one by the forest, then strike it in force. I'm confident by berserker can soften the forest town up before the ungors can move in.
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Continue to support. The Ungors to the east will cross the river away from the town, and try to do some opportunistic raiding.

I suspect that the enemy won't want to leave the shelter of their village or if they do won't leave it undefended, meaning we'll have better odds picking them off on the field. If the going gets too rough, or the loot runs dry, head west and prepare to regroup with the other forces.
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Alrighty, so here's where my troops will go next.
Also, what turn are we on? It's seven, right?
When I open the thread, I use ctrl+F to search for an announcement of what turn it is, so that's probably why I missed turn six.
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Here's my plan, red -> purp -> blue -> yellow

Seizing the two towns & positioning for the followup across the river, then moving South soon enough.
Check the original Wheatlands map, I'm heading South after these villages are put to the torch.
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I've circled a couple of areas that still haven't been looted yet. Which one(s) are you heading for?
My troops are all starting to get low on HP, so after grabbing the other 20 loot village, I'll probably only go after one more town before retiring.
I can send Sunset and the Bondsmen to the orange circle, or I can stick with you on the way to the purple and green circles. Doesn't matter to me, so it's whichever you prefer
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Revamped phase for us both:

Lancers have 3 HP, I think? The one I encountered in the first fortress was boosted by +3 and still died to a charge of all my units.
If that's correct, then our furthest Horse archers can swing in from the flanks (white movements) and kill the two on 2HP before they get to move (they're faster and have less HP to minus from that score). Then the remaining Horse archers can then nip in together with the yellow movements and finish the last Lancer before it can touch a Chaos Knight in anger.

This then frees up my 2HP Chaos Knights to ride north and Kill a Strelsy, then my full-health Knights move and Kill another Streltsy, and finally Mulrog kills the last of them.

If that's everyone dead, my remaining Knight to move and Cataphract will then ride south as per green arrows.
It'll be a race for the green by the looks of it, so I'll take those if you want purps. Then we can hit the mtns, warband permitting. Although I am willing to come to an arrangement with the other Zars.
Ravens fly behind the lines of pitched battles between Kurgan & Ungol, Marauder & Gospodar. They clutch crude maps & inked messages mixed with the shed blood of Kislevites:
"Zar Mulrog the Cruel, Blessed by the Gods with Strength,
Zar Hangar, Blessed by the Gods with Fate,
Hail from the raized villages to the West!
Blood has been spilled in the name of the Four, as I'm sure you can say in the East.
Riders of Zar Torchak have told me of his falling & joined my own host, but earned little trust with me; those who sided with the weak Southlings made it clear that his own men were his undoing, & so I pass on word of this should you encounter any yourselves. Keep them at the distance of a Tong horn-bow.
Of the Wheatlands, little remains for us; we have butchered all who were so foolish as not to flee, & sacked the treasures of Kislev's frontier. The villages of the hills are likely more trouble than they're worth, surely peopled by hardier men. Thus I see a use for them. I will compel them to give tribute, so that they may settle the fertile lands we have so ravaged. Our own people may come to settle as well, & Kislev shall hold sway here no more.
I offer you the villages to the South along the river before I despoil them (those marked in green), & I shall ride to your aid should they rally more defenders. In return, you will swear your solemn oaths to me & before the Four not to raid these lands in any further seasons, drained as they are, & spread word among our people of the great bounty here ripe for the taking by those who wish to settle for a time.
So say I,
Zar Ivan"
Check your DMs
Considering how damage works, I guess I'll try to take that 20 loot settlement in the purple region, assuming there's no change of plans.
Sounds good, if they don't accept my offer I'll just take some green + orange.
if we can mix up our turns like this then i would be fully in favor of this.

Lanu would what Hangar proposed work? could we mix our turns together like this?
waking in the middle of the night to one of his knights holding a message. The man was nervous as the massive shadow of his warlord rose above him. The dull light of the moon glinting off the Greataxe in one of Mulrogs Hands. A few candles created from the corpsewax of slaughtered foes are lit allowing Mulrog to see the message from Ivan.

He chuckles to himself, still not dried gore sliding of his moustache and dripping onto the pages.

For a few hours he ponders till the sun rises before sending a reply. Ivan can have his raiding rights for as long as he can hold them. These plains hold little more in the way of interest to Mulrog. though more loot would be appreciated. especially considering the current state his forces are in.

As the sun climbs across the crimson edge of the world in a clear sign of favor from Khorne a raven is dispatched back to Ivan while Mulrog prepares to obliterate the Stresely thinking themselves capable of surrounding and winning against him on their own.
not at 4 am. unlike Mulrog
Hangar studies the message and map a few times, then starts his own response.

"Zar Ivan, Blessed by the gods with Imagination;
Much has been spilled; and much more will flow in the name of the four.
Making these lands a new homeland for the Kurgan tribes is a visionary goal to which I grant my support. Once they are secured for the clans, I intend to sup my own tribe upon the grassland riches we have left empty by our passing. I stand in favour of your agreement and will take the share you leave for me; but your tongue must now serve to pass this deal to those with fathers and brothers fresh-fallen to our many blades, and lead them to worship of the True powers."

"And if your tongue cannot sway these wretches from the offer of salvation you grant them, you know that we must continue our ride and send them to the gods."
Okay cool, looks like everyone has come to an agreement. That lets me relax a little.
If everyone is splitting the loot fairly, then I still might stick with my plan to raid the tier two settlement in the purple circle if nobody cares. That way I have the same amount that Hangar and Mulrog will get after they split the green circle 50/50.

If the Kurgans end up settling these lands then I recommend that an effort is made to fortify the Belyevobota pass so that the Wheatlands can be easily defended from Kislevite attempts to reclaim it without needing much manpower. The only other threat would be hobgoblin attacks, but that's not much to worry about.
None of this really affects me and my people since the tribes of the Hung are far away, but at the very least it will mean more territory claimed for chaos, which means more worshipers for Loesh.
Well the kurgan are mostly nomadic still anf unlikely to settle down much. They eill herd their cattle around the fertile steppes so raids from Kislev are unlikely to work well without any footholds when there are nonfixed settlements to raid.

The Hobgoblins might be more of a problem but more than the Kurgan already have with them i believe
As for fortifications. There was a possible dream about an old Karak of the dwarfs in the mountaind for Mulrog. Maybe that could be used with a Garisson of Chaos Warriors and maybe Skinwolves
Well don't forget that if Kislev gets cut off from the Wheatlands, then it's also getting cut off from all that tax money as well. The less territory they own, the weaker they are. Weakening our enemies by doing this will make it easier to conduct our invasions on the other side of the Worlds Edge Mountains. There might even be the chance that the capital diverts troops (who would have otherwise gone to reinforce Ostrosk) in order to reclaim Belyevobota pass.

If we end up on... "tolerable" terms with the Dawi Zharr, then we could probably pay them money to upgrade any defenses we make. The +2 to HP from tier 3 walls plus a moat in front to auto-win initiative could be devastating.
Big brain ideas all around, definitely need to secure the pass.
All this planning is over Krantigarh’s head, but OOC I would generally advocate for a mass strike against the south of the map using boats and rivers, the raid after the next one. I could drop my herdstone for the free units, we could crush the biggest pocket of resistance in one decisive assault, and then split up to take the rest of the map for resettlement, etc
Pretty sure we kinda stole most of the taxes already. But cutting them of completely would certainly raise a lot of eyebrows.

>"tolerable" terms

Yeah. After what Sarrick might be planning that is gonna be hard. Speaking off

Securing the pass. Some sort of Bersekers backed up by chaos warriors might make the most effective defense. But we will have to see if we can even secure the pass for now

Y'all are beginning to act more like conquerors than raider warlords.

Aren't we meant to just raid and wreck and destroy, loot and grow? Why fortify? Why strike deals for anything but sharper blades and thicker plates?

Uhhh I mean- <warmongering cow noises>
Supply lines.

Its all about how much territory you need to cross to get the things you need.

OOC, it’s a reasonable idea, but you guys should know that the Kislevites are not going to sit back and let us take their northern lands permanently. It’s been piss-easy to raid their towns with their piddling garrisons but I don’t know if we’d be able to fight off a legit Kislevite army at this point.

We’re still small potatoes in the grand scheme of things…
i agree somewhat. we will have to find a way to fortify the world edge mountain passess before that,

if i have that dream about the Dwarfen Karrak again that might make a reasonable emplacement to stop anyone from easily crossing the mountains.
The Kurgan are Nomads. If the grass of the Wheatlands plain is nicer then the grass of the wastes to the north then we'll move there for a season to graze our herds; or melt away back north if Kislev sends a true Army through the pass. Even with the threat of Kislev returning it's still probably safer and a better climate then living in the Chaos Wastes.
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Also since the Kurgan are supposed to identify more with their own tribe then with a particular Kurgan over-ethnicity, I guess I should probably pick a Kurgan tribe to be representing. So I'll go with the Hastlings, unless Mulrog or Ivan feel any great attachment to that particular name on the map over any other?
Mulrog Kul The Cruel has a nice ring to it i think.
I was thinking about being half Kul, half Dolgan, but considering the settlement plan Dolgan makes more sense. Zar Ivan the Unbearable of the Dolgan Tribe

So our warlords might have some past together. Or more correctly with each other considering the tribes arent too fond of each other
This lore keeps getting deeper
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OOC, you guys have cleared everything in the flatlands up. If you can agree on who raids what and what message is sent to the hillmen, you can fastforwards this. If not, it's a mixture of racing ahead to raid what you want and threatening/fighting other warlords.
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Krantagarh gains 10 loot as his gors sack a village. His northern gors kill a unit of militia as they charge them during a river crossing. A village is free to sack.
Korthak's unit of bondsmen runs into a unit of strelsy encamped ontop of a hill. The fight is a long and vicious one.
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i would take these two town marked with purple. that will net me 40 loot for which i have to give 8 to the horsearchers

hangar you can have the white marked villages. for the white and purple marked town i would suggest you take them and maybe offer 5 loot as a gift. if you want to.

i wont be mad if you dont give me five loot. but since that would be a gift after the raid it would not be subject to the promise Mulrog made to the Archers.

anyway. for message to the Hilltribes. I am not the greatest diplomat. But he can promise that if the prove themselves to Khorne he will take their warriors and make sure that in the eyes of the true gods they can attone for their resistance up till now.

Lanu, shouldn’t that two-house village be worth 20 loot, or did I misunderstand the loot table? Also I was hoping to have the unwounded Gors keep advancing southwest, but if they have to stop their movement to loot, that is totally fine.

My orders:

1) wounded Gors unit takes the undefended nearby village for another 10 loot.

2) unwounded Gors marches due southwest.

3) Centigors march two hexes southwest, Ungors march three hexes southwest. Are those southwesterly villages undefended or I just can’t see the garrison?
>Lanu, shouldn’t that two-house village be worth 20 loot,
Yet again, you are right.
I made a pact with Rue'Vahn that he can take the purple marked settlements on this map. I'll take the two orange settlements, plus the village remaining along the lake. Rue'Vahn can have the larger town beside it.

Mulrog & Hangar can decide between themselves on the white & purple settlements.

I'll writeup a narrative & my message to the hill folk, plus make a map whenever Hangar & Mulrog hash out their agreement.
so what you say to >>5990893

i think i could probably go and retire to the Baersonling lands soon. was thinking about getting some Skinwolves and some infantry.
By the by

Remember when you said you wanted to give me loot? You don’t have to, even if it’d be appreciated. I release you from your vow
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An uphill battle, then. Glory to the victor, dark gods damn the fallen! A raid on the coast as well, and still the host trudges on. We'll fight on until Kislev is burned or the fires of our hate quenched.
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Just got home, so I've got a lot of posts to reply to

Actually, if I'm being honest, I don't think I have the man power to take all of those villages in purple (if they are defended). I've only got a fresh unit of Bondsmen, and Sunset who as at half HP. That's enough to comfortably take the purple 20 loot settlement, but everything else is a gamble that could cost 8 loot to only gain 10. If the net positive is only 2 loot, then I think I'd rather it go to you guys instead of paying the Norscans, which is the equivalent of burning it.

I'm 100% on board with that once we get the mammoths. I don't think we even have a proper port from which to launch our boats until we have captured some territory from the Sarl.

If we do it right, I think we could pull it off. Here, everyone take a look at pic related. With the addition of a moat, our troops will win initiative. That means two units will get to strike first and deal 4 damage before the enemy can hurt our troops. If we placed like a unit of chaos warriors or huscarls there, I don't think Kislev would be able to dislodge us by conventional means. They'd get repelled, and have to return with some heavy artillery, and we all know how difficult it is to move artillery through mountains.

Eh, oog you didn't join the quest in time for the first raid, so I think you deserve a little help to get caught up. I would have said the same for Korthak, but he's doing normal raiding whilst you took one for the team. That's the other thing, I want to encourage warlords to do these kinds of communal efforts, and make sure everyone knows that they aren't shooting themselves in the foot by doing it; that they'll receive at least some form of compensation. In-character however, it's for an entirely different reason.

If I'm released from my vow, then I'll still send you both some loot, although maybe not as much? My original plan was to give 5 loot to each of you, but maybe now it'll be 5 for the two of you to split?

If we are doing which tribes in particular, then I think Rue'Vahn is a Hung from the Aghol tribe.
I wonder which one Sarrick belongs to...
>I'm 100% on board with that once we get the mammoths. I don't think we even have a proper port from which to launch our boats until we have captured some territory from the Sarl.

i think we can just get out and put the longboards onto water with our norscan units wherever

And that fortification. would take some time to set up. but it would be very good to allow for proper defense. unless they throw masses of heavy infantry at that they wouldnt be able to break through.

if more loot is needed. i might be able to spare one or two points if i can get some raiding done against some dwarfs. or wherever i deploy to next.
QM said the defenders are all dead, we're just carving up the mutated chaos turkey at this point. Take all the purple circle as we agreed.

I definitely am fond of the pass fortification strat, Lanu, how do we make that happen?

The chaos marauder tribes need more lore, especially between different Kurgan, Hung, Norscans, etc.

I'm done with my writeup, just waiting on Hangar so I can post a map. Or we can each make our own tally, whatever helps the QM.
>I definitely am fond of the pass fortification strat, Lanu, how do we make that happen?
Well, you'd need to clear it out. Then, you'd need to invest into settling. The rate is same as loot gained from looting, while the passive production is /10. Villages produce 1 loot per season.

Could we build a four-house settlement/castle in a single season or would it need multiple seasons to be constructed?

The ROI is too slow for real profit, but as a tactical fortification, building a castle could be great…
>Could we build a four-house settlement/castle in a single season or would it need multiple seasons to be constructed?
You can do it in a single season.
>The ROI is too slow for real profit, but as a tactical fortification, building a castle could be great…
You are plundering warlords, not investors.
If we're demanding the capitulation of the hillfolk villlages, what more would we need to do to clear it out? I don't see a fortress left on the map at the pass.

Would the other zars be willing to invest 10 loot if I add 20 so that the settlement would be highly defensible at tier 4? I would invest more if we could reach an even higher tier.
>If we're demanding the capitulation of the hillfolk villlages, what more would we need to do to clear it out?
If you're willing to accept 5ish loot per interraid as tribute, then you can go without any more fighting.
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Oh shit they're all dead? Damn Khorne must be having a blast rn.
Alright then, I'll take the purple circle. With that abundance of unexpected extra wealth, that will let me be waaay more generous than I was planning on being.

After what Ivan just said, I'm fine with pitching in towards the cost of building defenses.
With an extra 20 loot to throw around, I can also afford to give a bit more to the Beastfolk for getting us access to Skinwolves.

What would it cost or take to build a moat/flood a small section of the pass? To me, that would be what decimates the enemy attempts to dislodge us.

I'm willing to invest a bit, but I'd recommend that we only go up to tier three at the maximum. The HP bonuses round up, so a 30 loot is the same as a 40 loot. Also, if you look at >>5990923 then there's a valuable spot where we can have two tier one fortifications that would allow two of our units to attack the enemy at the same time. Not many Kislev units can survive 4 damage.

Wait, are we still on turn seven or is this now turn eight?
If it's a new turn, then here's my movement plans if we're not doing the fast-forwarding. If we are doing the fast-forwarding (which I'm in support of), then I'll take the entire purple circle, assuming that they are all empty and undefended like Ivan said. If there's any sneaky little villagers hiding anywhere then that might change things.

Honestly I’d rather just take the loot now and build up our armies. Why try to scrounge a profit up in the north when we can raid the richer lands to the south?

I’d basically only support building a castle to prevent counter-raids by the Kislevites, I don’t see resettlement as a viable option
I could give like 10 loot since i do want get some infantry for myself. Its something i am severely lacking in.

Though we would also need units to defend those fortifications. So some of that would just disappear again.

We can do those fortifications later i believe. Just take their capitulation for now and tribute for them not getting murdered in response. Maybe include a picture of the Zars toasting to their victory with cups made from the skulls of fallen enemy leaders.
I was going to demand half the value of each hill village as tribute from them now in return for not raiding them, plus hopefully unlock Ungol recruitment. Is that viable?

After it's all wrapped up, I would get 5 total from the Wheatlands going forward during the interraid? I take it the investment in a settlement would also add to that?
The people of Alexandrovsk & Ekaterinoslav are awoken in the twilight hours before dawn to the end of their worlds; reavers bearing the proud blood of the Great Kurgan, trampling all in their path from the Eastern Steppes. Those compelled by the courts of Kislev to labor beyond the World's Edge Mountains had already fled, leaving only the hardy pioneers eking out their small fortunes on the frontier. No further escape is possible. Miracles do not answer the prayers on Gospodar & Ungol lips, close as they are to the domain of altogether different gods. Fools who run are pierced by arrows & dragged around the walls by the surrounding horde of mounted killers. A simple command is given: open your gates & line up before the walls, or be slaughtered to the last. After the shortest deliberation, the villagers obey. A man slows his horse before them, scarred, bearded, & of a fearsome gaze. He speaks at last:

"Settlers of the Wheatlands, you are Kislevites no longer. Zars of the pure-blooded Dolgan, the feared Kul, & the Chaos-blessed Hastlings have slain all the warriors who would ride out in your defense. Now we alone keep the Beasts, Hobgobs, & Hung from your despoilment. The wealth of your homes we shall take now from you, but you may earn it back yourselves with time. Those men with families will go into the hills to the villages of Plodiv, Samydessus, Scuthopolis, Sithonopolis, Kers, & Wrongturning. You will explain the situation to them there, of their new rulers, of the tribute they owe. You will return here with said tribute or else the families you left behind will serve for it, & we shall put the hill villages to the sword without mercy. Those who wish to regain what they have lost may ride with us on our raids & earn far greater prizes: glory, & the favor of the Gods! Our folk will settle these lands we have emptied, as may you all so long as you swear your fealty to your new lord, the High Zar of the Wheatlands. So say I, High Zar Ivan."
>I wonder which one Sarrick belongs to...
You asked for it. Lore dump time.

Sarrick is a Kuj. As a youth he joined raids against Cathay and saw the Great Bastion and all the power and civilization they had, which led to his aspirations to be more than a steppe savage. Being a mediocre warrior, it would likely have come to nothing, but an affinity with the wind of Chamon led to his apprenticeship under a tribal sorcerer.

For once Sarrick and Krantagarh can agree. Although the Wheatlands might be nice compared to his homeland, on the global scale they're still a shithole, and there are far greater prizes out there for the taking.

I get the two villages and the town? Sounds good to me. I'll call us even with that since you weren't able to hand me that half-town loot after our last raid.

We shall see then if they yield, if they flee, or if they dig in.
If you can afford it, I won’t spit on 5 loot!

A Minotaur building a castle. Now that’s a fun image
Anyone willing to contribute to the fortifications (a single high-tier keep + some lower tier hill forts next to it & a moat), I'll cut you a share going forward of the tribute I accrue. Alternatively it can be kept in reserve to assist someone for a specific task or if their losses pileup on a raid.

Lanu, I'm looking to take an extended interraid amongst multiple destinations. Not trying to Hobgob the system with the interraid tribute, just have multiple stops in mind before I reach the Sarl lands.

I have some debts to settle amongst the Beast Lords and I’m after another unit of Minotaurs but I’ll donate whatever I have left over. Could be ~10-20 loot, depending on how I do in the last part of this raid.

Both IC and OOC, Krantigarh grudgingly will supply resources to the Kurgan lords in the interest of keeping the peace.

>Warlords of Chaos Quest is really just Wall Street of Chaos Quest as the players make complicated debt and loot-sharing arrangements

By next quest, we’ll have created a central bank, currency and credit ranking system
>central bank...
We aren't hobgobs or skaven (yet)
How many Norscans do I need to deploy my warband across a body of water? I might need to bum a ride with Rue'Vahn or someone else if it's too many.

Seems like each Norscan unit can bring another non-Norscan unit along in their boat. The naval system sort of benefits small elite armies vs big non-elite ones, but that’s okay I think
Question for Lanu
Obviously the numbers and stats of our units have to stay the same, but are we allowed to decide on the lore / story of how we recruit the troops that we purchase? Like, instead of just showing up to a place and hiring them with gold, can we say stuff like "Ah I encountered these warriors on my travels. They were starving and disarmed, so I gave them a significant amount of supplies and gear. They swore their lives to my banner and now fight for me" or something?

Also, on a separate note, thank you for running QM, this has been a lot of fun and I'm getting even more hyped now that things are starting to speed up.

Ooohh wait a minute, how does this sound:
If he's released from his vow, then Rue'Vahn will do something very unusual for a Hung and attempt to honor it anyways, but now it won't be all at once. He's still going to try to send both Huffud and Krantagarh 5 loot, it's just it'll be half during this interim and the other half will be sent at the end of next raid.
I'll let you two decide how it gets split; whether someone gets 2 and the other gets 3 or if someone gets all 5 now and the other gets 5 next time. Doesn't matter to me.

The other thing I'll say is a reminder of >>5988956
The Bearsonlings apparently earn 16 loot every year, so if you've permanently solved their serious skinwolf problem, then surely they spare 8 loot for you guys just this once.
I know that neither of you are retiring to the Norscan territory this winter, but it'd probably be easy to ask one of the other warlords to do the talking for you. I can't do it because I'll be heading back home to Naggarond until next raid.

I'll probably donate. The success of the Kurgans doesn't mean very much to a Hung, but crippling Kislev is significant, and there's also the added benefit of adding legitimacy to the importance of our collective warbands.
I'd recommend that a portion of the tribute is kept in reserve, in case an emergency ever happens and we need some instant cash.

>"Warlords of Chaos Quest is really just Wall Street of Chaos Quest as the players make complicated debt and loot-sharing arrangements"
That sounds like a god-tier shitpost joke-quest
If we make it to next year, that should 100% be the April Fools thread
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>Listen, you're going to short Kislevite grain stocks, and I'll buy long-range puts for the ensuing collapse. I have a Kurgan fix on the situation...
>Fuck the SEC - DO IT OR I'LL AXE YA
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>The call that saved The Empire
alright then that is settled

korthak you wanted to go mammoth hunting with Sarrick right?

i would like to come with. if i wanna get some good/decent infantry though i will only be able to transport part of my army.

so we can probably negotiate passage.

you gonna be in Baersonling lands for interraid?

>Warlords of Chaos Quest is really just Wall Street of Chaos Quest as the players make complicated debt and loot-sharing arrangements

please no. i dont have a degree in economics.
>What would it cost or take to build a moat/flood a small section of the pass? To me, that would be what decimates the enemy attempts to dislodge us.
Keep in mind, a unit of lets say, winged lancers or the heavier Kislevite cav would absolutely mogg any attempts by you to cross the moat.
As for the price, lets say 5 loot.
>Wait, are we still on turn seven or is this now turn eight?
Now should be turn 7 that we're fastforwarding.
>I was going to demand half the value of each hill village as tribute from them now in return for not raiding them,
With that high of a demand, you might aswell raid them. Villages can at most provide 2 interraids worth of tribute, so a grand total of 10 loot.
>plus hopefully unlock Ungol recruitment. Is that viable?
With this, you can unlock the local recruitment of slaves(militia). For Ungols you need to go to the northern Kislev.
If you want them to develop on their own, you could also just not collect tribute. For each two interraids they don't pay tribute, a village will be rebuilt, or a new one built.
>Lanu, I'm looking to take an extended interraid amongst multiple destinations. Not trying to Hobgob the system with the interraid tribute, just have multiple stops in mind before I reach the Sarl lands.
Make it a logical route and I'll consider it and maybe even concede.
>I might need to bum a ride with Rue'Vahn or someone else if it's too many.
You could also rent ships from the Baersonlings if you are strapped for cash. It'd be a ship for a single raid for 2 loot.
>Obviously the numbers and stats of our units have to stay the same, but are we allowed to decide on the lore / story of how we recruit the troops that we purchase?
If they can fit within the gameplay framework, sure (ie, you hire units with stats and abilities you'd normally be able to, no recruiting minotaurs in baersonling lands and such, but if you want to spin it to extra creativity, like a unit of chaos knights being a corrupted unit of the knights of morr, or something in that spirit, I'll allow it).
>Also, on a separate note, thank you for running QM, this has been a lot of fun and I'm getting even more hyped now that things are starting to speed up.
Yeah, the players are picking up the pace. I'm just interested in why noone's really aiming for fort Ostrosk, is 60 loot not enough to gather the attention of raiders?
>If we make it to next year, that should 100% be the April Fools thread
By the next year? You'll be conquering Athen Loren by the end of this one.
Its the short attention span and unwillingness to go there underprepared and loose a lot of shit. At least for me

.... and i might have been a bit too meta gamey what with possible revelations about the raven headed one that Mulrog isnt privy too
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Next turn:
Also, if the 2 loot per village is offered, I'd need a volunteer to battle it out with a militia unit in the pass (a unit with 2 damage and more than 1 HP), before the players can re-deploy here.
As always, Magor, you can mention to me if you're unhappy with your movement or if I fucked something up. I drank a lot of rum yesterday.
>Are those southwesterly villages undefended or I just can’t see the garrison?
You can't see the garrison (well now you can, but you get what I'm saying).
>"heavier Kislevite cav would absolutely mogg any attempts by you to cross the moat"
I don't know why we'd ever try to cross the moat to their side, but good to know.

>"(ie, you hire units with stats and abilities you'd normally be able to, no recruiting minotaurs in baersonling lands and such, but if you want to spin it to extra creativity, like a unit of chaos knights being a corrupted unit of the knights of morr, or something in that spirit, I'll allow it)"
AWESOME, that's exactly what I was hoping to hear! I fully intend to keep all the numbers and gameplay stuff identical, I just want to try something fun with the story/flavor/fluff.

As for the spoiler, well... From how you described it, Fort Ostrosk sounded like it was going to be suicidal to attack by ourselves. That we'd have to grow our warbands larger before we could safely capture it, or else partner up with another warlord and have to settle for splitting it which would only net us 45 loot or maybe even less if it takes three of us. If it's 45 loot, then we'd have an easier time just raiding normal villages. At least, that's my reason.
militia in the pass?

you mean over in the wheatlands?

my knights can do it. still have 3 HP and do some overkill with 3 damage. also massacaring more dudes which could be enough for a small throne of skull to sit upon when residing in the Baersonling lands? Sounds like the Khornate thing to do.
Do we not get downtime first, or is this assumed to be moving on within the same raiding season?
>Do we not get downtime first, or is this assumed to be moving on within the same raiding season?
You can both retire for the season, content with your winnings so far or continue immediately.
pretty sure it has been stated multiple times by Lanu that they only heal outside of raids. if you want to switch maps you do so with what forcs and damage there is on them right now.

i think i can still continue a bit if something remains to be cleared out. but also wouldnt mind retiring, paying off the newly hired kurgans with 8 loot and make sure they stay true to their new oaths to me.
Hmm. I'm not actually all that badly hurt, with one Chaos Knight, the Cataphract and my horse archers currently undamaged - even the most wounded Knight still has 2 HP left. So I'll pop in and give the beastmen some backup.
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so can we just pop over. or need to finish off some sort of guard at the border?

For now i would send my two wounded Horse Archers to the Lands of Baersonlinglands to prepare for my arrival.

i will just grab these extra 20 loot and then probably retire. my cavalery wont be very useful for much longer anyway with
>so can we just pop over. or need to finish off some sort of guard at the border?
A unit you send to clear out the path will lose 1HP as long as it can do 2 D and more.
I'd recommend Hangar using the -3 knight so he is -4 and then not bringing him to Kislev.
Or you. I just saw you have a -3 Knight.
my knights still have 3 HP due to the buff they got. but i would prefer to have that as a buffer.

so >>5991326
hangar. would you be willing to use one of your knights that has sustained heavy damage to pop over the mountains and kill the milita guarding the pass? And then you can just retire them.
It would also net you 10 loot.
ah alright...... gotta think then. those level 2 villages will be guarded by stresley at best probably. so nothing that can deal 2 damage in one go?

then i could risk that.

Good point, I'll do that. It'll allow Mulrog to get over with more HP, and the wounded Knight can get all my current loot safely back to the Steppes.
eh. i can probably just target that small village in the forest and get my extra 10 loot that way. but then i will definetly retire.
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Also, with movement for if I get to move this turn.
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Funny you should mention that...

The battle against the Stresly was a triumph but the coastal raid against that eastern village was a waste. So be it, the beastmen will see it razed in turn and we have richer targets to plunder. This forestside town will fall, surely, but my heart burns with greed hotter than my scalp.

What say you we strike at Fort Ostrosk, then split the plunder two ways? It would be reckless but if we won, the powers below might smile on us. If we lost, we'll have bloodied the bastards. I think a less ambitious raid on the town to its north would be just as well, at your discretion, but I think the innumerable Ungor host of yours and my own hardbitten Berserkers could see the witch's sister pried from her cage.

Aye, I'm planning on it, and to retire in Baersonling lands when this raiding season is said and done. If you want to pitch-in, I'd be glad to transport your blades, as long as we can split any loot between ourselves, or slanted to whoever's fought the hardest. I don't care much for the details. These mammoths will be a gods-send to us all.
>Aye, I'm planning on it, and to retire in Baersonling lands when this raiding season is said and done. If you want to pitch-in, I'd be glad to transport your blades, as long as we can split any loot between ourselves, or slanted to whoever's fought the hardest. I don't care much for the details. These mammoths will be a gods-send to us all.

ye. ready to fight and kill and plunder. we will see how useful i will be. hopefuly i will be able to get a unit of skinwolves or two.
we can have a talk with Sarrick since he also settled down there. i wont be needing very much transportation. but some riders would otherwise have to be left behind if i only got god infantry.

Here’s my orders:

1) Centigors move one hex southwest and one hex south to attack the one house town and then loot it. With the higher initiative they should have a 100% probability of success.

2) Wounded Gors stay put. Unwounded Gors and Ungors attack the nearest two-house town on the river and loot it, since it seems undefended?

Lanu, can you confirm that I currently have:

4 loot to begin this raid sequence
20 loot from the 2 house Skinwolves village
20 loot from the 2 house village I just captured
10 loot from the 1 house village my Gors just took
>Lanu, can you confirm that I currently have 54 loot in total.
It seems to me that you do.
We were gonna split the last of your raiding spoils, weren’t we?

It’s okay if you’ve changed your mi d
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If we're all heading into Kislev proper, then I'll take Sunset and the full HP Bondsmen to grab this one village. After that I'll retire for the season and head back to the lands of the Hung.

Oh, if we're doing calculations right now, then can I ask you to confirm how much I have at the moment?

2 that I began with
20 from the first lake village
20 from the second lake village
40 from all the towns inside the purple circle of the Wheatlands
I kinda wanted to take that village later. but if you wanna grab it. no harm, no foul.

but then i would like to take the settlement on the path with the militia.

i am not gonna need extra HP i think

No, no - we’ll split the total proceeds right down the middle. I can only raid down here because your thicc bois cleared a path through the werewolves.

Your loot: 30 (I think?)
My loot: 50 (so far)
Total: 75

So we’re both set to get at least 40 loot here and probably more like 50, since I’m hoping to pick up another 10-15 loot if things go well over the next turn or 2
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I believe you guys can agree on who raids what. If you can't I'll resort to measuring who can get to what first.
I'll note that (I believe):
Rue'Vahn took 20 loot already.
Ivan took 40
And I'll note there is 150 unraided loot to distribute.
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Oh and there is the choice of simply not sacking the villages and taking them under your protection in exchange for tribute. Standard rates apply.
The villages gave me 20 loot, and Rue’Vahn might give me 5


Your loot: 20
My loot: 50 (so far)
Potential loot inbound (since I’m attacking two villages currently): 30
Total to split: 70-100

Your business with Rue’Vahn is seperate, and I have a debt to Magor to pay off, but it’s easiest and best to leave those debts out of the loot-sharing for this raid.

So at minimum we’ll both be getting a unit of Minotaurs if we want, with some extra left over, which is not bad at all. Much better showing for Krantigarh on his second run
If I'm not mistaken, then on pic related, my claim was for the locations which I've just circled in purple. From here it's only a question of whether that's disputed or not.

Oh I mean, if you want it then you can have it. If my estimation of loot was correct and I have actually earned 80 loot, then I've gotten enough to be satisfied with. If we settle the Wheatland raiding rights then I might just retire now and head back to Naggarond. The only thing I'd ask is that if you are going to spend the winter with the Norscans, then you maybe put in the good word with the Jarl for Nilsa, since she is the one who trusted us with the knowledge of the Skinwolves.

I think the plan is to send 5 loot now, and another 5 by the end of next raid. That way it's the same amount, but it's giving me more time to pay it off.
>If I'm not mistaken, then on pic related, my claim was for the locations which I've just circled in purple. From here it's only a question of whether that's disputed or not.
Yes, correct.
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i didnt make any claims so it would be fair for you to go after that village.

i am mostly gonna poke my cataphracts head across the hill and see what kinda enemy awaits. if its some stresely or militia then i will just butcher them with my knigts. i then planned to go south and grab that village. if i can get the one on the pass however i can glance over that village since my knights would be down to two HP anyway and after 20 loot down to 1 HP and would have to retire. at which point my host would retire as well.

i just marked what each warlord wanted to have based upon what i still remember.

purple is me grabbing an extra 10 from up north village and 10 from below for 40 total loot so far in the wheatlands. orange Ivan on the left villages for 20, which brings him to 70 loot in the wheatlands you Rue should be somewhat up there as well with your looting.

Hangar in white got 30 from the villages in the south and 10 additional from one on the northern stream, which with the 10 he already had brought him to 50.
now for the village and milita guarding it. If hangar wants that it would get him up to 60 loot and force one Knight to retire for the season.

in that case i would like to get that extra village but it isnt necessary. going from 60 to 70 loot is a good difference but wouldnt destroy me. especially since i still have two loot in reserver and would have to pay 10 for the dudes i recruited which would leave me with at least 52 Loot which is exactly enough for TWO units of Skinwolves.
and yes. i will take your message with me to the Baersonlings.

and i will then immediatly recruit some skinwolves.probably have to mark them with brand of Khorne to make them submit to me.
Here's my math:
>Prior Raids = 2 Loot
>4 Lake Villages Already Raized = +40 Loot
>Lake Village Bucholt = +10 Loot
>Alexandrovsk & Ekaterinoslav = +20 Loot
>6 Hill Villages' Tribute (half their value) = +30 Loot
>Total: 102 Loot

I'm looking to head to the Eastern Steppes, then the Baersonling Lands (where I can recruit Ulfhednar from), then the Last Hope Inn, then deploy to the Sarl Lands of Troll Country. Can Norscan Thralls be used to build/sail ships? I wouldn't be collecting any tribute on this extended interraid I'm assuming, especially since I just depleted their coffers. Would I need to travel to the Wheatlands in order to collect tribute in the future?
>>6 Hill Villages' Tribute (half their value) = +30 Loot
Yeah, regarding this.
>I was going to demand half the value of each hill village as tribute from them now in return for not raiding them,
With that high of a demand, you might aswell raid them. Villages can at most provide 2 interraids worth of tribute, so a grand total of 10 loot.
let me guess. one of the largest sources of loot is the slaves we take? those peasants probably wont have much of worth to take otherwiese
Now Kislev's only hope for the next quarter is the mysterious young wizard, Sminem.

Alright, Q3 Investors ONLY:
I'm looking for between 55 & 75 Loot to be invested into securing the pass (a tier 3 fort, two tier 1 or 2 hillforts, & a moat). I'll pitch in 20. Whoever invests I'll offer the accrued tribute from the trade I control through the pass whenever a need arises, or we can split it into a trickle of passive loot every interraid until the investment + half of a return is doled out to everyone. I'll also offer my assistance in a future endeavor once I'm finished with the Sarls.
Ok, so I would gain 10 now from the 6 villages, then 5 from them during each interraid? That would be separate from the trade I would gain tribute from in the pass right (a percentage of the settlements invested in)?
Well, yeah, you're taking everything, food, tools, metal, icons, cloths, wood, animals, furs, coinage, men, women, children...
The 2 loot is only for the first interraid of tribute, as thats considered them taking everything but the bare essentials to survive. The 1 loot per turn is their actual production per year.
The village in the pass is not one that would surrender. But yes, you'd gain 10 now and 5 afterwards. As for trade, your invasion kinda ruined that. If you want to reestablish it, consider retiring to the wheatlands in the future and picking up some quests there.
Works for me!

Hell yeah, those rats won’t know what hit them
Sounds good to me. Can thralls build/sail ships, and can my Kurgans sail the ships I rent?
>Prior Raids = 2 Loot
>4 Lake Villages Already Raized = +40 Loot
>Lake Village Bucholt = +10 Loot
>Alexandrovsk & Ekaterinoslav = +20 Loot
>6 Hill Villages' Tribute = +10 Loot (5 passive in future)
>Total: 82 Loot
Sry for spamming but since you brought up interraid in the Wheatlands I'll add that stop to my vacation, so in order:
Eastern Steppes
Baersonlings (includes werewolves?)
Last Hope Inn
Troll Country
Wait, try to put it in logical order.
Isn't that going East to West in more or less a straight line?
So this is your return path to re-raid Kislev after you retire to the Eastern Steppes?
the steppes are a good way farther east than the Wheatlands. The bearsonlings are even further west since the are on the other side of the world edge mountains.

the last hope inn would have to be your first stop. then the baersonlings. the wheatlands Eastern steppes.... and then maybe troll country.
Yes, I'm looking to end my vacay by sailing for Troll Country/Baersonling Lands
Sarl****** Lands
Last Hope is South-West of the Baersonlings isn't it?
It's between Baersonlings and the Kraka Ravnsvake.
That's what I thought. Does my route not make sense? It's East to West in a more or less straight-line.
Alright, but keep in mind, you're rushing through these areas and you won't be getting a proper event in most of these.
I'm willing to take my time if need be, I'm lore-maxxing. Not trying to collect an interraid this time either.
Thing is, I want to limit the loremaxxing aswell, as knowledge is power.
Alrighy. In a lore/meta sense I'm also doing a recruiting run, advertising the open land for Kurgan & Norscans to settle, whether that nets me anything tangible or not.
Looks good to me, Mulrog. 60 Loot from the Wheatlands is pretty nice... not as great as Ivan's score, but then he's going to need it more with what he's planning to spend setting himself up as Zar of Wheat.

Are you going to need any of my host to double-back and help you take out that hill- town?
Hill town? do you mean over in Kislev Proper?

because the Town in the pass will probably not allow more than 1 unit to assault it at once.

also i got 40 loot in the wheatlands. 50 if i get to assault/plunder the village on the pass

i am gonna get 20 loot from the tier 2 settlement in Kislev which would get me up to at least 60 loot altogether.
the tier 2 settlement in kislev proper should pose no problem. my knights deal three damage. unless there is some super heavy infantry in that town nothing should be able to stop me.

my cataphracts will scout ahead on the hills where they wont be in an immediate fight with the town so i can see how safe the assault will be.

the threat level should be absolutely minimal.
That sounds like an excellent plan!
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Ah shoot, I just realized I should have linked my battle plans to you >>5990247

Actually though it seems pretty good, his single unit was able to take the town well. In such a case then, I will join forces in the west with Korthak, and prepare for a joint attack on the town.

in the east, my other Ungors will also prepare to surround the settlement.
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Rue'Vahn's plans looked really solid to me, though a Tier 3 Bastion as the main bulwark would still be preferable alongside a Moat & a Tier 2 Palisade leading to the pre-existing village.

Lanu, do I need to buy troops to staff the pass or can my recruiting campaign in the Eastern Steppes, the Wheatlands, & Norsca for settlers supply guards?

I'm still curious if Norscan Thralls can build & sail ships. Also, if I rent ships for 2 Loot would that mean I need Norscans to sail them, I would need to return them, or I'm simply being transported for that cost per unit?

Last question, what troops can I recruit among the Wheatlands?

Once all that is figured out I'll ask for official investments.

Any ideas for naming these two new settlements? I'm thinking some combination of opolis, sberg, oslav, Ivan, Dolgan, Kurgan, Zar, Khorne, etc.
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Hellpit would be easy to capture if it wasn't for that dang mountain tile. Here, I did a drawing. There's a single tile of mountain in the way that is blocking the ability to attack with two units at once. If we could find some way for a single unit to bypass that either by locating a secret tunnel or by using scrolls of flight, then Hellpit would be easy to crack open. We'd still need to send people down into the tunnels below, but at least we'd have gotten past the front door.

>"i didnt make any claims so it would be fair for you to go after that village."
Okay well then why don't we just do this fair and square, and split it 50/50?
You get 5 loot, and the 5 loot that I get will cover the compensation towards Huffud and Kratagarh

I'll pitch in for the cost of the defenses, but I'll wait until I've both retired and also seen what my interim lore stuff reveals. After that I can see what units I want to buy and begin allocating my budget around.
Much appreciated, I may need to owe you a favor in order to get to the Sarl lands. I was wondering what that settlement was since it was shaded differently to the Dorf holds. What was that one marked "Evil Place" earlier?

Hellpit is basically only safely "takeable" by Minotaurs given that we have 5 HP and can almost certainly tank whatever awful Skaven unit is camping at the doorstep.
if you want to share then i dont mind even if your doing all the work. not sure if Khorne would approve of a gift from a follower of Loesh.


as for Hellpit minos wil be your best bet. unless its some sort of chaosspawn that deals 3 damage a pop.

getting access to some sort of flying unit would be very useful.
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Next turn:
>Lanu, do I need to buy troops to staff the pass or can my recruiting campaign in the Eastern Steppes, the Wheatlands, & Norsca for settlers supply guards?
No, you'll get appropriate troops depending on the level of the settlement and the choices in the interturns.
Now I also remember someone asking if thralls can build longboats and a bit more elaboration on how does seasonal renting of longboats work.
Thralls can build longboats. As for how renting longboats works, an AI unit of thralls/bondsmen and very rarely something else is provided to you, you control it, but the moment you land on the shore, they basically go AFK until either something threathenes them, at which point they fuck off, leaving you stranded, or until you return, at which point, you re-embark and they sail you back to where you want.
Also for minotaur lad, the centigors don't have higher initiative than infantry when assaulting towns or fighting on hills.
Easy turn for me. The Cataphracts go directly south up on the hill to scout. The archers will move south into the stream.

Chaos knights hold position..

Also forgot my slaves. They would have retired and started preparing a suitable location for Mulrogs army to return to for the winter in Baersonlinglands together with the injured Horse Archers

Other than the villages in the mountains themselves, there are no enemies to be found on the map.
(every village marked with a number on >>5991433 is free taking)
High Zar Ivan the Unbearable decides to retire early in order to pursue his journey to recruit settlers for the Wheatlands, with his hordes returning to the east to meet with their families, to replenish their numbers and to get drunk and feast.
During his feast, a number of odd faces appear, a ancient kurgan warrior, dressed in nothing but Cathayan silks, a hobgoblin warrior riding a horse like befits a human and a hung cripple clad in jewelry befit a king, yet he manages to corner none before first his duties of recruiting settlers and then his host continue their journey.
His next stop brings him to the wheatlands where he likewise starts tending to the needs of his host and the difficulties of corresponding and informing the kislevites and the dolgans of their mutual duties, yet again, his hasty passing leaves him with little time to tend to the finer intricacies, like, for a example, a erection of a capital, or the establishment of laws, for he and his horde continue northwest in a attempt to reach the Baersonling lands before retiring for the season. Barely passing, Ivan continues towards the Last Hope Inn, tired from the relentless campaigning, recruiting and negotiating, steps into the inn, and proceeds to pass out from drinking a keg of ale. His patrons charge him for his room, then kindly escort him from the prying eyes of the figures Sarrick had seen previously and a few new ones, like a kislevite boyar, a norscan half troll and a coal coloured human.

Finally, drunk, exhausted and frankly sick of travelling, Ivan returns to the lands of his Baersonling hosts and takes a few days to rest and sleep before forcing himself up to tend to his plans.
Firstly, Ivan would have to decide, who would he settle the Wheatlands with, having taken the dominant position with them:
>Dolgans, the nearest, cheapest and most eager to settle, as they often did in Kislev itself. The steppe men and women would still stick to their old ways and would be difficult to mould.
>The Baersonlings, already settled nearby, yet unwilling to compromise on their traditions and ideas and unwilling to accept Ivan.
>Slaves, already broken in, shattered from a dozen nations and peoples, expensive, yet willing to work and able to be moulded into a force and a realm Ivan would impose upon them
Then, Ivan would spend the later halves of his days doing what Norscans do, drinking in company of:
>A strange albino that refused to introduce himself, instead calling on you to lend him aid as you both serve chaos, promising a mighty black greatsword (+2D to a single unit of Sarricks choice) and a sack of gems (20 loot) should you aid him in securing his passage upon a mist cloaked island in the Frozen sea
>Oddbjorn, a Norscan whaler calling upon you to join him in fishing adventures as beasts of a size never seen before are prowling the seas and the ice is thick enough further insea for even chaos knights to gallop across them, promising great loot should you succeed.
>Himself, dedicating his time to dreaming the odd times and strange places hidden by strings of fate pulled by the gods.
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Alright, here's my turn 9
After I raid that village, I'll split the loot and then retire for the season.
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We march west, guided by visions of gore! Glory won in battle or an early death on Kislev's blades! Kharneth demands it!

Together, we will conquer and we will slay! Your northern ungors might be better off trailing the norscans and helping us to fight any bastards helping to garrison Fort Ostrosk, but far be it from me to command a brother by blood spilled.
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Hangar rides his horsemen onward across the plains.

Hangar's Cataphracts dip their lances in silent salute as they ride past the victorious Gor-herd and the village they are about to plunder.

Lanu, if my Centigors are done fighting in the hill village, then I’d like them to move two hexes northwest, two hexes north to attack the two house village, saving my Gors. Ungors can move three hexes due south.

Also looks like I picked up another 10 loot, could you confirm?
Do you need to save the Gors? From the looks of it on the map there's nothing in the village to defend it, so you could just have he Gors walk on through and loot on the way?

Ah, as I look again - clearly there was a defender there and the Gors have cleared the village already. The enemy unit didn’t appear on the previous map so I wasn’t sure if Lanu just forgot to put the unit icon there.

Anyways if the village is already clear:

1)Gors loot the village and head southwest to attack the next southwest village on the river bank.

2)Ungors move as previously ordered.

3)Centigors instead attack due northwest to take the next river village along with the Gors
I was hoping for the Roppsmen option...
The Albino it is. That's +20 up front?

So long as it is, here's my loot expenditure:
>Baersonling Ships x7 -14 Loot
>Norscan Thralls x1 -6 Loot
>Horse Archers x1 -10 Loot
>Ulfhednar x2 -52 Loot
>Wheatlands Fort -20 Loot
Loot = 0

I'll give the +2 Damage to my unit of Cataphracts, where the Zar feels most at home upon the Steppes.

Considering the info about units staffing settlements based on tiers, I'd like to raise an additional 50 beyond the 20 I've thrown in, so that there will be two Tier 3 settlements + two Moats (one on each side). This will ensure Kislev cannot dislodge us, & once again I will either disburse the interraid tribute from the settlement among investors or accrue it into an "emergency fund" if you will.
Who among you will aid me in this endeavour?
Mate I don’t even have enough money to buy more cows

I appreciate the title, and this is VERY cool- but Minotaurs be expensive yo

Best of luck in your endeavor though! It’ll make for a fine rallying point
...... i could contribute 10 if Rue keeps his promise to give 5 loot to me. that would be all i can afford since i also want two units of skinwolves.
>That's +20 up front?
It's actually not. The +20 loot is after you get him to the island
>I'll give the +2 Damage to my unit of Cataphracts, where the Zar feels most at home upon the Steppes.
And same to here. The sword comes as payment after the job is done.
In that case, revised math:

Loot 82
>Baersonling Ships x5 -10 Loot
>Norscan Bondsmen x2 -16 Loot
>Horse Archers x1 -10 Loot
>Ulfhednar x1 -26 Loot
>Wheatlands Fort -20 Loot

Loot 0
>Norscan Bondsmen x2
>Horse Archers x3
>Kurgan Cataphracts x1
>Ulfhednar x1
>Chaos Knights x2
PS I accept the quest to take this albino weirdo across the sea on my rental fleet, the Sarls can wait awhile longer.
Actually, probably better to ask you to clear it up, Lanu.

There's no image of a unit in the town the Gors are next to, but there is a pair of black arrows and the Gors do appear to have taken damage. Did they manage to kill the unit in the town, or is it just missing from the image?
They managed to kill it. It was a militia unit.

Thanks for clarifying Lanu!
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Then let it be so!

>Northern Ungors will follow the Norscans
>Western Ungors will begin to encircle the foe town
>Ungors that took the town will loot and rape everything that's there if they haven't already. Magor wants first pick of anything interesting.
>Remaining eastern Ungors prepare to encircle the river village!

The title is well received by Magor, though I have little loot to offer you at this time. I'm not even sure if I have any loot, the last loot I got ages ago was 10 loot which I spent on having 2 more ungors. I see I still only have twelve, so I presume it was for recouping losses from the very first phase of the campaign.
A fortress could suit our needs, but would that plunder not be better spent on sharp steel and murderous men? No man ever earned glory before the gods cowering behind walls. The plunder I take I will keep for myself and those who fight with me, so that I can continue to fight! Kharneth demands it!

Still, I see reason in your proposal and you've proven yourself a savvy raider. Though I do not have enough to give now, I will hand over five shares of loot when this season is done and consider your work well in the future. In time, such a stronghold might rival the greatest of Southron cities. It would only be cunning to get in on the ground floor.

Together! By our hands and in the sight of Morrisleb, Fort Ostrosk will fall, brick-by-brick! Not by gauntlets of Chaos Chosen, but bare, calloused grip of goats and northmen! If we are the victors in this, our blades will reap fame as well as flame!
Hey. Do you still take new players?
I think so yeah. Current raid is getting closer to its endpoint so building an army and warlord can probably happen without having to wait too long.

Manu can corret me if i am wrong though
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The cataphracts crest the hill and find the everpresent foes. A strelsy detachment vigilantly standing guard.
Want to take 20 loot and retire?
OOC it's a militia unit, wanna take 10 loot and be done with it?
A vicious charge of the berserkers catches the bloodied strelsy unaware, axes and javelins and spears hewing into kislevite flesh before the vollies can be fired and before a charge of the bardiches can hew your men down. The village is cleared, all that is left to do is to sack it.
Regarding this, your Gors can't sack a village and then continue onwards, a settlement saps all movement when stepping onto it, same as hills, rivers and forests. So I moved your centaurs to just south of the village. Also, yes, you have previously gained 10 loot and you have now gained another 10 loot. I can change it if you dislike it.
So far you have 10 loot, but have lost 2 ungors.
Your ungors swarm the village, a quick skirmish is fought between the ungortide and the militiamen, but they are simply swept away by the great wave of beastmen. The village is defenseless.

Yeah, you can cook up your character and your 60 loot's worth of an army, but you'll only be able to join after the current raid's been done. I recommend reading the start of the quest, plus noting that you can also play norscans.
The current recruitment sheet is:
+ for Baersonlings:
Skinwolf - 26 loot:
HP 3
D 2
M 4
Yeah. The knights will charge over the hill take some damage and then plunder the village. Gonna retire afterwards to Baersonlinglands.

If this still stands i think we can write it a bit like Rue Vhan and Mulrog meeting on their respective ways home and having a little talk

Lanu i made 40 loot ik the wheatlands, 10 ehole crossing the border and 20 in Kislev proper right? That would put the pay for the two raid units i took in 14 loot correct?

I have two loot from before and rue promised 5 for... a service which is not loot gained from raiding

That should give me 63 loot left over?

Gonna write a small thing out between Mulrog and Rue'Vhan when i get home.
>"OOC it's a militia unit, wanna take 10 loot and be done with it?"
If that's the case then yeah, I'll raid the village and retire.
The 10 loot from the town gets divided and sent off; 5 going to Mulrog while the other 5 gets split between the minotaurs as a thank you for clearing the Skinwolves. I'll say that this first batch will go to Huffud to help get caught up for joining late, and then next raid I'll give 5 to Krantagarh. If they instead want to share it now so that one of them has 3 while the other gets 2, or something, then I'll leave that for them to decide.

As for where I retire, I'll be heading back home to the lands of The Hung, specifically the Aghol territory north of Naggarond.
If it's okay with you QM, I'll actually ask for you to wait before describing what interim lore encounters I get. I have a fun little lore thing I want to do first involving some troop recruitment. I'll write out a cool lore blurb tomorrow once I get home from work, and then after that I'll ask for the interim choices. If you're okay with this, that is.

Once I've done both of those, I'll plan my budget and decide how much loot I want to spend on even more troops vs donate to Ivan's fortification fund vs hold on to/save for later.

Yeah that sounds pretty cool. A meet up + chat before retiring. Although I'll warn that oog it might be like 18-24 hours before I can properly respond cuz irl I've got a busy day tomorrow.
I think the maths checks out. I haven't been keeping track this raid, but I trust all of my players.
Also, consider investing in Huffund.
Mulrogs return to the Baersonling lands, loaded with such heavy wagons of loot and such long columns of slaves brings him much cheering. And of course, such a figure cannot go without attention.
>Oddbjorn, a Norscan whaler calling upon you to join him in fishing adventures as beasts of a size never seen before are prowling the seas and the ice is thick enough further insea for even chaos knights to gallop across them, promising food and supplies and volunteers should you succeed.
>Lodin, fat and aging man, and a exiled Fjellsende chieftain, promising you regular tribute (of 9 loot after he rebuilds) should you aid him in regaining his throne.
>Vigi, a youthful and darkskinned girl (or boy, you can't quite tell and don't care about inquiring), asking for aid in reaching and desecrating a monolith at the spring of the river Lynsk and promising his own weight in gold and gemstones as reward (50 loot).

>If it's okay with you QM, I'll actually ask for you to wait before describing what interim lore encounters I get.
All fine with me. I always appreciate player engagement.

>Although I'll warn that oog it might be like 18-24 hours before I can properly respond cuz irl I've got a busy day tomorrow.
Should be fine, as Kran, Magor, Hangar and Korth all have their forces in the field.
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Blood for the soil! Smoke for the pyre! Fort Ostrosk is almost in sight! Soon, we'll have the Hound in frenzy!

You do the honours with this town, friend. I have eyes on a greater prize. I only hope your ungors' hides are thicker than the Kislevite black powder's strong.

Here's my orders:

1) Ungors move one hex south, one hex southeast - they peek at the forest village - any defenders there?

Looks like my Centigors/Gors are penned in a bit by the other mounted troops, so they'll just chill for now. I'll keep my wounded Gors chilling in their village as well.
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The riders keep riding. The new positions should give a clearer picture; and then I can a decision.

I didn't think I was actually pinning you, but regardless I should be out of the way now.

Cool, thanks!

I Amend my orders somewhat:

1) Wounded gors retreat one hex southeast, two hexes northeast.

2) Centigors move three hexes south, obe hex southwest. I want to get out of range of the streltsy and positive for a team-up with Zar Hanger’s mounted forces, basically.
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Rolled 2 (1d6)

Gods grant you glory and favor, brother in Chaos and bloodshed!

>Northernmost Ungors will continue advancing behind the norscans
>One unit of Ungors will storm the Kislevite town!
>One unit of Ungors to the East will storm the undefended village!
>The rest in the east will try and pursue the lone kislevite unit, they will make for the river to the west

Now let us see who to dedicate these glories too, in the time honoured tradition of d6

>The Kislevite Village
1-3 Magor favors the Serpent, for it has been most kind
4-5 It is unwise to always favor only one of the Four, roll for the other three
6 Chaos Undivided
Rolled 6 (1d6)

The surviving Kislevites will envy the dead, for today the Ungors seek living prisoners to indulge on debaucheries most dark and dire! The women taken, to provide more numbers to the horde, and the men a feast most fresh and lively

>Village to the East
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A wandering Bray-Shaman advises we pay heed to all the Four, and his words are welcomed.

Blood sports are held to the Hound, captive villagers made to duel with ungors to spill blood and shed skulls piled high
Great heaps of bodies are left to fester in the sweltering sun in a great cesspit where we lay our waste, for the glory of the Crow
Lots and games of chance are held, some captives to live as slaves to honoured mutants others to be slain, for the Eagle's sake
And the Serpent is honored with much revelry, ungors taking contests to see who has the greatest stamina through night and day

Totems to all four are left behind on the ruined village
Returning from his latest conquest with wagons bursting with loot Mulrog had been in deep thought about where he should next ride. Back Home would have been nice, but he felt like the steppes wouldnt provide what he needed. What he wanted were more knights, but the realities of War demanded footsoldiers to aussault castles and town.

Steering his Mount away from the pass and more northward towards the Baersonling Lands he had made his decision. One that was most fortunate, meeting with Rue'Vahn the depraved Hung, who was on his way back home. Mulrog greeted his fellow warlord with some courtesy but also apprehension due to the Manticore leering at him with Malice. Nonetheless the hosts didnt come to blows and instead a feast was held where the warlords shared stories of their exploits before Mulrog mentioned retiring to Baersonling Lands to find some suitable warriors for his next cause.

Hearing of the Healers Woes with the Skinwolves Mulrogs determination grew even more and in return for some loot he even promised to make sure that the woman would receive the good word and more.

Urslo would be his target for the winter months where he demanded the Woman be brought to him. Not only would he impress upon the chieftain that she made sure that their Problem was taken care off. He also offered the woman a small token made of brass with his symbol pressed into it, guaranteeing her safety while he spent his winter there.

But he also probed her for knowledge about the Ulfwerenar and how these creatures were created and controlled, offering some of his slaves up to be transformed. Their minds already having been broken and bent to his will hopefully allowing him to control them even after the transformation took hold in them.

>Oddbjorn, a Norscan whaler calling upon you to join him in fishing adventures as beasts of a size never seen before are prowling the seas and the ice is thick enough further insea for even chaos knights to gallop across them, promising food and supplies and volunteers should you succeed.
Narvoch was a Baersonling boy, too clever for his own good. His village was ransacked by raiders on dark night many winters ago and he fled alone into the frozen wastes. He has now returned to his sorcerer as a mighty sorcerer with thralls to serve him, a retinue of warriors sworn to his name and a pack of skinwolves enslaved to his will. A dark, red eyed raven never strays far from his presence.

Narvoch Ravenwing was once one of the Baersonlings. He is now something more.

>Chaos warrior – 28 loot
>Skinwolf 26 loot
>Thrall – 6 loot

Here's my character, ready for whenever the raid ends. I'll add a picture once I find or generate something that I like
Welcome aboard!

OOC - welcome aboard!

IC - Krantigarh says “all sorcerers must be consumed, your raw bone marrow will be tangy and sweet on my tongue”
Another soul to join the winds of war, welcome!

(I wonder if the other leaders will tease Narvoch for being so young and untested)
age means nothing. if he is capable Mulrog will respect him.

Speaking off

OOC: Good to see ya

IC: Another godsdamned sorcerer

OOC: welcome! wanna join the siege of hellpit?
Fellow caster-chad, disregard these martials, they are jealous of our wisdom.
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As the two warlords feast and celebrate, a great many things are discussed. Stories of exploits, rumors about the newest members of the invasion, speculation on the mysterious Lanu and the sister trapped in Ostrosk, and lastly, plans for the future.
Rue'Vahn declares that the shared loot is more than merely a favor to Nilsa, it is a symbol of his good faith towards Mulrog. It is foolish to believe the word of a Hung, but you can usually trust their actions.

He goes on to explain that he's been keeping a close eye on the tensions amongst the warlords, and although he is relieved that things haven't yet fallen apart, he is uncertain how long that will last. Krantagarh seems to want Sarrick dead, but more importantly, Ivan might end up challenging Hangar for the title of leadership. Rue'Vahn proposes that should such a conflict come to pass, that he, Mulrog, and the everyone else enforce a rule or something. That the challenge be tolerated on the condition that it is not settled via infighting. Our own troops should not be wasted on something petty, and instead, the conflict be resolved another way. We could have a repeat of the very beginning and put it to a vote, we could make it a contest determined by who can raid the most loot within a single season, etc. The details do not particularly matter to him, as long as we don't end up with a mountain of our own dead, even though that would immensely please the blood god.
He will still support Ivan's claim, as he is sure that Mulrog will support Hangar, but he is sickened by the thought of the everyone going back to square one. He is even willing to consider making these kinds of donations a regular thing if it means he doesn't have to worry about disaster.

Rue'Vanh explains that unlike most others, he is not particularly interested in power or wealth. He only cares for serving the interests of Loesh as a way to express his gratitude, and right now, that means making sure this invasion succeeds.
So in summary, the loot is given freely and without any expectations of reciprocation, and he simply hopes that it shows Mulrog the truth of his intentions; to strengthen cooperation and avoid civil war.
Mulrog did indeed not trust the words of Ru'Vhan though he did feel similarly. He promised to not waste troops on infighting. it would only give the southerners time to rally and maybe even push them back. While he does enjoy battle and bloodshed immesurably he does not wish to add his skull to the Skullthrone just yet.

And similar to how Rue seeks only to please Sloesh Mulrog seeks to exalt Khornes Glory.

with a possible understanding reached the warlords can part knowing they likely wont just stab each other in the back.
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Alright here we go. I've been waiting for this since the quest began.

With the haul of treasure that he has plundered, Rue'Vahn begins his journey home with an excitement not seen since he proposed to Sunset. Finally, after years of planning, he is ready.
Messenger ravens are sent ahead of time so that his contacts are expecting him when he arrives. Upon his return to the lands of the Aghol, he keeps a low profile by sailing along the coast and doesn't bother visiting the gathering places of the tribe. Instead, he is bee-lining straight for a ritual site in the west.
There, he greets a number of Druchii witches who he remembers fondly from his days of being allied to the servants of Morathi and her cult of pleasure. Opposite to the dark elves are a number of chaos sorcerers who he had done quests for in the past, and asked to be here for this day. All present for this moment are generously paid the wealth they are due for assisting in what comes next, and great number of slaves are brought forth to be sacrificed as fuel for the incantations. As the final preparations are being made, Rue'Vahn summons forth his most trusted retainers to open a small chest which he has been slowly filling over the years. By now, it is well packed with magic scrolls, all containing a copy of the exact same spell: The Transformation of Kadon

The slaves, the scrolls, the service of the wizards, it cost a small fortune for him to see this day (44 loot to be exact) , but it was all worth it. You see, this was a very special day. It was his anniversary, and he was about to achieve the most wonderful kind of present of all; the kind he can share with the one he loves.
He approaches the center of the ritual site and places his wedding ring on the dais. The chanting begins and the Winds of Ghur condense into a storm. The scrolls evaporate and their energy pours into the circle. Upon the hundredth cry of "PRAISE THE DARK PRINCE!" a lightning bolt crashes down and everything goes silent.
The invocation seems to have been a success. Rue'Vahn approaches the center, and as he picks it up, he notices that his previously silver wedding ring is now coated with a beautiful amber.

Part 1/2
Part 2/2

He demands that the magi inspect it, and explain how the newly enchanted artifact works. They tell him that it is safe, and just as he hoped, he can now transform into a manticore for a few hours, several times a day. Effectively a scroll that replenishes itself. Annoyingly it is not able to be permanent, but what does it matter?! At last he can finally spend time with his wife as an equal, and experience life the way she does.
>(+1 'Warbeast of the North' recruited)

A round of triumphant cheers and applauds are held before before Rue'Vahn thanks the sorcerers and bids them farewell. They are invited to join him as he heroically returns to the great gathering places of the tribe and partake in the resulting celebrations, but he will not hold it against them if they have other business to attend.
He doesn't know what the future holds, but one thing is for sure: there's going to be nothing left of the bedroom by the end of this winter.
Alright there we go. That's the lore thing I wanted to do. Now that he can transform, all that's left is to find a way to make Sunset intelligent/fully sentient. Although if you want to veto the lore thing, QM, then I understand.
Regardless, with that out of the way, I am now ready to fully retire until next raid and choose which interim encounters I am presented with. The reason I wanted them delayed is because I don't know if the anniversary event might have an impact on them or alter who I meet. Once I decide on that, I'll plan the rest of my budget and see how much I can contribute to Ivan's fortifications.
Also, just to make sure, I have 38 loot right now, correct? If my math is accurate, then I had 2, earned 90 this raid, then gave away 10, and just spent 44, leaving me at 38.
Fucking siiick dude
Also all this, holy h*ck

So Magor, Krantagarh, & Hangar are still in the field right?
Lanu, are you using the Pulk system for Kislev's defenders or going by Oblasts?
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Hangars scouting discovers a significant force of cavalry ready to strike at him from the south.
Krantagarh's ungors (ugh) find a mere militia guarding the forest village. Still a force beyond their capabilities.
Magors efforts net him 30 loot.
And a despoiled village aswell.
Korthaks berserkers catch a unit of strelsy offguard and butchers the to the last. Yet fort Ostrosk is seeming to turn into a bloodbath.
>Lanu, are you using the Pulk system for Kislev's defenders or going by Oblasts?
Kislev is actually a united state and a very competent one by where it survived, so I think the Kislevites should be more fluent in how they unite their pulks.
"So Mulrog the Cruel, you seek to head north?" The whaler asks. "Well, the hag witch has told me the ice shall be thick this year. Absurdly thick. The ice should even force the fish to the surface, entrapped in ice. Your men should simply be able to march on the surface, putting any beast on the surface to the sword. And the norscans, ever on the edge of hunger, will appreciate it. So will the Hung. I reckon many will flock to your banners."
Welcome to the quest Narvoch. More hordes are always welcome, especially now that I've gotten into the rhythm.

I fully approve.
And furthermore I rust your maths.
Rue'Vahn's return is cheered, celebration is held and animal furs and leathers are laid out for him and Sunset's nightly wrestling competitions. Yet, when Rue's outside of his tent, he spends time getting drunk, eating and occasionally conversing with:
>A Druchii slaver, a tall, slender figure you cannot place the sex of until he speaks. "I seek slaves warlord of the dark prince. And I seek them in the troll bay. You shall be compensated in elven craftsmanship."
>A estalian scholar, a dark skinned, two headed man. "I heard of your deeds. I am interested in crafting beasts."
>A Hung warrior biding you to march south "O warlord, march south and clear the coast free of the Aeslings so that we may settle the north of Norsca. Many a warrior would flock to your banner should you do so!"
what kind of beast can i expect. Seawyrms? Whales? other darker creatures spawned from lightless dephts?

I assume this mission is gonna be on a timer as to when i can complete it?
>what kind of beast can i expect. Seawyrms? Whales? other darker creatures spawned from lightless dephts?
>I assume this mission is gonna be on a timer as to when I can complete it?
Only the next raid.
alright. then i might have to rally some support to my cause promising some help in return.

sarrick. your mammoth hunt will be useful. would you help me out on this next hunt to the poles to hunt for seamonsters? I will return the favor, helping you out and share some of the loot with you.
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Blood... In the months since my blessing, food has burnt to ash in my mouth, water to mist and booze the same. Such are the gifts of the gods, my skull need not eat so long as I slay but I thirst STILL! I thirst for BLOOD! The one thing my tongue of flame can taste! The blood of my friends, blood of my foes! BLOOD! Blood to grease the boots of Kharneth!

Forward, dogs! Make death or die! The northern part will skirmish, berserkers cleaving militia or being cloven in turn. The bondsmen behind them will keep the stresly at bay, softening them up for the goat horde. The southern part will taunt the idolaters, bidding them come forth and die at our furious steel, while the eastern berserkers and our beast friends move west.

I believe that we'll make Fort Ostrosk ours, soon. There's a heavy price to be paid in Kislev skulls and if you are ready, as I am, I'm eager to bargain! The brunt of your horde is far to the southeast, perhaps too far to join in time for the plundering but I'm confident what we have will be enough. It must be or we will die in glory!
Aww man, I like all of these options.
I know I can’t pick multiple, but am I allowed to ask if some of them can elaborate before I decide?
For example, is the Druchii’s offer a one-time thing, or is this a recurring arrangement where I’ll now have access to elven stuff?
>I know I can’t pick multiple, but am I allowed to ask if some of them can elaborate before I decide?
These options represent alternate realities rather than actual visitors. So, you really can't converse with them much more.
>For example, is the Druchii’s offer a one-time thing, or is this a recurring arrangement where I’ll now have access to elven stuff?
The vast majority of things, unless dismissed by players or obviously a onetime offer, are recurring opportunities.
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Hmm, I don't actually know what the Estalian wants me to do, but regardless, I think I know what I'll pick. I just need to talk to the other warlords first and see where everyone is going next raid because that might change my mind.
Also, just to make sure, I assume that Troll Bay means the coast of troll country in Kislev, but which of these circles in particular is the elf talking about? Or am I completely wrong and getting it mixed up with somewhere else?

Okay, roll call.
Can I get a head count of who is attacking where during the next raid? I don't need anything particular, just a rough idea of what area / goal.

Krantagarh and Huffud, are you two attacking Hellpit next time? If so, then I assume that the raid after next you intend to go on the big journey to the southern forest to place the herdstone? I'll probably tag along for that one, but I have no interest in the rats right now.

Ivan, Sarrick, Hangar, you guys are all going north to attack the Sarls and capture mammoths while Mulrog rides out on the ice to hunt seamonsters?

Korthak, I assume that you'll take Fort Ostrosk this raid, but where do you plan on going next? Same for you Narvoch, where are you going to deploy and target for raiding? How about you Magor, what's your plan for next time?
Ye. I will go and hunt some seamonstersm you want in?

I might be able to squeeze enough money together to rent some boats for your army
Mulrog offers you join him in hunting and killing. What better time to spend with the ones you live than hunting monsteous sea creatures frommyour deepest nightmares
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The stretch of coast encompassing the purple circle and all the way until you get into the open sea.
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Hangar curses as the numbers of the reinforcements are revealed to him. Too many Kislevites, especially to meet when pincered between two forces; and most of Krantagarh's beast-herds are already melting away back into the forests. To live in the wastes, sometimes it is only the fleetness of your steed that keeps you alive. Those that lust with the fury of the lord of skulls might still howl and snap at declining such a challenge; but Tchar holds that fates might change upon the turn of another day, and Nieglin decrees that all things shall rot in their time. There may even still be a victory to find here; but a reckless charge will not bring it... we fall back, for the moment. There are Ungors roaming north of the river, and should they cross then their numbers might bolster ours enough.

At the very least, if these Kislevites are distracted here they cannot ride north to reinforce the Fortress...
What happens with the elf if other warlords raid those villages? Am I able to trade loot from elsewhere for the same slaves that they'll take?
Oh no, he doesn't care about that, he wants you to bring units of slaves to anywhere on that coast so he can pick them up and give you your payment.
And by that, it's implied that you buy units of slaves and march them over the map.
Oooooohhh okay I get it, he wants me to drop them off.
How many does he want? Or is it a situation where he just pays for every slave brought to him?
He'll pay for each slave delivered.
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Krantigarh, sensing a change in this battle's energy (and having nothing at all to do with Zar Hangar's strategic retreat), orders his forces to begin reassembling in the forests. Perhaps if he collects them once again, he may be able to raid that one last forest village in the south...


>Krantagarh and Huffud, are you two attacking Hellpit next time?

Yes, that's right. I was planning to help Huffud with the Hellpit assault, and then afterwards, pitch the big "Kislev Forest River Deepstrike Marine Assault" aka KFRDMA so I can place my herdstone.
Oh, shit, yeah, I forgot, you have 1 more unit of wounded gors, do you want them to move in the same direction?

Sure, let’s try to collect everyone together. DESU, I was expecting to retire shortly after the mountain pass fight, which is why I stopped moving the Gors, but this lil post-mountain raid has gone better than I imagined…
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So using my excellent art skills here's how I see options for a northern campaign. My general plan was to sail past the dwarfs into the area I suspect the mammoths to be (beyond the baersonlings but east of the aeslings). The current map of dwarf lands shows Kraka Ravnsvake and surroundings, so Kraka Drak may also be on the mammoth area map, in which case there may be an opportunity to loot for big dwarf gold is any of their settlements look vulnerable. Alternatively, we can just stick to task and capture some baby mammoths, though I assume that will also involve having to fight adult mammoths, which will likely suck.

After that, assuming we're in a fit state to continue I see four main options:

First, double back the way we came and try to push down the Ravsnvake in dwarf lands. Using the lake and the HP bonus from being in ships may make an attack this way viable, but it would likely still be hard as the dwarf warriors are equivalant to chaos warriors in stats.

Second, push along the coast, subjugate the Aeslings, then head south, through what looks like a mountain pass into the brown tribe. Personally, I feel like the black tribe is positioned more where the Sarls are meant to be, but in that case I have no idea who the brown tribe are. Maybe they are the Sarls and the black tribe are the Skaelings?

Third, basically the same plan as number 2 but after the Aeslings continue along the coast towards the Vargs.

Fourth, we turn back after getting the mammoths and go onto this quest we're seen about hunting sea monsters on the ice. This seems like a bit of a mystery box option, as presumably there will be no settlements to loot, so the reward will be something else, and also we have no real idea what the sea monsters are or how tough they'll be.

Personally, I'm committed to the mammoth hunt, but which of the four routes afterwards depends on what everyone else is doing.
Like i offered before. I help you and you help me hunting afterwards.

I would assume the hunt will bring loot based on the number and quality of creature slain. Maybe there is even an option to subjugate a merewyrm or something
Sounds reasonable. Just checking, but you have boats, right?

Fucking captcha.
>Personally, I feel like the black tribe is positioned more where the Sarls are meant to be,
Because they are.
>but in that case I have no idea who the brown tribe are. Maybe they are the Sarls and the black tribe are the Skaelings?
The blacks are the Fjellsende, a term I've seen on a couple of maps and chose to adopt as a Norse tribe, as I see no logical way for the Baersonlings to be present on both sides of the Goromadny and to have their lands split down the middle with Kislevite forts and Dwarven holds.

Well, if you push past the dwarven lands, you won't have to use boats.
Hey QM when should new players jump in? After the raiding season has concluded?
I will have three boats at least. I will exchange my slaves for thralls and get two units of skinwolves. When not transformed they should also be able to build and sail ships.

I can rent some more if need be. Or buy some bondsmen if needed.

Or if our bloodthirst friend shows up with wnough men he might be able to transport us all on his own
My first inclination would be to stick with my fellow casterchad and go hunt mammoths but I'm not sure there's gonna be much loot and glory there?

I can carry three units in my boats.
Yep, tho you can write your character and select the army for 60 loot beforehand.
Refer to the last few lines in: >>5992843
>The blacks are the Fjellsende
I assume you mean the browns there. But besides that I agree. A small, split population of Baersonlings couldn't possibly survive between the dwarves, the Kislevites, the Sarl and Aeslings (the last in particular considers the baersonlings mortal enemies). And even if they somehow did would quickly diverge and be a new tribe anyway.

>if you push past the dwarven lands, you won't have to use boats.
Technically no, but in reality the difference in speed between a force sailing and a force marching would make a joint expedition somewhat impractical.

A couple questions on boat based combat:

If a boat (on water) and a enemy unit (on the coast) are next to each other I assume they fight, and the embarked unit gets +1HP the same as garrisoning a town. How does this interact with carrying another unit? Say we have a norse bondsman transporting a chaos warrior. If they end up in combat does the bondsman attack/take damage? Or the warriors? Or both? If the bondsman unit is killed, are the chaos warriors destroyed as well, as they are now at sea without a transport? If the boat is in combat, and there is a free coast tile next to it, can the warriors disembark into it, or are they locked out of moving as two opposing adjacent units would normally be, and so have to stay on the boats?
Naval combat is not yet a thing. I shall think of it long and hard (and quite probably avoid making it until you people decide Ulthuan needs to fall, at which point I'll add dedicated naval combat units like war longboats and warkrakkens and such shit).
As for
>If a boat (on water) and a enemy unit (on the coast) are next to each other I assume they fight, and the embarked unit gets +1HP the same as garrisoning a town.
You don't get +1HP, you get 1HP, 0D, and lower initiative than your opponent, as you are considered to have been caught unready.
If(/when) the boat is destroyed, the units on it drown and die. So, taking a extra turn or two to properly scout out the coast before disembarking is quite important.
>If the boat is in combat, and there is a free coast tile next to it, can the warriors disembark into it, or are they locked out of moving as two opposing adjacent units would normally be, and so have to stay on the boats?
No disembarking. You stay on the boat and die.
So TL;DR don't get your boats into melee, they'll die. Disembark a safe distance away and then go out and fight.
Ah, my bad, I obviously totally misread that. Hopefully it's because I read it while drunk and/or very tired, but probably I'm just retarded.

My boats will be staying with a safe 1 tile gap between them and the coast at all times until I know the beach is clear.
>Ah, my bad, I obviously totally misread that. Hopefully it's because I read it while drunk and/or very tired, but probably I'm just retarded.
I probably phrased it poorly (because I too was probably drunk, tired or retarded when writing it).
>My boats will be staying with a safe 1 tile gap between them and the coast at all times until I know the beach is clear.
Should be easy with a 3 tile line of sight.
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AI has given me something I'm happy enough with for Narvoch
When disembarking do units need to disembark all at once? Or can it be in waves?
It can be in waves, tho if you are caught disembarking with two units still in the boat, only one can fight at a time.
Okay. But the combat units can disembark and saecure a landing zone if necessary. You dont need to have the crews disembark on the same turn. The boats can be left on the shore to then return to them? Or do i have to leave dudes behind to take care of the boats if i wanna use them for the return journey?
>But the combat units can disembark and saecure a landing zone if necessary.
>You dont need to have the crews disembark on the same turn.
No, however, it doesn't make much difference, as the boats need to beach themselves for you to disembark.
>The boats can be left on the shore to then return to them?
Yes, however enemies may steal/destroy them.
>Or do i have to leave dudes behind to take care of the boats if i wanna use them for the return journey?
No, you can disembark, leave, reembark and sail away.
Wait the Aeslings and Baersonlings fucking hate each other? That works out great for me.
If like 4 or 5 warlords are heading north for the mammoths, then I might tell the Druchii "sorry senpai, I'll do it next year", and instead listen to the Hung warrior to go and clear the northern coast of Aeslings.

My only concern is that it might start to get crowded up there in the northern mountains. Forget not having enough loot to go around, but also a question of whether we'll have enough room on the map to fit all our troops.

Idk, what do you guys think? I haven't committed yet so I'm still not sure...
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You have cleared a passage into the northern lands past Ravnsnake
Absolutely bitchin' PFP

The Sarls are still high on my list, but first I have to sail some Albino across the Frozen Sea. Not sure where I'll end up next turn. (Albion? The Island of the Chaos Godling? Svalbard?)

New warlords, I'm still trying to raise enough Loot to construct unpassable fortifications in the Blyat Pass from Kislev to the Wheatlands. This will allow us to have another spot for interraid rest & recruitment, as well as the tribute from the Forts themselves & preventing Kislevites from attacking behind our Chaos Hosts' battlegrounds. However much you invest will be doled out to you at a rate of 1/10th per interraid until you have made back your investment + another half of it, OR I can save all of it for an "emergency fund" if you will in case an investor takes a catastrophic loss or another goal crops up in need of funding. Keep it in mind after your raids.
So blue is dwarfs. I assume the four building settlement is Kraka Drak itself. If it is defended by an elite dwarf unit that always has initiative and there is only one entry tile it looks practically unassailable.

The purple settlements I will hazard a guess are not norscans as they are all in woods/hills rather than on the coast. Maybe beastmen or an orc/goblin tribe?

The pink settlement, as it is both a size three and a unique colour, I would guess is something unique, though I have no idea what it is off the top of my head.
Lanu, what was the spot labeled "Evil Place" on the Northern Kislev/Baersonling map? Also, where exactly is the Last Hope Inn on said map?
I can't find it, you're gonna have to be a lot more specific and descriptive, or preferably tell me the post with the map.
Ivan, I think I can pitch in about 10 to 15 loot, but my question is whether or not we also need to purchase troops to defend the pass. If so, what kind of troops? I could buy 2 Hung savages for 16 if we need them to protect it.

Also, I’m pretty sure that “evil place” was Hellpit and the skaven
So each tier of settlement automatically grants it defenders scaled to that tier; thus I'd prefer two higher tier settlements with moats, additional defenders unneeded.
The "evil place" in green, was this Hellpit like Rue'Vahn mentioned, & where exactly is the Last Hope Inn on the map?
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If I want to raise fresh units are there specific places I have to go such as forests? Can I send some of the army to raise while others continue war if so?
If you want to raise more units, you need to retire for the season. You can however, partially retire your army, but for you specifically, I see no reason to do so. I'd also recommend continuing to wage war and swinging westwards with your entire army.
I will keep it under consideration for the future, Zar Ivan, but for now the path that I must walk requires that my host grows larger.
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The Hound favor you Brother in Bloodshed.

My ungors north shall follow you to reap blood and skulls of these pitiful manlings. In the east they shall continue the warpath also, though they be too far to help us they shall reave a swath through kislevites all the same.
What turn are we on? How many do interraid periods last if others keep campaigning?
>What turn are we on?
I believe 9th turn.
>How many do interraid periods last if others keep campaigning?
Until everyone retires/dies.
I think pink is generally a color associated with slaneesh and a couple of dark elven factions
Okay so here's what I'm thinking.
I accept the conversation / proposal from the Hung Warrior to kill the Aeslings (pink settlements) along the coast. In which case I think I'll need to call dibs on those in order to get the interim reward.

In order to defeat them all, I'll spend 22 loot to buy a unit of chaos warriors, which will leave me at 16 loot. With the two units of Bondsmen that I still have, I'll need to pay 2 loot to rent a boat from the Baersonlings so that my army is full amphibious. Then I can sail all the way along the ocean and slaughter them to make room for new Hung settlements. If the territory is claimed for the tribe, but raised in my name, then I might earn the title of Khagan.
Ivan has a portion of the Wheatlands that answer to him, so this might be my attempt to emulate that in Norsca.

By renting the boat, that leaves me with 14 loot. I can either use all of it to pitch in towards the fortification effort, or give only ten and keep a small reserve of 4 loot in case we need it later.

I'll help the elf slaver next time when I've got more troops to escort the slaves to the bay.

Anyone have issue with me calling dibs on the pink villages? Ivan, will the 4 extra loot make a difference or should I keep it?
Basically, what does everyone think?
Your certainty humbles me. My plan is to go north with Sarrick and help him hunt mammoths, come victory or no. If I triumph in this, it'll be at the head of a worthy host. If I fail yet live in shame, it'll be myself and the few to survive. Either way, that's my ambition. I have thought about sailing south but these mammoths would be a boon to all our warbands.

Sneaky witchling, your kind aren't to be trusted but I know better than to dare double-cross you. If we march side-by-side, you can trust in my axe.

I wish I'd known that with the berserkers, kek. The line between a glorious and foolish death is thin indeed.
I appreciate it, & increments of 5 are needed unless someone else wanted to pitch in a little extra.
Lore speculation lads: would cannibalism & general gluttony fall under Khorne or should it be the domain of another Chaos God? What about sloth & fear, including cowardice? Arrogance seems to be Loesh/Slaanesh's angle. It seems like Nurgle would be a deity sacrificed to for appeasement more than veneration for most, & Slaanesh would be more popular amongst the decadent civilized lands as well as Beastmen & other enthusiastic marauders.

Captcha: PHDR
Only respond if you have a degree in Havikocity.
gluttony as any form of excess should be classed under slaanesh.

cannibalism could fall under both Khorne and Slaanesh same with desecration of the dead.

sloth is aaabsolutely a nurgle thing, just letting things happen is very like tha fat cauldron stirrer.

and slaanesh. yeah. probably more favored amongst the decadent that have a lot or those that might be lifted from the deepest depth to more depraved ventures.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7l0Rq9E8MY&ab_channel=IV-everTofu
Based source, all of Ivan's knowledge comes from cryptic messages revealed in dreams. That's how he knows that a horde of Malal Daemons are coming to destroy our hordes & everything else once Fort Ostrosk is pillaged. Allegedly.... Still going to follow through eventually though.
Yeah. that is why Mulrog hates sorcerers and prophecies. incredibly inacurate and prone to interpretation.
Well my warband's pet sorcerer got imploded if that does anything for you, must have been Skaven Mossad or Old Ones using leyline DEWs... Marukhati Selectives, perhaps even.

Captcha: XY4D
4D chess, man...
I mean, that's good against Kislev, but what happens if the Hobgoblins or the Chaos Dwarfs decide they want a greater slice of Zorn Uzkhul? Will you be able to race your armies back to defend the wheatlands from armies coming from the other direction?
A fair concern, which is why I'll have a moat on each side in addition to twin forts in the pass. The region has already been cleared out and will take awhile to reap rewards; all of the interraid tribute short-term will be coming from the 6 hill villages that are hard to reach, & the two forts that will be impossible to breach. Between the lack of targets/value & the meta aspect of all settlers being armed Northmen I'm not concerned with invasions from the East, only Kislev trying to reclaim Ukraine/their breadbasket.
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Here, the next turn.
Korthak and Magor keep hammering their faces into Kislevite defenders, while Hangar is keeping at a distance. Now, the real question is whether Kran will try to pull a operation and march his horde through the forests all the way south or if he'll content himself with a few more villages.
I also have to say, I'm very satisfied with the players and their commitment and how the system is working overall, as it's not breaking at the seams and doing a very good job at simulating how an invasion would actually work (subjugation of tribes, recruitment of them, periodic returns to the homeland, etc etc.
Double dubs on the 999th post, very nice.
It's all thanks to your interesting prompts & dedication to the Qst. Not even a big skirmish game fan normally. Which Qsts have you run before?
I'll weigh in here as a wise sorcerer. The gods speak through me, after all.

Which god something is connected to is less about 'what' you're doing and more about 'why'. Taking the cannibalism as an example. Why are you eating people? If you're eating their heart to take their strength, that would be Khorne. If you're just doing it for fun because you can, that's Slaanesh. Doing it out of desperation because there is no other food is Nurgle. For Tzeentch you could eat their brain to inspire dreams of their memories, or perhaps you are doing it to spread terror and manipulate your enemies into a certain response. Trying to categorize a physical action to one of the gods is a mistake, because the gods aren't physical beings or really concerned with the physical world. What they are interested in is thoughts and emotions, so in many ways what you intend is more important than what you actually do.

The current assault on Ostrosk is looking bloody. Even if Magor and Korthak grind through eventually I'm not sure they'll have anyone left by the end of it.

Glad you're happy, because I think we all are too. Great job chief.
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You should be proud, Lanu - you've put together a great effort and you've collected some dedicated players as a result.

Here's my update - yes, I really do want to get that last village...
I came up with some well-founded IMO lore autism/speculation on different Kurgan tribes as far as what they call their leaders based on location/cultural influences. I'm assuming the Tong influenced the Hobgoblins, Hung, & Kurgan thus many adopting the title of Khan, while the more Easterly Hung retained the title of Khagan. Thus my Kurgan groupings:

Northern Tribes (Jarls)
-Crowfane Horde
Western Tribes (Zars)
-Iron Wolves (Norscan Blood)
Central Tribes (Khans)
Eastern Tribes (Khagans)
So far, I've ran Despot of Lanu (>>5855463 and >>5898842, a short quest that I ran and finished and was pretty happy with) and Multiplayer Civilization Thread (>>5912911 that failed to catch on).
Thanks guys.
I'll actually argue against this.
The Kurgan connection with the Norscans should be extremely limited due to both geography and relative strengths (heavily weighted in the favor of the Kurgan, seen both from the fact that the Kurgan are the lords of the steppes, a naturally dominant form of warfare, the fact that the Kurgans have traditionally sent out hordes like the Gospodars that conquered up to the lands of the Empire and Norsca and the fact that Asavar Kul was the last everchosen and that Vardek Crom was the most likely for the current one, with both being Kurgan), meaning that the Norscans will have very little way to influence Kurgans, while the Kurgan lack of naval capability will make them unlikely to come into contact with the Norscans.
If anything, a claim could be made of the hobgoblins and the Kurgan influencing eachother way more than either the Hung or the Kurgan, as both share the environment and the lifestyle.
Another point to note would be on the Hung-Kurgan relations, which I would say should again be limited, as ones are the dwellers of the steppes, while the others are the dwellers of the wastes (tundra and arctic) and said groups usually didn't mix overmuch due to way too steep of a cost for competing with the other for essentially no rewards other than slaves, which can be more reliably gotten through raiding southernlings.
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The Hound demands blood and skulls.
But the Eagle demands we use the blood within our skulls to think!

What say we go for the villages which surround the fortress? The rest of my army will come up from the west and join us for a final assault. In such a time, perhaps Grandfather Crow may favor us if we try to poison the river with foul and offal upstream?
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With Magor moving off to the east rather then crossing to join him, and Krantagarh vanishing further into the woodlands; the visions of raiding out the rich city and taking it as plunder have faded. Instead, Zar Hangar gives his moustaches a twist as he orders most of his forces on a northward march, directing one unit of his horsemen to hold for a moment to watch their tail. How he wishes for fleeter steeds! Perhaps when he returns to his homeland he should make effort to breed a stronger strain in the coming seasons, so that mounted riders might once again out-pace men or beasts. For now, he will do as nomads have oft done;

He shall follow the herds as they migrate.
Ill keep it in mind. Right now im waiting to see if the dwarven adventure results in us being able to recruit chaos dwarves. Id love to play one of them as a warlord. If dm says thats not happening then ill take you up on your offer
Fair points, although I assume that just like in real life with the Scythians, Cimmerians, Alans, Persians, Bulgars, etc., that the Kurgan would become more Turanid (mixed Europid/Aryan & Asiatic) & vice-versa with the Tong & Hung on their Eastern periphery. The Tong are listed as having 8 tribes for example, all but 1 of whom are said to have miscengenated with Kurgan, Hung, or Beastmen. There is very little in the way of resources to compete for though, I'll fully concede, & I can't help but agree about Norsca.

I'd also conjecture that the Indyans must have high-castes consisting of Kurgan descended warriors & priests.

Also, I found a Chaos Marauder tribe with basically no lore to be found that were said to be different from the Kurgan, but weren't identified as any of the rest. If you want a faction to do your own world-building with, checkout the Veigs. I'm going to personally assume they're some sort of Dravidian-Turanid mixture, like Pashtuns or some other Afghan/Paki ethnos.

>>5995169 (nice)
Much appreciated Chaos Dorf anon
There will be no conflict between us in this raid, blessed one. This I have seen.

Truth and falsehood are not so hard to discern, for a strong enough mind. The ravens speak. You need but listen and heed their words.

Well said. The true nature of the Dark Gods can be difficult to grasp, much less explain to those uninitiated in the deeper mysteries.

I haven't even began playing and I've only skimmed the thread so far, but it looks like a nice, simple system with a lot of passion behind it. Do you have any experience with other skirmishes?
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Alright, I think I'm just about ready to commit to killing the Aeslings as per the suggestion of the interim Hung Warrior. My only question for the QM is that if I accept the task, will there be a time limit? Will I have to succeed before the end of the next raid, or will I be able to chip away at it across multiple seasons like the Hellpit or Ostrosk missions?

If so, then here's my invasion plan for everyone to see. I am calling dibs on all the COASTAL pink settlements. If there are still Aesling towns further inland, then those are fair game (although I'll still probably go after them anyways).
I'm going to deploy from where I assume we'll start, which is at the bottom right. From there, I'll follow the orange line in pic related and sail the long way around until I reach a little north of that tier 3 city. My boats will land and I'll surround the place with monsters and chaos warriors. After looting, I'll get back on the boats, and go along the the purple line until I hit the blank space at the top left of the map. If it does not get revealed, then I assume I'll need to follow the green line to capture that tier 3 dwarf city before I am allowed to move on to the next zone and kill more Aeslings.
If the map does get revealed, then I'll follow the blue line instead of the green one, and see where it takes me.

If anyone needs help along the way, they can just ask and I'll send some reinforcements in exchange for a small share of the loot. Hopefully everyone will be able to manage just fine on their own, but I'd be in a unique position to help by attacking the enemy from behind since I'm sailing aaaaaallll the way around.

Everyone okay with this?
If any object, crush them.

I'm pretty sure Huffud and I will be in Rat Vietnam for your raid on the Aeslings, but I see no problem with it and wish you success. May you feast upon the entrails of your victims, etc etc.
no objections from me. i wanna hunt mammoths and then kill giant fish.
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The Kislevites are in force. Dangerous foes, all. We must be wary of their cannon shot. Fall back to ford the stream north, then, but watch our backs.

I gnash my teeth but you speak truth. My warband will fall back, help soften up the northern town and slay the Stresly there. If we can crush it and bring pressure to them all... but their numbers match our own and heavy infantry, clad in steel, are behind the walls we seek to topple. Besides that, the raiding season nears its end and our fellows would be wroth if we wasted more time.

I say we take three more blinks of the gods' eyes, then call it for the season and split our plunder between ourselves, victory or no. Fort Ostrosk isn't the only stronghold of Kislev. I don't fear their blades but I don't want to meet Kharneth with hands dry of blood.
>"Besides that, the raiding season nears its end and our fellows would be wroth if we wasted more time"
I can't speak for the others, but no pressure from me. You don't have to rush yourself or call it quits early just for my sake.
No pressure. i only just started painting Mulrog after all.
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Next turn:
The Kislevites diligently hold their positions.
It seems like Kislev will be a tougher nut to crack compared to their unsupported Wheatland colonies.
Maybe this raid is a demonstration of the need for a stronger leader to coordinate and control his subordinates? Because two or three Kurgan warlords would have ridden through this mob of Kislevites without too much issue.
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Time for everyone else to cross the river. At least Hangar now knows how tough a challenge Praag may prove in future seasons.

Whilst amidst the flow, we drop into the water's flow body parts of the Kislevites taken in our wheatlands battle that have spent the time in our possession putrefying. Let them return to Kislev and bring with them any of Nieglin's gifts they may have gathered beyond their deaths.
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Also, will the trio of Hangar, Magor and Korthak attempt a push towards Ostrosk? C'mon get that sweet 90 loot just waiting for you.
I have not met made my choice, for I do not yet know all the options that may present upon this raid's conclusion. There is appeal to hunting mammoths and open plains enough to ride; but the northern woods hide many dangers and surprises. Whilst the other beast-Lords are committed elsewhere; if some of Magor's many eyes could be turned toward this venture I would rate chances of success higher.

I would join my forces to theirs, if they intend to still be around by the time that I could reach their lines to help them breach the citadel. But with all the distance between us and the sloth with which my riders progress over open country, it might be that they will have either succeeded or else withdrawn from the field before I can arrive.
Hey, I've been reading through the quest in detail to get ready and I have a question. The rules say that a defender on a settlement gets an HP bonus of half the loot gained, but from what I've seen so far of the first raid this doesn't seem to be the case. Am I missing something, or just bad at math?
From what I've seen the defenders have been getting a HP bonus of the settlement hut-number. (Militia in villages getting 2HP, Streltsy in Villages getting 3HP, Streltsy in Towns doubled to 4HP, and Lancers in a city getting 6HP).

I don't know if that's a change, a mistake, or just the forces of change and entropy having their fun in the great game.
I might have made a mistake in writing, but Hangar has a good understanding.
If a settlement is of a level 1 or 2 (10 or 20 loot), the units within it get 1 extra HP, if they are level 3 or 4 (30 or 40) the units within get 2 extra HP.
It is also very possible I make mistakes when calculating as I usually do it in the morning or in the evening, with me, in both of the cases, usually being tired.
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My plans may now commence, thank you. (You should probably change that section in the rules for next thread)

I have no objections. My modest host will sail with you at first but disembark earlier to sack those two towns in the woods before marching north.

I offer passage to those who wish to hasten their journey. All I will ask in return is their agreement that these two towns and their spoils are mine for the taking.
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>(You should probably change that section in the rules for next thread)
Yeah, I'll touch them up at the start of the next thread and add some rules and etiquette, as I have realized I keep missing questions by my players.

Also, you could sack this town aswell. It is isolated, you can sail to it by river and it is a nice 20 loot.
Good point. It can be added to The Plan.

Another question: When I sack a settlement, can I choose to take some of the loot in the form of slaves? Get 14 loot and 1 slave from those towns, for example, or even more slaves than that?
No, for now no, as the captives are not broken in enough for them to go fighting for you. It can, however, be earned as a quest reward.
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No objection to any of the plans presented so far. I'm just here for mammoths, which I'm guessing will be in the large plains marked. After securing mammoths it looks like I'm heading onto the ice to aid Mulrog in killing sea beasts, then possibly heading back to Baersonling lands to launch a coup.
If you want help for that Coup. lets just say i wouldnt be disinterested to help if you want it. free of charge.
A coup on my homeland? Let us speak more of this in the future.
On a wind swept ridge above Urslo, the sorcerer Sarrick sat, etching runes into fingerbones using a steel needle. Behind him, a dead thrall lay in a circle of ashes with his skull, tongue, eyes and intestines removed and placed at the four points of the compass. A familiar ritual, one Sarrick had performed many times. The thrall also had missing hands. He needed the bones after all. He raised one to his mouth and blew on it to remove the bone dust. Another familiar ritual, carving bones up on the hilltops. It was strange how far he had come from his youth in the tundra, how much he hated that primitive life with no greater ambition than to steal from weaker peoples, and yet how many of their traditions he continued even now.

He glanced down from the hilltop towards Urslo. On the shores beside the city new longboats were almost complete. His longboats, to take his warriors west and gather mammoths to take to his homeland. Some of them were grossly swollen compared to the others, unwieldy wide things with great cages at their centre to hold the beasts he hunted on the long journey east. Again his homeland. He was still bound to it, by promise and action as much as his childhood rituals. However much he disliked the place, it was a useful, full of warriors willing to fight and die for a future he promised them. Mammoths would strengthen them, and that would strengthen him.

The runes complete, he placed the last bone in a small leather bag. He shook it for a moment, then upended it, tipping the bones on the ground before him. Despite the strong wind none of them fell far, instead bouncing and rolling in a small cluster. Sarrick stared down at them. The pattern, the spaces, the runes that faced up, and those that faced down, hidden. He frowned slightly. So little was clear. This sorceress who had gathered them was hidden from him still, and that made him... uncertain. He was sure there was more to her than she revealed. They were being used, all of them, though he was unsure to what purpose.

He cast the runes again, this time directing his thoughts to more immediate concerns. The Baersonling. Sjur, the young princeling. The Baersonling king was weak, his sons too, only the youngest showed any promise. Sarrick suspected that given time, Sjur would have risen anyway, his ambition would drive through his unfortunate circumstances. Better then, he help him rise and seize his loyalty and gratitude while it was on offer. He wondered, for a moment, if he should include any of the other warlords in their plan to kill Sjur's father. Most of them would care little, Sarrick thought. A petty coup among a small people. Korthak and Narvoch though... he knew too little of them. Perhaps they would have a loyalty to their king. He would watch for now.

The coup was intially discussed here: >>5989321
For now Sarrick and Sjur will be keeping the coup secret though, I'm afraid.
i do remember that. but if you want some extra muscle and my forces arent too depleted. know that you can count on khornate bloodlust.
I'll keep it in mind. Extra meatshields help is always useful.
I suspect we will have some matters to discuss, an enlightened one to another, autism to autism communication after the next raid.
Man, a mammoth would be a great way to represent Huffud on the battlefield… if I weren’t busy with Hellpit, I’d love to help you
So Lanu, not many are looking to support the fort this interraid it looks like. If I just build a Tier 3 Fort with a Moat this time, can I expand it to a Tier 4 next interraid?
Yeah, of course.

Sorry I’m late, Lanu.

1) northernmost Gors moves two hexes southwest, one hex south.

2) southernmost Gors moves one hex southwest, two hexes south.

3) Ungors move one hex northeast, one hex southwest. Centigors move one hex southeast.
Oh wait, I should mention that I think a tier 2 fort adjacent to a tier 1 fort would be more more effective than a single tier 3 fort, since troops can only attack once per turn.

Speaking of which, I officially commit to send that 10 loot towards the fortification effort. The 4 I still have remaining can help fund the next moat or upgrade for next season, after the villages produce their tribute.
No rush my dude, we're here to have fun.
Thanks, that's 30 for the pass.
Mulrog, Korthak, & Krantagarh said they would pitch in too I believe.

I’m hoping to hit one last village, retire, split up my loot, make unit purchases and let you guys know how much I can contribute at that point
i have to see if Korthak accompanies Sarrick and me to hunt mammoths . or i will have to use some of that loot for extra boats
>or i will have to use some of that loot for extra boats
I will repeat that I can carry three units up there and ask for nothing material in return.
i would then also have to ask you to carry those units to the icesheets later on. if you want to you can come as well to hunt up there to gather things. maybe even subjugate some sea monster for your army.
I'm in for some beast hunting, as long as you wait for me to sack those three towns or maybe even help me get it done faster.
sure thing. i can help. might get to test out those Skinwolves beforehand. might invest in some Huscarls or something to get in there faster and cover more ground even if the Huscarls are slower.
Excellent. We have a bargain.

By the way, the original description of the skinwolves mentioned that they're at home in the hills, but there's no mention of this special ability in the unit we can recruit?
Oh yeah, my bad, their special ability is they retain the full movement in hills.
i would like to write anin character interaction for the making of this pact. you okay with that?

something about Narvoch returning to Ulso and running into mulrogs encampment after hearing about the other sorcerer and looking for him?
Lanu, what's up with ranged units? Seems like Horse Archers should be able to disengage from combat due to being ranged + mounted. Can ranged units attack from a space away? Can mounted units disengage from non-mounted units? Can Dorfs & Skavens travel through mountain tiles? Can I unlock units with even greater mobility than 5? Can you see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?
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>Lanu, what's up with ranged units?
Never happened.
The reasoning being that with units of the sizes they are operating at, most, if not all units are mixed, having both ranged and melee capabilities. If you look at, for a example, cases of Turks fighitng, you'll see them both engaging at range, doing their general horsearchery and then closing the distance and charging the enemy.
>Seems like Horse Archers should be able to disengage from combat due to being ranged + mounted.
Would break the system and needlessly complicate it. The ability to repeatedly engage at range, then disengage from enemy forces is represented in the very high initiative score, while the enemies being able to withstand the repeated volleys and return them until scattering the horsearchers is represented by the almost universal ability of the horsearchers to strike at the enemy first and to die if any significantly stronger enemy engages them.
>Can ranged units attack from a space away?
Will be a thing with some siege weaponry.
>Can mounted units disengage from non-mounted units?
No, combat is assumed to happen over a prolonged period of skirmishing, charges, shooting and ultimately a mixture of murder and rout/scattering of defeated units.
>Can Dorfs & Skavens travel through mountain tiles?
Mining will be a thing. Traversal of mountains, no. That will be reserved for flying units.
>Can I unlock units with even greater mobility than 5?
Through upgrades, for a example, elven steeds, yes.
>Can you see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?
No, as I've never had it.
Thanks QM, solid reasoning. Is that from Dork Souls or Dragon's Ligma? Both let you make some truly spectacular abominations.
Yeah, sounds good. Time to get in the game for real.
>”Will be a thing with some siege weaponry.”
>”Mining will be a thing. Traversal of mountains, no. That will be reserved for flying units”
Oh shit, I am so fucking hyped
The chorfs can’t come soon enough

I, for one, cannot wait to bargain with the thirsting gods for a chance at immortality. Lanu, you beautiful man, I know you have a whole set of mechanics mapped out for Chaos favors that you are just waiting to unveil...
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With these streams so thick and the militia over our heads, there's no use in bothering to flank the Stresly. One band of my Berserkers will strike and soften them up, your Ungors can kill and loot, or die at their guns, and leave the path open for the next. I'm not sure we can seize Fort Ostrosk without the horses to ride the garrison down or steel to withstand their blows. Not without an ocean of blood.

Noted. We'll raid well into autumn, then.

I'd be willing to wait for your men. It's likely my warband and Magor's horde can thin them out ahead of your ranks. You're our warleader by Nieglin's boon and patience, endurance of the mind, is the most important of his teachings. Even if most of our ilk ignore it.
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In the deep of winter with Snow smothering the Baersonling Capital of Urslo the silence of the world was broken by the sounds of heavy work, Trees being felled and shouting over the construction of a great many longboats. Some of them were of strange shapes meant for large creatures the Sorcerer might have seen before.

The current Jarl of the city had been somewhat uneasy with another sorcerer in town in addition to all the other hosts currently living in his lands, recruiting his young men and goring themselves in vast quantities of southern wine and ale. But that was of little importance for now. Finding the other sorcerer on the other hand was important. There had been portents and signs but their meaning had been unclear and vague, a second opinion was needed to interpret the will of the gods.

His wanderings were interrupted by the sounds of fighting, dying men and cheering from an encampment just over a small hill. The stench of blood and brass was thick in the air and steadily getting thicker. It had been so thick in fact that it almost silenced the sound of hooves and armored men coming up on him from behind.

Narvochs throng of thralls and Chaos Warrios he kept with him as bodyguards immediatly turned to face the challenger who wwere riding high atop black steeds. Their leader was a man alsmost the size of an Oger though only marginally slimmer due to the thick steel armor he was wearing. Bloodlust, kept in check through discipline radiated from the newcomer as he regarded the sorcerer and his men. a small entourage of men followed the riders and seemed unassuming though radiating blessings and curses from the Gods.

One of the riders came forward "My Master. Zar Mulrog Kul, the Cruel wishes to know what you are doing at his encampment sorcerer." the man proclaimed, inquiring about the sorcers name and aim.

When it became clear that he was searching for the Sorcerer Sarrick Mulrog nodded and dismounted swiftly. The fresh Pelt of a massive Skinwolf was packed into a package ready to be turned into a new cloak. The Beasts Skull dangeled on a chain nearl Mulrogs Belt and showed clear signs of a swift decapitation.

"If you seek Sarrick then he and his encamptment are over on the next hill. But anyone in town could have told you that. This must have been ordained by the Gods. So i invite you to spectate the choosing and talk. I have a feeling our goals might align." the massive Warlord insisted, ushering the Sorcerer and escort into his camp.
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The improvised Arena was near the Camps edge and held many riders of the Zar in drunk revelery while Slaves fought against beast and man to escape and ascend the ladder out of the pits. Blood was spraying in wide arcs, turning the freezing ground into a treacherous battlefield. Just as they entered and sat down was a new Champion of the Arena declared. A former kislevite having embraced the fury of Khorne had torn the throat out of a wolf and used the carcass to beat the two last beasts to death to the loud cheering of the crowd.

The Warlords talked over wine and foodstuffs from the south coming to realize that they both were planning on working with Sarrick for at least a while. And with more helping hands the amount of mammoths and sea creatures that could be captured could increase a lot more. When the two Warlords parted the derision of the Khornate has lessened somewhat and a small present of slaves and fine wine were presented to the leaving Sorcerer who was sent on his way to Sarrick.

i hope this is okay for you
Drag Sneeds + Art breeder.
It's really not that complex, just a list of events I mix and match in a logical way.

If you want, we can fastforwards your horde into hitting the last village. It's frankly just a question of who the militia hits, with the hit being fatal to your ungors and gors and your centigors being fresh enough to tank. And in the meanwhile, two units hitting the village will kill the militia. I'd frankly recommend not using gors to capture it.

Right I was planning on having Centigors, Ungors and at least one unit of Gors simultaneously attacking to kill the militia immediately, but I’ll take a “fast-forward and retire with 10 more loot” if you’re willing to offer it?
It's a 50/50 whether the militia hits the ungor or the centigor, with a ungor strike being a fatality.
If you're a betting man, give me a d2, with a 1 being a fatality for the ungor.
Rolled 1 (1d2)


Eh, not afraid to gamble a bit, here goes
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Next turn:
As usual, sorry for moving your ungors around, I've not lost any of them, if you disagree with their movements, we can work something out.
Kran has gained 10 more loot and lost a ungor in attacks against the militia of the village, so he is 5 loot ahead.
Korth has sacked a town and has gained 20 loot, following a ferocious charge of his berserkers against unprepared strelsy ranks.
Zar Hangar's horde is safely riding through the already sacked lands.
The Kislevite horsemen are taking positions on the opposite bank of Tobol river. It will be hard to cross it, tho raiding southwest between Tobol and Lynsk might be a viable direction, if the hills can be cleaned of militiamen.
So, where you retiring to?
Alright, Huffud, I think we both get 40 loot apiece here, since our total loot count is as follows:

Your loot: 20 (two skinwolves villages)
My loot: 60 (two-house skinwolves village, three additional villages south of mountains)

Krantigar's total loot at raid end: 44 (I believe)

To Magor - I'm delivering you 5 loot to pay off my debt from earlier, thanks very much for your prior consideration!

To Zar Ivan - I'll donate 9 loot for your mountain pass fortifications, to be used as you see it fit.

With my remaining 30 loot, I'll buy another unit of Minotaurs, all the better for the Hellpit run.

Please note: Huffud and I will be invading Hellpit for the next raid, but AFTER THAT, I'll be deepstriking to the southern Kislev forest to plant my herdstone and generally fuck things up in the south.

Oh, Beastlands again, so I can hire more Minotaurs.
Does that mean you’re giving me 40 loot, or were you a gentlebull and counted my loot total for me?

I was sort of imagining that Krantigarh and Huffud would throw all the loot into a big pile in the Beastlands and then split it right down the middle. 40 loot for each partner. Again, I couldn’t have made it down south past the mountains without you clearing the two werewolf villages.
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We ride onward!
Truly my steps were guided to this meeting by the Raven God himself.

Sweet, that's 39 total.
Rue'Vahn, an extra 1 would actually help it turns out.
The return northwards was great and celebrated, with many great games and feasts being organized in the great beastherds of the chaos wastes.
Great arenas were erected with champions streaming into the pits to duel or engage in bloody mob fights for the glory of the eternally watching spectators. Great pyres rose into the skies, seeming to touch the very heavens, fed by wood, bones, corpses of the defeated and by the great roaring winds weaving through the thick forest. Intoxicating vapours emerged from the great fire wrapping its warm and slender tentacles around the great herdstone. And a intruder is brought in front of Krantagarh:
>A bovigor of miniscule stature for his kind, but clad in chaos plate and with mechanical arms, wielding a great gun
>Bindo, a Tileian man with three eyes in his right eyesocket, his robes tattered and torn by his long journey up north
>A exceptionally mutated man from the north, standing almost as tall as Mulrog, but broader, his head being a disgusting mixture of two, a lower, equally large head fused to the front of the upper head emerging where a nose would emerge on a normal man, his right arm twice as thick as the left, but ending in a spike growing from his elbow, his left splitting into three equally sized arms emerging from his wrist, and his massive waist ending in three pairs of horse legs, each ending in the avian shaped legs. This must be a warrior of the Tong.
<Approving Cow Noises>

Aight, I got a little loot now, so I’ll buy a third Minotaur! And I’ll have 10 loot leftover
Man, it looks like Krantargh’s getting an Ettin!

Krantigarh’s bloodshot eyes pass over the mutated man, confusion building. Such horrible spawns are typically violent and insane - Men warped in such fashion are not to be eaten, he knows this. But it is strange that a man so blessed with the touch of the Four is able to keep his composure - that he has not been reduced to rabid frenzy. A dull curiosity sparks in Krantigarh’s mind - how is it that he still walks and talks?

>A exceptionally mutated man from the north, standing almost as tall as Mulrog, but broader, his head being a disgusting mixture of two, a lower, equally large head fused to the front of the upper head emerging where a nose would emerge on a normal man, his right arm twice as thick as the left, but ending in a spike growing from his elbow, his left splitting into three equally sized arms emerging from his wrist, and his massive waist ending in three pairs of horse legs, each ending in the avian shaped legs. This must be a warrior of the Tong.
Nice, finally getting some Tong into this.
Seems like Tamurkhan the Nurglite should have been a Tong rather than a Kurgan.
Lanu, don't be too sad about Bindo, I'm sure he'll get picked eventually.
The man walks with the confidence of a apex predator, even amidst Krantagarh and his minotaurs, stripped naked where most men wouldn't dare step in chaos plate. He walks towards Krantagarh and stops when his face is almost touching Krantagarh, at which point his lower head speaks in a high pitched and unpleasant voice.
"The chiefs of the Tong have heard of your hosts travels." The Tong says. "And while they do not care to join your petty hobbled limp southwards, they will offer you services of their men." The Tong warrior says. "Of course, they expect you to pay with a thousand slaves (10 loot) each time you enter the Tong lands to recruit."
Back home, time to write.
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We have shed much blood brother, and brought much favor to the gods. All that remains are the sacrifices worth taking without shedding our own blood, and those which must be flavored with time and fear. I will finish off the stragglers to the north, surrounded and cut off as they are. Then it comes the time when even the Hound must lick his wounds, to prepare for the next great battle.

Northern ungors to take the enemy across the river.
Western ungor to return to the forest, now is not the time to be ridden down
Eastern ungors to surround the river village, while another guards the flank

>Btw Magor is always open to suggestion from his valued comrade in arms, so my plans can be adjusted on suggestion

Cool beans, will have to collect some loot.

Lanu, this is sort of a big ask, but before we launch the next set of raids, could we collate all of our “unlocked” troops and their stats into one post?
Sure, I'll do it before the next thread, but for now I'm 99% sure it's literally just:
+ for Baersonlings:
Skinwolf - 26 loot (can move at full speed in hills):
HP 3
D 2
M 4

Eh, what about the Tong units I just got access to?
You don't know until you head up there to recruit them. The Tong aren't sharing anything with you. As you might have noticed, they don't think too highly of you.
The Tong are massive assholes even by chaos worshipper standards. I like to think the first person to visit them will just get murdered upon arrival.
All you Tongoloid savages look the same to me
I wrote up a set of laws for my lands. Lanu, did you want me to wait until next interraid to implement them due to the rushed in-game nature of this turn?
You got it senpai. 1 extra loot sent to the fortification effort.
If I capture the Aesling territory for the Hung, then I might start my own defense fund in order to protect those newly acquired settlements.

That said, if nobody manages to capture Fort Ostrosk this raid, then I might change up my plans completely and try to go for it myself next season rather than slaughter the Aesling.
>Chaos warbands assemble to take a particular settlement
>Three years later, everyone has forgotten the original goal and is pursuing their own objectives

We're doing a phenomenal RPing job here guys
Just as planned
Even though it’s 100% accurate for Chaos to behave like that, I might end up going after it myself like I mentioned in >>5997607 if only because it reflects poorly on us and is going to become kinda embarrassing

Also, I completely forgot that 4chan auto replaces f..a..m with senpai, lmao
LMAO I knew more or less what you were going for, anytime I see that or whatever desu means I know what happened
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Hmm... It ails me but you speak true. I think we have a half-and-half chance to take Fort Ostrosk, but if you aren't eager to commit, it would be a mistake. Failure would leave us in ruin and we've already sacked to our heart's content. That's that, then. I'll depart to the longhouses and divvy up my loot between us both there. If you consider yourself my brother in bloodshed, you'll do the same.

In the meantime, I've got mammoths to hunt. After that, my warband will be back the season after the next or marching under the banner of whoever topples the stones.

>Withdraw and retire to Baersonling Lands
If you are turning back, then I shall have to re-think my own plans.

It seems Korthak has decided to leave. Ostrosk is therefore beyond us this season, so unless you still wish to pillage the settlements north of the river from Praag and are prepared to split the loot evenly with my riders, I too shall turn about and ride back for my Homeland.

How many are heading for the mammoths next season? Whilst I am content to return to Ostrosk next season in attempt to finish the job, I will not do so without sufficient numbers at my back; and much of our strength has already pledged themselves elsewhere.
"To those who hear the words of I, Zar Hangar of the Hastlings;
Next season, many of your bands have already pledged yourself to lesser causes then that which united us. Though I would not have you forswear oaths already struck in the sight of the true gods, I shall insist that there be no repeat of these dalliances, no further pledges struck in the coming season that will distract us from our goals. Savour the third season to grow your strength and rally those sworn to your causes; for at the fourth turning and in the sight of the four we shall ride as one and sweep through the north of Kislev to our goal."
there is Korthak, Sarrick and Narvoch going mammoth hunting. and maybe going to the thick sea ice.

i hope it pays well enough and maybe unlocks one or two monstrous units capable of fighting normaly in water.

the raven is returned with a piece of human leather used as parchment. on it written in blood is a pledge to see kislev burn in two years time.
I had really thought you guys were going to be able to take Ostrosk this season, which is why I already started drafting up plans in the north.
I’m roughly a coin toss away from deciding on whether I stick my plan to kill the Aeslings, or help you in the south to take Fort Ostrosk this upcoming season. Hell, even if you don’t go after it, I might take a gamble and try to go after it alone.
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Might be time to fucking bail.
Also, 10 more loot for Magor Gorebow.
I'd like it if you released them on the next interturn, thank you.
As is tradition, even the formerly hated are accepted back into the embrace of the Norscan tribes upon success on the field of battle and the favou of the gods.
In such warm embrace, Korthak's burning skull was finally able to do something he hadn't done in a long time. Pour enough alcohol down his burning throat to get drunk. Days of drinking later, his lust for alcohol done, Korthak dedicated himself to the next aspect of his job that every warlord must master. Politics, schemes and intrigue. In said job, he found himself a interesting partner:
>Lodin, fat and aging man, and a exiled Fjellsende chieftain, promising you regular tribute (of 9 loot after he rebuilds) should you aid him in regaining his throne.
>Vigi, a youthful and darkskinned girl (or boy, you can't quite tell and don't care about inquiring), asking for aid in reaching and desecrating a monolith at the spring of the river Lynsk and promising his own weight in gold and gemstones as reward (50 loot).
>Tofa, a middle aged blonde woman of immense beauty and a master smith, asking you for dwarven metal (gain at least 50 loot from the dwarves) so she could practice her craft with the dwarven metals (provide a +2D +2H -2M to any unit you wish).
10 More loot for Magor, but also 2 of his Ungol units dead, a 'break even' kind of turn at best. And the Kislevite hosts continue to mass.

It's time to ride for home. Hangar turns his steeds around and heads back to the Kurgan lands, having gained very little from Kislev. At least he holds his triumph and treasures from the Wheatland.
Where to? Back to Kurgan lands?
Yet again, Zar Hangars host, in its return trip towards the Kurgan lands, passes by the keep of Karag Dum, the whispers of the steppe spirits calling them towards it. And this time, Zar Hangar:
>bypassed it yet again, not caring to slow his journey one bit and still yet to have commited his forces to fort Ostrosk
>entered there and sought council with the crow headed messenger, wherever the mysterious benefactor of this whole ordeal may be
>found a odd and unfinished marble statue of a woman seated on a chair precariously leaning on its last two legs, while the statue had its feet raised on the table, a cup of wine graciously in the grasp of one of the marble hands
>chose to wander the halls of the ancient dwarven keep with his bodyguards, seeking to find whatever may lay in it.
And after he had returned, after the feasts, games, drinking and celebration, turned to work as the seasons slowly passed, turning his attention to:
>the Chaos dwarf merchant, there to offer mercenary work in the wheatlands, where the Hobgoblins were assembling to strike on the Dawizhar holds in the south, promising payment in their equipment and services.
>Ruzhik, a older kurgan chief, seeking to marry his single daughter to a promising warlord.
>Asena, a young strigany woman, predicting great fortunes to you should you strike westwards and despoil the hall of the troll king.
>Zar Hangar bypassed it yet again, not caring to slow his journey one bit and still yet to have committed his forces to fort Ostrosk.

>the Chaos dwarf merchant, there to offer mercenary work in the wheatlands, where the Hobgoblins were assembling to strike on the Dawizhar holds in the south, promising payment in their equipment and services.

It seems the Chaos Dwarfs offer assistance for assistance in kind. I would say to ride with me here if you choose not your year in the north. The forges of the Dark land will grant us the tools to break the walls.
(Also hopefully so we can get >>5996547
into the game at last.)

"Zar Ivan, Exhalated in the harvests of Corn;
The Dawi-Zharr promise payment in goods and deeds for those who ride against Hobgoblins massing on the Zorn Uzkhul; Hobgoblins who if gathered would pose similar threat against the lands which you now try to hold. I propose that you join me in this venture; for the equipment of the forges of Zharr should be a most useful aid in your construction project."
>Might be time to fucking bail.
As the Eagle demands! The time of swift flight is upon us.

It is a pity we cannot conduct the rituals on the river village where the Eastern ungors are, but the enemy approach by hoof and swift foot.

Instead, the Ungors to the East will take any and every slave they can, set fire to the village, and haul much ass back across the river with prize in hand, heading northward towards the woods. The ungors to the north will do the same, moving away to the east towards the wood.
My Ungors are willing to split spoils if it would afford us rides from your horsemen.
Hey, if this Tofa’s work is combined with Sarrick’s (eventual) mammoths or with a Minotaur, or with one of the veteran chaos warriors I’m gonna get… good gods
Where does Magor retreat to? Baersonlings, Hung, Kurgan, Tong (10 loot fee), Wheatlands, northern beastmen or to the eastern Kislev forest?
Still not caring for the raven headed witch, Hangar does not bother with Karag Dum, yet instead commits himself to his duties.
Astradroth, the Chaos dwarf pitches his idea to you "The Hobgoblins under Ghughlukh Khan amass in great hordes and plan to strike southwards." He says calmly. "And while Zharr Naggrund would hold and while little damage would be suffered even in the outskirts of Zharrduk, I don't particularly care to suffer even that, so I call upon you to ride to them and strike at them pre-emptively."
"And what good is it to me to do so?" Hangar asks, eyeing the dwarf.
"Would you not like to purchase armor like the one you wear now?" Astradroth says.
"Uzkulak sells it." Hangar replies.
"Uzkulak has falled from inside. To whom or what, none know." The chaos dwarf says.
Hangar tilts his head back, looking at the dwarf from a even bigger height.
"Fine, scum, a thousand suits of armour." (can upgrade up to 5 units of savages/slaves/thralls/bondsmen/berserkers/huscarls to chaos warriors or 5 units of horse archers/cataphracts to chaos knights)
"Zar of Hastlings, Chosen of Tchar, I recognize your wisdom. My ships are already preparing to sail, otherwise I would ride beside you now to crush the wretched Hobgobs of Khanzaria. The Mighty Four Willing, the blood of my steeds still flowing, & the bravery of my riders unbroken, I will make my way there before the next season is over. If you wish to rest within my lands before my return you shall be my guest. Remember to burn their dead, & their living, lest the green wretches return."

Lanu, you're saving the Albino post for the start of the next raid I take it, since I accepted that sidequest?

Any final investment commitments now that everyone is withdrawing?
A extremely damaging and tanky unit, but one that will have no initiative or movement speed. And while big numbers look scary, it'd be kinda sad to see it die to like 6 militiamen. But that would be perfect for tunnel clearing against skaven or dwarves.
Honestly if Korthak doesn’t pick it, I will look for it later
>Lanu, you're saving the Albino post for the start of the next raid I take it, since I accepted that sidequest?
No, I just forgot it amidst everything.
"You see Zar Ivan, it is not actually a island at all, but a ship of the king of earth." The albino says, pushing his long white hair away from his face with his slender fingers. "And only it can lead me through the ruby gate so that I may return to my empire."
"What are you an emperor of?" Ivan asks.
"An ancient empire of chaos I am doomed to destroy in my struggles with my usurping brother." The albino replies.
"Tchar plays his games with you." Ivan replies. "Who may we expect troubles from? I doubt you would have sought such an armed guard against a weak foe."
"Indeed not. The royal guard watches the gate. They are no easy foes. As fast as your cataphracts and as tough as them, yet better than them with blades and entrenched in beached ships. There is plunder there, but there will be bloodshed." The Albino says.
Can I join Korthak to the Baersonlings? Will I still be able to raise more Beastmen there or must a go to places like the Northernbeastmen?

How likely does it seem for my hordes to flee relatively intact on foot?
>Can I join Korthak to the Baersonlings?
Yes, of course.
>Will I still be able to raise more Beastmen there or must a go to places like the Northernbeastmen?
No, but you could recruit skinwolves.
>How likely does it seem for my hordes to flee relatively intact on foot?
All that's left can safely flee on foot.
Well, I'd like to share the loot with Korthak, as my bloodshed brother. I can do that while still retreating to the Beastmen lands yes?
Yes, you can give some of your loot to Korthak while still returning to Beastmen lands.
"I have secured passage across the sea; all that I need is the location to which to sail. Make good on your word, pale one."
Based crossover
Korthak left the lands of Kislev richer than he entered, splashed in blood, shoulders weighted down in spices and coins. The reception from the norscans brought a strange feeling. He thought little of it and still thought less of them. The weakest booze, though, now burned going down, to say nothing of the real rotgut. A rare, sensual blessing of Kharneth. While drinking, he idly wondered if this was incidental to his skull or born from the notion of a warrior's revelry.

One-third of his warband had fallen in battle, but that was no worry when their torments now delighted the dark gods, and he'd razed a handful of walled towns with their sacrifice. Gotten within spitting distance of Fort Ostrosk, even, but that was nothing worthy of praise. That most of his men survived and returned with treasure was. There'd be no shortage of volunteers, he suspected.

He didn't do it alone, though. There was another... Magor, the Gorebow, and his herd of ungors. The beastmen fought well, killed plenty of Kislevites and razed a few villages in their turn. He'd marched with him, fought with him, and he reasoned that was more than anyone else'd ever done. By dint of killing and dying together, they were brothers, in blood spilled over blood coursing, the only bond that truly exists, and that was worthy of recognition. A detachment of thralls watched over by now veteran bondsmen breaks off of the warband's column, heavy with stolen blades, liquors, and foodstuffs, all of use to an ungulate. They go in search of the herd.

>Korthak plundered 50 Loot from Kislev.
>He's keeps 25 Loot for himself and gives 25 Loot to Magor.

The warlord considered the man before him. Fat, old, weak... and filled with the promise of tribute. More importantly, he spoke of war on his Fjellsende kin as though it were an imminent tragedy and not the greatest of glories. If Korthak still had lips, he would have grinned.

"Once Fort Ostrosk falls you'll have my strength, Lodin. Soon after, you'll have your throne and enough skulls to make another!"

To not only avenge himself on the northmen who so scorned him, but do it in the name of a fallen chieftain, butchery free of an outsider's censure? That was an opportunity he couldn't miss.
I'm lost
what is the reference?

nice. wanna hang out at Mulrogs Arena some time? no fighting. just roleplay.
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Elric of Melnibone.
It's writer, Michael Moorcock invented chaos, both the symbol and the concept, as well as laid the foundations for Warhammer and the Witcher, was extremely influential and set up a bunch of tropes still commonly used in fantasy. He basically made dark elves a thing, made being edgy cool, created the proto Targaryens and more or less made Khorne (Arioch) and Nurgle (Urish).
Basado y rojapilled

So I'm dealing with Dunmer
that name rings a bell. at least the writers name. not the character.
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If only I had been the one to run into him, I'd have some visions of his dark future to share.

But then again, that would be spoiling the gods' fun. It was fated that I not speak to him.
"This is wise. As you are our gods-chosen warleader, I swear by Kharneth's bloody axe that in the fourth season to come I will march under your banner, toward Fort Ostrosk or wherever else you deem fit."

I see no reason why not! We are both bona-fide Khornates, after all. Us skulltakers have got to stick together.

I had my suspicions, kek. I never did get too deep into the sagas but Moorcock's arguably influenced more than Priestly ever did.
"Then, for a thousand suits; I will ride out against this Khan."

So, the Sums this time...
8 loot left from the last raid
+60 loot from the wheatlands/'that pass village'
=68 Total

3 Chaos Knights
1 Kurgan Cataphract
2 Horse Archers
+ 1 Kurgan Cataphract (-18 Loot)
+ 5 Horse Archers (-50 Loot)
= 0 Loot Remaining

Let's hope these additions can somewhat ease the numbers issue I faced last raid.
So everyone has finally withdrawn for the interraid season, & the reaving can begin anew.

Lanu, as it stands the Grand Fortress of Ivanoslav should stand directly in the pass as a tier 3 settlement, with a moat facing West to Kislev & another moat behind facing East. (40 Loot from my 20, Rue'Vahn's 11, & Krantagarh's 9)
The moats should nonetheless be passable the same way the Last Hope Inn's pathway is.

The return of Korthak had caused a bit of a stir. it had been late in the season when the new Warlord had returned bloodied and victorious. His burning skull had been a clear mark of the Gods favor. Something Mulrog could scarecly ignore. One day after another night of drunken revellery Korthak was approached by a Plate clad warrior, accompanied by several thralls.

"Hail Korthak Bronze Skull, my Master. Mulrog The Cruel wishes to extend you an invitation to observe the Choosing of his new Huscarls in his Arena." the Knight proclaimed before gesturing to the thralls following him and offering them as a present that was part of the invitation.

The Arena was a spectacle of blood and murder. Currently several captive Ungols had been thrown into the pit to fight against a large, shaggy and very hungry Bear. Two fighters had already been torn apart but the last three men had managed to arm themselves with clubs and broken off spikes. Mulrog was sitting in his lodge, drinking Empire Wine stolen during his raids from the skull of a Skinwolf.

With a gesture he offered a seat and drink to the other warlord. They watched the fight to its bloody conclusion with only one captive surviving heavily wounded. "If he survives he will get the chance to become one of my huscarls. Or he might find the Glory of the Bloodgod in his dreams." Mulrog finally exclaimed before coming to the core of why he invivted Korthak.

He wished to know why he had attached himself to their fight , though would accept a simple answer without much in the way of probing questions afterwards.He was looking for reliable allies and making sure that they would not start murdering each other while there were still Southerners to kill and plunder to make. And seeing a fellow warrior blessed by Khorne he hoped that next season they could have a little competition on who could gather the best plunder and greatest trophies. He would not be raiding much though out on the sea ice, hunting beasts of the seas.
If Mulrog & Korthak are still commiting to their investments I can also found the lesser settlement next to the moat, before the pre-existing village.

I will get back on that tomorrow when i will do the math what i will need and can spend
Magor's journeys bring him to his great northern host. The usual dance of celebration, alcoholism, orgies and duels follows until a certain someone catches Magor's eye:
>A wounded troll that spoke of great riches and revenge
>A tiger headed beastman from Ind on the edge of death
>A armless slave that claims to have escaped from the Tong
I'll try and start the second thread tomorrow. I'll probably structure it a bit better, rephrase some of them and do a few things to make my life easier, like making a thread anchor for questions to me. If anyone has recommendations for things to fix/change other than the phrasing for the bonus HP in the settlements, I'd appreciate them.
Sorry for the delay in posting. Is it okay if this still happens and I head to the beastman lands? I'd like to hope I can visit a good friend, party up, then go to beastlands. There's lots of forests near the north anyway.

>A wounded troll that spoke of great riches and revenge
Hey! He's still alive. I like trolls.

Should have kept better track but I believe I have plundered 20 loot this adventure. I shall share 10 with you.
The sudden invitation took the Bastard Skull by surprise, but it was far from unwelcome. A grunt and nod was all the response the Reaver received, and then Korthak was off. He found his way to this arena shortly. Though he lacked a nose, he could smell hot blood on icy winds and laughed. This was the kind of merriment worth having.

Better yet, it was a proving ground. A means of slaughtering the weak to make way for the strong. Kharneth reveled in these things and as another of his killing dogs, so did Korthak. The thrall-turned-warlord was a strange sight, even aside from his skull. Rather than the spiked heavy plate of a true chaos warrior, he wore a shiny new suit of a huscarl's maille and a stolen stresly's coat, bleached by the sun and stained with blood. A broad axe sat on his belt and a saxe with in it, but little else. If not for his blessing, he wouldn't be out of place among the rank-and-file marauders.

Where visible and not burnt, his skin was ruddy and something subtle, the way he carried himself or mouthed his words, marked him as a half-Southron. Yet here he sat, surrounded by Northmen in a place of honour. Strange indeed. Korthak considered Mulrog's words carefully, as the fires behind bronze teeth reduced precious wine to sweet steam flowing from both ear holes. When he spoke, his voice crackled. "I reckon the glory of the Blood God isn't a dreaming thing, insomuch as this whole wide world is a dreaming thing. The sky overhead, the snow underfoot, the blood pumping in our veins..."

"It's all false. A dream we've all decided on for ourselves because we're too weak to know the four in truth. Maiming, killing, burning... It's all different ways of ripping back the curtain to show ourselves what lies beneath. I fight because what's beneath is beautiful. Not like a quiet sunset or shapely bosom, but mighty in its beauty. Oceans of blood, whirlwinds of blades, multitudes of the lost and damned adrift- clashing, striving, dying beneath a throne of skulls! A maelstrom without beginning or end, thrashing forever-and-ever to the drums of war! Imagine it. Imagine that!"

"It's a beautiful dream, isn't it?" He lifted a calloused hand to point at the ungor, now limping from the fallen bear. "That goat'll go on to do great things, or die, and it makes no difference! We're all bound for the same pit in the end." The cup, now empty, he sat on the skinwolf's pelt, balanced between scarred knuckles. "Mulrog... the Cruel... distant half-cousin of mine. There's no truth in words. I want to know your measure and you to know mine. Once this choosing is done, what say you we have ourselves a duel? A friendly sparring match, to the first blood to kiss the dirt. A symbol of the wars we'll make together."

Nothing too convoluted, a flat d20 from me against you for the fun of it.
Much appreciated. I think you got 50 Loot, from sacking those three 10 Loot villages and one 20 Loot town bordering the woods. That's the same amount as I managed, going back step-by-step through the raids, so it hits me that an even split would leave us both back where we started, ahahaha. By the dark gods, that's going to be a horrifying amount of ungors.
Oh yeah! You're right!

Lanu, have you taken any inspiration from Sworn to Valour, 40K, Dark Souls, Dragon's Dogma, or The Elder Scrolls for this Qst?
btw if I got 50 loot, you get 25 of course. And your 25 is well received to much rejoicing!

While the majority of his herd made ready to migrate to Beastmen lands, bringing along many southern men to feast upon and southern women to sire more Beastmen, Magor and a few of his best Ungors would personally attend the Northerling's revelries. Though he wished it were otherwise, that he were truly a beast through and through, the Eagle had blessed Magor with more of the sense of men in him than beast, though he knows this is surely why he has risen above the heard. It is with this thought he mused and found amusement, that he who favors the Serpent and all its pleasures would find ally and friend with a follower of the Dog, for there was much animosity between the Snake and the Hound. Indeed, these days, he has found more and more of the Serpents gifts and wears many charms to them he had obtained from the Bray-Shamans. Yet there was still strength to be found in Chaos Undivided.

Magor arrives with his favorite pet, a comely Hung madwoman (by beastmen standards anyway), barely dressed in the attire of a slave, a golden gag shoved into her frothing mouth with the blazing eyes of a lunatic, here to be bound and to please Magor as he attends the bloodsports. He brings gifts of loot: the choices of skulls from the mightiest of foes his warband has fought, as well as the fiercest and most resistant slaves he could muster for the blood games.

With gifts of loot and skulls he approaches the Norscan guards to the city and summons up the words of men on his beastly tongue: "Hail, Northmen. Magor Gorebow seeks to join Korthak, bloody of hand, burning of skull, blessed of the Hound, in glorious revelry! I bring gifts of loot, of slaves, and skulls."
I've been keeping a record tally myself, hahaha.

Sometime before, or after, or during Korthak's attendance with Mulrog, for the dark gods cared little for the contrivance of time and the ways of Tchar were strange, the cloven one made his way to Baersonling lands. Norscan contempt for beastmen being what it was, even they were loathe to drive off one with sackfuls of plunder. A fair bit of bickering went on between a couple of bondsmen on the watch, then the primal mob was ushered in.

Magor found the burning skull's band in a pitched encampment on the settlement's outskirts, and the man himself sitting in a snow embankment midway through a bottle of wine, steam spewing with every sip. Next to him were sprawled half a dozen jars of mead, now gone, and it seemed that this bottle was the second of five. Korthak got up and waved, more sober than one would expect from someone taller than a Southerner's belt. It was hard to tell an expression on a faceless skull but his hand wasn't near his blade, a rare thing.

"Hail, greatest of ungors! It's good to see that hide's still clinging to your bones, and even better, that you've brought gifts!" He staggered forward, thrusting a half-finished bottle into Magor's grip and clapping a hand on his back. "Well met! Let's drink to glorious deaths yet to come!" The warlord paused, gritting his teeth. "Tell me, did my trusted men and the thralls under their watch reach your herd with speed?"
Magor raises his bottle in joint toast with Korthak "to many deaths to come!" He savors its flavor as the Serpent demands, already an idle hand tugs the leash of his prized slave just a bit closer.

"That they did! Many ungors made it across the river and now bray loudly into the night thanks to your men. Yet another oath of loyalty between my herd to your tribe, writ the heavier by deeds rather than words. One of many we shall seek to repay."

Magor watches the spectacle below, smiling as he watches a wounded Ungor feast upon the corpse of a bear. A good omen.

"It is for this reason I am also here! We are a mighty force you and I, and only the most insurmountable of odds can hope to stop us. I come to ask: where shall my Herds march next? I can think of no one better to discuss war plans than one blessed by the Lord of Skulls and one whom I have cleaved flesh and bone with."

>btw I wouldn't mind joining in the convo with Mulrog, or observing the duel if it happens. Yeah I couldn't figure out a good way to fit in it either, but the Eagle smooths over many such wrinkles in time with his talons
Oh shit I forgot.
Lanu I’d like to officially commit to both >>5994557 and >>5995574
These were just hypotheticals and drafts before, but now I am confirming that I purchase a unit of chaos warriors for 22, rent a boat for 2, donate 11 to Ivan, and accept the proposal from the Hung warrior.

I will also ask the warrior for details. I will clear the coast, but how many settlements will that be? My current map only shows a single Aesling city in the east, so once that is taken, how many more will there be? Next, do I need to care about the Aesling settlements that are further inland, or are they not relevant to the migration effort? Lastly, I’ll ask if the warrior can tell me a little more about the men that will flock to my banner; are we talking tons of cannon fodder or a battalion of elites?
Rolled 12 (1d20)

The thoughts of Karthok had been at least somewhat interesting. While he disagreed with some parts others were appealing to his mind. Endless glory and gory combat sounded like a dream. Getting up from his seat he raised a hand.

"Today. We have a special challenger. Kortha the Bronze Bastard Skull wishes to know my metal. And i wish to know his. Hold back the next fight." he shouted at terrified slaves and the roaring approval of his warriors.

Surprisingly agile for an Ogre sized man wearing black chaos plate the warlord slip on his hormed helmet and jumped over the railing. It was a steep drop of almost 15 foot(4,5 meters) down into the Arena. His bloodlust was increasing fueled by drink and the thougts of glorious battle.
>you coudls till make it. it will be a bit of time after you both return... or in your case stop at Baersonling lands that Mulrog wil extend his invitation. who knows who Korthak send a messenger to after he got the invitation.

if you show up. bring some booze and snacks with ya. its gonna be a party.
Rolled 4 (1d20)

At Magor's words, Korthak roared with approval. "Then it is done! We're brothers, in deed and blood!" He gripped the ungor's shoulder with firm certainty. "If you ever have need of my axe, you need only call on me, and I'll do the same for your bow." The skull poured recklessly, for he lacked the lips to drink. "As for your request... I plan to sail north and help that witch, Sarrick, it was, hunt mammoth cubs for the Hung. I'd be glad to have you but I don't think there'll be much to plunder in the ice. The wheatlands have been reaved ruthlessly but some settlements remain. You could find luck striking further south and sacking the borders of Kislev before the others, or death. It all depends on the will of the gods, the portents, the blood..."

He broke his stream of thought with a sudden shout. "But to hell with prophecy, watch this!"

The once-thrall leaped into the pit, whipping out his axe, howling more like a bone whistle than the throat of a man. Mulrog was a behemoth of steel and brawn, wielding weapons and armour of the finest forging. He was also a veteran warrior, one no less blessed by Kharneth, and merciless.

In comparison, Korthak was lean and ill-equipped, but fought with an instinctive finesse and no less vicious ferocity. "Praises to the Blood God!"
While Mulrog was drunk, Korthak was no less drunk. While both warriors landed well in the Arena that was most that went well for Korthak.

The treacherous ice that shattered under Mulrogs steps made his stand unstable. It didnt help that Mulrogs Axe had heft and reach on his side with longer arms. "Blood be Spilled. Skulls Piled High! BLOOD FOR THE BLOODGOD!" Mulrog shouted when they engaged for the first time.

And the Experience gap was further higlighted as the massive Warlord launched an onslaught that only barely didnt take Korthaks Head in the first second of the duel.

But Korthak was not without advantages of his own. If he could manage to slip into the inner reach of Mulrogs Axe he would stand a chance. Instead of blocking the attacks of the Axe Korthak went to parrying them. Steel screamed on steel, showering the Arena with Sparks on the third exchange. By now Korthak had found an opening Mulrog left just after finishing such an exchange, while pulling his Axe back up.

Slipping under Mulrogs Guard the once Thrall aimed for a joint weakpoint to penetrate with his Axe. The Knee flying up to inetrrupt him he only noticed in the corner of his eye when it was too late. Having used the momentum of bringing back the Axe to rip his other leg up, something so dangerous that no sane man would do it in a fight to the death, the Knee impacted with Korthaks Jaw and flung him around.

With a ringing in his ears that sounded like the raw fury of a hundred Khornate demons Korthak found himself on the ground disarmed. The heavy Boot of Mulrog pinned his leg down. the tip of the Axe finding a weakpoint in his armor. Just a thin line was drawn across his side, but it was enough for blood to spill upon the ground.

The pressure suddenly lifted and the Bloodlust of Mulrog subsided as he offered the other Warlord a hand. "You fought well, like a warrior twice your age and experience would. Reaving your skull would be an insult for i can see a great future in Service to the Brass Throne." Mulrog exclaimed, pulling Korthak to his feet and offering to hold a feast in his honor. No matter If he refused he would at offer the services of Nilsa the wise woman with knowledge of medicine to make sure his wound would not give Nieglin a playground.

hope this works for you
>Sorry for the delay in posting. Is it okay if this still happens and I head to the beastman lands? I'd like to hope I can visit a good friend, party up, then go to beastlands. There's lots of forests near the north anyway.
Sure, go for it.

A troll you meet during your celebration, notably lacking all his fingers, speaks to you. "Throgg, troll, chief. Take finger, take one more finger, one more finger. Soon, no more finger. He then try to take hand away, but I run. He has many shiny things. You like shiny things? I can show to Throgg and shiny things."

>I will also ask the warrior for details. I will clear the coast, but how many settlements will that be?
The point of it is primarily to cow the Aeslings into not defending the straight once it freezes over, to let the Hung move in and only have to fight the Vargs. You could go on a extermination campaign, or you could head for their capital sacking everything along the way and accepting their surrender eventually.
However, the Aeslings are in my perception way more populous and powerful the Baersonlings, so you will likely have to push inland. As for the map, it is yet to be made.
>Lastly, I’ll ask if the warrior can tell me a little more about the men that will flock to my banner; are we talking tons of cannon fodder or a battalion of elites?
I'll give you some quantity of loot and let you spend it on Hung troops.
Oh okay, I think I understand.
In that case, one last question: I’m assuming that I need to accomplish this during the next raid, or is there no time limit on this mission?
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There is no timelimit for the Aeslings. Here's the WIP map btw.
Oh fuck that’s a lot
And yes, I do realize the scale difference between what I did for the Aeslings and the Kislevits/Baersonlings. I attribute it to the time-space dilation and the warp influence (and not to the maps I used for this, but I also recognize that the empire will probably scale up aswell),
Is Throgg famous yet?
Mildly, tho in this reality, the end times never happened and everything just fizzled out.
Magor would take a slew of Ungors, and follow the Troll to Throgg's place. As soon as Throgg's cave was in sight, he would step back and speak to the Troll.

"You want us to attack the King of Trolls?" Magor laughs and ba'a'a's "Seize him!" He commands, as dozens upon dozens of his ungors move with rope and chain and hook on the fingerless troll.

"Perhaps the Troll King would favor us if we return this fool to him. Perhaps not. Let's go and find out!"
Korthak fought with wild fury and keen skill, but in the end, it wasn't enough to prevail. Now he laid, defeated under the Cruel one's foot. The victor's gauntlet lifted him up, as his skullflame crackled in a sporadic blaze and he laughed. "AHAHAHAHA! Magnificent! I don't know what I was expecting! You're the size to match a half-giant and no less favoured by Kharneth!"

He mulled over his offer, still swaying from the blow to his jaw. "Hmm... a feast, for me? NAY! Those fallen in weakness deserve nothing! Those strong enough to seize their fate deserve everything! Who is the strongest of them all? He who sits on the Skull Throne! A feast we'll have, but it'll be for the Blood God's sake!" As he crawled out of the pit, he started reducing another bottle to steam and could almost swear he felt a few drops get through. "I've found your measure, Mulrog. You are a worthy foe and in time, could be a steadfast friend. I'd be honoured to march at your side." Korthak drunkenly twirled his axe, pondering their duel. "I have many more Southlings to kill, many more lessons to learn writ in blood before we have ourselves a rematch."
"Then to the Blood God we shall drink. It will be good to have another upstanding warrior next to me while going north to fight alongside those Sorcerers"
Now for my unit raising.

I have 63 Loot to spend.
Skinwolves= -26
Huscarls =-14
Bondsmen= -8
Thralls= -6
Selling of slaves= +6

should leave me with 15 loot.

i can donate those 15. or if 9 is alright with you i can get another unit of thralls. but it wont be necessary.

My forces after buying would be
Chaos Knights +1D,+1H
Three Horse Archers

so one unit would have to shelter with an ally. or if i can afford those thralls i am completely independent.
>Korthak: "His size might be trouble..."
>Magor: "But would you lose?"
Korthak: "Nah I'd win"
sadly didnt work out that way. RNGesus said Mulrog was the winner.

but i am looking forward to another duel with Korthak
New thread:
Oh I was just referencing the Gojo meme
Search Google for "Nah I'd win"
And so the realms of the Old World held their breath, awaiting disaster to come once again in its perpetual cycle, or otherwise remained ignorant of the growing threat to the North. The Mighty Four played their games, the Elder Races continued to languish in apathy framed as caution, & the unrelenting march of time pressed on.

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