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You're a modern Western man who was transported to 1600's Japan. What isekai powers did you get?
>High stats
>Save scumming
>Save scumming
>>Save scumming
Yes please. Depending on how broken we're going with the save scumming, it's going to replace some or most of the stats anyway. Also, I'm always up for some time-loop stuff.
Save scumming it is.
>"Save scumming, for the uninitiated, is the act of saving before key decisions, or expected key decisions, so that you can reload if you end up with an undesirably outcome."
Now let's describe your character.
>David- kindhearted high school student died saving kids from truck-kun
> Mark- us marine vet died tackling a school shooter
>Kevin- overweight incel weeb obsessed with japan died from diabetes
> Charles- ruthless stock broker died stabbed by employee he fired
>> Mark- us marine vet died tackling a school shooter
A warrior in another land
>>Kevin- overweight incel weeb obsessed with japan died from diabetes
Please be a history buff, please be a history buff...
At least we shouldn't trip over the customs so bad as the others might. And we can savescum each time we hae to interact with a woman, so that should definitely help...and Kevin is going to need a lot of help, I feel...
Save scumming is a lame power and I'm disappointed in anon. Regardless.

> Charles- ruthless stock broker died stabbed by employee he fired
Redemption arc
>David- kindhearted high school student died saving kids from truck-kun
>>David- kindhearted high school student died saving kids from truck-kun
>> Mark- us marine vet died tackling a school shooter
>>David- kindhearted high school student died saving kids from truck-kun
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David the kindhearted victim of truck-kun it is. Where do you spawn? (thhis will be the first save point)
>The Dutch trading ship Erasmus with its starving crew
>The fief of Ajior ruled by Omi, the nephew of Lord Yabushige of Izu
>Osaka castle with the five regents and the Taiko's heir
>>The fief of Ajior ruled by Omi, the nephew of Lord Yabushige of Izu
>>The Dutch trading ship Erasmus with its starving crew
>Osaka castle with the five regents and the Taiko's heir
>The Dutch trading ship Erasmus with its starving crew

As some who is Dutch myself I had to pick this
Let’s be the one who unite the shogun into the Japanese empire guys
>>The fief of Ajior ruled by Omi, the nephew of Lord Yabushige of Izu
>Inside a brothel where you work as a sex slave under Witch Queen Mazela
>The Dutch trading ship Erasmus with its starving crew
We go to the Japans.
You spawn in the Witcher Forest ruled by Witch Queen Mazela herself. She's know to punish abusive man.
>>The Dutch trading ship Erasmus with its starving crew
>The Dutch trading ship Erasmus with its starving crew
You are David, an American high school student, who has always striven to do the right thing, to help where you can. The last thing you remember is the screech of tires and the horrified faces of children as a truck skids out of control toward them. Acting on instinct, you leap forward, shoving them to safety. Then, everything fades to black. When you next open your eyes, you're lying on the rough wood of a ship's deck. The air is thick with the stench of salt, sweat, and shit. Around you, gaunt, foul-smelling, bearded sailors with weathered faces crowd in, their shouts filled with confusion and suspicion. "Who are you? How did you get here?" they demand. Honestly, you wish you knew. The only clue you have is a voice that echoed in your mind upon awakening, a calm, clear whisper: "Progress Saved."
>Tell them the truth you're an American high schooler that was run over by a truck
>Lie and claim you are an angel sent by the holy spirit to save them
>Claim to be shipwrecked sailor
Tell them you're the right hand of Witch Queen Mazela and that your were just in the midst of fighting the demon lord of death Tho'belkin together with Mazela in the witches forest. He then teleported you to this god forsaken ship because he could not handle you both. You then shout to all the man "We must get back to the witches forest lads chop chop".

All the man look confused at first looking at each other as if you were a lunatic, but then the captain of the ship emerges from below the deck as he hears what you have said. "Queen Mazela you say? It can't be! I thought she was dead" said the captain baffled and overjoyed. "Man, we must help this him, for Queen Mazela is known of her generosity towards anyone who respects and helps her!"
>Claim to be shipwrecked sailor
>>Claim to be shipwrecked sailor
>Claim to be shipwrecked sailor
>Claim to be shipwrecked sailor
>Claim to be shipwrecked sailor
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Disoriented and unsure of how you've arrived in this strange situation, you stand surrounded by the dirty, wild-eyed, emaciated sailors. Their hands grip primitive firearms, their fingers twitchy on the triggers. With a forced calmness, you choose your words with care. "I am a shipwrecked sailor," you claim steadily. One bearded man with long hair, who appears to be the pilot, eyes you with deep suspicion. "I don't see no ship," he challenges sharply. "My ship sank far from here," you respond quickly, fabricating your tale on the spot. "I survived by clinging to a piece of driftwood and was barely alive when I spotted your ship. Murmurs ripple through the group as they exchange wary glances. Words like 'spy', 'Portuguese', and 'the devil' float back to you, heightening the tension. After a tense pause, the pilot's voice cuts through the murmurs, "Are you a Catholic or a Protestant?" Your mind races. Neither truly applies to you, but recalling your family's background, you reply hesitantly, "Um, Catholic?" Instantly, another sailor accuses, "He's a Portuguese spy! Kill him!" As you open your mouth to protest, a gunshot rings out, and darkness swallows you once more.
"Save loading....."
Confusion and panic set in as you open your eyes again. You're lying on the rough wood of a ship's deck. The air is thick with the stench of salt, sweat, and shit. Around you, gaunt, foul-smelling, bearded sailors with weathered faces crowd in, their shouts filled with confusion and suspicion. "Who are you? How did you get here?" they demand.
>Claim to be a shipwrecked sailor again but protestant this time
>Claim to be a shipwrecked sailor again and that your ship was sunk by Portuguese catholic dogs
>Have a panic attack over whatever the fuck's happening
>Have a panic attack over whatever the fuck's happening
Tell them you're the right hand of Witch Queen Mazela and that your were just in the midst of fighting the demon lord of death Tho'belkin together with Mazela in the witches forest. He then teleported you to this god forsaken ship because he could not handle you both. You then shout to all the man "We must get back to the witches forest lads chop chop".

All the man look confused at first looking at each other as if you were a lunatic, but then the captain of the ship emerges from below the deck as he hears what you have said. "Queen Mazela you say? It can't be! I thought she was dead" said the captain baffled and overjoyed. "Man, we must help this him, for Queen Mazela is known of her generosity towards anyone who respects and helps her!"
Fuck off
Fuck off
>>Claim to be a shipwrecked sailor again but protestant this time
I think the Dutch used to be pretty pluralistic with religion. I mean they still are, but the Puritans hated them for being so tolerant.
Unless I'm getting my time periods wrong and this is right after they rebelled against the Spanish lmao
>pretend amnesia from head trauma and sea water drinking
maybe they will tell us some basic facts like what year it is
I think this anons approach is good>>5978518
But we should also add that we hate the pope

The Dutch largely didnt really care for the religion of those they traded with
But they did missionary work if the local populace had previously been converted by catholics lmao
>Claim to be a shipwrecked sailor again but protestant this time
Shit, we can figure this out.
>Claim to be a shipwrecked sailor again and that your ship was sunk by Portuguese catholic dogs
Don't claim to be protestant but instead deflect some shit against the pope.
"I'll have nothing to do with those boyfuckers in Rome. If you claim loyalty to him you can throw me back where you found me."
>>Claim to be a shipwrecked sailor again and that your ship was sunk by Portuguese catholic dogs
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Confusion grips you as you find yourself replaying the same scenario. The sailors' faces and their shouts are identical to your last memory. This time, you opt for a different tactic. "I... I don't remember..." you feign a struggle with your memory, implying injuries from head trauma and the ingestion of seawater, "I think... our ship was sunk... by the Portuguese... those Catholic dogs!" The sailors exchange startled glances. "The Portuguese warships... are they near?" one asks urgently. You blink slowly, continuing your act, "I... I can’t remember... my head... where are we exactly?" The one who seems to be in charge, John Blackthorne, responds with a slight edge of caution in his voice, "We are in the Japans." "The Japans? What year is this?" you murmur, feigning bewilderment and amnesia. Their initial suspicion eases as they start to see you as a fellow Protestant sailor, victimized by the Catholics. They reveal it's the year 1600, and that they themselves are navigating towards 'the Japans.' Blackthorne, however, remains distrustful. "How do you speak both Dutch and English so fluently?" he demands sharply. It's only then it dawns on you: you've been conversing with 17th-century Dutch sailors without any language barrier. What the hell? Before you can come up with a response to John Blackthorne's question, a sudden commotion erupts. The sailors' faces drain of color as a group of men clad in armor storm the deck, their shouts piercing the tense air. "It's the Japanese," John whispers urgently, his voice low and tense. "Remember, we are just merchants," he instructs swiftly, his eyes scanning the advancing group. "Lost at sea, seeking safe passage home. We drifted here by accident, hoping to once again glimpse our own shores. The Erasmus is nothing more than a trading vessel."
>You trust the pilot
>You have a feeling he is lying
>You have a feeling he is lying
Lets go along with it for now but these dudes are up to no good
>You trust the pilot

Don't you people remember, we made the choice of

David the kindhearted victim of truck-kun it is. Where do you spawn? (thhis will be the first save point)
>The Dutch trading ship Erasmus with its starving crew

It's literally there "The dutch TRADING SHIP"
sure but that doesn't mean that's its only purpose
True, I guess he does say "we are JUST merchants", which implies they're not just merchants

I'll change my vote to
Make a blood sacrifice to Mazela and ask her to give you a sign for answers
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>You trust the pilot
>You have a feeling he is lying
1 for trusting and 2 for thinking he's lying
>Go along with the captains story
He is likely not *just* a trader, but going along with it is the safest way to do this
>You have a feeling he is lying
>You trust the pilot

They were supported by catholic France during that period up till the war of devolution when when they supported Spain against france
Huh, well that's good to know.
Spoiler for the show These guys aren't really merchants, they are Dutch and English privateers sent to burn and pillage catholic bases in Asia
How do you know? Did this happen in reality? In the real history?!
William Adams, the real life inspiration for John Blackthorne, was also extremely anti-Catholic, anti-Jesuit
>You have a feeling he is lying
>>You have a feeling he is lying
>You trust the pilot

What's your deal? Is this your D&D character you're trying to turn into a thing?
its a quest that died immediately after some anon started spamming mazela quest in votes of a lot of other quests
I see. Thanks for the lore, anon.
Watched the finale. New thread will be up soon
That show was dogshit, but your quest is good nonetheless.

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