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Welcome back.

Rules are simple: Votes are tallied every hour, with whatever course of action being the most popular being the course of action taken. Write ins are encouraged and non-mutually exclusive votes will be combined if possible.

When a roll is called for, roll however many D100 are specified. 5- is a 'crit fail' and generally means something bad is about to happen. 95+ is a 'crit success' and generally means something good just happened. a 'crit success' trumps a crit fail. User input on both will be taken into consideration.

Inventory, pokemon stats and other links: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15i2N08IpWqitoTJujsUMishe4PLbao1lqT-bCAmvPcE/edit

Discord: https://discord.gg/GGXeMEMj

For a short summary for the new and to recap:

You are Alex. A newly minted trainer and camping enthusiast just starting out on your journey at the age of seventeen after your father lost his job in order to help pay the bills. On the road, you met Fie, the Fire Gym Leader, Gareth a novice Aura Guardian on pilgrimage and Holly, a runaway heiress using a pseudonym. You've also made enemies of Team Green a group of violent, radical activists looking to abolish pokemon training.

Recently, Fie returned to her gym for the time being.

Last thread, Volta evolved, stopped a guy harrassing Martha, had dinner with everyone else and decided that you'd go to Genesis Cave next instead of Galeport so Gareth can continue his pilgrimage. Martha elected to accompany you owing to her broken arm.

"Nah, shopping first." You reply. "We're not going to be staying long in Saltcoast, so might as well stock up now."

She nods in understanding.

"Fair enough."

It doesn't take long for you to restock on food for the journey ahead.

It takes a little longer to wake Gareth up, however. Time you use to change your party around a little.

You keep Volta and Rascal around but Blitz, Sage and Latias you swap for Nika and Queenie, so along with Piker, you can focus on training them more, since you're more or less satisfied where everyone else is for the time being.

When Gareth is finally up and ready, you set out.

It's a cool morning and you can see cloud rolling in from the west, but it doesn't look like it's going to rain at least.

>Let someone out to walk.
>Look for battles.
>Just hurry on back to Saltcoast.
>Look for battles.

Okay, roll.
Rolled 21 (1d100)

Rolled 50 (1d100)

Rolled 64 (1d100)


It's still early when you set out, but a little after mid morning, you see a farmer riding down the side of the road on the back of a Rapidash, while a little ahead of him, you can see a woman chatting animatedly with a backpacker.

>Challenge the farmer.
>Challenge the woman.
>Challenge the backpacker.
>Keep walking.
>>Challenge the farmer.
>Challenge the farmer.

"Hey!" You call, catching the farmer's attention as you wave.

He looks up from the tablet he's busy browsing, before returning the wave.

"What can I do for you fine yung people?" He asks in a heavy, drawling accent as he peers down at you from his Rapidash, which comes to a stop at a short remove across the road. "Looking for directions to the walking track?"

"Um, no actually, I was wondering if you were up for a battle." You reply.

"Ah." The man nods sagely, before glancing at his watch. "Well, I've got five minutes. How's three on three for five hundred credits sound?" He asks. "I've never really bothered training professionally, just a bit of a hobby and helping the sick and injured ones I find around the farm." He explains. "How many badges have you got?" He asks.

"Two, but I'm fairly strong for it." You reply.

The man nods.

"Well, just go easy, alright? No need for anyone to go getting hurt."

>Sounds good.
>Adjust the bet.
>Adjust the number of pokemon.
>>Sounds good.
>Sounds good.

"Sounds good." You agree as he dismounts his Rapidash and you move off to the side of the road.

Martha takes the role of officiator and after the rules are read, you both reach for your poke balls.

>Go, Fluffy
>Go, Rascal (Braviary)
>Go, Queenie (Cutiefly)
>Go, Nika
>Go, Piker (Feebas)
>Go, Volta (Luxray)
>>Go, Queenie (Cutiefly)
Grass types to be expected.
>Go, Nika
I'll expect normal types.
>Go, Queenie (Cutiefly)
Nika is a baby still.
We need to pet and educate her.
>>Go, Queenie (Cutiefly)
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"Alright Mareep, come on out." The farmer says.

There's none of the bluster or exuberant energy of a lot of other trainers you've met. And this guy's aura is relaxed and easy going as well. This really is just a bit of fun to him.

"Queenie, you're in." You say.

The farmer grins behind his beard.

"You got any more of those Cutieflies?" He asks. "I've got an orchard that needs pollinating." He adds.

"Erm no, sorry." You reply apologetically.

"Ah, I s'pose I'll have to give Ethan a bell later then." He says, shaking his head. "Anywho Mareep, Charge."

Fairy Wind
Stun Spore
Struggle Bug
Silver Wind
Sweet Scent
Protect (learning)
Bug Buzz

>Fairy Wind
>Fairy Wind

Huh, makes sense but I can see why none saw it coming.

Rolled 78 (1d100)

we should have remembered QM's Sheepmon bias
Rolled 35 (1d100)



My own misadventures aside, not every farmer is a grain cocky.
Alright I might be too ESL... But what does grain cocky means?
Rolled 69 (1d100)

Rolled 61 (1d100)


Australian slang for a wheat farmer. Or more generally, a farmer that grows crops, rather than does something with livestock or a vineyard.

"Fairy Wind." You order.

Mareep is buffeted by the burst of vaguely sweet-scented, pink hued wind Cutiefly produces, resulting in a barely perceptible change in Mareep's aura as the electric sheep's fleece visibly sparks and swells as it gains electrical charge.

"Alright, Mareep, Thunder Shock." The farmer orders.

Well, that's to be expected, you guess, considering Mareep seems to be about as strong as Queenie.

Still, you get the feeling this may turn into a bit of a slog.

Fairy Wind
Stun Spore
Struggle Bug
Silver Wind
Sweet Scent
Protect (learning)
Bug Buzz

>Fairy Wind
Silver Wind
>Bug Buzz
Then Absorb
>Silver Wind
Rolled 73 (1d100)


Rolled 33 (1d100)

Rolled 77 (1d100)

Rolled 63 (1d100)

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"Silver Wind." You order.

Queenie's wings flutter and another gust of wind springs up, this one filled with tiny silver scales that buffet Mareep, doing negligible damage, but under your sight, Queenie blazes as she picks up speed, before she's nailed by Mareep's Thundershock, turning her aura from lush green to pale green, though you get the impression that whatever happened to Queenie just then helped take the edge off of what was in all fairness a very solid hit.

"Hm... Alright, Thunder Wave." The farmer orders.

Fairy Wind
Stun Spore
Struggle Bug
Silver Wind
Sweet Scent
Protect (learning)
Bug Buzz


(Omniboost procced)
Silver Wind
Time for yet ANOTHER omniboost
>Silver Wind
>Silver Wind
Exactly what i was going for when i suggested silver wind. If its the same level then we just need to bring the battle in our favor >:D

Silver Wind lets do it again
>Silver Wind
Rolled 65 (1d100)


Rolled 74 (1d100)

Rolled 79 (1d100)

Rolled 73 (1d100)


"Silver Wind." You order.

Again, Queenie blazes brighter under your aura sight as she summons up another gust of wind flecked with silver scales. You're pretty sure they're more numerous this time and Mareep's aura actually starts to dim towards the same pale green as Queenie now, even as it sparks and sends another jolt of electricity at Queenie that stuns her and leaves her paralysed, sending dim yellow sparks playing over her blazing, pale green aura.

"A'right, Charge up again Mareep." The farmer says.

You really wish you'd taught Queenie Baton Pass. You're pretty sure Queenie might still edge out Mareep in speed, but the chance of her being stunned is downright annoying.

Fairy Wind
Stun Spore
Struggle Bug
Silver Wind
Sweet Scent
Protect (learning)
Bug Buzz


(Omniboost procced x2)
>Bug Buzz
>Bug Buzz
Bzzt bzzt sheepfucker
Rolled 100 (1d100)



And c'mon, he's not a kiwi.
Rolled 93 (1d100)

Rolled 93 (1d100)

Wow, what are the odds?

Lower than a crit.
Rolled 38 (1d100)

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"Bug Buzz." You order.

You let out a breath as she emits a high-pitched cicada whine that batters Mareep as it charges up again, actually sparking now with the amount of electricity it's gathered this time...

Not that you think it's going to make all that much difference, considering Mareep's aura is deep in the orange now after being hit by that Bug Buzz.

The farmer shrugs, before recalling Mareep.

"Good try." He says, pocketing the ball.

"You're retiring Mareep from the match then?" Martha asks.

"That's about the shape of it. Don't want to risk any injuries." He explains, selecting another ball. "Alright... hm. Roselia, you're in." He says. "Sunny Day." He orders.

Huh. This might be a hobby to him, but it looks like he's got a better grasp of tactics than Fie's dad.

Fairy Wind
Stun Spore
Struggle Bug
Silver Wind
Sweet Scent
Protect (learning)
Bug Buzz


(Omniboost procced x2)
>Silver Wind
I think the farmer is smart about his pokemon, which is nice to see.
>Switch Rascal

Farmers care *a lot* about their animals. Even if they're raising something for meat, they make damn sure they're living their best life.

Sage isn't in the party at the moment.
Rascal then
>silver wind
yeah. In my European 1st world country small village, it was really shameful to mistreat cattle. So not only farmers care about their beasts, they also care about the neighbour's.
>Silver Wind

Honestly i think using rascal would be overkill

Considering how much stronger he is

(Also we did say we would go easy on them at the start of the battle) so if we are gonna switch id say volta or fluffy?
You're right Rascal is overkill. changing my switch to Fluffy
>Silver Wind

Okay, roll.
Rolled 16 (1d100)

Rolled 77 (1d100)

Rolled 42 (1d100)


"Silver Wind." You counter.

This time. Queenie doesn't blaze brighter, although that may have something to do with the intensely bright miniature sun that Roselia just summoned over the field.

Roselia is battered down into the pale-green range by the storm of silver scales Queenie summons up though.

You have to wonder what the farmer is up to, though. Queenie is clearly set-up now, so why Sunny Day instead of something else?

"Synthesis." He orders.

Well, that explains it. Kind of.

Fairy Wind
Stun Spore
Struggle Bug
Silver Wind
Sweet Scent
Protect (learning)
Bug Buzz


(Omniboost procced x2)
>Bug Buzz
>Bug Buzz

Alright, roll.
Rolled 10 (1d100)

Bzzt bzzt Flowergrower
Rolled 7 (1d100)

Rolled 96 (1d100)

>Quiver dance get
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"Bug Buzz." You order.

For a heart-stopping moment, you think Queenie is going to be wracked by her paralysis, but to your relief, she begins emitting that ear-splitting cicada whine and even as Roselia recovers from the Silver Wind, it is just as quickly knocked out by the intensity of this particular Bug Buzz.

You let out a breath as Queenie gives a little victory dance mid-air, apparently shaking off her Paralysis as she does.

"Hm." The farmer says, scratching his beard. "Remind me, are Dark-types weak to Bug-types?" He asks.

"They are." You confirm.

He holds up a hand and shakes his head as he recalls Roselia.

"I forfeit." He says.

"...Why?" You ask, a little non-plussed.

"Only other pokemon I've got are my Houndour and I need them for bringing the mob in for shearing." He explains.

Before you can reply, Queenie starts glowing.

There's a blinding flare and when the light clears, she's grown significantly, from about the size of your little finger, to the size of your hand and taken on a form more akin to a pixie or archetypical fairy than the oversized mosquito\bumblebee she was.

"Oh-ho, congrats." The farmer says. "Now, let me just see..." He says, fiddling with his tablet and forwarding the five hundred credits. "There, all good."

>Keep it.
>Thanks. Good battle.
Need any help with work?
Might be a worthwhile experience if only to pick up some tricks.
>Keep it.
For being such a good sport, a great sparing, and obviously taking great care of your 'mons.

>Inquire about eggs
We're looking for Miltanks for Mom and Pop, and the little siblings would be delighted
>Keep it.
>Make smalltalk, maybe ask if he needs a bit of help in the farm

"Keep it." You reply, sending the five hundred back. "That was the best battle I've had in a while and you're absolutely the best sport."

"Obliged." The farmer replies with a grin.

"Do you need any help with work?" You ask.

"Nah, got some running around to do down in Silveridge, so I won't keep you." He replies. "Have a good one." He says, remounting his Rapidash with a wave, before heading off down the trail.

"Well now, that turned out pretty well." Martha says as you start walking again and Queenie settles down in Syurm's previously favoured spot on your shoulder.

"I'll say." Gareth agrees as Queenie takes off, disappearing into the bush before returning shortly with what looks at first glance like a bunch of wattle flowers. "And hey, it looks like she's learned Pollen Puff as well."

A quick check of your pokedex confirms that she has, indeed, learned pollen puff.

"How's your Cutiefly going, Gareth?" You ask.

"I'm pretty sure he'll evolve soon." Gareth replies. "Just needs a bit more training. Might get a battle in later, maybe."

"Sounds like a good plan for later." Martha says. "For now, let's keep going. We've still got a ways to go before lunch."

>Stop for lunch.
>Eat trail mix and keep moving.
>>Eat trail mix and keep moving.
Also QM I have a question. Do pokemon that evolve by being traded still only evolve that way? Sorry if this has been asked before.
Keep Queenie out and see how many pollen puffs he can gather on the way.
Basically those are honey cookies that taste different based on flowers they come from and have strong healing properties, they store/shrink them with pokemagic bullshit as part of the move.
Prepare to harvest some berries and blend some pokeblocks when it comes time for lunch.
Have the puffs ready with the pokeblocks for some training later to see the results.
Hey does the puff works with pokeblocking for Piker?
It hasn't come up and no, they can evolve by being in particular areas in addition to trading.

I'm going to say 'no', purely because there's not enough substance to the Pollen Puff for it to be effective, but she *can* boost the number of berries you get on a given berry bush if she pollinates their flowers and basically have a Berry-only version of Pick Up if you have her out gathering.
The ones that require a link cable probably need a move that distorts space so either a dragon or ghost type move mastered.
Most of these are made up from dex entry references and location data

>Haunter really has to max out that SpA and master Shadowball alongside Confuse ray.
>Machoke has to max out Atk and master Dual chop alongside Shadowpunch
>Kadabra has to master Cosmic power and Confuse ray
>Graveler has to use explosion in an environment rich in ghost type energy usually in golem graveyards, alternatively feed it some shed gems from a sableye for a safer evolution
>Steelix/ Scizor require the right metal alloy applied both as a food granulate and a foil coating/casting
>Poliwhirl evolves into Politoed by winning a swimming contest against other members of its species after mastering Rain dance and Encore. Winner gets a suitably shaped rock as a crown letting them evolve. Usually only males take this route.
>Slowpoke into Slowking requires the Slowpoke to cross a body of water while having Future sight mastered to keep the tail safe, crowning it self and only then letting a Shelder bite its head
>Seadra/Feebas grow a scale with the right diet or ingest a ground up one from fully evolved members of their line
>Rhydon coat them selves in clay mud and repeatedly jump down from mountains with Heat crash mastered
>Shellmet and Karrablast evolve when either a Karrablast eats a Shelmet claiming its Shell or both are caught by a Galvantula with Electroweb forcing them to cooperate and swap their exoskeleton to escape
>Boldore evolves when it has grown enough red tumblestones on its body by ingesting sunlight and uses explosion to shed them
>Dusclops evolves by mastering Shadowsneak and wrapping its body with a cloth made from plants grown in places full of decay
>Phantump need to master Forrest curse on a target willing to care for them
>Pumpkaboo need to master Trick or treat and use it for enough successful hunts depending on the size they aim for

Amorphous ghosts are mold organisms, plant based are plants and animalistic ones are just adapted to preying on all of the above

That's very creative, but it's more of a Mt. Coronet situation.
Itt. Evolution is situational based on diet, environment and move mastery.

When lunch starts coming on by, you pull out some trail mix and hand it around as you keep on walking.

You're all pretty well set on pokemon and you figure if you can make it back to Saltcoast early enough, you can get some training in there.

You keep an eye on Holly as you go to make sure she's not struggling, but the new shoes seem to be doing their job in terms of keeping her feet from troubling her.

Meanwhile, Queenie is buzzing around the group, collecting pollen from the late autumn flowers and figuring out the wonders of arms and hands, occasionally returning to perch on your shoulder to rest. >Roll.

>Talk with Martha
>Talk with Holly
>Talk with Gareth
>Just keep moving
>Talk with both Martha and Holly
You girls holding up alright with any lingering pain?
If it gets a bit much just ask us to stop.

>Talk with Gareth
Are we doing some meditation training later?
I want to focus on Calm mind and maintaining it while consciously doing other daily tasks.
Rolled 47 (1d100)

>Talk with Holly
Let Martha and Gareth talk a bit. Aren't they the ones that like each other or am I confusing Martha with someone else?
you're confusing Martha with Holly
Rolled 6 (1d100)

Both wrong.
Gareth likes one of the girls from the other group.
The Archeologyst if i remember correctly.

The others are up for grabs with Martha being a fellow athlete with a supportive step dad and a streak for cute mons.


>Just keep moving
Rolled for the wrong post.
Rolled 50 (1d100)

>Talk with Gareth

"How're you two holding up, Martha? Holly?" You ask.

"Arm's doing fine." Martha replied. "Nothing some panadol won't fix, how's yours?"

"Not bothering me all that much." You confirm.

"I'm doing great." Holly adds. "The new shoes are a big help." She adds.

You're bought out of the chatter for a moment as Queenie comes down and gives you an Oran Berry.

"Oh, thanks." You say as you take it and slip it into your pocket. She beams, before buzzing off again.

"You want to meditate later?" You ask Gareth.

"Training first, then we meditate, I think." He replies. "I haven't been neglecting mine, by any means, but I think I ought to try catch up to you."

"I think we could all get in on that, personally." Martha says thoughtfully. "And hey, I can face Fie while we're in Saltcoast as well."

"I can't fault that logic." You admit.

You focus on walking after that.

Rolled 34 (1d100)

Rolled 9 (1d100)

Rolled 53 (1d100)

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Going uphill, it's a bit of a slog, but by late afternoon you're coming back into Saltcoast and shortly thereafter, arriving back at the gym.

"See you in a bit." Martha says with a wave, before going to talk to the receptionist while you head for the stands.

Being this late, the stands are almost empty, with the only other occupant being Emma while Fie is waiting in the arena.

It occurs to you that while you were here last, you never actually saw any of Fie's battles.

She gives you a nod as Emma waves and you head down to the seats near the old gym leader.

"So, changed your mind about Galeport?" She asks.

"I've got some other stuff to do." Gareth replies. "I've got to go to Genesis Cave, for one thing."

"Ah, the Guardian's Pilgrimage." Emma says and nods. "Well, you'll be pleased to know that Norris won't be at his gym for about a week. He intends on going fishing."

"Can he do that?" Holly asks.

"Gym Leaders get a few weeks of leave a year." Emma says. "So long as he files his paperwork, he's fine. Just mind you might see him out on Route 4 though." She warns.

"I'll keep that in mind." You assure.

(Part 1)
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It's not long before Martha has made her way to the arena.

"Silveridge Track didn't go quite according to plan, huh?" Fie asks, indicating Martha's arm.

"It did not." Martha confirms, shaking her head. "Got caught out by a Golem's Rock Slide. Honestly lucky it's just broken." She admits.

"You'll have to tell me about it over dinner." Fie says conversationally, already selecting her first pokemon.

"Sounds like a date." Martha agrees.

The referee clears her throat before outlining the rules for the four on four and the battle begins:

Fie leads with a Salazzle, opposite Martha's Medicham and that's about where you realise that this is going to be an intense match of pick and counter-pick.

There's nothing held back here as they both use every trick they know to try and get an edge over the other or counter the other's ploys.

Martha takes an early lead, knocking out Salazzle after a frenetic back-and-forth of dodge and block, attack and counter-attack, but Medicham is looking rough afterwards and Toxic poisoned to boot.

Fie's Houndoom makes short work of Medicham and when Martha sends out her Swanna, Fie's response is to Roar Swanna out in favor of Martha's Lucario, which while he does do some serious damage to Houndoom, is taken out in short order in response, leaving Swanna to come back in as Houndoom dets up a Sunny Day.

"It's always a recipe for good matches when Martha and the others come around." Emma says conversationally.

>Sure looks like it.
>You got this Fie.
>C'mon Martha, you can do better than this!
>Just watch quietly.
>>Sure looks like it.
>>You got this Fie.
>>5993565 +1
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"Sure looks like it." You agree. "You got this Fie!" You call.

Neither of them so much as look up, but Fie does indeed, have this.

She doesn't Roar Swanna out this time, instead using the brief opportunity to use Nasty Plot, while Swanna's Water-type moves are less effective, earning a Water Pulse all the same, but hanging on to deliver a Dark Pulse, intercepting the next try with Protect, before being brought down by an Aerial Ace.

Fie's answer is a Delphox, which pretty much immediately cleans up Swanna with a Shockwave, leaving Martha on her last pokemon.

She goes with her Dragonair, leading with Aqua Tail as Delphox uses Nasty Plot, the follow-up Water Pulse being blocked by a Protect, before Delphox is sent flying by a Dragon Tail, forcing Fie to switch in Cinder.

This is not especially to Martha's advantage, considering Fie's counter is to order Cinder to use Acrobatics, leading to an absolutely brutal display of athleticism eanding in a jumping, spinning axe kick that you're pretty sure Cinder patterned off watching you practice, which to your eyes, leaves Dragonair's aura well into the red.

Martha shakes her head, before raising her hand like the farmer did earlier and recalling Dragonair, ceding the match.

"You've gotten better." Fie says when they meet in the middle to shake hands afterwards.

"So have you. What was that kick Cinder pulled at the end there?" Martha asks.

"I'll tell you later." Fie assures.

"I'd best be going." Emma says to you, before she leaves while the Judge goes to start helping with cleaning up the gym and locking up for the night.

You join in as well, before heading up to Fie's apartment when you're all done.

(Part 1)

"So, heading for Genesis Cave, huh?" Fie asks when you come in.

"That's about the shape of it." Gareth confirms.

"Did Emma tell you...?" Fie begins.

"Your Dad's gone fishing? Yep." You confirm. "Any likelihood he'd honour a battle outside his gym for his badge?" You ask.

"Probably not, because that would require him to remember paperwork on his break." Fie replies drily. "He might challenge you anyway if you do run across him out there, but he generally heads further up the coast towards the Barrier Islands for his fishing trips." She explains. "Still, something to keep in mind."

You start getting dinner ready, before Holly waves everyone off.

"I'll take care of dinner, you go train." She says.

Fie gives her a startled look, before shrugging and accompanying you down to the spare arena where you quickly start doing some basic exercises with your team.

It's sunset and you're pretty sure that unless you miss your guess, the conditions are about right for Fluffy to evolve, but you do have a lot of training you ought to do with everyone.

>Focus on Queenie.
>Focus on Piker
>Focus on Fluffy
>Focus on Nika
>Focus on Rascal
>Focus on Volta
>Get someone out of the PC.
>Have a practice battle. (Who with?)
>Focus on Fluffy
>>Focus on Nika
Canine obedience and general training.
Let them gain some levels to learn moves and do conditioning on another day safely later.
Take note to feed Nika foods of all tastes in equal measure so she isn't picky.
Lucario without a move limit are mixed beasts so we want a neutral nature.
+ she will get along better with everyone.
Feed some Oran to Fluffy.
>Focus on fluffy
Umbreon GETS
No. We wanted them moves they do not normally learn.
Body press/Cosmic power Umbreon go
Granted, but would evolving Fluffy prevent him to learn those moves?
Cosmic power is a Psychic move that affects their own body and Umbreon is a Dark type.

Cosmic power might be the key to Umbreon/Espeon evolutions as it takes in light from stellar bodies like the sun and moon that emit psychic energy (Lunala/Solgaleo).
So slap on an Everstone and train that Eevee to trigger it whenever but an Umbreon with Bodypress and possible Camouflage shenanigans gets to be an absolute ninja guard dog.
Maybe figure out a custom move that eats up fairy type moves via Moonlight/Cosmic power to act like Water/Volt absorb
I still want to teach Queenie protect, but we haven't interacted much with Nika recently.
>>Focus on Fluffy
>Focus on Nika

Okay, two rolls.

First for Fluffy on Cosmic Power, second for Nika.
Rolled 16, 61 = 77 (2d100)

Rolled 82, 67 = 149 (2d100)

Rolled 83, 66 = 149 (2d100)

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"So, what's the plan?" Fie asks.

"I kind of want to teach Fluffy Cosmic Power and Body Press." You admit.

Fie gives you a Look, before shrugging.

"Okay. That's kind of an ambitious undertaking." She says. "We'll start with Cosmic Power then, since it's getting dark, which ought to help, but don't expect him to get either of those right away." She warns. "You're more or less trying to teach a Sandshrew to Magnitude, so to speak, so this is going to take a lot of practice. With Body Press, I'd recommend asking Martha very nicely to help you teach him Body Slam first and work from there, but for now - Cosmic Power."

With that, you spend the next hour with Fie coaching Fluffy through trying to learn Cosmic Power.

It's clear that she's not expecting anything to come of the attempt, but when he starts glowing faintly in the gloom, in sympathy with the stars coming out, she gets more animated with her advice, advising you to start meditating to give Fluffy a frame of reference.

This quickly turns to you and Gareth both meditating while Fluffy focuses on the stars and his breathing, the glow steadily brightening, before at last, Fie calls a halt, since it's been nearly an hour and while Fluffy has a solid grasp of the fundamentals now, he's going to need to practice on actually accomplishing the move in a decent amount of time, since it's taken him all of an hour to reach this point. Which, it goes without saying, he's not going to get that sort of time in a battle.

After this, you take some time to play with Nika, rough housing a little, before Martha joins in, bringing over her Lucario.

There's a moment where you're pretty sure he panicks as he freezes up, before he relaxes slightly and starts helping her with her form as she playfully punchs at your hands.

"Might as well have Blue help socialise her." Martha says prosaically when you ask.

"Ah... Blue?" You ask with a grin.

She fidgets and shrugs in embarrassment.

"Hey, we were all kids once, right?" She asks rhetorically.

>I guess.
>That's adorable.
>If you say so.
>I'm not one to judge.

>Keep training (Who?)
>That's enough for one day.
>I'm not one to judge.
>That's enough for one day.
>That's adorable.
Fellow enjoyer of the power of cute.

>Keep training
Finish Protect with Queenie
Throw balls at her for dodging practice
>"We sure were."
Fitting for Aussie-pokemon to have an Aussie kids show. I imagine Alex has had his share of watching the show from taking care of his little siblings.

>Keep training
Finish teaching Protect to Queenie.
>>I'm not one to judge.
>Keep training
Finish teaching Protect to Queenie.

Okay, roll.

There is a big part of me that wants to mention the OG animated Blinky Bill, but it's had its day and I think maybe three people would appreciate the reference.
Rolled 40 (1d100)

Rolled 50 (1d100)

Rolled 42 (1d100)

I know the cartoon, they showed it in the Netherlands in the 90's

"I'm not one to judge." You reply. "Honestly, it's kind of adorable."

"I'm allowed to like cute things!" Martha says defensively.

"I never said you weren't!" You reply.

"You better not." She warns.

You shake your head, before shifting your attention to Queenie.

"Let's take another turn at Protect." You say.

She does a midair pirouette, before you go and fetch a few balls.

Then, you start practicing.

Last time, you noticed she was struggling a bit with creating a barrier.

Now, she seems to have gotten that part down, it's just her timing that needs work.

You spend the next half hour or so alternating between playing with Nika and helping Queenie train by throwing balls for her to block.

By the end of it, you're reasonably confident that, in a pinch, Queenie should be able to use Protect to save herself, but she's going to need a bit more practice to get properly consistent with it.

It's about this time that Holly comes down to let you know dinner's ready and you head up to feed your team and have dinner yourself.

It's another great showing from Holly on how good she is in the kitchen, with the sheer quantity of dishes she's put together being matched only by the quality she's achieved in two hours.

"'S Great!" You manage around a mouthful of food while everyone's chowing down.

Holly beams over her own plate as you all enjoy the meal.

Afterwards, you settle down to just digest.

(Part 1)

"So, Gareth." Martha begins.

"Hm?" He asks, sitting up from where he was dozing on the couch.

"You and Jean. How'd that shower go?" She asks innocently.

"...Uh..." Gareth begins.

>My client pleads the 5th.
>Yeah, how did that go?
>...Why are you prying?
"It's important to talk about those things.
If it went great and you don't want to say more, it's okay. If you had any kind of trouble, or questions about what is normal and what is not, we are here to support you my friend"
>Yeah, how did that go?
Just make sure to use protection buddy.
My parents used a herbal mix you can get at any pharmacy.
Worked for 5 years until they stopped in order to have me.
>My client pleads the 5th.
>Yeah, how did that go?
>My client pleads the 5th.
>My client pleads the 5th.
>Blinky Bill
>My client pleads the 5th.

"My client pleads the fifth." You assert.

"Jean clammed up tighter than a fundamentalist Arcean nun when I asked her." Martha says. "I'm just trying to suss out if I ought to be buying her maternity clothing for her birthday." She adds bluntly.

"We didn't do anything like that!" Gareth protests, shaking his head emphatically as he sits up.

"But you did something." Martha says pointedly.

"Um... well, uh..." Gareth mumbles, fidgeting and blushing bright red.

"I'm surprised you're putting the screws on Gareth and not me." You admit.

"Fie's assured me that you haven't gotten up to any mischief. And I know she's too cautious to let heat of the moment get to her." Martha replies. "Jean... not so much." She adds. "You still haven't answered my question." She adds pointedly to Gareth.

He gulps, bright crimson, before awkwardly standing and going over to talk to her quietly.

You don't hear what he says, but you do hear Martha whistle.

"Damn, didn't think she had it in her." She admits. "Just don't go any further than that next time unless you've got condoms." She advises.

Gareth squirms, before retreating quickly to the guest room.

"...You know, there's a very good chance he doesn't even know what those are." You note.

"I'll ask him later, I guess." She says with a shrug. "I'll take the couch." She adds afterward.

"Um, I'll share with Gareth?" Holly offers.

>It's okay, I'll share with Gareth tonight.
>It's cool, I'll take the couch and you can have a girl's night.
>>It's okay, I'll share with Gareth tonight.
>It's okay, I'll share with Gareth tonight
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"It's okay, I'll share with Gareth tonight." You say.

If you had to guess, you'd say that Martha's not going to sleep soundly any other way.

Given how she nods in apparent satisfaction, it seems likely.

"Alright." Fie says. "Mind helping with my back, Alex?" She asks.

"Sure." You reply, leveraging yourself up.

Martha scowls, but she doesn't say anything as you follow Fie to her room.

She closes the door when you're inside, before stripping down and laying out on her stomach with a sigh.

"Sorry about Martha. She's... protective." Fie says apologetically.

In a moment of paranoia, you tap into your aura and look to the door and sure enough, you can faintly see Martha's orange aura by the door, apparently listening in.

"No kidding." You reply.

>I'm surprised she asked me to cover her then.
>Close call with an asshole?
>She's just looking out for her friends. I can understand that.
>>Close call with an asshole?
>>Close call with an asshole?

Rolled 82 (1d100)

Rolled 82 (1d100)

Rolled 97 (1d100)

Do we get something out of that dubs-roll?

Dubs roll and a crit on a roll for a massage.

Hit me. I'm open to suggestions.
>Confession on Fie
She trusts us and wants more than a massage tonight.
Aura shenanigans.
We heal Fie slightly and learned Morning sun alongside Morning wood in the evening.
>>6000179 (You)

Healing is a bit outside your reach right now. After the next cave, it'd be possible, but ill-advised.
Alright then Alex learned basic Accupressure and how to use it on others via massages.
Needs more training though.

That works.

"Close call with an asshole?" You guess.

Fie nods.

"Yeah. It was before I joined up with the others, but the guy in question apparently walked away with a broken nose. Along with most of the fingers on the hand he put down her pants." She adds as you work the scar cream into her back.

"Mm..." She sighs contently. "Mind putting those magic hands to work?" She asks. "It's been a looong day and a good massage sounds awesome right now."


You finish up working the cream into her scars before Fie directs you to some proper massage oil and you start deftly working the tension out of her back, earning pleased and relieved sighs and moans from her as you work.

It's an effort not to giggle at the mental image of Martha listening at the door and what she must be thinking of right now.

(Part 1)

You look up to confirm that Martha is still listening at the door with your aura sight, before turning back to Fie and notice little clusters in her aura down her back.

You focus on one, earning a moan of equal parts relief and satisfaction from her.

Given how taut the spot had felt, you figure you might as well focus on those spots.

You get a similar reaction with the second spot and the third spot, each time, some more tension bleeding out of Fie until by the time you've finished working the last spot of tension out of her back, you're almost sure she's asleep before she turns over slightly to look up at you with a dreamy, satisfied expression.

"Could you do my feet?" She asks, turning back onto her stomach and lifting a foot, wiggling her toes meaningfully.

"Sure." You shift down to start massaging her feet next and find more tense spots, which earn yet more very interesting noises from Fie as you work until at last, the door opens to reveal Martha, flushed and apparently ready to lay you out by her frown, only for the scowl to turn to comical surprise as she sees you kneading Fie's foot and Fie herself laid out on her bed, maybe two steps shy of being liquid.

"What... are you doing?" She asks slowly.

>Is there a problem?
>Were you listening at the door? (act surprised)
>You want what she's having?
>Please, get out.

>Avoid visual contact with Fie's naked chest exposed when she turned on her back
>Awkwardly hide induced biological reaction by crossing legs
>Were you listening at the door? (act surprised)
Please close the door.
Sorry but I gotta know you a bit better before I offer this to you.
We're keeping it at handshakes and shoulderpats for now.
You OK with that?
You as well Fie?
*proceeds with Accupressure massage with Fie only saying yes*

"Massage." You reply as Fie looks around at the interruption.

"Please close the door." She says. "It's been a long day and I'm enjoying this."

"Uh..." Martha says intelligently.

"Sorry but I gotta know you a bit better before I offer this to you." You say apologetically. "We'll stick to handshakes and shoulderpats for now."

Even without her aura, you'd be pretty confident that that was what she was trying to ask.

"Uh..." She repeats, blushing this time.

"That okay?" you ask.

"Uh... y-yeah, I guess..." She mumbles.

"How about you?" You ask, looking to Fie.

"I consider this an absolute win." She confirms, giving a thumbs up.

"I'll uh... leave you be." Martha mumbles, defeated, before closing the door and leaving you to continue where you left off.

Fie relaxes again as you resume where you left off, methodically targeting those aura spots on one foot, then the other.

When you're finished, she sighs contently, before picking herself up, pushing you down and kissing you hard.

When she finally comes up for air, she breathes out.

"Get in the shower." She says, climbing off you and slapping you on the ass as you stagger up to do as she told you.

(Fade to Black)

>Skip to next morning.
Is that a "Makeout only" shower? Else, I'll enjoy a Pastebin

It'll be a Paste.

Already a few in the character doc, mostly by Anons and one about Team Green FAFO'ing with Alex's parents.
To clarify: 'Other' in this case would be for if you want a short POV section with Gareth, Martha or Holly.

I'm feeling bold.

This is a blue board, my guy.
I swear I'm not aiming to get the thread banned.
Martha tries to meditate
>(Fade to Black)
Alex bout to practice accupressure with little Alex
>What are the pokemon doing?

Okay, roll for Martha meditating.
Rolled 91 (1d100)

Rolled 50 (1d100)

Rolled 34 (1d100)

Martha about to feel something.
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You are Martha and you are on fire right now.

Not in a good way, but fortunately not literally either.

"You okay?" Holly asks, noticing how dazed and flushed you look.

"I guess." You reply as you sit down, take a deep breath and try and get a grip.

Okay, your best friend had her top off while getting a footrub and deep-tissue massage from the new guy pretty-boy trainer she picked up going back home.

He's apparently good enough at it to make her moan like Judy when she gets a little too into her 'secret' stash and he's earnest enough that the very thought of him doing that to you has you feeling very out of sorts and warm in unmentionable places.

It's not a big deal.


Not a big deal at all. Fie knows what she's doing and knows what she wants.

It is also 100% none of your business and you're happy she's enjoying herself.



(Part 1)
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You take another deep breath and ruthlessly tamp down on all that emotional crap which Judy would insist on talking over with you at length and in excrutiating detail.

You are a tranquil pool... you remember all that aura stuff Jean was gushing over after those talks with Gareth.

In and out. Breathe.

"You sure you don't want a drink?" Holly asks with some concern.

"...That probably wouldn't hurt." You concede as you focus on breathing-

-And whoa, did the sun just come up behind you or-

You look towards Fie's room and see a silhouette that completely destroys your focus and has you blushing all the harder and feeling even more warm and uncomfortable in unmentionable places.

Fortunately, Gareth comes out of his room, looking marginally more composed, before giving you an odd look.

"Now's probably not a good time for meditating." He advises, taking a seat opposite you.

"Seems that way." You agree, before Holly brings tea.

Left without the option to calm the fuck down, you opt for distraction instead, bringing out Sylveon and working on grooming her.

This is an involved enough process that after about fifteen minutes, you've forgotten all about what you were worked up over.

Then you get a text from Fie informing you she changed her mind on sleeping arrangements and that she'll be sharing with Alex.

"...You mind taking the couch, Gareth?" You ask at length.

He gives you an odd look, before coughing as you show him the message.

"Ah, no. No, that's er... that's fine." He says, returning to his tea and grooming his Rowlet while Holly painstakingly grooms her Meowstic.

You don't talk much after that, before you and Holly excuse yourselves and go change in the spare room.

If she notices how out of sorts you are, she doesn't mention it instead, focusing on some psychic exercises with her Gardevoir before she goes to sleep while you get a head start on that.
Returning to Alex the next morning.

>Wake up early and practice Capoeira.
>Wake up early and train.
>Sleep in.

If training, who with and on what?
>Wake up early and train.
Fluffy Boddy press. We might be a bit sore for Capoeira.
Piker general training and grooming.

Also no pastebin? good Writing on the post.

It's coming, just prioritised keeping the thread moving.
The man, the myth, the legendary QM.
How do you feel about the lack of Good Pokequest other than the on you're currently running? Maybe some of us can take the PokeQM mantle once again?

There were a couple of variant ones running when\shortly after I started this, but I'm not arrogant or conceited enough to blow my own horn. Not sure if South Kalos is still running or not.

If anyone else wants to do a pokemon quest, they're quite welcome to.

My big sticking point is writing style. I tend not to get involved with other pokemon quests because I don't want to backseat and my 'tism is spelling and grammar. Which I catch myself having made mistakes a lot, so I'm not one to talk. But it triggers my timbers reading what I consider 'bad' writing, nevermind the actual content.

When I was studying writing at uni, my teacher for the editing unit did warn me the unit would ruin reading casually for me and fuck me if she wasn't 100% right.

So, yeah. It's a free (ish) internet and I don't have the monopoly on pokemon quests. People want more, they're welcome to do more.

Just don't expect me to participate. It's not the potential QM, either. It's me and my 'tism.
Officially on hiatus - already running too much things.
I think at least twice a week about running a thread of South Kalos again, but I'll need to reach a pauseable point.
Also, as an ESL... I don't hold any bad will against people that might not want to play one of my thread because of litteracy quality.

Ah, was wondering what happened to you.

Feel free to keep your trip on here if you like - I really don't mind.
I won't as it is not relevant to this quest, it was to that blogposting exchange I dragged you in;
>Wake up early and practice Capoeira.
Not before giving Fie a morning greeting made out of wood with plenty of cuddling and handholding involved.
>>Wake up early and practice Capoeira.

Rolled 22 (1d100)

Rolled 52 (1d100)

Rolled 21 (1d100)

Rolled 71 (1d100)

Interlewd is up, just still being written.

TL;DR: You're at third base, owing to an abundance of caution and a paucity of contraceptives.

OP just lean into the anons quote of there being herbal contraceptives in the pokeworld that work 24/7.
Make Alex read and research for it tho.

>James slipped in a book on herbal medicines along with the self-help book "101 becoming an adult for dummies, a self help book on exercises, combating depression, eating well and grooming for idiots by Prof Nigel Birch"

I'd be leaning into the angle of Prof Birch having been abandoned in Jhoto during the war and having to grow up in a search and rescue unit with his starter Meditite and a Poochyena.
Then he recovered properly through the magic of shotgun marriage, professor drill sergeant and plenty of therapy only to need it for his son later on due to ghost shenanigans making the game MC an actual MC through suffering.
Real quick:

Alex more into T or A?
Tatas or booty?
Both in equal measure of course.

OP if you are still writing that lewd fic let him do a full frontal massage then go down on her instead.
At least he has aura aimbot for the right spots.

More or less where it's going.

And ta.

Tired and been doing shit, or this would've been done by now.
Relax man.
I am sure the anon will write something up for you.
Another lewdbin perhaps but something nonetheless.

Literally writing it now.
No i meant what goes on with Martha RN.
She be doing a parent child home-call for advice like a good girl.
Gimme a sec i am the other writeanon with the houndoomed etc. stuff.
I will cover Marthas side.

By all means.

You wake up the next morning feeling sore in some very unlikely places with Fie in your arms.

You're both stark naked and you feel kind of sticky.

She stirs as you sits up and grimaces, before kissing you full on the mouth before you can stand.

You part immediately and both make faces.

"Okay, ew. Note to self - clean teeth before kissing." She says.

"I'm going to go practice a bit." You say.

"Take a rinse first." Fie advises. "I think we'll both feel better for it."

You shrug, before taking a quick shower with her and sure enough, you do feel better. Cleaner, anyway.

That done, you head back down to the arena and start practicing.

All the new and interesting muscle aches slow you down, but you still get a decent half-hour's practice in before you decide to stop before you pull something.

>Okay, that's enough, go get breakfast.
>Train someone.
>Train someone
Focus on Fluffy, general training, get those levels so we can learn Bodyslam safely.
go onto justpaste with the link code d6cjr

Pastebin being a bitch.
Anyway everyone was pent up until they weren't.
Huh got it working on pastebin afterall https://pastebin.com/DasjUSVQ
Plot point btw
Brendan and May=Adaman and Irida who reincarnated and got their memories back as adults after finding their necklaces.
Do you plan to write your AU from beginning at some point?
got it panned out but timespace shenanigans and reading an actual self-help book takes effort
>Train someone.
Both Fluffy (for some more moves) and Queenie (to finally get her to consistently use protect).

Roll twice.

First for Fluffy, second for Queenie.
Rolled 29, 4 = 33 (2d100)

Rolled 96, 8 = 104 (2d100)

Rolled 56, 60 = 116 (2d100)

Operation : salvage Queenie
>Fluffy gets a crit
So 10 more levels and he learns Return from mastering Tackle

>Queenie also gets a crit but a fail
She tries to play ball with Alex instead of using protect thus injuring her new arms.

You figure you might as well get some training in and that you can kill two birds with one stone in the process.

That in mind, you send out Fluffy and Queenie and set Fluffy to Tackling Queenie so she can work on her Protect and he can work on his technique in preparation for when you start teaching him Body Slam which in turn, you'll use as a stepping stone towards Body Press.

It's working pretty well, right up until Queenie mistimes a Protect and gets flattened into the ground by Fluffy executing a picture perfect Body Slam.

She lays there twitching as Fluffy gets up and sniffs at her in concern and when you check her over in alarm, you breathe a sigh of relief as you determine she's generally alright, but Fluffy's Body Slam has paralysed her and she's injured her new arms in the fall.

You reassure her it was an accident and recall her and Fluffy for the time being, then go to the PC.

It'd be safer to have your mum check Queenie over in case her injuries are more serious than you could glean, in your estimation and it'd probably be better to let her recover in peace regardless.

Present Team:

Rascal (Braviary)
Nika (Riolu)
Piker (Feebas)
Volta (Luxray)
Queenie (Cutiefly) (Injured, 2 Days)
Fluffy (Eevee) Everstone

Out of Team:

Coolie (Applin)
Ayumi (Dratini)
Kay O-o (Jangmo-o)
Rusty (Aron)
Syurm (Leavanny)
Blitz (Growlithe)
Sage (Braixen) Everstone
>Rusty (Aron)
Feed him the metal we got in store.
Work on Headbut.

Wire dad 10k so he doesn't break his back, ask him to work with the gym to clear out any TG goons.
Grass knot them for the police.

Wire little sis 5k as a backup fund, savings and reward for keeping everyone in line at home.
Leave Queenie in her care for a while.
Maybe ask her and dad to work out something with the garden to plant some Berry shrubs at home and save costs on pokefood.
Send some chesto and pamptre seeds via box.
>That cartoon fairy
>Swap in Rusty
What the other anon said
Help keep costs at home down, get pops a monthly wage so he can take a break and do some gardening and community work if he is bored

Can support helping family back at home.
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You send Queenie to your mother and explain what happened, nefore requesting she send Rusty over.

While she's going to fetch him, you have a thought and go check on the seeds you planted and harvest them You had two Bluk, two Pamtre and a Lum planted yesterday and you decide to keep that going today, while you send the excess three the Pamtres produced home, before outlining to your mother when she comes back that they're for planting.

Judging by how she brightens noticeably at the mere sight of them, you suppose that she knows what you had in mind just on seeing them.

You send through about a third of the money you've made so far as well to help with the bills and groceries, then another five k to your sister against emergencies, as savings and as a tip for keeping the house in order and ask her to take care of Queenie when she's not at school.

You get a short affirmative text back from your sister and a thumb's-up.

Housekeeping taken care of remotely, you log off the PC and check the time.

It's about time for breakfast, but you reckon you could just about squeeze in another training session if you hurry.


Rascal (Braviary)
Fluffy (Eevee) (Everstone)
Rusty (Aron)
Nika (Riolu)
Piker (Feebas)
Volta (Luxray)
>Do whatever we said we need to work on beautifying Piker while petting Rusty
Feed Piker and Rusty their specialized foods.
Have Rusty practice Harden while he chows down the food so we can work on Iron defense.
That will likely promote his digestion and reinforce his carapace.
Prepare to blend some pokeblocks with the others after breakfast and plan for the day.
Do we move on directly or do we battle in town and go to the beach for lunch.
Maybe visit an adult shop to get protection or ask an apothecary about contraceptives.
We got 17k to spend.
The flying harness or a list of TMs should do if we want to move out of town fast.
Martha might want to contact Riley at some point for a nice encounter.
>>6011858 +1

...No, that'll take too long, but speaking of breakfast...

You head on back up, dig out your berry blender and throw in a Bluk, a Chesto and a Pamtre berry, before setting it working so you can feed Piker some more blocks.

Rolled 11 (1d100)

Rolled 28 (1d100)

Pokebloc goes BRRRRRRrrrrrr
The noise is strange. Did we broke the blender? Shouldn't have bought Galarian crappy household appliance. Kalosian quality is where it's at.
Rolled 21 (1d100)

Rolled 48 (1d100)


Things start off okay, but towards the middle, the blender starts making grinding noises that you're very not okay with.

When the blender chimes done and you retrieve the blocks they're... not the best.

And looking into the mixer proper, it looks like about half of the berries got left inside the mechanism.

You sigh and feed the blocks you got to Piker, who eats them happily, though you're not sure how much difference they made.

A quick glance at the bottom and you have to sigh again in annoyance - Made in Galar. That explains a lot.

When Piker's done, you head on up to breakfast and are once again treated to Holly's excellent cooking.

Things seem pretty normal, but Martha is being awkward.

When you're all done, you help Holly wash up and spend some time unfucking your blender.

To your immense relief, the effort pays off, but you're not sure why it even stuck in the first place.

With that taken care of, the day is ahead of you.

>Say goodbye to Fie and head on off to Redmont Town.
>Do some shopping before you go. >>6011865
>Maybe a bit more training and you can go after lunch...
>>Say goodbye to Fie and head on off to Redmont Town.
Let's keep cash on hand.
Also I'm overjoyed my trolly write in got included QM.
>>Do some shopping before you go. >>6011865 #
Flying harness top priority.
Some wider variety of berries, fertiliser and horticultureguides for our pots, contraceptives and the TM for Natural Gift aka Berry blast shenanigans and easier move tutoring for different types.

>>Maybe a bit more training and you can go after lunch...
Spend the day in town.
Maybe help Fie with the fire safety class she had in mind and get that beach episode and some beachside battles for money in.
Just general conditioning and coordination practice for the team.

Plan out something nice for dinner for Fie specifically.
She seems to have a taste for meat (heh).
Maybe buy Fie and our selves a foam sword as a gift for sword shenanigans (pretty sure psychocut and bitter blade means she can pull of a lightsword no problem).

It made me chuckle, so in it went.
>Do some shopping before you go

Rolled 32 (1d100)

Rolled 92 (1d100)

Rolled 98 (1d100)

>TG activity drove off most trainers not here for the gym so stores are panick selling everything at 80% discount
>Found up Milotic scales to sale at a discount;
labelled as "probably painted Magikarp scales" turns out they're the good stuff

We'll go with this, since this was about whether or not you bumped into Team Green.

Sorry, kind of sick right now and writing is hard.
Get well QM.
Checking on QM. Do you need us to chart you Blaziken Soup to the land down under?

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