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You are Lorinda de Lindan, princess, weapon autist, and inquisitor-in-training. The last few days have been a whirlwind of violence and revelations after joining the neverending hunt for Strangers. Deadly beings from another dimension, each armed with a personal Cheat Skill that left unattended can cause catastrophic damage to both your kingdom and the world itself. If only you never stepped out of line at the Royal Mageknight Academy then you’d never have to enter under the watchful eyes of the Inquisition.

Currently, you’re on the hunt for a kidnapper in the northern city of Ivern along with your fellow inquisitor-in-training Marie Sarodieu, previously known as Midori Suzuki, by masquerading as helpless maidens. Both so you can help prevent more tragedy from befalling your loyal subjects and so you can acquire more information on the strange Metal Castle that appeared nearby not long ago.

Only time will tell if this endeavor proves fruitful.

Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=The%20Isekai%20Inquisition
At least it’s not raining this time, is the only thing you can think as you stand alone in an unfamiliar ally and wait for trouble. Though a brisk chill reminds you that even during the middle of summer the night isn’t particularly pleasant this far up north. Even more unpleasant is that you’ve been up Goddess knows how long and you’ve yet to see neither hide nor tale of this elusive villain. You thought you might have when you and Marie were accosted by some “ruffians” a few hours ago who you thought might have been the kidnappers, but you know what they did? They asked you if you were lost and pointed you in the direction of a local inn! Your night has been entirely uneventful.

You bet the inquisitor went to bed. Sure he said he’d be watching you from the rooftops but you haven’t seen him in what seems like forever. He probably thinks he’s so slick that he can steal one of the beds tonight before you get back or worse die of boredom out here! In novels, stakeouts are always so interesting and cool, not mind-numbing tedium as you want someone to try and kidnap you! You didn’t even bring any of your big weapons, only ones you can hide to attract the kidnapper! Oh, what good that did you!

What is it? Do you still look too important? Of course, you’re royalty and stand out wherever you are but this is getting ridiculous! You even had the other two pick out commoner clothes and everything! You suppose at the very least you have a jacket and gloves and that whistle too. From the other side of the ally, you see a shadow approach and get momentarily excited- Only to curse as Marie shows up at the other side and shrugs in a “what can you do?” manner.

“The last pub in the area closed and I saw everyone go home,” She says once she’s close enough to discuss in a hushed whisper.

“Let me guess, no one looked suspicious?” You make your frustrations clear.

“Just drunk.”

“Amazing, just amazing. Do you suppose we turn in and consider this night a bust?” You ask while doing anything but yawning. You don’t do that.

“Maybe we should do one last loop around the area?” She says but it’s with a reluctant tone. She definitely yawns though, “There’s hardly anyone out anymore. Shouldn’t this be the most opportune time for the kidnapper to strike?”

“Fine, but only one more site,” You declare.

“More than works with me, Ina,”

That nickname… Where have you heard it-

Never mind.

>You should go check the docks… again…

>Maybe circle back to where those pubs were? Maybe Marie missed something?

>Keeping watch of the back alleys is your best bet right now.

>Oh, screw this! You’re heading to bed.



>Would you like to split up to possibly cover more ground?
>Keeping watch of the back alleys is your best bet right now.

As much as I'd like to cover more ground, all my D&D experience tells me that's a bad idea.
Also, glad to see you running, StrangeQM.
>Maybe circle back to where those pubs were? Maybe Marie missed something?
Marie can watch the back alleys
>>You should go check the docks… again…
>You should go check the docks… again…
>>You should go check the docks… again…
Split up
Welcome back, StrangeQM!

Well, this outcome wasn't unexpected, but...

>You should go check the docks… again…
>>You should go check the docks… again…
its very possible that the kidnapper already has someone kidnapped and is loading them on their boat right now
>Keeping watch of the back alleys is your best bet right now.

Sorry messed up a bit there.
>You should go check the docks… again…
2 for back alleys

1 for the pubs

6 for the docks

2 to split

2 for together.

I'm going to go get dinner and if there isn't a deciding vote to split up or not when I get back I'll flip a 1d2.
Alright, writing.
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The docks are just as they were last time you checked. Empty, wet, and smelly. It’s strange seeing a place that’s usually so busy so devoid of life past the middle of the night. A few hours ago there were hundreds here, now there’s just you and Marie with a few others possibly milling about. Out of all your rounds here, there’s only been one small lead, that was summarily disproved. That being the clipper that left about an hour or so ago but you checked it and it was all clear of any less than legal human cargo. If it wasn’t for that woman’s testimony about her twins or the missing stable boy you’d be sure there were no disappearances by now. Maybe the kidnapper isn’t going to come out tonight? Or maybe there’s another reason for the disappearances? Freak coincidences of people getting lost in the wilds outside the city?

Whatever. After all, it should be about now, when you’ve let your guard down, that the kidnapper makes a surprise appearance and catches you, well, off-guard. Any moment now, just you wait. Then you’re going to have a cool battle when you use all your training to thoroughly defeat the kidnapper and learn everything about the Stranger. Like right NOW!

You spin around to face the alleyway you had your back to only to see a stray cat cross it as a light in an upper floor goes out in one of the buildings. Marie gives you a weird look as you sigh and deflate before finding a bench near the water and just sitting down. You should be asleep right now. What type of princess is forced to stay up to the early hours of the morning to perform guard work? Lorina de Lindan that’s who! You’re sure tales of your inquisital adventurers will reach far and wide someday. But that day isn’t today. Today you’re combating sleep and nothing else as you wait for someone to try and abduct you. You’re so bored.

“Hey, Earth to Lorina?” Marie says as she waves a hand near your face.

Dammit, she probably noticed you were about to fall asleep, “What is it?” You say in your most alert and attentive voice.

“Do you hear that?” You wonder for just a second what she means before you indeed hear something. It’s a rather strange noise but similar to the train in a way you can’t quite place. It’s not quite loud, but the fact that there’s no chatter or commotion to mask the noise means you can hear it quite well. Then it all ceases.

“Look, over there!” Marie excitedly says while pointing towards the docks. The docks that now has a dark silhouette tossing rope on from their little skiff. “You think that-”

You shush her before she can reveal your position. Seeing as the figure is very quickly tying his boat to the docks you recond you don’t have much time left to formulate a plan. That is given this is the kidnapper at all and not some random fellow back from fishing. Hopefully, they aren’t. Is that a bad thing to hope for? Well, speak of the Demon Lord and you shall receive and all that.
>You decide to retreat to a nearby alley to stalk the sailor

>You decide to approach the sailor and inquire about what he’s doing

>You simply remain where you’re seated and act as if you don’t see the man

>You decide to retreat to a nearby alley to stalk the sailor
Knowing our luck, we'll stumble upon him with his pants down with a lady of negotiable affection. Or he'll mistake us for one, if we're REALLY unlucky.
>>You decide to approach the sailor and inquire about what he’s doing
>Approach and inquire
Why not go and check out the boat and see if there's anything suspicious on it?
>You decide to retreat to a nearby alley to stalk the sailor
>>You decide to retreat to a nearby alley to stalk the sailor
>You decide to retreat to a nearby alley to stalk the sailor
>You decide to retreat to a nearby alley to stalk the sailor
>You decide to approach the sailor and inquire about what he’s doing
5 to try and hide.

1 to check his boat. I assume this means waiting for him to leave it and circle around.

3 to approach.

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Without a word you motion for Marie to be quiet as you stand from your position. You do your best to appear like you don’t see the sailor as the two of you retreat into the closest alleyway while they’re distracted. There aren’t many places to exactly hide in here other than behind an empty stall but you pray that the darkness of night does most of the work obscuring the two of you. At the very least it allows you access to side-eye the fellow from your position even though you put a good deal of distance between the two of you.

With ease, the figure steps from their boat to the docks and appears dazed for only a single moment. Before their head snaps in the direction of Marie and yourself, you don’t startle at the suddenness, the unnaturalness, of the gesture. Neither of you are sure what to do as the figure marches in your direction, other than hover your hand over where your concealed dagger is.

It’s not long before you can make out the sailor more clearly, and what a strange sight they are. They appear to be in some kind of strange suit, similar to the make of Lindan gentlemanly fashion but different and all black. The figure has a rather large masculine build but you can’t see any skin, not even on their face as they tip their hat down and allow the darkness to conceal themselves. For a moment you consider playing dumb and acting as if you’re an idle passerby but with the precision that the man tracks you down you find yourself unable. It’s like he calculated the path that would have the least obstacles and the quickest time to reach you.

[HELLO] When he’s finally close enough to speak it with a deep, uncanny voice that doesn’t sound exactly human. It also reminds you a bit of a frog, somehow.

“H-hi?” Marie says.

[I AM LOST. I NEED DIRECTIONS. CAN YOU STEP INTO THE LIGHT AND GIVE THEM TO ME?] The “gentleman” stands outside of the alleyway but ironically he doesn’t stand under a street light himself. [PLEASE]

“Where do you need directions to?” You decide to ask while remaining behind the stall.


“Yes but where to?”

For a moment the man seems to ask the question to himself and only responds when he figures out the answer. [I NEED DIRECTIONS TO THE MARKET. CAN YOU HELP ME?]

“It’s just that way!” Marie says with a noticeable shake in her voice as she points past the alley. Noticeably the figure does not move a muscle.

[I CANNOT SEE QUOTE: THAT WAY. PLEASE STEP INTO THE LIGHT] The light that is closer to him.


>Comply and step into the light (DC 15)

>Blow your whistle and run (DC 10)

>Just attack the bastard already (DC 14)

>Comply and step into the light (DC 15)
Do we know any light spells? If we do...
>"No need. I can provide my own." (light spell)
>Circle around the bastard and push him into the light
Actually a flashbang spell would do nicely here.
>>Comply and step into the light (DC 15)
backing the magic flex
Light up the bot
Ah, so they are linked then, huh? Looks like the kidnapper is from the island-- unless of course, this is just a random robot accosting girls and looking for directions in the middle of the night.

I would've voted to comply, but knowing that Lorina was cautious enough *not* to fall into the mind-controlling Stranger's trap in the first thread, I don't think she'd do the same here, either.

Thus, if it's possible, I'll back this instead.
Whoops, my bad, looks like I kept my voting trip for another thread on by accident. Sorry about that.
>>Comply and step into the light (DC 15)
>"No need. I can provide my own." (light spell)
>Circle around the bastard and push him into the light
I’m actually kinda confused on these votes. He’s standing near, but not under, a street lamp near the entrance of the alley while you’re in the dark alleyway, he’s asking for you to step out into the light so he can see you better. Should you go around to push him the two of you will already be close enough you’ll both be able to see each other more clearly. Is that what you mean?
Ah my bad i miss read that situation. Can i switch my vote to.
>>Comply and step into the light (DC 15)
No worries, I hope I was clear enough. Please tell me if I'm not.

4 to step forward.

4 to flex your magical abilities

1 to light up the bot

1 to walk up to the bot and push him.

Leaving the vote open for a little bit more.
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Missed one, OP >>5987303.

Just out of curiosity, I tried looking up "anime girls with kriegsmesser" on Google. I've now increased my "D&D NPCs I cannot use in public" folder with quite a bit of women in landsknecht clothing.
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I may be stupid. Nvm can I please get 3d20 (DC 12)?

>"D&D NPCs I cannot use in public" folder
Rolled 9 (1d20)

It's hard to explain to my group that I like anime girls with bigger codpieces then mine, okay?!
Rolled 15 (1d20)

No you can get 1 d20 and it'll be a natty.
Wanna make a post in the /qtg/ asking for a roll? Couple of players might be hanging there.
I'll be honest I've been playing Limbus Company and occasionally checking the thread. But yeah it's getting pretty late and I want to update so I will.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

Alright, that's a 15 so a success though rather close to a crit fail. Writing.
For some reason, my formatting keeps breaking. Please stand by.
“There’s no need for that, I can provide my own light,” You say as you step out from behind the side of the stall, though only a bit. You swirl the magic inside of you as you concentrate it to course through your arm and to the pal of your hand. There a small yet bright light is formed as you make a fist before bringing your arm upwards and unleashing the small sphere of magic into the air above you, enough to illuminate you and Marie but not to cause a complaint from the neighbors.


The mysterious man doesn’t do much of anything for a while as he seems content to simply stare at the two of you. You’re unsure of what to do at the moment as you unconsciously shift your weight from one foot to the other and back again. Then he looks over to Marie repeats himself and starts “analyzing” again. His behavior is certainly a bit strange but is he really the- OH, SHIT!

Like a bullet the large man shoots towards you with a fist raised, you barely manage to dodge in time as his fist flies through the stall with such force debris is sent flying behind you in the alleyway. [CONFRIMED PRESENCE: PRINCESS LORINA DE LINDAN. CONFIRMED PRESENCE: ISEKAI’D INDIVIDUAL. STATUS: VALUABLE HOSTAGE/ASSET DETECTED. MISSION PARAMETER’S CHANGED. COLLATERAL IS NOW SET TO ACCEPTABLE. FORCE IS DEEMED NECESSARY. YOU WILL ACCOMPANY ME]

With each word the man utters comes a fist or lunge met by dodge. Your light is sufficient enough so that his attacks aren’t hidden by the cover of night, but even when choreographed they’re fast enough to put you on the back foot. “Like Hell!” you scream as you’re finally able to pull your dagger from its hidden position and wield it in front of you. A man so built shouldn’t be able to move that fast without the help of powerful magics, it simply doesn’t make sense.

From the corner of your eye, you can see Marie stand in shock at the display in front of her, visibly shaking, she looks terrified. Then her face morphs from the edge of panic to one of tranquility as a radiant glow accompanies the summoning of her sword, and she lunges at the man.

You take the momentary distraction of the gentleman being put on guard to press your attack. Yet as your stiletto slashed into the suit you find it bouncing off the man's skin, his metallic(?) skin, with a spark and ding. What? Is he wearing some kind of armor under his suit? Or is it some kind of strange magic?
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Unluckily, your momentary distraction is enough for the man to process Marie’s attack and dodge accordingly while sending a forceful attack your way. You’re able to enhance your speed enough to dodge thoroughly dodge the blow but you find yourself again out of the man’s space and out of your dagger's range. Perhaps if you were to piece a vital component with your dagger you’d be able to take him out, but should you kill the man you’ll lose a valuable source of information. At least Marie’s sword seems to leave some minor lasting marks. No better than yours of course and it’s because she's fighting with an unfair advantage compared to you, but the man clearly isn’t invincible. The radiant glow of her sword-inflicted wounds is rather strange though.

The man seeing that he’s now surrounded by two women who have and know how to use very sharp objects is forced to make a split-second decision, who will he pursue first? It would seem the Mageknight holding a dagger is calculated as less threatening than the Stranger with a strange sword so again the man charges at you. You wonder how much this kidnapper is concerned with kidnapping you when his fist punches directly through the stone wall you were standing in front of. He doesn’t even recoil in pain. He quickly pulls his fist from the wall and looks to be about to perform another charge before a deafening crack comes from the rooftops and a bullet finds itself passing through the gentleman's head, knocking off his hat and revealing the metallic mask(?) he’s wearing.

You look up and see a silhouette duck under a rooftop wall with a rifle. It would seem the inquisitor did not abandon you after all. The man you’re fighting’s face is glued directly on the spot the inquisitor vanished from. [ANALYSING… ANALYSING] And seems stunned for a moment. With him distracted

>You charge again with your dagger and Cinder [DC 14]

>Wait for him to finish his analysis [DC 17]

>Grab a discarded pipe left in the wake of the gentleman's attack [DC 12]

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>Throw your cloak over his head and beat him with a pipe and Marie's sword.
Would that be around a DC 14-15?
Probably a bit lower in all honesty.
>Grab a discarded pipe left in the wake of the gentleman's attack [DC 12]
Blind him by shoving a pipe through his eyes
Just for clarification, I don't mean we grab Marie's sword again, I mean we just beat the shit out of the robot with Marie.

Let's go with throw cloak over head to blind and beat with a pipe
kek, hell yeah, the ol' shirt-over-face beatdown. +1

But golly gee I hope that this bot in particular is special and not every single one of the hunks of junk on the island is as tough as this guy. I don't know if we could take down this mad machinist fellow if they are. Without doing some big magic and just smashing the island with a giant ice ball or sinking it or something of course.
>I don't know if we could take down this mad machinist fellow if they are.
I'm pretty sure Lorina's got some lightning or water spells in her arsenal, could try either one if someone tells her what robots are weak to. Just have to yell at them if this is more of that "Sci-fi" shit Asher was talking about earlier. Plus, advanced electronics do really badly when submerged in water, so...
I would hope the designer of these bots is smart enough to put a friggin o-ring on any points of potential water ingress. That would be the biggest blunder. Sure it wouldn't help them walk along the lake bed but it would stop rain from blowing them up. Lord help them if the guy in charge of these things isn't actually techie himself and these are just prebuilts. Big oof.

I would say they might just eat lightning, but since they are sci-fi instead of magisci-fi, yeah it'll probably hurt them real bad. Hope he splurged for surge protection kek
>Use our magic.
Hit him with lightning, glue his feet to the ground, encase his joints with ice, cover his eyes with dirt, I don't know what spells we have

Backing this. Though now I do wonder if we'll be bringing back this pipe for our collection, or if we'll stick to the pipe we've got back at the house.
>Cast Lightning
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>Lorina decides to head over to a blacksmith or jeweler specializing in engraving metal
>"I'd like you to engrave a large pipe for me. Are you able to do it?"
>"Of course, your majesty. What sort of design would you like to make for your father."
>"Oh, it's not for my father. It's for me."
>"F-for you, your majesty? Alright, but... I wasn't aware you smoked."
>"Indeed, I don't."
>"Then why would you request an engraving on a smoking pipe you won't use, your majesty?"
>pipe dropping sfx
>"Because I don't intend to use it for smoking."
Honestly having a comically large smoking pipe as a weapon is classic wizard shit. It'd be great if someone misinterpreted an order for "One large, very sturdy pipe, enough to crush plate armor with".
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Just gonna put this guy out here to show it ain't just wizards using them as weapons.
Hell yeah, backing
Wombo combo the robot
I guess Lorina would think of it as a very complex golem?
>Puff Puff Puff
lmao. Fantastic.
>Grab a discarded pipe left in the wake of the gentleman's attack [DC 12]
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Hell yeah, smoking pipes for combat are sick as hell-- even if I do think Lorina wouldn't smoke herself.

pic rel, since Strange mentioned Limbus as well.
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Now taking applications for battlemaids. Must have:

>experience with battle and combat
>experience working as a bodyguard
>a tolerance for bloodshed
>knowledge of maintaining, repairing and girding arms and armor
>familiarity in brewing tea and coffee
>cooking and serving food
>helping others with fancy dress, hair and makeup
>cleaning filthy houses
>a willingness to hunt down and fight Strangers, either for capture or execution

Please list additional pertinent skills you may have below.

Got bored, figured we should post possible war maids for hire while we wait for update.
Sorry for the wait I once again got pretty busy, and rather drunk last night but that's neither here nor there. I'm going to combine the votes since they all seem rather close so can I get a 3d20 DC 7?

I'm taking note of this...

Smoke and Singleton carried me through LoR
Rolled 19 (1d20)

Rolled 1 (1d20)

No worries-- welcome back, QM! Real life comes first, and that includes breaks when necessary, too.

I do enjoy the idea of a maid around to serve as the shadowy left hand, instead of the right hand, as well. Never know when there's dirty work to be done, and all that.

It's a pretty solid gimmick, heh. I ended up putting at least one designated Smoker on every floor, just for the damage bonus. Singleton having the strongest page draw gimmick in the game helped too.
...Hoo boy. Do crits override?
Rolled 13 (1d20)

We're getting disrobed aren't we
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Alright, that looks like a crit fail. Writing! :)
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At least it'll be lewd :P
Congratulations. We are now going to see the island up close. This is truly the most cunning infiltration to ever occur. Yes. Mastermind.
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I deeply apologize.
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You dash over and grab a piece of a house's piping that was left behind in the gentleman’s rampage, its weight feels familiar in your hand. You allow yourself to smirk as you remember the beatdown you inflicted on the poor poor student as you hear Marie interrupt the kidnapper's analysis with an attack of her own. Getting in the way of their duel is probably a bad idea with the intensity of both combatants so you look around for anything that could give you an advantage. You see it in the cloth that once covered the stall.

As you run over to retrieve the tattered rag you have to duck as Marie is sent flying in your direction, with enough force her body ragdolls as it skids on the cobble beneath you. “I’m okay!” You hear her, probably forced, cry as you look towards the gentleman. Another bullet stops his charge. Then a thought betrays you. You wonder how powerful he must be to survive two bullets with barely a flinch? No, it doesn’t matter, you are Lorina de Lindan and this simpleton is nothing compared to you!

You think of all the ways that you could figuratively disarm this man and flex your magical prowess. You could send out a glue-like substance to slow him, send frost to immobile his joins, but you settle on a more stylish manner, you electrify your pipe-baton. It is well known that metal is a great conductor of electricity, or at least it has been for the last few years or so, decade maybe? Anyways, you’re up against a man covered in metal, and hitting him with a metal pipe will electrify him, perhaps char him a bit, but it should be overall nonlethal, you think. And since you’re using your own magic the frequency of the electric charge should bring no harm to you. It would be rather disastrous if mages got burned by their own spells, wouldn’t it?

The suited man lunges at you, first raised. You take the opportunity to throw the rag over his head and succeed at disorienting him. He continues his blind charge as you gracefully dance around him and- CLANG- hit -CLANG- him -CLANG- again -CLANG- and -CLANG- again! CLANG!

Each hit adds more and more electric charge to the man's armor but you don’t let up your assault, his suit should dampen your magically enhanced blow enough so you continue your assault. CLANG! You head no mind to his nonsense. [ERRORERRORERRORERRORERROR] And you dodge each and every one of his fumbling throws. You do wonder a bit how he’s still standing, even if his every move is jerky and more random.
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But it doesn’t matter, you are Lorina de Lindan, expert duelist, and magical master. Look, the plebian is already falling to his knees in defeat! You walk a bit closer to gloat about your well-earned victory over the kidnapper only to be confused as some weird, and loud, whirling sound comes from him, and then-

A deafening explosion. The force of which sends you flying.

You hear screaming, but it doesn’t sound like Asher or Marie, is it your own? There are very sharp pains all over your body. You can’t even think straight but you can swear you hear Marie’s voice shout, “Lorina!” But you feel oh so tired. Maybe you should just take a small nap. Yes, that is what you’ll do, just… a…. small… nap…

>Die [Unlocks Asher’s midmission epilogue: Try Again]


>Something else? But really what else is there to do?
>Die [Unlocks Asher’s midmission epilogue: Try Again]
Isekai rewind ability?
...not going to lie, I did not see that one coming at all. I expected to be on the backfoot, or to be a little roughed up / humiliated, but this is an interesting turn of events.

>Die [Unlocks Asher’s midmission epilogue: Try Again]

Alright, I want to see Asher use his cheat skill. That'll be something.
>Something else? But really what else is there to do?
Sacrifice something
I'm my notes I've always had it as pretty easy to "die" in this quest. While your rolls usually only just barely pass you guys have actually been really good at choosing options that won't lead to Lorina's demise or making write-in plans around those situations. But a 1 is a 1.
If ones are overriding and immediately lethal then d20s are not your friend.
Fair enough! I normally wouldn't expect a Nat 1 to be instant death, but at the same time, I suppose so long as we pick options that don't put ourselves at risk, it should be fine. Plus we've got a time-traveling Stranger on standby anyway, so it works out.

That does make me wonder how many situations we've been in that would've resulted in a death and forced Asher to restart, though.
Lethal here is not quest ending. Although I support switching to d100 for possible 69s.
It's not automatically instant death, depends on the situation and enemy. But generally, I find best of 3d20 to be relatively forgiving so this balances it out in my opinion.

Off the top of my head failing Keiji's mind control could lead to a fatal encounter with Asher. Investigating the stairs could have led to a mental corruption stunlock leading to death. Antagonising Midori on the train would have her perform a fighting retreat that could have proven fatal to Lorina. Lorina isn't that threatened by small fry like the bandits and rookie adventuer's though.
This is also true, actually. By nature of the dice system, Bo3 with crits overriding actually encourages people to stop rolling once a crit or a pass is met, to avoid instant death at a 5% chance.

If you want to keep critfails a possibility, consider only allowing them if no successes are reached. That way, a stray Nat 1 will not stop people from rolling-- only if there's a Nat 1 and some bad luck will it truly happen.

Alternatively, I suppose you could have crits 'affect' the final outcome of the roll. In this case, if we rolled a 1 and a 19, we would have passed, but at a cost or some other penalty.

Could also have a 'crit bank' system, where people can store excess crits and critfails, which negate each other as necessary. This would encourage everyone to roll, even if the Bo3 limit is reached. Giving priority to crits, or making them negate each other is definitely something to consider.

Swapping to d100s, and then adding a crit/critfail range as required (or assigning special lucky/unlucky numbers as results) could work too. d100s are swingier than d20s, but would also make sense to use, I'd say.
Asher must be happy that the first mission didn't force him to 'reset' due to our actions. A coworker that doesn't do crazy actions that will likely get them killed must be a blessing for him.

Heck, even our present course of action at first glance didn't seem like it was going to be deadly.

>Something else? But really what else is there to do?
We have some minor healing powers? Slam our remaining mana into repairing the most major damage we have and fall unconscious... we'll probably still die but maybe we'll survive crippled and badly injured! In that situation, our hated enemy the otome isekai healer girl comes and heals us! That means we owe the thieving bitch a massive favor despite her being the author of our humiliation!
The way I rule it is that a nat20 always succeeds and overrules any 1s even two 1s. So every roll always has a 5% chance to fail or 5% chance to pass the entire check to keep it simple, because I'm kinda stupid and lazy, and so dice statistically favor the player even if only slightly more. I'm also evil and want to write my character's getting fucked up because of unlucky rolls.

What are you planning to sacrifice? Like a memory or attribute? Or something physically?
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>TFW your write in ended up killing the main character of the quest...

>Die [Unlocks Asher’s midmission epilogue: Try Again]
Jeez, the worst case scenario going through my head was a kidnapping and being molested by a gonk faced otaku...

I dunno, QM... Risking death with ones would seem to disincentivize fighting to me, at least with d20s.
Pretty interesting! Getting mind controlled and having to fight Asher definitely would've been something.

I suppose that's fair, and there's something to be said about the simplicity of the dice system. This doesn't address the problem of players stopping rolls once the limit is reached, but I suppose when even death doesn't stop the quest thanks to time travel shenaniganry, you can get away with it.

>TFW your write in ended up killing the main character of the quest...

It was a good write-in, if the DC 7 was any indicator. If it helps, it was my roll that got is into this-- though I naturally have no control over it, heh
It was actually a really good write-in, everyone that pitched an idea had a good one for this vote, and Lorina did win the fight and only "died" (she isn't technically dead yet) due to a mix of the roll making her pride and haughtiness act up along with information about the bot's nature she has no logical way of knowing (none of you know about it either).
3 to rewind.

1 to sacrifice something.

1 to grasp onto life, no matter what.

I had a burst of inspiration so time between updates is shorter. Would you guys like a system it's 3d100's and I assign DC's for success, crit success, and crit fails each time? Because I genuinely don't know anything other than Bo3. Writing.
>What are you planning to sacrifice? Like a memory or attribute? Or something physically?
Clothing or pride

Whatever makes the quest fun
Sounds good to me.
If anything, you can just try it out, and if it's not working then reverting is always on the table.
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You are inquisitor Asher and your charge is dead. She made a good attempt at reviving herself though? You almost she was going to do something with that healing magic that circled her. For a second you even thought there might have been a deus ex machina, but then it just looked like she gave up. Goddammit. Midori is fussing over the corpse of the woman you were supposed to protect and you didn’t. the lifeless corpse of this nation's princess. You thought she could handle herself but- no there’s no excuse, it’s your fault. If you were anyone else you’d probably be panicking like the woman in the alleyway. But you’re not, you only feel tired. This is why you work alone, after all. You’re not good at the whole “teamwork” thing, maybe you were in another life but not after the shit you’ve been through in this one. You need a drink. There’s only one option you can take now, the only one you’re allowed. It’s fine though, you’d have taken it regardless of what your Orders are. You’re not some heartless bastard, not like the other’s from Earth.

Midori’s sobs reach a higher pitch below you. Most of those from Earth at any rate. Midori isn’t the first Stranger you’ve met who's been a decent person, probably won’t be the last either. It’s just- it’s just- yeah whatever. Oh, great, people are coming out of their houses to check what happened, only to be met with a crater, rubble, and a corpse. A corpse you were meant to- Dammit!

You rub your eyes and sit down on the rooftop, there really is only one option for you now. And you really need to stop repeating yourself and just take the dagger out already. Its hilt is cold. You allow yourself to wonder how far back you should go, maybe just before the fight so you can actually do your job and protect the kid like the adult, the inquisitor, you are. Or maybe you’ll let her win her fight again, she did handle it well, then tackle her before the explosion. Or you could always just go to the middle of the fight and assist instead of sitting on your ass and doing nothing because that worked out so well last time.

You can hear Midori try, and fail, to explain the situation to the civilians down before through her tears. You wonder if anyone would cry for you if you were gone though not like you will be anytime soon. You bring the dagger to your neck, its sharp steel already causing blood to fall. For a moment you hesitate as a shallow breath passes through your neck and burning memories come straight to the front of your thoughts.
The scorching heat of the Demon Wastes. The endless battles against the horde of lost and confused Strangers and monsters horrifically corrupted by tainted land. The only “friendly” face being that of the bastard Beneger for half a decade. The Demon Lord herself and Doroth- her half-formed and rotting vessel. And that damned yellow brick road. Dying over and over again like you’re some save scumming prick, your mind getting more feral and bloodthirsty each time.

They aren’t good memories, but they made you the man you are today. They’re the reason why you have the courage to slice the knife through your throat and fall to the floor, dead.


Would you like to rewind time to

>Just before the fight

>During the fight

>After the fight is over

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>Just before the fight
>Specifically, when we were arming ourselves from the armory, grab a mace or two and give one to Lorina. It'd be a more dignified way to go than with a pipe in hand. Maybe a net as well, rigged to tangle that robot's feet and drag it into the water. Would be a pain pulling him out, though. And make sure you're on the ground this time so they can hear you tell them to get away.

Also, goddamn, OP, I thought I'd feel better with the update, stop making me want to hug these protagonists to make them feel better.
>Just before the fight

Poor Asher, I suppose the requirement to activate your savescum ability is death, then you'd naturally hate using it, huh?
>>During the fight
Just so you know, the probability of rolling at least one 1 on 3d20 is 14.25%. We will be swimming in critfails.
>Just before the fight
Yeah. Maybe a balance with "1 and no success" or "1 and nothing above 18" can be reached?
+1 to this
>Just before the fight
6 to before the fight.

1 for during the fight.

Due to the write in I'm going to change the time before the fight a little bit. Writing.
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“Hello there, Miss Alice, I didn’t expect to see you so soon,” In Front of you, at the other side of the exquisitely set table sits a hare, “Tea, Miss Alice?”

“I don’t suppose she shall, how is a Lory to have tea when they have no hands? Quite the mad prospect, I do say!” Says a man who you can’t make out with your blurry vision, “Though I suppose if it’s on the mouse it will have to suffice.”

A teacup and poured and pushed towards you, using a sleeping mouse as a cupholder. Only for the hare’s hand, the hare’s hand? To swoop in and remove both from your vision, “Do settle down, Mister Hatter, it seems she is quite confused.”

“Wha- Where am I, who are you?” You ask.

“See? I am proven correct, mark down another tally for me,” The hare says, the hare wearing a gentleman’s suit and hat. “Now Miss Alice, while you may be a Lory I do hope you haven’t forgotten us fully?”

>Mental Corruption is not high enough

You bring your hands in front of you only to find the wings of a bird have replaced them, you try to scream but only find a bird’s cry to leave your beak.

“Ah, do settle down Miss Alice, or I suppose you’re her sister at present, no? Though thankfully not the Red Queen this time, that is rather delightful news I must say, Miss Lory.”

“Please, what is going on?!”

“You are as a doornail, My Lady! Dead!” The unseen man declares. “It is quite insane, to be a part of a door, but fret not, as all doors must eventually be opened!”

The hare coughs, “Ahem, though that is not for us to decide, My Lady, for it seems our time is being cut short by another, how dreadful. Mister Hatter, could you check on Mister Time?”

Your vision starts to clear, finally adjusting to the eyes of a bird, and you see another gentleman, though human this time, pull a pocket watch from the brim of his top hat, “I do believe we have the same amount of time as it takes for a Mayfly to die!”

“Ah, so none at all?”

You don’t hear the man’s response as you feel a great sinking feeling. You close your eyes and find yourself taken, taken to a land far away, back to the port where last you died. Though now with a mace in your hand.

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“You see that boat in the distance? Keep a careful eye on it.” Asher says to you and Marie from behind the bench you’re sitting on. He’s been with you most of the night, though always at a great distance. You’ve taken a moment of respite after your last round around the docks and now may have just found your target. Or at least that is what the inquisitor seems to be implying.

“Is that an actual motorboat?” Marie asks.

“Probably,” The inquisitor replies.

“A what?” You ask.

“Don’t worry about it,” He says as he quickly starts moving away towards the docks. Confused you follow with Marie though he moves faster and before you know it a bundle of rope is being thrown at your feet from the “motorboat” whatever that is. A suited gentleman ties his metal skiff to the docks and rises between yourself and the shadows the inquisitor disappeared to. What follows is quite the short tussle as the suited man completes an “analysis” on you and Marie, and instantly figures out who you are and raises a fist to attack. All for naught as he is roughly shoved to the ground by a net the inquisitor must have somehow placed earlier. Two maces and one sword quickly subdue the kidnapper.

“So mister robot, I happen to have a lot of questions,” The inquisitor says to the subdued man tangled in the net.


“I think I will actually. Tell me everything about your master.”


The inquisitor looks to be restraining himself from hitting the armored man, “I don’t believe you’re in a position to make demands, bot.” Again with that “bot” word, what does it mean?


For some reason, the inquisitor looks a mix of furious and regretful? Perhaps it might be best for you, the woman with the best diplomacy tutoring money and privilege could buy to take charge.

You step forward and ask

>Again about the Stranger

>Just how he was able to deduce who and Marie are

>Ask what he is

>Kick him, pettily

>(swift kick to gain his attention) "Stop infuriating my senior."
>"Explain what you are and reason for existing. Are you what could be defined as "Sci-Fi Shit"?"
>"Tell me who this "King" is..."
>"Is kidnapping allowed from where your creator comes from?"
>"And what exactly happens to the victims you've taken?"
What a dumb robot. No one has given his dweeb master the legal status of king, his unrecognized claim is both illegal and laughable. As if any rotten tinkerer off of the streets could be a king. Peasants, I swear.
Oh, shit, completely forgot to ask what his boss planned to do with Marie, Asher and Lorina if his bot succeeded in kidnapping us.

>"So, since you are aware of other Isekaied people, what exactly would you have done with them if you caught any?
>"And, for that matter, with me?"
"What's the name of this King and where is he from? Japan?"
>>Ask what he is
>>Kick him, pettily
Hm... I wonder if it's worth asking Asher or Marie about Alice in Wonderland, since that seems to be a recurring theme. "Alice" seems to be Lorina's (nonexistent) sister, and the Red Queen... maybe the actual queen? Is this a family curse?

I suppose it's hard to say, for now.

>Just how he was able to deduce who and Marie are
>Ask what he is
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“As if any peasant can declare himself a king and have that claim mean anything, now cease your mindless chattering and answer me!” You state to the kidnapper, giving him a nice kick to get his attention and for no other reason.

You really shouldn’t have done that. The pain is terrible and unexpected has you holding onto said food as you hop up and down. How dare this suited peasant attack you like that, utterly humiliating you!


Strange, you weren’t threatening to kill him, “First, what exactly are you? Am I to assume you’re ‘sci-fi shit’ as some may say?” From behind you, the inquisitor fails to cover his laugh.


“Hmpm, and what titles do you claim to own?” Him, nobility, a laughable concept.


“This ‘king’ is he from this ‘Japan’ and what’s his name?”


“And is kidnapping a common practice where he’s from?”

“N-no!” Marie yells in surprise.


“Hey!” She yells again.

“Then what did you intend to do with us if we came with you? And how did you figure out who we are so fast?”


“Answer the question.”


“I don’t know how I should take that,” The inquisitor says.

“That doesn’t say much of anything,” You say, “What exactly happens to everyone you’ve taken?” You ask.


>Follow the “robot” to the Metal Castle, with him at a disadvantage

>Refuse like any sane person

>Refuse like any sane person
We go there on our own conditions, possibly wearing the bot's shell as a disguise.
I’m G4wG41jg, currently posting from work
>”We will discuss the matter momentarily, sir.”
>Huddle together for a few seconds
>(whisper)”Roll him in?”
>Refuse like any sane person
>Roll him into the bay with our teammates as soon as we say the word no
Oh… union of flesh and metal… oh damnit.
>”Asher, Marie? In your world’s Sci-fi shit, is there anything that fits with what he described as a “union of flesh and metal”?”
>”And could what we have speaking to us be one of them?”
I’m guessing he’s making cyborgs from the people he kidnapped…
>>Refuse like any sane person
I'm guessing he's using pretty girl as harem and the less-pretty girl as bellies to churn up magical bullshit robot babies, severely hurting them psychologically and physically but it might be because I'm a degenerate.

>Refuse like any sane person
>Refuse like any sane person

We'll need to do more prep and information gathering first, honestly.
>Follow the “robot” to the Metal Castle, with him at a disadvantage

>Refuse like any sane person
6 to refuse

1 who agrees that nothing ventured nothing gained.
Rolled 80 (1d100)

Forgot the night roll.
>Refuse like any sane person
Ask why he talks so weird and why he serves a Stranger - they only get one cheat skill, and all this sci fi shit doesn't look like the mind control we've already seen. What could compel him to dedicate his life and service to an invader from another world?

Also Asher is literally Subaru. Except he can choose his time of return so he actually has it quite a bit better.
>Also Asher is literally Subaru. Except he can choose his time of return so he actually has it quite a bit better.
A good deal, if not most, Cheat Skills are going to be shamelessly stolen or at least inspired by ones I've seen in anime. I will not apologize.
Kinda makes me wonder if there's any Strangers who's Cheat Skill is just straight up not having a Cheat Skill, whether because PLOT, getting transported due to a Cheat Skill using Stranger, or them just falling between the sofa cushions of the universes when they arrived?
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“No-” You are cut off immediately by the tangled man.


There is a very distinct whirring noise that emanates from him, “H-hey! I wasn’t-”


“Hey, listen to me! Wait demise?” The whirring gets louder.


“Oh, shit!” The inquisitor curses before roughly, and in a most ignoble manner, tacking you and Marie off the docks. The last thing you hear is [INITIATING SELF-DESTRUCT SEQUENCE] before you’re taken under the waves. Then a bright light, and a muffled explosion. For the next few moments, there’s water-filled screaming, confusion, and struggling swimming. All before the inquisitor wrestles you to the water's surface and drops you on the ruined dock’s driftwood before diving down for Marie.

You cling to the wood for dear life as you slowly kick your way to a broken support of the dock. Soon enough the inquisitor resurfaces with a panicked Marie and focuses on calming her as you carry yourself out of the water. Once the Strange woman is calmed enough you help bring the other two out of the water before you all exchange glances and look at the hole where a part of the dock used to be. Only scraps remain of the kidnapper, a bit of flaming cloth here, metal over there, and a mangled top hat that floats atop the water. You have a feeling that any attempt at diplomacy with this “king Watanabe” just went up smoke just as his servant did. Good riddance.

After extinguishing some small flames with your magic you manage to dodge the few onlookers who arrive to check out the loud sound from their dispersed positions around the deserted district and make it back to Asher’s house. Soaked, miserable, and tired. Not much is said other than the agreement that any major decisions about what to do can wait until morning when you’ve all had enough time to think about what to do. Personally, once you dry yourself off you fall on your bed and into a deep sleep as soon as your head hits the pillow, your brain far too tired to carry a coherent thought.

Which might not have been for the best seeing as you’re now sitting with Asher and Marie in the living quarters and need to decide what to do about what happened the night before.
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“I’m open to suggestions here,” The inquisitor says after giving a clinic recap of the stake-out to refresh your and Marie’s memories.

“We still haven’t gone to that Clan thingy, right?”

“We haven’t but once we got there the next step is going to the Metal Castle, or Utopia, or whatever. Probably not a wise idea to keep the ‘king’ waiting too much longer and I don’t want to backtrack,” The inquisitor says, you find yourself thankful for the inclusion of air quotes in his speech.

“You’re saying if we want to do anything else in Ivern we should do them before we depart,” You don’t exactly ask more so you state.

The inquisitor nods regardless, “Or after if it’s not important to our mission.”

“After? How long we will be staying here?” You do ask this time.

“As long as we want, we’re completing in days what was planned to take us weeks. Personally, I’m planning on sightseeing when this is all over.”

“There’s not much to see all the way out at the frontier is there?”

He shrugs, “There are a few temperate rainforests around and the loch itself makes for good enough sights.”

“So you’re an outdoors person?” Marie asks.

“I guess, I used to be an envi- uh, I mean- yeah I am,” The inquisitor swallows. He is very bad at lying, but about what?

“I wonder what bookstores are like around here, hey Lorina do they have manga in this world?”

“Mang-what?” You ask. She’s said the word before but all you can infer is it’s a type of reading material.

Marie begins to rant and rave about some type of black-and-white picture book but after a good couple of minutes, the inquisitor reigns her back in. She looks happier after getting to talk about what she enjoys, practically bouncing in her seat. Something you would never do, of course.

In the end, you decide to

>Go investigate the Highland Clan

>Stay in Ivern for a little while [To do what?]

>Kick down the door of the Stranger already

>>Go investigate the Highland Clan
Do this and then off Dystopia to kick that murderous Stranger's ass.
Clearly killed the folks he kidnapped and converted them. That poor mum who lost her twins is going to just break if it turns out they're dead.
>Stay in Ivern for a little while [To do what?]
>Inform the Marquess and Inquisition that the kidnapper and the island are related, and to keep an eye on it in case of suspicious activity.
Don’t want them to be caught unprepared if the island attacks.
>Go investigate the Highland Clan
>>Kick down the door of the Stranger already
This, then go to the clans
>>Inform the Marquess and Inquisition that the kidnapper and the island are related, and to keep an eye on it in case of suspicious activity.

>Go investigate the Highland Clan
>Inform the Marquess and Inquisition that the kidnapper and the island are related, and to keep an eye on it in case of suspicious activity.
>Go investigate the Highland Clan
>Go investigate the Highland Clan

No dallying, then. And maybe inform the captain of the guard of what's going down, just in case.
3 to head straight to the Clan

5 to go to the Marquess first.
Oh, and 1 to speedrun. writing
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“Tell me again the exact identity of this kidnapper, I am not quite sure I understand,” The Marquess says as he places his teacup back onto his plate. You’ve managed to secure an audience with the Marquess on short notice, no one would dare defy Royalty, but his wife seems to be away on other business.

“From the information provided by the Inquisition itself,” More like what Asher just told you earlier, “The kidnapper was a construct made by the Stranger for reasons currently unknown.”

“Ah, like a golem?”

You nod. From all the complicated and scientific-sounding words that Marie and Asher supplied you with to explain what a “robot” is you have a feeling it is very unlike that of a magical golem. But it seems similar enough that you don’t need to make a fool out of yourself explaining the specifics of the man you felled. “Very much so.”

“Then you have my deep thanks, Your Highness, for removing such a villain from our shores. But I fear I must ask, with the knowledge my lands have come under attack from a foreign entity, are there any other actions we should be taking at the present moment?”

“It is the Inquisitions belief that this matter is far from over due to the Stranger’s continued existence. You should be positioning scouts to monitor the loch and vet new arrivals into the city as well as preparing some levies in case of a future attack,” From what the other two have said about “sci-fi shit” you’re not certain how much good a levy will do against another “robot” but it’s better than nothing.

“Of course, though it would not be prudent to transition to martial law, would it? Such a state is horrible for trade, especially when we’re so reliant on the summer months for so.”

“As I am acting on behalf of the Inquisition and not the Crown at present all I can currently give is advice. This situation may prove more perilous in the future, or it may not, the true threat of the Stranger has yet to be assessed but it does look to be rather high. However, your vassalage contract should stipulate the current rights and privileges you have at your disposal should this matter devolve into crisis.”

“So it is at my discretion.”

“We,” You leave where that is the Inquisition or Crown vague, “Would never hope to imply otherwise.”

“My thanks, Your Highness, now with this new information I believe there is much to be done?” A polite ask of dismissal.

“Quite, we shall be departing the City momentarily.”
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The nobleman hands his tea plate off to a maid as a few come to collect the ones from your party. Marie quickly stuffs a few more pastries into her mouth before handing hers over and the Inquisitor never looks to have even touched his own. As you all stand Catherine enters the sunroom you were discussing in, “You Highness, the carriage is prepared for you,” She then looks between you and her father, “Might I have the honor of accompanying you for the ride?”

You look to the inquisitor, who shrugs, “I see no reason why you should not,” You say.

“Of course, Catherine. Never let an opportunity slip by you,” Is her father's words.

Not much is said, other than directions, before the four of you enter into the luxurious stagecoach. As the driver closes the door Catherine gives you an excited look, “I must say this is rather exhilarating! Never would I think to share company with the Inquisition, much less at the same time as you Lorina!”

“People rarely think they’re going to be spending time with an inquisitor before it happens,” Is Asher’s attempt at humor. It actually causes Cathy to make a “thinking” face before nodding in agreement.

“I do suppose that makes sense, though Lorina you simply must tell me all about it!”

“I suppose I can?” A nod from the inquisitor, “Yes, I can.”

Catherine listens with rapt attention as you talk a bit about the fights you’ve recently had. As naturally the weaponplay of adventurers, bandits, and Strangers, is the most important part of your journey so far. You also pay careful attention to not give away anything that might compromise your mission to become a full-fledged inquisitor. That includes any secrets you now may be privy to, it’s almost like you’re back in high society politics after your Academic blunder and subsequent exile from high-class life. You may be back regardless one day but it is best to lie low in times of trouble.

In turn, Catherine talks about her garden, the money she’s currently making, a few more investments she’s made, and the local gossip between her servants. Marie takes a special interest in the gossip and remarks that it reminds her of her time in school. You idly wonder what Earth schools are like, probably some barbaric affair where the Student Council isn’t all-powerful in Academic life.

After a rather bumpy ride, you arrive at a now bustling dock. With an added confused crowd looking at the ruins of a part of a dock and the wrecks of a few nearby boats. A local construction or shipping guild’s crew should be here sometime today or the next to fix that. Strangely, the damage doesn’t seem to be the only thing drawing a crowd here as a few people point toward the horizon and chatter. The day is currently rather cloudy but in a clear section past a few large hills and mountains and in the direction of the loch’s left side you see quite a lot of smoke rising towards the Heavens.
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You bid Catherine and her ride adieu before following the inquisitor towards his contact, after telling them of the occurrence as is only right. You find two others discussing the old man you saw fishing by the strange boat the other day, at your approach they all turn to regard the three of you with a mixed expression. The old sailor seems rather relaxed, a younger blond man with looks to Inquisitor Asher snidly before you catch his eye and he changes to look respectful, and the last- wait a moment you know that man! You met him on the train just a few days ago! Sir Bartholomew Abram, how you could forget a name that obnoxiously long?

“Inquisitor Batholomew, Inquisitor Silas, what brings you here?” Inquisitor Asher asks.

Inquisitor Silas huffs before again remembering you’re here, “Inquisitor Asher, are you to tell me that you haven’t already figured out? I’d think that someone as ‘excetional’ as you should already know, am I wrong?”

“That’s enough Silas,” Bartholomew remarks, “See the fire over yonder, Asher. Started about an hour ago and we got a few scribes on top of the Abbey to confirm it was the Clan. We’re supposed to be your back up but we didn’t know where you are so we went to ask Simon here but he hasn’t seen hide nor tail of you yet.”

Said sailor just shrugs in response.

“To think you’ve been supplied a high-value asset and have yet to make use of it, inquisitor. This mission should have been assigned to someone more competent” Inquisitor Silas comments.

“Was actually the princess’ choice on what we’ve been doing for the past few days,” Asher responds to a reaction you’ve seen a few times before in noble society. He doesn’t seem to want to take back his rebuke but also doesn’t want to be seen as shaming a Royal leading to quite a few stammers.

“Regardless, Asher, we should still depart soon.”

“On that, I agree Abram, but you’ll be coming?”

“That’s up to you.”

You decide to pipe in

>In support of bringing alone back up

>In support of not bringing the two tag-a-longs

>Actually, you want to ask something [What?]

>In support of bringing alone back up
Silas will be facechecking the fog of war.
>In support of bringing alone back up
>"Inquisitor Silus, I believe Inquisitor Asher has done an excellent job in showing us what is required of an agent of the Inquisition, as well as keeping us safe during our investigations. I appreciate your concern and will inform his superiors should doubts arise, but as of now I have no complaints regarding his competence and willingness to do his duty."

Sorry for doing write-ins so often, but this quest just has been scratching an itch I didn't know I wanted scratched.
>>In support of bringing alone back up
No need to apologize, I love getting write-ins and discussion more than anything. It makes me want to write more than anything else.

>Minor spelling mistake on choices I didn't catch.
It's over.
I thought it was over when you accidentally called Lorina Lorinda de Linda last thread?
>You idly wonder what Earth schools are like, probably some barbaric affair where the Student Council isn’t all-powerful in Academic life

>In support of bringing along back up
Feels like we need all the help we can get for this one.
Plus I wanna ask Silas what he has against Asher, and see what other Inquisitors are like.
>In support of not bringing the two tag-a-longs
Oh yeah, we forgot to name the mace we got...

I've been getting a sort of Gaelic feel with the names of the ruling family, House Hyland and the Marchioness Fionn (technically Fiona is the feminine version), so maybe Nessa, for Rough, since we used it to beat the robot into submission? Or perhaps Cara, for Friend, since it was given to us by Asher?

Orlaith is Golden Princess, which would fit Alice better...
I don't know which Gaelic you want to use. Since there's Scottish, Irish, and "old" for the flavors. But maybe something about persistence? Seeing as we had to really whack the metal man for him to stop moving and Asher's whole shtick is nothing but persistence kek and he's the one who gave it to us. A nice little hidden joke.
Was going for Irish Gaelic. I think a close one for "strength" or "exalted one" in Irish Gaelic would be Brighid or Brigitte, also Bedelia, shortened form Biddy. There's also Aila, "from the strong place" in Scottish Gaelic, which also means "Holy, Blessed" in Finnish.
>Lorina names her mace Bedelia, knowing it means "Exalted One" to the Highland Clans
>Marie and Asher try and fail not to bust a gut laughing as they try to explain a certain series of children's books to Lorina
Supporting that face-check write in.
If he doesn't behave, we might even use said face to punch doors open
>In support of bringing alone back up
The name Biddy gave me flashbacks to reading Great Expectations, a book I loathe, so I'm tempted to do Bedelia just for that.

I appreciate being immediately called out on where I pulled the name from.
>I appreciate being immediately called out on where I pulled the name from.
...that was because I don't like him. If this was a reference, I didn't get it.
Silas is a League of Legend champion which ability is to steal its opponent spells.
Face-checking is a well known bad practice in said League of Legend
I'd be okay with naming it Bedelia, especially if it leads to Lorina learning more Stranger lore.

We also forgot about naming that Schiavonesca we pulled off the bandit leader... Haven't done any Italian or Hungarian names yet. Should use something fitting for a sword we pulled off a wandering bandit.

>Italian: Vincenza, to conquer, or perhaps Palmira, for pilgrim
>Hungarian: Tizane, for gypsy, or Benca, she will conquer

So if I am understanding this, in D&D terms, it's akin to a PC walking through a darkened doorway to see if there's a kobold ambush, or using your foot to step on what might be a pressure plate instead of sending out the orphan with the ten foot pole you hired to poke it?
Damn, and I had FE fates in my mind since I hate the fog of war maps.

Update is probably post poned until tomorrow so voting will remain open for now.
Forgot to include my name
Exactly. In Lol, the orphan is a Ward - a magical sightstone that relay info through Fog of War to your whole team
6 to have them come along.

1 to not.

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“Inquisitor Silas, I believe Inquisitor Asher has done a phenomenal job in instructing us what to expect from the Inquisition as well as being instrumental in protecting us during our training. Though, of course, I appreciate any concern for my wellbeing I currently have no such issues. Though might I inquire where this hostility is coming from?” For some reason, this plebian is managing to irritate all the wrong nerves. Asher gives you a rather strange look as the old inquisitor looks amused, Marie however looks like she’s watching a thrilling theater drama.

“A-ah! Your Highness, I am quite certain you can handle yourself, I’d never imply otherwise it’s just you’re with, ah,” He has some very choice words to say about your current mentor but understands that it would currently be unwise to say them, not in front of the man he’s badmouthing and multiple other colleagues. You should pay attention to when Silas no doubt tries to get you allowed to spread amateur noble manipulations and discontent. You’ve seen it all before.

“Well just look at the woman you’re with,” He deflects to Marie, who looks startled being brought into the conversation, “Just look at her skin and face, she doesn’t look to be around here, does she? Looks rather Strange?”

“Marie, show them your card,” Asher nudges the girl. She does so with haste, treating her Inquisital Sanctioned Stranger Card with the utmost respect, holding it with both hands, as she shows it to the other inquisitors and the boatsman.

“Ah, that's-” Inquisitor Silas says before he makes a Tsk sound and broadly remarks, “Of course You would be working with Them,” He has a few more vile words but they’re not said at a volume anyone but himself can hear as he steps down into the boat. For now, he’s been suitably chastised but a man such as him will no doubt fester until hot emotions explode. Perhaps he is nobility? He certainly acts like some of the young nobles you’ve seen at different balls.

Seeing as nobody complains about the backup coming along, and you nod to Inquisitor Abram to step in first, everyone gets situated in the metallic boat. It’s a strange contraption, the likes of which you’ve never seen before, but now more than ever you’re seeing so many things you wouldn’t otherwise. What would the Lorina of a few months ago think should she look at you now? Looking at the Lorina who failed to meet her dreams?
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You’re shaken out of your reprieve by Asher himself as he grabs your wrist before you step into the boat. When it’s just you and him on the dock now. “Hey, I, um, I didn’t really need your help back there-” He scratches the back of his neck and looks down for a few moments, “But uh, shit, uh,” He looks so very awkward, “Thanks, Lorina, I mean it,” He doesn’t give you enough time to respond as he practically shoves you into the boat, though he does help stabilize you as you descend into the shaky vessel. The exchange would’ve probably been better if Marie didn’t look like she was still watching the theater.

The wooden “seats” at the end of the boat are hard and uncomfortable. The overcast day has made the metal cold and damp. Simon hits a few switches and flips a few levels as Inquisitor Abram unties the boat and in seconds you’re going out of the docks and into the waves. “Should be about an hour or two to the Clan, going to make some shortcuts but water’ll be choppy,” Simon says as he sits down and uses a level to steer away from some larger vessels. The boat itself seems to use some sort of engine to sail, something you’ve never seen before, and it’s rather loud.

The trip mostly passes in silence as the assembled people either look toward the horizon or down to the water. There’s an underlying tension in the air but nothing you feel that needs expelling. The water is rather cold and your reflection is distorted in the choppy waves. For a fraction of a second, a ray of sunlight makes your silver hair appear blond before a cloud covers it as quickly as it appears.

Time passes and few things change, at least for you. Asher and Abram chat a bit about recent jobs while Marie begins to look ill and Simon leaves the coast of the loch. Simon comments on some fishing boats as Asher listens in rapt attention while Silas continues to stew. Marie vomits over the side of the vessel and you help Asher settle down. Abram and Simon give a few comments to Silas on the local area. All in all, it’s a rather different experience than being in a noble’s stagecoach the discussions there always have a hidden meaning or threat. Here, however, it seems, oh how to put this? Simpler? You’re certain it’s not a very deep analysis but it’s certainly different from your old life in and before the Academy. Here when Asher inquires about the sea monster population in the loch he’s doing so out of genuine curiosity and without some complex motive a nobleman his age might. Whether that motive is to belittle a rival, assess the region's economic capabilities, boast their own abilities, or deflect with trivial small talk. Your mentor however simply looks to be talking with the sailor about sea monsters and nothing else. Simpler, certainly. But worse? You’re not so sure.
“What’s that boat over there?” Silas breaks a couple of minutes worth of silence as you approach the Clan’s territory. Pointing at a massive chunk of metal that’s pulled to the shore. You’re uncertain of how this was ever able to float on water. There are a few figures in its opening seemingly acting as guards as a contingent of people are led inside. The settlement itself seems to have gone up in flames after a destructive battle.

Simon looks on and curses, “I’m going to pull us behind some rocks nearby and pray they haven’t spotted us. I ain’t disembarking near that thing but otherwise- well, that’s your job, inquisitors.”

>You propose you land as close to the settlement as you can, even if you risk giving your arrival away and making the situation worse

>You propose disembarking here and sneaking into the settlement so you can calculate your next move even at risk of more harm befalling the populace in your absence

>You want to coordinate with your fellow inquisitors (How?)

>You propose you land as close to the settlement as you can, even if you risk giving your arrival away and making the situation worse
Those are our subjects!
>You propose you land as close to the settlement as you can, even if you risk giving your arrival away and making the situation worse

We're the only ones allowed to kidnap and experiment upon them!
>>You propose disembarking here and sneaking into the settlement so you can calculate your next move even at risk of more harm befalling the populace in your absence
>>You propose you land as close to the settlement as you can, even if you risk giving your arrival away and making the situation worse

>You propose you land as close to the settlement as you can, even if you risk giving your arrival away and making the situation worse
Ask the resident Stranger(s) and sailor where they think the parts that control or move that boat thing are so we can destroy them. Best to cripple it now before the clan becomes permanent citizens.
Oh, and whoever has lightning magic should use it on the guards. Try to lure them away from the hostages so they don’t get caught in the ensuing explosion. Like how our kidnapper caught us…
>>You propose you land as close to the settlement as you can, even if you risk giving your arrival away and making the situation worse
>You propose disembarking here and sneaking into the settlement so you can calculate your next move even at risk of more harm befalling the populace in your absence
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...so if OP is using bits and pieces of Isekai manga and games, how much of a chance do you folks think we should worry about Catharine getting seduced by a female Stranger who becomes her maid?

Alternate idea for why the plot kicked off:Anastasia was trying to do that to Lorina, but just really, REALLY sucks at not getting forced to follow the plot for some reason (possibly divine). So her current life since arriving is like what the title characters of Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead went through as an isekaid lesbian being forced to go through the plot points of an otome game.
>You propose you land as close to the settlement as you can, even if you risk giving your arrival away and making the situation worse
I propose another entirely different otome protag office lady isekai'ed into the world and becoming our maid. One who is sick of the isekai shit she read after awhile and decides to rebel as hard as possible against them because they suck.
Someone like Melissa from 'Beware the Villainess'.
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Anybody check in with Truck-Kun to see if he might have gotten OP?
Things look like they're going to get rather busy for me in the coming days so sadly I can't guarantee frequent updates again still the weekend. Sorry for the wait.
No problem QM, thanks for the update!
Dang, good to know, though. Don't let Truck-Kun send you somewhere without telling us beforehand!
a lot to land close

2 to be sneaky

Gentlemen, I am happy to announce that we are so back.
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You instruct the boatsman to get as close to the settlement as he’s willing to go. He gives you a grim look as he coaxes the engine to bring you to the shore. Perhaps it may be the reckless choice, the one you are taking, but it is the right one. You know that. Your people are in danger, even if they’d detest the claim of being your people, but that doesn’t matter you are their Princess, and you will save as many of them as you can. As the boat approaches the shore near the outskirts of the village you order any who knows lightning magic to the front as the the guards, the “skeletons” as they’ve been called, take notice of you.

Your first thought is that the sound of their guns is even louder than the engine. Your second thought is how the Hell can they fire without reloading? That’s not fair at all! Your boat isn’t big enough to provide cover for all of you. “Lightning magic! Anyone who can use lightning magic to the front!” You order causing yourself and Inquisitor Silas to rise and shoot bots of lighting from his hands and your kreismesser after a second Marie also rises and shoots magic from her sword, though not magic but more like a radiant bolt.

“Oi, settle down! You’ll tip the boat!” Simon calls out as he has to adjust the boat to the waves you make. But it is paid little mind as the first two skeletal silhouettes explode after coming into contact with the magic from your boat. Then two more. Then more, they appear to be rather weak and their explosions are smaller than your previous opponents but they just keep coming. Some shoot from the cover of burning houses while others are redirected by the guards of the civilians, and even more come from the massive ship itself.

You’re about twenty feet from the shore when Asher finally does something, he jumps up and practically tackles Marie and Silas under the sides of the boat. A burst of gunfire is felt where their bodies would be a moment later. “What the Hell are you-!” Silas begins as he squirms to get out from under the other Inquisitor.

“Shut up!” Asher barks as he takes a matchlock from his coat and fires with with the help of fire magic, nailing a skeleton inside a window before throwing his weapon into the ocean- Wait he threw his weapon away?! Like it was nothing?! And to think you ever respected this cretin! And what’s worse is he repeats the process with another matchlock! Does he have no loyalty?!
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Before you can dwell too long the boat roughly impacts the shore which in turn sends you to the floor. “Get out! Get out! I’ll be taking on water if the lass,” The old boatsman stomps his foot on the metal boat, “Gets any more holes in here! I’ll circle around fer ya but get out!”

Not wanting to get on the bad side of the old sailor you and the rest of your entourage vacate the vessel as quickly as you can and find yourselves on a rocky shore a bit near the outskirts of the village. All the enemies in the direct area have been dealt with by your volley but you can see more rapidly approaching. Inquisitor Asher takes one last look at the group before nodding to you with a determined face and then- then- charging the metal skeletons like a lunatic! Yet, somehow he appears to dodge the gunfire of the skeletons with nary a scratch, almost like he knows where they’re going to come from. The last you see of him is him decapitating a skeleton before ducking into a nearby alleyway as more follow him as you’re pushed behind a wall by Inquisitor Abram.

“Lad knows what he’s doing lass, don’t worry about him.”

“I-i wasn’t!”

You see Silas scoff off to the side as Marie flourishes her sword with an uncharacteristic look of resolution. “Your Highness, someday people will look up to your leadership. And that means taking charge under fire. What are your orders?” He continues regardless of your stuttered answer.

>You decide it would be best to charge straight at the ship in the hopes of disabling it

>It would probably be better to follow Inquisitor Asher’s example and defeat as many enemies as you can before attacking their base

Poor Asher, how many bullets did he eat before memorizing them all?
>It would probably be better to follow Inquisitor Asher’s example and defeat as many enemies as you can before attacking their base
Otherwise they'll shoot us from behind. Also the ship isn't actually our objective.
>It would probably be better to follow Inquisitor Asher’s example and defeat as many enemies as you can before attacking their base.
It's not like we could suspect disabling the ship would also disable these bots.

>Poor Asher, how many bullets did he eat before memorizing them all?
Him being able to go in head on like that actually gives me a lot of confidence about this mission. If the robots had good processing speed or targeting systems he wouldn't have been able to close on them no matter how many tries he got.
>It would probably be better to follow Inquisitor Asher’s example and defeat as many enemies as you can before attacking their base.
>Remember to talk to Asher later about taking care of one’s tools.
If we attack the boat, then the villagers are stuck inside behind armed robots with guns, who might be ordered to use them as hostages. Kill the bots, then a few might be able to book it from the ship unscathed.

Also, did we notice if any of those weapons exploded with the robots or independently of them? Cuz I want one as a souvenir, but only if it’s certain they won’t explode again…
>You decide it would be best to charge straight at the ship in the hopes of disabling it
Just had a thought… you guys think we can bring some of the robot scrap metal to a blacksmith and have him forge a new weapon out of it?
Welcome back, QM!

>It would probably be better to follow Inquisitor Asher’s example and defeat as many enemies as you can before attacking their base
>You decide it would be best to charge straight at the ship in the hopes of disabling it
>It would probably be better to follow Inquisitor Asher’s example and defeat as many enemies as you can before attacking their base
>>It would probably be better to follow Inquisitor Asher’s example and defeat as many enemies as you can before attacking their base
>It would probably be better to follow Inquisitor Asher’s example and defeat as many enemies as you can before attacking their base
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Post fashionable swordswomen to lure out QM.
Too late for an update tonight but I'll try to get one done by tomorrow morning.
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Dang. Well, if you’re still around, I’ve got one or two questions regarding the Inquisition and the Church of the Goddess… regarding the hunting Inquisitors, it seems like the ones we’ve met so far are mostly secularists hired outside of the clergy, when they’re not Strangers themselves. Are most of the inquisitors hirelings of the church, working mainly as Hunters of Strangefolk like in Bloodborne, or are there any real cleric or Templar types that find their way into the hunting side? And are any of the secular inquisitors required to work the faith side of the church when staffing limitations are an issue?

And can I post more swordswomen in dresses?
Post lewd Lorinas coward
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Nah. Imma post fat fencer dumptruck ass instead.
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Alright, so you haven't interacted a lot with the Church yet but the Inquisition sits in a weird spot in the actual structure. It exists as an organization that fits "somewhere" in the hierarchy but no one can agree where so it mostly does its own thing which is hunting Strangers and even in that separated institution you've only met with the exceptions to the rule. The Inquisition has tools like its own bureaucracy and private army but the Inquisitors themselves are trained to be more like adventurers than templars and function like Mass Effects Spectres where they have the technical authority to prosecute anyone but understand using that authority against important/powerful people is usually a bad idea. Also as seen through Lorina a lot of noble families will send children to the Inquisition to either train them or remove them from succession making a lot of secular politics bleed into the Inquisition, something shown through Silas. Eventually, Lorina will have to learn more about the Church and the Clergy but that's for later.

Good posts

7 to kill a lot of robots

2 to rush boat

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“We’ll stay on the outskirts of the town for now and let them come to us. It’ll lead them away from where they herded the people and allow us to thin their numbers.” You declare to the complete and utter acceptance of your group. You take a couple of deep breaths and find yourself ready to fight for your life again just in time as the first few skeletons finish their sprint to the back of the house you’re at.

A swing of your sword and a surge of electricity greet them as their end is met with an explosion. An explosion catches the thatch roof of the house and feeds a new fire. You don’t know if all this fire will be more of a hindrance to you or the skeletons, it’s mostly concentrated near the center of the settlement but still spreading to the outskirts. As you contemplate an oval-like device is thrown over the ceiling and near your group, you barely have a charge to dodge as it explodes into a ball of flame, the fire forcing your group deeper into the settlement. And it’s totally unfair that the skeletons simply walk through all the flames and continue their assault. Completely unaffected.

“Start moving!” You yell as you take off in the opposite direction of the loch, away from the skeletons. Two more try to ambush you from the other end of the house but Marie leaps forward and with two consecutive swipes slashes through the torso of one and decapitates the other. A radiant glow cauterized the “wounds” of the skeletons all before they could bring up weapons. Inquisitor Abram has to pull her along before the explosions get her. Was she trying to pose?

For the next couple of minutes, the same scenario repeats, the skeletons try and fail to ambush you while one of the members of your party occasionally deals with the ones trying to chase you. It almost feels like the skeletons are trying to herd your group instead of the other way around but that must be impossible, right? You haven’t heard them say a word to each other and only a jumbled garble comes out of them as they’re killed.

As you go further and further into the village the fires get more intense, to the point the smoke makes it hard to breathe and the rubble hard to walk. You can’t see how things are going at the shore due to the inferno but you hear gunshots that aren’t fired in your direction. As you fire Cinder into the head of a far-off skeleton you can’t help but wonder what’s the point of this all? This village is tiny with a population that can’t be more than a couple hundred, for what purpose does it need to be destroyed? You’ve seen corpses before, even made people into them. But the charred remains that little the village doesn’t make for a pretty pleasant site. The only silver lining is that there are more destroyed skeletons littering the ground than there are people.
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>you've only met with the exceptions to the rule.
So we’re sitting at the lunch table with the clique of kids who don’t fit in the other cliques, then… feels like we’re back at the academy again. Can’t wait to meet the Inquisition version of the stoners and goth/emo kids!

Have another fashionable swordswoman.
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More gunfire causes you to duck for cover at some nearby rubble as Silas covers the party with electricity. You’re lucky the aim of your enemy seems to be rather lackluster as- as Silas falls to the ground desperately clutching his shoulder. Oops. The other inquisitor pulls him behind the rubble as the skeletons march toward your position. Dammit, it’s totally not fair that they have cooler guns than you do! Sorry Cinder, but you need to be reloaded with every shot!

“Aarg- Dammit!” Inquisitor Silas curses as you reach over to heal him only for your hand to be swatted away, “N-not with the bullet still inside!” He says through his gasps. You stare a bit dumbfounded at his lack of decorum as he calls for Bartholomew to cut it out. You turn as a rather gorey scene transpires between the two, involving a lot of cursing and knifework, and instead go towards the end of the rubble pile with Marie who is destroying a separate, smaller, group of skeletons with swordfire. “Lori, they keep coming! Do you have any ideas?” She calls.

Well, one strikes you at that exact moment as the last of the group Marie was thinning rushes towards your position. You hold Marie's sword down so she doesn’t destroy it, she looks at you weirdly but seems to trust your judgment. You bring your hand off your sword to channel your magic and bring the black flammable substance that spills from the skeleton’s explodes corpses and move some splashes around the ground in front of the sprinting bot. It has the desired effect of causing the skeleton to slip and its gun to fall from its hands and onto the floor. You rush out of the rubble and out of cover, picking up the gun as you’re fired upon by the marching group. Ducking behind the wall of a burning building you grab the gun in a way you hope is correct, point it in the direction of the large group, and pray.

You are not prepared for the recoil while at the same time, the skeletons were not prepared for their weapons to be used against them. You hit about three of twenty but the residual explosions have a chain effect. Explosion after explosion demolishes the group leaving nothing but metal and flames from the street. At last, you use the weapon to fire upon the tripped skeleton before throwing it to the floor in suspense. Turns out it is for naught as the skeleton blows up but the gun stays intact. One more spoil of war.

You make your way back to the party while practicing your aim on skeleton stragglers around the area. Silas seems to have composed himself and practically doubles over in apologies as you heal him while Abram and Marie cover for you. The old inquisitor complements you on your marksmanship at least as you heal his comrade. Soon enough however Silas is back on his feet and you all find yourselves dead center of a burning settlement. You’ve dealt with most of the skeletons in the immediate area and only three sights catch your eye.
Off in the distance, towards the shore and past the flames, you can barely make out a silhouette with a singular sword, must be Asher, fighting off against a freakishly tall silhouette with a blocky arm and a smaller silhouette with a long sword. Through the flames, it almost looks more like a theater play, like a dance rather than a melee.

Opposite of that, towards the edge of town and the forested hills, is the only building made completely of stone. A small church looks to be being besieged by a squad of skeletons that have trouble bringing down the wooden door. Like the structure itself is blessed.

Then out of the corner of your eye, you see a blonde little girl running into a burning building right before it collapses. A part of you sees this and immediately urges to rush and save the girl but another recognizes that Silas, who was looking in the same direction, didn’t comment at all on a little girl potentially being trapped.

Staying here isn’t going to solve anything so you decide to investigate

>The figures fighting past the flames

>The church under siege

>The collapsed house with a little girl inside

Worse, you're at the lunch table of people who don't fit in at the school for people who don't fit in.
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>The collapsed house with a little girl inside
It’s not like we chose the GOOD-NATURED trait on purpose, baka!

…and it’s also run by nuns. Cool.
>The collapsed house with a little girl inside
... and priests that are like Alexander Anderson
>The collapsed house with a little girl inside

Probably in-character for Lorina, here. If water magic exists, we can probably put the fire out and just grab her, but if not, we could probably blast a hole in the wall with some magic and make a new entrance, before rescuing the girl. It's better than trying to open the door and just walking in, at any rate.
Well, pretty sure ice magic does, so it shouldn’t be too much of an issue. Only question I have is whether to douse the fire with it, or to soak our clothes periodically inside the building to keep at a comfortable temperature.
>The collapsed house with a little girl inside
If Silas knows a reason we shouldn't try to save her he oughta speak up
>>The collapsed house with a little girl inside

I was going to suggest we split and deal with both the girl and start fighting off those attacking the church but if the church looks like it's holding then we can afford a few moments to spend elsewhere
Little girl is an obvious trap as Silas didn't commented - maybe we saw things that weren't there.
>The figures fighting past the flames
>>The figures fighting past the flames
>The figures fighting past the flames
Or he could just be a noble who’s a dick to the proletariat. Don’t know if he joined willingly or if he was pressured into it from a scandal like we were.
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>maybe we saw things that weren't there.
5 to investigate the little house on fire

3 to join the fight

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Pretty swordswoman post.
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Perhaps you’ll reconsider if I just… slip this armored Victorian maid under my swordswoman here, like so?
Our good nature works against us. As typical.
Was anyone actually expecting any different?
So why didn’t you vote otherwise? Or, well, vote?
Because I agree that the choice is in character and it was in the lead.
You can't stop an altruist from doing altruistic things.
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Kinda, to be completely honest. Thought Silus was being an asshole, and there was nothing to have me assume hallucinations were part of the corruption gimmick.
Even if he was being an asshole, he'd still see the girl, and would probably have had some reaction to it, even if it was dismissal.
>and there was nothing to have me assume hallucinations were part of the corruption gimmick.
Bad dreams are just hallucinations when you're unconscious, man. You fell for the oldest blunder. I must now perform the obligatory "look at this retard" pointing and laughing ceremony. Don't worry, I can say that with the hard R, I've got plenty of retarded friends.
Good try, unfortunately, I got carried away while writing.
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“Over here, I just saw a little girl run into that building!” You call out before taking off in the direction of the collapsing building.

“Where? I didn’t see anything?” You faintly hear Silas say but you’re already too far gone in your sprint to think about his sentence.

The fire is too large to put out, having connected with the fiery tempest that's now consuming the town, even with your water magic. The thought is almost laughable really, a single person controlling that much magic would be well into the realm of impossibility. Though it would be rather helpful if you could extinguish these flames, seeing as you’re forced to venture into them.

“Your Highness, wait!” You hear the voice of Inquisitor Abram before it's drowned out of the crackles of flame as you enter the building. Its support structures have burned away and its thatch roof falls as the inferno eats through it, the only thing standing now is the stone walls. But then there’s no sign of the girl either, not even a cry for help. The heat is almost unbearable and the smoke makes it hard to breathe but still you soldier on. You’d never forgive yourself if- if- Goddess…

In a side room, under a pile of rubble and flame, lies the scorched body of a little girl. Only her front half is visible from under the rubble, and even with that, it’s hard to even come to terms with the corpse in front of you that was once human. More a collection of charred tendons and muscle than anything resembling the blond little girl you saw dash into the house.

The last thing you notice is the girl's outstretched hands and the claw marks on the floor. Goddess, she was- she must have- then a hand rests on your shoulder, “ Your Highness, you couldn’t have-'' You hear the old man’s voice but it barely registers. On a dime you spin ready to unleash a cutting remark without even stopping to think only to stop dead in your tracks, flabbergasted. This is not where you’re supposed to be, not at all.

In front of you is a river, and a forest beyond with stone buildings rising off in the distance. Somehow you’ve been taken from a land in chaos and roughly transplanted into one of total peace. Birds chirp in the distance, butterflies fly to and from, and swans take to the lake. What the Hell just happened?

“It’s rather sad isn’t it?” Comes an all too familiar voice from behind you.

Normally you’d startle, maybe even flinch, should someone sneak up on you. But right now the adrenaline is too much, your confusion, your frustration, too high, “You!” You cry out as you turn to face the little girl who's been the source of so much trouble as of late.

For her part, the blonde girl only tilts her head and smiles, “Me.”

“W-what! Y-yes, you! That’s what I said! Answer me!”

“Answer what? You haven’t asked anything, big sis.”
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“Arrgh! All of it! Who are you?! What’s going on?! Where am I?! A-and don’t call me big sis, I don’t even know you!”

She tilts her head to the other side, as if pondering your questions, before sticking her tongue out at you, “Nope! I don’t want to.”

“You little!” You lunge but find yourself stumbling to the ground, again you find your body is not your own. Thankfully less feathery this time, but still different. Short arms and untrained legs make it feel like you’re once again a child instead of a grown woman fresh out of the Academy.

“Watch your step, big sis, wouldn’t want to stumble down a rabbit hole!” The little devil mocks you from above.

You again voice your frustrations with a shout but eventually, pick yourself up to a sitting position and settle on glaring at the girl, who again licks her tongue out in a most noble and mature manner. Ugh, how disgraceful. “Are you done throwing a tantrum, Ina?” She questions but your glare is the only response, “Don’t worry I get the feeling. It’s rather sad not being able to save people isn’t it?”

Did she-?

“No, I didn't cause the situation you’re in.”

How did-?

“You have a pretty predictable face, Ina. It's just that your present company is rather bad at noticing that kind of thing.”

“Oh, but you know so much about me I’m sure?” You don’t hide the venom in your voice.

The girl plops down on the grass beside you, “Yep! That’s what little sisters are for!” She says with too much delight. Before she sighs and looks over to the river for a long while, “This is nice,” She sounds- melancholic? For whatever reason.

“It damn well isn’t.”

“Or maybe it was nicer when you spent your time sleeping or daydreaming,” she says as she again faux ponders, this time with a finger on her lips.

“Are you going to answer my questions or not?” You press.

“Hmm, I suppose I could but I think SHE would get mad at me if I gave away too much. That is unless you forge a contact with me.”

“A what? Why?”

“So SHE can’t be mad at me when I use you to prevent the end of m- the world!”

“This is lunacy! What are you even talking about?”

“Hmm, yes.”


“I answered your question.”

“Which one?!”

“That this is lunacy.”

“That wasn’t a question!”

“It wasn’t?”

You scream, “Just take me back!” You almost feel like crying at the absurdity of it all. What in the Goddess’s name is happening?

“Oh, I can do that, sure.”

“Wait, really?!”

“Mhm! But first, let me give you a freeby!”

“A free what now?”

“One of your friends is a liar,” The way she doesn’t break her character of an innocent young girl as she says this makes you feel more uncomfortable than you should.
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“W-what? Why would I believe you?”

>Mental Corruption is not high enough for failure

“No! I don’t believe you!”

“You don’t need to, but you will when you find out,” She says still with that damned smile.

“Argh! Just take me back!”

“But we only just got here? Shouldn’t sisters want to spend time with one another?”

“I am in a war zone! And you aren’t my sister!”

“You know if you stay just a teensy bit longer I can help you out, big sis. After all, who said that little girl has to die in every timeline?”

“W-what?” The images flood back to the front of your mind, the charred corpse trying to claw her way to safety, “N-no you’re lying!”

“You know, Ina, I don’t really get where all this hostility is coming from. Sisters are meant to look after each other after all. I only want good things to happen to you.”

None of this, absolutely none of this, makes any sense. You want to go home. Hell, even the battle would be better than whatever is happening right at this moment. Elsewhere, a frog ribbits as it jumps into the slow-moving stream.

“Here’s the deal, I’ll answer any one question. SHE won’t be able to get mad at that little. But then I’ll either send you on your way or you can stay and listen to my contract. Doesn’t that sound fair?”

You want to go home. Back to your large comfy bed, back to your armory, away from the Strangers, away from death, and away from the little gremlin in front of you.

“Or I could just send you back now before you start crying. You should be glad our tutor isn’t here, what would he think?”

>You just want to leave

>You decide to ask a question to the girl (What)

>Maybe you can sit still as the girl explains this “contact” nonsense. The tree you’re under at least provides decent shade.
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Eh, I don't mind. Even if it ends up embarrassing us, Lorina doesn't seem the kind of person to ignore what could be a child burning to death, even if it might be a hallucination. If there's even a possibility of it being real, she'd hop in to help, since that's just the kind of person she is. Plus, it advances the plot, so I don't mind.

I'm a fan of the swordbreaker art, myself.

>You decide to ask a question to the girl (What)
"Why is all of this happening to me?" or "Why me?"

I want to know why all of this is happening to Lorina, myself. Ever since our first day as an Inquisitor, things have been happening to us (or was it that they've always been happening?) The how of it isn't important when magic exists, but the why... might lead to some interesting revelations.
>You just want to leave

I got no real idea on what to ask the brat, but I remembered what magic we sensed from that damn book. Enough for a little closing bon mot…

>”If this is how HER servants help save the world from the demon hordes, I’m amazed it hasn’t fallen to the darkness millennia ago from one of you driving a would-be hero to frothing madness.”
I will say this once and only once, I want to kill this little girl.
>>Maybe you can sit still as the girl explains this “contact” nonsense. The tree you’re under at least provides decent shade.

It's what Lorina would do.
>>You just want to leave
>You decide to ask a question to the girl (What)
How did she bring us here
>You just want to leave
>>You just want to leave
>You just want to leave
Just letting you guys know now I spent most of today finishing some really long papers so my brain currently has a visceral reaction at the thought of writing more. Voting will remain open until tomorrow.
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Crud. Well, can’t blame you for feeling that when it’s paperwork. Brew yourself a nice cup of tea and enjoy it how you usually do.
>You decide to ask a question to the girl (What)
Hey, why is your belly getting bigger? You should stop eating so many candies.
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Alright, don’t mind me, just setting up bait to catch OP again.

In the meantime, if the brat is speaking the truth, not that I’d want anything to do with her besides making hasenpfeffer out of that damn rabbit friend of hers, here’s a list of possible suspects of who might be a liar. This, of course, assumes that the lies she’s talking about are capital L Lies. For all we know it’s basically stuff we figured out already, like Asher’s thing, although it’d be hilarious if Lorina actually truly didn’t know and reacted accordingly.

Possible Lying Friends

1. Asher: the most obvious one. “Secretly” a Stranger. Probably the least damaging liar. But that’s just assuming that being a Stranger is his only secret. Could watching over us be another? If not, what other things is he hiding?
2. Midori: the one who has the most hidden. We know so little about Strangers, so she can hide more from us. But what could it possibly be?
3. Catherine: the one that would hurt us the most. She’s ambitious, obviously. But what exactly would she be aiming for? Queen of the Sci-Fi Shit? Or is it longer term?
4. Abram: the one with a rabbit tail. The brat might be referring to this guy, possibly because he might be a reference to the White Rabbit. But does this world even have supernatural agents of the Goddess? Or is this just Beastman racism?
5. Silas: the not-a-friend friend. Technically just an associate, but the brat could just be lumping him in for brevity. He’s got a major issue with Strangers, which is obvious. But is there something else he’s hiding?

I’m thinking it’s Abram. I’ve already been suspicious during Asher’s first epilogue with the Lord Inquisitor’s description…
Looks like most people want to just leave so the actual conversation will be rather short. Man, I wonder where all this hostility comes from, she's just Lorina's silly little sister. Just a little girl. Writing.

All good theories, and I'll have you know I was rather busy today doing very important things. Like finishing Frieren.
>Like finishing Frieren.
As an elf she surely must be weak to the mating press technique.
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“You know, if you’re really trying to stop the end of the world you’re doing a pretty bad job of convincing me to help you,” You reprimand the little girl sitting in the grass in front of you. It’d be more intimidating or meaningful if your eyes weren’t watery.

“Yeah, you’re probably right,” She agrees and she puts one of her cheeks into her hand and pouts. Wait she agrees- “Can’t help it though, it’s just my nature,” hey don’t cut off my thoughts!


“Hey, don’t you hate it when a bunch of outsiders come in and ruin your little community?” She perks up and questions. Don’t cut off my words either!


“I mean when you have a good thing going, with just you, your friends, and people who share similar interests. But then a bunch of random people come into your carefully cultivated world and mess everything up? It’d be the end of the world you and your friend created if they weren’t removed, wouldn’t it?”

Is she talking about some sort of hobby? You’ve heard some noblemen complain similarly about board games they’re interested in back at the Academy. But is that really where this conversation is going? Is she just ignoring you?! Unacceptable you demand to be answered! “How does any of this have to do with me!” Is the first thing to spill out when you open your mouth.

“Huh?” She seems genuinely confused, “Because we’re family, dummy! What do you think I’d call you big sis for nothing, Ina?”

“I don’t have a sister!” You reaffirm.

“Is Edith not around at all?”

“You mean my niece?”

“Oh… That's no good,” What the Hell is she talking about? “Seems things are deviating faster than I thought they would. I bet this is HER fault.”

“H-hey! Pay attention to me!”

“Hmm, oh sorry, sis. Looks like I have a few things to sort out before we meet again! You probably want to go home anyway so, bye bye!”

As she says those words you start to feel faint and your vision blackens. How though, you didn’t even see her cast a spell or use mana? “What are you?” You question as you start to fall.

“Shouldn’t that be obvious by now? My name is Alice and this is Wonderland. Maybe you should ask one of the Strangers you know if that truly confuses you.”

One of the Strangers? But you only know the one. Does she mean to talk to the “king” of the Metal Castle? These are your last thoughts before your head falls on the soft grass and the darkness takes you.

>Mental Corruption rose by 5%
>Mental Corruption fell by 2%
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The world is uncomfortably hot when you open your eyes. The floor is hard and the air smells of cinder. You can hear the crackling of great fires in the distance along with the shouting of men and women. You feel tired.

“Hey look, she's waking up!” You hear Silas say as the world comes into focus.

You’ve been laid out on rubble with nary a cushion to soften your head. The fires still rage around but you can hear no gunfire. The church you saw earlier seems to have completely crumbled though a few people, normal ordinary people, are working to clean up the rubble. You push yourself to sit, “What happened?” You wearily question as you look around.

“You collapsed, Your Highness, we had to pull you out of the house and protect you as we cleaned up the rest of the bots,” Abram says from behind you. “Luckily, your strategy left very little to clean up. Still, I have to ask, what happened? What made you faint like that?”

“I-i’m not sure,” It all seems so hazy but the memories are slowly coming to you. The little girl, Alice, and the strange dream. What did it all mean? Or did it have any meaning at all?

“Her Highness does not need an interrogation, inquisitor,” Silas rebukes Abram in your favor, I am certain she is more than able to disclose why this happened if she is given space and time to rest,” But why does he say that? Lip service to your rank? Probably.

You hear Abram’s armor clank as he steps away, “Not much time to rest I’m afraid. Whole towns in chaos. She’ll be required to do something to sort this mess out.”

“And mingle with these barbarians? Surely, you must be jesting, inquisitor. If they want to be separated from the Crown so much then surely they can handle themselves!” Silas announces to the world with pomp, the people around seem too busy to pay him anything more than a passing stink eye.

“How long?” You say in barely more than a whisper.

“About an hour, Your Highness, Asher and Marie managed to take control of the vessel these things,” He kicks what once used to be a metallic skeleton’s arm, “used to arrive here after a big fight with some more put together ‘bots’ as they called them,” Abram says.

“Speak of the Demon Lord,” Silas trails off as two people walk over to your position, Asher and Marie. Marie looks mostly fine with only a few scuffs and bruises while Asher- It would be an understatement to say Asher looks horrid. His left arm hangs limply at his side, his right hand clutching the mangled mass of flesh and splinters that are his upper right forearm. Dried blood cascades from a cut on his forehead. It looks like the fight did not end well for the man and yet despite all that he doesn’t let it deter his pace.
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Marie is the first to react, shouting your name before crashing into you to deliver a hug with the strength of the bear, “I was so worried? What happened? Are you alright? Can I do anything to help?”

“You can get off of me!” You try to say as you squirm from under the excitable woman.

“Oh, right, sorry!” She says before leaping back while pulling you off the rubble as well. She brushes off her clothes before going to brush off yours. Leaving you to make eye contact with the wounded inquisitor.

“Can you heal it?” Is the only thing he says.

“I-it will take awhile,” You’re a bit put off by his cold demeanor, a far cry from his usual self. He simply nods and sits down on the rubble. Healing someone isn’t exactly fun, or pretty work, but you set to it immediately. You’d expect your magic to be drained, you used a lot during the fight and the sudden collapse doesn’t bode well for your mana levels. But as you set to healing the inquisitor's wounds after pulling out the splinters you find casting to be easy, almost like a support mage is boosting you. Strange. At least you’re lucky enough to have a patient who doesn’t complain, even if he should be crying on the ground with the wound he’s suffered.

“We should discuss our next plan of action while we’re all here,” Inquisitor Abram says, his tail twitching as he looks over the destruction, “There is much to do.”

“Our plan should be simple, we counter-attack the Stranger in his home and send him and his army to be nothing more than a report in the archive,” Silas says, “We even have his boat to ram into this fortress.”

Asher gasps as he goes to speak, “D-don’t be too hasty,” a deep breath, “We don’t know what he has up his sleeve.”

“Yeah, I was hardly expecting to fight manga and game characters today,” Marie says like you’re supposed to understand that. You think you hear Inquisitor Asher chuckle under his breath and say something about a lack of originality.

“You mean the figures Asher was fighting before I-” Followed a hallucination and collapsed like a fool is what you don’t say. At least you’re smart enough to put together context clues.

“Mhm! They were really tough! Though I wasn’t expecting such an early boss to be a dual boss!” Marie says.

“Sure, Asher and the Stranger might have struggled against them but surely that isn’t a metric we should be relying on,” Silas scoffs.

“You’re all forgetting this town has been completely destroyed, hundreds are now homeless and the Clan Elder is dead. Are we really going to leave them all here with nothing?”
“Their Clan will send another barbarian leader once word gets out, it’s none of our concern,” Silas again dismisses the aged inquisitor. In the distance you see a wolf demihuman, one who looks rather similar to your sister-in-law, gathering some people to make a line carrying water buckets from the loch to the settlement. You wonder how much good that will do.

“L-let Lorina decide, this is still her training mission,” Asher says as you begin to finish with his arm and move to his head.

“Lad, this stopped being just a training mission a long time ago,” Abram says as he continues to survey the damage.

Inquisitor Silas just huffs while Marie looks between all of you with concern.

>You have questions for the group (what?)

>You should go try and help the settlement, you are their ruler after all (how?)

>You should investigate the skeleton’s ship and bring the fight to the Stranger

>You don’t know what to do

>You have questions for the group (what?)
>”Silus, for the sake of our safety, particularly yours, and whatever pittance of goodwill they might have for us, don’t say anything to anyone in the clan unless either I or Inquisitor Abram says you can. Especially involving your opinions regarding them.”
>”Who is the highest authority left after the attack? We need to talk to them about either a counterattack or to relocate their civilians.”
>”Are there any guards or men-at-arms still here?”
>”What do any of you know of the properties of this… firearm? Have any of you seen something similar before, either here or “elsewhere”?
>”Asher, Marie… I need to talk to you when this mission is over. It’s… important.”

So, I have an idea about getting a few of the clansmen from here and around to “capture” us as a bargaining chip to get the king out of his castle. He must be thinking everyone in this world is a savage, he’ll be expecting the clan to bow down and swear allegiance to his lordship or start worshipping him as a god. And if there’s one thing both warlords and gods like him like, it’s tributes, particularly of pretty maidens to ravish. If he decides to come out, we have a chance to try to either kill him, or find a way to sneak inside and figuratively lock him out of his own castle.
Oh, might as well add two more things to this…
>”Silus, help me put out fires or heal people. Quietly. Asher, Marie, get a bucket and assist.”
>”…and Abram. Find out who she was. Her family deserves to know.”
>Investigate the ship and bring the fight to the Stranger
We can come back to help the clans folk once the threat is dealt with
If we help now it gives mr roboto leeway to send another wave
>You should investigate the skeleton’s ship and bring the fight to the Stranger
>"Who is the highest authority left after the attack? We need to talk to them about either a counterattack or to relocate their civilians."
>You should investigate the skeleton’s ship and bring the fight to the Stranger
Get straight to business. Also, conserve mana for the counterattack.
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It’s finals season anon so sadly updates are going to be a bit more infrequent. Should get one out tomorrow though.
As you finish your work healing the injured inquisitor you look over the assembled group and ask, “Does anyone know who's the highest authority still standing? We should probably coordinate a counterattack or relocation- wait, does this palace have any soldiers or men-at-arms?”

“Your Highness,” Inquisitor Abram looks like he sucked a lemon, “This isn’t the capital. With the Elder gone, there is no real authority here.”

“They’d be lucky if they even had a militia and if so I doubt there's one still standing, princess.”

“Er- right. Is there at least any way we can help organize anything? They’re still my people,” You say, a bit flustered.

“Organize and clansfolk aren’t words usually said in the same sentence,” Silas says.

“Bite your tongue,” You retort fed up with the man's antics, “Least while you can still be heard,” thankfully your words are all that is needed for him to look away in shame.

It seems not even Abram has any idea how to help these people. Yet, you find it strange, even without a central authority they still manage to help each other and their town undeterred. All your life you’ve been taught it is the duty of nobility to lead the peasantry yet after such a crisis they still stand tall and rebuild their home even without leadership. You feel almost as if you’d be getting in these peasants' way should you try to buy in and help them by taking charge. Isn’t that an ironic thought? You, royalty, would be getting in the way of peasants. You know it isn’t a thought that would ever have even crossed your mind months ago.

“I suppose the best way to help these people would be to investigate that ship then, other than the obvious is there anything special about it?”

Inquisitor Asher is the first to speak up, “Nobody’s been inside, Clan thinks it’s cursed and Marie and I were preoccupied. The two bots we were fighting took a lifeboat from it and retreated to the castle after,” he rubs his forearm, exposed from his tattered tunic, “you get the idea.”

Silas looks like he wants to spit a venomous retort but as he catches your eye the words die on his tongue, “Then it is up to us, lead the way.”

Marie takes the initiative first and leads you through the rubble and debris, through the crowds of weary-looking peasants. Their fashion looks so last century and you can’t find any weapon on them greater than a stick with a pointy metal end or a bow. It almost feels like you’ve ventured into a fantasy novel set in ages past, where some of the men were plaid skirts.

“Inquisitor Abram,” You say as you step beside the older man.

“Yes, Your Highness?”

“About that house, the one with the girl is her family-” You are cut off as he gives you a depressive look and shake of his head, “Ah,” Is all you can muster.
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A short walk later and the great metal ship looms above you, its front open like a great maw ready to consume the town. Inside you don’t see much except for a few lights and painted lines, the bottom portion must have been crammed full of skeletons with little room for anything else. However, at the end of the vessel, you do see a set of stairs leading up. Simon sits on a rock on the shore as a large man in a dress stands menacingly in front of the ship along with three others.

“You there!” The man calls out to you as you approach, “You come from Ivern?”

Seeing as the group defers to your authority you step up, “We do.”

“Are you going to take the boat away?” Ah, he must want to use it for his own ends. The settlement of getting a military asset such as this could be a great change for the politics of the border. The Clans would be able to negotiate with much better control over the loch, a very useful natural harbor.

“We intend to,” Though, for the sake of the Crown, it would be much more beneficial if power was still firmly set in Ivern and House Hyland's hands, seeing as they are much more willing to pay their tithes. And their divine authority comes from the Crown meaning that-

“Good, vessels cursed. Has to be. I’d recommend destroying it though,” He says as he spits in the direction of the ship. You suppose your assumption may have been a bit off the mark. Nevertheless, he and his men part to let you in as Abram has a hushed conversation with Simon about him staying in case we can’t get the ship working.

The ship itself is alien and strange, blue lights cascade light in the windowless interior. There is no room for oars or sails and with it being made of metal you find yourself unsure how it even operates. It must be very high-level magic. Still, that doesn’t help how cold the ship feels, not in a literal sense but in a way you find hard to describe. It’s almost too perfect, too angular, too soulless. However, Marie doesn’t seem to have your hesitation, seemingly feeling at home. Surprisingly the same can be said for Asher. Perhaps this is a more normal contraction on Earth? And the inquisitor started his job rather young, perhaps he’s just used to it by now? Maybe you will be one day as well.
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The top of the vessel doesn’t lead to a mess hall or crew quarters. It’s most likely the vessel doesn’t have either, only containing the storage below and the control room here. Small armored windows show the destroyed town in front of the boat but more importantly is that there are these devices that also show the exterior of the ship, somehow. Even without windows, you can see the sides and back of the ship as if they were paintings on a weird screen, while buttons and paint in a strange language denote different sections? There are a few other chairs and different consoles but you can’t make heads or tails of any of it. Idly you also see a [BIG RED BUTTON] at the center of the front console. It’s unmarked and you wonder what it does.

“Turrets, controls, AC, engines, hmmm.” Marie whispers to herself as she looks around before she nods and jumps up to gather the group's attention, “Alright! I think I can steer her, the controls are just like a big game of World of Warships!” She says with excitement.

“You can read this?” Silas says.

“Yep! It’s all in Japanese!” Ah, isn’t that the region she is from?

Everyone else looks rather lost looking at the controls though you wonder if you can trust Marie to pilot the whole thing.

>Regardless, you press the [BIG RED BUTTON]

>It should be fine letting Marie get you to the Metal Castle

>You’d feel more safe taking simons smaller boat

>Wait, you still want to do something in the settlement (what?)

>It should be fine letting Marie get you to the Metal Castle
Do not the button.
>>It should be fine letting Marie get you to the Metal Castle
Ask about the big red button...
It sits there, mocking me. Demanding that my fingertips press it...
>”Any chance you saw the word for Armory while heading up?”
>It should be fine letting Marie get you to the Metal Castle
>Eventually remember she got seasick when she was on Simon’s boat
>It should be fine letting Marie get us there
Lmao this guy copied a video game interface for his ships? Lack of originality indeed.
Suddenly, the Cyberpunk 2077 assault rifle makes more sense. Let’s hope his attempts to develop the Sidewinder is still in the prototyping phase.
>It should be fine letting Marie get you to the Metal Castle.
>Tell her NOT to press the big red button. It's clearly a trap for boarding parties.
>>Regardless, you press the [BIG RED BUTTON]
>>It should be fine letting Marie get you to the Metal Castle
>Fight Big Red Button urge
>It should be fine letting Marie get you to the Metal Castle
>It should be fine letting Marie get you to the Metal Castle
a lot to let Marie drive

1 to be awesome.

>while the boat is just parked on the beach and not, say, flying through the air firing all its guns and missiles into the fortress like if the World of Warships developers inhaled a pillowcase of cocaine each while watching REDLINE and were told to make their game that plus Twisted Metal

QM, there’s awesome, and then there’s AWESOME.
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Er, the anime movie REDLINE. Forgot the clarification.
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Idly you feel your hand drifting just a bit to the [BIG RED BUTTON] but manage to control your sudden urge before anyone sees it. If only this ship had an armory to distract you from the [BIG RED BUTTON] alas you have to be content sitting on of the surprisingly comfortable seats and twiddling your thumbs.

Marie settles into the frontmost chair and begins working at what appears to be a weird-looking typewriter keyboard. Then she examines a few screens, looks over the dashboard, flips a few switches, presses a few buttons, and soon enough the maw of the ship closes and you take off from the shore. As you leave you see Simon wave to the window and start walking in the direction of his much smaller boat. “Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. Prepare for a calm and relaxing ride as we head towards the fortress. Our time to destination will be about thirty minutes, thank you again for choosing Su-Sarodieu Express.”

“You know when it’s just people in the know you can use your real name, right?” Asher says from his position, leaning on the back wall.

“But I like using the other name! It’s like having a secret identity, I’m practically a superhero!”

“You’re not- actually sure, you’re like a superhero.”

“See? Even if you agree!” The inquisitor's only response is to sigh. Marie then flips a switch and adjusts a nod and then… music? Fills the chamber. It sounds rather strange like nothing you’ve heard before.

Inquisitor Silas looks around with his hand on his hilt, “Did a band sneak in here somehow?” He questions before realizing how idiotic that statement is, “Stranger, what did you do?” He spits harsh words to hide his embarrassment.

“I saw there was a radio so I turned it on,” Marie says, “Though it sounds like the Lofi stream for whatever reason, want me to see if there's anything else?”

“No, I would prefer if you messed with your kind of technology as little as possible.”

“Oh okay,” Marie seems completely oblivious to his hostile intent.

There’s a moment of silence before you ask the ground a question you’ve been meaning to get answers. A question about the strange rifle you’ve acquired and you subsequently pull out and inspect, “Does anyone know how this all works?”

You get three headshakes from Marie, Silas, and Bartholomew though the aged inquisitor does give a word, “Strangetech, and one used for warfare. Might be best to remain ignorant of its inner workings than study it and have its secrets get out.”

“Like the matchlocks did?” You ask.

“We're lucky it was only matchlocks,” The old man says with a far-off look.

“Let me see it,” Surprising Asher walks over and takes the weapon from you after you relent.
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It only takes a few moments for him to seemingly learn the foreign weapon's inner workings. He ends up flicking a switch on the side and bringing out a storage device that holds little bronze spearheads. “Looks like you’re a bit under half mag, just flip this switch when you want to start shooting things again,” He shows off the switch at the side of the magazine he switched, “And hold it like this,” he presses the back into his shoulder and uses his left hand to grab near the front and right to grab where the trigger is. “Probably better to just take a new one than teach you to reload this one though,” He says before handing the gun back to you.

You fix him with an odd look, “You seem rather experienced with this.”

He shrugs as he leans back on the wall, “Seen stuff like it before. Learned on the field,” You suppose that is a reasonable explanation though for some reason Marie looks smug, like she’s just confirmed something as she steers the vessel. Silas just scoffs.

A bit more time goes by and Marie goes to break the silence, “You know, I’m happy the lake is so calm and the ships massive. I’d probably be vomiting all over the place otherwise.”

“That is certainly a strange way to start a conversation,” Inquisitor Abram raises his eyebrow at the Stranger.

“Is it? I’m sorry, I usually just say the first thing that comes to my mind and- well- I’m sorry,” Marie is very quick to apologize, which has the old inquisitor looking even more confused/worried than he did originally.

“No it’s fine-” He is however interrupted by a flashing red light appearing on Marie’s console and a face appearing on said screen. A face that is similar to Marie's but male, the face of a Stranger.

“So you’ve chosen to be an even larger thorn in my side than I initially thought. I’d laugh if it wasn’t so annoying.”

Silas is the first to speak, practically rushing over to the display screen showing the Strangers face, “Who are you, explain yourself this instant!”

“Name’s Watanabe Akio and you’re the members of the Inquisition, I presume? No need to answer, I already know,” Silas snarls,” I’ve already received reports from my Noble Class units. Seems you’re to thank for my mission to Clan Mathan ending in failure, though I will give you the benefit of the doubt. You cannot possibly comprehend what you’re trying to stop.”

“And what exactly would that be?” You ask.

“Simple, world domination,” At least he’s honest? If insane, “I was killed and dropped into a world where savagery and feudalism are still the norm and given the gifts to stop it. I will put an end to suffering and elevate the world to Utopia, I will end history, and if that must be by dragging this world kicking and screaming then so be it,” He has yet to soften his determined and uncompromising expression.
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“What? Why!?” Marie says in a wavering voice, “Y-you didn’t help anyone back there! You kidnapped people, killed people, destroyed their lives!” She yells at the man.

The male Stranger sighs but does not look deterred, “It is regrettable that my gift comes at a cost, but if a few hundred must die to save millions then that is a sin I am willing to bear for the sake of the world.”

“You monster!” Marie looks angered.

“What I find even more regrettable is that a fellow Japanese citizen is with the party trying to stop me. What is it that motivates you, I wonder? Is this an act of survival after being caught by the Inquisition? Malice born out of hatred for your people? Or are you still living in a naive fantasy that you’re some anime heroine fighting bad guys and saving the world? Because I hate to tell you the tooth fairy is not real but the latter is untrue.”

“I-i,” Marie is at a loss for words.

“That’s enough,” Your own words come out with more force than you expected them to have, “What intention do you have opening a dialog with us? I have a feeling it is not simple to taunt.”

“It would be childish of me if it was. I am here to inform you to stop-”

“Afraid?” You haughtily cut him off.

“Hardly,” But he is not deterred, “You are attempting the impossible, look at what I have built in just a few weeks. A few more and I’ll have control of the entire region.”

“And that’s exactly why we’re here,” Inquisitor Asher says, “But given how you’re so knowledgeable I assume you already know that,” That’s a statement, not a question.

The Stranger nods, “It would be foolish to throw your lives away against inevitability. I am here asking for your conditional surrender, I can assure you that you will be given every right befitting the common man during your stay as political hostages. I will not force you to do anything unfavorable, nor engage in acts of torture or cruelty. Your internment will be more like a vacation than a prison, you may even be in contact with one another if you so choose.”

“As if we’d believe that,” Silas comments.

“It is your choice whether you wish to or not, but I implore you to at least consider my proposal before you crash my ship into my city. I have told no lies throughout our discussion.”

“And with me as a hostage, you’d be in a much better position to negotiate with Lindan as a whole.”

“I hope that with your father's reputation, it will be a peaceful ceding of power, though I promise no harm will come to you if they choose otherwise.”

“Then it isn’t much of a threat if my safety isn’t on the line.”

“They will not know that, of course.”

You scoff and

>Ask the Stranger something else [What?]

>Deny the Stranger’s offer of surrender

>Accept the Stranger's offer of surrender

>Deny the Stranger’s offer of surrender
No one who truly means well starts off by kidnapping and killing. He can't be trusted.
I feel like Lorina should keep him talking for time, in case he has his finger on a remote self destruct button for the ship. At the very least having him focus on her will distract from everyone else preparing for his shenanigans.

>Ask the Stranger something else [What?]
>”Your ‘Noble’ never did mention if kidnapping was legal in your world, but judging by context clues, it is not. So tell me… What reason should a lawful society, primitive as it might be, be willing to put fetters on itself in service for someone who’s willing to cast the rules of his own world aside when he no longer feels the pressure to abide them?”
>Deny the Stranger’s offer of surrender

And if playing on his arrogance might help, maybe have either one of the Strangers say…
>”You could think of it as a stress test. See how much five inquisitors might be able to damage you, for the price of some easily replaced droids and a boat.”
…and I just thought of a fun way to mess with Akio.

>Asher ”accidentally” turns on the radio to a staticky channel and claims Akio’s signal is breaking up.
>You didn't understood the situation.
You're the third wanna-be lord of the world this year alone. Do you know how it went for the other? You were gracious enough to offer us surrender. That's better than the other maniacs. Thus, we offer surrender to you to.
>>Accept the Stranger's offer of surrender
>>Deny the Stranger’s offer of surrender

Make fun of him. If he was so confidant of victory, he wouldn't have bothered to contact us to negotiate in the first place. He'd just kill us. Seems that someone isn't too confident of his chances of victory.
>Demand to know the policies he intends to implement then dismantle them using our superior education.
Serves to both distract and humiliate him.
>Deny the Stranger’s offer of surrender
>"Your attack on Clan Mathan failed due to a handful of 'savages' armed with swords, and you still think you can conqueror the world? I've met Strangers obsessed with building slave harems that had more realistic goals."
>Accept the Stranger's offer of surrender
>Deny the Stranger’s offer of surrender
>Accept the Stranger's offer of surrender
Accepting their offer means we surrender, right? So no, we're not surrendering.

>Deny the Stranger’s offer of surrender
>Identify the loyalist faction and take the lead, let your soldiers back you up.
"Tell me about your Utopia. How will people work, live and be governed?" Let him ramble on and get distracted.
The update will come tomorrow, I say knowing full well it's about a 50% chance at most. Sorry for the wait, hopefully, I get more free time soon.
No problem. Thanks for the heads-up, QM! Real life always comes first.
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Life and The Curse happens to everyone, OP, don’t let it get you down. I’m just glad it’s only finals that’s in your way, and that you’re letting us know.

Here’s some motivation Silvaria in these trying times.
6 to deny

3 to accept

And thank you for all the write-ins

All I'm saying is that we're so back, writing.
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“What is it that makes you think that you hold any legitimate claim to rule?” You question, “In fact, you’re not even the first Stranger this month who claimed a status such as this. Fools.” Is the want to be a monarch such a common desire on Earth? It’s one you truly don’t understand after seeing the stress the position has put on your father.

“While I do not know the capabilities of this other Stranger nor their motive I can assure you once I’ve established a monopoly over violence with my armies my rule will be far from illegitimate.”

“It is the Goddess herself that gives the Crown its authority!” You’re appalled by his assertion, “Can a brigand simply claim themselves a king once they’ve beaten up enough peasants?”

“Yes, that is kinda how it works. History has a precedent for warlords founding empires.”

You’re almost too mad to even argue the point. Perhaps in Earth’s barbaric histories that is true, however unlikely it is, but here in your world things are handled with civility and grace. “So you admit to being nothing more than a warlord willing to forsake their morality for power? I can hardly imagine kidnapping is a legal pastime even on Earth, nor that people would willingly follow a tyrant willing to break with their moral values.”

“I will not deny the atrocities I have committed and will commit to bring this world into the future. Progress has always been marred by suffering, be it from the pains of Britain's Industrial Revolution or the Great Leap Forward of China. I am a tyrant and a warmonger yet centuries from now when we are all dust, history will see my actions necessary to bring about a new age to this world and end the feudal old world order.” How can one man be so full of himself?

“And yet you haven’t spent a single breath describing how this new world will operate, do you even know?”

“My Utopia will be a realm of peace and stability, my creations will make sure of that. While rights may be limited to an extent everyone's needs will be accounted for and their caretakers will ensure they are given the freedom to pursue whatever craft they please, free of expectation and suffering.”

“That still doesn’t say much, do you even know the beginning of statecraft or are you only at the stage where you can make a promise but never deliver? I have a man obsessed with building a slave harem with realistic goals than you.”

“I can now see you approach from outside my window, I do not believe we have the time for a lecture on governance. Now will you submit or will my army end your story here?”
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“Oh no, your army I’m so scared~” Asher is clearly not scared even if he does bring up “shakey” hands in a yield, “An entire invasion force of yours taken out by what five people? Doesn’t really inspire confidence in your ‘men’, now does it.”

“Five elite agents of a prestigious secretive society funded by current world order. While it is a setback you’ve hardly put a dent in my forces nonetheless my potential forces once my industry is allowed to snowball.”

“Snowball? Really? What are you a fucking paradox player and this is all one big LARP? Jesus fucking Christ.” Asher trails on and you see Marie develop a smirk on her face at the console.

“Indeed I will admit I am a fan of all kinds of strategy video games. They have served as a decent escape from the harsh realities of my previous life,” The Stranger then blinks, “Wait how do you know-”

The next thing you know Asher is standing right by Marie and rapidly adjusting the nob she turns to fill the room with music. However now it is filling the room with harsh static, added to the fact that Asher now has a hand covering his mouth and is making broken-up noises with his mouth, “Oh no- we’re in a tunnel- the connection- breaking up-”

The Stranger glares at him through the console but seeing as none of you have even considered the thought of surrender concedes defeat and cuts the call. You’ve got him talking for a decently long time as well, you’re practically next to the wall-

An explosion rocks the vessel you’re on before another volley of cannon fire leaves a port hole in the wall. You can also see mortar shells flying from behind the wall as a legion of skeletons fire on your vessel. Marie frantically tries to steer away but all that seems to accomplish is throwing everyone else around the cabin. “H-hold on everyone! I don’t see anywhere to dock, this might be a rough landing.

In the ensuing chaos you manage to

>Land on a chair to a turret and try your best to navigate alien controls

>Manage to stand and direct a panicking Marie on where to go

>Fly around the compartment before you find yourself sitting on the [BIG RED BUTTON]

>Manage to stand and direct a panicking Marie on where to go
>After she crashes into something, get flung forward into console and manage to press the button with “attributes”
We should go full anime, agree to this.
Then our character can act all depressed afterwards and bemoan her assets (possibly wonder if there's Stranger Technology to shrink the size of it somewhere)
>Manage to stand and direct a panicking Marie on where to go
Ram the ship, just like the St Nazaire raid.
What Akio forgets (because he only knows history from Youtube) is that empire-founding warlords all either were rulers of their own polities already, or took steps to legitimize their rule, even if as inane as claiming the previous ruler was a shapeshifting wizard.

Tripping up, Asher! How unprofessional.

>Fly around the compartment before you find yourself sitting on the [BIG RED BUTTON]

>all depressed afterwards and bemoan her assets
If you get flung onto a console chest first you'd end up pushing the buttons regardless of how big your boobs are... just saying <.<

Are you questioning Anime logic?
>Manage to stand and direct a panicking Marie on where to go
Lets try and be a dignified princess

>Then our character can act all depressed afterwards and bemoan her assets (possibly wonder if there's Stranger Technology to shrink the size of it somewhere)
Still extremely opposed to this
>Manage to stand and direct a panicking Marie on where to go
Speaking of LARPing, you guys think Lorina might have heard about any classmates doing a Marie Antoinette (or a Bill Koch for a modern example) and play acting as peasants in a fake set-up village for fun? Or, y'know, participated?
6 to direct Marie then press the button

1 to press the button

2 to just direct marine

Writing. Will probably be a pretty short update.
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“-That way not that way! Do you even know how to drive this thing?!” Very quickly you find yourself right behind Marie and shouting orders to her. You act as any dignified princess ought to with clear and concise commands perfectly relayed to your subordinate, “You’re going to crash into the wall! Do you even know where a dock is?!” Perfect directions.

Sadly, through no fault of your own, Marie seems to have completely lost control of the ship in her panic and now you’re hurdling towards a huge and very well-fortified metal wall near full speed. You’d try to wrestle controls away but you have no idea what any button or gizmo actually does and would likely commit more harm than help. However, it isn’t like much more harm could happen than what’s currently taking place. Or so you think until an artillery shell hits the bow and the boat shakes harshly.

There doesn’t seem to be much lasting damage to your tank of a ship but you, along with your other inquisitors, are flown around the cabin for a brief moment. And due to your position right behind the captain’s chair, you find yourself flailing towards the dashboard where a part of yourself that is completely irrelevant to the story at hand manages to press the [BIG RED BUTTON] out of no fault of your own.


The alarm repeats in a loud tone as all the lights in the ship come on a flashing red. You’re pretty sure someone screams but you’re not exactly sure who. Before Asher barks out, “Open the bay doors, now!” To Marie as he helps you up and pushes you towards the stairs.

What happens next is a mad dash towards the opening mouth of the ship as said mouth rushes towards an actual wall. You’re the one leading the way but the others are not far behind you. After all, there is not a plethora of options for anyone to choose from. Jump into the water and maybe live, or stay on the ship and die. If only the skeletons would not take this as an opportunity to shoot inside the boat.

Perhaps, this will be your end, that the tale of Lorina de Lindan will end ignobly in a random explosion. A rather ungraceful way to go in your opinion but you suppose that won’t be your problem soon enough. You continue to run as you enhance your body and speed with just enough concentration to make it to the loading ramp and jump just as the explosion goes off.
You’re not exactly sure how cool, graceful, or painful the next few moments are as you find yourself waking.

>Seemingly underground. A hole behind you is barely sealed by the remains of your vessel as water leaks into this subterranean space. You also see Inquisitor Asher waking a few feet away.

>Inside a building made almost completely of clear glass. You look to be rather close to the main streets of the fortress/city. Nearby you can hear Marie coughing.

>On some sort of elevated trolley line. Below you are the streets and the smaller glass buildings. You hear groaning that you soon figure out belongs to Inquisitor Silas.
>On some sort of elevated trolley line. Below you are the streets and the smaller glass buildings. You hear groaning that you soon figure out belongs to Inquisitor Silas.
>Inside a building made almost completely of clear glass. You look to be rather close to the main streets of the fortress/city. Nearby you can hear Marie coughing.

Shopping trip time! Or perhaps stealing trip might be more accurate.
>>Inside a building made almost completely of clear glass. You look to be rather close to the main streets of the fortress/city. Nearby you can hear Marie coughing
>On some sort of elevated trolley line. Below you are the streets and the smaller glass buildings. You hear groaning that you soon figure out belongs to Inquisitor Silas
>>Inside a building made almost completely of clear glass. You look to be rather close to the main streets of the fortress/city. Nearby you can hear Marie coughing.
>Inside a building made almost completely of clear glass. You look to be rather close to the main streets of the fortress/city. Nearby you can hear Marie coughing
>You act as any dignified princess ought to with clear and concise commands perfectly relayed to your subordinate, “You’re going to crash into the wall! Do you even know where a dock is?!” Perfect directions.
At least we tried

>On some sort of elevated trolley line. Below you are the streets and the smaller glass buildings. You hear groaning that you soon figure out belongs to Inquisitor Silas.
Redemption arc
>>Inside a building made almost completely of clear glass. You look to be rather close to the main streets of the fortress/city. Nearby you can hear Marie coughing.
Apologize for hitting the red button, and unwittingly quote some Alice in Wonderland: "If you drink much from a bottle marked 'poison,' it is almost certain to disagree with you, sooner or later."
3 for Silas

5 for Marie

1 for the secret 4th option

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Your head immediately snaps in the direction of Marie’s coughs, to your immediate regret. That sure wasn’t your finest moment or landing and now you’re paying the price. Or you would be if it weren’t for the fact that you’re an exceptionally skilled Mageknight and self-restoration for pain is more like a cantrip than a spell to you now. You just wish the spell was immediate instead of a gradual listening of said pain, silver lining is you’re at least able to crawl over to your friend-er your subordinate and check on her condition.

She is conscious but looks like she wishes she wasn’t. You’re worried that she’s going to cough herself into vomiting as she spasms with wide eyes looking terrified at the world around her. Eventually, however, she does stop coughing as you put a hand on her and try to channel your healing energy into her. She doesn’t seem to recognize you for a second as she tries, and fails, to push you away as her mouth unleashes incoherent noises caused more by panic than a desire to speak. Then all of a sudden she stops as her body goes stock still and she takes a few deep breaths. You’re taken aback by the development until you see the sword in her grasp. Was she even capable of summoning it in that state? Did it summon itself?

Regardless, Marie can sit up and look at you with clear eyes, “Lorina? What happened? Where is everyone?”

“The ship exploded. It must have been hit by a rocket causing it too,” It was certainly not because someone, not naming names, accidentally crashed into a suitably ominous and enticing-looking button, “You’re the only person who I saw around but I haven’t been up long,” You take a look outside the glass building, you only see approaching skeletons.

“Do you think they’re alright?”

“They’re all Inquisitors, I’m sure they can handle themselves.”

“Yeah… I hope so,” She trails off.

“Come on, we should get moving. It’s not safe to stay this close to the wreck,” A bit through the glass you see the smoldering crater that is your vessel. You also see that the overcast skies have transitioned into a light rain that only seems to be picking up by the minute. How long were you unconscious?

“But where are we going to go?”

That’s- actually a pretty good question. The building you’re in is mostly empty, more like a shell than somewhere a person would live or work, and you’re on the ground floor. You see some kind of device off in the corner that seems to have a center-parted door and numbers above it but you have no idea how to operate such a device and a lack of stairs means you have no way of ascending or descending the building.

“I think I see a back door, we’ll hide in the alleys for now until we can think of a plan,” Marie doesn’t answer you with a determined nod. You leave the building just in time as gunfire breaks through the glass and impacts where you were just moments ago.
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As you enter and sprint into the storm through a bizarre landscape of concrete, steel, and glass, you very quickly find yourself lost. You’ve avoided any main roads, sticking to alleyways like your mentor has done before but the increasingly heavy rain makes it very hard to see, especially without someone to guide the way. And as you wonder if every Stranger hunt is going to take place in a storm something magnificent happens, the city comes alive. Streetlamps flicker on, lights on the sides of buildings glow a fluorescent hew, and billboards written in both your language and a foreign one light up in neon colors. But as you look inside a lit building, you see nothing of note other than scattered nondescript furniture. The city is alive, but it’s not lived in.

As you stand, dazzled by the display before you, Marie yanks on your arm and pulls you into a different alley as a flying boxlike vessel speeds above you. You startled and jump back, “What was that?” Is your totally not lame question.

“I think that was a flying car? Or carriage or whatever. I can’t tell if it was just for show or not?”

“For show? Why would it be for show?”

“The whole city is, isn’t it? It’s not like anyone lives here so the buildings don’t have any meaning other than to be imposing.”

“That’s what this is? A threat?”

“Maybe? I doubt the Stranger wants it to be vacant forever, but it’s not like he invited people to settle,” You don’t mention that he sort of did, “The car might be the same or it might have a camera.”

“Don’t photographs take minutes to make though?”

She doesn’t deign to answer your question and instead asks one of her own, “What do you think the chances Watanabe is at the giant skyscraper in the back? Looks like it would make for a good dungeon and boss room at the top,” She says as she points toward a massive glass and metal structure. With the ongoing storm, you cannot even see the top of the structure as it reaches into the clouds.

You decide to forgo asking questions on every eccentricity of the Stranger’s words, and the ones you don’t understand, and just give an affirmative, “It’s certainly where I’d live, it must be nice having a room that overlooks your entire city.”

“Be a lot better if people lived in it.”

“I suppose?” Is this a point of contention for her? She seems rather annoyed, you wonder why?

“Hopefully, we can meet up with everyone else there. But how should we proceed?”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re usually the one that comes up with our plans, I thought you’d want to make more. Was I wrong?”

“Wait, uh, of course, I knew that. It is the job of nobility to lead the way after all.”
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“Then do you want to try and ambush one of those flying cars? We could probably get the drop on one if we get to the top of one of the buildings.” What?! That question takes you off guard, never would you think Marie would suggest such a daring plan.

“Do you know how to operate one? Is it common on Earth?”

She side-eyes her sword, “Let’s just say I have a hunch I’ll know how. It’d get us out of the rain too.”

“Wouldn’t it be safer to keep to the alleys? We’ve evaded all the patrols so far like this.”

“Can you promise you won’t get us lost?” You don’t answer.

“Main road then.”

“The entire city would be after us if we’re that obvious about it.”

“That’s still probably safer than trying to land on a ‘car’ that’s flying and going ten times faster than a horse!”

“What are you saying you can’t do it? Gah! What’s with her?!

In the end, you decide to

>Try Marie’s insane plan

>Keep to the alleys

>Charge through the main road


>This would also be a good time to ask Marie any questions now that the two of you are alone [Questions?]
>Try Marie’s insane plan
Who doesn't want to try flying

>This would also be a good time to ask Marie any questions now that the two of you are alone [Questions?]
Mention that when you passed out earlier, you had the strangest dream about a girl called Alice talking about a Wonderland. You think it was some kind of mental attack by Watanabe.
>Try Marie’s insane plan

As for questions:
>”Is this what a city on your world looks like? It’s very… advanced, but the architecture seems so… flat. No gargoyles, no buttresses…”
>”What exactly did Asher mean by LARP? It’s sounds like some sort of game…”
>”Do you ever miss your home?”
Oh, just thought of something else to ask:
>”When we finish this mission, would you be alright if I try to research the history regarding your sword? I’ve seen plenty of ceremonial swords, but none that are that heavily enchanted for general use in battle.”
>Try Marie’s insane plan

> [Questions?]
"Do you agree with Wata-what's-his-name that we are bunch of primitives?"

>Try Marie’s insane plan
>>Try Marie’s insane plan
>>Keep to the alleys
>Keep to the alleys
>Try Marie’s insane plan

> [Questions?]
"Do you agree with Wata-what's-his-name that we are bunch of primitives?"
Actually, does Marie have any questions she'd like to ask us? Particularly ones about what the noble dating scene is like? It could be a good way to move onto our unrequited love thing with Von Herrman.
>>Keep to the alleys
6 to hijak a flying car

3 to sneak around

Not letting me upload photos on my laptop

As you step inside the closest building you get a sense of uneasy quiet, only the sound of the rain and your footsteps against the tiled floors are heard. You’ve seemed to find an area not even the skeletons are patrolling, or maybe they’re preoccupied elsewhere. Yet, the strangest thing is that Marie, the usual chatterbox, is stern-faced and silent as she marches on with the sword in her hand. You have to take it upon yourself to ease the tension.

“Hey, Marie, have you ever heard of something called ‘Alice in Wonderland’ before?” You ask.

She blinks a few times and it seems she is snapped out of her reprieve as her sword dissipates, “Hm? Yeah of course I have, I even cosplayed as her in Tokyo Disneyland.”

“What? You know of her?”

“I mean she’s a pretty popular character, though I haven’t read the actual book. I watched the old movie though! Wait, how do you know of her?”

How does she know this? It’s all too strange, “I- I had a dream, a nightmare I guess, when I fainted back in the town. I thought it was just that, or maybe a mental attack by the Stranger but,” You trail off as Marie presses a button calling forth two doors to open like the device you saw in the previous building, “That wasn’t the first time either.”

“That’s weird,” Marie seems rather confused, “I mean I’m new here but I can guess it’s Stranger related. This guy doesn’t seem like one to enjoy that kind of stuff though so maybe it’s someone else?”

“Maybe,” So this Alice girl is someone from Earth? Or at least a part of a book? This tale is getting stranger the more you learn about it but Marie seems just as lost as you. You think perhaps it’s best to change the topic as this “elevator” as Marie calls it travels to its farthest destination, “You know Wata-watane-we- whatever his name called this land primitive, and seeing all this stuff you’re familiar with that I’m not,” You trail off for a second before your mouth moves faster than your mind, “Do you think that’s true?”

Normally when asked to give a critique by a royal a person's first response is to flatter and deflect, but Maries isn’t. She purses her lips and considers for enough time to make you nervous as the elevator continues its ascent. “I wouldn’t say you’re primitive I don’t think. I haven’t been here long enough to tell but it looks like you’re pretty advanced in some ways while behind in others compared to Earth’s history.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I mean I’m pretty sure feudalism and nobility was basically over when railroads were around, but don’t quote me on that.”

“Nobility was over?” You question comes out after many a pause to digest the information.

“I mean not in every country but for most the practice is at least a couple centuries old.”
“But what do you do without nobles to guide you? It’s not like everyone can read and write.”

“Hm? Yeah they can, we’re taught that in public school.”

“Public what? There are schools for the public? Like the commoners?”

“I mean I guess we're all commoners and without nobles, we all vote for our leaders, though I think my uncle mentioned were descendants of samurai one time. Hey! Wait Lorina, why did you freeze up all of a sudden,” She starts waving her hand in front of your face, “Are you okay?”

By the time the elevator doors open you find yourself thinking that Earth is a very barbaric place indeed. As you walk a few flights of stairs past empty halls with numbered rooms you have a bit more small talk between the two of you, if nothing more to break the silence. Marie agrees to let you study her sword and its effects on her. She answers a few questions on Earth’s barbaric and utilitarian architecture her home city of Tokyo is much like the one you’re currently in, though she does shut up when you mention Asher’s mention of the word LARP and recommends you ask him yourself with a mischievous smile, like that of your brother when he inquired about Von Herrman to a younger you.

But with all this talk of her home and what makes it different from yours you find yourself asking perhaps a very personal question to the girl who told you she died as you wait for another car, “Do you… miss you home?”

“No.” She practically snaps the answer making you blink at the suddenness, “Eto, sorry. I didn’t have a good home life, not after,” She stops and shakes her head, causing water to fly from her hair, “Never mind, maybe we’ll talk about it later but,” She again stops.

“It’s fine, I understand.”

“Thank you.”

A sound of thunder and a flash of lightning goes off in the distance as the storm continues to worsen. Sometime during your wait Marie’s sword is resummoned to her hand and just as you’re about to again break the silence a flying machine comes directly under you, “Jump!” Marie shouts before taking the lead and leaping off the obscenely tall building. You do so, it is a terrifying experience.
You try to channel the wind, the rain, anything in your panic to soften your fall but soon enough you hear the impact of Marie against the car before you too find yourself landing behind her. You’re still very far in the air but a few stories below the building, if you didn’t have magic to strengthen your muscles you’re certain the fall would have hurt quite a lot. Marie however doesn’t seem to mind, whispering something about taking that Kai Leng before reaching over to the side of the vessel and making the top half of the vehicle rise. You hold on to dear life as Marie climbs into the shaking car, stabs the skeleton driving, throws its body to the ground below, and takes control of the driver's seat. She shouts at you to hop in and you do so as fast as you can before the top half of the car closes above you.

Marie seems to have taken control of the vehicle like an expert and brings it to its original altitude, “How did you know how to drive this thing?” You end up asking as your body adjusts to being in a flying vehicle.

“Same as with my sword, It’s just a gut feeling.”

“That does not inspire confidence, Marie!”

“I know!” She says as she turns the corner of the building you rode the elevator on and set course for the massive building.

It takes a minute for your chest to stop beating so hard even as you close your eyes and put a hand to it to try and calm it faster, but when you reopen your eyes you see the city in an entirely new light. Above it. Marie slows the car down to mimic the speed it was going at before as the silence drags. Though this time she’s the one to break it, “Hey Ina, you ever have a boyfriend.”

“A boy- what?”

“A boyfriend or someone you’re dating, I guess? Like romantically engaged?”



“I was betrothed to a prince ever since I was a toddler, it was annulled a few months ago after we engaged in a duel and I lost.”


“It’s fine, I am over it,” You damn well are not.

“Thats good?”

“What about you?”

“Well I almost did.”


“I had a childhood friend I thought would confess to me during High School, he confessed to another of our friends.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s fine, I’m over it.”

This conversation has taken a rather awkward turn, you’re almost thankful for the explosions that happen around you to distract yourself from it. One happens to your left destroying a few small buildings while the other happens to your left and appears to be originating from the ground. Marie also takes this time to mention a car that’s been trailing you even after she took a few weird turns to shake them off. The main building however is getting closer though and you may be able to just fly to the top given you don’t engage anything else.
>You should investigate the explosion to your right

>You should investigate the explosion to your left

>Maybe tell Marie to try and shake off the pursuer again?

>Just find the Stranger already, you’re so close.

It's stormy outside of the car, right? Fire a lightning bullet above the pursuer to summon an actual bolt of lightning to hit them. Then, since I can't tell which explosion is to our right, go to the exploding building.
>Just find the Stranger already, you’re so close.
The explosions are probably Asher and Silas, distracting Watanabe for us. Don't get distracted ourselves.
>Maybe tell Marie to try and shake off the pursuer again?
>Just find the Stranger already, you’re so close.
Oh no, Marie was the losing shildhood friend! I hope she didn't lose to a tsundere, or Lorina will bring up bad memories.

>Just find the Stranger already, you’re so close.
>Just find the Stranger already, you’re so close.

QM, did you create that whole Quest for the "Stranger Danger" pun?
>>Just find the Stranger already, you’re so close.
>Just find the Stranger already, you’re so close.

Marie, did you have short blue hair in your old life? Common condition of romantic losers.
Looks like most people want to book it to the Stranger with only Marie, a fun scenario in my opinion. But due to this can I have 3d20? 1st will decide Asher’s fate, then Barths, and 3rd is Silas as they all wander the city.

I have bad news for you. Alas the childhood friend never wins.
Rolled 1, 15, 4 = 20 (3d20)

Triple twenty or triple one, there can be no other option.
Alright, I'm confused. Do you mean one of us roll three twenty sided dice, or do you mean three different people roll one twenty sided die each?

>Alas the childhood friend never wins.
I guess Lorina's proof of that...
I usually prefer having three people roll 20s since that lets more people roll. But a critfail a success and a low failure is probably the funniest way the dice could have rolled here. Next update won't show the immediate ramifications but just because Asher can't die doesn't mean things are going to be great when they do show up. Writing
Rolled 11, 6, 6 = 23 (3d20)

Thanks for the clarification, OP. Might be better to phase it as "Three rolls of 1d20" to avoid confusion, though.

...Also, fuckit, gonna roll to see if I could have done better. Three natural twenties and the dweebus surrenders his kingdom.
So basically more middling overall. Meh.

Anyone else want to try rolling?
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Despite everything going on around you you decide that the best course of action is to simply sit back in your seat as Marie leads you towards the giant building. It’s a lot harder to do than it seems. You feel yourself wanting to do something, like attack the car behind you with lightning or have Marie try to shake off the said vehicle. But with the Stranger’s residence, it has to be the Stranger’s residence look at how big it is, so close you feel you’d just be prolonging what you could put a stop to now. Once the Stranger is dealt with then that means everyone is going to be safe, then you can find each other and leave this awful place.

“Hey, Ina?”


“I don’t want to alarm you but-”

“What is it?”

“Look out the back window.”

You do so only to see a rather alarming sight. As a skeleton, at least it looks like it’s a skeleton from this far away, climbs out of the opened car while another drives. The next thing you see is a beam of light heading straight towards your car. You hear the explosion before it happens as your back thruster is hit and your car is sent spinning towards the ground.

“Marie- Marie!” You shout to the girl as she grits her teeth and speaks in a language you don’t understand.

“I know,” She says back as another beam of light misses your vehicle.

“Marie, we're going to crash!”

“I know!” She shouts as a third beam fires straight through the air separating the two of you, straight through the glass of the window behind the vehicle and the window in front.

You’re not conscious of the fourth beam as the car slams into the glass windows of the megastructure and your head impacts against the dashboard. Thankfully however your brief spell of unconsciousness during the fiery crash is only for a moment as when you wake in the broken vehicle you have enough time to climb out with Marie before it explodes. Like every single other one of the damnable Stranger’s creations. As you duck for cover behind a desk to shield yourself from shrapnel the car of your pursuer makes a stop by the hole Marie’s driving created.

The car hovers over the hole for a second before it opens up and the metal skeleton who fired upon you is revealed. She looks much the same as the others except for a feminine face and an arm that’s been turned into some sort of magical rifle? You don’t get too much time to examine the construct however as Marie audibly gasps from your shared hiding space as the things head turns towards your direction. You look over to scold the woman but are taken aback when you see literal stars in her eyes at the sight of the automaton.

“I think I need to thank Watanabe-”

Anything else that was going to be said between the two of you is cut off as another beam cuts through the air between the two of you from the automaton's arm-cannon-thing. You scramble to your feet and draw your sword as the car behind your opponent takes off back to the sky. And even though the flaming debris of your vehicles is making your current floor rather smoky as time goes on you’re certain this will be a quick fight, after all, it’s two on one and your opponent doesn’t even have two hands.

You decide to

>Flank the construct with Marie both using your swords to overwhelm

>Cast magic while Marie uses her sword

>Retreat up the stairs to get out of this floor and ambush the construct

>Flank the construct with Marie both using your swords to overwhelm

Don't know what this enemy was sourced from, but I do know an arm cannon can't be fired in 2 directions at once.
>Flank the construct with Marie
>Cast magic while Marie uses her sword, then switch to melee when the construct charges you while Marie switches to ranged.

Basically, whoever is at range can use the time to recover and distract the robot while the melee person is taking the aggro.
>Flank the construct with Marie both using your swords to overwhelm
Sanakan my beloved

>Retreat up the stairs to get out of this floor and ambush the construct
>Flank the construct with Marie both using your swords to overwhelm
An unplanned/unorganized retreat wpuld just get our asses shot
>>Cast magic while Marie uses her sword
>Cast magic while Marie uses her sword
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Just letting you guys know I'm still alive. Going to try and get one or two more updates before this thread falls off the board. Next thread is going to go up pretty much immediately after that though.
That poor shirt
>That poor shirt
That shirt's dying a good death anon. Don't feel bad for it.
Seeing as this thread is about to jump off the board I decided to just make a new one instead of updating here.



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