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"Become my husband, Yuusha! Together we can overthrow the demon king and rule the kingdom as equals!" The demon king's top general whom you've fought multiple times as the chosen hero makes a shocking proposal! How do you respond?

>No, you're evil, I'll never marry you!
>You're just going to betray me after defeating the demon king!
>Sorry, I already have a girlfriend.
>Write In
>Okay, but what is your economic policy?
>I'm interested, but what do you like about me?
I want to make sure she loves me for who I am, not for my hero powers.
>>Okay, but what is your economic policy?
"The same as it is now, Yuusha! As king and queen, we will own all the land of the kingdom, while the nobles and serfs will pay us tribute for the privilege to use our lands."

>>I'm interested, but what do you like about me?
"You're strong, Yuusha! I've tried to kill you three times, yet you're still alive. And you've grown stronger with each fight. Marriage is about consolidating power. As husband and wife, we can combine our strength to defeat the demon king!"

>You just want to marry me for my hero power, not for who I am!
>No, marriage should be about love, not consolidation of power!
>Then our rule won't be any better than the demon king's.
>Write in
>Then our rule won't be any better than the demon king's.
>You just want to marry me for my hero power, not for who I am!
Prove you love me by drafting a better economic and social policy. if I like it, I'll marry you and help you enact it.
>You just want to marry me for my hero power, not for who I am!
I want to be loved for my looks and my personality. And preferably, a feeling of deep soul connection.
Support, feudalism is horribly inefficient.
>Write-in. "You only loved me because I refused to die? I am shocked and hurt that all you see me as is just a weapon."

I am shook, hurt, and insulted that she only cares about powah
Yeah, I feel hurt and insulted too
>Then our rule won't be any better than the demon king's.
>i am into cuckgold, will you allow a bull to take your place and let me fuck her?
first and foremost, we need to know if she is a cuckqueen or not.
>If we're going to be married, then maybe we should at least get to know each other first. I don't have a problem with overthrowing the Demon King AS a date, first. You'll probably at least be easier to talk to than him...
>I see your vision, but it'll need to be a fair rule. I'm no tyrant, got that ?"
A fellow MaoYuu enjoyer?
I don't know what that is.
It's a series that's basically this exact premise. A villainess demon lord and the Hero become a couple, and a large part of the story focuses on the economic systems of a medieval setting.
My god, there really is nothing new under the sun.
Demon Lord/Hero is actually a pretty common pairing for Japanese works and has been for a minute.
>>Then our rule won't be any better than the demon king's.
"Our rule doesn't need to be better than his, Yuusha. If we combine our powers, we'll be the strongest and no one in the kingdom, neither demon nor human, will be able to oppose us!"

>>You just want to marry me for my hero power, not for who I am!
"Of course! Isn't that the sole reason why humans engage in the ritual of marriage? To seal alliances and consolidate power? You survived my attempts to kill you, that proved your strength and value as an ally, or a husband."

>>"You only loved me because I refused to die? I am shocked and hurt that all you see me as is just a weapon."
"My proposal isn't about love, Yuusha! It's about consolidating our powers and defeating the demon king to take his kingdom for ourselves! Wait ... are you in love with me, Yuusha?"

>Of course not! You're evil and only care about power!
>Marriage isn't about power, it's a sacred vow to spend your life with the one you love!
>If we're going to be married, then maybe we should at least get to know each other first.
>If this marriage is only for power, will you allow a bull to take your place and let me fuck her?
>I see your vision, but it'll need to be a fair rule. I'm no tyrant, got that ?
>Write In
>If we're going to be married, then maybe we should at least get to know each other first.
If we fight for love and hope and freedom and friendship and gain strength from these then perhaps she might see the merit in those things, there's more to life than power. And maybe we'll even develop feelings for each other?
>If we're going to be married, then maybe we should at least get to know each other first.
Power is good, but it comes from being a power couple, not an artificial consolidation of power
>Marriage isn't about power, it's a sacred vow to spend your life with the one you love!

News to me. The only other one I knew of was The Devil is a Part-Timer, and Chiho is bestgirl.
>Marriage isn't about power, it's a sacred vow to spend your life with the one you love!
>Breeding HuCow to take her place
>Sacred vow
>If we're going to be married, then maybe we should at least get to know each other first.
I'd say you change bull for cow, since it's a cuckqueen situation
>I see your vision, but it'll need to be a fair rule. I'm no tyrant, got that ?
>Write-in: For humans at least for me, marriage is a sacred act only done to the one you care deeply about not for something petty and useless like power.
>Marriage isn't about power, it's a sacred vow to spend your life with the one you love!
>If we're going to be married, then maybe we should at least get to know each other first.
>>Marriage isn't about power, it's a sacred vow to spend your life with the one you love!
>>Write-in: For humans at least for me, marriage is a sacred act only done to the one you care deeply about not for something petty and useless like power.
"Your human customs are strange, Yuusha! We demons understand might makes right! Everything we do, every ritual we engage in, is for the sake of getting stronger. Without power, how can you overthrow the demon king and impose your will on the world?"

>>I see your vision, but it'll need to be a fair rule. I'm no tyrant, got that ?
"Fine, I'll make an attempt at being ... fair, when we are king and queen. I'm willing to make compromises to make our union work, Yuusha."

>>If we're going to be married, then maybe we should at least get to know each other first.
"But I already know all there is to know about you, Yuusha! We've fought three times. I know how you fight, what weapons you use, what spells you cast. What else is there to know?"

>My hobbies? My favorite food? My name?
>I want to know more about you. Is power the only thing you want?
>I don't even know your real name ... everyone calls you the demon king's top general, the Starscream, the dragon, the power-hungry she-demon with a chronic backstabbing disorder, etc.
>Write In
>Our hobbies? Our favorite foods? Our names?

>joy from imposing your will on others is nothing compared to joy of your loved one smiling at you of their own choice, and comfort from your own strength pales before being able to place your weakness into hands of someone you can trust
>I don't even know your real name ... everyone calls you the demon king's top general, the Starscream, the dragon, the power-hungry she-demon with a chronic backstabbing disorder, etc.
>Our hobbies? Our favorite foods? Our names?
Skipping the sappy part, though. For now. She ain't ready for that yet.
>I don't even know your real name ... everyone calls you the demon king's top general, the Starscream, the dragon, the power-hungry she-demon with a chronic backstabbing disorder, etc.
oh man are we gonna get backstabbed later if we marry her
Not if we backstab her first by taking her from behind and never pull out
>I don't even know your real name ... everyone calls you the demon king's top general, the Starscream, the dragon, the power-hungry she-demon with a chronic backstabbing disorder, etc.
>>I want to know more about you. Is power the only thing you want?
>>I don't even know your real name ... everyone calls you the demon king's top general, the Starscream, the dragon, the power-hungry she-demon with a chronic backstabbing disorder, etc.
>>I don't even know your real name ... everyone calls you the demon king's top general, the Starscream, the dragon, the power-hungry she-demon with a chronic backstabbing disorder, etc.
"Is that really what humans call me? (sighs) You humans misunderstand the nature of demons, Yuusha! In our culture, the pursuit of power is considered the worthiest of objectives! I've indeed killed some of my former supervisors, but only after I'd grown stronger than them and defeated them in combat! As for my real name, it's (an unpronounceable demonic sound). See? Very easy to remember! I don't understand why humans have given me other names!"

>>I want to know more about you. Is power the only thing you want?
"Of course! What could be better than acquiring power and imposing your will on those weaker than you, Yuusha?"

>Love and hope and freedom and friendship?
>joy from imposing your will on others is nothing compared to joy of your loved one smiling at you of their own choice, and comfort from your own strength pales before being able to place your weakness into hands of someone you can trust
>How about we go on a date and get to know each other?
>Write In
>joy from imposing your will on others is nothing compared to joy of your loved one smiling at you of their own choice, and comfort from your own strength pales before being able to place your weakness into hands of someone you can trust
>Write-in: Wait what is stopping you from just killing me in my sleep a few years down the line when you think your stronger and what will stop me from just killing you in your sleep one month from now from constant paranoia?

If she says she knows we won't do it follow up with.

>You only met me three times. You don't know what I will do or did just to get the power to fight the demons on equal footing. This could all be an elaborate plan to get you to lower your guard, help overthrow the demon king, and then I turn around and stab you in the back. Or I am making this up as I go as I try give you a chance. Either or. You would never know since you don't even know me.
>How about we go on a date and get to know each other?
>Write In
If I'm going to marry you, I will settle for nothing less than all of you. I want more than your power, I demand your heart, body, and soul to be mine, as mine will be yours. Do you understand?
ALL the options.
>joy from imposing your will on others is nothing compared to joy of your loved one smiling at you of their own choice, and comfort from your own strength pales before being able to place your weakness into hands of someone you can trust
>joy from imposing your will on others is nothing compared to joy of your loved one smiling at you of their own choice, and comfort from your own strength pales before being able to place your weakness into hands of someone you can trust

>Also humans can't pronounce that name, it's just impossible for us

>>joy from imposing your will on others is nothing compared to joy of your loved one smiling at you of their own choice, and comfort from your own strength pales before being able to place your weakness into hands of someone you can trust
"You humans are bizarre, Yuusha! I understand the importance of finding strong allies to achieve your objectives, but placing your weakness into their hands? I don't understand that at all!"

>>Write-in: Wait what is stopping you from just killing me in my sleep a few years down the line when you think you're stronger and what will stop me from just killing you in your sleep one month from now from constant paranoia?
"You're free to place barriers around your bedroom if you're afraid of being killed in your sleep. What? You thought we'd sleep in the same room? Don't be absurd! Why would we do that, Yuusha?"

You suddenly have a suspicion. Demons are single-minded. They put everything into their objectives while ignoring all else. The demon king's top general is the second strongest demon in the world and she has spent her entire life in the pursuit of power. She doesn't know what marriage actually is, does she?

>You don't know what married humans do, do you?
>How about we go on a date and get to know each other?
>Also humans can't pronounce your name, it's just impossible for us. Can I call you something else?
>Write In
>You don't know what married humans do, do you?
>Also humans can't pronounce your name, it's just impossible for us. Can I call you something else?
>>You don't know what married humans do, do you?
>>Also humans can't pronounce your name, it's just impossible for us. Can I call you something else?

>I don't understand that at all
and therein lies the problem... I don't think anyone truly understands it, in truth. Perhaps it can't be truly understood. But if you wish, perhaps we could try to discover this unfamiliar realm together.

>captcha SN00
oh boy.
>"pull your skirt down. you don't even appear as a boy."
>You don't know what married humans do, do you?
>Also humans can't pronounce your name, it's just impossible for us. Can I call you something else?
>You don't know what married humans do, do you?
>Also humans can't pronounce your name, it's just impossible for us. Can I call you something else?
>Write-in If you marry me and I always keep the defense barriers up you will never be the strongest in the world. What will you do then? What goals will you have if you can't have your dream?
>>You don't know what married humans do, do you?
"I'm aware of … intercourse, Yuusha, though I've never indulged in such acts myself. If you're interested in such things, you can take a succubus demon to bed after we overthrow the demon king. Wait did you wish to engage in intercourse with me? But that makes no sense! Wouldn't it be more enjoyable for you to do it with an experienced succubus demon than someone completely inexperienced like me?"

The demon king's top general looks flustered. You've fought her to the death three times, but she wasn't flustered even once, not like this. You begin to realize she's completely inexperienced in romantic matters, as she has spent her every waking hour training and fighting to grow stronger instead of socializing.

>Marriage is a sacred vow to spend your life with the one you love, I won't tarnish it by sleeping with someone other than my wife.
>I don't want to be in a loveless marriage where we sleep in different rooms! I'll only accept your marriage proposal if we learn to love and trust each other.
>I would much rather be with the girl I love than an experienced succubus demon.
>You don't have to share my bed if you don't want to. I won't force you to do something you don't want.
>Write In

>>Also humans can't pronounce your name, it's just impossible for us. Can I call you something else?
"Is that so, Yuusha? I always thought (an unpronounceable demonic sound) is very simple to pronounce. Several human heroes before you made a very similar sound after I stabbed them in the throat. But if you really can't, you can call me by a different name, choose a cool name though!

>Write In
>I don't want to be in a loveless marriage where we sleep in different rooms! I'll only accept your marriage proposal if we learn to love and trust each other.
>I would much rather be with the girl I love than an experienced succubus demon.

Sounds good. Give love a chance right?
>Marriage is a sacred vow to spend your life with the one you love, I won't tarnish it by sleeping with someone other than my wife.
And anyway...
>I would much rather be with the girl I love than an experienced succubus demon.

>I don't want to be in a loveless marriage where we sleep in different rooms! I'll only accept your marriage proposal if we learn to love and trust each other.
>>I don't want to be in a loveless marriage where we sleep in different rooms! I'll only accept your marriage proposal if we learn to love and trust each other.
>>I would much rather be with the girl I love than an experienced succubus demon.
"I don't know what to say, Yuusha, please give me some time to think!" The demon king's top general whom you've decided to call Scarlett is shocked by the sincerity of your words! She stretches her leathery black wings and flies away before you can stop her!


You've reached the end of the first thread of The Demon King's General Proposes to the Hero! What happens in the next thread?

>"I want to marry him for power, it's not like I'm in love with him or anything!" The demon king's top general mumbles while going to sleep hugging her secret Yuusha body pillow!
>The chosen hero goes to the wise white-haired elf mage for advice. She tells him, "Never trust demons! They're evil and want to steal your seed!"
>The demon king's top general and the chosen hero go on their first date!
>Write In
>"I want to marry him for power, it's not like I'm in love with him or anything!" The demon king's top general mumbles while going to sleep hugging her secret Yuusha body pillow!
>The demon king's top general and the chosen hero go on their first date!
>"I want to marry him for power, it's not like I'm in love with him or anything!" The demon king's top general mumbles while going to sleep hugging her secret Yuusha body pillow!
>The chosen hero goes to the wise white-haired elf mage for advice. She tells him, "Never trust demons! They're evil and want to steal your seed!"
>The wise white-haired elf mage goes to sleep hugging her secret Yuusha body pillow!
>The demon king's top general and the chosen hero go on their first date!
>elf fag
>The chosen hero goes to the wise white-haired elf mage for advice. She tells him, "Never trust demons! They're evil and want to steal your seed!"
>The demon king's top general and the chosen hero go on their first date!
Both. Let's get a supproting character in here! Also: why a new thread? You going on a lengthy hiatus? This one has another few weeks before it falls off the board.
>"I want to marry him for power, it's not like I'm in love with him or anything!" The demon king's top general mumbles while going to sleep hugging her secret Yuusha body pillow!
>The demon king's top general and the chosen hero go on their first date!

echoing >>5994045, you are only on page 2, unless you need to take an extended break I don't see why the thread needs to end here
I don't know, anon. Feels like it would turn into a harem situation easily. I kind of want to focus on the dense, innocent, battle maniac instead of the elf girl. As for the thread, maybe QM meant it's the start of the next chapter and interchanged that with the word "thread"?
The elf girl can be a comedic unsuccesful rival.
Then just don't vote for a harem. Simple as.
>The demon king's top general and the chosen hero go on their first date!
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