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You are a Cutémon!

You are one of the rarest types of mon: a mon that looks like a cute human girl!

Like all mons, you gain energy by fighting and defeating other mons. Your trainer is the human boy Joe Apple of Patina.
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Last time on Cutémon, the quick-thinking Joe rescued you from the same fate as your friends, but as the two of you sneaked through the spaceship to aid your abducted allies you were ambushed by more alien-type mons! After getting the drop on yourself, rescuing Ramster, and awakening Auroara, the studious slimes were unequipped of the Cutécaptor by Auroara's E-Drain and Aurora Pulse! You found Tamounda and a sleeping Prima, and saw the mechanical-type mon Pakitt under alien-type observation before hearing the voice of Professor Bean from Pakitt's radio!

Pakitt and its Professor guided your friends to the spaceship's main controls, while you and your companions attempted to aid the absent Aura and Lottatax! The third research room was less charming, with a shattered window and the melted masses of alien-type mons left in the wake of Onlion's unaided escape! One look at Onlion's limp revealed the battle had left it battered, and after countering with a hand of friendship, the menacing mechanical-type mon chose escape over engagement! Reunited with the last of your friends, a stray sound separated you on a strange Volito chase! Surrounded by shape-shifters, you were surprised to see Onlion take your side! Bypassing the big battle, you and Joe breached the main control room, and Joe sent the spaceship spinning back toward the surface below!

Awakening to arctic conditions and comatose companions, you counted everyone but Joe and Onlion before encountering a Snowsquash! The mysterious mighty mon materialized out of a snowstorm to carry you and your two smallest companions to the cabin of Professor Holly, where you found Joe in bed with a broken arm! Your return trip became a fall when you broke through into an underground world of weird trees and gigantic mons, starting with the colossal Chompextra! The meal-mouthed Chompextra chose not to chew on a mon-handling mushroom that showed itself to be Suba, a strange human woman whose tribe populated the primitive cavern of Kroma-La! Witnessing the wonder of stonework overlooking their village, Suba and the village's leader Yara showed you their statue's inspiration: a Rori called the sleeping goddess! The Rori's sacred crystal was an accretion slab by another name, and just as tempting to the alien-type mons that raided Kroma-La and stole it away to their section of spaceship! With Suba as your guide, you set out for the slab with some hot-footed help from Dipoelagus, an ancient mechanical-type mon from the time of Tower Eight!

The slab was in sight, but not the alien-type mons that surrounded Dipoelagus as you began your descent, or the strange Volito that knocked you down a post! With more strange Volitos on the way, you took the slab and a leap of faith and ended up on top with the alien-type mons fighting each other! Returning the slab to the sleeping goddess, you earned your reward... and learned how to dance!

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What? It's already morning? You must have fallen asleep during the celebration! You can smell more food being cooked! When you open your eyes and look around, you see a bunch of humans lying on the ground starting to wake up!

After you all eat breakfast, Yara walks up to you with Suba behind him. Yara looks down at you and Dipoelagus and says "Thank you again for rescuing the sacred crystal. I wish we could do more. All I can tell you is the way to the sky world is supposed to be somewhere beyond the ash caves. It's easy to get lost, so make sure you stay together."

You look up at Yara!

"Thank you, Yara!"

Suba bends down and gives you a hug! "Good luck, Cutémon! Come back and visit us after you find your other friends!"

"Thank you, Suba!"

Dipoelagus turns itself toward you. "ARE YOU READY?"

You nod your head and then you both start walking through the crowd of humans as they cheer!

"Goodbye, Cutémon!"

"Thank you, Cutémon!"

You look back and wave and then keep walking with Dipoelagus into the weird forest. When you get to the hole into the ash caves you and Dipoelagus peek over the edge and Dipoelagus looks at you. "CLIMB ONTO MY BACK. IT'S EASIER TO GET DOWN THAN UP."

What? Dipoelagus is just going to jump into the hole, even though it's a long way to the bottom? You look at the hole again and then look at Dipoelagus and climb onto its back!


You close your eyes and hold on as tightly as you can and Dipoelagus hops into the hole!

You're both falling through the air!

[SFX: loud boom]


You peek your eyes open and look around and Dipoelagus stands up! It seems like Dipoelagus really is tough! When you climb off of Dipoelagus you look around again but you don't see Rumbletrap anywhere.

"AFTER THE CRASH, SOME NEW CAVES OPENED." Dipoelagus looks around and starts walking into one of the tunnels. You follow Dipoelagus through the ash caves until it stop walking and looks at a tunnel opening. "I'VE NEVER BEEN IN HERE BEFORE." Dipoelagus turns itself to look at you. "WHAT DO YOU THINK?"

You look into the tunnel and nod.

"Let's try it!"

The two of you walk into the tunnel and come out into another cave with some lava below you and then walk into another tunnel! You keep walking and after a while you come out into a cave with some lava below y-

What? You think you recognize this cave? Dipoelagus looks around and says "I THINK WE'RE GOING IN CIRCLES."


You look around and see a Ramster with stripes painted on his face holding a little stick! When you see the Ramster he waves and says "Ram-ram!" and runs into a tunnel!

It seems like the Ramster wants you to follow him!

You run after it! The Ramster looks back and says "Ram-ram!" and keeps running ahead of you!

Dipoelagus hops behind you and says "PERHAPS WE SHOULD BE-"

Suddenly the Ramster pokes his stick into the wall and pulls it like a lever!

[SFX: creaking]
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Before you can do anything, a bunch of tiny ropes wrap around you and Dipoelagus and pull you both down to the ground!


You struggle as hard as you can, but you can't move, no matter how hard you try! When you look over at Dipoelagus, you see it can't move either!

The Ramster hops in front of you and smiles and says "Ram-ram!"




What? More Ramsters are here? The other Ramsters gather around you and smile at each other and then you feel them starting to drag you and Dipoelagus further up the tunnel! They keep dragging you both all the way through the tunnel into a big cave where you see an enormous Ramster lying on an outcropping with a bunch of other Ramsters around him holding tiny spears!

[SFX: loud snoring]

It sounds like the enormous Ramster is sleeping!

The Ramsters drag you and Dipoelagus into the cave and up to the enormous Ramster and then the Ramster with a tiny stick walks around in front of you and looks up at the enormous Ramster and says "Ram-ram!" He points at you and Dipoelagus and then looks back at the enormous Ramster and says "Ram-ram!"

One of the other Ramsters hops up and down and says "Ram-ram!"

Another Ramster points his tiny spear at you and Dipoelagus and says "Ram-ram!"

All of the Ramsters look up at the enormous Ramster!


The enormous Ramster doesn't say anything! Are you sure it's even awake?

Suddenly the enormous Ramster opens its mouth and says "RAM-RAM."

All of the other Ramsters start to cheer! When you look back, you see the Ramsters carrying in a bunch of food and then they start to pile it on top of you while they chant!




You look at Dipoelagus but you don't know what's happening!

"What's going on?"


What? Dipoelagus is saying the Ramsters are going to sacrifice you? It doesn't seem like that's something you want to happen! You struggle as hard as you can, but you still can't get free because the tiny ropes are too tight!

The Ramsters keep piling food on top of you and then you feel them dragging you and Dipoelagus away while they're chanting!




The Ramsters keep dragging you and Dipoelagus out of the cave and then you feel yourself being dragged up a slope and suddenly you both slide down a steep slope and tumble down to the bottom along with all the food!

It feels like you might be able to get one of your arms free because one of the tiny ropes broke! You stretch out your arm and grab another one of the tiny ropes and pull it loose and then you can pull the rest of the ropes off of you.

[SFX: loud roaring]
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When you turn around you see an enormous scary mon with big sharp teeth and big scary eyes and big scary paws! You can't help taking a step backward!

[SFX: loud roaring]

It's really enormous and scary! It's even bigger than Chompextra! You had better run away right now instead of challenging it!

>Challenge the enormous scary mon with Dipoelagus (roll 2d100)
>Try to run away back into the caves (roll 1d100)
>>Challenge the enormous scary mon with Dipoelagus (roll 2d100)
Rolled 39, 69 = 108 (2d100)

Forgot my roll.
Rolled 82, 28 = 110 (2d100)

>Challenge the enormous scary mon with Dipoelagus (roll 2d100)
Rolled 30 (1d100)

>>Try to run away back into the caves (roll 1d100)
>Try to run away back into the caves (roll 1d100)
Rolled 14, 38 = 52 (2d100)

>>Challenge the enormous scary mon with Dipoelagus (roll 2d100)
Rolled 87, 30 = 117 (2d100)

>>Challenge the enormous scary mon with Dipoelagus (roll 2d100)
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You look at Dipoelagus and it takes a step back and says "PERHAPS WE SHOULD LOOK FOR ANOTHER WAY OUT."

[SFX: loud roaring]

The enormous scary mon roars even more loudly! It seems like you really should run away! You turn around and...

Cutémon is challenging ?????!

What? You're really going to challenge the enormous scary mon, even though you should run away instead?

You give the enormous scary mon a determined look and jump at it!

Cutémon attacks with Overbite!


What? You just heard something tiny make a noise? As soon as you attack the enormous scary mon, it disappears and you see a beam of sunlight shining down on a tiny mon floating in the middle of the cave! It's an Intangerbil!

Intangerbil wiggles its paw where you poked it with your outer fangs and looks up at you and says "Tan-tan!"

Effects of Spook cancelled.

Intangerbil is using Spook!

It doesn't seem to have any effect!

The tiny mon flies around in a circle and lands on the ground in front of a pile of food and looks up at you and Dipoelagus and says "Tan-tan!"

Dipoelagus takes a step forward and tilts its face to look down at Intangerbil and says "IT APPEARS WE'VE BEEN TRICKED."

Intangerbil can't help taking a step backward! It flies around in a circle and then lands in front of the pile of food and grabs the pile and looks back over its shoulder at you. "Tan-tan!"

Dipoelagus turns and looks at the steep slope and then looks at the pile of food. "IT APPEARS WE AREN'T THE ONLY ONES WHO'VE BEEN TRICKED."

What? You just realized the Ramsters think this Intangerbil is really an enormous scary mon and that's why they gave it all the food? Well, it seems like it really isn't a very scary mon after all!

You take a step forward toward the sunbeam and suddenly Intangerbil flies in front of you and holds out its front paw and looks up at you and says "Tan-tan!"

What? Intangerbil expects you to give it something even though you know it's not an enormous scary mon?

>Challenge Intangerbil (roll 2d100)
>Threaten to tell the Ramsters
>Give Intangerbil the rest of your dried fruit
>Threaten to tell the Ramsters
>Offer to give Intangerbil our fruit, and keep its secret, if it helps us find our friends first
Rolled 72, 37 = 109 (2d100)

>>Challenge Intangerbil (roll 2d100)
Rolled 79, 45 = 124 (2d100)

>>Challenge Intangerbil (roll 2d100)
Rolled 77, 37 = 114 (2d100)

>>Challenge Intangerbil (roll 2d100)
>Threaten to tell the Ramsters
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You take a step past Intangerbil toward the sunbeam and suddenly Intangerbil flies around in a circle and then flies toward you!

Look out!

Intangerbil is challenging Cutémon!

Intangerbil attacks with Tooth!

That hurt!

It seems like Intangerbil has a lot of attitude for such a tiny mon!

Cutémon attacks with Hair Pin!

Intangerbil can't move!

Your hair stretches out and wraps around Intangerbil! It can't move at all because your hair is wrapped around it so tightly! You look at Dipoelagus.

"We should tell!"

"TELL THE RAMSTERS? YES, I AGREE." Dipoelagus tilts its face up toward the top of the steep slope and then turns back toward Intangerbil. "THEY'LL PROBABLY BE VERY INTERESTED TO LEARN THE TRUTH."

Intangerbil shakes its head and says "Tan-tan!"

Your hair lets go and you cross your arms and give Intangerbil a determined look!

"Lying isn't nice!"

Intangerbil flies around in a circle and lands in front of a pile of food and grabs it and then looks back at you. "Tan-tan!"

What? You think Intangerbil has a strange expression on its face? Intangerbil looks really upset! It seems like it might only be tricking the Ramsters to get food!

You crouch down in front of Intangerbil and it can't help taking a step backward!

"Are you alone?"

Intangerbil looks around and then looks up at you and nods. "Tan-tan."

You smile at Intangerbil and say "Come with us!"

Intangerbil looks up at you and then scurries over to the pile of food and grabs it. "Tan-tan!"

What? You just remembered you still have some dried fruit that Ben Currant gave you when you rode in his balloon? You reach into your jacket pocket and take out the box and shake it. It sounds like about half the box is left! You shake a piece of dried fruit out of the box and hold it out to Intangerbil.

"Want some?"

Intangerbil scurries a little closer and grabs the dried fruit and then floats up into the air away from you and starts chewing on it as quickly as it can!

What? It already ate the whole piece, even though it's such a tiny mon? Intangerbil floats toward you and holds out its front paws and says "Tan-tan!" It looks like it wants some more!

You hold the box of dried fruit away from Intangerbil and give it a determined look!

"First help us!"

Intangerbil looks between you and Dipoelagus and tilts its head and asks "Tan-tan?"

"Find our friends!"


Intangerbil looks at Dipoelagus. "Tan-tan?"

What? It seems like you need to tell Intangerbil more? Well, what can you tell Intangerbil about Professor Holly?

"He's a human!"

Well, yes, he's a human, but where are you probably going to find him?

"In a cabin!"

"Tan-tan?" What? You just noticed Intangerbil's ears stick up when you said Professor Holly lives in a cabin? Intangerbil nods and says "Tan-tan!"

It seems like Intangerbil knows where Professor Holly's cabin is!
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Intangerbil flies in a circle around you and Dipoelagus and then flies up past a bunch of rock ledges on the wall of the cave to the hole where the sunbeam is coming in and looks back and says "Tan-tan!"

Dipoelagus tilts its face up toward where Intangerbil is standing and says "IT APPEARS I'LL BE ABLE TO GET UP FROM HERE." Suddenly Dipoelagus jumps onto one of the ledges and then jumps onto another ledge and keeps jumping all the way up to the hole!

You climb up after Dipoelagus and peek out the hole and have to squint because it's so bright!

What? You forgot how bright the sun was? When your eyes adjust to the bright light you open them a little more but all you see around you is snow and mountains! You squint again and see Intangerbil floating across the snow outside the cave. When it sees you it says "Tan-tan!" and waves its front paw for you to follow it and then keeps floating over the snow.

You and Dipoelagus glance at each other and then you climb out of the cave and follow Intangerbil across the snow. The wind is blowing even harder than before! It's probably because you're so high up! It's a good thing Professor Holly gave you that winter cap or else you'd be really cold!

You and Dipoelagus keep following Intangerbil through the snow.


What? You just realized you've been following Intangerbil so long the sun is starting to go down and you can still only see snow and mountains around you?

You look at Intangerbil!

"Are we lost?"

Intangerbil looks at you and says "Tan-tan!" and then points one of its front paws ahead and keeps flying forward over the snow!

What? You think you might be able to see something ahead of you? When you get a little closer you can see something in the snow! It looks like a cabin!

What? You just realized this isn't Professor Holly's cabin? Well, it's going to get dark in a little while! You had better do something quickly!

You walk toward the strange cabin and peek in the window but it doesn't look like anyone is inside! When you walk around to the door and knock on the door, nobody answers but when you try the handle, it opens right away!

Are you really going to go ins-

What? You just noticed human voices coming closer? When you look around you see three human men walking toward the cabin!

What? You just realized they're the three human men who found the crashed alien spaceship? It seems like this might be their cabin!


>Try to hide (roll 1d100)
>Try to pretend to be a human girl (roll 1d100)
>Ask Intangerbil to challenge the humans with Spook (roll 1d100)
Rolled 95 (1d100)

>Try to pretend to be a human girl (roll 1d100)
Rolled 54 (1d100)

>>Try to pretend to be a human girl (roll 1d100)
Rolled 20 (1d100)

>Try to pretend to be a human girl (roll 1d100)
Rolled 23 (1d100)

>Try to pretend to be a human girl (roll 1d100)
Rolled 62 (1d100)

>>Try to pretend to be a human girl (roll 1d100)
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When you see the humans, you can't help crouching down behind a pile of snow and-

What? Dipoelagus isn't crouching down? It tilts its face to look at you and then you hear one of the humans say "Hey, what's that?"

It sounds like the humans see Dipoelagus! You had better do something right away!

You stand up and look at the human men! When they see you, one of them starts walking toward you and your friends! You can't help taking a step backward!

"Tan-tan?" You look at Intangerbil and it points its paw and when you look back the human man is almost in front of you!

The human man leans down and looks closely at you! You can't help your cheeks turning red! Suddenly he says "Hey, I know what you are!"

What? The human man knows you're a Cutémon? You had better-

"You're a rookie mon trainer, aren't you? Sure picked some funny mons to start with."

What? The human man really does think you're a human girl? You nod your head!

"Hey, kid, are you lost? You'd better come inside with us before you get too cold."

Suddenly one of the other humans says "Yo, Waldo! What is it?"

Waldo looks back over his shoulder and waves at the other humans and then looks back down at you. "Well, kid? You gonna stand out here in the snow all night?"

You look at Dipoelagus and Intangerbil and then look at Waldo and shake your head.

"Alright, well, come on then." Waldo turns and starts to walk through the snow back toward the cabin and asks "What's your name, kid?"

"Cu... Mashi!"

"Oh, yeah? I've never seen you around here before. You staying with somebody?"

Waldo is looking at you! You had better tell him something quickly!

What? You don't know what to tell him? Well, do you know any other humans who live around here?

"Professor Holly!"

You didn't mean to say that out loud but Waldo is nodding his head! "That old guy on the other side of the mountain, huh? I guess he must know a lot about mons." Waldo glances around and looks down at you. "I bet there's one mon your professor doesn't know about. Snowsquash."

What? Waldo is talking about Snowsquash? You look up at Waldo!

"Thought that might get your attention. An alien spaceship crashed near here. You probably heard it. When we were looking around inside, we found a Snowsquash footprint. You can stay in our cabin tonight, but we're going out in a little while to try to capture the Snowsquash."

>Try to follow the humans (roll 1d100)
>Ask to come with them (roll 1d100)
>Stay in the cabin for now
Rolled 7 (1d100)

>Ask to come with them (roll 1d100)
Let's spoil their hunt.
>Ask to come with them (roll 1d100)
Rolled 36 (1d100)

>>Ask to come with them (roll 1d100)
Rolled 30 (1d100)

>>Try to follow the humans (roll 1d100)
Rolled 39 (1d100)

>>Try to follow the humans (roll 1d100)
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Waldo keeps walking and calls out "Did you guys remember to pack all your Sleep Bombs?"

It seems like these humans might know a lot about capturing mons! They might even be able to capture Snowsquash! Do you think there's anything you can-

What? You have an idea?

"Can I come?"

What? Your idea was to ask the human men if you can come with them to help capture Snowsquash?

Waldo stops and turns around. "Hey, kid, Snowsquash isn't just a legend. It's a big mon, and it's dangerous too."

You're nodding your head!

"I've seen Snowsquash!"

Waldo can't believe it! He glances at Dipoelagus and Intangerbil and then looks at you. It seems like he's thinking about something! "You want to come with? Yeah, alright. Let's go inside the cabin first and I can introduce you to the other guys." Waldo walks around the side of the cabin and you all follow after him and then he opens a door and points inside. "Go on in!"

You and your friends go through the doorway into the cabin and...

What? You don't think it looks very much like a cabin in here because it's dark and there isn't any furniture?

[SFX: door slamming]

Suddenly the door slams closed! You run to the door and try to open it but it won't open! It seems like you're trapped inside!


Dipoelagus walks past you and says "EXCUSE ME, PLEASE."

Dipoelagus attacks with High Roll!

It doesn't seem to have any effect!

Dipoelagus jumps into the air and spins at the door but then it just bounces off and lands on the floor next to you! It doesn't look like Dipoelagus's attack did anything to the door!

You can hear the human men talking!

"Hey, Waldo, what happened?"

"Yeah, why'd you toss that kid in the mon pen?"

"That kid says she's with Professor Holly and she's already seen the Snowsquash."

"So what?"

"Yeah, so what?"

"So that means we've got competition if they're already looking for it! Better keep them out of the way so we can capture the Snowsquash before that old man does."

"Hey, yeah!"

"Good thinking, Waldo! But what about the kid and her mons?"

"That mon pen is reinforced. Even a Walruff couldn't break it. Come on, let's get ready and head over the mountain."

After a little while you can't hear the humans anymore and... what? You're starting to cry?


When you blink and open your eyes you see Intangerbil floating in front of you! It flies in a circle and lands in front of the door and scurries up to the door frame and looks at it closely and then says "Tan-tan!" and starts digging in the snow at the edge of the door!

What? There's a gap at the bottom of the door? Intangerbil squeezes out and then crawls back in and digs some more snow out! It seems like there's just enough room for you!

>Try to cross the mountain with Intangerbil (roll 1d100)
>Keep trying to free Dipoelagus (roll 1d100)
>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
Rolled 6 (1d100)

>Try to cross the mountain with Intangerbil (roll 1d100)
Would crying out for help even occur to us? Have we ever had, like... Parents or kindred we can remember?
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Rolled 72 (1d100)

>>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
>Unlock the pen from the outside
Rolled 77 (1d100)

>Keep trying to free Dipoelagus (roll 1d100)
Snowsquash showed up last time we cried for help, but I'm not sure what he can do against this reinforced pen.
Rolled 99 (1d100)

>>Keep trying to free Dipoelagus (roll 1d100)
Rolled 90 (1d100)

>Keep trying to free Dipoelagus (roll 1d100)
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Intangerbil crawls under the door again and then you stick one arm under the door and push your head and shoulders through the gap behind it! When you pull your legs through you crouch down and peek under the door at Dipoelagus.

"Come on, Dipoelagus!"

Dipoelagus tilts its face downward and then back up. "THE OPENING IS TOO SMALL."

It seems like Dipoelagus can't fit! You'll have to open the door to let him out.

You look up at the door and see a big lock! Even though you pull on it as hard as you can, it won't open! You pull so hard you fall down in the snow and when you look over your shoulder you see the sun going behind the big mountain and the sky getting dark.

You can't help crying again because Dipoelagus is stuck inside the mon pen and because it's getting dark and because the mountain is so big and because Snowsquash is probably going to get captured by those humans?

"I miss Joe!"

You didn't mean to say that out loud!



You wipe your eyes and look at Intangerbil sitting next to the door gap.

"He's my friend."


What? Dipoelagus wants you to think of some other way to help it escape? You don't know what to do because the door is locked! It really does seem like Joe would be able to help Dipoelagus if he was here, but you and Intangerbil are all by yourselves!

What? You want me to help you? Well, what would Joe do if he was here?

"Open the lock!"

You didn't mean to say that out loud either, but how are you going to do that?


Well, how does a human normally open a lock?

"A key!"

"Tan-tan?" Intangerbil looks at you and tilts its head.

You sniff your nose and wipe it and then stand up and look at the cabin again. Intangerbil looks at the cabin and then looks back at you and then you tip-toe forward around the cabin toward the other door with Intangerbil floating next to you. When you get to the door you peek in through the window but you can't see anything because it's too dark inside!

Intangerbil looks at you and whispers "Tan-tan?"

You peek inside the window again and then grab the door handle and try to open the door!

[SFX: door creaking]

You hold your breath and step inside and look around but you don't see any humans! Intangerbil floats in through the doorway behind you and you look around again.

Suddenly you notice something shiny high up on the wall! It's a big key! It seems like this might be the key for the mon pen! You reach up to grab it!


What? You can't reach the key? Intangerbil flies up and grabs the key ring with both front paws and lifts it off the hook and drops it on the floor!

You pick up the key and look at Intangerbil!

"Thanks, Intangerbil!"

"Tan-tan!" Intangerbil glances at the door and then you run outside around the cabin to the mon pen and put the key in the big lock and turn it!

[SFX: loud click]
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The big lock unlocks and the mon pen door swings open and you see Dipoelagus! You're so happy you can't contain yourself!


"I APPRECIATE BEING RELEASED." Dipoelagus waddles out of the mon pen and says "WHERE ARE WE GOING NOW?"

You point away from the cabin toward the big mountain!

"That way!"



You start walking toward the big mountain with Dipoelagus and Intangerbil next to you! After a little while you look back but you can't see the cabin anymore!

You keep walking forward through the snow and-

"Tan-tan!" What? Intangerbil is pointing at something? You look around but all you see is snow! When you look behind you Intangerbil says "Tan-tan!" and then you look at your tracks in the snow. "Tan-tan!"

What? You just noticed your tracks aren't straight? You turn the other way and keep walking through the snow but your hands and feet are so cold you can hardly feel them, even though you're wearing the winter hatProfessor Holly gave you!

[SFX: wind]

Suddenly a gust of wind blows and you almost lose your winter hat! You grab onto it and pull it down on your head.

"Tan-tan!" Intangerbil is pointing at your jacket pocket! It seems like it wants some more dried fruit!

You reach into your pocket and take out the box of dried fruit but when you try to tap a piece out into your hand you drop it because your hands are so cold!

Intangerbil grabs the dried fruit and quickly eats it but then it notices you shivering and flies up next to your hands and grabs them! "Tan-tan!"

What? Intangerbil is trying to warm up your hands? Even though it's trying really hard, it isn't very big!

Dipoelagus tilts its face up toward you and Intangerbil and then looks back down. "I'M NOT ANY WARMER THAN THE SNOW."

You keep shivering and walking through the snow. The wind is blowing even harder now! It's probably because you're so high up!



What? You just heard some noise coming from over the next ridge? When you walk over the ridge you see a pair of big mons that look like the outlines of penguins! You think they're called Pengouts!



It seems like they're calling for something! When you and your friends walk closer the Pengouts look at you and one of them says "Peng!"

One of the Pengouts calls "PENG!" and then looks at you and your friends and says "Peng!"

The other Pengout says "Peng!" and then turns and calls "PENG!" and looks back at you again. "Peng?"

"W-w-we're h-h-helping S-S-Snowsquash!"

>Ask the Pengouts to help you find Snowsquash
>Ask the Pengouts if they want your help
>Ask the Pengouts to help you find Snowsquash
One (two?) crisis at a time.
>Ask the Pengouts to help you find Snowsquash
>>Ask the Pengouts to help you find Snowsquash
>Ask the Pengouts to help you find Snowsquash
>>Ask the Pengouts to help you find Snowsquash
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The Pengouts look at each other and then look away and one of them says "PENG!" and the other one says "GOUT!"

It seems like they aren't interested in Snowsquash! Maybe you need to say something else!

"P-p-please h-h-help us!"

One of the Pengouts turns its head toward you and asks "Peng?"

The other Pengout says "PENG!" and then looks at you and your friends and asks "Peng?"

"S-S-Snowsquash's in t-t-trouble!"

The Pengouts look at each other and one of them says "Peng!" and the other says "Gout!" and then they look back at you and the first one says "Peng!" and starts waddling away from you and your friends!

The other Pengout looks away and says "PENG!" again. It seems like it's still calling for something!

When you look back, the first Pengout is almost out of sight over the ridge of snow! When it sees you looking, it says "Peng!" and keeps waddling down the other side of the snow ridge!

You look at Dipoelagus and Intangerbil and then walk up the ridge and see the Pengout standing next to some really big footprints in the snow! They look like the tracks Snowsquash leaves when it hops through the snow!

The Pengout looks up at you and points one of its flippers in the direction of the really big footprints and says "Peng!"

You look back at your friends!

"C-c-come l-l-look!"

The Pengout waddles back up the snow ridge past you and your friends as Dipoelagus and Intangerbil come over the top and see the tracks. Dipoelagus tilts its face downward and says "THOSE TRACKS APPEAR SOMEWHAT FRESH."

"Tan-tan!" Intangerbil is nodding its head! It seems like Intangerbil agrees with Dipoelagus!

"W-w-we s-s-should h-h-hurry!"



You look back over the snow ridge and see both of the Pengouts calling again! It seems like they're really looking for something even though they stopped to help you! You had better say something!

"T-t-thank y-y-you!"

One of the Pengouts glances up at you and waves one flipper and then looks away and says "PENG!"
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You and Dipoelagus and Intangerbil follow the really big footprints away from the Pengouts and up the mountain. After a little while the sky gets dark and the stars begin to shine and you keep walking up and up.

What? You just noticed the really big footprints are getting harder to see? It seems like the wind might have filled them in with snow! You look around but you can't see any more footprints!

Even though you're wearing your winter hat, you're still so cold you can hardly feel your hands and feet!

Intangerbil sees you shivering and says "Tan-tan!" and flies around you in a circle and tries to curl around your neck but it's too small to do very much!

Dipoelagus tilts its face up toward you as it trudges through the snow and says "PERHAPS WE CAN FIND A WAY TO WARM YOU UP."

Suddenly you feel Intangerbil uncurl itself from around your neck and it says "Tan-tan!"

What? Intangerbil sees something? You walk a little further and then you see something sticking out of the snow ahead of you!


You don't really know what Dipoelagus is talking about but when you get a little closer you see it's really some kind of shelter with some long metal poles holding it up! It looks like humans might have built this!

What? You think those three humans who are trying to capture Snowsquash might have built this shelter? I think you might be r-


What? The Pengouts are here? When you look over your shoulder, you see a little Pengout waddling toward you! The little Pengout looks at you and says "Peng!"

"I told you to keep an eye on it!"

"Honest, Waldo, I thought I was looking right at it!"

Suddenly you hear human voices! You and your friends crouch down out of sight just as Waldo and the two other humans climb up the top of the ridge and see the little Pengout!

The little Pengout looks at the humans and says "Peng-peng-peng!" What? You think it sounds like the little Pengout is laughing at the humans? The little Pengout starts waddling away and glances back at the humans and says "Peng!" and keeps waddling away from them!

"It's making fun of us!"

"That little..."

"Get it!"

One of the humans runs toward the little Pengout and tries to grab it. "Why can't we just use a sleep bomb? We've got plenty!"

"Because, dummy! Sleep bombs don't work on void-type mons!" Waldo glances down at the little Pengout and then points one finger at the other human man and says "Stay here and make sure it doesn't slip away again. No way we'll be able to sneak up on that Snowsquash with it hollering."

Waldo and the other human climb back up over the ridge while the third human holds onto the little Pengout! The little Pengout keeps squirming around but it can't get free!


>Try to follow the other humans (roll 1d100)
>Try to rescue the little Pengout (roll 1d100)
Rolled 83 (1d100)

>>Try to follow the other humans (roll 1d100)
Rolled 31 (1d100)

>Try to rescue the little Pengout (roll 1d100)
Rolled 72 (1d100)

>Try to rescue the little Pengout (roll 1d100)
Rolled 37 (1d100)

>Try to rescue the little Pengout (roll 1d100)
Friends help friends!
>Try to rescue the little Pengout (roll 1d100)
Rolled 11 (1d100)

>>Try to rescue the little Pengout (roll 1d100)
Rolled 34 (1d100)

>>Try to follow the other humans (roll 1d100)
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The human man can't help taking a step backward because the little Pengout is squirming so much! When he steps backward, he accidentally kicks open a bag behind him! It looks like the bag is full of mini sleep bombs!

Dipoelagus tilts its face toward you and whispers "WHAT ARE THOSE OBJECTS?"

"M-m-mini s-s-sleep b-b-bombs!"

What? You just remembered the smoke from sleep bombs also makes humans fall asleep?

It seems like you might have an idea about how to help that little Pengout using one of the mini sleep bombs, but how are you going to get it if the human man is there?

What? You just remembered sleep bombs don't work on mechanical-type mons? You look at Dipoelagus!

"D-d-distract t-t-that h-h-human!"


You glance at the human and then look back at Dipoelagus!


Dipoelagus tilts its face back toward the human again and then looks at you and whispers "I WILL ATTEMPT TO DRAW HIS ATTENTION." Dipoelagus turns around and walks down the ridge back the way you came and then walks around the corner of the ridge toward the back of the shelter!

You look at Intangerbil and whisper!

"S-s-stay h-h-here!"

Intangerbil nods and then you crawl around the other side of the ridge toward the back of the human man!

When Dipoelagus gets closer to the human man, Dipoelagus says "PARDON ME, WOULD YOU MIND LOOKING THIS DIRECTION?"

"Huh? Hey, you're one of that kid's mons! What are-"

[SFX: snow crunch]

The human looks behind him and sees you reaching into the bag of mini sleep bombs and says "You!"

You grab one of the mini sleep bombs and stand back up and try to pull out the pin but your hands are too cold!

The human holds out his other hand toward you. "Alright, you little brat, hand it over!"

You can't help taking a step backward! When you step back, you pull out the pin and a cloud of purple smoke starts coming out but then you accidentally drop the mini sleep bomb in the snow because your hands are so cold!

The human can't help taking a step backward!

"Peng!" When the human steps backward, the little Pengout squirms free! The human tries to grab the little Pengout but his hand goes through its open area and it keeps waddling away toward Dipoelagus!


You look through the purple cloud at the human and see him pulling his shirt collar over his nose!

Suddenly the breeze shifts and the purple cloud starts blowing toward you!

You can't help coughing and... what? You're starting to feel sleepy?

The breeze shifts again and you see the bag of mini sleep bombs on the ground near the human man!


>Try to hold your breath until the human falls asleep (roll 1d100)
>Try to grab the bag of mini sleep bombs (roll 1d100)
>Try to run away (roll 1d100)
Rolled 74 (1d100)

>Try to hold your breath until the human falls asleep (roll 1d100)
Rolled 64 (1d100)

>Try to hold your breath until the human falls asleep (roll 1d100)
Try not to count sheep
>Try to run away (roll 1d100)
Rolled 30 (1d100)

>Try to hold your breath until the human falls asleep (roll 1d100)
Rolled 55 (1d100)

>>Try to hold your breath until the human falls asleep (roll 1d100)
>Try to hold your breath until the human falls asleep (roll 1d100)

By the way, Mashimon needs our help! Get ready! >>5997929
Rolled 58 (1d100)

>>Try to grab the bag of mini sleep bombs (roll 1d100)
Rolled 39 (1d100)

>>Try to grab the bag of mini sleep bombs (roll 1d100)
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You hold your breath and back up into the purple cloud just as the human man reaches out and tries to grab you but his hand doesn't grab anything! You crouch down in the cloud and close your eyes as tightly as you can but then you can't help breathing in a little bit of the purple cloud and coughing!

"I know you're there, you little brat!"

Your chest feels like it's burning because you're trying to hold your breath again after you were just coughing! You're starting to get sleepy again because you breathed in some of the purple cloud!

[SFX: thump]

You can't hold your breath anymore! You stand up and take a deep breath and-

What? Now that you stood up you aren't in the purple cloud anymore? It looks like the purple cloud is starting to disappear because the mini sleep bomb is empty!

The breeze blows away some more of the purple cloud and you see the human man lying in the snow! It looks like he's asleep!

[SFX: snoring]

It sounds like he's asleep!

Dipoelagus walks out of the purple cloud toward you and says "YOUR PLAN WAS VERY RISKY. ARE YOU ALRIGHT?"

You cough a little and nod your head and then the purple cloud blows away all the way and you see the bag of mini sleep bombs!

"Tan-tan!" Intangerbil flies down and lands on top of the bag of mini sleep bombs and looks into the bag and then looks up at you. "Tan-tan?"

You crouch down and when you reach for the bag, Intangerbil flies up into the air and flies in a circle around you. When you pick up the bag and look at it you notice it has a shoulder strap! It seems like it will be easy to carry!

You put the strap over your shoulder and look at Dipoelagus and Intangerbil.


Dipoelagus tilts its head from side to side and then looks at you. "IT APPEARS SO."



What? You look over your shoulder and see the little Pengout looking up at you! The little Pengout looks up at you and flaps its flippers and says "Peng!" It seems like it wants to come with you even though it's not an adult!

You turn around and give the little Pengout a determined look!

"Stay here!"

The little Pengout flaps its flippers again and says "Peng!" It looks like it still wants to come with you and your friends!

Dipoelagus tilts its face toward the little Pengout and says "IT WOULD BE VERY RISKY FOR A YOUNG MON SUCH AS YOURSELF."

You're nodding your head!

"You're too young!"

The little Pengout bends down and scoops up a flipperful of snow and wipes the snow on its cheeks like warpaint and gives you a determined look!

"Peng! Gout!"

It seems like the little Pengout wants to come along and help even though it's not an adult!

>Ask the little Pengout to help find Snowsquash (roll 1d100)
>Tell the little Pengout to stay here (roll 1d100)
Rolled 31 (1d100)

>Ask the little Pengout to help find Snowsquash (roll 1d100)
Rolled 93 (1d100)

>Ask the little Pengout to help find Snowsquash (roll 1d100)
Probably better that it comes with us; at least there'll be someone to defend it, or at least keep track of it.
Rolled 63 (1d100)

>Ask the little Pengout to help find Snowsquash (roll 1d100)
Safety in numbers, for it as much as us.
Rolled 55 (1d100)

>Ask the little Pengout to help find Snowsquash (roll 1d100)
Rolled 2 (1d100)

>Ask the little Pengout to help find Snowsquash (roll 1d100)
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Are you really going to let the little Pengout come with you and your friends to help Snowsquash?

You look down at the little Pengout and nod your head!

"A-a-alright, y-y-you're i-i-in!"

The little Pengout looks up at you and salutes with one flipper! "Peng!"

Dipoelagus tilts its face toward the little Pengout. "WE ARE ON OUR WAY TO ASSIST A SNOWSQUASH."

The little Pengout flaps its flippers and says "Peng!" and turns around and points one flipper and says "Gout!" It seems like the little Pengout knows which way to go! The little Pengout looks back at you and says "Peng!" and then starts waddling through the snow toward the top of the mountain.


"Tan-tan!" Intangerbil floats above the snow after the little Pengout and you and Dipoelagus start walking over the top of the mountain after them. You keep carrying the bag of mini sleep bombs over your shoulder and walking until you start coming down the other side of the mountain and then the ground dips into a narrow valley.

Your feet are so cold you can't feel them anymore!

"Tan-tan!" What? Intangerbil sees something? You look at Intangerbil and see it pointing up the slope and then you see Snowsquash crouched on a ledge above the valley!

"Peng!" The little Pengout points up at Snowsquash and looks at you. It seems pretty proud of itself!

You keep walking down the valley and-

What? You just noticed a purple cloud rising up behind Snowsquash? It seems like Snowsquash doesn't notice the purple cloud! Suddenly a mini sleep bomb flies up onto the ledge next to Snowsquash!

Snowsquash says "Squash!" and starts to cough! You can't see Snowsquash because the purple cloud is spreading all over the ledge!

"Hey, how'd you get loose?" What? Waldo is here?

You turn around just as Waldo jumps out from a hiding spot and grabs you! You can't help dropping the bag of mini sleep bombs!

When Waldo grabs you, your winter hat gets knocked off of your head!

Waldo can't believe it! "You... you're a Cutémon!" Waldo lets go of you and reaches into his pocket and pulls out a mini sleep bomb!


Pengout is using Revert!

"Tan-tan!" What? Intangerbil sees something? You look at Intangerbil and see it pointing up the slope and then you see Snowsquash crouching on a ledge above the valley!

"Peng..." You don't know why, but the little Pengout seems pretty tired all of a sudden!

You keep-

What? You feel like you've been here before? For some reason, you think you know what's about to happen!


>Try to throw a mini sleep bomb at Waldo's hiding spot (roll 1d100)
>Try to warn Snowsquash about the mini sleep bomb (roll 1d100)
>Ask Intangerbil to drop a mini sleep bomb on the other human (roll 1d100)
Rolled 32 (1d100)

>Try to warn Snowsquash about the mini sleep bomb (roll 1d100)
He'll ave us!
Holy shit, Pengouts are POWERFUL
Rolled 72 (1d100)

>Try to warn Snowsquash about the mini sleep bomb (roll 1d100)
Rolled 46 (1d100)

>Try to warn Snowsquash about the mini sleep bomb (roll 1d100)
Who didn't the Pengout use this ability when it was cought earlierthough?
Rolled 24 (1d100)

>>Ask Intangerbil to drop a mini sleep bomb on the other human (roll 1d100)
Rolled 30 (1d100)

>>Try to warn Snowsquash about the mini sleep bomb (roll 1d100)
Rolled 78 (1d100)

>Ask Intangerbil to drop a mini sleep bomb on the other human (roll 1d100)
Rolled 94 (1d100)

>Try to warn Snowsquash about the mini sleep bomb (roll 1d100)
It seems like it can only go a short distance back, and that it's quite taxing.
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You look up the cliff at Snowsquash again!

"S-S-Snowsquash! L-l-look out!"

When you call out to Snowsquash, it sits up and leans over the cliff and says "Squash?" and then sees the human hiding below it just as the human throws the mini sleep bomb into the air toward the ledge!

You can't help running forward!


Dipoelagus turns its face toward you and says "WAIT, WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER-"

Suddenly Waldo jumps out from his hiding spot and grabs you and shakes you!

"Hey, how'd you get loose?" You can't help dropping the bag of mini sleep bombs because Waldo is shaking you! What? You just realized your winter hat didn't fall off this time?

When Waldo shakes you again you look over your shoulder at the little Pengout sitting on the snow!

"P-P-Pengout! Use R-R-Revert!"

The little Pengout looks up at you and says "Peng..." It seems like in needs a lot of energy to use Revert!

When you look at Dipoelagus it takes a step forward and then Waldo says "Hold it, whatever you are!"

Dipoelagus tilts its face upward and looks past Waldo. "I WOULD BE MORE CONCERNED WITH WHAT THEY'RE HOLDING."

You and Waldo both look over Waldo's shoulder and see Intangerbil holding a mini sleep bomb in the air next to Snowsquash! Intangerbil says "Tan-tan!" and pulls out the pin and the mini sleep bomb drops into Snowsquash's hand!

Snowsquash looks down at Waldo and says "Squash!" and then grabs Waldo and holds him up in the air above its head next to the mini sleep bomb!

Waldo can't help breathing in the purple cloud! Suddenly Waldo's feet go limp! It looks like he's asleep! Snowsquash drops Waldo and the empty mini sleep bomb in the snow and then picks up the bag of mini sleep bombs and throws it over the top of the cliff and shouts "SQUASH!"

It seems like Snowsquash really doesn't like sleep bombs!

You look up toward where Snowsquash threw the bag of mini sleep bombs and see the other human sleeping in the snow at the base of the cliff! It looks like there's still some purple cloud around him! You look back at Intangerbil and Snowsquash and-


What? Pakitt is here?

When you look around you see Pakitt standing at the far end of the valley! It looks over its shoulder and says "Pakitt!" and then runs through the blowing snow toward you and...

What? You just realized Snowsquash and the little Pengout aren't next to you anymore? You look around but you can't see either one of them because the snow is blowing around so much!

What? You just realized the snow just started blowing around a moment ago? It seems like Snowsquash might have made the snow blow around so it can hide!
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When you look back down the valley you see Professor Bean and Professor Holly! When they see you both of them start to run toward you and Professor Bean says "We found you! Or rather, Pakitt found you."

Pakitt runs up to you and looks up at you and Intangerbil and says "Pakitt!"

Intangerbil says "Tan-tan!" and flies around in a circle and then hides behind your leg!

You look at Intangerbil!

"T-t-they're m-m-my f-f-friends!"

Intangerbil looks at Pakitt and says "Tan-tan!" and flies around in a circle into the air.

When Professor Holly catches up he looks at Intangerbil floating in the air and then looks down at Dipoelagus and says. "I recognize the Intangerbil, but not..."

Dipoelagus tilts its face up toward Professor Holly. "DIPOELAGUS."

"I see..." Professor Holly looks at Dipoelagus more closely and says "I'm not familiar with your design."


"This is Professor Bean. My name is Professor Holly."

Dipoelagus tilts its face toward Professor Bean and then tilts its face up toward Professor Holly. "I HAVE BEEN EAGER TO MEET YOU FOR SOME TIME."

"I see..." Professor Holly glances at you and says "Oh, I almost forgot!"

Professor Holly reaches into his lab coat and pulls out a blanket and wraps it around you! It's really warm!

"Th-th-thank you!"

"Your other friends arrived at my cabin after you left, but when you didn't come back I thought... well, at any rate, when Professor Bean arrived, we were able to get Pakitt back on its feet. I'm afraid that boy with the broken arm still hasn't woken up yet."

What? Professor Holly is saying Joe is still asleep because he was in the spaceship crash?

Suddenly Professor Holly leans down and picks you up and starts to carry you back down the valley! What? Professor Holly is going to carry you all the way back to his cabin? He looks down at you and says "I'm glad you still have that hat."

You look up at Professor Holly and...

What? You just noticed something on the top of the cliff? You look up over Professor Holly's shoulder and see Snowsquash and the little Pengout waving down at you from the top of the cliff! Suddenly the snow starts blowing even more and when Professor Holly looks over his shoulder to see what you're looking at, he can't see anything except the blowing snow!

"It's really coming down! It seems like every time the snow blows like this, someone new shows up at my cabin!"

Intangerbil flies around in a circle above Pakitt and says "Tan-tan!"

Pakitt looks up at Intangerbil as it walks through the snow and says "Pakitt!"

Professor Holly carries you all the way back to his cabin and when you get close the door opens and you see Auroara standing in the doorway with both of the Auraprimas behind her! Auroara can't believe it!
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What? Tamounda is alive? Suddenly Auroara and the Auraprimas all get knocked out of the way as Tamounda runs out of the cabin toward you!

You're so happy you can't contain yourself!

"T-T-Tamounda! You're alive!"

Tamounda braces himself on Professor Holly and licks you and says "Tamounda!"

"Ram-ram!" When you look down you see Ramster standing at Professor Holly's feet! Ramster jumps up onto Professor Holly's arm and hugs you and says "Ram-ram! Ram-ram!"

Suddenly Lottatax scurries over Professor Holly's shoulder and clings to you and says "Lottatax!"

When Professor Holly carries you past all your friends into the cabin and sets you down, Auroara hugs you and says "You really had everyone worried. Where were you, anyway?"


What? No one seems to know what you just said? Professor Bean looks up at you. "Kroma-La? Is that the name of a place?"

You're nodding your head!

"It's a city!"

"A city?" Professor Holly can't believe it! "There's no city around here. The nearest cabin is-"

"Under the ice!"

"Under the-" Professor Holly looks down at the cabin floor. "You don't mean..."

Professor Bean looks up and asks "Professor Holly?"

Professor Holly is still looking at the floor! It seems like he's thinking about something! After a moment he looks out the window and says "A few professors believe there may have been an outpost of some kind in this area during the time of the alien war." Professor Holly is looking closely at you! "Was there anything else down there?"

What? You just remembered the sleeping goddess? Do you remember what the humans in Kroma-La called her?

"A Rori!"

You didn't mean t-

"A RORI?!" What? Auroara, Aura, and Prima all shouted at the same time? The Auraprimas look at each other and one of them says "Another sister?" and then the other one says "Still alive?"

Both of the Auraprimas are looking at you!

"She's sleeping!"

"Sleeping?" Auroara glances at you and the humans. "Something must be wrong."

"Um..." Professor Bean looks at Auroara and the Auraprimas and says "Pakitt can determine the locations of the alien spaceship and any other technology in the area."

Aura and Prima glance at each other and then look at Professor Bean and both nod. "We will leave immediately."

"You and your Pakitt may assist us."

The Auraprimas walk out the door with Professor Bean and Pakitt and-

"I'll help you!"

You meant to say that out loud! Auroara shakes her head and puts her hands on your shoulders. "You should stay here."

One of the Auraprimas looks back and says "Auroara! Hurry!"

What? You still think you should go along with them because they don't know how dangerous it is? That's probably a good idea! You follow Auroara toward the door, but then you hear a voice from the bedroom!

"Huh...? Where am I?"

What? Joe just woke up?

>Stay here with Joe for now
>Go with Auroara and your other friends
Man, I wish Ward was here. He'd get us out of this mess. he's right: humans suck.

These ones are alright, though, I guess.

>Stay here with Joe for now
And this one, I guess. I'm still on the fence about Young Mister Apple, but maybe he can win me over.
>>Stay here with Joe for now
>Stay here with Joe for now
Man, that was a tough choice...
>>Stay here with Joe for now
>Stay here with Joe for now
>>Stay here with Joe for now
>>Go with Auroara and your other friends
>Stay here with Joe for now
Let's hope Dipoelagus can provide enough context.

By the way, Mashimon's at bat in the tournament! >>6006371
>>Stay here with Joe for now
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You're so happy you can't contain yourself!


What? You just remembered you have to help Auroara and the others? Auroara looks over her shoulder at you and glances at the bedroom doorway and grins. "You had better see if he's alright." You look back at the bedroom and when you look at Auroara again she nods her head and says "We'll return soon."

Auroara opens the cabin door and squints as the cold wind blows against her face and then the cabin door closes again and you look back into the bedroom at Joe!

"Hi, Joe!"

"Hey... you're alright!" Joe sits up and grimaces and looks at his arm. "Oh." Joe looks up at the bedroom ceiling and puts his other hand on his head and then looks at you. "Where are we?"

You had better tell Joe everything that happened after the spaceship crashed!

What? You don't know where to begin? Well, maybe you should start by telling Joe where he is!

"Professor Holly's cabin!"

"Professor... Holly? You mean the professor who's trying to study a Snowsquash?" Joe looks around again and says "But his cabin is all the way in the Northern Mountains! How'd we get up there?"

"The spaceship crashed!"

Joe looks at the cast on his arm again. "Oh, yeah. I remember now." He looks up at you and asks "You mean we actually made it back to the ground?"

You're nodding your head!

"You saved us!"

"I don't know about that. I just pushed all the controls and hoped for the best." What? Joe has a strange expression on his face? "I just realized you're not wearing your baseball cap."

You reach up and take off the winter hatProfessor Holly gave you and grin at Joe.

"Professor Holly knows!"

"You mean he knows you're a Cutémon?" Joe smiles and then looks around the bedroom. When you see him looking around the bedroom again you can tell he's looking for something!

"What's wrong?"

Joe looks around again and then looks at you. "Where's the cutécaptor?"

What? You just realized Joe isn't wearing his jacket? It's probably because Professor Holly had to put a cast on Joe's arm! You look around and see Joe's jacket hanging on a hook. When you reach for it, you can feel the cutécaptor inside the pocket! It's glowing so brightly you can see it through the jacket!

"I found it!"

You bring Joe's jacket to him and then sit down on the edge of the bed next to him and watch as he opens the jacket pocket and takes out the cutécaptor. You had forgotten how nice it was to be near him! Joe looks at the cutécaptor for a moment and says-

I said, Joe says...

What? You're not even listening to what Joe is saying? When Joe sees you staring at him, he puts the cutécaptor back in his jacket pocket and looks at you until you blink at him. It seems like you weren't paying attention because you were thinking about how nice it is to be near Joe!

What? You think Joe has a strange expression on his face while he's looking at you? It seems like he's thinking about something!
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"Before we got pulled into that alien spaceship, I was thinking about what Auroara said. And about what you said." Joe glances at the doorway and then looks at you again. "About the cutécaptor."

It seems like Joe has something important to say! You move a little closer and nod your head and try to pay attention!

"The reason I started trying to be a mon trainer was to help my sister, but..." Joe looks down at the cutécaptor glowing inside his jacket pocket. "I feel like I'm responsible for..."

"Capturing me?"

"Yeah." Joe looks up from his jacket pocket at you and says "Capturing you." He glances down at his jacket again and then looks back up at you. "I know you don't want anyone to know about the cutécaptor, but we might have to show it to other professors to let them help. If you still want to travel with me, I have some ideas about places we could go and other professors we could talk to."

It seems like Joe has been thinking about helping you the entire time! He really does seem like a very good friend! You lean down and carefully give Joe a hug so you don't hurt his broken arm!

What? You just noticed something glowing in your own jacket pocket? You and Joe both look down and then you let go of Joe and open your jacket pocket and take out the glowing crystal that Suba gave you in Kroma-La!

What? You think the crystal is glowing more brightly than usual? It seems like the crystal glows more brightly when you hold it close to Joe's broken arm! When you hold the crystal close to the cast on Joe's arm, he gasps and you quickly pull the crystal away from him!

"Wait." Joe looks at you and looks at the crystal and says "It didn't hurt. It felt... good." You look at Joe and he nods and then you hold the crystal close to his broken arm again. Joe looks at the glowing crystal for a moment and then looks at you and asks "Where did you get that?"

"I CAN EXPOUND, IF YOU'LL PERMIT ME." When you hear Dipoelagus, you look over your shoulder and see Dipoelagus and Intangerbil peeking around the edge of the doorway!

Intangerbil looks at Joe and then looks at you and asks "Tan-tan?"

You look at Intangerbil and point at Joe.

"This is Joe!"

Intangerbil floats a little further into the room and looks down at Joe. "Tan-tan!"

"Is that an Intangerbil?" Joe can't believe it! "I've never seen one in real life! And..." Joe looks at Dipoelagus. "Um..."



"Kroma-La?" Joe glances at you again. "Sounds like I've got a lot of catching up. In the meantime... maybe you could start by asking Professor Holly."

What? Joe is saying you could ask Professor Holly about the cutécaptor?

>Show the cutécaptor to Professor Holly (roll 1d100)
>Keep it a secret for now
>You hold out one hand in front of you with your fingers bent inward!
Not sure if smitten or cute overload!

>Keep it a secret for now
Let's wait a bit first. Wait until our friends are back.
Rolled 35 (1d100)

>>Show the cutécaptor to Professor Holly (roll 1d100)
>Show the cutécaptor to Professor Holly (roll 1d100)
I think you've mentioned the art is AI-generated, but how do you achieve this amazing consistency? Mashimon's head looks like it can't even be described in tokens, is it a custom LORA?
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It's nothing fancy.
I understood nothing but I kneel nonetheless.
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"Inpainting" is the term for altering a specific area of an image. The AI takes visual cues from what's already present in the image, so if I start with the image of Cutémon outside in front of a blue sky, then select the empty part of the image and tell the AI to render "vertical splitscreen, identical character, different background", it draws a splitscreen divide and gives me something approximating the same character with a different background. From there, I just select smaller sections for the AI to focus on and tell it what needs to be fixed. As long as the AI has the left half of the image to reference, it will quickly get the details corrected with a few more rounds of inpainting.

That image sequence is the same image after each round of inpainting, starting with the original Cutémon image (on the left), the splitscreen divide, and the sort-of-same character (on the right). The next steps are the detail fixes. The final step is to inpaint over the original (left half) with the background for the new image.
This is clever!
Rolled 91 (1d100)

>>Show the cutécaptor to Professor Holly (roll 1d100)
>Keep it a secret for now
Rolled 59 (1d100)

>>Show the cutécaptor to Professor Holly (roll 1d100)
This is a solid tutorial. You probably know to do this, but make sure to archive the thread.
Rolled 71 (1d100)

>Show the cutécaptor to Professor Holly (roll 1d100)
He seems legit. I think. I hope.
>Show the cutécaptor to Professor Holly (roll 1d100)
"Ask me what?"

You look over your shoulder behind you and see Professor Holly standing in the doorway!

"I apologize for eavesdropping. These other mons wanted to see the young man." Suddenly Ramster, Tamounda, and Lottatax all crowd into the bedroom and Ramster hops up on the bed and says "Ram-ram!"

Tamounda peeks over the edge of the bed and says "Tamounda!" and licks Joe!

Lottatax scurries up the bedpost and looks down at Joe and sticks out its head spikes and says "Lottatax!"

Joe has a big smile on his face! "Hey, guys! Everyone alright?"

Ramster looks up at Joe and holds out his front paws like a bodybuilder! "Ram-ram!"

"Joe, is it? I'm glad you're awake. We humans aren't as durable as mons, you know. Hmm?" Professor Holly is looking at the glowing crystal! It seems like he's interested in it! "That looks like the same material as the condenser. May I see it?"

You hand the crystal to Professor Holly and he holds it up to look at it more closely. Are you going to ask him to look at the cutécaptor now?

What? You're not going to ask him right now because he's looking at the crystal? Are you sure that's the real reason?

"Very interesting. You said this was from the underground area?" Professor Holly hands the crystal back to you and you hold it close to Joe's cast.

What? You're not going to ask Professor Holly about the cutécaptor right now because you're busy holding the crystal close to Joe's cast? You glance over your shoulder at Professor Holly and when you look at Joe again he smiles at you and puts his other hand over your hand! You can't help your cheeks turning red!

Joe takes the crystal with his other hand. "I can hold this for a while."

"I'll leave you alone for now." Professor Holly turns away and says "Let me know if you feel up to eating something."

"Wait, Professor Holly!"

"Yes, Cutémon?"

Professor Holly is looking at you! What? You don't know exactly how to ask him about the cutécaptor? Well, why don't you start by showing it to him?

You take a deep breath and then stand up from the bed and pick up Joe's jacket and take out the cutécaptor and hold it up to Professor Holly!

"Please help us!"

Professor Holly looks at the cutécaptor for a moment and then takes it from you and walks to the table and sits down. "Did you get this from Professor Plumtree?"

What? Professor Holly can tell that Professor Plumtree made the cutécaptor?

Professor Holly glances at you and says "I just read about it in one of those magazines. The mail is a little slow getting up here." He looks at the cutécaptor again. "I suppose the importance of this is a bit different through a mon's eyes." Professor Holly looks at you and asks "Has it been utilized?"

You can't help glancing toward Joe!

"I see." Professor Holly looks down at the table. "The only one who might be able to easily reverse the process is Professor Plumtree... or one of the ancient professors."
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Suddenly you hear Joe's voice behind you ask "Ancient professors?" You look over your shoulder and see Joe leaning against the bedroom doorway holding the glowing crystal! It seems like he's feeling a lot better!

Professor Holly looks over at Joe and says "There's a legend that the ancient humans somehow sealed away the collected knowledge of mankind to keep it protected after the alien war. People used to say 'Ask the ancient professors' when they couldn't solve a problem." Professor Holly nods at the crystal. "You're recovering quickly."

"My arm doesn't hurt anymore." Joe glances down at the cast on his arm and then looks at the Professor and asks "Is it really just a legend?"

"I once thought so, but having seen those Auraprimas and that Auroara, it might be based on fact." Professor Holly looks at you and then looks at Joe. "How did you come to activate the cutécaptor, young man?"

"It's..." Joe glances at you. "A long story. Professor Holly..."


Joe glances at you again. "Professor Plumtree gave it to me, but now he wants to take it back. And..." It seems like Joe can't help glancing at you again! "I don't want that. Are you sure there's no way to turn it off?"

"Nothing's certain, young man." Professor Holly looks down at the cutécaptor in his hands and holds it up in front of him and looks over it at you and Joe. "The unknowns simply outnumber the knowns. We know that it's been utilized, and that an artificial mental connection has been successfully formed between a human and a mon. And..." Professor Holly looks back up at Joe.

Joe nods and says "And we know Professor Plumtree can track the cutécaptor."

The Professor looks at you and Joe. "Do you have a map?"

You nod and take your travel map out of your jacket pocket and lay it on the table in front of Professor Holly and then he points at the very top of the map and says "This cabin is somewhere around this spot." Professor Holly moves his finger down a little bit and says "Not too far away is a place called Pyrite City. That's where young Professor Bean came in on his way up here."

Professor Holly moves his finger all the way across the map to the side edge and points at it and says "There's a man in Cape Smelt named Professor Lungwort who specializes in human-type mons." Professor Holly glances at the window and then hands you back the cutécaptor and stands up and reaches into his pocket and takes out your baseball cap and hands it to you. "The sun will be up in about an hour. You should decide what you're going to do by then."

>Leave and go west toward Pyrite City (roll 1d100)
>Leave and go south toward ????? (roll 1d100)
>Wait here for your other friends (roll 1d100)
Rolled 97 (1d100)

>Wait here for your other friends (roll 1d100)
Rolled 48 (1d100)

>Wait here for your other friends (roll 1d100)

Nice roll.
Rolled 8 (1d100)

>Wait here for your other friends (roll 1d100)
Solid update as always.

>Wait here for your other friends (roll 1d100)
Rolled 7 (1d100)

>>Wait here for your other friends (roll 1d100)
>Wait here for your other friends (roll 1d100)
Rolled 49 (1d100)

Rolled 31 (1d100)

>>Wait here for your other friends (roll 1d100)
Rolled 44 (1d100)

>>Wait here for your other friends (roll 1d100)
Rolled 36 (1d100)

>>Leave and go south toward ????? (roll 1d100)
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Joe glances at the cabin door and says "Even if it means getting caught, we can't run out on our friends. Right?"

You're nodding your head!

"We should wait!"

"In that case, I'll get started on breakfast." Professor Holly stands up and takes a big iron pan out of the cupboard. "I hope you like pancakes."

You've never had pancakes before! It smells good!

Tamounda sticks his nose out the bedroom and sniffs and says "Tamounda!" and trots out toward the table and Ramster, Lottatax, Dipoelagus, and Intangerbil all follow him out!

[SFX: door opening]

Suddenly you hear the cabin door open! You can't help jumping up from your chair and-

Auroara walks through the doorway with Professor Bean and Pakitt and Aura and Prima!

What? You just noticed their horns are glowing like they have a lot of energy? It's probably because of all the crystals around Kroma-La! They walk into the cabin and look back and the strange little girl you saw in Kroma-La walks into the cabin and looks around!

The Auraprimas look at you and your other friends and one of them says "Professor Bean's attempt was successful."

The other one gestures at the strange little girl. "This is our least sister, Rori."

"This is the mon who found you." Auroara nods at you. "Her name is Cutémon."

Rori is looking up at you! "Thank you, Cutémon!"

Auroara turns her head and sniffs. "What is... that smell?"

Professor Holly turns around with a big stack of pancakes on a plate and says "Pancakes!"

You and your friends all gather around the table and start eating! Before you know it, the pancakes are all gone!

Auroara looks at you and says "Your human friend Suba was disappointed that you didn't return to see them again. She said your visit was the most interesting thing to happen to her in the past hundred years."

What? Suba is a hundred years old?

Professor Holly looks at Professor Bean and asks "What will you do now?"

"These three woke up because the automated defenses in the tower ruins detected the alien spaceship we recently encountered."

When Professor Bean nods at the Auraprimas, one of them says "We will fly back to Tower Four with Professor Bean and investigate further."

The other one grins at Pakitt. "His Pakitt is very useful."

Pakitt's ears perk up and it says "Pakitt!"

"I wouldn't mind more company." Auroara looks at you and Joe. "We can carry you all."

You and Joe glance at each other and Joe says "I think we're going somewhere else."

"Pyrite City!"

Joe is nodding his head! It seems like you both agree!

Dipoelagus tilts its face toward Professor Holly. "IF IT'S ALRIGHT, I'D LIKE TO STAY WITH PROFESSOR HOLLY FOR NOW."

"I hoped you'd say that!" Professor Holly holds up the iron pan. "Anyone care to lick the pan clean?"

"Tan-tan!" Intangerbil flies around in a circle and licks the pan and says "Tan-tan!"

Auroara looks at you and Joe and grins. "It seems like this is goodbye. For now."
Everyone walks outside and Auroara gives you a hug and then looks at you. "It seems like you've decided what you need to do."

You're nodding your head!


Everyone waves and watches as one of the Auraprimas picks up Professor Bean and the other one picks up Pakitt and then they fly up into the air with Auroara and Rori behind them! After a few moments you can't see them anymore!

"Are you sure you're ready to travel?" Professor Holly asks Joe. "You're welcome to stay here for as long as you like."

"I appreciate everything you've done for us, but I think we should keep moving. Besides," Joe holds up the crystal. "I don't know how much longer I'll need this cast."

"Well, take care, all of you."

You look up at Professor Holly!

"Thanks, Professor Holly!"

"You're very welcome, Cutémon. I'm glad to have met you." It seems like you made a new friend! You look at Dipoelagus and Intangerbil!


Intangerbil waves its paw and says "Tan-tan!"


You look at Ramster, Tamounda, and Lottatax!





You and Joe smile at each other and then you all start walking down the mountain toward Pyrite City! After you walk a little further you can see some shapes in the distance! It looks like you might be getting closer to Pyrite City! You keep walking and when you walk over the top of a hill you see the shapes are even closer! It looks like there's only one more hill before Pyrite City!

You walk toward the top of the last hill and-

Suddenly you see Professor Plumtree standing in front of you at the top of the hill with his hands in his pockets! Next to him is a mechanical-type mon that looks like a huge white cat!

You can't help taking a step backward!

"Ram-ram!" Ramster jumps in front of you and holds out his front paws like a boxer! Suddenly the mechanical-type mon glares at Ramster and Ramster can't help taking a step backward!

"Professor Plumtree!" Joe glances at you and back up the hill.

"Joe Apple. You seem surprisingly intact." Professor Plumtree nods at the mechanical-type mon. "After Onlion's disappointing performance, I revised my initial design. Linx is superior to Onlion in every way." He glances down at Ramster and says "I'm happy to demonstrate it against these other mons if required. If not, I'll take the cutécaptor and be on my way."

"I'm not giving it to you!" Joe steps between you and Professor Plumtree!

"You're under a great deal of strain, Joe. You were never meant to be subject to the cutécaptor's properties for an extended period. Let me help you."

"Forget it!" Joe takes a step toward Professor Plumtree! It seems like he really means it!

"I'd hoped it wouldn't come to this. Very well. Linx..."

>Challenge Linx and Professor Plumtree with your mon friends (roll 2d100)
>Try to run away with Joe and your mon friends (roll 1d100)
>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
Rolled 82, 87 = 169 (2d100)

>>Challenge Linx and Professor Plumtree with your mon friends (roll 2d100)
Rolled 62, 59 = 121 (2d100)

>Challenge Linx and Professor Plumtree with your mon friends (roll 2d100)
You know, if he used his charm more often he might actually get somewhere.
Rolled 51, 18 = 69 (2d100)

>>Challenge Linx and Professor Plumtree with your mon friends (roll 2d100)
Rolled 46, 94 = 140 (2d100)

>Challenge Linx and Professor Plumtree with your mon friends (roll 2d100)

If he could reliably do that, he wouldn't be fantasizing about kidnapping and violating girl-shaped woodland critters.
>Challenge Linx and Professor Plumtree with your mon friends (roll 2d100)
He looks like a fuckboy.
Rolled 79, 79 = 158 (2d100)

>>Challenge Linx and Professor Plumtree with your mon friends (roll 2d100)
Rolled 94 (1d100)

>>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
Rolled 56, 21 = 77 (2d100)

>>Challenge Linx and Professor Plumtree with your mon friends (roll 2d100)
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"Challenge me instead!"

You meant to say that out loud! When Joe looks back, you put out your arm and step in front of Joe and give Linx a determined look!

"Interesting." Professor Plumtree glances at you with his hands in his pockets. "You're much more independent than you should be at this stage. Linx, begin-"


Lottatax attacks before Linx was ready!

Lottatax attacks with Fangs!

It hurts Linx!

What? Lottatax sneaked up on Linx when it wasn't looking and bit it on the tail?

Professor Plumtree doesn't look very concerned! He glances at Lottatax and says "I had your followers in mind when designing this mon. Linx, begin Mirror."

Suddenly Linx starts to glow and another Linx appears and glares at Lottatax!

Lottatax says "Lottatax!" and scurries around the second Linx just as the second Linx snaps its jaws at the ground where Lottatax was!

You look down at Ramster!

"Ramster, help Lottatax!"

Ramster says "Ram-ram!" and jumps at the second Linx!

Ramster attacks with Horns!

It hurts Linx2!

Suddenly Tamounda says "Tamounda!" and when you turn your head you see him swing his tail at the first Linx!

Tamounda attacks with Tail!

It really hurts Linx1!

The first Linx gets hit so hard by Tamounda's tail that it gets knocked onto its side! It seems like you and your friends are doing pretty good in this fight!

What? Professor Plumtree still doesn't look very concerned? His hands are still in his pockets! The first Linx jumps back to its feet and Professor Plumtree says "Linx, begin Fragment."

Suddenly its blue eye flashes and then its red eye flashes and then they start flashing back and forth!



You have to cover your eyes with your hands because you're getting dizzy from the flashing blue and red lights! When you peek out from between your fingers you see Lottatax and Ramster sitting on the ground! It seems like they don't know what's happening! You can't help taking a step sideways to steady yourself! When you do, you bump into Tamounda and he says "Tamounda!" and you both look up and see the second Linx glaring down at you!

The first Linx stops flashing its eyes and both of the Linx glare at you and take another step closer to you and Joe and Tamounda!

[SFX: snow disturbance]

Suddenly a white shape with pink eyes lands between you and the two Linx!

It's Onlion!

What? Professor Plumtree still doesn't look very concerned? "Onlion, you are malfunctioning. Attack that Tamounda."

Onlion glances at Professor Plumtree and then backs up a step closer to you and looks up at the two Linx!

Professor Plumtree can't believe it!

>Stay and fight with Onlion (roll 2d100)
>Grab your friends and run toward Pyrite City (roll 1d100)
Rolled 32, 59 = 91 (2d100)

>Stay and fight with Onlion (roll 2d100)
Rolled 98, 62 = 160 (2d100)

>>Stay and fight with Onlion (roll 2d100)
Rolled 31, 15 = 46 (2d100)

>Stay and fight with Onlion (roll 2d100)
Rolled 24, 69 = 93 (2d100)

>Stay and fight with Onlion (roll 2d100)
Rolled 30 (1d100)

>>Grab your friends and run toward Pyrite City (roll 1d100)
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Professor Plumtree glances at one of the Linx and says "Linx, begin-"

Cutémon attacks before Linx2 was ready!

Cutémon attacks with Overbite!

It really hurts Linx2!

You jump on top of the other Linx and poke it as hard as you can with your outer fangs but then it lurches sideways and you fall off and it swipes one of its front paws at you!

Linx2 attacks with Scrape!

It really hurts Cutémon!

The paw hits you so hard that you get knocked back into the deep snow!

Joe can't help crying out! "Cutémon!"

You sit up out of the snow just in time to see Onlion and Linx circling around each other!

Professor Plumtree still doesn't look concerned! He still has his hands in his pockets! Suddenly Linx pretends to take a step backward and then jumps at Onlion and catches Onlion's back in its jaws!

Linx1 attacks with Gigabite!

It really hurts Onlion!

Even though Onlion doesn't make any noise, you can tell it hurts a lot! You can't help crying out!


"Ram-ram..." Suddenly Ramster shakes his head and looks around and says "Ram-ram?" It seems like the Fragment attack is wearing off! When you look around, you-

What? You just noticed Professor Plumtree taking his hands out of his pocket? It looks like he has a mini sleep bomb in his hand! "Let's get all of these mons out of the way." Professor Plumtree looks at Ramster and Tamounda and then pulls out the pin and a purple cloud starts spraying out! Professor Plumtree tosses the mini sleep bomb at you and it lands in the snow next to Tamounda!

Tamounda turns around and says "Tamounda?" just as the purple cloud sprays out at him! "Tamou-!"

When you start running toward Tamounda the breeze changes direction and the purple cloud gets blown toward you and you start coughing! When you look down you see Tamounda lying on the ground!

[SFX: snoring]

It looks like Tamounda already fell asleep! You had better...

What? You're getting sleepy too? You start yawning and you have to try really hard not to close both eyes!

You look down at Lottatax but it's still just staring because it's still hypnotized from that Fragment attack!

Professor Plumtree takes a step forward but then the breeze changes direction again and the purple cloud blows between you and Professor Plumtree!

Professor Plumtree is looking at you! "Linx, retrieve Joe Apple and that Cutémon."

You and Joe can't help taking a step backward! You and Joe look at each other and then you look at Ramster and the Linx just as both of the Linx walk into the purple cloud toward you and you can't see them for a moment!

>Keep fighting Linx and Professor Plumtree (roll 2d100)
>Grab your friends and run toward Pyrite City (roll 1d100)
Rolled 86 (1d100)

>Grab your friends and run toward Pyrite City (roll 1d100)
He's so calm, even now! We stand no chance!
Rolled 56, 85 = 141 (2d100)

>Keep fighting Linx and Professor Plumtree (roll 2d100)
Are the two of us really enough get Ramster, Tamounda, Lottatax, AND Onlion to safety?
Rolled 89 (1d100)

>>Grab your friends and run toward Pyrite City (roll 1d100)
Rolled 8, 26 = 34 (2d100)

>>Keep fighting Linx and Professor Plumtree (roll 2d100)
Rolled 7, 58 = 65 (2d100)

>>Keep fighting Linx and Professor Plumtree (roll 2d100)
Rolled 8 (1d100)

>>Grab your friends and run toward Pyrite City (roll 1d100)
Rolled 67 (1d100)

>>Grab your friends and run toward Pyrite City (roll 1d100)
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Joe looks at you and whispers "Cutémon, use Overbite."

You give the purple cloud a determined look and as soon as you see one of the Linx stick its nose out of the cloud you jump at it!

Cutémon attacks before Linx2 was ready!

Cutémon attacks with Overbite!

Linx2 is out of energy!

When you jump on the Linx and poke it with your outer fangs it flashes and disappears and you land on the snow next to Tamounda! The purple cloud starts to drift toward you but you hold your breath and grab Tamounda and-

Suddenly the other Linx walks out of the purple cloud and glares at you and then flashes its blue and red eyes at you! When you see the blue and red flashing lights you start to feel dizzy but then you notice the cutécaptor glowing in Joe's jacket pocket and you don't feel dizzy anymore!

Effects of Fragment cancelled.

Linx is using Fragment!

It doesn't seem to have any effect!

"Come on!" When you hear Joe's voice you look over and see him holding Lottatax! "Let's get out of here while we can!"

Ramster waves at you and Joe and says "Ram-ram!" and points up the hill and then you carry Tamounda up the hill as quickly as you can with Joe and Ramster.

What? You just remembered Onlion? You look back and see Onlion and Linx fighting and then you see Professor Plumtree on the other side of the purple cloud looking up at you!

"Come on!" You look up the hill at Joe and then look at Onlion again and then look back at Joe and then Joe says "I want to help Onlion too, but they're after you and the cutécaptor. Onlion is fighting so you can escape."

Are you really going to leave Onlion?

You look at Onlion again and then look at Joe and then carry Tamounda the rest of the way up the hill as quickly as you can!

What? Your face is all wet? You have to blink to see where you're going because you're crying!

When you get to the top of the hill you can see a huge boat and a bunch of wooden buildings on the shore at the bottom of the valley. It doesn't look like the huge boat is floating!

You and Joe and Ramster run down the hill as fast as you can and down toward the wooden buildings and when you get to them you all run around the corner of one of the buildings and stop to catch your breath.

"Lotta...tax..." Joe holds up Lottatax and it blinks and then looks around and looks at you and Tamounda and asks "Lottatax?" It seems like Lottatax is confused because it was hypnotized by Linx's Fragment attack!

[SFX: footsteps]

Suddenly you hear footsteps behind you!

When you turn around you see Onlion limp around the corner of the building! You're so happy you can't contain yourself!


Onlion looks at you and then falls over in the snow!

>Try to find a mon fighting arena (roll 1d100)
>Try to find a professor (roll 1d100)
>Try to find a hiding spot (roll 1d100)
Rolled 56 (1d100)

>Try to find a hiding spot (roll 1d100)
It's probably a good idea to find a place to lay low before we get a feel for the area and plan our next action from there.
Rolled 34 (1d100)

>Try to find a hiding spot (roll 1d100)
We don't know anything about this place except Prof Bean came from here.
Rolled 26 (1d100)

>>Try to find a hiding spot (roll 1d100)
Rolled 88 (1d100)

>Try to find a hiding spot (roll 1d100)
Rolled 63 (1d100)

>>Try to find a professor (roll 1d100)
Rolled 4 (1d100)

>Try to find a hiding spot (roll 1d100)
Rolled 58 (1d100)

>Try to find a hiding spot (roll 1d100)
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Joe crouches down next to Onlion and touches its side and then looks up at you and says "I'm sure it'll be alright. We can probably find a professor who lives in town." Joe looks over his shoulder at where you came from and then looks back and says "For now, we should probably find someplace where we can all hide."

You're nodding your head!

When Joe stands back up he looks at Onlion again. "I don't think I can carry Onlion. We'll have to find someplace where you can put Tamounda and then come back for-"

"Ta...mounda?" What? Tamounda is waking up? Tamounda turns his head and looks at you and then wiggles out of your arms and lands on the snow and looks at Onlion then hides behind you and peeks out from behind your legs and says "Tamounda!"

You look over your shoulder at Tamounda and point at Onlion.

"Onlion's our friend!"

Tamounda looks up at you and then looks at Onlion and looks at you again and says "Tamounda!"

"If it isn't Professor Ginger's protégé."

"She's changed her hat."

What? You recognize those voices? You and your friends look up the alley and see Professor Cherry and Professor Moss standing next to a big mon that looks like a giant turtle with a tomato shell! It's a Terramato!

The Terramato glares at you and your friends and says "Mato!"

What? You just remembered Professor Cherry and Professor Moss are Professor Plumtree's friends? You can't help taking a step backward!

Professor Cherry looks at Lottatax. "Professor Plumtree said she'd have a Lottatax with her."

"As if I'd ever forget a face."

"What could Professor Plumtree want with a pair of novice mon trainers?"

Professor Moss looks at you and Joe and crosses his arms. "As I recall, the girl didn't even make it to the third round." What? Professor Moss thinks you're a human girl? Do you know what that means?


It means Professor Plumtree didn't tell him that you're really a Cutémon!

Professor Cherry shifts her stance and says "Her Tamounda had a particularly poor showing."

Tamounda can't believe it! He takes a step forward and says "Tamounda!"

Professor Moss glances at Joe. "And that boy doesn't even have a mon of his own."

Suddenly Ramster hops in front of Joe and looks up at Professor Moss and Professor Cherry and says "Ram-ram!"

"The girl's Ramster might offer some resistance, Professor Moss."

"That's why we're remaining close to my Terramato, Professor Cherry."

The Terramato takes a step closer and glares down at Ramster and says "Mato!"

Lottatax scurries closer to Ramster and looks up at Professor Moss and Professor Cherry and flattens its head spikes back and says "Lottatax!"

"Of course, this placement affords my Medoozi an excellent opportunity to perform a sneak attack."

What? Professor Cherry just said something about a sneak attack?

Medoozi attacks before Cutémon was ready!
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Medoozi attacks with Whirl!

It really hurts Cutémon!

It really hurts Tamounda!

Suddenly something slaps you and Tamounda and knocks you down into the snow and your winter hatalmost gets knocked off your head! When you sit up, you see a big mon that looks like a big blue jellyfish floating in the air spinning its tentacles around it like a buzzsaw!

The Medoozi's tentacles slow down and stop spinning and then it flattens and stretches its head and says "Doo! Doo! Doo!" and floats toward you! It seems like Medoozi is going to challenge you because it knows you're really a mon!

What? You just remembered you don't want Professor Cherry and Professor Moss to know you're really a Cutémon?

Suddenly Tamounda hops between you and Medoozi and looks up at Medoozi and says "Tamounda!

Medoozi looks at you and then looks at Tamounda and then looks at you and flattens and stretches its head and says "Doo! Doo! Doo!" and starts floating toward you again!

When you take a step backward you bump into Joe's back and then you and Joe both glance at each other and Joe says "Let's get out of here!"

Professor Cherry smirks at you and Joe and says "Professor Plumtree directed us to keep them both here until he returned."

"He also directed us to ensure those mons wouldn't be in the way."

"Care to put your Terramato to use, Professor Moss? I wouldn't want to take all the credit."

"Merely affording you the opening move, Professor Cherry." Professor Moss glances at Ramster and Lottatax and says "Terramato, move to engage that Ramster. And keep an eye on that Lottatax."

The Terramato stomps toward Joe and Ramster and Lottatax and says "Mato!"

Professor Cherry looks at you and Tamounda and says "Medoozi, finish off that Tamounda and then assist Professor Moss's Terramato."

The Medoozi flattens and stretches its head and says "Doo! Doo! Doo!" and starts waving its tentacles and floating toward Tamounda!

>Take off your winter hat and challenge Medoozi (roll 2d100)
>Try to lead Medoozi away from the professors (roll 1d100)
>Ask Tamounda to challenge Medoozi by himself (roll 1d100)
Rolled 35 (1d100)

>Try to lead Medoozi away from the professors (roll 1d100)
Rolled 19 (1d100)

>Try to lead Medoozi away from the professors (roll 1d100)
Rolled 92 (1d100)

>Ask Tamounda to challenge Medoozi by himself (roll 1d100)
Tamounda is brave!
Rolled 77, 24 = 101 (2d100)

>>Take off your winter hat and challenge Medoozi (roll 2d100)
Rolled 59 (1d100)

>>Ask Tamounda to challenge Medoozi by himself (roll 1d100)
>Ask Tamounda to challenge Medoozi by himself (roll 1d100)
>Accuse Professor Plumtree of untoward attraction to little girls
>Take off your winter hat and challenge Medoozi (roll 2d100)
Rolled 32, 50 = 82 (2d100)

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Tamounda takes a step back and looks up at Medoozi and says "Tamounda!"

What? You just remembered the trick you used during mon fights when you distracted the other team's mon by making it think it was supposed to challenge you?

Suddenly you run past the other side of Medoozi and it spins around in the air toward you and flattens and stretches its head and says "Doo! Doo! Doo!" and starts floating toward you!

You look at Medoozi and take a step backward and then turn and run down the alley away from the professors!

"Medoozi! Don't let her get away!"

Medoozi says "Doo! Doo! Doo!" and flies through the air as quickly as it can and then it circles around in the air in front of you and blocks you from running away!

Terramato attacks with Trample!

It hurts Ramster!

It hurts Lottatax!

what? You forgot about Terramato? You look back over your shoulder at Joe and Ramster and Lottatax just as they all get knocked away into the snow and see Terramato standing up on its back legs but then you hear Medoozi say "Doo! Doo! Doo!" and when you look at Medoozi it starts waving its tentacles in front of its face and whistling an exotic tune at you!

Medoozi is using Fake Charmer!

Medoozi looks at you and points one of its tentacles at Tamounda and then draws the tentacle sideways in front of it and says "Doo! Doo! Doo!"

It seems like your friend Medoozi wants you to help it beat up Tamounda! You had better hurry up and...

Effects of Fake Charmer cancelled.

Medoozi is using Fake Charmer!

It doesn't seem to have any effect!

Medoozi can't believe it! You grin at Medoozi and then Medoozi starts spinning one of its tentacles like a baseball pitcher getting ready to throw a baseball and then slaps its tentacle right at you!

You can't help closing your eyes!

Medoozi attacks with Slap!

Tamounda blocks the attack!

What? Tamounda? When you open your eyes you see Tamounda blocking Medoozi's tentacle with his tail! Tamounda looks up at Medoozi floating in the air above you and says "Tamounda!" and swings his tail at Medoozi!

Tamounda attacks with Tail!

It really hurts Medoozi!

Medoozi gets knocked backward toward the professors into a wall and flattens and then puffs itself back up and flattens and stretches its head and says "Doo! Doo! Doo!" and flies through the air toward you and Tamounda!

>Take off your winter hat in front of the professors and challenge Medoozi (roll 2d100)
>Try to lead Medoozi away from the professors (roll 1d100)
>Encourage Tamounda to challenge Medoozi (roll 1d00)
>Encourage Tamounda to challenge Medoozi (roll 1d00)
Rolled 85 (1d100)

Dropped my dice.
Rolled 49 (1d100)

>Encourage Tamounda to challenge Medoozi (roll 1d00)
>Try to lead Medoozi away from the professors (roll 1d100)
Rolled 5 (1d100)

>Encourage Tamounda to challenge Medoozi (roll 1d00)
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I didn't realize how close to the bottom of page 10 we were! Normally I like to end on a better note but since the thread is almost archived we'll have to start back up in the next thread.

And speaking of the next thread, I will be taking a break for a few weeks so the next episode will start in July. Thank you to all the players for being a part of this game so far!

I realize I haven't been very communicative so I'd like to change that. If you have any questions about the game or the setting so far, please post either here or in the /qtg/ and I will answer them as best as I can without too many spoilers.
Rolled 57, 21 = 78 (2d100)

>>Take off your winter hat in front of the professors and challenge Medoozi (roll 2d100)
Is Plumtree a virgin?
Does he like little girls in general, or just human-type mons that look like young girls specifically?
Are professors a profession, vocation, caste, or a different type of human completely? Can anyone become a professor? What/who determines whether someone is officially a professor or not?
>Is Plumtree a virgin?
No, he's been screwing people over for years.

>Does he like little girls in general, or just human-type mons that look like young girls specifically?
Just mons as far as anyone knows.

>Are professors a profession, vocation, caste, or a different type of human completely? Can anyone become a professor? What/who determines whether someone is officially a professor or not?
All of the above; as acknowledged by a prestigious group of humans that may include Professor Basil. Anyone can become a professor.

Thanks for running!

How exactly do you determine DCs and tabulate rolls?

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