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Tags: cybernetic, high fantasy, post-apocalyptic, adventuring, improvisation, trains, civ
Oneshot probably.
I just don't like the term "kitchen sink"

You are the newly elected immortally augmented human leader of a settlement of 100 sapient beings belonging to various races. Ever since the Catastrophic Event about the nature of which only legends remain, you have survived in the wilderness in small groups, most of the technology lost, until finally banding together in an abandoned city of rusted metal and broken glass ruined by forces of nature and reclaimed by both its children and other groups. You must now rise and revive the civilization that has departed from this land.

You lay claim to merely a single district in the greater city. You have a train station available to you with a single magitek train in no condition to travel the railways, but available for repair, provided sufficient parts are collected. The hydroponics farms keep you fed, and the water from the river keeps your thirst at bay. You possess a modest cache of tools, both simple and advanced, and primitive, pre-modern weaponry with a couple machine guns and limited ammunition for them in case of especially strong enemies. In one of the border streets between you and the other powers in the area there is a derelict mech the size of a tank in similar condition to the train, but nobody has laid claim to it yet.

Speaking about other powers, there is an armed trading outpost in the river port downriver, to the southeast, from which you get most of the materials and tools for your construction and manufacturing. You exchange part of the food for them. The locals you encountered in your scouting operations call them simply the "Port Traders".

To the northeast, there is a group of people that occupy the labs. They are few in number, around your size, but they control some high tech weaponry like napalm and railguns (your scouts have seen these used against the orcs to the north) and are vehemently against sharing it with anyone else. They have some elaborate name they thought up for themselves, but the locals call them simply the "Labrats".
To the north, a moderate distance from both the border of the city and your own position, an orc warcamp is set up, raiding the neighbouring area for loot and slaves once in a few years. According to info from the Port Traders, they sit on a manufacturing zone, but they seem to squander these resources, instead partaking in idle revelry and honing their war skills in equal parts. They are ruled by strength and could probably be subjugated or convinced to cooperate with a show of force, but you should be careful when dealing with them lest a retaliation takes place. Either way, preventing their raids is one of the many things on your agenda.

To the west, a large district of the city is occupied by religious fanatics of some sort. They've sent missionaries to you in hopes of converting you to their faith, and ever since they've tried using hypnosis to brainwash the negotiators that met them you've only greeted them with the tips of your spears. They seem to scout you out in increasingly larger armed groups. Something has to be done about them soon. They are called "The Fanatics" by the locals.

To the southwest, across the river, is a group of survivors much like your own. You send traders with food to them in exchange for some rare expendable magical items. They don't say where they get them. The locals call them the "Artificers".

To the south, across the river again, is a zone where a single necromancer lives with his army of corpses. He's offered to outsource some of the manual labour to his undead in exchange for future favours but your group has, so far, carefully declined his deals.

To the south-southeast, along the river on the other side, is a dangerous zone where various titanic beasts reside in the ruins of the city. Hunters from the Port Traders and other groups beyond the zone sometimes venture inside to hunt them and bring back valuable materials, but success of these operations is uncertain.

Your people are skilled and surely capable of ascending to power over the area. The mood in your group is good, with hope in the new leader (you) high. Your harem of a slimegirl and a succubus also cheers you on.

What is your first decree? And what is your name?
>Write-in name

First action:
Some ideas:
>focus on growing food and trading it for materials and tools with the Port Traders in the coming year to repair and claim the mech
>team up with the necromancer to beat the orcs
>trade more food with the Artificers to deepen your relations

There will be random events in the future.
Immortal Cyborg first decree is "Fuck Taxes"

Those who work must eat expand the hydroponics. Consult with the tech savvy peoples what would be better to restore the train or the mech. If the train is fixed what routes would be open before further investment into the rails is required? Send scouts to inspect the rails.
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>mfw my quest caused the 4chan front page to go down for several hours
Absolute win. They couldn't handle the slimegirl-succubus harem.
Either way,
Seems like you're the only one, my friend. Update pending...
Rolled 1 (1d10)

>expand hydroponics
>consult tech people for repairs
>scout rails
>fuck taxes
You ask your group's tech masters, Barmat the dwarf and Shimon the human, what you should repair first: the mech or the train.

"Ah, depends on what we want first: firepower or travel." Barmat says. "The mech's weapons are preserved - they were build to last - but the topological programming system and other electronics are busted. One leg's bad too. If we want to repair it, we'd need the Traders to ask their friends for parts, and some ammunition and fuel too. For all this trouble, we'd get a jumbo-sized firing hulk that'd protect us no problem against both the Orcs and the Fanatics - for now, at least. The Labrats may have the upper hand still."

"The train is a bigger project." Shimon continues for his colleague. "We don't really know if the Traders would even be able to procure the parts for it - thing is, the main engine is in disrepair, and would need a lot of parts, including some fairly specialized ones. Perhaps we'd have more luck manufacturing them ourselves if we had access to some industrial powers. We'd need to get some deals from the Artificers too. I don't know the travelling distance for after we repair it, you'd have to ask the Traders for that - their info reach is far greater than ours. If it's decent, we'd have a powerful travelling and transportation tool, not to mention the possibility of arming it..."

Regarding the state of the rails, your scouts report they were built to last, and remain in fairly good condition from your settlement up until the territories of the Fanatics and the Orcs. Your scouts didn't dare investigate further than these due to danger from these groups. Asking the Traders for info, you receive the response that according to them, the rails run along the river in decent state for a hundred or so kilometers - they usually don't go any further and only have rumours after that. They also express interest in the idea of a train at mutual disposal should it be restored, but you didn't inquire what they meant at the time, departing with the info they gave you.

There are, unfortunately, no taxes to fuck, your group existing on a small commune-like basis for now. In the future though... minimal taxation is, perhaps, indeed the way to go.

Over the next few months, you purchase construction materials from the Traders to expand the hydroponics. They are both the source of your food and the main trading resource - as such, it seems reasonable to capitalize on it as much as possible.

Time passes...
Rolling for random event
1 - Fanatics attack
2 - Orc raid
3 - There's chemicals in the water
4 - Nuclear magic rift opens
5 - Travelling superhuman appears
6 - Necromancer asks for help
7 - River monster dies on your territory
8 - Special deal with the Artificers
9 - Special deal with the Port Traders
10 - Magical user trains
Forgot quick sketch of the MECH. It is low-quality but I hope you like it and it is informative regarding its construction.

Also writing the event now...
The patrols report sighting a group of several dozen people approaching from the Fanatics' territory. Immediately, you mobilize everyone that is of use in a fight and go to meet them.

"...AND IF YOU REFUSE THE HOLY WORD OF THE PATRIARCHS THEN WE WILL BE FORCED TO CONVERT YOU WITH FORCE!" you arrive as the fanatic warband leader finishes his speech. They are not advancing with lethal intent yet; the initiative is on your side.

"They've been babbling about their god and how we would be happier if we accepted their faith for the past ten minutes." one of the border guards reports.

The fanatics are armed with simple weaponry and some armour, but they're numerous. You consider using the machine guns to repel them. This would, however, deplete the precious ammunition... if a single burst of fire won't be able to scare them away outright.
>Use the machine guns
>Use conventional weaponry

The fanatics are approaching through a medium-sized street. You have barricades which can inconvenience their advancement. However, it is evening, and the sun is blasting your eyes - the fanatics chose an advantageous time to attack and your sharpshooters have trouble detecting their targets. If you have any tactics you wish to use, feel free to mention them. By default, you will pepper their mass with some arrows or bullets, depending on if you use the machine guns, and if they break through to you, you will use melee weapons to push them back as they climb the barricades.
>Default tactics
>So many words
>For such shitty quest
I wasn't expecting anything, and still got disappointed. Genuinely surprised
Good sketch.

>Use the machine guns
>Use conventional weaponry

Use conventional weapons unless a group 3 or more gets close to the barricades open fire with machine guns.

Maybe find a different hobby.
Fag, kitchen sink is kino.

I'll agree with this, pending a better idea.
Kitchen sink IS kino
This quest is just scheisse
Well, anon, don't leave me hanging, tell me what's shit about this quest so I can improve.
>Good sketch.
>Use conventional weapons unless a group 3 or more gets close to the barricades open fire with machine guns.

Roll 1d100 Bo3, higher is better.
Rolled 42 (1d100)

Rolled 29, 9 = 38 (2d100)

I'll roll the rest.
Rolled 39 (1d100)

Not those anons, but as a general rule it's better to focus on what's important than to infodump. Brevity is the soul of wit and all that jazz. If people need more information to make their decision, they usually know to ask. Also making things too detailed will lock those details down, limiting where the story can go for no apparent gain.
Mmm, I understand that much, but I tried giving only essential info in past quests and anons complained about lack of information for decision-making. Perhaps I'm just giving the wrong details or going into extremes...

Also I think in the initial post at least, I gave important information: what's the basic premise, what resources are at your disposal and who's around you. You think it could be cut down? If you wish to explain, we could probably continue this talk in the /qtg/ so as not to clutter the thread. Or not. Your choice.
Complaining is good, it means they are involved. All the non-essential info is flavour text, and flavour text should have, well, flavour. Telling about orcs in the distant north seems silly when we don't know so little about the group we call our own. Imho something along the lines of "there are other groups around the city, some more hostile than others" would have been enough info about them for now until it becomes a pressing matter.
At some point you have to blame the players. I think a huge part of the problem is anonymous trolls that ghost after 2-3 posts. An example of this a civ quest that is still up 3 players voted for different races/locations. QM rolled for the 3-way tie Big Mama Bugmen won. The person who voted bugmen didn't last 3 posts.

I've seen civ threads last with one dedicated player for a whole page. Democracy only works with an informed population. If you make your players have custom IDs to vote you can track the players that stick around and care about your efforts. You could give those players more weight in the votes and ask them to critics.
Sorry for the late post, got distracted by some stuff.
>42 but bonus from machine gun usage
The fanatics start their charge once the first volley of your arrows is fired, shrill warcries resounding through the street, with some staying back to use bows and crossbows of their own. The machine gunners hold off from firing, letting the enemy get close. While this does allow them to take better aim and the effects of the sun are partly negated, it also forces them to rotate their guns more to hit their targets. The blades and speartips make the sun rays dance all around, almost as if the battle is done not with steel, but with lightsabers.

Not many fanatics make it to the barricades, and in spite of your poor performance with both ranged and melee weaponry, you manage to push them back and take some wounded captives. You take 5 casualties from some lucky arrows, but these pale in comparison with the number of cultists' corpses littering the battlefield.

One of the machine gunners manages to make a particularly large number of kills, his short bursts landing with extreme precision.
"Good work, Atun." you tell him after the battle is over.
"Bloody work is never good." the minotaur replies. "If only teaching a replacement was easy..."
You smile understandingly.

Taking count of the ammo expended by the machine guns, you find that only one has enough remaining for any significant use in battle.

The non-combatants greet your return with relief. The captured fanatics, 10 in number, are interrogated quickly for details regarding their positions and power, and the results are fairly concerning. The cultists are spread thin, but growing in power every week. While their common folk appear brainwashed and loyal to their faction, they are, at least, susceptible to fear, as signified by their response to torture during your interrogation and escape of some in the battle. They don't miss the chance to curse you all and lapse into chants at any opportune moment, however - nothing a punch in the gut can't fix.

The fanatics capture their new recruits through subterfuge and magic. They number in the thousands, follow a monotheistic faith of The Light, and are headed by a council of elders called the Patriarchs which hold absolute authority over the masses. Some aspects of their religion are strange, like sacrifices in boiling water...

Tiredness washing over you after a tough few days, you welcome the soothing company of your wives.

You've still not received the new harvest since the past hydroponics expansion effort, so trade options remain limited. Since that time, 15 more people have found their way to your settlement, joining the survivors you command, bringing the total to 110. With the attack over, you once again have time for projects of your own.
>As always, write-in
>Sell the captive fanatics as slaves to [write-in]
>Infiltrate the Labrats to steal tech
>Train your warriors to be more effective
>Trade for some less powerful/useful items [what kind?] with the Artificers/Port Traders
>gag and tie up the cultists hands, tattoo FUCK TAXES into their foreheads with permanent ink and send them off into neighboring colonies as a warning. This should instill fear into them, preventing further attacks.
>Grand library opening: Declare new initiative: All knowledge, old and new, should be deposited into your halls and studied by your scholars. Offer bounty for books and other nerd shit. Knowledge is power, all knowledge is all power.
Sell the captives off to the Port Traders for welders.

Weld together caltrops we could deploy them when the enemy reaches the barricades. Make more than enough to cover the barriers.

Invite the Artificers over to have a look at the mag train. Propose we could co-own the train if they help us fix it. Or maybe they would like to buy.

Ay yo my nigga chill man wes need cold hard goods for dem niggas in the pens. Dheys just let go we look soft likes a calf.
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Only writing now due to reasons, update should be out soon.

I see... though I'm not sure I agree. With no specific info about the location, number or power of the groups, there's no telling how much you, the players, should prepare for them. No info about their nature - and you can't think of the more subtle ways of handling them. I guess I didn't provide much of either though... I'll see how I can cut down on the clutter in the future. However, as you see in the previous post, it is kinda hard lol. ARGH, m-must... infodump...
No no, I think back then the player complaints were justified. If anything, it is now that I may disagree with the other anon. Also the custom ID (trip) thing discourages newcomers I think. What's the point of participating for people joining later in the quest if you're probably going to be outvoted by the big names that have been there since the beginning? It only really works for popular quests with like 7+ voters. Though I'm not against the use of trips as a whole: they could be used voluntarily to identify regulars whose presence may encourage the QM even if no additional power is given or counter the changing IDs without backlinking. Either way, I'm running a oneshot here, so all of these don't really matter.

Honestly, my thoughts are chaotic on the manner, I will now get to actually writing the update lol.
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Rolled 4 (1d13)

>Grand library opening: Declare new initiative: All knowledge, old and new, should be deposited into your halls and studied by your scholars. Offer bounty for books and other nerd shit. Knowledge is power, all knowledge is all power.
>Sell the captives off to the Port Traders for welders.
>Weld together caltrops we could deploy them when the enemy reaches the barricades. Make more than enough to cover the barriers.
>Invite the Artificers over to have a look at the mag train. Propose we could co-own the train if they help us fix it. Or maybe they would like to buy.

You decree that a building be dedicated to a library. It isn't grand by any means, the foundation being the books your people themselves have gathered since you banded together, but the collection is quite useful for teaching basic skills to all survivors. The oddity of seeing electronic storage devices neighbouring paper tomes doesn't quite leave you yet. You begin buying up books from Port Traders and Artificers as well. They don't cost much, unless it's some powerful magic tome, and yet they slowly build up your repository of knowledge.

The captives net you quite a bit of coin which you use to hire welders for your project. A couple weeks of scrap collection and welding later you've got yourselves a stockpile of caltrops to impede the advancement of your enemies.

The Artificers express mild interest in the train. While it is far-reaching, the Artificers themselves don't have direct access to rails, so it is of limited use to them. You bring up the possibility of co-owning it and you being the link to the northeast for them, a proposal they greet with interest. Their delegation and technical experts say they mostly deal in rare items, so they may provide the great steam elemental core for the train, but the rest of the mostly industrial parts you'll have to obtain yourselves. For the core, they ask to give them a month or two until they find it.

Perhaps this partnership will open the door for future deals and eventual unification under one flag.

(Reminder: choose a name for the faction and its leader please, it is important. Immortal Cyborg isn't really a name.)

Time passes...
Rolling for random event:
1 - Fanatic Crusaders attack
2 - Orc raid
3 - There's chemicals in the water
4 - Nuclear magic rift opens
5 - Travelling superhuman appears
6 - Necromancer asks for help
7 - River monster dies on your territory
8, 9 - Special deal with the Port Traders
10, 11 - Special deal with the Artificers
12 - Legendary book obtained
13 - Magical user trains
>Nuclear magic rift opens

One day, you receive reports of a magical explosion in the territory you control. Heading out to investigate, you find a rift in reality the size of a medium truck. Lightning crackling in the air, it emits an unseen, but nevertheless harmful force - you feel a bit sick just being near it, and this sickness does not go away when you return to the main settlement. On the other side of the rift you remember glimpsing a strange realm with irradiated, twisted nature, the eyes of a couple wild beasts lurking in the shadows, observing, but not invading your land yet.

The Port Traders and the Artificers send their men to investigate and check up on you as well - their sensors picked up disturbances in the area. When you share the details with them, they offer contrasting solutions: The Traders wish to close the rift as soon as possible, arguing that horrible mutations may take place if it is left unchecked. The Aritificers are more greedy and offer to help harvest its energies in a lengthier operation - in exchange for half of the harvested mana-fuel.

Still yet, there are a couple daredevils of your own that wish to mount an expedition to venture inside, regardless of the dangers involved... The other factions did say the rift will maintain itself for a month or so unless closed, but who knows what waits on the other side...
>Close the rift quickly to prevent further harm
>Harvest the rift's energies at risk of some men's deaths or mutations
>Mount an expedition into the rift to investigate what lay on the other side
Kek, yeah, let's call ourselves Immortan Sybrog.

>Harvest the rift's energies at risk of some men's deaths or mutations
Getting better relations with the Artificers will only help us in the long run.
>Close the rift quickly to prevent further harm

Health is wealth and we are very underequipped to deal with radiation. Guarding the rift 24/7 would take a lot of manpower.

Fraction name The Free Conductors
Leader name Ramza the Unplugged
+1 to both. Immortan Sybrog.

Also, op, I like the heavy detail. It's really given me a vivid image of the world.
>>Close the rift quickly to prevent further harm
I'd side with the Artificers if they can help us deal with the radiation.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

I actually like this name. Henceforth, you shall be known as IMMORTAN SYBROG. And since no other suggestions came in, your people will be The Free Conductors (basically train operators).

Rolling to break the tie.
1 - Close the rift quickly to prevent further harm
2 - Harvest the rift's energies at risk of some men's deaths or mutations
>Close the rift quickly to prevent further harm

The mages the Traders offered arrive within the day. The Artificers help out too, grudgingly accepting your decision to close the rift as soon as possible and providing materials for the ritual. The sorcerors chant incantations and direct power to catalysts which transform it into magic healing the reality, and gradually, the rift is closed. Your technicians wind down the magitek mechanisms and exhale with relief as the operation finishes.

As a gift of goodwill and sign of cooperation, the Traders offer you a book on the creation of stable rifts to far-away lands. With this, and 5 people left moderately ill for some time even with such resolution speed, the incident ends.

You find your slimegirl wife in her room, watering the vines falling from her windows.

"Latatta." you call her name.
"Hello, Syb." she doesn't turn from the plants, carefully pouring the water into the pots. "Did the ritual go well?"
"Yes." you say hesitantly. "Though some have fallen ill anyway."
Latatta finishes her work and puts down the watering can. Her wet skin glistens with secreted water as well. It always struck you odd how she secretes so much of it and still uses the clean kind to water the plants.
"What bothers you, love?" she approaches you and takes your face in her hands, directing your gaze at herself. The cool, wet touch of her palms against augmented metal is refreshing.
"...The fanatics. Ever since the attack, I worry they may strike again at any moment. They're powerful, and we're weak. Not to mention the brainwashing of their populace."
"Perhaps the brainwashing could be reverted?" Latatta asks. "Magic and magitek are wondrous tools not only for the body, but for the mind as well."
"Perhaps. Either way, I don't really want to discuss it now. I've had enough of admin problems for the day." You say, pulling her close and kissing the slimegirl.

You make passionate love to her that night.

(I don't think it's too hot for this board but just to be safe I put a part of the update in the file lol it is not necessary for understanding the update, just some lore and eroticism)

Over time, more people hear of your resistance to the fanatics and library. Some flock to your banner. 20 more people of various races join your group, bringing the total number to 130.

With some months passing, the greater harvest from the expanded hydroponics farms is obtained. New trade deals open up, new projects becoming available. And the first snow this year is soon to fall...
What do you focus on in the nearest time?
>Purchase parts and repair the mech
>Train warriors
>Hire specialists from the Port Traders and/or Artificers to train your mages
>Trade for [write-in] with Port Traders/Artificers
>Purchase parts and repair the mech
>Purchase parts and repair the mech

Focus on restoring the mobility. We could use it to tow a trailer making scavenging less backbreaking. The missile system is expensive to maintain, and missiles purchased could have duds.

>Train warriors
Have Atun scout volunteers for the militia. Practice our arrow volleys over the barricades and deploying the caltrops quickly.

Trade for some medicine to help purge those sick with radiation with the Port Traders.

Next time we capture enemy combatants don't ruff em up. Some cultists are sane enough to surrender then die for their cause. Some could be redeemable.
+1 to these suggestions.
We need armaments. Peace with the friendly groups is only so long as they feel it's not in their interested to dominate us, and we already have a fantatic problem.
Sorry for the late post, chaotic thoughts and distractions throughout the day
>Purchase parts and repair the mech
>Focus on restoring mech mobility
>Train warriors (involve Atun)
>Trade for radiation medicine
>Future directive: careful treatment of captives

Agreements are reached, hands are shaken, and a couple of months after your request, the Port Traders deliver the necessary parts for mech repair. Its leg is attached back, the electronics are brought back into operation, the fuel tanks are refilled. Finally, after a few days of work, Barmat reports the machine is "in tip-top shape now".

It takes a bit of experimentation to figure out the full controls, but it is moving now, piloted by Venice, a dark elf girl who is the only one with prior experience in mech driving.

Shimon, the human engineer, proposes an interesting idea.
"The mech's main leg attachment points are wide enough for some more construction. With some creative engineering, we could probably attach movable arms to it... I talked it over with Barmat and the junior techs, they don't mind, but it'll cost us."
You promise to consider this proposal.

With the rest of the food surplus, you buy some radiation medication. It won't cure the affected completely, but at least they'll be on their feet and ready to work some jobs in a few months.

Atun reluctantly abides by your request.
"I am no sharpshooter with the bow - my speciality is more with guns... but I'll try my best with training recruits."

The training is carried out over a couple winter months. The biting cold discourages the militia somewhat, but it is necessary to always be ready for an attack. The drills yield results, with your forces becoming more disciplined and precise.

And not a moment too soon, for on a cold, dark winter morning a stranger arrives from distant lands and requests an emergency meeting with you.
He is a haggard man frequently narrowing his eyes, as if he doesn't see well. The heavy coat draped around him is rugged and well-worn.

"My name is Sybar. I bear ill news." he says. "I come from a few hundred kilometers to the east, not far from the southern sea. My people lived peacefully, but a great threat came about in recent years. Hordes of ravagers - thousands, if not tens of thousands of rampaging owlmen have swept across the land. I travel west in the hopes I can outrun them and they lose their steam before they reach me - I would advise you to do the same, their hosts leave nothing but ruins in their wake. If you stay and fight, you better build your walls so high they'll think it's more trouble than worth to attack you. The refugees should be coming soon as well - perhaps they'll be of some use to you. Their technology varies from host to host from what I've heard - some are cybernetic elites few in number, others rely on numbers and brute strength to storm strongholds. Either way, this warning is all I wanted to deliver."
You nod.
"Thank you. If you wish to go west, better go through the river." you say, warning him in turn. "There are brainwashing fanatics to the west and raiding orcs to the north."
"My thanks."

The news is certainly disturbing. You do not know precisely how much time you have before the arrival of the horde, but if it is true, it is best to forge alliances and prepare. Checking with your contacts in the Port Traders and Artificers, you find out they know the news and are currently discussing what to do.

The great steam elemental core for the train finally arrives from the Artificers, but the advanced magimechanical parts need to be manufactured still.
>Request a meeting with the orc chieftain to discuss the threat
>Discuss cooperation against the new threat with the necromancer
>Coordinate an attack on the orc warcamp with [write-in] to take over the industrial area and begin producing parts for the train
>Build walls

The Necromancer is, well, kinda friendly. Go and ask him for some help and some spare disposable guys.

With those spare zombies, walk up to the Orc stronghold in the mech, with our most intimidating soldiers - destroy a ruin nearby and mow down the disposable zombies: Make a show of strength. Then DEMAND a meeting with the Orc cheiftan.

If they're as powerful as the travller says, with such varied tech - walls are a gamble at best, a waste of time at worst.
Trade with the Port Traders for some warm clothes for those who operate outside. Building walls makes our settlement harder to raid and could serve as advertisement for refugees. Making ourselves siege-resistant is important and our hydroponics already give us a big boost. Slap a hitch on that mech and scavenge/build a trailer to help with the walls. Discuss with the Artificers if we could potentially use the steam core for building a weapon for anti-air. We could buy a second steam core from them and give them an IOU, for tweaking our deal. They don't have to accept.

My guess is the owlmen will be a problem by spring hopefully they mess with the Labrats. Protecting ourselves from falling rocks is gonna be fun.
The necromancer could come to us giving us more bargaining power to make an agreement. I support looking strong when requesting a meeting with chieftain.


Using the steam core for a weapon sounds cool but I don't think we have the equipment to make a combat stable steam gun. Still can brainstorm ideas for the core.
(Should've probably extended the update with this)
>woofhound's plan to impress the orcs (delayed)
>build walls (delayed)
>implement anti-air system with another steam core

"How much time do you think we have until the owlmen arrive?" you ask Sybar.
"They should be here in summer." he says.
"Can they fly, being birdmen and all?"
"Not that I'm aware. I've seen a few squads of them back when they attacked my city, and they stayed on the ground. Their wing-arms didn't look powerful enough to lift them up."

You begin negotiating with the Artificers to purchase another steam core and consulting with them for anti-air weaponry, but they come forth to you with another idea.

With you having promised to co-own the train, they request that your factions unite, repair the train and head west along the rails. There is the risk of stumbling upon railways in disrepair, but if the Port Traders' words are true, then the rails are still fine for a long way forward. If you refuse, they propose to buy the train outright for a collection of magical artifacts, including weaponry. You promise to consider their proposal.

The same day, the Port Traders send a delegation. They are planning to call a council of other factions from all around the city, including those from the outskirts that you don't interact with often: The Stronghold-Builders of the northeast, the Amazons of the north and the Monster Hunters of the southeast, beyond the zone where dangerous beasts dwell. Invitation of the Fanatics and Orcs is discussed as well. The Traders want to coordinate their efforts in the construction of a single walled city core where they may weather the storm and resist the attacks of the owlmen together.

It seems you have a choice to make. You'll carry out the plan of impressing the orcs either way, in which you are pretty confident, but for what purpose you'll use the manufacturing capacity is to be decided.
>Go with the Artificers' proposal and manufacture parts for the train.
>Go with the Port Traders and begin forging alliances to coordinate defence.
>>Go with the Port Traders and begin forging alliances to coordinate defense.

Accept the Artificers deal to purchase the train. "Hermes' blessings my friends. We'll slow them down for you."
+1. If the rails are fine, we can always improvise a train down the line. Making allies is our best shot, but we need to ensure we're always self-reliant and can defend ourselves capably.
No update today anons, not ded.
Sorry for the late update, delayed it until night for retarded reasons.
>Go with the Port Traders and begin forging alliances to coordinate defense.
>Sell the train
>woofhound's plan to impress the orcs
>Implement anti-air system with another steam core

You agree to the Artificers' offer of purchasing the train.
"It's not repaired yet though, and would need manufactured parts." you warn their leaders before setting the deal in stone. "And since we're staying we'll need all the manufacturing power from the northern sector for our preparation."
"..." the leaders of the Artificers glance between themselves for a while, troubled. "We'll figure something out. Our trade network is far-reaching, and our witch-engineers can certainly invent some creative solutions."
"Then it is settled."

The Artificers become a common sight in your settlement after this. Preparing for departure, they tweak and tinker with the train, slowly, but surely getting it in working order. The collection of magical goods they promised you is good. There's potions enhancing drinker's physical abilities, granting them night vision, invisibility, toxic resistance and whatnot - a decent stockpile for each purpose. The other expendable items are scrolls containing spells, some quite devastating, like fire wall. There's a set of rare materials like phoenix feathers, dragon scales, basilisk venom, unicorn tears and others that may be used in the crafting of magical artifacts and rituals. The artifacts themselves are an assortment of both more technical stuff like spiritual focuses and conduits and regular weaponry like wands enhancing spellcasting ability, enchanted blades and ammunition causing various effects upon hits and of course MAGIC GUNS, there's two dozen rifles which shoot magic missiles if charged with mana.

You inform the Traders' leader, Arthur, of your pledge to the cause of resistance. The old warrior smiles as he hears that.
"That's good. The Fanatics promised to attend the council - now to make the Orcs join as well..."
"I think I may know a way."
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>since woofhound's write-in is good, no roll required for this one

You finish preparing the orc plan - the necromancer agreed to give you 30 living dead - and put it into action. Your squad marches up to the orc territory and stops. The orcs soon congregate on the other side of the street, yelling war chants and preparing to attack. That's when you mow down the dead in a matter of seconds with the rest of the machine gun ammunition. The orcs calm down a little, yet still remain agitated. That mood is put to an end as your mech, stocked with ammo provided by the Port Traders, lets loose a barrage of missiles at a nearby ruin. After the explosion, silence reigns.
"We will meet your leader now." you declare. "Lead the way."

They follow your command, no questions asked.

The orc leader is a mountain of an orc, sitting in a hall surrounded by beauties of many races and loot from the raids. His burning gaze rests on you as he relaxes on the throne.
"So you bold enough to go into our warcamp." he breaks the silence. "I respect that. My name is Mordur. Speak your name and what you want."
"I am Immortan Sybrog." you say. "We have received bad news in the past month. A horde of ravaging owlmen is approaching from the east, and the city is banding together to defeat them. My offer is an alliance to counter this threat."
"Hmm... Orcs can beat owlmen ourselves. No need help from you."
"Is that so? The messengers reported them burning down hundreds of villages and their hordes numbering in tens of thousands." you decide to embellish the numbers a little. The orc chieftain considers this information for a solid minute.
"If it true... then we help you. But if you lie and there no owlmen... you know what happens." Mordur frowns.
You shake hands. The orcs will show up to the council.

The cohesion of the council itself, however... leaves a lot to be desired. The Patriarch that attends it continues to push his agenda of "enlightening" the other factions' members, the Amazon leader seems reluctant to let her people come into contact with men and The Labrats are paranoid about others stealing their tech. That's all not mentioning the differences between the people of the factions themselves, and everyone being suspicious of the necromancer's hordes...

Perhaps there is something that can be done to assuage the fears of the faction leaders?
>Promise Amazons separate housing if the fortress is to be constructed, even if it will take more space.
>Promise the Labrats that no one but them will operate their machines and weaponry.
>Allow proselytizing for Fanatic missionaries.
<3 Glad my plan went well. I'll also say that I'm loving this thread so far.

>Allow proselytizing for Fanatic missionaries.

I think verbally agreeing to allow it is probably a bad idea, as is outright banning them from doing it. Giving them any form of permission or allowance will make us look sympathetic to their cause (or cowardly). But outright disallowing it will cause them to split off, because they're almost certainly only here as missionaries, rather than any legitimate reason.

Maybe a middle ground is to take one for the team: Let them harass our community on the condition they leave the other groups alone. I have faith in our people to not be led astray, especially considering the fanatics attacked us, and the other leaders may approve as we're doing them a favour.

The other two, re: Amazons and Labrats get a +1 from me. Ensuring everyone works together will allow us to better weather the upcoming storm and recover from damage better once the battle is won.

(Also, have we learnt the name of the Necromancer?)
>Promise Amazons separate housing if the fortress is to be constructed, even if it will take more space.
>Promise the Labrats that no one but them will operate their machines and weaponry.

Reasonable requests we can save space by excluding the cult. A voting block of religious extremists that were trying to destroy us a few months ago. We got refugees that want protection from the fanatics. Hard no letting them proselytize our people.
Switching to this. Maybe they aren't completely brainwashed myrmidons.
Shit time management and low access to pc these past few days, gonna try to stabilise the schedule back, writing now.
The Necromancer's name is Virgilius Crossarene.
>Accepting the most faith propagation
>Accepting others' requests
Your diplomatic abilities prove to be the deciding factor on these matters in the council.
"Thank you." the Amazon leader, Io, expresses gratitude for your support of their separate housing. "The warriors will do their best to aid you in exchange for your kindness."
"I can only hope the extension of the walls will be made up for by the skill of the Amazons." the Stronghold Builder delegate grumbles - it has been decided that as they possess the most expertise on this matter, they will oversee the construction of fortifications.
"Fear not. We have more than enough spirit and mastery of the bow to protect you." the Amazon replies.
With this, it is settled.

Pleasing the Labrats seems to irritate the Port Traders somewhat.
"They're few in number." Arthur points out to you privately. "They can't possibly operate all the high-tech guns themselves. We'll be fighting at suboptimal power - and that may prove fatal against such an enemy."
"Let them be." you tell him. "Perhaps once the real danger sets in, they'll come around to sharing their resources."

The Fanatics accept your decision as well.

The preparation begins with the start of spring. It is decided that with your position at the centre of the city and access to hydroponics, your settlement will be the one to become a fortress of these factions. The mech you recovered and all manner of vehicles are being used in the transportation of construction materials from both within and outside the city to the construction site. The walls, first a carcass, begin filling up with iron and concrete.

Warriors and builders swap once in a while to ensure everyone that can fight is in good condition and of high enough skill to prove themselves useful in battle. Ammunition and weaponry is stockpiled from the Port Traders' contacts. An anti-air gun is fashioned out of the steam elemental core with the final guidance of the Artificers.

They soon depart on a roaring train. Some have enmity towards them for abandoning you, but are they really to blame for wanting to save their lives?..
"Hermes' blessings, my friends. We will slow them down for you." you say your parting words.
"Thank you and farewell. Perhaps we will meet again." one of their leaders says, looking out from the window of a car.

You notice some of your people becoming more friendly with the Fanatics, spending an increasing part of their time in the rooms of their adepts, some even attending worship sessions. While most regard them as schizos, they seem to bet on displaying acts of kindness to your people, whether genuine or deceptive, and thus make them more susceptible to their influence. They reject all claims of the so-called "boiling sacrifices" and seem not to conduct them in the time they reside in the settlement...
In the middle of spring, refugees begin arriving in your lands. The first train bears a mass of destitute people intent to go as far as they can in their flight. They request food and water and offer trinkets and common tools and goods for your food. The expanded hydroponics can accommodate their requests, but they don't seem intent on staying.

One of the Fanatics' Patriarchs requests that they are inducted into the faith of The Light. With this, they may be recruited and prove useful in battle. This is probably not the last wave of recruits, however.
>Allow the recruitment of these refugees into the Fanatics
>Wair for others

The refugees report several things about the owlmen horde. Their most powerful forces have a couple tanks which they use to break their enemies' lines. These can be dealt with using the plasma guns that the Labrats have. The other threat are the cyberninjas. Not much is known about them since only a few of the refugees report living to see them, but they seem to be supersoldiers armed with cloaking devices specialized in busting open the fortifications of the enemy from the inside. The decision needs to be made whether a specialized force is to be made with elite weaponry or if you will place trust in mass tactics. The former option would place some more strain on the already thin budget of the Port Traders, who have started to exhaust their favours with their allies already. There is the possibility of training Labrats to oppose them as well.
>Write-in how to handle this problem
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>Also, op, I like the heavy detail. It's really given me a vivid image of the world.
>I'll also say that I'm loving this thread so far.
>mfw I'm trying to cut down on the details
Well, I'm glad you're enjoying the quest anon. Hope other anons feel the same way.

Trade with the train people and protect them from the Patriarch. These people are free to leave or stay.

Secretly recruit a group of spies to infiltrate the Fanatics. Magic resist potions, if we have any, could help in case of mind control magic. Start vetting new refuges that to join the settlement checking for bionics. Build a metal detector or trade with the Labrats if they have one. Be on the lookout for large amounts of material that could be used for explosives. The possibility of a train being fill with explosives is a concern.

Give the Port Traders the rare materials and wands we got from the Artificers. Ask the Labrats what they want to try opening up trade and trust. Arrows can be cheap, and we have Amazons ask them to help train archers.
I've something of a cynical proposal. We, quite obviously, can't give the fanatics more soldiers. Despite current arrangements, they're an enemy.
We can't, in my opinion, provide any support to them either - resources should be expended on preparation for battle, not making their retreat better.

The refugees, however, are a valuable opportunity - so my proposal is we offer shelter for those who are tired, hungry, injured, weak... those that are a burden on the others, those that won't be missed. The catch being that they're "sheltered" with our friend Virgillius, the Necromancer. The refugees have less dead weight, we have more skeleton warriors.
This will need to be kept quiet - even those not morally opposed to this will leverage it against us.

Re: Cyberninjas.
Spare a small force (maybe the Fanatics or Amazons?) to act as sentinels and
internal guards - patrolling, guarding the likely ingress points like sewers or weak areas of the defenses etc. Their purpose would be entirely to seek out Cyberninjas. Or, at least, act as "coal mine canaries" - if they're found dead or don't respond to comms, it's most likely a sign of infiltrators getting in.
Support, 007 them cultists. Maybe the Labrats have thermal detection. Also supporting woofhound's beefing up patrols.
>protect refugees from the Patriarch
>infiltrate the Fanatics
>institute checkpoints and increase security
>transfer materials you got from the Artificers to Port Traders
>negotiate trade with the Labrats
>train archers with the Amazons
>anti-cyberninja patrols

It irritates the Patriarchs that you prevent them from inducting the refugees, but they do not object, as it was the original agreement that your group would be the only ones under the effect of proselytizing.

Most of the refugees leave with the train as they came, but a minority of 50 join your group as recruits. You share your surplus of consumer goods with them and they begin training and assisting in the construction of defences.

Equipped with mind magic resistance amulets, the infiltrators join the cultists' ranks. The pressure upon them is immense, with daily prayers which have to appear genuine, mind control attempts and constant scrutiny from "fellow" fanatics, but they manage to hold on to their sanity, for now.

The Port Traders appreciate the donation. They consult the council on whether they should trade some ingredients for others to get working artifacts or sell them outright for other stuff like advanced weaponry. It is decided that your alliance will wait until other information becomes available about the enemy before making a move.

You attempt negotiation with the Labrats regarding their sharing of technology, but they appear to consider it non-negotiable. Their doctrine states that the world ended due to high technology going out of control, so they made it their mission to gather as many high tech tools, weaponry and materials as they can and prevent other people from using them for ill. Your arguments that technology can be used for good is met with derision and declarations that the bad from its use outweighs the good. You consider arguing that the council may become corrupt in the future and use the tech to their own advantage, but with their cult-like loyalty to their ideals it seems foolish to try to convince them otherwise.

The Labrats seem to have only allied with you due to the existential threat that the owlmen pose to the city factions. They are willing to trade less advanced items but cybernetics and other stuff is only for members of their order, which has quite strict joining conditions and expulsion or voluntary leaving punishable by killing on sight following the departure of the traitor.

The Labrat council says they will consider leasing out some of the technology if hostages are offered for the duration of the lease to guarantee it will be given back after the owlmen invasion is over and not used to assert hegemony over their faction. The hostages will generally remain among Labrats and engage in their share of projects.
The Amazons are hesitant about training men, whom they regard as unclean and only fit for child conception, but for the greater good of the resistance they agree. Their powerful, fit warrior bodies attract looks from the other factions' men, whose rare advances they softly, but firmly reject. Either way, the training goes on, and a month later, near the end of spring, you have gained a few squads of sharpshooters. Besides raising your fighting ability, these collective exercises raise cohesion in your forces.

Anti-cyberninja patrols are created with Monster Hunters due to the group being adept at dealing with extraordinary enemies.

In the beginning of summer, a new wave of refugees arrives on train, by horse and by car. They seem more well-equipped than the former ones, and one thing about them that makes them interesting is the extent of their modifications. Nearly all of them are cyborgs with superhuman physical capabilities, some even with weaponry modifications installed. They number in about 200, but they are a formidable force in their own right.

When asked whether they are willing to stay and help resist, they say they are seriously considering this proposal due to the power of your fortress, but they'd need to make sure a stable source of rare immunosuppressants that make it possible for them to retain their modifications is available. They have a stockpile for now which they replenish wherever they can, and indeed, they trade some of their goods and weaponry for yours, which you possess through scavenging and whatnot, but to stay in one place they will need a stable source. The Port Traders say they heard of one such source from the south, near the sea, but they are so expensive that it would require them to exhaust the remaining funds and favours to get them, so you wouldn't be able to conduct large-scale trade in preparation unless you sell something significant.
>Accept the cyborgs' proposal and open trade with the Port Traders' southern contacts.
>Reject their alliance.
There will probably be one final wave of refugees arriving just before the start of the invasion.

The cyborgs offer information regardless of your decision to accept them or send them on their way. They report that the owlmen possess some long-range artillery in one of their hosts. This makes things complicated. Four options to deal with it come to mind.

The Labrats have cloaking devices which can be used to conduct deep operations behind enemy lines with special forces, but as always, they refuse to share them. If their faction is made responsible for this field as well, they will be stretched quite thin and operating on suboptimal power.

Some of the cyborgs have cloaking devices as well, but that squad would be few in number and quite underpowered as well.

Invisibility artifacts for deep operations may be made using the materials that the Artificers gave you with some careful trading.

Finally, with the remaining funds of the Port Traders, shielding domes may be purchased that will allow you to protect the fortress from the falling shells.
>Give the Labrats the additional task of piercing the enemy lines with cloaking devices.
>Cyborgs will deal with the artillery. (requires recruiting the cyborgs)
>Make invisibility artifacts.
>Trade for shield domes.

Amid all this hectic preparation, you find solace in the company of your succubus wife.

"Sometimes I wonder why you chose me, Nika." you say after an exhausting day, feeling her arm as she massages your chest, standing behind your chair in a dimly lit room. "I'm always busy and my body is cold and mechanical. My past has made me harsh."
"For power." she says deadpan, hanging down from above to look you in the eyes, her breasts resting on your head.
"What?.." you say.
There is an awkward silence between you as she looks upon your dejected face. Then, she bursts into laughter, pure and clear, and lifts her head up.
"I'm kidding, dummy." Nika says, touching your shoulders. "You should've seen the look on your face... You don't give yourself enough credit. Even with all your work, you find time for me, for Latatta, for your friends. It's just that with how busy you are, you don't notice it." she begins humming a familiar, soothing melody as she plays with your hair - or whatever implants replace it.
"Why did you choose me?" she asks with a hint of worry after a while.
"Because you lift my mood. You're the sun of my life. I've said it a million times."
"This kind of mood?" the succubus says, bending over the back of the chair and gently gripping your crotch.
"This too. Come here." you suddenly grip her by her waist and lift her up on your shoulder with a "heave-ho", almost toppling the chair.
"What are you doing?!" Nika moans playfully as you carry her to the bed...

With the invasion approaching, and most of the fortifications being complete, you need to decide whether to focus on the crafting and setting up of additional traps and redoubts or training your forces. If you have any other plans, you may carry them out as well.
We have enough tech, and already put our people at risk with the fanatics. It's not fair to do that again.

Re: The Amazons.
Can we have a craftsman make some sort of token of gratitude? Nothing inherently valuable, but some sort of statuette or bust just to show we appreciate them training our sharpshooters.

>Accept the cyborgs' proposal and open trade with the Port Traders' southern contacts.

I think a Cyborg army is a pretty versatile and valuable, and with the horde this close...

>Give the Labrats the additional task of piercing the enemy lines with cloaking devices.
>Cyborgs will deal with the artillery. (requires recruiting the cyborgs)

There's not that many cyborgs with cloak, so they can be supported by labrats - reducing the burden on both groups. Win-win.
Plus, it's likely a suicide mission and we weaken the labrats' offensive capabilities, a long-term benefit for us.

Can we double-check with the Necromancer? I have some questions for him.
Is he helping? How powerful is he? Do we have many dead to send to him?
Accept the deal with the Labrats it will give them more manpower and us more equipment. We don't plan to betray them, I hope.

>Accept the cyborgs' proposal and open trade with the Port Traders' southern contacts.
>Cyborgs will deal with the artillery. (requires recruiting the cyborgs)

Train a squad to accompany the cyborg force equipping them with MAGIC guns and enchanted blades. Scout possible routes we could use to maneuver stealthily like sewers or service tunnels. Give the militia some basic melee training in case the walls are breached but focus on archery. Stop spying on the Fanatics tell our people they use magic to control us.

Are the orcs planning on going offensive? My loins!
>Can we have a craftsman make some sort of token of gratitude?
>Can we double-check with the Necromancer? I have some questions for him.
>Is he helping? How powerful is he? Do we have many dead to send to him?
He is helping out with manual labour using his undead. Their number is around 300. Not sure what you mean "dead to send to him", I decided not to include your plan for conversion of refugees into undead because the other anons didn't support it.
>Are the orcs planning on going offensive?
Quick recap of orcs behind the scenes: initially, they were rowdy and sometimes even violent with the other factions, but after you complained to Mordur (the orc chieftain) he reined them in and they have even grown to be friendly with some other people. They are quite lazy workers but excellent warriors. More to the point, they won't go on the offensive unless you tell them to.

Probably no update today since I've answered these questions late, and to perhaps let the other anons cast their votes.
>dead to send to him"
I'm assuming people are dying of natural causes, and if nobody's strongly opposed it's worthwhile to send them to him rather than burying them.

I'm probably over-assuming the utility of the zombies/skeletons.
>Accept the cyborgs' proposal and open trade with the Port Traders' southern contacts.
>Cyborgs will deal with the artillery. (requires recruiting the cyborgs)

Ask the cyborgs if they recruited anyone recently. A ninja could be among them.

Scavenge the orc's zone they seem to prefer reproduction (don't we all?) than industrial capacity. Could find some gems they overlooked.
The skeletons and zombies are fit for some dumb, non-precise labour. They obviously cannot be used for anything requiring cleanliness and anything precise or professional is out of their grasp as well. They can operate some basic tools though, like hitting something with a hammer or pulling on a rope to lift something up using pulleys. Also yes, you send the corpses to the Virgilius, even though people grumble somewhat at the disrespect to the dead.
I should probably clarify that the cyberninjas are not an undercover force in that they plant spies but rather they're kinda like a black ops shock troops combo that breaches the defence and sabotages the insides of the attacked base.

>Gift of gratitude to the Amazons
>Accept the deal with the Labrats
>Recruit cyborgs
>Combine the Labrat tech with the cloaking cyborgs
>Remind people the Fanatics use magic to mind control
>Check cyborgs for ninjas
>Scavenge in the orc part of the city

The Amazon leader, Io, rejects the gift.
"I appreciate the thought, but save this for when this is all over." she says firmly.

You accept the Labrat deal. The hostages seem nervous at first, but besides the tech schizos' dedication to their cause they seem quite alright as guards. With this, the problem of technology sharing solves itself.

The cyborgs are recruited. Immediately, their training begins, with both you and their leader, Godelmi, playing the leading role due to the special regimen that is required for superhumans that need more skill than muscle which is already implanted in them.

A special covert squad is formed of the hand-picked recruits and the cloaking cyborgs. They will be the ones to pierce the enemy lines and disable the long-range artillery. You pray that they come back alive when the time comes.

The archery training continues in general for everyone under the guidance of the Amazons. Even when the more advanced ammunition runs out, you'll have backup firepower in this form.

You privately talk with your people and remind them that you found out the Fanatics use mind magic back when they attempted to brainwash your negotiators. For most, this is a sobering reminder, but some still remain friendly with them, perhaps thinking they won't be affected. Lost souls...

There are no ninjas among cyborgs. No masking modifications are found, and none of them look like owlmen either way.

The orc part of the city is explored already and quite intensively used for the manufacture of machine parts and various weaponry. Still, you decide to check the storehouses for anything of note...
>Roll 1d100 Bo3 for what you find

Time passes. Owlmen scouting groups start to appear and first engagements happen on the outer edges of the city. Some were loud in battle, shouting warcries in their cruel, hooting tongue as they charged your outpost, but most are simple and silent, like Death's scythe that reaps the living.
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The final group of the refugees arrives in your settlement by foot and by horse. They number in about 100 and are sharpshooters with guns, hitting moving targets 1cm wide across the shooting range. Good engineers as well. Thing about them is: they carry a disease within them that makes their bodies rot unless proper treatment is applied. They have the inexpensive supplies with them, but taking care of themselves renders them incapable of training for half of the day. The disease is not highly contagious, but prolonged exposure will lead to infection nevertheless. They call themselves the Lepers, a disgraceful moniker that some of the people called them before and they eventually accepted upon themselves.
>Recruit the Lepers and give them a separate dwelling lest the disease spreads
>Recruit the Lepers (but plan to expel them after the battle)
>Send the Lepers on their way

The Lepers tell of one final danger among the owlmen. They only saw it from afar, but there was a colossal object on the horizon when they fled the city they were in. It made great blasts of fire that roared for many kilometers across the land. You would need something to deal with a big moving fortress or whatever it was that they saw back then.

There are two options that come to mind. Training of more special ops squads to disable the thing from the inside is on the table. The other way is to simply pack enough firepower to blast it apart. The Port Traders could use up their remaining favours to get you either, but the weaponry or devices likely wouldn't arrive in full with this little time.
>Train more spec ops
>Purchase heavy artillery

One day, an owlman bearing a white flag approaches one of your outer forces, requesting a meeting with the leaders. You call the council quickly, and soon enough, he delivers his request. The messenger says that the Ravaging Hosts are merciful in their conquests, and if 1/3 of the populace of the city is given to them as slaves and 1/3 of the riches as loot, they will leave you alone and move on with their pillaging. He also declares that anyone joining the Hosts as warriors will be spared the fate of the slave. The council obviously refuses the deal, but you notice some hesitation in the words of the Patriarchs and the Necromancer... You wonder if you should remind them of their pledge in some way, or convince them somehow.
Rolled 42 (1d100)

>Recruit the Lepers and give them a separate dwelling lest the disease spreads
>Train more spec ops

Send a fourth of the orc warriors to join the Hosts. Send cloaked scouts to follow where they take the orcs. Suckers punch them. Night attacks are a disadvantage because they see better in the dark. Full on assault them with the sun to our backs. Leave the forces that are looking for cyber ninjas on guard.

Remind the Necromancer we owe him, and he gets all the enemy dead.

I don't know what to do with the Patriarchs. Maybe start killing of their leaders that use mind control magic. We can save the sheep.
Rolled 52 (1d100)

>Rolling for what we find.
>>Purchase heavy artillery
Big guns can bring down their fortress and pulverize the hordes. Good all around.

Assuming the Patriarch refers to the leader of the Fanatics, their loyalty is already known to be against us. Their reaction is unsurprising, and thus reaffirms that we should use them as shock troopers and spend their lives plentifully so as to minimize their ability to fuck us back.
(I hope other anons have better ideas for them...)

The Necromancer, however, should be reminded that we see him as a friend. We see him as one of our closest allies and would, without question, welcome him into our community...
We're on first name terms, Virgillius! Together we brought the Orcs into our pact! We send our honoured dead to you - you think we'd give them to any back-alley corpse-fondler?! - Our number have always held clear a place for you, but you falter?
You'd rather see me and my people shackled? Perhaps you're not the man I thought you were, but I sincerely doubt that.
I understand the storm on the horizon is... scary. The idea of selling out is easy, and comfortable. But I believe if you do that, if you stand with THEM, the guilt will haunt you 'til your final moments. I know you're better than that, Virgillius. I do not misspend my faith often, but if I have... Then we will not stand in your way. Consider it a final gesture of our goodwill towards you - to let you walk to the enemy lines and join with them unmolested and unharmed. If you so choose that route.

...Plus, what >>6009133 says. He get the enemy dead.
There's actually a very easy and convincing argument to get both the Patriarchs and the Necromancer firmly on your side that I thought would get used immediately, I'll give you guys like 8 hours to figure it out and then I'll begin writing the update unless I feel really tired at the time.
Rolled 87 (1d100)

Tell the Patriarchs we know they use Mind Control and that we are letting it slide. The owlmen aren't as desperate as us. Probably have their own religion heavily favoring owlmen they not gonna want another dogma.

Virgillius! They only want warriors not leaders. They will enslave you pry into your mind for your arduous knowledge of the dead.

Want to edit my post. Take out sending the orcs with the Hosts. They have a big chance of getting killed for nothing.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Rolling for artillery vs spec ops and writing
1 - artillery
2 - spec ops
>87 for loot
>Recruit the Lepers and give them a separate dwelling lest the disease spreads
>Train spec ops
>Convincing the Necromancers and the Patriarchs

You remind the Patriarchs that you know of their mind control tactics, and that the owlmen would probably crush their faith and disregard their ideals. They quietly accept your reasoning and promise to abandon thoughts of betrayal.

The Necromancer is convinced as well after you mention that the owlmen will probably enslave and pry him for knowledge of dark magic. Virgilius reaffirms his loyalty to the cause.

You recruit the Lepers, giving them a separate zone to inhabit. Your people and the other factions are quite afraid of them and generally keep away. There is no time to train them or give them other tasks since the owlmen are already at your doorstep.

New cloaking devices are bought, some are recovered from the vaults of the Labrats. In the final days before the invasion, covert ops warriors are given as much training as possible.

The scavenging operation yields decent results. You find a hangar with a small airship the size of a fighter plane in disrepair. Quickly, you get the engineers to get it into shape, and after manufacturing the necessary parts, you have a flying vessel at your disposal for quick pinpoint-type strikes.

The attacks of the owlmen grow in frequency and power. You retreat from the outposts into your base - the siege begins at last. You review your forces. There's several fuelled and polished mechs with various weaponry; an array of heavy and light guns - magic, plasma, firearms, you name it; your walls stand tall and strong, with secure openings for machine gun and close-range artillery fire; the fields and streets around the base are chock-full of barbed wire, mines and traps; there are fallback lines in case the defence fails and underground passages and bunkers in case of artillery strikes; there are cloaked forces at your command, and the regular populace in as great shape as possible, capable of operating many guns, machinery and vehicles; there are squads of magic users ready to support your forces with both combat and utility spells; the stockpiles are full of food and ammunition. You are as ready as you can be - and gods will it, you will weather the storm.

The first major attack comes at the height of summer, in impossible, blazing heat. Your scouts report an army of several thousand owlmen with combat vehicles and varied guns approaching from the east. The battle begins with them setting up shielding using both magic and devices, paying in blood as their forces advance through the minefields. You blast them with artillery, but some manage to get shots at your walls - to little avail. Mobile mortar squads set up behind ruined buildings and begin bombarding your walls in high arcs - it is at this time that the heightened cyberninja patrols report infiltration...
>Roll 1d100 Bo3
Rolled 99 (1d100)

Rolled 1 (1d100)

I smell them ninjas.
Big if critical fail would be a fun quagmire.
Rolled 3 (1d100)

Our time has come.
Sorry for the delay, anons, work broke into my neet life like a burglar into a house with no alarms, so there will be no update today. Luckily, it is a singular event (for now) and I will update tomorrow. I anticipate writing for the critfail muahahaha
Forgot to say last time that the lR7PoOwW anon basically got it, the argument being that it's a trap here >>6008228 >>6010151
The cyberninja patrols begin going silent one after another, with some portions of the walls and underground passage squads following. The situation develops with lightning speed, and even with the commanders' orders to be alert and contain the threat as much as possible, the defence falls apart quickly, disorganized and crippled.

However, your efforts are ultimately rewarded, as at the height of infiltration, you notice things going your way, the coordination increasing, reports of some victories over the cyberninjas coming in. For a few minutes, it seems like you're pushing back, and it is at this point that you hear explosions.

Some portions of the wall go down in balls of fire, opening up large breaches for the enemy to come through and introducing obstacles towards successful operation of the wall artillery, bringing some of it under the rubble, decreasing your firepower in several points on the walls. The cloaked cyberninjas disappear from the radio feed completely as your men attempt to manage the situation.

The owlmen will take some time to get to the walls with the vast mine- and trap fields spread out around the base, and with a cadre of sharpshooters, they are sure to take more losses. However, with the reduced firepower from the walls and their shielding troops in action, they will make fast progress in defusing the area nonetheless, and once they get to the walls, they will have a tremendous advantage due to their numbers. The cyberninjas are still on the loose, yet silent - you're not sure if they're going deeper into the base or hiding near the walls. They have proven themselves to be nigh-impossible to defeat for most warriors, even the famed Monster Hunters, and it seems you need to drown them in bodies, use spec ops cyborg squads, potentially sacrificing a valuable asset, or deploy heavy weaponry against your own lines to blow them up. That is provided you can find them at all...

As you ponder what to do next, an airfleet of drones comes from behind the nearest building. It seems you have the air to take care of now as well.
>Write-in orders
>Deploy spec ops cyborgs in the depths of the base to protect valuable points like ammunition depots
>Concentrate attention on manning the anti-air guns to prevent bombing by the drones
>Keep the walls manned to counteract attempts to go through the minefields
>Deploy spec ops cyborgs in the depths of the base to protect valuable points like ammunition depots
Use the wall of fire scroll to block one of the breaches if they get past the minefields.
>Deploy spec ops cyborgs in the depths of the base to protect valuable points like ammunition depots
>Use the wall of fire scroll to block one of the breaches if they get past the minefields
Good thinking.

>Roll 3d100 Bo3
Rolled 63 (1d100)

Rolled 40, 83, 99, 25, 87, 13, 11, 53 = 411 (8d100)

ig it's easier to just roll myself with the pace of player rolls we're getting. I want to push an update out today.
Also meant to reply to >>6014759 with roll request fml.
>83 for cyberninja fight
>99 for anti-air
>53 for walls

You send your spec ops cyborgs towards the ammunition depots to guard them against cyberninja attacks - and your prediction that they would strike there turns out correct. A superhuman vs superhuman fight breaks out, with walls being crushed by overcharged punches, plasma- and manablades clashing and eastern martial arts styles facing off all at once. At the end of it, your cyborgs stand victorious, not without casualties, but far from useless in further battles.

The anti-air guns shoot down the drones with lightning speed, the steam elemental core guns propelling shells that explode into clouds of vapour and shrapnel. A few strikes wipe out the drone fleet before it can make any significant damage.

The walls don't fare so well. The enemy advances steadily and clears the minefield quickly with unknown defusing devices, and soon enough, they are upon you. However, the moment their hordes rush into the breach, blades out, eyes glimmering with deadly rage, you use the firewall scrolls. Instantly, a storm of blazing fire fills the breaches, incinerating whoever was inside. The owlmen recoil in fear, and your sharpshooters make the most of this opportunity to blast them with hails of bullets.

After a while, the fire walls go down, but the enemy is already on the retreat. A few more mortar shells are fired, taking some lives, but ultimately, you weather the storm with only 400 of the roughly 3500 population dead, mainly from the cyberninja attacks and collapsing wall sections.

There is no time to rest as you repair the walls however you can in preparation for tomorrow's onslaught. There is too little time to build them up to previous height and security, so you do your best to at least make them indomitable to regular infantry.

The underground tunnels have been compromised by the cyberninjas. While they offer an opportunity to lead your covert forces out behind the enemy lines, they may also be used against you in a similar fashion, adding additional entry points to protect.
>Collapse the underground tunnels to prevent attacks from inside
>Keep them open and protect the entry points. They are simply too valuable to lose

There is not much that can be done in the space of a day with the repairs taking up most of the time, but perhaps there is some task that you wish to see accomplished?
>No, let everyone rest in preparation for the coming battle
>>Keep them open and protect the entry points. They are simply too valuable to lose
>No, let everyone rest in preparation for the coming battle

We're need the tunnels open to send specs ops on missions.
>Keep them open and protect the entry points. They are simply too valuable to lose
>No, let everyone rest in preparation for the coming battle
Recently favourable circumstances for writing so updates may speed up from the former pace. idk if I'll manage 2 a day though.
>Keep them open and protect the entry points. They are simply too valuable to lose
>No, let everyone rest in preparation for the coming battle

The tunnels will stand, and your warriors will rest after repairing portions of the walls. Day turns to evening, and evening to night, offering some much-needed cool after the blazing sun of the leaving day. Some talk quietly in the light of torches and electric lamps, some hum melodies long lost, but mostly people are silent, contemplating on what may be their last day or sleeping uneasily. In the distance, the lights of the enemy camp glimmer like stars, reminding you of the looming threat.

The owlmen attack with the break of dawn. Cannonfire roars through the morning air from afar, and after a few seconds, powerful explosions rock the base, killing several dozen outright and damaging the infrastructure. The bombardment continues as everyone springs to their positions. You curse. If only you sent the cloaked forces under the cover of the night to preempt this attack... Either way, with the position of the artillery revealed by smoke on the horizon, it won't be a problem for your spec ops to locate them in the enemy camp. The greatest issue will be the evasion of enemy forces on the way... There is also the question of what to do while your cyborgs and other cloakers travel to their destination.
>Order the survivors to enter the bunkers, with a skeleton force guarding the walls and entrance points through the tunnels.
>Keep the positions manned, even if this will lead to more casualties.
I should say
is obviously also possible.
>Order the survivors to enter the bunkers, with a skeleton force guarding the walls and entrance points through the tunnels.

Send out the air ship attack their artillery/shells. Better then letting it sit around waiting to get shelled.
Rolled 42, 35, 82, 33, 61, 43, 88, 44, 38 = 466 (9d100)

>Order the survivors to enter the bunkers, with a skeleton force guarding the walls and entrance points through the tunnels.
>Send out the air ship attack their artillery/shells. Better then letting it sit around waiting to get shelled.

Rolling 3d100 Bo3 now and writing.
>82 for remaining guards
>61 for airship raid
>88 for cyborg raid
(Good rolls.)

You order your warriors to retreat into the safety of the bunkers. Their lives are simply too precious to lose at this stage of the battle. The remaining ones accept their positions with grim resolution.

The airship's engines wind up, making the six propellers on the sides whirr into action, and a few moments later it takes off into the air vibrating with shockwaves of the explosions all around.

The cyborgs go into the tunnels as well. One of the few facilities remaining in operation is the radio centre; you coordinate your movements and check up on the state of the airship and the covert ops regularly.

The cyborgs and cloakers pierce the enemy lines and go back into cloaked mode with lightning speed, moving through the terrain at a brisk pace. It is only now that the power of the enemy truly dawns on them: entire fields and camps are littered with weaponry, mobile shelter, slave pens and thousands of owlmen swarming about. They have to be careful in traversing the land, but ultimately, they reach the artillery emplacement. What follows is a swift and merciless attack that renders the guns inoperable with several powerful explosions. The covert ops leave immediately as the shocked owlmen try to recover whatever they can from the smouldering, broken remains. That's what you picture over radio feed reports, at least...

The airship fares... fairly well. The owlmen certainly didn't expect you to have an airforce, so they didn't prepare anti-air guns, giving you free reign over the skies. The airship strikes another gun emplacement and makes several attacks on ground forces, blasting them with rockets and managuns before retreating back to base. The power of surprise aided you this time, leading to some hundred enemy dead at least, but the owlmen will likely be ready for your air attacks in the future.

The crew that remains to hold the positions fights valiantly, giving the impression that the walls are fully manned, preventing full-on assault from the owlmen. Some die to artillery, but due to the speed of spec ops and airship response there are only about 150 total casualties before the enemy guns are silenced.
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The battle goes on as your warriors emerge from the bunkers. The owlmen finish their preparation and attack in a similar fashion to yesterday, with plenty of smaller-calibre guns, mortar bombardment, drones and whatnot. The repaired walls stand, but not for long... the shielding devices that need to be disrupted by magic users and the sheer number of owlmen soaking up your bullets, sacrificing themselves to kill just one of your men on the walls is instilling... fear. They are never-ending. A tide that never stops until it washes over you.

You may not have enough bullets for every single one of them, so you order to use arrows for now. The enemy takes this as a sign of weakness, and rolls out its tanks. These are not a couple... A dozen of them appears around your base, sluggishly moving their titanium hulls as they line up their long guns, pointing them at your walls. The plasma cannons prepare to fire in turn...
>Roll 1d100 Bo3
(I'll leave this roll request overnight and will most likely write in the morning, hope to see some rolls, anons)
Rolled 94 (1d100)

Rolled 84, 96 = 180 (2d100)

Rolling the rest and writing now.

It's a Mexican standoff. The plasma cannons point at the tanks while their guns point at the walls. Your guns charge, vibrating with rapidly rising energy... and fire first. With a WHOOM, the balls of overcharged matter cut through the distance between the walls and the targets and hit the tanks, causing massive explosions. Left behind are burning husks.

The owlmen briefly pause their attacks in stunned silence. They reluctantly resume their bombardment and storming a few minutes later, delivering barrage after barrage of shells and bodies. It's nothing you don't know. Fear from before is replaced with something else. Perhaps you can win this, in the end. However, the most difficult day is to come yet...

After a day's worth of fighting, night comes, and the owlmen relent. it's quite strange, really, owls are considered night creatures, so why would they primarily attack when the sun is still out? Well, it doesn't matter in the end. All the better for you to see them clearly.

The warriors are tired. You see them chatting quietly, arms, legs, muscles sore and heavy after operating guns and weaponry for the entire day. You don't know how long it will take for them to break, but you can only pray that it's longer than it takes for the owlmen to stop crashing against your base.

The casualties from the past day, besides the initial heavy bombardment, remain low at only 200 men. You've got 2750 left to fight for you now.

The next day comes, and just like previously, the owlmen attack as dawn breaks. After a few hours of assault, they roll out another of their special corps: squads of mechs, heavy and light, rocket- and blade-armed, approaches your base.
"It's our cue, isn't it, leader?" Venice, the dark elf mech pilot who has since become the leader of your mech squad, asks.
>Send the mechs to face the mechs. Provide support with cannonfire.
>No, it's too dangerous and you can't risk an asset such as a mech squad yet. Not to mention that they're heavily outnumbered. You'll need them for when the showdown with the colossus comes.
>Write-in how you wish to handle the mechs
(might as well roll 1d100 Bo3 with your votes for when it is decided to speed things up)
Rolled 60 (1d100)

>>Send the mechs to face the mechs. Provide support with cannonfire.
Rolled 24, 96 = 120 (2d100)

It seems we're alone in the thread, anon, alas. Well, let's bring the quest to its conclusion, shall we? You've had decent luck besides that critfail that breached your walls.
>Send the mechs to face the mechs. Provide support with cannonfire.
Rolling the rest of the dice and writing.

The mech pilots get in their vehicles. Some say prayers to whatever gods they worship, others grip tightly the control levers they've grown familiar to over the course of extensive training to concentrate. After a while, the walking robots move out to positions.

Your squad consists of 8 mechs. It faces no less than two dozen. The preparation for battle is short since both sides have guns looking to blast the machines apart. Missiles are fired to initiate, exploding the less mobile mechs of the enemy, followed by a deafening moving gunfight with kinetic weaponry. Your pilots are outclassed in both experience and numbers, but perhaps quality of equipment and talent are on their side yet.

The machines keep their distance until they run out of bullets. More enemy mechs are put out of operation, some by shots from your own, some by artillery fire from the walls. Yours... only one falls to enemy slugs in a burning ruin. Your forces are on level ground now, thanks to team tactics and some daring maneuvering.

It's time for the final push. The walkers run towards one another, leaving deep footprints in the cracked, black earth of the battlefield. Suddenly, a machine gun burst hits one of the enemy cockpits, shattering the glass and killing the pilot with astonishing precision. Perhaps the work of Atun or one of his disciples?

The blades, both energetic and regular, hum with power as they clash against one another, the mechs cutting and tearing apart each other. Well - it's yours that do the tearing, really. They move with precision, shifting their weight around like an eastern martial arts master, delivering crushing blows to their enemy one after another. Soon, it is over. 6 of the 8 mechs remain while the enemy is wiped out. It truly is a miracle.

As you exhale from the tension, you see a dot on the horizon, growing steadily. It transforms first into a spot, then into a colossus. With four massive legs, it marches towards your base, making the earth tremble with each step. On these legs is a thick tower, a fortress with titanic guns pointing towards the earth near it, ready to blast anything on the ground apart. The air is tense as both sides hold their fire for a while.
"We're getting readings of demonic and nuclear energy." one of the analysis squad's few members reports. "It's... there's something massive emitting it inside."

That only means you need to obliterate that one part to make the entire machine stop.
>Deploy the spec ops and cyborgs to invade the inner colossus and find a way to destroy it. The mechs and airship will distract and immobilize it by breaking its legs.
>Write-in a more sophisticated tactic?
(Roll some 2d100 dice since any tactic will require a roll)
Ok, interest seems to have waned and honestly it doesn't matter if you succeed in the check or not, with the number of successes you accumulated in fighting the owlmen and the resources still at your disposal it boils down to the number of attempts needed to take down the colossus with all your forces working in synch, and I don't want to leave the possibility of your dying to dice. It is my oversight.

I'll write up the epilogue for anyone still checking the thread now. Let's finish this.
Your mobile forces move out in synch as the owlmen amplify their assault. The battlefield is hell as hordes of infantry storm your walls, hooting warcries at last, and the artillery fire echoes, releasing a storm of shells upon you. The walls are crumbling.

The mechs and airship cut through their lines like a hot knife through butter. It's quite amazing, really, the efficiency with which they move and fight, making every slug, blast and bullet count. Perhaps the gods many of them prayed to are aiding them. Perhaps the tension heightens their senses and guides their hands in ways unknown. Perhaps it is simply luck that is on your side today.

The cyborgs follow in their wake. The colossus is approaching, slowly moving its heavy legs. Your forces reach it before it reaches you. The cyborgs report ascending the legs, their superhuman strength and agility aiding them in their climb. The equipment helps too - prepared powerhooks and energy cutters for breaking in. The moment they get inside through the trap doors, the airship and mechs get to work. There's no time for clearing the area, so they take a good deal of hits before their all-out barrages take effect. At last, one of the massive legs is broken, snapped at a joint. The colossus reels and stumbles to a halt.

The spec ops report advances. A few minutes later, they're at the core. A powerful demon is chained inside a giant furnace. Fed corpses of enemies, he devours their souls, and the emitted energy flows in torrents straight to the legs and guns, powering them. The warriors know what they have to do.

The crew of the colossus makes some attacks, but their power isn't as great as the ground forces once you get inside their machine. The spec ops try killing the demon with regular weaponry, but blasts of energy absorb the bullets and shells as it snarls with fury.

Your men plant powerful manabombs all over the reactor and evacuate once the timer starts ticking. The skeleton crew that remains on the colossus is, hopefully, small and inexperienced enough not to defuse the bombs...

The owlmen push ever harder. Their... remnants climb over the walls in a battle frenzy as you pepper them with arrows, once again opting to conserve the precious few real ammunition you've got left.

Then, the middle part of the colossus is consumed by fire, bathing everyone around in a bloody red light. The great machine crashes, slowly disintegrating, falling apart. Witnessing their flagship dying, the owlmen silence their guns and stop their advance.

Then they run.
You spend the rest of the day cleaning up the battlefield, gathering and burying the dead. Some tell to prepare for the continuation, but you dismiss them. The owlmen are done with you. You're sure of it.

The warriors watch tensely in the coming few days as the Ravaging Hosts, or whatever is left of them, pack up and move on. They won't be a problem for a suitably prepared opponent, and with this, the invasion ends.

Once the last of the enemy warriors disappear from your radars, a celebration is held. Most of the factions join in. Even the Labrats, secluded as they are, appreciate a drink or two with the others. The Fanatics though... they leave quickly for their own territories. Having suffered greater casualties than anyone else, they pretended to a great share of your resources, but your equally battle-hardened men made sure they only took back what is theirs. They'll be dealt with later. For now, you lose yourself in revelry and celebration.

Virgilius Crossarene departs east. There's lots of dead to be found there, lots of subjects for experimentation. Perhaps it's for the best... your men have been feeling uneasy with the living dead among them for the past six months. It is taxing on the psyche.

The leaders of Monster Hunters, Amazons, Fortress Builders and Traders call for a private conversation once all is over.
"Immortan." Arthur says. "It think it would be an understatement to say that we owe much of the resistance's success to you. You coordinated both the preparation and defence itself. We have held council between ourselves and" he pauses, glancing at others for support. "we have decided to accept your leadership, so long as our people retain some autonomy under your rule. If you will take us under your wing, of course."
"I will be honoured to."

Your people, having grown to over one thousand now, look forward to the future with tiredness, but also with hope. Standing united, they are ready to battle with new threats and undertake new challenges. And you - you're surrounded by friends and allies.

This chapter of your life closes, but ahead is a journey full of adventures.

Well, that's about it, I guess. If anyone's still checking the thread, hope you enjoyed this little oneshot, it was certainly fun for me to run, even if player engagement was low near the end. I'm not sure what I'll do next, maybe a more classic fantasy civ with a quickly written setting, or maybe I will finally do the damn anime high school slice of life quest I've been planning, or the ratmen undercity quest I've been discussing in the /qtg/. We'll see. Either way, my trip will be different, but maybe we'll catch each other in other quests. If you have any feedback, want to point out my failings or say what you liked about the quest, please do so now.
Thank you for your service.

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