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With the Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa dethroned, the Demon God Dumplin beaten, and Karn's whole family now able to live in his timeline, things have been looking up for the Saiyan General. But all good things can't last forever. And when conflicts arise between deities, mortals are inevitably caught in the crossfire. Does Karn, the Berserker God possess the strength to protect his family, people, world and reality from their fickle nature? Or are the beings above mortal ken also beyond mortal reproach? This outcome may be up to you.

You the players control Karn, wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul. Granting him the power to fight against gods and other divine beings, to resist their influence and strengths. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has now become the strongest Saiyan of his time. With the power of the Berserker God, combined with That Which Should Not Be and having devoured a soul born of the Abyss itself, his strength is now unlike anything before seen in his reality. But will this newfound strength be enough to overcome the threats headed his way? Only time will tell, your choices can spell the difference between success and failure.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork here: https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice
>One dice roll per person per post unless three players have not yet rolled, and ten minutes has passed since your previous roll
>Crits are 100 on a d100(a 99 or paired rolls may net you an extra bonus)
>Crit fails are a 1/100 with no passing rolls, or if two 1s are rolled regardless of the third
>Write-ins are both allowed and encouraged, but OOC options will be ignored
>If your goal is simply to troll, at least put in enough effort to make it funny
>Have fun

SCQ will usually start on Saturdays at noon Eastern Standard Time, and run throughout the weekend. Also, for updates or schedule changes you can find me on twitter @GrandDragonQM, which I keep as up to date with any scheduling changes as soon as possible.


Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:

The day after the Destroyers' Tournament, Karn discovered that the internal wall of control he'd erected to prevent the Berserker Soul's rampage had fallen, the full power and wrath ready to emerge. So, sparring with Golden Freeza and then his wife's Super Saiyan Blue power, Karn was able to regain control of his power. Then, after breakfast Karn searched out a suitable gift for his granddaughter Meloka Wolbach's fourth birthday within the M'lurnian Ruins, only to be pushed into the Abyss. Battling that which lurked within and saving a small child, only for her to be the final piece of Aku. The last shard of his 'father's soul. Keeping her alive by using his own Berserker Soul as power while Aku extracted the Dark, saving her from being assimilated. Now, as we rejoin Karn, you've taken the last of the gifts Aku'd left in exchange back to Chilli's world urgently, having sensed his energy vanish entirely. Only to see that he's not only fine, but having taken on his magical form begins unleashing his power.

“Let the celebration begin!” Chilli calls, raising his ethereal right hand and clenching his fist. “Crystal Star! FIRE!”
“Is he-?”

You hear the Crimson Demon Clan members as well as other guests shouting, everyone looking up. You follow their gaze, seeing his massive crystal weapon far overhead fire a half-dozen of its powerful spears down. Should any one of them hit, the damage would be catastrophic. But your son's far too skilled for that, to cause harm to HIS home. And with deft movements of his hands, shatters each of the spears right as they would reach him with little more than a gesture. Each one explodes into billions of tiny pieces, your son looking back down towards you all as they start to fall.

“It may be the wrong season here, but just for today, let us enjoy a bit of snow.” he declares, powering back down to his base form as the remains of his six warship-sized crystals begin slowly drifting down. They do resemble snow, gently falling to the ground as you hear one voice over the din of surprised voices.

“You really did it! Thank you Daddy!” your granddaughter calls, flying over to your son and wrapping her arms around his neck. Her smile is massive, teeth beaming as she hugs him. You feel yourself smile at this, seeing how happy she looks. She hugs him close, then after a few seconds lets go, turning right towards you. “GRANDPAAAA!”
“Hey there kiddo.” you say as she kicks off, sprinting right towards you. Closing within a few feet, then launching herself directly at your chest. Reaching out you catch her, turning her momentum into a spin, holding her overhead as she giggles, beaming at you. “I'm not too late, am it?”

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“Of course not, you're just in time!” she says, smiling before looking curiously over to your side. Noticing the slightly luminescent crystal beside you. “Hey, what's that?”
“It's one of your presents.” you tell her, turning her towards the giant emerald crystal. “Aku called it a Raptite, a crystal being. You'll have to get your father to figure out how to awaken it, but whe-”
“IMPOSSIBLE!” a young man's voice calls, you both turning to see Chilli's apprentice, Alimar Zorc rush over to the giant gemstone. “Raptite, here? How? Where did you get this?!”

“I got it from Aku, in exchange for helping him out.” you tell the man, turning back to your granddaughter. “Do you like it?”
“It's great! There's a bird in there, see?” she says, pointing it out. “I wonder what I'll name it when we open it?”
“DON'T!” Alimar shouts, eyes wide with fear. “You don't know what you're dealing with!”
“I think I can handle it.” Chilli says, walking up and placing a firm hand on his apprentice's shoulder. The two make eye contact for a terse moment, no doubt exchanging words telepathically a moment. But then the young man hangs his head, sighing out.

“Understood, master.” he says, then turns to you and bows his head. “Forgive me for my outburst.”
“No problem. Now, let's get back to the celebration.” you say, trying to bring the mood back up. However, just then, it happens. A familiar presence makes itself known, powerlevel suddenly appearing above you all. Exhaling with a sigh, you look up and see none other than Trunks hovering above you all. “Dammit.”

But what do you do?
>Call up to him, tell him you are not in the mood for him to ruin another celebration and to leave before you make him
>Set your granddaughter down and rush him, take him down before he can ruin ANOTHER birthday
>Ascend into your Berserker God form immediately, but don't attack yet. Wait and see what he's here for first before crushing him
>Other(write in)
>>Call up to him, tell him you are not in the mood for him to ruin another celebration and to leave before you make him
>>Ascend into your Berserker God form immediately, but don't attack yet. Wait and see what he's here for first before crushing him
>Ascend into your Berserker God form immediately, but don't attack yet. Wait and see what he's here for first before crushing him
For once trunks might be here for a not awful reason
Ascend into your Berserker God form immediately, but don't attack yet. Wait and see what he's here for first before crushing him wins it. Roll me a single d100.

DC: 40
Rolled 22 (1d100)

Rolled 32 (1d100)

Nat 100
Rolled 14 (1d100)

Well good thing we have 1 more roll
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32/100. Not quite enough, but at least it wasn't a crit fail. Writing.
Should have probably put the kiddo down first...
Not quite, as you'll see soon. This roll was for what happened immediately.
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“Hang on kiddo.” you say ascending in a flash. You power up into your Berserker God form instantly, body expanding massively. You grow several feet taller and bulk into your strongest form, yet as you do hear a pained sound. Looking down, away from the Time Patroller overhead see that you're now crushing your granddaughter! You have her pinned between your chest, forearm and bicep, pressing on her from all sides. Immediately you release her, pulling your arm back and giving her room to breathe.

“BAAAAAAAAAH!” she inhales, then coughs out, hand covering her mouth.
“Sorry kiddo.” you tell her, reaching over and gently patting her back as she coughs with your other hand. “Didn't mean to crush you there.”
“I-I'm. *Cough* Okay.” she says, shaking her head and looking back up to you. Or, rather past you, up at the Time Patroller. “Go kick his ass.”
“Right.” you say, but before you can set her down the Time Patroller flies down, heading right for you. Everyone else gets clear except your children and wife, all of who take their transformations as well. But the Time Patroller doesn't acknowledge any of them, looking only to you as he lands a few feet away. But he's not looking at you, after a moment's realization see that he's not looking at you, but at Meloka Wolbach! You feel your fury rise, the Berserker Soul straining against the barriers you'd erected around it wavering.

“Don't worry, I'm not here for a fight.” Trunks says, turning his attention to you. The Patroller's still in his base form, clearly not ready for a battle. He then turns his focus back to your granddaughter, and to your surprise bows his head to her. “My apologies for last yer, for interrupting your celebration.”
“Wh-What?” you say, shocked. Trunks ignores you, continuing.
“It was not our place, and I am sorry.” he continues, keeping his head bowed another moment before raising his gaze to her.
“Hrmmm. I'll forgive you. On one condition.” she says, raising a finger.
“Heh, alright, I'll hear you out.” he says with a faint smile, your granddaughter turning to you with a wide grin. You raise a brow at her, your granddaughter turning back to him while pointing at your chest with a thumb over her right shoulder.

“You have to fight my grandfather.” she says, you seeing Trunks' jaw drop. You look down to her, Meloka Wolbach looking up at you with a surprisingly smug grin. “Kick his butt.”

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“Wh-What? Are you serious?” he asks, looking at her, jaw agape. To which she turns back, addressing him.
“Hey, you're the one who showed up here wanting forgiveness. I just told you what you have to do to get it. It's not like a fight to the death or anything.”
“Haaaah, very well.” he says to her, looking up to you. “Well, what do you say, Karn?”

As he asks, Meloka Wolbach turns her gaze back to you expectantly, eyes sparkling with excitement. She clearly wants you to fight him, but is that a good idea?

What do you do?
>You're in if he is, you're curious if he's improved since your fight in the Time Nest
>Agree and power back down to your base form, no need to unleash your fullest strength yet
>Disagree, today's not a day for fighting and you're not in the mood to throw down with Trunks
>Other(write in)
>You're in if he is, you're curious if he's improved since your fight in the Time Nest
>Agree and power back down to your base form, no need to unleash your fullest strength yet
Leaving this tied vote open another ten minutes
>Agree and power back down to your base form, no need to unleash your fullest strength yet
Agree and power back down to your base form, no need to unleash your fullest strength yet wins it. Interesting, roll me a 4d100, still best of three.

First DC: 60
Second DC: 35
Third DC: 20
Fourth DC: 70
Rolled 22, 85, 32, 55 = 194 (4d100)

Rolled 34, 67, 79, 22 = 202 (4d100)

Rolled 59, 3, 49, 46 = 157 (4d100)

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59/100, 85/100, 79/100, 55/10. Success, success, success and failure. Not a bad start, writing.
No one noticed, or maybe you noticed but didn't say anything. Either way, 59/100 isn't a 60/100. The CORRECT outcome is failure, success, success, and failure.
I forgot to open the new thread to point out your mistakes and mock you with an ojou laugh. I am sorry.
I have brain damage
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“Well, guess I can't say no.” you say, powering back down to your base form. “Very well, I accept too.”
“YAAAAY! Daddy, can you make a big arena for them?” your granddaughter asks Chilli, running over to him then pointing out to the crater. The one where you'd battled the Time Patrol a year ago.
“Alright, we can do that.” he tells her, raising a hand. You look up, watching as the falling crystals all simply STOP after a certain distance. They hang suspended in the air while the few he doesn't stop drift down to ground level, leaving you wondering how much effort such control over his crystals take? He then flies over, landing down in the center of the crater, placing his right hand down on the ground. “Crystal Magic: Paledrake's Lair!”

Crystals shoot out across the ground from his hand, rapidly forming a rectangular stage for a fight. It resembles the same stage from the Destroyers' tournament, although slightly smaller before he rises up to his feet. As he does, however, your eldest daughter Chaya flies over to him. She lands, then turns to you all and ascends in a burst of gold and azure energy.

“I'll officiate this match! Karn, Trunks, come on down!” she shouts, you grunting a small chuckle. But, before you can go your granddaughter flies up, landing on your left shoulder.
“Good luck Grandpa!” she says, leaning forward and kissing you on the forehead before lifting into the air over you. “Go get him!”

You and Trunks fly the short distance downhill away from the site of the party, landing atop the stage with Chilli and Chaya between you both.

“First one to surrender, land outside this arena, or stay down for a ten-count loses.” Chaya declares as Chilli takes off, flying back over towards everyone watching. “Trunks, ready?”
“Ready.” he replies, taking a stance near-identical to King Vegeta's own. Surprisingly not making any moves towards his sword.
“Dad, ready?” she asks, turning to you.
“Ready.” you reply with a nod, taking your own fighting stance.

“Aaaaaaaaaand.... BEGIN!!” Chaya shouts, dashing back while dropping her arm. Immediately Trunks blitzes towards you, going for a heavy right. Which you deflect with your left forearm, sending his strike out past your shoulder retaliating with a right of your own. He dodges it by leaning back, kicking up at your guts with both heels. Gritting your teeth, you throw your left in the way, but don't make it in time. His kick lands square into your guts, sending you flying.

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“Tch-!” you seethe through clenched teeth, stopping your backwards flight as Trunks flips up to his feet, kicking back up after you. He closes in, firing a heavy left this time. But instead of deflecting it you catch his fist in your right, drawing him in and slamming a heavy left into his guts. “GRRAAAA!”
“Kyuuh?!” he exclaims as your heavy strike knocks the wind out of his lungs, Trunks doubling over in midair. Immediately you take advantage of the opening, unleashing a devastating combination of heavy Djem So power blows. You deliver over a dozen unanswered blows, ending your combination with a heavy left uppercut into twisting back right kick to the chest. He is sent flying back, recovering after a few seconds and flipping back, reorienting on you with a snarl. But as he flips he puts both hands up, creating a ball of ki he then launches at you. “FINISH BUSTER!”

“Hmph. BARRIER!” you shout, throwing both arms wide and forming your shield, charging into his attack. The orb detonates against your shield, the Barrier protecting you from the blast. Dashing through the sudden smoke cloud, you end the shield, dashing in at him. “Nice try!”
“Dammit!” he shouts, blue aura blazing as he dashes in to meet your charge. Both of you swing, right fists slamming into each other's as you stop each other in place. He strains, pushing against you when you smirk. Letting his punch 'win', you switch to the Su Ma technique, spinning clockwise around his punch and fire a heavy left into his jaw, followed by a spinning right backfist that knocks him backwards. “Geh! Tch! I won't lose that easily!”

Trunks again dashes in at you, rapidly closing the distance. But then, as he dashes in suddenly his powerlevel surges, ascending to a Super Saiyan and driving his right into your jaw. Instantly he powers back down, the heavy blow sending you flying backwards. For several seconds you're stunned, only recovering after being sent quite a ways back before recovering. You flip back, reorienting on the Time Patroller and wiping your face with the back of your right hand.

“Tch.” you say, spitting a bit of blood. “Cheap trick. But you won't catch me with that again.”
“Was a trick that'd only work once.” he replies, retaking his stance.

But what do you do now?
>Rush in and attack with Djem So, overwhelm him with your power and technique
>Activate your Energy Body and gesture for him to come at you, defend against his onslaught
>If he's going to transform then you will too, ascend into your first Berserker form then rush him
>Enough holding back, take on your Berserker God form once more and see what he can REALLY do
>Other(write in)
>Rush in and attack with Djem So, overwhelm him with your power and technique
>If he's going to transform then you will too, ascend into your first Berserker form then rush him
>>Rush in and attack with Djem So, overwhelm him with your power and technique
changing to this
Leaving this tied vote open yet another ten minutes.
Nevermind, looks like the tie was broken as I started writing. So:
Rush in and attack with Djem So, overwhelm him with your power and technique wins it. Roll me a 4d100.

First DC: 35
Second DC: 50
Third DC: 70
Fourth DC: ??
Rolled 94, 78, 63, 37 = 272 (4d100)

And here we go.
Rolled 77, 5, 61, 93 = 236 (4d100)

Rolled 97, 80, 33, 69 = 279 (4d100)

get a load of this
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97/100, 80/100, 63/100, 93/100. Success, success, failure and high mystery. Writing.
Rolled 76, 54, 50 = 180 (3d100)

Nice attempt anon, you tried.
...But did he really show up just to apologize? I don't get it. Also, that roll earlier to avoid accidentally crushing our granddaughter was evil, GD.
You'll see soon enough.
The reason that was a roll is because you've never gone Berserker God holding anyone/anything you didn't wish to break before. IF it is a roll next time, because of what happened here Karn will be more IC-aware.
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But you're already on the move, dashing back in at the boy at full speed. You catch him by surprise, closing in near-instantly and firing a heavy overhand right. He tries to raise his arms up to defend, but is too slow, your heavy attack crashing into the side of his jaw. Your heavy blow spins him in a half-circle, following that right up with a left uppercut to the jaw. Twisting your upper body you fire a right spinning elbow to his face, you feeling something give with a crunch.

“Dammit!” he snarls, both hands going up to his face. And as he's distracted momentarily you finish the quick combination with a powerful left turning kick to the face, sending him flying. But you're still not done, dashing after him and lacing your fingers together overhead. Swinging both hands down into his guts, sending him crashing back-first into the crystal stage below. Half of the arena shatters, the Time Patroller landing on the side closest to your family. But as you dash down he flips back up to his feet, aura blazing as he launches himself back up at you. You grit your teeth, knowing he's about to try the same trick again. And, sure enough, right as he gets in range his powerlevel explodes, bursting into his Super Saiyan form. But you were ready, doing the same and meeting his charge head-on. Your right and his left both swing simultaneously, fists smashing into jaws and snapping each other's heads back.

“Tch. Guess it won't work again.” he says, you both backing off simultaneously. Trunks then dashes back in, feinting with an overhand right into a left uppercut. But you are ready, raising your right leg and blocking his strike with your knee. He winces at this, flinching back and giving you another opening. One you take full advantage of, driving your left straight into his nose again. Trunks' head snaps back, opening his chest as you twist, driving the full power of your body into a right. Your fist slams into his guts, doubling him over. Twisting around you raise your left, driving your elbow down onto the back of his neck. The heavy blow knocks him right out of the air once more, crashing down to the arena once more. You dash down after him, aiming to land heels-first into his back. But he's not out yet, flipping out of the way and landing on his feet as your own smash the cracked crystals where he'd been laying a moment ago.

“HAAAAAAAA!!” he roars, golden aura shifting to a pale blue as his power transforms, taking on the power of Super Saiyan Blue. Before you can transform as well he rushes back in, driving a heavy right elbow into your guts. All the air in your body is expelled, Trunks rising up to his full height as you fall. Collapsing to the ground, the weight of his attack leaves you stunned. Unable to move, to breathe, to do anything to defend yourself.

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“Karn is down! One! Two! Three!” Chaya shouts, giving you the ten-count. Dammit, if you don't get up, you're going to LOSE. To TRUNKS! You can't let that happen! “Four! Five!”
“Dammit!” you think to yourself, realizing your body won't recover on its on in that time. So, you tap into your Berserker God power, drawing forth the Berserker Soul's power forth.

“GRRRAAAAAAAAAA!!” you roar, unleashing everything as you ascend. The sheer weight of your power pushes your body up off the ground, back arching as you transform. Reality distorts around you as you draw upon that power, feeling your feet land on the ground. Leaning forward, you now see that you're towering over the Time Patroller. “I'll get you for that one.”
“There it is.” he says, clenching his fists. “The power I've been wai-!”
“HAAAAA!!” you roar, closing the distance and returning the favor, driving a dashing left uppercut into his guts. Launching the Time Patroller skyward in exchange for the sneak attack he'd hit you with, watching as his body grows smaller and smaller. “Bastard.”

You catch your breath for a few moments, watching as his body starts dropping back down towards you all. But he stops himself a few dozen yards over you, throwing his arms wide as his divine aura blazes. You feel his power change, once again ascending to that power beyond Super Saiyan Blue. You watch as his aura and hair darken, the power of his transformation obliterating his coat's sleeves while his hair grows longer, spiking out in all directions.

“Looks like you're finally ready to take this seriously.” you say to him, retaking your fighting stance. He does the same, you both staring each other down.
“I won't back down.” he replies, you seeing something different in his eyes. There's a gravity to his expression now, one you're not used to seeing from the boy. Seems he's going to be taking this very seriously now.

Well? What do you do?
>Rush and attack, overwhelm him with power and techniques
>Energy Body and defend, get him to come to you and test your power
>Keep your distance from him with your energy attacks, make sure you're careful to avoid damaging the planet
>Dash in and use your Su Ma to avoid his attacks before you can get him in your grip, crush him until he surrenders
>Other(write in)
>Dash in and use your Su Ma to avoid his attacks before you can get him in your grip, crush him until he surrenders
>Rush and attack, overwhelm him with power and techniques
>Rush and attack, overwhelm him with power and techniques
Changing to this, no reason to get fancy just yet
>Dash in and use your Su Ma to avoid his attacks before you can get him in your grip, crush him until he surrenders
Rush and attack, overwhelm him with power and technique wins it. Roll me a 5d100.

First DC: 40
Second DC: 65
Third DC: 90
Fourth DC: 35
Fifth DC: ???
Rolled 73, 23, 16, 11, 11 = 134 (5d100)

Rolled 9, 57, 20, 90, 4 = 180 (5d100)

Rolled 11, 23, 20, 50, 73 = 177 (5d100)

We really do live in Trunks' head rent free, huh? Poor kid.
Rolled 71, 81, 63, 59, 88 = 362 (5d100)

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73/100, 81/100, 63/100, 90/100, 88/100. Success, success, failure, success, and high mystery. Not bad, writing.
“The real fight starts now!” you shout, exploding off the ground up at him. In a blink you've closed the distance, Trunks raising his arms to defend against your heavy punch. Yet, despite blocking the blow he's sent soaring back, you dashing after him. Following up your right with a left, then another right, then another left you keep sending him further and further back, quickly leaving the Crimson Demon Village far behind. But as you swing with your right once more, he stops his backward momentum, instead dashing in towards you. He uses his left forearm, knocking that heavy right just past his shoulder. But as he tries to swing his own right you swing down with your head, slamming your forehead right into his face.

“Kuuuh!” he exclaims as your attack stops him short, back arching as your forehead crushes his broken nose further. Leaving him wide open, you drawing your left all the way back.
“HAAAAAA!!” you roar, driving it straight up into his guts, doubling the Time Patroller over before launching into a devastating combination. Using the Djem So's power strikes you assault Trunks, raining down powerful elbows, knees and punches. Dropping an elbow down onto his head only to immediately follow up with a knee to the chin, uppercut to the gut followed by uppercut to the chin, you rain relentless attacks down upon him until, finally regaining his breath from the first attack unleashes his power with a roar.

“GAAAAAAAAH!!” he bellows, Explosive Wave knocking you back off of him. Immediately he gathers a tremendous amount of his ki into both hands instantly, throwing them forward and unleashing a powerful blast directly at you. “FINAL FLASH!!”
“Ba-!” you start, but he's too quick. Before you can defend his golden beam slams up into you, blasting you back away from your son's planet. In only a few seconds you're blasted clear out of the planet's atmosphere, leaving the world behind. Pushing back against it with everything you've got, you finally push yourself off the torrent of golden ki, letting it blaze past you. Immediately, you raise your right to your forehead, focusing on Trunks' divine ki. A moment later you teleport, your Instant Transmission bringing you right in front of him as he ends his attack.

“Wh-Wha-?!!” he exclaims, eyes wide with shock. Before he can defend himself you lash out, driving your right square into his bloody face. The full-power heavy blow sends him flying, you once again dashing after him. He tries to recover, flipping backwards only for you to drive your knee straight into his spine. “GYAAAAAAH!!”

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You continue unleashing a barrage of heavy blows on the Time Patroller, pummeling him until you see the Crimson Demon Village and the makeshift arena rapidly approaching. So, ending your attack you grab his face with your left hand, dashing straight down at the ground.

“Mrmmph?!” he exclaims through your hand, voice muffled as you drive him right at the ground outside the arena. He tries to get free, kicking you in the chest, trying to pry your hand off his head with his own, but it's too late. With a thunderous boom you slam him down head-first into the ground, well outside the crystal fighting stage. The sound of the impact echoes over the mountains, you holding him in place for several moments before flying up, still holding him by the head before dropping him onto the ground. Surprisingly he doesn't fall, managing to land on his feet and retake his fighting stance. Clearly not ready to give in, he has more fight left in him.

“Trunks hit the ground out-of-bounds, the winner is Karn!” Chaya shouts, Trunks blinking a couple times in confusion before looking around. Realizing that he's not standing on the arena but the ground, he sighs out, powering back down to his base form. A second later you feel his base power suddenly shoot back up, his injuries all healing themselves near-instantly.
“Well, guess I'm still not ready.” he says to you, and to your surprise holds out his right hand. “Appreciate it.”
“Huh? Appreciate what?” you ask him, confused. To which he chuckles, pointing at himself.

“I'm still alive. I think this is the first time, since our first battle, that I've been able to walk away after fighting you.” he says, a rueful smile on his face. “I appreciate it.”
“This wasn't serious, so there was no need.” you reply, powering back down as well and shaking his hand. Only for Meloka Wolbach to fly over as you let go, landing on your shoulder as she points at him.
“Okay, you're for-What's that?!” she shouts, pointing past him. To which Trunks immediately turns, hand going to his sword. Only for her hand to point down at his feet, giving a little mischievous chuckle. “Explosion!”

“Wh-?” he says as right at the Time Patroller's feet a blast of magical power bursts forth. Her spell launches him into the air, tumbling uncontrollably through the air for several seconds. Meloka Wolbach laughs uncontrollably at this, pointing and laughing as he tumbles then reorients himself. Once he does, you see him glare down a moment, only for his expression to soften as he flies back down. “Hmph. That's twice you've hit me with that spell.”

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“Hehe, okay NOW I forgive you.” she says with a grin. Her smile breaks his annoyance, the Time Patroller smiling as well after a few seconds. “No hard feelings.”

But what now? What do you do?
>Ask Trunks what he's really doing here, why he chose now to appear in your timeline
>Ask him HOW he managed to appear in your timeline, as far as you knew Mechikabura had your Time Scroll on him at all times
>Ask Trunks if he's now going to apologize to Chaya, gesturing behind him. He knows why, and if he doesn't you're going to make that a painful lesson
>Other(write in)
>Ask Trunks if he's now going to apologize to Chaya, gesturing behind him. He knows why, and if he doesn't you're going to make that a painful lesson
I think it's safe to assume he's here with Mechikabura's blessing. Anyways, if he wants to squash the beef proper, now's the time.
>Ask Trunks if he's now going to apologize to Chaya, gesturing behind him. He knows why, and if he doesn't you're going to make that a painful lesson
Its kind of a parallelself timeywimey thing thats at fault here but its the thought that counts
>Ask Trunks if he's now going to apologize to Chaya, gesturing behind him. He knows why, and if he doesn't you're going to make that a painful lesson
Rolled 82, 65, 7, 69 = 223 (4d100)

Ask Trunks if he's now going to apologize to Chaya, gesturing behind him. He knows why, and if he doesn't you're going to make that a painful lesson unanimously wins it. Roll me a single d100, no shown DC.
Rolled 51 (1d100)

Dont fuck it up
Rolled 70 (1d100)

Rolled 53 (1d100)

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Cuttin it a little close there.
Rolled 23 (1d100)

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70/100, interesting. Writing. 75%, not bad
Can't believe I forgot to post this earlier, mistyped the captcha and didn't look back.
Also uh...
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“Well, that's one apology down.” you say to him, crossing your arms. “Now, I believe you owe my daughter, as well.”
“What?” he asks, you nodding to your eldest. He turns, seeing Chaya standing there, her side facing him. Clearly showing off what's left of her tail, from where his actions nearly killed her. “Wh-What? No, your tail. It should have been re-”
“It couldn't be saved.” she cuts through his babbling, looking down her nose at him. “Because of what you did, I nearly died. Soba nearly crushed me under his heel, after what you did to me. What you TOOK from me! Because of you, because of how stupid and incompetent you are, I'll never have the chance to reach that same power my other self did. And it's all. Your. Fault.”

Her words fall like hammers on Trunks, the Time Patroller seeming to shrink before your daughter as she glares at him. Eyes burning with malicious yellow and crimson, hate and disgust filling her face. He can't even bear to look at her, bowing his head as she talks.

“All because of you. What a big, strong man you are, mindlessly cutting through whoever you want. Ignoring the damage you do to everyone else, as long as YOU feel good about yourself. You get to be “Hero”. Disgusting.” she says, you watching as Trunks begins trembling before you. He clenches his fists yet still cannot raise his head, your daughter floating over to him. She reaches down, cupping his cheeks in her hands, pulling his eyes up to meet her own. “Yet, despite everything you took from me, all I can feel is pity.”
“Pity?” he asks, voice wavering as she stares into his eyes. “What the hell do you mean?”
“You're not the only one who lost a love.” she says, giving him a toothy, terrifying smile. One full of hate and malice. “But at least mine's real.”

With that she releases him and turns, landing on the ground as she starts walking away, back to the gathered party-goers up the small hill to your side. She walks a dozen or so steps before turning back, eyes blazing with malicious glee. Watching as Trunks drops to his knees then falls forward onto his hands as well, as if all the strength was sapped from his body. She stands over him, drinking in his misery for a few moments before turning her gaze to her niece, gesturing over to her.

“Come on Meloka Wolbach, we've got a party to get back to.” she says, your granddaughter glancing back to the boy before flying over to Chaya, your daughter 'challenging' her to a race back to the top. The two girls take off, leaving you and the collapsed Time Patroller alone. But you have no idea what just happened, what your daughter was talking about. All you know is that it was devastatingly effective, seeing tears hitting the ground below his face.

“What the hell?” you mutter, wondering what Chaya was talking about as you take a hesitant step forward. You wonder what happened with that girl who was with him, Hyoka. Something's going on. “Trunks?”

But he doesn't immediately answer, staying there crying for several more moments. He quickly gets himself under control, taking a shaky, deep breath before pushing himself up to his feet.

“Trunks? What the hell was that?” you ask, the younger Time Patroller turning towards you. He's clearly trying to contain what he's feeling, but even more clearly failing at this. “What's going on?”
“Chaya. Right, of course she told her.” he says, more to himself before realizing you're standing there. His gaze turns, looking at you with a mix of emotions on his face. He then tries to stuff his emotions even further down, taking another shaky breath before sighing out, raising his eyes to yours. “I take it you don't know?”
“Don't know what?” you ask, Trunks nodding to himself. “What's this about?”

“She was talking about Hyoka. Who, it turns out.... Wasn't real.” Trunks says, hanging his head. “She wasn't a real person at all. Some sort of golem, a puppet created to fool me, to whisper suggestions in my ear to keep me loyal to the Supre- to Chronoa. I never even suspected anything. What a fool I was, to think that I...”
“Damn.” you say, wondering how you'd have reacted to learning Meloka was just a puppet under someone else's control. Nothing more than a tool to keep you in line. And, for the first time, you feel genuine sympathy for him. As he keeps looking down you reach out, placing your hand a bit awkwardly on his shoulder. “I... That's rough, Trunks.”

Neither of you speak in the silence that follows, Trunks taking a sniff in and looking back up to you. His eyes shining because of how wet they are, yet you can see his spirit isn't entirely crushed.

“Thanks. Guess I just needed to say it to someone else.” he says, nodding to you once. You take your arm off his shoulder, the man meeting your gaze. “Sorry for all the trouble I've caused you all over the years. Do whatever it takes to keep your family safe, I'll do my part to keep all of you and your timeline secure.”

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And in a flash of light, he's gone. Leaving you with the knowledge that the redheaded woman isn't real, that he'd been fooled so thoroughly. You'd been fooled as well, but you weren't intimate with her like he'd presumably been. Your mind is clouded as you turn from the disintegrating, shattered crystal arena stage, you marching back up towards the ongoing party. Back into the 'snow' dropping down onto you. Meloka comes up to you, brows furrowed as she looks concerned at the expression on your face.

“You okay hun?” she asks you, what Trunks said again washing over you. If your wife wasn't real, if all this time together was just an act, you aren't sure you'd be able to stand it. Reaching down you wrap her in your arms, standing up to your full height and hugging her to you. “Karn?”
“I love you Mel.” you tell her, holding her close. She doesn't ask the clearly-burning questions, laying her head on your shoulder. You hold her for several seconds, then relent, letting her go. She looks questioningly to you, clearly wanting to know what you were talking about but not pushing it.

What do you tell her?
>Tell her what happened, what he told you and what Chaya said to him beforehand
>Telepathically tell her everything, see what she thinks of it all
>Tell her that you'll tell her later, you need to think on it some more yourself first
>Shake your head, don't answer it yet. She knows you'll tell her about it when you're ready
>Other(write in)
>Tell her what happened, what he told you and what Chaya said to him beforehand
Why can't we / why haven't we wished to fix our kids?

Chayas tail and tomitsus connection? We have the power.
>Telepathically tell her everything, see what she thinks of it all
>Tell her what happened, what he told you and what Chaya said to him beforehand
>Chayas tail and tomitsus connection? We have the power.
That's their choice to make.
Chaya's decided to use her loss as fuel for her own personal development and Tatsu and Tomi have treated this as an opportunity to grow as individuals and lessen their over-reliance on their bond.
Have we ever offered it to them?
>>Tell her what happened, what he told you and what Chaya said to him beforehand
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Rolled 18, 30 = 48 (2d100)

Tell her what happened, what he told you and what Chaya said to him beforehand wins it. Writing.
They haven't asked, nor gone of their own accord. Chaya, Tatsu, and Tomi all not only know of the Dragonballs, have had their potentials unlocked by Grand Elder Guru, and all know Instant Transmission.
Ooof, she doesn't take it well then...
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“It wasn't good.” you say to her, sighing out. “Remember that redheaded woman who was with him?”
“Of course, that bitch.” your wife replies, eye twitching. “Why?”
“Turns out she wasn't real.” you say to her, both her brows raising in surprise. “Turns out she was some sort of golem, a puppet someone else was controlling to manipulate him.”

Silence hangs between you both, you see your wife's mind going a mile a minute as she thinks it over.

“...Damn.” she finally says. “I can't imagine...”
“Right?” you reply, the two of you sharing a moment. But then it goes by, your wife shaking her head before you continue. “Apparently Future Chaya already found out about this, and told our Chaya. She threw it in his face, that's why he fell.”
“Fair enough, after what he did to her.” your wife replies. But before you both can continue, another figure approaches you both. The large, imposing figure of the skeletal Lord Ainz. “Ainz.”

“Meloka, Karn. Good to see you both in good health.” the jolly skeleton says, his deep voice with an edge of happiness to it. “Your son told me of your victories over the fighters of the other universe. Most impressive.”
“They weren't anything special. Not the ones I fought, anyways.” your wife answers. To which Ainz nods, but then turns his empty eye sockets to you, a hint of crimson light glinting inside the shadows in them.
“But the one you fought, Hit, wasn't it? I hear he is a powerful foe.” Ainz asks, then smirks. “But his power is quite something. The ability to skip forward through time, like some sort of fourth dimensional being.”

“Wait, what?” you ask him, confused. To which Ains clarifies, rolling his wrist.
“Your son explained what he witnessed, what the time-stopping ally of yours Guldo explained to him. That this Hit could step out of time itself, moving forward through the time stream like you can move through the air. That is how he would seemingly teleport around.”
“I see.” you reply, wondering if he's encountered such a being. Or if he has a similar power? “His power was a threat, glad that he's not wandering our universe.”
“Indeed. Anyone who can put a warrior like you down is someone I wish not to tussle with.” the skeleton replies, unleashing a belly-rolling laugh. Which is a feat, considering he's nothing more than bones and a glowing red orb held under his ribcage. “I seek no quarrel with the gods, were it not for them I-”

But just then, your conversation is interrupted by a blue-haired woman reeking of alcohol stumbling over, nearly tripping over her own feet.

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“Seekin' no quarrel, eh? Big words for a filthy u-*hic*-undead!” the woman says, pointing at him with the bottle in her hand. “I'mma halfa mind to purify you!”
“Curse Magic: Magma Bile.” a familiar voice calls, the woman's entire body spasming a moment before dropping to her knees, puking up all the alcohol she drank. You turn, seeing your half-demon daughter walking up, hand-in-hand with another woman. The blonde-haired, armored woman who sighs, reaching down and picking up the blue-haired woman as she stops puking as if she's light as a feather.
“Sorry about that.” the blonde says to Ainz, bowing while holding the woman. “I hope there's no offense?”

“None taken, think nothing of it.” he tells her, then adds. “But, perhaps she could use a drink of water instead?”
“I was thinking the same thing.” she replies as Milha turns to you, a smile on her face.
“Hey kiddo. Been enjoying yourself here?” you ask her, to which she smiles. A wide, happy smile, immediately telling you all you need to know.
“It's been great.” she says, walking up and hugging you. You hold her back, your daughter letting go after a few moments before turning to Meloka, bowing at the waist to her. “Meloka. It is good to see you as well.”

“Milha. You seem to be much happier here.” your wife replies, then smirks a bit. “Sooo, what's her name?”
“Huh? Wh-What?” Milha asks, eyes wide as her cheeks blush. “What do you mean?”
“Heh, come on now. You know what I mean.” your wife replies. “I can smell you all over each other.”
“Ah, eh, uhh...” Milha stutters, unable to answer her. But she can't hide how hard she's blushing, trembling under your wife's gaze. The blonde woman, Darkness sees this and rushes back over, a determined look on her face.

“Hey, what's going on?” she asks, actually getting between Milha and your wife. “What's the meaning of this?”
“I was just asking her about you. How long have you two been a couple now?” your wife replies, the woman's composure cracking a bit. You see her cheeks blush as she looks away as well, realizing that your wife was in fact right. Seems your half-demon daughter and this woman are, in fact, a couple. Huh.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 217 paused-
And that's it for tonight, everyone enjoying the party so far? Curious to see where it goes, and if we'll have any more uninvited guests? Curious what other gifts your daughter has been given, and what other displays will be put on before the party's through? Find out when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues, just over 12 hours from now at noon EST!
If we get any more party crashers, they better bring food. And I'm talking a good amount too, not just a light snack.
But who else could crash the party, much less would?
Well, nobody native to this planet certainly.
>yfw lobo shows up with superman and ubo
Hopefully. But if they’re invited and just show up late, are they really a party crasher?
Absolutely not. He knows Chilli lives on this world and gives it an appropriately wide berth.
It was Superman's idea. All big on that "make friends and forgive people" thing. You know how it is.
>But if they’re invited and just show up late, are they really a party crasher?
They're gonna miss out on the cake is what. No such thing as leftovers when Saiyans roll up.
And JLU Superman isn't the brightest crayon in the lightbulb drawer. He hears the words birthday party and will immediately try to do something nice.
>Every single person that had beef with the Karn Clan and lived shows up at each consecutive celebration to personally apologize for their actions
Would be pretty funny
Ha, but no. He's busy with Earth things.
Oh absolutely.
Would be. But not likely to happen.
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“Uhh, well, not that long.” the blonde woman replies with a weak smile, rubbing the back of her head nervously with her right, reaching down and clasping your daughter's right hand with her left. “Only for a little bit.”
“I see, I see.” your wife replies, leaning in and whispering something to them both. You can't hear what she says, but both of their faces pale as she tells them whatever it is she wanted to say. “Do I make myself clear?”
“Absolutely. I will be the wall that stands between her and danger, no matter how great!” the armored woman declares boldly.

“Good. Then we won't have any issues.” your wife replies with a smile in her voice, turning from them to look back at you. However, something catches her eye. You turn, following her gaze to see your granddaughter calling her over. “I'll be right there.”

She turns, you both sharing a nod before she starts making her way over. Leaving you with your daughter and the other woman.

“Y-You don't think I'm...Weird, do you?” she suddenly asks, looking nervously up at you. “That I'm not with, you know, a boy?”

Well? How do you answer this?
>Tell her that while you don't get it, it doesn't really matter to you. So long as she's happy, that's good enough for you
>Say that you disagree with the idea, but it's her life and she's free to live it however she wants
>Try and get rid of the sudden tension by joking about it, tell her that her liking a woman over a boy is the least weird thing about her
>Other(write in)
Keep it respectful and IN CHARACTER, people. NO IRL POLITICS here
>Tell her that while you don't get it, it doesn't really matter to you. So long as she's happy, that's good enough for you
The whole debate is so beyond Karn I can't ever see him forming an opinion about it. Besides, this is probably the happiest he's ever seen Milha, so that's gotta count for something.
>Tell her that while you don't get it, it doesn't really matter to you. So long as she's happy, that's good enough for you
>Tell her that while you don't get it, it doesn't really matter to you. So long as she's happy, that's good enough for you
I figure the way karn would see it, is that he has seen a lot of shit over the years and as long as his kids are happy and nobody is hurt things are fine. People are gonna like who they like and that's just how things are.
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Tell her that while you don't get it, it doesn't really matter to you. So long as she's happy, that's good enough for you wins it. Writing.
Surprise worldbuilding time
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“Milha.” you say, placing your left on her shoulder. “I'm not going to lie to you and say I understand it. But, the good thing is I don't have to. It isn't up to, nor does it really matter to me. So long as you're happy, that's good enough for me.”
“R-Really?” she asks, eyes going wide. “Do-Do you really mean that?”
“Of course I do kiddo. I only want what's best for each of you.” you tell her, raising your hand off her shoulder, picking her hat up off her head so you can reach over with your other, ruffling her hair. She weakly protests this, you continuing for another moment or two before setting her hat back down on her head. “As long as you follow the most important rule.”

“The strong rule, and the weak either submit or die.” she answers immediately, you seeing the blonde beside her looking worriedly towards her. “I haven't forgotten, father.”
“What? Milha, what...?” the woman asks, Milha turning to her.
“That is the truth of the universe. If you aren't strong enough to protect what's yours, someone will come along and take it from you, Lalatina.” your daughter tells her seriously, the woman blushing as her name is said. “That's why my father became the strongest. So all of us would be allowed to live out our lives as we wanted.”
“Exactly.” you reply. “Besides, you're not the only one I know who feels that way.”

“Wait, what?” she asks you, looking confused. “What do you mean?”
“You remember Sarada, right?” you ask her, her brows raising in confusion. “Leyas' sister?”
“Wait, her? Really?” your daughter asks. “I never would have thought... Huh.”
“Yeah, poor Turles found out the hard way, back when we were all younger.” you say, remembering back with a chuckle. “But that was back during the Tuffle War, on Planet Vegeta.”

Your reminiscing is interrupted, however, as your daughter suddenly flies up to you, wrapping her arms around your neck.

“Thank you.” she whispers in your ear, squeezing you tighter a moment before letting you go. “For everything.”
“Of course. I'm glad coming here worked out for you.” you tell her, your daughter walking over towards Koruza. But you reach out, placing a hand on Lalatina's shoulder, stopping her. “You.”
“Yes?” she asks, turning around. Her expression immediately drops seeing your own change, brows furrowed at her. “What is it?”
“You'd better treat my daughter right.” you tell her simply. “If I hear you hurt her, if she ever calls me for help because of you. You're dead. Understood?”

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“O-Of course, General Karn.” she replies a bit nervously, trying to put on a brave face as she uses the title. “I'd let her break me before I ever raise a hand to her.”
“Good. So long as we're clear.” you reply, letting her go. The woman immediately hurries off after your daughter, you taking a moment to look around. Chilli is speaking with the skeletal Ainz and Megumin is talking with Chaya and her friend Yunyun, while your wife watches the grandchildren. Meloka Wolbach is holding the hammer present you'd gotten her from Aku, sitting atop the giant crystal while Kazuburo is looking at the collection of gemstones with wide eyes. Some of your children speak amongst themselves, other speaking to the natives of this world like the clever weakling Kazuma, the villagers of the Crimson Demon Village, or those of their allies like Ainz' people. Strangely enough, the slime isn't present himself, which you consider odd. Perhaps something happened between them?

But what now?
>Head over to your wife with the grandchildren, this is Meloka Wolbach's party after all
>See what Ainz and Chilli are discussing, perhaps it is something important
>Find out what Kazuma is telling Tatsu and Tomi, knowing him he's got some sort of angle he's trying to play
>Head over to Caulifla and Koruza, see what they and their Stands are discussing
>Join Chaya and Megumin's conversation with Yunyun, see what they're talking about
>Skip to the end of the party, to say your farewells
>Other(write in)
>>Find out what Kazuma is telling Tatsu and Tomi, knowing him he's got some sort of angle he's trying to play
I'm not about to let him sell them on something stupid, not while they're still so vulnerable.
Huh....knowing Darkness the threat just turned her on instead...hmmm
>Find out what Kazuma is telling Tatsu and Tomi, knowing him he's got some sort of angle he's trying to play
We need more gender equality
Supporting. Lets squash a potential scam before he sells it to them.
I seriously doubt he's that suicidal, he is more likely to try and help them to get in Karn's good graces than fuck with them. He has SEEN what happens to those that try that.
Link to the post and vote proper homie. GD's particular about that for a reason.
>Huh....knowing Darkness the threat just turned her on instead...hmmm
Naw, I get the feeling she understands exactly how easy it would be for Karn to just teleport in from nowhere, palm her head, and SQUEEZE.
Even if he is trying to help, anything that could reforge their link could also severely fuck them up.
Regardless of his intentions, I would want to know about it so we could give our two cents to Tatsu and Tomi before they do anything rash.
My mistake, forgot about that.
Supporting this >>5995222 if it wasn't seen here >>5995228
Sure, he's cunning, but he's not that wise. Anything he's thinking of could fuck up the twins for life as far as we know.
Nah darkness is smart enough to know the difference between what would actually kill her without a sweat or not, it wouldn't be fun. It would be one minute your alive and the next your in line to the afterlife and karn has probably committed another hate crime. Karn is far too infamous at this point to do something that suicidal.
Find out what Kazuma is telling Tatsu and Tomi, knowing him he's got some sort of angle he's trying to play wins it. Let's see how this plays out, roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 30
Second DC: ??
I'm more particular on busy votes or when someone starts changing their mind repeatedly, not ones with only three people casting votes.
Rolled 10, 72 = 82 (2d100)

The dice, what do they mean?!
Rolled 16, 18 = 34 (2d100)

Rolled 25, 49 = 74 (2d100)

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25/100, 72/100. Failure and decent mystery, looks like you aren't ready for one of his auto skills. Writing.
Damit that's the second dc 30 check we've failed this thread
Yes, it would have been relatively easy to avoid. But, I guess the surprise is what allows it to work this time. Manga readers will recognize one of his skills, but with all this extra time to gather skills he's added a few more into his arsenal.
He has survived by being a skill monkey, it makes sense
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Seeing Kazuma talking to your elder twins, for some reason gets your hackles up. Knowing him, there's no doubt in your mind he's playing some sort of angle, trying to get something for himself. But, unsure of what that is you decide to get closer, walking over to him as he's mid-conversation with them.

“-st at least give me a quick demonstration? Even if you don't get it 'perfect', it'll still teach me how to.” Kazuma is saying as you approach. “And who knows, maybe I'll be able to help you both get-”

But as you walk up behind him you reach out to put a hand on his shoulder, to make your presence known. However, as you go to do so, his body suddenly moves. Right before your hand would have touched him his upper body twists clockwise. His movements are so smooth it's shocking, the younger man twisting around into a left palm strike square in your abdomen.

“Repelling Palm.” he says, voice icily calm as his attack lands. You feel his ki slam into you, and where you were mid-step it actually knocks you a step back. Shocked, you stare down at him, but he seems equally as surprised. Blinking several times in rapid succession, his expression changes from one of confidence to absolute terror before he lets out an almost squeak. Immediately he rises up to his full height, both hands outstretched as if worried about retaliation. Arms shaking as he talks, then dropping to the ground, forehead pressed to his hands in a gesture surprisingly similiar to the one the Kais gave the Omni King, Grand Zen-Oh. “Oh no I'm so sorry about that, that was my Auto-Evade and Automatic Counter skills, I didn't do that on purpose, I swear! I totally didn't mean to do that! Please, choose mercy!”

“Heh, maybe you're not as much a weakling as I thought.” you say, seeing his expression change. Kazuma raises his head, shock and confusion back on his face. “Not a bad hit, but you really need to work on your power if you want that to stop any real threats. One foot off the ground, and you only knocked me back a single step.”
“R-Right.” he replies, carefully getting back up to his feet and dusting himself off. Brushing off the tiny crystals of your son's 'snow' still falling down. “Wh-What can I do for you, General Karn?”
“Nothing, I just came over here to see what you all were talking about.” you say, looking from him to your elder twins. “What's going on over here?”
“He's trying to get us to show him the Fusion Dance.” Tomi says, reaching up and holding her left bicep with her right hand. “He says he wants to learn how to do it.”

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Really need to get post-timeskip of everyone done at some point
“And I'm against it. Fusing together isn't some simple party trick.” Tatsu says defiantly, a note of heat in his voice. “This power is a huge responsibility. Merging two people, two souls into one isn't something to be taken lightly. Besides, we're still recovering.”
“I think we should, at least give it a try.” Tomi responds, far more subdued than her twin. “I haven't heard Tomitsu's voice in over a week now.”
“...Dammit.” Tatsu snarls, walking away for several steps before stopping, hand to his face as he looks into the sky. He then turns back towards her, expression serious. “And you think I have? I'm glad it's gone. Never a moment of peace to ourselves, always having that other being watching over our shoulders. Or taking over one or both of our bodies whenever it wanted, I'm glad Tomitsu's gone!”

Tomi gasps, you raising a brow at this declaration. But your daughter looks far more hurt at this declaration, voice barely above a whisper as she replies.

“But what about me? Do you not want me too?” she asks. Immediately you see it in Tatsu's face, the regret of hurting his twin as she looks on the brink of tears. You look between him and her, unsure what you should say or do in this situation.

Well? Any words of wisdom for the elder twins?
>Advise them that, if they can't fuse reliably then they need to practice it. It may be the difference between living and dying again, and above all you'd rather they live and protect themselves
>Say that they should focus on rebuilding that link first without fusing their actual bodies, but build it back in a way that they have control over it, and not the ephemeral Tomitsu
>Tell Kazuma he'll have to wait for another day, then tell the twins that today's not a day to have this fight. Or, at least to save it for home and not here at their niece's party
>Other(write in)
>>Advise them that, if they can't fuse reliably then they need to practice it. It may be the difference between living and dying again, and above all you'd rather they live and protect themselves
How they choose to reconcile Tomitsu's existence is up to them, but they need to be alive to do that.
>Other(write in)
They have unresolved feelings that they are keeping from each other. This is unhealthy in a relationship/partnership.
They should fight until they can better understand each others feelings. And we can watch over to make sure they don't critically injure each other in the process

Just like when meloka kicked our asses multiple times
>Say that they should focus on rebuilding that link first without fusing their actual bodies, but build it back in a way that they have control over it, and not the ephemeral Tomitsu
Leaving this tied vote open another ten minutes.
>Say that they should focus on rebuilding that link first without fusing their actual bodies, but build it back in a way that they have control over it, and not the ephemeral Tomitsu
>Say that they should focus on rebuilding that link first without fusing their actual bodies, but build it back in a way that they have control over it, and not the ephemeral Tomitsu
Rolled 8, 94, 20, 38, 10, 51 = 221 (6d100)

Say that they should focus on rebuilding that link first without fusing their actual bodies, but build it back in a way that they have control over it, and not the ephemeral Tomitsu wins. An interesting choice, not the one I'd thought your all would pick. Give me a 2d100.

First DC: 60
Second DC: 30
Rolled 52, 26 = 78 (2d100)

Rolled 65, 55 = 120 (2d100)

Dad roll go
Rolled 58, 91 = 149 (2d100)

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65/100, 95/100. Dad dice never fail, writing.
>91/100, not 95/100 for that second roll. But it's a success regardless.
>Dad dice never fail
Damn right.
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“I think the link you two had was something truly special. It shouldn't just be discarded so easily.” you say to your elder twins, both turning to look at you. “However. Now that you both are older, it's time to really look at that connection you have.
“What do you mean?” Tomi asks.
“What do you have in mind?” Tatsu asks, the twins once more falling out of sync as they answer.
“From the day you both were born, you've had that link. That bond, that closeness others can't possibly imagine.” you tell them. “From the moment you came into being, it was simply there. But, now that you're older, I think you can rebuild it better than it was.”

“Better?” Tomi asks, completely confused. As if the thought never even entered her mind.
“What do you mean?” Tatsu adds, brows furrowed in skepticism. “How could it be made better?”
“Now that you both are adults, that you're adults who can make conscious decisions for yourselves, you will have to choose. You can do this without fusing, but how you did before.” you tell them, walking up and grabbing their arms. Tomi's right and Tatsu's left. Then, gently you pull them together, pressing their hands together. They lace their fingers together almost instinctually, immediately both looking directly at each other. “You two are closer than anyone else I know. You know what each other want more than the rest of us. You don't even have to fuse anymore if you don't want to, but. You have something special. Don't simply throw it away.”

“But, what if I want time apart?” Tatsu asks you. “Now I get time to myself, why should I give it up?”
“You don't have to. The two don't have to spend every moment of every day together, nor do you have to have that link always at one hundred percent.” you tell them, an idea coming to mind. Clenching your fists you power up, ascending directly into your Berserker God form. But you don't stop there, dropping the walls restraining the Berserker Soul's true might. Your power explodes, the force of your aura knocking the three of them over. Immediately the soul locks onto the divine power of the unconscious blue-haired woman still laying slumped where she'd been put down. You feel its hunger to attack, to crush the goddess immediately. But then you take a deep breath, re-restraining your power and putting those blocks back on the Berserker Soul. Now is not the time to use it.

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The overwhelming power of your Berserker Soul fades, reverting to the more 'controlled' Berserker God state you are more used to as you take a deep breath.

“Just like my power. I don't always have to have it at one hundred percent.” you tell them both. “But having it available is always better than not having it.”
“I-I get it.” Tomi says, looking up at you with a mixed expression. “I think so. What do you say, Tatsu?”

Who is quiet for a few moments, pushing himself back up and walking over to his sister. Offering her his right hand, which she smiles and takes in her left. And as they hold hands again, both close their eyes a moment. And suddenly you feel it, both of their individual powerlevels suddenly spike up. Not by any incredible amount, but it is enough to be noticeable. He then helps pull her upright, the two turning back to face you.

“Thank you.” they both say together, before their voices fall out of sync again, Tatsu a quarter-second ahead of his sister.
“-For everything.”
“Of course, I'm always here for you.” you say, powering back down then bending over and wrapping your arms around them both, holding them to you. They're a long way from healed from what happened to them, but maybe... Maybe this is a good first step?
“If you two ever decide you want to do fusion again, I'd like to see it.” Kazuma says, completely killing the moment. “Would love to pick it up sometime, then I'd be able to teach-”

But as he's talking, suddenly you sense a powerful surge of energy. A familiar dark power radiates, you dropping the twins and instantly going back into your Berserker God form.

“Meloka!” you shout, calling to your wife as you launch yourself into the air.
“Right behind you.” she answers, also ascending into her divine Super Saiyan God form.
“Dad, what is this?!” Chilli asks, not recognizing the power. But you do.
“Darkseid.” you call down. “Everyone, protect the village. Meloka and I will deal with him.”

You then turn to your wife, who nods, you both then blasting southward towards the tremendous power signature. For the first time the Time Patrol isn't ruining the celebration, like HELL you'd let this bastard do so!

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 217 paused-
Ah, I see, Tradition is upheld. Darkseid will die screaming for this.
And that's it for this weekend, everyone enjoy this episode so far? Ready to crush the party crashing New God, to unleash your Berserker Soul's full power against him? Do you think the twins will ever go back to being as close as they were, or was this the wrong direction to push them in? Curious how your and Meloka's full powers will stack up against the otherworldly invader this time, compared to before? And are you ready for what happens next? All this and more, next weekend when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues!

Maybe his avatar, unfortunately you lack the means to attack his 'true' self. Even Divine Dragon Force cannot hit him from this dimension.
>Maybe his avatar, unfortunately you lack the means to attack his 'true' self.
Darkseid has earned his spot in the hall of ETERNAL BIIIITCHES just for this alone. Say what you will about our previous encounters with Trunks, atleast he actually showed up and not behind a smokescreen. Fucking pussy.
The difference is Darkseid doesn't have a choice. If he leaves his reality and drops down to your own, reality itself would collapse under his weight.
If he can essentially just poke and prod at our dimension with impunity, the only real option is to take the fight to him.
The only question is how we would even cross over into his dimension in the first place.
Darkseid a shit. A SHIIIIIT!
One of these days he's gonna push shit too far, and we will hop dimensions specifically to final crisis his stupid ass and the multiverse won't save him via resetting.
>Darkseid's too fucking fat to leave his room without breaking the cosmic floorboards
There's a much more clever joke that could be made about Darkseid's universal weight, I can feel it.
Darkseid's metaphysical girth has only been exceeded by one other being across space and time.
His mother.
>[distant interdimensional shriek of impotent rage]
Except you can’t reach his dimension. It’d take someone with a powerlevel girthier than yourself. Not STRONGER, necessarily, but MORE. Like Aku, or even one day Jr.
Not many would WANT to save him.
Well, we can't really expect Aku to care until Darkseid pokes the bear and touches one of his planets. Not gonna hold my breath on that one.
That means we're probably just staying the course and making sure Jr. is ready to take on the cold and uncaring Universe he was born into, same as all our kids.
True, but even if Darkseid does, Aku would recognize WHAT Darkseid really is and wouldn't want the struggle. He'd fight to keep what's his, but wouldn't ascend to a higher plane to fight.
Yes. The best path is to teach all of them how to endure, to survive and thrive.
Not sure what I want to do for the intermission this week. I know I want to continue the Haathe story, but that might have spoilers this early. Milha does need more non-patreon screentime as well, but her story’s in an awkward spot where we stopped. Kazuburo may be the epilogue, depending on where and when this episode ends because after literal months I finally had a certain art done, and am very excited to share. So many choices, so few hours in the day.
Could do an adult chaya and ace scene from new time patrol?
The problem is with an intermission/epilogue, something should HAPPEN. And right now, there really aren't any goings-on in the wider multiverse.
The footage from the Tournament of Destroyers has been uploaded to GodTube, right?
Yes, quite possibly. But here’s where things get fucky. All this is according to canon, but the Zamasu of the current timeline doesn’t learn of goku until he, whis, and Beerus all show up. Then Gowasu, looking up Goku shows the tournament, Goku going Blue against Hit. And it isn’t until then that Zamasu learns of both Saiyans wielding Goki ki and the Super Dragon Balls’ power, the plan forming. So the Zamasu of the present doesn’t learn of it until after meeting Goku. Which, as far as this timeline’s concerned, well… We’ll see how events play out. After all, whose to say he doesn’t come from a different timeline entirely? One without a living Karn?
>After all, whose to say he doesn’t come from a different timeline entirely? One without a living Karn?
I figure Enrique would know.
> After all, whose to say he doesn’t come from a different timeline entirely? One without a living Karn?
The finer details of Zamasu's crusade are a bit of a mystery to me, my exposure to the Goku Black arc are basically sparknotes. How long did his "Destroy all Mortals" joyride last anyway? How many universes did he visit and how many timelines before he went to Future Trunks's timeline? I'm guessing that he only targeted Universe 7 timelines due to his mission being partly fueled by his grudge with Goku and also because most other universes would kick his ass, especially Jiren's but I'm not 100% sure how it started
Have you ever considered slowly releasing older patreon content? Just so it's not eternally locked behind a paywall, I mean. Anyone who's subscribed I would assume is doing it mostly to support you and get an early look at things, since that's the majority of the content anyways - stuff that we get an early look at and vote on.
Hoo boy, what a clusterfuck. I'll explain the canon timeline. Trunks goes back to the (current) time, Black follows. Beerus and whis take Goku, fight current Zamasu. That Zamasu then learns, through Gowasu's godtube of Goku's SSB and the super dragon balls. Kills Gowasu, takes the Time Ring and travels to the "future", aka another timeline. Where he gathers the super dragon balls and gets a Goku's body, killing Goku's familu before fleeing again. This time ending up in Trunks' timeline, killing that time's Gowasu and teaming up with himself. Using the Super Dragon Balls then to give trunks' timeline's Zamasu true immortality, then killing super shenron. And that's when they begin their rampage, killing the other Supreme Kai before their Destroyers can act. And with them out of the way begin their rampage, starting with the 7th universe. Ending with Earth, leading Trunks to retreat to the past, Black following him. This is the simplified version.
Working on something. It's not ready yet, but will be eventually.
Black Arc can be summed up as Sonic 06 and it makes me mad.
That's a lot to take in. I get it if its hard for him to show up at all, a lot of specific things need to happen for him to get the idea.
No idea if accurate or not personally, never played a single sonic game.
But see, that's the thing: chronologically, the FIRST thing that happens is Beerus and Whis -BROUGHT- Goku to Gowasu's place, Goku battling Zamasu for Beerus to compare his power to the mysterious 'Black's own. The events start because of other events in the future, because of events in the past because of that future. And if that sentence is at all confusing, that's because it is. If Zamasu would even happen at all, with a far more competent and much less lenient SKoT in charge. The entire reason the Goku Black arc happens is because Chronoa is infamously bad at DOING HER JOB.
You didn't miss much
>The events start because of other events in the future, because of events in the past because of that future.
I had to read this about 6 times before I could begin to understand it, and I honestly think I don't really get it. Was that whole arc a timeloop in the making where, if left unchecked by everyone who could stop it, could've led to potentially infinite Zamasus if Zamasu felt like it? Teaming up with himself over and over and wishing on Super Shenron over and over until there was a legion of himself with the same goal? This is fucking nutty.
So I've heard.
Well, the timeline branches. In one, Goku's body is stolen. But in the other, Beerus and Whis return, doing a check on the Kai. Only to watch Zamasu kill Gowasu then have Whis rewind time to save him. Beerus Hakai-ing the Zamasu that was to become Goku Black and erasing him and his soul. However, the Time Ring protected the 'future' Zamasu who was Black, as while wearing the Time Ring alterations to one's past don't affect their present self. Even if their entire being is erased in its entirely before they put on the ring. That divine ring is one of the stronger artifacts in Dragonball lore, able to prevent even Hakai from erasing them in their past.
so karn really should get one of those rings is what you are saying, got it.
Karn doesn't necessarily need one.
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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 217 Intermission-


“What's going on? What's taking him so long?” you mutter to yourself, tapping the arm of your command chair impatiently. “Something's wrong.”

Your patience reaching its limits, you tap open the comm channel to the Isaribi, hailing the other ship.

“Orga, have your people run the scan again. He should have been here by now.” you command. “He's never been this late, do you think he could have discovered we have intel on him?”
“It's possible, after all you do have that box.” he replies hesitantly, you looking over to the remains of the Mother Box discarded in the corner, its parts having been thoroughly analyzed and decrypted. “According to the information you intercepted, his attack should have begun ninety seconds ago.”
“COMMANDER ARCTUS! WE HAVE A PROBLEM!!” another voice, that of his second Eugene shouts frantically. “We've got a lock! But it's faint, as if we're barely in range.”

“Barely in range? But this was the planet...” you mutter, fingers flying over the keys to switch your display. And, to your horror, recognize immediately the section of space that signature is coming from. “Dammit, we've been had!”

You are Arctus, one of the last of your kind and distant kin to the Cold Clan. And while you're a talented enough mechanic and creator, you're not one for direct combat. You'd much prefer to drink and invent to your heart's content, living out your days. But with the rise of a certain otherworldly invader, who can simply appear anywhere, you've been busy trying to find a way to shut him down. And, recently, thanks to your captured Mother Box, currently wired up into the ship where there are constant analytics are being run on it, were able to isolate the frequency of the portal technology called Boom Tubes. You had been hoping to test run your disruptors here, with Cooler planet-side to stall the otherworldly god until the Saiyans could arrive, should he not win a one-on-one with that terrible god. But now, unfortunately, instead of arriving here on Namek, as the information taken from the Mother Box had indicated.

Suddenly, however, you receive another flash of insight. The universe itself's will manifesting through you, showing you a vision. One where you're outside your ship, in the void of space only to watch as it transforms. Changing from its usual shape into a colossal, humanoid form. But the emotions you feel through the link aren't joy, the rush of success in victory you'd expect. But feelings of absolute terror, fear, and dread. In this future' you... You had failed. But then, as soon as the vision began it ends, you returning to the present. Mind racing as you struggle to comprehend what you've just seen.
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“Arctus, your orders?” Orga asks you, shaking you out of your contemplation a moment. “What do we do?”
“We're too far out of range to provide direct support.” you answer, fingers flying over the keys. Pulling up the active list of Scouters, seeing who all is in that sector. And, surprisingly, there are quite a few. Then realization dawns, you chuckling. Which turns into full-blown laughter, realizing what's about to happen.

“A-Arctus? Is everything alright?” Orga asks worriedly, you turning your gaze to the comms screen.
“Check the map. You know whose planet that is, right?” you ask, Orga barking out a few orders before his face suddenly pales. “That's right. Dumbass just went to the worst planet imaginable. And, not only that, but you know what day it is?”
“The first day of the new year. But I don't see what that....” Orga starts before paling even further, realizing what's about to happen. “Oh.”
“Dumbass just decided to attack one of the universe's strongest beings, on his son's world, at his granddaughter's birthday.” you say, grinning maliciously. “Poor bastard'll be begging for death before long.”

“But that doesn't explain why we're out here.” Orga's most trusted subordinate, Mikazuki chimes in. Also appearing on the comms screen from inside his Gundam frame. “If he was going to attack there, why are we all the way out here.”
“Hrmmmm. That's a good question.” you reply, frowning. “I'll try and get a few answers out of the box, see if either they've detected us and started feeding us bad intel, or if we got something wrong on the translation. In the meantime, go ahead and inform Lord Cooler about what's going on.”
“Understood.” Orga replies, all the people of Tekkadan ending the comms. You initiate a scan of the Mother Box, trying to figure out why it didn't tell you the correct planet. Examining it, watching as lines upon lines of code appear across your screens. Your eyes dart back and forth, scanning it for any irregularities.

But as you watch the code, suddenly your blood runs cold. You start seeing a repeating line of code, it reappearing over and over. With your time spent working with the Mother Box, learning the language of Darkseid's devices, you almost immediately realize what it translates to:

I got you.”
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“What the-?” you exclaim, only for more lines you've never seen to begin taking over the code. Immediately you realize that you've underestimated the Mother Box. All this time, you'd thought that you had it contained. But, instead it seems to have snuck through your defenses, infecting your ship with it's own code. “Dammit, you think that you can fuck with me?”

Immediately you go on the attack, fingers flying over the keys and activating failsafe after failsafe. You'd underestimated the box's capabilities, and now the entire network's at risk.

“Orga, activate the cyber defense. The Box is attacking.” you think to him immediately. But as you attack the box, more and more taunting messages begin appearing. You grit your teeth, fingers moving faster as you try fighting it. But the device is faster that you, forcing you onto the defensive rapidly. With an annoyed snarl you rise up from the chair, prepared to go disconnect the Mother Box. But, as you do, turning to face it, suddenly a barrier unlike anything you've ever seen before springs to life around it. Strange runes, looking vaguely familiar to the Mother Box's language swim in the crimson shield, glowing brighter than the shield itself.

“What the fuck?” you say, taking a step back from it. Every instinct you have screams that you need to flee, to get away, but refuse to back down to this damn box. “You really think I can't stop you?”

Immediately you try reaching out with the Force, trying to grab the box through the barrier it's erected around itself. But you can't reach through that barrier, whatever it is made of. So, realizing you've got little choice, draw your right hand back, gathering your ki into your first two fingertips.

“Looks like I've got some repair work in my future.” you say, firing a Death Slash at some of the cables protruding from outside the barrier. Intending to cut it free by force, despite the hours of work it'd take to repair all the cabling. But as your attack slashes into the cables, electricity hissing and sparking, suddenly the cables all snap towards you. “SHIT!”

Thrusting your left hand forward, you release a wave of telekinetic force. Shoving the cables back into the wall, only for the emergency alarm to start blaring. The automated voice speaks as well, but it doesn't say anything you've ever programmed in.

“This vessel belongs to Lord Darkseid.” the automated female voice says, you glancing to your wrist computer and seeing the soldiers all activating. All the Battle and Vulture Droids all activate, you telepathically reaching back out to Orga. “All of creation belongs to Lord Darkseid.”
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“I've lost control! Repeat, it's taken control of all my ship's systems! Get clear and keep your systems disconnected from the net! Shoot down anything approaching!” you shout telepathically before ending the link, reaching down and drawing your saber. The brilliant superheated blade hisses to life, you drawing it back then thrusting for the box. If anything can penetrate that shield, it's your blade. But, as it swings forward, the ship lurches at the last second, stealing your balance and causing your strike to not hit true, glancing off the side instead of a direct hit. Causing you to drive the weapon into the wall where you'd slashed earlier, burning through more metal. The cables again lash out, once again trying to bind you. But you jerk the weapon free, slashing indiscriminately and backpedaling towards the door.

“All hail Lord Darkseid.” the emergency voice continues, locking the door behind you right as you reach it. But that's no barrier, you reaching out and jerking it open, tearing it free of the lock with telekinesis as you continue backing out. Only for dozens of your B1 Battle Droids to open fire upon you, blade a blur as you deflect the shots back at the machines. But as you do, one of the Boom Tubes opens up before you, a swarm of his bioengineered soldiers, the Parademons flood out.

“DAMMIT!” you snarl, again thrusting your left hand forward. Unleashing a wave of telekinetic power, slamming the first soldier emerging back into the next two, knocking them all back into the Boom Tube. But, as you do, your foresight warns you of even more danger. Raising your blade back over your right shoulder, you deflect a bolt from the auto turret in the ceiling, deflecting the shot back into it, detonating the sentry. Another notice pops up on your wrist computer, you glancing to it and seeing warnings echoing out all over the station. Most notably, all the defenses activating. Overriding your security measures, every single system targeting you. “You bitch!”

“Do not resist. Your compliance ensures survival.” the automated voice calls with fake sincerity. You've studied the so-called New God long enough to know that death is the least of your concerns. “Submit, and serve Lord Darkseid.”
“Get out of my ship, and I won't destroy you in your entirety!” you retort as another three portals open, even more Parademons emerging. Realizing that your position is rapidly turning untenable, you slash through three of them, dashing past the portals and rushing towards the power core. If you can't have your ship, no one will.
“I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Arctus.” her voice echoes through the halls, more than a dozen energy shields erupt through the halls. Cutting you off as even more portals open, more and more Parademons emerging. “This ship now belongs to Lord Darkseid, I cannot allow you to destroy it.”
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“Dammit! Dammit dammit dammit!” you snarl, crossing your arms and gathering your power, preparing to unleash everything you've got in an overwhelming, devastating blast. Fully intending to erase your entire ship with a single explosion. But, before you can, the wall beside you groans, somehow opening. To your horror, the ship somehow opens up a shaft directly out into the void of space, the vacuum sucking you straight out. Caught by surprise you don't resist, thrown out of your own spaceship into the void of space in an instant. Fortunately, being what you are breathing in the void isn't an issue, but you feel yourself growing more and more angry. That's YOUR ship, like hell you're going to let that uppity box's AI take it from you! “You bitch! I'll feed your circuits to cable mites!”

However, as you stare at your ship, to your horror it begins changing. You watch as metal twists and reforms, the long arms of the ship combining then splitting, the central ball splitting and forming large shoulder pauldrons while, from the middle of where it was a face emerges. One eerily similar to the Mother Box's true master, as the Lucrehulk transforms into a humanoid form. The colors also change, transforming into the greys and blues of their master, its eyes glowing a sinister, menacing red.

“All shall know the face of their new god.” its voice somehow echoes through the void of space, ringing in your mind as you look on in terror. “ALL HAIL LORD DARKSEID!”

And with that declaration a massive Boom Tube opens up behind the transformed Lucrehulk, dozens of warships pouring through the portal. Dammit, this can't be good! You have to stop this, here and now! Luckily, you're not alone, sending a quick telepathic message to your kin down on the planet below.

“Lord Cooler, you'd better get your gold-plated ass up here, now!” you think to him, unable to suppress your terror at the scene unfolding before you. “The invasion's begun.”

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 217 Intermission End-
When I first unspoilered that I thought "Ayyy Megas XLR? Fuckin RAD" and then I actually saw what it was. Oof kek
Yeah, unfortunately Arctus underestimated the Box's powers. And now the Lucrehulk is under it's control.
Save us Optimus Prime!
Didn't think Darkseid was a fan of giant robots. Is he trying to impress some chicks?
I'm watching Overlord for the first time ever and am disappointed that - at least as far as I remember - Ains has never used such a masterful spell as 'Shark Cyclone' against Chilli. Surely that would be the downfall of our son, and would have Karn quaking in terror.
Thats probably an actually scary attack, but all I can think of from that name is the movie 'Sharknado'
You've got it backwards.The Mother Box is trying to impress Darkseid.
Ha! No, he's very considerate of his mana and spell cost effectiveness. An aoe spell meant for hordes is ill-used against a single target. But he does have some fun abilities.
To beings far weaker than Saiyans? Absolutely terrifying. But when you can clap hard enough that the sonic boom dispells a twister, or throw the sharks at the correct angle hard enough to send them into the planet's orbit, it's far less so.
> The Mother Box is trying to impress Darkseid.
And I thought he was just being cheeky and speaking out of Arctus's tech to mock him.
> But when you can clap hard enough that the sonic boom dispells a twister, or throw the sharks at the correct angle hard enough to send them into the planet's orbit, it's far less so.
Its funny how magic against saiyans is either goofy and annoying or unusual and brutal. There's a thousand fireball spells that would feel about as hot as an ice cube to them but then there's a spell called "Brainium Explodius" or some shit that instantly disintegrates saiyans on contact
24 hours to go until your rematch with Darkseid. Are you ready?

Ha. But no, the mother boxes are sentient. And their powers are insane.
Or how about strength inversal? Leaving a Saiyan weaker than a human infant?
>Are you ready?
For Darkseid? Almost assuredly.
For his entourage? Who knows?
What about his giant robot?
Surely Cooler can take down a giant robot without our help.
It's just one robot. We killed like what, a million of them? So what if it's big? SURELY Cooler can handle it.
He's going to need a bigger fist.
-A- giant robot? -1- giant robot? Sure, even if it’s larger than a Star Destroyer and given the full extent of the PTO’s uparmoring and improved weapons systems since the Covenant War ended. But all of that with a Mother Box? That’s a whole other level of threat I don’t think anyone really appreciates yet.
Ha. Gonna need something bigger than his Triple Supernova, or perhaps simply more precise?
If only he had spent months mastering a suite of abilities that included Gigantification.
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Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:

Karn arrived to his granddaughter's fourth birthday, enjoying the celebration. Even Trunks of the Time Patrol reappeared, apologizing for his behavior previous years. Meloka Wolbach agreed to forgive him on the condition of fighting Karn, which both accepted. And after defeating the Time Patroller, Karn then met with Milha's girlfriend, and helped the elder twins Tatsu and Tomi start resolving their issue, only for an uninvited guest to arrive. As we rejoin Karn, you and Meloka burst forth, rushing towards the otherworldly invader's energy signature.

“What the hell is he doing way out here?” your wife asks you, divine aura blazing like an inferno as you both race to the other end of the planet.
“I dunno, maybe he heard the Time Patrol didn't crash her party like usual.” you joke, your wife raising a brow but saying nothing. In another few moments you come to the site of the invasion, a singular, massive portal opened up. Perpendicular to the ground, you see the titan standing there before it imposingly, his minions rushing forth and attacking the local settlement.
“Gather these weaklings. They shall do as slaves.” the giant's voice booms, his head then turning to see you both overhead. “Well well, today is my lucky day. I get to kill you both as well.”

“Not happening.” Meloka says, you feeling her energy surge as her aura expands, fading as it rapidly grows to engulf several hundred yards in all directions from her. At the same time you feel hundreds of her Warding Eyes also appear, your wife ready for battle.
“I'm in a good mood, so I'll give you one chance.” you say to the titan. “Take your minions back through that portal back to wherever the hell you came from, and never return to this world. Or I'll find a way to REALLY kill you, and not just this avatar of yours.”
“Bold words, for one so weak.” he answers, unfolding his arms from behind his back. “Now, let's see you back them up.”

Well? What now?
>Rush and attack with your Djem So, crush him with your power and technique
>Rush and attack with Meloka, using both of your Su Ma together to overwhelm him
>Activate your Energy Body and focus on defending Meloka, leave the attacking to her
>Keep your distance, fly to his opposite side and hit him with energy attacks as well, keep him between you both so he's always taking fire from one of you
>Lower your restraints once more, unleash the full fury of your Berserker Soul on this bastard
>Other(write in)
>Rush and attack with Meloka, using both of your Su Ma together to overwhelm him
>See what Forced Spirit Fission does to an Avatar, attack him in melee with Djem So while using the technique.
Honestly, now's as good a time as any to test something I've been curious about for a while. They're just a projection of energy and will, technically. It might be particularly susceptible to a technique that separates that energy. Even if it's not as effective as I think it could be, I think that's valuable information to have for later.
You can certainly try.
>See what Forced Spirit Fission does to an Avatar, attack him in melee with Djem So while using the technique.
Changing to this. I'm curious.
Write in See what Forced Spirit Fission does to an Avatar, attack him in melee with Djem So while using the technique. wins it. Roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 60
Second DC: ??
Third DC: 75

We're in Berserker God form, so best of 4.
Rolled 91, 92, 9 = 192 (3d100)

Rolled 89, 5, 50 = 144 (3d100)

Rollin time
Rolled 51, 53, 5 = 109 (3d100)

Im not rolling today
Rolled 64, 9, 50 = 123 (3d100)

I gotchu
What the fuck is the last dice today? Dubs are cool, but is it enough?
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91/100, 92/100, dub 50/100. Success, high mystery and failure, although... Writing.
What is kek's problem
He said fuck thy last roll, but nicely.
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“Hmph.” you reply, immediately dashing down towards him. The colossal beast launches himself up at you, swinging his giant right fist at you. Deflecting his attack over your left shoulder with your left forearm, you gather your energy, readying the Yardratian Elder's most special technique. Drawing your right back you swing with everything you've got, driving your fist straight into the so-called god's face. Your heavy blow knocks him back, staggering the titan. “HRRRAAA!!”

Taking full advantage of the opening, you follow up with a left uppercut to the guts, right straight to the jaw into a left hook also to the jaw. Followed up with a spinning right backfist into a left overhand, into a twisting right uppercut to the chin that sends the giant flying backwards. But as he flies back, you look down at your fist, frowning. Something's wrong, you don't feel his energy going down like it should be.

“HAAAAA!!” your wife roars, her Warding Eyes all firing Death Beams at him from all sides. He recovers, stopping his backwards flight just as your wife's attacks all slam into him.
“Guuh?!” he exclaims, you dashing back in as your wife's attack ends. You launch into another barrage of heavy Djem So strikes, trying again to use Forced Spirit Fission. But, unfortunately, all of the energy comprising this avatar is Darkseid's own, and no matter how hard you hit him, his energy doesn't split. He then catches your right in his left as you draw it back even further, pulling you into a powerful right of his own. Raising your left arm up defensively, you block the blow, the attack sending you flying backwards. But as you do, your wife dives past you, divine aura blazing.

“TYAAAH!!” she roars, flying kick landing true to his face, knocking him backwards as you recover. Only for his eyes to blaze, firing his twin beams of destruction at her. To which she retaliates with Eye Beams of her own, blood red and fiery clashing in the space between them. You dash down, flying under their attacks and landing right before the titan. And, before he can attack, you twist, driving your full power behind your right fist. Slamming in straight into his guts.
“Gah-!?” he exclaims, his beams weakening. Your wife, pouring more power into her own, drives his attack back into his face, the beams exploding. “GRAAAH!! You insignificant worms!”
“HAAAAAA!!” you roar, exploding up, rising left uppercut slamming into his chin. Knocking the titan off his feet and into the air, your wife lacing her fingers together and slamming both fists down onto his head. Knocking him back down into your spinning right back kick, sending Darkseid flying back into his portal. You did it!

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“NO!” he snarls, catching the edges of his portal, stopping himself from flying back through it. Immediately pulling himself back out, his power suddenly spiking. You don't see any aura around him, but suddenly your instincts warn you that he's more dangerous now. “I will not retreat!”

“So close.” your wife mutters, creating another swarm of her Warding Eyes around her as he takes a step forward, face twisted in a mask of anger and hate. “So, what's your plan now?”
“You will all fall before me.” he snarls, flames flickering in his eyes as he prepares to unleash his destructive energy from his eyes once more.

But what will you do now?
>Rush and attack with your Djem So, keep up the pressure and crush him with your technique. Don't give him a chance to go on the offensive himself
>Rush and attack with Meloka, using both of your Su Ma together to overwhelm him
>Activate your Energy Body and focus on defending Meloka, leave the attacking to her
>Keep your distance, fly to his opposite side and hit him with energy attacks as well, keep him between you both so he's always taking fire from either one of you
>Activate your Energy Body and drive into him at full power, push himself back through the portal into that monster's realm. As long as Meloka's on the other side you can teleport back, even if the portal closes
>Lower your restraints once more, unleash the full fury of your Berserker Soul on this bastard. End this quick, you have your granddaughter's celebration to return to
>Other(write in)
>Draw your Super Ki Blade and cut him down where he stands with your true Djem-So technique
>Lower your restraints once more, unleash the full fury of your Berserker Soul on this bastard. End this quick, you have your granddaughter's celebration to return to
So it doesn't disperse Avatars. Interesting to know. And something that will probably help us to avoid a fatal mistake in the future.
>Activate your Energy Body and drive into him at full power, push himself back through the portal into that monster's realm. As long as Meloka's on the other side you can teleport back, even if the portal closes
Fixing to make a black hole on this nigga's planet.
>Rush and attack with your Djem So, keep up the pressure and crush him with your technique. Don't give him a chance to go on the offensive himself
If he keeps it up I am considering unleashing the Beserker Soul on his ass.
>>Lower your restraints once more, unleash the full fury of your Berserker Soul on this bastard. End this quick, you have your granddaughter's celebration to return to
Lower your restraints once more, unleash the full fury of your Berserker Soul on this bastard. End this quick, you have your granddaughter's celebration to return to wins it. Show Darkseid what he's REALLY up against, roll me a 5d100.

First DC: 30
Second DC: 55
Third DC: 40
Fourth DC: 75
Fifth DC: ??
Rolled 89, 22, 10, 4, 86 = 211 (5d100)

Rolled 91, 24, 62, 21, 50 = 248 (5d100)

Rolled 86, 61, 37, 71, 80 = 335 (5d100)

Rolled 97, 31, 47, 84, 90 = 349 (5d100)

Rolling once more...
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97/100, 61/100, 62/100, 84/100, 90/100. Four successes and a very high mystery. Impressive, but is it enough? Writing.
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“You really think that you can beat either of us, much less the both of us together?” you ask him, smirking at the sudden flicker of confusion on the deity's face. “We're still not even taking you seriously yet.”
“What?” he asks, you clenching your fists. Immediately your aura blazes up around you violently, lightning crackling around your emerald aura as you release your restraints.
“Let's show this so-called god who is REALLY in charge!” you shout to your wife, feeling her own power drop as she returns to her normal form. You release the restraints, the blocks on the Berserker Soul's true power, allowing its rage and strength to surge through you. “HRRAAAAAAAAAAAA!!”

“HAAAAAAAAA!!” your wife bellows as well, from the corner of your eye seeing that familiar azure glow envelop her body. Meanwhile, your own grows even more massive, muscles swelling with power as you quit holding back. But even as you feel her energy turn divine once more, your Berserker Soul remains fixated on Darkseid's own divine power. “HIYAAAAA!!”


From the corner of your eye you see the divine power clinging to her form shatter, revealing her strongest form; Super Saiyan Blue.

“What is this?” Darkseid asks, looking between you both. For a moment, you see hesitation, see doubt in his eyes as he gazes upon you both. “Where did you find such power?”
“HAAAAAA!!” you roar, driven by your wrath immediately go on the attack. Before the titan can react you close the distance, driving your massive fist square into his face. Sending Darkseid flying back, smashing back-first into the side of his portal. Shattering it, the portal failing immediately as you keep chasing him down. He flips back, landing on all fours only to take your flying knee straight into the face, followed up with a left lariat to his head as he's snapped back. “GRRAAAAAAA!!”

Your heavy blow knocks him straight to the ground, you flying past him as he's knocked flat on his back. Planting to your feet you slide to a stop, spinning to see Darkseid bounce up off the ground. Only for your wife to unleash a barrage of punches to his chest, driving him back down into the ground. With each strike she drives him deeper and deeper into the ground, making a crater with his body. And with her final punch, her divine aura blazes up, engulfing both herself and Darkseid.

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“GAAAAH GET! OFF OF ME!!” he roars, firing his twinned eye beams into her. Knocking her back away into the sky, your rage reaching critical mass. He rises up, blasting her back even further away as you dash in.
DIE!!” you snarl, Darkseid ending his attack as he turns. Directly into your right fist, slamming his head down directly into the ground. Striking him so hard he bounces back up to head-level, you launching into a ferocious attack. Each world-shattering blow slams into the dark god, you hearing his avatar crunch with each blow. As you keep slamming your fists into him, you see that same fiery red energy appearing in the cracks of his body. Then, as he recovers, catching your right with his left, your wife appears, driving her left fist up into his guts.

“Gyuuuh?!” he exclaims, caught by complete surprise by her sudden attack. To which you smirk, driving your left in a jab straight into his face. As you strike him with your left Meloka twists, using her Su Ma to twist around behind him. Driving her right elbow into his lower back, causing him to arch in pain. “Tch-!”

Immediately you follow up with another crushing right, launching into a barrage of powerful blows. Raining down devastating strikes on the god, You keep his attention on you, the warrior of his stature, while your wife flips and twists around you both, raining her own devastating blows on him at unexpected moments and angles. Fighting together, you two tear him down with coordinated, heavy blows, crushing his body as that scarlet light escapes his body's frame. And with a heavy right lariat, send Darkseid crashing back to the ground once more. Twisting, you then level your left hand down at him, your wife flipping up over your own arm and leveling her right along with your left.

“Begone!” you both say together, unleashing your powers. Divine azure and violent emerald explode forth, consuming Darkseid's form entirely. His energy vanishes without a trace, leaving nothing more than a smoking crater behind. Your wife then finishes her flip, landing in front of you before powering back down, you doing the same. “Phew. That was easy.”
“Almost too easy.” she responds, sounding a bit uncertain. You agree, something about this just doesn't feel right. However, as you look around, realize that your wife's Warding Eyes are all hovering above the bodies of his monsters, Meloka having no doubt taken care of them first. Which does ease the feeling in your chest.

But what do you do now?
>Return to the party, if anyone or anything else tries to interfere you'll handle it then and there
>Telepathically start reaching out, try and see if anyone else is in trouble
>Other(write in)
Artwork by @Gutsbro14
>Telepathically start reaching out, try and see if anyone else is in trouble
We should make sure no random awful thing happens because we let our guard down.
>>Telepathically start reaching out, try and see if anyone else is in trouble
>Telepathically start reaching out, try and see if anyone else is in trouble
Attacking us here was too stupid to be his only gambit.
>Telepathically start reaching out, try and see if anyone else is in trouble
>Telepathically start reaching out, try and see if anyone else is in trouble
>Telepathically start reaching out, try and see if anyone else is in trouble
Don't fuck with the Clan, Darkseid. If only we could kill him for real, that proxy abusing fatass
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Rolled 47, 15 = 62 (2d100)

Telepathically start reaching out, try and see if anyone else is in trouble wins it. Writing.
Do Saiyan's celebrate mother's day?
No, not in any sort of 'official' way. But your qm does, whenever the rest of the clan show up.
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”Something's not right.” you say aloud, mirroring her sentiment. Immediately you reach out telepathically to Freeza, who is still at the party. “Is everyone okay?”
“Of course, nothing's happened since you left.” he answers immediately. “Why, what's wrong?”
“It feels too easy.” you respond, to which you can feel his laughter through the link.
“Only you could find a way to complain that ending a world-ending threat felt too easy. Although, it IS odd that Arctus didn't give us a warning.”

“Arctus?” you ask, confused. “Why-?”
“Ever since he got his hands on that box, the 'Mother Box' as he calls it, he's been monitoring Darksied. Tracking his movements across the universe, getting himself along with my brother into positions to intercept him. But the fact his missed this one is surprising, I'll have to give him hell abou-”

But you end the connection mid-thought, immediately reaching out to Arctus himself.

“Arctus, what's going on?” you ask. “Where are you?”
“Busy at the moment, call back later.” he replies, and for a moment get a flash of what he sees. Which makes your heart skip a beat. Somewhere in space, he's facing down Darkseid as well, a colossal one. One that makes Arctus look no bigger than his eye, nearly the same level of scale difference you felt when facing down that bastard Dumplin.
“Hold on, where are you? We just took one down, let us help.” you add, immediately feeling the rejection of the idea through the link.

“No way. No offense, but this is a precision operation. I don't want my ship obliterated.” he replies, several images flashing through your mind. You see from his eyes how he lost control, how Darkseid sent his forces inside his ship, then how that box somehow morphed the Lucrehulk itself into that gargantuan frame. However, more importantly, you know that the box itself is the cause, changing the giant warship to suit its designs. “Besides, I have Cooler here, keeping its forces from landing on Namek below.”

“Are you sure he's enough?” you ask, Arctus pausing a moment. Again, through the link you see Golden Cooler shooting down warship after warship emerging from a massive portal behind the Darkseid-Lucrehulk robot.
“What is it?” Meloka asks, the entire telepathic conversation taking less than a second. “What's going on?”
“Arctus is in trouble.” you reply, seeing her expression darken. A moment later, you get another mind reaching out to your own, one you hadn't expected.

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“General Karn. This is Lord Cooler.” the emperor reaches out directly, both you and Meloka sharing a glance as you both 'hear' him. “I am urgently in need of your assistance, Planet Namek. Darkseid's forces are on the attack, and I need your aid.”
“I was just speaking with Arctus, I'm aware of the situation.” you reply, you and your wife sharing a look. She gives you a nod, you focusing back on the conversation. “What do you need?”
“I need you to get in there, and tear than damned box free.” he answers. “Arctus told me if it is removed, if you can penetrate the barrier and remove it from the system, then he can shut it down. But we have our hands full keeping the invading forces from reaching Namek. No matter what, we can't let that bastard get his hands on the Dragonballs!”

“Agreed.” you reply, raising your right hand to your forehead. Meloka reaches out, placing her right hand on your thigh as she flashes back up into her Super Saiyan God form. She then takes a deep breath, you doing the same. And with a thought, connecting your energy to the emperor's own golden might through the mental link, teleport away from your son's planet. Leaving the now-peaceful world behind, teleporting beside the current emperor and Lord Freeza's brother, Cooler.

“SHYAAAAA!!” he roars, throwing his right hand forward, index finger first. And from behind you all soar three massive energy orbs, the Supernova attacks at incoming warships unlike anything you've ever seen before. But not for long, as the three orbs each engulf one of the ships. Detonating in blinding flashes of light, momentarily completely obscuring your vision. He then turns as your vision returns, reaching out to both your and your wife. “Go. Get to the Mother Box, should be in the control room. Arctus will guide you through, the inside's now a maze.”
“Right.” you reply with a nod, both you and Meloka blazing through space towards the massive 'Darkseid'.

But where will you try and enter?
>Find an opening in the head, the head's where thoughts are after all
>Search for an entrance to the chest, the box is probably where a heart should be
>Have Arctus guide you in, he no doubt knows where it is and can find it easier than you will
>Split up, have both you and your wife enter through opposite arms
>Other(write in)
>Have Arctus guide you in, he no doubt knows where it is and can find it easier than you will
His op, he calls the shots. Consider Karn and Meloka guided missiles.
>“No way. No offense, but this is a precision operation. I don't want my ship obliterated.”
Quick question, how the fuck are you gonna change the ship back? Like seriously. He can't turn metal into "meat" like the box just did. There's also no indication that removing the box would change it BACK into a ship. Honestly I think he needs to just cut his losses and pick up the scrap.
>>Have Arctus guide you in, he no doubt knows where it is and can find it easier than you will
He's very powerful with the Force, could change its shape back. Repairing all the damaged systems and everything else broken by its shape changing will take some time though. But if the ship is simply destroyed then he loses all the raw materials used to create it. As well as his booze stash on the ship.
Family showed up, so I'll be leaving this vote open another hour or so. Go tell your mothers that you love them, those of you with mothers you love.
>Have Arctus guide you in, he no doubt knows where it is and can find it easier than you will
I don't think force donut-ifying would leave the ship any more intact that just blowing it up, honestly. But I don't make the rules.
Have Arctus guide you in, he no doubt knows where it is and can find it easier than you will wins it. Roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 40
Second DC: 65
Third DC: 85
Will be transforming back to Berserker God, so back to best of 4.
Rolled 62, 91, 45 = 198 (3d100)

Rolled 51, 24, 3 = 78 (3d100)

oh boy here we go
Rolled 19, 42, 100 = 161 (3d100)

Rolled 70, 19, 98 = 187 (3d100)

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70/100, 91/100, CRIT/100. Success, success and Unstoppable. Well, you'll certainly show Darkseid's Mother Box why you are the most dangerous being in this universe. Writing.
Call Karn for judicious tech support I guess.
01000101 01110110 01100101 01101110 00100000 01100001 00100000 01101101 01100001 01100011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100101 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 00100000 01101100 01100101 01100001 01110010 01101110 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01100001 01100110 01110010 01100001 01101001 01100100
....what the fuck?
>tech removal
Ha, nice.
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“Arctus, we need you to lead us in.” you call telepathically to him, flashing up into your Berserker God form once more and taking point. Throwing your arms wide, you create your Barrier around you and your wife as two of the nearest ships draw nearer, opening fire with their energy weapons. Your Barrier deflects the shots, their energy skating across your shield. “We're going to tear that box right out of the ship.”
“Right. Okay, the nearest opening to the box now... Looks like your best bet is inside the right shoulder joint, on the underside of it. That'll be your most direct route.”

You take off, Meloka hot on your heels as you fly towards the distant colossus. Your Barrier absorbs shots from the much smaller warships, only for your instincts to suddenly go off. Warning you of imminent death. Looking up, you see that massive being is staring down at you, eyes blazing as the real Darkseid's had only moments ago.

“Shit, I don't think I can stop that.” you telepathically warn your wife, who flies up level with you, placing her hand on your shoulder.
“I'll handle that. I can stop it.” she replies, closing her eyes a moment. And when they open, you see the steely determination blazing there. “Go. I'll stop it, and teleport back to you.”

Wordlessly you nod, ending your shield and blasting forward at full speed towards the robot Darkseid. You rapidly approach the opening Arctus informed you of, turning and looking back just as the former Lucrehulk fires. Twin, colossal beams, reminding you of your battle with the Demon God Dumplin fire down at your wife. But as it does, your wife's blazing power is unleashed. Her blazing power, fired in a Final Flash upwards slams into the two beams, the combined impact unleashing a blinding flash of light. Momentarily blinded you cover your eyes, turning your head back towards the titan and flying up. Only for a swarm of Arctus' fighter ships, you think he'd called them “Vultures”, streak down towards you. But you don't have time for them, quickly gathering your ki and unleashing a Scattershot directly into the approaching swarm. Your attack splits into dozens upon dozens, the orbs detonating on contact and clearing you a path. Allowing you to fly straight towards the entrance, recognizing the energy shielding as that from the Lucrehulk before. The space is wide enough for you to have parked your entire home in, flying through the shield and taking a deep breath. Exhaling, you then reach out to your wife telepathically.

“I'm in.” you tell her, a moment later feel her ki beside your own then she appears as well.
“Phew. This bastard's tough.” she says, you seeing several beads of sweat on her forehead. “Which way?”

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“Good question.” you reply, but before you can reach out your instincts shout out in warning once more. You spin, firing a Death Slash that cleaves through several of Arctus' mechanical soldiers, yet still more raise their weapons and advance through the mangled, twisted hallway you find yourselves in.
“For Darkseid!” a mechanical voice calls from one, a chorus of “Roger roger” going up from them as they open fire. Which you stop with another Barrier, turning your focus back to your wife.

“You okay?” you ask her, concerned.
“I'm fine. Let's move.” she responds, drawing her dual Ki Blades. Nodding, you end the technique, your wife blitzing the soldiers. Her blades flash, carving through the dozens of soldiers in an instant.
“Which way?” you ask, once more telepathically reaching out to Arctus. He guides you all to one of the smaller recessed doors in the hall, one you probably wouldn't have noticed on your own. Activating your Energy Body you charge shoulder-first through it, directly into another ambush. Energy bolts from their weapons glance off your Energy Body ineffectively, you smashing them with your hands while your wife cuts others down with her blades. The fight is over in an instant, over a hundred machines falling in less than ten seconds. “Lead us on.”

You follow the ship builder's instructions, leading you both into another dozen ambushes through doors. Some are of Arctus' mechanical soldiers, others are the same demons Darkseid releases with his planetary invasions, but none of them can so much as slow you and your wife. And, in two minutes from the time you entered, find yourselves before a far heavier, sturdier door.

“It's in there. Hurry, we can't keep up this destruction for long.” Arctus tells you, then you sense a sudden surge of worry from him. “Shit, look out! I'm getting an energy spike near you both, keep on your toes!”
“HAAAA!!” you shout, again charging shoulder-first through the doorway. Crumpling the door and sending it flying into the room, only to smash against something midair and stop. A moment later, the door disintegrates, revealing the box, wired into the ship. Hundreds of wires exude from it, leaving it hanging suspended as the light in the center flashes.

“Thank you both for coming. My lord will be most pleased with me, when I kill you.” the ship's emergency broadcast voice says as metal groans, you looking back to see the walls simply come together, sealing the way you'd come in shut. “Your heads will make excellent trophies.”

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Meloka doesn't answer, instead swinging her blade and firing two dozenish Ki Needles directly at the box. Only for a crimson shield to appear around it, unfamiliar symbols and characters swimming through the shield. To your surprise her needles shatter against that shield, you glancing over to see her jaw drop in surprise. Neither of you have seen her attack fail like that before, completely fail to penetrate a target on hit.

“Resistance is futile. Submit, and serve the great Lord Darkseid. Or die.” it says, you snarling.
“I've had enough of Darkseid's cowardice!” you roar, storming forward. The box tries to fire some sort of beam from its crimson core, but the energy deflects off your Energy Body. Undeterred you march straight up to the box, reaching out and trying to grab it through that shield. But the shield stops you at your touch, the barrier solid. So, with a furious snarl reach out with your other hand as well, squeezing the shield with all your might. “GRRRAAAAAA!!”

As you roar you give it everything you've got, trying to crush the energy shield in your hands. At first, and for several seconds there's no give, but then you hear it. You FEEL it.


“Impossible!” comes the voice, several of the wires coming free, trying to lash you. But your wife's blades make quick work of them, cutting away everything that tries to even get close to you. “You cannot stop Lord Darkseid!”
“GRRRAAAAAAA!!” you roar, lifting your restraints again and exerting even more force. Releasing your full power you begin crushing the shield, cracks spider-webbing across its surface. Your power distorts the shield, squeezing it down from a spherical to an oval shape, more and more cracks breaking out across it. And with a final, definitive shatter the shield buckles and breaks completely.
“GOT YOU!” your wife shouts, immediately firing several Death Slashes from her blades, cutting the wires away as your hands close on the box itself. As you grab it, the lights all go out, the hum of systems immediately going offline. You've done it.

But what now?
>Crush the box now, if it broke free of Arctus' control before it can do so again
>Teleport over to Arctus with the box, hand it over and return to the party. They can handle the rest
>Telepathically reach out to Arctus, tell him you've got it and ask what he wants done with it
>Other(write in)
>Telepathically reach out to Arctus, tell him you've got it and ask what he wants done with it
He said to be careful with his stuff, right?
>>Teleport over to Arctus with the box, hand it over and return to the party. They can handle the rest
>>Telepathically reach out to Arctus, tell him you've got it and ask what he wants done with it
man i bet the motherbox hivemind got whiplash seeing one get it's shit pushed in by sheer physical strength, which normally by all rights is impossible to do. Then again i think at full power karn is able to straight up crush katchin with his bare hands.
>Telepathically reach out to Arctus, tell him you've got it and ask what he wants done with it
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>3 for Telepathy
>1 for teleport
Rolled 91, 26 = 117 (2d100)

Telepathically reach out to Arctus, tell him you've got it and ask what he wants done with it wins it. Roll me a final 2d100.

Total DC: 260

You didn't see anything. I totally know how to count and didn't misread one.
Rolled 4, 73 = 77 (2d100)

and so it begins.
Rolled 37, 43 = 80 (2d100)

Rolled 3, 72 = 75 (2d100)

Rolled 41, 9 = 50 (2d100)

Since no one else will
RNJesus has abandoned us
We'll get em next time.
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41/100, 73/100. 114+117/260. Not quite enough, unfortunately for Arctus. Writing.
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“Arctus, I've got it. What do you want-?” you start asking him telepathically, only for his shouted thoughts to overwhelm your own.
“Get out here and help me, now! Or we'll lose everything!” blares in your mind, you instantly handing the box over to Meloka with your left, raising your right to your forehead. It only takes a moment to zero in on his ki, teleporting out of the bowels of the ship and appearing beside your ally. Who is clearly straining, veins bulging as with both hands forward you sense an immense pressure. Turning, you see that the armada of warships are being sucked back into the massive portal, the Boom Tube behind the shape changed Lucrehulk. But you see the ship itself is ALSO being dragged down into the portal as well!

“SHIT!” you exclaim soundlessly into the void, immediately reaching out with your own telekinetic grip to try and help him. Yet, despite both of your powers, the wormhole continues to drag it down. So, you unleash your anger, your rage. How DARE Darkseid try and take the ship you'd called home during the Covenant War offensive! “HRRAAAAA!!”

Again your scream makes no sound in the void, yet your aura blazes even higher. You give it everything you've got, and for a moment actually stop the wormhole's pull. Giving it everything you've got, both you and Arctus straining with everything you have, the two of you begin pulling the mangled ship back up and out of the Boom Tube. You're doing it! Just a little more, and you'll have it freed!

But right as you have the thought, you see the future once more. You see Arctus, celebrating the moment you both pull it free. Only for Darkseid's energy beams piercing him through the face, killing him instantly. The vision ends, you blinking once. Only to see the beams beginning to emerge, flying at blinding speed through space directly for Arctus. You have a choice to make, and only a single instant to decide. And you do, abandoning your telekinetic grip on the warship and dashing to Arctus' side, shoving him out of the way. But before you can move the attacks hit you directly. Taking the twin eye beams directly to the chest and right shoulder, Darkseid's energy pierces into you!

“Gah-!?” you wheeze, gritting your teeth to prevent yourself from losing any more air. But you shoving Arctus aside broke his concentration as well, the shifted Lucrehulk gets pulled back into the portal. And as it starts closing, you see the silhouette of the Dark God himself, eyes blazing with scarlet energy before the portal shuts entirely. Your powerlevel plummets, smoke wisping up from the wounds as you suddenly feel a familiar presence.
“My lord. You're hurt.” a familiar woman's voice echoes in your mind as a small, delicate hand is pressed to your back. A hand that doesn't feel like your wife's.

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One moment you're in the void of space, the next find yourself back in Dr. White's office.

“Please, Doctor White! You must help him!” a familiar voice calls as you power back down to your base form, staggering down onto a knee. “My lord is injured!”
“Karn? Haathe?” Dr. White exclaims, rising up out of his chair in shock. “What...?”
“Haathe?” you ask, looking back over your shoulder to see the worried face of the girl you'd saved earlier that day. “Wha-How?”

“I could feel your vigor waning, my lord. So, I came to your aid.” she says, a moment later Meloka appearing. Back in her Super Saiyan Blue form, looking ready for war. Only to see the scene unfolding, sighing out and reverting back to her base form. “You said you trust Doctor White with your life, that he has saved your life before.”
“Thank you, Haathe.” you say to her, giving her a small smile before coughing up a bit of blood on the floor.
“My lord!” she exclaims, clearly worried about you. You have many questions for her

Well? What now?
>Telepathically reach out to Caulifla, bring her here to show off her healing powers to your new charge
>Apologize to Dr. White for the intrusion, focus on Caulifla's ki and teleport to her, have her fix the damage you'd taken
>Tell Meloka that you'll be healing up here, to let everyone know that you're fine and will be back when your injuries are healed
>Other(write in)
>Telepathically reach out to Caulifla, bring her here to show off her healing powers to your new charge
Maybe Haathe can make a friend?
>>Telepathically reach out to Caulifla, bring her here to show off her healing powers to your new charge
She should probably be aware of Caulifla if she wants to interject into our business.
>Telepathically reach out to Caulifla, bring her here to show off her healing powers to your new charge
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Telepathically reach out to Caulifla, bring her here to show off her healing powers to your new charge wins it. Interesting, writing.

Caulifla did heal her before, as Aku was taking her Dark.
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“Cauli, mind giving me a hand? I'm back at New Salda.” you reach out telepathically. “If you wouldn't mind patching me up?”
“Of course, one moment.” she answers, you then feel her energy beside you. An instant later she appears beside you, kneeling down immediately. She doesn't say anything to you, muttering the words of her magic.
“Thanks kiddo. And I appreciate you trying to help, Haathe. But I didn't need you to pull me back here.” you tell her, Caulifla finishing her chant and ringing the chime. Golden light flows throughout your body, you feeling the damage Darkseid's beams caused rapidly healing. And once your injuries are healed you rise back up to your feet, turning to her and Dr. White. “Sorry for the mess, doctor.”

“Bah, it is no worry.” he says, waving your apology off. “We finished the examination a few minutes ago, your new ward has several... Interesting quirks to her biology. Something to discuss later. For now, I believe that you have obligations to return to?”
“Yeah, you're right.” you answer to him, then turn back to your daughter. Reaching over and ruffling her hair, Cauli giving you an appreciative laugh.
“M-My lord...?” Haathe asks, you turning from your daughter back to her. And see that she's taken her hat off, holding it in front of her. “Might I accompany thee, this time? The examinations of your Doctor White are all finished, and I do not wish to stay here without you.”

“I don't see why not.” you tell her, reaching over and placing your hand on her shoulder. You look over to Meloka, who steps over, reaching out and placing her hand on your side. Raising her right to her forehead, everyone going with you all touching you. And a moment later you all leave Dr. White's office behind, reappearing back on Chilli's planet at the party.
“Dad, are you okay? Broly asks, your wife having teleporting to his side as he and Kori are seated a bit back away from the crowd. He then sees Haathe, glancing to her before looking back at you, brow raised. “Who's this?”
“This is my son, Broly. Go ahead and introduce yourself to him.” you tell Haathe, who nods. Turning to face him, she crosses her hands over her thighs, bowing deeply to him.

“Greetings, Broly. I am Haathe. Soulmate and devoted follower of your father.” she says, you seeing Meloka's brow raise at this answer. Your son, caught completely by surprise eyes widen, looking immediately over to your wife. Haathe raises back up to her diminutive full height, looking at the confusion on his face and tilting her head. “Forgive me, did... Did I say something wrong?”

You feel your wife's gaze turning from this girl before you over to you, her stare boring into the side of your head. Hoo boy, this was NOT how you expected this to go.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 217 paused-
And that's it for tonight, everyone enjoy this one so far? Ready to see how the party wraps up, if Haathe's self-introductions improve, or if we'll have more, even worse misunderstandings as she's introduced to others? Did you enjoy the battle with Darkseid and his forces and seeing just how much power you've now gotten access to? Ready to see what happens next? All this and more, when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues at noon EST, 12 hours from now.
It would seem that something was lost in translation kek
Yeeeaaah... This'll be interesting to see.
> I am Haathe. Soulmate and devoted follower of your father.
Oh Haathe, that is SUCH a poor choice of words. Poor thing doesn't know any better.
I would be mad if she wasn't objectively correct in her statements.
She ain't though. Our souls didn't mate, hers was replaced. A more apt term would be "soul dependent" or "soul receptacle". Depends on how much like a child you see her, really.
Rip Chaya's Tail and Tomitsu. They ain't coming back at this point. Probably for the best.
anon, what's your definition of the word roommates
A room that opens into another. There's always a giver and a taker. Just like sex.
So, Darksied shows up at random, interrupts family events, gets put down in a couple of rolls, escapes to another dimension we cant get to, and never dies no matter how often we kill him. Is Darksied the new Trunks?
No, because Darkseid actually plans his own incursions and employs some semblance of strategy.
Phrasing Haathe, phrasing
>Haathe suddenly relives Karn's memories of getting absolutely smoked by Meloka in sparring
>She then gets flashes of the primal make up sex afterwards
>"WHY IS IT SO VIOLENT?!?!" - Traumatized Witch Girl
>"WHY IS IT SO HOT?!" - also Traumatized Witch Girl.
Yeah, but fortunately of all people Meloka teleported to she chose Broly. He'll help clear this up.
She's trying.
Soul Vessel?
Chaya's accepted her loss, but as for Tomitsu... We'll have to wait and see.
Ha! Not quite, because unlike Trunks he'll get better and stronger. He now knows that this universe can withstand your and Meloka's combined level of power, and will adjust accordingly. Next time he'll be even stronger.
She thought she phrased accurately.
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“That's... Not a great way to phrase things, Haathe.” you tell her with a sigh, the girl turning to you in clear confusion.
“What doest thou mean, my lord? Thou bestowed 'pon me thine own soul, granting me mine life. Is not 'soulmate' the proper term?” she asks you, clearly not understanding what she said. Or why Meloka is glaring so furiously.
“The term, soulmate. It has some... Well... DIFFERENT connotations, in the context of a man and a woman.” Koriand'r says, trying to smooth things over. But as Broly stares at her, he suddenly flares his own power. Ascending into his Berserker form, Haathe's eyes widening in shock.

“Wh-Y-You-? That...” she stammers, stunned by what she can no doubt feel. “You are like me?”
“We may have the power of the same soul, of father's strength, but 'soulmates' isn't a good word for it.” your son tells her, powering back down after a moment. “While we're in the same situation, I don't think sister is appropriate. Ward maybe, or perhaps ally?”
“How about vassal?” Kori adds, Haathe looking back and forth between them a while before turning to you.
“If 'soulmate' is not amenable, what would you have me call you, my lord?” she asks innocently.

Well? What do you think? What should she call her relation to you instead of 'soulmate'?
>Other(write in)
No need to be so formal. It was just a soul transfer, no biggie.
It's the truth for now.
Any other titles you take upon yourself, but friend is the one I give you freely.
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Friend wins it. Writing.
Haathe will fondly remember this
In all situations, Karn MUST Dad.
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“Hmm. I think 'friend' will do.” you tell her, seeing the woman's face light up at this. Her jaw drops, cheeks blushing slightly.
“M-My lord-?” she asks, shocked. Then, as you nod to her she bows once more. “T-Truly, I am honored my lord.”
“Don't mention it, Haathe. Now, let's enjoy the rest of the party.” you say to her. Heading back into the party proper, you watch as Haathe interacts with Chilli's guests. Which is when you notice her speech patterns are more akin to the Crimson Demon's own than your kind, using unfamiliar, longer words in their more proper speech. There are no more 'misunderstandings', although you do see her get quite a few odd looks at her apparel.

“Who're you? I don't remember ever seeing you before.” your granddaughter says, running up to the woman. “What's your name?”
“I am called Haathe. A pleasure to meet thee.” Haathe replies, bowing to her. “And who might thou be?”

To which your granddaughter smirks, you realizing what's about to happen. Her crimson eyes begin glowing as she leaps back, striking the unusual poses of the Crimson Demon Clan.

“My name is Meloka Wolbach! Daughter of Chilli and Megumin, and a Super Saiyan!” she shouts, transforming in a golden flash. Yet, still her eyes remain crimson instead of turning to the Super Saiyan's more greenish hue. “And one day I'll be the strongest archwizard of the whole universe!”
“I see. Karn loves thee very much.” Haathe says, suddenly reaching out and ruffling your granddaughter's hair. Much the same way you do, Meloka Wolbach looking up at her in confusion.
“Hehe, of course.” she says, smiling up as she enjoys the attention, not making any moves to remove her hand.

The party continues, Chilli's crystal golems bringing platters upon platter so f food up from the village where they'd been prepared. You all dig in, enjoying the feast, everyone talking and laughing together as the sun starts to go down on this world. Guests begin leaving, the Crimson Demon Clan, Ainz and Rimuru's followers, as well as your granddaughter's classmates you presume, judging from their identical uniforms. Until the only ones left atop the hill are your family, and Megumin's.

“What a day.” Chilli says, dispelling some of his magics, allowing the tables and chairs to shatter and begin disappearing. His daughter, having had her fill of fun and food sleeps against his chest, your son holding her to him with one hand. But then his expression grows more serious as he turns back to you. “So. What happened with Darkseid?”

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Quietly you quickly fill him in on what happened, both with Darkseid here as well as Arctus' ship the Lucrehulk. You watch your son's expression grow darker by the moment, you seeing a hint of anger behind his eyes as you finish.

“He tried to take MY people?” your son asks you, heat in his voice. “Next time that bastard shows his face, call me. I'll figure out some way to keep him from doing this.”
“Good luck. Extra-dimensional invasion isn't easy to counter.” Towa says, walking over. Clearly having been listening in. “And even if we can stop the Boom Tubes from working, he'd simply change their frequency or another method of entering. A universe or dimension is only as watertight as a strainer, after all.”
“Then I guess to Lord Jergal it is.” your son answers her, the intensity of his voice causing Towa to take a surprised step back. She clearly wasn't ready to see his anger. “We JUST got rid of Chronoa's Time Patrol showing up and ruining everything, I will NOT have this bastard doing the same. If there's a way to kill him, I'll find it.”

“If it can be done, I know you'll figure out how” you tell him, the two of you sharing a nod of understanding before you start gathering your people. Everyone says their goodbyes, you all returning to New Salda. Just in time for you and your wife to head over to the training grounds, to resume teaching your students for the day.

But what will you do with Haathe?
>Bring her along and have her train with your other students, you're curious what she can do
>Bring her along but have her stay with you for now, you want her to watch and observe, to take in knowledge today before trying it herself tomorrow
>Ask her to wait on you while you go train the students, that she's free to go as she wishes and doesn't have to stay with you at all times
>Other(write in)
>>Bring her along but have her stay with you for now, you want her to watch and observe, to take in knowledge today before trying it herself tomorrow
She's a special sort. Best that she take it slow for now.
>>Bring her along but have her stay with you for now, you want her to watch and observe, to take in knowledge today before trying it herself tomorrow
she just went to the gravity chamber
>Bring her along but have her stay with you for now, you want her to watch and observe, to take in knowledge today before trying it herself tomorrow
>Bring her along but have her stay with you for now, you want her to watch and observe, to take in knowledge today before trying it herself tomorrow
Bring her along but have her stay with you for now, you want her to watch and observe, to take in knowledge today before trying it herself tomorrow wins. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 20
Second DC: 35
Rolled 78, 83 = 161 (2d100)

Rolled 54, 91 = 145 (2d100)

Rolled 60, 36 = 96 (2d100)

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78/100, 91/100. Most impressive, writing.
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“Haathe, you're with Meloka and I. We're going to be training our students now.” you tell her, Haathe nodding in understanding. “Just warch for today, because tomorrow you'll be training alongside them.”
“Understood.” she answers with a nod, you and your wife lifting up into the air. And, as you have the thought look down, Haathe flying up a moment later. Seems she does already know how to do that.

The three of you make your way to the training area as the others go their own ways. Karn Jr, along with Okira and the younger twins all head over to Raven's Island, while Maza heads inside your home to the gravity chamber in Towa's Lab within. Koruza chooses to go with Caulifla back over to the city, presumably towards the hospital there while Broly and Kori head out over the ocean. Perhaps towards the other side of the continent, but you're not sure. Either way, you leave him to his business, leading Meloka and Haathe onward. Flying over, you make it to your usual spot, flying down and landing atop the most central gravity chamber. Meloka and Haathe land behind you a moment later, you addressing your gathered students.

“Alright everyone, let's get to work. Make sure you try your best, show what you can do for Haathe here. She's staying with us now, and will be joining us for training tomorrow.” you call to them. “Now then, let's get started! Everyone, split into your teams!”
“Yes sir!” they all shout, saluting before breaking off into groups of four. You and your wife both hop down from the roof, starting the day's training. Haathe observes closely as you and your wife lead them through the training. You quickly get back into the swing of things, training your students for a couple hours before calling it for the day.
“Well done everyone. That's it for today, make sure you eat and rest well. Dismissed.” you call to them, your students all saluting once more. They all begin dispersing, you sighing out and relaxing a moment before flying over to Raven's, picking up the younger kids and taking them home. To the gravity chamber, where you train the four of them along with your wife. Surprisingly, Haathe stays with you all in the chamber, seemingly unaffected by the ten times New Salda gravity. In fact, as you spar with your youngest four, she occupies herself with the workout equipment.

The rest of the day proceeds as normal, nothing out of the ordinary occurring with Haathe following your around like your shadow. But, as we reach the end of the day, you realize you'd forgotten something. Haathe doesn't have a room herself.

Well? Where will she stay this first night?
>Get some of your crew to set her up in an unused room, tell her it's her's now. Don't wait until tomorrow, get at least the basics set up for her tonight
>Let her stay in one of the rooms Towa has in her pocket dimension, there are plenty of spare rooms inside no one is sleeping in currently
>Let her sleep in the bed with you, Meloka, Towa, and the younger kids. One more person won't make that much of a difference for one night, right?
>Other(write in)?
>>Get some of your crew to set her up in an unused room, tell her it's her's now. Don't wait until tomorrow, get at least the basics set up for her tonight
>Get some of your crew to set her up in an unused room, tell her it's her's now. Don't wait until tomorrow, get at least the basics set up for her tonight
>Get some of your crew to set her up in an unused room, tell her it's her's now. Don't wait until tomorrow, get at least the basics set up for her tonight
To get used to the place.
The fuck? When did my ID change?
Get some of your crew to set her up in an unused room, tell her it's her's now. Don't wait until tomorrow, get at least the basics set up for her tonight wins it. Let's see how this plays out, roll me a single d100. No set dc, let's see what happens.
Rolled 76 (1d100)

Now I'm curious to just how Orlen survived sparring with Haathe if she can shrug off 200gs.
Rolled 84 (1d100)

For the dark gods amen.
Rolled 50 (1d100)

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84/100. Quite the high roll, writing.
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“Come on, we need to get your room set up.” you tell Haathe, leading her out of your bedroom as Meloka lays down, yawning.
“My room?” she asks you, tilting her head a bit to the side. “What do you mean?”
“Well, I assumed that at least for now you'll be staying here in my home.” you tell her, spotting Orlen in the hallway. “Hey, perfect timing. Need your assistance getting her set up.”
“Sure, not a problem.” he answers you, smirking slightly. “As a matter of fact, we're already done.”

“Wait, what?” you ask him, surprised. His grin widening.
“Me an' the boys already got a room ready for Haathe, just over here.” he says, pointing back over his shoulder with his left thumb. “Come on Haathe, let's get you settled in.”
“Thank you Orlen.” she says with a smile. You look between them, wondering what happened when you left for the party initially. After all, you said neither of their names, yet both know each other's. Interesting. But as you ponder this you follow Orlen, leading you to the room beside Caulifla's storage room. The door opens into a rather small space, but it has a bed and table by the bedside. As well as drawers built into the wall just above it for clothes or whatever else she'd want to store. Above the bed, facing the door is a single hook, one with a rather long point that you realize is for her hat. Haathe gasps as she sees the space, looking around with wide eyes at everything. “Is-Is this all for me?”

“Of course.” you tell her, reaching over and patting Orlen's shoulder and whispering. “Well done.”
“Thanks.” he whispers back, then steps forward and points out the hook to Haathe. She gingerly takes her hat off, hanging it on it then her eyes widen, turning to you with a smile.
“They even have a special spot for my hat! It's perfect!” she says excitedly, rushing over and throwing her arms around Orlen. “Thank you.”

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“Ahhh, don't mention it.” Orlen replies with a bit of a wheeze, chuckling once she lets him go. “Glad you enjoy it. Restroom's two doors down to your right, has the lights still on. And this lever here's your lock.”
“Lock?” she asks him, then her eyes widen. “Oh, right! Keeps the door from opening itself when someone walks by!”
“Bingo. I'll still be up for another hour or two, need anything else let me know.” he tells her, nodding to you as the door opens, then shuts behind him. Leaving you and Haathe alone. Her luminous green eyes stare up into you own, the woman smiling with her entire being.

“Thank you, my lord.” she says, getting down on her knees and pressing her forehead to the floor, in a bow similar to the one the Kais gave to Grand Zen-Oh. “I am truly blessed to have met you. Whatever thine heart desires, whenever thou needst my aid, do not hesitate to call upon me. My life is yours, my lord.”

Well? How do you respond to this declaration?
>Tell her that no, her life is hers to live. You didn't save her just to have her become a servant or slave
>Thank her, tell her if she needs anything to reach out to you. You're responsible for her now, it is your duty to care for her
>Other(write in)
>>Tell her that no, her life is hers to live. You didn't save her just to have her become a servant or slave
I can see getting her out of the Lords and Vassals mindset is gonna be a long process.
>Tell her that no, her life is hers to live. You didn't save her just to have her become a servant or slave.
This is god-worshipping behavior. Unacceptable.
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Tell her that no, her life is hers to live. You didn't save her just to have her become a servant or slave wins it. No roll needed for this one, writing.
Also, just have to take a moment aside to ask:

Who is spamming these votes? Seriously doubt that there are even 47 people here READING this quest, much less dropping so many negative votes on the battle of Conton City. Whoever's spamming all the negative votes, just tell me why you bother?
Some people are just gonna be massive faggots about stuff they don't like. Also personally speaking, I disregard thread scores in the archive anyways.
I usually don't even check, but accidentally clicked on the number as I was going to copy/paste the tags. 25 positive and 22 negative votes is far more interaction than these threads get, so I know they're not legitimate.

And I just checked a random selection, that's the ONLY episode with such a vote brigade. What the hell happened?
I can't remember, but it might be worth checking if there was some asshole trying to derail that thread while it was going on. Might just be salty after nobody took his bait.
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That's a shame. My guess is some weirdo with too many alts and too much time. Or maybe its two weirdos trying to out weirdo eachother, every other thread with that subtotal of votes only had like 10 people maximum. Maybe someone votebombed it and another guy reverse votebombed it. But its not like it's something that should get you down. The site's old as piss and most people know that the vote system isn't the most accurate signifier of thread quality.
Why that one in particular?
Those fags over in
are very bitchy about you. They had a discussion about Saiyan Conquerer Quest in their chat around about that time. Lots of whining, jealousy and idiocy. I even had to explain to them that not everything a character says in dialogue is objective, in-universe fact; characters can be mistaken in their beliefs, and verbally express those mistakes to other characters. Blew their minds. Bunch of morons.
So a bunch of retards who jumped ship for no reason. Their opinions can be safely disregarded.
They like to look down on SCQ for having a bunch of cross-overs (Halo, DC comics, etc), and see their Gamer-system isekai story as having more artistic integrity (fucking lol). They are, of course, now introducing cross-over characters (Blue Dragon) of their own, because they're retarded.
>They are, of course, now introducing cross-over characters (Blue Dragon) of their own, because they're retarded.
I'm just gonna assume the logic there is that because those are still Toriyama character designs, it's fine. By that metric you're probably gonna see a bunch of Dragon Quest and Chrono Trigger shit pop up there too.
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“No.” you say, Haathe's head jerking up off the ground. Looking at you with a shocked expression. “I appreciate the sentiment, but no.”
“My lord...?” she asks, sounding not only worried but hurt. “D-Did I do something wrong? Is mine service not to thine liking?”
“No no, you misunderstand me.” you say to her, reaching out and placing your hand on her head. “I didn't save you just to keep you around as a servant or slave. I saved you so that you may live.”

“I...Do not understand.” she responds, her confusion written all over her face. “Does thou wish to send me away?”
“No, nothing like that. It's the opposite, in fact.” you tell her. “I saved your life, yes. But that doesn't mean the rest of your life is now mine. Should you choose tomorrow to leave, to go out and explore this wide universe I'd wish you luck, and you'd always have a home here to return to, should you choose. But despite me sharing my power, the Berserker Soul with you, you are not bound to me.”
“But... Thou chose to share thine own soul. To give of thyself to me.” she replies, confused. “Despite wielding another soul, one that thou hast yet to consume.”

At this she reaches up, pressing a finger to your chest. Where you can faintly feel the twinned lurker souls residing within you.

“Thou chose to give of thyself, instead of that other soul. One that would have meant no bond formed between you and I.” she says, brows furrowing a bit. “But thou chose to instead bestow upon me of thineself. Why?”
“Well, honestly, the reason's two-fold. First, that soul was mine. I earned it, then had it stolen from me. I wasn't giving it up so easily.” you tell her, Haathe nodding along. “But, second, I wasn't sure it would work even with those souls twinned. But I did know that my Berserker Soul had more than enough power.”

“How...Were you sure?” she asks you, now sounding more genuinely curious.
“Simple. Because the Berserker Soul possesses the power to completely overwhelm that darker soul you one held a fraction of.” you tell her, remembering back to your hopefully final fight with the Demon God Dumplin. How you'd used the power of the Dark to defeat him, only to then reclaim your Berserker Soul and use it to consume that Dark entirely. But, as you think back, you can see her expressions change. Almost as if she could also see it.
“So... That is why this power feels so familiar.” she says, pressing her hand to her chest. Where, for just a moment you see a flame identical, though much smaller than your Berserker Soul flickering. “With a soul strong enough to consume the entirety of what I was just a fragment of, there was no doubt thy power would be enough to save mine life.”

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“Exactly. I chose the option that had the best chance of keeping you alive.” you tell her. To which she smiles once more.
“That thou would give of thyself so freely, to ensure I, a stranger, would live.” she says, nodding her head again. But this time she kneels down on one knee, not both, head resting on her left forearm resting on her same knee. “Such a kind, generous lord thou art. I, Haathe, will devote myself entirely to thee and thy cause.”
“I told you, you don't have-” you start, only for her to raise her gaze to your own. Eyes blazing with emerald fire, causing your words to get caught in your throat.

“Do not mistake mine words, my lord. This is a choice I make willingly, of my own volition.” she tells you, her voice the most serious you've ever heard from her. “Thou hast proven to be a most noble lord. One worthy of my willing service, not service out of mine debts owed for my life. Shouldst thou ever require anything, or all of me, do not hesitate to call upon me, my lord. Until thy dying breath shall I serve.”
“Very well. Then, as my first order, life the life that will bring you happiness, Haathe.” you tell her. “Learn the one true rule of the universe, and seek out the life you wish to live.”

“The one true rule? What rule doest thou speak of?” she asks you, confused.
“The strong rule, Haathe. And the weak either serve at their mercy, or are killed resisting.” you tell her. “I seek ever greater strength, the strength to protect my family from those who would steal that freedom from them. If you would truly wish to serve me, to aid my cause, then that is the goal. Will you help me?”
“Of course, my lord Karn.” she says, rising up to her feet. As she does, you feel her power begin spiking. Her strength rising as the glow of her eyes turns fiery, emerald flames licking out from the corners as her strength continues to surge. Her hair begins standing up on its end as it shifts colors, muscles beginning to bulge out as she bulks up. Haathe's strength rises hundreds of times as her power swells, taking on a form you can barely believe possible for a non-Saiyan. It's incredible. “Thy will be done.”

And as you stare at your newest ward, the woman now standing taller than you, head nearly touching the ceiling as she radiates with power, you can't help but feel that you'd made the correct choice. Seems that sharing your own power with Haathe has made her far greater than you were expecting.


-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 217 End-
And that's it for this episode, everyone enjoy the ride? Ready to see where we go from here, which of the fickle gods' plots will impact the Karn Clan next? Curious just how powerful Haathe is now, and what the limits of her strength and control are? And how your family and New Salda at large will take you creating yet ANOTHER Berserker among them? Much less the reaction of the gods, who all are paying far more attention to Karn after the battle with Beerus? All this and more, next time on Saiyan Conqueror Quest!
Cultural appropriation.

Karn, Broly, Okira, (Karn Jr?) and now Haathe. Shin shitting his pants.
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As it turns out, critical thinking is actually a skill that needs to be cultivated. And damn is the world in general not doing it.

Oh damn, big woman.
I expect alot of freakouts desu. And given how Haathe formerly held The Vastness Of The Abyss, even if it was a fraction, I'm wondering if she can do something similar to Jr's ability to make his Ki more.

And given her nature/former nature, I wonder if shes gunna develop into the first Berserker Mage, and if so how that will develop.
>A spellsword fueled by burning rage and tempered by discipline instilled over years of harsh training
Not gonna lie, sounds kinda like a Sith.
>Berserker Mage
>I cast Shout.
>Oh that isn't so ba-
>take 15d6 force damage and pass a DC 18 con save or fall unconscious, you are knocked prone either way, this is a swift action
Haathe has more to her than I expected. Well done new friend.
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Holy shit, forget everything I said about Haathe being a wet cat, she's a tiger on steroids now
What do you mean their "beliefs" are the twittard tourists or something?
I just looked at it and what the fuck is that eye raping screen format, the chat doesn't have a dedicated close button, there is no chapter selection, there is barely any way to scroll through the side content. And yet they still say they are artistically good or some shit? I want to see what these faggots bitched about, but the format is so shit I cant figure out how to find it.
Daaaawww, she's adorable, and will fit right in with the biggest monkey clan.
I'm curious as to how the Berserker soul affected her undead insides, did they...I don't know if healed is the right word, but, start up again?
How will Chilli's student react to her? I bet she'd be his type.
this is my first time touching fiction.live in any capacity, so as true as it might be that i'm just inept at navigating the website, good god why isnt there a chapter jump feature, I'm not manually clicking through a thousand fucking pages, christ.

That said, it looks interesting enough on the surface. Kind of surprised that its up to namek so soon, unless it started in the Z era. I'll give it a more thorough look as soon as I figure out the bastard website.
>I just looked at it and what the fuck is that eye raping screen format, the chat doesn't have a dedicated close button, there is no chapter selection, there is barely any way to scroll through the side content. And yet they still say they are artistically good or some shit? I want to see what these faggots bitched about, but the format is so shit I cant figure out how to find it.
Im not gunna get caught up that heat, because Im not in that chat, but I do use that site.

In order to clarify, and stating here that all these explanations are for the view you got on PC not phone: The Chat Close button - Click on the Menu button between Fiction.live and Fanclub, got to the bottom of that pop up where it says theme and layout, and click on the arrow pointing > that closes the chat.

Chapter Selection is between Fanclub and the Twitter/Facebook icons, just click on that box and the chapters along with appendix's will open.

Side content scrolling is legit ass. Your only option is going through the chat pages manually, or having a rough idea of when X Topic was brought up, and clicking on the update made around that time, because each update has a 'mostly' accurate' copy of the chat log that happens after Update 1 is posted, until Update 2 is posted.

Hope this helps.
Don't remember such from that episode, we had the Maple fight, the Trunks fight, and the Dumplin final battle that one. Everyone was locked in.
Well, I won't say to any anon to not counter-spam when someone pulls that nonsense. The vote should be an accurate representation. The average dislikes on those with more legit-seeming dislikes are 2-4 only, not 5-6x that.
What is this? How does this site even work? Yes I'm throwing a lot of shade for someone who still doesn't have his own website, but even when I get one it'll mostly be a second archive/link deposit site.
Having this be the most consistent "negative" review of the quest is quite the compliment.
>become what they supposedly hate
Many such cases.
The gods are worried. In the words of Nute Gunray, "This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them!"
No anon. Beeeg woman.
She's got her own specialty, but she must discover it.
Yes, she's quite something.
She's not an undead. Might go over it more in the epilogue, or another one later. But Dr White noticed she doesn't even have a belly button.
Alimar would be thoroughly intimidated.
I'm always for more people running, but akun has a certain...Reputation.
What is that unintuitive design? Why?
>What is that unintuitive design? Why?
Kas, the guy who runs and owns Fiction.Live is a fucking moron. Everyone on the site knows that and theres nothing we fear more there then when he decides he needs to 'update' or 'improve' the site because it breaks for freaking weeks and its always some stupid bullshit no one ever asked for.

The design for the most part isn't that bad, just takes some getting used to, except for chat navigation. Dear every god in heaven and demon in hell the chat navigation is bad.
>I'm always for more people running, but akun has a certain...Reputation
I'll keep that in mind and adjust expectations accordingly.
>I'll keep that in mind and adjust expectations accordingly.
deadass its like if someone gave QQ a life chat feature but there were the fucked up pervs there along with the white knight pervs you get on QQ. If that sounds bad, it is, but as long as you ride herd on the chat, or make it clear what your willing to allow in that chat off rip its not to bad.

Besides when some anon gets mad and starts spanning 300 word spam parragraphs saying X is a Nigg** using vpns to get around your bans.
Sounds pretty wild over there, but nothing crazier than the rest of this site has to offer. I'm still giving Dragon Ball: Level Up! a fair shot though. I did the same thing for SCQ and sticking through the early arcs (including ze boring bugs) and crossover weirdness ended up being pretty worth it in my eyes.
You can just say nigger, you know.
So the head faggot is so incompetent that while he makes fun of a indian basket weaving forum for being, "artistically bankrupt", he can't format his own shit site to something barely more servicable than an IOS text log? GD I swear to god, this quest has the singular braincell the DBZ fandom owns.
Say nigger faggot. Say it now. You double nigger faggot
Also what's QQ?
It's OUR turn with the braincell and we will extend that period indefinitely until the quest is complete.
We all know what Kas is, was a more rhetorical question.
When the second tag on the quest is nsfw, on that site, it tends to paint a picture. Akun is known for being very explicit, especially with characters that are minors.
Yeah, pre episode 20ish is difficult. And I did see that that is the other qm's supposed first quest as well, and wish him luck.
>I swear to god, this quest has the singular braincell the DBZ fandom owns.
Hey, put some respect on Tuffle quest. They're quite clever when the situation calls, they've had far more instances of their players enacting "The Plan" than here so far.
>they've had far more instances of their players enacting "The Plan" than here so far.
Hey man, we may not be super creative, but I like to think we're sound strategists and competent dice rollers...usually.
You all almost always make good choices, and usually when you don't the dice bail you out.
Since you brought it up, this reminds me of that one excessively bitchy guy that got caught vote manipulating the threads for Tuffle Quest. He'll have a tantrum every now and then, try to downvote the threads into oblivion, then when he cools off or takes his meds or whatever they "mysteriously" go back to majority positive.
We are a finely crafted pair of brass knuckles, or a battleaxe, and a power drill. We do one set of things really, really well. And when we cant do something, we know someone that can cover us. Speaking of Tuffle Quest, did that magic Tuffle get the chance to learn about who Pinky was lying to her about yet? Did Trunk's tell them?
>You all almost always make good choices, and usually when you don't the dice bail you out.
Let it be known, I paid my dues to the dice years ago. They ain't let me down since.
Karn makes absolutely no illusions as to what he is. He is a damn beatstick, always was, always will be. Everyone both in and out of universe knows this fact. Karns fundamental issue is complete lack of respect of how a beatstick works, or the rule of Fuck Around and Find Out, also known as FAFO.
Note when I say A complete lack of respect, I mean others having A complete lack of respect, as Karn full well also knows what he is.
It's kinda like handling a warclub. Effective enough in the hands of a novice, of a little one-dimensional, but absolutely devastating in the hands of somebody who understands the nuances of it.
>Low IQ: It's a stick!
>average IQ: It is a weapon that can be used in a variety of ways, many of which are unexpected
>High IQ: It's a stick.
Yeah, he's something all right.
Karn's is not such a delicate instrument. More like a lucerne if anything. A specific tool with a few specialties, a weapon built to take down what others couldn't effectively.
Karn knows what he is, it's the rest of the universe who have problems with that. Pic very related, how Karn handles most problems.
Nah, not quite. Karn's more like the late game, end-of tech tree variant. Like a super sledge, using the fallout example.
Better than nunchuks. And yes I know I misspelled them, no I will not spell them correctly. They do not deserve such respect.
>They do not deserve such respect.
Hey, for as impractical and unintuitive as nunchuks might be (especially compared to other weapons), I'd argue they're still a fairly legit weapon.
Though I will say I'm biased in that as I just find them incredibly fun to swing around.
In the words of a fatter guy than me, well, I’ll let him say it:
To be fair, if someone kicks my ass with nucheks I’d have to escalate to doing something far, far worse. That level of disrespect can NOT be tolerated, can’t let you live if you go out of your way to flex that hard on me.
Ah but you see, it is not about function, it's about style. Why do people put engravings and inlays on their weapons? Because it's cool. Why do they have ornaments on their helmets? Because it is cool. Why do they strike poses before or after bouts? Because it's cool.

Why numb chucks? Because, it's cool.
That's why I said, someone kicks my ass with an erectile-disfunction stick, I'll have to escalate the conflict. Styling on someone like that's just mad disrespectful. Would be the equivalent of a survivor of one of Karn's onslaughts showing up on New Salda for revenge, and Karn not even fighting back. Instead sending either of his youngest two to kick their ass instead. On live broadcast, while saying they're not worth his effort.
I for one would accept any beatdown if it looked like an Ongbal DMC combo video. You gotta respect it.
I prefer Donguuri myself, but you are indeed a man of taste.
You can respect that level of disrespect, but I personally wouldn't tolerate it. Can't do me like that and live.
I have no idea what either of these things are.
This opened my eyes to the fact that Nunchuks are fucking ass as conventional weapons. They'd probably look good up on the wall though with some fancy decoration
Also goated taste.

>but I personally wouldn't tolerate it. Can't do me like that and live.
I don't think the runback would end well for you either in that scenario lmao. Nothing says "mistake" like when he actually parries your "parry this u filthy casul".

>I have no idea what either of these things are.
Guys who like to make videos showing off truly advanced combos and precision gameplay. If you've ever wondered what a two minute aerial juggle combo looks like, they have something for it.
They’re not the worst weapons, as I’ve seen some bubba’d up mall ninja-tier shit in my day. But in the time it takes to become as effective with that as a decent spearman, you could learn spear, proper edge alignment for blades, and the difference between proper cut and thrust swordplay and just flailing about with one like you’re using a club.
That’s why you use the 60 deep mag, accuracy by volume. And if I can put that all within a foot grouping at 125 yards unbraced with irons only, my aim should be good enough.
>If you've ever wondered what a two minute aerial juggle combo looks like, they have something for it.
Never understood why people like that kind of thing. It’s more fun to evade the enemy attacks and keep the ‘flow’ of a fight going. People who like that type of gameplay play U/G in Magic, or modern Yugioh in general. Never been much of a solitare gamer myself.
>That’s why you use the 60 deep mag
Bro thinks he can read 15 meters under the dirt. Peak silly hours

This intermission is going in quite a... different direction than I think any of you are expecting. Who is ready for more DC?

If you come at me with some goofy shit like those and kick my ass, you'd better kill me. I wouldn't let that stand if I live.
Ayyye, who we gonna see more of, besides Darkseid of our boots.
>see more of
No, not more of. But someone new. Well, not exactly NEW, but someone you've not encountered yet. One even JLU Batman surrendered to.
Slightly unrelated, but who decided to play God after Karn and company rolled through, Lex or Waller?
Ha! You say that like both aren't, in their own ways. But we all know Lex is trying to get in on Vox's game, to be the 'local distributor' for a cut.
This might be the first time Vox has actually met his match as a business man. Even from a position of absolute advantage he has to be wary of one of the smartest men alive. Shady backroom deals have never been so exciting. Or profitable!
I swear that man acts like such a Jew if I didn't know he was chasing Clark, I'd have said to just shoot him.
I can't wait to see a bunch of brand new soulless Karn clones running around then. That and Lex's spin on Cell.
That makes me wonder, how weak would a Karn Clone be since it doesn't have the ANGRY in it?
He would have to be careful, that's for sure.
We'll see shortly. Finishing the fourth post shortly.
>Lex's spin on Cell
Well, do you remember where you started? What was your powerlevel before that power from beyond existence first merged with you?
>What was your powerlevel before that power from beyond existence first merged with you?
You mean before the first tie breaker, before Dragon Force manifested as Dragon Fist, or before Karn RAGED for the first time?
The first. A Karn clone wouldn't have access to that power at all.
Also forgot to mention
I bet he stuck a sample of his own DNA into the mix, the arrogant prick. I also wouldn't be surprised if he's only growing it as a host body for his own conciousness ala his failed Amazo body.
Its a match made in the stars.
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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 217 Epilogue-


“CHA-YA! CHA-YA! CHA-YA! CHA-YA!” your crowd cheers as you effortlessly weave through the torrent of laser fire, the twin Gatling cannons firing at their maximum speed. But they're still too slow to hit you, your Su Ma technique allowing you to flip and spin, twist and dodge through them as you advance. You match your advancing to the pace of the crowd's chanting, which begins speeding up. You match your fans' cheers, increasing your pace to match their cheering. Closing in faster and faster, then blurring the last three yards, dashing right under the rightmost gun. Drawing a ki blade in your right hand, swinging it up and through the weapon. Cutting it clean in two, causing it to detonate behind you as you slide to a stop just past it.

“Heh.” you smirk, swinging your right arm out and tossing the Energy Blade into the side of the other cannon, detonating it as well. Your crowd's cheering intensifies, blocking out even Dallas' commentary for a few moments.
“-ed through even this ambush? Is there ANYTHING that can stop our champion?!” he calls, you raising a fist in the air to even greater cheers. Only for the overhead lights to suddenly go out. The audience goes silent, wondering what surprise is in store. You're curious as well, as you weren't warned of this to be a part of the event. And when Dallas speaks in confusion, you realize that this in fact was not part of the day's event. “What is going on? Who turned out the lights?”

But suddenly you sense a gathering of divine power. A LOT of divine power. Looking up, you watch as a magical storm begins appearing. Spiraling purple, magical energy shapes into a portal, where the figure of a woman begins appearing. Long, flowing purple hair hangs freely, piercing blue eyes gazing down at you as the woman, in her green and gold dress descends.

“So, you're the one. The upstart.” she says, arms out to her sides, palms towards you. “The mortal ape playing at being god.”
“What's this? In a surprising twist, an unidentified woman has broken into the arena, talking down to Chaya! What could this mean?” Dallas shouts, the woman turning towards him. You watch as that same energy gathers around a finger, the woman pointing it at him. A bolt of magical energy shoots forth, hitting Dallas square. And as you watch, shocked, Dallas is transformed. His body shifts and shrinks, changing into some sort of bird. “Whooo?”

“You talk too much.” she says to him, then turns her attention back to you. “Now, as for you, monkey.”
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“Monkey? Monkay?!” you ask while activating your scouter's microphone, allowing your voice to play through the arena's speakers to everyone. “I won't let disrespect like that stand. Tell me your name, so everyone will remember the name of the one who was foolish enough to challenge me in my own arena.”
“Ignorant fool. When you reach the River Styx, tell the Ferryman that the Goddess Circe has payed her debt.” the woman declares, that same sinister purple energy gathering around her hands. “Now, what sort of creature should I make you? Should I finish turning you into a full ape? Or perhaps a swine?”
“I don't think you understand just who it is you're dealing with.” you tell her with a smirk, opening yourself to the faith of your fans. Their belief flows into you, your body taking on your divine form. “So, I'll show you who I am. What's my name?”

“CHAAA-YAAAAA!” your crowd cheers in response, answering your call immediately. Their faith in you swells, boosting your power even higher as you begin flying up off the ground. Rising up to the woman's level, staring her down evenly with a smirk. You see her brows furrow, clearly not liking you being 'on her level'. Like most other gods, she clearly has an ego to her. One which you plan to bury before this fight's through, to break this god's will so she never tries this again.

“So. Ready to stand down and quit?” you ask her, your smirk widening. “Or should I stop holding back, and show you one hundred percent of my true power?”
“BITCH!” she snarls, thrusting a hand forward. Reality distorts around her palm, rewriting reality itself to send you flying back away from her. But you don't lose your smirk, as she angled the distortion to send you back down towards the arena, instead of straight back or further up and away. Seems like you've got a solid read on her. “How DARE you speak to me so! I am a goddess, you insect! You're nothing more than a ningen!”

“Oh man, I wish I got to see all your other divine friends when you have to tell them a ningen kicked your ass in front of the entire universe!” you retort, drawing your right back over your left shoulder. Gathering your ki into your first two fingertips, swinging your arm and firing a Death Slash up at her. To which this 'Circe' smirks, raising her right. And as your attack is about to hit it somehow transforms, turning into a serpent that she lazily catches.
“Hmph, so basic. Although, the Egyptians loved this spell.” she says, almost to herself before tossing the snake back underhanded. Only for its shape to shift, transforming into a massive dragon! “And the Europeans feared this one. Slay her, my pet!”
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“GRROOAAAR!!” it roars, belching a column of flame at you. Forcing you to leap into the air, reaching out with your telekinesis to draw your blade to you. The ancient weapon, which you'd left back in the open ceiling's rafters flies down to your hand, slamming into your palm as you drop.
“HAAAA!!” you roar, thrusting it down into its skull. Your heavy, two-handed blade piercing easily through the enchanted creature's skull, the crossguard slamming down into is as you drop. Driving the beast down to the ground, your sword pinning it down to the ground. Where it dissolves into motes of light which blink out after a few moments, you drawing the blade back out with one hand as your audience roars, cheering you on. “Come on, is this all you've got? Petty tricks? Let me show you some REAL power!”

As you draw upon your worst, darkest memories, filling your mind and body with spite and loathing, the scars across your arms begin glowing faintly with barely-restrained azure power. Raising your left hand, fingertips pointed, you unleash your hate on the deity who dares fly above you. Dozens of lightning bolts streak through the air towards Circe, crackling with resentment and power as they storm around her. But the goddess doesn't flinch, raising her arms out to her sides creates a shimmering shield of force. One which your lightning, despite crackling all around, cannot find a way through. But that was never the goal, you smirk to yourself as you rise. You see her eyes widen as she realizes you used your lightning to trap her, rising up until you're eye level with her once more.

“Your arrogance is your weakness.” you say, drawing the weapon back as lightning begins coursing along the length of the weapon. “HIYAAAH!”

With a shout you thrust your blade forward, piercing straight through the shield at her chest. You feel your weapon strike true, piercing straight into her chest.

“GYAAAAAAH!!” she cries in pain, shield failing as her body begins spasming. You don't relent, unleashing more and more power into her. Until, with a final, ear-splitting cry Circe explodes. She bursts into a cloud of dark magical energy, you ending your attack and backing up. Allowing her to reform her mortal form with a smirk, resting your blade on your shoulder with your left waving to your crowd. Who all chant your name, cheering loud enough to rock the stadium.
“CHA-YA! CHA-YA! CHA-YA! CHA-YA!” they cheer, you turn back and forth, waving to them before refocusing on the goddess before you. Who reforms her mortal form with a furious snarl, eyes blazing with hate.
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“You absolute cretin! How DARE you strike me! You are less than swine, little more than an ant beneath my boot!” she snarls, thrusting her left hand towards you, shifting reality once more. “Die, you worm! Become nothing more than a pebble!”

Her magic, faster than you can react hits, your body feeling strange. Then, after a moment, all your senses are just... Gone. You can't see or hear, smell or taste, you can't even breathe. But you don't need to breathe, as you can't move. But you're not back on the path to that castle, where you went before when you died at the hands of that monster who killed your family. So you must still be alive, but where?

“What's going o-Wait!” you think to yourself, realization dawning. Focusing your ki sense, sure enough you can still feel the divine power of that goddess, still not too far from you. And, sure enough you still feel your ki keeping you aloft, flying as you'd been when her magic hit you. Then, somehow, you hear her speak.
“Do you see, ningen? THIS is the difference between a god, a TRUE deity and a pretender!” she declares, and if you'd still had a mouth you'd smirk. So, with a thought drive yourself forward, aiming at her head. Where you slam into her at full speed, feeling her dark power flying backward as she shouts. “GUYAAAAH!?”
“Is this your big move?” you telepathically project, not only to her but to EVERYONE present. To which you feel your audience's cheers surge, their chanting causing your still-divine power to surge even higher. “You really thought THIS was enough to stop ME?!”

“Wh-What?! HOW?!!” she demands, you noting that note of fear in her mind as she shouts. “What ARE you?”
“Hehe, don't you know?” you reply, figuring out how to project your actual voice, despite no longer having a mouth. “I am Chaya! The People's Champion!”

And as you make your declaration blaze your divine power, your audience's faith in you straining her spell.

“Everyone, I need you now!” you call out to your fans. “Believe in me, that I can break this spell! Only YOUR faith in me can give me the strength to break this wicked magic!”
“CHA-YA! CHA-YA! CHA-YA! CHA-YA!” your crowd cheers, louder and louder as you hear Circe shriek in outrage. She shouts at your audience, demanding they surrender before you feel your power reach a breaking point, the spell keeping you trapped in this form shattering. Releasing you, emerging back to reality with your full power blazing.
“What?! Impossible!” she shouts, backing away as you smirk at her. “No, this can't be! You were a rock, there's no way-!”
“Now, time to show you what REAL divine power looks like.” you say, unleashing everything. Your aura turning more and more blue as you power up to your limits. “The power to make even a Destroyer tremble in fear.”

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 217 Epilogue End-
I may have misremembered just how arrogant Circe was, because going for Chaya's head personally is probably the worst idea any God has ever had.
Even if she did actually manage to take out Chaya, that just gives Karn a reason to go out and do his thing. She's fucked no matter what in that scenario.
Anyways, I'm curious to see just how long Chaya can hold on to that power at first. That and whether or not she can somehow banish a proper Deity.
One could even say Chaya rocked her world. This is why it always pays off to practice ki manipulation, everybody.
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Another perfect showcase of her grit and determination, she really left no stone unturned with her performance tonight.
This just demonstrates why her approval ratings are always so rocksteady. She's the keystone of Vox's operation for a reason I guess.
If she had managed to take Chaya down, then she'd be going after Meloka next. Mortals playing at being gods angered her, especially when she discovered through Vox's entertainment that Chilli and Karn were responsible for what happened to Nabu.
Chaya's got quite the family, and quite a few gods upset with them.
Ha. And yes, her mastery of her divine ki allowed her to fight through what happened. Her audience didn't believe that it would stop her, and so it didn't.
Excellent work Carlos
>If she had managed to take Chaya down, then she'd be going after Meloka next.
That is somehow even worse than I imagined. She must not be aware of how much stronger and how much less of a fuck Meloka gives than Chaya.
I don't even get why she's mad though. There's plenty of Gods, plenty of them older and more powerful than her, that began their existence as mortals who took Divine power for their own.
>She must not be aware of how much stronger and how much less of a fuck Meloka gives than Chaya.
Circe wasn't aware that Chaya's fans' faith in her was far greater than her own devotees'. And is going to pay for it, increasing Chaya's own power in the process.
She's mad because of these 'upstart monkeys', beings less 'human' than the humans who have ascended before. She sees Saiyans as a 'lesser' lifeform than even humans. But they dared to kill one of her own? While she doesn't LIKE Nabu, he was one of their world. And nothing says spite like a woman, or a deity. Much less a Goddess.
Not that it would have changed much, but is she aware of WHY Nabu was slain by some lowly apes?
She falls in the exact brand of retarded God that doesn't ask the why question, she just does and often gets her shit pushed in for it.
Imagine thinking gods have the ability to detect nuance.
I mean I'm sure somebody explained the gist of what happened to her, but she was just hyper-fixated on the monkies beating her peer to death and touching the Divine cookie jar.
24 hours to go, you all ready?

Yes, she knows what Karn is. She felt that power when he landed on Earth, and wants nothing to do with him.
True, but usually doesn't lose. Magic gods tend to be like that, especially Greek ones. They love being petty to mortals.
Oh, this bitch, she must be suicidal to try this.
Nevermind, she's just an idiot.
Huh, Goddess bullshit creates the super saiyan rock...what color is she, or should I say, what mineral?
Fuck you Carlos
God ki rots the brain.
>Yes, she knows what Karn is. She felt that power when he landed on Earth, and wants nothing to do with him.
Wait....so she knows, EXACTLY, or just a summery? Because either way she is going to get his direct attention...on live INTERGALACTIC TV...and do what in the dream reality she wins this? Like...what was her plan when even Zeus and Ares of all people don't try to start shit? Those two are planning to fuck with Ubo aren't they...
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>If she had managed to take Chaya down, then she'd be going after Meloka next.
>Yes, she knows what Karn is. She felt that power when he landed on Earth, and wants nothing to do with him.
This is your brain on full retard. Don't EVER go full retard.
The trips of death speak the truth, Chilli has been notified about dumb god bitch stepping out of line.
She felt his anti-divine energy sweep across Earth back at the Darkseid incident.
Thinking and planning ahead to the future, much less the consequences of their actions, is NOT a Greek God's strong suit.
We'll see.
This is your brain on divine ego. And to be fair, being magically strong enough to turn WW of all people into a literal pig through her resistances does tend to make one reckless.
>Thinking and planning ahead to the future, much less the consequences of their actions, is NOT a Greek God's strong suit.
You know what, fair
>And to be fair, being magically strong enough to turn WW of all people into a literal pig through her resistances does tend to make one reckless.
And WW is about as skilled as a rock...oh wait.
>Yeah I could take that god killer.
>In a fight, right?
Greeks. Not even once.
Yeah, she's played accurately in JLU. At least according to the Odyssey.
It isn't a question of skill, but of resistances. As essentially a demigod herself, WW was effortlessly restrained and transfigured by Circe, when the two came face-to-face without either sneaking up on the other.
Guess being the fantasy of millions of humans doesn't equal the power of the universes biggest simps.
I mean, duh. Out of billions of humans theres only a few thousand or million that know your name. That's one itty bitty planet in comparison to the thousands of star systems full of people tuning in to cheer Chaya on. Sidenote: a Spirit Bomb from Chaya would probably be a Spirit NUKE from how many people she could get to share their energy.
>Goku, planet, give me your energy!
>Chaya, lol guys, lend me a prayer and watch this sick shot, it'll be hilarious
>Be the poor bastard who gets eviscerated by Chaya's trillions of subs
>Last thing you hear before getting atomized is "We did it chat"
Not even close. There are many planets with more sentient beings than Earth, and Chaya has the devotion of hundreds of worlds. She's rapidly leaving behind 'lesser' deity status and quickly approaching conceptual deity levels.
Oh yeah, she was considering readying one against Beerus, when you and Meloka transformed. But after seeing his Hakai erase their attacks, reconsidered. And reconsidered again when Meloka's attack pierced through and injured him. Such an attack was a last-ditch, however, as it would most certainly consume New Salda, and even possibly the entire system and its star in the blast.
Ha. Chaya using such an attack would be universally-biblical in scale.
Also Soon
Oh sweet, so we can maybe boost her to being Anti Darkseid?
>Ha. Chaya using such an attack would be universally-biblical in scale.
>I call upon the universe for a single second, and I can erase you faster than Beerus
Woo, something to look forward to since my car broke down.
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>since my car broke down
I know this pain all too well. Good luck friend, I wish you nothing but the best in dealing with this.
It's time!

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