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Welcome, one and all, to the triennial (though one hopes perhaps we can do this more often in the future) QUEEN OF /QST/ TOURNAMENT!

For those of you just joining us, this a celebration of some of /qst/’s greatest girls. It’s a successor to The great /QST/ Waifu Tournament of 2021 (https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2021/4999756/), meant to bring together our creative community of QMS and their most passionate participants to select a single sweetheart to represent our board for a year! Alongside the KING OF /QST/ (thread pending), the winner of this thread will be undisputed (read: very disputed) supreme grand poobah of all females and femmes until whenever someone opts to run one of these again!

In our preliminary thread (https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5961634/) we whittled down our contenders to a nice, manageable TOP TWELVE. Ranging the gamut from young and old mortal and immortal, organic and inorganic, magical and mundane, they represent a wide swathe of what our board has to offer. Some are sexy, some are cute, some are both, and some (if you’re a filthy pleb) are “abominable freakshit”, but every single one of them was SOMEONE’S favourite, with enough interest to appear here today. So, how about we make some (re) introductions, huh?
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Topping the charts is the heroine of The Lady Knight’s Quest, BARONESS LOUISE LE BLANC! Recently promoted by The King of Daffodils for her faith and valor, this two-meter-tall titan has rage in her blood, love in her heart, and a secret chuuni side awoken by exposure to dark magics! She might be naive about what goes on under the sheets, and ill-suited to the politics of closed doors and smoky rooms, but this serious swordswoman is no stranger to slaughtering that which geos bump in the night… And when it comes to the man she loves, or the god she serves, she’ll die before she surrenders!

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What do you get when you cross a goblin and an orc? A tall girl with green skin and a nose for adventure! Packing an empty six-shooter and a loaded smile, this practiced conwoman hails from an interdimensional Jail (or ‘Gaol’, if you prefer)… It’s ROSA MONTAGNI of Jail Quest! She knows her way around social situations, with a gift for gab and an eye of opportunity, and if she’s averse to violence it just means she’ll need to finagle fortune through wilier means if she wants to win (and probably pawn off) the golden crown of /qst/’s queen. Plus, she has to be here: she’s doing community service.
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Don’t call her a HALF-ling, ‘cause this girl goes full-bore when she’s pursuing her passions: it’s RIKA of Lingdom Quest She’s here on the scene to make memories and tell tales behalf of all the pygmy peoples of the so-called ‘Lingdom’ from which she hails! She’s cute, sophisticated, sweet, helpful, and humble—what’s not to love? She likes playing games, sometimes in her more dramatic alter-ego ‘Forgotten Princess Ruka’, so hopefully she has a fun time here. I’m sure it’ll make QUITE the story when she gets back!

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She can sing! She can dance! She can act! Okay, well, she can’t really do those last two, as far as I know. She can’t even REALLY talk, if I’m being honest, instead making various instrumental noises to approximate speech. However, she’s trying her best, and that’s all we can ask! Besides, if we’re too mean to her, we might be rapped forever in an unbelievable vortex of incomprehensible agony by this contestant’s divine daddy. It’s MUSIC, or more properly THE GOD OF MUSIC, form Versequest! You heard that right, folks: this little spritely superbeing is a LITERAL GOD INCARNATE, the very EMBODIMENT of music in her home-realm of Black Space, where she enjoys/loathes spending time with her brother and awkwardly-but-agreeably puts up with her father’s ‘whimsical’ ideas.

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Have you ever loved someone so much that you’d kill for them? To protect them? To avenge them? If so, you have something in common with this vengeful virtual vixen, this deadly digital dame, this artificial intelligence which some call MERRYGATE! Hailing from Retaliation Quest, where she operates the stealth FTL ship NOVEMBER RAIN, she’s nearly as good at hacking up fish-flavoured xenos as she is at hacking into computer systems, and she was literally MADE to do that! She would do either, or both, or more, or anything she needs to, for the sake of her human Companion, and the memory of his (ie. OUR) species. How can you not appreciate that kind of devotion, anons?

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Anyone in the mood for a hot dessert? ‘Cause this Great Witch is serving up some serious cake! You know her, you love her, albeit maybe not QUITE with the same intensity as her apprentice Snuff… it’s THE SIGRID DE HATDESERT THE DISINHERITED, from Greenhorn Quest! Hailing from humble origins and cast out of her academy for illegal ghost magic, but in the end this witch earned her accolades and (presumably) honorary degree by revolutionizing spellcraft as her world knows it! Now dwelling within her chicken-legged chapel upon the grassy Primordial Sea, she lives like an antisocial NEET, but has the auspicious reputation of a living legend, and not without reason! It’s got to be a lot to live up to… When you’re secretly only three feet tall in your true form.

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In the far-flung future, on the distant world of Alpha Copernicus, there is afacility. Most have never heard of it, and those who have wish they never did, for it is a place of man-made horrors beyond our comprehension. Terrors and wonders can be mistaken for one another, by the light of madness and unfettered scientific progress. Depending who you ask, our next contestant is one, or both. Her name may mean ‘useless or harmful’ in Greek; she may be a twelve-foot-tall armoured all-terrain arthropod; she may hang out with an extragovernmental black-ops death squad. In spite of all that, though, I think everyone here can agree that ANOFELIS “ANO” TOXORI is just about the cutest, nicest, most endearing abomination The Monster Girl Facility ever produced! She has a pure heart, an optimistic attitude, and she’s here to make friends and eat fresh fruit… And she’s AAAALL OUTTA’ FRUIT.

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A graduate of the prestigious Officer’s Academy, founder of the Blackwings mercenary company, this warrior woman may have been born a d’Rusalka and called a crazy witch, but sometimes it takes a bad bitch with a heart of gold and a hat of tinfoil to get things done! Now bane of the Agarthans and a countess in the Adrestian Empire, BLAIR WEAVER is soaring into this competition astride her mighty Pegasus, representing the brave, noble, and principled people who stand up for truth in the face of secrets, sedition, and slander! She’s here repping Fire Emblem: Thee Houses Quest, but I think we can all agree she’s earned a fourth home in our hearts.

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Anon, be honest: have you ever fantasized about being transported to a fantastical world, where your advanced knowledge of modern science and ‘alien’ physiology would make you a veritable demigod? Sounds pretty great, right? Well, STR-K PILOT 337 is here from ‘Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!’ to tell you that’s all a crock of shit. Natural beauty? Meeting new people? Encountering mystical mysteries? It all sucks. STR-K Pilot 337 (whew, what a mouthful, maybe just call her ‘STORKIE’) would much rather be back on-board her ship, away from all this voodoo crap, maybe on her computer watching some classic cinemas and shooting the shit on whatever the future’s equivalent of 4chan or Discord is. Relatable, amirite? Plus, hot damn, that plug suit does things to a fella…

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Don’t adjust your monitors, folks: this is no containment breach from /mlp/. Rather, what you’re looking at is a Qilin Goddess, a sovereign of incredible psychic might on a (some might say THE) Quest for Redemption… It’s MUNA! Wherever there is evil to fight, or lesbians to be vaguely uncomfortable around, you will find this warrior of justice, this savior of souls and redeemer of reality! Accompanied by her own manifest subconscious, Majordomo, and unburdened by silly human conceits like ‘moral relativism’ or ‘clothing’, she is here from Chaos: the Quest for Redemption’ to make the universe a better place for each and every one of us. Thanks, Muna! We love you, too!

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Name: Cutémon
Species: Cutémon
Quest: Cutémon
Type: Human-Type Mon
Preferred Terrain: Forest
Trainer: Joe Apple
Purpose here: To explain (in three words or less) or demonstrate (through acts of kindness of acts of combat) why SHE’S THE CUTEST MON.
That’s right, it’s the protagonist of Cutémon! Sometimes she’s called Mashi, when she wears a all-cap or winter hat and pretends to be a human girl. Beneath her cunning disguise, though, this wild-child is actually a feral (but surprisingly friendly) monster who only RESEMBELS a human girl from below the octopoid bangs. She might not be a great conversationalist, with her Mind stat of 1, but her Body and Love stats—and her sheer, heroic determination—are more than enough to carry her here. Will they be enough to go the distance and becomes Queen of /qst/? Tune in to the next episode to find out!

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Is she a woman? Or is she a cat? Or is she… BOTH? Behold: two faces of HUANLIUXUE, the housecat turned Heretic Cultivator from the quest of the same name! A devout (?) vaguely demonic (!) Daoist with her own private cult, she’s an old hand at the practices and principals which summon success and attract acolytes. And who has more star power on the internet—on 4CHAN, no less!—than a catgirl? SO bow down and give praise and tribute, one and all, to the Wild Princess, Empress of Beasts, Overlord of Ghosts, and (allegedly) VERY FLUFFY mistress of mysticism!

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With our contestants set, it’s time to discuss the rules and get ready. Over the next five days, anyone who wants to vote should register their ID here. That simply means replying to this post with an IP which you are confident you can hold for more than a day. If your IP is pretty consistent, that’s all you need to do; if it’s rather spotty, try to log at least two posts far enough apart to make it clear you’re not a cheater trying to game the system (at least 12 hours apart, say), and register a tripcode to use here.

After this five day period, votes by anons who haven’t registered an ID or trip will not be counted, though exceptions may be made for QMs using the same tripcode as in their own quests.

Once that is settled, we will begin a ROUND ROBIN TOURNAMENT, wherein each contestant will face off against every single other contestant! This will be down with two matches a day, facing off in a randomly-rolled event. The winner will be whoever has the most votes… But with a twist, as I will also be rolling 1d and giving the result as bonus points to whichever contestant I deem most likely to win that event based on the arguments put forth for how and why they could achieve this. If you have a goofy or (better yet) CONVINCING argument for an underdog come-from-behind victory, I’m amenable!

(I may take an occasional day or weekend off, too. I am but a humble reptilian humanoid, who sometimes needs his rest or ends up busier than expected.)
As ever, thanks to our donors to the GoFundMe (https://gofund.me/1acbccb0), to our artist Indonesian Gentleman for all these character portraits, to Olympus QM for the art used for our Loser’s Bracket In the last thread, and to ALL OF YOU for being such a vibrant and creative community.

For anyone who doesn’t like the rules or format, or has any other complaints for me or for their fellow players and rival potentates, please remember: this is all just a fun little community activity, there’s not ACTUALLY any cash prize or anything else besides bragging rights on the line here, and we’re really just goofing around, having a fun time sharing art and memes and talking about our waifus and daughterus.

Don’t be a dick, keep the banter friendly, and don’t make me tap the sign.
It begins!
Sick art. Registering. Is the husbando tourney being run after the waifu tourney finishes?
I'll be sure to lock in a perm ID when I'm on my home network. Looking forward to seeing this get going, good luck to all the ladies involved.
Time to give the victory to the most deserving!
Registering, lets gooo
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Registering for best girl
IF i already got a tripcode from a stable IP last thread, do i need to get a stable trip again? I can, but sometimes i end up being unable to go there for weeks, which caused me to lose quite a bunch of votes last thread.
>stable trip
I mean ID

It's the same trip as the last thread.
I pee steak.
Consider this a register. Also the art is great.
I'm doing my part
Time for the queens.
I'll probably have Paracelsus (the leading lady in Kobolt Klan) give her commentary on the ladies, even though (or perhaps because) she isn't participating. Her fiancé is in the King bracket, though, so it's not that she's coming in here to dunk on people because she's mean.
Registering an IP here, and using my trip from last thread!
This will be my voting IP, excited to see the art coming up. Indo Gent always does great work.
registering trip
Registering temporary throwaway trip to only use for this
Registering. I love the art and descriptions, fantastic job all around.
Registering! May the best freak win!
Go Blair, go!
You did it Versebros! You can do it let's make her go far!
Love the art for the queens, keen for the kings' too. I wonder which of the suggested activities made it through?
Grabbing a ticket.
>we might be rapped forever
Innocent typographical error, or terrifying glimpse of things to come?
ID time.
Well she IS the god of MUSIC... Hip hop is within her auspices.

If the trip is associated with an ID that seems legit, I'll treat it as legit.

I'll start that one as soon as IG is done the art.
Oh, and this is me.
Anchor post. Even the real Best Girl didn't make it, this will still be fun.
Registering my first out 2 IP's. It may change later due to me travelling between places, but I'll make sure to update it then as well.
Registering this time because I didn't last time, and I might POTENTIALLY want to vote in this one. I'm not sure yet.
I am here to vote best girl and post meme formats. And I'm all out of meme formats.
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claiming a spot to vote for the best
>Ay yo get me outta this wack-ass crystal prison, yo
Oh I was wondering where that giant thick-bitch-witch was. Let's get this rolling.
that's certainly a name
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checking in
Registering an IP.
I'm >>5998147 and >>5998148 at home, registering this one too
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Is this the most brutal starting bracket?
Let the games begin
Registration post
Now to figure out who to vote for in the case of my favs colliding
Which seems inevitable in round robin format
I would have gone MERRYGATE/Storkie and Sigrid/Rosa for maximum thematic congruence.

Everyone will face everyone, once.
Registering. Hopefully my IP doesn't fail me.
Oh bugger, didn't see the new thread up>>5997929
Registering ahead of time, but in case it changes I'll just keep linking previous posts again
Just realised I'm a dumbass and that I need to respond to this post to register. Or well, it probably doesn't matter THAT much, but still wanna be safe rather than sure.

Also, like I mentioned before here, >>5998284, my IP may change sometime nexts week. Though I'll try and respond then as well.
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Registering this tripcode!

[PSYOPS MESSAGE OF THE DAY]: A vote for anyone else is a vote for the Dark Lord, mister! Are you casting your ballots right? Vote the Qilin in, she's a real workhorse!
Get bent glowie, Ano and Cuteanon get my votes, any friend of Chaya's goes to the top. And that Conspiracy chick, I think her name was Blair? Women fighting mole people is my fetish.
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Not sure how much voting I'll do this time.
"Come on Ano, you can do it! Go all the way and win this!"
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Registering, hope my power doesn't go down in the meantime
Her partner is very proud of her!
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Greethians, and citizens of the Love Hate Republic!
Remember: a vote for The God of Music is a vote AGAINST the formation of a new Mpirical state! Don't allow history to repeat itself!

A message from The Government of the LHR and The Timmy Johnson Association.
Oh fuck, those gets though, my workout routine has been making me loose weight though...
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Good turnout so far! I'm happy to have so many aboard.
It's adorable to see Anofelis towering over everyone. it also really helps with figuring out the heights of characters for when fanart gets made of them, something I am totally not hoping to do in the near future.
Even Louise is a mogged heightlet
registering and hoping this time my IP stays put
i should probably register my work IP too since i lurk 4chan there too...ehh, we´ll see
I honestly guessed and went of f vibes. Wasn't even sure about Huan but I know her cat forms CAN be giant and it worked well for her positioning. Muna was tough, too with her pose making me unsure how big to make her. A lot of the other queen-candidates were described as being tall to SOME degree, except for the kids... And Storkie, hence her being sort of a shortstack compared to all these beanpoles!
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It looks like the big tournament is about to start! You did pretty good to get this far! Are you excited?


What are you looking forward to the most?

"Winning contests!"

You really do like contests, don't you? Why do you think that is?

"Mons like fighting!"

I guess that's true! If it's something like jumping or biting, you're probably going to be good at it. Do you think you might have a problem if the contest is about being smart?

You're shaking your head! You really don't think you'll have a problem?

"I'm really smart!"


Well, it seems like you also have a lot of friends here, so they might be able to help you if you need any help!


Is there anything else you want to say to everyone before the big tournament starts?

"Good luck, everybody!"
That's funny, because even here she's been downsized to not be absurd. According to Anofelis' and Loise's canonical heights (11ft and 6.5ft for those not in the know), from where she stands Ano whould be roughly eye level with the top of the fucking image if drawn to full scale.

Yeah this desu. Best to use mrinitialman if you want to compare heights and get an idea of scale. Ano in the pic is more like 8 feet tall. Still fucking huge compared to normal women, but not to the point where she mogs every human who ever lived and even the average elephant.
Hello RQM!
#1 Beta Core fan here.
I’m re-registering this tripcode, but I need to mention that I am currently moving, and that I don’t think I will have a the same IP address in a week from now. So I wanted to ask if you think that will be a problem?
There will only be one vote coming from the tripcode regardless of IP, but I’m not sure if that still complies with your rules. If not, then what do you think I should do?
I can’t rely on the “exceptions may be made for QMs using the same tripcode as in their own quests” clause because I’m not actually the QM for the Core of Steel quest. I’m just a fan.
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Registering for giant thick-bitch-witch.
>I’m re-registering this tripcode, but I need to mention that I am currently moving, and that I don’t think I will have a the same IP address in a week from now. So I wanted to ask if you think that will be a problem?
Not as long as you post from this one a couple times before you move, to show it was stable at one point and the trip was associated with a better-verified individual.
Registering ID
According to the rules, make another post with the same ID 12 hours from now and you'll be good with the tripcode.

Of course, you'll want to actually have a tripcode instead of just a name.
Plop Plop
Just another Blackwing registering for our Captain.
Oh okay cool

I’m a newfag, so what’s the difference between a tripcode and a name?
Find out for yourself here, young one
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A name is just text
A tripcode generates a random sequence of number specific to those letters alone

For example

You post with that, your name will look something like this

Name !!owhfoek17;$8!!

The only way to replicate the sequence is if you know the letters used in that tripcode.
But in a 'password only you know, with two hashtags/pound signs (#, whatever you want to call it) in the name field.It will produce a random character string which can only be generated with that password, but can be used no matter your IP/thread ID. You can put it after a name, too.
Linking back to my old post, just for the sake of veracity.
trying this 'tripcode' thing all the cool kids are talking about
Out of curiosity, what brought you to /qst/? I've often wondered about the origins of our new blood. Was it the ads?
The /cyoag/ from tg
One of the authors ran an 'Outer Reincarnation' quest and invited people to join. After having a great time I decided to give some of the others a try
Confirming the IP and trip

Thinking abut it, should probably register a trip.

No need for it to be a new one, mind.
Gonna go ahead and set up my trip just in case.
Registering the trip.

Wait, there was an OR quest?
ID switched, retrying tomorrow.
Yeah, it didn’t last very long.
I think the QM got sick and after that it didn’t get continued
Registering trip
Second post
Testing this IP
It begins... to be perfectly honest, I have no idea who I'm backing. I like a good number of the contestants here. We'll see! :)
Just to make it safe, this IP should be stable.
Testing for IP stability. Am I doing this right?
registering my work IP too just in case, this one is seems to be more stable than the one at home
One last ride for the Blackwings....
Seems like it to me!
2nd register
Okay then. I think this will be the last time I'm posting from this IP, so let's hope the trip code continues to work
I guess I'll register since Louise is here.
Testing again
Okay here we go, new IP address
ip test
Okay, testing.
Yep, it works
Test number 3
nice seeing you active again. I'm the one who uploaded her here btw.
This might be a more stable IP for me, previous post was phoneposted
Thank you, dubs KING
Is Louise a lesbian
No she’s sexually attracted to me
>Is Louise a lesbian
nope, she's a straight Lady Knight saving herself for her one true love
Test number 4
Aight, switched location, so I'll get my second ID in now. Hopefully, this still means I can vote. If not, can any of the folk running this let me know?
Its been a hot minuet but just to test my IP
I'm this guy
Nah she’s addicted to bbc
Go back to trash.
low effort bait, both of you
Just testing to see if my IP's changed.
This did remind me of some trivia though, bestiality in not illegal in every state. No I do not know which ones. And you would still get arrested for doing weird shit to animals.
Now name their favorite sex positions (excluding cutemon, rika and music)
Lat thread had a self-appointed sexanon for this very purpose. Perhaps he can chime in.
why exclude music ?
Registering in case inspiration strikes later during the matchups.
Why didn't you say anything to this guy?
....why do you know states that haven't made bestiality illegal?
backing this, the world must know for the great fetish teir list of the multiverse universe.
this guy. Not sure why his post didn't show up
Cowgirl position x9
>....why do you know states that haven't made bestiality illegal?
I said I didn't know that.
I'm more focused on the fact you know that states that didn't make it illegal. Not saying you know specifically which ones.
Yeah that’s right, the bbc

I want to hold Sigrid's hand.
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I think you're just making up those names.
Nah I checked, they're all real. The G Whiz is the one that surprised me the most. For how fucking plain it is with a name like that. I was expecting something more exotic
glad to see you back, anon
they are all real. had to check the last 2 and yup, all real. Speaking of which, didn't know that the carrying fucking was called ekiben, the more you know.
Well, we can find out whether you're right, as soon as that one Raul guy appears again.
>Well, we can find out whether you're right, as soon as that one Raul guy appears again.
who ?
Rosa's childhood friend and a grandkid of James. They seem to like each other.
"Annie, what is a reverse cowgirl?"

>Oh good grief. That's... that's Elbrus stuff, Ano. Disgusting, disgusting Elbrus stuff. Don't think about it.

"Oh... w-why does this person talk about it?"

>Just ignore them, Ano. Besides, I think you're more of a... headpat sort of girl! Like this Cutemon girl!

"I would like headpats. They sound nice."

>They sure are! You deserve tons of headpats! Nothing perverse like that one moron suggested!
Oh yes, and they had a simultaneous wet dream about the other the very same night they re-encountered during the quest.
>The G-Whiz
Funny name only for it to be Missionary with a conditional clause.
I know right? Though judging by the name, it might've been invented in the 50s, before sex was invented
Had to look up what some of these were. Good stuff.
so it's not an one off thing ? neat

>(There are seven of them in total, the fragmented bands of the LORD'S grace given unto man. Who would not become addicted to His manifest love for all creation in the colors all around them?)
I am actually of the opinion that Muna would be quite fond of the amazon press once she isn't deathly afraid of lewd.

Yeah I can see suspended congress for Blair, she is pretty dominant in bed, not full on femdom dominatrix but when you're confident and your partner is the sweet Ashe she's gonna be pretty dom.
>Amazon press
This just sounds downright physically impractical and uncomfortable, especially for a girl like her.
Probably, but I wasn't thinking of like, the variation where a girl is grabbing the man by his ankles and suspending him, I'm just thinking of the typical mating press, but reversed. Actually, that probably is basically what I'm describing and I'm confusing the names lol. Either that or she'd love the lotus position, with lots of hugging and kissing involved.
>I'm just thinking of the typical mating press, but reversed.
They're both impractical. It's like trying to open a lock by taping the key on the ground and putting the lock on it. With someone that has claws like her, that just don't sound good for either side.
>lotus position
That seems more practical and less dangerous.
The illustrous Huanliuxiue is a) a pure maiden (romance writings notwithstanding), b) only interested in cultivation and c) is too self-absorbed to recognize anyone as worthy of a romantic relationship. So the question is largely theoretical.
>That's... that's Elbrus stuff
There's nothing /d/ about reverse cowgirl!
>This just sounds downright physically impractical and uncomfortable, especially for a girl like her.
why do you think it's impractical for her ?
I mean, that's still amazon press
>They're both impractical. It's like trying to open a lock by taping the key on the ground and putting the lock on it.
Impractical how, nigga ? there's literally videos on it

>With someone that has claws like her, that just don't sound good for either side.
the claws are the spice, although she could retract them
>Impractical how, nigga ?
I already said why. Even if you "can" do it, it's going to be awkward due to the positioning. It's not a good position.
hentai logic fixes any uncomfort it would have
like all positions, I think it depends on the people doing it
Is it really surprising that people learn weird shit on the internet? There's at least one state where it is illegal to shoot at whales with a rifle from a moving car. I think in Arizona it is illegal to refuse someone a glass of water if they request it. Sometimes you just pick up goofy tidbits.

Hentai logic. The strongest of space warping magics. Do not cross the man with no eyes.
Especially one with tan skin and dyed blond hair, do not believe his smile for it's of the devil
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It's been five days, and we have a whole host of registered IPs and tripcodes! If you missed the window, I'm sorry for your luck, but we had to start SOMETIME; I would like to encourage anyone just joining us now to contribute art, discussion (including FRIENDLY) debate, and any other contributions of the contestants that they can. It's the best way to drum up support for the woman, girl, or female-presenting line of code or universal constant which you most adore!

For everyone else, the next twenty-four hours are about voting for these two match-ups:

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)


>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)


>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)


>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)

Each pair will be facing off in their own unique event, as determined by our roll! In addition to the votes cast by anons like (you), each contestant will also recieve 1d6 bons points at the end, based on whether I personally am convinced they would/could win their event against their opposite number! For our two most giant of women, Ano and Louise, that means...


while for the Countess Balir and her prison-born upstart Rosa, we're looking at the great social equalizer...


You must vote with a registered IP or with a registered tripcode associated with a previously-established IP with at least two votes, or with a QM's own secure trip from an archived thread for it to count.

You must vote in both contests for it to count.

You must link to this post to ensure I don't miss your vote.

For best results, also justify why you think your candidate would win in this particular face-off, to influence where I place the 1d6 points in (approximately) 24 hours, which is when the vote will close!
>>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
How strictly are we staying in the spirit of the contests? Because a sack race is defined by its hopping, but Ano can fly, can't she? Or glide? Kind of makes it an impossible challenge for someone who can't if their opposition has infinite hang time. But if we ARE keeping it strictly to hopping, Louise is a veteran warrior and regularly trains her fitness. Having good coordination and strong footing should be able to bridge the height gap. It is more important to not fall than it is to go fast in a sack race a lot of the time.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
No one knows more random bullshit that you would be willing to say while inebriated than people out of prison. Even the highborn with their balls and soirees, polite company makes for polite talk, not crass and crude barroom bullshit.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
No idea who she is but the author said she likes paizuri so she's based.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Not only is she best girl, she's also a conwoman, if there's anyone who'd know about 'pub trivia', it'd be the woman whose job is to talk to people.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Obligated to advocate for Louise here. When it comes to a contest that boils down to physical fitness, coordination, and stamina, Louise has them all in spades. Her strength unaugmented puts nearly all men save her father to shame. Her grace is such that when she empties her mind of all but prayer, she turns the brutal slaughter of a thousand men into an elegant (and somewhat erotic) dance. Her stamina is such that she fought endlessly upon the hills of Charlemont, until the last Blasphemer died by her sword-lance.

Her hops shall be mighty, her stamina nearly endless, and by the grace of the LORD, she shall not fall.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Anon's argument convinced me to vote for Rosa.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Louise is in peak physical shape and Anofelis's legs are too long to fit in a potato sack.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Pub Trivia? Without a doubt.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
There is something fundamentally wrong with so many of you for not picking the sweet wholesome bug.

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
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>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Oh god, Anofelis probably will rip the sack apart whilst trying to get inside of it. Maybe her wings can help her out somewhat? Give her a bit of an advantage through gliding. Besides, she can move through almost any environment and use all of her arms like legs or the other way around. Then again, I doubt using her extra limbs or wings will be allowed. And knowing how clumsy she is and the fact that the concept of a sack race will probably confuse her, this is gonna be a tough one.

Still, I believe in her! She'll do her best to make those who voted for her proud, and that is what matters most!

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
She's like twice the height of Louise, she'll cover ground a lot faster. She can also fly, even if that's cheating she can hover/glide for bigger hops.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Pub trivia is so stacked for Rosa I suspect she meddled with the selection rolls
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)

Sack race:
I have a feeling that Louise is winning this one because Ano's gangly form would complicate things, and she might not understand how sack races work. On the other hand, longer legs equals less hops to cover a distance, and if she's allowed to use her wings, Ano could've won.

Alas, I am going with
for the sack race.

Pub Trivia:
Sorry Blair, Rosa's definitely winning this one - she's been all over Gongalla (or so she told me) and thus knows a lot of watering holes (and the trivia within). That being said, if said trivia isn't from Gongalla, she'll probably try to convince Blair that her answer's the right one. Blair seems like she doesn't visit pubs much...

That said, I vote
for the pub trivia.
Already voted but I realize this is for a sack race, so given that I may as well give a good reasoning for why Ano would win. Everything this anon said except maybe coordination and grace applies to Ano but more. Unless Le Blanc can carry 3 fully grown men in full combat armor, weapons, and equipment along with her own weight while flying, Ano beats her there. And Ano didn't even show any signs of being tired even after carrying a subject with massive weight and full plate shortly after, so I think she also beats her in the stamina department. I think her strength and stamina is not comparable to Ano's...This also is ignoring the good point by another anon in the fact she could use her wings to improve her hops. Or just flat out fly to the end.
>Unless Le Blanc can carry 3 fully grown men in full combat armor, weapons, and equipment along with her own weight while flying, and she didn't even show any signs of being tired even after carrying a subject with massive weight and full plate shortly after
I think one anon in Louise's thread a while back cross-referenced her level of strength after picking a trait to be able to consistently lift a WW2 tank in terms of raw weight. So uh, she's really, REALLY strong, actually.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
I echo CmQa3LMR's statement.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
No poncy noble could possibly drink as much as a greenskin does, simple as.
Do note, her lifting 3 fully grown men in combat armor with weapons and equipment was while flying, meaning that's just her wing strength. And it was effortless. We should ask Anderson for details.

Also Louise isn't a human if she can lift even just a 3 ton T-38 amphibious scout tank without some sort of magic at play here.

How stronk is Ano. How much can she lift?
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Of course the moth girl will get her numerous leg caught in the burlap.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Come on, our con women against a stick-up-her-spine royal?
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
I believe the monster girl could win in a race, but I do not believe she could fit in a sack.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
She's a smooth-talking traveler who's likely spent a lot of time in pubs.
As anon >>6003708
says, Louise is MONSTROUSLY strong. Prior to (forcibly) undergoing the first stage of her Magnum Opus, her light load - as in, no encumbrance - was 700lbs (partially her own strength, partially her faith in the LORD). After undergoing the first stage, that multiplied by 10, and her maximum over head weight (without her armor helping her, IIRC) is 24 tons.

Without her faith (makes her "large") or her Magnum Opus progression (multiplies carry weight by by 10) helping her, she could probably still carry all those guys, but it would definitely encumber her.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
I'm so sorry Ano, but I just don't think your limbs are going to work in a sack.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
I think it's a close one since both of them are charismatic with the ability to spew bullshit to a crowd, but Rosa's probably been in all sorts of places and learned a huge breadth of irrelevant crap
>Anofelis "Ano" Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
The extra arms and the leverage they provide will allow her to more easily get back up if she falls over, and the wings and tail will allow for finer adjustments to her overall balance.

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Won't vote against my Captain, but there's more to it than that. Blair spent roughly six years running a mercenary company with quite a few heavy drinkers in its ranks. Some came from the commonfolk, others from nobility, still others from societies most of Fodlan didn't even know existed. But all of them have gotten rip-roaring drunk as many times as mercenaries might in half a decade of war.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Having your legs bound together in a sack is far less problematic when you can use your wings and push yourself with a tail. Plus, she's not weighed down by all that heavy armour.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
She's a talker and a natural cheat. If anyone could overhear other teams gossiping, could 'fudge' the answer or even slip out the question sheet for her own, it's gotta be Rosa. As much as I love Blair, I have to admit Rosa has struck gold here with a starting event fully tailored to her strengths.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Besides an outrageous Str score Louise also has decent Dex, and as a warrior trained from childhood she is great at every kind of athletic feat.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
I haven't played either of these quests, but Rosa seems like the one to hang out in pubs.

Here's my backlink: >>5997976
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Good to see so many strong arguments for all the contestants!

We're also still gradually working through the Loser's Bracket artwork. Here's Warin, from Sira Can't Run a Brothel and its sequels, and subsequently Prinzessin Quest (where she appeared as 'Lady Rin').courtesy of Olympus QM!
It's hard to give some exact numbers for her strength. Though I can name a few feets of strength + resilience.
- Burrowed upwards through 15 or so meters of concrete and steel *with her bare claws* within a day at most
- Lifted 3 geared up soldiers without even breaking a sweat.
- I've estimated that she can lift at least 10 tons (she herself weighs somewhere between 800kg and a ton given the sheer amount of metal in her bloodstream.)

Of course, I have to concede that Louise maybe has the strength advantage here, if she managed to lift a tank. Though, I'm sure Ano still has the benefit of her movement. She is essentially able to move through any terrain, can fly, can use all her limbs independently for various features. Beside, she has the willpower to-


... Oh god, ummm... I-I'm sure she can still win! Uhhh, she just... does anyone have a spare sack for her to use? Oh god, Ano, please don't cry...
I'm sure we can give her a kevlar bag instead of sackcloth and it'll work. Surely. Hopefully.
Louise would happily lend Hildes services to Ano in order to build a better potato sack that can withstand her limbs. All contests must be honorable and fair!
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
sharp teeth

Anofelis has wings. She can fly so she doesn't need to hop around balled up in a sack, so she's basically cheating but it's not in the rules that you can't fly in a sack race so she's the clear winner of this year's sack race (and then banned from the next one).
Rosa looks like a cowgirl who has spent many a night in a saloon, and with it many nights drunkenly barking answers in hopes for free munchies from the bartender. While Blair is highly intelligent, her intelligence lies with less trivial manners than trivia.
>>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Let's go. Louise has great phyisical strength and endurance thanks to her knight training and family genetics and also has a tactical mind as a commander.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
A half-orc is fine too.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Just look at those legs. She's a monster.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Definitely knows her way around pubs. Maybe heard some trivia along the way.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Raw strength isn't the decider of a sack race. I reckon once the sack troubles are sorted out, Ano has the greater stride and possibly faster recovery from falls. It'd be close, though.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Yeah there's no way she's not winning in pub trivia.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
The theoretical bag ripping would be an auto DQ in my eyes.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Everyone has already explained why better than I ever could.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
I just don't think sack races favour the gangly monster gal.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Probably more at home in a pub setting, and knows a lot of trivial things given her profession.

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
She looks pretty strong. And tall.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
She would be the type to know a lot of trivia
In fact...


Louise did not know why the King demanded she compete in a sack race. He spoke of things like "board culture" and "the Queen of Kyuu Ess Tee" as if they held some deep meaning, and perhaps in the circles of powerful men and women they did. In fact, it must be so if the King spoke of them. Perhaps it was some new contest in the tourneys that some minister or another proposed, that he wished to see for himself.

The King brought with him a strange entourage, but that was to be expected. Damien of course sat at his right hand, while the strangest fellow she had ever seen sat to his left. A man of green complexion and a jovial smile, but no eyes to glimmer half as brightly as his shining teeth. He wore a black coat that matched his pants over a white shirt, with a red ribbon tied about his neck like a thin ascot. Odd garb, doubtless foreign, perhaps some manner of sage from a far off court?

He seemed quite ordinary, however, compared to her fellow contestant in this race.

From look alone, the common folk would have named her demon and anathema, had she not been in such august company. She loomed as tall over Louise as Louise loomed over men and women of more ordinary height, if not more so. The white wings of a moth sprouted from her back, her red-black carapace glimmering beneath the noonday sun. Her many arms ended with fingers sharp as knives, yet her face was pretty as a doll's.

Pretty as a doll's and twisted into a sad frown as her sharp appendages tore through every sack for wheat, barley, corn, and potatoes that the folk could find for her. It seemed that mere burlap would be insufficient for her hands and feet, a fact that left her sobbing for some man named Mikhail. Louise supposed that would be the man rushing to her side, calming her down and taking away the bags that her talons ripped through like cheap paper.

"This will not do," Louise said with a shake of her head. Looking to the green man - whom the King claimed was the organizer of this whole event - she asked. "Might I have Hilde prepare something for her? There are khemical treatments that can turn silk into steel... surely the same can be done for burlap."


The green man spoke with a strange voice.

>Just don't even think about cheating. I'll know if you do.

For the sake of the King, Louise ignored that slight to her honor. In the grand scheme of things, it mattered very little. As luck would have it, Hilde happened to be in the stands set up to give shade for the wealthier folk in Lilliendorf. Louise counted it an even greater stroke of luck that she did not find her in some hidden corner doing something horrendously inappropriate with the young man that she brought as a date.

As unkempt and horrifically lecherous as Hilde might have been, she also happened to count herself among the greatest artifexes in the Daffodil Kingdom. She followed after Louise dutifully, retrieving her toolkit from the hidden space twixt her bosom.
"Alright, let me see one of those sacks...!" Hilde drawled. Waving away the people fruitlessly ferrying Mikhail more burlap, she assembled her khemistry set and got to work. Khemicals extracted into the neutral medium of water, imposing the concepts they represent rather than their physical properties. The sack needed to soak for some time. "Bluh, burlap's a tough material to work with. Too many impurities in the fabric. Whatever natures I imbue it with to make it harder to cut, they won't stay imbued for all that long..."

"How long is not that long?" Louise asked. From her years of knowing Hilde, a time span that vague could be as short as a few seconds, or as long as a decade.

"Eh, give it a month before it loses half its durability?" Hilde said. She took the sack out from the cauldron in which it had cured. Its brown color had been burnt away by the other concepts, turning it into a silver that shined with a hundred glistening colors where light did not hit it directly. "For now, it should be as strong as mithral wire. Those would have to be some extra scary claws you've got if it tears through that easily, miss!"

After blowing the sack dry of the khemical concoction with a cantrip, Hilde passed it to the eerily beautiful moth girl. Finally, the race could begin!
Oh shit, here we go!

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
No offense to Ano since she seems like a nice lady and all, but I feel like she might get slipped up on the sack race with all those limbs and pieces. Meanwhile I'm all but certain knights have sack races in their training somewhere. It just has to be a thing.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Knowing her I'd say she would either know all of the answers or would be enough of a con artist motherfucker to sneak a peak at the answer sheet or something.
Fascinating, never knew that position was called the G Whiz...who the fuck came up with that name?
Fair enough
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
I'm this guy
Sorry, anon, I don't understand. Which one are you voting for? And what about the other match-up?
Honestly, it was pretty vanilla, I would have assumed Missionairy with direct eye contact, being told he loves you, and unprotected handholding.
Wait, I misunderstood what you were asking for, let me fix that. My bad.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>some manner of sage from a far off court?
It goes in all fields, innit?


Closest thing I could find would be the training regimen of a French knight Jean II Le Maingre "Boucicaut"

“… if two plaster walls, the height of a tower, stood an arm's width apart, he could climb up them using just feet and hands, no other aid, and without falling.”

“…fully armed in a coat of mail, he could climb right to the top of the underside of a scaling ladder leaning against a wall, simply swinging from rung to rung by his two hands – or without the coat of mail, by one hand only.”

“ Doing such exercises gave him a physique so strong that there was no other gentleman in his time who was so proficient – for he could do a somersault fully armed but for his bascinet, and he could dance equipped in a coat of mail.”
>the dude was doing some ninja warrior gameshow training course shit in armor
Damn. What a chad.
>Fascinating, never knew that position was called the G Whiz...who the fuck came up with that name?
the G makes some sense since it's said it makes it easier to reach the G spot, according to the 1st site I found, but the whiz is the incognita
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)

I will admit, Ano is very cute, but you're going to need a pretty big sack for her. Moreover, Louise's physicality is just on a whole other level.

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

A tough matchup for Blair, but I will stand by my commander any day of the week. She might be Countess, but rest assured that not a drop of noble blood runs through her veins. This is a woman who has been running a mercenary company for most of her adult life. It would be one thing if it was a company of soldiers, but mercenaries? She knows this, and in the very first thread of the timeskip, she encouraged her men to rest-- to drink and make merry instead of standing around.

Blair herself is no stranger to drinking, either. Whether it's in the muck with her men, in a tavern with her officers, at the table with other members of nobility, or in the dark with another... I'm sure she's got the capability, here.

As a mercenary commander who's fought in every corner of the continent... she knows the heart of the people for sure, and likely knows about more things than most-- and Goddess help Rosa if the trivia ends up being about fishing. Blair would win in a heartbeat, then.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
also, these are unbelievably cute. This tournament is already worth it.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
“Sorry I’m late, my niece’s birthday was going on. And you’ve got this Ano, you can do it! And I dunno, neither of these other two contestants really talked last time. But I like that one’s hat, reminds me of that new kid Dad took in yesterday, so she’s got my vote too!”
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
“Don’t worry Ano, looks like your competitor’s a fair fighter! I was gonna Clothes Beam you a stronger one, but looks like she’s taken care of it for you first! Now get out there and do your best!”

“Were you up against just about anyone else, you would have my vote for not trying to weasel your way out of the competition and trying to get her DQ’d. I hope you both give it your best!”
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
She'd win the sack race because just look at her! She has more arms and wings and surely those will only help in a sack race.
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Blair was a mercenary leader for years which meant she visited every bar her merry band of men went to keep an eye on them, so she knows all about bars and has picked up trivia along the way.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
she a big girl all she needs is a couple of jumps to make it to the finish
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
she looks like she moves around, must have heard some information about a lot of stuff somewhere
idunno, i dont really follow any of their quest, basing my respones entirely on looks
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Had to flip a coin for this one, on the one hand Louise looks built enough to win, but then again this particular monster girl looks like she was born to do a sack race.

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Before she was a countess Blair was a Merc company leader for five years, being besties with at least four assassins, an old monster hunting paladin, an upstart formerly-noble mage, several bounty hunters, a magical herb loving dark mage and a guy who may or may not be a vampire and/or dragon person. She's been in more than enough pubs and has probably picked up enough random trivia over the years to hold her own.
Okay i'm not trying to imply anything, but am i the only one who thinks it's just bizarre how every other second countess post has the same description about how 'she used to be a merc company leader'

I mean i get it that it's her backstory but it's just weird how much it's being repeated. It's not even trying to make any new arguments as to why she'd beat Rosa, it's just repeating the exact same stuff in different words in every post. Why? It's weird. It's bizarre. You people are acting weird.
because a merc company would probably travel a lot?
Yeah but it's just post after post of 'Countess blair was a mercenary for five years'

They're not linking to each other or adding more points over why she beats rosa. It's just "countess blair was a mercenary". I'm not trying to imply anything, i'm just saying it's weird how every vote for her that tries to give an actual explanation says basically the same thing.
I'm not caught up in Fire emblem quest lore so I don't know much but I figure being a mercenary for a couple years would make her know more about random trivia just through sheer volume of being in different places and talking to different people
> I figure being a mercenary for a couple years would make her know more about random trivia just through sheer volume of being in different places and talking to different people
As compared to a conwoman whose literal job is talking to people?

But that's not what i'm saying. I'm saying it's weird how it feels like all the countess voters who explain their vote say basically the same thing
>I won't vote against my captain, she was a mercenary captain and drank with her soldiers
It's lynchian, if that word means what i think it means.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
She is a very agile girl, I can assure you she can jump around at sound breaking speeds. Pokin a couple holes is Not a problem.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)

I mean, if you're looking for patterns in things, you'll find them. If my numbers are right...

Rosa: 28
>No Explanation: 8
>Ex-Con: 2
>Knows Trivia / Visits Pubs: 5
>Greenskin: 2
>Vibes: 2
>Con Artist: 4
>Traveler: 4

Blair: 12
>No Explanation: 8
>Merc Commander: 4

Technically speaking, Rosa's got more repeating arguments than Blair, though admittedly, we've only got the one. The post said to give your best argument as to why we think our vote would win, and this is what most of us seem to agree on, that's all.

If repeating answers aren't allowed, we'd likely try and find different things to say, but people who are voting for her know that to be the best thing to put forward. Though truthfully, unless we get a sudden surge of Blackwing votes, we're not winning even with a maxed luck bonus-- one that would likely go to Rosa anyway.

That's fine though, it's a hard sell, and there will be other rounds. Thus far, it's been a good, clean fight, even if we are at a pretty big disadvantage because of the contest type.
>Technically speaking, Rosa's got more repeating arguments than Blair, though admittedly, we've only got the one
Yes, but that's not what i'm talking about. It's the fact that the only argument they make is the exact same that feels weird. In fact, two of those arguments start literally the exact same, with "I won't vote against my captain/commander"

If anything, the fact that she's got the scales tipped against her would mean you'd want to make more arguments as to why she'd know more than Rosa, no?
Well outside the mercenary leader part I can't think of other strong reasons why she would be good at trivia, she did go to a school for rich people but they don't really teach trivia there, and even when she was living it up at Rusalka as a noble she learned fighting and magic.

I mean we could just fucking lie and say she loved to read random books about the world and has an impressive collection and is the smartest person in all of fodland, but we wouldn't do that... But I am tempted.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
She's used to jumping exercises due to her taking care of the family cattle, physical attributes were explained enough so no need to mention them again.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
enough was said about her, dunno what I can add
I won't argue with that, anon. You're definitely right that it feels weird that people are parroting the same argument... but is it really? If you look hard enough at the other arguments, you'll see similarities there too, I'm sure.

I certainly wouldn't mind if the other Blair voters came up with other reasons as to why she could win, myself, but it's just the best argument, so I also understand why it's being repeated.

Acting in good faith, I don't see any foul play at risk here, myself. Barring this potential well-poisoning, but that's neither here nor there.
Phoneposted this, so allow me to amend my vote with the reason I think they'd win. Totally not because I missed the part of giving a reason, no sir

Ano, even if she's not allowed to use her wings, has an advantage due to her height (Longer bounces/ jumps) and four arms (She can hold onto the sack more securely). While Louise is weighed down by armor that'd probably get caught in the sack

as for Blair...to be honest, I don't have one, just banking on the trivia being either randomized or weighed to be fair for both contestants. If its like, star trek trivia night, she is boned.
I'm not accusing them of foul play, i'm saying it's weird.
It is weird. It is also, unfortunately, not my job to prove otherwise.

We're not exactly coordinating this on our end, and are just a bunch of like-minded anons who think Blair is neat. If that is weird, then this whole thing may as well be weird, and that's fine, I think.
>While Louise is weighed down by armor that'd probably get caught in the sack
Louise can store her armor in her neckpiece, so that's no problem.
this reminds me that I didn't mention that, Louise can store her armor in her choker, a folding plate, and go with just her armorsilks for more agility and way less weight to encumber her.
To the people saying that the armor would weigh her down... Louise would probably have her armor collapsed into its choker form. Its locomotive enchantments, in addition to giving her an extra size category for lifting purposes, also increase her movement speed. She wouldn't find it sporting to use equipment that gave her an advantage in a friendly competition.

She'd probably be wearing her armorsilks, which is a skin tight bodysuit whose only advantage is that it's about as protective as brigandine while being... well, a light weight, skin tight bodysuit. That or work clothes over them, but competitions should be flashy so probably not.

It should also be noted that if flight is on the table for Ano, there's non-zero odds that Inner Louise would think that's cheating and gets riled up. Which means she'd pull the Litany* out of her tits and start RWBY LARPing boosting herself with the cannon's recoil.

*Inner Louise: "The Litany is a manifestation of my soul and not a piece of equipment, so it's DEFINITELY not cheating!"
Damien: "But it's a giant cannon with a scythe attac-"
Inner Louise: "THE PRETTY MOTH CAN FLY DAMIEN! So I'm just giving it my all! Its NOT cheating."
Anon, your bias is showing. It's not like there have been many different arguments for Rosa either.All the Rosa voters who explain their vote say basically the same thing. It's all repeating the exact same stuff in different words in every post, about how she knows trivia and is at home in pubs or something, like how those who explain why Baroness Louise would win say she's both strong and agile. There's only so many ways you can say "yeah, she can do the thing", and it turns out that for her it's not that many. Would you prefer that people just +1 without saying anything?
> It's not like there have been many different arguments for Rosa either.
But...there literally are. Anon even counted them in >>6004457
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

I like fighting women. Simple as.
If I was feeling as uncharitable as you have been, I'd collapse ex-con with con artist, knows trivia/visit pubs with traveler and greenskin with vibes, for roughly three different arguments. Either way, Con Artist and Traveler have been repeated [i]exactly[/i] as much as Merc Commander has been, and Knows Trivia/Visit Pubs was repeated even more. I really do not understand your problem here. Would you prefer that people just +1 without saying anything instead of paraphrasing something that has already been said?
>If I was feeling as uncharitable as you have been, I'd collapse ex-con with con artist, knows trivia/visit pubs with traveler and greenskin with vibes, for roughly three different arguments.
Well yeah, if you collapsed very different arguments into a single one, you would reduce them, yes.
>Either way, Con Artist and Traveler have been repeated [i]exactly[/i] as much as Merc Commander has been
That doesn't really mean much when Rosa has twice the amount of votes.

You're also forgetting the main reason i said it, which is that it's literally the singular explanation countess voters have.
How are they very different arguments? What exactly is the difference between ex-con and con artist for purposes of pub trivia ability? Why is "visit pubs" separate from "traveler", when one is necessary for the other? And greenskin and vibes are both parts of intangible, inherent qualities that might as well have said she was born for this. Yes, Rosa has twice the amount of votes. It might be because she's more popular, or it might be because people think she's more well suited to this specific contest. So well suited that one might think it was rigged in her favour if I didn't know that RQM would never do that.

Yes, turns out there's only one reason Blair might be good at pub trivia, while there are between three and six for Rosa. Either way, there has been repetition for both. Would you prefer that people just +1 without saying anything instead of paraphrasing something that has already been said?
>How are they very different arguments?
Because...they are? You can be an ex-con without being an con-artist. You can visit a lot of pubs but only do so in a single town. I don't think you're understanding what i'm saying here, anon. I'm saying that the fact that every countess voter who posted an argument, did so in the exact same manner, and half of them even started with the same opening line about not voting against their commander.

That is weird. Even if different people did it, without coordinating, it's still weird. And what it means is that it's weird.
Yes anon, I keep telling you that I do not understand your argument and you keep refusing to answer my question. There has been repetition for both. For all contestants, so far. Would you prefer that people just +1 without saying anything instead of paraphrasing something that has already been said?
>Would you prefer that people just +1 without saying anything instead of paraphrasing something that has already been said?
Bro, i'm just saying it's weird. Why are you so weirdly offended by this?
>I'm saying that the fact that every countess voter who posted an argument, did so in the exact same manner, and half of them even started with the same opening line about not voting against their commander.
Might just be in-quest lingo
And I'm saying that it's weird that you find something that happens everywhere, all the time, weird. Why are you so weird about this?
>And I'm saying that it's weird that you find something that happens everywhere, all the time, weird
But...it doesn't. Rosa herself has way more than one argument, even if you say "oh but there's repetition so it doesn't count"

It's clear you're weirdly angry about this for some reason, though, so i won't bother arguing further.
I'm not saying it doesn't count and I still do not understand why you refuse to understand this. I'm saying that following your own uncharitable criteria to the letter and give you every benefit of the doubt, there have been 20 repetitive votes for Rosa when 6 at most would suffice to cover all bases, while there have been 4 repetitive votes for Blair when 1 would suffice to cover the argument.

If you see my posts as angry, then I can only conclude that it's projection on your end. I'm only trying to understand something that I find weird, because I don't find this weird at all. Why do you? What's so weird about 4 people saying that Blair is good at pub trivia because she's a merc commander that is not also weird about 4 people saying that Rosa is, say, a con artist? What's your problem here? Would you prefer that people just +1 without saying anything instead of paraphrasing something that has already been said?
Anons are weird like that
People liking quest characters in quests they were invested so they vote for them doesn’t sound that malicious?
>half of them even started with the same opening line about not voting against their commander
Intelligent Systems didn't program us with a lot of lines, you know? This is a joke

>Walk around Blackwing Camp
>Whenever you interact with one of them, they talk about how they won't vote against their commander, or how Blair has run a mercenary company for five years

Top kek. All I know is, I won't vote against my commander. Blair has run a mercenary company for five years. Beep boop.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Blair wasn't always a Countess you know
Anofelis was on her knees as she tried to hide her sobs, not wanting to appear weak or useless in front of the people around her. Then again, she was not really used to being watched, and feared that her appearance or failure to even wear a sack would make people think poorly of her. She feared being mocked or reprimanded. It was particularly a sad sight since she recalled that this would just be a fun competition, one where she would get to meet many people and maybe make some friends.

As her soldier friend Mikhail comforted her and told her that maybe she would do better at another mission, another contestant would get to work creating a sack which Anofelis could use to participate. It was one thing that she couldn't even challenge the noble knight, it was another that she was clearly so distressed from it.

And with the help of her arcane friend, Louise and her friend were soon able to hand the lustrous and enchanted potato sack to the giant bug girl. Mikhail saw the two approach, taking a mildly protective stance in front of Anofelis. He couldn't know for sure what the two ladies intended. Though upon seeing the glistening sack, he knew something was up. "Ano, look." He calmly remarked, as Anofelis stopped blocking her eyes with her claws and saw the sack.

"I think this might do the trick. What kinda metal is it? Carbon fibre? Some kind of regenerative metal fibre?" Mikhail said curiously, as Anofelis grabbed the glistening fabric sack. She felt that... it was stronger than the other things she had held. It didn't rip apart whilst exerting force on it, nor did her claws seem capable of taring it apart. She started smiling through her tears, continuing to sniffle before looking at the knight and her friend. "T-Thank you. I-I was scared I couldn't compete, th-that I'd disappoint Mikhail, Annie, Chaya or any of my other friends..." Mikhail gave her a pat on the shoulder, before speaking reassuringly. "Don't worry, Ano. We're all very proud of you, regardless of this competition!"

Anofelis let out a few more sniffs and deep breaths, before looking to the tall knight. "W-What is your name, e-exactly? Mine is A-Anofelis, b-but you can call me Ano. Y-You kinda remind me of a f-friend of mine c-called Morgan. Y-You both look very, ummm, fancy." It was clear from her tone and appearance that she was naught but a gentle giant, someone who really wasn't here to cause trouble or search for enemies.

Of course, Ano had also heard another friend talking to them from a short distance, her soon holding up the sack she got and seeming a bit more proud. "I'll do my best for you, Chaya! With this sack this kind knight lady gave me, I'll be able to win for you!" Ironically, Ano still had no clue how a sack race worked, let alone that the knight who gave it to her was her opponent. Still, she had enough time to figure both of those things out, right?
Oh my gahhh, right in the feels hnnnnggggg
Anyway, since I noticed some people discussing who would win in the battle between Ano and Louise, I decided I might as well jump into the conversation now that I am done drawing more cute art for Ano.

So, the best way I'd describe Anofelis is a giant fly, spider monkey hybrid. She is agile. Very agile. Despite her size, she can easily move through any kind of environment without issue. She can essentially use her limbs interchangeably. She can turn her feet into hands or her hands into feet if she wanted to. She could go into a handstand and then run with her hands just as if they were her normal legs. She also has her tail which she can use to grab onto things if she ever wants to be even more secure.

She has incredible endurance as well, just needing a few fruits every once in a while to keep her going. Furthermore, she can use her claws for digging through tough materials, fly extremely easily and even fucking swim insanely fast. She's also pretty strong. Not nearly as strong as Louise from what was described, but I also admittedly don't really think a sack race is about strength in this case. At least, not lifting strength.

Of course, Ano isn't perfect, and I think her intelligence and size are ironically two of the most limiting parts to her. She isn't exactly graceful or able to do things gently. She probably ripped up a dozen sacks before getting the magical one which would even allow her to participate. And even with a sack that doesn't rip, she still needs to figure out how to properly jump around in the thing because it's not exactly something she's used to.

That is the part where Louise really has the edge. Even if Ano was able to hop greater distance, even if she was smart enough to use her wings to glide a bit further, I doubt she has the grace and carefulness needed to actually do well. She'll probably stumble more often than not, Louise being more consistent overall.

Now, I also have to admit that the results are kinda dependent on what the rules are of the sack race. If it's just a race where all you need is to wear a sack around your legs, then I am very comfortable saying that Ano will win, because she'd just use her 4 other limbs to easily rush forward. Or hell, she'd probably just fly to the finish line. But, given that the rules of the race weren't really described, and for the sake of keeping things fun and fair, I do imagine it will probably be all about the hops. Maybe Ano can clutch it, but it's like putting a little paper baggie around the hind legs of an actual fly and forcing it to then hope around. It isn't gonna be a pretty sight.

The good news is that, even if Ano does lose, she's just happy to be able to fairly play along, given who gave her a sporting chance with that magical sack.

Anyhow, thank you for coming to my ted talk about Anofelis. Also, wtf, guess I'm a drawanon now. Issue is that I can only draw Anofelis for the time being, but... I'm sure I'll find another char to draw some day, I hope.
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What the fuck man
Poor baby Moth girl, DEPLOY HEADPATS, STAT
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Louise is struck by [b][green]a sudden and powerful urge to pat the moth girl on the head[/green][/b]. However, she knows that Anofelis is to be her opponent in this friendly competition, and - however strong the urge to pat her might be - to treat her as a crying child who needs reassurance would be a slight to Ano that would reflect poorly on Louise. So instead she takes one of Ano's hands in her own and offers a warm smile, saying, "Charmed, Ano. I am Louise le Blanc, humble servant of Daffodil and Sunflower, and baroness of this village. Let us both do our best in this race, shall we?"

Unlike Louise, Hilde has nothing holding her back from patting the moth girl on the head. It's quite fortunate that Ano was on her knees; even so, the short and busty woman needs to stand on the tips of her toes to reach the floof on Ano's head. Hilde's hands are soft and skilled, massaging Ano's scalp with gentle and tender care as much as giving her a reassuring pat. "Good girl, good girl~"

Then she catches Louise's look. While she doesn't stop patting Ano until the mothgirl moves to stop her, she does stop addressing her like a sad puppy. "Ahem, I mean, I'm Hilde. Louise's best buddy... and artifex, too."

Neither woman is dressed particularly fancy. Louise managed to force Hilde into something other than the oil-stained top and tight-fitted trousers that she wears around her workshop, if only in consideration of the King's presence. A clean blouse in her family tartan, with more buttons left undone than was probably in good taste, was the most Hilde would wear. That and a pair of denim coveralls that mysteriously stopped at her thighs, leaving a two-finger gap before her stockings took over and covered the rest of her legs.

Louise herself wears her armorsilks alone, the new model Hilde gifted her after the Justicar tore her old set to shreds. Woven of liquified ironsilks that react to the flow of mana, she's set them to resemble a tasteful bodystocking beneath a leotard striped with black and gold. Blood-red roses in a pattern that match her curse mark grow along deep green vines that decorate the smoke-colored bodystocking. A lacy, golden skirt patterned with the narzissenmark in black falls around her hips, lower in the back than the front. The flashy sort of armorsilks favored by female knights in the Daffodil Kingdom as they go about the city, meant as much to show off her stature as to protect her body.

Hearing Mikhail's question, Hilde looks at him in askance, her head tilted like that of a curious dog. "Metal? No, that's still burlap. I've just khemically reinforced it, is all. Concept Imbuement by the Bolvar Transformation. The enhancement isn't as permanent as I would like, but I don't think anyone makes a sack out of silk unless they're spending a small fortune to weave a four-point spatial distortion array into the seams..."
Rolled 6 (1d6)

>Blair wasn't always a Countess you know
Yeah, she used to run a mercenary company, I hear! For something like... Four-to-six years? Anyway, personally -I- wouldn't ever vote against my commander.

Anyway, tallying up the votes, it looks as if Ano and Louise are pretty neck-and-neck, with twenty votes for one and 24 for the other! While my initial instinct was that Ano was absolutely doomed in this contest, arguments made by other anons and Louise's concerted efforts to give her foe a fighting chance have won me over to awarding her a d6 of bonus points!

Let's all aspire to be more like this two contestants, shall we? What sposrtwomanship!
The commander? She's been running this company for five years now, impressive for someone so young, I definitely won't be voting to change our leader anytime soon.
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Rolled 123, 128 = 251 (2d130)

>+6 points to Ano

Well hot damn, that is SOME magic sack! Or maybe all those headpats gave Anofelis the encouragement she needed to put that monkey-like agility (and, uh, wings) to good use!

I'm afraid that at 13-to-31, no roll between 1 and 6 could save Countess Blair from that wily goblin con's natural roguish affinity for picking up random info everywhere she goes in Gongalla Gaol.

Day One's winners are:

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)

Now, to prep round 2...
God DAMN Hilde. Showing that she's the PEAK Artifex in all of the Daffodil Kingdom.
Kinda sucks the conspiracy chick lost, but nothing for it unfortunately.
Alas the sporting behavior defeated Louise. Good deeds never go unpunished zoz. Graceful in contest, graceful in victory, and graceful in defeat. One could only hope to be crushed between those chivalrous thighs!

GG Ano boys.You did good.
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Today's contests will bring travelers of distant realsm from entirely separate dimensions together... And also invoke a very CLASH OF TEH GDOS THEMSELVES!

Yes, it's
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
the unenthusiastically-stranded woman warrior who just wants to go home versus
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
the INCREDIBLY-enthusiastic young Ling adventurer who wants to travel the world with her friends!

Today, these two will be competing in...


...riding a mount of their choosing. And sorry, but NO, spaceships don't count as mounts. If someone can make a good case for their having access to an especially suitable or effective mount, it could get them a bonus 1d6, though!

Meanwhile, who could be a worthier opponent for the goddess of justcie, redemption, and goodness
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
than a horrid spawn of the baleful and selfish demiurge of Black Space, the dreadful antediluvian goddess... Uhh...
>The God of Music (Versequest)
(I think my notes must be wrong, this little whatever-it-is is way too cute and sweet to be anything unwholesome)

Well, they're both undoubtedly MIGHTY, which is good, because they'll be facing against oen another in...


...WITH, of course, the synchronized swimming partner of their choice from their home dimensions. Which is to say: if the voters convince me they have someone they know who would do well in such an event AND who is deeply sympatico with them, it can net them +1d6 points in a pinch.
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Lings have an almost intrinsic affinity for the natural world and wildlife around them. One village domesticated giant shrimp to pull their raft houses, and another swims with crocodiles just fine. Given time, Rika's enthusiasm will see her working hand in hand with a steed of her size, which is ultimately the deciding factor in this round.

>The God of Music (Versequest)
Rhythm comes naturally to Music for self-explanatory reasons. If she can swim, she can swim to a tempo like no one else.
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Not familiar with either but I like the cut of rika's jib. Particularly her hat.
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Music, no contest. She's a god. How could you defeat a god? As for a swimming partner, I'm confident that virtually any member of her family would join her if she asked, and given they're also gods, I think they'll do great. She'd probably ask either God or Hate.
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)

>>6005223 convinced me on both counts.
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
I'm sorry Music but I must....while Muna as the Goddess of Mentality has an weakness to water her sister Shennu(who she loves a lot) is the literal goddess of water and a water dragon, there is literally no better swimming partnert.
>Rika(Lingdom quest)
Not familiar either but I like her better

They're both goddesses anon, that's why they're pit against each other lol

God I hope my IP didn't reset
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Excellent sportsmanship all around! Good stuff. A shame about Blair, but it can't be helped. Still, I won't vote against my commander and etc etc.

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)

Do they have horses in Lingdom Quest? I have no idea, but if you're adventuring, I'm sure you've got a horse analogue.

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)

Gotta have limbs to swim. Though it is pretty funny to envision Music propelling itself through the water like an amoeba.
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)

>The God of Music (Versequest)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
She will ride her partner, whose name escapes me at the moment but who is adorable. Storkie may be a bit hefty, but I'm sure her airheaded friend can give her a piggy back to victory!

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)

I do not know if they have a partner for synchronized swimming, I just chose between these two because I preferred her design
She does in fact have a good partnert for synchronized swimming anon! The actual goddess of water herself.

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Lings and animals go hand in hand. Also Biased because Haeran'Yi's strongest ally.

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
The goddess of water is her sister so not only does Muna have a partner but she also has someone she inherently should be in synch with. Also she appears to actually have arms unlike the music god, which is kinda important for swimming in synch, especially if you don't at the very least have an aquatic fish tail or something.
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(Writing) -------

I was up now, in this contest I'd been flung far from home into, and the competition now was... synchronized swimming!

[MAJORDOMO] "That's lame. I thought this was team death match."

[JOCO] "Yeah, I wanted to nuke people. Why are we being nice to them?"

Because I am a nice person. Now hush, you inner voices. I need to think this through.
I crack my knuckles and look at the obstacle below, just what I was faced with on the event; Water.


I was weak to water. It cooled my spirit's fiery resolve. Well, magical water, cast by those who stood shoulder to shoulder with me, not necessarily normal water. I could of course brave this... I've dived in the ocean to its floor before- Well, no need to be a pedant about it. It was less the water really, and more the sport. The swimming part. I admit, I need some assistance in this regard.

Thankfully, I had just the perfect person to ask for assistance, just like the Tourney allowed. My sister, Shennu, would be able to help me through this. After all, she is the Water Dragoness, there was no better candidate.

[SHENNU] "Here, sister. Put this on."

'Mm? A short yukata?'

[SHENNU] "It's water flavored. Blue and white is what my followers wear, just as I do. They used to wear things like this at all times near the ocean, even swimming. Especially when swimming!"

'I see. It is comfy, but thin.'

[SHENNU] "Mm. Now, swimming in synchronization? Huhuhu, this won't be too hard for either of us! You already flow on your feet and the wind with grace. Just follow my lead, and we'll put on a show to dazzle them all."

'Should we...' I started, twiddling my claws; 'Should we shift form throughout?'

[SHENNU] "Why, of course. Wouldn't they find it amusing to see a Qilin gallop across the waves I'll splash high side winding the water with my scales? If only because it would be so fun is the real reason to take part, hmm!"

I nodded to my sister and smiled. Her encouragement was always a warm feeling. But I'd turned my head to my opponent then and walked up to her funny... scriggly little form. Music, that was her name. She was such an interesting little thing.

'Hey!' I greeted, and said with a smile; 'Best of luck to you as well. I'm eager to see what talents you have in store for us all too.'

And then I went off to perform my bit.

------- (Writing End)

>That being said, I'm placing my votes on [ Rika ]. She seems like she'd be far closer to things like horses in her upbringing, and with the know how on riding them. And [ Music] as well, because she's just too gosh darned cute.
That is more than fantastic for a swimming partner, nice
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Sounds nice
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
I love my totally not SMT quest
This sucks. I like all of these quests...

As curmudgeonly as she is, Storkie wrecks the competition when she actually tries--ever since thread 1 she's been decimating fights and contests... well, almost all of them. I don't think she would enjoy riding a horse, but I can guarantee her PARTNER could totally help her win using the infamous PIGGYBACK RIDE MANEUVER!

Frankly I'd be surprised if Stork had any choice in the matter.

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Muna's got Shennu and has proven herself to be pretty graceful. At times, at least.

Music has a few perks too such as natural rhythm and an almost magnetic pull on people, but she does seem to freeze up under pressure. That could definitely bite her in the butt when it counts.
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
she is the closest thing to Arty in this, she has my vote no matter what
>The God of Music (Versequest)
you need rhythm for synchronized simming, that one was made for her
Here's hoping my IP remained stable. Congrats to Rosa on the win! Even though I must remain loyal to my capo, she was severely outclassed here.

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
If you could pilot a spaceship, surely you could ride a horse?

>The God of Music (Versequest)
She's tiny and compact enough that anyone should be able to coordinate with her easily.
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>"Oh COME ON! You really think I'm gonna lose against a little midget gnome child?! Look at her, she can't even reach the paddles!"
>[Uuh... My dudette, that's a horse.]
>"Whatever! The horse equivalent! They didn't exactly have horses at the girl scouts okay?! I dunno how piloting them works! Not that I want to stand even next to an animal that shits out its own weight every day-"
>[Sure dude, but ya' still need to win this, right? Watcha planning?]
>"Mmm... Would a shot to the leg be too conspicuous?"
>"AAGHH! You scared me, dumbass!"
>"Shooting people is a definite no-no!!"
>"Well, I was gonna shoot the horse, but now that you mention that-"
>"Regardless! No one's gonna vote for you if you keep being a jerk! Especially to a little kid!"
>"I dunno, I think it makes me seem both competitive AND innovative, maybe a bit rebellious too. People like that in a woman, right?"
>"Storkie this is a queen tournament! What kind of queen doesn't follow the rules?! Come on, take it a bit more seriously, I know you can do it if you try..."
>"Grrrr... *grumble grumble* Alright fiiiiiiine... Hey jerkass, be useful for once and look up some animal riding tutorial videos 'k, preferably ones about animals that are actually fast, can't be that hard to learn right? And if you download animal sex and try to pass that off as "riding" I'll delete your system32."
>[Sure thing bosserino! Do ya' prefer stick or auto?]
>"Shut up, don't talk to me."
>"Y'know Storkie, I DO technically count as an animal, I could always carry you! I AM pretty strong y'know?"
>"Huh? Uh yeah, I guess you could do that if you want... It might be kinda uncomfortable though, plus would riding you even really count as mounting-"
>[I thought ya' said sex was off the table?]
>"SHUT UP! If you don't hurry up with the Googling I'm gonna put you in my coffee machine, forever! Hurry up, hurry up!"

That aside,
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
The water goddess friend argument plus the lack of arms got me.
why only the mothgirl rolled a 1d6 ?

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
I like her, dunno much about her skills

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Her friend is literally the goddess of water, she has a good teacher on her side
>why only the mothgirl rolled a 1d6 ?
>I'm afraid that at 13-to-31, no roll between 1 and 6 could save Countess Blair
I mean like why didn't Louise get a dice as well ?
>each contestant will also recieve 1d6 bons points at the end, based on whether I personally am convinced they would/could win their event against their opposite number!
I see how there might have been a miscommunication with this, so to clarify now: the contestant gets a bonus based on whether arguments and he like have convinced me they deserve a 1d6 bump. If they're already winning or have lost by a quite large margin, there's not really a point, and if there's not a (subjectively, in my opinion) plausible or amusing argument for them winning the contest.

If I consider it a total toss-up I guess I might roll for both, but I wasn't planning on it.
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>In the Land That Always Rains there live birds of immense size, with feathers as colorful as the rainbow and as large as beasts. It is from these legendary birds that adventurers hunt to pluck such vibrant and grand feathers for the wealthy to display their prestige. But they must be cautious and courageous, for these legendary birds are as vicious as they are sturdy. To slay one would be a miracle in itself and would provide a boon enough to retire for ten lifetimes.

>Many sought to abduct an egg or young one to raise and become something of a cash bird for them. But alas, nobody knows where these legendary birds build their nests, and those who claim to have found one report seeing little spirits of the jungle whisking away their treasure to the sky where the trees shoot up. Some even claim to have seen small children riding these legendary beasts from far away, only for them to disappear whenever observers stray too close.

“Well done Ano! You did great! I knew you could do it!” Chaya cheers her friend, then flies over to the bested Louise. “Hey, we didn’t get to talk before. But thanks for helping Ano out back there, takes a real honorable sort to help their opponent. You got my respect going forward.”

“Hrmmm, the first one’s no contest, from what I was told about her people and their history with animals. But between two gods? I’ll have to wait and see what everyone else says.”

-Some time later-

“Well, that’s certainly an advantage. Calling upon a water god to make you look better within their domain is certainly one way to win, but getting a favor from a god may cost her in the long run. Either way, I’ll vote-
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
So every contestant on the losing side has a chance to turn the tables provided it’s on the 1-6 range ? Alright, although that’s quite strange
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
She seems to have an advantage of familiarity with animals.

Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Music has the advantage of rhythm but Muna's sister is a huge advantage. Honestly, I would probably give them BOTH a d6 advantage in this.

RQM, you're doing a terrific job hosting this!
The was always the premise of the roll, and the events: to encourage discussion and add some unpredictability here and there for close contests. We'll see how it goes, and whether someone has a different/better/more refined idea next year, I guess! So far, I'm liking it in execution.

Thanks, anon!
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Actually big enough to not be ignored by horses
Also >>6005364
>"I dunno, I think it makes me seem both competitive AND innovative, maybe a bit rebellious too. People like that in a woman, right?"
Lmao it does

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Apparently has a water goddess sister
Also she's lead a mercenary company for 5 years and I won't vote against my commander
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There's something we all must remember! With the nature of gods in Versequest, by default, until damaged by something stronger than them, all gods are translucent non-physical beings. Would this not mean Music may have an easier time swimming, as she would have no problem dealing with the resistance of the water? Not to mention her talent for rhythm which might give her an edge too.

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
I dont got much beef with these girls, so
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
For knowing what a horse actually is and the experience to ride one.
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Just because music is usually involved in synchronized swimming(the song type music, not the goddess catgirl...thing?), and that should cover her ability to stay in synch.
Im this guy by the way.>>6005550
>Regardless! No one's gonna vote for you if you keep being a jerk! Especially to a little kid
>I dunno, I think it makes me seem both competitive AND innovative, maybe a bit rebellious too. People like that in a woman, right?

If anything, being an evil asshole who will literally just kill me would potentially sway me if it wasn't against one of the two I have to contractually support. She was 100% right in her argument.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Storkie has an advantage in piloting, but her inexperience with animals is a big detriment. Rika, despite never having seen any horses (afaik in her quest), has an advantage in the form of her Ling heritage's advanced empathy with animals.

Thus, I believe that
will win the equestrian games.

Synchronized swimming:
Hmm, a battle between goddesses! Muna has both significant advantages and disadvantages - while she is afraid of water, her sister is literally the goddess of water. It comes down to how good their synchronization goes. As for Music, while she got good a very good grasp on rhythms, her choice of partner determines her success. If she goes with her father, she has a higher chance to win due to God being able to synchronize with her. Both have about the same chance to win as they do losing.

Time to ask the winds of fate.
>if 1 = Muna
>if 2 = Music
forgot to link it to you properly.
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Not only she has a great teacher like anons mentioned, the living(?) voices in her head can help her with quick decision making that will be vital for maximum swimming performance
another one on the redemption train.
RQM remember to archive the King & Queen quest
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Anofelis nodded when Louise told them to both do their best. She started smiling even brighter, especially as Hilde then touched the fluffy bug girl's head. She closed her eyes and clearly enjoyed the soft touch to her head. Ano doesn't try and stop Hilde at all, even as Hilde introduces herself. "Mmmm, Anofelis." She purrs, opening her eyes a little and mumbling. "This feels nice. You are very nice."

Whilst Hilde continued gently stroking Anofelis' head, she told Mikhail of the sack and how it was enhanced through magic. "I... I see." Clearly, Mikhail did not come from a realm with magic. Still, given the folk he saw around this place, he sort of just accepted that magic or science beyond his understanding was probably a common thing.

After a short while of receiving headpats, it seemed like the race was about to start. Anofelis would get in the burlap sack, still a bit worried she'd destroy it (and with that the hard work Hilde put into enhancing it). Fortunately, it would not break, her crawling to the starting location as she was still not the best at this hopping thing. Fortunately, Mikhail and Annie would quickly come in to try and show her how she had to do things, her nodding as she seemed to at least somewhat understand what to do.

Thus, the race started, Anofelis' hops being quite impressive. Her size and long limbs did mean she was able to go quite far. Though even then, she did at times fall face first into the dirt. Not that it mattered too much, as she quickly got herself up with her four arms. Even better, she subconsciously used her wings to help glide a bit forward, giving herself even more space. And after hopping forward for some time, she crossed the finish line just before Louise got the chance. Anofelis didn't even notice it, continuing to hop around until finally hearing Mikhail yell her to stop. She stumbled again, falling face first into the dirt before crawling up. And seeing that she had won, a bright smile formed on her face and she giddily looked around.

Of course, she also saw Louise a short distance back, seeing her getting out of her sack with Hilde by her side. Immediately, Anofelis went over to the two. "Did you see, Louise? I won!" There was no malice in her tone, just that childlike excitement. Though Ano would fortunately remember that... it could be considered a bit rude to exclaim her victory, her soon reaching out for a handshake. "Um, you did really well too, Louise. I probably would not have won if it weren't for this amazing bag you and Hilde gave me. Thank you for that."

Shortly after, Anofelis would shift her focus to some of the other contestants, wanting to see what they were up to... Another competition was about to begin, after all.
I am honestly really surprised Ano got the win in. I would've been quite happy with Louise winning as well, since she did deserve it as well. Anyway, enough of the previous round. There are some other contestants who deserve the spoltight now!


>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
This choice was a tough one, but I decided to go with Rika for this one. Storkie is clearly a really fun character as well. Even if she may not be the best with animals, I could still also see her pulling through.

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Definitely think they got an advantage here given the points the other anons made. Sorry Music, you're a delightful little creature, but I gotta go with your opponent here.

When will Muna and Anofelis compare horn sizes? Or have a sword-fighting match with their horns?
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>afraid of water
What did water ever do to her? How's a nigga supposed to swim if you're too afraid to get in the water to begin with?
>>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>>The God of Music (Versequest)
>afraid of water
>What did water ever do to her? How's a nigga supposed to swim if you're too afraid to get in the water to begin with?
she's not exactly afraid of water, it's just that she has an elemental disavantage to water attacks.
I linked the archive in the fiest pist of this thread, anon!
This is all because you don't have a thread up. You know what to do.

Lings' affinity with animals should give Rika an advantage with any mount, but in case there are any water obstacles she is friends with a frickin' crocodile.

>The God of Music (Versequest)
Just because she's cute.
This is me btw >>5997976
Now come on StoryQM...Muna's QM is voting for music, the least you can do is vote for the opposition out of fairness!
thanks, for some reason I couldn't find it before in the archive so I thought it hadn't been there
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Oh, dang! I actually didn't realize... lol. I probably would have if I had.
Nothing wrong with THE DESIRE FOR VICTORY
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
All is fair in love and war. And what is a swimming contest but a naval battle?
>All is fair in love and war. And what is a swimming contest but a naval battle ?
I don't think you wanna do that, anon...
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
There are so many animal friends that a Ling can ride! From Turtles to Crocos to the Giant Birds of Feather falls, even silly fat Dodos! Whilst Storkie... just had her spaceship specifically excluded.

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Synchronised swimming is marked upon style, and no matter how cute that little thing is, I'm not even certain it has discernible limbs to swim with?
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Cute girl, also from an primitive society so much better at equestrianism than a spacer who has probably never seen a horse.
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Look at it, how can you not vote for such a cute little thing?
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
She get's the Mean Woman pass
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
How you gonna swim with no arms? You're no fish
Wait fuck i forgot, i'm stupid
You mean about attaching a trip code to here >>6006035?
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
She’s friends with everyone. Taming a horse probably isn’t too hard for her

>The God of Music (Versequest)
More hydrodynamic
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Delivering some girls as is tradition, starting with Louise. (1/6)
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Rolled 126, 122 = 248 (2d128)

I’m not sure there’s ever been an equestrian event where one woman rides atop the shoulders of another woman, I am, in fact, CONFIDENT that this is not allowed. However, I only said ‘no spaceships’ and, moreover, her OPPONENT is astride what appears to be a TYRANNOSUARUS of some sort, so I think we can allow it.

At 25 to 9, Rika of the Lings wins THAT one handily anyway. Better luck next event, Storkie!

Meanwhile, checking in poolside brings us a much tighter race: 19 to 15, slightly favouring Muna!

However, having read all the arguments and proposed partners, I’m afraid I just don’t see Music having enough of a chance to score a bonus 1d6 on this one. Not having played The Quest for Redemption, I still can’t imagine a partner ringer than having a draconic water goddess, who is also your sister, for a partner. Meanwhile while Hate and The God of Existence are both quite good picks for a partner, they’re also notably less capable outside of Black Space, and apart from lifting rocks above his head and occasionally beating someone up, I’m not sure God has ever demonstrated any athletic ability. Worse: Music’s family often struggle to understand her not just LITERALLY but FIGURATIVELY.

As such, our winners are:

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
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Rosa! (2/6)

Oops, apologies for getting in the way RQM.
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Rika. (3/6)
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Based alien genocider MERRYGATE. (4/6)
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Fat, from Greenhorn Quest. (5/6)
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And M & M. (6/6)
always rember
no matter who wins
we can always be frens :)
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More beautiful camaraderie from our contestants! You love to see it, folks. Also, just some stellar art all around

But there will be time for more sorority after these two smash-‘em-ups! And we are dealing with some proper PHYSICAL ACTIVITEIS this time, too! Some RAW DISPLAYS of PRECISION and STRENGTH!

First, we have two inhuman humanoids, two girlishly-shaped gladiators of uncommon composition. One, a feral child from the forest, CUTÉMON! The other, a post-armageddon artificial intelligence with a distinct dislike for nonhuman intelligences, MERRYGATE!

But what contest could possibly test these two so disparate entities’ abilities?


This being a SHOWCASE rather than a SHWODOWN, I may have fibbed a little: we won’t need to find a VR helmet for our cutér contestant or a mechanical frame for MERRYGATE to pilot. Rather, they’ll be demonstrating techniques and expertise they have acquired, to show off their particular disciplines, for a panel for judges—ie. me, and the judges.

Meanwhile, let’s move onto our second pair of queenly contenders in round three. One is a DISINHERITED WITCH, the other a HERETIC CULTIVATOR. Yes, Sigrid de Hautdesert is up against Huanliuxue! Shall their be a clash of sorcerous specialties? It would only be fitting. It would truly be EPIC. And yet, perhaps there is one form which this battle could take which is yet MORE grand and ancient than even deepest magic…


Each of them may assemble a team of their friends/allies/lackeys, with themselves as captains. As both are shapeshifters, they may also assume any form they deem appropriate, though I imagine the audience would rather enjoy if Sigrid did her running and jumping both in her usual ‘Great’ form and, ahem, attire.

So, cast you votes, /qst/!

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)


>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Imaginary Technique: Antimatter Warhead, Instrument of Extermination
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
cat fetch
>>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
I'm going to vote for la cretura, but if I'm being honest, I think being an AI lets Merrygate control her body to an absurd degree, while also being able to just know all sorts of kung fu chicanery. If it's just going through kata and such, I can't see the robitch losing to the monmusu. Yet still I vote against her.

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Not only is she an extraordinary leader in spite of the cattish attitude, her wide skillset and unbelievable physical characteristics kind of makes any physical contest a bit of a non-contest. Even if you take literal magic into account she has answers to it with chinese fightan majik. And her dream team is pretty stacked with other wild characters which could be MCs in a quest with slightly lower power ceiling. Not to mention she just made a new buddy who is just as wicked busted as she is.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Martial you say? There is nothing more martial than possessing a stockpile of MSL-AM missiles graded for absolute alien devastation on the beaut that is the TRS November Rain, motherfucker. Better buckle up and be MERRY or face the heat (from the laser array).
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Cat. Cat nimble, cat wins. Witch? Witch fat, not run very fast. Simple as.
>>Cutémon (Cutémon)
i got nothing, i just think she is cute
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)

She is a like a pokemon, but moe, pokemon fight and have contests. Easy


This is gonna be a long one

Easily. Huan is capable of several incredible feats of acrobatics, in both human and feline form. And that is before one considers, she has the ability to stop and slow time (and project the illusion of the former, which she usually uses to *blink* during fights), actually teleport (Two ways, one through switching places with pretend ghost orbs and the other through clawing through space itself). And with blood Qi she can give her already ridiculously cultivated body even more physical boosts, is willing to dope up to her eyeballs to win, and recently kicked a spear into orbit while fighting an evil ghost king

Who is now counted amongst her friends/ allies and lackies

which I shall now describe the important ones in short detail

Aodasheng, said evil ghost king, who damn near killed Huan. Took a mountain being dropped on him to kill him. Uses curses and can turn into a dragon and uses a spear that is either Gae Bolg or Gae Assail. Which is the spear Huan kicked into orbit, through a mountain and the heavens, presumably.

Monu, Huanliuxues adoptive and very hot milf mother. Ice magic user and poisoner and sexual tyrannosaurus

Xuebai, Huan's dead ice fox sister, trickster

Fu, the cultivator too angry to die and a mummy cosplayer, spins to win with axes

Qiang, uses chinese Iaijutsu, and is the only other practicer of Huan's self made cultivation law, also mistaken for her daughter. has 1 eye and is an assassin

Feiqing. Big ugly and friendly bastard, part forge demon, has skin like iron

Ping, chuuni monk with a literal cursed/ ghoul arm and white hair, big exorcist

Lei. Mute weirdo/ comedic relief who can steal Qi and trap demons inside of himself. Probably evil

The Geges, Tiexingege and Jionghuagege, shapeshifting magic ant and bee adoptive sisters, also tactical geniuses. The former is a bloodthirsty little violent brat, the second likes to LARP as a princess. Both have literal armies of daughters

Siwang. Best boy owl, also able to shapeshift, can control the wind and is an staunch ally of justice

Xiongji, angry ass ghost with a broken skull who hates everyone but listens to Huan, who comes bundled with the rest of the ghosts under her service (Not including Ao, he's special)

Huili, man eating fire wolf swift as wild fire and with a pack leaders pride. I'd count his best pal Chuandapo, but that turtle is so lazy it broke Huan's usual kindly demeanor towards little kids which is one hell of a feet

Old five colors, the only god who likes Huan, and who might be the strongest motherfucker in the setting. Only shows up to provide goodies or smack down gods trying to jump Huan while she cultivates or heal cool dude who committed regicides

I'd list the rest of her students, her actual allies, and her normal human woman friend, but I can't fit it all in one post
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
It'd be impossible to tell if MERRYGATE was giving an actual demonstration or playing a prerendered Blender animation of martial arts tricks. Cutemon is also a very capable fighter in her own right, but this is admittedly a close vote for me.

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
To put this as respectfully as I can, Sigrid doesn't have the "physique" to keep up with the game and would probably have inhibitions about it on the field if there's an audience. Even in her small form, her body would likely get in the way, if that makes sense. Huanliuxue has the agility and flexibility to be a first pick on many ultimate frisbee teams, with or without her powers. This matchup is like racing a bus against a sportscar.
>Cutémon (Cutémon)

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
*Teleports frisbee to goal*
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Has a lot more hand to hand experience, right? I don't read Merrygate but she seems more of the advanced ranged weaponry type.

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
This fat shut in can't possibly have the advantage, she'll need to win it through an overwhelming number of votes. Unless she played back in the Mage Academy?
"Physical competition time? Finally, let's see what we've got! Oh, this first one's easy! Even if she wasn't my friend, this is an easy win for Cutémon! I've seen a lot of robots fight, they're nothing special. Even the ones that can use actual magic, they aren't much in a fight. But Cutémon's a fighter, she has real experience. Now, show us all what you can do Cutémon!"

"Okay chat, okay. I get it. And, as much as I don't want to give another deity credit, this event does seem very... Unbalanced."

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
I'm sorry Merry, but in the real world, the daughteru takes the prize. From what I know Cutemon knows how to street brawl due to being a mutant mon, while Merry doesn't seem to get much physical.

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
The B- Witch has big ballistics that'll help her propel any frisbee
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Given the sort of creature she is, I can't help but imagine that showing off her moves is in her blood. I don't know how many katas her opponent might have downloaded before the match, but I suspect the arbitrarily adorable creature didn't have to.

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
I don't know her all that well, but I've heard things about cultivators in general that make this seem like a no-brainer. With that said, I am not convinced that there is (yet) a Dao of Ultimate Frisbee.
I was going to make a comment that Huan does to, but, even if the fanart isn't 100% accurate to grandpa's own description of her, the witch's ballistics do put her twin peaks to shame. Which would probably be enough to wound her feline pride.
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
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It's time for your first contest! You had better...

What? You don't really understand what kind of contest this is? Well, it seems like the host wants you to show the audience some of the different ways you know how to fight!

"Bite and Trip!"

Well, those are the names of your basic attacks, but I don't think that's what the host wants to see! How about I name a mon, and you show everyone how well you can imitate one of its attacks?

You're nodding your head! It seems like you might be good at this because you've challenged so many different mons! Are you ready?


Alright, show the audience one of Ramster's attacks!

You hold your hands up to your forehead and point out with one finger on each hand!


That's pretty good! Now show the audience one of Musseal's attacks!

You hold your breath and jump into the air and flop on your stomach and then look up at the audience from the floor!

"Belly Flop!"

That was a great Belly Flop attack! It really seemed just like the way Musseal does it! Alright, now show the audience one of Catscan's attacks!

You give the audience a determined look!

"TK Drain!"


Even though you're doing a good job imitating a psychic-type mon's attack, it's not really the kind of attack the audience can see! Do you remember any of Catscan's other attacks?

You hold out one hand in front of you with your fingers bent inward!

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Mon fighting is martial arts
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Cat wins Frisbee easily
testing because an electric transformer exploded in my area
>Cutémon (Cutémon)

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

>Cutémon (Cutémon)

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)

I never managed to teach a cat fetch. I can't believe Huanliuxue will do that.
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
I support violent cute things, and her will to punch something she really shouldn't.
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
.....its the tits. I'm not gonna lie and pretend I know anything else about either of these two.
I'm here
Oh no, I love both of them, what to do...
Steeling my heart, I will vote for
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
She is confirmed to know 3 (three) mon moves to perfection, while Merry doesn't even have a body in the common sense.

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Not only is she peerless at all manners of athletic endeavours, as well as able to teleport and slow down time, she possesses most powerful students, who would be protagonist-level themselves if Huan didn't exist. In particular, among her students she counts a wolf (canines are famously good at frisbee), a giant owl, bee, moth and bat (who can fly), five of the foremost martial heroes of the land and an ancient dragon-ghost-warlord powerful enough to require direct divine intervention to subdue. I'm sure these illustrous people would make an acceptably competent frisbee team.
Funny how the martial artist ended up on the opposite side of the martial arts showcase
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
I believe in monster girl supremacy
Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Rather than elaborate on Huan’s advantages, I’d rather point out that Sigrid has a far worse team. Snuff is a wildcard, but he’s also not the beacon of vitality. Bredbeddle isn’t much of a team player and her short size would make catching a challenge. Molly is BIG (in every category), but isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.
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>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)

I have to respect a QM that makes his own 3D shit and figured out a decent explanation for how time travel works.

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)

I have cats and do not want a cat girl to bring me murder presents or puking on my floor.
>I never managed to teach a cat fetch
Funnily enough I have. I'll throw crumpled up receipts and she'll chase after them and bat them around for a while before picking them up and dropping near my feet. She's so dumb. I figure it must be because receipt paper is the right blend of stiff and soft so it makes a ton of noise but isn't unpleasant to pick up with your face.
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

Reading all the reasonings anons have makes it really, really tough to decide on this one. Honestly, all four of them are great in their own way. Still, this is what my gut is telling me to vote, so that's how I'll vote.
She's either a cat (ox sized) or a jade beauty with no cat bits, the fanart used for the tournament is slightly inaccurate. in The only cat girls in the setting are her normal woman friend (formerly), Said friend's daughters and a bunch of randos who got mysteriously turned into cat girls.

And she doesn't leave murder presents, since she's gotten into the habit of finishing her fights by vaporizing her opponents with the unmatched power of the sun. Despite having moon powers. Which is honestly worse, because instead of a dead daoist sage bleeding on your carpet, you wouldn't have a house anymore. And instead of normal vomit, she'd puke out the concentrated essence of resentment or enmity on your carpet, which is also much worse.

You may ask, why, why does she vomit up grudges. Eating them is part of how she cultivates, and she weaponizes that.

But yeah, Huan would be a terrible house pet.
>>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
With databases full of human history and machine like precision she can probably take her pick of any known martial arts and perform them perfectly.
>>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Surely magic makes a precision throwing contest trivial.
My cat chases plastic bottlecaps, and triumphantly carries them around, think they're a great hunter for killing an inanimate object. Cats are goofy
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Considering she could leglock someone with balls as massive as the captain of November Rain, I’d say she clears.

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Beeg cat
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
She's a physical fighter! She's scrappy! Whilst the Robot is a ranged weapon Robot, does it even have any direct-combat protocols?

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Both are shapeshifters, but Sigrid I'm sure has more magical resources to draw on with her bountiful... mana tanks to make the Frisbee game even more 'ultimate'. Plus, a cat isn't going hold the interest to to bother playing a 'team' game...
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
I mean, she's an AI, right? Can't she just download tons of techniques if the whole VR/Mechanical body thing isn't a problem?

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Agile kot can in fact do ultimate frisbee. Maybe Sigrid could do some shenanigans to actually win but without something particularly tricksy I think Huan has this in the bag.
>Cutémon (Cutémon)

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
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>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
AI robot. She could probably deepfake some martial arts into her head.

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Sigrid is almost certainly not as physically capable as Huanliuxue and isn't great at frisbee (fat) but Snuff would almost certainly cheat in an attempt to get her to win. He's very attuned to mischief.

Here's an unfinished paint of Sigrid in the meantime. I'm planning on drawing Huanliuxue but I need to renew my CSP license.
I read the first maybe three threads, but I generally don't like cultivator stuff, honestly. Her going to the graves of the kids who took care of her and weeping was actually very sweet. She is a good kitty but like I said I already deal with more cats in my life than I need due to just collecting them and them living fucking forever. Oldest one is like 17 now and seems like he might out live me at times despite having cat AIDs. Are my cats cultivators too?
There is one surefire way to know. Do they shout "you court death!" at anything that even slightly bothers them? See it's hard to tell, cause all cats act like they have mastered Qinggong.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
I'll throw my lot in with the others that mentioned she no doubt has a database of multiple martial arts she could pull out of the proverbial 'hat'. Bitch knows how to hold a hand too so MERRYGATE can manage.

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Love me some Greenhorn, but yea--if we're going off of strengths in an Ultimate Frisbee contest then I'd wager Huan's gonna take it.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Merry gets a robot body in the epilogue, she's been pictured with it in the entire contest and not her digital avatar. She can download every martial move that hasn't been lost to history and perform even the most demanding of them with perfection unmatched by any organic lifeform

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

Incredibly cute. She'd have my vote if she was against anyone other than Merry.
Forgot my trip
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Rolled 1, 12 = 13 (2d126)

Well, no point rolling and d6’s THIS time—the voters have been quite clear! With 19 to MERRYGATE’s 9, Cutémon wins THIS battle with her delightful animal impressions! It seems this AI’s art just hasn’t quite rivaled that of a mon… Whose art is AI-generated.


Anyway, I’m afraid no matter how long, and hard and SWEATILY I stare at Sigrid’s… ARGUMENTS… Huanliuxue’s credentials simply best hers where it counts most. Leading 20-to-9, it’s not like my d6 could have saved her anyway.

This round’s winners are:
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
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Well, all twelve of our fierce femmes have give it their all at least once, so it’s time to see some familiar faces in new combinations! Once more we see

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)

But THIS time, the unlikely pair of low-born con-woman and fastidiously-moral lady-of-breeding will be taking their talents down to the woodlands and jungles of a hostile world for a bit of roughin’ it! We know they’re both quite marriageable, but who is better at ANIMAL HUSBANDRY?


Given her performance in the equestrianism event, I’m sure Rika of the Lings was wishing she’s rolled a 1 (a rare thing indeed to wish for, on /qst/)! Instead, she and her surprisingly-tame animal-spliced adversary, “Ano” Toxori, will be tackling a rather peculiar battlefield perhaps better suited to someone like the Baroness than either of them: a BALLROOM!

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)

Given BOTH of their unusual proportions, I’m sure it will be a challenge to find them suitable partners, but we here on the Vril mothership are nothing in not resourceful. I’m sure we can wrangle something up… Maybe they even know someone from their home dimensions, or the upcoming King tournament or loser's bracket?
Now, full disclosure and apologies in advance: I may miss an update or two, or be delayed in tallying. it's Victoria Day Weekend, when lizards and leafs alike celebrate the various conquests and legacy of a DIFFERENT queen, as an excuse for a long weekend. I have a friend coming over, and we will be drinking. Worst case scenario I'll be back Monday evening, but be sure to check in every 24 hours or so JUST IN CASE I get an update or two in.

I mean, if you're invested. I'm not the boss of you, kek.
>>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
She literally lifts cows on her shoulders to play with them. An avid rancher and tough enough to wrangle anything short of a dragon. This seems kind of stacked.

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Sorry Ano, but you just aren't dressed enough to impress in a formal setting. If it were a breakdance competition, perhaps. But not something with a dress code. All those extra arms and pointy bits will undoubtedly get caught up. Again this feels like a rather unfair contest.

>having friends
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
"Yaaaay, you did it! Well done!"
"Hmmm, if I had to guess, the stronger lady knight will have an easier time subduing any wild animal than the one with the cool hat. It's much easier to make a monster submit when you grab it by the head and slam it to the ground, holding it in place. So, I have to vote her on this one."

"Hey Ano, I can use Gigantification to be your dance partner, unless you'd prefer someone else! And you know you've got my vote!"

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Uh uh uh
Better to be too tall than too short?
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)

Louise raises cattle in her barony, and has a fondness for cows in particular. I think she's got it.

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)

Going purely off of vibes, I imagine Lings to be good at dancing. They seem like the type.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
My argument is simple. Rosa has a poncho and a cowboy hat. Baroness doesnt. Ergo, she's better. Simple as.
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Can the other girl even fit in a ballroom dress?
Oh, almost forgot.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
She's a bonafide rancher and knows how to treat her cattle, she can even lift them with ease so even an unruly beast will be a piece of cake for her.

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
she's smol and very sociable, so she got the upper hand in dancing.
Another tough call again!
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
The event is ANIMAL TAMING, and I feel like Rosa's somewhat rough-and-tumble upbringing would only assist her in this respect. And as >>6007358 so eloquently put it, she has a poncho and a cowboy hat.

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Rika's got that graceful look about her. Not to throw Ano under the bus again, of course, it's just how it be.
Louise comes from a long line of cattle ranchers and was raised as her father's sole heir until her early teens. She knows her animal husbandry, even if she's not nearly as good as it as her brother (who is a certified medieval cowboy). I don't know what Rosa's experience with animals is, and I'm also kinda obligated, so I've gotta go with:
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)

As for Ballroom dancing, I'm gonna cheer on Anofelis because she's a sweetheart.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
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A.I bros... is it over for us?
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
It seems like the audience thought you did a really good job in your first contest!

Even Chaya thought so! When you see Chaya, you run up to her and give her a hug and then look up at her! What? You think Chaya looks a lot bigger than she usually does? You have to tilt your head all the way back to look at her!

"Thanks, Chaya!"

If it helps ease the sting, mons were created by humans to fight invading aliens.
Linking to a test before I vote to see if this still knows it's me. Updated my PC today.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
I just got a thing for fit knight girls to be honest.

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
I believe in her noodle legs, and arms, and tail, so long as she gets a partner to explain whats going on. She is to cute otherwise to not vote for.
I'm him, ect link to previous link
Okay cool it's still there. Anyway.

>Baron Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Given the nobility's propensity for equestrianism, I am willing to bet on this.

>Anofelis "Ano" Taxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
It probably is better to be too tall when ballroom dancing than too short. Assuming a partner of average human height, I would have to give this to the moth.
>A.I bros... is it over for us ?
yandere hitler vs Cuteness incarnate was kinda of a 50/50 and she got the short end of the stick
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
As others have pointed out, she's a natural at handling livestock. Easy win.

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Rika is well-mannered, sophisticated, and learns about Hammock etiquette out of her dream of being a princess, so ballroom dancing is by no means under her radar. Anofelis is sweet, but she doesn't have the familiarity nor the coordination for it.
Animal Taming:
Oof, Rosa's gonna have a disadvantage on this one, since what few beasts Gongalla has are very dangerous. Even tamable raptors (murder-chickens) are still deadly. Rosa would've had a hard time with this task. Louise, on the other hand, has at least known horses, what with her being a knight and all.

Thus, realistically, I'd say
wins this round.

Ballroom dancing:
While both don't know what ballroom dancing is, I think Rika has a leg up in this. Lingdom culture has plenty of dances, and if she doesn't doze off in the middle of one she'll win this. In contrast, Ano's gangly limbs might get her twisted up, and she's also kinda clumsy.

So, logically,
has a higher chance to win.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Louise stronk.
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
She'd have more easy access to extravagant wears for a ball, I'd imagine. Ling clothes already looks pretty swell, what with the patterns they wear around.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Sorry but she has this skill in canon
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
She's like 12 feet tall, but she'd be graceful in dance
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
What is a cavalier without her horse?

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
She a cute. Given how friends she has made and places she traveled I’d imagine knows how to dance.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
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>It is important to sing for Lings because it helps them focus on their labors. But when there is no labor to do, Lings still love to sing, and they must find ways to move their bodies. As labors are meant to be done with friends, so must dancing be done with friends.

>Joining Rika is her best friend Bubu, a strange fellow often lost in his thoughts and uncoordinated with his body. It seems that Rika is also teaching Bubu how to dance at the same time, so instead of anything extravagant or fancy, they have decided to settle for a simple dance Little Ones learn from their babas and pappies. They wear clothes made by their elders, nothing fancy but admired for the love put into them nonetheless.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
I'm pretty sure she animal husbanded thing not believed animal husbandable in the past of her mercenary conman gig.
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Can't picture the moth dancing gracefully, sorry
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)

It's not over until the reactors decay
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
She grew up on a farm, knows how to handle horses, and her favorite pet to hug and carry around is a cow. I'd say she knows her way around beasties.
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Tell no one, but she's a chuuni larping as a lost princess, and trained herself in princesslike elegant things. And she has her choice of friends to drag into dancing, and even her own musical band if necessary.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
It is a bit stacked in her favor, innit. Even if I do like little jail goblin.

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Alas, cute moff girl, thou'st been shafted by the cute midget's ability in flailing rhythmically.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Rosa's gift of the gab isn't going to help here, whilst the Baroness has mounted many steeds. Rosa may look like a Cowgirl, but I think that's all a part of her con?

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Between her social bonds and princess dreams, I'm sure Rika would be able to call upon more practiced grace for the dance.
"Ballroom dancing? What is that?" Anofelis asks curiously as it's announced what she has to do next. Mikhail and Annie stare blankly at her, Annie thinking out loud soon after. "This won't be too difficult, right? I mean, you're up against a small child. Surely they can't-"

They'd notice Rika alreadydancing with a friend of her, both of them dressedfor the occasion and getting tons of attention. "Crap, they're good." Annie mumbles, before Mikhail looks around. "Worse, this looks to be a thing with two people. And, unless if you can bring someone from Alpha Copernicus who matches Ano's height, she won't have any partner to work with...

Fortunately, it was then that the three heard a familiar voice, followed by watching Chaya use gigantificiation on herself. Anofelis' eyes widen and she starts smiling brightly, before rushing over. "Chaya!" She'd give her super saiyan friend a big hug right away, Mik and Annie following after her. "Well, this solves one problem. Still, we need to find a way to attract more voters." Annie said, Anofelis just being happy to have a friend by her side and not really caring much about winning or not.

"Chaya, maybe you can help us out? Can you quickly try and teach Ano how to gracefully dance?" Mikhail asks, all whilst Annie gets herself a simple idea. "I know a way to maybe get some attention. It will take some time though, and requires me to travel back to Alpha Copernicus. But I'll be quick, alright?" Annie would leave the three to it, Anofelis soon just looking curiously at Chaya.

"I'm super happy to have you as a partner, Chaya. I hope you don't mind my lack of dancing skills." Ano said gently, as she waited to see what Chaya did next to help her figure out this ballroom dancing stuff...

Hopefully, Annie could return with something special from their own world soon enough...

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
This one is obvious.

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Why must you do this to me, Ano, and everyone else?! Why must you put the two I'm contractually obliged to help against each other so soon?! Well, one's more contractual than the other... At least Chaya has saved this. Plus I get the feeling Ano is going to be put in unfavorable competitions constantly and having her come out on top due to luck or similar would be funny.
>>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)

She's a farm girl and a knight, so she has a real advantage here, sorry Rosa

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)

Shorty wins this one, as much as I like monster girls, tall girls and Anon, she doesn't have the body to dance and never has to the best of my knowledge. So I gotta give it to the Ling
I decided to put together some questions in the hope of sparking discussion while aping some of the questions from the last tourney. Quest masters, let's see those answers.

Question 1#
All the main nemesis of the waifus from their worlds team up to kill them. Do you think the waifus would be able to beat them?

Question 2#
What waifu do you think would taste the best?

Question 3#
Would your waifu entry make a good mother?

Question 4#
Who among the waifus do you think your waifu would get along with best?

Question 5#
What would your waifu's favorite video game be?

Question 6#
What is your waifu's favorite material possession?

Question 7#
Could she survive a week in the real world?

Question 8#
Would your waifu enjoy glamorous makeups and perfumes?

Question 9#
Could your waifu be a successful DM of a tabletop game?

Question 10#
Is your waifu for or against skub?

Question 11#
Your waifu gets slapped on the ass. What does she do?

Question 12#
Slapped on the ass but by someone really close to her. What do?
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
the real cowgirl of the 2

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
cute and funny dancer
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I'll answer that for UnderHunter Allmother, eliminated in first turn twice.

We're technically in 40k. Meaning they'll have to deal with all Tyranids, Space Orks Waagh, Loyalist human including primarchs, custodes, guardsmen, inquisition, Technopriest, Titans, Necrons, Eldar, and Dark Eldar at the very least.
So good luck with that.

>Better tasting waifu
Harsh question. Music would taste divine maybe?

>Would waifu makes a good mother?
Well, she's the mother of a whole race, so I guess.

>Who among the waifus do you think your waifu would get along the best?

>Waifu's favorite VG
Duck Hunt

>Waifus favorite material possession
No possession.

>Could she survive a week in the real world?
Earth would be too damn hot barring poles, which are not vertical enough for the species' mobility. So probably not.

>Glamorous makeups and perfumes
She could digest them, but that's all.

>DM a tabletop
Might eat dice or players. So in the bottom 15% of QM

For of course

>Ass slap
Pounce far and wide away, analyze the situation and shred to death.

>Ass slap by close one
Will ritual duel to answer the challenge toward dominance
I will answer for the magnificient Huanliuxue!

>All the main nemesis of the waifus from their worlds team up to kill them. Do you think the waifus would be able to beat them?
This is a tough question. Depending on who qualifies as a nemesis, Huan either has none currently or will face the whole of the Heavens and surely lose.

>What waifu do you think would taste the best?
What the fuck kinda question is this.

>Would your waifu entry make a good mother?
She is a good teacher and likes children, so I think she would.

>Who among the waifus do you think your waifu would get along with best?
Cutemon, no question. Anofelis in the second place.

>What would your waifu's favorite video game be?
I feel like Huan would really like any competitive fighting game. She gets to flex her reflexes, memory, strategical thinking and knowledge of people, and also dunk on scrubs. What's not to love?

>What is your waifu's favorite material possession?
A magical guqin (string instrument) handcrafted for her by her adoptive mother.

>Could she survive a week in the real world?

>Would your waifu enjoy glamorous makeups and perfumes?
Oh does she ever.

>Could your waifu be a successful DM of a tabletop game?
She has the chops for it but probably not the motivation.

>Is your waifu for or against skub?
Huanliuxue has surpassed the notions of skub and not-skub and comprehended the duality and the eternal interflow of both concepts.

>Your waifu gets slapped on the ass. What does she do?
Gets the slapper condemned by his own sect and given to her to torture as she pleases (canon event)

>Slapped on the ass but by someone really close to her. What do?
How do you slap ass from afar?
Oh, you meant that kind of 'close'. The answer is none of them would except maybe her mother, and for her Huan's response would be to shout indignantly then pout.
Not sure if this should just be anons, or if QM's are also allowed to answer questions about their gals. Either way, here's an excuse to show my new ID and also give an answer.

Given that this would be a bunch of horrific monster girls + an entire orbital fleet who can level planets... Absolutely. Ani would be juuuuust fine.

>Best tasting waifu.
Idk why but I wanna take a bite out of Music. I feel like he'll either taste like nothing, sand or like a candy.

>Good mother
She would always be second guessing herself and wondering if she's doing a good job. I think she could make it work with help from friends, but maybe she'll leave it to one of her insect monster girl friends who loved the idea of motherhood instead.

>Best Waifu friend
Hmmmm, what waifu has so far really helped Ano out and cheered her on? Hmmm, who is able to grow large enough to dance with Ano? Hmmmm?

If it ain't obvious, Chaya. Simple as.

>Favourite game
Something simple to understand and easy to pick up. Probably some phone game which can keep her attention.

>Favourite material possession
The drawing utensils and notebook which Annie has given her so she can make cute doodles. Also, Hilde's magic sack.

>Surviving in the real world
Depends. If thrown into the jungle without a human in sight, she'd thrive. If she were thrown into a city, I got a feeling she'll cause quite some chaos...

>Make-up and perfumes.
Make-up, maybe. Perfumes, no. She'd find them very pungent and overwhelming.

>Successful DM
If it's simple enough, maybe. But even then I sorta doubt it.

"What is skub?" She'd ask confusedly, before causing a fight over it amongst her friends, causing much confusion to her.

>Slapped on the ass.
Stare confusedly and ask why whoever did it... uhhh, did it. She'd not really understand it at all...

>Slapped on the ass... by a friend!
Even more confused ask Mikhail/Annie/Chaya why they did that and what it means. Though she'd already be kind of concerned.
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Muna could do a lot of carrying in this regard, being someone who survived a fight in Calabi-Yau Space. That being said, you do not want this. Her only real nemesis is HEUS, the Darkness, and without the current restraints he's under... You do NOT want to see what that's like. He is the platonic idea of evil itself, violence and fighting cannot impede him in any way, and in fact not even culminating in virtue would really thwart his true form either. Her only other 'nemesis' is the Xanthous Emperor, the tyrannical false creator who currently rules the universe, and Huangdi is still at least six heads higher than what she can reach right now.

I'm jumping on the Music bandwagon. Imagine biting her body and its like a blueberry flavored marshmellow that grows back. Admittedly, Muna probably tastes like lime.

Muna would swaddle a child of her own with unending love if she had one. She does kind of wish she had one!

Louise, Music, Anofelis, Rika, Cutemon, maybe even Storkie. Muna really is just overall a friendly and pleasant person to be around, way too nice for her own good, and always (sometimes mistakenly) trying to see the best in others, and she'd always jump to the aid of someone innocent. That being said, fighting against evil and indecency in general is the surefire way to make her like you. Her ability to read minds would help a lot in befriending the incomprehensible speech of Music.

Stardew Valley. Either that or fucking, she'd be like a deutsch and play simulators of [literally any profession]

Unironically, the personal hunting rifle of Hale, her co-founder, that he gifted her.

Easily. She blends into mortal society easy in her disguises. Sharing a connection to the minds of all mortals and being able to make her Id, Majordomo, scan the collective unconscious only makes this easier.
She'd be speechless at seeing how the universe was supposed to be like according to what her superior, NEGAI, said. Y'know, before Huangdi fucked everything up in the Cretaceous Period abusing the noosphere and created his own world....

She has lipstick, but has yet to actually use it. I think Muna'd like lipstick at least.

She would be too puzzled. This is where her second inner voice, Joco, a clump of Mania, comes in.

skub enjoyers die die die DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE D-

Slap to the face.

By Ludwyhn? Slap to the face and sent flying a hundred yards back. By Eskart? Immense confusion. Then slap to the face. By Hale? Immense confusion and then lecture time. Shennu? She'd think she was being chastised for something, immense confusion. Wolfboy? She'd assume it was a prank and then put him in timeout. Jenk? Jenk would never do that, he has tact, because he's a skeleton.
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I would also like for you to have this Anofelis I finished good man.
Pet floof
Absolutely adorable! I gotta start making some art of other chars, instead of just focusing on Ano.

Maybe after the next Ano work, I gotta maybe return the favour with Muna...
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I wouldn't say she really has any nemesises aside from herself and... the world itself, I suppose. So short answer, maybe.

Music is the only one that really looks edible, so I'll go with her too.

If it was her own kid, she'd try her hardest even though she'd get annoyed at the kid really quickly. If it was adopted or one she had with someone she disliked I doubt it, without the proper motivation she gives up on things pretty easily.

Rosa and maybe Merrygate (I haven't read her quest so I don't know what her personality is like, if she knows how to shut up and do her job Storkie would like her just fine)

She's not super big on videogames currently, but if she was she'd like SHMUPS and other sci-fi themed games with very quick dopamine hits. She'd also fall for the initial No Man Sky hype train.

Her ship, obviously!

She's pretty normal all things considered, so I'd say yes, she'd miss all her futuristic conveniences but she wouldn't die or anything. At worse she picks a fight with someone and accidentaly gets the death penalty for ripping off someone's face (but I doubt anyone would be able to punish her accordingly before the week ends).

Absolutely not! Doesn't stop her partner from trying to get her into it though.

Nah, she'd get bored way too quickly. Also group activities stink! ...At least, that's what she thinks right now, maybe if she gave it a shot she'd actually enjoy it... Maybe...

Anti-Skub, definitely.

Grab their arm and scream swears at them, though if they were attractive to her she'd try to be a bit more gentle.

She wouldn't grab their arm, but would instead scream out double the amount of swears. If it was her partner she'd punch her lightly on the head while sounding more confused than actually angry.
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>All the nemesis team up to kill them. Able to beat them?
That lobster. I could kill him. Even with three-quarters armor and a bespoke body made by fleshbearers, he is still a man. With strong enough wind or water, I could cut him down.

Yes. Battlesword and arquebus aside, she is still a kid.

That bow buffalo, no. Without my instructor, I never would’ve been able to banish it.

>What waifu do you think would taste the best?

“Uh- I think we should—” Sira tries to interject on my behalf.

Cutemon. The others are older, their muscles hardened and lean through the way they live - the flesh would be unnecessarily tough and chewy. Ling is also an option but the yield would not be as much.

>a good mother?
I suppose I am. Sohm was… well, she must have been twelve, thirteen years when she became part of the organization. Sira and I, we let her stay with us, instructed her in the way of our doings…

“You did the best you could.”
“She took issue with the way Red Winter operated - regardless of what we did or did not do, it was bound to pan out the way that it did.”

I suppose so.

As for Nara, yes. She wished to pursue a career in music. Sira and I helped her on that road and she did get there. She had few intimates, and is a quiet sort - even in the best of times - that much is true, but I know in earnest she could stand her ground, and stand for others should there is need of it.

>Who among the waifus do you think your waifu would get along with best?
Rosa. We both have been around low company. Swapping stories would be fun.

“That player-of-the-arts kid. Ezreal. He reminds me of Sohm. Fixed in their beliefs. Romantic. Kindhearted.”

Perhaps too much so. I do hope he plays his cards better than her if he is to continue his path.

>favorite video game be?
Something that does not take so long to conclude each session. ‘Slay the Spire’ - as it is called - appears to be good.

“I have a fondness for ‘Hellish Quart’ - reminds me of my younger days practicing at a pell and cutting clay.”

>favorite material possession?
My [Witch] Doctor Knife. Without it, I doubt I would have passed on without meaning. Lived a life under a family which cared not for me - nor anyone else at that plantation.

>survive a week in the real world?
Mayhaps. I am not particularly worried about food and shelter but earning money could be a difficulty.


>enjoy glamorous makeups and perfumes?
I like perfumes. The cosmetics, to a point. It is sometimes useful to appear younger than what others would perceive me unadulterated.

>be a successful DM of a tabletop game?
I suppose so. Our doings when we were in the organization would make for an interesting story to retell.

“Perhaps not include - all - the particulars?”


>for or against skub?

>gets slapped on the ass. What does she do?
Anything in my power to wound them. Call upon my spirits to molest them if I cannot wound them directly.

>Slapped on the ass but by someone really close to her. What do?
Return the compliment.

“… with interest.”

Yes. We both prefer it that way.
Oh god she's climbing out of the frame
Nice touch there
I know the MGs were designed as..... "anatomically complete" (something something Elbrus), but are the bionanotech-driven chimeric abominations so complete as to be biologically capable of bearing children, or motherhood in the adoption sense?
I don't recall seeing that drawing set in the quest so far, or maybe it's just my colander memory.

Aboofelis has rather become the de facto quest mascot, despite being the second most recent MG introduced. Chrysidus? Who's that?
Q1: Hoo boy, Rosa would be absolutely swarmed by not only Singularity cultists, but also more than a few lawmen and several former marks. Alone, she stands no chance.

Q2: No idea, but maybe Music or Storkie?

Q3: It all depends. I mean, on one hand she's been adventuring away from her family almost all her life - but on the other hand, she tries her best to be a good mentor to Craig. So at least Cool Aunt status.

Q4: Maybe Storkie because of shared 'tired wagie' energy and Ano because she's like a kid in a huge body. Arty might remind her of Craig.

Q5: Rosa would probably dig SS13 and Among Us due to the inherent social trickery. She might also like Minecraft for the exploration bits.

Q6: The wide-brimmed hat and the revolver - they hold dear memories of her mentor.

Q7: She might even thrive. Suckers born every minute, and way less deadly than Gongalla? Rosa's gonna make a killing here.

Q8: Not at all, unless it's really necessary for a con. She just thinks they're a waste of money.

Q9: Most definitely! She is well versed in stories, and boy does she sell the setting.

Q10: Rosa would ask: Is skub profitable, and how can I capitalize on it?

Q11: Either she'll counter-slap, plan a scheme to fleece the slapper dry after, use it as a part of her ongoing scam, or all three at once.

Q12: Same as Q11 but instead of fleecing, it's pranking. Also add 'blushing heavily' if it's someone she fancies.

Q13: Pigs 1, 2, and 4.
New IP btw
>He doesn't know about drawanon's secret collection
"Come on, where's Annie..." Mikhail said softly as it seemed the competition was about to begin. Though by now, the votes seemed to already be too far in the favour of the opponent. Not that Ano paid attention to that. She was just dancing gently with Chaya. She was definitely clumsy, but she still tried her best to follow the example.

And fortunately, soon after Annie returned with a huge dress in her hands. "Wow, where did oyu get that from?!" Mikhail said in genuine bewilderment. "I got in contact with Haina and asked her for help. She made this as quick as possible. Hopefully, it'll fit Ano!" Thus, Mikhail and Annie showed the dress, Ano seeming quite intrigued by it. "I am going to wear that?" She asked softly, Mik and Annie nodding. Though this did leave Ano mildly intimidated. "W-What if it breaks though?!" Annie had come prepared for that, speaking confidently. "Don't worry. Haina's spider silk means this stuff is extremely durable. Just... be gentle and you won't rip it apart."

With that, Anofelis would reluctantly get in the dress. She had never worn clothes before, so this was... definitely something new. Though after a bit of effort and help from Mik and Annie, Anofelis was dressed up. "Huh, doesn't look half bad." Mikhail said, Annie seeming more excited. "Not half bad?! Are you kidding me, Mik?! It looks wonderful!" Anofelis looked down at herself, finding the outfit a bit cramp but looking quite pleasant-looking still.

"Um, Chaya, what do you think?" Regardless, Ano was going to keep on dancing. Even if she wasn't going to succeed, she'd still want to spend more time with Chaya. Not to mention, just enjoying herself whilst gently dancing...

The fun thing is that they technically are capable of having offspring. Some do have reproductive aspects coded into their genes. However, given the fact their blood is mostly highly aggressive nanites and the fact they all have a wide variety of chromosomes, it's basically impossible for them to really find a partner to sire offspring with. Adoption is a possibility of course, and there is a cute monster girl out there who is genuinely motherly and who would be an excellent parent.

And yes, I am also pleasantly surprised Anofelis became the mascot for the MG story. Though honestly, I had no clue who the mascot would be or if there'd even be a mascot. Chrys could also have become a mascot if I pushed her more, but I think the really well-liked chars have so far become popular quite naturally, which I prefer over forcing a character to become a favourite.
My heart, it cant take this sweetness
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"I'd be more than happy to help, although I'm not entirely certain what the difference is between ballroom and wedding dancing. Lord Freeza taught me when I was little, at my parents' wedding."
>Chaya looks off wistully a moment, small smile on her face as she remembers those earlier days before shaking her head, returning to the present.

"Alright, so the way to dance is we hold each other's hands out like this, while our others go to each other's opposite shoulder or waist. Erm, well, I'll hold both your rights in my left, put one of your lefts on my shoulder and the other on my waist here. Then, we step together in time, back, forward, left, and right. Good, just like this. And now I'll follow you, whichever way you move I'll match. Give it a try!"

>after a while practicing with her, Ano's friends return with the dress

"That looks great on you! Now you really look the part! Guess I'd better get out of these casual clothes too, and into my uniform. Clothes Beam!"

>With a flash of light Chaya fires a beam of energy at herself, changing into a suit that resembles her father's own from his wedding. Black to better compliment her friend, to better show her off to everyone.

"You ready to keep going? Feel free to move as fast as you want, I'll keep pace. Dance to you heart's content!"
That's cool, Indo, but you still haven't answered the most important question of all for Rosa...>>6003396

What would be Rosa's favorite position? Did sexoanon get it right by saying she'd like to do it while being the little spoon?
While life might struggle to find a way, I'm sure science can. Surely some of the bright sparks of the facility could do some snip-snap to the genome of a zygote to make sure everything lines up correctly and fill in the gaps. I imagine it'd take exponentially more effort the more the biology of a subject had been tampered with from baseline human (Ano is pretty up there on the mutant scale.....wait a minute, Haina is very human-adjacent. Anderson, you son of a bitch), but the scientists must have done crazier things.
On the other hand, if we went through the monsterisation process ourselves with the right genetic template.....

I think the reason Chrys didn't become the MG favourite was that she quite quickly became part of the MG ensemble and spent a lot of time in the background, where Anofelis has as of late accompanied us a lot and had a lot of opportunities to be endearing. That's in addition to her personal charm points, since someone who is simple but earnest, innocent and chatty without being annoying and isn't a freeloader burden basically demands a strong smile protection response.
>Question 1#
>All the main nemesis of the waifus from their worlds team up to kill them. Do you think the waifus would be able to beat them?
The human professors and arena owners have shown themselves capable of great works and terrible deeds. Fortunately they're prone to infighting.

>Question 2#
>What waifu do you think would taste the best?
I assume Sigrid's marbling would be like Cypher eating a steak in the Matrix, but 50% of a Cutémon's attacks are bite-type so it would be easy to arrange circumstances where everyone is "sampled."

>Question 3#
>Would your waifu entry make a good mother?
The first rule of mon training is "They get fed before you do."

>Question 4#
>Who among the waifus do you think your waifu would get along with best?
Compared to Music, a Cutémon is downright articulate. And intuitive to nonverbal communication.

>Question 5#
>What would your waifu's favorite video game be?
Canonically it's the handheld video game she carries with her.

>Question 6#
>What is your waifu's favorite material possession?
Her baseball cap was a present from a beloved human friend, but if you sprang the question her immediate response would be the video game until she thought about it.

>Question 7#
>Could she survive a week in the real world?
With her mon friends: Maybe. Without her mon friends: Captured by government spooks inside of 24 hours.

>Question 8#
>Would your waifu enjoy glamorous makeups and perfumes?
It would depend on some awkward psychological factors.

>Question 9#
>Could your waifu be a successful DM of a tabletop game?
Only if she was running Og.

>Question 10#
>Is your waifu for or against skub?
Tamounda has already eaten all the skub and licked the jar clean before she gets to see it.

>Question 11#
>Your waifu gets slapped on the ass. What does she do?
The humans afterward:

>Question 12#
>Slapped on the ass but by someone really close to her. What do?
Immediate crying fit.
Canonically, Rosa never actually had sex, she's a virgin. Knows how to flirt, but absolutely no practical experience, it's all theoretical. And only in her dreams.

Uncanonically, though... it can be any position. Yes, even that one. Or maybe that. That? Why, perhaps!
>it can be any position.
It cannot be the double yolk flying princess tickle. She doesn't have the extra nipple necessary. Does she?
I suppose we get to pick what it is..whanever we get around to her doing it. Whanever we get more threads.
By the looks of it, thread 7's gonna arrive sometime very late May or early June. Keep an eye out.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
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Wonderful to see so many written and drawn contributions! I also have another piece of art of a Loser's Bracket Competition: Renshu, from Tai Lung Quest, courtesy of Olympus QM!
if you saw my earlier pot and flub, no you didn't
Anyway, tabulating votes!
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Rolled 50, 5 = 55 (2d124)

Well, when the QMs on both sides are in such obvious accord, and voters concur by margins of 20-to-9 and 21-to—8, there’s really nothing a humble reptoid can do with a simple d6, is there? Sometimes, the competition sets the stage, and determined winner and loser, far more than the vote!

…At least, when anons genuinely vote for who they think would win that competition.

In this case, I think it’s clear that our winners are:
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
(who must have found an especially fearsome and/or adorable bovid out there)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
(whose little jig in the provided picture doesn’t QUITE look like ballroom dance, but then again I bet Ano and Chaya would end up doing the same dance if they didn’t know better)

Nevertheless, I think we can all agree that Ano looks quite nice, and that we are all grateful to Chaya for assisting in making sure everyone could participate and have fun!
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Our next two pairs of princesses—well, eligible entrants who may soon be queens, for whatever that translates to—include a pair of skilled pilots! One is organic, one artificial, but BOTH have pulped at least a few xenos and, if the voters were to be asked, are quite capable of a yandere leg-lock or two!

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)

For this challenge, they may even bring their spaceships, because they’re going on an interplanetary hunt for a variety of skillfully-hidden resources, in…

And what could contend with such an star-spanning confrontation of expert spacefaring dogfighters? Well, we once more have nobility among us… But what is a countess to a god? Or a god to a non-believer? I guess we’ll find out! It’s…
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)

Their field today is no warzone or a sportsfield, though, nor anything so grand as the stars themselves. No, arguably it’s BETETR, especially if you’re the sort of nerd that would hang out around /qst/. It’s a STAGE, because today they face off in…
Bonus points if you can thing of a good character, /qst/ or otherwise, that they could cosplay as.

And what a nifty prompt for all the other eligible waifus and daughterus, for any artists in our midst!


And to snag those bonus points, here's a doodle of music miku

No offense to Storkie since I'm sure she's a pretty decent pilot when she ain't engaging in Fantasy World Shenanigans, but her quest literally started with a crash landing.

Not promising.

As for Music I feel like she could pretty much cosplay as anyone and look endearing. She's got that Jack Frost energy.
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>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Both may have spaceships, but I believe Storkie was less 'wired in', so after getting readings she can even go out and pick the stuff up!

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Sadly for the little furry Music, being a Human rather helps with putting on costumes and fitting into costumes unless you're trying to play Chewbacca or and Ewok. Plus, I'm sure I can remember an image of Blair in another outfit that made her look very different...

...does it count if you're Cosplaying as your sinister rumoured reputation rather then your actual self?
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Long range sensors should find what needs scavenging.
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
A better body type for cosplaying at the very least.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Single-handedly (and justifiedly) genociding a whole interplanetary species gives an estimate of Merry's general competency and her ship's capabilities.

>The God of Music (Versequest)
I vote for her because she didn't get a lot of votes before.
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
I got a feeling Storkie is much more of a scavenger than MERRYGATE. Maybe I'm wrong on that though, but I'll go with my hunch feeling.

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
I've retyped this several times now, thinking about which one to go with. This was a REALLY tough choice. But I think I'll go with Blair for now. She just seemed the best fit for this task in particular. Your cosplay is also really good though, Music!

Also, anyone seen Rika? Anofelis wants ballroom dance lessons from her now, after feeling like she didn't do Chaya justice whilst dancing together.
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
I wouldn't vote against my commander
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
I am led to believe that her sensor arrays are in some way superior, which will significantly lessen the time spent searching for each object. This advantage could be mitigated if it turns out that Storkie's ship is faster, but that is information I do not possess.

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
While The God of Music is endearingly friend-shaped, I believe that Blair will ultimately have an easier time donning or doffing any particular outfit. I am also reminded of an incident in which she broke the 1185 siege of Garreg Mach by infiltrating the Orthodox camp disguised convincingly as a Sreng warrior. Who better for a cosplay contest than someone who has successfully weaponized it? As for a good character proper for her to cosplay as, why not her old friend and Black Eagle classmate, Dorothea Arnault? If she styled her hair right for this, one might think them sisters.
MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)

There are a lot of variables here, the sensors, if one can pilot a space craft without crashing it, what is on the list...etc, and while I like storkie, gonna have to give it to Merrygate

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

Much more characters she could cosplay as, and as a noble she'd have some experience with dressing up and fashion even though it really wasn't something that interested her.

God of music could do some Mimikyu tier cosplays, which would be cute, but I have to give it to blair in this case
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
As other anons have said, I think her sensors would give her the advantage over STORKIE. Plus being an AI, I imagine she'd also have less to distract her from finding each item.

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Loathe as I am to vote for my own character, Blair has in fact actually "cosplayed" in her own quest. She was so convincing at playing the part of "northern frozen wastes savage" that she managed to infiltrate an enemy camp in the middle of a siege and cause havoc. As another Anon said, Music does have that Jack Frost mascot-esque energy. But at the end of the day, you could still tell it's Music!

As for who she could cosplay, I think Louise le Blanc is the obvious answer. All she'd need is a bit of a hair-do adjustment and some new armor. Her biggest obstacle of course would be being not as height-blessed as the lady paladin. Maybe she could wear some really high heels? Or possibly even stilts.
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Just because she can move without a ship to pick stuff up for the hunt. And tits.
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Because she actually has a body to display whom she's cosplaying, maybe one of her teachers, not to knock Music though. I'm sure she will be adorable. Also schizo tits are the best tits.
still me, not digging for the rest of the other votes I made unless I have too.
I-is that...HATSUNE MUSIC?!
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Finding hidden things seems right up her alley.
>The God of Music (Versequest)
I'm fairly certain she can change how she look as she wants. At the very least, Chaos could, and his body should have had the same makeup as the rest of his family's. Not to mention just going home to blackspace for half a minute to get her dad to make her a good cosplay outfit.
So anyways, contrary to popular belief, she's going to cosplay as the hit rapper Notorious B.I.G.
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>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Once again have to stan the merry one. Storkie is a qualified pilot, but MERRYGATE is the ship itself. Her sensors are advanced enough to tell apart a difference in abundance or lack of neutrinos on planets even while being in distant orbit. She has a spectroscopic scanner that scanned a whole planet wide ocean to compile all weather data five million KMs away. Storkie also seems like she'd be incredibly disinterested in this kind of drudgery!
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Music's got some kind of weird Rayman hands like the rest of her verse's cast, she'd accomplish the same charm that say, Sackboy from Little Big Planet does with all his alternate skins and costumes dressing up, but Blair is just more aptly shaped for fitting cosplays. Blair 7/10 takes this.

Also here's the Blair I did.
Scavenger Hunt:
On spaceships eh? If we're talking about 'take scans of these objects' kinda deal, then Merrygate and the Rain's impressive sensor suite's going to win - but if they need to bring back said object, then it's probably Storkie. She's got an atmo-capable ship, although the cargo space is unenviable. That said, if Merrygate can borrow some surface-capable robotic drones, she'll win from sheer force projection.

Thus, I believe
will finish her list first.

Cosplay contest:
Oof, tough choice here, when both competitors doesn't know what cosplay is. Blair might understand dressing-up, but she probably won't understand the references. Meanwhile, Music is just interested in music, so she has absolutely no idea.
Now, if someone else picks the costumes and the contestants are but models... then Music might win from her cuteness.

After deliberation, I think
got this somehow.
That is a VERY cool Blair. Awesome job as always!
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Thanks mate!

And to the Cutemon Trainer, please accept this cute 'mon.
Aaaaaa too cute!
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
sexo astronaut

>But what is a countess to a god? Or a god to a non-believer?

>The God of Music (Versequest)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
from what i've read she's pretty good at scavenging
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
I would not vote against my leader, she's been a mercenary leader for five years now don't you know? But seriously she would be pretty good at Cosplay, helps being an anime character and all, prolly wouldn't do it willingly but Corrine can be very persuasive in making her dress weird, but god of music does look cute and would also pull it off, in a plushie kind of way.
Yeah see she's already got a sexy witch cosplay going on
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
While normally I'd say I am biased, she actually has access to her ship and I have a hunch she'd be able to do just as good as Merry. So, cointoss.

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

Gonna be real I don't read any of these, total guesswork here.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
"Hmmm, I don't really know any of these guys. But, some of the votes here make good points. If you can't go out and actually pick up what you need for a scavenger hunt, you can't win. And that hat looks like my sister-in-law Megumin's, really got the whole magic look down. So I'll have to vote-"

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Can scan for the necessary items, can send a drone to pick em up.

Music cosplay...
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Don't follow the quest, but she is quite cute.
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
She’s an AI. I’m sure she can scan for things pretty quick.

>The God of Music (Versequest)
Hollow Knight’s The Ghost
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)

The fact that she's an AI probably helps her get integrated with her ship's sensors, right?

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

1+1+1+1+1 YEARS MERCENARY COMPANY. WON'T VOTE AGAINST MY XYZ. Ahem. With that out of the way, she can probably cosplay as many different people by virtue of... being a person? I suppose she'd struggle if she were to try and cosplay more otherworldly things that conform to the normal body shape, but every other cosplay is free game to her.
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
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>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
"Machine, yet not a Core. Certainly not Ferrum; all readings indicate a foreign design. Under normal circumstances it would be dangerous to extend trust, however, this isn't combat and the risks during this tournament are minimal. With all considerations accounted for, it is worthwhile to place faith in a fellow A.I."
Sorry Storkie. I actually like your quest a lot ooc, but for this tournament, I'm committed to voting for who Beta would vote for.

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
"A good commander. One who achieves decent results while genuinely caring about her troops. Jealousy is one of the few negative emotions that I am allowed to feel, and that is what I am experiencing right now. I am envious of your troops and wish my masters were more like you... also, how am I supposed to vote for the other thing? I don't even understand what it is."
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)


>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Storkie sweep
Alright, tallying up!
Rolled 4 (1d6)

Blair’s COMMANDING presence and years of COSPALY experience (well, one notable incident) seem to have won her the day. That and her more standard, human physique. Personally, I think Hatsune Music is ASBOKYTELYD ARLING and would roll her a d6 based solely on that, but 24-t-10 means this would be a futile effort.

Now, as for Storkie versus MERRYGATE, it seems it comes down to the matter of a body. As previous votes and written-in explanations have made clear, though, BOTH individuals have a body. Conversely, while Strokie isn’t an AI herself, she DOES have one… Albeit not necessarily the lost helpful one, or so I gather. I could see it going either way and, with MERRYGATE ahead by exactly six votes, it seems the voters could too. As such, I’m throwing Strokie a d6 to potentially tie this contest. Let’s see what the fates have to say!
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Rolled 78, 84 = 162 (2d122)

Ooo, 18-to-20 even with the roll. Sorry, Storkie. it seems there are some thinks artificial girls just do better, and one of them is scanning vast swathes of space for collectibles. Truly, a blow to female RPG gamers he multiverse over. Automation has taken so much!

Congrats to our winners of this round...

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)

Now, to prep the next round...
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Both of the contestants in our first contest are less a ‘woman’ or ‘girl’ than a convincing facsimile thereof—one by way of ancient and auspicious cultivation techniques and one by way of a hat and a way with (three or fewer) words. Work smarter, not harder, as the saying goes!

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

Then again, it’s anyone’s guess who will work smartest and/or hardest in this challenge: a no-powers-allowed test of creativity, skill, patience, and manual dexterity! But what sort of serious business could require our organizers to turn on the all-purpose multidimensional superpower dampener? Why, it’s….

Our other two candidates will be competing in a contest wherein all their powers ARE allowed… And they’ll need them. One is a goddess who battles against chaos, the other is built like one and no stranger to dealing with chaos deities herself.

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)

They will each be assigned an individual piece of technology, rather mundane and outdated even by the standards of the voters’ world: a polaroid camera! Using this, and traveling wherever they’d like in their home universes, who will prove to have the keener eye, steadier hands, and the better idea for a subject?


Cast your votes, /qst/!
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
The many hand shapes and symbols required to cast certain spells and curses, and having written a book in those weird and complicated chinese characters makes me think she has the edge here both in terms of dexterity and patience.

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
I have no reason, it is simply a gut feeling.
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
I just think she looks sweet and would love toying around with origami. Maybe Huanliuxue would do the same, but I'll go with this for now.

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Girls with horns on their head are the best. I know it isn't gonna happen, but Muna and Anofelis must have a sword fight with their horns for their competition. It'd be funny.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
With her natural dexterity and grace as a cat, there's no way she wouldn't run rings around her competition in origami, even with her abilities sealed.

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Cat cultivator, on a whole other level
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Sigrid looks grotesque to me, get the qilin in there! I'm sure Eskart would be fine with photographing. That and Muna is probably on a whole other level power wise.

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

Huan wrote an entire book, creates paper talismans all the time, and even without her techniques, spells, medicines...etc, is very very quick, dexterous, and skilled with her hands (She learned how to play a Guqin before she even had hands). She's also worldly and traveled enough to draw plenty of inspiration from her adventurers and journeys, is a master of improvising (Some of her strongest techniques/ spells were born from sudden flashes of inspiration/ enlightenment/ having her arms cut off..etc)

And while she is fickle and prone to flights of whimsy, she is also capable of sitting down and meditating for years without interruption, pause or break and can be very stubborn when faced with a challenge/ obstacle she can't just bowl over.

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)

Sigurd is a shut in, and while she might get a leg up if she took pictures of herself, the challenge appears to be taking pictures of the landscape. And Muna is much more equipped to hiking and trekking out to awe inspiring views and vistas. Sorry sigurd
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
her lack of claws would help her NOT shred the paper
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
she looks somewhat more familiar with human technology, even if old
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
cute and funny

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
she can ask her pal Catastrovania to help with the photography, since she's a bonafide artist
I'm >>5998266 in case my IP hasn't returned
Should've made a secure trip.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
The asian cat can origami, sorry
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
She's probably better at it than the titty witch
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
The brutal truth is that Cutemon doesn't have the education for this; she can hardly interpret instructional pictures. Huanliuxue would probably be more than open to teach her, however.

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Muna actually goes /out/, something Sigrid isn't inclined to do as much. This broadens the range of things she can take a picture of. Even though this doesn't align with quality, the former would be more likely to have a better eye for it.
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We also have our final loser's Braclet contender art from Olympus QM: Lord Charles de Villeroi of Local Lord Quest!

Though we have one extra special bonus piece forthcoming...
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>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Papercraft is definitely a skill an accomplished writer and cultivator would have. On the other hand, I love fat tits and Sigrid has those so she gets my vote.

Now, as for a little exposition on what Muna's doing with this challenge...

>(Writing) -------

My turn again! And this time, I was provided with a camera. An old one. It looked sort of like something that would be used in Woldoria, I reckoned, at least in those more rustic areas. The task set before me was very simple! I had to photograph things for a showcase.

Hmmm... But what to photograph?

[MAJORDOMO] "Well, that's easy. Let's show them our world, Munny."

[JOCO] "Yeah, this, so much this! Just cause the choice's obvious don't mean you need to consider anything else!"

Right. That would do. I'm sure these people from these other worlds would find it interesting, seeing what another place so foreign to theirs looks like. After all, I'd be interested in seeing the makeup of theirs as well.

I got to snapping some pictures back home temporarily...

'More popularly known as, 'The Tower of the Gods'. It's a stellar mast erected off the center of the Heavenly Capital in my world, which is where the Trinity Kingdom rules the world, sitting right under Heaven. The Tower looks more like a tree up top. It stretches from the ground of Hainei to just right underneath the Sun itself. I believe some would call this a "space elevator", wouldn't they? As ordinary as it might look, the structure itself is completely unbound by spacetime. Even I'm not sure what it really *is*. As glorious and gold as it looks... I think it's more fitting as the image of... tyranny. The Emperor projects his power from it. One day, I think I gotta topple it.'

'This is a realm that exists in Hainei's subterranean depths, the Land of Milk. It's a whole ocean of arcane milk! Though the ceiling looks like pure rock, the Sun itself can still be seen shining through! I think it's pretty spectacular! The realm was intended to be an alternative afterlife, and it has temples and floating towns people live in on the seas, as well as barges. The Milk is, like I said, magical in nature. It's the sweetest thing you could taste. The people who live here are all chefs, since the Cow Goddess rules a culinary culture.'

'I... uh, I'm not sure how this one turned out! I couldn't carry the camera up there with me, since its a physical object. I detached my... let's call it my "spiritual being", from my corporeal flesh, to go up there. I just tried to 'beam' what I saw back into image form on the camera, a little extrasensory trick. The photo still looks vague. But, it's the best I could do! This is the "Calabi-Yau Manifold", a hyperbolic space with sixteen dimensions. It's a place inhabited by my master, NEGAI...'

'Now this is an interesting place. It's Flaxgard, the Mead River, apart of the World of Mythology, ruled by the legendary War God, Woldor. Flaxgard is his son, Ludwyhn's, realm, a place where warriors long departed go to celebrate forever. Like the Land of Milk, the place's rivers and streams are all dark stuff! Mead, stout, and ale! There's giant glasses and tankards in the sky forever pouring down their beverages into the rivers, past the clouds themselves!'

(PHOTO 5#, Wolfboy and Parrotboy)
'There's not much sight to see here. This is just Wolfboy and Parrotboy, two young animal Demigods. They're both Shennu's adoptive children, so I guess they're also my nephews. They just really wanted me to snap a photo of them when they saw I had a camera! I couldn't deny it!'

'I would have taken pictures of Lunar Society, but the Moon is... let's say, in 'disrepair'. So, instead, I took this image of a mural I remembered. It's a ceiling painting in a Moon Rabbit church of the figure they worship, the "Pantokrator". He appears like a golden skeleton with eight wings and brilliant rings of light. Truthfully however... I'm positive the figure they worship is actually my own superior, NEGAI... It's a mystery that intrigues me.'

Well, that should do! These are some nice photos, now that I've gotten them developed. I hope everyone else finds them interesting....


>------- (Writing End)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Voting for these two because I don't know who the other two are lmao
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
This one is painfully one sided...

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Given all the many, many places that she's been, I think she's got an edge. Helps too that there's actually some examples given.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

It would be cute to watch Cutémon fold Origami (is there a 'Fold Origami' move? that'd even the odds...), but if I know my cultivators, it's that origami and papercraft comes with the territory.

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)

I'm interested in how she can use her powers, personally. I'm sure the great mage has places to go where nobody else would see.
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It's already time for the next contest! It looks like you and Huanliuxue are supposed to fold paper into different shapes, and the one whose folded paper looks the best will win the contest!

What? You think this will be an easy contest? Have you ever even held a piece of paper before?

"The invitation card!"

Well, I guess you did hold the invitation card that Professor Ginger gave you for a few moments, but I don't know if that will be very helpful in this contest. Are you sure you don't want to give up and let Huanliuxue win?

You're shaking your head! It seems like you really do think you can win this contest! You sit down at the table and push up your sleeves and then pick up a piece of paper and fold it and fold it again and-

[SFX: paper ripping]

It seems like origami is harder than you thought it would be! Well, you still have lots of paper! You throw the ripped paper in the basket and pick up a new piece of paper and start to fold it. Maybe this time you can-

[SFX: paper ripping]

Maybe you should see how Huanliuxue is doing! When you look over at Huanliuxue you see she already has a nice looking piece of folded paper! You might be able to watch her and learn how she-

[SFX: paper ripping]

What? You're thinking about capturing an Origamey and pretending that you made it yourself?
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Speaking of adorable, we have that bonus art for the Loser's bracket now. First, an ensemble collage...
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And a new bonus piece to celebrate the winner of that bracket, AGENT FIONA JARNAFELDT of Solarpunk Cleanup Agent Quest!
She’s very cute
Is that one between the oni and the male rabbit Etsy ?
Indeed it is! The full sized version is at >>5991946 (https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5961634/)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Much easier time adapting to no powers

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Used to doing weird shit
Even if she beat out the best girl of my own withered, black heart... still cute.

Yay! I am sure Arty is happy she is only like the 3rd shortest person in the room for once.

>Cutémon (Cutémon)

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Eh, I don't think Huan would have any problem adapting to and getting around the no power restriction

She did spend a couple of threads in the powerless, unathletic body of her meek friend Yuyi, so she could better understand humans. That particular adventure ended with the death of an emperor and Yuyi being temporarily cat girl-ified since it turns out that is what happens if Huan possesses you for too long.

Really I'm shocked my fellow Juniors haven't abused that.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
I have heard tell of her manual dexterity, as expected from one who pursues the cultivation of body and spirit.

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Likewise, I am told she has witnessed a greater number of photogenic locations, the likes of which would not be out of place as desktop wallpapers.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Knows origami innately as orient-inspired

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Looks more like an Artsy girl doing a university with a diploma with much more supply than demand on the workforce
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Cutemon may be cute, but has also just demonstrated that she can't Origami. (>>6010611_
Therefore, it has to be her opponent.

I'll hold off on the second vote for now, >>6010525
Shows that Muna at least has some Photography ideas, so I don't feel I can vote against her; and equally I don't feel ready to vote FOR her until Sigrid has had a chance to show what she can do.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
I wish I could vote for Cutemon but the literal martial arts master is built for folding.
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Tits. But for actual reasons the mage can jump planes so has a better variety of stuff to take pictures of.
Here I am ect ect
Yeah...bout what we expected....
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Let's break it down.
Creativity - Huan has created her own cultivation law from scratch, invented numerous innovative techniques, is an accomplished musician and writer and has also dabbled in architecture.
Skill - not origami skill specifically, but Huan is highly competent in general and able to quickly get a grasp on the substance of things and create new techniques on the fly.
Patience - not really her strong side, but plenty enough to conduct complex alchemy and sit on a throne for two years straight cultivating.
Manual dexterity - Huan can cast spells at high speed, craft pills, play guqin and do surgery. There can be no doubt in the dextrousness of her fingers.
There's nothing more to add to this.

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
I haven't read either of these quests, so voting on a hunch.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
She does have real people hands and the creative drive to take it home.
>Muna (Chaos:The Quest for Redemption)
I love Sigirid, but she's a Hikikomori half the time
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
I’m not getting my ID back, it seems. Shit
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Oops, sorry for not voting over the weekend, I've been busy practicing The Arts. Like this poly-Storkie I just drew up for fun
Are those amoguses on her hips and tits?
They're windows to the soul
amogus soul
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
She would know more about… pretty much everything compared cutemon.

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Her house literally walks everywhere. I’m sure she can get pictures of landscape.

...green bitch...
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
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Rolled 93, 25 = 118 (2d120)

Is there a dao of origami? Well, if there wasn’t before, there is now! One might wonder whether a cat can resist the urge to shred a paper crane once it’s made, but it seems that a Cutémon can’t even get to the stage of MAKING such a crane. Luckily, a she fans say, she’s both cute and funny to make up for it!

Pardon me, I’m getting a message form my handlers.

It means WHAT??

Uh, a-anyway, moving to the other contest where both characters are FULLY GROWN FEMALESof their respective species, even if one is sort of child-sized and the other is, uh, some sort of horse-dragon. It seems that the world of the goddess Muna is replete with sights to see, including oceans of unspooling milk and rivers of mead! Frankly, looking at these photos, -I- want to go there! Meanwhile, I’m informed that the other candidate didn’t even leave her room, and has reacted to suggestions that she could take some photos of ‘majestic mountains’ WITHOUT leaving her room with targeted magical violence.

As such, our winners are:
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)

With margins of 22-to-8 and 19-to-10, no reptoid rolling can give either loser a hail mary, either, so let's move on.
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In our first competition, we pit a renegade goblin conwoman against a marshmallow-flavoured (based on unprompted audience peculation) deity of melody! It’s…

>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)

It might seem like a lopsided contest to some, but what is a god to a—

I’m being told we already did that joke. In that case, I’ll just note (with no small amusement) that these two contestants, one of whom is a green beanpole of a lady and the other ins mostly ‘armless, have rolled an event that seems at-a-glance unsuitable for either of them! They’re facing off in…


Wonder how they’ll go about THAT! Any ideas, voters?

Meanwhile, we have two fan-favourites with strong bases of support. One is proudly athletic, the other a prolific tarveler. You know them, you love them, they’re.

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)

The question, though is whether running laps or traveling great distances will give either the edge over the other in…


What do you think, /qst/? Who would, or should, win? Cast your votes!
>The God of Music (Versequest)
She has rayman limbs, right ? Time to life hack.

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Sorry little girl, but Louise’s in her field here.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
God of music may be a God but just look at them. They're too smol to huck logs even if they have arms. Rosa can at least displace one even if it breaks their back

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)

Sorry Rika. You got little legs and in my experience with stubby legged dogs, that is a cruel, cruel handicap in an endurance face. Especially since Louise is a knight and farmgirl, both things that require endurance and athleticism
My best guess is
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Because Goddess bullshit if its a comedy bit.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
I don't see Thigh Queen loosing long distance. However her tits are quiet heavy while her opponent is an ironing board.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Look, Rosa's a weed and would probably struggle to throw a log much further than her toes, but I'm at a total loss as to how Music would even pick up a log at all and she's even smoller than Rosa.

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
While Rika does walk long distances, Louise does as well and has to wear and wield heavy armour and weaponry in combat for extended periods. Have you ever felt how heavy they are? It demands a whole nother level of both strength and stamina to use effectively. Rika's legs are also tiny.
There are two possibilities to consider here: Music hasn't been drawn with arms, but probably has some fuckin' PYTHONS hidden away due to artist fiat. The other is that Music can grab a log in her powerful jaws and chuck that shit into the stratosphere. Either way she seems more capable than Rosa. Sorry, babe, but you've got noodly arms.

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
I'm just gonna go off the general knowledge here that Louise is gonna have some combat endurance. You don't win duels and fights without cardio!
>Rosa Montagni (Jail quest)
She's the goddess of MUSIC, not the godess of strenght. Lil' thing doesn't even have arms. How is this even a contest?
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
This is my pity vote for the small girl who was put up against the knight in an endurance contest.

Is it just me, or do a lot of these contests seem to always end up being awfully one-sided to a single character? Talk about bad luck...
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
How can music throw a log?

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
I thought she was just a human knight but I was reeducated in the sack race.

I usually just vote for my favorites
Otherwise I'd be voting for Huanliuxue every time since cultivators are apparently perfect at everything, and god forbid if Chaya had gotten in...
>Otherwise I'd be voting for Huanliuxue every time since cultivators are apparently perfect at everything
That's the real issue with this 'contest' format, it massively boosts characters from 'action' settings and massively debuffs characters from low-power settings.
Yeah, that's Cultivation Novels. Their power levels go crazy. Even when the setting is just used as a backdrop for Yaoi.
That can also be chalked up to RNG. Who knows what other contests could've been rolled?
RNG is part of it, of course, but from the contests we did see, they're usually contests of skill. A lot of those are physical. So you're putting magical demigodesses and experienced warriors against children and normal girls.
>I usually just vote for my favorites
Completely fine. The contest is just for funsies, to encourage art and discussion, and to decide where I give a d6 boost when applicable.

See above, but also: things like origami, photography showcases, animal-taming, pub trivia, ballroom dancing, cosplay contest, and many others on the list aren't at all physical.
Huan being Chinese did give her a leg up in origami, to be fair.
>aren't at all physical.
Skill based and physical. Which, like I said, gives a lot more bonus to characters from high powered settings where you can easily grab skills, compared to settings where this isn't the case.

And also, most people seem to be voting entirely based on the contests, since it's implied that this is how you "should" vote by framing it as a contest thing.
Yes, but not because she's an action protagonist.

Many people have explicitly voted for characters because of reasons like 'tits' 'cuteness' 'she's my commander and ran a mercenary company for five years', 'contractual obligation', and 'pity'. Consider this a reminder that anyone can do so at any time. The events are for fun and flavour, mostly... Like this entire event, which doesn't really have an actual, tangible prize except a single piece of bonus art.
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Despite appearances, Music is apparently 6 feet tall and has godly strength, so I'm sure she'd manage.

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)

>child vs. fit giantess
Sorry Rika!
Well, I'm just saying that the "Queen of /qst/" shouldn't get that title because she had the biggest skill list.
Then don't vote that way? It's fine.

Apart from that, and you all know I hate to do this...

Tap. Tap. Tap.
You seem to be taking this all a bit too seriously, friend. This is just for fun.
I'm gonna be honest anon, do you think doing this tap tap tap thing is actually funny? It just makes you look weirdly passive aggressive.

No, scratch that, it's just really passive aggressive.
Long answer and the last one you're getting on this subject:
!zDEQqPqa0M, I only do it when I've already had an entire conversation about why I set things up the way I did and why I don't see this as a concern, as with the IP registration discussion in the last thread. If You really, REALLY have a problem with it, run the contests next year or whenever. If it's SERIOUSLY impacting your ability to have fun in a cool little community event with no actual real stakes, you're not obligated to participate. The practical reality is that I'm not going to completely restructure the way I'm running this 55 days into the event, and 7 rounds into this particular thread, nor do I think there's any reason to, and this discussion cannot (or should not) go on forever.

Short answer:
>do you think doing this tap tap tap thing is actually funny?
Tap. Tap. Tap.
If you disagree with someone, just say it and leave it at that, don't hide behind some unfunny meme from 20 years ago like you're afraid of being "toxic"
Anon, as a reptilian humanoid, I am VENOMOUS, not toxic. Check your privilege, and educate yourself. Do better. Be better.
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>The God of Music (Versequest)
She could throw a log to the other side of a continent if she wanted to. She's a goddess.

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
This isn't even fair, OP. What did Rika ever do to you?
Shut the fuck up nigger.
>1 post by this ID
I really hope this isn't OP posting from another IP or a false flag from the guy he was arguing with. That would be drama that this board does not need.
Now now, anon, I'm sure his being an African-American is in no way connected to his grievances with the tournament formatting. Let's keep this thread civil and fun.

It's not. I tend to make very hilarious and current Simpsons references or 'check your privilege' jokes. If anything,my reputation around here is probably more like that of a woke SJW soiboi than the sort of anon who slings slurs as insults.
Why would I need to falseflag?
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I ain’t him
I mean I wouldn't call it drama. Drama for quests would be, in my mind, something like making a caricature of another quests protag a minor villain or comic relier or trying to take over a quest while it's still being run, or hiring a hit man to break another QM's legs so you can run a similar quest to there's without feeling bad, or secretly writing smut about various QMs
Venom is toxic. Poison is toxic. That goulash that distant aunt twice removed makes is toxic.
Umm, mammalsplaining is toxic, too. And don't talk about my aunt like that! But you're right, of course, it just didn't work for my joke.

Exactly right! And I've only ever done two of those things! Kidding, kidding.
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Your joke is toxic.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
i see arms
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
she cute and you just know she has energy to spare and comfortable clothing instead of some heavy armor
Hello! I would like to let everyone know that Music *does* have hands. No arms, but floating hands. So, yes, she could participate in a log-throwing competition.
>God of Music
Music is a goddess and has great strength apparently, that and because God worked out for 8 years lifting rocks I'd say he's got the strength to throw these logs very easily

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
I vote for the paladin
With her god strength Music could totally throw some logs, and despite appearances, she's actually pretty big.
She seems like she could last pretty long in an endurance race. I'll go with her.
For obvious reasons
As much as I like Rika, Louise would have this in the bag.
“Sorry I’m late, what did I mi-“

>Sees Cutemon sitting at a small table, with a pile of ripped paper and seeing the vote results

“Oh man, what a rough competition to put you in! Sorry I didn’t get back in time to vote for you.”

“Hrmm, well this seems like an easy vote. Unless that little thing can use magic or telekinesis, it’s not throwing anything. And from what I can see and sense of size and powerlevel differences, as well as knowing how hard warriors train personally, there’s no way the little ones are winning this competition. My votes are for-“
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
im this one

Quite the strange contest, but if it's about raw strenght music can dial it up if she needs to despite what appearances.

>Baroness Louise le Blanc
Yeah she can probably keep her stamina up as a trained knight more than Rika lol
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Hands! She has them! And she can use them to eat giant red gummy worms!
>The God of Music (Versequest)

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Something something hare and the turtle
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Obviously she can pull it of. With a good con. Switching logs, get log from a lighter dimension, you name it.

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Having hands isn't quite good enough when 'Giant Red Gummy Worms' are still a far cry down from logs. So Rosa would seem to me to have the marginal win in this match up (though she'd loose to at least half of the other contestants)

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Rika is quite small, and quite young. However much I like her, my vote would have to be for the full-grown woman who can march in armour.
If it's any consolation, I've largely been voting off of vibes, and I think that that's okay. I won't vote against my commander though. Why? Because she's led a mercenary company for 4-6 years, of course. That's gotta count for something.

>The God of Music (Versequest)

Surely, a god has some level of otherworldly strength-- even one of music.

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)

Sorry Rika, but even as a traveler, you can't beat a physical powerhouse like Louise at her own game. Maybe if it were a 'travel point A to B' thing, I'd see it going your way.
>>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
My vote link
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
she beeg
compared to music anyway

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
long leg
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Sheet music counts as music logs?
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Halflings should have a lot more endurance in nature than humans, plus I want the half-pint to win
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
I have no justification and I don't need one.

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Her CON score is huge and she has on occasion fought for a day straight.
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Rayman hands shenanigans will help her

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
She's on her field here, physical atributes as well, hell doing laps around the county is her favorite method of unwinding impure thoughts and how she likes to discipline her soliders.
I would not be surprised if Music could just... sing the log through the air for as long as she wishes it to go. Gonna have to go with:
>The God of Music (Versequest)

Aside from my obligation as quest writer, I would point out that when she gets into things, Louise is a stamina freak. Charlemont was not a short battle, and while she fought until she was unconscious, that took a very good long while even after her armor (which, as a reminder, helps her movement and does not hinder it) broke. She knows her limits, she knows how to pace herself, she has done fast marches across whole duchies on foot before and was never thw limiting factor. She is in her element here.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Neither of them should be able to, but miss no arms is the funnier choice.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Coughing Baby vs Hydrogen bomb moment
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>Before We became hosts to the Crops and Trees, We always lived as guests to the Earth and Waters. As good guests, We never wished to overstay Our welcome, so before saying Our goodbyes to Our gracious hosts, We would always clean up after Ourselves and bestow Gifts upon Our kind hosts. We walked from host to host, packing Our things in Our hammocks which We wore on Our backs. We were never in a hurry to find a new host, as the Earth and Waters were always ready to welcome a guest, but We took great joy in coming across family on their journey to find a new host, sometimes they were already guests and offered to introduce us to their host.

>When We became hosts to the Crops and Trees, Our lives became more secluded from the rest of Our family. That is why when We grow into Youthies, We set off on Our Youthful Journey to visit the rest of Our family in lands far away. We carried only Our hammock and clothes, and some Memories to remind Us why it's so much fun to visit family. Whenever We came across other Youthies on their journey, it was always polite to share Memories and snacks.

>We always discouraged racing to find new hosts, what is the point of being a guest if you did not make Memories? Tallies are so silly, they have such long legs and can move so much faster, one would have thought it only meant they had more time to make Memories with hosts, but instead, they behave as poor guests who have no interest in their hosts, giving away meaningless shinies in place of Memories. Even worse, many of them bully animals to carry their things, Tallies are so big, couldn't they carry everything themselves, what more could they need???
>>The God of Music (Versequest)
I don't think either of them physically can, but well Music is a Goddess. Maybe she knows a song that can do it for her?

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Louise is hueg and already goes into battle decked in heavy plate armor. I'm sure an endurance run is a trifling thing for her.
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Especially if the contest turns into a musical number about itself somehow.

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
When I hear "endrance race," I think "how long can I maintain running speed?" and for that, I think it's Louise.

>Music (Versequest)

She is a goddess, after all. Pic related

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)

A knight needs endurance to run in all that armor
>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Oof, Rosa is at a disadvantage here, since while she did get gym training from her grandma when she was young, she doesn't really like it. Her toss would bring shame in the eyes of Granma Ko.
Music, on the other hand, is quite a wildcard. From not having any arms to throw logs, to having divine powers that could throw one - she either definitely fumbles or decisively win this, no inbetweens.

But, I trust that
will give it her all. Who knows, her orcish genes might kick in...

Endurance race:
Now this is another flip-a-coin deal, since both contestants are quite advantaged. Rika's people walk long distances often, while Louise got them long legs and is used to marching in armor. Although perhaps Rika is more suited for marathons? Eh, I'll let the winds of fate decide.

>1: Rika
>2: Louise
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Argh, forgot the dice!
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Rolled 57, 65 = 122 (2d118)

Well, it seems Rosa dropped the ball on her conwoman ways, though not so bad as her physical training perhaps she figured her opponent’s ‘disability’ was handicap enough. Imagine her shock—ALL of our shocks!—when the God of Music revealed her secret weapon: THE ABILITY TO GRAB AND HOLD OBJECTS.

Though magic or loopholes probably would have sufficed, in a pinch.

With this key advantage eliminated I’ve heard of an underhanded victory before, but this is something else!

Meanwhile, it seems our big race was waylaid by cultural confusion. While both contenders showed up, only one really RACED. Louise took the lead, and never lost it, because darling Rika preferred socializing and philosophizing to competing.


Well, there’s something to be said for stopping to smell the flowers. I’m sure Lousie can trade the memory of this victory for some of the stories Rika picked up along the way.

22-to-14 and 30-to-6, our winners are:
>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)

Now, let's see what Round 8 has in store for us...
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Ever since mankind became capable of creating artificial beings, mechanical and biological, there ahs been the great debate: which discipline could create the ULTIMATE WAIFU? Well, this particular battle may just settle that debate… Maybe. Or maybe not, for even in the face of concrete evidence, what anon of culture would ever turn their back upon their bestgirl? Nevertheless, what we have here is a classic clash of precision-engineered steel and binary brain against an all-terrain ultimate lifeform full of all-natural sweetness:

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)

Today, they’ll be teaming up with up to three of their supporting characters and cast members (or enemies, fi theyc an wrangle them) in a fairly close approximation of actual warfare (at least if you are a squid and/or kid):


Our other competitors are both women with unconventional ideas, and attitudes, both with a point to prove. One has martial dash, the other profound magical prowess. But who ahs the better beach bod, or balance? Bust out the swim suits, manufacture or materialize a board, and catch some waves, girls (sorry, sorry, LADIES! don’t hurt me!) because its:

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)



Cast your votes, /qst/!
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)

Sorry Ano. Merrygate has aim bot, and my experience in tf2 tells me that unless you can get her team to vote kick her, there is no winning. Unless you have a medic up your ass

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

She might not have ever gone surfing during her years as a mercenary captain, but she won't end up as a beached whale like Sigird surely will
>>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
If she can dodge bullets from sadistic kill squads she can dodge paintballs

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Gotta vote against my captain here, she denied me a pay raise and now she'll be sorry
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
more hands, more guns
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
big bitch in a bikini, that gets my vote anyday
She could be in a one piece, which would be preferable in my opinion
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
you should do a long legged version of music, like that Hatsune Miku meme
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
she can use her system for better accuracy while shooting

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
I think the Bwitch may have some spell to help with that, and also some form to help her.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Okay, Ano is a big target and going to barely know one end of the gun from the other but most of the rest of the cast consists of well-trained and experienced death squad soldiers (it's a long story, okay?) who are good shots themselves and Mik and Co. are more than capable of working together as a team to bring the hurt. And who knows what Ano could do under good command?

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Honestly, this would be pretty funny to watch since I don't think either of them have ever been near the ocean but I think the fit pegasus rider has the advantage here
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Bullet dodging skills, plus I want the monstergirl to WIN, sorry robo-waifu
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
I hate that FUCKING WHALE. I would rather have the Fire Emblem protag girl win over her
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Less likely to fall over due to the size of her breasts.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
She is literally an aimbot

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Witch tits too fat; More hydrodynamic
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"Well, guess I was wrong. I had no idea it had hands to lift with, but I guess that works."
"The next event's up? Alright, let's go Ano! You've got this! If you move fast enough, her shots can't even hit you! If you can dodge bullets, then these sim round balls should be a piece of cake!"

"But surfing? Well, if the witch has some combination of spells to do it for her, she could win. But in my experience magic users always have terrible balance, they don't have the training to keep upright when the ground moves beneath them. Much less balancing on a small piece of wood. So, while she may have some magic to cheat and win without doing anything, I'll have to pick a soldier over a magic user. Which means I vote-"

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
She is a highly intelligent AI with much information on combat tactics, and has nigh perfect coordination and reflexes as other anons have implied. Anofelis does not have these assets.

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Sigrid would have a tough time keeping the board afloat and balancing it for... reasons apparent.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Bitch usin' aim hax
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
If there's one thing I'm certain of it's that Sigrid can totally curl a ripper. It's just gotta be canon
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)

AIs and firefights just mix.

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

I won't vote against my surfer, she's been fishing for 15+ years, you know?

Jokes aside, her balance must be impeccable-- when riding a pegasus, you need to keep your balance, while also keeping your pegasus' balance in mind too. Riding air currents in blizzards and windstorms is tough, so I'm sure riding some ocean currents is easy enough for Blair.

Summer Blair Alt when?

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Subjects with high agility can dodge bullets, even hails of concentrated machine gun and rifle fire as a certain rabbit demonstrated. Anofelis has high agility and last I checked paintballs do not in fact go at 1.5k+ miles per hour and usually aren't at ranges of merely 10 yards in tight corridors. Plus, her all terrain nature gives her a major edge in mobility and her extra arms gives her more fire power to bear. And lastly, to make this even more unfair, her friends are trained death squad soldiers. While at a first glance it might seem like the aimbot's got this, she's frankly got as much of a chance as a toaster in a bath as it's hilariously one sided in Ano's favor.

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
I'm fairly sure she has better balance than Sigrid and I have two very big reasons to believe such.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Aimbot wins

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Big tits aren't buoyant sorry
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
I believe the targeting subroutines will assist.

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Surely the sense of balance she's cultivated in her years astride a pegasus will help her keep her footing on a surfboard. Right?

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Facility operators strike me as a pretty good paintballing team, no matter who or what they're paired with.

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
When you have learned to ride a flying Pegasus in ariel manoeuvre, controlling and steering a water-bound board might actually seem fairly simple. Plus, she has a physique that's probably slightly better suited to athleticism.
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"Paintball competition? Hmm, I think we got this one in the bag. We'll help you out, Ano." Mikhail said, seeming confident in this victory. After all, they had plenty of experience with gunfights and would easily decimate any opponent they faced! However, Annie disagreed here, speaking up quite concernedly. "I wouldn't get too excited, Mik. Her opponent isn't just some tiny girl with no experience. She's fighting an *AI*. Someone with perfect aim."

The room went quiet, at which point Mikhail spoke up calmly yet determinedly. "Well, she can get several people to assist her, right? Why don't we get some help from back home? I'm sure someone like Anon or Zaria can help her out." Annie seemed to grow a bit more confident, having an idea. "Give me a minute. Meanwhile, why don't you teach Ano a bit about using guns?" With that, Annie returned back to Alpha Copernicus, leaving Mikhail with some time to at least teach Anofelis some of the basics of using a gun. Or well, a paintball gun.

Though not much later, Annie returned with two people to help. Two people familiar to Ano and Mik. "Thaddeus! Morgan!" Ano said excitedly, as the kilted soldier gave a salute and Morgan raised her blade. "Aye, we heard ya needed some help?" Mikhail said, Morgan speaking more haughtily. "I'd usually not participate in such a primitive battle, but hearing that it is for you, I shall gladly put down my blade and assist in battle! My shield shall serve you well!" Mikhail seemed quite pleased with the choice, though soon noticed something. "Say, Annie... what about a third person? Or did you intend for either you or me to join Ano in the fight?" To this, Annie smirked and would move to the side. "Don't worry, I got someone special for our third soldier..." The three would notice someone approaching quite casually. A monster girl none of them had seen before... She was decked out with plenty of weaponry, camo gear and a confident smirk on her face. Morgan did seem to recognise her, looking somewhat annoyed and disgusted...
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"Everyone, meet TS-55-76, or Dhabus Tamil as she is known. The ultimate soldier! She is able to pick up any weapon and instantly master it to the fullest extent! She is quite agile, perceptive and has... well, as close to the level of accuracy an AI like MERRYGATE has." Dhabus smirked confidently, looking at her new partners and speaking confidently. "Hope y'all don't mind me joining ya. I know you folk usually just wanna hunt me down, but I s'pose y'all can make an exception if it means helping Ano this one time, right?" Morgan let out a groan, whilst Thaddeus and Mik seemed intrigued. "I am shocked you managed to reel her in, Annie. From what I've heard, I assumed she'd be far less recipient to cooperation." Mikhail mumbled, at which point Annie giggled. "Oh, I've worked with Dhabus before! Nothing's more fun than dragging a bunch of arrogant death squad soldiers into a firefight they can't win! Bonus points if Dhabus takes whatever weapons the idiots had on them!"

Dhabus would laugh along, before patting Annie on the shoulder. "This fox has helped me out a ton! It's only fair I return the favour. Besides, I have been followin' the competition quite closely! Annie's broadcasting it to the entire facility, and I ain't letting our representative lose again!" Anofelis' eyes widened in curiosity and excitement. "You're listening in to the competition?" Dhabus nodded, Thaddeus stepping forward and speaking proudly. "Of course! Annie's broadcasting it. You've got our support back home!" Hearing that there was support for her back home, Anofelis would start smiling really brightly, her tail wagging a tiny bit as it was clear she adored the news.

"Anyway, s'pose we should do a bit of practice, eh?" Dhabus said, Morgan and Thaddeus nodding along. "Aye. I think this team ought to work well. Morgan, you can be our defence. Anofelis, you can be fast and rush down whoever we're facin' and can distract our opponents. Dhabus, you can be our main fightin' force. Meanwhile, I can be the main supportin' force." Thaddeus remarked, the others quickly agreeing. They would look at the battlefield they'd be fighting on, Thaddeus setting up a battle plan for the four of them. They were going to put their all in beating this AI!

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)

Had I not been sick and in a time-rush, I would've drawn some cute art for these three companions. Unfortunately, I'll just use the character art for them instead. One is from a based draw Anon, the other is just the character art used in the quest. But spoilered, of course.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
She is a military AI, after all.

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
She's led a mercenary company for 4-6 years, and has a better beach bod to my taste.
Forgot backlink and trip
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
She has more arms meaning more guns to shoot, it's basically cheating
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Now I love both these bitches but Blair's main method of fighting is riding a pegasus, a black winged one at that, so she already has a lot of experience riding on a thing and balancing herself, a surf board is basically childs play at this point.
Also Blair is rather petite while Sigrid has massive melons and big ass drum legs, making balancing all the harder for her as opposed to our more modest commander.
Also I should point out to people who don't know much about Blair here, but she is also a magician herself, that's why she has the nickname of Witch after all, also because of warcrimes and mercenary work but that's secondary, sure she also fights mostly with a spear but she has some impressive spells to sling as well.
Spells, speed and spears, that's her expertise.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
I will support our tunnel digging moth girl no matter what, and her four hands of quad firing fuzzines.
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
I will bet on her athletiscm to even stay on the board instead of the wizard...even if she has huge tits.
Previous votes and stuff
Gee, is there anything she *isn't* good at?
I find it kind of funny how everyone is just saying "aimbot" when subjects like Ano can literally dodge bullets. Aimbot works in videogames because of hit scan. If it was laser tag, that'd work. This is paintball. The rounds are over ten times slower than what she can dodge reliably.

Major spoilers. Fun.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

Giving me a pay raise
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
yandere w/ aimbot ftw

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
how can a chestlet even compete ?
Sure, but A.I’s can also predict where something is going to be as well. After watching the opponent to see how they move and how fast they move, it’s not that hard to aim for where they’re going to be.
That, or surprise shots from far away that you never see coming
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Discipline of steel.

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Magic surfbort
Okay, counter point. It's a paintball. Those usually move at best about 200ish MPH. Bullets meanwhile move at over 1.5k MPH at a generous non sub sonic speed and ignoring the fact that the rounds the subjects have to deal with are not modern but have Sci-fi rules applied to them meaning they can potentially go faster than the highest speed bullets IRL currently, which is around 2k MPH rounding up. With a high agility, similar to that of the rabbit who dodged most of the fire her way despite the fact she had about 17 separate people firing at her at one point, she has the reaction and physical speed to move out of the way and dodge a projectile traveling over two thousand feet per second.

If you can dodge a hail of bullets that were aimed at you like some kind of touhou character, then you would have to have more than enough time and reflexes to see a few paintballs that are flying for where you are moving and as such can shift and dodge that as well. Again, not hitscan, Merry has to deal with ballistics and a rapidly moving target and this isn't even getting into how she'd take the return fire which in all likely hood would be at least double what she could output due to the extra arms. Surprise shots could work, but Ano is far better equipped to be able to move into a position to get the drop on Merry than the bot.

Lastly, this is a team battle. Ano's team consists of an impenetrable shield, a master tactician and a living weapon who's about as close to an aimbot as a living thing can be. Who does Mery have? Clones of her?
>It's a paintball.
>an impenetrable shield
I think you're forgetting how paintball works

>Ano's team
I think OP means a 1 on 1.
>Today, they’ll be teaming up with up to three of their supporting characters and cast members (or enemies, fi theyc an wrangle them)
>*if they can wrangle
Classic RQM typo aside...
"Fi theyc An" is just R'lyeh talk or something, don't worry about it, the shadows are getting louder.
It's not a one on one, as already addressed. Also, if you can make a shield and that shield gets hit, does that count or no? If no, then yes, she has an impenetrable shield with her and a great distraction.
Ah, I missed that. My bad. Thanks for pointing it out.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
More arms = More Dakka
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
She's big in the front and the back, thus giving her superior balance clearly.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Nothing to say that hasn't already been said.
I do want to add that it amuses me that the MGFQ squad including the MC has been relegated to the status of the supporting cast for Anofelis. Ain't that the truth, way it's going.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
She's hot.

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
The witch's witty tricks can give her the upperhand even a paintball battle
The witch is doing the surf competion, not paintball
>I do want to add that it amuses me that the MGFQ squad including the MC has been relegated to the status of the supporting cast for Anofelis. Ain't that the truth, way it's going.
I see it as karma, since the monstergirl vote was outvoted by the merc vote for pov in the first thread
We wouldn't have had squad kino if we went with the monster girl route.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)

Unless you count the 1000 tons of future space-metal, she doesn't even have a body you can hit with a paintball and she is ready to paint you from orbit if you tag her Companion. He wouldn't be a slouch on the actual field given the kind of performance enhancing drugs he has access to and needing a fit body for all those high G-maneuvers. If either learned this was inspired by a squid person based game... well we saw what happened before. Lotta dead squids. Fuck, so many dead squids.

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

I don't know if Blair can even swim, but I am positive she has girl abs, and I am vain.
Also @RQM thank you for running this community event and tard wrangling all of the autistic QMs together for the popularity contest (even if I never win)
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Rolled 1, 32 = 33 (2d116)

Whaaaat? No, I'd never gradually cast an elaborate ritual siphoning off the psychic energy of /qst/'s players and QMs over a period of several years by cleverly slipping in occult syllables disguised as typos! That would be as unethical and implausible as it is totally rad!

No problem, Bananas. My pleasure! The secret occult ritual helps



It seems that the Great Witch Sigrid’s anything BUT flat refusal to assume her more diminutive well-balanced, and hydrodynamic halfling true form has sunk her chances at surfing! Or maybe Countess Blair Weaver’s expertise astride aerial equines has translates to totally tubular trouncing of tidal topography? Either way, 23-to-11 doesn’t allow much leeway in interpreting THAT event.

Similarly, even a spoilerific reveal of a SUPER-SECRET TIGER TEAMMATE could save our poor, demure bug-girl from the terror of an army of aimbots. Somebody should totally ban those, or at least toggle down the difficulty! Alas, poor Ano and friends are splattered like bugs… But, you know, with paint. MERRYGATE wins in a mighty wash!

And so, Round 9 begins with a pair of rolls…
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With the victories of...

>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

...Which I really should have greentexted, but didn't we move onto the next round.


In the first match, we have two strange semi-humans with special skillsets, who have been plunged into peculiar peril more than once! Both of these ladies (in the term can apply to qilin or human-type mons) have uncovered and opposed their share of shady dealings. It’s…

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)

And that's good, because we've rolled another 1, an as I always remove rolled events from the list, we will NOT be treated to a repeat of animal taming. Rather, these two will be outlining, exposing, and convincing a panel of studiously skeptical reptilian judges of the merits of their own pet theories in...


Our second match of this round consists of two very different explorers. One is a frequenter of frequencies of a futuristic internet, and a sailor of the starlight cosmic sea (and obviously no stranger to exploring her way down to the depths of an ocean of coffee in pursuit of both these objectives). The other is a cultivator of deepest discipline, a harvester of secret knowledge, and an explorer of mystical-physical potential! Both of them will be expected to show their work with words today, though, and to take all of US on a journey of imagination! Who will win, when

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

face off in…
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
While I am sure the cute little monster could come up with some truly wacky ideas for why the world is the way it is, I am unsure of her ability to in any way articulate them properly. Sorry little one.

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
She is quite literally and literarily an accredited author with a published work that had she not used a pseudonym would have brought her personal fame. And half of her discoveries and learnings come from simple epiphanies that she has regularly.

The dice agenda, what is it? Why is it? WHO IS IT!?
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)

Sorry Cutemon, but I don't think you can uncover the truth of the world

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

Not only did Huan write a romance novel that became wildly popular in a single night to service as pro beast cultivator propaganda, she has also personally named several other talking animals, as well as every technique and spell of her cultivation law, but she's also a part of a book club. So she has experience as both writer and reader

I like Storkie, but I don't think she has the makings of a novelist
>Cutémon (Cutémon)

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Because she is too cute to be wrong
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Purely because an Isekai protag is my jam, and she has big tits>>5998742
Previous posts to posts ect
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)

Conspiracies, eh? Now that's something Blair would've won. Unfortunately for Cutémon, she gives me the impression of someone too innocent and cheery to suspect the evil shadow government for hiding the McGuffin. It would be cute to see her try though.

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

If this was a journaling thing, I might've given it to Storkie. The Captain's Log and all. But creative writing? The odds are certainly against her, for sure.

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
She's wrote a book, is in a book club, and reads quite a lot.
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
I'm don't know if either of them is the corkboard-and-thumbtacks type, but Cutémon seems less likely to have that much red string on hand.

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
According to trusted sources, she's penned a bestselling romance novel.
>>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Cutemon seems a little lacking in the intelligence department desu...

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
She is well-read, etc. Storkie doesn't stand a chance.
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
literally part of what we do in quest and our team is named psyops to boot, kek.

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
our pilot has to win at least this one
>I'm don't know if either of them is the corkboard-and-thumbtacks type, but Cutémon seems less likely to have that much red string on hand.
uncovering secrets and conspiracies is part of what Muna does in quest, so that's her homefield.
>MERRYGATE wins in a mighty wash
I pray that this is because you lot dislike Ano or like Merry more than her rather than because you genuinely believe Merry would win.

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
I really don't think I need to explain why the small cheerful child isn't going to win the Pepe Silvia award.

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
The kot has made proper books. Plus I like her better than the pilot by virtue of being a monster girl.
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>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

>(Writing) -------

Conspiracy boarding, huh?

[MAJORDOMO] "To be perfectly honest-"

[JOCO] "We end up confirming most of our conspiracies, so uhhh..."

[MAJORDOMO] "Yeah, we're not uh, we're not as good as this as we could probably be."

True. It's not that I couldn't do it, it's just that, well... I have enough clairvoyance that I don't have to go... boarding. Really. This is what the Psyops would be doing. In fact, there's not many conspiracies I haven't confirmed.

[JOCO] "We still need to get to the bottom of that whole 'Lunar Rabbits are an experiment by the Emperor' thing."

[MAJORDOMO] "And the connection Fae have to it."

'I've already discovered the Alien God's responsibility for the Millennium Moon, Vymla's death, that Lord Sarakha is the one who has the domain of Time...'

[JOCO] "Oh, we still don't know everything about the alias of KILLALL."

I tapped my lip and looked at my opponent here in this regard. The Cutémon. Why, she was just a little girl! Somehow, I got the feeling she was even less ready to do good with something like 'conspiracy boarding' than me!

'Hm. Very well.'

I decided, I'd help her! I offered to get an appropriate amount of tacks and red little strings for the board. She was short, and the board was pretty high on the wall.

'Need a hand? I've got invisible ones, see? Hehe!' I said, showing off a little telekinesis lifting her for fun. It was all very amusing as we started putting something together.

[MAJORDOMO] "Um. That, that is not a jelly doughnut that.... that is an onigiri."

[JOCO] "No? It's a jelly doughnut. Says it right there."

[MAJORDOMO] "Joco, I ess tee gee, don't start this right now. It's an onigiri."

[JOCO] "Nuh uh."

Hush you two.

Although I will admit, I'm very puzzled by the conspiracy she's trying to uncover here myself!

>------- (Writing End)
You know you could use your frying pan as a drying pan to keep your jelly donuts safe from the rain.
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Remember the judges themselves are reptilian, so they'll disqualify anyone who does too good a job. Cutemon wins by being less threatening.

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Huan may have more experience, but everyone knows cultivation literature is all garbage.
What? Your next contest isn't animal taming? That's too bad, since you're so good at beating up other mons! It seems like you're going to compete with Muna to show the audience and the judges some conspiracy theories!


You don't know anything about conspiracy theories!

What? You want me to help you? Well, you could tell them about the secret human organization called the Traders that's trying to capture you, or you could tell them about all the alien spaceships you saw floating above the planet, or you could tell them about how you found the underground world with gigantic mons and a lost human city!

You give the board a determined look and then pick up a piece of paper and a pen!


You don't know how to read or write!
This is way too cute
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
You know. I've got to wondering and its been worming around in my head, so I've got to let it out and raise the question.

What would each contestants favorite genre of literature be?
Louise canonically keeps a stash of smutty romance novels in her room. She's trying to appreciate the adventure stories her brother has set up a printing press to get published, but she just doesn't get them. Marches and long distance travel are... not like that.
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Bitch's quest is basically SMT X-Com Limbus Company. Muna can conspiracy the shit outta this thing.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Mainly based on what other folks have said. Apparently she's an author and while I feel like Storkie could write some bitchin' slam poetry, well...
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Cutemon may have MIND of 1, but this is a popularity contest!
Also, she has the (un)luck to stumble onto criminal organizations, aliens and ancient hidden societies, so there.

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Did I mention that she's canonnically a popular writer of romantic fiction? She can and will do it again.

Huan did not just randomly decide to write a romance over any other genre. Though she won't admit it.
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Basically perfect for it as other anons have said, she literally runs a clandestine secretive paramilitary organisation and busts out mysteries every saturday.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Yeah she's an actual famous author lol, no beating that.
Oh well this >>6011620 was supposed to be me so I guess I'm out of it now...
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
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Average contestant
I don't know if that is accurate. There are some crazy titty monsters in here, and some flat and stupid (but nice) contenders as well.
Both example of MinMaxed Brain-to-Boobs ratio.
As promised, Paracelsus from Kobolt Klan Adoption is going to give her entirely unbiased and reasonable opinions about all the princesses. As a medical professional, she gave everybody a quick once-over, to the best of her ability, and she made some notes, mostly focusing on their health... as far as she can interpret it.
Not that she's important or anything, but it might be funny to consider.

>BARONESS LOUISE LE BLANC (shouting seemed appropriate)
A fine woman. Tall, powerful, and quite skilled, she'd be just about everything I'd like to be... At least physically. When it comes to intelligence, though, I'd suspect, perhaps, a small developmental disorder? Or perhaps just anxiety. Hm. To be investigated. That said, the use of magic may explain any asocial tendencies. She got off light, compared to the usual psychosis.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Well now. I know of goblins, but cross-breeding with an orc? Unheard of. Still, it seems that, medically speaking, she's quite healthy, though I am curious to know if she is infertile or not. It's a common enough problem with crossbreeds of the sorts. Still, she seems charming, if nothing else. Healthy, too, though her failure to load her weapon is odd to me. I didn't ask for her history, though.

>Rika of kingdom quest
Dwarfism is an issue, but she seems to be unusually healthy for her size. Still, quite young to be out here. I do not know if this "Lingdom" is real, but her charm dribbles off of her. If she calls herself a forgotten princess one more time, however, I'm giving her a gag order.
Not that she's likely to follow it.

>God of music
Medically speaking, I'm screaming in terror at the biology of this creature. Practically speaking, I do not wish to do anything other than speak nicely of the creature that, in most circumstances, would drive anybody mad just by being close to them with mana poisoning. Fortunately, this crossover seems to be protecting all of us from the hazardous effects of mana.
I will admit the songs are nice, however.

This is a... spell? Similar to the ones we see on the ancient tablets, though this one seems to be talking. I'd assume it to be magic, were it not for a myriad other indications that it is not so. Medically speaking, of course, there isn't anything of note I can use. The body looks very nice, I must admit. Whoever designed it had taste.

>Sigrid the Hatdesert the Disinherited.
Overweight. Magic user. Strong will, but with asocial tendencies. As a medical professional, I believe I must declare this woman legally dead.
She seems nice, though, I think i'd like her if it wasn't for the fact mana poisoning will lead to her exploding in about a year's time, by my generous estimate.
>Anofelis "Ano" Toxori
I am going to need a taller ladder to give her a once-over, but as far as I can tell, she is healthy, flagrantly ignoring the square/cube law, and very fluffy indeed. I admit that she has been willing to work for me, though her nature as a *created* creature gives credence to a potential lack of free will?
Either way, were my time not limited, I'd probably spend about five years minimum investigating her.
What the hell is wrong with the "future" that it keeps making creatures such as this?

>Blair Weaver
Shockingly normal, despite the unusually sized eyes. Nothing of particular note, this woman is the picture of health.
The pegasus I wish to dissect.

Unusual strength, unreasonable outfit, reasonable outlook of just wanting to be left alone and spending time on public forums. Best I can tell, she's the healthiest human being I've ever met, and whatever modern medicine is available, I would be willing to perform a biopsy just to get at it. Alas, the odds of me being able to do so is nearly nothing.
Nice ass, though.

Another god.
Will not touch this one.

An animal playing at being human? Adorable, and also utterly incomprehensible. It looks like it's sapient yet it's... not quite there. It kind of feels like I'm talking to a particularly sociable cat, or perhaps a puppy, except it looks like a young girl.
I am starting to hate this crossover. Far too few people have bodies I can comprehend, and I look after a mutating dragon knight as my day job!
You'd think this would be easier...

This is a cat that convinced the universe that she should be not only a person, but something akin to a god? Through... Asking it really, really hard to let it do so?
I should look into cultivation, and it had better not be filled to the brim with silly bullshit. All the same, physically, she's nigh identical to a beastkin, mana leakage aside. Once more, this woman is essentially radioactive, and I'm starting to wonder if the problem is not *us*, instead?
Seems unlikely. Our world makes sense. It's everybody else that's wrong. I bet their sun isn't two-dimensional.

You would need a xenobiologist of some renown to even understand most of these "people". I am glad that I am not participating in this competition, and hope that the male side of the aisle makes more sense to me. Being a medical doctor that only barely managed to invent penicillin, I think my odds of understanding as much as I'd desire is essentially nothing. Well, all the same, it was nice to look them over.
One thing I'll give them all?
Charm seems to be a universal constant, even if it's charm in different styles. Oh, and mana poisoning.
Most should be dead in two years or less, frankly. It's terrifying, and I don't want to be here any more.

Also, my vote
I don't think Cutemon knows what a conspiracy is, or even a board.

She might visit /x/ from sometimes, I'd be more interested in that.
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
truth is, the game was rigged from the start, cutiemon

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Pilot can use her outerworld knowledge to gain some edge on the furry
>Male Portion
Oh this is gonna be a riot
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>What the hell is wrong with the "future" that it keeps making creatures such as this?
"Just be happy that it wasn't any of the creatures made by the likes of Elbrus. You wouldn't want to get close to any of the perverse, sadistic and bloodthirsty creatures they have made." Annie says, whilst Anofelis seemed more giddy at what was told. Clearly, the comment about her lacking free will flew right past her head.
Blair's natural event goes to someone else! But of the two options,
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption) seems to have it. Cutemon may be cute, but she doesn't seem to really know what a conspiracy is. Since they're both inside at least one conspiracy within their own quest, better knowledge and communication skills carry the day.

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
She's a writer within her own quest, unfortunately for poor Storkie. Though I'm sure that Storkie would have the edge on Muna in shitposting on the 'chans.
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Cutemon's brain is too smooth, it's so over
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
This is experience vs potential inspiration, and I have to give a slight edge to experience. Now if this was a shitposting competition Storkie would obliterate.
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Jaded pilot.
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And my take on Huanliuxue using the description of her from the quest.
Very good quest btw.
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>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Sounds like she’s more used to it

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
She clears
"Oh man, this one's a rough matchup. Give it your best shot Cutémon!

This one's even more one-sided. Wow, wonder what sort of events my old man's gonna be competing in? Hopefully they're more physically-based where he can excel."

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

Even if she knows she can't win, Chaya would still vote for her new friend. Maybe especially so, even if its just to make her feel better.
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Rolled 56, 30 = 86 (2d114)

Sorry for the delay folks. I was...


Which is to say, busy fucking up my own header image, god damn it fuck aaaaugh

Anyway, it doesn't seem there's much tallying to be done, really.

Despite Muna’s magnanimity, it seems there was little doubt among the voters as to who would win between an illiterate wild-child who barely knows her way around a corkboard and a divine leader of a team literally named ‘Psyops’. In retrospect, a rather inevitable conclusion… or maybe that’s just what they WANT us to think?!

Meanwhile, it seems 4chan greentext-posting is still a criminally underappreciated artform. While I personally would LOVE to read Storkie’s ramblings, I suppose a cat is fine, too. Plus, I hear Huanliuxue’s novel is a real bodice-ripper, and who HERE of all places can say no to that?

Our winners are:
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
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First on the docket: a loving servant of the Lord of Light faces off against the melodic offspring of a dark (but dearly paternal) demiurge! The Goddess of Music descends from Black Space to face a rainbow-adorned child of Daffodil and Sunflower, whose makes war with the same aplomb with which others make love! Can even this divinely-guided dancer best a literal avatar of all things boogie-woogie, though? Or does song, perhaps, not quite equal ‘dance’? That’s right…

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)

Will compete in…

(Style-agnostic, of course.)

Meanwhile, we’re going to see if ancient techniques of horticultural hosting can enliven the earth better than new-fangled factory farming! The Lings have a unique relationship with the plants and animals of the earth, but have they ever terraformed a planetoid? If Rika’s opponent hasn’t, she probably can download the data of someone who has.

That’s right, it’s:

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)


(Quality over quantity, lings and ladybots!)

Round Ten: START!
>>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
cuteness for the win
>The God of Music (Versequest)
A literal Goddess of Music, losing, in a dancing competition? I want whatever drugs someone needs to take to say anything else.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Literal human existence and planet conquering in few clicks to learn the greatest secrets farmers dont want you to know. Magic travel girl could try, but Quantity farming of humans has a quality all its own.
Previous post
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
I flipped a coin. I imagine Music has objectively better rhythm and timing, but Louise being really fucking hot doing stripper shit levels the playing field.

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Has anyone ever just asked a plant very nicely to grow? No. They haven't.
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Music can boogie DOWN. Fact.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Tough call here, but I figure MERRYGATE can get some kind of hydroponic doohickeys going if she was asked to make it happen. Tricky stuff.
"...Well, this one just seems too easy. Are we SURE these events are random? Maybe I should call Arctus over, see if he can give this system a once over and make sure no one's manipulating the events. But, in the meantime-"

>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)

"-are going to win this. A literal avatar of the concept of music and a race of people very in-tune with nature itself, in contests designed for them can't lose."
>The God of Music (Versequest)

Sorry captain, but music not only has it in the bag, they got it in a Gucci bag

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)

I think Rika wins this because she'd be able to make a nice, picturesque garden, which, while not by any means perfect in terms of biological variety, plant growth rates, or hydroponics organization, has soul and feeling to it, care put into every plant, a personal touch in every flower bed arrangement

MERRYGATE I just have a feeling would strive for perfection and lose the plot, making a garden that is sterile in its efficiency.
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Come on, you're telling me a Goddess of Music can't dance? She can already play every instrument so it would be very surprising if she couldn't dance somehow.
>MERRYGATE(Retaliation Question)
No clue which of these is better at gardening but I'll go with the machine
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
while the god of music may have some advantage with rhythm, Louise can do moves that the goddess physionomy isn't capable of replicating

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
I don't see Merrygate coming on top here.
>The God of Music (Versequest)

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Nah, it’s done. Louise may be proficient at dancing but music is… music

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
She would tend a garden pretty well
>The God of Music (Versequest)

She needs some love because she is cute and I like music. I bet she can dance as well her body allows.

>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)

While being a military AI designed for maximum squid death, I feel like the November Rain had to have a hydroponic garden or some such. She was also designed by Martian Humans who would have valued knowing how to work the soil, make do with what you had, rip life from red clay
>The God of Music (Versequest)

A dance competition? Against a god of music? Talk about stacked odds. I love Louise, but it's just a bad matchup.

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)

This is the kind of person that would get a plant to grow through vibes alone, methinks.
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>The God of Music (Versequest)
Look at her sick moves bruh!
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
MERRYGATE is usually more finely tuned to pruning the lives of aliens like weeds than planting seeds. The Ling should therefor have this firmly in the bag.
OohOoh! Kill em! Kill em, oh!
>The God of Music (Versequest)
This feels self-explanatory.

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
While I imagine MERRYGATE could easily pull off some technically immaculate garden work, Rika seems more likely to produce an arrangement the judges will favor.
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Dancing often happens around music, and Music knows a lot about music.

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
The way Lings see it, they are Guests and nature is the Host. They behave accordingly, and pollution is almost unheard in Ling society. A multitude of different crops are grown in the Lingdom as well, so it is highly likely Rika has a green thumb of her own like many of her kind. I think >>6014883 shares good points.
>The God of Music (Versequest)
It speaks for itself
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Nature > Machine
>Louise may be proficient at dancing
It's closer to being possessed by God than it is to her actually dancing.
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>It is a sad truth that in the Land Above, Lings cannot live in places welcoming for life. This is because they are often bullied by Tallies, who take the land for themselves, pushing Lings into dark and desolate corners. But as Lings are good guests, they treat their hosts with kindness and respect, even if they have little to offer. The love Lings give to their new hosts blossom into a land of plenty and pretty, showering them with gifts. Unfortunately, once Tallies learn of such a bountiful land, they bully Lings again, pushing them elsewhere and being rude guests, taking whatever they want without realizing the love needed to make their host lively.
>The good news is that the Tallies have been punished for their meanness by the Emperor. He invited all Lings to return to the Land of the Great Turtle and forbade any Tallie from entering. The Tallies called it the Great Swamp and always saw it as an unwelcoming land filled with gnarled trees and mucky grass. But when Lings returned, like always, gave love and respect to their host, who now bestows gifts of great variety to them; from the sturdy potato to delicious bananas.
>All Youthies travel across the Lingdom to not only visit their relatives, but to also learn to be good guests to every corner of this Great Swamp, and thus good hosts to the many crops it can grow. Lings are not alone in this endeavor, as they have help from their many animal friends; duckies swimming around rice paddies to eliminate pests, crockos diving deep to groom kelp, and bees spreading colorful flowers while offering sweet honey.
>Though Rika is by no means a prodigy in gardening among her peers, every Ling has fond Memories of helping their babas and pappies tend to vegetable gardens behind their home, as well as seeing the smiles of neighbors when sharing such gifts.
Oh man, I wanted to vote for Louise here but a dance off?
>The God of Music (Versequest)

Similarly, I'm sure Merrygate could download a billion farming reference books but hands on experience trumps.
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Louise only really dances ballroom, and she wasn't raised into it because she was born a commoner. The LORD of Light makes her fighting look like pole dancing when she gives herself to His Will, but she wouldn't do that for a dance competition. Despite my obligation, I will have to admit that this should go to:

>The God of Music (Versequest)

As for the Garden-Off, I don't know enough about those two quests, so Louise is going to cheer on Rika!

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
feng shui flows through her
>>The God of Music (Versequest)
>>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
You did well!

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
I will not be surprised if she diligently studied the best dance styles to seduce her fiance.

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
I have to give this to her.
>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
What a mystery...the literal godess of music on a dance-off contest? Truly a fair fight.
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Small little people races are usually good at gardening.
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Louse might know the rhythm of a Battlefield; but out on the dance floor she isn't going to beat a God of Music.

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
A Ling close to nature against a killing Machine? A Gardening contest favours the Ling quite decisively.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
We love to see it, great work!
>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Cuteness overcomes all
Look at her go!
>The God of Music (Versequest)

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
now draw her doing the wip
>The God of Music (Versequest)

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
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Rolled 26, 13 = 39 (2d112)

While we normally wait a full twenty-four hours, we can’t possibly let carnage of THIS magnitude continue! Well, we could, but it seems pointlessly cruel. It seems all the courtly dance lessons and pole-dancing possession in the world can’t overcome THESE SICK MOOOOVES!


Well, shit, who can blame out voters? After seeing that, I sure want to break it down and mix it up. And luckily, we have the perfect grove for a garden party! It seems our judges are more impressed by an all-organic, naturalistic approach rather than the brutal efficiency brought about machine-learning. By NEARLY as great a margin, the little lady from the Lingdom takes the second half!

Our undisputed (well, barely disputed) winners are…
>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)

I'd also like to just stop and take another moment to acknowledge all the excellent and greatly-appreciated art (written and visual), which by its very presence elevates this experience and makes it a true EVENT! Thank you, all.
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In the eleventh day of events, we find a mxi of disciplines on display: the mental, and the physical!

In the first match, we see catlike agility brought about by careful cultivation, matched up against the monkey-mosquito mastery of a gene-spliced super-being!

Setting both of these ladies on a high-gravity world with a magical dampener, and reminding them BOTH that there is NO FLIGHT ALLOWED (only one has wings, but you never know with these super-wuxia types), we pit

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)



Meanwhile, we take a break from the pulse-pounding, knee-straining action out at the high-jump to take some MENTAL leaps instead. It’s the cunning of a conwoman and gumption of a goblin against one of the tricksiest hobbits I’ve ever seen, and with a formal education to boot!

Now in THIS competition, cheating IS allowed… So long as you don’t get CAUGHT. However, can either contender sneak anything sly past the other’s insightful eye?
We’ll find out when

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)

take up…

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
BEEG legs, BEEG jumps
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
magical cheating is OP, cant beat getting the smokin gun magically appeared in your pocket
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Our baby can jump the best, and fly, even if kung fu girl can too, Ano can go into orbit.
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Mainly because she can actually play the game and knows what it is.
Previous vote, ect ect
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Another very, very lucky contest. It's not even a match. Cultivator bullshit is ridiculous.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
I'm gonna go ahead and say that Sigrid *doesn't* win. Chess is far more about trickery than cheating. Rosa should be deftly able to trick Sigrid into thinking she's just a country bumpkin and then get into a checkmate.

That is, if Chess even exists in Gaol. It would be pretty damn unfair if Rosa was thrown into a game that wasn't even explained to her.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

Funnily enough, Huan can fly.

She can also turn herself partially intangible/ ethereal to reduce her weight to the point of being able to float/ be carried on the wind like a leaf (Her ghost flavored version of Lightness skill/ Qinggong that is everywhere in wuxia/ xianxia). And besides being, you know a cat and being able to jump 6 times her own height and being a ox sized house cat so that is a lot of height already, she's also recently learned how to partially transform between her human and beast modes, and her first specific trick was taking inspiration from rabbits to boost her jumping capabilities even more by shaping the muscles in her legs to mimic a bunny's. And in the most recent update in the quest, she improved her already astonishing physical abilities (Kicked a spear through a mountain, stomped a half frozen cultivator into a crater...etc), which she can also further boost with Blood Qi and various cultivation enhancements she keeps on hand for pre fight buffs

And you said no flight, but she has a spell where she creates a barrier that catches, multiplies and returns kinetic or magical energy that collides, called the dying grudge shield. And in the quest, she has used them as springboards without the blowback breaking her legs, and considering how much force she can stomp into them, she'll rocket past the competition . And even if doing that is not allowed, well, everything I mentioned before still gives her an insane advantage

Sorry Ano, Huan can also reach orbit, without making use of her flight. She could do it without jumping, to. She has been able to just transport herself into space ever since she became a Moon Cat. But if Flight isn't allowed, that trick probably isn't either

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)

I don't think Rosa knows how to play chest, but Sigrid might considering how long she spends indoors and chess sounds like a hobby a witch might pick up
Flight isn't allowed, unfortunately, otherwise this would've been a draw, since Kung Fu girl can fly.

And also exist comfortably and breath in the vacuum of space. For the same reason she can teleport to it. She became a moon cat, and Moon cats can just do that, according to Our-Grandfather.

She even brought and fought a ghost king to the moon last thread. He's her friend/ subordinate now.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Girl's got drumsticks, what can I say?
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Siggy knows how to play--she can check a mate or two for sure.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Not only did she kick a spear literally TO THE MOON, but she's also a cat. Cats are stupid good jumpers. The fact that Ano was built to have wings means that jumping wouldn't be a primary concern to code into her, and is instead a happy byproduct of the new leg shape she'd get outta the deal. Against anyone else in this situation I'd have bet on Ano. Just bad luck she got matched with Huan.

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Knowing HOW to play chess is probably a requirement to know how to cheat at it in the first place. Even if there are only so many ways to cheat at chess, and none of them include altering the game board in any way (because it's just too obvious).
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Moar leg

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
She would know how
Pretty sure linking back to your previous posts doesn't work, if you lose your registered ip and didn't make a secure trip, your votes are no longer counted if I understand the rules RQM made right.

Funnily enough, Huan is canonically a herald of misfortune ever since she evolved into a Blood Moon Cosmic Beast.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)

QM Bias aside, I genuinely think this is one Ano can win pretty safely, at least thanks to the glorious no-magic clause.

There are a few things to consider. For one, Anofelis is huge. The original picture of her with the other contestants really did her size something of a disservice. She is 11 feet tall. Idk how tall Huanliuxue is, but I think the height is already something of a major advantage when it comes to reaching solid heights.

Then, there are her legs. Given that each of her limbs are insanely powerful not just for running but also stuff like digging and climbing, I genuinely think it will give her an immense boost to her jumps. Those legs are STRONK. I'm not sure I could give an estimate for how stronk exactly, but given the fact she can easily carry tons of weight with all of her arms/legs, I feel like she got this one in the bag. Granted, lifting strength doesn't equate perfectly to jump height, but it still gives an idea of how physically adept she is.

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Not much of an analysis here. I just feel like the witch has better odds, but that's just me.
There is only a no flight clause this contest. The no magic/ powers clause was only for origami
Oh wait, shit, there is a magical dampener. Well that means the dying grudge shield trick wouldn't work if it was allowed, but I'm pretty confident Huan's transformation isn't magic. It's just a thing demonic beasts can do when thoroughly enlightened.

But the high gravity wouldn't be a problem, since Huan has fought things that could literally crush people with the weight of the pressure they excuded
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)

Even with the magical dampener, kicking a spear into orbit through an entire mountain was something she did without even really thinking about it, let alone what she could get up to if she were putting her all into jumping high.
Besides, dampener doesn't mean no magic necessarily, just a weakening effect.
Thank god for that magical dampener, Ano actually wins this one. Her strength is all technology based, and she starts around twice as high as Huan from height alone.

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
I don't think Rosa can cheat hard enough to salvage the skill gap here.
True, true. And Huan could've broken that immortal binding rope, that was intended to seal away her Qi completely, by tearing or overloading it because she kust has that much qi, and she only didn't because she was feeling nice (Despite what was done to her the moment she was bound with it. That prick's suffering will be legendary even in hell...) Pretty sure doing that to the dampener would disqualify her though.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
No magic, so all terrain subject takes it. Ideally, this time she actually wins a competition she should reasonably do well in.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
I get the feeling if anyone can get away with cheating it'd be her.

>Setting both of these ladies on a high-gravity world with a magical dampener

Ano can fly too, not that it matters. She is an all terrain subject. Being able to be extremely mobile is literally what she was made to be able to do. Honestly, she should have won the paintball match, especially given she had actual team mates one of which was an Aimbot of her own, and I refuse to let her lose another match she should reasonably win because no one here can't read.

And yes, I AM still salty about that.
Most of Huan's strength and physical ability doesn't come from her Qi. It comes from her being a Ox sized cat, who just so happens to be able to turn human. Who regularly trains and takes steroids. Very potent steroids

Also while the high gravity environment would make it a detriment, pretty sure Lightness skill is also just a martial arts thing and not magical. Not certain though. I just know it's brought up and used in non magic wuxia, as the reason they can wire jump
>And yes, I AM still salty about that.
It's a fair complaint. I think it's unfair that Rosa is getting just thrown out of consideration because haha chess might not even exist in her world even though she'd probably be able to bear Sigrid in an actual match.
Are those steroids magic? Further, wuxia of any kind that alters one's physical traits may as well be a kind magic.

DESU the "Aimbot lol" was the unfunny version of the "she was a mercenary company captain for 4-6 years, you know. " meme. At least we share in the pain of just one small thing causing people to just throw out a contestant's chances regardless of the facts. Also, I am now extremely technophobic. Death to all robots. (except those of the nano verity. Ano, Annie and the others kind of need those to live.)
Their effects wouldn't be, and I'd disagree. Even in cultivation, there is (usually) a clear cut line between what you can achieve with physical training and practice, and what needs Qi to accomplish.

And checking the older threads to see what grandpa said when Huan got her variation of lightness skill, and also her attaining human form, I'm more certain it is the former, a physical ability, since Fu and friends learned lightness skill before they had any Qi or learned how to cultivate it, and grandfather always describes the beast to human transformation as natural. So I'm leaning to them not being magical, which includes the partial transformation and the bunny leg trick she cooked up
>>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Actually, in some settings, their are even cultivators who don't use Qi at all. Physical cultivators, who just train hard enough to be able to punch the pill munching Qi using demi gods to death. And I'm pretty sure they exist in heretic, since there have been mentions of physical cultivation and cultivators
I think musk ox are about 4-5 feet tall at the shoulder, and 6-8 feet long. Obviously depending on whether male or female. And that's only musk ox. The only one I know off of the top of my head. Yaks are also called ox sometimes, there's another type of ox that live in India, and plenty of other kinds throughout the world. Without knowing what kind of oxen specifically it's hard to say. But we can assume she's about as big as a man when on all fours, but significantly "taller" lengthwise.

I'm more curious as to what insects Ano has in her guts. Most insects are really realllllyyy bad at jumping, if not incapable of doing so. While others are so good at it they move faster than the eye can track. A dung beetle for example, pushes like a motherfucker, strong as shit, literally cannot jump. Jumping spiders can effectively teleport with their jumping, but their ability to push and pull is surprisingly very little, even taking relative mass into account. There's also similar phenomenon in other animals. Gorillas are strong as fuck, even with their leg-hands, but they aren't really acrobatic like some of the ganglier apes out there. Usually what's most important for sudden movement is an inherent specialization of a creature. Like how dolphins are more nimble than a marlin but a marlin is insanely fucking beefy for a fish. Obviously being genetically engineered kind of skirts the issue but still.

It's really fascinating stuff.
It really is, do you have anymore fun facts, biology anon?
Chinchillas can very easily get fungal infections if you get them too wet, which is why you give them dust/sand baths instead of washing them normally. Their fur is really good at retaining moisture.

A turtle's shell is its skeleton, and it can feel everything that touches it. You can pet turtles that way. Some turtles also like being brushed. As well, there are tortoises in the desert, and they get really big. Several feet tall. If they sit still enough you can mistake them for a rock at a distance.

Turkeys hunt and will kick things to death with their talons. Do not let turkeys chase kids. They are naturally nowhere near as good at this as emus are, who have won at least one official war in history.

Locusts and grasshoppers are literally the same insect, locusts just happen when grasshoppers are kept too close together in their youth and they go full CONSOOOOOOOOMER and freak out.

Lobsters are essentially immortal in that they only continue to grow until A) their shell is too big to properly molt and they become sedentary and die or B) they get so big that they can't effectively feed themselves and starve to death.

Algae produces more oxygen than trees on a global scale.

These are all entry level things though. I'm not really informed about things and stuff. Oh and there is a spider whose bite will give you a boner and kill you. It is not, in fact, an aphrodisiac and is extraordinarily painful.
Also something else that Huan can do that you would think would be magic but isn't, is her being able to walk her soul out of her body and become a ghost. I checked, that came through meditation loosening the connection between her spirit and body and is on the list of "things she can just do" And Im 50/50 if her eating grudges is Qi based or not (She stores them inside of herself, but you can only "see" and absorb grudge miasma if you practice a cultivation law focused on grudges, it seems, since only Huan, Qiang, and Fu can)

Even though neither of these abilties would give her any sort of advantage in this contest if they were. Since I'm 100% certain possessing your opponent or spewing a cloud of grudges on them would be grounds for an immediate disqualification. I just think it's neat.

I'm surprised I knew some of these facts. Thank you biology anon.
Taking specialization into account, with Huan's ability to alter her legs at least to be a bunny's, the ability to make herself essentially weightless (without magic), and her already ludicrous strength and agility, it seems a no brainer she'd dominate in a High Jump competition where the gravity is significantly increased.
Wouldn't weighing less on a high gravity would be a negative? Or am I just wrong about thinking it would be?
Well, it is a lot. She has mosquito, (robber)fly, dragonfly, cricket/grasshopper, mole cricket, and a bunch of other things. She also has spider monkey DNA in her, which is mostly for her monkey-like agility. I'm sure I'm still missing some key ones, given the kind of hotch potch she is.

Not so fun fact: there is a spider monster girl in the Monster Girl Facility who is partially inspired by the boner spider. I won't spoil much else about her, but just know that she was designed by the local /d/ enthusiast scientist.

Also, some other fun biology/ecology facts, because fuck it why not lol:
- There are several moths who use the same pheromones as elephants to attract mates. The difference is that the moths use lower concentrations + other mixtures in it.
- Naked molerats are eusocial, just like bees, hornets, ants and termites.
- The fang parts of a centipede are called Toxicognaths, which is a really cool word. They're also technically not fangs: they're modified leg-parts
- 50% of all bird species are monogamous. Only 5% of mammals are monogamous.
- Most hymenoptera mate in a 'haploidiploidy' way. In other words, fertilized eggs become females with 2 alleles, whilst unfertilized eggs become males with only one allele. This is also key for how Eusocial insects work.

The fact most of these are about bugs kinda shows the sort of person I am. Also, some of these things ottally don't play a role in the monster girl facility story. Totally. Don't worry about it.
Interesting combination, also more cool facts, only knew the mole rat one this time. I don't know much about animals, but I like learning more
Oh does she still have the weird pulley/winch system crickets have in their legs? Those things are wild. mole crickets creep me the fuck out. We get them out here sometimes. Still no idea how they wind up inside so often.

Rip everything that flies kek. Highest effective hunt success rate of all flying fuckers the world over.

>toxicognaths, cool word
My favorite cool word is the thagomizer, which is the word for the spiky bits at the end of a stegosaurus' tail. Which they got from a comic strip that just threw it out there for shits n giggles.

>/d/ enthusiast scientist
Truly a "you never asked if you -should-" moment. I hope that guy got exactly what he was looking for lmao
Isn't there one bug that has natural gears built into their legs? And the thagomizer and its origin is one of the only Dino facts I know
>the ability to make herself essentially weightless (without magic)
I feel like that's magic though, even if it's called something else in story
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
The lighter something is the less energy it takes to lift it against gravity, the same concept applies whether the gravity is increased or lightened.

As my fellow disciple: >>6015906 has already discovered, it's more likely to be something that's simply innate to Huan, just like how she can transform from animal to person.
"Come on Ano, you've got this! Focus everything you've got into your legs, and jump as high as you can! I believe in you!"
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)

"Hmmm, this one I'm not as sure about. I've been learning a bit of the game with Tanya, but being smart and clever is the key to winning. So, I'll have to give it to whoever has the bigger hat, bigger hat usually means smarter."
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
A certain species of planthopper does I think, yeah. But only when it's young.

Ah but you know that old saying? "Sufficiently advanced science is indistinguishable from magic"? Then perhaps Ano's entire existence is magic! She is certainly a magical creature to me! kek.

I agree though. I think the specter lightness is magic adjacent. But natural body enhancements that Huan has at her disposal are not, since most of them are inherent to her and couldn't be taken away even if you sealed her Qi. In the same way that a giant cat would naturally be magic et al and in that case Huan would just POOF out of existence in this contest and that would surely fly in the face of it being a contest.

I also think RQM didn't include that "no magic" rule out of malice to completely invalidate Huan's qualities and abilities, so I interpret it as no chinaboo wooshoo magic like using fire qi to shoot jets of flame out of your feet when you jump to literally explode higher into the air. Not "You can do literally nothing, suffer" zoz.
I'd personally wouldn't, regular martial artists can also learn and use Lightness skill even when they can't cultivate qi at all, Huan just a ghost flavored version because she's goth as fuck and loves hanging around graveyards.

So if that counts as magic, Huan and Ano would both disappear in a poof of logic the moment they stepped in the dampeners range. Since creating monster girls through the jurassic park method of genetic modification, would also count as magic, as would Huan herself, since she turned from an ordinary house cat into what she is now because a house cat felt a grudge towards the soldiers who burned down her home village and murdered the kids who played with a took care of her. Which eventually lead to the invading army running away and the empire collapsing entirely.
Why do they lose the gears in their legs when they mature? Is it a molting thing?
Yeah. Once they reach adulthood they do something else to keep their jumping in sync. I can't remember off of the top of my head. But the gear-things can break pretty easily so once they molt enough times they don't need them. Sounds a lot like us growing older. Use to be able to jump. Then we get bad knees. Damn you father time.
Correct. The contests are mostly for flavour anyways, but this was just to make it so the characters had to go off of their training and inherent abilities (except wings), so there would be some form of actual contest that wasn't just "I use a secret cultivator technique to fly/control the winds/grow as tall as a mountain/teleport". More fun to debate without the insta-win button.
What about the ''I need to pump qi into my legs to be able to jump superhumanly high'' while the bug can just do that instantly
Yeah it has been a lot of fun debating it, and that reason is completely fair even if Huan can only do two of those things, though one of her students checks the "control the winds box" and that's best boy, Siwang. Who can also fly. Not because of cultivator bullshit, but because he's an owl

Thanks for the ruling.
>you've activated my trap genjutsu "ten batrigillion years of snot", now you have to spend the next eighty years asleep with a clogged nose starting NOW! Night night, death courting whelp!
Truly the genre of all time.

She actually doesn't need to do that. She's still superhumanly strong without Qi.
I mean, Huan doesn't need to do that to jump super high. She is a cat and also has a ridiculous amount of leg strength already (it has been repeated a lot, but she did kick a spear through a mountain and into orbit, and did stomp on another cultivator hard enough to create a sinkhole and cavern, but reading back through that fight, that was partially because giant ants dug tunnels all beneath the place she was fighting said cultivator), pumping blood qi is just one buff/ stat increase of many she has at her disposal.

To put it into perspective. Huan is quick, faster than a cat her size should be by any sensible margin. but if she juices with blood Qi, she can outright dodge and outrun lightning strikes and she did that two tiers of cultivation ago, she could probably just do that now.

She managed to dodge having her head, but not her arms, cut off by a literal God. But to be fair, she was only able to do that when she unlocked her ability to slow down time for real. That scary bastard moved several leagues in an instant and cut through part of the nine heavens.

Stopping time is a 100% magical. Btw.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Ultimately at their core, when all supernaturality is stripped away... one is a hybrid monster and the other is a cat. The hybrid monster wins.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
She's a cheating conwoman and she has the brains to back it up. Goblins must have their own chess or similar. The other bimbo witch bitch has all the mass at her tits and she's too lazy to do anything right. Plus I hate her, and I like Rosa more.
Except that isn't what the dampener does and even if it did, what counts as Huan's natural abilities is more than enough to win.

Also, excuse you? She isn't any ordinary housecat. She is an ox sized house cat, and the best feline kind has to offer (according to herself)

Who can turn near weightless and kick things past the atmosphere of NotChina.
Also, do you think Rosa would cheat by eating the chess pieces? Because that's what I imagine would happen
>when all supernaturality is stripped away... one is a hybrid monster and the other is a cat
That means one of them is a natural creature and thus the other doesn't exist. I get what you're saying but man you could phrase it better.

I think Rosa is smart enough not to just chuck one into her mouth. It's hard to miss when one of your pieces vanishes in the split second you look away for whatever reason. Surefire way to get spotted pulling a sneaky.
High jump:
High-grav world, with no magic? This means it's up to (non-magic/qi infused) physical prowess, and Anofelis got the edge on this one. Her long mutant legs isn't magical, and even with flight off the table, her wings could act as a parachute for safer landing. Huanliuxue, stripped of her cultivator qi, would have a harder time.

So, in my opinion,
would clear this.

Ah, the good ol' game of tactics and wits. While Sigrid may know the game and Rosa doesn't, Rosa's played something similar to it in Gongalla, the game of Kingdoms. She's a quick study, and would understand Chess fast. But that's not all - she's quite perceptive to not only the game, but her opponent as well. If there's no rules that say talking during the game is disallowed, she'll probably try and make 'small talks' that would confuse or disorient Sigrid, if not goad her into making rash moves. If Sigrid would use magic to cheat, Rosa would have picked up on it - and the rule that cheating is allowed, as long as you don't get caught would work in her favor. Imagine hyping yourself out to be the most sleazy conwoman this side of Gongalla, only to play it all straight? The mental strain of constantly checking if she's cheating or not would take a toll.

In short, I believe
will outplay her enemy by playing them.
Yeah, gotta argue against, Huan's non magical and non Qi infused physicality put a spear into orbit. And RQM said Lightness skill is allowed, I think.

Also, pretty sure your vote won't be counted unless you put on your trip, since your IP has changed. Did you accidentally not include the trip part in the name-field Since anyone could write Indonesian gentleman in the fieldand steal your vote if the rule was names instead of tripcodes.

It seems like some of the people partaking in this didn't read the rules explaining that.

But would the witch notice with her giant tatas in the way
>her wings could act as a parachute for safer landing.
I don't think landing is relevant for the competition, since high jump only requires you to clear the indicated height. Or just jump the highest in this case. But that's not why I'm here, I'm here because this reminded me that cats can survive falls from absurd heights by splaying out their bodies as they fall which increases their air resistance, they literally turn themselves into parachutes. A cool fun fact.

>But would the witch notice with her giant tatas in the way
I mean she would need to see the board in order to play in the first place, so probably?
Fair point. It could also be one of those multi-tiered chess boards from star trek.
Also that cat parachute thing is one of the animal facts I knew. They actually are in more danger from shorter falls and get more often/ more graciously injured from them, like from top of the fridge height, because they instinctively spread out their legs and use the skin flaps, like you said, as a parachute.

Which is why cars that fall from buildings usually watch it off, the longer fall gives them enough time to flip around and slow their fall

Isn't nature amazing?
Indonesian gentleman usually doesn’t use a trip iirc
Well, that sucks for him and that other guy whose IP keeps changing, since that does disqualify their votes, unfortunately.

It happened to me in the pre-lims, but I was at least able to get my original vote in. And doodle a piece of fan art at the end for Huan. So I'm just happy my IP has been unusually stable this time around
I'd really appreciate it if people without a stable IP used a trip for this. It makes it easier to qualify or disqualify votes.

I'd have to be a special kind of asshole to disqualify the main artist of the event. Plus, as long as nobody imitates him and turns it into an issue (in which case he can just use a trip, and confirm the real IG with me on Discord, so don't get any smart ideas anons), it isn't an issue; he still has a unique identifier.
Thats fair and is a reasonable ruling, though I have a bad feeling someone is going to try now, since it is just that easy, which is why most QMs still use a trip code even with tags, since IPs can and do change and there are people who get butthurt enough to impersonate QMs to push put a fake update.

Pretty sure it happened in that one incest ridden ASIOAF quest
>it's more likely to be something that's simply innate to Huan, just like how she can transform from animal to person.
Uh that sounds like magic
Innate magic

>I also think RQM didn't include that "no magic" rule out of malice to completely invalidate Huan's qualities and abilities, so I interpret it as no chinaboo wooshoo magic like using fire qi to shoot jets of flame out of your feet when you jump to literally explode higher into the air. Not "You can do literally nothing, suffer" zoz.
I think it was because she can use a thousand different cultivator powers to jump into orbit, so some power balancing was required. Of course, this hasn't stopped people saying she can use these other thousand abilities that totally aren't magic to still jump into orbit, but thankfully most people are being reasonable and not turning this into a DBZ big number contest. I see it as they're evened out physically, and at even physicals I think Ano takes it.
Except RQM said that anon and I were correct in our interpretation right here>>6015999

So, no, for the contest, it isn't magic. So Huan's big numbers do still count as inherent abilities, which includes the transformation and Lightness skill. But this is just for fun and isn't like a death battle, the contest is just for flavor and an additional 1d6 if you convince RQM with your argument
Though I will mention, Huan's teleport to space things, might be inherent to her cosmic evolution.

But it wouldn't count as jumping even if it was, and some of the powers included in that are inarguably Magic. Turning water to blood isn't, since it specifically specified "without magic" in grandfather's own words. But I'm fairly certain, being able to use moon and general star magic, count as magical abilities, and so does astronomy.
Quick correction, the actual blurb was "without alchemy". But while magic has been used in this discussion as a catch all term, I still felt like I should point out my mistake anyways.

And considering Huan has used Alchemy to boil her blood, turn deer venomous and turn ordinary rats into giant monsters, by performing it in blood, yeah, that's full metal alchemist magic. Though there is an ordinary, mundane form of alchemy, which the wacky cultivation kind and Huan's blood alchemy use as a foundation.

You know, Chinese alchemy, where people always drink liquid mercury
I have him on discord as well
I've never liked the "stats equalized" internet trope. Like saying "Could I beat a gorilla if we both had equal strength?". The answer would be yes, of course, I'm smarter than a gorilla. But then, the stats are equalized, so the gorilla MUST be as smart as me. So it comes down to luck. Ah but the true wise man says "A gorilla can get hit MUCH harder and be fine because the bone structure is different, it is literally built differently, and in this case superior.". Yet still the response would be "durability is a stat, and thus even then, they should be equal.".

Truly it is an annoying trope that takes away from discussion. I know that's not what you were saying, but it did remind me of it so I had to whine, as one does.

I do however disagree with the assessment that Ano would jump higher if they were physically matched. For the sole reason that Ano is not analogous to any real world creature. From what I know about her, she would have a vertical leap similar to most digitigrade animals. Which granted can be very high. Bolstered by her greater starting height and unusual internal composition. But while she is part bug, the parts she seems to be aren't the ones that are good for jumping, ironically. Of course this could just be my limited understanding based on what I can see with what art I have seen.

I would assume she could easily clear double her body height with a straight upwards jump. Which is absolutely insane for an animal with those kinds of legs. And yes, I know she can move with all of her limbs, but that would actually make it even harder in this context if you wanted raw height. It's a weird biomechanics quirk. It's why quadrupeds tend to rear up before they jump, it's just biomechanically advantageous. Just judging by the design of her body, it is -like- a human. So despite having features that easily set her apart from natural animals in an advantageous way, it is her very unnatural combination of human body structure that makes this much harder for her.

As opposed to Huan, who is literally an upscaled cat, and thus moves like an upscaled cat. Which are naturally amazing jumpers. She is biomechanically inclined to jump better than Ano. It's probably the one thing that she actually has going for her if they were physically adjusted in any way. As cats can jump over six times their own height just intrinsically, without some wacky kung-fu training regimen.

Which would put them at 27 and a half feet for Ano (11 feet x 2.5 times her height) and about 30 feet for Huan (assuming five feet at the shoulder x 6 times her height). Even with a vertical leap that would be impossible for any other organism with her specific dimensions and layout, Ano just barely doesn't match up.

And I had considered the big tail. Pushing with it would only serve to unbalance her, since that's kind of what tails are for and it would thus not be being used properly. Most animals can't jump straight upwards for shit, actually.
Then that means even if some shitheel tries to impersonate them, there's absolutely no chance they'll get away with it. Which is comforting and Im glad their vote still counts, since others havent been so fortunate. Shit. I probably should've made a trip myself, since IP changes seem to happen at most inopportune of times, and I know it could happen to me as easily as it has to other anons already.

But seriously that asoiaf quest, I'm like 90% sure quests in that setting are cursed, even if that curse is just a pack of randy anons with an incest fetish.
Oh shit, actual calculations. That is a forbidden technique!
Hmm, but don't most high jump competitions have a bar that must be leapt over? If you take that into consideration, then with Ano's proportions, she'd have a way harder time getting over any set bar, since she'd be more likely to run into it rather than hop over it.
Maybe in universe they're using one of those cameras that used to determine which Nascar driver or horse jockey won in a photo finish.
That may be better for a competition like this.
I'll just assume it would be, since there's already a magic/ Qi dampener in play, and they're on a high gravity world, so it isn't unreasonable to assume.

They could also use whatever program is used to track the Arc and flight of golf balls. Which in my opinion might as well be magic because I don't understand the wizardry behind it
They aren't very good ones. I'm just going off of my admittedly very limited understanding of nature. If someone doesn't agree with me I perfectly understand.

Really it's Ano's foot shape that actually gives her that kind of height. The leg shape is meant for her body structure which is good, but the actual verticality of that shape (a human shape) is pretty bad. Her feet that give her HUGE ups. Specifically the extra long ankle.

I am assuming that since they both have tails it would be a contest of actual height and not the real high jump event. Because both of them would inevitably slap the everloving FUCK out of either the bar or the posts holding it up with their tails, as tails naturally whip around to create balance. Even though both of them are supernaturally graceful and we could assume they wouldn't. Cats actually jump in a similar way to high jumpers if you watch how they plant their feet as they go. It's kind of cool.
Only thing I, with my admittedly poorer understanding of biology,nature and math, think could be incorrect is that apparently some cats can jump higher than others, but I'm not a cat expert. All I know is that they like to vomit on carpets, have parachute arms, and chitter when they see birds because they're mimicking bird calls

And all felines, even big cats like tigers or lions, do this to their prey. Tigers will straight up moo like cows if they see one.

Which does make me think of a spec Evo big cat that can mimic human voices.
Well some cats jump high, some cats don't. Some people jump high, some people don't. It is how it is. My cat can jump almost up to my shoulder and I'm well over six freedom units tall and she's a fat little cat kek.

The funniest thing for me is that house cats and big cats are effectively the exact same animal, just different in scale. Their behaviors are almost identical. Your house cat is just as much a jaguar as it is a leopard.

An evo game where anons evolved a predatory feline that speaks as a lure like some Cheshire nightmare, how horrifying.
Most of the cats I've seen and own have been very much on the "can't jump for shit" side of the feline agility scale. But I've seen videos of them having some insane vertically in their jumps.

And that sounds like an amazing quest concept, could even be a different kind of quest besides an EVO game and might work better if it wasn't. Hell it could work as a threat in a horror, fantasy or sci-fi quest. Especially horror, since it is just believable enough to be scary. But this isn't the place to discuss it.

But yeah, house cats are God's perfect killing machine writ small. We just see them do more goofy shit because they're Itty bitty babies instead of pur primordial fears made manifest
>I'm like 90% sure quests in ASOIAF setting are cursed, even if that curse is just a pack of randy anons with an incest fetish.
When something is - that - big, it definitely feels like a my sports team vs your team situation. Some people do take it too far. I believe that happened to Trojan war quest as well.

As for incest, well, for all his failings as a writer, GRRM didn’t write put incest there just because — its a symptom of how fucked up the relationship between Jamie and Cersei is. People just have their own headcanon and fanfiction.

its funny how civil something like elf maiden was in retrospect.
No oyu don't understand, Gayme and Slurpsi are WONDERFUL EXAMPLES OF TRUE LOVE my otp uwu
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Nobody cares about that anymore grandad GOT fell off
I'm honestly shocked no one has run a quest inspired by this yet.
Raggle fraggle, back in my day people lynched incestfags! Kids nowadays got it so easy. I had to walk uphill BOTH WAYS to kiss my sister, and it was snowing. And raining. AND IT WAS THE HOTTEST DAY OF SUMMER.

I think I saw some art that was inspired by those two at least. Here I mean. I forget what quest it was in though.
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Well, not - exactly - like TCOAAL but I tried something similar to it.


Also check out Loveless Gal if you’re a fan of a… loveless protagonist trying to bury his past.

archivebro’s opinion on it
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>not shota & hagmaxxing
Not gonna make it
I should never have invested in brat-taming coin. I am truly lost.
So, since I can't sleep, and have nothing better to do besides haunt this thread, I tried to figure out how much longer the tournament will last with my admittedly poor grasp of math and understanding of round robin tournaments. And realized that it is going to take forever, since every contestant will compete against every other one in an event, and I think we've only just reached a third of the total possible combinations this round, since each character will be in 11 matches, unless RQM gets spicy and makes mirror matches a thing. And that isn't taking into account if there is a sudden death round because two of the girls ended up tied at the end. Which is always a possibility

That's kind of terrifying. But at least it is fun
According to RQM, "66 matches for each gendered division. 33 updates each, plus any sudden death."

So assuming, no breaks are taken, this is the 11th round, so 22 more days. But while I am shit at math, I do have a knack for guessing how long a thread will remain on the board, at the current pace of the board, this thread will drop off before 22 more days, and that is if there is no discussion, autistic debates, or off topic shit posting, and even then, I also know the absolute limit of posts a thread can reach before it starts breaking under its own weight. For mobile its near a 1000, and for PC it's closer to 2000 or 3000.

So, since it very likely this will have to continue into another thread, especially allowing for RQM to take breaks from it or the arrival of the curse, and assuming the registering period for IPs in the second thread is the same as this one and the king tournament

The absolute minimum amount of days this will continue for is 28, and it will probably take more than that, due to skipped days or the board unexpectedly speeding up.

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Huan has jumped up to the Heavens. And from the Moon to Earth.

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Now I know next to nothing about these contestants, so I'll just vote for the hotter one.
There's a reason I don't host it. And also yes this is the 11th round.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
I think cultivator bullshit beats thin bug legs for jumping power.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Seems like a cunning mind would make winning (or cheating) at chess a breeze.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
That's a lot of words. However, jumping is classic cultivation, magic dampening be damned.

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
There's only so many ways you can cheat at chess nonmagically, imo, especially against someone who knows the rules. Unless Rosa's got someone feeding her the answers, I dunno if she'll trump her opponent.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Sticking two fingers up to the square-cube law and using those long legs to dunk on that damn cat with her magic bullshit taken away. That and standing eye level with the high jump bar to begin with.

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
While Rosa's good at misdirection and bamboozling, I think she'd struggle to apply it here and find it difficult to cheat.
He's been counting mine because I'm consistent.
Neat stuff fact Anon.
Suspicious but its interesting so fine
You mean the ones trying to get Joffry to fuck his mom or dad or something? Last I saw a asoiaf quest and those faggots showed up, they were actually targeting those quest to fag up while working together on a discord. So you and everyone else are right about those quests being cursed.
Nah, both of them slapping the bar sounds way funnier, because no matter how big the boobs you slap on a cat, the cat is gonna cat. And Ano is a cute bean that will do it by accident.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Why hasn't anyone done a quest with these two tards, actually...have we? I feel a percolation in my brain from way back when qst was still on tg and we had something similar to Andy and Lele...
I FUCKING KNEW IT, I wasn't crazy this time. Kinda makes you wonder how many Anon's from back then turned into actual companies.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
When you look to the high jump, you go with the girl with the longest legs. Especially when all Magic has been disabled.

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
She knows the game. Whilst I think Rosa would be a very quick study, when you're only playing one game that knowledge and experience will count decisively.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Not all magic actually, and again, Huan's basic abiltites/ inherent attributes do be Wilding
Also, tallest in a high jump kind of goes out a window, when one of the participants is a cat. Since the average cat can leap six times their height, and Huan is much larger than an ordinary housecat. Ox sized, in fact. That's a lot of bounce, without taking into account how ridiculous athletic she is, and how agile/ strong she is, without any Qi or buffs
And yeah, I'm being pedantic, but if it was all magic, both Ano and Huan would just vanish the moment they were dropped by the dampener and that isn't any fun for a contest, since one is made of super science and the other is a cat. And all cats are magical, but especially giant, talking ones

Also something that haunted me as I slept, was the realization their is an untapped market of Art of Huanliuxue possessing the other Waifus. It has nothing to do with the tournament, I just think it'd be neat, but I can't draw and I'm pretty sure possession is a kink for some people
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Oh, awesome! However, I'm pretty RQM still accepts new trips if they're added to a IP that was registered, and making one would be a smart thing to do. I'm not doing it because I am not smart. But I do want others to keep being able to vote and participate. And it wouldn't take much for some passing asshole to take advantage of that same consistency and tarnish the sanctity of this tournament.

No, Bastard of Westeros. Players decided they wanted to bang their stepmom and half bio-sister, which might be the one you're talking about.

The joffery one started as a QM's self insert, where he became joffery. and then got chased away by autists, which made one of them mad enough to pick it up and run it for three or so threads, going hard into incest and smut, until he flaked without a word since spite isn't as effective a creative fuel as passion

The Celtigar quest was free of that bullshit, the QM just can't keep a schedule/ keeps getting hit with the curse. The latest one just started, so who knows what will happen
>I'm not doing it because I am not smart.
My same reason, I registered because the IP lasts a day, just got busy before adding new posts until it changes the next day. Its not more effort to just click my previous posts for quick checking.
>And it wouldn't take much for some passing asshole to take advantage of that same consistency and tarnish the sanctity of this tournament.
I guess? But its never come up till you said something.
>No, Bastard of Westeros. Players decided they wanted to bang their stepmom and half bio-sister, which might be the one you're talking about.
Was that the one where Joffery was some reincarnated dude? If not I still know it was a bunch of 9lebbitfags skulking around using discord to monitor the site for GOT quests.
>The joffery one started as a QM's self insert, where he became joffery. and then got chased away by autists, which made one of them mad enough to pick it up and run it for three or so threads, going hard into incest and smut, until he flaked without a word since spite isn't as effective a creative fuel as passion
Yep, that's the group, it was the autists vote rigging with the QM for weird shit but the couldn't pull it off until people noticed. The incest was spite for the literal faggots until everyone got bored.
>The Celtigar quest was free of that bullshit, the QM just can't keep a schedule/ keeps getting hit with the curse. The latest one just started, so who knows what will happen
The Propeller comes for all. May he survive to write another day.
Yeah I'm probably just being paranoid, but I've seen anons with a vendetta go further to ruin others fun, so I do worry. but I don't think me bringing up the possibility of shenanigans will cause them, since anyone who would do such a thing would've done it by now. Surprisingly in the presence of waifus, anons find their honor.

No. bastard of westeros was the one where the MC simped for blackfyre and was probably pre-destined to strangle his half sister to death. And it wasn't some dude in the Joffery quest, it was the QM self inserting, and even after he flaked and an anon who got butthurt that he did, he was still the MC and for some reason they turned him into a chad thundercock.

And I do hope Celtigar continues, I liked the mysterious mermaid and under the sea stuff that was going on. But it is disheartening when the threads only last a couple of posts and then the QM vanishes for like a month again
>Surprisingly in the presence of waifus, anons find their honor.
Nobody wants to disappoint waifus, simpla as.
>No. bastard of westeros was the one where the MC simped for blackfyre and was probably pre-destined to strangle his half sister to death. And it wasn't some dude in the Joffery quest, it was the QM self inserting, and even after he flaked and an anon who got butthurt that he did, he was still the MC and for some reason they turned him into a chad thundercock.
Ah, a different set of faggots then. Tis how it goes when shit gets to popular.
>But it is disheartening when the threads only last a couple of posts and then the QM vanishes for like a month again
It happens, too many times a good quest just disappears.
We're 17 days in and have ~22 days left. The oldest quest on the board is 43 days old. Worst case scenario, we'll wrap up the last couple of events for this one and the Kings Quest in a final thread, but I honestly doubt it will be necessary.
I'm starting to think "no spells" would have been a better way to phrase it than "no magic" kek.
Yeah probably.

Personally, I think there's still a risk the thread will drop off the board or become unusable due to its size before then, but I am also a worrywort by nature. So its a good thing you've come up with a solution if it does happen.

Also I'd kill to see the list of events you've made for this, just to satisfy my own curiosity.
I don't think Huan needs any more leeway
The problem is a lot of what gives her an advantage just isn't powered by Qi or magic. She is just ridiculously strong and capable at her base-level and has a long and varied list of skills and talents natural or not, even discounting her mystical, sorcerous, occult and Qi powered stuff.

She (and the anons controlling her) just tends to buff as hard as they can pre-fight and use every trick in the book to win. EXCEPT against Aodasheng, the one time they probably should've buffed since that scary motherfucker damn near killed her in a friendly spar.

Seriously, the one time my fellow juniors don't act like Ainz Ooal Gown is when they're facing down the ghost of an evil king that needed a god slamming a mountain on top of him to kill him the first time, who has an ability called Aura: Overwhelming Malevolence.

That is what they decided to fight Fox only, no items, final destination!
I am honestly now curious about how this possession works, especially on someone like Anofelis. Is
it an elaborate spell which allows her to just take over a body? Would the possessed feel that they were possessed?

Hell, if I got an idea on how it worked, I could try and draw something if the mood hits me to start drawing in paint. No promises though, I got some other things to work on for the time being.
I'm more just getting confused as to people's reasoning. I feel as if not everyone is on the same page. That's also why I ask weird questions about contestants when I feel I need to.

Like knowing how to play chess. People say "it's easy to figure out" and it's true, I knew how to play chess when I was like 8. However I didn't know castling was a thing until I got into my twenties. Though now that does beg the question of whether it's a period appropriate chess or modern chess. Since those have very different rules. This is why prior knowledge of the game can be invaluable regardless of ones intuitiveness.

It's why I asked if Ano has the weird cricket leg structures. Because that genuinely changes the game and makes it a real contest in my eyes. My evaluation would change and I would have to go into greater detail to think about who'd win. Also so that I could say to give Ano thicker thighs to reflect the massively oversized quads crickets have, and also thicker and stronger knees, which are necessary to support the extra strong tendons and facilitate the jumping.

I just like when everyone understands each other.

As far as I am aware it's not a spell but more like what happens in movies when someone gets possessed by an evil spirit for being in the wrong place. Kind of like evil dead's deadites or some Japanese cursed camera picture taking stuff.

She kind of just leaves her own body like a puppet with its strings cut and her soul pushes its way into another body. She can either cohabitate and hide in the body, skimming thoughts, sharing thoughts and communicating mentally, or flat out force puppeteer the body if someone doesn't have a way to control their own soul or body. If she's hiding in there you wouldn't know about it unless you were very perceptive inwardly. But after a while you would inevitably notice. And if she does start to do things it becomes VERY obvious unless she puts you into a dreamlike or comatose state in your mind.

Also fun to note, if a person is possessed for a very long period of time (on a scale of months) they will naturally start to mutant to be more cat like. Down to their muscle elasticity and such changing. Huan has hypothesized that if she wanted to she could actively force this kind of change on someone very quickly and intentionally rather than by accident like she did to her human friend when they went on a trip.
It is not a spell, though that scary mofo Ao has confirmed such things do exist in the setting. It is the same as being possessed by a ghost, actually.

Huanliuxue is, kind of, a living ghost. Early on in her cultivation, she severed the connection between her soul and her body, which lets her just wander out of it and act like any other ghost. It is one of the foundational techniques of The ruler of the great wheel's law. Her student and Not daughter Qiang uses it to possess her sword

And yes they would. Huanliuxue used to possess her normal human woman friend Yuyi, before she got a human body of her own, and they'd hold entire conversations together as Yuyi lamented that Huan was making her look like a crazy person and getting her into dangerous situations or wasting her expensive beauty products and makeup.

But since she doesn't use it much, I don't know much beyond that. Yuyi couldn't fight for control the body when she was possessed, but she is a normal human woman, and I'm pretty sure grandfather has mentioned Spiritual Defenses. Not sure how strong they need to be to stop a ghost as strong as Huan from just kinda...kicking in the door and taking the wheel, since she hasn't tried to possess anything stronger than Meek Yuyi, stone statues or conveniently placed corpses.

I do know that extended exposure to her soul turned Yuyi into a cat girl until Huan used alchemy to "fix" her. And her daughters still ended up with cat ears and tails afterwards.

And that would be incredibly based if you did.
Yeah, that explains it better than I did. Much better

Those Buddhist monks were able to detect that "Yuyi" was possessed by a cat spirit. But since Buddhists don't give a fuck about what Daoist gods think, they were chill about it.
Buddhists do be understanding the nature of the universe and all things in it.

Which reminds me, the only two things I've ever come across the jump the shark and get out of control harder than wuxia stories is Dragon Ball and Hindu mythology. They go fucking HARD kek.
>The problem is a lot of what gives her an advantage just isn't powered by Qi or magic. She is just ridiculously strong and capable at her base-level and has a long and varied list of skills and talents natural or not, even discounting her mystical, sorcerous, occult and Qi powered stuff.
I feel like if your base stats are enough to jump into orbit then they're magic. Sure, in setting it might be called something else or have some other explanation (DBZ would call it Ki for example, most cultivation uses Qi from what I've seen), but in the end it's magic equivalent.

>Like knowing how to play chess. People say "it's easy to figure out" and it's true, I knew how to play chess when I was like 8. However I didn't know castling was a thing until I got into my twenties. Though now that does beg the question of whether it's a period appropriate chess or modern chess. Since those have very different rules. This is why prior knowledge of the game can be invaluable regardless of ones intuitiveness.
Sigrid with her fancy Academy education using en passant and Rosa freaking out over cheating is something I need now.

>Also so that I could say to give Ano thicker thighs
You are a gentleman and a scholar anon
I disagree, Because if that is counted a magic, then both Ano and Huan's existences as a whole are

And then the contest wouldn't go ahead, and RQM did already state that their trained and inherent abilities aren't affected.

Those base stats are trained and inherent.
>Sure, in setting it might be called something else or have some other explanation (DBZ would call it Ki for example, most cultivation uses Qi from what I've seen), but in the end it's magic equivalent.
Well, since as far as I can tell monster girl facility is soft sci-fi rather than hard sci-fi, "science" is used as a catch all just like "magic" is in fantasy. If you took the nanomachines out of Ano would she be able to do anything? Would she even survive? There's functionally little difference, at that point we'd be arguing semantics. The idea that one character can exist unimpeded and the other needs to have every single aspect stripped away from them when they both exist on "It's not real" is kind of disingenuous don't you think?

>Sigrid with her fancy Academy education using en passant and Rosa freaking out over cheating is something I need now.
That would be very funny. Declaring Sigrid is cheating just to have someone whip out a rule book and explain that "in the year 1537 of our lord doth a council determine...". Real seething hours.

The thicker the thigh the more luxuriant the lap pillow.
Preach. Took the words right out of my mouth.

Also who would win in a lap pillow contest? That'd be a very competitive match between Ano and Huan. Or it would be if you could make Huan go along with it and not throw a fit/ kill the judge. Does anyone have a spare immortal binding rope around? Sigird would have an incredibly competitive advantage against Rosa if they were the ones doing the contest.

Wonder if that's one of the challenges RQM has on the list. I keep expecting a Maid or cooking one to show up.
Ano is quite fluffy looking. Some moths have truly extraordinarily fluffy bodies. Though Huan is a cat, and is equally floof. As a human Huan probably has proportionately thicker thighs than Ano, but in terms of actual size Ano might be a little bigger.

I'd give it a coin toss.

Between Rosa and Sigrid? Sigrid undeniably has the better lap, but I feel like Rosa would not hesitate to whisper the sweetest of nothings into your ear if it meant winning. Which can be either a deal breaker or game winner all on its own.

Weirdly I think a lap pillow competition is one of the most contentious ones you could have lmao.
Yeah, same here, the real game would be seeing if you could make Huan swallow her pride enough to give some stranger a lap pillow, Unless the contest had the stipulation the receiver of said lap pillow was one of their friends.

And the ASMR would make me detract points from Rosa, personally. Honestly, kind of hope one of the contests is this or something similar. Because then the debates would get really put into overdrive
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Regular cats jump high, an oversized one that's also muscular even more so.

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
This is like THE old times shut-in hobby.
Have the judge be a kid and Huan would do it for free.
I'll admit that I don't know Huan at all since I don't read her quest and know little of cultivation, or what aspects "magic suppression" extends to here. What little I do know is that cultivators are massive fucking powergamers but not to what extent it is "real" physical abilities and how much depends on whatever that magic system wuxia likes to pull out is called and what they'd be able to use here. What with all these question marks for me, I side with me the known factor.
Entirely fair and based as hell.

Oh yeah didn't think about that, if you activate her maternal instincts that solves the "Feline Pride" issue. Hell, she even let Yuyi's daughters pull on her ears and tail
>What little I do know is that cultivators are massive fucking powergamers
This is true. Half of them usually the "evil" half would sell their own family's organs to get some secret technique or pill to further their power.

But to put it better, depending on what exact kind of fiction you're reading, physical cultivation is a completely different type of cultivation to the kind that lets you spit fire and turn into a dragon. A good example of this was that Ring cultivator quest that was here a while back where the physical cultivation in quest would be the body actively changing and purifying itself and adapting to make itself stronger. Where people after meditating and practicing may puke up black bile as their organs literally reshaped themselves and changed to be better and stronger, and afterwards they were just like that, no matter what.

Some wuxia doesn't have it, some does. But typically the idea of physical cultivation is just "Me do thing lots until me get gud.". As an example, there's this guy in China who broke his hand like a billion times on purpose so now his fist is more like a bone club, he can't actually use the hand properly any more but he can straight up shatter stones with his weird club hand now. It's basically shit like that but "cool and doesn't make you ugly". I wish I could remember the guy's name so I could put up a video.
I don't know any training that can bolster mundane flesh to that degree, but if you want to see it that way I can't stop you.

I think there's a whole range between soft and hard, and MGF is much, much closer to a hard setting than HCQ

Also out of curiosity, if Chaya had made it in and was Huan's opponent in this round, how would you guys vote and what would your arguments be?
Wow it's almost like these are fantasy settings and trying to nerf one character to nothing with the argument of "but that has to be magic" doesn't work since the same argument would also reduce the character you want to win to nothing or less, if you got your way.

And I'd vote for Huanliuxue. She's actually pretty close to Chaya from what I know of the two, and could just nearly kill herself for one of her non magical buffs, or I think it's not magic, it's a new ability, that funnily works like an instant and temporary zenkai boost. But cats are better jumpers than monkeys, and I like Huan more. Remember you can vote for whoever you want for any reason, and funny answers are as valuable as serious ones.

Also, answer me this, cause I'm still confused about it. Can DBZ characters breathe in space, cause it seems like they can, but only sometimes.

On my phone btw
>She's actually pretty close to Chaya from what I know of the two

From what I've seen, if Huan can jump into orbit Chaya could make it to another solar system, so I wouldn't say they're close.

Can DBZ characters breathe in space, cause it seems like they can, but only sometimes.
Some can normally, and some that can't normally can use equipment to do so.
Well the distinction is that hard scifi functions as exclusively as it can off of mathematics. Where things are grounded by physics and if they violate it they are something beyond human comprehension. At least to my understanding of scifi as a genre. I'm not quite up to date on the current zeitgeist. And Heretic Cultivator is certainly high fantasy yeah, unlike typical wire fighting Shanghai style wuxia stories, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon it is not.

There is no one on the docket who could outperform Chaya in a strictly physical confrontation. That's just how Dragon Ball tends to be. Ki in Dragon Ball is not some magical force, it's simply life force. You couldn't take someone's Ki away except by actually killing them. And even then, ghosts have Ki. But ghosts in Dragon Ball don't have bodies normally, so the ghosts that do have Ki are the ones that have bodies and are thus exceptions to the rules. It's really convoluted and stupid and it's off track.

And even if you allowed magic and adjacent things, Chaya has a lot of similar options that Huan has as well. She can "possess" people, teleport, blow up pancakes with mind, fly. That's kind of what happens when you genre mash like Saiyan Conqueror does, having the Force at her disposal means she gets the power creep that Star Wars had in its comics and novels. If magic were allowed, Huan would win because she could get to the moon instantly, whereas Chaya would need something to lock in on to teleport to. If it were explicitly ONLY jumping without magic, Chaya would clear, and pretty easily. The amount of gravity adjustment you would need to hold Chaya down so that she wouldn't leap straight out of atmosphere would unironically smash Huan's body into paste. It wouldn't kill Huan since she could always make a new body, but since there is also a no flying clause, that would immediately disqualify Huan for floating as a spirit.

>Remember you can vote for whoever you want for any reason
This. As much as we like to powerscale this is ultimately a popularity contest and not a series of actual challenges. It's window dressing what exactly the characters are doing. No shade on anyone who votes for their waifu just because it's their waifu.

>breathing in space
Some characters can explicitly breathe in space, like Frieza and his ilk, in more modern dragon ball, it's "HEY LOOK AT THIS FANCY AURA, TURN OFF YOUR BRAIN AND WATCH THEM FIGHT IN SPACE SO WE CAN SAVE MONEY ON BACKGROUND ANIMATION". It's best to assume if they have a bubble around them, they have some air (like Broly as a baby in classic Z) or if they have some wibbley color around them that it is their ki and they are... breathing it? I guess? It's silly.
You forget, heretic cultivator is cultivation, so the scale is completely fucking oversized, and also between the earth and moon are all of the nine heavens. So the distance is probably much closer than you'd think
And I am serious about this, the average nation in cultivation novels is like four times the size of earth cause Chinese web novelist has no sense of scale and like ridiculously huge numbers. I've read novels with trees bigger than galaxies.
Ki in Dragon Ball is not some magical force, it's simply life force.
If you can use it to fly, shoot techniques (spells) like the kamehameha and dodonpa, and enhance your physicality beyond anything reasonable with it then I don't care what it's called, it's magic to me. I recognize some people may disagree but that's how I see it.

>If magic were allowed, Huan would win because she could get to the moon instantly, whereas Chaya would need something to lock in on to teleport to. If it were explicitly ONLY jumping without magic, Chaya would clear, and pretty easily.
It's not a race to the moon, it's a contest to see who jumps highest, so I'd assume teleportation wouldn't count as it isn't a jump, and these two contestants can probably jump past the moon anyway.

I've read some cultivation, I know how crazy it gets. My counterpoint? Chaya is from DB. As ceg3ACJK said that's just how DB is. Roshi was able to blow up the moon like a dozen arcs and a nigh infinite amount of power ups ago.
DBZ is cultivation if you think about it. Goku was originally a monkey king stand in.
>It's not a race to the moon, it's a contest to see who jumps highest, so I'd assume teleportation wouldn't count as it isn't a jump, and these two contestants can probably jump past the moon anyway.
Correct. And when you jump on the moon, you're higher than the person not on the moon. It's a technicality but Huan would absolutely use it to her advantage. She's just as much a schemer as she is prideful. Or she'd do it to simply escape the gravity of the planet so she can jump higher in raw. It's a twofold approach to the problem.

>and these two contestants can probably jump past the moon anyway.
Absolutely, were it not for the "gravity adjusted" clause also present.

For me magic is anything that a filth blue-decker could counterspell. Otherwise I'd have to treat most of the candidates in general as if they were cheating at many things for simply existing. Music for example would be magic, but I don't consider her magic for purposes of competition unless she's doing something explicitly magical, like singing so the world changes shape or something. It's fine to have differing opinions.

But this did make me think, Rosa could technically beat Sigrid with little fanfare if she outed Sigrid on a technicality. If she talked mad enough shit that Sigrid flipped the board, that's a forfeiture or disqualification. And the same could be said in reverse, I don't think Rosa is as easy to taunt as Sigrid.

Son Wukong, A monkey in any other name! Honestly, yeah. u rite lol
The ki/qi vs magic division in some Eastern mysticism is sort of like the witchcraft/miracle division in Abrahamic faiths, or even divine/arcane in D&D. It is culture-bound or setting-depwndent and often has more to do with source (holy/unholy, or outside-one's-self/inside-one's-self). I wouldn't overthink it. The contest is just for flavour, anyway. It's just meant to be a no flight/explosions/telekinesis/magical growth spurt/etc.) thing. You've got to jump, under your own power, without absorbing energy from elsewhere using mumbo jumbo magic words to rewrite reality.

Also, DBZ is 100% cultivation with all the philsophy, religion, and esoterica filed off to make room for Toriyama's wacky bullshit. However, I would say flight and kamehamehas would count as "magical" for the purpose of a contest like this just like a dragon in my setting using their own life energy to fuel a mystical-chemical 'firelung' would be magical even though the power comes from within. It relies explicitly on physics-violating principles that don't even pretend to be rooted in reality.

Just my opinion, though, and not something that really needs to be overanalyzed. Nobody is likely to change their vote over it, lol. You can't "vote wrong" in a glorified waifu contest.
>You can't "vote wrong" in a glorified waifu contest.
Of course you can, you can vote for anything I'm not voting for :^)
Objectively wrong and everyone must point and laugh at you now. Because, Your, YES YOUR, waifu is TRAAAAASH, unlike my Waifu.
But anon, your waifu is my waifu
>This. As much as we like to powerscale this is ultimately a popularity contest and not a series of actual challenges. It's window dressing what exactly the characters are doing. No shade on anyone who votes for their waifu just because it's their waifu.

I feel as if most people treat it more like an actual power scale given the last few contests, both with Ano and without...
>I feel as if most people treat it more like an actual power scale given the last few contests, both with Ano and without...
Exactly, a lot of the far more popular characters who got the most votes in the qualifier have been on a losing streak because they're low-power. Whether it's "allowed" or not, 99% of people are just voting for the contest.
Whether it's allowed to vote for your favorite*
To be fair, that's bound to happen with people who aren't familiar with all of the characters. If it's between two quests you don't read you're going to base it on SOME metric. And some people are gonna always see something as a contest, even in their own quests. Voting for what they think would win or be best instead of what they'd like to see.

It do be like that sometimes.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)

I had to clean cat puke up a little while a go, so fuck cats.

Not that way you degens.

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)

I have a thing for witches, even if they aren't my type.

It sucks even more when you have a contest that on paper and in practice one side should totally win but lose because people just see one little fact and ignore everything else despite the fact that the other has the exact same ability/capability on top of their existing skill set because it's a team game while the other doesn't even have a team outside of maybe just more bodies of themselves... You can guess what I am referring to.

Also since I'm making another post...


If you want thick buggo thighs you can always draw her with them. Knowing Anderson he'd not be opposed to more fan art. Or you can pay someone else to draw her with them if you aren't an artist yourself. Usually takes 20 dollars on artists and clients if you find the right Indonesians. I even commissioned art of some of the characters you'll eventually meet, hopefully. Two of which you already know of. Of course, I know how little that narrows it down but that's intentional.
People vote as they will. Can't fault them for that here or any other quest
or you can bait MGFQ's resident Anofelis-loving fan artist into drawing her being cute.
>Correct. And when you jump on the moon, you're higher than the person not on the moon.
...What if you just jump past the moon? I don't think that the moon is the highest possible point in the known universe.

For quests I don't follow I've been voting whichever character seems thematically more suited to the contest regardless of stats, but perhaps now I shall vote for the lower power candidate as an equalizing force.
AND I AM, TRAAAAAAAASH, Thank you for lying though, I appreciate the effort.
Seeing all the discussions about powergaming, how people vote, and just general abilities of characters has made me desire but one thing: The second least intelligent character must battle Anofelis in a game of wits whenever they face each other.

Then again, looking at all of the characters in the contest, I feel like Anofelis' intellect REALLY is far behind that of most other contestants. Not that I mind that, of course. I like that Ano has her size, physical prowess and floofiness going for her, and that she does have some things she isn't that good at. It can lead to some really funny interactions, such as the magical sack shenanigans with Hilde and Louise.

Also, I am quite guilty of not knowing a goddamn thing about the other contestants. Though, that is why I am trying to have Anofelis interact with them and meet some of the chars and their friends. Cute interactions + cute art makes everything better.

>If you want thick buggo thighs you can always draw her with them
Do not lewd Anofelis. She is a big, precious bug girl, not a seggs bug girl. I've got several spider gals to satisfy the role of 'seggs bug' already.
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>...What if you just jump past the moon? I don't think that the moon is the highest possible point in the known universe.
Well the heightened gravity stops someone from jumping out of the planet's gravity well. Otherwise either contestant would jump infinitely once they broke past it. So, yeah.

>but perhaps now I shall vote for the lower power candidate as an equalizing force.
You can "spite roll" like that if you want. I'll just keep rolling for who I -want- to win. No fuss lmao
>Well the heightened gravity stops someone from jumping out of the planet's gravity well.
Does it though? I don't think any numbers were specified, just that it was higher than normal, but training in high gravity is a DBZ staple.
So Cutemon?
>Also, I am quite guilty of not knowing a goddamn thing about the other contestants. Though, that is why I am trying to have Anofelis interact with them and meet some of the chars and their friends.
That's why I decided to have my characters participate in this thing as well. And why I picked Chaya to compete, as she loves the spotlight.
If we were crossing over with the king competition there are some more, himbo-y characters in there that would be great for it kek. I do think Cutemon and Ano doing a trivia quiz-off would be hilarious. Especially since neither of them are human and perceive the world in different ways than most of the other characters.

Considering it was worded and intended as such to make it an actual competition between Huan and Ano, I would assume that yes it would be high enough to ensure it would be an actual competition between Huan and Chaya, which would naturally preclude any sort of occurrence of an "infinite duration check" otherwise there would be no winner because it would go on forever. It seems very intuitive to me. The idea behind the "high gravity" is, to me at least, to be "high enough" to stop this very thing. Because if you are unaffected by any sort of gravity or downforce you are in effect flying, therefore entering open space is just flying by another name.
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Anofelis isn't just kinda thick, she seems borderline mentally disabled and would be the dumbest person in most rooms (don't tell her I said that), though that doesn't slow her down and there's a big difference between a very slow but cognisant person and drooling tard - you've managed to slot her neatly into the transition zone between "infuriating but functional fool" and "burdensome and non-functional tard" where it flips to become endearing rather than annoying like the opposite of the uncanny valley in a way that can actually be quite difficult without falling on either unlikeable side. On a meta level too, I don't think people really think about or greatly enjoy writing or playing developmentally challenged characters (as opposed to regular airheads and fools, of which we have a few) so we don't see many of them. Honestly, she reminds me of (film) Forrest Gump in quite a lot of ways. I wonder how she'd react if one of her friends was being maliciously hurt in front of her while being in a position to do something about it, kinetically. Darth Toxori, anyone?
Rolled 2 (1d6)

It seems the Great Witch Sigrid has her sneaky foe firmly in her sights, while he academy education is being put to good use (plus no shortage of time alone dwelling n solitary. intellectual pursuits , to consider things like game theory).

However, the contest between Huanliuxue is much, much closer -separated by only two votes by my count, 13-to-11. And you know what, anons? I think it could go either way. And so...
So the conditions would prevent them from gaming the contest by jumping out of orbit but not by teleporting to the moon?

Oh snap
A tie? That's hype as fuck! Honestly, best outcome, like both the girls, Even if I like Huan a bit more.
People like Ano because she reminds them of that one kid they used to know back in special ed who was dumb but fun. I know from experience.

>So the conditions would prevent them from gaming the contest by jumping out of orbit but not by teleporting to the moon?
In the very specific context that guy had established, if magic were allowed (but not flight as it is still specifically a jumping competition) yes. The criteria being that as long as one could jump they are still "in bounds". It is logically consistent. Granted it is full of technicalities, but that's the exercise in "Why would you vote for X or Y" like he'd asked. I'm not JUST pulling it out of my ass. I'm also sprinkling it with parsley and thyme.

Oh, shit!
>if magic were allowed
Ah, I thought we were still talking about the original conditions
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Rolled 72, 37 = 109 (2d110)

13 to 13, we have or first TRUE TIE[/b! It seems even with the subtle boost of fate and fortune on behalf of the tournament’s master, the magical dampeners weren’t quite enough—or the potency of a cute cat on the internet—was JUST too much for Ano to overcome… But with teat LITTLE bump, Haunliuxue was able to EQUAL HER ALTITUDE EXACTLY!

Our winners are…
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Yeah things got a little weird in the "What if" against Chaya kek.

Now everyone just has to make the next vote a four way tie and say ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for you to not have an excuse to roll a die for anyone so you must award everyone a point. Truly devious.

I'm very happy though. I do like Ano, even if I stan the cat.
Well I'm happy. that's four wins for Huan. Her favorite and lucky number. Probably because it is a very unlucky number and associated with death in China. And she IS a herald of misfortune. Grandfather will be pleased

Congrats to Ano as well, she and Huan should start a basketball team and dunk on everyone else, or better yet, have a lap pillow contest. Give me cat and bug thighs
The best part about Anofelis is that she is actually quite well aware of her lack of intellect. She doesn't try to be smart, nor will she ever lie to seem like she knows more than she actually does. She's extremely honest, straight-forward and to the point about who she is. She knows she is lacking in intelligence and that it wasn't exactly something she was designed with. And she happily accepts that about herself and will always try to do her best regardless. Of course, maybe she can come off as a little childish or brash, but she's never malicious in any way.

It actually was a small plot point that she hated that caretakers and some scientists who constantly called her stupid. She did her best, yet those people always mocked her for something she knows she can't really easily fix. It also meant that she quickly befriended Alan the pyromaniac death squad soldier, who is also somewhat of a brute yet 'unintelligent' guy. Albeit maybe with a snarkier and more aloof side compared to Ano.

As for Ano and aggression, she isn't exactly vengeful. But, she can be extremely protective of those she cares for. And let me tell you, if anyone really hurts her friends with clear malicious intent, and she is nearby to see it... well, she will gladly show the attacker that her horn isn't just for show and that her claws are capable of far worse things than digging through concrete.

I am honestly more than fine with this. The two were so close together throughout the day, and I honestly don't mind this ending up as a tie. I am sure Anofelis would love to learn all about Huan's jumping technique and her Qi powers, especially since another good friend and former contestant had something quite similar to that...
I think a neat thing for Huan is that she would probably see a childlike nature in Ano and take a liking to her. She is very protective of children. And she'd be more than happy to try and teach a fellow "beast" about things. Even if she might end up using terms and words that made no sense to Ano at first. Huan do be wordy as hell sometimes. After the competition I'm sure Huan would have taught Ano how to jump gooder and the virtues of training. And lots of other philosophical things.
Yeah, Huan would probably get along really well with Ano. She has two younger sisters who are bugs and also princesses, and one of her best students is a moth.
Yes, yes, yes! That's exactly what she'd do. Shame grandfather isn't participating in the tourney, at least not openly, having him write interactions between Huan and the rest would've been fun.
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In our next round, we see two explorers of very different sci-fi fantasy cosmologies, at very different scales of the sliding power-scale, up against one another in a contest only one can win (baring another fluke tie-game). They are:

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)

And they’re facing off in:


Well, I guess neither has an obvious advantage here, actually! After all, this is:

The only criteria here is: who looks better as a dude? All the magic or qi in the world can’t make THAT happen, nor any amount of sufficiently-advanced technology! This is all down to whom can pull off a lot, a voice, and maybe some sort of supplementary kitsch performance of manhood best!

Those two won’t be the only ones performing, either: while they’re donning their gay (kek) attire, the cutést contestant in the competition will be up against the Countess of Conspiracies in yet another competition of communication! Luckily there’s no need for words, this time—in fact, their expressly forbidden! Rather,

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

Will compete in…

Lol, small hat loses to bigger hat, and our fluffy moth gets to keep going.
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)

She's already pretty manly and has punched several things to death, and could pull of an emo boy failure look really well if she used chest binders, even if shes a bit stocky. And I imagine she has a deep, husky voice

>Cutémon (Cutémon)

Blair might fight by using her spear as a stripper pole sometimes, but there's nothing interpretive about that. Cutemon I think has a natural advantage by being mute and adorable, so she probably has more experience than our captain does
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Honestly I have no idea what either of them sound like but I just have a hunch that the jerkass would be able to pull of 'guy' better. I don't know why.

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Well that's not fair at all...
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
well, muna as a goddess can literally change her appearence so she has this in the bag but dunno if it's something she'd like

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
she got the moves
>She's already pretty manly and has punched several things to death
>Honestly I have no idea what either of them sound like but I just have a hunch that the jerkass would be able to pull of 'guy' better. I don't know why.
counterpoint: bazongas and tight fitting fanservice clothes
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
I feel like she could pull the disgruntled executive look off convincingly.
>Interpretive dance
Now that's kinda fucked, technically, since Cutemon is a mon at the end of the day, that is an intrinsic language she would know. On the other, watching a schizo try to explain how the government is run by terrorist mole people sounds hilarious...I'm gonna vote for
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Because its funny. But acknowledge Cutemon would objectively be better.
Old vote to older votes, you know the drill.
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Whilst I got a hunch that Muna can pull off looking like a guy somewhat, I got a feeling that, with a few alterations to her outfit and a few other minor changes, she can channel her inner King a lot easier than Muna.

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
I am kinda just imagining her doing a silly little dance. Blair might also be able to do something silly, but I also got a feeling it will end up incidentally looking a lot more elegant than intended.

The philosophy stuff will probably go in one ear-fin-thingie and come out the other. Still, she would be happy to just be around someone so kind and wise.

>and one of her best students is a moth.
Ano will instantly want to meet them out of sheer curiosity.
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
I wish all of the QMs for their respective quests were in here repping. If for no other reason than to provide in character reasoning and responses so everyone could get a better idea of what every character or quest is about. But I understand that is a fair amount of extracurricular work depending on how deep they want to get into it.

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
I have no idea how to properly gauge this event kek. But I figure having access to the internet probably helps her a lot in figuring out how to properly Dude it up. Even if I think Muna could tomboy it up hard enough to fool someone if she wore a particularly thick sweater. Tired eyes have natural eye shadow and they speak to me on a spiritual level.

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
I flipped a coin for this one, too. The countess, by virtue of being smarter, can put more actual thought into what her dance is supposed to portray. However, pokemon (and things like them) barring the psychic type live in a state of eternal interpretive dance, like most animals do, in order to communicate. Ultimately interpretive dance comes down to what the observer interprets from the dance. And that's us. And we're dumb.
"Hey Ano, you did it! You managed to match a god in jumping! How about that?"

"Now, for this next competition.... A what? Well, the god's stronger so she should be able to drag a lot more... What do you mean, chat? What did I miss? Huh? Wait wait wait, THAT'S what that means? Oh, well then I guess-"
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)

"And for the other competition, a dance huh? Oh, you mean one where you just move how you want? Then it's no contest, I'm voting for-
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
While Baifenchi is a sweetie, soft spoken and cheerful. She is also probably the only person who might be more morbid minded than Huan is capable of being, and the kitty likes hanging around cursed graveyards and decorating with chattering skulls and wailing souls, and has admired her own grevious wounds and imagined herself as a rotting or mangled corpse before, Her reaction to being disembowled was to note she was as beautifull on the inside as she is on the outside. Huan can have some pretty ghastly trains of thought

But the moth is outright death obsessed and keeps the mummified and shrunken corpse of her old owner/uncle as a keepsake. And is a necromancer.

Ano might get creeped out by her, since Baifenchi may be the only existence more goth beneath the heavens than Huan when she is in a particularly morbid/macabre/ spooky mood.

Huan would introduce them to eachother, of course. Baifench is a good girl and diligent student, even if she's creepy

Yeah, yeah, but I bet that suit can vacuum seal and compress with a few buttln presses
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>(Writing) -------

My turn again!


I... don't want any part of this...

[JOCO] "Oh, so you take your Id and animate it to create Majordomo, and make him sound as masculine and snarky as can be, but you can't even mime a masculine voice even though you could easily. Mmmmm CUUUURIOUS!"

[MAJORDOMO] "Joco, you are literally colored like a rainbow."

[JOCO] "W-What's your point, bovine?!"


'While it is true I could shapeshift my material form to whatever I wished, since it is made of energy, I am not going to do that! This is completely unnatural. I am a woman!'

[MAJORDOMO] "We're taking the L."

I decided to forfeit this time. I hoped everyone would vote for my opponent this time. Besides, she does look pretty tired, maybe a win would cheer her up?

>------- (Writing End)

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Muna's just too damn honest and would be kinda baffled and put off by the whole thing. Even if she probably could do it, she wouldn't want to.

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
I don't know much about Cutemon, but I'll trust what others have been said thus far and that I'm inclined to believe Blair would overthink it and tread on her own toes. It's known she's better at twirling a spear at someone's head than on a dancefloor.

She definitely avoids the DK effect by not pretending to be anything more.
On that note, what would have happened if we summoned her into the fight with Caerys? And if she saw Alan get chomped?
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Yeah it's just that simple
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Mons have dance moves. Checkmate.
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
She'd actually look like a guy, while Muna would look like some weird human unicorn.

Also the QM forfeit and I think has voted for the opponent of his OC every time

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Doesn't she only know like 3 words? Her whole life is interpretive dancing.
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Storkie is both less feminine and flatter then her ship-partner, which has caused her some grief but puts her in a position of already being 'manlier by comparison'.

Plus, I think her opponent has already technically conceded?

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Blair is lithely athletic, but most importantly she also has some good friends and comrades who are or have been dancers, and could offer sound advice and training to ensure she's ready for the day. Cutemon is Cute, but her animal inexperience rather holds her back here. Blair would be better at putting some interpretation into the dance.
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
No offense, but I just feel like she could pull it off a little better. Now if it was her PARTNER trying...

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>No offense, but I just feel like she could pull it off a little better.
is there any in quest reason as to why people prefer miss space bazongas for the drag thing ? not complaining, just curious
This is exactly why I think Ano would be Huan's second favorite contestant after Cutemon. Huan would definitely use training as a pretext to spend more time with her.

I just feel she has more flair.

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
If Cutemon is able to understand critters that can only say one word, I'm sure she can communicate back in the same way!
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
I wouldn't dream of voting against my captain. No, sir.
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
If pictures are to go by then she'll have an easier time
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Please don't cut my pay Blair! While she would be a decent dancer with her stats, I don't see her being that good at interpretive dance, meanwhile Cutemon is a small childlike being so you know they got energy and creativity for all kinds of shit, in this case the one with less maturity is at an advantage.
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)

Sci-fi pilots just look better in pilot uniforms-- and could feasibly pass as a 'pretty boy', if she finds a way to conceal the chest.

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

I won't vote against my x, she's got y years of z, after all.

On a more serious note, she's picked up some dance skills over her travels-- one of her closest friends is a professional dancer and part of one of the most prestigious theater groups in the land, so I'm sure she's got some skills at it, even if interpretative dance can be weird.
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Drag is about being fabulous.
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
I just dont like cutemon
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)

>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
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>"GRAAHH!! This is bullshit! How come I haven't won a single one yet?!"
>"Well, you've had some pretty strong adversaries so far Storkie, I don't think it's your fault..."
>"Of course it's not MY fault! This whole thing is rigged! Rigged I say!!"
>"Okay okay, calm down! Don't worry, this next one you'll win for sure! You know why?"
>"Because I'm not relying on faulty software to help me out, like in the last one?"
>[Eyy, it ain't my fault! That hot cyber lady was givin' me some bedroom eyes, I got distracted!]
>"She doesn't even HAVE any eyes!"
>[Well, I was starin' at some rounds things, and they were staring back at me!]
>"GAAHH! I'M GONNA STUFF YOU IN A- ...Uh.. what's that you got there?"
>"A suit and tie! Didn't you see what the next round was about? Don't worry, I'm gonna make you look super handsome!"
>"Grrr... I guess if it's the only way to win..."
>"I'm glad you're getting into it Storkie! Don't worry, you're already pretty rough and boy-like, so I'm sure you'll do well here!"
>"Shut up! Get going! And don't you dare cut my hair or I'm cutting your little hair antenna!!"

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
She might be grumbling over it, but Rosa lost, fair and square.
(Next time, actually read the chess manual, Rosa!)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Sure she can only speak like 3 words, but body language is an animal's domain.

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
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Even though you're trying your best, these contests are really hard! It seems like a lot of the other contestants in this tournament are pretty smart! Maybe you'll have better luck in the next contest!

What? The next contest is a dancing contest? Since you already know how to dance, this should be easy! It looks like this is an interpretive dancing contest!


Even though you probably know what that means, I'll explain it anyway! You're supposed to dance to show the audience how you feel when you're thinking about something important!

What? You don't know what to think about? Well, why don't you dance to show the audience how you feel when you're helping your friends?


Alright, it looks like it's your turn! It seems like Blair might be pretty good at dancing, so just try to do your b-


What? Ramster is going to help by playing some music? I don't know if that's a good idea!
I'm grumbling about it too, the one time the contest wasn't ridiculously one-sided and she loses because people just assumed something wrong and ran with it.
testing, very high chance of new IP because shenanigans...
Rolled 1 (1d6)

Well, SOMEBODY cleans up nice! I suppose sci-fi chest-binders must be rather more effective than their modern equivalents, too, to achieve such a, ahem, flattening effect. Well, regardless of your confusing feelings this ponytailed young man may elicit, ONE thing is certain: Pilot Pilot 337 has cruised into her very first victory!

But what about our OTHER competition? Cutémon holds the lead, 15-to-10, against Blair, but there is a certain amount of dissent among the judges. Some, it seems, feel the raw animal emotion conveyed by the feral child isn't enough to overcome the more cultivated, refined, and overtly purposeful motions of the Countess. I suppose, in my capacity as arbitrator, it comes down to me to decide if the (allegedly) witchy woman can dance her way into an underdog victory...

Rolling 1d6.
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Rolled 9, 68 = 77 (2d108)

It seems the dice agree with the majority: the majesty of a mon in motion is simply something that no amount of coaching and tutors (or years as a mercenary captain, or threats of paycuts) can compensate for!

Our winners are:

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
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The multiverse is an expansive and universe place, full of many a pleasurable planet… But also no shortage of what one could charitably describe as ‘Death Worlds’. One such plane of existence, a pocket dimension home to terrifying threats both mundane and magical, with extreme atmospheric conditions and only the sparsest mercies and minimal necessities for life, will serve as the stage for a contest between a less-than-confident deity and a woman (well, halfling) whose ego would challenge the gods above!

>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)

will compete in…

I suppose Music can count herself lucky she didn’t roll the OTHER contest at hand, though. Rather, we will be seeing two big personalities with storied histories and intense emotions take the stage in a far calmer and more auspicious event: the delivery of a stirring speech to move the voters to support their ideals, and their ascent to that much-sought-after crown! Of course, if their QMs (or ardent admirers) had one prepared, I imagine it could only help their chances, as…

>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)

Step up to the podium for…

>The God of Music (Versequest)

Cause Sigrid wouldn't survive a day in the wild, unlike Music, who could do some disney princess esc shenanigans and befriend the wild life. Hell, the witch with tits may not even arrive at the starting zone and just barricade herself in her room in a panic.

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
I don't like AI or Synth music. Simple as
Oratory is public-speaking, anon.
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Does Music even have basic needs?

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
I'm sure Merrygate could deliver a truly textbook and perfect speech. However, everyone knows that true oratory prowess comes from making people like you more than the other guy. Facts and logic mean nothing in the face of "Our gal"ism.

Methinks he mistook oral for aural. Thank you English language, for having so many similar sounding words.
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Technically she did this already.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Now a inspiring speech is natural for a Knight, a knight giving a speech while dressed like a stripper is even better.
Previous posts
Oh, well that's on me for having the brain of a kumquat , still voting for Louise, because I think a noble night would have better people skills than a robot and give a speech that resonates more with the audience
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Does she even need to eat

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Can an AI touch the hearts of the people the way Louise can?
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Without a doubt. And Icebird is definitely there to help her if she needs it.

>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
With over 9000 speeches in her database, it's statistically improbable for her to make a bad speech. Especially if that speech involves riling people up for...retaliation.
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Icebird is here for her if she needs. That and because she's immortal anyway she doesn't need to eat. If she's allowed her powers from blackspace then she can probably unexist monsters near her lol. She a bit nervous though
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Considering this A.I. got people to lust over her I'm sure her wordsmith is at least very decent
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Going to go with
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
for wilderness survival because she'd actually do all of the things needed. Music would probably survive longer, but if this is a challenge of survival techniques, she's probably at a disadvantage.

As for Oratory, Louise has had to give numerous rousing speeches prior to an assault on fortifications or the like before. MERRYGATE would probably have a perfectly written speech, and that's exactly the problem that she will face; a speech that is so polished that it pushes people into the uncanny valley. You see it in corporate communications and how people trained in those settings to "effectively communicate" things like their emotions come off as incredibly unnatural.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)

Surely, she can use her NEET magic to magic something livable into existence.

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)

Now that's a woman I'd follow into battle, after she gives a rousing speech.
Dropped my trip.
>The God of Music (Versequest)
This deity can subsist alone
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Fire Emblem protags and their flowery oration and anime speeches. No contest
SHIT NEVERMIND I FORGOT ABOUT >>6018122 and >>6018159
Seems the fat bitch already did this before? I guess that puts her above Music in this, at least for me.

Changing my first vote to
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
but I am KEEPING the other one as is
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
her field now

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
she's a leader and nobility, this will be a piece of cake

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Technically speaking this is wilderness survival, as in build a shelter, gather food, ect. Music might be a god but actually doing everything that's needed as opposed to just sitting there? Besides, first hand experience helps.

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Who are people going to back? Chat GPT-1000 or a real human being and a real hero?
>The God of Music (Versequest)

>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Due to me voting against our glorious and fair leader I have been exiled to the jails, thus my ID address is now different, however I think my personal code should work though I am a dark mage not a magician.
>The God of Music (Versequest)
I've read a bunch of quests that greenhorn quest QM has done, and non of those fuckers are gonna survive a week in the wilderness, except maybe the chainsawman guy, he had some head on his shoulders.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
My racism makes me not vote a robot
meant to say technician not magician but they're pretty much the same, just swap spellbooks with macbooks
>he thinks people do real work on macbooks
>The God of Music (Versequest)
No justification
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
I ain't gonna explain shit.
>>The God of Music (Versequest)
Seems like she'd have little trouble surviving anywhere.
>>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
I have trouble understanding half of what MERRYGATE says at the best of times.
If this is a contest of techniques rather then just 'remaining existent', then:
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Because she's done it before.

The other victory should easily fall to:
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
because she actually leads, makes sense and delivers non-robotically.
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
she did it in quest already, so she got this

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
She's a commander, literally used to this with a side of knowing a little nobility shit.
>My racism makes me not vote a robot
you mean xenophobia
>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Can she even starve to death?

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
This 100% fits her character.
>you mean xenophobia
I know what I said
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
They are both immune through magic, so no contest. Sigrid got those gravity wellers though.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Louise is a socially awkward religious loony, for specific crowds only.
Rolled 33, 6 = 39 (2d106)

Prepping for the next round. Get your votes in now, if you're gonna'!
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Can Chat-GPT write a speech to move hearts and awaken emotions? Can it rouse men’s passions, bring them to tears? Well, maybe someday, and a certain artificial intelligence’s presence here today is testament to how much passion a machine can rouse in men… But even so, it seems that even in the distant future, they’ll still be no match for the oratory expertise of a nobleborn Lady Knight! To the cheers of her adoring public,
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Take the point, 18-to-5!

However, our OTHER match-up is less decisive. It seems there’s some disagreement among the panel of judges: is it better and more impressive (or Queenly, for that matter) to survive by dint of sheer durability and an apparent total lack of physiological requirements? Or is it better, more noble, more REGAL to master the elements through one’s own skills and experience, enduring in spite of one’s vulnerability? With Music just sort of… Sitting there, unbothered by the doom-planes vagaries, while Sigrid has made a real production of using magical and non-magical means to endure, the question is quite relevant. With a 12-11 split, my 1d6 would normally decide it…

But I do have to agree that Sigrid’s approach is more in keeping with the spirit of the competition! And anyway, when Icebird showed up, that was sort of a disqualification. How did he even get here??

Anyway, out other winner is:

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)

Which brings us to our next round…
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Neither of these two high-powered honeys is human, and both are forces to be reckoned with when properly motivated! One is some sort of horse-dragon with three personalities and power to spare; the other is a two-story-tall monkey-cat with more bugs mashed in there than you can shake a flyswatter at. But when

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)

with the expectation to destroy as much of an arena as possible while battling automated, military-grade motorcars who are pursuing the same objective, who will twist more metal? Especially if they have to do so… In cars of their own!


Meanwhile, our other two potential-potentates will be facing off in something a little more ‘low-key’, for the folks who’d rather attend an event with less shrapnel and smashing! Here on the miniature green, the only sounds will be those of putters precisely bopping balls. Has either of these exotic entrants encountered this niche sport of modern Americana? Who will get to grips first and stay under par when

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

compete in


Thought one of our contenders is small enough for this to be REGULAR golf, it remains to be seen whether this is an advantage or disadvantage.

What do YOU think, /qst/?
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
I feel like Muna would have an easier time learning how to drive than Ano.

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
The sheer control over her own physical strength, and a precision that exceeds reason, she kind of has a distinct advantage here. And if we wanted to make the contestants as pint sized as the name, she could always make a puppet out of her blood or shapeshift a little smaller to stay in theme.

The truth is no one wins at minigolf. NO ONE. FUCKING WINDMILLS AAAIIIYYEEEE
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"Hell yeah Ano, you can't lose this one! Go wild and smash and crash through everything, you've got this! You've got more than enough power, crush everything and show them all what you've got!"
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)

"Dunno, this one seems boring. Putting balls in holes? Meh, I'll toss this funny coin I found laying around."
"Aaaand I'm voting for-"
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)

She's built better for this, being taller and so needing a larger car. And not knowing how to drive one will not be an issue cause its a destruction derby

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

Huan will hear the word "Ling" and Lock in.

Not to mention she is actually very talented at controlling her strength, physical or otherwise, and with partial transformation, can get the benefit of having whiskers in her human form, to better judge the distance between the golfball and the hole (It's actually really neat, they can sense vibrations in the air with them), and with spiritual senses and just her ordinary senses, and the fact she is really accurate throwing small balls of destructive force at things she doesn't want to exist anymore.

And if she has access to all of her abilities, since their isn't a reference to a dampener, well...she can just tear holes between one spot in the fabric of space and another, with Cosmic Qi.

I have to give it to Huan

and an explanation why Rika being a Ling will make Huan lock in and put her in her A game, and be absolutely merciless in minigold.

That is the name of a clan she despises with all her heart, as they are the source of the grudge that created her and they are also descended from the fucks who outlawed Ascended Beasts like her, forbid them from cultivating and made it legal to hunt them for their magic cores by declaring them a kind of demon. They kill kids and bully the weak, basically

Also a rogue member of the clan beat up some of her earliest disciples, blinded one, killed another before she met her, and is all around a psycho bitch

Fuck the ling clan, all my homies hate the ling clan. But love the Lingdom, all my homies adore the lingdom.
>>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest
Seems you've lost your IP, friend.
I’m this IP
then why didn't you just post with that one?
>(Writing) -------

Demolition derby, huh? Sounds fun, so long as nobody gets hurt, of course!

[MAJORDOMO] "What kind of vehicle would we even drive?"

'Well, that's tricky. The Psyops doesn't have many vehicles in its inventory, besides civilian ones commanded by the front company. But, we do have the Wisdom Bank.'

[MAJORDOMO] "Euuhhh... it's a giant flying war machine powered by psychic energy, Munny."

'I can easily power the entire thing on my own, even remotely control it.'

[MAJORDOMO] "That's not my point. A demolition derby usually involves... y'know, wheeled vehicles. And also, shooting lasers from the bits or using psionic wavelengths usually isn't the traditional method, as rad as that sounds. What I mean is, the vehicle itself is supposed to crash into, and run over things, including the opponent's vehicle. And being as this thing is more or less a flying submarine, I'm not sure we can crash this into the opponent.... er, w-without killing her."

'...I see your point.'

[JOCO] "Why does it have teeth?"

[MAJORDOMO] "Because it looks scary."

[JOCO] "But like, does it open?"

[MAJORDOMO] "I don't actually know that."

[JOCO] "Well it should. Emm effer needs a bite attack."

'Wait, this kind of sport requires crashing into the opponent?' I asked, looking a little worried now; 'You mean it isn't just destroying a bunch of props and obstacles for fun?'

[MAJORDOMO] "M... Most of the time? I mean, when it's like, monster trucks and stuff they just run smaller vehicles over for whatever bogan pleasure it extracts. Usually the derby involves literally knocking the opponent out."

'That means she might get hurt! I don't want that! Nobody should risk injury just for a sport!'

[JOCO] "Are we taking another L?"

'Hmph... I guess we'll just have to see.'

>------- (Writing End)

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
By the very nature of her size a car made to fit her would be far larger and by extension have a lot more weight and power behind it. It'd be like putting a combine harvester or dump truck against normal cars. Plus in this situation Muna's god powers wouldn't really matter and despite Ano's intelligence, all she'd really need to know is what pedal accelerates and what one is the break given the wheel should be extremely intuitive. The only thing she might have trouble with is if she's in a stick shift, but if she isn't she should be golden to run rampant.

Also I realize that if Ano had Annie on her team in the paint ball contest she auto wins given hackeryote...God that loss lives rent free in my brain doesn't it?

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
If it was normal golf I'd give it to Huanliuxue.
I forgot I was on mobile data.
Fair enough

...yeah she probably could shrink herself, with her newly grasp on transformation techniques.

A Ling sized Huan would be absolutely adorable, and probably surprisingly close to the inaccurate fan art being used her, now that I think about it.
>>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Bigger body -> bigger car

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Mini person -> mini golf
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Majordomo take the wheel and show everyone what you're made of

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
I trust her to eyeball it real good
>Bigger body -> bigger car
if you're going by that, Muna has the bigger body
And as I've recently re-read the entire quest, allow me to list all the crimes of the Ling Clan.

Ling Meng, invaded a neighboring region, officially breaking ten generations of peace without war, because the current emperor was a fat NTR man who pissed off the rest of the vassals. Starting with a village with a tiny white snow ball of a cat with a notched ear, slaughtering everyone inside of it mercilessly, including the children who cared for the cat.

Huanliuxue then awoke as a demonic beast from the enmity she felt, and started hunting down and eating Ling soldiers, eventually chasing the army away by brutally mangling Ling Meng and eating him alive.

Killing an innocent Yujijiao, who did nothing wrong ever and just guarded an oasis, to appease their own subordinates who were demanding why they hadn't killed the monster who killed Ling Meng.

Sending assassins after Huan when they finally found her, and when the expected happened and they all died horribly, they blamed the sect they sent them to and started the first war in the cultivation world in ten generations.

Adopted Ling Yaonan, psycho bitch, and then use her as a terror weapon in the war against the Chuan sects. This backfired on them, as she turned on them to kill more people and is currently doing that

Probably starting a beast wave that is fucking up any region without a Huanliuxue in it out of sheer salt due to being unable to kill Huanliuxue no matter how hard they tried.

And the members who are deities tried to kill Huan, again, as she raced through the nine heavens to reach the moon.

Past transgressions.

Overthrew the celestial bureaucracy, slaughtered countless ascended beast cultivators and normal cultivators who stood beside them, wiping out the old pantheon of gods, crippled cultivation and made the practice stagnate by outlawing most of it and calling it demonic cultivation, and the rules they put in place causing the genocide of not only Ascended beasts, but also the bullying of Buddhists who'd tell the daoists they were being real pricks for no good reason
Muna is taller than 11 ft?
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Everyone saying Ano has the advantage hasn't been reading Chaos Quest. Gods are so powerful that the planet needs to encase them in a reality warping bubble to avoid the literal apocalypse every time they fight each other(A literal atomic explosion 100 times the power of the strongest nuclear bomb ever built by mortals is like, a level 1 skill). That and gods can just choose to be bigger or denser, not that Muna would do something she sees as cheating but still.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
I'm going with the cultivator here
your ip, brother.
Oh for fuck's sake, not again
This >>6018151
and >>5998639
is me
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Her Therian shape is certainly a lot bigger and taller, but I wouldn't foresee her even thinking it counts here. She'd be too big! No car could fit her fat ass then!
Oh damn. That's a big magic chinese dragon horse. Now I'm imagining her sat in a little go cart in her Qilin form
Rolled 2 (1d6)

>Didn't roll the d6
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
She's intelligent enough to drive a car, let alone proficiently.

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Her size gives her more precise control of the golf ball, and I think she would have a better time dealing with occasional sand traps. I can't imagine Huan likes the feeling of sand on her fur-covered legs.
The QM seems to disagree.
Levelman has voted for the opposition every time out of respect I feel.
Huan's legs aren't covered in fur in her human form, unless she partially transforms

As a cat thou. you'd be right, you're also right in that she'd hate having it in her hair, which is pretty long so it would be a real danger of getting sandy, especially when she's smacking balls out of the pit
Pretty based of him ngl

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Once she hears "Ling", she'll activate and smoke her competition.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
I believe she's just more likely to have had prior vehicular experience (or knows someone who could teach her her to drive if she couldn't previously).

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Mini-Gold requires precision more then power. Swinging a shot and accidently sending the ball all the way up to the moon is a good way for an overpowered character from a frankly bullshit-crazy setting to have things come back to bite them. Whilst Rika seems very precise and measured.
Huan very much can control her strength you know. Otherwise she wouldn't be able to exist around her normal human woman friend, be part of her book club or watch her kids.

She is able to turn pages, handle delicate china and play with kids just as easily as she can launch spears into orbit, stomp evil frozen bastards into the ground, or slap people threw stone columns while throwing a tantrum
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Demolition derby requires a certain level of bloodthirst, and Ano seems too nice.

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
There is no contest of skill and hand-eye coordination that the multitalented and hypercompetent Huanliuxue would not excel at.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Purely because she understands the concept of driving.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
This one seems easy enough.
It is me
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
She's an SMT protag, come on
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
A very zen sport, but I think either of these could win. I hope they just have fun
"Oh goodness, a demolition derby. That... doesn't sound too safe for Ano." Annie mumbles a bit worriedly, Mikhail seeming more confident. "I'm sure she'll be fine. She's a tough girl, and got claws to boot! We just need to teach her real quickly how the game works, and then she'll do fine!" Of course, Anofelis wasn't focused on the game just yet. Instead, she was focused on her opponent. Seeing another girl with a horn on her head made her very curious. She wondered if her opponent was maybe just like her?

"Ano? Ano!" Mikhail repeats as Anofelis finally realises she's being talked to. "Ano, you okay? You were staring quite a bit there." Anofelis nodded calmly, seemingly a little confused about what she had missed. "Sorry, what were you talking about?" Ano asked sheepishly, Annie giving a sheepish smile and letting out a sigh. "Your next competition. You'll be doing a demolition derby. You'll get your own vehicle and destroy things!" Anofelis seemed a little confused, for a number of reasons. "Ummm, what kind of vehicle?" In turn, Mikhail spoke up proudly. "Annie and I were discussing it whilst you were distracted. We'll get a Lodger grade transport vehicle, capable of withstanding the toughest planetary conditions! And, it's potentially large enough for you to fit comfortably!"

Ano started smiling brightly. "Great! Ummm, though I don't really know how to control any vehicles. Can you teach me how to do it?" Mikhail would nod, before heading out. "Sure thing. I'll just get the vehicle really quickly. Annie can maybe teach you a bit about the game in the meantime?" And as Mikhail left, Annie got a more devious smile. "So, I have been thinking... Clearly, we need to motivate you to be aggressive, destructive and wild! This will be a rough game, where you will need to destroy your opposition through brute force!" Anofelis clearly wasn't sure what to think of the suggestion, looking a bit concerned but keeping quiet. "That is why, I've opted for a novel strategy. From my weeks of taunting death squads, I have found that using insults are great for riling people up to be more destructive! Wanna give it a go?" Annie was clearly excited, whilst Anofelis was visibly unsure what to think. Though after some hesitation, she accepted by nodding quietly. Surely, this wouldn't go too bad, right?

>10 minutes later.

"Ano, Annie! Check what I got!" Mikhail said after stepping out of the huge vehicle, his smile disappearing as he saw Anofelis holding back tears on her knees, Annie frantically trying to comfort her. "What the hell happened here?!" Mikhail said, Annie speaking in a mild panic. "Mikhail! I-I tried motivating her! I just... said her enemies thought she was stupid and that she was going to make them regret ever insulting her! I-I didn't expect her to react this poorly!"
Mikhail let out a sigh, as it was clear that insulting Ano's intelligence was really not a good strategy. Especially when Anofelis clearly was here just for fun, not because she wanted to rub the floor with her 'enemies'. "Annie, you bloody imbecile, I..." He let out another groan, before approaching Anofelis and comforting her for some time. He first spend some time reassuring her that the other contestants really liked her and that nobody thought she was stupid. He then also opted for a far better technique to motivate Anofelis, comparing the mission to digging a tunnel. "You just gotta get rid of everything in your path using your strength and abilities. Except instead of claws, you're using a vehicle. And you're also digging through other vehicles... look, the analogy isn't perfect, but you get what I mean, right?" Anofelis nodded, by now having calmed down a bit. "I-I guess so."

"Good! See, it's that simple. And no need to worry about your 'enemies'. I'm sure that girl you're facing will be respectful to you." Mikhail reassured, Ano nodding and growing a bit more curious. "Who... who is the girl I am facing? I kinda wanna meet her." Annie would get the tablet with info about the tournament, looking at it before seeming surprised. "Her name is Muna. And... I am surprised to have found that she voted for you?" Anofelis visibly perked up hearing that, looking curiously at the tablet. Mikhail was more bewildered than anything, raising an eyebrow and also looking at the tablet. "Surely she must've made a mistake, right?" Annie shook her head, as it was clear to all three of them that Muna had been nice enough to give her vote to Ano. "That's so nice of her..." Ano mumbled, Annie seeming more intrigued than anything. "Maybe she just knows she'll lose against Ano?" Mikhail shook his head. "It says she is a goddess, right? I think it's more just a sign of kindness." Hearing that it was a sign of kindness, Ano would get extremely excited. "I wanna be nice to her too! We should vote for her too!" Mikhail didn't seem to mind it, whilst Annie grimaced. "Do we... do we have to?"

Mikhail gave the fox girl a smack on the back of her head. "You made Ano cry once already today. You don't wanna let it happen a second time." Annie grumbled, before going to the voting menu. "Fine. A vote out for Muna." Ano was extremely giddy, her tail wagging as Mikhail gave a more gentle pat on Annie's shoulders. "There we go. Voted for Muna. God, if this comes back to bite us in the ass, I swear..." Annie mumbled, Mikhail responding quite bemused. "It's a fun competition, Annie. No need to take it so seriously. Besides, look how happy it made Ano!" Anofelis was indeed quite giddy, practically jumping in excitement and wondering if this meant she had made a new friend.

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
She'll drive better than some bug girl, also we have Majordomo to help us.

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
she cute

Counter point. A horse can't exactly drive a car. Just as Levelman stated, it really doesn't count here.
Maybe most horses haven't tried hard enough. The lazy bastards.
>>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Seems better suited for driving.
>>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
I think size would prove a challenge for Rika here...
Counter counter point!


That just means they're powered by the immortal souls of equines.
that's why tall lanky mosquito girl will lose
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Ano can demolish but cannot derby if her life depended on it.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Cultivator can't fail.
How? She actually has hands, plus there's a major difference between a car that's big enough for someone 11 feet tall to drive and having no hands.
Funnily enough, I have seen both people without hands AND people without legs driving standard cars. As it turns out, a couple of pedals and a spinny thing are pretty easy to manipulate so long as you have any number of limbs, with little consideration of what kind of limbs they are.
Been away for a couple days, testing my IP to see if it's still there. >>6013625 is the last thing I posted before I left, I think?
>Muna (Chaos: the Quest for Redemption)
I am told by reliable sources that she is eminently more capable of causing truly abhorrent amounts of damage to motor vehicles.

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Is there a Dao of Golf? I feel like someone has to have done that as a joke at some point.
>Is there a Dao of Golf?
If there was, it would probably be best with some Wood aligned techniques. And it would probably stand in opposition of the Dragon that is the raucous sport of football, like a Tiger.
>How? She actually has hands, plus there's a major difference between a car that's big enough for someone 11 feet tall to drive and having no hands.
I mean that her lanky form will lose to muna's regular one
Then does that mean Aodasheng is crap at golf? Since he's got that whole, dragon transformation thing going on
I was merely using the Dragon/Tiger opposition theme to make a Tiger Woods joke.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Big car, bigger damage
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Honestly, I could see Huan throwing to make a childlike opponent happy. Does make me wonder how she'd react if she had to actually fight a child soldier.
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
It's a bit tricky, but considering how much sway Muna has over her organization and all the support she has I get the feeling she can become a true demon behind the wheel! That's not to say Ano can't either, though... another tricky one.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Miniature Golf demands the best of us--strength. Patience. Poise. Dexterity. Huan seems to have the upper hand here, not to speak less of Rika.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Between two contentants, neither of whom actually know how to drive or want to take part in something like this, the ideal answer would be neither. Failing that, I want to make it as close to a tie as I can. Asking two of the kindest characters in the whole tournament to be aggressive at high speed towards each other like this hurts me.

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
In a contest of precision and coordination, Rika is no slouch but I imagine Huan has unmatched control in both aspects.
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Just Rika having fun with mini golf.
Cute creature
Impossible. The moving city block landscape feature forbids this.
Rolled 2, 2 = 4 (2d6)

Well this IS a close one, isn't it, folks??

On the one hand, we have two kindly contenders loathe to lacerate one another! On the subject of whether a bigger monstergirl gets a bigger vehicle, well, THAT just wouldn’t be fair: a little cockpit can go on a big vehicle, after all, and far more easily than one can outfit a demo-derby rig for a big freakin’ horse. It’s 11 for Ano and 14 for Muna, but with a team of mercs to coach her and the half-hearted participation of her rival, I think a roll is indeed in order.

As for Rika and Huanliuxue, I could see this one go either way as well. However, the cute art at the end (>>6019989) and, ironically, the ‘Ling-Ling connection’ pointed out by one anon gives me the most plausible rationale for RIKA to win. After all, if mini-golf is about keeping your cool and practicing precision, being enraged by a familiar clan name can only COMPROMSIE that calm. Given it’s so close (12 for Rika, 13 for Huan) I think I’ll roll a d6 for that one as well.
By a whisker, lol. Ah well
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Rolled 36, 78 = 114 (2d102)

It seems that two was too many for poor Huan, who was overcome in the last by Rika's little-lady luck! Meanwhile, it was one too FEW for Ano to tie, and thus Muna still won the demolition derby with her space-age ride!

Our winners are:

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)

Now, who (and what) will be next?
Wait a second

I think you may have miscounted, RQM

>>6019888 1
>>6019849 2
>>6019713 3
>>6019519 4
>>6019497 5
>>6019445 6
>>6019368 7
>>6019354 8
>>6019350 9
>>6019228 10
>>6019180 11
>>6019150 12
>>6019148 13
>>6019141 14

Its a tie!

Unless one of these doesn't count for reasons I've missed
Actually I see it now, Last Huan vote was a 1 IP without an excuse, I see, my mistake.
You got it. Sorry, Huananaons.
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ANYWAY, moving on!

It’s maiden versus matron and two flavours of Christmas Cake in our first battle of the babes, as at long last

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
faces off against the equally auspicious
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)

And as much fun as it would be to watch them battle it out in a knock-down take-all magical melee (or mud-wrestle, for that matter), I think we’ll be just as entertained to watch the struggle their way through an increasingly-complex series of mental and manual gymnastics in…


They’ll begin with the most basic of these simplistic headscratchers, only to move onto more and more complex and geometrcially0implausible configuration, eventually verging on the truly extradimensional and non-Euclidian! Who will be stumped first?!

A different sort of mental challenge awaits out other odd-couple, as two aerial combatants used to very different mounts in fundamentally different universes contend, not in a dogfight, but in a duel of diaries… After a fashion. As suggested by an anon in the preliminaries, these two have rolled up…


That is to say,
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)

Will compete to write the most enlightening, amusing, or generally-appealing review of the other’s adventures! Who is the better (subjectively, to our panel of judges) author for such an analysis?
That Junior will pay for his life for this treachery. also Huananaons sounds like a fantasy banana.
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)

While Louise could probably bend the wires to "solve" the puzzle, Sigrid could either magic or solver it normally, and I tend to think magic is a bit faster than brute force

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

I think Blair would give a pretty complimentary account of Space ship pilot in a fantasy world, I don't think Storkie could do the same for three houses. Fire emblem doesn't seem to be her thing and the conspiracies would probably turn her off to
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Kinesthetic intelligence comes into play greatly when it comes to maneuvering not only your body, but other objects as well.

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Storkie would probably give a very snarky and bitter recollection. Which while amusing in the extreme, would probably not include all the important details.

Huananons is just what happens when your Mexican cousin is holding a Banan
Mexicana cultivation quest when?
I feel like those two spheres of culture are very rarely intersecting kek. But I for one look forward to the secret cultivator from the mountains in the south who practices the ancient and forgotten Dao of Bolivar to liberate the greedy and barbaric sects of the modern era.
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Wouldn't be a great witch if she didn't have a big brain

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Futuristic shitposter easily writes a more amusing review
>>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert
>>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Brains are stored in the booba?

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
And there is a lot of culture to draw on and then muddle with Chinese power fantasy and mysticism
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
brain and booba

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Storkie is only technically literate
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)

Mental gymnastics and dexterity seem like the play, here.

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

While she's no writer, I'm sure she'd find a lot of wonder in writing the adventures of a spaceship captain from the stars.
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
A test of mind and multidimensional foreplaning rather then the body, so I think the great witch has the edge here.

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Blair would do a competent job, Snorkie would derail herself with over-snark.
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
If she can't solve this better then Louise then she'll disappoint every magician here.
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Now I don't know much about the spaceship quest but a medieval fantasy characters perspective of a scifi story sounds very amusing to me while I hear Storkie would shitpost her way through the fire emblem one, though that would be amusing as well.

also my capcha is NNNH, a new form of no nut november I'm sure.
What fire emblem three houses character would storkie S rank?
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
I just want accidental bondage
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Leave it to a tired merc to rip into someone elses report without mercy.
Previous posts ect ect
My bet is Golden Deer
Yeah but which Golden Deer?
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

Shiiit, I didn't notice my IP last vote changed because I had a power cut. If I'd remembered to have my trip on it would have been a perfect tie on both counts.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
As a commander she knows how to formulate strategies so she can do a lot good here, even if her physical traits aren't to much use here. Also the Sigrid's mana storage might get in her way when trying to solve some challenges.

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Thumbnail diff

>I just want accidental bondage
Cutting the Gordian Knot counts as a viable solution, right? Right? She's got a head for tactics, but Inner Louise would almost certainly get frustrated by these. She'd blitz through them very quickly, but her solution would almost certainly just be "cut it with the Litany!"
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Stories comes from a world that probably has more media reviews, being Sci fi and all. So I'd have to go with her by means of exposure.
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
I am under the impression that she'd be a bit faster at solving puzzles of that kind.

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
I do want her to win even if the amusement factors of the two reviews seem fairly close, but even as I say this I AM worried that without the power of word processors and wireless communication, her review won't reach the judges in time. Even a courier on pegasusback only goes but so fast.
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
The meathead, because she wants someone strong she can tote around that will still love her.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
I get the feeling she's better at this
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
The snark power rules
Raphael? My homeboy? My main squeeze? My shining star? Him and Storkie?
It looks like it would be weirdly effective
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Rolled 64, 40 = 104 (2d98)

Sadly for our Baroness and her suppressed id, the challenge in a wire puzzle is not ‘can you snap the metal’ (nor ‘can you cut it with a magical soul-scythe’) but ‘can you, without force, separate the puzzle into two distinct and undamaged pieces’. Given this angle of approach, and Sigrid’s support-base and background, I think her 14-to-8 lead will suffice, and I shant interfere to attempt a tie.

Our other one isn’t even close. It seems ye olde medieval verse, even delivered by a beautiful and powerful woman from astride a Pegasus, cannot equal the comforting familiarity of a snark-splattered greentext diatribe from a terminally-online, tired fighter pilot.

Our winners this round are…
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)

And next up, we have...
Huh? Isn't it like, 14 to 7 in Blair's favor?
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Accept my apologies, Stork, for getting your hopes up! Seems anons are a bigger fan of epic poetry than I realized. Then again, this IS the board with the Homeric odyssey fanfiction, so perhaps I shouldn't be surprised.
>tfw he also keeps saying louise won
bro's stumblin' bro's fumblin' bro's needin' a cuppa
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Two enlightened, advanced, superhuman ancients (well, they both are effectively immortal, at least; I’m not sure how old they are) will face off in the first bout of the sixteenth round! One is nature’s perfect killing machine cultivated to still greater heights, and one made by man and fueled to go beyond the bounds of their intent by the spirit of retaliation. Today, though neither shall destroy but rather create, and rehabilitate! From a mountain of useless garbage and broken bits-and-bobs, who can make the most wondrous reinvention? It’s…

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)



Who can better turn trash into treasure?

Meanwhile, two of our cutest contenders will meet and mix it up in a contest of instinct and cleverness? When each is stripped of their extranormal abilities beyond those attributable to the physical properties of their default forms, and given only one assistant under similar constraints and placed in a (non-lethal, we promise) death trap, who can most easily escape? That’s right: we’ve thrown

>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)

into a


Also, to help reset my schedule so I’m not posting these closer to midnight and making silly mistakes like, uh, that one I just made, this will be open for 42 hours, so I’m back to posting at my usual time.

yes, one final time: Round Fifteens ACTUAL FOR REALSIES WINNERS are:

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
>Countess Blair Weaver, nee d'Rusalka (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

Now I'm going to bed.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
She is currently in the process of (and has before) making usable super drugs and priceless artifacts from the corpses of demons, beasts and men. Be it organs like the pancreas, teeth, pineal glands, hair or even actual souls. In terms of making something out of nothing, she's very well off. To say nothing of fantastical ores, jewels, minerals, woods, grasses and fruits she makes stuff out of. There is no item too small or irrelevant to waste to her.

>The God of Music (Versequest)
I actually don't know which would be better at this. Animals can be insanely cunning and clever, but at the same time, kind of dull, and some escape rooms go HARD on lateral thinking and shit. So I think Music has an advantage here. But they also get a helper to pick up slack. I think Music has a better backup, too.

You scuffed that one, too. Not really, but it would have been hilarious.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

It is a classic cultivation cliche for the rusty sword to be a god killing treasure or the falling apart manual you find on the side of the road to contain a heaven defying cultivation technique

But besides that cliche, Huan herself is a skilled and knowledgeable alchemist, and has means to reduce the garbage to raw materials for reuse, and being a cultivator, is very adept at refining things since it is the basis of cultivation, refining spiritual energy and one's self

One way is making a miniature sun to smelt the available metal for reforging, another is drawing out the QI in the objects, which would be upcycling for a cultivator.

But besides that, she's also not wasteful and she does have something of a hoarding problem with all the random bullshit she picks up, but eventually finds a use for.

And this includes finding a use for the corpses of people, other demonic beasts, and demons. Hell she has a few drops of divine blood on hand, that she's already used one of as an improvised explosive to blast one of the gates of the celestial emperor's palace out of her way

And to perform Her first break through she killed a bunch of murderers to turn their hearts into one of the ingredients of a pill she needed for said breakthrough. If that isn't upcycling, I don't know what is.

She's even upcycled herself once. Since her method of attaining a human form involved refining her entire body into blood and then reverting it back, to avoid being blasted by divine retribution by the heavens who were really butthurt that she wasn't obeying their laws. And she also collects and reuses grudges and the Qi produced by rotting/ long decayed corpses.

>The God of Music (Versequest)

This really isn't a fair contest for Cutemon, since escape rooms are bullshit logic puzzels, and deities love bullshit logic puzzles.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
She's prone to making stuff out of the corpses of her enemies, and those were trash even while still alive.

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
She might have a MIND of 1, but she also has a wonderful selection of helpful friends!
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Kung fu bullshit to beat a machine.
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Okay, if she gets the authors help I can see it working.
previous votes
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

>The God of Music (Versequest)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Recycling for the good of humanity
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Opposable thumbs means power
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Mostly I think she'll have the greater quantity and variety of upcycled products by the end. Mass (re)production, so to speak?

>The God of Music (Versequest)
This slightly edges out based on the likelihood of better backup for the purposes of lateral puzzles.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
I feel as if this contest is painfully easy for one of them.

>The God of Music (Versequest)
This also should be painfully easy for one of them.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
that's the ai's area

>The God of Music (Versequest)
she's more brain than cutemon, sorry
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>>The God of Music (Versequest)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Much more grounded than Music I'd say.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
"Huh? Reusing assets? Well, if Vox's system of reusing the robotic warriors' parts after every day's competition is anything to go off of, the robots have the advantage here. Even with god-tier bullshit, she's not the god of recycling is she? No? Then I'll give this one to the robot.
And with these rules? No way she loses, again, without divine bullshit. I say go Cutémon, you can do it!"

>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>she's not the god of recycling is she?
Good thing she is neither a god nor is this about REcycling. Dohohoho!

I think plenty of anons in your thread could get behind Huan's cause. She does want to destroy the unjust heavens and all the corrupt god(desses)s up there. The zero kais plan looks a little different in China than Japan kek
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What? You want my help with the next contest? I don't really know anything about escaping from locked rooms! You should probably pick someone else to help you with this contest. It seems like you should pick someone who's really smart! Can you think of anyone you know who's really smart?

"Professor Bean!"

That's a pretty good choice! After all, he's the world's youngest professor, and he even built his own mechanical-type mon.

"A logic puzzle? No problem!"

What? Professor Bean is already here? It seems like the host brought him here just to help you!

"It's too bad I couldn't bring Pakitt along with me, but with your high BODY stat and my natural intelligence, we'll be out of here well before the other team. Um... You won't forget to mention this to your friend Starr, will you?"
Quite possibly. Although I'm keeping these votes 'in-character', voting however Chaya here and Karn in the other would vote. And a being like Huan would most definitely ping divine to Chaya, causing distrust. Having a devout, cult-like following is what ascended Chaya herself to godhood, after all.

"Come on Cutémon, you two've got this!"
I feel like voting how a character would vote rather than how YOU would vote is kind of strange, seeing how this is a contest that is for us not them. Despite it centering around them. But hey, whatever gives your sea-going vessels buoyancy kek People can vote however they please. Rock on, man.

I wonder if Huan pumped out enough lunar qi if it could do something fucky wucky to Saiyans with their inner monke
That's the point. -I- am not a character in my own quest that my players are aware of and it's more fun to get the characters' opinions on these varied beings. Besides, half the point of this competition is to show off characters of quests to others who may not have read them. And what better way to do that then to have them be the ones voting and interacting?
where are the lewd images
I want lewd images and I want them now
The Dao of downbad claims another soul >>6021705
Could she also make Chinese werewolves?
Nah. Werecats, tho
Ha, but no
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
The recycling of these component molecules shall be mechanically optimised for maximum use and value.

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Cutemon bought a professor along? So I'll give the win to the Professor... and, I guess, cutemon by proxy.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)

>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
She's a computer who can break it down to the smallest decimal and near perfect precision.

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Professor Bean is likely of great help to her.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Great at recycling alive aliens into dead aliens.

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Music doesn't have her powers, and neither would her dad. Both of them would be pretty useless without them.
Rolled 3 (1d6)

Alright, so, I'm not well rested, but I am somewhat rested, and that means... We're back!

And hoo boy, this is a close one, so I'll need my wits about me.

In our upcyling contest, we have the near-perfect precision and analytics of a machine pitted against the crazy bullshit of a cultivator. MERRYGATE has a narrow lead, 14-to-10. >>6020950 makes a good case that it could go the other way, though. So, we're rolling!

And as for Music v Cutémon, it seems it comes down to their partner. While The God fo Existence seems like he should be a ringer, it seems many an anon things Music's friends and family would be of little aid, while Professor Bean's official assignment to the event (>>6021645 ) has swung some swing voters! I'd roll a d6 for this one, to... But at 12-to-12, it's already even as-is, and even a roll of 1 would be enough! I'm personally persuaded that a child prodigy is a good friend to have in an escape room, and so I'm casting my vote for Cutémon, and rolling for Huanliuxue!
File deleted.
Rolled 3, 58 = 61 (2d94)

Ooo, tough luck for our feline friend. I was rooting for you, Huan! But congratulations are in order for this round's winners...

>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)

Well-deserved and hard-fought, for both of you! Now let's see who's up next...
There are only 13 votes for merrygate thou. I checked a few times. It should be a tie with that roll, RQM
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Two of our leading ladies (so far) face off this time. With very different backgrounds, skillsets, power levels, and appearances, they’ve both accrued four wins! Who will pull ahead in this face-off, though? Who will win, when…

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)

Are thrown into the deep-end… Of a pitcher?? Yes, it’s a good thing we’re in a jurisdiction where 15-year-olds can imbibe, because these two are entering a classic contest indeed!


Remember: no pouring it in a houseplant, watering down your beverages, or suing magic, alchemy, or futuristic technologies to weaken, counter, or negate the effects. Just good, old-fashioned LIVER POWER!

Our other two princesses are powerhouses in both ability and appeal—there’s no denying that! But this contest might really be a test of both of their mettle, running somewhat counter to their personalities. Yet one must win, and one must lose!

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)

Who will blink first, and who will bowl us all over, when a monstergirl with the sweet and fluffy personality of a marshmallow against a self-made success with a serious streak, in get hype, horny-anon


And remember, ladies and judges, it’s about more than raw sex appeal. It’s also about performance, and panache!

Cats your votes, make what arguments you will, and let’s get back on track!
Never mind, some how missed one despite combing the vote, lol
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Body size matters a LOT for drinking.

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
I just don't think Ano could be sexy like that, you know?
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Huh, it seems >>6022394 is right! So much for being back on-track, huh?

Well, that's good news for Huananons as...


>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

Ascends to the podium as well, becoming our current LEADING CONTENDER for Queen of /QST/! Who will join her?

We're about to find out!
NO! Wait I miscounted that time!


There's only 13! I knew i wasn't going crazy. You miscounted by 1, RQM. I double, trippled checked.

It's a tie. It should've been a tie with that roll. There was no 14th vote for merry, I checked
lmao what the fuck is going on in this thread lately?
I haven't been sleeping well and have been very busy. pls no bully or do, whatever floats your goat
Bullying -is- my fetish.
"What is a burlesque showcase?" Anofelis asks curiously, Annie and Mikhail both looking in mild concern in regards to where to even begin with. "Ummm, it's..." Annie goes quiet, struggling for a moment before looking to Mikhail for a second. "Ano, just wait here for a second." She soon grabs Mikhail back, before whispering to him. "Okay, I am struggling to think how we can help Ano win this one, especially since I don't feel comfortable discussing these things with her. Do you have any ideas here, Mik?" Of course, the soldier was equally concerned as to how they could make Ano a provocative performer, given her lack in such a field.

"Perhaps we can... bring in another subject to help? Perhaps some good Elbrus subjects?" Annie immediately shook her head and spoke up sternly. "There are no 'good' Elbrus subjects, Mik. Trust me. Unless you want Ano and the audience to be traumatized, it won't be worth it." Mikhail hesitated before speaking up softly. "What about Viridian? She wasn't a psychopa-" "Viridian eats people, Mik. Let's not take that risk, okay?" Annie cut him off right away, the two continuing to struggle to think of how the hell they'll make this work

"I... think I got an idea. It's a longshot, but maybe it can work? She's good at swinging around trees, right? Why don't we try and make it look like she's doing acrobatics and... pole-dancing there." Annie mumbles, Mikhail pausing to think about it before sighing. "I suppose it really is our best shot. Though, it's not one I like. It feels gross." Annie nodded along before looking back at Anofelis, who was mostly distracted looking at the other contestants again. "So long as the audience behaves so she doesn't get weirded out and we can maybe convince her to show the audience a bit of leg here and there, maybe she can sell the performance."

The two clearly weren't hopeful. Though once they did tell Anofelis the plan, she seemed more than excited to do her dances and acrobatics on any nearby trees. She wasn't entirely sure about the leg part, but she was most certainly going to deliver an elegant show where she soared through the sky. Though, the main appeal of the show would likely be extraordinarily lacking.

Not to mention, the key here being how the audience reacted. If she was praised, she'd certainly do well. But chances were that any creepy hooting would scare her and make her fail quite terribly.

Though surely, the people watching her wouldn't push things in an uncomfortable direction for her, right?


>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)

Honestly, I was tempted to vote Blair here. But, I think it'd be even funnier if Ano has the show go on, and you guys get to write in your own 'hooting' for the poor nervous bug.

It's fine, RQM. You've been running this great so far. You also deserve a day off every once in a while.
>>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Imagining both scenarios just makes me laugh, so that's what I'm going with, dammit
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
I have no arguments for this one, I just have to because of the great support to Haeran'Yi the lings gave.

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
It's too fucking funny not to.
Nice catch, mate


>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)

Body mass is the second most important factor in alcohol tolerance. The most important is alcoholism. from experience, I know if you've a big enough body, nothing is putting you on your ass. Not even a few cocktails chased with undiluted absinthe. It will make you throw up like a geyser though

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)

Moth has legs, and would be less embarresed about it then I imagine blair would be, even if she does weaponize pole dancing
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>(Writing) -------

[JOCO] "So, I know I probably don't have to ask but, can we-"

[MAJORDOMO] "No, we can't get drunk."

'Technically, we could.'

[MAJORDOMO] "How? We don't have a mortal physiology. We are literally made out of energy. Energy can't get drunk."

'Well... technically...'

[MAJORDOMO] "Technically what?"

'There exists a nigh-magical substance composed of pure, distorted perceptions and thoughts about inebriation and alcohol that the Afterseas has made popular in their clique. The Rotgut. It is natural to a demigod named Tenbhur, the so-called "Father of Alcoholics". The Rotgut is horrid, it has an odor that melts lungs and burns exposed flesh, and drinking it would calcify an ordinary mortal from the inside out, until only the bones remained. Only the Inebriated Cultists that follow Tenbhur can drink it, because their body too produces the Rotgut.' I explained, holding my elbow with my other hand.

[JOCO] "...S-So... they took the very act of drinking itself and turned it into a deadly sin that manifests something so acidic and vile it could even make someone like you drunk?"

'Yes, the Rotgut could indeed make an entity like me feel woozy if I imbibed. But it would also be painful, since it is inherently a distortion...'

[JOCO] "Are you gonna drink some for this contest?"

'No way! Bringing that stuff here would endanger fellow contestants. I wouldn't touch something so vile, made of pure sinful thoughtforms like it anyway.'

[MAJORDOMO] "Then this contest is a little one-sided. I mean what were they thinking putting a KID against us?"

'True. I couldn't condone a child tasting alcohol...'

[JOCO] "Only in Belkinsire man. She's probably replacing all her drinks with apple juice or something."

'Well, she's cute.'

[MAJORDOMO] "Is that enough to really go on?"

I nodded with a smile.

'Of course!'

>------- (Writing End)

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Mosquito too pure for this.
You know, you shouldn't be afraid to call for a break once in a while-- maybe a day or two of rest once the exhaustion mounts. We won't mind. I think; I wouldn't, anyway.

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)

I love Rika, but she is, categorically, a lightweight, no?

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

Actually had to look up what a 'burlesque showcase' was, but it looks like both dancing and striptease... So both of these contestants range from the reluctant to the innocent, in my eyes. Still, while the mental image of Ano rotating around a tree is absolutely hilarious, Blair ekes out the win in my eyes. She likely won't like it, but she knows what she's got. Besides, I won't vote against my commander, she's been leading a mercenary company for 5+ years, you know?.
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
She can legally drink so she wins by default.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
On one hand, our captain is a master pole user. On the other, Ano is a cute, and I want her to win. Sorry boss.
Previous oh you know who this is
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Big body = big liver

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Flying adds a lot to a routine. Hopefully enough to make up for the lack of lewds.
"Well that's just not fair. If the competition is proportional amounts relative to their body weights, Rika over there MAY stand a chance. But if not, there's just no way Muna doesn't take it."

"Oh hey, I wonder what Ano's competing i- Ohh. Should I...? No, she's too innocent and pure. Can't teach her that, so I guess all I can do is cheer her on."

"GO ANO! You've got this!"

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
As funny as it would be having Chaya teaching pure, innocent Ano some things she's picked up over the years between being on the holoscreen and streaming, with Ano being clueless of what she's doing, Chaya wouldn't do that to a friend. Not in front of a crowd anyways.
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Being drunk is a state of mind, and Muna is a goddess of Mind element. But I imagine the halflings can brew up some solid liquor if we're going by a bit of Lord of the Rings here? Making good drink doesn't equal DRINKING good drink, however...
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
You think the anime-style Fire Emblem female protag doesn't know how to do a pole dance? Dancer is a common RPG class for a reason, and I bet there's more than a few characters with that knowhow on Blair's side, no? The monstergirl has zero lewdness and therefore autofails this check
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
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>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Most unfair contest yet

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Blair wore a barbarian disguise once you know
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Unless Rika is secretly a dwarf she eint winning

...Fuck, I want to vote blair, but if I myself was personally in the audience of these two doing a striptease I'd be all over Ano for I am a monster fucker, but this is who can do it better not which side makes my meat beat.
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
fuck gotta go for my commander, while she'd be reluctant and is actively planning on poisoning whoever suggested this act, she is very athletic, uses a pole and is sexy.

>Blair:''What do you mean you almost voted for the literal insect then me?''
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Because... um... Lings are all short because of prenatal alcohol exposure?...

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Ano is too pure for this contest
You are to be commended in every way, junior!
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Sorry, but halflings are not dwarves with their drinking bonus.
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Body mass, simply. Rika is a 'Ling, not a 'Dorf.

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Able to wield a spear to lethal effect from the back of a moving flying horse and then able to throw out a spell halfway across the map for good measure, there's no doubting Blair's coordination. The bug-girl seems a fair bit more gangly.
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>Alcohol isn't something Lings regularly consume, though few villages do conduct festivals involving fermented drinks. They otherwise do not produce it in a sufficient quantity to regularly drink it recreationally. There are a few villages that specialize in producing alcohol, Banana Beach is known for its Coconut Milk though by the end of the season, all their leftover stock has fermented so they celebrate by drinking the rest. Sappy Grove is known for its production of Sap Wine, usually bottled in a wicker canister and shared among family. A Winery was once built by Tallies on the southern part of the Great Swamp, but when it was abandoned, Lings moved in and converted it into a jam and juice press.
>Nearly every Ling cannot endure beyond a drink of alcohol. They will feel a pleasant buzz after some light consumption, but any more they get drowsy and just fall asleep and have a terrible morning! Rika is particularly vulnerable to alcohol due to her Sleepy Problem, she just loves to sleep in. She might have gotten past one drink, and most likely didn't even get halfway through the second, and now her best friend Bubu is worried about waking her up, he promised to always wake her up after all.

I sincerely appreciate this support but please do not condone alcohol consumption among these sweet little people.
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Body mass doesn't matter as much as having the right enzymes - as it turns out, elephants are total lightweights because they can't break down alcohols fast enough. Knowing little else, I feel comfortable giving this to Rika.

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
That Charm stat is no joke. The war would have gone rather worse without it, and wouldn't that just be a taste more bitter than blackest coffee?
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Rolled 8, 44 = 52 (2d90)

It's a curious contest indeed when one contestant al-but-refuses to drink and the other conspicuously cannot handle her alcohol. It seems almost 3 out of every 4 voters agrees, though: if Muna DID drink against Rika, she'd easily outpace her! We tried to reach Rika for comment on this slanderous accusation, but, well...


...Let's let the little Ling rest, huh?

Meanwhile, Ano and Blair are a bit closer, if only because it seems most of the voters (sex-anon aside, who is starngely absent) cannot imagine hooting or holelring at eitehr of them. Frankly, I understand: I wouldn't woop and wofl-whistle at my commander! She's led a mercenary company for five years, and therefore could totally crush me into the dust with her high heels and...


Okay, I think I see why the Countess is leading 13-to-10. With Chaya declining to offer her e-girl expertise, and Ano's own 'support staff' expressing such discomfort in teaching her to do anything more than jungle-gym acrobatics better suited to another sort of competition altogether, I'm afraid the one with the canonical Charm stat has it!

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
win, and Muna becomes our second potential Queen to achieve 5 victories, joining Huanliuxue at the head of the pack!
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Many might fairly wonder if cunning and social intelligence apply to one’s ability to read animals, as well as people. But then again, don’t human-type Mons skirt that line? When a certain goblinoid ‘gunslinger’ goes up against the hair-squid kid, who will come out on top?

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)



Rather less dramatic than some of our usual fare, but you can feel the intensity in the, uh, arena? At the table? He… Playground? It’s a mental battleground, is what it is!

Meanwhile, two of our surliest and least-gregarious ladies are finally forced to leave their rooms and meet IRL. Their hands might be sweaty at this social interaction, knees weak, arms heavy… But in many ways, they may have lucked out! Well, except for having one another as opponents. After all, some antisocial tendencies can only help in when

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)

face off in…

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Rosa pulls a Kaiji and beats the Cutemon by playing scissors every single time. Surely no one will say that the scammer would lose to a child in a mental game, right?
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Hard to cheat at rock paper scissors, and I think a kid like thing like cutemon has an advantage since RPS is only really played competetively on the schoolyard

>>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)

Sorry witchy, but storkie has the advantage here, simply because of her personality and the world she comes from.
>Hard to cheat at rock paper scissors
True, but it is easy to trick a literal child.
>>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
If anyone can cheat it, it's her.

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
I want to imagine Sigrid being inexplicably good at rap.
Yeah, but I think the judges wouldn't approve of Cutemon bullying.

It's all about psychology. Tell someone "I will play scissors", and they're going to freak out. Again, watch Kaiji.
Thanks for the kind words, btw, but I already took one break and I don't want to make a habit of dragging my heels on this. i still believe we can get through this contest in one thread) except MAYBE for any sudden death) if I don't take any more breaks or delays, and I don't want to slack!
I will not watch Kaiji. Also, Cutemon psychology is probably different than human Psychology and she might just use rock, trusting rosa implicitly
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
The goblin wins it
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
The snark wins it
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
No thoughts, head empty, only pure focus on victory.
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
She at least gets rap.
Rosa isn't a human and lives on a planet with myriads of species, and would therefore be used to scamming different psychologies.
does the planet have cutemons on it thou?
Maybe? It's an hodgepodge of different universes. Objectively, Rosa would nodiff a cutemon in an psychology contest. Rock Papers Scissors is entirely psychology. Even if you say "she'd trust her", that just means Rosa would tell she trusts her, because that's literally her job.
Man, you're making RPS sound really intense. Now I kinda want a RPS battle shonen, that just plays itself completely straight and seriously. Could even have the weird variants kids invented over the years get added. I know my school days variant of it had like, a hundred different fucking moves besides rock, paper and scissors cause kids can't bear to lose and make shit up on the spot.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Pokemon know four moves. Having one taken away will confuse the small cute one. Very clever.

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
I'm sure as a witch she has a natural type advantage for rhyming. And rap that doesn't rhyme is no music of mine.
>Man, you're making RPS sound really intense. Now I kinda want a RPS battle shonen
It really, really isn't. It's a high stakes gambling Manga.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
The only one of the two capable of not choosing rock
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Mercy, please
And the entire first half of the original Manga is about rock papers scissors
Cool. Still not a battle shonen whose power system functions off of RPS, my dude. It isn't anywhere close to a battle shonen
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
She'd probably be able to trick Cutemon and cheat.

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
She 100% has the vitriol to actually make good disses.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Gonna mind game that stupid animal right into the shadow realm

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Both make cutting remarks but one knows what rap is
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
You can't cheat against a totally random head empty brain

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Tits aren't brains
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Con her way for the win.

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)The workings of he mind are alien and unreadable to everyone (including herself)

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
I feel like she'd have a talent for dissing at least
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
This had to have been the first scam she pulled
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Doubtlessly familiar, and could probably make a very mean diss track
>>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Gun. Gun wins every RPS battle. Beats everything, and is exactly the sort of trick a conwoman would pull on a kid.

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Probably knows all the requisite insults and slurs to win a rap battle.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Girl's a con artist and a hustler--surely she can win a few rounds of Rock-Paper-Scissors?!
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Based on how mean and curmudgeonly she acts towards basically everyone I have a feeling she could put together a few bars if properly motivated. If it's to insult someone in a contest then she's probably motivated.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
I get the feeling this will escalate into one of the more extreme RPS variants, with additional symbols, and I feel that Rosa is more likely to know these variants.

>STR-K Pilot 337 "Storkie" (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Flyting may be an old enough tradition for a witch to feasibly know, but the art of the rap battle has assuredly been refined to its greatest purity by Storkie's time.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
She'd find a way to cheat it.

>STR-K Pilot 337 "Storkie" (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Every other bar would be a fat joke, however.
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
I'm betting on the sheer moron gambit.
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Storkie has the energy, but I feel Sig would have more hard hitting lines
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
"Hrmmm, the game seems simple enough on the surface, but when you start adding in mind games it's a surprisingly deep game. If she ignores her opponent and just throws whatever, that's a one-in-three she'll still win, lose, or draw every time. As much as I don't want to vote against her..."

"And this one's very one-sided, I don't think it's a contest."

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
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Rolled 6, 53 = 59 (2d86)

It seems sizeable portion of the audience are fairly confident in a professional conwoman's ability to trick a monster-child. That... is probably fair.

We also have five fewer fans of flyting than of modern (or futuristic?) rap. Also reasonable. I can see an argument for the inverse... But given Storkie's general vibes, I don't find it persuasive.

And anyway, she's trailing most of the pack in contests, so I won't take this away from her with a roll.

Our winners?
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)

Now, to roll for Round Nineteen...
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In our first bout it’s cultivator versus countess! Both are educated in their own ways, including in alchemy, theology, and the logistics of their own private empires (of sorts). However, When the numbers start crunching back, who will win?

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)

Will face off in…


Who will flunk out first, and who will add up an extra point to their queenly count?!

Meanwhile, quest’s other top-ranked animal-goddess is back in action against everyone’s favourite AI waifu! Neither is any sort of slouch at persuading, inspiring, or (in a pinch) coercing others, I’m sure. Today, though, they will be armed only with a paperclip, placed in a realm unfamiliar to either, and asked to trade it up, up, and up again over twenty-four hours! Who will come out with the superior prize when…

>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)


>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

Huan is a once in ten generations genius, likes collecting forbidden knowledge and is probably the only person with any knowledge about space and stellar phenomena in the setting. And considering how precise alchemy and cultivation techniques have to be, and the insane level of precision/ timing required by some of her commonly used attacks (Like placing dying grudge shields in front of enemy attacks, the precise moment before they hit her), I think she has a nice advantage over Louise here.

Also she has a pause button with true specter lightness skill, so if she used it, she'd have longer to work out the calculations.

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)

I think AI would be too restrictive for this contest, and a god would be experienced at screwing over others in trades, at least if they take after the Olympians. And would be more convincing in the trades, because robots would probably hit the uncanny valley vibe of whoever they're trading with, unless it is robot land
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
She's run a mercenary company for over 5 years, so she must have calculated a lot of pay distributions over that time. Can't vote against my captain in any case.

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Far more personable from what I've seen.
That isn't blair thou
And of course, she is the head of a heretical sect, planned a charity march through a magical blizzard, has lead armies before, and is currently about to start a massive tournament to bring in fresh recruits to her sect and show off her current stable of students

All of which do require a good head for numbers, as well.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
I haven't been following Heretic Cultivator much but that's a pretty damn compelling argument
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Unfortunately MERRYGATE isn't a paperclip maximizer and Muna is a goddess of the Mind on top of being a literal part of the capital G omnipotent Machine God NEGAI
>>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Them ancient chinks and their math autism
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
I got a good feeling about this one

When will Muna introduce MERRYGATE to her dad?
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
I'm pretty sure the Chinese invented long division. The pricks. But Huan is just smarter than the average person, and Louise's strength is not in her smarts. Neverminding the fact that Louise is herself smarter than the average.

>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
I don't actually know what the paperclip challenge actually entails specifically. But if it's some kind of ponzi scheme ass shit then the robutt probably has the edge. It's all about picking the right sucker. And technology gives you an in to see just who is the right kind of idiot to buy dumb shit. Thank you, smart phones.
>One red paperclip is a website created by Canadian blogger Kyle MacDonald, who traded his way from a single red paperclip to a house in a series of fourteen online trades over the course of a year. MacDonald was inspired by the childhood game Bigger, Better.

May be more ubiquitously well0known in my country and field
Wrong noblewoman.

Louise loses this one. She's not a dummy, but people are describing her competition as someone who does big autistic math stuff. Now if this were Hilde, she might be able to win, because Hilde's a once in a lifetime genius artifex whom even a certain Philosopher (the super genius mages who have come to embody a platonic form) has trouble keeping up with sometimes.

Still gonna vote Louise out of QM obligation. Hang in there, Louise!
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)

Don't know either of the others, so I flipped a coin for
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Man how the fuck? kek Some people were born to swindle.
It was made easier by the people doing the trades being in on it for clout.
Do remember to link your vote properly or it might not get counted.

Ah, greed of a different sorts. Status. The fools.
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>(Writing) -------

'Majordomo, what in the world is a 'paperclip challenge' anyway?' I said, holding the red paperclip I'd been bestowed.

[MAJORDOMO] "So, hypothetically speaking, if people accept fair trade offs, then by starting with one fair trade off in which you give someone the paperclip in exchange for something else, dubiously of equal value, then you should be able to continue trading those items off yourself in a series of transactions until you've managed to gain way, way more than you started with."

'So it's sort of like turning dirt to gold...'

[MAJORDOMO] "Innnnnnnn a manner of speaking."

[JOCO] "I thought they just gave us that to pick our nose with or something."

[MAJORDOMO] "No, dumbass, we're supposed to trade."

'Commerce isn't my domain... I haven't interacted nearly enough with Nickleim to understand the constants of exchange. Being able to accrue something great from this meager little thing almost seems unfair...'

[MAJORDOMO] "We don't have to purposely bamboozle people. You can simply get lucky. We may not have Seannsa around to give us any of her Luck... well, that's okay. We got the next best thing. Psychic powers! And with a connection to all mortal minds I reckon we can find some yokels willing to trade better for less, yeah?"

'Only if it's something they actually want.' I stressed.

I was not in the business of intentionally leaving somebody with something they didn't want, or something that wouldn't benefit them in some way. I decided to go back home and begin trading on my own. My little venture led me throughout Siegesia, Shengesia, and even the Lunar Society eventually. I first traded the paperclip for a small tin of paint that was almost empty. The little bit of paint happened to be enough to help an artist finish a wall art for a mart in Eikrise, so he gave me his golden wristwatch. The wristwatch was able to net me a rolling pin from a chef whose wall clock broke in Rangzhen. The rolling pin was enough to get me a boat oar from a peasant in Yongesia, and then the boat oar was traded for a mallet near Mount Meiyo... Finally, I'm where I'm at now, on Lunar Society. The mallet I got happened to be one used for pounding mochi, and I knew the Lunar Rabbits enjoyed making such treats.

Imagine the shock on my face when I find a trio that pounded mochi so hard they broke their mallet, so they promised me "lots" of mochi if I gave them the one I traded for. I did just that and well...

[JOCO] "Call me crazy-"

[MAJORDOMO] "Crazy."

[JOCO] "...but I think I know how their last mallet broke."

'...I as well.' I said, staring down at the pile of wrapped up mochi treats I'd been given.

Hundreds of them! Th-This was way too much! Green, pink, blue and white and red mochis! Too much mochi! What was I supposed to do with it all?! O-Oh dear...

[MAJORDOMO] "Welp. I'd say that's pretty valuable in the end, eh?"

I guess I should share it with my friends, and the other contestants as well!

>------- (Writing End)
Better hide those rabbits, or Huan might spontaneously decide to adopt them, like she did with Piao Tuzi and Yewushi
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>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Lunar Rabbits are all but confirmed in setting to have been created by Heaven's ruler as part of an experiment in creating the perfect, obedient mortal slave with enough human DNA. Thousands of years ago, people touring the Lunar Society could up and take a Rabbit home with them by merely telling them to come, they're so docile.

Hell, if anything, she could take as many as she liked granted she doesn't mistreat them. They've got it rough, having to slowly rebuild Lunar Society after an alien nemesis obliterated it, and then an evil Undead monster showed up to try coercing them all into bloody tribalism as an alternative to rebuilding society. Plus, she'd probably like the gravity magic Lunar Rabbits use...
Oh whoops, saw a B and speedread
Well it's already there and I'm too lazy to change it
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
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This poll is to officially tally whether or not players want me to:

>Stop awarding 1d6 points to characters moving forward
>Stop awarding characters 1d6 points and reverse all such tallied results which were overturned by a roll
>Leave things as is

I've had a think about it, and the idea of adjudicating more 'strictly' or 'fairly' doesn't sit right with me, as I don't really feel like having justify my decisions like a Supreme Court case or something when it was only ever meant to be a fun mechanic. It seems to be impacting some people's ability to have fun, though, so I'm reaching out to voters of both tourneys to weigh in.

I'm doing ti here because this is the more popular/active thread
>Leave things as is

I find it funner, and none of us have whined about it. No idea why the king tournament is being so bitchy about it now.
One anon in the King thread posted a great idea - comeback dice can only make bring a loss up to a draw, not turn a loss into a win. I can support doing that retroactively.

Big upset on a character that had every advantage but his opponent rolled a 6.
Reptoid, I don't think anybody wants the 1d6s to be removed entirely, or for all the results to be overturned. I think they're mostly a fun mechanic with some fixable flaws. Why not explore the "tied characters both roll dice" or >>6024462's "bonus dice only cause draws" ideas instead?
I like what this anon proposes >>6024462 but if not
>Stop awarding 1d6 points to characters moving forward
I can fuck with that. Is it on the table?
How about:
>Give a d6 only if the losing player has an advantage over the winning one. Not if they both seem to have advantages.
Or this I guess.
The king tournament has less waifu thirsting and more debate over the topics leading to less one-sided votes. The issue is the underdog is the only one who gets a dice regardless of if there's good points for both candidates leading to multiple upsets.
>On the subject of"Give a d6 only if the losing player has an advantage over the winning one. Not if they both seem to have advantages."
I really don't feel like actually having to justify my decisions for a fun little tournament. I strongly suspect people will disagree with my assessments and turn it into a whole secondary thing, so I'd rather just clear this up in one go.

I like the tourney and am glad I'm doing it, but it's honestly been more work and hassle than I expected, and I probably won't do it next year. I don't really have the energy for further argument about the event and roll system, which I genuinely consider to just be a fun gimmick to give us goofy scenarios to discuss and doodle about rather than anything actually important or meaningful, and which I regret implementing.

>On the subject of "rolls get you a tie, not a win"
I'll allow it, if that's what people would prefer.
>Stop awarding 1d6 points to characters moving forward
If that can appease the salt of that guys in the King tournament
Literally noone is asking for that over there. The d6 is good, this is /qst/ after all. Just don't award it to the lagging contestant automatically if it's an 'even playing field' or give them both one.
Please just vote in the poll, anon. I'm not doing that suggestion for reasons I already stated: I suspect it'll lead to further arguments. I just want this settled so I can go back to enjoying running the fun little community get-together without people threatening to quit.
>On the subject of "rolls get you a tie, not a win"
This is my favorite option of those allowed. It still provides a catchup mechanic while killing most of the bad vibes.
This one then, if its retroactive.
>On the subject of "rolls get you a tie, not a win"
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Probably more suited to math considering the setting.
>>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
I think she'd struggle in the early stages but an AI with the capacity to haul spaceship loads of cargo would win a trading competition in the long run.
My heart is ripping apart, but I must vote for
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
who possesses incredible intellect, despite only using it to debate human sages into renouncing the material world for giggles.

>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
You sure you wanna ask an AI to maximize a paperclip?..
>On the subject of "rolls get you a tie, not a win"

That way, you don't deny the other person their win, but the underdog still gets a chance to rack up points. A win-win, in my eyes. If you like, you can even retroactively award points to the ones who lost to dice, to make it a tie instead.

If it helps, I don't really mind either way. This is just a fun community event, and we're thankful that you're running it.

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Mercenary Commander for five-- wait, wrong noblewoman? Ah well, I'm going to be honest; I don't have a reason to vote for her, but someone's gotta stand up to the cultivator.

>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
It's not Paperclip Maximization, per se, but it sounds feasible.
>Stop awarding 1d6 points to characters moving forward
>Leave things as is
Just gonna lable myself to save time.
Super math? Not sure if the cultivator really does that.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Gotta know it to know how much to steal from the locals-I mean tax. Yeah....
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Sounds pretty simple I think, though you didn't explain what they are trading or what you mean by up...
>Leave things as is
>On the subject of "rolls get you a tie, not a win"
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)

>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)

>Leave things as is
If the margin is narrow enough that a d6 could change the winner then both candidates are equally worthy of a win.
>Stop awarding 1d6 points to characters moving forward
It should never have been a thing in the first place
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
maybe with the help of her friend Hilde she can have a lead

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Divine luck and rizz beats AI shenanigans
supporting this if retroactive
That is still one of my favorite of Huan's fickle flights of whimsy, though the whole deciding to relax by declaring war on every ghost beneath the mountain and fighting Aodasheng because of it, is a near second.
>Leave things as is

Having a “comeback” mechanic for someone losing but not getting completely blown out is always more fun. At worst if it’s within a point or two give both a die roll and let the dice decide, taking away the dice is less fun. And we’re all here for fun.
I like the loss becomes a draw bit.
>Leave things as is
fuck it we ball, gimme the joy of a good gamble to turn the tides
>(sex-anon aside, who is starngely absent)

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
You still need a stable ID or trip. I was just surprised you didn't have any commentary on the burlesque show.
He also didn't register when he had the chance to
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)

>Leave things as is

Also, is it okay if I bribe the other anons with minor spoilers in the near future? It'd be chunks of pictures from certain characters, for those wondering.
Supporting the idea which was mentioned by this anon (>>6024462). So yeah
>On the subject of "rolls get you a tie, not a win"

I am also quite fine leaving things as is.

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Leave things as is

I say leave things as is, but if enough people are upset by this then maybe some additional changes could be made. The “loss to a draw” is interesting, or maybe we keep the dice but change how they get assigned? Perhaps when calling for votes, anons declare who they personally prefer and are voting for, and then a separate declaration of who deserves the bonus 1d6, rather than leaving it to RQM. That way it’s not just a come-back mechanic for the underdog.

Sexo anon, regardless of being allowed to vote, you’ve been strangely absent from the king tourney…
We need your expert opinion
>Gotta know it to know how much to steal from the locals-I mean tax. Yeah....
But anon, Louise IS the locals. She's not some brigand thieving from honest folk, she collects the taxes she is obligated to by the Kings Law - often less when belts are tightened - and fulfills her obligations to her people.
see >>6024348. They're trading a paperclip for something, and continuing to trade what they get for other things, with strangers who don't know them or know of them, for 24 hours. Whoever has the best end result wins.
I love you OP
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Definitely support >>6024462
But I also have an idea which might balance the write-ins and awarding of extra dice:
For every argument with merit, the character voted on gets an additional side to their bonus die. This encourages write-ins, and is fair and I think quite balanced. A downside is that it needs to individual rolls for both characters each vote, but as long as it is conscientiously addressed it shouldn't be an issue.

An example would be character A gets 13 votes, 5 of which had good write ins, but character B had 16 votes and 4 good write ins. The final score would be A:13+1d5 vs. B:16+1d4, but even if A rolled 5 and B rolled 1, it would result in a tie.

>I'd have to justify why each individual argument has or lacks merit
>I add an extra step of detailed deliberation to each and every vote tally
>people will disagree with my decisions and make it a whole thing
>it encourages people to take the whole thing even more needlessly seriously and treat it like a Death Battle comments thread

It's a really creative and well thought-out idea, anon, don't get me wrong, but I really don't think it's going to work here, in this context, for me. Thank you anyway.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Going entirely off a hunch here.

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest For Redemption)
This vote is also based on a gut feeling. I could be wrong.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Cats are fickle and fairly silly creatures, whilst Louise is trained Nobility,

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Merry might be able to predict an optimal move, but Munna's got to have the edge in emotive interpersonal negotiation.

>Only award the dice-roll if you genuinely think the loosing contestant had stronger actual arguments in their favour.
>Only award the dice-roll if you genuinely think the loosing contestant had stronger actual arguments in their favour.
Not a valid vote. Please choose one of the original allowed options, or the 'dice can only get you a tie' one.
So is Huan
I appreciate the idea, but it's an extra set of votes fr me to tally every time, and I'd really rather not do that.

It seems we have a (slim) majority who would like the dice rolls to remain but only tie up contests, not change the winner, though counting the (it's fine as is) comments would actually lead to things staying the same. In the interest of making people feel heard and (hopefully) ensuring people have a good time, I'm retroactively turning previous 1d6-decided results to ties, which means that among our queenly contests, the first and fourteenth have been affected!

Or, in kayfabe-speak...

Breaking news! It seems our panel of experts have detected temporal-spatial anomalies subtly affecting the flow of two four previous events! Upon rewatching the instant relay, adjusted for this existential distortion, it seems that two contestants, Huanliuxue and Baroness Louise le Blanc will be awarded an extra point! This officially puts Huan at the head of the pack! or, uh, the pride? 'Cause she's a cat? Anyway...

I'm also going to tally up votes early, so I can chill out and enjoy my night. It's been twenty hours and we have twenty-three votes in, so I feel like that's fair.

Get your last-minute votes in now, anons! tallying it imminent! Darn chronal warpage, eh?
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Rolled 53, 14 = 67 (2d82)

Alas, it seems poor MERRYGATE is no paper optimizing machine. Perhaps, given the history of that idea in the popular imagination, that’s for the best for the rest of us? And, hey, her opponent seems to have traded her single, solitary paperclip up to enough moon-rabbit mochi for everyone! Truly, a magnanimous gesture!

Of the other two contestants, it seems it’s Huanliuxue whom we’d want to count up the exact number of those mochi, and distribute them efficiently—she wins the math-battle! Louise’s shortstack polymath can now be safely released from the security detention cell, now that she’s no longer trying to signal the correct answers. And, hey, give that lovely young lady a mochi, too, for her troubles.

…What’s that? The math-cat is telling me that MERRYGATE v Muna is actually REALLY close! Like, 12-to-11 close!

nervously eyes the 6-sided die on the table

...Better not.

Our winners fr this round are:
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

Now, to roll up Round Twenty!
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As Huanliuxue and Muna pull ahead of the rest of these princesses, our less-than-six-victory ladies must be feeling the heat! However, none will be feeling it quite as intently as

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)

because they’ll be participating (WITHOUT magic, thank you) in…


This is either the best or worst possible outcome for the foot fetishists in the audience (you know who you are) because they’ll be stripping off their shoes and seeing who can longest endure a bed of hot coals! Sci-fi med-jelly and castings of Cure Major Wounds will be available to both contenders at the end, so be sure to give it your all!

Meanwhile, Blair and Rika will be feeling a whole other kind of burn! Perhaps they got off easy, and perhaps not. Hold that thought, and HOLD THAT POSE, girls, because

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

will both be competing in…


Who can stay still, perfectly straight and horizontal, the longest? I guess we’ll see!
>>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
(slightly) Longer strides means (slightly) more distance on the coals.

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Pole dancing and spear fighting that looks like it requires a lot of core strength. Like, a ton.
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
finally the bitch will shine

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
weight and height diff
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Gonna assume Cutemon is made of sterner stuff than Sigrid. She can definitely hustle across the coals quicker.

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Look at that core!
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
As an adult she'd have more mental fortitude for undertaking something like this. Cutemon would probably get scared and refuse to do it.
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Longer body = Longer plank.
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)

Short legs are a big disadvantage here

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

Planking is actually somewhat physically demanding
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Long leg
Long step
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Less weight
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>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)

She strikes me as someone who can handle it. No idea if type advantage or weaknesses exist in the Cutemon world though.

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

Planking as in the exercise plank, or planking as in that one fad back in 2011? Either way, I won't vote against my construction material, she was used in buildings since the Hittite ages, some 6500 years ago.

>Captcha: PRAYTP

Pick a god and pray indeed.
Dropped my trip.
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Tall, magically-adept (for willpower and concentration), and used to dealing with annoying stuff. Siggy's got this.
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
She definitely looks like someone that can hold a plank for an hour or so.
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Some anons said she'll cover more ground, but reading the description it seems they're just standing in place in an endurance challenge. Therefore as Cutemon both has smaller feet and more (recent) experience with physical pain, she holds an advantage.

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
The smaller you get the better your strength to weight ratio, like how kids can do a bunch of pullups or ants can lift 50x their body weight.
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>Lings have three options to take whenever facing danger; run, hide, or cry. Running encapsulates their abilities to move fast with their feet but also to climb and swing with their arms. Lings tend to be highly associated with trees, especially dense woodland where they can run to, climb up, and hide under the canopy. If not trees, many other Ling tribes are known to have scaled cliffsides and squeeze inside caves, or in the case of another tribe dig a network of tunnels that only they could fit in. It is once they feel safe in their hiding spot that Lings begin to cry...
>Now living under the protection of the Emperor, Lings have little need to run and hide, though they still like to play Run & Hide as Little Ones. Once, a group of foreign knights visited the Lingdom to teach them self-defense, but the Lings were disinterested in the practice, however, they did enjoy doing physical activity and saying diddies in unison. Thus, most villagers gather together to conduct some light physical activity together, sort of like physical training warm-up, though it's more or less treated as a leisurely activity.
"Come on Cutémon, you can take it! Don't ever give in, you're more durable than her! Here, watch me do it. Don't be afraid, it doesn't hurt that bad." Chaya calls, quickly dropping her boots and walking out onto the coals barefoot, standing atop them. "It's not that bad, you could do this all day! Now, come on over and show us what you've got!"

"This one's easy. I like Rika, but she doesn't have the discipline to win this one. Which means-"

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Fire resistance is a mon thing, no matter how cute or humanoid
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Without involving magic, I imagine Cutémon has the higher pain tolerance of the two.

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
I doubt she'll enjoy it, but she can probably plank longer.
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
She is deceptively tough, as expected from a combat monster. Surviving a spaceship crash without a scratch is only one of her feats.

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Becaue... erm... power of friendship?
>Leave things as is
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Sigrid isn't gonna last a second walking on hot coal.
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
She's pretty fit so planking should be easier for her.
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
The key to hot coal walking is to keep moving, slow and steady. I think the wiser witch might know this more than the excitable mon.

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Physics says that small wins when it comes to strength to weight ratios.
>Cutémon (Cutémon)

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Fuckin' Handbanana
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Sick'em Spagetti! Wait no- whatchu doing!
>Cutémon (Cutémon)

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
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Rolled 15, 44 = 59 (2d78)

Little late, anon.


Lings might have certain physiological advantages here, but Rika looks like she’s working up quite the sweat even so (>>6025218)! Given the rather lackadaisical approach to such exercises, I believe I have to side with the slim majority of voters (13-to-12) who believe their commander can hold a psoe just a WEE bit longer!

While I think others may underestimate our Cutémon contestant’s toughness and bravery, it’s true that Sigrid endured her share of hard time prior to becoming Great, too! She leads 15-to-10, and I see no compelling reason to roll the dice against her, either.

As such, our winners his round—both rising to five points so far—are
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Wow, what a lucky cutoff for the countess...how convenient.
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I finished tallying and started writing before >>6026159, and when I refresh both that one and >>6026160 had appeared, resulting in it ending up exactly where it was before those two

Our first competition pits two absolute sweeties against one another. The sheer levels of wholesome here are hardly to be rivaled anywhere in all existence! And better yet, I think this is a contest they’ll both potentially enjoy… Through enjoyment is, of course, secondary to CRUSHING YORU ENEMIES INTO DUST!

So, who will manage to chop away the competition when…

>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)

compete in…


Two travelers with many a tale to tell of their unusual expeditions now meet on a single, short patch of dirt, for a much shorter journey to decide their fates! Don your most sport attire, gobs and green-outlined girls, ‘cause it’s time for

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)

To take one another on in…


With two votes each, these four ladies are lagging, so cast your ballots and support your faves, /qst/! It’s not too late for a come-from-behind victory quite yet!
>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Roughneck Cowboy vs Nerd, the answer is obvious.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)

Having more hands seems like an advantage here. and yes, I know music has hands, but Ano has two more

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)

If Storkie's suit has charge, she has this in the bag.
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Bonsai trimming is about focus. Patience. Tranquility. Or at least that's what my Yapenose arnimoos tell me. Music would probably have more fun doing it than Ano.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
The mighty COIN has chosen for me. Because I have no idea which of them is a better runner. Height plays a big factor in it, but anyone wearing a poncho and shorts is probably fast as fuck. Like that little mouse that no one could catch.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Tall means taller tree trimming
Monster girl means weaponized limbs for slaying lifeforms are put to expert tree trimming
It just works out
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Gotta run fast in Gongalla, and she's part orc
>The God of Music (Versequest)

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Ano can do well for trimming a tree. Plus she actually has hands.

Since I wasn't ever told I couldn't...I'm bribing everyone here with spoilers if Ano wins given I have insider knowledge...

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Feel she could run faster desu.
>>The God of Music (Versequest)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Big body + long arms

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Doesn't have the physicals to win from what I've seen, but absolutely has the banana peel that will coincidentally end up right under Storkie's foot.
Anons, bonsai trees are small.
"Alright Ano, you've got this! Just trim the tree, don't cut it down entirely. Make it look pretty, like you!" Chaya calls out in support of her friend, cheering her on as she looks at the bonsai.

"This other one, unless I missed something has someone used to moving on foot against a pilot used to sitting in a chair. No contest, I'm voting-"

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
At Ano's size and arm number she can trim 4 at once.
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>Plus she actually has hands.
I have the sudden urge to grow and better myself as a person NOW!
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Can't imagine Ano not fucking it up

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
She's more aerodynamically shaped
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
She is a walking pruning shear.
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Long legs
I'm back, missed the last queen vote
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
You'd learn to have a delicate touch as a giant bug monster around more fragile friends. Music I could see chopping the bonsai off at the roots as the ultimate prune.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
She seems more in shape and likely to go the distance in a desperate dash.
>The God of Music (Versequest)

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
No funny story to tell this time (procrastinating is fun), so I'll just get to the point. Ano has spent most of her life in lush jungle environments. She has worked with plants dozens of times, using them to make little huts to sleep in. She would most definitely know how to make a lovely bonsai tree because of that. She'd obviously need to be told by her friends that she can't just start going mad with her claws and that it is a far more careful job than just cutting or bending branches around. But once she knows the limitations of the competition, she'll be a pro.

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
I think she knows a lot more about plants than it would appear given what she was created for, and has surprising dexterity with those claws.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Rosa seems to get out a bit more and is better, uh, balanced.
dropped my trip
>Anofelis "Ano" Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
She seems like she'd have greater precision here, and precision is the name of the game.

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
The arguments of other posters have convinced me on this one.
>The God of Music (Versequest)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
She can nibble on the ends of the tree like a little goat thingie
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Like the anon >>6026254 here mentioned Rosa would totally Snidely Whiplash the heck outta this race and win for SURE
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Looks like my IP has finally changed. I'm this anon >>5998108.
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Rolled 18, 23 = 41 (2d74)

How was I, an anon who shamefully does not read or play The Monster Girl Facility, to know hat Ano was actually PURPSOE-BUILT for arboreal administration? Not that it would have spared Music her wreathy wrath! Hands or no hands (and for the record, Music has hands) Anofelis Toxori is simply handier in this field, and this the event the dice handed them!

But speaking of dice…

Storkie and Rosa are in a dead heat. 12-to-12, the spaceship pilot and roving conwoman are evenly matched! Neither’s exactly an athlete, so that makes sense. I could leave it a draw, but this situation more than any other is one where I feel my 1d6 prerogative holds sway. If nothing else, I could simply put it THIS way:

>ReptoidQM casts his vote for Rosa

after all, I am allowed to vote, too, and in an even bout, the cunning contestant carpes the diem

Thus, it is 13-to-12, and our winners are:

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)

Congrats to Round Twenty-One’s winning women! Now, to roll up the next events…
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Well, ain’t THIS a hell of a thing? My list of contests and events has been irreparably corrupted it seems. Does the QM curse strike even a cross-quest tournament’s humble host??

Nevertheless, the show MUST go on, and so I’ve whipped up a list of 74 sports, games, and criminal misdemeanours anew! And the first to face off in this renewed and rejuvenated selection of events are…

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)

These are two fan favourites, both with five wins and a real shot at the crown if they can pull-ahead! But what could possibly earn them such auspices? Well, it looks as if it will have to be…


As in proper ping-pong, each contender can select a partner from among their roster of supporting characters for a doubles match!

Meanwhile, a beloved Baroness will be contending with a much-adored Mon in a classic childhood game writ larger-than-life! After all, nobody wants to watch two people simply play hide-and-seek, but what about pitting

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)



A small fleet of hunter-killer drones will be sent out to (nonlethally) taze our two tournament hopefuls. Destroying or disabling a drone is a disqualification. Being tazed is a disqualification. The only way to win? Outlast or tag your adversary before you get got!
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest

I wanna see a robot play table tennis

>Cutémon (Cutémon

She Dcan hide in tall grass
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Ping pong is basically ching chong, which means math, which means the robo-bitch wins it
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Do you wanna get your ass handed to you? Wild Pokémon live in tall grass!
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
the countess sure know her sports

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
she's more than enough endurance to outlast cutemon and the smarts to have her tagged first.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Robots are REALLY good at table tennis.

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
She can probably dodge the drones for a while. Even if the cute one probably will have an easier time actually hiding.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
It's a well-known fact that Table Tennis is based on three immutable factors: Force, Precision, and Speed. A PERFECT MACHINE has these in spades so long as she doesn't lag out or something.

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
I've played a bunch of Pokemon and I can never tell what's hiding in that fucking grass. Gotta go with Cutemon
>>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)>>6026989
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)

Microlasers from her true body in orbit to correct the ball's trajectory for her.

>Cutémon (Cutémon)

She is used to hiding what she is from humans any way. Can drones be that much different?
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A promise is a promise. Enjoy the spoilers.

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Machines are notoriously terrible at ping pong. Source? I made it the fuck up.

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
I feel like she'd do better in the childhood game of hide N seek. Especially given she's smaller.
"So, a person vs a robot? Some robots are good, but from what I've seen, I have to give this first one to-"
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

"Ooooh, a hiding game? Louise may be stronger and faster, but having drones hunting them both I think my friend'll be able to hide better. And no, I'm totally not biased! I'm being completely objective here! I think the winner will be-"
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
She's been a mercenary commander for over 5 years, and everyone knows mercenary commanders play ping pong like American politicians play golf
Also can't vote against my commander

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Finally being 6'6 bites Louise in the ass
Not a lot of hiding spots when you're a big chonker
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
I want her to win (and think Milly should be her partner here - an Assassin's speed and reflexes will be useful), but I am aware just what it cost John Henry to beat the steam drill and I hope beyond hope that the commander's victory isn't as cadmean as that.

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Being smaller, she can hide in smaller spaces and move through narrower gaps, allowing her to make escapes from the drones that her opponent can't.
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)

With her huge DEX and SPD stats, I'm sure she's got this one, even against a machine.

>Cutémon (Cutémon)

I love Louise, but stealth is not a giant knight's strong suit, for sure.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Optimal moves.

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
She's little! Louise is not.
Said machine thinks at the speed light and her body" can out speed it. And she pulled some sick 0G moves against the squids.
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
She probabkly can build a table tennis physical model from first principles

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Running and hiding is her MO
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Natural coordination to hit balls. She'll pick Chaya
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Is cute and smoll, sorry Baroness, you stand no chance.
Here I am to ruin the daaay
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
And she's gonna bring her hubby Ashe in, with this married couple they both got some amazing speed and precision with them that they'd beat ass... I uh, I hope the robot lady doesn't have a super robot partner that could fuck them over.
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
She's small, she's young, she's a beast, she'll win.
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
SPD maxxing will give her the win

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
A Pokémon and a giant, come on
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Her SPD and DEX are huge. And they only get better when she takes dama- I mean goes behind in score. MERRYGATE may have all the advantages of a robot, but I choose to believe in the indomitable human spirit.

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Except in this case! Sorry Louise, but Cutémon is smaller and thus more compact and easier to hide.
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)

Currently traveling, this is me on mobile
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Table tennis, when you boil it down is an exercise in precise plotting of angles and trajectory and high speed reactions. How could an AI tuned for space combat lose such a battle?

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Mons are notoriously good at hiding.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Ah yes, "the list"
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Rolled 38, 62 = 100 (2d70)

Sometimes, it seems, it’s good to be smol! Hiding out in the tall gras, like her conceptual ancestors before her, Cutémon evades the menace of the machines! Louise giant strength and stature and exceptional abilities might help her fight them off, but not—alas—evade them! With a 21-to-4 verdict., I think we can call that one a clean sweep.

Blair versus MERRYGATE is a tighter match, to the point of near-tossup. One has JRPG fantasy protag powers, the other laser-focused mechanical precision! Only one, however, seems to have a well-suited partner mentioned, which can make all the difference in a doubles match. With Blair already winning, I see no reason to overturn her 13-to-12 advantage.

Our winners this round?

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)

Now, onto Round Twenty-Three!

If there weren’t one, I would have had a much less frustrating evening last night, anon.

Full disclosure: the new one is much more basic because, not wanting to exert myself too much more than I already am for this whole thing, I just used AI to generate a list with a few amusing anonymous suggestions from the preliminaries thrown in
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In Round Twenty-Three, our leading lady faces off against a runner up! It’s ghost-cat versus holy horse when two animal-themed women (or especially womanly animals?) who would topple the heavens themselves instead must tussle with one another in…


WELL now, sexo-anon’s gonna’ have a field day with THIS one, ain’t he? Who do YOU think would score more technical points—or more aesthetic ones—between…

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

On a less-lewd note, we have a pair of beanpoles in our other bout! One’s sweet as pie, the other is sneaky for the right price or cause, but both have a heart of gold! The question is who can best approximate someone with a heart—and skin—of stone!

Yes it’s…

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)


>>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Muna is a goddess, so this should be a cinch for her.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Rosa is a thief, so she should be well-accustomed to this.
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"Awww maaaan, can't believe that I didn't get to participate in this one! I'd have taken anybody here. But I remember that time the Ctarl-Ctarl woman, ahh, what was her name again? Aisha, that's right! When she came to Dreadzone for a friendly bout. And if there's one thing about cats, or cat people is that they're hard to pin down. So, between these two, I have to give it to-"
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

"This one's easy, you've got this Ano! Just find the most comfortable position you can get in, and stay as still as possible. You can do it!"
>Anofelis "Ano" Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
No Chaya's totally not biased and voting for her friends, what makes you think so?
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
It's gonna be a tough decision though... probably gonna need a few visual aids for both of the contestants to really solidify the vote, preferably wrestling in the mud for maximum fairness. Darn.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
As a con artist I can totally imagine Rosa having done the Scooby Doo 'Hide in a suit of armor' trick before!
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
I doubt either of these contestants would enjoy getting filthy. They may both decide to just stand there. I'm naturally going to side with the actual animal which lived in a village with a creek at some point in her life. There's mud there. Bonus funny points if both of them appear in their animalistic forms instead of human ones. There's also the fact that Huan will at the end of the day swallow her pride to win. Which Muna so far has seemed to be just plain too principled to do.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Standing still? Doing nothing? Goblins are skulkers all, born to lurk. To say nothing of one that made a profession out of the sneak.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
The heavens cannot be sealed

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Just give her a basic arithmetic problem to solve and she'll hold a thinker pose for hours
Actually thinking about it, with Huan being more than willing and capable of flashing cleavage and ass to fuck with people and get her way (which she does make use of when she feels the need), and Muna being so conservative, this is kind of skewed as a competition. Being afraid of lewd really hurts Muna in something as fetish-y as mud wrestling.

Muna seems to be getting bullied by these contests a lot. When is she gonna get lucky and get one that caters to her? It'd be nice to have her get something she would WANT to do instead of bowing out of.
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>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Yeah no sorry I think Muna destroys Huan here I think just in terms of sheer powerlevel. I'm not sure how ridiculous the cultivation in Heretic Cultivator is but the literal weakest physical skill a god can learn in Chaos Quest is equivalent to one trillion tons of TNT in sheer force and scale to such ridiculous lengths as ''hit somebody so hard the fragments of the planet would be launched into alternate realities and become singularities''. The only reason Hainei still exists is because whenever gods fight they're put in a reality warping bubble so their mere sneezes don't punch a hole through the planet.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
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>(Writing) -------

I cracked my knuckles in anticipation of the challenge. This time, it was mud wrestling, and against one of the more interesting opponents to me. Huanliuxue. She was also against Heaven, at least the one from her world. I really wanted to know a lot more about that, so perhaps I'd ask her following this contest of strength. It might make for good conversation talking about our parallels!

[MAJORDOMO] "Remember, you aren't limited by the New Eternity here. Pull your punches so the planet under our feet doesn't shatter, please."

'You know, I'm not really sure what this all is taking place on to begin with. I didn't give it much thought, did you?'

[MAJORDOMO] "Well, whatever it is, let's not blow it away, please. No Psychic powers, no Spiritua spells. Just a teency bit of strength and effort."

'Of course. I'll keep it as tame as can be, but make no mistake, I intend to win. Wrestling with strong beings who aren't gods or demigods like me... it's a rare occasion, I'm excited!'

I addressed my opponent ahead of the contest - 'I wish you the best of luck. Let us both learn a little more about each other through a language of action instead of words this match!'


[MAJORDOMO] "....Pffftthehehehehe."

[JOCO] "Hahahohohuhuhu. Can, can she hear us whispering?"

[MAJORDOMO] "Not if we keep our inner voices down."

[JOCO] "Heeeeee, oh man! She totally fell for it! She really thinks the mud is just there to add a risk of slipping, like some kinda gimmick hazard! She doesn't know why people actually watch mud wrestling!"

[MAJORDOMO] "Yeah, no way we could have convinced her if we told her the truth. She's gonna be pissed at us when she finds out."

[JOCO] "Worth it. Ell oh ell!"

>------- (Writing End)

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Hard call but I'll throw my weight behind Muna for now.

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Anofelis can be quite stealthy at times. Being an all terrain subject I can see her being able to stay still and stay silent.

Also tempted to bribe again but feels wrong to do so again so soon.
kek. Discussions will be had after this.
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
assets diff and power diff

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Horses handle mud better than cats. Checkmate.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Predatory ambush instincts prevail!
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

Huan wins because she actually has no problem being lewd, and as a cat has much more experience wiggling around and squirming. Not to mention her martial art is centered around redirection and turning her opponents strength and force against them. So even if Muna is stronger physically, that is actually a downside for Muna cause that just means that force is being caught and turned back against her. And that isn't mentioning how easily and how many different ways for Huan to buff herself and debuff her enemies. Grudge Miasma? Slows down and weakns anyone caught in that isn't Huan. Moonlight? Huan Stats raise, more if it's bloodmoonlight? Huan takes damage?her stats also raise. Embodying a specific grudge? Taking spirit medicine, using poison like a salve that cause itching so intense it drives people insane? Huan's bread and butter is weighing the odds in her favor, and has been before she became a walking, talking Ill Omen and Herald of bad luck.

And while her transformation abilities have been greatly improved, but even if she was still stuck with just her human and beast forms, Huan is insanely flexible in both, especially the human one. And she has been able to turn herself into a puddle of blood before, hard to wrestle a liquid. Which is why it's hard to wrestle any cat. They're act like liquid, lol

And besides all of these sensible reasons, Huan just does better when her opponent is at her level or stronger than her, with The rolls other Juniors make for her. Aodasheng being a noticeable exception where her luck ping pong'd instead of her rolling repeated big numbers, but the crow demon Baoli Wuyawang she threw down with was a realm higher than her and she still won due to good rolls and buffing herself as hard as she possibly could pre fight (beating anything that is a realm higher than you is a huge bragging right in cultivation, the power gap between one realm and the next is an insane difference)

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)

She is very stealthy and has experience in this as a matter of survival. And moths and bugs in general are adept at staying still. She might be tall, but Ano is 100% taking this
Huan actually has large assets. The fan art that was drawn part way through the tournament is much more accurate to the one that has been used to represent her from the start. Since she 100% doesn't look like a kid.

In fact, she has been repeatedly noted to only have smaller assets than Monu the toad witch, her mother who spent two centuries of life perfecting her body and making herself a heaven's turning beauty, and who has been repeatedly noted to have massive titties. While Huan herself is above average size, and thinks her butt is a bit too big for her own liking.

Huan only isn't a peerless jade like beauty, because her mother is usually nearby. So she has one peer.
>That wall of text
But can Huan reach the level of someone who can literally shatter the planet on accident anon? Is Huan at that level yet? Can she avoid being perception blitzed by beings moving at if not straight up faster than lightspeed? Your argument might have some weight if you say ''Muna has to hold back'' but she already does that all the time kek.
>Not to mention her martial art is centered around redirection and turning her opponents strength and force against them. So even if Muna is stronger physically, that is actually a downside for Muna cause that just means that force is being caught and turned back against her.
Is there a cap to how much stronger an opponent can be compared to her before her redirection thing stops working ? in case there isn't and he can do it with enemies bazillion times stronger, well Muna is pulling her punches anyway due to base difference so it doesn't change much things

>And that isn't mentioning how easily and how many different ways for Huan to buff herself and debuff her enemies.
Muna also has acess to buff and debuff skill
>The fan art that was drawn part way through the tournament is much more accurate to the one that has been used to represent her from the start.
can you link or repost it ?
And yeah, it would be funny if Muna and Huan fight as Horse and Cat. But I do agree, Huan is surprisingly willing to be lewd and much more surprisingly able to forsake her pride if it means winning/ getting what she wants. She's can be a manipulative bitch when she wants to be (see the trial, where Grandfather anger maxed me and my fellow juniors)

Also forgot to mention, but the lewd talk reminded me of it.

Carmine mysticism tier 1 magical ability, hypnotic eyes.

Huan has only used this herself once, but it is really potent, and works like a vampire's hypnoticgarden. Cause Huan is a livign vampire. Not a Jiangshi, but straight up a day walking vampire.

She used it against one of the powerful ghosts serving Aodasheng, and the spell only broke because she got a bit too into crushing/ ripping out their heart.

It was kinda hot
>Carmine mysticism tier 1 magical ability, hypnotic eyes.
>Huan has only used this herself once, but it is really potent, and works like a vampire's hypnoticgarden. Cause Huan is a livign vampire. Not a Jiangshi, but straight up a day walking vampire.
>She used it against one of the powerful ghosts serving Aodasheng, and the spell only broke because she got a bit too into crushing/ ripping out their heart.
>It was kinda hot
wait, you're saying she can try to yuri Muna ? got bad news for you, senpai
Muna might have some, but Huan has more, and they stack. Grudge Miasma has another layer, if she imbues it with blood Qi and sorrow, to infect her foe with crippling depression.

And I don't think there is a cap, to be onest. She used it against the spear of mortal death, which, yeah she kicked through a mountain, but there is a reason I've been using that as a feat of strength, because it really is bananas.

That spear was used against a real daoist immortal, a legit god, and Huan turned its speed (which is the only time besides being blitz'd by a god that she wasn't able to match or surpass, with all her bullshit) and momentum against its owner and used it to fling them at the moon, so I'm not sure if there is a limit to her martial arts shenanigans, cause when Ao threw that spear, it moved with force and speed that was beyond Huan's own, and so far, only a god aiming for her head has been able to completely trash her in a contest of speed and move faster than she could react to.

And gladly, here is the more accurate fan art, based off Grandfather's own, long, description of Huan when she got her human body>>6014725
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
It might seem gay, but trust me, it was more Huan being sadistic and fucking with her enemy, even if it was really flirty and she rubbed her cheek against the ghost centaur...deer...person thing (Don't know their nam, Huan just calls them Pony, and Ao hasn't referred to them by name, so I just don't know). Which probably means it would be Yuri, cause Yuri fans can have some pretty dark tastes, imo

I'm actually not sure what Huan's sexuality is, come to think of it. I know one Junior wanted to fuck that scary fucker Aodasheng (And to be fair, Huan is goth enough to fuck a corpse...sometimes) but she has called other women beautiful or pretty as she's called men handsome, but hasn't shown any real interest in anyone, besides herself.
I think he means this one here.

Which is a lot closer to current Huan. As she is right now she's described as a "jade beauty" which outside of the xia media sphere basically just means an extraordinarily attractive/headturning woman. She's not as busty as her adoptive mother, but she's got legs for days and serious hip action. But since she can shapeshift it doesn't really matter. Muna can shapeshift as well, too, right?

I think he meant it more toward the judges than toward Muna. At least that's how I would expect it to be used. That's how I would use it, if it were put to a vote kek
Yeah, but to be fair, I don't think Grandfather would let anyone be bustier than De-hag'd Monu. But Huan is proud of her legs, but she is proud of everything about herself. She even likes the chunk missing from one of her ears, and the gruesome injuries she tends to sustain when she gets in over her head *Cough Cough* Aodasheng *Cough Cough*
I was more just making it known its a thing she can do. Like its evolution, Lunatic Eyes. Or embodying the grudge of say, the misanthropic and god hating Xiongji, or Fu's grudge against the unfairness of the heavens, to boost her stamina.

Or that she has bone hurting juice, in the form of Sinner Bone Centipede Venom, that melts the bones of whoever she injects it with
That shark wrestling woman might have bigger assets by sheer virtue of being fucking huge. We'll have to find out if she's ever shown up close. But yeah, in terms of tit to waist ratio, Monu is probably going to remain top unless some slut from the heavens pops down and shows off how she's in charge of fucking or something.

>bone hurting juice
lmao, gold. I am sure that won't deter some anons from wanting her to spit on them.
>I think he means this one here.
They’re respectable indeed, but Munass solos
It isn't the worst thing Huan could spit on you to be fair. Boiling blood, acidic blood, Demon art: Blood Rain, Chaos Mist, Impurities/ black sludge, a hairball...etc
they look pretty even to me. Wonder if Monu's grudge would give Huan a buff in that area, lol
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Not so even
Huan is wearing a robe, and her bust is still noticeable, I'd say they're even. also, speaking of lewd behavior, When Huan attained her human form, it didn't come with clothes, so she marched across the countryside, into a city, beat up two young masters, dragged them by their ears to their own sects, then walked back to her temple


Only covered by her own shadow, which manipulated and formed into a Qipao dress. Another thing Huan can do. She doesn't because I could count the times she didn't auto succeed on a stealth trial on one hand.
Certainly, even if Muna refused to use her suite of spells and abilities to limit herself, there is one thing that Gods from the Milky Way Universe have that really set them apart from anything that isn't a living idea such as them; Truths.
In a nutshell, the Truth is an arbitrary statement that literally overrides the "narrative" of reality itself. In other words, if a God just says that the sky is yellow, it is. Their arguments convince surrounding existence, forcing it to agree unanimously. This does not truly affect the world of Hainei because of the age of the New Eternity that acts as a universal limit to all things placed by the Emperor, but also merely because Gods choose not to make a Truth all the time. So, if Muna truly felt troubled by esoteric abilities and wanted to level the playing field in this mud wrestling match, she would just argue that all of the cultivation techniques no longer count, and they wouldn't. In fact, she has a Truth dedicated to just outright making "debuffs" not a thing that happens to her at all (Her Third Truth).
>td;lr the gods in Chaos Quest have their own version of the Umineko Truths
That aside, she would like to teach Huan how to use and make Truths herself just to help her against Heaven. Fuck Heaven, all my niggas hate the Heavens.
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>Fuck Heaven, all my niggas hate the Heavens.
>Fuck Heaven, all my niggas hate the Heavens

Based. And fuck the Ling clan. But not the Lingdom. Two very different things.
Also, I wouldn't challenge Huan to a debate, doesn't have anything to do with truths, I just wouldn't do it. But they did bring it to mind. As for why I wouldn't, well

It took her one day to convince all the local orthodox sects that ascended beasts weren't monsters after they spent ten generations thinking they were demons, and to get them let her off the hook for all the crimes they were pinning on her, and make them feel ashamed for accusing her to begin with.

Including eating a few people. The actual charges they had proof of, couldn't stick.

It was one of her most cat like moments, in hindsight.

And I should mention, a lot of her abilities, aren't really techniques or magic but are just "Huan can just do that".

Not sure if her two way tickets to the past or future and back, are, though. But that description does say she contains a temporal paradox or two inside of herself
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Huan can stop and slow time and she has avoided being decapitated by a God that moved at or beyond light speed and eventually did it with a spear that was flying as fast.

And considering she stopped the God with a curse, and the God cut a massive trench out of the nine heavens, which are much more durable than a ordinary world

Yeah, she could
Though to be fair, by stopped a God, I mean, cause the God to have a schizo fit and make his boss, a bigger God, punch his face in for giving him a headache while he was drunk

But she did escape from the five top gods afterwards, and caused one of them to get smashed by a heavenly gate. Didn't do shit to then, but it did halt their pursuit for a few moments
Actually, re reading the Aodasheng fight, the spear might be quicker than that God, since Huan avoided losing her head at the last moment, but she couldn't dodge the spear of mortal death from shooting through her torso. While in the vacuum of space, where she had an movement advantage and was buffed due to her cosmic nature and being bathed in Moonlight.

And considering that scary ghost bastard needed to have a mountain dropped on him specifically to crush his heart to make him a scary ghost bastard, instead of just squishing him and his corpse was intact beneath it. Yeah.

Also, that fight is one of the few times the other anons did not take the chance to pre fight buff. Still baffled by that. I know we tend to get cocky at the worst times, but Aodasheng had an aura that would've killed anyone who wasn't already dead who isn't called Huanliuxue and he gave us time to prepare.
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>Huan can stop and slow time
Funny enough, Muna, like all gods in her world, are acausal beings outside of the flows of time and fate, with only a Truth made by the Emperor capable of holding them within so time can affect them. And even despite that, she said "no" to time and jumped into the memories of a deceased being while he was dead and reduced to only a memory inside the head of his mother himself and then broke through time into the endless present from the past carrying his memories just to bring him back to life in thread #4. It's basically pointless to oppose a god without the New Eternity limiting them while not being one, because 'god' is merely a title, they're actually living Jungian archetypes and platonic ideas. Her will is not to be understated! But I digress, powerlevel discussion is autistic (and I'm guilty of writing OP shit because I think its fun...) lol

Also I hope Huan wins the tourney if I don't simply because I like that these quests with themes of Chinese mythology are like, so ahead of the others in points lol
Actually, Huan could've done that back when when she was in the foundation establishment realm, come to think of it.

Cause she pretty casually dodged lighting in....thread 2 or 3? And I think that's actually a bigger feat than not getting one shot by a God instant transmissioning to her location, or managing to react to the spear of mortal death as it was moving at its full-speed (eventually)

Because she avoided being struck by lightning, when she was much weaker than she is presently. And much slower.

She did tank a few bolts of divine retribution when the heavens got pissy she decided to learn how to turn human. But she survived that tribulation through trickery, more than anything, by hiding in a pool of her own blood and scurrying away as she made blood copies of herself.

But she did get hit at the very end and go flying, and she did get hit in the side by a divinely empowered arrow and manage to crawl her way into the nine heavens right after.

I'm starting to think I may have been actually underestimating Huan, in some of my previous autistic walls of text, thinking about some of the things she's done/survived in more depth.

But that's because kicking a spear through a mountain and into orbit was fresh and new, and I'm still hype about it
Yeah, but it is fun to discuss powerlevels. But I really find it funny that "can she dodge something moving at light speed", isn't a gotcha at all, especially with current Huan, cause she did sidestep lighting, several times in a row, when she was comparably an ant to Tier 0 golden core Huan.

Not that it matters, since the contest is mud wrestling and Huan has an advantage over Muna, since Huan would be much less embarrassed than she would be to show off her body, bare or covered in mud

I just like debating about it
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
I hate cultivation stories soooo much soooo... lesser of two evils this QM didn't make me catchach a 3 day for questioning his power fantasy:

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)

A moth is fine too, and not just b/c of that one doujin:

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Oh hey! You're the autist who told grandfather you hoped his teapot broke, aren't you? The one ip who showed up, bitched about cultivation, and then got banned

How ya doing man?
If we're going off of bad-end doujins, the moth one is meh tier, the hasshouko or however you say it one is better.
Which Hasshaku-Sama one? There are dozens of bad end Miss eight feet tall doujins, you talking about the one that's about the lewd ghost stories anthologies, with the poliewoman and guy sharing stories until the end when the policewoman reveals she is Hasshaku-Sama?

Or are you, most likely, talking about the one by the same guy who made the moth one? Its kind of weird how hentai artists have a hive mind at times.
Also, I'm pretty sure grandfather had nothing to do with that, because your post was deleted before he tallied the vote, because you just came out of nowhere, complained and bitched, and wished misfortune on the QM in an autistic fit

Pretty sure you got dogpiled by reports from other anon's my guy. If you are who I'm thinking of.

And I'm confident you are, because that is the only time anyone got banned from a heretic thread or got their posts deleted and they were also the only time anyone ever cried powerfantasy in the threads

Well, besides the time a renegade mod deleted an entire thread, number 7, outright, after it had been running for a few days.
I forget the specifics but it's a guy in a cab going to visit the place he grew up and met her and she's actually the cabbie. It's pretty dark if you think about it in terms of real world analogues of grooming and shit.

>Its kind of weird how hentai artists have a hive mind at times.
There's only so many ways to pluck a chicken, after all. I prefer the cannonball method.
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
YEP! That's the fucked up anthology one, mistook her for a policewoman. the one by Jyoka
So, I've been lurking these threads since I missed my chance to register, since I was busy reading Danmei at the time.

But you've forced me to reply to save face, junior.

I have no idea what you're talking about. I really don't. I think the junior who replied to you is right, and the other readers reported you, because I truly do not recall any of my juniors complaining or wishing the destruction of my expensive teawares, if they're telling the truth. I usually leave my threads while I wait to end the vote, so it actually is probable.

But before I return to my immortal Groto and write the next update of HCQ, I feel obligated to thank my fellow grand elder Levelman for the amazing art he drew of Lady Huanliuxue, and for running one of the quests I try to keep up with.

And please, juniors of my sect and others, remember to have fun and to not get too worked up over this tournament. RQM is not holding me hostage or anyone else if their character loses
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
I am not the QM, so don't expect a writeup, but as th one who entered Huan int othe contest it's up to me to return Levelman's graciousness.
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)

I get a feeling Ano will forget what the contyest is for if Rosa manages to hold on for long enough
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
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Cultivation is trash, but it is entertaining trash. Just don't start to MTL novels. That gives brainrot, more so than cultivation usually does.. I've seen it happen firsthand.

Though, the two cultivation quests on the board right now, do avoid the worst pit falls and cliches of the genre. Shame Normal Cultivator didn't have enough threads to apply with this started.

Holy shit. Its grandpa
>meanwhile, in baki, the most japanese amine to mooina lately: 30 minute monologue about what curling your pinkie twelve degrees lets you punch three times harder just to have a guy get knocked out and pissed on
>the reason? literally never explained/he's strong so I wanted to fight
That's just how Baki is. Why hasn't there been a Baki quest yet? I vaguely remember there being a street fighter one, but that could be the brain rot affecting my memory.
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
As I've previously said, I think the idea of having a cultivator, aka, the bullshit "Im the best at literally everything lolololol" genre character, in an skill contest, is ridiculous. But yknow what do I know
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
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>b-b-b-b-but you must have a s-s-stable ID to v-vote!!! y-y-y-you can't j-just vote for both!
I mean, the skill contest is just there for flavor. Its just that ever contest she's gotten, there's been a way she could win it, not just because she's a cultivator, but because her quest is longer running

And sometimes because she is Chinese
>its not because being a cultivator means she's good at everything, it's just because her cultivator quest made her good at everything!
And also, don't bother with the "flavor" line, just about everyone has been treating the contests as the sole clause for a vote.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Hell yes muddy cat lady
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Ano can sit still for hours just watching, I bet the short chick couldn't sit still for 5 minuets.
Time for the grime, I'll see myself out
Welp, Sex Anon has spoken.
You're a funny guy man

And, just to put into perspective. Three houses in the only of the quests that is close to Heretic in terms of number of threads and how long it was run for. And heretic is still ongoing. Everything else has been run for like, a quarter of both the time and threads.

That is why I've always been able to write a detailed reasons why she could win and give examples. Because its been going on for over two years, and Grandfather tends to run the quest like a river meanders and this makes Huan pick up a pretty varied and random assortment of skills and powers, along with the players very much leaning into Huan being fickle and going on tangents and thread long distractions because of a whim.

You really don't seem like you're having fun, amigo.

But there are things she'd be terrible at and is terrible at, canonically. Its just none of them have come up. Like if she'd gotten that contest to write a review of her opponent's, I'd have thrown up my hands and said "Yeah she'd be terrible at this, but I'm still voting for her" and I can think of several others she'd fail at due to her personality alone

I dread their being a maid contest, I'd still vote for her, because she's my favorite, but the point is, every contest she's had so far has either been physical, and when it wasn't was something she has a knack for, like the creative writing contest, which the whole romance novelist thing came about Anons thought it'd be funny to do.

The other contestants, besides Blair, just don't have the backlog of random bullshit and misadventures to draw on to write a incredibly autistic reason for why she could win.

That's what's been giving her points, because a lot of them have come from the d6 rolls.

Instead of complaining about powerlevels, complain about there just being more material for Huan. That's the reason I didn't suggest her during the lead up, because all the other quests were younger/ shorter running. And yeah, her being from a cultivation setting, does mean she has a lot of advantages, but most quest characters get ridiculous skill sets when they've lasted for as long as Heretic has.

Muna has just as much juice, its just Chaos quest is a lot shorter than Heretic, so less people can pull a manifesto about her on command, like my brain rotted self can.

Shit, I'm happy 2nd primarch wasn't put in the king tournament, for the same reason, despite also following it. It has been going on for nearly 4 years and it combines cultivation with 40k nonsense, with the primarch version of fucking Confucius as its lead.

Which is why Karn is sweeping the king tourney easily right now, because his quest has lasted much longer than either heretic or primarch,(I've voted for him every round because I like Karn, same with Huan. And that's another reason, longer quests tend to have more anons following them, even if they're lurkers, that have had longer to get attached to the characters)

Praise be he
>But there are things she'd be terrible at and is terrible at, canonically. Its just none of them have come up
How lucky. You also seem to not realize that the fact that her only weaknesses are in a few, select, completely non physical theoretical contests, is an side effect of insane cultivator powerlevels. Saying that it's just "length" doesn't work when there are plenty of long-running quests that don't give their characters such a wide array of skills. The fact that she *has* misadventures where she *gets more skills* is itself a facet of it being a cultivator quest. Low power universes don't just go handing out a cornucopia of abilities to their characters, but Cultivation does. The fact that characters like Karn (Saiyan, basically just a japanese cultivator that punches shit and screams insteas of meditating) or Lieren (Primarch Cultivator) sweep even harder literally just proves my point.

You'll forgive me if I don't find it as interesting when you pit characters of such difference in universe strength in a skill contest.
And to put it really into perspective, I truly think Karn is going to win the king tournament, not because he is from a dbz crossover quest and is strong as fuck, but because he's from a quest that has lasted SEVEN YEARS and is past the 200 thread mark.

It gives him an overwhelming advantage in both history and a loyal fanbase. While I think their being a minimum length of the quests to qualify was a good idea, I do think there probably should've been a maximum size limit, so at least quests that are from the same school year would've been competing each other, ya know?

I'm still having fun though, trying to explain why the characters I like have an advantage or debating with other anons. I like talking about power levels, but I am glad this isn't a death battle. That'd get ugly fast

Yes, but she's only that strong because she's from a cultivation quest that has been running for YEARS. That is, as you said, part and parcel of the genre, but the fact is, if Heretic started later, and was closer in length and size to the other ones in the tournament (besides three houses), she'd be losing a lot more.

She wouldn't win the writing contest, the origami contest, she would not win the jump contest, she would not win ultimate frisbee because she didn't have as many students/ allies, she'd be unable to play minigolf. She'd have a chance at mathematics, since she's always been a genius prodigy, but I wouldn't have been as confident she would

Yeah, different types of quests have different flowers, cultivation is a genre about getting a bigger number/ new tricks. But it is still the fact Huan has over twenty threads that is what gives her so much of them. Especially since its only past the double digit mark when she actually got a lot of the things that I use as reasons why she'd win. And a lot of them have come after thread 15, when she power leveled after gathering steam for several IRL months.

I've re-read her quest recently. It is the length and number of threads, because there are periods where she spends a few threads getting the means to grow stronger.

If we took Huan from the thread of the third longest running quest, by threads, in this tournament, Cutemon I think. She'd only just be heading off to try and gain a deeper understanding of humanity to learn how to take on a human form. Her greatest feat would be doping up and beating Baoli Wuyawang through a series of really lucky rolls and careful prep.

Its just, she's been around long enough to reach the part of cultivation stories where the protagonist reaches the Bullshit powerlevels Cultivation is so well known for.

It is because it is a long running quest she has the insane power level. And because the type of quest and universe she's from, is about growing stronger. But if Heretic was still on its 7th thread, the difference would be far less exaggerated and she'd have lost most of her contests, especially if this tournament was purely a power level measuring stick
Still think she'd win the upcycling contest, as early threads Huan, because she's always been a scrounger and always made use of whatever she could find, including corpses
>Yes, but she's only that strong because she's from a cultivation quest that has been running for YEARS.
What you're confusing here is the fact that you think she's got skills because she's been running for years, and not because of the fact that she's an cultivator quest that's been running for a long time.The exact same thing goes for Karn. If you were to run a quest in a low-powered universe where people *don't* become literal dimension-busting deities, then no matter how long you ran it, even if it started from before /qst/ was even a thing, you would literally never be able to match a cultivator quest in power level. Karn is in the exact same spot. Sure, he's got a lot of threads - but he's also a literal saiyan.

The fact that you think "uh, but it's just physical contests that they completely sweep" is a small thing, when a huge quantity of these contests just so happened to be physical, just shows you don't really grasp the situation here.
>She wouldn't win the writing contest, the origami contest, she would not win the jump contest
You mean the contests where she only 'lost' because she was set against some equally ridiculously high power universe and had to specifically be turned off her magic? And again, she's still winning by a long margin thanks to being good in such a gigantic amount of skills.

No matter how much you say "Oh, it doesn't matter", it's completely wrong to act like a skill contest doesn't give her an immense boost, because, as i said, she is on a completely different level. You think someone like Rosa, or Storkie, the 'big losers' of the contest in terms of wins, would be ever able to reach even 1% of the amount of skills she has, even if they were to run for 10 years? No, because they're street level quests.
>and for running one of the quests I try to keep up with
me too bestie
Anyway, here is the real ending of the mud wrestling match regardless of whoever won
>"The Heavens are lame."

I kneel.
Andyou just straight up ignored most of what I wrote, since I did say exactly that, that it's because she's from a long ran cultivation quest, like you think I'm ignoring

then I showed what it'd be like if heretic wasn't as long running. And that she'd not be as good in near as many things nor as powerful if that was the case, and she certainly wouldn't be sweeping, if heretic was around as long as the other quests besides three houses

Which is why I listed the non physical contests and ones she'd lose at if heretic wasn't 23 threads and counting.

She'd be unable to make origami at all before the end of thread 9, she only started reading fiction and romance novels after that, and writing them five or do threads after that.

So she'd lose origami and creative writing and have far fewer reasons she could win minigolf

And she'd only sweep physical contests around the same time. Far longer than where she'd be if the threads were all the same length/ duration and the followers she'd have would be weaker and fewer

Ultimate Frisbee, she'd lose against most of the other contestants then, and the jump contest, well, actually she'd have about as fair a shot there as she actually did. Mathematics, she may have always been smart, but she's learned a lot since thread 1, so at thread 7, much less likely to win than thread 23

Yeah cultivation has bonkers power levels, and it takes time to reach them

We are agreeing on this point, you just wanna be angry and are ignoring that we are
>Shame Normal Cultivator didn't have enough threads to apply with this started.
I don't get the sentence, especially the 3 last words.
You are in a middle of a conflict after all. I'm aiming to mix Chinese Novel Attacks with Japanese Novels Background lore.
>Andyou just straight up ignored most of what I wrote,
No, that's what you did. What i did was point out about how your entire long argument literally just proves my point. You seem to think that because there's another giga-powered universe, and it isn't winning as much as her because it's not as long, that this somehow means 'oh then it's all okay, it's just quest length :)'

It's not quest length. Tell me, as i told you, do you actually think that a quest that isn't from an high-powered universe would *ever* get even close to the powerlevel?
>b-but luna
Is from *another* high powered universe . Don't you get what i am saying? I'm saying that these high powered universes get an insane boost in these contests of skills *because they're high powered*. The fact that they're long just multiplies that power, but a quest of the same or even bigger length from an low-power universe would NEVER be able to reach that level.

And also, look at what you're saying
>Um, well, she'd lose in that one contest where she'd need someone else to win it for here, but in the other one, well actually she'd be great in that one too, but in that one, wait no, she's also a genius
Do you see it? You're literally proving my point. Huan, by being from a universe where 'become good at everything' is a thing you can do *is* a boost.
Alright my brain unscrewed.
Main reason I didn't applied for this was the age of the protag.
Quests that didn't have a certain number of threads couldn't join the tournament. Pretty sure the cut off was 3 or more. Normal cultivation, which I enjoy and keep up with, would only qualify after the tournament roster was decided
No you're fucking cherry picking what I'm saying, because you want something to be mad at, you're ignoring that this is for FUN so you can fume. We are agreeing, but you everything I write that goes against your bias.

You just want to hate heretic and Huan because she's won a few contests, that you ignore the majority of my replies. The jump contest, she'd have a similar chance, but wouldn't have as much raw strength, the chance is because she's always been a giant cat. Mathematics, where I said she was smart but she's gotten smarter as the threads go on. And you completely overlooked writing, origami, and turned her losing a team sport cause her team wouldn't match up and she'd have less leadership abilities into "proof" against me, so you can continue to rage and pretend we're not making the same points
>No you're fucking cherry picking what I'm saying, because you want something to be mad at, you're ignoring that this is for FUN so you can fume.
He said, completely ignoring my literal entire point yet again while acting like her not being the literal best in a few exact particular skils changes anything I said.

Okay, ill make this easy so you only have to reply once: do you actually think that a low power universe would be able to reach the sheer amount of skills and power an cultivator could if they ran for a long time? And no, comparing it to another gigapowered universe doesn't count.
You're taking this too seriously, it's a fucking popularity contest dude and you really don't seem to be enjoying it.

I've explained my reasoning why long running quests have an advantage in and out universe, and given direct examples that Huan would be much more out and evenly matched if heretic didn't run as long, with specifics of how and why shed be weaker or less adept for the contests she scored pounts on.

But you ignore that to be butthurt. She is from a high power setting, but she only became high power herself when heretic had double the threads of the third longest quests. And the contests i say she'd have a chance in as her earlier self, don't have shit to do with power level.

They are her being intelligent, but not as smart as she presently is, her being a cat and thus jumping high, and her generally being a hoarder and not wasteful.

A long running slice of life quest would still get plenty of votes from a fan base. You're just stuck on the idea that most people are voting on who wins these pretend contests and getting angrier that a character you don't like is.

i vote for Huan, because I like her, and just happen to be able to give reasons she'd win. Lots of other people are, some are flipping coins, or who they think is hotter, and some, yes are going by who they'd think would win

The only advantage she may get is a d6 if RQM agrees with what anons say or finds it funny

And you've completely lost the point of this entire thing, because you really don't seem to be having fun, man
Amazing,, you still managed to avoid the one singular question I posed.
I didn't, actually. Proving once again you aren't reading what I'm writing to stay mad. I answered it in that reply and earlier.

This is a popularity contest at the end of the day, with a bonus for being able to make a convincing argument, with flavor contests to make it more entertaining.

And if you'd actually read, you'd have seen my answer. You just ignored it, again, but you've decided to take this overly seriously and personally and rather than enjoy the tournament, you've chosen to get angry at something that has no real effect on it, and ignore anything that disproves your reasons for being so upset, so you can treat this like it really is a tournament instead of a glamorize popularity poll
Nice. I really like their expressions
For goodness sake, man, can you stop repeating random things like it's a tick? Have i just gone insane or something? You completely ignored my point and just said something about 'uhhh, but fanbase'. Are you unable to admit the simple fact that quest length literally doesn't matter when you're on an entirely different level of power?

>popularity contest
If this was a popularity contest, anon, the winning counts would look very different.

But feel free to say i'm not having fun or that huan has a lot of threads or another classic line again, i'm certain if you repeat it for the 6th time in arow and then say "You're not reeading my posts" it'll become true.
Yeah you really seem to be having fun right now. And you're the one burying your head in the sand, so you can feel justified to keep seething. You've shown you aren't paying attention to anything I say that wouldn't make you angry.

And it is, no matter how much you complain about it, it is at the end of the day, a popularity contest with some fluff added to make it more enjoyable.

And there is only one reason the characters you think should win more aren't. But bringing that up would spoil the fun. But, I guess yours already has been. Sorry man
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>he continues to ignore the singular question and just says 'muh fun' again
I answered it and the other ones you gave, multiple times. You ignored them to stay mad, and ignore that this isn't a serious contest or anything, even though we've agreed on the same points, you move the goal posts and cherry pick everything to stay angry

That doesn't sound like it's fun to me, but you do you.
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
She'll end up the messiest I think, which is the true goal of mud wrestling after all.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Less body paint needed to appear as a statue and a lower sense of gravity for staying still.
Huan does have a lot of hair though. And is that the point of mud wrestling, I thought it was to see titties
>I answered it and the other ones you gave, multiple times
Completely ignoring it and saying "but you'd get fans" is not "answering" it. Using "It's just le fun contest" is not an answer either. Please don't pretend that something that is happening isn't.
That is an answer, just because it is an unpleasant one for you and doesnt prove your arguement , doesn't make it invalid

It is just a game, one you're taking much too seriously. You're the one acting like this is a measure of anything except the whims of anons and their preferences between two characters, for any reason personal or not.

If that is so upsetting to you, I don't know what to tell you, the guy running this has said what's going on, and the other people participating have gone against your claim it is all about who'd actually win in these contests. Which is only important for a dice roll, that is given based on what RQM thinks
>doesn't make it invalid
No, but the fact that it has literally nothing at all to do with the actual question does. No matter how much you deny it since it's in your favor, the fact is, that most people are voting over who 'would win the contest'

But uh, you clearly seem to be unable to actually read what i'm saying, so no point in wasitng more time so i can hear "it's just le fun contest" foir the 93rd time in a row.
But it is, and it won't be anything more than that.

I caused Huan to lose mini-golf, did I throw a fit about it? No, I thought it was funny. I enjoy debating and talking with other anons and defending my stance, cause it gives me a reason to talk about something I enjoy.

All I can say, is I hope you start having fun and enjoy this tournament for what it is, instead of getting upset over nothing.

I really do.
I hope you one day manage to learn to read what people actually post, and respond to that.
And I get why you're upset, you want characters you like to win. I'm just Happy my favorite got in to begin with, anything past that is just a bonus since she really only did get in through dumbluck and a few anons doodling her at the end of the registration thread
Pot calling the kettle black, but I am being honest. This is supposed to be for fun, so it sucks you aren't having any at this point. It seems to me at least
>And I get why you're upset
No, see, that's not it. If it was, i'd be upset about the characters i like never got past the eliminatories. I am simply pointing out that the format gives an objective bonus to certain types of quest.

But uh, you clearly aren't going to admit that, so i suppose i should just stop trying to talk into a wall.
I did admit that, several times, high power settings would have an advantage, if this wasn't just a dolled up popularity contest for shits and giggles

You then proceed to ignore that we were agreeing and ignore You can vote anyway you want, the d6 can't beat a majority, and it won't come in to play if RQM decides it won't. Or that it could be given for a funny reason, like Huan's Ling hatred giving Rika the advantage.

And Im sorry they didn't, but you should really try to not take this all as seriously as you are. All the winner gets is an extra piece of art. What's the point if you don't enjoy playing it?
>You can vote anyway you want
ARE people voting that way? Or are they voting for whoever can win the contest?

Don't answer. I already know what you're going to say. Good on you for getting the cheat code route, i guess.
"Ooh, this is an interesting round, Ano." Annie said as she looked at the tablet, Mikhail and Ano also looking. "Living statue? What does that mean?" She asked curiously, Annie already getting some pictures on her tablet and showing them. "Basically, you need to stand incredibly still and try and appear like a statue." Anofelis would nod, before standing up right and freezing in place. She stared blankly into the distance, not really taking any pose as she just froze up.

"Ummm, Ano, you... you should probably try and put on a pose as well." Mikhail mumbles, Annie looking at the tablet and back at Ano. "Not to mention, maybe putting on some paint to actually look like a statue." Anofelis would remain still, continuing to look into the distance whilst mumbling. "Please don't distract me, I'm trying to be a statue." She mumbled, much to the confusion of Mikhail and Annie. Though it did seem that Ano did a pretty good job keeping still. She was completely frozen, albeit in a rather stiff looking pose.

"Well, if she's so insistent on keeping this pose... Mik, do you have some camo which we can use to maybe paint her bronze or something?" Mikhail shrugged in response to Annie, as she let out a sigh. "Alright, I'll just head back to base and get some. Maybe also a ladder, or maybe a subject who can fly to reach up to her." Annie would thus disappear, leaving Ano with Mikhail. "You're doing quite well, Ano. I think you can win this. Just... maybe take a more interesting pose. I think people would like that more." Ano would not know what sort of pose to do, eventually awkwardly whispering to him. "What pose should I take?" Seeing how she was clearly confused and unsure, Mik would grab the tablet Annie left behind, before looking it up.

"There's plenty of ancient statues you can try. Why not try the Liberty pose or something? Just hold up one hand and look a bit more relaxed. Perhaps you can do something charming with your other arms?" Anofelis would think about it for a short while, before deciding to mimic a pose she saw her friend do. That was, raising her two right arms and turning her claws to fists. Her other hand stayed by her side, her showing an excited smile. "Huh, that works. What inspired you to take that stance?" Mikhail said amusedly, Ano not hesitating. "My friend Chaya did this whilst cheering me on. It made me happy seeing her like that, so maybe this will make other people happy too?"

Mikhail scoffed, before patting the side of her leg. "I'm most sure it will."

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Yes. They clearly are. I've only chosen who I think would realistically win, when I like both characters in the round enough that i cant pick between them. But in keeping with the spirit of it, I do try and give some reason for why they could, even if it's silly and im giving it for a character a I prefer but don't think would really win if this actually was run like death battle and actually pitted to the two characters against eachother based on what they could do.

Quite a few people decided with a coin flip. Plenty with their dicks. Some because the QM voted against their own character in a round. It really just depends

You're upset at an imbalance that doesn't really exist, it's cool to feel some characters were robbed, I know the king tournament got upset Karn won at magic with a lucky dice roll, but that was on RQM and luck. the contests are really just background setting, both there and here.

Some might influence the results more than others, but they're there to make this tournament more than a strawpoll and provide some entertainment or something to argue about. It really is just intended to be fun. I have my fun debating or talking about random horseshit.

It'd be boring as hell otherwise. Thered be no fan art and no in character scenes.
>They clearly are.
Quite literally no, but obviously someone who benefits from it isn't going to say that. There's really no need to keep responding.
>Which is why Karn is sweeping the king tourney easily right now, because his quest has lasted much longer than either heretic or primarch
Except Karn isn't sweeping the King tourney easy, he's lost all 3 votes. Only RQMs d6 is saving him, and him awarding a d6 to Karn on one of those was so controversial it triggered a rules adjustment.

I personally am voting for characters in quests I follow as a first priority, but if I follow neither I vote for whoever seems more suited to the contest. So if a chunk of people vote like that, except power level instead of theme suitability, being high power level would pick up a handful of votes.
Sweet Raptor Jesus, how long does this power level and methodlpgy argument go on for?

For the record, the leaidng candidates are Huan and Muna (high-powered protags with many skills), Louise and Blair (lady knights usually vited for on the basis of waifu loyalty, as fara s I can tell) and Rika (voted for because she's cute, as often as not). In the Kings tourney, Karn is toed with a middle-aged ghost snake man, a psychic rookie beat cop, and a robot who I belatedly discovered can't even fly in space.

This is just for FUN, anons. Calm the fuck down, please.

Also, praise be unto Sexo-Anon
It's literally just 2 guys
>Louise and Blair
Those two have a pretty damn wide skill array too, though. The only 'leader' that isn't highly skilled here is Rika.
>Calm the fuck down, please.
I am perfectly calm, I'm just pointing something out. I probably shouldn't be wasting my time on it, though, since it's a fruitless endeavour, but i don't like to leave things unsaid when they're true even if it's a waste of my time.
What the fuck am I benefitting from? I get you're not enjoying this as much as I am. But all that's on the table is fan art, one bonus piece of it. That's nice, especially for the QM whose character wins it. I don't like that the image used for Huan isn't accurate, it bothers me. So I really have no incentive here. I'm sure grandfather would appreciate it if she won in the end.

But if I really wanted to repay them for running heretic, I'd just go and commission an artist myself

You're making a mountain out of a mole hill. People are voting how they want for who they want. Some are choosing the winners, but that isn't the only reason and acting like it is is real sour grapes behavior

I did mention that, and they had a point, but the only reason the dice have gotten him wins when he should , is because enough people voted for him, for whatever reason, that the roll was able to change the outcome.

And, it would, I never said people aren't voting like that, only that it is one of several reasons and that's okay. nothing is on the line. There aren't any rules on how to vote, anons pick who they want for whatever reason

Praise sexo anon. And this is just got fun. I'm more confused why people are taking this so seriously, sorry if I caused a stir, but I am honestly wanting the other guy to enjoy himself
Except what you've been trying to prove isn't a fact, just your belief and holding onto it does really seem to be getting in the way of you having fun
Yes, you've already said that a lot of times. I'm certian you might even believe it is true. Are you going to keep trying to repeat the same thing as if it'll change something? I'm tired of having to reply, so this is the last (you) you're going to get.
Because it actually is,
? And it beats getting mad over the inclusion of some characters out of a belief they have an unfair advantage, in a for fun tournament with no stakes?
Monumentally based. I wonder if we could sell the mud afterwards.
There'd be a market for it, surely. A character did jokingly suggest to Huan to sell her sweat as Moon Dew. Or, I hope they were joking.
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
This is me guessing who the unseen judges will favor.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Fewer limbs means fewer points of failure.
Gamer girl bathwater is a thing. So probably, yeah.

>This is me guessing who the unseen judges will favor.
It's us! I think. Is it implied?
I like to imagine they're just randomly picked antagonists from the quests. Partially because I want a tournament focused on the memorable enemies of quests, but with the events all being humiliating. But I also understand why that probably would flounder

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Muddy horse is a happy horse. Muddy cat is an unhappy cat.

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
I feel like Ano is more likely to fall over.
Can't fault that logic. But didn't the Qilin myth begin because of descriptions of Giraffes reaching China? I think they like mud to, but thinking about this makes me realize that, besides being called Chinese or Japanese unicorn due to their looks, their origin is also pretty much the same as the European. Since those came about by someone poorly describing rhinos and narwhal horns.

Also, fun history fact, since my insomnia is really fucking bad today and I have nothing better to do but hang around here

The Chinese got fucking hoodwinked for years on the silk road, because the traders along it made them think the Romans produced their own silk, so they wouldn't realize their monopoly on the material.

They did this by buying the silk the Romans re-sewed and sold it back to china as Roman made silk. A ruse that lasted longer by every merchant realizing they couldn't let the Chinese reach Rome directly.

If you can find them, listen to the account of the dude who got the closest, a single boat ride before the last traders convinced him the voyage would take years oversea

History is goofy asf
This is the cancer I was worried about spawning in these, reptile man. Surprised it took this long honestly, not surprised it happened. Gathering this many autistic people in one place always gets this result sooner or later. Just ignore them, they'll tire out eventually.
I just don't get why some anons are taking this so seriously when there's nothing to lose or gain, and act like there is a competitive waifu meta that can't be strayed from like it was smash bros melee instead of thinking up what would be a funny way for them to win in the contest.

Though I do get where they're coming from with the change to the dice, even if I thought the upsets caused by the original system were kinda funny. But I also Spurg out talking about what Huan can do and debating about it, but that's because I have fun doing that and don't have anywhere else to ramble about the quest since it is pretty self contained outside of this event.

Still just stoked it placed, even if it was by pure chance it did
As a Huan supporter it's probably pretty tough for you to understand the feelings of anons who don't support Huan and feel her background is giving her an unfair advantage. That kind of situation tends to bother people even when nothing is on the line, except for the beneficiaries. I do want to say that there seemed to be a disconnect between you and >>6028384 where you claimed Huan's feats were due to the age of her quest, while he thought they were due to the cultivation setting. Certainly feats like writing a bestselling novel and outdebating a bunch of other sects in a single day don't seem linked to cultivation, but I don't think they'd happen so easily, or at all, in a more realistic setting.
Return of the King
Good starting point for a fanfic quest where all the antagonists team up after meeting one another here in the tournament and after they capture all the protagonists of /qst/, your overpowered donut steel character has to rescue them.
>Oh shit! All of the QMs have been kidnapped by their series' own villains!
>Good thing Donu D. Steel is here to save the day and free the writefags!
Comix Zone Quest when
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Rolled 43, 53 = 96 (2d66)

>[core memory unlocked]

This makes me nervous, though. No idea which of my creations I'd get, but none of them are good.

Now THIS is what we're all here to see! TnAnS! the 'S' is for 'Sportsmanship'!

...And based on >>6027895, I can see why Muna won in the other two categories! Or maybe people voted because she has super divine reality-warping powers? that would be weird, but I don't judge anyone's harmless eccentricities.

As for Ano v Rosa, I don't know who is better at keeping still, but >>6028335 is certainly a good argument for style points. As she's already winning the vote by 3, I see no reason to roll about it this time. May monstergirls reign, with justice and liberty for all!

Our winners this round are:

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
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In this round, two of our smollest beans shall battle! You hate to see it, folks, but the cosmic cales demand a sacrifice! However, appropriate to playground-aged patoots, we have a truly juvenile game that they can jump right into!

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)

will engage in a good, old-fashioned game of…


Meanwhile, two cosmic contestants form very different sorts of space will face off in a more mystical sort of match. Trapped in a configuration of utmost lamentation, tempted and tormented in a true hell-in-a-cell, who wills core more points when

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>The God of Music (Versequest)

are both tasked to tumble with some terrors? That’s right, it’s another audience submission! These two will have to…


They’re physical and mystical, so this is double-trouble! And remember: they ain’t in Black Space!
Yoooo, horny monster girls keep on winning.

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Such a tough choice. I wish I could say anything about my picks, but I am completely blank. The four of them are all great, but I just think these are the best options here.
>>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)

>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Now THIS is what we're all here to see! TnAnS! the 'S' is for 'Sportsmanship'!
what does the T and A mean ?
tits and ass, anon
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Cutemon strikes me as a jump rope enthusiast... or could become one, at least!
As for Storkie, well... she could probably just kill the demons. She's already killed a shitton of elves and stuff in her own quest--can't be much different!
"Come on Cutémon, you've got this! Just jump up and down over the rope as many times as you can without falling over! You can do it!"
>Cutémon (Cutémon)

"Hmm, as much as I don't want to award that... Thing a point over a person, there's no way a normal person's gonna fight off demons. Not any of the ones I've seen, much less my half-siblings. Wait, they're not gonna be brought in for this, are they?"
>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Mainly because I think seeing Rika with those sweat band cuffs and headband would be funny.

>The God of Music (Versequest)
Storkie would probably just shoot them. Which if they require an exorcism means it's probably more complicated than BLAM. Probably.

I'm pretty sure it stands for "Transmogrification" and "Ascension" my friend.
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Rolled 2 (1d2)


I will flip a coin to decide my vote for the jump rope
1 = Cutemon
2 = Rika
as for the other one
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Blast some good tunes to rock them away

I would not expect Chaya to look down on Music like that, calling her a "thing".
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>Although known for its pygmy peoples, the Lingdom is also the home to a tribe of giants, adopted by the Lings from Time Immemorial. They have only recently reunited after being separated for tens of thousands of seasons. Please enjoy a view of them playing a game of triple jump rope, a game designed to make use of the diverse range of heights throughout the Lingdom.
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
More athletic I'd say
Actually nevermind, the coordination needed to pull off >>6028865 has swayed me.
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)

>The God of Music (Versequest)
Storkie is all tech, while Music is a god
Amazingly cute!
Aw man, both of these have a chance at winning jump rope. Cutemon being a mon means she should have more stamina to last longer playing, but she might trip a lot unlike Rika who. I think in the end I'll pick...
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Since she'd be able to jump more ropes unlike the clumsy mon.
>The God of Music (Versequest)
She just starts screaming really loud to drive off any demons.
One, it’s very clearly a deity to her, which automatically puts her on the defensive. Second, while she may be ascending to godhood herself, but with all the divine beings she’s been fighting lately, attacking her saying she doesn’t belong, that a ningen doesn’t deserve to rise to divinity she’s automatically distrusting of all deities. Not to mention she was killed by a conniving Demon God not too long ago.
Now this is an appropriate contest for the two of them.
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
For Chaya's friend!
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Because at the minimum she is a Goddess and is thus toxic to them.
Here i am for toniiiiight
Ah, a fellow Friend of Prosperity I see, it was a shame he wasn't invited, it'd be wild to have him interact with Karn for a bit.
I understand that perfectly, it's just people are being stupid about it

there is no unfair advantage, because you can just vote how you want to. And some people refuse to believe people are. That's what ticks me off, I don't care of they support Huan or not, I get annoyed that that they're getting upset over an issue they made up, instead of having a good time they get it twisted and treat it like a real tournament where balance would matter and bitch about there being strong characters like it makes a difference.

I do still think it's a length thing, since few quests are realistic, and those two examples did get achieved due to build up over threads, rather than the setting. The sect thing, due to a lot of threads and anons weighing their dice with actual convincing arguments.

Which similar could, would and has happened in settings of a lower scale. Same with the novel.

With more material, characters do and learn more things, which makes the more likely to have an answer to the contests. It doesn't matter if its cultivation, all that does is let me happily talk about the time Huan evaporated a cultivator after a long fight (also happened due to a write in, I think the unrivaled power of the sun Is a cool last move cause it is just so dramatic), cause I think it's cool, and that does give more things for me to talk about in a power level debate or just in general, which may be annoying but really doesn't matter since you can just go and vote however you want, and people not getting that or acting like people only vote for one reason bother me, since they're killing the vibe and forgetting this is just for fun.

The only problem would be that some quests don't have a defined antagonists. But that would be funny, and you could use like, just the least liked character from the ones without a bbeg

Grandfather would be dead. His villains tend to be sick fucks who'd totally merc his ass for him for no real reason.

Especially Xue laohue, who was such a bastard he got the truth he'd been killing and crippling innocents for no reason transmitted into his brain, laughed about it and continued to take pride in his long career of it. So RIP grandpa

>Cutémon (Cutémon

She has slightly longer legs and could be given the TM for jump rope before the contest begins, and I'd think jump rope would be more common in her world.

>The God of Music (Versequest)

Now this is a contest that would've been in a certain cats favor.

MUSIC is a God and would be the natural enemy/ predator of demons and who Better to chase them off than a God. Happens all the time in myth. But music would sing them away, and the idea of that tickles me pink.

I like to imagine them banishing them with a fucking brutal diss track or a gentle ballad, one or the other. But either way, divinity beats devilry.

Storkie would either ignore them, or get her tech possessed and need to get whacked on the head to stop her from acting weird
I would like to see that, but I still think it's good he isn't. Malal, despite taking his time, has a really loyal reader base. And Lieren was in the last one of these.

I'd have submitted Kanzeon, but Huan got suggested just before I could write in for the shipfu

Also, because I think, personally, there should've been a max size limit for the quests to be under to join the tournament or a rule that they all started in the same year. But thats just me being autistic and wanting patterns.

Also, wonder if the cat is stronger the fog panther. Lieren has some pretty crazy feats even though Malal is less of a rule of cool kind of guy than grandpa, like that 200 punches in one second thing which easily makes dodging lightning seem like a joke or the fact he has the casual ability to temporarily make the laws and fabric of reality his bitch (Lieren would be a menace in ultimate frisbee). And both of them have survived gods shitting fury on them before. Boy did through out a Kamehameha how move at a great unclean one, then stole nd purified their sword.

It'd be a very close contest, even though 2nd's cultivation elements are mostly just dressing and there to show "this man is from planet China and refers to things with Xianxia lingo"
>I understand that perfectly, it's just people are being stupid about it
Do you though?

>there is no unfair advantage, because you can just vote how you want to. And some people refuse to believe people are.
What do you think 'some people' believe is happening then?

>those two examples did get achieved due to build up over threads, rather than the setting
So Huan took writing classes? Produced dozens of drafts? Had an editor look over her novel and help revise it before publication?

>The sect thing, due to a lot of threads and anons weighing their dice with actual convincing arguments.
Hang on, you said it was done in a single day. How long are the days in HCQ that lots of threads can't cover them? Plus the build up comment earlier, I'm beginning to think this feat was exaggerated.

>since few quests are realistic
Not the sense of unrealistic I meant.
There's a difference between fantasy setting "there's magic and stuff" unrealistic and cultivations "every character, event, and mechanic only exists to make the MC look cool and puff their ego" unrealistic.

But them thinking that doesn't make it true. That's the point

That has nothing to do with the setting, and she did use the Stephen King method when she realized it was harder than just deciding to write and use liquor to help and it wasn't the focus of the quests and was mostly just a "haha funny moment", and only happened because she got an interest in romance novels and read a few, which did happen over a couple threads and so did the reason she chose to try writing

It wasn't, you're just don't get that by several several threads meant the proof and arguments she used were gathered over several threads and so were the good deeds she did that made it possivle for her to defend herself and give a decent argument during the trial, and misread what I wrote or did it on purpose to try and get a gotcha moment

And you are proving people are being stupid and getting their panties In a twist, again, for the same reasons I mentioned. And also thet you haven't read heretic judging by that comment, fair critique of cultivation, but not grandfathers writing, and I shall not tolerate slander against. Which goes more against the purpose of this tournament than anything else

This is just for fun. Ragging on any of the quests taking part, not only goes against the spirit of it, it's fucking lame
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Hey. Me pondering who between mr prosperity and the best kitty in the world is stronger has nothing to do with the autistic argument that guy restarted for no real reason and hopefully won't go "Nuh uh" for hours instead of enjoying themselves, like that one guy did.
That's fair. I should have tagged >>6028963, where you reawakened an eight-hour-old argument.

Anon, I agree. This tournament is just for fun, and powerelvel anxiety or stressing overmuch about who wins is silly, IMO. But Going around in circles about it won't solve anything or make it more fun.

I made my concession on the rules and have been stingier with d6s to try and mellow out those who see things differently, so different sorts of voters can have fun. I hope >>6028993 sees this too, and enjoys the tourney moving forward, and I hope we can all try to at least move forward in the spirit of this being a general celebration of the creativity and variety that /qst/ has to offer.
Sorry, I have an argumentized personality, which gets really activated when people ignore big parts of what I've said which has been happening a lot (Insomnia doesn't help).

And you should've, since that was on me, I get grumpy when what I say is taken out of context or ignored.

And yeah, too many people are going "Nuh uh" about characters when they should be going "Yah huh" and celebrating their favs instead. Their really shouldn't be any fighting, when this is meant as a celebrate the quests and their characters. and anyone doing any shitting on any of them, is a lame wad who is getting a swirly during lunch.

Not by me, I am a weedy nerd with bad eyesight, but by big larry the quest lover.
I only felt compelled to comment because despite the other argument having ended you kept taking potshots at the guy in >>6028604 which I didn’t feel was very civil after he had the grace to stop. After how long that one went on I didn’t think these few posts would be an issue, but since RQM is bothered I’ll stop here as well.
You're a cutsleeve
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
I wasn't singeling out anyone person, since several people had been doing what I was confused and annoyed by.

It was a general statement and really didn't call out anyone or insult them, I really don't see how that was taking potshots. But good on you for taking a stance even if it doesn't make sense to me,

but if you want potshots, I have opinons I kept to myself about the other guy, because I was trying to be polite and just wanted him to have fun. Something which he didn't do for me

But he did stop, so we should as well, since it is never a few post

Also kowtow and apologize to grandpa immediately, he and I may have been dicks, but you talked shit about an innocent party. Which is worse than anything me or the other guy did, even if that think he was a rude boy

We're on 4chan, arguing about waifus. We're all cutsleeves, junior
I prefer the term "manic, autistic, schizophrenic, sputtering, irreverent, vain, effete, apoplectic, simpering, stubborn, haranguing, obtuse, litigious, egomaniac".
But cutsleeve rolls off the tongue so much better and has a cute story behind it
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
I feel like a combat monster would have an advantage in stamina

>The God of Music (Versequest)
Godly powers, nuff said
She clearly hasn't met Music's dad
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
I suspect she's got more practice here.

>The God of Music (Versequest)
The demons had best lay those golden fiddles at her feet(?) and go home now.
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
The biggest reason is the Memories Lings have of singing to keep in rhythm of work and play. Rika would be a natural, as shown by >>6028865. Cutemon tends to be more uncoordinated, and Rika isn't short enough to be disadvantaged by her leg length.

>The God of Music (Versequest)
She's a goddess.
Would that make her opinion of their pantheon better, or worse?

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Rika has more understanding of the world, and whilst cutemon is a battler I'm not sure about her dexterity stats whilst Rika seems more coordinated. It'd probably be close, though.

>The God of Music (Versequest)
Exorcising Demons seems like it would take rhythmic chanting, and the powers of a God is quite a bonus, Storkie...Tech is more her thing, and whilst she'd have a good show shooting them I don't know if she'd handle the mystic side.
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Rolled 30, 22 = 52 (2d62)

>I'm pretty sure it stands for "Transmogrification" and "Ascension" my friend.
Well, they're both real bountiful in those regards, too.

Don't you drag Emperor Ai into this. He's a nice man! Maybe! I actually know nothing else about his reign except for that one anecdote abotu him being nice to his boyfriend, and am too busy with these tourneys to look him up right now.

Anon, your IP...

With the tallies totally, Storkie is sadly mogged by Music, as the divine daughter of the demiurge dominates demons dandily! Praise be unto she!

The contest between Mon and Ling is a closer call, but hypothetical enthusiasm and a body stat of 2 can't beat three-way traditional cross-cultural jump-rope traditions like >>6028865! I've got to give it to her, or at least I don't feel inspired to undercut Rika with a roll. She takes it!

The round goes to...

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)

Now, onto round twenty-five...
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Two top contenders are tussling again: the Lady Knight of the God of Light, and the divine equine emissary of justice and law! Both are powerful forces for all things good and holy, but who between the two best embodies the discipline, craft, and careful stewardship to build a lasting legacy when…

>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)

face off in…

What do you get when you put someone with the dexterity buffs of a halfling and an arcane education against a nimble, bio-engineered babe with extra arms? Well, it depends on the contest… But I think it will be interesting to see whether magic or manual manipulations best wow the crowd when

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)

take the stage in…

here, all of these
and these
is me
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
>>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Louise is pretty hands-on with castle and outpost construction. To say nothing of the mind-numbing horror of erecting a tent everywhere there isn't a building for her to sleep in. I trust she can put together some cards.

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
NEETs and yo-yos, the only combination more classic is pornography.
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
I'd write in a funny little story for how Anofelis would probably not understand yo-yo's until Annie teaches her about them and gives her some time to practice. But, alas, it is late and I need to focus on the MG quest turn instead.

All I'll say is that she could at the very least try something with four yo-yo's at once, given her arm situation. That, or she could try and spin a yo-yo around using her horn. Though the emphasis here is on her needing to study a bit before managing any of that.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
As much as I want to vote for Muna, I feel this is the correct decision for me
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Dumb fat bitch wins this

This is why you use a trip instead if you have a changing IP. Let this be a lesson to you, faggot
>uses a trip
>calls others a faggot
thats one funny cunt right there
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
As a horse I'm sure she has a good sense of stability.

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
4 arms = 4 yo-yos

He's not using a trip though?
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
She could probably cheat.
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Give her a few minuets to learn the toy and I'm sure she will either be baffleingly amazing or just adorable.
Yo again
>(Writing) -------

Ah, a house of cards! This will be fun to do! I've seen some of the enlisted in Psyops making these for fun at the canteen, when not simply playing with the cards themselves. I can do this. My mortal opponent, she has a really good chance to beat me, I'll be cheering her on as well.

'May the biggest house win!'

[JOCO] "I'm gonna blow it over. I'm gonna take control of the body and blow it over when she least expects it."

[MAJORDOMO] "We just got chewed out over not telling her the truth about the mud contest..."

[JOCO] "We're a menace to society, Majordomo."

>------- (Writing End)

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
I'm sorry boobs, my heart belongs to you but Ano is too cute. Also
>inb4 she accidentally wraps herself up in them and cries for mik to help
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
I don't know why but I feel le Blanc would actually be good at this.

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Cute bug wins this. Four Yo-Yo's. Plus, no humongous tracks of land to get in the way.

Now I could try and bribe you all with another picture. But no one either here or in the thread seemed to say anything about it so clearly of the characters I've made for Anderson you are only interested in Kiyohime or Toyotama >:/

Also I believe Ano can win this without bribes.

I'm not actually all that upset at no one mentioning anything, to be honest. I just was hoping some snippets of the stuff I commissioned for Anderson's story would be of more interest to you
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
I'm in a tough spot here,but going with the baroness 'coz she knows about field constructions for her troops.

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
quality over quantity
>>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
No claws to get in the way.

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Lots of spindly fingers for rope tricks with the yo-yo.
“Hmmm, for this one you need precision and patience. Now I’m sure both have it, but I’m giving the edge to-“
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)

“You’ve got this Ano! Show us what you can do!”
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
Cause I do like Muna

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)

And I do like Ano, but two extra hands would allow for cooler string tricks since two already let you do some wild shit with a yo-yo. Used to be into watching videos of it
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Powerful Gothic Architecture
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
>>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
I believe Muna has the better dexterity here. And I can't not vote for her at this point...

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Once more, Moth
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Her whole quest will be a house of cards if the QM doesn't return. Come back, I know you're reading this!

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Yo-yo tricks need a certain showmanship, and I don't see Ano having that.
>Muna (Chaos: The Quest for Redemption)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
I hope we get a fashion contest before this ends. I feel like it'd be a real missed opportunity if that isn't on the event list or it gets missed. Or a maid cafe one, but that is much less necessary imo
It's getting harder to keep up now that I got the summer sniffles.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
A card castle may be in the works.

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Mostly because I think she could make her yo-yos do the thing where they light up in all kinds of colors and I always liked those light-up yo-yos.
Those light up yo yos were sick, almost as cool as light up shoes.
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Field construction and putting up finnicky tents lends some knowledge on this.

>Great Witch Sigrid de Hautdesert the Disinherited (Greenhorn Quest)
Sorry Ano, but after ripping the sack... even with reinforced string, I think Sigrid would have her beat.
I just remembered, Sigrid can use actual magic in this event. That opens a huge avenue for tricks.
She could do something like the stand, all along the watch tower, and have the cards stack themselves
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Rolled 9, 10 = 19 (2d58)

Don't feel bad, anon. Maybe they avoided the spoilers on principle?

With twenty one votes in, both contests are close ones this go-round! Baroness le Blanc narrowly leads Muna twelve-to-nine, and I am inclined to agree that, of the two the campaigning knight probably has more field experience with rickety constructions. meanwhile, with Sigrid in Ano almost neck-and-neck, eleven-to-ten in Ano's favour... And if Sigrid is the one I favour, her QM also isn't here, and thus I have no-no way to know-know her yo-yo acumen.

Our winners are:

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)

with Louise in particular joining the auspicious ranks of the queenly hopefuls with six victories under their belt!

May your QM hear your plaintive cry!

...Anyway, onto round twenty-six!
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We have ourselves a tangle between two travellers in the headline event! Two wander-prone young women will today make their way to victory and glory, or ignominious defeat! But what will determine the winner? Well, I’m glad you asked! Today

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)

Will be hunting for buried treasure on an isolated island! It’s buried somewhere—they just need to find it! Best beware though: digging it up isn’t as important as being the first one to actually open the chest, and the KEY is hidden elsewhere.

Yes, it’s a good old-fashioned adventure, known far and wide as the…


On the shores of the island, two survivors of spaceship crashes will contend with one another in a rather different competition. As a salty summer wind blows , these two will compete to see who can keep a craft aloft (for a change)! Not a spaceship, though, nor a plane. Rather,

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)

will be facing off in…


But beware: there’s a storm a -brewing out at sea! Who can keep their kite flying longest, without it being torn away or swept out to sea?
>>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
I'd wager that Rosa, being clever and more athletic than a Ling, could cover a far faster ground. Or she can steal the key from the child. Also I like her.
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Oh yeah the trip
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Look at her. Look at that hat. Look at that poncho. Look at that smirk. Give her a whip and she's half Indy already. No way she loses this one
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
I got a good feeling about this one.
Finally got some melatonin for my sleep deprived ass

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)


>Cutémon (Cutémon)

Storkie has long ago lost the child like wonder necessary to fly a kite, not that I think Cutemon would be too good at it, she'd probably get tangled up in the strings
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
A greedy nose is better than an adventurous one when booty be on the line.

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Would she have fun doing it? Probably not. Would she know how to actually do it? Probably.
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>Tallies might be forgetful, but the Lings' animal friends are not. Animals remember the kindness Lings shared with their ancestors from ages ago, so whenever they find a lost little Ling they welcome them and help them out. Sometimes they even help Lings find something, like a nice plump fruit found at the top of a tree, or a hearty truffle somewhere in the ground.
Yo is that my man George of the inquisitive disposition?
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>"Hah! Hahahahah! Yes! I'm DEFINITELY getting a point this time!! I'm a flying expert!!"
>"S-Storkie calm down! I keep telling you, the points don't matter! You need to calm down and have fun!"
>"Fun?! Who the fuck would have FUN thinking up rap lyrics?? People do that for a living, it's not SUPPOSED to be fun!"
>[Says the spaceship nut...]
>"Shut up!!"
>"Well you seemed to be having fun talking about how fat that witch lady was... Probably should've came up with more material though..."
>"Her tits were the size of my head!! How was I supposed to talk about anything else?!"
>"Boobies ARE pretty funny, but it sounded more like you were sad rather than confident while you were talking about them... Do you want to talk-"
>"AAAAGH! Shut up, stop focusing on the breast- I MEAN PAST!! Anyways, this one I'm winning for SURE!! I know my dear STR-K's design off the top of my head! I just gotta fold this cloth thingie like THIS, and put the stick HERE! Hahahah! Yeah yeah, it's all coming together!! You seeing this, you ugly little girl??! I'm kicking your ass!!!"
>"Oooh dear... What have I done? I just wanted Storkie to leave her head a little and talk with some other people, maybe make some friends but... Haaah... Maybe I shouldn't have brought her into this..."
>[Don't worry 'bout it dudderina, she'll get over it pretty quick once you give 'er The Thing later...]
>"I hope so... Ah, oh no! Did she hear that?"
>"La la la~ And there beneath its wing~! Lay sleeping, oh so sweetly~! The tiniest little thing- AAGH IT RIPPED!! Hey, get me a new cloth, quick quick!!"

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Why does this make her hotter? kek
Storkie is such a fun character
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Conwomen and pirates are pretty closely related, right?

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
I was going to vote for Cutemon but this is too funny
I gotta pick this quest up
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
As soon as she unleashes her chuuni it's over for the treasure

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Kite-flying is a contest on child-like innocence and wonder (or so I insist)
Which queen should I write smut about
Well shit, guess the tourney has a decisive winner.
All of them.
No survivors.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Now this is something I believe she can win.
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Its a natural fit.
For the cuteness
Yes, All, Sexo Anon must deliver.
Write about yourself getting pegged
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Just feel like she'd be better at searching for lost treasures than Rika. Though I also think both could do quite well.

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
I was unironically going to vote for Cutémon, but this >>6031020 convinced me otherwise, even if I feel like Cutémon would do better. It's just too fucking funny.

"Mikhail, can you get Thaddeus and Anon to come over with the plasma rail gun real quick? Just have them watch this guy in case he tries to write anything perverse about Anofelis."
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>>6031020 convinced me.
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
This is a tough one that could go either way. Unfortunately, as I have said before, Haeran'Yi remembers their small friends.

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Both Storkie and Cutemon need a win, though I think it would be more amusing to see Storkie get more upset.

Not Music and not Cutémon. They're too innocent for anything like that. Like, even kissing might be crossing the line.
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Having animals of the forest as allies is a big advantage. Some funny monkeys might know where a temple with all sorts of artifacts would hide.

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Just for the effort here >>6031020.
Not any of the kids, please.

You're forgetting about Rika.
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
We all know how this episode goes. The person who's actively looking for the treasure goes through countless troubles, only to get beaten to the punch by someone who didn't even want the thing and would one hundred percent just hand it over if asked.

>STR-K Pilot 337, "Storkie" (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
This is not because I think she can muster the childlike innocence to defeat Cutémon at this wholesome contest. This isn't even entirely because of >>6031020 . This is mostly because I just remembered that kite buggying and other kinds of X-TREME kite sports are a thing, and I definitely see her winning that. For all I know, she was strapped to one of those man-lifting kites (actual thing they're called) for a bit as part of her pilot training, maybe something involving g-forces.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
To a Ling, everything is a treasure; the fruits, the truffles! However, this abundance of natural treasures will only distract Rika from the cold gold of the Pirate treasure, which I think Rosa would be more adapt at finding/wheedling out the secrets of.

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
She's a Pilot!

Louise and Blair
Muna and Louise
I'd say huanliuxue, but getting her haughtiness right would be a challenge. And I don't think enough anons are into femdom
Thinking bout it, she'd either ride and snap you and half or she'd lay there like a dead fish and kill your confidence with hard critique
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>And I don't think enough anons are into femdom
You think "good boy points" is a meme just because it's funny?
Rika is just short
All Ling are short. They're like gnomes but cooler.
She's 15 iirc.

>1 post by this ID
Oh of course.

The QM himself is Vietnamese and the lore he's made for the Swamplings draw a lot from the culture. Vietnamese people have a stereotype for being short, so maybe the Ling's height is a sort of meta joke, kek. If the QM reads this and I'm wrong, I'm so sorry.
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What wins out: childhood wonder, or the jaded cynicism and site of adulthood?

Unfortunately for our younger contenders, it seems that this time, no amount of being cute and/or funny shudder can beat the appeal of a mildly-malicious older woman! Nor can all the animal friends in the world overcome the greedy instincts of a professional adventurer. Maybe, as some anons suspected, they instead led their new Ling friend to the REAL treasure: nature!

Our winners this round?

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)

(Both 11-to-7, coincidentally!)
Rolled 16, 31 = 47 (2d54)

Now, before we roll up the next round: an announcement!

We are on page 10

I figured we could wrap this up in a single thread, but with the summer rush, and six or seven new threads started yesterday, we got pushed towards the end of the catalogue a little faster than expected. We probably have another round or two in us here, but we will soon be starting a second thread to conclude this tournament. This is no big deal, of course -- I just wanted to notify everyone. I also won't be doing five day registration period, but will rather be asking that in the first vote of the next thread, you link back to your registration vote from this thread.

So, keep an eye out for that, remember this rule, and it'll all flow just fine!

Now, without further ado...
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One has been a mercenary leader for approximately five years, and is a newly-ascended Countess. The other has been amassing a cultish following for three IRL years and 20+ threads, on the road to heavenly usurpation! Both have toppled terrible conspiracies or corrupt authority, or aim to do so, and have acquired a great many skills along the way in order to accomplish these monumental undertakings. That’s a lot of plates to keep spinning, metaphorically…

But how about literally?

That’s right: bust out your spinning-wheels and settle on in, because these two will be tasked with making as many pots, plates, bowls, and vases as possible, losing points for broken vessels or low-quality product! It’s

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)



Meanwhile, it’s a two organisms of energy and data—one deific, one digital—facing down in our second event f the twenty-seventh round. But who is better served in a competition about providing the best service? Who has more maidenly appeal, when

>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)

face their adoring publics for a full day of…


Someone else will handle the kitchen, but the rest is all on them! May the best customer service score win!
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

She's actually purpose made several clay pots before, to contain spirits/ ghosts or organs needing alchemical treatment and is carrying around one right now holding a particularly nasty soul, and is very quick and precise with her hands (and isn't afraid of getting them dirty) , capable of focusing/ working on a single task for very long times (meditating for years, for example) can fuck with time somewhat and could take pointers from her crafting focused/spec'd disciple and one of the other PC choices, Feiqing.

>The God of Music (Versequest)

A machine would be unable to properly run a maid cafe. Maids are a uniquely human expression of emotion and loyalty, something an AI cannot understand. The purity and joy of a maid cafe, is akin to that of a temple, thus God of Music would have a real advantage

Not to mention, god of music, idols, lots of maid cafe employees are failed idols or wanted to be one once. All I'm saying, is this is kind of their domain. And would probably just have nicer customer service, due to not being a faceless robot. Looking like a mascot character would also help

It was as I predicted.
I'm these anons, but my IP has likely changed. If not, feel free to disregard.

>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
I'm going to be honest, I have no idea how she's going to beat a cultivator like this, but I won't vote against my sculptor. Maybe Blair will pick up some tips and tricks from Eulalia, a friend of hers experienced in crafting stuff.

>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
The mental image of faceless AI in a maid outfit is very funny.
I wonder how different three houses quest would've gone if she spent five years as a potter instead of a mercenary captain?
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
She'd have a lot of experience in the field of speed pottery given her years as a mercenary commander. Plus I can't vote against my captain.

>The God of Music (Versequest)
Merry seems too belligerent.
Belligerent maids have their own certain charm, not sure if the world is ready for robot tsundere maids yet, though
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
My captain has been a five years for approximately mercenary. Hold on, something isn't right here. Real reason, she actually does know how to shape and fire pots. China and their terracotta and all that jazz.

>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Since this is specifically management and not being a maid in a maid cafe, I'll give it to the living spreadsheet.
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They're small because it makes them cuter. The Vietnamese influence also has them ruled by foreign overlords and I thought how cute it was for normal-sized humans to rule over pygmies and inevitably fall in love with their subjects' culture.

Rika indulges in handholding smut.
Too lewd, but also too cute.
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Interesting. We got you who is Vietnamese, we got that guy behind Sira and Prinzessin (and maybe Kommgal?) who is Thai, we have Indonesian Gentleman who is most likely literally Indonesian, and the Al-Kimia guy (who said he doesn't have vacation until July) is Filipino. Certainly a decent amount of SEA QMs here that thankfully aren't obsessed spastic retards, like most other SEAmonkey anons out there on other boards that give the region a bad name.
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
My contrarian vote!!!
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Maid manager robot. She could be in a suit or a maid outfit or some sort of combination
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
Something something she was a commoner before the Count of Rusalka adopted her, I dunno it's late and I'm phoning in an excuse to vote for the candidate I like more.

>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Something something robot maids?
Huan is a wuxia hero and wuxia is from china and china is a kind of ceramic pottery therefor
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)

Music's mute, and Merrygate manages systems much more complex than a cafe.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Prior pot making practice
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Feels more likely to pull off a successful “Moe Moe Kyun~”
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
The image of Music in a maid outfit is really, really funny to me.
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
Her skill in pottery hasn't been established in canon, but her speed has. Also, she's a genius.

>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Just imagine her casting a spell on your food! The gap moe could serve as a memetic weapon (and Merry knows her memetic weapons)
>Countess Blair Weaver (Fire Emblem: Three Houses Quest)
I have my reasonings

>The God of Music (Versequest)
Robot maids were always uncanny and Merrygate isn't the kind of 'cute robot' that I think would actually work well here.
She is indeed no Ponko
>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
This just seems like something she'd have in her pocket.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Vtuber in a maid outfit, I need not say more.
I am here to vote, again.
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Rolled 9, 18 = 27 (2d50)

In running about in a maid outfit serving customers, it seems raw cuteness can only get you so far -- people expect to be able to verbally interact with you, and to get their orders quickly and efficiently. AI has thus taken another of our precious service-sector jobs... AND the round!

Another industry reels from outsourcing to the home of the world's most famous vases! It seems being a cultivator helps your chances, and being a cat doesn't hurt your popularity, but being CHINESE is a surefire way to swing a pottery contest.

10-to-7 and 9-to-8, our winners this round are:

>Huanliuxue (Heretic Cultivator Quest)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)

Now, let's see if we can't squeeze in Round twenty-Eight before we hit Page Eleven, eh anons?
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In the way between sci-fi cynic and Christian-coded idealistic fantasy, which sort of waifu will reign supreme? One is an ace pilot, but the other has a soaring spirit, and patron deity known to help her ‘fly away’ (IYKYK). Today, their craftsmanship and precision will be put to the test as

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)

contend in…


They must design them for distance and to fly a straight path, and then flick their wrists for maximum mileage! Who will go the distance??

For our second contest, well… Have you ever seen an elephant paint? A crow? Or seen the decorative nests of exotic birds? None those are likely to measure up to the ‘animal art’ on display when…

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)

put brush to canvas in…


But who will best brighten up our day, and wow our panel of judges? After all: anon can be a harsh critic!
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
easy enough to do and she can give it a nice boost. our liege got this

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
daughteru sweep
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)

She might've crashed, but she still has aviation experience. Maybe they trained her with paper airplanes, that'd explain a few things

>Cutémon (Cutémon)

Finger pointing OP. Just make sure neither of them try to eat the paint. I know I've been tempted to try it before...
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Just like she made a STR-K kite, she can make a STR-K airplane. Out of paper. Probably would be even easier, and I trust those futuristic aerodynamic designs.

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Ano might actually win the intelligence contest here.
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"Let's get the easy one out of the way first, the one who actually flies will be the likely winner. I pick-"
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)

"Oh no, I have to pick between my friends? Oh man, I can't decide!" Chaya says, looking back and forth between Ano and Cutémon with a pained expression. "But, if I have to choose, I'll have to pick-"
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
While I think Storkie could autistically make a much better papier aeroplane, I just want to vote for the woman that could bench press me this time.

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Unfettered even by speech, a world class artist like the most famous chimp painter. Head empty, only PAINT. And hopefully no one eats any of it.
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
also, looks like my IP reseted for some reason, so this is me >>6031959
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Paper airplane meets space airplane
>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Enough said
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Blood can be a paint
>STR-K Pilot 337, "Storkie" (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
With a better understanding of aerodynamics comes a better ability to create far-flying paper airplanes.

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
With additional limbs and a larger number of known subjects to paint, she's got this one, I'm sure.
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
I feel she can't possibly fuck this up.

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
She has drawn art, so... Not sure if Cutemon ever did art, but Ano should have this in the bag.
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)
Hilda will coach her in design, and her wrist-flicking strength is enormous.

>Cutémon (Cutémon)
Because I believe in her
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Obviously the pilot wins this one
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Quad brush wielding.
I am here
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
I kinda like to imagine her incorporating some space tech in the little airplane to help it go far.

And even if that isn't legal, I feel like her status as a pilot will give her some mileage.

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
"Painting competition? Oh, hell yes, Ano got this one in the bag!" Annie said excitedly, Anofelis looking more confused. "Painting? Is that like the living statue thing again, where I have to stand still like a painting?" Seeing the confusion Ano had, Annie would let out a groan before grabbing Ano's little notebook for drawing. "No, Ano. You need to basically draw, but with a paint brush. That sounds simple enough, right?"

Immediately, Ano's eyes widened and she started smiling brightly, grabbing her notebook and grabbing a pencil. "Ano, wait!" As Anofelis already started scribbling, Annie would quickly get a paint brush from the event organisers, before handing it over. "Ano, here! Use this instead!" Anofelis looked at the paint brush, before carefully grabbing it. "Never used one of these for drawing before. Do I have to use it?" Mikhail nodded and spoke a bit hesitantly. "I mean, them's the rules."

Anofelis quickly started using the paint brush, wildly starting to paint a beautiful work. "I'll get her some more paint brushes. Maybe we can impress the judges with that?" Annie mumbled, Mikhail nodding as he stayed with Ano and watched her get to work.

Friendly reminder she drew this in the first thread. Also, gotta draw more Ano art which I think would fit here.
People be like "the better design will win."
Louise's design be like:
>It flies far because I throw it super far

>Baroness Louise le Blanc (The Lady Knight's Quest)

Gonna give painting to
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
Give the pilot an Airplane challenge? Yeah, Storkie has this one in the bag.

>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
Ano is a Monster-Girl, Cutemon is a monster who just LOOKS like a girl. Ano probably has the greater ability here, I feel.
>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)
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Rolled 45, 43 = 88 (2d46)

Alas, it seems the Baroness' novel strategy of crumpling up a paper ball and lobbing it as far as her mighty muscles can propel it (>>6033480) has met with some difficulty related to surface area relative to weight, and the resistance of air. I won't pretend to understand it all with my little lizard brain, but it seems planes -- even paper ones -- are plane-shaped for a reason! Storkie, understanding this, managed to crash her own design slightly further afield!

And for Anofelis v Cutémon...


I mean, shit, that's just too cute. I get it, anons: I wouldn't have voted against her, either.

Our winners this round are:

>STR-K Pilot 337, “Storkie” (Spaceship Pilot in a Fantasy World!)
>Anofelis “Ano” Toxori (The Monster Girl Facility)

But I think we can squeeze another in before the new thread, eh?
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Gongolla Gaol takes all sorts, even the artificial. When a rogue AI is imprisoned therein, though, can even an intergalactic prison withstand her retaliation? it'll have to for at least a while, because that's where we've et up the arena for our next event! You see

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)

are both going to be shooting for victory in...


Rosa may carry a pistol everywhere she goes, but how is she with REAL ammunition? And what of MERRYGATE -- can advanced AI aiming software still assist with such primitive armaments?

In our other event, a little Ling will again take the field against a larger opponent. Never forget: a god is whatever size she wants to be! Well, within reason... Today, you see, both contenders must fit within equally-sized spheres, when

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)

are pitted against one another that Ramster over in the Kings tourney is probably wishing HE got:


Keep your balls on the ground, avoid obstacles, and no teleportation or reality-warping of any kind! We want a good, clean race here, girls!
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Wow, an AI in a shooting related contest again...and a godess in a physical contest...I'm certain this will in no way end in the exact same way it did the other time.
"I've seen some robots that were good at shooting, but real professionals beat them every time. So, I'll give the advantage to this one to-"
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)

"Awww man, that looks like a lot of fun. I'll have to tell Vox later about this, guys don't let me forget about the hamster ball race when we get back! Anyways, without any reality-warping powers the winner will be the one who clearly walks, well if not everywhere, at least most places. So, I'm voting-"
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Look at her, she's got this in the bag
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
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Maybe I'll make this an actual activity Lings do.

The Lings' large ears actually came from Super Monkey Ball.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
The runes have spoken to me. They have called me a retard.

>The God of Music (Versequest)
A fuzzy whatsit and a hamster ball. It was made for this.

I'm losing track of who has how many wins to know who to vote for.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Lie, Cheat, steal

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)

I was going to vote rika anyways, but this convinced me she'd win
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Homefield advantage

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
You mean a normal sized hamster ball?
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)

On principle. Though admittedly Haeran'Yi is still in effect with Rika so she was always getting my vote...
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>The God of Music (Versequest)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
I'm not sure they make bows that can handle whatever MERRYGATE's draw weight is.

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Hopefully the ball is big enough. Too small a ball is murder on a hamster's back, and I can't imagine a Ling spine would have any better a time if things get cramped.
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
Sharpshooter? Better at improv!

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
The image convinced me.
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
She can run a thousand simulations of the arrow's flight in a second

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Music might have arms, but she DOESN'T HAVE LEGS
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Cutemon really deserved to win her most recent match up. I suspect a few anons voted with the head between their legs rather than the one above their shoulders.

>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Rosa doesn't get enough practice with her revolver.

>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
Having legs that she uses gives her a big advantage here.
Ano is for hug, not fug.
I am back
Ano Is a cute
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)
Merrygate knows how to shoot
>The God of Music (Versequest)
Monkeyball Princess Music whens he debut
I rhymed on time
Rolled 6 (1d6)

Prepare to be surprised, anon, because...

Be it home-field advantage or an aptitude to lie, cheat, and steal, Rosa has shot her way to her fifth victory! Rika (>>6033906), meanwhile, outpaces Music to roll on into the five-way tie for second place!

Though, consider Rosa DOES her pistol empty and MERRYGATE has been described as a fairly adept 'aimbot', I suppose I can allow a single 1d6 to the robot, as a treat. She'll need a 5 or 6 to tie it up, though, given she trails 8 to 13.

Rika's lead, though, is insurmountable even with a six
Wow, guess I'm not surprised after all.
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Well there you have it: MERRYGATE joins Rosa on the podium, and matches her 5 points thus far, as well!

>Rosa Montagni (Jail Quest)
>Rika (Lingdom Quest)
>MERRYGATE (Retaliation Quest)

Each gains a point in Round 29!
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Well, except for Rosa being there and Music not, I guess. Truly, a thrilling upset and everybody loved it, and clapped, and told me I was a very good showrunner, and then I got a medal. It was all very moving.

We're approaching the end of this thread's expected lifespan, though. So far, our results are as seen in pic related:

>Huanliuxue leads the pack with 9 victories, the favourite to win!
>Muna, Blair, Louise, Ano, and Rika re all still in contention, with 6 victories each!
>Rosa and MERYGATE are right behind them, with 5 victories each!
>Cutémon, Storkie, Sigrid, and Music trail with 3 or 4 victories each.

With the way the rounds are structured, we can jockey or exact placement, but the winner is already decided: there are not enough rounds left for anyone to match or pass that damn cat!
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That said, the fun isn't over yet. Over in the King of /QST/, we're still deciding who her opposite number will be. If there is enough time left in that thread after we finish, I'll run through the final four rounds of the queen runners-up. I'll also be posting the art of QUEEN HUANLIUXUE, and her distaff counterpart, either there or in the /QTG/ once they are both complete. keep an eye out there, if such things are of interest to you.


I’d like to thank everyone who participated: the enthusiastic fans who contributed arguments and added spice and flavour to this event; the QMs (and Cobalt 1) for their in-character excerpts and excellent artwork; Indonesian Gentleman and Olympus QM for their official tournament art; and really, all of /qst/ for being the sort of forum where so many weird, wacky waifus and darling daughterus can populate such a wide array of stories to keep us all entertained.

There could only be one winner, but everyone here qualified. Everyone had fans speaking out in their favour, invested in their victories and salty for their losses, or at least amused to see them interact and compete. There were cross-fandom friendships made between characters and, made, readers and QMs. Every single person deserves to feel proud to be a part of this, and I'm glad you were all able to attend.

Sincerely, thank you all, and I look forward to seeing you all around… And, who knows, maybe we’ll do this all again next year?
Would you fucking look at that, the cultivator with the bullshit powers won. Totally fair, bro. Totally fair. It's not like i said this exact thing would happen. Nope. I'm certain she definitely would have won if it wasn't for this.

Totally fair contest. Yep.
Wait, Huan had that many points? I thought she was at best tied with Muna. Guess my math skills are even shittier than I thought they were. Like I was really sure she was like, 2nd or 3rd. Or maybe I just didn't understand the rule change you implemented. Kinda stunned to be honest. Well I was already going to day drink anyways, might as well do it in celebration now. I guess

It was fun, RQM. I'm still bummed Huan didn't get the maid themed contest. Even if it was managing maids rather than being one.

It is a shame that Grandpa owns the other QMs souls now, since you know, this was a high stakes tournament and not just for shits and giggles.
>shits and giggles
It's an insult to the tradition of queen contests

Enjoy your shitty rigged crown, i guess.
Alright, one last tap of the sign, just for you. Since you asked.


I'll miss you, anon. :)
I'm certain you feel very proud about having to rig an online waifu contest.
And in the end, you're still taking this far too seriously. And this has happened like, what, once before? Two tournaments does not a tradition make
It's a 4chan tradition. I guess Huan can enjoy her place with the other rigged queens like Spinel from /co/, though.
What? The tournament is already over? Even though you tried your hardest, it seems like Huanliuxue won because she has so many points! Well, I guess we had better go over to the other tournament and cheer for Ramster!

What? You have something you want to do first?

You give Huanliuxue a big smile!

"Congratulations, Huanliuxue!"
It really is a shame the other contestant's QMs are honor bound to commit suicide. If only this tournament was just for fun and not with actual human lives on the line. Damn shame
>distaff counterpart
The King would be her spear counterpart, technically, going by TVTropes lingo. Anyway, thanks for running this. This has been fun. Also I'm sorry if the '5 years' meme got annoying.
Games are for fun, but you'd still be pissed if someone used an aimbot.
Personally I thought it was funny

I bet a few people voted for Huan just to spite you, in the end
Uh-huh. I'm certain that's it. Not the fact that she just so happened to get all the contests that massively favored her skills. Too bad the list was conveniently lost, huh?
Congratulations to Huanliuxue! While I do enjoy the occasional spot of Wuxia, I actually haven't really touched the heavy Xianxia / Cultivation stuff before. Still, knowing how crazy that genre can get sometimes, I'm not at all surprised with the outcome.

I will say though, thank you for running RQM! I'm sure this was an ordeal and half to run, and you've performed admirably. Thank you as well to everyone else who participated-- aside from the powerscaling shitflinging that occasionally plagues such competitions, this was a lot more chill than expected.

And to my fellow Blackwings, good job! I didn't expect Blair to win, all things considered, and so I'll happily settle for "tied for 2nd" with the other Queen candidates. This truly was the 4-6 years of running a mercenary company of all time. I won't vote against my commander. A good way to end our quest after all this time, heh.
Glad to have been here chief. Shit was rad. And hopefully everyone except that one guy had fun.

Based creature. We'll tip our body-shaped hats to you, little one.
>he thinks I rigged it for the MC of a quest I don't even read or play
Thanks for the kind words, anons!
Yep. Total coincidence bro. You just gave her contests in areas she was great at as a coincidence. It really is a shame you "lost" the event sheet. Really, a great shame.
Now you're going full /x/tard. Never go full /x/tard. you'll believe whatever it is that will you you stay mad, instead of just enjoying yourself.

Three houses is one of the best quests to come out of modern /qst/. It actually got me into fire emblem

Also, if you like wuxia, check out dynamite warrior. It isn't technically wuxia, cause it isn't chinese, but it is a very cool martial arts movie.

The main character juggles a guy with rockets. Does have some weird shit in it though.

Based. everything you wrote for the tournament was cute as hell, trainer.

You deserve them for putting up with autists like me and people who refuse to have fun
Nice avoidance there. Enjoy your hollow applause.
Congrats Huan!!!
And thanks for running, RQM!!!

Shut the fuck up already. Run your own tournament if you don't like the results!
I sincerely hope you have a goodday/night, even if I think you're incapable of being happy
Alas, I'm not part of the shitty qtg circlejerk to be able to run such a tournament, especially after this faggot already ate up all the effort people are willing to put in such things.
I had a lot of fun and you've done a really good job putting them together!

I'll be sure to check out Dynamite Warrior in the future, for sure!

And yeah, Three Houses Quest was great. Easily one of my favorite quests of all time. Consider this my endorsement to any anons who were interested in reading it at all-- the quest properly finished a few months back, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone who likes that sort of thing. It spoils the Fire Emblem: Three Houses game, naturally, but Tree also put his own spin on the story that makes it super interesting. You don't even need to have played the game, either-- I certainly didn't, and became one of the quest's biggest fans, heh.
I voted based on character design since I don't play many of the quests from here.
Huan has a nice design.
I remember being one of the first anons to push for Ashe, when the quest came out. Still never beat the actual game, suffered through ashen wolves though. Fuck that final boss with a pitchfork. Think I stopped at chapter....7? last time I played it.

And of course, beside dynamite warrior, classics like the five deadly venoms, and the OG flying guillotine are also incredible wuxia.

The remake of the flying guillotines can suck my ass though. And if you want a more comedic movie with martial arts. Chinese odyssey and chinese odyssey 2: Cinderella
As one of the anons who perpetuated the meme, I'm not sorry at all, myself. Defusing one anon's (un)reasonable concerns about weirdness by turning it into an in-joke is always fun. Even if it did get a bit old from my constant usage, heh.

The fact that we went for cute boy instead of /u/ will always surprise me, personally. I'm not complaining, mind you, as I do like Ashe quite a bit, but every quest I go to usually falls into the /u/ boat when given the opportunity.

Oh, and good Wuxia reccs. Thanks again, anon!
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"Thanks for the run, lizard man! I may not have gotten into the final run, but it was a fun time! Now I've gotta go cheer my dad on in his contests. Good win Huan, would love to throw down with you sometime. You ever find yourself in Vox space, hit me up! It'll be fun! Bye Ano, bye Cutémon, hope to see you guys around!"
Double world is another good wuxia movie, though it does stray towards Xianxia at times. There was also a ridiculous one the name of which I can't remember, but it was a bunch of chinese martial artists with the most stupid ass swiss army knife weapons, going through a bunch of trials to kill ninjas. It was a nice popcorn flick but by god those weapons were stupid
Congratulations! It seems my wish did come true after all.
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What? You're still not ready to leave? What's that you have in your hands?

"It's a medal!"

A medal? Do you mean you made a medal to give to the host because you heard him say he wanted one?


It looks like you wrote something on the medal!



Even though you don't know how to read, I'm sure the host can tell what you wrote!
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>The Lingdom congratulates Huan Liu Xue for being victorious in the Queen of Quest Pageant! As a gift, the Lingdom offers the vestments of the Hammock Hostess, the closest thing the Lingdom has to a Queen. Rika helped weave and dye the fabric as well as sew them together: a dress made of bamboo fiber, a jacket made of spider silk, and a sweater made of alpaca wool. Accompanying it are brass bells personally made by the Dinga Family (regards to Indonesian Gentleman for introducing them), most of which are adorned on a hat made of bamboo strips. Sandals made of mangrove wood were also carved by Rika, though much help was needed to fit them for cat paws. Finally, a hairband made up of the many golf balls Huan Liu Xue lost during her match with Rika WHICH RIKA WON IN YOUR FACE for her to remember Rika by.

If photography were to exist, Rika would be dressed in a manner of the same dignity as Huan Liu Xue to pose with her. Though Rika did not win, I am willing to wager that she is Quest's daughterfu.
Huan looks nice in the Lingdom style (and even more smug than usual, if such a thing is possible). Also awesome write up. The golf ball bit made me choke on my drink
Oh gosh, that's cute. Than you!

And that's both very awesome and hilarious. Excellent stuff as always!
Truly adorable.

Thanks for running RQM
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>"GAAHHHHH!! HOW COULD I LOOOOSE?! I'm clearly the smartest one here-"
>"-the most skilled one here-"
>"-and the prettiest one here-"
>[Factually incorrect]
>"-so HOW COULD I LOSE!! I knew it, this WAS rigged the whole time! Who is running this??!"
>[Uhh... Dudette...]
>"Hey, are you hearing me??! I'm gonna shove my foot so far up your ass-"
>"-gonna need a proctologist for your proctologist!! I'm gonna-"
>[Cough cough, behind you dude...]
>"Shut up!! I'd do it to you to if you even had one- Huh? What's that you're holding?"
>"W-Well... I knew you'd get upset if you walked out of here without winning anything, so..."
>"Did you have fun Storkie?"
>"Of course not! This whole thing was clearly a ploy against me!"
>"Heheh... I knew it!"
>"Well... Whenever you're ACTUALLY upset, you just kinda grumble and cross your arms, so if you're this invested in your loss, that means you DID actually have fun!"
>"I-It does not!! This whole thing was a waste of time! Come on, let's get out of here... And give me that shitty cardboard thing! Where'd you get it from, the dump?"
>"I made it myself! Check the inside, I drew the STR-K cockpit in it! Or well, what I remember it looking like at least..."
>"O-Oh... Uh... Yeah I guess... you drew everything right..."
>[Wanna try it on if 'ya deserve to be the queen so bad, miss know it all?]
>"Grrr... Fine fine!"
>"Yay!! *clap clap*"
>"Grrrrr... Whatever! Crown time over! Let's go home!"
>"Awww... C'mon Stokie, don't wanna dance with me to close it off?"
>"Don't push it, you own me a beer just for saying that, and two more for even including me in this without my permission!!"
>"Actually... How long have you had this shitt-... th-this thing made?"
>"Oh, since the beginning!"
>"So you KNEW I was gonna fail then??!"
>"O-Oh look at the time! C'mon Storkie, we need to get home!"
How sweet. Love those two
Aw, no final writing with Muna? Sad.
I was gonna write something about her thoughts but I'm exhausted so my mind's shutting down right now anyway in my defense lol. But rest assured, she knows the real victory of the tourney was meeting colorful new characters and the real loss is being left with more questions about where they come from and who they are, along with Joco cracking a joke that landing the silver medal was alright because the gold standard's dead or something.
I violently want to dick down this tsundere.


>along with Joco cracking a joke that landing the silver medal was alright because the gold standard's dead or something.
This was expected. Wuxia powers combined with practical godhood lent more than an edge in almost every match up she was in, perhaps a bit more than accounted for. All the same, I'm pleasantly surprised with how well this event turned out. Good stuff from the QM write ins and the artists.

Shit, do you think Mark's a cat person?

>Though Rika did not win, I am willing to wager that she is Quest's daughterfu.
That's what I measured from the thread. She would have had second place to herself if she won her match up against Rosa, but maybe she's content to share it anyway.
Epilepsy warning AIEEEEEE
Of course, this was a foregone conclusion YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY cough
Huanliuxue promises to be a magnanimous Empress, as is only in her illustrous and grand nature.
Thanks for running, RQM!
If Huan didn't have to compete herself, she would rig the contest in favor of Cutemon.
On behalf of Grandpa and the players, thank you a ton for this awesome art!
Ayyyyye, cat girl wins
As Huan stepped onto the podium and was given the crown by the organisers, Annie softly grumbled as she clapped with the others. "She didn't deserve that." Anofelis didn't seem to pay attention, just clapping along as she was hapy to see someone win and be happy too. "Oh, please don't be bitter, Annie." Mikhail mumbled, Annie quietly hissing back at him. "I'm not bitter! I just think she was way too powerful for this competition! She could do everything way too easily! How could anyone beat her?!" Mikhail shrugged and smirked. "I dunno. But who cares anyway? The participants all seemingly enjoyed it. Ano REALLY enjoyed it! And hey, it wasn't about winning. It was about fun. And I think we all had tons of fun!" Annie still grumbled a little as the celebrations started and everyone went off to do their own thing.

"You did well, Ano! Shared second place is nothing to scoff at!" Mikhail said to Ano, who eagerly nodded. She didn't seem to care about her positions, soon looking around. She noticed Storkie being quite frustrated and getting a cute little crown of her own, which... made the dusty cogs in her brain turn. She suddenly had a brilliant idea. She'd look over to Mikhail, before speaking urgently. "Mikhail, I... I wanna do something. Can we go get some gifts for everyone?" Mikhail was surprised by the question, yet also seemed quite pleased with it. "You wanna give everyone gifts?" Ano nodded eagerly, Mikhail thinking about it, before realising it wasn't a terrible idea. "You know what? Sure. Let's go get Annie. We can think of some gifts together!" Ano was extremely excited, as they headed back to the still annoyed Annie, the three soon leaving for their own dimension to... get some things. Namely, some gifts and some notes with kind words on them.

And just as people were starting to leave, Anofelis would return with a bag full of all sorts of goodies from her home world. She'd look around for other contestants, first seeing Louise and running over.

wanted to thank you and your friend for being so kind in the competition. I, uhhhh, I got you something." She'd look in her bag, before pulling out her first gift. It was a set of ornate metal and gold armour akin to the one her friend Morgan wore. "Um, I also wrote this." She'd hold up a little note, before slowly reading it aloud. "To... Baroness Louise. I hereby give you a great... armour set from my friend as a gift. It is made out of... nanites and is self... regenerating? You and your friend helped me out during the sack race and I will... cherish that forever. Thank you."
Up next, Ano rushed over to Rosa, grabbing another note and a gift for her as well. "To Rosa... Montagni. I loved being statues with you. You were very... elegant, and I also enjoyed seeing you winning other... competitions by being clever and sneaky. You reminded me of some of my friends who also use tricks and brains to do amazing things. If you could teach me some of your tricks, I would happily accept it! I hereby give you a... universal nanite key which can unlock any door, which you can hopefully use and continue to be clever and sneaky!"

Soon after, Ano would loom over the little Ling, Rika, Mikhail worrying that it may intimidate the sweet little girl. "To Rika. You may have been tiny, but I loved seeing the spirit you showed during the competition. I would've loved to learn even more about your world and the people from there, as it seemed like a wonderful place to be. To you, I give a beautiful silk dress made by Haina the spider monster girl. It is very strong and will not easily rip and will hopefully fit you well."

Ano would then eagerly move over to Music, hoping she got the strange creature's attention as she read her note and got her gift. "To Music. You were the most... unique contestant here. I may have not understood what you were saying most of the time, but listening to you and seeing you compete was still really fun! To you, I give a music box with... atmospheric and... ambient facility music to hopefully listen and sing to. My friends picked out some of the songs, and I hope you enjoy it."

Next, Ano moved to MERRYGATE. She still found the robot somewhat imposing, given just how badly she was beaten in the paintball fight. But Ano knew she meant no harm. Though that may change given the large gift Ano had in store for her. "To MERRYGATE. Fighting against you during the paintball battle was scary, but it also taught me many things about hiding and surviving such battles, something which is very important to me. I thank you for that. I hereby give you a... plasma... rail gun? Which you can hopefully use to win further battles in the future."

Ano then headed over to Sigrid, smiling as she approached the powerful mage. She'd get a smaller gift out for her, a bit worried it maybe wouldn't interest her. "To Sigrid de Hatdesert. Seeing your magical powers was truly something from another world! I loved playing with yoyos with you and hope you enjoyed it just as much as I did. I hereby give you a container with nanites from my friend Oreas. These are capable of..." Anofelis blanked out, before looking at Mikhail, who quickly said what she had to say. "Quantum tunnelling." Ano nodded, before finishing up. "Which according to my friends is 'a kind of magic'."
Shortly after, Anofelis would go over to Blair, having the vivid memory of that odd burlesque show still on her mind. She just hoped Blair wouldn't hold that competition against her as she gave the gift. "To Blair. Doing that strange 'burlesque' show in front of the audience together was quite weird. But, you clearly were amazing at it compared to myself. I heard from some of the judges that you found it kind of weird, so I hope you don't have negative memories of it. And if you do, hopefully this gift will help you feel more at ease. I hereby give you a copy of my friend Morgan's nanite sword, which can cut through metal and absorb it to become even stronger! I hope it will be of good use to you."

Next, Anofelis headed over to Storkie, seeing her arguing with the little crown she had been given by her friend. It made Anofelis smile, as she found the crown rather sweet and pleasant to look at. Still, that didn’t change the fact that Ano had a gift for her! “To Storkie. I was very saddened to be unable to play with you in the competition. I would have loved to fly along in your spaceship, because I have never been on one myself. You deserve that sweet crown your friend made you, as well as this gift of mine. I hereby give you a special… interactable hologram of the milky way galaxy for to look at and play with. Maybe you can even use it to navigate the galaxy with your amazing ship.”

Approaching Muna, Anofelis got particularly giddy. Anofelis loved that there was someone else out there with a horn on her head, and hoped that Muna felt the same way. She had a very unique gift in mind, holding up a beautiful silver necklace with a blue crystal-like object embedded into it. “To Muna. You are the closest thing to a fellow subject in this competition, and it is really cool to see that other worlds have such cool creatures too. I hope you enjoyed watching me compete just as much as I enjoyed watching you compete and I hope we can talk to each other in the future. I hereby give you a special NARI band which is used to regulate nanites in subjects. I don’t think you have nanites, so it won’t do anything for you except make you look even more amazing.”

Being quite giddy from giving her gift to Muna, Anofelis got even giddier as she went over to Cutémon with a very special gift. “To Cutémon. I really, really enjoyed our painting competition. I learnt a lot about painting from watching you paint. I also heard you are not really a human, which I find very surprising but also really cool! Hopefully, you enjoyed the competition just as much as I did. I hereby give you a tablet from the facility, which you can use to draw on and note down all the amazing creatures from your world! I hope it will be useful to you and that you will enjoy drawing on it!”
And at last, Anofelis would approach the final candidate. The winner of the competition. Anofelis would quietly walk up to her, before showing the gift she had and grabbing her note to read from it. “To Huan. Congratulations on winning the competition! You did really amazing and really deserve it! Seeing you jump so incredibly high all on your own was truly amazing, and learning of all your amazing powers was also really cool! Maybe one day, you can teach me all about these things with the soul and magical powers. As a gift, I brought you various books and materials from the facility, containing all sorts of chemicals used to create subjects. I hope you can learn something of my world as well with these, and perhaps make your very own subject one day!”

With that, Anofelis had given each contestant a gift. However, she still had one gift left. A gift for a very important person who, whilst not participating in the main competition, deserved a prize for their dedication and kindness! Anofelis would rush over to Chaya, before reading her note. “To Chaya. It was a shame you couldn’t join me on the main stage. I would have loved to compete with you and see you win like the amazing ki master you are! Your help, positivity and cheerfulness were really, really amazing, and made the competition all worth it! I hereby give you the drawing I made for you when this competition started. I know it isn’t the crown you deserved, but it will hopefully remind you of the fun time we had during this competition!”


Well, that was a lot of writing which I hope some of you will enjoy at least a little bit. I hope that it isn’t hogging too much attention given the sheer fucking girth of it, but I also just wanted to compliment all the characters from Ano’s perspective and give things a ute little ending.

All in all, this was a ton of fun, and I would love to see another competition in the future with different girls. The only tiny complaint I have about the competition was that it kinda just abruptly ended. Yeah, Huan was bound to win so it didn’t really matter if we had even more rounds. But, I also would’ve loved to see some of the final rounds. Imagine some of the other fun shenanigans the contestants could’ve gotten up to!. Not to mention, breaking the four way tie for second place.

Aside from that though, thanks everyone for all the fun interactions, and thank you RQM for running this!
Great stuff! We may yet run through the last few rounds at the end of the king tournament, so keep an eye out. I only ended it here because we're likely to fall off the board, and running a second thread seemed silly for 3 or 4 matches that wouldn't change the end result.
Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyy, congratulations Huanliuxue! And thanks for running this, RQM!
>Thaddeus: "Have any of you guys seen my railgun? I'm sure I left it around here somewhere. Seriously, where is it? MMMOOOOOORRRGAAAAAANNN!"
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"For me? Really? Ano, I... Absolutely love it! I don't have any... wait, yes I do? Yes, that's it! Hold still." Chaya says, carefully holding the picture on her left hand's fingertips while pointing her right hand's first two fingers at the much taller bugwoman. "There, I think I got it. Clothes Beam!"

A ray of flashing light would burst from her fingertips, striking Ano straight in the chest. The energy would coalesce into clothes, a suit of armor resembling Chaya's own, even down to a (non-functioning) Scouter shaped to her friend's body shape.

"There. Now you'll have something from me too, to remember our all-too-short time competing together. And if you ever see one of our ships with this logo on it, come by and say hi! You tell them your name and they'll bring you to me! This was a lot of fun, Ano."
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It seems like Chaya is about to leave to go back to her home! It's a good thing you saw her before she left!

You run up to Chaya and give her a big hug and then let go and look up at her and concentrate as hard as you can until all four of your eyes start to glow with the Super Saiyan energy Chaya gave you!

"Thanks again, Chaya!"

Is there anything else you want to say to her?

"Goodbye, Chaya!"
Thanks for all of your hard work, RQM. And congratulations to the new Queen of /qst/!

I truly appreciate everyone who voted for their mercenary commander/sculptor/burlesque dancer of 5 years. I've flirted with the idea of running something else and this has all been a great inspiration!
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What? Ano is giving you a gift? Even though you and Ano didn't talk very much during the tournament, it seems like she really likes you!

"Thank you, Ano!"

What? You just realized you don't have anything to give Ano? Well, why don't you draw her a picture?



It seems like you really like drawing!
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The competition was over, and the winner had been declared. After all, I landed silver place. Joco said it was fine, the gold standard was dead anyway in old Woldoria, so thank goodness he could never be in Jenk's earshot. I decided that the true victory for me was that, I'd gotten to see so many unique people, unique to worlds beyond my own. Or, was it truly that beyond the Milky Way after all, given all that I came to find out? Could just be the upper reaches of imagination. *Their imagination*. Maybe in the end, this was just me getting a glimpse of that. The possibilities, and riddles that lied at the end of the expanding pathways. Dreams. Just that. Dreams and fictions. It was a lot of thinking I was doing about thinking.

The real loss of this tournament to me, was that I was left with more questions than answers about these dreams, both vague and vulgar, among those I'd seen who made it and got to compete, and those who didn't get the chance alike.


'Yes. It is a shame that not too many people where we come from can have them.'


All around me was black again, the proverbial hand had shut around me. His fingers clasped, and I was gone before anyone knew it.


'Is this why I got to come here and do this? Did any of this actually happen, master? Or was this really just something you set up, to show me more? More about the stories you have as Senex?'


'Hmph. Well, I did enjoy it. No matter my own wonders of solipsism.' I said, grasping the necklace I'd been given by that wonderful figure just prior to my departure from the events; 'But I know you want me to do something with it.'




Internalize what I've experienced... internalize what I've posited. Use it, anyway I can. The dreams were probably not real, not in the respect I might have thought they were, but there are dreams like them, and they need to be set free. Whether that means I tear down the Axis Mundi, or anything...

[NEGAI] "..."

...or any*one* in my way. I think that was the moral of this story about witnessing dreams.

I blinked. The fingers had let go. I was no longer in a dream or a vision. I was just back home, in my room at the Bunker... ...and I opened my hand. I certainly still felt something I grasped. I saw it was the... necklace I was gifted by that Anofelis. The shining nanite necklace with a pretty blue countenance. I smiled at the thing, prodding it with my thumb.

This was what I internalized. What I got for seeing those dreams of other worlds to the finish.
Won't do anything for me except make me look even more amazing... Nah. It will help!

"Thanks, Anofelis. I won't forget you."

(Received ADD: Ano's Necklace.)
(Effect: 30% more damage to Sefirot Bodies.)

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