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Nine years ago King Aiden Perenolde betrayed the Alliance and sided with the Horde of Orgrim Doomhammer. Nine years ago Prince Alric Perenolde, the second heir of Alterac was sent into exile for his own protection. This exile turned permanent and Captain Normand Garside, your guardian for the past nine years made sure that you were safe and learned the useful skills that would help you in the future.

Now you are ready to carry the responsibility and unite the scattered Alteraci people and reclaim the lands that were once the Kingdom of Alterac.

You had your hands full with the Stonemasons after their arrival. Fiercely independent and holding on to their own identity, it would be a while until you have managed to integrate them with the rest of the Alteracis, but you did manage to accomplish at least something. The welcoming feast seemed to be a success and you struck some understanding with the mercenaries they had brought with them. Now having them guard Sofera's Naze, you felt your right flank to be more secure.

You also had promised to yourself that you would take it easy and relax a bit. So you decided to go camping with Malevus. Your plan was to spend a day or two enjoying the beauty of nature, and maybe talk about Malevus kissing you earlier, but something completely else also happened.

You met Thrall, the escaped gladiator from Durnholde and a very good friend of Taretha Foxton. Avoiding conflict, the two of you worked together in finding and destroying death knight Umo Shadowheart and stopping whatever plans it had.

Now with spring having started to turn into summer, you had a feeling that the world around you would turn into a way more hectic place.

Welcome to Alterac Resurgent Quest!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MedivhQM
/qst/ Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Alterac%20Resurgent%20Quest
Prince Alric Stats: https://pastebin.com/rysxdRsv
Quest Mechanisms: https://pastebin.com/CyD88qqf
Character List: https://pastebin.com/FkYd6wkJ
Side Character Stats: https://pastebin.com/aRfyksUG

"The two of you sparred?" Taretha asked you and raised her eyebrow. She was suspicious about what you had told her.

"And wrestled, Alric challenged me to spar with him." Malevus told her and continued with an awkward smile. "You know how convincing he can be."

"Right…" Tari replied.

"And I accidentally elbowed her face…" You tried to explain to Tari not that convincingly.

You and Malevus had chosen to not tell Tari anything about Thrall. Meeting him should be a surprise and you weren't sure how Tari would react if she was to hear the news right now.

"It's just a small scar." Malevus continued. Along with the scar, there was some visible bruising where the now dishonoured orc had punched her. "It's nothing really."

"You have to be more careful next time." Tari said to you and shook her head. "And Malevus, please don't encourage Alric. He has only one speed and it is full-speed."

"I feel like I am being chastised." You replied.

"Because you are, you dummy." Tari responded with a bit of a disappointed look.

"I will try to slow him down." Malevus said and grinned. "He will learn one day."

"Now I am being double teamed! Why am I surrounded by people like you!" You joked.

"Because we care about you." Tari responded. "Right Malevus?"

'Y-yes of course." Malevus said and a little bit of blush appeared on her cheeks.

You rolled your eyes. Well you did care about these two ladies a lot as well. Now though you only cared about taking a bath and resting your legs. Any decisions regarding the burial tomb would have to wait till tomorrow.

It had started to rain later that day and it continued through the night and to the next day. Listening to the calm noise of the rain, you had Eligius brief you about what had happened during the days when you were gone.

Firstly there was no major news which was good news. More goblins had appeared in Tarren Mill to work under Mr. Wiklish. Captain Normand Garside, your surrogate father, had sent a supply request and a report detailing not much new at all that had happened in Strahnbrad Hills and Eligius had returned from the ritual performed by the witches.

You had tried to prod him about the details, but didn't get much out of the man outside of it having been some sort of a fertility ritual and a blessing to the farmlands. Either way, hopefully now the urge for the witches to cast magic was satisfied for a moment.

But now you had to decide what you would exactly tell Eligius about Thrall and the death knight? He was your spymaster after all, but not all things are worth telling to others. You could keep everything to yourself or just tell him about the tomb. Maybe you should talk about the Fel as well?

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>Tell him everything, you trust him and he could use this information to your benefit.
>Thrall and only Thrall. Leave the death knight and the Fel out.
>You found this ancient carved tunnel, but didn't dare to go and check it out from inside. Don't tell any further details.
>Don't say a word. Less others know the better.
>Ask about the Fel. The questions that have been on your mind.
>Other, write in.

QM: New thread, new adventures! As always if you have any questions or comments, feel free to ask and I will try to answer them.
>Tell him everything, you trust him and he could use this information to your benefit.
>>Tell him everything, you trust him and he could use this information to your benefit.

>Other, write in.
We gotta go back there and see if the death knight left anything behind, or if the burial mound itself had interesting stuff there. I'd bet it was made for a tribal king, and then he had the bodies of his warriors there to guard it in the afterlife as well. It deserves a good search.
>Tell him everything, you trust him and he could use this information to your benefit.
>>Tell him everything, you trust him and he could use this information to your benefit.
>>Tell him everything, you trust him and he could use this information to your benefit.

Def need to get the death knights armor and send it back to lorderon. We need them to switch their vote.
>Tell him everything, you trust him and he could use this information to your benefit.
Ask him why he's being so cagey about the details on the ritual though. I want to know what the witches did.
Its THAT kind of fertility ritual. They took his purity, poor Eligius.
"Are you sure you don't want to talk about the ritual?" You asked him and leaned a bit forward.

"Prince Alric, I am very sure about that." He replied.

"No one else needs to learn"

Eligius squirmed a bit on his seat as you tapped the small bag containing the black noise device. No one else would learn about it.

"Alright fine…" He sighed and started speaking.

It had involved a long preparation of the ritual ground. Torches were lit, herbs were burned in the fire as a sacrifice to the spirits. The witches chanted for hours until they brought out some drink that they drank and while Eligius had tried to decline, he had relented in the end. The drink was bitter as hell and then…

Well then…

Eligius doesn't remember much, just that it had involved body paints, dancing around the fire stark naked, more of that bitter drink. Suddenly there were farm animals, but they had lost their tails and Eligius had to go find them and put them back on. And then…

"Oh, it was that sort of a 'fertility' ritual." You said and tried to not smile or laugh, but it was hard.

"Prince Alric, it was incredibly unsophisticated. Their ways just aren't compatible with our understanding of magic. And I will try to change that." Eligius adamantly replied and continued. "And nothing happened between us, at least nothing I could remember."

"Fine fine, but make sure that you don't become a stay at home father in nine months." You tried to keep your stiff upper lip, but failed as you had to laugh.

"Prince Alric…" Eligius just mumbled and ran his hands through his black hair while you laughed.

"Alright, enough of you and the witches. I asked you to come here because you need to know about something." You said to him after getting hold of yourself.

"Which is?" Eligius asked you and waited for you to continue. "Probably doesn't beat my story."

You had told him everything that had happened. The falcon, finding the orcs and Thrall, joining them in the search, the burial tomb and ancient dead, Umo Shadowheart and how you defeated it.

You didn't tell him anything about Tari and her connection to Thrall. That will not be told to anyone.

"If it was anyone else telling me what I just heard, I would call them a liar and that story being pure fabrication." Eligius said to you and shook his head a little. "But you…"

"I know that it is hard to believe, but I swear on the Holy Light that I am not telling you humbug." You replied and raised your hands off the table.

"I trust you Prince Alric, but this…"

"It is a lot to learn about in one go, believe me I have gone through the implications of this many times." You told him.


The two of you sat in silence for a moment as neither wanted to continue.

"Who else knows?" Eligius asked.

"Only Malevus was there and we weren't followed." You replied. "And she won't talk."

"One could think that you had planned a meeting like that, son of the Traitor King conspiring with the orcs?" Eligius mused aloud before becoming a bit coy. "But it was just you and Malevus…"

"Don't even think about anything like that, you very well know that I still need help with my bloody legs." You said back with a stern voice. "And I need time off to relax to not burn myself out like last time."

"Fine fine… but what shall we do now?" Eligius asked.

"The tomb needs to be searched, I want whatever remains of the death knight collected, purified and blessed. The armour and the corpse needs to be returned back to Stormwind City." You told him.

"Yes… one of their knights…" Eligius said to you. "Alright, that shouldn't be that hard, but how should we do it? I mean only three of us know about what has happened?"

That was a very good point. How to avoid being too suspicious about this? Suddenly finding a burial tomb during a camping trip up in the mountains is already suspicious enough. You need a cover story of some sort or taking people with you whom you can trust to not speculate too wildly.

>Send Sir Gravis with the knights and some soldiers to find the burial tomb, you don't need to be there.
>You, Malevus and Sir Gravis with the knights should be enough.
>Three of you, the knights and a patrol of foot soldiers
>You, your men and recall Raleigh the True from Strahnbrad Hills.
>Other, write in.

Cover story:
>Write in.

QM: What would be a believable cover story for why Alric and Malevus found the burial tomb?
Fabricate a map or something that pins this on the former smuggler network. Eligius's agents finally deciphered a 'warehouse' used by the smugglers for stashing goods. So Gravis and company need to investigate, to be armed and prepared for anything including traps.

>You, Malevus and Sir Gravis with the knights should be enough.
>You, Malevus and Sir Gravis with the knights should be enough.
>You, Malevus and Sir Gravis with the knights should be enough

Cover story:
>Write in
Hmm well there were the tracks of the group, several orcs, and the horses. Though the rain may have washed some them away. Following an orc trail they found could still work and it's partially true.

Otherwise it was an archeology trip to find more markers old culture, like his silver to deal dagger. Don't want someone else getting the find from loose lips.

Or the most believable of all, it was a secret rendezvous with one of Alrics lovers. Some untamed spirit woman of the mountains. Then some undead interrupted them. There were probably syndicate ninjas as well, working together to some nefarious end. That's how they got the fel poison. Lol
Supporting, call it a place found by the smugglers as a potential hideout, but not explored.
>Three of you, the knights and a patrol of foot soldiers
A bigger number of men than just our knights, and ideal for our protection. We are somewhat near the mountains and going in a potential location of our enemies should be done with at least some force, thats what our men would think like Captain Normand, Litenant Beckston or Sir Gravis for name a few.

Cover story:
>Write in.
An horse run lead them to spot the cavern and explore it, the reason for it could be even for future hunting with Alric wanting to kill another mountain white lion if the opportunity presented it self.
They then discovered that the place was likely an old crypt of the past, a place of darkness and fear, one forgotten. But it had seen recent use of some sort with the many tracks present and a fight inside, perhaps by the Syndicate. Perhaps by bandits or orcs. So it required further investigation in force and not alone, there is reason enough for do it with the attempt of the orc raid against Alterac, Syndicate assassinations attempts or bandits activity and attempts to flee our reach.
>>You, Malevus and Sir Gravis with the knights should be enough.
is eligius coming along?
>You, Malevus and Sir Gravis with the knights should be enough.

>Cover Story
Our horse ride was interrupted by the feeling of a fel presence which, when followed to it's source, lead to an entrance to an underground location.

The fel could still be felt even after the death knight died right? I think it serves as a good excuse if so.
>>You, Malevus and Sir Gravis with the knights should be enough.
"Me, Malevus, Sir Gravis and the knights are sufficient." You said to Eligius. "Your knowledge could be useful, but you are just a scribe."

"Officially." He replied.

"No need to blow your cover for this." You said. "But we do need a cover story, a reason to go there."

"Do you have anything in mind?"

"Maybe I sensed the Fel?"

"Prince Alric, why would you travel that high up the mountains? Otherwise that is a solid idea." Eligius said and continued to muse aloud. "Maybe something with the smugglers?"

"Yes… yes! Make a map or something of a potential hiding spot for stolen goods and drugs." You said to him and immediately took some paper and a wooden stick.

Drawing on the paper a simple picture of the tall rocks on which the doorway had been carved into, you quickly scribbled down other landmarks as well before giving it to Eligius.

"Turn this into a map with proper ink, after this rain is done and you are finished, come back to me and we can present it to the others." You explained rather enthusiastically.

"Prince Alric, that is a very good idea. You are then going to go and check the location out." Eligius told you and continued. "This might work, but I will have to visit Southshore tomorrow so it will take couple days."

"By that point the rain should have stopped, and besides I don't believe that the corpse is going to just walk away from there." You said.

"You never know with the undead, but is there anything else?" Eligius asked you.

In fact there was. You gave him the instructions to see if there are music instruments for sale in Southshore. You had planned to start practising and you had gotten Malevus to join you so now could be a good time to start. You also asked him to keep very close watch on the witches, something about their ritual made you feel a bit iffy.

Maybe it was just the fertility part?

Later that day you were standing on the stairs looking down at a trio of men. There was an Alteraci, a migrant from Underbelly and a Stonemason with his red bandana around his throat. And all three wanted the same thing, but they couldn't agreed on the details.

They wanted a bar or a pub and apparently this discussion had been going on for some time already and people had formed into camps and blocs.

Now the issue was that in Alterac a bar requires a permit for tax reasons from the local ruler, that would be you, so they came to ask for one so that a place to drink could be built. But all three had conflicting ideas of what kind of a bar it should be.


The Alteraci just wanted a bar, a place to drink as currently people drink at home or during the feasts. Having an inn could help with travellers as well in providing them with some rooms.

The migrant meanwhile didn't care if it was a pub or a bar or an inn, but he cared if the few courtesans who were living in Dawnholme could work there after all the drinking hole in Underbelly had been a quite bawdy place. Unsurprisingly the courtesans supported this idea, a safe place to work benefitted them and there was the idea of taxing their nightly work. But based on what the Alteraci told you, the locals didn't approve this idea that much. They found it a bit tasteless and sinful to have a brothel around while the Stonemasons did support the idea, but wouldn't complain if it didn't happen.

The Stonemasons were mostly ambivalent as they just wanted a place for them to gather around and drink. Really their request was that it was to be their own place and not reserved for everyone. Having a place like that would mean a lot for them.

All three sides had their own requests and arguments. You listened to them and asked a few questions that gave you some ideas how to resolve this. It was true that a proper bar was needed, there was none in Dawnholme and giving the permission would keep the people happy.

The Bar:
>Alteraci suggestion, a place to drink and for visitors to sleep
>Underbelly suggestion, a place to drink and for the courtesans to work and be taxed
>Stonemason suggestion, a place to drink for others and then for themselves as well
>Other, write in

Who runs it?:
>Locals, support local entrepreneurs and economy
>The spy ring of Eligius, have it be a front for your intelligence apparatus
>Monica, she is a pro and your representative. Helping her expand like this could prove useful
>Mystery Box
>Other, write in

QM: Mostly flavour, I won't be counting coppers, but this can direct things to directions. If you have any ideas, write ins can work.
>Alteraci suggestion, a place to drink and for visitors to sleep
Yeah a brothel is a bit much and we don't really want segregated Stonemason spaces.

>The spy ring of Eligius, have it be a front for your intelligence apparatus
>Monica, she is a pro and your representative. Helping her expand like this could prove useful
Spy ring staff with Monica as manager.

>Mystery Box
Although Im interested in this, is it compatible with the aforementioned plan?

Sadly Mystery Box is not compatible with your plan.
Surely whoever it is could fit somewhere in there? I'll stick to my plan regardless.
>>Alteraci suggestion, a place to drink and for visitors to sleep
>The spy ring of Eligius, have it be a front for your intelligence apparatus
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>Alteraci suggestion, a place to drink and for visitors to sleep
>Mystery Box
Monica or the spies are tempting, but the mystery box...
>Other, write in
Assuage the Alteraci that we're doing this not only for the benefit of the whores but also their benefit - yes a brothel is tasteless but the alternative is the women of the night plying their craft on the streets. Surely it is better to have a designated place where such activity can be managed than to let it occur anywhere, anytime? No different than the justification for a bar really - better to put all the drunken brawls and arguments in the one place.

As for the actual structure, construct it with a height of at least two stories with the two being functionally separate buildings bar a shared courtyard. The ground floor is a bar and the first floor is the brothel - the two are connected but distinct enough that there is no dishonorable implication against visiting the first for married men or single women.

Perhaps, to accommodate the stonemasons, include a backroom (two preferably) for functions like weddings - when not in use for events, it will serve as a private lounge for them. Though as >>6000712 says, this might bite us in the ass. It would benefit the spy ring as I discuss later however to have a discrete space in the rear they could be in while still being customers rather than staff.

>The spy ring of Eligius, have it be a front for your intelligence apparatus
>Monica, she is a pro and your representative. Helping her expand like this could prove useful
Justification is obvious, as >>6000712 says but also the advantage of this is it gives the spy ring a front for filtering funds into or out from our covert activities as well as a convenient meeting place for them that shouldn't attract too much attention.
I think it better that the place have three levels. Ground and first floor for the bar and inn respectively while a discreet side entrance leads to the underground brothel, make the Underbelly chap feel right at home. Although do make the place classy yeah?
> I support the anon. That's a good compromise. And yes wash funds through it. Give a discount to citizens.
This is a small developing town. The brothel seems premature until maybe the place is more established. Even then, I think such a place should be placed on the outskirts of the town for visitors and minimise disruptions to the life of citizenry.

>Alteraci suggestion, a place to drink and for visitors to sleep
If possible, I'd like to combine with Stonemason suggestion to put clubrooms or an event hall in the pub on a separate floor such as

>Mystery Box
I can't not pick this. But if it's Garithos or the Regional Defenders, I'm going to rage.
>Mystery Box
>>Mystery Box
It's the dark irons, isn't it?
and then they turn it into a hookah lounge
>>Alteraci suggestion, a place to drink and for visitors to sleep
>The spy ring of Eligius, have it be a front for your intelligence apparatus
Supporting. As much mystery box calls me, I cant choose it. I need to be pragmatic. Same thing with the courtesans, they can have their place later
I am seeing the Alteraci suggestion winning with spy ring/Monica taking the vote 6-4.

No Mystery Box for you!

Can I have generic event roll!

>Best of three, taking the second roll
Rolled 4 (1d10)

Rolled 6 (1d10)

lost imp raining from the sky.
Rolled 7 (1d10)

>we could have had the mystery box
"I will permit the construction of an inn, but I cannot allow the courtesans to ply their trades there." You said and could see the migrant from Underbelly sigh a bit. "And I can't promise that the Stonemasons get their own space as well. This will be an inn built to serve everyone equally."

"Thank you my Prince." The Alteraci replied and bowed. He tried to continue, but you raised your hand up to silence him.

"I am not going to be content with just a drinking hole. If Dawnholme is going to have an inn, I want it to be the best in the region." You said and turned towards the Stonemason. "I presume Master Pelija will do his best?"

"He will Prince Perenolde." The Stonemason replied. Good thing they had their pride in their work.

"Wonderful, let him know that I will send someone to talk with him hopefully very soon." You said to him and continued. "Anything else?"

The trio didn't have much else to say than just thanks and deep bows before they left and you sat down by the table.

"Are you planning on calling Monica to help run the inn?" Malevus asked, she had been listening and watching the trio of peasants closely.

"Yep, she gets to handle the management and Eligius gets to handle the personnel. What else is a better place than an inn for a spy ring to operate from?" You said to her and continued. "Besides he can syphon parts of the profits for their own operations."

"Sounds plausible?" Malevus mused.

"I do need to inform both of them, fetch me ink and paper and I will write to Monica immediately." You said to her.

"Of course Alric." Malevus said and nodded with a smile.

Ever since returning from the camping trip and deciding to give her the time and space, Malevus had seemed to be more relaxed and you could see the tension having disappeared in her. She would approach you when she would be ready, you were sure about that.

Now though to get Monica a reason to visit you more often. Alric you are a genius, two flies with one strike! Technically three flies, the inn, Monica and spies. This is going to be splendid, you are sure about it.



Eligius had left for the Southshore and the rain continued. It made the construction projects to slow down, but the farmers were happy as their freshly planted crops received water.

For you it was also a good excuse to just stay inside and enjoy copious amounts of tea while going through papers and continuing your studies. Also the timing was great when a soaked through messenger came carrying two letters, plenty of time to dig into them without any interruptions.


First was from Captain Raethan, your informant in Underbelly and who had recruited all those migrants who had moved to Dawnholme. His message was a short one. He was in quite hot water for allowing all of them to leave, but his superiors couldn't really do anything to him or to you outside of showing their ire. Apparently the mages had gotten annoyed as their less than legal needs and requirements wouldn't be filled anymore as skilled labourers and others had left the Underbelly. What remained were the thugs and other way less savoury folk and quickly the vacuum had been filled by new gangs asserting their power. Still new folk continued to trickle in and Raethan would continue his work down in the sewers. He did note that guards and mages not under his command had entered the sewers, and when he had inquired about it, he was just told that this was Kirin Tor business and not relevant to him. Raethan hopes to send another message to you come summer if things are to change.

The second letter meanwhile was from Kris Legace, your Syndicate trader turned into an informant and it was a long one. Hearing from her was always nice and the first half was mostly just how her life has been in Stromgarde. Having opened a leather and leather accessory shop, her business had gotten off to a good start and the locals seemed to trust her more now that she was an entrepreneur.

But that wasn't the most interesting part, apparently the anti-Alliance and anti-Lordaeron attitudes and opinions had turned tad worse. Since the escape of Thrall, the Internment Camps had hired more guards, resulting in increased budget and taxes required for them. In addition the investment put into the Alliance Naval Base east of Southshore should have apparently been put into Stromgarde and her harbour. Now both the peasants and nobles are annoyed with the Alliance, with the King Thoras Trollbane having hands full with them. Kris Legace warned you that the Syndicate might take advantage of this and attempt to spread into the Kingdom and City proper.

That was useful information. Stromgarde had been fiercely independent and the orc question had been a major issue between them and Lordaeron. Really thanks to King Terenas and King Thoras being good friends, further issues had been avoided, but who knows how long that will last?

You put the letter down, but then decided to read through it once more. No messages from your sister Beve? Nothing that would be blatantly easy to notice. Turning the paper around, smelling it and looking at it from all directions, you weren't sure if you would find anything.

When you looked at the letter with a candle behind it, you thought you could see something. You weren't sure, maybe it was just remnants of old ink, the paper seemed recycled. Yet you could try something.


>Light the letter on fire, maybe the fire will reveal a message hidden with magic?
>Run your mana through it, maybe that could activate a hidden message?
>Very carefully peel the letter open with a sharp knife, maybe there are layers to this?
>Soak the letter in water, you have read that washing the ink away could reveal something?
>Other, write in.

QM: Rolls got you these letters. A look into the world elsewhere around you.
>Light the letter on fire, maybe the fire will reveal a message hidden with magic?

Option 1 isnt a bad idea its kind of a natural move to burn these letters anyways rather then leave them around for someone to snoop into if a thief were to sneak in, or someone used force to ransack the place.

Option 2 just seems unlikely I dont think Beve knows we can do magic, unless she does, or maybe she assumes we have a mage we trust enough for it.
Oh right, how about the VanCleef letter?

Wait, Raethan is an elf?

Anyway, we could conceivably do all three of the mundane actions. Dip it in water and hang it out to dry then try to peel it and then set it on fire.
>write in
Put it off for later and ask for eligius for advice?
He is studying this kind of stuff he should alteast have some decent suggestions.
>Run your mana through it, maybe that could activate a hidden message?
magic first alric should atleast try to sense if it has anything.
>Light the letter on fire, maybe the fire will reveal a message hidden with magic?
this should propably be last resort.

"When the guards noticed you, they alerted a person who seemed to be their chief. Elf with long hair and blond mutton chops and short beard stood up from a small chair and made his way towards you.

"Welcome to Underbelly, I am Raethan and I'm the Captain of the Guard down here." The elf said while eyeing both you and Malevus. "While you are here, I don’t want any funny business. My men and I run the show, and we prefer if things stay calm.""

He is an elf. I think the reason why I didn't post the pic before was my dislike of the overly Warcrafty sword and shield he has in it. Just imagine him carrying a perfectly normal longsword and shield instead.
>>Light the letter on fire, maybe the fire will reveal a message hidden with magic?

A mix of bad and good news, we can't complain really.
My bad forgot to take it off
>Run your mana through it, maybe that could activate a hidden message?
He's a WoW NPC like Malevus and Monica
You can look him up in the wiki
Have you tried using AI artistry? Also, by the by
>Light the letter on fire, maybe the fire will reveal a message hidden with magic?

If nothing else, we unnecessarily get rid of evidence that maybe could've possibly been used against us. It's not like we'll be running out of correspondence any time soon.

>Other, write in.
God, what if she just used invisible ink? Would Alric even know what that is if that were the case?
>Just go ask out spy master... it's his job to know this stuff...

Lol I'd rather not damage it and just ask our expert.
Actually just keep it around for when Eligius comes back and see what he makes of it. Cryptography isn't Alric's wheelhouse.
Support calling for Eligius
>Other, write in.
call eligius
Eligius is consulted when he returns from Southshore.

Could I have one more roll?

>Best of three, taking the second roll
Rolled 7 (1d10)

Rolled 8 (1d10)

Rolled 2 (1d10)

hope that's good!
No update today, I spent the whole day outside chucking wood around and I am now spent! Next update tomorrow and those rolls were pretty solid, VanCleef won't try anything extra wild.
Apologies no update today either. It was one of those ultra ornery work days that just drain you.

Still to have some progress, what sort of a medieval musical instrument Alric tries to learn how to play? Just the standard lute or something different? How about Malevus? I was going to ask this later, but let's do it now.
nyckelharpa ;^)
Flute sounds pretty good
Hurdy Gurdy for Alric and Harp for Malevus!

But really, the Hurdy Gurdy feels really Alric to me for some reason.
Bagpipes like a chad.
Malevus needs to have something she can sing along with, and I suggest a lute. No excuses to stop her voice.

Alric I think could get some wind instrument and I suggest bagpipes so when we inevitably crit fail learning it, demons are summoned to shut him up.
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Actually now that I think on it, maybe a pan flute or ocarina for Alric (he already has Epona, lol).
A lute, lyre or harp for Malevus, or some other string instrument, allowing her to easily sing while she plays.
A harp for Malevus and a hurdy gurdy for Alric, Im telling you anon! I don't really like wind instruments...
Alric is a contrarian of the highest order. If he's going to learn an instrument, it's going to be one to piss people off.
He is a proud man of the high lands.
Lute also has the benefit of being smaller and more portable than a harp, maybe as portable as a lyre? She can play/sing on the road, in the camp, at the next town with no excuses.
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You put the letter down and sighed. It would be better to wait for Eligius to return before you get into the letter properly. There was a danger that you could damage or just destroy it if you were to soak it in water or light it on fire, so better to wait for someone who actually has knowledge on how to deal with letters like this.

Pinching the bridge of your nose, you shook your annoyance away and looked at the papers arranged on your desk. Tari had finished most of them and prepared them for you for the final check and read through. Even pregnant and probably deserving to spend as much time doing everything else than the paperwork, she had dutifully done her job as your secretary. While you were away, she had been the one keeping the cogs turning so to speak.

Beric was right, you should treasure her.

You went through the papers. Most of them were a boring list of expenses, bought planks, windows and such. Why were you even in the first place having to deal with any of this? But beneath the papers you spotted something different, a letter.

Oh no

Oh by the Holy Light no!

Fishing it out, you quickly opened it with a knife and pinched the bridge of your nose hard enough to leave a red mark. It was the letter given to you by the mercenaries from Edwin VanCleef.

Oh how you had forgotten it?

Edwin VanCleef, the leader of the Stonemasons Guild wrote to you about the events of the spring and the winter. He had led the Stonemasons into exile towards the north, towards Westfall and the abandoned mines of Deadmines. With his people loyal to him he would organise his forces and strike back against Stormwind City and King Varian, but you had accepted to take in the women, children and those unwilling to take up arms immediately.

This had caused issues for him, he had lost a considerable amount of manpower that could have been armed and used in whatever plans he had, but at the same time he was very glad. Women, children, the elderly and those not so sure about the future had decided to take the journey to Alterac to your lands where they would be safe. As much as that might have caused issues to his plans, it was the right thing to do. They weren’t combatants nor people to be thrown into a struggle.

It was in his plans to regain his strength and put the Stonemasons under his command through a training schedule to get them ready. In the meantime he would try to recruit other bands of criminals and thugs under his command.

So he was trying to get his forces ready for whatever counteroffensive he had planned for the Stormwind. By how he wrote, he seemed quite serious about his plans and that did worry you. Still one third of those who were to come had arrived and the remaining were still enroute. One letter should make you change your opinion regarding them. They weren’t part of any of this.


VanCleef hoped you would understand. He and his people had been wronged and their future depended on how Stormwind would react to all of this. How your common ally could handle this all and make sure that justice is brought to the land.

He ment Lady Katrana Prestor, she had tried to balance the needs of both House of Nobles and the Stonemasons without much success. Lady Katrana had her own business, but it was the right thing to try to accomplish when it came to preventing a practical civil war.

You put the letter down and sighed again.

More of the Stonemasons would come in the weeks and months following this. Politically it would be difficult to explain all this, but it was the right thing to do. They were refugees, people without a homeland. You as an Alteraci would understand that. And besides you needed them, all of them.

Opening the drawer you reached for a bottle of Alteraci brandy you had hidden within. Lookin at the bottle, you decided against it and put it away. You shouldn’t drink, not now. You needed another way to relax and it wasn’t that.

Your eyes landed on the letter by Kris Legace and you got an idea. You had someone under your care that could understand how to deal with letters like that. Maybe she could help you?

You sat down on a chair and crossed your legs when you looked at your prisoner. Pai the Assassin had been enjoying your hospitality since her capture and her good behaviour had given her increased meals and regular baths.

“Pai.” You greeted her and fixed your glasses that hid your eyes.

“Prince Perenolde.” She greeted back as she sat up on the bed. She had regained some of the weight she had lost during her imprisonment which made her alluring figure return back to what it was before.

You took the letter out of your pocket and raised it up for her to see.

“I have a letter from someone in the Syndicate and I am expecting there to be a hidden letter or something else in it.” You told her. “I am not going to bullshit or fool you, I think you might know something about letters like this.”

Pai gave you a curious glance and checked her clothes. Her prison attire of a simple tunic and trousers wasn’t the most comfortable or alluring, but it was better than what she was wearing before.

“You being so direct, I am not going to bullshit you either.” She said to you. “What do I get from checking the letter?”

She implied that she could check the letter, but you weren’t so sure you could really believe that.

“Do you really think that I believe you? All this time you have been playing coy even with me giving you all this leeway. You know what I want, everything you know about the Syndicate, and now I am giving you a chance to be useful.” You told her and continued. “Pai, you have been listening to the workers mining and toiling for months, when they are ready, you are going to be moved into a more secure cell further away from the sunlight.”


Pai sneered at you as you spoke. You crossed your hands and looked at her.

“What do you offer to me?” Pai asked you. “The scribe is awfully boring when he comes to see me.”

“He is still doing that?” You asked meaning Eligius.

“Yes Prince Perenolde, but he doesn’t talk about anything else other than what has been going on and what has been going on elsewhere.” Pai explained. “He hasn’t even tried to interrogate me for weeks.”

“Maybe he has gotten all smart about you?”

“Hah.” She replied.

“So how it is?” You asked her.

“Offer me terms.” Pai asked.

>Previously she has asked you to please her in bed. Give her what she wants.
>No terms, she is either going to help you or not. Eligius can most likely check the letter one way or another.
>Increased upkeep, two warm meals per day and better care of her clothing.
>House arrest, she gets to leave the cell, but she is watched constantly by your guards.
>You are going to free her. Those are the terms for her to deal with, see how she reacts to that.
>Other, write in.

QM: A harp for Malevus, while Alric takes the lute.

And with lute I mean flute. Alteraci orchestra will grow larger!
>You are going to free her. Those are the terms for her to deal with, see how she reacts to that.
>No terms, she is either going to help you or not. Eligius can most likely check the letter one way or another.
We've been more conciliatory and it has gotten us nowhere, we need to play hardball again.
>Increased upkeep, two warm meals per day and better care of her clothing.
>No terms, she is either going to help you or not. Eligius can most likely check the letter one way or another.
Prove herself worthy and maybe she can talk terms.
Do not do it anons. I called it when I said that appeasimg her will get us nowhere, doing more of it will be no different.
>>No terms, she is either going to help you or not. Eligius can most likely check the letter one way or another.
"Pai, come on isnt it boring here for a fine assassin such has yourself ? This is such a little thing to do, better than looking at the wall at least. I know you want to give yourself some value, has an assassin of the Syndicate of a certain rank, but i need a bit more from you. To me this letter can wait if you say no, to you not so much. See i have people* that can do this too if needed, but for you this can be an opportunity for gain a small amount of my trust. Gaining this informations is in my interest, you would accomplish something for me and i wouldn't forget that you did it. That is if you are interested in earning my trust even if small, i do remember you being interested in me so its something you should value."
Get up from the chair
"Ah. I forgot, this opportunity remains only today and if you call me for waste my time, i have an idea of what to do. Have a good day Pai !"
Lets turn the table around, the possibility is there for a day and then its not there anymore. A constant thought for a full day after weeks and weeks, of seeing time to time only Eligius and guards. The gain is very small, in fact she gains basically nothing beside some of our trust. But she has nothing at the moment beside all her informations of the Syndicate.

*Aside from Eligius, there is also the few spies in training recruits we have that might know something (if any of them is in Dawnholme at the moment).
Would she describe her relationship with Eligius as cooperative? Does she give him straight answers? Does she give Alric straight answers?

>No terms, she is either going to help you or not. Eligius can most likely check the letter one way or another.

She can make a habit of being cooperative that we will match with better living standards like
>Increased upkeep, two warm meals per day and better care of her clothing.
>She keeps a cell with sunlight with a daily allowance to walk outside the cell and around the jail for exercise.

>QM: A harp for Malevus, while Alric takes the lute.
Didn't we improve her lifestyle last time and she immediately responded by handing over her hidden weapon she was hiding in her mouth? So that is progress, while waiting afterwards didn't do anything.

>Increased upkeep, two warm meals per day and better care of her clothing.

>Captcha 4NSPA

Oh mighty Captcha you want us to let the spy have a spa day?
We did that AFTER she gave up the blade. Im fact, she even gave up the blade after we refused to appease her. Thread 23 if you want to check for yourself.
'Accept the first request. Bath, clothes and dinner, but nothing more. You aren't going to have sex with her.' and then she gave up the ceramic blade. We did refuse to go to bed with her, but we did appease her with improved quality of life stuff before she gave up the blade.
>"Oh you are going to tell me everything you know, but on my terms."
>"It was nearly a waste of my time to come here, but we did talk and just like you said, I am too kind of a person." You told her and continued. "I will arrange for you a bath, fresh clothes and dinner. Just like I arranged you the extra meal."
That sound like appeasement? We can give her treats but we can't be conciliatory.
>"Tbis opportunity remains only today and if you call me to waste my time, i have an idea of what to do. Have a good day Pai!"
This is better than that wordy monologue. It comes across as how Eligius has been trying to convince her. Though I would like to know what this "idea" mentioned is.

Point is: What Im concerned about, if we're gonna do this thing of recruiting Pai, is earning her respect and that can be easily compromised if we deal with her on her terms.
>Increased upkeep, two warm meals per day and better care of her clothing.

My immediate thought was offering her reading material since she's probably bored out of her mind most of the time but part of me doubts we've much of interest unless Malevus shares her smut. House arrest is a bit too lenient. Giving her time outside of her cell, even the opportunity to interact with people maybe. Shackles to limit her ability to run would make it quite safe.
You called it appeasing first, but whatever its called I'm just pointing out that we did make progress in this way and not just stonewalling. She wasn't talking then we got her talking so we rewarded that behavior because it was an improvement. We made it clear we wouldn't take her to bed and she demonstrated respecting that in not pushing it again here or since. She gave up her ceramic blade.

Shes not even giving any terms here, shes asking Alric what her cooperation in this is worth. Shes asking for our terms to help Alric instead of her making requests, that would make it our terms and not hers, and that is an improvement.

I don't think her asking us for terms and then we refuse to even give terms for cooperation would be an improvement in this relationship. If we want to earn more of her respect, respect her to be capable of cooperation by offering our terms. Stonewalling after she asks us for terms is like saying we don't think shes capable of dealing. I believe the end goal is to be able to make an offer of recruitment which will involve us offering our terms which should be the kind that can entice a professional and higher ranking assassin, otherwise she could just leave and go freelance for people who will make an actual offer. This is just another small step in the right direction.

'I value your knowledge on how to read this secret letter, and I'm willing to offer ---- for your cooperation.' she responds with 'Okay.' or 'I'd like a bit more it seems like you really want to learn what this super secret letter says right now.' Which would be fair, but we can counter with being able to have Eligius look at it later or giving something else small but effective.

Oooh thats a good idea. A few books, that would be really funny if they all bond over Malevus's smut books. It would be a nice reward and way to deal with the boredom. I'd say offer that if the increased upkeep isn't enough to sell it. Thats pretty east to continue working with, if we need more of her help we can offer the next book in the series or other books.
>No terms, she is either going to help you or not. Eligius can most likely check the letter one way or another.
What's she done to deserve anything else?
“No terms.” You said to Pai and stood up. “You are either going to help me or not.”

Pai looked at you as you put the letter back into a pocket within your jacket.

“Isn’t it boring for an assassin of your quality to just look at a wall? This is such a small thing to do for you. I know you want to give yourself some value, an assassin of the Syndicate of a certain rank, but I need a bit more from you. To me this letter can wait if you say no, to you not so much.” You spoke to her and walked to the door of the cell. “See I have people that can do this too if needed, but for you this can be an opportunity to gain a small amount of my trust.”

Pai continued to look at you before blinking once and looking away.

“Fine… give me the letter.” She said to you with annoyance and disdain in her voice.

You gave her a pleasant smile back.

“See it wasn’t that hard.” You said and walked to her, your hand not far from the hilt of the Cinder Sword. Giving her the letter, Pai looked at it briefly before spreading it open before her.

“A knife please.” She said to you.

Reaching for one of the pockets, you carefully handed her a sharp knife suitable for opening letters. Pai took it from you and walked to the table in her cell where she started to work.

Carefully pressing the sharp knife on the side of the letter, Pai started to pry it open. As you watched her work, she moved from one side to another, removing the glue that held the paper together and soon she had separated the letter from the hidden letter underneath it.

“Trick old as time.” Pai said to you.

Quickly snatching the letter off her hand and taking the knife, you stepped back and looked at what she had discovered.

“Your brother is scared, he knows the poisoning is a lie, they have backed off.” The letter Pai had separated from the original letter said.

Two letters glued as one and now you had both of them. A message from your sister, even if a short one was worth its weight as gold thousandfold. You glanced at Pai and read the letter again. Your brother is scared because of the assassination attempts on you or for your life? Other assassins have backed off due to the story you have been feeding to outsiders? You weren’t sure, but if they were backing away, you would take it. Better to have no assassins chasing your tail.

You folded the letter and stashed it inside your jacket. Giving Pai a gentle smile, you spoke.

“See, not that difficult.” You said to her. You weren’t sure how much she had managed to either read of the letter sent by Kris Legace or about the secret letter.

“I know what I am doing.” Pai replied and turned to face you.

You looked at the short assassin with her brown hair before speaking to her.

>Thank her, she has gained a bit of your trust.
>She deserves a bit of a reward, maybe a book or two to stave off the boredom.
>Offer her employment, if she works for you, she could get out of the cell.
>Set her free and release her completely.
>Other, write in.
>>She deserves a bit of a reward, maybe a book or two to stave off the boredom.
Shell need to be more useful for better rewards.
>>She deserves a bit of a reward, maybe a book or two to stave off the boredom.
eh sometimes its just like that.
>Though I would like to know what this "idea" mentioned is.
depends, nothing strange. Cutting the food again or no visits for quite a while. Probably the second one. I was even thinking of scaring her a few times with the cloak, subtly like something at the edge of our vision. It would have been hard, and a bit silly.

>>She deserves a bit of a reward, maybe a book or two to stave off the boredom.
one book
>>She deserves a bit of a reward, maybe a book or two to stave off the boredom.
>Thank her, she has gained a bit of your trust.
>She deserves a bit of a reward, maybe a book or two to stave off the boredom.
If she doesn't want books, then the clothes and two meals each day is fine too.
>Thank her, she has gained a bit of your trust.
>She deserves a bit of a reward, maybe a book or two to stave off the boredom.
Don't mention the trust nor the book though, just give the latter to her later.
“Thank you.” You said to her, giving her a polite nod at the same time.

Walking to the door of the cell you knocked on it for the guard to open it.

“Already leaving?” Pai asked you.

“I got what I wanted.” You replied as the door opened. “When you are ready to speak, call me.”

Pai gave you a glance and chose to not reply as you stepped out of the cell and the door was closed behind you.

“You want to give her one of my books?” Malevus asked you as she didn’t really believe what she had just heard.

“Yes, the first volume should be enough.” You said to her and continued. “Pai helped me and she has been probably bored out of her mind in that small cell. A small reward could go far.”

“But the book…” Malevus carefully protested.

“Exactly, that is the point.” You said and grinned. “Pai is a seductress, she might actually enjoy the book. Or if she doesn’t enjoy it, at least she has something to read through.”

Malevus shook her head and sighed.

“Alric, it is your call.” She said to you.

“Pai has been helpful to a certain extent. I think she wants to speak to me, but her own honour prevents her. I am not sure if she is still loyal to the Syndicate, but it is clear that the Syndicate doesn’t care for her.” You told Malevus. “Sooner than later she is going to decide to talk with me or with Eligius.”

Malevus shrugged, she had helped to save her life, but she didn’t have much to say about her.

“Either way, the deeper cells are soon finished and she will be moved down there.” You said.

The work on the deeper much better protected dungeon was nearing completion. Couple more weeks and the Stonemasons and miners have finished their work. Then you have a way more secure and protected place to throw your long term prisoners in.

The next day the rain had ended and now you were just waiting for Eligius to return. In the meanwhile you had been going through the short message sent by Beve to you again and again.

“Your brother is scared, he knows the poisoning is a lie, they have backed off.”

That was one of the few bits of good news you have received regarding the Syndicate. If their attempts to assassinate you have been pulled back even if temporarily, you can relax a little bit. But if it is true, then they can concentrate on something else completely. You have a feeling that the Syndicate is going to attempt to do something later this year.


“Prince Alric.” Sir Gravis greeted you.


“More Stonemasons have been sighted, they are arriving from the west.” Sir Gravis said to you.

“West, from Darrow Hill?”

“They are still in Hillsbrad, but our lookouts in the scout towers spotted them marching towards us. They will be here in few hours.” Sir Gravis explained to you. The towers that had been built to defend Dawnholme had worked as intended.

“How many?”

“Couple hundred, less than in the first group.” Sir Gravis said and continued. “Are we going to escort them here?”

>Inform the Stonemasons that more of them are arriving, let them handle escorting the newcomers to Dawnholme.
>Ride out and escort the Stonemasons to Dawnholme personally.
>Be prepared to receive them when they arrive to Dawnholme, but don’t go escorting them.
>Other, write in.
>>Ride out and escort the Stonemasons to Dawnholme personally.

I kinda figured we would just buy another of it lol not take one of Malevus's books.

>Ride out and escort the Stonemasons to Dawnholme personally.

It's just faster this way. Alric got the book, gave it to a guard who delivered it with a short message from you. Pai received it maybe a hour after your visit.

Now Pai gets to enjoy the high literature that is Steamy Romance Novels!
>>Ride out and escort the Stonemasons to Dawnholme personally.
Malevus will not notice, she is too occupied reading the new books.
ah lol
>>Ride out and escort the Stonemasons to Dawnholme personally.

soon we will be able to form a book club
>>Ride out and escort the Stonemasons to Dawnholme personally.
No update today, this week has been a total disaster at work and I am ultra tired. But could I have some rolls for the second group of Stonemasons, their journey here has been an arduous one and they are quite tired, just like me. Let's see how tired they are exactly. 1d100 is by design.

>Best of four


A book club of trashy romance novel connoisseurs. Alric is going places!
Rolled 12 (1d100)

Rolled 82 (1d100)

King of Alterac? Nah. President of the literature club more like.
Rolled 16 (1d100)

Rolled 88 (1d100)


When you rode out to greet and then escort them to Dawnholme, you were expecting a rather miserable looking bunch of people. A long journey, it had been raining and they were approaching from the west as well. But instead when you, Malevus, the knights and Royal Foot Guards reached them, they seemed to be doing rather well.

The Stonemasons watched you approach them, whispering amongst themselves about you and your strange elven squire. Malevus again got a fair share of attention from them.

The one nominally in charge told you everything as the refugee caravan continued its journey. They had disembarked their ships near Gilneas and taken that route here. For sake of security, splitting the routes they used was for the best. And while the sea journey had taken longer than expected, they were in good spirits and incredibly glad to have come here.

You asked him how many of them had come and got a pretty good idea of how many exactly. Another ten mercenaries guarding them, then eighty able-bodied men and nearly three hundred women, children and elderly. You told him what you had already agreed with Master Mason Erefor Pelija and while the Stonemason with whom you were talking seemed to be a bit taken back, he nodded and said it was a fair solution. Maybe being on the road for so long made it easier for them to just accept the present situation before those in Dawnholme can change their minds?

Riding with them, you saw plenty of smiles and happiness out of pure relief that the journey was nearly finished. Malevus was yet again swamped by the children and at one point had no idea what to do with all the small ones running around her.

Now just to get everyone to Dawnholme, have them fed and those ill or in poor health under care. Then they can slowly join the rest in helping Dawnholme grow.

>80 Peasants

"Sir Gravis, thank you for coming here." You said to him as he stepped into your study. It was later in the evening and Eligius had just returned moments ago and you had immediately called Sir Gravis to join you.

"As ordered Prince Alric, what is it?" He asked you.

"Eligius found this map, it was from the smugglers and well hidden and stashed away amongst their belongings." You told Sir Gravis the lie you had prepared.

Eligius had made a rather convincing looking map based on your instructions and Sir Gravis was now looking at it.

"Their camp in the mountains?" He asked the two of you.

"Yes or at least a place they had marked down. Prepare to leave early next morning, we will go check it out." You told him.

"Understood, the boys will be ready. Do we call the Royal Foot Guards or the others to join us?"

"No, I want their presence here with the Stonemasons having just arrived." You said and shook your head. "It will be just us and Malevus."


"Will that be enough?" Sir Gravis asked back.

"I don't believe whatever the smugglers have found to be a dangerous place." You replied.

"Good point, anything else Prince Alric?" Sir Gravis asked.

>Ask him about finding the replacement for Garth who died, how is it going on?
>Tell him to keep his eye on the mercenaries Stonemasons have brought with them. You want your opinion on them.
>Is he still seeing that courtesan, are they peeved about not getting their brothel?
>Update him on the intelligence you have on the Syndicate, supposedly their attempts to assassinate you have been cancelled or postponed.
>Other, write in.

QM: Good rolls, plenty of more people are now living in Dawnholme and surrounding lands. With 2.2k population reached, Dawnholme has surpassed the post-Third War era Southshore which had 2k pop according to the RPG books.
>Ask him about finding the replacement for Garth who died, how is it going on?
>Tell him to keep his eye on the mercenaries Stonemasons have brought with them. You want your opinion on them.
>Is he still seeing that courtesan, are they peeved about not getting their brothel?

Until we can independently confirm the intel, I think it's prudent that Gravis still remain alert for trespassers and assassins.
Otherwise, is there any preparations to consider for the trip, or anything he generally wants that can be accommodated at this time that could help his search for a good knight?
>Ask him about finding the replacement for Garth who died, how is it going on?
>Is he still seeing that courtesan, are they peeved about not getting their brothel?
>Other, write in.
"I am in the mood for a good spar. What about you Sir Gravis ?"

The Syndicate while under Aiden has several factions inside it. Let's keep the same level of alert. Mercs can be a problem but we want to send them to fight so that should help
>>Ask him about finding the replacement for Garth who died, how is it going on?
>>Is he still seeing that courtesan, are they peeved about not getting their brothel?
Sparring can wait, just tell him to be vigilant with all the new people around.
>Ask him about finding the replacement for Garth who died, how is it going on?
>Tell him to keep his eye on the mercenaries Stonemasons have brought with them. You want your opinion on them.
>Is he still seeing that courtesan, are they peeved about not getting their brothel?
>Ask him about finding the replacement for Garth who died, how is it going on?
>Tell him to keep his eye on the mercenaries Stonemasons have brought with them. You want your opinion on them.
>Is he still seeing that courtesan, are they peeved about not getting their brothel?
>Ask him about finding the replacement for Garth who died, how is it going on?
>Is he still seeing that courtesan, are they peeved about not getting their brothel?
I'd leave the keeping an eye on the mercs to Eligius.
"Actually yes, have you had any luck at finding a replacement for Garth?" You asked Sir Gravis.

The knight stood there for a second, running his gauntleted hand through his long black hair.

"Prince Alric, it is not easy to find a replacement for someone we called a friend." Sir Gravis said back to you.

"And I understand that, but you also have a mission you need to accomplish." You reminded him. "So has there been progress?"

"There hasn't been a suitable candidate amongst the Alteracis, but we are hoping to find someone from the newcomers." Sir Gravis replied.

"Good, I hope that you have found the replacement before the campaign against the gnolls is launched by Lord Blackmoore. I don't know if we will participate in it, but I want my protection to be top notch in any case." You said and continued. "Besides, the Syndicate might still want me dead."

There was no point telling him about the hidden message from your sister. No need to lull him into a false sense of security accidentally.

"I also want you to keep an eye on these mercenaries who have arrived, I want to know their quality." You finished.

"Yes Prince Alric, understood." Sir Gravis replied and nodded. "Is there anything else or can I leave now?"

"Yeah you can leave." You said to him and watched as Sir Gravis bowed to you and went for the door. Then something came into your mind. "Sorry if I may ask, are you still seeing that courtesan?"

Sir Gravis stopped and looked at Eligius and then back at you.

"I am… sometime… if it is about the tax I have paid it to Eligius." Sir Gravis said to you.

"Sir Gravis has been… eager to pay his taxes, often as well." Eligius told you and hid his smile.

"Oh I don’t care about that, I just wanted to know what she is thinking about not getting the brothel?"

"Well I haven't met her since the decision was made…" Sir Gravis replied a bit sheepishly.

"Can you ask her next time? I would like to know."

"I will."

"Thank you."

You watched as he left your study leaving you alone with Eligius.

"I think he fancies her." Eligius said to you.

"I think so too." You replied. "Now though, you got the instruments?"

"Yes, I left them downstairs with Malevus."

"Alright, let's go check them out."

You had never been that interested in music when you were young and after that you didn't have the time for it. But you were always interested in trying something new.

And so you were looking at Malevus studying her new harp while checking your own flute that you had gotten.

Eligius had left you after telling you that the small music store had rather limited stocks, but it did have a book on music theory he had also gotten for you.

"Where did you get this idea?" Tari asked you as even Maura came to see what the two of you were doing.

"I need a hobby, something else than just work and more work." You replied. "And Malevus agreed to join me."
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She was already plucking the strings and testing how they sounded. Her harp was small enough to fit on her lap and had fifteen strings on it. She could easily carry it with her wherever you were to travel.

"I think I can learn this." Malevus said. "Have you checked your flute?"

"Not yet." You said and took the leather tube that contained it.

From within you slid out a wooden flute. It was very light and without much details carved into it, a very simple looking instrument maybe as long as your arm. On one side there was a hole where to blow the air and then seven smaller holes. One for your right thumb and rest for remaining fingers.

Testing the flute in your hands, you pressed the hole to your lips and found the spots where your fingers would go over the holes.

"Try it Alric." Malevus said to you. "I want to hear it."

A single butterfly flew in your stomach as you glanced at her. Malevus smiled and with her dressing so casually in her white shirt and trousers, she looked very pretty holding the harp and having her long red hair freely flowing.

Alric, don't get performance issues right now!

>3d10, Best of three
>DC 16, Crit 24

QM: Music is war so the combat dice are out. Let's see if Alric gets some sound out of the flute.
Rolled 6, 2, 10 = 18 (3d10)

Rolled 6, 6, 10 = 22 (3d10)

Rolled 8, 3, 5 = 16 (3d10)

>22, Success!

Gently blowing air into the flute, a low melodic sound, a very soft sound came out of it. You blew steadily and one by one removed your fingers, testing how the sound changed.

You did that again, keeping the blow steady as you tested how the sound changed based on how many fingers blocked what holes. The sound continued to be quite soft.

"I think it sounds beautiful." Tari replied to you.

"Melancholic, a bit at least." Malevus said. "Is it hard?"

"It's not that hard. I feel like I know where to put my fingers and how to blow as steadily as possible." You said to her.

You raised the flute again and blew gently, this time playing a simple tune that lasted a couple of seconds.

"Yeah I think I will get a hold of this." You said and smiled at Malevus. "We are going to have so much fun with this."

"Well I hope that fun can start tomorrow, because I will now go to sleep." Tari said as she stood up and stretched her back. Her baby bump was now rather easily noticeable under the dress she was wearing.

"Yeah, it is getting late." Malevus said to you.

You smiled at her and she blushed a bit. The butterflies intensified in your stomach.

"I will be waiting for our practice sessions together." You said to her

"So am I." Malevus replied and as soon as she realised how red she was, she stood up and prepared to go to bed as well. "Good night Alric, sleep well and see beautiful dreams."

You were going to reply with some cheesy tease about not needing to see beautiful dreams as Malevus is already real or something of that kind. But chose not to, you had promised to not tease her.

"Good night Malevus, tomorrow is going to be a long day so sleep well." You said to her and watched her walk to her room. Walking barefoot, they made no sound on the wooden floor.

You sighed and breathed in deep. You have been blessed by so many good friends, but why do so many of them have to be women? Especially as beautiful as many of them are.

You had woken up early and started to prepare for the long day ahead. You would ride out and return to the burial tomb where you, Malevus and Thrall had defeated Umo Shadowheart. Now though you weren't sure how to dress up for it. You had defeated the ancient dead guarding the place and their master, the place should be empty and nothing should have moved in already.

Yet the choice was a difficult one.

>Dress normally. You aren't expecting a fight and you don't want to make a huge scene out of this.
>Dress for magic. The Raiments should help you if there are any magical threats remaining within the tomb.
>Dress for war. Aurvan'kal, The best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be.
>Other, write in.

QM: Alric didn't fumble with the flute. Now the music training will be pushed to the background, it will be happening there just like other kinds of studying happens. But let me ask you, what is the goal for Alric with this, what does he want to accomplish with the flute and these sessions?
>Dress for war. Aurvan'kal, The best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be.
Important Note: Twice now Alric has been caught out by potential enemies, while on a date, alone. It should not happen again.

>But let me ask you, what is the goal for Alric with this, what does he want to accomplish with the flute and these sessions?
Same as any other hobby, to have fun!
>>Dress for war. Aurvan'kal, The best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be.

Try to be semi good at least
>Dress for war. Aurvan'kal, The best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be.
We need to atleast keep up appearances that it might be dangerous even if the chance is low.
>>Dress for war. Aurvan'kal, The best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be.
Better to be careful like others said. Who knows what will happen

To get good, but most importantly to have fun and to spend time with Malevus
>Dress for war. Aurvan'kal, The best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be.

I don't want to even think about what happens if we try blinking in a cavern imbued with fel energy and crit-fail.
>Dress normally. You aren't expecting a fight and you don't want to make a huge scene out of this.

>what does he want to accomplish with the flute and these sessions?
to head south and seize karazhan to put on the best ghost musical ever
>>Dress for war. Aurvan'kal, The best there is, the best there was, the best there ever will be.

Fun mostly being good with it would be a side bonus
Malevus had helped you to put on the Aurvan'kal and you had reminded her that both of you are supposed to be in the burial tomb for the first time. It was easier for you and her to be silent and allow Sir Gravis to go in first and make the discoveries.

It wasn't easy for her to lie like that, but she understood the reason for it rather well.

When everything was ready, you took the rations and other things you might need and left for the stables. Better to leave early as it would be a long day of riding ahead for you.

You had followed the road to the silver mine first, briefly meeting with one of your patrols there and the supervisor of the mine. But you didn't spend much time there as you wanted to find the tomb before the night arrived.

From there you headed further up the mountains and regularly checked the faux-map made by Eligius. Its instructions were simple, when the right mountain peaks were to your left and right, you were in the right place. So you just had to follow the sparsely wooded part of the mountains until you would find the burial tomb.

In reality you had a pretty solid idea where you were and where the tomb was, but you had to play a role today. You weren't supposed to have been here before.

The rains of the past few days had been heavy. The small mountain streams were flowing with fresh water and you hoped that whatever tracks there could be of you or your horses, all were washed away.

As the day turned into late afternoon, you started to recognise your surroundings. You were close and you noticed that Malevus realised it as well. But this time there wasn't the oppressive feeling of Fel around you. Just tranquillity of nature and the singing of the birds.

"I think we are close." You said and pretended to check the map. "The mountain peaks match. Let's fan out and cover more ground that way."

Sir Gravis saluted you and ordered Thomas, Empleton and Joe to the wings.

Riding slowly, you spotted some familiar rocks and watched as Thomas was the one who spotted the carved entrance into the ground below.

"Sir, I found something." Thomas shouted and Sir Gravis immediately rode to check what it was.

"Prince Alric!" He now shouted to you and you followed him to the entrance.

You looked at the map and then at the rocks and the mountain peaks around it. It was mostly accurate, accurate enough to fool someone.

"I think we are here." You said and passed the map to Sir Gravis before dismounting your horse.


Walking to the entrance, you carefully watched your steps and tried to see if there were tracks on the ground.

Blasted, the rain hadn't washed everything away and you spotted several large footprints, clearly orc boots. And then you spotted a smaller one and realised that it shouldn't be spotted. Those were your footprints.

Quickly stepping over it, you turned your feet on the soft ground and muddied the tracks before calling out Sir Gravis.

"I think we have a problem." You said to him and waited for him to join you on foot. "Orc tracks."

"Boys, to the Prince." Sir Gravis shouted and the knights joined you, leaving Malevus to tie the horses to nearby trees. The knights with their heavy feets hopefully made spotting your earlier tracks a more difficult task.

"These tracks could be old, rain has washed most of them away." You said to them and played your role.

"We should still be careful." Sir Gravis said to you and looked at the entrance carved into the rock. "Orcs this close to Dawnholme… and this strange whatever this is."

"I know, be prepared. I don't know if the smugglers knew what they had actually found." You said and tapped the side of your eyes. "I have a bad feeling about this."

"This place… it feels unholy…" Malevus said as she joined you.

You and the others gave her a quick glance. A paladin trainee mentioning unholy presence got the men to draw their swords, but for you it was a bit more. She decided to not just stay back and be silent.

>Go in first and be the one first 'discovering' the burial tomb.
>Malevus should go in first. She is clearly 'sensing something unholy' so the others seem to trust her.
>Have Sir Gravis go first and be the first to react to whatever is found inside.
>Other, write in.
>>Malevus should go in first. She is clearly 'sensing something unholy' so the others seem to trust her.
>>Malevus should go in first. She is clearly 'sensing something unholy' so the others seem to trust her.
Give her some responsibility and let her go first. Just follow right behind her and if she needs support, place our hand on her shoulder.

Hey Medivh can we get update on Dawnholme? How are all the building projects going?
>Malevus should go in first. She is clearly 'sensing something unholy' so the others seem to trust her.

I feel like the cover story should have been that Alric and Malevus found tracks, followed them, went in and cleared the place so we could have the credit for killing the death knight. Now if this works out we just sorta discover the aftermath, but also take credit so it doesnt seem like we have Orcs this close to Dawnholme going around hunting for rival horde remnants? I suppose either way it doesnt matter too much because Alric did infact kill it. But making it look like lying to take credit and cover up orc activity is what it is.

Though it might end up Gravis sees the burned-out sword wounds that cut completely through the armed zombies and realize 'hey these look a lot like the kinds of wounds Alric's sword can make.' Some very skilled swordsmanship kinda cuts maybe. Then connect the dots with Alric having the map to this place that hes already been here and cleared it out. Could be a little awkward lol.
>Malevus should go in first. She is clearly 'sensing something unholy' so the others seem to trust her.
>think pleasebenothingitsalreadybeencleared over and over
>>Malevus should go in first. She is clearly 'sensing something unholy' so the others seem to trust her.
"Alright, Malevus you go in first if you feel something. I will be right behind you." You said to her and nodded to the knights.

"Right, here's your helmet." Malevus said to you and passed the high elven style helmet part of Aurvan'kal to you.

Putting it on, you watched as Joe gave Malevus a lit lantern and both Empleton and Thomas took two more.

"Everyone ready?" You asked and drew the Cinder Sword. There was a chorus of nods and you looked at Malevus. She gave you a nod and stepped towards the doorway.

You followed right behind her.

The stairs went down steadily and you passed the first spots the orcs had picked up torches. The lanterns gave enough light for all six of you to avoid tripping on the uneven stone steps.

Placing your hand on her shoulder, Malevus flinched a bit, but quickly relaxed.

This was all just for the show though and she was playing her part really well.

And then the light started to reveal the chamber where you had fought the ancient dead. Malevus entered first with you right behind her. There was no feeling of Fel around you and you saw in the lantern light that the mummified corpses lay where they had fallen during the fight.

"Bloody Fel…" Sir Gravis cursed. "Undead and… blood on the ground. Orc blood."

Yes, from the orc who had gotten wounded and punched Malevus. Thank the Light her lip was already mostly healed, just a faint scar remained.

"The orcs came here, encountered the undead, hacked and burned them to pieces." You conjured a scenario where you or Malevus weren't part of it. "I didn't see any torches, just empty holders."

The knights prodded the undead where they lay. The ones you had cut down were mostly scorched, thankfully not being too apparent that it had been your work.

"Do you sense anything?" You asked Malevus to get the knight's attention.

"Yes, faintly. It comes from deeper in the mountain." She told you.

"Lead the way Lady Malevus." Sir Gravis said to her and your squire nodded back. Again you followed right behind her.

The stairs continued and you passed the hallway where the large stone slab had cut you off the last time. It seems that the trap had reset itself.

It didn't long till the lantern shone light into the chamber where you, Thrall and Malevus had defeated the death knight. It was eerie quiet, the Fel braziers were silent and just the lanterns brought light into the large room.

"A burial chamber." You mused aloud.

"But for whom?" Sir Gravis mused back as he and the knights looked around. "Prince Alric, look there is a burned corpse there."


Whatever remained of Umo Shadowheart was a heap of bones, old armour and ash. You had burned it into literally cinders and it was a bit of a miracle that the armour hadn't started to melt as well.

"A human, but… look at those skeletons…" You said to him.

"Orcs… what in the blasted Fel has happened here?" Sir Gravis asked you and looked at you bewildered.

>Orcs arrived here, fought through the undead and struck down the now burned down corpse.
>The orc skeletons are old, they must have been here since the Second War.
>The corpse must be a death knight, ask if Malevus recognises it or senses anything.
>Search the burial chamber and see if you find anything.
>Go through the remains of Umo Shadowheart and see if you can find anything.
>Other, write in.


Update is planned!
>Orcs arrived here, fought through the undead and struck down the now burned down corpse.
>The orc skeletons are old, they must have been here since the Second War.
>Search the burial chamber and see if you find anything.
>Go through the remains of Umo Shadowheart and see if you can find anything.
Also question is Katrina prestor coming to visit? I'm pretty sure we invited her.
>The orc skeletons are old, they must have been here since the Second War.
>Search the burial chamber and see if you find anything.
>Go through the remains of Umo Shadowheart and see if you can find anything.
Indiana Alric ova here

>Search the burial chamber and see if you find anything.
>Go through the remains of Umo Shadowheart and see if you can find anything.
>Other, write in.
"Looks like an old Stormwind armor I think...Orcs arrived here, fought through the undead. Found these skeletons and burned whatever was wearing this armor in particular. Perhaps a warlock, a death knight from the Wars. Now rival remnants of the Horde looking to put it down? A ritual gone wrong? A dispute over leadership? Hard to say for sure."
>Orcs arrived here, fought through the undead and struck down the now burned down corpse.
>The orc skeletons are old, they must have been here since the Second War.
Though don't give so stilted of a presentation as the prompt does.
>Search the burial chamber and see if you find anything.
>Go through the remains of Umo Shadowheart and see if you can find anything.
Do what we came here for.
>Search the burial chamber and see if you find anything.
Alric & Malevus:
>Go through the remains of Umo Shadowheart and see if you can find anything.
Warlock goodies? Perhaps a memento that the death knight didn't get rid of that the knight carried in life, which we can maybe return one day?
It'd also be good to take the armour for a burial or perhaps to send it back to Stormwind.
>>Orcs arrived here, fought through the undead and struck down the now burned down corpse.
>Search the burial chamber and see if you find anything.
>Go through the remains of Umo Shadowheart and see if you can find anything.
Alright, we need some rolls. For Malevus especially and the roll is a difficult one on purpose.

>3d10, Best of three
>DC20, Crit 27


No plans, just the usual courtesy invite. Though she could come to see you if not for being stupidly busy with running the whole kingdom.
Rolled 5, 7, 5 = 17 (3d10)

here goes nothing
Rolled 9, 2, 4 = 15 (3d10)

Rolled 9, 4, 2 = 15 (3d10)

Time to gaslight our loyal men

And absolutely nothing happens! But it is Sunday and it is incredibly nice outside which makes Medivh a happy man, so I will give you one more chance!

One more 3d10 roll please!
Rolled 1, 5, 7 = 13 (3d10)

Surely this time for sure
Rolled 1, 1, 7 = 9 (3d10)

gaslight. gatekeep. princeboss.
Nope, no success here for Malevus. Now while nothing bad happens, a cool little scene I had planned won't happen either.

Update later this evening.
Rolled 7, 7, 5 = 19 (3d10)

For my own joy, I had to check chances for hitting that DC 20. With three rolls it was 63%, with four 73% and if all six rolls are counted, it would have been 86% chance of hitting the DC. The dice were against Malevus!
Rolled 5, 7, 6 = 18 (3d10)

breaking the curse
Rolled 10, 9, 8 = 27 (3d10)

No luck their, let me try.
HOT FUCKING DAMN! My dice are on fire it seems!
The roll doesn't matter
The QM only asked for one
yeah, we know

Jinxed! Your roll critted on the QM is too sleepy after a day full of gardening work to write roll.

Update will instead come tomorrow, I have started it, but not finished it.
>17, Failure!

"Alright, you can search this room, me and Malevus we will search the charred corpse." You gave orders to everyone. "Did anyone bring anything that could be used to carry things back to Dawnholme?"

"Yes my Prince." Joe replied. "Bags for potential loot."

"Well I don't think we will find much loot, but we will need to get this corpse, or whatever remains of it, off this place." You said to him.

"What do you think has happened here?" Sir Gravis asked you.

"Looks like old Stormwind armour I think… Orcs arrived here, fought through the undead. Found these skeletons and burned whatever was wearing this armour in particular." You mused and shrugged. "Perhaps a warlock, a death knight from the Second War? Now rival remnants of the Horde looking to put it down? A ritual gone wrong? A dispute over leadership? Hard to say for sure."

"A death knight…" Sir Gravis replied and a cold chill swept through the knight. "Well I am glad I didn't need to face it."

"Me neither." You said back. "Now get to work, I don't want to be here any longer than needed."

You glanced at Malevus and nodded to her. The two of you went and kneeled next to the burned corpse. You looked at her and then at the corpse.

"Do you feel something, or was it just a feeling?" You asked with a quiet tone.

"The latter." Malevus replied and pushed hair off her face. So it was just a lie that she had felt something.

"Where do we start then?"

"It doesn't matter that the knight died years ago, his body nor soul hasn't been blessed." Malevus told you. "All these years abandoned by the Holy Light, instead fueled by Fel and even worse intentions."

Malevus put her hands on its soot covered breastplate and started praying. She asked for forgiveness, for blessing and peace for the soul of the unfortunate knight who had been turned into a puppet by the orc warlocks. You watched her closely, a minor glint appeared in her eyes as she prayed. You didn't see any change in the corpse, but you hoped that the knight could finally rest.

"May the Holy Light bless this soul and for it to be in peace." Malevus finished and then took out her dagger and started to cut whatever remains of the bindings away. "Help me with this."

"From a prayer to cutting the corpse open?"

"He doesn't mind… he is dead after all." Malevus replied with a smile.

Working on the corpse, the two of you removed whatever remained of the leather and cloth that had kept its body together. The leather had lasted better under the fire, but the cloth and mummified flesh turned into soot under your touch.

First came off the breastplate, then the pauldrons and other arm protection. You moved to remove the leg protection while Malevus removed the knight's bones one by one, placing them in a rough order next to her. Based on the damage the skull had taken and the lack of helmet to be found, the knight had taken a sword or an axe directly on his face. That was a quick way to die thankfully.


The two of you worked and found nothing special or anything that could be used to identify the knight until Malevus moved to the knight's left hand and found several rings.

"He was married." Malevus said to you and removed one ring off his ring finger. "Then there are a couple more, maybe signs of allegiance?"

"That should help with the identification." You replied.

Joe brought bags and not so optimal news. It had started raining again, which while it could help to wash the old tracks away, meant that you would get wet.

Oh well, at least it was warm outside.

The knights hadn't found anything in the burial chamber outside of the old weapons the orc skeletons had been carrying. They were worth nothing outside of being nice wall hangers in the barracks, so they took them. They also hadn't dared to touch the weapons or the armours of the ancient dead. Taking them felt like stealing from those who were buried a long time ago, even if they didn't need them anymore.

You and Malevus had at first packed the plate mail into one of the bags before slowly collecting every bone and putting them into another. According to Joe the bags were coated with wax so they were waterproof. When you had finished, you made final rounds around the burial tomb and tried to sense anything.

But no, no strange feelings inside you. No oppressive atmosphere, nothing that could make the Fel tucked deep inside you to react.

No Malevus Thing telling you that she is you.

You sighed. You had come here to do what you had planned, the armour and the bones were safely stashed in the bags and soon they would be on their way to Stormwind City. You hoped you wouldn't need to come back here any time soon, but you knew that this place shouldn't be left alone like this. When Raleigh returns, you need to ask him to come here to make sure that the dead are buried again and this place is sealed. That is the right thing to do.

"It is pouring…" You said as the rain washed your armour. The individual droplets hitting the metal were drowned in the downpour.

"Shall we go back inside?" Sir Gravis asked as he and everyone else wrapped themselves within hooded cloaks.

"With the dead in the dark? No thanks." You said to him as Malevus handed you a large orange cloak to give you some protection from the rain. "Thank you."

"Prince Alric, then what? Shall we try to reach Dawnholme?" Sir Gravis asked you. "It's only late afternoon."

>Try to go for Dawnholme. It will be late when you arrive back home.
>Find a patch of forest that could protect you from the worst of the rain.
>Go to the silver mine. It's nearly halfway to Dawnholme.
>Other, write in.

QM: Alric the Corpse Collector
>>Go to the silver mine. It's nearly halfway to Dawnholme.
>>Go to the silver mine. It's nearly halfway to Dawnholme.
A warm dry place is exactly what we need. Shame that the rolls didnt catch that DC, Malevus probably would have done something cool paladin stuff
>Go to the silver mine. It's nearly halfway to Dawnholme.
Might as well I suppose. I wonder if Eligius will be able to find anything on what we bring back, or if we should let Nalice get a look at the place later too.
>>Go to the silver mine. It's nearly halfway to Dawnholme.
>>Go to the silver mine. It's nearly halfway to Dawnholme
One more corpse, one more corpse.....
"Well let's not stand here." You said. "The silver mine is halfway between us and home, so let's go there. Besides, it will be warm and dry there, and I definitely don't want to spend any more time in the rain than needed."

"Yes Prince Alric." Sir Gravis replied. "You heard the Prince, let's mount up."

Malevus helped you on your horse Epona as the knights made sure that the bags containing the armour and the bones were tightly secured.

After that it was time to start riding towards the silver mine.

It was already evening when you saw the scout tower built to protect the mine. It had taken you a lot longer than what you had expected to get here, the rain had made the grass and moss slippery so you had to be careful where to ride with your horse.

The silver mine had grown a small village around it. There were the facilities directly responsible for the operation of the mine. Water pump operated by a pair of mules, mining cart tracks, the sorting area for the silver and so on. And next to them had been built warehouses, a small smithery to make nails and spare parts, a barn for animals and several houses for the workers.

When you arrived, the rain and approaching darkness had put an end to the workday and just one lonely guard stood outside keeping a watch. When he saw you, he quickly got some of the miners to help you. Horses were guided into the barn, the knights would join the miners in the houses. Malevus was going to join them, but when the supervisor of the mine was ready to give his small office for your use, she relented.

The promise of an actual bed was too good to pass for her.

"I am soaked." You groaned as you took off your helmet and allowed your wet hair to stick on your face. "I don't think there is a dry spot on me."

"The cloaks didn't do much after they had gotten wet…" Malevus lamented.

The office was a small one room building. There was a fireplace, a desk for paperwork with a shelf with all sorts of papers on it and then two beds on the opposing ends of the room.

You took out the black noise device activating it and putting it on the table, checking that the window was closed and the door locked. You had told the supervisor that you wanted some privacy, but it didn't hurt to be thorough.

"Let me help you with your armour." You said to your squire.

Malevus relented as you helped her to strip off her elven half-plate and it was then her turn to help you take off Aurvan'kal. When the armours were in their own respective piles on the floor, you threw a few more pieces of firewood into the fire.

"It was the right decision to come here, it would have been stupidly late when would have gotten to Dawnholme." You said to her kicking off your boots and placing them near the fireplace. "Help me with my jacket."

With her help, you pulled off your arming jacket, your shirt came off as well as it was quite soaked too. Then you pulled off your trousers and socks as well, leaving just the mostly dry braies on.


Immediately you had a flashback to you and Jandice getting stuck in the cabin during the snowstorm. Yet again you were undressing yourself with a woman watching you while the weather was awful. One thing was sure, nothing like what happened with Jandice would happen with Malevus. You had promised not to tease her, to give her time with her thoughts, even if several butterflies made their presence known in your stomach.

"Alric… you didn't need…" Malevus said and sighed as you stood there with just the braies on.

"What? I am not going to sleep in wet clothes and I didn't pack spare ones either. Besides, you have seen me like this before and in a way worse condition." You said to her. Malevus after all had cared for you when you were bedridden and she had seen you in the sauna. Standing there with the draconic glyphs on your chest and blue elven sigils around the rest of your body, this situation could have been quite awkward if not for you trying to be as serious as possible.

"Now let's see if there is a lanyard or something around here, I don't want to put on damp clothes tomorrow morning." You said to Malevus who seemingly appreciated the change of topic.

Thankfully there was a lanyard and soon your wet clothes were drying. Another new piece of wood to the fire and it started to be positively farm and dry in the office as the rain washed the roof and wind howled. By the Light it seemed like a proper storm outside.

"Alric… I need to... my clothes are all wet, but I did take spare change of clothes with me." Malevus said to you slightly sheepishly and with embarrassment in her voice. "Could you please turn around while I change?"

"Yeah sure, no problem." You answered and watched as she took out a dry bundle of clothes from a saddlebag. Malevus then turned around and you did the same.

It was a bit awkward, the office wasn't that big and even if you tried to keep your stiff upper lip and not allow the butterflies in your stomach to multiply, you couldn't shake the idea of being in the same room with Malevus while she undresses off your mind. You had to divert your thoughts to somewhere else.

"Malevus, may I bother you while you change clothes?" You asked her while still standing away from her. "I have something in my mind I would like to ask you?"

"Sure, what is it?" Malevus said and you could hear the wet smack of her shirt dropping on the wooden floor.

Alric! Implications of that sound! Control yourself! Though maybe a small peek wouldn't hurt?


>What does she think of the Stonemasons? Does she think they can settle down and integrate?
>Ask her about the goblins and Dark Irons, what does she think about associating with them and about the oil rig?
>Tell her about the message from Beve about the assassination attempts, see what she thinks about it.
>How is your recuperation going in her opinion? Are there still things that bother her?
>Other, write in

>No peeking, you promised that to yourself
>Little bit of peeking, just a glance is enough
>A bit more peeking, a better view is needed
>Full view, watch her properly
>Other, write in.

QM: Please vote on both
>Ask her about the goblins and Dark Irons, what does she think about associating with them and about the oil rig?
>No peeking, you promised that to yourself
>>What does she think of the Stonemasons? Does she think they can settle down and integrate?
>No peeking, you promised that to yourself
>Tell her about the message from Beve about the assassination attempts, see what she thinks about it.

>Little bit of peeking, just a glance is enough
>>Ask her about the goblins and Dark Irons, what does she think about associating with them and about the oil rig?
>No peeking, you promised that to yourself
>A bit more peeking, a better view is needed
>Ask her if she's thought about stuff since your visit to the rock overlooking dawnholme.
>A bit more peeking, a better view is needed
If we see that she's watching us then let's go lads:
>Full view, watch her properly

>What does she think of the Stonemasons? Does she think they can settle down and integrate?
>Ask her about the goblins and Dark Irons, what does she think about associating with them and about the oil rig?
>Tell her about the message from Beve about the assassination attempts, see what she thinks about it.
>>What does she think of the Stonemasons? Does she think they can settle down and integrate?
>>Ask her about the goblins and Dark Irons, what does she think about associating with them and about the oil rig?

>>Little bit of peeking, just a glance is enough
>>A bit more peeking, a better view is needed
Somewhere in the middle. I dont think going much more further is going to help us, especially if we are caught. Malevus imo is this slowburn thing and not a moment of passion thing.
>>What does she think of the Stonemasons? Does she think they can settle down and integrate?
>>Ask her about the goblins and Dark Irons, what does she think about associating with them and about the oil rig?
>>Tell her about the message from Beve about the assassination attempts, see what she thinks about it.
>>How is your recuperation going in her opinion? Are there still things that bother her?

>No peeking, you promised that to yourself
I was going to write the update during my lunch break, but it seems that we have a peeking tie. 4 votes for no peeking and 4 for varying levels of peeking.

So the next update will come later this evening and I hope we have a winner by that point.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Hmmm I can think of good reasons for both so let the dice gods decide.

1 - Peek
2 - Do not

Peek it is. Writing!
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"What do you think of the Dark Irons and the goblins? I mean Wiklish has been gathering his crew and working on those rockets. I feel like it is just a matter of time before something happens and Tarren Mill gets unhappy." You said to Malevus while still facing away from her.

"You wanted to ask about that?" Malevus replied to you and you heard another wet smack on the floor.

That was probably her trousers.

"Y-yeah." You said back to her. "It has been on my mind."

Oh you can't resist. She is right there just a couple yards away, a small peek wouldn't hurt.

Turning just enough you saw what you were expecting.

When Malevus had arrived to Dawnholme, she wasn't that athletic or in an especially good shape. But since then with near daily sparring, she has gotten fit. Her shoulders were a bit more broader, her back was toned. And now your eyes wandered all over her bare back that was half obstructed by her deep red hair. Then you realised that she had already taken off her bra.

Placing her hands on her waist she grabbed her underpants and started to bend down, slowly pulling them off. You swallowed hard as you caught a glimpse of a side of her modest breast as she arched her back. Inch by inch the underpants slid down revealing her ass and then…

Enough Alric!

You quickly turned around and stared at the wall again. That was enough for peeking. You had seen well enough, more than just a glance, but not a full view.

But boy was that a sight, you felt like a juvenile teen who goes out to peek at the local girls out swimming, which to be honest hasn't been a thing you have done. There really were no opportunities for that during your exile and besides you always had something else to do.

But now though what you had seen was well worth the peek. The thrill of danger to get a glimpse of your lovely squire. And what a sight it had been.

Leaving rest for the imagination, you grinned and went through everything you had seen in your mind again and again.

There is no denying she is a beautiful looking woman.

"Alric. Alric? Are you there?" Malevus asked you."

"Yes what?" You quickly responded.

"Alric… did you really ask me a question and then got lost in your own thoughts?" Annoyed voice of Malevus came from behind you.

"Y-yes… sorry…" You carefully responded.

"Then turn around." Malevus said to you and did as told.

Immediately her wet shirt struck your face and head and stuck on your skin. She had thrown her shirt at you. You deserved that.

"Put that and the trousers on the lanyard." Malevus said as you peeled off her shirt.


She had changed into her dry set of clothes. A simple combination of knee length braies just like the ones you like to wear and a white long sleeved shirt. Dressing as plainly as she did, what you had just seen just a moment ago wasn't diminished. In fact it just left more to your imagination.

You sighed and took a deep breath before putting her wet shirt and trousers on the lanyard next to her underwear. As you did that, she took out a comb and gave you a gentle smile.

"Take a seat and I will comb your hair." Malevus said to you.

You didn't need to reply as you took one of the chairs and placed it in front of the fireplace. When you felt her hands run through your hair, you allowed yourself to relax.

"I was just saying that the Dark Irons seem mostly harmless, the distance to their lands and their own issues are too long to matter to the most." Malevus told you and continued as the comb pulled knots off your hair. "The goblins though, they have been too recently in people's minds. One mishap with the rockets and people are going to be very unhappy."

"I agree, that is why I told Wiklish to work on the rockets outside the town walls." You replied.

"Why did you even ask this?"

"Because you are not me and I value different opinions. You see things differently than the others and might help me to realise things in different light." You explained.

"I guess you are right…" Malevus replied to you.

"The oil rig then, what do you think of it?" You asked her next.

"Could make you rich." She said back as her hands and the comb straightened your hair. "But…"

"But what?"

"I fear that there will be an accident and we will get oil all over the land or the river." Malevus said to you. "Technology is something… we elves are sceptical of."

"Because of magic."

"Yeah…" She replied.

"It is a valid concern, but I trust Master Blacksteel. He might be a Dark Iron, but he is a dwarf. They have their own pride in quality work." You said as Malevus finished combing your hair.

"Finished." She said happily. "Prettiest Prince in the whole Alterac."

"And now this pretty Prince is going to comb your hair." You said as you stood up and snatched the comb off her hand. "Now sit."

Malevus knew to not protest and did as told, soon your hands and comb went through her damp hair, straightening it and drying it in front of the fire. She seemed to relax as well and enjoy this.

"Do you think the Stonemasons can settle down and integrate with the Alteracis?" You asked her.

"The adults maybe not fully, but the children?" Malevus replied to you.

"You are really popular amongst them."

"I guess they haven't seen an elf before." Malevus shrugged.

"An elf woman with deep red hair, wearing armour, being the Prince's squire and is training to become a paladin?" You said to her and nearly added a mention of being really pretty, but no teasing allowed. "No wonder they flock around you."


"The children have already made friends with the locals. They are so innocent and lovely." Malevus said to you. "And I have never seen so many children in the same place."

"Not in Quel'thalas either?"

"No, we elves live so long that couples don't get children immediately and if they have them, it is just a few. It might take decades before they even have their first one." Malevus explained to you as you ran the comb through her hair. "And even then some avoid having children until their parents have become old. It would feel strange if you become great-great-great-great… you get the point-parents."


It was rare for humans to live long enough to be great-grandparents and the elven easily can live hundreds if not thousands of years. Their families would get huge in a couple centuries.

"There, done." You said as you were finished.

"Thanks Alric." Malevus said to you.

"No problem, want to eat the rations next?"

"Sure, I'm already starving."

So were you. And no amount of eye candy can fill your stomach.

Having taken a chair and having sat next to her, the two of you had happily eaten the dried meat and cheese packed to you by Maura. Enjoying the warmth, you had just chit-chatted about whatever. Nothing important at least.

"Do you want to have children?" Malevus suddenly asked you.

"What? Why such a question now?" You turned to look at her and gave her a puzzling look.

"We talked about the children earlier and it got me thinking." Malevus said back and continued. "I mean you need an heir right?"

"Yeah… you are right about that." You said to her.

"Sorry if this is too personal." She apologised.

"No no, just ask away." You waved her concern away.

"I mean you and Calia… sorry for mentioning her… wouldn't that be politically a very difficult thing? And Jandice? What about her?" Malevus tried to ask you politely.

Strange topic, but you didn't mind answering.

"It would have been more than difficult with Calia, but I remained hopeful." You said back to her and looked down a bit. "And Jandice… well she isn't ready to have children and I… I don't feel that way with her."


"I'm sorry to hear that." Malevus replied and sounded genuinely sorry.

"Thanks, but I'm not in need of children right now, besides I am not planning on dying or anything." You said with a chuckle.

"Yeah…" Malevus sighed. "Tari though is pregnant, have you thought about what you are going to do with the baby?"

"It will have everything and more. I will take care of her and her child." You told Malevus.

"Yeah, but couldn't you make the child your heir? Acknowledge it?" Malevus asked. "Unless you have other plans, like having a bunch of your own children."

You gave her a curious look. This conversation had gotten into a strange direction.

"How big of a family do you even want?" Malevus asked.

How would you answer? Clearly this is just musing aloud about Tari, the child in her and your current lack of an heir. Maybe you could play along a bit as you haven't thought about this since Tari arrived to Dawnholme.

>You could acknowledge the child as your own. As your bastard it would have a claim to Alterac even if a weak one. That could fix your lack of heir issue until legitimate children are to happen.
>The child is not yours, you can't have Blackmoore's child as your own. It wouldn't be right, not for you or for the child when it has grown up.
>Politically recognising the child is difficult if you don't marry Tari or take her as your Mistress. It is a very complex thing even for her.
>Ask what Malevus thinks? You value her opinion after all.
>Other, write in.

How many children does Alric want?
>Other, write in.

QM: Had couple interruptions, but the update is out. Good glimpse acquired!
>The child is not yours, you can't have Blackmoore's child as your own. It wouldn't be right, not for you or for the child when it has grown up.
We've already talked about this at length.

>5+ / As many as possible
I imagine Alric, raised practically as an only child, would want as big of a family as possible.
>The child is not yours, you can't have Blackmoore's child as your own. It wouldn't be right, not for you or for the child when it has grown up.
>Politically recognising the child is difficult if you don't marry Tari or take her as your Mistress. It is a very complex thing even for her.

>>The child is not yours, you can't have Blackmoore's child as your own. It wouldn't be right, not for you or for the child when it has grown up.
We made up our mind long ago

we need to have 20 children
>>The child is not yours, you can't have Blackmoore's child as your own. It wouldn't be right, not for you or for the child when it has grown up.
QM stop and take the thint.

Alric is gonna repopulate Alterac one baby at a time.
>>The child is not yours, you can't have Blackmoore's child as your own. It wouldn't be right, not for you or for the child when it has grown up.
i can understand why asking about it again. Is not really a simple thing, but we have been adamant before on the child that will probably not change for political reasons. When he/she is grown up we would likely tell him about being Blackmoore kid, since it will want to know the truth. Beyond that child....i don't think we would mind they just need to be ours.
>The child is not yours, you can't have Blackmoore's child as your own. It wouldn't be right, not for you or for the child when it has grown up.

We need have a whole squad of knights and lots of daughters for political marriages.
>The child is not yours, you can't have Blackmoore's child as your own. It wouldn't be right, not for you or for the child when it has grown up.
Seems unfair to a kid to dump them into royalty as a bastard or heir, when they could live a free life.

>3+ children
One Prince Willy, one Prince 'Arry (strategic spare prince) and a Princess Margareta that will be spoiled rotten and become the future antagonist pretender-sorceress. Remaining children would be for flavour

>QM stop and take the hint.
I giggled
I gotta figure three just like he has two other siblings he'd like to see again. Also its Malevus and I am thinking she might not want to be putting out an army of children when she also wants to train and do stuff. Or shes understandably worried about the odds of a human and an elf actually managing to conceive a child which is why she is considering that Alric could have Tari's child as the heir.

>Other, write in.
"Maybe If the child proves to be someone who can and should have that burden."

I gotta go towards what Alric would really think about who can and should be King. Alric is the beneficiary of adoptive parents and he turned out pretty solid and happy about it, I don't think blood is everything to Alric with that in mind, so at a certain point it would be no different then adoption. Its clearly not just 'The Eldest should be King' either otherwise his brother should be king no matter what even if he would have to atone for all the shady shit they get up to.

Its the right mix of circumstance, quality, need, and trust of those around. If it really comes down to it and the kid inherits Blackmoore's strength and Tari's intelligence and kindness I -could- see them being a solid option. Politically it does seem shaky and I'm sure bloodlines is a pretty well respected part of royalty and all that. Still, stranger stuff does happen.
You sighed, this was something you have made your mind with a long time ago and so it felt a bit dull to give an answer again.

“The child is not mine, I can’t acknowledge it.” You said and shook your head a bit. “Blackmoore is the father as much as he doesn’t know about it, but it wouldn’t be right. Not for me, nor for the child when it has grown up.”

Malevus gave you a careful nod.

“I prefer for the child to live free and make their own decisions when they are old enough. If they see my decisions in the wrong light, they will be free to do whatever they want about it.” You told her.

You looked at Malevus and continued.

“Besides like I said, I am not in an urgent need of an heir so I don’t want someone completely innocent to be drawn into something they have no part of in the first place.” You finished your reasoning.

“It… that is a wise move.” Malevus replied after thinking for a moment.

“My parents… meaning Maura and Normand, they aren’t my real parents yet I still recognize them as. What stops me from accepting the child as part of my family? Absolutely nothing.” You said to her and continued after a pause. “And for the children… maybe a couple.”

“Couple?” Malevus asked, a bit puzzled about the answer.

“Like I don’t know… maybe three at the start.” You mused.

“At the start?” Malevus was now thoroughly confused.

“Yeah, then like a couple more.” You said to her rather matter of factly.


“Yeah, like five.”


“Potentially six.”


Malevus at this point had hid her face behind her hands, though not for embarrassment, but for disbelief. Her long ears weren’t drooping at all.

“Seven is a nice round number to finish.”

“Seven is not a round number!” Malevus shouted back at you as you started to laugh.

“I would like to have a big family. I grew up practically as the only child with both my brother and sister being always so busy. And then the exile.” You told Malevus who was just staring at you. “I don’t want my children to grow up without their siblings like I did.”

“But seven…” Malevus protested slightly.

“That is a joke, maybe three in reality, but I wouldn’t oppose having more.” You replied.

“That poor woman…” Malevus said to no one in particular.

At that point you realised why Malevus was asking these questions. She had said to you that she needed time to think and put her thoughts and mind together. Asking about Tari’s child if it could be your heir, would pull pressure away from her producing an heir to you. Now that was a bit of a leap, you weren’t even dating or haven’t really done anything together outside of the kiss and one serious talk, but it had a point. Malevus is understandably worried about the odds of a human and an elf actually managing to conceive a child which is why she is considering you having Tari's child as your heir if she can’t give you one.

You smiled when you looked at her staring at the fireplace.


“But that is in the future, I am not sure if I am ready for marriage any time soon.” You told her. “But I think when I find the right one, things will just click together.”

Malevus looked back at you, her eyes searched for yours. There was something gentle and understanding in the way she looked at you. And then she switched the subject.

“Shouldn’t we check our armours, to make sure that they get dry?” She asked you.

“Not a bad idea, it is getting late as well.” You replied.

She had gotten her answers from you and she would have a lot to think about.

Malevus has grown so much. She was so inexperienced and naive when you met her the first time, but since then she has grown. She has gotten more adult and understands the world more than what she had experienced in Quel’thalas. You were proud of your squire, she was a good person, not a bad bone in her.

And what you had seen today, she was a beautiful woman. It wouldn’t be just her who would have a lot to think about.

The ride back to Dawnholme had been an easy one. The rain had stopped at some point during the night and following the road was just a walk in a park for you.

Reaching the town, Malevus took it as her job to handle the bones and the armour of the knight, while you called your officers that were present for an urgent meeting.

And soon you sat behind the table downstairs still wearing your black arming jacket and trousers, you didn’t have the time to take them off as the meeting was so urgent. Sir Gravis, both Rover Brothers and Eligius were there. The meeting was more for the show, you and Eligius knew the truth regarding the tomb and what really had happened, but you had to respond in some manner now that Sir Gravis had witnessed what was inside the tomb and seen the orc tracks. The word would spread and you had to be seen doing something.

“Thank you for coming here.” You said to them. “It is just the five of us, but the matter is urgent.”

It really highlighted how many of your officers were away in Strahnbrad Hills.

“What is Prince Alric?” Arthur asked you.

“Something to do with your sudden foray up north?” Alfred continued.

“In fact yes.” You replied to the twins.

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You spoke about what you had found, the burial tomb, the orc tracks and suspected death knight whose human corpse you had brought with you back to Dawnholme. The way the Rover Brothers reacted was a mix of shock and then seriousness. They had lived nearly their whole lives in Stormwind City so they knew about the stories regarding their knights and what became of them after the First War.

“Orcs and death knights? It is hard to believe.” Arthur said to you.

“Prince Alric isn’t lying.” Alfred corrected his brother. “He wouldn’t lie about these things.”

Yes, yes you would.

“Now I called you here, because there needs to be a response of some kind.” You said back to the brothers.

“We can patrol the mountains?” Arthur replied.

“Or keep the current schedule. The orcs wanted the death knight dead, they haven’t come south.” Alfred said to you.

“We should inform Lord Uther, the Silver Hand after all was formed to fight against the death knights.” Sir Gravis said to you.

Eligius chose to stay silent. Most of your officers at this point knew that he played some other role than just being a scribe, but he liked that ambiguity.

How would you handle this, especially with the meeting planned between Thrall and Tari happening soon. You couldn’t endanger it, but you shouldn’t be seen doing nothing.

>Have patrols expanded up in the mountains. Have the burial tomb covered along with potential routes for the orcs to move through.
>Current patrol routes are enough, you are spread too thin already and the orcs have left you alone.
>Let Lord Uther know, he might send his people to investigate, the matter is too serious for him to disregard.
>Tell them that with the death knight dead, the threat is gone. You don’t believe that the orcs will try anything.
>Other, write in.

QM: I knew what the reaction would be my lovely anons, I have taken the hint. So when >>6012888 posted, the live QM reaction would be me punching air in success. You are a smart lovely anon!
>Current patrol routes are enough, you are spread too thin already and the orcs have left you alone.

Also how could Gravis recognise the blood to be orcish? Are they a different color? Do they have a distinct smell?

Good point, let's go with Sir Gravis having seen enough orc blood in the Internment Camps to recognize it from human blood. Let's say that it is slightly different shade of red.
>Current patrol routes are enough, you are spread too thin already and the orcs have left you alone.
>Tell them that with the death knight dead, the threat is gone. You don’t believe that the orcs will try anything.
lets NOT bring in others or more attention we still need to arrange that meeting with thrall and more attention will make it harder for it to happen.
>Current patrol routes are enough, you are spread too thin already and the orcs have left you alone.
>Tell them that with the death knight dead, the threat is gone. You don’t believe that the orcs will try anything.
Plus, we can trust Lord Uther but the wider Silver Hand? I don't think so.
>>Current patrol routes are enough, you are spread too thin already and the orcs have left you alone.
>"Not good. Most of the men arent here, we cannot expand the patrols in the mountains paths right now but later we will. Keep it in mind for next meeting Arthur, and i will see it done. For now vigilance, now we know to keep an eye on those paths. In case others beside the orcs think to use them. Send a messanger for inform the army in the hills regardless, better they know of this too. Has for Lord Uther this matter is already resolved, but i will send a private letter to him some time soon. Not all in the Silver Hand like me, or Alterac for that matter."
>>Let Lord Uther know, he might send his people to investigate, the matter is too serious for him to disregard.
>Tell them that with the death knight dead, the threat is gone. You don’t believe that the orcs will try anything.
>Have patrols expanded up in the mountains. Have the burial tomb covered along with potential routes for the orcs to move through.

I think its only a matter of time before news gets leaked, let's control the narrative before them, also, stall as much as possible. Like, the moment Uther is getting the news informed by a spy, he's interrupted by a envoy spilling the beans per Alric's instructions. Have whatever patrols bulked up akin to a skeleton crew, preferably with loyalist stooges who are gonna be more interested in looking like they're working rather than actually working. Also, we gotta come up with a good bullshit explanation as to WHY exactly Alric doesn't believe the orcs will try anything, maybe insinuate that we're way too strong for this rag tag unknown clan?
>>Current patrol routes are enough, you are spread too thin already and the orcs have left you alone.
“The current patrol routes are enough, we are already spread too thin with the majority of our men deployed in Strahnbrad Hills.” You said to them. “Fel, there are just five of us here today.”

You looked at your officers, or the lack of them.

“The death knight is dead, Malevus has what remains of its corpse and we will send that to Stormwind where it belongs.” You told them and continued. “I do not believe that the orcs are willing to venture in our lands, if they fought against the death knight, I see their duty done.”

“How can you be so sure Prince Alric?” Eligius asked you.

You gave your spymaster a glance.

“The orcs haven’t bothered us since we destroyed their raiding party and we haven’t found any tracks of theirs on this side of King’s Road. We have also deployed the Stonemason mercenaries to Sofera’s Naze, where we have spotted their tracks. I don’t believe them to be capable of sending multiple raids into our lands.” You told him.

Eligius gave you a deep nod and you realised his ploy, he got you to explain how you saw the things to others.

“I will send a letter to Lord Uther, it is better for him to learn from him than from one of his spies.” You said and continued again. “The word will spread and fast, orcs are something the Alliance doesn’t muck about.”

“You are right Prince Alric.” Sir Gravis replied to you.

“Does anyone have any questions or do we get back to work?” You asked them.

None of your officers had anything to say.

“Good, then we will continue as is.” You told them.

There was an atmosphere of agreement amongst the few that were here. The word would spread fast and it would be better for you to be seen active regarding things like this.

Though you had to be careful, giving too much information out could endanger you and others you cared for. You couldn’t have Tari endangered.

You sighed.

“Alright, alright.” You said and continued. “This meeting is dismissed. Alterac Stands.”

“Alterac Stands.” Your officers replied to you.


You are Lady Malevus Silverthread, a member of a renowned family of tailors and couturiers. Though better known as just Malevus, a squire to Prince Alric and a paladin in training.

Since returning from the tomb, you have had your hands full. First by handling the remains of the knight, telling some of the carpenters to make a box to fit the armour and then a small coffin for the bones. You also had to stand vigil over the remains as it was customary when one was to be buried. Quite literally, but also symbolically. When the word spread that a knight from the First War was to be sent back to Stormwind City, many of the locals came to pay their respects, even if they had no connections to any of the events.

It did bring some joy to your life, knowing that so many of them were following the guidance and teachings of the Holy Light. No matter what, the dead should be honoured, and the heroic dead were above and beyond the rest.

Standing vigil by the cemetery of Dawnholme next to the large stone erected to act as a memorial to those who weren’t buried in the hallowed ground, it gave you a lot of time to think about everything.

About whoever was the knight now in a small coffin, how Prince Alric had answered your questions and your own feelings towards him.

Seven children? Really?

It was hard to believe those words, but you didn’t think Alric would be lying about what he had said. That would be a lot, would that even work? Could you even make it work? You weren’t sure.

Nevertheless, in a couple of days the coffin with the bones and the larger box with the armour was sent to be delivered to Stormwind City with a letter from Prince Alric. It also meant that your vigil was to end and you would stand beside and behind Prince Alric once more. Though what he would do was a mystery to you.

Choose one:
>Prince Alric would spend most of his time supervising the work the Stonemasons have been performing on Dawnholme. See how things have advanced.
>Prince Alric has been spending most of his time sparring with you and teaching you more about how to fight.
>Prince Alric has been studying magic which means that you haven’t been needed. You get to do something else instead. Something more to your liking.
>Prince Alric decided to take you out for rides through the countryside to see and meet the farmers. Were these dates in disguise?
>Other, write in.

QM: "it is better for him to learn from him than from one of his spies" should read "it is better for him to learn from me than from one of his spies". Rookie mistakes Medivh!
>>Prince Alric has been studying magic which means that you haven’t been needed. You get to do something else instead. Something more to your liking.
Thank you, I'm happy my Medivh is happy.

It would have been really funny to claim responsibility, that Alric did the Silver Hand's job for them would be another funny way to snub Arthas and make our League look stronger. Though at this point that would be rather messy.

>Prince Alric has been spending most of his time sparring with you and teaching you more about how to fight.

I'm on the fence. More sparring and exercise could be good for helping along the physical recovery, and get Malevus a bit more ready for if we go Gnoll hunting on Blackmoore's campaign. On the other hand that magic grind. On another note I am kinda curious about possibly going for Fel 2 for better control of this stuff at the least. Some utility uses for it perhaps or just better at sensing it. It already helps Alric fight when hes gotta fight, if we could deepen that ability so we could call on it ourselves. Pump it into physically dominating a battle because we don't really wanna be seen throwing green fireballs anyways, but if our eyes glow a little greener while we cut an ork or bandit in half then I say thats a-ok.
>>Prince Alric has been spending most of his time sparring with you and teaching you more about how to fight.
>>Prince Alric has been studying magic which means that you haven’t been needed. You get to do something else instead. Something more to your liking.
>Prince Alric would spend most of his time supervising the work the Stonemasons have been performing on Dawnholme. See how things have advanced.
I am planning on writing soon so could I have a tiebreaker between sparring and magic, the are 2-2 at the moment.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

The dice shall decide once more!

1 - Spar
2 - Magic
The days counted down towards the full moon and the arranged meeting between Thrall and Tari. You hadn’t said anything to her, nor had Alric. It would be a surprise.

In the meantime you wouldn’t be resting on your laurels, instead your days were full of things to do. Accompanying Alric as he did his official duties was an important task and you had agreed to study music and play your instruments together every second day during evenings before Alric would sneak out to study magic with Eligius. He seemed to think that you wouldn’t notice him leaving, even with the robe on, but there were always some signs that he had just left.

But most importantly you spend the early afternoons sparring with him. During the winter you would train right next to your home, but now Alric dragged you to the barracks where the actual training yard was located. There the two of you could spar with always someone watching the proceedings.

Really there were two goals with this sparring. First was to teach you more about fighting, Alric was still the one far superior than you. When he got tired and his legs required some rest and stretching, one of the footmen or the knights would substitute for him and you would continue the training with them instead. When Alric was ready again, he would take his place and you would continue with him. The second was for Alric to get his condition to be better. He still got winded more quickly than before and his legs started to feel stiff after a short sparring session.

You could see that he was frustrated about it, but he didn’t say it. It was the way he pushed himself hard during the sparring sessions, how he swung his wooden longsword more seriously and harder than before. And a couple times his strike got through your defence and hit you. Thankfully you were always wearing your armour, but sometimes he succeeded in hitting you where there was only your gambeson between your skin and the wooden sword.

There were bruises, but you didn’t complain. It was part of the training after all to feel all sore and be hurting a bit. But you wouldn’t back down either even if Alric bested you time after time.

“Are you ready?” Alric asked you as he stood opposite of you. Wearing the black arming jacket and trousers, it must have been quite hot for him to spar in the bright sun.

“Of course.” You replied to him.

“Then we shall begin.”

It was the start of the sparring session. Both you and him were fresh and had done your warmup routines.

Alric raised his wooden longsword above his head as he stared at you through his darkened glasses. You had your wooden sword and shield, you hadn’t dared to try other weapons before you had learned how to fight with these first.

It was time to begin.


>Alric has his sword raised up, his stance suggests heavy strikes of high risk, but high reward. Try to counter it.
>Be very defensive and try to block and evade his strong strikes.
>Fight dirty, use all the tricks Alric has used on you.
>Try to go for grappling, Alric can’t use his longsword if his arms and binded.
>Other, write in.
>>Fight dirty, use all the tricks Alric has used on you.
>Fight dirty, use all the tricks Alric has used on you.
It's what you need in a fight to the death.
>Fight dirty, use all the tricks Alric has used on you.
No mercy.
Executive decision, calling the vote now. Give me rolls, this is a difficult one for a reason.

>3d10, Best of three
>DC 26
Rolled 6, 4, 9 = 19 (3d10)

Rolled 1, 10, 8 = 19 (3d10)

Rolled 3, 4, 3 = 10 (3d10)

>19, Failure!

Putting your shield as far from your body and hiding your sword behind it was a basic move to keep your opponent guessing what was to be your stance and next move. You could move like this and keep Alric guessing and occupy his mind with whatever you had planned.

Though this was a ploy, in reality you planned on digging your boot on the sand and kicking as much of it up in the air and towards him to both blind and confuse him. He had used that on you, so this time you were going to strike back.

Alric was first to move, still holding the sword up, he took several steps forward and straight into your trap.

Kicking the sand up with your right foot, a cloud of it was flung directly towards Alric’s face. But if your plan was to blind him, your plan had two crucial mistakes.

He was wearing his glasses and he had momentum.

Swinging his sword down hard, Alric pushed through the sand you had kicked up. You had barely time to bring your shield up as his wooden longsword impacted hard on it. The sword immediately splintered, sending parts of it flying all around you as you felt the shock in your left arm.

“Sword!” Alric shouted as he took several steps back.

One of the footmen watching the sparring threw his training sword to Alric who caught it from the air and immediately pressed you.

This sword was much shorter, but it didn’t stop or make Alric back down. His swings at you were wild and with all of his strength behind him.

Strike after strike he hit your shield, making you unable to strike back at him.

At that point you realised what his tactic was and why he had been fighting you like this. He was mimicking the way the orcs fought. He was on purpose pushing you as hard as he could to make you ready for a fight against the orcs. Putting everything behind his strikes and going for the killing blow every single time.

You had to try something and loosing the hold of your shield was one. When Alric’s next swing hit your shield, before he could react you threw the shield at him. Another dirty trick he had used on you once.

But to your dismay, Alric just caught your shield mid air and threw it back at you as hard as he could. The shield struck your breastplate and Alric seized the opportunity to swing his new wooden sword at you as hard as he could. The shortsword struck your pauldron and just like the previous one, this too splintered into pieces.

And then you found yourself flying through air as he had grabbed your free left arm and threw you over his shoulder.

With a smack you landed on the sand and before you could react, Alric had pressed his knee on your breastplate, drawn and pressed his rondel dagger on your throat. You could feel the cold point of steel on your skin.

“Trying the dirty tricks are you.” Alric said to you without a hint of question in his voice. “Don’t forget who taught those to you.”

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He withdrew his dagger off your throat and stood up offering his hand for you. Taking it, he pulled you up and started to brush some of the dirt off you.

“It was a nice try, but remember not everyone is fooled by tricks like that.” Alric said to you.

“Understood.” You replied, not knowing what else to say.

“Good, then we shall begin again.” He replied and allowed you to pick up your shield as he took yet another wooden sword. “When you are ready.”

He took another ready stance that telegraphed his intent to fight as hard as he could, but this time you would be ready.

You weren’t ready.

Throwing water on the hot rocks, the sudden stream of steam and hot air caressed your body.

“I can talk with Alric.” Tari said to you as she grimaced as the hot wave of air hit her body.

“There is no need, the bruises are part of the sparring.” You replied to her.

Sau’na really was the best and after a day full of action, it really was the best thing for you.

The sparring of the previous days had left you really sore and your arms and body were full of small bruises from where Alric had struck you hard with his sword.

“Still… he does his things too seriously.” Tari tried to argue back.

“I said I am fine, Tari you need to believe me.” You replied to her before throwing more water on the rocks.

Tari sat on the lower step, she really didn’t handle the heat of the sau’na that well and it probably wouldn’t be good for her pregnancy to be on the top rung. Her baby bump had grown considerably in the past few weeks and soon it would be the only thing she would have strength for.

“Alright, alright.” Tari replied to you.

Sau’na really really really was the best. You have been dragging Tari to join you for the past few months and you think you have managed to convert her into a sau’na enthusiastic like you.

“Really though, Alric can be… he can be something…” Tari said to you as you threw more water on the hot rocks.

“He can be what?” You asked.

“Special.” Tari answered and smiled.

>Special in what way?
>Did Tari have deep feelings for Alric?
>Is Tari okay with Alric not recognizing her child as his own?
>Does Tari regret anything when it comes to Alric?
>Other, write in
Alric has to be that rough in sparring if Malevus wants to tag along on his life and death business.
>Special in what way?
>How does Tari feel about Alric?
The pertinent questions, maybe the regret one too but it feels weird to me.
Support. Keep things a little light hearted before elf-chan goes in the pregnant belly grope.
>>Special in what way?
>>Did Tari have deep feelings for Alric?
>Special in what way?
>Does Tari regret anything when it comes to Alric?
>Special in what way?
>Does Tari regret anything when it comes to Alric?
Could I have an event roll please?

>Best of three, taking the second roll
Rolled 4 (1d10)

Rolled 8 (1d10)

Rolled 10 (1d10)


Good rolls. Though no update today, real life intervened. I will try to get it done as soon as possible tomorrow.

Though I can ask, it will be few more days till meeting Thrall again and I am going to breeze through those days. Do you have anything specific in mind that Malevus would do during these days? Let's see if I can add that to the update tomorrow.
I'll just spit ball some ideas. Make a dress that looks good with armor for when we have to go to Stormwind again, maybe something with leg openings on the side of she had to run. Look into getting a new set of armor if she can handle something with a bit more protection? Write a letter home? Practice with the harp. Learn some more first aid, sewing might lend itself to stitching a bit and they probably want to save their Light for the really bad cases. Interact with one of the mages who came along with the Underbelly people. Ooooh I know. Develop her own dirty trick or learn one from someone else so she can surprise Alric and get her win. Maybe our reformed bandit or the twins or Gravis.
I'll add to this by suggesting that she further ingratiates herself with the Stonemason children and their parents.
Light-magic training. When will she be able to use Seals of Justice and Command?
Would Raleigh be willing to teach her?
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“Special?” You asked her back. “In what way?”

Tari stretched her back.

“It is his want to help others even if it causes problems or issues to himself.” Tari told you and continued. “He went so far in trying to help a poor peasant girl like me and then allowed me to stay in his home even if it fuels all the rumours circling around him.”

Tari sighed.

“And then keeps things to himself so that they wouldn’t bother his friends. Even if it causes issues for him.” Tari said to you after a pause. “Why didn’t he tell us about Calia and him? Because he didn’t want us to be bothered with it, worried. It was better to keep everything to himself in his mind.”

“He… you are right about him.” You replied back to Tari and threw more water on the rocks. The hot air filled the room and made even you grimace a bit, sweat glistening on your bodies as the lone lantern in the sau’na struggled to provide enough light for the whole room.

“Alric just needs to be truthful about himself to others, but I am not sure if he always can do that.” Tari said and continued again. “Yet he wants to help everyone and be kind to others. Have you ever seen him being mad or angry about something without a good reason?”

“No… no I can’t. Maybe frustrated or annoyed, but not angry.” You said back to Tari.

“I don’t think there is a bad bone in him. Alric is a good man who does good things even if it isn’t the best option for him.” Tari spoke and smiled.

“You like him a lot, don’t you?” You asked Tari. It was a bit of a foolish question as you knew the answer already.

“Of course I like him, he is the best thing that has ever happened to me.” Tari replied with a chuckle. “And I think you like him too.”

“W-what?” You quickly responded and a bit of blush appeared on your cheeks.

“Malevus, don’t think that I haven’t noticed how you look at him.” Tari said back to you.

“T-there is nothing between us.” You argued back.

“Sure sure, I believe you.” Tari replied with a smile. She didn’t believe you. “Just be honest with yourself and trust your own judgement. Alric will honour what you decide and when you decide. If you feel like you need the time, I think he will give it to you.”

Tari stared at you and you could see in her eyes how she was rather sure of what she was saying.

“I… I will keep that in mind…” You replied to her slightly sheepishly.

“Good, now can you wash my back?” Tari asked you.

“Yes of course.” You replied to her and continued. “But can I touch your… stomach?”

Tari laughed at the request.

“You don’t have to ask, now come here.”

You stepped down from the top bench and sat down next to her. Giving a glance to Tari, she nodded and you carefully placed your hand on her baby bump. Gently caressing it, you felt its round shape under your hand.


“It’s a miracle, isn’t it? A child, a human child is growing in there and in a few months I will give birth to it.” Tari said to you, placing her hand over yours. “The child's father can be a detestable figure, but most importantly it is going to have a family that surrounds it with love.”

You looked at her and she smiled.

“Malevus, I want you to be the child’s godmother. Can you please do that?” Tari asked you.

“Yes, yes of course.” You replied, you didn’t need to think twice.

“Thank you, that means a lot to me.” Tari replied and smiled. “Thank you Malevus.”

She leaned in and gave you a gentle hug. You hadn’t expected that and the sudden embrace made you a bit embarrassed.

“N-no problem.” Was what you could answer.

“Now, can you wash my back?” Tari asked and laughed.

“Well of course.” You answered. “Can you wash mine next?”

“Well bartered.” Tari replied and laughed again.

Having a child really was a miracle. Having one should be counted as a blessing and one should always pray for the health of the child and ask for the blessing of the Holy Light for both the mother and the child. You knew you would be praying for Tari and her child, well you were already praying, but you would double your efforts.

Yet the happiness that Tari radiated couldn’t mask what was inside you.

You should trust yourself when it comes to Alric. If needed, give yourself time to process it all. Because at the moment, you still had so much to think about.


Sparring with Alric took your afternoon’s, but outside of it you had your own time. There were no major events or incidents to handle, just your usual duties.

In the mornings you walked amongst the common folk, with the peasants. There were a couple sick cases, a few injuries for you to deal with. A sprained ankle of a worker needed a splint, another one had managed to cut themselves a nasty wound with an axe that needed stitching and blessing, third who somehow had nearly killed themselves by falling off a scaffolding and who required bone setting in his arms and right leg.

Thank the Holy Light for Raleigh having left you his books while he was attached to the army, because while you could straighten a nose or two, bones were still beyond your knowledge. Yet based on the feeling of the patient and how normal things looked, it seemed that you had done a pretty splendid job.


Though healing workers and helping them to recuperate was part of your duty while Raleigh was away and Hampton wasn’t visiting, it wasn’t exactly something you enjoyed doing. It was part of the duties of being a paladin, helping those who are in need of help. Yet so many times it felt like some of the Alteracis showed you false appreciation. They did say thanks and promised to pray for the blessing of the Holy Light, but you weren’t so sure if they were honest about it. Was it because you were an outsider and they showed distrust towards you? Or because you were an elf, a different race? Or because you were affiliated with the Silver Hand, the Order that destroyed Alterac? Or because all of that and being Alric’s squire in a special position?

You weren’t sure, but you didn’t let that bother you too much as with all patients you did your job and smiled.

But one group of people didn’t judge you for who you were. It was the children.

Be it the Alteraci ones, or those from the Underbelly or now arrived here from Stormwind, they all liked you. Though some were more nervous and shy about talking to you, but you always had time for them. When you walked through the town, they always flocked to see you, asking you what you had been doing and as they were children, asking you to help heal the dozen scratches and bruises they had on them.

You of course declined, the Holy Light shouldn’t be used to heal so simple injuries. When a kid would ask you to heal a scratch on his shin, you would kneel down so that you could look him eye to eye and smile. Even if the child was crying or in distress, that would calm them. Then you would clean the small scratch or a wound with water, wipe the excess away with a clean rag and apply a bandage. Together the two of you would pray for the Holy Light. When all was said and done, the kid would smile and would have forgotten whatever pain they had. You had done your duty, a duty you very gladly did.

Because if you had just healed them which would have been an easy task for you, they wouldn’t have learned anything. Learning from your mistakes was valuable, you couldn’t teach them that healing was the easy way out, not getting hurt in the first place was. You had to teach them to be careful.

With a smile and speaking to them gently most of their worries could be fixed. The older ones blushed when you held their hands which you found really cute. You had to avoid ruffling their hair so that they wouldn’t explode.

If someone was to ask what is the best part of being a paladin and serving the people, it wouldn’t be the crown ups, it would be the children. Because they were innocent of everything that has happened in the past and because they were the future.

And based on what you have seen, the future is a bright one.


It was the evening before the full moon. The weather outside was a fair one, no the clouds in sight with just a calm wind moving the trees and leaves around.

You laid on your bed, on top of the blanket in your room and stared at the ceiling. The window was slightly open to allow the cold night breeze in for it was hot inside.

You sighed and breathed deeply.

Tomorrow evening you would ride out with Alric and Tari to go see Thrall. Tari had been kept completely outside this information and she just thought that the three of you would go out to see the stars and the moon. You even had gotten her to try if she could ride horseback. She could, if bit slowly, so the calmest and steadiest of the horses were reserved for her.

Though you didn’t have that in mind.

Alric was in your mind.

And a dress.

You wanted a summer dress.

You were a Silverthread, if you wanted you could make one without any issues. But you were a Silverthread and you didn’t want to make one. Being a couturier was something you had left behind when you entered the service of Magistrate Voren’thal the Seer and when you travelled here to Alterac under his orders.

Yet, you wanted that bloody dress. It would be hot to wear your shirt, trousers and armour through the summer, Alric had already warned you about the Alteraci summer. Something lighter would be nicer to have, something girly that made you feel like a woman.

Something Alric would like.

You tried to banish those thoughts, because you weren’t sure of your own feelings or his feelings. You had kissed him and asked him to wait till you were ready and since then he had done as told.

Burying your face on your pillow and groaning, you didn’t know what you wanted. You needed time to think and… your romance novels weren’t much help here. If Alric was following one of them, he would have already… wait was he following the plot of the fourth book? That he was chasing you and you were playing hard to catch? You had told him that it was your favourite of the ones released. What if he had gotten the idea from that?

Oh no, what would you do next? You weren’t ready!

Yet the dress was in your mind. You really wanted it and maybe… maybe it was something you needed. Yes, you were going to get a dress. You were going to make one.

>Something Alteraci, a chemise with a dress on top of it. You could maybe wear that daily.
>Of elvish fashion, something commonly seen to be worn by elvish women in the countryside.
>A peak of Silverthread fashion, it might be a bit outdated by Quel’thalas standards as you haven’t been there for years, but no one here knows anything about it.
>Ask what Alric thinks? See what is in his mind. If you dare.
>Other, write in.

QM: The dress was too much to avoid and skip. A vote is required! Also Malevus healed all the wounds. Also sorry, the update ended up being a bit of a long one.


Malevus isn't on that level and nowhere close to it. She in in WC3 or WoW terms at level 0.5 with skills
Let me thinkkkkk

Talking with Monica, maybe ask her when Hampton visits here.
Looking on the origins of that ancient tomb and how Ulmo ended up here.
Perhaps see about learning something from one of the officers of Alric. Gravis comes to mind, Radan, Raleigh, Beckston etc... maybe in the future if not now. She is growing in to a warrior, her foundation is almost done.
Becoming more learned, in war or politics. Or other topics. She must realize that being simple a good squire and guard might not be enough, the Silver Hand has a lot going for them they aren't just what they say they are.
She seems to like approaching the common people and interacting with them, especially kids, i wouldn't be surprised if that evolved with time in something bigger.
>>Of elvish fashion, something commonly seen to be worn by elvish women in the countryside.
>Something Alteraci, a chemise with a dress on top of it. You could maybe wear that daily.
>A peak of Silverthread fashion, it might be a bit outdated by Quel’thalas standards as you haven’t been there for years, but no one here knows anything about it.
If she's making the dress personally then why not make a dress that is quintessentially Malevus? Elven yet Alteraci, Noble yet Rustic.
>Something Alteraci, a chemise with a dress on top of it. You could maybe wear that daily.
When in rome.
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>You had to avoid ruffling their hair so that they wouldn’t explode.
It seems our maiden-elf will explode if she cannot express her feelings and appreciate the cute.

I don't know the name, but I'll got with Alteraci orange combined with the WoW mage style cuffs. over 100 hours in paint.net for pic attached :^)
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Then I remember she's an elf. 200 hours in paint.net

An effortpost! Yeah that would be something closer to the Alteraci design I had in mind. Maybe without the bodice, but it looks pretty solid with it too.

Fashion Resurgent Quest!
>Of elvish fashion, something commonly seen to be worn by elvish women in the countryside.
>>Something Alteraci, a chemise with a dress on top of it. You could maybe wear that daily.
You had to get up now if you wanted to get it done, otherwise you would just stay in your bed and postpone wanting the dress.

Standing up, you went to close the window before throwing on your white dress. There really was no need for anything else as you carried a candle to your table and lit up several more to give you a bit more light.

You had the parchment there, quill and ink. Somewhere in your room within your belongings was a measuring tape that you hadn’t used in ages so you went and searched for it. Not long after you were ready to begin.

Ideas flowed in your head just like years ago of what kind of a dress you would like to have. Maybe something elvish? Maybe something you Silverthreads are known for? Asking Alric was out of the picture immediately. You didn’t dare to do that. Instead you opted to go for something a bit more rustic, more Alteraci. Something you could wear daily and not look awfully out of place while you walk through Dawnholme.

A white chemise of light loose cloth that reaches your ankles and then an Alteraci orange dress of similar length. Yes, that is the direction you want to go for. It did need something more, a blue open shirt with long wide sleeves to protect the dress from daily wear and tear. That felt like a good solution. You thought about making a bodice for the dress, but chose not to. You felt like the dress would support your bust well enough.

Of course you noted down that you needed new low shoes to go with the dress, walking everywhere in riding boots wouldn’t work with the dress. And speaking of riding, the chemise and the dress needed to be loose enough to allow you to ride normally, you definitely didn’t want a dress that forces you to use a sidesaddle.

Having listed all the cloth you need, sewing equipment that you were missing, thread used, buttons needed for your idea, you took out the tape and started taking your measurements.

You hadn’t made yourself clothes since arriving here and so when the tape started to give you measurements that were larger than before, you really were surprised. Sure you had noticed that you had gotten into a good shape, but having definite proof of it still made you surprised. All that hard work had paid off clearly. You turned briefly towards your mirror and flexed. Yep, those were some nice little muscles.

In a couple of hours when the evening turned into a night, you were finally finished. You had your shopping list and tomorrow you would go and see if the cloth merchant was in town.

Taking off the white dress, you jumped back into your bed and closed your eyes. You had promised yourself to not look back at your previous life as a couturier, yet the skills you had learned back in Quel’thalas had now proven to be very useful. It will be worth it, the dress will be worth it.


The next morning you asked Alric if he could lend you some coin for the cloth. You didn’t tell him about your plans and he seemed to think that you would be getting a few more trousers and shirts instead. So he just threw you a small coin pouch and told you to keep track of how much is spent and tell that to Tannis Foxton.

The cloth merchant meanwhile had to apologise that he didn’t have everything you needed, but he was leaving for Dalaran in a day or two and could buy what you require from there. The man was a bit surprised by the details of your shopping list, but chose not to ask further questions.

Rest of the day went with resting. You didn’t spar with Alric as the two of you needed to be fresh come evening. You didn’t want to be sleepy when escorting Tari to see Thrall.

“Are we there yet?” Tari asked. The riding had taken a toll on her and she seemed to be quite ready to call it quits or have a break for a moment.

“Not a long distance anymore.” Alric told her. “We are soon at the rock, you are going to love the sight.”

“I can’t even climb it up.” Tari protested a bit.

“I am sure you are going to enjoy this a lot.” Alric continued.

“Fine, if you say so.” Tari grumbled back.

It was funny to follow this conversation knowing what would hopefully happen soon.

When you reached the rock, you and Alric both helped Tari off horseback and while you went to tie up the horses to nearby trees, Alric continued speaking to her.

“And now we wait.” He said to Tari.

“Wait for what, the stars are already out as is the moon?” Tari asked confused about this. “Alric, is there something you aren’t telling me?”

“Just you wait.” Was Alric’s answer.

“Malevus… are you part of whatever this is?” She now asked you.

“Well… umm… no…” You succeeded in answering.

“Malevus…” Tari started to protest again until something moved between the trees beyond some bushes.

All three of you turned to see what was making the noise and you couldn’t but smile when you saw the large green orc appearing from the bush.

Tari frantically looked at you and then Alric, before her eyes locked with Thrall’s.

“T-Thrall?” She asked, her voice breaking.

“Tari…” Thrall grunted back.

“Alric! Malevus! What is the meaning of this?” Tari suddenly asked the two of you.

“He is real if you are asking that.” Alric answered and smiled. “I brought her here Thrall, just like I told you.”

The large orc gave a look at Alric and nodded.

“Hello Tari.” He said again.

At this point Tari couldn’t control her emotions as she walked towards Thrall and started to cry. Hugging the orc, it looked a bit comical due to their size difference, especially when Thrall carefully put her hand around her back.

Seeing her cry started to make you a bit emotional. She was crying because she was happy, reunion with someone she counted to be part of her family.

“Malevus…” Alric said to you and crossed his arms. You caught his intent, should you give the two of them some privacy?


>You and Alric move some distance away and give Tari and Thrall some privacy. You can tell her how all this came to happen later.
>Stay here with Tari if not only to watch her, but allow Alric to leave and give them some privacy
>Both you and Alric are going to stay here. You can explain to Tari how all of this came to happen.
>Other, write in.
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>You and Alric move some distance away and give Tari and Thrall some privacy. You can tell her how all this came to happen later.
She's in the best of hands with everyone here looking out for her welfare.

I found an Alric-like pic while I was searching for something Malevus-like. I don't know if you want to use it QM, but you're welcome to it.

Richard Armitage in the 2006 Robin Hood series definitely has the right feeling, especially when he is clean shaven and has his hair back. Rather close to how I am imagining Alric and how I compared him to young Bruce Dickinson. But I am very picky when it comes to art, so unless it is official art or I am very sure about it, I don't post it.

Though I did find a couple new pics for Malevus, one of which is semi-accurate in how I see her. Outside of these few new pics boy it is slim pickings. Who would have guessed that right type of redheaded elf ladies in dresses or vaguely normal clothing is hard to find. Alternatively I am just that picky.

So take Malevus The Blood Elf Lady as an offering.
>You and Alric move some distance away and give Tari and Thrall some privacy. You can tell her how all this came to happen later.
>You and Alric move some distance away and give Tari and Thrall some privacy. You can tell her how all this came to happen later
>You and Alric move some distance away and give Tari and Thrall some privacy. You can tell her how all this came to happen later.

double damn

>>You and Alric move some distance away and give Tari and Thrall some privacy. You can tell her how all this came to happen later.
its fine. This place is safe
>>You and Alric move some distance away and give Tari and Thrall some privacy. You can tell her how all this came to happen later.
You nodded back to Alric.

“We will leave the two of you, take as much time as you want, we will be a short distance away.” Alric told Tari and Thrall.

Tari just nodded as a response as she was too busy trying to fight back against her tears.

“Let’s go Malevus.” Alric said to you.

You followed him a short distance, he was still using his cane to help with walking. Not because he truly needed it, he could walk all fine even without it, but because he didn’t want to get overly tired.

There was a fallen tree with a view down to Hillsbrad and Alric sat down on it, placing the cane next to him and looking down the hills where Dawnholme was. You didn’t need an invite as you just sat next to him.

“What do you think they are talking about?” You asked him.

“Don’t know, don’t really care.” Alric responded and looked up at the stars. “Have you ever thought how far the stars are?”


Alric looked at you and spoke again.

“You are right next to me, Dawnholme couple hours ride away.” Alric said to you and looked far down where faint lights could be seen. “Southshore half a day of riding, full day of marching.”

And then he looked back up again at the stars and the moons.

“Do you think that out there somewhere someone else is looking up at the sky and is thinking the same thing?” He said with a low tone.

“You are surprisingly philosophical today.” You replied and smiled.

“Think about it, the orcs came from their own world and then think how many stars there are that we can see.” Alric said to you and looked back before sighing. “It makes you feel small doesn’t it?”

“I don’t know what to say.” You replied to him.

Alric laughed and stared at the stars.

“Neither do I, but it sure does make you feel awfully small.” Alric spoke and continued. “Either way, one shouldn’t bother their head with stuff like this, otherwise you won’t think about anything else, I don’t want existential dread to be added to my list of problems. Let’s just enjoy the starry sky and tranquillity of the night.”

The two of you just sat there looking up into the sky in silence. Neither of you needed to say anything as only rustling of the leaves in the wind accompanied the two of you. It was a serene moment and you felt inside you that you wanted this to continue forever. A chilly wind hit you and you wrapped your cloak around your shoulders tighter.

And then Alric took off his and placed it on your shoulders as well. You looked at him with a question in your eyes.

“You were still shivering and I don’t need the cloak.” Alric replied to you as he had been prepared, choosing to wear his black arming jacket and trousers instead of his typical clothes. They were warm enough.

“Thanks.” You said back to him.

Always wanting to help others. That was Alric. He looked into your eyes and you looked back into his Fel green eyes.

You smiled and he smiled back.


>Hold his hand.
>Wiggle closer and lean on him, sharing the warmth of the cloaks.
>Hug him and hold him still.
>Kiss him.
>Other, write in.

QM: A bit more of relationship stuff until we move into other stuff. Also have a Malevus in a cute dress.
>Hug him and hold him still.
>Kiss him.
"Just like one of my sappy novels!"
>Wiggle closer and lean on him, sharing the warmth of the cloaks.
>>Wiggle closer and lean on him, sharing the warmth of the cloaks.
>Hug him and hold him still.
>Kiss him.
>Other, write in.
>All of the above, if he reciprocates, go further and further until Alric stops you or Malevus initiates a sloppy make-out session. [SPOILER]Just like in her elfin smut.[/SPOILER]
Aw man, the spoilers are case sensitive?
>Hug him and hold him still.
>Kiss him.
>Whisper in his ear "amidoinitrite? Volume 4?"
This is a nice idea though I'd rather Malevus do the latter two then the former two.

No quips, just enjoy the moment of warmth.
yeah it was a joke. Instead I nominate:
>Wiggle closer and lean on him, sharing the warmth of the cloaks.

disregard this please QM
>>Hug him and hold him still.
>>Kiss him.
>Hug him and hold him still.
>Kiss him.
I am in favour of slow and steady approach, but I dont want to cause a tie this time. I think this is too quick for Malevus, she is going to be so embarrassed.
I think so too but, just like that other time, she has a moment where she can't help herself. That, and she has Tari's encouragement in her mind.
>Wiggle closer and lean on him, sharing the warmth of the cloaks.
Slow and steady boys
>>Wiggle closer and lean on him, sharing the warmth of the cloaks
I will change my vote as tie wont happen now. Disregard >>6018520
Sorry, after a long workday and few hours of badminton, I crashed hard so no update yesterday. Wiggling closer looks like to be the winner, Malevus will take it slow and steady.

Could I have a roll for Thrall. Nothing drastic, but there is the chance for a fumble.

>Best of three
Rolled 1 (1d10)

fumble this.
Rolled 7 (1d10)

Rolled 1 (1d10)

Thrall is not a lucky man, but he's lucky to have Alric's luck in his corner!
You looked at him and then stared back at the stars. You are right next to him, make the move, make a some move. Tari had told you to trust yourself.

Closing your eyes for a second, you carefully wiggled closer to Alric until you could lean on him. As your shoulder touched his, you forgot to breathe for a second and then you felt him leaning against you slightly. Turning to look into his eyes, you took his cloak and wrapped it around both him and you.

"So that you don't get cold." You whispered.

Alric smiled back.

"Thanks." He replied.

Then you felt his hand searching for yours. Taking hold of it, his warm touch made you blush. But remembering what Tari said, you fought against the embarrassment as you placed your head on Alric's shoulder.

Neither you nor him said anything. Being so close to Alric made you blush more and your heart beat faster, but as the moment passed, you learned to just enjoy this.

This was perfect. So serene.

You felt like you wanted this to continue forever.


You are Prince Alric Perenolde and Malevus has been leaning on your shoulder for a good while already.

So she had found some courage? You had promised to give her the time and now she had approached you like this.

You didn't complain, this was too nice of a situation to disturb. When you had taken her hand, butterflies in your stomach had gotten rowdy, but as she leaned to you, they calmed down and allowed you to just enjoy this. Time passed calmly.

You wouldn't mind if this could have continued forever.

But that wasn't to be.

Behind you in the bushes there were sounds of someone approaching and Malevus very quickly moved herself a bit away from you. You sighed as you straightened your cloak and put it back on before turning to see who was coming. It had been maybe an hour since you had arrived here, you had thought that Tari and Thrall would have talked for a longer period of time.

At first Thrall’s large frame stepped out of the bushes and then he was followed by Tari. You could see the pure happiness in her eyes.

"I presume the two of you have finished your talks?" You asked them.

"Yes… thank you Alric." Tari responded. She was still emotional.

"Thank you Prince Alric." Thrall replied.

"I presume Tari told you everything?"

"Yes…" Thrall replied back and looked at her and then down at her stomach. Understandable reaction from him.

"Alric, why didn't you tell me about him before we came here?" Tari asked you.

>You wanted it to be a surprise for her.
>Telling her wouldn't have been wise. For the sake of security, it was better if less people knew.
>What will Thrall do next, what are his plans?
>Will Tari and Thrall want to meet up again later or do they have other plans?
>Other, write in.
>You wanted it to be a surprise for her.
>What will Thrall do next, what are his plans?
>You wanted it to be a surprise for her.
>What will Thrall do next, what are his plans?
>You wanted it to be a surprise for her.
>What will Thrall do next, what are his plans?
>Will Tari and Thrall want to meet up again later or do they have other plans?
>Tell Thrall you're willing to do some cart drop offs for carts of stuff in return. (I figure they can give us money or supplies)

Uh qm I forget did he tell us about the Trolls?

>ask about trolls. What are their numbers? What do they like in trade?
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>You wanted it to be a surprise for her.
>Telling her wouldn't have been wise. For the sake of security, it was better if less people knew.
>What will Thrall do next, what are his plans?
>Ask him if he also conducts fertility rituals in his shaman training. Alric knows what's up with these guys now, after Eligius and the druids.
>Will Tari and Thrall want to meet up again later or do they have other plans?

support. Dem trolls mang
Aww no lewdness? But a warm moment is nice too. Plus we have yet to hear Monica's answer.

>You wanted it to be a surprise for her.
>What will Thrall do next, what are his plans?
>Will Tari and Thrall want to meet up again later or do they have something else in mind?
Using the word plans twice felt too weird. Anyway, I don't want to ask anything else of Thrall.
Pretty sure we asked about the trolls already. IIRC Thrall said they let him and his band pass through their territory but not much else.

Went to check and yep:
>“Then you must know something about the trolls and the gnolls over the river?” You asked him.

>“Very little. I crossed through the troll territory, but they allowed me to go without being interrupted.”
>>You wanted it to be a surprise for her.
>What will Thrall do next, what are his plans?
It would be good to know their general thoughts on the humans, typical aggression and what we can avoid doing to avoid pissing them off.
Are they allergic to oil extraction and goblins?
We did ask about the trolls last time so I won't raise that issue up right now. Besides Thrall has been free for about nine months and he would have very little he could tell us about them.

That being said, could I have another set of rolls. Again for Thrall.

>Best of three
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Rolled 1 (1d10)

Rolled 8 (1d10)

jeez how many rolls do you need

"I wanted it to be a surprise." You told Tari. "A good surprise wasn't it?"

"Yes… yes it was." Tari said while walking to you. She then hugged and squeezed you hard.

"You better hug Malevus as well." You told her.

Letting you go, Tari went to hug Malevus who seemed a bit embarrassed over this.

"Thank you… thank you both." Tari replied as she wiped a pair of tears away.

"Did the two of you plan on wanting to see again?" You asked.

"No, it is better for her…" Thrall started to say.

"And for the child. Seeing Thrall is just too dangerous to do. And besides, I now know that he is fine, that is enough for me." Tari continued with a smile.

"Not the worst idea." You said back and turned to face Thrall properly. You still had questions for the orc. "What are you going to do then?"

"Learn, there is so much for me to learn about the culture, of our history. How our race lived our lives before bloodthirst overtook us." Thrall replied and continued. "It will take time."

That was a good answer, but you had a feeling that wouldn't be everything he wanted to do. You crossed your arms and stared back at him, setting the tone of your next question.

"But that is not all you want to do." You said to him. It was less of a question and more of a statement.

Thrall said back and grunted once.

"I wish my clan would grow stronger. The life up in the mountains isn't an easy one, but we make do. Yet if we could grow, we could provide our few children with a better future." Thrall told you.

"Is that why you are training to become a shaman?" Tari asked and got your attention. Thrall hadn't told you that when you met him the last time.

"Yes, I want to revive our traditions, to fill our hearts with what made us strong all those years ago." Thrall told Tari and looked back at you. "To give us back the will we had."

Your mind raced back to that old orc in the camp who had spoken how they just lacked the will to do anything. This made you realise something that you needed to ask.

"You want to free the orcs from the Internment Camps." You told Thrall.

The large orc looked back at you and you could see him tense up a bit. And then he said a single word.


>Write in

QM: Bullet points are okay here, I am looking for Alric’s general thoughts and how he would respond. Think about the whole picture. The rolls were how far Thrall had gotten in his own lessons and how ready Frostwolves were. Neither are ready. Also apologies for the slow stream of updates, work and hot weather are killing me.
Bullet points? Worry more than anything, a successful breakout would make the Alliance lose their minds and Light knows what will happen then and how it will affect Alric's domain. That and Blackmoore, one of Alric's few political allies, will be ruined so maybe we should use that favour before then.
Best idea I have is this anons.

>Tell Blackmoor he needs to let the alliance guard the orcs in the camps. So they can see how hard it is and that you deserve more money and man power. Have him do it during his gnoll campaign. It'll help free up our and his soldiers for that.

>Then inform Thrall the when and where and numbers.

>Thrall then wrecks a bunch of ally scum. Doesn't hurt our troops or Blackmoors. Makes the ally scum look incompetent. Allows Blackmoor to ask for compensation for his destroyed prison camps.

>we then say the "orcs" went where the Trolls are. Use ally as cannon fodder vs the trolls.


Helps Thrall out, helps us out since we hate ally and we dislike the slavery. Frees up a bunch of Blackmoors men to help us kill trolls and then the ogres. When we don't find the orcs with the Trolls. We then lie and say they went further into the mountains and they must be working with the ogres. This gives us casus belli to retake alterac and the alliance can't say shit. We can even accuse them of letting the orcs go and the ogres to grow in power. Makes them look bad and us look good.

It'll be a massive undertaking but we'll get a epic Thrall and future leader of the horde as our BFF. We'll have fixed several things. Made the ally look bad. And bind Blackmoor to us even tighter since his gladiators and ally payments for guarding them will disappear. We can then leverage that to clear the whole river both sides so we can both take a toll tax on the rivers use. It'll make Blackmoor join our trade pact too. (I don't believe he's a part of it...)
Very clever! 3D chess right here. Supported.

Blackmoore is functionally the equivalent of a Count or Duke with feudal vassals beneath him, and he seems to be responsible for the regional safety in addition to running the internment camps on behalf of the Alliance. There is good reason for Alliance to support this gnoll initiative on behalf of regional safety, especially since Strom is so close and could be the next point of attack for a Syndicate-Gnoll assault.

The one problem I can easily see is if Thrall is recognised, then Blackmoore takes a backlash for raising public enemy #1 against the alliance. Thrall would need some concealment.
Dislike the camp slavery, but we do see some problems.

If he wins and frees the orcs whats next? Back into Alterac? The Hinterlands? The Alliance will move once they get over the shock to hunt them down.

Once the orcs are free there are still old Horde remnants of Warlocks, and apparently Death Knights, who if they remerge could exert some power over parts of the freed orcs and be a big problem.

Win or Lose Blackmoore will be in trouble for Thrall which is when we pull out the Durnholde Deed to try and get control over it, with likely support of the locals who love Alric they would likely try to help convince Lordaeron if we ask, and possibly save Blackmoore if he lives through this.

Fighting Thrall and his Orcs probably won't be worth it for us beyond protecting what we have if threatened. Can we get away with not sending help when this hits the fan? Without damaging our Darrowmere League even if Durnholde hasn't officially joined? A slow march that arrives too late? Or Ogre/Troll/Syndicate troubles that coincide with Thrall's campaign and leave us unable to send help to Blackmoore. Blame the hostile Alliance Kingdoms for not letting us clear out Alterac before which left them as a danger where we couldn't send reinforcements to Durnholde. Launch our own Troll suppression campaign at the same time and be unable to just pull out of it.

Or we do march and arrive after the deed is done and Thrall has freed the orcs and is falling back to where ever he intends to go. Alric ""forces"" the orcs to fall back until they reach some kind of stalemate where we have to wait for Alliance reinforcement. Hold that southern bridge that is the only crossing for large forces and gain the favor of Southshore and our neighbors?

I like this plan though I do think it might be hard to get the timing right.

Thrall needs to complete his training and the Frostwolves need to do their prep. Then we need to have Eligius personally get those numbers to Thrall since Tari will be very pregnant or just given birth or we would have Malevus with us.

Then we need to convince Blackmoore to let the Alliance take over the camp stuff, which would mean having to ask the closest Alliance force capable of doing so which is Garithos and the Regional Defenders. Blackmoore or maybe Uther could convince him. I don't see Alric ever talking to him again short of a Duel or an apology and concessions to our side or an escalation of some kind. Though maybe theres someone else like Stromguard or Dalaran?

How will Thrall get to Durnholde with his army of Frostwolves and Hellscream? He will have to go into the Hinterlands and south, which would have them run into where Blackmoore's gnoll campaign is I believe. Or he'd have to go through parts of Alterac. I suppose as long as he can get around Blackmoore through the hills or mountains to get to Durnholde, lightning quick bust open the camps and take Durnholde then skedaddle before Blackmoore can come after he hears.
Ho ho ho, delightfully devilish Alric!

Only possible hiccups is Thrall being identified like anon said or the Alliance start trying bullshit with their troops in our territory and try to push us around.

We should coordinate with Thrall to get the timing right, some line of communication and breakout planning is needed but that's doable.

God please let Garithos be the one to get shit on by Thrall it would be so funny.
This plan is retarded, the EXACT sort of overwrought bullshit Aiden Perenolde pulled in the Second War that got Alterac crushed, complete with "secretly" allowing orcs led by Orgr- I mean Thrall Doomhammer to pass through Alteraci territory to attack Alliance troops.

Just about all of Alric's characterisation in this quest has been dealing with the retarded mistakes of his family. Why would he immediately do the Exact Same Retarded Thing from an even weaker starting hand?

I don't think we are in any sort of shape to directly or indirectly help Thrall liberate the camps. We can offer to let the Frostwolves live undisturbed in Alterac once we reclaim it from the Ogres & Syndicate, and if they help with that all the better.
>Listen Thrall, my father destroyed our nation by colluding with the orcs. I don't want to repeat his mistake.
>I get where you're coming from, I really do, you want to save your people, like I want to save mine. But what you're doing is going against the might of the entire Alliance here.
>And believe me I'm not really that fond of the Alliance either, but Blackmoore is my ally. When you go for the attack, he's going to ask me to help, like he did when you escaped.
>The last thing I'd want would be to fight against you in support of this human filth, but I don't know if I'd be able to have any other option other than an outright betrayal. Best case scenario, I end up doing nothing and pretend I didn't have the slightest idea of what happened.
>And say that you do end up freeing all these orcs, what then? What if they find out where you live? Are you going to keep living in the wilderness, constantly hiding away from the Alliance like prey animals?
>I really doubt most orcs will be satisfied living like that. I frankly don't think the other clans share the same mentality as the Frostwolves. They're going to want their own land to call their own. They're going to want their enemies defeated. They'll want to conquer.
>What I'm saying Thrall, is that you may end up causing a Third War.

I guess we can also state the obvious just to have it in Alric's thoughts. That we can't really tell anyone that Thrall plans to break the orcs out of the camps without implicating himself.

Oh if Alric understands their history correctly the Orcs gave up on Shamanism once before to start learning how to be warlocks and necromancers. Isn't he worried that they could do that again for the same reasons as before?

How strong is Alric's honor? I think considering how much of a burden he puts on himself his honor is fairly strong and he wouldn't want to join in on this or orchestrate some kind of scheme that isn't very precise in only hurting who hurt him. Covering up for Tari is one thing especially when it wouldnt have changed anything, but actually helping an attack on what is his ally is quite another.

Try to think of something that would help Blackmoore surrender or agree to terms that Thrall could give him. Unless Thrall actually does want to kill Blackmoore as well as free the orcs.

Oh right and Thrall did say he owes us a favor. Try to think if theres anything we need help with, that we can ask right now. Help with our getting into Alterac or getting something thats in the Alterac Capital? Help with the Trolls? Help with the Syndicate? Some kind of shaman magic goody or cool wolf cub pet? I don't

Yeah the parallels between this plan and that are pretty funny. The second he finds an orc with authority the voices in his head start telling him to pull the Perenolde Special but -this- time it will work surely, maybe it runs in the family. I'm pretty sure the timing and planning for it isn't there anything to make it happen during the Gnoll campaign anyways. It would also make Alric responsible for the deaths of a bunch of soldiers who were just doing their job, and wouldn't have been there if not for this plan. Like that one captain we like who used to be at the garrison in Dawnholme could get sent to handle the camps and die there.

I think perhaps the best thing we could do is try to give Thrall something to say that could make it more likely that Blackmoore surrenders so he and his men don't die, and Durnholde doesn't get broken, though that is kind of a defeatist attitude assuming that Thrall would win this fight. Though I can't really think of anything good, because I don't believe we would want him spilling the beans that we helped cover up that Tari helped even if it would break his spirit. Do his best to minimize raiding on the people there. Maybe Challenge Blackmoore to a Duel, or against his chosen champion (its funny because he chooses Alric and then who knows what happens). Maybe Thrall just breaks out his shaman powers to shake up Durnholde and that helps Blackmoore decide to just surrender. Something else that would get him to surrender would be good though, speaking to the other more sensible people who might be willing to listen.
Adding to what others said.
The whole scheming and plotting is just gonna kill us.
The most important part would be to convince the frostwolves/thrall to leave alterac entirely.
They cant really grow without attracting undue attention and they cant win when they are entirely sorrounded by the alliance.
Free the camps then move either east into troll country or further south anywhere but the heart of the alliance.
Basically an early exodus for thralls people to prosper they need to fuck off.
The goal would be for the frost wolves to move to durotar. And of course Thrall would need to disguise himself.

We just need a viable reason for the alliance to cover the camps we already know they low-key look down on blackmoor and they're always bitching about how much it costs. It would be an easy sell to blackmoor he wants more money. It would help his gnoll campaign too. The alliance also want to do it to prove they can cut his funding. It would be good if they pick garthios. We would like to see him get rekt or die. He is part of the group that hates us. So would hurt that power structure. And with us killing gnolls nobody could blame it on us. And Thrall told us it is going to happen. And I don't necessarily want our troops or blackmoors to get hit. And I don't think we really want to go to war vs Thrall.

This is the best way to do it. By putting the ally in the way of getting hit. Makes blackmoor look good. He only had one orc escape. While all of them would under the ally. And the prison facilities burned to the ground. Lots of egg on face and none of it on ours. After the loss of the prisons blackmoor can ask for reparations due to their miss management and fuck ups. Which would allow him to invest in something new for his income.
>>Write in
>"And that would mean facing Blackmoore. And the Alliance. And likely me since i am near, and i am his ally."
>"I cannot truly help you especially directly, we cannot fake a battle of this kind and size, neither me or you would be able to control all the elements within for create the result we desire. Even with subterfuge it would be quite the task after your escape from Durnholde, much the same for buying orcs through money and then finding a way to send them to you."
>"I understand why you do it, and much like you i do not like Blackmoore or the Alliance. But my position is already risky, and i will not follow my father footsteps. My family died and Alterac was burned and sacked for that and now i wage war against the worst remnant of it. My betrayal would just be a signal for the Alliance and the Silver Hand, to come here and put an end to the Alterac i know and have worked for all this years. Anyone else here would be forced in the arms of the Syndicate or felt rightfully betrayed by me and join the Alliance. And i prefer to be cut down by a thousand swords to see something like that happen."
>"My people do not have a place to retreat, and we have not enough might or allies for resist against the Alliance even if you managed to rally the orcs. It would be a valiant stand, but they would wipe us out, while you have the choice of where to fight and make your stand."
>"Are you sure in your quest for a new beginning, you don't end up lost in a new war ? And what you know of the other orcs clans, what would they want ? What if they decide to follow Warlocks and Death Knights again ?"
We wouldn't tell the alliance. Blackmoor would pitch the idea for us. For the reasons mentioned. It would free up his troops. It would potentially get him more money.

We'd have Thrall evacuate his orcs across the ocean to durotar. (Not that we'd say durotar) we'd just suggest he leaves this continent. Then we can misdirect the ally to help us smash the Trolls. Then use that to give us casus belli vs the ogres. I believe our goblin is the only one around that speaks troll. We can "interrogate" a troll for the info on orcs working with the ogres as well as the trolls.
That makes me think, were people of Kalimdor? Or at least that there is a land beyond the ocean?
I'd imagine the high elves would be aware of it, considering that their ancestors came from here and that they live for thousands of years.
It would make sense if it was open knowledge that at least the higher ups are aware of.
This idea >>6020652 is detailed, but like other anons said it is a Perenolde Special that will surely work this time. It lives and dies with the timing alone and with many issues we have no control of. Medivh has said before that Alric doesnt act in vacuum, the world moves around him. We cant expect everything going as we think they would.

These two nail it down really well. We need to make our position known to him that we cant exactly help him or give thumbs up. We might even end up fighting each other.
No it's not retarded, it's using the cards we are dealt. The alternative would be to convince Thrall to abandon the orcs in the camps - good luck with that. At least with the plan we protect Blackmoore and humiliate our opposition.

I thought the part about Thrall leading an exodus was obvious. He needs to get as far away as possible after the breakout.

The whole point of the plan is to not have Blackmoore be targeted and to not have to disclose anything to anyone.

If Thrall is gonna do the breakout anyway then why not set things up to go in our favour?

Same as above.
>If Thrall is gonna do the breakout anyway then why not set things up to go in our favour?
My plan IS for it to go to our favour. Thrall is gonna hit the camps no matter what. The point is to convince him to leave alterac. All the scheming is just all the danger for little gain. When we could just sit back and exploit the goings on whilst doing nothing but having advanced warning that its coming. If we can manage to remove frostwolves and any other clan from alterac thats already a big win on the control of the region and it will make alliance look weak and again unable to protect itself fully.
>The point is to convince him to leave alterac.
This was already part of the plan, having that many orcs in the region would be too risky.

>All the scheming is just all the danger for little gain.
What scheming then? If you want it to go in our favour then you agree with trying to get the Alliance to guard the camps instead of Blackmoore and maybe give some intel to Thrall to make the breakout smoother and that's all the "scheming" needed
What scheming then? If you want it to go in our favour then you agree with trying to get the Alliance to guard the camps instead of Blackmoore and maybe give some intel to Thrall to make the breakout smoother and that's all the "scheming" needed
And how exactly are you going to do that without seriously implicating Alric. Who are hes sources its also delusional to think that you could somehow make blackmoores troops not involved he is part of the alliance and the camps are in hes territory.
You seem to think theres some kind of super golden path where you get everything at the cost of nothing.
It was laid out in the original post of the plan >>6020652
>Tell Blackmoor he needs to let the alliance guard the orcs in the camps. So they can see how hard it is and that you deserve more money and man power. Have him do it during his gnoll campaign. It'll help free up our and his soldiers for that.

"You seem to think theres some kind of super golden path where you get everything at the cost of nothing."
No, the plan can still fail. The Alliance can say no and Thrall can fail the breakout but the point is it will happen one way or another so why not try to get the Alliance to take the fall during this opportune time with the gnoll campaign?

The issue of a source can be figured out with Eligius. Just as plan of the camps and guard paths and rotation times do nds plausible to me.

I will answer this before I start writing. Majority of people have no idea of Kalimdor or that there are land beyond the sea.

Early lore is very lacking, but we know that Kael'thas recognised the night elfs, Mayev and Tyrande, when they appeared in Eastern Kingdom. Then in the later lore it is revealed that after High Elfs were banished east, Kalimdor was shrouded in mist. We also know that Medivh had told Khadgar and some others, but that was also very limited knowledge. Iirc in WoW there is a mention of High Elves travelling to Kalimdor hundred years before present.

From this we can presume that Dalaran might have something in their archives, but only handful there might know about it. High Elves, at least the high ranking nobles and historians know about their past, but why would they talk about a blemish in their history? Besides they are very isolationist at the moment.

So Alric without an act of God (me) wouldn't know about Kalimdor or have a chance to learn about it. Kael'thas could tell him, but why would he in the first place? It doesn't concern Alric.
Nalice could tell him funnily enough. Plus just about every other lore if she thought it was relevant to his education in magic. Which I suppose at some point it might be if she wants to talk about the Well of Eternity and how magic used to mostly work for the night elves by how strong your connection to it was if I remember how it was described in books where Rhonin and co. went into the past.

Yeah I get that, but at the same time I believe Thrall -does- want to target Blackmoore, as lord of the camps and as the abusive father figure for Thrall, he is the one who set everything in motion. Resolving whatever personal issues he has left with a confrontation seems pretty inevitable. Is Thrall just going to avoid that because we ask him to? I don't really see it.

Thats fine if Blackmoore agrees and pitches it. Theres still the issue of Thrall's training and the Frostwolves preparations neither of which we can really help with especially with the Gnoll campaign being pretty soon. Then I still don't see how this Orc force could get around Blackmoore's army which is on campaign, because it seems like Thrall's army would have to either go south through Alterac and our territory which we would not want, or east then south through the southern hinterlands where Blackmoore would be gnoll campaigning in order to reach Durnholde so they would end up having a confrontation anyways.
>Resolving whatever personal issues he has left with a confrontation seems pretty inevitable. Is Thrall just going to avoid that because we ask him to? I don't really see it.
I disagree, Thrall doesn't strike me as vengeful enough to go out of his way to try to fight Blackmoore. Would he like to? Sure, but he is more concerned with the future of his people than with personal grudges.

>Theres still the issue of Thrall's training and the Frostwolves preparations neither of which we can really help with especially with the Gnoll campaign being pretty soon. Then I still don't see how this Orc force could get around Blackmoore's army which is on campaign, because it seems like Thrall's army would have to either go south through Alterac and our territory which we would not want, or east then south through the southern hinterlands where Blackmoore would be gnoll campaigning in order to reach Durnholde so they would end up having a confrontation anyways.
That's the thing, the plan doesn't involve an army. It's a small team that will try to sneak their way to the camps, go loud there and make a get away before reinforcements arrive. Orcs are stronger than men so they can pack a punch with fewer guys.
The main problem i see is that :
A battle might happen anyway, one where we must partecipate.

And we can't exactly be slow in reaching Blackmoore, not with our reputation of being quite a beneficial and helpful neighbour. This on top of our alliance with him
Should things go as planned then it won't be Blackmoore's men that Thrall will be fighting. Otherwise, yeah we'll have to hope Thrall will make his get away before we get the call for aid and go there.
You stared at the orc as he confirmed your suspicion.

"Listen Thrall." You started to speak. You had a lot to say to him. "Trying to liberate the orcs from the camps will put you directly against Durnholde and when you succeed, it is going to attract the immediate attention from the Alliance, the people and the Kingdoms within."

"And that includes me. Like I have told you, I am allied with Blackmoore and as much as I detest that man, if he calls for my aid, my options are very limited." You spoke to him rather sternly. "I am Prince Alric Perenolde, the second heir of Alterac and everything that entails. I have my duties and expectations put on me by the others over what my father did. I can't repeat or give the perception of repeating his mistakes."

"When Blackmoore calls for my aid, maybe I can delay a couple days, a couple of weeks and pretend to not have received the message, but I will have to honour our agreements in the end. I will come for his aid, just like I did when you escaped or again to Capital City." You gave a quick glance to Tari as you said that. "And then what? You are facing Durnholders, Colonel Garithos who would like to see orcs eradicated and has been reinforcing the Regional Defenders in Hillsbrad and then me and the Alteracis."

"In the most likely scenario you are going to face stiff resistance after the first success. Then the reinforcements arrive and that puts my people against your people and there will be blood spilt." Your stern tone got more sombre and serious. "In the worst case scenario, I will meet you in the battlefield and it won't be just the four of us standing there, we will be witnesses, action will be needed and we would have two options."

You raised your hand and showed one finger.

"We present terms and either side withdraws."

You raised a second finger.

"Or we fight and I will cut you down."

"Alric!" Tari said to you and raised her voice. She was going to continue, but you gave her a look and she stopped.

"Tari is the reason why we are here in the first place, but I have to be pragmatic and if cutting you down means that my people won't die or get brought into danger whatever it is, I will cut you down." You told Thrall. "Just like you have your own duty towards the Frostwolves, I have towards Alteracis. I'd like to avoid conflict and fighting against you, especially for that piece of shit nor am I especially fond of Alliance either. But I will do it if it is necessary."

You sighed deeply and pinched the bridge of your nose hard enough to leave a red mark there.

"And then what Thrall? You liberate some of the camps, maybe all of them, pull apart Durnholde Keep and defeat Blackmoore, but what happens then? For all practical purposes the Horde is back, diminished, but back. The Alliance will gather their forces, Silver Hand and the paladins take their troops." You glanced at Malevus now. "And just like they destroyed Alterac after the Second War, they will come after you."


"You can fight back, or flee into the wilderness of the mountains in the east like Hellscream has done, but what then? If you fight, you will be defeated. If you run, are all the clans ready to accept that, to be on a run like a prey? Are the Blackrock remnants with their warlocks and the death knights still in hiding ready to accept that or will they try to wrestle Horde away from you?"

"What I am trying to say to you Thrall is that in your quest for a new beginning, a wrong step can lead to ruination for you and your people. It can lead to a Third War." You told him and spoke now with a softer tone.

"Prince Alric…" Thrall started to say with a tone that was respectful yet disagreeing, but you interrupted him.

"Don't Prince Alric me." You retorted back at him. "Ever since I heard the war drums and I was forced to flee Alterac City into an exile and to be on the run, I was educated and trained by my parents to carry my burden, that is my people. And then two years ago I came out of hiding and started this journey and here we are now."

You turned around and pointed in the direction of Dawnholme where a couple faint lights could be seen.

"Over two thousands souls are living there and elsewhere in my lands with more coming. And I am going to make the decisions that are the best decisions for them. What you are going to do is going to concern me sooner than later." You spoke again towards him rather harshly.

Were you being too harsh, was your stern tone really required? You thought so. Thrall needed to understand this.

"And how long have you been on your journey? Nine months give or take? How long were you with Hellscream, a couple of months? With Frostwolves a few more?" You continued speaking to him. Thrall seemed to be a bit taken back at how hard you pressed him verbally, but seemed to listen to your every word. "Like you said, it will take time to learn and to be prepared. And in my eyes you are nowhere close."

"Understand that you don't exist in an inactive world where you are allowed to do anything you want without anyone reacting back. Whatever you are going to do is going to cause a reaction. Understand that, because the next time I meet you, I want to tell you the good news of Tari having given birth and the child being healthy. And to not stand on a battlefield wearing my armour with a sword in my hand." You said to him and finished. "Do you understand that?"


After all this, Thrall seemed surprisingly small. The large orc who could rip you apart with his bare hands felt weak.

"Yes." He replied.

"Do you understand what my responsibilities are and what they could lead into?"


"Do you understand how the Alliance is going to react to your plans and what will follow?"


"Do you understand what will happen to Tari if we are seen talking or there is a suspicion that I am working with the orcs?"

Thrall paused, Tari and Malevus looked at you harshly. That was a low blow, a dirty move a bit unnecessary, but it should be said.

"Yes." Thrall grunted back.

"Good, now I presume everything that I just said to you won't stop you on your path and sooner than later I will hear the news of the first camp being liberated." You said to him and continued. "At least I have warned you and told you what you are going to be facing."

You shook your head and took a few steps back before looking down into Dawnholme and Hillsbrad.

"I will free my people." Thrall responded.

Then you have to work with that in mind. You really didn't need this on top of everything else that was going on. The politics, the Syndicate, Alliance and everything.

"Then we know where we stand." You replied half cheerfully and turned to face him again.

>Further communication between you and him is too dangerous. Do not plan on seeing him again.
>Tell him and his clan to leave Alterac. It is for his own best.
>Ask Thrall to warn you before he goes and liberates the first camp.
>Have a system for sending messages between you and him.
>Other, write in.

QM: I might have taken a bit more harsher tone than what anons wanted, but I feel like Alric would be ultra serious about this.


Oh yeah Nalice could, but yet again does she have an explicit reason to do so? Maybe during the magic studies, but even still?
>"I will free my people."
Called it. It's gonna happen anyway so might as well try to set things up in our favour as much as possible.

>Ask Thrall to warn you before he goes and liberates the first camp.
>Have a system for sending messages between you and him.
And if things go as planned:
>Tell him and his clan to leave Alterac. It is for his own best.
>Further communication between you and him is too dangerous. Do not plan on seeing him again.
If a meeting happens it happens no need to specifically avoid it.
>Tell him and his clan to leave Alterac. It is for his own best.
Thrall staying in alterac is a cage and at worst a noose especially when he starts acting.
They could take the river... nobody is guarding it. He'd just have to pass stondeon at night and there'd be nobody else to see the orcs cross....

Literally all they'd have to do is cross through the troll lands top of our lands to the river where we were told a bunch of logs were blocking the river. They could easily make rafts.... and pole push their way down then beach and cross behind blackmoor and our army straight to the prisoners camps. We'd definitely tell the orcs they'd need to leave immediately afterwards because the alliance will come after them. Tell Thrall to go find ogrim and to gtfo or we can't stop the alliance that will come after him.

There would literally be near zero scheming. We go visit blackmoor bitch and moan about the alliance. Let him bitch and moan about funding and how he needs to make more money from the orcs. We give him the bright idea of well how about we let the alliance watch the orcs while we kill gnolls. And they can see how hard it is and you'll get more money for guarding them. And we get to gain glory and loot from killing gnolls. The alliance hate the cost of the camps and are always trying to cut blackmoors funding. When blackmoor pitches the idea they'll easily counter with "we'll if we find it easy your funding gets cut". Then all we have to do is tell blackmoor to get them all rowdy before the alliance show up. He knows ways to do that. He's been guarding them for years. We can always suggest he tells them he's going to kill half when he gets back if the ally have an easy time of it. Fin.

Very very low level of our involvement.

Only change is we tell them to go to ogrims group of orcs for safety.

And to all the naysayers. Since we know they'll use rafts. We help blackmoor find the rafts then use our scouts to find their fuckload of prints in the north and that they come from the troll area. Fin.

Now we get a war with the Trolls.

In that time Thrall and his people flee to orgrim. War with the Trolls will take a while and the prep for war with the Trolls will take a while. Especially if we're in the middle of our gnoll campaign.
>insert my plan from before with the modification that he goes to ogrim afterwards.

>we'll help him attack some unready and unprepared ally. But he will only have a couple of months to prepare for the operation. And his women and children need to be pre moved to ogrims group. So he needs to send scouts to them and find their location.
Ask Thrall to at least wait until the Gnoll campaign begins before the break in.
It will lessen the guards present in the camps, we -may or may not- have baited the Alliance into guarding the facilities, and the armed force will generally be elsewhere. It does increase Thrall's risk of a quicker military response in pursuit, but that's the risk he takes in proceeding with this liberation.

>Have a system for sending messages between you and him.
>Tell him and his clan to leave Alterac. It is for his own best.
Once he is done, the trolls could possibly protect him if he can make it past the Wildhammer territory into Amani territory properly.
You sure you linked to the right post? You supported the master plan before.

Im supporting it too, in case it wasn't clear.
There is no clear wording, so i am confused.
No clear wording? What do you mean?
i am tired
These two are basically my plan. But with qms provided prompts.
So either my long write in post explaining all of it. Or these two other anons. Which are just setting stuff up so then we can go talk to blackmoor and see if we can get my plan put into motion.

Main thing I would want from this interaction with Thrall is what the two anons said. Keep in contact with us. Wait until during the gnoll campaign to attack. And be ready to fucking leave the area after it is done.
These are me. Stupid phonefagging
>Ask Thrall to warn you before he goes and liberates the first camp.
>Have a system for sending messages between you and him.

Its a bit weird to say his clan should leave Alterac when Alric doesn't control it yet. Looking at it another way while the Frostwolves are still in Alterac we could ask Thrall to scout out to see how things look; numbers of Ogres and Syndicate that are in Alterac proper that we could use. In fact if they did return to Alterac after freeing the orcs then it would lend a lot more strength to an argument that Alric should be allowed to reclaim Alterac as the Alliance would want to hunt them down, ideally while allowing Thrall to escape after we have the go ahead.

I have doubts they can sneak over and build rafts for however many Orcs Thrall will need to free all the camps. We may have a bunch of dark irons, goblins, and security we put on the oil site construction as well patrols we have monitoring the area and along the river. Then I would imagine Tarren Mill who deals in lumber routinely sends logs down the river to southshore or atleast has an eye on the river since they are close and they've had security issues. Either they beach the rafts early which will eventually be spotted, or they let it flow down the river which is still odd. If Blackmoore's army decides to keep part of itself close to the river to help keep his army's water rations stable thats also rough.

We also just got done telling Thrall that in our eyes he was nowhere near ready to lead his people so hes got even more reason to want to spend more time training and preparing. I think he would need to finish his shaman training atleast.

Alric just got done explaining how he would respond to Blackmoore's and the Alliance's eventual call for aid when shit hits the fan and meet Thall on the battlefield if need be. It feels rather off to then immediately offer to conspire against them by asking Thrall to step up his schedule of attack, because we would try to get less experienced Regional Defender troops to guard the camps. I'm pretty sure they are both less experienced as soldiers but atleast at handling the orcs so they probably wont any recognize strange behavior in Thrall's people he may sneak in. Isn't that straight up planning betrayal of an ally to make it easier for Thrall to take away Blackmoore's most valuable assets? We justify it saying that it will ultimately save face for Blackmoore, but he will still get blame for Thrall causing all this. One one or another he is getting blame.

Once he has freed the orcs Blackmoore's army is between them and Hellscream in the hinterlands even if on campaign to deal with the gnolls. The second Blackmoore hears that one of the camps has been hit he will pull back and turn around with his full army. Can a large group of recently freed orc slaves get around Blackmoore's army without a battle? If Thrall gets past with them then Blackmoore -still- fucked up by letting them get around him.
I would say we should just accept that Blackmoore is getting fucked on this unless he somehow beats Thrall and the accusations that he caused the whole debacle in the first place. He raised Thrall and let him escape which then caused this attack, why should he keep his position even if he asked the Alliance for more help to guard the camps while he dealt with the gnolls? Even if he somehow wins he fucked up. If he loses but keeps his life then he is still super fucked and will lose his position.

Trying to get Garithos and the regional defenders involved by using them to guard the camps so they share the defeat is a neat idea but relies on a lot of moving parts. I just don't think it changes whats ultimately going to happen very much. Maybe it would help get Garithos fired, but it won't be very hard to shift most of the blame to Blackmoore for Thrall, and Garithos has Arthas behind him.

I feel helping Thrall do this against an ally is against Alric's integrity which he was rather stern about just now. All it really does is pug some egg on the face of Garithos since the Alliance is going to be humiliated no matter what for allowing this to happen.

Besides we already have the Deed of Durnholde we are just waiting for Blackmoore to get fucked to bring it out and possibly get control of Durnholde and its lands. Thats way more important then Garithos getting egg on his face. No matter what it looks like the Alliance fucked up and couldn't protect Durnholde and its interests, which will let us swoop in. Atleast thats how I see it.
>Ask Thrall to warn you before he goes and liberates the first camp.
Yes, it is weird, and while Thrall could stay in Alterac, it paints a giant target on himself while his people lie so close to Alliance reach. All it takes is some farmer or traveller spotting a small green ogre in order to bring the wrath down on Thrall and the Frostwolves.

It may have been my idea that he could live in the fallen Alterac kingdom proper, but he's too close in a place that the Alliance have already broken once. It wouldn't take much for them to break it again if Orcs were known to have settled. Temporary settlement would be OK I think, but the amount of violence required to carve out that niche of Alterac for the Orcs from Ogres, Syndicate and whatever else (Alliance smugglers) would probably make that arrangement unworkable.
My thoughts are wandering around the point of how Strahnbrad maintains itself as an Alliance town when it's surrounded by enemies. There's clear collaboration between Syndicate and townfolk there.
quite likely, Syndicate must have influence if not control there

>Have a system for sending messages between you and him.
>Tell him and his clan to leave Alterac. It is for his own best.
>>Ask Thrall to warn you before he goes and liberates the first camp.
>>Have a system for sending messages between you and him

Agreed heavily. Our position is a very careful one. I think we should just watch things unfold for me most part and act if there is opportunity. Starting to Shadowrun a Perenolde Special is too dangerous. But I agree regarding the Deed, after all is done we can use it to place someone loyal to us into Durnholde. Blackmoore is fucked in any case.
Good discussion of the overall situation here. There is no need to do any major decisions right now, instead I will present them as things progress. Most importantly the current situation is now presented to you.

Also no update today. Work and the hot weather combo just kills me. I will try to get it out tomorrow.

Actually give me one more roll please. Last of the Thrall related rolls.

>Best of three
Rolled 4 (1d10)

Rolled 6 (1d10)

Rolled 10 (1d10)


I will be busy during the day so don't expect the update before the evening. But this roll, while Thrall and his clan aren't ready, Grom and the Warsongs are. Any waiting won't happen on their behalf.

We are going to live in interesting times.
ah shit

Your lecture, if one can call it, had left Thrall mostly speechless. He seemed to be a bit taken back, not having been ready for it. You just hoped that your words reached him.

"Warn me before you go and liberate the first camp." You told him.

"How?" Thrall asked back.

"The rock where we met, hide a satchel between it and the tree. I will have someone come check it out every now and then." You said to him and continued. "Let's say every second full moon."

Thrall grunted in agreement and nodded. Malevus probably gets that duty, or Eligius.

"I will warn you then, that is the least I can do for you." Thrall replied. "And for Tari."

You nodded back to him.

"Tari, say goodbye to Thrall, I don't know when the two of you will have a chance to meet again." You said to her and thought that if ever they could meet again.

You and Malevus watched as Tari hugged the large orc. They spoke briefly and Tari was yet again emotional. All of you knew that longer the goodbyes, harder it would be to leave. So after a moment Thrall waved his hand and walked into the dark forest. In seconds the large orc was gone.

The ride back to Dawnholme through the forest was slow. Tari was tired and clouds had started to obscure the moons robbing you of their light.

None of you had said anything since mounting up. Malevus because she didn't have much to say about Thrall, or about the gentle moment between you and her while Tari was there listening. You because you were bothered by the plans Thrall had and Tari because of what you said and having to need to leave Thrall again.

"Alric…" Tari said to you as you entered a small clearing in the woods.

"Yes Tari?" You asked back.

"Why did you speak so harshly to Thrall?" Tari asked.

"I had to." You replied back to her and stopped your horse.

"But why?" Tari asked again.

>Because what Thrall does is going to affect you. We are all going to live in interesting times.
>Because Thrall is you, he has the same goal of unifying his people.
>Because you have seen how the world around you will want to see you fail or actively work towards it.
>Because he needs to understand what obstacles and tribulations he is going to face.
>Because the only thing between him and you is Tari. He can't think that you are his friend or an ally.
>Other, write in.

QM: I lied, update out now!
>Because what Thrall does is going to affect you. We are all going to live in interesting times.
>Because Thrall is you, he has the same goal of unifying his people.

Good lord not the Warsong clan raiders
>Because what Thrall does is going to affect you. We are all going to live in interesting times.
>Because Thrall is you, he has the same goal of unifying his people.
>Because you have seen how the world around you will want to see you fail or actively work towards it.
>Because he needs to understand what obstacles and tribulations he is going to face.
>And he will do it regardless of what I say. And I need to come out on top with his decision. Otherwise we all get crushed by the alliance.
>Because what Thrall does is going to affect you. We are all going to live in interesting times.
>Because Thrall is you, he has the same goal of unifying his people.
>>Because what Thrall does is going to affect you. We are all going to live in interesting times.
>>Because Thrall is you, he has the same goal of unifying his people.
>>Because you have seen how the world around you will want to see you fail or actively work towards it.
>>Because he needs to understand what obstacles and tribulations he is going to face.
>>Because Thrall is you, he has the same goal of unifying his people.
>>Because you have seen how the world around you will want to see you fail or actively work towards it.
>>Because he needs to understand what obstacles and tribulations he is going to face.
>People are going to die Tari. I get that Thrall wants to free his people and I understand completely why he does but people from both sides will die. We both know that but I think that warrants a reasonable degree of harshness.
>Because he needs to understand what obstacles and tribulations he is going to face.
>Because what Thrall does is going to affect you. We are all going to live in interesting times.
You waited for ladies to stop as well. Malevus was carrying a lantern and its lone light barely was enough to illuminate the three of you.

"Because what Thrall is going to do is going to affect me and all of us. We are going to live in interesting times, do we want it or not." You said back to Tari and continued. "We have all seen how there are people working against me, quite similarly he is going to face opposition and he needs to understand that he is going to face stiff resistance after he makes his first move."

"Does that require you to be so harsh though?" Tari asked.

"People are going to die Tari. I get that Thrall wants to free his people and I understand completely why he does, but people from both sides will die. We both know that, so I think that warrants a reasonable degree of harshness." You replied.

"Alric is right, what will happen next worries me." Malevus said to her.

"I get it, but…" Tari said and stopped on her own.

"If Thrall wants to be the next chieftain of his clan, these are the lessons he needs to have." You told her and continued. "And we'll because of one more thing."

"Which is?"

"He is me. He has the same goal as I do, he wants to unify his people and create a new home for them. He is going to have to fight for it with little to no friends and allies." You said to her and continued. "I know that because I have gone through all of that."

Malevus found your comparison funny.

"He is an orc with green skin." Malevus said to you. "He isn't you."

"My eyes are green and we both have black hair, though mine is much smoother." You said and laughed. "I just need to keep you and your brush away from him, otherwise it will be me who faces stiff resistance."

Tari struggled to not laugh, your jest had worked. Malevus meanwhile couldn't stop herself from laughing.

"What? The two of you have called me the 'Prettiest Prince in the whole Alterac', do you think I am going to lose that title to an orc?" You said back to them and now you were struggling at not laughing.

That didn't last long as the three of you burst into laughter. After a moment, you had managed to collect yourself.

"Alright, let's go home. We can talk about this later." You told them.

Seeing Tari smile did make you happy. She had gone through a lot and you hoped this night would be something she would treasure and remember well.

Several days had passed.

You had told Eligius the news and at first he had been very mortified. But after talking with you more during your late evening studying sessions, he seemed to understand the situation better. He and his spies need to be more vigilant.


And speaking of spies, Monica visited you and stayed for the night. She happily accepted becoming the manager of the new inn and you instructed her to talk with Master Pelija. Monica also had no qualms in allowing your people to run the inn as long as they will do their jobs. Though she did bring some news. More goblins had arrived and their work with their rockets had started to annoy the locals more. She had to calm several of them down, but thankfully Krix Wiklish seemed to be close to finishing that project. There was also no sight of Dark Irons or rumours about them. Still a bit more time till the summer is here, but you had a hunch that they would be late.

Having Monica around for that brief period of time was fun, but so was the time you spent playing your new instruments with Malevus. Since the moment of closeness a few days ago and sharing the cloak, Malevus seemed to be a bit more open at showing her emotions to you. They were the brief gentle smiles, words of encouragement when the flute proved to be a harder instrument to learn than you expected.

How she said good night to you.

Giving her the time to think and taking this slowly seemed to be the right decision.

You also started to study a new language with Tari just like the two of you had planned. You had suggested something more exotic like dwarven or draconic semi-seriously, but she had chosen elvish for a couple very simple reasons.

First was the amount of literature available in elvish, you could benefit a lot from being able to read it be it just history books or books about magic. Secondly because Malevus was right there, a native speaker who could teach the two of you.

So you found your evenings to be split evenly with you and Malevus continuing your music studies and then you and Tari learning elvish under the tutelage of Malevus. Spending time with the two of them like this was fun and most importantly relaxing.

It was an absolute joy to have friends like them.

"Are you sure this will work?" You asked Krix Wiklish.

"Very positive Prince Alric." The goblin replied and fixed his monocle.

"Then you may begin." You said back to the goblin and took a step back.

It had been a few days and Krix Wiklish had returned back to Dawnholme because he had finished his rockets.

Now you were standing on a field west of Dawnholme watching some distance away as he organised his assistants. Ten men stood next to wooden tripods holding launching troughs, goblins carried rockets placing them on the troughs and preparing them for the launch.

Away from them, maybe four hundred yards away, was a dilapidated horse cart filled with hay. That was the target to hit.

"We are ready Prince Alric!" Wiklish shouted to you.

A small crowd had gathered to watch what will happen next.

"A copper for the rockets failing and not reaching the cart." Sir Gravis said to you.

"I am not a betting man." You replied back.

"Are you sure Prince Alric?" Sir Gravis asked.


Accept the bet:

>3d10, Best of four
>Higher the better

QM: Swooosh goes rockets!
Rolled 8 (1d10)


Wrong dice!
Rolled 7, 3, 3 = 13 (3d10)

Im feeling lucky.
Rolled 1, 10, 4 = 15 (3d10)

Rolled 5, 3, 5 = 13 (3d10)

Rolled 4, 10, 2 = 16 (3d10)

Inb4 another shit roll.
Rolled 5, 8, 6 = 19 (3d10)


"Alright, you have your bet." You replied to Sir Gravis and watched what was going to happen.

"Prepare the rockets!" Wiklish shouted and the men went through the rockets one more time.

"Standby for firing!" Wiklish shouted again and the men picked up their sticks with slowly burning cord on one end.

"Make ready!" The men moved their sticks close to the fuzes of the rockets.


At first nothing happened, but then in a couple seconds the ten rockets were launched, careening through the air with a shriek and a swoosh, trailing smoke behind them and leaving the crews covered in soot.

One of them malfunctioned and exploded in air in a puff of white smoke, causing the bystanders to be terrified a bit.

Of the remaining nine, two of them struck the grass and got stuck upright thanks to a small spike on top of the cone. Four struck the grass in an angle that ruptured them, igniting and exploding the blackpowder within with terrific bangs and puffs of smoke. The last three meanwhile struck the ground and scattered all over the place. And then in near unison they exploded with the two that had gotten stuck upright in the grass.

And all that happened maybe fifty yards short of the horse cart.

Sighing, you fished out a copper coin from your pouch and handed it to Sir Gravis who checked the coin and then gave it back to you.

"Tax, the courtesans aren't disappointed that they didn't get their brothel." Sir Gravis told you. "They were expecting that decision."

Oh yeah you had asked him to ask that from the lady he is seeing.

"Thank you Sir Gravis." You replied and watched as the smoke cleared. "Do you know how many of them are here?"

"I think seven. There might be a couple amongst the Stonemasons that I don't know." Sir Gravis replied.

"Alright, well good that they aren't unhappy." You mused.

Wiklish had ordered the launching troughs to be reloaded after their aiming had been adjusted. Going through the full drill again, the rockets were fired and this time all ten went up and landed all around the horse cart, but not hitting it directly. Just like before, some exploded immediately and some after a couple of seconds. At least this time the range was right.

"See, they can reach the cart." You said.

"But my Prince, the accuracy isn't what I call great." Sir Gravis replied. "A cannon could have hit the cart with the first shot."

Wiklish ordered the crew to reload and fire again. The salvo of rockets flew high and came down, hitting the grass around the cart, but not it.

The accuracy wasn't good, not good at all, but did it need to be accurate? The rockets had struck approximately a hundred yards by hundred yards sized box. If aimed at a centre of an army, you could get some accurate hits. And while you weren't sure of how lethal the barrages were, it must frighten the shit out of whoever is poor enough to be on the receiving end.

"I think Wiklish is done with his presentation." You said. "Let's go ask some questions.


Wiklish had put one for the remaining rockets on a table for you to see. Its construction was very simple, it was just a tube made from sheet steel riveted together. There was a cone on top of the tube with a steel spike so that it might get stuck on whatever it hits and then a long wooden stick without fletching to give some stability in flight.

"The rockets are ready Prince Alric." Wiklish proudly said to you. The goblin was all black from the smoke and soot as he tried to clean his monocle.

"And you have done a great work." You told him. "You can now produce these for me?"

"Yes, the blacksmith in Tarren Mill built these for us so it shouldn't be impossible for the blacksmith here to do the same." He replied to you.

"What is the range of these rockets?" You asked him.

"Seven hundred yards give or take. Effective range is a bit less than that." Wiklish proudly explained.

"What next Master Wiklish, do you want to work more on the rockets or?" You asked him.

"I could Prince Alric, but now we are just waiting for the Dark Irons to arrive and I haven't fully finished the Geared Speed Regulator either." Wiklish replied.

"I understand. Do inform me if you have anything in mind." You replied to him. "You have done a great service to Alterac with this product of yours."

"The pleasure has been mine Prince Alric, thank you for trusting me." Wiklish said and gave you a deep bow.

The goblin had done it. It was a weapon that can be manhandled and it had a range that most likely out-ranges the bolt thrower installed at Gallows Corner. You could crack down that fortification now or at least force a field battle.

That is if the Edict wouldn't prevent you from doing that.

New recruitment possible:
-10 Rocket troops, 4 Wealth, 10 Peasants, Upkeep 3 Supply per Season, Requires Krix Wiklish to train them

You had left the goblins to pack their things and clean up after the mess they had made, but you couldn't be more than happy.


You were fairly positive that no neighbour of yours had anything like it. Now you would just need to recruit and train some of these new rocket troops if you wanted to use them.

The next day one of your guards informed you of a horse cart approaching from Southshore. Your patrol had intercepted the cart and the man travelling to Dawnholme had greeted them, explaining that he had a delivery to Prince Alric from Lady Katrana.

It was most likely something to do with the oil rig, maybe the funding Katrana had promised to handle?

>Have Eligius handle the man and whatever he has with him. You are too busy to greet and talk with the man.
>Guide the man and his cargo to your home. See who he is and if he has anything to say.
>See him outside, maybe at the barracks. He doesn't need to get into your home.
>Other, write in.
>>See him outside, maybe at the barracks. He doesn't need to get into your home.
Wiklish invented Congreve rockets? Nice! Next we will need to mount them on carts and have our own Alteraci Grads.

And I have a hunch the man is servant of Nalice
>See him outside, maybe at the barracks. He doesn't need to get into your home.

Noice rocket troops. Well hopefully we'll get some good stuff for wrecking the gnolls.
>Guide the man and his cargo to your home. See who he is and if he has anything to say.
Clearly the next thing is flamethrowers or anything fire based on using oil. Alric must make the geneva convention happen.
>See him outside, maybe at the barracks. He doesn't need to get into your home.
very nice, new troops ! good job Master Wiklish

>>See him outside, maybe at the barracks. He doesn't need to get into your home.
yo eligius
>Guide the man and his cargo to your home. See who he is and if he has anything to say.

Cart, or a carriage in some sort of magical disguise to hide Katrana giving us a home visit?
>See him outside, maybe at the barracks. He doesn't need to get into your home.
To pass time, you watched as some of the City Guards went through their drills with the footmen. Your orders for the troops on patrols near the King's Road to carry wooden staffs had been followed and now the soldiers were drilling with them. Thankfully there had been no need for the staffs, no attempts to enter Alterac by force by the Regional Defenders, but the staffs had found use when handling a drunkard or two. It was much easier to whack a belligerent drunk with the staff than try to wrestle the man down.

The horse cart slowly made its way to the barracks escorted by your men. You had called Eligius to join you and Sir Gravis, the three of you watched as the horse cart stopped and the driver jumped off, taking his long robe off and revealing a dark grey set of plate mail underneath it.

The man walked to you, giving you a chance to study him. He was tall and his skin had a tanned complexion. Black hair cut into a bowl cut, short bushy moustache and rust coloured eyes. The stranger gave you a similar look and when his eyes travelled down and found your left hand, he quickly went down on his knee.

"I am Sir Cyrus of Westfall." The man greeted you with an accent typical of those from Stormwind. "My Mistress sent me to deliver the coin my good Prince requires."

"Pleasure to meet you Sir Cyrus." You said to him. He had seen the Dragonclaw Ring you were wearing and immediately knelt down. "Please stand up."

The knight did as you ordered. He was taller than you, even taller than Sir Gravis.

"You have the coin in the cart?" You asked him.

"Yes my good Prince." Sir Cyrus replied with a polite nod. "In a chest, locked and secured."

"Eligius, can you handle that?" You asked your scribe.

He nodded and walked to the knight. Sir Cyrus seemed unsure what to do with Eligius.

"You can give him the key." You told him and Sir Cyrus immediately fished it out and handed it to Eligius. "Sir Cyrus, were you ordered to do anything else than just deliver the coin for me?"

"Yes, I was ordered to serve my good Prince in any capacity required." Sir Cyrus answered.

"Till when? Till the oil rig is finished?"

"Until I am not needed here." Sir Cyrus answered.

He was a very polite man, with etiquette and manners suitable for a knight serving Lady Katrana or you. No wonder he was sent to deliver the coin. Yet he had questions around him for he had the same rust coloured eyes like Lady Nalice had and when he saw your ring given to you by Katrana, he immediately knelt down. Was he truly a servant of Katrana or was he one of Nalice’s many underlings? You weren't sure, but he was now here.

"Hmmm… thank you Sir Cyrus." You said to him and continued. "You have done a splendid job at getting the coin delivered. I will make sure Lady Katrana hears about your good service."

"I aim to please my good Prince. It is my honour to serve my Mistress or my good Prince." Sir Cyrus nodded.

Hmmm… what should you do with him?


>He has done his job, allow him to rest and send him back to Stormwind City with greetings to Lady Katrana.
>Allow him to decide, you don't have anything specific for him to do and he did deliver the coin. For you he has done his job.
>Sir Gravis is short of one knight, if he is to serve you, here is an opening for him.
>Ask to talk with him in private and greet him in Draconic. You have a feeling, an itch.
>Other, write in.
>Ask to talk with him in private and greet him in Draconic. You have a feeling, an itch.
Gotta follow the instinct.
>Allow him to decide, you don't have anything specific for him to do and he did deliver the coin. For you he has done his job.
Gravis should be the one who decides wether or not he can join the knights. But that doesnt mean we cant keep him around in other capacity. Besides we arent planning any campaings lately are we?
>Other, write in.
"Very well, welcome to my service if Lady Katrana allows you to serve me directly i will accept it. She is a good ally of mine, and her help will not be forgotten by me or Alterac. What position would best suit you Sir Cyrus, a bodyguard role or more direct combat ? I have need for both i will not lie, the Syndicate assassinations attemps are many and my future campaigns will not be few."
>After this talk with him for better know him, show him Dawnholme around and eat with him for know news from Stormwind City.
We will do that private talk a bit later in the week, in a private place.

A new servant from Katrana ? Thats really good, and he seems strong. We need it don't throw away useuful help please. I think he is skilled with weapons in his human form, much like Nalice was with magic. And if he is just has good has Nalice that means we have a new trainer for melee !

>Besides we arent planning any campaings lately are we?
We very much are, after the oil rig is online and we can expand our forces again, we want to push further east. At least i want to. We need more lands and to defeat the Syndicate, and the gnolls too since we can. Both of them are east and we have no desire to remain small and weak. Or to let them regrow their forces from the battles against us.
>Sir Gravis is short of one knight, if he is to serve you, here is an opening for him.
>Ask to talk with him in private and greet him in Draconic. You have a feeling, an itch.

Depends how our draconian talk goes.
>>Sir Gravis is short of one knight, if he is to serve you, here is an opening for him.
>>Ask to talk with him in private and greet him in Draconic. You have a feeling, an itch.
Talk with him first and how it goes, then present a position. We need more skilled knights and fighters.

I think I am right, he is servant of Nalice. Now I am worried of the influence Katrana has over us and Alric must realise it as well. But on other hand she is our most important ally and I dont think that she will fuck us over.
>Allow him to decide, you don't have anything specific for him to do and he did deliver the coin. For you he has done his job.
Good ol Westfall. Also woah a dude that could be a knight guy friend, even if he is a dragon! Feels rather early to suggest he just enter Gravis's knight group before hes earned a bro card even. I miss Nalice though. Always wanna see about that Nalice romance option and then flying over Alterac date.

>Ask to talk with him in private and greet him in Draconic. You have a feeling, an itch.

>Write In
Personally show him around town while Eligius gets the chest situated. Ask about developments in Stormwind, what route he took to get here and any troubles he encountered. Also determine what his interests in human culture are. Swordplay? History? Music perhaps? Courtly intrigue? Might be interesting to see if he can sniff out anything interesting while we are in town. Maybe see if he can get along with Gravis and the boys afterwards.

"Let's head inside, we can talk there instead of needing to be in the sun." You said to him, which was just an excuse to be able to talk somewhere in private.

"Of course my good Prince." Sir Cyrus said back to you.

Heading inside the barracks, you quickly made your way up to the second floor and in the office of Lieutenant Cromwell. Taking a seat in his chair, you took out the black noise device and placed it on the table as you waited for Sir Cyrus to sit down as well.

"Greetings Sir Cyrus." You said to him in Draconic. "It is my pleasure to meet you."

Your accent was horrible and that was one of the few phrases you had learned to say. But it seemed to work, the eyes of Sir Cyrus opened a bit more.

"How… you… language?" Sir Cyrus asked you. You couldn't really make sense of what he just said, but you did understand enough.

"Lady Nalice teach me." You said back to him very slowly, before switching back to Common. "I am sorry for butchering your language, I am still just a beginner."

"My good Prince did surprise me." Sir Cyrus replied and gave you a polite nod while smiling. "May I ask what revealed me?"

You tapped the side of your nose and smiled. Not all tricks are to be revealed.

"A hunch." You told him. "I presume your Mistress isn't Lady Katrana, but Lady Nalice instead?"

"Yes, but no. I serve Lady Katrana, just as I serve Lady Nalice." He told you. "I live to serve my good Prince."

You looked at the knight. The way both Nalice and now him had knelt in front of you having seen the Dragonclaw Ring made you think how obedient they really are. There was more to him than what he was saying.

>So is he a dragon as well?
>Have Sir Cyrus tell you what exactly his orders are? What did Nalice tell him to do?
>What are his skills, is he a mage as well?
>Dragonclaw Ring, ask him about it.
>Ask if he is interested in serving you as a knight or if he has anything else in mind?
>What did Nalice or Katrana tell him about you?
>Other, write in.

QM: Shorter update due to taking this option.
Whoops, didn't meant to hit a reply. QM is tired!

Next update will come tomorrow evening so if you lot have questions to Sir Cyrus, now could be a good time to present them.
>>So is he a dragon as well?
>>Have Sir Cyrus tell you what exactly his orders are? What did Nalice tell him to do?
>>What are his skills, is he a mage as well?
>>Dragonclaw Ring, ask him about it.
>>Ask if he is interested in serving you as a knight or if he has anything else in mind?
>>What did Nalice or Katrana tell him about you?
All the questions are relevant so instead I'll write some potential dialogue in sequence.
>So is he a dragon as well?
"I assume Cyrus is a shorthand or a pseudonym, do you mind introducing yourself... again?"
>Have Sir Cyrus tell you what exactly his orders are? What did Nalice tell him to do?
>What did Nalice or Katrana tell him about you?
"Serve me until you were no longer required you said? Please, tell me more about this and what you were told regarding yours truly."
If his orders include answering all questions then ask further questions concerning his life, Nalice and Katrana. Alric should be almost sure that Katrana can't be just a mundane woman with all these dragons around her.
>Dragonclaw Ring, ask him about it.
"You knelt as soon as you saw this, why is that?"
This is include in the barrage of lore questions.
>Ask if he is interested in serving you as a knight or if he has anything else in mind?
>What are his skills, is he a mage as well?
"Are you interested in serving you as a knight or if he has anything else in mind? Do you some other skills? Magic perhaps?"
>So is he a dragon as well?
>Have Sir Cyrus tell you what exactly his orders are? What did Nalice tell him to do?
>What are his skills, is he a mage as well?
>Dragonclaw Ring, ask him about it.
What does the ring mean to you specifically?
>Ask if he is interested in serving you as a knight or if he has anything else in mind?
>What did Nalice or Katrana tell him about you?

Ask him all the things.
>Alric owes good favour to Lady Katrana, Lady Nalice and those that work with them such as the Stonemasons. Sir Cyrus will find similar favour unless you conduct yourself poorly.
>Can he teach draconic?
>So is he a dragon as well?
>Have Sir Cyrus tell you what exactly his orders are? What did Nalice tell him to do?
>What are his skills, is he a mage as well?
>Dragonclaw Ring, ask him about it.
>Ask if he is interested in serving you as a knight or if he has anything else in mind?
>What did Nalice or Katrana tell him about you?

>Other, write in.
What does he think of Dalaran? Of the Alliance?
How is Nalice doing, and when will she return?
If you lifted that chest of gold do you consider having act like its heavy?
"I assume Cyrus is a shorthand or a pseudonym, do you mind introducing yourself... again?" You asked the knight.

“Cyrus is my name my good Prince.” The knight replied to you. “Names and words hold power and I do like my name.”

Sir Cyrus crossed his legs and rested his hands on his knees.

“But if you are wondering, I am not a dragon. I am a dragonspawn, a servant of Lady Nalice.”

“A dragonspawn?”

“The dragonflights aren’t only made from dragons themselves, our Mistresses and Masters do require help, be it as workers, as protection, as emissaries.” Sir Cyrus spoke to you and switched to Draconic. “... Few… numbers… dragons… and alive…”

“Too few of the dragons are alive, so you are sent to do what they would have done before.” You mused aloud. “Believe me Sir Cyrus, but I haven’t heard of dragonspawns before?”

“Not many have for we do not leave our dragonflights that often, and if we do then we wear our disguises.” He said to you and continued. “Lady Nalice requires our aid in her duties and we will happily do whatever our Mistress wants.”

“I understand, but what exactly are your orders, what did Lady Nalice tell you to do?”

“My good Prince, my orders were to escort the coin and then serve my good Prince in whatever capacity I can.”

“Lady Nalice must have told you something else as well.” You guessed and made sure that your left hand and the ring was well in his sight. “‘Serve my good Prince in whatever capacity I can’ you said? Please, tell me more about this and what you were told regarding yours truly."

Sir Cyrus looked at you before speaking.

“My Mistress informed me that my good Prince nearly died if not for my Mistress reviving you. Through the actions of my Mistress my good Prince still stands. I was told to ensure, even if it costs my life, that you aren’t allowed to fall.” Sir Cyrus said to you. “Lady Katrana doesn’t want to see you fall either, my good Prince is an important ally and friend after all.”

“How long have you been serving Lady Nalice and Lady Katrana?”

“My Mistress for all of my life, but Lady Katrana for the past five years.”

“Does Lady Katrana know?”


“Then exactly what is this ring? You knelt as soon as you saw this, why is that?”

You removed the Dragonclaw Ring and placed it on the table between you and Sir Cyrus. He had been more talkative than you had expected, more talkative than Nalice or Katrana had been to you. Katrana knowing the true identity of Sir Cyrus did raise more questions than answers.

“My Mistress gave several of these rings to Lady Katrana. Those few privileged who wear them are to receive our help when encountered.” Sir Cyrus said to you and continued. “Whoever wears the ring, is near equivalent to our Mistress.”

Having seen how eager he was to serve you, it did give you an idea how the relationship between dragonspawns and their masters works. He was someone ready to put their own life on the line if it meant protecting Nalice, Katrana or you because you had the ring.


"What do you think of Dalaran and the Kirin Tor?" You asked him. You had asked the same question to Nalice and she hadn't liked Dalaran at all.

"I have no opinion my good Prince. I am just a loyal servant." He replied politely.

"Hmmm, that is a valid answer." You said and continued. "Though do you know when Lady Nalice could return or is she still occupied with her own work? And was the chest heavy?"

Sir Cyrus laughed, this was the first time he had truly shown emotions.

"The coin is very much real, Lady Katrana wouldn't send my good Prince something you cannot use." Sir Cyrus answered. "And for my Mistress, I do not know. My Mistress works in half-secrecy, we are told only what we need to know."

“Thank you Sir Cyrus.” You said to him and put the ring back on. “This talk has been enlightening.”

“I aim to serve you to the best of my capability, my good Prince.” He replied to you.

“Now though, I presume you are just a knight, but am I wrong?”

“I am just a knight, I wasn’t blessed to have control over magic.”

“Is that what you want to do, serve me as a knight? Or do you have anything else in mind? Any skills I should know of?” You asked him and gave him quite a bit of leeway in how he wants to answer.

“My good Prince, I am a knight and I can protect you. But I am also skilled in noticing things that aren’t supposed to be noticed.” Sir Cyrus said to you. “Men act in a certain way, when they aren’t supposed to be where they are.”

“How do you have that skill?”

“Just like I wear a disguise, they do so as well.” Sir Cyrus explained.

Those sounded quite useful skills to have. He seemed to be a good fighter so as a knight he would have a spot in your retinue, but he could also help Eligius more directly. Him being a dragonspawn and knowing Draconic could help with your own studies regarding the language so you could take him as your new personal bodyguard and teacher. He seemed trustworthy, neither Nalice or Katrana had shown signs of being distrustful, yet both of them have their own plans and machinations. But that comes with the territory of being a dragon and a powerful noblewoman.

Yet how much did Katrana really know? Not everything is there, the puzzle is still shrouded in mystery. You had theories, some more wilder and some just what Nalice and Katrana had told you. A dragon and a dragonspawn serving you and Katrana.

If outsiders heard about it, they would call you mad.


>Allow him to stay around and don’t give him an exact mission. See what he can do on his own, set him free so to speak.
>Sir Gravis needs a knight and having someone like him protecting you could prove to be very useful.
>His ability to notice things could prove very useful to find and flush out Syndicate spies. Have him join and help Eligius in his efforts, Lady Nalice did after all teach him as well.
>Take him as your personal bodyguard. This should give Malevus more freetime and Sir Cyrus could help you with the Draconic studies directly.
>Other, write in.

Theories regarding Lady Nalice and Lady Katrana:
>Write in

QM: Sorry for being a day late. It is the same excuse as before, too hot and work being ornery.
>His ability to notice things could prove very useful to find and flush out Syndicate spies. Have him join and help Eligius in his efforts, Lady Nalice did after all teach him as well.

>Theories regarding Lady Nalice and Lady Katrana:
Dragons seem to have way more influence than previously thought.
Anyone could be potential dragon or dragonspawn. Makes me wonder how many of the humans in power are dragons in disguise. It doesn't seem hard for them to have completely infiltrated their leadership
Perhaps Lady Katrana is a dragon too?

And what's their endgoal? Did they state in the previous threads and I forgot?
If they didn't then I think they want to use us as a rising power in the region to spread their influence in order to do something.
We are but a pawn in their grand scheme, though a useful one it seems.
>His ability to notice things could prove very useful to find and flush out Syndicate spies. Have him join and help Eligius in his efforts, Lady Nalice did after all teach him as well.
>Take him as your personal bodyguard. This should give Malevus more freetime and Sir Cyrus could help you with the Draconic studies directly.
I'd like for him to alternate between these two jobs.

To add to this: Katrana is not a normal woman, dragon in disguise or not.

Nalice mentioned something about powerful artifacts IIRC but it's obviously not the whole picture, we are indeed a part of some greater scheme and objective.
>>Take him as your personal bodyguard. This should give Malevus more freetime and Sir Cyrus could help you with the Draconic studies directly.
>>Write in
>SPARRRRRRRRRRRRR, more seriously he could be a good trainer in melee if he is skilled.

When Nalice returns it can help Eligius again. So far Eligius is doing good same for the other spies. I feel like helping Eligius would be a lot of work and we need more protection right now.

>Theories regarding Lady Nalice and Lady Katrana:
Its strange. They seem fearful of being known, but they use a lot intrigue and diplomacy. Work in shadows is risky but they also show themselves in human form which could be risky too. They are powerful already and don't seem interested in creating enemies only allies and friends. They don't seem interested in lands or direct power but magical artifacts, trade, rare resources, more cooperation and so on. While Nalice is a warlock, they don't seem to like the forces of the dark at all or have any interest in dealing with them. So thats nice. They have possibly a great network of this rings, why so ? Do they just want their influence everywhere or only some places ? Why Van Cleef has a ring, the masons are certainly important but that much to give a ring ? How many could have them ? Even so they support Alric and his Alterac, they have not been stranger in giving aid of any kind to us and our people. Which is very appreciated it cannot be denied, we can certainly call them friends and allies for what they did and do that much is deserved.

They are really beautiful women too, with their human forms. If Katrana is even a dragon, which she might not be. And with Nalice, we also learned to know her a fair bit and we have a conversation going with Katrana through letters. So far we like them, even with these secrets and mystery around them.

I tried to say Katrana was sketch and noooooo. Even after they used fel on us. Now you're willing to say sus. Smh

And definitely need to try to figure out why she's doing all of this.

But this ability to spot the discreetly conspicuous is immensely valuable as we've been wanting to protect ourselves against informants and infiltrators for ages now. Why wouldn't we want Cyrus to use and teach this tecnique to sus out hidden enemies?

I think I remember your complaining. Nobody disagreed that they had many secrets, what was in dispute is if they were ill intentioned towards us.
No I literally said. " she tainted us with fel. Maybe we should start distrusting her a little bit and investigate. Into red dragons and their names"

Since nalice gave us her "dragon" name.
>Allow him to stay around and don’t give him an exact mission. See what he can do on his own, set him free so to speak.
First try him with:
>Sir Gravis needs a knight and having someone like him protecting you could prove to be very useful.
Gravis's team could use someone who has keen observation skills, such as the time the assassin made it into the house and Alric bodied him.

>Theories regarding Lady Nalice and Lady Katrana:
In character, Alric would assume that having a dragon in your service is no small thing. He has seen the power of Nalice, in her magic, intellect and capability. That Nalice is here at the behest of the Prestor family, specifically Katrana, shows that Katrana has a significant leverage on the red dragons (I forgot if Alric knows she is a red). This leverage could be in the form of extortion or favours owed, and so far Nalice seems to be speaking well of Katrana so it would be fair to assume favours.

Not knowing anything else about dragons, Alric would have little else to work with but compare their relationship to humans or elves as a similar long-lived magical race.
Great point on infiltration. Being aware that the Prestors hold such sway in Stormwind would indicate that a dragon-user family is senior in human politics, and in the rebuilding process of Stormwind (via House of Nobles and sponsoring Stonemasons), would therefore have significant stake in Stormwind being rescued from the sacking by the Orcs.Therefore Alric could assume they have some level of animosity to Orcs for imperiling their plans.
I have mentioned before that Alric might be aware of dragons being used in the Second War, and he could probably assume the reds demand revenge for being used by the Orcs and threatening Stormwind.

Whether Alric knows about Grim Batol, Blackrock Mountain and the Dragonmaw clan is a different matter.
>>SPARRRRRRRRRRRRR, more seriously he could be a good trainer in melee if he is skilled.
Support this so much. It's been a while since a capable man was found.
I am seeing a mix of Sir Cyrus helping Eligius in the spy business and him also being your bodyguard. Let's go with him putting most of his efforts in helping Eligius and when he is needed, then he will be your bodyguard.

Also sparring will happen.

And Alric does know about how the Dragonmaw Clan controlled the Red Dragonflight during the Second War. Nalice has told him about it before and the stories of dragons being used by the Horde are a common knowledge. Good thinking and theories otherwise.

Potentially no update today, but I could still use a roll. Theories and thinking about Nalice and Katrana can continue, just remember to think what Alric knows.

>Best of three
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Rolled 3 (1d10)

Rolled 2 (1d10)

Oooh, not good at all.

Could I have another roll please.

>Best of three, taking the second roll
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Ruh roh raggy
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Its Ogre.
Rolled 9 (1d10)

An upoptimal event, but Alric is ready and reacts fast. The worst was averted.

But the update comes tomorrow, before that could I ask a question that is a helpful to me as a guidance and how well I have managed to get my ideas across. Who are the secondary protagonists and the antagonists of this Quest? Alric of course is the main protagonists, but what about the rest? Who are they and why? Maybe think outside the box a bit.

>Secondary protagonists?

>Secondary protagonists?
Finally got around

Theories regarding Lady Nalice and Lady Katrana:
>Write in

Cyrus does refer to them both as Mistress, but Lady Nalice also refers to Lady Katrana as 'Mistress' but not the other way around. Even if she says its an alliance between dragons and Katrana's family that does come across more as servitude maybe. In their skirting around a potential romance, Nalice mentions she wouldnt want to get in Katrana's way to Alric so she wouldn't make the first step. Katrana also offered Nalice as spymaster in the first place. The tone of their alliance is a bit off unless its some kind of odd dragon formality.

'What titles would you give to Lady Nalice and Lady Katrana in draconic?' might be an interesting indicator to Cyrus of their status in draconic, but alric also lacks in whatever their actual culture even is. Big dragon equal big status? If Big Dragon says this noblewoman is your superior then she is? But Nalice hasn't mentioned being under any other superior dragons in particular.

From Cyrus's words it seems like Lady Nalice has direct authority over the Dragonspawn, but we've never heard of Dragonspawn before, though Alric certainly isnt the magic and monster lore kind of guy. Is her authority also related to her knowledge in mage, warlock, and fel arts? Could those be related to Dragonspawn, though Alric didn't feel any fel from this guy so who knows. It does raise some questions on how far this goes. If dragons can use themselves and dragonspawn to move in human circles do they really need to risk involving powerful human nobles like Katrana? There could be reasons like making them is difficult or new. In any case Lady Nalice seems to be a spymaster for a fairly wide ranging network including human and dragonspawn agents.

Nalice is supposed to be the dragon side of this arrangement which gives Katrana's family wealth in exchange for help to find magical artifacts. Normally one might imagine that Katrana's network should be one focused on that duty in return for wealth, but nobles gonna noble for influence too so fair enough. Even the Dark Irons Alric spoke to know about Katrana's wealth and power somehow, which should be noted. Alric hasn't seen much of their operation and doesn't really have the capability to look into it so he can't really draw much from that, though the other person he has seen with a ring definitely seems to have nothing to do with hunting down magic artifacts and just seems to be business, political, and passion. Then in investing in Alric and Alterac. The Stonemasons from accounts have been generally disruptive apart from their service in rebuilding stormwind. Then invested in Alterac for access to silver and oil as some very useful resources, plus a safe haven for those stonemasons who shouldnt be fighting. Generally things have veered away from getting closer to the Alliance.
>Secondary protagonists?
I mean, Malevus is pretty much our sidekick. Eligius as well to a lesser extent.

The Syndicate, the Alliance and all the people involved like our brother, Falconcrest, Arthas and Garithos. By extension, Uther and the Silver Hand could be too.
There's the other mobs inhabiting the lands we want like ogres, gnolls, orcs(the bad ones) and trolls too.
>Why wouldn't we want Cyrus to use and teach this tecnique to sus out hidden enemies
Because Nalice is already training Eligius about intrigue and I recon she made an indepth education for spymaster. Eitherway it passed so doesnt matter.

>Secondary protagonists?
For the pov's or also considering their role in quest and what they do ?
I don’t think the Pov is enough, but it does matrer.

Malevus has a decent position, for sure. I always considered Eligius and Normand quite important though for the story, and they are quite present through all the quest.

Before Malevus other of our officers where more present. Like Cromwell, Beckston, Raleigh and so on. Radan had his own arc for a while. Bill Rover was quite present then he had to retire and we where introduced to his sons.
Nalice has become a bit more important. I wouldn't call any of the other girls a secondary, they have their own presence Tari more than the others.

Funnily enough i would say the good Mayor Fowley and Father Hampton, had always a good level of presence.

- Our brother. Self explanatory. Main enemy, works just has hard as Alric for victory
- Arthas. He was our antagonist/rival for quite a while. Mixed ground now
- Garithos. Its not done yet.
- Alliance and Silver Hand. Pure hate
- Blackmoore. Yes and no. Ally, despicable man, drinking buddy etc...
- Fel Nightmare. The Worst of Alric. Fights every day for have Alric say "we are one and the same". Tries to be a friend/ally resorts to threaths, creating real body pain and more nightmares if it doesnt get what it wants.
Ah gnolls and bandits are automatically antagonists, only that gnolls don’t deserve mercy and bandits can be reformed through a lot of hard work and time.
>Secondary protagonists?
Jaina could be as we've had her POV before, as could Thrall. Jandice has some potential to do stuff as well.

Then theres some perspectives that are nice
Tari has some views that people would probably appreciate
Monica hears some things too
The Peoples of Alterac viewpoints we sometimes get are nice, and now we have the underbelly and the stonemasons.

Various Alliance Kingdoms, Silver Hand, and Syndicate
Alric's brother and his number 2 guy I forget his name
Uther wants to help Alric but he is absolutely ready to crush Alterac again, or atleast the Silver Hand is.
Katrana in her own way, which is that she obviously intends to meddle in Alric's lovelife and politics, which the former certainly is not great even if the latter is okay for now.
Fel Alric/Malevus. Wants Alric to accept it is part of him now. I'm tempted to find an arrangement because I do think its probably part of him forever at this point, and we have found uses in having it with that orc episode. Try to make the best of it from now on, get a grip on how to use it and when. The world is a dark place, and Alric is not without some darkness inside.

To a lesser extent
Thrall and his incoming plan to set the orcs free against our ally but atleast we have something to work with that in the Deed.
Dalaran has its interests to look into the whole fel incident and our making off with a bunch of the Underbelly people which they might suspect had someone skilled in Fel that fell into our lap. Plus the whole secret mage training thing, but shit happens and as long as you have friends in high places it'll probably be fine. Maybe.
The Hostile Horde Remnants are around and could make some trouble, or Hellscream's warsong clan might lol
Ogres, gnolls, trolls, etc.


>bad guys
Arthas, garithos, ally scum, syndicate, Katrana.
>An upoptimal event, but Alric is ready and reacts fast. The worst was averted.
>failed weather roll
Ragnaros is summoned and destroys the Hinterlands emerald dream portal!
Scorching heatwaves!
Alric asks for a cool drink of Tarren Mill cider, Ragnaros is disgusted by Alric's pleb taste and fucks off back to the lelemental plane!

>Secondary protagonists?
As mentioned, for a while it was Jaina, Norman Garside. Now it's Malevus Silverthread, maybe Eligius, Jandice Barov.
Aiden Perenolde and Syndicate
Alliance heads of state
Blackmoore when he's ornery
Blackrock clan
Possibly the Barov brothers of Jandice
Arthas Menethil until he progresses further on the redemption-arc
Silver Hand if we force their hand again, but Uther seems to be more despondent and frustrated at Alric
Ogres, but Cinder Sword shows them up.
Oh right the 'why' of the secondary protagonists. PoV isn't everything, so I look at characters who have some stories to tell and the setup to go with it. The potential for meaningful decisions to be made. General proximity to our Alric. Motivation. Faults. I'll give it a shot for a few of the main ones. Jaina, Jandice, and a few others could certainly be expanded on.

Malevus wants to be a paladin, the Guardian of Dawnholme, and left her homeland on a quest. Learning a fair bit of the world as a young and court sheltered noble elf. Is currently enduring the hardships of Alric's training, flirting, and general shenanigans. Meeting lots of interesting people. Easily has a great deal of influence over Alric and therefore over a considerable amount of things that could happen. Pretty much an open book unless she has her guard up or a plan in mind.

Nalice has a number of mysteries about her, and quite a few obligations. She has challenges and interests that are usually less direct like her spy network, her hunt for magical artifacts and research, then mentoring. Her power is somewhat held in check by the need for secrecy, though is not without outbursts and miscalculations. Her interest in magecraft and various warlock powers, then how she responded to being threatened by some nobody syndicate warlock maybe speaks towards having a bit of a complex about not having enough power or being looked down on. Which is kind of cute for a dragon woman even if she does blast warlocks into smithereens. Though to be honest it is perhaps just my favoritism to list her here.

Eligius. At this point Alric's closest guy friend and confidant? Hes got a -lot- of stuff on his plate to be honest. Warlock training, spymaster training, paperwork, heading their Coven and trying to get a handle on the witches and other potential recruits for it, actively managing what spy activities we have, trying to advise and teach Alric while worrying for him, then keeping their cover. Might have missed something but even then hes gotta be one of the busiest people in Dawnholme. A reasonable and intelligent man, entrusted with magic, who for a while lived in a cave practicing what warlock arts he inherited while escaping any trappings of mysticism. If I recall Nalice likes reminding him to know his place with staredowns and releasing her menacing presence which is pretty funny. As both boon and bane hes apparently a bit plain seeming. A reasonable man in a world that is often enough unreasonable?
Bedrock of Alric life, father, teacher, role model. Leads and governs Alterac whenever Alric can't, or when Alric asks him. Helps Alric rule daily, reinforce and supports him in his decisions. Present in basically all important and relevant decisions (present even in more than a few emotional and funny moments), fundamental advisor in politics, warfare and governance (convinced Alric to follow the Alteraci traditional law for the worst cases of bandits, instead of attempt to reform all of them). Firm opposition to anyone in our way, while keeping a cautious hand on his warhammer with allies like Blackmoore, or the possible enemies like Alliancetards (captain Reginald and his men are alright fellas) and the zealots of the Silver Hand.

Probably is doing stuff that benefit Alric and Alterac has we speak, like improving relations with our only vassal Ragis, the Chief of Stonedon. Or eliminating any last doubts or worries from the army about Alric, due to the Fel in his body, reminding them of his deeds and valor.
“I want you to help Eligius. He is the reason why Lady Nalice arrived here in the first place as he is my spymaster.” You told Sir Cyrus and continued. “I want you to put your skills in use in helping him in any way possible and to teach him what you know. Though do note, Eligius doesn’t know about the true identity of Lady Nalice.”

“Understood my good Prince.” Sir Cyrus replied and nodded approvingly. “Anything else?”

“I would like you to be my bodyguard if there is an event that requires it. I don’t need to be followed all the time, I already have my knights and my squire for that. But if there is a need for an extra sword arm, I would like to have you by my side.” You said and continued. “And when I have time, I would like to spar with you. It has been a while since I have had someone new to spar with.”

“Whenever my good Prince wants, I am ready.”

“One last thing, with Lady Nalice away I haven’t been able to study Draconic properly. You get only so far with books, so I would like you to help me with it.” You said and switched to Draconic. “Is that… fine?”

“Yes, I… teach you.” Sir Cyrus replied and you understood most of what he had said.

“Thank you Sir Cyrus.” You switched back to Common. “I have nothing else for now, but if you have anything to say or tell me, you know where to find me.”

You stood up and the knight did the same.

“Ahh… one more thing. Take a day or two to just get used to how things are done around here. Being in my service probably isn’t exactly what you might expect or have experienced in Stormwind.” You said to him.

“I will my good Prince. I won’t disappoint you.” Sir Cyrus replied to you and gave you a bow.

“Good, then let’s go before others start wondering what we are discussing for so long.”

The chest had been near full of coin, enough to handle most start-up costs and last through the summer.

And there was a letter from Katrana.

Opening the envelope, you were greeted with the now familiar scent of her perfume and her usual words of wanting to see you again and wanting you. The way she wrote did make you smile, her blatant interest in you was intriguing. Though this time she didn’t waste ink with common pleasantries and got to the point immediately.


She had sent Sir Cyrus to help you and to protect you because she was worried that something might happen to you. She of course knew that the poisoning was just a story, Nalice had told her that, but such a story might cause the Syndicate or other parties to actually try to assassinate you again. She was right about that, Syndicate had tried to kill you in Tarren Mill. For Katrana in her words you are one of her most important allies and trade partners. Future cooperation when it comes to oil is going to be an incredible boon and having someone she could trust protecting you is just a smart thing to do. Your well-being is something that benefits the both of you a lot.

Katrana also wrote about King Varian. His depression was still there and the House of Nobles was having major problems at trying to keep the kingdom running. King Varian had signed some papers, but he was just too melancholy to be able to do his own duty full time. But he would have to for a meeting between the rulers and lords of the Alliance had been planned for the summer similarly to the last year. The exact date is still unknown, but Katrana wishes for you to come and she will send an official invite to you.

She finished the letter with well wishes and she hopes that Sir Cyrus can serve you well for she doesn’t know when Nalice is ready to return to Dawnholme.

You put the letter down and thought about all this. Katrana was right, having more protection is a very beneficial thing, but Sir Cyrus was one more person who is serving you who is an outsider. Not forgetting that he is a dragonspawn and somehow tied to Katrana through Nalice.

Who exactly is Katrana Prestor? Why does she have a dragon helping her? You weren’t sure, but you needed her and she hadn’t shown you a reason to distruss her. Caution was still needed, especially as she still wants you.

What a peculiar woman. You wondered if the rumours about you and all the supposed women you have will embolden her? Maybe you could use that to your advantage?


It had been two days since the arrival of Sir Cyrus and you had been very busy with preparing the paperwork as the summer was approaching. Your life in Dawnholme had continued without any issues.

Though that evening as you were practising music with Malevus, a messenger arrived. It was one of your soldiers whose squad had been deployed to watch the King’s Road towards Alterac and Gallows Corner.

“My Prince.” The soldier greeted you as you met him downstairs. He had ridden as fast as he could back to Dawnholme.

“What is it?” You asked him as Malevus brought him water to drink.

“Bad news, the ogres have attacked and ransacked Gallows Corner.” He told you.

“What! When?”

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“Earlier today, our lookout in the tower spotted a man coming south by the road. We went and intercepted the man and found out that he was one of the bandits holding the palisade. He was unarmed and he told us that the ogres had attacked without a warning, scattering the defenders.” Your soldier told you and continued. “He made the decision to head south towards us instead of taking the chance trying to hide in the woods.”

“Anything else, did he say anything else?” You asked your soldier.

“The ogres had kobolds with them and let them loose after the survivors. That is why he came south, better to surrender to us instead of taking your chance against them.” He replied.

Blasted! Ogres striking at Gallows Corner and having kobolds as their allies was bad news.

“Thank you, you have done a great job.” You said to the soldier. “Malevus, can you escort him to the barracks and inform the officers of what has happened.”

“Yes Alric, do you have a plan in mind?” Malevus asked you as she threw her cloak over her shoulders.

>You are going to move all of your available soldiers to the Scout Tower facing Alterac. You will be prepared if they try to raid you next.
>The ogres haven’t tried to attack you as their previous attempts have all failed. There is no need to be too worried, but some changes in the patrols are required.
>You are going to launch a scouting mission into Alterac. You want to see what has happened with your own eyes, maybe you could find more of those survivors.
>Other, write in.
>>You are going to launch a scouting mission into Alterac. You want to see what has happened with your own eyes, maybe you could find more of those survivors.
>You are going to launch a scouting mission into Alterac. You want to see what has happened with your own eyes, maybe you could find more of those survivors.
>Bring Sir Cyrus with us
Do we have any turned Syndicate members in Dawnholme with us? Would they come with us to Gallow's Corner and find their former allies and convince them of Alric's generosity?

Also find Eligius, while Alric is in Dawnholme, ask him to speak with Beric the trader to ask the Alliance Naval Base if they need iron, or steel. We need the trade!
>You are going to launch a scouting mission into Alterac. You want to see what has happened with your own eyes, maybe you could find more of those survivors.
>>You are going to launch a scouting mission into Alterac. You want to see what has happened with your own eyes, maybe you could find more of those survivors.
Kobolds with ogres? never heard of that combo.
>>You are going to launch a scouting mission into Alterac. You want to see what has happened with your own eyes, maybe you could find more of those survivors.
Have the men prepared and on alert, those ogres might attack again. Inform the army in the hills too

The ogres used them has workforce before, when we took the silver mine.
Oh man, not great timing for this to happen. Campaign still going, the gnoll campaign with blackmoore later. The Ogres and kobolds are probably a bigger raiding threat then the bandits ever were. I wonder if we can justify taking Gallows Corner to clear out the ogres without making an issue of the treaty? Or putting Aiden back to trying to assassinate us since he also doesnt want us going in there.

Maybe we could try to justify it for clearing out as a clear and present danger, as keeping them inside Alterac proper so they can't raid the countryside. Then also try to get some support for allowing it from Jandice and the Barovs to open up trade through that road for benefits. Might be something to try and bring up at the Stormwind meeting? Could try to write to Jandice about it. If King Terenas is still an Alric fan maybe he'd be willing. Maybe Katrana can finagle some kind of support as well.

>You are going to launch a scouting mission into Alterac. You want to see what has happened with your own eyes, maybe you could find more of those survivors.
>Other, write in.
Quickly question the surviving bandit? I'm surprised he managed to survive. I wonder if they had any smuggling tunnels or something in Gallows Corner that helped him get away.
“Yes, the night is arriving and we can use it to our advantage.” You said to her and continued. “We are going to move in and scout the situation, and use the darkness to our advantage.”

“That sounds risky?” Malevus replied to you.

“Yes, but we need to know what they are doing. And if we can find more survivors, be they bandits or Syndicates, that should surely help us.” You said to her. “But we can talk more later, time is of essence.”

“Understood.” Malevus nodded and went for the door. “See you in a few moments.”

Malevus opened the door and stepped out with the soldier right behind him.

Alrighty then. Time to get to work.

“Prince Alric.” Sahvan greeted you with a bow. You had ordered him to join you, a former Syndicate assassin could prove to be useful during this scouting mission. He seemed to blend in with the dusk while wearing his dark leathers and tunic.

“Sahvan.” You greeted him back and handed him a sword. “You might need this.”

He gave you a curious look as he took the blade from you.

“You have proven your worth, take this as a show of trust.”

“Yes Prince Alric.” He replied and bowed again.

“The knights are ready.” Sir Gravis said to you and spared a glance to Sir Cyrus.

“Good.” You said and turned to look at the new knight. “I didn’t expect you to see action this fast.”

“Fighting is my profession my good Prince.” He replied.

Outside the barracks you and your men were standing. You were wearing Aurvan’kal and Malevus had put on her elven half-plate. Sir Gravis, his knights and Sir Cyrus were ready as well with Sir Cyrus having already put on his bascinet. Royal Foot Guards were ready as well and Sir Radan with his men having taken up their arms and armour. Sadly the rest of your men were either out on the patrols or in Strahnbrad Hills.

“I will have a message sent to Captain Garside.” Eligius said to you as he helped you to mount your horse.

“Good, let him know of the situation.” You replied. More troops need to be moved from the hills back to Dawnholme with the ogres on the warpath. “Alright we’ll be off, I want to reach the tower as soon as possible.

Those who were mounted rode ahead with your infantry following with a quick march. It would tire them a bit, but you didn’t know how much time you would have if you wanted to find any survivors.


The Scout Tower built by the Stonemasons stood on a hill near the King’s Road. Two lookouts tried to stare into the distance towards Alterac to see if there were anyone else arriving.

“How did you survive?” You quickly asked the man who had fled Gallows Corner. The man had thrown his helmet and mail away and didn’t look as uniform compared to the Syndicate soldiers you had fought in the hills. Your men had tied his hands just in case.

“By runnin’, when the ogres attacked, we tried to fight back. But when they got through the gate, we just routed.” The man said to you. “And when we got outside, we were attacked by the kobolds. They chased us into the forest, some of us fought.”

“But you just ran.”

“Aye…” The man said. You could hear it in his voice that he was disappointed and angry with himself for having ran away.

“How many do you think survived?”

“Maybe… dozens? I am not sure, I am sorry.” He replied to you.

Well the man was beaten if not physically, then by spirit. He couldn’t help you more, but what he said was quite useful to you.

Stepping outside you glanced at the sky. The moons were up and it wasn’t that dark anymore closer to the summer you got. Visibility seemed to be good, but spotting people who are hiding or not moving, that could be difficult.

The decision of how big of a scouting party you would take needs to be made. Being mobile could be crucial, but your numbers would be quite low with just so few men on horseback. Which doesn’t matter if you don’t end up fighting, but what if you need to protect surviving bandits and Syndicate members? Having more men to move and protect them would be very helpful.

>Only those who are on horseback, you need to be fast and horses give you enough mobility. You, Malevus, Sir Gravis, Sir Cyrus, the knights and Sahvan.
>Sir Radan and his men are former bandits and skirmishers. They know how to move in terrain like that and be fast.
>Royal Foot Guards are your best fighters and you might be facing ogres. They will slow you down, but you might need them.
>Other, write in.
>>Royal Foot Guards are your best fighters and you might be facing ogres. They will slow you down, but you might need them.
>Sir Radan and his men are former bandits and skirmishers. They know how to move in terrain like that and be fast.
>>Sir Radan and his men are former bandits and skirmishers. They know how to move in terrain like that and be fast.
Some small updates to Stats and Socials pastebin and got the Quest Mechanisms pastebin updated as well. Economy isn't in as bad spot now with Strahnbrad Hills under your control and Wiklish having invented the gearbox. I still need to do the actual season update when the time is for that, but that is just checking my spreadsheet and doing some small math.

Take updated map.
>>Sir Radan and his men are former bandits and skirmishers. They know how to move in terrain like that and be fast.
>>Sir Radan and his men are former bandits and skirmishers. They know how to move in terrain like that and be fast.
“Royal Foot Guards will stay here and act as anvil if needed.” You said. Their heavy Dark Iron made armours weren’t the best option when it came to skirmishing and moving fast, but they did protect their users really well. “Sir Radan, you and your men will move ahead of us and act as a screen.”

“Yes Prince Alric.” Sir Radan replied. The rat looking man proudly nodded, his past as a bandit would come handy in here.

“We will be behind you, if you find anything, we will charge in.” You said and continued. “We will follow the road till we cross into Alterac, then we will move into the forests and avoid the open ground. If we were to find survivors, they are going to use the forests to stay hidden.”

Your men nodded approvingly. Riding and marching into the night wouldn’t be safe, but your men trusted you and they trusted their own skills. Potentially facing kobolds didn’t really bother you that much, but the ogres? If more than a few managed to spot you, you could be in trouble.

“Alright, let’s go then.”

>Best of three, taking the second roll
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Shame we don't have those mages we hired here, but then having them with the army was important incase the trolls made a move or surprises happen. Plus I suppose Alric could try something in the dark if need be. One of these days gotta have Alric play around with fire, and see if he can use the Cinder Sword as a convincing medium to throw around a firey sword wave or something then call it part of the cinder swords magic or an upgrade to it or something.
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Rolled 5 (1d10)

Everyones dead!
Total ogre supremacy.

Alrighty, this requires another roll.

>Average of three
Rolled 31 (1d50)

Rolled 47 (1d50)

Rolled 36 (1d50)

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The weather turned to worse as clouds started to gather. A slight overcast blocked the moons and only briefly would their light illuminate the land.

This meant that suddenly you couldn’t see Sir Radan or his men ahead of you anymore as they stepped into the sparse woods. Sometimes when the clouds broke enough to allow the moonlight in you saw their shapes between the trees. This would be difficult, you knew it.

Everyone was silent, only your horses made some noise and your armours as branches hit them. Your men ahead of you were surprisingly silent as well. Even the birds were silent, no owls or anything else hunting rodents.

You got the feeling that it would be you hunting rodents. Blood would be spilt tonight.

And then a guttural scream pierced the forest. It died as fast and suddenly it appeared.

“To Sir Radan.” You said with a steady voice. It didn’t sound like fighting had started so you weren’t exactly in a hurry.

Radan and his men had all drawn their swords and taken out their axes. He had lowered his visor as he scanned the forest ahead of himself. Next to him on the ground was a dead kobold and one of Radan’s men ripped off the dart that had been used to kill it.

“It appeared from nowhere.” Sir Radan said to you. “They know that we are here.”

If a scout was here, the rest of them were somewhere very close and you were right as suddenly you heard plenty of footsteps and branches cracking ahead of you.

They were coming straight at you and you knew that you had to make a decision right now.

>Use your fire magic and set the bushes and dry forest floor in front of you on fire. That should scare the kobolds and give you plenty of light.
>Charge ahead suddenly and surprise the kobolds. You are going to have the initiative. Success through violence of action.
>Brace and take their charge. Then cut them down one by one.
>Retreat, do not fight them here and instead do a fighting withdrawal.
>Other, write in.

Do you use Fel:

Mana: 2/2
Fel: 1/1
>Use your fire magic and set the bushes and dry forest floor in front of you on fire. That should scare the kobolds and give you plenty of light.
>Other, write in.
Pretend to use the Cinder Sword to do it? Just sort of draw the blade and cut into the bushes, then 'help' it spread. Or be really fancy and try to make the flame jump from the blade to our targets?

Now that I think of it there were scrolls, would pretending that we read a scroll to summon fire work now and in future? Use some scrolls just scrawled with nonsense that we burn up ourselves lol. Or does it have to be a mage reading a scroll in Warcraft?

That said I figure eventually Gravis and Radan and our closest boys are going to find out, or we would tell them in some kind of announcement? Or maybe not?

Do you use Fel:

I think we can save that for if and when we get ogres.
We need light to fight well. Otherwise we're going to get bodied in the dark. It'll probably draw reinforcements though. But I believe in our new helper.
Support using the Cinder Sword to 'cast' fire on the forest floor. Kobolds are miners and would have mad-good nightsight. We need every advantage.

No fel
im down for some uncontrollable forest fires.
>>Charge ahead suddenly and surprise the kobolds. You are going to have the initiative. Success through violence of action.
Alric the Arsonist. Give me some rolls, DCs depict the level of success when setting the bushes on fire.

>3d10, Best of four
>DC 12, 16, 20, Crit 24
Rolled 1, 6, 5 = 12 (3d10)

Arson appears in a lot of games I find, and its for the better
Rolled 8, 5, 3 = 16 (3d10)

Rolled 8, 10, 6 = 24 (3d10)

Rolled 9, 9, 7 = 25 (3d10)

woo crit!
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That will do, that will do well.
>That said I figure eventually Gravis and Radan and our closest boys are going to find out, or we would tell them in some kind of announcement? Or maybe not?

The whole magic training is secret for a reason.
The amount of people that knows it can be count in our hands, the training is never done in a visible place and Alric exclusively goes out at night with the invisible cloak for do it. We made up the "Fel poisoning", because we couldn't allow any other doubts to linger on it and think of something else like Prince Alric trying to be a mage and accidentally playing with Fel.

Alric was not a mage. He now is. There was nothing before that allowed him to be magical, everything that was done, was done in a way that needs to be a secret. Mages training is taken seriously, thats why Dalaran has such power over it.
Eventually yes. Not now, is far too soon. And by eventually i don't mean in five posts of Medivh, or 1 thread. This might be long like the reconquest it self, if not more. At the moment we will use the excuse of Cinder Sword, since its a magical weapon we can just say it did something we have never seen before.
>25, Crit Success!

"I have an idea, everyone step back!" You shouted and drew your sword.

You swung it in the air several times to heat it up as it ate the air around it. Just a couple swings and the dull grey had turned into orange and white of heated metal.

It had rained a couple days ago, so you hoped that the bushes and the forest floor were dry enough because you were going to light it all on fire. Cinder Sword was just a way to obfuscate the way you would set everything on fire.

Carrying your shield with your left arm, you used it to block anyone seeing your hand. So when you rode next to the first bush, you just placed the Cinder Sword, which alone could have lit it on fire, next to it and snapped your gauntleted fingers once.

This didn't require effort, not that much concentration either. Dry leaves and twigs weren't that much harder than a candle to be lit. The fire appeared on the leaves and dripped down as your flames tend to do. As droplets fell on the forest floor, you knew you had succeeded. The bush had caught on fire.

"Stand back!" You shouted again as you moved to another Bush and snapped your fingers again. It lit up too.

Then you did it again and again, until six small fires had been created.

The flames illuminated the forest as you turned your horse around. You could see now how deeper ahead of you dark figures were milling around. There they were, those blasted kobolds. You had no time to waste.

You did quick sprints from bush to bush. Always concentrating on the tip of Cinder Sword as you snapped and created yet another fire. Your mind helped to push and weave the flames to creep through the branches, setting them on fire. The fires you had created had spread and your men had joined the effort against your orders by throwing loose twigs into the flames to feed them more.

But you were sure that wasn't necessary due to the unnatural origins of the fires.

The kobolds had gotten closer, not wanting to charge through the flames. The fires between you and them are clearly working at keeping them away. But at the same time it had given them the opportunity to gather up, you could see nearly three dozen of them carrying their pickaxes and sharpened shovels.

You snapped your fingers once more to light a bush on fire when something unexpected happened.

The fire jumped from the bush on your blade and you instantly knew what was to happen next. Raising your sword high up in the air for everyone to see, you could hear the faint swoosh of it eating the air around it until a second later the Cinder Sword burst on fire.

Out of instinct you kept the blade away from you to not get burned and to not frighten Epona, but you quickly realised that the blade was harmless to you. The flames burned bright and intense heat radiated from them, but it didn't burn you.


A wide grin appeared on your face. Cinder Sword had been a failure, its enchantments should have made it burst on fire when taken out of its scabbard. But now it looks like you have found a way to accomplish that. You just needed to give it a bit of a push.

"Prince Alric!" Sir Gravis shouted and got your attention.

The kobolds were trying to get through the flames as small gaps did exist between the burning bushes, undergrowth and small trees. The fire had spread, separating you from them. How it looked, the fire would quickly spread amongst and between the kobolds, it would be just a matter of time. You now had the initiative and most importantly you could see them well.

>Charge them through the fire. The fire has shocked them and you could get them to rout with a quick charge.
>Keep your distance and cut those down that get through the fire. Have Sir Radan’s men use their darts and javelins
>The fire should slow them down a lot. You can now withdraw safely.
>Other, write in.

>Ignite the Cinder Sword
>>Keep your distance and cut those down that get through the fire. Have Sir Radan’s men use their darts and javelins
They either retreat or push through the flames to attack.
How many are there and how armoured is our horse? It's a longshot but maybe we could rout them with a one man cavalry charge.

Otherwise, >>6031725 has the right idea. Have the men take out their projectiles and wait for a good shot.
>Keep your distance and cut those down that get through the fire. Have Sir Radan’s men use their darts and javelins

Noice, got the Ignited Cinder Sword. Now we enjoy the fruits of our labor with the choke points and Radan's skirmishers to do their work.
>>Keep your distance and cut those down that get through the fire. Have Sir Radan’s men use their darts and javelins
>Keep your distance and cut those down that get through the fire. Have Sir Radan’s men use their darts and javelins

>Ignite the Cinder Sword
ayyyy nice one laddie
Unanimous decision. Could I have some rolls please. These are for Alric, the knights and Sir Radan/his men. The 1d10s and DCs are in that order as well, but the crit is same for everyone.

>3d10, Best of three
>DC 13, 14, 15, Crit 20
Rolled 7, 5, 9 = 21 (3d10)

Rolled 9, 7, 2 = 18 (3d10)

Rolled 9, 9, 10 = 28 (3d10)

>25, Crit Success!
>21, Crit Success!
>21, Crit Success!

Those kobolds really don't know what hit them. Alric and the gang are on a roll! Update will come later this evening!
No survivors.
Alric is channeling the ancestors through himself and his men to inflict a fiery purge upon these unsuspecting kobolds.
>25, Crit Success!
>21, Crit Success!
>21, Crit Success!

Assessing the situation quickly, you knew that you had won this battle. The fire funnelled the kobolds into a few spots and those foolhardy enough to try to go through or around the fire could easily be picked off. The way the fire formed a wall reminded you of fortifications erected in the field just before a larger battle. Instead of wooden spikes, it was instead a wall of fire.

"Stand your ground! Knights to the flanks!" You shouted orders and pointed directions with the burning Cinder Sword.

"Alterac Stands!"

The kobolds at that moment decided to rush forward. First one who got through the gap found a javelin hitting it straight into its chest. With a scream the kobold fell and another one jumped over its still squirming body to find a dart flying straight at it.

The same story happened through the defensive line. Sir Radan or his men wouldn't miss from this distance and in just a few seconds several kobolds lay dead or dying by the fires.

More tried to quickly run over the burning forest floor, but they were met by your knights and mounted soldiers. Sir Gravis hacked one to pieces, Malevus exchanged strikes with one until she got her stab through. You didn't see it, but heard later that even Sahvan had used the sword you had given to him to cut one down.

As the kobolds tried to rush through the fire and the few gaps, not all made it through. Those who had fallen from javelins and swords fell in the fire. Their furs quickly ignited and fed the flames. The sick smell of burning flesh soon was everywhere.

You kept moving, tried to see if anyone of them tried to come at you. The flames were rising higher and you could feel the heat of the blaze when you spotted one larger kobold pushing and ordering others around. Carrying a mighty axe, the kobold noticed you and screamed a warcry before charging past some of its brethren and then through the flames. Its fur was smoking as it ran towards you, bringing its axe up and trying to either cleave you or Epona with one swing. But the move was way too telegraphed, it was something a rookie would attempt and promptly have his ass handed to him during sparring. Having seen it trying to come at you, you had just barely gotten your horse to move forward and give you a bit of momentum.

Not that you really needed it.

It was simple, one clean swing beheaded the kobold as it brought its axe up. The flames of Cinder Sword set the fur on fire and the large headless rodent man crashed on the forest floor already burning.

Your thoughts were immediately elsewhere, only couple stragglers seemed to remain and the javelins and darts quickly found them.


You smiled. A battle well fought.

The fire crackled around you as the fire spread into the trees. Shadows danced around you as you continued to smile. You had done a pretty good job at setting the bushes on fire and now most likely everyone would see the blaze. Yet it was mostly silent otherwise. The kobolds were dead, just the noise from men moving in their armours.

"Is everyone alright?" You asked as you circled back towards them.

"Yes Prince Alric." Sir Radan replied.

"Prince Alric, your sword?" Sir Gravis asked you.

"The enchantments are finally working." You lied to him. "They fumbled them originally, the sword was supposed to burst into fire… why are we talking about my sword?"

Cinder Sword was still on fire as you sheathed it. It was a hunch you had, but it did look like it extinguished itself immediately.

"Are all the kobolds dead?" You asked him quickly.

"Yes, we didn't see anyone running away." Sir Gravis replied back.

"Malevus did your elven eyes see anything?" You now asked her.

"No Alric, I… I think they are all dead." She said to you as she took off her helmet to let her hair be free for a moment. By the Light she looked beautiful like this, illuminated by the spreading fire.

Banish those thoughts Alric, thinking about her can wait for later.

"Alright, alright." You said to yourself as you looked around and thought about the situation.

You had defeated a party of kobolds rather easily. The surrendered bandit hadn't lied, but now everyone knew that something had happened based on the fire. You had to act fast if you were to find any survivors.

>Ride ahead with your knights, you need to find the survivors before more kobolds or ogres show up.
>If the survivors are smart, they will avoid the fire. Make a wide loop and try to encounter them this way.
>Everyone knows that something has happened. Call for the Royal Foot Guards and set up an ambush. You will catch whoever comes to investigate the fire.
>You have made too much noise. It is better to withdraw and leave. You aren't going to take any chances with this.
>Other, write in.

QM: The roll of 38 was the amount of kobolds you faced. This set of crits just decimated them and had Alric geek a planned miniboss with just a single swing.
>Ride ahead with your knights, you need to find the survivors before more kobolds or ogres show up.
>Everyone knows that something has happened. Call for the Royal Foot Guards and set up an ambush. You will catch whoever comes to investigate the fire.
Whoever wants to be rescued will cautiously approach the fire and try to find the Alteracis just like that bandit did. Otherwise they will run into the woods and I don't thinks it's worth it to go looking for them right now.

Have the knights ride ahead and act as bait for the ambush.
>>Everyone knows that something has happened. Call for the Royal Foot Guards and set up an ambush. You will catch whoever comes to investigate the fire.
A well made ambush could do wonders
>Everyone knows that something has happened. Call for the Royal Foot Guards and set up an ambush. You will catch whoever comes to investigate the fire.

I don't think we need more bait, the fire is attractive enough to draw the attention of the ogres who are probably on their way. My thinking is we might want to blast the ogre leader with our fire spell boosted with fel once the ambush begins, then maybe blame it on the ogre by calling it an Ogre Warlock that miscast their spell. I don't suppose we brought the bloodstone or figured out how to really use the gnoll necklace yet. Hopefully this will stop any raiding or even clear the crossing out for a while if we win. Might be funny to just walk in there to see whats what.
Sure they will come with the fire but with the cavalry we can guide them to right where we want them to be, all nice and bunched up.

>as she took off her helmet to let her hair be free for a moment. By the Light she looked beautiful like this, illuminated by the spreading fire.
>Banish those thoughts Alric, thinking about her can wait for later.

Haha, the blood rises after combat!

>Everyone knows that something has happened. Call for the Royal Foot Guards and set up an ambush. You will catch whoever comes to investigate the fire.
>Have concealed cavalry ready to charge any stragglers.
Kobolds are known to run away in fear to get more of their buddies and then re-attack.
>Ride ahead with your knights, you need to find the survivors before more kobolds or ogres show up.
>Everyone knows that something has happened. Call for the Royal Foot Guards and set up an ambush. You will catch whoever comes to investigate the fire.
Well i was right no survivors after all.

Oh right, how did Cyrus do in the fight? I think we wanted to know his performance in particular. Unless we just missed it then fair enough.

You have the Gnoll Necklace with you, hence best of four when it comes to magic. Bloodstone is in one of your drawers, you haven't delved too much into it.

Cyrus did OK, he just didn't have much a chance to shine as the battle was over so quickly.
I am going to ask for the rolls for when I write later today. Sir Radan prepares an ambush while you and the knights range ahead. This roll is for Alric.

>3d10, Best of three
>DC 13, Crit 20
Rolled 7, 1, 1 = 9 (3d10)

Rolled 10, 7, 1 = 18 (3d10)

Rolled 4, 6, 6 = 16 (3d10)

"Sahvan! Ride fast back to the tower and have the Royal Foot Guards to march here. We might need their help." You gave him the order. He was the most lightly armoured of your mounted men so he was most likely the fastest as well.

"Sir Radan, have your men rest for a moment and prepare an ambush here. I want you to be alert and ready to receive whoever decides come investigate the fire." You spoke to him and continued. "Everyone can see the blaze, someone surely will come to investigate."

"Understood Prince Alric." Sir Radan replied. "What will you do then?"

"We will ride forth and see if we can find anything before more kobolds or ogres arrive." You replied.

"Brave move my good Prince." Sir Cyrus said to you. You hadn't gotten used to his presence yet, but you had the feeling that he could get to prove his worth soon enough.

"Not brave, calculated." You said back. "Now let's not waste any time."

Your men gave you nods and lowered their visors. They were ready.

>18, Success!

The clouds broke slightly and the moons illuminated the sparse forest and open ground. Looking back, you could see the red hue of the forest fire, you had been right, everyone could see that.

Riding at brisk pace through the forest, any chance for a stealthy approach was thrown out with the amount of noise you were making. You, Malevus, Sir Gravis, Joe, Thomas, Empleton and Sir Cyrus had fanned out to avoid being bunched up. Your orders had been simple, if faced with opposition, you were to charge. If faced with ogres or large amounts of kobolds, you were to withdraw. If any survivors could be found, you would gather them and escort them back to Sir Radan and others.

"I see something!" Malevus shouted to you and pointed forward. "Look ahead."

She was right, a pair of corpses on the forest floor. Getting closer, you slowed down enough to observe them a bit and to your bad luck it was apparent what had happened.

One of the men had been cleaved in half and the second looked like something heavy had crushed its stomach and pelvis before pulping his head. The blood was really fresh.

"Ogres." You said. "They are close so be alert."

Your men nodded as you continued forward.

The forest cleared up slightly and suddenly ahead of you there were moving lights. Moons illuminated the figures enough for you to recognise them as kobolds with their candles and then you saw next to them several figures huddled together on the ground, survivors having been caught. There were maybe a dozen kobolds there.

"For Alterac! For Stormwind!" Sir Cyrus shouted and sent his horse forward in full gallop.

It was kobolds, he was doing just as you had ordered. As you were ready to join him, from within the woods a pair of ogres appeared to see what had caused this commotion. One with a large cleaver and one with a large wooden club, neither were wearing any armour.

You had to make the decision, there were survivors here.


>Join him in the charge with the rest. The kobolds and ogres won't know what has just charged them.
>Order Sir Cyrus to withdraw, you aren't going to fight ogres like this.
>Make a single pass and try to get the survivors to run away to safety while you occupy the ogres and kobolds.
>Other, write in.

>Don't use magic
>Try to set the loincloth of one of the ogres on fire
>Ignite the Cinder Sword

Do you use Fel:


Mana: 1/2
Fel: 1/1
>Join him in the charge with the rest. The kobolds and ogres won't know what has just charged them.
>No magic
>No Fel
Shock and awe. There is seven of us and just few more of them. We can tramble the kobolds down
>>Join him in the charge with the rest. The kobolds and ogres won't know what has just charged them.
>Don't use magic

"For Alterac ! For Dawnholme ! CHARGE !"
>>Join him in the charge with the rest. The kobolds and ogres won't know what has just charged them.
>Don't use magic
>>Join him in the charge with the rest. The kobolds and ogres won't know what has just charged them.
>Don't use magic
>Join him in the charge with the rest. The kobolds and ogres won't know what has just charged them.
>Order Sir Cyrus to withdraw, you aren't going to fight ogres like this.

>Don't use magic
Rather unanimous, but whom does Alric target during his charge and continue to fight against?

>Ogre with the club
>Ogre with the cleaver
>>Ogre with the cleaver
>>Ogre with the cleaver
Alric loves danger, loves fighting with his life on a knife's edge, loves killing monsters. Fel boost feel good.
>>Ogre with the cleaver
>>Ogre with the cleaver
>Ogre with the cleaver

Stops it from doing damage to others. Imagine Cyrus watching with fear as he realises the melee monster that he is now working for
Cleaver ogre it is. Give Alric some rolls please.

>3d10, Best of three
>DC 18, Crit 23
Rolled 7, 1, 6 = 14 (3d10)

Rolled 8 (1d10)

Rolled 10, 2, 4 = 16 (3d10)


Wrong dice, one more roll is required
Rolled 5, 3, 10 = 18 (3d10)

Rolled 9, 8, 4 = 21 (3d10)

>18, Success!

Kicking Epona to charge ahead, you had made your decision. You had to charge them now and take the victory over their dead corpses.

Drawing the Cinder Sword, it didn't burst into flames this time, but started to shed embers as you pointed it at the pair of ogres. You saw how Sir Cyrus was heading towards the one with the club so it just left you the second one brandishing the cleaver as your target.

You had to be careful, ogres were large and strong. While they have a reputation of being dumb, they still had the reach and enough agility to be terrifying opponents in a battle. If you had a spear or a lance, that would make your work an easier one, but you never really had been a horseman or traditional knight. You preferred to fight on foot after all.

The ogre with the cleaver locked its eyes with you and bellowed a warcry. Raising the large cleaver up, the ogre prepared to cut you in half with one swing.

But you didn't allow that to happen, a pair of kobolds jumped away from you as you pulled Epona towards the right, towards the ogres unprotected left side. The ogre tried to swing at you, but now with its body between you and it, the cleaver just cut through empty air. You meanwhile leaned left on the saddle and delivered a slash that cut the ogres left arm, leaving a shallow gash behind it.

"I kill you!" The ogre shouted and turned to face you as you pivoted to face the ogre as well.

Your normal tactics and techniques of how to fight against human sized opponents wouldn't work here. You couldn't really parry and go for riposte with that large cleaver. Whoever was slower or made the first mistake would lose this fight, it was as simple as that.

The ogre tried to cleave at you again and you raised your shield up to meet the tip of the cleaver. Metal hit metal and you felt the impact in your arm and shoulder, they would be hurting later, but the cleaver harmlessly bounced off the tall elven kite shield giving you an opportunity.

Quickly turning, you delivered a downward slash into the ogres chest, leaving a deep cut into its flesh. The lack of armour was really beneficial to you, nothing was between your sword and the flesh.

The ogre screamed and you took that as an opportunity to dash slightly away from it. The two wounds were both bleeding, but neither were enough to really cut the ogre down. Tire it maybe, but you would need more of them if you are to hope to win this.

>Continue like this, keep your distance and keep slashing at the ogre. It will probably get enraged and make a mistake sooner than later.
>You can't afford mistakes, you need to finish this fight quickly. Go for a quick kill even if it is somewhat foolhardy.
>Create fire aimed at its head. That won't kill it, but it should blind it long enough to deliver the killing blow.
>Dismount and fight the way you prefer. You will lose your mobility, but fighting on foot makes you more versatile.
>Other, write in

Do you use Fel:


Mana: 1/2
Fel: 1/1
>>Continue like this, keep your distance and keep slashing at the ogre. It will probably get enraged and make a mistake sooner than later.
Time to wear this bastard down a notch or two.
>Continue like this, keep your distance and keep slashing at the ogre. It will probably get enraged and make a mistake sooner than later.
We can wear it down. It has no armor.
>>Continue like this, keep your distance and keep slashing at the ogre. It will probably get enraged and make a mistake sooner than later.
>Continue like this, keep your distance and keep slashing at the ogre. It will probably get enraged and make a mistake sooner than later.
>>>Continue like this, keep your distance and keep slashing at the ogre. It will probably get enraged and make a mistake sooner than later.
Unanimous. The ogre is wounded so it is a bit easier to deal with.

>3d10, Best of three
>DC 16, Crit 21
Rolled 5, 5, 9 = 19 (3d10)

Rolled 2, 5, 7 = 14 (3d10)

big money big money
Rolled 2, 8, 7 = 17 (3d10)

That is a good success for Alric. Could I now have rolls for the rest? Sir Cyrus, Sir Gravis and the knight and finally Malevus. DCs go in that order as well.

>3d10, Best of three
DC 15, 15, 15, Crit 21
Rolled 5, 4, 5 = 14 (3d10)

Rolled 10, 7, 6 = 23 (3d10)

Rolled 3, 4, 1 = 8 (3d10)

Nice anon! Here's hoping Sir Gravius gets the crit and saves whomever I failed to roll successfully for.

>18, Success!
>15, Success!
>12, Failure!

When I ask for combat rolls for multiple characters and groups, I divide the 1d10s across the anons by the rows. I don't want single anon and their luck to be deciding factor for a single character. So here as an example Sir Cyrus is the first 1d10 rolled across the best of three ending up with 5+10+3=18 which passes the DC 15. While Malevus was a lot less lucky and got 5+6+1=12 which didn't pass.

The update will come later tonight.

Alright I lied. Too tired to finish the update today, I will push it to tomorrow. Reveal of how badly Malevus failed has to wait till tomorrow! Surely what is the worst that can happen?
Malevus starts getting dreams of a fel Alric
too late she already has steamy dreams of a fel Alric
My Alric would burn a point of Fel to become forma Alric Verde for another action to cover Malevus. Moving with a murderous rage and swordsman's high to cut down whatever it is she lost to. Thats the real reason he will decide not to give up on the Fel and Fel Malevus, the action economy of its uses is just too good and Real Malevus has a slight tendency to job. He needs it.
Malevus chest gets crack opened like the dream self. Heavy scars who knows. This is a battle against ogres and she is armored if nothing else.
>19, Success!
>18, Success!
>15, Success!
>12, Failure!

This was working, you just need to slash at the ogre several more times. Both wounds were bleeding and even if ogres are very resilient to pain, they aren't resilient to bleeding out.

You had the initiative so you decided to press on. Epona wasn't a warhorse, but she was agile enough to respond to your commands and needs. And now you closed the distance again, aiming at the ogre's unprotected left side. It tried to swipe at you with its large hand, but your own swipe found the hand first. Cinder Sword cut into its palm and severed a pair of fingers. The ogre screamed and you saw an opportunity to stab into its side beneath its ribcage.

Cinder Sword punched into the flesh without much opposition and just as quickly you pulled it out, letting a stream of bloody mist follow it. Seeing another opportunity, you slashed at the ogre and your blade found its arm again, leaving a gash behind.

You smiled, you had this under control.

The ogre couldn't really defend itself as you pressed it, raining slash upon slash upon slash on its body. Dozen and more wounds had turned the ogre red from its own blood, but none of these wounds were the ones that would be instantly or soon fatal. You needed that one good opportunity.

"You puny human! I kill you!" The ogre shouted and raised its cleaver high above its head. Screaming bloody murder, it prepared to chop you into pieces, but it only managed to give you that good opportunity.

As its cleaver rose, you leaned right on your saddle and reached out. The tip of the Cinder Sword barely reached the throat of the ogre, but it did reach it. With a quick twist the blade punctured the flesh and a blood flowed out with a pressure, covering you in droplets.

The ogre dropped its cleaver as it tried to cover the wound with its both hands, but it just gave you an opening. With no ability to defend itself, you pulled the Cinder Sword close to your body and plunged it into the ogres chest.

The large creature groaned as its arms fell limp by its side and with a great thumph, it crashed on the forest floor.

You didn't spare time looking at the ogre as rest of the battle had been washed out of your mind during your duel with the ogre. Looking around, you saw Sir Cyrus dismounted, having quite literally disarmed the ogre he was facing and hacking wildly at its stomach. Sir Gravis delivered a deadly cut at a kobold and Malevus…

Her horse had fallen and you saw your squire on the ground fending off a pair of kobolds coming at her.

You didn't think twice as you turned to face them and kicked Epona to full gallop. You had to help her, you wouldn't allow Malevus to get hurt!

>3d10, Best of three
>DC 14, 17, Crit 21

QM: DCs are degrees of preventing Malevus to not get more hurt.
Rolled 6, 2, 8 = 16 (3d10)

Rolled 1, 9, 4 = 14 (3d10)

Will I save it? Probably not.
Lmao the namefag deleted his shit roll of 1,2,3=6

It's you isn't it? I saw that.
Rolled 9, 8, 2 = 19 (3d10)

biiiiig monet

I am operating on a temporary laptop setup so I don't see anything wrong here right now. If you have a screenshot of someone deleting their roll, could you please post it here?

And for the rest, I don't like if things like that are done. I haven't had a need to start punishing you lot due to way too blatant meta gaming or dice shenanigans and I don't want to start. So please, if a roll is a bad one, but otherwise completely valid, let it be.
I didn't take a screenshot but if you take a look at the other archive it shows up
It's a shit archive with pop ups and bad ui but it grabs deleted posts.
File: Peasant.jpg (23 KB, 300x300)
23 KB

I completely forgot the existence of archived.moe probably because how cancerous the site is. Thank you for pointing this out for me, I appreciate it.

Now though.

With not only one deleted roll, but actually two, I am not happy about this at all. The first roll of 16 would have passed the DC 14 without issues. Malevus would have been just slightly wounded, nothing she wouldn't have recovered from in a few days. But because of the deleted rolls that roll of 19 now applies and Alric would have passed both DC 14 and DC 17, preventing Malevus from getting wounded in the first place. Just couple bruises and being banged up. Fighting on horseback against kobolds is rather easy you see.

Now we can't have that, I cannot reward deleting your rolls in hopes of getting better results. And because it wasn't done just once, but twice in hopes of a better roll, this is quite serious and I cannot let this go unpunished. I have decided that Alric failed these rolls. Consider yourself lucky that I don't take this as 1, 1, 1 level of fumble which I could have done.

Malevus will get hurt.

So don't go deleting your posts in hopes of better result. Take the dice as they are, it is part of questing to sometimes fail and you have seen me be mostly lenient before when those things have happened. We aren't working with limited bandwidth or post limits either. I don't want to punish you again and next time I won't be as lenient as I am going to be this time.

Update will come later today.
Isn't that punishing all of us though? Hell that's punishing me for calling it out. Why should I post about it if there's a next time?
My poor Malevus suffering for anon's gambling addiction. I wonder if that makeup gift from a few threads ago is still valid.

That's the dilemma isn't it. You did the right thing in calling it out and for that I appreciate what you have done a lot. Issue just is that any punishment will be a collective punishment due to the nature of /qst/ and I can't accept deleting posts and rolls like that which would have affected the end result to happen again. As a QM I need to draw a line and remind everyone that if needed I won't be pulling any punches.

I did warn about that long time ago when it comes to meta gaming and I am really happy that it took this long for me to actually need do something. So hoping that I don't need to do that again in the next 29 threads.


Hmmm... maybe... maybe not...
This is me btw just on the phone. It was the occasion of my assassination conspiracy theory which must have amused but was working off the pastebin which wasnt accurate at the time if that refreshes your memory. I was going to spend it on Nalice since she's my favorite though in what capacity I dont know, some kind of cool magic or a date or some such opening to improve their relationship most likely. Saving it for such an occasion where someone was going to get dunked on was also an idea, but if not then oh well.
No one will be calling out the next time some prick deletes posts.
Thats fair, I dont honestly mind.
Punishing without rewarding is not a good way to go about it, besides it also enables a way to sabotage the quest by rolling, deleting the roll then selfreport it with another id to make you autofail it if the player wants to burn the quest down.

Maybe it is better to just take the legit roll with minor consequenses that did succeed or idk, give the player with the green id a roll to see how it goes as he as a good player reported the fag behaviour.

A kobold appeared from nowhere and jumped in front of your horse. Epona reared, making you hold on the reins as hard as you could and struggling to not fall off.

You cursed as you could only watch.

Malevus had lost her shield, she swung wildly at the kobolds with her sword. You just hoped that you would get there in time.

You had to deal with the kobold that had spooked Epona first. There was no calming down of the horse now which left you a single option. Letting go of your shield, you jumped off Epona and landed next to the kobold. Before it could react to you, you had already driven your sword through its body.

Malevus screamed, the two kobolds were practically on top of her.

You ran as fast as you could. It was just a couple dozen yards if not even that. A dagger was raised and poised to strike down. You shouted something and saw the blade go down, hidden behind the torsos of the rats.

And then you were on them.

Cinder Sword struck as you shouted and swung it as hard as you could. The magically heated steel hit the first ratman directly on top of its head, driving itself through its brain down to its spine where it stopped and got stuck.

Dropping your sword and pushing the corpse away, you tackled the second kobold, pulling your rondel dagger off your belt and with a reverse grip brought it up and then down.

And again.

And again.

And again.

You kept stabbing it until it was dead and then more.

"Alric…" Malevus said and got your mind back into the presence.

"Malevus!" You shouted and turned around to look at her. Throwing off your helmet and letting your dagger go, you crawled to where she was laying. "Malevus…"

Your squire was hurt. There was a deep wound on her right thigh that was bleeding a lot, her hands were bloody and you saw a couple cuts on both of her arms. She had lost her helmet during the struggle and on her left cheek there was a horizontal cut.

"Alric… take deep breaths." Malevus instructed you. "And then check the wound on my leg. What do you see?"

"Yes… alright." You replied and leaned over the wound.

Stripping your gauntlets, you pressed your hands around it and then ripped the cloth of her trousers to see the wound better. Breathing deeply, you concentrated on the medical training you had received and allowed it to take control.

"What do you see?" Malevus asked again. She was a lot calmer than you were.

You pressed your fingers into the wound and sighed in relief. Malevus grimaced from pain as you did it, but it was for the best.

"It's only a flesh wound, straight into the muscle." You said and looked at her.

"Ahh good… then take my bandage and wrap it tight." Malevus instructed again.


You did as you were ordered, carefully moving her leg and starting to apply pressure with the cloth wrapping. You looked at her, observing her wounds in her arms and hands. Her palms were open, she had tried to stop the daggers with her hands. The places where the daggers had struck elsewhere were in the spots unprotected by her elven half-plate.

"I don't think I will be playing harp for a while." Malevus joked as she looked at her hands.

"You will be playing soon enough." You replied back to her. Malevus joking and seeing the wounds not be too serious had calmed you down somewhat.

You had thought that the worst had happened when the kobolds were on top of her. That Malevus… she was gone…

"What happened?" You asked her.

"They rushed me and hit my horse. Marigold is hurt too." Malevus said to you. She was right, her horse was on the ground next to her and still moving, several deep cuts on its right side. "Then I fell off and… they attacked me…"

"It's alright… the battle should be over soon." You told her and finished bandaging her leg.

"Prince Alric!" Sir Gravis shouted to you. "Are you alright?"

"Malevus is wounded." You said back to him. "Handle this battlefield, check the bandits and make sure that everyone else is dead."

"Yes Prince Alric!" He replied.

You knelt beside Malevus and carefully took her hand. It wasn't a deep cut on her palm but she grimaced in pain when you touched it.

"Alric…" She said to you with a whisper and looked into your eyes. ""I don't want to see my Alric worried, everything will be fine, just a week or two and I will be up and walking."

There was a faint smile on her face.

"Your Malevus will be fine."

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I went with this solution. She will be fine.

This is a good spot to stop. We are at page 10 with about 550~ posts. The thread is archived and I will be making the new thread as soon as possible. Most likely tomorrow.

We got plenty done, aftermath of dealing with Umo Shadowheart, having Tari meet with Thrall and now this fighting against the kobolds and the news from Alterac proper. The summer season update will be in the next thread and hopefully soon. Then we can get into the next adventures Alric is going to have.

Thank you for playing and reading. And as always if you have any questions or comments about the Quest or the characters or for the QM, please go ahead and say or ask them. I will try to answer them as best as I can in this thread or in the next one.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MedivhQM
/qst/ Archive: http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Alterac%20Resurgent%20Quest
Prince Alric Stats: https://pastebin.com/rysxdRsv
Quest Mechanisms: https://pastebin.com/CyD88qqf
Character List: https://pastebin.com/FkYd6wkJ
Side Character Stats: https://pastebin.com/aRfyksUG
I lied. New thread now!

Thanks for calling it out though. I rolled after the posts had been deleted and saw your comment >>6036003 but wasn't sure how to check.

It's in the nature of 4ch for the dice gods to laugh at us.

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