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Your name is Blooming Dandelion, but most people know you by your street name, “Meepis”, you are a self proclaimed vinestalker nomad of sorts that decided to spelunk into a dungeon housing a mythical legendary amulet, this amulet is said to be able to grant riches or be worth a really good penny itself.

Having no place to call home nowadays due to your miscreant nature, this is a golden opportunity made just for you!

[ PREVIOUS THREAD: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5966131/ ]
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After a long expedition using a lot of resources and money, you eventually arrive at the dungeon. Throughout your delving of it, you found and fought giant roaches, jackal packs, hallucinogenic plants, weird primitive looking goblins, charmstress, an orc and rescued this feeble minded human named Rodney Wichman that scattered away a long time ago.

But not all was for nothing! You found some neat magically potent artifacts like the beautiful Iceblast wand you borrowed from that flatfoot as only fair compensation for freeing him of course, you oughta be careful with it though because it can definitely scatter towards you if you’re too close! You also, through the use of scrolls, identified some interesting temporary potions like a “might” one that boosts your physical prowess, an odd lignification one that turns you into a super sturdy tree as well as a scroll you’ve yet to know what exactly does.
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On another note you recall there were also some writings that you’ve read in your time here. If you remember correctly there was firstly this one note you read in a chest back on “Room 5-B”;

“ hav transferd al the stuf on to mein hall rember to mov chet later - Gorock”.

This other one was from a journal you picked up and left back at “Room 2-C”

“XVI, Marhc III

Hello joournal, it’s I, Ijyb, master priestess apprentice hobgoblin! !

this journal is for me to rekord all my expriences and findigns of my everyday life at the dungeon. aS of now, ive ben tasked with trying getting some supplies for any batles we would have, but dats boring!

Waht i wanted to talk register was that priest Roka has been teaching me ways to conjure the smithen justize of Peogh! I alawsys mess it up but i think am learning, somtimes i lose my vewi of my target and cant even do it! he’s also bein teachin me to write too so, i wana show him this journo one day! ! !
i hop one day Roka getz da bozz to step down, bosz is really mean, green and ughly. he alwats says he gon eat us hobgoblin if we dont listen to im. annoyin. come on Roka! !

ay ask Blorgth if he can cover the entrance by daytime wen i come back, he said da bozz called ihm an Gebb over or sometin and dat he couldnt… stupid boss. am just gonna go caus i have to anywayz.

be back later - Ijyb “

Other than that you can’t quite remember if you forgot to read something.
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All in all you’re already getting something out of this place, but you bet you're definitely going to need all this stuff you’ve found eventually if you plan to delve deeper and get the amulet! Though you can’t lie, you’ve been having some fun developments in here already, kehehe.

How could you forget that time you threw some soft soil dirt on a bat’s face, toyed with a goblin’s fear of you and punted an smokescreen’d orc with your vines? You really got a kick out of that. Hah. Some call you a rapscallion for having that nature. You always shrug. Though that said, there are definitely some things you’d rather forget, like that gross hallucinogenic pollen plant you encountered, eeegh…

Your vinestalker complexion and cruel nature have kept this adventure interesting for you that’s for sure, from climbing up walls to get the comeuppance on a possible adversary, ambushing a goblin as the perfect opportunity for it arose, as well as doing a full body split in a second, your natural and trained dexterity is not one to underestimate, if you humbly do say so yourself.
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You recalled your whole mental map of where you’ve been a while ago and it took some small mental energy off you from the effort, so if you theoretically wanted to not expend that, you’d need to find some parchment and charcoal or equivalent to manually map things out and reminisce over them.

You did make a special effort to remember what some particular rooms of interest had though.

Room 5-A [ o= Orc lower body corpse, yellow square= Chipped halberd, c= Empty ornamented chest]

Room 5 [%=1 Food ration (Hardtack) {0.4}, g I= Small goblin, g II= Heavy goblin ]

Room 4 [ Orange wide square= Table with some paper written, Orange small square= Stool , Yellow small square= Iron mace , blue small square= {1.0} Slingshot and {0.6} bag of small rocks, c= Empty chest ]

Room 3-C [ p= Pollen plant, c= Giant Cockroach [Mauled corpse], g= Goblin [Robed mauled corpse], r= Giant rat [Mauled corpse] , Pink square = {0.4 each} 2 Restorative Ointments, brown square = Rock ]

Room 3-B [h= Bloodshot human corpse, j= Foaming jackal corpse. b= Minced bat, += Tight crevice]

Room 2-C [ j I = Jackal head , j II= Neck cut jackal corpse, j III = Guts spilled jackal corpse, brown square= {0.6} Ijyb’s Journal ]

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But that’s all the past. Right now, you’re in quite the predicament. This withered book you stumbled upon intensely zapped your mind and forced you to make a pact of sorts with it. It gave you the option between conjurations that’d work sometimes and some type of “guardian” that’d use “enveloped” energy to protect you, figuring that a guardian of some kind might help prevent THIS type of scenario again or lessen the pain from it, you ultimately chose the guardian. You could admittedly use the help.

“I choose the guardian.” you say firmly. The ghastly fading voice responds to you “PERFRECT.” “THEN LET ME BE ONE WITH YOU”. You get a strong headache, it feels like something is attaching itself to you, something like an immovable intransmutable liquid is covering you on all of your epidermis, the feeling fades and you yet again hear a voice in your head.

This voice is growly “Mmmm, yes, a perfect vessel! You and I will accomplish great things! And if not, guess you’ll join me! grrrrrrAAAAAAYAhaha!” before you get the chance to even open your mouth the voice falls completely silent just after that. The book withers away into ash as you lift yourself up.

Well that’s quite unnerving.

You’re not quite sure how this “Guardian” Is suppose to work, other than that vague explanation the book gave about it using expended energy. Guess the only time you’ll be able to tell will be when you are to get hurt, though now that you got some time to not be on the floor you notice that you feel enveloped by some type of aura, its tightly surrounding all your body, similar to an insect that would crawl on you but unwavering and invisible.

Not having any business here any longer and the withered book being long gone, you shrug off your uncertainty and delve deeper into the dungeon.
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Tracing back your steps to where you once were, passing by the now dried blood orc corpse you made short work of, you encroach your way through the narrow tunnel. There is some moldy looking green liquid splattered on the left dungeon walls, and to your front there is a golden looking altar with a brazier emitting effervescent flames, pristine rug underneath it, the altar itself has something inscribed in small letters on it that reads “Heretics will not be tolerated. Believers will be commended. And all will kneel before the Messiah one day. - Peogh’s teachings 1;41”

More to the right is a barrel with a terrible stench, it smells of cadaver, and rightly so since you can actually see some human limbs sticking out of it, some even showing bone but all are covered in dried up blood. To the left of the barrel is a wooden bucket of water, with only the wooden exterior and floor splattered with the moldy liquid you previously saw, its metal handle being clean. The area not seeming immediately hostile, you glance through the wall corner to see tables and chairs gathered up in a communal way, this place looks like a gathering hub.

You think about what to do. There’s that door that's next to the moldy liquid as well as the two doors in between the altar and the bucket.

What to do here?

HP: 12/14 MP: 8/12 - STATS - STR 1 – INT 3 – DEX 5 – CHA 2 – WILL 3 – CON 4
KNAPSACK INVENTORY {5.74/6.0} : Pollen plant {0.1} - 5 Quivered darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust] [DEX] - 3 Poisoned darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust+poison] [DEX] - 1 Scroll of smoke {0.2} - 17 Pence - Curing potion {0.8} [Healing: 4-9 HP] [Can get rid of internal ailments] - Potion of Lignification {0.8}[Tree transformation: Defense*4, +Immunity to necrotic damage, HP*4, Restricted movement, ++Thrust, ++Bash, –Chopping, +Cut, --Fire, --Elec] - Potion of Might {0.8} [+1d10 to all melee attacks and +1d3 to physical actions involving upper vines] - 1 Blue scroll {0.2}
ON-HAND: Iron dagger [Damage: 1d6 thrust/cut] [DEX] - Iron buckler [Damage: 1d3 bash] [DEX] [Defense: 2]
WORN: Tunic with belt - Tightened Jackal hide strip - Hooded cloak
HOLSTERED: Ice-explosion wand [Damage: 2d23] [Charges: 3] - [LEFT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}, [RIGHT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}
ABILITIES: Chomp: Maul on your target for 1d10 [Thrust] . Costs 7 MP. [CON+STR]
PASSIVES: Opportunist: Attacks done on unaware/uncapacitated targets gain a deadly bonus and multiply the damage by x3 or x4 depending on method. [Applies only to 1 weapon/object attack, highest damage takes priority unless specified] Rapscallion: Gain a bonus whenever performing underhanded or deceitful tactics. [+2] [Applies to all weapon/object attack] [Scales with CHA] Omni-dextrous: Able to carry 4 objects at once, 3rd objects onwards incurs a penalty to them. Dextrous: Dex = 4+ [+1 to DEX rolls] Durable: Con = 4 [+1 to CON rolls]
STATUS: [Satiation level: Slightly satisfied] [Drained: TEMPORARY -2 MAX HP & -4 MAX MP]

[ v= Vinestalker, Wide yellow square: Table with bitten corpse leg, small yellow square= Wooden stool, small brown & blue square = Wooden bucket with water, big brown square with red = Corpse limbs barrel, Cross with blue= Altar of Peogh with rug underneath, += Wooden door
Uh shit, I say before we do anything that we should sit down for a bit. We shouldn't be entering fights with lower HP and half our mana

Btw QM, is this quest supposed to be a prelude for another or is it a one and done dungeon?
[It was technically supposed to be a one in done dungeon one-shot. Since I underestimated how long that'd take we are here from a previous thread! But the one-shot aspect is still going to be present]
Alrighg then! I loved playing as Meepis regardless, she's quite something
support for resting
Loving the quest regardless
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Well this place looks oddly comforting compared to where you were a little while ago, figures you might as well just give yourself a good ol’ little rest on the stool, you gracefully lift your cloak before sitting down and give a push to the dismembered leg bitten leg on the table.

You put your vines together on top of the table and start daydreaming. Wouldn’t it be cool if you slayed a dragon here? You’ve seen some flying reptiles before but not to the extreme tales that they say dragons are. Would it be too big to kill one fell swoop? Hmmm, maybe you’re alright with just the amulet. Or you know what, what if yo-eeeeeeeeeggggggggUUuyuu
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Ghhhhh… gahh.. oh- looks like you passed out for a little bit. Well no matter, you feel a lot better and ready to trek further, whatever that may entail. Though… where would you start?

>What to do around here?

HP: 16/16 MP: 16/16 - STATS - STR 1 – INT 3 – DEX 5 – CHA 2 – WILL 3 – CON 4
KNAPSACK INVENTORY {5.74/6.0 aum} : Pollen plant {0.1} - 5 Quivered darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust] [DEX] - 3 Poisoned darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust+poison] [DEX] - 1 Scroll of smoke {0.2} - 17 Pence - Curing potion {0.8} [Healing: 4-9 HP] [Can get rid of internal ailments] - Potion of Lignification {0.8}[Tree transformation: Defense*4, +Immunity to necrotic damage, HP*4, Restricted movement, ++Thrust, ++Bash, –Chopping, +Cut, --Fire, --Elec] - Potion of Might {0.8} [+1d10 to all melee attacks and +1d3 to physical actions involving upper vines] - 1 Blue scroll {0.2}
ON-HAND: Iron dagger [Damage: 1d6 thrust/cut] [DEX] - Iron buckler [Damage: 1d3 bash] [DEX] [Defense: 2]
WORN: Tunic with belt - Tightened Jackal hide strip - Hooded cloak
HOLSTERED: Ice-explosion wand [Damage: 2d23] [Charges: 3] - [LEFT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}, [RIGHT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}
ABILITIES: Chomp: Maul on your target for 1d10 [Thrust] . Costs 7 MP. [CON+STR]
PASSIVES: Opportunist: Attacks done on unaware/uncapacitated targets gain a deadly bonus and multiply the damage by x3 or x4 depending on method. [Applies only to 1 weapon/object attack, highest damage takes priority unless specified] Rapscallion: Gain a bonus whenever performing underhanded or deceitful tactics. [+2] [Applies to all weapon/object attack] [Scales with CHA] Omni-dextrous: Able to carry 4 objects at once, 3rd objects onwards incurs a penalty to them. Dextrous: Dex = 4+ [+1 to DEX rolls] Durable: Con = 4 [+1 to CON rolls]

STATUS: [Satiation level: Normal]
Open the room to 5C since this one is slightly alarming
Move on from this creepy ass room already before we get shanked or something
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The unusual tidiness and savagery of this room is giving you the creeps! You definitely don’t want to be here any longer and think of going to “5-C” but… weren’t you there awhile ago? There’s no shot you’d want to return there! Your power nap’s making your memory a bit hazy, regardless you need to get out of here, and fast, you don’t know why, but you feel like you’ll be stabbed right in your back.

Not really having any specifics in mind, you slither towards the left singular covered in liquid door in a rush, the liquid looks viscous
and even a little bubbly. It smells of soil, so effectively what mold would.

As you open the door due to your rush it creaks a bit, you jolt your body up in surprise and hope that nothing heard that. The air here is strangely lightly cold.

It looks like you found yourself upon a small tunnel intersection, knowing what happened last time you went through a tunnel, you raise your guard up, the wall at the end of the first intersection is filled with these strange looking scribbles. You close the distance slowly in order to discern what it actually is
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Looking closer these look like some type of colorful runes? You can’t really off the bat tell what they’re supposed to say, but you feel like somehow they’re speaking to you, perhaps you’ll get an epiphany for it later or your "Guardian" could aid you? Either that or it will all simply be a forgetful fluke down the line.
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As you sneak your way into the tunnel, a door comes into view. The walls around it as well as the floor all are splattered with that liquid from before, this time the bubbliness is more noticeable here., You notice that the door here is pretty much rotting and would most likely be easily torn, pierced or cracked with a tool or brute force, getting near the door you hear what sounds like gurgling and splashing.

The gurgling noises start to sound like puking.

>How should you approach, if at all?

HP: 16/16 MP: 16/16 - STATS - STR 1 – INT 3 – DEX 5 – CHA 2 – WILL 3 – CON 4
KNAPSACK INVENTORY {5.74/6.0 aum} : Pollen plant {0.1} - 5 Quivered darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust] [DEX] - 3 Poisoned darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust+poison] [DEX] - 1 Scroll of smoke {0.2} - 17 Pence - Curing potion {0.8} [Healing: 4-9 HP] [Can get rid of internal ailments] - Potion of Lignification {0.8}[Tree transformation: Defense*4, +Immunity to necrotic damage, HP*4, Restricted movement, ++Thrust, ++Bash, –Chopping, +Cut, --Fire, --Elec] - Potion of Might {0.8} [+1d10 to all melee attacks and +1d3 to physical actions involving upper vines] - 1 Blue scroll {0.2}
ON-HAND: Iron dagger [Damage: 1d6 thrust/cut] [DEX] - Iron buckler [Damage: 1d3 bash] [DEX] [Defense: 2]
WORN: Tunic with belt - Tightened Jackal hide strip - Hooded cloak
HOLSTERED: Ice-explosion wand [Damage: 2d23] [Charges: 3] - [LEFT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}, [RIGHT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}
ABILITIES: Chomp: Maul on your target for 1d10 [Thrust] . Costs 7 MP. [CON+STR]
PASSIVES: Opportunist: Attacks done on unaware/uncapacitated targets gain a deadly bonus and multiply the damage by x3 or x4 depending on method. [Applies only to 1 weapon/object attack, highest damage takes priority unless specified] Rapscallion: Gain a bonus whenever performing underhanded or deceitful tactics. [+2] [Applies to all weapon/object attack] [Scales with CHA] Omni-dextrous: Able to carry 4 objects at once, 3rd objects onwards incurs a penalty to them. Dextrous: Dex = 4+ [+1 to DEX rolls] Durable: Con = 4 [+1 to CON rolls]

STATUS: [Satiation level: Normal] [Anxious]
stab a little hole in the door to try and see whats going on in there before you bust in
Have a bad feeling about what's on the other side
it seems rational to poke a hole but i have strange urge to knock knock on the door
Knock and ask who's there
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The oppressive nature of the dungeon is getting heavy on you, in a desperate almost irrational attempt to dilute the situation, you think to yourself, why don’t you lighten up the mood a bit? That withered door could use a good knock you think. Yeah! You’ve got manners, and after all, what’s the worst that could happen? Kahahehahehahasss… Hah… Oh.

You probably would set yourself up for an ambush if there’s an army of vomiting monsters inside. Or if whatever is puking it’s insides in there is strong it might just push the door as well as yourself into the hard floor as soon as you make yourself known. You gulp. T-that’s- probably not a good idea for now.

Your devious idea did lighten your mood however, you feel a lot less anxious than before about the encounter but still recognize the possible severity of it.

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Your instincts sharpen and you feel threatened by whatever might be lurking inside, quick thinking makes you realize this brittle door is easy pickings for your iron dagger.
You assume an ice pick grip and chip away swiftly at the door, giving it some good pokes at the most rotted pieces, as to not make your presence known while giving yourself some vision, you make sure to angle your thrusts after the first hurdles so as to not let the rotted wood fall to the ground beyond.

In no time you make a small peephole that you reach out to. As soon as you take a peek, a breeze of cold unfolds on you as you spot an abominable monster. It’s a tall viscous creature with the consistency of that liquid you’ve seen splattered through the current floor. It has a strange hollow eyeball on the top of what you assume is its head, it slithers through the floor while passively inspecting its surroundings, turning its back, moving some small distances, making its queasy gurgling noises as it does this.

It seems it has not spotted you yet.

>What type of action do you want to take here?

HP: 16/16 MP: 16/16 - STATS - STR 1 – INT 3 – DEX 5 – CHA 2 – WILL 3 – CON 4
KNAPSACK INVENTORY {5.74/6.0 aum} : Pollen plant {0.1} - 5 Quivered darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust] [DEX] - 3 Poisoned darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust+poison] [DEX] - 1 Scroll of smoke {0.2} - 17 Pence - Curing potion {0.8} [Healing: 4-9 HP] [Can get rid of internal ailments] - Potion of Lignification {0.8}[Tree transformation: Defense*4, +Immunity to necrotic damage, HP*4, Restricted movement, ++Thrust, ++Bash, –Chopping, +Cut, --Fire, --Elec] - Potion of Might {0.8} [+1d10 to all melee attacks and +1d3 to physical actions involving upper vines] - 1 Blue scroll {0.2}
ON-HAND: Iron dagger [Damage: 1d6 thrust/cut] [DEX] - Iron buckler [Damage: 1d3 bash] [DEX] [Defense: 2]
WORN: Tunic with belt - Tightened Jackal hide strip - Hooded cloak
HOLSTERED: Ice-explosion wand [Damage: 2d23] [Charges: 3] - [LEFT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}, [RIGHT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}
ABILITIES: Chomp: Maul on your target for 1d10 [Thrust] . Costs 7 MP. [CON+STR]
PASSIVES: Opportunist: Attacks done on unaware/uncapacitated targets gain a deadly bonus and multiply the damage by x3 or x4 depending on method. [Applies only to 1 weapon/object attack, highest damage takes priority unless specified] Rapscallion: Gain a bonus whenever performing underhanded or deceitful tactics. [+2] [Applies to all weapon/object attack] [Scales with CHA] Omni-dextrous: Able to carry 4 objects at once, 3rd objects onwards incurs a penalty to them. Dextrous: Dex = 4+ [+1 to DEX rolls] Durable: Con = 4 [+1 to CON rolls]

STATUS: [Satiation level: Normal]
Now its not nice to judge a book by its cover but that's a pretty ugly cover. I say since it's some sort of goo monster so normal attacks probably aint gonna do jack diddly we just stick our ice explosion wand through the hole fire it and freeze the slime monster solid.
Acidic slime monster. Because of course it is. Fuck that, using the wand.
>Shoot the ugly bastard with the Ice Wand through the peephole
Our conventional weaponry will probably melt into goo anyway. Flatfoot's gift better keep on giving.
Wait no anon, we need to open the door a bit first if we don't want to blast ourselves, don't you remember how big of a blast it made?
we could grab part of the cadaver from the previous room and make peace with food
if we do tame that thing it'd be awesome, maybe not bring the whole corpse but chop it down to small pellets, feed with decent inbetween time to earn that feeder- feeded bond

after then, you just throw em pellets to general direction of your foe like good ol- rascal kiddy.
difference is that deadly, acidic secondly blow.
I don't think we have the time or resources to do all of that. Maybe if it was dog sized or ate grass we could tame it, but there's too many unknown variables involved and what we do know of the slime monster doesn't paint a cuddly picture.
>It's bigger than us
>It definitely eats other creatures
We wouldn't be seen as anything but another meal. Even if it hates its greens, it most likely requires a steady and substantial diet of meat that could just go to our plate instead. Not to mention that its fucking UGLY and GROSS. Finally, we have a very special peacemaker in our inventory that has atleast 3 charges left, and any excuse to use it will do.
fucking mean! but yeah shooting it works too
maybe we should open the door first though that way we aren't blind firing it through the hole
Alright fair, just take this >>6005157 except we open the door a bit first so we get a better shot
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As you inspect the creature more, a surge of ideas and possibilities cross you. Perhaps you could tame this, ugly creature if it’s more of a fan of flesh instead of epidermis if you were to judge it by the skull it has? Ugh, even then that thing would totally sap all your meals if it followed you around like a dog, and it looks pretty instinctual so you wouldn’t even be able to guarantee your safety you bet. Well, whatever! You would never want a STUPID bastard tall GROSS fleshsucker as a pet!... ok maybe, you’re being a bit mean towards the slimy aberration, but it asked for it looking like it does.
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Looks like you’ll have to blast this thing into oblivion. Conventional physical weapons could possibly not work against this thing if it’s metabolic prowess is as strong as it looks or if it’s just naturally resilient, you first think about just popping your wand into the hole you created but… remembering how the blast toppled you last time, you’d rather at least get a bit more space and a good view of you and your target by opening the door.
The door being so rotten, you place your vines and body weight on it to gently push the stiff shaky door as inaudibly as possible with your applied pressure. The door opens silently. You unholster your wand from your belt and hold it behind your waist, ready to deliver icy death upon this monster.

You ready your thrust…

>ROLL A 2D23
Rolled 19, 1 = 20 (2d23)

Rolled 23, 10 = 33 (2d23)


Rolled 20, 3 = 23 (2d23)

ah shit ignore that never rolled a dice before
Rolled 21, 5 = 26 (2d23)

Hope im not too late to roll
Rolled 23, 8 = 31 (2d23)

Rolled 3 (1d5)

[ Hey there anons, since I forgot to mention how dice mechanics work here I’ll take the fall and adjust things accordingly. ]

[How DICE work here is based on whoever rolled first. A first come first serve if you will, as to speed things up and have things be pretty straightforward and more “random”.

If there’s ever a roll where you have to roll for multiple attacks or checks in 1 turn, like for example “ROLL A 1D6, 1D10 & A 1D4” each anon would have to roll for one of the attacks/checks, totalling in 3 anons rolling.

In this case though where there is a 2d23 if, and only if, (You) want to, you can choose to just roll a 1d23 and let another anon roll. Serves they can take the blame for a crit fail =^] Were there to be any + to the rolls I’ll obviously correct it later if it’s whack. ]

[But yeah, that’s how it works. For now to make up for it I’ll be rolling to decide which roll gets used. This kind of thing might get used in a later scenario down the line now that it’s being applied.]
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You thrust your wand with as much killer intent as you can muster and evoke the ice blast!


A large portion of the slime bastard practically ceases to exist as you explode its matter into little pieces, since you blasted the slime from a fair distance, the frail door ended up also getting thrown and torn towards the direction of the blast. You suffered some recoil and got a bit blown back from the explosion but not anything that would injure you.

As you recover your balance and hearing, you think you start to hear what sounds like footsteps sloooowly approaching from the room inside where the slime once was…
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Finally having recovered your stability and audibleness you start to focus on your horizon, and see a walking rotting cadaver approach you! What the heck?! It’s whimpering and sort of dragging itself as it tries to seemingly get closer to you, it seems unbothered by the icy terrain, or perhaps that’s why it's walking so slow.

The resuscitated corpse has what seems like a slimy arm for a right arm and is almost relentless in whatever its pursuing, though with how close it is, you’re just going to assume that’s you.
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The cadaver draws nearer to you, wincing in its strut …

>How should you respond?

HP: 16/16 MP: 16/16 - STATS - STR 1 – INT 3 – DEX 5 – CHA 2 – WILL 3 – CON 4
KNAPSACK INVENTORY {5.74/6.0 aum} : Pollen plant {0.1} - 5 Quivered darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust] [DEX] - 3 Poisoned darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust+poison] [DEX] - 1 Scroll of smoke {0.2} - 17 Pence - Curing potion {0.8} [Healing: 4-9 HP] [Can get rid of internal ailments] - Potion of Lignification {0.8}[Tree transformation: Defense*4, +Immunity to necrotic damage, HP*4, Restricted movement, ++Thrust, ++Bash, –Chopping, +Cut, --Fire, --Elec] - Potion of Might {0.8} [+1d10 to all melee attacks and +1d3 to physical actions involving upper vines] - 1 Blue scroll {0.2}
ON-HAND: Iron dagger [Damage: 1d6 thrust/cut] [DEX] - Iron buckler [Damage: 1d3 bash] [DEX] [Defense: 2]
WORN: Tunic with belt - Tightened Jackal hide strip - Hooded cloak
HOLSTERED: Ice-explosion wand [Damage: 2d23] [Charges: 2] - [LEFT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}, [RIGHT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}
ABILITIES: Chomp: Maul on your target for 1d10 [Thrust] . Costs 7 MP. [CON+STR]
PASSIVES: Opportunist: Attacks done on unaware/uncapacitated targets gain a deadly bonus and multiply the damage by x3 or x4 depending on method. [Applies only to 1 weapon/object attack, highest damage takes priority unless specified] Rapscallion: Gain a bonus whenever performing underhanded or deceitful tactics. [+2] [Applies to all weapon/object attack] [Scales with CHA] Omni-dextrous: Able to carry 4 objects at once, 3rd objects onwards incurs a penalty to them. Dextrous: Dex = 4+ [+1 to DEX rolls] Durable: Con = 4 [+1 to CON rolls]

STATUS: [Satiation level: Normal]

[ v= Vinestalker, small cyan squares= Icy floor, small green squares= Slimy chunks c=Living Cadaver [Has right slimy arm]
Could try throwing a quivered dart at its head and backing away if it ends up a bit too close, I mean it's a slow-moving corpse shouldn't be that hard.
What the hell happened to this sorry bastard, and why is it moving when it should be dead?
>Toss a quivered dart to its noggin
I don't want to waste our wand on any old monster now that we know what its really capable of, but I also don't want to get close to it and get slimed. If its still shambling towards us after the darts, then we have to find a way to move around it.
Throw a quivered dart on its head then find a spot to hide and break line of sight, maybe even climb again. We're at our best being a sneaky bitch so we need to strike it from an angle it can't see
Adding a vote to throwing a dart, but maybe carefully rub the dart's tip on some of the exploded slime before throwing it to see what happens.
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Well you definitely won’t be using the wand on this sorry hellspawn, it’s got slime for one arm but still it’s a goddamn shambling corpse, it shouldn’t be too hard to outmaneuver it you think.

Not wanting to tempt fate in its unsettling presence though, you rummage through your sack to get a quivered dart out to throw it at the carcass, but not before taking out another one and rubbing it in some of the slime splattered…

Yuck, this thing is pretty thick! It also seems that the inner side of the slime that was directly attached or facing to the wall is more effervescent and still remains a little bubbly, since you rubbed it from the front and got the less bubbly section, you can notice that now. The added weight of the slime is definitely going to affect the distance it can be thrown but for now you hold on in your upper vine to this slimed dart, for now you get ready to toss the dart with the purpose of going straight at the monster’s head.

You grip the dart shaft and prepare your throw…


>ROLL A 1D7+1
Rolled 5 + 1 (1d7 + 1)

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And straight to the noggin! Its head recoils from the impact and it seemingly grimaces from the pain.


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Even if you’re already dead, that’s gotta hurt somewhat, right? It’s kind of hard to tell with this guy though. Its head comes back to its usual spot and its gaze once again meets you, you get to see it cock back its slimy arm before you step back into the tunnel outside its vision.

Right when you do that you hear an almost confused sounding raspy groan as the sound of the icy footsteps start again.

You lose sight of the living dead, but so does it of you.

>What’s your next action?

HP: 16/16 MP: 16/16 - STATS - STR 1 – INT 3 – DEX 5 – CHA 2 – WILL 3 – CON 4
KNAPSACK INVENTORY {5.24/6.0 aum} : Pollen plant {0.1} - 3 Quivered darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust] [DEX] - 3 Poisoned darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust+poison] [DEX] - 1 Scroll of smoke {0.2} - 17 Pence - Curing potion {0.8} [Healing: 4-9 HP] [Can get rid of internal ailments] - Potion of Lignification {0.8}[Tree transformation: Defense*4, +Immunity to necrotic damage, HP*4, Restricted movement, ++Thrust, ++Bash, –Chopping, +Cut, --Fire, --Elec] - Potion of Might {0.8} [+1d10 to all melee attacks and +1d3 to physical actions involving upper vines] - 1 Blue scroll {0.2}
ON-HAND: Iron dagger [Damage: 1d6 thrust/cut] [DEX] - Iron buckler [Damage: 1d3 bash] [DEX] [Defense: 2] - 1 Slimed quivered dart [Damage: 1d5+??? thrust + ???]
WORN: Tunic with belt - Tightened Jackal hide strip - Hooded cloak
HOLSTERED: Ice-explosion wand [Damage: 2d23] [Charges: 2] - [LEFT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}, [RIGHT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}
ABILITIES: Chomp: Maul on your target for 1d10 [Thrust] . Costs 7 MP. [CON+STR]
PASSIVES: Opportunist: Attacks done on unaware/uncapacitated targets gain a deadly bonus and multiply the damage by x3 or x4 depending on method. [Applies only to 1 weapon/object attack, highest damage takes priority unless specified] Rapscallion: Gain a bonus whenever performing underhanded or deceitful tactics. [+2] [Applies to all weapon/object attack] [Scales with CHA] Omni-dextrous: Able to carry 4 objects at once, 3rd objects onwards incurs a penalty to them. Dextrous: Dex = 4+ [+1 to DEX rolls] Durable: Con = 4 [+1 to CON rolls]

STATUS: [Satiation level: Normal]
This is a bit of an issue. Our build isn't really meant for out muscling opponents, and I'm not sure if we can pull off fancy melee maneuvers in a corridor this tight. If only Flatfoot wasn't such a chicken, he looked strong enough to fight head-on.
>Use the smoke scroll to make a smokescreen down the corridor where the cadaver is, then dash past that shambling corpse
This unholy thing is dumb as bricks and only attacks what it can see, so obscuring its vision is a no-brainer. Also, I don't want to waste time killing it for 3 reasons:

1. There's a greater risk of taking damage if we stay and fight the thing instead of easily outmaneuvering it
2. We usually eat what we kill, and the cadaver is clearly a few months past its expiration date. I don't know if we can get food poisoning but it'll probably taste like shit
3. Technically, it's already dead; there's no fun in beating a dead horse when living victims are more fun :)
what if we roll around in its left over slime and disguise our self as one of it
I don't know for sure, but if I had to guess based on the whole rotting aspect of the slime monster's room and the fact that it had a freaking skull in its belly, I'd say that the slime is somewhat acidic. Wouldn't want to get that on our bare epidermis (is that the term for plant skin?). Also I dont think that would work, at all.
I say we still fight it, because we do seem to gain some experience from fighting. That and because we don't want that fucker on the way out. What we need to do is find a good ambush spot and exploit our bonuses to dirty tactics, especially opportunism if we can.
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> That and because we don't want that fucker on the way out.
Damnit. That's a really good point, especially if we need to ever run back where we came for any reason. But the corridor is too narrow to schmoove around the thing, and where the floor opens up is covered in ice so it'll be tricky to move around in.

Alright, how's this plan?
>Use the smoke scroll to make a smokescreen down the corridor
>Then, knock it flat on its ass by tripping its legs with our vine appendages
>Finally, stab the corpse in the same head wound we threw our dart in
If we really have to kill it, I'm opting to go for the head and stab its brains into gore, hopefully removing that means it stops moving.
We can go further back into the corridor and out of it then climb to the ceiling like we did before. I think a smoke scroll would be wasted on this dipshit because he won't choke as he's already dead. We go full death from above on his ass
So we abuse his aggro until he gets into a bigger room, and then spiderman our way up the ceiling and dropbear him to death? Alright, I can see that working, but after going back up a few posts I can see how this can be optimized even better.

Deciding to change this >>6008964 into the following actions:
>Bait the corpse monster into chasing us by staying in its line of sight, but backing up so we stay out of attack range
>Keep backing up until we end up in Room 6, then grab the water bucket and spill it all over the floor the monster has to walk through
>When the cadaver slips and falls, stab its brains out until it stops moving
A delightfully devilish plan that's sure to take advantage of our talents, the environment, and keep us from wasting a smoke scroll.
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Rolled 16 - 6 (1d20 - 6)

A plethora of strategies and plans interweave your mind, maybe you could cover yourself in slime and go undercover! If… it didn’t look so acidic that is, hmmm, well you’re leaving that on the chopping block for now. Maybe smoking him off and… hmmm but wait a second, he’s already, nah that’s not it…

Oh! You got it! You’ll deliver a swift death, err, re-death to this creature taking advantage of its slow movements and seeming lack of direct awareness. While you were pondering over your plan, the corpse finally managed to arrive in line of sight of you, he seems to have sliiightly sped up his step now but not by much, you grin and make sure that it sees you go back into the other tunnel. It grunts in a seemingly annoyed tone.

You go all the way back to the room with the bucket of water, carefully grabbing it by its metal handle and splashing it all over the floor by the entrance door, you toss it somewhere and stand near the entrance to play the waiting game for this thing to catch up to you.

The wait feels so long you start feeling a bit fidgety from the anticipation, what a thrill! Once you hear the footsteps sufficiently close, you wait for him to see you, step back and lunge to the ceiling, awaiting for the perfect opportunity.

You won’t be able to hold on up here for long but that won’t be necessary, for it’s limping ever closer…
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The beast’s extra pep in its step seems to have worked against it! It’s trying to catch its balance and barely succeeding Heh. Who knew corpses could be so entertaining? You would’ve preferred if it had fallen flat on its face, but this will do for now, after all.

You’ve got the perfect opportunity right about now.


>How will you perform it?

HP: 16/16 MP: 16/16 - STATS - STR 1 – INT 3 – DEX 5 – CHA 2 – WILL 3 – CON 4
KNAPSACK INVENTORY {5.24/6.0 aum} : Pollen plant {0.1} - 3 Quivered darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust] [DEX] - 3 Poisoned darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust+poison] [DEX] - 1 Scroll of smoke {0.2} - 17 Pence - Curing potion {0.8} [Healing: 4-9 HP] [Can get rid of internal ailments] - Potion of Lignification {0.8}[Tree transformation: Defense*4, +Immunity to necrotic damage, HP*4, Restricted movement, ++Thrust, ++Bash, –Chopping, +Cut, --Fire, --Elec] - Potion of Might {0.8} [+1d10 to all melee attacks and +1d3 to physical actions involving upper vines] - 1 Blue scroll {0.2}
ON-HAND: Iron dagger [Damage: 1d6 thrust/cut] [DEX] - Iron buckler [Damage: 1d3 bash] [DEX] [Defense: 2] - 1 Slimed quivered dart [Damage: 1d5+??? thrust + ???]
WORN: Tunic with belt - Tightened Jackal hide strip - Hooded cloak
HOLSTERED: Ice-explosion wand [Damage: 2d23] [Charges: 2] - [LEFT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}, [RIGHT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}
ABILITIES: Chomp: Maul on your target for 1d10 [Thrust] . Costs 7 MP. [CON+STR]
PASSIVES: Opportunist: Attacks done on unaware/uncapacitated targets gain a deadly bonus and multiply the damage by x3 or x4 depending on method. [Applies only to 1 weapon/object attack, highest damage takes priority unless specified] Rapscallion: Gain a bonus whenever performing underhanded or deceitful tactics. [+2] [Applies to all weapon/object attack] [Scales with CHA] Omni-dextrous: Able to carry 4 objects at once, 3rd objects onwards incurs a penalty to them. Dextrous: Dex = 4+ [+1 to DEX rolls] Durable: Con = 4 [+1 to CON rolls]

STATUS: [Satiation level: Normal]
I propose we either stab and bash him with the buckler or pounce the corpse and use our bite for that 1d10+1 damage
Thoughts anon?
I vote for stabbing
Drop down on top of the cadaver and go stibby stabby right in its eyesockets. Its the most vulnerable part of the face and our daggers could reach the brain or atleast get close through them.
Stabby stabby
I agree with stabby stabbing.

Although just a random thought but i'm slightly curious what would happen if we just... pretended to be a normal plant. I mean isn't like we are made of flesh and I doubt it attacks every plant it sees so i'm assuming our movement is what's setting it off.
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Right before preparing to lunge at the corpse, a thought crosses your mind, could you perhaps just snuck past him by not moving at all? The ice blast most likely made him curious as to what the sound was and he seems to rely also on his sight a lot. Perhaps if you encounter another of these affronts to life you could afford to try sneaking this way.

At this moment though. This corpse is going back to wherever it belongs, sent back to its place by none other than yourself.

The concept of death itself is being defied in front of your eyes, but it matters not. For it’s in your way, and anything that gets in your way. Is as good as dead.


>ROLL A 1D6+4 + A 1D3+2
Rolled 2 + 4 (1d6 + 4)

I thought of the scary game jumpscare from this image for some reason
Rolled 1 + 2 (1d3 + 2)

We might not have -needed- to kill it, but how many of these opportunities come along? We should definitely make the most of such a unique experience.
I love the Meepis kill face
[ Hello anons. Quick status update; my power's been out since yesterday so I was not able to finish the darn update.]

[While I'm here I'll also just put out here again the way updates are supposed to usually roll out;

Generally it's one per day so there's time for peeps to catch up. Two if I'm busy or taking extra time for a thing. And if there's no update after the third day, I'm probably dead. Sorry.

This is a pretty special case though so I at least wanted to let it be known. Update hopefully later today.]
Understandable. Don't worry @non.
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You pounce at the corpse, pure ecstasy filling your body as you mount its back, the moment you fall on it, you pincer it straight through its rotten head, wrangling its thick neck with your non occupied upper vines to attempt to constrict it, the cadaver struggles to no avail, for you twist your dagger before releasing it and going for a more deciding thrust, now aiming for the eye sockets of the monster from the brain to it. You puncture the corpse again and pop its only eye out directly out of its socket. Dried up blood and brain matter bless you even more, it’s definitely not crimson red. But you can’t help but find it simply beautiful.

It seemingly recoils in agony, moaning pathetically for such an already sorry thing. You finish it off with a buckler bash straight to its side, knocking its insides out as you lunge off it and land back on the hard, stiff floor. You hunger for more.

That said. Ah, you’re so glad to have made the most of this enchanting opportunity. After all, when’s the last time you killed that which is dead?


[You don’t feel like you reaped anything…]
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While you felt like the cadaver could have been more “expressive”, honestly you thought you wouldn’t get any thrill out of whatsoever from something so… used like this. But you’re glad to have been proven wrong and managed to suck some fun out of it.

You hear a fizzling sound and notice that your victim’s slimy arm is dissolving into the water as bubbles rise and pop, eventually the covered arm ceases to be and only a skeleton of the arm remains on it. Curious.


Ooh. This workout has gotten you quite literally hungry. Nothing serious as of now but eventually this type of thing will start to get really annoying…

Anyways. That wasn’t so bad. Although…

>What should you do next?

HP: 16/16 MP: 16/16 - STATS - STR 1 – INT 3 – DEX 5 – CHA 2 – WILL 3 – CON 4
KNAPSACK INVENTORY {5.24/6.0 aum} : Pollen plant {0.1} - 3 Quivered darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust] [DEX] - 3 Poisoned darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust+poison] [DEX] - 1 Scroll of smoke {0.2} - 17 Pence - Curing potion {0.8} [Healing: 4-9 HP] [Can get rid of internal ailments] - Potion of Lignification {0.8}[Tree transformation: Defense*4, +Immunity to necrotic damage, HP*4, Restricted movement, ++Thrust, ++Bash, –Chopping, +Cut, --Fire, --Elec] - Potion of Might {0.8} [+1d10 to all melee attacks and +1d3 to physical actions involving upper vines] - 1 Blue scroll {0.2}
ON-HAND: Iron dagger [Damage: 1d6 thrust/cut] [DEX] - Iron buckler [Damage: 1d3 bash] [DEX] [Defense: 2] - 1 Slimed quivered dart [Damage: 1d5+??? thrust + ???]
WORN: Tunic with belt - Tightened Jackal hide strip - Hooded cloak
HOLSTERED: Ice-explosion wand [Damage: 2d23] [Charges: 2] - [LEFT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}, [RIGHT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}
ABILITIES: Chomp: Maul on your target for 1d10 [Thrust] . Costs 7 MP. [CON+STR]
PASSIVES: Opportunist: Attacks done on unaware/uncapacitated targets gain a deadly bonus and multiply the damage by x3 or x4 depending on method. [Applies only to 1 weapon/object attack, highest damage takes priority unless specified] Rapscallion: Gain a bonus whenever performing underhanded or deceitful tactics. [+2] [Applies to all weapon/object attack] [Scales with CHA] Omni-dextrous: Able to carry 4 objects at once, 3rd objects onwards incurs a penalty to them. Dextrous: Dex = 4+ [+1 to DEX rolls] Durable: Con = 4 [+1 to CON rolls]

STATUS: [Satiation level: A little hungry]

[ v= Vinestalker, Wide yellow square: Table with bitten corpse leg, small yellow square= Wooden stool, small brown & blue square = Wooden bucket with water, big brown square with red = Corpse limbs barrel, Cross with blue= Altar of Peogh with rug underneath, += Wooden door, small cyan squares= Icy floor, small green squares= Slimy chunks c= Cadaver (re dead) ]
grab an arm from barrel and cook barbeque with torch from the altar

eh, would that be blasphemy of some sort? is this "peogh" dude that petty?

anyway, after that i'd like to continue to the direction where slimey cadaver has been blocking off us before checking the double door.
Adding this:
>Offer another roast arm to Peogh/(P)ray on altar
See what happens
Another fantastic execution animation, this is probably my favorite oneshot quest on this board so far
Yeah alright, lets barbecue some limbs and offer our friend Peogh some too. If only we had barbecue sauce...
The QM curse strikes again
your animation skills are pretty amazing
support for the arm tribute idea

Anyway QM, your drawings/animations are really cool! Wgat do you use for that?
[Always appreciate the words anons, thanks!]

[I use Azpainter2 for pretty much all static stuff, and for the animations I use Aseprite]
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Oogh, what’s for sure is that you’re definitely going to eat something before anything around here happens! First though you put away your dart that you’ve been holding on to. It looks like it lost the slime that was adhered to it.

You stash your dart back to your sack. [STASHED 1 QUIVERED DART]

You might as well make good use of those limbs you saw stored. You slither over towards the barrel and take out an arm, hmmm eating it raw won’t cut it for you right now, so… you’ll use the fire from the altar’s brazier! You’re totally sure this, uh, “Peogh” guy won’t mind it, would he really be so petty as to?

You carefully grab the arm by its fleshless bony side and hold it above the fire, slooowly letting it roast, rotating to the less cooked sides every once in a while.

As you do this you feel watched. Like someone disgruntled is staring right at you, you slouch and look around you but see nothing and eventually shrug it off. You focus intensely on the cooking task, since the only thing you’ve ever roasted in your life is some pork, and that being with help. Once one of the sides starts getting a bit extra burnt you decide that’s enough cooking and retract your meal from the fire. Hopefully this tastes good!
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You mow down your meal and…

WOOOOOOOW! This tastes great! It’s so savory! The skin so crunchy! This flesh is so… gourmet!



SATIATION LEVEL: [Very satisfied!]

Holy moly, you’ve forgotten how good a prepared dish tastes like, really reminds you of homemade food. Maybe your mom was right about you having the skills to cook! What’d had make this dish even better would have been some seasoning, maybe some apple sauce… or a cinnamon garlic one… d’ooow you wish you could eat something like that now.

Having had such a fabolous meal, you get an idea to give tribute to this god guy you found, you’ve never been much of a religious vine, but this place being so odd, you don’t see why not you can’t be caring and share your current joy with this bloke.

You go back to the barrel and grab another arm, coming back to the flames, you repeat the same cooking process still never letting your guard down out of love of the craft, and ta-dah!
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You made another roasted arm! All that’s left is to rend hommage by offering it piteously to it.
You kneel down on the rug, close your eyes and (p)ray to Peogh, giving your cooking as tribute. “Peogh I humbly offer you this delicacy” you mumble.

You feel like a powerful presence has creeped in.

The flames fan up and take on the appearance of a talking face! A grumbly masculine voice can be heard, the sound being hard to discern if it’s coming from the altar or in your head.


“You misuse my altar and you’ve got the GUTS to offer a pitiful tiny thing! I've already got more than enough with the hobgoblins and their sorry kin trying to prove themselves to me, I. Will. NOT! I repeat. NOT! Tolerate anything other than the true race of orcs!”
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“BEGONE WITH YOU! INFIDEL!” “I will savor when you get slaughtered by the righteous might of my warriors, I’ll smite you myself if they call upon it! Let it be known to you that your days are numbered peasant! For th-”

Gee. You were just trying to earnestly share. Now he just keeps yapping… and yapping… and…

>Should you do something or…?

HP: 19/16 MP: 17/16 - STATS - STR 1 – INT 3 – DEX 5 – CHA 2 – WILL 3 – CON 4
KNAPSACK INVENTORY {5.56/6.0 aum} : Pollen plant {0.1} - 4 Quivered darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust] [DEX] - 3 Poisoned darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust+poison] [DEX] - 1 Scroll of smoke {0.2} - 17 Pence - Curing potion {0.8} [Healing: 4-9 HP] [Can get rid of internal ailments] - Potion of Lignification {0.8}[Tree transformation: Defense*4, +Immunity to necrotic damage, HP*4, Restricted movement, ++Thrust, ++Bash, –Chopping, +Cut, --Fire, --Elec] - Potion of Might {0.8} [+1d10 to all melee attacks and +1d3 to physical actions involving upper vines] - 1 Blue scroll {0.2}
ON-HAND: Iron dagger [Damage: 1d6 thrust/cut] [DEX] - Iron buckler [Damage: 1d3 bash] [DEX] [Defense: 2] - Roasted arm
WORN: Tunic with belt - Tightened Jackal hide strip - Hooded cloak
HOLSTERED: Ice-explosion wand [Damage: 2d23] [Charges: 2] - [LEFT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}, [RIGHT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}
ABILITIES: Chomp: Maul on your target for 1d10 [Thrust] . Costs 7 MP. [CON+STR]
PASSIVES: Opportunist: Attacks done on unaware/uncapacitated targets gain a deadly bonus and multiply the damage by x3 or x4 depending on method. [Applies only to 1 weapon/object attack, highest damage takes priority unless specified] Rapscallion: Gain a bonus whenever performing underhanded or deceitful tactics. [+2] [Applies to all weapon/object attack] [Scales with CHA] Omni-dextrous: Able to carry 4 objects at once, 3rd objects onwards incurs a penalty to them. Dextrous: Dex = 4+ [+1 to DEX rolls] Durable: Con = 4 [+1 to CON rolls]

STATUS: [Satiation level: Very satisfied] [Revitalized = +3 EX HP] [Energized = +1 EX MP] [Invigorated = +1 To phys rolls from main dice]
Put out the fire carefully so we don't get burnt but not without telling this god that we murdered and ate the orc there.
Anyway let's get back into that hallway we left before the corpse came back to life

oof, petty fire roasted. weak god for weak race.

i'm not sure how we'd put out that ensorcelled flame without burning ourselves though, wouldn't simply leaving it's radius be better option?
Damn, and we used the bucket of water already. I was thinking of taking the pot of flames and dumping it on the corpse...corpse so it doesn't reanimate, but momma always told us not to play with fire. That's how we lost Auntie Mayflower.
>Tell the belligerent flames you already killed and ate the orc guarding this dungeon, call him a loser and then give him a rude gesture while walking backwards into the room where the slime was
I feel like being petty today.
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You’re not exactly a fan of the way this pedantic god is talking down on you, so you'll take a page straight out of his petty book and kindly put him in his place. Knowing he idolizes orcs so much, how about letting him know you savored torturing one till its last breath? Kiyaahaha!

You interrupt the mad god's rambling holding your upper vines to your hips and take a defying stance “Yah, what? Can't understand you! I'm just so used to Orc's SQUEALING like the swine that they are, it’s surprising to hear something intelligible for once.”

He screams furiously “WW-RR GHA?!

Oooh he’s fuming! You sneer and continue talking while slowly backing away; “Matter of fact, that one in particular, he was here, guarding this ugly place, for an even uglier so called god! I had fun gutting him alive, the meat tasted just like pork! Maybe you guys aren’t so bad after all then, kAAhahah!”

The flames seem like they’re going to combust at any second.
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You smack your backside in a taunting manner as you wrap up your final act. “You’re nothin’ more than a petulant sad sack o’ hog meat charading as a pantheon for pigs!”

grrgGHAHRRN HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA YOU-” The flames rise with fervor! But… they die out as soon as you got further away, going back to their usual calm in comparison burning state.

Kaaahuhuhuh! If that bastard would have not been a non-physical thing oooh, you would have gotten a kickout of how mad he was! But, you know better. Especially after what happened to aunt May… Or was it aunt Petunia?

No.. you’re pretty sure it was Mayflower who burnt her home and part of the village that one time, you remember attending the funeral and everything. You don’t mind experimenting with danger but fire is in a whole other section of its own for someone like you that is so susceptible to it, your losses are testament to it. Oh well that’s the past though! You’ve got some moving to do.

Sadly not being able to stomach it at the moment and not wanting to carry it with you at the moment, you leave your roasted arm in the table nearby, it’ll get cold but you can always reheat it over at your friend Peogh’s place, eh? Keheh.
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As you walk towards the tunnel where the zombie chased you, you spot a damaged dart in the ground. Hey! That’s the dart that you threw at that cadaver’s face awhile ago. Nice. It’s clearly well past its past prime but a dart’s a dart.


You decide you might as well do a checkup on your general inventory while you’re at it.

[INVENTORY: Your knapsack has [6.0 aum] worth of space inside it. All of it is divided by 6 blocks of [1.0 aum] ]


Pollen plant [0.1]
4 Quivered darts [0.25] {4 = 1.0}
1 Used Quivered dart [0.20]
3 Poisoned darts [0.25] {3 = 0.75}
Curing potion [0.8]
Lignification potion [0.8]
Might potion [0.8]
1 Scroll of smoke [0.2]
17 Pence [0.020] {17 = 0.34}
1 Blue scroll [0.2]
1 Rock [0.5]


Oh. You forgot you had this rock here. No wonder your knapsack felt heavier than it should with what you were carrying.
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Making your way through your new surroundings, it looks like some of the ice here has gone away as well as some of the slime somehow. As you reach the center of the room, looking behind you, you see what looks like nearly solid ice covering the floors and walls beyond. You’re… already getting pretty chilly from this distance, what a bizarre view. On the bright side however In front of you there is a plethora of things scattered on the floor.

You see; A throwing net. A yellow potion. A pink sealed scroll. And as for miscellaneous things, there’s some… rusted? pieces of what you assume was a blade before it got broken up into pieces like this, there’s also a backpack that looks like where the items you saw spilled out of. It’s made out of really cracked torn leather, time hasn’t been nice to it from what you figure, either that or something made it end up like this.

To the corner on the back of what you dub the little room there’s a lot of slime splattered on the wall as well as the floor, some rotted flesh with dried out blood and what looks like more damaged leather bits. These items intrigue you somewhat, but you’ll have to really see if you can afford to save them away or whatnot.

>What will be your course of action here?

HP: 19/16 MP: 17/16 - STATS - STR 1 – INT 3 – DEX 5 – CHA 2 – WILL 3 – CON 4
KNAPSACK INVENTORY {5.69/6.0 aum} : Pollen plant {0.1} - 4 Quivered darts {0.25} [Dmg: 1d5 thrust] [DEX] - 1 Used dart [Dmg:1d3 thrust] {0.20} - 3 Poisoned darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust+poison] [DEX] - 1 Scroll of smoke {0.2} - 1 Rock {0.5} - 17 Pence {0.020} - Curing potion {0.8} [Healing: 4-9 HP] [Can get rid of internal ailments] - Potion of Lignification {0.8}[Tree transformation: Defense*4, +Immunity to necrotic damage, HP*4, Restricted movement, ++Thrust, ++Bash, –Chopping, +Cut, --Fire, --Elec] - Potion of Might {0.8} [+1d10 to all melee attacks and +1d3 to physical actions involving upper vines] - 1 Blue scroll {0.2}
ON-HAND: Iron dagger [Damage: 1d6 thrust/cut] [DEX] - Iron buckler [Damage: 1d3 bash] [DEX] [Defense: 2]
WORN: Tunic with belt - Tightened Jackal hide strip - Hooded cloak
HOLSTERED: Ice-explosion wand [Damage: 2d23] [Charges: 2] - [LEFT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}, [RIGHT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}

STATUS: [Satiation level: Very satisfied] [Revitalized = +3 EX HP] [Energized = +1 EX MP] [Invigorated = +1 To phys rolls from main dice]

ITEMS ON FLOOR: Pink scroll {0.2}, Yellow potion {0.8}, Throwing net {5.5}
>Drop rock and see if we can take the throwing net, otherwise ignore it
>Take scroll
>Proceed to ICE CAVE and look around

throwing net is whopping 5.5 m8 (unless it's a typo)
i agree throwing rock away though, it's literal burden on us
Ah nuts, didn't see the bottom. That's pretty huge.
Agreed with dropping the rock in favor of the scroll. While we're at it we should be thorough and check the backpack to see if anything else is inside. The net would be nice but it's just far too heavy.

After that proceed to the ice cave.
Meepis a cute, a CUTE!
She's gonna eat you for that buddy
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You take the remaining rock from your stash and nonchalantly drop it. Sorry not sorry rocks, but you’ve got actual things of value to store here! You take a look at the net and wish you could have put it away, but with its size, you reckon that you’d have to get nearly everything out of your knapsack to even begin to consider having it there. Either that or you’d have to carry it around constantly.

Not really wanting to complicate yourself over storage management and the potion on the floor being unidentified anyways. Simply taking the scroll will do for you now.


Hmm, though that backpack, if truly the benefactor of these items, could also in theory have something extra that you’re not getting a good glance at the moment of.

You duck down and inspect the withered backpack…

and spot some pence as well as cured meat. Neat.

As your pack is just barely not being filled to the brim, you figure you’ll stash these items right now.

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Your business done here, you head off on to what you call now the “Ice cave”, it’s probably still just part of the dungeon it might also not. You think it’s cool. Kehe.

Heading towards the more icy terrain… BRRR!! It’s so superbly cold here! You shiver from the cold air and your lower vines almost tremble from the touch of the solid ice floor, if you were to stay for an hour or so you bet you’d feel like you’re frozen solid! To keep yourself warm you bring forward your cloak, covering your body in it. It helps somewhat.

As if that wasn’t enough the slippery floor is sure giving you trouble traversing! It takes you some applied focused finesse to be able to navigate to the end of the tunnel and not slip flat on your face. Despite the hardships you managed to trek on forward in more time than you’d have liked to have spent. You eventually peek around the corner and get a glimpse of what’s in the next room, which is…
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Some type of beast made out of what seems to be pure ice! That’s quite the sight, and not one you’re exactly glad to see. On what you think is its head it looks like there is some type of faint glow emitting from it, perhaps a core of some sorts.

Examining the room more thoroughly, there are some humanoid solid ice statues present. One is in a defying pose, wearing some aged leather helmet and the other is wearing a cracked leather backpack, kneeling down, seemingly reaching out with its hand for something.

The ice beast looks to be in a resting state. If you were to try to creep up on it, you’ll have to be careful and focus with each step you take towards it…

>How sho-

>How should you approach this?

HP: 19/16 MP: 17/16 - STATS - STR 1 – INT 3 – DEX 5 – CHA 2 – WILL 3 – CON 4
KNAPSACK INVENTORY {5.57/6.0 aum} : Pollen plant {0.1} - 4 Quivered darts {0.25} [Dmg: 1d5 thrust] [DEX] - 1 Used dart [Dmg:1d3 thrust] {0.20} - 3 Poisoned darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust+poison] [DEX] - 1 Scroll of smoke {0.2} - 21 Pence {0.020} - Jerky {0.10} - Curing potion {0.8} [Healing: 4-9 HP] [Can get rid of internal ailments] - Potion of Lignification {0.8}[Tree transformation: Defense*4, +Immunity to necrotic damage, HP*4, Restricted movement, ++Thrust, ++Bash, –Chopping, +Cut, --Fire, --Elec] - Potion of Might {0.8} [+1d10 to all melee attacks and +1d3 to physical actions involving upper vines] - 1 Blue scroll {0.2} - 1 Pink scroll {0.2}
ON-HAND: Iron dagger [Damage: 1d6 thrust/cut] [DEX] - Iron buckler [Damage: 1d3 bash] [DEX] [Defense: 2]
WORN: Tunic with belt - Tightened Jackal hide strip - Hooded cloak
HOLSTERED: Ice-explosion wand [Damage: 2d23] [Charges: 2] - [LEFT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}, [RIGHT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}
ABILITIES: Chomp: Maul on your target for 1d10 [Thrust] . Costs 7 MP. [CON+STR]
PASSIVES: Opportunist: Attacks done on unaware/uncapacitated targets gain a deadly bonus and multiply the damage by x3 or x4 depending on method. [Applies only to 1 weapon/object attack, highest damage takes priority unless specified] Rapscallion: Gain a bonus whenever performing underhanded or deceitful tactics. [+2] [Applies to all weapon/object attack] [Scales with CHA] Omni-dextrous: Able to carry 4 objects at once, 3rd objects onwards incurs a penalty to them. Dextrous: Dex = 4+ [+1 to DEX rolls] Durable: Con = 4 [+1 to CON rolls]

STATUS: [Satiation level: Kinda satisfied] [Revitalized = +3 EX HP] [Energized = +1 EX MP] [Invigorated = +1 To phys rolls from main dice] [Cold]

[ v= Vinestalker, i= Ice beast, s= statue]
We shouldn't stay in this room any longer than we need to, for now just slowly move forwards, along the wall opposite the ice beast to not disturb it. See what's around the corner and maybe the beast won't notice us or wake up.

That scroll and potion behind the statue looks enticing but best not to tempt fate, when we're freezing here and have trouble moving, and none of our weapons seem useful against a monster made of ice.
We have a natural biological weakness to ice, and our strongest weapon is the ice wand. And based on those sorry sods over there, it seems like touching this creature is a big no-no. As much as I hate passing up on potential victims, we are out of our element here.
>slowly but surely sneak past the beast by sticking to the opposite wall
We aren't vinestalkers for nothing.
Seconding these
+1 this room couldn't be more of a hard counter to us if ya tried.
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Oh hey! Is that a scroll and potion next to the ice statues? You didn’t spot them at first glance, being so preoccupied with the beast and all, but now that you notice them something is off about them. The scrolls looks all wrinkled up and stiff while the potion looks like it’s going to break anytime. They still certainly look tempting to acquire right about now… if you weren’t so cold and a giant ice beast wasn’t in your vicinity.

You’ve got bigger meaner things to worry about certainly, and you certainly do not want to end up frozen alive like those sorry bastards over there. This couldn’t have been any more of a difficult scenario for you!

Your instincts feel like they activate and they say you’ve really gotta get outta here! You cling on to the wall and focus on slowly but certainly scuttling your way on out.

You get a move on and try not to slip…

DC {11}



v= Vinestalker, Red square = Where (you)’re headed. , s= Ice statue, i= Ice beast, yellow small square= Wrinkled yellow sealed scroll, green small square= Cracked green potion
Rolled 17 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Sneaky breeky Meepis
Rolled 13 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

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You slither forwards to your destination. Since you are opposite to the monster, there’s less of a chance it hears you from this distance. Still, violently slip and fallin’ will for sure make some type of noise.

You’ve got a powerful Ice artifact and an Ice beast just had to show up, really what are the chances? And it’s not like you can make 5 ice picks appear out of nowhere to take it apart, or… unless you… no. Maybe that wouldn’t work.

You psych yourself up a little, for It’s time for your next move now.

You take another large step…

DC {11}



v= Vinestalker, Red square = Where (you)’re headed. , s= Ice statue, i= Ice beast, yellow small square= Wrinkled yellow sealed scroll, green small square= Cracked green potion
Rolled 13 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

Watch THIS
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Haaah-haah… phew. You exhale some cold breath and prepare for another one of these movements.

You think you see what looks like the room encroaching into a corner… you really hope that’s the case! Only one way to find out…

You stretch out your lower vines…

DC {11}



v= Vinestalker, Red square = Where (you)’re headed. , s= Ice statue, i= Ice beast, yellow small square= Wrinkled yellow sealed scroll, green small square= Cracked green potion
Rolled 7 + 1 (1d20 + 1)

This is getting stressful
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One of your lower vines twists and slips, you attempt to salvage the situation by haphazardly applying more force to the rest of the lower vines, you mistime it and create even more disbalance!

You fall headfirst into the Ice!
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Your buckler and body slam into the ice and make a loud resonating sound! Aaaargh! It’s so cold! Your face feels like it stiffens!
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While lifting yourself back up, curious as to what you missed seeing despite the situation, you look to your left to see another of those ice statues… but something’s off about this one. It’s more spiky, and the eyes have a bright shine to them unlike the ones you’ve spotted previously.

There also indeed looks like the corner leads into another room, it seems it has a yellow glow from what little you saw too, that’s good to know.
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As you stop looking behind you and focus on your front view. You see the ice beast leisurely lifting itself up from the cold ground, staring directly at you while doing so. It takes a hunched stance as it keeps on glaring at you. The ice beast is also closer than before, by, like, a lot.

You gulp.

You’re not totally sure if it harbors some animosity towards you, but you can’t imagine it not being the case at this moment.

>You really have to do something!

HP: 18/16 MP: 17/16 - STATS - STR 1 – INT 3 – DEX 5 – CHA 2 – WILL 3 – CON 4
KNAPSACK INVENTORY {5.57/6.0 aum} : Pollen plant {0.1} - 4 Quivered darts {0.25} [Dmg: 1d5 thrust] [DEX] - 1 Used dart [Dmg:1d3 thrust] {0.20} - 3 Poisoned darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust+poison] [DEX] - 1 Scroll of smoke {0.2} - 21 Pence {0.020} - Jerky {0.10} - Curing potion {0.8} [Healing: 4-9 HP] [Can get rid of internal ailments] - Potion of Lignification {0.8}[Tree transformation: Defense*4, +Immunity to necrotic damage, HP*4, Restricted movement, ++Thrust, ++Bash, –Chopping, +Cut, --Fire, --Elec] - Potion of Might {0.8} [+1d10 to all melee attacks and +1d3 to physical actions involving upper vines] - 1 Blue scroll {0.2} - 1 Pink scroll {0.2}
ON-HAND: Iron dagger [Damage: 1d6 thrust/cut] [DEX] - Iron buckler [Damage: 1d3 bash] [DEX] [Defense: 2]
WORN: Tunic with belt - Tightened Jackal hide strip - Hooded cloak
HOLSTERED: Ice-explosion wand [Damage: 2d23] [Charges: 2] - [LEFT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}, [RIGHT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}
ABILITIES: Chomp: Maul on your target for 1d10 [Thrust] . Costs 7 MP. [CON+STR]
PASSIVES: Opportunist: Attacks done on unaware/uncapacitated targets gain a deadly bonus and multiply the damage by x3 or x4 depending on method. [Applies only to 1 weapon/object attack, highest damage takes priority unless specified] Rapscallion: Gain a bonus whenever performing underhanded or deceitful tactics. [+2] [Applies to all weapon/object attack] [Scales with CHA] Omni-dextrous: Able to carry 4 objects at once, 3rd objects onwards incurs a penalty to them. Dextrous: Dex = 4+ [+1 to DEX rolls] Durable: Con = 4 [+1 to CON rolls]

STATUS: [Satiation level: Kinda satisfied] [Revitalized = +3 EX HP] [Energized = +1 EX MP] [Invigorated = +1 To phys rolls from main dice] [Cold]

[ v= Vinestalker, i= Ice beast, s-I= Ice statue in defying stance, s-II=Ice statue reaching out, s-A= Spiky ice statue]
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I don't think we can run from this thing with the terrain fighting us every step of the way. I have only one good idea right now.
>Toss the pollen plant directly in the beast's face, then GTFO to the next room ASAP while it trips balls
Lets hope theres a fire explosion wand deep in the dungeon if we have to go back the way we came.
Mostly agree with this, but if the pollen plant doesn't affect it, maybe try the jerky strip afterwards. We don't know if it needs to breathe or even eat, but we should try whatever before running away at top speed.
I don't think its a meat eater on account of turning those humans into icicles and not just eating them. I could also be wrong and the creature is saving popsicles for later.
Could throw the "turn into a tree" potion at it and dip
Rolled 1 (1d2)

i'm torn between this and the pollen
i'll let the coin decide
1=pollen 2=potion
Throw the pollen at its mouth!
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This nasty terrain is no good for a fight, you figure you have to distract it or get it off you somehow, your first thought is to use the pollen plant, but you also consider perhaps throwing the lignification potion right at it, aargh! You can’t decide so you end up just choosing the first option, there might be some specifics on how the potion takes effect so the most surefire one is the one that you experienced yourself, you think.
You scatter to take out the pollen plant, and proceed to throw it directly at the ice beast! Specifically you aim near its mouth, since, if it has one, that could possibly mean it has lungs to breathe that pollen with. You can’t help but sneer at what you’re doing


The Ice beast seems to recoil at your sudden thrown object, it looked like it wanted to move out of the way or dodge it, but being too big of a target, it simply ate it up!

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The beast gets sprayed with the last remnants of pollen from that guy’s thingy and some of it seems to go directly into its mouth, it exhales some air and makes some type of air sounding grunt as it shakes its head from the diffused pollen.

You prepare to leave while it's distracted but not before taking out your strip of dried jerky to maybe distract it later. As you begin to turn your back to the monster, you hear a slam to the ice floor and the sound of a very strong roar like wind!
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Rolled 6 (1d9)

Quickly giving your front to see what the beast is up to, you can tell it's going to lunge at you!

You throw the jerky at it to hopefully dissuade it from going after you if it's hungry.

However if it's just simply enraged…

You GOT to get THE FUCK OUT of here!


Rolled 19 (1d20)

Rolled 10 (1d20)

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You hastily slither away for your life as you hear the beast chasing you, the slippery terrain once again changes your footing, however you refuse to be subject to it and instead use it to your advantage, sliding your lower vines alongside it.
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As you’re sliding you hear the beast supremely close, for which in an act of instinct as well as blind faith, you curve your body forwards in order to hopefully avoid any type of assault it may try to do.

You hear the sound of air being pierced akin to a whiffed sword swing, the icy terrain finally ending, you crouch to prepare for the slow down and be able to turn back to the monster swiftly, doing so, you notice that it has stopped dead in its tracks and its eyes now have this yellow coloration to them.

It raises its head and begins to howl!


The sound of a chill strong wind fills the new non-iced room you’re in. As you intently stare at it, at the ready for anything, you don't feel like it's glaring at you anymore, it starts moving its head in your direction as if looking for something, then turns around and keeps on making its chilled noises while now charging back at the icy room you were in, you back away cautiously from the situation as you keep on hearing the trashing.

You begin to catch your breath. Breathe in… haaaaaah. Breathe out... Hoooo… Phew.
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This new room feels extremely warm in comparison to the one you were in, and you notice that it’s because there’s lanterns decorating the place keeping the place warm and well lit. After noticing that, you decide to take a better look at everything surrounding you. There's a nailed wooden sign on the wall with some letters written in dried chalk on it. They read;

“Any lamp that has had its fire extinguished report to Roka for ignition immediately or temporarily light it with oil.”

Below it is more text, this one looks somewhat more freshly written than the other one judging by the quality of the chalk.

“Warning. Ice construct wandered in ahead. Will be dealt with. Leave alone for now to deal with any intruders. - Roka”

First time something’s written quite well, you’re impressed. Besides that, you spot an iron hammer laying on the ground, a wooden chair close by the wall, a bunch of square wooden planks similar to that of the one used for the sign and a wooden lidless barrel.

Suddenly though. The ground quakes! Everything around you rumbles momentarily, you duck down and cover your head in surprise as you hear what sounds like falling debris coming from the part of the room you haven’t explored yet.
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Rolled 2 (1d4)

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Well that’s just perfect, isn’t it? You wonder if you should check out the barrel or investigate what exactly happened over there. Not like you’ve got much choice at the moment with you still being able to hear some mess going around in the previous room.

>What will it be for you?

HP: 18/16 MP: 17/16 - STATS - STR 1 – INT 3 – DEX 5 – CHA 2 – WILL 3 – CON 4
KNAPSACK INVENTORY {5.57/6.0 aum} : Pollen plant {0.1} - 4 Quivered darts {0.25} [Dmg: 1d5 thrust] [DEX] - 1 Used dart [Dmg:1d3 thrust] {0.20} - 3 Poisoned darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust+poison] [DEX] - 1 Scroll of smoke {0.2} - 21 Pence {0.020} - Jerky {0.10} - Curing potion {0.8} [Healing: 4-9 HP] [Can get rid of internal ailments] - Potion of Lignification {0.8}[Tree transformation: Defense*4, +Immunity to necrotic damage, HP*4, Restricted movement, ++Thrust, ++Bash, –Chopping, +Cut, --Fire, --Elec] - Potion of Might {0.8} [+1d10 to all melee attacks and +1d3 to physical actions involving upper vines] - 1 Blue scroll {0.2} - 1 Pink scroll {0.2}
ON-HAND: Iron dagger [Damage: 1d6 thrust/cut] [DEX] - Iron buckler [Damage: 1d3 bash] [DEX] [Defense: 2]
WORN: Tunic with belt - Tightened Jackal hide strip - Hooded cloak
HOLSTERED: Ice-explosion wand [Damage: 2d23] [Charges: 2] - [LEFT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}, [RIGHT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}
ABILITIES: Chomp: Maul on your target for 1d10 [Thrust] . Costs 7 MP. [CON+STR]
PASSIVES: Opportunist: Attacks done on unaware/uncapacitated targets gain a deadly bonus and multiply the damage by x3 or x4 depending on method. [Applies only to 1 weapon/object attack, highest damage takes priority unless specified] Rapscallion: Gain a bonus whenever performing underhanded or deceitful tactics. [+2] [Applies to all weapon/object attack] [Scales with CHA] Omni-dextrous: Able to carry 4 objects at once, 3rd objects onwards incurs a penalty to them. Dextrous: Dex = 4+ [+1 to DEX rolls] Durable: Con = 4 [+1 to CON rolls]

STATUS: [Satiation level: Satisfied] [Revitalized = +3 EX HP] [Energized = +1 EX MP] [Invigorated = +1 To phys rolls from main dice]

[ v= Vinestalker, yellow and gray square= Lantern, brown rectangle= Wooden chair, Medium brown square with dots= Wooden sign, brown hollow square= Wooden barrel, Striped brown rectangles= Wooden planks]
[Oops. You don't actually have your pollen plant or jerky anymore.]

[Your inventory should actually be about {5.37/6.0 aum}]
Check out the barrel first, take a breather after that near death experience while looking for anything useful
The hammer would be a nice weapon to have, blunt force will do a lot better than a dagger if we have to fight that ice beast in the future.
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Phew. You could use another breather after the thrill of what just happened! Fwhooo. You breathe in. Haaaa. You breathe out. Nice. You’re feeling a lot less stressed out! You also notice that you feel less invigorated than before.


Now, to get your money’s worth in here… you decide to slither your vines over at the barrel, there could be something useful in it, but not before picking up the iron hammer on your way there. This ol’ thing could give you an edge over that ice beast from before and let you shatter it to the afterlife! You hold it in your typically less dominant third vine.


Looming over at the barrel it contains some crude nails, and glass vials of what looks like bottled up oil. Hm. Taking an eye at them, were you to try to stash them they would be each;

Vial of oil {0.15}
Nail {0.050}

As you ponder over it, the shattering coming from the iced room seems to come to a halt and a loud voice is echoed throughout the opposite side of the dungeon from whence you once heard the rumble.

“Daaaaaugh! Darn’ diggity dammit! So annoying!” The voice is high pitched and feminine in tone, it has what you can only describe as a slushy quivering filter over it.

“UAAArrrrghh! I’m going to PULL my segments off!” It sounds pretty upset.

>Now what?

HP: 18/16 MP: 17/16 - STATS - STR 1 – INT 3 – DEX 5 – CHA 2 – WILL 3 – CON 4
KNAPSACK INVENTORY {5.37/6.0 aum} : 4 Quivered darts {0.25} [Dmg: 1d5 thrust] [DEX] - 1 Used dart [Dmg:1d3 thrust] {0.20} - 3 Poisoned darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust+poison] [DEX] - 1 Scroll of smoke {0.2} - 21 Pence {0.020} - Curing potion {0.8} [Healing: 4-9 HP] [Can get rid of internal ailments] - Potion of Lignification {0.8} [Tree transformation: Defense*4, +Immunity to necrotic damage, HP*4, Restricted movement, ++Thrust, ++Bash, –Chopping, +Cut, --Fire, --Elec] - Potion of Might {0.8} [+1d10 to all melee attacks and +1d3 to physical actions involving upper vines] - 1 Blue scroll {0.2} - 1 Pink scroll {0.2}
ON-VINE: Iron dagger [Damage: 1d6 thrust/cut] [DEX] - Iron buckler [Damage: 1d3 bash] [DEX] [Defense: 2] - Iron hammer [THIRD VINE PENALTY]
WORN: Tunic with belt - Tightened Jackal hide strip - Hooded cloak
HOLSTERED: Ice-explosion wand [Damage: 2d23] [Charges: 2] - [LEFT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}, [RIGHT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}

STATUS: [Satiation level: Satisfied] [Revitalized = +3 EX HP] [Energized = +1 EX MP]

BARREL: [ 7 Glass vials of Oil {0.15} ] [ 15 Nails {0.050} ]
Hmm...I don't have enough info on the situation, but I can atleast guess that the creature is both intelligent and non-human. I don't think the voice is coming this way though. But for now;
>Leap inside the barrel, but keep an ear out for that voice if it gets closer or farther
Lie in wait like a true ambush predator and assess the situation. If it passes through and doesn't look friendly, we can pull a Fazbear and jump out to bite someone's face off. And if it leaves without setting us off, we move on to the next room.
+1 to this, this room doesn't have anywhere else we could hide since it's so well lit and open.
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You certainly don’t appreciate how lit up this room is, doesn’t really give you room for things to not be spotted for better or worse, you could certainly do without it since your eyesight is better at that night time thing. For now though you’ve concoct a devious plan to possibly “surprise” whatever’s making such a ruckus, just like your ancestors would’ve wanted! Keheh.

You back away slowly into the barrel carefully fitting your body inside it while looking into the room in case your client comes early when all of the sudden a burning pain is felt on your lower vines!

Ow-ow-ooow! That stings!

HP 17/16

You got some of your lower vines stung by the nails inside of the barrel! You hold in your pain to not make any noise despite it, tossing aside the pesky nails to make enough space for you to fit into it without getting stung again.

You pop inside the barrel and lie in ambush. The slushy voice still ever so present.

“AAAAAA! I can never catch a break! Okay. OKAY. Focus Jess. Remember that fun chant... Ooooh’, where the witches' abode was once uncovered, a nasty man that was a’ bother slayed- No! NOOO! That’s not how it goes! Hnnngh UAAAA!”

From the odd voice of this presumed gal it is likely not human, that’s interesting.
While being inside the barrel, and getting to hear so much of it. It sounds like the yelling is not only relatively far away and static in terms of where it's going but also coming from… more above? It feels it’s more elevated than how’d it sound were someone to be directly in the corner close by or at the same elevation as you are.

“Alright. So. It’s like, mmmm. Wheeere the witches' abode was once uncovered, a nasty man that was a’ bother scraped the place with a burnin’ matter, the founding mother gazed upon i- HRNGGGH! DARN! Oh to hell with this dull-witted chant! I’ll just read it with no prep!”

This whole spiel feels like it’s going to go on for a while.

>Should you do something?
well then, if it's not approaching us, it's us that should be approaching it and investigate, eh?
Agreed. But before we do that, lets pick up those nails for our use.
>Pick up all of the nails and put them in our inventory, could be a nasty surprise for later
>Get out of the barrel and investigate without giving your position away
Seconding this >>6029700

As an aside, OP, why did you put Meepis in a jar? :^)
Cute plant in a barrel
hope you are aware that thread is nearing the end again, @non.
( and that i won't be dropping out till it properly finishes, this quest is that good )
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[Thanks again for your reminder anon! Will be making another thread pretty soon, hopefully it's the deciding one.]

[She's clearly in a translucent barrel wdym :D ]
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>>6029609 - >>6029700 - >>6030046 - >>6030190
This creature doesn’t seem to be approaching you anytime soon! You’ll take the heat towards it then. Before you stand up, you gather up in a little pile in front of you some of the nails scattered about, opening your knapsack and dropping them carefully inside. Experiencing them first vine, these things clearly work for SOMETHING, so you’ll take them.

[ GOT 12 NAILS {0.6} ]

That’s a lotta’ nails! You can already think of some ways that they could prove useful or even devious, but it’ll have to wait until the opportunity actually arises, for now you get out of the barrel since you felt like a jarred up veggie in there and prepare your hunt.

You creep towards the noise, hugging the walls and keeping a low profile towards your destination, the voice still making a ruckus while you’re doing so.

“Embrace blasphemy to channel the magicks permeating in the world’s essence... “ It seems to be slurring its words, as if reading something directly, you stop in your tracks when there seems to be an opening towards another room nearby, moving aside from the wall and taking a look, there are some stairs leading upwards.

“Ohh so okay, I should… imagine harm itself… channel it… Poena… Telum- NO! Nonono! NO! That’s! Hrrngggg!.”

Past the stairs section there is a rather large unkempt chest with a nailed sign next to it, you can’t quite make out the small writing from this distance though.

The disembodied voice is clearly coming from the above, however, not knowing where exactly your customer is there is an uncertainty in the way things could play out.

>How will you address this whole ordeal?
HP: 17/16 MP: 17/16 - STATS - STR 1 – INT 3 – DEX 5 – CHA 2 – WILL 3 – CON 4
KNAPSACK INVENTORY {5.97/6.0 aum} : 4 Quivered darts {0.25} [Dmg: 1d5 thrust] [DEX] - 1 Used dart [Dmg:1d3 thrust] {0.20} - 3 Poisoned darts {0.25} [Damage: 1d5 thrust+poison] [DEX] - 1 Scroll of smoke {0.2} - 21 Pence {0.020} - Curing potion {0.8} [Healing: 4-9 HP] [Can get rid of internal ailments] - Potion of Lignification {0.8} [Tree transformation: Defense*4, +Immunity to necrotic damage, HP*4, Restricted movement, ++Thrust, ++Bash, –Chopping, +Cut, --Fire, --Elec] - Potion of Might {0.8} [+1d10 to all melee attacks and +1d3 to physical actions involving upper vines] - 1 Blue scroll {0.2} - 1 Pink scroll {0.2} - 12 Nails {0.050}
ON-VINE: Iron dagger [Damage: 1d6 thrust/cut] [DEX] - Iron buckler [Damage: 1d3 bash] [DEX] [Defense: 2] - Iron hammer [THIRD VINE PENALTY]
WORN: Tunic with belt - Tightened Jackal hide strip - Hooded cloak
HOLSTERED: Ice-explosion wand [Damage: 2d23] [Charges: 2] - [LEFT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}, [RIGHT SIDE] Restorative Ointment {0.4}
ABILITIES: Chomp: Maul on your target for 1d10 [Thrust] . Costs 7 MP. [CON+STR]
PASSIVES: Opportunist: Attacks done on unaware/uncapacitated targets gain a deadly bonus and multiply the damage by x3 or x4 depending on method. [Applies only to 1 weapon/object attack, highest damage takes priority unless specified] Rapscallion: Gain a bonus whenever performing underhanded or deceitful tactics. [+2] [Applies to all weapon/object attack] [Scales with CHA] Omni-dextrous: Able to carry 4 objects at once, 3rd objects onwards incurs a penalty to them. Dextrous: Dex = 4+ [+1 to DEX rolls] Durable: Con = 4 [+1 to CON rolls]

STATUS: [Satiation level: Satisfied] [Revitalized = +3 EX HP] [Energized = +1 EX MP]
No other way except forward, but crawl up the stairs with absolute caution. It sounds like a mage up there, and while I'm pretty sure they can't cast Testicular Torsion or Itchy Bones on us, they probably have spells just as cruel and unusual.
>Slink up the stairway as quiet as a mouse, but stop just before you reach the new room to avoid detection
I'm hoping for a good angle where we can peek, or atleast get a good feel of where things are. The biggest question is if its better to roll for diplomacy or dead-on aim.
We'll probably roll with advantage to gut her like a SHIT PIG, she's definitely highly distracted
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Rolled 13 - 2 (1d20 - 2)

Your possible prey sounds distracted, that’s just perfect for you.

You can’t help but think that perhaps, you don’t have to gut this creature, that an agreement of sorts can be reached. It sounds like a magic user from the crap she’s been spouting, you’re not terribly familiar with them and less so with random ones found inside of a dungeon, so you’ll keep your guard up.

But that’ll have to be seen later on, for now you prepare to slither over the stairs to reach your destination with utmost silence and hopefully have a better position to take a peek at the situation despite the lower ground disadvantage, your buckler and weaponry could cause some troubles but you’re proficient in this line of work so you crouch and begin to move…


Rolled 4 + 5 (1d20 + 5)

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[Looks like you fumbled something! As for what it was it'll have to wait an update cycle, going to end the thread here for now. ]

[ The thread has been ARCHIVED @ https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5999826/ ]

[I'll try to speed things up the next thread, until then, see you in a bit. Thanks again to everyone who suggested and supported, as well as any readers!]
Thanks a bunch @non, great quest so far! Love the art and especially the animations.
This is GOATED.
Bit long for a one shot as you noticed but that's often what happens with mechanics intensive quests like this.
As said previously, everything is stellar, we can see all the effort you poured into it.
Meepis is cute.
Thanks for running OP. The dungeon waits...
Thank you @non!
[ Thanks for the words everyone! ]

[ Next thread is up @


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