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they said I would have to Pastebin the lewd stuff but /ss/ is based and let the die be cast motherfuckers. Or we can skip it. If the majority of you want this safe for work that's cool. But will kind of miss the point of the harem stuff. This is like Ultra Sun and Moon in that it takes place in an alternate telling of the games...where in the timeline? Find out yourself!
>You are a 13 year old wannabe Pokemon Trainer. You've basically been ripping off shit you've seen online and on tv and you've been training Pokemon you've chanced by throughout your life till this point. Very close to your Pokemon bros. Not so much with your peers. But nonetheless. You haven't been able to go on a Pokemon journey as home and school obligations sadly prevented it thus far. Which is more common then you think. Pick your trainer type. This will determine, along with your region, what your starting team is. You can pick Pokemon common to your region but no psuedo, rare, legendary or starter Pokemon that doesn't fall into the 3 type specific Pokemon. If your Pokemon will gain the typing later in evolution you may choose it as a pick. For example you can pick Torchic as a Pokemon for Martial Autist's Fighting type slot. You can also pick two pokemon of the same type if they match the separate type slot. Aron for Steel and Geodude for Rock for Martial Autist. You can also pick from any region and can choose pseudos or rares if necessary for your type slot. No two same Pokemon. THIS INCLUDES EEVEE. ONE EEVEE LIMIT! NO LEGENDARIES AT ALL! Common mons are shit like Buneary, Growlithe, Zubat,
Bidoof and the like that are found in common areas and not super rare. Rare Pokemon are shit like Feebas, Togepi, and Dhelmise as well as Starters. And Psuedos are basically dragon types...At this point they are anyway...This uses anime logic so all Pokemon are kino picks anyway. You can pick
up to a first stage in evolutions. For example Ivysaur or Golbat or shit like Scizor or Gyarados...but what region ARE you from?

>First reponse will pick but in the future the post with the closest end digit to mine per post will pick when I get back. For now it's a hesitation is defeat situation since I don't know if this will even GET anon attention.

>And no you can't be an Alolan native moved out from there.
By that I mean I WILL Pastebin lewd stuff. No lewds here.
>what region ARE you from?
>You are Unovan! Its been a shaky time for rebuilding and thawing since the "snow incident" and people have been giving Champion Hilda a very hard time given she had a Fire Dragon Legendary and was halfway around the globe looking for her friend who was at the time was in Unova the whole time when Team Plasma was making another move on the region...she has...detractors sadly. Its even rumored she lives somewhere else in the off season for challengers. She still has fans though and supporters! And you are one of them...keep this in mind for later...you live in a rather basic suburban town. Not on the Town Map for a route towards the Gym Challenge.

>What kind of Trainer are you? After we pick the trainer type we will determine the Pokemon individually including the Gender, Ability, and Moveset. Levels aren't a thing. In terms of experience and skill level your considered very talents and are about a 5th Gym Leader in terms of skill due to hard work. Wait till I post >END before you all choose. This went over the post limit.

>Martial Autist
>A /fit/izen in training who uses sports and working out to hide the feels. You are active with your Pokemon and they love spending time with you and playing around. Start with 1 fighting, rock, and ground types of your choice and 3 other common mons for your region.(I don't know why I said steel for Martial Autist...)

>Your feels are your life. You've chosen the path of a sadsack loner but your Pokemon love you unconditionally so you are not TOO emo. Pokemon fight so hard because they know they have to keep you safe and happy. In turn you feel very close with them. 1 Ghost, Dark, and Fairy and 3 common mons.

>Ace Trainer Wannabe
>You really really really like Pokemon battles. And you've desperately wanted to take the gym challenge and go adventures. But that didn't work out all too well did it? You do have amazing luck however. You managed to find all 3 of the starters just by living life in your town! Your Pokemon trust you with their lives and work hard to train for battle! Start with Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawatt and 3 common Pokemon.

>Lucky Boy
>You...You found a Dragon Type...on the way to school? It was...it was just there! Friendly as can be! Yeah that's been your life. You're the special snowflake. The lucky one. You have the rare Pokemon. You can't even explain it but 3 of your mons are extremely rare. You see them as friends and loved ones but everyone your age sees them as an excuse to shun you. You have a wanderlust and love to take things easy and your Pokemon love to follow you through life just as easily! Pick 1 Dragon, Ice, and a Pokemon that is either Eevee or an Eeveelution(So in theory a Glaceon and another Ice Type), a Rare Pokemon of choice, a Fossil Pokemon, a Starter, or a Hisuian Pokemon(Pre evolved forms are fine as well for stuff like Goomy or the starters so in theory you can have Goomy and another Dragon Type)

>Martial Autist
>Vidya Player/Super Nerd
>The quintessential nerd trainer! Your brain in some capacity has been your strongest suit! You are cunning or intelligent or a mix of both. You laugh at memes, make some of your own, and play vidya. Girls avoid you like the plague and naturally given puberty is sending your hormones in max gear this sucks ass. But your Pokemon have experience fucking over your bullies and their Pokemon so chad can cry about to his girlfriends Hahaha!...ha...Your so lonely. Your Pokemon are fiercely loyal and protective though and turn into demons when your threatened. They see you for what's on the inside. And they won't let that spark go out! Choose 1 Electric, Bug, and Psychic type and 3 common mons.

>You.. have a hard life. Your an orphan or a runaway from abusive family. Due to circumstances you can't even remember your family is really your Pokemon and you have a hard time making connections with people who AREN'T Pokemon. Truth be told your training to become a trainer so when you turn 18 you can wander the world. You have used the 6 empty Pokeballs you have stolen or scrounged up wisely though. Start with a Normal, Flying, and Poison type and 3 common mons.

>Adventure Addict!
>You've always wanted to be a Pokemon trainer to the point that you dream of it. Why? To travel! To do amazing things! You have pride and hope in carrying their legacy. Only problem is life is...hard sometimes. You've been unable to go on your journey. But your trips off the beaten path have given you a wide variety of unique and balanced Pokemon! Pick 1 Grass, Fire, Water, Flying, Electric, and a type of your choice between Fighting, Bug, Normal, and Poison. They can't be starters or Rare Pokemon or anything too exotic but they can be from any region otherwise.

>END. So what's it gonna be?
We have one vote for Martial Autist! I wasn't done yet but if no one votes in 30 minutes I'll pick yours. Otherwise you can reroll responding to
since 9 and 0 are the furthest fucking thing.
>Vidya Player
I'd pick doomer but that's something hard to imagine a 13 year old being. Maybe sometime down the line our kid will develop into one.
It occurs to me I didn't include Steel in any of the lists. So Martial Autist, Lucky Boy, and Super Nerd can replace one of their types/picks of choice with it.
Nigga being a teen is being emo. We all were. Doomer is just embracing the suck and acknowledging without Pokemon we'd have gone for the High Score by now.
I'm being retarded. This is also my first /qst/ so forgive me if my posting is odd.
Don't worry about it QM, you're doing fine.
DAMN! Unless someone hits 0 or ties on a 1 and their second to last digit is closer to 0 we probably have a winner. Will still wait about 15 minutes just in case.
>>You.. have a hard life. Your an orphan or a runaway from abusive family. Due to circumstances you can't even remember your family is really your Pokemon and you have a hard time making connections with people who AREN'T Pokemon. Truth be told your training to become a trainer so when you turn 18 you can wander the world. You have used the 6 empty Pokeballs you have stolen or scrounged up wisely though. Start with a Normal, Flying, and Poison type and 3 common mons.
Homeless as well
Sorry my friend. Feel free to add Pokemon though.

>Life has been hard but your Pokemon friends are like family and have supported you through hell and back.

>Pick a Pokemon's Nature and Characteristics from here. This will SOLELY INFLUENCE ITS PERSONALITY SO I KNOW HOW TO PLAY THEM. As well as 4 moves of your choice and an ability. They can include egg moves and TM moves and Move Tutor stuff. You've trained these attacks yourself or the Pokemon learned themselves. Abilities can be any of the Abilities on its list. Including Hidden. We will pick the Pokemon 1 at a time. Here are the lists. Use the 9th Gen or 8th Gen versions or the highest version of them in the Pokedex for Moveset and Abilities.




Any Non Legendary Pokemon on the type list is applicable. If a Pokemon evolves into the Type it is also an option. Such as Metapod for Flying since it turning into Butterfree gives it the Flying Type. I will also be ok with Pokemon that STARTED with Flying. Like Scizor because it was a Flying type as Scyther. Remember only second stage only. No Venusaur. Only Ivysaur. If a Pokemon had only one evolution it can be maxed out. Such as the aforementioned Scizor. I'll make exceptions for Pokemon like Butterfree because they evolve that very low levels however. But otherwise second stage only.


For this list anything that isn't extremely rare is fine. No Zoroark or Fraxure or anything like that. I'll veto anything too outlandish but also try my best to give you some leeway.

>What is your starter? The Pokemon you first became friends with? Choose from the Normal, Flying, or Poison lists.
My apologies! The type list was for reference but ANY Pokemon that meets the criteria will do! Not just from the SV Pokemon list!
Could we grab a Croagunk? Or a Trubbish?
Other ideas include Foongus (the amongus pokemon), Sigilyph or Castform
And yes. But sadly...
You got closest to post number so pick our first Pokemon!
Oh uh...24 hours to pick or I reroll for another anon.
Oh to be clear. This is for the first starter Pokemon choice. Not the whole team. So just pick one and give it a personality, moves, and abilities. Or leave it up to me.
I will pick Foongus. You can pick the rest Sensei.
Yeah to be honest h this is kind of taking a while. Foongus it is. If no one minds, I'll give it an hour, I'll pick all 5 of the others unless anyone wants a specific one. If so we have Normal, Flying, and 3 common mons.
Will post Pokemon team shortly.
Foongus:(Since he's a common Pokemon I'll use Poison option for Croagunk)
Timid and cowardly, you met him at age 7 when foraging for food. You thought he was a Pokeball due to hunger and he ended up crying due to being afraid. You gave him a last morsel of food to calm him down and he followed you into the city. Now your bros for life. He's more brave during battles as long as its not TOO rough.
Ability: Effect Spore
Mega Drain
Stun Spore
Sweet Scent
And Clear Smog

Was met a few months after Foongus. Some faggot with green hair saw you looking for shelter in the rain and offered you Castform to turn the days sunny after "hearing the voice of your Foongus...you meet weirdos amongst the homeless. It worked too! He gave you your original 6 Pokeballs too as means of apology for not being able to do more. You never saw him again. Castform is chipper and sunny! Which is odd given how much he feels like a bag full of water. He always tries to cheer you up! He is pretty bad at battles compared to the rest of your team. He lacks the "killer instincts" but he's loyal!
Ability: Forecast
Weather Ball
Sunny Day...that's about it.

A spacey chill Pokemon you met him during training Castform and Foongus. You tried to battle him but he kind of just...laid on his back. You tried catching him and it worked. Then when a wild Purrlion tried to steal the berries you scrounged up he Low Kicked the fuck out of it and sent it running for the hills. He seems...odd. Very much at his own tempo and logic. You haven't exactly figured it out yet but he's still a loyal companion.
Ability: Poison Touch
Poison Sting
Low Kick
Mud Slap

Flew into town after a particularly bad storm hit through the desert region. Which happens from time to time. You rescued him from being stuck in a tree and he joined you in gratitude. He's the most protective and on guard of your Pokemon. His Whirlwind attack has kept wild pokemon at bay and Hypnosis has kept would be scroungers from taking your shit.
Ability: Wonder Skin

A sweetheart Pokemon who loves to fuss over you being clean. Was met as an Azurill who smelled Foongus' Sweet Scent and tried to suck on its head only to find a lack of nectar. You tried to fight it but oddly Foongus' grass type attacks did nothing. Clear Smog however knocked her out in one shot. She was a bit slow to befriend but she came around once you shared a soda you found. Has a huge sweet tooth and uses Water Gun to keep you clean. Unfortunately Water Gun doesn't make for good drinking water. She fusses over you appearance too making sure your clothes don't look TOO scraggly even though your wearing donated clothing. Evolved one day after successfully knocking out a wild pokemon.
Ability: Sap Sipper
Water Gun
Helping Hand

You caught him after defeating it with Azurill. Its a trickster and loves to play pranks. Very easygoing trusting in its luck and not really...really thinking things through. When the going gets rough though he can't be intimidated and doesn't flinch!
Ability: Inner Focus
Work Up

Finally the next poster wil determine our SL. Or Spaghetti Levels. This determines how well we act around girls. The last digit of the next post determines it. At SL 0 we are a natural gigachad...well not really but we internalize our autism. At SL 9 we completely shutdown once girls show us any attention and become an autistic mess. The levels will go down as we progess down to -5 which is Bond...James Bond. So who wants to give it a whirl. Just need one post. Also next Poster determines our name...it's either Anon or an actual name. Nothing stupid.
I'll also roll. If no one else does in a couple hours. Not this post though. This isn't the roll.
Rolled 43 (1d100)

What roll do you want QM? I'll give you a d100.
It's late for me and I'm tired so I'm probably missing/not realizing something. Are the rolls based on what the post numbers are?
Yes and we are a 2. So not too spaghetti but there is a spaghetti moment in our future! And we can use dice rolls from now on. I am not used to them so I'll keep that in mind. Also what is our name?
Perhaps nameless?
So Anon?
Like straight up nobody ever gave the poor bastard a name
Fuck that's good. We are doing that. Will begin the first post in a moment.
Its the locker room of the final match of a local amateur Pokemon battle tournament. Your days at the public library using the computer to look up Pokemon battles and training tips have made your Pokemon physically tough. Though their movesets aren't all that impressive they fight as hard as can be and have fought tooth and nail to wreck the opposition. The Dark Zebstrika candidate you appeared alone with only your tattered secondhand charity clothes and your indomitable spirit. A special surprise prize was offered to the winner of this tournament and if nothing else, it was a good waste of a Saturday. You are nervous but your Pokemon are all hyped up. Well as hyped as can be. Croagunk is meditating as Castform smiles and floats around you trying to keep you cheery! Marill sprays some water on her tail and rubs your face. Its been a whole week long tournament and this is the final day. The final match. "Marill Marill!~" she says cheerfully trying to keep you presentable for your victory speech! Foongus and Darumaka are talking. Foongus looks nervous while Darumaka excitedly chatters. Sigilyph stares at the exit to the locker room in anticipation. The trainers thus far have been more experienced but nothing overtly complex in terms of strategic insight. You do know it will be a 3 on 3 match. Which of your 3 Pokemon will you be taking to the finals?

>Highest roll wins I suppose. Pick 3 Pokemon.
Rolled 2 (1d100)

Darumaka, Croagunk and Foongus.
Rolled 4 (1d100)

I'll back this, the last pokemon game I played was Black and White when it came out.
The announcer enters. Sigilyph perks up. Making its cryptic chirps. "Excuse me son? I understand you uh..."Don't have a name" but we have to call you something if you win...And to be honest some of the audience members have been asking the staff questions. I don't suppose I can just make something up?" He asks awkwardly. "It also has something to do with your prize..."

>"Yeah sure whatever..."
>"I am the Trainer with no name."
>Come up with a name on the spot...
>Other/Write in
He's homeless and by himself, Varg Solo?
Amon G. Sus
I guess if they're going to put a name on the prizes might as well put our loyal companions on them.
This would be fine as well

As for nsfw. I dont care either way so long as its still a good game
Tommy Ato.
We have a winner!
I personally liked this one best but I gotta be fair.

"Amon...G...Sus?" You say looking at Foongus. The man stares at you. "Did you just make that up?...Well...Ok Amon. We will announce you momentarily. And we know what to put on the prize if you win. Best of luck son!" He smiles and walks out. A few minutes later you hear a buzzer. You steady yourself and return your Pokemon. You walk out onto the stage and as you clear the hallway you hear. "AND IN THE RIGHT CORNER...OUR MYSTERIOUS YOUNG PRODIGY FROM AMONG THE MASSES! HERE HE IS! AMON G. SUS!" The crowd applauds and cheers. The referee steps out. "This will be a 3 on 3 single battle match. No substitutions. Begin!" Your opponent goes first. "GO SIMISAGE!" A Simisage comes out.

>Send out Croagunk
>Send out Darumaka
>Send out Foongus

send out Darumaka....

i think he is best suited for this fight.

foongus does have a poinson attack. but being unable to stun the enemy pokemon with stunspore will do it no favour i think
"Go Darumaka!" Darumaka comes out and cries out in excitement.

>Fight Offensively (I write what happens)
>Fight Defensively (I write what happens)
>Use a specific move/write in
Darumaka knows
Work Up
And has the Ability Inner Focus.
far as i know darumaka is more offensively orientated. and the opponent is fully evolved. so even with type advantage we wont get much choice i think if we want to have a chance to defeat the opponent.

fight offensively.

maybe wait a few more minutes to see if someone else has a better idea than my dumb ass.
We should be using the d100 thing from earlier too. Let me test it.
Oh...shit...second attempt.
Rolled 86 (1d100)

Rolled 93 (1d100)

If you want to. Is it for selection. Or outcome?
Rolled 58 (1d100)

>Fight Offensively (I write what happens)

"Darumaka Work Up!" Darumaka stamps his foot and cries out in anger as it throws a tantrum. It begins to glow as this strengthens its body. "Simisage use Fury Swipes!" Simisage runs at Darumaka and begins to swipes at it with its claws. "Headbutt!" You cry out and Darumaka launches its whole body at Simisage hitting it hard point blank and sending it back a bit. "Use Incinerate!" Darumaka breathes a huge wide flame out hitting Simisage. "Jump up over Darumaka!" Simisage leaps out of the flames. "Fling!" Simisage picks up Darumaka from behind and throws him sending him flying. He lands with a thud.

>Fight Offensively
>Fight Defensively
>Write in
>Also if anyone has any advice for /qst/ threads I will take it. I admit this isn't my strongest suit but I do enjoy this so far.
Rolled 78 (1d100)


Kill it with fire!
I suggest a best of three rolls for us anons vs your singular roll. Then maybe a +- for if it's weakness vs strength kind of thing. Like +25 or +50. Dunno how you want to actually number crunch the fights. Think how many rounds of combat you want per battle too. And how you're going to calculate damage and health.
Rolled 36 (1d100)

Perhaps include pictures of the pokemon with an update or whatever you feel like.
GM got BANNED. I know... 3 days... Many such cases...
By the way, GM instructs that if you "wanna finish the match the lineup is Simipour and Simisear."
File: Darumaka.png (14 KB, 256x256)
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That's what you get for not giving a Meowth.
Did he really?

What saucy pictures did he drop?
Rolled 29 (1d100)


Support for incineration
GM wanted to provide more proof. He's "lurking the thread to make sure it doesn't get deleted." As for his offense, I'm not at liberty to say.
>HELLO GENTLEMAN. A reminder. NEVER NAME CERTAIN PEOPLE WHEN DISCUSSING SONY SHILLS. Apparently that makes the hot pockets taste bad or something.
>A lot of this is Pink Mohawk. Mostly for drama and plot advancement. If a fight can be won or lost I'll let you guys know in advance and include a similar system.

"Darumaka Work Up!" Darumaka glows as he throws another tantrum. "QUICK USE SEED BOMB FROM AFAR! DON'T GET CLOSE!" Simisage does so barraging Darumaka but he holds on. "MAXIMUM POWER! INCINERATE!" Darumaka shoots a huge plume of fire that fills the battlefield and envelops Simisage. Simisage faints. "Simisage is unable to battle! The winner is Darumaka!" Darumaka cheers happily but he looks pretty beat up.

>Cheer on Darumaka
>Advise caution in Darumaka
>Write in
Also here. Tripcode should be proof.
The fuck? Did they remove my tripcode from a list or something?
I am a stupid. Forgot its name.
>Advise caution in Darumaka
Rolled 86 (1d100)

>Cheer on Darumaka
>Done! Also from now on we will be doing rolls. Highest number wins. Since 6 was closer to 4 I will use 6 for now. In the event of a draw the post number will determine it. Highest last digit. I will influence how the we get from A to B and how smoothly based on decisions as well. But remember to roll d100 from now on.

"You got this Darumaka!" You call out. Darumaka keeps cheering. "Go Simipour!" Your opponent sends Simipour out. "Simipour Brine!" He calls out. "Dodge it!" You call. But Darumaka is too tired and gets hit and knocked out. "Sorry Darumaka! You did great! Return!" You return Darumaka.

>Send out Croagunk
>Send out Foongus
>...Write in?
>Send out Foongus
>You have to roll. But to be honest I wanna advance the plot. But seriously add dice+1d100 in the options field next time.

"Go Foongus!" You send out ya boy Foongus! He crouches down and tries to hide. "Foongus you have to win! Or else we can't eat!" You call out. Foongus gets super hyped up. "Foongus!!!" He cries out.

>Fight Defensively
>Fight Offensively
>Write In
>Make an Among Us reference (will add 1 Spaghetti Point to your rating)
Oh here. Foongus's ability and attacks.

Ability: Effect Spore
Mega Drain
Stun Spore
Sweet Scent
And Clear Smog
Rolled 82 (1d100)

Its easy.

>Write In
Stun spore. Followed by
Mega drain
Rolled 45 (1d100)

Will support.

You call out. "Foongus use Stun Spore!" Foongus sends out a yellow spore cloud out. "Acrobatics!" Simipour does a huge leap into an aerial somersault then lands on Foongus stomping into him. "Nice one Simipour!" Then Foongus let's out a blue spore cloud. Simipour yawns and falls back asleep. "W..what? SIMIPOUR WAKE UP!!!!" Simipour snoozes. "Quick Mega Drain!" Foongus seeds out a green vortex and hits Simipour point blank. His injuries seem to vanish. Simipour wakes up. "Quick get out of there!" Simipour gets back its a bit injured now but Foongus looks okay after his being struck.

>Fight Offensively
>Fight Defensively
>Write in
Wat do?
Rolled 73 (1d100)

>Fight Offensively
Rolled 78 (1d100)

Support >>6008440
Rolled 84 (1d100)

>use combo that anon suggested
>if wakes up stun.
>if stunned spam mega drain
You get an idea. "Foongus! Try Stun Spore again! In the air!" Foongus shoots his Stun Spore into the air letting it fall on Simipour. "Damn it. Rush him! Use Acrobatics!" Simipour leaps and tumbles forth rushing at Foongus! "Wait for it...DUCK!" You yell. Foongus crouches into himself getting flat. Simipour flies over. "Quick Stun Spore him!" Foongus shoots another cloud around himself hitting Simipour. Little crackles of static cover Simipour. "Simipour get out of the way." Simipour has a hard time moving around. "Mega Drain!" Foongus shoots off another blast draining Simipour dry. Simipour falls to the ground. "Simipour is unable to battle! The winner is Foongus!" The crowd cheers. "I see. Its less that your skilled and more that your Pokemon have a lot of natural strength!" Your opponent calls out. He's not wrong. Only so much you can do without really being able to travel as much. But strength and endurance training is easier then hard move training to do by yourself.
>How do you respond to the opponent?
>Write in
>Don't respond
It's me by the way.
Rolled 55 (1d100)

Response: "I find it more sus that your fully evolved pokemon get curbstombed. You got no coverage? Should be your next task then"
>>Don't respond
Mate roll a d100

Just go to the options field and type in: roll 1d100
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216 KB GIF
>Amon has gained 1 Spaghetti Level. We are now at Spaghetti Level 3.
"Oh don't worry about that. Go Simisear!" Simisear is sent out. "Nasty Plot!" Simisear glows black as it smirks meanly...uh oh. "Flame Burst!" Simisear sends out a fireball! "Uh...Stun Spore!" Simisear gets stunned. But the blast explodes sending smaller fireballs out. Foongus faints and Simisear has static shocks all over it. "Foongus is unable to battle! The winner is Simisear!" You grit your teeth. "Go Croagunk!" Croagunk comes out. The expression on his face conveys pic related.

>Fight Offensively
>Fight Defensively
>Write in

Ability: Poison Touch
Poison Sting
Low Kick
Mud Slap
>Fight Defensively
>Mud slap.
Rolled 3 (1d100)

Support >>6008932
Accuracy lowering and stalling will make our win possible
>>Fight Defensively
>>Mud slap.
Seems the best way to survive.
"Croagunk use Mud Slap!" Croagunk's hands get wet with mud it throws at Simisear. "Simisear drop to the ground!" Simisear does so narrowly avoiding the attack. What is he stupid? "Go full force effort!...Facade!" Uh oh. Simisear glows orange as he stamps his feet in a charge at Croagunk! "Croagunk dodge it!" Croagunk leaps over Simisear. "Flame Burst!" Simisear turns his head and fires a blast off missing Croagunk but hitting him with a break off fireball. "Slow and Steady wins the race Simisear. For now let's just try to stack up hits." Croagunk looks to you for direction.

>Keep Defensively Fighting
>Get more aggressive
>Write in
Rolled 13 (1d100)

>Keep Defensively Fighting

more mudslaps. we have one more pokemon that while weakened might be able to clutch the win if the simisear is extremely inacccurate.
stuff its face and ears with mud.
Rolled 97 (1d100)

>Keep Defensively Fighting
No we don't this is our last pokemon too...

Mud slap mud slap mud slap
"Dodge and try to stay away from his attacks. Mud Slap as much as you can!" Croagunk serpentines and he tries to get close to Simisear. "Flame Burst!" Simisear freezes a bit due to the paralysis. Croagunk is able to do a rush by Mud Slap right to the eyes and runs past. "Flame Burst straight up Simisear!" Simisear shoots up a fireball that explodes everywhere and Croagunk manages to avoid the flames. "Mud Slap quick!" Croagunk hits him from behind with another Mud Slap and keeps running. Not taking any chances with a prolonged assault. "Nasty Plot!" Simisear glows as it smirks. Uh oh.

>All out assault
>Brace yourself
>Write in
>after this I'll end it. Not sure how I am doing with writing battles so for now this is enough practice. We can move on.
>All out assault
Rolled 40 (1d100)

finish it before it manages to hit you. it shouldnt be able to take much more of this.
"All out attack Croagunk! Poison Sting!" Croagunk shoots out a barrage of poison needles from its mouth. "Quick Flame Burst!" Simisear charges up its fireball. "Rush it quick! Astonish!" Croagunk runs into it and his face gets a scary black shadow surrounding it.
>What the fuck kind of attack is this Pokemon anime?
Simisear leaps back in shock. "Quick Low Kick!" You call out. "Dodge it!" The opponent calls out. But Simisear flinched and wasn't able to jump back in time. Simisear takes a kick to the leg and kneels down. "Mud Slap!" Croagunk's hands ooze mud as it physically slaps Simisear point blank in the sides of its face. The loud clapping sound fills the auditorium. And Simisear falls to the ground. "Simisear is unable to battle! The winner is Amon!" The crowd cheers! "Return Simisear. You did great." He walks up to Amon. "Say your pretty good all things considered. Why haven't we seen you around the battle clubs in the area?" You can't trust people like that. People are faggots. You know they could take advantage of you. Life in the streets is hard and you gotta be on your toes. "Don't worry about it. I just train my Pokemon." He sighs. "I think its a waste of talent but hey whatever works for you. Good luck with your training." People can't be trusted like this. You made the right call. At least that's what you tell yourself. Later on the stage, your Pokemon have been healed up and are at your side as the announcer walks up to you. "Congratulations Amon! You were the underdog but I must say you've dazzled us with your Pokemon's tenacity and strength. How do you feel?"

>Make an Among Us reference (Adds 1 Spaghetti Level)
>Be humble
>Be nervous due to public speaking (doesn't add Spaghetti since that's too common)
>Just don't say much at all
>Write in
Also is my thread auto saging or something? It won't bump up on the catalog anymore.
Rolled 49 (1d100)

that is normal. after a certain amount of time. about a week i think or enough replies the thread wont get bumped up anymore.

its normal. just make sure to archive the thread when its about to fall off on page 10

>Be humble
but nervous
"We...we all did the best we could. T...that's about it." The crowd claps in response. "The tourism board of Alola sponsored this tournament's prize. This gift basket of rare Alolan goodies. Please take it and good luck with your Pokemon Training Amon G. Sus! I'm sure one day we will see you at the big leagues!" Everyone claps. And you leave the auditorium...once you are clear and able to see the exit you break out into a light sprint to the exit. Sigilyph is flying around you and everyone else runs or bounces to catch up. Foongus is being carried by Croagunk since he can't keep up. You have the basket and have to get somewhere clear and safe. You have a hideout, a corner of the city alleyways you can hide in. You head straight there. The route is tricky. And long. You had to walk here and stay at the Pokemon Center. You think the Nurse Joy was starting to get suspicious of the fact that you wear the same thing everyday. But you can't let on. They could take your Pokemon away or put you in a home, or both, no you have to keep moving. You haven't really even seen what's IN the basket. Its sunset when you finally reach your part of the city. Your Pokemon are exhausted but aware as you make your way. The thing about being beneath notice is that if you act like nothing is strange no one suspects anything. Your home. Well home is a small corner behind several other buildings with an empty and Water Gun cleaned trash can you stash clothes in and just enough room for all 6 of your Pokemon to huddle together for sleep. Castform uses Sunny Day and creates a warm pocket for you all. He turns to his sunny form. You really would like to get around to having him learn Rain Dance and Hail but when you sleep outside those are less worth it. When you turn 18 you become an adult. 5 years and then no one can do ANYTHING to you. At all. You'll be free to travel. Other kids even younger then you travel but they have homes to come back to. And that sadly is the ONLY requirement for trainer license. But "home" for you was...you flinch reflexively. Its not pretty. You look in the basket. It's just...wrapped goods. That's it!? You can't even sell the basket for much! It's handwoven from some fiberous substance but that's it! You sigh. You at least know how to read. "Malasada?" You see 7 of them. "Dry, Spicy, Bitter, Sweet..." As soon as you say Sweet Marill jumps up and down with joy. "Hold on." You say calming her down. "Sour...Mystic...And Big?...Big?" Well it is bigger then the others. They appear to be square fried loaves of bread with powered sugar. You also see a can of "Alolan Berry Lemonade". And a pair of sunglasses.

>How do you react to your epic prize?

>"Free Food!"
>"The fuck is this!?"
>"I don't know how to feel..."
>"I'm just dejectedly let down.."
>Write in?
Free food is free food. Can spice my outfit up with these sunglasse.

But i hoped for more.
Rolled 52 (1d100)


You sigh. "Free food is free food. But I wish we had more...Okay. Here Marill." You unwrap the Sweet one and give it to her. She goes to town. "Who wants...Spicy?" Darumaka raises his hand...he's wearing the sunglasses. When did he?...nevermind. "Here." He tucks in eagerly. Hopping up and down. "How about...Dry?" Castform floats over. "Ok I guess a sunny guy wouldn't have to worry about a dry taste. Here." You hand him the bread and he lands and eats it off the ground. "Who wants Sour?" Croagunk takes it and eats its slowly. Savoring the taste. "And...bitter?" Foongus speaks up. "Here you go buddy." Foongus happily nibbles at the bread. "You can have Mystic Sigilyph. Suits you." He hands Sigilyph the bread and Sigilyph uses confusion to hold it in place and eat it...somehow...your looking right at him and you still can't tell how that works. The big Malasada looks very appetizing and its the only thing you would have eaten all day. You finish the entire thing and drink the whole can of lemonade. Its probably the best most filling thing you've eaten in a fair amount of time. You take the plastic to put it in the basket and...hang on...There's an envelope...

It says "To the winner. OPEN CAREFULLY!" It has a big of heft to it. You slowly tear it open and the first thing you see inside is a letter. Your Pokemon gather around. "Hey Castform give me a bit of light." Castform flies behind you and the others all get close.

"Dear Tournament Champion,

Alola! We at the Tourism Board of Alola wish you the best! A trainer of your calibur would do very well in our fine region! Our Pokemon League is still young compared to the rest of the world and it is our sincere hope you can help bolster it with a visit, or at the very least, bolster yourself with a visit! That's right! We invite you to our lovely region! We understand its peak season but don't you fret! In honor of your amazing accomplishment we have arranged a 2 month all expenses paid stay at our lovely Tide Song Hotel in scenic Akala Island! Enclosed are a pair of round trip tickets, a special cash card you can use while you stay in Alola! And our best wishes! We sincerely hope you can make it. Due to the availability, the tickets are non refundable and must be used on the specific date listed. So get there early! You don't want to miss out on the adventure of a lifetime! Alola is THE number one place to visit! Everyone wants to come over cousin! So what are you waiting for? The Tournament Board should have given the airport your full name so all you have to do is present your tickets and name and you are on your way! We hope to see you soon cousin! Alola!" You see two tickets...Monday Evening at 7 pm for the away ticket, and sure enough 2 months later for the return. You see a debit card as well. "Aether Employee Credit Union..." You...You...You freeze up. Time around seems to stand still. You could sell these tickets...make a fortune...or at least a fortune for your income. You...could...go? Do you even want to? You've only barely been aware of the existence of Alola. You know OF it. What...what do you do? Monday is the day after tomorrow and you'd have to walk an entire day AND take the bus just to GET to the airport. And a bus ticket would dip into your meager savings...You freeze up. Your Pokemon look to you for guidance.

>Resolve to sell the tickets(Adds a Spaghetti Point and you have a weird dream. The plot advances to Alola either way but its for flavoring.)
>Ask your Pokemon what to do
>Nervously resolve to go to Alola
>Be excited
>Write in
Rolled 59 (1d100)

>Be excited

whats the limit on the card?

You can maybe even get stuff to sell later and improve life by a massive margin if your careful with spending.

show your pokemon and ask them if they are excited as well to go to Alola where its probably warmer than here.
Rolled 50 (1d100)

>Be excited
Rolled 49 (1d100)

>Sell it
I'm a sucker for mysterious dreams, but excited is fine too
>>Ask your Pokemon what to do
Given that we are playing in a more lighthearted version of Pokemon rather than the "grim deathworld" that a lot of fics try to set up (for what reason, I do not know), this seems the most in character option.
dont forget to roll your 1d100 for your chance to get your vote picked. if you roll higher than i
The dream can happen later minus the spaghetti point.
Excited it is.

"This...THIS IS AMAZING! I...I'M SPEECHLESS! Y...You all want to go right?" He asks the group. They all cheer in response. Even Croagunk. "Okay! We are going on vacation!" You could barely sleep that night. Snuggled amongst your Pokemon. This feels like a dream. You don't even have bags to pack...You'd have to leave your stash behind. But otherwise...There is nothing to really leave behind. Its sad in a way. But really nothing for it...

You have a dream about...a bean? Its very hazy...

You wake up with Marill wiping your face with her tail. She wets it with water gun and you get up. Its barely sunrise. Your too excited to notice how tired you are. You rummage through your stash. The public bus line is cheap but you still have to walk a fair amount of the way. Plus you'd have to stay at the airport for the night. At least you have an excuse! You grab the loose change you have and the tickets. You put on the sunglasses on your head. And you go off! Your Pokemon happily by your side. Your clothes are musty but otherwise you just look like a wandering trainer. You have to walk for an hour to get to the closest bus stop. You have the name of the airline but where IS the airline exactly. You'll have to get to the bus station and ask. This is a big deal. Bus fare is cheap but your paying mostly in coins! Hard earned coins at that. When the bus comes up you return your Pokemon and step up. After paying the fare you sit and watch the window. The driver said it would be about an hour to get to the station...you watch the window and think..

>Skip to the airport
>Skip to landing in Alola
>Roleplay this out to the flight and there
If roleplay this out is chosen also choose
>Think about Home
>Think about Pokemon Training
>Think about your future in general
>Write In
Rolled 98 (1d100)

>Think about Home

What kind of shitty life you left behind. For to form the future one must know their past
I like this spaghetti point mechanic, it means we have to budget how autistic we become around girls with how often we can say our sus catchphrase/one-liners (and do some other actions, like having 'prophetic' dreams I guess)
The true incentive of lowering our spaghetti points is so we can say our one-liners more often lmao
Yeah. Generally speaking Amon is irresistible to women almost inexplicably but this will allow for cringe/funny moments and dictate the order of events. That said, you all can also SPEND Spaghetti points to do certain things as well...in regards to your Pokemon learning new moves

Home...You haven't really been able to place that. Your Pokemon are your family for sure but you've never really had a home to place in your heart...

>You never knew your parents
>Parents were abusive
>Group home was abusive
>You literally grew up on the streets
Rolled 31 (1d100)

>Parents were abusive
>Group home was abusive
Previous posts suggest we were orphaned.

This doesn't need to mean the caregivers were the abusers but it'sup to you.
Rolled 42 (1d100)

>You literally grew up on the streets. You were once a part of a gang but they got busted while you were out scrounging food with Marrill. They ended up in state sponsored foster care. You wish you knew where they went...
Rolled 66 (1d100)

Support >>6010629
Gang seems to win
We still can be.
You knew your parents were dead. 3 years ago you became part of a petty gang. Well kids can pass for trainers while being homeless and you picked up quite a few tricks for living on the streets. Though that green guy gave you your Pokeballs you learned most of your training skills from them and from looking up stuff in the public library. Simple enough. As the newbie one of your biggest jobs was berry hunting and scrounging for mushrooms. There were only about 5 of you all total. But one day someone figured out you all weren't trainers and just homeless and the cops got invovled. You remember seeing them all being arrested. Most of them didn't even put up a fight really. What could they do? Fight the police? You ran and ran all the way to another side of the city. That was about 3 years ago... Pretty sure they ended up in foster care...But not you. You can't trust that. You barely trusted them and they weren't even around. Your Pokemon though. They would never let you down...at the bus station you realize you had never been this far away from your hideout. This is the point of no return though...nothing for it but to press on. You ask the front desk about the airport listed on the ticket. "We do have a line that takes you to the outskirts near the airport but you'd have to walk the rest of the way..." Figures. You were prepared for this. You nod and wait for the line. Your stomach rumbles a bit. Thats just...You sigh.

You have some time. Do you...
>Think about Pokemon Training
>Think about your future in general
>Write In
>Think about Pokemon Training
Rolled 4 (1d100)

god damn it
>Fuck it.
Having your Pokemon lift heavy objects or run laps or take strikes from each other have hardened them up. Pokemon Centers are free and they don't ask questions. You do need to start with some more dedicated advanced training though. There may be something to faking it until you make it and leaving the city permanently. But hey maybe you can be homeless in Alola.
>Think about your future in general
option ate my roll
Rolled 33 (1d100)

lets think about the future. and what you hope to achieve in Alola. maybe staying there could be nicer than here.
Got it.
When you get to Alola...what then? You could buy stuff to bring back...what's the limit on your card? It just says its a debit card. That feels off. And what's "Aether Foundation"? Either way you just sigh and put it away. You could make a home in Alola perhaps? Be homeless there maybe? What's it even like? You know its an island. But that's about it. You've never even really left the city save for trips in the forests for food. I suppose you best get ready to...buy things. This seems too good to be true. You see the bus you have to take time and it's time to go. Your drive there has you think about your Pokemon Training. What that guy said at the tournament rattles through your mind. You haven't been battling all that much. You seriously didn't expect to get that far in the tournament. You were going for broke. And yet all that strengh training paid off. What now though? You feel you've hit the wall. You don't want to let your Pokemon down though. And you don't want to catch anymore Pokemon either. Feeding your crew is more difficult then it looks and you basically give THEM most of the rations you have...its a an hour and a half drive to the stop you need and probably several hours to walk... Time to get moving. You let out your Pokemon. "Sigilyph, Castform. Fly up and see if you can spot the airport." They do so. Flying rather high. Meanwhile Foongus taps you on your leg. "Foongus?" The tone of his voice tells you he's asking how you are feeling...

>gonna let you all write in for this one
(Fuck I forgot I didn't call it foundation! Just pretend I said "Aether Employee Credit Union.")
Nervous excitement.

its an island so hopefully a lot warmer and a lot more food we can find out and about after the trip on this card is up.
(I gotta be level with you I didn't understand that latter part but I can do nervous and excited)

"Don't worry buddy. I'm excited. I'm kind of anxious but its okay. Let's...let's go! Be brave ok?" Foongus nods trying to look determined. Sigilyph and Castform fly back down. "Cast! Castform!" "Sigilyph!" They lead you down the road. But first...

You use a public restroom.

Then you walk on the path! Walking for a good long while alongside highways and through forest paths. You see the odd plane in the sky hearing in the distance to center yourself. The sun gets higher in the sky. And your stomach growls. You drank water from the bathroom sink but you honestly could use some food...as you see the airport in the distance and see planes behind it your spirits lift. "Come on guys!" You trudge along, learning how to walk long distances was a skill your gang taught you. Being able to march at a steady pace is an important task. You eventually get to the airport and as you reach the entrance a guard stops you. "Sorry son, Pokemon must remain in their Pokeballs for safety." You sigh. "Ok everyone. See you tomorrow hopefully." Returning your Pokemon you enter the airport. AIR CONDITIONING! It feels so nice...You look around. Never done this before. You eventually just see a line of people and get in. You don't have luggage. Just your size too large shirt and dirty jeans. When you get to the front the clerk looks a bit confused. "Can I help you sir?" You pull out the tickets. They are crumbled a bit and folded but its still readable. "Amon G. Sus for the flight to Alola." She blinks. "That flight isn't until tomorrow sir." You shrug. "Either I come today and wait or nothing." She blinks in confusion. "And...Your the tournament winner? Well...Its certainly a striking name! Let me get you squared away." She did her job. It wasn't her job to ask hard questions. 9/11 didn't happen in Poke world so you could get away with shit like this. She didn't even ask for an id. "Okay sir, your gate is 3A and you can wait for it there. But your flying unaccompanied correct? If so you'll have to wear this." She hands him a lanyard with a laminated tag saying "UA". You put it on and go through the various lines and security posts. Even this feels like an adventure in and of itself. When you get to the next area you see shops and food courts and you promptly GET THE HELL AWAY. The food smell is nauseating from your sheer hunger. You get to "3A" and its empty. Flights tomorrow. You just sit on a chair... This is the right place right? You sit and think...how do you feel?

>Very Alone
>Too anxious to stay still
>Too tired to think and you doze off
after the two months are up with the credit or debit card.

even if he does not fly back it would be super easy to track him down if he continues using the card. so finding food out on a tropical island is probably easier than scrouning around a city.
>Too anxious to stay still

Water makes an acceptable substitute for food. at least for a while. maybe check otu the bathrooms. should also help you getting a bit more presentable.
Rolled 50 (1d100)

>Oh yeah that's common sense. He's gonna be eating lots I presume.

You decide to spend time in the bathroom. You eventually find one and wash your face...and when you think no one is looking wash...other parts. You also try and wet your pants to get some dust off. You sigh and look in the mirror.

>I really should eventually ask a drawfag to draw Amon

What are you doing with your life? But at least things are looking up...tomorrow...waiting is the worst part. You get back to the gate and squirm. You see the occasional security guard eye you curiously and the odd passengers with their luggage. But its just a dimly lit space...moon looks bright tonight.

Eventually you sleep. You have the bean dream again...is it talking to you?

You wake up as the sun hits your face...do you...

>Walk around the airport
>Wait at the gate
>Try and sleep more
>write in
Rolled 69 (1d100)

>Walk around the airport

can sleep on the plane. cant walk around that well up there. so better to sleep during the flight.
You go and stretch your legs, your team probably needs to stretch and use the restroom. You go to the nearest one and...in the stalls on by one lets them stretch and use the toilet. Each of them are quiet but you hear their stomachs rumble. They are used to going for a while without food but this still is a heartbreaker. You sigh and put them back in your pokeball. Things in the airport get busier and busier as the hours go by. More people begin to sit in your area. You on the otherhand are restless as hell. No phone or anything to occupy yourself. You look at magazines in the stores, you walk around smelling food you can't eat, you look at all the different people around you, its maddening. You absolutely lose your fucking mind. And the clocks you do see all show the time moving in, to you at least, slow motion. Eventually time begins to catch up to you. Around 6 pm you return to your gate to see lots of people. You find a set and hold your Pokeballs. You keep them on a secondhand belt made for holding them. And you wait. This is the moment when time moves the slowest. The closest you get to the end. You can't possibly believe it takes this long to board a flight. Eventually after an eternity the hostess finally speaks up. "Now boarding flight 37 to Heahea City. Will any disabled, pregnant, or unaccompanied minors come to the front for boarding?" Wait that's you. You step behind a few people and get to the desk. "Ticket please?" You hand her your ticket. Your heart is racing. "Yes sir, your ticket is a first class so our hostess will see you to your seating." You walk through the hall to get to the plane...are you scared of flying?

>Yes (Adds 1 Spaghetti Point)
Rolled 69 (1d100)

No. Flying is perfectly safe. Unless a Lugia has s bad day... or a Dragonite decided you stepped on its turf one too many times. Or a Gyarados unleashes a Tornado.

Oh fuck nope. Your afraid of flying. There is way too much shit that can go wrong if a pokemon is pissed.

Btw. Add spaghetti level increases the stat or reduces it? My guess is increases.

How would one reduce that to become more confident. And normal behaving?
Two 69. Right after another..... something is going on here :]
I like the double 69 so I won't roll, but oi, if we're wasting a precious autism point on being scared of flying, as opposed to a funny catchphrase or a prophetic dream about a bean, we better get something real sus out of this
We're gonna take inspiration from the first episode of Naruto and end up in the 69 position with our rival.
Hopfeully its a gal and not another guy
I wa thinking sbout saying no. Zhen remembered that amon is supposed to be a bit paranoid and would probably ruin it for himself
We will. You have yet to meet, actual spoilers here, Your Spirit Guide
We don't have a rival per se for this rp.
Spaghetti Points are basically a measurement for me determining how awkward we act around girls and how often we go autistic. However we can also spend the point to use our autism to figure out ways to figure out unique and smart ways to solve problems. You can also use it during training to help with Pokemon learning moves. So make sure to build up your spaghetti. Be careful not to build it up too much though or else I have to do it for regular shit too.

The odds statistically of that happening is extremely low, but oddly you don't seem to care, the stewardess looks sympathetic. Also you don't know what a Lugia is. Your knowledge of Pokemon battles doesn't translate into a knowledge of all the Pokemon and you don't have a Pokedex. "You ok sweetie?" You look at the plane. "What are the odds of the plane exploding?" "The plane will be fine sweetie, but you have to board." You remind yourself free food and a bed. Free food and a bed... You sit down and can look out the window. You realize that soon you'll be in the air and that's making you panic quite a bit. But you keep it together...Keep it together... You zone out quite hard.

>Try to read the magazine in the chair pocket with all the things you can buy
>Look out the window
>Take a nap
>Write in
Rolled 90 (1d100)

Fair enough, that fits his character pretty well so far
Very very interesting, the dream isn't merely a meme huh
>Look out the window
Rolled 74 (1d100)

Check the ticket and maybe ask the hostess if food is included in the flight. Its first class after all. If food isnt included then take a nap. If its complementary then read the magazine to distract yourself
Captcha: 800PVP
You see the plane begin to take off after a while. The airplane moves faster and faster...and then leaves the ground as you pant and sweat. You are...really high off the ground. What now? As they say some stuff you aren't even paying attention to on the intercom your eyes remain glued to the window. Until eventually you feel a tap on your shoulder and jump. "Sir, peanuts? And would you like a drink? We have Water, MooMoo Milk, Tea, and Lemonade." She hands you a packet of peanuts. "Could I get a Lemonade?" You ask. Its not as good as the berry juice mix you had from your prize but its still very good. And those peanuts...don't fill you up but fuck any food is better then nothing. You look at window some more. Ocean...Nothing but blue. You see some Pelipper and...oh fuck...its a Dragonite! WE'RE ALL GOING TO DI...oh its just waving and flies off. You see the people across from you...You had gasped and jumped in your seat. That's...something. A stewardess comes up. "Is everything ok?" You nod. It's just nervewracking...And you feel tired...You hadn't really...gotten any rest in the airport...and you...You have been trying to stay awake and frankly its a losing battle...

You find yourself in a field. You hear footsteps. You see the bean. It regards you. It has a strange look to it. You can't really make out its features. "Are you on pilgrimage as well?" You look confused. "Pilgrimage?" "Yes. To the summit of the mountain. It said there is cave. Where the Gigachad resides." You definitely look confused. "The gigachad?" "The Gigachad. It is said he can solve any problem, deadlift any weight, and seduce any woman. He who gains his power can do anything. I could guide you along the path if you like...but be warned. Is it treacherous."

>Accept his offer
>Say no(Ends this plotline)
Already on it. When we wake up our meal will be ready.
Rolled 3 (1d100)

>Accept his offer

Could help with getting a nice job and life later on. Also much Pokemon such Powertraining
I'll support it, I want to talk to the funny bean more
Rolled 26 (1d100)

Rolled 10 (1d100)

>Accept his offer
>when we wake up immediately talk up the stewardess into giving us more food and some more drinks. Tell her we won a pokemon contest and that's why we're on this flight.
>after her talk to the passengers around us.
Got it. Will respond later.

"I mean if I knew how to do all that...Sure. Lead the way..." Everything gets all hazy. The stewardess nudges you. "Sorry to wake you sir, will you be having the soup or salad this evening?" You see a packet of cookies and a pillow next to you. "Those are yours. We just didn't want to wake you." You rub your head. Hell of a dream. "Soup..." You say absentmindedly. The pillow is a welcome sight. You put it behind your head and stare. Its much more dark now but you ask. "How far are we?" She smiles and replies. "Oh about 2 hours in. We will be landing in Alola the next morning." She moves on.

>Write in
>Skip to the landing
Rolled 3 (1d100)

offer a silent prayer to whoever will listen that you can keep your food in you.

eat and try to get some more sleep.

a bit more elaborate skip to landing

You realize that you stomach feels queasy looking out the window and close it. You watch a movie on the screen in your chair about some doors in a magic land and...

"Ahaha! Foolish Prince! You can't possibly stop me!"

You find your heart beating pretty damn hard. Lately your body has been acting rather...strangely around girls. You've noticed bodily changes and your odd library internet searches only gave you the bare minimum information and a...book the librarians gave you to rent about puberty. It was extremly awkward and after returning it you never went to the library again...you cover your crotch with the pillow...

>Turn off the tv
>Keep watching
>Nervously look around to make sure no one notices you dropping your spaghetti quietly in your seat. (Adds one point and its the last point we will get for a bit.)
On a second glance I'm reasonably sure this is A.I
>Turn off the tv

>Talk to the people sitting around you.
Roll nigga. Add dice+1d100 in the options field.
Rolled 13 (1d100)

>Keep watching
You can't take your eyes off it. From every moment to the end. You sigh once its over. Shit like that is as good as porn. You go to the bathroom and...relieve yourself...then head back. You rarely get the chance anyway. You think to yourself as you begin to stare at the blank screen. "Gigachad huh? That's what I need." You don't sleep until the flight ends. Stress, anxiety, and a number of racing thoughts all mash together. In the end you just end up looking out the window again. It seems so dark and sad, cloudy nights over the ocean...In the end you close up the window again and just stare at the wall. Nothing for it. You just...stare...When you arrive at the airport the bump to the tarmac snaps you out of your ennui. After a few moments you get up to be the first one to be able to leave the plane before anyone. Your ready to get the hell out. You arrive at the airport and skip baggage claim. Your just ready to get there...as you exit the main entrance your excitement is palpable as you rush to be greeted by bright sunshine and...a bus with a...Pokemon on it? Its a mascot. Kind of looks like a tree. (Its Alolan Exeggutor but you don't even know what the regular one looks like.) "Alola! You here for the bus?" He did a weird wavy thing with his hands. "Uh...yes. Do you know where the Tide Song Hotel is?" "That's our next stop cousin! Hop on board we are leaving in about 15 minutes to get to Heahea City." You put your sunglasses on. "Don't you have any bags?" "Don't worry. I'm good. Hey mind if I wait out here?" The man shrugs. "Its a free Alola cousin." He goes back to greeting and helping approaching tourists with their luggage. "Come out everyone!" Your team comes out. They all chatter excitedly, except for Croagunk who just stretches around. The air is different here! More clean and crisp. And its so much more warm and sunny with pleasant breezes! Strange trees, flowers everywhere, and people riding Pokemon here and there...

How do you feel about it thus far?

>Write in
strange place.

but very nice so far. maybe you can check out the library later on to see what is edible for your pokemon. though first checking out that hotel is gonna have to be a priority
Rolled 89 (1d100)

Rolled 82 (1d100)

Ready to start a new life.

You could check a library to see if anything here is inedible for your Pokemon...then again you COULD theoretically buy Pokemon food...You pull out that Debit Card...you...you never really tried this. What if it doesn't work? You see the bus driver come back. "Come on. Time to go." You return everyone. And get on the bus. Looking out the window on the way there you see nothing but beaches. You also see lots of women in bikinis. Which is...a problem. But one thing at a time. You get off the bus and arrive at another city. It's nothing like Castelia City. You look around and see lots of people taking taxis or even getting rides from people. You look around. And see something...odd...A boy older then Amon but still in his teens. He was in a brown...capish...looking poncho that was tattered as hell. He had a tribal armband tattoo on his arms. He had combed back spikey white hair, odd sunglasses, and serious eyes examining the crowd leaving the bus stop. And more then a few people were specifically trying to ignore him. He was flanked by a Lucario and an Altaria. The Altaria was preening herself and the Lucario and the boy were examining the crowd. "Him?" The boy said. Lucario nodded no. "Her?" Lucario nodded no again. What was... "Him...definitely. Full team and all. 6 Pokeballs. Best we got so far." He said. Lucario stared hard at him...and nodded. "Yeah he's definitely got the look." He gets up. Stretches his arms up and walks over to Amon. "Alola brah! Nice to meet you and the name is Stars...Yes...thats my name. My name is Stars." He offers his hand.

>Shake it
>Walk away
>Ask what he wants
>Write in
Nice song though.
By the way I gotta remind you guys. This is like Ultra. Events took place differently to Sun and Moon. Including things that may not have happened at all.
Rolled 69 (1d100)

>Ask what he wants
I know a conman when I see one, and at the very least, this guy is sus
holy fuck the funny number just keeps rolling in

"What's going on? What do you want?" You ask suspiciously. Lucario walks up beside Stars. "Oh yes. Let me introduce my partners. That's Lucario. He's a battle nut. He seems calm now but he's the kind of guy who'd be the one who jumped off the bridge and all his friends have to decide whether they are gonna follow him. I've followed him off the bridge a few times myself brah." Lucario barks a bit offended. "Oh you know we love you." He pats his shoulder. He points back at Altaria. "That's Altaria." She keeps preening herself without a care in the world. "She's utterly confident. Don't worry about it brah." Amon thinks. "Wait you didn't answer my question." Stars chuckles. "Yeah I didn't. Good instincts. I'm just introducing myself is all. I'm the guy in the know around here. I've seen every inch of Alola and know where everything is. Restaurants, hotels, tourist attractions, sights to see, beaches, wild Pokemon. You name it and I can tell you. I like to meet the tourists and you seem the most interesting of the bunch brah!" You walk away. "No thanks...I gotta go to the Tide Song Hotel..." He follows you. "Well let me go with you brah! I can tell you all about Alola!" People give the two of you stares as he follows behind you with his Pokemon following..."So Alola is a great place to live. Low rent, lots of things to do, awesome Pokemon...your a trainer right?" Stars asks. "I can tell! I am something of an ace trainer myself brah." He doesn't...seem like he's hostile. Just talkative.

How do you answer.

>Answer yes you are a trainer
>Ignore him
>Write in
Rolled 53 (1d100)

"Somewhat of a trainer yes. Won a trip here at a tournament in Unova."

He kinda creeps you out a bit
He is a bit too friendly

"You don't say?...Could we have a Pokemon battle? I'd only use one Pokemon. You can use as many as you like. Neither of these two though...in exchange, win or lose, you can have this." He pulls out...an orangey red phone looking thing. "Its an older model but only by a few years. Still updated to the current amount of Pokemon discovered though." Its...its a Pokedex! "All you have to do is battle. You don't even have to win. I just wanna see what a tournament winner can do." He hands you the Pokedex.

>Accept his challenge(This is a win or lose battle.
>Deny it
>Write in
Rolled 16 (1d100)

>Accept his challenge(This is a win or lose battle.

"Eh sure..... just be warned. my opponents just werent all that great. so i hope i dont disappoint here."

take your entire team. starting with foongus. effect spore can still help with winning this if it turns into a battle of endurance.

He hands you the Pokedex. "Its my old one...its odd but I can kind of tell you don't have one...or much of anything. You don't have luggage?" Stars smirks. "Your an odd tourist brah. Either way it makes no difference to me. Heck I'm a local and I am a beach bum myself. Come on. There's a large patch of grass nearby we can battle in." He leads you to a clearing between the buildings. Grassy with a few bushes. "This is good enough. You can test out that Pokedex too. Just press the button on the side and point it at my Pokemon." He takes out a Pokeball as Altaria and Lucario flank him. "This one isn't as much a battler as the rest of my team. More a support Pokemon but should work out quite well! Go Musharna!" He sends out a Pokemon that does look familiar but you don't know much about it... You do as he says and the Pokedex comes to life. "Musharna, the Drowsing Pokemon. It eats dreams and uses the mists from its forehead to create the shapes of the dreams it's eaten." It shows information too. Psychic type. Abilities are either Synchronize, Forewarn, or Telepathy...

>Who do you send out?
Rolled 60 (1d100)


and use bounce. hope for paralysis
Rolled 40 (1d100)

>Here we go! I'll just give it a health bar. Basically if you all can get your Pokemon to successfully attack Musharna 7 times you all will be victorious. I'll roll for your actions on my end. If its 30 or more I'll let it slide. If you all come up with something particularly clever and interesting I may give you all a freebie in battles like this. Or I can offer to have you spend a point or 2 of Spaghetti to have your Pokemon learn a new move mid battle or even evolve.

"Go Marill!" You send out Marill. "Marill!" She looks around. Sees we are in a battle. "MARILL!" She says admonishingly. Clearly she didn't expect you to get into a Pokemon battle. Given her experience with battles was even training or fighting off other hobos she is a bit miffed. "Don't worry Marill. Just do your best." You say. She sighs. And turns to face Musharna. "You ok? Marill seems like it doesn't wanna battle." Stars asks worriedly. "No its fine! I think she thinks your trying to mug me. We are more used to that. And to be honest that remains to be seen!" Stars looks annoyed. "My reputation preceeds me. And I NEVER MUGGED ANYONE!" Stars says pissed off. "No matter. Look you go first. Lets see what you got!" You take that in. Looks like he IS a troublemaker after all. Whatever. All the more reason you have to win this...show him you aren't some easy mark. Then again...why give you the Pokedex...nevermind. Assume the worst. "Marill use Bounce!" Marill hops on its tail and springs up to land on Musharna. "Musharna dodge it!" Stars calls out.

>Hit is 30
Musharna yawns and looks up before it gets struck to the ground by Marill. "Good job!" You call out. "Hey you ok Musharna? You gotta wake up buddy!" Musharna floats up again. And cries out in the affirmative. "Good. Now Yawn!" Musharna yawns loudly and sends out a few pink bubbles out at Marill.

>Roll above a 30 to block or dodge.
Rolled 52 (1d100)


maybe put the target a bit higher and ask for a best of two or three maybe.

not sure if anyone else is active right about now though
>Yeah. I was gonna step away. Also I wanna make this one a bit easier given I am basically testing this system. I dont wanna go full tabletop. I was about to close the page but it saw it auto updated. Give it a few hours before you post specifically anon so everyone else can make choices. If nobody bumps after a few hours you can move on.

Marill dodges the bubbles. What next?

>Water Gun
>Helping Hand
>Write in
Rolled 94 (1d100)

>Water Gun
>Way above a 30!

"Marill Water Gun!" Marill uses Water Gun and hits it dead center. "Not bad! Use Moonblast!" A moon glows around Musharna before it opens its mouth and shoots a blast of energy straight at Marill.

>Roll above a 50 to dodge
Rolled 10 (1d100)

>I dont wanna go full tabletop
So what do you play?
Sure thing. Gonna have to sleep now anyway. Caught something and going to bed early .

Have fun QM. And Anond
>I do tabletop occasionally I just don't want this to be too crunch heavy since its based on the anime style of combat.

Before you can react the Moonblast reaches Marill and knocks her senseless. It's pretty powerful. "I said Musharna is a support Pokemon but that just means she knows Yawn and Helping Hand! She's as powerful as the rest of my team in terms of force in her strikes!" Marill looks pretty beat up. She's still standing and can battle but that took a bit out of her. "Marill! Marill!" She looks back at your worriedly. Looking for guidance. She has a panicked look in her eyes. Stars has a serious expression like he's reading the situation like a book.

>Calm her down (Requires you to beat a 40 or you fail and autist your words revealing panic yourself)
>Try and psyche her up (Requires beating a 60 or get the same result)

Do this before we use another move.
(By the way at the end of the story you'll be an ace trainer in your own right. You are talented by inexperienced. Throughout the rp outside of fun comfy adventures, /ss/, and character development there will be moments you train and battle. How often is up to you but I do have some arcs. I plan on formatting this as each day in Alola gets its own thread. So the next thread will be Day 2.
Rolled 71 (1d100)

>Calm her down
>Since the roll got passed I will offer a choice

"Marill...calm down. Its ok. You are doing your best." Stars stops the battle for a moment. "Hey. I am pretty good at reading people and putting context clues together. Its a skill I've developed for a good long while. The way you calmed Marill down is a good indicator of your leadership of your Pokemon. Good. Level headed. Good instincts like I said before. And the fact that Marill was looking to you for reassurance says she isn't afraid of losing because she's scared of you. She's just scared losing. Not from ego either otherwise she'd probably be angry or more desperate then scared like that. That kind of behavior during a battle...your used to more even sided fights. And this kind of loss tells me...along with the fact you have no luggage...Hey what brand are those sunglasses?" You look perplexed at his apparent grasping at straws. Now he's asking about your sunglasses. "Why does the brand matter?" Stars looks sad. "Those are sunglasses worth a couple hundred dollars...All these behaviors bring to mind someone fighting for food or shelter and now its become a learned behavior in how your Marill reacts to battle. Kid your homeless aren't you?" Your eyes widen.

>Deny it
>Say nothing
(By the way if my writing is becoming shit let me know...I admit as this is my first attempt at DMing anything in any capacity I worry a bit.)
Rolled 99 (1d100)

>Say nothing
It's only a guess as long as we don't reply.
Nice roll.

"Yeah...I hit the mark huh? You can nothing but I can tell. Or would you prefer I pretend to only be able to guess?" Stars says. "Fair enough either way. But let me say this. I know the life. I got lucky in a lot of ways. And not so lucky in others...we can finish this battle if you like. I admit I was using it to test how your Pokemon act in battle and how skilled they are. You trained them physically well but you have a lot of inexperience too. You probably don't train with others so they can't know your skills. But truth be told knowing something is coming and being able to stop it are two different things...So let me ask. You wanna finish this? I gotta warn you I will go all out if we do. And I have to warn you that means I will be using my full tactical abilities too. You could probably knock out Musharna if you really focus and outmanuver me so I won't say I will automatically win. But this battle WILL look a lot different. This battle started dishonest. I admit I was just testing you. But I am not the kind of trainer to tell my Pokemon to lay down and LET themselves be hurt with no fighting back. This isn't training you after all. No stakes though. Like I said you can keep the Pokedex win or lose.

>End the battle now(Plot advances)
>Fight on till the end
>Write in

>Fight on till the end
For the record everyone if you asked one of the Kahunas/Elite 4 to fight you all out the following rolls would be about the same.
>check em

"No way. I don't care what happens. Me and my Pokemon fight till the end." You say determined. "A man after my own heart. Okay kid...hey what's your name?" You wait a moment before answering. Amon...Amon G. Sus." Stars smirks. "With a name like that you really ARE a man after my own heart. Don't worry! Red's name is RED after all! Lets rock! Musharna circle around Marill!" Musharna circles around Marill in the air. Facing Marill as she drifts around. "Yawn!" Musharna sends out bubbles in a spread making them much more difficult to dodge.

>Roll 80 to beat or spend a Spaghetti point to be given a way out of this.
>Also write in if you have some clever way to get out of it but it still requires the roll to beat unless its VERY clever and sensible.
Rolled 44 (1d100)

>Bounce over her
Might be predictable but might be worth it.
In fairness this would be VERY difficult given the bubbles are probably over Marill's head. And using a bodily strike to pop the bubbles would have autofailed due to the fridge logic. Using bounce to get a boost of speed would have worked better to hop away from the circle zone would have taken 10 off. Or Using Water Gun to pop the bubbles would have instantly worked even if you rolled a 1 due to how logical the idea is. Coincidently THAT is what the spaghetti point would have bought you. I have played DnD long enough to know that a DM may have a set solution but a good DM would have allowed any reasonable solution. So anything REALLY well thought out will be auto passed in the future. And in fairness I will only offer Spaghetti points if I think of a perfect solution myself and will otherwise handwave a good roll as a block or dodge. Or I would just write out whatever you guys came up with as working. I'll give you guys some more time if someone else wants to roll. I'd rather not take the first roll as fail if all the players are busy...also you can't use the idea in the spoiler now. Its just for example purposes. I'll still let you pass the roll if you all get high enough. And I will only add to the hit score if you REALLY do something that's "I block Aggron's Iron Head with a rock" tier. In fairness I know anon didn't say pop the bubbles with Bounce and dodge. You did say bounce over which implies up which would be more difficult.
Rolled 44 (1d100)

>Sorry guys

Marill tries to get out of the way but its too much too fast and she gets hit. As the bubbles pop on her she yawns and gets drowsy before snoozing off. "Sorry Marill, never said all Musharna's attacks! But the Pokedex did! DREAM EATER!" Musharna opens its mouth and a pink vaccum appears and sucks up orbs of light from Marill's body as its body glows and it cries out. When Marill opens it's eyes it turns to little swirls.

>Musharna now has 6/7 HP

>I'll start including the HP counters for your other Pokemon. Super effective attacks hit for extra. I'll tally these based on logical factors such as being stuck really hard or being forced to take multiple hits at once and not being able to fight back. But that won't happen to you guys.

"What's next Amon?" Stars says eagerly. "Let's see you go all out!" he says with a raised fist. "Cmon! Win or lose you should never hold back in a serious battle! I lost a fuckton of battles but I always went FULL FUCKING FORCE!" He says fired up.

>Which Pokemon next? Also any comments?

Uses taunt to stop mushana from making pokemon fall asleep.

Comments. not bad so far
Rolled 10 (1d100)

forgot dice.

fucking hell. probably too tired and sick to think completely straight
Rolled 27 (1d100)

>No rolls needed for Taunt. It will last 4 attacks
>Musharna 6/7
>Darumaka 4/4

"We aren't doing bad so far! So let's keep it up Darumaka!" You send out Darumaka. "Darumaka Taunt!" Darumaka makes a silly mocking face. Musharna gets angry. "Heh nice. No more yawn huh? Fair enough. Moonblast! Point blank!" Musharna moves forward to get closer and fires off Moonblast!

>Beat a 70. If you have any clever counterattack or dodge option let me know as well.
Rolled 38 (1d100)

Use your smaller size and higher to outmaneuver Murshana in close quarters and use headbutt to try and flinch her before it manages to fire the attack off.
Rolled 25 (1d100)

It's already firing it but we should try to use our smaller size to close the gap further for Headbutt.
Rolled 65 (1d100)

I like the option to have a clever response autosucceed or at least lower the DC
That said, I have no idea, Sigilyph is the only thing I can maybe come up with clever ideas for, so just do your best lil buddy Darumaka
>Sorry it's just trying to dodge regularly...

Darumaka tries to get out of the way but Musharna shoots off a Moonblast that hits him point blank sending him back. "Now keep your distance until we know what he can do!" Musharna drifts around Darumaka in a circle.

>Darumaka 3/4

>What next?
Rolled 88 (1d100)

Try another headbutt to make them flinch

"Darumaka focus! You gotta headbutt it properly!" Darumaka times his strike as Musharna circles around him and gets a strike in! Flinching Musharna!

>Musharna 5/7 (flinch counts as an action in terms of taunt since its turn passed so 2 more times)

>What next?
Rolled 73 (1d100)

Dont fix what isnt broken. Continue headbutting

I will stop soon so others get their chance

"Keep it up!" Darumaka strikes at Musharna again launching his head at her. Musharna snaps out of it. "Point blank! Moonblast!" Darumaka is extremely close to Musharna and it will be very difficult to dodge!

>Beat a 80
Rolled 26 (1d100)

Rolled 45 (1d100)

Need to dock at least a little more off those hits.
Its more due to close range and power boosting the shot. But noted. Trying to go for early optional boss fight vibe.


Musharna blasts Darumaka and sends him back. "Anything else Amon? I'm getting a bit bored!" Stars teases trying to psyche him out. "Once that Taunt wears off Musharna you let loose with a full Yawn barrage!" Musharna cries out in the affirmative.

>What do?
(Also I have to admit the "optional boss fight thing is a bit much this early. You guys liking this? I have a way to end this bit quicker with a victory for Amon or loss. Plus it will be pretty damn cool. You all wanna try it?)
Shit I hope I didn't piss you all off...Its hard to read the room via play by post
Rolled 15 (1d100)

Try incinerate once the taunt wears off to pop the bubbles before they can make contanct. maybe burn Murshana a bit

woke up half an hour ago. had to make some tea and get some breakfast in me first.
>I have a way to end this bit quicker with a victory for Amon or loss.
I gotta work.
this work too.
Good to know you guys are still with me. I'll trust you in full from now on.

Musharna shakes her head. And cries back to Stars. "Well done! Now Yawn!" Musharna yawns out bubbles. "Wait a minute...Darumaka! Use Incinerate! Pop the bubbles!" Darumaka does so and it works but it misses Musharna. "Good stuff Amon! I gotta say this is gonna end up a battle of attrition and we don't have all day exactly I'm sure...What do you say to making this interesting? I'll forfeit the match IF you can take one attack head on from Musharna without fainting. You don't even have to use Darumaka. Just pick your most dependable Pokemon." You think about it. "Deal!"

>Which Pokemon are you using? Though Foongus is the "Pikachu" of the group technically.
Rolled 25 (1d100)

i think the tankiest pokemon we have is probably sigilyph with resistance to psychic types. as well as being undamaged. and nothing else can take a psychic hit.

though i am happy to be convinced otherwise.

question is. does he have a psychic attack aside from dreameater. if he does any poison pokemon is toast. if he does not poison pokemon would be more advantaged.
Musharna only has Dream Eater, Yawn, Helping Hand, and Moonblast. Moonblast is the only attack he can do in a single turn unaided right?
ah right. forgot it had helping hand. then
foongus would actually be the superior option due to type advantage, stats

As well as the power of god and anime/friendship
"Return Darumaka!" Moonblast SHOULD be easy to tank for Foongus. Let's see handle it. "Expecting Moonblast? Normally yes. You'd have to be asleep for Musharna to use Dream Eater. Normally...I like to carry this in a pack on my utility belt so give me a moment." He reaches behind himself and pulls out a strange sparkling bracelet with a purple crystal in the center. "This is called a Z Ring. And the crystal is called Psychium Z." He attaches it to his wrist. "In Alola we use these to battle. When our Pokemon are in sync with us we can unleash their full power!..." Stars looks standoffish. "But uh...this is gonna look stupid but stay with me here. Oh and Foongus! You better brace yourself!" Foongus looks back at you worriedly. "Look whatever showy attack he has I know you can handle it!" You say reassuringly. Foongus braces himself and shields with his mushroom caps. Stars does a very silly dance involving putting a finger on his temple and throwing his hand out towards Musharna. But then Musharna began to radiate a yellow aura! "See Z Moves use the power of a regular attack as fuel. Even if the attack isn't usable normally. So things like Future Sight, Solar Beam, and Sky Attack also work even though they take a charge time. Allow me to demonstrate with Shattered Psyche!" Musharna lifts Foongus in the air and traps him an orb and sends him colliding around hitting the walls from the inside and smashing him through the walls like shattering a window! He lands on the ground with a smash!

>Everyone's combined rolls beat 50 and Foongus barely hangs on but is still standing.
>Forgot. You send out Foongus. A bit here and there busy at the moment.
Rolled 37 (1d100)

Huh. Wasnt aware of that.

Stopped playing after scarlet
>stopped playing after Scarlet
But Sun and Moon was gen 7. Did you mean you never played Gen 7? Which is fine I just am confused.
was it..... eh. maybe i missed them then. i was gone for a bit then picked up scarlet.

before that... the last one i played was Y.

so yeah. i never played sun or moon/ ultra versions of that.
didnt even finish scarlet. might get back to that these days. being on sick leave i have time and will just sit in bed anyway.
Its better then Sword and Shield. That's not a high bar but nonetheless. I still wish they didn't cut the dex or get rid of optional EXP share but this game has decently difficult battles. I EXTREMELY recommend playing the game by doing all the plotlines one at a time and then moving on to the others. Will force you to be more tactical and give you incentives to battle trainers in the field and do Tera Raids for candies and wings. Its was way more challenging then doing everything all at once.
sun and moon? or scarlet?
I'll wait for like 5 hours and if absolutely no one rolls before then I guess we are doing this.
Rolled 45 (1d100)


You run up to Foongus. Foongus trembles for a bit then gets up. He pants and is struggling to stay up but he defiantly refuses to stay down. "Well well! Let's not get this twisted Amon. THAT is a genuine victory. Taking a super effective Z Move from Musharna here IS an accomplishment. And its not nothing. You have lots and lots of potential. Deal's a deal. You can tell everyone you got Stars to surrender. Should give you quite a bit of street cred."

>What do you say to Foongus?
Something positive, ask if it's ok.

"Great work Foongus...That was insane!" You say. Foongus smiles. "Here. For your Pokemon." You are handed 3 Sitrus berries. "And for you Musharna. Good work sweet girl." He hands her a berry and she eats it. "I know the Pokemon Center is nearby. I'll walk you there and the rest of the way to your hotel. And I gotta be honest Amon. You surprised me. I was expecting a lot but not in that way. I think I'll take you as my pupil. We can have a full team rematch when your fully trained...Oh but part of that training is to take a vacation. Stress and anxiety are a big holder backer for training. And don't bother saying no. I'm making up my mind about this." You sigh. "Well that's...something." You send out Marill and Darumaka. "Here you 3. Eat up." You hand them the berries and they eat it eagerly. The berry really does revitalize them. "That's good enough to get them back on their feet but you should keep them in their pokeballs for now."

>Defeating Stars awards 3 Spaghetti Points for usage.

You return your Pokemon once they finish eating. "Come on." He takes you into town and people stare at the both of you. "Don't worry about them. They are scared of me. You see I was the real mastermind behind Team Rocket the whole time." He whispers as a joke.

>Ask him about Alola
>Ask him about his Bracelet
>Ask what the fuck is his deal
>Ask to be left alone
>Write in
>Ask him about Alola

"You said you knew a lot about Alola...What can you tell me about the region?" Stars thinks for a moment. "There are 4 islands. Melemele Island, Akala Island, Ula'ula Island, and Poni Island. We are on Akala right now, I'm sure you know that. Each of the islands have similar ecosystems in general but tend to host some weird mixes here and there depending on which island you visit. You can't fly on your Pokemon on the island since Ride Pokemon and Ride Taxi's which you'll be using, tend to use specific routes and having to swerve can make inexperienced riders...Well...let's just say it's a bad idea. Oh. The Island Challenge too. If you were a local you could take it. Its how you get Z-Rings and Z-Crystals sadly...but let me work on that. Ol Master Stars has a few ideas..." Stars eyes widens. "Oh! Each island has an island deity...a guardian legendary Pokemon. Be very respectful around any area with signs that say "KEEP OUT! DEITY TERRITORY BEGINS HERE!" in the wilds and ESPECIALLY if you visit a temple or any sacred sites. The Island Deities..." Stars looks pretty far away in his own head. "They...they can...they can be temperamental. And that's with locals. You don't wanna know what happens if an "outsider" pisses them off...Actually given your skills I may as well tell you just in case. If Tapu Koko challenges you to a battle he will leave you alone if you lose. He's good with not breaking Pokemon, he doesn't hold anything back but won't like send them to the hospital either once they faint. But he is a battle nut. Hell on Melemele island they even honor him with Battles and live VERY close to his temples. He's kind of...misunderstood but I highly recommend NOT refusing his challenge on the off chance he makes it. Its considered a high honor but REFUSING a battle...That's gonna piss him off. Don't worry about the others. He's the only one that really goes out and about. Usually if he's curious about something. Like parade floats, music, loud noises, cook offs, very loud battles, weddings, helicopters..." Stars goes on. But you don't pay attention. A vision of beauty walks by...Its...Its the lady from the movie! She lives here!? (Sabrina) She's in a pair of shorts and a tanktop and as she walks by you stare and turn your head. When her back is facing you...she turns her head suddenly and faces you. Looking you dead in the eyes.

>Beat a 60 or drop your spaghetti
Rolled 27 (1d100)

You...freeze. You have no idea what the fuck is going on and you pray that you aren't popping a boner. You KNOW she's probably gonna get mad. Right? Girl's dont like it when...

She smirks and gives you a little wink then saunters off with her hips swaying JUST slightly more...wait...wait what the hell just happened?

>How do you react? (You can't follow her just because if you don't check into the hotel I have no idea what the fuck to do. We are ALMOST to the first /ss/ bit though. The finish line is in sight!)
Rolled 37 (1d100)

get to the Hotel. take a cold shower. your not used to this heat. better try and calm down.

What just happened? Maybe she was flattered? Was she reading your mind? What? You jump as you feel a hand on your shoulder. "Hey you gotta be careful about women in Alola. Lot of famous trainers live here sure but its something in the air and water that turns them...well...maybe I shouldn't say." You get anxious. "What?" Stars nods his head. "Nah don't worry about it." Stars turns to keep moving. "Tell me!" You insist. Stars looks around. "You take this to grave I told you Amon. Understand?" He says. He whispers to you. "Listen. Girls here love tourist boys. Like...LOVE them. Its not something everyone does and it's not something they talk about but its true. Something about giving them the "Alola" experience."

>Your fucking lying
>N..no way
>Write in
It's me.
Have a spaghetti induced meltdown and ask to get to your hotel.

You start visibly and audibly panicking. "HEY get a hold of yourself! Look, it's nothing to panic about as long as you stay around the towns and don't go looking for trouble...but uh...ask about "Salazzles in the summertime" if you need more info. Let's get you to your ho...tel..." A limo drives up. "Stars! I knew when I couldn't find the contest winner you had to have done something! I had to call the airlines to confirm I was in the right place!" The driver says getting out. "Oh...yeah they would send a car to pick you up...didn't think about that." Stars groans. "What have you done with his luggage?!" Stars smirks and says. "I hid it in a portal to another dimension. Its in a forest far away hidden amongst kendo practitioners and sword Pokemon!" He says dramatically. "I'm calling the police." Stars sighs. "Look tell him Amon. You don't have any bags right?"

>Be honest
>Say nothing as this whole thing is too strange
The limo isnt some super huge one. But its still bigger then the average car. More like that car from Home Alone 2 if you know what scene I am talking about.
Rolled 89 (1d100)


>Be honest

Got no lugage. things were kinda in a hurry.
>>Say nothing as this whole thing is too strange
Rolled 58 (1d100)

>Be honest
You gotta roll. Add 1d100 to the options field. But since your a new player I will do yours as well as.

You say nothing. Its all too much. "Hey...are you alright?" The driver says. Stars sighs. "For fuck sake I didn't mug the kid." The driver puffs up his chest. "I suggest you go hide under a rock." Stars takes off his sunglasses. And Lucario growls. "Hey...Buddy? You wanna take this up with the Kahunas or even Kukui be my guest. I got all day to wait. And if you wanna settle this with a Pokemon battle Lucario will take your whole team...at the same time." His eyes go fierce. "So what's the plan?" The driver deflates a bit. You sense its time to break the tension. "I...I really don't have any luggage." The driver looks at you. "Are you sure?" He asks sympathetically. "No I am a serious. I came here with just this and my Pokemon." The driver is a bit confused. "Well...okay." Stars puts his sunglasses on. "I'll see you later Amon. Alola." He walks away his Pokemon follow. "Well...Let's put this behind us sir. Please allow me to drive you the rest of the way." The driver bows a bit. "I am with the Tide Song Hotel. I am here to welcome you to Alola! Please." He opens the door for you. "On behalf of the Tide Song allow me to chauffeur you the rest of the way." You enter the car. Its fancy and air conditioned! There are even bottled waters and juices! The driver gets in your on your way!

>Ask him any questions? (Write in)
>Ask him about "Salazzles" (+1 Spaghetti point)
Rolled 73 (1d100)

"the fuck is a Salazzle? Stars said something about those pokemon. are they famous around here? Sorry i had about a day to prepare for this trip and didnt do as much research as i should have."

"Salazzles? Well I guess even he has his scruples. Yeah they can dangerous for young tourists who don't know what's going on. Usually they enthrall them to get something done and then leave them be. You'll feel a sense of heartbreak but its nothing time won't fix. As long as you keep your wits about you you should be fine..." Was...was he telling the truth!? Salazzles are code for girls right!? Before you can inquire you arrive at the hotel. He opens the door for you. A hula lady comes up and gives you a lei. "Alola!" She says. You blush a bit but the driver guides you along. "We have to check in sir." Thank goodness for him since it gives you time to prevent you from looking like a sperg. You follow him inside and a man in a business suit comes to greet you. "Alola sir! I'm the hotel director, I wanted to personally welcome our contest winner. If you need anything be sure to ask our staff. Its certainly an unusual arrangement but your suite has been paid in full for the next 2 months. I hope you consider The Tide Song a home away from home during your stay. You must be quite the prodigy..." He eyes you up and down. "Where's your luggage?" The Driver speaks up. "Actually I wanted to talk to you about that. He has none supposedly and he had in a run in with Stars..." The director nods. "I understand. I'll...make a phone call." The Director bows. "I am terribly sorry about that. He's something of a...problem child for the locals. I highly recommend just leaving him alone. I need to make a phone call. Please sign in. Alola and enjoy your stay!" He smiles and directs you to the front desk. You walk up confused. What did he commit arson or something? But honestly your ready to put it out of your mind. You feel exhausted and hungry. As you get to the front desk the receptionist smiles. "Alola sir. I understand your the contest winner! We just need to see your ID and we can get your stay started..." ID? Uh oh...

>Be honest about your lack of ID
>Bluff your way out of this
>Show her the plane ticket instead
>Write in
Rolled 65 (1d100)

>Show her the plane ticket instead

She smiles and looks at the tickets. "Uh...sir I...we need a photo ID." the Director walks back with a smile. "Is everything ok?" She frowns. "Do you have a trainer ID?" You shift in place. "Not...really. The tournament didn't require one." The director's smile fades. "You...you say you came up with Stars?...You know...I wouldn't put it past him to somehow find out about all this and try to pass some kid off to screw over the actual winner." He narrows his eyes. "But sir...these look legitimate." He takes them and studies them. "I wouldn't know how to tell a fake. But I already called the police because you were lying and too scared to admit he mugged you." He glances at him. "I'm afraid until they arrive..." He notices someone walking up to the desk. Its some middle aged guy in a police jacket. "Ugh...I heard calls from people on the street that some kid was in danger and then I get word that he's here." He looks you over. "He doesn't look mugged. My job is done. I'm going home." The director stammers. "Wait! Wait! Kahuna Nanu! We aren't certain this boy is an imposter. Its all too suspicious."

>I have been WAITING to write that the entire RP since you all chose his name

This Nanu guy looks at him. "I'm not surprised they sent you but I admit its very awe inspiring to have a Kahuna here to help settle these matters." Nanu looks at him. "I don't think it is. I'm sick of my subordinates calling me everytime that kid sneezes. Have you considered just hoping for best? It's far less work for me and less stressful for you...Though if I don't question this everyone is gonna whine back at the station. They can tell when I'm lying." He looks at you. "What's your name?" You gulp. You see the police badge. What if he deports you!? Or sends you to a home!? Or...or...! He sighs. "Look I am gonna level with you. I really wanna get this over with. I have some new Meowth I am training and I would rather be at home right now. Look..." He looks at the director. "I'm not dragging him to the station. Do you have someplace we can talk?" The Director nods. "Of course. Please follow me." He looks at you and says quietly. "If you are innocent then I can help you. If you are innocent and run then I have to take you to the station. And if you aren't innocent...I am just gonna let you go to be honest." The receptionist is shocked. "W..what!?" Nanu sighs. "I don't feel like arresting some prankster. I'll let him off with a warning. Besides its not his fault I got dragged here anyway." He glances at you. "Hear that? Your off scot free either way. But if you run I gotta mess up the lobby dragging you away. Please don't make me do that. I literally only want to ask you some questions."

>Go with him
>Write in
>Go with him
Better not start trouble.
Rolled 31 (1d100)

Forgot to roll.

You are taken to a small lounge in the back. Appears to be an employee break room. "Would you like anything to drink Kahuna?" Nanu nods no. "I don't intend to stay long. What about you?" He sits down in a chair. "N..no thanks." You say. "Leave us alone for a moment. Please. I mean ALONE." The director nods. He closes the door behind you. "Have a seat." Nanu says. You tentatively sit down. "First off. You are NOT in danger. Period. The sky isn't falling. Stars isn't gonna hide under your bed and get you in the night. You are safe. I'm not gonna stroke his ego by saying he's a nice guy or stroke his ego by saying he's infamous. I'm simply going to say he's a person of interest. I'm not going to tell you why. I'm not here for storytime. I'm not gonna answer your questions. I'm asking the questions here." He says then cracks his neck. "I hate having to do these kinds of interrogations. First off, you reek of homeless. I was a detective for a good long while and cracked way harder cases." You nervously shift in your chair. "I don't care. I don't care that your homeless. That makes no difference to me whatsoever. In regards to anything. But you need to understand while I have very thick skin, I swear if you lie to me for no reason I WILL let my subordinates decide whether a homeless kid's best interests are served at a hotel." Nanu looks serious. "I'm not exactly happy that I had to fly a Ride Charzard all the way here on my OFF TIME just to settle this. None of that is your fault. So I recommend you keep it that way. Are we clear?" You nod. "First things first. You came here from the airport. What happened when you arrived in Alola?"

>Answer in your own words
>or just describe WHAT you say at least
Rolled 14 (1d100)

Stars just came up and we battled.
Rolled 80 (1d100)

i got off the flight and was a bit lost. stars came up to me. a bit pushy but i dealt with worse.

told him i won a contest and he wanted to battle. we battled for a bit though according to the rules i won. barely when he pulled out that Z-Move i think it was called. and then the driver came to take me to the hotel.
>I mean its the same thing so here goes

"He wanted to battle? He didn't steal anything from you? Didn't force you into anything? Basically I'm asking if you saw him commit ANY crimes at all?" Nanu says scratching his head. "Did he threaten anyone physically? Did he light something on fire?" You look worried. "Has he?" "Like I said, I am asking the questions. Answer mine." You nod no. "He didn't do anything like that." Nanu smirks. "Well then! That's the end of my obligation. I can now say I interviewed you and found nothing! Incidentally, I am curious about how that battle went. You said he used a Z-Move? That's...unusual. You must be a powerful trainer for him to try that."

>Respond like last time in your own words or just a general description
Oh its me.
"Not really i believe. I just won a local tournament. managed to think a bit on my feet and the battle we were fighting would have come down to a grinding match with him using only one Pokemon against my full team. So he proposed a final showdown style. With me winning if one of my pokemon could take a final move from him. My best friend managed to just barely hold on and then the Val.... ahem Driver showed up for the hotel. And now i am here."
Rolled 41 (1d100)


fuck. must have melted my brain alongside the half tribe of Goblins my Wizard murdered in DND today.
Based wizardry.

"Well that's well enough for me. Did he say anything else odd? Anything in regards to you? Anything at all?" You think for a moment. "He said he wanted to make me his pupil...Which was odd.."

>Spend a Spaghetti Point for some insight?
We have too many spahegtii points so we need to spend em

>You are now at SL 5

You can't be certain but your instincts from the streets tell you he was leading the conversation to a certain point. Manipulating you. But why? "Well...I guess I can call the Police Department in...where are you from?" You are a bit standoffish but think it would be worse to lie at this point either way. You finally answer. "Castelia City." Nanu nods. "And what's your Pokemon team?" "Foongus, Sigilyph, Croagunk, Darumaka, Castform, and Marill." "Ok then. I can use this information. I can call the police department and explain that we need to verify your identity with the tournament board. I'll...make up an excuse that you left your I.D at home. They can get in touch with the promoters at the event hall and they can verify you based on looks. Eye color, hair, and whatnot. And then I can verify based on your team. If it works out well enough I can make the Hotel accept your reservation. Just wait right here. Leave it to me. In the end I'm a cop after all. In the end I definitely won't leave someone in need high and dry." Nanu says. He leaves the room.

>What do you do?

>Let your Pokemon out
>Think about things that happened today
>Take a nap
>Write in
>>Write in
>Pull out the pokedex and look through the moves our pokemon have.

Star said we were too inexperienced to do real battles so we should get a list of moves for future use. Plus I have no idea what moves the pokemon have so having it all in one post would be a help.
Here are our moves anon.
Get something to eat at the hotel.
Rolled 25 (1d100)

think about what happened today while browsing your new pokedex for ways to maybe help optimise your team.
Technically we can do both. I will post later. Was super busy yesterday.

>Consider TM and Egg moves as "trainable" moves

You check the entires on your Pokedex...this thing is awesome! You can see your Pokemon's species data and a general overview of their strengths and weaknesses! You see all sorts of neat info. Your mind races with potential movesets and ideas. Normally you can only see this stuff at the library but now you can just bring this with you to training and focus your efforts one one move at a time for your Pokemon! It will be a breeze! You spend a few hours reading the Pokedex. Nanu comes back in. "Hey." He closes the door behind him. "We got it all settled...I do have one question though..." He has a thoughtful look for a moment before sighing. "All in I suppose...On a scale of 1 to 10. With 1 being you hang out with your Pokemon but Pokemon battles are not your style at all. And 10 being you'd do whatever it takes to strengthen your Pokemon and sharpen your skills as a trainer...How serious do you take being a Pokemon trainer?"

>Answer a number.
about a 7.

its a way. to hopefully better our lives.

when i play pokemon myself about a 5 in case this is about the difficulty modifier
Rolled 78 (1d100)

forgot dice
Rolled 3 (1d100)


"I'd say 7. I don't want to become like a gym leader or anything but I do see it as a way to better my life. Get a house, food, stuff like that." Hearing that you see Nanu's eyes flash a bit in recognition. Like you just confirmed something he hadn't asked. "In that case. And you tell NO ONE especially not Amon I said this, but if he gives you advice...I'd take it. If there is one thing that keeps people from targeting him its his skill at Pokemon battles." He opens the door. "Come on." He walks you back to the front. "I'm heading to the station to file my report. Next time just SAY you SUSPECT a mugging and don't name drop him until the officers get here. That way I can make them do the questioning and if its more serious THEN I know to come over." The director awkwardly replies. "Y...yes sir. Thank you for your help Kahuna Nanu." He nods. Then looks at you. "Enjoy your time here Amon. In 2 months let's have another chat. I'm curious what you think about Alola. So...Alola..." He walks away. The director bows very low. "PLEASE FORGIVE ME! You wouldn't understand why I was so concerned but that doesn't justify being a bad host! I have already taken measures to make this right. Your identity has been confirmed and we've booked you. Please follow us." He and a bellhop walk to the elevator. You follow. You get in. They go up and up and up until they reach a hallway. "Follow me sir." The Bellhop says. You go with him. The Director follows. He unlocks a room and opens it. Its the size of large living room! And has a bed and a tv! And a fridge! And a bathroom! And a basket of berries on the counter with a gift bow on it.

>How do you react?
Jump right in and start enjoying it.

As you run inside eagerly the bellhop steps in and grabs the gift basket. "Oh no sir, this isn't your room. We give these gift baskets to everyone and we didn't want it to go to waste. Please follow us." The director says. You cautiously follow back to the elevator. "We aren't the Hano Grand Hotel. Most our rooms are smaller and most of our suites are that size. We do have a legendary restaurant to make up for it but we aren't that impressive compared to Hano Grand. However..." The Director says. You come to the top floor. This time its just a hallway with an intersection. You enter and walk through and see only 4 doors on the floor besides the stairwells. "We did have one of our Executive Suites unbooked this season. So I have taken the liberty of upgrading you for your stay." The Director says. The bellhop opens the door. "Welcome to the Kyogre Suite." Its the size of a one story HOUSE. Multiple rooms. A kitchen and dining room. 3 bedrooms. Huge flatscreen tv. Couches. A huge bathroom. A fully stocked minibar and a fucking HOT TUB on the balcony. And on the wall of the living room a painting of a Pokemon you had never seen before presumably(it is) Kyogre, leaping out of the ocean during a storm.

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Go in and relax from the days events.
I also mean what is your emotional reaction? What do you think of the room?
I'll give it a few more hours then move on. But I usually prefer emotional reactions too for pure write in.
Rolled 91 (1d100)

He's been homeless, so he's very happy for a great pad.
Rolled 18 (1d100)

Amongus: "The bed is soo soft it is like sleeping on a soft rug. A minibar! Everyone come on out its breakfast time!"
Rolled 10 (1d100)


get in there and get your Pokemon out of the balls. Show em what you might one day get to live like if you keep at it.

You absolutely are floored with happiness. You love Alola now! "If you need Room Service you can call the front desk using the phone next to your bed. And if you would like us to arrange a valet ride someplace you can call the front desk and they can arrange it for you." The Bellhop says. "Here is your key." He hands you a keycard. "In fact sir, if you like we could arrange a valet to take you to some clothing shops to get some sets of clothes and swimwear and maybe even some luggage?" The Director asks. You let your Pokemon out. They all are awestruck at the room. They hop around. "Here guys eat up." You place the berry basket on the floor and they all pick it apart.

>Go get clothes and luggage?
Rolled 59 (1d100)

Well check the debit card and how to pay with it. Maybe try and call the number to check with the credit union about that thing
Is that a no or a check the debit card first?
Its a check the debit card first. And then go shipping. Wouldnt wanna fumble when purchasing

"Uh...Could I make sure the card is legitimate?" You ask awkwardly. "Well I don't see why it wouldn't be. That card paid for the hotel. But please make your call. We will have a ride arranged in an hour then call your room when it's time to leave. Alola." He bows again with the bellhop and leaves. You lay on the bed. The matress wobbles. It's like a bed made of water! How wavy! You call the number on the back of the card. It takes a minute but you hear a selection. You press 0. And hear hold music. And then finally hear a lady speak. "Thank you for calling Aether Employee Credit Union. How may I assist you?" You think for a moment. "Is this card legitimate?" The lady pauses. "Excuse me?" "I have this debit card and was told it was part of a contest reward for an all expenses paid trip to Alola." The lady pauses. "That sounds suspicious. What is the card number?" You read out the number. "This...card hasn't been reported stolen per se but... You do realize if you stole this card I have to cancel it...Wait. This is odd. This card is tied to a separate account. Apparently it was authorized. This is...very unusual. But yes, the card...appears legitimate. I admit it isn't my department but I haven't heard of a contest." You sound confused. "Who owns the account?" The lady pauses. "I'm sorry but this is all too suspicious. I'll have to pause all transactions on this card until I can find out whether its stolen..." You facepalm. Perhaps it was for the best but now you can't spend ANY money. "W...well I don't have any money." The lady sighs. "Look its my job to report suspicious behavior when I see it..." You hear speaking on the other end. "Sir, can you hold for a moment? I'll be right back." You hear music and sigh. Looks like things are gonna be over pretty quickly... "Sir are you there? My supervisor saw the report when I sent a pause order. Apparently the account owner foresaw this and left a verified report this card is to belong to a...What is your name?" You are a bit standoffish. "Sir I need to verify you are the correct person." "Amon G. Sus." He says worriedly. She perks up. "Oh good! That is you! Yes that's the name we were given yesterday. This card was meant to be in your hands." You are relieved. "Oh good. Who is the account though?" "Well if you don't know yourself I am not sure I am supposed to say. Sorry sir. Is anything else I can do for you?" You decide not to press your luck. "No thanks. I'm good." "Very well sir! Have a good day! Alola!" You hang up quickly. You look around your room. Marill and Darumaka are playing in the hot tub while Croagunk is relaxing in it. Castform and Foongus are sleeping on the couch and Sigilyph was looking around the suite to see what's in all the rooms. You smile. Things are looking up.

>Anything you guys wanna do in particular?
>Write in
Rolled 8 (1d100)

check out the view and then the menu about when meal times are and whats on the menu.
You do find a room service menu that says free contential breakfast on the weekends. But alas, food is cooked to order. But the menu is comprehensive too. You read the whole menu and decide to wait as you don't want the food to come and you have to leave. But this gonna be VERY interesting. You check around the suite. Sigilyph calls to you and speaks up. Apparently it seems to find the apartment safe. "Thanks buddy. When I head out you are in charge of everyone. Make sure they don't get into mischief...especially Darumaka." The hot tub already has water all over the sides. "So having fun?" Darumaka and Marill happily chirp up. Croagunk snores a bit. Apparently he fell asleep. You see Castform and Foongus are sleeping. They had never been on anything so soft. Its just a regular couch. You check the fridge. Nothing. The minibar is stocked though. Food and drinks.

>Take some food?
Rolled 35 (1d100)

if there is fresh fruit taste a few different ones. nothing too sugary for the moment. and some fresh water.
also just in case. >>6018201
is me. id changed
Rolled 95 (1d100)

Yes and see what to do in Alola.
Rolled 41 (1d100)

Like a pear or apple to keep our stomach quiet till lunch then we will have all the foods.

Also damn this vacation is very well thought-out if the sponsor got the police report within minutes of it being assigned to the database. Wait are we being watched?

You see some fruit. A delicacy to you. You eat your fill of it and hear a phone call. You walk up. "Excuse me Mr. Sus? Please come to the lobby. We have your valet car ready." You walk downstairs and see the driver from before. "Ah, hello sir. Happy to see everything worked out. Where did you need to go?" "I need to get some clothes and some luggage." He nods. "Plenty of nice places to get some comfortable clothes. Or did you mean anything designer?" You decide against that. Fashion is not something you even comprehend. Touristy clothing works best. "Just something I can wear around town or the island. And swimsuits." He thinks. "I know just the place. Please follow me." He takes you to a smaller car then before. And opens the door for you. Still fancy! As he drives off you imagine what's the plan exactly.

>You guys wanna decide what his clothes are gonna look like? Like an iconic look? Use an image? Or drawfag it? Or will it not matter? You guys work it out. I'll give you all a good while then move on.
What I meant in my post in regards to the supervisor's intervention is the account you are drawing from left a message to the bank in case the card was used strangely or someone called to report it stolen because the player has it.
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Rolled 19 (1d100)

something like this for the moment. its probably pretty warm here most times. and maybe some long clothing for nights and to take back home. in case we do leave.
That's pretty good. Where is it from? Everyone good with this?

stole it from here.
Nice! Let's let the others make sure its good.
It works for me. Continue the story.
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You are driven to a clothing outlet. You walk around. A lady walks up to you. "Oh excuse me, can I help you?" You had never seen so many new clothes. "I uh...need some clothes. I don't have any." You have never seen this many clean sets of clothes. "Oh dear, did you lose your luggage?" "Yeah. It's complicated. I just need a whole lot of clothes and I don't know what to wear." She is confused. "Well you can wear...whatever you like." You stare blankly. "That's uh...I don't have...any idea what to wear." She looks at you awkwardly. She didn't anticipate picking out clothes for some guy. "Uh...Oh...Okay. Well...We do have an outfit ensemble set up..." She gestures to a set of clothes. (Pic related) You figure its clothes. And your not paying for it. "Sure." "I can...find it in your size. What's your size?" You stare. "Oh...Um...Look I will hand you some t shirts and shorts and you can try them on and tell me what fits." You go to a changing room and and trial and error process begins. Its very embarrassing but in the end you find your measurements and pick out a bunch of t shirts and shorts. No pants, that's gonna suck when you get back to Unova in the autumn, you get a few pairs of swim trunks too...you can't swim but it seems useful. And you find a moving case big enough to fit everything in plus more stuff. And a backpack. You have everything rung up. "This will all be 139 dollars for the general clothes and our designer clothes are 89 dollars even. So 228 dollars. And then the backpack and suitcase come up to 73 dollars. So combined its 301 dollars." You feel physically sick. You hand her the debit card. You are sweating as she rings it up.
>This is where she was gonna call the bank originally
"Well it went through! Thank you for shopping here." She says eagerly. "Shall I help you get this all in your car?" You feel lightheaded. Is this a dream? You awkwardly get everything into the car. You stare in space trying to comprehend the fact that you were able to spend 301 DOLLARS. You hear something in the background...and then are nudged by the valet. "HEY!" Are you alright?" You snap out of it. "Yes. I just...I need to lay down." You go back to the hotel and head up the elevator with the bellboy helping you carry your things. As you enter your apartment you notice your Pokemon jumping on a bed. And Sigilyph flying up and saying something. "Is...Is that all sir?" You just walk forward. "I need to lay down." You walk towards the couch. "Of course sir...Have a good rest of your day." He leaves you. You sit down and your Pokemon all eagerly come up and happily speak out. How do you handle all this?

>Stunned silent
>Shouting for joy(like the above but more ANIMATED)
>Write in
Alright.... this is real. I am not dreaming.....

What is this card. And what gave me this opportunity......


---> proceed to take a dip in the whirlpool

initially worried and then excited
Rolled 88 (1d100)

>Since actual dialog is present that makes this easier

You calm down. "Alright this is real! I'm not dreaming. What is this card? And what gave me this opportunity?" You look at your Pokemon. "FUCK IT! THIS PLACE IS GREAT! EAT ALL YOU WANT GUYS!" You take the Pokedex out and hop in the hot tub with your old clothes on splashing water everywhere. "YEAH! LET'S DO IT!" Everyone hops in with you and you all cheer and splash around! "THIS IS GREAT! I'VE NEVER BEEN IN HOT WATER BEFORE!" Marill snaps out of it. "Marill! Marill!" She hops out of the hot tub. "MARILL MARILL!!!" She cries out. Something is important. She points to another room. You follow her, leaking water on the hardwood floor as you squelch in your shoes. She leads you to a room. You stare in awe. You've only heard of these in hushed legends. But here it is...a shower. There is also a bathtub and these little bottles of shampoo and soap bars. Marill had heard these same legends. She points at you. And at the shower....oh she wants you to take a shower. Yeah she would want you to get clean.

>Not now Marill
>Write in

Also get a towel to soak up the water you spilled everywhere. Wouldnt wanna have the pokemon slip or fall
Rolled 73 (1d100)

Rolled 44 (1d100)


You take some of the complementary towels and wipe the water stains. Afterwards you enter the bathroom and awkwardly get out of your clothes. The hot water feels so good. You totally zone out for a few hours. You eventually get a knock on the door in a panic. You get your towel on and open it. Its your Pokemon. They look inside the bathroom. "What? Oh did you think I was hurt? Sorry! Look let's...let's just...Get something to eat! Room service was it called?" You go to get changed into some of the clothes you bought and called the phone. According to the instructions...You type all this out. "Front Desk. How can we help you?" "I'd like to order room service. You guys also make Pokemon food?" "Yes sir we can have meals made for your Pokemon." You order a bunch of food and decide to give TV a try. Its a movie about 4 boys walking along railroad tracks. It feels very melancholy. And oddly it also feels like you shouldn't be able to watch it. A few hours later you get a knock on the door. "Room service." A man with a tray on a cart has several bowls of Pokemon food and a bowl full of soup for you. "Here you are." He places it all on the kitchen counter. "Please enjoy. And leave the bowls out where housekeeping can grab them in the morning please. Alola." He steps out. Your Pokemon cheer! This is the life! "Okay okay! Let's get started!" You eat your fill for the first time in what feels like an eternity. You asked for the largest soup they had. You feel so full. "Hey guys let's go to bed early ok?" You turn off the lights. And head to the "water"bed as you've come to call it. You lay down and stare at the ceiling as your Pokemon all look for places to sleep on their own.

You awaken in the fields with the Bean. "What is your name?" You ask it. "I am..." He says something garbled. Like his identity is being concealed. You have a hard time making out his shape except that he is bean shaped. The two of you walk the vast distances of the field. You see another bean in the distance. Your bean is red and this one is blue. "Are you pilgrims heading toward the holy mountain?" Blue asks. "Yes. And you?" Red asks. "Of course. We should go forward together. Shall I join you?" You nod. "What is the gigachad exactly?" You ask. "That is what we shall find out. Is it a force? A destiny? A choice?" Blue asks. You all keep walking and...

You wake up...its 3 am. All your Pokemon are still asleep. You rub your eyes and look around. You head to the balcony and look at the beach and the moon.

>What are you thinking?
Rolled 23 (1d100)

I need to figure out what i'm going to do from here.
Rolled 48 (1d100)

About home...
Rolled 80 (1d100)

>you definitely need to talk to some island girls and/or find star. Gotta figure out what sazzle is.

>Also we can battle some noobs and flex on the scrubs. Especially in our new clothes.
>*by going to the beach.

Le forgot the critical piece of info. And uhhhh

>bring some tissues. Don't want to have a bloody nose...
Will respond later. Beach won.

You look for tissues but can't find any. You sigh and decide walking on the beach would be nice. Your Pokemon are sleeping so you leave them be. You go to change into those new swimtrunks and a t shirt. May as well. You get those sandals you bought and walk to the elevator. "Oh good evening sir." The overnight receptionist says as you walk enter the lobby. "Oh hey. I wanna go to the beach so...bye." "Have a good evening sir." You walk there. It feels so lonely. And yet also exciting. Like a new beginning. You feel confident and even a bit cocky. Things are looking up! You walk around the shore listening to the waves as you walk down thinking about life and your next plan. You should probably get some more answers out of Stars about "Salazzles". You end up walking to a more isolated part of the beach. You stare off into the ocean for a while...You hear footsteps that break you out of your trance. You look next to you and see...WOAH! "Hey. I didn't expect to see anyone else here." You see an older teen girl with a fluffy brown ponytail in a bikini. You immediately freeze up. No fucking way. No fucking way its her. You have to be fucking joking.

>Beat a 50 or Hilda's presence has you all fucking freeze up
Rolled 32 (1d100)

Rolled 89 (1d100)


You manage to try and muster some confidence. "Hello. I'm Amon." You say. "Hilda." She responds with a smile. "I come here to swim usually. Got a lot of...let's call them admirers. I prefer to not have to worry about that stuff." I mean with a rack and waist and legs and just...you are desperately trying not to stare. "Yeah...I uh.."

>Make small talk
>Ask about Pokemon battles
>Let her say something next
Rolled 55 (1d100)

You come here often? This is my first night in Alola

Make small talk
Rolled 55 (1d100)

>Make small talk
Never hurts.

By the way, does the way we recognized her means she's a champion?

She probably means getting challenged to battles.
Its more for her body...Did I genuinely not make that clear in the post? Fuck.

"Its my first night in Alola...Uh...You are Champion Hilda right?" She looks at you. "Yeah. When I have to be. I prefer being a challenger nowadays. Battles are getting a bit too easy. Its a bit sad. It's fun to battle but if you hit too far out your class of trainer all you end up doing is beating down some poor kid's Pokemon for nothing. I have a few rivals now but it's just not the same as when I was a new trainer...Testing limits is fine but I have standards. Your Butterfree isn't gonna do that well against my Samurott. That is to say..." She gives you a look. "No I will not battle you. I gotta say that now because half the time that ends up being the main point of conversation." You nod your head no. "That wasn't what I meant I just...I'm from Unova and its really cool to meet you!" She sighs and smiles. "That's nice. I am getting sick of being challenged by people with 2 gym badges and they think they are the next Champion of Unova. I'm not mean but I tried the "take all comers" bit for a while and it only made me feel like a bully when I get crushing opponents who could even fight back...My rep already has enough hits." She rubs her head thinking about her detractors back home. "So what are you doing here by yourself?" She asks with a smile.

>Admit you won a tournament and that's why your here
>Just say your chilling. Play it cool
>Write in

>Also beat a 70 or you end up staring at her chest
>who couldn't even
Rolled 22 (1d100)

>Admit you won a tournament and that's why you're here.
It was an opportunity for a change of pace (not that we knew at the time but it isn't a lie).

>the DC is getting higher
Oh no.
Rolled 28 (1d100)

>Admit you won a tournament and that's why your here
Rolled 25 (1d100)

Rolled 58 (1d100)

>Admit you won a tournament and that's why your here
Can you all honestly say is some stacked chick with a fat ass walked up to you and made small talk you wouldn't find it hard to glance as shit went on?

"I uh won a free vacation in a tournament." Your eyes run down her body. "Gee a forward huh?" She crosses her arms. "You know I deal with a fair amount of guys hitting on me. Its why I come here alone...I mean...I don't HATE the attention but its a bit overwhelming." She says blushing a bit. "Hm...I guess I can forgive you~ I mean I've been offered a modeling gig. I suppose I do have a nice body."

What the fuck do you say to that!? She isn't even that mad!

>Freeze up
>Change the subject
>Write in
File: 4of6rn0ng7651.jpg (49 KB, 600x450)
49 KB
>a bit
I also am gonna work on the lewd bits in advance. Will post that shit on a pastebin and I have to warn you all I am pic related. Don't expect anything insane.
Rolled 45 (1d100)

Ahhhhhmmmmm.... yeah. Yes. Agree.....

>try to avert eyes.

So anyway you said you were alone. If you dont want the company i can leave. Cant swim anyway so maybe coming here wasnt such a great idea
Rolled 80 (1d100)

Agree and try to change the subject. We can still recover.
>Change the subject
> Can you all honestly say is some stacked chick with a fat ass walked up to you and made small talk you wouldn't find it hard to glance as shit went on?

"So how about those...Waves huh? I can't swim but boy are they nice." You say almost like a robot. She bursts out laughing. "Wow! You...You haven't spent a lot of time around girls huh?" She asks. "Do my Pokemon count?" "No. They don't. But its cute. Its almost refreshing in a way. So are you gonna swim? I usually do." You awkwardly say. "I don't know how to swim." "So you won a vacation to a region literally known for its beaches? That's...A bit sucky. Here I can teach you." She walks into the water. "Well come on. It's not that complicated honest." You follow her into the water. Its lukewarm and feels nice. "Now swimming is about NOT PANICKING. So just get to where your head is above water and you can feel the bottom." You do so. "So what now?" You ask. This isn't all that bad. "Kick your legs and move your arms like this." She demonstrates kicking up off the ground and swimming. "It's easier then it looks." You copy her movements. It's awkward but you seem to get the hang of it. She swims up to you. "So how are you feeling?"

>Beat a 90 or your eyes go to her chest again
Rolled 22 (1d100)

Just for one minute
Rolled 49 (1d100)

Rolled 64 (1d100)

This is just water. I can stay in this if i just go upright..... THIS IS FINE
So let me make this clear. I'm not here for erping. I don't need to know about shit you are doing if you are doing it. Reaction images or saying "good shit" or otherwise stuff like that is fine. But no erping. I know the difference. Its fine line between art and gay and inflicting the mental image of another guy stroking it is GAY. So just don't.

Pastebin auto set the thing to private. Fucking sucks. Everything gets censored now. That worked for me though. Try it. Also I'll finish the post here.

>In character:

You manage to dry off enough that you aren't dripping and walk back to your hotel room. You are in a trance and head right to bed. You have dreamless sleep and wake up the next morning as your Pokemon are excitedly moving about...
Day 1.


Damn I killed the rp?

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