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They had arrived only a few hours earlier, with news that were barely a few days old, yet there was a hubbub in the palace, rumors were already abound. Many Fire Sages were, after all, nobles from the many aristocratic families of the Fire Nation, and they spread the news before it was officially relayed to the Fire Lord.

And it was their task to give him the news. Not an enviable one, as the news were dire for the Fire Nation. When they entered the Fire Lord’s palace room, they were met with silence, save for the roaring flames of Ozai’s throne.

He sat there, not facing them. They knew his fury, it was quiet now, but it could swallow them like a dragon at any time.

“My lord.” The eldest spoke, all three knelt.

“You bring me news.” Ozai said. “And hearing the filthy cowardice emanating from your voices, they are not good.”

“The statues of the Avatar Temple shone with great light two days ago.” The eldest heard his voice crack from fear. “That… that means…”

The flames of his throne blazed. Fury. Pure, unbridled fury. On that day, the eldest missed the times of Azulon the most. Ozai rose.

“The Avatar has returned.” He said as he turned around, a stare as cold as ice looked over his kneeling servants. “Who knows?”

“R-rumors abound, Fire Lord. And in the other Avatar Temples, the lights must’ve shone as well.”

Ozai grit his teeth. The whole world knew that the Avatar was back.

And the task of killing the Avatar now laid upon his children.
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“There.” Iroh says as he moves the Pai Sho piece forward.

“Huh?” Zuko looked at the board confused. A broad smile appeared on Uncle’s face.

“You lost, stupid.” You say. “He just used the Red Dragon Gambit. Didn’t you learn Pai Sho at all?”

“Ugh.” Zuko flicked one of his Pai Sho pieces to the wall to stave off some of his anger, but Iroh catches it.

“Treat your Pai Sho pieces well, Prince Zuko.” Uncle says, flicking the piece he caught from one finger to another. “Even the White Lotus has its use, if you know when and where to use it.” He looks over to you. “Lady Azula, who taught you Pai Sho?”

You feel a slight headache coming on. “Uh… Lo and Li.” Though you remember a young man’s face as well.

“When are we leaving this harbor?” Zuko ponders. “We have to pursue the Avatar.”

Iroh is putting the pieces back in an adorned cloth bag. “We cannot sail the seas blindly looking for him.”

“He probably isn’t at sea anymore. That flying bison needs to rest and eat.” Zuko says.

“So we look around the whole Earth Kingdom?” You ask. “That’s your best plan, Zuzu?”

“No.” He says. “The southern coast of the Earth Kingdom. The Avatar couldn’t have gone much farther.”

Iroh stores the Pai Sho pieces in one of his drawers, and takes a steaming kettle of tea from his small stove. He serves a cup for each of you. “Ginseng tea has to be taken boiling hot, so drink up.”

You take your own tea and sip it up. Hot bitter leaf water. You watch your brother make a similar face to yours.

There’s a knock on the door of Uncle’s room. “Lordships, Commander Zhao has urgently requested to see all of you.”

Uncle doesn’t seem to be in too much of a hurry as he pours a cup of tea for himself, but Zuko gets up. You lazily follow along with him, then Iroh admits defeat, pours a second cup which he rushes to enjoy.

Zhao is backed up by a small cohort of firebenders, his hands behind his back. “Princes, ex-general, I have good news for all of you.”

You can’t tell if his tone is sarcastic, Zhao continues. “I have just received news from the capital that the Avatar is, in fact, active, and that all of the Fire Nation military must remain watchful. If we meet the Avatar, we have orders to capture them.”

Zuko looks Zhao over with a stoic stare. “Then we have to move out.” He says, hiding the fact that he already knew.

“I would recommend looking around in the port settlements of the Earth Kingdom. They will not deny representatives of the Fire Nation.” Zhao says. He takes a scroll from one of the soldiers beside him and offers it to you.

“A message from the capital addressed to you, Princess Azula.” He says. “It bears the royal seal, so I did not dare open it.”

You take it. When you see your father’s name inscribed upon it, you feel… fear.

“Then I will take my leave. Good luck on your search, Prince Zuko, Princess Azula. The Fire Nation depends on you.” He bows slightly and heads back to his camp.
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You open the scroll as Zuko and Iroh look on. You can see concern drawn on your Uncle’s face.

“By order of Fire Lord Ozai, you are ordered to be in His Majesty’s presence forthwith to discuss your future actions.”

You roll up the scroll. “What does it say?” Zuko asks.

“I have to go back to the capital.” You say.

A somber silence weighs on the three of you. Emotions well within you. Anger, sadness, but most of all: fear. Father would ask for a report, and he would be most displeased if he learns the truth.

Zuko puts a hand on your shoulder. You feel as though you should shove it off, not show weakness, but a headache simmers.

>Shove it off, you have no need for your brother’s pity.
>Put your hand on top of his.
>Shove it off, you have no need for your brother’s pity.
>Nod in recognition, for what it's worth
No need to leave in an unbecoming way.
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Welcome to a quest where Azula grows a conscience.

If you're new check out the old thread:
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Azula (the one from 2024)

If you're not new, read on!

Stuff to bear in mind:
>I'm a bit iffy on the frequency of my posts due to IRL stuff, but in thread 1 it followed this trend: ~1 post a day for a while, then a pause, then back to 1 post a day. I did one or two longer sessions where I posted shorter updates in one day. I'll try to warn in case of pauses / hiatus.
>Voting time depends on my availability. Normally, I tally up the posts when I can start writing. If there's a session going, the usual will be 20 minutes voting time OR first option to reach 3 votes.
>Write-ins are highly encouraged. Even if it's not voted in by the other players, I'll probably snip off some of your idea into the post. Avoid meta and out of character stuff though.
>I'm always looking for feedback on my writing and how things are going in the quest, both positive and negative. Pour your heart out but don't be mean.

QM question for those inclined to write a bit:
>What do you think of Azula's character so far? What are the traits you'd give her? Where do you want her character to go?

A very interesting divergence from Azula's character, especially regarding the initial starting monologue with Azula's opinions on her father and the whole genocide plan. It's a bit concerning that Azula's "growth of a conscience" is enforced via pain inducing headaches in a sort of be nice or get hurt type of pavlovian response, but it's very interesting to read. There is a particularly interesting quest that I've read on a different website regarding Azula becoming more empathetic through repeated time loops. It's called Arsonist's Lullaby, I highly recommend it if you want some additional ideas for characterization of Azula, especially in reference to the character defining motivations as for why Azula turned out the way she did due to her childhood experiences.

I'm not going to say anything about traits to give her as I'm more interested with how you choose to write her, but as for where her character goes, I would be interested in exploring the succession considerations that have been brought up so far, with Azula believing that she's far more worthy to become Fire Lord than Zuko. Any political considerations clashing with whatever burgeoning familial love Azula has for Zuko would be fun to explore, especially in reference to how Azula originally in the show lied to everyone about Zuko killing Aang in order to allow Zuko to come back to the Fire Nation, when in reality she was the one to have zapped him with lightning. Plus with Iroh being around, it would be fun to explore any correlation between the relationship and eventual political ousting of Iroh by Ozai in reference to Azula and Zuko's current conditions. I would also be interested in seeing just how Azula might interact with Mai and Ty Lee considering how she's been characterized so far. I just can't see Azula recruiting (coercing) Ty Lee into joining her like she did in the original show, so it would be interesting to see any other attempts at appealing Ty Lee to her side.
>support the nod.

As others have mentioned, her voice is similar to the show. I like that.

Her skills are improving at an expansive rate, which is fitting, and with regards to the traits I'd give her. . Perhaps play up her perfectionism more.

Directions? Interested in how it develops as it is, but seeing her interact with her 'friends' is doubtless interesting.
Thanks for the big post anon. Characterizing a 'good' Azula is hard since being evil was her main character trait in the show, but we're finding a decent middle ground here I think.

Since she's Fire Nation, I want to explore what the Fire Nation is, how it functions, and how this affects the characters within it. Her new relationships with Zuko, Iroh and even Ozai will also be fun to explore. Will she care for her brother? Will she lean in on Iroh's wisdom? Is she going to fight back against Ozai? How much does she truly know about her past? All fun possibilities.

As for the Fire Nation itself, I think I want to make it more complex than it is in the show. It's an autocracy all the same, but there are going to be political factions, some more powerful, others weaker. Radicalized people, others sitting on the fence, others just going with the flow. It's something that'd be fun to explore with nicer Azula, see how she reacts to the stuff that's happening in the war and back home. I'll pick and choose from the wikis and add some of my own spice to it.

Her sudden change will be fun to explore with Mai and Ty Lee as well, more so Ty Lee IMO. Mai's so much more into Zuko than Azula herself.

And about the headaches, I gotta say that at first it was a pavlovian kind of thing, but there is a mystery to it.
Settling the vote, we're nodding
You simply nod at him and he removes his hand. “I would go with you.” He says. “But considering I’m exiled, I’m sure someone would take the chance to get me imprisoned.”

“That someone would be me, Zuzu.” You say with a smirk, blowing steam off from the situation.

Iroh approaches and bows. “Princess Azula, our time together has been most fruitious.”

You nod once more. “You better keep up my brother’s training regimen until I’m back.” You reply.

He smiles and bows deeper. “I won’t falter in teaching him the way of a true master, Princess.”

You walk up and into your boat. Your sailors stay behind you, closing down the ship and preparing for departure. You feel a wetness on your cheek and use your sleeve to wipe it off, but more comes. Oh. You’re crying. You make sure to hide from any prying eyes. It’s odd, you feel numb rather than sad, as if your very soul was empty.

“Azula, don’t cry.” You hear a young man’s voice in your head. “Don’t cry.”

For a little while, you just hunker down and hold your legs, wetting your knees with silent tears. Then you get up, dry it all off, and get back to your room.

The voyage is not too long, the ways to the Fire Nation from the naval bases of the Earth Kingdom have been charted again and again. Soon you see the first Fire Islands. In the plains below, extensive fields feed off the bounty of the volcanic soils, grand plumes of smoke blow upwards from the metalworks and mines within the volcanos’ slopes, all their produce gathers in the great port cities of each island as mighty ships bellow to announce their exit or entry to the docks.

The fiery wind of the Fire Islands embraces you as your ship heads deeper into the archipelago, completely surrounded by the islands. It’s hot and dry and if you look hard enough, it seems as though the sky reddens and tiny lit embers float in the air.

You smile. Home.

But the smile vanishes throughout the day as you get closer and closer to the capital. Closer to your father. You dress yourself with formal court wear, which seems more like armor than anything else, and sit on your knees, meditating. You still have a little while…

>Train, let off steam. Blow off any anger in you.
>Maybe some tea would do you good. Surely there’s a tea set on the ship.
>Maybe some tea would do you good. Surely there’s a tea set on the ship.

Have some fun with the Iroh influence perhaps.

Yeah, Azula's characterization makes things difficult, though the final season with the boiling rock and Azula's mother appearing as a hallucination helps some matters. Those episodes, along with Ember Island really helped to see Azula as more than just a mustache twirling villain. I've always tried to consider Azula as initially being just a child that acted out for attention (in rather evil ways, but that's children for you), and then getting worse due to the rather psychotic firebending philosophy and the influence of a very terrible father figure. That being said, I have a habit of turning every single evil character into an overly sympathetic victim of circumstance.
>That being said, I have a habit of turning every single evil character into an overly sympathetic victim of circumstance.
One of us, anon
>Train, let off steam. Blow off any anger in you.
Have to keep our cool afterwards. Hard to do that if we're nervous.
>>Train, let off steam. Blow off any anger in you.
Use up our tension and anger as fuel, maybe shoot some lightning
>>Train, let off steam. Blow off any anger in you.
>Train, let off steam. Blow off any anger in you.

Great quest so far.
>Maybe some tea would do you good. Surely there’s a tea set on the ship.
>>Maybe some tea would do you good. Surely there’s a tea set on the ship.
>Train, let off steam. Blow off any anger in you.
Let's focus on grounding ourselves. Ozai isn't an easy person to deal with. Besides, he'd probably find some retarded reason to judge Azula for drinking tea before they meet.
>Train, let off steam. Blow off any anger in you.
With the vote heading towards training and blowing off anger, I wonder how Azula powers her firebending anyway. The war twisted the philosophy of firebending into being fueled by anger, but I never really saw Azula being a seething ball of rage like Zuko was. Unflinching will to be the best perhaps?
Iroh says it at some point in the show. Paraphrasing because I don't remember it clearly, firebending is powered by the will and drive to get things done. It can also be fueled by anger, but that's not a disciplined way of doing so. Zhao in the show is a firebender that is powered by anger, defeated by a firebender powered by his will (Zuko).

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For what little time you’ve got, it’s better spent training. Ever since you started getting these headaches and these strange feelings, a deep seated anger has been brewing in you. You can’t really identify why, or towards what, which angers you even more.

You begin your training on the ship’s deck. At first, you proceed calmly, ensuring perfection in your form. Your blue flames flow out into the air with perfected fine shapes, like sword slashes. But as the training goes on, your anger rises. Your bluish flames mix with red streaks and become wilder. Form perfection gives way to more untamed, violent movements. Each forward kick launches a great streak of flame, your punches ignite your fists before they’re even thrown forward, your kicks, once sword slashes, now seem more like walls of fire similar to Zhao’s.

Your grunts borne from the effort are mixed in with a sort of angry growl. You don’t know what’s wrong with you, but it’s getting out of your system. Its flame is dying down and slowly but surely, you feel it recede into the depths of your mind.


Your roundhouse kick is interrupted by that voice, not just by the voice, but by the head of the soldier who got too close to you to give you whatever news he wanted to give you. If you had moved only a little more, he’d be out of a neck.

You slowly retrieve your foot and put it back on the ground and the soldier’s fears die down. He bows slightly. “Princess, I’ve been trying to tell you for a little while now, but you must not have heard me.” His voice cracks a bit, unsure if he should be speaking to you like this. “The ship’s been fully inspected. You may go when you wish.”

“Thank you, peasant. Return to your duties, and make sure the ship is stocked and cleaned before my return.” You say as you walk down the bridge.

“Yes, Princess.” The soldier bows again.

A carriage awaits down below, courtesy of the palace. It would skip over most of the walk through the harbor town, where the capital’s humblest live. Mostly workers from the docks and factories, added to that are sailors, both from the military and civilians, who spend their time there while waiting for their ships to sail. All in all, scum. Ouch, the headache’s given you a slap on the back of the head. Anyway, it would take you directly to the capital’s upper district, where the most influential politicians and merchants live close to the royal palace, hidden away in the caldera of a long dormant volcano.

One of the men carrying the carriage approaches you with a deep bow. “Princess Azula, we would be honored to take you up to the great palace.”
Harbor town… You never really walked its grounds. What kind of Princess doesn’t know her own subjects?

Well, actually, why would a princess look at the minutiae of the Fire Nation? Don’t you have better things to do?

And yet, curiosity tempts you. There’s no real rush to get to the palace, you arrived much earlier than expected thanks to the skills of your ship’s crew.

So, what will you do?
>Refuse the invitation. You will walk through harbor town on your own and towards the palace district.
>Accept the invitation. No need to meddle with the dirty peasants in this town.
>>What do you think of Azula's character so far? What are the traits you'd give her? Where do you want her character to go?
I think you're toeing a very hard line of not completely altering Azula's character, and that's the main draw of this quest.

>Accept the invitation. No need to meddle with the dirty peasants in this town.
>Use the extra time to check the records on the air nomads. Was Uncle the only one who cared to remember a foe long thought extinct?

Azula doesnt really care about the scum. She is already a master tactician, and a fire bending prodigy. What do the subjects matter when they obey?
>Refuse the invitation. You will walk through harbor town on your own and towards the palace district
See if they recognize who we are
>I think you're toeing a very hard line of not completely altering Azula's character, and that's the main draw of this quest.
I prefer changes in characters to be gradual. My objective is to end up having a good Azula at some point, but it should take time and struggle.
>>Refuse the invitation. You will walk through harbor town on your own and towards the palace district.
Lets pick up some tea as a gift for Iroh. Perhaps a suitable tea bribe will persuade him to teach us some more firebending moves
On one hand, this carriage guy may know that Azula does not know the area and may be complicit in planning an ambush or kidnapping wherever he may plan on taking her. On the other, she could get mugged by some thugs who happen to recognize her when she takes a wrong turn on her own. That being said, let's avoid giving the carriage puller a villain origin story if he means well.

>Accept the invitation. Ask indirect questions about the current state of affairs on the way to the palace, and approach on your own when you arrive at the outer perimeter.

I think looking at the records like >>6004478 advises and seeing how differently Azula is treated when approaching alone like >>6004507 suggests are good ideas. Asking roundabout questions about recent events or whatnot would help her be more familiar with the area and get a read on the guy.
>Lets pick up some tea as a gift for Iroh.
Good call, but she can pick that up on the way out.
>>Refuse the invitation. You will walk through harbor town on your own and towards the palace district.
>Accept the invitation. No need to meddle with the dirty peasants in this town.
Seeing as we've just burnt off a bit of our mind haze, I think this would be a good opportunity for some introspection. I would love to see an Azula who is able to take a step back and analyze and reevaluate her own perceptions instead of ignoring spiritual/mental anguish until she snaps. What makes these folk scum? Is it simply their means, that they were less materially fortunate than another? Does the character of a person weigh into what makes them valuable?
Perhaps Iroh would have some insight into what makes a person valuable.
A really good quest, I'd rate 8/10. Characterization is very good, but I would love to see some old man humor from Iroh, some more levity in general would be fun for me. Pacing is good, following the show with a good amount of time in-between, but I'd be interested in a side story while the gaang is in Omashu
>What do you think of Azula's character so far?
The headaches/visions/voices are an odd choice, but it is working well so far. I like that we were 'present' for her mastering lightning. I think that you are presenting her well, it's believable.
>What are the traits you'd give her?
I would like her to be more cynical and questioning rather than ruthless and self-assured, but thats just me. Also I would appreciate if she was a bit more obvious in her resourcefulness, throw some unconventional tactics in.
>Where do you want her character to go?
I would like her to change from wanting to be the Firelord because she is the best to she wants to be the Firelord because she will be a better ruler.


A tough vote, Azula will take her carriage, though the idea of watching how the commoners live remains in her mind.
>mugged by some thugs

Honestly, I find it hard to see Azula getting inconvenienced by nearly anyone. She basically spent every episode just making an absolute mockery of everyone she fought, even during the day of the eclipse. All while facing a numerical advantage, along with her opponents being no slouches themselves. Gotta be built different to face the avatar's full team all at once on the regular.
“Of course.” You reply.

The carrier opens up the door of the carriage and bows once more. You enter and, as is customary, there is a maid inside to take care of any matters below your station, not any ordinary maid either, a firebending maid. One would call her a bodyguard, but you’ve always heard them being called maids.

“Princess Azula.” She says. “It is an honor to serve you today.”

“So it is.” You reply, not too willing to engage in petty conversation.

The carriers start moving. The carriage rocks gently from one side to the other. You take ganders outside, lifting the red cloth that hides your face from the commoners. Usually, you’d take these trips with impatience, hoping to reach the palace as soon as possible. But today, you want to see what goes on outside.

Nothing out of the ordinary, really. Dock workers going to and fro, soldier squads patrolling up and down the streets, carts pulled by dragon-meese take goods from factories to the docks, market stalls are busy with people selling their wares, children run around and play, a few workers enjoy time off in tea shops.

Some people stare at your carriage, most show a bit of curiosity, wondering which of all the nation’s nobles has arrived today. Surely they will be spreading rumors in their tea shops in the evening, debating on what the Fire Lord will do about the war and his promises to end it.

The other looks that you get are the ones that are completely passive. Side glances, looks devoid of any real emotion. Showing dissent was prohibited in the Fire Nation. How many of those looks hid hate? How many people also avoided looking in order to avoid showing their real feelings? Did it really matter, so long as the war was won?

For a moment, your eyes meet that of a child outside, she’s accompanying a few other children and they all wear the school uniform of the Fire Nation. You don’t know if she recognizes you, but she does seem happy to see a noble’s face. She hurriedly tells her schoolmates to look, but it’s too late, and all they can see is your carriage passing by.

“My lady, you should not stare at the peasants outside. You are the daughter of the Fire Lord, and this bears risks if you are recognized.” The maid says humbly, not looking at you in the eyes.

You glare at the maid, “Who are you to tell me what to do?” You ask with your chin slightly raised. “And what risks are you talking about?”

The maid still does not look at you. “Forgive me, princess. There can always be spies from the Earth Kingdom or the Water Tribes. Since they are losing the ground war, they are trying underhanded tactics.”

You look around the streets and the back alleys nearby, shadows move about, but none that are watching you. You cross your legs and arms. “Let them come if they wish to throw their lives away.”

She nods. “As you wish, princess.”

>Is there anything you’d like to ask the maid or do?
>Or shall we proceed to the palace.
>Is there anything you’d like to ask the maid or do?
Ask the maid what makes a person valuable
>Or shall we proceed to the palace.
>Is there anything you’d like to ask the maid or do?
Ask the maid if she knows where to get good tea for Azula to pick up and give to Iroh after her meeting with Ozai, but ask this >>6004843 and any other pertinent questions that come up first.
Switching from >>6004844
to supporting >>6004843

It would be very interesting to see if the maid were to have any considerations regarding intrinsic value, or if she were to just give the expected canned answer of instrumental value considering her position.
Alright, let's go ahead with these two questions and get to the palace
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A few minutes pass and the carriage is still in the harbor town, the views outside grow duller as the situations repeat themselves in one way or another, though every time you see a tea parlor, a little something in your head nags you. Maybe Iroh would like some tea from the capital. Ginseng from the home island, perhaps?

You look at the maid who still does not dare look up. As young as you but obviously well trained, it’s likely that training is all she ever did, considering she was assigned to accompany you.

“What makes a person valuable?” You ask outright.

The question comes as a shock to the maid, who looks up at you for an instant before returning her gaze to the carriage’s floor. “My lady?” She utters hesitantly.

“Answer the question.” You insist.

“In what sense?” She continues with another question, her voice echoing doubt.

“Do I have to repeat myself? Just answer the question.”

She sits there and ponders. You see a hand reach for her hair, which is gathered in a ponytail that reaches down to her torso, but she stops it. Nervousness. “I…” She seeks the words, “I think… their willingness to do what they must.”

“And what must they do?” You pry further.

“In my case, defend you, princess.” She responds with a more confident tone. “What about you? What do you think makes a person valuable? What do you think is best?” Her dark brown eyes pry into yours for that instant, their darker shade indicating low birth. A slight, friendly smile appears on her lips.

>Answer her question.
>Stop her dead in her tracks. Only you get to make questions.


Well anons, do you want a non-canon character to join up with Azula? Picked up this picture from a fanon wiki just in case.
Well, that's an answer that's clearly meant to curry favor with Azula. At least, I think so. While the answer given here is just rank ambition, something that Azula would probably agree with along with a hint of instrumentality (in the original show at least), it's not a satisfying answer. I'm far more interested in how Azula would answer the question at this given moment. Would give a nice glimpse into her current character.

>Answer her question.
"Would it help you in defending me to know what I find valuable in a person? Adorable. What makes a person valuable is their power. The things a person does, what they are capable of doing, defines their worth. A peasant is a peasant and king is a king, no matter the person. Of course there are shades of grey between good peasant and bad peasant, likely what you're getting at with you call 'willingness'."
>>Answer her question.
A person's value comes from the difference between what they want to do and what they can do. The most valuable person in the world is someone who can only do what they want to do.
"I always thought I did. Now I'm not so sure."
>>Stop her dead in her tracks. Only you get to make questions.

>Well anons, do you want a non-canon character to join up with Azula?
only if it's a potential husbando
>Answer her question.
It would be out of character and hypocritical for her not to. She would probably think of saying something like this >>6005081 at first, but then the question of what true power is would pop into her mind. What might have the power to affect one thing might have no influence over another. She might end up saying something along the lines of >>6005105, but as

>A person's value comes from the difference between what they want to do and what they can do. The most valuable person in the world is someone who is capable of seeing their will through.
It'd also be a good point for her character to develop around. Seeing how other people live and what they want could lead to reexamining her views toward "commoners" and reflect on why she seeks what she does. It'd be as elucidating as it'd be humbling for her.

>Well anons, do you want a non-canon character to join up with Azula?
Let's see what we have.

>Brief yet candid in speech
>Very much capable and aware despite her age
>Comes from a comparably regular background
>Assigned to Azula as some sort of charge
She's effectively a player character or quest protagonist going through the motions of someone else's story insert commentary about media tropes here, so we should probably bring her along. Think of all the errands she could send this effective enforcer on and the funny outfits she'd return with, the increase in receptive locals after periods of downtime, and of course the muscle she brings. All Azula has to do is show any respect and appreciation she's due and emotionally prepare for either her death in the climax or departure for personal goals after the conclusion. That will definitely take time for Azula to do.
>Stop her dead in her tracks. Only you get to make questions.
Let us not go spilling our beliefs (and ESPECIALLY our self doubts) to some random peasant maid girl, clearly she is just trying to gain information to better curry our favor for her own benefit.
>some random peasant maid girl
To be fair, it's clear that she isn't, even Azula would see that. She didn't get that job for no reason.
>>Answer her question.
Well I mean obviously but I meant random in Azula doesn't know her rather than she isn't important at all. As for peasant, I meant she is very low on the pyramid rather than a literal peasant as evidenced by

> Her dark brown eyes pry into yours for that instant, their darker shade indicating low birth

Regardless I was bored and just wanted to make up a justification for why she wouldn't just straight up give at least a smart ass answer. I don't got any issues with the questions anon put up so far except for the "Now I'm not so sure" one which is wayyy too soon in the character ark for her to be saying outloud I feel like.
Honestly I really don't see Azula truly carrying those beliefs based on classism considering her opinions regarding various members of the nobility, her own family, and the highly competent friends she has.

Rather than a basis of classism, Azula has always struck me more as someone who's interested in peoples competency and capacity to serve her, everything else was secondary.
>Answer her question.
Power, obviously, but also control. A fire spread without meaning is just a waste of energy, while even a spark is quite useful in the right place and time.
>Stop her dead in her tracks. Only you get to make questions.
>Answer her question.
>only if it's a potential husbando
There goes my hopes for Ty Lee X Azula

>She's effectively a player character or quest protagonist going through the motions of someone else's story insert commentary about media tropes here
That's spot on actually, I didn't even realize it myself lol.

>I don't got any issues with the questions anon put up so far except for the "Now I'm not so sure" one which is wayyy too soon in the character ark for her to be saying outloud I feel like.
I also think it's too soon for her to fess up on her inner conflict to what is basically a bodyguard, but I like the idea that a shadow of doubt is already creeping in and due to her social ineptitude she's not really sure how and with whom to tackle it, which can lead to shenanigans.

It's often easier to confess some of your darkest stuff to a complete stranger you'll never see again than to close friends or family. But I'm getting a bit too deep there.

>Rather than a basis of classism, Azula has always struck me more as someone who's interested in peoples competency and capacity to serve her, everything else was secondary.
It seemed like it to me too, but she does call some people peasants in a derogatory way in a few points in the show. Mai and Ty Lee are both nobility too. I do think her negative view of lowborns is not due to pure classism (like a belief that there is a divine right or something)d, but due to a belief that high birth means you are better prepared. A mix between both classism and her interest in competent people.



Answer + write-in answers


Stop her
uhh you missed mine
Woops, my bad.

I check on all posts with write-ins as I write anyway, so no worries anon
Why should you answer her question? You have no real reason to, there is no need to enlighten a servant with the thoughts of her master. But a part of you does want to speak. Perhaps a little too much. You take hold of its reins and try to process your thoughts for a moment. You rest your head on your left hand, whose arm is comfortably nudged on the carriage’s window sill. “Would you feel more inclined to protect me in the event of an attack if I answer your question?” You say with a smirk.

“No, princess. My task is to defend you no matter what.” She replies with the tone of a loyal soldier.

“Then…” You ponder for a moment. “Power.” You say. “The things a person does, what they are capable of doing, defines their worth.”

You hold on to that thought as you think of a more detailed answer, you put your other hand on the knee that’s above the other and tap it gently with your index finger. “Peasants are peasants. Kings are kings. The latter are more appropriately prepared to have and use power.” You watch the commoners outside go about their daily lives. Is it your task, then, to exert the power given to you when the peasants can’t exert their own? Your responsibility to care for them? You don’t share that with your bodyguard.

“But there has to be a will too, as you say.” You continue. “A person's value also comes from the difference between what they want to do and what they can do. Someone who has the will to see their desires through to the end holds great value.”

You think of it for a bit longer, you can feel the carriage tilt upwards as it heads up the road into the caldera, leaving behind harbortown.

“And control. An uncontrolled wildfire might be worth less than a spark at the right place at the right time.”

A silence hangs onto the air for a minute or two. The bodyguard watches you intently. “I am a peasant myself, so maybe I don’t have much power, but I would give my life for you if you ordered me to.”

You feel your heart skip a beat. You don’t want her to die, a strange feeling.

She continues. “That must sound like an extreme thing to say, but in the end that’s what a Fire Nation maid is supposed to do. And to fight for the sake of the princess of the Fire Nation would be an honor.”
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You look at her for a moment. Her eyes are filled with blind determination. Maybe she’s saying the truth, maybe she would die for you. That would be a useful asset to have. But… There’s an odd feeling in your head, it reminds you of the headache, but it doesn’t hurt. You hear voices arguing, a young man arguing with your father.

“You may not care, but I do!” The young man says.

Your father responds to the voice. “You are as weak as your father.”

The thought recedes. You see the maid had hunched herself forward from her seat. “Princess, are you well?”

“I am.” You reply. You feel the carriage thud on the ground. The door is opened by one of the carriers who bows deeply waiting for you to exit, you see the palace steward waiting for you up ahead.

You know that he will take you to your father as soon as you disembark. You feel cold all of a sudden, anxious, afraid. Others felt that way before your father, but you never did. You always kept your cool, you don’t remember fearing him. But now you do.

You see the bowing carrier look at you confused, then look back to the ground. You feel your body shake slightly from the anxiety.

“Princess…” The maid’s hand reaches out to your arm, but doesn’t touch. “Are you sure you are well?”

You slap her hand away and look straight at her with wide, angry eyes. “Don’t touch me!” You say out loud. She moves away, spooked, then worried. You look away from her in shame, narrowing your eyes.

You have only a moment left with this maid. Maybe you reacted too harshly? Something inside you tells you you did. It's not a headache, it's... sadness. A deep seated feeling of sadness.

>”Sorry. I didn’t mean to hit you.”
>Just leave and get this over with.
>>”Sorry. I didn’t mean to hit you.”
>>Just leave and get this over with.
>”Sorry. I didn’t mean to hit you.”
Way to rip my heart out, QM.
>"Do not speak of this. For your own good."
>>Just leave and get this over with.
>”Sorry. I didn’t mean to hit you.”
>”Sorry. I didn’t mean to hit you.”
>"Do not speak of this. For your own good."
>”Sorry. I didn’t mean to hit you.”

>"Do not speak of this. For your own good."

>Just leave and get this over with.
Azula will be nice... but only this time.
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“Sorry. I didn’t mean to hit you.” You struggle to get the words out. Excusing yourself to a peasant? What’s wrong with you? Why do you feel so sad?

“That’s okay.” The maid’s worried look turns into a sad smile.

You get down from the carriage and step out in front of the royal palace. Its imposing great tower bringing shadow to your palanquin. You approach the palace steward, who is accompanied by a fire sage and some other servants. All bow and straighten back up.

“It is good to see you, princess Azula. I noticed a small altercation with the maid. We can administer punishment to her later today.” He says dryly, as if the matter was of not much import.

“I will mete out justice and punishment as I see fit, steward. I do not need you to do it for me.” You curtly reply.

He bows slightly. “Of course, princess Azula.” And straightens. “Your father would like to see you now.”

“Of course.” You reply. You walk down to the gates, which the palace guards open for you. You walk through the reception garden, where dignitaries are attended, and into the halls of the palace. Nobles and servants walk the halls, both are surprised to see you, the nobles discuss among them what your arrival could mean, and the servants return to their duties after quick reprimands from their masters.

And finally, beyond that door you crossed so many times was your father. The door to the throne room of the Fire Nation. The steward, the fire sage and the servants bow before leaving you there.

You close your fist and look at the door for a little while. Then you push it open. The looming darkness and the dancing lights of the throne’s roaring fires fill you with its intended sense of dread. It’s never been so hard to take a step forward, but you do so, get to the appropriate distance and put a knee and fist down on the ground, showing respect to the Fire Lord seated upon his throne, not looking in your direction.
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“Azula.” You hear your father’s voice throughout the room. “You had but one simple task: Making sure Zuko killed the Avatar.”

A silence reigns as you wait for your father to continue. “And yet, the Fire Sages have told me the Avatar lives. Perhaps you are bringing him to me as a gift, hidden away in the hull of your ship?”

“No, father.” You reply. Your voice comes out confident, but you feel the anxiety return.

The flames roar out intensely. “I told you not to fail me, Azula!” You feel their heat creep up on you. “Now the Avatar roams the world freely!”

“The Avatar is only a child.” You reply as you try to dodge a voice crack. “An Airbender.”

“And so what?!” He yells, the light of the fire illuminates the whole room. “He is more than a child, he is a threat to me! To the Fire Nation!”

“It was not that we didn’t want to kill him! He entered a sort of fugue state that rendered him more powerful and took us by surprise.” You look at the black silhouette sitting in front of you. “He was then able to escape us. We tried to follow, but he rode a flying beast.”

“Enough excuses!” Your father stands up and turns around to face you, you see his face, shadowed by the mighty fire. “Sending you with your brother was a mistake.” He says. “You were infected by his incompetence.”

Has this always been your father? Of course, it’s always been like this. Then why do you feel cold sweat throughout your whole body?

>”Zuko was brave, he fought the Avatar with all his might.”
>Stay silent.

For this instance, keep your write-ins short and concise, the Fire Lord does not tolerate long winded explanations.
>Stay silent.

Not the time to speak up I imagine, not with a psycho like Ozai.
>Stay silent.
He hasn't asked us anything at this moment and there's no reasoning with someone with no control over their own want for power. Best to keep away from what is clearly a tantrum as much as we can.
>Stay silent.
Normally I would ask for his instructions, but this is. Not the time.
>Stay silent
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You stay silent under your father’s gaze, pressing your fist onto the ground even harder. For a while, he stays silent, watching you, the flames die down and the room returns to its usual state.

Your father turns around. “And I will not make that mistake again.” He says. “I’ve grown tired of these games, of these generals and their questions.” His anger is subdued, but still present. “You will each hunt the Avatar on your own. To the victor will go the spoils.”

He shifts his head back to look at you. “And the defeated will pay the price for failure.”

The price for failure. Those words could mean anything for your father. Up to and including… death.

“Since you did not dishonor me like your exiled brother did, I give you the head start of knowledge. You are free to go and tell him about the new conditions for your hunt, or not, I couldn't care less.” Your father says.

>The conversation is about to conclude. Is there anything you’d like to do or say? Keep your write-ins short and concise, the Fire Lord does not tolerate long winded explanations.

Just so you know, Ozai isn't actually shirtless, the pics of him shirtless just seem more imposing.
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Extra fun proposal for my readers:

Consider the fact that Azula is feeling immense pressure, fear and anxiety, she was just berated for being a failure, almost singed by the throne room's fire, and told that whoever fails to capture the Avatar would most likely die, which means her victory would result in her brother's death.

Now, tear away any OOC consideration about repercussions and think of the sweet drama this may bring.

>Do you think Azula should roll to avoid crying in front of her father?


Bear in mind that the crying wouldn't be some desperate snotty wail, but a desperate expression with tears rolling down cheeks.

I will abide by what is voted, and will resolve the vote tomorrow.

As always, thanks for reading, feel free to post your thoughts on anything related to the quest.

Canon Azula? No, I don't think so. Quest Azula, alongside how she's already cried so far at points that canon Azula would have no real problem with? Yeah, I can see quest Azula crying, but not in front of Ozai like this. I can definitely see her breaking down behind closed doors, but not in an area like this.
Whoops, forgot the >

>You two had trouble killing the Avatar working together
>So I'll separate you two, making the job harder
Ozai's a lunatic. Surprise, surprise, letting him seethe to himself was the right call.

>Is there anything you’d like to do or say?
Anyone in the thread have any ideas?

>Do you think Azula should roll to avoid crying in front of her father?
I'd think she'll start feeling the waterworks once she goes back out the entrance of the throne room. When she does, I wouldn't think it to be unfair to have a roll for it.
>Just so you know, Ozai isn't actually shirtless, the pics of him shirtless just seem more imposing.
I think azula would start to cry in private but never in public even with the weird headaches.

Also I think it would be better to just have fire lord Ozai to be a lot more nude and shirtless in his own throne room than in the show. It makes him look cooler

I think canon azula would also be into getting the avatar first but i think quest azula would be thinking of ways to capture the avatar together
I'm more curious what his plan is if he really kills the avatar. There will be another.
Honestly, if Aang were to have died in season 1 leading to a water bender to become the avatar, the Fire Nation would've been just fine. The avatar needs to grow up from being a baby, giving plenty of time to defeat the other nations. The only real Earth Kingdom holdouts were Omashu, a city that gets instantly taken thanks to King Bumi just giving it up, and Ba Sing Se, a city that was originally breached by Iroh with conventual military technology instead of a fuckhuge massive drill. A dead Avatar means that the Fire Nation achieves victory over the Earth Kingdom, and Zhao probably succeeds in his plan to kill the moon koi fish spirit. After all, Zhao succeeded the first time, it's just that Aang was there to force everyone out via the spirit melding avatar state thing. And if all else fails, the fire nation still has the comet to fall back on, which means absolute genocide, even if the cracked White Lotus members act as a stumbling block.

Really, without Aang every nation would've been just rolled over by the Fire Nation in the end. Aang dying just means the Fire Nation wins the Hundred Year War, and then they just have to find the final avatar via secret police or something, and then suborn them to their side, or just start a crusade of killing babies. If Azula decides to conquer Ba Sing Se and suborn the Dai Li like she did originally, then they could probably just brainwash the Avatar to their side.

Course by the end of it all there will probably be endless resistance groups popping up, especially if Ozai doesn't implement some sort of governmental structure that doesn't treat members of the Earth Kingdom as second class citizens.
I like rolling
I think >>6006456 has most of the right idea, but Ozai is too much of a scumbag to let Azula or Zuko benefit from the Avatar's death in the long term. One of them likely dies if their target is confirmed dead, Ozai consolidates his rule over the known world, and leaves his heir with the calamitous consequences his actions bring once he kicks the bucket, assuming he doesn't find some immortality MacGuffin. He's like a wildfire out of control; he burns everything in his grasp to gather more strength to reach more stuff to hold and burn, leaving nothing but ruin in his wake by the time he passes. If he stays in power, it's not a question of whether he plans to dispose of Azula or Zuko if he lives long enough to do so, but when. Whether a part of Azula knows this is unclear as of now, but I don't think it will take long for her or her brother to realize they're better off pooling their resources together to apprehend the Avatar. If we ever decide to try to overthrow Ozai in this quest, that could make a great front for a coup and to place the Avatar in an advantageous position against him.

>Course by the end of it all there will probably be endless resistance groups popping up, especially if Ozai doesn't implement some sort of governmental structure that doesn't treat members of the Earth Kingdom as second class citizens.
I think second class citizen status would be enough to incite resistance groups on its own.
Whoops, I misspoke there. Meant to say that if he keeps treating Earth Kingdom citizens as second class citizens, he'll deal with endless resistance groups. As for everything else, the considerations I made were just for the nigh guaranteed victory for the Fire Nation. I don't think that you're right regarding Ozai getting rid of Azula/Zuko, I think he would go through with the whole Phoenix King plan and leaving Azula as Fire Lord as a sort of provincial governor of sorts, and then Azula would eventually be the one to depose him, leaving her with the dumpster fire of a situation that is the world afterwards.

Of course, that requires Azula to live long enough to get into a position where she can do so. An adult Azula could probably just assassinate Ozai considering the resources and skill she has, or outright just roast his ass in an Agni Kai. Ozai is probably the strongest firebender on the planet currently (It's a tossup between him and Iroh, Iroh would also have to get back in shape), but adult Azula is ridiculously cracked.
We're going for the no on crying, but OK to the waterworks post-reunion.

Since there were no proposals on doing or saying anything, Azula will remain paralyzed.

>Canon Azula? No, I don't think so.
Nah, canon Azula would never cry in front of her dad. Heck, she'd be glad to have the opportunity to fuck over Zuko like this.

>Quest RUINED!
I'm fine with any headcanons though.

>I'm more curious what his plan is if he really kills the avatar. There will be another.
~12 years without an Avatar is better than having an Avatar. Though I can't say if that is Ozai's thought process, that's for Azula to find out.

>If we ever decide to try to overthrow Ozai in this quest, that could make a great front for a coup and to place the Avatar in an advantageous position against him.
That's not a bad idea. I usually like to think of cool future scenes that could happen in my quests and Azula, Zuko and Iroh teaming up to coup Ozai is one of them.

>but adult Azula is ridiculously cracked.
Yeah, that's one of the reasons I haven't implemented any sort of stats yet. Azula is far stronger than most other benders her age, and debatably stronger than a lot of benders older than her. IMO the only reason she got fucked over in canon is because of her social and political ineptitude cause by the psychological issues she developed from her traumatic childhood.

Which is why this quest exists. Good Azula is fun
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Usually, this would be the time Father tells you to leave, but he turns around once more and slowly approaches you. He grabs you by the chin and lifts your face up. Your eyes dart to stare at his. He examines your face with a furrowed brow.

“Odd. I thought you would be telling me how you would utterly triumph against your brother and bring me the Avatar, but it seems a cat got your tongue.” He says.

You feel your stomach twist. His eyes terrify you like they never have before. You have to rehearse your words in your mind to avoid falling prey to panic as you speak. “The expedition was exhausting, that is all.” You get up, his hand removing itself from your face as you do so. “I will bring you the Avatar, Father.”

His brow unfurrows. “Good. That is what I wanted to hear.” He says. “I can’t have both of my children showing weakness, much less so after the dire news of the Avatar returning.”

He starts pacing through the throne room. “Remember that all we do, we do for the Fire Nation. To guarantee its gilded destiny.” He raises a fist and looks at it. “I will complete the task that began a hundred years ago. We will be remembered for generations as the orchestrators of a new world order. One dominated by the Fire Nation.” He concludes, then looks back to you. “And you will lead this new world one day, -if- you prove yourself to me.”

You stand there frozen, looking forward towards the throne.

“You may go.” Father says. “Complete your task and return to me.”

You nod, turn around and head out of the throne room as your father watches you leave.

As you cross the door’s threshold, you check your surroundings and see that no one is there, your perfect, straightened posture collapses and you have to put a hand to the wall for a moment.

If you get the Avatar, you have to watch your brother die. If your brother gets the Avatar, you die.

And even if you were to live, what sort of life would await you under your father’s whims? Is this terror you feel going to be part of your everyday life?

Oh no. Something’s welling up inside you, you stumble away from the throne room, straighten up again and head to the corridors that head to your bedrooms.

Whatever it is, it continues to well up. As you approach the door to your room, you see a figure in front of it, it’s that maid.

“Princess, the steward has assigned me to guard you during your stay. Will you be needing anything?”

You try to get words out, but all that comes out is a thin gasp. You feel your well-crafted expression collapse and worry appears on the maid’s face.

“Princess, are you okay?” She asks.

You mustn’t. You mustn’t collapse now, not in front of a peasant. You…

>Try not to cry.
>Cry a lot.
>make a drinking motion to her to get some tea
>slam the door shut
>Try not to cry.
Dismiss her and throw up lightning
>throw up lightning
exploding in your room is certainly a way to end a quest
>Try not to cry

>Make a motion to get some tea.
>throw up lightning
That makes me realize that a possible moniker for Azula could be lightning dragon if she learns to do that.
We will try not to cry (and throw up lightning if we get a 1), if we don't cry we can do >>6006767

>Roll 1d100, middle of three (so the second highest roll). Because Azula feels fucked up and I liked it when I saw it in Gotham cop quest.
Rolled 55 (1d100)

Rolled 58 (1d100)

Rolled 20 (1d100)


Oh no, what a disaster. Looks like we'll have to bring this loyal, competent, honest, uncannily able, and fortuitously present attendant with us on our adventures so we can keep an eye on her and make sure rumors don't spread. The horror.
I can't wait for the heart rending pain when she dies shielding Azula from some blow due to their job as a bodyguard.
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What's OP gonna do? Give her tuberculosis at the age of 14?
>Oh no, what a disaster. Looks like we'll have to bring this loyal, competent, honest, uncannily able, and fortuitously present attendant with us on our adventures so we can keep an eye on her and make sure rumors don't spread. The horror.
I would never put my players through such a horrible ordeal

>I can't wait for the heart rending pain when she dies shielding Azula from some blow due to their job as a bodyguard.
Better not roll any 1s in big life or death battles anons.
You start to cry. Tears stream down your reddening cheeks as you try to hold them in. You open the door to your room in front of the completely bewildered maid.

“Princess, is something wrong?” She says, her hand reaches out to you, but again doesn’t touch.

“Get me tea.” You hide your face behind your hand and get in your room, slamming the door behind you. You put your back to the door and slide down til you touch the floor, then you quietly let out sobs and small cries. You keep trying to dry snot and tear with your sleeves, but there’s always more, so you just hug your knees and let it pour.

You hear a knock on the door. “Princess, I brought your tea, there is no one else here.” The young voice on the other side says.

“Leave it.” You reply.

You hear the ruffle of the tea set as she lays it down on the floor. “I won’t tell anyone, I swear it.” She says. “But I fear for your wellbeing, would you let me in?”

>”Fine, come in.”
>”No, leave me be.”

Lots of small decisions in this one, but I wanna make sure I do what my players want in this case, thanks for your patience lads
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>”Fine, come in.”
It'd probably be less conspicuous than having her leave the tea by the door. I suspect that it's the norm for servants to walk in with the tea, just in case someone else is watching down the hallway and sees Azula looking like pic related if she goes outside to grab the tray.
>Fine, come in.

Oh no, now you must be our maid properly to ensure your silence.
She's coming in
If only the Fire Nation had anatopic french maid outfits.
You’re going to let her in. Holding onto that thought, you make an effort to stop your tears, dry them. You get up, dust yourself off and straighten up and stretch a little. Then open the door.

The girl has a slight smile on her, she’s taken the tea set’s tray back from the ground and offers it up to you. You point towards a small round table off by the side of the room. She leaves it there, faces back towards you and bows.

An awkward silence hangs in the room as you cross your arms. “You’d best not tell anyone about any of this, or else.” Your words don’t even try to veil the threat.

“Maintaining secrecy is part of our duties.” She says, pouring a cup of tea for you and sliding it towards one of the three chairs surrounding the table.

You approach the chair, sit and sip it. Uncle’s is better, but the palace has tea brewing masters from all across the nation, so it’s not bad either.

“Have you received bad news?” She asks.

Your index finger taps the table, you look at the girl with anger. “Since when do maids ask questions?” You ask back.

“Excuse me, princess. I will hold my thoughts.”

Then another silence reigns, only interrupted by your finger’s taps. She is looking down to the ground, holding the tray against her chest. You take a long sip from the tea.

What would you like to do?
>Offer her some of the tea.
>Ask her a question (Which?) or discuss something (What?)
>Ask her to leave, you’d rather be alone with your thoughts until you have to head out in the morning.
The other fun part about Azula I want to represent is how socially awkward she is when she's not threatening to kill someone
>Discuss (Fire bending)
>Your index finger taps the table, you look at the girl with anger. “Since when do maids ask questions?” You ask back.
Just an hour or so before, kek.

>You take a long sip from the tea

Azula is a broken person. She understands war and firebending, I think she would retreat to this topic to gather her composure.
>Discuss (Fire bending)
Remember, discuss it in vaguely threatening terms because Azula is too awkward to do it in any other fashion.

>That's a sharp outfit, Chan. Careful. You could puncture the hull of an empire-class Fire Nation battleship, leaving thousands to drown at sea, because it's so sharp.
>a cat
Just a normal cat? Not a catgator or a cat owl? Does Ozai have one of these normal cats?
>Ask her to leave, you’d rather be alone with your thoughts until you have to head out in the morning.
The royalty seem to have the monopoly on these animals, like with the Earth King and his strange bear creature. Not a platypusbear, skunkbear, armadillobear, or gopherbear. Just bear. I shudder to think of how they created such a strange animal.
>>Ask her a question (Which?) or discuss something (What?)
What do you do if your father asked you to put down a dog you liked?
>Ask her a question
What is the appropriate reward for fulfilling one's duty?

I don't think Azula would every directly ask what makes a person happy, but I think now's a good time to reconsider what is even the point of all this.

Survival? Anyone who can shoot lightning is going to be just fine surviving in this world, and that's without roping those friends in.
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>Just a normal cat? Not a catgator or a cat owl? Does Ozai have one of these normal cats?
Canon af

Ozai already has two pets
>>Ask her to leave, you’d rather be alone with your thoughts until you have to head out in the morning.
>What do you do if your father asked you to put down a dog you liked?
I'm respectfully against this, she might think that's literally what happened if we ask her that.
>Ozai already has two pets
I mean, that's kinda accurate for how he thinks of them, but you aren't supposed to refer to your children that way.
>>Ask her to leave, you’d rather be alone with your thoughts until you have to head out in the morning.
Had a nasty headache and a fever yesterday. Seems like karma for giving Azula headaches.

I'll update today. We will ask questions.
“Where did you learn?” You ask. “Firebending, I mean.”

“I started very young in an academy in the north.” She replies.

“How was a peasant able to access a firebending academy? I would’ve expected you to learn from some teacher in your village.”

“It was an academy for orphans.” She says, her smile leaving her. “My father died fighting in the Earth Kingdom and my mother didn’t have enough to care for me, so the village elder sought the help of the academy.”

“Oh. I…” You’re not sure how to proceed, you always felt those academies made for some of the finest firebenders in all the nation, but rather than being glad to have such a useful asset under your thumb you just feel… sad again. Can your mind please stop hampering your thought process?

“It’s okay. The Fire Nation gave me a good education and continues to pay my mother a fair stipend for her sacrifice.” She says. “So I’ll give everything back, it’s the right thing to do.”

“I see.” You say as you quickly think of something else to talk about. “Was your training good?”

“Yes. Strict, but fair. The instructors were veterans of the war.”

“Did they teach you all the stances? I’d expect them to do so if they’re going to bring graduates as guards to the royal palace.”

“Of course, although there was a focus on the basics at first, those who excel were taught advanced techniques.”

“And you excelled?” You take a last sip from your tea.

“Yes, I would never have been assigned to the palace otherwise.” She takes a moment to pour you another cup of tea.

“And do they teach you about the war?”

“The basics.” She replies. “We’re not destined for command, only fighting. We’re told the war will soon be won and the Fire Nation will finally take its place as the guides of progress.”

“I see.” You sip up your tea. A silence hangs in the air again. “What do you think is the appropriate reward for fulfilling one’s duty?” You put both of your arms on the table and stare at her every move.

She still looks down to the ground in submission, though her answer seems sincere. “Happiness.” She says. “Or at least, happiness for those for whom you fight for. If I die, I’d want my mother to be… happy for the rest of her years, as well as my hometown.”

You wonder how her mother would be happy after losing a child. But perhaps they taught that her mother would be proud of knowing her daughter gave her life for the Fire Nation, and would be paid handsomely for her sacrifice, along with her village. That is no lie, there is enough wealth to share with those who lost loved ones in the war, but…
“If I were to fulfill my duty and see the war’s end.” She continues. “I’d hope to live a happy, fruitful life for the rest of my years.”

You raise an eyebrow at that. If this were some cheap action novel, those words would seem rather ominous. But her words aren’t without merit. If you were to fulfill your duty, kill the Avatar, never see Zuko again, become the Fire Lord eventually… Would that make you happy? Of course, right? There is no doubt about it.

“Has my answer pleased you? You seem deep in thought, my lady.” You notice she’s looking at you with a slight smile.

You finish up the tea and wave her off. “Leave. I will rest for the night.”

“Of course.” She picks up the tea set and puts it on the tray, bows slightly and leaves the room.

You’re left alone with your thoughts.
I'll continue with another update where we pack up and leave. With such decisions as

>Do we bring the maid with us?
>Iroh's tea
>Where do we go now?
>Do we bring the maid with us?
Yes. Better to have skilled help than not.
>Iroh's tea
Get a variety set of tea leaves as a care package for Iroh while you're still in the Fire Nation.
>Where do we go now?
Visit your firebending teachers, Lo and Li. While they aren't firebenders themselves, their philosophical and spiritual guidance will be useful before you leave to hunt down the Avatar. Who knows when you'll meet them again.

I'm not going to be so mean as to deny the QM their OC that they provided. Might as well get Iroh some tea in the event that we warn Iroh and Zuko about Ozai's decision, though I imagine that's still up for vote. As for future plans, visiting Lo and Li makes sense. Azula stopped having actual firebending teachers some time after Azulon's death. I assume that's because Azula was such a firebending prodigy that actual firebenders had nothing to offer her, leaving Lo and Li, two non firebenders to improve her capabilities via their spirtual/philosophical knowledge regarding firebending. In this tumultuous period for Azula, she could probably use the help. After visiting Lo and Li, perhaps paying a visit to Mai and then tracking down Ty Lee would be a good idea. Gotta collect the squad to hunt down the Avatar after all.

As a side note, it's interesting that Azula's fire had less perfect combustion leading to orange streaks getting mixed in prior to the meeting with Ozai. Even when she was going insane due to everyone leaving her and seeing hallucinations, she still had blue flames. Then again, perhaps that's just easier for the animation team.
>I'm not going to be so mean as to deny the QM their OC that they provided.
It's alright, I made her up on the spot when anons started asking the maid stuff during the carriage ride. In fact, had the option to walk up to the palace been chosen she probably wouldn't exist.

Plus, it's not so bad to have friendly ears in the royal palace while you're away. So feel free to vote for whichever option when the time comes.

Didn't think about Lo and Li, but I did think that gathering the squad was going to be an option, along with warning Zuko of what Ozai decided.

>As a side note, it's interesting that Azula's fire had less perfect combustion leading to orange streaks getting mixed in prior to the meeting with Ozai. Even when she was going insane due to everyone leaving her and seeing hallucinations, she still had blue flames. Then again, perhaps that's just easier for the animation team.
The blue flames are a pretty good visual representation of how Azula is in the show. She's a cold and calculating prodigy, I'd even say she's everything the fire nation wants from a fire lord during the hundred year war, foregoing all spirituality and emotion and just becoming a ruthless firebending machine, but it all falls apart because that's just not how people work.

Plus, the visual contrast between Zuko's regular firebending VS Azula's blue firebending made for one of the best scenes in all of western animation IMO. That last duel was awesome.
I do hope that gaining a conscience doesn't lead to Azula losing her blue flames.
Gaining a conscience doesn't mean being a completely different person- we can still be calculating and pragmatic while focusing on a noble goal instead of a selfish or evil one. I don't think we'll ever stop being cold on the outside- we'll just work to help people while still being too awkward and big-picture oriented to hold a conversation for long
+1 to >>6009304 these suggestions but also we should recruit Mai but not Ty Lee, we already have our second bender and Mai will take any opportunity to get away from her family, especially if it gets her around Zuko.
What's wrong with recruiting Ty Lee? I always thought she was a fun character, losing her dynamic in the quest would be a heck of a loss.
The only way Azula can recruit Ty Lee is by threatening her, she's happy where she is. It was actually really cruel what Azula did to her in the original show I'm so glad she's just hanging out with Azula in season 1 of the Netflix show.

>she's everything the fire nation wants from a fire lord during the hundred year war, foregoing all spirituality and emotion and just becoming a ruthless firebending machine, but it all falls apart because that's just not how people work
She's not as calculating as the other Fire Lords, which is a problem. She does have her moments of shrewdness but she also has problems seeing the bigger picture, and her mental state (the deterioration of which is probably one of the weakest parts of ATLA because of how short it is) hurt her prospects. Even without the going crazy, like you said she's a firebending machine, she's not a general or an administrator, she got lucky in having the Dai Li flip for her when she took Ba Sing Se, because it kept the same management in running the city. General Iroh or Azulon are probably the closest thing the Fire Nation had to ideal Fire Lords.
I wouldn't say as such, confiding in Ty Lee as to what's happening with her Father could potentially draw Ty Lee to her side. It's a quest, we don't have to go about things the same way as it was done in the show. In a quest all about Azula gaining a conscience, I feel like the meeting with Ty Lee would be an important milestone to hit.

As for the comments about Azula not being a general or administrator, I'd point out that she's still barely even a teenager. Give her a bit, she certainly has the potential for such matters.
>The only way Azula can recruit Ty Lee is by threatening her, she's happy where she is.
I think Ty Lee could actually join up without threats if it means she can help her friend get out of a rough situation.

Of course, that also means Azula will have to confide to her, which could be tough on its own.

The big secret here is that, if you win, Zuko will pay a heavy price. Is Azula going to be open about it to everyone? Just Zuko? Keep it to herself? It'll be a big decision.
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You rolled around in your bed for hours on end that night. You can’t remember the last time this happened to you. You thought of yourself, of the future, of your father and your brother. What alternatives did you have? Triumph and let your brother die? Die in his stead?

Fight back? The thought occurred to you a few times. Perhaps… just maybe, the option of getting your father to reconsider was viable. He told you not to bring back the Avatar along with your brother, but if enough time passed and your father’s mood thawed and his victory was all but assured, he would actually reconsider.

Or perhaps he wouldn’t, and you’d both suffer his wrath. You don’t know.

You can’t face this alone. You’d need pawns to help in whatever path you chose. But Ty Lee’s happy in the circus, Mai would never help if she knew it could get Zuko hurt, Zuko and Iroh… You’ve thought of Uncle a few times, wondering what kind of advice he’d give you inbetween the platitudes he’d spout, would this rouse some fire in the old man? Give him the drive he’s been missing?

What you’d give to share some tea with him right now and see his broad smile.

And there’s another reason for your rolling. These thoughts, these feelings. They’re stirring inside you constantly. You feel bad for so many things, tears come and go, your breathing grows irregular and you almost feel the need to scream. You saw your brother get scarred by your father, and back then you felt he deserved it, now the very thought causes your heart to race. It’s like you’re watching a memory from someone else’s eyes.

What is wrong with you? That’s the question you repeat to yourself in those final few minutes where exhaustion lulls you to sleep.

The next day, you awake in a sour mood, it takes a while for you to get out of bed and start readying yourself for the day. You send a messenger to your ship’s captain to ensure the vessel is ready to depart in the afternoon. Wherever you’d have to go, you’d have to go through the archipelago anyway.

As you finish packing your things, you can hear someone shuffle to the entrance of your bedroom. It’s that maid again.

“Are you departing? Would you like me to guard you on the way down to the ship?” She asks.

>”Actually, you’re coming along with me on my trip. It’s not like the steward holds you in any appreciation.”
>”Yes please, then you can return to your duties in the palace. Serving my family’s interests.”
>>”Actually, you’re coming along with me on my trip. It’s not like the steward holds you in any appreciation.”
A useful tool
>”Actually, you’re coming along with me on my trip. It’s not like the steward holds you in any appreciation.”

Watch as Ozai later kills her in order to punish Azula. Anyway, I'd love to go and tell Iroh what's going on. A potential political resurgence of Iroh and eventual coup sounds like a fun way for the quest to go.
>>Do we bring the maid with us?
Yes. Before we leave, authorise an additional stipend for her mother and let her write a letter to her before we depart.
>>Iroh's tea
A tea care package, yes.
>>Where do we go now?
Visit your firebending teachers, Lo and Li. While they aren't firebenders themselves, their philosophical and spiritual guidance will be useful before you leave to hunt down the Avatar. Who knows when you'll meet them again.

This is fine.

I wanna see if we can get something for zuko too. Perhaps a good set of armoured bracers or feet guard for him.
>”Actually, you’re coming along with me on my trip. It’s not like the steward holds you in any appreciation.”
>I'll need someone to handle some books, in any case
I still think we should take any air nomad literature with us. Just reading about the way of living of other elemental tribes will give Azula some perspective.
“I thought on your words last night and i have authorized an additional stipend for both you and your mother. And among others, the rewards for good work is more work. You have an hour to pack your things, I am calling you into my personal service.”
Iroh outright recommended doing so in the earlier thread, or at least I'm pretty sure he did. Plus, Azula can just rationalize it to herself that she's using it as a means of getting into Aang's head as a way of tracking down her quarry.

Hell, there's no way that Azula didn't do significant research into airbenders in canon anyway considering all the ways that she tracked them down.
>>”Yes please, then you can return to your duties in the palace. Serving my family’s interests.”
>”Actually, you’re coming along with me on my trip. It’s not like the steward holds you in any appreciation.”
The p̶l̶a̶y̶e̶r̶ ̶c̶h̶a̶r̶a̶c̶t̶e̶r̶ maid is too good just to leave at the palace, and OOC keeping her out of Ozai's literal blast radius as >>6009657 brings up would be in our better interest. Let's remember to pick up Iroh's gift and air nomad documentation before we head out. Something tells me he'd like having the maid around.

>authorise an additional stipend for her mother and let her write a letter to her before we depart.
>Visit your firebending teachers, Lo and Li. While they aren't firebenders themselves, their philosophical and spiritual guidance will be useful before you leave to hunt down the Avatar. Who knows when you'll meet them again.
Both good suggestions. If Azula brought Zuko a gift, it would probably be something to make fun of him.
>”Actually, you’re coming along with me on my trip. It’s not like the steward holds you in any appreciation.”
>”Yes please, then you can return to your duties in the palace. Serving my family’s interests.”
>”Actually, you’re coming along with me on my trip. It’s not like the steward holds you in any appreciation.”
Vote tally:

We're bringing her with us and giving her and her mom an extra stipend for her service outside the palace. Also air nomad books.
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“Actually, you’re coming along with me on my trip. It’s not like the steward holds you in any appreciation.” You reply quite bluntly while getting your clothes ready. The maid can’t hide the shock she feels.

“Me?” She says, surprised. “But I’m… I’m a palace guard. My mother didn’t want me to go to war.”

“You think they’re sending a princess to war?” You reply with a sarcastic tone. “The basics they taught you in the academy were too basic, it seems.”

“Lord Iroh went to war…” She says.

“Uncle was well into his 30s when he started properly commanding troops in the war.” You say, still pondering if you have enough battle uniforms to compensate for them getting charred. “Plus, you’re going with me. I can hold my own very well, you’re just…” You shrug. “An extra kick. You have an hour to pack your things, you are now in my personal service.”

She bows. “I will obey, princess.”

“Yes, very good. Since you’re here. Do you mind gathering up what literature we have on the Air Nomads?” You say.

“According to the master librarian, we don’t have much. I heard the Fire Lord himself reserved some books as well, so the collection will be even more scarce.”

“Just take whatever we have.” You say with a wave of the hand. She bows again and is about to head off.

“Oh and, by the way.” You turn around to face her. “Since this is not some cushy palace job, I’ve seen it fit that your stipend be increased, as well as your mother’s. You are no longer an average palace ‘maid’” You say the word somewhat derisively. “But a proper royal guard.”

A slight smile finally appears on her face. Is that what you sought? “Thank you, princess.” She says.

As she goes and you finalize your packing. You think of something odd. How about writing her mother a letter? To make sure she’s forewarned of this change and that she’ll be safe under you?

You step outside and still see he walking away in the hall, quite far from you. You grab a nearby servant, a young man that gets spooked by the unwanted attention. “Who is she?”

He looks over at the maid and back at you. “Oh uh… That’s Lei La, everyone calls her Lei.”

For some reason, you feel like you should’ve asked her directly. Whatever. “Stay put.” You say.

You head to your desk and get your quill and some parchment. You dip the tip of the quill and begin your letter.

“I write to inform you that your daughter, Lei La, is now one of my royal guard and will travel with me outside of the Fire Nation and towards the Earth Kingdom.

There is no need to fear, as I am able in battle, I bring her because…”

You ponder for a moment.

“Because of her indubitable skills in battle.” Though you haven’t really seen her in battle at all. “and her will and drive to do what is right for the Fire Nation.”

“For this sacrifice, I will increase your current stipend twofold.” And while the economic reassurance will surely be received gratefully…

“And I will ensure that she returns safely to you.

Princess Azula of the Fire Nation.”
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That sounds good. You wrap up the parchment into a scroll, go outside and hand it over to the young man. “Make sure this gets to her mother. If I find out it didn’t, you will answer to me.”

He nods and picks it up with reverence. “O-of course, Lady Azula.”

He runs off with the scroll. Good. You round up a few servants to carry your things outside and follow them along to make sure they don’t mess anything up. You wait there for Lei La, who doesn’t take long to come out with her own things packed up in one large back, and servants behind her carrying books. When she sees you, she bows, and the servants take your things up into the carriage.

“How much was there left?” You ask.

“According to the librarian, only very basic knowledge. Copies and compilations from decades after the air nomads died off.” She replies. “But he said what is within is trustworthy.”

“Good enough for now.” You respond. “I still need to pick up my uncle’s tea.” You say, not too loud so the prying ears of the palace didn’t hear.

“Would you like me to get it from the kitchen?” Lei La asks.

“No.” You’d rather not let anyone know why you had a new penchant for tea in the palace, lest your father suspects that you’re taking it to Uncle. “We will get it in harbor town.”

“Oh, I know a great place!” Lei La’s usual servile, quiet tone perks up. “We could stop there when the carriage passes by.”

>Alright, we’ll stop there. I want to get to the sea as soon as possible.
>No, this time I’d rather walk down the harbor, get a feel of my subjects.
>>Alright, we’ll stop there. I want to get to the sea as soon as possible.
>Alright, we’ll stop there. I want to get to the sea as soon as possible.
>No, this time I’d rather walk down the harbor, get a feel of my subjects.

“Walk with me. Show me our subjects.”
>>Alright, we’ll stop there. I want to get to the sea as soon as possible.
Nice quads
>“And I will ensure that she returns safely to you.
What the fuck, Azula? None of the funny voices debating with each other in your head told you to do this.

>Alright, we’ll stop there. I want to get to the sea as soon as possible.
Let's try to keep as low of a profile as possible, for royalty at least.
>No, this time I’d rather walk down the harbor, get a feel of my subjects.
Go find Lo and Li and consult them regarding destiny and value and the headaches
Nice quads QM
Switching to

Might as well grab them as firebending teachers anyway, Azula wouldn't've kept them around while traveling in canon if they didn't actually help her. Course, Azula is on an accelerated schedule compared to canon thanks to learning lightningbending early, but they could still help. Also, spiritual/philosophical help. And if their comments about Ember Island are anything to go by, I'm pretty sure they aren't the same brand of psycho that would make Azula worse.
>Go find Lo and Li
Like >>6010318 said. Also holy digits, nice.
RIP, QM. Dan Schneider's goons likely got to him.
He's taken breaks of comparable length before and came back, it's early to start doomposting
He'll come back, but after the Nick execs have gotten to him, we're just going to be forced to repeatedly rerun a quest about Azula drilling into Ba Sing Se.
Hi guys.

Dan Schneider has not caught me yet, but I'm afraid I can't update for a little while because of my job.

I'm hoping to get back into the game next monday.

Thanks for your patience boys.
looking forward to it
If you're being forced to write foot fetish content into the update, blink.
Don't worry dude, we look forward to your next update. Make sure to take care of yourself.
>next monday
It was fun, guys.
Damn, he's in Dan Schneider's basement now.
Lets just hope he isn't gonna be moved to his backyard next, ... and 5 feet under.
Hey QM. In case you are reading this but are on a writer's block, you can do it.
>it's been about 6 days
Would someone be willing to archive the thread, just in case?
Never archived before, but I gave it a try.
Worked out, great initiative anon.

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