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Welcome to Cultural Civ, a civ game where your civilization's culture shifts with time !

players control a civilization through the years and decide its explorations, cultural and technological advancements, and diplomacy.

how to play:
1) choose a civ to play for. change your name to reflect your choice (ex: Chin Scratcher).
2)each turn, your civ has 2 actions. You can choose between cultural, technological, or a (freeform) special action, but you cannot do the same action twice in the same turn.
3)discuss with your compatriots which actions you will take. Once you're done, reply to my recap anchor post with the recap of your actions.

Five civilizations are recent arrivals on this island, each for their own reasons. Their future on this place is still ahead of them. Where will you lead them?

I will now list the civs. Feel free to join any of them at any time!
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A group of peaceful cultists of the sun, beached here long ago from the sea. Their shamans are seemingly naked most of the time.
They dwell in clay houses and live spiritual existence, with powerful shamans protecting them.

The sun is their absolute god, and everything that comes from the sun or its sky is good; while the moon, and everything from its sea, is evil, made only to be killed and eaten at best.
The sunists believe spirits come down from the sun and bless them. Shamans stand in the stun, staring at it, for hours, to receive their powers.
The sunists have a special day in the week where they do nothing but relax. This is sacred and more important than any profane crisis.
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They have a coastal town of little clay houses on the southeastern part of the island, where they live of fishing. They have not explored much, but they know about the remains of a large iron ship nearby that was empty of anything interesting.

their current worry is the lack of fish lately. There could be a famine soon.
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Independent cities, united by the desire to pillage and trade everything that exists. They live in stucco houses.

Leaguers have a culture of respected mercenary companies, warriors of fortune ready to answer the call for war at the expense of booty or plunder (usually both)
Leaguers love trade and are very skilled at it. They will annoy anyone they meet with endless trade requests.
Leaguers have found out about the existence of guns, and have decided they *really* like them.
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on a sponsored expedition to find new realms to trade with, do mercenary work for, or pillage, the leaguers settled in a island with peculiar ruins, and built a first outpost atop a great motte of mortar and rust.

the island has barely been explored yet, but recently, the patrols reported a much larger landmass visible on a clear day.

their current worry is the lack of things to shoot at. The game is lame on this island, rabbits at best. Itchy trigger fingers make for a poor cohesion.
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A migratory people who swam across on horseback in search of new lands
lives in yurts
Has access to horses. Very skilled in using them in all aspects, being capable of rapid relocation to new homes, using them for war and for food
Worships the eternal sky. Fear nothing except the sky falling on them. But if the weather is bad they get upset
Only capable to converse in throat singing. Very cool, but almost impossible to communicate with others
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The khans live in the hilly plains of the southeast, of forage and horse tending.
There's a few burnt out structures along the plains, of no interest.

their current worry is that the sky has been clouded far too long for the season. The clan worries some foul magicks might be hexing them and superstition is on the rise.
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a simple people, driven from their ancestral lands. Stories say they crossed the seas on mighty timber logs.

lives in longhouses
Bigchins take good care of nature and get mad when someone else doesn't
Bigchins put their heart and soul into everything they do, and yours too if they can
Bigchins revere pretty people, they give them special treatment, and sometimes steal them from less appreciative tribes
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They dwell in the woods of the northeast, eating what the forest gives them.

their current worry is a mysterious disappearance of more and more trees on the western edge of the forest. Whatever causes this is angering nature!
wew I forgot how much time this thing took

alright you can already start voting for your civ's actions. I'll be describing currently known magic in a later post

BigChin : Technological research - Bow
If we already have, Crossbow or Balista will do fine.
BigChin Freeform action :
Investigate the tree disappearance. Get ready to arrow down the cause - carefully arrowing, we'll want that heart for our magics.
We sailed the open seeeas, for glory, guns and gold, and the East Leaguer Company...

Seriously though, my fellow Liggas, we're in a right conumdrum. I reckon we should explore the island, with all these ruins n whot...but the lads need something to shoot. Any ideas?
So uhh... when do the Rusties come into play?
fuck I forgor
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Rusties live in their vehicles and have no concept of sedentarity. They go where there's things to discover.
Rusties believe in the superiority of previous civilizations and believe the study and preservation of the past to be of the utmost importance, more than their very lives!
Rusties believe strongly that there is much to learn from other civilizations. Upon discovering a civilization, alive or dead, they may immediately integrate one of their tenets into their own culture. However, they take twice as long to develop their own culture (two culture actions instead of one).
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The nation that sponsored your expedition dropped your group on the westernmost shore of the island, and the warship that hosted you left. the last radio contact reminded you that it would be back to check up on you in 10 cycles, and that you better have an interesting tech to show up for their trouble.

The coast here is rather unhospitable, and you probably should get going. You should have enough rations for 10 cycles at least, so food isnt an issue.
(to be put in a proper infopic later)

turns fresh blood, from oneself or touched by the user, into foul flames that burn hotter than fire. Consumes blood very quickly and burns even underwater.
rejuvenates the user with blood they touch. one year worth of rejuvenation for about one full healthy body of human blood.

note for all blood magic : animal blood works, at a 1/10th rate of the value.

the user calls for lesser spirits to scout out a location within 1km. They are immaterial and indestructible by normal means. The information they relay to the user is in the form of feelings and colorless images through semi-possession.
semi-material ghosts are bound to totems. They are sentient and can be instructed who to attack, slamming those foes when they come within ten meters of the totem with blunt force.
Rusty technological research: engine modifications to our armored vehicles so we can explore faster
Rusty Freeform: let's start exploring the southern coast
Welcome, my brothers beneath day's glorious light!

I would propose:

Technological: Agriculture! Why eat evil, fishy food, when we might eat good, sun-blessed foods? Fields of sun-blessed grain, gifted to us from the light above; grown abundant in the light of the sun? Let us learn to grow these wonderous crops, so that when the evil fish all vanish we might be well rid of them?

Cultural/Special: Explore to our south, searching anything but especially for good, rich land; well-watered by the rains bought by the sky.
>>Cultural Research: Ritual Throat Singing.
Khans' berry scared of sky being covered. So they sing at it beautiful songs to calm it's anger
>>Technological Research: Boots/Horseshoes for horses to go faster.
Oh no! One horsey get foot hurt by thorn! Khan get great idea, put shoe on them like human and no hurt anymore!
Hmm..okay, i don't know when my other Leaguer friend will be here, but i don't want to risk not getting my actions in...so just to be safe,

>Cultural Research: Target Shooting Competitions
If the lads are skittish about shootin' that's fine...but we can't be going on to more dangerous territories. Let's try to take their heads off and keep their trigger fingers in form by making shooting competitions. If they can't have cool things to shoot, they'll just have to see who's the best at shooting.
>Freeform: Explore Island
This island is rather spooky, I must say...it's peculiar. We should try to learn more about it before we consider exploring the mainland.
I say we make shoe be made of metal, metal stronger than any thorn
Civ: Rusties

Name: Latem Is'nori

technological research: let's look into creating a machine that comprehends all of existence and gives us the ability to coordinate time, location, and tangible routes so that we can start using teleportation and save-loads.

Cultural Research- let's study ethics so we don't end up corrupting existence or our minds while using the device. Let's learn what makes existence good, and how to keep that value at all times no matter what route we take.

Okay compatriots, let's start a cultural nav log so we can learn how each civilization operates to increase our communicability and usefulness to each tribe in order to get some social currency to help us survive. We should start with the nearest one, approach with an open hand, as much as we know about ethics, their social network will corrupt if they attack innocent passerbys without warning or compassion.
Yes let's look for signs of civilization, perhaps we can create forms of natural energy by channeling the natural materials we come across. After, fire is pretty much the rosetta stone of all forms of electricity. I might write some civ-comm guidelines such as:

1. Don't attack people.
2. Wait until she gives you a clear sign of consent.
Etc. etc. and so on.
Khan Jr. berry smart. Khan Agree!
Your posts read like ChatGPT drivel.

I can support these for turn 1, move south along the coast two-three turns before turning inland and moving to the northern coast abd then circling back to our drop off point. We'll hopefully find something along that route.

I would like to take two culture actions in the future to make us expert tinkerers aswell. We need to be able to properly maintain our vehicles, plus it could help us repair any lost tech we find on our journey.
I'm already started on a model for time travel after determining the necessary value to target significant identity so that we can quick travel/teleport via compressing existence into a comprehensive vacuum of our combined mapped out knowledge to target an entity and relocate their sig-val to another, known location.
GOOD idea
This is okay but I’m more into mixed civ quest

>walls of text about some bullshit
>based multiplayer free for all between cool factions with pretty pictures
Yesz thia is the way.
Shills gotta GO
I suppose there's only the suns left to decide their turn before you get to see how I make a mess of your turns
Any other sun want to comment/propose?
oh you had your turn, just not replying to the anchor post. Alright
This seems pretty good my fellow Sunbro, no objections
Bro, are you still here?
Technological research: scout towers
If we can't see much of the island we'll build a vantage point where we can, it'll be a good place to shoot from and in time we can haul a cannon on top of it to bomb anyone giving us trouble
>Freeform: scout the island
We can still keep busy just walking around and looking for anything interesting
I think we should make shooting competitions before considering scout towers. The reason people are worried is because they have nothing to shoot at, not from.
I mean you could build some, but with thirty years war tech you don't need to research putting a few logs together with a ladder
I think we're gonna find something on the island but I'll defer to instituting competitions
Also >>6005916, we're thirty years war level. That means 17th century.
I can agree to that, though I'm not sure if we need to be at the drop-off point or if we can just radio our position in.
Researching a reality breaking machine doesn't seem feasible even if we had skilled theoretical physicists and a state of the art lab, and right now we only have 10 archeologists and are essentially in the middle of nowhere. I think setting up some guidelines for interacting with other cultures is a good idea though.
10 is more of an arbitrary number, think of it like 10 families.
(they have extra civilian vehicles for the families, not just the 2 armored cars.)
What about the drop off point? Do we need to be back there at the end?
The mission did not specify, it's up to your interpretation
Oh, is this a multiplayer game?
Yeah, choose a tribe and go from there. Also it's still pretty early on, so if opee allows it I think you could join the bowties that were shown in >>5993916 if you wanted to. I don't know if that other guy is still around though.
I don't think you can join an entirely new civ, Opee said that too many would make it hard. I do know you can join an already existing civ, though.
Fair. I say let me go mad from isolation and reject my survival for not participating in the groups goals to justify me being crazy enough to establish reality breaking logic.
Come join the Chin clan!
You definitely can't make more after the #0 thread
Hello, how do I play this ?
You choose an civilization to join. And then when it's tiem for actions you vote on what to do.
Come join the Bigchins.
Feel like I should apologize that this was kind of done without much foresight, and I don't have as much time as I used to, so it will be pretty slow. Like feel free to check in every few days, or something.

Also I used to have an image slot on those pics, how will I draw the turns, hmmm...
It's all good. Im excited to get a feel for this.
did the leaguers reach a consensus? working on the turns right now.
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Rolled 70 (1d100)


The BigChins explored the cause of the disappearance of the trees, by camping out near the edge of the forest. Turns out it's a grand beast of metal, eating trees with its great loud teeth and little arms!

Their arrows did not harm it at all, so they decided to retreat and figure out stronger bows. they managed to create crossbows. they also manage to scrounge up enough rope to attempt a BIG bow. If the roll is above 50, they discover and get a ballista.
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Rolled 52 (1d100)


Khans figured out that, if horses too had shoes, the same horse could go much longer without maintenance. However, they do not have any metal, so they made cool boots out of leather for now.

The tribe gathered and sung to the Sky for good weather, with faithful devotion.
With no knowledge of magic in the tribe, wether it works or not is entirely up to the Sky. If the dice roll is above 50, the weather clears up the next day, and the tribe adopts Sky Chants: religious practice is done commonly by the entire tribe singing all at once.

no matter the result, the tendency of the sky to cover up will not be visibly affected yet.
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Rolled 1 (1d100)


The duke organized a grand shooting tournament to raise everyone's spirits.
Although more shooting is always fun, it's not exactly new to their culture of gun-lovers.

An expedition of the island was funded. The scouts were also tasked with building and manning scout towers as they go, creating a network around the island.

scouting: above 50 to discover an additional location. +20 for home region, and +10 for exploration width (small island)
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critical failure!

very busy with building towers and eager to go home in time for the tournament the scouts botched the job. They themselves know: if there's something else even barely hidden on the island, another expedition will be needed.

However, they did find something:
exploration mission: metal cliff doors
on the cliffs of the northern side, some way up towards the mount at the center, there are huge metal doors. There seems to be no way to open them. You should probably not try getting inside without some serious firepower.
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Rolled 27 (1d100)


Rusties overclocked their vehicles, making them able to go much faster! but the consumption rate of fuel is terrible.

They move towards the southern coast, and already they can see this island is littered with countless fascinating ruins!

scouting: Above 50 to discover an additional location. Above 90 to find another.

Also, one of the engineers have started talking nonsense about tearing reality or something.

fuel: 9/10
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The rusties are very excited about these new findings and can't wait to delve into their secrets!

archaeology mission: marble civilization
on the slopes, marble pillars of a long gone civilization can be seen. There doesn't seem to be anything of material interest, but the cultural discoveries could be amazing!

exploration/archaeology mission: underwater objects
under the waves, not far from the southern coast, brass constructions looking like bells sit close to each other. You would need diving equipment of some kind to explore further.
Damn, we sunists goes last? baka bias
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Rolled 100 (1d100)


With famine on the horizon, fields have been planted with the local edible wheats.
The test is conclusive. Now to scale it up, more hands will be needed. If an action is taken again towards this goal next turn, the coming harvest should be enough to feed everyone this cycle.

The suns went casually exploring the southern coast, towards the large metal structure. They're not the best explorers and not taking this too seriously.

scouting: above 50 to discover something. above 90 for another.

on their walk, they crossed the funny singing neighbors. It seems they've set up camp close this season.
Still can't understand a word they say though.
oh shit a hundo. That gotta be something good right
fuckers stole our luck
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critical success!

one of the members of the scout team went to explore the structure on their own as a passtime before, actually. So he could tell everyone what he learned from his explorations. It seems it was a big ship! Making ships that big is possible!

new tech: Shipwrighting
taking the wreched ship as model, the suns have the technological knowledge to make ships as big as a man o'war. (doesn't change how long it takes to make though.)
the shipwreck is also home to very big crabs. Looks dangerous.

after that, they kept going through the woods, and found something incredible!
exploration mission: the city of gold
a city under great golden statues of beasts spewing spring water out of their mouths.
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turn 2 start!

recap anchor

I almost read that as "great golden statues of breasts"
Generally I think we should continue the agricultural progress so that we can at least deal with our current worry of no fishe.

Second action could probably be try to build our first big ol' ship. Or explore that city of gold. Sounds fancy. Could have sweet loot
Sky clear and horse has snazzy boots, but metal sturdier, gotta find metal, I say scout the island to find metal, maybe also a place for a new camp, these weird sun people are weird and almost naked, ears also too big they will be listening in on our jurts
Also practice singing, it pleases the Sky, so greater practice will please it more and allow us to ask it for good weather and bad weather for those who are against us
Well, guess we got too into those expeditions..damn. That's real unlucky.

Anyway, I guess we need some real firepower to open those gates, huh? We already have cannons, so here's my idea...let's build a gun foundry. So we can make lots of big guns. Like artillery. Or cannons for ships.

Would making a gun foundry be a freeform action, or an tech action? We gotta leave an action for scouting...
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Come now friend. There is enough sky for all of us. And we are definitely totally not eavesdropping on you with our bigass ears. We can't even understand you, how would we even evesdrop. Don't be ridiculous
[Hm you ARE friend of sky so there is some common ground, ears are still too big tho]
an action would increase production of the same cannons, techn would make them better (don't expect WW1 howitzers out of the blue though)
Alright my brothers in rust, I vote that we at least begin studying the marble civilization ruins. But for the second act I think there are three things we can do: either we focus on developing the scavenger trait which might help us with the fuel problem, we could develop diving gear so we can explore the bells, or we can try and find an alternative fuel source for the vehicles. Personally I'm leaning more towards making the diving equipment so we'll explore the bells next turn and begin developing the scavenger trait then.
Well in zat case,

>Freeform Action
Get to scoutin', boys. And pay attention this time.

>Technology Research: Gun Foundry
Time to get better guns, yo!
>First action :
Fuck up metal monster with Crossbow and Ballista
Metal Monster ate leaves. So we have too few trees nearby. We will do our traditional tree planting (using of course chins as planters) to recover tree numbers, thus more critter for the blood rituals
Wow! Khan Jr. Berry Smart!! Berry good ideas HURUUURRMRMUUU

Big ears understand Throat songs?! HUUURRURRURUMUURR
Oh, Fantastic!

It was worth it!

Definitely got to spend an action toward increasing our fields this turn to get 'feeding everyone' in the bag here.

And with a wonder like the city of gold, our other action should be to explore it?
Or even... go and live in the place, it's probably a lot nicer and definitely a lot shinier then our current village.
I agree with this we'll take a closer look at those doors after we get some nice cannons
We should also probs look into developing defenses or weapons or some such. Unless we plan to slapbox them crabs
I think we'll continue working on the fields for our first action and explore the city for our second one, ye ye ye
Ye ye ye
Well If no one says otherwise ill vote
>Tech Action: Develop diving gear
>Freeform Action: Explore marble ruins
I'm not sure if its worth to fixate on metal. We don't have the means to work it right now. Scouting is a good idea though. Lets look for good pastures away from sunny weirdoes and interesting cool stuff
what is faction 5?
Sorry, I went off and make assertions about shared reality.

Cultural- study the sun tribe. My investigations have led me to realize that the sun is a mirror faceted object, in that emits light from every direction relative to a single point. This is the key to breaking the shared reality hold that prevents us breaching the time barrier.
Metal oughta be useful in the future one way or another, even if we cannot use it yet, but yeah, we gotta scout around, and as second action I still stand by continuing to sing to the sky
My non biased descriptions are such
Sun Tribe(Big eared lazy weirdo's who worship the sun, used to be naked)
Leaguers(Greedy gun nuts who would sell off their own mother and then pillage her house)
Khans(Handsome well spoken people of the steppes with the most beautiful horses around)
Bigchins(Near naked cavemen narcissists who would sacrifice you at the stone altar)
Mechanists(Nerds driving in vehicles that are much less pretty than horses)
Not saying you're wrong.
Just saying bold words for someone at tree-heart transplant distance. Also you got it wrong. Blood flows on the great Tree Stumps from sadly necessarily cut dead or sick trees.
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And I forgot picrel
you have no knowledge of other civilizations on this island. Only khans and suns have knowledge of one another, by virtue of being occasional neighbors.
Sure, more singing is cool
Is it just the Khans we're waiting on, or do us Sunists also need to reformat our actions?
I think were done. I replied to the wrong post in my last reply
As a rule of thumb, please expect about 2 updates a week
I'll do more if I find time though
Well, as long as we keep getting updates...
Thanks for the transparency.
I understand how hard it is to run such a quest with at least 5 drawing per update. Thus, I'll try to engage with as many drawing shitpost as a fair reward to your time.
Its alright
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Rolled 21, 41 = 62 (2d100)



Using their newfound power, the bigchins decided to attack the beast and chase it out of the forest!

combat: 50 or more to triumph. +20 for numbers advantage. -10 for limited ways of dealing damage.

Before the fight even started, a great feeling of communion with nature sprouted in the bigchins, who fervently rebuilt the animals home so that their blood ritual ecosystem may persist.

culture: 50 or more to get Blood Symbiosis : we must take care of the animals, and they must give us their blood. Such is the natural order.
The beast's skin was pierced by the ballista, but it seems the wound was not enough for a kill! And the rain of stone bolts did not have any luck.
Some of the most brave warriors went to jump on the beast with flames and stone, but were ripped by its loud maws!

The creature made a sound as if speaking with a booming voice, and fled propelled by its metal caterpillar servants.
it's not seen again in the next months.
If you wanted, you could trace where it went to with ease.
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Rolled 63 (1d100)


The khans never stay too long around the coast, the locals weird them out. They decided to leave a bit further west than usual, for good measure.
This calls for scouting first:
scouting: 50 for an additional scouting location, 80 for two more.

The Khans continued chanting to the sky for good weather. During a particularly devout session, the choir leader received the visit of sky spirits and was taught the secrets of the aeries!

the first level of spirit magic has been unlocked! you now have a few shamans capable of basic magic.
Moreover, The crisis has been resolved! for the next 2 turns, you will have 3 actions instead of 2.

The clan is rather jealous of the shamans. That a few are bestowed magic is contrary to their religious communal belief. They hope magic will be spread to every other believer too.
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exploration mission: Tower of Rust
a well-known landmark for khans, this building on top of the highest hill marks the end of their usual territory. But scouts have seen something moving inside.

The largest village:
while up on the hill, the scouts could make out a large settlement way further west. It would take a while to get there.
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Rolled 40 + 20 (1d100 + 20)


The Duke gave exceptional rights to the sweaty bastards down in the forge to experiment making royal cannons. You're so far from any king in here, you might as well arm yourself as one!
new tech: campaign cannons! (XVIIIth century ones)

this is the limit of the ingenuity of your engineers; you'll need serious inspiration to get any further.

The scouting party was sent back out with an ass kicking.
scouting: 50 or more to find something, 80 or more for another. +20 for second time.
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tech mission: metal box cart caravan
Those carts were on a plain on the far end of the island, not hidden at all...
There were rotten bodies inside them. But wait, what is that on top of them? Could it be? no...
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Rolled 57 (1d100)


People of the sun civilization let go of their fishing nets to join the farming efforts. Thanks to them, the harvest will be good! And people appreciate less time close to the sea.

Crisis averted! +1 action point for 2 turns.

A scout group went merrily to the golden city, to discover what wonders they hide!
scouting 70 or more for at least one scout to come back.
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Rolled 12 + 20 (1d100 + 20)


I went ahead and switched the tech and action since archaeology is tech, hope it's what you guys had in mind

The Rusties use some of their limited clothing resources to fashion a few scaphanders. They are confident in their make, and also confident this thing aint gonna hold on very long nor very deep underwater. But it should be enough to peek at the underwater domes!

While stranded on the ground, they used this time to study the marble ruins nearby, and learn more about their fascinating civilization!

marble ruins archaeology: 50 or more to discover their culture in full. +20 (easy)
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it will take a bit more time to understand this civilization, but you made good progress. If you try again, it will be an automatic success.
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recap anchor
Is this what i think it is? Big moving gun wagons? Big moving gun wagons we could stick our newly discovered cannons ontop of? I think I already know what we're going to do...

>Research Technology: Metal Box Cart Caravan
What secret do these corpses hold? We must find them out. If those wagons are able to actually move without sinking, we could turn even a siege cannon into mobile artillery. They'd be the perfect weapon to blow those metal cliff doors up.
>Freeform Action: Scout
If that roll is any indication, there are still secrets within the island we've yet to find out. Send out ze scouts!
Actually, actually, wait, question, by 'serious inspiration', do you mean that we'll need inspiration to progress artillery, or to do any research at all?
Blood Symbiosys failed? No big deal...
Here's what I want to attempt.
1/ take a tree. sharpen it in a point.
2/ Put pointed tree in ballista. Pull blood on it and start the bloodfire spell.
3/ Shoot the magical tree with ballista, aiming for a blood-having body heart.
4/ Use the blood inside target as a fuel for the spell, turning target in a neat heap of ash, perfect for the tree to grow inside.
Tracking metal caterpillar, fuck him up.
If I saw him bleeding black strange blood and previous research worked I want to try it on him.
Khan think that eberryone should get magick sky power! Except the stoopid big ears who watch Khan while he roll around in mud!!!

->Teach secret of the aeries to every Khan as long as they swear not to tell any Non-Khan's

Then BOOM. Khan get eben bedder idea! Teach it to the horses too! Dat way they can use the sky power to go super fast!!!

->Teach Sky throat singing/secret of the Aeries to the horses ke k

->Explore Tower of Rust
I agree with teaching aeries to each Khan, it will be our communal secret, but not horses, let them graze grass and chill, instead we should learn how to make bows and arrows, I mean its one stick and a string that shoots other sticks, how hard can it be?
We should also totally check the rust tower
Propose to instead of teaching horses magic we take the opportunity to create new hordes, expand our population and stuff since we have the good life atm
I think we would already have bows btw
Wow you guys are berry smart. Horse dumb and no learn magic!

->Teach secret of the aeries to every Khan as long as they swear not to tell any Non-Khan's
->Explore Tower of Rust
->Encourage men to mate like horses and create new Khan's!
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Artistic Vision
I suppose more Khans couldn't hurt, especially with the attrition events for other civs had
Still, for the future, hey Opee, do we have to research for bows and arrows and such?
Hurrah, we leave the evil sea behind us!
But, oh no! Where have our scouts vanished to? Perhaps we should have trained them?

>Technological Action: Mapmaking/Cartography! A Map is a drawing of the world as if it was seen from near the sun high above! We must learn to see the world as the Sun sees the world, so that we might understand it better!

>Cultural Action:
Harvest Festivals! The Great Golden Sun and the good spirits that come from the sun and make our food grow ripe and juicy shall be honoured in celebration at every harvest, in thanks for the bounty grown in the sunlight!

>Freeform Action!:
Search the land around us for resources! Let us see if there are any metals, ores or good stones that might be won from the land, so that we might someday make better tools and other stuff!
This sounds pretty aight.

But we probably should eventually look into those scouts and that city tho
>Research Technology: Metal Bawkses
If we can learn how to make metal war wagons we'll have a lot more military power to flex
>Freeform action:scout
But let's take a look at the waters near our island instead
Chiggers should sit down. The big chins sole accomplishment so far has been rubbing stones together. Our horses can be stated, without hyperbole, to exist in a higher state of civilization than chinnies. The only reason you exist as a civ instead of a background pop that appears in early game events is due to Opee oversight. The only fate awaiting chinos is to be lassoed by their mentums and dragged across the plains to their deaths, if they survive until then that is. Hurmm
t. Ginghis Kchan
We should, eventually! But it'll probably be better to try again once we have some maps and better tools, rather then rush in right away.
Rolled 91 (1d100)

Alright I'm thinking we start the cultural advancement of being expert tinkerers, and fully explore the marble culture. Or we can expend more tech on our diving equipment.
Ah what a waste of a roll
Sorry, didn't understood because of barbarous gutural sounds + didn't cared.
Living in ma forest. Shooting ma bow. Luv ma tree. Luv ma women. Simple as.
We should look into harnessing the power of our glorious sun, eventually
Yeah I was going to suggest the same. Since we're stuck here for two more turns at least, if we're diving into the water for those ruins aswell we might aswell get it over with.
So we'll be going with the having expert tinkerers for our cultural action and fully exploring the marble culture for our tech action
It means you can't go further with gun research on sweaty blacksmith brainpower alone, you'll need outside influence of some kind

yeah you got bows and horse cheese and the whole mongol kit

It takes two turns to develop your culture because of the cultural fascination trait, confirm if you're sure you want to commit one of next turn's actions to it
Yeah confirm it. We'll get the first part of that done this turn and we'll do the second part when we search the underwater ruins.
been busy but working on those turns !!
Let's fuckin go.
's all good
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Rolled 78 + 30 (1d100 + 30)

(why is this thread on autosage?)



their blood still boiling after their earlier failure, the big chins poured their magic into making the biggest baddest ballista bolt they could, a whole tree dipped in felfire!
+cultural magical variant: death tree

Then they followed the beast back to its home to destroy it! (it was incredibly slow pushing that ballista all the way)
combat roll: +10 numbers advantage, +20 death tree

They found it in a collection of dome-like huts in front of a cliff, where the dead trees are left to rot, piled up high.
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Rolled 33 (1d100)

(I will do the roll conclusion last from now on to save time)


Khans decided that everyone is part of the holy community so it's only natural everyone should be doing the magic. The shamans were told to teach it to everyone!
However they have trouble teaching. They don't really know why they can do magic in the first place, and they don't even know if teaching people that aren't gifted works at all! This leads to a lot of frustration for everyone, but it worked for a measly two more shamans so far.

An expedition was sent to the tower of rust.
exploration: Tower of Rust: 50 or more for a positive issue. +30 (known location)

And finally the Khans shared a temporary sentiment that they should grow their population. Or was it just a lusty spell? Anyways. +2 POP (now 32)
Imma just sun tan my balls in the mean time
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Rolled 36 + 40 (1d100 + 40)


rusty carts mission: The things were standing in the open, with no apparent danger, so the mission went without a hitch.
The engineers could confirm: These were vehicles of great technology, and they must have been abandoned there at least 50 years ago judging from the rust. And the dead people inside seem to have died brutally, but without trace of fighting. But most importantly, that's some kind of cannon up top!? it seems to have a complex mechanism they can't quite figure out... Some kind of ribaudequin? they can't wait to try to imitate it.
gun tech unlocked!
Everyone is very hyped about this new discovery! crisis averted! +1 action for 2 turns.

Also the scouts went searching for they feel this island has one more secret to offer.

scouting: 80 or more to find something. +40 for third time.
>(why is this thread on autosage?)

Clearly it's because we don't believe in the sun hard enough
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A sentiment amongst the more expert rusties started growing into a cultural focus on tinkering crafstmanship - after all, these cars are what little separate man from wilderness out there, and their maintenance is essential.
As always with new ideas, these concepts are met with doubt. "Sounds kinda cult-y" thinks the average rusty, but it's making progress.

Also new elements were uncovered in the ruins that allowed to fully grasp the nature of the dead civilization there.
Those 2 statues are kinda sus
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Rolled 63 (1d100)


With a newfound interest in growth, the sun people started looking around for resources.
Resources roll: (pure luck)

The suns decided to record their recent explorations on reed paper, to be kept, taught, or traded.
new tech: cartography

And finally they grew their culture to not only have sun day holidays, but more throughout the year - like the harvest festival, but they can't wait for more memorable days to celebrate so that they can laze around in the sun even more!
modified tenet: SUN HOLIDAYS
Damn, 63. What does that mean
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The tree hits the beast in the flank as it was trying to hide in its burrow, and the innards blow up in flames! It's a great celebration.
The hunters noted the location of this tree graveyard on their map, and left.
The tower couldn't have been a dwelling for more than two families. Maybe some kind of military purpose? The tribe is unfamiliar with building types really. However, they found some leather-bound collections of pages that could be poems of some sort, along with pulling long copper threads from the walls and iron could be mined from the tower intself.
The scouts couldn't find anything after really trying this time. they're convinced there's nothing left on the island, after all.
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marble civ uncovered!
-It seems they had some notion of earth magic.
-their technology was ancient.
-they must have been gone at least two thousand years ago.

No matter how far we are, no matter how our culture diverges, where we stand is our home and who we are are the same people everywhere! Replaces Nomadic.
Fighters are put in pairs, live together through thick and thin, to care for one another and be much more involved and efficient in battle! And become really good friends!
The mountain is death. Do not go to the mountain! do not let children near the mountain! Stick to the coasts!
Cultural Fascination: Do you want to pick a free cultural trait?
Roll result: some variety!
Here is what the scouts found:

>fertile land
with a bit of tree removal, the fields could be easily expanded.
There's good stone to be found near the village.
>metal pits
copper, tin, iron was found in decent quantities overgrown depressions in the ground around the village.
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Turn 4 start!

Recap anchor post
We still have 3 actions this turn right?
I think it is a mistake to focus on shamans. We are not a magical people. Instead lets separate shamans from the common people and have them do their thing. To keep them busy they can study the poetry we found. Here are my ideas
>Study poetry, try to create our own
>Take rust tower's metal to create horseshoes and stirrups
>Scout the village out west
Fellow sunbros, here're my suggestions:

>find way to exploit the newly found metals
>expand farmland
>train better scouts so we can explore them ruins again

Unless someone has a better idea

thanks opee
I have 2 questions.
1/ What does the Cultural Magical Variant do?
2/ Did slaying the deforester averted the crisis?
1/ it's a way to use the "felfire" magic, that can be considered a separate spell.
2/ I forgot, but yes, crisis averted!+1 action for 2 turns.
Aww man, we were *so* close. Literally 4 close. On the other side, that's a pretty cool gun. Extra action is pretty good however - now, we will obviously begin to research the Ribauldequin...but that leaves our two other actions. I suppose we can't scout no more.
Wait, it says 'gun tech unlocked'

Does that mean we already have the mysteirous weapon as a tech, or that we have unlocked researching it?
you have unlocked researching gun tech further
okay good

Well, with three actions, that means one of them's gotta be cultural...hmmm.
I feel like it's limiting the game so, when you get an additional bonus action, it's not constrained by the rules, you can use it however you want

I can't retroactively do it for previous turns, I hope you managed to do what you wanted anyways
I didn't get an additional bonus action in previous turns, so it's fine. But yes...that's goood

I'm thinking we should maybe build some 'fortifications' outside the big wall so we can prepare for when we open it? What do you think, Pro Beleaguerer?
>Action 1 (Freeform):
Explore dead wood camp.
The dead tree feels... wrong. Why did they do that? Are there insight to find?
>Action 2 (I think cultural)
Blood Symbiosis failed? No biggy.
Trees are friendier anyway. Research Sap Symbiosys - take care of tree, use Sap to empower our spells! And with enough tree, we might retry getting pals with critters right?
>Action 3 : Scout!
The goal is meeting other people and either capture pretty girls, or get our less beautiful girls preggos with pretty boys.
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I wanted to note, fellas, that primal feeling to loot and raid shit is creeping in
You know what, I actually have a perfect idea...

It's time to prepare to open up those doors! In the future! Soon enough! And we will start with some technological how-do-ya-do...
>Research Action: Metalcart Weaponry
What exactly are these Ribaudequin-like weapons? We must replicate them.
>Research Action: Interchangeable Parts
The very best amongst our hunters have weapons with smooth grooves along their side, that allow them to fire longer, and more accurately. But they're too expensive. If we were to start teaching our craftsmen to make exactly equal parts, then we could begin to much more rapidly and cheaply make new tools and weapons!
>Freeform Action: Build Fortification Towards Doors
Whatever is behind those doors, the metal carts were not strong enough to stop them. If we are to open those doors, we ought to be really prepared! It's time to make a construction work surrounding those doors, add some spikes and traps, and places from us to shoot our cannons and weapons at them from a distance!
unfortunately none of these cultural traits really help us
we have to keep moving if we want to uncover more cultures.
We're here to study cultures not fight people so there really isn't any point in having better fighters
No way in hell are we going to pass up trying to find mountain cultures.
Is it possible to learn from their earth magic as a free action?
Hmmm I don't know about poetry, maybe we practice horseback archery to uhhhh raid villages hunt for wild game better
Sounds like good ideas, though I don't know if training better scouts would count as a second tech action... fortunately, OP lifted constraints for the bonus action, so even if it counts as one we can still do it!

>Tech: Metallurgy
With Copper, Tin and Iron ores all about us we learn to smelt and shape these metals into tools and other useful forms.

>Action: Expand Farmland
More farmland equals more crops grown, the more people we can feed and the greater the variety of our diet! Let's ensure our supplies!

>Tech?: Scouting/(Reconnaissance?)
We train our people as better scouts who know how to navigate the environment and evade and avoid trouble so that they are more likely to return home and bring more accurate reports when they do so.
Oh berry smart and Khan make poem himself


Khan call it “Poem”
we already know that very well THOUGH, 2bqhmn (to be quite honest my noyan)
You can only learn from their cultural tenets
Hey I'm back and after doing doing some research post being completely shut down and ignored, I've come to realize that we, our entire existence, as actually being hosted on some chat forum in some other none explainable existence!!!!

Having access to this knowledge makes us God's. Now, we just have to think anything that cna be typed, and it will happen. I AM GOD! THE VILLAGERS WILL FEAR ME! THEY WILL CELEBRATE MY NAME! I WILL RULE EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING!!!!

you guys down?

Anyway: cultural research, let's shoot flares in the air to see if we can get ay attention from nearby civilizations, start a bunch of huge fires.
You tried to interract with BigChin tribe at some point?
If yes, sorry for blatantly ignoring you, can you backlink your post?
They're this person:

Last time they posted they appeared to be a Rustie
Clearly his brain was too fried by the sun. As he was not enlightened enough. Like us
I mean some practice couldn't hurt but fair enough
I got an idea where later on perhaps we could teach other Khans how to sing in a chorus with Shamans, that way they are involved with our spiritual stuff while at the same time they don't have to do much thinking
Well I'm thinking we'll finish the tinkerers action, and explore the underwater bells. Does any other rusty want to take a cultural trait, only the HOMOIOMERES seems to be beneficial to us for the better fighters, but I'd rather we just avoid conflict altogether and rely on our armour for defense
I support >>6023679
Actions, we need to study these old wagons and prepare to breach the doors
OK. We could do horse practice + chorus next turn. Unless anyone objects...
>Study poetry, try to create our own
>Take rust tower's metal to create horseshoes and stirrups
>Scout the village out west
Yeah that works
update tomorrow
arts are done but I'll write the posts tomorrow. I got caught up in the not-E3. No games
Where the cute vampires at? Opee fell off 2bh
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Rolled 12 (1d100)

that's dirty. It's not like I even did anything with her in the first place!



The tribe explored the beast's home. It was full of metal round huts, with a big one on the outskirt that has a tube coming out of the top.
It seems there were people here before but the bones have already returned to the earth.
On the cliffside there is a metal staircase that seems to be there to help climb the tall cliff but it's incomplete. The top of it is made of old mouldy wood that wouldnt be safe to walk on.

After their failure to get closer to animals, the tribe turned to the true heart of the woods - trees.
culture: gained SAP SYMBIOSIS: We must take care of the trees, and they must give us their sap. Such is the natural order.

Some sap might be useful because it's very springy, but so far it doesn't seem to work with blood magic.

Also, some men went around looking for other civs' girls, even though none have been seen in decades.
scouting/raiding: 50 or more to find tracks. 80 or more to find someone.
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The khans tried studying what they assume is a poetry book, but could not decypher it. However, the assumption led to them taking interest in writing their own language on vellum, keeping poetic chants for the next generations.

with access to proper metal, the khans could fit all of their horses with proper horseshoes, and can now go on any terrain with the whole of them.

They made way to the largest village to explore it, crossing the dense and humid forest of the west. They could reach it next cycle.
Ah I see.

Tree huggers
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tech: Studying the carts' weapons, the engineers made a huge leap forward and learned of the metal cartdridge, increasing the deadliness of firearms tenfold!
Could this be applied to cannons too? The carts did not have large guns, but it could be extrapolated...

tech: Copying the best craftsmens' designs, the leaguers started the chain production of gun parts, making the guns both more reliable and easier to produce.
However, the public is greatly disappointed in these soulless guns that make light on the masters' craft, and private buyers are few.

The leaguers also built a wall around the doors, fitted with found campaign cannons and a light watch, just in case.
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Rolled 91 + 10 (1d100 + 10)


Cultural: after a long debate, the rusties agreed that in the end, being expert tinkerers was pretty natural to their way of life, and adopted that world view.
EXPERT TINKERERS: tinkering is vital to our way of life and all must have knowledge of it. With their forward thinking and expertise, things simply do not break down.

They also dived into the underwater structures.

archaeology: underwater domes 50 or more for a full analysis. -10 for underwater (with scaphander)
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The suns have become very intense about agriculture, the prospect of famine earlier driving them to the fields. They now have a strong agricultural wealth and an easy food source for the foreseeable future. +1 pop/turn!

pop: 31

tech: They also mined the easier metals to make bronze tools, mostly for the farm, and a few basic weapons for scouts to be safe.

they started training scouts with weapons and maps and created the scout corps, a group of young people who yearn to leave the fields and are more trained than their predecessors.
The men could not find anyone but loads of horse crap to the south. They came home defeated.
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through a smart communication system and swift decyphering of engravings, the rusties managed to get the full picture of this dead civilization!

The Moon is their absolute goddess, and everything that comes from the Moon or its sea is good; while the sun, and everything from its sky, is evil, made only to be killed and eaten at best. (would improve underwater and sea based tech, and make people unhappy about being in the sun.)
Magic is the true power, and those with most power are naturally our leaders. Therefore mages rule. (would teach magic.)
We are the meek, the downtrodden, forced to hide and bide our time, but one day, our time will come to be at the top! History will remember us! (would make people more ambitious and demanding.)

additionally, it seems this people had very strong dark magics, but limited to very few people.
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Rolled 53, 1, 52, 14, 44 = 164 (5d100)

It seems this island isn't so bad after all; everyone is doing pretty good. Life could be better but it could also be much worse out there, on an unknown part of the world full of mysteries and dead civilizations......
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A great rumbling can be felt throughout the island. But it is a weird kind of rumbling - one that shakes the within, not the without. After it passes, some people slump to the ground, alive but unmoving.

Held strong: BigChins, Khans: -5 pop(25, 27)
Shaken to the core: Suns -10 pop(21), Rusties -3 pop(7)
Reaped: Leaguers: -20 pop!(20)

what will each civilization do with their now incapacitated people?
turn 5 start!

recap anchor
Yeah, we uh, we probably should be looking into what happened to our dudes.

And maybe sent them scouts into them ruins again
Ah shit, its the Nega-sun tribe!
Aw fugg

Right uhhh, change of plans from before,
First action, we continue to the Big Village
Action 2, contect sky spirits, they see all after all
Bonus action, have Shamans write down some useful spirit-calling songs
Secret action:Force big ears to put some fucking pants on
Nuh uuuhhhhhh
Oh yah Opee, +1 action ran out right?
yup. For the khans too
Time to commune with the Sun spirits to see what's wrong with these guys! If they're not just getting really into their sunbathing...

Hopefully we'll have a better chance with maps and tools to help us explore?
-20 pop
dear lord that is insane, we lost our entire pop advantage and now we don't have magic either

any ideas?
Yeah sounds good

The sun bois will:
- Try to figure out what's wrong with our unmoving dudes. Perhaps commuting with the sun would help

- Explore the ruins again, surely our better scouts and tools will prevail this time!
We're back to 2 options. my porposal:
1. Continue the scouting
2. Attempt to develop shaman divination. So we can create prophesies and avoid such soul-shaking in the future.
you can do the spirit shaker huh, the soul shaker give me the soul shaker dude
What is the big ears plan outside of sunbathing and gorging on bread? I must have missed it.
Plan? There's a plan?
I know you eavesdropping nudists are up to something, just need to prove it
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I don't think this is it either Johnny, this Underwater civilization seems a little evil. Some things are left to be forgotten for a reason. I guess we could pick up Magocracy if we really must, though I don't think it would fit with our current faction theme.

For our turn action I say we head inland with a movement action, aiming to get to the coastline on the other side around the natural bay there, and use a tech action to develop some sort of remote controlled drone so we can survey a larger area for points of interest.

Opee, is modifying a cultural trait allowed? Say we pick up Magocracy so we learn about Magicks, could we retool it to something like MagiTech trait instead that focuses on Magic infused tech rather than magic worship?
cultural actions can be used to modify your existing cultural traits, yes
it's not exactly your faction's forte, mind you, it taking 2 actions and all

(should we make a new thread? this one is autosage, but I don't know if we can keep one afloat to begin with)
This board is slow as shit, it's still gonna be like a month until it gets to page 11.
If you make a new thread, you'll by extension have to make a new cool OP picture. So I vote yes. Maybe next time glorious khan wont be obscured by a s*nists giant ass ear
Put yo pants on, earo
Hm yeah that works I suppose
I'd say perhaps make the new thread when you next update, OP? No need to rush into it.
Yeah it'll take a while for the thread to die. But you can make a new one if ya wanna
true I would need to make a new art for a new thread. Let's not do that I'm lazy
Man after my own heart
1st action (Freeform) :
Use killed tree to build the staircase to the top of the cliff

2nd Action (Cultural)
Research Blood Magic spell that work with our tree friends

3rd Action (Technological)
Metal seems an handy material to improve daily life. Learn Metalwork - with our own spin, try to grow metal trees with our sap magic!
I think you have a point with the Magocracy, but We do have to bring back something interesting before the 10th turn and bringing back magic might be what we need to convince our investors to fund another expedition, in case we aren't able to find anything else.
Okay, since I don't know when the other leaguer will be here...
>Technology Research: Gatling Gun
These cartridges are a truly amazing discovery. The idea of storing a primer within the bullet itself is impressive indeed, and allows for guns to be stored in cartridges. But what if we were to make a gun that was continuously fed by a big cartridge
>Technology Research: Explosive Shells
This also gives us another idea. If you can store a primer within a bullet...why not explosives? Though explosive cannonballs have already existed, they were rather finicky and prone to failure. Until now.
>Free-form Action: Investigate the Deaths
A tragedy unlike none other, an horrible plague. This sorcery has claimed half our families. We must find out its source - could this be related to what killed the crewmen of the metal boxcart? They died brutally, yet with no sign of fighting. There is foul magic afoot.
as a precision, the people still have a pulse. They breathe and can be force-fed.
Oh, I see. In that case, i guess i'll change my actions to investigating the people. Same thing, just...you know, keep them alive...
Thinking about it a bit more, I think we really should choose magocracy. Right now we have a bunch of people who suddenly became comatose, using might be the only option we have right now to help them. If you really don't want to take magocracy though, I think we should maybe study the ruins a but more to see if they have any clues as to what happened. Also we may be able to take one of the dead remains of the underwater civilization since they appear to be fish people, and discovering a completely new type of human might be interesting for our investors.

Is magic and/or fish people already known to the civilization we come from?
Magic is extremely rare in your part of the world and people mostly rely on science, from your civ and the others too.
Underwater sapients is not new to you but these exact ones are new.
Right, I completely missed the event portion of the update, do doy. Sure, we can pick up Magocracy and try to use it to save our comatose people. Afterwards however we should turn Magocracy into MagiTech, because that would absolutely wow our investors if shown.

So our turn should either be moving further inland, or staying put and inventing some new tech, while while investigating the afflicted using our new magicks.
unless other khans object lets:
1. Continue the scouting
2. Make shamans develop divination skills

btw just wanna say im loving this so far
I think that the better option is to load the afflicted on to the busses and keep moving, we are nomadic after all. So free cultural action would be to have the magocracy, our tech(?) action would be to try and determine the source of the ailment using technology and magic, and our freeform action would be to start exploring the mountains.
Sounds like a plan. I'll back that.
rough week. Aiming for an update saturday
Good luck Opee
Can I make a nomadic tribe of clown people?
's alright, take your time
Sorry Blud, faction making was done in the last thread
that is the chins
Khans and Rusties are nomadic. Though Khans are more serious throat-singers of the steppes, so Rusties are probably the better bet; due to their cultural fascination traits if they stumble upon living or dead civ with clown predominance they could auto-incorporate it.

Or you could just be a rustie who is a clown, I guess.
Bold Words for someone at Ballista range...

Wait you're not at Ballista range.
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Rolled 57, 22 = 79 (2d100)



The tremors didn't faze the BigChins, who kept going as usual.

the bigchins built the rotten remains of the staircase, roughly understanding the pattern.
Going up, they feel awe, as it's the highest a human as ever been! They could see the forest, and even the sea from there.
There were some more huts and metal knick-knacks up there, and an overgrown path continues further up.

cultural: sap magics the bigchins experience magic as they usually do, but using sap instead of blood... to no use. Maybe there's another process? It's silly to think a spirit of nature would have no magicks!
roll: 50 or more to get earth magic 1. +25 to roll (appropriate culture)

tech: metalworks? theorizing that metal doesn't grow because it doesnt have living liquids, bigchins plant some metal with sap and oversee their growth.
50 or more to understand metalworking basics. -20 to roll (foreign concept)
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Rolled 22, 47 = 69 (2d100)


It's tough being on the move on horseback and taking care of dead weights, and the khans are slowed down by their motionless folk. Nevertheless,

Action: the clan finally arrived in the vicinity of the very large village. It's all swampy and buggy and wet, and the peeople do not like the place.
Nevertheless, it's close enough to send a scouting party forward.
exploring: 25 or more for at least one scout to come back.

The clan takes care of their own in the meantime, and the growing number of shamans turn to the skies to ask the spirits for guidance, and an explanation, reading and interpreting mysterious cloud shapes.
Cultural: divination 50 or more for SKY READING : The tribe reads signs in the sky, predicting future events with precision based on magical capacity. and +1 spirit magic. -5 to roll for low morale (magic not shared, unwelcome environment).
(can be rerolled later if failed.)
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Rolled 24, 28 = 52 (2d100)


Extremely preoccupied by this split-second plague, the leaguers overwork themselves with this unprecedented burden, but their development slows down to a crawl, focused on providing for half their population now powerless to do anything.

TECH: Gatling guns The remaining gunsmiths work on fumes to attempt to copy the principle of the guns they found, if not their form.
Roll: 10 or more to avoid an accident. 50 or more to get gatling guns. roll divided by half (half workforce).

In their feverish passion for gunsmithing, they split themselves into two tasks at once, making it even more of a challenge to get anything done this cycle.
TECH: explosive rounds: 5 or more to avoid a grave accident. 50 or more to get explosive rounds. roll divided by half (half workforce)roll divided by half (half workforce).

Action: The colony's doctors examined the patients with all the tools at their disposal, but could not find the slightest hint of a cure. But through their medical eye and rigorous approach, they could dress up a list of learnings:
>The patients are overall as healthy as they used to be.
>They are not asleep, but their metabolism is somewhat slow. They don't need as much food.
>They are losing muscle mass over the weeks. They might not be useful right after waking up.
>They have no self-preservation, and some might die of choking or constipation if not attended to.
The people have been listening to the doctors so far, and a big part of the workforce, mostly military, is turned into caretakers.
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Rolled 57, 61 = 118 (2d100)


Fascinated by this ancient culture of great and formidable wizards, the rusties developed such a deep interest in magic that they concentrated their study efforts on it, and managed to figure magic out through the scientific approach!
adopted MAGOCRACY: Magic is the true power, and those with most power are naturally our leaders. Therefore mages rule. +1 blood & death magics!
Only a select few could wield it, though, and the most potent one was declared lord.
MONARCHY ROLL: one of the rusties players will become king of the rusties. They must confirm the proposed turn for it to be valid. can only be overwritten if the king has a prolonged (>1 turn) absence, or if this trait is changed. The king cannot renounce their title due to the nature of it.

1-40: Randy; 41-80: Johnny; 81-100: Latem
lower for Latem due to lower participation.

touch someone to steal years off their life. Too slow for any martial use.

Action: scouting the mountain pass
The rusties drive inland (at normal speed), headed northbound.
Roll: 50 or more to see something on the way. 75 or more for another.

Tech: studying the sickness
The readings, while better equipped, give no more info about the condition of the comatose people than the leaguers' doctors.
The mages could only confirm this would be unlike anything they learned from the previous civilization about blood nor death magic.
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Rolled 64 (1d100)


The suns were hit by this event, but thanks to their ample food stores, catastrophe has been avoided.

The young scouts were finally sent to prove themselves, with brand new maps, weapons, and even bronze breastplates! Surely this will go just fine this time.
exploration mission: golden city
10 or more for at least one scout to come back.

Tech: examining victims
The sun shamans took sun baths with the victims, to wait for the visit of spirits and try to get an answer.
Their answer came, and it was clear: the spirits could come in and out of the victims, even possessing them to make their arms move or their eyes blink without trouble. The souls are gone from the bodies. It could have been some kind of evil spirit magic... Maybe from the moon!

+1 pop (22)
Though blood magic didnt work, the people could FEEL something else through the sap. The life of mother nature itself?...
>gained earth magic 1:ACCELERATED GROWTH
takes from a magic energy source (such as living beings) to grow plants in a blink. Does not produce more energy than what was given.

Growing metal didnt work out yet. Or maybe if you wait longer...?
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All hail his majesty, wielder of fel and foul, king Racecar Johnny!

exploration mission: Stepstone bunkers
A strange formation of regular square slabs piled up on a seaside cliff, and gray bunkers camouflaged amongst them.
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The scouts came back, most of them!
They reported that the city is full of winged cats the size of a person, and absolutely vicious! They have never seen even a predator so aggressive. Getting away was a struggle!
They could not scout much, though they could confirm the statues are made of gold, and a ludicrous amount of skeletons on the ground had gold trinkets.
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Turn 6 start!

recap anchor
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>Apparently all my rolls are halved now, meaning i have to roll a perfect 100 to get the seemingly standard DC of 50
>I also have to maintain one action to taking care of the people or else they die, effectively locking me to a singular action per turn for who knows how long
>Since i have no magic, there's seemingly no clear way i can even cure them
>Even if i do revive them, they'll most likely be weak and unable to work like they did before, and if they die, not only will my people be sad, but i'll be left with less than the standard starting pop size, except with zero magic while stuck in an island with some horrible cursed door, all while others are going around learning even more and actually advancing themselves
>The only other player in my civilization has seemingly also abandoned me to deal with all of this alone, no one to discuss what to do with
Things are looking pretty grim for us, bros. That event completely crippled me. Really hoping i'll find an unseen path here, if there even is one.
If you want to help me out, you could update your own civ's card with new cultures, magics, tech, pop etc. I'll have to do it at least once per thread anyways.
>I also have to maintain one action to taking care of the people or else they die
You don't have to, they have been taken care of so far - that's why the rolls are halved for the most part.
But if you do that, I remove the roll halving.

regarding one of your points, IF YOU'RE A LURKER READING THIS: you can join any civ at any time! just name yourself accordingly and hop in to cast your vote.

I try to make the ups and lows an interesting story instead of trying to "balance" everyone, I hope it's still enjoyable
>But if you do that, I remove the roll halving.
Probably what i'll have to do if i want to have any chance of figuring out what this is. Or maybe i should just let them die. I could use an extra voice to discuss stuff with.

Well, i'll admit that losing half my population because of an random event is not something i particularly enjoy, but i'm not "not" enjoying this, so to say. I'm still looking forward to what to do next and getting out of this pit.
Does this mean we'll be having a new thread soon? I could make one for my civ at the end of the thread.
Also did all our scouts died?

I love such random shit happening.
All right this happening can be considered as nothing short than a divine sign. Now that we know the affliction affecting the people is one likely of the spirit.
If we don't already have one try to find a holyman and have him lead the other conscious leaguers in worship
research and apply early intravenous therapy to those ill
Thanks for the work in new turn Opee.

Do I still have a 3rd action? Or is it over?

Hmm. Well, we're going to need some sort of weapon to help against those Winged Lions, and since the things can fly then it'll have to be something with significant range. So for the first action I'd suggest:

>Tech: Longbows
A bold weapon of the day, to strike foes and predators as if from the sky itself!

The souls are gone? Oh no; how could souls be stolen away? But the Sun-Spirits can possess these bodies; perhaps Sun-Spirits should be allowed to possess all the soul-less bodies, so they can live for them and as them as protective and holy custodians until their original souls are returned? Perhaps the spirit-possessed could help us search out where lost souls might have been taken to, as we wouldn't know where to start looking!
Alright its time for the mongol council. Here is my proposal.
>Attempt divination again
>Incorporate the tribal chorus as part of shamanistic rituals
So the shaman does his thing and the rest of the tribe join in with their singing. Everyone is included that way.
it's not quite at risk of pruning yet, but you could always do it before then

intravenous therapy required a large wealth of medicinal research to be effective and even though there were early attempts, none were successes until the 1800s. If you really want to do it, it'll make some kind of progress, but I'll need your confirmation that you're using them as doomed test subjects.

it's ogre
I think we oughta find our scouts first, get boys and horses armed a strafe whatever is in that village
We can do the divination again as well tho, the chorus thing could wait for a bit since its not really a pressing issue at the moment
Alright. So my actions are :
1/ Exploring over the Staircases
2/ Earth Magic improvement : live-building
Building upon the new magics of the tribe, our leaf-lovers will sacrifice animals, dying elder or the ugly comatose - and in the worst case, tree - to orient the growth of trees and bush in natural-made delving and abodes
>Attempt to create cultural research : Earth magic Improvement/New spell : Tree-House
Good idea

>Send armed patrol towards village
>Attempt divination again
Good to see you're not dead, but you do remember that all our rolls are halved unless we let those guys die, right?
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updated KHAN civ card.
However I did not change pop because Opee didnt specify if/how many scouts died last turn so I dont know.
I wasn't really sure what to put for the tech option, IV felt a bit higher tech but I couldn't think of a relevant research option more feasible. If you have another idea of what we should do please post it.
>tech option
All our rolls are halved unless we dedicate an option to caring for people. I say we give one last action to try using our holy men to either find an cure or confirm their deaths. Basically, let's try to dabble in magic. If they fail, we use them all as test subjects for medicine.
Okay, before i do my 'city card' with the new stuff, i suppose i should ask
>What kind of action would taking care of the sick patients be?
and continuosuy
>What kind of option would be 'call all the holymen and mystics to try to solve this shit' be?
first one would be a generic action

second one could be the same, or cultural
Hail his Magotech Highness Racecar Johhny! I suggest we head towards the one point of interest we have discovered, we might learn more of the disease that plauges us.

How does magic work Opee? Since we now have it, can we discover the other different types of magic or are we stuck with Death and Blood magic? The comatose people seem to be affected by something related to the spirit and if possible I would like to try and discover Spirit magic to see if I am correct.
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>Generic Action
Take care of the sick
>Freeform Action
As medicine has failed, it is time to call our holy men, our mystics, literally any among ours who deals with the otherworldly, in order to try an last attempt at healing the people (or confirming they are truly gone)
you only know about death & blood magicks, but you're now aware of magic existing and more receptive to it.
Definitely sounds good with the exploration, but for our second action I'm thinking we could either get magitech amplifiers allowing us to use our magic more effectively, or we could try and develop our death magic more, maybe that could help just in case something happens to the people who are comatose.
Personally I want Spirit magic so we can catch and infuse spirits into machinery to make things like clockwork mecha minions, since we're so short on manpower. I don't exactly see Blood or Death magic helping with that, unless we intend to fuse our own souls into machines.
BUT IF THE GREAT AND POWERFUL RACECAR JOHNNY WILLS IT, IT MUST BE DONE. We can get on those MagiTech amplifiers so we can better connect with the magicks. That would surely work as something we can hand over when our benefactors ship return
The BigChins are using a correlation between 'Blood' and Tree-Sap for their magic, perhaps you could use Oil/Petrol as the 'Blood' of your vehicles and manipulate it that way?
Alright for our tech action we will be researching magic amplifiers and our free action will be exploring the seacliff civilization.
I actually thought about exploring this the other way around, as in using blood as a fuel source.
unfortunately, archaeology is a tech action
Since the thread is about to fall off, I'll make an executive decision and say our tech action is exploring the ruins while our cultural action will be to modify Cultural Fascination to allow us to also learn any new type of magic if the civilization has that capability.

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