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Long ago, the Zahvenat archipelago, more commonly known as the "Butterfly Isles" was a peaceful place, governed by the Myskshen Empire that lords over the continent.
200 years ago, an incident in the great city of Kuthgirt caused the Isles to hurl not just themselves, but the whole Empire into a seemingly endless civil war.

Now that peace has returned to the Empire, only the Isles remain fractured, and are seeing the rise of great men capable of reuniting them. At the same time, an Imperial Reclamation Force has been dispatched to bring the Isles and their inhabitants back into the fold.
Will they succeed in doing so? will the Isles retain their newfound independence? or will it cause the Empire to fall for good?

The stage is set for the bloodiest chapter of the Butterfly Wars
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I will not explain the details of the game right out the gate, because that shit is a lot
so, I'll just tell you about it as it becomes relevant
I'm confident qst anons are smart enough to intuit the basics of a turn-based strategy

for starters, I need y'all to pick a character with which to play

This is NOT a multiplayer game, anons will all play as the same faction, so make it count
all relevant information is on this lovely character selection screen

if you have any questions so far, I will try my best to answer them in clear and simple terms
The bonus and the conditions appeal to me, also he has a respectable tax policy.
I'm torn between Supreme Leader Greg and General Herbert Gustavus Antonius Septimus Von Obdemach-Tropstein, but I'm going to have to vote for
>Supreme Leader Greg
Both because +5 attack is an insanely good bonus and every other faction is going to want our head. Managing total war with almost the entirety of the island while our economy is going to shit will make for a fun, potentially !!FUN!! quest. Fred the Fat is a distant third because he's based, but his bonus isn't as huge.
>The Ghost King

I don't want to get off Mr. Bone's wild ride.
Captain Robert N. Steele
He's got one eye he knows what's up.

Let's get on Mr.Bones' wild ride
>Captain Robert N. Steele
alright, that is a painfully evenly split vote
I don't know whether to weep or pat myself on the back for this

dear anons, please resolve this issue by the end of the day, I don't want to resort to RNG for this quests' most important decision, and I don't think you want me to either
Alright, everyone. Vote for Barreanoba or I’m blowing this thread up…with explosives.
Barreanoba is gay, ghost king or general super murder man, no change
Only thing that is getting blown by an elf is Fred the fat
Nice trips, switching to Barreanoba just for that.
This was me but my IP changed as it was mobile. I'd like to switch to support
>General Herbert Gustavus Antonius Septimus Von Obdemach-Tropstein
Because nobody wants to back the Peasant Republic.
I'm gonna support this just so Barreanoba doesn't win, I am >>6007209
>I'm gonna support this just so Barreanoba doesn't win
what do you have against elven napoleon ?
Nothing, I just find him boring compared to the rest
Then I think I'd better switch my vote from >>6006973
TO Barreanoba just so we don't get boring-ass Kill-Herbert.
what is boring with genocide?
Okay with the final tally being
Ghost King - 2
Herbert - 4
Robert - 2
and Barreanoba - 5
Im gonna ask you

Do you accept Barreanoba's selection and get started?

If yes, I will give you your faction intro when my internet is back up and i dont have to phonepost
>Do you accept Barreanoba's selection and get started?
>the pragmatic yet benevolent manuever warfare genius with straightforward ambitions of conquest won
>Do you accept Barreanoba's selection and get started?
No I don't :(
But that doesn't really matter at that point
Boooo, I wanna play as a nutcase not mr.pragmatic man
He's the least interesting warlord, the one reasonable man, or elf, in a gaggle of madmen. The vote was fair though, and fair is fair.
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Every life has a worth; every action a purpose; and every name a meaning
Barreanoba - Battle Lover - a name once bestowed upon a sickly child, destined to rejoin his ancestors in the eternal flame before his life has ever truly begun.
A name that was given with hope, and a wish, to see this child defy destiny, to grab hold of life and never let go, will soon be carved into every man's living memory, a name that will forever be remembered as synonymous with conquest, glory and unbridled genius.

You are Barreanoba, Chief of the Xerbol tribe
long have your people lived simple and primitive lives, hidden away from civilization amidst a volcanic wasteland, and shielded from would-be conquerors by a land so hazardous, its very name - The Steam Forest - invokes images of torturous pain.
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To truly begin your conquest, you must first unite your people, so that you may claim Kingship over all of Fire-elvendom.
Conquer the cities of Paalun, Bolzaun, Deque and Garxun from our rival tribes; let none stand alone in our struggle for conquest and eternal glory!

Our tribe has assembled for you 5 of our best Barbarians

To move our units select a target on the map and a d100 shall be rolled for you to determine how much of that distance may be covered during our turn.
Alright leets move to the nearest city of REIMALK, lets destroy and pillage them!!!
Rolled 1 (1d100)

moving to Garxun
Rolled 18 (1d100)

sorry forgot dice
Rolled 8 (1d100)

Send a unit to Garxun.
Rolled 50 (1d100)

Moving to Garxun, to bring unity!
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I didn't intend for you all having to roll, I was actually gonna do it for you, but if that's what you want do going forward, I can make that work.

Our army has reached the outskirts of Garxun, though we are exhausted from the trip and cannot attack the city as of yet.
We have however gained sight of the Garx Tribe's army, a small but powerful force of 1 Warrior

Warriors are our people's equivalent to a Soldier unit
They, like the Soldier they replace, have a base strength of 10
Meanwhile, our Barbarians and their generic equivalent of Conscripts have a base strength of 5
Casualties are to be expected

Our turn ends and news of foreigners conquering foreign cities reach us, but we do not know them, so we do not care to tell you more. Please forgive us this oversight, my lord.

What will you do next?
>I didn't intend for you all having to roll, I was actually gonna do it for you, but if that's what you want do going forward, I can make that work.
you should've warned first my dude, the default is anons rolling. I don't mind you rolling though, if others want it.

attack the city this turn
in my defense, I did specifically say "a d100 shall be rolled FOR you" as in, you don't have to

it works either way for me tho, whatever makes the game fun
We ask them to surrender themselves and if we can, cut off any routes to and from Garxun.
>I didn't intend for you all having to roll, I was actually gonna do it for you, but if that's what you want do going forward, I can make that work.
Can’t speak for the others but I misread it. My bad.
who are we attacking by the way?
Send the Garx tribe an ultimatum to stand down and accept voluntary union with our realm. We would rather obtain bloodless compliance, and doubtless they would rather retain their lives and some measure of autonomy, and they must see how our army outnumbers theirs.

If they refuse, however, we prepare to fall upon their tribe.

I just saw others were rolling, so I rolled. My apologies
no need to apologize
again, I can implement movement as a community roll instead
games are meant to be fun first and everything else second
Our men are in position to attack the city, but rather than assault it immediately, you have chosen to be magnanimous today and offer them surrender.
Or it may just be an attempt to conserve manpower, after all, people do not grow on trees. Whatever the case may be, your ultimatum toward the Garx tribe stands - Surrender or be Annihilated.

Without an agent in your employ to convince them however, it may be difficult to take the city peacefully.
Nevertheless, you are free to try, my liege.

You have a total of 5 attempts to make the city surrender
Each attempts requires that you roll a d20
should you roll a nat20, you succeed
should you fail however, no siege phase will be given, and you engage the defenders with a -5 penalty to your attack power.

Will you proceed with this action?
or will you engage in a siege instead?
Rolled 19 (1d20)

DUBS OF LUCK, we must proceed.
I don’t like those odds. Engage in a siege.
Very nice
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because you're still in the tutorial, I'll count it, but don't expect me to do this again

The Garx Tribe, in the face of our sheer numbers, have surrendered peacefully and their warriors have laid down their weapons.
Garxun now belongs to us, and with it its blacksmith.

Blacksmiths are an important industry for both trade and warfare.
Cities that are home to a blacksmith generate more income than others and enable the recruitment of higher-tier units.
You may now recruit Warriors in all your cities, though you still lack the resourcesto do so.
Some units may also only be recruited by the cities that have a blacksmith.

With this, our turn ends and other nations proceed to do things, that we regretfully failed to inform you about once again.

What will you do next?
What sort of resource did Xerbolun start with? Looks like a representation of a metal of some kind...

Anyway, I'd say we march on and secure Paalun, because if our starting metal isn't the right choice, perhaps Paalun's metal will be?
I say we fix this problem of us lacking agents. How do we do that?
It looks like Paalun is more of a quarry resource to me based on the square shape with the hammer. Also bolzalun to our east looks to have gold.
and you would be right, xerbolun produces iron
you'll unlock agents by conquering another one of your mission's cities
paalun does indeed have a quarry, and it produces stone
and yes, bolzaun does have gold, which you will also need to unlock something

if you'd like a suggestion deque is a great second city to conquer, it produces timber.
Ah, so we have the right metal, we were just lacking fuel for the forge?
Then, yes, Deque is probably where we want to go next.
Rolled 2 (1d100)

I agree lets go for that. This time lets give them a fight.
Let's go to Deque then
so you guys wanna roll or do we leave it for qm ?
I saw we leave it to qm
Rolled 6 (1d100)

off to Deque you go
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Traversing the steam forest is slow and arduous, even for our people. Between dodging sudden geyser eruptions, trees bursting into flame to reveal newly formed lava creeks, and rain evaporating into clouds of steam blocking all sight, it is a miracle that races not adapted to this hellscape come to trade with our tribes as often as they do.
Despite the obstructions, our army has managed to make it halfway to its destination.

While our army has nothing to do, it would be wise of my liege to consider the finances of the realm. While we have not bothered you with such trifling matters as of yet, it is undeniable that the court cannot stem this tide alone, we require your lordship's oversight on the matter, to see the bigger picture that we cannot fathom.

Our tribe manages to scrape together 20 taha worth of income every month, regardless of all other circumstances.
6 taha worth of taxes from Garxun
14 taha worth of taxes from Xerbolun
and 0 taha from trade

Our army expenditures come to 3 taha every month.

Since the beginning of your reign, the treasury has accumulated 102 taha for you to recruit units with.

Be advised however, that only so much manpower can be accessed every turn, therefore the realm cannot recruit more than 5 units per city, per turn
of course your lordship may recruit more than 5 units across his realm in a turn, just not from the same city.

Would you like to try doing so while our army rests?
How many taha per unit?
a Barbarian comes out to 5 taha each and requires no additional resources

a Warrior comes out to 20 taha and 1 timber each
I’m assuming we have no timber, so let’s recruit 2 barbarian units in Xerbolun & the same thing in Garxun for now.
+1 to this.
Rolled 67 (1d100)

and so it shall be
now let's see how far your army makes it this turn
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With the forest calm for the time being our men have made good progress on their way to Deque and reached the city, ready for a siege, with a lot of energy to spare.

How much you can stress an army, while changing from turn to turn, is easily visible above every individual army in the form of two blue numbers.
The top number represents the amount of movement your army has left in them before being forced to stand still.
The bottom number represents the amount of actions that can be taken by your army before it is forced to rest, regardless of how many movement points remain.
Any action your army takes, excepting the locked-in movement of a previous turn, will subtract from this number.

When no unit in the field has any actions left to commit, your turn ends automatically.
In other news
2 Barbarians have been trained in the city of Garxun
2 Barbarians have been trained in the city of Xerbolun

We have earned 35 taha this month
our treasury now holds 117 taha
2 Barbarians have been spotted guarding the city of Deque

What will you do now?
Lay siege to deque
going forward, I think I'm going to standardize my color usage
this post came out a mess

note to self:
red = enemy stuff
green = our stuff
blue = money stuff
Demand their wood. If they refuse, besiege them.
I'm sorry, that's not doable within the mechanics of this game, there is no diplomacy for neutrals
Siege time
>I'm sorry anon. That's not doable
Rolled 13, 16 = 29 (2d20)

You have attacked the city Deque and entered a siege phase.

Siege phases are casualty-less battles preceding city assaults, the outcome of which can drastically alter the power balance between attacker and defender.

Attackers and Defenders each roll 1 d20 equal to the number of defenders, up to a maximum of 5
each dice roll is compared to its equivalent, rolling higher than the other side grants 1 score
for every score that one side has over the other, their corresponding statistic (attack for attackers, defense for defenders) increases by 1 for the duration of the battle
should either side roll a nat20, the siege phase ends immediately and the maximum bonus of +5 is applied to the side who got it first
should either side roll a nat1, the siege phase ends immediately and a penalty of -5 is applied to the side who got it first

Deque holds 2 Barbarians meaning, that you will roll 2 d20, against their 2 d20 (rolled by me)

following the Siege Phase, a regular battle with ensue without taking up an additional action point.
Rolled 4, 14 = 18 (2d20)

Shit, they rolled good
With two consecutive victories and no losses, the defenders of Deque go into this battle with +2 defense

In combat, Attackers and Defenders each roll 1 d20 equal to the number to their units with no upper limit.
Every unit adds their base-power to the result of the roll, followed by their attack modifier if they're attacking, and their defense modifier if they're defending
A battle is over if at least 60% of the attacking units (rounded down) are victorious
or if at least 60% of the defending units (rounded up) are victorious
If either side outnumbers the other by more than 3/5 while fielding the same unit composition, battles can be resolved automatically without the need to roll, taking the maximum amount of casualties for a guaranteed victory.
Units of higher tiers are not affected by the outnumbering mechanic of lower tiered units, and may engage such enemies as often as they like as long as they remain undefeated.

The defenders of Deque are eligible to be overrun in auto-combat, would you like to proceed or do you wish to roll instead?
Just to make sure there are no misunderstandings

auto-combat can only happen if it is mechanically impossible for you to lose
you WILL win every time the option pops up
rolling in spite of that is just to determine whether some extra units of yours get to live
I say we auto this. The dice have been fucking us since the beginning.
we can also replace our losses with the higher tier units that the wood would allow us.
Auto-this. It's silly to put a sure victory at risk.
We going auto like the mobile…or something.
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Deque is overrun
2 enemy Barbarians have perished, alongside yours.
3 Barbarians remain
Timber, like Iron, Slaves, Food, Stone and Glass, provides a special income separate from taxation, called a stockpile.
Every instance of a resource provides +5 to its corresponding stockpile per turn, up to a base-maximum of 100
Stockpiles of some sort are required for the vast majority of units, but is also valuable for trade with other nations.
Should you ever enter into a trade-agreement, you may also set a minimum amount of non-tradeable stockpile, at any time, which will never be traded out to foreign nations, so as to not run into shortages for our own army.
Timber is a commonly required resource for any ship as well as mages.
Though our people do not employ mages, timber is nonetheless important for our armies.
With agents now available to you, you may recruit Generals in every city with a Castle, our people's equivalent to Mages.
Currently the only city with such a feature is Xerbolun, but others may be captured later-on.

Be aware that Agents cost significantly more upkeep than normal units.

Is there anything else you'd like to do this turn?
Horses, also belong on that list of resources
I just noticed that I forgot to type it
Recruit 4 warriors in Deque and head towards PAALUN while leaving 2 barbs behind in the city
Does Barreanoba count as a General/Mage for our starting unit-stack? If so, we should be fine; if not it's probably worth getting one, and sending them to Garxan so they can meet up with the rest of our forces sooner.

Then, with >>6011861; recruit 4 warriors in Garxun/Deque to meet up for marching on Paalun.
your leaders aren't playable units
if they were, they'd have to be killable, so I'd need replacement leaders
and I'm not going to draw all of those portraits

aside from the fact that a turn hasn't passed yet for you to get any timber, recruitment also takes a whole turn (or more)

Do note that you are still on the same turn as before, because one of your armies has a ton of unspent movement/actions.
let's bring the boys at garxun to deque as well, then

Then Let's hire a General in Xerbolun. Next turn we can march him to Garxun and raise some warriors there.
you currently do not have the money to hire a General.
They cost 180 taha and 2 iron stockpile.
While you have 117 taha and 20 iron stockpile
That one is on me for not telling you the price earlier, I just didn't think you'd try hiring one immediately.
I'll remedy this for the next units you unlock.
Rolled 62 (1d100)

alright, let's see how far they'll make it
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You have successfully relocated an army from Garxun to Deque. It is currently camped outside its walls.
You may merge your armies into a new army, at the cost of the smaller army's movement speed.
Would you like to proceed?
do it
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Your armies have been merged at Deque
and are now a stack of 5 Barbarians
They still have some movement remaining

Is there anything else you would like to do, or end your turn?
End our turn.
end it
Here ya go
nice fanart
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(No map change, so no map update)
After an eventful month, we have decided to brief his lordship on an abbreviated version of our economy, every turn, to more accurately determine our people's needs.

Should my liege require explanation, feel free to ask, such is the council's purpose after all.

While we still require the cities of Paalun and Bolzaun to be captured, it is our belief that you are capable of making the decisions to get there on your own.

What would you like to do?
Very cool UI, what does the pitchfork mean?
>Recruit 5 WARRIORS in DEQUE and a General.
good ol' food

also, my brother in christ, I have stated the price of a general right here >>6012006
and you still do not have the money for it
So be it, make it 1 General and 1 WARRIOR. Also who in the spirits is christ?
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I misread it as 120 taha, my bad. just recruit 5 WARRIORS in DEQUE. Apologies.
alright, that'll be 100 taha and 5 timber
they will become available next turn

you can cancel the recruitment and get your resources refunded for as long as the current turn lasts
recruitment sounds good
alright, with no other votes to do anything else, I'll assume that's all you want to do this turn, so I'm moving onto the next one
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Your new recruits have successfully merged with the army stationed in Deque
Though the composition of your army is equal parts Barbarians and Warriors the latter take precedence over the former, when depicting units in the field, because they are greater in rank. This precedence due to rank only occurs if at least 2/5 of an army is composed of higher units.
Be careful when engaging armies you do not know the composition of, as they may be concealing an elite force behind a facade of cannon fodder.

Your lordship's idleness last month has not gone by unnoticed. We would like to inform you, that my liege may take a great number of actions during turns.
He is only restricted by the fatigue of his armies, and the resources at hand.

With that out of the way, what would you like to do now?
let's take paalun now
we'll leave 2 barbarians behind for defense and the rest goes to conquer paalun
Rolled 31 (1d100)

let's see how far they'll make it
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Rolled 6, 9, 20, 3, 18 = 56 (5d20)

The army you've dispatched to Paalun has made it to the city within the month and set up the siege.

While our men were preparing the attack, they have spotted 5 Barbarians guarding the city.

Roll for the Siege Phase!
Rolled 18, 20, 7, 14, 7 = 66 (5d20)

Rolled 6, 1, 14, 11, 4 = 36 (5d20)

holy shit, that is unreal
you actually got a 20 preceding theirs

as per the rules of sieges, the siege phase is immediately resolved in your favor

you will initiate combat with all units gaining a +5 to their attack

Now, you have 8 units, you get to roll 8 times
they have 5, so I will roll 5 times
Rolled 18, 5, 3, 11, 17, 13, 18, 18 = 103 (8d20)

we got lucky indeed
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33 / 11
The vanguard that storms the city utterly overwhelms the men guarding the walls, leading your forces into the city with little resistance
20 / 6
The men following the vanguard slaughter their way into the heart of the city, their enemies never stood a chance
18 / 19
As your men fan out and occupy the settlement, an unusually motivated barbarian militia bravely, and desperately, defeated one of our warrior units, before retreating deeper into the city
26 / 16
despite fierce resistance, our men have managed to secure all but the town hall
32 / 9
surrounded, outnumbered, and exhausted, the remaining defenders of Paalun are defeated
and with them, the Paal tribe.

The city is ours at last and- wait...


He is estimated to arrive next month!

You best prepare for what is to come...
recruit 4 warriors at Paalun, gotta use the city as cover.
+! on the recruitment, but...

How do Pyromancers work? Because facing him out in the open surrounded by pools of water, no matter how hot, sounds preferable to facing him when we're trapped inside the walls of a combustible town.
>Because facing him out in the open surrounded by pools of water, no matter how hot, sounds preferable to facing him when we're trapped inside the walls of a combustible town.
we don't have enough movement to go to him first
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The Pyromancer has arrived begins his attack on the city and initiating a siege phase, just as fresh warriors have been trained.

As the defenders, you may make your roll first.

Pyromancers are powerful agents, and our people's equivalent of a Wizard. Unlike the Wizard they replace, Pyromancers do not operate covertly, they deal in mass destruction.
Their [bold]MAGICAL ASSAULT[/bold] ability lets them attack entire armies, as though they were equal in number, with no risk to their own life.
In addition to this, their ability to [bold]BURN CITIES[/bold] allows them to completely shut down all functions of a city, including income and resource generation, for 5 turns.
Like any other Wizard however they are weak to direct attacks and can easily be overrun by even the lowest of units, as they lack any defensive mechanics aside from their basic defense roll. But even in melee they still boast a base power of 15, and should not be engaged by singular stray units.

Unlike other Wizard units, the Pyromancer cannot be recruited in castle cities, but only in towns with goldmines.
300 taha are required to employ such a unit, a steep upscale from a regular wizard.
Rolled 3, 6, 7, 14, 3, 16, 3, 3, 16, 8, 2 = 81 (11d20)

Can we just sally out and kick him with our numbers?
Rolled 20 (1d20)

it was technically possible last turn, but you were too far away for that

in any case, this is a siege roll, so I'm only grabbing the first 5
so, we just roll 11d20 here or what ?
Rolled 3 (1d20)

okay, since this is the last stretch of tutorial before I leave you (mostly) to your own devices
I'm going to pretend this crit didn't happen
if I didn't, you could kiss your army goodbye right now
nope, it's still a siege, those are capped at 5
but in a second, right after this you will roll 11d20, yes
>if I didn't, you could kiss your army goodbye right now
mages are really the great equalizer
>nope, it's still a siege, those are capped at 5
but didn't we roll 8d20 last time with our units ? is the cap new ?
Rolled 2, 16, 10, 13, 4, 17, 2, 4, 14, 17, 10 = 109 (11d20)

with 3 victories over the Pyromancer the defenders of Paalun gain +3 defense for the duration of this battle.

The enemy Pyromancer begins his Magical Assault

roll 11d20 to defend against it
you rolled 5d20 during the siege phase
and 8d20 after that
Rolled 20, 5, 11, 14, 5, 12, 3, 7, 18, 14, 15 = 124 (11d20)

Rolled 8 (1d20)

Dear god
it's 11d20, anon
17 / 28 (L)
31 / 13 (L)
25 / 19 (L)

28 / 27 (L)
19 / 18 (L)
31 / 25 (L)
17 / 16 (L)
19 / 20 (W)
29 / 31 (W)
32 / 27 (L)
25 / 28 (W)

with 3 Warriors remaining, the Magical Assault has come to an end.
The enemy now lies exhausted and is vulnerable to attack.
Your surviving units may counter-attack him at no additional movement or action cost.
oh shit, that is way more red than I intended
wait, how come there's more losses when we won in a lot of die ?
because the pyromancer is stronger
I did tell you about base power of units, didn't I?
your warriors have 10 and that pyromancer 15
I forgot about the warriors base. still, shouldn't they only have a +2 advantage thanks to your defense bonus ?
indeed, and if you compare the rolls to their final results, you'll find that is exactly what happened
mind you, the first 3 are the barbarians you had with you
hence why they're a little separated from the rest
it all checks out, except for the first roll. you put loss when we still got a higher roll than him
oh yeah, my mistake
then, 3 warriors and 1 barbarian survive
Then, counter-attack with everything we have left!
Fucking execute him.
The Pyromancer is outnumbered (way) more than 3/5 and can be overrun
would you like to auto-battle?
Auto-battle, let’s be done with this

Considering how many this one Pyromancer has already killed, we need to be certain he dies here and now,
OP ?
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excuse the unannounced break, had a lot of uni stuff to do, but I'm back now

The Pyromancer is defeated and takes 1 Barbarian to hell with him, leaving you with only 3 Warriors stationed just outside the city.

What would you like to do next?
recruit 4 barbarians at Paalun, march them and the warriors there to Bolzaun. the probably don't have much remaining considering the price of a mage, but just to get some meat for necessity.
so, do you want the warriors to skip a turn in order to merge with the new recruits
or do you want them to go on ahead while the barbarians get trained?
We don’t need to initiate a siege when we get to the city, right ? Then we can send the warriors first.
correct, you can just stand there, no one's forcing you to attack
Rolled 52 (1d100)

well, since nothing else was decided, I'll roll the movement for your selected army
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Your army of 3 Warriors has successfully made it to Bolzaun within the month, and still has time and energy left to do more before the end of our turn.

As they set up camp near the city for a coming siege, they find the city eerily quiet.
Upon further inspection it turns out that the city is devoid of defenders.
If we were to attack it now, undefended as it is, there is nothing the Bolza Tribe could do about it.

What would you like to do now?
(you can end your turn at any time)
I just realized, I forgot to update the unit count
I'll do it with the next map post
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Enter the city
Enter with a single (1) Warrior unit.

Don't need three units to take an undefended city. And if there is a trap or something, only one unit will bear the brunt.
capture the city with 1 warrior then
schizo posting, but you never know so I'm backing..
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You split your army and occupy Bolzaun with the newly split off unit.

Splitting armies evenly distributes the remaining movement and action points of the initial army across all new armies.
In case of uneven results, favor is given to armies engaged in an action, as well as younger armies.

With your capture of Bolzaun, you have acquired a Goldmine
Goldmines produce the most Taha out of any other resource, but do not provide anything else and do not affect trade income.
Goldmines are hotly contested and must be well-garrisoned if one wishes to keep them.
Some units can only be trained in Goldmine cities, among them our nation's signature Pyromancer, which have now been unlocked along with Conquerors

Conquerors are the highest tier of land unit and are our equivalent to Knights at a base power of 15.
Unlike the Knight they replace, Conquerors require no horses or iron, but instead 3 timber, 3 food, and 1 stone, on top of their 60 taha base cost.

If a nation does not have the resources it needs at hand, they may still recruit units that require them for quadruple the taha
You may also import the resources from a trade partner, reducing the deficiency cost to just double the taha
If your trade partner is also an ally, this is further reduced to just its base cost.

Note that you cannot import what your trade partner does not have, and may still end up paying quadruple the price.

If a deficiency occurs while recruiting, it will be made known to your lordship.

Is there anything else you'd like to do?
(you can end your turn at any time)
>end turn
about the paying more for a unit in case of lacking resource, does it get worse the more there are missing and how much ? e.g.: base lacking is 4x the base cost, so a unit who needs 2 resources and lacks both would cost 16x more ?
just a flat x4 modifier regardless of which resource or how many thereof you lack
it becomes unpayable otherwise
Well, since no trap was sprung...
>Move the other two Warriors into Bolzaun to serve as garrison forces in this valuable Gold-producing area.
>Build two Warriors in Garxun and one in Paalun so that each city has at least a token garrison; we just saw how easily an undefended city falls.
>Celebrate the reunion of Fire-elven lands and claim Kingship. Stage one complete!
Do we have diplomatic contact with any of our neighbours?
not yet, but the other factions will be revealed to you next turn
anon, you do not have the funds to recruit this many warriors
you can at most train 2
let's go with 2 warriors in garxun then. regarding the 2 warriors near bolzaun, have 1 join the city defense and the other goes to garxun.
so you wanna leave paalun undefended then?
No. If possible, Two new Warriors in Garxun, move one Warrior near Bolzaun back to Paalun.

if not possible, just build one new Warrior in each of Garxun and Bolzaun.
alright, seems like a deal
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With our people united at last, we can focus our efforts on diplomacy
not that his majesty thinks it necessary, for his ambitions know no bounds.
But regardless, to ease his conquest, we have made efforts to contact the other nations on his behalf, to let them know of our new found unity and willingness to - temporarily - work together.

Based on the answers we have received, we have constructed a diplomatic profile of our immediate neighbors. We hope his majesty finds use for it.

Ghost Kingdom
Status: Neutral, desires Garxun
Relationship: None
Attitude: Diplomatic
Honor: Extreme

Kingdom of Aljulkun
Status: Friendly
Relationship: None
Attitude: Belligerent
Honor: Sufficient

Pekquyl Republic
Status: Unfriendly, desires Deque, desires Paalun
Relationship: None
Attitude: Belligerent
Honor: None

Peasant's Republic
Status: Hostile, desires Bolzaun
Relationship: at War
Attitude: Belligerent
Honor: Sufficient

to make contact with someone other than our neighbors, a unit must be in the vicinity of their cities

If his majesty wishes, we may also provide strategically important missions to him
Objective: Conquer Eteguth
Time: 3 turns
Reward: 20 timber
There is no penalty to ignoring our strategic advice, high highness may do as he pleases.

Now, what would you like to do?
Fred the Fat stated 'My Kingdom for a whiff of Elfussy'. I'm sure we can find one of our elven followers dedicated enough to our cause to make him this offer. If we can get the Kingdom of Aljulkun in a trade or Fred as an enthusiastic vassal running vassal state/client kingdom it'd be immensely time-saving for our world conquest plans.
Let's contact Aljulkun, it's the better option of the 3.
the mission sounds good, but who controls Eteguth rn ?
no one, it's a neutral city as you can see
Thanks. When this turn concludes we’ll get on doing stuff.
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alright, with no other decision made...
You make your way to Aljulkun to discuss diplomacy with Fred the Fat
From afar, you notice city is fortified with naught but batteries upon batteries, and the odd soldiers operating them.
Inside, you witness titanic foundries, casting multiple culverins, mortars, and naval guns at a time.
You behold the castle, an enormous tower that can be likened to a tree in both its shape and presence. Indeed it seems so imposing, that one is liable to believe it wholly impenetrable to even the largest cannon.
The scenery inside the castle is however wildly different from the rest of this veritable fortress of a city.
Whereas as the outside is dominated by laborers, slaves, and soldiers, the inside is reminiscent of the imperial palace.
If one had never seen the heart of the Empire, it would be right to assume this castle to be the most lavishly furnished thing in the world - the truest expression of opulence.
Unlike the outside however, there seems to be sparsely any humans around, save for the soldiers.
Indeed, every servant roaming these halls is an ash elven woman.
The one exception you locate, is right there in front of you in the throneroom, where this lord's queen ought to be.
A disheveled, dirty, human woman, fidgeting around with various gadgets and guns, her eyes full of gleeful joy as she talks about them to her king, who reciprocates this enthusiasm seemingly in earnest, without the same lustful gaze he gives his servants.

Having seen enough, you make your presence known and introduce yourself.
He proceeds to do the same...

"I am Frederick VIII fym Rudbird, King of Aljulkun, Duke of Reimalk, and 28th Prince of the Empire; welcome to my domain!
Say, what brings you here today?

State your business...
What do the farm tools near QUYLPUKKASH mean?
that the city produces food
In that case, propose a trade deal for our surplus iron in exchange for food.
Plus alliance, he looks like a big asset.
trade is unilateral and cannot be (directly) controlled
so if you want to trade with him, both of you get access to whatever the other has in surplus
I agree to these terms.
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(updated character portrait)
You state your intent to King Fred in a bold and manly fashion the likes of which flusters the young human.
After a good laugh at his expense, you commend him on his excellent taste in women - something he seems to not hear very often - and offer him a few of yours to sweeten the deal.

With this, a trade deal has been struck between the Fire Kingdom and Aljulkun

Your relationship with them has changed from None to Trading

Trade is an enormous source of wealth and can wildly vary between turns.
Trade income depends on many factors, such as the size of your realm, its diversity of resources, and foreign demand for your resources.

Due to its complexity, your majesty will not be notified of the specifics, and only given the final result of taha generated each turn.

With this business concluded, you return home

Is there anything else you wish to do?
(you may end your turn at any time)
End turn for now
Let's also visit the Ghost King, see if we can open trade there too.

Doesn't seem any point trying with Pekquyl and we're at war with the Peasants, so no doing there either.

The Warriors outside of Bolzaun; move one into the city to double the Garrison of our gold mine, have the other go scout out Eteguth. It's not like we need it, despite the mission; but if by some chance the place is undefended...
We’re already moving them, it’s happening at the end of this turn
you really weren't, no explicit command has been given until now
otherwise you'd have seen me roll a d100 already
well, the last map you posted had the warrior still outside bolzaun so I thought they were only moving next turn since we voted for that before the diplo
see, you voted to either move him to Paalun, a whole other city, or just do nothing with them

and since moving them was impossible in that turn, I went with nothing
Rolled 3 (1d100)

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Half of your active army joins the garrison at Bolzaun, the other half makes its way toward Eteguth

Due to some organizational problems, this army makes little progress and quickly exhausts itself to the point of complete standstill.
They are out of movement and action points.

Meanwhile, you prepare for your trip toward Skeleton Throne, where you will meet with the lord of the undead...
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You travel west across the Thylegirt Desert, and seeing the mighty Malka river that splits it in two.
Along the way, you see countless skeletons aimless wandering around, some of them being herded by armed skeletons toward the north-west, where you are headed as well.
Travelling along the flocks of skeletons, ruins start popping up occasionally, and increasing in number the further you go, until eventually you stand before ancient architecture the likes of which neither you, nor anyone else has ever seen.
Buildings made of shining white stone, glistening in the sunlight and reflecting one's image back at them just as distorted and broken as the ruins themselves.
Eventually a skeleton, who appears too well-decorated to be a mere soldier, finds and escorts you to the center of this ancient and alien city, where a throne stands amidst the remnants of a once mighty lighthouse, adorned with ancient, barely visible icons of what is clearly a sun god, but is not Garx, a peculiar detail...

Shortly upon your arrival, a skeleton, slightly shorter than the others, lumbers toward this throne, covered from head to toe in a blue armor, carrying a longsword, a scimitar, a shield and a javelin.
It pays neither you, nor the skeleton beside you, any mind as it seats itself lethargically on the throne.

With big metallic clank, the skeleton now sits before you, his empty eye sockets focused squarely on you.

"I am he who they call the Ghost King. Seeing your kind here is a surprise, but not unexpected. Pray tell, mortal, how can I help you?"

the undead's unnaturally deep voice booms with a terrifying dread, but in his tone there is the gentleness of a wise king.

State your business...
Greetings. I'm Barreanoba, king of the fire elves, and I'd like to trade with you.
With the same confidence and boldness as before, you state
"Greetings! I am Barreanoba, King of the Fire Elves, and I came here to trade with you!"

Difficult it may be to read the face of a skeleton, he does seem rather amused by your attitude.

Negotiations were short and decisive, the Ghost King is willing to trade with your realm and will set up all that is required for merchants to pass safely through the desert.

Ghost Kingdom's Status has changed from Neutral to Friendly
Ghost Kingdom's Relationship with you has changed from None to Trading

You return home

What would you like to do next?
(you can end your turn at any time)
finish the unit movements we weren't able to last time and end turn
you already started them, you can't roll multiple times for the same army in 1 turn

so end turn is the only valid thing I can do for you here
Then do that?
End then
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Rolled 5 (1d100)

As the fighting continues across the isles, we have opted to remain peaceful this month, simply watching as the borders of our neighbors change

we have earned

64 taha from taxation
27 taha from banking
25 taha from commerce
25 taha from arms trade

an exceptional month!

What would you like to do?
do forgive my tardiness
I just straight up forgot about the thread
Hire 1 General and 1 warrior at Bolzaun
literally anything else?
or just start recruitment and end turn?
what is that guy on the forest near Bolzaun doing again ? otherwise just that for now
he's on his way to scout eteguth
alright, keep doing that and end turn

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