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The Wheel has turned. Chaos Reigns. The Pantokrator, the All-Mighty, has left this plane. The Thrones of Ascension lay empty, and the eternal prisons of ancient monsters and false-gods alike weaken. Powers from beyond this plane reach into creation, and pieces of reality reach into the void.

The time has come for war across every realm: And YOU are one of the players of this great game. Whether to help the common man, desire to complete some grand design, or base greed, you seek to conquer this reality and become the sole God of this world. As of now you're merely a pretender to the throne, but with power comes legitimacy, and you are powerful indeed.

But one standing alone cannot conquer the world; to this end, you have come to rule and be worshiped by a people, whether as a mere means to an end or as your beloved flock, you must lead them to victory, or be swept aside by the great powers that will be.
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Now, what age of this Great Wheel that is time did The Pantokrator leave?

>The Early Ages: Magic reigns supreme, and the diversity of this land is unrivalled. Bronze and stone are the tools that man wield to victory, and the sorcerers of the age are primitive, yes, but wield arcane might unrivaled by future mages. A riotous profusion of clashing peoples cover the landscape.

>The Middle Ages: Mankind has spread, and come under organized rule; whether their own or that of creatures greater than they. Iron has come to the lands, and those who do not use it either stubbornly cling to the past, or cannot. Magic has faded, but sorcerers have not lost all their knowledge. Many lesser nations have been subsumed, and some great empires have faded.

>The Late Ages: Many great races are fallen, whether gone entirely or part of an increasingly small nobility ruling over humans. Near enough every culture uses steel and iron, and mages have lost much power, in turn gaining knowledge and becoming less insular in their quest to maintain their arcane might. Only the most tenacious peoples of the world hang on, many having become footnotes in history.
>>The Late Ages: Many great races are fallen, whether gone entirely or part of an increasingly small nobility ruling over humans. Near enough every culture uses steel and iron, and mages have lost much power, in turn gaining knowledge and becoming less insular in their quest to maintain their arcane might. Only the most tenacious peoples of the world hang on, many having become footnotes in history.
>>The Early Ages: Magic reigns supreme, and the diversity of this land is unrivalled. Bronze and stone are the tools that man wield to victory, and the sorcerers of the age are primitive, yes, but wield arcane might unrivaled by future mages. A riotous profusion of clashing peoples cover the landscape.
If you ain't playing Early, you eat dry biscuits with no gravy.

>The Early Ages: Magic reigns supreme, and the diversity of this land is unrivalled. Bronze and stone are the tools that man wield to victory, and the sorcerers of the age are primitive, yes, but wield arcane might unrivaled by future mages. A riotous profusion of clashing peoples cover the landscape.

>>The Early Ages: Magic reigns supreme, and the diversity of this land is unrivalled. Bronze and stone are the tools that man wield to victory, and the sorcerers of the age are primitive, yes, but wield arcane might unrivaled by future mages. A riotous profusion of clashing peoples cover the landscape.
Let's gooooo.
How could you have forgotten? The world is young yet; and wild and strange. There are many nations yet unconquered... and which do you lead? There are many indeed, and the choice ought to be well-considered...

>One of the nations of men, such as men of Ulm, or Ermor, or T'ien Ch'i. They are not near so powerful alone as others, but are fierce and numerous. With the weight of numbers shall come victory.
>One of the gifted races, such as the Vanir or Tuatha, or even the Chudes of Rus. They are mighty in magic and war, but are less numerous than their weaker counterparts. Quality, but not sacrificing too much quantity.
>One of the monster-kingdoms, such as the Oni of Yomi and lizardmen of C'tis. Mighty, but such might comes with downsides, whether of the body or the mind. The downsides will be worth it, to be certain.
>One of the giant states, like the Gigantes of Mekone or Jötnar of Neifelheim and Muspelheim, or even the god-giants of Hinnom. With size comes power, and yet scarcity. The unrivalled strength of champions will carry the day.
>One of the aquatic peoples, like Atlantis or Pelagia. They hold the waves as a separate world, one which will likely be yours free to conquer; but will require a great effort to assault the land. With your watery realm secured, you may conquer the world.
>>One of the giant states, like the Gigantes of Mekone or Jötnar of Neifelheim and Muspelheim, or even the god-giants of Hinnom. With size comes power, and yet scarcity. The unrivalled strength of champions will carry the day.
Torn between Mekone and Yomi or the Norse bigguns. But I have to go with my BOYS IN SORCEROUS BRONZE, Mekone.
>One of the monster-kingdoms, such as the Oni of Yomi and lizardmen of C'tis. Mighty, but such might comes with downsides, whether of the body or the mind. The downsides will be worth it, to be certain.

I want some
Some what, advisor?
>One of the giant states, like the Gigantes of Mekone or Jötnar of Neifelheim and Muspelheim, or even the god-giants of Hinnom. With size comes power, and yet scarcity. The unrivalled strength of champions will carry the day.
>One of the gifted races, such as the Vanir or Tuatha, or even the Chudes of Rus. They are mighty in magic and war, but are less numerous than their weaker counterparts. Quality, but not sacrificing too much quantity.

>One of the giant states, like the Gigantes of Mekone or Jötnar of Neifelheim and Muspelheim, or even the god-giants of Hinnom. With size comes power, and yet scarcity. The unrivalled strength of champions will carry the day.

This seems fun
>One of the giant states, like the Gigantes of Mekone or Jötnar of Neifelheim and Muspelheim, or even the god-giants of Hinnom. With size comes power, and yet scarcity. The unrivalled strength of champions will carry the day.
Hinnom, nephilim bros we are so back
>Some what?
>One of the giant states, like the Gigantes of Mekone or Jötnar of Neifelheim and Muspelheim, or even the god-giants of Hinnom. With size comes power, and yet scarcity. The unrivalled strength of champions will carry the day.
>One of the monster-kingdoms, such as the Oni of Yomi and lizardmen of C'tis. Mighty, but such might comes with downsides, whether of the body or the mind. The downsides will be worth it, to be certain.
>>One of the nations of men, such as men of Ulm, or Ermor, or T'ien Ch'i. They are not near so powerful alone as others, but are fierce and numerous. With the weight of numbers shall come victory.
>One of the giant states, like the Gigantes of Mekone or Jötnar of Neifelheim and Muspelheim, or even the god-giants of Hinnom. With size comes power, and yet scarcity. The unrivalled strength of champions will carry the day.
go big or go home
>>One of the giant states, like the Gigantes of Mekone or Jötnar of Neifelheim and Muspelheim, or even the god-giants of Hinnom. With size comes power, and yet scarcity. The unrivalled strength of champions will carry the day.

Aha! A fine jest! Guards, take this one for a blood slave!

>One of the giant states...

Your people are great of stature, but unfortunately few in number. But whom, exactly, are your people?

>The Proud Gigantes of Mekone. Those who would declare war against the gods have little need for one of their own,but a god-slayer... THAT, they can appreciate. Armed and armored in magic bronze and great formation fighters, they stand shoulder-to-shoulder in a way most giants simply cannot. With human slave-soldiers and elemental magics, they are nearly unstoppable.

>The Twisted Fomorians. Accursed for their crimes against the previous Pantokrator, and once the greatest of the giants, now fallen. Their children are short and deformed compared to their parents, but strong compared to the races of man. Those who once invaded now serve the Fomorians as supporting infantry, and they hold strong access to the magics of death, glamour, and air, as well as lesser skill in nature and water magics.

>The Humble Giant-Pact of Pyrene. Kindly Giants teaching their lesser human counterparts the ways of civilization. Although most of the population is human, there are many giants living simple lives amongst their smaller friends. Although simple, the giants of Pyrene are strong, and have wonderful skill in earth magic, while their human counterparts have skill in air, and both have passing knowledge of water and nature.

>The Pale Ones of Agartha. Strange, cultured giants that live in the caves under the earth. They do not stop growing, although they grow slowly, and their oldest are rivals to any common giant in size. They guard a giant seal, and have gerat skill in earth magic, good skill at water magic, as well as passing access to fire and death.

>The Sons of The Grigori, of Hinnom. Although the smallest of them "Only" tower a few feet over common men, those in which divine blood flows strong are among the mightiest of giants in the known world. Their archers are arguably the deadliest in existence, and those Rephaites whom take up warfare are nigh-unstoppable with their sheer size and magic blades. However, the great giants have a fierce hunger for human flesh, which supports their foul blood magic. Other than blood, they have no small skill at the magics of fire, earth, and astral, as well as auxilliary acess to nature and air magics.

>The Horned-Giants of Ur. Short for giants, but giants nonetheless. They are simple, but adapting to the ways of civilization well, building a great temple-city, with walls reaching high unto the sky. They are strong compared to men, and adept at recalling dead gods from the underworld. They hold skill in nature, earth, and water, with decent skill in air and death. Some shamans rival the Pan of Pangaea in skill, but most use bronze or even stone weapons.

>The Frost-Jötnar of Niefelheim. A Jarldom of Jötnar trying to bring about the return of the Rimtursar, primordial ice-giants of unequaled power. They are among the few with the secrets of ironworking, and their strength is nothing to scoff at. Their real strength is in their mages, the Skratti and Gygja, both with powers of blood, the former being a terribly versatile sorcerer and the latter being skilled in water magic and capable of turning into a terrifying, jotun-sized werewolf or wolf. As well, the Neifel Jarls are skilled in the magics of frost and death, and they are a strong contender for the title of "Greatest of the Giants".

>The Ash-Jötnar of Muspelheim. The Firey counterpart to the sons of the Rimtursar, they have ash-black skin and (literally) flaming red hair. They have no skill in magics of frost, but they have their own Gygjor of both the normal tradition and the firey way of the Muspel Jarls. The jarls themselves are terrifyingly powerful fire mages, with skill to rival even the Kings of Elemental Fire. Other than fire magic, the jotun of Muspelhein hold skill in air and death magics.
>>The Sons of The Grigori, of Hinnom. Although the smallest of them "Only" tower a few feet over common men, those in which divine blood flows strong are among the mightiest of giants in the known world. Their archers are arguably the deadliest in existence, and those Rephaites whom take up warfare are nigh-unstoppable with their sheer size and magic blades. However, the great giants have a fierce hunger for human flesh, which supports their foul blood magic. Other than blood, they have no small skill at the magics of fire, earth, and astral, as well as auxilliary acess to nature and air magics.
Biblical cannibal giants Biblical cannibal giants Biblical cannibal giants Biblical cannibal giants
The closest would probably be the horned-giants of Ur, dear advisor.
>The Sons of The Grigori, of Hinnom. Although the smallest of them "Only" tower a few feet over common men, those in which divine blood flows strong are among the mightiest of giants in the known world. Their archers are arguably the deadliest in existence, and those Rephaites whom take up warfare are nigh-unstoppable with their sheer size and magic blades. However, the great giants have a fierce hunger for human flesh, which supports their foul blood magic. Other than blood, they have no small skill at the magics of fire, earth, and astral, as well as auxilliary acess to nature and air magics.
Let us FEAST on lesser gods! But Niefelheim would be cool, too.
>The Sons of The Grigori, of Hinnom. Although the smallest of them "Only" tower a few feet over common men, those in which divine blood flows strong are among the mightiest of giants in the known world. Their archers are arguably the deadliest in existence, and those Rephaites whom take up warfare are nigh-unstoppable with their sheer size and magic blades. However, the great giants have a fierce hunger for human flesh, which supports their foul blood magic. Other than blood, they have no small skill at the magics of fire, earth, and astral, as well as auxilliary acess to nature and air magics.
>>The Proud Gigantes of Mekone. Those who would declare war against the gods have little need for one of their own,but a god-slayer... THAT, they can appreciate. Armed and armored in magic bronze and great formation fighters, they stand shoulder-to-shoulder in a way most giants simply cannot. With human slave-soldiers and elemental magics, they are nearly unstoppable.
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>Aha! A fine jest! Guards, take this one for a blood slave!
>The Humble Giant-Pact of Pyrene. Kindly Giants teaching their lesser human counterparts the ways of civilization. Although most of the population is human, there are many giants living simple lives amongst their smaller friends. Although simple, the giants of Pyrene are strong, and have wonderful skill in earth magic, while their human counterparts have skill in air, and both have passing knowledge of water and nature.
The Pale Ones of Agartha must’ve been drunk or high when they thought caves were a good place to live for a constantly growing race.
There are some pretty big caves down there. And they are made of weird meat. They don't even need food. Weird ass creatures.
>>The Frost-Jötnar of Niefelheim. Where bone fiends march, werewolves howl, and the dead outnumber the living. Where eagles fly over the iron wood, and the Fimbulwinter calls. They might not be as powerful as the sky witches of Fomoria or as terrifying as the angel-spawn of Hinnom, but they are older than the world and the hags knives are as sharp as their curses.
The caves are large indeed, large enough to fit giants, dear advisor. In fact, the giants of Pyrene are also cave-dwelling; albeit not naturally, they do so to live with the humans they've allied with.

As well, the Pale Ones are children of the Earth Made Flesh; where else to live for children of the earth than within it?
I shall leave the advisors to deliberate overnight. On the morrow, we shall continue; I will say that it seems to be in favor of Hinnom.
>>The Proud Gigantes of Mekone. Those who would declare war against the gods have little need for one of their own,but a god-slayer... THAT, they can appreciate. Armed and armored in magic bronze and great formation fighters, they stand shoulder-to-shoulder in a way most giants simply cannot. With human slave-soldiers and elemental magics, they are nearly unstoppable.
>The Twisted Fomorians

>The Sons of The Grigori, of Hinnom. Although the smallest of them "Only" tower a few feet over common men, those in which divine blood flows strong are among the mightiest of giants in the known world. Their archers are arguably the deadliest in existence, and those Rephaites whom take up warfare are nigh-unstoppable with their sheer size and magic blades. However, the great giants have a fierce hunger for human flesh, which supports their foul blood magic. Other than blood, they have no small skill at the magics of fire, earth, and astral, as well as auxilliary acess to nature and air magics.

This is cool. These are supposed to be biblical Nephilim I am assuming. Would be fun to try to become an uberGod through mass blood sacrifice
Sniffelheim is the best EA giant race, plus you can cast Illwinter which is one of the coolest globals.
Well dammit someone else beat me to this idea. I guess thats what i get for taking so long to set up a quest. Oh well, guess ill just have to wait.
They basically are. Dominions basically cribs all of its stuff from IRL mythology, then works it into its own setting.
>>6007595 #

>The Sons of The Grigori, of Hinnom. Although the smallest of them "Only" tower a few feet over common men, those in which divine blood flows strong are among the mightiest of giants in the known world. Their archers are arguably the deadliest in existence, and those Rephaites whom take up warfare are nigh-unstoppable with their sheer size and magic blades. However, the great giants have a fierce hunger for human flesh, which supports their foul blood magic. Other than blood, they have no small skill at the magics of fire, earth, and astral, as well as auxilliary acess to nature and air magics.
That Hunger of flesh and blood is a problem, humans aren’t exactly known as being willing sacrifices to be messily eaten alive. Definitely are going to want to fix that as our first major task before we want to try and conquer and subsume the rest of giantkind under our rule. Can’t rule the world if you keep eating the people and make them think rebellion and death, is better then messy cannibalism.

Also, I have no idea what any of this stuff is, Dominion QM, is dominion like some sort of homebrew creation, or is it like something else? Also is this all fantasy, or fantasy adjacent, because I recognize quite a few of these names, but what is a Greek word presumably for God doing in this quest? Is this irl earth with all the worlds mythology, another world that isn’t earth but still has all the mythology, or something else completely?
Behold anon, autism. The hunger for flesh ain't something that will be fixed though, it's innate
CHRIST! How the hell does a modern game in 2024, look like it stayed behind in 1994?! This level of detail, this isn’t autism, this the autism autists experience when dealing with actual autists. I truly hope we aren’t expected to do nearly as much, or this quest is going to be dead within a fortnight. And, why not try and change a beings actual biology, other gods have done that before, so why not us as well?
Seems clear that if we pick Biblical cannibal giants, we’re going to need to immediately set about enslaving a lesser race to keep our “blood economy” from crashing our actual economy.
Relax anon, that's what humans are for
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Your chosen people are the angel-blooded giants of Hinnom.

Oh, and do not mind the coin flip.

Now, what body and mind supports the spark of your divinity? Beware, this turn of the wheel is strange; many contenders to The Thrones never seen before have appeared, and those returning come with power to match the newcomers!

>Merely a man, albeit one who has mastered his own mortality. Your skill in magic is great, unrivaled even, but beneath it all is frail mortality, and your claim to godhood is weak. [LOCKED. The giants of Hinnom would never worship a mere man.]
>A great beast, rampaging across the world since time immemorial, and worshiped in recent ages. Your magical skill is instinctual at best (barring a few exceptions) and you're no researcher or smith, but your body can savage a small army even without the aid of magic, and your claim to divinity has some backing.
>A god-blooded giant of divine heritage. Many were sired by or served the previous Pantokrator, and were imprisoned for impudence in ages past. Your skill in magic is specific but deep (again, barring a few exceptions), and while not as strong as many monsters, you have the advantage of having hands and weapons to hold in them. As well, your claim to The Thrones of Ascension has weight, weight that many are hard-pressed to match.
>A great spirit, bound to an inanimate object. You were likely an immaterial servant of the previous Pantokrator, imprisoned after your job was done in a too-small cage during ages long past, so small that you can reach through the bars and interact with the world. Your knowledge in magic is deeper and wider than any but those men who dare grasp at the mantle of godhood, and you are difficult to destroy; in turn, you may only affect the world around you through magic or possessing a host to research and forge magical items. Your claim to godhood is unrivaled, however, as you have been worshiped since times long forgotten.
>>A god-blooded giant of divine heritage. Many were sired by or served the previous Pantokrator, and were imprisoned for impudence in ages past. Your skill in magic is specific but deep (again, barring a few exceptions), and while not as strong as many monsters, you have the advantage of having hands and weapons to hold in them. As well, your claim to The Thrones of Ascension has weight, weight that many are hard-pressed to match.
Do not worry, advisor. I will be doing much of the heavy lifting, and interpreting the input of the advisors into actionable plans. After all, you're advisors, not administrators.
And this goes for both of you advisors; do not worry, your people have already enslaved a lesser race, the giants they sprung from are now subservient to their divine-blooded descendants.

You can certainly try, dear advisor. Do beware the horrors.
I don't see the last Nephilim here dear QM, does he count as a god-giant?
Yes, yes he does. Although, I will need to see what I can do about his rather... sparse clothing preferences.
Well then, no way to play Hinnom but with the OG
>A god-blooded giant of divine heritage. Many were sired by or served the previous Pantokrator, and were imprisoned for impudence in ages past. Your skill in magic is specific but deep (again, barring a few exceptions), and while not as strong as many monsters, you have the advantage of having hands and weapons to hold in them. As well, your claim to The Thrones of Ascension has weight, weight that many are hard-pressed to match.
>>A god-blooded giant of divine heritage. Many were sired by or served the previous Pantokrator, and were imprisoned for impudence in ages past. Your skill in magic is specific but deep (again, barring a few exceptions), and while not as strong as many monsters, you have the advantage of having hands and weapons to hold in them. As well, your claim to The Thrones of Ascension has weight, weight that many are hard-pressed to match.
Very well then, let our creations worship us, as what we are, EXISTENCE ITSELF!!!!
(Also really fucking happy that we don’t need to do the heavy lifting in the dominion style, though I worry the weight you put on yourself by going full autist QM. Also, really kind of don’t like that blood canabalism at all, since that means our magically weakened descendants are what we eat, which will forment eventually into a rebellion against us. So, does anyone know how we can get the secrets from Phlegra/Mekone, as they’re the exact sort we will need in order to avoid said rebellion by making all of our descendants into mindless automatons that eat, fuck, shut, fight, work and die on our commands, and avoid that distinct possibility.)
>A great spirit, bound to an inanimate object. You were likely an immaterial servant of the previous Pantokrator, imprisoned after your job was done in a too-small cage during ages long past, so small that you can reach through the bars and interact with the world. Your knowledge in magic is deeper and wider than any but those men who dare grasp at the mantle of godhood, and you are difficult to destroy; in turn, you may only affect the world around you through magic or possessing a host to research and forge magical items. Your claim to godhood is unrivaled, however, as you have been worshiped since times long forgotten.
(Pretend the object is just the word I am)

>A god-blooded giant of divine heritage. Many were sired by or served the previous Pantokrator, and were imprisoned for impudence in ages past. Your skill in magic is specific but deep (again, barring a few exceptions), and while not as strong as many monsters, you have the advantage of having hands and weapons to hold in them. As well, your claim to The Thrones of Ascension has weight, weight that many are hard-pressed to match.

The clear and most based option
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You seem to misunderstand, dear advisor. You, and other advisors, will be collectively playing an actual game of Dominions 6 that I translate the events of into narrative and your choices into actions. I would've been posting more screenshots from the game itself, but seeing as the game hasn't actually started it's easier to do it like this. Although...

I seem to have forgotten the picture, or rather realized that I ought to have put one there.
No, nonpnonononononoNoNoNoNONONONOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
You can’t make us micromanage an entire civilization, you can’t!
... Advisor, I just said that I'd be the one doing the micromanaging, while you and others will be providing the overarching plans.
Oh, my mistake I completely panicked once you brought up the actual game, and thought that we would need to do plans for the kingdom, that you would then do, have the next turn come, and have us do the micromanagement thing all over again.

Phew, does that mean we can expect to fight and deal with all the other 34 factions in the early age?
All of them? No. A significant portion? Yes.
Oh so this is straight up /qst/ plays a game of Dominions 6. Ok nvm my earlier statement.
Mang dont worry about all of that. At this point, the micromanaging in the Dominions series is nill campared to what it WAS back in 2003.
Ok how many players are we up against? Is this an AI game or actual MP? Also are you gonna be doing unit scripting?
>(Pretend the object is just the word I am)
I mean does Hinnom get the Divine Glyph as a pretender Chassis? I forget.
Wait what?! This stuff was more complex, in 2003 than in 2023 with Dominion 6?!! Was the created a autist, or was he just trying to fake himself as one until he actually became it?

I have no idea what that is, nor do I know either way. I just found out what dominion is, and what all of the d6 Chan faction posts on their lore were all about. What is a pretender chassis anyway?
>>A great spirit, bound to an inanimate object. You were likely an immaterial servant of the previous Pantokrator, imprisoned after your job was done in a too-small cage during ages long past, so small that you can reach through the bars and interact with the world. Your knowledge in magic is deeper and wider than any but those men who dare grasp at the mantle of godhood, and you are difficult to destroy; in turn, you may only affect the world around you through magic or possessing a host to research and forge magical items. Your claim to godhood is unrivaled, however, as you have been worshiped since times long forgotten.
Back in Dom 1 you set the tax rates for each province and unrest was set to that mostly.
And since you never have played Dominions ill give you the skinny. The screen with units the DM posted is the Nation screen for EA Hinnom and land of bloodthristy giants that eat lesser giants and rape their daughters to create offspring. What im talking about when i say the Divine Glyph is the Pretender Chassis. So what has just happened in the game is that the Pantokrator, the OverGod of all reality has "dissapeared" for whatever reason. Now a pack of Pretenders take over countries and fight to gain control of the Thrones of Ascension to become the new Pantokrator. He hasnt shown the Pretender select screen yet, but when he does we get to Select a Pretender, called a Chassis by the community due to how customizable they are. That Pretender Chassis is going to be "us" in a sense. Also the QM is already pre selecting for us due to him not liking Dominion Level 1s for Hinnom for whatever reason.
As the games were developed, the massive autism was honed to a fine point.

A pretender chassis is the basis of the pretender, the unit that you add parts onto to make the pretender. That is what we are determining, at the moment; or to be specific, which category of pretender.
They do have the divine glyph iirc
Good grief, well at least I don’t think theirs much of a tax system in the new game, just I think resource extraction and tribute? Besides that, does the IverGod ever comeback as a final boss in order to judge if the one getting to the throne of ascension is worthy of the power it grants?

I think this is already voting for what type of pretender we’re going to want in that case. I saw a screenshot that in the latest game, there are like 4? Groups, 1 that is normal humans, another as inanimate objects and a 3rd and 4th group (I think?) that are monsters. I think, bare in mind, I have never played dominion nor ever will (these types of games are not my thing) so if someone wants to show a couple of screenshots of the selection of chassis by all means go ahead. Also, what’s a level 1 dominion?
Oh, alright shame Divine Glypth is out of the picture then, I would have loved a floating word start casting lightning strikes and flay alive humans while floating in the air as a glyph.
Advisor, the Divine Glyph is under the "Great Spirit" category. If you want to have the Divine Glyph, choose that.
There are four groups, Advisor. Regular humans whom have achieved such magical might that they became immortal, whom have been disqualified as a choice for flavor reasons. The second is giant monsters, whom are immortal and instinctual magic users.
The third is various giants playing on gods from various cultures across the world.
The fourth is gigantic, immobile statues or similar objects.
It's worth saying that great spirits(Divine Glyphs or other statues) aren't exactly the best at actual combat and are immobile. Usually you want a titan or monster for that
But of course, Advisor! Does the vote not mention that the chassis can only affect the world through magic?
>A god-blooded giant of divine heritage. Many were sired by or served the previous Pantokrator, and were imprisoned for impudence in ages past. Your skill in magic is specific but deep (again, barring a few exceptions), and while not as strong as many monsters, you have the advantage of having hands and weapons to hold in them. As well, your claim to The Thrones of Ascension has weight, weight that many are hard-pressed to match.
Well true, I overlooked that lol
>He's never Monolith dropped someone before.
But, I did? That was the vote I picked when I was deciding which one I wanted? I even mentioned that I wanted to pretend that the inanimate object was just 2 words saying “I AM”.

Besides that, cool, very much do. Wait, does that mean we are picking the shape of a giant like a Nephilim then, since we are a giant ruling over Hebrew giants?

Wait a second, are all of the pretenders in the game not actually gods?! Their like, everything but that, with the real overlord leaving in order to allow you to become head of the universe, but the rest is the actual gods, like Thor, Odin, Ra, Sobek, etc, just don’t appear unless you want to name drop them in as your on the nose fake god?
That's pretty much it yes, that's why they're all called Pretenders
Advisor, please understand that the vote is still ongoing for the shape of our god.

And no, the pretenders are not gods. That's why they're "pretenders," they're powerful and possibly even divine, but not "the god of this world". There are various pretender chassis that are in the likeness of different gods from various mythologies, but are explicitly not that god. For example, there is the "Allfather" Pretender Chassis, and his lore and appearance shares similarities with Odin, but he is not "Odin," understand? I would recommend that you watch an introduction to the Dominions series, Advisor.

Here is a sufficient one: https://youtu.be/e5ZYpGAVPDw?si=_ChE5g6rCpIZ0Iqv
None of the Pretenders at game start are The Pantokrator (God of This World). We are about to fight an Ascension War to BECOME Pantokrator (God of This World). We MUST claim the Thrones of Ascension to elevate us to the level of Pantokrator. Only then will we become God.
BEWARE!!!! Failure to do this if you participate in the Ascension War WILL lead to death or imprisonment eternal in TARTARUS.
Unnecessary, I kinda thought it was just like some other strategy game that from what I got from the cover art of, was a Greek strategy game but all about the gods being the ones fighting and the mortal armies being their tiny little minions.

Yeah, I know the vote is ongoing, but more than half a dozen people are pretty much unanimous in their vote for giant, which is fine, it’s their choice. I’m just calling it that I’m not going to win that vote, and I’m perfectly fine with that consequence.

Though now if I’m going to be honest, some of the fun is sucked out since, well you have almost every single world religion or mythology in a strategy game (and quite a few that were straight made up from the 20th century) all ducking it out, but you also can’t get other gods involved that aren’t pretenders, kinda lame I’m going to be honest. I guess, once we either win and get to the throne, or don’t and someone else does, the quest ends just like that? We won’t get a sequel to play around as the overdid trying to bring back order to all of the divines, presumably running around since theirs no one to keep them in order?
Nah. Once you become The Pantokrator you literally win everything forever.until you dissapear as well later on then the cycle starts again.
You are definitely putting the cart before the horse here, bud.
Oh, I get it now. Theirs always ever been one god at a time, but pretenders are beings that since they aren’t gods, just spirits, monsters, and humans that have the power and chance needed to eventually become said god, should such a being for whatever reason disappear? Alright, my disappointment is resolved then. When I heard that the Over-God, was well, a Over-God, I had presumed a 1 masssively powerful god ruling over all of creation, with a bunch of other gods he rules over, and from below them, all of the other monsters and magical stuff from real world mythology. If theirs never actually been more then 1 god of existence, then that means their was never a chance at Shinto mythology for its gods being real, or well, more real then either the Roman, Greek, or German gods at any rate.
Maybe, but I still just thought that there were other gods of creation, outside of the one that just disappeared before asking around, and finding out that this was in fact not the case. Ignorance can make someone assume some pretty wrong things until you find out the truth and realize you look like a pretty big fool.
Some Pantokrators choose to be Overgods and rule a pantheon of lesser divines but those ALWAYS end in rebellion or disobedience and stripping of any minor divine titles and imprisonment. Hell more than half of the Pretender Chassis are former divine servants that did "THING THE PANTOKRATOR DID NOT LIKE" and got imprisoned for their efforts.
I am not surprised that this would likely be such a case. Whatever happens to those spirits imprisoned when the Pantokrators decides to disappear into the wether? They just break out again, and start their chance at becoming the new Pantokrators.
>A great beast, rampaging across the world since time immemorial, and worshiped in recent ages. Your magical skill is instinctual at best (barring a few exceptions) and you're no researcher or smith, but your body can savage a small army even without the aid of magic, and your claim to divinity has some backing.
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You are a god-blooded giant of divine heritage. But which one? Most faces are familiar... but a few are new, this turn of The Wheel.

Simply circle your choice on the picture using MS paint or a similar program, Advisors, and we'll move to a runoff where I explain the choices further. Although I was able to borrow a pair of pants and belt for the Son of The Fallen, I could not find any clothes to the fit the Great Mother nor the Annunaki of Love and War, and have instead opted for a censor-bar.

Do not mind the Solar Disc and Demilich; They kept sneaking their way into the waiting room and I could not remove them.

>Who are you serving, Advisors?

Also wat mod/s?
Spark of Divinity and a custom mod to force the Son of The Fallen to put on a pair of pants. Each pretender gets a LOT more power, whether in straight-up magic or in utility abilities.
I select the Top row, Third from the left. A Grigorim is fucking nuts.
LMAO, Also besides the Grigorim what are the first four on the top row?

I choose the bull-man. I’m mobile-posting or would circle the image as you suggested QM
>Great Creator
A spirit of creation enlisted by the previous Pantokrator to help create the world, now broken free of his shackles.
>The Son Of The Fallen (With Pants)
The last of the Nephilim, with all the physical and magical might that entails.
A glorious and terrible angel of judgement from the celestial sphere.

Ah, and please keep in mind that while the fellow is flattered at your excitement, the Grigori does not have the full power of his imprisoned brothers at base, and the other pretenders have power to match him.
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Why is he not naked? Is that DE?
Ah, as I mentioned in the earlier post, I borrowed a pair of pants for him. He was quite thankful for it.

To be serious, as I said up here >>6008458 I made a small mod to put some clothes on him. Also I have severe JJK brainrot, what does DE mean? The only thing that comes to mind is Domain Expanstion.
What's special about the grigori and the elohim as pretenders? I haven't bought dom 6 yet lol
I'll cast my vote for
>Great Creator
At least for now. Elohim and Grigorim sound interesting.
They're from a mod, and the former is, when not a Pretender, an unfathomably powerful summon.
Ah cool, going with Son of the Fallen.
Good magic paths, excellent resistances, damage reversal and corruption(think Ubar from Dom5)
Hmm, tell me more about the elohim. If we get grigori we should do it the proper way
The Lords of Civilization are absolute units
As mentioned up here;
The Grigori whom has managed to escape his proper judgement is not a full-fledged Grigori power-wise (at least before we build him up in pretender creation).

But as for the Elohim, he (or perhaps she, it's rather hard to tell with the pretty face and armor) is a divine spirit of judgement from the celestial sphere, the same place the Grigori came from. The Elohim is somewhat weaker in magic than the Son of The Fallen or Grigori and many of the other giant pretenders, but is no slouch and a capable Combat Caster. The Elohim inspires Fear and Awe in equal measure as well, and divine messengers (Malakh) may descend to help them during their war.

Other than that, they hold the standard Angel toolkit; invulnerability, and resistance to both fire and electric attacks, flying, etc.
>But as for the Elohim, he (or perhaps she, it's rather hard to tell with the pretty face and armor)
You could run it through mod inspector and find out if curious.
Cool, so kind of like a souped up virtue.
I'll go with Son of the Fallen though
Sounds like a Virtue. I fucking love the Virtue as a chassis.....goddamit why u gotta make me choose.
Honestly it's probably he, but if we pick them and decide they're a girl to match the virtue I wouldn't mind.

Yes, a sort of "Super Virtue" is probably the best way to put it. There's another pretender that's even closer to a Super Virtue, but you don't have access to it.
Aight went i get back home imma try this mod out. The Virtue is probably my FAVORITE chassis. I hate you for making me choose....
>The Virtue is probably my FAVORITE chassis.
Why? Too expensive and its HP is very low imo.
Because its fucking cool? Do i need another reason? I mean i can make use of it no matter where in the game we are. Expansion? EASY! Awe plus invulnerable kills indies to death. Mid game? Not a problem a flying mage killer is great. Late game? Two spells. Cloud Trapeeze and Fire Storm wipe out armies QUICK.
Fair play, rule of cool is important. You play mainly singleplayer?
Nope running one in MP rite now. Actually doing great. Am one of the final 4. The next war decides the game
Ah, that's interesting. I never found Fire Storm does anything in late game with army of lead/gold + regen and sending your god into a mage core could end with a hand of death or a counter thug. Best of luck with your game.
Don't forget the built-in Army of Bronze, Advisor. It comes with a built-in strength bonus equal to Rush of Strength or Giant Strength.
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>meanwhile my unoptimized ass playing Ind with all the HP boosts, damage sharing, regen and durability+resistance boosts possible while nuking my scales so my army is the most annoying thing possible to fight
*new, not "built-in". Don't know what I was thinking, there.
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Although nobody seems to have actually voted for it, I'll include the Elohim in the runoff nonetheless due to the general interest.

>The Great Creator, A2/S1/N1
A great and mighty creator-spirit taking the form of an old man riding atop a cloud. Once enlisted by the Pantokrator to create the world, when he began to be worshipped he was locked away. His worshippers continued their service despite this, and their great temple was lain low. Now that he has returned, his temple shall be rebuilt and he shall call down Hashmal to aid him in spreading his word.

>The Son of The Fallen, F1/E1/S1/B1
The last of the Nephilim, he who devoured his brothers in pursuit of power. He has nothing left to live for but achieving godhood. He will eat the populace like his children will, and will gain strength from it. His physical might is unrivalled, and he wears a robe of invulnerability he found upon his travels. If the place he is in has no temple and there is a giant of high stature nearby, he will slay them and fashion an altar from their bones, consuming the flesh for his own. He can also call Rephaite Warriors to aid him.

>The Lost Grigori, E1/S1/N1/B1
The only Grigori to seemingly slip through the cracks, he has escaped his punishment, and will soon return to the world to lead his descendants to victory... if he is your choice. Although he doesn't have the same magical acuity (at base) as his brothers, he has every other power, and his dominion is naturally orderly, productive and magical... although his punishment leaks onto his dominion, somewhat, and misfortune reigns. It will take him some time to free himself from his prison, however, and even if he has already escaped he will be sleeping off the effort.

>The Elohim, A1/E1/S1
A divine spirit of judgement from the celestial sphere. The Elohim is somewhat weaker in magic than many of the other pretenders, but is certainly no slouch and a capable Combat Caster. The Elohim inspires Fear and Awe in equal measure as well, and divine messengers (Malakh) may descend to help them during their war. Other than that, they hold the standard Angel toolkit; invulnerability, and resistance to both fire and electric attacks, flying, etc. As well, they start with a Flambeau and the skill to use it.

>The Ilah of The Moon, S3/N1
The odd one out, here, and the generous donor of The Son of The Fallen's pants. His horns are as the crescent moon, and he brings gifts of fertility to his dominion and darkvision to his sacred followers. He is certainly no warrior, but the Rephaites are warriors enough, and perhaps a warrior is not what is needed to lead them to victory... in any case, despite his peaceable nature, his strength is that of the Great Bulls and he is very durable.
If you want the QM's opinion, Ilah of the Moon or Grigori for a scales pretender, The Son of The Fallen for a bless pretender, the Elohim for an expander, and either The Son Of The Fallen or The Grigori for flavor.

I'll leave the vote open overnight. It's rather important, no?
Oh and The Great Creator for a dominion-spreader.
Aight i see what you meant by the Chassis gained more powers.
>Grigori cannot start awake.
>Moon Bull has a start site.
What gem does it produce?
>Elohim doesnt get fire get Earth Astral instead
Right so im torn between an Awake Expander Elohim due to Hinnoms shit being pricey, and the Grigorim due to our shit being expensive but in a different way.
>>The Lost Grigori, E1/S1/N1/B1
Fallen Angel time aka Father and Sons take over the world
Also holy shit the Grigorim does GOOD SHIT to the scales. And i can apperciate the mod creator call misfortune scales free, LMAO
It's how the mod-maker made the darkvision work.
>The Lost Grigori, E1/S1/N1/B1
I would have otherwise chosen creator or the nephilim, but in the former case, he’s a generic creator with nothing really special for the guy desu. Nephilim is great for the symbolism, but A, if we bring him out he’s going to eat one of our followers and kill another one to make a temple in a province that doesn’t have it. Besides, we already have enough canabals for our chosen faction, why ask for another that we don’t need in the first place beyond an okay niche?

>The Son of The Fallen, F1/E1/S1/B1

I actually think we should double down on cannibalism for flavor reasons. It’s fun of our faction leader already won Highlander
You have misunderstood. He only kills one commander and eats that one.
So anons, for our angel build as the QM advised it's better to go grigori for scales,elohim for expander or Son of the Fallen for big bless. Which you guys wanna go for?
I guess I suggest the Grigori, so we can get Regen and Bond.
>The Lost Grigori, E1/S1/N1/B1
>>The Great Creator, A2/S1/N1
>The Lost Grigori, E1/S1/N1/B1
>The Great Creator, A2/S1/N1
>>The Great Creator, A2/S1/N1
Or Regen + Enlarge could be good.
>The Great Creator, A2/S1/N1
>The Great Creator, A2/S1/N1
>The Lost Grigori, E1/S1/N1/B1
>The Elohim, A1/E1/S1
Since Elohim isn't gonna win I'll change my vote to
>The Great Creator, A2/S1/N1
I'm changing to grigori but are we seriously having samefagging happen now?

Changing my vote to


Since son of the Fallen won’t be winning either
Well since the Elohim has no chance to win i will vote for the Grigori. Blood Angel is fun.
>The Great Creator, A2/S1/N1
I wouldn't be too worried. The thread is still in the front page. If there's still 1 id votes when this is in the 5th page or something then that's more of a concern.
Damn I hope not. I just came to this thread today and it looks too fun for that, especially so early in its life.

Anons don't vote based on who can or can't win, just vote for what you want.
Also you, almost forgot about you.
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The Grigori wins it, barely... and after all the effort in making The Son put on some pants!

Now that you remember who you are, it's time to remember what you can do.

Either submit a build of your own (in text or picture form), or select one or more of the following options, and I'll see what memory of your capabilities I can rouse...

You are:
>A paragon of magical might (Path goes here, or leave blank for general bonus. For the unfamiliar, Fire/Air/Water/Earth/Astral/Death/Nature/Glamour/Blood).
>A giver of great blessings (Choose which, or leave blank for QM's choice).
>An icon of worship.
>A symbol of order and industry.
>A symbol of chaos and sloth.
>A bringer of growth and good harvest.
>An omen of bad harvest and disease,
>Blessedly lucky.
>Accursedly unlucky.

The more you select, however, the more I spread our resources thin, unless you select negative options (IE accursed luck, chaos and sloth, etc) to counteract the good.
Oh, and I forgot;
>Merely sleeping.
>Still chained.

>Cold and unapproachable.
>Dangerously hot-blooded.
Already with the samefag accusations?

>A symbol of order and industry.
>An icon of worship.
>Dangerously hot-blooded.
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This is what I'm thinking.
Let's see
>A paragon of magical might, astral path (sounds cool how you can cast the most meta spells yo)
>A symbol of chaos and sloth
>A bringer of growth and good harvest
Our giants will be given too much at the start and it will be reflected with these two options.
>Super lucky
>Still chained
>Dangerously hot-blooded
The Grigori is going to do EVERYTHING in its power, without measure, but he is lagging behind because of the chains... right?
And that gives us tons of points for whatever happens next or smt... I am not sure about the blessings if someone can tell me "yes let's pick blessings" then alright

I’m supporting this but I know literally nothing about Dominions
Larger increases our sacreds size by 1, which increases their HP by 30%, strength by 3, and gives a -1 malus to defence. Then Regen means they regen 10% of their HP a turn. This is good on giants which our sacreds are. You could argue BBond instead of larger, but that doesn't really help our Melqarts while larger does. Would also submit to regen + shock/magic resistance.
The rough idea seems to be to use the bless with our powerful sacred units to beat the enemy into submission, while having slightly worse scales (which make the economy worse) in some places and slightly better scales in others (specifically growth).
What site can I use to pirate this game?
Alternatively, where can I buy it?
All we need to do is spend gold on mages, we have sacred summons and national undead. Gold isn't massively important.
Piratebay, if you ever want to play multiplayer you got to buy it.
Huh, I can only find it on steam but not in GOG... I am not a fan of renting games you see? Let me try and look for another option
Wherever you typically pirate games, advisor, and Steam.

That's a good point, advisor. Letting someone know what it does without the wider context is somewhat misleading.
You can buy it through Steam but it doesn't require being run through Steam. You might be able to refund it and still play it if you play with the directory.

Basically making our thicc bois even thicker, sounds good to me.
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So close, shits!
it works ehe eh ehehehe...
I can't seem to be able to make a game with the faction I want, so off....
Are you even in the right age? Or the right version of the game? Earlier builds are missing some of the newer factions. Also something to keep in mind are mods and their compatibility. Stop talking like a cryptic gremlin and use your words kek
nvm, I sorted it out, thanks...
I will try out the game without studying for a week beforehand. There is this concept called strategic dominance which pretty much ruins strategy games for me, because I tend to look for the min-max of stuff online and then I don't feel like deviating from that, pretty much locking myself from the rest of the game, or trying thing myself
I'll check the vote tomorrow, but it seems in favor of this build.
If it wins, I will make the executive decision to put the heat scale at +3 instead of +1 because it will affect the enemies more negatively AND us more negatively, where heat +1 only really affects us negatively considering our base heat +2 scale.
>If it wins, I will make the executive decision to put the heat scale at +3 instead of +1 because it will affect the enemies more negatively
Sure you do what you want, my thinking is H3 will lead to popkill during hotter months and will empower Abysia who canonically destroys Hinnom. Pretty sure a hellbless Abysia rolls us early whatever really.
I support this one, since i know nothing.
I don't believe it would, solely because we have base +2 heat preference for our nation.


This idea here wins it, give me a moment to get the game set up and write a nice, narrative opening.
And drink my coffee tea, today, too.

Three years ago, a great rift opened within the wastes surrounding Gomorrah. The sound of slowly-cracking earth was accompanied by a whisper of a thousand-thousand tongues, and a great oasis without water began to bloom around the rift. Slowly, a great flower bud with bloodstained petals and veined leaves emerged. The Ba'al and Melquart debated long and hard over what to do; and it was decided to cut the flower open to see what lay within the twitching thing. The expedition party Melquart whom attempted to open it, his name now struck from history for the heresy of his actions, were slain to a man.

Strangled by vines, eaten alive by insects, choking on their own poisoned blood, their swords did not even touch the god-plant. That night, the stars and rumbling earth bore a clear message;

"Hush, my children. Thy grandfather needs his rest."

A second debate erupted, and was soon closed definitively; One of the Grigorim had returned to the realm of the Pantokrator to lead his grandchildren to greatness once more. The focus of worship shifted from the Nephilim to their fathers, to prepare the populace for his return.

Now, a third forum was started to decide their further course of action, and just as swiftly ended. The Rephaim would prepare this earth for the awakening of their grandfather.

Before they began their conquest, they begged their grandfather for the name to spread to foriegn lands, and were answered by a songbird:

>"I am your Grandfather. No more, no less."
>"I am Amazarak. Spread my name far afield."
> "I am..." another name. Amazarak was the default one, but you might prefer a more personal touch.

>"I am Amazarak. Spread my name far afield."

Eh, default is good enough for me.
>>"I am Amazarak. Spread my name far afield."
>"I am your Grandfather. No more, no less"
>"I am your Grandfather. No more, no less"
I like this one more, it sounds more loving and kind, rather then commanding and stern, with no love at all for his grandchildren.
>I am DominionsQm
I want to make a commanding unit that costs 4 command points and my capital province produces 2 I am in early age, how do I make more CP?
>>"I am your Grandfather. No more, no less."
It will take two turns to produce the commander, for more CP you can get 3 per turn with Three Red Seconds.
I actually named it Dominionsquest as a placeholder.
Would the Advisors be interested in "Grandfather Amazarak"?
Heh.... alright

Sure I’d support a fusion/compromise

My previous vote is here >>6010186


I looked them up on the wiki, how are we supposed to fight lava-men?!
Yes! I would love to tell our little grand children of old Amazarak the grigori.
Giants can cut through their heavy armor. If we had low-strength human troops we'd probably need to use more magic. As fire resistant giants though, we should be ok.
Poison works pretty well on them. They'd got good armor and fire doesn't work but poison is fine. Alternatively air magic works alright. Hinnom's big problem fighting them is numbers more than anything though. Not like Niflheim who get blasted by their mages.
>how are we supposed to fight lava-men?!
Well in my first game I played as them and used quickness. Which means each Burning One has 4 attacks per round at 25 damage if in heat 3. They are a tough nation to crack, personally I think best to leave them alone if they go for a strong bless and out research them. As well as building up an army of Se'ir and making SCs to counter them, which would be hard against a good player due to life for life.
Are SCs better in Dominions 6? I recall they got nerfed pretty big in 5
On average, an Avvim (the race that makes up most of the population) is roughly 8-9 ft tall and broadly built, and a Rephaim is upwards of 12 ft and fire-resistant. An Avvim can defeat them in a one-on-one brawl with relative surety, and a Rephaim could tear one in half to eat with contemptuous ease, advisor, not to mention the fact that Abysians do not have or use ranged weapons while our archers are among the deadliest in the world, arrow for arrow.


As the Rephaim look outwards, they look to the south, the east, and the west; to the north is nothing but barren waste, unfit for any use but to gaze upon the starkness of it.

To the south are the provinces of Dragon Pointe, known to hold a Throne of Ascencion (sure to be guarded well beyond our current capabilities to conquer), and Muspel, a coastal highland which would be most valuable for its resources. To the west is Land's End, a plain likely to be lightly defended in comparison to the Throne in Dragon Pointe, and to the ease is Mushwood, a forest likely to hold magical sites and also useful for its resources. There are lands beyond, but we know little enough about our surroundings as is.


>Plans of Action

>Conjuration (default)

>Suggested Recruitment:
>Scouts, for exploration (one commander point).
>A Commander, to lead a war-party (one commander point).
>A Priest, to bless our future sacred units (one commander point).
>Mages, to begin research, support our armies, or secure Blood Slaves (specify and I will recruit appropriately, TWO commander points).
>A Melquart or Baal to lead our armies and provide magical support, or perhaps be declared as prophet (FOUR commander points, specify).
>Rephaite Warriors, to crush our enemies underfoot (expensive).
>Archers, to shoot down our foes from a distance.
>Call upon the Horim, whose primitive arms are a perfect remedy to our resource-shortage.
>Infantry, to bolster our ranks.
>Other (Ask and I shall post the recruitment screen).

>Suggested Plans of Action:
>Send out a scout to ascertain the defenses of a province (which one?).
>Invade Mushwood or Muspel for their resources to fuel recruitment (which one?).
>Wait, to build our numbers and recieve information about surrounding provinces.
>Recruit mercenaries. They will upcharge us, but we need men to expand with, fast!
>Other (Write in)

>Research (note that we currently have no researchers!)
>Conjuration, for summoning magical creatures to our aid.
>Alteration, for support and combat magic (Recommended).
>Evocation, for smiting our foes with powerful magic.
>Construction, to create powerful magical items.
>Enchantment, for strong support magic (Recommended).
>Thaumaturgy, for useful rituals and support or combat magic (Recommended).
>Blood magic, to summon demons and for incredibly powerful combat magics, at the cost of blood-slaves.
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With the introduction of Glamour and False Damage, they have a big new counter. Other than that there are likely many minor nerfs and buffs that affect Supercombatants in general, advisor.
Ah, I forgot my image.

How many command points do we have QM?
Two, as most fortresses do.

>Recruit Scout
>Recruit Horite Hunter?

Send the Scout East to Mushwood and keep the Horite unit in the capital. Next turn we can recruit a commander and another army unit?

I have no idea what I’m doing
I should mention that we start with a scout and commander, with eight each of light infantry and swordsmen.
Send a scout to our west, recruit as many Rephaites as possible and a Shaman (to get reanimation online). Research Ench1.
Haven't played much Dom6 to say, only blitzes with friends which end before turn 50. Ive spent more time in Dom5.

Okay, then how about:

>Recruit another commander
>Recruit Scout

Send one Scout East to Mushwood and the other west to Land’s End. Can we split our forces so that each commander has 4 units of light infantry and 4 swordsman?

Next turn we’ll attack in various directions, presuming that people think this is a good plan

Never mind, I’ll support this anon since it seems like he knows what he is doing >>6010316
That you can, Advisor, although whether that'll be enough to defeat the foes they'll encounter is worth debate. I should mention the turn structure is in such a way that we cannot recruit a unit and then move that unit on the same turn, so we'd have to wait to recruit and THEN make our assault.
The number possible is One (1) due to a resource penalty.
*shortage, not penalty.
>The number possible is One (1) due to a resource penalty.
It says 116 Resources and each is 50, should be ok to produce 2.
Ah, my mistake Advisor. I checking something and may have put another unit in the recruit queue.
>Prophet the Commander
>Scout with the Scout
>Make the 2 cannibals. Normally I'd start with light infantry giants to help take the first province, but it sounds like we are very low on manpower and material, so might as well send two big boys at the
>Recruit a healer. Just in case one of our big boys gets a limp.
>What's our research?
Alteration, Thaumaturgy, and Blood Magic.
>>Prophet the Commander
Our bless won't come online till turn 12ish, we can be more picky who we make our prophet.
Larger wasn't tagged incarnate. Is it or does it not need a blessing to work?
Larger is automatic and constantly on.
Incarnate means that the pretender needs to be both alive and active in the world to work. Larger is kind of special; its one of the few blesses that's always active whether or not the unit itself is blessed, like Unaging and the HP blesses (I think, at least for the HP ones).
Any sacred ones are Larger so we good...
>Recruit scout
>Recruit another commander
>Recruit infantry, the fodder kind

>Scout the throne
>Wait for next turn

Let's see if my six-or so hours of gameplay were worth it... What faction & pretender is good for a starter guy? I feel comfortable with Ur guys
Play EA Abysia, get quickness as part of your bless if against AI. For multiplayer EA Pan, MA Man, LA Gath are easy nations.
hmm... thanks let's see
Dude quickness is Incarnate + water lvl 9!!!
That's insane... tho I don't know what's "Normal" magic path levels...
One level is a novice, two is an adept, three is the highest most mortals will reach. Four and Five typically belong to magical creatures, and anything above that requires Empowerment (spending gems to make a character more powerful in magic), magical items, or being a Pretender (IE, among the greatest and most powerful users of magic in the known world).
mmm... while the idea of the quest is charming (and it introduced me to a fun game) expecting to micro manage every turn will turn sour in two days. I suggest streamlining it somehow. Either allowing us to choose only a portion of the stuff we can do, such choosing between who to attack and what do we recruit. Other stuff can be voted in between such as where (and what) to build and magical research...
Heck even "policies" would do. A policy to put 25 defense on every province or a policy that half the mages have to explore magical sites and forge, the other half research... Or a vote to decide how many mages we want at all (for research)

Unno man, I don't see the quest lasting longer than four updates. And all this is only discussing the mechanical stuff, what of the narrative? Because this is a /qst/ after all... come on, introduce characters!
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Well, Advisor, those are all great ideas but the issue is that at the moment we don't have anything to make policies about. As well, we don't have characters at the moment (anyone who gets Propheted or becomes a Hero will certainly be a contender), because its turn one. The first couple of turns will be necessarily micro-heavy to get our burgeoning empire growing and the momentum flowing, before we go on from there.

This seems to be the most popular plan of action. Let's see what happens...


The month passes with little ado, barring the reports trickling in from the borders and your scout. Of note, Land's End seems to be the weakest adjacent province, with only fourty, give or take mayhaps ten, men defending it. "Deer Tribe, your Graces," the messenger adds helpfully. A meek and peacable people, they are nonetheless armed and willing to defend their home, and likely to have a magician of little skill leading them. Beyond Lands End lays another province rumored to hold another Throne of Ascension. Speaking of thrones, rumor has it that Dragon Pointe is full of Shades, Shadows, and Shade Beasts. Ephemeral spirits that steal the strength of those they attack, whether causing (rumored to be) permanent weakness, or simply draining their fatigue, and in the case of the hounds are known to reanimate those slain by their bites. These ephemeral terrors are accompanied by a human militia, likely to be a near non-issue compared to the spiritual threat. Be wary of other, greater horrors, such as Darkness Fiends which are known to occasionally blend in with Shades. Guarding, or perhaps, Grandfather Amazarak forbid, sitting upon the throne is a giant known as the Annunaki of The Underworld.

In far less interesting news, Muspel to the South-East and Mushwood to the East are both a hard target, at least at the moment. The former has approximately seventy men (if rumor is to be believed) of the Wolf Tribe, less peaceable than their cervine cousins to the west, but just as weak. To the East are a civil folk, with a militia of sixty, some part of which is likely proffessional.

Just as the council was set to pass into the next month peacefully, a set of three messengers arrived at Gomorrah, and proclaimed their messages with voices to match the horns of the Avvim. The unlikely trio were strange, but all were sharing a similar message;

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The first was a handsome fellow one would almost mistake for an ill-bred Rephaim if not for the lack of horns, of perhaps twelve feet tall dressed in robes of white. "A Gigante of Mekone", an Ammi attendant supplies. He bellows out, voice thundering as challenge unto the heavens; "Clytius the Lochos, Prophet of God-Slayer Siyavush of Mekone, The Hungering Earth, Lord of Fear, King of Earthquakes, The Fortifier, The Prince of Crafts has been anointed! Hear me, oh distant cousins, and tremble!"

His bold proclamation nearly has the guards ordered to shoot him down, but soon the next messenger steps forth. A squat lizard, standing upon its hindlegs, yet with a fine hat and robes. "A curious thing..." a Melquart in attendance murmurs. "I wonder how it tastes," he follows. "Hhhhear me and rejoiceeeeee!" The reptile hisses. "Emessssslam of C'tisssss ssshhhall be known assssss the prophhhet of Tanit the Whhhhirlpool! Masssster of All Waterssss, Masssster of Verdure!" The lizard soon realizes that he has been shouting at a city of giants, and scurries away.

The third is an ugly beast, nude but for a belt and able to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with an Avvim with a great many teeth and fleshy bulb dangling from its brow. It drops the bone it was using to pick said teeth once the lizard has said its piece and gargles out (surprisingly coherent), almost disinterestedly; "Coral Commander Cygaea of Atlantis shall hereby be known as the Prophet of Nereus, Master of Immortal Wisdom, Death, and Rebirth." He leaves, mumbling something you almost don't hear about "have to make at least five more stops this month..."


>2 Rephaim/turn.

>Plans of Action
>Research Enchantment Lvl 1

>Enchantment (0/50)

>Suggested Recruitment:
>Continue Recruiting Rephaite Warriors (how many total?). The Rephaim are mighty, and more must be enticed to serve with promises of foriegn flesh.
>Recruit Rephaites indefinitely. Gomorrah is the only city in the world Rephaim may be found; thus we ought to recruit as many as possible as often as possible!
>Recruit Research-Focused mages (How many, or recruit indefinitely?). The Horim are magically competent, but their magic comes naturally to them; your research will crawl like a snail with them at the helm!
>Recruit a healer to accompany your army (How many?); it wouldn't do to have a grandson of your god die from a broken ankle.
>Another option, Advisors?

>Suggested Plan of Action:
>Attack Land's End. It is weak.
>Wait, muster enough force to crush them for certain.
>Continue scouting East indefinitely.
>Scout another direction.
>Another plan, Advisors?
>>Recruit Rephaites indefinitely. Gomorrah is the only city in the world Rephaim may be found; thus we ought to recruit as many as possible as often as possible!
>Continue scouting East indefinitely.
>>Recruit Rephaites indefinitely. Gomorrah is the only city in the world Rephaim may be found; thus we ought to recruit as many as possible as often as possible!
>Continue scouting East indefinitely.

Supporting, seems like we need to build up our military here
Maybe next turn we recruit a mage to get research jump started and then turn after that we hire a commander?

How many Rephaim do we need before we can start taking territory?
Fuck, offer then a NAP.
Did we not get a Shaman last turn? Get one more and continue getting Rephaites.
I liked your proposition maan...
Fuck i missed turn one.

>2 Rephaim/turn.
Continue we need sacreds.

>Recruit 1 Ammi, check repeat commander recruitment for 10 turns.
We need researchers and i dont see no amazons or other mages nearby.

>Prophetize Mamre
Since we are recruiting sacreds from turn one, we need a prophet to bless them.

>Plans of Action (Research)
>Research Enchantment Lvl 1
Continue to get skeleingtons.

>Research Blood (Up to Level 3)
We need basic Blood magic before our first war.

>Research Conjuration (Up to Level 5)
We need the Bullshit goatmen summons.

>Suggested Plan of Action
>Scout towards Pack Woods
>Wait to get sacreds and blessings to attack the Deer Tribe.
You did, an unintelligent fellow by the name of Motl. His wild gesticulations on how his magic works are entertaining, but minimally useful for research.

A tail was sent after that ugly beast ("The one with the teeth, not the lizard!") to bring a message back to its masters; but it was already gone. It seems that you'll need border contact with whatever Grandfather-forsaken hole they crawled out of to send them a proper envoy, and not just a shouted proclamation of your prophet.

I would give it fifty/fifty, mayhaps 35/65 in the enemy's favor odds with two against fourty. With support from the Avvim that already are recruited, I give it VERY good chances.

Do keep in mind that Rephaim are fond of eating the population. Other than that, does;

>Scout east as far as we can.
>Recruit as many Rephaim per turn as possible.
>Recruit one more shaman.

Seem correct?
Wait, Bluecoast is a farmland. It is in Atlantis's Cap Circle. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Change Plan, Gather Rephaites and Attack Muspel. There is an Atlantis in the game. We NEED to secure the coast with them, we CANNOT let Atlantis Coastfall on us like that.
Ah, welcome! We don't need priests at the moment, because our bless is Enlarge, Regeneration, and Strong Vitae, and our pretender is not awake yet so the only part that needs a blessing to activate (Regeneration) does not work at the moment.

Would the addendum of:
>Queue Blood to level 3.
>Queue Conjuration to level 5.
And separately, because it's a rather larger investment;
>Queue ten Ammi, to start research in earnest.
Please the Advisors, with.
ALSO ALSO. QM i need Screenshots of these things.
>Research Tab.
What Researches did we start with?
>Thrones tab
What Thrones are out there and how many points do we need to win?
>Pretenders tabs.
Dont post each nation just list them like this

>Pretender name and Titles, ALL of their titles.
Ignore the with on the end, don't know why that's there.
As stated earlier, our researches are at lvl 1 for Alteration, Thaumaturgy, and Blood Magic.

The council is currently unaware as to the state and numbers of the thrones, but Grandfather Amazarak has assured them that he'll be able to tell when he awakens fully. As well, the false-gods of this world will reveal themselves in time, whether through contact or through proclamation of their prophets. Already three have revealed themselves, and the others are likely to do so soon.
Ayy Dominions quest! Are you the guy from /domg/ who was talking about running a bit ago? Haven't been over there since 6 dropped (I refuse to pay 40 dollars for 3 more png factions)

>expecting to micro manage every turn will turn sour in two days.
HAHAHAHA You should see the actual game.

>/qst/ already figured out giantspam

Great now we just need....
>Meta cancer hellbless
Did they remove blood bond in 6? I don't remember Larger being used on Rephaites.
Anyway it's fucking thronerush time
>HAHAHAHA You should see the actual game.
I am playing it... which is fine by myself but nto in this format desu

I am supporting this one, we need to prepare research and choose the right magic paths
>This much SALT over a mere larger/regen bless.
While i can appreciate that Hinnom has clearly raped your half to death with a giants rush or 20, there is no need to be so salty. We SHOULD have maxxed out order, production and misfortune instead of the bless but this is an AI game so we will win in the long run.
No, Blood Bond is still there, but Size changed from 1-6 to 1-10 so now you can give Rephaites Larger and have it work. Also I have never been in /domg/ in my life, that is someone entirely different.

You also get more than 3 factions, you get the new magic path Glamour and the possibility of new factions. They've already added an LA version of a new MA/EA nation.
I will say I expected that after choosing the scales pretender that anons would actually use the scales it provided, but such is life I suppose. Also remember, overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer!
I wish i had been home when you launched this. I would have explained to the anons that those scales mods were a good thing to abuse. But again AI is not so very good at doing things like advanced scripting. So we will win this if nothing too insane happens like the entire map war decing us.
Ah, I do still need a confirmation on whether;

>Scout east as far as we can.
>Recruit as many Rephaim per turn as possible.
>Recruit one more shaman.
>Queue Blood to level 3.
>Queue Conjuration to level 5.
Is an agreeable plan, and whether,
>Queue ten Ammi, to start research in earnest.
Is an addendum that advisors agree with.

>Scout east as far as we can.
>Recruit as many Rephaim per turn as possible.
>Recruit one more shaman.
>Queue Blood to level 3.
>Queue Conjuration to level 5.

I’d support this, QM.

You’ll probably need to coordinate player actions a bit - there’s so much freedom of movement in a strategy game like this!
Hardcore disagree, this is a nation with sacred blood summons. Going scales is not optimal.
Why do you want another shaman? They suck at research. We only need the one for now to search for D gems and generate skeletons.we cant summon skelingtons until we find a source of D gems you know.
I alchemise early, Hinnom is a rush faction so I try to build up the production early and alchemise. We will have one in our cap city researching and casting Reamiation while the other site searches.
How much cash per 10 E gems does the level 2 spell actually give out?
I mean convert non D gems into D.
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Close enough to a yes but no Ammi for me!

The month passes quietly. Scout reports trickle in, and Motl the Shaman is joined by his cousin, Motl the Shaman. Their unintelliglble debates on magic, nature, and how smelly the city is amuse the Avvim levy and Rephaite warriors (of which there are now four) alike.

The Ferran Mountains do indeed contain a Throne, and lightly guarded too, at least by the standards of Thrones. An army of One Hundred and Fifty humans, with Militia, Archers, Light Cavalry, and Heavy Infantry. There is likely to be mage support as well, but there seems to be no monsters. The numbers guarding Dragon Pointe have swelled to 500, or perhaps the prior rumors were innacurate in the first place. A probing attack may be in order.

Of note, a strange man wandered out of the desert to the east, tentacles sprouting from his shoulders, using a spear as a walking stick. Instead of speaking, a voice is projected into the mind of those manning the wall; "Slave Prince Oltarness of R'lyeh, prophet of Thronion, Creator of the Calendar, Prince of Navigators, Master of Strength, King of Ice has come to power." The man skirts the wall, intending to circumvent the city, and when an archer goes to shoot him down, he is frozen still with a glare. None else dares to fire upon him.

>2 Rephaim/turn, Indefinitely.

>Plans of Action/Standing Orders
>Research Enchantment Level 1.
>Research Blood Levels 1-3.
>Research Conjuration Level 1-5.
>Recruit Rephaim indefinitely.
>Scout East indefinitely.

>Enchantment (5/50)

>Suggested Recruitment:
>Recruit Research-Focused mages (How many, or recruit indefinitely?). The Horim are magically competent, but their magic comes naturally to them; your research will crawl like a snail with them at the helm!
>Recruit a healer to accompany your army (How many?); it wouldn't do to have a grandson of your god die from a broken ankle.
>Find a worthy Melquart or Ba'al; the time has come for a prophet to spread the word!
>More scouts, for knowledge is power.
>Another option, Advisors?

>Suggested Plan of Action:
>Attack Land's End. It is weak.
>Wait, muster enough force to crush them for certain.
>Another plan, Advisors?

>Attack Land's End. It is weak.

We gotta feed the boys, amirite?
Disagree. We need to attack Muspel. We have to conquer Bluecoast before Atlantis conquers it. We NEED the high pop farmland for bloodslave and i see no other high pop provinces in our area. We need bluecoast
Also QM i want to see a screenshot of the recruitment screen. I need to know how many gold/resources/rec points we have avalible per turn.
Attack the Mushwood for the resources. Deepblue is throne, so we can snag muspel next turn. Send the 4 big boys in the middle on attack closest with the other starting giants behind to throw javelins. If there are non-javelin starters, set some of them to bodyguard and leave the rest home. Take one of the Motl so that he can site search next turn. Recruit a nature healer mage. Scout Dragon Ridge, but we probably want to scout further south next turn. Recruit more cannibals, since that's what we'll be using for our war.
We have an income of 400. We broke.

Changing my vote to support this anon


We can hit the Blue Coast next
It shows gold income on the top left (641 gold, 396 income), Advisor, and the resources of Hinnom (111) on the mid-right. Although, I ought to add a section to the status covering the treasury, so thank you for bringing this to my attention.
>>Attack Land's End. It is weak.
Current enemy intel on display for convenience.

>2 Rephaim/turn, Indefinitely.

>Standing Orders
>Research Enchantment Level 1.
>Research Blood Levels 1-3.
>Research Conjuration Level 1-5.
>Recruit Rephaim indefinitely.
>Scout East indefinitely.

>Suggested Recruitment:
>Recruit 1 Ammi, check repeat commander recruitment for 10 turns.
We need researchers and i dont see no amazons or other mages nearby.

>Suggested Plan of Action:
>Attack Muspel, follow on to Bluecoast.
We NEED blood slaves. I cant overstate how BAD we need blood slaves NOW.
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And i forget the pic.
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Attacking Land's End.

I will be incorporating this Advisor's excellent plan of action, albeit on a different target.


The council sits in repose, awaiting the reports from their first assault on foriegn soil. While they wait, further scouting reports roll in; it seems that Dragon Pointe reports fewer units once more, only three hundreds and thirty. As well, rumors from Faery Forest reports the usage of Blood Magic, with a huge Draco-Lion reigning over the forest as hard proof of the rumors. It is likely to be a hard target, reporting one hundred and ten men standing in defense, although many are likely to be weak results of cross-breeding.

The scout reports are faltering, reporting "unexpected terrain difficulties" halting his advance. In truth, you believe he may have simply forgotten his orders to move out My apologies, Advisors, I was excited to see the fight and forgot to give him the order to move.

The council recieves another three proclamations of prophethood. The first messenger is a man with red skin, around whom the air shimmers with heat. "Warmaster Carniel of Smouldercone, Prophet of Apep, The Watcher of Gallows, The Shadow Over Abysia, Shadow Over All shall come for your heads!" He is shot down by archers, but his mocking laughter as he chokes on his burning blood uneases those who heard it.

The second is another man, well-dressed for the desert atop a camel. "El Ez, Banu Si'lat and Prophet of Wormfeast, Prince of Darkness and Mirrors, King Shrouded in Shadow, Master of Unsung Songs, sends his greetings to you, Rephaim!" His speech is accented, and his polite subservience is pleasant to you. He rides off, unassailed. Mayhaps he would have said something less polite, and the death of his fellow messenger wizened his tongue? Bah, it is of no consequence.

The third is mistaken for a bird, at first, but soon comes into clear view as a winged man. Some murmur that perhaps it is an angel, and are hushed by others quickly; there is a sure way to test it. "Berezavant the Sastar of Caelum is now prophet of Togrul Beg, the Afterthought, Foremost of Westerners, the Man-Eater," Everyone in attendance has a chuckle at that, "The Commander of Tru-AAAARRGH!" The man is cut off- for a man it certainly is, winged as he may be- at the arrow piercing his heart clean through. He failed the test, and perhaps it would be wise to keep in mind where the man was from, and their sheer GALL at imitating one of the divine.

A week after, reports of the battle arrive...
Mamre and Motl stand aside one another, one a commander, the other a shaman. Despite the cheer on the faces of each, the mood is tense. What will become of this endeavor, first of many?

Mamre gives the order to charge; the Rephaim in the front, with Light Infantry supporting in a second wave and Swordsmen guarding the two of them. Motl mumbles a spell; Cat-Eyes may not help him see in the day, but he knows little enough magic as is, and he saw no reason not to cast it. Throughout the battle he would do precious little, but him pulling his weight wasn't much needed.

For you see, the Rephaim were hungry. They barge into the line of deer-tribe warriors and their chief, ripping them asunder and some feasting upon their flesh right there upon the field, scooping them up with their shield-hand to eat as they walk. The cheiftan dies in battle, and most of his men do as well. While the Rephaim chase the fleeing warriors, their archers fire upon the Rephaim, whom do not heed the mere pin-pricks they recieve.

As the archers are distracted, the Avvim begin to hurl their javelins, albeit slowed by animate shrubbery; clearly their shaman knows what he's doing. Just as the Avvim hack down the bush and move to meet the archers, the Rephaim tire of chasing the fleeing warriors and go to swat the oh-so-painful flies, starting with the Shaman. What follows is a wanton massacre.

Three-in-five of the enemy lay dead milords, and we've recieved not a single casualty! A glorious success!

>2 Rephaim/turn, Indefinitely.

>Plans of Action/Standing Orders
>Research Enchantment Level 1.
>Research Blood Levels 1-3.
>Research Conjuration Level 1-5.
>Recruit Rephaim indefinitely.
>Scout East indefinitely.
>Site Search Land's End.

>Enchantment (10/50)

>Suggested Recruitment:
>Recruit Research-Focused mages (How many, or recruit indefinitely?). The Horim are magically competent, but their magic comes naturally to them; your research will crawl like a snail with them at the helm!
>Recruit a healer to accompany your army (How many?); it wouldn't do to have a grandson of your god die from a broken ankle.
>Find a worthy Melquart or Ba'al; the time has come for a prophet to spread the word!
>More scouts, for knowledge is power.
>Although we are recruiting as many armed Rephaim as possible, we could surely scrounge up some Horim to assist them. Let us do so.
>Another option, Advisors?

>Suggested Plan of Action:
>Move on the Ferran Mountains Throne! Surely we can defeat them holding force!
>Turn back to the capital to pick up reinforcements and attack elsewhere, or even turn back around and attack Ferran Mountain.
>Another plan, Advisors?
Do not worry, although I dress up the titles, they're still 90-95% accurate. And the Caelumite was going to say "Commander of Truth," which was the last title.

Great - our boys are horrifying in battle. Do we automatically 'claim" the territory and obtain access over their population through this victory or we have to "settle" the land first?

Let's do the following:

>Pull our army back to the capital.
>Recruit one mage, one Rephaim, anything left over for Horim

And get prepared to assault Muspel, and then follow-up on the Blue coast.
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I must make an announcement that I am utterly mortified about. Due to a misclick I have skipped a month instead of exiting the game like I had intended. I would roll it back but Dominions auto-saves, and I would cheat in something to make it up to the anons, but I'll have to figure out how to do that first. If any of you know how, tell me and next turn the Rephaim will receive appropriate compensation for this terrible waste of time.

Auto Claim. You own it, you can recruit and build there, although you should build a fort if you want to do so, and you still need to send a mage to search for magical sites.

Forgot the pic, here.
I will say that in the worst-case scenario I CAN just use the debug mod, but I would much rather get immediate results than deal with making sure the debug mod won't have lasting repercussions. Alternatively, I can give away information on the thrones and players of the game, if Advisors would prefer.
Eh, sometimes giants get sleepy and need to take a nap.
>Site search with the Motl
>move the warriors into Muspel if possible, then on to Bluecoast. Of they can't make it into the mountains, then pick up the cannibals waiting at home.

There is almost no money in the treasury, but if there's enough after recruiting the warriors, recruit one of the 2 path non-nature research mages. Not the blood guys, they eat too much.

I guess send the Motl too if they attack this turn. If not, then if we roll earth, send the earth mage with the army. If not, send the motl and leave the other guy at home to research.

I'm also assuming that we can't recruit a commander because it's a deer shaman, but we're too poor to do much anyway. He'd just be hanging out in the capital patrolling away the unrest that cannibals cause.

>Scout keep scouting.
>>Pull our army back to the capital.

Don’t know if there’s an easy fix besides giving some other advantage to make up for the lost turn? Maybe you can give us something through cheating and RP the lost month as Grandpop putting the whole country to sleep or something
What I was saying is that I simply do not know how to give it to you, knowledge on cheating in Dominions is VERY sparse.
QM its an AI game. We dont have to freak out about a single lost turn, especially not this early one. Just RP as Gramps had a mind break and put half thepopulace to sleep for a bit due to Pantokrator bs.

Eh, we’ll figure something out. Seems like the Debug mode is pretty risky from my googling…
There will be no update today; I'm feeling rather ill and doubt I can do the next update justice.

No worries, we’ll wait patiently
I think I've found something nice to give you Advisors in return for this lost month. I'll need to test it first, but it should be a fitting and thematic gift.

Based, thanks QM
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Not forgetting the intel this time.

>2 Rephaim/turn, Indefinitely.

>Plans of Action/Standing Orders
>Research Enchantment Level 1.
>Research Blood Levels 1-3.
>Research Conjuration Level 1-5.
>Recruit Rephaim indefinitely.
>Scout East indefinitely.
>Site Search Land's End.

>Suggested Recruitment:
>Recruit 1 Ammi, check repeat commander recruitment for 10 turns.
We need researchers and i dont see no amazons or other mages nearby.

>Suggested Plan of Action:
>Attack Muspel, follow on to Bluecoast.
We NEED blood slaves. I cant overstate how BAD we need blood slaves NOW. Every turn we wait is a turn where we MUST war with Atlantis an UW nation, therefore impossible to beat.
Your gift is working, and I'll have you know I very specifically did NOT advance the turn this time. I don't feel comfortable writing a proper update, but this interlude? That I think I can do.
In his sleep, Amazarak frowned. Throughout all of his grandchildren, the sons of Azazel, his foremost brother, were foremost, aye, and Arakiel, Kokabel and Shamsiel had their sons standing proud amongst the lords of this land. But what of Semyaza, and Ezekiel? Their lore was not forgotten, but their sons seemed to be! And even then, the myriad gifts of Azazel were not used to their full potential.

This would not do.


Throughout the land, the lords of the Rephaim went to bed, one after another. Some, partying throughout the night, soon found their comrades dead asleep, unwakeable. They tried to resist the lure of sleep, but none lasted more than a week. Within the dream, they all received what could be described as the greatest dressing-down that any of the spoiled lords had received in their entire lives. Long-forgotten lore was remembered (re-told) and the children of Semyaza and Ezekiel brought to the fore, alongside the other grandsons of the Grigorim.

All Nephilim and Rephaim of pure blood now have 3 misc slots.
Air and Nature paths are now included in the randoms for the Ba'al.
Kohen have blood-searcher 1.
Any Nephil that spawn from freed Grigorim may roll Air.
Horites can be foreign-recruited in more places.

This is the "Legacy of the Fallen" mod, had to do some stuff to get it working.

Extremely based, thanks QM
Amazing QM, now our family is all back together again. Shame none of our brothers could come to see their children be cared for in this new realm that we reside in.
I continue to feel ill, but at this rate should be good to post in 1-2, maybe 3 days.

No worries, QM - drink fluids!
Influenza strikes
I'm feeling better sooner than expected.
No need to repost the current recruitment and plans of action, advisor. Unless you want to, that is.

>Pull forces back to the capital, with intent to make a move on Muspel.
>Set 10 Ammi (research-focused mages) to be recruited, and form the basis of our research corps.
>Begin recruiting Horim with leftover money and resources.
>Site-search with Motl the Horite Shaman.
Seem to be an agreeable plan, Advisors?

Yes, let’s go for it
Sounds good for me.
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Your actions are set to be carried out!

I should mention, in Land's End during the Lost Month, a local wizard was lynched and his magical supplies were ransacked, coming to a total of 6 Fire Gems, and 5 Astral Pearls. A fine haul!

Now, let's see what the NEW month brings...


Motl the Shaman, despite how stupid he may seem, is very good at what he does. There is no wonder that the folk of this place were so weak; they needn't want for anything! The glens and fields are so rich with food and greenery, that Nature Gems manifest, [bold]two per month.[/bold]

>Glen of Verdant Greenery and Enchanted Field have been found in Land's End.

The scouting report is as usual, with the addition of Dragon Ridge, beyond the Ferran Mountains, with a human militia of seventy, consisting of archers, heavy infantry, and levied farmers.

A proclamation arrives, bearing gifts. Nothing worth adding to the treasury, at any rate, but the delegation of warriors sent to meet them at the gates enjoyed the baskets of olives. "Let it be known, Antifates, Centurion of the XII Legion of Ermor is now prophet of Taurosatyricos, Master who Knows All Things, He who Is at the Center, the Vessel of Might, King of Eloquence, and Patron of Artisans. May you come into his fold soon, great ones." The messenger runs, (metaphorical) tail tucked between his legs. The warriors shrug. At least this one was polite about it.

And now, for news of great... annoyance; A court of Summer Fay have trespassed upon Hinnom! While they made no attack, and evaded our (admittedly non-committal) efforts to evict them until they left of their own accord. They left good fortune and growth in their wake; as well as a trail of Avvim peasants drunk into a stupor. The fields lay fallow and forges cold, there will not be enough materiel nor gold to recruit more that one Rephaim this turn. Although the Avvim have been whipped back to work, it will take months to regain their former efficiency.

>>>Recruitment/Treasury: 56 Gold, 318(-116) Income
>>Hinnom: 81 Resources.
>2 Rephaim/turn, Indefinitely.
>9 more Ammi.

>Plans of Action/Standing Orders
>Research Enchantment Level 1.
>Research Blood Levels 1-3.
>Research Conjuration Level 1-5.
>Recruit Rephaim indefinitely.
>Recruit (1/10) Ammi.
>Scout East indefinitely.
>Return Motl to the capital.
>Move army to assault Muspel, and then Bluecoast.

>Enchantment (38/50)

>Suggested Recruitment:
>Continue current queue.
>Stop recruitment, let the treasury recover.

>Suggested Plans of Action:
>Continue on the current path, taking the newly recruited healer with us.
>As above, but take the OTHER Motl with us as well.
>Some other plan?
Oh dear. This seems to be a rather severe formatting error. Ah, well. You win some, you lose some.

Happens to me all the time OP, no problem.

Anyways I say we continue with our previous plan to attack Muspel
>>As above, but take the OTHER Motl with us as well.
>Continue current queue.
>Continue on the current path, taking the newly recruited healer with us.
>>Stop recruitment, let the treasury recover.
>As above, but take the OTHER Motl with us as well.
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I believe I'll take the other Motl with to site-search and continue the current queue, given the tie and preexisting precedent.


The month passes with little fanfare. The Avvim continue to recover from their fay festivities, and production is still stymied. Scout reports are near-exactly the same as the last, albeit regarding Shadow Glade instead of Dragon Ridge.

A messenger arrives at the gates, ethereal-blue and seemingly uncaring of the fact it hovers a few steps above the ground. "Euphorbos of Therodos, Commander and Prophet of Ygh'yha, King of Ashes, God of the Rock, God of Astral Fires, Brilliant One in the Sky sends his most cordial greetings."

A runner arrives at the council, breathless and bearing news of the battle...


The battle is about to be met. Mamre the commander gets along with this Motl perhaps less than he did, as the shaman and healer hang back to watch the fight. He'll need to rectify that, should cavalry be brought to a future battle, he thinks.

In any case, he watches, bored as the Rephaim tear the charging wolf-warriors to pieces, cleaving them asunder with one hand and bringing them to their teeth with the other. Not a single Rephaim takes a wound of note; what would be a greivous, mortal wound to a mere man or even to an Avvim is but a scratch to them. The wolf shaman's poison darts sting, but even the deadliest of poisons would be hard-pressed to fell a Rephaite warrior, much less one so enlarged by their Grandfather's blessing.

The Avvim warriors come forth, now that the Rephaite have had their fun. They do little but occupy the enemy archers, although this more speaks to the sheer brutality and might of the Rephaim, and not the ill-skill of the Avvim.

It is a crushing slaughter. Some are ill from the envenomed darts the enemy shaman cast upon them, but it clears quickly enough.

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Now comes the debate on further action...

>>>Recruitment/Treasury: 15 Gold, 394(-131) Income
>>Hinnom: 81 Resources.
>1 Rephaim/turn, Indefinitely.
>8 more Ammi.

>Plans of Action/Standing Orders
>Research Enchantment Level 1.
>Research Blood Levels 1-3.
>Research Conjuration Level 1-5.
>Recruit Rephaim indefinitely.
>Recruit (2/10) Ammi.
>Scout East indefinitely.
>Move army to assault Bluecoast.

>Enchantment (47/50)

>Suggested Recruitment:
>Stop recruiting Ammi temporarily to begin recruiting Rephaim at a rate of two per month again.
>Recruit one Ammi and one Rephaim, until the treasury allows greater production.
>Stop recruitment, let the treasury recover.

>Suggested Plans of Action:
>Continue on the current path, leaving site-searching details up to the beauraucrats(QM).
>Some other plan?

Aren’t we trying to conquer Blue Coast next?
Yes, as seen under Plans of Action/Standing Orders.
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Current Intel
>>>Recruitment/Treasury: 15 Gold, 394(-131) Income
>>Hinnom: 81 Resources.
>1 Rephaim/turn, Indefinitely.
>8 more Ammi.

>Plans of Action/Standing Orders
>Research Enchantment Level 1.
>Research Blood Levels 1-3.
>Research Conjuration Level 1-5.
>Recruit Rephaim indefinitely.
>Recruit (2/10) Ammi.
>Scout East indefinitely.
>Move army to assault Bluecoast.

This is fine continue

>Suggested Plans of Action:
>Continue on the current path, have one of the Horites search for magic site.

The Atlantians did NOT take Bluecoast, thank the Grandfathers!!!! We must seize it next turn.
>Attack Bluecoast wiith main army.
>Recruit a female priest and a commander
>Scout SW
>Site search with Motl
>With Capital Motl, if we have at least 5 Reph, attack mushwood with the Motl & the Reph. Let the Reph attack closest. Try to give Motl some non-Reph bodyguards.
Do we have the ability to cast barkskin on the Reph yet? If not, we should definitely get that prior to conj. Probably prior to blood too.
No, we do not. That requires at least Alteration 3, but the sheer size of your Rephaites and their armor protects them well enough, at the moment. Would you like to formalize your vote to insert Alteration levels 1-3 before Blood?

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Continuing the plan! I'm opting to move the Hinnom shaman to Muspel and the Muspel shaman to Bluecoast so I can site-search both at the same time (which is more dramatic).

Great news, council! Enchantment research complete! Of note is Reanimation, which many Advisors have shown great interest in. Although, I believe the advisors will show as much interest in the battle...


"Useless, Motl, useless! You and your cousin both!" Mamre shouts behind him at the mages. He's increasingly incensed at the utter uselessness of his mage companions. Really, just standing there, and casting minor magics? "Not you, Yehoshua, you're not meant for a fight anyway." The man who was pouting behind him brightens visibly.

Mamre felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around; then yelped, like a kicked dog, at the grinning skeletal face of a longdead Rephaite who just tapped his shoulder at Motl's request towering over him. The longdead never reaches the front before the battle is over, but Motl feels it was well-worth it.

Other than this exchange, the battle goes much the same as the others; although one of the men recieves an injury and it is healed by Yehoshua, the accompanying Acha. If it is all the same with the advisors, I'll refrain from elaborating upon the uninteresting encounters that your men face, barring comedic excerpts such as the one above.
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Of note, we have made contact, both official and unofficial, with two powers. The first is Atlantis. The toad-man with many teeth that earlier delivered a proclamation is of this species and people. They live just off the coast in the deeps, and have shown recent interest in conquering the shallows. The Rephaim look upon them with apprehension; although none would admit it aloud, all are terribly afraid of drowning, and the thought of a foe who lives and breathes underwater unsettles them in the extreme. The largest and most ancient of them can reportedly rival the Rephaim in size and magical power, and many look eye-to-eye with the Avvim.

The second, unofficial contact we have made is with Caelum. While Atlantis is not necessarily a natural enemy, they are; for they dare to imitate our blessed ancestors and live in totally opposite climes! They are, to a man, winged and frail. Easy prey, although our generals will have to take care to maintain a bodyguard when fighting them. And "when" is accurate, for already many Ba'al and Melquarts howl for their blood.

As well, our army has uncovered a new province! Dardania, filled with dark-skinned men of the Lion Tribe, perhaps ninety ready to stand against us. Surely, an easy target.

>>>Recruitment/Treasury: 74 Gold, 519(-146) Income
>>Hinnom: 137 Resources.
>1 Rephaim/turn, Indefinitely.
>7 more Ammi.

>Plans of Action/Standing Orders
>Research Blood Levels 2-3.
>Research Conjuration Level 1-5.
>Recruit Rephaim indefinitely.
>Recruit Ammi (3/10).
>Scout East indefinitely.
>Site-Search Muspel and Bluecoast

>Blood II (15/100)

>Suggested Recruitment:
>Stop recruiting Ammi temporarily to begin recruiting Rephaim at a rate of two per month again.
>Recruit one Ammi and one Rephaim, until the treasury allows greater production. Current action until further notice.
>Stop recruitment, let the treasury recover.

>Suggested Plans of Action:
>Assault Dardania! It is certainly a target within our reach and power to take hold of!
>Send a diplomatic envoy to Atlantis, requesting a non-agression pact. The sacred laws of diplomacy cannot be broken lightly, and it will give us reasonable time to prepare for an assault, should they accept.
>Turn back, with intent to assault another province the army cannot yet reach.
>Some other plan?
>>>Recruitment/Treasury: 74 Gold, 519(-146) Income
>>Hinnom: 137 Resources.
>1 Rephaim/turn, Indefinitely.
>7 more Ammi.

>Plans of Action/Standing Orders
>Research Blood Levels 2-3.
>Research Conjuration Level 1-5.
>Recruit Rephaim indefinitely.
>Recruit Ammi (3/10).
>Scout East indefinitely.
>Site-Search Muspel and Bluecoast
This is all good.

>Suggested Plans of Action:
>Assault Dardania! It is certainly a target within our reach and power to take hold of!
>Send a diplomatic envoy to Atlantis, requesting a non-agression pact. The sacred laws of diplomacy cannot be broken lightly, and it will give us reasonable time to prepare for an assault, should they accept.
We got Bluecoast so as long as we cut them off of land near us, we will not have to worry about then for a while. Also Caelum is a GREAT First Target.
Also have we been Garrisoning the Provinces as we conquer them?
You have not, because much of the treasury has been burned on the necessary feasting, buttering up, and political actions required to entice such large numbers of Rephaim out of their palaces and into the field.

Would you like to put forward a motion to begin levying province defences in conquered territories? And if so, how much?
Motion to put 11 PD into each Province to prevent retard events from killing our newly won lands.
Also can you post a screen shot of our wounded in the expansion Army please? I want to see how many wounds we are dealing with here. Open the army screen and push TAB.
There is one Rephaite who is feeling some weakness after this latest fight, but Yehoshua will have him feeling fine by next turn.
Send Atlantis a NAP offer, get two more sacreds and another mage, site search with Amir and Barak, attack Dardania.
Oh and we want to save up to put a fort on Bluecoast.
We can worry abou that after we recruit a few more Ammi for research.
>Instead of an Ammi, recruit a pair of commanders, one to patrol the homeland and one to lead the Reph east into the Mushwood. If that is infeasable, recruit an indie commander from somewhere (probably the blue coast since the other location were tribes and likely don't have commanders).
>Move one of the Motl home to start summoning longdead.

Supporting this general approach, I think we want a formal NAP with the toadmonsters before any diplomatic incidents occur
We cannot both get another mage AND two Rephaim. We do not have enough money in the treasury. Currently, we are getting one of each.

>Assault Dardania and crush them under heel.
>Site-search with Motl and Motl in Muspel and Bluecoast.
>Send an emissary to the toad-men to secure our coastal borders.
This is fairly unanimous, but others have put forward the following addendums or alternatives:

>Halt production of Ammi to hire two commanders, one to patrol and the other to start a second war-party.
>Site-search with two of our Ammi, instead of having them research.
>Instead of site-searching, move one of the Motl cousins home to reanimate longdead on repeat.
>Set a low-priority Standing Order to garrison provinces with 11 PD.
Which, if any, of these plans are amenable to the Advisors?

>Set a low-priority Standing Order to garrison provinces with 11 PD.

This seems wise, given our propensity to eat people and produce unrest
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I suppose if I wait too much longer for reconfirmation, the Advisors will all leave back to their palaces. Let us continue!

The Motls have found no sites in Bluecoast, but searches in Muspel bear great fruit! A great oak that wolves all across the province gather at to give birth, mate, and exchange members between packs will bear One Nature Gem per month. As well, he has uncovered a Chasm of Strange Lights, where strange patterns form, warp, and disappear midair, emanating from the walls of the chasm. The combination of magical energies forms One Glamour Gem and One Earth Gem per month. The Glamour gem is near-useless to us, but the earth gem will prove to be of great use in time!

The battle in Dardania proves uneventful, being a predictable slaughter. More Rephaim are wounded, and Yehoshua proves his worth by healing two, with more slated for treatment.

Across Hinnom, forges burn and farms are re-planted. Ba'al lords organize public works, and the great blood-feasts have slowed, just a bit. Hinnom has finally shaken off its torpor from the traveling fay-court that passed through three months ago, and we can continue recruiting Rephaim at good pace once more.

At the end of the month, a procession is formed. Avvite horn-blowers, and a Ba'al set off to meet the Atlanteans. The solution is simple; the Ba'al, afraid as he is of water (not that he'd admit it) will have his entourage call them to the surface with their great horns to negotiate from a position of strength.

The new scouting reports hold little of import from our borders; but our scout reports that he has found the capital of Caelum! His path forward lies through it, in fact, although it has few-to-no defenders.

>>>Recruitment/Treasury: 1 Gold, 620(-160) Income
>>Hinnom: 137 Resources.
>2 Rephaim/turn, Indefinitely.
>6 more Ammi.

>Plans of Action/Standing Orders
>Research Blood Levels 2-3.
>Research Conjuration Level 1-5.
>Recruit Rephaim indefinitely.
>Recruit Ammi (4/10).
>Scout East indefinitely.
>Site-Search Muspel and Bluecoast
>Recruit Strength-11 Province Defence on newly conquered provinces.

>Blood II (42/100)

>Suggested Recruitment:
>Stop recruiting Ammi temporarily to begin recruiting Rephaim at a rate of two per month again.
>Recruit one Ammi and one Rephaim, until the treasury allows greater production. Current action until further notice.
>Stop recruitment, let the treasury recover.

>Suggested Plans of Action:
>Assault Pack Woods! It will allow us to link up our territory, or perhaps begin making an assault on Caelum. As well, it has fewer (although perhaps better-equipped) men.
>Assault the Forest of Long Nights! It has more, worse-equipped men and is more likely to hold magical sites.
>Turn back, with intent to assault another province the army cannot yet reach.
>Some other plan?
Attack the Forest of Long Nights, recruit more rephaites for a second expansion force. Do we have a sacred commander to lead them? If not, get one, our bless should come online soon.

>Recruit one Ammi and one Rephaim, until the treasury allows greater production. Current action until further notice.

As a non-Dominions player, I’m beginning to be impressed by how badass the Rephaim are. However, we shouldn’t neglect our magical studies, so a split-approach seems best.

>Assault Pack Woods! It will allow us to link up our territory, or perhaps begin making an assault on Caelum. As well, it has fewer (although perhaps better-equipped) men.

We should secure our borders. By the time we’re done, we might have enough Rephaim to split our forces into a home defense/attack force?

I’ll change my vote to support this anon


Since he seems to know what he is doing
Just thinking itd be better if we went out further before we closed the ring of our expansion and collapse inwards.
In general, there are five contenders for "The strongest giant", presuming we speak of regular units and not commanders. The Rephaim of Hinnom are the most individually skilled and have great horns that they can gore enemies with, but are not the most physically powerful. The Niefel and Muspel giants are about equal physically and emanate terrible cold and heat respectively, but the Muspel giants are better equipped and slightly more skilled. The Gigantes of Mekone are the physically weakest, but undeniably the best-equipped and the only giants to be capable of fighting in formation, allowing them to leverage teamwork. The Laestrygonians are far and away the most powerful, but are rare, stupid at best, have no armor and few (if any) weapons, and do not actually exist until what is likely to be several hundred years in the future. Given all of this, the Rephaim, especially given that our Grandfather's blessing has enlarged them they now physically surpass the Niefel and Muspel giants.

I should say that while you would have enough Rephaim to do such a thing, you would not have enough commanders to lead them, nor would it be an advisable idea without enemies at the borders.
We do not, but we could either recruit one of a Melquart or Ba'al, or declare Mamre the Commander as Prophet.
>but we could either recruit one of a Melquart or Ba'al
Too expensive as of right now imo, I was thinking of the leadership 10 H1 gal.

Truly, largeness is the best superpower
>>Stop recruitment, let the treasury recover.
>Turn back, with intent to assault another province the army cannot yet reach.
I think our giant's flesh reknitting itself is a decent superpower as well.
>Attack the Forest of Long Nights.
>Hire a priestess to lead the Rephaim in the capital on a second expansion party.

Our emissary to Atlantis has returned; Hale, whole, and perhaps a little damp. He has successfully secured a peace with the underwater kingdom, and finds them an overall agreeable sort. However, he tells us should we come to blows he has found that although their mages can rival (and in some ways surpass) ours and that they seem quite ferocious, they wholly lack ranged weapons and their infantry's thick skins means they often forgo armor, arguably to the point of folly. He has also learned that they have already made landfall; although not near our homeland, thankfully.

The assault on The Forest of Long Nights has had a complication; Yehoshua was struck with an arrow and took a great fright, running away with unrivalled speed. He made it to Dardania safely, thank Grandfather, but he ought to be sent to meet back up with his war-party soon.

Terrible news! Muspel has been corrupted by foreign priests, corrupting the dominion of Grandfather Amazarak! Although they will see the truth once more in time, we ought to probably correct them more actively.

Our scout, unfortunately, has been caught and slain in his daring trek through Caelum. Rumor has it that he was torn to pieces by their militia. As

The Rose of Amazarak's petals have begun to bloom. He will be free, soon.

>>>Recruitment/Treasury: 244 Gold, 660(-167) Income
>>Hinnom: 155 Resources.
>1 Rephaim/turn, Indefinitely.
>6 more Ammi.

>Plans of Action/Standing Orders
>Research Blood Levels 2-3.
>Research Conjuration Level 1-5.
>Recruit Rephaim indefinitely.
>Recruit Ammi (4/10).
>Scout East indefinitely.
>Site-Search Muspel and Bluecoast
>Recruit Strength-11 Province Defence on newly conquered provinces.

>Blood II (78/100)

>Suggested Recruitment:
>Continue recruiting Rephaim at a rate of 1/turn, to allow us to finally begin lavying province defence in earnest.
>Recruit Rephaim at 2/turn, our previous pace.
>Recruit Rephaim at 3/turn, which we can finally manage.
>Stop recruitment, let the treasury recover.

>Suggested Plans of Action:
>Assault Pack Woods! It will allow us to link up our territory, or perhaps begin making an assault on Caelum. As well, it is the only path forward that won't break our new NAP, and will let Yehoshua link back up with us.
>Turn back, with intent to assault another province the army cannot yet reach.
>Move our new squad through Land's End to reach Faery Forest the next turn.
>Move the new group into Mushwood, the time has come for it to bend the knee.
>Wait for more Rephaim to be recruited before moving out.
>Some other plan?
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Oh dear, forgot the image.
Attack Pack Wood. Get three Rephaites assuming the total in our cap after this turn would be under 10.

I want to alchemise a number of our gems into D. What do people think?

Also Grandfather Amazark is waking up soon, what do we do with him as soon as he comes online? We haven't got enough Dom spread to use him to expand.

Also why are we wanting Conj 1-5 after Blood 3? Wouldn't Ench and Construction be better?
>Get three Rephaites assuming the total in our cap after this turn would be under 10.
Can we get a number of how many there are in our cap currently?
We want Conjuration 1-5 because at levels 3 and 5 we have the Mazzikim and Lilot as national summons respectively. The Mazzikim are fine, but not what we really want, the reason advisors voted for Conjuration 1-5 is the Lilot. The Lilot is a demoness that lives on this earth, and thus needs no blood to be summoned. It has the form of a beautiful, nude (although I may force them to put on clothes for the sake of decency, should they be summoned) woman with the lower body of a hind (female deer) and wings resembling that of a bat. She can seduce even strong-willed enemy commanders to our side by entering their dreams, and if she fails she will attack them; they make for great tools of subterfuge.
Five. Up to anywhere between 6 and 8 next turn, depending on this vote.
I should note that this may also be the Ba'al and Melquarts of this advisory council attempting to write off hiring prostitutes as a military expense, but it will be useful nonetheless.
Yeah, I'm not liking Conj 5 those summons don't do much for us as our god has corruption. I vote to get Conj5 out of our research queue.
Do remember that you only have one god while you can have as many Lilot as you can summon, but I will note your vote nonetheless.
This early its not worth investing into them and they aren't great, they have no magic. I don't think they are a great investment. I would sooner get vampires and give them black hearts.

What do you think of the alchemisation of some our gems for D gems for reanimation, and our research goals?

I’ve literally never played Dominions so defer to your judgment, reading the wiki pages can only get me so far.

More or less I’ve been pushing for aggressive expansion but the gem/magic system is opaque to me
For reference, alchemization or gem alchemy is the practice of transforming gems into astral pearls or astral pearls into gems, both at a 2-1 rate. If you were to transfer 4 fire gems into death gems, for example, you'd get 1 death gem.
Ok fair play. Just for example about magic you can buff your troops with Group Barskin to give your troops extra protection, then Group Regen for 10% regen. Added to our sacreds with their full bless, thats extra protection and 20% of their health regening a turn making them very hard to kill.

As Caelum is likely our first war target it might be worth getting Ench 5 for Thunder Ward, but I don't play vs the AI so maybe they won't Tstrike spam. A singleplayer player will know better than me.
Ah, I ought to mention what gems are actually used for as well.

Gems are used for rituals, powerful combat spells, and crafting magical items. Rituals are powerful spells that have some overworld effect, like creating a fortress, summoning permanent units, or even shooting fireballs at an enemy army. Rituals always take a mage's entire turn to cast (preventing them from researching, forging magic items, or doing generic commander actions like moving or patrolling), but give strong effects in return that are either permanent or take months to get rid of.

Magical items are powerful weapons, armor, and miscellaneous trinkets that give powerful magical effects to your mages or even regular commanders. A good example of one is the Owl Quill, a magical quill that boosts the user's research capabilities, but costs 5 magical gems.

Most combat spells don't cost gems, but a lot of high-tier spells do. Earthquake, for example, causes giant crevices to form in the ground, causing damage to most people on the ground and stunning everyone on the ground. However, to balance the sheer army-destroying power of it, it costs 3 earth gems. Does that make some more sense than the wiki?
I agree that we don't need conjuration yet. It would give us earth and fire path boosting, but we don't have spells or mages to make use of it. I prefer Alt since it will improve buffing our giants with the mages we have.

>Send Deilia and the Repth to attack mushwood. Have a few lesser giants act as a bodyguard. If we have any armor lying around in the treasury, give it to Delia.

>Have the main army attack again. The mountains if they can, the forest if they can't hit the mountain.

>Recruit an Ammi and as many Reph as we can afford. Melquart would be nice, but we don't have the self-buffs to make them shine.

>Have the Motl in the capital summon some long dead.

>Send one of the Ammi to start site searching for fire.
Actually, we have no death gems, so no undead summoning for us. We have plenty of earth and fire though. Forge a set of light earth armor and a fire helmet if we have fire helmets.
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Not sure how the quality is but this is what thunder strike spam can do to units and these units have sacred blood + quickness + blood bond, magic is important.
Peace, Advisor. The Caelumites have not had the time to mass such a mage corps as would be necessary for this, nor would they be likely to have reached Evocation 4, nor equipped their mages with air-boosters (indeed, they only have one mage capable of casting Thunderstrike without assistance) and ordered their mages to cast nothing but Thunder Strike. As well, do keep in mind that even if they have, our giants are noticeably more durable than Agartha's (the victim in this picture) non-stone sacreds, whom they are on-par with.
Although we do not have death gems, some advisors are suggesting using alchemy to do so anyway. Does this affect your vote to do so? As well, we cannot make fire helmets, but we can make a blacksteel helmet if you'd like.
>nor equipped their mages with air-boosters (indeed, they only have one mage capable of casting Thunderstrike without assistance)
What you do is cast storm and storm power then they can nuke you with their cheap mages.
No thanks to the blacksteel helmet. We'll just have to rely on being tall. I'm not pro alchemy. I don't hate alchemy, but we'd need to sacrifice like 20 gems to get a handful of skeletons. It would be better to push for the gem->gold spell and burn gems on getting more mages instead. Not that I'm calling for that. I mostly asked for the fire hat because fire isn't very valuable to us.
Similarly, they only have one mage capable of casting Storm without assistance, which I doubt they have recruited as of yet.

Eh, let’s hold off on gem conversion - I’m not confident that it’s a good idea.

Can we trade gems with our neighbors? Seems like we want to acquire death gems but at a better ratio than 1:4
The AI in this game is too primitive to trade with sadly.

Thanks for clarifying.

Well, without knowing much about the game, seems like we’re in a relatively strong position so far. Once Granpops wakes up, we can send our boys straight at Caelum and smash their little bird bodies into goo.
Not feeling at my best, today. Update tomorrow.
Hope you feel better soon.
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Do not worry, it was just caffeine deprivation.
>Attack Packwoods
>Recruit Three Rephaim
In deference to the your anti conjuration vote, I'll remove it from the queue and we can add something else when Blood 3 is researched.

Our research into the arts of blood magic have borne fruit! We have begun researching the third tier of blood magic. Of note in the second tier of Blood Magic are Hellpower, which greatly strengthens the caster for a battle, Bowl of Blood, which locates sites of bloody magical power, as well as several spells to bind minor demons.

The battle in Packwoods has gone well. The Rephaim have suffered some lasting wounds, and Yehoshua has not shown back up yet to take care of the afflictions My apologies, I forgot to move him. Nothing serious, but two have been struck with limps and one has taken fright to battle.

Despite not moving, Yehoshua has treated his own fear. This will make him less likely to run from battle and let such an extended stay from the army happen again.

Delila has, while waiting to move on neighboring provinces, taken to patrolling and killed 30 brigands in our homeland. She will continue to do so until she is ordered to make an assault or explicitly ordered to stop.

Lastly, some good news. Land's End has had a soft winter. Sheep, cattle, and goats that otherwise would have died in the cold or been slaughtered survived, and traders have been able to move through the province easily.

>You have gained an extra 201 gold! Most of it went towards levying province defence.

The Rose's flowerbud droops closer to the ground, heavy with the weight of the nascent god within.

>>>Recruitment/Treasury: 284 Gold, 726(-177) Income
>>Hinnom: 157 Resources.
>3 Rephaim/turn, Indefinitely.
>6 more Ammi.

>Plans of Action/Standing Orders
>Research Blood Levels 2-3.
>Recruit Rephaim indefinitely.
>Recruit Ammi (4/10).
>Recruit Strength-11 Province Defence on newly conquered provinces.

>Blood III (19/200)

>Suggested Recruitment:
>Stop recruitment, let the treasury recover.
>Recruit something else? Ask if you wish to see the recruitment screen.

>Suggested Plans of Action:
>Assault Halbathria. It has no enemy troops worth mention, and is a safe bet to conquer.
>Assault Faery Forest. It has clear signs of blood magic from blood-henge druids, but only one foe that ought to be capable of standing up to the Rephaim; a mighty Draco-lion!
>Turn back, with intent to assault another province the army cannot yet reach.
>Move Delila through Land's End to reach Faery Forest the next turn.
>Move Delila into Mushwood, the time has come for it to bend the knee.
>Wait for more Rephaim to be recruited before moving out.
>Some other plan?
*in deference to YOUR anti-conjuration vote. Accidentally self-replied there.
Conquer Mushwood and Halbathria. Keep recruiting Ammi and Rephaites. Queue alt 5 for prot buffs.
Halbarthria is hemmed in by mountains. We should hit Dragon Ridge now and backfill Halbathria later.

>Attack Dragon Ridge with the main force
>Attack the Mushrood with Delia & the Reph and non-reph bodyguards.
>Keep site searching with the traveling Motl
>Recruit a common commander in one of the provinces (not home)
>Recruit a blood priest instead of an Ammi at home. His duty will be to start blood hunting so that we will have some ability to summon demons.
>Move Yehoshua to attack with the main army if he can get that far. If he can't, script him to sit in the back corner and retreat, and move him into the Pack Wood.

Do we have any scout provinces?

Supporting this
>Suggested Recruitment:
>Stop recruitment, let the treasury recover.
>Recruit a cheap Commander in Bluecoast

>Suggested Plans of Action:
>Assault Halbathria. It has no enemy troops worth mention, and is a safe bet to conquer.
>Move Delila into Mushwood, the time has come for it to bend the knee.
>Prepare the Treasury for Fort construction in Bluecoast.
I presume you mean any provinces other than the capital that can recruit a scout. The answer is, unfortunately, no.
I agree with attacking Dragon Ridge if Halbathria is blocked off from Atlantis by the mountains. The forces attacking Mushwood should use bodyguards and the Rephaites should be on Hold Attack Closest. If we want a mage to summon demons it needs to be Baal or a Melqart, as they cost very similar i suggest we get a Melqart right now so we can also send him into war when needed.
Halbathria is NOT blocked off by mountains. There is a narrow passageway through that the Atlanteans can use to invade the province.
The certainties are:
>Attacking Mushwood with Delila.
>Site-searching with the Motl on the road.
>Recruit a commander in Bluecoast, with intent to raise a fortress.
>Recruit a Kohen instead of an Ammi, with presumed intent to move to Bluecoast and begin building a lab, temple, and begin blood-searching.

But the following army movements are disputed evenly;
>Assault Halbathria, to prevent Atlantis from taking it and allow Yehoshua to catch up.
>Assault Dragon Ridge, to begin moving towards Caelum, although this forces Yehoshua to follow behind.

Eh, roll a d2? I’m satisfied with either path
>Assault Halbathria
>Halbathria (since it's not mountainlocked)
>Attacking Mushwood with Delila.
>Site-searching with the Motl on the road.
>Recruit a commander in Bluecoast, with intent to raise a fortress.
>Recruit a Kohen instead of an Ammi, with presumed intent to move to Bluecoast and begin building a lab, temple, and begin blood-searching.
>Assault Halbathria, to prevent Atlantis from taking it and allow Yehoshua to catch up.

There we go, that's all queued up. Let's see what happens.

Your empire grows, far and wide. Dardania has been searched for magic, and none has been found, unfortunately. It is useful only for the resources it will bring to Bluecoast.

Speaking of Bluecoast, a local has been recruited to serve our purposes, although he insists upon gathering equipment that he does not have access to so that he can "Complete the Image". Small and weak, but trusted by the populace well enough to raise a fort.
>Recruitment of a commander has been delayed in Bluecoast until next turn due to chronic lack of resources.

As well, Yersz the Kohen has joined our ranks in Hinnom. Already, he has begun helping out with research, although he grumbles about the faithlessness of our new provinces; foreign dominions creep into our borders with more strength every month. This is something of a pressing issue, the false-faith in Muspel almost rivals the strength of faith in Hinnom!

Before the battle reports arrive, a peculiar thing happens. An Enkidu unchained and unbowed but for the hunch of his back stands before Gomorrah in robes of fine linen and rich fur, his ash-white beard reaching down to his belt. Even from the walls, a scarred whip-mark lays stark upon his brow. "Hear me," he cries, voice smooth and unyielding despite his advanced age. "Hear me, oh oppressor and eater of sons and daughters. Ushum'galkalamma, Entu, Priestess-Queen of The First City declares herself prophet of Eilesion, The Invincible and Ever-Triumphant, King of The Open Road. May the walls of your city crumble and graves go unmarked." He spits upon the ground before the walls of Gomorrah. The motion is given to shoot him, but the man stands proud as he turns to walk away. The first arrow pierces his chest, but he walks unbowed. A second is loosed, and a third and fourth, perhaps grazing him or causing him to stumble as they pierce him, but no more. The fifth arrow is what kills him, dead standing up, eyes facing the horizon... perhaps this "First City" is worth paying a visit to.

Mushwood and Halbathria both fall with contemptuous ease. The sheer might of a Rephaite next to a man, even ahorse, is simply no match.

For some overall good news, Mamre the commander has been declared a Hero for his valorous service. His strength is reported to beyond any normal Avvim and match that of the Horim, and shows no signs of slowing in growth.

The God-Flower's movement has stopped. The calm before the storm, or were the previous signs just turning in bed?
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>>>Recruitment/Treasury: 457 Gold, 852(-192) Income
>>Hinnom: 199 Resources.
>3 Rephaim/turn, Indefinitely. (-2 to pay for Kohen previous turn.)
>6 more Ammi.

>Plans of Action/Standing Orders
>Research Blood Levels 2-3.
>Recruit Rephaim indefinitely.
>Recruit Ammi (4/10).
>Recruit Strength-11 Province Defence on newly conquered provinces.

>Blood III (55/200)

>Suggested Recruitment:
>Stop recruitment, let the treasury recover.
>Maintain recruitment. As we gain more income, we'll have free funds for all the projects we need. (Current)
>Increase recruitment when possible, as we slowly gain more income we can increase production.
>Recruit something else? Ask if you wish to see the recruitment screen.

>Suggested Plans of Action:
>Assault Dragon Ridge. It has no enemy troops worth mention, and is a safe bet to conquer... Although there is quite a few men there.
>Move to Packwoods to later assault Faery Forest. It has clear signs of blood magic from blood-henge druids, but only one foe that ought to be capable of standing up to the Rephaim; a mighty Draco-lion!
>Turn back, with intent to assault another province the army cannot yet reach.
>Move Delila to assault to assault The Great Mountains; a surefire conquest.
>Some other plan?
Hit dragon ridge, might bump Atlantis but we should win. Also march upon The Great Mountains. I don't like Faery Forest, call me a coward but I think taking it could be hard.
Where is the Commander in Bluecoast?

>Suggested Recruitment:
>Stop recruitment, let the treasury recover.
We need a fort/lab/temple in Bluecoast. Also what is the population of Bluecoast?

>Suggested Plans of Action:
>Assault Dragon Ridge. It has no enemy troops worth mention, and is a safe bet to conquer... Although there is quite a few men there.
We cant let Atlantis cut us off from Caelum. Attack Provinces until we border Caelum.
Please read again, Advisor. There is so little resources in Bluecoast it takes two turns to recruit a 22 rescource-cost commander. The population is 16 and a half thousand souls.
What commanders does Bluecoast allow for recruitment?
A generic independent human in bronze armor.

Supporting this. There can be only one angel-themed nation
>Have the Mushwood troops attack the Great Mountains
>Have the Halbathria army attack Dragon Ridge. If they can reach this turn, send the healer in with them.
>Stop recruiting. If we want a fort next turn we'll want to save money. We don't need a lab in Bluecoast unless there's a recruitable wizard there since we can't afford recruitment as it is.
>Bloodhunt Land's End.
>Send one of the fire Ammi out site searching.
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>Stop recruitment, to fund the construction of a fort.
>Assault Dragon Ridge and Great Mountains.
A simple turn. Let's see what the world throws at us.

Motl's Site-searching in Mushwood has borne no fruit. Him and his cousin's continued search for magical sites is a necessary but oft-disappointing work.

The battle in the Great Mountains was as expected. 8 Rephaim stood against 5 times their number, and slew all who didn't run and many who did. In Dragon Ridge, however, it seems somebody else has already conquered the province first!


Mamre leveled his sword, motioning for the Rephaim to make their assault while he and his guards waited a moment, to ensure their safety. Suddenly, the sky goes dark. The flying rats attacked from behind! While Mamre and his Avvim guards were no Rephaim... they were certainly stronger than these hollow-boned (as several Rephaim would find out after the battle, to much dismay) birdmen. As well, each birdman takes up as much space on the field as an Avvim because of their wings, but with not enough strength to back it up.

The Rephaim quickly about face, and cut the birdmen to pieces. All those who dared participate in the assault lay dead, including the two giant, furred elephants they brought, large enough to knock over even a Rephaim. The only escapees are their archers and commander.

The only casualties are 5 Avvite infantrymen and, unfortunately, Yehoshua. He was caught out in the advance and pierced with many spears.

The God-Rose trembles, opens, and withers away. The being within steps out, flowers blooming in his wake as he wraps himself in a cloak of bloodstained petals. He stands. The world trembles as his wings unfurl and with one flap, the air cracks like thunder and he rockets into the sky. You could see his path through the skies upon the ground, for grass grew in sand, trees split bare stone, and fields came to full bloom in but a moment.

At the entrance of the greatest temple in Hinnom, the faithful are treated to a sight they'll tell their children of and their grandchildren of; the sight of their god descending as if from the heavens, wreathed in celestial light. He did not merely land upon the ground; the stones of the temple rose to meet his feet, giving him a raised podium. The faithful weep at the sight, many crying tears of blood.

"Rejoice, my children. Thy grandfather has awoken from his slumber."

Grandfather Amazarak, Master of Fertility, Prince of Arcane Mysteries, Opener of Ways, Lord of The Celestial Bodies, has awoken.

"Now, let us see how you have handled thy kingdom..." he says, beatific smile on his face.

He stretches his view out far and wide, pleased in some measures and disappointed in others.

"Hmmm... You have expanded far, but you have not spread your gifts. Few beyond Gomorrah know of our glory, only of your strength. You would do well to spread the word that I return."

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>>>Recruitment/Treasury: 172 Gold, 969(-172) Income
>>Hinnom: 203 Resources.
>3 Rephaim/turn, Indefinitely. (-3 to pay for fort.)
>6 more Ammi.

>Plans of Action/Standing Orders
>Research Blood Level 3.
>Recruit Rephaim indefinitely.
>Recruit Ammi (4/10).
>Recruit Strength-11 Province Defence on newly conquered provinces.
>Build Fort in Bluecoast.

>Blood III (100/200)

>Suggested Recruitment:
>Stop recruitment, let the treasury recover. (Current)
>Return recruitment to 3 Rephaim per turn.
>When next possible, increase recruitment to 4 Rephaim per turn.
>Recruit something else? Ask if you wish to see the recruitment screen.

>Suggested Plans of Action:
>Assault Shadow Glade. We must march upon Caelum, before Atlantis blocks us!
>Assault Ferran Mountains! It is time that we claim a throne! As well, we could use reinforcements, and this takes us a productive step closer to home.
>Turn back, with intent to assault another province the army cannot yet reach.
>Move Delila to assault to assault Recenna; a relatively safe conquest.
>Some other plan?

Note that I'm already building a fort in Bluecoast. No need to vote for it.
>>6024844 #
Our beautiful lord
>>6024845 #
Do we have a priest at Dragon Ridge? If so, expand into Shadow Glade. Have the sacreds positioned behind our commander and use hold and attack closest. Take Recenna. Queue Alt and Construction to research. How many sacreds do we have in our cap?

Also we have our B1 mage, for the guys who wanted him. What did you want to do with him? We can't really blood hunt currently as we have no patrol chaff.
You have a total of one priest, who is researching in the capital (default action). I believe they intended to move him to Bluecoast to blood-hunt there, but made no consensus as to doing so. You have 1 Rephaite in the capital, due to occasional roadblocks in recruitment and the recent decision to halt recruitment in favor of fort construction. At maximum, you can recruit four per turn, given the liquid funds to do so.
>You have a total of one priest
Wasn't one leading the sacreds attacking the great mountain?

>Blood hunting
We need patrol chaff for that and the extra bodies if we want to attack Caelum. They'll be required to break down the walls. Also we could do with more sacreds safely kill Caelum, I think we have enough if they are blessed but there could be a surprise. About chaff, I know you guys don't want to reanimate, what form of chaff do you want?

Should we heed Grandpops and hire priests to spread the faith?

I don’t play Dominions so not sure if this is a good play.

Tl;dr - is Grandpops senile or giving good advice?
Ah, I forgot about them. They're not exactly being very preistly right now after all. It'd be more accurate to say you have one priest that's not in the process of cutting a bloody swathe through enemy territory and can thus be reasonably used for priestly duties..

I keep suggesting spreading the faith because your dominion is quite weak at the moment. If it gets too weak you will run the risk of getting your dominion overrun with another pretender's which will have effects ranging from weakening your god's stats to outright causing a game loss. Thankfully, Hinnom in particular can perform Blood-Sacrifices to spread dominion so it's not too huge of an issue, but owning eleven provinces and only having four of those provinces under your own dominion is... concerning.

>Suggested Recruitment:
>Recruit an Ammi to add to our research.

>Suggested Plans of Action:
>Assault Shadow Glade. We must march upon Caelum, before Atlantis blocks us!
>Move Yersz to Bluecoast have him construct a temple, then a lab.
We must begin more mage recruitment. And Blood Hunting.
What cheap infantry is recruit able in Bluecoast?
>Should we heed Grandpops and hire priests to spread the faith?
Nah, we aren't under enough Dom pressure to worry right now. I'd love to give grandpops some gear and clear a throne for us, but no contraction. Probably best if he site searches for now, maybe researches if we can to rush something.
It's not unreasonable that he could clear Ferran Mountains without any gem investment whatsoever, presuming it's actually as mundane as it appears. Just letting you know.
I'm just worried one mage will do something to fuck him, but yeah he could likely solo the province.
Like what? I am, to be honest, rather stumped on just what a relatively normal mage could do against him. He has some hefty elemental resistances, regenerates and recuperates, has 24 (down to "only" 21-22 in the Ferran Mountains) MR, and has some minor buff spells that are quite effective. If you wish to bring blood slaves instead of going no-investment, Hellpower, Agony, and Summon Imps can do great work. Mayhaps you should scout the province first just to be certain that there's no nasty surprises that are hiding from the overworld screen, but otherwise I see no reason he couldn't do so and be fine.
I was thinking something like Soul Slay or Drain Life, but if his MR is that high, yeah it sounds worth it chucking him against the province is worth it.
Is that an official vote?
In light of that i am going to amend my post.>>6024985

>Suggested Research:
>Finish Blood 3 and start Construction 1
The goal here is Enchanted Mail and Helm and Pike for the Blessed Grandfather.

>Suggested Recruitment:
>Recruit an Ammi to add to our research.
>Recruit a cheap commander in Land's End/Dragon Ridge
We should ping the Throne, not assault it blind.

>Suggested Plans of Action:
>Next turn use recruited commander to Attack the Throne in the Ferran Mountains/
The goal is to see the Battle report. We are counting mages.
>Assault Shadow Glade. We must march upon Caelum, before Atlantis blocks us!
>Move Delila to assault Recenna; a relatively safe conquest.
Easy pickup.
>Move Yersz to Bluecoast have him construct a temple, then a lab.
We must begin more mage recruitment. And Blood Hunting.
What cheap infantry is recruit able in Bluecoast?
Slingers. You can recruit 8/turn in bluecoast, at a cost of 7 gold, 2 resources, and 3 rec points. Would you like to append recruiting 8 per turn?
Not yet. Once the fort and temple are build in Bluecoast sure. But we must get infrastructure up first.
How are animals as patrol chaff in this edition?
As per usual. Do you have to summon them with gems? If yes, DONT. If no, they are alright. Hinnom doesnt get summoning units.

What is the yearly upkeep of slingers?
6 per year, compared to the 20 of an Avvite and 14 of a Horite.
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Are there any provinces with outright militia nearby? Im looking for the cheapest patrol unit we have available.
No, but Slingers cost the same over time and patrol slightly better. They practically ARE the cheapest patroller available.

"Oh dear. A little excitable, aren't we? Run along to the healers now, I'm sure I'll... enjoy your gift."

Now, let's get this turn squared away.
>Delila assaults Recenna.
>Mamre assaults Shadow Glade.
>Yersz moves to Bluecoast to assume his priestly duties.

While Amazarak WILL assault Ferran Mountains sooner or later, let's hash out the details.
>He will WAIT, sending a local scout while he recenters research on Construction 1 (delaying Blood 3 by a turn at most), so that he can go in wearing armor, wielding a weapon and with worthy information.
>He will go in IMMEDIATELY, relying upon his unfathomable magical might and immense physical prowess, buffing himself and dropping in on the enemy mages and commanders with righteous fury. He also (will or will not? You decide.) bring blood-slaves.

>He will WAIT, sending a local scout while he recenters research on Construction 1 (delaying Blood 3 by a turn at most), so that he can go in wearing armor, wielding a weapon and with worthy information.

Best to wait and get prepared - he is still sleepy from his nap, after all?
I'm not passionate about either option, I'm happy with whatever. If possible I'd prefer pinging the throne with a scout.
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Seems a consensus for waiting.
Let us see how the new turn treats us.

The month goes... too smoothly almost. Research in Construction is finished, and your mages can now create a wide array of low-power magical items.

Unfortunately, it WAS too smooth. Due to a clerical error, the movement of Motl from Mushwood to The Great Mountains was mistaken for the movement of Delila from The Great Mountains to Recenna. The scribe responsible for this mistake has been hung from a hook, quartered, seasoned, cured, stewed, and eaten in that order, and Delila will move out next month.

Motl's search once again disappoints. No new sites of magic have been found.

Shadow Glade has been conquered with little consequence. There was only some province-defence, now dead to a man; not a single one dared run and all fought to the death.

Just as the council of advisors is about to begin deliberation on the actions of next month, Amazarak himself appears before them, with a proclamation.

"My grandchildren, I have a gift for you."

He waves his hand, and in the air twenty windows of starlight appear.

"Behold, the thrones of ascension. Do with the knowledge as you will, I am sure you will find a good use for it. I must return to my research."
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>>>Recruitment/Treasury: 682 Gold, 1042(-176) Income
>>Hinnom: 207 Resources.
>3 Rephaim/turn, Indefinitely. (on hold)
>6 more Ammi.

>Plans of Action/Standing Orders
>Research Blood Level 3.
>Recruit Rephaim indefinitely.
>Recruit Ammi (4/10).
>Recruit Strength-11 Province Defence on newly conquered provinces.
>Build Fort in Bluecoast.
>Site-search with the Motl cousins.
>Delila assaults Recenna.
>Ping Ferran Mountains.

>Research: 79 RP/month
>Blood III (129/200)

>Suggested Recruitment:
>Stop recruitment, let the treasury recover. (Current)
>Return recruitment to 3 Rephaim per turn.
>Increase recruitment to 4 Rephaim per turn.
>Finally begin recruiting Ammi again.
>Recruit another commander or mage, such as a Melquart or Ba'al to be a prophet.
>Recruit something else? Ask if you wish to see the recruitment screen.

>Suggested Plans of Action:
>Mamre assaults Gryphon Rock. Both provinces appear free of military, but this one holds a temple.
>What, exactly, do you intend on making? Either post or trust QM's Judgement. If you want a list, go to the Dominions 6 Mod Inspector.
>Turn back, with intent to assault another province the army cannot yet reach.
>Some other plan?
Peronsally I don't think we need gear on him for Ferran Mountains, I don't think they'd have magic attacks. Take Recenna and Gryphon Rock. Keep getting sacreds and mages, if we have spare gold make a temple on Bluecoast.

I’m a Dominions noob but I think we should:

1) kit out Grandpops with some basic magical gear as QM suggested last turn and then have him attack Ferran Mountains
2) take a single turn to hire a bunch of priests (if possible), have them start spreading the faith.
3) have our mortal forces attack Recenna and Gryphon Rock
>2) take a single turn to hire a bunch of priests (if possible), have them start spreading the faith.
We really don't need to do this and we are low on gold. It doesn't do much for us.
I will say this is the most liquid funds we've had at any one point in time (not counting the money set aside for the fort, which was intended for the fort from the start).

I appreciate the feedback but I’m really only suggesting the priests for RP reasons and I figure it’s safe to forgo hiring more Rephaim for a turn - we’re utterly steamrolling the surrounding area and Grandpops is going to help us mop the floor with Caelum
Sure, its just gold can be easily spent and I prefer spending it in things that will increase our income over time.
Oh ok, my bad.
We are already doing 1 and 3. 2 is really not something you wanna be doing with priests unless you are desperate or trying to kill someone via candle death.. Building temples is a better way to spread the faith and protecting your candles than having preachers preach.

Ah, okay - thanks for clarifying. Maybe we can table the preaching issue for now and build a bomb-ass temple for gramps later
We are building a temple in Bluecoast. Protecting Temples with either forts or distance is VERY important. If an enemy even touches a temple, it is desecrated and is destroyed, unless your are LA Arcoscephale but we are in EA so we dont need to worry about that.
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ALSO. Speaking of gearing up grandad. What do you guys wanna give him? Pic related, this is the great we can forge for him from Astral.
And here is what we can forge him from Earth.
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I am dumb and forgot picture.
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Now i am going to suggest we forge the Earth armors and an astral weapon for grandad. As in pic related we only have 2 astral mages, and Yersz is currently moving. Meanwhile we have three Earth Mages that CAN equip grandad in a single turn if we desire. Or you guys can be crafty and give Grandad a REACH WEAPON from astral and armor/hat from earth. Reach is a good thing to put on a guys that is going in solo to avoid repel counters/parry attempts.
Maybe we don't need the armour as we've got invlun 20 and Regen, I doubt there'd be a lot of magic weapons.
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Throne provinces have mages in them 99% of the time. You NEVER KNOW what they will cast as they have cheat access to the entire spell book. Grandad could walk in and a find one or a few of these guys hanging around.
>Equip Grandad with light earth plate, an earth helmet, and a pike. There isn't really any better gear at Construction 3 except maybe the mace of eruption. 25 invuln isn't enough, but 32ish armor + invuln is. (with regen he's probably fine anyway, but will get fewer afflications if wearing armor. We could heal a mute god, but let him wear steel.)
> Main army to attack birb temple. Increase province defense to 10 wherever we have good PD in order to prevent call of the wind from killing our guys. Especially true of the motl. Set Motl to cast barkskin. He'd be safer with armor, but we can't easily get him any.
>Don't forget to set our commander in Dragon Ridge to retreat and put him in a corner. He's a scout, not a sacrifice.
>Recruit another Ammi. Now that the 2nd fort is underway, we may finally be rich enough to afford Melquarts.
With a good magic weapon he can whomp elementals and survive lightning. It's skelespam or similar which is most likely to scare him off. I'd still like armor though.
For your 2nd point, we already have a standing order to put 11 PD on all provinces and Motl is unfortunately not attached to the army, having left to perform site-searching.
No update today nor tomorrow. I have a doozy of a day tomorrow, and today? To be honest I just don't quite feel like it with tomorrow coming on.
Apologies, it's been a busy week. Limbo of needing to be on call for work. Update tomorrow, but none the day after, and the day after that updates should become regular again.

Thanks for this update, QM! We are waiting patiently
Thanks for letting us know, you got me back into the game and Ive joined a couple multiplayer games.
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>Attacking Recenna
>Moving to raze the temple in Gryphon Rock
>Kit out Amazarak in Blacksteel plate and helm, with an Enchanted Pike
>Building a temple in Bluecoast
>Pinging Ferran Mountains
Here. We. Go.

No magic sites have been found, as is par for the course.

Gryphon Rock has been conquered and its temple razed. Recenna, likewise, has fallen before us.

The Ferran Mountains are interesting. Indeed, there were mages hiding there! Three Dreamwood Enchanters, mages of glamour and nature, hid themselves with illusions, along with seventeen sprites. It is... possible for Amazarak to fight them, but not necessarily advisable, considering the power of glamour magic to fell even the greatest foes, although Amazarak's iron will is likely capable of shrugging off any feeble assaults on his mind. The sprites are an issue, but their magic may well have no hold on him.

The men in Gryphon Rock report a lack of supplies. The Rephaim need not eat, but their commander and his guards do, and the Rephaim are not sharing. Other than that, there is nothing of note.

Delila is moving onwards to new lands after conquering Recenna. (Unless you say otherwise, so long as Delila only encounters independent provinces I'll control her for you.)
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>>>Recruitment/Treasury: 738 Gold, 1192(-184) Income
>>Hinnom: 215 Resources.
>5 more Ammi.

>Plans of Action/Standing Orders
>Research Blood Level 3.
>Recruit Rephaim indefinitely.
>Recruit Ammi (5/10).
>Recruit Strength-11 Province Defence on newly conquered provinces.
>Site-search with the Motl cousins.
>Continue constructing a fort in Bluecoast.
>Recenna assaults Terrym.

>Research: 88 RP/month
>Blood III (147/200)

>Suggested Research:
>Alteration, such that our greatest warriors may be guarded in magic.
>Conjuration, to summon magical creatures to our aid. (default)
>Construction, to forge great artifacts.

>Suggested Recruitment:
>Stop recruitment, let the treasury recover. (Current)
>Return recruitment to 3 Rephaim per turn.
>Increase recruitment to 4 Rephaim per turn.
>Recruit another commander or mage, such as a Melquart or Ba'al to be a prophet.
>Recruit something else? Ask if you wish to see the recruitment screen.

>Suggested Plans of Action:
>Mamre assaults Mountains of Evernight. It should have more supplies, and guard us from being cut off.
>Mamre assaults Gilged, to cut off Caelumite expansion.
>Mamre assaults Caelum proper, to hopefully cut the head off the snake, or chicken as it were.
>Amazarak assaults Ferran Mountains.
>Amazarak remains home, for now.
>Turn back (which army?), with intent to assault another province the army cannot yet reach or gather reinforcements.
>Some other plan?
Dominions-anons, can Grandpapa take out three nature mages? I’m not clear on the relative power-match up here
The issue is also their power in Glamor; one of them is a G2 mage, and there's several Sprites, tiny fae who have the ability to shoot arrows that exhaust the target to the point of collapse. In a fight like this, they can keep shooting to kill a target from exhaustion.

Nature is handleable; Amazarak has the ability to resist poison natively and can cast spells to further boost that.

Funny to think that a couple sprites could low a mighty fallen angel, thanks for clarifying
I will say that although he is resistant to it because of his massive Magic Resistance, there's always a chance one gets through.

What’s the force breakdown on Caelum’s home province? Can we send Grandpapa there with our Rephaim and mortal troops for a combined assault and how do we stack up against their forces?
Approximately 40 birdmen, a large portion of which are militia. Their research corps is likely to be a dangerous factor, but unlikely to be TOO dangerous. Grandfather, unfortunately, cannot reach Caelum in one turn, not without the assistance of magic he doesn't have.

As for how we stack up; We're outnumbered if we attack Caelum, but we have the advantage because a Rephaite (which we have 10 of there) is worth at least 5 of their men, and 5 is a low estimate!.

Their god is nowhere to be seen, either elsewhere or blending in.
Attack Gilged and Terrym. I think we should research alteration next. Keep recruiting out sacreds and mages, we need them for war.
Do we have bless data on Caelum?
It shouldnt really matter unless they have TWeapons consider how weak the birds are.
Im checking to see if their god is awake. If not we just assault Caelum now and get grandad in on it next turn.
I do not believe we do; we haven't encountered any priests, nor do I believe we have encountered their prophet. As such, we haven't actually seen any of their men be blessed yet.
You can check on the pretenders of the world tab.
Why send granddad into hostile dominion. Churn out a Melq, gear him up and send him in with the squad. They should make bird nuggets. The OG is better used on defense where white candles are plentiful.
Or have grandad attack the Throne once geared up i guess. Also do we have any flying chaff that can go in with Grandad to eat up enemy attacks?
You gotta SEE the bless to get that data recorded first fren.
Also QM, a question i have been meaning to ask you. Why did you set the VP limit all the way to 50?
To truly be the Pantokrator, one must sit upon ALL of the thrones.
As much as I would like to update now, I do need actual votes. Or at least a clear plan of action that I can translate into a vote.
Do we have flying chaff for grandad to attack the Throne with?
Not unless you spend blood slaves to summon a Fiend of Darkness, and the only person currently capable of doing that (with regards to skill) is Grandfather Amazarak himself.
you got mine here >>6034235

Guys we need a new research target, next turn we are going to reach blood 3, I think alt would be best.

Supporting to keep this moving. I do want to hit Caelum sooner rather than later though
Right i support doing that. I want 5 Fiends to accompany Grandad to the Throne. They either bodyguard or linehold for Him.
You would need to summon fiends for 5 straight turns to do so.
>Assault Gilged
>Delila continues expansion
>Amazarak remains at home
>Recruit Rephaim at our previous rate of 3 per turn.
>In lieu of much interest in the research vote, we're going for alteration as one advisor has suggested.

I'm playing another game right now, so there'll be some time before the update. If you've any issues, speak now or forever hold your peace.
How about just 2 Fiends then since Grandad is lazing about anyways?
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Given the lack of support for fiend-summoning, I'll refrain from doing so.


No magic sites have been found. Unfortunate.

Terrym fell as easily as every province before it; although one of the next two provinces that Delila is faced with looks to be quite the challenge. The other, however, looks like they'll crumple at the mere sight of a Rephaim.

Gilged, however... THAT, was a battle! To get this out of the way, we've finally found out the blessings of Caelum's so-called god; Enchanted Blood and Spirit Sight. A weak blessing, for a weak god. The Rephaim were able to rip through their province defense and sacred troops, de-winged birdmen armed and armored in ice who gave up their only advantage as a show of faith. A pity, the wings had good meat.

Their customary assault on Mamre failed; although he is now stripped of all but one of his guards; the others fell in his defense. In lieu of new guards or orders to the contrary, two of the Rephaim will take it upon themselves to defend their commander and prevent themselves from being left without leadership.

We've taken Gilged successfully, but an army has cut us off! Gryphon Rock was assaulted after we left it, and the province defense put to the sword. We'll need to tread carefully to avoid being hemmed in.

The third tier of blood magic has been researched. We may now summon Se'irim, goat-demons posessed of great rage and much physical strength, as well as Devils, fire demons of Inferno. There are other spells, but those are the most important to us.

As well, from next report onwards, the map will be noted with the strength of faith each province presents. (IE, I just remembered to turn on the dominon candles option. The income box will NOT be on because it removes the names of hostile and neutral provinces, which are very useful for coordination)
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>>>Recruitment/Treasury: 872 Gold, 1305(-197) Income
>>Hinnom: 215 Resources.
>4 more Ammi.
>3 Rephaim/turn.

>Plans of Action/Standing Orders
>Research Alteration level 2.
>Recruit Ammi (6/10).
>Recruit Strength-11 Province Defence on newly conquered provinces.
>Site-search with the Motl cousins.
>Continue constructing a fort in Bluecoast.
>Recenna assaults Baypond.

>Research: 88 RP/month
>Blood III (147/200)

>Suggested Research:
>Alteration, such that our greatest warriors may be guarded in magic.
>Conjuration, to summon magical creatures to our aid. (default)
>Construction, to forge great artifacts.

>Suggested Recruitment:
>Begin recruiting Slingers in Bluecoast as patrolling chaff.
>Recruit another commander or mage, such as a Melquart or Ba'al to be a prophet.
>Recruit something else? Ask if you wish to see the recruitment screen.

>Suggested Plans of Action:
>Mamre assaults Elkland, to step around the Caelumite army.
>Mamre assaults Gryphon Rock, to crush the Caelumite army and link back with our territory.
>Mamre stays put, waiting for the enemy to come to him where he can rely on aid from the province defence. (If this is taken, do you wish to further bolster the Province Defense beyond 11, and if so by how much?)
>Construct a laboratory in Bluecoast, to begin recruiting a 2nd mage corps.
>Begin blood-hunting in Bluecoast. Blood must be spilt for much of our great magics, and we can only gather so many without actively hunting.
>Turn back (which army?), with intent to assault another province the army cannot yet reach or gather reinforcements.
>Some other plan?
OH LOOK LOSERS...i mean Pelagia.
Summon our sacred goat demons, we need our Se'ir. Make a lab in Bluecoast. PD dump Shadow Glade, and we need a second army of sacreds at the frontline. Recruit a sacred commander to lead them to the front. Also we need siege chaff to storm caelums cap, I know we dont want reanimation so you guys need to think of some cheap chaff. Attack Gryphon rock, and baypond. If we can get any decent mercs then hire them.
>>>Recruitment/Treasury: 872 Gold, 1305(-197) Income
>>Hinnom: 215 Resources.
>4 more Ammi.
>3 Rephaim/turn.

>Plans of Action/Standing Orders
>Research Alteration level 2.
>Recruit Ammi (6/10).
>Recruit Strength-11 Province Defence on newly conquered provinces.
>Site-search with the Motl cousins.
>Continue constructing a fort in Bluecoast.
>Recenna assaults Baypond.

All of this is good.

>Suggested Research:
>Conjuration, to summon magical creatures to our aid. (default)

This is good.

>Suggested Recruitment:
>Begin recruiting Slingers in Bluecoast as patrolling chaff.
>Recruit another commander or mage, such as a Melquart or Ba'al to be a prophet.
It is LONG past time we got a Prophet. There are FIFTY POINTS worth of Thrones to take in this game for some reason.

>Suggested Plans of Action:
>Mamre assaults Gryphon Rock, to crush the Caelumite army and link back with our territory.
>Construct a laboratory in Bluecoast, to begin recruiting a 2nd mage corps.
We need mages. This is going to be a LONG game.
>Begin blood-hunting in Bluecoast. Blood must be spilt for much of our great magics, and we can only gather so many without actively hunting.
When we do this we need to recruit a few bodyguards for the Bloodhunting mages. Dont need them getting killed by angry serfs.
This thread seems to have passed into the lower realms of the board, I'm going to archive and make another soon...ish.

Cool, thanks for update

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