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With the Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa dethroned, the Demon God Dumplin beaten, and Karn's whole family now able to live in his timeline, things have been looking up for the Saiyan General. But all good things can't last forever. And when conflicts arise between deities, mortals are inevitably caught in the crossfire. Does Karn, the Berserker God possess the strength to protect his family, people, world and reality from their fickle nature? Or are the beings above mortal ken also beyond mortal reproach? This outcome may be up to you.

You the players control Karn, wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul. Granting him the power to fight against gods and other divine beings, to resist their influence and strengths. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has now become the strongest Saiyan of his time. With the power of the Berserker God, combined with That Which Should Not Be and having devoured a soul born of the Abyss itself, his strength is now unlike anything before seen in his reality. But will this newfound strength be enough to overcome the threats headed his way? Only time will tell, your choices can spell the difference between success and failure.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork here: https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice
>One dice roll per person per post unless three players have not yet rolled, and ten minutes has passed since your previous roll
>Crits are 100 on a d100(a 99 or paired rolls may net you an extra bonus)
>Crit fails are a 1/100 with no passing rolls, or if two 1s are rolled regardless of the third
>Write-ins are both allowed and encouraged, but OOC options will be ignored
>If your goal is simply to troll, at least put in enough effort to make it funny
>Have fun

SCQ will usually start on Saturdays at noon Eastern Standard Time, and run throughout the weekend. Also, for updates or schedule changes you can find me on twitter @GrandDragonQM, which I keep as up to date with any scheduling changes as soon as possible.


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Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:

The day of Meloka Wolbach's fourth party had arrived, Karn delivering the largest of the three gifts Aku had bestowed upon him for his aid in reaching his perfect form. But at the party Trunks, Time Patrol's second-in-command appeared. However, he didn't come to fight, but to apologize to the birthday girl for ruining her celebrations previous. Afterwards, the Dark God Darkseid invaded, leading Karn and Meloka to defeat him then aid Arctus and Cooler in their battle against his forces as well. And although the Lucrehulk was lost in the battle, sucked through Darkseid's portals, everyone survived the battle. Karn then learned more of his new ward, Haathe, before bringing her back to the celebration. After the party Karn returned to his world, bringing his ward along with him through the rest of his day. And at the end of the day, as we rejoin Karn, Haathe has shown what she inherited from sharing the Berserker Soul.

“What? How did you-?” you say, startled for a moment. As you look up into her eyes, however, your Berserker Soul immediately blazes in response. It nearly forces you to transform as well, to ascend up to match her state. But you're stronger, keeping it contained as you continue speaking. “Very well done, Haathe. I hadn't been aware just how much of my power you could use. Looks like tomorrow, on top of training with the others, I'll be testing you myself. To see just how much of this power you can control”

As you talk, you notice her arms trembling, teeth clenched so tight you can almost hear them grinding against each other. Suddenly, you get a sinking feeling in your guts, realizing the worst possible outcome.

“Alright Haathe, that's enough. Power back down for me.” you say, then when she doesn't react say more forcefully, as if shouting at newer students about to do something reckless. “HAATHE!”

“-Ah-!” she gasps, startled. Her power immediately begins fading, strength waning. Her body starts shrinking as well, reverting back to her more normal form. As she does she sways unsteadily on her feet, then falls forward. You reach out, catching her so she doesn't hit the ground. Holding her, you step forward, laying her down on the bed. “M-My...Lord...”

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“Shh, rest Haathe. We'll talk more tomorrow.” you tell her, stroking her head like she's one of your children, the girl closing her eyes with a contended sigh. You look down upon your charge a moment longer before leaving her room, returning to your own. Where your wife is wide awake, a concerned look on her face.
“How certain are you that she's loyal?” Meloka asks you without preamble, her expression serious. “Do you really think you can control her?”

How do you answer her?
>She's a child, if you both do your best to raise her up right she'll do just fine
>Let Meloka know that, should she ever turn on you all you can take the Berserker Soul fragment you gave her back
>Tell your wife that she'll be fine, plus you all need more to stop a god like Beerus should he decide to try and erase you all
>Other(write in)
>Let Meloka know that, should she ever turn on you all you can take the Berserker Soul fragment you gave her back
>She's a child, if you both do your best to raise her up right she'll do just fine
>She's a child, if you both do your best to raise her up right she'll do just fine
She's a child, if you both do your best to raise her up right she'll do just fine wins it. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 35
Second DC: 20
Rolled 68, 51 = 119 (2d100)

I was concerned that she wouldn't be placated by this, but I guess I should have remembered who we're talking to.
Rolled 86, 76 = 162 (2d100)

Rolled 87, 86 = 173 (2d100)

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87/100, 86/100. Great successful. Quite the answer, one that could resonate with her despite her divine fears. Writing.
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“Control? Hun, we don't need to control her. She's a child. A child who was lost and alone, who needed help” you say, sighing out as you sit down on the bed by her. “What she needs is to be taught, to be raised up right. Especially with the Berserker power, it's not about controlling her. But teaching her to control herself. Just like we did with Broly, with all of our children.”

As you say his name you feet her start, the bed shifting beneath you. You turn, seeing her smiling faintly. Tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

“Mel?” you ask, your wife crawling over the bed to you. Where shesits in your lap, resting her head against your chest, arms going as around you as she can manage. Reflexively you hug her back, wondering what's going on with her. “You okay hun?”
“Y-Yeah. I, I just...” she mutters, voice trailing off. “Ever since I got this power, the Super Saiyan God. I've been... Afraid. Of you. Even though I know you'd never do anything to me, deep down I've been afraid. And not just you, but Broly. And even Okira.”

“Afraid?” you ask her, loosening your grip slightly. “Afraid of what?”
“It's, well... I don't know.” she tells you, pulling back a bit to look up into your eyes. “Ever since I got this power, every time you transform, it's just... My entire body reacts with fear. The divine power that's now a part of me, it is afraid of you. Or, of your Berserker powers, which I've never been before. I knew that taking this divine power would have consequences, but I never thought it would make me afraid of you...”

Seeing her face looking up at you worriedly, you instead hold her close. Pulling your wife into you, holding her tight. She clings to you, silently sobbing a moment against your larger frame. You simply hold her, your wife regaining her composure after a moment.

“It's okay hun. I'm not entirely sure what you're dealing with, but you know I'm here for you.” you tell her. Worry in the back of your mind suppressed, your worry that the divine power is somehow messing with her mind is something you'll talk with Towa about later. “We'll handle this the same way we always have.”
“Together.” she says, looking back up at you with a more genuine smile. “Thanks hun. I needed that.”
“Of course.” you tell her, picking her up and laying down, setting her beside you. She snuggles up close, eyes closing with a smile on her face as she presses herself to you. You close your own eyes, trying to avoid thinking about what that divine power may be doing to her as you drift off to sleep.

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The next day, after a good night's sleep, you're both up early and ready to get to work. So you do, going about your usual schedule. Sparring with Meloka and Freeza then training with Jr and Chaya before breakfast, then as you take the children over to study Su Ma under the former Guardian, you bring Haathe along. It's time to begin her training. Broly looks questioningly to her as you and he both transform into your strongest forms, readying to begin meditating as you turn to her.

“Alright Haathe, just like yesterday. Try and tap into that power again.” you tell her, to which she nods. Clenching her fists, the woman's power spikes dramatically. Her body rapidly expands, not ripping itself apart like your own Berserker transformation would do, but she quickly expands to her own Berserker size.
“What?!” he exclaims, eyes wide as he looks to her. “I thought that was a mistake I sensed yesterday!”
“No, she's the real deal, thanks to my power.” you tell Broly as she stands there, chest heaving a bit with ragged breaths through clenched teeth. “The only question is if she can control it.”

But how do you go about this? How do you try and teach her?
>Ask Haathe to sit with you, to try and get her to focus through words
>Let her rampage at you as you lead her from the island, once she's burned off some of her power she'll be more easily reasoned with
>Take the opportunity to see what she can do, goad her into attacking you. Which should be easy enough in this state, right?
>Other(write in)?
>Take the opportunity to see what she can do, goad her into attacking you. Which should be easy enough in this state, right?
>>Take the opportunity to see what she can do, goad her into attacking you. Which should be easy enough in this state, right?
I'm curious to see just how much she's been able to internalize after that Soul Infusion.
>Take the opportunity to see what she can do, goad her into attacking you. Which should be easy enough in this state, right?
>"C'mon kiddo, new day and time to train."
>Take the opportunity to see what she can do, goad her into attacking you. Which should be easy enough in this state, right?
I remember back when we had to go through this with broly
Take the opportunity to see what she can do, goad her into attacking you. Which should be easy enough in this state, right? wins it. Roll me a 4d100.

First DC: 20
Second DC: 60
Third DC: ??
Fourth DC: 70
Rolled 25, 74, 47, 8 = 154 (4d100)

Rolled 6, 5, 37, 23 = 71 (4d100)

Dice what the fuck
Rolled 24, 84, 46, 60 = 214 (4d100)

Forgot to mention but this is a best of four, as of this line here:
>transform into your strongest forms, readying...
Means we're in Berserker God currently.
Rolled 27, 4, 34, 3 = 68 (4d100)

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27/100, 84/100, 47/100, 60/100. Success, success, low mystery and failure. Well, her power is certainly growing. Writing.
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One could even say her power is MAXIMUMER
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“So, let's find out.” you tell him, then turn back to Haathe. “HAATHE!”
“Grrrrrrrr!?” she growls in response, limbs trembling. You take your stance, gesturing for her to come at you with your left hand.
“Get over here, hit me with your best-!” you call, only for her to explode towards you. Kicking up a wave of sand behind her as she rockets to you, swinging her right fist at you. Bracing yourself you catch her fist with your left, allowing her strength to push you away from the island. Waves crash up around you as the force of her blow sends you both streaking just over the water, Haathe snarling in fury. Seems her control of her power was even less than you'd thought.

“GRRRAAAA! HAAAAA! HRRAAAAAA!!” she roars, swinging her fists wildly. It's clear that she doesn't have any technique behind her swings, angrily flailing at you. You don't even block, instead dodging the simple, predictable attacks. “GRRRAAAAAAA!!”
“Heh, come on, is this all you've got?” you ask her, weaving through her attacks. But as she snarls, power continuing to rise, suddenly you feel her energy peak. Energy gathering around her right fist, she draws it way back. Then, with another mighty roar, swings it at your head. Which you dodge, dropping and grabbing her arm, twisting and throwing her over your shoulder. Sending her flying, tumbling through the air for several seconds. It takes her several seconds to regain control of her flight, reorienting on you and dashing straight back in. “Think, Haathe! You can use my power, but is that all?”

With a roar she swings with her ki-clad fist in another wild haymaker, blocking her arm with your forearm to keep her fist from making impact. Relentlessly she presses the attack, you defending easily. But as she starts striking your guard, instead of you just dancing out of the way, notice that she's starting to strike more efficiently. No longer is she swinging with wild haymakers for every strike, but instead throwing straight left jabs and short body shots.

“Good, just like that!” you encourage, blocking her strikes as her attacks come faster, mixing up striking with her fists and even adding in rising knee strikes. Which you stop with both hands, catching her knee and stopping it from rocking your chin. Only to fire off a swift jab straight into your face, snapping your head back as the energy detonates. “Gah?!”

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“GRRRRR! GUUH! GRRRAAAAAAAA!!” Haathe roars, clutching at her head as you stop your backwards flight. She looks like she's in pain, shaking her head back and forth as she trembles. Then, with a final roar, her energy explodes. “GUUUUAAAAAAAAAAH!!”
“SHI-!” you exclaim, trying to activate your Barrier. But her energy explodes out from her from all sides first, her green energy nova consuming you near-instantly. Everything goes green, her power scorching you as she releases her strength. Fortunately you'd drawn her up away from the planet's surface higher into the air, keeping her attack from damaging the planet itself. But her attack's power slams into you, sending you flying back and down away from her, smashing into the sea below.

“Dammit, that one hurt.” you think to yourself, taking a moment to make sure you're still intact before blazing back up out of the sea. Haathe is where she'd been, body heaving as she takes deep, ragged breaths. “Not bad.”
“Haaaaaah, haaaah, Huaaaah.” she breathes, staring you down as you rise back up level with her.

Well, what now?
>Keep going, see how long she can keep this level of effort up
>Go on the attack, see if she can defend herself
>Now that she's burned a lot of her power, try and get her to start regaining control over her anger
>Fly over to her and grab her by the head, try and help her control her rage through your connection
>Other(write in)
>>Now that she's burned a lot of her power, try and get her to start regaining control over her anger
I don't want to try and use our connection as a leash just yet. I think she's better off learning how to wrangle this power by herself in the long run.
>Now that she's burned a lot of her power, try and get her to start regaining control over her anger
>Go on the attack, see if she can defend herself
The biggest weakness we had to deal with back then is Beserker's rage-induced lack of self preservation. I remember getting fucked over because Karn got too angry to dodge lethal attacks and subsequently getting dropped because of it.
Rolled 16 (1d100)

Now that she's burned a lot of her power, try and get her to start regaining control over her anger wins it. Roll me a 2d100, best of 4.

First DC: 85
Second DC: 50
Rolled 73, 89 = 162 (2d100)

Well, the site's still working. Everyone go off for a late lunch break or something?
Rolled 3, 11 = 14 (2d100)

nah just had family stuff to do
Rolled 22, 40 = 62 (2d100)

Slow Saturday, I guess
i'll wait another 6 minutes before taking the 4th roll
Rolled 14, 83 = 97 (2d100)

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Rolled 80, 69 = 149 (2d100)

73/100, 89/100. Failure and success, seems you don't quite get through to her this time. Writing.
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After watching her a moment, you decide to try reasoning with her. To get her to calm down and control the Berserker power, instead of letting it control her. You drift closer, arms outstretched as you gently call to her.

“Haathe? Can you hear me?” you say, her head snapping up to you. Eyes still glowing with power, but the light is significantly dimmer than usual. “Easy, easy. It's me. Karn.”
“Karn?” she asks, brows furrowing and eyes squinting, as if she's having trouble making you out. But you know she's struggling to see through the haze, the cloud of anger you're all too familiar with.
“That's right, it's me. Listen to me Haathe, you have to control it.” you continue encouragingly, getting closer to her as she freezes in place. “I know the anger's overwhelming, but focus on my voice. Listen to me, you're stronger than this. Don't let the anger consume you.”

As you talk, getting closer and closer, you can see her in there. She slowly lowers her hands, reaching out towards your own. But then you see a more familiar expression on her face, one that reminds you of the previous wielder of the Berserker Soul. And, in that moment, she's gone.

“GRRRAAAAAAAA!!” Haathe roars, aura blazing as her strength suddenly and rapidly DOUBLES! Aura blazing, lightning crackling around her, the force of her transformation pushes you back a bit. “HRRRRAAAAAAAAA!!”
“DAMMIT!” you snarl, flaring your own aura and dashing back in. Reaching over, grabbing her arms by the wrists. Getting your face right into her own. Trying to draw her focus, to not lose herself. “Look at me Haathe, don't you quit! Don't lose yourself to-!”

But she doesn't regain control, driving her forehead forward and smashing it right into your face. Breaking your grip, you wincing in pain as your nose breaks. Recoiling, she then tears her right free of your weakened grip, driving her fist straight into your broken nose. The much heavier blow sends you flying back, Haathe roaring as her power continues rising. Then as you reorient yourself, stopping your uncontrolled backwards flight, see her explode towards you. But you can handle this, taking your defensive stance. Once more she attacks wildly, swinging a heavy right. Which you block with your left forearm, deflecting her strike away from your face, sending it passing harmlessly over your left shoulder. While simultaneously going in, driving your right straight into her guts.

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“GUYUUUH?!” she spits, eyes wide in shock as your hit stuns her. Her arms go around her middle, you then driving your left into her own face. Snapping her head back, leaving her wide open for a heavy right to the chest that sends her flying. Your blow sends her all the way back to the mainland as you dash after her, ending your combination with a two-handed axe-handle to the guts. Sending her crashing down to the ground in the forest. She lands on her back with enough force to make a crater, the spray of soil and dust obscuring her form from you. After a moment you dive down after her, landing on the edge of the newly-made crater.

“Haathe.” you command, sweeping your right hand out. Blowing the dust away, revealing that she's pushing herself up, rising shakily to her feet. Her power is declining, but she's still in her transformed state.
“Grrrrrrrr!” she growls through clenched teeth, clearly not done yet.

But what do you do now?
>Keep up the pressure, knock her out so she can revert back to her base form
>Fly back down to her, grab her in your arms then activate your Unmovable Energy Body. Restrain her then try and break through to her, to get her to control herself
>Retake your fighting stance, wait and see what she does now while staying ready to defend yourself
>Fly down to her and grab her by the head, try and help her control the rage through your mental connection
>Other(write in)
>>Fly down to her and grab her by the head, try and help her control the rage through your mental connection
>Fly down to her and grab her by the head, try and help her control the rage through your mental connection
Hoo man, this brings back memories from trying to calm Broly down
>Fly back down to her, grab her in your arms then activate your Unmovable Energy Body. Restrain her then try and break through to her, to get her to control herself
>Fly down to her and grab her by the head, try and help her control the rage through your mental connection
Fly down to her and grab her by the head, try and help her control the rage through your mental connection wins it. Dominance attempt number one, roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 40
Second DC: ??
Third DC: 45
Rolled 95, 94, 71 = 260 (3d100)

Rolled 97, 3, 49 = 149 (3d100)

i think that other anon got this in the bag
Rolled 93, 81, 24 = 198 (3d100)

Rolled 98, 7, 65 = 170 (3d100)

fourth dad roll.
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98/100, 94/100, 71/100. Success, very high mystery and success. Writing.
Finally, THESE are the rolls we've been waiting for.
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But as she growls, you watch as she staggers, trying to step forward. You dash forward, catching her with your chest. Your hands go up to the sides of her head, closing your eyes and focusing on your telepathy.

“Come on Haathe, don't you give up on me.” you say aloud, connecting your mind to her own. Immediately you can feel the Berserker Soul's power engulfing her mind, feel her mind 'drowning' in that power. But while you gave it to her, that power is still ultimately yours. And it is yours to command. Wordlessly you reach into her fragment of the Berserker Soul, diving down into it and grabbing a hold of Hyoka's mind. You feel her gasp against you as you do, sensing her sudden clarity. And confusion.
“My lord?” she replies, recognizing you suddenly.
“That's right Haathe, I'm here. And I need you to listen to me.” you tell her, opening your eyes and staring into her own. She blinks, face subtly changing from the Berserker Soul's back to her appearance. “Don't let this anger consume you. You have to be strong.”

“I-I can't. It's too-” she starts, you gritting your teeth and focusing. Reaching out to her Berserker Soul fragment through your own, grabbing a hold of that power blazing out-of-control within her.
“No. You must control this, not let it control you.” you think to her, forcefully restraining her rampaging Berserker power. “Like this, Haathe. You can't let this rage consume you. Now, just like this. Suppress it.”
“I-I'll try.” you hear her say, watching as she closes her eyes. Her body trembles, struggling to control it through force. Which is when you remember something important.

“Take a deep breath, Haathe.” you tell her more gently, your ward's eyes opening as she looks up at you. “Breathe. Control your heart rate, slow it down. And it will be easier to control.”
“Right, right.” she says, taking a shaky, deep breath. Then sighing out slowly, exhaling everything she's got. Then she takes another breath, the trembling in her arms growing less intense. “Breathe. Breathe...”

You walk her through controlling her rage, restraining the Berserker Soul's wrath. And after a minute or two, she's gotten a handle on it. At least for now.

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“I-I got it.” she says, looking down at her hands then up to you. “I've got it!”
“Heh, very well done.” you tell her, reaching over and ruffling her hair. To which she beams at you, giving you a wide smile. “Now, let's head on back. You've got it for now, but we have to go practice.”
“Practice?” she asks you, tilting her head. “What do you mean?”
“Maintaining this level of control over the Berserker power requires practice.” you tell her, lifting up into the air. “Come on, let's head back to the island.”

“R-Right.” she replies, you both heading back across the continent. Flying over the forest, then the city, the sea for a brief moment then landing back down on the island. Right next to Broly, who is sitting with his legs crossed, the backs of his hands resting on his knees.
“Looks like you've gotten a decent hand on it.” he tells her, you sitting down near him and taking a similar position. “Come, join us.”
“Y-Yes.” she answers, sitting between you both, taking the same position and closing her eyes. “Now what?”

You and Broly walk her through what you do, how you both meditate to control your rage. Focusing on your breathing, on taking precise, measured breaths to keep your heart rate controlled. And for the rest of your morning training, she manages to keep her power under control. Or, rather, until her power suddenly plummets, gasping as she powers back down to her base form. Falling back, gasping for air.

“Haathe? You okay?” you ask her, turning and leaning over her.
“Wh-What? What happened?” she asks you, confused. “Why...? Why do I feel so much weaker?”
“It's okay, your body just reached its limit.” you tell her, surprised that she'd managed to maintain it for as long as she had. Perhaps it's due to how she gained it? “Close your eyes and relax, your body is exhausted. Take the time you need to recover.”
“R-Right.” she says, suddenly yawning and closing her eyes. Returning to your normal seated position you resume proper breathing, hearing Haathe's quiet snores after only a few moments. And as you sit there, focusing on controlling your powers, your son then reaches out to you.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Broly asks you telepathically, not breaking his breathing rhythm. “This kid could be dangerous, if you let her keep this power.”
“She could. That's why I'm going to teach her.” you reply, also telepathically. To ensure she can use her power responsibly, in defense of our people. Instead of mindlessly rampaging, possibly causing devastating damage to our world.”

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“I see.” he replies, you both continuing your meditation in silence. The rest of your training passes without incident, you and Broly both powering down simultaneously. Rising up to your feet, Haathe suddenly wakes, sitting straight up.
“I am awake.” she says, a hint of panic as she looks directly to you. As if she knew where you were, even while sleeping.
“Perfect timing. Ready to eat?” you ask her, the small growl in the silence answering the question. To which you laugh, reaching down and offering her a hand up. “Let's go everyone.

You lead your family to your ship's mess hall, enjoying a well-made meal as always by Silver and his assistants. Then, once filled up you lead everyone back to the training grounds. Where you're going to see what Haathe's really made of. Everyone else is already gathered, you and Meloka taking your usual spot atop the tallest gravity chamber and call down to them.

“Alright everyone, let's get down to business!” you call, readying everyone to begin.

But what do you do with Haathe?
>Have her go with Broly, should she transform and lose control he can stop her. Or at the very least keep her occupied until you can restrain her
>Have her join Goar. While he looks the most intimidating, you know he's also really protective of the newer students
>Ask Sabi, one of your older students to take her along. She's one of your longest-practicing students and one you've even left training to on occasion. She can handle her
>Tell her to join everyone, to find a group and get ready to start training. Let her do a bit on her own, to hopefully build her confidence in interacting with everyone
>Other(write in)
Hmmm, this is a hard one.
>Have her go with Broly, should she transform and lose control he can stop her. Or at the very least keep her occupied until you can restrain her
>diving down into it and grabbing a hold of Hyoka's mind.
>Ask Sabi, one of your older students to take her along. She's one of your longest-practicing students and one you've even left training to on occasion. She can handle her
She should be focusing on technique and strategy right now anyways, not transformation mastery.
>>Tell her to join everyone, to find a group and get ready to start training. Let her do a bit on her own, to hopefully build her confidence in interacting with everyone
It's been trying to autocorrect to that name every time, must have accidentally hit tab and didn't catch it. Whoops. But you know who I meant.
>>Ask Sabi, one of your older students to take her along. She's one of your longest-practicing students and one you've even left training to on occasion. She can handle her
>But you know who I meant.
Hilary Clinton, yeah I got chu.
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Rolled 83, 14, 1 = 98 (3d100)

Ask Sabi, one of your older students to take her along. She's one of your longest-practicing students and one you've even left training to on occasion. She can handle her wins it. A lot of faith in one of your oldest students, let's see if it's warranted. Writing.
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Rolled 91, 8 = 99 (2d100)

Oh. Well then...
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Whatever happens, don't tell the wife until we fix it.
>Whatever happens, don't tell the wife until we fix it.
Dawg. She's right there with us.
Oh. I can't read
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“Sabi. Mind doing me a favor?” you telepathically reach out to one of your eldest students, one who's been training under you since nearly the beginning. Only Lattu has been your student longer than her, not counting your children.
“Of course.” she replies, you outlining your plan. She agrees, flying up and over to Haathe as you end the link. “Come on newbie, you're with me.”
“Wh-What?” Haathe asks, sounding a bit nervous as Sabi clasps her hands in her own.
“You didn't think you get to just sit and watch for two whole days, did you?” Sabi replies, pulling her off and down among the others. Her ragged dress stands out quite a bit from the sea of training uniforms and PTO armors below. “Come on, let's get to work.”

“Keep a close eye on her for me.” you tell Sabi with a final thought, sending her a few mental images of what happened earlier.
“Don't worry, I was paying attention earlier.” she replies, ending the link as training begins. You trust in Sabi, leaving Haathe in her care as you start organizing the day's training. Splitting everyone up into their groups, each 'captain'd' by one of your elder students. The older, more experienced students helping each of the newer ones, your training group having grown to well over two hundred students today. Which, as you're counting heads does give you an ominous feeling for a moment, but you shake it off. Surely, if anything goes down, you'll be able to handle it. Right?

The feeling you'd felt quickly wears off as you all get to work, you moving from group to group, correcting improper technique, giving encouragements where needed, and even demonstrating the techniques you're trying to teach to them. Everything goes well for more than an hour, you moving between the gravity chambers and the open air, but right as you're about to call it a day hear someone shout.

“You don't belong here!” a woman's voice calls with a snarl, you then hearing a crash as someone's slammed to the ground. A massive pillar of dust rises from the impact, you immediately dashing over. “Bitch.”
“GET BACK!” you shout from the opposite side of the area, your nearby students immediately getting clear instead of crowding around. Knowing not to get between you and any fight that breaks out. Rushing through, you see one of the newer students, one whose face looks somewhat familiar rising up from where she'd thrown the other student. But before you can say anything, feel a familiar power surging.

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“Shit!” you mutter under your breath as Haathe's powerlevel spikes dramatically, her ki exploding out into a pillar of emerald.
“Wh-What?!” the woman shouts, Sabi grabbing her by the collar and kicking her in the back of the knees. Stealing her balance, disorienting her and allowing Sabi to slam her forehead into the woman's. “Gaaah!”
“You stupid little-!” Sabi shouts at her, only for Haathe to rise up out of the crater. Eyes blazing crimson through her surging energy, having retaken her Berserker form. “Dammit!”

And to her credit, Sabi tosses the woman back towards Goar and a couple others, transforming in a flash to her Ascended Super Saiyan form.

“That's enough!” she then shouts, flying up to Haathe. Only for the Berserker power to blaze, physically repelling Sabi from her. And, seeing a target who looks vaguely similar to the one who'd tossed her, Haathe goes on the attack.
“GRRRAAAAA!!” she bellows, blitzing forward and swinging a wild, heavy right for her head. Again, to her credit she sees the blow coming and dodges it with the Su Ma technique, swinging her own spinning left hook into Haathe's jaw. But the powerlevel gap is far too dramatic, her punch not even causing Haathe to flinch.
“What?!” Sabi says, only to take a powerful elbow to the guts faster than she can react. The force of which knocks your student out of her transformation, sending her flying.

“Cauli!” you shout to your daughter, dashing up to the rampaging Berserker.
“On it!” you hear your daughter call, taking off after Sabi. Dammit, this isn't working out.
“HRRRAAAAAAAA!!” Haathe roars furiously, turning to go after her. But you're faster, flying up between her and where she's sent Sabi flying towards, arms wide and blocking her path. “GRRRRR!”

Well, you have her attention. But what now?
>You don't have time for subtlety right now, go on the attack. Beat her into submission, then try and get her to re-establish control of her power
>Restrain her with your Su Ma Grappling and Unmovable Energy Body, then try and get her to regain control
>Try and get through to her, to get her to control herself and keep her power from rampaging out-of-control
>Reach out directly and FORCE her Berserker Soul to power down. She can learn to control it when there aren't so many who could become collateral damage nearby, your students' safety comes first right now
>Other(write in)
>Restrain her with your Su Ma Grappling and Unmovable Energy Body, then try and get her to regain control
Its like training Broly when he was a kid.
>Restrain her with your Su Ma Grappling and Unmovable Energy Body, then try and get her to regain control
Okay, so in her own Berserker form, Haathe's strong enough to one-shot somebody with a powerlevel of roughly one billion.
What's that make her base powerlevel, something like 6 or 7 million?
>Reach out directly and FORCE her Berserker Soul to power down. She can learn to control it when there aren't so many who could become collateral damage nearby, your students' safety comes first right now
Restrain her with your Su Ma Grappling and Unmovable Energy Body, then try and get her to regain control wins it. Roll me a 2d100, let's see if you can hold her.

First DC: 55
Second DC: 80
Rolled 79, 57 = 136 (2d100)

Rolled 87, 55 = 142 (2d100)

Rolled 12, 46 = 58 (2d100)

10 minutes, I go again...
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87/100, 57/100. Success and failure, let's see how this plays out. Writing.
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“Everyone, get clear. I'll handle this.” you call out to everyone nearby, keeping your gaze focused on Haathe. “Don't get in the way.”
“Damn General, been getting around?” someone calls out jokingly, to which several of your students laugh. Feeling completely unworried, wholly convinced that you'll be able to keep her restrained. Which you'd better not disappoint them, you can't fail in front of them. So, you dash forward, flashing up into your own Berserker form. Surprisingly, her transformed power is very near your own base Berserker strength, but you're not worried. Confident in your abilities, in your skill against the woman rampaging, you dash straight towards her.

“HRRAAAAAAA!!” Haathe roars, dashing straight at you and firing another heavy, wild right. Which you easily dodge around, using the same technique Sabi had. But instead of going for the left to the jaw, getting behind her. Immediately Haathe throws a wild left elbow back, which you lean back under. But as you do, you reach up, grabbing onto her arm with both of her own. And before she realizes what's happening you swing your legs up, pressing them to her chest as you pull her arm to yours, pulling and leaning back. Until you hear a sickening pop, feeling the strength in her left arm disappearing as you dislocate it. “GUUUAAAAAH! GYAAAAAAAH!!”

Haathe roars in pain, her energy flaring wildly. Her strength surges as the pain rocks her, energy exploding out from her in an uncontrolled surge. The Explosive Wave blasts you back, you riding the blast back and letting go of her arm instead of risking doing real damage. The dislocation is painful and renders her arm unusable, but it isn't serious damage. You can pop it back into place for her easily enough, once she's gotten herself back under control.

“HAAAAAA!!” she roars, suddenly dashing in at you once more. Left arm limply hanging, flying behind her as she closes in, she fires another heavy right at you. Once more you go to spin around her blow, ready to finish this. But she doesn't finish the attack, stopping her right and drawing it back, twisting and driving her left knee at your chest! A feint!
“Tch!” you exclaim, unable to evade in time. Forced to raise your hands, catching her knee with them both. Only for her to drive her other knee up into your left forearm just at your elbow, your arm going numb from the point of contact down instantly. “Keh-!?”
“GRRAAAAA!!” she roars while you're stunned, driving her right fist straight into your face. You feel an uncomfortable crunch as you're sent flying back, your glowing emerald blood spraying from the impact.

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“FUCK!” you snarl, flipping back once and slowing your backwards flight as Haathe roars to the sky. Her powerlevel continues rising, strength surging higher and higher as her power quickly doubles. Once more rising up to Ascended Berserker levels, her strength even eclipsing your own as lightning crackles through her aura. But she doesn't stop there, as reality itself begins to distort around her.


“HRRRR! GRRYAAAAAAA!!!” she roars, throwing her head back as her power continues to swell. Her might grows, greater and greater as she ascends even further beyond. The air trembles, New Salda shaking as Haathe unleashes the true power of the Berserker Soul. You all watch on in shock as her hair begins growing longer and longer. Stretching down her back, aura blazing as the very colors of the world distort and shift. You watch, feeling shocked as she finishes transforming, taking on the power you'd thought impossible: Berserker God. “GRRRRRRAAAAAAAAA!!”

Well, this is a rather unexpected development.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 218 paused-
That's it for tonight, and this weekend. Everyone enjoy the ride? Ready to face down a power equal to your own? Curious just how strong Haathe is, and how she's managed to tap into this power? And, perhaps even more importantly, how OTHERS will perceive what's happening, like the other deities? Unfortunately I won't be able to run this Sunday, so for now this episode's unfortunately ending here for this weekend. But, as of right now we're still running next weekend regular time, so we'll continue this one then!
Consider yourself a master of inducing blueballs, I'm hyped for this fight. Genuinely didn't think Haathe could tap into the Berserk Soul to this degree.
Anyways, time to run a Djem-So clinic on the lass until she passes out. This will be a learning experience for everybody I guess.
It is quite the dramatic turn, that's for sure.
>Genuinely didn't think Haathe could tap into the Berserk Soul to this degree.
Why? No, really, why? What else is she BUT the Berserker Soul?
That it will be, including Karn.
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Alright stupid question time. Would it be possible to emulate the ignition and disabling of a Lightsaber with our Super Ki Blade? I ask because I think Karn is more than ready to start incorporating high level maneuvers like Trakata into his Djem-So (dishonorable as they may be)
>Haathe going Beserker God already
Is this what Dr. White meant by complications?
>is it possible
Yes. But that would be the least-efficient use of energy. Releasing a hand from that blade and activating a second, regular ki blade, firing Death Beams from your fingers or Eye Beams, so many more practical used of ki in any situation you COULD use Trakata.
One of, yes. He’d theorized she would be able to do so.
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>Finally check the thread on time for a session
>Forgot that we're skipping Sunday this weekend
It hurts friend, we understand
Same here, was about ready to roll
Yeah, I had the final session of a nearly three-year campaign today. A rather anti-climactic ending, with only three of the original six players left. And two of us sided with the lich who helped us fight the aliens, undead amusement park expanding cross-versal.
Hopefully you'll be around for next weekend, where as of right now we'll be going for the whole weekend.
Well, if you want a roll, I could use a few for the patron epilogue I'll be writing throughout the week. Along with the Xeno Trunks epilogue.
Rolled 60 (1d100)

Rolled 47, 60 = 107 (2d100)

Rolling for Maz and Kayle's survival.
With rolls like that, lucky their lives aren’t on the line.
Rolled 1, 11, 17 = 29 (3d100)

Could be worse. Observe.
Damn, bye kid. Nice knowing you.
Rolled 83, 2, 80 = 165 (3d100)

Rolled 14 (1d100)

damn, even when it's for patreon the kid can't catch a break.
Rolled 22, 95, 79, 60 = 256 (4d100)

Late but here's mine, don't know how many dice you want so I went with a fun but reasonable number
Rolled 88, 54, 76, 32 = 250 (4d100)

>Trunks rolls to Dad for some reason
Rolled 5, 96, 41 = 142 (3d100)

Leave rolling to me
Some decent rolls in here, along with some ass. Trunks is going to find out some information he wasn't expecting to get after returning back to New Conton, But as for Tatsu and Tomi's trials, well. We'll see.

Might not have this intermission finished by Thursday but will have it done Friday since I have that day off this week. So, if I don't get it done Thursday don't worry, I'm going to have it finished this time.
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That is not a happy chimp.
I feel this image needs the jojo menacing script. Speaking of, been a few years in-quest since they’ve shown up. Wonder how things are going along
Surely Jotaro has realized the importance of keeping up with his training and being a good father to his family. Surely.
Also I hope Joseph is actually a part of Josuke's life after our talk with him.
He has learned one of those lessons. The other, well. He's still in college at the moment, doesn't yet have a family of his own yet.
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>He's still in college at the moment, doesn't yet have a family of his own yet.
Well hopefully Joseph is setting a good example for the day Jotaro has to step up. God knows Sadao didn't.
Well, after what Jotaro learned of his grandfather recently, and his prepubescent "uncle"... How Joseph handles this will be the deciding factor
As a side to whether or not Jotaro ends up being a dirtbag, I hope Josuke and Okira get the chance to meet sometime.
I feel like they'd both learn a lot from the other, and I think it would be good for Okira to realize that she's not as rare a specimen as she might think she is. Even with her family around, it can get kinda lonely for a Stand User on New Salda.
No, I haven't forgotten about Koruza. He just gets the short end of the stick 90% of the time because the option to hang with him is usually at odds with dealing with something way more urgent.
She's interested in Cauli's stories of the Joestars she met. Especially the one with the tall hair.
No, she's still EXCEPTIONALLY rare. Just changing reality as you see fit, as long as you don't try to change a living bekng? Broken.
True, there's only Freeza, Karn, Caulifla, Okira and Koruza regularly on New Salda.
Yes, but unlike Chilli he was used to only seeing his father and his half sibling stand users for a week every month, or three months out of a year.
Regardless, I do feel bad about inadvertently passing on spending time with Koruza 9 times out of 10. I wonder if we can incorporate him into our training somehow to make up for some of that lost time.
Well maybe you should have thought of that before you had a dozen fuckin kids ya?
Our baby boy is a good son and I want to spend time with him when we AREN'T putting out fires. Its like Chilli 2.0
Josuke and Okira would be adorable if they met
Nobody cares what faggots think
Yes, he's not been the most prominent. Because his arc is upcoming, but with what's coming I hope we'll have more time for family matters. Although there'll probably be a lot of life lessons involved, for better or worse. Better get your dadding britches on.
That's not entirely Karn's fault. Nor his choice
I can understand. Once this new fire is put out, or at least controlled, we'll be moving on to other adventures. For now.
the previous thread isnt archived to suptg
THANK YOU for letting me know about this, don't want another two episodes archived out of order.
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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 218 Intermission-


“Well done, Trunks. I do believe you fared far better against him this time, than last.” the Demon God tells you as you rise up to your feet, you turning to look Mechikabura in the eye. “You're becoming quite competent.”
“I guess, but I still haven't managed to best him.” you reply, looking up to the Demon God. Who seems to be smiling genuinely, although with Mechikabura it's hard to tell. “Even with this power, I-”
“It is not about the power. Although, your divine power is at a distinct disadvantage against him.” Mechikabura agrees, nodding along. “But you lasted long enough. He'll still be ready to go when that party is crashed.”

“Wait, what?” you ask, turning fully to him. “What do you mean?”
“Heh. Did you think that his family's functions would cease to be disturbed simply because YOU no longer did so?” he asks you with a smirk. “No, there's a certain... Rhythm to these things. Now that you of the Time Patrol aren't invading, another has risen to take that place. It's funny, how these things work out.”
“But who?” you ask, feeling like you're missing something. “Who else would be stupid enough to attack that family?”

“Come, I'll show you. It will be quite the show.” Mechikabura says, turning and walking to the door of the medical room. Glancing back, you see Hyoka's still, unmoving body in the bed. She is still hooked up to the machines keeping her alive, the medical bots keeping her under constant surveillance. Constantly monitoring her, ensuring the unique body of the construct . You had been here watching her, wondering if there was some way to bring her back?

You are Trunks. Former second-in-command of the Time Patrol and right hand man of Chronoa, before your world was turned upside down. But after the Conton City Siege, where Karn led an army of Berserkers into this place, leveling the city and killing many of its inhabitants, the truth about Chronoa had come to life. Of what she'd done to the Aeos, Chronoa, and Mechikabura native to this reality, as well as what she'd done to the previous realities. Including the one Mechikabura himself came from. But you glance back at Hyoka's soulless husk a moment, then turn and leave her. Following Mechikabura out the door, down the hall then back out into Conton City. Or, rather, New Conton as it has been dubbed by the people. A rather fitting name, as the old city died when the Berserkers leveled it and damn near everyone who lived there.
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Emerging out of the medical facility into the daylight, you shield your eyes a moment from the midday sun. Mechikabura, seemingly unaffected is already taking to the air, you taking a moment to adjust then leap up into the air after him. Flying over the city, you look down upon it, feeling a faint smile come to your face. After the battle, after Mechikabura reappointed Aeos as the reigning Supreme Kai of Time, he had mostly stepped back. Aeos, for her part focused on studying the Time Scrolls, seeing what had changed and the state of the multiverse since her imprisonment. Leaving the reconstruction of the city to you. It took years and a lot of blood and sweat, but as you see the smiling faces of the city's citizens as you fly over them know it was worth it.

“Hey, it's Trunks!” someone calls, you looking down to see a few people looking up and waving. You wave back to them with a smile. They no longer cower in fear of the Demon God you're flying behind, no one you see constantly glancing over worriedly towards where the Berserkers attacked from anymore. “Keep up the hard work!”
“You too!” you call down, following Mechikabura as he flies over to the mountain, landing before the sealed gate to the Time Nest. You remember how there were muttered complaints when the seal went up, especially from some of the older Time Patrollers. But not only the veterans had issues.

“Why are you doing this?” Maple, the redheaded Tuffle warrior had asked, brows furrowed as she stepped forward. “Why are you sealing off the Time Nest?”
“Simple. This is a security measure. Nothing more.” he'd said, summoning a Broly. One who's in the powerful Super Saiyan Four form, powers controlled with one of Towa's mind control masks. He'd then pointed, the Broly charging at the shimmering magical barrier without hesitation. He dashes into it, but as he makes contact suddenly he stops. Freezing completely in place, his body is seemingly trapped. Or, as you realize, trapped in time. “Anyone unauthorized to enter will be frozen in time, trapped in place. It isn't a harmful barrier, at least not initially. Only should one foolishly persist after being removed from the portal shall it begin having negative repercussions.”

He then walks over, grabbing Broly's arm and pulling him out of the prismatic magical barrier. The Berserker looks around wildly, eyes wide with confusion as his mind tries to comprehend what happened. Mechikabura then snaps his fingers, sending the Broly back to wherever he'd been summoned from before turning back to you all. He explains how this new time gate worked, how it would stop anyone unauthorized from entry without causing any physical harm. A rather merciful option, one you wouldn't have thought would come from Mechikabura. At least, wouldn't have thought before you started working for him.
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Your time serving under the Demon King showed you a different side to the being Chronoa had tried to paint as pure evil. He has his own agenda, sure, and doesn't much care for those who work for those who work for him. But he's a practical man, never destroying without reason and never wasting resources. Including living ones, those working to further his own goals.

“A hard lesson I learned, one that had nearly cost me everything. By betraying the Karn from my own reality, I myself nearly perished.” Mechikabura had told you before, you thinking back to that moment. “I had thought him a useful tool, a weapon to be wielded and then discarded. But that act turned him to my greatest foe.”

But your mind turns from that revelation back to the present as you both land before the Time Nest portal, the few people waiting outside giving it a wide berth. For the first month or two, seeing Time Patrollers frozen in time inside that Time Gate was a common sight. Everyone who was far more used to Chronoa's way, of having basically unlimited access to the Time Nest at all hours since the days of Toki Toki City took a month or two to adjust. But now, everyone's grown accustomed to the new system, waiting in the rows of seats on either side of the gate along the walls, waiting on their turns to be called to enter by the mechanical assistants. Without hesitation Mechikabura strides towards the gate, you stopping and turning as a familiar voice calls your name.

“Trunks! Good to see you.” the man says, you turning and seeing your former mentor standing up with a smile. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, we're all fine.” you reply to Gohan, giving your one-armed mentor a smile back. “Just going to check on something. What are you doing here?”
“Was called up here about five minutes ago, not sure what the mission is yet.” he replies, holding up the small disc with a number on it. “I'll let you know how it goes... Boss.”
“Hey...” you say, still feeling odd about being not only your former master's boss, but are now OLDER than he was when he died as well. To which he laughs, flipping the coin up to ruffle your hair with his hand before catching it again. “Come on...”

“Go on, Mechikabura's already leaving you behind.” he says, you turning and seeing that, sure enough, he's going straight through the portal. You head off after him, not looking back. For a moment as you enter the barrier feel yourself stop, but then the resistance fades, you passing through it. Reality distorts a moment, then as it comes back into place you find yourself back once more inside the Time Nest. Which looks exactly as it had before, Aeos not changing anything as far as the looks of the place. The broken Time Machines have been removed, and all the damage from your battle with Karn undone.
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But Aeos hasn't changed anything about the Time Nest itself, the far more diligent Kai spending all her time in the main chamber studying the Time Scrolls. Mechikabura leads you to the central chamber, walking up the steps then down into the room.

“Mechikabura.” Aeos says, not looking up from the two scrolls she has sitting out on the table. But then, all of a sudden you feel a powerful surge of power, stopping in place. The very air thrums with familiar power, you looking around wildly a moment for the massive warrior. But despite sensing his power, you don't see Karn anywhere. But your sudden panic is clearly noticed. “What's wrong?”
“Don't you both sense-? Oh, right. It's Karn, I can sense his power!” you say, the goddess's eyes widening. Mechikabura immediately draws the Time Scroll out of his robes, you all seeing it engulfed in the familiar emerald aura. “What the hell?”
“Well then, let's see what he's up to.” Mechikabura says, striding confidently over to the table. Unfurling the scroll, the three of you peer in, watching the scene unfold. Only to see Karn ISN'T the one to be unleashing this power, but there is another. A woman, wielding the power of the Berserker God.

“Who is that?” you ask, unable to take your eyes away from her. “Where did she come from?”
“This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them.” Aeos says, looking a bit worried.
“I...Don't know.” Mechikabura says, you turning to him as your jaw abruptly hits the floor. How the hell doesn't HE know who that is?! But then he grins, a wicked, menacing look. “But let us see how this plays out. It should be quite the show.”

“GRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAA!!” the woman roars, charging right at Karn. Who is also in his transformed state, rushing forward to meet her charge. You have NO idea how this is going to play out, but as the two Berserker Gods clash, a cold pit forms in your stomach. You've got a bad feeling about this.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 218 Intermission End-
Also, we're now under 24 hours until this episode continues! Hope you're ready to see what Haathe can really do.
Huh, makes sense he doesn't know, Karn has a habit of doing impossible stuff, and replacing the Dark of a Shard of Manus with his own Berserker Soul is so out of left field hed never consider it if he wasn't watching that exact moment.

Also interesting that our Aura can affect the timescroll directly and how only Trunks sensed it.
Yes, he will be VERY interested in Haathe. Discovering her may well give him insights into another being. Or, rather, a being-shaped vessel.
That's the easiest part to explain, as we've seen it play out over and over. Remember, deities cannot sense Karn's Berserker God power. And at that time Trunks was the only mortal present.
Isn't trunks now also a baby time god? Or was that removed from him?
Technically he’s still an apprentice, but it’s more akin to Chaya’s form. Any deity cannot sense Karn’s power, but Trunks is still mostly mortal. That divine power only really kicks in for him when he goes SSG or above.
Here's a question.

Was chronoa the skot only for karns universe and there are others for different universes?

As we don't really see to many (any?) time patrol missions in other universes.

Or is it that only our universe is so fucked up in the time line that it requires intervention?
Chronoa was THE Supreme Kai of Time, in charge of reality itself. Technically speaking, the Time Nest is outside of time. Toki Toki City, Conton City, and now New Conton are just places built to connect that place beyond reality to a time and place. Technically it is part of the Prime Scroll, the first scroll all deviations come from.
As for the reason you don't see any other missions, well, that's two-fold. First, you weren't a part of the Time Patrol and never got to go out on their missions. And second, when they intervene elsewhere, their success rate is nearly flawless at returning timelines to their normal course.
Basically she covers all universes, but only really U7 gets severely fucked up most of the time and once shit is fixed, it generally stays fixed, u7 bullshit is an exception.
Yes. Canonically, the planet Conton City is on is in the far reaches of Universe 7, barely within that universe. But is still within it.
Darksied really is just a cosmic replacement for Trunks, poor guy. Kind of funny that Karn's family gatherings being crashed is a fundamental law of reality though.
Ha. But, unlike Trunks, Darkseid's really a threat. Not only to you, but your entire reality.

Been awhile since I've done one of these, so I reckon today's as good a day as any. What do you think of this episode's recent developments with Haathe? Your thoughts on the kids' relationships(or lack thereof)? Soon after finishing this development with Haathe, we'll be spending more time with the family, focusing back on them awhile before the gods' fickle nature interrupts this peace. Who are you most looking forward to possibly getting more time with? This isn't limited to the kids/grandkids either, King Vegeta, Leyas and Sarada, Elders Guru and Pybara, King Cold, Arctus, all sorts of beings may need a nudge in the "right" direction. And speaking of direction, what do you plan on doing with the one who attacked Haathe unprovoked? I hinted before you may recognize her from somewhere, I wonder who will guess it first...?
>What do you think of this episode's recent developments with Haathe?
The wider implications of this are very interesting (and probably should have been more present to us after the raid on Conton City), but really I'm more worried about whether or not we can subdue Haathe without her body giving or beating her into a coma.
>Your thoughts on the kids' relationships(or lack thereof)?
I guess I shouldn't be so surprised that they're not the most outgoing socially. Maybe we should encourage them to go out on more missions, that seems to be the best way to interact with other kids their age.
>Who are you most looking forward to possibly getting more time with?
Honestly, as far as the younger kids go, it's roughly equal for all of them. I'm interested in seeing how they're all developing, and it's become clear that they're all experiencing their own unique dilemmas (that I very much want to help them with)
>This isn't limited to the kids/grandkids either
I see many day trips in Karn's future.
>And speaking of direction, what do you plan on doing with the one who attacked Haathe unprovoked?
Is she one of the ones involved in the incident with Milha?
We need to get Maza to have a sit-down chat with Frieza. Frieza can tell him how lame being a ruler is; having to sit around half the day, doing paper-work and administrating, rather than being able to spend that time training. (Vegeta could tell him the same, but no way in hell is Maza going to listen to what Vegeta has to say). Kid's ego is driving him to want to be in charge, purely for the sake of being in charge / number one. Might not even turn out to be what he really wants / enjoys.

Karn-mode is best mode. Enough status for comfortable and well-supplied living conditions, and for few people to have bullshit institutional authority to flex over you, but no business workload.

And, yeah, need more Koruza time. More Maz and Kayle would be nice. Seeing more of what's going on with Tatsu and Tomi; how they're dealing with the changes and their differing perspectives. Following up with Okira and how she's going with getting a handle on Berserker. Playing with Karn Jr: maybe we should try throwing Karn Jr across the ocean; kids love it when you pick them up in the pool and throw them. Same thing right?

Maybe we should have a chat to Chilli regarding his physical progression; he's obviously magically powerful, but is he working towards something in terms of his Saiyan transformations? Golden Oozaru -> SS4? God path?

I'm also keen on some more time with Ubo. He's clearly powerful as fuck, but we haven't really had a chance for a decent spar with him in a long while.
Why do you think he took your scroll with him? And that's a question of how durable she is.
Living apart from everyone, no relatively close community at your home does impact friendships, true.
The younger kids are coming into their own, or at least starting those journies.
Not necessarily, as many of them won't require you to leave your planet.
Now you're thinking with portals.
Would Maza listen to a Freeza though? Really? Maybe, but that may depend on how an interaction with them go. As for being in charge, that's what he WANTS. He sees rule as his birthright, both of the demon realm as well as of the Saiyans.
The kids all will have their moments, or most of them at least. Some are adults now with their own lives. Speaking of, Chilli hasn't necessarily been neglecting his physical training. He's not going full Buu arc Gohan on us. But he seeks what lies beyond physical strength.
As for Ubo, well. He and the other two known Kryptonians are making plans. And may or may not be visiting Namek soon.

You didn't see the post where I dropped the (You).
>the other two known Kryptonians
Well there's Clark and...Kara? Ryu?
In this timeline you know of Superman and, well you never got a name/alias but yes Supergirl. Speaking of, wonder if Cadmus has gotten their hands on her yet...?
Galatea in canon is one thing, but if they managed to swipe some Saiyan DNA samples...
Man that bitch is gonna be scary.
If someone had used your dna, in that particular experiment, you would probably have had dreams of it.
Can we still bang the bio-alien that results of it either way? Asking for a friend.
I would advise against attempting such actions.
Well maybe not Karn's DNA. We had practically the whole family there at one point after all.
And none of your family have been captured for long enough to be chosen for this. Yet.
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As characters like Yujiro prove, you CAN have sex with anything weaker with a hole. Doesn’t mean you should.
Realistically if you had such high testosterone that you saw everything as a female, you'd go bald and then probably immediately die. The fact that he didn't proves he is truly the strongest creature on Earth.

We're lucky we didn't meet him or he'd show us our inner woman. Whew.

Baki is such a goofy fucking series I swear to god kek. It's so fucking brainless yet overthinks everything. It's like the Yakuza series where the goofy and the serious blend together in this barely comprehensible but delicious soup.
>he's baki-pilled
Finally, another joins the fold.
The word you're looking for is "earnest". For better or worse, Itagaki fucking loves martial arts and it shows.
New discussion.
How long would it take Yujiro to defeat Madara Uchiha? To clarify, I'm definitely NOT Talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with Shining Trapezohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after Alucard, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit and Gedou Mazou, with Hashirama Senju's DNA implanted in him so he has mokuton kekkei genkai and can perform yin yang release ninjutsu while being an expert in kenjutsu and taijutsu and having eaten Popeye's spinach.
I'm talking about sagemode sage of the six paths Juubi Jinchuuriki Gedou Rinne Tensei Legendary Super Saiyan 4 Uchiha Madara with the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, Rinnegan, Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, and Geass doujutsus, equipped with his Shining Trapezohedron while casting Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann as his Susanoo, controlling the Gold Experience Requiem stand, having become the original vampire after having absorbed Alucard as well as a God Hand, able to tap into the speedforce, wearing the Kamen Rider Black RX suit, with Kryptonian DNA implanted in him and having eaten Popeye's spinach while possessing quantum powers like Dr. Manhattan and having mastered Hokuto Shinken.
Not necessarily, but the meme’s funny. Although, poor Yujiro doesn’t quite stack up to this verse.
Nah, just know some of the memes.
Speaking of old memes…
I'll just clap back with the classic "Could he beat Goku tho?!". The unbeatable counter.

Yujiro is powered by plot. Punching an Earthquake away one second, put to sleep with darts and a net the next. What a guy. He'll stack up to any challenge as the author demands.
>Nah, just know some of the memes.
I genuinely recommend it nonetheless. Even the parts that have thus-far only been scanlated by a crazy person who makes shit up.
If he looked back a day and just saw Karn doing his usual adoption schick he wouldn't even question it.
Obviously Hyoka is some kind of Dark puppet, but where the fuck did Pinky find her? Or how did she create it?
He wishes he was, unfortunately for him though, he is quickly on the path to earning Joycrime beatdowns for ruining our kids birthdays. Because its not a hate crime if you like it.
Haathe a good bean, and I hope she finds someone she likes on this planet, or in general.
Kinda worried our kids dont have a lot of friends.
I want to prevent another Chilli and help Koruza for a bit, he is a good bean and needs some dad time. The twins too, both sets.
Maybe go check on the Joestars and hang with Ubo and the League for a bit, give Batman conniptions when we offer to teach him and Supes whatever tricks Ubo hasn't gotten around too.
Its our baby girls first bully again, isnt it.
Broken legs until she learns basic respect for fellow students. And people in general, if Karn himself saying someone is cool isnt enough of a lesson, the beatings will continue until it sticks.
this too. Chilli needs to get back in the gym.
>Broken legs until she learns basic respect for fellow students.
If it is her, she clearly has a problem with the way we run things. I say we oblige her and give her a shot at taking our rank in a duel.
I think Bane would agree that we need some practice instilling terror in our enemies after all.
I want her to learn, not break, just because we COULD break someone pissing us off isn't going to send the right message is we do.
If it is actually her or one of her toadies, the best teaching aide (in my opinion) is a constant reminder of the futility of their actions contrast to ours. In my mind, the best way to do that is to imprint on their psyche an image of death incarnate focused solely on their being.
We literally did that already, in a club full of rowdy teenagers, and that didn't work...I think...its Dadding Time
You're technically right, but we don't even know if it's her. For all we know, this could just be another xenophobic new-gen Saiyan (which is a disturbingly likely possibility)
Plot beings either win or fail spectacularly.
Don’t really have the will to. Meme videos are as much as I watch on it.
>Obviously Hyoka is some kind of Dark puppet
Not quite.
>Kinda worried our kids dont have a lot of friends
They don’t bring their friends around, being intimidated by Karn’s presence.
No. But it may be someone out for revenge.
He’s working on some different powers.
After what Towa did to her, the “ringleader” isn’t starting any more trouble.
We’ll see.
>After what Towa did to her, the “ringleader” isn’t starting any more trouble.
Well that's just troubling. This anti-alien sentiment isn't THAT common among the young blood, is it?

To be fair, a LOT of aliens who have come to New Salda have not been friendly.
>To be fair, a LOT of aliens who have come to New Salda have not been friendly.
And a whole lot of Saiyans wouldn't be around to talk shit if it weren't for Aliens interfering. Besides, they're all part of an intergalactic military pulling from hundreds, if not thousands, of races.
Racism is probably gonna be ever-present, sure, but we need people who can keep it in their pants long enough not to beat on a fucking guest during a training session. Concealing one's powerlevel is a time honored tradition in the military for a reason.
In terms of scale, there have been more invaders to New Salda than guests ever since the Siege. Even all these years later. And while there are Saiyan supremacists(not without reason) and those who even want to break away from the PTO entirely, become their own empire. Besides, you don't see what goes on in the city, or in certain PTO posts outside New Salda. Freeza's old attitude towards the Saiyans is still quite prevalent.
Well, nothing but the passage of time and earnest effort from our people can change that I guess. It'd be nice to see older Saiyans take on some leadership positions within the PTO, that and for the young blood to start going out on missions regularly again.
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Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:

Karn discovered Haathe's true potential, the former Abyssal being now one with his Berserker Soul. Giving her the ability to tap into the powers of the Berserker forms, including, as Karn discovers near the end of the training day with his students. Haathe, furious at being attacked by a new student claiming she didn't belong unleashed her own Berserker form. And not only that, as Karn struggles to control her, Haathe unleashes the full power of the Berserker Soul. Becoming a Berserker God, roaring to the heavens in challenge as we rejoin Karn.

'GRRRAAAAAAAAAAA! HRRRAAAAAAAA!!” Haathe roars, the reality distortions coming to a stop with her final roar. Lowering her head, she then sees you, lip curling back as she snarls. “RRRRAAAAAA!!”
“Come on, show me what you've got!” you call to her loudly, taking your fighting stance.
“GRRRAAAAAAAA!!” she roars, exploding down towards you. Dashing in, you meet her charge with your forearm. Blocking her heavy right with your left arm, then fire your own right at her head. Haathe raises her own left, near-identical to your own stance and blocks your punch too.

“Heh. To think you can even wield this power.” you say as she snarls, you both shoving each other back. You retake your fighting stance as Haathe, lost to her rage roars to the sky once more. You need to find a way to calm her down, to get her under control before she hurts someone. At this level, she could cause quite a lot of damage, if not destroy the entire world.

But what do you do?
>Rush and attack, use your full, unrestrained power to quickly subdue her
>Activate your Energy Body and defend, keep her focused on and attacking you until she wears herself out
>Use her to practice your Su Ma, evade her attacks and counter
>Telepathically reach out to Raven, have her create a portal so you can draw Haathe to Raxus Prime and battle there
>Other(write in)
>Telepathically reach out to Raven, have her create a portal so you can draw Haathe to Raxus Prime and battle there
>Use her to practice your Su Ma, evade her attacks and counter
Usually I'd default to Energy Body and tanking, but if she's actually in our weight class AND has at least some of our techniques, I don't trust that shit not to crack.
Therefore I suggest we fight her like we'd fight...Karn. Dance around her until she gets tired and tries to turn the tables with something big. THEN we spring a counter and beat her into submission.
>Telepathically reach out to Raven, have her create a portal so you can draw Haathe to Raxus Prime and battle there
Alright changing to this. God forbid she knock us out cold and start heading towards Meloka or the other students.
Telepathically reach out to Raven, have her create a portal so you can draw Haathe to Raxus Prime and battle there wins it. Roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 40
Second DC: ??
Third DC: 60

Since we're Berserker God, it's best of 4.
Rolled 42, 27, 9 = 78 (3d100)

I have to wonder if Raven can't teach anybody else how to make portals. Besides Okira I mean.
Rolled 68, 48, 24 = 140 (3d100)

Chilli could, but he has his own variant of portal magic. And Okira can rewrite the laws of reality with a sentence. To get someone else to make her portals, she'd have to find someone who has an aptitude for magic first. Not a common trait on New Salda.
Well, I can think of least one permanent resident of New Salda that might be able to sling a spell or two.
Shame she's trying to rip our head off at the moment.
Rolled 34, 53, 13 = 100 (3d100)

I roll...AGAIN.
Should I take these three, or does anyone want the fourth roll?
Rolled 4, 89, 82 = 175 (3d100)

Okay I don't know if I'm technically eligible for a third roll, but if nobody else is gonna take it...
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We'll take it since voting's slow today. 68/100, 89/100, 82/100. Success, high mystery, and success, writing.
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“Raven, if you're free I could use a portal.” you think to the Guardian, Haathe charging furiously at you again. This time you catch her right fist in your left hand, stopping that strike. Then catch her left in your right, holding her back. “Throw it up behind me, if you could.”
“Of course.” she replies, a moment later you feeling her ki suddenly jump. Disappearing from her island and reappearing a dozen or so yards behind you. Haathe struggles to overpower you, putting her all into pushing you back. Then, from behind you hear the distinct sound of her powers activating, glancing back to see the portal appearing. You then call down, addressing your students

“I'll be right back, soon as I get her under control. Meloka, don't let that one leave yet.” you say, then instead of pushing against Haathe instead pull, you both rocketing back into the portal. Leaving New Salda behind, you drawing Haathe into a rising knee to the guts as the portal behind her shrinks and vanishes.
“Guh!” Haathe wheezes, you following up with a pair of quick left jabs to the face, a right hook to the temple, left uppercut to the guts, and finally a right that knocks her back. Sending her flying, the rampaging woman flipping back. Landing on all fours in a slide, kicking back off the ground at you before even coming to a stop with a snarl. “GRRRAAAAAAA!!”

“Just you and me, show me what you've got.” you say, taking your fighting stance as she charges. Rushing in and swinging with a wild, heavy right, you deflect it out over your left shoulder with your left forearm while stepping into her attack. Driving your right up into her guts, stopping her charge dead in its tracks. You unleash a barrage of heavy blows, driving your fists and knees into her chest, face and guts. Ending the combination with a right uppercut to her jaw, knocking her head back into a step forward with your right, turning sideways as you draw your knee up, firing a right side kick straight up into her chin. “HAAAAA!!”

The final blow knocks her off her feet, your kick sending her flying. This time she doesn't recover midair, crashing to the ground on her back. Haathe doesn't immediately rise, you feeling her exceptional power starting to fade. As quickly as her strength rose it begins falling, but after a few seconds she pushes herself up.

“Haaah, haaaah, haaah.” she pants, wiping the glowing green blood off her mouth with the back of her left hand. Then, clenching her fists you feel her power stop draining, the woman unleashing another war cry. “HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!”

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Haathe then draws her right hand back, opening it as she begins gathering radiant emerald energy in her palm. However, you can't actually sense whatever she's doing, your ki sense doesn't feel whatever she's preparing. Which, is a little worrying. The energy in her palm quickly grows, expanding to the size of her torso in a couple seconds.

“That can't be good.” you mutter, retaking your fighting stance. Whatever she's doing, it sending a chill crawling up your spine, setting your instincts off. This is something dangerous.

What do you do?
>Rush in and attack, don't let her fire whatever that is
>Activate your Energy Body and defend, try and withstand whatever she's about to unleash
>Use your Unmovable Energy Body to tank whatever she's about to do
>Activate your Barrier, use it to deflect this power
>Take to the air, draw her fire upwards so it doesn't hit the planet and dodge whatever she unleashes with Instant Transmission
>Other(write in)
>Activate your Barrier, use it to deflect this power
>Take to the air, draw her fire upwards so it doesn't hit the planet and dodge whatever she unleashes with Instant Transmission
Yeah lets not cause another planet popping accident.
>Take to the air, draw her fire upwards so it doesn't hit the planet and dodge whatever she unleashes with Instant Transmission
>Take to the air, draw her fire upwards so it doesn't hit the planet and dodge whatever she unleashes with Instant Transmission

Take to the air, draw her fire upwards so it doesn't hit the planet and dodge whatever she unleashes with Instant Transmission wins it. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 30
Second DC: 65
Rolled 29, 33 = 62 (2d100)

Note to self, find a planet that won't immediately eat shit from a stray blast.
Rolled 100, 51 = 151 (2d100)

Rolled 9, 64 = 73 (2d100)

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Rolled 6, 42 = 48 (2d100)

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>off by one
I just hope the crit softens the blow.
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CRIT/100, 64/100. Critical success, and failure. Well, with that crit I think we can squeak out the narrowest of successes. Writing.

“Dammit.” you mutter, clenching your fists and blazing your aura, leaping into the air and calling down, “UP HERE!”
“GRRRRR! HRRRR! HRRRAAAAAAAA!!” Haathe bellows, raising her left up towards you. Almost as if readying to throw a spear, right held back with that rapidly-expanding energy.
“That's it, follow me.” you say to yourself, focusing on her ki signature while raising your right to your forehead. She then throws her right hand forward, up towards you. Unleashing that power, you watch in shock as it immediately splits into several different streams of power. They all shift, changing from raw streams of power into very familiar shapes. “What?!”

“GRRRROOOAAAAAAR!!” her energy, taking the shape of dragons near-identical to Divine Dragon Force roar. They all streak up into the air towards you, the shock of what you're witnessing allowing them to start getting closer than you'd wanted. And to your shock, as they close in they actually start breathing fire! Seeing this you finally use your technique, evading the columns of emerald fire blazing up towards you. One moment you're nearly cooked, the next you are standing behind Haathe, the woman still looking up to where you'd been.
“Haaah?!” she exclaims, shocked. Then, before she can react you draw your right back, chopping the back of her neck through the mane of luminous emerald hair. “-Ah?!”

Hitting the right spot, you feel her powerlevel immediately plummeting. In a flash of light that hair fades, her body reverting back to its usual size as she falls. But before she can drop to the ground you catch her in your arms, holding the woman's limp form. With a thought you call back to Raven, another portal opening allowing you to step back through to New Salda.

“Thanks for the help.” you tell the Guardian, reaching over with one hand and ruffling Raven's hair under her hood. She smiles at this, you stopping after a moment then looking around. Several of your students have dispersed, but many of your longtime disciples are all gathered loosely around Caulifla. Who is sitting, facing another seated woman. As you walk over, you know her face seems familiar, but can't quite place it. Then, as she turns, looking up to you fearfully, recognize her. She was the one too afraid to meet your gaze, back when you and Towa had confronted her and the others responsible for what happened with Milha. “You.”

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Staring down at her, the color drains near-instantly from her face as she sees you. She doesn't talk, doesn't utter a word as she looks afraid for her very life. You stare at her as her entire body trembles, not saying anything as you decide how to address this.

Well? What do you do?
>Tell her to stand and call Koruza over. If she can beat him in a one-on-one, you won't do anything to her and let her go
>Ask if she joined your training today to become better, or just to try and 'get back' at those you've taken under your wing. And react according to her answer
>Tell her to never show her face to you again. If you ever see her, or even HEAR of her causing problems for your family, your students, or anyone under your protection, you will kill her
>Simply ask her why. See if you can figure out her reasons for this, for acting as she had and if there's a way to resolve this without just murdering her. No matter how much you want to, how much your Berserker Soul is pushing you to crush her beneath your heel for what she did
>Other(write in)
>Simply ask her why. See if you can figure out her reasons for this, for acting as she had and if there's a way to resolve this without just murdering her. No matter how much you want to, how much your Berserker Soul is pushing you to crush her beneath your heel for what she did
In my head, Karn is essentially Superman to the Saiyan race. With that in mind, how would somebody respond to Clark asking the same thing in this scenario?
Immense shame is the only correct answer here.
>Simply ask her why. See if you can figure out her reasons for this, for acting as she had and if there's a way to resolve this without just murdering her. No matter how much you want to, how much your Berserker Soul is pushing you to crush her beneath your heel for what she did
She clearly has a crush on Karn and is mad at new girl because she's clique-y like that.
If it was something that retarded I would throw her to Meloka like an unruly toddler to a pitbull.
Simply ask her why. See if you can figure out her reasons for this, for acting as she had and if there's a way to resolve this without just murdering her. No matter how much you want to, how much your Berserker Soul is pushing you to crush her beneath your heel for what she did unanimously wins it. Roll me a 2d100 once more.

First DC: ??
Second DC: 75
Rolled 50, 46 = 96 (2d100)

Rolled 62, 69 = 131 (2d100)

Did you know that we are judging you, small girlchild?
Rolled 34, 61 = 95 (2d100)

Rolled 60, 12 = 72 (2d100)

Rollan for JUDGEMENT
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62/100, 69/100. Mystery and failure, this wasn't it. Seems your words may not have the intended effect, writing.
Oh god, she has a humiliation kink.
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After pondering over what to do a few moments, you turn to Meloka and pass her the unconscious Haathe. Your wife takes the woman with a look, nodding shallowly to you as you then turn back. Kneeling down, but still towering over her, you stare the woman in the eyes. She's too terrified to move or even blink, as if fearing you're going to crush her.

“Why?” you ask, the woman blinking a couple times in confusion.
“H-Huh?” she asks, acting confused. Your Berserker Soul blazes at this response, driving you to crush her here and now. Emerald aura blazing, your power knocks her over onto her back, scattering everyone around you. All except for Meloka, your wife clearly having been ready for your anger. You take a deep breath, closing your eyes and sighing out slowly. Opening your eyes, she looks even more terrified of you, trembling and with tears in her eyes.

“I'm going to ask you again. Why did you do what you did?” you ask her, trying REALLY hard to keep your anger under control. “Why would you tell someone that -I- took the effort to take in, to bring to this training that they don't belong?”
“Y-You can train whoever you want, sir. But-but outsi-” she starts, going silent at your glare. “Eeep-!”
“Oh, I CAN?” you ask, your anger getting the better of you for a moment. “How gracious of you, giving ME permission to train someone who is only alive because I decided to save her! How GENEROUS of you!”

“I-I'm sorry.” she squeaks out, raising her arms defensively. Shielding her head and turning from you, as if expecting you to attack her. Which you don't, focusing on your right and lowering your hand down by your side. Your anger is running out of control, you taking another deep breath and sighing out. Forcing yourself to revert back to your base form.
“Haaaaah.” you sigh, opening your eyes and glaring down at her. But now with far less heat, despite how she's cowering in absolute terror. A moment later you smell the distinct smell of someone soiling themselves in fear, realizing that you're not going to get any answers out of her now. She then freezes, eyes rolling back up in the back of her head as she collapses, unconscious. You then push yourself back up to your feet, shaking your head. “Leave her, I'll see you all tomorrow.”

You turn to your wife, taking the small, unconscious woman back in your arms, nod to your students then take to the air. Quickly flying back to your home, you put her to bed in her room, going back to your usual schedule. The rest of the day plays out as usual, the thoughts of the girl gnawing at the back of your mind. You wonder if it's only her, just that group, or if this sort of sentiment has spread further across your planet. Across your people.

But as the day starts drawing to a close, having finished eating together with your family in the mess hall of your ship, you find yourself sitting atop your ship with one of your children, who had asked you to talk alone telepathically during the meal. You'd agreed, following them out after.

But which of your children asked you to talk today?
>Karn Jr
No write in for this one
Let nobody say I never put my money where my mouth is.
I will also choose
Rolled 51, 97 = 148 (2d100)

Koruza wins it. Writing.
Okay, now is that a DADDING role or what?
Not a dadding roll, as I have you all make them. This is for, well you'll see. Maybe
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As you and your son sit atop your home, looking over towards the setting sun. His Stand, also sits, your half-demon son between you and his Stand. The three of you look out towards the horizon, silently watching the sun fall beneath the horizon. As it drops, your youngest half-demon son sighs before speaking.

“Father, I...I have a question.” he says, sounding a bit unsure. You turn to look to him, seeing a hint of worry in his eyes as he stares over the sea.
“Of course, kiddo. You can tell me anything.” you tell him, Koruza nodding after a moment. He then takes a deep breath, sighing out then turning to face you. “What's troubling you?”
“I've been thinking. About power.” he starts, speaking hesitantly as if he's still not fully-articulated the thoughts in his head, but wants to get them out regardless. “About the path I want to take. If I want to follow Chaya's path, taking on the power of the Oozaru and Super Saiyan. Or if I would be better served going down the divine path, like your wife. Obtaining the equivalent power to Super Saiyan God, or whatever it will become from one of my kind.”

“I see.” you respond, not sure where to go with this. That is, until he clenches a fist, rising up to his feet.
“But as I see others with those powers, how both Chaya exemplify their separate paths, divine and mortal, I still find myself discontent. That neither power is correct. That there is more to find, that there is still another power of our bloodlines we've yet to discover.”
“If you want to not ascend down either of these paths, and instead work on finding another, of course I'd support you son.” you tell him, Koruza turning to face you. But instead of a more relieved look, your son appears far, far more serious. And a bit nervous? “What's wrong?”

“I don't seek either of those paths. But today, witnessing what I did, I realized what power calls to me.” he tells you, a gleam in his eyes as you realize what exactly he's asking. And why he seems so nervous about asking. “I seek the power to rival gods, to protect my family from ANYONE who would try and hurt them. And there is only one power capable of facing down even the Time Kai in direct, one-on-one combat and prevailing. The power of the Berserker.”

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A moment of silence hangs between you, your shock that he'd ask for this more difficult power, this harder road to traverse. While he looks unfalteringly determined, resolute as he looks to you, you do sense nervousness from him. Not about asking you, perhaps he's worried about what you'll say? How you'll react to him asking for this power? But, before you can ponder further he continues.

“I know you can share this power, I saw you do so with Okira. Not to mention what we all saw today.” he tells you, continuing. Tail twitching once in either excitement or nervousness, perhaps both? “Please, Father. I am asking you to entrust this level of power to me as well. To teach me how to wield it properly, so I may defend our family. No matter what threat comes around.

Well? How do you respond?
>Agree, but not tonight. You'll see if his body can even wield this power tomorrow
>Decline, tell him that while you trust him, the less this power is spread about the better it will be
>Agree, but on one condition. That if he can reach Primal on his own, showing masterful control over the Oozaru form's natural rage, THEN you'll consider it. You have enough problems with Haathe and don't need TWO rampaging Berserkers
>Other(write in)?
>Agree, but on one condition. That if he can reach Primal on his own, showing masterful control over the Oozaru form's natural rage, THEN you'll consider it. You have enough problems with Haathe and don't need TWO rampaging Berserkers
Honestly, even in the age of Super Saiyans, I think Oozaru mastery should still be required for any combat capable Saiyan. Your tail is a vital organ, so you might as well master everything it has to offer.
>Agree, but on one condition. That if he can reach Primal on his own, showing masterful control over the Oozaru form's natural rage, THEN you'll consider it. You have enough problems with Haathe and don't need TWO rampaging Berserkers
Our baby wants to be green, so be it. But we see what happens without a Saiyans natural aggression taking over, our boy has rage from both sides.
Do we have any sort of understanding of whether this sharing of the berserker soul is splitting up its power? By sharing it among so many, are we reducing the potential max power of each of them, and of ourself?

Do we know? And if we don't, we should probably warn Koruza of this.
Probably worth discussing whether as a half-Core Person / demon race, he'd be particularly well suited to cultivating and harnessing god ki. As half-saiyan (Saiyan god transformations) and half-Core Person, there might be some real synergy there, and he might be better suited to the god ki route than anyone else.
It didn't seem to hurt us during the raid on the Time Nest, though I may be mistakenly conflating the mechanics of our Berserker Squadron with the creation of Vassals from our Soul.
>Other(write in)?

Probably worth discussing whether as a half-Core Person / demon race, he'd be particularly well suited to cultivating and harnessing god ki. As half-saiyan (Saiyan god transformations) and half-Core Person, there might be some real synergy there, and he might be better suited to the god ki route than anyone else.
Not really, as it constantly grows, and as of eating that large shard of Dark, now capable of the physical retention of its power between hosts. Kinda like Jr, but not as dramatic. Yet.
For as much raw strength and unique abilities the Divine path might afford him, he's specifically looking for something that will allow him to fight against opponents who have control over the fundamental forces of reality.
As it stands, our Berserker Soul is the only thing he's aware of that might afford him that. Well, that and maybe Mechikabura's Soul, but I imagine old Mechi already has more than enough Vassals under him.
Probably could end up with something like Fused Zamasu's white-haired Super Saiyan Rose (which of course, is then not really rose anymore).
>Agree, but on one condition. That if he can reach Primal on his own, showing masterful control over the Oozaru form's natural rage, THEN you'll consider it. You have enough problems with Haathe and don't need TWO rampaging Berserkers
Very interesting, Koruza. This seems like the wisest choice though.
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Rolled 74, 60, 9 = 143 (3d100)

Agree, but on one condition. That if he can reach Primal on his own, showing masterful control over the Oozaru form's natural rage, THEN you'll consider it. You have enough problems with Haathe and don't need TWO rampaging Berserkers wins it. Let's see how well you dad, roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 74
Second DC: ??
Third DC: 50
Rolled 45, 48, 74 = 167 (3d100)

I'm good at rolling. Watch.
Rolled 59, 92, 1 = 152 (3d100)

I'm BETTER at rolling. Watch.
Lol, dweeb.
Rolled 30, 37, 15 = 82 (3d100)

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You are welcome for that 92, by the by.
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59/100, 92/100, 74/100. Failure, high mystery, and success. Writing.
It's this guy >>6016960 we should be making fun of. What a loser. Ruined our dad-ing.
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“Are you sure about this? This power, it isn't meant to be wielded by just anyone.” you tell him seriously. With a thought you transform, ascending into your base Berserker form. “The anger, the rage, the hate is beyond anything else. Are you sure? Are you sure you want to have your mind engulfed by this wrath?”
“Want? No, not really.” he tells you honestly, shoulders slumping a bit. “I'd prefer to have others to defend me, that I'd never have to wield my power in a life-or-death struggle. But I can't. That bastard Dumplin taught me that much. If I don't do it myself, I... I can't rely on anyone else to come along and save me.”

For just a moment you remember the carnage, the blood, how Demon God Dumplin had destroyed your family. Your anger surges, lightning crackling around you as you unconsciously Ascend. Realizing this you take a deep breath, sighing out and forcing you to return to your base Berserker form.

“With this power comes an incredible responsibility.” you tell him, standing up and turning to face him. “I have to know you're ready for it.”
“What? Why?” he asks, a note of something darker in his tone. “You'll give that power to some random woman, and not your own son? Or is she also a half-sibling?”
“No. Well, maybe. I'm not sure how that works.” you say, raising a hand to your chin. The tension leaves his stance, your son looking confused as you ponder it a moment. “Doesn't matter. Using my power, the Berserker Soul and infusing it into her kept her from being erased by Aku. If I hadn't, she would have been erased entirely. I hadn't considered a non-Saiyan being able to use that power.”

Both of you are quiet a moment, your son looking past you and thinking over your words.

“I want to entrust this power to you as well, son. But I need to prove you can handle it.” you tell him, Koruza looking back up to you hopefully. “I know it's not the power you want to wield, but I need to see that you can control your rage. You saw today just a hint of how dangerous it can be without proper control. So, first you'll have to pass a test for me.”
“Of course. What kind of test?” he asks, looking up eagerly.
“I need you to master the Oozaru power.” you tell him, his brow raising in confusion. “Master it to the point you can take the Golden Oozaru, or your equivalent, to the point you can take on the Primal form. Once you've overcome, once you've mastered that level of rage, then I'll share the Berserker power with you. Prove to me that you can handle the near-uncontrollable rage, and I'll share my power with you. What do you say?”

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Your son ponders your offer for several quiet moments, glancing over to his Stand. The two stare silently for several moments, your son then turning back to you.

“Very well. I accept.” he tells you, reaching over and grabbing your hand in his own. His grip is surprisingly strong, meeting your measure best as he can. “I'll do it before the year's out.”
“Ohh? Well then, I'll be eagerly watching your progress, son.” you tell him, reaching up with your other hand and clapping him on the shoulder. “Show me you're ready to shoulder this responsibility.”

“I'll do my best.” he says, you both sharing a nod of understanding. He then turns to go inside, but when you don't follow he stops. Turning back, asking you questioningly. “Father?”
“Go on ahead, I'll be in shortly.” you tell him, gazing out to sea once more as you feel him head on inside. Remembering your words you'd shared with your own father, Tatsu entrusting his task of raising the next generations to be powerful warriors to you. “I hope I'm doing the right thing.”

The wind doesn't answer, neither do the gently crashing waves on the beach. But you get the feeling your old man would approve, turning and leaving the swiftly-darkening sky behind and heading inside. You go to your bedroom, laying down with your wife and Towa, quickly heading off to sleep.

But, to your senses, as soon as you'd closed your eyes they're open again, your instincts giving you the sensation you're being watched. Eyes snapping open you look around in the dark, not seeing anything.

But what do you do?
>Expand your ki sense, try and find the energy of whatever's got its gaze on you
>Sneak out of bed and your room, take a tour around your ship looking for whatever's got its eyes on you
>Connect with New Salda and take on the Champion power, use that unique power's heightened awareness to find anything out-of-place
>Other(write in)
>Connect with New Salda and take on the Champion power, use that unique power's heightened awareness to find anything out-of-place
when will people learn
>Connect with New Salda and take on the Champion power, use that unique power's heightened awareness to find anything out-of-place
Who do they think they are? Not a single soul has made it past our senses in our long and bloody career.
>Connect with New Salda and take on the Champion power, use that unique power's heightened awareness to find anything out-of-place
I swear to Karn, someone is about to die
Well, one did but we don't talk about that?
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Connect with New Salda and take on the Champion power, use that unique power's heightened awareness to find anything out-of-place wins unanimously. Writing.
Yes, no rolls for this one. You'll see why soon enough.
What do you mean? Nothing happened.
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LIKE. I. SAID. Not a single SOUL has made it past our senses. Ever.
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Immediately, feeling the unknown gaze on you, you reach out with your mind. Connecting yourself to the planet itself, reaching out to it.

“New Salda, I need your help.” you think, immediately feeling the familiar presence of New Salda swelling within you.
OF COURSE, MY CHAMPION” New Salda replies, the power of your world floods into you. You feel your awareness grow, your mind expanding to its limits. You become aware of everything; every living being from the smallest blade of grass to the strongest Saiyan, you now can sense everything. Including the being standing just on the other side of your bedroom door, one with a VERY familiar power to your own. “WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?
“Felt someone's gaze upon me. But now I know who it is.” you tell the planet, keeping the connection going while reaching out with your mind to the woman on the other side of the door. “Haathe, what are you doing up?”

“M-My lord? H-How did'st thou-?” she replies, shocked that you're not only awake, but that you knew she was there. “Who art thou speaking to?”
“Haathe, this is New Salda. The planet we live on.” you tell her, feeling your ward's absolute shock. “New Salda, this is my newest ward, Haathe.”
GREETINGS, HAATHE.” the planet replies, you feeling Haathe wince from the force of the entire world bearing down on her mind. “I SEE. YOU ARE QUITE LIKE MY CHAMPION.”

“Wh-What is this?” she asks you, feeling quite shocked and shaken by the sheer presence of New Salda. “How...?”
“New Salda is this world, the embodiment of the planet.” you tell her, then address New Salda itself. “Thank you for your help, that will be all for now.”
VERY WELL.” New Salda replies, ending the mental link. Your power fades, returning to normal as you continue speaking with Haathe telepathically.
“So, what are you doing?” you ask her, wondering why she'd been standing outside your door. “Why are you just standing outside my door?”

“Awaiting thee, my lord.” she replies earnestly. As if doing so was perfectly natural. “May we speak?”
“Of course, just a moment.” you reply, using telekinesis to aid you in slipping silently out of bed. Once out of the arms of both Towa and Meloka, you walk to the door. Before reaching it you reach out, pulling a training suit over to you. Donning it quickly you then take the final step forward towards the door. It hisses open near-silently, you standing before your newest ward. Who is kneeling before the door, head facing down. “Come with me.”

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“Yes, my lord.” she replies aloud, rising up to her feet. You lead the way back to her room, your door shutting behind you as you lead her over. Walking into her room, she follows, the door shutting behind her. “Is this satisfactory?”
“Yes, we can talk freely here. What is it you wanted to talk to me about?” you ask her, sitting on her bed. Gesturing for her to sit beside you, Haathe nodding and sitting at your side. But she doesn't look up, gazing at her hands instead. You let the silence stretch out between you, waiting for her to tell you what she's thinking.

“I...Yesterday. What happened?” she asks you, looking up from her hands to you.
“What is the last thing you remember?” you reply, Haathe looking back down at her hands.
“My last thoughts, before mine vision faded... Were the words.” she says to you, clenching her hands together. You see a vein start bulging on her temple as she remembers back, you reaching over and ever so gently flicking her. “OWWW!”
“Focus, Haathe. Don't let your anger control you.” you tell her sternly as she turns to look at you, jaw clenched tight. “Breathe, and focus. Anger is an emotion, one you can control.”

She stares a moment, then upon realizing what she's unconsciously doing takes a deep breath, sighing out slowly as she unclenches.

“Forgive me, my lord. I lost my composure.” she says, not meeting your gaze. You reach over, placing your hand atop her head softly.
“It's okay. You realized what you were doing, and corrected it. I'm not asking you for perfection in controlling this power, just that you work to do better every day.” you tell her, Haathe turning to look up at you. “Now, what words do you remember?”
“You don't belong here.” Haathe says, looking down at her hands again. “My lord, I must ask: is this true? Do I truly not belong?”

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 218 paused-
And that's it for tonight, everyone enjoy today's run? Were you expecting Haathe to handle the Berserker God power as long as she had, or were you expecting more? Ready to comfort her, or perhaps give her some hard truth tomorrow when we resume? Curious how the others feel about Haathe wielding a power so easily that took you literal years to unleash, and what rumors will spread across New Salda like wildfire? Are you ready for what comes next? All this and more when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues, just over 24 hours from now at Noon EST!
Who truly belongs anywhere? Who decides who belongs anywhere? Who can stop someone who "doesn't belong" from being somewhere? But most of all, who fucking cares? Silly girl, being upset at so silly a thing.
Remember, before you all she knew was the absolute darkness of the Abyss. She has come to your world, yet some of your world reject her. She is different, without the same biological needs as the others and with emotions she's never felt before.
Sounds like everyone after sixteen shots of bad tequila waking up on a park bench.
Stupid question, but are Haathe's Berserker empowered spells Sorcery, Miracles, or Pyromancy?
Mechanically speaking, it doesn’t sound like a miracle. She didn’t recite words of your legend and/or deeds, speaking into being her Faith in you. An argument can be made for Pyromancy, but she doesn’t have a ‘flame’ in hand to use. So, the most likely and probable answer is something akin to soul sorcery.
Interestingly enough, all Pyromancy is still technically Sorcery. That said, given how she seems to be drawing on the nature of her Soul for these attacks, Soul Sorcery is probably it.
Kind of a shame, I was hoping we might learn a thing or two from her in regards to making use of our Soul beyond transformations.
Yes, but only for those who are connected to the Soul of Life. Although, upon their deaths Fire Sorcery was lost forever. Soul Sorcery isn't necessarily Magic. not in the same way as say Chilli or Megumin's spells are magic. Anyone can theoretically learn to wield Soul Sorcery, should they possess an adequately powerful Soul and the intelligence to wield it.
>should they possess an adequately powerful Soul
Well there we-
>and the intelligence to wield it.
...does emotional intelligence count?
Laugh all you want, it's a genuine question.
I just realized you didn't get the joke. Don't worry, eventually you'll discover why.
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“Is the only place I belong where'st thou discovr'd me?” she asks, sounding not only worried, but, defeated? Almost like she's giving up? “This world above, it's marvels, they belong to thee. Not to one so worthless as I.”
“That's enough of that.” you say, reaching over and gently cupping her face in both of your hands. Turning her to face you, staring this young woman in the eyes. Her glowing eyes meet your own, filled with sadness. “You're not worthless, Haathe. I chose you, are you saying I was wrong? That I shouldn't have entrusted you with my own power?”
“But-” she starts, you cutting her off as you continue.

But what do you tell her? How do you answer that accusation of her being unwanted and not belonging?
>Tell her that no one belongs anywhere, we all make our own belonging
>Ask why she cares what some nobody thinks of her, why she values her opinion more than your own?
>Don't try and explain your feelings with words, simply connect to her telepathically and let your emotions speak for themselves
>Other(write in)
>Don't try and explain your feelings with words, simply connect to her telepathically and let your emotions speak for themselves
I would write something in, but frankly I don't have the words to really express what I want to say to her at the moment.
>Don't try and explain your feelings with words, simply connect to her telepathically and let your emotions speak for themselves
Just show her the misfits we've recruited along our merry way, via our miiiiiiind
The migration of the Saiyans to Kashyyyk might also be a good image to convey Karn's feelings. Most Saiyans aren't from here either, but the planet itself accepted them in due time.
>Ask why she cares what some nobody thinks of her, why she values her opinion more than your own?
Heres my shitty write in

Haathe, you have little to no experience with us Saiyan's. Our blood runs hot, we are combative and argumentative, warriors born. That woman telling you that you don't belong stems from her own insecurities, and her own false assumptions.

You are probably going to run into many nay Sayers throughout your life, but you shouldn't let that affect you. You are my ward and friend, you hold a piece of my soul. You now have the strength to rival my own. You can do anything that you set your mind to, and to hell with what other people's insecurities have to say about it.

The only one who can determine your self worth is yourself. So cheer up Haathe. All will be well.

Ruffle her hair.
Don't try and explain your feelings with words, simply connect to her telepathically and let your emotions speak for themselves wins it. Taking lines from that write in that I can use as well, so roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 15
Second DC: ??
Rolled 7 (1d100)

Dad dice go
Rolled 65, 59 = 124 (2d100)

Rolled 35 (1d100)

Shit forgot the other also god damn it
Rolled 67, 14 = 81 (2d100)

Rolled 31, 87 = 118 (2d100)

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67/100, 59/100. Success and mid mystery, let's see how this unfolds. Writing.
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“If I didn't think you deserved to be saved, I wouldn't have shared my power with you.” you tell her sternly. “I would have simply let Aku devour you whole. Don't EVER think that you're worthless again, understood?”
“Y-Yes, my lord.” she replies, still not sounding entirely certain. You're unsure how to get through to her as well, when suddenly inspiration strikes. You may not have the words, but words exist only to try and communicate thoughts anyways. But you don't need words, when your thoughts and feelings can speak for themselves.

“Stay still.” you tell her, opening up the telepathic link as you lean in, pressing your forehead to hers. Thinking of how your people left your old world behind, coming to this planet and conquering it. Of beings like Ubo, like Raven, even Broly who no longer had a home who you took in. Who you raised to be one of your own. You fill your head with your memories, sharing your entire history with her. Thoughts that would have taken hours, days even are all shared near-instantly, you pulling your head back and looking into her eyes. To see Haathe is crying freely, the tears streaking down her face. “Do you understand now?”

“M...My lord, I....” she says, at a loss for words. After a few beats she leans in, wrapping her arms around your neck. “Thank you. Thou art truly a most just lord. I am yours, until thine bloodline ends or thou turn'st me away.”
“Don't live for me. Live for yourself.” you tell her, rising back up to your feet. “But for now, get some more rest. We still have a while before the day starts.”
“Yes, my lord.” she replies, standing and bowing as you go to the door. She remains there, head bowed until you leave, walking back over to your own room. The door slides open near-silently, you peering into the darkness. As your eyes adjust, you see that Meloka and Towa are both still asleep, you stripping back down and sneaking back into bed, trying to fall back asleep.

But sleep doesn't come. Having gone through your memories, you now lay there, remembering everything you've been through. From your early years on Planet Vegeta, fighting to survive and eat all the way to now, being one of the strongest beings in the universe and one who can even defeat a Time God and stand toe-to-toe with a Destroyer, at least for a time, you've been through quite a lot. But through everything, you've survived. Through it all, you managed to fight through and survive, against even seemingly impossible odds. Your mind is focused on the past, thinking over things until a soft voice draws you out of your own mind.

“You seem to be deep in thought.” Towa whispers, you glancing over and seeing her looking up at you. “Is something bothering you, Karn?”

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“Bothering? Well, not really a bother.” you say, then quickly fill her in telepathically on what happened with Haathe yesterday as well as this morning.
“I see. But tell me, this power she showed. You said you couldn't sense it, correct?” she asks, you nodding. Towa brings her free hand to her chin, thinking something over. “Hrmmm. As a former Abyssal, her powers would work differently than yours, despite the same 'power source'. Maybe I can help figure that out? It may take a little time, but I'm sure I can discover how and why her powers function differently? I must admit, you've gotten me curious as well.”

>Agree, you're curious what she did and how her powers so closely resembled Divine Dragon Force when she attacked you
>Agree, but she has to be gentle with her. No trials by fire or anything else extreme, Haathe's still young
>Tell her you'll ask Haathe, if she agrees you'll give her the go ahead
>Decline for now, once she has a better handle on her powers you're sure she'll be able to explain and perhaps even teach her techniques
>Other(write in)
>Agree, but she has to be gentle with her. No trials by fire or anything else extreme, Haathe's still young
>>Agree, but she has to be gentle with her. No trials by fire or anything else extreme, Haathe's still young
>Agree, but she has to be gentle with her. No trials by fire or anything else extreme, Haathe's still young
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Rolled 1 (1d4)

Agree, but she has to be gentle with her. No trials by fire or anything else extreme, Haathe's still young unanimously wins it. Writing
>"You don't belong here" happens in quest
>Zullie uploads https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1m3Cf0Qf39I today
You reading this, Zul?
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“Sure, just. Be gentle with her, okay?” you ask, Towa raising a brow at you. “No trial by fire or anything else extreme, she's still just a kid.”
“Who do you take me for? I'm not some butcher like Gero, hacking people apart and rebuilding them with machinery.” she says, her expression softening after a moment. “Right, you don't know who that is. Anyways, I wasn't planning on anything too complex, just some light stress testing to get her to use her powers. After all, from what you told me it seemed to be instinctual. And different than anything you can do.”

The two of you talk a bit more about her testing Haathe, until with a discontent grumble your wife begins to wake up as well. You gently coax her into opening her eyes, you three getting up and dressed to once more start your day. Haathe, looking to be in far better spirits walks over to you as you exit your room, Towa turning to her and stepping forward.

“You are with me this morning, Haathe.” Towa tells her, Haathe immediately looking suspicious. But Towa sees this, changing her approach. “Karn wishes to discover how you used your power the way you had yesterday, and asked me to help figure that out. If you wouldn't mind, would you follow me?”

Haathe looks from her to you, you nodding once. She nods back, turning to Towa and nodding to her.

“I'll be in your care.” your ward answers, Towa giving her a small smile.
“Very well, follow me. If you would.” Towa says, leading her to the new entrance to her lab. Meanwhile you and Meloka take off, heading out to your daily spar with Freeza. Who seems a little distracted, before you all transform, but once you all start his focus is entirely on the fight. You all test your powers for over an hour, Meloka's Super Saiyan Blue form giving out well before that. After training together you and Freeza revert back out of your stronger forms, Freeza again looking distracted.

“Everything alright?” you ask him, Freeza shaking his head. “What's going on?”
“Nothing you need worry yourself about, Karn.” he tells you with a sigh. “Personal matters need to be handled personally.”
“I see.” you reply, then reach over and patting him on the shoulder. “If you need anything I'll help you out. I've always got your back.”
“Always appreciate it, friend. But this is nonsense I have to handle myself. Should have this business handled by the end of the day.” he replies, rolling his shoulder before taking to the air. For a moment he seemingly hesitates, as if debating telling you but then flies off, out of New Salda's atmosphere and off into space.

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The rest of your day proceeds relatively normal, you training with Jr and Chaya, then breakfast, then your other training including with your students. Which, while there you don't see a certain face the entire time. Perhaps she was just there to cause trouble? Either way, the rest of the day is uneventful, except there's a noticeable lack of both Towa and Haathe at both lunch and supper, in fact you haven't seen either since this morning. After eating you head over into her lab, going to check up on them both.

“Towa? How is it going?” you call out telepathically, expanding your ki sense. You find her after a moment, readying to teleport to her as she doesn't respond. You give her a few seconds, then teleport directly to her. Appearing beside Towa in a familiar room, the same one Towa uses to scan different energies. Through the one-way panel you see Haathe standing in the chamber, emerald energy gathered into a smaller orb in her right hand.
“Now, cast your rage out!” Towa orders, Haathe thrusting her right out towards the floating, spherical metal drone with a shout.

“HAAAAA!” Haathe bellows as the energy in her hand springs forward, a ball the size of your fist streaking through the air. Energy that you cannot sense, it striking the floating drone and detonating in a burst and flash of emerald power. The drone is consumed entirely, leaving no evidence behind except for a cloud of black smoke. “I-I did it!”
“Well done.” you say, Haathe suddenly freezing in place a moment while Towa jumps in her seat. So engrossed in her work, she hadn't even seemingly heard your telepathic call earlier.
“M-My lord?” she asks, looking around in confusion. “D-Did'st thou witness-?”
“Yes, I saw. Good job.” you tell her, Towa turning from the datapad towards you.

“You could have knocked.” she tells you, a look of minor annoyance on her blushing face. “I didn't hear you come in.”
“You both missed supper, was just checking in to make sure you both are doing well.” you reply, Towa seemingly unphased. But Haathe is shocked, eyes wide.
“Wait, already? But we haven't had lunch yet.”
“Sounds like you've both been going at it.” you reply, turning your focus back to Towa. Seems that she's been working hard, both of them have. But has she been going at it too hard?

What do you tell her?
>Tell Towa that Haathe needs a break, time to eat and relax before going back to it
>Ask if they want to break for the day, to come back and keep going tomorrow
>Tell them both to keep up the good work, that you'll see them tomorrow and go head off to bed. If they both want to keep going you're not going to interfere
>Other(write in)
>Go out to get them both a hearty meal, and bring it back. Maybe something to go from Silver.
>Go out to get them both a hearty meal, and bring it back. Maybe something to go from Silver.
Write in wins it, roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 20
Second DC: 55
Third DC: 30
Rolled 65, 86, 42 = 193 (3d100)

Rolled 93, 16, 98 = 207 (3d100)

Rolled 35, 74, 33 = 142 (3d100)

Things have been chill so far.
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93/100, 86/100, 98/100.Overwhelming success, writing.
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“I'll be right back.” you say, raising your right hand to your forehead as you reach out to Silver with a thought. “Mind fixing a little more?”
“For Towa an' that new girlie ya've got, right?” he replies, you smirking as Towa looks up at you confused. With a thought you teleport to Silver's side, appearing by him in the kitchen itself. Where, beside him are a trio of other platters. You blink a couple of times in surprise, turning to face him. Where the grizzled old cook is grinning. “What? Did'ja think that I didn't pay attention?I keep count of how many come to my kitchen. Now, go on.”

“Appreciate it Silver.” you tell him picking up the trays then closing your eyes. With a tray in either hand, it takes a lot more effort than usual. But you manage your Instant Transmission without it, focused back on Towa's ki you teleport back by her side. “Here, help yourself.”
“Very well, I suppose we can take a short break.” she says, the smell hitting her nose. You see the hunger in her eyes, causing you to grin before teleporting over to Haathe as well.

“Here you go, make sure to keep your strength up Haathe.” you tell her, handing her the tray. She looks from it up to you, eyes wide with surprise. “Eat up.”
“Th-Thank you, my lord.” she says, bowing her head a moment before digging in. You smile, reaching down and ruffling her hair as she digs in. Turning, you give Towa a nod before teleporting out, raising your right to your forehead. However, before you can find a ki signature, someone reaches out to you.
“Dad, can we talk for a minute?” Broly asks you, his sudden message catching you by surprise.

“Of course, just a second.” you reply, focusing on his ki. It takes you a few seconds to get a lock, your son off by himself on the other end of the continent. Furrowing your brows, you teleport right by his side. Where as you stand, find your son standing atop a pile of squishy, frog-like bodies. “What's going on, son?”
“I've been thinking.” he says, another of the Hydae creatures leaping up out of the water. Without looking at it your son raises his left, firing a Death Beam at it. Slicing the being in half, falling to the ground on either side of his feet. “About Kori, about this wedding, about everything. And what comes after.”

Aaaaand I just lost power. Fuck. Going to retype the second post here on my phone, going back to my roots, but this next one will be the final post for today.
r.i.p, oh well thanks for running GD
I'm not quitting yet, just retyping what didn't save on my phone is going to take a bit. Expect a few more typos, as I'm VERY out of practice phoneposting.
This is like the third QM who got their power cut this week. The fuck is happening? Did we do something to upset the curse?
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He doesn't turn to meet your gaze, staring out over the sea. The silence stretches out between you, the seconds slowly ticking until it stretches to over a minute. Your son then turns to you, a conflicted expression on his face as he starts talking once more.

"Kori and I, we've been talking about it. About what comes next for us. And, well, after the wedding, we were thinking..." he says, looking nervous as he talks. Clearly worried about something, but you have no idea what. "I know I should be here, to stay and help protect our people, like you. But there's a whole universe out there, and, well, I'd like to go see it. After our wedding, Kori and I were thinking about leaving New Salda."

As he finishes his sentence you can see him tensed up, almost as if he's ready for a fight. He's radiating with tension, ready to explode with movement at the slightest provocation.

"Son. Do you remember what I told you?" you ask him seriously. "Do you remember the golden rule?"
"The strong rule. The weak obey, or are crushed." he responds immediately, with a confused look in his eye. You then step forward, clapping him on the right shoulder with your left hand.
"You've become so strong, my son. If you want to go explore this wide universe, go. And don't let anyone stop you." you tell him seriously, staring him in the eyes. You see realization dawn, you figuring out that Broly was clearly thinking you'd try and stop him. For some reason. "You've become a powerful man, son. Go out there and live the life you want."

"Dad..." he says, tears forming in his eyes. He then steps forward, embracing you. "Thank you so much. "For everything."
"Of course. And you know you'll always have a home here, should you ever want to come home." you tell him, returning the embrace. For several seconds you hold your son, now a man, then with a couple pats on the back separate. You don't know what trials he and Kori will face, out in the wider universe. What troubles and hardships they'll have to overcome. But as you stand toe-to-toe with your son, you know that he has the strengh and determination to conquer it all. And as a parent you couldn't be prouder.


-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 218 End-
And that's it for this episode, everyone enjoy the ride? Ready to see what Towa discovers of Haathe's powers, how Broly and Kori's wedding will go, and what else will come your way? Curious who else didn't show up to eat that you didn't notice, and what threats lurk on the horizon? All this and more, next time on Saiyan Conqueror Quest!

Must be an east coast thing, we've got an absolutely massive storm rolling through right now.
I hope he at least visits every once in a while.
Why are all of our kids so dumb? lol
The brain doesn't get zenkais.
My football coach lied to me.
With Instant Transmission, he can come back whenever.
Absolutely none of them get their dad. Especially after this exact scenario has played out before. They're just little goobers.
Flooding has been going on alot in the south, its been rough
They 'get' their dad, but in Broly's case specifically he saw himself as his father's eventual replacement. The one who'd wield his power after Karn's death. And leaving seemed to him a betrayal of that.
Broly needs to understand he is our son first, not some replacement, none of our kids are, New Salda is our home, defending it is a responsibility, but no different than anyone else whom lives here.
On an intellectual level he does. But the heart often cannot be reasoned with.
Dubs confirm our boy tis a silly one.
>but in Broly's case specifically he saw himself as his father's eventual replacement
I mean, I get why he would assume he's the next one up to bat, but it's not like we're bereft of potential heirs to the title of Dragon.
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He truly is the silliest of billies.
Yes, he believed that he was supposed to be the inheritor of your position. The Champion of New Salda, the defender against all threats due to having your power.
I feel there's a joke here I'm missing.
Karn body pillow when
I like to imagine there was one in production by Vox, but focus groups kinda shitcanned the idea thanks to everybody being hyperfocused on Chaya at the time.
Meloka probably somehow got her hands on a prototype though.
>they have a karn bodypillow but because of how big it is it can't be marketed or sold as a pillow due to regulations
>this means they have to market it as a "karn futon" but the unpaid intern had a typo and thus it was denied market space over the misunderstanding
>somewhere is a warehouse chock full of humongous karn pillows gathering dust
I forgot the weekend ended :(
Yes, while others have the day off qm still has to work
That's rough GD, have a good one
I took it to have friday off, was a fair deal for me. Let me get ready for this past weekend, and finish that intermission.
Well it worked out.
Oh yeah I'm not complaining, I'd asked tor that shift.
Also, new patron vote opening shortly for the June piece, don't miss it!
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Patron vote's now live! It ends when the next episode starts this Saturday, so make sure you cast your vote before then. A small taste of what's to come with the May piece as well, to entice those of you who haven't joined to show up, it's a single dollar a month. Or you can subscribe for one month out of the year and go back through the previous stories, reading/downloading them to read later.

Also, to a certain one of you, you know who you are; was that a joke? I made that tier ONLY as a joke, my man, no one's supposed to actually use it. Please make sure you switch back before the month rolls over so it doesn't charge you for that. I don't do anything with the Patreon worth that kind of money.
What did I do?
You sucked his nards, bru
I just sent a DM
Nuh uh, dats ghey
To clarify I dont know how and that much is how much I spend on lunch..
OH SHIT MIRROR DUBS, haven't seen those in awhile
Nooo, Fatlad.(In Progress, TM)
Which is everyone thinking, I have a few epilogues I'm kicking around. Have Kazuburo's first spell to get his sister a present or more Milha, both with a new artwork. Or we can follow certain divine reactions to Haathe's power, interrupting their fickle schemes.
Our nerds on nerd planet nerding sounds fun.
As much as I'm down to see the Coalition of Celestial Cuckolds seethe and mald over our Super Saiyan swagger, I want to see our half demon children grow up in an actual environment some more.
Going to have to be more specific anon.
She's getting her smile back. As well as other feelings
Our Daughter Nerd with the pet masochist and our first born nerd's apprentice, I say this because I need some Kazuma reactions
Kazuma most certainly has reactions to Darkness and Milha. Not all of those you'd expect from him.
He'd go that's hot, thinks for a second, then begs Milha to put a ring on her and offers her lunch anytime she asks to keep Darkness?
Weeell.... Let's just say that, while he's a rat bastard, he also a good person deep down. And thanks to his skills, has discovered a certain noble and the devil he's bound into his service. And what better way to battle a devil than asking a demon?
>And what better way to battle a devil than asking a demon?
I dunno, asking the big G man usually helps. Or ripping a line of combat stimulants and using your bare hands. Sixty percent of the time it works every time.
But those would involve either his Faith stat, which isn't great, or actually getting into the fighting himself. Why would he fight when he can get someone else to do it for him? Especially if that someone is a demon from another timeline and dimension more powerful than everyone else on his planet except for her half-brother.
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This epilogue is certainly going to be…Interesting, once you consider how differently certain events have played out compared to Konosuba canon, how a certain noble’s plans were changed. Will be quite interesting indeed.
I...I know what I must do.
Drink more water? Hydration is very important. Good on you for realizing.
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I'm going to write in to ask Meloka to teach us and Koruza how to throw Powerballs.
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The forbidden technique
>the big G man
"I know this may not be the most convenient time for our first meeting, at least from your perspective, but I had to wait until your...employers, and allies...were sufficiently distracted. There has been a great deal of interest in you and your...activities...lately. So much interest that my own employers wished for me to acquire your services..."
Honestly, G-Man and his employers probably would come to ring the Karn hotline if Towa and Mechikabura didn't call dibs.
>"Rissse and sshine, mis ter Salary-man..."
I for one would be stoked if that G-man showed up and trie dto do some cajoling. Nothing like blasting interdimensional invaders in the morning to get your blood pumping.
Now that I think about it, vortessence is a good representation of the "more, not higher" energy concept we've been seeing in-quest lately. It's an energy that every vortigaunt to ever exist both connects to and creates more of. I imagine it would be quite freaky to try to sense one's ki.
>try to Instant Transmission to a Vortigaunt
>get spread across the entirety of Xen
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GD I have a particularly inane question.
Shouldn't Nail be listed under our Allies on the Powerlevel pastebin?
>Try to IT to a vort
>End up in a different point in time AND space
Vortigaunts are fucking broken, man.
They are...coterminous.
Not necessary.
Someone like that would ABSOLUTELY avoid drawing Mechikabura's ire. Especially now.
Not fully aware of the lore, haven't dove into that game as I've not played it.
Maybe I should put his 42000 on there, along with Guru and Pybara's. Might make a certain reveal later on more... Interesting.
oh did we finally learn how to make one on our own?
No, think of it more like an mmorpg skill tree. You've spec'd so far down the aggro tree that going back and picking up a support skill would actively hurt the build at this point. You would be far better served focusing the abilities you've already got, or going FURTHER down the aggro path. Trying to become more of an all-rounder would actively hurt your progression.
>Someone like that would ABSOLUTELY avoid drawing Mechikabura's ire. Especially now.
What the fuck is he thinking whenever he visits this timelines Gorden at the Mesa? Please don't notice me dear God?
We BERSERK god, not jack of all trades god, if we cant kill or maim with a skill, it aint worth learning.
Holding your bowels is a skill. It has to be learned. Therefore you MUST vote to have Karn forget how to not shit and piss himself by virtue of your own metric.

Strip it all away for the sake of slapping.
.....isn't there a Baki skit about shit, piss, cum, fart, and blood fighting?
Baki has a lot of things. Using hair as a weapon has come up in like, four different ways. So I could believe there could be something about refuse matter being used in combat. Baki drinks way too much heroin. Itagaki pls
>Maybe I should put his 42000 on there
I suppose 42K would be impressive enough out in the boonies, but has he really not found redoubled his training after feeling the amount of energy Karn and his family throw around casually?
>implying that exists in this timeline
Ha, but no. Those were basic living being skills, not class/race skills.
From what little I've seen, Baki characters love piss. Weirdly more than Araki in part 6.
You haven't really been to Namek in a while. It's been YEARS since the Battle of Namek when it all went down.
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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 218 Epilogue-


“So, this is Axel, huh?” you ask, looking over the walled city while holding your friend Lalatina, or as she prefers to be called to hide her noble identity Darkness around her waist. “What's the wall for?”
“It was built to keep out threats, back when the Demon King's forces threatened this kingdom.” she says, pointing at one side. “See there, where the wall is newer than the rest?”
“See? Uhhh, no, not really.” you say, squinting and trying to see better what she's talking about. But it all just looks like a wall to you, you're not really a wall expert. “Isn't that the one that so-called goddess destroyed?”

“One and the same.” Darkness sighs out, slumping a bit in your grip. As she slumps forward you feel her pressing her rear into you, distracting you from what she says for a few moments. “-ord Alderp?”
“...Who? Sorry, I was distracted.” you say, squeezing her a bit tighter to you. You feel her breath catch, turning and looking at you with a bit of a blush.
“Ah-! Hey, we can't do that here.” she says, you feeling her breathing quicken a bit. “M-Milha?”
“So, who's this 'Alderp'?” you ask her in a teasing tone. But immediately feel her mood change, getting back to business. And from her expression, you have a feeling you know exactly the kind of person he is. “That bad, huh?”

“Lord Alderp of Alexei House is the landed Lord of Axel.” she tells you, pointing out his manor from the air. “After my team's battle against Beldia, the Dullahan who was one of the Demon King's Generals, Aqua summoned such a torrent of water that it smashed the wall. Weakening the general to the point his undead form could be Turned by Aqua. But after the battle, he saddled our team with the debt.”
“WHAT?!” you exclaim, shocked. “How in the hell did he get away with that?”
“Well, he wanted to saddle my entire team with the debt, forcing them all to lose our home and live in the stables. So, I approached Lord Alderp, with the intent of having the majority of the debt put onto my name instead.” she says, you loving how kind, considerate and compassionate she is. “And it was decided in the terms of the deal, that he wouldn't put the debt in my name. He put it on my family, upon my father. Ignis Ford Dustiness. But for some reason he's calling the debt due, and we can't pay.”

“So?” you ask, flying down towards the main gate to the city. Dropping down before the single guard, Darkness drawing the pendant of her family crest. The guard salutes, you both walking past into the city proper. “If this guy's giving you trouble, I'll just take him out.”
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“You can't!” Darkness suddenly shouts, clutching your wrists with a sudden panicked look. “Lord Alderp may be a slimy, cruel, foul brute of a man, but he is still the rightful Lord of Axel. That's why I wanted you to come with me. My father's been feeling unwell, and has called for me to meet with Lord Alderp. And I don't want to be alone with him.”
“Don't worry, I won't let him do anything to you.” you say, still seeing her worry. “I won't kill him. Promise.”

“...Thank you.” she says, sighing out and letting you go. Then, unprompted she lunges, wrapping you in her arms and hugging you tight. “Thank you for coming with me.”
“Of course. I'll never let you go.” you reply, holding her for a few more seconds. Then she backs out of your embrace, straightening her dress and turning, leading you towards the lord's manor. As the two of you travel through the city, you sense several things that catch your attention. First, you sense a pair of massive powerlevels, one demonic and one possibly undead both together in a lesser-populated area. No doubt their passive auras keeping the weaker-willed away subconsciously. Second, you also sense a surprising amount of other demons within the city, all gathered within a rather small area. Some of them even feel familiar, you think you recognize one or two from the Crimson Demon Village. But as Darkness leads you to the largest manor in the city, you start sensing something else. Faint, barely noticeable traces of demonic power hang over the manor. You stop just inside the gate, closing your eyes to focus on what you sense.

“Milha? What is it?” Darkness asks, having stopped and turned to face you. “Is something wrong?”
“There's a presence here. Faint, as if it's trying to hide.” you say, opening your eyes to meet Darkness's. “But there's a demonic presence here.”
“Lord Alderp is scum, but he's no demon.” Darkness tells you, her eyes then widening. “Hold on, are you implying-?”

“I'll keep an eye out. I won't let anyone else hurt you.” you tell her, Darkness blushing a bit before turning back to the manor. Not saying anything else, leading you up to the door. Where the door is opened, you seeing a pair of maids bowing to you both. Both of who, to your surprise, both bear a surprising resemblance to Darkness.
“Lalatina Ford Dustiness, we have been expecting you.” they both say, gesturing into the manor. “Please, follow us.”

“Of course, please lead the way.” Darkness says, you seeing her blush a bit at having her real name used by the maids. But as you both pass through the entrance, you watch as her demeanor begins changing. She stops looking timid as her slight heels clack on the floor, her bearing and demeanor becoming more... Noble.
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She stands tall, walking with purpose as she truly becomes noble. Next to you slouching a bit behind her, you feel like you're standing behind true royalty. She looks so cool, so elegant, so... Hot. You feel your eyes glued to her back as she walks, momentarily hypnotizing you. Snapping out of it you follow along, the two maids leading you into what appears to be a dining hall. Where, at the head of the table sits a rather rotund, grotesque man feasting on a whole hog.

“Lord Alderp, Lady Lalatina has arrived.” they say as the open the door, the lord freezing as he's about to go in for another bite. Darkness strides into the room elegantly, you following along behind her, almost in her shadow. Allowing you to see the look on his face, the sudden lust in his eyes as he looks at your woman. Then, you see him see you, his expression hardening. Clearly having wanted to get your Darkness alone, and disappointed you're here as well.
“Lord Alderp, you seem to be doing well.” Darkness says diplomatically, his eyes shifting back to her as she stands nearest the chair to his left. He gazes lecherously at her, you feeling your hands clench. How dare he look at her like that, she's YOURS. Not his. But after several seconds he snaps out of it, raising a hand in feigned politeness.

“Lalatina, it's been so long. Now, where are my manners? MAIDS! Pull the lady's chair out for her!” he calls, the two maids returning back to the room. Heads bowed, both clearly not wanting to meet his gaze they rush over, pulling out her chair then going behind him, standing at either corner of the room behind him. Clearly not wanting to be in his sight any longer than necessary, you now noticing just how... Revealing their uniforms are. And how uncomfortable they look. “There, much better. Would you like a taste?”
“I appreciate the offer, but I would like to get straight down to business.” Darkness says, and despite her friendly tone there's an edge to it. “Why are you calling in the debts now? Father still has another few years left to-”

“Unfortunately, the economy's taken quite a downturn since the Demon King's defeat.” he says, you standing behind Darkness and watching this sleazeball talk. But something just tells you he's lying, that this isn't the reason behind what he's saying. There's something else going on here, but you aren't quite sure what. As he goes on about the economy, about how war supplies are no longer needed ever since your half-brother Chilli began enforcing world peace with his mighty Crystal Stars the lesser conflicts simply ended. As he drones on and on, your mind wanders, until you see him grin maliciously. “If you want to settle your father's debts, to clear your family name, there is only one thing you can do, my lady. Marry me.”
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“WHAT?!” you exclaim, shocked back to the present with his ridiculous proposal. “You've got to be kidding.”
“Lalatina, please. Quiet your help.” he says sternly, brow twitching in annoyance at your outburst. “Who do you think you are?”
“Me? Well, if you must know, I am the Demon Princess's daughter, Milha.” you say, watching in some slight confusion as the fat noble immediately chokes on his meat. Eyes bulging in shock, you see his entire demeanor change. One instant he's an arrogant, spoiled child, the next looking like he's seen death itself coming for him. You smile upon seeing this, after a few seconds pounding on his broad, flabby chest coughs up a bite of half-chewed food onto his plate. “Was it something I said?”

“Wh-Wh-What is ANYONE from the demon clan's family doing here? I thought you were all wiped out by that foreigner?” he asks, clearly mistaking you for one that OTHER Demon King's clan, the one you were told your half-brother wiped out.
“Huh? Darkness, what is he talking about?” you ask, turning your focus from him to her. To which she takes control of the situation, her voice commanding yet soft.

“Milha here isn't related to that demon king, Lord Alderp. Her family is far stronger. She is the daughter of the Saiyan Karn, father of the offworlder Chilli who obliterated the Demon King and his castle.” she says, Alderp focusing back on her once more. But seems even more worried as her explanation continues. “Her mother is from the demon realm itself, her mother specifically is the sister of that dimension's ruler Dabura, King of all Demonkind.”
“A true demon? And not only in name, like those nutjob wizards with the weird names to the north?” he asks, turning his eye upon you once more. No longer quite condescending nor frightful, but more like someone appraising an item they wish to purchase before turning his attention back to Darkness. “Praytell, how did you get her in your employ? What was her price: what did you offer her in return?”

“I-” she starts, but with a grin you interrupt. Knowing the type of man he is, and now understanding why there's a demonic presence in this house, you act. Reaching down, you wrap one arm around her middle, the other closing around her throat. Just enough to stop her from talking as you pull her to her feet.
“I think you misunderstand, Lord Alderp. I am not in HER employ: she is in MINE.” you tell him mockingly, turning Darkness's face towards your own and kiss her. Knowing how embarrassed she is in front of others, but how much she likes it at the same time, you know that she's enjoying herself. But you only give her a taste, just a moment of passion before pulling back and turning your gaze back upon the obscenely fat yet insignificant man. “You can't have her, because she's mine.”

Art by @arantking
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“Milha...” Darkness manages to say breathily as you slightly loosen your grip, staring down the fat man. But he seems far less upset by recent developments, in fact he seems far more agreeable than you'd expected from this display. Something's wrong here, you can feel it as he rests his elbows upon his gut, steepling his fingertips.
“If she is yours, then her debts fall upon you as well, Milha. Which means that you are indebted to me, demon.” he says with a hint of malice, and as he does you feel something sinister. A demonic power not unlike your own enters your mind, trying to force compliance with this ludicrous decree. But, thanks to your mother's hard work she'd designed and crafted spells, laid upon you and your siblings that none of you would be susceptible to any type of mind control after learning what Chronoa had done to Ace and presumably others in the Time Patrol. “So, let us discuss terms.”

“Terms? Really? Did you think I wouldn't notice you trying to use a lesser demon's power to control me?” you ask him, clenching your teeth angrily. Gently you set Darkness back in her seat, who looks at you worriedly as you turn your anger back on this Alderp bastard. “I think it's time someone taught you a lesson.”

Clenching your fists, you let your power explode out from you. Ascending in a flash, taking on your Super form. The burst of power blows your hat off your head, hair standing straight up as lightning crackles around your body. Your strength increases hundreds of times over, the polished stones cracking beneath you as your power surges forth. Crying out in terror he leans back, his seat cracking then shattering under his bulk. Dumping the fat man on the floor, you hovering over towards him with malice in your eyes. He sees you, the blubbery man radiating with fear as he calls out desperately.

“MAXWELL! Defend me!!” he cries, and in a flash of flame another demon appears between you. Who, upon seeing you immediately bows, recognizing your lineage despite not being from this timeline. “Wh-What?! What are you doing?!!”
“What any proper demon does, upon greeting one of the royal line.” a familiar voice calls, you all turning to look back at the doorway. Where a familiar, masked man stands. He gives a rather flashy, dramatic bow, rising up with a glow in his eyes behind his white and black dragonbone mask. “Lady Milha, Lady Lalatina. Rather far from your usual makeout point, aren't we?”
“Vanir.” you reply coolly, wondering just what the All-Seeing Demon's game is here. As a being who can see people's minds past and future, you know he's here for a reason. But for who? And what angle is he trying to pull?

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 218 Epilogue End-
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>From what little I've seen, Baki characters love piss.
It's more the fact that Itagaki seems fixated on spontaneous urination as another ugly thing about "real" fights.
Sometimes it's used a way to demonstrate a fear response (Guevara VS The Mouth) or to show somebody going so hard in the paint that they just don't care that they're pissing themselves (Baki VS Jack, Baki VS Yujiro II, etc...)
Those big old hats are usually enchanted, right? Maybe Milha and Chilli should consider switching to cowls so they don't get blown off and lost every time they transform.
>“I think it's time someone taught you a lesson."

(Extend Spell) (Heighten Spell) (Maximise Spell) Testicular Torsion.
Cowls are peak mysterious, and stylish.
Ayo no horny on main bro dayum someone pass me a pillow

It was promised he would not die. Not that he wouldn't wish he was dead.

Which makes me wonder how great Milha would be at making people regret being immortal.
Lol we're going to fuck up Zamasu so badly.
>Which makes me wonder how great Milha would be at making people regret being immortal.
I have to wonder if she's gotten the chance to speak with Uncle Dabura in this timeline. I'm sure they'd both enjoy trading notes on torture.
>Babidi grows a new asshole to shit in terror
Sounds legit
Double the soul, double the spiritual torment. What a deal!

>I like to turn people to stone.
>I like to inflict a curse which activates every muscle simultaneously just enough to not rip off of the bone, effectively paralyzing them as statues.
>I like your style, little one.
They just need to get over the "half mortal" hump. I'm sure they'd get along.
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>They just need to get over the "half mortal" hump. I'm sure they'd get along.
I'm sure when he realizes who her father is, he won't have much of an issue.
>[karn waving in the distance]
>Oh shit my bad sis, proceed.
If it were anyone else.
Her hat won't ever go far from her. It's a cursed item, after all.
Ha, but no. She's got her own plans, which may be why Vanir interfered. Or, perhaps he doesn't care about Alderp, but that his brother Maxwell still gets the debt he's owed.
Milha will be horny whenever she wants, no one's told her no yet. And she's a great torturer, one who rarely inflicts real, physical damage. Immortal or not, she won't accidentally kill someone. She's a professional.
If he ever pulls his plan together, perhaps.
Not yet.
He'd CERTAINLY have an issue. But perhaps not the issue you all think.
The tl;dr is that vortessence is an energy and a directed consciousness that contains the mind of every Vortigaunt that has ever lived and ever will live, transcending through time and space to connect them (but the ability of each individual to tap into it being limited by their physiological capability). Gathering more vorts together allows for a greater channeling of this collective essence, which can do things like trap extradimensional beings or heal incurable wounds.
Now, you may ask why vortigaunts were enemies in half life 1 if they could see the future: it's because they were enslaved by a giant psychic augmented baby that was committing war crimes to escape the war crimes committed against it and its species. Once the head baby is killed, they're free to help people like they originally wanted to.
>He'd CERTAINLY have an issue. But perhaps not the issue you all think.
Well now I have to ask, what could be the issue if not a mortal man bedding his sister?
Would it be because Milha isn't native to this timeline?
Would he see her as a potential usurper of his throne?
Does he simply not care about his nieces and nephews that much?
>taking on your Super form.

I made a point earlier in this thread that I feel like repeating; I reckon that our kids with Towa would be really well-suited to pursing the god ki line of advancement. It seems reasonable to think that there might be some serious synergy in their dual Core Person + Saiyan nature that would make them better at using, cultivating and/or amplifying (transformations) god ki than pure kais/demons or pure saiyans.

Combine the natural inclination towards god ki that I'm sure Core People possess (with the supreme kais/demon supreme kais being born divine, being designed/intended to be Gods; normal/lesser kais/demons perhaps not to same extent) with saiyan aptitude for it (god ki-amplifying forms; and certainly not incompatible with/unsuited to it, as shown by being able to produce new god ki and new cultivators of it easily with the ritual) [In Heroes, it was so easy for Saiyans to produce god ki / god ki wielders that they even did it accidentally with Trunks].

A half-blooded Core Person certainly doesn't seem like they'd be losing out versus a full-blooded Core Person by being half Saiyan (even without using transformations). And a half-Saiyan versus a full Saiyan doesn't lose out (still has the transformations, though maybe in a different form; Rose vs Blue), and probably does gain something extra from the half Core Person side.

He's obviously a fusion (and more powerful by virtue of that), but Fused Zamasu gives us some idea of the possible phenotype of a Core Person/Saiyan hybrid; access to Super Saiyan Rose forms, but with white hair and a different (cooler) aura.
The issue is Karn specifically. And no, not because you're a mortal.
Perhaps Milha will eventually go down such a path.But, at least for now, her focus isn't on power.
Is it because Karn is green like a Kai? I am all for racism, so I can't blame him for it. I would think its funny however.
>Perhaps Milha will eventually go down such a path.But, at least for now, her focus isn't on power.
Her power is being violently horny.
>The issue is Karn specifically. And no, not because you're a mortal.
Oh don't tell me he thinks we're trouble. It's not our fault the Gods can't help but overstep their bounds around us.
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>Frieza, listening to his brother complain about the administrative work involved in being an emperor and knowing damn well he didn't warn Cooler whatsoever after their duel over leadership
That's why I'm saying that Frieza needs to have a chat with Maza, and tell him, 'Kid, don't worry about it; ruling is fucking shit. Just get on the dole instead and spend all day in the gym, like your dad (and me, now).'
As GD pointed out before, the problem with that is Maza wouldn't be keen to listen to Frieza (probably as a result of dealing with other Lesser Friezas across Time and Space) AND he genuinely believes that ruling over the Saiyans and the Demon Realm are his birthrights.
I think trying to dissuade him from that is a non-starter. What we should do instead is set him up for success by cultivating in him the qualities needed to be an effective ruler.
Maza is stuck on Prince Vegeta hours. It's not his duty, it's what he -deserves-. Until he's out of that mindset he won't be a good king. Great tyrant though. Oh he'll talk the talk alright but it's easy to see his world view is both skewed and narrow. Which is understandable. He basically lived in a crate with a doting mother and a father on glorified visitation hours. It doesn't help that both of his parents are important people.

Ah kids. Hopefully he'll grow out of it. He won't.
Ha, but no. More because he knows she's not a fighter, she doesn't seek war.
She does enjoy what she does.
Not only are you trouble, but the Berserker energy especially.
Freeza would recognize his ambition, probably suggesting a few ways to direct that ambition to results.
Vegeta's been pondering the Maza problem, thinking it over,and may have a solution.One that channels his ambition and desires.
24 hours to go. 7 years...
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Time flies when you're having fun I guess.
Its been one hell of a party
True enough. I still remember being shocked anon wanted dozens of episodes, aaaaall the way back in episode 1.
That it has. With its own ups and downs, certainly, but so far everything's turned out okay.
We have a lesbian daughter, but with a single mom and barely any visitation time, its par for the course.
I'm just really happy that we finally got Towa, Maza, Milha, and Koruza out of the No-Fun eternity box. After so much back and forth with the Tard Patrol and dubious deals with demons and backstabbing chaos gods, that shitty pink imp can't do shit anymore. I just wish it happened sooner so that they could've had a childhood, you know? And it's a shame Mira had to go into the cuckshed and die too i guess

Milha likes what she likes.
That they didn't get the same childhood as others may be seen as a downside, on the other hand they have all the freedom in their adult lives. We'll have to wait and see what they do with it.
It is time! >>6022798

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