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Last time, you did unforgettable things inside a hotel... Like turning Carol into a ball, the ball you’re carrying home. You technically didn’t, the others did, but you’re complicit, a monster who turns a blind eye to people being turned into circular beings of backpack-like proportions. What would anyone who respects you think if they saw you now? Better not to think about it and instead look ahead to what this day has to offer! You’re visiting Carol’s family!

The only downside is that you’re still a little tired. Not that it will affect you in any way. You’ve been told you act somewhat odd when you’re exhausted, but that’s all lies at this point; yesterday, you did a lot of things that you would’ve done even if you were at your best.

You have no idea why you’re talking about this like you aren’t outside. It is a fairly conventional and cozy two story house, with a well-maintained garden and welcoming vibe. The entire neighborhood is like that, everything from stores to transportation is at a walk-able distance, greenery everywhere you look, well maintained public spaces. It’s just a nice part of town, and it has a dinosaur motif for some reason. Maybe a museum is nearby?

“Hey, Carol Ball, we’re here.” You wake up the tired idol. She slept through most of it.

“...What did you call me?” Carol snaps out of her tired state rather quickly due to your comment.

“We’re not having this conversation again.” You refuse to get entangled in a meaningless discussion.

“Sure…” Carol doesn’t care for petty conversations either. “Place me by the door, and ring the bell. Then leave. Bye-bye!

She wants you out of the equation.

What do you do?

>“After a cup of coffee.” You’ll spend time with her family. That’s why you are here.
>“Let me say hi at least…” Hash it out so Carol doesn’t get that upset.
>“Sure.” Kick the ball, then press the button. You’ll leave if no one pays attention to you.
>Write In.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/QM91m
Discord: https://discord.gg/AmjbaTR
Archives: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=do+your+best+quest
(Rough Grammar ‘till half of the 9th Thread)
Incomplete Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-nIx_dvaNCPQ7zLg2BK_ucCyGNM741kAANxqXj7hdDs/edit?usp=sharing


Votes are counted until 25 minutes have passed. This rule doesn't apply to the last reply of the day.
Votes that require a dice roll are counted until 15 minutes have passed, so we can speed up the process. Rolls are counted until 10 minutes have passed, so be prepared!

(NEW) Dice Mechanic:

We always roll 1d100s!
Since most people weren’t happy with the system of averaging top four rolls, we’re using best of 2/3/4 depending on the attribute a prompt requires. If Johnny is a genius and it’s a Knowledge based roll, he gets more rolls (Max. 7)! If he sucks, he gets less dice (Min. 2)!

When asked for rolls, I will specify how many you’re going to get. Rolling begins after it’s asked.

Rolling 100 is a critical! There are no Critical Failures anymore!

The difficulty of the roll is tied with the effectiveness of the action. In other words, the harder the option the better the result!

Don’t forget that at the end of the day, this is a story-driven quest! What the prompts are describing is more important than the difficulty of the rolls, for results in a fight.

Again, rolls are only counted when they are posted within ten minutes of being asked, so watch out!

Patch Notes! New Rules will be applied as we go! For now, know that the thresholds for rolls have been changed!:

Normal- 40
Hard - 60
Very Hard - 75
Destiny Breaker - 90
>>“After a cup of coffee.” You’ll spend time with her family. That’s why you are here.
>“After a cup of coffee.” You’ll spend time with her family. That’s why you are here.
>“After a cup of coffee.” You’ll spend time with her family. That’s why you are here.
>“After a cup of coffee.” You’ll spend time with her family. That’s why you are here.
>“After a cup of coffee.” You’ll spend time with her family. That’s why you are here.
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“After a cup of coffee…” You’ll ignore your ex-wife once again. You need to tone that down, if you don’t want any misunderstanding from this point onwards.

“No. Bad. That’s not the plan. We’re not doing that. We’re a team, you're the back up dancer and I’m the main star, so listen to me.” Carol doesn’t want to spend more time with you. You’re not interested in her in all actuality. “Hey! Stop walking with your two feet to the door! Hey! Don’t you look at the beautiful flowers! Okay, place me down here. Wait, don’t knock on the door! Don’t! You should’ve at least waited by the fence and rang the bell, if you wanted to say hi! Stop it! Don’t wait here, wait outside! OUT-SIDE. C’mon! Someone is coming over, they can’t see you here. Don’t fix your hair now, it’ll never work. Step back, damn it, they’re opening the door! No! Don’t turn around so I’m the first thing they see! Aw, for god’s sake… Hey mom...

Oh my god~!” That’s Grace alright, she sounds like her, and she shrieks with excitement! “You’re an actual baby now! It’s so cute!” She grabs her ball daughter from your back.

“I’m not a baby, mom. I’m constricted and shrunk by these pieces of clothing.” Carol says the facts as she sees them.

“Well, I’m glad your gymnastic classes weren’t a waste.” Grace shakes Carol like a baby.

“Mom, they found a way to be even more of a detriment.” Carol frowns as her flexibility backfires her.

“I don’t know, I feel like you look absolutely lovable.” Grace hugs and kisses her child.

“Take your fat away from my face!” Carol isn’t happy having those ‘attributes’ shoved in her face.

“D-Don’t be like that! Your lovable friend will get the wrong impression if you continue being this disrespectful.” Grace doesn’t like Carol’s nasty attitude.

“He already knows your terrible personality, mom, that ship has long since sailed.” Carol doesn’t sugarcoat it.

“Nasty? I’m still quite magnetic, and even more so face to face! But I wasn’t talking about me, I’m more concerned about your prospects.” Grace sighs.

Meh.” Carol doesn’t care about you in that way. Last night is proof that there are still feelings after divorce.

“We have ignored your buddy for long enough. Hi there again, Johnny! Thank you for bringing my angel here as promised. I knew my hunch about you was correct.” Grace directs her attention to you.
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“Hi! It was my pleasure!” You finally turn around after listening to the entire conversation.

Oh my goodness~, I’m not the only one who is more charming face to face.” Grace waves at her face with one hand. “Would you join us for breakfast? My husband and the kids went to the fishing pool. It’s just me, you, and my daughters.”

“Sure! I’d love to drink a cup of coffee.” You enthusiastically reply. Carol groans.

“Wonderful~! Come inside!” Grace welcomes you in.

While outside everything is pretty standard (a nice standard), within is another story, it’s all filled with foreign souvenirs and artifacts, pieces of art —like sculptures and paintings, some even by Chio—, instruments, and neat stuff all around. It doesn’t take up much space as it’s decorated perfectly to still be a functional home.

“Beautiful place.” You admit without thinking too much if all the decorations fit with each other. They might not, but what do you know?

“Aw, for a moment, I thought you were talking about me!” Grace teases.

“Mom, shut up.” Carol doesn’t have nice words for her. “And don’t respond to her.” Or you.

“Uff! You’re a piece of work today! I thought you’d be happier back home!”

“Not with this intruder…” The ball glares at you. You glare back.

“He’s a guest! And sadly, you’re not ready to welcome anyone in that state!” Grace picks up the ball. “Let’s pick you a cute little outfit! You don’t mind waiting for us, right? Pansori will keep you company for a bit, she’s a little shy. Or do you want me to stay with you while my Carol gets ready with her little sister’s help?”

You’re given options, and as a decisive man, you must take one.

What do you do?

>Keep Carol Ball as Carol Ball. She’s going to stay a ball no matter what.
>Wait with Grace.
>Wait with Pansori.
>Write In.
>>Wait with Pansori.
>Wait with Pansori.
>Wait with Pansori.
Sure why not
>Wait with Grace.
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“I’ll go with your original plan, so both of you can get even prettier.” You playfully smile back.

Aww~! I will, I will!” Grace blushes. “Why weren’t you in my life a couple of decades earlier? It’s so unfair, I want to take a bite out of you!” Grace bites her thumb. “Well, I won’t be the first mother to live vicariously through her daughters.”

“Mom, this is unbelievably creepy, please stop.” Carol feels really uncomfortable.

“Please, Carol. I’m happily married. I just love upsetting you a little after the way you’ve treated me lately.” Grace answers back. A strange serious moment between the two.

“Just to be clear, I don’t mind any of this. I’m sure this is all in good fun.” You have to, *sigh*, stop this and clarify…

“Good. Now I don’t have to feel like I need to puke for the both of us.” Carol drips in sarcasm.

“Are you sure, dear? Am I not making you uncomfortable?” Grace wants to make sure.

“Not at all!” You want it to continue but you have to suppress your feelings… The tomatoes are really special to you.

“How kind of you.” Grace tenderly smiles. “Well, that wasn’t, like, the best conversation in the world. But I’m glad we’re not bringing this energy to the table. Now, let’s get you ready. That hair of yours needs some work.”

“I have my eyes on you...” Carol Ball furrows her eyebrows, eyes locked on you, as she’s being taken away upstairs.

“Pannie, dear! Could you entertain our guest for a bit?” Grace shouts upstairs to her other daughter.

“Sure, Mom!” That’s Pannie. She’s in a different room up there as well. You hear her coming over at a nimble pace.

And there she is! Carol’s sister is wearing a cute sundress, her cheeks turn rosy upon eye contact, but —unlike during the phone call— she doesn’t stay shy and greets you at your level.

“You’re much taller than I thought. I bet you could pick me up and I’d be able to reach the light bulb.” Pannie lets an intrusive thought escape her mouth. You don’t blame her for thinking that, the lights are really up there in this house.

“Hey there.” You say hi as usual. She smiles back, her heart racing tenfold.

“There’s a place to sit over here.” Pannie grabs your hand and pulls you over to the living room by the right of the entrance. She places you on one of the couches; there are a couple, one by the TV, and the others for guests. “Would you like something to drink? We have all types of juices. We have orange, apple, pineapple, strawberry, cherry, lemon, kiwi, blueberry, cranberry, tart cherry, pomegranate, grapefruit, mango, pear, and even tomato or carrot if you’re into that.”

So many choices, so little time…

How do you respond?

>Pick a flavor you like. She’s being nice!
>“I'd rather you have a seat with me and wait for breakfast together.” You aren’t thirsty!
>“You guys really know your juices.” Be amazed by the variety.
>“Nice dress! You look really cute in it!” Throw compliments!
>“Relax, we met on the phone!” Try to calm her nerves!
>Write In.

What do you do after?

>“Tell me about yourself.” Get to know Pannie on her terms.
>“You’re a big fan of your sister, right?” You remember seeing her Carol merch on the phone.
>“I know a couple of magic tricks, want to see one?” You know all little sisters love magic tricks. Except Amelia. She sucks.
>“I’m sorry about yesterday, it must’ve been really awkward for you, right?” Be apologetic for all the oddities that you went through during the phone call.
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow or Monday!)
>>“Nice dress! You look really cute in it!” Throw compliments!
>“Tell me about yourself.” Get to know Pannie on her terms.
>“Nice dress! You look really cute in it!” Throw compliments!
>“Tell me about yourself.” Get to know Pannie on her terms.
>"Nice dress! You look really cute in it!” Throw compliments!
>“Tell me about yourself.” Get to know Pannie on her terms.
>”I’ll have some Lemon, please.”
>“Nice dress! You look really cute in it!” Throw compliments!
>“Tell me about yourself.” Get to know Pannie on her terms.
So tempted to say “Nice cheeks! They look really cute in that dress!”
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“Nice dress by the way! You look really cute in it!” You throw a compliment before deciding on a flavor.

“Thank you!” Pansori grabs two ends of her dress and bows, her eyes glittering with joy. “I have plenty more if you want to check them out.”

“Are you going to list them all too?” You joke.

“I could make a photo collage for you to pick your favorite and I’ll wear it.” Pansori pulls out her phone, and seems to start working on it. Her fingers are lightning fast! You have never seen anyone type so quickly before.

“You’d do that for me?” You don’t know what to say. That’s very nice of her, but you were just paying her a compliment.

“I’m preparing it now!” Pansori is full of enthusiasm, softly humming and dancing in place. She forgot about the juice.

“That’s cool!” You weren’t expecting that. “Wanna talk in the meantime?” You invite her to sit next to you.

“Mhm!” Pansori jumps on the couch without a care in the world, her eyes focused on what she’s doing. You wonder if it’s possible to have a conversation like this.

“Tell me about yourself.” You want to know more about her, but only what she’s willing to share.

“Umm...” Pansori stops typing, and puts her phone on her lap. She looks straight ahead, her head slowly tilting upwards as she thinks of her answer. Carol’s sister is really putting a lot of thought into it. “I have a really good memory. I don’t like to miss details, everyone works hard at the things they do, so I want their efforts to be noticed. My sister calls me a human encyclopedia.” She acts aloof, but there’s more to her than that. Are her actions a way for her to loosen your guard?

“This is really interesting. You can remember anything?” You’re genuinely intrigued.

“Test me. No detail escape me.” Pansori smiles, full of confidence. She’s really proud of it. “Ask me about anything. Just, like, about something I should know.”

“Hmm, I wonder what I could ask.” You cross your arms.
“Hmm, let me think.” Pansori copies you. “I know everything about the music landscape! My sister, her competition, other bands, and even underground acts. I’m a card game expert, I collect everything. I also know animal facts. Cooking recipes and techniques. I’m really into costume design. And, uhm…” Pansori looks around, being careful of who's listening to this. “...Ghosts and aliens.” She whispers.

Ooooh~!” You’re pretty impressed.

“I’m only scratching the surface.” Pansori gets all smug. “Ask away.”

What do you do?

>“What’s Carol's favorite song to sing?” You don’t know, so you wanna know something new.
>“Tell me what were the names of everyone from yesterday’s call.” You’ll throw her a curve ball.
>“What’s the best cake recipe that you know?” You can’t imagine she’ll help improve the cake, but you’ll know her tastes, and that’s a bigger win in your book.
>“You play Sparks of Luck? Which card is your favorite?” You didn’t know! Ask about it and continue the conversation as normal.
>“Do I gain anything if you lose?” Turn this into a bet.
>Write In.

Only Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!

>Ask her about that ghost thing
>“Do I gain anything if you lose?” Turn this into a bet.

Fuck yeah a hot autistic 17 year old, what's better than that
>“What’s Carol's favorite song to sing?” You don’t know, so you wanna know something new.
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“Before I actually test you, I want to know about the ghost thing.” You’re curious because flames and ghosts are usually linked in some way.

The paranormal…” Pansori is trying to set the mood by not being as cheerful. “There are a lot of mysteries surrounding our day to day lives. I have always been more perceptive of the shadowy machinations behind the unexplained, so I study it all. Carol does too, but she isn’t as keen to understand the occult as I am. I wish she liked the horror genre as much as I do. Ask me about anything macabre or a folktale, and I’ll have an answer for it!”

“I see, seems like a good topic to ask about.” You wonder if she’s in the know about entities. Carol had to confide in someone about it at the beginning.

“You’d be surprised by how much lore there is in these parts.” Pansori really wants you to ask anything. “Our city is the bedrock of Lokyo’s cryptids.”

“Before I ask anything, do I gain anything if you lose?” You want to turn this into a bet.

“Hmm? Lose how?” Pansori doesn’t catch your insinuation at first glance.

“Like, if I catch you! If I ask you something and you don’t know the answer. Do I get a reward?” You explain.

“Hmm, only if I get something in the case that I win.” Pansori loves the idea as she starts bouncing in her seat.

“Then it’s a bet!” You extend your hand to make it official.

“A bet!” Pansori shakes your hand. She’s having fun. “I’m not going to be easy to defeat.”

“We’ll see.” You need to use your brain to stump her!

You’ll leave the Carol question for later. You’re certain she’d be happy to share what her sister’s favorite song to perform is. Now it’s a game and you have to play accordingly.

What do you do?

>Ask Pansori about the cryptid that destroyed part of the city. You know, the Skeleton Monster who chased after you.
>Ask Pansori about the great Ghoulzilla. A cryptid tale that is still alive and well. There’s no way she knows the real legend, right?
>Ask Pansori about the original reprint of the Lieutenant of Headpats. The one you got from Neko. Maybe Sparks of Luck isn’t her forte.
>Ask Pansori about the legendary Swiss Rolls that Nina is so fond of. A secret recipe only a few people in the country know about.
>Ask Pansori about the strange Prancijanian Pigeon. A pigeon with the head of a toucan and the body of a toucan.
>Ask Pansori what Debbie's real name is! The answer is Debbie! Debbie the pervert...
>Write In.
>>Ask Pansori about the great Ghoulzilla. A cryptid tale that is still alive and well. There’s no way she knows the real legend, right?
>Ask who the person inside the Jack Frost costume is
The biggest mystery behind snowman Johnny
I'll change to this
>Ask Pansori about the strange Prancijanian Pigeon. A pigeon with the head of a toucan and the body of a toucan.
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“You know every urban legend in the city, right?” You need to uncover one of the greatest mysteries in Pokyo Lokyo.

“Absolutely.” Pansori has no doubt about her knowledge.

“Do you know the identity of the Jackey Frosties’ cashier?” You have been dying to know!

“T-The ice cream shop?” Pansori’s voice quivers.

“The guy in the costume, yes.” You give more details. “Who is it? I’ve never seen him without his disguise.”

“……...I have no idea!” Pansori looked somber for a moment then she goes into full excitement. She’s glad to not know. “Nobody has ever seen him without his disguise either. Hmm, mysterious. I know some people are investigating what his deal is.”

“Any guesses?” You feel like throwing her a bone, even though you could secure your victory.

“I recall my mom told me once that the cashier used to work at a renowned pastry shop that suddenly closed long ago. The building was eventually bought by the Jackey Frosties store chain, and now he works there ever since. He’s at least a middle aged man or...” Pansori’s eyes open wide. “...a haunting specter that lives in the building! But there’s a contradiction.”

“What contradiction?” You pry. You aren’t against the idea that he’s a tortured soul after dealing with Scarlet for so long.

“He has shown up in different Jackey Frosties stores at the same time. Some people have guessed the disguise is *that* good, therefore these are different employees. But he has the exact same voice in all recordings.” Pansori is treating him like a cryptid. Or, you should say, he always was one.

“It could be a marketing ploy.” You suggest.

“Well, hmmm…” Pansori is in deep thought, she doesn’t buy your explanation even if it’s a good one. “...You have defeated me! I couldn’t give you an answer!” She claps for you.

Yay! What do I get?” You want your prize.

“I don’t know what a guy like you could want.” Pansori crosses her arms. “Let’s figure it out! You have to tell me about yourself!”

“Where should I begin?” You ponder out loud.

“Share something related to what you’re interested in getting from me.” Pansori suggests, but it doesn’t narrow things down enough for you.

What topic do you want to talk about?

>Idols and management.
>Pretty girls and hobos.
>Prison breaking.
>Sparks of Luck. Get a card!
>Summoning Spirits.
>Video Games.
>Straight up asking for something. (Write-In.)
>Write In.
>>Pretty girls and hobos.
>Pretty girls and hobos.
>Sparks of Luck. Get a card!
Muh card games
>>Sparks of Luck. Get a card!
>Pretty girls and hobos.
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“Well, I like pretty girls… and hobos.” You don’t know why the last bit escaped your lips, but you’re going to roll with it.

“What do you mean by that?” Pansori deals with such a myriad of different topics that she knows not to take anything said at face value.

“I think the pretty girls part is self explanatory.” You adjust your glasses.

“Does that include me?” Inadvertently, Pansori puts her hand on top of yours as she leans forward.

“Duh.” You wink.

“……...” Even if she asked, Pansori doesn’t know how to handle the answer. She’s as red as a young Grace used to be, swinging her arms around out of anxiousness. She’s a mixture of happiness and unpreparedness, that’s how love usually goes. The only thought crossing her mind is the one that will drive the conversation somewhere else. “A-And the hobo bit?”

Cute hobo bit, you mean.” You retort in jest. “It’s a joke. I like helping people I found everywhere, even at odd places or circumstances. Sometimes unrequited. There are times I feel it doesn’t backfire on me enough, but I’m gonna ride this wave of luck as long as I can.”

“I bet you have a knack for noticing when people are in need of help.” Pansori reassures. “I’m the same, I have meticulously analyzed people’s behavior to understand their cues. Not that I’m trying to brag.” She feels a little guilty for sounding this confident. “Going around cheering people up makes me smile.”

“I’m glad we have this in common then.” You nod. You’re taking the compliment, but you don’t believe you can catch onto people’s troubles that easily.

“Hmm, I have figured out what I can reward you with. I know how to cheer you up.” Pansori smirks, convinced that her analysis has no flaws. “Correct me if you’re not interested, but would you like to use my bosom as pillows and take a nap?”

Pansori welcomes you with her arms open. You have reasons to hesitate, as from the corner of your eyes you can see Carol scowling from far away into the room, while Grace is cheering her nicer daughter on in silence.

What do you do?

>You’re not a heartbreaker, you’re a heartmender. Take the offer and lay your head on Pansori’s body for a moment, as you imagine Carol will interrupt. It’ll be a short lived but sweet moment.
>“Huh, can’t say anything with those two looking.” You need to tread carefully.
>“W-What gave you the impression that I want that?” Is your impure gaze too obvious these days? Or is it that you can’t mask it well because you’re a lil’ tired?
>“I want to say yes, but…” Point at the other two but don’t outright reject the offer.
>“You got me wrong, sorry. But thank you!” Pretend you’re not the man you are and decline. You might break this poor girl’s confidence.
>Write In.

The others are here, what do you say before getting breakfast?

>“Carol, what happened to your head? You look like your family!” You can’t believe she’s actually related to Grace!
>“Woah, I was kidding before, but you two got prettier!” Be amazed by the changes! Even if Grace didn’t change anything. Carol looks different!
>“I really like being with your sister, Carol. She’s really sweet!” Compliment Pansori! She’s really a nice girl.
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>>You’re not a heartbreaker, you’re a heartmender. Take the offer and lay your head on Pansori’s body for a moment, as you imagine Carol will interrupt. It’ll be a short lived but sweet moment.
>“Carol, what happened to your head? You look like your family!” You can’t believe she’s actually related to Grace!
>You’re not a heartbreaker, you’re a heartmender. Take the offer and lay your head on Pansori’s body for a moment, as you imagine Carol will interrupt. It’ll be a short lived but sweet moment.
>“Carol, what happened to your head? You look like your family!” You can’t believe she’s actually related to Grace!
>Write In.
“Really brings the beauty in your eyes more.” Cringe and affection the ex wife with compliments .
>You’re not a heartbreaker, you’re a heartmender. Take the offer and lay your head on Pansori’s body for a moment, as you imagine Carol will interrupt. It’ll be a short lived but sweet moment.
>“Carol, what happened to your head? You look like your family!” You can’t believe she’s actually related to Grace!
>Then ask Carol if she’d be interested in offering us her lap to try out.
>“Really brings the beauty in your eyes more.” Cringe and affection the ex wife with compliments
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“Sure!” Even knowing that the offer is going to be short-lived, there’s no reason to decline! You won’t disappoint Pansori. And more importantly, this is your reward! You earned this!

Come here...” Overwhelmed with joy, Pansori places your head over her chest, and scuttles around to make both of you as comfortable as possible. Your whole body extends over the couch as the little spoon being embraced. The heavenly sensation around your face spreads through your body until a vindictive ex-lover comes to ruin it all.

“Cut it out.” Carol’s dry tone ruins the mood.

Eek!” Pansori never noticed her sister until the last moment.

“I leave you two alone for 5 minutes and now look at you.” Carol starts tapping your face to wake you up.

“C-Carol, don’t be noisy, he’s trying to relax.” Pansori swats her sister’s hand away from you. It becomes a duel of whack-a-mole of sorts between the two to protect you, and the nicer sister is failing. “Drop it.”

“Relax my ass, we all know what you’re doing, snowball. You’re as subtle as a dog wagging its tail.” Carol won’t let you two have a blissful moment.

Ah?!” Pansori jitters from the shock of being called out.

“This guy is even worse.” Carol doesn’t blame her sister. “Hey! Stop ignoring me!” The idol drags your body away from your pillow angel.

“Aww…” You were enjoying it despite the ruckus. In fact, you don’t remember much of what they were talking about.

“You’re despicable, you know that?” Carol glares.

“Carol, what happened to your head? You look like your family!” You point out her hairstyle and color is all different! Nothing to bury your face in though.

“Changing topics is not going to save you. You’re gonna pay for everything you’re doing, I’ll work you like a dog.” Carol doesn’t mean it in a kinky way. She expects you to work alongside her plans, if you keep messing with her family.

“But it really brings out the beauty in your eyes more.” You can’t let it go! She’s like a flat Grace with piercing eyes!
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“PANSORI, How the HELL are you swept off your feet for a guy like this?! He might be cute, but HE SUCKS!” Carol barks at her sister. Compliment has been rejected. “God, you’re pathetic! He’s all red flags!”

Pansori is in absolute dismay! Thank the heavens that Grace comes in for the save as she shouts from afar!

“Breakfast is ready~!” Grace interferes a little too late for her liking. “My pathetic Pannie, my jealous Carol, and the steak they’re fighting for! Come over to the dining table!”

“Who are you calling jealous?! Snowball can have this garbage for all I care!” Carol walks away to the dining room, leaving you two behind.

“What do you mean? You get upset when anyone wants a bite of him!” Grace retorts as her daughter approaches.

“I’m not upset with you! I’m upset with him! He thinks he’s taking advantage of your dumb asses!” Carol shouts.

They continue discussing, it all sounds like Grace is teasing her back more than an actual discussion.

“I-I’m sorry.” Pannie grabs your shirt, ridden with guilt. “I’ve made things awkward for everyone…”

It breaks your heart seeing her like this...

How do you respond?

>“No, Carol did. I mean it’s all funny anyway, don’t sweat about it.” Reassure that nothing is Pannie’s fault!
>“Can I get 5 more minutes of my reward?” You NEED it.
>“No, it’s all my fault. I’ll try to be less aloof.” You feel like you’re getting someone killed if you continue. And that person might be you.
>“It’s okay, I made things awkward the most.” You have the same faults!
>Write In.

Dinner table strategy?

>Sit next to Carol.
>Sit next to Pansori.
>Sit next to Grace. You’re the head of the table.
>Do geometric calculations to be right in the middle of the three.
>Write In.
>>“Can I get 5 more minutes of my reward?” You NEED it.
>Do geometric calculations to be right in the middle of the three.
Have Carol sit on our lap as punishment
>>Write In.
"What are you talking about? After all we're bosom buddies."
>>Do geometric calculations to be right in the middle of the three.
>>“No, Carol did. I mean it’s all funny anyway, don’t sweat about it.” Reassure that nothing is Pannie’s fault!
>Sit next to Carol.
>Freak her out by acting like you have something planned.
>“No, Carol did. I mean it’s all funny anyway, don’t sweat about it.” Reassure that nothing is Pannie’s fault!
>Do geometric calculations to be right in the middle of the three.
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“No, Carol did. I mean it’s all funny anyway, don’t sweat about it.” You place your hand on top of hers and gently tap it. You don’t think what Pansori said is true, and… “Can I get 5 more minutes of my reward?”

“Um… but breakfast.” Pansori looks ahead to the dinning room for a brief moment, then her eyes return to you. “How about a big hug instead?” She opens her arms to you!

“Su—!” You couldn’t finish before being embraced. Talk about being short on time… and space. What a blessing.

J-Johnny, you’re tickling me...” Pansori flitters. You were merely finishing your sentence in there, now you’re apologizing, and that’s causing more funny friction. She giggles in response but doesn’t let you go, you have no idea what you’re supposed to do but pleasantly suffocate.

“Come on! We need the steak at the table!” Grace calls for you two once again. Out of reflex, Pansori lets you go and turns around to alert them that she’ll be there in a yiffy.

“Let’s run!” Pansori takes a hike! You weren’t expecting that! You have to follow because you have no idea where exactly the dining room is.

A spacious room, one half dinner room, another half the kitchen. It’s cozy, full of plants by the sink and its door to the outside. You can go to the garden from here. While most of the dinner table is set, there’s no one waiting, everyone else is either busy bringing more bread and tasty appetizers to the table, or checking the fridge and complaining about the amount of juices in it (Carol). You randomly pick a seat after awkwardly standing for someone else to join you for a moment.

“That’s my seat.” Carol appears with a glass of juice in her hands and glares at you.

“Oh, sorry, but…” You look around, there are like 8 chairs at this table. “Can you just sit somewhere else?” You’re King Comfy, you have to defend your colonial territory.

“No. It’s my spot. Out.” Carol frowns.

“Carol dear, don’t antagonize our guest~!” Grace reprimands as she puts the final touches on the table. Her and Pansori can’t stop humming a tune as they work in the kitchen.
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“Mom, you know I always sit there.” Carol isn’t happy with her mother’s response. “You guys ruined every other cushion here.”

“Let’s compromise. Sit on my lap.” You tap your thighs and wiggle your eyebrows.

Go to hell.” Carol refuses. “You’re flirting with my stupid sister, why don’t you bug her instead?”

“Because I’m penalizing you for being rude to everyone.” You tap your lap again.

“Oh wow, more reasons not to do it. Incredible.” Carol drips with sarcasm.

“Want to sit on your mother’s lap instead? Your sister can take your place on our guest’s and we can play house!” Grace teases the hell out of her older child. “I’m kidding! I’m kidding!”

“The only time I played house with him, we divorced.” Carol deadpans.

“Carol became an abusive alcoholic.” You deadpan.

“No wonder everyone is all up in arms about you, Carol.” Grace sees herself in her awful daughter.

“Don’t believe him.” Carol glares at you once again. If looks could kill, she’d be a serial killer.

“Are we ready for breakfast~?” Pansori shows up with a tray full of little homemade sweets. “I made these for everyone!”


What do you do with the chair situation?

>Give the space to Carol...
>Be serious about Carol sitting on your lap.
>Make space for Carol to sit next to you.
>Write In.

What do you do?

>Slowly eat the Carol Cookies while making eye contact with Carol the entire time.
>Humor Pansori’s homemade extravaganza! She has a lot of things for you to taste.
>Explain to Grace how terrible Carol is at playing House.
>Stop being a tit and have a fun breakfast with the entire Sung Family.
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we return when we can!)
>>Make space for Carol to sit next to you.
>Humor Pansori’s homemade extravaganza! She has a lot of things for you to taste.
>Make space for Carol to sit next to you.
>Humor Pansori’s homemade extravaganza! She has a lot of things for you to taste.
Forgot to add
>Write In.
“Well if you are getting a little jealous of me paying more attention to your sister, how about I apologize say “ahhh”” Feed her a cookie.
>Make space for Carol to sit next to you.
>Stop being a tit and have a fun breakfast with the entire Sung Family.
>Make space for Carol to sit next to you.
>Explain to Grace how terrible Carol is at playing House.
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“Yes! Yes, we are.” You make some space for Carol to sit on your chair, and tap it. This is a risky strategy due to the sheer size of her bottom, but nobody can say you didn’t try to accommodate.

Ugh.” Carol is too petty to let this chance to reinstate her authority go. With her by your side, everything feels more cramp than it needs to. She’s actually trying to subtly push you off.

“Stay put.” Pansori grabs her sister’s hand. She wants everyone to put full attention on what she has in store.

“Delicious! I have to say, these cookies really capture your essence, dear. All moody on the outside, all sweet on the inside.” Grace started eating the Carol Cookies before everyone else.

“Keep shoving your face with sweets while your daughter is suffering, it’s great. Very motherly.” Carol furrows her eyebrows at her nonchalant mother. Grace is wrong, you believe Carol Cookies should be bitter instead…

“How is a cookie moody?” Pansori inspects her own cookies with sudden interest. She wants to wield the power of moody pastries. “I actually prepared a bunch of your favorites last night, Carol. I hope you’re excited.”

“I kinda am. Wish there wasn’t someone trying to actively ruin my mood.” Your ex-wife says as she uses her body to push you away more violently. But you’re rock. Unmoving. Uncaring. “And I’m looking at this person right now.” With her futile attempts dismissed, she resorts to piercing you with her eyes.

“How convenient that you can see your reflection in my glasses.” You deadpan.

“The only bitterness we should experience is through our taste buds. What else do you have for us, Pansori?” Grace wants to showcase her other daughter’s skills.

“Um, I don’t have anything bitter ready.” Pansori feels unprepared now.

“Doesn’t matter, I know everything you made is going to be great.” You’re ready to experience Pansori’s homemade extravaganza.

“Exactly! Show them how good you are, Pannie!” Grace encourages her daughter to do her best!

“I have cakes, brownies, cookies, cakes, tarts, puddings, biscuits, cupcakes, gelatins, and more! I hope you all are ready!” Pansori adorably smirks with confidence.
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You were not ready. The sheer volume of food you gave a try to, even if they were merely snippets, would put the largest cooking books to shame. Pansori couldn’t stop herself from feeding you more and more, and mind you, her plates can only be described as gourmet sized. They were tiny. Yet still, you don’t just feel satiated, you literally can’t eat for the rest of the day or you’ll explode. The amount of those tiny plates made you realize the meaning of ‘death by a thousand cuts’. You feel like you have experienced sections in your taste buds only a few humans have ever glimpsed. It was all quality over quantity, and today you learned there’s a lot of quality in the world.

Is this how the people you feed feel? This rotund? You have no idea how anyone can move after this! You feel like you have another point of gravity around your waist, and it’s drawing you DOWN. But what is most perplexing is that you’ve *seen* other people go about their day like nothing, even wanting more. Never satiated. How anyone can get used to this is incomprehensible to your brain. As long as you’re human, delicious food has its drawbacks, and you understand that now…

Otherwise, you have no idea how this family is completely unaffected by this. They can’t be human! Carol ate as much as you did and she doesn’t give a crap! How does this happen? Are they used to the sugar overdose? Maybe that’s it? You aren’t just used to eating this kind of thing. Yeah, you’re being a little dramatic. It is still puzzling to watch them acting like nothing happened though.

“Look at the time! I really need to go!” Grace notices the clock on the wall and scurries away. “Any lists I have to take care of with me? It’s now or never!”

“Here, Mom.” Pansori pulls out a beautifully written list with groceries and other items.

“There you go.” Carol pulls her own list out of her pocket, it’s not well-kept, but her handwriting is pretty good.

“Now enjoy yourselves, but don’t get too creative with me gone, understood?” Grace kisses her daughters on the cheeks. “And Johnny, I hope you can join us another time. I’m depending on you to keep an eye on my Carol.”

Sure…” You can barely talk. “I like hanging out here.

“You’re so cute when you can barely move!” Grace chuckles, not a bit worried. “See you all!” She leaves through the garden door. Quickly, you hear a car on its merry way.

“Well, off you go, too. Pansori has online classes soon.” Carol wants you away. Oh yeah, you should be in school right now. It’s Thursday.

“I can watch them later…” Pansori wants to keep having fun.

“We’re going to have a serious chat if he stays. All three. Business talk.” Carol doesn’t want to waste more time being bullied.

What do you do?

>Stay Potato. Can’t leave. Channel your inner Nariko.
>You’re interested in this business talk. Stay.
>Return to your apartment. This was a nice little detour, but it’s over.
>Write In.
>>Return to your apartment. This was a nice little detour, but it’s over.
>>Return to your apartment. This was a nice little detour, but it’s over.
Roll home
>>Stay Potato. Can’t leave. Channel your inner Nariko.
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“I’ll go. I rather not take more of your time.” You think walking will help with your sluggish condition. “I fulfilled my promise and that’s enough for me.”

“But I said you are not taking any.” Pansori doesn’t think you heard her right.

“Stop insisting. He heard you, Snowball.” Carol wants you to leave so badly, she’s willing to let down her sister. “And before you ask, you can’t go with him. We have things to talk about.”

“We do?!” Pansori’s face is full of energy once again. She loves spending time with Carol. “Uhm, can I? Um…” Pansori turns to you with her phone out.

“Exchange numbers? Sure!” You smile. You’re not used to your contact list being this long, but you don’t mind.

“I’ll send you pics of my treats, and my outfits, and stuff I learn about the Jackey Frosties man.” Pansori excitedly hypes you up.

What?” Carol doesn’t think she heard the last thing right.

“Can’t wait!” You smile back at the excitable little sister! Much better than yours.

“Um, um…” Pansori doesn’t know if she needs to start working on it now or later.

“He doesn’t want them now. Get your priorities straight.” Carol reprimands her sister. First time you’ve seen her act like a responsible big sister. “C’mon, shush. We’ll talk when we have to. You’re not getting any big hugs from anyone here.” YUNG-P wants you away now. “It was nice and all. And all that.”

“See you two! I had a blast.” You wave them goodbye as you step out of the Sung residency.

That was fun! Carol was sick of you by the end, but she wants to have an important talk later, so you’ll keep that in mind. You check your phone, and notice that you’ve received a message from Pansori. You have an uneventful but fun chat between you two as you return to your apartment after so long. Walking did help with the weight on your stomach.

Back home, you open the main door to spot Suan De playing with Bradford Jr. with a cat toy. He’s chasing after it! Did she buy it for him? Your cat promptly turns his attention to welcoming you back.

“Meow.” Bradford Jr. says hi. You pet the husky fellow.

“It’s you.” Suan De’s dry tone shows no emotion. You can’t tell if she’s trying to mask this out of character moment or doesn’t give two shits about it.

What do you do?

>“Were you playing with Bradford Jr?” Ask now, because surely questioning an act of kindness will result in her coming out of her shell.
>“Please, don’t let me interrupt.” Walk straight to your room to relax a bit.
>“I skipped school. I hope you don’t mind.” You feel like a criminal for no reason.
>“How have you been? How’s the job hunt going?” Spark a conversation with the assassin.
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue when we can!)
>“I skipped school. I hope you don’t mind.” You feel like a criminal for no reason.
>“I skipped school. I hope you don’t mind.” You feel like a criminal for no reason.
>“How have you been? How’s the job hunt going?” Spark a conversation with the assassin.
>Write In.
If she still hasn’t found one
“I think I might have a job for you if you are interested that your skills can be used for.” Ask if she would be interested in being security/body guard for our idol agency.
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“I skipped school. I hope you don’t mind.” You feel like a criminal in your own home for no reason. You can’t be one when the household pet loves you.

“I’m not your mother.” Suan De puts away the cat toy like there’s a secret contract between you two to just ignore it. You’re glad she’s not in her all-out insults mood.

“How have you been? How’s the job hunt going?” You’ll spark a conversation with the assassin.

“My commitment is to the mission you gave me. You promised to find a good-salaried job with benefits for me after completing it.” Suan De won’t ever forget that you’re the one doing the heavy lifting to change her unemployment status. She lives in a strange limbo between not having much faith in you and trusting your word, no wonder she’s anxious even if she’s masking it outwardly.

“I know, I only guessed you wanted to take matters into your own hands.” You shrug. You didn’t mean to sound like you’re evading responsibility.

“And lose my focus? No, I rather not.” Suan De wants to appear like a consummate professional. Yet, she wasn’t doing much just now. “I follow your orders, plain and simple. My autonomy will come after, like we discussed.”

“All of this to say, I think I might have a job for you if you’re interested in what your skill can be used for.” You don’t try to hype this up like you would with someone else. Your eyebrows are suffering because they aren’t wiggling.

“What is it?” Suan De needs to know.

“I think you have caught sight of this, I’m building an Idol Agency, and I’m wondering if you’re interested in working as a bodyguard or security guard.” You think Scarlet mentioned it before, and you’re sure Ruby might have shared some details. These redheads can’t stay quiet…

To work for you?” Suan De had a different idea about how this was going to turn out.

“You’ll work with the girls, I’m just their manager.” You clarify. It’s not like you need security to defend yourself.

“But you’d still be in charge.” Suan De knows what that entails. She doesn’t want you around at all. “Find me something else.”

“Okay.” You need to figure out how to put her talents to good use, but you’re not a mobster, so…

“Don’t misunderstand me. It’s simply that I don’t want your involvement in every facet of my life.” Suan De tries to sweeten the supposed blow. Outside of the realm of outward hostility, you’re used to people not liking you, so you understand where she comes from.

“Can you help with that anyway in the meantime? The deal will be as I mentioned.” You have the hunch she might like the job if she tries it.

“If those are your orders.” Suan De nods, she’ll do what she has to do.

“Cool, thank you!” You nod back.

“I…” Suan De wants to bring something up. “...brought some items I was saving in my storage since I’ll be staying here for a while. I want you to have this.”

Suan De hands you a small jade dragon statue. It’s a weird souvenir. Is this a sign of gratitude? You wonder if the cat toy was something she was keeping in storage too.

How do you respond?

>“Why? Is this a sign of respect or duty?” You don’t want to come off as insensitive.
>“I’ll keep it in my room, thank you.” You’re going to take care of it.
>“Neat Qilin. It’s for good luck, right?” You actually notice that it’s not your regular dragon! It’s a neat little thing!
>“Cool, what else did you bring?” You think this could get neat real quick!
>Write In.
>>“Cool, what else did you bring?” You think this could get neat real quick!
>“I’ll keep it in my room, thank you.” You’re going to take care of it.
Is she finally warming up to us?
>“Neat Qilin. It’s for good luck, right?” You actually notice that it’s not your regular dragon! It’s a neat little thing!
Impress her with the secret smarts!
>“Neat Qilin. It’s for good luck, right?” You actually notice that it’s not your regular dragon! It’s a neat little thing!
>“I’ll keep it in my room, thank you.” You’re going to take care of it.
>“Cool, what else did you bring?” You think this could get neat real quick!
>“Neat Qilin. It’s for good luck, right?” You actually notice that it’s not your regular dragon! It’s a neat little thing!
>“I’ll keep it in my room, thank you.” You’re going to take care of it.
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“Neat Qilin. It’s for good luck, right?” You noticed it’s not an actual dragon. It’d be too on the nose if that was the case, right? It doesn’t look that valuable, you’d see it in any antique shop around, you’re in the special neighborhood for those.

“For good monetary fortune.” Suan De succinctly explains, her harsh tone softens due to the mild surprise of you knowing something she cares about. Is this present the beginning of her warming up to you? Or is there a secret meaning behind this thing? “It’s better for the owner of the household to have it, so it can spread its influence.”

“I’ll keep it in my room, thank you.” Secret meaning or not, you’re going to take care of it! You’re gonna name it… Betsy. Suan De short bows to acknowledge your gratitude. “So cool, what else did you bring?”

“You won’t be interested.” Suan De has determined you’re one kind of person that won’t gel well with her interests, and there’s little you can do to change that. “It’s personal as well.”

“Eh, give me a shot as long as it doesn’t make you uncomfortable.” You’re going to engage with her as long as she’s willing to open up!

“I suppose you must be concerned if I concealed any kind of weapon.” Suan De comes up with an excuse to pull out a box from under the coach. She takes a smaller box out first. “You’re a nerdy kid, you must know what Rich Sirens is, right? I have two Traditional Floral Decks to play with.”

“Never played it, but I’d be happy to do so if you teach me.” You’re open up to new experiences. Suan De doesn’t entertain your words but she will consider it.

“A Du-kwa Brush.” Suan De shows you the next object. It’s the same type of brush Chio wears behind her neck! Neat!

“Fancy, I was surprised to learn that it’s just an accessory.” You point out. Judging by Suan De’s reaction, this is the first time she heard of this, but she doesn’t dispute the fact, she believes you.

“Made from Qilin hair, supposedly.” Suan De is placing every item on the tiny table in front of the couch like she’s going through customs. “An amulet.” Very similar to the one Ajna gifted you, this one is for good fortune too…

“I have a similar one in my wallet.” You say.

“A stress ball.” Suan De shows a very worn out orange ball with a faded company logo. “It’s bouncy.”

Suan De shows it to you by throwing the ball at the wall behind the TV. This light touch makes the entire wall collapse into rubble, leaving a massive hole into another apartment. It’s too dark to see what’s on the other side without a flashlight. Guess nobody really put any weight on that wall for years since it’s kinda just there. You’re not sure why you’re taking it so lightly WHEN HALF OF YOUR APARTMENT WALL HAS COLLAPSED.

“…” You’re speechless. Bradford Jr. is hiding behind your neck out of surprise.

“…” Suan De is no better.

Hold on… You’re apartment 301. There are no apartments next to yours from this side. 302 is Ajna’s and it’s on the other side.

What does this mean? Aside from explaining why there weren’t any windows on that side…

Sadly, this is all we have for this thread! Thanks for playing and see you next time!
Thank you for running QM!
Thanks for running. Also more space for apartment!
Very nice thread, thank you QM

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