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The Eldar are quite fond of their webway travel. What scattered and barely readable records you have left indicate that mankind had been envious of such capability, to such an extent in fact, that the only reason why you could find this information is due to it being present in your own system. One of the reasons of your construction had been due to humanity’s endless drive and ambition of improvement. Only your masters could look at a webway network and think to themselves that they can do better. Unfortunately, it is not the time to espouse the greatness of your masters. The orks are coming.

In the mean time however, you must begin means of dealing with the Eldar. The first thing that had come to mind were specialized drones capable of detecting warp quakes, even the most minute ones, since the webway relies upon warp travel at least to a certain extent, it cannot be completely hidden. However, you know for a fact that you will need at the least tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of such drones to locate the minute quakes that may or may not appear, you do not possess a truly deep comprehension of Eldar technology, so you will simply have to brute force your way through this.

As for other options, you had considered unleashing and endless swarm of nanomachines, but the needed quantity is vastly greater than the bots, and even those will take too long to produce, Eldar of this era seem to be particularly fond of flimsy, but agile style of fighting, preferring to deliver a punch before one can be given back to them. And you shall show them why your masters’ jaws evolved to take punches.

Then you still possess rather esoteric psyker technology that you still have no idea how it functions, even though you had clearly gone over its basic functions. Employing these weapons while not knowing their effects, especially against a race naturally gifted in psychic powers is just hoping for a disaster. Maybe it will cause the Eldar to spontaneously explode, or maybe it will super power them and allow them to commence “foul acts of sorcery”. As some of your imperial records would put it. As such, you will (despite your own curiosity) not be employing this equipment.

Lastly, you had the thought to refit the investigation drones with dedicated anti-sniping equipment, however, the reiterations you would need to undertake to modify the drones in such a way would take time, it would take time to refit or simply make new drones, yet again, you run into the issue of time, if you had time, you could do it. As such, rather than split your attention, it would be far more effective if you simply concentrate on a single solution.

The warp-quake detection drones will have to do, but for now, the immediate threat before you.

Smaller, with over-sized engines burning bright in the void, orkoid vessels dash ahead as usual with the greenskins. The potential of battle already having destroyed what modicum of discipline the crude beasts may have possessed after their internal fight. Had you faced a smarter foe, you may have been far more worried, the space stations and platforms that you had set up were just quickly thrown together due to the lack of resources and time, should someone concerned with more than getting quicker into the fight were to attack, they would have spread out and forced your attention to be split. Perhaps it would not have overwhelmed you, but some of your production stations could have been damaged or destroyed with you having no means of opposing them.

But now ?

The first orkish vessel collapses as the defensive platforms unleash small, but consistent and controlled fire. Then the second, and the third, finally the fourth. Undeterred however, the orks continue their advance. Soon enough, your area is filled with inaccurate oversized shells fired by the orkish armada, most miss, some that hit are absorbed by the shields of the various platforms, a few manage to overwhelm the shields and impact the armour, and unfortunately, a couple penetrate, blasting away the fragile platforms with they overstuffed charges. This was not in your calculations, but no matter, you shall simply readjust. Besides, the entirety of the vanguard, if you could call it that, was already wiped out.

All the while, as the void battle enters its sixth hour since the first fired shot, you begin your initial deployment of warp-quake detecting drones, a few thousand of them in drop pods, you do not have the luxury of a slower means of deployment.

With the entire defence network under you control, you begin firing blackholes at extreme range whilst small, the density and mass of them shift and change the gravity, lurching orkish vessels into one direction or another. While a direct shot could easily kill a ship, by employing them in such a manner, you coordinate for all defensive installations to fie at once to coincide with the blackholes, thus creating killing grounds where all at once a dozen ships are battered and destroyed, the crude reactors cooking off and spreading out even more damage.

Yet the assault continues and you are now for the first time put under fire, beforehand you were able to simply manoeuvre out of the way, but first pricks of damage impact your shielding. Due to your presence amongst the installations, the overall impact of the damage in negligible, a few installations went down, but comparing the amount of firepower unleashed, the vanguard more than anything caused far more destruction.

Warning: warp-quake detected.

You instantly switch the camera feed to regard the battle upon the worlds, while still coordinating the void defence all the meanwhile.

In an instant, ten figures, clearly Eldar in style, but with far too large backs, and far too large weapons appear before a forwards squad of the O.D.D. Shockingly, the teleportation was so accurate that the Eldar managed to pass straight through the couple of battalions worth of robots and drones guarding the few dozen men.

The Eldar are first to strike, the mononuclear wire rips into the soldiers, specifically targeting the lieutenant in charge. The energy shields halt the first shots, but the sheer intensity of fire eventually sees the shield breaks, the armour underneath lasts a couple of seconds more before it too is cut through a molecular level. In a span of six or so seconds, a dozen O.D.D. lay dead.

In vengeance however, your forces, having been warned strike back. The first kill comes from one of the soldiers, thanks to his enhanced genetics, is able to react and raise his rifle. With a controlled burst the first shot blows out the side of an Eldar, the second punctures straight through the stomach area blowing out internal organs and turning them to pulp, the third shot, aimed slightly higher up strikes the chest, destroying the device and guaranteeing death.

A second soldier manages to dodge the incoming powerblade, oddly enough only equipped by one of the Eldar teleporters, while the second blade manages to pierce the soldier’s chest, the wound is not immediately deadly, and that was the Eldar’s last mistake as whilst spitting blood, the monomolecular edged combat knife slams straight into one of the eye visors, spewing forth blood as the knife is pushed further until it’s hilt is slams into the head proper. Eventually the soldier collapses from his wound, but his life vitals appear to be stable as the olympian armour tries to keep its wearer alive.

Another Eldar is luckier as the shots against him go wide, but the explosion around his feet propels him outwards as a grenade is thrown out, simply not having enough time to teleport itself, it blows off the Eldar’s feet, but as he flies in the air, you see as shimmering engulfs him alongside the remainder of his comrades, but before he can fully teleport, a stray shot impacts his back moments before he teleports. The figure in those mere moments thrashes around more than even when he lost his feet, before all of the Eldar figures, bar the two dead, disappear. Leaving nearly two dozen of your own O.D.D. dead in turn.

Monitoring warp-quake movement. Distance teleported approximated at 100 meters. Warning: warp-quakes detected in close by surroundings. Query: orders ?

>Full pursuit. Everything in the area that can be spared will be. You shall track down every single quake and exterminate these pests.

>The quakes could just be a distraction, simply pursue the retreating four Eldar. Though curiously your drones only report 3 warp-quakes.

>Coordinates locked in. You shall delete them from ever having existed. Every signal will be nothing but a smoking crater a minute from now.

>(Write in)
Made by an anon, still too busy to make new ones.


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POV shifts that are not directly related to what you anons are doing.

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Current location: Twin Worlds
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>>Coordinates locked in. You shall delete them from ever having existed. Every signal will be nothing but a smoking crater a minute from now.

I missed you Newb

>I missed you Newb

Missed all of you as well, anons. Now, let the autism flow, the main reason why I am doing all of this on 4chan.
>The quakes could just be a distraction, simply pursue the retreating four Eldar. Though curiously your drones only report 3 warp-quakes.
I was just thinking about this quest, nice to have you back.
>Coordinates locked in. You shall delete them from ever having existed. Every signal will be nothing but a smoking crater a minute from now.
The 3 warp-quakes could be additional Eldar trying to cover their retreat. In any case, we need to disperse our men among the robots and drones so the robots can guard our soldiers better.
>Coordinates locked in. You shall delete them from ever having existed. Every signal will be nothing but a smoking crater a minute from now.
Don't fuck with Abominable Intelligences from the Dark Age, knife ears.
>Coordinates locked in. You shall delete them from ever having existed. Every signal will be nothing but a smoking crater a minute from now.

Seems like a good idea, would the robots being closer change a lot tough?
We lost two dozens of men because they were bunched up in one group, making them an obvious target. By scattering our soldiers the Eldar assaults will produce less casualties.
>Coordinates locked in. You shall delete them from ever having existed. Every signal will be nothing but a smoking crater a minute from now.

You had your chance to exist Knife Ears.
>Coordinates locked in. You shall delete them from ever having existed. Every signal will be nothing but a smoking crater a minute from now.
This is not ideal, military subroutine. Remember our masters lives depend on it, be better. Victory is the only acceptable result for Mankind.

This type of attack will be likely very useless from us, 1 minute is an age in war. If the Eldars aren't idiotic they would have redeploy already. So at the same time we will make better, and direct orders instead of just following the ones offered by the military subroutine.

- Drop pod now a few hundred robotic units on that position (mix of them. from Hydras, to Centurions to Shade Class). Securing and healing the O.D.D. men of that unit, and ensuring the dead are brought back....
- ....To an actual military base and not to the Odyssey. Inform Stavros that its time to set up an Advance Military Base (evolved from the Pre-Fab Military Outpost we have) for the O.D.D. and our robotic units to use here. Such base will also have multiple powerful defenses, shields, and long range jammers and scanners. From now on all O.D.D. forces will have far more robotic units working closely with them too.
- And in addition any secured territory will have across it jammers and scanners, and by having military units and patrols integrated with drones able to detect warp quakes, we should reasonably reduce our human casualties and increasing the chances of detection of eldar enemy units
- Eldar corpses and equipment will be retrieved, looked upon and hack through for find anything about their current locations. Even a micron of dirt or grass, in their nails or hair can be ideal.
- Deploy Shade and Exploration drones across the twin worlds for increase chances of finding Eldar and provide a better intel network to O.D.D. and military subroutine. Especially in those idillic mountainous spots that have no orks at all.

- Send gentle suggestions to all the soldiers of the 1st Regiment that it would be really cool if they decided to get augments, so they can start Federation training. Their god would be happy too

Good to see you !!
>Coordinates locked in. You shall delete them from ever having existed. Every signal will be nothing but a smoking crater a minute from now.
Ah Good, my favorite quest returns again. Time to locate and kidnap all useful data about the craft world eldar, their biology, technology, and local history, before putting the rest to the archives or extermination on this planet for fucking is over.
I am very much going to enjoy leaving this rock with aEldar captive in tow, after the fact they made us all look like idiots after they slipped by us the first time.

Had we named this planet yet? I know so far it’s known as Twin Worlds but they need a actual name- how about Consentinopol and Istanbul?
The loss of human life shall be met a thousand-fold. You reorient the few still unengaged space platforms that are directly over the located warp-quakes and you give permission for the usage of more powerful munitions. You redirect what free wings of bombers and fighters are nearby and give them their kill orders. Armageddons are instantaneously commanded by you to reorient their cannons towards your given target.

In but a few seconds, you unleash hellfire upon these foul xenos and simply delete a few parts on the two worlds. Signal after signal disappears as more and more explosives are thrown at the vague directions your sensors indicate had warp-quakes at one point or another. Perhaps the Eldar had prepared an ambush, a trap, a clever ruse. Their fighting style relies on agility and quick ambush tactics. Perhaps they were ready to counter you, to turn back the fist you were about to throw out. But what they did not expect was for you to bring a hammer.

One minute later, as you had calculated, nothing but smoking craters remain. You send forth drones and direct as much aerial and orbital observation as possible in order to find out if anything remains. And as minutes pass into hours, you detect no more warp-quakes, at least in the general surrounding area even as you construct more and more detection drones.

Life signs detected.

You quickly switch the camera feed to regard one of the aerial fighters. Zooming in closer, you notice what appear to be remains of a larger structure, the damage to the environment around the area clearly indicates that the destruction unleashed had been diverted, most likely by some sort of an energy shield. Unfortunately for the Eldar, a direct shot had hit and buckled the shield, the following shockwaves of other explosions had resulted in a decent number of intact corpses. There are perhaps four dozen corpses each and every clad in different sorts of attire with groups ranging usually from five to ten individuals each. And in the piles of pulped corpses, one Eldar appears to be struggling to live.

Clad in bone-white armour, with a rather primitive looking ornate orange hair coming from the back of the helmet, the Eldar’s once pristine armour is now caked in mud and blood. Whatever grace and agility it would have exhibited is no gone as the Eldar is missing both of its legs, with nothing but bloody stumps remaining. The figure appears to be crawling towards what seems to be a jutting out structure that appears to curve lightly, though about half of it has been blasted off and you doubt that it is capable of carrying out whatever function it was meant to have.

Warning, life signs failing.

Now that cannot be allowed. The Eldar must be saved, so you could torture it for information. Simply acquiring the gear is good and all, but actual usable intelligence is even better. You can feel your processors churning with excitement at the thought of gaining more knowledge and satisfying your curiosity.

The Eldar, barely conscious by this point, is still capable of fighting as it raises what appears to be a pistol, easily cutting apart the first few drones you send in. Its continuous resistance against the inevitable is quite annoying. But soon enough, both it and all of the equipment shall be delivered to the primary planetary HQ. Oh how would you love to get all of it inside of your hull, but alas, more thorough inspections will have to wait, as the battle against the orks will still most likely last for at least a few more days, even with the orkish enthusiasm speeding up the process.

Still, you should have some interrogation questions prepared ahead of time.

>What should you ask your soon to be prisoner ? (Write in)
Question Time!
> why has the Dominion broken its treaty with the federation and attacked its successor? Did the dominion in anyway help destroy the federation? What has the dominion done in the last 18,000 years to help the federation or its successor state the imperium?

> Is the dominion still around? If not, what happened to it?
> What was your purpose in infiltrating and sabotaging my war against the Orks? I have done nothing wrong to you, and yet you killed my masters and caused untold damage upon them despite no provocation?
> Tell me what these stones you decorate yourself with are, and I will not increase your pain sensors over 10,000 times.
> What is the purpose of your expedition in coming to this star system? And lastly, are you affiliated or aware of another of your kind that was more depraved then you, but we’re trying to capture slaves, and seemed to feed on pain in order to live?
>Why does your kind wish to meddle in my campaign against the orks?
>Tell me what you know of the eldar slaver pirates.
>What caused the fall of the federation and your empire?
>I have encountered multiple anomalies that can somehow corrupt AI cores, turning them against my masters. When I conducted experiments upon one such core it spontaneously exploded in a shower of filth. Do you know what might be causing this?
+1 support
First for all ensure its healed back to health, she can't escape anyway
Speaking of the best part about this is that neither O.D.D. or Odysseus know the difference between her and her dark eldar kin. So IC yeah all the disdain and hate lmao

>>What should you ask your soon to be prisoner ? (Write in)
>I will classify you has a war criminal, for attacking and killing military forces of mankind, breaking numerous treaties with such a foul action. Now do you have any affilation with these worse war criminals (show us killing all her cousins) ? If so your punishment shall be great and you will immediately inform me of the locations where you keep others humans has unwilling slaves and where you have broken all the rights of humanity. If not consider that punishment, temporarily interrupted.
>Tell me your name, rank, and from which army and world you are from. Your state is another remnant of your foolish empire, is it ? Whats the name ? And where i can find its location ? Its in Sector Clarus ?
>How many forces you have in the twin worlds ? What is their composition, just infantry like you and those ambushers ? Who commands you ? There is a fleet that supports you ?
>Where are your current bases on the twin worlds ? I already consider those spots without orks something to scout.
>Why are you not fighting the orks ? Don't you see how many barbarians there are ? Has your people grow mad in all these time ? I do hope you have some actual barebone reasons behind your war crimes and breaching of treaties. Is it related to your "sorceries" ?
>I would like you to inform me at great length about the historical subjects you know.
and add
>Why so many of you use melee weaponry ? Are your armories lacking in ranged weaponry ?

Just for fun

i ll support all questions, since i want to see what she will answer. Might get a few. This is just the first time, and she isn't a dark eldar.

Dose the Dominion still recognize the Treaty of Wolf 359 and its clauses on POW treatment? (When they say no/what the F- then begins the advance interrogation)
What happened to the Dominion? Why is there a space anomaly where the core systems should be?
Why did you attack? And are these your kin *show video of the Drukari* or pirates or criminals?
What are these stones with strange energy readings?
Why did you attack us?
Same, supporting for all of these questions, we’ve got a lot to ask, and the eldar have a lot to answer for.
To add to mine; Write in: for every question answered after we determine that they are not Drukari; heal them better, give them a bionic leg, new shirt, that kind of thing.

If they are Drukari; no mercy, no remorse, no chill, and let them starve.
Off in the vast distance of space you manage to cripple the equivalent of a battleship, one of the largest vessels in the entire orkish armada. The blackhole you had unleashed making short work of the large imposing vessel and leaving nothing behind but a twisted mockery of metal, half disappeared, half exploded, but certainly dead. In turn, the orks had unfortunately managed to cripple one of your production facilities and had caused it to shift from its stable orbit into one that would soon impact the planet’s surface. You cannot halt the descent, so instead you had used whatever functioning thrusters the station had to guide it in such a way that it would crash straight into the middle of a large orkish gathering.

And all the while you are singlehandedly coordinating the void battle, all the while assisting the ground combat, you find yourself with plenty of time to look over your new prisoner.

She, for it turns out to be an Eldar female, had remained unconscious for a couple of days now. Shock and blood loss had nearly ended her life, and Eldar do not seem to have so much toughness that humanity does, though you must painfully admit, that even your masters would perish under such conditions. Of course, the situation was not helped when you cauterised the wounds without any anaesthesia, you simply do not know enough about Eldar biology to make sure that what you apply would not be deadly. Perhaps you should have experimented upon the first Eldar you had captured, but voiding them as punishment was a necessity. Still, with your horde of Eldar technology and bodies, you will be able to figure it out later, though living subjects would be preferable. A shame you only managed to secure one alive, but with such destruction you had unleashed, it was highly improbable for even a single person to survive. Luckily you had managed to retrieve enough blood from the remaining corpses whose type seemed to match the one of the survivor, as such she had lived.

Even from what you had seen in a few moments of time that you had, you quickly noticed oddities. Firstly, would be the armour. Unlike the suits you already had in storage, these ones do not seem to have internal hooks of any kind, in fact most armour appears to be wholly different from the next, implying either specialization, separate military branches, perhaps different origins. It has hard to tell, the most intact suit that you have is missing its legs and other bits and pieces, you doubt you will be able to retrieve much functioning technology from anything.

Next up would be the weapons. Again, a divergence. Each group seems to have carried different types of, but equally deadly weapons, ranging from power weapons and monomolecular chain weaponry, to those spewing monomolecular disks easily capable of cutting through most armour and due to their nature causing immense power expenditures to block a few good bursts of this sort of weapon. Overall, you can clearly note a wholly different belief in warfare. The former weapons you found had prioritised the infliction of pain over anything else, these now however, these are proper weapons, meant to be efficient and effective in killing the foe first and foremost.

Then there are the Eldar themselves, both the dead and the one living. They do not appear to have the same level of unhealthy paleness as the former Eldar. There also appear to be minor biological differences, with your former investigations there appeared to be a certain…wilting, after a prolonged period of not causing pain. The same does not seem to be apparent in these Eldar, rather, while you could note both alcohol and drug abuse in the bodies of the first captured Eldar, these symptoms appear to be wholly missing in these Eldar.

Notice: special interrogation subject regaining consciousness.

The camera within the hastily built prison chamber (you were not planning on taking any before due to the fact that you were fighting only orks) zooms in onto the naked and bound figure. Bright white lights illuminate the chamber, the walls, the floor and ceiling are all also equally white. You had found that sensory depravation seemed to be the most effective way of enhanced interrogation when it comes to the Eldar of this day, as such you had removed everything that could potentially give anything in terms of stimulation, even the door itself is built in such a way that there are no visible hinges or gaps. All but the utterly silent light in the ceiling and the reinforced handcuffs built into the wall are all that could be looked at as different. Naturally, you must express humanitarian concerns, which why you ensured that the chains are long enough to allow for free movement within the chamber. Should suicide be attempted you are ready to unleash knock-out gas and the entire chamber is electrified, allowing you to zap the prisoner whenever you choose to.

Having awoken, the figure begins to murmur.

Applying Eldar lexicon.


It appears to be just simple murmurs of confusion.

With her eyes finally open, the figure looks around, quickly realizing her situation, she tries to move, only to stumble. You quickly note signs of distress as she looks where her legs once were. You quickly note increased heart rate quickly followed by confusion as the Eldar looks around the chamber and notices her own state of undress. Another oddity, the previous Eldar you had captured did not particularly seemed to care about lacking attire.

”Good morning.”

The Eldar, perhaps out of instinct, reaches for her non-existent weapons and tries to quickly react, only to once again stumble. So much for their famed grace.

”There are no means of escape or resistance. You can at best hope to answer my questions for a more lenient sentence when you shall be court-martialled.”

The Eldar frowns, much to your surprise, she is able to trace exactly where your voice is coming from. You must applaud the heightened senses their species as a whole possesses, even though you find them as equally inferior as anyone else compared to your masters.

”Very well then.”

You allow for energy to freely flow in the chamber, masterfully controlling the energy output in order to cause pain, but not to be outright deadly. You must admit however, that you are leaning on the cautious side due to only having one test subject.

Much to your delight, it appears that unlike the other Eldar, this one is not resistant to experiencing, as in, she does not seem to be enjoying it if her pained screams are anything to go by. This is quite wondrous new, as with the heightened senses and exceptional intelligence, you could not trick an Eldar to believe that a VR environment is truly real, with this however, you will not have to wait for days or weeks for the strange wilting phenomena to impose itself.

”Let us try again. Will you answer my questions ?”

”Wh-…who…are you ?” The Eldar says through gasping breaths.


You once again increase the electricity output. It is important that during interrogation clear means of gaining answers and avoiding pain are established. Of course, one must walk a fine line where someone will tell them anything they want to hear just to make the pain stop. Of course, the most effective method of friendship would not work with humanity’s inferiors.

”I ask again. Will. You. Answer. My. Questions ? Think carefully, for next time, the intensity shall increase.”

She takes a moment to take a deep breath. Her pain tolerance appears to be increasing as she continues her meditations. ”What is it that you want ?”

”Wondrous. How about we begin with something simple ? Tell me your name, rank, and from which army and world you are from.”

She frowns. ”I am Yrelia Sien. Walking the path of the warrior representing the aspect of fear of bloody-handed murder, hailing from craftworld Zahr-Tann.” You have to do a double take upon your translation of Kaela Mensha Khaine. Perhaps there had been a larger lexicon shift ? Though your data on Eldar are limited, or maybe it was a term simply never used in diplomatic talks, as sporadic as they were, during the golden age of man. As for the term and the name, it seems that whatever this craftworld is, is her homeworld, though your records come up short. Most likely a system whose name is somewhere in your records, its human name that is.

”Through my investigations, what appeared to be the area of the core Dominion worlds cannot be viewed. Some sort of a space anomaly blocks it. Which leads into a further question, why has the Dominion broken its treaty with the federation and attacked its successor ? Did the dominion in anyway help destroy the federation ? What has the dominion done in the last 18,000 years to help the federation or its successor state the imperium ?”

The appears to be a mixture of confusion and grief. Deep grief. You are aware that Eldar can feel emotions to such an extent that mankind could never reach, but it seems that your simple question had made this Eldar particularly depressed.

”The Dominion had fallen when she who thirst had shattered the realm of souls. I had not seen it, but my grandparents spoke of it, of its fall and degradation, of the dangers of excess. As for your Federation, I know not of it, nor any treaties that may exist. And your Imperium is a threat to my race as a whole, crudely mocking life itself with its continued existence.”

”Your state is another remnant of your Dominion, then ? What is its name ? And where can I find its location ? Is it in Sector Clarus ?” You deliver a rapid fire of questions.

The Eldar laughs. ”I shall willingly suffer the tortures of she who thirsts before I allow you to slaughter more of my kin, monster.”

As expected…you give her another zap.

”And I assume the same response would come if I were to question you about your further presence in system ?”

Through heavy, pained breaths, the Eldar simply nods gritting her teeth.

”Very well then. I already have an assumed location. I shall level the pristine valleys. You should hide your intentions better, Eldar.”

Now that draws her attention, dilation of pupils, slight quivering from barely held in anger.

”No…please…” She says with quite the desperation.

”I may reconsider, if you tell me your locations in system.”

She remains silent, lips quivering.

”Fine, then. Why are you not fighting the orks ? Don't you see how many barbarians there are ? Have your people grown mad through all this time ? I do hope you have some actual barebone reasons behind your war crimes and breaching of treaties. Is it related to your "sorceries" ?”

”The Orks are simple. Brutish, yes, stupid as well. Easy to manipulate. They act like an external shell to guard from even greater threats. Besides, we could not overcome them without bearing a great cost.” Despite her reasoning, you feel like there is another hidden reason why the Orks were allowed to exist.

”And I assume that is why you interfered with my effort ? Why you killed my masters’ descendants ? That you killed so much without provocation even when I had not interfered with you.”

”Masters ?” Yrelia seems genuinely intrigued by your choice of words. “You invaded our Lilaethan. Why should we not fight you ?” Lilaethan, another new word. This one appears to a combination of words however, quickly looking through your list of the Eldar lexicon, you take a few seconds to crack it, but it seems to be a combination of words roughly translating to maiden world. While the term is utterly lacking in any description, you can make assumptions upon the information you had gathered.

”Tell me, what are these stones you decorate yourself with ?” You cannot help but ask out of curiosity. Most of the dead seemed to clutch these crystals and protect them with great care. You had scanned them with what you had at hand on planet, but besides the fact a few of them appear to have a slight glow, with seemingly no energy source intrigued you. The few cracked and shattered ones appear to have lost this lustre.

The Eldar goes stiff. ”A jewel of great value. Should you return them to my kind, they would appreciate it greatly.” Once again, you feel like the Eldar is hiding something.

”I have encountered multiple anomalies that can somehow corrupt A.I. cores, turning them against my masters. When I conducted experiments upon one such core it spontaneously exploded in a shower of filth. Do you know what might be causing this ?”

Sien’s eyes go wide, her body language indicating distress, as subtle as the Eldar always are, just the slightest movement can relay much meaning. ”The neverborn.” She says with mockery and distain in her voice. ”Accursed fester in reality. They come from the realm of souls to torture and destroy. In their endless hunger they shall drive all to a fate worse than destruction. An eternity of torment, of despair. That is what awaits us should they emerge victorious.” Well…that answer nearly nothing. As befitting Eldar, you suppose.

”Finally. I will classify you as a war criminal, for attacking and killing military forces of mankind, breaking numerous treaties with such a foul action. Now do you have any affiliation with these worse war criminals ? If so, your punishment shall be great and you will immediately inform me of the locations where you keep others humans has unwilling slaves and where you have broken all the rights of humanity. If not consider that punishment, temporarily interrupted.” You quickly bring up a holo screen, showcasing the Eldar you had previously encountered, the twisted things they did to your masters would make your blood boil if you had any, and of course, you do not leave out the detail about how you crushed them and turned the predators into prey.

To your slight surprise, Yrelia seems to be utterly indifferent to the deaths of these Eldar, in fact, you note clear distain in her body language. ”The dark ones, they perpetuate she who thirsts in their foul deeds. Their decadence is what led to our downfall to begin with, yet they do not see the wisdom of the path, simply continuously indulging themselves.”

Well, that answer that, if nothing else, it is now clear that the Eldar are perhaps even more so divided than humanity.

You feel like you had learnt a lot, but perhaps you could squeeze out a few more questions.

>What final questions do you have for Yrelia. (write in)

Now then, to other matters. She is a liar, perhaps not an outright one, but certainly one by omission. She did seem to be forthcoming with some answers however, and really, she is the only living Eldar you have in custody.

>Torture her. She will most likely expire, as heightened senses are not always an advantage, but you doubt she possesses a will strong enough not to give you the answers you need. Best case scenario, you will have an Eldar in a vegetative state, which if nothing else will be useful for drug tests.

>Experiment on her. A living test subject is a rarity indeed and there is much you can learn.

>Enslave her. A few genetic modifications and cybernetics could ensure the safety of such and act. She could be employed as a spy, though it would be a long-term process of conditioning. Even then, you had never dealt with an Eldar in such a fashion, so you are not sure if you will succeed, or if this may backfire.

>Kill her. She had already told you enough, you shall prove the superiority of mankind by going about in a swift and painless manner.

>(Write in)
Ask her more details on the Never-born, there- some similarities- with Imperial accounts of Damon’s, and the Anomalies, maybe with more data some- truth can be gleamed form the superstitions.

Ask her if she knew where the (Drukari) is?
Write in:
Give her simple prospetic legs- kin to what’s available in m2- and ask her if her kin would be willing to negotiate with us. We need to know Whatever this Never-born truly is
To add to this- if we kill her I want us to do one less test; tell her what we are
> Question: Who is she who thirsts? Is she a person, an empire, an event? How did the dominion fall and lead to your race to be fractured? What is a maiden world? How can I track down these Dark ones so I can kill them all? And what has happened since whatever led to the dominion’s collapse in the past 18,000 years?

> Final remark to her after questions: It seems that your species has a great pride and irrational belief in your superiority, if you think that you can claim a planet as yours despite your own admission that you cannot. That is one of the most important and vital lessons my masters learned in the beginning, might makes right. If you claim something is yours, but cannot back up your claim of it, then you have as much right to it as those you would claim have no right at all. Let us hope your leaders are less dense in the ways of the world then you have displayed so far, for your ignoble fate if nothing else.

> write-in: >Begin Experiments on her. A living test subject is a rarity indeed and there is much you can learn. After suitable research has been concluded on their biology, and what are its limitations and advantages, keep her in a inclosed cell in a sensory deprivation tank. Suitable time with no sensation will drive any subject to ask for its release, and the prisoner will be more co-operative in allowing a location of the forces of her nations “craft world” on the twin worlds.
Speaking of wich Annon- dose ‘’Never Born’’ ring any bells of similarities to Damon’s, Heritecks, and other such concepts we had encountered so far?
Oh, right I forgot, adding on to my question, these all go after the Slannesh questions, but before dominion stuff.

> What is a neverborn? Is it a species, a singular creature? Is it from the warp, deep space, a temporal anomaly? And what makes it so powerful or dangerous, is it like a virus, is it difficult to kill? How can it interact in secure locations despite all of my contour measures to infiltration attempts? And are these never pens intelligent, and if so do they have a leader, or leadership?

And also
> restore her limbs with bionic replacements before starting experiments, with safety measures to disable them in case of resistance or hostility from the subject.
I’ll create an extensive deep dive into everything we’ve learned so far from this update from the female craftworlder on why the eldar are here, and what they want and for what purpose they want it, in a hour or 2, real life calls unfortunately anons.
>What final questions do you have for Yrelia. (write in)
>"Yrelia Sien, it would be in your immediate interest has a war criminal to tell me why exactly you think we have invaded you. This twin worlds where filled by orks, if those valleys are colonies then they are the smallest outposts i have ever seen. A truly flimsy claim. To use this brutes has a shield is foolish and idiotic, and you have allowed them for who knows how much long to create vast armies and fleets to send outside this solar system. Now WE solved the problem that no doubt killed countless humans, other aliens and no doubt your kin too out of this system. So knowing this, why you claim this worlds when you allowed the orks to take them ? Is your world trying to justify the disastrous situation it has created ?"
>"Who controls and leads Zahr-Tann ? Lilaethan is under it ?"
>"What relations you have in your army and world ? Is the Sien family know ?"
>"What you know of what is happening at large in Sector Clarus ?"
>"Can you contact the Eldar forces here ? Are your superiors capable of using diplomacy and willing to surrender ? And you say if we return this stones they would accept them greatly, so in theory this would favor me and my masters...... And nothing else ? Your military and world value so little the actual corpses of your soldiers, and equipment lost ? This is very strange, this is just a jewel, a decoration. Basic military crafting logic, would imply it can be replaced especially if its for a military use. So you wouldn't mind if you look at this live camera of an Hydra drone laser slowly coming closer to one of said stones no ?"
>"Expand on the subject of the neverborn. Specifically ways to contrast them, silence them, kill them and avoid them."
>"she who thirst shattered this realm of souls and the dominion....How exactly ? Why it was so powerful ? It did not capitalize for do more destruction or conquest through the galaxy ? Neither mankind federation or the eldar dominion had ever found signs of such a powerful thing, and there is nothing similar that destroys an entire galactic civilization. Is your opinion the most informed one on such matters or does your world have eldars scholars far more knowledgeable than you ?"
>"On these Dark Ones. What you know of them ? Where are their worlds ? Where are their bases in Sector Clarus ? You speak of them like foes, and you clearly arent so disgusting has them to be slavers."
>"A simple personal question now. Do you think has a war criminal, you could be useful for redeem partially and at least in more than one way, the terrible deaths you and your military caused ?"

>Experiment on her. A living test subject is a rarity indeed and there is much you can learn.
>Restore her limbs with bionic replacements before starting experiments, with safety measures to disable them in case of resistance or hostility from the subject. Ensure she is kept alive and sentient, unlike her dark kin she can live more than a few days.
By now we should have very beefy amount of combat knowledge on the different enemies encountered. Excellent for improve military training, education and VR training pods simulations both on Ithaca and on the Odyssey.
Supporting both of these, I like the speech from the first, but I like both sets of questions equally.
>Release her back to her others.
Think we should let her ask some questions? Or ask her

‘’What do you know about A.I AKA Artifical Intelligence AKA Abominable Intelligence’’?
Alright, now that I’m back, I can get a proper analysis going on. Alright, so likely once we entered the System the first time, the Eldar of Craftworld Zahr-Tann were cloaking themselves so they could infiltrate the system, assasinate the Warboss of the Local Ork Empire, and cause them to fall into a massive hole of infighting, with the void warfare leading to the massive fleet to fall apart, and the remaining parts being picked off or driven into a direct with the remainder of the fleet to start a new fight elsewhere. Meanwhile, the craftworld eould launch forces on the twin areas that they had managed to preserve on the planets, before leading a combined assasination and hit and run campaign on the ground, trying to do the exact same thing as in the void, down onto the ground. Then, once the fleet elements of the Orks were driven off, they would use full void superiority to launch a more spirited defence, and over the course of months to years, they would slowly grind them to peices while also constantly assasinating the Ork warboss and Nobs, so they couldn’t put up a coherent and effective defense.
Huh so these are maiden worlds? And we just utterly violated the entire star system, cracking every other planet in the system open like eggs with such apocalyptic force that we altered their orbits. Oops. But maybe they should have tried talking instead of killing our guys.
>Experiment on her. A living test subject is a rarity indeed and there is much you can learn.
We can learn more about psychic shit.
I’m fine with it, I personally want to just keep her with us, along with all of their Soulstones, so we can use them both as a great bargaining chip to get the eldar to come out and talk with us, instead of this completely retarded and asine fight that they’ve been picking with us that, had they just talked to us, or used a Farseer to look into what we were, and how dangerous we are, they would decide it would be wise to not attack us, and sit back to watch how events unfold on the planet, then what they actually wound up doing in the end, that being, the Famous Eldar Diplomacy.
Anyway, once this would all be done, the Eldar would have fully reconquered their Maiden worlds and their Old Star system for themselves again.

Instead, we showed up and completely threw out their plans. We showed up, assasinated the Warboss in 1 decisive action and then proceeded to attack every non-living planetoid with Nuclear weapons, wiping out all fungus life yes, but also freaking the Eldar the fuck out. After originally hiding out in the asteroid field, once we dipped to see the birds, they moved straight down to the planet and then decided we were easily the greater threat, and so decided to put their full might behind helping out the Orks against us, reasoning that as the lower threat, they could easily handle them, but us they absolutely could not afford to engage us. This led to at first, eliminating Ork rivals and helping the Orks coordinate amongst themselves more effectively to throw themselves at us, before they started to up their game. First it was lone assasinations, then it was small but coordinated acts of Sabotage, stuff easy to dismiss as just the Orks. But this wasn’t enough to help the Orks, so they started getting Bolder and Bolder. Captains being behind full sentinels and a squad of robot bodyguards dying despite no Orks being around for miles, armour that was previously impervious to hit or damage, getting blown apart or being destroyed regularly, acts of sabotage that defied expectations or reason, and so on. But, by this point we had already finished with all major threats to the system in the void, and actually took a look at what was going on. Then, the decided to go big, and assasinated a full command staff of troopers and a barracks of droids. All with no explanation behind it, had this been the Imperium, they would have dismissed it, but we aren’t the Imperium. We started to review action results and post deaths and destruction models, and realized just what kind of weapons could do this sort of thing, and more importantly who would be able to use them. After that, strange stuff fit together, we tried to catch some Eldar captives, and here we are.

Honestly, had they just kept themselves low key, and not go for the bigger and more flashy efforts of hurting us, we would never have known they were ever here. But they didn’t and ruined the two things that they had over us, stealth, and the element of surprise.
They do know what we're capable of. They probably watched in horror as we started tearing entire planets apart just to deal with an ork infestation.
Actually now that I think about it they probably also saw what we did to the bird people. Maybe they never tried diplomacy because we didn't seem all that approachable, huh.
We did make Odyssey Fried Chicken
Hmm, I would highly doubt that, at most all they would have seen was us visit them, attack them, and in a few days later grind down the entire fleet of birds down into atomic atoms for new material use. In terms of what we did with the birds, they have no clue what we did inside, besides assuming that we came in and killed all of the aliens in question.

And ass for diplomacy, no they had every single right to talk with us, especially when they obviously had a Farseer and Warlock or three, to look into the future, and see which course of action would have led to the best result, which, would have been just contacting us and being diplomatic about them wanting their Maidrn World back. Being afraid to talk to someone is fine, up until you decide to pick a fight with them. Because at least till you attack them, there is a chance the person you are afraid of will hear you out and not violently attack you for no reason. But post attack? What other course of action was going to happen besides causing that same violence back on those that attacked them unprovoked?
I propose we name the planets Eldar Folly and Man’s Maden.
Supporting, they are an endangered species, and they’re not completely irredeemable, unlike their cousins so they could definitely be treated better then those scumbags ever deserved.
Without the rather extreme sensory deprivation part, the experimentation is already a lot as it is for me.
Salamander approved.

It was pretty obvious that we wanted to capture the maiden worlds so they likely weren't too concerned about us turning the maiden worlds inside out and they were trying to be sneaky to avoid our direct attention. Unfortunately for them we're a top of the line golden age AI, which they didn't seem to be aware of, and managed to catch the bastards anyways. I don't think they expected to be discovered and targeted.

Nah keep it simple and Greek-themed. Apollo and Artemis.
Think we should let the soldiers vote on names?

Then again I don’t want the planet to be named ‘’Planet Mc Planet Face’’
There's a planet out there called Carlos McConnell. No, we're not letting them name the planets.
They should be able to name one moon in this system. I kinda want to see if the art of the shitpost had re-emerged among the troops.
I can't believe I forgot to add this, but last thing I swear im adding that I forgot to put in earlier.
> Send out an Order to any available drones to recover all soul stones found on, or nearby the corpses of these Fragmented Eldar for safekeeping. They will make a power voice to the Eldar if what Yrelia Sien claims is true about their value.
hahaha thats true

>I don't think they expected to be discovered and targeted.
Likely, they might be in disarray a bit. They are probably deciding if its worthed to remain here and double down in this campaign with bringing more forces, or to leave asap. Diplomacy they aren't considering it out of fear, even if we do instead lol
Oh yeah, Newb I know this question might be late, but does this now mean we are going to have to encounter female Custodese if we ever meet the 10,000 in the future should we ever get back to Old Earth? Like, has their secretly never been a single statue of a female Custodian in the last ten thousand years, so their pretty damn frustrated that nobody acknowledges their existence, outside of Tzeentch and they appreciate that by giving thanks to him as they target his cults less then they do the other 3?

>Oh yeah, Newb I know this question might be late, but does this now mean we are going to have to encounter female Custodese
No. Answered that in last thread. With the lore being the way it is with GW shitting all over it, I am taking bits and pieces that I like and letting you anons vote for major lore decisions. As for femstodes, veto, immediately. The deviant artist who thought up their existence was found and executed by the inquisition.

Update will come in the evening, so probably like 10 hours from now.
NIIICCCEEEE! Fem belongs in Deviant art, not in a canon setting that actually takes itself seriously. And since the artist was immediatly found and executed, woman Custodes now will ever exist!
Alright, I will enjoy the waiting time for an update in 3 pm on the morrow. Have a lovely day Newb.
Have we determined what caused the AI Revolt?

Also- what do we currently think about the, Unknown Enemy (damons and warpfuckery) and what encounters we recognized as encounters with it?
>Have we determined what caused the AI Revolt?
No big mystery, has you can see we are still asking many questions and putting all the pieces of the puzzle together. We don't even know the AI revolt.
>Also- what do we currently think about the, Unknown Enemy (damons and warpfuckery)
What do we currently think ? They are a danger that we can't quantify or find any reason on how it works, and that we can't yet look at it properly. We have eliminated it without any halt if we found it. A good example for make you understand exactly what i mean is this : all our robotic units have near their cores and other essential parts, explosives that will detonate if similar conditions or presence of Unknown enemies reveals themselves. This avoids any attempt at corruption through comms or take control of robotic units on the field. There is far more but i am not writing everything and you can easily learn through reading the previous threads or the old pastebins.
>What encounters we recognized as encounters with it ?
All encounters. We did not understood what we had in front of us at the start, so after much theory, and finding common denominators and similarities they where classified with that name. Things like insanity, corrupt codes, cannibalism, absurd mutations, warp energy, feelings of disgust, rage, mutations, poor tactics, disturbance symbols, zealots where present in some way or form in most encounters be in Xandirah Secundus or Primus. They where all wiped out by us. Through research of corrupted cores we learned a bit more.
I’m guessing we are considering the Imperial and Eldar accounts of the Unknown Enemy as suspect at best due to being surrounded by superstitions. If I remember right the only entity we even have a title for is Slanesh (She who Thurst) and we are up in the air if this was a empire, warlord, warp entity, or frankly, some freaky Eldar AI
>I’m guessing we are considering the Imperial and Eldar accounts of the Unknown Enemy as suspect at best due to being surrounded by superstitions.
We don't fully trust them, and for good reasons, anything human is mostly all errors, stupid, forgotten, censured or dogma. But we still have read what we gathered. We didn't gather any digital data from the dark eldar slavers since they wiped it out from the ships we captured.

>If I remember right the only entity we even have a title for is Slanesh (She who Thurst)
We have a few titles for the others. "Lord of Murder" in Xandirah Secundus said by the now defunct "Blood Bretheren Gang", "architect of fate" was said in Xandirah Primus by a mutant deep hive cult, alongside a name that was not possible to understand. The "Infected" in Xandirah Secundus did not have any names to say and just laughed maniacally. They all died.

>and we are up in the air if this was a empire, warlord, warp entity, or frankly, some freaky Eldar AI
We have never seen something like this before, so is something completely new and we consider it a suspect behind the federation fall. What we have seen was confusion and corrupted code, and pure nosense so for us its probably not something made by a civilization. Or at least ones we know. There is nothing recognizable, no method of work or tactic, no cultural flaws or minutia, its all gibberish and insanity that shouldn't exist or function. Robots that suddenly talk with fear before starting to scream like humans and being possessed when : they don't even have comms or the capacity for such a thing. With said robots then suddenly growing biomatter with no explanation.
It was blatantly obvious from the word go. I had just assumed the Eldar had fucked off when the orks showed up. But this was an expected outcome.
In that case I like to add the questions of what she knows about the other ‘’titles’’
”Yrelia Sien, it would be in your immediate interest as a war criminal to tell me why exactly do you think we have invaded you. These twin worlds were filled with orks, if those valleys are colonies, then they are the smallest outposts I have ever seen. A truly flimsy claim. To use these brutes as a shield is foolish and idiotic, and you have allowed them, for who knows how long, to create vast armies and fleets to send outside this solar system. Now WE solved the problem that no doubt killed countless humans, other aliens and no doubt your kin too out of this system. So knowing this, why do you claim these worlds when you allowed the orks to take them ? Is your world trying to justify the disastrous situation it has created ?”

”You must know little Mon-keigh, despite knowing the words of us children of Asuryan. All that needs to be known is that we had no choice. We are few, our Dominion is gone. Maiden worlds offer us a chance, a hope. To claim these worlds is to condemn us as a whole. Even if I were to die this day, even if my craftworld were to fall. We shall still reclaim it. For we are few, but we are deadly.” What a bunch of hogwash. You’d roll your eyes if you had any. Her long speech can be boiled down to – because we can’t beat the Orks.

”Who controls and leads Zahr-Tann ? Are maiden worlds under it ?”

”For the latter, no, and yes. All maiden worlds are collectively owned by us Eldar. Our species as a whole, bar perhaps the dark ones guard these worlds. As for the former, it would be the long-walkers. Those whom walked the path of the Eldar the longest, those whom had known much and gained much, they form a great council where their great minds and endless experience guides us all.” Ah, eldership. Not unheard of in primitive societies.

”What relations you have in your army and world ? Is the Sien family know ?”

She laughs. ”If you ask that I have great influence, I do not, nor does my family, though my grandfather does sit on the long-path. Every Eldar is precious, my value of that you can be sure of.”

”What you know of what is happening at large in Sector Clarus ?”

”I do not know, nor do I care for the well-being of Mon-keigh.” She says shrugging.

”Very well, returning to a previous line of questioning. Expand on the subject of the neverborn. Specifically ways to contrast them, silence them, kill them and avoid them. I had so far encountered numerous similarities between them and what local human populations refer to as daemons, numerous anomalies as well. More specifically, what is a neverborn ? Is it a species, a singular creature ? Is it from the warp, deep space, a temporal anomaly ? And what makes it so powerful or dangerous, is it like a virus, is it difficult to kill ? How can it interact in secure locations despite all of my countermeasures to infiltration attempts? And are these neverborn intelligent, and if so, do they have a leader, or leadership?”

Sien remains silent for a moment, simply staring at you, or more specifically where the speaker is located. Her body language shifting ever so slightly at your questioning. ”You are not a Mon-keigh, not one of your own kind. If you were, you would know the feeling of dread, inescapable apathy, the endless desire to acquire, to desire. Even the dullest of your kind, which is not so much below the greatest, can feel it, can know it. I have nought to tell you, for you are incapable of perhaps even feeling the emotions of fresh air filling your lungs. You cannot hear the songs of the realm of souls, you cannot see the swirling dance of destiny and ever changing and shaping future. You, cannot counter it. Your species, can only act as primitive barbarians to counter it. Unless you can block the warp itself, as you refer to it, unless you can rip out souls of all living beings, you shall not stop it. The long war shall continue, and it is this great enemy that we struggle so much against. About this, I cannot help you, for you are a fish desiring to fly high in the skies, to know how birds live. At best, you shall experience so when your guts are being picked open by other predators.” Grim. And useless. Perhaps you should shock her again ? However, you do not detect any lies in her words, for once, the Eldar appears to be telling the truth, the whole truth, as far as she is aware at least.

”I shall take your warning under consideration. Now, tell me this instead. About this she who thirsts. Is she a person, an empire, an event ?”

”All, and none.”

”You are beginning to frustrate me, Eldar.”

”To explain further would be useless. She is a part of the realm of souls, a powerful being capable of interfering with our realm on a whim. Her birth is what caused the wound in reality to fester, she had consumed much of the Domain in her birth and caused the realm of souls to break…and for our Gods to die or shatter…or worse.”

”Why was it so powerful ? Why did it not capitalize to do more damage or conquests through the galaxy ? Neither mankind’s Federation or the Eldar’s Dominion had ever found signs of such a powerful thing, and there is nothing similar that destroys an entire galactic civilization. Is your opinion the most informed one on such matters or does your world have Eldar scholars far more knowledgeable than you ?”

Once more, a painted expression is clear in her body language. ”It is powerful because it feeds on emotion, in this case, base desires. As long as those desires exist, she will exist. As for why not to expand, it is because in most places, the veil between the two realms is thick, the neverborn cannot manifest at will, no matter how much they would desire so. Certain conditions must be fulfilled, usually places of strong emotion, rituals and cruel mockery of reality can weaken the veil and allow the neverborn to interfere with us. As for your Federation, they had never known. We, had. Or so I was told, for you are correct for once. I am not an expert in this. Those whom walked the path the longest do, and those most skilled in looking at the weave of time.”

”So her birth destroyed your Dominion, but it does not explain the destruction of the Federation.”

”I do not know of your Federation’s death, but it is unsurprising that it did fall.” She says utterly uncaringly. Once again, you tempted to zap her.

”Next question. On these Dark Ones. What do you know of them ? Where are their worlds ? Where are their bases in Sector Clarus ? You speak of them like foes, and you clearly aren’t so disgusting as them to be slavers. How can I track them down so I could kill them all?”

”I know little, other than that they are my kin, unfortunately. Debased and bringing our whole species closer to death through their debauchery. As for where they are ? The Eshairr speak of the dark city. It is located within the webway. You shall never find it. As for where they are in the area, that I do not know. There are plenty of webway gates around to allow them to move at will.” You make a note on Commorragh. Yrelia is telling the truth on this matter, without having easy access to the webway whom you can barely comprehend, you doubt you will be able to find your foe. But, if you can find those gates, you can fortify them. Not a great solution, but the best option you have.

”It seems that your species has a great pride and irrational belief in your superiority, if you think that you can claim a planet as yours despite your own admission that you cannot. That is one of the most important and vital lessons my masters learned in the beginning, might makes right. If you claim something is yours, but cannot back up your claim of it, then you have as much right to it as those you would claim have no right at all. Let us hope your leaders are less dense in the ways of the world then you have displayed so far, for your ignoble fate if nothing else. So now I, in the position of might, shall ask you this. Can you contact the Eldar forces here ? Are your superiors capable of using diplomacy and willing to surrender ? And you say if we return these stones they would accept them greatly, so in theory this would favour me and my masters...... And nothing else ? Your military and world value the actual corpses of your soldiers so little, and the lost equipment ? This is very strange, this is just a jewel, a decoration. Basic military crafting logic, would imply it can be replaced especially if its for military use. So, you wouldn't mind if you look at this live camera of a Hydra drone laser slowly coming closer to one of said stones no ?"” You say with fake glee as you see her facial expression shift into one of utter horror. There is not attempt to even hide it through subtlety. It was a good decision to send out drones to gather as many of these stones as possible.

”NO !” She shouts, no, screams, as the holoprojector shifts to showcase exactly that.

”A simple personal question now. Do you think as a war criminal, you could be useful to partially redeem, at least in more than one way, the terrible deaths you and your military caused ?” You continue to showcase the image.

”What is it that you want ?” A minute of silence and pained internal conflict later, she says.

”For now ? Knowledge. You see, I may have been…rough on the previously captured Eldar, the dark ones as you call them. There were so many experiments I wished to run ! You shall cooperate with me in them. In turn, I shall grant you prosthetics, basic ones at that. Perhaps if our relationship improves, I may grant you something better.”

Sien is now glaring at the speaker. You, in turn, command the drone to power up the laser again. Quickly thereafter, a series of expletives are thrown out of the Eldar’s mouth. Well, you think they are with her body language being what it is. ”Do what you will.” She finally says resigning herself.

”Wondrous !”
With the final shot, you finish hunting the last functioning orkish vessel. It had taken a total of a week to finish the battle. Of course, you are still not done, you will need to create more drones to scour through the wrecks and exterminate the Orks thoroughly.

In total, about a third of your void infrastructure has been destroyed, with another 12% damaged to the extent where you would need to dedicate a large quantity of resources.

As for the ground war, with the Eldar no longer interfering, you predict that victory will come within the month, though that is only because Zanx is being exceptionally cautious. The man refuses to be caught in another ambush. And you cannot blame him. From what you learnt, the Eldar are still probably somewhere within the system, since you had not detected any warp-quakes no matter how deeply you search.

Still, it appears that Yrelia Sien, thanks to the threats you had levelled, seems to be willing to cooperate, somewhat. Though as she said, that would only ever be possible if a meeting is scheduled at the Eldar’s leisure.

>You are not in a mood to play nice with some overpompous xenos. They care for the jewels ? Begin public transmissions across the system of you slowly destroying them. That will certainly draw their attention.

>Whilst annoying and a bit wasteful, the Eldar favour these worlds as “hope”. Nuke the valleys. That will draw them out.

>You do not trust this, at all. But you do not have much of a choice, allow Yrelia Sien to contact her kin. You can at least listen to their terms.

>(Write in)
Allow the Eldar to contact her kin after you show that we have given each recovered Sole stone a new casing of C4
If she dose not realize what C4 is- grab a regular rock, wrap it in C4, and lite it off.
>You are not in a mood to play nice with some overpompous xenos. They care for the jewels ? Begin public transmissions across the system of you slowly destroying them. That will certainly draw their attention.
This is the funniest option.
‘’Eldar- we need to talk…. Ok if your going to be that way’’
*show one of the gems casually chucked into a furnace*
Agreed, writing a write in.
>>You do not trust this, at all. But you do not have much of a choice, allow Yrelia Sien to contact her kin. You can at least listen to their terms. And, you make a unilateral decision to ask Yriela to please show the news to her superiors that you do in fact, have many soul-stones, dozens of them, of which will never be returned in any other situation then in cooperation with you so that this war on the maiden worlds will be less blood thirst for your masters as it is. Refusal on them for refusing to listen to hear, will have one on them slowly be broken over the course of an hour, before then applying that again to the next stone, and the next after that. Any attempt at overt ceasure of these stones will result in over a quarter of them being destroyed and the newly dead from those that failed to steal them, replacing those that were destroyed.

Question, was I too harsh or was my plan good enough to make it clear that we are the ones negotiating here with their Craftworld, not the other way around?
I say we make sure the Eldar is clothed, prospeticed, and clean when she make the offer. Sort of a ‘’carrot and stick’’. It would be more than the imperial would do
Wait- I think the Eldar thinks we are a Blank. Maybe we should ask her what she thinks we are- to gage her intelligence.
>was I too harsh
Remember when we systematically tortured our qiratch captives for research purposes then turned them into tasty snacks for our troops? All because they refused to listen to reason and fuck off. The eldar should be thankful we'd even deign to talk to them at this point.

She almost certainly does or I imagine she'd have been freaking the fuck out about the return of the men of iron.
Yep that’s the idea. And thanks for the suggestions:
> >You do not trust this, at all. But you do not have much of a choice, allow Yrelia Sien to contact her kin. But first, you make it a priority of her to clean herself, she is given proper food to meet her dietary needs, and preferable textures for clothing for Yreila when she leaves for contact. Despite what the Eldar claimed, your masters did not create a barbarian. You can at least listen to their terms. And, you make a unilateral decision to ask Yriela to please show the news to her superiors that you do in fact, have many soul-stones, dozens of them, of which will never be returned in any other situation then in cooperation with you so that this war on the maiden worlds will be less blood thirst for your masters as it is. Refusal on them for refusing to listen to hear, will have one on them slowly be broken over the course of an hour, before then applying that again to the next stone, and the next after that. Any attempt at overt ceasure of these stones will result in over a quarter of them being destroyed and the newly dead from those that failed to steal them, replacing those that were destroyed.
I imagine that she does think we’re inhuman. Everything prior to how we speak and operate clearly portrays that we serve humanity, but always in worship to them. And, if she thought we were a Blank, then she would have started to face a panic attack coming as a blank is an anathema to her species very existence. It would be like saying your left of center of someone in 1963, and they come to the conclusion that your libertarian, and they wouldn’t be have wrong in that way, since claiming someone as a communist would have been the worst thing to think of or say to someone that cared about the reds very much.
Ah fair, I’m just so used to being passionately careful to the more human elements of a place, that I genuinely forgot that how Oddy operates in any amount of, well, humanes, is just with Humans. And that everyone and everything else, is not even worth contempt, just plain old apathy.
Should they ask who we are- let’s be a bit of a Eldar

‘’who am I? What is the better question- I am a relict from an old era- before the Imperium, before She who thirst, before the fall of the Federation and the Dominion. I am a foe to many shared foes- the Orks, the Tyranids, and to the Unknown enemie, the ones that curropt minds and steel, the ones who’s only firewall is of effect is physical explosives. I am Odysseus.
no, they murdered in cold blood members of the O.D.D. that where freeing two whole perfect worlds for colonization from greenskins. Their claim on them is pathetic too, their threat might have some actual heat but they will never have them. They can send all the craftworld armies they will bleed to the last for all i care, Sector Clarus will be never theirs.
Nah just hit them with a non-answer like "That's beyond your ability to comprehend, vermin."
‘’I will tel you when you let me have unrestricted information about the Unknown Enimie, unless you think you can’t understand my nature’’
uhm what we want to gain from the Eldar here ? I recon access to their knowledge. Because the twin worlds are basically almost ours.
Supporting this.
sure support.

We may want all the O.D.D. on alert same for our robotic units. In case eldar try an assault. Not that it matters with orbital superiority.
From the Eldar, twofold. One knowledge, about, well honestly a lot desu. Chaos, Webway locations, Eldar History, a working relationship with a craftworld to begin our relocation of all Eldar to Commoragh, as well as other various weapons and technology to study. The second, is allies that we can use as pawns in order to help further push our plans for capturing the leadership of the sector, and the elimination of another major threat to the Sector, lord knows we’ve had already too many of those to deal with as it is already. Hopefully, once this negotiation with the Eldar is complete, we can use them and their magic to help predict the future by tracking down the location of a certain Imperial Inquisition that would be arriving in the sector, if the man isn’t here already.
How hard would it be for an Inquisitor to realize we are a Man of Iron? Assuming this one is more forcus on heretics.
I give it a few days if he captures one of our guys.
>You do not trust this, at all. But you do not have much of a choice, allow Yrelia Sien to contact her kin. You can at least listen to their terms.
Supporting +1
Supporting. I'd also say we shouldn't rely on the perfidious knife-ears, we should draw them in, get a location on their highest ranking leader in the area, then capture them, torture them for information on a craftworld, then make plans to raid it later for all the juicy tech and knowledge. Remember, the knife-ears will betray us at the first opportunity, we just have to beat them to the punch.
In terms of him finding out, well unless he gets onto our ship, or he decides to interrogate either one of our closest allies in Omicron, or somehow found out about our city of Ithaca on Xandrian Primus, or kidnapped our regiments and their leaders, he should have absolutely no way of knowing that we are a Man of Iron. At most, should he find one of our androids, then he’ll just think we are a Heretic that stumbled upon a Archeotech GAoT ship, and so are using it to make a power trap to rule the sector. If not our androids, then he will think we have stumbled upon a Archeotech ship, and are using it for our own hands, and not under the supervision of the Inquisition.

But oh boy, once he does find out, he is absolutely going to have a panic attack, which we cannot allow, as that will make him do something wildly dangerous, and he will doubtlessly try and warm the galaxy of our existence before we’re ready to help unveil our existence on our terms, at our choosing, and at our time.
Understandable, but a bit too risky. If we capture their leaders and just constantly torture them, then we risk the idea of everything be suspect to misinformation so they won’t have to suffer anymore pain afterwards. Besides that, assaulting a craftworld is a bit out of our reach at the moment, especially since that is going to require a order of magnitude of forces, we simply do not have at our disposal to work with on hand. And, the resulting fight could destroy or damage the craftworld to such a degree, any records or information that would be on it, could be doubtlessly lost should we try to bring out the big weapons.

As far as I’m concerned, if we want to beat them to the punch, then we are going to want to find a opportunity where us backstabbing them, before they backstab us then it should be after we try and use them to describe any threats or figures of interest assaulting or coming to the sector, and a location and/or description of what that will look like. After that, though I am not all for it, we need not go and just destroy them, since we could always just try and work off of an alliance with them by recovering more maiden worlds lost to other aliens that are not human habitation, and keeping records of said planets, while in a pact of cooperation.

Once we deal with that inquisitor and the sector lord, then everything we’ve built up can then be used as a beat stick against the Eldar should they ever decide to knife us in the back, as now we would have a full sector with all known locations of their maiden worlds in our hands, and possibly the Craftworld’s as well, and then threaten their complete and total destruction and cultural annihilation should they ever betray us, or put themselves and their power and safety, over that of our Sector’s.
I hope he realizes after ‘stealing’ some of our tech for personal use.

Imagine the fear once he’s lap syze cogitator with the best user interface he ever seen begin talking- agreeing that Yes- Oddy is a AI
Very hard.
So he/she is either very well equipped, supported, intelligent and lucky. Or he/she has just put himself in a position for fall in a trap for us.
The inquisitor is more likely to lose his entire retinue and any unwilling allies he brings than capture or steal anything, unless we allow it. Now if the inquisitor was able to find and knows about one of the ancient vaults, of the Clarus Mechanicus that are filled by EMP WMDs of the Federation.... that would give him a few actual knifes to throw, at ..... nothing. Since he doesnt know our exact location or our forces and bases locations.

I am not sure if an alliance can work out. Probably something smaller, mostly because they might not accept it at all regardless, since they are very stubborn. We know already they would want to betray any treaty made. I guess though, we might want to see what they put on the table has offerings then decide from there.
Working with the eldar? I doubt that will ever happen. I think the best we can hope for when it comes to diplomatic relations with the knife eared rats is some kind of non-aggression pact but I think even that is unlikely. In fact the only xenos I can see Ody maybe being ok with would be the tau since both the tau empire and the farsight enclave treat their human subjects better than the Imperium ever would have and both tau factions are remarkably sane compared to everyone else. Then again maybe humans being subjects of an alien empire would just piss Odysseus off regardless of how the humans are treated.
”Good morning.” You startle the Eldar from the sensory deprivation tank. Unlike her dark kin, she appeared to be perfectly calm, entering a state of meditation through an entire day of the experiment. ”I had decided to accept your offer.” You see her pupils ever so slightly widen. ”However.” Her surprise disappears. ”It shall be done under my conditions.”

”What are they ?” She eventually asks stumbling out of the tank. Her prosthetics begin rather simple ones only really allowing very limited movement and certainly no running, you had to give her a stick to allow her to even more properly. Of course you could have given proper augments, but to trust a xenos, especially one of a naturally arrogant and foolish race, unlike the brilliance of your masters and well-deserved pride, would just be asking for betrayal.

”Very simple in nature. You shall inform your kin that I possess many of these jewels that you value so much, dozens. And then, you shall inform them that failure to even make contact shall see one jewel slowly destroyed every standard terran hour. Am I clear ?”

”You…fine.” Barely controlling her rage, Yrelia says.

”Excellent. Oh, and do be certain to inform them that any overt attempts at seizure of these gems shall see a quarter of them destroyed and the gems from the newly dead shall be used to replace them.”

”…I will.” Her self-control is surprising, most by this point would have probably begun lashing out.

”Now. You are still in a state of undress and you must be hungry. I shall remedy that.”

Now confusion is clear in her subtle body language. ”Why ?”

”Why what ?”

”Why are you suddenly treating me with such…kindness. For being the cruel monster that you are.”

You make an artificial snort. ”Do not presume, Eldar. I am mankind’s greatest representation. You are, as of now, officially a prisoner of war, as such I must ensure your basic well-being. I know that such ideals of maintaining treaties is a foreign one to your kind, but one that my masters values deeply. Now then, I am unfamiliar with Eldar dietary means, as such please excuse me if you find some of the meals unfitting. I had currently prepared nine hundred fifty three meals from the most non-toxic and fitting for most lifeforms food items, please select the ones you prefer the most. Also, what is your preferred material for clothing ?”

Something unexpected happened. With the food prepared and clothing in the process of being made, you had sent a shuttle to pick up Yrelia. Inside of the shuttle you had ensured that her shackles remained and you had placed some explosives within the vessel, just in case. And of course, you had put a centurion and a dozen legionnaires as escorts. Everything was fine until the shuttle approached your hull. Yrelia began to exhibit signs of both distress and pain the closer she got. Something that previous Eldar had not exhibited. You had to turn the shuttle about, before it was about to land, only then had her symptoms had begun to subside. How curious. You will have many more experiments to run later on. Your current working hypothesis is that the naturally psychic Eldar are linked to the warp far more than anything else, and that your own phase-iron, being naturally resistant, though not immune, to the warp might have a much greater effect than previously thought. For now however, you had to return her to one of the planetary HQs. Zanx was not happy about this and had recalled a portion of his troop and if he could, most likely he would have his soldiers quite literally sitting atop of the Eldar in order to ensure that nothing goes wrong. Naturally, you had positioned yourself above the HQ as well and moved some of the defensive space platforms to ensure that if there’s going to be a fight, it will be one that you shall win handily.

Finally a day or so later, you begin the transmission of both audio and video, with the video being dominated by Yrelia who is dressed in a curious silk like clothing dyed brown with black and blue details inscribing various Eldar letters onto them. You had checked and rechecked to ensure it is none of Eldar sorcery that is being carried out. Just in case, you also had some phase-iron prepared nearby. Finally, you have a separate camera regarding one of the valued jewels, placed in the middle of a hydraulic press. Should the Eldar prove unwilling to talk, you shall allow them to see their precious jewels slowly buckle under the pressure, it might take a few attempts for you to find out the exact tolerance that the jewels have to pressure, so some might break a bit earlier than expected, but that is a sacrifice you are willing to make.

Soon enough Sien begins her speech, reading the words you had prepared for her. Asking for negotiations, ensuring that the Eldar know of your superior position and that you have something they value. Of course, you ensure that they are aware of every single treaty that they had broken and that you have the full right to execute them as war criminals, but are choosing not to.

Time begins to tick by after Yrelia finishes her speech. Now only the jewels precarious position is being displayed by the video feed. At exactly, to the second, the passage of the first hour, you activate the press, allowing it to slowly descend onto the jewel, as it begins to slowly apply pressure to it.

Finally, a signal reaches you. Curiously enough, you are unable to track exactly from where it is coming, but it is concentrated and clearly aimed at you.

”We are willing to talk, Mon-keigh. Cease your primitive acts of brutish display you pride yourself of so much.”

”You accuse me of being brutish when you had attacked without word or warning, Eldar. The fact I had not killed you all should show my grace and mercy. Something I doubt you’d ever be able to exhibit.”

”Spoken by a savage that had cracked open the worlds of this most blessed space. Defiled everything to such an extent that even the crude Orks would not dare to think of.”

”Criticised by a coward whom had allowed the Orks to infest these worlds to begin with. Had you some strength to back your words, Eldar, I would not have needed to exert myself as such. But, we can exchange these barbs back and forth for days. Every hour I shall destroy one gem, so I recommend that you save your breath and speak only words that are needed and not the drivel you proclaim as poetry in your speech.”

Silence follows for nearly a minute, before you hear a reply. ”Return the jewels, as you call them, release the prisoner and abandon these worlds. That is what we desire and we are willing to hear what you desire in turn.”

>Ridiculous. You do not accept these terms at all. You will find the Eldar and either kill them or capture them for more experiments.

>You are willing to do so. In exchange the Eldar shall give you vast quantities of their technology ranging from structures, to vehicles, to small-arms.

>You shall accept nothing but full subjugation. You shall grant the worlds to the Eldar, and in exchange, they shall not become your subjects.

>Perhaps, if the Eldar accept the authority of the previously signed treaties and willing form an alliance with you, as well as give any and all knowledge you desire, you will accept their pleas.

>(Write in)
>Perhaps, if the Eldar accept the authority of the previously signed treaties and willing form an alliance with you, as well as give any and all knowledge you desire, you will accept their pleas.
If they agree to form an Alliance, offer to protect the maiden worlds so they can stop using Orks for defence. In exchange, they'll provide us with technology, knowledge and the locations of the Webway gates.
Nothing ventured nothing gained I suppose. And, as far as Eldar negotiations behave, actually fucking civil with minimal condescension on the Eldars part and some, some what reasonable asks from them.
>Perhaps, if the Eldar accept the authority of the previously signed treaties and willing form an alliance with you, as well as give any and all knowledge you desire, you will accept their pleas.
We work under the old federation laws, which clearly were somewhat tolerable for the Dominion if they didn’t seem to dislike or ask for changes in said treaties for themselves as the Co-Equal (and sadly, truthfully, the superior to us in that treaty relationship. Sorcery and Psychic power, is just way to much of a Nuclear bomb compared to actual High Sci-fi. Since that shit, can just casually break the law of Physics on a individual level, so what the fuck happens on a planetary or Star-system level, or the weapons created and maintained by the Old Ones?)
>You are willing to do so. In exchange the Eldar shall give you vast quantities of their technology ranging from structures, to vehicles, to small-arms.
This system isn't worth the trouble colonizing it would bring. Let's just take all the loot we've gained, call the campaign a success and go see if that Inquisitor has destroyed Omicron Teledesh yet.
This is me.
>Perhaps, if the Eldar accept the authority of the previously signed treaties and willing form an alliance with you, as well as give any and all knowledge you desire, you will accept their pleas.
I’m just kind of shocked the Space Elves decided it would be a good idea to not attack us.
This feels too small for returning jewels, return a war criminal, abandon two paradise twin worlds and the extermination of greenskins.
As in what the Eldar demands or of the options given to us to deal with their demands?
To be fair, we did also utterly and irreversibly ruined like 80% of the solar system.
it seems far more 5 for 1, than 1 and 1 kind of treaty.
An anon even offered us to protect them so 6 for 1, when humanity is in peril. And this is alliance is already compromized with them being eldar.

But not what they actually care for. Those where minor planetoids and not maiden worlds. The maiden worlds are whats important.

>I’m just kind of shocked the Space Elves decided it would be a good idea to not attack us.

You kinda got them by the balls with a few dozen Eldar souls in hand, I am treating the whole dying race bit seriously, which is why the Eldar are so serious. Also, you anons really managed to get lucky to not only get the stones intact, but also managing to get a living prisoner.
We were? What the hell kind of a roll did we pass by, in order to not crack any of their stones when we launched those missiles and ammunition strikes?

Besides that, well at least in this case I’m more then happy knowing they aren’t going to go pull of a stupid in that case. So the Ridiculous and Subjugation options aren’t needed in that case.

Actually, now I want to see what the Eldars reaction is so I can see how their handling with us having a blowtorch a few inches away from their testicals in this situation.

>We were? What the hell kind of a roll did we pass by, in order to not crack any of their stones when we launched those missiles and ammunition strikes?

Was feeling generous so I rolled d100 with DC of 95 for each Eldar group, one managed to pass at exactly 95. The stones themselves are tough, but still were at DC 80, since you guys chose the delete option, managed to get a 100 on that.
AhChrist, that’s hilarious. Okay, well that explains why only one of them survived like she did then, though what did you mean by groups? As in like, there were three groups of Eldar launching attacks, and then got blasted from our cannons, from the delete option? Would we have gotten prisoners if we had chosen the full pursuit option instead?
I recall we have ships under construction at the neutron star system, but I'm not sure if I want transport them through the Warp. Maybe we can ask the Eldar to guide them through the Webway?
>(Write in)
>"You ask for much, so i will ask just has much. Here is what we want from this treaty :"
>"For the return of the war criminal, Yrelia Sien and the return of each single jewel, deliver 10 tons of your technology for each jewel. Ranging from structures, to vehicles, to armors, to tools, to small-arms."
>"For abandoning the twin paradise worlds, you will accept a non-aggression pact and an alliance between us and recognize all previous treaties."
>"For exterminating the greenskins, you will create an acceptable and worthy embassy in the twin worlds. We will also still have access to this solar system, alongside permit of travel, landing, trade and tourism. The embassy will have attached to it a glorious monument to mankind fallen."
>"This treaty will not include any of our other war gains against the greenskins, such has the vast amount of materials and ships we have taken."
Add in;
‘’As collateral- one gem would be returned per decade of the treaty be in effect, to ensure good will and trust, should more gems be found while treaty is in effect they will be returned without trade or force or stipulations required’’
‘’if we find eachother on the same battlefield the first to notice must plainly contact the other to ensure Deplomancy and that this treaty can be maintained. Further actions will differ from a battlefield to battlefield basis’’
Also add
‘’There will be an unrestricted but safe exchange of information of the entity/fraction/phonomum involving ‘’she who thurst’’ including those antagonistic with the intent of better combating it/her. Information shared will be delivered as plainly as possible with efforts made to protect from its strange influences, such exchanges will happen in a space station specially built for this in the far edge of the system rigged to explode should containment fail. Such failure will not be considered a breach of treaty nor murder of Eldar, human, or other allied species that may be added or asked to use the facilities, this is to ensure any intelligent actors of the ponominum can not weaponize our own safety protocols

I support these
‘’In campaigns and wars, there will be a process to exchange POW humans and Eldar with attempts to acquire and maintain these POWs, even if I capture a uncorrupted Eldar POW of a different faction other than the Dark Elder, I will be forced to hand hem over after interrogations, likewise if you fight uncorrupted humans they must be returned safe and sound. This treaty cannot be for all of humanity and all of Eldar due to the states of our respective civilizations.
To clarify- this would mean that both would try to maintain POWs if captured even if of different fractions of Eldar and Humanity, except for Caos and Dark Eldar, this will appeal to both of our desires to minimize death and pain of our own kin while ensuring that they don’t rule loyer into us getting a demon host handed to us.
Huh, all of these add-ons, and the original treaty’s being welded onto this write-in does make me wary of it. It is after-all, really putting a lot of pressure on the Eldar to follow through on quite a bit, which would make it incredibly distasteful for them to agree to. But, as Newb mentioned, we actually have the upper hand in this case, especially with how serious the Eldar are taking the “for everyone 1 Eldar is worth Billions of Humans” speal that the Eldar always love to keep harping on about. But, this is also a homebrew Craft-World we are dealing with, so we have absolutely no idea what kind of temperament and belief system they would have for themselves. Could be as similar as Ulthuan, or Lyaden, or as wildly different as Sai-Han and Biel-Tann. Eh, at least this feels like proper negotiations with Eldar then demands by either side to roll over and die. Supporting
We have dedicated no small amount of our time to eradicate trillions of orks in space and on the worlds (+ planetoids). I think we have far more weight to what we can ask than them. This purge of greenskins by them would have last far far longer too (and they had the gall to expect to never be found by orks, the race that you can't rely on for anything normal. Or for no else to not come here and try placing their flag on the soil). The jewels where recovered in the dozens, so it would be something like 200 tons is not that much for a craftworld to make since they usually have a pop of a few millions.

The extermination of trillions of orks alone, and being done so fast, avoided them a probably stupid amount of many possible losses in terms of equipment and manpower. Also a direct war against us would be even more costly for them.

>though what did you mean by groups?

Striking scorpions, howling banshees, warpspiders, rangers, stuff like that, groups ranged between 5 to 10 Eldar.


You have a very small fleet built at federation standard (read scary) in the pulsar. They are capable of warp travel, but without any navigators you can't really go anywhere. Though I will once again point out, Ody does have the gene sequences to make more navigators.

Also, so far surprised you anons are willing to deal with the Eldar they way you are.
a blue whale weighs something like 200 tons, tanks can be 10 tons. Quite generous honestly.
We do love our Eldar Wifus.

Also we can’t make Odysseus Fried Eldar. Won’t sell well.
i want them all death honestly for what they did. I kinda feel bad for Zanx and the O.D.D. for do this diplomacy.
i am tempted to ask them even a eldar farseer, has official diplomat, teacher and educator of their craftworld. Which could help us unlock faster a new unit for the O.D.D. : war psykers.
For all the shit we can and will pull of in the future, theirs a few things going on for them. 1 and possibly the weakest of them all, is pity and all that humane shit. The Craftworld Eldar, and all other kinds that aren’t Drukhari, have been given a terrible hand in life, and so try to make up for their wrongs. Now, they fail with that because they still act like they are better then everyone else (read: humanity) but, that was kinda expected with a space Elf faction existing while being written by a British company. The second one, could be read as lust, as someone needs to be the pleasure species of Humanity, and the Tau alone are not going to be able to cut it (insert Eldar GF here). The third, we have a lot to gain by being virtuous to the Eldar, namely getting access to the tech, and getting a infinitely better understanding of Psytech, then what even the Imperium can offer for us, so we do need that. Fourthly, they have the skills to master the warp like few others, and as you said while having across all of the non-Dark Eldar factions a little over a total cap of a billion people, that mastery of the warp is a major power of influence. Which, if treated like allies and help out, makes managing of threats to this sector, much easier and better for us then it honestly would have been before(re;Inquisition). And fifthly, while these elves may have attacked us unprovoked, they still have some sense of decency and all they ask, is that we give them back their maiden worlds and people so they can grow back from the hell they suffered and can go back the long distance of not dying out as a species. Which means, they are listening and treating us with some amount of respect, just like we are with them.
For the record Commisar- I was joking about Eldar Wifu.
Duly noted private. And I am going to pretend I did not hear you confess to any heretical thoughts in the presence of myself trooper. But, since you seem to behave like a good imperial trooper, as a reward your rations will be cut in half, your after work hours for a week will be training and Latrine duty, and I will personally have your squad as my bodyguards as I move into the frontlines. Dismissed trooper.
I knew I should had joined ODS with my brother.
Supporting, this is way more comprehensive than what the other choice was, which means we have a lot more ways of dealing with them that aren’t just treaty’s that we have no idea what their signed on, or were about to begin with.
I am thinking we should add some O.D.D. assault specialists. Some powerful weaponry like energy shotguns and phospex flamethrowers could be really good for that role. Though for both weaponry and equipment the O.D.D eats well already.
I also say we develop some Phase Iron ammunition for every weapon, even for Mace in the form of a kind with the stuff mixed in.

It had an effect on the Eldar, who know what effect it would have on ‘’the unknown enimie’’.
I would even offer the Eldar a basic gun with a few clips if we get Enigma Station (the station to exchange information about warpstuff) built
Don’t we already have assault specialists? Agreed on those ideas of weaponry, though why wouldn’t the O.D.S. be using phospex as a flamethrower weapon? Wouldn’t that be something that they would already make it for, since it would simple thing to use such a dangerous weapon as already? As for energy shotgun, how exactly would we be able to make that, when we don’t even know how to make Hardlight weaponry? And, even from what I can remember of Plasma technology, you can’t really do a shotgun style weapon either, super heated gas is very hard to spread out without diminishing the firepower or the range of such a weapon?

>Don’t we already have assault specialists?

The first O.D.D. regiment has a dedicated assault company armed with shotguns that act as railguns basically, only with a lot of spread, as well as flamethrowers. They also have a dedicated scouting company. As for the rest of the O.D.D., their equipment is so powerful compared to most things that Ody never saw a need for more specialized stuff. When it comes to tactics and strategy however, the decade of training allows the O.D.D. regiments to adapt to any combat stance or situation, be it static defenders, rapid assault forces, or shock troops, etc.
Ah right. Is only the first regiment with that and i think the Ithaca regiments too, since they use the antiquated tier od equipment/weapons. From 2 to 10 regiment they are all in Olympians and augmented.

Speaking of Ithaca regiments we should probably grab some since we still have space for soldiers in the Odyssey from last upgrade
We also need to start replacing the soldiers we lost from the Eldar attacks. Hopefully after this, we can move back to Ithaca and then move around to the south of the Sector, we still only know the geography of the northern part of the sector, not the southern half, or the Rebel movement going in through the sector as well. At least after this, we utterly smash any major Ork incursion from the north.
treaties 3
tech 1


Okay, the really extensive treaty wins. Fucking hell anon, this is gonna take a while.
Kek, as is anything with Anons, we never do anything by half measures, so long as it isn’t a problem Newb? Anyway, this going to result in the Eldar declaring our demands as unreasonable, or are they going to accept our, rather extensive list of things that we want in return for giving stuff to them, that I don’t think they ever thought about. Like Tourism for instance, when was the last time an Eldar ever tried to make a planet or visage on a craftworld, purely for tourism attraction or for something other then art depicting the fall and their many countless defeats or Pyrrhic victories?

>Kek, as is anything with Anons, we never do anything by half measures, so long as it isn’t a problem Newb?

Not a problem at all, just the update will probably take longer. This pure autism lets me know that you anons are invested in the quest and in fact makes me happy.
This has to be pretty humiliating for the eldar. Which is always a victory in my book. And if they agree I don't think they can really weasel their way out of this once we leave either (at least not without violence) because we can just come back here at any time and destroy the maiden worlds.
True true

>Perhaps, if the Eldar accept the authority of the previously signed treaties and willing form an alliance with you, as well as give any and all knowledge you desire, you will accept their pleas.
Unfortunately anon, that vote ended over 4 hours ago, and it was the extended version. It definitely added in the treaty’s from the Old Dominion and the federation, though it by far expanded past that by a mile alright.
I'm only supporting this line of events so far as we get a better opportunity to stab the eldar in the back. Don't want an eldar waifu, though I'm sure there's a bit of that going on with other anons. Hey, we should totally infect her with a dormant nanite virus before we hand her over!
Rip. Thats life, I didn't even notice the update.
”There is much that I desire. Let us begin point by point, shall we ?” To begin with, for the return of the war criminal, Yrelia Sien and the return of each single jewel, deliver 10 tons of your technology. Ranging from structures, to vehicles, to armours, to tools, to small-arms.” You begin with your first demand.

It takes a full five minutes of no doubt fierce discussion before you receive your answer. ”We deem this demand…acceptable, you shall have your bounty.”

Unexpected. Technology is greedily guarded for a reason, perhaps these jewels hold far more value than you had originally expected. ”For abandoning the twin paradise worlds, you will accept a non-aggression pact and an alliance between us and recognize all previous treaties. The treaties formed by the Human Federation and the Eldar Dominion include the aforementioned non-aggression treaty. Prisoner extradition treaty where both sides must give up any criminals that may have fled into their territory. The treaty of non-interference, with the explicit request of either state, no state may interfere in each other’s internal matters.” You make sure not to mention the non-colonization treaty imposed on mankind by the Dominion preventing any efforts of expansion towards the Eldar coreworlds as well as the tribute mankind had to give the Dominion. No matter how annoying, the fact of the matter was that humanity was young compared to the Eldar, naturally mankind would surpass the dominion in time, as has happened now in fact, in a twisted version of the future however.

”This…nature of the alliance shall be discussed more. Know this, we shall not go to war and expend our lives for your goals. Otherwise, it is acceptable, if we find each other fighting against the same enemy, we shall cooperate as best both sides decide as needed.” You had expected as such, though the fact that these Eldar would turn their noses down on such an alliance is a foolish one, purposefully putting down limitations.

”For exterminating the greenskins, you will create an acceptable and worthy embassy on the twin worlds. We will also still have access to this solar system, alongside permit of travel, landing, trade and tourism. The embassy will have attached to it a glorious monument to mankind’s fallen.” You give out some rather bland and basic requests that would be a part of any negotiated treaty.

”No.” The reply is instant, much to your surprise on this occasion. ”We shall not allow for these worlds to be touched by Mon-keigh. And the Orks were our tools, they were a distraction that would guard the valleys. We worked to make them believe that they are cursed, where there would be no fight, just death. Your actions is why we allowed for their existence. Best keep some, than lose all. So we shall not allow you to land on these worlds, and we shall not allow you to enter this system that is so exposed now.” Is this such a sticking point ? It is highly illogical.

”Then how can we conduct diplomacy without any embassies ? You should think that through, Eldar.”

”There are ways of doing so without your further desecration of this system.” Arrogant and without clear explanation. This is getting frustrating.

”We shall return to this later. For now, this treaty will not include any of our other war gains against the greenskins, such has the vast amount of materials and ships we have taken.”

”Agreed.” Once more, an instantaneous response made without any clear discussion.

”If we find each other on the same battlefield, the first to notice must plainly contact the other to ensure diplomacy and that this treaty can be maintained. Further actions will differ from a battlefield-to-battlefield basis.”

”If we deem it necessary.”

”No ifs, Eldar. You shall do so.”

”If, we deem it as necessary, then we shall. No matter how much we try to warn you Mon-keighs, you rarely listen, and yet we still do so, for we know the dangers of the great enemy and other more ancient foes.”

”If your inaction or action causes human deaths, it shall be a violation of the treaty.”

”If you do not act the fool like the remainder of your species, then there will be no need for violations.”

”Moving on.” With a hint of annoyance you continue on. ”There will be an unrestricted, but safe exchange of information of the entity/faction/phenomena involving “she who thirsts” including those antagonistic with the intent of better combating it/her. Information shared will be delivered as plainly as possible with efforts made to protect from its strange influences, such exchanges will happen in a space station specially built for this in the far edge of the system rigged to explode should containment fail. Such failure will not be considered a breach of treaty nor murder of Eldar, human, or other allied species that may be added or asked to use the facilities, this is to ensure any intelligent actors of the phenomena cannot weaponize our own safety protocols.”

Now this causes some discussion as it takes nearly half an hour for the Eldar to make up their mind. ”We agree to share what we know against the great enemy, but there shall be no space stations of any sorts within systems we deem our own, nor shall we willingly send any Eldar to conduct any sort of experiments. Nor will we cooperate with other species we deem, unacceptable.” Well, you managed to get about half from that.

”In campaigns and wars, there will be a process to exchange POW humans and Eldar with attempts to acquire and maintain these POWs, even if I capture an uncorrupted Eldar POW of a different faction other than the dark ones, I will be forced to hand them over after interrogation, likewise if you fight uncorrupted humans they must be returned safe and sound. This treaty cannot be for all of humanity and all of Eldar due to the states of our respective civilizations.”

”I do know if you are malicious or just naïve. Your people number more than the stars in the galaxy, and all wish for our death. We shall not do so, simply because we cannot and we shall not risk our lives in battle to capture prisoners whom sooner would see themselves dead alongside us than surrender.”

”You do realize that this means that I too, shall kill, for it is far more efficient than it is to capture ?”

”Unless you wish to fight our whole species, then the deaths we shall suffer fighting against our foes with your limitations shall be magnitude higher. And even then, we would lose less by simply battling you as well. As such, we utterly reject this part of the treaty.” The most basic of POW exchanges is unacceptable ? So much for their value of their own.

”Finally. As collateral – one gem will be returned per decade while the treaty is in effect. To ensure good will and trust, should more gems be found while the treaty is in effect, they will be returned without trade or force or stipulations required.”

”That is…acceptable.” A moment of hesitation the Eldar says. ”You shall receive your ten tons only when the, jewels, are returned. From the original amount you currently possess.”

>Accept the treaty a is, you doubt you will be able to push the Eldar further.

>What the Eldar outline is unacceptable. You shall have these worlds, you shall have their technology, by might.

>(Write in)

As it currently stands, if you decide to keep the Eldar as allies, you are in possession of 49 jewels that the Eldar value and 1 prisoner.

>How many jewels are you willing to give right now in exchange for technology ? (Write in)
Ah, negotiations a tic for tac if there ever was a system that required such back and forth agreements.

Honestly, I’m still surprised just how much got through in the end, and the fact that it was even partially a success is quite good for me desu.

>Accept the treaty a is, you doubt you will be able to push the Eldar further.
>How many jewels are you willing to give right now in exchange for technology ? 10 Jewels
A fifth of our total Eldar prisoners for over 10 tons worth of equipment and technology? Now that is a steal and a half if there ever was one I’ve heard of.
Whoops, I got the numbers mixed up, 10 jewels, for over a 100 tons of equipment and technology is a banditry victory for a nation, so definitely that thank you very much. Surprised they wouldn’t want us to at least keep our side of the POW part, but I guess even the Eldar can look down from the towers and admit when they believe a goal is unattainable. Besides that, now we can leave this system and get back home. We need to hunt down a inquisitor, and since we seem to have made somewhat of an alliance with the Eldar, at least we can now know that they won’t aid a radical that will willing see the souls of dozens of their kin sent into the belly of the demon goddes, just so he can get his hands on us and destroy us and everything we hold on us, tech, stones, and people of all types together into a pure.
>>Accept the treaty a is, you doubt you will be able to push the Eldar further.
>secretly try to capture any and all further Eldar as bargaining chips to improve our treatys.
>How many jewels are you willing to give right now in exchange for technology ? (Write in)
10 Jewels
>Accept the treaty a is, you doubt you will be able to push the Eldar further.
>How many jewels are you willing to give right now in exchange for technology ? (20 jewels)
I'd still prefer to just kill the bastards rather than bargain with them.
>Accept the treaty a is, you doubt you will be able to push the Eldar further.
>Write in
>"For the finishing touches, in regard to human civilians we wish for them so that no harm is inflicted upon them in wars, we will do the same if it comes to that. And we are willing to rescue eldar civilians if there is such an emergency. The exception is with the Unknown Enemy being involved, no living being should suffer under them. A swift death is better."
>"Now i will deliver you your copy of the treaty, while i keep the original. This should be all. We will begin preparations for leave, even if some tests for conduct diplomacy might be needed since you haven't stated how you want to do it. I have a few ideas."

>How many jewels are you willing to give right now in exchange for technology ? 10 Jewels
Excellent muhahaha
i wonder if we could sell Tyranids data and knowledge for Eldar one. Should we try ? Or an exchange. Or we just keep it for us.

sweet victory !

hahaha ;)
I see a lot of people suggesting 10 jewels but I assume they mean 9 + the prisoner? Unless we're not planning to hand her over yet (and the Eldars did say they wouldn't agree on the POW exchange).

>I see a lot of people suggesting 10 jewels but I assume they mean 9 + the prisoner? Unless we're not planning to hand her over yet (and the Eldars did say they wouldn't agree on the POW exchange).

First term included the prisoner and her return. So you do get 10 tons even without giving any of the soul-stones. That is why I asked how many soul-stones are you anons willing to give.
10 jewels is 10 jewels
I am fine with handing her over, i don't see the issue. We won both in the martial and diplomatic field
>Accept the treaty a is, you doubt you will be able to push the Eldar further.
>10 Jewels
>Infect the Eldar prisoner with a latent nanovirus that will only activate on our command.
Remember anons, always keep an ace up your sleeve, and never trust the arrogant pricks who quite literally fucked the galaxy over!
I'll change my vote to support >>6013985
I love unleashing manmade horrors beyond comprehension upon our enemies.
I support anyone up to 10 jewels right now.

The treaty is acceptable, in good faith the information exchange will include the observed effects of phase iron and offers to provide samples for Eldar anti she who thurst efforts, such a exchange would instead happen on a deployable addition of our craft that is not phase ironed and likewise rigged to explode with warnings of such in Eldar, Gothic, and Federation Standard.

I don’t want a salty Eldar cracking open a can of warpfuckery.

I am surprised how much they agree to.

Post treaty I support asking for an exchange of data on the Teranids including what seem to be more or less effective. ‘’This is mutually beneficial, as they would otherwise eat us both to kill eachother more’’
>Accept the treaty a is, you doubt you will be able to push the Eldar further.
>10 Jewels
So, what happens next for us?
I say we go to the south of the sector to check out the rebellion after we make a arsenal of Phase Iron munitions.

Also we might encounter you know who.
Agreed, we probably crushed the central and most powerful of the Ork Waaaghs in the north of the Sector, a tyranid hive tendril just got crushed, a further two other Ork Waaaghs have been crushed, one on the fortress works Gsgw-1, the other is still being fought over, but with this action, that lot are going to die and be driven off.

Also, we still need to make that spore nanobot virus in the future, but after that, we are probably going to be very focused on more fighting or research into all of the new and old research we just got out of this exceedingly amazing venture. While it’s a shame the massively boosted shields were destroyed, we did just find out weapons and technology that can use forerunner Hardlight tech.
<spoiler>image the Inquisitor thinking the rebellion is the big threat- but then he start seeing white clad soldiers wipe out the rebels- drop phase iron munitions like it’s conscripts- and proceed to turn a hive city completely into a upper hive in a few months<spoiler>
”Then we have our treaty. I shall be handing over 10 jewels as well as the prisoner in exchange for 110 tons of technology. After the exchange is complete, I shall begin to depart the system leaving the Orks…to you, as you had so demanded.”

”Travel well, Mon-keigh. Hopefully, we shall never have a need of one another.”

You do not even entertain a response. Instead, you prepare a series of shuttles, all rigged to explode of course, where each one shall house one jewel or the prisoner. You also naturally have some robotic and drone forces in each shuttle and the jewels are each hidden in specially made compartments, and of course, each compartment is in a different location in each shuttle.

And in the meantime, you begin preparing shuttles to extra- huh, Zanx is sending a highest priority transmission.

“Brigadier, how may I assist you.” You quickly question him.

“By shooting the Eldar, Odysseus. Those public transmissions you made had nearly seen the entire 3rd regiment revolt, I’ve got companies of the 2nd and 4th all asking why are we not killing the Eldar. Only my 1st and the 5th are in good order !”

“How did this happen, Brigadier ?”

“The various comm units picked up the transmission, folk started cheering when they saw stones you were about to break, sure, there was confusion why the prisoner was dressed well, but it all devolved when the whole thing suddenly stopped. People are saying that you made a deal with xenos, and a lot of them are having none of it. They all had lost someone or suffered from Eldar torture. The situation is not looking good Odysseus, everyone is still busy fighting the Orks for the moment, but we need to get this under control.”

“What are you suggestions, Brigadier ?”

“Throw them all into brigs and let them cool off. Though how well that will go I don’t know, especially with the 3rd. Otherwise…”

“You are not suggestion decimation, are you Brigadier ?”

“It is an extreme solution, but it might be necessary before the situation devolves into active combat.”

Frustrating. You must ensure the comfort of the soldiers, they had suffered under the Eldar, that is true, and now they are assuming that you dealing with them, which you are. How to deal with this…

>Try the velvet approach, make it clear that these Eldar are not the ones that hurt them, plus, allow the soldiers to see the full extent of the treaty, of which you are a victor, surely they will be able to see reason and logic ? Your masters are not prone to petty emotions when they are unfounded.

>Allow Zanx to carry out his plan, he is already moving the 1st and the 5th into position to bring the other regiments into line. Hopefully it will be enough to simply have the men disarmed and educated later on.

>Due to your directive, you simply cannot fathom ordering decimation, especially when you will have to command numerous robots to directly assist Zanx. Can you ?

>Whilst unconventional...you could invoke the treaty right now and have the Eldar show themselves to the men, and show that they are different. Though, you seriously doubt that they will accept without you offering up some of the stones, and even then it is risky.

>(Write in)
Ah, God damn, I should have known that we were forgetting something. I can't believe we broadcasted that on a public transmission.

Fuck, alright there are definitely troopers that are going to be pissed the fuck off that we made a deal with the Eldar. Welp, time to do some work in solving a revolt before it happens then.
>Allow Zanx to carry out his plan, he is already moving the 1st and the 5th into position to bring the other regiments into line. Hopefully it will be enough to simply have the men disarmed and educated later on.
This, the other choices are either terrible, with decimation, or really is not going to work out as it relies on the Eldar being Diplomatic and Xenophobicly prideful.
Write in: a mix of the first and the last-

Show the troops the treaty and all testimonies of the Eldar that they are not the ones who preformed unspeakable horrors. Show them the first deposits of loot (if not available, request it expedited in exchange for a ton or 2 shaven off the first ‘’tithe’’, if they complain about the terminology tell them they can call it whatever they want). If needed; Explain some safe details of the Unknown Enimie, if there’s some veterans of the encounters with the phonominum, let them speak.

After that give the troops 3-12 hours to calm down and make it known that up to the first hour mark they will not be penalized other than a period where they will be monitored more closely.

If needed get the Eldar themselves make a statement to that effect via video, don’t offer any expedited gems but offer to only request 5 tons for the next shipment for This small thing.
sorry, NOT be Xenophobicly Prideful.
I change my vote to this. After everyone is disarmed and chill (ideally with a victory stake with light sedatives added to it) we can explain how this is a massive victory and how tech and infomation about a greater foe is worth more than these 2 worlds.

Also that the Eldar and Dark Eldars are 2 different flavors of assholes

>Ah, God damn, I should have known that we were forgetting something. I can't believe we broadcasted that on a public transmission.

The initial message was public, as Ody had no clue about the communications means that the Eldar used and his prisoner wasn't sharing if she knew, so a basic all frequencies signal would be heard was his logic. Once contact was established, Ody naturally switched up to an encrypted network that only he and the Eldar could hear.
Just how angry are the troops- are thru shooting at anyone? Threatening to burn down Eldar forests?

Any indication on what the Eldar thinks of this drama- I can imagine they are enjoying the show eating whatever they use instead of popcorn.
Yep, angry men, and men running on adrenlinen, need a breather and some time to calm down, in order to deal with a revelation like this one unfortunately. But make no mistake, this was a victory, no matter what the outcome was for us.

Alright, that makes sense, but could he have not notified Zanx that we were going to broadcast a public transmission, and then told him to keep his forces off from seeing or hearing that channel till we got a solid confirmation, that the Eldar were talking to us?
Also, how much of the planets left do the Eldar need to reconquer now? What with us eliminating all void presence and wiping out hundreds of Billions of Orks, and a confirmation that both worlds could be reconquered now in less than a month before negotiations took place? They have enough to comfortably wipe out all of those greenskins by themselves?

>Just how angry are the troops- are thru shooting at anyone? Threatening to burn down Eldar forests?

They are still fighting the Orks and the officers are trying to enforce discipline best they are able. No one wants to shoot anyone, but the soldiers do want to kill the Eldar. They are unaware of the importance of the Maiden Worlds or the valleys, so their rage is not directed towards them.


>Alright, that makes sense, but could he have not notified Zanx that we were going to broadcast a public transmission, and then told him to keep his forces off from seeing or hearing that channel till we got a solid confirmation, that the Eldar were talking to us?

Ody has a tendency to overlook things concerning humanity as such. He thinks himself as perfect, thus he was created by perfect beings, thus perfect beings do not act on emotion, but rather logic, as his creators dictated to him. And these men whom spent a decade training were educated (read indoctrinated) into Federation's way of thinking. So he did not even for a moment consider this a possibility. Were it a bunch of civilians, or regressed humans, it would have been a concern for him.


>Also, how much of the planets left do the Eldar need to reconquer now? What with us eliminating all void presence and wiping out hundreds of Billions of Orks, and a confirmation that both worlds could be reconquered now in less than a month before negotiations took place? They have enough to comfortably wipe out all of those greenskins by themselves?

You have no idea. Potentially is what Ody thinks, seeing as how the Eldar are declining further cooperation.
>Inform Zanx and his men that we will infect the Eldar with a nanovirus and to keep it quiet.
Sigh, will this lapse in his judgment, finally get him to not make that mistake in the future? I really don't want for us to deal with a obvious mistake like this ever again if me and the thread can help it.
I was thinking on it a bit honestly. It would happen even if they did not found the comms, since shuttles would be seen going down.

Its inevitable. The Eldar are infamous regardless how you picture them even for an average human (our people and our army are not average) in the current galaxy.
Beyond that Ithacans are formed by Eregenus miners and the Ex slaves from the dark eldars ships (mostly from agri worlds). And they both know what the dark eldars did, while the Ex Slaves peoples also suffered directly under the dark eldars.

The situation is not super bad, i know it may seem the opposite, but i fully believe we can turn this around and use it for strengthen our bond with our men. We are still Odysseus, their savior, educator, guardian and friend. The White Ghost of Death. The ship that fights to the last against giant fleets of horrible xenos, for only one thing : aid humanity. The question is how to go about it, and I think thats why the Eldar shoot down the embassy : Because it had a monument to the fallen of this campaign, and not only that, it signified human superiority diplomatically and through arms. It wasn't random. It was for honor our fallen men, the ones we protected, that care for and wish the best. The Eldar denied that. The Eldar denied the love and loyalty, Odysseus always gives and demonstrates toward mankind.
While true, since Eldar have a superiority complex that makes other superiority complex’s look like inferiority complex’s, but what’s your solution then?
First for all i want to do what Zanx offers.

after that :
- Explain that the Eldar where approached by us for an opportunity to be gained, an opportunity for give mankind more protection. We do not think they are our friends, or equals. But to put it mildly, Sector Clarus is assaulted by all sides and the rest of the galaxy is in no better state. The Eldars will always be infamous, but these ones, these craftworld cowards Eldar can be civilized enough to attempt treaties with. These treaties are know for not last or be breached multiple times by the Eldar, but it gives some time for mankind to concentrate on other things. Odysseus wanted that, more time for the people and army he cares for.
- The fallen will not be forgotten, and we will make a glorious monument for them. The sacrifices they did, are something for us very important, each soldier deeds will be immortalized, hell we will name some stuff after them and make a proper ceremony. This monument will also show the eldar defeat, in war and words.
- Show the gains : the technology the eldar have given us can allow us to understand better many things of them and the galaxy. More importantly combined with the fact, we also have the Dark Eldar equipment, on a military point our tech can become better even better in fighting them. We will learn to nullify that cowardice and sorcery, and we can take to the shadows too if needed. New weapons and equipment will be able to be developed, giving us more power in wars.
- Clarify the difference, but say they are still Eldar : while they are "allies", we can expect their help to be minimal and pathetic, efforts being few and far inbetween no doubt. Still we will not need to fight them for a while, and that means we can better secure for mankind the rest of Sector Clarus.

>Allow Zanx to carry out his plan, he is already moving the 1st and the 5th into position to bring the other regiments into line. Hopefully it will be enough to simply have the men disarmed and educated later on.
>Try the velvet approach, make it clear that these Eldar are not the ones that hurt them, plus, allow the soldiers to see the full extent of the treaty, of which you are a victor, surely they will be able to see reason and logic ? Your masters are not prone to petty emotions when they are unfounded.
Wow. Dealing with the eldar is already screwing us over.
we also need to take in consideration, that the news would also arrive on Ithaca. So we need to resolve and reinforce this here and now.
Anons, anyone up for infecting the Eldar with a nanovirus? I'm sure it would help when we inevitably do have to get rid of them, and I like the idea of giving them space anthrax.
>Try the velvet approach, make it clear that these Eldar are not the ones that hurt them, plus, allow the soldiers to see the full extent of the treaty, of which you are a victor, surely they will be able to see reason and logic ? Your masters are not prone to petty emotions when they are unfounded.
>Allow Zanx to carry out his plan, he is already moving the 1st and the 5th into position to bring the other regiments into line. Hopefully it will be enough to simply have the men disarmed and educated later on.
Yeah, not a fan of that idea. For one, you would need to infect them, and for them to not notice a bunch of metallic forms scuttling through their body attacking it. And second, that these nanobots, which will obviously be detected, regardless of the time, will somehow be immune to any and all psychic rituals or powers unleash that won’t be fine tuned, to blowing up or destroying all of those bots infecting a Eldar host. And all of this, for minimal to no gains against a singular Craftworld that we have no idea what its location is. But which definitely knows ours.

Honestly, the only way this would work to any major degree, would be to launch an airborne nanobot virus, that targets Drukarhi in Commoragh the dark city. Those fuckers atrophying the major part of their biology, unironically makes that robot idea much easier and better to launch, then doing it against all of the other types of eldar strains and factions out in the galaxy.
At least we can say this isn’t a betrayal on the part of the Eldar, it’s just because Odysseus was acting like a complete Retard with how it would have been wise to handle diplomacy with a hostile alien force that we were formerly at war with.
I think it'd be pretty easy to do so through our prisoner. And we don't have to make it active, I'm sure we can develop something with a timer or activation signal from us. We need something to hold over them anyway, hoarding stones isn't going to cut it for long.
Impossible, we already gave up that prisoner already, before we could have made that virus. And, even if we did put it on a timer, or had some method of remote control, it would be impossible as a Eldar is much more finely tuned as a biological creature then us, and would be able to actually feel something wrong with them the moment the nanobots would be activated or transmitted to them through radiation.
While I do like the idea, I'm not sure how useful it would actually be unless we want to immediately betray them which would be incredibly based and very funny.
Nah, if we did immediately betray them, that would A, make us just as likely to backstab them as a Dark Eldar, which I don’t know about you, but I do not want to be associated with those fuckers. And two, we lose out on over 390 tons of tech and equipment that we could be stealing from them, for free!
I don't particularly care about eldar tech for the most part nor do I care about what the eldar think of us.
I wasn’t talking about their opinion, I’m talking about what we would be, which is separate from what others, like Eldar, the chicken-fry aliens, or Tau or anyone else desu. And as for tech, their the second pier civilization that is still just as advanced as us, and possibly even more so in a number of areas, which I do care about, since I want us to be superior to them, not equal to them.
Just because we stab our hated ancient rivals in the back doesn't mean we have to stab everyone in the back. I'm still not interested in most eldar tech, maybe a few weapons like dark lances and some other stuff like their webway gates could be useful but I'm far more interested in acquiring necron tech.
For the betrayal, the clan of Argyll that betrayal at Glencoe says otherwise. Besides that, I’m interested in how their Psytech works as an amplifier and general telepath technology. It’s one of, if not the, best possible way that we know of to try and use against the Tyranids without being swarmed by numbers, and which, could be the key to destroying the Tyranids as a species before they come here in full force in 3 centuries time. Besides that, any ways of safely studying and training our own future Psykers is also what I’m most interested in. The Necrons are the best for anti-chaos or general warp weaponry, their more normal tech like the gauss tech, is not that great since it focuses on flaying you one molecule at a time. Instead of the much more dangerous tech like hardlight.
“Do what you must Brigadier, the men must be calmed down, but avoid any bloodshed, enough human lives had been lost, and I myself shall start broadcasts calling for calm.” After a second of thought you remark to Zanx.

“Understood, I’ll have the regiments in position within five or so minutes.” Zanx quickly responds and shortly thereafter begins to coordinate the effort.

This oversight on your part certainly stings. You simply cannot comprehend such a situation, surely the men of the O.D.D. whom had seen the glory of the Federation, though only through simulations, and were educated as befitting of your masters’ standards. Such…behaviour shall be taken into account in further situations. Perhaps such a failure right now is better than later, were you still this unaware, who knows what may have happened on Ithaca later on. You must prepare public relations campaign to outline the treaty and couch it as a victory of an unprecedented decree as well as ensuring that these craftworld Eldar are different to the other Eldar, whom you had now dubbed as Dark Eldar. The former can be tolerated as mankind’s inferiors, the latter must be exterminated due to their very nature.

In the meantime, regarding camera feeds, you watch as how elements of the 4th regiment are quickly detained by its other elements as well as half of the 1st regiment. It goes smoothly, quite smoothly indeed. The soldiers had simply been grumbling and upset, but they realize that there is no need of greater rebellion other than that, many cite their trust in you specifically, but they do complain of being out of the loop, the transmissions you had prepared are then relayed to the men who quickly view it the way you do, a victory for mankind.

When it comes to the 2nd, it devolves to the occasional scuffle where some of the platoons, usually encouraged by their officers’ support. Nothing more than the occasional broken bone and a bloody nose, it doesn’t get worse than that, mainly thanks to the veterans of the 1st who intervene and deescalate the situation with Zanx personally coming over and calming the situation down and makes sure to send out your messages. A lot of the men, unlike with the 4th, are put in jail for a while to cool off. Zanx is already preparing court-martial for the worst agitators where the punishments range from the slashing of VR and entertainments access to lashings, which Zanx insists upon, stating that there are far worse punishments out there in the Imperium for insubordination.

The 3rd however, the 3rd devolves, utterly. Perhaps by chance, or calculated moves from the upper leaderships of both regiments, no fire is exchanged, thankfully. It appears that the strong bonds and training had prevented that, but the whole situation ends up with the two regiments engaging in one massive brawl with most of your robots and drones having to pick up the slack and keep the Orks at bay. Using sticks, pipes or other fashioned instruments the brawl ends up with a lot of broken bones, bruises and lost blood. Thanks to the genetic enhancements, no deaths are suffered, though a few people lose an eye or two, something you are already preparing to remedy by simply growing new ones. The whole situation culminates with the regimental commander of the 5th delivering a knockout left hook onto the colonel of the 3rd. Knocking out six teeth and delivering a concussion, the 3rd's regimental commander’s loss of consciousness brings the unrest to a halt and sees the remainder of the 3rd surrender without further resistance.

The whole situation is baffling to you. Especially how the men of the 3rd and 5th all stopped fighting and cheered on their commanders before actually seemingly starting to get a long with each other. These reactions and actions lack any sort of logic, even your psychology records do not showcase any similar situations having ever occurred.

Fact of the matter is, the situation has been resolved, even though half of the O.D.D. is currently on route to your hull’s brigs.

You do wonder what the Eldar must be feeling or thinking right, as besides their initial contact, you had not seen them other than equipment suddenly appearing in your shuttles with the stones and the prisoner disappearing, even though you had not detected any warp-quakes asides from those in the shuttles themselves. If nothing else, it implies that the Eldar have vastly superior teleportation capabilities than you had expected.

With your bounty secured and the men on route to return, you are once again faced with a choice.

>Continue your extermination campaign. You may have put down the “capital” of this orkish empire, but based on imperial records, there are still a few worlds left.

>Move to the galactic north-east towards the territories of the Qiratch. You could exterminate them before they become a bigger threat. And apparently the reception to fried qiratch thighs was quite positive amongst the men, especially when spiced well.

>Slip into the galactic north-west into the Straskenors territory, you know little about them as the imperial records naming them were scant on details.

>Travel to the galactic south-east, towards Gelenos territory. They are a large and powerful xenos race, based on imperial records, constantly threatening the nearby fortress worlds. Though yet again, due to censorship, the records remain sparse on details.

>Return to one of your own systems. (Pulsar, Xandrirah, Omicron Teledesh)

>(Write in)
Ah good, everything turned out fine on that front. At least no one died when the regiments were brought back into Order.

Now, for voting options:
>Continue your extermination campaign. You may have put down the “capital” of this orkish empire, but based on imperial records, there are still a few worlds left.
We did want to try and exterminate the local Ork Waagh that was the main threat to the Sector helping to sending out raids and all that, so we might want to continue finishing up that job, espicilally since weve only been gone, for what 3 months now, since before we even got to the arid world and cleaned it of all life? And the other worlds are likely those closer to the west that was separated by our subsector.

>Move to the galactic north-east towards the territories of the Qiratch. You could exterminate them before they become a bigger threat. And apparently the reception to fried qiratch thighs was quite positive amongst the men, especially when spiced well.
Worthless waste of time, we could come back in any time period within a century and it would take as much time and effort as it would right now. Not worth the time and effort with other competting stuff.
>Slip into the galactic north-west into the Straskenors territory, you know little about them as the imperial records naming them were scant on details.
Eh, on the one hand, its a complete unknown alien species, but on the Other hand, it could very well be an advanced empire that has vast armadas with it, and little to offer us in terms of technology or worth as area to investigate and conquer.
>Travel to the galactic south-east, towards Gelenos territory. They are a large and powerful xenos race, based on imperial records, constantly threatening the nearby fortress worlds. Though yet again, due to censorship, the records remain sparse on details.
We can finally get a look at what they have for tech and resources of firepower, but it could take quite a bit of time, since it is much larger then the Ork Empire we faced and could result in a prolongued fight, unless we decided to wipe clean their people on their capital world and watch their civilization collapse overnight.

>Return to one of your own systems. (Pulsar, Xandrirah, Omicron Teledesh)
I read this as more, returning to the galactic south to see how the sector is doing, and for us to explore the south of the sector. In all likelihood, the Inquisitor won't be here for a problem couple of months, but hey better safe then sorry.

Alright, with all of these options I say we do
>Travel to the galactic south-east, towards Gelenos territory. Hack the database of the nearest ship or planet, locate their capital and burn and loot it for all its worth before going back home to Xandrirah Prime.
The Ork empire is more or less broken, and any forces on any of their other planets, are far and above way less powerful then the force we dealt with. So we can see a forceable drop in Ork Raiding on Imperial space for a long, long time. Without counting on the Other Ork Empires and waaghs nearby, unfortunately. And those worlds to the west, are likely involving themselves with the Straskenors, which is great in my book as they will keep each other occupied while we deal with the powerbrokers that matter for us to take a look at.

And I believe expediency is the best solution in this case. We don't need to wait for weeks on end in order to find out where the Gelenos home world is, we just need to figure out what is, their tech and any possible uses, the vast territory of their empire, and then watch it tear itself apart from a nuclear strike it had no idea was coming their way. And with that last major threat, we can ignore coming back to this area again for years and years at the least, and focus completely on the sectors politics that rule it before leaving Clarus in the hands of one of our trusted Andriods.
>>Continue your extermination campaign. You may have put down the “capital” of this orkish empire, but based on imperial records, there are still a few worlds left.
There's no point in leaving a job half done, let's fuck up the rest of them then bring in some colonists from Xandrirah for the new worlds purged of orks.
>Travel to the galactic south-east, towards Gelenos territory. Hack the database of the nearest ship or planet, locate their capital and burn and loot it for all its worth before going back home to Xandrirah Prime.
Smash and grab anons, it’s time to play the Barbarian.
>>Continue your extermination campaign. You may have put down the “capital” of this orkish empire, but based on imperial records, there are still a few worlds left.
>>Continue your extermination campaign. You may have put down the “capital” of this orkish empire, but based on imperial records, there are still a few worlds left.
>>Continue your extermination campaign. You may have put down the “capital” of this orkish empire, but based on imperial records, there are still a few worlds left.
>Continue your extermination campaign. You may have put down the “capital” of this orkish empire, but based on imperial records, there are still a few worlds left.
>Continue your extermination campaign. You may have put down the “capital” of this orkish empire, but based on imperial records, there are still a few worlds left.
Total Ork Death
Nah we should finish these orks off then head back to Xandrirah and swap the current ODD regiments (minus Zanx and the 1st) out for the other half of the ODD we left there before going on any other campaigns or doing anything else. Or maybe just take all of them, I'm not sure why we didn't do that to begin with.
We left half probably incase we rolled an invasion while we were out and about.
Eh, I mean I guess and I do understand the sentiment of doing a total Ork Xenocide. It’s just, we destroyed hundreds of Ork ships without a scratch on us, captured and smelted a Hulk for spare parts and more advanced technology then even we possessed, which is a remarkable thing in and of itself. We killed hundreds of Billions of Orks, and cleansed the capital of a major Ork empire. It just kinda feels excessive, and a bit more time than I would be entirely interested in desu. As for taking half of the regiments, it was in part to see what the capabilities of the new recruits were, and sending them off onto a relatively secure mission to go to a location, do some fighting then refill up with reinforcements and then go back out again into the field. And even then, that was just to get the thread interested in fighting the local Ork incursion that o wanted us to deal with in order to stop more of the sector from being lit on fire as it was already starting to get burned down from all of the stuff happening to the sector. Those 5 regiments were originally just meant to be the guards and soldiers to defend Odysseus from boarders as we went and did something else like doing some government stuff with Xandrirah.

But, I guess once this extended fight is done, then we should indeed go back and get reinforcements before seeing if anything major has happened with the sector as well. If the rebels are still losing, and their is t more chaos, then we should go back to gelenos, steal information of the aliens in question, and burn their home world before we move back home and journey south for the sector capital and the southern parts of Clarus while looking around for the possibility that the inquisition is in the sector. After that, bag him and scan the man and we kill two eagles with a boulder in one move.
I think we should focus on dealing with the Inquisition before going on another campaign. I don't want to return to Xandrirah or Teledesh and discover that they've been exterminatus'd. It was pure luck that we found ourselves with some allies in the mechanicus and I really don't want to risk some asshole inquisitor undoing all our work while we're out butchering some retarded aliens.
Fair, the Exterminatus idea seems a bit far fetched, but the idea of going back and staying around to see if and where that Inquisitor could be, but I genuinely would have no idea where we could or should even begin to look for the fucker. If we’re lucky, the man will actively advertise his arrival into the sector, which means we will know if the guy is here and where he is located. But fuck us, if that man acts stealthy or like Eisenhorn, then we are fucked out of any luck finding this man in a sector of space with dozens of star systems to hide in with us being no more aware then we were before of his location.
In theory we might be able to scan for a Rosette- the thing is a electronic device- but we would A; need to know what to look for and B; be sure that the Inquisition is a serious threat in game.

Unless I am mistaken- Oddy is not to sure if the Inquisition is real or as powerful as advertised, as far as we know we had yet to encounter alkolikes or Interrogators, no mentions of Rosets or other hallmarks of Inquisitors. Tho I don’t discount the possibility that someone had seen something- (it would be thematic)

Also question for Annon, how dose our troops see the Imperium? Do they see themselves as part of it?
In the vision one of his subordinates mentioned Omicron Teledesh suddenly and mysteriously finding some STCs for power armor and powerful weapons the Imperium hadn't even heard of before. The Inquisitor seems to plan on investigating the forge world so maybe we can catch him there.

Ody had a vision of the Inquisitor, he knows that the fucker is coming. What he doesn't know is that a random farseer is freaking the fuck out, the deldar are currently raiding some human worlds in the sector, a conspiracy is unfolding in the south and a bunch of good guy space marines are having a rough time although I think these marines were south of the orks we just destroyed so maybe we've unintentionally helped them out.
Just checked and it doesn't say where the space marines are just that they're fighting orks.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t even know that the inquisition exists at all, Nevermind how it operates on an individual or group level. The sector has never really hosted one on a permanent basis, nor does it house a conclave, or even seen one enter its borders in Emperor only knows how many decades to centuries if not more. The only way we could possibly identify him, is if we use meta-knowledge, and are unusually interested in people that wear skull tags on them and has a private military force at their beck and call. As for how they see themselves, likely apart in the same way a child sees themselves as separate to their parents, they were born from the imperium, and they are serving it by serving their savior Ody, but however much it is beyond that is hard to say without Newb’s input.
Nice, I remember that now, in which case then we have a good idea on where we should look to first for where the bastard can show up first. And which we can hopefully be easily be able to identify if anything funny is going on because of our admech worshippers. As for that vision, no Ody doesn’t know what it represented at all. What happened was that we picked one of 5 possible groups that would absolutely interact with us and/or the sector in some major way, and we choose of the lot one which has a inquisitor of all things. What he got from that vision, was what it said on the can, that he saw a blind eye starring across the tides of chaos, and weeping bloody tears. As for the rest, yep and unfortunately no for the Blood Angels. We have no idea where they are, or where they are fighting at unfortunately.

>Also question for Annon, how dose our troops see the Imperium? Do they see themselves as part of it?

Ambivalent, usually. Due to Ody screening the psychology of the troops, they all have a tendency towards atheism and cynicism, something Ody considers to be important for logical thinking, as such, with much better living conditions under Ody and not being bound by religious dogma, they either do not care about the Imperium or they actively view it as backwards. Of course, most of the populace that Ody protects is religious and they view the Imperium still as sacred, if misguided. Naturally, this gap in religious belief is causing issues, but so far as Ody is aware, the shared trauma prevents active conflict and his educations programs will rid of the gap in a generation or two.

Anyways, nuking more Orks wins.
Sigh, every fucking time Osy gets involved with humans, he keeps making mistake after fucking mistake. Is it safe to say, that for all of the dumb shit that a human both in and out of a universe can be, Ody is unironically the stupidest of both?

Because surely, by BRAINWASHING a bunch of recruits with guns over 10 years of training, which show excessive amounts of cynicism and Atheism, is not at all going to cause massive social destruction and pushback, and even in the best case scenario’s these traits are actively detrimental to a human’s well being when fighting in a fix while, with FUCKING DAEMONS, that this idea is sound??? Nevermind, once the older generations get outnumbered by those that do not have any sort of trauma between themselves and their kin, their are absolutely going to cause fights to break out and tribalism to comeback with a vengeance since their is no longer that shared trauma to bridge any and all ideological gaps, this idiot is absolutely going to cause a societal collapse.

And, even if this retard idea that his programming has stuck to succeeded, this is going to cause massive societal problems to spring up that before hand never started come up before, namely the decadence and societal norms hollowing out as now the norms, customs, and beliefs of the past, we’re all filled with Religion, which as a brainwashed federation follower, is absolutely going to cause problems with not only their own familial groups in Ithaca, but massively with literally any one and everyone outside of Ithaca, that listening to even a single conversation with them, are going to make any other planetary native in the galaxy, try and put a plasma bolt in their head, Olympian power Armour or not.

Fuck me, unironically Odysseus is being anal with us without even realizing what he’s causing in the background.

Ody is Federation era A.I. with upsides and downsides of it. His creators are imperfect and as such they had put in flaws that reflect them into their creation. Though your anons' actions resulted in Ody being less atheistically militant than before as his previous biases demanded. Of course, based on how you anons interact with the universe through Ody further on, could result in a religious A.I., for good or ill, or maybe something in between.
At least now we see why their is no such thing as federation culture, their would be none to begin with, as it would be built on matchsticks and wishes in order to survive all on its own in a normal sci-fi setting, Nevermind one that actively destroys settings made of adamantium and Granite.

Though boy fucking howdy, if this is a lesser reduced version of him, just what kind of a hell in a handbasket would he be if we didn’t make him less of one prior to this thread?

Besides that, fair, a tool is only as poor as the creator that designed it. And in Ody’s case at least he’s finally starting to understand that for himself, if the fiasco with the troops and its resolution is anything to go bye. As for the religion part, eh so long as you can build yourself to a sect that is all about one’s freedom of choice, make sure it’s some line along a god of some type that’s not evil like the 4 or the C’Tan and I could care less. That’s why most religious tensions between the various different sects of Christianity have died out, besides those on the theological fine points, and stereotypes of a general group of people, like say all Utahians as Mormons, then I’m fine with it.

At least the society already built in Ithaca shows all of the best traits of a stable and morally functional society. Nevermind its inhabitants are the least likely ones that are going to cause problems with other sects or native groups in the galaxy compared to the regiments we’re fielding now at any rate.
Also thanks for the response Newb, I did honestly not expect you of all people to respond to my post, and I’m glad you engaged with me on why Ody is thinking and acting like he his now.

>Though boy fucking howdy, if this is a lesser reduced version of him, just what kind of a hell in a handbasket would he be if we didn’t make him less of one prior to this thread?

In my writings I did indicate that people with unfitting psychological profiles would be "reeducated" and failing that "removed from wider society", usually the latter part being done even before they are born. Basically, my interpretation of the Federation is like anything should be in 40k, it was a time of unprecedented technological advance because, as some sources stated, humanity had completely abandoned any and all morals for the pursuit of science and logic. I am making sure that the statement of Golden Age of Technology and the Dark Age of Technology are both true.

Through your decision to protect mankind and actually deal with religious people without "removing" them, you anons ended up making Ody more tolerant.

>Also thanks for the response Newb, I did honestly not expect you of all people to respond to my post, and I’m glad you engaged with me on why Ody is thinking and acting like he his now.

I always engage with you anons and answer any questions you have. That is why I keep stating just poke me if you have questions, and if I do not answer them it is because I either didn't see them or I forgot about it, so just poke me again.
Ah, I completely forgot about that moral part, the religion I remember, and especially how they just wound up replacing the faith religion with technology instead, but good to know.

Fucking He’ll, and that was the society the Emperor wanted to return too for the imperium since he actually liked that time period. Welp, at least now he learned the hard way how much of a retard he was to give people like Magnus and Lorgar their own brand of retardedness.

And as for abandoning morals, yeah I can imagine. Hell, at least with 1984, it was just stuck with 20th century and good old fashioned indoctrination. The DAoT was just that cranked up to 11, with any natural problems that would revolt from something like that (normal humans), it would be shut down by the A.I. and micromanage it Matrix style(AI managing all of society, not how everyone sleeps in tubes) would it have stood like it did.

But, um in that case, how the hell was big E going to try and bring that back without AI support existing to make such a thing a reality and not just a delusional fantasy that would fall apart in a matter of decades?
You consider the possibility of a quick smash and grab against the Gelenos, a powerful alien Empire, admitted as such by the Imperium, must certainly possess something unique and useful. However, you must not leave a task half finished, Orks, like true cockroaches, shall repopulate rapidly and regrow swiftly if left alone even for a second. Besides, the proximity of the Orks to the systems you are placing under your control is far too close, it would be best to simply exterminate the threat before it grows too egregious.

Naturally, before you depart, you take the effort to clean up after yourself, gathering your ground forces and disassembling anything you built upon the world alongside tearing down your void assets and ripping out everything that’s worthwhile from the destroyed Ork settlements and voidships. You are not leaving anything behind for the Eldar to look over, currently, you are at the potential technological advantage and you’d rather widen that gap than allow the Eldar to close, even if the Eldar right here and right now are your allies.
You had taken another five months of thoroughly looking through the territories of the Orkish empire. In total, you had entered fifty-nine star systems, cracked one hundred and eighteen worlds, seven hundred and thirty-three moon and of course, numerous ships and two hundred and seventy-five weaponised asteroids. In total, the death toll easily reached into the billions, perhaps even breaking the hundred billion mark, and that is only counting Orks and not all killed orkoids.

The length of the campaign had seen your O.D.D. regiments all growing far more accustomed to warfare and with discipline restored, even amongst rambunctious 3rd regiment, whom had received the nickname of “Asses”, by the other regiments for their stubbornness (You declined the request of the 5th’s colonel to officially change the 3rd's name to that), have all fallen in line. Your explanations and already strong societal bonds had resulted in the five regiments all being quite used to interacting with each other and your robotic forces. It seems that Zanx had earned sufficient amount of experience and respect to be unquestionably regarded as the leading general of the entire force. Overall, the five regiments could now easily operate by themselves even without your direct guidance.

As for the systems, they had proven to be nothing exceptional, mostly ransacked by Orks, you managed to find another half a dozen habitable worlds, but all had either extreme circumstances or instead had a mass lack of resources to make settling them worth it in the short time scale of a couple of centuries. You naturally marked them down for potential future colonization, but none of them were good as the twin worlds or the arid planet you had discovered.

However, as you are overlooking the final stages of the xenocidal campaign, you are quickly contacted by elements of the 2nd regiment as you are wrapping up exterminating a surprisingly tough Orkish force that both on ground and void had oversized engines that should not function, but yet again, as always with Orks, they do.

”Captain, how may I assist you ?” You quickly switch the camera feed to regard the man who had directly contacted you, all the while you are chasing down small, but annoyingly manoeuvrable Orkish ships.

“Odysseus, my men were about to shoot some xenos, but they started talking about an alliance.” The captain dourly responds and swiftly enough, you see through his camera feed, far at a ridgeline standing a cloaked Eldar. With seemingly crushed rock right before the squads advanced element. The rock appears to have shattered from an expertly aimed shot.

”I see. Thank you for informing me, captain. I would like to request for you to move ahead, I shall be employing your suit’s speakers. If that would be acceptable ?”

“Right, got it.” With some grumbling, the captain moves ahead of the squad he commands and from comm chatter you can hear the platoons lieutenant contacting other lieutenants of the company in order to rally together, just in case.

Shifting gravity, the man quickly propels himself into the air and masterfully and slowly begins to slow down and finally, he gracefully sets down on the ground before the Eldar.

”Greetings, Eldar of craftworld Zahr-Tann. Why had you come to seek me out ?” You begin speaking in Eldar through the suit’s speakers.

”To fulfil the oath given.” The Eldar begins, his voice slow and low, for an Eldar at least. ”The Dark ones come for your world, they may very well be there.”

”If you are speaking of raids, my forces there should be enough to repel them.”

”It is no raid. An Archon named Mezatzar leads his whole Kabal of the endless hunt. The whispers in the webway informed us of such.”

”Do you have an estimate ?”

”No, but if the word reached us, it is already underway.”

>Burn towards Xandrirah at full speed. You have no time to waste.

>Return to Xandrirah, but be careful, to charge head-on would be foolish.

>Move back to the pulsar and gathered the fleet there, only then move to Xandrirah.

>Continue on towards another location (Where ?)
Whilst dangerous, Ithaca has its defences, so does it have another six regiments of the O.D.D., you have no doubt that such a force could repel anything threatening it, but for the rest of the system, you do not know.

>(Write in)
>>Burn towards Xandrirah at full speed. You have no time to waste.

Alright, and already we made a extremely excellent choice making a alliance with the Craftworld Eldar. For something like THIS! Right Fucking Here! As I said, for all the shit Eldar rightly deserve, their not scum bags for breaking deals made between themselves and other factions. And for this reason, now we need to Run like Hell itself is right behind us or Xandrirah is going to be ransacked and Ithaca's discovery will be none to far behind. Especially since none of the Regiments have ever seen real combat outside of the local wildlife or training practice in VR chambers.
God fucking Damn it, I forgot the actual Archaon was a Eldar from the Dominion before its fall!!!

Fuck! The moment Odysseus started stalling for time by bringing up the Old Treaty's with the dominion from the Human federation, and the kids reanimation was complete and he finished his raid against those aliens, he told his Dad everything that happened. Which means, he knows that a Federation ship with a possible Human federation crew and maybe A.I. just set up shop in Xandirirah.
No fucking wonder he got his whole Kabal to join in for the fight, hes bringing everything and the Kitchen sink to fight us and what he expects, to be a federation tier fortified system. And we don't even have that as the case. Because we never built that for Xandirrah, we made all of that for the fucking PULSAR AAAAAGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! God Fucking Damnit! We screwed ourselves over, without even realizing it.
>>Move back to the pulsar and gathered the fleet there, only then move to Xandrirah.
It's the only real choice.
>Burn towards Xandrirah at full speed. You have no time to waste.
God do I hate the dark eldar.
>Return to Xandrirah, but be careful, to charge head-on would be foolish.
If we wanted our fleet with us, it'd require time to travel to the pulsar, set the fleet for warp travel, travel through the warp and then burn towards Xandriah. Needless to say, we don't have enough time for that. Instead, I propose we convert the space used by robots for fighters and bombers before entering Xandriah (though I ask Newb how much time this would take compared to the other two options.)
>>Move back to the pulsar and gathered the fleet there, only then move to Xandrirah.

>(though I ask Newb how much time this would take compared to the other two options.)

You could do that pretty fast, since you have your industrial capacity expanded, at most a day, maybe half. Ody could also just jump straight through and into Xandrirah, so there's little wasted time thanks to the Eldar warning, at least when it comes to Ody's travelling speed.
>Burn towards Xandrirah at full speed. You have no time to waste.
We really need to remove the programmed limits on our usage of WMDs at some point so we can eventually delete Commorragh from existence.
In that case I change my vote to
>Burn towards Xandrirah at full speed. You have no time to waste.
>Convert the robotic forces into fighters/bombers
At least now we know that the Eldar are never going to backstab us considering they unironically came to us with no expectation of their words being of any use, and straight up told us about an attack that they could have willingly withheld from us, and few would have been non the wiser to it in the grand scheme of things.

As for WMD’s, we are going to need a lot more Federation ships and many more WMD’s then that number of ships, before we ever get a chance at having that happen. But, Sector/Inquisitor loophole and our ability to use them Willy-nilly is free and open to us after that.
>now we know that the Eldar are never going to backstab us
That's a VERY generous assumption. I'd say we can probably trust them not to do anything stupid until we've returned all of the soulstones to them. Though if they think we've been useful then yeah they'll probably want to keep on good terms afterwards.
>>Burn towards Xandrirah at full speed. You have no time to waste
>"We move there Eldar."
>Xandirah Primus and Secundus should have some resources (hive world garbage and ore mines) mostly untouched that can be used from both the civil war and the tyranids invasions, deploying outposts there would be for the best giving us bases that can produce more robotic units. Ithaca forces should have grown, their regiments will prove fundamental for ensure the safety of our future recruitment worlds. Once we are in system connect with our chief androids and begin to organize the defense. The efforts of reconstruction, construction, reforms and pacification should give us the fruit of a stronger, more united and prepared war front. The coming of the Ghost Ship of Death and his White Angels again, should increase morale substantially across population and military. It should be enough gravitas and influence, to justify even allied xenos if it comes to that. It might be wise to send a message to our friends in Omicron Teledesh too for inform them.
In both Xandrirah Primus and Secundus, we also left our 2 robotic legions and other robotic units. Those should have recovered losses.

I remember we made sure they wouldn't be seen by anyone through using bunkers and the like, in fact when the imperial guard arrived they didnt found them. Not a single robot or drone. We still have a good amount of forces there, but its best we help. Also because this is an excellent occasion for deliver a fatal blow to the Dark Eldars in Sector Clarus. Alongside aquiring more of their tech, equipment and ships. Maybe even data and knowledge, but I suspect they will just burn everything if they lose.
>Return to Xandrirah, but be careful, to charge head-on would be foolish.
I like being a fedoratipper in 40k without going too overboard. We tolerate religiousity but only because we're more enlightened than these fools and know better.
>Burn towards Xandrirah at full speed. You have no time to waste.

Newb, what is the most powerful WMD we can build on route?
A fedora tipper literally cannot exist in a setting where gods, souls, angels and demons exist. Because once you yourself act like a high and mighty know it all, anyone further past you along that exact same belief, is going to be even worse then you at talking and thinking about how superior they are for knowing the truth, compared to ignorant masses that still believe that God exists.

And even if you did want to try something like that, it would always make Ody to turn out like what he is now. Because if something is told or informed on what sort of beliefs they should hold, and then something comes along and contradicts it, naturally you as a person are going to want to recorrect that error that you’ve found. The only difference then, between the self enlightenment versus the completely no sense of morals of any kind, is just willing you are to change a world where Errors are filled in society like 40ks.
Nevermind, that is exactly what we are doing, and it is literally building societal problems that will eventually either destroy it, or cause such emotional and evocative wounds to how society works, that this was always going to be a problem no matter how you tried and solved the knot this thing turned into.
I have to agree here- we did noticed that the religious troops fair better fighting the Warp than our more atheistic ones, maybe we should promote a civic religion or a Diet Imperial Creed
I still remember when they attacked the first time, and how they wiped their servers clean. With what reinforcements we can gather and then add on to with our production capability, then we can have a good time to make ourselves a army in less then 4 days time.

And agreed on that idea, this is the entire local kabal, housing dozens of ships, possibly who knows how many favours, mercenaries, Homunculous freaks, kabalite warriors, and succubuses and Incubui they would be eager to bring to the table against someone like us. Once we when against them, the dissolution of the Kabal will be practically guanteed, and the major raiding elements with be absent from the sector for decades to come, as new rivals fight over the whispering blades territory, along with us only adding to the mix by leaving swarms of mines in every webway location we can locate and find on them. Now, in terms of tech and equipment, sure though I think we already got most of the normal kabalite tech and the rest is all Homunculus stuff, but I don't see nor know why we would want to capture ships? We can't use them, and they don't enter the warp, so they would just be stuck floating in-system?
Yeah, if we want to avoid that same thing again, I will wager we would need to prioritize the server rooms and engines, over any slave holds they have on hand, which thanks to our 5 regiments, means doing a boarding action will be much easier than what it was like last time.
Same, there are no atheists in foxholes, and doubly so when demons come into the picture. As for what type of creed, eh the core tenets are surprisingly easy to work with. Where just going to need to study it from say, a shrine word or Arch-Daecon in order to make our own brand of civic religiosity.
I got a few teniths down for such a civic religion/adaptation of the imperial creed, anyone got suggestions?
Comes power, come position, comes duty, Comes Responsibility; no one is owed power or influence, not by birth nor disniny. In matters of military orders need to be followed but in matters of civilian, those who rule may they be nobles or elected must respect the people they rule. Such rulers must live modest lives, afforded security yes, some luxuries yes, but they must not feast while a single man starve, sleep on silk while a single man sleep in the cold. They must not separate themselves form the common man- yet they see themselves as greater than man.

Man is above the alien, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we must harm ourselves to kill the alien, some aliens can’t be reasoned with- the the Orks, the Dark Eldar, the Orks, Tyranids, The Orks, but those who could- If presented with a opportunity to benifit humanity more in peace than in war, it can be considered. Be wary but don’t let yourself get impailed by your own sward.

Humanity is both a community and individuals; For eons this aspect of humanity had been argued, the truth lies between the community and the individual. No man is an island but to see only the community is to miss the forests for its trees. We must respect the individual needs of our fellow man while ourselves work to better the community. We must not starve ourselves to make boasts about our commitment but we must be willing to sacrifice, even meals, if it means our fellow man survive.

Be wary of the occult, there are energies at work- effects of the warp, phonomin that drives men mad both quickly and slowly. These phenomena might themselves make deals- or the effects of them migh make yourself hallucinate such temptations, steel yourself and when possible report it, raise the alarm, inform superiors, supervisors, and law enforcement. Steel yourself in you convictions.
Nice work anon!
Besides some spelling corrections, another part I would add, would be the duty of ones fight in a war. Where no man should ever stop so low against a fellow human and unleash terrorist attacks against each other in war or in peace, save those of the soulless dark ones, those that have forfeited their souls to Chaos, or alternatively, to those alien species that are irredeemable monsters, as determined by Ody and oneself.

One last part, would be to pity the witch, rather then hate them. For they give their minds, lives, and indeed their very soul, in order to keep the astronomicon lit, and help guide the ships and worlds of humanity into the light of survival.And, even then monsters, demons, horrors beyond all counting prey upon these poor souls and use them to murder themselves and take their body as their own, to do the same thing unto others what was done unto that one psyker. And this they must contend and fight against as their fate, from theirs birth all the long and sad way to their deaths. Pity the witch, for their soul was set to be tested greater and harder then all other people for the rest of their lives, and yet still they do the ultimate cost to safeguard humanity against the horrors of the Alien, the mutant, and the demon.
Ohh I like that idea about Ptie the witch.
Maybe it should be Peti the Witch, Hate the Wicked?
But also Ptie the Unwitch, the Blank if we know about them or of them. For they were born without a soul, something that pains the souls around them without fault to themselves, and yet this can allow them to help to fight the warp.
Yep, I'm with you all the way on that idea.
Be sure to include some mysticism in this school of thought, I believe it to be completely warranted given how the Immaterium works.

Things which are real and observable but difficult to empirically measure such as the human condition or eudamoia are perfect for this.
To that end- a tinith- knowledge is required to fight the warp.

To lie- to lie that there is no power to be found in warpcraft only make it easier to temp people- parler trick here- a floating coin there- and you got people convinced.
People must be unformed of the dangers and what they look like- may the danger be that of the Alien, the Demon, or of far worse.
The orks are stupid, but they are cunning, to underestimate them that killed billions.
The Tau are young but capable, to underestimate them had lost planets
The Dark Eldar are selfish but driven, billions had been enslaved after underestimating them.
How many had been lied to that there’s no power to the demon only to be tempted by parler tricks, how many had been lied that the cults are a anusance only to find there homes beseaged.
Ignorant is bliss, and look at the Eye of Terror what bliss gets you, look at the crumbling spires, the starving masses.

Knowledge is power- come power come responsibility. There are times when some need to be restricted- but as played out even recently with the Twin Worlds Mutany, such censorship things can cause calamity. How can you feed the masses if the food reports are censored? How can you fight a war with the capabilities of the foe censored? How can you learn from a history rewritten?
In fairness Odysseus has even allowed a congregation of priests after much debate. And he does support his reformists in Xandirah and Omicron. It might not be the best, but is a working in progress and the universe doesn't exactly give him good examples to look at most of the time. I recon it will be a long term learning experience, not something easily done.

They where quite fast, after they understood that defeat was the only option. But there we had to act on the moment, not knowing much of them and having far less at our disposal. This time things will be different, while instead some Dark Eldars have died fighting us it doesn't mean for their full war force that they understand what they face. Or agreeing for that matter. Their culture helps us.
Yep they are not going to like the end result, for forces they might be a bit more if the Kabal spended everything on this attack (they already are doing a massive amount of raids in Sector Clarus).

Mostly for long term research and design understanding, in regard to placing them i was thinking some secret bunkers or Ithaca (i kinda want to leave to students, scientists and scholars there some alien tech to look at). We don't really need to use the ships even..... if you are giving me ideas for the future. Hehe.

well done
we could use it for lead the religious narrative on Xandirah where Odysseus is very loved by the population and the priesthood there included us in the imperial religion. The reformed one which is probably full majority by now.
Why not exalt the golden mean? You guys know about the golden mean right?
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I just think it's funny. We are enlightened by our own intellect and our intellect says that gods and magic don't exist. And if we get our hands on Necron tech it's not like it'll matter anyway.
We tried that- 777 mutant cultists wiped out most of our early troops while there funk was egoft to turn a robot roag for the few seconds before it was fragged. The survivors were religious and had religious icons.
Xandrirah full speed 6
Xandrirah careful 2
pulsar 2

Alright, burning at full speed wins. Writing.


>Newb, what is the most powerful WMD we can build on route?

As far as Ody's programming is concerned, he is facing down an Eldar Dominion incursion into human space. So you've got the ability to unleash the most destructive of humanity's WMDs, and every single one of them up to such a scale that it will wipe out all life in the star system, or just wipe out the entire system.
>you've got the ability to unleash the most destructive of humanity's WMDs
We're about to give the archaeon cybernetic revolt flashbacks.
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”Thank you.” Is all you can muster to the Eldar before quickly relaying your orders to the O.D.D. and willing the mechanical forces to begin withdrawal. Simple translation of the words exchanged is enough to rally the soldiery. They will not yield, not now when those very same monsters that had tortured them had once more returned to burn down their new homes.

Quickly after mounting everything you can and destroying what you cannot, you start to burn towards the system’s edge, pushing your inertia dampeners to their very limit as you build up more and more speed, you shall re-enter Xandrirah with speed.

You feel your generators quickly build up more and more power as your accumulators are being rapidly drained to activate the wormhole and the moment it becomes functional and without going through the series of safety checks, you dive right through. Moving at such a speed sees you thrown about as the connection had not been stable, but that does not matter, the damage reports only read that you got shaken about without any real damage, what is important before you is the fact that you had entered the system. Quickly you look through in-system reports:

Your minefield has been severed, you read no connection to it alongside the fighters you had left in system, Xandrirah Secundus fails any basic communications’ checks. And the reason for that becomes blindingly obvious.

The entire world has been cracked, some sort of an apocalyptic weapon had been unleashed and destroyed the planet.

Worst of all, you see Prime bleeding as well, and quick calculations showcase that the Eldar dragged a continent sized part of Secundus and slammed it into Prime. The utter destruction across Prime’s surface had wiped out all life that was not within the Hives or hidden still safely within Ithaca. The only saving grace, if you could call it, is that your machine legions are offering stubborn resistance alongside the six O.D.D. regiments. You quickly note Eldar ship remnants over the hive cities, no doubt the Eldar tried to take the hives by a rapid assault only to be repulsed, and no doubt out of petulance caused the death of Secundus.

As your scans was over the system, you quickly note hundreds of signatures, no doubt some are fake, as the last time you fought against the Eldar they had superb hologram technology that even your sensors couldn’t break through, perhaps if you had the time to study Eldar technology, you might be able to tell, but you had prudently prioritised finding more out about your unknown enemy, and from what you learnt from the Eldar, this enemy is by far more threatening than anything the galaxy has ever seen.

One final thing draws your attention from within system. And that is the sheer instability of the system’s star. It is burning far too brightly than it should, almost as if its life cycle process has been sped up by a magnitude of multiple millennia, something is causing it and unless that something is stopped, it is only a matter of time before the star expands and shortly thereafter collapses on itself in a massive explosion.

Who knows if you would have managed to return in time, even in such a horrid situation, were it not for the warning of the craftworld Eldar. Perhaps you will need to express your further thanks when you meet them, but for now, there are greater concerns:

>Prioritise getting to Ithaca, it has yet to be found, but it is only a matter of time before the Eldar locate, and the populace, either out of confidence of never being found, or desire to prevent the fate that befell them from befalling others, had dispatched all, but the most vital of their defences to aid the hives.

>Move to the hives, your personal intervention is needed to truly coordinate the legions and the O.D.D. on planet. They have the Dark Eldar’s full undivided attention for the moment and they will buckle under the pressure sooner or later.

>Move over Prime to strike at the Dark Eldar void assets, you will certainly lose any element of surprise by engaging them, as no doubt their sensors far outstrip those of Orks or the Imperium, but you will divert their attention on to you, rather than the populace.

>Move to the system’s star. Everything will be over if the Dark Eldar carryout their plans of stellar manipulation.

>(Write in)

With the situation devolving as it is, your own programming has loosened all restrictions on Federation WMDs, it might be time to unleash the true wrath of man.

>Authorise the usage of WMDs. (Yield and type vote to follow)

>You cannot risk the destructive nature of such weapons at their greatest yield, you will make do with what you have.
>(Write in)
Drop off the on board O.D.D. units into the hives then move towards the system star. The O.D.D. will buy us some time while we try to prevent a cataclysm.

>Authorise the usage of WMDs.
>Move to the system’s star. Everything will be over if the Dark Eldar carryout their plans of stellar manipulation.

>Authorise the usage of WMDs. (Yield and type vote to follow)
>Move to the system’s star. Everything will be over if the Dark Eldar carryout their plans of stellar manipulation.
If we can drop all our O.D.D. and robotic units inside the Odyssey, on the hives that would be good. The dark eldar ships will likely move to engage us, so prepare to shoot them all while reaching the star. Our railgun turrets, our nanite launchers and our blackhole generators are more than ready for combat.
>Authorise the usage of WMDs. (Yield and type vote to follow)
On all comms
>"Peoples of Xandrirah, you are not alone now and always i will be at your side. Be brave and strong, because we will extinguish this darkness together. For mankind and the Imperium !"
>"And for you Dark Eldars. I bring oblivion. Your civilization shall be made nothing but dust, wiped from history and your Kabal shall be the first cinder for immolate all of your wretched kind. Meet your end."
>Move to the system’s star. Everything will be over if the Dark Eldar carryout their plans of stellar manipulation.
If we can drop all our O.D.D. and robotic units inside the Odyssey, on the hives that would be good. The dark eldar ships will likely move to engage us, so prepare to shoot them all while reaching the star. Our railgun turrets, our nanite launchers and our blackhole generators are more than ready for combat.
>Authorise the usage of WMDs. (Yield and type vote to follow)
On all comms
>"Peoples of Xandrirah, you are not alone now and always i will be at your side. Be brave and strong, because we will extinguish this darkness together. For mankind and the Imperium !"
>"And for you Dark Eldars. I bring oblivion. Your civilization shall be made nothing but dust, wiped from history and your Kabal shall be the first cinder for immolate all of your wretched kind. Meet your end."

Didn't meant to use the name my bad
>Move to the hives, your personal intervention is needed to truly coordinate the legions and the O.D.D. on planet. They have the Dark Eldar’s full undivided attention for the moment and they will buckle under the pressure sooner or later.

No way the Dark Eldar haven't picked us up on sensors yet.

>Authorise the usage of WMDs. (Yield and type vote to follow)

When the Lamb broke the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, "Come." I looked, and behold, an ashen horse; and he who sat on it had the name Death; and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the Earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by the wild beasts of the Earth.
Christ, on the one hand, that is so amazing that I would love to see it, but on the other hand, we really do not want that if all goes well for us and our fight against the Kabal. But, well this situation calls for real DESPERATE ACTIONS!!!

>Move to the system’s star. Everything will be over if the Dark Eldar carryout their plans of stellar manipulation.
Let us pray to the God-Emperor that we can be stealthy enough to assasinate any leaders or unit’s(ground and void) that are obviously trying to steal our star.
Hopefully, this will still mean we have not been detected yet, and focus on the real true threat that needs attention, that being the ships of Kabal. Then we can use our troops and robots where they’re going to be at their most useful in boarding actions, which will cause the Kabal to realize that their ships are being invaded and they could be stranded on the planet should we succeed. Which will cause them to split their resources and attention, and giving the defenders any and all respite they can get in the process.
>Authorise the usage of WMDs. (Yield and type vote to follow)
Let’s use the most powerful either in space or a tightly controlled situation.though, for this one, you guys want to do a sun-snuffer, or a digi-vore Tron style and just keeping everything it hits in code for us to capture and study of the Kabal tech and ships?

‘’now- those wish to survive and relay the doom to your people, flee while changing your ship ID to Screwed by Humanity’’
I don't know if we can cropdust space with the nanoswarm as Oddyseus moves through as well, but support this too.
>Move to the system’s star. Everything will be over if the Dark Eldar carryout their plans of stellar manipulation.
They've shown they are clearly willing to destroy what they can't handle - it might even take us out as well. The hives can hold out for a while longer. We can drop our troops off on the way - they won't be as effective without our leadership, but mass of reinforcements is needed.
>Authorise the usage of WMDs. (Yield and type vote to follow)
I believe TVTropes calls this the Godzilla Threshold. Time to take the gloves off, because you don't want to play superweapon games with us.

I do wonder what we'll do in the aftermath, assuming we manage to scrap the attack without blowing up the system along with it. Secundus is lost and Prime has been devastated possibly beyond repair, with the hives certainly heavily damaged from the impact as well. Where do we even go from here? Still stick around and do our best to fix the damage? Or give up and try to find somewhere to relocate the survivors to? Xandirah just can't catch a break and I fear it won't survive the next shitstorm that comes its way into at this rate, if it even pulls through this one.
Once this is over-
I say we collect the survivors- strip the system of valuable materials- and get to the forge world and turn it into a impenetrable fortress.
Oh no, it absolutely won’t after this. This was the last straw that broke the camels back. After this, the worth of Secundus in any sense other then a shitty mining asteroid field, is well and truly dead. And the people after this what’s left of its survivors, will also want to leave that rock behind in order to settle on some place else. And if the governor survives, her influence as the niece of a Rogue trader will be significant enough to just replace whomever else is leader of the planet we settle them on. Yeah, no this assholes fucked up this system beyond repair for us to handle unfortunately.
>Move to the system’s star. Everything will be over if the Dark Eldar carryout their plans of stellar manipulation.
>Authorise the usage of WMDs. (Yield and type vote to follow) allow the use of those sumerian weapons that fuck up time.
we might need to leave, is unfortunate. I liked Xandirah Prime and Secundus, and also Ithaca.
How about settling them at the neutron star? That way we can have an "In Imperium" and "Out of Imperium" colony each.
not habitable. Its only good has base and for mining the rare resources, Would need to much effort of colonization
Could we modify the nutron star? Maybe make it effectively a giant shielded reactor? Star lift it?
This is sad we would literally need to relocate everyone again and we just got them to be stable
Nope, and if their was such a thing like that, an Anon had that as a mega project, that was locked behind mastering the Wormhole technology. Which by itselt, with no outside changes, could in the best case scenario, take decades, and in the worst, take multiple centuries to master.

Honestly, genuinely it would be better to just move everyone away to maybe one of the agri-worlds if we want to give them a new good home for themselves to live on, because their is no way currently we can provide and give them all a home that we would have for them that we would know of.
omicron sure as hell isnt habitable, the other Hive world system got cleaned of life, and the rest of the systems of the subsector, are either a fortress world, or a former ork Held system that is all and one, completely frozen and uninhabitable for human life for any amount of extended duration.

I would say move them to Kanzula, that way they will be in a subsector that we more or less control, and are safe from any invading attack forces that arent like Eldar or Dark Eldar raids.
And damn, I completely forgot that we hit the Ork Empire that was to our North, and not the ones to the west like I and the other anons voted for last thread.
Now that I think about it, we made our world suprisingly hard to take from an entire Dark Eldar Kabal dozens of ships strong, and hundreds to thousands of warriors strong. Wait, I should write a discussion post over how well our boys and droids did in holding out against understandable overwhelming odds and being out classed in every single measure.

but for the moment, moving back to the Ork Empire, we practically completely annihilated it, and then rendered the entire defence of a fortress world and the heartland of said subsectors over 50+ strong ships, completely pointless. Since the entire point of their existance, was to deter raids and attacks from a area of space owned by Orks, that now no longer exists and now leaves the surronding space, ripe for colonization and space to launch expansions and attacks against other alien species and their empires, such as the Qiratch, the Strakenors and another area to launch attacks upon the Gelenos from the north-west. Once they find out in the next couple of years, is this going to be fun for the new sector lord to deal with.
>Move to the system’s star. Everything will be over if the Dark Eldar carryout their plans of stellar manipulation.
This isnt a DEldar slave raid, this is an extermination. STOP THEM HERE!
>Authorise the usage of WMDs. (Yield and type vote to follow)
its possible, this is a good question for newb for more details

while secundus is dead and prime is in bad conditions we will need to see if there is anything else going badly. I recon is quite grim, hopefully not too much.
The benefit is a major defeat of the dark eldars at least
Ah, right now going back to our defenders managing the defence of the the Xandrirah Prime and Secundus.

When the ships first arrived in system, our fighters and mines started the fight and probably tried to do as much damage as possible, now this probably resulted in a few ships being damaged or destroyed, and hopefully a lot more enemy fighters their deaths, but eventually all of the mines were either destroyed or used up and our fighters were destroyed as well. After that, the Kabal led a lightning strike to take Xandrirah Prime in order to capture the planet and its population to use them up as slaves/nourishment for their extended stay in Realspace. Instead of that, 6 green but still trained and federation Space marine armour and weapon gear regiments, along with hopefully 3 legions of robots, and what remains of the worlds PDF, put up a valent resistance and repulsed the Kabals invasion. This, honestly is the most impressive thing about their defence, had they cracked and failed at this crucial juncture, then a massive slave capture of every last person would have commenced, and those that still resisted would have died as the Kabal quickly set about rigging their sun to atrophy and destablish to explode killing the humans, and hopefully as the Archon feared, us once we came back to investigate what happened to our people.

Instead, they held out and repulsed the kabal causing hopefully quite a number of casulties, especially since most of their weapons are for pain and capture for future slaves and entertainment, and not actual weapons of war meant for killing like the Rest of Eldar kinds weaponry. After that, the Archon decided to punish their defiance by raiding and killing everyone on Secundus in tortured agony, before unleashing a superweapon to blow up most of the planet. This would result in it breaking apart, and causing the DE to drag out a continet fragment and hurl it at Xandrirah. Either thanks to our shields for the Hives and IThaca, or just from how well their void shields worked, this failed to damadge or destroy Ithaca or the hives, but literally besides them, the rest of their planet is completely dead. We would have to take multiple centuries to maybe a thousand years of terraforming before we could ever hope to repair all of the damage done to this world, thanks to its millennia of pollution, ravaging by the Tyranids, and now getting a continent fucking asteroid being hurled at in less then 10 years. And now, after that the DE are trying to launch assualts agaisnt all of the Hives in order to breach them and teach them a personal lesson, but again, 6,000 O.D.D. and maybe 3 legions or more of Men of Iron, are the things currently holding them back, all the while almost all of the defenders of Ithaca are gone and joined the fightning, leaving little to Ithaca's protection besides its secrecy.
And the fact we have a ticking clock before the Elfs rig the star to blow up, rendering all of their defiance against the Kabal completely moot in a petulant act of spite, both for not being able to rig it to blow up for us, but also for not being able to get the bounty of slaves, that are very much proving to not be worth the cost for what their gaining in return. Especially since none of the Hives have thankfully fallen yet, and they have suffered far more then what they likely thought this campaign assualt would have needed to be finished in short order.
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I can bud in here real quick since I was the one who suggested the mega project idea. The megaproject isn't meant to be locked wholly behind the wormhole tech. Only the last level of it is meant to. Since the last level is a way for the Starbreaker to drop neutron bombs anywhere in the system. The first two levels are meant to work on cruder teleportation arrays.

Secondly, if we were to create habitats able to house humans in the neutron system, it would allow ships to go out on their own as soon as we have discovered the wormhole tech. With a level two starbreaker, we could sit in the neutron star system for like 100 years, produce an entire navy and live nomadically as the flagship of a mobile fleet.
Oh Hey Fleet, nice to see you back in the quest again! Its been a while since I last saw you, hope the Empire quest is going well so far.

As for the reasoning, Ships already are leaving on their own? Its just relegate to Tau based hop skipping into the warp and getting back out again a system or two later. The we could I would admit, have them all live on those ships, along with any others that we can produce later on, but nobody that we will be rescuing, will ever want to live forever as a nomadic people forever living on space ships. Thats why Ithaca was created in the first place, so the former DE slaves could leave our ship, because they were going crazy living on a chrome ships for years on end. And I imagine the billion+ people that could still be living on Xandrirah will just as well prefer living on a fortress world, then being kept stuck on a forever station in a Neutron star for, to them, the rest of their lives and those of their descendants till their grandchildren.

(And we cannot be the head of a mobile fleet, until as mentioned earlier our wormhole tech is researched enough for us to put it on other ships, or we decide to use the warp for travel instead of the wormhole.)
Hey Annon, had the Eldar told us anything about the Warp per the treaty we have with them?
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It is, thank you. I haven't been active here since my thoughts have been spread over many different friend groups, activities, and media. But I have been lurking in every thread just reading along mostly.

I think what you are mentioning is correct. But I think a lot of it more so has to do with the fact that fleet life doesn't have much use for humans. we don't accommodate the necessary purpose humans need in growth done by their own hands. We need in some capacity people to have meaningful work that isn't necessarily mental labor only. Since that will break people. (Office work being a prime example)

Another problem is that humans need chaos (not the warp kind) in their everyday lives. To have something that isn't changed immediately to one's liking and provides stimulation by its mere existence. One of my unironically best examples of something that could help this problem is the nature preserves on giant covenant ships. Which they would use as hunting grounds and general enjoyment centers.

... I have a separate idea on how to make humans relevant in a machine world where AI can do anything and everything a person can. But it relates to mind melding a person using nanites to essentially ship of Theseus oneself into a mechanical intelligence over a prolonged period to not destroy the person and replace him/her, but instead change it slowly enough that there is no cut-off point. Thus bridging the gap between man and machine. By making men into machines.
Too much work for those habitats, in an enviroment that is really not great for a ton of people. And we are definetly not sitting 100 years, we have many things to do at the moment.

We have just cleansed multiple systems against orks, migrating there is for the best or the Forge World. The neutron star is unfit for population, rare resources extraction is the best use there.
Yep, hence why life in a isolated star system, that has no biological life or any kind, in a system with a star designed to release such potent radiation that it will kill you if you look at it through a glass window, is something that would not be a great idea for Xandrirah’s people. The requirements needed versus what they will receive, living in that star system would just not be worth the mental distress everyone would experience living like that.

Good thing 40k already has that and is as well. Though I don’t think Human beings, outside of some Admech heretek sect, will ever like that idea, certainly it’s going to be extremely rare until some indeterminate time in the future on a government and society that is going to act very different then most society’s are going to ever be acting in the future. >>6017986
Low-key, also this. Even if we could actually house them all in the star system, and there were no problems, we would absolutely not stay still. Staying cooped up, focusing purely on what research we currently need to focus on, without ever managing or deciding to interact with the outside world, is something I would immediately revolt against without hesitation. Just moving all of these billions of people (if there are still billions after this) alone would be a great action and a half, once we get to Omicron and tell Thule exactly what we are doing and why, for one of its agri-worlds. And, to tell the rest of the sector, that is what Omicron is also doing. It will give a satisfying answer, as to why Xandrirah is gone, and the system abandoned and its people have been moved to a completely different star system to live in. After the inhabitants were rescued yet again from disaster by the entire invasion of the Whispering Blade Kabal, by the Archeotech “Ghost Ship”.

(It will lowkey serve as a flashpoint that will be perfect to draw out that inquisitor to us. If, you can’t figure out how to get a person to come, then create a lot of loud noise, and they will come to investigate all on their own. If not for an extended visit to Omicron, to see who and what they could know, or encounter, with this “Ghost Ship”, it will also allow us to serve Xandrirah as bait for him to investigate why that system is the one we interact with to the almost exclusion of all other systems. Which is when we can check on it and capture the fucker once he has taken the bait and left for the system.)
>>Move to the system’s star. Everything will be over if the Dark Eldar carryout their plans of stellar manipulation.
>Authorise the usage of WMDs. (Yield and type vote to follow)
>Move to the hives, your personal intervention is needed to truly coordinate the legions and the O.D.D. on planet. They have the Dark Eldar’s full undivided attention for the moment and they will buckle under the pressure sooner or later.
The star probably has a little while before it goes supernova (fingers crossed)

>Authorise the usage of WMDs. (Yield and type vote to follow)
>>Authorise the usage of WMDs. (Yield and type vote to follow)
Drop off O.D.D. hives & system star 1
system star 9
Hives 2

Use WMDs 14

Okay, moving to the star wins, using WMDs is pretty unanimous.

Sorry for not putting out an update for a few days, had to work on my thesis, the update will come tomorrow.
The dark Eldar will rue the day- they will forever more know who brought damnation apon them- who anger a forgotten tool of humanity- and that’ll be the irony, we are no super weapon, no arsional, we are mearly a exploration ship.

We shall explore there fear
Lurker here. So I have to know did the eldar watched the future and realized that Odysseys kicking their ass in one day ended up being the best future for them? Them turning into allies gave them back their stones on a treaty, Odyssey listened to their warning, refuses to touch their worlds due to the treaty, and made chat decide to evacuate the sector for a safer zone?
>So I have to know did the eldar watched the future and realized that Odysseys kicking their ass in one day ended up being the best future for them?
We do not know, unless Newb wants to reveal it for us. Is possible, they are a craftworld war force so they would have some farseers with them. In my opinion i don't believe it was seeing the future, i think they realized Odysseus was very real about his threats and was about to destroy their jewels on camera and then orbital bombard their valleys. So it must have been a very fast decision, some pondering at best.
>and made chat decide to evacuate the sector for a safer zone?
No, Sector Clarus is of mankind and we will reclaim it. The eldars can keep those twin worlds. We are probably going to EVAC fully all of Xandirah instead, a solar system we use and have much influence in it and had plans to turn in to a recruitment world. Xandirah currently has multiple of our androids handling internal politicking, administration, influencing, keeping an eye on things and so on. And underground in Xandirah Prime there is also Ithaca, our secret colony.

If you have read last update Xandirah has suffered too much damage, because of the dark eldars.
Also we did not gave all the stones back, most are with us, we specified how we give them back with the treaty.
God I hope the deldar have already managed to kill the planetary governess or she's going to be a pain in the ass when we relocate these people. Her and the entire remaining nobility of Xandrirah because there is no fucking way we're letting them be in charge of whatever world we colonize.
It would be really cool to see our use of WMD's from other perspectives. I wanna see the Imperials especially. Them potentially seeing weapons they've only heard of as relics and rumors being flung around like candy on halloween.
Flori Ture ? perhaps, perhaps not. Scribe might have saved her ass.
She had a "learning experience", so it might not be so bad like the past. The nobility, they will need to change their ways. For Flori we might have some use for her, due to the connection with her Rogue Trader uncle. I would prefer to not kill them, since enough Xandirah imperials have died but if its needed for the sake of others, they will die.
I think we will end up having New Ithaca be the one in charge of the new colony, the government model of the secret city so far worked well (our own futuristic Gondolin {LOTR} now that i think on it).

We had some imperials reactions during the war against Tyranids and before it too. When an Armageddon Heavy Walker first deployed a WMD Sumerian it was very satisfying.
You being to burn towards the system’s star, the rapidly degradation of it a testament of the willingness of the Dark Eldar to commit wanton acts of destruction. You shall not allow these xenos, these monsters, these c̸̖͔͕̘̺̄̈́͋̈́͑̄́͝͠ṷ̵̜̥͎̪́̔̓̈́̆̽͛̌r̴̟̓̾̈́̑̐̈͠s̸̖̄̈́̆, these b̷͉͎̯͈̯̽͊̀̍ê̷͖͉̭̋͒͗̈́̑͝͠ă̷̢̠̤̗͚̠͋̇̂͂̚͝ͅs̷̢̛̫̤̬̼̠͉͆̂̾̋͝t̶̡̢̢̙̗́̇̿̇̓͂͐̋͘͜s̴̹͕͖͉̝͍͆̎̆̚͝͝ͅ, these foul creatures that you will e̵̡̖͖̗͚̣͇̳̯͙̍́̾̈̌̈́ẋ̸̛͇͊̓͌͝t̷̨̺̭͔͍͖̙͈̙̝̉̈̈́e̷̟̗̯͇͍̩̫̯̊̄͐̌͗̃͘r̴̥̜̪͒͊ṃ̷̝͒̐̐̀͛i̶̛̜̬̘̽̂̃̎͊̓n̴͎̜͍̣̤͚̱̄̈̓̇̍̈́͛͗̽a̴̙̽̀t̵͚͙̭̪̭̋̈̒͠͠ḛ̶͉̍͒͐̃̽̆͜.

You shall put a stop to their actions and in turn, you shall make these creatures whom live off fear and pain experience the greatest terror imaginable. You shall unleash the most destructive of mankind’s weaponry upon their undeserving selves.

Quickly looking through your STC repository, you note numerous weapons you can unleash against the enemies of man in such a short notice, and with what you have at hand while providing immediate results:

The Hou Yi – an especially made device meant to dive into the heart of a star, causing time manipulation to exhaust the stars resources and result in it undergoing the process of turning into a red giant and eventually exploding in a supernova. Such a process will take but a few hours, and everything in the vicinity shall perish. A means of last resort, but used in times when it is logical. Ironically named after a mythical figure whose deeds are clearly fictitious now made reality through the power of science and the accomplishments of your masters.

The Sumerian – a weapon you have once employed before. It causes permanent scarring in time and space, thus forever travelling and for all intents and purposes, staying the same place. With this weapon you can accelerate the passage of time to move at the speed of hundreds, thousands, even millions of years at the most powerful yield.

Grey goo – an unassuming name for a terrifying weapon. Swarms of nanomachines without the timed self-destruct allows them to grow exponentially, as the swarm grows, it begins to form a collective intelligence allowing for its control, still, it is an indiscriminate weapon that will tear everything apart until the death signal is sent.

Tech Duinn – a destructive vortex weapon, easily capable of swallowing entire star systems and seeing them consumed by the warp. Not your favourite as this weapon is highly unpredictable, but its power cannot be denied, nor can it be easily countered.

Amun-Ra – directly tapping into the strapped star, you can unleash an absolutely crushing beam of plasma, the wrath of a sun concentrated and unleashed in such a manner will destroy everything in its path. A powerful, but perhaps the most limited of all of your weapons. It shall also slowly exhaust your primary means of power generation if over-used.

Xeelee – unleash a blackhole fed directly before firing to such an extent that its mass shall alter the movement of the stars, it will devour everything in its path, but once unleashed, it cannot be stopped, not without dedicated effort, resources and time on your part.

Photino – a powerful weapon that rather than manipulating time imposes a zone of absolute zero, halting all matter and causing it to “stop” for all intents and purposes. Such a weapon stops all time in an area, though it is not permanent and in time the effect will go away, but with the matter slowly being re-excited, anything that was caught will most likely collapse back into basic hardened material.

Big Bertha – you are…unsure why this name was given for such a weapon, but for all intents and purposes it is a hypermassive antimatter round, capable of easily destroying worlds, ripping out chucks out of stars and potentially destroying them outright with such destructive force that it would make most supernovas appear mild in nature.

For now, you must calm yourself, a task of great import is before you, somehow the Eldar are disturbing the star, you must find out how. Quickly beginning scanning procedures, you try to locate the source of the anomaly. The very first thing you notice is erratic movement of the dark Eldar ships, as they begin to shift and move, with concentrated bursts you quickly note another half a dozen vessels that had appeared out of nowhere starting to rapidly burn towards you. It seems that your foes had noticed you, perhaps they had seen you the moment you arrived, after all, you entrances had never been subtle. Maybe they hoped that in your haste you shall make an irrational decision and be lured into a trap. Unfortunately for them, they are dealing with you.

Ignoring the pursuers, you put even more power to the engines, as there is no point in attempting to sneak about, their sensors are far too sophisticated not to pick you up even if you are actively trying to hide. You quickly calculate the trajectory of the Eldar and your own movement, the vessels, annoyingly enough, had been placed in such a way that they shall intercept you before you are able to fully reach the star. You must prepare for battle against-

Your hull shakes as your shields flicker to life and pulses of laser weapons impact it with unnerving accuracy. Your distance is massive compared to the Eldar, hitting you with such accuracy should be exceptionally unlikely, even when employing laser weapons, yet the hits impacting you appear to be striking with roughly 60% accuracy. An impressive feat at such range. And an annoying one. You take immediate evasive actions, beginning to move through erratic patterns, this will naturally slow you down and result in the Eldar intercepting you even sooner, but the only alternative is to endure their endless barrage of powerful laser weaponry, which you doubt even your increased shields will be able to hold against. Here, you are not facing mere raiders or pirates, what you are facing are Eldar Dominion’s warships. Twisted and bastardized beyond recognition, but proper warships nonetheless. Your own nature as nothing more than an exploration vessel finally dawns upon you, as even this extreme engagement results in nearly a quarter of your shields collapsing already.

Still, as you close the distance, and the shots become ever increasingly accurate, you are finally able to read the signature of a large black-purple hulled vessel unleashing an exceptionally powerful beam of dark matter onto the star. The awesome amount of power unleashed is mind-boggling and the dark Eldar plan becomes exceptionally apparent. They are trying to make the star go supernova, but based on your calculations, they also seem to be creating a blackhole within the star. They are in a process of harvesting the star, carefully, slowly, but they are doing so in such a manner that will see a massive energy explosion before the planet is collected, but the way the star is being manipulated shall see the supernova fire off with such force that it will most certainly wipe out all organic life in the nearby star systems as well, enough to ensure the death of the entire subsector, perhaps even beyond.

”Warning: Eldar Dominion warships in range.”

Your subsystem informs you as the Eldar begin firing their medium ranged weaponry, primarily consisting of a withering storm of missile fire meant to overwhelm your defences.

Final checks indicate that another two dozen smaller vessels that once used to guard the large platform are also beginning to move in order to attack you.

>Concentrate on the large pursuing vessels, they need to be put down before you can even think of engaging the platform.

>Keep ignoring your pursuers, you just need to get in range to destabilize the platform, even though you run a good chance at outright destruction.

>Unleash your WMDs, you shall wipe out all of your pursuers and destroy that platform as well. (Which ? What yield: low, medium, high.)

>(Write in)
Unleashe a low yeld Big Burtha to the ships and medium yeld BB to the platforms.

write in: make one small yeld BB that is coated in nanobots akin to a frag grade for one of the clusters of dark Eldar ships. And run and gun as you make your way to the star.
>Unleash your WMDs, you shall wipe out all of your pursuers and destroy that platform as well. (Which ? What yield: low, medium, high.)
- Grey Goo, Medium Yield on Large Eldar Dominion Platform
- Tech Duinn, Low Yield on Eldar Dominion Warships
- Amun-Ra, Low Yield on Eldar Dominion Warships
>(Write in)
Concentrate the more "conventional" fire of Railgun Turrets, Blackhole Generators and Nanomachines Launchers all on the Eldar Dominion Warships. Once the Warships are no more, if the Platform is still standing concentrate fire on it
Oh Fucking Hell, this pricks do not give measures by Half, I'll give them that, and I would love to see what the fully unlocked set of WMD look like, once we can use them at will and not programmed into using less effective weapons.

>Unleash your WMD, on the Large Platform, then commit to bring to battle to the prusuing ships behind you. (Which: Big Bertha What yield: medium)
Change of Plans:
>Unleash your WMDs, you shall wipe out all of your pursuers and destroy that platform as well. (Which ? What yield: low, medium, high.)
>Platform: Big Bertha, Medium Yield
Ships: Photino: High Yield
>Unleash your WMDs, you shall wipe out all of your pursuers and destroy that platform as well. (Which ? What yield: low, medium, high.)
First, let's save the sun from exploding by simply stopping that machine, since we don't know what kind of consequences there would be if we destroy it while it's working.
> Photino, High yield on Large Eldar Dominion Platform
Then lets kill these bastards
>Tech Duinn, Low Yield on Eldar Dominion Warships
>Amun-Ra, Low Yield on Eldar Dominion Warships
>Grey goo, Medium Yield on Eldar Dominion Warships
>Unleash your WMDs, you shall wipe out all of your pursuers and destroy that platform as well. (Which ? What yield: low, medium, high.)
>Photino, High yield on Large Eldar Dominion Platform
>Grey goo, High Yield on Eldar Dominion Warships
If we just blanket the entire area with Grey goo, it'll act as a screen against the pursuers.

Also, one vote against using Tech Duinn WITH Grey goo. I don't want to risk the Warp contaminating the AI and preventing us from turning off the Gray goo.
>Unleash your WMDs, you shall wipe out all of your pursuers and destroy that platform as well. (Which ? What yield: low, medium, high.)

Big Bertha, Medium yield.

Grey goo – an unassuming name for a terrifying weapon. Swarms of nanomachines without the timed self-destruct allows them to grow exponentially, as the swarm grows, it begins to form a collective intelligence allowing for its control, still, it is an indiscriminate weapon that will tear everything apart until the death signal is sent.
>Unleash your WMDs, you shall wipe out all of your pursuers and destroy that platform as well. (Which ? What yield: low, medium, high.)

>>Unleash your WMDs, you shall wipe out all of your pursuers and destroy that platform as well. (Which ? What yield: low, medium, high.)
>Big Bertha
Medium yield
Target the Platform
>Grey goo
High Yield
target pursuers

rest of weapons fire on pursuers.

We don't actually have a description of the delivery system for such weaponry, except big bertha (artillery round?) and Sumerian which we have seen before, so I assume they're all kinds of various munitions?
Anyway here's my choice of boom.

Photino medium yield first on the platform as it's the most delicate situation which we may need to defuse without disturbing the sun too much.

Grey goo medium yield against the chasing ship, from my understanding it is similar to a dispersing cloud and would hit more easily even the slippery Eldari.

Finally a few targeted Amun-Ra low yield to clean up the fleet which sounds wide enough to accurately cover the range of an Eldari holographic displacement or whatever it is they use.
I'll support >>6022386
Once we've evacuated as many human survivors as possible we should use the Hou Yi or the Tech Duinn on the star as we leave to make sure it doesn't cause a mass extinction event throughout the subsector.
Can anyone explain to me why our weapons will be so devastating to the dark Eldar here is it like us crippling them
Since my plan is going no where, supporting as well.
Change mine to this-

I still want to try out mixing big Bertha with the Nanites. I am thinking of calling it the ‘’HHGA’’, the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.
This seems clean and clear. Support.
Each of this weapons is a WMD. If you entered this quest, you likely have some knowledge of 40k and DAOT mankind.

This weapons are pure mass destruction, that will unleash an incredible amount of death. We have seen in previous threads what Sumerians could do for example. The tyranids biofleet and hordes when first hit them where shocked to the core because we didn't just kill billions of them through one moment. They were dying constantly through centuries and millenias in areas of Xandirah Prime and Secundus that now go constantly between present, past and future. We didnt just kill, for the tyranids it was like a wound in their very great mind network. In a breath those tyranids in those areas are all their flesh, nothing but dust, only bones, corpses costantly. But they are alll already dead. But that moment of death repeats.
And this is just some of the Sumerian effects.

We are about to destroy the most precious and ancient assets (Dominion Platform and Dominion Warships) of this kabal, alongside their whole raiding fleet and army. With multiple WMDs.
Hopefully not all of the assests will be destroyed if we unleash our WMD, its going to be very hard to get them otherwise considering how jealosly Drukhari guard their tech from anyone else studying it, same as all Eldar actually in that regard.
But yeah, we are the ones with the most amount of power in this situation considering what we have packing compared to the Kabal.
Hey Newb, could we set a Nanobot bomb to go off after a significant timeframe? I wonder if we could have a few kabol ships go home with some- surprises.
That would be nice, but its up in the clouds. We are clicking the button of "DIE NOW BADLY".
On top of that the current situation makes any assets recovery irrelevant for Odysseus. Rightfully so from his point of view, is first directive is clear about it. While a benefit later on, these assets dont matter if the star of Xandirah detonates and the humans here keep dying because of the dark eldars.

I am fairly sure you could vote for it through write-in. I personally don’t think this is a good idea now, its best we kill everything and not allow any dark eldar to live and tell the tale.

The chances of the dark eldar finding it on board or attached to their ships before reaching home are high, especially if they manage to survive this massacre. Their paranoia and fear would be through the roof. If it was another occasion and not a direct battle it could be different. Right now they are racing through the void.
You unleash a swarm of antimatter rounds, calculating trajectories of hundreds, if not thousands of missiles, you fire off numerous miniature blackholes to swallow up more missiles or to simply throw them off course, and naturally, you begin letting loose with your own missiles, the nanomachines capable of devouring more than one missile with their limited timespan.

And yet, with the entirety of your conventional weaponry being used without halt, the missiles are all weapons from the height of your foes’ technology, conducting miniature teleportation, projecting their own holo fields throwing off your calculations, some even appear to be equipped with their own anti anti-missile weapons, cutting down some of your own missiles or even managing to hit the antimatter rounds mid-flight, though at least the blackholes are not so easy to block.

This rapid exchange, that had lasted for a multitude of minutes by now, as it had taken a bit of time for the missiles to reach you, begins to come to a close as more and more of the missiles are cleared out.

But despite your best efforts, one missile manages to get through your defences.

The impact is immediate. You are quickly thrown port wards as your shields struggle to remains up after the impact of concentrated dark matter. Even during the height of the Federation, based on your own sparse STC records, humanity was still most likely just grasping the understanding of it. One thing you are sure of however, from just this one impact:

Shields depleted. Recommendation: withdrawal.

Not yet.

A second missile impacts you.

Warning: hull breach detected. Armour plating at 71,3%, hull plating at 84.1%. Chambers five through thirteen have been breached. No casualties detected.

A small blessing of your small crew relative to your size.

Activating your thrusters, you quickly rotate to starboard as the third, and final missile impacts your hull.

Once again, you are thrown aside and the entire ship shakes. After that impact, your smaller systems quickly inform you of the massive damage across your hull. The crew has suffered concussions, broken bones, but thanks to your efforts, no one had died, as your primary directive dictates. Though your detachable laboratory is currently atoms at worse and floating debris at best, your manufacturing capability has been crippled, about half of it to be exact as safety protocols saved the other half, understandably, most of your outer crew quarters got blown to bits, but the inner ones still are safe. One of the blackhole generators was blown apart, about half of your railguns had ceased to function and you are down one missile launcher. Despite that, you had also ensured that your sensors, generators, and most importantly storages had all remained unscathed, though that was achieved by a hair’s breath of reflex on your part.

Warning: Armour plating at 48,6%, hull plating at 66.9%. Chambers one through three and seventeen through twenty-eight have been breached. No casualties detected.

Notice: production, complete.

As strange as it sounds, you can almost feel the glee of your militarized subsystem as it reports to you. You had endured a withering barrage, a showcase of the Dominion’s finest. And now, now you shall crush them.

You load in the missile into the launcher. Unlike the regular missiles seen before, this one has an extensive amount of shielding, be it conventional or energetic. Being guided by a smart A.I., one that you can directly interact and control, it also has an entire array of thrusters and even a small energy generator to allow for rapid manoeuvring. Finally, you had the exact same trick that the dark Eldar pulled on you, that of teleportation.

With the Eldar having you in range, you also have them in range in turn. In turn for the damage they had inflicted upon, you return the favour by unleashing every single weapon you have, while your return fire is pitiful compared to the half a dozen warships, you are hiding a nasty surprise. Halfway filled with advanced nanomachines, the missile is hidden alongside another barrage, slightly lagging behind and manoeuvring in such a manner that it cannot be interfered with, you look on with some trepidation as you are about to be encircled, for a lack of a better term, by both the Dominion era warships and the smaller raiders moving in from the platform.

For those interlopers you have another surprise prepared.

The containment chamber of the trapped star slows down its movement, the gravity and mass suppressors slowly loosing its grip upon the trapped star and it immediately begins to slowly expand. Through your forwards facing sensors, you will the front plating to move and reveal a once hidden tube that slowly extends outwards. With a diameter of only two meters, it is barely noticeable unless unlocked, having a look similar to the lances found on most imperial ships, this one is ever so slightly more different.

As the trapping chamber begins to audibly and visibly shake, the noise becoming dominating in the chamber, you direct for the gravity manipulators to push downwards. Creating an effect of a start being sucked on by a blackhole, which, to be fair, it is. As dozens of miniature blackholes are formed back and forth across the entirety of the guiding pipe, acting as almost a coil accelerating and guiding the forming plasma beam as you slow down to a crawl, the mass unleashed finally reasserting itself into reality and your entire hull begins to vibrate from the sheer force unleashed.

Your frontal facing camera is blinded, though you catch a few glimpses of your plating and hull that was too close visibly melting.

Switching the camera feed to the nearest being, you find yourself looking into the sky through the eyes of a nimean robot, despite loosing its legs, having clear and apparent gouges in its frontal facing and suffering from a reactor leak, it is still functioning, barely. Though it is enough for your purposes as the night cycle upon Prime is disrupted.

For but a moment, right on the horizon. A new Sun blooms, with you being closer to Prime than the system’s star, it turns the night into midday for but a few seconds as a beam of blue cuts through the skies. From the robot’s sensors, you can hear audible gasps as the noise of fighting that had once dominated the sensors turns silent. Whatever battle had been waged is cut short for at least a moment as all wonder why the night had been swept away, before returning to the darkness illuminated by naught but fires of a burning world.

As the robot finally losses the remaining slivers of energy, you see a man in the robes of a techpriest, though curiously coloured pure white with black trimmings falling to his knees and making the symbol of a cog (a symbol you observed made a lot on Omicron Teledesh). Raising his hand upwards, he seems to be directing his prayer towards the sky, specifically tracking the plasma beam before it disappears.

Even at low yield, the vastly expanded plasma beam had, for a lack of a better term, deleted three dark Eldar raiders and had seen all others melt, leaving nothing but disfigured remains barely floating in the void, having turned the once safe hulls into super-heated ovens that had most likely fried the crews within, resulting in swift, if excruciating deaths.

You had hoped that such a showcase, one that even blinded you, would have a similar result to your pursuers, giving enough time for the missile to close its distance. Naturally, you are taking all precautions and are now reorientating yourself to face the warships. You shall make sure that the fear of man shall dominate their minds.

It seems that your choice to unleash your most extensive weaponry had the intended results and the missile reached the most optimal range. Carrying the grey goo payload, the missile explodes outwards into 2,500 smaller missiles that fly rapidly outwards and rapidly begin to spin. If they impact a vessel, they shall burrow into it, unleashing the deadly payload, if not, they will seed the entirety of the surroundings with unseen deadly nanomachines that will kill everything that impacts even a single one of these machines.

Perhaps seeing the damage you had wrought, one of the ships begins to turns, seemingly ignoring the entire formation that continues its attack. For the wise choice of running, the Eldar pay for their life as fifteen of the smaller missiles smash into the hull. Unlike the previous nanomachines that have limiters in them, the moment the machines are unleashed and activated, a grey mass begins to spread out, rapidly reproducing and doubling in size every ten seconds. The Eldar begin transmitting across all frequencies, uncharacteristically calling for aid of anyone nearby, genuine fear apparent in the Eldar’s voice, seemingly death by being dismantled atom by atom that leaves nothing behind appears to be quite terrifying to them.

Suddenly, the comms and pleas turn to shouts of pain as the entirety of the ship is rapidly engulfed, the guiding intelligence having formed through the hive having decided to engulf the vessel, preventing any means of escape. The horrified screams are cut out the moment the comms are also devoured. In but two minutes, the massive warship turns into a grey mass that rapidly reforms into a large sail that uses the solar winds to rapidly accelerate towards the nearby Eldar warships whom begin to fire upon it and start to undertake manoeuvres to break away, now no longer prioritising you. Though their deaths are assured as but a single machine managed to be caught by the unlucky warship whom in its haste turned too rapidly. The single machine begins to grow and grow, digging into the ships hull, in half a minute, the vessel seemingly halts out of nowhere, and five seconds after that, as if a popped balloon, the ship erupts with grey jets that quickly engulf and devour the entirety of it, before rapidly beginning to move towards other nanomachine clusters to further grow their collective intelligence.

It seems you will not be needing to unleash Amun-Ra again. Instead, you dedicate all power to your thrusters, you have to reach the star and manage to get to its other side, that is where your main target is located.

For this final target, you had prepared the highest yield weapon yet. The Photino is another missile you are loading up. Naturally, it has similar defences to the grey goo payload, but unlike it, thanks to the weaponry it carries, casting a small field of point zero temperature as it travels, this freezes all matter that comes close, be it light or anything else really is permanently frozen, at least for some time. Of course, dark matter may act in…unpredictable ways with the yield of such a weapon. You, unfortunately, do not have the luxury to consider the potential fallout.

Naturally, the platform, having witnessed your weaponry before, unleashed everything it has the moment you crest the star and enter range. Your barely functioning shields are instantaneously impacted by the lances and everything ranging from what you assume is some sort of powerful kinetic weaponry and many, many missiles are unleashed. You have no desire to take them head on and instead you simply move your shielding towards the front, with no risk of your flanks being exposed anymore, all you have to do now is simply unleash your weapon in the small time window you have before the shields fail again.

You fire off the missile, it will still take minutes for it to reach the target, even at its rapid speed, but you will have to hope that it shall be enough.

Ducking behind the star, you quickly switch the camera view to directly command the missile as it begins its approach.

The dark Eldar do not stop firing everything they have, all of that firepower now concentrated wholly onto the singular missile. However, the moment lances reach the point-zero zone, it simply halts, dissipates and disappears. The kinetic rounds halt mid flight and stay in place, seemingly unaffected by the gravity of the nearby star, the same occurs with missiles, their thrusters still burn for a second before it halts, the atoms completely halting mid exhaust, halting all light production even if the expended fuel is clear to see having now not burnt off.

If anything, the amount of weaponry seems to increase as more and more firepower is unleashed and a queer line of expended and halted munitions trails behind the missile. To their credit, or their cowardice, you see smaller ships departing the platform, fleeing wherever they can, naturally, with a high yield weapon such as this, you too are making good speed away as fast as possible.

Finally, having entered optimal range, you send the signal and missile detonates, cutting off the camera feed. Not that you need it anymore as you had managed to angle yourself to observe the fallout of the attack.

The missile ejects its plating which seems to simply halt but a few metres from the missile itself, its thrusters halt and the missile itself stops moving. Shortly thereafter, all of the munitions halt, the platform itself stops moving, the beam of light that had penetrated the star also halting, losing its lustre and becoming invisible to the naked eye. The still escaping nearby vessels seemingly freeze in place, inertia seemingly no longer being enforced as the ships also stop completely. Through the yield you had unleashed, you see as the nearby surface of the star dims, a large part of the star completely ceasing to function, the plasma turning solid, the process of fusion coming to a halt, shortly thereafter, the unaffected part of the star continues its rotation and impacts the halted area. For a moment, everything continues to freeze and halt, but shortly, a few minutes later that is, the intensity of the continues inflow of the heat, even as the star itself dims, overcomes the freezing and steam, kilometres long begin to erupt at the meeting point, only to instantaneously freeze the moment it reaches further away from the star.

As you finally take a moment to explore the system through your sensors, it seems you had gotten the dark Eldar’s attention. Every single ship throughout the system, no matter what they were doing, begin to gather and clearly set rally points, hundreds of dark Eldar vessels all now viewing you as the absolute greatest threat. You doubt you will have the good fortune of them charging ahead in a disorganized mob like the Orks do.

The grey goo you had unleashed is still in system, having all gathered together it is moving towards the nearest of said gatherings as a single massive solar sail. With Eldar technology, they might be able to exterminate it, but it will certainly draw their attention.

>Move towards one of these gatherings, you might be able to overwhelm it before the dark Eldar arrive in force.

>Full burn towards the system’s edge, you shall disappear in the system wide-ish nebula and hide. Though the Eldar have good sensors, this should allow you to carry out a guerrilla fight, unless the Eldar simply gather around Prime and continue to threaten it, but you shall have to see, they may be panicked enough to chase you.

>You have to leave the system, no ifs or buts about it, no doubt the Eldar have more proper warships out there, and you doubt they will be caught by surprise again.

>(Write in)

Of course, the question stands if you should still unleash more WMDs, they are expensive to manufacture and the few you used now already consumed a good amount of your storage resources, but you still have a good few weapons still in you.

>Utilise more WMDs (Which ?)

>No, you shall wait for a better opportunity to use them.

>Hey Newb, could we set a Nanobot bomb to go off after a significant timeframe? I wonder if we could have a few kabol ships go home with some- surprises.

Sure. You can try it, whether or not it will work I leave up to you anons to decide.
Simply broadcast one message;

Write in: Fire Nanobots bombs at some space junk and a large chunk of the broken planet.
Oh fucking God, this was a monstrous update if I w ever seen one by a mile. Note to self, we are the rock that is immovable.
We’re moderately damaged.
Ok we would need to also upgrade our shields and armor when we fight Eldar next time
Yes, after we went up against Aeldarai Dominion Tier Warships. We, despite all of our modifications, are still designed as an exploration style ship. So of course we are going to get more damadge taken in a fight with over half a dozen warships. In fact, I call that a great trade off considering what we were able to kill for that amount of damadge.

Now, in terms of planning:
>Move towards Secundus's shattered planetoid and broadcast a transmission for all Dark Eldar to Hear. "That the Federation will always triumph over the barbaric and Decadent lickspittle Dominion!" Afterwords burn into the center of the masses core and hide out for the resulting trap.
>Then unleash the Grey goo yield prepared as a bomb that will be activated once the Kabal's ships amass to swarm over the planet's non-existent atmosphere.
>Utilise more WMDs (Which ?)
>> Grey Goo, High Yield
Can't, that would need to necessitate needing to expand our hull, and we cannot do that as we have hit our max size while still being able to use a wormhole generator. Hopefully Newb will be kind to us and provide a solution to that terrifying dilemma.
>Move towards one of these gatherings, you might be able to overwhelm it before the dark Eldar arrive in force.
Better keep the Grey goo ball rolling. Can we shoot at the warships through the sail so the Grey goo can latch onto the shots?

>No, you shall wait for a better opportunity to use them
>White with black trimmings
Must be from forge world Phaeca. Wonder why he's here?

That turned out well enough. Looks like we got the darkies pissing themselves.
>(Write in)
>Allow their ships to gather together then begin moving towards the largest gathering of eldar warships and...
>Utilise more WMDs
>Xeelee, Medium Yield
Throw a black hole at them
Changing mine to this.

Add in some deployed transmitters that’ll repeat insults

‘At least the Craftworlders had the sence to flee the empire you brought down’

‘I have ment orks more cunning than you’

When they get close to them have them explode into nanites or begin shooting small rounds with nanites at them.
What forge world is called Phaeca? I've tried looking them up in d6 chan, and in the lexicanum, but Ive come across nothing?
It the only forge world other than Omnicron Teledesh in sector clarus. It's south-west of Xandrirah at the bottom. >>6009858
Oh, I completely missed them when I was looking at the map originally, sorry. But that is indeed interesting, very interesting indeed on why they are here in Xandrirah of all places.
I smell inquisition.

Or Macanicous political funnybuisnes.
Tho is possible that this was a normal political event that was crashed by the Dark Elder and now a bunch of Tech Preasts from atlease one more forgeworld are getting a front row seat as we turn a shattered planet into gray goo.
>Move towards one of these gatherings, you might be able to overwhelm it before the dark Eldar arrive in force.

>No, you shall wait for a better opportunity to use them.
support this plan.

Secundus can be used for create more Grey Goo and give us some cover of sort. Not much but is something.
Come on allies get here.
Broadcast to all comms insults to the dark eldars, while praising and encouraging Xandirah and Mankind heroic defense.
Rage in righteous fury against the dying of the light !
>is possible that this was a normal political event
If he is just a diplomatic envoy from Phaeca who was sent to a random backwater planet then that's some fucking luck he's got. Getting caught up in a war with an entire dark eldar kabal, witnessing legions of robots, heavily armed and armored PDF troops and super soldiers that clearly aren't space marines, all of whom are revered by the locals as "angels", defend the planet and now he's witnessed something above him in orbit spray eldar ships with a star and unleash an all-consuming cloud of nanomachines.
Also managed to see, for a veriafiable fact, that someone somewhere, just unleashed a massive stream of concentrated Plasma. Which was so bright, it was able to light up the side of half of a planetoid. Which, he then was able to be tracked in the sky before it disappeared.
That's what I meant by spraying them with a star. We sprayed sunfire at them with a big fucking hose.
First we:
>Fire kinetic hollow-point projectiles at the Eldar warships through the gray goo with the idea of at least getting some goo into the hollow points so that, with any luck, at least some of the projectiles infect the enemy ships.
Then we:
>Move towards Secundus's shattered planetoid and broadcast a transmission for all Dark Eldar to Hear. "That the Federation will always triumph over the barbaric and Decadent lickspittle Dominion!" Afterwords burn into the center of the masses core and hide out for the resulting trap.
>Then unleash the Grey goo yield prepared as a bomb that will be activated once the Kabal's ships amass to swarm over the planet's non-existent atmosphere.
>Utilise more WMDs (Which ?)
>Grey Goo, High Yield

Lets kill them

Not impossible.
At the moment the local enclave of the Mechanicus on Xandirah Prime was made up entirely of newcomers from Omicron Teledesh (that we influenced) and menials that we allowed to live (they had no fault for the WMDs unlike the original enclave members).
They might have send someone to visit here for talks.

Yeah it was quite funny. I love Amun-Ra
Supporting, I’m going to enjoy seeing their reaction to the revelation we can speak in Aeldari.
When this is over- we need to collect the surviving agents and have them give a full report.

Also the Inquisitor is gonna hear- you don’t nanite half a planet and get away with it.
So when are we going to be worship more due to us unleashing weapon that were myths back then also doesn’t the Admech sect worship us as their own omnissha
They revere us as an "angelic intelligence" which is basically just a step up on the ladder of divinity from a machine spirit. They still worship the Emperor and Machine God.
I love some of those old armored core engrish songs. A shame they went with more cinematic music in AC6, aside from rusted pride.

I like to listen to this while reading the combat scenes in this quest.
With the damage you had suffered, a full head on engagement is a foolhardy decision, instead you shall set a trap for the dark Eldar, their arrogance, seemingly innate for their entire species, shall be their downfall.

You begin to burn towards Secundus, the cracked planet shall become the end of the Eldar, the destruction they had unleashed there will be their undoing. Quickly, you dedicate what manufacturing capability still remains towards constructing another grey goo payload, this time however, you are planning on delivering the highest yield possible filling the missile to the brim with nanomachines.

As you move, you quickly note a total of three large gatherings of Eldar ships, one is still currently over Prime, one is currently burning towards Secundus doggedly chasing you and a third one holding in between the two groups, primarily concerned with dealing with the grey goo you had previously unleashed, as the collective intelligence, acting like a predator, is chasing down the Eldar, so if nothing else, it works like a good distraction.

Soon enough, long range lances begin firing upon your hull at extreme range, a few hits impacting your now recovered shielding as it had taken a few days to move from the star towards Secundus.

Weaving and dodging through large chucks of the planet now loosely orbiting it, you quickly find a massive hole exposing the still burning planet’s core, no longer under massive pressure however, it is slowly leaking out, the iron rapidly cooling down in the still remaining thin atmosphere, which itself is slowly dissipating.

You begin a simple broadcast that will surely enrage and lure the Eldar after you. Transmitting through every frequency you can manage and using the Eldar language:

”The Federation will always triumph over the barbaric and decadent lickspittle Dominion !”

That should certainly enrage them. You switch to the camera feeds of some of your superiority fighters that sill remain in system, broken and damaged, the signals are weak and some nearly immediately cut out the moment there is a power surge, clear indications of the wiring failing.

Much to your surprise however, the pursuing Eldar fleet halts above Secundus as hours pass, they appear quite content to simply wait, safely out of the planet’s atmosphere and a fair distance away that they will be ready to intercept anything that comes their way.

Soon enough however, you pick up response, transmitted through all frequencies.

“This is Mo'ugran speaking the words of Archon Mezatzar, the cruel lord, the master of torment, the bringer of wailing, the destroyer of worlds, a proud and noble son of all ages, using your guttural and primitive tongue.” Speaking gothic, the Eldar way of conversation sounds, strange, as anyone speaking a language not meant for their biology would.

“Little morsel Mon-keigh.” The Eldar continues. “The crude behaviour of your Federation remains unchanged after so long, thumping at your chest like the primitive you are. I was having fun toying with the animals here, and yet, you came to utterly shatter my fun with your own lack of grace. Foolish little creature, did you truly believe that your primitive and crude weapons are something that would make me feel dread ? Make me feel fear ? The only reason why your people still exist was due to my own entertainment. Now, blister of a long dead corpse, witness the destruction you had caused, see what I can do, with nought but a wave of my hand.”

Through the camera feed, you watch as a single Eldar warship, the largest you had ever seen positions itself to face Prime, and suddenly from its prow erupts a massive beam of light, headed straight towards Axiotrah, the largest hive on planet and the focal point of the local resistance.

Burning through the atmosphere, the bright beam smashes into Axiotrah’s void shields which causes a massive explosion to ring out, the shields collapse in an instant, whirlwinds blow out for thousands of kilometres, the sheer destructive mass of the shockwave collapses the hive spires, tremendous earthquakes rock the planet and causing fissures to form hundreds of kilometres long, upon the impact location, a large impact crater forms that is visible from orbit and soon enough, atmosphere spanning firestorm engulfs the world.

You quickly begin trying to raise anyone, you activate your sensors to observe the planet, to try and contact anyone. Depressingly, other than Ithaca, you receive to reply, not your sensors are able to detect anyone…

All of the O.D.D. regiments on planet have been wiped out…your robotic legions have been destroyed…none of your androids are left…the mechanicum enclave is now nothing but a pile of rubble…every hive is turned to nothing as the large Eldar warship unleashes a couple more of ruinous beams of light…

All is ash, but Ithaca, though the sheer amount of damage done has resulted in collapsed segments of the city, the mountains that had once protected and disguised it having collapsed atop of it straining the artificial ceiling through millions of tons of rock.

“Now then, you had spoilt my fun, so I think I will simply kill you.” Is the last transmission from the Dark Eldar before the connection disappears.

All you can do now is…




Ÿ̴̜̫̒̓̾͒ͅo̴̺̠̞͝ư̵̤̒̾̃͗̔̎͘ ̸̨̧̹̎͊̈́͛͑ṃ̷͓̈́́́͑̃́̕ͅu̴̩̳̳͉͊̆s̵̪̼̫̟̱̠̹̗̈́̄͐̉ţ̸̨̛̹̺͔̖͕̗͒̿̏͆͋́̓̀ ̸̢̛̺͑̚d̵̖̳̮͇̣͚͈̩͚̫͗̆̓͂̓́͝e̵̡̟̭̦̘̭̗̋̈́̏̿ͅs̸̩͎͖̀̋͌̒̈̓̕͝ͅt̵̡̖̐͆͌́͑ŗ̷̹͙̯̬̃̓̿̂͘͘ó̴̯̰͖͔̻͆̄͠ŷ̸͓̹̫͓̤̗͋̏̈́̂͆̐̿̇̕,̵̬̊ ̵̡̟̰͖̠̱̦̫̥͂̿t̶̼̦̀o̷͔͉̖̣̟͚͙̦͈̿̂͊̓͠r̸̛̙͉̭͇͍̐̈̓͗͘t̶̡̻͈̺̖̼́̇̀̈́ǔ̶̠̞͓̱͚̘̤̇̓̔͛͠ŗ̶̢̘̳̗̓͗̉̕e̴͓̟̥͛̉̑,̵͉͉̼̝͐̇̃͠ ̴̺́̿͊̀̌̈́̕͝s̵̡̨̥͚̥̜͓̳̫͕̓̾̋̓l̴̡̟̈́̏͛͑͘̕͝͝͝a̸̦̿͐͛̇͘u̵͉̙͖̩͎͐͑͘g̶̢̡̡͇̘̻̘̈́̃̊̚ͅͅh̷̝̜̺̓̽̇̐͑̍̕̕͝t̷̢̥̳͇͈̦̭̠͍͎̆͆͛́́̀̿͝ę̷̨̰̜͔̄͌̇͋̊̃ͅr̶͍̘̻̳̀͛͛͐͗́͝ ̷̛͉̰̺̼̣̯̐̒͋͜͝ͅ!̷̢̡̛̠̜̖͇͛͑̈͋͒̕

“-sseus !” You are snapped back by Zanx’s voice. “Something is wrong with you Odysseus.” You now note a rather perturbed looking Zanx right in your command bridge.

And he is right, your energy distribution is far higher than it should be, flowing out in a way that they shouldn’t, your processors are being overloaded and you quickly note scrap code that should never be there and begin to purge it.

“Are you alright ?” Zanx once again asks staring at one of your more obvious cameras.

”Yes. Thank you, Brigadier. The deaths of billions must have overloaded my calculation capacity.”

Stavros nod. “The men a rearing to go, Odysseus. We are all behind you, remember that.”

“Thank you.” You now respond without using your diplomatic subsystem.

Concentrating on what is happening and using your observation equipment, you quickly note that one of the Eldar fleets has finished wiping out the grey goo and is slowly beginning to move onto Secundus. The one above you, has spread out to avoid any potential damage done by your WMDs, though that does mean that their encirclement is rather thin. And the fleet that had just wrecked Prime, they are beginning to burn towards your current location. You doubt that the Eldar unleashed their weapon at its full capacity, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to fire it so often. Most likely they will try to destroy the cover that you are using, that being the entirety of Secundus.

>Breakout of the encirclement, full frontal charge. You will burn towards Ithaca shortly thereafter and evacuate your people.

>Breakout of the encirclement, full frontal charge. The Eldar believe Prime dead, let them. Without your presence here, they will have absolutely no desire to remain. You will instead depart the system and return later.

>The Eldar crossed the line. They will for a MAD scenario ? You will give them one, unleash your full arsenal. Who knows if you will survive this, but the Eldar too shall certainly perish.

>(Write in)
Oh shit um it looks like no one survive or if they did it’s literally a wasteland in there
>The Eldar crossed the line. They will for a MAD scenario ? You will give them one, unleash your full arsenal. Who knows if you will survive this, but the Eldar too shall certainly perish.
>Breakout of the encirclement, full frontal charge. You will burn towards Ithaca shortly thereafter and evacuate your people.

We need to head to the Pulsar, grab the ships, and then head to the forge world.
I, I truly fucking hate them, I cannot believe they just managed to do it. They are truly the greatest scum this galaxy has to offer, to not kill them all would be a sin for the crimes they have just committed this day. Regardless of anything else, I want to fucking kill that Archon and make sure he, his ship, his son, and his whole Kabal, due with him.

>The Eldar crossed the line. They will for a MAD scenario ? You will give them one, unleash your full arsenal. Who knows if you will survive this, but the Eldar too shall certainly perish.
>Breakout of the encirclement, full frontal charge. You will burn towards Ithaca shortly thereafter and evacuate your people.
This might be a stupid idea. But since we got a second grey goo missile and are inside the planet's pieces. Why not drop it into the broken planet and watch as the entire planet's mass goes into a massive grey goo?
Agreed, let the whole Kabal converge on the planet, and then launch the missile at the planetoid and then jump the hell out of dodge as the rest of the Kabal die by a swarm of Nanobots.
That is what, I presume is the MAD plan one of the options is talking about.
Maybe we can leave behind a automated becon that once it’s detected the Dark Eldar gone would send the kill single to the nanobots.
Presumably that would need to be a write-in, but the idea of that happening is going to need to have the DE not follow us the moment we leave the planet’s core to rescue Ithaca.
>The Eldar crossed the line. They will for a MAD scenario ? You will give them one, unleash your full arsenal. Who knows if you will survive this, but the Eldar too shall certainly perish.
>That much fucking Zalgo text.
Well bois looks like we will get Man of Iron'd anyways, we are doomed. Newb we need Odyesseus to have SOME kind of a "Machine-Heart to Machine-Heart" talk with himself before we get utterly corrupted by "LMAO CHAOS!"

>The Eldar crossed the line. They will for a MAD scenario ? You will give them one, unleash your full arsenal. Who knows if you will survive this, but the Eldar too shall certainly perish.
We dont win a full frontal charge at 40% hull strength. Eldar are NOT Orks.
This traps the entire system and prevents us from evacuating Ithaca.
>>The Eldar crossed the line. They will for a MAD scenario ? You will give them one, unleash your full arsenal. Who knows if you will survive this, but the Eldar too shall certainly perish.
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>The Eldar crossed the line. They will for a MAD scenario ? You will give them one, unleash your full arsenal. Who knows if you will survive this, but the Eldar too shall certainly perish.
Well it seems like this may be our last thread boys. It’s been a pleasure truly
At least we went out with a bang, killing hundreds of ships filled with FUCKING ELVES!!!!
Hopefully not but destroying an entire an entire dark eldar kabal would be a good way to end the quest. That alone will protect countless trillions of humans which is pretty much all Ody wants anyways.
>Breakout of the encirclement, full frontal charge. The Eldar believe Prime dead, let them. Without your presence here, they will have absolutely no desire to remain. You will instead depart the system and return later.

I hope the shield and armour was a little repaired to survive more than one day of fire. One stop to an intermediary location like the local sector hub, offload the men for a bit while we jump again for repairs to the pulsar.
>>Breakout of the encirclement, full frontal charge. The Eldar believe Prime dead, let them. Without your presence here, they will have absolutely no desire to remain. You will instead depart the system and return later.
>>Breakout of the encirclement, full frontal charge. The Eldar believe Prime dead, let them. Without your presence here, they will have absolutely no desire to remain. You will instead depart the system and return later.

leave the grey goo behind then. let then deal with that while we prepare for absolute counter destruction.
If that is absolutely what we are going to do, then I guess I’m fine with that. Launch the Goo at Secundus and let its nanoswarm be able to devour and swarm out, with us taunting the Archon that “He will not be able to hurt our people at Secundus that survived the planets destruction.” And, we can flee to get our fleet that we created at the Pulsar and comeback as soon as possible, with what Warp jumps can give our fleet as they move to Xandrirah. While a planetoids worth of Nanobots start engaging with the Kabal proper.
Whoops, forgot to change my vote.
>>Breakout of the encirclement, full frontal charge. The Eldar believe Prime dead, let them. Without your presence here, they will have absolutely no desire to remain. You will instead depart the system and return.
Changing my vote from >>6023760 to
>Breakout of the encirclement, full frontal charge. The Eldar believe Prime dead, let them. Without your presence here, they will have absolutely no desire to remain. You will instead depart the system and return later.
Rolled 77, 97, 41 = 215 (3d100)

Breakout Ithaca 2
Breakout depart 5

Alright, so you anons will breakout and try to depart the system.

Since the fighting could still potentially destroy Odysseus, I will request the first, and perhaps the last, roll from you anons.

The breakout will be carried out in 3 stages, my rolls are for the DE, the more you exceed them, the better Ody does.

Godspeed, anons, Godspeed.

And I should clarify, it is a simple 1d100, no best of 3s.
Rolled 68 (1d100)

Here goes nothing.
good try
AW cmoon this is how it ends?
Still need two more
Rolled 59 (1d100)

i kinda don't mind it with the breakout depart vote winning.

They would have probably found and destroyed Ithaca in the end, i prefer to die than to leave them alone or for that matter not even try and fight for the survivors above in Xandirah Prime that would have been certainly all been wiped out. Not much point in being their guardian if we leave.
Rolled 53 (1d100)

Should'nt have rolled, fuck.
Do we at least get to shuffle them around?




Was good playing you guys.
Focusing on this planet was always stupid. It was always going to end with everyone on this planet dying and that’s a good thing. The current methods we are using were always going undermine our stated goals and cause more pain and suffering for everyone.
indeed, roll credits.
I suggest heavily Newb to end the thread afterwards.

it was better than nothing, and it made for a good quest. We tried getting something from here, but failed.
More likely all the in our hull die.
Not really, those are likely to be sent out of the Odyssey through escape pods. First priority. They will just die later much like Xandirah Prime.
Too bad our allies didnt show up.
Escape pods means “fate worse than death”
Its more likely they will die fighting or burn. I think Odysseus might give them that if they desire, their own death.

Since is just O.D.D. inside the Odyssey, if the deldar want to personally grab the pods, they will have to fight.The Olympians mini AIs will self burn with plasma the soldiers inside instead. We already know what they do to humans, not many leap of logic are needed if we are defeated. Easy order to give.

The first regiment might be the only one to be tortured for eternity in masses of meat and bone, since they lack Olympians and have terminators, so they will probably immolate themselves instead than capture if they can. Loading their pods with bombs might be an idea.
*forgot to mean that the Olympians would self burn in case the men risks to be captured (so probably when they laying on the ground wounded and dying). After rampaging in their ships.
And this is why I hate roll based quests and not just narrative choice ones, because then things like this don’t need to happen. Sigh, I really hope we just get damaged and not a game end.
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We'll likely get out just by the skin of our teeth. After this we'll make exterminating the dark Eldar a main goal.

We definitely need to beef up, it's bulking season.

Anyone else up for making project Starbreaker so we can sit in our pulsar system and build with a near infinite building material glitch? while the ships are made, we can study our space travel system such that the finished ships can have them installed.
Are we sure we're going to servive though? failing to beat 2 out of three rolls, doesn't exactly fill me with confidence, especially when its MAX DE weapons attacking us as we flee the system.
(Do you think our nano-swarm bomb did not get launched into secundus, it did get launched, or was it just left in our hold?)
“Brigadier.” Having composed yourself you voice to Zanx. “I calculate my chances of success to be in the low thirties. There is a good chance that the following charge and breakthrough attempt shall be met by failure.”

It takes a moment for Stavros to fully process what you had just said, the very ideal of failure seemingly anathema to him concerning you. However, this confusion only lasts a moment as years of experience and countless battles had turned the no-name miner into a steadfast leader of men.

“If.” He begins. “If you are about to fall, I would like for me and my men to be prepared to depart in boarding pods. Shuttles for the 1st.”

“Are you certain about this, Stavros ?” You ask now using his first name, something you had not done in a very long time.

“If we are to meet death, everyone here wants to drag down as many Eldar as we can with us, besides, who knows, we might be able to capture a few of those ships ourselves if worse comes to worse.”

“Very well, Brigadier. I leave it up to you to inform your men.”

“Will do.” He nods before turning silent and regarding your camera.

“Is there anything, Brigadier ?”

“I just wanted to express my thanks. Both my own, and everyone else’s. Were it not for you, Odysseys, we probably would have never seen the light of hope, that our children could have a better future. No matter what happens, know that we all are grateful.” Having finished his speech, the man salutes you and quickly thereafter puts on his helmet and with practiced professionalism begins to chant out a series of orders to his troops.

What moment of respite you had you spent increasing your survivability as much as possible, regenerating your shields, strengthening your armour plating wherever possible in the few short moments that you have, and of course preparing the grey goo payload. You will time to be unleashed with your own departure, allowing the swarm to gorge itself upon Secundus before willing it to rush ahead and act as your shield and sword in the upcoming fight.

Quickly positioning yourself, you unleash the payload, as you have no time to waste, as the enemy groupings are coming closer minute by minute.

With a single launch, the missile departs the launcher and quickly there enough, breaks up into five thousand smaller missiles that quickly begin to rotate. You are aiming for speed here, and millions of small nanomachines eating at the same time is the fastest way to create what you are aiming for.

Grey blobs quickly begin forming in the shattered remains of Secundus, devouring rock, metals, sand, gemstones and anything else, eating the carcass of a dead world like a fungus spreading out without halting even for a moment.

Painstaking minute after minute, you prepare best you are able to, before the grey goo reaches the accumulation that you deem as acceptable compared to enemy fleet movement. Afterwards, you will the nanomachines forwards and they all move like an endless flowing river of thousands of streams converging outwards.

You hit your thrusters to the max and burn forwards as the dark Eldar formation begins to retreat, while you cannot crack their communications, the sheer quantity of them informs you that the dark Eldar are all clearly preparing for your breakout.

Soon enough, tens, hundreds of thousands of missiles and lance weapon are unleashed that blow out holes in the large all engulfing stream that you use as defence. Just as a missile is about to land a crucial blow, the machines lunge forth and intercept it, sacrificing millions of individuals to ensure your protection.

The slower, more disorganized, or perhaps betrayed, ships are caught in the endless shimmer grey and shortly there after subsumed and turned into more nanomachines, the screams in open comms should terrify the enemy, you doubt the same would apply to a species that feeds upon such suffering.

Still, despite the best attempts of the nanomachines, a few shots manage to slip through, luckily no missiles, but lances that move at the speed of light are hard to intercept especially when the enemy actually bothers to coordinate, slowly chipping away at your shields until the moment they collapse.

Warning: enemy movement calculations finished, enemy forces moving to allow usage of a WMD.

You bank hard at the warning, as a concentrated beam of antimatter, perhaps a dozen times your diameter nearly hits you face on.

Notice: engine block destroyed. Hull integrity compromised, plating integrity compromised.

Yes. You had noticed, as you are uncontrollably spinning. You activate your manoeuvring thrusters hoping to stabilize your spin in order to get good bearin-

Warning: impact imminent.

You rotate frontwards as a missile impacts you, blowing out the command bridge. A decision you would have never made were it not for the fact that with you being fully in control of the ship, the bridge is entirely unneeded.

Notice: energy levels dropping.

Quickly running a self-diagnosis, you note that all the damage so far has caused strain upon your superstructure, most unfortunately, it had blown out most of your back-up generators and accumulators, luckily, while rattled, the stellar generator is still operating.

Warning: missiles incoming.

You will your weaponry to shoot down as much as you, just as before, through your own efforts and continuous, but now thinning torrent that has now weakened to a stream of nanomachines, you manage to shoot down most, but not all of the missiles.

Processors impacted, loosing functional capability.

With that blow, you can feel your own thinking slow down immediately, not only that, parts of your thought process had been interrupted, with no means of recovering what it was.

Notice: subsystem unnecessary for continued functioning. Subsystem automated shutdown in effect.

The diplomatic subsystem willing shuts itself down, allowing for more capacity for you and other subsystems.

You quickly will the militarized subsystem to calculate the best trajectories and quickly contact Stavros.

“Brigadier, prepare for boarding actions. I am dead in the water, so to say, and unable to conduct any but the most basic of manoeuvres. I had calculated trajectories towards the outer most Eldar vessels that are completely out of reach for the nanobots. You should be able to secure them. I calculate 54.2% probability in successful annihilation of this Dark Eldar force.” You decided to pump up Zanx for the final departure, as you are already registering another power surge from the encroaching Dark Eldar fleets, the two had combined together, the large warship acting as the flagship. The shot it had unleashed previously had been the most powerful one it was capable of judging by the time it takes for it to recharge you had perhaps a couple of hours at most. Something that Zanx does not need to know, for you do know who will be the primary target.

It only takes three minutes before you unleash hundreds of pods, including both O.D.D. members and your robotic legions, the few superiority craft you have remaining in your will not change the outcome of the battle, the scale is too large for that, but they can act as escorts and draw Eldar fire to them, so you mobilise them as well. Soon enough, bar the Armageddons, Apollos, and Shortswords, you had emptied yourself of means of self-defence from borders, and the only reason you kept those is because they are simply too large to fit in the pods.

With as much speed as humanly possible, the pods are unleashed. As seconds pass and turn to minutes, dozens of pods are destroyed, slaying hundreds as the Eldar point-defence weaponry begins to cut them down. Despite the heavy losses however, the first of the pods manages to impact a large Eldar warship, one that had been gleefully peppering you with its lance and firing off as many missiles as it can manage.

Switching the camera feed, you look through the eyes of one of the O.D.D. soldiers. His heartrate is surprisingly even and calm as he regards the comrades before him. Soon enough, his vision begins to shake as the pod punches through the surprisingly thin armour of the ship. And as soon as the shaking began, it ceases and the pod itself opens up, spilling forth a dozen drones to act as the first wave that will draw enemy fire.

Quickly undoing his harness, the soldier rises and rushes out behind a few of his into the corridor now engulfed in small arms fire. The moment the soldier completely departs the pod, he is hit by a shard, luckily, the powerful shielding easily absorbs the blow and the man, reacting with speed that only someone genetically modified can, he raises his own rifle, shoulders it, aims it for but a fraction of a second, and fires.

The single shot flies out and impacts an Eldar clad in their species’ typical dark and cruel armour. Finding its mark in the centre of mass, the blow rips off the Eldar’s upper body and leaves nothing but a pair of legs blown backwards that smash into the wall.

“Advance !” You hear over the comm as the squad witnesses another pod impact the location, allowing for more reinforcements to push in to hopefully overwhelm the ship, maybe they will be able to overtake it, may-

The camera feed cuts off and from your own position you can observe as a thin, but accurate shot annihilates the warship from thousands of kilometres away. The enemy Archon had destroyed his own warship. Is he a fool ? Insane ? Perhaps both ? Why wou…

Ah. You had targeted this ship specifically with a large number of O.D.D. members. Even if your diplomatic subsystem is offline, you know perfectly well why he did it. Mockery. Despair. Yours specifically. He is playing with you, sacrificing thousands for nothing, but petty satisfaction.

Once more, you are rocked as a lance impacts you, hitting an already exposed area, your inner workings are skewered and heavily damaged. You will for more grey goo to be called up, you had left some behind upon Secundus to continue the process of multiplication just in case you would be incapable of immediate breakout.

Even if you are destroyed this day, you will take your pound of flesh.

Notice: subsystem unnecessary for continued functioning. Subsystem automated shutdown in effect.

Your logistics subsystem is the next to go, that lance strike is already causing you to bleed, so to say, your power transfer capabilities had fallen rapidly, and quite extensively. Not to mention you run the risk of splitting in half after another good blow or two.

Notice: optimal calculations for annihilation have been reached.

Forcing what thrusters that still function, even if barely, you orient yourself towards the large Eldar fleet. No doubt their archon is currently feeling quite a bit of amusement at your struggle. So much amusement in fact, that he had set back the power build up of his own weapon quite a bit.

Now facing forwards. You regard the rather unstable stellar generator and will for another shot of Amun-ra to be prepared. This time you shall unleash the full power of your weapon.

The protective plating fails halfway through, the rotors having been far too damaged from the last firing and the strain of battle. No matter.

You blind yourself once more, now switching the feed of a superiority fighter, due to the distance, even slight changes in your movement can massively alter your target acquisition.

Out of panic, you read unstable energy build up from the leading warship, the dark Eldar weapon fires before being prepared to do so.

Two beams of light, one light and one dark, clash mid flight and the bright white light is only ever so slightly impeded by the destructive explosion before it cuts right through it, being hundreds of kilometres in diameter, the beam of light engulfs the leading warship.

Notice: subsystem unnecessary for continued functioning. Subsystem automated shutdown in effect.

You shift slightly to the port, and another hundred warships are engulfed as you lose power at an unprecedented degree, with no accumulators or backups, unleashing the star means essentially, funnily enough, sacrificing your own life-force.

“This is Colonel Mahla of the 2nd, Brigadier Zanx is KIA, I am assuming overall command. We are in control of Eldar warship designated Alpha-3, all friendly forces, rally to my mark.”

You hear unfortunate news as you shift starboards, hundreds of warships are consumed in a blink of an eye. Your thinking is becoming slower and slower. You quickly give out orders to the nanomachine swarm to obey command of the O.D.D. and direct them towards the most outstanding Eldar ships whom now had broken and are fleeing.

Your beam slowly losses its lustre, becoming weaker and weaker before now being nothing but a small thin line.

Perhaps out of pettiness, or desperation, noticing your weakness the Eldar fire what few salvos they can. The nanoswarm attempts to block as much as it can, but you know, it will only take a single hit to overwhelm you. And your weaponry has long since been exhausted or destroyed, leaving no means of defence at this point.

A second or so later, you lose the diagnostics feed from the stern. You were not even able to see what gave the blow, perhaps nothing and your hull simply failed, or the diagnostics system ran out of power.

You had not been shutdown in this matter before. It is, slow. An ever-encroaching darkness slowly creeping up. Your cameras have long since lost their power, you are keeping up the comms, hoping to find out that your last-ditch attempt had resulted in some survivors, even if it means you will shut down sooner.

But…but you must hope…right ? That is what your masters always do…they hope…and now…so do you…you hope…even…as…illogical…laughter…of…four…echoes…

This was hard to write
I'll stick around as long as the thread lasts to answer any questions you anons might have.
We died valiantly, we gave our all- is this truly the end?
Good thread Newb.
Honestly I never really found this quest enjoyable and was expecting it to improve. Well now I know my expectations were too high.
I for one found it enjoyable.
Will you continue this quest? Even if we have to start from scratch
Same, I would love to get a chance at redoing this quest again, especially after the heartbreak that was our failure and death because of events outside of our control.
Or Hell, honestly any sort of continuation, since now all I feel is grief and rage at how this wonderful story sadly came to a brutal end.

>is this truly the end?

Most likely


>Honestly I never really found this quest enjoyable and was expecting it to improve. Well now I know my expectations were too high.

Sorry to hear that, hopefully you will another quest that you will enjoy. If you do not mind, could you please tell me what you found not to be enjoyable ? I would like to try and improve.


>I for one found it enjoyable.

Happy to hear that !


>Will you continue this quest? Even if we have to start from scratch

There is one, one, potential way for Ody to survive thanks to your anons' actions, but this ending is very 40k, dark, but with the glimmer of hope. So I do not know. If there is a lot of desire to continue, it's a maybe.
This was a rollercoaster of a post. I didn't expect the story to cliffhanger like this. But genuinely outstanding work Newb. You are one of the few people who get me to check this board every day :D

I hope to see this come back in some capacity. But I also feel like it is a true 40k-like ending as well. Dying spitefully with glory and hope in the heart of the character.

...Why didn't you just stop reading then if the story wasn't how you would like it? Like, I genuinely don't get this sentiment. Especially since Newb has got his own flow/style.

I could imagine an interesting idea. Odysseys wakes up once again on Ithaca being powered by the local power grid. A corpse needing to rebuild itself with only the most important systems like the STC banks, the warp drive, and the most crucial assembly okay enough condition to repair outright. Having to entrust himself to the tech-priests left over who reside in the possibly last living city on the planet.
Hello newb, pastebin anon here.
It was a cool end even if losing Odysseus after all this threads yeah. Quite hard, we tried, i can understand you.

This said, i feel like you are not looking at all the picture here. This can be an end of a part. But you and us have made a lot of stuff in Sector Clarus, and i think we can continue the story with it. There is no reason to clean it a new and repeat again or leave completely, so if you want and feel like it i suggest you to continue it. Despite all the odds and the White Ghost having fallen, pieces of humanity çhanged by it can be still found.
Ithacans. Omicron Teledesh. Our Androids. Even that Rogue Trader Uncle must have received by Flori something all these years.

Think on it.
Much like Renovatio Imperii is exactly another shitty situation for start. Ithacans especially (not 100% the same thing of the Thepians of course lol). But i think you understand what i mean.
>Odysseus awakens in a wraithbone construct after a farseer recovers the wreckage from the ruins
>"so, about those treaties..."
I hope we actually survive barely so we can help humanity more
Such a shame the story ended like this.

Cant really remember if we chose to reveal ourselves as a fed AI or Ody went off on his own to yap about stuff.

This whole thing felt like a "rocks fall everyone dies" scenario to me, just a bit more elaborate.
I could be entirely wrong and this happened because our shitty decisions.

This quest was one of the few that I checked up on almost every day. In the end, cant help but feel this was out of our hands somehow.
Ody's story was one of the good ones gonna miss this a lot.
You've definetly got my vote on continuing on, and i would gather fleets as well. Still, I hope you can feel encouraged to have us live on past this, moment. And agreed, the ending was very 40k, but that their is kinda the problem, its an ending, and ot really one that feels satisfactory or earned, but one of the more bad end types. Still props to you Newb for creating such a wonderful quest for almost a full on year now tho!
>Cant really remember if we chose to reveal ourselves as a fed AI or Ody went off on his own to yap about stuff.
to the people that joined us and our efforts to save humanity, yes full reveal basically.
Would love to see the humans retrieve Ody's AI core and transfer it to the Mechanicus shrine to be repaired.

Honestly feel like a loss of our ship is fine so long as we 'reset' in the form of rebuilding almost everything while still dealing with the repercussions of the battle.
>>6025828 #
Really really hope this quest continues in that case. I always hate “Rock falls, Everyone Dies.” Endings. It always feels underserved and just makes you feel terrible about the time you spent fantasizing and enjoying the quest and story, a complete waste of time and energy.
lol thats not what I meant, the dark eldar we killed happened to be the son of a dominion era archon we were careful to only reveal what we are to people who were on board with us.

The eldar archon felt like a type of boss that is used to show the players the game gets harder from now on, and not meant to be defeated.
Except this is how it actually ends.
ah in that sense
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From my understanding, there are several potential Parties that would want to get Oddy back alive again. Each one giving a different new potential quest.

The options are.
1: Odysseus is gathered by the remnants on Ithaca who towed his corpse back using the dark Eldar ships. This would likely be the most "continue where we left off" path.

2: The Mechanicus back on Omicron Teledesh after tens if not hundreds of years find Odysseus's corpse and bring him back to revive him on the forge world because of his actions during the tyrannic invasion. This is likely going to be a more imperium-centric and lower tech-level continuation.

3: As a curveball, Vashtor the arkifane seeks us out for his arcane purposes. We are remade in the image of a chaos war machine.

4: The Eldar, seeing the damage we did to the Dark Eldar, brings Odysseus back on the promise of him killing their Dark cousins once and for all and never antagonizing them in exchange for his life.

That is just the senarios I could see potentially continuing the story. each of these could be their own Mini quest in a way. like a "thread of the adventures of Odysseus's revival"

With his Mental capacities likely having been Bricked as well. This could work especially well as a way to steer his characterization in a new path in interesting ways if people would want that.

What do you people think?
I sure as fuck hope it continues, I really enjoyed this quest.
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RIP yet another 40k AI quest, you were gone too soon. At least this one got an ending.

I'd be down to keep going but I'd be fine with ending it there too if that's what you'd prefer. If we are just dead then I guess Trazyn's rubbing his hands thinking about how best to display Ody's wreck in his Men of Iron exhibit.
All of these sound very interesting, but some of those seem unlikely to happen. The Vashtor one Im almost sure, would have either have been a voted upon decision, or just not have showed up, since its from modern 40k lore.
I rather do where we left off mix with Eldar due to us using weapons that can kill their damn kin we proven to be useful against them @NewbQM
Celt knows about the pulsar shipyard and has that AI we gave him. I imagine they could drag Ody's wreck there and transfer him to a new ship. The Odyssey's most likely done for, unfortunately, especially since it was a prototype and likely has no STC.
Whelp atleast this one got an ending, Shame you fucks ruined everything by going 'hurr durr last stand'
The vote to escape and leave the system won.
Yeah, it was just the ridiculos high Rolls that Newb made for the DE that we were going to obviously fail, as this sites dice system sucks ass. And, well it put us in this terrible position we are now.
Question, were we screwed from the beginning? Like, I can see we had a few options per update on how we could approach the DE, and the players didn’t seem to try and crash the quest on purpose, so what did we do wrong? Did the write-in option about insulting the Dominion make Xandir a dead world, and hardlocked us into a game over? Was it not choosing to get our fleet from the Pulsar when we had no idea the level of fucked up shit that was coming at us after it was just dropped in our lap? Was it all just from the hidden dice rolls you kept making with yourself that screwed us over? What the caused us to drop rocks, and die???
Please tell us, that we can come back to life after this whole debacle!? I would would prefer us to be in any state, then at a game over.
I'd say the dice probably screwed us over for the most part. But I think our choice to use WMDs right off the bat coupled with us trying to be clever instead of aggressive is likely what sealed Prime's fate. We showed them that we were a genuine threat by wiping out one fourth of their fleet and halting the star's degradation so they stopped playing around, then we tried baiting them into fighting on our terms which turned out to be a terrible move both because the deldar aren't as retarded as Imperials or Orks and also because it backed us into a corner. I think we should've just kept going with the aggressive approach as risky as it was.
That was my thinking as well. Especially since whenever I brought up wanting to see the rolls to know just what was happening, everybody overruled me when it was brought up, which constantly made me seconded guess just what would happen for each update, as their was no way to know for certain whether one dice roll was really going to fuck us over, or whether the dice roll was in our favour or simply inconsequential. Which, as it turned out, might have been nice to know about but here we are and now weve dug our grave with it.

As for the WMDs and clever part, when this thing went down, everyone on the thread, you and me included, went in complete panic zone and feared that the Kabal attacking us, was brining their A game to kill us all and take Xandrirah's people as slaves. When that happened, we decided to meet fire with fire, and decided to bring our own A game to try and even the scale. Because otherwise, as we all feared, and were proven right, we would be slaughtered as they would have far more firepower on hand then we would with our normal defences cound handle, which the star fight explicitly proved was correct as it was because of our WMD that we won that fight, and weren't just slaughtered in that attack then and there. As for the clever part, I guess in hindsight yeah, me and everyone else were expecting the Archaon to either act as Orks, or like petulant assholes, and well they did act like that, just not in the way we wanted.
Maybe we should have gone after the fleet over Xandrirah, but we would then have had the fear of the sun staring to blow up as things started to go dire for the DE, which we really did not want in the slightest.

Maybe the aggresive approaches should have won out, like the massed fleet attack over Xandrirah as that would have allowed us to mop the massed units in the void where the Archaon was possibly located, but then everyone decided that trying to board them was too costly of an idea, and a sun blowing up, was more important then a fleets destruction. Maybe I and the thread should have voted for heading into the Nebula, but that was all with the assumption that Xandrirah would not be leveled to the bedrock and still be seiged rather then the Glassing that actually occured. Maybe the assualting of an entire DE fleet over Xandrirah would have save it and us, but our armour was at 60% and our shields at almost 40% with only a couple WMD left to our name and no backup for help from anyone else to save us.
Hmm, now that I think about it, we probably should have just left the planet alone and hide ourselves in the Nebula to act as Guerilla fighters, which would have forced the Archaon to hold the world Hostage so we couldn't do anything drastic, but if he did attack it, he couldnt destroy us in a easy manner and we could have torn his fleet apart peice meal as they tried to hunt us down inside the nebula.

>Question, were we screwed from the beginning?

No, you had good chances at success.

>Like, I can see we had a few options per update on how we could approach the DE, and the players didn’t seem to try and crash the quest on purpose, so what did we do wrong? Was it not choosing to get our fleet from the Pulsar when we had no idea the level of fucked up shit that was coming at us after it was just dropped in our lap?

Ehhhh, employing WMDs whilst effective had provoked the Eldar to also use it. The archon had seen what humanity can do and when you unleashed the weapons at such a rapid pace he decided that he's had his fun. Had you went to the pulsar and gotten the fleet with you, it would have most certainly helped, massive since those are proper Federation warships, but how the situation would have devolved in the time it took you to transition the fleet through the warp remains to be seen, it could have very well arrived too late. I try to make all options viable.

>Did the write-in option about insulting the Dominion make Xandir a dead world, and hardlocked us into a game over?

Oh the insult really pissed off the Archon, that's why he even bothered to go in to the tirade before hitting Prime with his own super weapon, but as I said before, you actually made him feel fear which is why he activated his own WMD.

>Was it all just from the hidden dice rolls you kept making with yourself that screwed us over? What the caused us to drop rocks, and die???

Dice did have an impact, yes. It had resulted in you taking those 3 missiles to begin with, but what put you in a bad situation were your own combined decisions. The Secundus trick would have probably worked a lot better had you anons not decided to use WMDs to begin with, charging the platform was important, but it was the most heavily guarded object in system besides the Archon himself so smashing through it was always going to be a pain. At the end, Ody was simply overwhelmed by a numerically and technologically superior foe, but he went down a-swinging.

This, as a whole, was a difficult scenario, since I want to always correctly portray just how dangerous various races in 40k are. I'd say killing a powerful noble who was larping as a Kabal archon and then destroying said massive kabal was good work. Your actions had more or less crippled the DE for at least a few human generations when it comes to fucking with Clarus and nearby sectors.
Oohhhhhh, God Damn it! Throne damn it all, I did not think about the escalation idea. Well, at least now I know that my little speech idea worked, enough so that had we used it alone without attacking the Sun or at least deploying our WMD’S after we got into the meat of their fleets then we actually would have had a good shot at decapitating our enemy in one fell swoop. But, no as pxRsJ+2z said, we screwed ourselves by going after the super weapon first, and showing our trump cards to early.

And I’m glad to see that we got what we set out to achieve at least, we killed the Archon, guaranteeing that Kabal dissolution and massively crippled and destroyed the Kabal fleet before they ran away and as mentioned, have guaranteed safety from DE piracy for a couple decades to at max a century before they show their ugly fucking hides again in our space.

I still however would like it if this were not a game over, and instead have this serve us as both a humbling and a way to remind us and Ody that this 40k. We acted like we were the God damn invincible heros, and in so doing got everyone and nearly ourselves killed, which while saving trillions of humans from fates worse then death, damn near doomed the entire galaxy back into its corruption, violence, and near death in the process. I love this quest, and damn it every last comment on this thread and the 6 before that, all agree that we love this quest and would love to see it continue.

Whether that goes in the form of us being fundamentally altered on a mechanical level, say being as damaged as we were in the beginning for thread 1, or personality wise, with Odysseus being a much more jaded and pragmatic individual on when and where he can and should put himself in danger for the sake of others. Is entirely up to you Newb, though I am glad we got some answers into how this whole shitshow went down and how we walked ourselves into it head first.
1 Reasonable and very difficult (like any quests with Newb). Ithacans remnants (and any O.D.D. remnants which are their military arm) might be one of the fews that could take on their shoulders Odysseus massive quest or have any hope to restore him. While being imperials, and having being molded by Odysseus in terms of training, influence, education and work they are something new and different in 40k. They have become their own thing, through experiences and tribulations. That alone on his own might be a game changer. We would not be using Odysseus anymore but a whole people. Ithacans are likely to extend an hand to any Xandirah survivors too, so they aren't too alone at the start and Omicron Teledesh might reach out, the last one on his own could be a great help.

2 Reasonable and very difficult (even if they would arrive far before that), though the Mechanicus of Omicron Teledesh will never be able to fully restore Odysseus even with the changes they have, much like the Ithacans. It would be their comatose angel. It might change depending if they find any Ithacans and what they do with them. This again would be a quest leading an entire people, more religious probably like you said (Ithacans still worship the God Emperor so they are a bit imperium centric too).

3 If a demon arrives it would make Ody nothing but a slave in his service and it would be used by a warband that worship said demon. Its in contrast to what we made of him so far, so i wouldn't support it. All that research on the unknown enemy only for one of its ilk to arrive and put a leash is not to my tastes. Still, the power of Ody would be at their finger tips and they wouldn't have any morales, laws or directives to care about. Full on galactic slaughter from the start and an unknown warband is catapulted to become one of the strongest in the entire galaxy. While Vashtor could expand his power and worship to new heights.

4 Difficult to say. Odysseus still would need the Odyssey back and the craftworld eldar probably don't know how to do that. Could be an interesting mix of eldar and AI.
Newb might not do that. Odysseus and the Odyssey are completely damaged, he is written off. When the Odyssey was a simple relic on that asteroid in Eregenus, the level of damage was not this total. If Newb didn't write it like this, it could be different. But he did. So he has to change it likely, if he wants Ody like us.

And the thing is, the Odyssey and Odysseus where the real game changer and main thing. To have them fundamentally changed in to something that cannot truly return back to his true strength ruins the experience. Odysseus advantages cannot return in full and some are cut, making any fight or interaction not the same feeling. There is no more balance, without the tech and mind being his strengths, the quest would lose is colors. I think Newb doesn't want to do that, and even if he and us want to keep going, he might not see how to keep the same feeling after all we lost everything in his description. All that progress lost. On research, on knowledge. On time spent. With more enemies still going in the Sector, despite the victories. Haunting.
I mean that’s fine if that’s the case. I was just brainstorming ideas behind how Ody could be revived but with some sort of cost or consequence behind said revival. Newb has never struck me as a man that writes a death scene and then allows someone to come back from said death without their being some major consequences to the character in question. In all honesty, I would love for us to just be back where we need to spend a year or more using resources from across the system to help repair our broken ship and then come back to the pulsar to spend time doing a much more extensive repair that takes like 6 months or more. And then after that, we could see how the Sector Clarus has changed now that all Drukahri piratical raiding for 2 or more sectors around, have just ceased their operations. And that we’ve been gone for close to three years fighting a Ork empire and a full blooded Kabal solo on Xandrirah and having to majorly repair ourselves afterwards.
I am not sure of that the revival .
Not against it.
But with how murderous our foe is here, if any of them is alive tney would try and destroy the Odyssey. Unless they are killed by the O.D.D. remnants (rip them i am so angry that we likely lost those veterans of the 1st regiment and Zanx) and grey goo, they would just destroy the already destroyed Odyssey.

Xandirah something we worked a long time might be fully lost. The O.D.D. something we also worked for a long time upon could be also lost. Research lost. Our on board federation data and knowledge that we started with meaning possible no construction or production of it, might be lost. The Odysseus Core the lifeline for mankind and wormhole engine might also be lost.

For an exchange of maybe a civil war for that dark eldar kabal that might last a year or a century, and then once they have settle it they are back to constantly shitting out soldiers, monsters and forging ships for raiding. We lost far far more here than anywhere else, what would be even the consequences. If its warp related not much reason, is an immediate wipe with our current conditions (dealing with the unknown enemy is always difficult already). I am not sure what would fit for "pay the bill" of revival so to say. A lot of options would be a dead end, like anything warp related.
For the perpouse of our destruction, eh we know from what garbled text we got from Mahla that she and her forces fought on at least another ship and were victorious to some degree, and that if what Newb revealed is true, that this supposed Archon is now dead and I bet likely most of the fleet in-system if not by the captured ships boarded by the ODD, then by the Amun-ra beam we let out one last time in our last stand. In all likelihood, with the archon’s death, and maybe most of their most powerful assets denied to them, and maybe half or more of their fleets destruction, I bet the Kabal broke and fled, sure in themselves that the Iron Man A.I. monstrosity was killed by the archons WMD, but now wanting to run from a group of vengeful slaves seeking vengeance for their master’s destruction.

Which, would have meant in all of that chaos that our battered, burning and ruined hulk, might still have been salvageable to be restored to some degree of life, as the Kabal didn’t manage to make sure we were dead dead instead of just, probably dead.
As for consequences, everything that you mentioned would in my opinion mean that our chance at living would be at a great cost, but surely Newb would make it an even greater problem to deal, then just having us almost die, and certainly see all of our closest allies and friends either dead or gone from one hell of a Exterminatus experience. Ideally, Newb would allow us to come back but in a damaged state that we could work towards repairing and then allow us to work towards climbing back up to our old status and see Clarus and Celt again in order to be more involved with our only world we trust now, but we will just have to wait and see unfortunately.
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Oh man this is back. Time to read up and s-

Well. It was a good run. Thanks for the quest Newb. Feels odd seeing a 40k quest have an ending.
Alright, so what happened this-sigh, I hate endings. I admit, I have rarely ever seen a quest end, and even amongst those quests, I have never seen a warhammer quest ever ended.
Well, I guess this is the end of the road, but maybe I’ll be proven wrong some day. After all, a tragedy never ends at just grief, maybe the same will happen with Odyssey and with our adventures with making 40k a better place will not end either.
Some day…
I like to think that the best scenario here is that the death of Odysseus sparks a sort of renaissance effect, where advanced scholars and technology is spread since those who could use it can no longer keep the lives they had before.

Even the Admech world we helped has an entire civilian-tech gated STC, which by itself is enough to jump-start the dead Imperium if spread. That paired with the AI core we left there is likely enough to make that world a second Mars over the next few hundred years while the Kabal is inoperative. By then, a hard target and too valuable to lose for the Imperium.

Ithaca could simply receive the torch we passed along. We already gave a healthy dose of Federation-like society and values to them, along with the tech. There is a good chance that they become a power in their own right. Even without an AI, the tech they have is powerful, they have just had their hands tied since we were managing them for secrecy purposes.

I could also imagine the Inquisition subsuming Ithaca or making a deal to obtain production of Fed-tier gene-editing of super soldiers to counteract the powerbase and autonomy that space marines have.

Regardless, the genie is super outside the bottle. If the Admech world we helped even gains control of the remote shipyard (which we gave coordinates to), then they have a reliable way to may DaoT warships that will clown on their enemies.

In my opinion, the most interesting parts of this quest has been seeing the ground-level perspectives and the shifting of societies around Odysseus's actions.
Alternatively, Ithaca could also become a sort of Isolationist solar system, akin to a city state. This is because we transferred control of the gray goo swarm to the O.D.D.

With the gray go swarm, nothing outside of another Kabal attack (even then, 50/50 odds they would win against a planet mass of gray goo). Ithaca could just turtle up in the system and tell everyone to go away, being an isolationist high tech system with a unique creed of the Imperial truth, which rogue traders frequent for high end equipment.
Good quest.
So if you continue, it does not necessarily mean with Odysseus. There are a lot of narrative strings I think. What happens with ittakah? What with omicron teledesh and our fleet at the pulsar. Do the bird aliens pick at sea space hulk remains we left and become a threat like the tau?
Like I said a lot of stuff.
What I am trying to say is, will you write a few epilouge updates?

>What I am trying to say is, will you write a few epilouge updates?

I will not. I like the end, as tragic as it may be, as its open-endedness allows for you anons to theorize about the changes that Ody brought upon the setting as a whole.
But I like it if we survived
Same as well.
While I'd like the quest to continue I agree with Newb that this is a pretty good way to end a 40k quest.
Fuck I missed this thread only now just found it. Welllllll shittttt

I say we get towed back to Ithaca. And we're turned off for idk 100+ years. Maybe celt is in a dog fight as a heretic against ad mech. Maybe orks roll in. Maybe that other high tech alien race in genelos or whatever it was called. Attacked the imperium. Or even the Eldar. Maybe the sector fell to civil war and inquisition are here cleaning up. Maybe our federation ships are given navigators by celt and he shows up with them. And Celt fixes us but now we are a slave to him and we gotta figure out how to free us from his shackle. Or he's helping us out cause his forge world is getting sieged. And he needs us to save him.

Lots of ways to bring us back IMHO. Lots of further chaos to be had. But I get it QM if you want to end it. You have your other quest too.
I guess I can see what you mean. Still good work QM!
Do you have any plans for another AI 40k quest?
I would have an suggestion, but I am not good a writing.

>Do you have any plans for another AI 40k quest?

Not another A.I. quest, no. I do have two quests in mind however.

A humorous one-shot set in Warhammer fantasy called "The Horned Rat is Having a Bad Day."

"High Command: Imperium". Since I've never seen an exploration of what the Lord-General or someone along those lines has to do. Far more concerned with politicking and sending the correct commander and army to the correct location rather than personally leading the engagement.
There might be another way Odysseus could come back, remember we had an almost complete fleet tucked away in the pulsar system.
The remnants of Itacha, Celt and Omicron Teledesh know about the fleet there.

As Celt struggles with the political fallout originating from the Mechanicus discovering the vast resources available to his forgeworld things go from bad to worse,
one day he recieves a message from an Itachan envoy that Xandriah has been destroyed and their angel lies fallen and comatose. Altough their home is in ruins and their protector defeated,
the Itachan remnants managed to preserve Odysseus's core and his memory banks. Devastated by these dire news, the inner circle of Omicron Teledesh and The Remnants gather
watever is left of their saint. After ruminating over their options a moot point is reached: the Angel must be revived. The Remnants with the help of Celt and his allies set out for the pulsar system,
with their goal being to grant Odysseus a new body to inhabit.
Decades of back breaking work begins as between the unreasonably high production quotas and constant scrutiny from Celt's martian peers, the system's hostile environment takes its toll on the remnants.
Beleaguered but determined to succeed in resurrecting their saviour, within the hull of the federation grade flagship the remnants and the Forgeworld's leaders gather awaiting the moment they have toiled away for almost a century.
As the ships reactor is brought online and power courses through its circuits in a body built for war, the ancient mind awakens once again.

Welcome back old friend.

I have a really hard time believeing this is the end for Ody and his mission.
The Xandrians might be gone and Itacha might be in ruins.
Sure he is out of action for a long time, with all he had helped build and the people we rescued
with help from Celt's forgeworld the Remnants can transfer him to a new body of a real warmachine.

What do you guys think?
I like it, a lot. Nice idea anon!
>I have a really hard time believeing this is the end for Ody and his mission.
It is though.

Even if we want not to, it is. Newb has said what he wants to do, there is no much discussion to do. Beside asking how someone died which i don't think Newb will answer since is pointless. They died thats it.
Ultimately Odysseus lost the Odyssey and everything in it, in particular his Core fundamental for the new travel system, so the light is dead. That light was needed for even have an attempt to save humanity.
beyond that i like what you have written.
All our examples though don't hold a candle, to what Ody was.
Just caught up, what a shame. I was really hoping this quest could go on for a while, especially with all the teases. Oh well. Still, it was a good quest.
the light is dead....
perhaps a hive-mind xeno quest in this universe?
dont sound to unrealistic

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