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Suial the Third saw his concubines as mere objects, mere decorations to flaunt his wealth, power, and influence—like furniture, used, broken, and replaced without a second thought. You are not like the old tyrant; you recognize the value of the women you've claimed from him.
This morning, you wake up beside Queen Jocasta, the old king's only legal wife and now his widow. Last night, you claimed the older woman for yourself, seizing yet another possession from the tyrant. Even in his death, your disdain for the man lingers, mixed with a perverse satisfaction in stripping him of all he cherished. Nearing forty, the queen is old enough to be your mother, yet your carnal desire for her only intensified in the face of this taboo last night.
As you dress, you reflect on your next moves. Unlike Suial, who treated his concubines as nothing more than playthings for his perverse pleasures, you see them as potential allies and advisors. Lana, the green-eyed concubine, first shared your bed after Suial's death, impressing you with her bravery and quick thinking. Jocasta, the queen, offers a strategic alliance with House Chion, the most formidable of the noble houses.
Then there is Inaja, the dusky-skinned concubine, whose insights have deepened your understanding of the kingdom's internal politics and religious traditions. Each of these women provides you with new tools to keep the kingdom united under your rule, leveraging their knowledge and influence to fortify your reign.
You ponder your next move, considering how best to utilize the tools at your disposal to stabilize and strengthen your control over the kingdom. To secure your rule, you consider meeting with the palace’s guard commander to gauge his loyalty and reinforce your defenses. The ancient right of conquest brought you here, but what stops another from claiming the throne the same way? You also think about visiting the dungeons and torture chambers where Suial imprisoned and tortured those who spoke against him. Understanding how the old tyrant held onto power might help you keep the throne. You also consider learning more about the boys he kept as catamites for his perverse pleasures.
Perhaps a discussion with Queen Jocasta about solidifying the alliance with her house could be beneficial. Consulting with Lana on security matters, or with Inaja on political strategies could also be wise. Alternatively, engaging with another concubine or a courtier about the impending grand gladiatorial tournament might reveal more about the kingdom’s morale and loyalties. Today is filled with potential: for alliances, for reforms, for strengthening your new rule.

> You arrange a meeting with the palace’s guard commander to assess his loyalty and review the security measures.
> You explore the dungeons and torture chambers to understand the dark legacy of the old tyrant and to plan reforms.
> You take a moment to relax and clear your mind with a long, contemplative bath, joined by the queen or a concubine.
Have you decided yet? I'm not interested in playing Oedipus Quest.
>Palace Guard Commander
>You arrange a meeting with the palace’s guard commander to assess his loyalty and review the security measures.
Haters gonna hate. Glad to see you went through with part two.
>You arrange a meeting with the palace’s guard commander to assess his loyalty and review the security measures.
Hornyposting should be done in moderation, so that it doesn't oversaturate.
Though I've observed that it was said that the bad guy killed all of his sons, but nothing's been said of his daughters. Maybe that can be addressed later.
>You take a moment to relax and clear your mind with a long, contemplative bath, joined by the queen or a concubine.
>> You arrange a meeting with the palace’s guard commander to assess his loyalty and review the security measures.
>> You take a moment to relax and clear your mind with a long, contemplative bath, joined by the queen or a concubine.

Don't be gay
> You arrange a meeting with the palace’s guard commander to assess his loyalty and review the security measures.
> You arrange a meeting with the palace’s guard commander to assess his loyalty and review the security measures.

Have you decided yet? I'm only interested in playing Oedipus Quest.
> You arrange a meeting with the palace’s guard commander to assess his loyalty and review the security measures.
This quest has been a pleasant surprise, keep it up QM.
>You take a moment to relax and clear your mind with a long, contemplative bath, joined by the queen or a concubine.
You arrange a meeting with the palace's guard commander to assess his loyalty and review the security measures. The commander enters the room, his posture respectful. "You wished to see me, your radiance?" he bows slightly.
You take a moment to study him closely. He is a dark-skinned, older man, carrying extra weight that speaks to many years of service. "You swore fealty to me swiftly after I killed the old king, the one you had sworn to protect. Why?" you inquire sharply.
"You claimed the throne by the ancient right of conquest, so I am duty-bound to serve you, your radiance," he responds deferentially. "And supporting your claim seemed the best hope for keeping the kingdom together."
"Is that why you served and protected the old tyrant for decades?" You raise an eyebrow, pressing him further. The guard commander had remained loyal to Suial through years of the king's worst atrocities. "To keep the kingdom together?"
"I served him because he was king, your radiance, and because he was viewed as the best hope for maintaining unity," the guard commander admits, his voice steady despite the admission. "I will not deny he was cruel, monstrous even in his demands and carnal desires. But who would wish for civil war? Certainly not this old eunuch," he adds, a hint of weary resignation in his tone.
You nod slowly, processing his words. His loyalty to the throne, regardless of its occupant, suggests a pragmatic approach to his duty, though you suspect there is more to him than meets the eye. "You're a eunuch?" You ask, curious to learn more about his past.
"Yes, same as the other royal guards," he replies, "As a child, I was taken from my homeland, then castrated and made into a royal slave. I was trained to be loyal, docile, and to do whatever my master commands without question."

> Did you ever consider killing the old tyrant yourself, given the atrocities he committed?
> Did his commands to you also include torturing and executing those who dared to speak against his tyranny?
> Tell me why I should trust you, given that the previous king you served met his end on your watch.
> I suspect you possess more cunning than you display; surviving under Suial's paranoid rule requires no small amount of intelligence and adaptability.
> I need your candid advice on the best strategies to maintain unity and prevent civil war in the kingdom.
> Share any insights you have on potential threats from within the palace that I should be aware of immediately.
> Tell me why I should trust you, given that the previous king you served met his end on your watch.
> Tell me why I should trust you, given that the previous king you served met his end on your watch.
This is a good point

Nice goofy looking painting
>> Tell me why I should trust you, given that the previous king you served met his end on your watch.
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You level a steady gaze at the guard commander, measuring your words carefully. "Tell me why I should trust you, considering the previous king you served met his demise under your watch."
The commander chuckles wryly. "Your survival and secure reign are in my best interest as well, your radiance. Should you fall, the five noble houses will plunge into conflict, each claiming their right to rule. The kingdom would fracture into civil war, and an old eunuch who served the previous king would likely not survive such a conflict."
You weigh his words. He is likely correct—the civil war would indeed threaten the capital, and a foreign eunuch with long service under Suial would find few allies.
The commander continues, "Moreover, there are rumors that I conspired with the foreign barbarian to end King Suial the Third. Should one of those noble families seize power, my head would surely be the first to fall. You might be the only person in this kingdom who understands that I had no part in Suial's death and was as shocked as anyone when that foreigner cut through a hundred guards to reach him."
"So you are saying I should trust you, simply because our interests align?" you press, skeptically. "Even after you served the worst tyrant this kingdom has ever seen?"
The commander meets your eyes, unflinching, his expression a blend of solemnity and resolve. "Your radiance, my loyalty to the throne is the cornerstone of my service, irrespective of who sits upon it. The old king's fate was sealed by your sword and the laws of conquest, not by my hand. My duty was to serve and protect him as king, and now, my duty is to serve and protect you."
He pauses, allowing his words to sink in. "I am a tool of the crown, wielded by whoever holds it. My allegiance is to the throne, to the stability of the kingdom, not to the personal whims or cruelties of its ruler. As a eunuch, I will never be accepted as king. I will never father a child or start a new royal bloodline. My only role is to serve, and I accept it, no matter how harsh or perverse my master's commands."
You consider his response, probing for any sign of deceit. His steadfast demeanor suggests a deep-rooted sense of duty and an understanding of the delicate balance of power within the kingdom. "You may indeed be as loyal as you claim," you concede cautiously. "However, Suial did die under your watch. How can I trust in your ability to protect me?"
"Please follow me, your radiance," the guard commander invites, leading you toward the dungeons. "There was an attempt on your life this morning. It is my honor to report that we have thwarted it and captured the would-be assassins."

> Interrogate the prisoners to uncover their motives for attempting your assassination.
> Order a public execution for the prisoners to demonstrate the consequences of treason.
> Inquire with the guard commander about how Suial would have dealt with such prisoners.
>Interrogate the prisoners to uncover their motives for attempting your assassination.
I’m still suspicious but whatever.
>> Interrogate the prisoners to uncover their motives for attempting your assassination.
>> Interrogate the prisoners to uncover their motives for attempting your assassination.
> Interrogate the prisoners to uncover their motives for attempting your assassination.
His points are logical, I can't find fault with the reasoning. Let's ser about these assassins.
> Interrogate the prisoners to uncover their motives for attempting your assassination.
You choose to interrogate the prisoners personally to uncover their motives for attempting your assassination. Standing before them, you ask in a controlled tone, "Why do you want to kill me?"
"Because you're a barbarian usurper!" one of the conspirators spits at your feet, anger flaring in his eyes. "King Suial was of the blood of Sumdaq the Great! A royal lineage unbroken for eight centuries! For him to be slain by a barbarian from the land of sheepherders? It’s an abomination!"
"When I traversed this kingdom, I witnessed abject poverty and inequality," you reply calmly, presenting your observations. "Children starving in the streets. Men, women, and even children crucified—as public spectacles. Yet, within these palace walls, I found riches squandered, food wasted, and decadent luxuries. Suial was a monster and a tyrant, and you still wish to avenge the old man?"
"He was not merely a man, but a god!" another younger prisoner shouts, raised to believe the old tyrant as divine. "By murdering his mortal form, you have doomed our kingdom forever, barbarian! Curse you and your line!"
"It has been foretold," another prisoner adds solemnly, his voice echoing in the cold stone chamber. "This kingdom was erected by Sumdaq the Great, a gift from the gods! It is destined to fall unless a direct male descendant of Sumdaq sits on the throne! A thousand curses upon you, sheepherder, for you have doomed us all!"
Fanatics. You grimace inwardly, pondering the depth of their delusion. You ended the life of a cruel, evil, sadistic ruler, yet here you stand, confronting his die-hard loyalists. Each day, you are increasingly aware that killing a tyrant is the easiest part. Keeping the kingdom together afterward and securing stability is far more challenging. Even now, the shadow of the old tyrant looms large over your reign. Perhaps it always will. But you have slain the man, you can vanquish his ghost as well, erasing his foul influence from your new kingdom.

> I declare with pride that I share none of the old tyrant's blood, and I am the one who put an end to his cursed lineage.
> Your so-called divine king died screaming in terror, just a frightened old man, when my sword ended his life.
> You will be publicly executed to demonstrate the consequences of treason and deter others from such treachery.
> Tell me how your king dealt with traitors, for you will receive the same treatment, as if his hand still wielded the sword.
> You will be put to work in the kingdom's most grueling labor camps, where perhaps hard labor will reform your loyalties.
>Your so-called divine king died screaming in terror, just a frightened old man, when my sword ended his life.
>You will be put to work in the kingdom's most grueling labor camps, where perhaps hard labor will reform your loyalties.
>If it's a calamity for him to have died without leaving a male heir, the blame lies on him for killing all of his sons.
>Tell me how your king dealt with traitors, for you will receive the same treatment, as if his hand still wielded the sword.
Can't be too much of a nice guy. Our nameless MC may have Conan'd his way past the palace guards and killed the king, but holding the throne while starting from scratch isn't going to be easy. After this we ought to ask the guard captain about whatever kind of secret-police network Suial had going to get wind of dissent and get in touch with them. They can keep the same arrangement while working for us for the time being.

> Your so-called divine king died screaming in terror, just a frightened old man, when my sword ended his life.

> Tell me how your king dealt with traitors, for you will receive the same treatment, as if his hand still wielded the sword.
>You will be publicly executed to demonstrate the consequences of treason and deter others from such treachery.
>>6015038y thoughts exactly
>If it's a calamity for him to have died without leaving a male heir, the blame lies on him for killing all of his sons.
>Tell me how your king dealt with traitors, for you will receive the same treatment, as if his hand still wielded the sword.
"If it's a calamity for him to have died without leaving a male heir, the blame lies on him for killing all of his sons," you declare with authority. The old tyrant feared a prophecy that predicted he would be killed and overthrown by one of his own sons. Driven by this fear, and proving his cowardice, he ordered all his newborn sons buried alive. Such monstrous actions should have earned him the hatred of all, yet even now, he has loyalists.
"He needed no heirs, for he was one of the divine. He would have lived forever if you hadn't killed him," the younger prisoner shouts again, fervent in his belief that the old tyrant was more than a mere mortal, someone worthy of worship.
"Your so-called divine king died screaming in terror, just a frightened old man," you snort in derision, holding the young man's gaze. "When my sword ended his life, he proved himself nothing more than human." You then turn to address all the prisoners, your voice cold and authoritative. "Tell me how your king dealt with traitors, for you will receive the same treatment, as if his hand still wielded the sword."
Silence falls, even the most fanatical prisoners now mute with dread.
The palace guard commander steps forward, his voice steady but carrying a note of obedience. "King Suial was nothing if not creative. For crimes such as treason, he concocted some truly inventive forms of torture and execution—flaying, burning, boiling, the brazen bull, the boats, the rats... Our torturers are well-experienced, your radiance. And as for their families, their brothers and sons will be publicly crucified, and their wives and daughters given to the soldiers to be used as they please."

> I will offer you one final choice. Renounce Suial and recognize me as the rightful king, and you will face a swift end by beheading—a merciful death, by my decree. Or maintain your loyalty to your fallen king, and suffer the torments he would have devised for traitors.
> Execute them publicly, employing methods Suial would have used to instill fear. However, their families will be spared. This kingdom has seen enough bloodshed of the innocent.
> Carry out their executions publicly, using the methods of Suial to maintain a semblance of continuity in punishment. Extend the punishment to their families as well, to prevent any future plots of vengeance. This harsh measure ensures no threads are left to unravel our fragile peace.
> Imprison them in the dungeons, subjecting them to the same gruesome tortures Suial favored. They will live every moment in agony, a drawn-out death befitting their crime.
> They will meet their end in the arena, not as honored gladiators but as men condemned to die by beast or blade. This spectacle, part of the grand tournament I will soon announce, will demonstrate the fate of traitors and entertain the masses.
> I will offer you one final choice. Renounce Suial and recognize me as the rightful king, and you will face a swift end by beheading—a merciful death, by my decree. Or maintain your loyalty to your fallen king, and suffer the torments he would have devised for traitors.
I’d hate for us to turn into Suial 2.0.
>> Carry out their executions publicly, using the methods of Suial to maintain a semblance of continuity in punishment. Extend the punishment to their families as well, to prevent any future plots of vengeance. This harsh measure ensures no threads are left to unravel our fragile peace.
>> They will meet their end in the arena, not as honored gladiators but as men condemned to die by beast or blade. This spectacle, part of the grand tournament I will soon announce, will demonstrate the fate of traitors and entertain the masses.
> Carry out their executions publicly, using the methods of Suial to maintain a semblance of continuity in punishment. Extend the punishment to their families as well, to prevent any future plots of vengeance. This harsh measure ensures no threads are left to unravel our fragile peace.
> I will offer you one final choice. Renounce Suial and recognize me as the rightful king, and you will face a swift end by beheading—a merciful death, by my decree. Or maintain your loyalty to your fallen king, and suffer the torments he would have devised for traitors.
>To make my first public appearance since ascending the throne, I’ll take to the arena and personally strike each of you down. You wanted to try to kill me didn’t you? Try your best to put on a good show of it.
Our nameless MC is apparently strong enough to fight past an entire palace guard so as I’ve estimated before I’m assuming he’s around Conan-tier when it comes to a fight. I don’t see much of a problem taking out these jokers and showing off at the same time.
It can be a gauntlet where we kill the would-be assassins one at a time. They’d get weapons and a fair chance of it, so we can publicly demonstrate our strength with confidence.
Switching to this
What do I know of cultured ways, the gilt, the craft, and the lie
I, who was born in a naked land and bred in the open sky
The subtle tongue, the sophist guile, they fail when the broadswords sing
Rush in and die, dogs – I was a man before I was a king
Excellent quote

I also think we could talk to the shady priest guy later to see if he would gin up some hype, something like “the results of the battle reveal the will of the gods”. We can probably get the masses solidly on our side doing this.
>> Carry out their executions publicly, using the methods of Suial to maintain a semblance of continuity in punishment. Extend the punishment to their families as well, to prevent any future plots of vengeance. This harsh measure ensures no threads are left to unravel our fragile peace.
Switching to this.
Based, I was going to vote for gladiatorial execution already, but the Conan-style write-in has it from me.
> Carry out their executions publicly, using the methods of Suial to maintain a semblance of continuity in punishment. Extend the punishment to their families as well, to prevent any future plots of vengeance. This harsh measure ensures no threads are left to unravel our fragile peace.
> Carry out their executions publicly, using the methods of Suial to maintain a semblance of continuity in punishment. Extend the punishment to their families as well, to prevent any future plots of vengeance. This harsh measure ensures no threads are left to unravel our fragile peace.
It's too early to go full suial
A king personally killing his assassins in a gauntlet of duels sounds kino as fuck, you have my support.
Killing them in the arena is really the best option
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"To make my first public appearance since ascending the throne, I’ll take to the arena and personally strike each of you down," you declare, determining the fate of the assassins, choosing your own form of punishment over what the old tyrant might have favored. "You wanted to try to kill me, didn’t you? Try your best to put on a good show of it."
"Is that wise, your radiance, to risk your own safety to punish such filth?" the palace guard commander asks softly, concern lacing his voice.
"You have seen me fight," you reply coolly, reminding him of how you effortlessly cut through Suial's royal guards, "Do you honestly believe I shall be in any danger from these men?"
The guard commander shakes his head, conceding the point. "No, I do not believe so. But still, should I have them drugged before the fight, or perhaps ensure they are given dull weapons?"
"No, treat them well. Feed them, bathe them, and arm them with the finest weapons they request," you instruct calmly. "It will make no difference in the arena."
You were a man before you were a king, and the feel of a sword in your hand is more familiar than the weight of a crown. Recalling the high priest’s tales of grand gladiatorial tournaments—blood sports meant to honor the gods and entertain the masses—you aim to give them a spectacle unlike any before: their new king, personally killing those who dared to challenge his ascendancy.
After deciding the fate of the prisoners, you retreat to the royal bath for a moment of solitude, a rare chance to relax and clear your mind. As you sink into the warm waters, a guard hesitantly approaches, recalling the old customs. "Would you like to summon one of your concubines to join you, as was the previous king’s custom?"

> Lana the green-eyed concubine, with her keen insight and quiet strength, the first concubine to share your bed and the one who urged you to seize the throne.
> Jocasta the widowed queen, whose mature wisdom and regal bearing always seem to bring a sense of stability.
> Inaja the dusky-skinned concubine, whose understanding of the kingdom's religious and political climate could prove enlightening even in such a private setting.
> A blonde foreign concubine, draped in jewels and silk, who admits openly that she prefers the harem's decadence to starving on the streets and wishes to remain in the palace as your concubine.
> A red-haired concubine, once the daughter of a prominent merchant before Suial claimed her.
> A beardless boy. trained to sexually pleasure the old tyrant.
> A concubine who has her back scarred by whips, marked by Suial's cruelty after a failed escape attempt.
> A once-proud warrior woman reduced to a slave concubine, her spirit dulled by years of captivity in Suial's harem.
> A mute concubine, her tongue removed by the old tyrant.
> Write In
>> A once-proud warrior woman reduced to a slave concubine, her spirit dulled by years of captivity in Suial's harem.
Make a new friend, maybe practice with her before the tournament
> Inaja the dusky-skinned concubine, whose understanding of the kingdom's religious and political climate could prove enlightening even in such a private setting.
More info please.
>Inaja the dusky-skinned concubine, whose understanding of the kingdom's religious and political climate could prove enlightening even in such a private setting.
>> Jocasta the widowed queen, whose mature wisdom and regal bearing always seem to bring a sense of stability.
Incest time
> A red-haired concubine, once the daughter of a prominent merchant before Suial claimed her.

I like redheads
+1, Redhair has always been a sign of Royalty

That & I want to leave it up to the QM which one he wants to write about
>> A red-haired concubine, once the daughter of a prominent merchant before Suial claimed her.
>> A beardless boy. trained to sexually pleasure the old tyrant
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You decide to summon the red-haired concubine, once the daughter of a prominent merchant before Suial claimed her. She lived a comfortable life before being pulled into the old tyrant's harem. "So you've chosen to stay in the harem, rather than returning to your family," you observe, recalling her previous uncertainty about whether to remain or leave.
She nods, her expression resolute. "I chose to stay and serve you, your radiance." You aren't surprised by her decision. When she entered the harem, she was an untouched virgin, a young woman with prospects, but the old tyrant deflowered and defiled her. She has changed, no longer the person who first entered the harem, and returning to her former life is no longer a simple or appealing option. Moreover, despite her family's wealth, the stain of the old tyrant's violations has tarnished her desirability as a highborn bride, leaving her unlikely to reclaim the life that might have been hers had the old man never selected her for his harem. Thus, she has chosen to embrace the life she knows now.
Her garments fall to the floor as she steps gracefully into the bath. She lathers herself with soap before joining you, her movements deliberate and practiced, as she washes your body with hers. After the washing, you enter her, making her gasp. You claim her thoroughly, as with Lana and Jocasta, each moment with her another assertion of your dominance over what once belonged to Suial. Her responses—each breath and moan—underscore your conquest over the old tyrant. Soon, you finish inside her and she cleans you once more.
"Did you perform this duty for the old tyrant as well?" you inquire, relaxing in the bath beside her. "Yes, often," she admits quietly. "Whenever he bathed, he would have one or more of us attend him in this manner."
"I see," you reply, your tone cooling as your distaste for the old tyrant deepens. Suial lived a life of decadence, indulging his every whim while his people suffered and starved. You promise yourself anew: your rule will be different. Your mind then turns to how you might utilize the red-haired concubine's talents in ways Suial never considered. Perhaps she could offer insights into the kingdom’s economy or its gladiatorial tournaments, leveraging her merchant family background. Such knowledge could prove invaluable in strengthening the kingdom beyond the confines of the palace walls.

> You inquire about the kingdom's economy, seeking her insights on trade and commerce given her merchant family background.
> You ask her about the gladiatorial tournaments, curious about her perspective on their impact on the populace and potential for reform.
> You seek her assessment of the royal treasury's current state and how it might be better managed.
> You discuss potential improvements in trade relations with neighboring kingdoms, leveraging her understanding of merchant dynamics.
Oh good, I was getting worried that another promising quest died im the crib.
> You seek her assessment of the royal treasury's current state and how it might be better managed.
Mainly tax collection, accounting and such.
>You inquire about the kingdom's economy, seeking her insights on trade and commerce given her merchant family background.
> You inquire about the kingdom's economy, seeking her insights on trade and commerce given her merchant family background.
>You seek her assessment of the royal treasury's current state and how it might be better managed.
Purchasing power is the main factor in how well off people are, & we're already rich. Improve trade & ensure the quality of our currency to help the common man.
You inquire about the kingdom's economy, seeking her insights on trade and commerce given her merchant family background. "I understand you come from a merchant family. Share with me your insights on the kingdom's economic landscape."
She takes a moment, clearly appreciating the opportunity to discuss something beyond her role as a slave concubine in the harem. "You've inherited a rich kingdom, your radiance. However, its wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few—the Blood, the lesser nobility, and the great merchants."
"Your father belongs to this third group, doesn't he? One of the great merchants?" you probe, wanting to understand her personal connection to the economic structure.
"Yes, he ranks just below the Blood and the lesser nobility," she confirms with a nod. "His wealth comes from trading spices and slaves."
The irony of her statement doesn't escape you—her father, a merchant dealing in human lives, and she herself ended up as a commodity in Suial's harem. "Your father is a slaver?"
She lowers her eyes, the admission heavy on her lips. "Yes. He kept his own harem of slave concubines, some as young as I once was. I confess, I looked down on them, scorned them, treated them cruelly, never imagining I would share their fate as an old man’s plaything."
It's a cruel twist of fate, reminding you again of the unpredictable nature of life. Now, as king, you muse whether destiny holds more surprises for you. But there's no time to dwell on the hypothetical—there are immediate issues to address. "How is tax collected in this kingdom?"
"Taxes are levied on property, houses, slaves, livestock, wine, and even hay," she explains. "Wealthier citizens also face liturgies—mandatory contributions for public works like the maintenance of the gladiatorial arena. Additionally, a direct tax is sometimes levied on the very rich, but it's only imposed in times of dire need, usually during war."
"All these taxes, yet they fill the coffers of the Blood and the royal treasury," you comment dryly, thinking of the lavish lifestyle Suial enjoyed while his people suffered. "It's a strange kingdom indeed that I have claimed."
"Do you plan to implement reforms, your radiance?" she asks, her voice laced with a mix of curiosity and calculation as she desires to rise beyond her current station as a slave concubine.
"Yes, in due time," you respond as you rise from the bath. "But first, I have business in the arena."

> Discuss with the palace guard commander the organization of gladiatorial fights and how Suial did them.
> Consult with Lana, the green-eyed concubine, for her insights on the gladiatorial contests, given her sharp intellect.
> Talk to Jocasta, the widowed queen, keeping her informed, something her husband never did.
> Speak with Inaja, the dusky-skinned concubine, about the cultural and religious implications of the gladiatorial fights.
> Summon the high priest to discuss the gladiatorial games.
I kinda want all of these... none of them stand out but none of them are irrelevant. Maybe meet the men then the women?
>Summon the high priest to discuss the gladiatorial games.
He can be the hype-man, maybe frame it as a sacrifice to the war-god and "trial by combat" justification of rule.
>Consult with Lana, the green-eyed concubine, for her insights on the gladiatorial contests, given her sharp intellect.
>Talk to Jocasta, the widowed queen, keeping her informed, something her husband never did.
I feel like we can quickly do both.
>Summon the high priest to discuss the gladiatorial games
+1, but first tell our harem so they can attend

>Summon the high priest to discuss the gladiatorial games.

>Talk to Jocasta, the widowed queen, keeping her informed, something her husband never did.
> Consult with Lana, the green-eyed concubine, for her insights on the gladiatorial contests, given her sharp intellect.
> Summon the high priest to discuss the gladiatorial games.
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After bathing and dressing, you summon the high priest to discuss the upcoming gladiatorial games. The portly, obsequious man is promptly escorted to the palace. His ample form struggles slightly as he nears, the plush white robes swaying with each labored step. "You wished to see me, your worship?"
"Yes," you confirm, your posture regal as you sit on the throne that once belonged to the old tyrant, King Suial the Third. Lana, the green-eyed concubine who first urged you to claim this seat and was the first to share your bed after Suial's demise, sits at your feet, mirroring her former position under Suial. Jocasta, the widow of the former king, occupies a seat of honor nearby, her presence now acknowledged and respected, contrasting with her previous years of neglect during her husband's rule. "I intend to hold a spectacle in the arena today," you announce, your voice resonating with authority. "I seek your counsel on how we might lend religious weight to the event."
"I am honored to serve, your worship," the high priest replies, his voice dripping with deference. He remains a master of sycophancy, eager to align with the new power as seamlessly as he had with the old. "You might command slave gladiators to battle to the death in honor of Polemos, may he strengthen our kingdom in times of war. Or perhaps, slave children could be released to face starving dogs, a blood offering to appease Cerberus. The old king... the tyrant, he took great delight in such displays."
"I intend to enter the arena myself to personally deliver justice to those who conspired against me to kill me," you state calmly, your voice cutting through the air like a blade. Yet, you ponder his suggestions. Religion has always been used as a tool to manipulate the masses effectively, and wielding it skillfully could stabilize your rule, making the high priest a valuable tool.
"The king himself executing conspirators," the high priest murmurs, initially taken aback, then swiftly slipping back into his sycophantic manner. "Polemos will be most honored, your worship! The divine judgment enacted by their anointed sovereign—a spectacle that will undoubtedly be remembered throughout history!"

> Order the high priest to proclaim the event as divine retribution, ordained by the gods against any who would defy their anointed sovereign's will.
> Consult Lana for her insights on making the event more impactful, recognizing her sharp intelligence and proven loyalty to you.
> Request Jocasta's public blessing before the event, as her support will not only honor her status but also strengthen your legitimacy as the rightful ruler.
> Invite influential nobles and merchants to view the spectacle, using it as an opportunity to secure political alliances and demonstrate your power.
> Incorporate traditional religious ceremonies into the event, elevating its importance and aligning it with the kingdom’s cultural practices.
> Consult Lana for her insights on making the event more impactful, recognizing her sharp intelligence and proven loyalty to you.
>Consult Lana for her insights on making the event more impactful, recognizing her sharp intelligence and proven loyalty to you.
> Consult Lana for her insights on making the event more impactful, recognizing her sharp intelligence and proven loyalty to you.
> Request Jocasta's public blessing before the event, as her support will not only honor her status but also strengthen your legitimacy as the rightful ruler.
> Invite influential nobles and merchants to view the spectacle, using it as an opportunity to secure political alliances and demonstrate your power.
> Incorporate traditional religious ceremonies into the event, elevating its importance and aligning it with the kingdom’s cultural practices.
All of these are very important in my opinion.
>Divine Retribution
>Public Blessing
>Invite & Demonstrate
>Traditional Ceremonies
Although we should make it clear that the only human lives to be sacrificed are to be the captured assassins.
>Incorporate traditional religious ceremonies into the event, elevating its importance and aligning it with the kingdom’s cultural practices.
Divine retribution prompt feels too over the top. Divinity should be shown by the rituals and our actions, not the words of a hollow priest. Also why not ask Lana what she thinks?

I think we agree that it should be a legitimizing spectacle though.
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"What do you think?" you consult Lana for her insights on making the event more impactful, recognizing her sharp intelligence and proven loyalty to you.
"The common people love spectacles, your radiance," the green-eyed concubine replies from her place at your feet, mirroring her position under Suial. The old tyrant saw her as a mere ornament, flaunting her scantily clad beauty to assert his power, wealth, and sexual virility before the court. But you have a different reason for having her by your side. Lana is clever and perceptive, always keenly observing and listening, even during Suial's reign. "Blood sports in the arena distract them from the kingdom's inequalities and injustices, making them more compliant. By executing the conspirators in the arena, you will demonstrate your strength to the commoners, affirm your divine right to rule through conquest, and deter future rebels."
"Your thinking aligns with mine," you nod in appreciation. Though born a peasant, Lana's cunning surpasses that of many seasoned courtiers. "But even then, some will still see me as an illegitimate ruler, clinging to the belief that the old tyrant was divine. Do you have any suggestions on how to make the event even more impactful?"
Lana glances at the portly high priest and responds, "Incorporating traditional religious ceremonies will enhance the event's significance and align it with our cultural practices. But I presume you are already aware of that, your radiance; you wouldn't have summoned the high priest of Polemos otherwise."
"Indeed," you agree. "Suial and his ancestors wielded religion and the myth of divine blood to manipulate the masses. By establishing myself as the rightful ruler anointed by Polemos, I can exorcise the old tyrant's lingering influence. But I'm unsure if the words of a hollow priest will suffice to break Suial's hold on the kingdom."
"It will be enough, your radiance," Lana counters. "The common people 'want' to believe in the gods. They would rather see you as the divinely blessed ruler than believe in a prophecy that foretells the kingdom's collapse with Sumdaq's line ending. Hope is stronger than fear, your radiance. It's what sustains commoners like me through unspeakable humiliations and indignities."
"Did you attend any of the previous gladiatorial tournaments at the arena?" you ask, curious.
"I have, your radiance," Lana responds quietly. "The old king liked to be orally pleasured while he watched men fight to the death."
"I see," you grimace. The more you learn about the old tyrant, the more your disgust for him grows. You're truly glad you share none of his blood and that his monstrous lineage has ended with him.

> Ask Lana if any non-lethal spectacles or events are popular in the arena.
> Seek her insights on what elements of the tournaments most excite the audience.
> Inquire if there were any specific religious rituals or ceremonies held before the games.
> Seek her insights on what elements of the tournaments most excite the audience.
> Inquire if there were any specific religious rituals or ceremonies held before the games
Been busy QM?

>Captcha: DAKA
How curious.
>Been busy QM?
You have no idea
>Ask Lana if any non-lethal spectacles or events are popular in the arena.

> Seek her insights on what elements of the tournaments most excite the audience.
>> Seek her insights on what elements of the tournaments most excite the audience.
>Pacific Rituals & Non-Lethal Games
You seek her insights on what elements of the tournaments most excite the audience. "You've witnessed tournaments in the arena before. Tell me, what aspects of these events most thrill the spectators?"
"The sight of blood, your radiance," the green-eyed concubine responds softly. "The arena hosts more than just gladiatorial combat. There are foot races, jumping competitions, discus and javelin throws, wrestling, pentathlons, and chariot races. There are even erotic spectacles where barbarian women are displayed in mating rituals, which are particularly popular among men. But nothing electrifies the crowd like battles to the death, whether between slave gladiators or between humans and beasts."
Her response confirms the brutal nature of the entertainment that stirs the public's bloodlust. But death and blood have been constant companions in your journey to power, and in many ways, they weigh less heavily on you than the crown you wrested from the old tyrant.
As you prepare for the battle, the sword in your grip feels significantly lighter than the crown. You adjust your grip, feeling the balance and weight of the blade, an extension of your own will. You're calm, centered, as if stepping into battle is returning home rather than marching into a pit designed for spectacle.
As you stride into the arena, the crowd erupts, the sound of their cheers vibrating through the massive structure. Thousands of voices chant your name, a rhythmic, thunderous echo that fills the air with anticipation and excitement. The high priest, ever the sycophant, amplifies the spectacle with his grandiloquent declarations. "Behold your rightful king! The anointed sovereign of Polemos himself! To defy him is to defy the gods! The punishment is death and eternal damnation in Tartarus!"
You can't help but chuckle at the theatrical absurdity of his proclamations. Religion, you know, thrives on grandeur—the bolder the claim, the more fervently the masses cling to belief. It's a tool, much like the sword in your hand, used to shape the world to your will.
And today, under the scorching sun and the eyes of thousands, every soul in the arena believes you to be their king, their divine champion. The power of belief is palpable, almost electric, and as you raise your sword, acknowledging their cheers, you feel not just the weight of the crown, but the power it bestows.
Standing in the center of the arena at that moment, for the first time in your life—you feel like a king.

> You fight all the prisoners simultaneously.
> You confront each prisoner individually in a relentless gauntlet.
>You confront each prisoner individually in a relentless gauntlet.
Wouldn't want to end it too quickly
>You confront each prisoner individually in a relentless gauntlet.
We’re already doing more than most kings would by fighting them at all. No need to put ourselves at even more risk.

> You confront each prisoner individually in a relentless gauntlet
>> You confront each prisoner individually in a relentless gauntlet.
> You confront each prisoner individually in a relentless gauntlet.
1 at a time
You decide to confront each prisoner individually in a relentless gauntlet. The prisoners were provided with any weapons or armor they requested, yet now, none seem eager to face you. The arena buzzes with tension, the crowd eagerly anticipating the carnage.
You stare them down calmly, "I killed Suial the Third, your so-called god-king! This is your chance to avenge your god! Come at me!" Eventually, the most fervent believer, the conspirator who spat at your feet during the interrogation, charges at you with an axe, shouting, "For the blood of Sumdaq-"
You sidestep his wild swing and with one clean stroke, sever his hand. The axe clatters to the scorched earth of the arena, his blood spurting in a crimson arc.
The assassin stares at his bloody stump, dumbfounded and silent. You give him a brief moment to comprehend his fate, and then with another swift swing, you decapitate him, his head rolling away.
The crowd erupts in a deafening roar, "Rex! Rex! Rex!" acknowledging you as their king in their native tongue.
Another prisoner, emboldened by a misguided sense of duty, steps forward with a spear. He thrusts at you with all his might, but you deflect the blow with your sword and riposte, slashing his thigh. He staggers, trying to stay upright as blood pours from his wound. You press the attack, knocking the spear aside and plunging your blade into his chest. He falls to the ground, gasping his final breaths.
Before you can catch your breath, another assailant lunges at you with a pair of daggers. He is quick, darting in and out with rapid strikes. But you focus, channeling your precision. You parry his next flurry of attacks, and with a powerful kick, send him sprawling. As he tries to rise, you drive your sword through his heart, ending his struggle.
The fourth prisoner, a burly man wielding a mace, advances cautiously. He swings the heavy weapon with deadly force, but you dance around his attacks, your agility proving superior to his brute strength. You exploit his overextension, stepping inside his guard and slashing across his midsection. He groans, dropping the mace as he clutches the bloody gut wound. With a final, decisive strike, you finish him off.
The arena is filled with the smell of blood and sweat, the crowd's chants growing louder and more frenzied with each death. "Rex! Rex! Rex!" they shout.

> You swiftly dispatch the remaining prisoners, each falling to your blade in rapid succession.
> You toy with the prisoners, prolonging their suffering for the bloodthirsty crowd's enjoyment, like a cat toying with cornered mice.
> You grant the prisoners a chance to fight back, only to crush their hopes with merciless precision.
> You grant the prisoners a chance to fight back, only to crush their hopes with merciless precision.
> You grant the prisoners a chance to fight back, only to crush their hopes with merciless precision.
>> You grant the prisoners a chance to fight back, only to crush their hopes with merciless precision.
"Come at me, all of you!" you roar, challenging the prisoners to face you together, intent on proving your might against overwhelming odds.
It's a calculated move. The first four men you killed in the gauntlet were the most skilled and dangerous fighters, convinced they had a chance against you. The remaining prisoners are old men, green boys, and cowards who were never a threat. By allowing them to attack simultaneously, you grant them a false hope, only to crush it with merciless precision.
They rush at you in a chaotic frenzy, but you are prepared. One by one, the men who conspired to assassinate you fall under your blade. Your movements are fluid, each strike precise and lethal. The crowd's roar grows louder with each fallen prisoner.
Finally, only one remains. A wiry young man with a glint of religious madness in his eyes steps forward, wielding a scimitar. He moves with a predator's grace, circling you, searching for an opening. He darts in, slashing at you, his attacks quick and calculated.
The fight becomes a blur of clashing steel and swift footwork. But you remain focused, unshaken. You feint to the left, drawing him in, then pivot and strike low. Your sword slices through his leg, bringing him to his knees.
Desperation fills his eyes as he swings wildly, his movements fueled by frantic energy. You calmly evade his attacks, watching as his strength wanes. With a final, powerful blow, you decapitate him, the last of your challengers falling lifeless to the ground.
The crowd erupts in a raucous cheer, "Rex! Rex! Rex!" They acknowledge you as the rightful king, their belief in your rule solidified by the spectacle of blood and death. You stand victorious in the center of the arena, the weight of the crown now feeling lighter than ever. You are the king, and at this moment, it feels as if you were always destined to be.

> End of Chapter II
> You celebrate your victory in the harem, summoning Queen Jocasta to your bed, with the hope of fathering an heir for the throne.
> You celebrate your victory in the harem, inviting Lana to your bed as a reward for her counsel before the fight.
> You celebrate your victory in the harem, calling for Inaja to join you in bed, asserting your claim over another of the old tyrant’s concubines.
> You celebrate your victory in the harem, beckoning the red-haired concubine to your bed, seeking both pleasure and a discussion about the kingdom's finances.
> You celebrate your victory in the harem, summoning a new concubine, eager to assert your dominance and enjoy the spoils of your rule.
>You celebrate your victory in the harem, summoning Queen Jocasta to your bed, with the hope of fathering an heir for the throne.
>You celebrate your victory in the harem, summoning Queen Jocasta to your bed, with the hope of fathering an heir for the throne.

As an aside not that I want to add sister-slamming to our potential mother-fucking, we heard Suial killed his sons but I would think that he'd have had a few daughters before he got killed. Did they flee the palace? Maybe a noble family secretly gave them refuge to keep in their back-pocket in case they want to have a claim to the throne later?
>> You celebrate your victory in the harem, summoning Queen Jocasta to your bed, with the hope of fathering an heir for the throne.
>> You celebrate your victory in the harem, summoning a new concubine, eager to assert your dominance and enjoy the spoils of your rule.
>Lana & Inaja
>> You celebrate your victory in the harem, summoning Queen Jocasta to your bed, with the hope of fathering an heir for the throne.
QM... you okay buddy?
Hopefully he's just really busy again, it'd be a shame for this quest to die prematurely.
Really busy right now but hoping to start Chapter III soon

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