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A grand new age of galactic civilization is upon us. Waystations scattered throughout the void between stars and civilized systems have created highways through the great dark. Curiosities, precious materials, weapons, drugs and trade goods of all kinds flow back and forth through the stars, traded hand to hand. Unfortunately this has given rise to a new menace, void pirates! Assaulting ships through deception or raw force these criminals steal ships, cargo, and even the passengers themselves, supporting a growing blackmarket among the stars where anything is for sale. The impact is felt almost immediately on the open market, with a noticeable drop in the profits made by all nations, but especially those of a more mercantile persuasion.
The surge of wealth has led to a dramatic surge in the capability of all nations as well, with each being able to complete one bonus basic building action each cycle. Even more isolated worlds have benefited from the surge of wealth, reaping the benefit from tacit snooping on the Scretnet to acquire improved construction techniques and strategies. The universe surges forward, growing ever more settled by the moment.
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A growing concern of nations across the galaxy is the slow transformation of demographics. Alien investors, tourists, pilgrims, converts, and even simple job seekers are showing up all across the galaxy. Are Xeno allowed to own businesses? Marry locals? Own homes and property? Wander past the boundaries of the space ports themselves? In just a few cycles There may be ‘Xeno’ who were born and raised on the planet, what of them? Are they allowed political office?
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Welcome back to Space Game NRP! We’re currently full on players! Updates are on Sundays usually and I try to start writing them on Fridays. 2 Actions per turn, plus 1 Basic Building Action, so simple factories, farms, mines, etc. There are lots of details on the SHEET!: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pga7xuLjf7-hUDuQH73ie0MZndbkjoLnQsbJM4-Czmk/edit?usp=sharing

There’s also the Big Book of Murder, full of all of the entirely too complicated combat rules! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1LWthzbbusItZkw4sYdmMDbm5nR0-JDNrZfdnCA6geDY/edit?usp=sharing

16, 5 (size 5 hab 5 planet): Aetheria

A planet full of floating, blimp-like creatures, the aerial environment of this world is chock full of drifting passive life.

Named Aetheria, for the bright sky, this world is quickly overrun by frenzied settlers who, in a hypnotically altered haze, reproduce the planet near to bursting within only a few short decades.

The growth rate of the concord is getting a little too high.

16, 6 (size 4 hab 5 planet): Fomoria

Full of giants, this world is a wondrous thing. These subjects are primitive and likely ripe for exploitation. We shall build our colonies rather away from their main settlements, for now. We have little time to spend on their primitive, uneducated childish nonsense.

The additions of these rich new worlds to the Concord are a phenomenal boon to the various magical peoples that have developed.

Once a fairly homogenous society for many hundreds of years, the vast explosion in population has lead to different subcultures and identities springing up, particularly on the newer colonies of the Concord.

The worlds of Pendulum and Rhea are risen up in status for their contributions, others possibly soon to join them in influence.
Odd branches of magic may be practiced there, by less crankly, though more rebellious and streetwise young mages who like to put hypnotic graffiti everywhere and rebel against the system, man.

Action 1: Construct an Arcana of Diarch-Class Voidtowers

Component layout
¿0?: Extradimensional Interiors
1: Grailstone Crown
2: Grailstone Crown
3: Forcefields
4: Forcefields

After countless years of development and several setbacks, we are ready to construct the first fully armed, fully equipped, fully staffed battletowers.

Each ship contains hilarious amounts of arcane firepower and is able to soak up dizzying amounts of force, these craft will defend us against any threat, real or imagined.
With their extradimensional interiors, far more components and ritual devices may be installed than otherwise would be possible. The twin magicite forcefield generators protect the craft and its occupants, while the twinned grailstone crowns allow for the instant eradication of any threat from the face of the galaxy.

Tremble, ye insects, for the Concord is rising in strength.

Action 2: Expand to 15, 6

More land! More planets! More resources!
Our Omnifarious desires must be met!

Go out into the galaxy and take all there is to take, and claim all there is to claim, and do not ever ever stop!

We want more!

Action 3: Magicite mine (16, 5)

Our recent investing in Voidtowers has lead to a collapse in our magicite stores. Luckily, this newly unveiled magicite vein on this barren world is exactly what we need.

Extraction operations are to begin immediately, with casketloads of valuable gemstones to be hauled by semi sentient golems towards the grand cities on Pendulum and Tellurian for processing.
Name system 16, 06 “Orphos”
Name system 15, 06 “Megistus”
>Ringworld Action Redemption: Maintenance Droid Programming Studies
The 'Clicks', the former Maintenance-droids so-called by the native populous met aboard the Dachtylidi Ringworld, are seen by the Wolarians as an essential aspect of the puzzle of the place. Since their deterioration and independence is seen as a partial aspect of the calamity that befell the Archeotech Megastructure, perhaps learning how they work upon a fundamental level would allow League personnel to take control of their units, perhaps even return them to their original repair protocols and safeguard against the further deterioration of the Ringworld structure?

>Action 1: Explore (18,6)
The last of the stellar systems around our homeworld shall be explored, claimed, and hopefully in good order soon colonised to ensure a safer perimeter.

>Action 2: Explore (and Colonise) Telma (19,9)
When their world had barely been settled, the researchers of Ellinikon detected signs of movement from the neighbouring system, as if starships of some unknown kind had been scouting through the orbits. But nothing ever came of such developments, no further Xenoforms were detected moving in the system, and the League's attentions were distracted onto other matters for a galactic moment.

However, the use of the Solinas device by the ancient and powerful Tellurians has somewhat changed matters, for one of the pair of systems targeted lies very close. And so, the League of Aetha moves to take possession of the system lying between themselves and on the plotted impact point. The small Garden-World (moon) is given the name 'Telma', and settled by Wolarians.

>Bonus Basic Building Action: Blue Crystal Extraction on Kataklysmos (19,9)
With the peaceful, marshy garden moon of Telma to base themselves upon, mining for the valuable Blue Crystals on the violently unstable planet below is seen as somewhat more tenable then it would be if anyone actually had to live on that horrible planet themselves.
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Action 1: Research the Ultra-Relativistic Smart Electron Accelerator(URSEA) with Fulgoleum

The Sommet ASMGADU-8 studied the data from the latest reports on the Drya territory, as well as the information about the Ecruxians' mysterious foe. And then there was the reaction of the machine planet to some of these species to consider. 8 was rather unique amongst Cuboids, like most of the Sommet, in that it was very much present during the Awakening and knew of how violent organics could get. Indeed it was the very first Necker and had been the one to figure out most of the early applications of programmable matter in other areas of physics that 1 had trouble figuring out. It knew that organics and even other intelligent machines would oppose the Cuboids' goals or that they would potentially be a threat. These recent reports prove that.

So, it submitted a project to the Neckers, the Mengerists and the Hypercubes. They would design a weapon to outfit their vessels with, something that can efficiently kill organics and disable space vessels while ignoring conventional defenses.

The accelerator itself would be made of programmable matter with several rectangular sections programmed with high conductive and magnetic properties. Using 4-dimensional engineering the accelerator that will be embeded in the outer hull of the vessel and take unintuitive paths to the generator and particle source will still be capable of functionning as a standard relativistic linac. Fulgoleum will be used to furnish excessive power and integrated within the accelerator itself in order to make use of the electrons generated by the oil in the weapon. The accelerator's tube will be able to shift and move on command inside the vessel in the event that the sections compartmentalise themselves or change positions. The particles themselves will be fired from a rectangular tube extending from each of the six faces of the VOLUME vessel

Action 2: Build Metal mine on E1

Plans of a project were shared amongst Cuboids, a large computing unit made of programmable matter, one of unfathomable scale. To organics that is, to the Cuboids this was simply a large project. Unfortunately it required ressources they simply did not have, important heavy metals amongst them.

Build Action: Build Exaleipsite Factory(Sundries) on Size 1 Hab 3 world in system E0

Cuboids, despite their tireless nature, still require something to sustain them even if not as often as other machines or organics. The Project would require it as well. A special ultradense composite named Exaleipsite is created for this purpose and generates massive amounts of energy upon annihilation by a Cuboid. A factory is made on a small moon dubbed E2
(By the way, I'm putting all my luxuries into tech please)
With the exploration of the system in 14,10 showing little results a city is placed on the carbon dioxide covered moon to claim the territory as other projects take priority.

1. After a long time lingering the Rapid Evolution pods are used in their first test. Moil, the sole producer of Purple Oil in the Watch Way system is targeted for this test. A prepared evolution pod is released and allowed to grow to let new life, and research subjects, born onto the molten world.
2. An exploration fleet is sent to the star system of 11,11. Recent explorations have been disappointing to say the least and it is clear that there are more resources not yet found by the Drya.
Construction: In the 13,11 system, yet unnamed planet D, the yellow rock mines will be made by covering the craters to create sealed bases.
> Action 1
The Nivih continue investing in their infantry. A new component is created based on sunstone (yellowstone) it's goal is to increase the survivability of troops.

Boost their health and regeneration.

Note: Equip all armies with all 3 components. If any resource is missing for equipping them purchase using it culture for a 3culture to 1 resource exchange rate.

> Action 2 Expand

While our mulotimedia empire keeps growing our resources and land are becoming slim. it is time to the nivih to look into the deapths of uncharted space and claim more land.
>1 Expand
To go even further beyond! What new planets and resources and civ.s?

>2 set up mine for the yellow minerals in cube territory
He and I diplo’d this out. He should be getting a bluecrystal mine on my oceanic military world, which he'd need to setup. The deposit of yellow minerals should be somewhere in sector [12, 08]. Since he and I are supposed to be on friendly terms, I don’t feel the need to defend this mine, just to make an effort to mass transit its resources until it’s empty. These should be useful in creating more weightless farms!

More vortexes careen in from deep space into the skies above the badger world. We have observed them from afar, but have not made contact before now. The head crew of the arriving small fleet hails any receivers within the vicinity of their ships. The commander states that we come in peace, and wish to conduct cultural exchange, possibly even trade?
>fresh meat edition

>Begin assimilation of the Spriggans.
A species of collective consciousnessess.... Psychologists would have a field day unraveling the mind of Spriggan civilization. But the only mind games Scret enjoy playing is the one in which they convince people they need the things they're selling. Luckily, it seems that the bigger they are, the greedier they are. Our favorite kind of customers. Still, the biggest problem is traditionalist thinking. Those in power, especially if they've been there for a very long time, will be hard to convince and take advantage of. It's time for a little "ground floor" investment... Scour the planet and find a collective of low ranking Spriggans that harbor grudges and ambitions against the larger gestalts. We'll aid them in their quest for dominance, and in return they'll help us to "integrate" their people with the wider galactic community that is the Scret Syndicate.

>Begin rolling out hypergates in local space.
With the invention of hypergates, the galaxy grows smaller than ever. The Scret launch an ambitious project: The establishing of extensive trade networks that will span not only in their space, but soon into their neighbors as well. Construction begins in every habited system the Scret control to link their established colonies together. Perhaps with this as a proof of concept, and showing to the wider community how freely trade can truly flow, will they be open to the gate network's expansion.

With exploration of the new system, called the Llusernunig System, immediately some concern was raised over the parasitic creatures that were entering the industrial age. The entire planet would be off limits to anyone, much like the other worlds, however unlike the other words with native life, this world would be guarded more fiercely, for fear that the parasites might spread to the Fanwyic. However, the world would not be destroyed in a rash move. A method of observation for these primitive peoples was needed, though this could be worked upon soon enough. All that was needed was a bit of time and for the current experiments to wrap up.

>Action One. Blessed Steel-Red Powder Experiments.

With production of Blessed Steel slightly increased along with better techniques to apply it to the hull of our ships, a bit of work would be done to experiment with the material and how Red Powder reacts to it. Most importantly, if it was possible to already make the high quality and strength of Blessed Steel even more potent with this simple addition. How the two materials would react was unknown, and there was a bit of questioning as to if it would even work, but even if the Red Powder didn't mesh well with Blessed Steel, further tests could still be done to see it's performance with normal alloys and still find a way to enhance our vessels to be far more durable and capable of taking a hit or two.

>Action Two. The Iolo and Rhisiart Colonies.

With the exploration of the new system, the two worlds in the goldilocks zone would be colonized quickly. The smaller moon being known as the Rhisiart Colony while the larger world the Iolo Colony. The former named for a Scholar who was important for linguistics and learning the languages of the many other peoples of their home world while Iolo was key to the industrial revolution on Llychlyn. Already, plans were drawn up for the moon to become a research world while the larger planet became more industrialized. Though, both of course would be turned into lush worlds full of life sooner rather than later. While Iolo would likely be lacking in raw materials, it could still be utilized as a manufacturing hub, one that perhaps would be able to supply the refined materials that the labs of the Rhisiart Colony would need...
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>Pioneer: Name new system (8, 7) Tornado, settle 2nd planet (with Purple Oil).
The new system is dubbed Tornado for the 3 whirling worlds and their gravity storm. Ever in search of more Ichor, the 2nd world is an obvious choice for colonization, and it is a terraforming candidate as well.

>Diplo with Silkies at Tornado (8, 7). Negotiate a trade of 1 Tech for 0.5 Fuel and 0.5 Metal, supplying Orkan and enlightening the Moths.
While the Moths of Tornado are fascinating, they are an opportunity to intervene. After some attempts to communicate, Orkan asserts itself by hovering over one of their cities. After that they offer enlightenment in exchange for fuel and metal, preserving autonomy while advancing their knowledge.

>Negotiation at Nivih Embassy (7,8). Nivih Army serve for 2 Sundries/turn, enable hire 2nd army, colony in Ayden's Reach but provide 50% of Sundries output.
As the Nivih warriors come to renegotiate the contract, Orkan raises the pay in response to increased gear, as well as discuss hiring a 2nd army and the acquisition of a planet in Nivih space. The 2nd army can be hired for individual operations and the planet colony will provide 50% of Sundries output to the Nivih.

>Diplo with ICC at Groombridge 1618 (4, 8). Negotiated trade deal of 1 Tech from Orkan in exchange for 1 Metal from ICC.
While the Syklons are stationed in Groombridge, they witness strange golden ships. Contacting them to warn them they are informed of the supposed owners of Groombridge, the UN. While the golden ships provide no inroads with this UN, they are interested in a trade, but instead of Sundries they seek knowledge, while Orkan negotiates for Metal from them. This trade thus sets up a relation between Orkan and the ICC.

>Action 1: Settle 1st world (Sundries feature) in Ayden's Reach (11, 8) within Nivih space.
After negotiating with the Nivih, Orkan has secured colonization rights on a world in Ayden's Reach, extending Orkan's reach. Orkan quickly set about colonizing the world, so terraforming may commence.

>Action 2: Rise of Los Path, a militant order of organics arise around Verk J'tuun, starting to compete with the Ultima Engines in space military theory.
Laain J'tuun always had a military component, ever since their origins as the waykeepers of the sacred paths. Their symbol is a spearhead atop lines representing the many pilgrim paths that ran across their former Laainland. Under Orkan they weren't satisfied with comforts, they wanted purpose, so threw themselves into military development. But now that Verk J'tuun rises in prominence, it attracts other organics, not just Fenriks but Lindwyrm as well. This gives rise to Los Path, who take a more active role in expanding across the cosmos, studying the various doctrines and tactics involved in space combat and discussing it with each other. Thus despite being of limited computational power, they can think of novel strategies which is something Ultima Engines struggle with.
The Crith Concordat fell into deep consideration. The efforts of C-Marines against Hidden Crith-Eaters with Excrucian Crith-Eaters had revealed that the Crith-Eater threat was astronomical in scale. Therefore, the Crith required astronomical measures to protect Crithkind. The C-Crushers which had failed to secure the continued survival of Crith must be overhauled! The C-Crushers must be destroyed, rebuilt, and destroyed again! And again, and again, and again, until Crith Coordinators were certain of the C-Crusher's competence!

>Action #1: Queue research to improve C-Crusher Plates, adding +2 defense

Qualified C-Scientists determined that there was too little territory for Crith to continue to expand. This was a significant danger to Crith! If the population of Crith is not expanding, that must mean it is retracting, which must mean it is being eaten! Hidden Crith-Eaters are concealed among Crith, waiting for the opportunity to strike! Fuzzikin Crith-Eaters are preparing an armada of terrifying weapons to boil Crith and consume millions of Crith! Almost one-fifth of Crith Coordinators have allowed the treacherous Dream Dust to dull their survival instincts as often as once per month, and their guidance can no longer be trusted!

A new generation of Crith needs to escape whils there is still time! The survival of Crith demands nothing less!

>Action #2: Launch a random expansion

The Crith Concordat had found significant gain in tricking certain, less threatening Crith-Eater species into delaying their efforts to consume Crith. So far, this had led to the emergence of more sophisticated barter between Crith, but further benefits were imminent. The swift motion of materials according to the Scret Crith-Eater law of "supply and demand" allowed Crith to considerably speed construction! This was a relief to the Crith, and allowed them to commence mining operations on Crithseis Secondary! Once C-Refineries were in full swing, the industrial needs of the Crith Concordat would be secured!

>Basic Action: Build one mine on the metal-rich planet in the Crithseis system, or Crithseis Secondary.
Council Meeting Agenda CR-6
Item 1- Formation of CT units (counter tourism)
Item 2 - Large number of requests for food shipments form cirthian marines
item 3 - overload of food system servers, see item 2 for cause
item 4 - organization of study of the golden ships
item 5 - next year's research budget
item 6 - first contact with possible enemy
item 7 - meal break
item 8 - possibility of a hostile diety
item 9 - reaching out to the tellurians
item 10 - severance for cirthian marines

A loud bang echoed throughout the chambers. One of the councilors had banged his fist down on the table. The councilor of exploration stood with an angry scowl growing across his face
"this is trite and nonsense! we have endless specialists far more qualified on these subjects, why must we spend our days bickering over the most important topics?"

Silence filled the chamber. His feelings were not unique or new. Many of the councilors themselves held no desire for this job. They had been dragged away from their individualized fields such as horticulture, martial arts, or space exploration to fill a seat in an otherwise unimportant room. Those assembled were neither the brightest nor the most adaptable in their disciplines.

"Because the first council deemed it so"
A soft voice floated back. Councilor of sciences. Her name was give up just as his had been when he was assigned to the post. He snorted while tendrils flared out like an angry octopus.
"such fools! blinded by their own self importance in the face of a global crisis!"
"indeed, yet we cannot forget that it was their wisdom, patience and analysis which drove us through the implosion crisis. Without the council we would have continued infighting, our species would have surely died"
He said nothing for a moment then spoke in a much smaller voice. It was amplified by his data pad to the same sound as his booming complaint which had started this discussion.
"We should have dissolved this organization yesterday"
She sighed quietly. "It will be done as soon as it is possible. Once the enemy is defeated"
His tendrils collapsed into his seat alongside him.
"then let us get on with it" his impatience was noticeable but at least he was subdued

Action 1 - Settle the verdant planet Planet in 05 05, this will be designated "Amaq" system
The demand for sundries is crashing our systems! We have no idea why the cirth are demanding our food but its far easier to build more farms than it is to build more data centers.

Action 2 - Prepare an area on 06,05 for study of the golden ships. A dedicated station with tightly controlled access on and off. The future of our people is at stake.

Free action - Construct a blue metal mine
Research - Finish the Esper project
Military movement - Send F-1 Armada through the hyperspace gate
forgot the name
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> 1st action: Fleet construction

In response to the growing strategic needs and expansion goals, the Zenthraxians initiated the construction of a new fleet. This fleet, named The Vanguard, was designed to enhance their exploratory and defensive capabilities across the galaxy. Built in the orbital shipyards of Astralytica-Alpha, The Vanguard featured the latest advancements in propulsion, armament, and sensor technology. The construction process was a testament to the Zenthraxians' engineering prowess, with each vessel meticulously crafted to withstand the harshest conditions of deep space. Upon completion, The Vanguard was poised to embark on missions that would further the Zenthraxians' reach and influence across the cosmos.

> 2nd action: Construction of a refinery in Tempestacantus 09.07

In the resource-rich Tempestacantus system, the Zenthraxians set their sights on harnessing the potential of the swirling purple gas giant. The construction of a refinery, named Stormforge Refinery, commenced with the deployment of advanced construction units and extraction drones. This facility was strategically positioned to tap into the planet's constant electrical storms and the valuable purple oil droplets carried within them. Utilizing cutting-edge extraction technology and energy harnessing systems, Stormforge Refinery was designed to convert these elements into usable resources, providing a significant boost to the Zenthraxians' industrial capabilities.

> Contruction action: Build a mining center for the rubies on Triarchis

On the resource-abundant planet of Triarchis, known for its vast deposits of rubies, the Zenthraxians began the construction of a mining center named Crimson Core Extraction Facility. This center was equipped with advanced drilling and extraction technology, designed to efficiently mine and process the planet's rich ruby deposits. The rubies were not only valued for their beauty but also for their applications in advanced optics and protective materials. The Crimson Core Extraction Facility represented a significant step in maximizing the resource potential of Triarchis, further cementing the planet's importance within the Zenthraxian domain.

> Fleet movement
The first sector fleet "Preserver" will move from sector 11.5 to sector 12.4
The second sector fleet "Protectors" will move from sector 5.9 to sector 4.9

> Diplomatic actions: Join the scretnet

In a significant diplomatic and economic development, the Zenthraxians announced that the Constituency had officially joined the Scretnet, the galactic-wide network for trade and communication. This integration marked a new era of connectivity and collaboration, allowing the Zenthraxians to engage in seamless trade and information exchange with other civilizations. The Scretnet's robust security measures and advanced protocols ensured that the Zenthraxians' data and transactions were protected from hostile intrusions, further strengthening their position in the galactic community.

> Research: The Zenthraxians will focus on the Maxwell's demon Hypothesis
>Action 1&2: Deep Space Recon/Colonization

TL;DR: sepnding 2 actions using GATE's to discover new systems

>Free Action: Construct research facility on Rubicon III

Tremble lesser races and despair! For the first Arcana of Diarch-Class Voidtowers has been woven into existence! Widely hailed within the Concord as the most expensive and dangerous void towers ever created, the only thing more powerful than the commanding defensive array of magicite is the devastating twin Grailstone Crowns on the tower. The Wizard Architecture Union would like to state, for the record, that this is not a result of the schematic being flipped upside down during the first half of production, and that turning the tower end over end during attack sequences is standard Wand Style Maneuver and should be well expected of any void tower pilots. Any accusations that the Diarch Class Void Tower is actually a single massive magical explosive should be expunged with mental magic immediately.

In less explosive news yet another prize jewel has fallen under the dominion of the Tellurian Concord. The new system features deposits of both Adauta Dust and Magicite, a useful textile resource found on a volcanic world, and a livable if somewhat murky planet of lakes and aquatic tunnels. Initial habitation assessments marked the planet as an F-Grade, until the surveyors were informed that their boots getting muddy wasn’t grounds for reducing points. Still, things are certain to be damp and dank here.

A calamity of calamity has befallen us! Never since the folly of Tellos have we been in such peril! The wizard ale stocks are beginning to dwindle! The idea of a stone cold sober nation of wizards, forced to face reality with clear eyes, is something nobody wants. Something must be done! Cultivate and brew mushrooms on this new damp planet! Spin volcano ash into robes so other textile factories can divert to brewing! Something! Anything!
The Dachtylidi Ringworld represents perhaps the greatest opportunity the League has ever faced, but also perhaps its greatest challenge. The vast structure could easily contain and support untold generations of Wolarians, but at the moment it is teetering on being little more than a vast unstable ruin. To initiate repairs on an object of this magnitude would easily require the concerted efforts of several nations, but there might be a workaround available. The robotic stewards of the ringworld, now known as the irrational and sometimes belligerent ‘Clicks’, theoretically could provide critical aid to the structure, if Wolarian forces could just find a way to repair them. This critical task falls to the best and brightest of Ellinikon, a task they feel they can complete as soon as the end of the next cycle.

In the meantime scouts finish their examination of the systems surrounding the homeworld and come back with news of two new planets that would be idea for populations to settle on. The first candidate is a tiny garden world, or rather moon circling its much larger parent. The animals of this world are fairly typical, but curiously almost all plant life on the planet is actually a single aggressive super organism. The massive barren world it orbits is a place of high plateaus and dry sands, but there is breathable air and liquid oceans, within five cycles colonists could likely have the place thriving with a handcrafted biosphere. Of strategic importance is another massive world in the system possessing metal rich debris rings circling it, of scientific interest is a large frozen ocean world, where an entire ecological era has been captured in ice. Another large world acts as a somber warning to all advanced life, its surface covered in irradiated ruins and craters.

Far away colonists settle in on the garden world of Telma, a murky swamp of concerningly insects, though fortunately the alien biology of Wolarians makes most of the local life keep their distance. Perhaps its the sheer lack of large avian and mammalian life? Insects seem to be the more dominant type of species here. From Telma miners launch tactical missions onto Kataklysmos, a wild planet aptly named for its constant geological activity that spews radioactive dust, plumes of lava and and cracks and forms mountains with alarming speed. Still the wild planet is rich in the ever useful Bluecrystal, a key ingredient in weapon systems.

All of this building and expanding and exploring has not been without cost however, certain basic, but critical supply chains are beginning to be stretched to their limits, in particular basic Sundries such as textiles and food.
The focus of the cuboid nation turns to research at the moment, in particular the URSEA, a deadly electronic beam based weapon. Empowered by Fulgoleum oil, electrons are accelerated through a labyrinth of spatially bent tunnels that, at least from the perspective of the electron, are actually quite straight, then unleashed onto an unsuspecting enemy ship. The armor of the ship does little to stop the weapon, passing through the molecular gaps in the armor where will scour the crew and destroy electronic systems with impunity. To support this effort, and the ever growing legion of Cuboids in general, two new mines are built, supplying both critical cuboid ‘food’ and metal for the warmachines of the future.

The Rapid Evolution Pods face a dangerous test on the wickedly hot surface of Moil, but they seem to rise to the challenge. A Plethora of strange and bizarre creatures end up erupting from the pods, some expiring within minutes, others going on to successfully live and mate and grow. An ecosystem of poison breathing heat adapted creatures soon scurries across the planet. Three promising lineages are identified whose genetic lines could be directly adapted into useful tools for the Drya (pick one as a free action). The first is a vibrantly glowing salamander creature who ingests large amounts of boiling purple oil, then through mechanisms unknown releases globs of it that arc and crackle with tremendous and chaotic electrical voltage. The second is a short lived lineage of turtles who scavenged the yellowstone within the evolution pods, developing the ability to trigger brief surges of regeneration that heal wounds. The last creature is fairly mundane, not unlike a lean ferret, but it displays a cunning grasp of tactical skill, learning and analyzing the movements of enemies as it attempts to hunt or be hunted.

Exploration of system 11,11 yields mixed results. Some great cataclysm has reduced the planets of this system into a thick cloud of stellar detritus. However abundant metallic resources are present, and a few massive slabs of stone could make for a viable location for a local settlement. Naturally the clouds of debris would also provide excellent defensive positions for fleets and local defenses, rumors circulate on the Scretnet that a nation has developed technology that would allow for redirecting FTL travel. Such a technology would allow the Drya to force hostile invaders to this system where a distinct advantage is held by the defender.

In the meantime fresh colonies and mines are put into place across the territories, straining fuel reserves to critical levels. The current expectation is that the current wormhole fleet can handle connections to one more system before more fuel reserves will be required. Alternatively it might be prudent to instead research optimizing the current wormhole systems for efficiency.
Bigger, stronger, faster, able to heal from severe wounds at a remarkable past, supported by a flock of great winged beasts who defy physics with every beat of their psionic empowered wings. And on the inside supported by adaptations inspired by the dreadful infection of the Ecruxians. Part of Ayden wants to unleash them now, perhaps on the Lindewyrm homeworld, there was a small settlement there of stodgy ‘veterans’ of the war, little more than retired terrorists no one would miss. With a little test run she could refine the design, and watching the blood and scale fly would be such...no. No, that was preposterous. Not like her. Too focused on warfare lately, not enough on the unity of all things.

And the latest meditations and rituals of the shaman have indeed revealed a world in desperate need of guidance and unity. A system with three large worlds and a single tiny moon, already inhabited by a race able to sail the stars, if they had not just concluded a vicious civil war. Two barren worlds that could support life, and another dangerous and chaotic gas giant filled with ample fuel reserves and purple oil, all the resources in the world and these people could not be at peace with their bounty.

The first scouts establish an ugly picture. Once two races had lived here, one the ‘Demons’ who had attacked the IUNE long ago, the other the Faran, a race enslaved by the Demons. The Faran, perhaps embolden by IUNE victories had risen up, cast off their shackles, then taken the planet by force, enacting a brutal genocide that had ended with thousands of demons being shoved into ramshackle ships and sent into the void. Now the Faran struggle to govern their world, struggling with cohesion and unity.
The scouts have found a remarkable system, where, somehow, every major orbital body exists within the habitable zone. Three of the worlds have developed intelligent life, but unfortunately things seem to have devolved into a bloody three way war between all three factions. The debris of hundreds of spacecraft fills the sector, and while theoretically one of the nations is capable of FTL, it seems unlikely they will ever be able to move beyond the vicious war that has embroiled all three worlds. This is a shame given the luxurious glowing pearls one world can harvest, and the deposits of Redpowder found on one of the colonies, used almost exclusively to forge highly durable metal alloys for the war.

The warlike system stands in stark contrast to the Yellowstone mine in cuboid space, where a peaceful trade of resources has occurred with the curious and strange Cuboids. The Yellowstone is likely to be quite useful to the Procyon, displaying remarkable powers of healing and plant acceleration, and the Cuboids surely have valuable uses in mind for Bluecrystal.

The greatest minds of the Procyon have produced some interesting new prototypes as well! Mirrored Frisbees and Laser Shoelaces are sure, with some government backing (use an action if you want to do one), to have some valuable uses! (Procyon produce random research projects occasionally)

There is a simple universal fact that the Scret have mastered. Money is power. Given a surge of valuable commodities, (cheap to the Scret, but valuable to the Spriggan) the Worker’s Collective of Spriggan simply buy out their factory, then their competitors factory, then push into new markets, bulling through way through obstacles with bribes,overwhelming surges of advertisement and the occasional bit of vicious blackmail. The end result is a powerful Scret aligned foothold on the ground, feeding supplies of a local narcotic and hallucinogenic berry to their spaceborn masters. There is more than could be acquired on the ground in terms of mundane food,textiles,metals and fuels, but nothing that can’t be found in a hundred other places in the galaxy.

It is one thing to control the information that trade relies on, it’s another to control the actual trade lanes themselves. And yet, in what could be one of the largest scale operations in the galaxy, the Scret are attempting it. Scret Hypergates are among the most efficient ways to travel in the galaxy, given enough systems to justify their construction, but it could be difficult to convince nations who have their own efficient means of FTL to let the Scret pad their pockets even more.
Rhisiart and Iolo, like many Fawyc colonies before them, set to work in high spirits. Colonists sow the carefully chosen plants that will form the basis of new biospheres on these worlds, build the first homes against the frequent nasty weather that these barren worlds often have and construct the early spaceports that will let thousands of new settlers follow them from other more populated worlds. Rhisiart gets a headstart as well on local construction, with a sizable complex of labs and supporting infrastructure going down. Their first topic is the inclusion of Red Powder in Blessed Steel. The results are quite astounding, the inclusion of the Red Powder has resulted in a remarkable boost in the toughness of the alloy, to the point that a prototype hull plate is able to withstand sustained weapons fire for a concerningly long time. If Fanwc vessels ever met a peer with similar defensive abilities the battle would last an exhaustively long time.

Of course no actual Fanwyc fleet actually exists yet, which does beg the question on why such research on armor technology is being done.

It is not exaggeration to say the Ultima Engines who rule Orkan never sleep, and the sheer scale and speed of busy activity in the galactic empire is an ongoing testament to that. Trade deals with other nations, the finalization of the Englecannon, the rise of the Los Path ideology, and of course the settling of a new world that is sure to provide new bounties of crops and produce across the empire.

The most striking of these events is Los Path though. For the first time in decades organic life has challenged the supremacy of the thinking machines of Orkan, most notably resulting in a dramatic showdown in virtual combat sims on the Scretnet. A team of Orkan Organics went head to head against a lone Ultima Engine, clawing back to a dramatic 3-2 victory from a 0-2 deficit, largely in part to a series of dramatic and often unorthodox tactical maneuvers.

Five separate scouting reports return from the distant system, each describing a different world. Reports are, predictably, pessimistic and terse. The presence of two worlds that can support a large Crith population is optimistic, though descriptions of hulking Critheater felines almost result in nuclear bombardment of the planet before a strategic use of Dream Dust can be administered. A barren world devoid of life looks much more promising, and while other planets in the system are generally inhospitable. A curious strategic resource is discovered on the last of the five though, a purple oil that locally causes whirlwinds of ferrous materials via electromagnetism. Perhaps it could be of use creating better shock tongs?

Meanwhile the C-Crusher systems are being redesigned with the latest metallurgic advancements and engineering designs, eeking out a bit more defense than before. A new metal mine ensures that the Crith will be able to field more fleets, with even heavier defenses.
The air is electric. For decades Ecruxia has lived, worked, and breathed for a single coherent goal. Revenge. To find the enemy, hunt them down, and unload every last bullet in the nation into the monster that destroyed everything. And now, without a doubt, they have found them.

Area Omega has been partitioned off, the golden ships, a dozen in all, relocated, environmentally sealed, then scanned, checked, and ever so carefully opened up. Pristine interiors. Active computer systems. Thousands of detailed records. Analysts pour through them, seeking answers, weaknesses, opportunities. The systems are incredibly advanced, a lifetime’s work to reverse engineer. The data logs are vast, an entire civilization’s history is recorded here, a civilization that once spanned the entire local galaxy. There are many answers here, but finding them in the sea of data is a time consuming effort. In addition to raw data there are countless pristine, sealed, medical samples of the Infection, in dozens and dozens of variants. There are lists of distant stars, nauseatingly detailed descriptions of symptoms and suffering incurred by unknown alien life. Ecruxia is not alone in its suffering.

And yet...this first encounter with the enemy is a reminder that there might be a future for Ecruxia without it. The first colony on a beautiful green world is set down even as the mines on other worlds start producing bluecrystal for the war effort. What will Ecruxia do if, no when, they defeat the enemy? Fuel and Sundries are low at the moment, but already citizen organized rationing campaigns are starting. The tools of war will not be lacking, so long as the enemy exists.

The Apex is running hot today. Fans whirl, cooling systems pump liquid nitrogen, heat sinks glow red hot. Is it the conclusion of Project Eden, giving the Apex the tools to terraform even Hab3 worlds? Is it some software error about colony Triarchis running out of space? Surely not something so simple. A curious new project has appeared in the database recently, undoubtedly placed there by the Apex. Ekpyrotic Theory. Is the Apex pondering the collision of universes, performing advanced calculations in the process? Perhaps the acquisition of a steady supply of rubies, or other trade goods through the Scretnet has sparked a flurry of new ideas.

Then the sirens go off. Long distance observation probes detect something inky black slithering through the void, closing in on the Caelux System. As if on cue the fleets of the Apex jump in, having aborted their previous plans. Pieces fall into place. The Apex has, beyond means known to lesser minds, detected the approach of an enemy and taken measures. We are in the hands of fate now.
GATES are a constant trial across the surface of Earth. Opening without warning, as often to the void of space, the corona of a sun and the ocean of an alien world as they do to a place worth exploring. They have destroyed towns and communities as often as they have triggered sudden surges of wealth and prosperity. Fortunately today is the latter. The latest GATEs to flash open across the surface of the earth lead to an unprecedented number of ideal colony sites, too many to detail easily. Among the weak hearted there is even talk of abandoning earth. The best of these worlds is a large world with heavy volcanic activity, populated with a variety of reptiles, and with huge amounts of metal available for harvest. The fly in the ointment though is that the surrounding star systems are filled with xeno nations, this valuable system will need to be defended fiercely.

The disparity between basic production of common Sundries and consumption continues to grow worse, and is projected to become even worse as the verdant worlds of the new systems are settled. Something must be done or the IUNE will face a crisis of poverty in three or four cycles. In the midst of this a curious offer arrives, a small flotilla of human-like androids known as the ‘Tick-Tocks’ have offered to purchase a swathe of Earth’s surface for a tidy sum in luxury goods that could be easily converted into research. At the same time a badly damaged fleet of demon origin has been spotted lurking on the far edges of the solar system. They seem to be exchanging Scretnet messages with someone, but who exactly is hard to say.
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Scouting reports return from system (03,11) the reports of a two body system. A garden world moon and a large barren planet seem almost purpose made for a colonial settlement, though the system lacks any notable resources beyond ideal locations for population centers. The moon is 90% water, and dominated by hundreds of variant species of water lilies, and butterflies, which on close examination are revealed to be the same species. The large barren world it circles is quite arid, but enough water and breathable air exist to make a go at life. What is most interesting about the system is the convoy of battered ships within it, by all reports these are the ‘demons’ the IUNE clashed with and defeated, but these seem more beleaguered refugees than vicious warmongers.

Initial labwork on yellowstone is quite promising! R&D has whipped up a concoction that when injected triggers a massive surge of rapid healing in the body, as though by literal magic.There’s a teeny tiny chance of sudden explosive tumor growth, but hey, it’s within the margin of error! There’s a few approaches we could take with this stuff, combat drugs, medical research, eternal youth for the ultrarich, even wide distribution to appease the masses...ahahahaha, good joke Johnson. Anyway, R&D would appreciate a little direction here.
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>Free Colony in (18,6)
Though the forested moon piques much initial interest, the observation of the aggressive vegetation quells much of the initial enthusiasm - why move onto a tiny, aggressive world when the huge planet it orbits is raw clay, waiting to be moulded by the Terraformer's dreams? With Cypokean's terraforming coming to the final stages there will soon be a large number of specialists seeking out their next projects; and so another of the founding Aethan nations wins parliamentary approval and begins setting their minds to the tasks of sculpting themselves a new homeworld of custom design across the high plateaus and sweeping valleys; a place they plan to term 'Boobokolipos'.

The Garden-World of Telma in the Kataklysmos system has been left ultimately responsible with providing locally grown and reared supplies for the mining operations of their larger neighbour; so the Wolarians of the planet start putting the world to work; organising swathes of land for growing crops and assessing the local insectile species for ease of domestication, rearing and taste.

>Action 1: The 9th Amalgamated
Though the League has so far been fortunate (?) enough not to find the worlds of their domain beset by marauding alien forms or primitive cultures, the reports made by our investigating officers from compiled information are suggesting that this uniformity is not present in the wider galaxy. The Dachtylidi Ringworld is almost evidence for this, an example that has shown the uses and advantages that a Ground force might possess in this interstellar age. To that end, it is decided to recruit an expanded military division to allow us a greater projection of power and to deter outsiders who might otherwise analyse and decide to lunge. In the 'last War', the 9th Amalgamated were the first League Army unit into occupied Tengmal to begin their liberation; now this valiant name of yesteryear is rekindled and re-forged within the Barracks and upon the training grounds on a grander scale.

>Action 2: Explore (and claim?)(20,8)
And of course, the exploration of the galaxy around us must continue! Adjacent to the Ellinikon and Kataklysmos systems, it is decided to investigate this unknown to see what potential utility it might provide to the pair of existent colonies.

The formation of the two new colonies was a good boon, at least given how both worlds were in the perfect place and had good conditions to bestow life upon them. In time, both worlds would prove themselves useful in their own ways and be quite nice places to simply live, much like most worlds slowly were becoming under the watchful and careful guidance of the Fanwyc people. It likely wouldn't be too long before both was bestowed with a proper name beyond that of the famous person the colonies were named after. Though for now, there was much work to be done on both worlds before that would be the case.

>Action One. Construct a Warfleet (2 Blessed Red Steel hulls, 1 booster, 1 basic weapons)

With the extensive research that had been done in hull design, it became quite clear that more than mere prototypes and experimentation should be done. Much like back in the grand old days when the first battleships were launched off their slips in old Prenhaearn y Wladfa, grand vessels would be launched from slips in orbit around the Blodwyn Colony. These vessels would naturally allow the Children of Fanw to be safe in the event of any conflict and be the first proper warships held by the Plant Crwydrol Fanw. In some ways it was quite the monumental occasion, though ideally, their presence alone would dissuade any of the neighboring stellar empires from causing any bother to the Fanwyc peoples.

>Action Two. Project Cartref phase 3.

With the significant work done in other fields, it was time for what was the main goal of Project Cartref. The ability to return home. A device would be worked upon that would allow people to uplink themselves into the simulation while unconscious. Early testing found a small dedicated room works best for this where one could simply sleep and find themselves in a world that perfectly simulates the senses. The way to disconnect from the simulation was simply to wake up. Naturally, most of the older Fanwyic supporters of the Dychwelyd movement volunteered to be able to properly be home once more. Yet there was a thought that came to Gwendoline from this, in part due to the average age of these volunteers. What would happen if someone died while linked up or in the vicinity of the room? Would it be possible for them to live on in the simulation forever? Perhaps they'd find out with some of the oldest volunteers or once the fruits of their labor were released to the public, once everything was considered safe enough anyway.
While the universe has shown to be fairly empty of good worlds for the Drya to claim, at least in this corner, the success of the rapid evolution pods has brought great jubilation through the Purebreeds and science dryads. Records of the various lines of evolution are made and samples gathered on the Moil station in warehouses rapidly transformed into labs.

Free Research: The discovery of the growing intelligent Moil Stout genetic lineage has sparked some debate. While the lightning and regeneration abilities are powerful those are clearly abilities of the respective materials that can be engineered later. Others argue that engineering them again will be harder if these lines die, but that argument exists, too, for the Moil Stout line. The debate subsides as the argument wins out and the tactical mind of the small predator are studied and incorporated into Drya warbreeds.

1. The study of the managerie does not end at just the high heat mustalid. Many other samples are gathered of flora and fauna to study their adaption to the extreme heat and poisonous atmosphere. With this Psuedodrya and worker breeds can be adapted to live on such harsh environments without much detriment. The era of inefficient mining of Moil and the waste of space in other systems can finally come to an end.

2. More research is also listed out as the Drya hit yet another fuel limit. The study of wormholes and space warping technologies have been left alone for some time, apparently too long. Those not set on the study of the Moil specimens will instead be set to work on the increasing of fuel efficiency for wormhole travel.

6 Luxuries are traded for 6 Tech

Bonus Construction: A space fortress is established to help prepare this system for future, further, defenses and development.
>Action 1: Research Upscaled Efficiency(Sundries upgrade)
The Exaleipsite factories were efficient in their output and furnishing required sustaining fuel for Cuboids, however current production output was not high enough for bigger projects. Over time, upgrades are accomplished inside the factories, increasing the speed and nuclear transmutation efficiency.
Action 2: Research Subatomic Dexterity(Army component upgrade)

Most Cuboids were capable of compacting a ridiculous amount of matter within themselves thanks to their innate malleable and programmable nature. Still, physics means that there is a limit of sorts. With these new techniques, cuboids will be able to more efficiently use the matter and energy within themselves, thus making it so materials can be more varied instead of having immense surplusé

>Building Action: Build Dense Metal Factory on hab 3 size 3 world in system (9,10). Name the planet E2
(Add all 1.75 current luxuries into tech bonuses please)

Fear, panic. The wizard stockmarket (that is, the market where custom stocks for wizarding staves are fitted) crashes overnight.
The possibility of running out of wizard ale is a threat like no other, but it is revealed soon that this danger was in fact imagined.
New breweries set up upon the world of Neo-Babylon are to thank, keeping the wizard economy afloat in these dire times.
The threat is very real however, it may return soon. It is arranged that new sundries production will begin soon, once the second Arcana is launched.

We have expanded to a new system. Resources are acceptable. Name the star “Rubricae”.
There is a habitable planet here, of red rust deserts and fertile waterways and underground caverns.

Ah, the desert, it reminds one of old times. We declare this world to be Neo-Babylon, and at once we assemble a new city upon the river fountainhead, where life ekes out despite the roiling dunes.

Action 1: Expand to 14, 5


A new system must be scouted, explored, colonised, integrated, exploited. The Concord is huge now, nearly buckling under its own strain by sheer size alone and yet we must have more.
Yet another expansion is organised and sent off to this nearby star, sure to be rewarded greatly soon.

Action 2: Grailstone Crowns (upgrade tech)
The design of the Grailstone crown is developed further. Current designs allow truly phenomenal arcane powers to be channeled through them, however lack sufficient safeties to prevent the ship from self detonating from the overcharge.

It is theorised that reshaping the crowns to be pointier and more ornate, forcing all crown operators to read the manual “on the operation of the grailstone apparatus” before being allowed to fire them, installing new safety channels to vent out excess mana, redrawing the targeting glyphs and reweaving the entire local magical grid towards the obliteration of our foes, may all be helpful adjustments that will make the new generation of grailstone crowns even mightier than before.

Dump all our luxuries into technology research.

Construction: Fomoria Grailstone mine

These slow, lumbering oafs know not what treasures they have stumbled across.

They are of no concern. Set up an extraction operation and disintegrate any giants foolish enough to get too close to it.

We are very well used to expanding our extraction facilities in this manner now, surely nothing could go wrong here.
Action 1: research 4th army component spot

Action 2: build purple oil mine in new owned system
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With a frontier world at Ayden's Reach, the Ultima Engines have a lot of electromagnetic chatter to investigate. They are eager to meet with the Scret, creators of Scretnet. But an incident involving anomalous interlopers has put pioneer vessels in a precarious position. Until it is resolved, the Ultima Engines will have to do with just listening in on the goings ons, especially listening after others who may be facing a similar situation.

>Fleet Action: Install Engelkanon and Los Path onto Syklonvinge 2A and 7B. Engagement with Interlopers.
After the retrofitting of the Syklons, hyperspace began acting strange, strange on all ships, but the newly refitted Syklons were best equipped to handle it. Seemingly sentient anomalies started appearing onboard ships travelling hyperspace. Quick action by the Nivih onboard and spontaneous plans by the newly established Los Path saw the Syklons repel and contain the anomalous interlopers. Other ships weren't so fortunate. The Syklons are thus assigned to guard shipping until the anomalous situation resolves.

>Action 1: Build Ichor Mine on Tornado 2 in the Tornado system (8, 7).
With keen interest in Ichor, Orkan is quick to setup their drilling and refining on Tornado 2. The Fenriks try to get in but only manage to setup some refineries by the time Orkan has secured every drill site. Fenrik businessmen complain about the overzealous Orkan acquisition of the raw resource, but Orkan states that the military potential of Ichor is of paramount importance. The way of Orkan must be protected. Ultimately, Orkan wins out, especially as they still allow competition in the refining market.

>Action 2: Researching the Interlopers. Figure out their behaviour, ways of detecting and ways of defeating and containing them.
With a number of anomalous entities contained, onboard Syklon warships no less, Orkan is in an ideal position to start investigating these interlopers. Investigating footage they can learn how they move and attack, even things which may protect against them. Having them stuck in storage bays is an ideal opportunity to test out methods of detecting them and their tracks. And having a plethora of reports they can compile to see what ships at what place and what time are more or less likely to be attacked. There is also tests for effective weapons against them, though this will entail the likely death of the entity, so that is done more sparingly.
>Action 1: Construct a... Food factory in earth, Mediterranean Desert

Aware of the current recession of sundries, the IUNE would begin the construction of a large factory designed to provide sundries (food) to the population of the IUNE, it will be constructed in the former mediterranean sea, Now a massive desert separating africa and europe... as the large complex factory will hopefully alleviate the current issues that earth is facing

>Action 2: Use the GATE's system to discover another potential colonisable world

simple as.

SPECIAL ACTION (Colony names)

02,04(System Name:Epsilon Indi) (Superearth with garden world moon): Tribute

14,08 (System Name: Gliese 285) (Tiny garden world): Harvest
The Crith Concordat was desperate. Its C-Crushers were advanced, but there were more Crith-Eaters than ever before! The Crith could not rely on C-Crushers to save them! Crith-Eaters wanted to feast on Crithflesh, which meant they wanted to battle with Crith in brutal culinary appendage to pincer combat! The Crith must be prepared to defend all of Crithkind!

After much consideration, a new avenue of approach was ascertained by key Crith Coordinators. The C-Suits. Their pincers were powerful, arc-cutters hot, and shielding thick, but they lacked a response to Crith-Eater armour! This was a critical oversight and must be dealt with immediately, lest the Crith encounter rocklike Crith-Eaters in the void and be defenseless against their crusty exteriors! Drills! Mining drills, welded into the C-Suit's auxiliary pincer! The C-Suit is the drill that will pierce the abyss!

>Action #1: Research upgraded C-Suit, adding an additional 1d4 damage.

The C-Nests of the Crith Concordat spread by the hour. This was necessary for Crith! Against the projected number of Crith-Eaters, any delay of expansion would lead to weakness, and weakness would inevitably lead to the consumption of Crith!

Crithsiete was a promising system for Crith. It held five planets and bore several resources, some of which the Crith had no prior conception of! Crithsiete Primary held numerous Feline Crith-Eaters which belonged to the same clade as the dreaded Fuzzikin Crith-Eaters. This filled Crith with terror! A lengthy C-Conversation on the merits of bombarding the surface were had, but in the end, the radical new Crith-Eater Exploitation faction won-out by two votes, and only the densest jungles were incinerated!

Further, Crith C-Settlers then began to establish a new series of C-Nests in its humid vegetation! This deranged policy was taken for a specific goal... The training of C-Suits against hostile Feline Crith-Eaters, so that Crith would survive the inevitable defense against their cousins, the dreaded Fuzzikin Crith-Eaters!

Multitudes of Crith were conscripted into the C-Marines and sent to eliminate the most serious Feline Crith-Eater lairs in self-defense! As this was ongoing, preliminary scouting found that the soil was ideal for the growth of Shockspores! An attempt at C-Agriculture commenced immediately!

>Free Colonization: Settle the habitable jungle world in Crithsiete, Crithsiete Primary.
>Action #2: Manufacture a second unit of C-Marines.
>Free Action: Build a Farm on Crithsiete Primary.

>Continue rolling out Hypergates through friendly space for nations that are signed up to Scretnet.
The first few gate placed in Scret space prove to be a great success, but now it's time to spread them far and wide to truly bring their potential to light. After rigorous discussion with member nations subscribed to Scretnet, agreements are reached to deploy the gates throughout friendly space. A series of gates linking all of our homeworlds will be established, with the Scret receiving a small toll fee for their usage and maintenance. The gates themselves, however, will have their traffic and respective cargos and contraband regulated, monitored, and approved by the nations which are being traveled to and from, leaving friendly nations with a large deal of autonomy over who and what gets to come and go.

>Claim sector 15,6
Our empire has gotten comfortable in its little bubble and is ready to grow again! Brave explorers once more set out into the void, looking to stake their claim upon the great unknown.
Action 1
Damnit man, we meant to go for 2, 10 not 3,11! Set a course for there at once.

Action 2
We're sort of strapped for Sundries right now, especially since we're definitely not turning *all* of our paradise worlds into agri-worlds.
Go find a planet in our system isolated enough we can use for experiments that can go out of control and build lots and lots of angry, buracreatic, failsafes around it and have it staffed almost entirely by robots, no flesh personel.

Send some minotaur bulls there and perhaps some food growing plants and start experimenting with the serum. We could make it so they grow into gigantic proportions, chop the meat and the veg up, irradiate and sterilize so it stops growing and then ship the food off world. We could make a Super Sundry planet out of a barren rock, some chemicals to sustain its mass, and sunlight for energy. Have the giant plant mutation grow and use it to feed the giant meat mutation. Endless sundries forever, rationed accordingly to our ever growing population. It's a win win.

It goes without saying have the eggheads double and tripple check this and make sure we have failsafes. I want this food to stop growing when we want it to stop growing, no silly stellar borne plagues, no paying copyright infringement for The Thing, got it? Just a big pile of growing flesh that we chop up and fry and slap onto a burger.
>Plane research
The G-diffuser system will be a must if We wish to achieve a good balance of maneuverability and speed in Our newly constructed experimental fighter jets. After all, Our folks would likely be sensitive to pressures such as G-forces, so this is a natural next step.
In order to make sharper turns and work in tandem with a G-diffuser suit and cockpit, experimental models have been constructed to bend and flex at hinged joints in rapid, mechanical succession. This should allow a plane to whip its thrusters around, and turn far faster than any other, perfect for taking aim at an evasive opponent.

>Memetics hazard, Jet Set Radio
Juvenile delinquents living at the Zubeneschamali Scrap Array have been caught doing extreme sports, listening to loud music, and painting graffiti. They were quickly apprehended, but others replaced them before we could wipe away any of the art.
Then We realized that it was art, and art, just as well as any written note, can serve many purposes for Us.
We wish to allow this to continue, as the art looks generally good, and to hire them and utilize their power in the future, should We need to.
God King Jupiter IX/XI makes graffiti legal within the nation’s borders under a new official job title! Graffiti artist, a government appointed position for an individual who excels in spray painting pretty art in hard-to-reach places. This art is whatever the artist chooses, with signature, or otherwise. The only reason why it needs to be regulated is because the art can’t just go up anywhere and be any size. Artists are given locations to hit, an order to hit them in, and rough guidelines for how big their work needs to be. Equipment is also provided.
Most if not all work as a graffiti artist is part-time, but knowing artists, some may take what they can get.
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Boobokolipos colony, like so many before it at this point, is soon thriving well enough, perched on a high plateau above the violent sandstorms that sweep the barren planet. A combination of hardy homeworld species evolved in arid climates and Zenthraxian super plants designed for careful atmospheric regulation and soil manipulation are seeded as part of the initial effort, lend some much needed greenery to the colony, and will steadily spread across the planet, eventually taming the violent sandstorms. Meanwhile Ellinikon celebrates its formal recognition as a class 5 planet, with a full vibrant biosphere. The most curious dish at the formal banquet are from the new Telma farms, where the local massive insect population is being ranched for a curious new alternative to seafood. Opinions vary on the new meat.

The 9th Amalgamated marks the beginning of the league’s first army scaled for intergalactic conflict. Armed with the latest weapons and tools, including the bulky Drop Armor that allows a soldier to fall screeching from orbit into the battlefield, this new generation of soldiers with an old name is sure to make their mark.

The latest scout reports are quite pleasing, they seemed to have stumbled across the remnants of some ancient race of considerable power. The largest artifact, currently titled the Sun Forge, is a broken down super structure the size of a planet seemingly made for scooping raw metals directly from the sun itself. What seems to be an ancient park makes up another small planet, while a third houses vase reservoirs of paint of all things. Of course the paint reacts to anyone near it, shifting into pleasing images, but this casual miracle is undermined by the vast ruins on the last planet, a grim reminder that for all their power, this nation has been lost to time.

Research into the robotic stewards of the Dachtylidi Ringworld has revealed some critical insights into their design, as well as taught the engineers of Aetha quite a bit. There is speculative talk of repurposing the AI design for use in Wolarian technology (Your next research involving AI will get a bonus). In terms of getting something useful out of the robotic stewards of the ringworld, researchers believe they have developed an interference pattern that will render the ‘Clicks’ inert, allowing explorers to push through their territory. Somewhere beyond the Clicks is a device emitting orders to the machines, it must be found and either repaired, hopefully restoring the Clicks, or disabled, putting the robotic stewards into semi-permanent shutdown.
The first Fanwyc war fleet has the curious distinction of being the only vessel in the galaxy who’s primary weapons cannot pierce its own thick armor. And woe betide anyone who believes that merely getting through the heavy armor is enough, plenty of bulk waits behind the vessel’s armor.

For those more interested in the spiritual, or the technological magic that makes it possible, Project Cartref continues to push forward with the addition of mindscape technology. This remarkable technology allows one to leap into another world without the slightest barrier between you and the virtual landscape before you. A sophisticated AI system interprets and reacts to neural activity, learning from the user and aiding them in their task as the mind and body adjusts to this curious new way of existence. It will take a few cycles though before the project, and its full impacts, come to fruition. Already though there is a curious phenomenon noted. Long term use of the project sometimes leaves temporary phantoms in the system, believed to be a byproduct of the AI system trying to interpret random static as user input.

The Moil Stout is a vicious and tactical predator, clever and cunning. Its genetics incorporated into the war drones has led to improved tactical coordination, in particular in long engagement where the new neural tissue has time to analyze and consider the enemy. This is not the only genetic improvement drawn from the harsh terrain of Moil though, after much study the Drya have come to master incredibly harsh terrain, even able to draw a small amount of resources from the most barren and vicious of places. Combined with the new improvements to the wormhole systems the Drya are more efficient than ever. Somewhat frustratingly though the Drya are still only able to explore one more system before the need for more fuel arises. Of course with the cunning minds of the Drya finding even more fuel efficiency shouldn’t be too much of an issue.

The universe is very very very big. An outsider might point out that this statement was missing several ‘very’s, and said outsider might be compressed into a cube, cleaned of bacteria via radiation, then cast in a highly stable metal alloy to ensure the messy organics didn't get any ideas about decomposing. The existence of microbial life was unfortunate as far as the cuboids were concerned, but it was the macro that concerned them today. New designs, better designs, super optimisations at the level of both individual Cuboids who might go into aggressive cubing environments and the factories that supply them with the needed supplies. There was a lot of universe to cube after all.
The legion of wizards that is the Tellurian Concord has grown to a size beyond imagining. World after world falls under their domain, all in the never ending pursuit of more! New worlds to flourish in, more arcane materials, more, more MORE! The mighty Grailstone crowns of our vessels are sharpened and refined into the ultimate weapons of war, our domain sweeps out across all the stars. Who would dare stop us? Who could actually wield the power to match us? The giants of Fomoria are vaporized when they wander too close, and soon enough have marked our locations as taboo. Our scouts launch into the stars and return with news of a new world! Naturally it’s loaded with magical resources, habitable planets, and other launching points for our grand nation.

Oh, and giant beetles that have mastered grailstone magic. Apparently half the scouting party had attempted to down a beetle to acquire their magicite and grailstone studded shell, only for the beast to shrug off the magical assault, and return fire with a perfectly executed nonverbal Morgana’s Skin Peeling Encantation! How did they even learn the spell!? And now the wizard ale is running out again!? Authorities insist that reserves will last some time with rationing, but others are skeptical, at least until authorities adjust their minds to be less so.

While new roots reach out and take control of abandoned purple oil extractors, Ayden turns her attention to expanding the capabilities of her creations, weaving strange new organs and materials together in new patterns, as well as threading the needed organic infrastructure throughout.

The FTL interlopers are a strange breed of creature, if the term can even be applied. They are bestial and vicious, seeming to possess no intelligence beyond that of simple animals. Their bodies seem to slip in and out of our reality, causing difficulty with any restraints. It seems as though it is the very nature of our FTL system that agitates and irritates them, though with a little tuning we can at least lure them to predetermined points on the ship where heavily armed automechs are standing by. They seem to come from somewhere within the hyperlanes themselves, has something flushed them out of their normal homes? Their behavior is almost like that of a starving animal, though it’s quite unclear what they actually eat. Some within Orkan claim we should simply adopt the Scret Hyperlane networks instead, as they seem to have none of these issues with so called ‘hyper beasts’, while others believe we should mount an expedition into the depths of the hyperlane system and see what’s going on down there.
GATES are a constant trial across the surface of Earth. Opening without warning, as often to the void of space, the corona of a sun and the ocean of an alien world as they do to a place worth exploring. They have destroyed towns and communities as often as they have triggered sudden surges of wealth and prosperity. Fortunately today is the latter. The latest GATEs to flash open across the surface of the earth lead to an unprecedented number of ideal colony sites, too many to detail easily. Among the weak hearted there is even talk of abandoning earth. The best of these worlds is a large world with heavy volcanic activity, populated with a variety of reptiles, and with huge amounts of metal available for harvest. The fly in the ointment though is that the surrounding star systems are filled with xeno nations, this valuable system will need to be defended fiercely.

The disparity between basic production of common Sundries and consumption continues to grow worse, and is projected to become even worse as the verdant worlds of the new systems are settled. Something must be done or the IUNE will face a crisis of poverty in three or four cycles. In the midst of this a curious offer arrives, a small flotilla of human-like androids known as the ‘Tick-Tocks’ have offered to purchase a swathe of Earth’s surface for a tidy sum in luxury goods that could be easily converted into research.

It is a bold new day for the Crith. With a mere ten kilometers worth of jungle scorched to ash around their city they’ve settled onto a new world with a minimum of fuss, even setting outposts deep into the jungle. The tongs of electro-tongs and the whirl of void drills fill the air, along with the murderous screams of wildcats, though surprisingly the local wildlife has largely opted to keep their distance from the Crith. All outposts are on high alert, awaiting the impending mass ambush and attack of the feline wildlife. Nonetheless the courageous settlers of Critheseis continue their hard work, farming lush local berries, and even trying their hand at ranching a timid ferret like creature found in the undergrowth. Admittedly most of the ferrets do end up crushed to death when they try to cuddle the Crith.

It’s business as usual for the Scret, settling in the Eredar refugees on the new world found in the latest scout reports between the large fuel and redpowder rich system, and the arid garden world. Oddly the Eredar seem to prefer the barren world to the garden world it orbits, though the Scret certainly have no problem keeping the richer world to themselves. The hypergate roll out continues as usual, planting Scret eyes and ears nearly everywhere, though the major powers of the world are largely hesitant to turn over their FTL keys to the Scret. (I’m going to need direct word from players before they count as using the gate system). Maybe putting some pressure on them over the recent ‘Phantom FTL Attacks’ would help?
Perhaps predictably, things have gone awry at Lab Big Burger. The interaction of Golden Serum with minotaur laborer genes has resulted in a resurfacing of the primal minotaur genetics, and a massive surge in size and strength. The self proclaimed “Burger King” broke his restraints, powered through the suppressant drugs, and destroyed the robotic staff on sight, then set to work feverishly mixing his dna, plant dna, and Golden Serum together. What should have resulted in a cancerous mess that quickly died instead blossomed out, overwhelming the lab and rapidly carpeting the planet in a variety of meat monstrosities. The Burger King awaits our challenge.

At least the scouting reports are positive. System (03,10) contains another source of super useful yellowrock, and on an easily terraformed world to boot! The veins of yellowrock are sure to aid the effort as well.

Everyday is a new innovation in the Procyon! Anti3d glasses are all the rage these days, our scientists are pretty sure something useful can come out of the tech if we just look closer. The super agile plane designs, due to be ready in just a cycle thanks to the brilliant minds of our nation. These new planes use up more fuel than before, but their increased tactical skill is quite notable. And of course the bold new designs and art being marked on the hulls of ships and buildings on the ground make sure no one can forget where they are. The future is bright for the Procyon.
No fluff this turn. Fathers day has been very long

Action 1 - Raise an Army of Espers

Action 2 - Explore 06, 04

Building Action - Build a Sundry mine on our new green world
It is difficult to find Ecruxian farmers. The verdant reaches of the new world, so unlike home with its tightly controlled structure, induces an odd sort of panic in many who live there, opting to recreate the rigid structures of home in this new place, despite the large open areas available to them. Perhaps in time more people of the nation will be able to find comfort in the wind or sway of grain fields.

The new Esper army division provokes a similar reaction to the open fields of the new world, though for very different reasons. There is an uncomfortable pressure around them that alternates. First is the pressure of a thousand eyes gazing, next is the peculiar feeling that the Esper is not present at all, merely a doll or mannequin dressed like them. The best of these psions learn to ride the line between them, pretending normalcy when their power isn't called for, then unleashing it in blinding bursts of power, combat precognition and crippling psionic void waves.

With the battle against the enemy growing more pitched with each confrontation we shall need it.

Magic wildlife? Absurd!
This discovery threatens our veil of secrecy. If magic can be simply discovered, somewhere, anywhere out there, then anyone could discover it. There could be arcane lambs or real, living dragons just bumming about in some far corner, ready to spill the existence of magic out to all!

It is fortunate then that we have discovered this first, we can be trusted to responsibly exploit this new source of magical resources...

Well it's running out. Still, even that warning is enough to cause panic buying of the last few supplies and quickly cause the shelves to go empty. Someone should do something...

Action 1: Construct a Second Arcana of Diarch-Class Voidtowers
The recent engagement has shown that our military preparations were woefully inadequate. We did win of course, and handily so, but not crushingly, overwhelmingly, definitively and perfectly.

Double our fleetpower, make it happen. Even if it may stretch our supplies almost beyond what they are willing to bear, we will bear it. No price is too large to pay for the sake of unlimited power, and this price is a relatively small one.

Action 2: Arcane Oubliette
Due to circumstances beyond our control, we seem to have accidentally slain an ancient cosmic horror and are now responsible for it's permanent containment. We are not ones to pass up an opportunity to poke around however.

Utilising absolutely absurd amounts of Void Residue, the entire mass of the entity will be collected, divided into 7,777,777 extradimensional cells, each subdivided into one of seven prison wings where various magical experiments can be performed on it in absolute security, with the option of purging cells with all manner of magical countermeasures should the entities get too rowdy.

This is one part prison complex, two parts research wing. We seek to abuse our responsibilities and work out just exactly what it is we have got our hands on, and how we can learn from it.

This entire extradimensional prison complex will be spatially relocated inside of a crystal orb about as large as a pineapple. This orb is then stored inside a swimming-pool sized bath of Void Residue, tubes pumping more residue into the bath every day. This bath of void residue is, in itself, at the bottom of an elaborately crafted artificially constructed temple complex hidden in the deep jungles of the tropical moon of Thornreach (Orphos system).

Action 3: Sundries factory, Ash Thread Weavers

The wizard ale has run out! Panic, chaos, anarchy!

A new ash thread factory is established to desperately make up for our sundries shortfall, producing new swathes of ash thread fabrics, hats, enchanted unmentionables and billowing cloaks. With such a colossal textiels manufacturing facility made, other sundries producing sites can rededicate their industrial power to producing actual food, custom staff engravings and, indeed, wizard ale.
>Settlement of 20, 08; Thymamai
The small, park-like garden world is the evident site for inhabitation; and so the colony of Thymamai is founded upon it. Perhaps, whoever this race once were, Wolarian archaeologists may be able to recover some aspects of their former culture and societal history to serve as a memory of what has been lost to the galaxy.

>Free Basic Building Action: SuperTech Paint Producer in 20, 08
Given the name of 'Chroma', the world of the Super-Tech paint may be conventionally uninhabitable in itself; but the industrial prize left behind by the departed makes the reactivation of this long-dead world's paint industries a priority.

>Action 1: Slipspace Static-Beast Protections
The entities found within Slipspace are becoming an annoyance to League shipping. And broadcasts received from the far-off 'Orkan' seem to imply that the static- creature activities are not limited just to the local cluster. However, it seems that the simple act of translating back into the normal galaxy can render these forms inert enough to capture and contain them - which gives us the means to study them, their reactions and behaviours; and then to use this knowledge to design for ourselves better protection from them. Ways to make our hulls secure again and impervious to their passage; and to modify our Slipdrive systems enough that their passage shall cause no further distress to these Static-creatures as we pass through what appears to be their home dimension.

>Action 2: Colonise Sidero
The Iron-rich world of the Cypokean system, Sidero is Volcanic and Hot. Yet, not entirely inhospitably so - the world has promise as a terraforming candidate; and with another project recently concluded there are experienced terraforming engineers who can have their expertise easily shifted over to this new project.

1. The problem of the fuel efficiency is still looked into by the Drya, to increase the range the Drya fleets can move before issues can appear.

2. On the topic of fleets as the range of the Drya's star empire grows, and the more nations that begin to neighbor ours, the higher the chance of conflict to begin. The Drya must be ready for surprise attacks and to defend the core territories in the event of a war. Some access to the Scret net is allowed to gain what information they can on the FTL interdiction technology of other nations and, with our without any hints, create our own technology to redirect FTL jumps to a desired system.

Free building: In 13,11, over planet C, an orbital nursery yard is built to help nurse the growth of void based Drya in a safe spot.
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While changing to Scretlane is a logical action, Orkan suspects this is just postponing the issue. Slipstreams had shown little issue prior to this, just as Scretlane shows no issue now. And if something drove the Interlopers to interfere with Slipstreams, it may drive them to interfere elsewhere, or the agitator may show themselves in the Slipstreams. Orkan will make use of Scretlane, but Slipstream will remain the primary method of Orkan FTL navigation.

>Action 1: Develop Schlachtsyklon Destroyers. Increase fleet complexity to 4.
As more Syklons are constructed, the Fenriks of Laain J'tuun have improved their craft, able to create sturdier frames capable of supporting even more decks and bulkheads. Orkan shows immediate interest in this, so funding and personnel are provided to make effective use of these advancements. Though as the project advances it becomes clear this is pushing the Syklon design to its breaking point, already there are proposed alternatives more specially designed for larger sizes beyond Destroyers. But for now, the new Syklon, the Schlachtsyklon, is shaping up to be the pinacle of Orkan engineering.

>Action 2: Create Syklonvinge-13B. Equip with Engelkanon, Fox-Ice Panser, Basic Armor and Los Path.
While Orkan were in talks with Verk J'tuun's shipwrights, they were convinced of the use for a 4th fleet. It puts Orkan at a precarious situation resource-wise, but it ensures victory. So while Syklonvinge-12C is having light repairs done, new Syklons take off, with many of the Ultima Engines that had aspired for a position in that wing, now instead being assigned to Syklonvinge-13B.

>Construction Action: Farms on Ayden's Reach 1 (11, 8), 50% of output is provided to the Nivih.
Orkan notices a dip in Sundries availability, though it is a minor one, so they need not a full farm to supply it. With the agreement with the Nivih not entirely fulfilled yet, they strike two birds with one stone by making the new farm on Ayden's Reach 1. It is a unique situation, as the soil is far more fertile, but the atmosphere isn't up to snuff. Large domed farms are made, with enriched atmospheres. Though it is a struggle to make domes large enough to fit Earth Titans within them.

>Fleet Action: Upgrade Syklonvinge-2A, -7B, -12C and -13B with Schlachtsyklon Destroyers and add Volatile Attack Module. Then transport the Nivih army for attack on Groombridge 1618 (4, 8).
With everything in place, the Syklonvinges are gathered at Verk J'tuun, where the ships and Los Path consult all current intel on IUNE while retrofits are underway, the Nivih army is briefed thoroughly on the enemy, how they far exceed any enemy faced until now, that it may even be an even fight if we underestimate them. Then, with a battle song, they take off.

With the launching of the last vessels of the first proper warfleet made by the Children of Fanw in quite some time, now was the time to further expand out, or so was the belief anyway. The ships were something to be proud of and with the defense that they provided to the Plant Crwydrol Fanw, it was considered safe to expand influence out elsewhere beyond the current systems under the nations control.

>Action One and Two. Exploration of 17, 9 and 16, 8

The first of these places would be to the galactic north relative to the hub stations of the Plant Crwydrol Fanw. The north as a whole, with the exception of the north west, was an area that had been neglected in regards to the search and settlement of the Plant Crwydrol Fanw. But that would change now. With efforts to further expand the frontier and have a far more expansive selection of resources and assets to draw upon, the Children of Fanw and the remnants of their protectorate would be able to expand their manufacturing capabilities much like they did their boarders, along with expend far more into various works and efforts both theoretical and material. It also would ensure there was room for the Plant Crwydrol Fanw to grow as their core worlds were developed further.
Building action: build Yellowstone mine

Action 1: Expand

Action 2: attack focused army component

True divine metal claws and talons to shred Aydens enemies to pieces
"Are you on duty Fak?"
He turned to find an ecruxian behind him clad in an orange dress. The color reserved for those that had seen combat. Her tendrils were but small nubs. She had a smile on her face, quite a rare sight for his people yet doubly so for a veteran marine officer.
"How can I be on duty without a fleet?" He replied solemnly.

She walked amongst the rows of boxes. Each one had a name inscribed on them.
Slaughter Infected
Revenge of the Lost
Mabar's Last Strike
Fallen Wrath
All ships he had once led. Their crews no doubt inside. Officers and particularly exemplary individuals had been reformed into the gem which now crowned their final resting site. The final gleam of the victorious dead.

"What will you say?"
"I have not yet formulated sufficient remarks"

She now walked among the rows towards him.
"Tell them that they were legendary in the face of the enemy. Your only wish is that they could describe their deeds themselves."
"That's all?"
"What higher category of praise exists?"
She embraced him from behind. His tendrils loosely wrapped themselves around her torso as the spoke.

"Taw you make me far more efficient"
"You have a duty to me beyond command."
"It is only natural, you were the only one who supported my improbable plan"
"That is not true. All share your desire."
"Negative. They all provided platitudes when I conveyed my ideas. You were the only one who asked for a timetable!" He laughed out loud. Another rarity.

Tawaz squeezed Farkas hard. Her skin patches turning pink at the memory.
"It was only logical for someone as determined as you to have already advanced to the timetable phase of logistical considerations. Dissolving the Continuity Council is no small matter!"
His laughter stopped.
"What do we do after?"
"After the ceremony?"
"After the council vanishes"

Silence covered the makeshift graveyard. Neither could imagine such a life.

Action 1 - advance fleet components - armor
We have observed a great many things from our battle with the entity. Namely that our fleets are sorely lacking in survivability. Some new method should be devised to increase our chances of pulling through a black combat unscathed.

Action 2 - Research Advanced Shipyards
While the idea of a dedicated shipyard is impressive their construction will take a great deal of time. It is our belief that such a process can be made more efficient if we can develop a way to use this strange blue stone to replicate ship parts. While more advanced components will need to be made individually, the prospect of duplicating hulls could save us many cycles when it comes to breaking out a fleet.

Building action - free - make a purple oil mine

Military Free action - move the Espers onto the space station with the F-1
Monsters might have been found but we must check those who are half breeds. If they are to have a fresh start we must ensure there is no infection or influence of monsters.

>Action 1: Begin building the first Advanced Autonomous Dimensional Processing Unit tech megastructure(AADPU-0)

Alas, it was time to build it. It was not a giant computer.Indeed it was more like a gigantic planet sized Cuboid, fully sentient but will...uncountable times the processing capabilities and dimensional awareness. Once built it should be able to redirect its orbit as needed, but moving like a normal spaceship would forever be beyond it. With this, Cuboids could finally start to unravel the universe's mysteries

Or at least that is the intended and envisionned project. Right now it only looks like a metric ton of materials ready to be processed.

>Action 2: Kinetic Empowerment(Fuel Speed Component on Ground Army)

Ever since the experiment on the Vault, the Cuboids had continued to experiment with assimilating Fulgoleum. One day they became aware of the capability of psionics to manipulate and strenghten kinetic energy in a manner very similar to the Cuboids' innate telekinesis. Following this breakthrough, psionic Cuboids showcased the capability to multply their kinetic energy when moving their own bodies to around 5 times the normal amount. Furthermore, combination of innate Cuboid telekinesis and psionic telekinesis in bursts leads to Cuboids gaining the capability to momentarily shatter the sound barrier by several orders of magnitude and effortlessly achieve terminal velocity in mere nanoseconds. The drawback of such a burst is the blowback effect to the Cuboid involved, causing structural damage from the sheer massive energy output and temporarily reducing the Cuboid's locomotive abilities to an abysmal level.

>Building Action: Build the Excersionite(Blue Crystal) Mine on the Ocean World in (8,10) as agreed in >>6022047

More Excersionite has been detected in organic territory. Contact and diplomacy with these organics has allowed the Cuboids to mine these without conflict as the creatures are...tolerate on the world with Phyllite, as long as they follow certain architectural guidelines.
While part of the vast bureaucracy of the Concord concerns itself with the mundane day to day issues of finding enough textiles to provide every wizard with a full wardrobe of dress robes the primary focus is on the startling realization, only spoken in whispers, that there may be forces beyond the stars who are mightier than the Concord, if the vast collection of battered and shredded ships orbiting Thornreach is any indication. The vote is unanimous, more void towers must be built to prepare for the eventuality of something bigger. At the same time the Concord must manage the volatile and still dangerous debris of the Dark Entity. It is sealed into millions of containers, each painted with sigils of void residue, then divided across a vast prison/lab complex. Then in a stunning display of magical coordination and skill (emptying out the void reserves in the process) the entire complex is magically reduced to the size of a bowling ball and sealed into a temple-prison-lab complex on Thornreach. Already a team of researchers is probing small samples of the entity, though what they have found is concerning. Each spec of the entity contains within it a tiny physical spark composed of the five fundamental magical materials. Extraction of the tiny spark, via a costly procedure of void shrunken extraction teams, renders the spec of the entity utterly inert. What miracles might this little spark hold?

The most pressing issue of the League of Aetha, though sprawling empire is perhaps the better moniker as colonies spring up one after another and luxuries pour in from across the galaxy, is the Static Beast issue. Initial studies of the creatures have been difficult to parse, with their very biology seeming to defy common physics. In Slip-Space they spring to life, leaping about, infesting electronics, in common space they grow gray and dark. Adjustments have been made, so called ‘reality anchors’ mandated for installation, at no small cost to the League and the common merchant, and it seems the issue will at least hold for the moment, at some cost of extra fuel for stops to dispel the creatures and the cost of reality anchors to inhibit and slow them when they infest vessels. Still, life marches on across myriad worlds, a request for a one time infusion of funds has been requested for a ‘New Worlds Festival’ celebrating the vast expanse of worlds the League has settled on, tamed, and even transformed into ideal habitats.
There can be no doubt about it, the Drya wormhole technology is the best in the galaxy, sporting impressive range and efficiency, tapping into existing ‘subspace cracks’ to open up pathways between worlds, and using complex quantum phenomena to create multiple portals at the same time. The discoveries here have also led to the study, still emerging, of inducing these subspace cracks to force a ship to energy from FTL at a predetermined point in space, ideally within the range of Drya war drones. The latest batch of which are growing larger than ever thanks to the new nursery built in the (13,11) system.

Enough is enough. For too long Orkan has tolerated the xenophobic mania of the people of Reach, who fling weapons of indiscriminate destruction and lay waste to good worlds for no other reason than the petulant screaming of a child. Allies are gathered. Fleets are built, filled with the brightest and boldest of Orkan, then armed with terrifying weapons of war, precise laser systems, clusters of explosive missiles, and thick plates of regenerating armor. Nivih warriors wait with deadly calm for the call to drop down onto a hostile world. The largest single nation fleet in the galaxy sets forth to right the galaxy.

Bold explorers set out into the void and return. The first system is disappointing, from a tactical standpoint at least, though it does sport a pleasant garden world of tropical islands and pleasant weather. The next system is more useful tactically, sporting a massive world of tunnels that could comfortably fit a moon within them, providing easy access to large reserves of metallic resources. On the fringes of the system lay a massive frozen world of liquid nitrogen swamps, where Red Powder has collected at the bottom of the cold world. (You forgot your bonus building action this turn, feel free to dm me where/what you want for it)

The most interesting thing of the cycle however is the discovery of Lost Dreamers. An unintended consequence of Project Cartref’s AI assistance technology, some individuals who die while connected to the system leave behind virtual ‘ghosts’, imprints of who they were. These individuals retain memories and wisdom from life, providing advice and aid to the future even after their passing. (Each turn, as a bonus action, you can describe a Lost Dreamer, acquiring some minor bonus from their presence in Project Cartref)
Meditations of the shaman reveal a new system to us, one where a pleasant green world awaits in orbit around a vast world of storms and chaos. Yet Purple oil can be found on the storm world, a most useful resource. Other planets and moons also spin in the system, though they are largely beneath notice, being uninteresting barren places. The warriors of the Nivih prepare themselves for war, training with their newest and deadliest weapon, The Mother’s Claws. These specially built swords are made of hundreds of tiny metal fragments held together only by the will of a psionic warrior blessed by purple oil and the mother’s touch. In combat they can explode into a whirling cloud of death, though the burst of deadly telekinetic power must be recovered from, and the fragments collected before it can be unleashed again.

Spirits run high in Ecruxia, even as volunteers speak aloud the names of the fallen in battle. The Enemy is found! And battle has been joined, striking a decisive blow! Or at least this is the story the public knows. In the highest seats of government there is a crisis, the ultimate question. What now?

For now Ecruxia lurches forward, leaning on repetition, on habit, on memories of old feelings. New ship armor designs are drafted up, new shipyards are planned. A high ranking architect who knows the truth has a nervous breakdown, shouting that the shipyard designs could be repurposed for any number of large scale designs. A purple oil pump is built, scientists speculate on its ability to improve the Esper project. More ships? (But why?). Better ships? (To fight who?). Espers to track down and destroy the enemy? (WHAT ENEMY?).
The AADPU is a vast undertaking, even by the scale of the Cuboids. The same techniques that create a Cuboid, applies to an entity thousands of times its size, dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of the universe. Once complete at the end of the next cycle it will be able to independently pursue the unraveling of the universe’s secrets, perhaps as many as three times before inevitably the glory of the number four causes the device to fixate. The vast undertaking has ramifications all across the Unity, with minor shortages, emptying stockpiles and tapped out contacts among merchants across the galaxy all working to fulfill the massive need for supplies. Still, the Unity should be able to handle material needs, as long as it doesn’t stress itself any further with other projects.

In less lofty new the latest test footage of the Cuboid Kinetic Empowerment system has somehow leaked to the Scretnet, under the username InYourVaultRoundingYourCubes. It immediately goes viral, showcasing a ‘blooper reel’ of Cuboids being tossed about at tremendous uncontrollable speeds, crashing into objects, and suffering from sudden critical losses of control and dexterity. Curiously the footage seems to have been edited to avoid any critical information leaking out, such as the ability of a cuboid to execute super sonic hairpin turns while under the effect of the system.

> IUNE 12-13
Sorry I never got a chance to write anything last turn

An exciting turn of good luck! The latest GATE exploration team has discovered a system that while lacking in habitable planets, is rich in rare strategic resources, a tough metal alloy producing Red Powder, and a green metal that can trigger extremely powerful vibrations with the application of electrical current. To say nothing of a vast ship graveyard full of military grade metals! Explorers have set to work colonizing, exploiting, and extracting these precious resources, bringing in precious ‘Super Materials’ that could usher in a new age of Human Supremacy in the galaxy. Research requests using these new materials are lining up, everything from “Vibration Engines” and “Frequency Drills” to “Unbreakable Hulls”. In more simplistic news the food issues of the IUNE have resolved for the moment, with Tribute setting up large new farms, taking advantage of the green planet's natural ability to produce food. Back home, the Doomsday Defense Project sees a round of modernization, collecting the weapons into a sizable orbital platform that can trade blows with enemy spacecraft who threaten Earth itself.
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The Galaxy Map.

Please post Actions for Turn 14 on the next thread

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