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You are Ethan Graves, a 16-year-old high school sophomore. A few months ago, you discovered your great-grandfather's book of black magic, leading you down a path of dark temptations and moral dilemmas.
It all began when you stumbled upon the old, leather-bound book hidden in the attic of your family home. As you pored over its ancient pages, you found yourself drawn to the spells and rituals contained within. The allure of black magic was irresistible, and you soon began experimenting with the book's dark arts.
Your first experiment was on Jessica Evans, the popular cheerleader and your secret crush. Using hypnosis, you lost your virginity to her, testing the limits of your newfound powers. The thrill of control was intoxicating, but it left you with a gnawing sense of guilt.
Next, you turned your attention to your older brother, Alex, the golden child and star quarterback who had bullied you and others for years. Using hypnosis again, you forced him to cross-dress publicly, shattering his reputation and sending him into a nervous breakdown that landed him in a psychiatric ward. This act earned you the promise of a future favor from Michael Reed, an effeminate boy your brother had bullied.
With Alex out of the picture, your parents' attention shifted to you. Your father, Charles, a successful but morally compromised businessman, revealed that he had planned to leave the family business to Alex but now needed you to step up. You agreed, sensing an opportunity to further your ambitions.
You discovered your father's illicit activities—extramarital affairs disguised as business trips—and used this knowledge to blackmail him. His personal assistant and secret mistress, Jasmine Carter, became your ally and partner, helping you navigate the business and gather dirt on your father. Your relationship with Jasmine quickly turned romantic, adding another layer of sin to your dark journey.
Your mother, Margaret Graves, a conservative Christian with deep-seated racist views, reacted with feigned indignation when she discovered you had spent the night with Jasmine, a black girl, under her roof. Despite your mother's hypocrisy, you decided her time for punishment would come later.
As you delved deeper into the book's secrets, you learned the truth about your great-grandfather Harold Graves, a once pious altar boy who turned to black magic after being molested by and killing a priest and made a pact with demonic forces, cursing your lineage.
The female demon, Lilith, who has been watching your family for generations, began to visit you in your dreams, pushing you towards greater sins to increase your power. You learned about the concept of sin marks, which enhance your dark abilities. You used your first four sin marks to master a blessing spell, augmenting your physical and social capabilities. The transformation was immediate, boosting your confidence and charisma.

First thread: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2024/5904737/
The Protagonist (You): Ethan Graves, 16 years old. A high school sophomore who discovers his great-grandfather's book of black magic, leading him down a path of dark temptations and moral dilemmas. Ethan is increasingly conflicted as he navigates the complexities of his newfound powers.
The Father: Charles Graves, 45 years old. A successful but morally compromised businessman, Charles indulges in extramarital affairs under the guise of business trips. His discovery and subsequent blackmail by Ethan marks his fall from power within the family.
The Mother: Margaret Graves, 43 years old. A conservative Christian with deep-seated racist views, Margaret is outwardly pious but privately hypocritical, struggling to maintain her façade of moral superiority amidst the unraveling secrets of her family.
The Older Brother: Alex Graves, 18 years old. The golden child and star quarterback, Alex is a bully who has always been favored by his parents, especially Margaret. His recent admission to a psychiatric ward reveals the cracks in his seemingly perfect life.
The Younger Sister: Emily Graves, 14 years old. A rebellious teenager with a penchant for goth fashion, Emily is often at odds with her family's conservative values. Her bitchy nature and biting remarks often lead to clashes with family members, making her the black sheep of the family.
The Crush: Jessica Evans, 16 years old. A popular cheerleader at Ethan's high school, Jessica embodies the quintessential high school dream girl but finds herself unwittingly the target of Ethan's early experiments with hypnosis, though unaware of what happened to her.
The Effeminate Boy: Michael Reed, 16 years old: An effeminate classmate of Ethan's, Michael is often the target of bullying. Ethan helps him get revenge in exchange for a future favor.
The Personal Assistant/Father's Mistress: Jasmine Carter, 21 years old. Once the personal assistant and mistress to Ethan's father, Jasmine is a pragmatic and ambitious young woman who becomes Ethan's lover and confidante in his dark endeavors. She is driven by a need to support her sick mother.
The Female Demon: Lilith, ageless (but can appear to be in her late 20s). A malevolent entity that has been observing and influencing Ethan's family for generations, the demon takes a special interest in Ethan, encouraging him to embrace his dark heritage and commit sins to gain power.
The Great-grandfather: Harold Graves (deceased, but would have been around 80s if alive). Once an altar boy with a deeply religious upbringing, Harold's life took a dark turn leading him to practice black magic, a decision that cursed his lineage and left a legacy of black magic for his descendants.
You've mastered
The power of hypnosis: the ability to sway the wills of others.
The blessing of black magic: becoming stronger, quicker, more attractive, and charismatic.
You have 2 sin marks in reserve.
As the months rolled by since you discovered your great-grandfather's book of black magic, your mastery over the arcane deepened. Hypnosis is now a spell you wield with ease, bending the wills of those around you, subtly influencing all your interactions. The blessings of black magic you've invoked upon yourself have transformed you; you're stronger, quicker, more attractive, charismatic, and your words carry a weight and charm that few can resist. This transformation hasn't gone unnoticed within the walls of your own home. Your father now looks to you with a mixture of respect and deference an unspoken acknowledgment of your ascendancy and your power over him. Your mother, despite her vocal disapproval of certain actions, relies on you more than ever. With Alex away and her perfect family image crumbling, you've become an indispensable part of her self-image as a responsible parent. School life has shifted in your favor as well. The enhancements to your physical and social attributes have made you incredibly popular. Classmates are drawn to you, and teachers are inexplicably lenient. It's a stark contrast to the timid, friendless loner you once were. But with great power comes a restlessness for action. Your eyes are now set on a new objective: identifying a deserving target for your next adventure. Someone whose deeds have cast shadows long enough to warrant the intervention of a grey mage. You target a queen bee, a rich and popular girl whose bullying has driven others to suicide attempts. She's always gotten away with her crimes, but not this time. You plan to

> destroy her social image, exposing her darkest secrets to the entire school
> ruin her family's wealth and influence, stripping away her safety net and leaving her vulnerable
> turn her into your mind-controlled slave, bending her will to serve your every command
> incite her closest friends to betray her, isolating her completely
> write in
Last time I got range banned for no reason. Trying again
>> destroy her social image, exposing her darkest secrets to the entire school
>> incite her closest friends to betray her, isolating her completely
>> Trick her into believing her past victims are haunting her and ruining her life
>Generally gaslight her
Reverse bully
Welcome back, QM!

> ruin her family's wealth and influence, stripping away her safety net and leaving her vulnerable
Bonus points if we can somehow acquire her wealth for ourselves
Ruin wealth is stupidity.
>Usurp her family's wealth.
>>write in
>>Usurp wealth
sounds like a great idea >>6016895 I am not sure how possible it can be mostly from the eyes of the one that's making the game, lol but this IS a big challenge, and that's interesting. Challenges you are not sure you will overcome are the best.
I was going to write in something like drive her to suicide but better not...? Hmm...

To usurp the wealth the MC should hypnotize her into a slave, then enter her family (ideally for a while, as to make it normal him going to their house and bein in ther lives) and then hypnotize the dad/mom and empty their accounts... of course, I don't think black magic deals with the secret art of money laundering so I am not too sure to how to get a hold of the money and USE it later... maybe get your dad to ask for a big loan and use the stolen money to pay in installments? No one is going to ask HOW you are paying that credit
We defacto run dad's company, right? Maybe we can dig up some dirt on her family, hold it over her head or sue it to blackmail her parents, then use that new power dynamic to torment and bully her?

>>6016756 is me, and I'll jump on the
>Usurp her family's wealth
>>6016953 second.
also i'd like to know the sauce bitch used to personify jasmine.
Synth the Demon, by IAHFY
+1 for usurp
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Veronica Brody is the queen bee at your school. Her father, the mayor, is a corrupt politician who has amassed wealth through bribes and connections to organized crime. He practically owns the police, making him untouchable despite his well-known misdeeds. Veronica exploits her father's wealth and influence to get away with her own cruelty, bullying girls from poorer families to the point of suicide attempts. You decide to usurp her family's wealth, breaking the commandments against stealing and coveting your neighbor's possessions. Without her family's fortune and protection, Veronica will be easier to punish. You start by

> befriending her, using your newfound confidence and charisma to gain her favor
> hypnotizing her, bending her will to follow your commands
> gathering more information about her bullying, documenting every cruel act
> going to Jasmine, asking for her help to uncover dirt on Veronica's family
> write in
> going to Jasmine, asking for her help to uncover dirt on Veronica's family
> gathering more information about her bullying, documenting every cruel act
> going to Jasmine, asking for her help to uncover dirt on Veronica's family
>> hypnotizing her, bending her will to follow your commands
>> hypnotizing her, bending her will to follow your commands
cool quest, binged through the first yesterday and ready to give my two cents.
pretty sure heaven and hell exist, or some form thereof.
If we deal out punishment to the wicked in a 'good' manner, it only needs to be the consequences of their own actions while serve to heal those most affected by their misdeeds.
There's enough rich assholes to whack like pinatas and just collect what shakes loose.
So far we have also not seen any evidence that any supernatural forces would come after us, so nothing warrants powercreep. The demoness might just want to get us on the greed for power train and hope it takes off.
We need to look up how grandpa died, because it seems like he just got cold feet and opted out at one point, relatively unscathed (though cursing the bloodline)

>> hypnotizing her, bending her will to follow your commands
>get her to spy on her dad and the police, thinking her motivation is so that she can blackmail him into absolute subjugation
> befriending her, using your newfound confidence and charisma to gain her favor
As >>6018618, binged through the first thread.
Let's seduce her with our charming personality.
Also I found the poophole loophole : Buttsex doesn't have to be with a man to count as a sin, right?
Sorry for going AWOL. I keep getting hit with "Posting from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse." No warnings or bans, just this
Your plan is to hypnotize Veronica, bending her will to follow your commands. The old you could have never approached her, as she regards unpopular kids as less than dirt. But now, armed with your newfound charisma, it's easy to infiltrate her clique of sycophants and orbiters. Veronica is both cruel and vapid, taking pleasure in bullying the poorer and less popular kids just for the thrill of it. However, her strong will, fueled by a belief that she's completely untouchable, poses a challenge to your hypnotic abilities. After several days of subtle maneuvering, you finally manage to get her alone. With a steady voice, you target her with your power of hypnosis, focusing all your energy on bending the queen bee's will to yours.

> roll d100
Rolled 47 (1d100)

Rolled 77 (1d100)

Rolled 83 (1d100)

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Veronica possesses a will stronger than both your cheerleader crush, Jessica, and your bully of an older brother, Alex, making her less susceptible to hypnosis. Nevertheless, you've been honing your hypnotic power for months, growing significantly stronger than when you first started. As you recite the final words of the spell, you observe Veronica's transformation. The haughty queen bee's demeanor shifts dramatically; her previously arrogant expression dissolves into a vacant, trance-like state. Her eyes, usually mocking and dismissive, now appear empty, devoid of their characteristic spark. She turns to you, her voice flat and eerily compliant. "What do you want me to do, master?" You order her to

> have sex with you
> tell you her worst crimes so you can decide on an appropriate punishment
> spy on her dad and the police, thinking her motivation is so that she can blackmail him into absolute subjugation
> max out her credit cards and give you the money
> become your girlfriend
> write in
> spy on her dad and the police, thinking her motivation is so that she can blackmail him into absolute subjugation
We already know she's a bitch who deserves what's coming to her, but we want to ruin her whole sleazy family and make her watch.

And we established our boy feels weird about magic-rape, right?
>> spy on her dad and the police, thinking her motivation is so that she can blackmail him into absolute subjugation
>> spy on her dad and the police, thinking her motivation is so that she can blackmail him into absolute subjugation
>>Make her knowledgeble that you tried some stupid hypnosis trick that of course doesn't work on her. While being under the spell. It's hot
>> spy on her dad and the police, thinking her motivation is so that she can blackmail him into absolute subjugation
>> spy on her dad and the police, thinking her motivation is so that she can blackmail him into absolute subjugation
> spy on her dad and the police
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"Spy on your dad and the police," you command. "Find dirt on them so you can blackmail your father into absolute subjugation, making him buy whatever you want." Veronica accepts the hypnotic suggestion without hesitation. "Yes, master." You continue, "You'll forget this conversation, but you'll remember that I tried some stupid hypnosis trick that, of course, didn't work on you." Veronica nods again. "Yes, master, hypnosis tricks don't work on me." You smile. "Good. Now return to your usual life, but follow the command I gave you." With that, Veronica returns to her clique of sycophants. You soon hear them laughing about bullying the poor and unpopular kids. She doesn't remember, but the first step of her punishment is already set in motion. After giving the command, you head to your classes. Your grades have steadily improved since you're no longer a depressed, bullied, timid loner. You've also joined sports activities after class, using your magically enhanced strength, agility, and charisma to perform better than ever. This has gained you the attention of the popular girls, and you've even noticed Jessica Evans, the most popular cheerleader in school and your crush, staring at you with admiration. You're still into her, and now, with the blessing of black magic, you might be able to date her without using hypnosis. And she's not the only one—other girls have been giving you the look as well. You

> approach Jessica
> approach a different girl
> go to your dad's office and consult Jasmine
> go home and study the book of black magic
> write in
> approach Jessica
Easier to talk to someone when you've already spooged on their face.
>> approach Jessica
uh yes
> approach Jessica
> text Jasmine to call me lattter
I'll add
> text Jasmine to call me later
to >>6023329, too.

> approach Jessica
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You approach Jessica after the sports activities. It's a lot easier to talk to someone when you've already had sex with them. You remember her on her knees, sucking your cock, your cum on her face, even if she doesn't remember it. Jessica barely remembers you from when you were a timid loner, now seeing you as a new person. "You're Alex's little brother, aren't you?" she asks, recognizing you vaguely. "Yeah, I'm Ethan," you introduce yourself with a confident smile, acting almost like this is the first time you've met. "Damn, you're in great shape, even better than your big bro was," she flirts with you not so subtly, and unlike before, you're charismatic enough to reciprocate. That said, you find her a bit vain and vapid—not as bad as Veronica, of course, but still the sort of superficial teenage girl who ignores 'losers' and unpopular kids, preferring the football players and bullies. Since finding the book of black magic, you have gone from a timid loner to a charismatic popular kid. Thus, she sees you in a new light. You

> realize you never really cared about her personality. She's still the hottest girl in your school and the one you truly want
> decide to guide her towards a casual fling, keeping things light and uncomplicated
> try to move on from your crush, focusing on someone with more substance and shared interests
> consider using your hypnotic powers again to ensure she falls for you, despite your reservations about her personality
> decide to build a genuine friendship with her, seeing where it leads without any pressure
> keep your options open, enjoying the attention from multiple girls and seeing who stands out
> try to influence her positively, hoping to change her superficial ways through your suggestions and newfound charisma
> write in
>> keep your options open, enjoying the attention from multiple girls and seeing who stands out
>> keep your options open, enjoying the attention from multiple girls and seeing who stands out
>> keep your options open, enjoying the attention from multiple girls and seeing who stands out
On one hand, flings are good for us and the Hookup culture as a whole is a great creator of easy Sin Overpresence.
On the other, I completely see Ethan losing interest in that tramp.
> try to move on from your crush, focusing on someone with more substance and shared interests
> keep your options open, enjoying the attention from multiple girls and seeing who stands out
>> try to move on from your crush, focusing on someone with more substance and shared interests
we prettyfied ourselves externally.
We can find someone who is pretty on the inside and make her pretty on the outside (while it's still totally suberficial)
herder to find someone pretty outside and try to make them pretty inside
>>> try to move on from your crush, focusing on someone with more substance and shared interests
>> keep your options open, enjoying the attention from multiple girls and seeing who stands out
You keep your options open, enjoying the attention from multiple girls and seeing who stands out. Truth be told, most of the girls who start talking to you seem to be the vapid and vain sort—teenage girls who ignored you when you were a loser but now pay attention because you are confident and charismatic. You also find out that Jessica was flirting with you despite already having a boyfriend—a rich bully who is on the football team, like your brother was. Stealing her from her boyfriend could count as coveting your neighbor's wife, earning you another sin mark. But it could also cause more drama for you at school. Not that you are particularly afraid of bullies anymore, though. Anyway, these are decisions you can make later. Right now, your quest is to bring down the corrupt mayor of your town, usurp his wealth, and punish his haughty queen bee daughter, Veronica. You

> go to your dad's office and consult Jasmine
> go home and study the book of black magic
> have casual sex with one of the easier girls
> talk to a less popular girl bullied by Veronica
> stay put until Veronica finds dirt on her dad
> write in
>> have casual sex with one of the easier girls
I want to try the poophole loophole
>go to your dad's office and consult Jasmine
>have casual sex with Jessica, then ghost her
Sin marks give us power-ups, right? If she wants to cheat, let her fuck herself over while we score some easy DemonBux. We can do the 'poophole loophole', too, just to see what it does. Is that the sin of Onan, if we don't break any marital oath as Onan did? We'll see!
>go home and look up how grandpa "got out"
> talk to a less popular girl bullied by Veronica
Accumulate both followers and sins
Oh I forgot about Onan! it counts double if that so : spread the seed out of the field + sodomy infamy
Is there a Biblical proscription against sodomy, or just "laying with a man as if he were a woman"?
> go home and study the book of black magic
>have casual sex with one of the easier girls
Why do I vote for this? becuase the options are pretty shit
if I felt like writing a write in, which I don't, I would write
>>attempt to contact or meet other practitioners of the black arts
>have casual sex with Jessica, then ghost her
> go home and study the book of black magic
> text Jasmine to call me later
Sodom was not a town of homosexual but of people indulging in "sexual immorality"
Onan's sin was pulling out.
He fucked a woman without meaning to procreate.
it's extrapolated to be spreaded seed in vain according to some flavor of Book Religion
Onan's sin was rarher more complex: it wasn't just pulling out, it was failing to honor an oath to impregnate and thus legitimize his wife, who was his brother's wife before he died. It was essentially oathbreaking.

True. I meant in the modern sense when I said "sodomy". Is anal sex sinful? I suppose if nothing else it is sex for sex's sake.
I think it stricto sensu qualifies as an abomination. As said above, some say that Oral Sex is a sin. At a point, if was also a sin for women to receive pleasure in sex.
You decide to have casual sex with one of the easier girls. It should net you another sin mark, especially if you combine it with another transgression. Casual sex isn't a major unforgivable sin in your view, even though the Old Testament forbids it. Nevertheless, when you go home and study the book of black magic later, the sin mark will help you. But which of the girls should you go for? As you weigh your options, you consider the girls who have shown interest in you after you suddenly became confident and charismatic. Each one seems to embody the superficial traits you once despised, but now, their attention serves your purpose. You think about who might be the easiest to seduce, who could provide the quickest path to your next sin mark. You choose

> Jessica. You are still physically attracted to her, even though she has a boyfriend. Cheating on him could make your sin more potent
> Trixie. The vain and vapid girlfriend of one of your former bullies. Her shallow nature makes her an easy target
> Kylie. Your older brother's ex, currently single. Her history with your brother might make your sin more potent
> Vanessa. A goth girl who is friends with your younger sister. Her outsider status could make her more willing to align with your darker ambitions
> Amber. A girl with a reputation for being a slut. Her lack of loyalty to her boyfriends and desire for attention makes her an easy target
> Lily. A social climber who dates only for status. Her ambition and superficiality make her a perfect candidate for manipulation. She is also rumored to sleep with teachers for better grades
> write in
> Vanessa.
> Jessica. You are still physically attracted to her, even though she has a boyfriend. Cheating on him could make your sin more potent
Between her and Kylie, theo thers only net one sin mark, and this one is actually IN a relationship as opposed to having BEEN in one (even if it was our brother).
That said, Vanessa is also understandable for gathering a follower.
> Jessica. You are still physically attracted to her, even though she has a boyfriend. Cheating on him could make your sin more potent
One and done. Then ghost her.

> Lily. A social climber who dates only for status. Her ambition and superficiality make her a perfect candidate for manipulation. She is also rumored to sleep with teachers for better grades
Her next, to gather dirt on the profs.
>> Kylie. Your older brother's ex, currently single. Her history with your brother might make your sin more potent
Not only the most sexy features but finally having our first follower becomes possible. Of course it all depends on what we see when we meet her
i was talking about:
> Vanessa. A goth girl who is friends with your younger sister. Her outsider status could make her more willing to align with your darker ambitions
>> Jessica. You are still physically attracted to her, even though she has a boyfriend. Cheating on him could make your sin more potent
>> Jessica. You are still physically attracted to her, even though she has a boyfriend. Cheating on him could make your sin more potent
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You choose Jessica. You are still physically attracted to her, even though she has a boyfriend. Cheating on him could make your sin more potent. Jessica, the school's sexiest cheerleader, always ignored you when you were a loser, but now she's drawn to your black magically augmented charisma and confidence. "It's all right to have a bit of fun without telling your boyfriend," you propose with a suggestive smirk. "Of course," Jessica agrees with a naughty smirk of her own, and soon you find yourself fucking her. There is no hypnosis this time; she is completely enthusiastic and aware as you fuck her pussy. You find Jessica vapid and superficial, but there's no denying how sexy she is, and you greatly enjoy every second you spend inside her. It's not a major transgression, but stealing another man's lover still nets you another sin mark. When you return home and open your book of black magic, you have three available sin marks. You choose to learn

> conjuration: 2 sin marks
> blessing: 2 sin marks
> hex:2 sin marks
> geas: 2 sin marks
> keep in reserve: 3 sin marks
> write in
> blessing: 2 sin marks
passive benefits over time will help us accumulate more sins later on.
> blessing: 2 sin marks
It's good to decrease our sin counter, i'm afraid of an angel attack soon
>> blessing: 2 sin marks
>> blessing: 2 sin marks
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You burn two sin marks, keeping the last one as a reserve, and master another blessing of black magic. This is a passive ability, nothing too flashy, but you suspect it will help you keep a low profile and avoid enemies, while flashier powers like conjuration would attract unwanted attention. Your previous blessing made you stronger, quicker, more attractive, and charismatic. This time, you go beyond human limits. Your body structure doesn't change much, but you know for certain that you can now outrun peak Usain Bolt and outswim peak Michael Phelps. You are faster, stronger, and supernaturally durable, and might even survive a gunshot or two, tanking and healing injuries that should be fatal to humans. Your eyes shift to the few superhero comic books in your room. You are not much different from their protagonists now, are you? You are also supernaturally gifted and fighting for justice, just with much darker methods. The next day, you

> ask Veronica if she has learned anything about her father's corruption
> head to the office and put your new enhanced stamina to the test with Jasmine
> delve into your family history to uncover what happened to your great-grandfather in the end
> approach a girl who was abused by Veronica, hoping to gather more dirt on the queen bee’s bullying
> have casual sex with another one of the easier girls for another easy sin mark
> write in
>> head to the office and put your new enhanced stamina to the test with Jasmine
Try the Poophole Loophole + Sin of Onan combination.
Also, we need to "work" on this relationship to maintain a good level of hold on Jasmine
>> delve into your family history to uncover what happened to your great-grandfather in the end
> have casual sex with another one of the easier girls for another easy sin mark

all of em
just go through one by one to rack up like 4 or more sin marks.
> go to your dad's office and consult Jasmine
Does Veronica's dad have any accounts with our dad's business? Are there any irregularities she can look into?

We can test this out, too, sure. But let's not forget our mission and become a braindead coomer.
>> head to the office and put your new enhanced stamina to the test with Jasmine
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The next day, you head to the office to put your newly enhanced stamina to the test with Jasmine. Technically, it's still your dad's accounting firm, but you've successfully positioned yourself as the heir apparent, and your dad now defers to you, silently acknowledging your ascendancy. It's strange how learning black magic has elevated your status wherever you go—school, home, and now at the office. You briefly wonder if some unnaturally charismatic politicians and billionaires might also be secret practitioners of black magic, leveraging sins to increase their powers. However, you quickly shift your focus to more enticing matters, namely your relationship with your dad's secretary-slash-mistress turned your lover. "Is it me or are you even bigger than you used to be?" Jasmine quips as you make love in your office. "Just your imagination," you respond with a sly smile, realizing the full extent of your supernatural enhancements. Your lovemaking is intensely pleasurable, heightened by Jasmine's expertise. But this relationship is more than just pleasure; it's a strategic alliance that helps you maintain a strong hold on Jasmine, ensuring she willingly assists you in achieving your broader goals. You have a solid working relationship with Jasmine now, as she aids in your takeover of your dad's business and helps gather dirt on the rich clients. While Jasmine is on her knees, under your desk, you seize the moment to discuss business. "Does the mayor have any accounts with our firm?" you ask, maintaining a calm demeanor despite the distracting circumstances. Jasmine pauses, thinking for a moment before responding. "He does. We help him with tax loopholes, but they aren't illegal, all rich bastards use those. Laws are different for them and poor sobs like me," she replies, her tone a mix of resignation. She resumes servicing your cock until you finish on her tits. You ask her

> if the mayor is doing anything illegal that you can exploit
> if she wants to try anal next
> offer to return the favor by eating her out
> if she wants to catch a movie later
> how her sick mom is doing
> write in
>> how her sick mom is doing
>> if the mayor is doing anything illegal that you can exploit
We'll braindead coom a later day. Time for business.
> how her sick mom is doing
> if the mayor is doing anything illegal that you can exploit
Darn. Poophole loophole another day, anon. I just remembered we have a reason to care abut our side-piece sex-secretary, too.
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After making love several more times, your enhanced stamina allowing you to fully savor the experience, Jasmine sits on your lap, still undressed, breathing hard and drenched in sweat from the intensity of your lovemaking. "How's your mom doing?" you ask, shifting your focus from physical pleasures to her personal concerns. Jasmine exhales deeply, a shadow passing over her face. "Not too well, she's undergoing another round of chemo," she says, sadness tinging her voice. Her mother's battle with cancer has been long and costly. "I hope she gets better," you offer, your tone genuine. You feel a pang of empathy, remembering what Jasmine has had to endure to support her sick mom. Suddenly, a piece of information clicks in your mind. "I recall there was a federal grant for the cancer hospital. Did it improve the facilities at all?" you inquire, curious. Jasmine shakes her head, her expression turning pensive. "Not really. The hospital is still underfunded and struggling," she reveals. You nod thoughtfully, a new layer of disgust for the town's leadership forming in your mind, and you find yourself wondering if the mayor might be an even bigger piece of shit than his daughter. "Stealing federal funds meant for the cancer hospital... that's a major crime, right?" you probe, sensing a potential vulnerability in your enemy's armor. Jasmine pauses, considering the implications. "Only if you get caught," she finally responds, her voice a mix of cynicism and realism. As you digest her words, a plan begins to take shape in your mind. You start to see a way to leverage this situation not just to strike at the mayor but to perhaps right a significant wrong. You

> ask Veronica if she has learned anything about her father's corruption
> follow the money and look into the mayor's assets
> enlist Jasmine in the mission
> use hypnosis to get one of the mayor’s closest aides to confess their involvement in the corruption
> write in
>> follow the money and look into the mayor's assets
>> ask Veronica if she has learned anything about her father's corruption
> use hypnosis to get one of the mayor’s closest aides to confess their involvement in the corruption
We get this we can get leverage on mayor.
Get leverage on mayor we can get a lot more sway on a lot of matters on the town.
> ask Veronica if she has learned anything about her father's corruption
> request that Jasmine follow the money and look into the mayor's assets
>> use hypnosis to get one of the mayor’s closest aides to confess their involvement in the corruption
but be smart about it. The case against the mayor and the police has to be air tight, because, whatever we then decide to do with it, is still met with a huge power to go against
> follow the money and look into the mayor's assets
> enlist Jasmine in the mission
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"Since Mayor Brody has an account with us, can you check into his assets?" you request that Jasmine follow the money and look into the mayor's assets. Jasmine looks surprised. "You're going after the mayor?" You reply calmly, "I'm just exploring possibilities." After one last round of sex with Jasmine, you both shift your focus to business. Your dad's secretary is clever and capable, far more than just the sex object he perceived her to be. After a bit of digging, she reports, "The mayor bought a new yacht last year. Something that should cost around six million dollars." You nod thoughtfully, "That's not the sort of money the mayor of a small town should have, at least not legally." Jasmine agrees, "Yeah, we actually helped him find a loophole to skip taxes on it. Where he got the money to buy it though, well, we don't have any receipts. But looking into it... it was right after the federal grant for the cancer hospital... that fucking bastard!" You ponder how to exploit this. If you have proof of him misappropriating federal funds, you can anonymously report it to the authorities. Sure, the mayor owns the corrupt police of your small town, but that won't save him if federal agents come knocking. You might also send the reports to the opposing political party and their affiliated news media, destroying the mayor's political career, and possibly landing him in prison for a very long time. After all, no jury would be lenient to a guy who stole from cancer kids. But this won't help you usurp his wealth as you wanted. There is another way; you can wait for Veronica to find proof, or use hypnosis to get one of the mayor’s closest aides to confess their involvement in the corruption. Once you have proof, you can blackmail the mayor for personal profit. It carries risks and dangers, especially if he discovers who you are and sends the police after you, but the potential financial gains are significant. You plan to

> report him to the authorities and leak the evidence to rival political parties and the media as soon as you gather concrete evidence of his crimes
> blackmail him for financial benefits and personal favors once you secure undeniable proof of his corruption
> write in
>> report him to the authorities and leak the evidence to rival political parties and the media as soon as you gather concrete evidence of his crimes

So we are Grey road. This is a simple greater good choice. Grants us Brownie points with Brownie girl.
> blackmail him for financial benefits and personal favors once you secure undeniable proof of his corruption

More power allows us to do more good later, we can reign him in with the blackmail while also taking advantage of the favor it brings us.
I don't believe that. It's a slippery slope to power GETS that every politician or really rich takes before getting crooked.
>> report him to the authorities and leak the evidence to rival political parties and the media as soon as you gather concrete evidence of his crimes

blackmailing him only allows him to continue to do bad stuff. and there is state and federal whistleblower rewards
> blackmail him for financial benefits and personal favors once you secure undeniable proof of his corruption
Everyone's corrupt as shit anyway. Except us. We can own this town, and mould it into something better... Starting with reappropriating fubds for the hospital, and Jasmine's mom first and foremost.
Why not both? Blackmail him, fleece his money, then report him
Because then he can report us for blackmail, which is still a crime.
Him reporting us fro blackmail will drag him down with us.
He loves his wealth too much to risk jeopardizing all of it lol
yes, but it stops us from reporting him
We don't need to directly, we can just leak it and the public will go from there.
problem is that if he's going down anyway, he has nothing (or less) to lose by taking us down with him. If we blackmail him, it makes no sense to then put him in a position where he has any incentive to flip on us, or loses the reasons he has to stick with us.
>> report him to the authorities and leak the evidence to rival political parties and the media as soon as you gather concrete evidence of his crimes
This decision weighs heavily on you. Reporting the mayor to the authorities and leaking the evidence to rival political parties and the media, once you gather concrete evidence of his crimes, is the right thing to do. Yet, it doesn't offer any financial benefit, nor does it help you usurp his wealth as you had initially planned. On the other hand, it could greatly benefit others. If the mayor's assets are seized, they could potentially be redirected to the cancer hospital, alleviating the financial burden on less wealthy individuals like Jasmine and her mom who struggle to afford treatment in an underfunded facility. You're caught in a moral dilemma once again. Blackmailing the mayor and usurping his ill-gotten wealth could make you very rich and also grant you sin marks. However, it's fraught with risks and could lead the mayor and his corrupt police force to retaliate against you or your family if you are identified as the blackmailer. An anonymous tip to the authorities and alerting the media about his crimes is the safer route, as it cannot be traced back to you. Yet, this choice won't pad your wallet or deepen your reservoir of sin marks. Torn between the light path of justice and aiding the innocent, and the dark allure of wealth and power, you ultimately choose the light—at least this time. "We'll anonymously report him to the authorities if we find concrete proof of him stealing from the cancer hospital," you promise Jasmine. The next day at school, you approach Veronica and ask if she has uncovered any proof of her dad's corruption. If she has, it will be the safest and easiest outcome for you. If not, you will have to consider confronting the mayor and his aides directly, using hypnosis to get them to confess their involvement in the corruption—a far riskier plan.

> roll d100
Rolled 20 (1d100)

This is not cash money.
Rolled 78 (1d100)

For some reason the roll in options didn't register.
Rolled 51 (1d100)

You place Veronica under hypnosis again. It's much easier this time, as you have already hypnotized her once. Your great-grandfather's book of black magic likened it to saddling a horse that’s already been broken in. You ask her, "Have you found any proof of your dad's corruption?" Veronica replies with vacant eyes, "Yes, he's an idiot. He kept receipts on the family computer—money he has been stealing from the government, bribes he's been taking, everything. I made a copy on my flash drive." You nod, "Good, give me that flash drive." You copy everything from her flash drive and send it anonymously to government agencies like the FBI and the IRS, rival political parties, and the media. This is an election year, so the rival political parties will no doubt use it as a perfect chance to expose their opponent's corruption. Mayor Brody won’t be able to bury this scandal. It takes only a few days for your actions to bear fruit. "Did you hear? Mayor Brody's been arrested for corruption!" Everyone talks about it during lunch. It's national news. The trial will take a while, but Mayor Brody is done. Veronica is taking a break from school to avoid the fallout, and when she returns, she will have none of her old influence. You silently smile, satisfied with your actions, taking another step forward on the path of the grey mage.
This chapter wraps up here. In the next one, we’ll start a new arc.
Thanks for running.
Thanks for running, QM!
Wonder how Lilith is going to react to our 'moralfagging'
what about the police that was on his payroll?
Small town cops can't save you if feds come after you
I meant if they get locked up too, or are looking for a new sugar daddy
They're still around. We got one corrupt politician arrested but there are still many more corrupt people and criminals
Wait the thread is end? How can it over after so little... not even two hundred replies
We're on page 9 and it's almost a month old. The last thread was short, too.

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