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Welcome back.

Rules are simple: Votes are tallied every hour, with whatever course of action being the most popular being the course of action taken. Write ins are encouraged and non-mutually exclusive votes will be combined if possible.

When a roll is called for, roll however many D100 are specified. 5- is a 'crit fail' and generally means something bad is about to happen. 95+ is a 'crit success' and generally means something good just happened. a 'crit success' trumps a crit fail. User input on both will be taken into consideration.

Inventory, pokemon stats and other links: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15i2N08IpWqitoTJujsUMishe4PLbao1lqT-bCAmvPcE/edit

Discord: https://discord.gg/B9rHx5Zw

For a short summary for the new and to recap:

You are Alex. A newly minted trainer and camping enthusiast just starting out on your journey at the age of seventeen after your father lost his job in order to help pay the bills. On the road, you met Fie, the Fire Gym Leader, Gareth a novice Aura Guardian on pilgrimage and Holly, a runaway heiress using a pseudonym. You've also made enemies of Team Green a group of violent, radical activists looking to abolish pokemon training.

Recently, Fie returned to her gym for the time being.

Last thread, Queenie evolved, you made it back to Saltcoast, spent the night with Fie and in the morning, started preparing to move on.
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There're a few things you figure you ought to pick up before you leave, so with breakfast done, you and the others set off for town to track down supplies.

Fie gives you some directions before going to open her gym.

It's actually pretty quiet when you get to town and there aren't many trainers around.

When you head to the tack shop you rented the flying harness for the Barrier Islands from, it's to find they're selling things at a steep discount and, when you ask why, you're informed that there aren't as many trainers coming through so far this year, owing to Team Green's antics, even if they've been curtailed lately.

Not one to pass up an opportunity, you pick up a new flying harness for cheap and, after some consideration, a saddle for Blitz when he evolves.

When you reconvene, you spy a TM Store and just a few doors down from it, an adult toy store.

>Check out the TM Store.
>Check out the adult store. Ought to be fun, right?
>Okay, time to move. Onward to Route 4.
>Look for battles.
>>Check out the TM Store.
Natural Gift is all we really need
>>Check out the adult store. Ought to be fun, right?
Condoms and contraceptives.
Mess with someone's head (Martha and Holly pretending to be unphased, Gareth has to get over his shame for entering)
>>6022509 +1

Two rolls, please.
Rolled 62, 19 = 81 (2d100)

Rolled 70, 9 = 79 (2d100)

Rolled 74, 43 = 117 (2d100)

>very cheap natural gift
>adult store has TG grunts stealing dildos and robbing the cashier
Rolled 38, 63 = 101 (2d100)


With a shrug, you head towards the TM store.

Just like most other trainer-centric stores right now, there's a sale going on and there're some great deals being offered.

One that catches your eye is Natural Gift.

Given all the berries you've amassed so far, you figure you could get some use out of it.

Holly meanwhile, buys Fly and Gareth buys Detect while Martha browses.

Once you've paid, you wander on over to the adult store with complete non-chalance as the others follow.

When you peek back, Holly and Martha are both blushing and Gareth is desperately acting cool as you head into the building and around a blacked out trellis that you assume is up for reasons of good taste.

You stop cold however, when you get around to see the cashier being held up by two twig-armed Team Green thugs in their usual get-up.

>Get 'em.
>Snap a photo.
>...Time to leave.
>Start browsing.
>Snap a photo
Evidence and for the laughs.
>>Get 'em.
Whisper to the others to encircle them and frog march them out of the store with Volta ready to zap them
Rolled 4 (1d100)


Roll, please.

Team Green continuing their proud tradition of being a better joke than I could ever conceive of by myself.
Rolled 67 (1d100)

Rolled 86 (1d100)

Rolled 35 (1d100)

Team Green does it again!
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The only thing that could've made this funnier is if we got a crit success.

Oh, this is too perfect.

You lean around the corner and snap a picture of the two goons - compromising contraband in hand - threatening the cashier, before ducking back around and signalling the others.

You don't even need to say anything, they just duck down and creep around to encircle the pair before you stride around the corner.

"So... is this normal for Team Green or were you two just feeling amorous?" You ask, making the pair jump about a foot in the air as they turn to face you.

Then the one closest to the counter gets clubbed in the face with a dildo that's got the approximate size, shape and mass of a mace, knocking him to the floor as the cashier takes the opportunity as presented, then ducks behind his counter.

>Let Martha handle it.
>Let gareth handle it.
>Let Holly handle it.
>Go -

Rascal (Braviary)
Nika (Riolu)
Piker (Feebas)
Volta (Luxray)
Fluffy (Eevee) Everstone
Rusty (Aron)
>Go -

Which pokemon?
>Go Volta
See if we can't grab one of them and tie them up before they can move.
Whoops thought I voted for who.
Actually I'll change my vote to support >>6027066
>Let Holly handle it.
Wonderful for her self-confidence
Holly telekinetically levitated a dildo to mash their heads with like its a beldum using Iron Ironhead.

And my mind immediately goes dirty.
With humans being able to use moves...
The pokeworld is full of perverts and people with healthy habits of keeping it behind closed doors.
I thought Alex used Bone Club, not Holly
Alex needs to learn pound first to built that stamina.
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Rolled 49 (1d100)


"Volta, come on out." You say, releasing her as the guy who didn't get dildo'd turns to face you and releases a Gloom as the other guy lays on the floor in a heap, stunned.

Fire Fang
Thunder Fang
Double Kick

>Fire fang
>Fire Fang

Rolled 74 (1d100)

Rolled 71 (1d100)

Rolled 20 (1d100)

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"Fire Fang, but be careful." You order.

"Uh-uh S-stun Spore." The grunt who's up orders, clearly still rattled by being snuck up on and seeing his friend get clubbed by what you're fairly sure is a to-scale reproduction of a Tyrannitar's penis.

Ordinarily, this wouldn't be a problem.

Volta's immune to paralysis due to her typing, but in the tight quarters, it's a problem, because everyone's in the line of fire.

Fortunately, Volta moves first and her flaming bite makes Gloom flinch, leaving the grunt standing there and looking stupid as Martha charges in and slugs him in the gut, before putting him in a headlock and pinning him as Gareth non-chalantly pins the other grunt to the ground by dint of putting his staff between his shoulders and applying enough pressure to communicate that trying to get up would be a very poor choice.

>Get Gloom's poke ball and recall it.

Fire Fang
Thunder Fang
Double Kick
>Get Gloom's poke ball and recall it.

Also I'm pretty sure nonchalant is written in a single word

Eh, I've made worse spelling and grammar mistakes previously. It's annoying, but not serious enough to edit and repost.

It'll only be worth addressing if that mythical comic artist who wants to adapt this comes along.
>Get Gloom's poke ball and recall it.
>>Get Gloom's poke ball and recall it.

Rolled 43 (1d100)

Rolled 6 (1d100)

Rolled 26 (1d100)

Alex gets stun spored I guess.

You need to act fast before things go sideways.

So, when the opportunity presents itself, you dart in and yank Gloom's poke ball out of its trainer's hand and recall it before it can try getting a Stun Spore off.

That done, you sigh with relief as Martha finally pins the grunt she's grappling in an arm bar.

The cashier sighs with relief as he stands back up, still clutching his improvised bludgeon, which now you see it properly is indeed a to-scale reproduction of a Tyrannitar penis.

"Normally, I'd ask if you kids were old enough to be in here." He notes. "That being said, you did just stop me from being robbed, so I'll look the other way on that and give you half off whatever takes your fancy, so long as you're gone before the cops get here. Deal?"

You look to the others, who shrug.

>All good, we were just looking.
>Just some condoms.
>Just some condoms.
Alex gets 2 months worth (60) extra thick and ribbed in hardcase packaging.
And maybe anything relating herbal contraceptives, salves etc.
(Medical manual for safe natural contraceptives, lube and aphrodisiacs)
Sound like the best solution.
>All good, we were just looking.
>Just some condoms
>Books about remedies, lube and contraceptives

"Sure." You reply. "I was just after some condoms and a book on herbal contraceptives."

"Done." The cashier says, pointing you to a rack, then further back into the store past shelves laden with various implements - most of them phallic in nature - to a selection of books dealing with intimate matters.

You quickly locate what you're after before looking around to see what the others were doing.

Gareth is presently paying for something you can't see and Holly and Martha are both wandering and pretending not to be curious about the contents of the shelves.

>Okay, time to leave.
>Browse the bookshelf, all this stuff is informational.
>Dare someone to buy something.
"Come on Gareth. Let's leave the girls if they want to do their own shopping"
>Browse the bookshelf, all this stuff is informational.
Get the useful ones about safety, exercises, hygiene and health foods first...Then maybe about ropes and knots.

>>Dare someone to buy something.

Dare the girls to buy cuffs or something similar they can play off as innocent .
In turn we buy what they want.

Buy a skimpy skirt and cheerleader outfit for Fie.

Okay, give me some rolls.

These are for the books on the shelf.
Rolled 63 (1d100)

Rolled 35 (1d100)

Hope we won't find a "lopunny" book.
Rolled 24 (1d100)

Rolled 35, 47 = 82 (2d100)

Rolling as a joke.
For what the girls pick.
Skimpy outfits, eggs and cuffs.

If it had've been a crit-fail, it would've been an extrapolation on the Vaporeon copypasta. I had a punchline all lined up.

As it stands...

Well, give me some more suggestions.

I swear, this will remain tasteful and this is tongue-in-cheek, but might as well mentally scar Alex a little, right?

Unless you're making a 'Playboy' reference?
63 is just normal health and safety books along with bondage play.

35 furry costume books which Alex skips after being horrified at the ones with bionic appendages.

24 is straight up chtulu-pokemon style tentacle porn novels straight out of Kanto that would make anyone hate or fear Tentacruel. Alex now remembers how his parents always dodged anything mentioning Tentacruel and Kanto in one sentence for a reason.
24 is furry costume books which turned out not really realistic cosplay but Lopunny and Gardevoir dressed up to appear being fakely cosplayed into for legal reasons
>If it had've been a crit-fail, it would've been an extrapolation on the Vaporeon copypasta

Gareth comes to join you browsing while the girls check out a display of skimpy outfits.

There're a few books that are worth a look - texts on safety, exercises, hygiene and healthy diets and the basics of bondage, but interspersed between them is some shit you did not need to know were a thing:

Shitty costume books that make your gag reflex act up, especially the ones with bionic appendages. It's even worse considering there're an appreciable number of the photos of the people wearing them intimately involved.

It's not even how deep in the uncanny valley the costumes are - it's the anatomical inaccuracies that are irritating you to no end.

Your mother basically unofficially put you through the nursing course before she allowed you to help at the pokemon centre half time and part of that was an extensive study on pokemon anatomy.

So these half-assed costumes are triggering your 'tism more than they probably should.

The next one features a Lopunny and Gardevoir done up in reverse to look like costumes and this is about where you just stop caring and walk away.

It isn't even the degeneracy so much as the idiocy - Gardevoir have no problem turning potential aggressors into pretzels telekinetically if they really feel like it and Loppuny...

Well, you've heard enough nurse's gossip to put together that that's probably a *really* bad idea unless you've got the stamina of a marathon runner and don't mind bruising and a shattered pelvis.

"Okay, we're done here." You say, taking a couple of the actually useful books and going to pay with the girls.

Their purchases are already in their bags when you get there and the clerk offers no commentary as you pay, before your group departs and heads towards the north of town.

>Wait, you forgot...
>Finally. Let's go.
>Finally. Let's go.
>>Finally. Let's go.
Make a reminder to train up a teleportter Mon for long range visits.
Gotta use those rubbers after all.
>>Finally. Let's go.

It feels good to be moving again.

You've still got a long way to go, physically and metaphorically, but moving forward in your journey feels really good.

Like you're making progress, no matter how incremental.

>See what pokemon live on Route 4
>Look for trainers.
>Focus on making distance.
>>See what pokemon live on Route 4
>See what pokemon live on Route 4
Seeing as our future home will be nearby we gotta learn this.
>See what pokemon live on Route 4
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First thing's first, you decide to get acquainted with the pokemon on Route 4.

It's a pretty enticing list, in your eyes:


So. Many. Water types...

And so many *good* Water types at that.

Piker promises to be *incredible* when he evolves, but you've always had a soft spot for Mudkip and a Squirtle or Totodile wouldn't be at all bad either...

>Look for pokemon.
>Look for a battle.
>Just try cover some distance for now.

>Look for pokemon.
Mudkip aquisition time.
It's been so long fellas
>>Look for pokemon.
Mudkip and Krabby.
Krabby regularly shed their claws and subsist well enough on berries.
Their claws are high protein and good food for our carnivores.
Grab a pair of them

Rolled 1 (1d100)

Mudkip GETS
Mudkips GETSN'T
Rolled 3 (1d100)

Feraligatr ambush on one side.
Team green goons on the other.
Rolled 51 (1d100)

Triple crit fail?
Nah. Me thinks we got ambushed by TG on one side and Gatr on the other.
A third roll would have been an injury from the getgo.

I should probably mention that this was rolling for encounters.


There's no crit-fail to be had here, but Feraligatr are definitely a possibility you should keep in mind.

In this case, it's just Wingull.

I'm absolutely exhausted after marking lambs all this week (no dislocated shoulders this time, yay!) so I'll actually update tomorrow.

Just figured I'd clarify.

If you'd prefer, I can specify when you're rolling for encounters or when there is a possibility of a crit-fail, though. If you'd prefer the mystery, that's alright as well.
I'm personally good either way

You keep an eye out as you walk, hoping that you'll come across a Mudkip or Marshtomp as you walk, but there's nothing.

Just an absolute crapload of Wingull everywhere you look.

Then, after a couple of hours after you've left Saltcoast, you trip and when you look down, you're hit in the face by a Water Gun from an irate Clamperl you just stepped on.

>Catch a Wingull.
>Catch the Clamperl.
>Anyone want a Clamperl?
>Keep walking.
>Keep looking. (Roll)
>Keep an eye out for trainers. (Roll)
Rolled 73 (1d100)

>Anyone want a clamperl (scales are shed by Seadra and Fangs by Sharpedo)
>Keep looking. (Roll)
Rolled 36 (1d100)

>Anyone want a Clamperl?
>Keep looking. (Roll)
Rolled 84 (1d100)

>Anyone want a Clamperl?
>Keep an eye out for trainers. (Roll)
Rolled 14 (1d100)

>>Anyone want a Clamperl?
>Keep looking. (Roll)
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"Anyone want a Clamperl?" You ask as you brush yourself off.

The others look, before one by one shaking their heads.

You keep going after that and keep looking.

About an hour later, you reach a foot bridge and see movement off to one side that you're pretty sure is a Wimpod, before Holly gasps.

"Look!" She says, pointing to just off shore.

You follow her pointing finger and stop cold as you see what has her smiling:

There's a pod of Lapras just off shore.

"Oh, wow." Martha says. "Right place, right time. We must've caught them while they're heading up to the tropics for the winter."

Your eye is caught by movement in the water and you do a double take.

Talk about a hard choice.

There's a Mudkip under the bridge.

>Catch Wimpod.
>Catch a Lapras.
>Catch Mudkip.
>Keep going.
>>Catch Mudkip.
>Catch Mudkip.
This one's for you, Mudkip anon.

To be clear - this isn't me throwing a bone. This was legit.
How rare was the Mudkip/Lapras encounters, anyway?

5% chance for each.

Okay, roll.

>Poke Ball x15
>Premier Ball x1
>Ultra Ball x1
Rolled 63 (1d100)

Huh, neat.

>Ultra Ball x1
Rolled 37 (1d100)

>Ultra Ball x1
We are taking a photo of the lapras for Fie tho.
Rolled 58 (1d100)

>>6049201Oh, yeah definitely
>>6049263 forgot to add ultra ball
Thanks for the support while I was away guys.

Oh, you're not letting this pass you by.

You dig around in your bag until you find the ultra ball you've been saving, before taking careful aim and throwing it.

Your aim is good and you hit Mudkip dead-on.

It disappears and the ball rocks.



Three times...


The ball vanishes.

You fist pump, before jumping for joy.

Oh man, you have a Mudkip!

This is *AWESOME!*

"Wow, you are psyched." Martha says, taken aback.

>Damn straight.
>Well, yeah.
>Why wouldn't I be?
>Other (Highly encouraged for Mudkip Anon)
I've been wanting one of those guys since I'm three. It's a long dream come true. I know everything there is to know about Mudkip. From proper skin-care hydratation, to moveset, to behavior, to Swampert mating cycle. Did you knew Swampert can learn Poison Jab? That Water/Ground is said to be the best non-steel defensive combination by analyst? That these guys can live evenly in clear and salt water, thus prefering mangrove swamps?

>Proceed to nerd out until Martha wonders why Fie got stuck with such a nerd
>>Why wouldn't I be?
Support. Mudkip anon is havin the time of his fucking life rn. Let him nick it.
Don't forget the supreme seismic sense and utility.
Also Alex adores cute pokemon like mudkip.
why do we have hands? there are many reasons: pat the Mudkip, hold the Mudkip, cherish the Mudkip, forfeit all mortal possessions to Mudkip

"MORE THAN THAT I'M SWAMPED!" You crow, before grabbing onto Martha's arms.

She recoils as she sees exactly how manic you are right now.

"I've been wanting one of these guys since I was three, it's a dream come true! I know everything about Mudkip. From proper skin-care hydratation, to moves, to behavior, to Swampert's mating cycle. Did you knew Swampert can learn Poison Jab? That Water/Ground is said to be the best non-steel defensive combination by analyst? That these guys can live evenly in clear and salt water, thus prefering mangrove swamps?" You ask as Martha gets closer and closer to doing a full standing somersault to avoid getting sprayed with spittle.

"I do now." She says. "Can you, er... can you please let me go and take a step back?" She asks.

"Oh, sorry." You say, doing as she asks, a little sheepishly.

"Really didn't take you for such a nerd." She admits.

"And you're not the least bit interested in the Lapras pod out there?" Holly asks in bemusement. "They're beautiful."

>I mean, I guess.
>Oh, they are, but I've wanted a Mudkip badly for years, like I said.
>Oh, they are, but I've wanted a Mudkip badly for years, like I said.
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>>Oh, they are, but I've wanted a Mudkip badly for years, like I said.
>And how Responsible would it be to take a wild Lapras out of its environment? They're not endangered since only a few year, but still threatened and require ample bodies of water for their wellbeing.
I can't afford to stable one right now.
Maybe if I gift one to Fie.
Let's wave them over and ask.

"Oh, they are, but I've wanted a Mudkip badly for years, like I said." You reply. "Besides - How Responsible would it be to take a wild Lapras out of its environment? They're not endangered anymore, but it's only been a few years. They're still threatened and require ample bodies of water for their wellbeing. The backyard pond just isn't going to cut it to keep one happy when it's not with me."

"Who's looking after you pokemon?" Martha asks with a frown. "The League take care of pokemons' wellbeing when they're in storage."

>My family back in Greenshoot.
>Does it matter?
>>My family back in Greenshoot.

Time to spill the conspiracy beans about how storing them in PC box are harmful and inhumane. N did nothing wrong.
>>My family back in Greenshoot
I'm a bit finicky about my pokemon knowing and bonding with my family.
>My family back in Greenshoot.

"My family back in Greenshoot." You reply.

"Your family?" Martha repeats. "What about when your parents are at work?"

"Well, dad's between jobs and their pokemon are pretty self-sufficient. And mum's a nurse, so..."

"...Oh. So your parents used to be trainers." Martha nods and subsides. "Fair enough. I guess they would know what they're doing."

"Besides, the box system is used by hundreds, if not thousands of trainers every day of every year and there're only so many staff. So, even accounting for a theoretical lack of knowledge on my parents' part, it's *still* probably more ethical to leave them with them than in the PC storage system." You add.

Given the look on Martha's face, it's clear she never actually considered this.

While she digests your statement, you snap a photo of the Lapras pod with the others, before you continue on.

>Check for where the nearest campsite is.
>Look for pokemon.
>Look for trainers.
>>Check for where the nearest campsite is.
Let's stop and (you guessed it) rotate Mudkip into the team.
>Check for where the nearest campsite is.

Some training time and play.
>>Check for where the nearest campsite is.
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Checking the map, it seems there's a major campsite about half a day ahead of you, with the route being two days' long in total.

Useful for tomorrow, but with it being only four hours until it starts getting dark by your estimation, nowhere close to being so now.

At least you know enough not to set up camp next to an estuary or obvious feraligator slides.

>Look for a spot to camp (Roll)
>Push on through the night to the camp site.
>Head back and leave early tomorrow.
>Don't worry about it and see if you can't find another group making camp.
Rolled 38 (1d100)

Look for a spot to camp (Roll)
Rolled 93 (1d100)

>Look for a spot to camp (Roll)
>Push on through the night to the camp site.
>>Head back and leave early tomorrow.
Rolled 70 (1d100)

>Look for a spot to camp (Roll)

Well, only one thing for it...

"Keep an eye out for a good place to set up camp." You say as you keep walking.

You make it a good way, before Martha points out a spot that you would've overlooked, but is apparently a regular spot for her and her friends when they come this way.

Pushing through the the trees, past the faint marker that Martha pointed out to you, you come out to a large clearing.

There's a good-sized fire-pit and a stack of firewood under a lean-to.

"Just going to need to dig a fresh long-drop and tidy up a bit, but this is more or less how it was last time we were here." Martha says.

"It's a good spot." You agree as you look around.

You clean up and get the tents pitched before you notice that Martha's looking around and biting her lip.

Given her broken arm, it's a safe bet she's wondering about sleeping arrangements.

>I'm sure Holly will let you share.
>You can crash with me, if you'd prefer.
>Set up Martha's tent.
>>Set up Martha's tent.
Gentleman time.
>>Set up Martha's tent.
Unless you need privacy you'd better share with Holly until your arm is healed.
I'll let you guys use my tent instead if you want to swap.
>>Set up Martha's tent.

"Here." You say, taking her tent and getting it set up in short order.

"Thanks." Martha says, before you move on to helping Gareth with the fire. "You didn't need to do that." She notes. "I was just wondering who I could share with." She admits. "You or Holly."

"Holly, naturally." You reply. "I'll use one of your tents."

"Sorry, but Clytie and I need the space for psychic practice." Holly says apologetically.

"Well, take mine and-"

"Look, there's no need to go making extra work for yourself." Martha says. "I appreciate the thought, but if Fie trusts you enough to share, I can be a big girl and do the same." She waves vaguely. "Just... treat me like you did her and thing's will be just fine."

>Okay, no need to get so worked up.
>No, I insist.
"Alright. I'll get the tent ready"
Talk to her more as we set up tent.
"Your arm doing alright?
You didn't strain your self back at the shop while subduing those two?"

*Holly mutters something about Martha asking Alex to pitch a tent for her while snickering.*
>>Okay, no need to get so worked up.
>Okay, no need to get so worked up.

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