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You are William and still in one piece after a disastrous encounter with a drug dealer turning what was supposed to be a shakedown of information into a short chase turned ambush. Getting torn apart and crippled for a few days before deciding to join their resistance group to avoid losing all your equipment. Learning some bits of the world and Black Arbiters before moving on to the main threat of a meeting.
Sitting on the wheel chair surrounded by customers as they enjoy their food the sounds of clinking metal on plates screeches into William’s ear. Teeth biting into metal annoying William more throughout the day as he glances at Animus trying to think if they are secret agents or double agents waiting to jump him again. The constant paranoia and problems just waiting to pop as the tension simmers everyday as venom drips into his tone.
“I don’t want to be overheard by Animus ferals and get another hit sent to cripple me again. I already know another fight is coming for me aiming to cripple me again so I don’t want to get into this and cause another fight to be sent to me.” Hisses out William as he bites his tongue trying to calm himself down from letting his emotions leak out as Holly flinches back from the sudden harsh tone.
“Okay I didn’t know you were being abused badly enough to leave injuries. I knew Animus were barbarians but usually they avoid crippling ords too badly and they keep coming after you?”
“And they will keep coming to test my mettle or some other bullshit excuse. Know are we going to eat or keep poking at the scab wounds?” Asks William as he stabs the spoon into the banana split and takes a chunk out to eat.
“Okay I will drop that.” Adds In Holly as a small twitch of a smile flashes on her face before quickly fading as William does not draw attention to that flag.
“Thank you. It is a sore spot for me so I prefer not to drag my Animus problems into this.”
“That is okay so moving on to a different topic. So you're living with Hellscream? Is she holding you hostage or did she have a bad accident?

>“No, I refused the conversion as I can still stand.” (roll 1d100 DC ???)
>“Not offered yet. Have to earn it.” (Lie DC 80)
“She likes to watch the struggle.” (roll 2d100 DC 50)
“She likes to watch the struggle.” (roll 2d100 DC 50)

I'm tempted to go with the first option and flare her competitive spirit.

What does the red signify? When we lie entirely or when we do something against advice?
Red isn't lies or advice but follows a single emotion. There is some hints what it is every time the red line shows up.
“She likes to watch the struggle.” (roll 2d100 DC 50)

Hmm, the emption will sell it but it gives her more information we might not want her to have. That's the trade off correct?
Ye information is dangerous for everyone and can turn a fight around as the resistance faction gave William a power base and crumbs of knowledge helps Holly adjust her plans for recruitment. Its why the resistance tries to clamp down on information so hard and scuttles it rather than letting it fall into Arbiter hands again.
“She likes to watch the struggle.” (roll 2d100 DC 50)
>she's bullied me viciously ever since I started school.

Let's get her to promise some protections for us. It'll be good if we can get them to both provide us guards and they end up just killing each other over us. Stir the pot.
>“No, I refused the conversion as I can still stand.” (roll 1d100 DC ???)

I don't like the mystery dc but I rather not reveal too much of ourselves to her. We also want to make them conflict with eachother so make them think they're competing with the other leaders.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

1 struggle, 2 stand
Rolled 82, 44 = 126 (2d100)

William rolls beat DC 50.
red brackets
[black] black brackets
“Because she likes to watch me struggle to stay alive even with all the danger Astra carries.”
“Really? I just ima-”
“I am not done. All the dangers of avoiding mages so I don’t breathe the same air as them, walking off injuries after accidentally walking into them, and rolling the dice if I get hit a bit too hard to crack my skull.” Spits out William.
“Not even guards to carry you out or Spare the Dying spells?”
“I already burned her mercy so she ain’t coming to help me if I g-get into another bad spot again. I do know since as you can see I am scraping by on luck and being able to take a few good hits.”
“That is awful being under someone’s influence and not even given the guarantee of safety. Such an uncaring mage.” States Holly in a sincere tone.
“Yeah but that is basically every ords life isn’t? Where we don’t even know if we will live to the next day. As you can see, even I don’t know if I will see tomorrow.” Adds William omitting the demon stone, suit defense, fighter levels, and mana gloves to sell his story better.
“Well it doesn’t have to be that way. Aside from your addiction and a minor obstacle I can help protect you so you don’t fear walking down these hallways everyday.
“By being lobotomized?” Scoffs out William making Holly twitch one of her eyes.
“By discovering who they are in a safer environment.” States Holly with a bit more force in her tone.
“Sorry, I am still sore about Hellscream.”
“That…Is fine everyone can have lapses in judgment. But no, not immediate conversion. We still have to fix that ghastly addiction first and find what best suits you.” Finishes Holly as William’s fear comes back in remembering he is dealing with the delusional faction and he allowed his emotions a bit too much freedom burning some safety.

>“It is such a major decision to make that should be explored slowly and carefully with someone I don’t have to worry about melting my face.” (roll 1d100 guilt trip DC ??)
>“I doubt Hellscream would approve of me switching teams that fast.” (roll 1d100 deflect DC ??)
>“And what would be that plan?” (roll 1d100 blunt DC ??)
>“Over my dead corpse you tranny.” (roll 1d100 refusal DC ??)
>“I doubt Hellscream would approve of me switching teams that fast.” (roll 1d100 deflect DC ??)

Make her struggle for it by hiding behind someone just as powerful. Try to ramp up the tension.

Really didn't want to give out so much info to her for her to tailor her approach later. Feel like we lost these exchanges.
>“I doubt Hellscream would approve of me switching teams that fast. Especially with Lora hounding me too.” (roll 1d100 deflect DC ??)
I added a weee bit
Rolled 5, 58 = 63 (2d100)

William roll above DC 30
“I doubt Hellscream would approve of me switching teams that fast. Especially with Lora hounding me too.”
“Oh. The bitch is after you too. It is okay we can hmm they will demand your time too. How often do they come and drag you away or take up your time?” Asks Holly as she scoops up a spoon full of ice cream with the split being half eaten and melted.
“I have no idea; they just show up randomly or demand things at times, so I don’t have an exact schedule. I just do what they say, and hope things turn out okay.”
“Any classes, meeting spots, or scheduling?”
“Why would an ord know any of that?”
“I was hoping they kept you closer to plan this better.”
“Hope you got a great plan otherwise I will have to brave the hallways to cover my required class.”
“Hmm, I can’t lose another recruit.” Mutters Holly as she bites her thumb.
“It is fine I can figure something out or ask Lora to cover me for a day.”
“Tch, well I don’t want to send you off to school as a cripple and get killed. Conversion is not yet ready with leaders breathing down your neck. I can help protect you till your legs heal back for a day or two to cover your weekly required class. Actually I think I can cast a temporary spell to help you walk for a bit but you have to stick by me to maintain the spell.” Adds Holly placing her hand under her chin as she drops her hand under the table.
“Doesn’t healing not fix injuries?”
“It's not a healing spell for the injury but more like shoving it somewhere else for an hour or so.”
“What would that be?”
“I got plenty of magic to help out a friend.” Says Holly with a quiet smile making William twitch a bit before refocusing.
“I can’t imagine what magic could help here.”
“I got shapechange to give you a temporary form, polymorph if you want to be a crow for a day, or I can give you mage robes with invisibility but that might get the rune knights down after a Coven tried to break into the alchemist classes for more reagents. I suggest giving shapechange a spin for a day or more in school. It gives your legs back for better mobility plus we can go on a fun trip after school. So what do you want to try?”

Pick one.
>Mage robes

Pick time to have Prisma protection.
>“Tuesday to get my required class over with.”
>“Friday so my weekend is free.”
>“Another time, I can deal with my problem for the week.”

Agree to the after school trip after Prisma protection.
>“Tuesday to get my required class over with.”

I'm thinking if we go maybe she'll be harder to reject later.
>Mage robes


>“Tuesday to get my required class over with.”

Let's tell Lora so she can wreck our "guards". Let's start the war between the factions.


This so we can be vague. And not commit to anything. Goal is to string her along.

Oh and
>Insight check. What's her motives and intentions behind all of this.
That's why I choose animal, she couldn't do it then. Plus the process of conversion take a lot more then just a spell. They have to mess with the soul to make it permanent.

The mage robes will just make the rune knights pay more attention to us,
Also add
>nsight check
Okay I don't want to solve this with a d2 as it an important vote Holly is triggering. So pick robe, polymorph, maybe or no.
I 100% promise you she'd turn us into a female animal. The invisibility cloak is useful outside of just school. With the cloak and pass without trace. We super stealthy.

And we can definitely invisibility cloak us and Virgil while he carries us to and from class. And with pass without trace. Nobody will see us leave or hear us either.
Ok fine I'll go with the cloak.
Rolled 11, 99 = 110 (2d100)

????? rolls ?????? ?????
Rolled 55, 93 = 148 (2d100)

William insight check 1d100+20 vs DC ??
“I will take the robes as you might not always be there to help.”
“That is true since you have to live under Hellscream’s roof so the journey there is dangerous.”
“So I hope you like purple or blue because those are my favorite colors.”
“Do I get a say?”
“Is the spell weaved in or charge limit?”
“It is a what is it called? Invisibility spell that can be triggered on thought using a focus attached to your robe chest or collar. I need to figure out how to get it stapled on. Maybe I can make it into a button or something. Anyway give it a good shine and you will be invisible to the naked eye! While the robes aren’t armor it has mage armor baked in so don’t lose the focus or wear other magic clothing or the enchantments might feedback on itself.”
“And how long will this take as I want to head back to school tomorrow.”
“A night's workshop so I can meet up with you in the morning to hand it over before heading to class. These are easy enchantments for a mage of my caliber.” States Holly as she beams with pride.
“If a quick commission is this easy I can’t imagine what your robes might have.”
“A lot. Also what about hanging out after your invisible stroll through the school?”
“Maybe, I have a few things to take care of.”
“Aw, but okay after all I can make time. I always do.” Smiles Holly.
“So thank you for the robes so what is next?”
“I have nothing else to ask and I got some things to adjust so I’ll see you tomorrow William.”
“Let me think for a bit since this is going so fast.”
“Sure, take all the time you need.” Says Holly as she motions for the bill.

Quickly reviewing through every sentence Holly said William tries to pick at any lies or truths he might have heard. Only to see Holly never once pausing her sentences to think of lies and even spilled her favorite colors giving him a natural example of her being truthful on not letting him pick the dyes. Just really wanting to dress him up in her favorite color with built in magic as he looks up and makes eye contact with Holly. As she is just waiting for him unbothered by anything or his choice. Not sensing any lies and that she just wants to hand him hand crafted robes making William finish up his inspection as he thinks about his next move.

>Gain a Prisma cloak tomorrow.
> Saturday morning the legs wounds will recover.

>Skip to next Tuesday morning.
>Continue the meeting with Holly.
>Write-in something else.
>Skip to next Tuesday morning.
>Study spells during timeskip.
So this was definitely her staking hee claim over Hellscrem right? Her colors and trying to get us to stop wearing Hellscreams colors.

>Skip to next Tuesday morning.

Is there a way to get the enchantments on the cloak checked for any surprises?
Rolled 2, 8, 2, 2, 2 = 16 (5d10)


Studying 5d10 for knowledge double for being stuck in bed and skipping school. Double gains.

Something like that and you can try to check the cloak but you don't exactly have a high tier mage or the knowledge to check the robes.

“I will see you tomorrow then Holly and look forward to not losing by face.”
“Sure, sure, anything for a friend.”
“So uhh, can you make it back to the train station or do you want me to teleport you to save on a trip?”
“I can make my way back to not hold you up.”
“Okay see ya tomorrow.”
“See ya and thanks for the ice cream.”

William makes his way out of the area as he calls up Virgil only to hand up the call as he remembers that Virgil is in school and won’t make it to him. Rolling his phone in his palm as he thinks about going back and asking for a teleport only for shame to win out as he slowly makes his way toward the train station while flinching as he sees flying mages overhead. Baking in the sun for several hours as he makes his way to the mansion arriving half cooked and sweating as the maids usher him in and toward the bathroom to clean. Up surviving the heat after a cold bath as William tosses himself on the bed as he calls up Alice wanting to get some work done.

“Hello? Who is this?”
“Hey Alice, it's William. I got some time to study.”
“What happened and why did you bail on the weekend plan?”
“I got jumped, my legs injured, and a bunch of stuff I don’t want to get into as I am a bit sunburnt.”
“Sure I can open up a book. Gonna be a bit lacking since I can’t point out any flaws in your formulas.”
“It is fine, I just want something to do for the rest of the day. I felt like I lost a negotiation with Holly.”
“Oh ah Prisma leader got scouted and have to avoid getting lobotomized.”
“Ah so what? Anyway we are going to learn about blood mana types and its potency.”
“Yay…” Adds in William as he opens his notebook with all his notes as he texts Hellscream he is taking a break in his room.
“Now blood types come in A, B, O, AB, while the type doesn’t appear to affect magic affinity as mages and ords all have different types and can be raised into the mage status. What does affect magic is the presence of antibodies as those will view foreign objects as threats including magic.”
“Bodies can reject magic?”
“Yes it is the accepted biological reason why some people have greater resistance against magic as the body attempts to reject hostile magic. This is mostly seen in Rune Knights with type O blood as both A and B antibodies react. While AB blood types have no antibodies but both antigens allow them to be more receptive to magic infusing into their body which can be seen with Prisma and… the Coven. Type A and B blood accept and reject different magics but that changes from person to person as antibodies have a million different variations so its mostly type O and AB that get the most focus as they are easier to categorize.”
“So people can be predisposed to a faction. How does the soul fit in?”

part 1
“It is like a feedback loop: the physical affects the mental, and the mental affects the soul, which pushes magic into the body. Type O seeing its naturally resistant to magic will affect the mind to better resist future hostile magic, with that the mind will pressure the soul to circulate more magic into the body. Now with more magic available it will then refine the body to better resist hostile magic making type O mages stronger.”
“How does knowing blood type help magic?”
“It can tell you what path is the least resistance for you. If you got type O you can have an easier time to become a knight with physical abilities rather than heavy magic focus. If you got A or B you have to experiment what magic is best fit.”
“And type AB? Best of both worlds?”
“Hmm, no if you have AB then your body will be affected by magic much more easily as there is no major anti-magic resistance fighting the foreign magic. You would have an easier time converting into a mage with AB type so by knowing your blood type and focusing on that fact you can refine your body through mind and soul. What blood type are you anyway?”
“I… do not know.”
“Well you should check as knowledge can help you channel the mana in your blood. Now pop quiz time.”
“Hold on, I have not finished writing yet.”

Rolling toward the outskirts of Astra as Virgil pushes William near a tree as he struggles trying to move a wheelchair across uneven terrain as he wipes the sweat from his forehead as both watch students teleporting into the entrance.

“Fuck man why are you fat? Did you eat someone’s corpse while visiting Prisma?”
“I am 70% I didn’t eat any meat and if I did you are weak if your complaining about my weight.”
“I like to see you move your fatass across tree roots, ditches, and an angry ord for running over their leg.”
“I would have tried but we have Animus coming in and I would be too slow.”
“All I hear are excuses and more reasons for you to work out.”
“All I hear is complaining and I will work out. I just don’t have the legs for it yet.”
“I will break your legs and have you carry me next.”
“You can try bitch.”
“Bet. So what is the plan with Prisma? Call her to get to you or try the entrance and hope we don’t get spotted. I imagine a faction leader doesn’t want to wait and I don’t want to be anywhere near her as I like to have my face on.”
>Gain 16 knowledge added to 11 banked for
27 stored knowledge.

>Send out Virgil and call Holly to you.
>You and Virgil push to the entrance. A random mage encounter is rolled
>Wait an hour outside the school. Risk Holly wrath for making her wait.
>Send out Virgil and call Holly to you.
>Send out Virgil and call Holly to you.

Get the cloak then we can cast pass without trace.
“Better I call in Holly I don’t want to get jumped a third time so just hide un-stay near-, go to the edge of the forest behind me and wait for my call. Don’t want Holly to see you and send some people to meet with you too.”
“Hopefully it won’t take long. If she asks anything I can just say you brought me here and I immediately called her for the robes.”
“Still weird how easily she made and gave away those magic robes. I thought all Prismas were bloodthirsty but this one didn’t even try to push anything at all or cast any magic?”
“I know I prepared an entire Sunday for her and I didn’t even get to use any of it. I expected demands, or deals, or at the very least something threatening but all she asked were normal questions.”
“No magic?”
“There were dancing light cantrips and a cloud or weather spell but I have not read that far into the magic books.”
“Fucking nerd.”
“I have al-, learning is just really important now.” Adds William not remembering if he was always a nerd or not.
“Yeah it is either that or you cheat on your exams to get in Astra. Which we both know you didn’t. Wait, what did the school even expel you for?”
“From what Hellscream told me, the expulsion letter was signed by the headmaster in my old coat saying I cheated in the entrance exam and had my scholarship revoked.”
“Well that is a lie. Entrance exams are so easy that even bottom of the barrel ords can pass to fill up the schools funding quotas. Are you sure it said entrance exam instead of a midterm or something else?”
“I did not read the letter as that doesn’t matter right now.”
“Wait, something doesn’t look right.”
“What Animus?” Asks William as he looks around for a fight.
“You said the expulsion letter right?”
“If it was an expulsion, why are you still in school? You should have been hunted down by the rune knights for trespassing.”
“Hellscream bought my way back in.”
“Expulsions would have barred you from entry. It is either Hellscream is lying about the expulsion letter or someone wants you in the school if they overlooked the expulsion notice on your record.”
“One of the leaders?”
“No, they can’t demand the school to accept random people. Sounds more like a school staff allowed your entry back in. Which doesn’t make any sense.”
“It is, let's just focus on Holly right now, not like we can interrogate school staff for answers.”
“Sure but feels like a conspiracy with this shit going on. You being expelled not-expelled, multiple leaders watching you, getting gifts on the side, and you getting “jumped” out of nowhere.”
“I don’t want to talk about that either, at least not yet.”
“Motherfucker, you are in on a conspiracy. Am I going to get wacked?”
“No, maybe? I am not sure.”

part 1
File: William Prisma robes.jpg (114 KB, 850x988)
114 KB
114 KB JPG
Taking a moment to pull out his phone to call up Holly as he leads Holly to his location hearing her struggle through branches, shrubs, and thick vines as a tired Holly gets through the forest to reach William.

“Could you think of a worse place for the drop off?” Asks an annoyed Holly.
“Sorry Holly I kinda had to hide to avoid another Animus fight plus I can’t exactly travel unseen.”
“Could have did this at the entrance or at lunch.”
“Oh I didn’t want to keep you waiting.”
“It is fine, I just need to clean my outfit again.” States Holly as she hands over purple and gold robes with magic humming along each thread.
“Huh, these robes are bigger than I expected and can go over my clothing.”
“Of course they are bigger, they need to protect your hands foooor casting. Anyway here are the robes I decided on purple and gold coloring as I could not think of a good mixture with blue. Now I kinda forgot to add this yesterday but I kinda had to rush job it as you didn’t have any armor so it kinda needs to be refilled by my magic either in the morning or after school.”
“So it doesn’t have magic?”
“It can hold my magic and a few extra spells like healing word, pass without a trace, and sending in case you need to call someone if your phone’s battery dies. So put on the robes, attune to it, and hold a pose so I can fill in the magic.”
“Do I really need to pose for this? Wait, I can't even stand.”
“I suggest you do a pose on your chair so I can appreciate my work. I skipped sleep for this.”
“Fine. God this will look stupid.”
“Hush pose.”

William tosses on the robes feeling the silky fabric slide across his hands and neck feeling the high quality work that went through these clothes. Noticing the extra neck and sleeve rooms on his clothing before remembering he never gave Holly his sizes so she had to eyeball a size too big on him. Pulling out his bloodied notebook in one hand and making a mock casting spell form as he mouths out fireball as he looks to the left getting into his stupid pose. With Holly nodding at her work with a smile and taking a bit too long to tell him to drop the pose as she drags the moment out a bit before waving him down.

>“Fine, adding the magic to have some spells is good.” (Holly adds in her magic and Vergil moves you to class and library.)
>“I will be fine with just the robes.” (This confuses the Holly.)
“So I will stick with you for my first class.” (Use Holly as a shield and avoids risking Vergil on mage encounter rolls)
>Write in

part 2
Pretend William is sitting down. Damn I should have cropped it instead.
Sticking with her is a risk but can be used to get info for the future. Problem is this cuts both ways.

This also has hee with us in public in her colors. What's the consequences of that?

Secomd option of confusion could throw hee off and make her re examine what she knows. Domt know if that's bad or good yet.

Doing the first move is what she expects but we risk Vergil. I'm leaving towards the riskiest option of letting Holly follow.
>“I will be fine with just the robes.” (This confuses the Holly.)

>Can we have learned tensors floating disk? During our time skip.

We can ride the disk under our cloak. If QM will flex the spell a little bit to allow us to do that. We could recast it as a ritual every hour.
“So I will stick with you for my first class.” (Use Holly as a shield and avoids risking Vergil on mage encounter rolls)

I'm taking the risk. We're in the first week and we need to gather as much info as possible.
Well yeah you can will it to move it under the cloak over it. Its a simple ritual level 1 but you need to learn it from Alice as William only focused on blood type theory and its potential boosted paths.

So right now its not available so I have to go with Big Mac option.

“So I will stick with you for my first class.” State William as Holly takes a second to process those words.
“Huh? You want to stick with me for a bit? Are you sure?” Asks a dumbfounded Holly.
“Yeah, consider it thanks for giving me protection so I might as well get to know my host a bit more.”
“Uhhhh, okay… Hold on, I need to check which spells I got listed.” Adds Holly as she opens up her spellbook and flips through pages.
“What are you looking for?”
“Seeing what spells I got prepared in case we get jumped so I can get you out. Banishment? No, you're stuck in the same spot. Polymorph? Maybe. Arcane Gate? That is stupid. Globe of Invulnerability? Yes. Wait, no its not on my prepared list. Sunburst? Yep. And Shapechange. Yup. Okay I got enough spells to cover an encounter.
“You just have those prepped?”
“Strong spells that are flexible and can soak up damage. Oh right, Sending! Hey girl I am busy with guest go on without me I will be a chaperone and make copy of the notes kay love bye!” Fires out Holly as she casts a spell through her hourglass necklace with a finger to her ear.
“Sooo what do you want to do?”
“I did not think this far ahead.”
“Weeell you could join in one of my senior classes and I can impress you with my knowledge but do expect to cause some jealousy problems from a certain demon. Or we can visit one of your classes to show those animals their place before their high tiers come in to break our fun. Oh! I can introduce you to the gals at the mage library, don't worry you will be under my protection. Hmm what else, what else? Sorry I didn’t expect company today.”

>“I have to catch up with my old freshman studies.”(Gain knowledge and no mage encounter roll.)
>“I do want to see how hard a senior class is.” (Chance to learn one random high tier spell or gain a knowledge multiplier. 1 mage encounter roll.)
>“... I… would like to meet with the gals.” (Visit the mage library and more Prisma cultists.)
“Why not take a stroll around the camp and you be my guide” (5d100 mage encounters with Holly acting as a shield and gain campus information.)
red slash bracket
“Why not take a stroll around the camp and you be my guide” (5d100 mage encounters with Holly acting as a shield and gain campus information.)"

I say we do this and text Lora our itinerary. So she can come whack the fuck out of an exposed Holly. That'll hopefully hurt Holly and/or Lora pretty good. And by us time while they heal. Then we egg both sides on. We can later tell Holly where our Animus test is. She can then whack them. Which will escalate the conflict between them. We can then tell Lora where ever the converting location is and have her whack them. At least that's the long plan I got.
This is a hard choice. This is our bug chance to gain info that would normally be risky to gain.

>“I do want to see how hard a senior class is.” (Chance to learn one random high tier spell or gain a knowledge multiplier. 1 mage encounter roll.)

I'll go with this since our goal is to make the factions fight each other. So making Hellscream Jealous is a feature. Plus it might make Hellscrem want to do this for us put of Jealousy.

Does the resistance have campus info we can gain?
They rely on very bare bones sketches from half drugged students that don't read the syllabus. Anything more detailed or deeper in the school is a total blind spot especially for high tier classes and university amenities and workshops. So anything concrete and not drugged is much better than risking the heat on pulling memory strands by one low level resistance member when the trees watch her.
Hmm I can do both the class first then walk around for 3d100 mage encounter and just take half the school day. wroting
Rolled 80, 57 = 137 (2d100)

First dice DC 80 rolling below triggers encounter, second dice higher the roll the higher the mage danger,
Rolled 1, 1 = 2 (2d3)

First dice 1=7th, 2=8th, 3= 9th tier spell
Second dice 1= enchantment, 2= transmutation, 3= divination
Rolled 9, 3, 7, 9, 3 = 31 (5d10)

Learning gains from junior class teacher. +27 learning points time 6x junior class modifier.
“I do want to see how hard a senior class is and maybe I might learn a fraction of your wisdom.”
“Eh, it is mostly formulas of magical conduction and internal biological resistance.”
“One sentence in and I am already learning about two concepts I have not heard linked together.”
“Oh right this is advanced stuff for you and boring lectures for me. Anyway, sure I can take you to my class, just wait a bit while the rest of Animus get into the school.” Adds Holly.

With both students waiting for several minutes making sure the coast is clear before Holly pushes William’s wheelchair toward the school and into the hallways as she makes her way toward one of her classes. Humming a tune as William tenses at the open hallways, eyes darting around looking for crevices he can crawl in and hide if Animus sees her as he flinches as spots random mages scowl at him before noticing Holly and ducking away. Even with magic mages can still feel fear as they look to give him and Holly a wide berth to avoid her attention. Only for a set of stairs to halt their progress with Holly giving her book a quick look only to give a huff as she grabs William and teleports fifteen feet up.

Giving William a headache as his ears pop from the sudden shift in location as he looks up into a blasted hallway with scorch marks along the ceiling as pieces of a brick wall were caved inward with splotches of blood staining the floor. Claw sized rents along the floor and walls dug deep into stone and wood as frozen puddles of blood glimmer under the lightbulbs. Seeing two Prisma mages pulling out bandages to cover their wounds as a third keeps watch. Spotting two familiar Animus figures of a fox and wolf retreating behind a shimmering bubble field without each side throwing any magic at each other. Holly pauses for a moment to take in a breath as she pushes William toward the Prisma team only for the lights to turn into a crimson color as a scrying eye reveals itself in front of her.

“Destruction of Astra property is against school regulations. Current costs of repairs is half a pint of blood per participant resist and it triples in cost. Due to use of anti-magic in an undesignated zone the cost is now tripled. Do not resist, the Rune Knights will come to collect in 5 minutes.”

Immediately the three Prismas look toward Holly then for an escape path only for two teleportation glyphs to suddenly appear above Holly’s head followed by four pops as two knights come crashing down on her earning a shout of pain as both raise their blades ready for a fight. With two more similar but beastial shouts echoing down the hallway as the rune knights look down, then to William, before finally seeing the three frozen mages in front of them before raising their arms and flexing their grip. A burst of energy shakes them as they charge a bit too fast at the three Prisma mages try to run only to get tackled and sliced open.

part 1
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Seeing and instinctive knowing the look of action surge being channeled to get those rune knights on the mages and still being able to attack. Quickly getting up and dusting herself off Holly pushes William’s chair a bit faster than before as she makes her escape.

“What was that about?”
“Rune knights getting in the way of animal control. I had to send up a few watches to keep the class route clear but turns out Animus was feeling lucky today.”
“Are they going to be okay?”
“They have healing spells left and it looked to be at worst a level 10 fight. Now if it was a level 20 fight then we would have issues.”
“And that shimmer?”
“Ant-magic is just a pain to work around that. It's why we constantly move around to avoid staying in one place too long to set up an ambush on us. We have ways around it but its very annoying to deal with it. Also here we are, so I picked a class at random so I don’t know which theory we are learning today.”

Wal-pushed through the door several mages look at the door before diverting their eyes at seeing Holly as they go back to writing down their notes. Holly takes her time to stroll along the class as she brings William to a desk right next to her with a smile on her face. A kick is heard slamming the door open as a woman in suit settles down a spellbook as she takes a breath and opens the book to a random page as she slams a palm on a wall as magic buzzes to life.

“Right so today we will learn biological magical channeling to push more effective casting of the spell Power Word: Pain. This will be on the test next week and anyone caught sleeping will be my test subject for the day. Now let's begin. First of all this is an enchantment spell where you don’t just point at someone and tell magic to hurt them. It is much more complicated than that; you need to guide the magic to attack in a specific way as the soul naturally resists all magic types being inflicted on it.” States the witch as she taps the wall to bring up a representation of the muscle structure of a human.

“Normal academies would say you need to flood a body with a lot of magic to cause simulated crippling pain across an entire victim’s pain to prevent them from realizing the pain doesn’t exist. That is wrong, wasteful, and lacks refinement. Instead you need to focus the task and target its nervous or muscle system whichever is easier to visualize. This allows you to save on magic costs, time on learning, and does the same thing as flooding the body with pain as your targeting sensitive nerves instead of dumping magic. Now you have different ways to cause this from targeting the spine, nerve bundles in limbs and torso, the muscle to bone connections, insula and anterior cingulate cortex, or even pressure points in the body. ”

>31 learning+ 27 saved learning points= 58 learning points times 6x junior class mod=
>348 knowledge converted. 3 out 4 Action points left.

part 2
Pick one.
>Burn 210 knowledge and gain access to Power Word: Pain casting through mage gloves.
>Save the knowledge for better spells later.

Pick next action.
>Continue with Holly classes and roll for more learning gains. (Holly gains more knowledge and ambition, tanks another mage encounter)
>Break off the social and retreat to Hellscream’s mansion.
Take a stroll and have Prisma or Holly tank more mage encounters(Holly gains more knowledge and tanks two mage encounters)[red/]
>Burn 210 knowledge and gain access to Power Word: Pain casting through mage gloves.

Holly gains knowledge but we also gain so,e correct? Ambition gains means she has the confidence to push for more from will correct?

We did both the stroll and the class correct?

Didn't see any gain from info for that.
>Save the knowledge for better spells later.

Power word pain kind of sucks. If it was power word death I'd say yes.

>either continue with Holly or do the stroll.
Holly got distracted by two rune knights landing on her.

Ambition means she can push for more so yes.

Also only class so far as I got ahead of myself and you guys only got one mage encounter that was dealt with by Prisma's perimeter guard.

Also you guys want me to roll 2d2 for the spell and next action?
Before anything, spell word pain is a good CC spell correct?
I'm going to give the anon a chance to convince me why this is bad for our kit.
Ya I don't see why it's bad unless there's something on the same tier or lower that's better?

It decreases the area someone can move, makes them roll con just to cast and makes them roll disadvantage on everything else.

Why red for the last action? The color was supposed roll frame emotion, so does that means Will is going to slip up with anger and give Holly more info?

While knowledge is nice and all, if she's gaining more info then what we get on her then it's not worth it.

>Break off the social and retreat to Hellscream’s mansion.
If the target has more than 100 hit points or immune to charm the spell auto fails. Good vs mages as they have low health but level 20 mages will have their own gimmicks since they deal with those spells from each faction. Personally there are way better 7th tier spells than power word pain.

Also ye slipping info since it will get stressful as William is pushing himself to stay calm around multiple upcoming mage battles with him caught in the middle and relying on Holly cover.
>Break off the social and retreat to Hellscream’s mansion.
>Save the knowledge for better spells later
>Continue with Holly classes and roll for more learning gains. (Holly gains more knowledge and ambition, tanks another mage encounter)

We want a better high level spell. Power word pain won't work on anyone above level 10. And desu that's all we're scared of at the moment.

Hypnotic pattern is better than pw pain. But if we can get antimagic field or dimensional door ect. We'd be kicking ass.

Can we roll like a bluff/composure check to not leak information to Holly? Misdirection.
Rolled 1 (1d4)

1 continue with holly, 2 stroll, 3 and 4 retreat.
Rolled 11 (1d17)

Evocation class
1-8 7th tier, 9-13 8th tier, 14-17 9th tier.
Rolled 3 (1d5)

1 DS, 2 earth, 3 mad, 4 sun, 5 tele
Rolled 77, 72 = 149 (2d100)

First roll above DC 70 for no mage encounter.
Second roll above DC 50 for special action.
Rolled 7, 10, 6, 9 = 32 (4d10)

-1d10 as Holly is not that good of a teacher. x8 senior level spell.

William absorbs the first hand knowledge of the expert learning about the nervous system, the muscle system, the skeletal system. Why am I learning biology instead of magic? Pushing that thought closes as William puts more thought into the theory of combining magic and physical systems slowly understanding magic doesn’t have to be a brute force solution. That it can be used as a scalpel applying the right amount of magic to specific spots for maximum gains with limited waste of effort. A touch of magic along the spine can cause intense pain skipping weeks of magic practice with a slight change of target. Explaining how level twenty mages can have the magic capacity to trigger high tier spells under a few years of practice as they use magic efficiently rather than dumping and trying to will the leylines through brute force to help. A flash of enlightenment bursts forth within William as he sees the Power Word Pain and its potential use only to pass on that spell knowing there are better spells to be gained.

Seeing the witch look at her watch she dismisses the rest of the class as she opens up her spell book as she begins writing down more lesson plans. Glancing back to Holly seeing her scrolling on her phone with half written down notes in front of her as she spent more time texting than studying. Going through the pros and cons of staying or backing out having to weigh on the potential new high tier spell he could get versus whatever Holly might have planned. Deciding to go for another class to hopefully get a spell worth his blood to at least get some spell out of all this risk William is taking on.

“So Holly what is the next class?”
“Ah it's a special secret.” Smiles Holly as she puts away her phone and grabs the wheelchairs as she focuses and points a hand upward in a 45 degree angle closing one eye as aims as magic pulses around her.
“Teleport Evocation class E-107 room.”

A lurch shakes William’s body as he is pulled again by magic but this time the constant magical pulse is no longer making him feel sick from the constant movement, as his body slowly gets used to magic being used around him. Popping in a hallway as a few demons raise their hands as fireballs begin coiling around their hands before seeing Prisma and wisely ignore them as they enter the class. Sudden realization dawns on William as he looks for an escape only for Holly to push the wheelchair through the classroom having a mix of students and demons taking up seats with one being very familiar. Seeing Hellscream gripping the hair of another demon on the ground as black and smoking magic coils around her hand as she threatens to bring it closer to her victim's face. With a quick glance upward Hellscream spots William and Holly as her eyes squint as a scowl crosses her face. A wince spreads across William’s face as he can’t meet Hellscream’s eyes as he looks away as worry and fear rushes back in at this mistake.

part 1
Hellscream quickly drops her victim as she casts teleport and leaves the room as a smug Holly settles both of them on a table as mages begin whispering and snickering to each other. Looking back up William tries to weigh the options to either leave or stay only for Holly to interrupt his thoughts again.

“So William I am glad you chose to follow me into my classes. Was it my approachability or was it good looks that won you over?”
“I di-”
“Oh wait, the teacher is here. Don’t worry, I can help you keep up with the advanced concepts as a good leader.” Adds Holly as she spots a dark haired demon teacher moving to the front of the class.

William bites down on his tongue not wanting to risk worse outcomes as he thanks Holly as he focuses on the class as he wonders how he will explain this to Hellscream. Seeing the horned teacher begin his lecture on the spell Maddening Darkness. A simple darkness spell pushed into extremes where only a void is left with no light being able to pierce the darkest depths, taking divine power itself to break the void's hold on reality. Only difference between a darkness spell and MD being that magic itself plucks at reality’s shadow molding the void into small daggers stabbing into the mind of its victims using the natural darkness inside living beings. Magic using the natural environment inside victims bodies and a highly augmented darkness spell to cause hallucinations and panic within people at the sudden lack of light. Giving William more knowledge on the use of the environment to help boost casting of spells.

>Gain 256 knowledge from Evocation class.

Pick one
>Burn 340 out of 604 knowledge and learn Maddening Darkness
>Save knowledge for later.

Pick one
>Back off and head to Hellscream mansion.
>Another one with Holly
Yell at Holly for her actions.

part 2
Fucking finally took me what three weeks to get this fucking color code shit to work?
>Burn 340 out of 604 knowledge and learn Maddening Darkness.

Seems dope.

>Back off and head to Hellscream mansion.

Unless we didn't go to our class then dip and find Virgil to take us to our class. Cloak + pass without trace. We can push ourselves since we're in a wheel chair.
Rolled 52, 61, 43 = 156 (3d100)

Yeah you just needed to get into one class to cover you once a week attendance so they can get the grant money for student lodging.

Also ? doing ? on ? dice 3d100+100 against ? DC of ??
Rolled 68, 7, 41 = 116 (3d100)

DC of ? + the highest roll
William looks over the Mad spell and figures magical darkness is always a good spell to have for a quick get away or as an emergency option in case he ever gets into another Rose situation again. Glancing at Holly who is busy writing down a rune and glancing at her phone as it buzzes on the table. Paying William a third of her attention as she tries to explain the details of shadows benign plucked at my leyline and soul magic only to get some of the terms wrong, misnumbering the equations, and generally being a worse teacher than Alice or himself. Deciding not cause more of a scene he listens to half of Holly's correct answers as his hand begins writing down the spell into his notebook. Absorbing every peck of knowledge like a sponge finally being able to apply his field into actual high tier magic instead of being stuck on cantrips and tier 3 spells. Finally letting him reach out his hand and touch real power. Waiting to use it against all of his enemies surrounding him just waiting for him to fail and finally help improve Muffin’s design on handling higher tier spells.

An hour's worth of notes condensed into a few pages using Alice and the school's knowledge to hopefully be casted silently through the gloves. Appreciating his work and proper note taking as if the spell found its home in his notebook just waiting to be used. Fingers drumming along the table as he finishes up his notes as the class is dismissed again only for the worry to return as Hellscream is probably waiting on an explanation. Deciding he pushed his luck far enough William turns to Holly as she presses a scroll into her sleeve as she gets up and begins pushing William as students begin pulling their notes away.

“Okay I will have to leave now Holly thank you for the small tour.”
“Aw, are you sure you don’t want to stay a bit longer? My friends got done with their classes and they are excited to meet you.” Adds Holly as she pushes William through the door
“I am, I need to head out before I get jumped again after school.”
“But William the girls would love to meet you and I won’t tak-ah.” Says Holly as she flinches back as William turns his head to the right side of the hallway.

A beam of black and red beam of magic is shot forth aiming for Holly’s body as she tries to move her body away from the beam. Only to end up being too slow as the beam slowly inches forward above William as he tries to activate his robes only to realize he never grabbed Holly’s magic as he flinches away from the beam as his body tenses up. Blood and mana boiling reinforcing his defenses getting ready to tank the damage only for Holly to yell out Shield forcing a glimmer wall of magic to shimmer into existence as the beam slams and breaks against the wall.

part 1
Leaving an untouched Holly and William unharmed as Holly proudly laughs at the attempt as William looks down the hallway as Hellscream brings up her hand as embers begins tracing along her arm.

“Well that ruins my plans a bit here you go William see you tomorrow. Teleport!”

With a smack to his back William feels Holly’s magic fill up the robes as he is transported to the school's entrance with a quiet pop unharmed and without a headache. Taking him away from the battlefield and into an empty entrance without a soul in sight. Looking around for a bit making sure he is alone William activates his robes feeling a cool magic flowing across his body gently cradling him in a layer of invisibility. Instinctively his hands press against his gauntlets finally getting to use his gloves and spells for the first time. Focusing on pass without a trace as energy buzzes in his gloves as magic, energy, his soul sync together as it asks for guidance from the leylines only for his soul to respond instead guiding the energy through his will and thoughts. Barely noticeable shadows are erased from his cloaked form, the ground begins leveling itself, as the sound itself is muffled for the journey ahead.

Rolling himself across the campus and past the forest as William uncloaks himself and drops pass without a trace confident in his distance from Astra and not wanting to risk city mages finding him. Groan passes through his teeth at another hour's journey back to his room as he cracks his knuckles and begins making his way to the mansion. Passing through the doors as the maids let him in and run another bath for him as William tries to think on how to approach Hellscream at dinner.

>Burned ??170?? knowledge to gain Maddening Darkness
>Total knowledge left 434

>Avoid Hellscream to let her cool off.
>Apologize for the insult you accidentally made.
>Say nothing and don’t bring it up.
Deflect by showing off your note on the spells and how much better her uniform is compared to Prisma robes.
Blame Holly for dragging you to her class.

part 2
That definitely wasn't worth the spell. This was a case of the trees instead of the forest.

We have to review what we know of hellscream to get this train back into the direction we want. We also have to see rose about undoing the mess with our mind.
What do you mean? We want to instigate shit between them. The goal is to get them to start killing each other over this. So we can continue to play all sides. It would of been better to have gotten Lora there too.

>Say nothing

If she brings it up.

>You were very clear Hellscream. You want me to deal with my own problems or use the stone and submit. Well to dodge getting murdered I used her to protect myself. You should probably thank her or your pet could of been injured or killed.

Hopefully tsundere hellscream will have an internal crisis over it.
I'll wait a bit longer as Big Mac might be running late.
We want to instigate things but getting ourselves brainwashed and cutting down our grace period by making Holly ambitious isn't the plan. We want to draw this out as long as possible as not to be recruited.?

>Deflect by showing off your note on the spells and how much better her uniform is compared to Prisma robes.

I'm going to play to her ego and possessiveness. Hopefully she's distracted/amused enough not to call us on the obvious brown nose. Don't think ignoring the gorilla in the room is wise.
We showed too much emotion and gave too much info to Holly. Red text should be avoided in a social war unless we can't straight out lie. Since that's giving her enough info to build a model of us.

We've lost these two social exchanges so far.
Rolled 93, 57, 3, 21 = 174 (4d100)


First roll Hellscream, second roll Prisma, third roll rune knights, fourth roll collateral

hmmmm nothing, deflect, and answer
Flipping through options William immediately discarded apologizing as he did nothing wrong and didn’t even plan for it. He can honestly say he was dragged into the class without his knowledge and against his will. Avoiding Hellscream would just cause unnecessary tension for not facing the incident and just let it simmer if he avoids her. Blaming Holly would be the easiest choice and the truth as it was what literally happened but letting his anger flare up about it might make him slip up. With a sigh he settles with saying nothing and joining dinner with attempts to deflect the situation until pressed for an answer. Feeling that is probably the best answer he can rely on, he puts on Hellscream’s suit and gets ready to face his host.

Passing a few hours looking over his notes and checking up on Alice and Betty for some small talk about school work and their day. Getting complaints about mage’s food orders and ords trying to steal computers motherboards and having to be intimidated out. Another quick update is sent to Lora on his progress with Holly. Making sure to let her know of Hellscream and Holly’s fight to show his progress and results to avoid being considered a dead end. Getting a good work message back and that she will send an Animus fight to keep up with his efforts only for William to add in that he is injured at the moment from a fight. Receiving another message that the Animus fight will be delayed to next week considering the Animus fight disemboweled him and is still affecting his health. William thanks Lora as his attention goes to the main door as it opens. Putting away his phone ready to see a fuming and yelling Hellscream preparing for the worst. Only to see a smiling and satisfied Hellscream take her seat at the table as the maids bring out the food. Enjoying the food and quiet silence not bringing up the incident first makes William wonder if she is expecting him to say his piece first or ignoring it.

“So an eventful day huh?” States Hellscream as she cuts off a piece of steak as she settles her silverware down.
“Okay here we go. Yes, very much. The first thing I learned was how useless Power Word Pain is, at a certain point that spell can’t affect someone and can be ignored if you have a simple immune to charm spell. For a tier 7 spell that is weak, not Maddening Darkness, that is a real spell with actual purpose compared to the Pain spell.”
“Power Word Pain waasss enchantment?”
“Yes and of course Evocation is the much better spell choice I wrote down. I took the notes of Power Word and applied it to Evocation class so in the future I might one day cast it.”
“Evocation is our specialty and I am glad you see its value.”
“Of course I would see its value. It is the first high tier spell I understand and can appreciate especially when your uniform is better than Holly’s. She had to infuse magic into it while your uniform was pre-enchanted.”

part 1
“What? There were no spells woven into Prisma’s robes?”
“It has slots and needs to be refilled while yours is always enchanted. Poor quality but I don’t think Holly had a tailor.”
“Yeah that bitch probably rushed things considering she actually had the gall to challenge my authority so bluntly and openly. Had to put her and the rune knights in place.”

Pick any
-"So was the ambush pre-planned or did you turn around and shot first?"
-“Are you safe and won’t be retaliated against by the school or Holly?”
-“Good to see you safe and sound after your ambush.” End dinner return to bed.
How did you deal with Holly and the Rune Knights? Must have taken a lot of power and skill to look untouched.
Good Holly had it coming for dragging me to that class.

part 2
>How did you deal with Holly and the Rune Knights? Must have taken a lot of power and skill to look untouched.

Blue is calm and logical? What's the risk?
I wonder what Hellscream has on Holly personally? They've been fighting each other for a long time. Maybe she has Intel we can barging off of her?
I'll wait for a day for other anon.

Okay I didn't word it correctly but its not calm and logical that would always be the black options. Blue like Red is new.
That was me. I agree with Mac.
Rolled 95, 95 = 190 (2d100)

First roll noasting Hellscream? Roll above DC 30 and she brags.
If DC passes next roll is how much info William gleams from it. If first roll fails William gets nothing.
Seeing Hellscream’s flash of anger at Holly’s actions a wave of relief washes over William as he goes back to business. Weigh his options for a bit before going with trying to learn bits of how strong mages fight each other and the rune knights. Taking a breath as he settles on his next words hoping to gleam any tricks of the trade from magic casting or tactics in a real mage to mage fight.

“How did you deal with Holly and the Rune Knights? Must have taken a lot of power and skill to look untouched.”
“Of course I wouldn’t be a leader if I didn’t know how to handle myself in a fight being outnumbered, missing the first shot, and having to avoid causing too much collateral damage.”
“Any evocation tricks you used to one up them?”
“Yup. Originally I wanted to use Meteor Swarm but being inside the hallways would make the repair cost and punishment worse so I just went with plan B.”
“No. So after I missed the first shot with Finger of Death and caused the Rune Knights to be triggered I had to go for a low but high powered spell. Naturally I pulled up Sunburst instead.”
“A fireball or something?”
“Hmp, it's not a fireball you, it's better if I explain how I cast it instead. After my first spell missed and the knights were coming in I channeled the natural heat made by my body, pooled it into the palm of my hand and squeezed hard, feeling the blood pump faster to my arm as dumping more and more magic into a single point. Instead of unleashing it into an area as a Meteor Swarm I caged the magic in an iron drip letting bits of magic poke holes to funnel the magic into a plasma coat. Imagining heating up the entire hallway and burning sensitive eyes before stopping the magic but keeping the cage up as the spell self imploded and launched radiant magic across the hallway. Sure there were scorch marks everywhere but it blinded everyone and gave me the control of the battle.”
“That is amazing to feel the magic move so fast and focused it must have felt just a rush of power to launch and control. Is that how the spell works?” Asked an impressed William.
“It changes from mage to mage since imagining the spell’s physical effects and an image help cast it easier as the more solid the image you have the easier it is to cast it with hand gestures. It is the same with fireball and delayed fireball.”
“What happened next? What other magic did you use to fight back?”
“Everyone was blinded so I dropped Whirlwind on everyone and moved away before casting it to avoid getting caught in its zone. I moved back a bit behind the knights, adjusted my posture and did a tw-did a 360 degree rotation with one of my arms stretched out and low to the ground to check for any invisible knights. With my zone cleared I pop over a ball of swirling air from my rotation check into the hallway and just watched as the rune knights and Holly get slammed into the walls and floor."
part 1
“How did they not splatter?”
“Mage armor or magic enhancements so they were knocked around for a good six seconds before I heard dispel magic upcast to tier 9 be chanted by half dead Holly.”
“Two spells dropped her down that fast?”
“Well it was an ambush, she is blinded, and she doesn’t go to knight gym zones. No one likes the knight gym zones for physical education. Actually I think she had less magic available and looked a bit paler than usual but anyway her weakness is my gain.”
“Can’t mages just use the magic to heal the bad shit away?”
“Well yes but it still hurts to get whacked as a training dummy and pushed into exhaustion by knights in training chasing after you. One level 10 is easy but five of them then they will beat you down before you can cast Meteor Swarm them especially if they have this new thing called adrenaline shots.”
“Sounds painful so what spell did you use next?” Asks William as his fingers tap against the table waiting for the next drop of magic knowledge.
“That was as far as I got before one of the knights died and popped their revivify spell and launched a magic flare calling in level 20 knights. At that point I did not want to get swarmed and Holly escaped with Misty Step so I had no reason to stay around anymore.”

Pick one
-Gain 4d10 magical knowledge.
-Half off DC for learning Evocation Whirlwind and Sunburst.

Pick any
-“So is the school safe for the week or should I stay out of there?”
-“When nice to see you safe and sound so I am going to head to bed now.” (End social.)
-“Is it normal to have leader fights or is this a rare event?”
“So what other spells would you have used if Holly didn’t run.” Roll 2d100 DC 70 to get her to spill more knowledge.
So when are the magical drive bys going to start to put down some cultists?”
part 2
-Half off DC for learning Evocation Whirlwind and Sunburst.
-“Is it normal to have leader fights or is this a rare event?”
“So what other spells would you have used if Holly didn’t run.” Roll 2d100 DC 70 to get her to spill more knowledge.
>So when are the magical drive bys going to start to put down some cultists?”
>+ I know Lora really hates Holly....
Basically hint that Lora might help Hellscream clean prisma off the Map. Or see if we can get info about wither Holly or Lora from Hellscream.

Roll dem dice Mac. Thanks bud

So blue is the mcs curiosity. Hopefully not placed their by Holly to learn of Hellscream or to bait him later.
Rolled 31, 43 = 74 (2d100)

Well we tried. Hopefully she's not to pissed.
You guys can roll also its a Hellscream social so as long as you don't stab her not much danger will occur since you guys made a deal to her.

Now outside of Hellscream then you should worry about ambushes, Rose type enemies, tier 20 feds, magic bullshit, mages, and leader encounters.
ah didnt read it all oke wrohutn
got busy doing errands and bills today post be posted morrow
No worries. Thanks for the quest QM. Been a lot of fun.
“So is it normal for leaders to fight each other or is this a rare event?” Asks William as dinner approaches the table carried by maids that took a bit of extra time to prepare the meal before hurriedly running off to avoid Hellscream’s ire.
“Usually leader fights don’t happen that much and only occur if another leader insults you to your face like what Holly did. Then there is collateral damage as Astra doesn’t want a smidge of dirt on their walls and are a pain to pay repair costs.”
“Ah, so magical drive-bys are going to come in to put down some cultists and hit your faction? And make their fucking petty little fights everyone’s problem and hazard as Prisma can’t back down after starting a fight over this?” Hisses out William as he calms himself down as Hellscream raises an eyebrow at the outburst before moving on.
“Yes the rune knights get very aggravated when their rule is challenged. So don’t go to class for the rest of week as they will come in force after their agents got killed and revived without even capturing a single mage to punish. So war week will be called and all factions will beat each other for a bit before rune knights win and demand reparations.”
“They are that strong?” Asks William as he begins eating into a finely seasoned chicken parmesan meal savoring the cheese and bits of bacon coating the meat.
“Knights can work in anti-magic fields and have the entire school as their control zone with golems being able to be called in for reinforcements. Then the level 20 knights are I don’t know how to describe them as they don’t use spells but general magic body enhancements to be able to tank a Finger of Death spell.”
“God, that must be painful.”
“It literally decays their skin and strips muscle off and they just flex the magic off that is horrifying.” Adds Hellscream as she takes a bite of her food as William absorbs and processes the information.
“You know Lora also hates Holly after the shit they did to them.”
“So I heard from my agents that their feud goes deep after Prisma’s attempt to convert them went bad.”
“Yup they tried to turn a dog into a bitch or something like that.”
“Ha, yeah Prisma has enemies but maybe we can do a truce and push Prisma to the ground for a bit.”
“A bit not wiping them out?”
“Astra hates mage deaths even with revivification spells; there is a good chance of a dead mage still occurring with level 20 fights in the hallways. It would look awful on their track record and bleed funding as sponsors and parents pull their kids out if their kids can’t be kept safe. So while we aren’t allowed to kill them and decay their bodies we are allowed to beat each other to a bloody pulp as apparently that is allowed under Astra guidelines.”
“So beat them hard enough they hide for a day or so to lick their wounds? Sounds like nothing could ever get done about them.”
part 1
“That and rune knights hate school wide wars especially after school wide free for all between knights against Animus for something stupid like jumping an ex-knight long ago. Prisma jumped in to settle the feud against Animus then Revelations hunted Prisma for some reason. Then Coven joined and took a piece out of everyone for their experiments.”
“Did you join in?”
“No, I saw what was coming and got my faction to avoid class for martial law.”
“Was it that bad that feds had to set in?”
“There were multiple classes of level 1 to 20 mages fighting for power and pride; if anything it required a Black Arbiter to step in now, which was interesting as artillery started raining down on locations outside the school.”
“Who puts artillery pieces in a school?”
“Apparently the feds.”
“I wonder what magic that artillery piece had but I doubt it is anything compared to the magic you have. So what other spells would you have used if Holly didn’t run?”
“I wouldn’t know since each spell is a counter or answer to a mage’s move. There is a lot of little things you need to track with rune knights coming in, preparing counterspell, or having healing on call if you get ambushed first so it changes moment to moment.” States Hellscream as she waves her hand.
Half off DC for learning Evocation Whirlwind and Sunburst chosen.

Pick any
-“Well nice to see you safe and sound so I am going to head to bed now.” (End social.)
-“If you want I can contact Lora to offer a temporary truce to smack around Prisma for a week.”
- Can you teach me how you cast Whirlwind and Sunburst?”
- Are you sure you don’t want to make Holly have an accident out of school?

part 2
Ok blue is definitely his list for knowledge. I'm wondering if Holly has damaged his self control/ Lowered his inhibitions and that's why we're getting these options now.
-“If you want I can contact Lora to offer a temporary truce to smack around Prisma for a week.”
- Can you teach me how you cast Whirlwind and Sunburst?”
- Are you sure you don’t want to make Holly have an accident out of school?

I'd say these ones Mac.
I'm thinking of not doing the blue text options. I'm thinking the more we lean into those, the easier someone can use knowledge to lead up to do stuff.

Am I right QM?
Do what you think is the best option as I don't want to affect your guys social decision making.
-“Well nice to see you safe and sound so I am going to head to bed now.” (End social.)

Don't wish to show any of our hand and our influence to either the animals or the demons.
Hellscream knows we're getting focused on by both these leaders. Implying she can manipulate them through us gives us more power to effect stuff. And allows us to stir up more mage wars. Which we ultimately want. Plus if they're all distracted killing each other. They will be too busy to bother us. We still need to go kill the purifiers and gangsters.

I suggest once we're healed we go talk to the rune knights. Leak some info about illegal shit prisma or Animus is doing to get on their good sides. Remember we ultimately want training from them.
I don't think she knows how deep we are. Even if she did Lora doesn't know.
Lora knows hellscream keeps us as a pet... and Lora would never know. Hellscream just needs to offer a truce. She doesn't need to bring us up.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

contact, teach, accident on 1, end socil 2
Tapping his chin for a moment as William takes another bite of his chicken as tries to figure out how to word his request properly to dig up more information. Deciding to rely on the lingering hatred feelings on Holly after Hellscream got insulted to hopefully sell his idea better.

“Are you sure you don’t want to make Holly have an accident out of school? Especially considering she insulted your reputation right in front of your class like she owns the place instead of putting her in the ground.” Hisses out William as his anger flares up for a bit.
“Not worth the murder charge if there is a leak that I ordered a hit or if feds come in with a zone of truth spells and charms to start an investigation. Plus I don’t want to disappoint my family by getting a charge on my name as I have my future career to think about.”
“So you just have to take the insult and do nothing?”
“Oh no I will respond with a small war before the rune knights come and beat us both for breaking the peace. It is… annoying but at least I can kill her at school and make her lose material and funding by having to pay the Astra revival tax.”
“The university has to make you pay to revive yourself?”
“It is mostly the stasis spells that activate to protect a mage’s body for revival but yes the headmistress loves to squeeze profit out of us.”
“Wait, why don’t they activate those when mages fight?”
“Why would they stop and fix problems when they can charge, punish, and ignore the problems instead? I swear ever since the new headmistress came in she just jacks up the prices and blood tolls.”
“Huh, so considering a war is coming I can offer to get in contact with Lora to help you smack Prisma down for a week or so.”
“She gave you authorization to offer truces on her behalf?” Asks a confused Hellscream.
“Uhh no. But I can ask her for a joint truce for a week.”
“Well first you have to get her to agree to meet with me first and from there it will be leader negotiations between what and how we would fight. I am open to the idea as rune knights might even be slow to respond or bring out their level 20 elite fighters tomorrow.”
“Sure I can send wor-”
“In person, a text would just look disrespectful when offering truces.”
“Okay since I am getting into deep territory can you hand me any spell scrolls for self defense? Sunburst and Whirlwind sound great spells to drop in ca-when I get caught in a mage fight.”
“Hmm, that sounds like you're asking for help after I gave you your new armor. What can you offer?” Hums Hellscream with a smirk.
“The truce.”

part 1
“Offer of a truce not the guarantee of it. But don’t worry I have a price in mind so we'll consider this more like future practice and as a bonus will help with teaching the right incantation.”
“What would it be?”
“You allow me to Shapechange you to your future demon fo-”

Immediately William flinches back at suggestion as Hellscream finally decides to force the conversion as his body tenses up for a fight. Dozens of thoughts race through his head looking for an exit, hostage, or trying to think what to offer her to delay his death one more day to run.

“-rm for the spell teaching and being the envoy to Lora.” States Hellscream as William lets out a heavy sigh of relief.

“Why are you exhaling? Did you think I was just going to convert you after our deal?”
“Well this is the first time you're bringing up Shapechange. Why not sooner?”
“I have reasons.”
“So none?”
“Fine for you to struggle surviving Astra considering you're crippled right now, asking for magic, and being sent out as an envoy to push you into willingly accepting being a demon if temporary.”
“Hmm so trapping me in a situation where the only answer is accepting it?”
“No, you can refuse it and will just have to brave Astra alone again. And considering how well you're doing now your chances aren’t high on leaving Astra as a human.”
“The mage war?”
“Mage war. Frankly you have the pragmatic and survival reasons to accept the deal as it would be very irrational to refuse it now that you will be walking into a war zone.”
“Also if you're sending me as a temporary demon to Lora won’t that be an insult to her?”
“Why would it be? So back to your decision, what will you pick?” Asks Hellscream with a smile on her face as she observes William.

Pick any
-“Fuck it fine. This better not be permanent.”
-“I refuse.”
“Sure I wonder what that would be like.”
“Sure I wonder what that would feel like”
File: Hellscream seat.jpg (45 KB, 375x669)
45 KB
Forgot the pic
We don't know the extra dimensions to this deal. Just like clothes were a political statement, this might send another message.

Im forgetting everything Lora knows but the actual relationship with Hellscrem isn't one of them. Doing this goes beyond just being a pet. This is being her envoy.

Besides allowing her this shows trust. Rather not build that up internally if we can help it. I'm leaning towards rejection here.

-“I refuse.

Was waiting to have a discussion but it seems this is a ghost town. I was already against setting up this meeting. Rather not give information on our relationship to at least Lora. Setting this up clarifies the relationship then just pet and who knows what a shape-shifting signifies in the school and personally to the player character.
Sorry Mac got caught up.

I'd say we call Lora on our phone and just tell her Hellscream wants to talk about Prisma. No going to school. And is also not a text. But I agree with Mac getting shapeshifted definitely a no.
Rolled 57, 33 = 90 (2d100)

Lora mood worst of two DC 60/90 increased by not being in person, rune knight heat, and plan alteration.

“I… refuse.” States William with a bit of hesitation as Hellscream has a confused look.
“Stubborn as always. That will eventually get you killed when you don’t consider a compromise solution.”
“I am not changing my mind.”
“Fine, make your arrangements with Lora soon.” Adds Hellscream as she leaves her food half finished.

William rolls into his room as he opens up his phone looking for Lora’s number as he calls her hearing the phone ring twice before being picked up.

“William? Did you already get Prisma information or hints about their soul ritual?” Asks Lora
“No, I did not get anything like that yet.”
“Then why are you calling me if you have nothing to report?”
“Well I met up with Hellscream and she asked me to see if you are able and willing to join her faction to beat down on Prisma.”
“First, that is important news to be shared face to face rather than over a phone call.”
“It is the end of th-” Adds William before being cut off.
“Hush, morning could have worked and having someone physically present is a mark of respect rather than sending a call for the opportunity to talk. Second I don’t want to deal with Rune Knight bullshit as those blood tolls are painful with them relying on cutting us open rather than using magic. Third, I assigned you to infiltrate Prisma, not start a small war between multiple factions.”
“I didn-”
“Interrupt me one more time and I am breaking one of your arms. Am I understood?”
“Yes ma’am.” States William through gritted teeth.
“Good. Now this opportunity is too much of a cost for Animus to join with no benefit and with no Prisma information for me to take advantage of. Now I am sending your sparring partner on Monday for another round as he improved his technique to avoid getting almost dropped from your first fight for wasting my time. Anything else?”
“No ma’am.”
“Good and do not call me unless you have something valuable to add.” Says Lora before handing up the call.

Placing the phone on his bed William lets out a sigh of frustration as he tries to plan ahead for the rest of the week.

-Stay in the mansion and skip to Saturday and finally recover.(Subvote on what to do)
-Go to school tomorrow. (Subvote on what to do)
-Follow around Rose and do something. (Subvote on what to do)
We were told not to talk to her over the phone.

Why'd he do it anyway?

I also was saying refuse to the whole thing but I guess the previous vote supersedes that.
I'm a little frustrated that this is the Demon stone all over again. Being told something IC and the Mc ignoring it.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Oh your refusing everything I did not think that. Usually I just combine both of your guys votes so force of habit.

So I'll let a roll decide. 1 call, 2 roll back update.
Rolling back.

Ignore this post rewriting updoot
“I… refuse.” States William with a bit of hesitation as Hellscream has a confused look.
“Stubborn as always. That will eventually get you killed when you don’t consider a compromise solution.”
“I am not changing my mind.”
“Fine, make your arrangements with Lora soon.” Adds Hellscream as she leaves her food half finished.

William rolls into his room as he opens up his phone looking for Lora’s number before tossing his phone on his bed knowing he lost today’s fight. Trying to think what he should do for the week until his legs finally heal back. Returning to school to see how Rune Knights, Prisma, and High Ring fights high tier duels. Bothering Rose and whatever secret stuff the boss does in the background or bothering Muffin to check up on her progress. With thoughts drifting to what Alice, Betty, and Virgil might be doing on their own time. Or if need be hang with one of the leaders to avoid getting wacked for the week with the last option being sleeping in for a week until he gains his legs back.

-Stay in the mansion and skip to Saturday and finally recover.(Subvote on what to do)
-Go to school tomorrow. (Subvote on what to do)
-Follow around Rose and do something. (Subvote on what to do)
-Go to school tomorrow. (Subvote on what to do)
--Work on the suit with muffin
--Work on spells in library
--Muffin Social
--Holly Social

How many actions do we have?
Like four usually, less depending how hard rune knights are going to retaliate against both factions.
>Talk to Lora about Hellscreams bullshit in person. Make it seem as if Hellscreams making you do pet stuff and you hate it.
>Study magic
>Work on suit. Ask muffin to tell you where the scrap yard is and what she needs.
>See if Rose wants to help/ need her permission to get the gangsters. And go after the purifiers this weekend.
I domt think we shojkd talk to Lora about the alliance. For one we domt have permission to be an Envoy even if we talk to her directly. Second I'm not messing around with that dc. Third we have nothing to trade for this.
Didn't we already talk to Rose about the gangs and the purifiers before?
Ignore my vote, I messed up and put Holly. When I meant lunch girl.

We probably should take a day to talk about the options, is there anything we're forgetting thay we can do?

I think we can also watch how rune knights fight.
I wouldn't word it as alliance. I'd just say hellscream is going to fuck up prisma before the rune knights shut everything down. Feel free to take your pound of flesh.

Uh I don't remember if we actually did or if we just talked about doing it.

I don't think we need anything from lunch girl desu. If anything report to rose and get what she thinks we should do about hellscream, Lora and Holly. And the mage war that's starting.
Lunch girl is our social coach and she's the one who can take the info we get and turn it into something useful.

Watching the Rune knights gives us a chance to copy them but we have the leg issue right now.

The problem is the MC isn't an envoy but a spy against Prisma. We're overreaching no matter how we phrase it.

QM can we go to lunch girl and get advice on if it's a good idea to setup the alliance? I don't think anything short of IC confirmation will put this point to rest.

I can see going to Rose to check Prisma influence on William.
We aren't an envoy but a pet sent to send a message.

We can use tensers floating disk and our invisibility cloak... nobody would see us. But I'm not trying to watch the rune knights. I'm trying to make this mage war turn into world War. More everyone is fighting each other the less they're looking at us. We've learned all we can from lunch lady. She was also the one that gave us bad info on rose....

Like I said we aren't setting up an alliance. It would literally be us going to Lora and us saying "Hellscream sent me to tell you she wants to talk to you about Prisma" if she asks why we came because we're trying to keep our head down until we're under Loras protection as an Animus. Fin.

And we can just dispel magic ourselves or have library girl do it. I highly doubt she casted anything on us. She'd just used suggestion or Gias on us and we'd already be controlled. Like us trying to setup a prisma gang bang between Lora and Hellscream wouldn't be allowed to happen. Qm would literally be telling us "You feel deep down inside you that this is a bad idea. HOLLY MUST BE PROTECTED." Then we would be compulsed to go narc on hellscream or Lora or both. Enchantments are brutal there's no semi free will. It's literally all or nothing.

Qm we know find familiar ya? I want to summon an imp. Or the flying cat that can see invisibility.
We can't turn this into a WW, each side woukd get dunked on by the school admin. We just had a discussion with Hellscrem that included all the reasons why it woukdnt get that serious.

Prisma magic isn't as easy as dispel. It's memory editing, she used it during class. You can dispel a spell in progress but not the end result.

Rune knights are looking for invis cloaks. It was one of the things Holly told us.

We do need lunch girl, the point of the meet up was to get more info the lunch girl coukd work with to increase our mods when talking with Holly. She's our diplomat/info broker with the actor trait we need to learn.

We also need to learn the catrip that allows us to scan the defeated minds for skills.
Rose gave you her blessing to fuck with the gangers, I don't think the purfiers were mentioned, and I think you guys decided not to involve her into your personal operations.

Betty the social bitch that calls out your lies.
If your forgetting something then I would forget about it too.

Ye betty can give her option on it

Gib me a picture of gatto or imp and add a plus vote to summon the familiar on the next vote. Also have a cover story to explain how you even have a familiar when people ask about it.

Okay to avoid another roll back I need you both to settle on the vote choice. If you got other questions hit me, I will comb through the archives to find it.
Ye Enchantments are brutal for taking away free will but on the flip side make poor candidates for Prisma recruitment as their soul fights every step of the way.

For some background info there is IC reason faction leaders don't just grab William and force a conversion in an instant. Is that the soul, mind, and body would view the mana stone as foreign virus invading its host. Leylines bypass this as gods made a backdoor for it and allows bodies to interact and get use to leyline magic. Now mana stones are oceans of foreign magic that require the host to be accepting of it or special circumstances for the magic to be accepted. Otherwise, the host will treat the mana stone as a virus and purge it causing organ shutdowns as the immune system dumps antibody mana gates, crippling the soul to pour more magic to defend itself, and burn out nerve clusters as the EGO tries to hold on. Its why Prisma has to grab orphanages while kids are young to get easier recruits.
If we're looking for a summon, what's the fastest most mobile summon we can get? An owl?

I'm thinking we need something that can distract but survive by dodging. Gives us more advantage of we use it that way while not having to replace it every time we use it if it's good at dodge.
Go to school tomorrow. (Subvote on what to do)
-Muffin Social
-Betty Social
-Magic learning
-Armor construction

I think we should raise some SLs. Also bring our new info to Betty to see if she can increase our understanding of Holly and get some insight into the whole envoy question.

Id only go to Roze if we need to check if we got messes with or to pick up missions or training. Which we can't do until the mc is healed anyway.

Anti familiar familiar.

Well desu they're supposedly wild animals... so we could just lie and say we fed one and now it follows us around. Just pretend it doesn't actually listen to us.

The familiar is literally just to kill everyone so psuedodragons and imps which are invisible. It's immune to poison so bodies imps and can see invisibility so they can't hide from our new fren.

>Muffin armor. Find out what parts she needs from the junkyard and if she is going to come with us.
>Rose to tell her about the upcoming mage war and if we should talk to Lora for Hellscream.

>Study magic. Summon new familiar.

>See if Virgil will come gank gangsters with us. And raid a junkyard.

I'm against interacting with lunch lady.

Name the kitty Tess.
The mcs legs are still broken until the time skip. We can't go out and fight with Virgil.

The lunch lady is literally our social guy. She's supposed to be the one that coaches us through stuff and take the info we gain to increase our social mods. Why are you ignoring her when it comes to her job?
I will wait a bit since all the votes all different and need consensus as tomorrow is smol mage war time.
... yes our mc legs are hurt. I didn't even want to go to school except to pour gasoline on the mage fire. I'd of preferred to have just skipped to Saturday... so this is just prep stuff for Saturday after our legs heal.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

>Wizard experiments

So one faction got much more dangerous but yeah you can have a flying pussy.

big moc 1

staying indoors and plaaning 2
Thinking about his options for a bit, William grabs his phone and first sends a text to Alice for a familiar spell and what she got that comes close to it. Sending out a text as Alice replies quickly with a message that she will look into it before William calls up Virgil as the phone rings once before being picked up.

“Wimhp? Ah, William what up?” Asks Virgil as he a fork is heard hitting a plate.
“Is this a bad time or…”
“Nah I am just finishing up dinner. Heard a bit of news today at school from Prisma and Hellscream fighting each other? What happened? Did Hellscream find out you got marked or something?”
“Holly dragged me over for a show and insult to Hellscream but I survived that fight by being tossed away.”
“Ah a mage war well skirmish but should die down in the week but I will have everyone go to ground as those fights get very violent with collateral if level twentys get involved.”
“I can imagine so we are still up for a raid on the junkyard?”
“Yeah, I usually have free time. We just need to make a plan to hit it and what day. We won’t find much when your legs heal but we can get some basic shit for Muffin or convince her not to come.”
“She wants to join in too?”
“She has been trying to make progress on the armor but keeps hitting walls from lack of material, not enough magic in her blood, or in her words things not clicking right, whatever that means.”
“I would have to speak with her. Wait, is it viable to even take her?”
“Depends, one extra set of hands can find the stuff faster and we both can cover her, but more people will make it harder to sneak and escape as we have to cover her. So it depends on your ruling.”
“Oh one more thing want to help me gank some gangsters for a favor to another friend?”
“Let me guess it's another leader?”
“No, not all the people I know are crazed mages. Just… most.”
“You need to get out more and take a stroll and wait no, a roll.”
“The outdoors is a health hazard I will take in to protect my skin from being burnt.”
“Just put on sunscreen, you pale ass cracker.”
“I don’t want to be cooked into a burnt nugget. So you in or nah?”
“I can help just make sure it's a day away from the junkyard so we can recover from injuries.”
“Sure, let me make some calls first to Muffin to figure this out. Later.”

William hangs up his phone as he looks through his contacts to find Muffin next as the phone rings five times before being picked up.

“Yeah who is this?” Answers Muffin as the sound of a blowtorch is heard at the other end.
“Muffin, you want to come to the junkyard with us to find material?”
“Yes! Oh my god this armor is frustrating to work on. Like I can’t find better ways to improve this and my magic is barely holding things together as I have to constantly reapply it everyday. It is exhausting.”
“We can do that in the weekend. S-”
part 1
“Good! Got to go I got another experime-ack fuck to go don’t leave without me!” Yells out Muffin as she drops something as the call hangs up and Alice begins calling William as he answers it.
“So I found a familiar spell that should work easily to summon a Tressym. A flying cat thing that… ugh was made by the Coven they usually have them around their area or escape experiments from whatever they do in the basement of the school.”
“Are they loyal to the Coven?”
“I think they are normal cats and Find Familiar should only grab an unclaimed one but I am not sure if the Coven added other random shit to it for “research” so it might be a normal cat or a mimic.”
“Thanks Alice and I know we still got that thing to do later.”
“Hopefully as I want to get it other with before something else happens.”
“Sorry again about that I got very sidetracked. See you soon.”
“Aye.” Says Alice as William ends the call as he calls up one last person.
“Oy when are you going to give me my fifty bucks for the insurance claim?”
“I don’t care what loan sharks you're sending, I ain't paying your medical bills.” States Rose.
“So I got news for you a small mage war is going to start tomorrow between Prisma and Hellscream and is talking to Animus a good idea to help beat Prisma some more?”
“Did you get assigned as an envoy?”
“No, I refused as I had to be shapechanged in exchange.”
“Huh, then no. Going behind your current patron’s back would look damaging to her reputation and Animus unless they were attacked as well dislike getting involved in wars. So better to avoid school altogether as those small wars get intense. You covered your school requirement?”
“Yup with Prisma and kinda led to the war.”
“Yeah no stay out of school for the week to let them blow off steam against each other or you will catch a fireball and reveal to everyone your fighter levels and get jumped by the leaders or worse the Arbiter.”
“Fights get that out of hand?”
“It only takes one level 20 to drop a Psychic Scream to turn a hallway into a graveyard. You could die from an unlucky hit with no way to defend against it. I have to warn my clients as even half blood don’t have good chances to survive that. Anything else you need to know?”

-Write in
-”Nah, I just needed to let you know.” Skip to Saturday.

part 2
>-”Nah, I just needed to let you know.” Skip to Saturday.

We got good advice from rose.

Are their any plants like magebane? Poison that disrupts magic?

Excellent. Time to skip school and study. Qm can we say we learned most 1st and 2nd level spells? Cause I'm not sure what we have or don't have anymore.

And did we ever get our blade singing song? If not learn one.

That's all I really want to do for prep. Learn more spells. See if magebane exists. Make sure we know a song and have it on our playlist.
-”Nah, I just needed to let you know.” Skip to Saturday.

Think we should learn spells for mobility and a few catrips to use creatively.
Huh magebane plant is real. Okay high level rune knights would have that but limit its use to avoid actually killing mages and disrupting revival spells. Poison Rose can try to make either a stacking debuff poison at each hit or try to go for a disruption injection. It won't stop magic as she is not that high level and busy working over the demon stone.

Current list that is learned is
Cantrips: Encode, thaumaturgy, control flames, spark, mending, presitigation,
(Misty Step tier 2, Pass without Trace tier 2, Scorching Ray tier 2, Silence tier 2, Healing Word tier 1, Entangle tier 1, Shield tier 1, Absorb Elements tier 1, tier 8th maddening darkness

You cannot learn all the level 1 and 2 spells in five days so just pick ones you know you will use or save up the knowledge points for high tier spells instead. As It takes time and a lot of studying just to grab a tier 8.

Bladesong needs you to risk rune knight attention, watch their fights several times to get an idea how it works, or fight a knight personally for experience.

What kind of prep are you doing for? Do remember William is still crippled and does not have high tier magic access from anyone and the resistance is busy refitting their members for a week or two as Rose is going to be run ragged to update things.
>suggestion T2
>spiritual weapon T2
>phantasmal force T2
>Shadow Blade T2
Fcuknig suggesitno is lvele two? Any way yeah you can get this I just need bog mac confirmation or additions and will roll to see how much wolliam leanrs

Also no update tomorrow as I will be taken by the family for a cousin b day
I'd agree but I think we shoukdnfirst pick up the catrip we need to take knowledge from the people we defeat.
Uh it's already listed... we know it. Encode thoughts...
No that's when they're willing, if I remember correctly there's a seperate one to use when they're defeated. Ome that brings the knowledge we want to the surface so we can use encode thoughts to get it.
I'm pretty sure qm said we just had to beat them unconscious...
I am back from the b day. I got wiped out in mario kart and the best spot I got was 4th place as everyone kept throwing shells at each other.

Did I mess up my lore or left it out? Just in case encode thoughts can pull memories out of an unconscious mind you just need to avoid them seeing your face or do something to cover up your tracks. You got encode already so you just need victims and a plan to avoid being caught. Also mac do you agree with anons spell choices or want to add things?
Ya I agree
Rolled 7, 5, 4, 10, 1, 6, 1, 8, 8, 9, 3, 2 = 64 (12d10)

Wed, Thurs, Fri. Alice halp -1 die for remote learning. So 12d10 gain knowledge. DC 20/40/60/80
First two dice High Ring, second two dice Prisma both trying to avoid meteor swarming the school, next three Rune Knight retaliation. Higher the end rolls the heavier collateral damage if rune knights lose and fail to contain the fight.
Rolled 55, 71, 88, 45, 79, 33, 55 = 426 (7d100)

Days blur together as William flips through his notebook full of half finished notes and equations as Alice helps point out small errors in his theorems over the phone. Pages filled up with Alice’s own notes and ideas as she slowly taught him four more spells to be added to his book. Agonizing boredom and headaches plague William at being stuck inside his room as he feels his legs grow numb from the lack of exercise. Trying to stretch out his limbs feeling his legs gaining some measure of movement only for a sting of pain to jolt his body as it's still not yet fully healed.

Spotting Hellscream coming back charred and bloodied with a look of intense hatred as she stomps into her room. With similar scenes playing out for the next few days as she comes back bloodier each day as William decides not to touch that button and focus on the spells again. Especially when Hellscream teleports and falls in the middle of the dinner table around lunch time with a spear through her stomach and decayed flesh hanging off her face. With a quiet grunt she rips out the spear and tosses it aside before calling for a bath as she doesn’t even notice William. Quickly finishing his meal William slinks away to get back to work with Alice.

“So anything new at school?” Asks William as he opens his notes on the Suggestion spell.
“Till now you ask about it?” Answered Alice.
“Well the first day we were learning, the second day we argued about the usefulness of using blood as reagents.”
“Which is inefficient for anyone that isn’t a mage.”
“Then the third day I had my host fall into the table bloodied and with bits of her flesh flaking off so I thought now is as good a time as any to ask.”
“Well I don’t hear much from the library aside from the random back to back explosions and occasional screams of ords.”
“How can you tell they are ords?”
“Mages don’t scream in fear, they yell. But from what I guess a few ords probably got caught up during the mage war and the rune knights where not able to stop it.”
“Is the school still standing?”
“Yes and I guess they either kept running to avoid knights or they are using simpler spells with less collateral or a lot more knights would be called in if a wing got collapsed.”
“Hmm, well at least I got a school to go back to on Monday.”
“Got to take advantage of the free food.”
“And the free gym exercise membership.”
“You're in the knight gym class?”
“No, I just count walking to the train and campus counts as gym class with all the walking I do. So the suggestion spell?”
“Ah, okay so this spell is kinda a bit weird. You have to lace your words with power like Power Words but more subtly so it doesn’t warp your speech.”
“How would that work? Just think of magic words.”

part 1
“No, you would enchant your tongue and guide the spell with your tongue and brute force a suggestion for someone to do something immediately like handing over their focus. As long as you get the word out and they fail to resist it they have to do it.”
“So high tier mages can fall for it too?”
“They can but their bodies' natural magic resistance can kick in so you can't be a level 3 mage and trick a level 20 mage into giving you a high tier mana stone as their natural resistance will have a good chance to resist a level 2 suggestion spell.”
“But not guaranteed?”
“There is a chance they can fail but a veeerrrryy small one.”
“What about an equal level mage and would they notice the magic?”
“I don’t know. The books only go into suggestion research on ords and nothing on mages. Maybe someone is monopolizing the information for an advantage or something.”
“Has to be something important if they are covering up that information and not going into finer details because how can a spell be known for decades and not be improved? We have rune scribed computer chips.”
“Maybe, but if it's not in these books then it must be either very locked up or known by only a selected group. So ready for tomorrow?”
“Oh right I got a busy weekend with a lot of people when I get my legs back.”
“You got a plan already?”

>Current knowledge 434+64-80 for spells= 418 knowledge left
>Gained suggestion T2, spiritual weapon T2, phantasmal force T2, Shadow Blade T2
>Legs healed and ready for combat.

Make a plan
Bring mage armor. Pick one.

Bring mage clothes. Pick any.
-Hellscream suit
-Prisma robes
-No uniforms
-Use Alter Self and Disguise Self resistance items to hide your face and uniform.

Pick two actions for Saturday
-Gangster liquidation with Betty and Virgil
-Junkyard raid with Virgil and Muffin against Purifiers
-Rose sparring or resource funding
-Alice’s meetup
-Check in on Hellscream
-Check in on Holly
-Check in on Lora
- Practice with magic see what tier 8 power feels like at the tip of your hands.
- Hunt down the wolf and gut him like a fish.
-Other write-in

part 2
I did forget something.

-Head to Astra and cast Find Familiar and grab a flying cat
>everything. Prisma cloak probably for muffin. For us during gangsters. So we can pop pass without trace.

>Gangster liquidation with Betty and Virgil

Uh pass without trace + prisma cloak to summon cat and do it first too.
Also qm what wolf you talking about?
He's talking about the dude that beats us up.

-Gangster liquidation with Betty and Virgil
-Alice’s meetup
-Use Alter Self and Disguise Self resistance items to hide your face and uniform.

We made promises we have to keep. We also need actor feet to fake injury vs Anima or they'll keep going. If we win we out ourselves.
The Animus wolf mook that gutted and fought you in the forest the first time sent by Lora and overwatched by a fox animus to make sure you were only crippled and not killed.
Mage armor locked in.
All the armors and resistance items.
Liquidation locked in with B and V
I will uhhhh save second action after the liquidation in case you or big mac changes there mind or roll a d2 when in comes.

Writing up the William operation.
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Waking back up on his bed William stretches out his legs feeling a dull ache but no pain finally letting him to slowly stand on his two feet with a bit of a wobble getting the blood back into his legs. Taking a few steps shaking the limbs awake he lets out a breath as he gets to work looking for his equipment. Iron frames readjusted and strapped onto his limbs as the magic nodes clicked into place along his entire body. Static electricity tingling along his skin as he slides the knuckle dusters back where they belong as he flexes his fists. White pants and jacket neatly adjusted to remove any creases off the suit as he clips on the floral red cape onto his shoulders to complete the set. Feeling the magic buzz as it syncs with his body and molding itself to fit better to avoid tears and restricted movement. Making sure to fold Prisma’s robes into his arm for either Betty or Virgil use during the gangster liquidation or to make a quick getaway. Taking a quick look at the mirror as he adjusts his gloves to better hide his melee weapons under the suit with a scowl on his face seeing just how much he owes to Hellscream for giving him a second chance.

Insert picture

Taking a quick inspection making sure everything looks good William grabs the scarf and mask and stows it into the insides of his jacket as he did not have a backpack on him for easier transport. Moving through the mansion as he passes by the dining room hearing a few snippets.

“-ying pulling out cursed bullets since when did Prisma learn how to make curses? I have to spend hours waiting for each piece to be pul-tss.” States Hellscream.
“Madam calm down, I cannot continue the surgery if you keep fidgeting.”
“It is painful.”
“It did not help that you also had disruption bullets also shot at you by the knights.”
“I did such a great opening now knights and Prisma won the skirmish and made my faction go to ground. It will be annoying to fight off the other factions coming in to take our ground in our moment of weakness and worst, Prisma won the fight with less casualties from being attacked by two factions..”
“You have time to fix everything later, now foc-.”

Quickly walking toward the mansion’s entrance to avoid being caught by a maid for eavesdropping as William exits the mansion and makes his way to the target only to pause as he did not call up Betty first. Giving two quick calls to Betty for the location and Virgil for back up William sets off to the first target. After an hour of walking and getting lost for a bit while dodging flying mages William finally arrives under a designated bridge that Betty assigned. Flicking the mask and scarf active as William changes his appearance to look like a normal mage walking along the ground hoping not to be stopped by a real mage flying high. Looking a bit upwards to see a few thick electrical cables hanging above the road as the bridge snakes along the main road in a well maintained appearance.
part 1
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“Hey Virgil, where are you?” Ask William as he calls up Virgil.
“Hey Will what is wrong with your voice it is deeper?”
“I added a few things after working a bit too long so where are you I am on the street looking for you.”
“Well about time you finally arrived, also get out of the street you look like an idiot.” States Virgil as William turns around to see him approaching from an alleyway.
“Yeah, I got lost from Betty’s poor directions.” Adds William as he moves away from the street and into the alleyway.
“How did you get lost? Didn’t you use your phone’s GPS?”
“Huh, no.” Groans out William at missing that obvious solution.
“Well poor sense of direction aside, who is this Betty? A secret fourth faction leader you got involved with again?”
“She is not a leader, I think. I met her in wait no you told me about her!”
“Ain’t you caught me yeah I know she is a lunch lady but other than that I don’t know much about her.”
“As it should be.” Adds a new voice making both men flinch as they turn to see Betty coming out of a building’s main door wearing a backpack.
“How di-” Virgil says only to be cut off.
“Well huh that is quite the feat to have disguises made and magic to alter your face. Anyway I have physical disguises for everyone since I didn’t think you would have tier 2 Alter Self.” Adds Betty as she inspects William.
“Yeah we have our own tricks to survive out here.” States Virgil as he side-eyes Betty.
“Anyway what is the plan Betty?” Asks William as he notices both parties being unusually tense.
“Well I spent the week making sure to get a tally on their headcount so there are about seventy-eight members of this small gang controlling around like fifteen blocks.”
“Are you sure this counts as a “small” gang?” Adds Virgil with his arms crossed.
“Yes, a small gang. So I have three plans depending on you guys. First ambush the racket teams that move in groups of five to shake down weekly payments. They send out about thirty-five out each week so we can ambush one team a night.”
“Slowly picking them apart nightly and making them fear the nights?” Asks William.
“Yeah and in case you guys can’t handle more than five people at a time. Second plan if you guys are strong enough for it is to hit their HQ directly where forty to sixty hang around at night or during the day where they drop to around twenty to forty as they have other jobs to do.”
“And the third?”
“Stalk the big boss and leadership first to force the rest of the gang to scatter without a leader to rally behind. They will be back but this is the fast solution. So the plan is up to you too as I keep back and make sure to keep an eye out for surprise cops or mages.”
“Any location or are we running in blind?” Points out Virgil.

part 2
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“Well it's a uhh, a junkyard? Its basically a bunch of shipping containers stacked together to act as cheap emergency housing that was never upgraded by the city. Lots of metal and stone block things.” Adds Betty as she opens up a picture on her phone to show the location of the fighting as a mess of poorly maintained buildings covered in rust and shattered windows.
“Yoo aayy why the fuck is a gang living in a rat’s nest?”
“Might it be that they don’t want cop or mage attention for taking over a better looking location. So any weapons?”
“Bats, pipe rifles, and spray cans?”
“Why would some cholo fuckers have spray cans?”
“Maybe they are getting classes from your cousin.”
“I don’t know why they have them as I have not seen them tag anything.”

-”We have to ambush a racketeer team first to gauge their strength.”
- “Frontal assault with the mage and Hellscream armors while Virgil uses the Prisma robes for sneak attacks to begin the slaughter.”
- “Leadership assassination we have the Prisma robes to get in and out fast.”
-”I am out there are too many bodies and not enough information.”

part 3
-”We have to ambush a racketeer team first to gauge their strength.”

I want to know so we can prepare and commit. Also clean them all up to make sure they don't return. Besides more fights create more experience.
-”We have to ambush a racketeer team first to gauge their strength.”

Time to farm exp.

Have Virgil altered into looking like a cute rich slutty girl. We'll use him as bait.

Betty gets the cloak. We tell Betty to cast pass without trace. We cast shadow blade right before we gank them.

I think we can take out a bunch of groups. Probably most of the racketeers tonight.

Also try not to kill one so we can rip his memories out. Mostly other racketeers phone numbers and stash locations and names of people. We can then use alter self to look like other gang members.

”We have to ambush a racketeer team first to gauge their strength first.”
“Plus it will give us experience on their usual modes of combat and any potential tricks or skills they might have under their sleeves.”
“Sure I got a general location of one of the racketeer teams. Will be a bit harder to avoid mage attention since it's daytime so either get the ambush done very quickly or call it off and we deal with it at night.”
“Sure lead the way princess.” Adds Virgil.
“Wait Virgil, you need the disguises.”
“So after five minutes and a change of clothes we will head out.”

Waiting a bit as his party changes into their disguises and covering their face and skin with a scarf, hoodie, and glasses to avoid letting even a small glimpse of their hair or skin to be seen. Making sure tape is applied at specific points to avoid their disguises from being knocked loose as William adjusts the Prisma robe inside his suit as the heat is killing him. A nod from Betty the party makes their way to another suburb taking their time through the side alleys to avoid the occasional mage flying by the main roads. Slowly making their way to an apartment area seeing five gangers kicking a man on the ground before stomping down on his fingers as a scream echoes out of his throat. Each ganger wearing just normal looking clothing with bats or knives in their hands with a taller guy calling the shots for the group. All of them too relaxed knowing no one else is going to bother them today.

“Okay so there is the first group. I will head up a fire escape and both of you keep your phones on loud volume. If I call you that means a mage is coming through and you should run.”
“I kinda doubt we can outrun a flying mage but we can try.”
“A bit over prepared huh Betty?” Asks William seeing just how much work she is putting into this assault.
“Well I did have a week after you canceled for whatever mysterious thing you had to do.”
“After being gone for a weekend at that.”
“It is nothing to worry about for you guys so what is the plan Betty?”
“Why are you asking me you guys are the ones going through with it.”

-Spell list
Cantrips: Encode, thaumaturgy, control flames, spark, mending, presitigation, enhanced booming blade.
(Misty Step tier 2, Pass without Trace tier 2, Scorching Ray tier 2, Silence tier 2, Healing Word tier 1, Entangle tier 1, Shield tier 1, Absorb Elements tier 1, suggestion T2, spiritual weapon T2, phantasmal force T2, Shadow Blade T2) tier 8th maddening darkness (evocation half cost)

>William Fighter level 5, Ranger Gloomstalker level 3
HP 80/80
Character: +5 from gauntlets, +10 dodge focus
Mods: +45 attack, +40 dodge.
Skin Armor: +30 dodge on a bonus action
Cape: +25 Shield cape for one round activated on B.A limit 2 per fight.
Current Total: +45 attack, +95 dodge
Battlemaster skills: Riposte, Trip Attack, Disarming Attack, and four superiority dice.

part 1
>Battlefield conditions
One civilian on the ground going into shock from the pain.
Empty street and in front of an apartment so extra civilians hiding inside are expected. The gangsters have no cover and unalerted.

-No magic to avoid Betty or survivors seeing your work and go all natural with just cantrips and rush them down before a mage comes by.
- Approach them along the street avoiding eye contact to get as close as possible and pop action surge when they try to halt you cast Misty Step to be behind them and pincer them with Virgil as waits behind a corner ready to rush in.
- Give Virgil Prisma robes, cast Pass Without A Trace, and with Virgil target the strongest looking gangster.

part 2
I thought this was a night operation...

Have both of us Virgil and William use the pass without trace. ( it can target multiple people. )

And we can misty step and gank another. With our shadowblade.

>Wait a turn.
>Misty step
>2 fighter attacks +1(GS +1d8) + action surge +2 fighter attacks(5)

Preferably misty to someone in shadows or darkness.
+Give Virgil Prisma robes

Oops forgot to paste in first post.
-No magic to avoid Betty or survivors seeing your work and go all natural with just cantrips and rush them down before a mage comes by.

A couple of reasons for this. Ome we domt want info of this going to mages from survivors or give out more clues to Betty. Secomd if we need magic to take out a Mook what about the other more numerous guys. Third magic is a limited resource and so is action surge.

If we need to spend so many resources on a Mook then we can't take a whole org.
So guys should I just roll a d2 between both of your choices for every tie? I can but it kinda seems wrong to decide every vote on a roll.
We don't know if they're mooks or not... and two low level spells aren't going to do shit to get anyone's attention.

There won't be survivors... and we get action surge back during an 1hr rest... same for Virgil.

We don't really care if Betty sees a level 2 spell. And you've already told her we can use some magic. We told her about our fight with Animus.

And we have plenty of resources...

I know you don't know this stuff Mac. But trust me. Gank these ones so we can steal memories then plan the rest of our shit out.
I'll switch over, we can probably get a baseline, defenses from their memories once we win.

We're already pushing what we show her. She's seen or disguise and we coukd have covered that up by saying someone else did it. Seeing us cast live already shows we aren't a normal ord or fighter.
Cantrip magic which is the highest level non-mages can reach without conversion or being a secret mage.
“Yeah I got an idea down to ambush this group and get the first strike off.”
“Waiting around a corner and jumping them before they all turn?” Asks Virgil.
“What? You have a pipe bomb ready to pop?” Asks Betty.
“No, first Virgil wears these Prisma robes as they got magic to help us here.”
“Damn man you are loaded with all your stalkers.”
“That explains the double enchantments.”
“Not that I got something more complex now give me a second.”

Taking a deep breath as William closes his eyes and focuses on his magic. Feeling his soul pulse with the mage armor as a buzz shakes his hands as he pools the energy of the mage armor together. Warmth fills his hands as he reviews the magic formulas slowly sifting through his mind for the correct spell from his memories as his body shakes from the alien energy pulsing. Finally finding Pass Without A Trace waiting to be used to taste a bit of power finally reaching him after weeks of studying. Keeping his breath steady to avoid panic and breaking his concentration as William grabs the energy and opens his soul to guide the magic as he pulls up Hellscream’s words about physical casting. Trying to merge voiceless casting with tiered magic as he opens his eyes and plucks at his shadow pulling a piece of gray matter and willing it to spread across him and Virgil. Letting shadow, trash, and monochrome colors spread across their bodies as Pass Without A Trace takes root. Taking a bit of pride over his first successful casting as William lets a smile spread across his face as two screams ring right next to him.

>Tier 2 PWAT lose -2 energy. 18/20.
>Virgil: Automatic morale break
>Betty: Automatic morale break

Immediately Virgil drops to the floor as he rolls along the street trying to shake the magic off his body as his arms and legs scramble for even ground. Kicking and lashing out in panic as he claws at his shirt trying to beat the magic away from reaching his neck. Slowly turning his head toward the second scream, William sees Betty taking a breath as she pulls out a small flask out of her backpack as she flinches back and throws the flask to her feet. A sudden cloud of smoke bursts forth obscuring Betty’s entire body as she retreats away from the street. With the worst things continuing as shouts of the gangsters echo down the street as they rush toward the source of screams and smoke.

“I forgot ords aren’t use to noncantrip magic."

>Battlefield conditions
Virgil and Betty panicked
Gangsters about to turn the corner.
Smoke covers both party members.

-Try to grab Virgil and Betty to calm them down. Roll 2d100-25 DC ??
-Ignore them and deal with the gangsters first with normal attacks and action surge.
- Entangle Betty’s general area and hide in the smoke to ambush the gangsters. Roll 1d100 DC ?? to entangle Betty.
- Step away from the smoke and cast Maddening Darkness against the gangsters before you get overwhelmed.
How many gangers are coming again? Also how much time until someone else like mages respond?

What do we have to do for the armor to recharge?

-Ignore them and deal with the gangsters first with normal attacks and action surge.

Using spells on them will make things worse and taking too much time allows others to come.
I'll wait a bit more had my brothers b day yesterday.

5 gangers, about 30 minutes since this is a poor neighborhood and Betty just wanted to be on look out just in case and for another reason.

Give it to Muffin as she got the wiring jury rigged


Well I forgot to include this but the closest back up is like ten minutes away since they are not in the HQ and just doing the rounds. That is if they can get a call out that there is trouble.
Yeah just gank them ourselves. Use action surge ect.
Got hit by Hurricane power loss post when I get it back
Take care of yourself its alright.
Gritting his teeth William ignores his back up as he rushes toward the corner hoping to catch the gangster before they or the mages get alerted. Letting his arms tense up as his legs carry him toward the street as his heart races. Taking a deep breath as adrenaline floods his body getting ready to jump into the fight. Hearing the panicked yells of Virgil and the scuttling of Betty fade behind as he sees a part of a gangsters leg peer around the wall as William uses his momentum and slides around the corner to begin the fight. Tapping his gauntlets as booming blade courses threw his mage armor to avoid wasting time on recasting.

>-2 energy from foure booming blade castings 16/20.
>William 1d100+45 vs gangster level 0 1d100-50 untrained and surprised auto resolved

Launching a vibrating fist straight into the first victim's knee cap and hearing a wet pop as William throws a backhand from his other fist right into the falling body's face. Spit and splinters digging into his hand as William jumps up from the slide. Seeing a new victim, William trails his fist along the gangster's chest, feeling fabric being pulled and ripped before slamming and cracking his jaw before stumbling back. Another pulse of magic refreshes his gauntlets as William steps toward the next two gangsters as they pause in shock at the sudden attack only for both their heads to be grabbed by William's hands and smashed into each other. Sounds of cracking bone and a spray of blood squirts out of their head from the force as booming blade seizes their body as they take a step back trying to regain their balance only to fall to the ground as well.

A pause holds William as he looks at the broken forms of the gangsters as none of them survived even one punch. Pools of their own blood are already spilling out of their body, as the leader lays on the ground with a knee and face missing as another mook is shaking under his gaze. With the first thought coming to William if this is a trap or if all his fights were so dangerous that he became an expert. Pushing that chain of thought to the side as he tries to think of his next move.

-finish off the gangster by knocking him out for memory harvesting
-ignore gangster calm Virgil
-ignore gangster chase Betty
-pop action surge for two top 2
-wrute in
I should either get power back tomorrow or get into a church for another post. So hopefully the blackout ends soon.
-finish off the gangster by knocking him out for memory harvesting
-ignore gangster chase Betty
-pop action surge for two top 2

We need the info, Virgil isn't going anywhere and hopefully won't harm himself in the amount of time we take. Betty is running away so distance is an issue and if she bumps into someone else.
Rolled 69, 98, 48 = 215 (3d100)

First Betty roll movement not to run into a wall DC 50, second roll Virgil will roll to calm the fuck down +20 from muffin work and William studying DC 80, third roll betty luck and sych plans DC 80 no mod as she did not plan this out.
Immediately William stomps toward the terrified gangster before dismissing the booming blade spell as he launches his open palm into the gangster’s chest. Holding back just enough power to knock out the weak enemy as he spools up his next spell. Closing his eyes as William imagines the strands of memories as he reaches his hand around the gangster’s memories as he pulls and learns that is inside his mind.

“It’s too early in the morning for this shit man.” States Darryl as he scrolls over his phone seeing the time set at 7:23 AM.
“Quit your whining and be grateful you are at least not on prodding duty. We still only have ashes of the last team that tried to prod the Purifiers.” Says George covered with rags and bandages.
“Man fuck off I know I have been racketeering for the past fucking week non-stop and I don’t even know why the boss needs all this extra money.”
“Well dumbass you popped cracked open the skull of some whore’s husband after you raped his woman when he fought back. Instead of doing the usual procedure of just beating him down and costing us the week's revenue after she left the district. That was a chunk of change we needed for our plans. That is why you have been getting double shifts. Any more lip and I will crack your fingers.”
“Fine, fine I will shut up. And what about everyone else? Staying behind to do more arts and crafts?”
“Yes, we need more funding from the rackets to build more bows, arrows, bats, spray can flamers, and make some shields to protect from their flamers and molotovs. After that last fight for the junkyard we lost a lot of equipment.”
“Fight? All they did was molotov a team and puff out a bit of flame to chase us out. Also spray cans when they have flamers?”
“Their mooks don’t carry flamers just that big fucker. How were we supposed to expect them to have something other than archers? Anyway we got seventy eight recruits ready to push in this time so after we push into them tonight or tomorrow we can finally take the junkyard and have enough money to finally move up.”
“God I hope so I hate waking up to a rat biting my face thinking I am a corpse. When am I getting the new weapons?”
“Bitch your on racket duty you will get them if we have any left or when the assault starts. Besides, the slaves don’t fight back. Now go.”

Pulling back from the unconscious gangster’s memories, William leaves him on the ground in case he has more knowledge before settling down for his next goal. Flexing his grip against as William once more floods his body with adrenaline as he coughs from the strain on his body as it keeps up with his demands. Pushing forward into the smoke ready to catch Betty and try to explain this away while Virgin hopefully recovers.

part 1
Moving forward at a brisk pace to avoid walking into the wall as William tries to move toward the alleyway the team came from hoping Betty went backwards instead of the sides. Parting the smoke away from his eyes William exits the cloud cover to see Betty down the alleyway past some trash cans as she continues putting more distance between herself and the fight.

>Battlefield conditions Betty is 40 feet away from William and is almost out on the next road.
>Virgil shrugs off the panic and will act on the next turn.

-Chase Betty and tackle her before she does shit
-Try to talk her down and to stay calm
-Run ahead of her and try to block her escape.
-write -in

part 2
-Run ahead of her and try to block her escape.
Rolled 36, 55, 13 = 104 (3d100)

Betty is putting in her full force into insight +25 mod, +10 situational data on William, and no mods as she is not in her prepared terrain yet.
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Remembering the last time William tried threatening a fight he ended up with both of his legs crippled making him hesitate as he tries to think of a solution. Deciding to try and get in front of her to slow her down before she pulls a Rose on him and hopes for the best. Rushing ahead as he sees Betty trying to dig into her backpack for something as she pushes forward and onto the streets as she sees William cut in front of her.

Immediately Betty reacts, pausing her running as her left hand rips out of her backpack as a thick brown baton is extended out before pulsing in gold light. With her free hand pointing out toward William wearing a face of hate and disgust preparing to fight to the death. A familiar but weaker pressure pushes down on William as he adjusts to the sudden change in the air as he faced this before against Rose. Knowing what is coming he prepares for another brutal fight as he raises his hands to protect his body hoping Virgil covers him.

>Requirement: Bring the Enemy to ??? [Unfulfilled]
>Requirement: Reach the Prep Equipment. [Fulfilled]
>Requirement: Near a ??? or ??? or a ??? or activates ??? [Unfulfilled]
>Requirement: Only one target. Optional [Fulfilled]
>Requirement: Hunted to the Brink. Optional. [FAILED]

>Attempting to activate G???e? ?h???e?
>Hostile G???e? ?h???e? is overwritten by Betty’s 90 insight check.

Betty peers into William’s eyes as she tries to search and predict the next attack or move as her eyes zip back and forth at each part of William’s body. Hunting down for weaknesses, openings, and counterattacks until she notices no attacks or hatred is directed at her and just seems William preparing to defend himself instead. As soon as the aura came into the street it disappeared suddenly with Betty groaning out in annoyance as she quickly walked back into the alley and out of public sight. As down the alley Virgil is seen carrying the unconscious gangster toward the team as William tries to process the sudden turn around.

“Shit William sorry for the panic attack. I didn't think you finished that wi-this soon.” Adds Virgil as he tries to say too much as Betty catches the hidden meaning.
“Fuck your a mage or something that was kicked out of the mage club? Wait, is Virgil a mage too?” Asks Betty as she collapses her baton back into her pack.
“Mage too? Wait a fucking Prisma with this deep infiltration shit?!” Yells out Virgil as he tosses the gangster on the floor as he turns his attention to the mage.
“I am the one asking questions here since apparently I am dealing with a mage and another mage that knows each other and could gang up on me.” Adds Betty as she turns to Virgil as she pulls out her baton again with her other hand in her backpack.

part 1
-”Everyone calm down and take a few steps away from each other.” (Roll 1d100 and DC 70)
- Smack Virgil’s head for starting shit.
-”Guys we need to focus before a mage or gangster notice the mess and move.” (Roll 1d100 and DC 50 to push the problem back later)
- Reveal that William’s mage armor is casting magic and that they both aren’t mages.
-write in

part 2
-”Guys we need to focus before a mage or gangster notice the mess and move.” (Roll 1d100 and DC 50 to push the problem back later)

This is something to be discussed in the street.
Rolled 36 (1d100)

William roll DC above a 50 to get this pushed back to later
Looking into the sky for any wandering mages William scans the top of buildings and windows for any movement making sure no sudden threats pop out before returning his attention to the group.

“Guys we need to focus before a mage or gangster notices the mess and moves.” Adds William as he tries to move the conversation to a better place only for Betty to cut him off.
“No, I want answers now before we move anywhere.”
“Every second we stand in the open is just asking for something to go wrong.”
“I already tolerated enough of William’s evasiveness and your apparent lack of fear after a quick panic attack.” Scoffs out Betty keeping her body tense.
“Then why are you still here instead of running then?”
“Well two reasons, one I still want the gang gone and two William didn’t have any bloodlust targeting me so I am giving both of you the chance to explain things right now.”
“You're risking our lives for two questions?” Asks an annoyed Virgil.
“And I am risking my life just staying near two unknowns that know where I work and what I am carrying.”
“Yeah a backpack and smoke bombs.”
“That is not important right now so William spill. What was with that magic? Are you a mage too?”

-write-in only
>Do you want help or not? My secrets have nothing to do with you. Like you said we already know where you work. If we wanted to cause you problems we could have but we didn't and helped you instead. So how about you have a little bit of trust and faith in us ya?

Sorry boys I've been sick and work has been crazy.
What was the reason we showed her again? Don't remember the rational for it.

Anyway that write in isn't going to help. The reason we stopped is she doesn't have faith nor a high enough SL with us, this isneither an emotional response or she actually believes her own logic. Either way repeating trust us we'll tell you later or it's dangerous to talk about this here isn't going to work.

Give her something to chew on for now.

>I'm an Ord trying to keep my magic casting a secret. I'll give you and in depth explanation when we deal with the gangsters and hopefully trust each other more.

It's true but it's still pretty dangerous if someone overhears. It's still less dangerous then talking about the suit.
Good to see ya back amon

IC: The rational was at the time to rush the gangsters before they get a call out for reinforcements under the assumption, they were mage level threats that required magic to fight. William assumed they were a threat if Betty wanted help as he knows the last time he underestimated someone Rose ripped him apart, mages could break bones, and the Arbiter barely bleed after his best shots. And he kinda wanted to finally use magic after two weeks of cramming for knowledge. Then there was Betty about to Rose him so it was a justified paranoia.
OOC: It was a tie between no magic and magic before Big Mac switched to magic and I didn't want to roll a d2 on that decision.

Betty bo3 +25 to see any lies. Auto pass no lies.
To be fair I wasn't expecting her to freak out from a buff. Nor Virgil. It's whatever though. She's obviously panicking. And we let her keep her parents house a secret. She can let us have this one.

>make sure we tell her it was a buff.
>I'm an Ord trying to keep my magic casting a secret. I'll give you and in depth explanation when we deal with the gangsters and hopefully trust each other more.

I'll go with this as my answer. I domt thunk we can spoof her lie detection nor beat her in social combat. At the same time we don't have the time nor are we in the best location to do this.
“Do you want help or not? My secrets have nothi-.” States William before flinching back as he sees Betty raise her baton threatening to crack his skull open.
“Think of your words carefully as instead of running I am facing down against two maybe mages with confidence. So say something of value before things get bloody.” Hisses out Betty as her eyes track Virgil and William.
“Bit overconfident in that part?” Points out Virgil still keeping his body tense only for Betty to scowl as she ignores him.
“Fine, I'm an Ord trying to keep my magic casting a secret. I'll give you an in depth explanation when we deal with the gangsters and hopefully trust each other more.”
“But you didn’t use any blood or spell components. It was all silent.”
“Ah-hmm.” Adds Virgil before thinking back and closing his mouth.
“It is very complicated and involves other things but I can’t exactly explain this in five minutes while surrounded by potential eavesdroppers. Plus we have a little bit of time before the patrol gets noticed by someone.” Says William as he points around the alleyway.
“Ah, okay at least it's something but after tonight you will answer all my questions and I will figure it all out later.”
“What? That is it? Before you were running, turned around, and threatened us back for information and just stuck with us now?” States Virgil at Betty’s sudden back to back changes.
“Well I can’t run since you guys know my face, I want the gangsters gone, and I want to know what magic William is using for silent casting when the best I have is just cantrip infusions.”
“I have answers but first, we should move to another place and think of a new plan to deal with the pushover gangsters. And pull any other memories that could be useful.” Adds William.

Virgil grunts as he carries the gangster as the team begins moving toward a new location several streets away from prying eyes. With Betty and William watching the skies and streets for any mages, cops, or other gangsters as they reach another alleyway a bit further away hoping to provide enough cover. Crouching down William begins pulling out more memories to learn none of the gangsters have any great threats and no formation or doctrines. Just spraying hand made pipe guns with defective bullets and not even carrying armor for protection with even their boss only carrying an illegal glock. Sifting through the memories William found not much combat or seeing their usual strategy is just jumping a random person and taking their money.

>Burned another two energy for more knowledge. 14/20

part 1
Burning a bit more energy to dig a little bit deeper to find something as darkness covers his vision as small fire lights pop into view. Seeing bits of metal, trash, and dumpster trucks parked near a building until his eyes adjust to see a junkyard with a few well built buildings and garbage piles dotting the area. With fire pits surrounding their perimeter with a few patrols moving to and from the area watching for movement along the streets. A few abandoned houses and apartment buildings shoved nearby to fill out the zone and hide away the garbage from view. Turning to face George as he whispers a separate team as they get their bats out.

“Okay Darryll remember the plan you are to jump anyone that chases behind us after we whack a few of those purries.” Whispers George as he watches the patrol.
“What if it's more than one patrol that chases after you?”
“Then hope you don’t miss because it will be your ass on the line. Now ready?”
“Yup they won’t know what hit them.”
“Okay everyone follow me.” Adds George as he grabs a spare man and pushes him forward first as he follows behind his team to make sure they push forward.

Waiting a few seconds to watch the team inch forward to a group of pures wearing brown cloth and holding makeshift shields made out of plywood, bars of metal, and padded plastic. Pushing into the light ready to crack some skulls only for a pure to swing around a gun and fire off a flare blinding the first team as another pure swings a flamethrower from his side and burns half the group. Half fall to the ground trying to roll to put out the flames as the other half get stomped on as limbs and chests break apart as George runs away to save his own skin. As the pures turn to each other and shake their head before pointing in George’s general direction as another flare is launched lighting up Darryl’s positions as everyone runs back home. Turning around as a few more flares shoot above him Darryl flinches as he sees flashes of light blooming above him as his legs burn trying to get him out of here hoping not to become a burnt sausage. Blinking the memories away William feels a headache pulsing in his head at the multiple Encoding castings as he rubs his head.

“Well good news they have no enemies worth a damn and use normal swarming tactics.”
“No weapons?” Asks Virgil.
“No they do have weapons but considering the showing against William they probably don’t know how to actually wield them.”

-Assassination leader plan
-Ghost plan with pass without a trace.
-Chearge plan and full force attack the HQ
part 2
Sorry for the delay I had to eat and got way too distracted by youtube.
-Assassination leader plan

We cut off the head first then bo for the limbs. We don't want to attract too much attention in the commotion.

Charging full force into the HQ while popping off tier 8 spells is very enticing knowing there are no real dangers in the area but a lucky hit or ten could cripple him. But their tendency to swarm their enemies could buy the leader time to run and rebuild the gang all over again as they might take too much time hunting them down individually. With less energy in his gauntlets forcing William to ration the magic a lot more until it can be recharged. Looking at the now useless gangster William raises his foot and stomps down on his victim’s neck feeling a slight snap as he gets rid of a loose end before turning to his team.

“Assassination leader plan. While they don’t pose a real danger to us they do have enough meatshields to slow us down and might buy him time to escape.” States William finally settling down on the plan.
“I am still fresh so I can hold down a chokepoint or be a distraction along the perimeter.” Adds in Virgil.
“Ah, I don’t do subtle as most of my equipment is loud or causes AoE so if we get caught I can’t kill them quietly.”
“You want to join in instead of being lookout?” Asks William with a tinge of surprise.
“So you want to actually step down and walk with us commoners on the ground?”
“I originally had different plans in mind but those got ruined by my panic so might as well get this finished fast before I lose my chance. Plus mages won’t patrol near here due to lack of good targets.” Adds Betty with a groan as she rubs her forehead.
“And those were?”
“Nothing important and more safety back ups that were voided by me. Let’s just get rid of the HQ before they get suspicious. So how do you want to do this just you and Virgil with that magic bullshit again or the whole team?”
“Might as well get the whole team if we are just fighting normal ord level threats since which spell did you use?” Asks Virgil as he cracks his knuckles.
“Pass Without a Trace, I can cast it again for all three of us to sneak in.”
“I have never sneaked before and I got a backpack so I doubt I can stay quiet.”
“Does the spell muffle sound Will?” Asks Virgil as he looks over Betty’s bulging equipment.
“It is magic so I assume so and we all sound have reinforced bodies to better control our movement.”
“Fine cast the magic and all three of us can sneak into the HQ.”
“Okay do it man wait no do it when we reach the HQ. Betty lead the way.”
“Good idea now follow me hmm we should hit them during the daylight to avoid them getting spooked from a missing patrol since the magic should help cover us.”
“I would have preferred night but since they were this easy I am confident we can take this quickly.” States William.

part 1
Running down alleyways and side streets as the party hugs walls to avoid notice as other civilians rush door to door as cars whiz by trying to reach their destination as well. A blue of movement as people avoid looking at each other as doors are gently shut after someone enters a building. Curtains fully covered or blacked out to avoid drawing attention as random men are also carrying backpacks filled with food or water as they exchange food for money before ducking into the next street. With a few orphans scattering away from dumpsters once they see William’s group with a few sliding into the sewers for safer passage and secrecy. Ignoring the random bits of life that flares up in the city, William continues following Betty until they reach the HQ seeing random shipping containers tossed around with sheet metal and small trash piles being burnt away. As gangsters lazily patrolled the perimeter with baseball bats and shivs with half on their phone and one fat fucker snoozing on a moldy sofa.

>-2 energy casting PWAT. 12/20
Grabbing hold of his arms as William channels the magic formula again letting a pulse of magic surge onto the party once more. Gray and monotone colors crawl along everyone’s bodies and drink in the colors as the monotone stretches itself to hold belt buckles, loose fabric, and hair in place to avoid unnecessary movement. With Betty steeling her nerves as she looks away while Virgil flinches at the magic pulse as he squeezes his eyes as both open them back up to see the spell once again applied. A soft exhale is all both can give before nodding to William for the next phase.

First phase is entry DC 40/60/120, second phase is secrecy while searching DC 60/80/160, third phase executing the leader DC 50/75/150.
Each success gives more damage to the gangsters.

-Roll 3d100+90 mod with PWAT and level 8 William

QM note: I will start the next thread after the roll and spend like an extra day writing the results of the roll. Because with the +90 mod the leader will die and start the gangster all out brawl to really show the difference between level 0s and levels.
Rolled 46, 78, 30 + 90 = 244 (3d100 + 90)

Rolled 82, 11, 85 + 90 = 268 (3d100 + 90)

172,168,175 to all rolls
So the new thread will be up around this time two days from now as I work out a bigger post then a combat session against whoever survived the party's ambush.

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